Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 156 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: October 15, 2020

What up legends?! On this week's episode Chad and JT talk about early relationship jitters, real estate, and the NFL vs Manscaping. Stoke well Stokers Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Ship...ping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ooh yeah, shave my chest and call me Rachel. I'll do that. What up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep Chat and JT Podcast. I love them. We're also brought to you, of course, by Manscaped, the number one brand, keeping your trims pubed, looking after your hog, making sure that your dong is looking fresh and clean because, guys, I went on a road trip uh to orange county so it was about 45 minutes on the weekend jt goes
Starting point is 00:00:51 la to orange county often and jt i think you can attest to this that like you know i feel i i trim my pubes on thursday and when i drove down i think i had got there like two or three minutes faster because you were aerodynamic even though I'm in a truck yeah I think maybe just the way I hit the pedal and all that kind of stuff just like less pubes less friction
Starting point is 00:01:15 yeah I mean there's MMA and boxing coaches who will encourage their fighters to do exercises that don't provide much functional benefit but make the body look better because I think the thinking is that if the fighter feels strong, looks strong, then they'll perform strong. You have trim, nice pubes, you move a little better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Yeah. Wow. And that's what Manscaped can do for you guys. So use code godeep20 at manscaped.com. Get those trims pubed. Get that sleep with Helix. What up? And I'm here with my that sleep with Helix. What up? And I'm here with my compadres and Thomas.
Starting point is 00:01:47 What up? Boom. Clap Stokers. And, uh, Aaron back in the stude. What up? What up legend? Uh, dude, rocking the Modelo. Dude.
Starting point is 00:01:57 So I came in with a bottle of wine, Jackson hole winery. Uh, they're Pinot Noir made by my dear friend at Anthony Shroth and the Shroth family. And then dude, the cork busted. So I went into the ATC fridge and I found this Modelo. I haven't had a beer in a while, so this should be fun. Yeah, how did it go down? I only had a sip. Let me do a second one.
Starting point is 00:02:14 I kind of make a face when I drink beers. Yeah, let's see it. That's pretty good. That was a very functional beer. i think i knew people were watching yeah i don't think that's how i normally drink it although i do put it away fast because yeah i like the feeling more than the taste yeah no i think you could see that in the uh the way you drank it was it aggressive it was a little aggressive yeah oh okay but i liked it, though. Let me be more laid back. Yeah. I might, like, taste it. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Yeah, dude. Yeah, I had an economics teacher in high school. He was, like, the coolest guy. Oh, nice. Even though he caught me cheating, but he didn't get me in trouble. Really? Yeah. Well, he's just, like, he's, like, these are the answers from last year's same quiz. And I'm, like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And what did he do? He was just, like, come on, come on dude which was nice did you feel bad did you feel like you let him down yeah i was kind of i was kind of like in like a that was like junior year i was kind of like in a downward spiral a little bit of just like you know all these hormones you know my dong not reaching its potential that i thought it would reach and uh you know just like my romantic life not really peaking and then discovering partying. And, you know, I was kind of like, I was just rebelling a little bit, you know.
Starting point is 00:03:35 It was just peak adolescence. And so, you know, I just, my buddy Greg was like, dude, I have the answers to the quiz. And I was like, sweet. So, like, I wrote down the answers, like, dude, I have the answers to the quiz. And I was like, sweet. So I wrote down the answers verbatim. And it was last year's quiz. And he switched it up on purpose. Same questions, but he switched it up on purpose.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And so he caught a few people. It was like. You weren't the only one. No. It was like a quarter of the class at least. But you put it in a very interesting context. It was a very thoughtful response. Yeah. probably you know the weirdest time of my life uh junior year high school if you had to compare it to a movie what movie would you compare it to uh i think
Starting point is 00:04:14 this isn't the same age but like mid 90s hit me hard because that's how I felt like my childhood was. And in terms of high school... Mid-90s works, though, but keep going. Yeah, I mean, Superbad, perhaps. What other high school movies are there? But mid-90s is really about the kind of pain of being that age right and not having like outlets for your expression yeah is that what that's about i think i don't know i just related to the fact that the kid was like really small right you know like kind of short and just like tiny wanted to skate wanted to be sort of like a punk had an older brother who was like
Starting point is 00:05:02 wanted to skate, wanted to be sort of like a punk, had an older brother who was kind of intimidating but cared about him but wasn't very good at showing him. That's what I sort of related to a lot. And then the kid got fucked up. Was it hard watching mid-90s? It was, yeah. I watched it on my birthday. It was one of those movies, it was like Pen15, you know, where it's like so relatable,
Starting point is 00:05:28 where it just makes you uncomfortable. It's just like triggering. You're like, I don't really like to be reminded of that stuff. We have another friend who I was asking her, I was like, hey, did you watch Pen15? She's like, I can't watch it. Yeah. It's too hard. I've tried to forget all those years.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Yeah. It's a painful show. Yeah. It's like when I see high school friends like, dude, do you remember this time when miss marto like i was like no i don't remember anything yeah you told me that you blocked out like 12 to 19 right yeah i think uh approximate yeah you know actually i enjoyed eighth grade but i think high school i mean i enjoyed high school i did fine i wasn't like bullied or anything I was I was like I did well socially you know I was just like kind of like uh I was like I was like kind of it was like I was like do I you know I was like kind of in between like there's
Starting point is 00:06:17 like everyone sort of haven't had an identity and I was like you know and then I went to a school where like hockey was huge lacrosse was huge and you know it was a boarding school so it was all very centered around sort of identity it was like very competitive you know um so you're like a hockey player lacrosse player a math whiz uh all that kind of stuff. And I just didn't really, I was like, I'm just like the California guy here. Stokelord. Yeah, I was like, I didn't realize I was like a stokelord. I didn't realize I could tell that to the school.
Starting point is 00:06:58 Well, it didn't exist, too. Yeah, I didn't realize I could put that on my college application, stokelord. First of your kind. But it's sort of like those you know, when you, it's like those growing pains of like discovering who you are, where you're like, you're like, you're pulled towards the Stoke, but you're kind of like, well, maybe I should, you know, be a lax player. But I found my way. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I remember high school. I did well socially too, but I remember it as a painful time. Yeah. Yeah. Like, it's not something I'd want to go back to. I think about it a lot, but the thing I always fixate on is that like, I didn't feel like I was really as a painful time. It's not something I'd want to go back to. I think about it a lot. The thing I always fixate on is that I didn't feel like I was really being my full self. I felt like I was hiding from myself a lot of the
Starting point is 00:07:31 time. Totally, yeah. And very afraid of people finding out who I really was. It was some awful thing. Why do you think that was? I was just trying to... No, I'm trying to think why i think i just perceive the world as a hostile place i think if people i still think this to a degree there's still some residual uh like parts of this in me like i still think like if you're weak or if you can't like be like
Starting point is 00:07:59 manly or like be cool people will abandon you yeah oh totally or people like they'll they won't like you anymore yeah i think i have a sense of that too it's painful yeah like i'm i'm i'm very stoked on life and fired up for sure 90 of the time but i think those times when I get submerged into the depths of bummer, that's sort of what I fear is abandonment, I think. For sure. I think that's the biggest thing. I've been running into that. I'm in a new relationship, and I'm afraid a lot that she's going to just randomly break up with me.
Starting point is 00:08:41 Oh, yeah. And so I switched therapists for a little bit. I switched from a dude to to a lady to my i switched from my dude to the lady i used to see because i think not even a skill thing or what they say is that different but i think i needed to confess these things to a woman yeah so i talked to her and she brought right back up she's like this is that seventh grade girl yeah who ditched you for that other guy oh really yeah because it was like we had to bring up like trauma one time yeah and that was like i was like i don't think this is traumatic but she
Starting point is 00:09:09 was like but tell me i was like well this girl i was dating the seventh grade like yeah she didn't even fully leave me but she kind of was like about to bail on me for another i talked about this like two episodes ago so it's been on my mind yeah um and she was like yeah that that like changed wires in your brain like from then on you were worried that someone was going to ditch you for somebody else. And I was like, come on, dude. My brain's not that much of a bitch. That was seventh grade. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I don't even think bitch. It's just like, it should be a minor thing. I was 12 years old. But she thinks something got tripped up. So when you have that knowledge, are you able to sort of, when you have those feelings come up, you're able to take like a bird's eye view and be like i know what that is or you're still a victim of them i know what it is but i'm still a victim of it yeah it's still something i have to process because
Starting point is 00:09:54 it's stuff that i've gotten over more easily in other times and so this feels like to still have this stuff coming up i'm just frustrated i'm like dude like come on like yeah how many times i've been through this rigmarole i can't get over this stuff yeah and i can i just it's just it still takes effort yeah well it's probably good that you know it though so it's not like manifesting in weird ways where you're sort of like i don't know you just like shave your head randomly or something you you know what it is so you're able to probably control it a little bit more i think so yeah uh the girl i'm seeing didn't mention it but i i thought i was like bragging more around her to like compensate for my insecurities.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Yeah. Like I left, like we had like a coffee date and I was like, did I brag like nine different times? And then I was like, why am I doing that? Yeah. I was like, cause you're insecure. So you're trying to show her that you're like, you have value. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Yeah. But I brought it up to her. I was like, was I bragging a lot at coffee today? She's like, I don't think so. I was like, I'm keeping an eye on it. Yeah. at coffee today she's like i don't think so i was like i'm keeping an eye on it yeah no that's the worst um those feelings of the fear of abandonment in a new in a new relation is um i'll get you i like the roller coaster though yeah it's it's it's intense shit
Starting point is 00:10:59 guys the mic came off the thing but daddy's handy is it screw on yeah but uh here let me just pause on my conversation for a second and fix this do you have to twist the mic yeah you want to hold actually we're gonna lose a lot of viewers not not because this is annoying, but because of how bad I am at doing this. Hey fellas. Do I need to press it harder, Aaron? Yeah, they're a little tricky these new ones.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I think nope swap out the mic maybe this is a better hold is that got it cool wait so what were we talking about
Starting point is 00:12:02 your roller coaster right I like the roller coaster yeah you go up and down but i find that i dance with a little more vigor i sing with bigger lungs yeah everything just feels more intense i feel like i'm at the high stakes table yeah and i want to be there when in big pots big pots. Yeah. You're feeling. You're living. I'm alive. That's nice. Yeah. Because I feel like you always, part of you wants to be that guy who's like, I don't give a shit. If you want to leave, leave.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You want to go hook up with Ryan. That's cool. Good for you. Yeah, later. But is that really that fun? Nah. Is it fun to be that guy? Nah.
Starting point is 00:12:47 I don't think it is. Nah. Because what's that guy doing? He's probably just hanging around like, you know, just like... He's got nothing worth dying for. He's got no passion. What do you think he's doing? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Fucking eating cheese? He's probably just having a nice gourmet meal with some hottie that he's going to have casual sex with. And then after she bails, he'll go surf. The guy's a loser. Yeah, fuck that guy. I'm glad high school is like that for me, though. You know? I'm kind of glad that high school wasn't like a total breeze.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Because, A, you don't have that peak in high school kind of mentality, which would suck balls. The guy's like, dude, you remember high school? I'm like, no, dude. You still think about that shit? Yeah, I think about it all the time. Yeah, not like you, though.
Starting point is 00:13:37 You know what I mean? No, I know what you mean. The guy who's just like, the peak in high school. For sure. Well, sometimes people who didn't even peak in high school will be like, dude, remember those times? And I was like, you weren't even cool in high school. Like, what are you remembering back to? Dude, you remember those times?
Starting point is 00:13:56 I'm like, we were barely friends. Yeah. Yeah. I always thought you were really struggling. That was the best, dude. You and I were just crushing it all day i'm like no no we weren't yeah we weren't even close uh sorry i don't mean to dog those people dude we read an interesting article about how um liberal men under 30 uh by like are twice as likely to
Starting point is 00:14:20 have mental health issues yeah than uh conservative dudes. And then the guy who was like evaluating the articles, like maybe that's not the best way to split up these categories, but he did say that like of the five main personality traits and like a specific kind of test, it's like openness neuroses. I forget what the other three are, but like that liberals do score higher in neuroses. But I do kind of contend that to be true because I am,
Starting point is 00:14:41 I consider myself liberal and I, I have mental health issues and i also think sometimes you know there's correlations between mental health and like you know intelligence or creativity but i'm incentivized to say that yeah and then i think i don't know i also feel like maybe conservatives are less likely to go get evaluated but i think that's probably changing yeah well yeah it's just when i read that a funny image came in my head of like, conservatives being like, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Like, dude, you okay? Yeah, I'm good. Totally. Yeah, I thought about Alex Jones. And I was like, there's no way he's going to get someone to psych eval him. But he would definitely have something. Yeah. And I was thinking, I was like, yeah, liberals do tweet more. That doesn't help.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah. It does make total sense to me. It makes geographical, I think it could be geographical too, where like, if you live in LA or New York, it kind of makes you more liberal. And it's kind of normalized to go to therapy in those places or to go to a psychiatrist rather. And maybe in like more conservative places places not as many people do that yeah so it's just not the norm totally it's like sex addict meetings like when i went to sex addict meetings in like houston when i was there it just wasn't as packed as la once there's
Starting point is 00:15:59 more people in la and it's just more part of the culture yeah but i don't think there's i think per capita there's probably just as many sex addicts everywhere. Yeah. But yeah, I think it probably makes sense that, that it's maybe a little bit more evenly spread out, but it's just sort of the stigma around like mental health is, do you think probably that liberals are a little more,
Starting point is 00:16:20 uh, I do think open about it. I don't know. I think so. I think they are more open about it yeah yeah but i think it's changing because i think we have a lot of conservative fans who are really open about that stuff too yeah so that also might be just the i might not have a big enough group of things that i'm pulling from but uh i also think uh i don't know i do think liberals more often have mental health things, though.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Like, more of my comedian, every comedian friend I know has something. Yeah. You know? Yeah. But they're also creative. They went into the arts. Yeah. They're really interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Yeah. You think of a liberal, it's kind of someone who's probably a little more in their head kind of thinking about all the possibilities all this you know their their mind is i don't know i don't know how to say this in a way that's like demeaning to it's kind of demeaning to both not demeaning to both sides yeah isn't it because like when you say that about liberals it's like it's a positive and then you're like oh so are conservatives not yeah thoughtful about stuff and i don't think that's the case. Right. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:27 I just think of liberals, I think of like Mark Maron, who's got a lot of mental health issues. Who do you think about for conservatives? I don't know. Ben Shapiro? Right. Maybe he has some stuff,
Starting point is 00:17:43 but I don't think... Would he be open about it if he was if he did what would a psychiatrist diagnose him as mental health just a nerd like dude you're a geek sorry but uh we met him he's just a little geeky yeah no that's just like nothing i've you know it's not a substantive criticism like dude you're a nerd yeah he's geeky he was down with the paul walker statue that was cool yeah yeah a lot of credit I think it's not a substantive criticism. Dude, you're a nerd. Yeah. He's geeky. He was down with the Paul Walker statue. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah. Yeah. A lot of credit to him for that. Yeah. Yeah, it makes me think of Sopranos. Like, the fact that he went to a therapist was so taboo in his community. And he didn't want anyone to find out you know but i'm sure everyone in tony's crew had something you know uh right like polly's like ocd and has like anger issues yeah polly's ocd chrissy's drug addict so he's just kind of a psycho super compartmentalized yeah bobby's food guy ralphie ralphie's sex addict sex freak sadist yeah but those guys
Starting point is 00:18:48 would never report it they're and they're all yeah and they're all conservative probably yeah i think that i think they lean that way yeah i think they can still was really upset when they were gonna like change the italian fest to something like more modern yeah because it had some kind of like imperialist heritage to it. Yeah. We should also say that going to therapy doesn't necessarily mean you have a mental health thing either. You could just be looking for some guidance.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Dude, and then we read about the American accent and when it got distinguished from the English accent, like when we lost the soft R in hard, Americans, we say it hard. And then British folks say it, I hard. It was a hard day. It was a hard day. Hard. It's like H-A-H-D. Hot toddy.
Starting point is 00:19:33 But it wasn't that insightful of an article. They just said that once we went away from coastal towns or from shipping towns where it was primarily English transplants, and then the cities that became more dominant were the like mid-continental ones because they were more popular for trade and those were mostly scottish and irish people that then the accent just faded out then yeah it's like thanks for the lack of insight bro i know they're like you know we first arrived in like 1607 and unfortunately there were no recording devices so we don't really know but it's sometime in between those like 300 years there's a 300 year gap yeah and
Starting point is 00:20:11 there were supposed to be like five different places that like uh legend had it still had the english accent yeah i was like that's exciting and then they're like it's been debunked yeah i was like okay it's been debunked that was almost interesting do you do you think maybe part of it was intentional like they're trying trying to, you know, differentiate themselves from the British? Or do you think it's all natural? I think it's all natural. You don't think there's a part of them which is like, dude, don't say your R's like that. Like, that's fucking King George.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Fuck that guy. You know, I don't think they consciously were like, hey, let's not talk like the dudes from England. But I think subconsciously they were like, I'll just say whatever whatever i want those dudes don't tell me how to talk yeah which is kind of the spirit that's carried america for these last few hundred years totally has your has your style of speaking changed a lot as you've uh developed you've had a big impact on it oh really yeah it breathes it breathes absolute um i think uh yeah just different friends they start pushing you in different vocal patterns and stuff like that yeah i'm big believer in what you said about like the warren buffett quote you're the combination of five people you kick it with
Starting point is 00:21:14 oh for sure yeah um which is another thing you influenced me to say yeah that i think that really does shift everything yeah even your values change like what you think is cool is kind of based off who you're hanging with. Yeah. I had a period where I had this buddy, Kiffer, who was a big San Jose guy. Nice.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And he was really into Mac Dre, you know, like, Trill TV and like, Fizz and stuff. Not familiar, but I love the way it sounds.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Fizz is like, ecstasy. So I had like, you know, like a year where I was just like, yeah, I'm fizzazing my face off
Starting point is 00:21:45 and uh it didn't really fit but I experimented with it and I figured you know Mac Dre style is not really my style but I tried that's cool yeah it might be nice to call that dude and dip back into that just the nostalgia for that period yeah I should I should look at his text. He'd be like, yeah, dude, I'm just like, held a fizzed out, you know, smoking blunts and stuff. And I'm like, for sure. And he's like, well, you've changed. And I'm like, yeah, I'm back to SoCal. He's still in the thick of it.
Starting point is 00:22:15 He's still in the fizz of it. Oh, he's still in the fizz, yeah. Dude, we also read about real estate. Did you check out some of those sales that were happening in New York and in California? I did, dude. I didn't even know that the newspaper kept track of that. Me neither. It's nice to know that if you get into that range, you
Starting point is 00:22:32 can really look and see what's listed. Did you see anything good in California? Because we're trying to get into the, you know, maybe setting some roots down. Yeah. Getting into the housing game. But you know, they say California's got big-time property taxes. Yeah, but I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Oh, they do. I can tell you. Aaron, what do we need to know? What do we need to know if we're thinking about buying a house? You bought a place. I do own a home, yes. Dude, beast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:57 So we want to get, like, a fat crib near the canal in Venice. Four-bedroom. Very expensive. A B-yard. Already? Yeah, the canal bedroom. Very expensive. A B-yard. Already? Yeah, the canal area is really expensive. But Sean William Scott had one in Role Models.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Yeah, that's a movie. And Jason Segel has like Man Garage in Venice for like super cheap. It's phenomenal. It's definitely not cheap. And he didn't even work that much. He was always hanging out with Paul Rudd's character on a scooter and playing Rush and stuff. Yeah, playing Rush and having fish tacos. He didn't work much. But you didn't let me finish the specs
Starting point is 00:23:28 on the crib. So it's a four bedroom. We want a stand alone place out back. You know, like a guest house sort of situation. Yard around that. GQ. Hopefully enough room to throw up like a ping pong table that can double as a beer pong table. Of course. Obvious.
Starting point is 00:23:44 A pull up bar pull-up bar. Pull-up bar, yeah. We want to have enough room for a gym, barbell, squat rack, assault bike. So we're talking five bedrooms now. Well, that would be outside too. So it's got to have a fat backyard. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, and then we want to pay like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:23:58 like 10% down on it. So is 10% allowed? How much do you have to put down on a house yeah 10 is the usually the minimum yeah okay i drilled that because i was a guess um so we want to put down like like 10 grand for 10 yeah and then we want to pay like somewhere around like a thou a month yeah maybe we could get donnie to hook us up with a fat mortgage. Yeah, I have a lot of friends in the mortgage game. Donnie's one of the pillars of it. He's such a beast. Christian Hernandez
Starting point is 00:24:30 too, legit guy. Check him out, guys. If you're in Orange County and you're looking for a crib. If you're paying $4,000 a month in your mortgage, that would be a pretty sweet place. If each of you is paying $1,000 with a bedroom. We meant total, but we can talk to our accountant and we can see if that's doable.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah. No, no, that's not, that's not how that's not going to work. Unfortunately. I mean, it's just,
Starting point is 00:24:55 it's crazy out here. What else do we need to know about buying a house? Like what are the other parts of it that are important? Like what, what surprised you? Um, I mean, how many times they run your credit like they were they called here the day we closed escrow which is like 30 days uh of yeah what is escrow because i always thought it was a dish right french escargot escargot yeah escrow is a usually 28 day period where you're you've
Starting point is 00:25:30 you've entered into negotiations with the seller he's accepted your offer on the house so whatever you offer to pay they're like okay cool and then any other negotiating things you've already worked out in that fine then you have 28 days basically to assess whether it's worth your money and time um because you you do inspections on everything uh everything that you can sewer um water electric if there's a chimney you have to inspect that termites for sure especially out here in la i because i kind of figure that it was like 28 days of like having dinner with the seller just to tell him like how sick you're gonna make the crib to get to know him and so he knows that the person taking over the house is legit yeah yeah you can say like dude i'm gonna put a spit in there and like roast pigs and like have lulas and shit caveat and poor yeah which means that it's the
Starting point is 00:26:29 responsibility of the buyer to make sure that the seller is legit yeah and like a good dude yeah well yeah that is that is what escrow is essentially because it's caveat and poor you're taking your war you've you've taken the risk that they are correct now. You're assessing that risk. And you have like, I want to say, it's usually like half of that you have to do the inspections. And then you can walk away and get your deposit back. But after a certain point, you can't get your deposit back, but you can still back out. And then at 28 days is when you've when you get the keys if you have a roth ira for 10 years you get a house right probably not don't they automatically give you a house if you have one for 10 years no okay so when you go into escrow do you have a right of first refusal which is like where you can say
Starting point is 00:27:25 like uh what up dude like i said yeah but nah oh that's chill yeah yeah basically oh you can bail oh you can bail and get your deposit back do you feel like a schmole if you bail though because you were kind of like hey dude like i'm in and then you bailed and then it's like well i made arrangements based on you not bailing you You pretty much gave negative amortization. What? I don't know. I've never bailed. But I think as a family, you wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:27:58 But if you're someone who's just buying real estate to flip it or whatever, you don't get so emotionally invested in it. So you're like, yeah, dude, I'm out. Were you like, oh, I don't think I can clear the gap from the roof to the pool like I thought I would? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like you eyeball it? I wouldn't necessarily tell them that, but if that's why you want out, I'm all for it. Yeah. If someone told me that, I would be like, totally get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:16 But you can also do an inspection and be like, oh, no, this house is full of termites and the foundation's cracked and, uh, it needs all this work and you can still go, okay, we'll stick with it. What, what money will you give us back to make these improvements? And if the seller's like, well, uh,
Starting point is 00:28:36 none, fuck you. Uh, just pay what, pay what you owe. Uh, then you can just say, nah,
Starting point is 00:28:43 dude, later. Yeah. Nice. So you pretty much be like dude these termites are not chill so yeah uh need you need you give me back some 20s cool well hopefully we'll work on our equity that'll put us in a position to get pre-approval yep and pre-qualification and then from there we're gonna have some fat ragers. COVID contingent. I'm pretty sure the debt-to-income ratio will be definitely in the green. So we can start flexing that adjustable rate mortgage.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Legit. Yeah. You guys don't have credit cards or car payments, anything like that? No, I got some of that stuff. Oh. What does that do? That's good for our credit, right? If you're paying them on time sure well who pays them on time i mean yeah i try you try yeah but i get tired if i fill out
Starting point is 00:29:35 like two bills i'm exhausted for like an hour it's not like i have a natural hazards disclosure report coming in you know what i mean what i don't know dude that's awesome yeah well yeah you did you hear all those words bro that's so sick dude i want to buy a house just to learn all the words i love like picking up like new language and stuff yeah and then having a house is also sick yeah yeah you know i've started saying a lot is like dude we're gonna meet eod do you know what that means uh end of delivery? End of day. Dude, I think if you would have given me until EOD, I could have figured that out. But being on the moment
Starting point is 00:30:09 crabbed with my brain. Dude, Aaron, thank you for walking us through that. I mean, and I had to be walked through it, believe me. Oh yeah, dude, so this is really big news. The NFL suspended one of their reporters for doing a manscaped ad without getting pre-approval from the NFL.
Starting point is 00:30:30 But I mean, this is like, you know, the NFL has made a lot of mistakes over the years. But this has to be near the top. I mean, to suspend someone for advocating for manscaping because it doesn't fit with your brand. Okay, Roger Good goodell you've made a lot of mistakes and now i think about you making all those mistakes with a huge mangy unruly bush yeah gross dude yeah and i you know i'm i'm i'm not here to cast dispersions on people who like to keep it all natural but you drew first blood when you attacked a manscaping advocate. That's bullshit, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:10 If you want to have a big Bush goody-goody goodell, that's fine, but don't put your norms on us. And it's just like him to be in the past. He's like, this is the way it's always been done. Men have hairy bushes. We're not moving forward. We're keeping it the way it was. He's like, this is the way it's always been done. Men have hairy bushes. We're not moving forward. We're keeping it the way it was.
Starting point is 00:31:27 It's like, no, dude, things change, dude. Yeah. No, it's like that old Greek proverb, don't trim your pubes where you eat. You know, Roger Goodell, you messed up big time by suspending Ian Rappaport. And he was just trying to spread the good word about having a well-groomed hog that people can admire. And he's, you know, Roger, whether you like it or not, you're in the locker room biz, okay? You're in the biz. I mean, I've seen it on a given Sunday.
Starting point is 00:31:49 There's hogs flopping around everywhere. And it's like you obviously don't care about the morale of your teams if you want the dudes walking around there with massive bushes and just like unkempt dongs. And when I think about Patrick Mahomes, when I think about Russell Wilson, when I think about Alvin Kamara, when I think about them naked, I think about them with trimmed pubes. Yeah. There's a few athletes that I'm like, yeah, you're probably doing a bigger bush.
Starting point is 00:32:13 You got your Jared Allens, your Lyle Alzada's to pull it back to the past. But for the most part, the top stars of today, I think we can all agree they probably trim their pubes. Dude, Gurley? Todd Gurley? Todd Gurley? of today i think we can all agree they probably trim their pubes dude girly todd girly todd girly dude i've heard i mean i've heard that like literally the astro turf matches his carpet and you know what dude like i'm ready to boycott the nfl this is the last straw and it's like you don't want your players putting on ball deodorant you don't want your players putting on ball deodorant? You don't want your players putting on a crop reviver? I mean, if you're against your players using the best technology
Starting point is 00:32:52 so they don't get any nicks and cuts on their dong pieces, I mean, do you think Tom Brady nicked his nuts before the Super Bowl? No. Tom Brady nicked his nuts before the Super Bowl? No. I guarantee he used a safe and effective lawnmower for his peace. Absolutely. I'm ready to boycott.
Starting point is 00:33:16 I'm done. Yeah. Because when you go after manscaping, you go after something near and dear to my heart and also something that puts food on my table. It's cleaning pubes.es yeah and i don't think you got a right to have a problem with that goodell stop living in the past bro that's why we're encouraging all fans who can go to football games and go safely wear a mask try and keep your distance guys you know it's great that we got sports back it brings us some normalcy but we got to protect that i want you to go with a zploc bag of your pubes and cheer with your hands up and let the world
Starting point is 00:33:50 know that we will not be shamed. We will not be marginalized. We will not be erased. The ball trimming people, which is most of us at this point, we are the silent majority, need to be seen. So bring your pubes to games, guys, and let Goodell see them. We're going to get a t-shirt launcher, much like the thing that launches t-shirts, but we're just going to fill it with Ziploc bags full of pubes and launch it into the crowd. We're going to launch it into Goodell's suite. Hopefully it gets into his notches. Also, guys, Chad and I are back on the hunt for a new environmental cause.
Starting point is 00:34:28 As a lot of you know, we championed bleaching our hair to bring awareness to the coral reef, which is so vital for the environment. And so we were happy to do that, and we'll keep fighting for that. But we're hoping for a new environmental cause, too. And we know the Stokers are so conscientious. So we're hoping you guys can email us at chad goes deep podcast at gmail.com some suggests on other environmental things that we should be aware of and that we should be fighting for yeah because you know we want to
Starting point is 00:34:56 fight for pubes but we also want to fight for things that uh aren't necessarily on your balls yeah um more on nature's balls uh and we want things that are like off the beaten path like you know the fact that polar bears aren't as aren't as jacked as they used to be that kind of thing it's perfect yeah well then what's nice is it's like a backdoor way into some bigger issues too but we we stay away from like the language that alienates people you know what i mean yeah because i think you know like the coral the global warming is a component of that probably the biggest but we're just talking about the coral and coral something everybody can agree on yeah and so with the polar bears not being as jacked it's like maybe that has to do with overfishing yeah and they're not getting as much you know
Starting point is 00:35:42 tuna in their diet yeah okay but let's go at it from the, let's get the polar bears to anthropomorphize the issue because no one wants to see a less jacked polar bear. No, it's like the polar bears are like being forced to go vegan and they look gaunt. Talk to bumblebee. Lock it in.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Yeah. Dude, speaking of bumblebee, Jessica Simpson was famous for thinking tuna was chicken because they called it chicken of the sea i'm reading her memoir dude guess how her best friend slash hero slash cousin died when she was in her teen years who was this was like her hero what a horse got loose at the rodeo ran ran onto the freeway a mile away, and jumped through the windshield. What?
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah. Really? It's the best book I've ever read. You're joking, right? I'm dead serious. And what, the hoof hit her? I guess. She didn't get, that's descriptive, but yeah, the horse killed her.
Starting point is 00:36:40 And so you're reading this book, and you're like, oh no, she's gonna lose her cousin. Her cousin sounds amazing. She's this youth minister who gets all the kids in her high school involved in the church but she's not like preachy about it she's just cool and she's real elevated you're looking up to her and then she's like and then she passes away and she's like oh she was riding along with her boyfriend oh my god the boyfriend's drunk or you know he lost track of time and yeah or he lost focus and flipped a car no fucking horse went through the fucking windshield wow but that's the bummer part i'm at the cool part now where her and nicholas
Starting point is 00:37:10 shea are getting together from 90 degrees and he's a good guy dude i remember watching uh newlyweds and there's one part where he like picks her up and i think he says something like i'm like you got a stinky ass. And she's like, you love my stinky ass. And as like a 13-year-old, I drilled myself right there. Iconic scene. No, Jessica Simpson had that effect for sure. She didn't make it into the Mickey Mouse Club.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Because at like the 11th hour in the auditions where it looked like she was going to get it, Britney Spears showed up. Oh, really? And took the Southern Belle spot. Wow. But she just grabs meeting Justin Timberlake and Ryan Gosling and they're both just like they are as adults. Justin Timberlake won't stop doing backflips into the pool
Starting point is 00:37:53 and he's pointing at everyone like, hey, how you doing? What's going on? I'm Justin Timberlake. And he's like super on and charming. And then Ryan Gosling's like quiet, cool and leans forward but draws you in and was like kind of seductive even as a preteen. Really? So she was crushing on Gosling.
Starting point is 00:38:07 But then her and Timberlake kiss after she breaks up with Lachey, and right after they kiss, Timberlake's like, I've got to call Gosling. She's like, why? He's like, we had a bet who would kiss you first. And I'm like, these are the juicy facts. This is why I read books, dude. Let's go. It's a good book, too.
Starting point is 00:38:24 She's a compelling storyteller she's had an interesting life uh guys i'm interrupting this podcast once again to let you know that we are brought to you by our dogs at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure their dongs are looking fresh and clean and thank you for showing us the truth about the nfl and roger goodell and you know giving us something to stand up for and that's our pubes that's our hogs whether they're erect or slim or or fat you gotta count the fat ones yeah do a fat one they look so like just crazy yeah especially when it's on a skinny dude yeah he's just got a fat hog you're like what what is this what dude it always cracks me up
Starting point is 00:39:15 yeah especially when i see old guys with big dicks at the gym yeah i just always laugh because they're hitting all the time and then all of a sudden you're just seeing all these dicks and you're like what the fuck it is funny when someone whips out a big hog you're like you're just like it's sort of like you're on like shrooms you're like whoa yeah it just makes you laugh yeah every time i'd be at the gym and a dude would just walk by with a big ass dick yeah you know he's always like six three like 150 pounds which is a huge cock and you're just like come on dude you're hilarious bro what are you working out today dude you were showing your nuts earlier uh this week you're doing some squats and outlining your balls that was really uh an accident but it was hilarious
Starting point is 00:39:57 yeah and so i i counseled you and i counseled my workout thread and i was like hey is this okay to keep on instagram they're like yeah dude just leave it up there but yeah basically I was doing I think I called them the wrong thing but I was doing a clean a hand cleaning into a squat and when I got to the bottom I wasn't wearing boxers in my athletic shorts and you just saw this outline of my nuts
Starting point is 00:40:17 and people were really nice people were like nice ball sack good ball sack sweet sack most of the feedback was positive didn't you get one so i was like oh my god your balls i got a couple of those oh my god you're nuts yeah because i didn't notice and then my friends noticed like they're like because we always like send each other videos of our workouts yeah and so i was like i was like hey here's my video and then like they just did close-ups of my balls. And it was just such a, it was so obvious.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Like a mom, oh my God, your balls. Some dude was giving me shit too. He's like, stop posting workout videos. I was like, hey, but you can see the outline of my balls at the bottom. And then he was like, all right, it's funny. I'll let you keep doing this. I was like, thanks, bro. Oh, man. Guys, well well you can have that same experience you can show uh the internet you're nuts too in peak form with manscape because mirror mirror on the wall
Starting point is 00:41:16 what is the best band best brand for my balls i'm gonna take that again mirror mirror on the wall what is the best brand for my balls? Manscaped, of course. Hold up. Is that a nose pub? Good thing our partners at Manscaped are here to ensure you're taking care of your manhood and your nose hairs with their new performance package. Dudes, I trimmed my nose hairs last week. And dude, I freaking love that thing. So yeah, what is it called again?
Starting point is 00:41:43 The Weed Whacker. The Weed Whacker. The weed whacker. Thank you, Aaron. Um, yeah, I've been using the weed whacker a lot cause my nose hair just comes in real hot. Um, and, uh, I did a full, I didn't actually, you know, I, I did like a trim on my chest, but I didn't like do like a full thing because I, uh, let me see. Yeah, it looks good.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. I just didn't want it to be like... Right. You know, I want it to be like sort of like quarter Pierce Brosnan. That's who I would use
Starting point is 00:42:13 for my frame of reference on chest hair. He's the best. He's the best. Yeah. So... Yeah. And you can do that
Starting point is 00:42:22 with Manscaped. So Manscaped performance package is the ultimate men's hygiene bundle. You've got the Weed Whacker, which is the ear and nose hair trimmer. Get in there. It's got 9,000 RPM motor, 360-degree rotary dual-blade system. Gets in there.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Gets the nose in your hair. Gets the hair in your nose. Look, fellas, 79% of partners partners pulled admit that long nose hair is a major turnoff why not use the best tools for the job here why not and you can get the lawnmower 3.0 guys this is all in the performance package you get you know famous liquid formulations the crop preserver ball deodorant, crop reviver, ball toner. Just tons of stuff. Manscaped boxers, I love those. The Shed travel bag. I mean, guys, you know Manscaped. You know it's the best. So get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeep20manscaped.com. Thank you, Manscaped, for making our holes look sexy. Use code go deep 20 manscaped.com.
Starting point is 00:43:25 All right, back to the show. All right, let's do some questions. Concuss Stoker in need of Stoke advice. Dear fellas, I am a newcomer to the pod and I think it's super dope. My cousin put me on and I cherish my time watching you with my ears.
Starting point is 00:43:39 I'm a junior in college and my Stoke is being tested as of late by some unfortunate events such as the coronavirus. On top of this nightmare sitch i got a brutal concussion falling off of a roof this summer and because of this i can't booze for an entire year per doctor's orders i was hyped to get to school and see my boys but it's hard to be in a frat and be the only sober soldier i want to bond with my bros but it's hard to match the energy and rage alongside my brethren without the the assistance of some bl smooth everyone's psyched that i'm okay but i live in constant fear of Well, dude, you don't worry about that. Everyone's going to party fine without you. No one's worried about you on that front.
Starting point is 00:44:16 But I appreciate that you're concerned for the crew well-being. You're a good man. When I think about this and how much better I can spit game to chicks with some liquid courage in my system, it makes it very hard not to booze face. I would be honored to get any advice from the Stoke gods on how to maintain my chill this year. Thanks, beast. Well, first of all, dude, you're a beast. You took a big-ass fall off a roof.
Starting point is 00:44:39 It's awesome that you're all right and that you were able to take that digger and be okay and that your brain's going to be right. And, dude, here's what I think. it's awesome that you're all right and that you were able to take that digger and be okay. I know your brain's going to be right. Um, and dude, here's what I think. I think you're swinging a bat with, with, with two weighted donuts on it for a year. You know,
Starting point is 00:44:52 I think you're, you're playing racquetball with a 20 pound vest on. It's going to suck. But dude, by the end of it, you're going to have gained a lot. I mean, you're going to learn a lot about yourself,
Starting point is 00:45:03 dude, having to hit on people sober and having a party sober. And you know what? You're going to make it work, dude. You're going to figure out a way to have a good time. Actually, when I got sober for like a six month stretch a couple of years ago. And so not as tough as a year, but it was a good, good chunk of time. And I actually had more fun going out with people when they were bombed out of their tree or on Coke. Cause I actually found I'm kind of extrovert i was already on that level and it was it was really fun to see them be kind of messy and i i didn't judge them i just had fun um going there with them but but kind of but i was i was visiting there i wasn't living there and it was cool yeah i think i think i think you'll figure
Starting point is 00:45:41 it out dude yeah i'm fine first off, I'm glad you're okay. And, dude, I'm fired up that you have a year sober. I mean, I think it's all about perspective. I took a couple years off of no drinking. I was sober. And it was probably some of the best years of my life. And, yeah, I'm a little more introverted, so it was tough for me. I was always thinking about, you know, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:03 when I get to party again, I'm going to be so much better socially. I'm going to, I'm going to be so much cooler at the party. I'm going to, you know, I'm going to be like, you know, I'm going to be like, just, I'm going to be able to like, freaking, you know, turn up the heat way more. And then I started drinking again and I realized that wasn't the case. And people were kind of like, oh, I kind of like preferred when you're sober. Cause like, if you think about it at like a party kind of like preferred when you're sober because like if you think about it at like a party you know sometimes you'll remember the guy who's blacked out and being funny but who you oftentimes if you're like hanging out and there's a guy who's like fully
Starting point is 00:46:34 sober they're just standing tall in charge fully confident i think you always sort of like look back and you're like man that guy was cool he was just cruising through the party fully sober in control and just like uh he was able to like hold his own in that element and i think you can be that guy and you know what i said i didn't judge the people i would judge them and i felt good judging them yeah like when you see a bunch of fiends going after a coke bag and you're not on that level yeah glad i'm not that guy yeah and i kind of liked being around them because i was like i'm glad i'm not this guy but i like hanging out with them yeah yeah just yeah just be stoked on the things you can do as a sober person that they can't do as a drunk person yeah like you can drive dude if you want to just bail and go get some food you can do that
Starting point is 00:47:18 without putting other people's at risk or or your future at risk yeah that's legit dude you gotta you got the full arsenal at your disposal yeah there's so many benefits no fear of dui no fear of saying stupid shit no fear of like you know it's sort of like you're fully in control and you have the ability to reach your full potential now because now you're not losing days to being hung over just like smashed and not even suggesting you're this dude but like the times where I've been like boorish in hitting on women is when I was fucked up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah. Have I ever like, you know, hit on a girl when she was like past the point of being interested when I'm sober? No. Yeah. Reading signals, baby. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah. Liquid courage can turn into liquid douche often. Often. So you're sparing yourself that too. often often so you're sparing yourself that too all my worst memories in my life the things i most regret are from 18 to 24 when i was fucked up yeah you get a year of skipping that baby yeah have fun not having to remember the stupid shit because i remember everything i never forget anything yeah sometimes i forget and then someone reminds me of it and the memory comes back and i'm so mad at that person for bringing it back but the real person i'm mad at is myself and my parents yeah i love you mom and dad i love you to death yeah i
Starting point is 00:48:36 i think it's just like something in our brains where we're just like we're like oh this would be so much better if i was fucked up and sometimes yeah that's true but i think our brains can play this fantasy element in our minds too much of like because like when you drink you feel that first hit of like booze when you're just starting to like feel good and you're like fuck yeah like we're gonna have fun but then you know for me it's like because like in college and stuff and after college i always love to get like just like blacked out um but then you know you sort of get out of that and you're kind of like you're kind of like man like the only like it's just you're in that sort of like drunken haze where you just but then when you get out of it
Starting point is 00:49:21 you're like you're like man i was just like kind of wasting my time a lot and a lot of the instances where i thought i was having the most fun is usually when i was like you know sober with my buddies or like kind of like a couple beers in but by the time i was blacked out i don't even know what happened so time traveling yeah i was just time traveling so it's like i just forgot a lot of shit. I'm kind of rambling, but. No, you're good, dude. Yeah, this is your time.
Starting point is 00:49:51 You could get fucking jacked. You can read a bunch of books and fill your dome up, you know, so when your buddies are kind of fiending to go up and do some Steve, you can just start banging out. It's like, yeah, I just read Tolstoy. Everybody loves a smart jack dude who can drop tolstoy yeah if i if you got a guy like that in the crew that's a keeper yeah the whole frat's gonna love you dude yeah dude just yeah i was thinking the same thing if you need to put yourself into an extra headspace do some wim hof breathing and hit a workout right before the party. You'll come in steaming. You'll be dancing, dude. You'll be feeling that beat.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Shaking that ass. Bringing it to the floor. Nice flexibility in your knees. All the way to the ground. Hanging in that low spot like this. Right here. Popping. Popping.
Starting point is 00:50:42 When you go from here, when you're dancing, like at a wedding or something and you're up here and then you go low You know such shouts on a little bit lower now a little bit lower now a little bit lower now and you hang right here Do you want it? Do you want to get up into this position to? Aaron if you wouldn't mind I know there's no camera on you, but if you could do that over there as well, okay So when you're right here. A little bit lower now. A little bit lower now.
Starting point is 00:51:11 A little bit lower now. A little bit lower now. Oh, a little bit louder now. A little bit louder now. A little bit louder now. A little bit louder now. A little bit louder now. Little bit louder now. Little bit louder now. You make me wanna shout.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Don't need a shout. Don't need a shout. When you're doing that, dude, bone sober, that's gonna be really exciting for people. Yeah, imagine if you could be, people would be like, oh, dude, you're junior year of college.
Starting point is 00:51:41 You just frickin' rage, and you just stand up, and you're like, no, I started freaking rage and you just stand up and you're like no i started a business i mean that's daniel schneider the guy who owns the redskins oh washington football team my bad dude when i was sober for a while two beers in when i was sober for a while my parents were proud of me stuff like that can happen that can happen i would have conversations with my dad fuck up and make your parents proud of you dude yeah dude you could i was never i would talk to my dad and i was like
Starting point is 00:52:11 i'm pretty sure his tone was like hey i don't think my son's that much of a shithead anymore didn't you say girls responded better to you too when he got sober oh for sure well i was just much more in my i was like i started to understand myself a little bit more, you know, cause I would like drink to like try and, you know, cause I felt like. Annihilate the self? Yeah, I thought unlocked like a crazier side of me, you know, but then when I was like, sort of like just had that time to really like think of like, oh, what do I like to do? And then, you know, it's like, it's like, I almost was like more busy. Cause they're like, what are you doing? I'm like, Oh, I'm just doing all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And it was all like, you know, stuff that was improving my life. You know, it's like, I'm, you know, I'm going to go work out.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Then I'm going to go, you know, I'm working on this new idea and I'm going to start a business, blah, blah, blah. It's just, it made me much more interesting.
Starting point is 00:53:00 Other aspects of your life flourished when, when there wasn't so much energy being committed to the rage. It flourished yeah boom all right what's up lords of the stoke my longtime girlfriend of six years oh aaron you can sit down do you don't have to stay in that crouched position thanks dude i'm gonna have like shin splints for a month you're a beast dude thank you for doing that though i'm really glad you guys uh survived that to be honest with those rolling chairs oh yeah a little dicey. I was really worried. Hey, we're risk takers. This is how we lose them.
Starting point is 00:53:28 We could have sued ATC. Yeah. Bill Bird. I know. Write me a check. What's up, Lords of the Stoke? My longtime girlfriend of six years broke up with me two days after I lost my first job post-college
Starting point is 00:53:41 at the beginning of Q-Teen. Oh, man. Tough time. I'm sorry, brother. To say my stoke has been an all-time low is an understatement. I've been falling into a sort of depression due to the two events hitting me at the same time. Six months later
Starting point is 00:53:52 and haven't talked to her and still don't have a job but I'm constantly thinking about both. Sometimes scared to get out of the house as our friends cross paths occasionally and I want to be, I don't want to be caught off guard. I really loved her and thought she was going to be the one in the next couple years to possibly ask her the big cue. So it's been pretty tough to get over.
Starting point is 00:54:08 All my boys are trying to get me set up with other girls, but just doesn't feel right at the time. No cheating or suspicious activity going on here. Need help with a plan of action on how to get out of this rut and possibly get this girl back in my life and get a job that I love. If you could answer this on the pod or get back on the email, that would be great. Dude, sorry you're going through that, love. If you could answer this on the pod or get back on the email, that would be great. Dude, sorry you're going through that, man. I would not worry about getting her back. I think I would let go of that. And I think you've grieved the relationship enough.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I think we gotta turn the page now. A good movie to watch would be, Swingers is always a good one for a breakup. It's six months afterwards when he starts to get better. And then 500 Days of Summer, they kind of take you through his bummer period after the breakup and not knowing what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:54:51 And he quits his job. And then you get to see the montage of him just getting hammered for a while, but then he gets better, starts working on his architecture stuff. And then that's what leads him to meet the next person. And that's a good movie. So I think you need to focus on the job
Starting point is 00:55:05 let's let's figure out what you want to do and start applying for stuff do not be afraid of failure that is part of life getting fired is good you learn from it another movie up in the air anyone who's ever started something great has been where you are right now so you're going to focus on getting that job and you're going to apply your ass off to a bunch of different ones and you're going to take what comes and then in the course of doing all that you're going to meet the next lady and she's going to appreciate you dog i love that yeah i i was i was thinking similar um this is the moment in your life that we're going to look back on where it's like all right this is when i was down but this was the motivation and the launching pad I needed to reach that even bigger, better life
Starting point is 00:55:51 that I didn't even know was possible. You know, you're going to find a job where you're like, wow, I can't believe I love this job so much. It's just, every day it's just passion. I'm just like doing what I love. And I can't believe I'm in this relation right now. This is like a fiery hot marriage. I never thought I'd have such passion in a relation. And so I think if you take that mindset of like, I know you're in a tough spot now, but this is the launching pad. This is sort of the fuel you need to,
Starting point is 00:56:19 to only create the life that you want. I love it. What up council? I've been a longtime fan of the channel and a new-time fan of the PCAST, but I thought I'd look to your infinite wisdom for my life's biggest problem. My fiancé and I are getting ready to get married, but we have one big elephant
Starting point is 00:56:34 in our relationship. Insert funnier metaphor here. Faith. Does this get picked up when he plays with that thing? Or no? Okay, cool, cool. Sorry, man. She's a devout christian and i've never had religion in my life on sundays she'd like for us to go to church together but i'd honestly rather listen to scott hansen say seven hours of commercial free football instead
Starting point is 00:56:55 that's awesome she's very understanding and i try to be as respectful to her as possible however she has expressed that she would like someone to be with her spiritually during difficult times given your viral success on youtube and JT's many accomplishments in CrossFit, I could think of no one better to ask for advice. That's really nice of you, man. How do you think we can make a life together while maintaining a strong spiritual bond? I guess what I'm really asking is what should we do with our kids? Ooh, wow.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Whoa. You beefed it up at the end there. I don't know, dude. I think, you know, just balance. Maybe two weeks out of the month you watch football. Three weeks out of the month you watch football. I mean, it is only a 16, 18-week season. So maybe during football season you watch football every week.
Starting point is 00:57:39 But I would go to church with her once in a while. I would just not even – you don't have to pray. You know what I used to do with my family when we went to Catholic church and there was communion? I'd go up there and I'd put my hands across my body like this. And that tells the priest, I don't want to take communion because I didn't, I wasn't a practicing Catholic. I didn't fully believe in what they were espousing, but I would take a blessing from the priest.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Basically like, Hey, but I still respect your station in this world and and the commitment that you have to your faith so i'll take a blessing from um so you can do little little things like that where you show respect but you're not uh going against your own values yeah although maybe your own values are to not even do that and and that's okay but but there is like kind of a middle ground that you can walk that that i i've done for most of my life with Catholics. And I was telling Aaron, we were talking about just some personal stuff. And I was like, you know what, I'll just pray for you. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I guess I'm turning religious a little bit. Yeah. So I don't know. Back to this guy. I think you and your wife will figure it out. I think it's all good. Yeah. I think it's all about sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:58:46 I don't think you have to be vocal about your lack of faith or if you don't believe in God or whatever, but just being there for her and accompanying her to the service, I mean, that's just being a good partner. It's what, like an hour, maybe an hour, two hours out of your you know it's what like hour maybe hour two hours out of your day that's only like two hours of football you know you can record a game check your phone a couple times yeah and uh yeah i think uh yeah i'm stoked on your newfound uh fandom of the pod.
Starting point is 00:59:26 But yeah, I think, honestly, I feel like you're making this way more complicated than it needs to be unless you have some serious qualms about religion. I think just go to church with her, you know, here and there. You don't have to go every week, but just like show her that you care about her. That's what it is, right?
Starting point is 00:59:42 It's not even about believing and it's just about supporting her in her belief. Yeah. And I know there will be moments where she'll be like, but I want you to be like me. I want you to be Christian here and believe in God. Yeah. And you just do your best to go as far as you can
Starting point is 00:59:55 without not being honest. Yeah. You just be like, look, maybe I'm not there, but I support you, and I think I have faith in you. Something like that I think would work. Yeah. And then with your kids, you let her tell them about Christianity and then when you go for a drive with one of the kids, you go, hey, just so you know, there's other options
Starting point is 01:00:13 out there. Just so you know, there's no God. You tell them the truth. You say nothing happens when you die. It's all a big mess and we're just making the best out of it and we created some rules because it gives some structure to all this. And then the kid will do what he wants with that information yeah i think i personally i think it'd be cool to have a parent parents who one was like religious one wasn't so then you really get the full spectrum of you like you know they don't really
Starting point is 01:00:38 you really get a chance to choose what you want to believe in and then you show the kids that you can be respectful of people who don't think the same way that you do. Yeah. And then that sets a good model for the kids where they're like, oh, okay, I'll treat people who have different opinions as me the way my parents treat each other, which is with total respect and working towards common goals despite that. Yeah. Oh, now I'm fired up on the potential. That's what America needs. This is, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:01:00 You can be the savior of America. Please, dude. We need a model. Let's go, Pam. We need a model. Let's go, Payam. His name was Payam. What's up, presidents of Stokeland? Big fan of the pod, big fan of the vids, and big fan of JT's gains. You are getting shredded.
Starting point is 01:01:16 I've been married for almost five nice years now to my wife. We love each other, and I would consider her my best friend, and I would like to think I I'm hers too. We were both virgins when we got married and I was so afraid that I would be lasting 30 seconds top, but actually our first few years I was a beast in bed, lasting as long as needed. Super stoked. Nice dude. But over the past year or so, we've been noticing I'm losing my bedroom endurance, which sometimes only lasting 30 to 60 seconds after starting. I've read online that diet, stress, and exercise helps, and I've been trying to eat better, work out, and live a less stressful life. But it seems like nothing works.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I'm still nutting faster than Usain Bolt. My wife still loves me and says it's okay, but every time I nut fast, I feel like I'm letting her down, really bringing my stoke level down. So my question is to you guys, have you had issues when it comes to nutting too fast? If so, how have you gotten your endurance up? You guys are the best. Much love and appreciation. That's not really my problem.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Sometimes I have boner issues. I can't get hard to bone. And a little trick I do is honestly, I swear to God it works for me, is I just think about baseball. I just go, okay, who was the 2008 starting outfield for the Yankees? I know they had Hideki Matsui out there. Oh, that guy
Starting point is 01:02:19 liked porn. He had a big porn collection. Yeah, and then I go, who else was on the team? What's his name? I want to say Bernie Sanders, but that's not his name williams bernie williams i'm like was bernie williams still on that team i think he was okay bernie williams was out there all right and then you'll you'll find you're actually and then at that point you go okay now back back into the sex part to keep me to keep me aroused and then you just do that and um on top of that uh i love all that and yeah i think there's there's stimulation things you can get if you're really concerned about it too you can train your hog you know there's like a fleshlight or you can get like a fleshlight and like in like a mode where it's like it's like super tight so it just trains your hog you know if you if you're if
Starting point is 01:03:12 you're if you're drilling yourself with the with the fleshlight trainer thing um you know that just trains your hog to you know be able to sustain like massive stimulation so when you're boning you know you can last longer there you have it just a more applicable practical thing yeah that's actionable let's go i just i don't know if you'd want your wife to find that unless you want to be honest with her and just say look i'm going to work on my hog and uh train it to to not so maybe the next problem i'll have is delayed ejaculation you know and being honest about is a great move yeah saying hey look i'm bringing in some machinery to get better at this yeah this is not a flashlight although i do still want to go camping
Starting point is 01:03:57 this is for my dong uh all right chad you ready for the other stuff? Yeah. Who's your Beef of the Week? Dude, my Beef of the Week is, this one's going to be spicy. It's with Gavin Newsom. Ooh. Yeah. Saddle up, pretty boy. You're about to get roasted. Dude, I think you should open up Disneyland.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Why? Well, 24 24 000 workers got laid off every other theme park in the world is open and functioning fine disney world is open and functioning fine they haven't it hasn't been a super spreader and i think we're at the point now where it's like we're learning to live with this virus amongst us you know it's like it's around it's i think we've we've been it's been around enough where we're sort of like we understand how to function at you know a place like that i think they would have the right safety precautions and where they would know how to let it function without it being like a huge super spreader right and i think and i just think about like uh the people
Starting point is 01:05:14 the employees at that park who are out of work now you know it's like uh i think anyone who would decide to go to the park... Is aware of the inherent risk. Is aware of the risk, you know? And everyone's wearing a mask? Everyone's wearing a mask. It doesn't seem to be an issue at the other parks. And I'm not an expert or anything.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I just sort of saw that report of like 24,000 people lost their jobs. And like every other park is open in the country and they're doing fine. It's like, I think we should just, I think because we know that the virus is going to be around for a while. So I think, you know, they should, you know, give it a shot. There's been some places that have been open
Starting point is 01:06:00 and other places that have not been allowed to open that feels completely arbitrary. Yeah. Like they shut down the comedy store for a while yeah but everybody was seated outside the comics were inside performing through plexiglass yeah like there was so many steps taken and i was like well how can a restaurant be open outdoors but the comedy i mean yeah it felt completely arbitrary yeah no i i hear you i mean dude the thing is i don't know how any politician right now left or right is gonna get re-elected i mean they just all look like colossal dipshits yeah you know yeah like you read about
Starting point is 01:06:35 any of them and regardless of what side you're on you're like this person fucked up huge yeah i mean some of it is on us. Uh, not us in particular, the populace. You mean the populace? Yeah, no,
Starting point is 01:06:49 completely. No, look, America, a lot of horses, asses, a lot of people who just didn't want to sacrifice. Um,
Starting point is 01:06:59 even in the short term, be out of some like individualism, but yeah, I mean, but this is who we are yeah i came to this i was in montana and i just saw a bunch of people fucking drinking at a bar and i was like you know what dude this is like two months in i was like this is just who we are yeah you know what i mean like this is just what people are gonna do yeah sorry what were you gonna say i mean i mean i just have a problem with the idea that dis, that Disney, the corporation, cannot afford their employees in some way, shape, or form.
Starting point is 01:07:30 Just with all the fucking money they have. I mean, it's just, it's insane to me that they have to lay off employees because of this. It's a good point. At some point, the corporation's got to step up the ceo doesn't get 40 million dollars a year and maybe 4 000 more employees don't have to lose their jobs i don't know i mean the governor can't mandate that certainly but you know it's like he's dealing with the public health crisis they're a major attraction what do you do i mean sort of like you wonder of like you know how much of it is because of the election where it's like how much how much how much of that goes
Starting point is 01:08:12 into decision making of like thinking about the election and like the decisions you make now having consequences consequences in the outcome of the election i i don't think that as much but i know a huge swath of people do i went to a sensory deprivation tank yeah which was pretty chill i had some breakthroughs yeah but i went there and i was like hey dude how you been doing he's like we're gonna be out of business in two months and he's like but i'm hoping once the elections open that they'll open things up yeah so he was completely of the mind that it was all just political maneuvering why they were still shut down yeah although i was like dude it's a century of deprivation tank this is literally the worst thing for covid you're in an absolutely confined space with zero circulation also uh gavin newsom
Starting point is 01:08:55 is not up for re-election during this oh that's interesting yeah nor is the mayor but he is angling i mean he does seem like he wants to have uh he has larger political pursuits so he's probably yeah i'm sure he's super ambitious i mean he definitely wants to be president yeah yeah he looks like it he just looks like he wants to be president yeah i haven't heard him say anything but dude and then his old lady his ex is with fucking don jr that's so crazy like come on. Kimberly Guilfoyle. How interesting is that lady? It's insane.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Dude. I just want to talk to Gavin one-on-one and be like, so what was the relationship like? What was the dynamic and what changed? Yeah. All right, Aaron,
Starting point is 01:09:36 who's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is actually decently similar to Chad's. It is... You want Universal Studios open? Magic Mountain. Just Hurricane
Starting point is 01:09:49 Harbor, though. I tried to play softball this weekend for the first time in months. I got some of my teammates together and about half hour... They had been there a half hour. I got there a little late. And I threw the ball twice and we got shut down. So, uh, I feel like I know, obviously I want to take this thing
Starting point is 01:10:14 seriously and I've been a big proponent of that. Yeah. You've done a really good job. I feel like a sport like that is no different from tennis and golf where it's, I mean, I see people wantonly playing soccer and basketball, which are way more in your face sports. And I feel like if we're all distanced, which we were, the likelihood of transferring it via the ball is relatively low. That's crazy. That's so arbitrary. Yeah, it was more to do with the fact that there was an event happening at the senior center nearby and so there was someone from parks and rec who was there on a way a weekend which normally wouldn't have been and that's why he came up and shut us
Starting point is 01:10:56 down but you know it's not his fault it's whatever you know but it's it's one of those things where i just feel like it could be done safely. Uh, like you're saying with Disneyland, which who knows, maybe it could be, maybe this would be a reason to spread it, but we could at least give it a shot since it is a fairly distant sport. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Yeah, dude, you should be able to play baseball outside. You're outside baseball. There's no contact. I mean, they're're intermittently if someone slides into second base but it's probably not happening too much in pickup yeah yeah certainly where it wasn't going to happen with us you know just just goofing around no collisions at the plate yeah yeah that's crazy yeah we got a and that's like healthy yeah yeah it's it's one of my major forms of exercise, and I love it.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I need to be in a team sport, otherwise I can't motivate myself. So it's a bummer when I get literally two throws, first to third, and I'm done. You're just getting loose, baby. You're just getting back into the swing. Yeah. No, I think you should definitely be able to play it's a tough call i mean you know not not with that i think that's an easy call but then play yeah but yeah i mean it's it's it's sort of uh and if you're gonna shut us down you got to shut
Starting point is 01:12:15 down the basketball court like yeah so they left all that going i i don't know i i didn't i didn't see we were we were just kind of like all all right, well, where else are we going to get chased out of? We were pretending we were skateboarders, basically. Where are we going to get kicked out of next? Yeah, we just got to get that vaccine. Dude, I got a double beef this week. Double, double a beef. Nice.
Starting point is 01:12:40 My first beef is with myself. Dude, I've been way more concerned about keeping up with the Joneses lately. I've been wanting to have better things than other people in different departments. It's been more important to me. I'm like, oh, that person has this. I want to have this. What do you mean? Being like, oh, I want to have a cooler car.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Stuff that's not helping me, it's putting putting the ring in my, in my heart and like Sauron's in there now. And it's like making me like, I just want to be like Samwise Ganji, you know, I just want to be stoked to support my boys and then just run around in the Shire. And I want it to be a nice Shire, but it doesn't have to be nicer than anybody else's Shire. I mean, just, I mean, you know, you need some reference, but a detached view of it. And yeah, I mean, I just, I don't want I just don't want to be thinking like that. Yeah. I want to just be, like, stoked.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Mm-hmm. Did Ferraro's new gym make you feel that way? No. I was pumped on that. It's a great place to work out. And he's such a good person to work out with. Like, really pushes me and just is really great with technique. You didn't want to get a better gym than Ferrero?
Starting point is 01:13:45 No, no, for sure. No, I was pumped that he's got there. I got there as much as I need to. Yeah. I got the stuff I need. But other things. Yeah. Plus it's like, he's so physically just like top of where you can be.
Starting point is 01:13:59 It's like, I don't even, it definitely like, I don't know. I kind of blame Orange County for some of this. Like I think Orange County kind of operates on that thinking a little bit. It's easy to blame them. It's really me who's susceptible to it. But there is no like grungier aspect of Orange County. You know what I mean? In LA, there's like a degenerate vibe that I actually think is kind of healthy.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Because it's not really connected to that stuff as much. Although everyone here is worried about being famous. So it's like there's different values that will fuck you up but i think orange county is a little more superficially concerned about that stuff yeah at least in the circles that i run in in la where it's like you know stand-ups aren't really like that too bad yeah they're more just like yeah just worried about like getting spots and shit um and then my other beef is with the show atlanta oh i don't i think it's i think it's good i think it's kind of boring some episodes yeah i'm three episodes into season two and i'm like how is this all gelling together where's the setup
Starting point is 01:14:59 and payoff in the individual episodes and in the continuity of the season, look, they're all geniuses. And it has some moments that are just pure art. But overall, I'm like, dude, I'm a little bored, bro. I'd rather watch Song Exploder on Netflix. Just see how R.E.M. wrote Losing My Religion. Good ep. Such a good ep, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I don't care about anything else on that show, but yeah. Little man Will Miranda, he's a little pleased with himself that he's such a jackpot of talent. And he should probably be behind the camera, but he wants to play every part in Hamilton. You can just feel it on him. But I love that song that he wrote, Wait For It. It's such a good song.
Starting point is 01:15:39 But yeah, the Losing My Religion one was... The Ty Dolla $ign was good, too, though. Check that one out. I don't know. Dude, it's good. That song's good, too. alicia keys one isn't as good because the song's not that great but the ty dolla sign one is is very good i think it should be for songs that are like losing my religion that are that were phenomenons and were monster hits yeah that's why on the podcast the best episode is closing time because it's such a huge hit oh yeah yeah i forgot i
Starting point is 01:16:03 forgot it's based on a podcast too too. I haven't checked that out. Dude, yeah, so he wrote Closing Time. It has two meanings. It's about a bar closing, and it's also about his baby leaving his wife's tummy. Oh, really? Closing time. Oh, I didn't realize that. Yeah, and that's why some of the lines are so good, because they have this double meaning
Starting point is 01:16:16 that he talks about, where he's like, this room won't be open until your brothers or your sisters come, is one of the lines. Which kind of makes sense for a bar, but it makes a lot of sense with a woman's tum-tum. Yeah. Oh, interesting. All right, Chad. That dude writes with Adele, too, now. Yeah, now he just writes monster hits, super talented.
Starting point is 01:16:33 But yeah, Atlanta. Hey, you're super smart, you're super great, but how about a little more conventional thrill, baby? I think that's a problem with artists who are like, that guy's like a genius, you know? And I don't know if the people who wrote it feel this way, but I think with, or maybe it's just with artists who are like such high levels of talent
Starting point is 01:16:54 that they don't, I think they need to bring it down a little bit to make it a little bit more palatable for the larger audience. John Mayer talked about how he's like, there's the intelligence that you want to play at. And then there's the intelligence that your audience wants to hear you at. Yeah. And you're trying to find that mix between the two.
Starting point is 01:17:12 Yeah. And with, with Donald Glover, he can get away with being pretty high on the intelligence because of his talent. He can get away with it. Yeah. But it would be nice if he was,
Starting point is 01:17:22 if he was like, you know what, I'm just going to do a conventional three act structure. Yeah. And it might be in there and i'm just missing it but it would be nice if it was just like a little bit more pop thrill yeah yeah sorry dude i'm gonna tamp down the artistry i think those genius guys need an editor yeah yeah like tarantino had a really strong editor for a long time and she passed away but but, uh, you know, not everything you throw out needs to be there to tell the story in a, in a solid and super palatable way. PTA too.
Starting point is 01:17:52 I mean, I think with his later films, he's gone so into like his interest in taste that he's kind of lost sense of the audience. You know, none of his movies feel like boogie nights anymore where you're like, Oh, this is entertaining to anybody basically.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Yeah. Um, but yeah, good for you guys for being geniuses legit envious y'all are sexy as fuck but i don't know dude could be a little more fun coen brothers are i think the rare ones who can be geniuses and it's still entertaining yeah although sometimes they'll lose you too yeah chad who's your babe of the week um my babe of the week is uh one of our camera guys Nathan he's just a good worker awesome kid
Starting point is 01:18:36 uh he's still in college and he's just uh you can tell he's got a bright future ahead of him and he's just uh he's just uh really passionate and he's putting in the work early uh really passionate and he's putting in the work early and you can tell it's gonna pay off so i want to give a shout out to him and he also told a funny story about kids at his college i was like dying we're like all his friends in college they're just like college kids they're like dude i'm not scared of covid bro like
Starting point is 01:18:58 yeah if i get it i get it like whatever dude like i'm not scared of that shit then they would all have then these kids all and and Nathan wasn't partying, but all these kids had like a huge party and they all got COVID and like, they had a Facebook group where they like, you know, send each other photos and like tell everyone what they're doing. And then they'd be like, they'd be like, yo, COVID's actually not that chill. I'm having a really tough time right now. I thought it was so funny. I'm just'm just like dude i'm not even scared of that
Starting point is 01:19:26 shit man like oh if i get it i get it like whatever and then they're just like yo it's actually not that chill oh you shouldn't get this fucking kids yeah he was so funny he's like so that's when i decided i just wasn't gonna hit those ragers you know i just got my crew we go to the beach smoke some pot and chill i was was like, you're a smart kid, dude. Can you imagine typing that into your Facebook group? Like, yo, dudes, straight up. Dude, I thought COVID would be a breeze, but straight up, it's actually kind of knocking me around a bit.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I'm going to have to downgrade it from being no big deal to actually not chill. But then he said once they all got over it, they went back to raging. Yeah, because they're like, oh, dude, I'm immune dude i'm invincible yeah party yeah i fucking got covid yeah that shit sucked dude yeah i bet a bunch of those kids are the kids who permanently have their eyes closed you know yeah dude i fucking got covid then you meet a girl at the party you're like wait what's up what's your name oh alice good to meet you yeah sorry no i the party. You're like, wait, what's up? What's your name? Oh, Alice. Good to meet you. Yeah. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:27 No, I wasn't partying for like a month because I had COVID. She's like, I had COVID too. You're like, word. Word. You had COVID too? Yeah. She's like, yeah. And then you're like, oh, dude, this chick's legit, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Hey, what's your major? Anthropology. Oh, nice. I'm marketing. Yeah. I want to go into business. Maybe order some Postmates. Do you like Chipotle? Yeah, for sure. Sick. I don't know if you're Alice or if you like chipotle yeah for sure sick i don't
Starting point is 01:20:46 know if you're alice or if i'm alice i don't know i don't even know either dude i just got covid that's nice it's nice we don't know oh dude i had covid it sucked what was having covered like oh dude it sucked dude dude first i was coughing i was like all right that's not too bad but then dude i couldn't breathe and i was like what dude you kind of sometimes don't think about how important it is to breathe dude like i was just trying to do basic shit like just blend up or protein shake and i was like fuck dude this takes some breath huh dude just to stand up and just to hit the blender and pour it into a glass i was like 22 breaths that i was just freaking struggling through dude at that point i realized covid's kind of a beast bro yeah dude once i got kovid it was like right around spring break bro and i was
Starting point is 01:21:30 just like fuck dude i was just like oh you know and then i went to the nurse and she's like yeah you probably can't go on spring break and i cursed her out so hard i was like you don't know how much this means to me dude like this is kava with my boys like dylan's gonna get sweet his mom owns like a hotel down there it's fuck you aaron who's your beat babe of the week my baby of the week is my buddy john uh he is a super great dude he's a doctor uh he's he's been studying colon cancer and uh trying to find a cure for that. And, uh, and then obviously switched to COVID, um, when he, uh, when it came up, um, and unfortunately he got diagnosed with a brain tumor and he's having surgery tomorrow. Um, so yeah, I just
Starting point is 01:22:18 want to give a shout out to that guy. He's an awesome dude. He's a, he's got a young uh son who's awesome and uh he's also a cardinals fan which is pretty pretty chill uh and yeah so i just hope uh i hope for the best and uh and uh yeah he's a babe i will be thinking about him man yeah so sorry to hear that yeah the stokers thoughts and prayers baby prayers and thoughts jon and thoughts. Jonathan, is it? John. John. John. Be well, my friend.
Starting point is 01:22:53 My baby of the week is another double meat, double burger. It's at Working Out Outside. I love Working Out Outside. I've been working out in my mom's front yards, and I'm realizing I'm being a little bit of an exhibitionist, like all the neighbors can see me. But I kind of like that. I'm like, dude, it fires me up and I hope it fires you up.
Starting point is 01:23:08 Maybe you see me doing that. And then you get after it. And Ferraro's neighbor came over and was like, Hey, all these workouts you're doing with your garage door open. And for our thought, he was going to like, you know, be like,
Starting point is 01:23:15 Hey, chill out, bro. It's a little over the top. The dude was like, dude, I love it. Really?
Starting point is 01:23:18 And I was like, amped. And yeah, I love working out outside. I like it better than a gym. I like having the sun out and I like just being barefoot on the ground and just moving the bar. It's great. And then my other baby of the week, and this is a spicy one too, I think is Bill Maher. Oh yeah. I love Bill Maher. I love real time with Bill Maher. I mean, I think he's corny as hell when he tells jokes, but I think
Starting point is 01:23:37 he's good with the discussions. And I think he's very authentic. You always know where he's coming from and he doesn't feel like he's, um, catering, but to anyone but himself, you know, he's coming from, and he doesn't feel like he's catering to anyone but himself. He's got a mammoth ego, and I think it kind of helps him because he's like, you know what? I'm just saying what my ego likes. I'm not saying – and what he truly believes. I don't think he's saying anything for anybody because if he was, he wouldn't say so much dumb shit sometimes. It would be so annoying. But then the flip side of that is he says a lot of insightful stuff and i like the show it gets good guests i've always enjoyed
Starting point is 01:24:07 watching it and yeah i think it's i think it i think it's good i like you do i love bill maher yeah i like him too i think he's great he's fun to watch fun to uh he's entertaining i like he's like a very self-aware douche he's a douche. Yeah, but I like his douchiness. It's a good douche. Yeah, he's a good douche. He's a good douche. He's like the kind of douche you want to be. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:24:31 There's aspects of him that I'm like, I'd like to have that. Yeah. The way he sits back there and he goes, give me a fucking break. But come on, what are we really talking about? He said it. He's an asshole. Yeah. It's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:24:45 It's from the hip. Yeah. feels right that's awesome um i think he'd be a fun hang he smokes weed yeah it looks like he likes to get after it yeah and then he dated ann coulter no i think they're just friends i don't think they did i think they dated bro all. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Bison, the animal. I saw some ad where the guy was like, yeah, we named our company Bison. And I was like, why? And he answered my question. He's like, because they walk into a storm. So they're in that storm for a less amount of time.
Starting point is 01:25:25 Oh, right. Which is like a cool mentality. Yeah. It's such an interesting thing to take away from bison, too. But it is cool. Yeah. So be like the bison. Walk into the storm so you can weather it faster.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Don't avoid the storm. Walk into it. We respect those people. Yeah. Dude, also, I was watching Joe Rogan. There was an ad for Joe Rogan for Traeger, but it wasn't him doing an ad.
Starting point is 01:25:50 It was just him talking about the Traeger grill to Sebastian Maniscalco. And he explains how the Traeger grill works in such good detail that they just put video of how the Traeger grill works
Starting point is 01:26:01 with him narrating it. But it wasn't an ad. It was just him on his podcast talking about it. That's awesome. But then I got suspicious and I was like, did Rogan do that on purpose? No, I bet what happened is that they heard it and they're like,
Starting point is 01:26:12 we got to make that a commercial. And they paid him for that recording. Well, he, he explains it so beautifully that they were able to make a commercial only off what he said without editing. That would be a very, uh,
Starting point is 01:26:24 like cool way to get an ad across so smart yeah and maybe he did it yeah maybe he's got that dmt inside he's able to plan that shit out four-dimensional chess yeah that's cool about bison bison burger too good for you yeah bison meat good very tasty no word on how that works out for the bison though by the way going into the storm you think they're wrong how many bison die i don't know that would be funny if we find out that they just fucking eat it i'm just thinking the twister and the cow fucking flying aaron who's your legend of the week tatanka buffalo um my legend of the week is uh we just lost him uh eddie van halen nice uh just fucking what an amazing guitar player um you know he he battled his addictions he was kind of an asshole it seemed
Starting point is 01:27:16 like at least uh from the outside looking in but uh just an amazing mean, the sounds he was able to make the, I don't know. I mean, I just, I can't even describe it. I mean, he did the solo and on beat it, like just walks in like a champ plays that thing and walks out. Um, at least that's how it feels. And just, I mean, just hits after hits after hits it's just amazing amazing work we'll probably never see anything like it again it's yeah it's just
Starting point is 01:27:53 it's remarkable it was like we had Jimi Hendrix living in our lifetime we just didn't fully appreciate it I mean I'm sure a lot of people totally did
Starting point is 01:28:04 you put him out there with jimmy oh 100 yeah nice i also put prince right there um i mean prince borrowed a lot of technique from jimmy and a lot of stage presence but um but yeah i'd put him there i think well i was just reading that he like he got compared to jimmy page a lot but he actually said he he that clapped him was more of a reference for him but you don't hear those sounds coming out of clapped and you hear pretty traditional sounds um he also like i was trying to learn some songs uh since he passed um since i've been playing the guitar so much and like he's playing in c sharp uh i think he's tuned down for a lot of that for for uh the david lee roth stuff and he's up and he's up in e for standard tuning for hagar which
Starting point is 01:28:56 i think is pretty interesting this is something i discovered in trying to learn oh that's interesting play their songs but yes i mean sammy is a much higher register than Dave. So yeah, so RIP Eddie, you know, just such an innovator, such a legend. Love it. My legend of the week, I think, is a retread, but I think he's one of my top three greatest legends of all time. It's Roger Ebert. I discovered his, well, I always knew his reviews because he was on TV. It was always Roger, you know, Siskel and Ebert, give it two thumbs up.
Starting point is 01:29:27 But then I discovered his book, The Great Movies, when I was in high school in a study hall. And I would just pound through it in the library. And it just changed the whole way I thought about movies. I'd never seen someone bring that attention to detail and pull out so many themes from what they were watching. But I loved movies, so I wanted to think about him the way he did. And he just always brought such humanism to it. Like he talked about how movies are a vehicle for empathy. And I think it really is that I think, you know, you can be from anywhere, but you can watch movies about people from other places and be like, Oh, I'm a lot like that
Starting point is 01:29:55 person. And it just brings a lot of like human commonality to us. And then I just, but what I love about him is isn't just that he was great at his work, but that he thought other things were more important than being great at his work. And he's probably the greatest film critic of all time. I mean, Pauline Kael might be better as a writer. But in terms of influence, I think it's Roger Ebert. And the way he handled his personal life was so beautiful. Him and Siskel were fierce rivals.
Starting point is 01:30:19 They would talk shit to each other. And there's really heated reviews of them, kind of bickering. And then off screen, they would really hammer each other like cisco would call roger ebert fat roger ebert like i'm a better writer than you and they would just go after each other but you know that they loved each other and that they brought up the best each other and after cisco passed away roger said i never realized how silly the hate and how deep the love and just really thought about their relationship in a profound way and then when he sick, the way he handled death, he was just brave in the face of it and a total beast.
Starting point is 01:30:49 He was like, I'm not afraid to die. I wasn't afraid to be born. I think it'll be a peaceful sleep. So not only did this guy end up teaching us about movies, but he taught us about life. And that's why the documentary about him by Steve James is called Life Itself, because it really became, that's what his whole body of work was really about. And he was so generous towards his wife. She took such good care of him towards the end end and he just loved the shit out of her and
Starting point is 01:31:07 like always appreciate her and then at the end of his life he had no jaw it was all wired like this but he had talked enough on camera that he could have a computer speak for him and he was just stoked all the time at first i thought he had a smile i think i've talked about this he had a smile but that's actually just how his face dangled with no chin. It just looked like a smile. But he was bringing a smiley energy to everything. And so, Roger Ebert, you're one of my favorite people of all time. Thank you for all the good writing, but also thank you for how you lived your life. Nice.
Starting point is 01:31:35 And a recovering booze hound, too. Sweet. Yeah, and he dated Oprah. Did he really? Yeah. Nice. What a year. I think in the early 80s when she was just like a Chicago talk show host
Starting point is 01:31:46 and he was just like a Chicago film critic. But I bet you they looked at each other like, hey, you're going to be a big deal, bro. He was like, hey, same to you. Chad, what is your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from a junior soprano from the Sopranos when he's talking about richie april who's jackie april's brother uh richie is trying to cut a deal with with junior he's trying
Starting point is 01:32:15 to i forget exactly the context but he's he's showing that he's got balls he's got balls and uh so he's talking to junior and then he's leaving and junior's looking at him he's like he's got tremendous moxie for his size i love that quote he says it like three times about him yeah yeah it's so he's got such tremendous moxie yeah who's the guy that richie aprile talks about beating up and he got the jacket from him and he's like no one thought i could take him at my size oh i i forget who but the jacket is so funny it's so and he's like no one thought i could take him at my size oh i i forget who but the jacket is so funny it's so ugly he's like don't even wear it wear the jacket come on wear the jacket and he's like he puts it on it looks horrible and he's like and then richie sees like
Starting point is 01:32:56 the he gives it to like the housekeeper's boyfriend yeah yeah he's wearing the jacket he's like i gotta go the look that he gives when he sees it he's so deeply disrespected i do love it when when jackie when a junior says that yeah he's got tremendous moxie for a guy yeah he's because i love i love juniors like when people would walk away he'd give like this like look of like he's like admiration you know he's he's got tremendous moxie for his size or like i love when when people compliment Junior and he's just like... Aaron, what's your quote of the week? Some gabagool. My quote of the week, breaking with tradition,
Starting point is 01:33:32 I'm not doing a Jimmy Eat World lyric. I'm going to do a Van Halen lyric. Nice. Because in honor of Eddie Van Halen. This is from my favorite, I think it's my favorite Van Halen song. I am a Van Hagar guy. Come at me, brosos i don't give a shit uh i love sammy's voice um it's from the song why can't this be love it's verse two love this
Starting point is 01:33:54 uh i love this like the weird helicopter sound at the beginning of it i think that's the bass but i don't know it's just it all just shows Eddie can do. Um, and the different sounds he can make. Uh, it's, uh, okay. So verse two goes, I tell myself, Hey, only fools rush in only time will tell if we stand the test of time, which is kind of a weird lyric. I'll admit, uh, all I know you've got to run to win and I'll be damned if I get hung up on the line. And that's just like, go for it. You know, especially in love. It's's so hard you get so hung up on your yourself and your awkwardness um just go for it take a swing what the hell love it yeah just show you got tremendous moxie for your size my quote is from the jessica simpson book but she's quoting the movie great expect or the movie i do love the movie with ethan hawke i put him in that movie
Starting point is 01:34:44 as one of the most handsome guys in a movie ever. But it's a book first. Great expectations. I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Beast. Chad, what's your phrase of the week
Starting point is 01:35:00 if we're getting after it? Where's the gabagool? Aaron, what's your phrase for getting after it? Let's go show him some moxie. Nice. My phrase of the week for getting after it
Starting point is 01:35:19 is Warren Zevon on The Late Show after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Letterman asks Zevon if there was anything he understood. Now I'm copying this from a comment from Maddie Matheson, smoked meatloaf sandwich post on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:35:31 So Letterman asked Zivon if there was anything he understood now facing his own mortality that he didn't before. Warren Zivon replied, just how much you're supposed to enjoy every sandwich. Enjoy every sandwich. Hell yeah. Well, I think that's it dudes. We're sandwich. Hell yeah. Well, I think that's it, dudes. We're here.
Starting point is 01:35:48 Good pod. Good pod. Fun stuff, guys. Aaron, good to see you. Yeah. Thanks, Modellos, for the brews. And guys,
Starting point is 01:35:58 write reviews. It helps us out. And that's it? That's it. Later. Later. I'm rubbing my breasts. If you need advice
Starting point is 01:36:13 These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go. When you need someone to guide you, there's no place to have a rookie star. I'm going deep. I'm going deep.
Starting point is 01:36:41 I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going to the Canadian team

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