Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 157 - Strider Joins

Episode Date: October 21, 2020

What up stokers?! Strider joins the dudes this week to discuss evolution, spacs, and reopening disneyland. plus he gives some dank love advice. Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping wi...th the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pinot Noir What's your theme? Go with the beat Chad and JT Ooh yeah, call me Randy and play the trombone What's up Stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep chat and jt podcast guys before we begin i'll remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because, you know, guys,
Starting point is 00:00:48 winter's coming, the holidays are coming, you're going to have a sweater on, but you want to make sure that the sweater around your dink is fresh, okay? I don't want people thinking that you're rocking like a, you know, I want them thinking you're rocking like a cool j crew sweater around your dink and that's because you got manscaped in there um you've manscaped recently guys yeah yeah i've been um keeping it nice and fresh my gf and i just took a road trip so i wanted to you know have a nice breathable down there so it's nice nice yeah jt i have yeah thank you dude revisit this
Starting point is 00:01:26 thank you um and uh okay that's the only ad we have to do so use code go to
Starting point is 00:01:32 20 at manscaped.com and uh that's what's up and I didn't mean to say ad we have to do because we love Manscaped and it's the ad we get the
Starting point is 00:01:41 pleasure to do that's right uh go ahead boom clap stokers and it's the ad we get the pleasure to do. That's right. Go ahead. Boom, clap, Stokers. My compadre, John Thomas. We're here with the Relay-ish maestro, Strider Wilson.
Starting point is 00:01:55 What up? What up, bros? Freaking so fired up to be on here right now, chilling with my dogs. After your long journey across the niche, dude. It's nice. I miss you guys, dude. I miss you, too.
Starting point is 00:02:05 My GF would tease me. She'd be like, you're only 1,200 miles from your bros in the niche, dude. It's nice. I miss you guys, dude. I miss you, too. My GF would tease me. She'd be like, you're only 1,200 miles from your bros in Albuquerque. I'm like, don't think I don't know it. It's actually 1158. Yeah. What's that thing you said when you were in China about the sun? Oh, dude, yeah. I sent JT the email.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I was like, the sun may rise in the east, but it is setting on me quickly, friend that's slowly oh yeah slowly yeah slowly yeah because it was torturous yeah yeah um so you didn't bring the xbox no I I look you told me to bring it and you were 100 right I should have brought it and there was ample time to play it but I needed to take a break what did you learn in your break that I really like it. And that, honestly, the best... I think I love it more than anyone because I suck so bad at games. Like, I'm the worst at FIFA.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I might be the worst at COD of all of our friends. No, dude, I guarantee. I let down the team every time. You know, you said that. I think, honestly, if you take the pila out of your loadout, I think that's going to help you a lot. I know you like rocking that pila think, honestly, if you take the pila out of your loadout, I think that's going to help you a lot. I know you like
Starting point is 00:03:07 rocking that pila. I have actually. I've been throwing a sniper in there. Okay. It's useful. I play with Schmoll a lot. He has to buy me back
Starting point is 00:03:13 at least three times each game. He used to be the absolute worst. He loves that stuff. Yeah. Yeah, he loves being necessary to,
Starting point is 00:03:20 which, you know, Schmoll is necessary. But he's gotten way better. I would say he's most improved he used to be so bad yeah he's logged the hours too yeah and when he started he was a little bit uh uh reactive on the comms oh like they're shooting at me they're shooting at me i'm like i can literally yell like chill relax you gotta relax or if you start shooting you start shooting he's like why are you shooting why are you shooting
Starting point is 00:03:45 what are you shooting at who's it I don't know dude he'd be flipping out JT's got a very calm voice on comms and freaking Kevin would be flipping out
Starting point is 00:03:55 he's like they're coming to the they're coming to the back he's like dude you have gotta calm down right now you've gotta chill
Starting point is 00:04:00 you've got the best comms voice I do have a very chill captain voice but it's cause you know I'm in one bedroom with my GF, so I got to keep it nice and steady.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Yeah, dude, my GF got me pumped up because I told her I was playing Call of Duty, and she went, hope you get a W. Whoa. Dude. It'd be nice if it wasn't COVID times, we'd go on a group date. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Get like a nice booth, Italian style. I think we can still do that. We'd do an outdoors thing. Maybe some outdoor sushi. Get some charcuterie. Yes, yes. Maybe sushi charcut. Yeah, 100%, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Like edamame, ginger. Maybe some sake to boot. Oh, yeah. Oh, dude. You guys actually rhymed right there. That was sick. Intentional. That was tight.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Thank you. Yeah, I like what you're saying about your GF, too, that she gets up early and she's always like hiking and she's like working out and then loves nature. Yeah, she planned a trip to Big Bear. We went out there for a hike and I just had to jump in the car and tag along. That's so cool. Did you tell her your dirty little secret?
Starting point is 00:04:57 That I don't like nature? She knows. Really? And so here's what I did. I was walking through nature and I was like, look at this cold, unforgiving terrain. I was like, people just this cold, unforgiving terrain. I was like, people just get stuck out here and die all the time. And then, so what I did was I walked behind her and I watched her appreciate nature.
Starting point is 00:05:16 And I realized via proxy, I can appreciate it. Dude, that's art. That's pretty amazing. Yeah. She's teaching you how to appreciate it? I think so. Wow. I like the suburbs too.
Starting point is 00:05:28 I like, I like walking through suburbs and seeing seeing a well-designed track home community. That makes me feel good. It's nice. And there's elements of nature in there. There's a nice row of jacaranda trees and then some nice hedges or whatever. It's planned and it's coordinated. I like the human control element on top of it. It's nice.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Yeah. You saw the Grand Canyon dude yes i mean to provide a counter-agreement to jt here amazing dude the grand canyon you've seen it in pictures i've never been before grew up in socal seven hour drive um to the southern tip which is where i was and that was the only one open because of covid and dude it is insane it is It is so big. Like it, it looks like another planet. You're like, what the fuck, dude, this thing's here. It's, and it's cool. Cause you're literally looking at, you read the brochure and you're like that rock down there, the coloration of it, like that's 200 million years old. And you're like, dude, I'm looking at 200 million years ago right there. Wow. So gnarly. So sick, dude. Sick view. Got some good pics. Um, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:24 I was a little sketched out to ask like another couple to take a photo of us and like touch our phone but i saw a couple that was cool the dude was wearing like a band t-shirt of um slipknot and then i was like this guy's probably too cool to get coven took the picture for us then you know did the little deal hey you guys get one of us get one of you all right you say slipknot if nothing else is all about masks Did Aaron thank you? Thank you way ahead of the maybe subconsciously. I had that thought great call Aaron yeah Slipknot and eyes wide shut mm-hmm Speaking of the Grand Canyon and how it has evolved into what it is did you guys read that article?
Starting point is 00:07:04 About how multiple species have evolved into being crabs. Yeah. And does that mean that all species are headed towards crab-ness? I think that might be it. So we're all just evolving into being crabs. Wow. Which would be pretty cool. I'd be fired up.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Pinchers and, you know, just, I don't know if you can bronze crab skin. That sort of bums me out. Like, I don't want to be red. People think I have a sunburn all the time. Other than that, having a protective shell and maybe an extra protective shell around
Starting point is 00:07:33 my dink. That's a good call. Nice. Like the juggernaut in Call of Duty but on your dong. And it plays death metal while you're in your shell. That'd be sick. Dude, it does. Have you felt it? Are we allowed to're in your shell? Yeah. That'd be sick. Oh, dude. Dude, it does. Have you felt it? Are we allowed to give high fives?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Oh, I keep forgetting. I mean, we could just like... Yeah. I'll just slap your back. Thanks. That's nice. That was like very fatherly of you. Thanks, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Thank you. I haven't had my back patted in a while. I'll keep patting your back. What's it feel like? It feels nice. It feels reassuring. You know how they're like, oh, pat yourself on the back, but when you do have someone else pat you on the back, it in a while. I'll keep patting your back. What's it feel like? It feels nice. It feels reassuring. You know how they're like, oh, pat yourself on the back, but when you do have someone else pat
Starting point is 00:08:08 you on the back, it does feel good. Yeah, it does feel nice. It's nice. Good job. And after throwing around those fucking 35 pound dumbbells my dog got me, it's nice, dude. Dude, but I heard that someone once said that if you go visit an alien planet, like if they found another planet that
Starting point is 00:08:23 could sustain life, we think the aliens would look so different, but they'd actually look like us because evolution always goes like in the same direction. Whoa. But I guess, but I guess I wasn't counting in like how the planet could have different, you know, elements,
Starting point is 00:08:36 environmental factors. Yeah. Or elements, but maybe there's only one way to create life and we're on it. So everything would be basically similar. Yeah. Yeah. I always think about that. Does it have to be like an earth like planet for way to create life and we're on it so everything would be basically similar yeah yeah i always think about that does it have to be like an earth-like planet for there to create
Starting point is 00:08:48 life is that like in our universe is that what's necessary or in different galaxies is there like a different you know mixture yeah do they have dongs on their head or something like or then there's interdimensional beings if they did have dongs on their head would that be handsome to us or no? oh for sure a dick face? a nice manscaped dong on their head
Starting point is 00:09:14 oh the pubes are different from your head hair? oh yeah that's a good call maybe it's the same well maybe I don't know maybe it gets more coarse and curly the closer you get to the dick yeah that's what I would imagine. I kind of naturally have that in my hair. Like, I have, like, a regular hairline and then, like, a very pubic-al.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Like, right where the skin meets the hairline. It's very pubic-al. Yeah. If an alien race did have, like, dong heads, I would hope that they're progressive in terms of dong size like they don't discriminate you know because it would be tough like now we can hide our dongs and their small dong shame so we can't keep it to ourselves unless you're like in the shower but you know in that society it's literally in your
Starting point is 00:09:59 face right mm-hmm you're getting measured and weighed constantly yeah or maybe they'll give fashionable, you know? It'd be like, yeah, I really like the small dong face. Yeah. And hats would almost be like carnival style where they would like fit on your head and then at the top it would have like the dong sheath. Yeah. You could wear two.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Have a beanie for your dong and then just a beanie for your regular head. It'd be sick. Right. So when you guys envision dongs on heads, you don't go fully erect? Because that was my first thought. No, you go hard. Oh, yeah. You would get a boner.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, are they hard all the time, you mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what I... No, I think they hang like a sad killer whale's dorsal fin at sea world. And then when they get hard, they go erect. And then you got to go down on your girl. Sorry, DJ Khaled. I want to believe they're like proud like a narwhal, you know go down on your girl. Sorry DJ Khaled. I want to believe they're
Starting point is 00:10:46 like proud like a narwhal. You know just the whole time. Right. Rigid. I've long thought the narwhal was the most alien of all earth creatures. Yeah. I mean dude an octopus. Even crabs look very alien. Jellyfish?
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah jellyfish. Aren't jellyfish immortal yeah they travel by jet propulsion they got a lot of unique factors to them yeah and they're like ubiquitous now because of overfishing fisheries their natural predators are gone and so dude the ocean is just laden with freaking jellyfish yeah i remember pad remember paddling. I was in Santa Cruz paddling and around like September and stuff there'd be jellyfish everywhere. That was scary. I felt like I was on the
Starting point is 00:11:31 what's that one movie? Sphere? Yeah. Weird movie. One got onto my board and I was like, ah! And I fell off. I've been stung by one. How bad did it hurt? No, I got stung by a stingray. That might be worse, right?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah, I stepped on one paddling out in Mission Beach. Did it make your foot bleed? Little stinger got stuck in the Achilles because you step on him and it just snaps you in the back of the foot real quick. And it was stuck in there for a while, but I just put it in warm water. It felt better. Damn. So it wasn't excruciating? No. At first I was like ow and then as i was in the water like and the poison kind of spread it started to hurt more and more and i was like dude something's up and i came out of the water and i
Starting point is 00:12:13 asked the lifeguard he's like yeah you just got stung by a stingray just put some hot water on it and i was like does my buddy need to piss on it he was like no and i'm like i'm just gonna have him piss on it anyways good call who did that sh that, Shane? Andrew. Oh, Andrew? Nice. Nice. Nice. Good guy. He's got a fat hog. I think it'd probably be a nice thick stream for you.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, he's got a sturdy steed between his... Was he well hydrated? Yeah, yeah, for sure. He's a really healthy guy. Shops at Trader Joe's. Yeah. Puts guacamole in and jalapenos on everything. Did he make eye contact with you when he did it?
Starting point is 00:12:43 Not the whole time. Yeah. Pro tip. If you're in the water and you want to avoid a stingray, it's called doing the stingray shuffle. Learned this in my horrendous junior lifeguard experience as a child. Because when you step down, that's what JT did. He stepped on it and then it reacted and stung. But if you're shuffling your feet in the sand, it's going to let the stingray know,
Starting point is 00:13:03 oh, dude, there's a nerd coming at me or whatever. I'll just swim away. Yeah, you kick up the sand. And be like, oh, there's a goober. Yeah. It feels riskier to do that, but it's actually not. Yeah. And then, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:13:15 What are you bringing up? No, you go ahead. You go ahead. Oh, well, speaking of stingrays, do you hear about the New Yorker writer and CNN correspondent, Jeffrey Toobin, was drilling himself on a Zoom call. Wait, so explain to me what happened here? So he was on,
Starting point is 00:13:28 this guy, he's a writer for the New Yorker and he's a CNN correspondent. Apparently a pretty big name according to Aaron. He was on a Zoom call with kind of the top people at the New Yorker magazine.
Starting point is 00:13:42 The brass. Yeah, and they were like simulating an election for some reason. And he thought his video was off and he thought his most opportune time to you know just crank his knob but everyone saw tough yeah that's everyone has that thought you know like you've ever seen that like there was a time in my life where i put like a piece of tape over my computer's like camera where I'm like, dude, they're going to hack me. They're going to see me drill on my tiny hog. And his worst nightmare came true.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Like, I mean, the odds of getting hacked or no, but dude being on a zoom call, he's also getting to close it. He's also 60 years old. Like how bad do you need to drill it at 60? I think, I think he was getting off on the danger of it a little bit i don't think he's a full-blown uh dave yeah but i think he probably was like oh i shouldn't be doing this and i was getting a little randied up yeah and then you know you play with fire you get burned sometimes yeah he probably had oysters too that's an aphrodisiac maybe a little chocolate
Starting point is 00:14:41 yeah he's like oh sorry dudes i was just at a, you know, the Marina Lab or something. He was like, sorry, guys. Normally I don't get caught when I jack off on conference calls. Yeah. Yeah. But now that we switched to Zoom, I'm adjusting. Yeah. But, you know, if you look at it, it's like a sort of a good thing that we were saying,
Starting point is 00:14:59 you know, at least he wasn't like having an affair or drilling himself to like illegal stuff. You know, he was just having a nice crank. Yeah. And he wasn't doing it like when only like the people he's attracted to on the phone are talking. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Just some good old fashioned, you know, maybe some perv mom, you know, maybe a little, you know, milf hunter or whatever. Good old thing. Like Bukkake or something. Yeah. Bukkake. If that's what he likes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Go for it, dude. You know, I've never done it to a bukkake no i've seen it it's not my cup of tea i'm not judging you know if that's what you like you like but not really my cup of tea i had a phase that's cool yeah um i don't know, I was really into Frozen Yogurt. It's impressive. Yeah, it was impressive. And I was really hyped on Team Effort and working as a unit. Like, I had just watched 300 and the Spartans, they all worked together.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And I sort of, like, this was, like, the kinky version of, like, the Battle of Thermopylae. That's a good call. You know? Yep. Just all dudes jizzing in the same selected area with consent. Yeah. You could honestly create a, you know, if you wanted to fund a project, just call it like, maybe call it like Pianitis instead of Leonidas. And then he's the dude just bukkaking. It'd be a homosexual pornography in this case, which is chill's tons of that on the internet love it and uh you know just have
Starting point is 00:16:30 you know tons of spartans just nutting on this dude and sounds good dudes we also read an article about gossip and how it's uh become more nasty in our present times because we have these instruments for mass communication it used used to be you only gossiped about the people in your tribe, and when you took it to another tribe, they were like, I don't know who Glenn is. I don't care that he ate more beef than he was supposed to. But now, gossip is relevant to
Starting point is 00:16:56 everyone, and this guy basically blames it for the chaos that we're existing in. It's crazy. It's a great article, dude. It reminds me of the book Sapiens that I read where he's like, gossip served a function. He's like, and in high schools and stuff, you see it like socially,
Starting point is 00:17:13 you know, we're from like the primate family. 150 people is like who we can kind of get to know and be like, my expectation levels, I kind of know what this person is. I know what I can get from them. Caps out at about 150 people for like greater apes and humans. And like, so that's like a bigger tribe. Other than that, it's like, then there's strangers.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Like person 151 would be a stranger. I heard that that's a similar number too to when people start hoarding. Like you can have like ideal community sharing. And then once you get to like 180, people start hoarding. Interesting. Wow. It's weird why that is. I don't know. But so keep going. community sharing and then once you get to like 180 people start hoarding interesting wow it's weird why that is i don't know but so keep going um but it's like gossip served a function in that so that you could know your boundaries you're like oh i'm not gonna go near carl carl flips out
Starting point is 00:17:55 if like i cruise by his you know wheat or something like that um but now it's just you know we have resources we have we're connected with tons of people socially and it's, we still have those innate, you know, biological tendencies for gossip and everything and like craving it and liking it. And it's just been exacerbated by these phones and it's crazy, dude. So it's not serving any function right now. It's just reverse effect. Do you think it's unhealthy for humans to live in such large, you know, in cities, for example, and to have communication with, like, pretty much everyone in the world? Do you think we're meant to be in sort of a more tribalistic setting of, like, you know, smaller numbers?
Starting point is 00:18:33 I don't know. I like living in a city. It just gets hard in times like this when there's so much chaos. But I like social media, too. I really enjoy it. Yeah. i think it's fun yeah but obviously it's having some negative impacts well i think instagram is much healthier than twitter i think twitter's where yeah you know because that's people saying shit and it's just uh and it's all text you know with text you, you can misinterpret what anyone is saying.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah. Yeah. But like on Instagram, it's sort of just like, oh, I'm going to watch GoPro in space. You know, I'm going to watch this Cindy Prada do squats and, you know, pull a Jeffrey Toobin. It's also, I think there used to be more punishment for the gossipers. Like if you were a gossip and you're in a smaller community, everyone would be like hey, we know you're a gossip, Carl. But now you can gossip about everyone
Starting point is 00:19:29 who can't really do anything to make you stop. So the gossipers have kind of gained immunity or impunity. They can gossip with impunity. It's like you almost get rewarded these days for being a gossiper. You get that blue check mark or something.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Yeah. People follow you. If you're a gosper, you can get more followers, yeah. And I like to gossip. It's tough. And like at the end of this article, I was, dude, thank you. I was like, Chad just patted me on the back if you guys couldn't hear. He didn't get as good of contact as last time, but still feels nice emotionally.
Starting point is 00:20:03 At the end of the article, J was saying he's like oh man i hate it like because he brings up a very real point but then they're like okay what's the solution for this you're just reading about the problem then you get worried you're like well there's got to be a solution and the solution is just like we need to limit ourselves and it comes down to the individual which is so tough to do like you could tell me all right strider like you're my doctor could be like hey you're eating too much red meat which you would never say but just in case he's like you're eating too much red meat it's not helping your ticker i'm not going to be able to pass up that steak burrito it takes self-control so relying on self-control of the individual a tough solution it's never it's never
Starting point is 00:20:37 an effective solution yeah we're good at doing things we're not good at we're good at fixing problems by doing more things not by doing less things. Yeah, it's I Always think that's like it's just not gonna work when people like you just got to get better at not doing that thing as a Country we got to get better at not doing that thing. I'm like not dude the cats out of the bag It's and it's social with social media. It's too integrated into our lives at this point. Totally. We can't do less We just got to make it less Damaging. Mm-hmm. I also I like this guy's writing style. It reminded me of Ival Harari, too, when he's like, this line specifically, I want my reputation in the tribe to be good.
Starting point is 00:21:11 If the tribe decides that I am a cheater, then I may be subject to group punishment. I have to be careful not to be caught taking too much food or being a sexual deviant or being cowardly in conflicts with other tribes. Yeah. I was like, well said, man. Those are the main ways you would judge someone. 100%. Yeah. do you not have my back in a fight you're creepy with chicks yep yeah and you cheat when we play sports yeah you're out that's a dude who's not in the crew worst possible guy but you can't find that out on the internet by someone just writing something i
Starting point is 00:21:37 don't know like who you don't know the username is he like those three key things yeah you don't know where they fall on those 100 you almost need like a um remember we talked about this a while back on the pod where it was like the voucher system or something like that right do you remember that like yeah vaguely it's like nice legends dude jinx um they're like i guess followers is now the voucher system but that's not real because you can buy followers and people can just be he talks about like buying into convenient truths and this where he's like it's fun to believe that so i'm going to like with conspiracies and stuff totally that's where i'm at with ghosts right now oh bro don't even do ghosts freak me out dude don't even sorry we'll we'll get into that dude but um
Starting point is 00:22:17 uh and the road trip some hotel rooms that we stayed at did not sleep but uh wow dude yeah dude but it's like um there needs to be a better vouching system or something other than followers i mean you mentioned the blue check mark but usually it'd be a credible journalistic resource or an education that someone had but seems like these things are bygone i don't know yeah i i have faith that we'll we'll correct this we'll write the ship eventually we just gotta go through some chaos at the moment and you know um totally i have faith in people we'll figure it out as long as they gotta hope they're good we should start making movies about the future where everything is awesome
Starting point is 00:22:57 yeah because i think movies have conditioned us especially you know you look at like blade runner and like terminator where you're like you know we start making at like Blade Runner and like Terminator where you're like, you know, we start making these advancements in like robotics and like AI and stuff. And people are like, don't you see what's going to happen here? Like they're going to, you know, they're going to kill us all. We're going to be like slaves to the machine and stuff. And it's like, well, that's because you watch too much James Cameron and, you know, Ridley Scott. Like, what about, you know, you read 1984. Like, what about the cool feature movies?
Starting point is 00:23:31 What are some cool feature movies? I don't know. Are there any? Her. Looks nice. Her's pretty cool. Like, the world's got a pleasurable design. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Watch Her a bunch. What's a movie where the feature looks dope? The Jetsons, the cartoon. Speed Racer where the future looks dope the Jetsons the cartoon Speed Racer Speed Racer the Jetsons Speed Racer's sick
Starting point is 00:23:48 yeah even in dude I like this movie although it's not it's not quite a dystopia but it's Alita Battle Angel
Starting point is 00:23:59 I like that movie I never watched that sick you should watch it it's good yeah that was an interesting movie her boyfriend nah yeah not good casting I like that movie. I never watched that. Sick. You should watch it. It's good. Yeah, that was an interesting movie. Her boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:24:10 No, yeah, not good casting on that guy. I was like, all right. Just like his whole arc is just, I don't know. Yeah, he's like a photographer. Yeah, he's just like a hustler or something. He's like a street kid, but then like he's kind of playing her, and then in the end he gets like chopped in half. Yeah, and he needs to become part robot too, doesn't he? Right.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Yeah. That was just for like the, maybe, I don't know. Spoiler. Sorry, guys. Dudes, but also huge announcement we got to make. Us three have started a SPAC, a special purpose acquisition company. Yeah. Which for those of you who don't know, it's like the newest craze in how to take a company
Starting point is 00:24:41 public. Instead of going through the traditional IPO process and going on the big bank roadshow where you end up losing cash, you just start a company that doesn't really have a purpose other than to buy another company that's private and take it public without all the scrutiny from the SEC and the long filing period. So we're starting a SPAC and we're going after Bear Flag. We found out in our last business talk that Bear Flag wasn't a public company and we're going to bear flag we found out in our last uh business talk that that bear flag wasn't a public company and we're gonna write that wrong and so we're going the route of you know the golden state warriors minority owner chamath palahapitiya who you know has done like five spacks last week
Starting point is 00:25:17 and we're spacking we're spacking bear flag yeah dude i, I'm fired up to really make some steps into the pokey market. And without the SEC riding my ass, because they've been on my ass since I got stock in Billabong, to be quite honest, you know, and I don't need, you know, with the market being so volatile as it is, I'd rather, you know, with the SPAC, the pre-negotiated pricing as opposed to the IPO where it's like, and I'm just like, you know what, dude, the market's way too volatile. The market knows I'm a bull. I'm a bull at heart. But I'm just fired up on this spec, and let's get some Tommy Sauce.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Is that what it is? Throw some Tommy Sauce on that stock. So dank. And we're all CDOs in this company. We're all chief dank officers. So decisions are going to be a vote. We have an odd number, you know, majority rules. And yeah, just I think acquiring Bear Flag is huge.
Starting point is 00:26:13 We want to spread it across the nation, maybe even the world, and just bring dank, dank pokey, dank, dank IPAs, and, you know, just fresh catches and freaking good times, dude. So we'll employ a ton of water polo players in high school from all over the globe. Maybe even create an international program where, you know, kids can go get a life experience in another city, you know. I think we're going to SPAC Douglas Lube and Helix Beer Bongs next, too. Smart. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:40 I got an itchy trigger finger right now. I'm loving this new system. And I want to be a part of the wave. Billy Beans on it from Moneyball. A lot of these sports guys are spacking. They're saying Daryl Morey from the Rockets is going to go spac. It's crazy. And they're spacking other franchises, like UK teams.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Billy Beans doing European football teams. Football. Footy. Footy. Footy. I love it European football. Football. Footy. Footy. Yeah. Footy. I love it. Liverpool.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Liverpool. I like how we're the ones sort of spearheading the initial pokey offering. Yeah, it's a market that has not been tapped into. Get it while it's fresh. I got people giving me like, you can't even high five like come on it's like dude i don't know and honestly well it's symbolism too it's like when we show that we don't high five we're saying hey we care about the virus yeah and it's fun messaging it's a fun little remix on high five we can high five any old day yeah you know the silver lining of covid let's have fun doing these you know distanced fives oh
Starting point is 00:27:47 it's pretty sick or patting your bro on the back dude yeah dude uh by the way i went to the disney uh open disney rally yeah i'm sorry i couldn't make it to that how was it dude i was just it made me cry dude i mean i was rocking my mickey ears exercising my right to protest you know i was saying open it up open it up with a lot of disney fans and uh just you know is is the most um politically charged i've ever been in my life and yeah it was you know i was with some guy and we were chopping up about churros you know i had a sign that said you know give me thrills and give me churros because that's what i need right now that's what the state needs that's what the country needs that's what the
Starting point is 00:28:29 world needs open up disneyland gavin and you said that there was some like agitators there yeah there's some agitators there's some not knott's berry farm guys um uh and uh but you kept it peaceful right yeah they tried to get in my face. You know, they're like, you guys, your Halloween sort of, the Halloween tradition at Disneyland is whack. I mean, we've got Knott's Scary Farm. And I just sort of just like brush it off. I'm like, yeah, it is scarier there, but, you know, it's more jolly here. Yeah, it's the happiest place on earth, not the spookiest.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yeah. True. I also like what you said where you told me, I was like, how did you not get mad when those Knott's Berry Farm agitators were in your head? And you're like, I just sang this song. It's a small world after all in my head. Oh, dude. Non-stop.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Non-stop. That's such a good call. Because we've got to share space. Yeah. With Knott's, with Six Flags. Yeah. Wild Rivers. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I love them all, was it's time to open disney and then i was proud of all my fellow you know uh disney disney fans out there just exercising our right and and you know i gave a big speech i sat on like a stood on an apple box literally which is like pretty sick yeah and i was I was just like, I was like, Churros, Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, the new roller coaster, California Adventure. And everyone was just so fired up. I took my shirt off. Did you say anything about Marvel?
Starting point is 00:30:01 You know, I did want to because I'm so opposed to them creating a Marvel Land, but I thought this isn't the time. Unity. Let's get Disneyland open. I don't want to polarize the group here. Yeah, that's mature. You know, I'm a fan of Bob Iger. And so, you know, even though I disagree with that decision, I'm with him right now to get Disneyland open and then we'll have discussion. They're making a movie out of Space Mountain.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Really? Are they really? They're rolling the dice, Pirates of the Caribbean, not so Haunted Mansion style. Space Mountain? Okay, so if you had to guess, do you think the lead in the Space Mountain movie will be under 20 in the movie, the character's age? Under 20 or over 20? He's got to be over 20. I think over 20, but plenty.
Starting point is 00:30:48 No, no, no. I think in the 20s. I think the lead will be a kid. I think if you make a Space Mountain movie, the lead's a kid. And then I think he's got like a dad figure, Matthew McConaughey style. He's like a 45-year-old.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Like an astronaut? Yeah. The dad's an astronaut. Yeah, I feel like the protagonist has to be an astronaut, right? I think it's going to be a kid chasing after his astronaut dad. That's like every space movie. Contact, Interstellar, fucking...
Starting point is 00:31:11 Ad Astra. Ad Astra. Ad Astra was the most on the nose ever. Totally. Dad, the mission is you're trying to resettle a planet, but the most humanity is just loving, and that's what it is to be human. Okay, I understand.
Starting point is 00:31:23 That supersedes science. Thank you, Dad. That should have been the whole movie. A dialogue like that, My Dinner with Andre style. Ooh, dude. Oh, wait. My Dinner with Irvay? Are you talking about the Peter Dinklage movie?
Starting point is 00:31:35 No, so that's kind of a riff on the original My Dinner with Andre movie. Whoa, I've never seen that. I need to watch. It's Wallace Shawn. It's just two guys eating dinner and being smart. Then podcasts got invented and it became obsolete wow i guess what's up guys i am interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because winter's coming dudes halloween is coming um
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Starting point is 00:34:09 20% off and free shipping with the code godeep20 at manscaped.com. Back to the show. I got to drain my lizard now, but you guys can proceed. Sweet. We can talk about fantasy real quick. Yep. What do you think about that deal that went down today in the league did you see that
Starting point is 00:34:27 yeah I thought it was upsetting I mean I can't believe it Robbie giving away his whole team for next year it just it offsets too much of what's preceded like it throws a huge monkey wrench into everybody's season yeah it's so weird of like
Starting point is 00:34:42 it's week 7 that we're going into. Yeah. I guess that's almost halfway through a fantasy season. But Robbie's getting off on being like the most future thinking manager. Yep. He's like, my season's already, you know, kind of a failure.
Starting point is 00:34:59 So I'm just looking to next season. I'm securing my future. And I'm like, yeah, but dude, it's week seven. It's week seven. And his thinking, all he got was a receiver he got DK Metcalf who's good who is going to be a good receiver but the most scarce talent is a running back you would he would have need to have done that for like a Saquon Barkley even though he's like a like a healthy Saquon or a healthy McCaffrey at good value.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Or Derrick Henry. Yeah, Derrick Henry because in our league he was actually bought low so that would have made the most sense. For DK, even his thinking, which I already think is like just giving up and tanking, which we hate tanking in sports, so why would I want it in fantasy?
Starting point is 00:35:39 You're tanking for a receiver where there's the most depth at that position in all of fantasy. Like yeah, DK's good. Yeah, you're going to have him at a good price next season. But, nah, dude. Yeah, I agree with you. It was just...
Starting point is 00:35:54 And he was so funny because we were gaming with him last night on the sticks in Verdansk. And he was just loving. He wouldn't tell us, no, you guys are just going to fight out in the morning. I can't tell you guys because he knew that we would just give him tons of shit. Yeah, he was basking in the, he was so excited to just be safe. You're right. I think. I'm putting it out in the thread.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Robbie did post that really good Sean Bean meme from Lord of the Rings about him talking about how we suffer so much over this little thing, but he's talking about the ring, you know, Saur yeah but for us that's fantasy football it's so true dude like i'll wake up on sunday so excited and then like in this after the first half of the first round of games none of my guys are showing up and i'm like this sucks it hurts you're just giving yourself a day a week where you think it's gonna be like you're just you're that party in 500 days of summer reality versus expectation you could do that scene with just a guy just thinking he's gonna be throwing doritos in the air celebrating you know Dak Prescott touchdown and then and then you cut to the reality and it's that do you see the clip of
Starting point is 00:36:57 the Cowboys fan who punched his tv to death and then threw it on the ground and shot it with his nine millimeter yeah literally had a gun on him while he was watching football. Just, you know. Texas forever. Permission to carry inside your living room. And then he freaking, do-do-do-do. Although the bullets didn't sound as loud as I thought they should, so it made me think it was fake.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Maybe he had blanks. I don't know. Yeah. I didn't check to see if there was, like, shrapnel on the TV. Should we get into some questions? Let's do it. Double date with my dog. What up, fellas? Me and my dog were on a real nice double date with his some questions? Let's do it. Double date with my dog. What up, fellas?
Starting point is 00:37:26 Me and my dog were on a real nice double date with his beautiful GF and her awesome friends. The restaurant was following all COVID safety protocols and had tables lined up outside, which was perfect in the beautiful weather. Love what I'm hearing. We were all having a great time, and during the dinner, a guy was walking by on the sidewalk and saw the girls with,
Starting point is 00:37:42 and I stopped by to say hello. She looked a little bit embarrassed, but I am a social guy, so I stood up and said what up to the guy and went to introduce myself. He looked at me and didn't say anything, and there was an awkward pause and he just walked away. Dude, this is getting me fired up. You know, just two lobsters in the same cage.
Starting point is 00:37:58 He later on texted the girl and said, sorry for ruining your date with that guy. This girl is super cool, and neither of us felt weird about it. We were both very social people in general and just laughed it off. But this got me thinking. What is the best protocol for being on a date and a guy that you used to date coming up in the middle of our date? Should you say what up and be friendly? Should you just not say anything? What do you bros think the protocol is to make the sitch the least awkward?
Starting point is 00:38:21 Thanks for keeping the stoke up. Yeah, I like the way this guy reacted to it. Kill him with kindness, be confident, stand up straight, say, what up? And, you know, that'll show strength in her eyes.
Starting point is 00:38:37 She'll be like, wow, this dude is not afraid. And then the other guy will be like, well, he didn't disrespect me, except except you know except with what he's probably gonna do later on yeah and you know double down on the agency of the lady that you're with you know like this other guy i'm not i'm not placating to him at all that's why i'm gonna be polite cordial hey man what's up dude cool little prolonged eye contact little what up with the
Starting point is 00:39:05 eyes and then you're moving on because guess what you don't give a shit about that guy he's a stranger dude you're having a nice time with this lady who's her own person you know it's all good that's fire yeah i totally agree i think you handled it well and i think that other guy he'll be all right yeah he's just emotional you know he's probably in love with her and uh but he's probably in love with a lot of people he probably falls that way a lot you know gets over his skis a little bit he just needs some therapy dude one of my co-workers with the lady that he's engaged to now, they met when she was just getting out of a relationship and she still lived with her ex-boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And he would go over there. They would bone. And then the ex-boyfriend would come home. And he'd be there and he'd go into the kitchen to fill up water, get ice. He'd be like, hey, what's up, Rob? He'd be like, hey, man. Kidding me, dude? Ouch. You fucking'd be like hey man kidding me dude ouch you fucking kidding me bro ouchie ouchie and according to my buddy you know all were in it remain
Starting point is 00:40:12 anonymous but like apparently he the guy was like kind of a big psycho and like he heard his now fiance have like a fight with her ex-boyfriend and i remember him talking to me he's like whoa dude i didn't know there was like that side of her and stuff and uh I remember talking to him I was like yeah I mean you know they've got shared history like whatever like he's like dude but her argumentative tactics whoa I was like look you've learned you're informed now you know you want to keep going you can keep going and I was like you know you got an inside scoop dude and he's like look it's only one more he's like they've got one more week on the lease then she's out. So it was interesting, but I was just like, dude. She has that gear.
Starting point is 00:40:47 Now he knows she has that gear that she can go to. She can go to sixth. Right. Some people don't have that gear. No, some people don't. But I wonder if you're stuck in a situation with someone who does, if you just by default trying to survive, develop that gear.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Probably. Like just, right? The thought of that gear makes me uncomfortable. I don't like it at all. Don't date someone who's going to find you a that gear. Probably. Like, just, right? The thought of that gear makes me uncomfortable. I don't like it at all. Don't date someone who's going to find you a new gear. Yeah. Yeah. Unless it's in a, you know, a positive direction, but not in terms of anger.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah. Sexually, yeah. Yeah. For sure, sexually. Conflict-wise, nah. Unless it's like Penelope Cruz and she's like spicy and you're like she's like throwing shit at you and you're like this is so hot yeah Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Starting point is 00:41:28 hell yeah very good movie one of my favorite movies of all time what up stokers first off Chad you're looking golden JT you're looking jacked Aaron your voice is very NPR love you
Starting point is 00:41:36 anyway I've been talking to this girl I knew from high school she had a crush on me when I was a senior and when she was a junior but I wasn't into her at the time she had just gotten out of a relationship with her now ex-boyfriend, and I'm wondering if I should try to reignite the relationship we once had a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:41:50 He broke up with her, so I know she's probably not ready to jump into a relationship. Should I try and talk to her and see if we have any chemistry, or should I let it ride out and see what happens later on? Love the pod and appreciate you guys tackling the mass shortage. One love, Logan. I think twist that knob maybe to tighten her. My mic fell down. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:17 It looked planned. It did. Dude, yeah, I think you should definitely go for the reignite. Yeah. I think this rocket's looking to get into space get on there let's let's light this candlestick yeah i think what you got to say too is just um you just got a message room like hey how's it going and then she'll respond and then you hit her with a let's go get a cup of coffee and then and catch up so I've got a line for him. He could be like, what up? Your Disneyland's on the verge of reopening.
Starting point is 00:42:52 What do you say we reopen this relish? Oh. Nice. And then maybe send a photo of you going like this. Yeah. Boom. Yeah, this sounds great. A tight boom at the end of it. I like how considerate he is, too.
Starting point is 00:43:02 He's like, hey, I know she just got a relationship. I know she's not looking for anything too soon. It's like he's already being thoughtful about everything. Yeah, that is the only speed bump that you have is just a little bit of the timing here. A hundred percent, all four, you know, hitting the gas and getting this fire restoked. But, yeah, you know, maybe you might catch her in a, just be aware, you might catch her in a weird time. No, she's good. She's young.
Starting point is 00:43:31 She's good. You're right. He'll help her through it. Get through there. Just get in there. But does he get caught up being the rebound guy then? You just talked about this guy rebounding with this girl, and now they're engaged.
Starting point is 00:43:44 True. You know what? God damn it, you're right. Get in there. Let's go. Anything goes. Send it today. You know what I've learned, dude, from this COVID thing?
Starting point is 00:43:54 Don't wait. Get in there. Yeah. Make it happen now, dude. You don't know what's coming tomorrow, dude. Tomorrow's promised to no one. Get your stoke today. That's it. Get it. You your stoke today. That's it.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Get it. You're going to give Stella her groove back. Yeah, dude. Yeah. Funny about that. The real life story that the book is based on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Guy turned out to be gay. Yeah. They went on Oprah. The Stella, the guy who gave Stella a groove back 20 years later, they're on Oprah's couch and he's like, yeah, I'm gay. Nice. Damn.
Starting point is 00:44:29 And I'm like, Taye Diggs. If Taye Diggs played me in a movie, I'd go gay, too. Nice. For sure. With myself. Taye Diggs is the best. Nice. That must be nice if Taye Diggs plays you.
Starting point is 00:44:38 That'd be so sick. Taye Diggs is jack, dude. Taye Diggs is pecs. I'm all about it. What up, Chad and JT and any prestigious guests? Strider. Legend. My name is JT.
Starting point is 00:44:48 To put it simply, I'm a man on the search for stoke and true love. This pod has been providing me with high stoke levels of late, and I greatly appreciate all the positive energy. However, things are weird these days, and connecting with ladies is kind of a struggle at the moment. I've tried dating apps and have had limited success finding people I really connect with. A few months back, I started following this totally rad girl on instagram and got a follow back since then i've responded to a couple of her stories and have yet to try and turn this virtual connection into a real one
Starting point is 00:45:12 believe me when i say this chick is awesome she bakes surf and has a gorgeous smile i love all that but it's so clear he's getting that from the instagram totally you know what i mean yeah um my gut says i should shoot her a dm and let her know that I think she's rad and would be stoked to grab a coffee sometime. On the other hand, my mind is telling me to hold back and I don't want to come up with this type of guy who slides into DMs. But you are that kind of guy. My question is, do you guys think I should shoot this girl a DM?
Starting point is 00:45:39 If so, what should I say? What's your experience with connecting with women via social media? Peace and blessings, JT. I recently snapped my surfboard on an overhead backside slab any favorite shapers these days any wrecks real appreciate it dude I think you should go for the dm um you know I think any kind of thoughts about I don't want to go on apps I don't want to you know reach out through social media I don't want to be like that guy. I think you just got throw that out of the window You know romance is romance, and if you're feeling it Go for it. You know reach out. That's the way you can communicate with her
Starting point is 00:46:15 Say what up ask her on a date and in terms of boards. I've been I've been um I've been rocking the Channel Islands rocket wide spine tech I've been rocking the Channel Islands Rocket Wide Spine Tech Spine Tech which is not fiberglass it's epoxy super sick so I'd check that out
Starting point is 00:46:33 hell yeah beast Strider I would say you know it's COVID and everything use your medium dude you know send the DM
Starting point is 00:46:44 what do you got to lose dude you take a swing you miss guess where you're standing exactly where you are so put it out there take take the shot dude if you strike out that's fine it's life experience you'll do better next time do tap into what jt said a little bit earlier though because you know it's instagram this is a a highlight of someone's personality now i don't think you need to be like oh just know that this is i guess just know it's a human being and also like just be aware of like how the medium's affecting you you know like that's all i would say like yeah it it lets you put other people on pedestals a lot yep you're like at the end of the day she's just a fucked up girl looking for her own peace of mind. Yep. Cliche line from Eternal Sunshine. Great movie, dude.
Starting point is 00:47:27 People love that movie. So good. Winslet, Carrie, peace. But dude, I think that's like it. Just know that you're seeing like, it's like almost like what your brain is looking for is a GF right now, and I freaking love that, and that's fired up. And so then you're having confirmation bias
Starting point is 00:47:44 looking at Instagram and going, oh, this is the GF that I want. She does freaking amazing squat thrust. Yeah, of course she's going to post her best set. What human being wouldn't? She's, she's bakes do that. That's motherly. That's, that's caretaker. You value that. What guy doesn't, who doesn't want someone to bake something dank? It smells good. It's homey. It's nice. She's got a nice smile. You know what I mean? That's enough said she's pretty. something dank it smells good it's homey it's nice she's got a nice smile you know i mean that's enough said she's pretty so that's something that we look for in everyone so just um i think those are things that attract you to this person virtually which is just a barrier that i don't know i don't even know like um i'm like having like a very worrisome like dude look out for this
Starting point is 00:48:20 tone but i think it's just fine just be aware of it dude dude i think what you said too is use use the meat use your medium. Like, use the mediums available. We get upset at Hinge and we get upset at Instagram, but it's like, that is a huge part of how people communicate now. So I think the more you can embrace it, the better off you'll be. And yeah, I agree with both these dudes. Just tell her what up.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Good luck. And dude, enjoy those pastries you guys are going to make. It's so dank, baking together, dude, cooking together. It reminds me, I've been cooking a lot. I don't know about it. Get into it. Dude, you're going to you guys are going to make. Oh, it's so dank. Baking together, dude. Cooking together. Me and my GF have been cooking a lot. I don't know about it. Get into it. Dude, you're going to start cooking with your GF.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It's going to be nice. Do you cook with your GF, Chad? Sometimes. It's fun, dude. She kind of takes the reins and I just, you know. Oh, she likes to bake too, right? Yeah, she's really good at baking. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:49:00 Dude, baking is tough. That's a good skill. She's good. And my GF also takes a range when cooking. I'm the chopper, but I love it. There's something very gratifying in cutting up an onion and getting it nice and small. I like that. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:49:12 It is really fun. It's therapeutic. But I'm a sous chef. I need someone telling me what to do. That's what I need, too. Speaking of which, we want to just give a quick shout out to Will Patton. I think we all... Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Will Patton, the actor, who was in a lot of Sam Shepard plays. I didn't know the actor's name. I just know him as his characters because they're so iconic, dude. I think Eddie Harris broke his arm one time doing a Fool for Love, doing Fool for Love by Shepard. Really? I think he finished the play. I made that last part up, but let's have stories like that about actors like we do about athlete.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Fuck yeah. Will Patton, for the audience, if you don't know, he plays Atlee Jackson in Gone 60 Seconds. He's in Armageddon. He's sort of Harry Stamper's right-hand man. I forget the character's name. What else is he in? I think Chuck
Starting point is 00:49:52 is his name in that movie. Maybe. He's in The Postman. He's the bad guy in The Postman. He's Coach Yost in Little Titans. Remember the Titans?
Starting point is 00:50:01 He's the creepy sidekick to Gene Hackman in No Way Out. And I just got some quotes from him because I love him so much. So in Gone in 60 Seconds, he's delivering the news to Nicolas Cage that his brother's in big trouble. You know, he's in big trouble with the carpenter Raymond Colitri. And he's like, so what's going on atley it's kit he took a boost a big boost it's awesome and he's like i gotta tell you memphis this guy the carpenter scares the shit out of even me i gotta tell you this guy scares the shit out of even me. I gotta tell you, this guy scares the shit out of even me. The way he says it, it's like he's seen some scary dudes.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Yeah. And then he gets off a call, and he's like, well, I guess you can thank your brother. Looks like he just took your place under the guillotine. He does extend that guillotine. That's an actor. Yeah, dude, it is. It's a choice.
Starting point is 00:51:02 He makes choices. He's also very good in Fled. Oh, Fled. Great movie, dude. I forgot about that. Good finishing line on the bad guy before he kills him. Time to pay the piper. Because the main guy's name is Piper.
Starting point is 00:51:14 Dude. And he flips him out of a tram. Like a gondola. Oh, that's awesome. He throws him out of it. That's so cool. I mean, what a great writing to have that ending fight scene be on a gondola. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So smart. It's a great setting for a the ending fight scene be on a gondola. Yeah. So smart. It's a great setting for a fight. Bond uses it with Jaws. They're like on a gondola. Yeah. Fucking great. That's probably the best gondola scene ever. Great movie to watch with like, if you've got a GF and you're meeting the parents, the
Starting point is 00:51:40 rents, you got to have good dad movies lined up. Shawshank, S ryan gladiator patriot every dad's seen that remind him of a movie that he truly loves fled what's the one with russell crowe one of the fucking virtuosity is it virtuosity with denzel washington where he's a serial killer i haven't seen that that's a good one too oh because because you know because russell crowe's a sexy serial killer which is one of my favorite i'm watching that tonight i love a sexy serial killer yes and he's he's made of computer parts kind of like carrie ells and um kiss the girls too he's kind of a sexy guy but real creepy or is that long came a spider that's a long came so i wouldn't say
Starting point is 00:52:18 he's sexy you're right i just think he's so hot that makes sense yeah that's that fits but he's not a sexy character he's not a sexy guy yeah but he could be he's like hot. That makes sense. Yeah. That fits. But he's not a sexy character. He's not a sexy guy. Yeah, but he could be. He's like sexy if you date him because you like him, but he's not sexy like, he's not Brad Pitt. What's the movie when he's, when Russell Crowe's the Jeep Grand Cherokee and his wife gets abducted by the truckers?
Starting point is 00:52:38 Oh, you're so far off. You're just embarrassing yourself. Yeah. What's that movie? It's Kurt Russell. You're talking about Breakdown. Oh, no, no, no. Wait, no, no.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I knew it was Kurt Russell. Fuck. Did I say Russell Crowe in the beginning? Yeah. My bad. Aaron was jumping out of his chair. Fuck, Aaron. I'm sorry, dude. Aaron knew what was happening. He could see it. Oh, my God. That must have been painful. I apologize to everybody listening. I apologize to everyone in this room. My bad.
Starting point is 00:52:58 Here, take one of these. My fucking bad. Thank you, dude. I needed that. I came down so hard on you there. No, no, no. Dude, you were nice to me because you were going with Russell Crowe when I totally misspoke. Because Breakdown is a great movie. Breakdown. It's like worst case scenario. The bad guy, JT Walsh, I think.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Such a good bad guy. Really just personifies just like evil, older dude in control. Yep. Russell Crowe movie not to watch. Private Life. Oh, thank you. Except if you want to see, if you can spot in the movie,
Starting point is 00:53:30 if him and Meg Ryan were already having an affair. I like movies where actors had an affair because I watch each scene and I'm like, so were they already hooking up when they shot this scene or did they shoot this later in the movie? Very interesting, yeah. And if you can mark it,
Starting point is 00:53:42 it's kind of exciting. What up, Chad and JT? My name is Caleb, last question. And I'm a relatively new listener to the pod. I get stoked listening to you guys and give life advice, and recently I've stumbled upon a predicament of my own. The other week, my close friend and cousin Ryan and I and some of our friends hung out with a new group of girls.
Starting point is 00:53:58 One of the girls had me stoked beyond belief. Not only is she super pretty and has a contagious and exciting personality, but her dad is a pro surfer, and I totally dig her vibes. I felt like we connected pretty well that night and ended up getting her number. When we left, I told my cousin how cute and cool I thought she was. And he told me that I probably had a chance with her. The problem was the next day I went on vacation with my family to Oceanside. Dude, a vacation when you have a crush on someone. So brutal. Just let me stay home. Things were looking good though. That's what I feel when that happens.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Things were looking good though and we texted throughout the weekend and shared our love for the beach in gnarly waves with each other. Our conversation
Starting point is 00:54:32 sort of slowed down about halfway through the week but I wasn't worried since I'd figured I'd just hang out with her when I got back. I'd just hang out
Starting point is 00:54:38 with her when I get back. I even got her a bag of sand to give her so that she could have a piece of the beach. However, when I returned home
Starting point is 00:54:44 I was met with an unexpected plot twist. Ryan informed me that a few days before I got back, the same girl asked him out on a date. I'm sorry, man. And even though they both expected to just hang out as friends, they finished the night with a full-on max sesh. The news rocked me to the core. We talked it through and he told me I didn't know I was so into her. I love Ryan, but he totally straight tore through the bro code and into her heart.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And to add to the whole shamblamo shablamo Nice word. It's a good word. Shablamo. You don't have to worry about anything with that kind of creativity. She told him that she's into him. She even asked him on another date this coming weekend. I've been so
Starting point is 00:55:23 frustrated because I didn't even get a chance with this girl and I still dig her hardcore. But I also want her and Ryan to be happy. And if they really like each other, I don't want to get
Starting point is 00:55:31 in the way of that. How can I shoot my shot and tell her my feelings before things get more serious without making things too awkward between the three of us? And do I give her
Starting point is 00:55:39 the bag of sand? Thanks for the advice, dudes. Hope you guys can still find time to bronze during these crazy times. Wow, that's a really good question that's a great question dude yeah very tough i feel for him this is a disney channel original movie script dude this poor guy dude um dude i think i think you and ryan will stay friends i think you'll just be wary of him you know and not trust him around other gals.
Starting point is 00:56:06 I had a friend do this to me, but I wasn't his end of the girl, and we didn't have that level of correspondence, so it was a little more okay, and we got past it. But, yeah, I mean, it definitely counts against him. And I'm sorry, man. That's really tough. I think you got a good attitude, though. You'll suffer a little bit, but you'll get through the other end.
Starting point is 00:56:24 And you know what I bet is that they both regret it in the future, I think you've got a good attitude, though. You'll suffer a little bit, but you'll get through the other end. And you know what I bet? Is that they both regret it in the future. And they'll both remember you as the most solid of the people in the circle. Because you're a good dude. But it's just a tough one to take. Yeah, I think this is just one of those things where it's, you gotta feel the pain. You're Mel Gibson on the table in
Starting point is 00:56:49 Braveheart, getting your leg chopped off. But you're gonna lay there and yell freedom at the end. Did you think they were chopping his leg off? I don't know, maybe his dong. They were disemboweling. Yeah, they were pulling his dick off. That's right. I don't know. Maybe it's Dom. They were disemboweling. Yeah, they were pulling his dick off.
Starting point is 00:57:05 That's right. I was just trying to make it, yeah, I was trying to make it PG for the pod here. Yeah, and this guy doesn't need to get his dick ripped off. Yeah, I didn't want to say
Starting point is 00:57:13 he was getting his dick ripped off. But maybe that's what it feels like. But yeah, no, I think you're an awesome dude. You're going to cruise through this. You're going to feel this pain, know this pain, but you're going to find someone even better who is going to bring you a bag of sand that you'll cherish forever.
Starting point is 00:57:35 And, plus, I agree with JT. I think, you know, later on down the future what's going on between them, you know, may fizzle out and they'll sort of look back on this with regret. And the best thing you can do is just stand tall as a man with integrity and, you know, just yell freedom again, I guess. Freedom. I love that. I think you take the sand, you give it to Ryan,
Starting point is 00:57:59 because he's a sandbag and son of a bitch. That's all I'm saying. Nice, dude. No, I'm kidding. Hold on to the sand. No, it's good, dude. Hold on to the sand. Take it to Ryan a little bit. Give it to Ryan.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I got her this. Dump it on his head, dude. Because you're telling me the guy didn't know how you felt about her? You said in the very beginning of the story, I talked to Ryan. He said I might have a chance with this girl. Who said that? Yeah. If I'm telling any of my bros.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Fuck Ryan. Fuck Ryan. Why did I go so easy on Ryan? No, Ryan's a bastard. Yeah. He knew that you liked her. But here's the thing, though. Only in Ryan's defense, it sounds like she kind of pursued him.
Starting point is 00:58:35 And you have to be careful. She might have been into Ryan and maybe not you. And that's a hard pill to swallow. So just look out for that. Be honest in your own introspection. And did Ryan, I guess I would be more pissed at Ryan if I was like, you only did it because you knew I was into her. Because there's those guys. Yeah, there are.
Starting point is 00:58:51 You know what I mean? Yeah. But I don't think that's Ryan. But I don't know Ryan very well. And any guy, and it sounds like she kind of pursued him. She's lining up a second date with Ryan. And any dude's will is only so strong. And all you could ask for Ryan at that point is like, yo, dude, is a text so strong and you could only you could ask for ryan at that
Starting point is 00:59:05 point is like yo dude is a text from him while you're on vacation of like hey dude she's kind of pursuing me and it's just tough because of your friendship so yeah it's pretty whack at least i would like for and you know maybe we don't have all the info the only way ryan would have known that they were texting is if like what's the guy's name that wrote this email i forget but if uh probably maybe anonymous. If the dude who wrote in was texting Ryan being like keeping him updated, which I don't know if he'd be doing that.
Starting point is 00:59:32 And why would the girl let Ryan know? There's no way. So I don't know if he's a full Sam beggar because he might've been pursued and his will's only so strong and you got to at least take that with a little grain of salt. I do think like a good friend though would say like, Hey, um, we may go on a date.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Is that cool? I would. If he talked to, I mean, I think if I was like, Hey, I'm really into this girl and you're like, yeah, dude, I think you have a chance with her. And then three days later she asks you on a date. What would you do? I would totally let my buddy know. It would be a no-brainer.
Starting point is 01:00:08 I would let you know about that. Yeah. And I would be more inclined to say no. Yeah. You know? But I would check in and be like, hey, she asked me on a date. I'm like, that's never happened before ever in my life. She's cool, but I know you're into her, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:21 That's happened to me. And I'd be like, would you want to date her? Actually, it did happen one time. I went and saw a rent with, oh, maybe I won't say her name. dude. That's happened to me. And I'd be like, would you want to date her? Actually, it did happen one time. I went and saw Rent with, oh, maybe I won't say her name. No, it's happened to you twice. Who else? And the waitress at the Mexican restaurant.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Oh, yeah, you're right. Yeah, it's happened twice in my life. You're right. That's pretty good. But I'm guessing he's a little bit younger at this stage in his life. It's happened to you more than that. No, no, I think just twice.
Starting point is 01:00:42 I know another. Actually, with IGF, to be honest. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Your whole life you've been on easy street. I like to be pursued. Your whole life you've been on easy street. Some guys are into the chase.
Starting point is 01:00:54 I like to be chased. I'm a jackrabbit being chased by a coyote. You definitely are. You're having fun, too. You're a fun little jackrabbit. I am a fun little jackrabbit. Jacking myself in my little hole and then coming out of my hole. Okay, how do you want me?
Starting point is 01:01:07 I mean, we're talking about you. The prettiest girl in school asked you to win her formal sophomore year. Yeah, but only because I was a safe bet because she was really going to hook up with the biggest stud high school basketball player. And she knew that I was a sexual non-threat. You know where that sexiest basketball player was sophomore year? Occupying the same spot you were. That's the process. You're right.
Starting point is 01:01:29 That's the process. I mean, we all had to sandbag you about it because we couldn't let it get to your head. No, but it's true. Yeah. I mean, that was the truth of it. Like, dude, literally, bro, he came up to me at the bonfire. We had a fucking sick after party at this beach house, El Morro Beach, which is now, there's no more houses there.
Starting point is 01:01:43 It's a state beach now. And a lot of good memories. And literally the stud high school basketball player came up to me and it was, it was kind of nice. Cause he gave me acceptance. He was like, Hey dude. Oh, I started. Thanks bro.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Like gave me a what up, like being like, Hey, thanks for looking out. Hey, right. You're a good guy. Yeah. He wasn't, he was very nice. He wasn't like, he didn't totally punk me at least just being like later, dude. He was just like, thanks bro. He gave you a signed jersey.
Starting point is 01:02:06 Thanks, dude. Dude, there should be a market for stud high school athletes signing jerseys. Dude, we need to get our SPAC to do that. Just find stellar high school athletes who maybe kind of peaked and then have them do signed jerseys for their class. Let's SPAC it up, dude. That's a good SPAC. Dude, it's a good SPAC. Just a heads up, we have that Zoom at 2.30.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Copy. So I have to leave to get back home in 20 minutes. Copy. All right, let's keep it pushing. Chad, who is your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week. Oh, okay. So I had a really transformative morning this morning.
Starting point is 01:02:50 My beef is a beef turned legend. My beef is with the 26th Street bathroom at Manhattan Beach, specifically the stalls. So when you go into that bathroom you know you expect what do you expect full-size stall right nah these are stalls up to your waist so it's just like a divider wall prison style you know the guy at the urinal can see you dropping a deuce and uh nature was calling like i had cold stone the night before you know i had to go right and um i was at the beach and i was like the only bathroom i know of that's closer is like that chevron down the street but like i just got a cool parking spot i gotta go here and i was like
Starting point is 01:03:37 faced you know i was like do i just go out in the open like this and I had to go so bad that I just had no choice. So I hit the toilet, and I was scared. I was nervous someone was going to walk in, you know, because I was taking a crap. Yeah. And I was sitting there, dude, and some guy walks in. He's like, yo! And I was just like. He walked in on you?
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yeah. Damn. And I was just like, I'm sorry. He walked in on you? Yeah. Damn. And I was like, I'm sorry. So he came in, and he made me feel bad for doing what I have to do.
Starting point is 01:04:18 So a guy comes in after that, and he comes in, and I'm sitting there, and I just give him a head nod. Like, what up, dude? I'm taking a crap. Like, what up, dude? I'm taking a crap. Sorry. Nice. I give him a head nod. I'm like, what up, dude? I'm taking a crap. Like, what up, dude? I'm taking a crap. Sorry. I gave him a head nod. I'm like, what up, dude? I'm taking a crap.
Starting point is 01:04:35 And that helped me grow as a man. You know, that helped me just be like, you know what? Yeah, you know, I'm not ashamed of who I am in my human self. If I had to do some things and other people have to see it so be it this is me i you know was naked for the world in that moment so this is just to message the stokers out there if you want to develop more as a man hit the 26th street bathrooms at man beach and take a crap nice dude respect dude. Respect. I love that. It's like a full arc. It was a full arc, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:08 Like, that was the all is lost moment. I was like, I'm sorry. You know, it's like when your dog takes a deuce, it looks at you, and we kind of personify on the dog that it's feeling ashamed. But really what the dog is doing is it's looking at its owner
Starting point is 01:05:26 because it knows it's vulnerable, and it's basing its defense mechanisms on how you're reacting to your surrounded environment. So it's like, ooh, am I going to get attacked by something right now while I'm shitting? And I think we have that as humans. Like, am I going to get, but not attacked, but more like shamed while I'm shitting?
Starting point is 01:05:42 Everyone shits. Everyone's got a b-hole. Something's got to come out of it. I love that you dropped a nice little what up when you were doing it. Own it. Own it. Head nod. Did the head nod go up or down?
Starting point is 01:05:55 Up. Nice. Strider, who's your B for the week? My B for the week is with just, I don't know who it would be or what entity controls this, but while I was on my road trip with my GF, there's a lot of jack shacks on the I-40. That's basically an establishment where if you're a trucker or a weary traveler, you can go in and absolutely drill yourself.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And I just think that truckers should be getting a, and I would, you know, speaking of voting and everything, like a proposition that we could vote. I don't know if it's federal or state or what it is, but like just truckers should get free P-Hub subscriptions, you know, so they can just let go, you know, wherever they want. Like, why do I have to wait 18 miles to drill myself when i could just pull over at the rest stop that's two miles ahead use my wi-fi and absolutely drill myself in my truck and not have to worry about any shame associated with when it's totally just a healthy thing to be doing totally so i i guess i i would say i don't know who my beef is with i don't know what government entity is responsible for that, but I just want change enacted because dude,
Starting point is 01:07:09 trucking's tough, man. And I would, I would drive 300 miles stints, dude, like three hours, dude, it's fucking weary.
Starting point is 01:07:15 And, and you know, we got to do stuff to help them out. They bring us the supplies we love, you know, they, they deliver the lawnmower 3.0. They deliver,
Starting point is 01:07:23 you know, a nice bottle of wine that we ordered or whatever or my dumbbells that you got me so i don't know my beef is just with whatever entity controls three phub subscriptions copy love it aaron who's your beef my beef for the week is uh with bad burps. I get this weird thing that happens every now and again, and I can't quite figure out what causes it. I think it has something to do with chicken,
Starting point is 01:07:54 but may also be ibuprofen. Go figure. If you have the same problem, hit me up on Instagram. But it's like having a fucking ball of air in the middle of your chest, the size of your fist. And I can't get it to come out. And last night was horrendous. It fucking hurt. I felt it in my back.
Starting point is 01:08:12 Luckily, it did eventually pass and it went away. So bad burps. What the fuck? Beef of the week. Good beef. Great beef. Dude, my beef of the week is with myself because I haven't been in my apartment in L.A. in a while. And I had the cleaners come by last Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:08:31 So I just hid the keys outside under some pots. And then they got in there. I finally come back this week to check it out. And when I get there, the keys are gone from under the pots. And I open the back door and it's open. So either there's two possible outcomes, right? Either the cleaners are lying and that they didn't lock the door and put the keys under there, but I don't think that's the case. They're pretty dialed. And then, or the other one is that someone
Starting point is 01:08:54 found it under the pot and went into the place. And I think it was the latter. So I was there and I just had this creepy feeling. I was like, oh dude, someone's been in here. I thought they might still be there. So I was like, I don't want to search this house unless I'm on the phone with someone. So I called up like Joe and I was like, what up dude? I was like, I think someone might be in here. I was like, Hey, if you've been here, just bail. I'm back now. Party's over. No one answered. And then, um, and then I just was like, you know what? I don't want to stay here if someone has a key to the place. So I had to drive back to OC one hour. And I was kind of, uh, I was kind of in such a rush to get out of there that I went back out the back door and didn't lock it.
Starting point is 01:09:28 I could have locked the back door and gone out the front door, but I was like, well, they already got a key. Fuck it. So I just took off. And then I called Joan. He was pissed. He was like, why are you telling me this? I'm like, cause you live at the house too.
Starting point is 01:09:38 He's like, but I'm in Chicago. There's nothing I could do anyways. And I was like, I guess I just wanted to tell you, I want to tell someone I'm like, you live with me. And then he was like, whatever. This can't happen. And I'm like, but it did happen. He's like, it can't. And I'm like, but it did. And then
Starting point is 01:09:53 he's like, what I mean is, it shouldn't. But he thought I had only left the key there for a day. When he found out I left it there for a week. Dude, the amount of disappointment in his voice. He's like, JT, no. No.
Starting point is 01:10:11 No, JT, you can't leave it for a week. You leave it for a day. And then he was like, the last thing he said to me, he goes, I wish you wouldn't have told me any of this. That's amazing. Dude, I messaged Ilya, your old landlord, my landlord. And he was like, John, okay, we will change the front lock. And I'm like, yeah, Ilya, they also got the garage key.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Thinking like, hey, so you're going to have to change the lock to the garage. He's like, we're not changing the keys to the garage. The garage stays. I'm like, but someone could break in there. He's like, everyone locks their cars. But I knew he'd come around. I even told Joe, I predicted this last night, I go, he'll say that at first because he's thinking about the money,
Starting point is 01:10:51 but then he'll think about the safety and he'll come around. And then this morning, Ilya messaged me and was like, I'm going to change the garage lock too. And I was like, good man. Liability. Was this via email or a phone call? Text. So yeah, it's traceable. It's liable to him. Oh, so you think it's because I put it into writing? I think so.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Dude, I just think he's a solid guy. But I think that's a thought in the back of his mind. Come on, dude. The big Z. The big Z. He's a good guy. He's a great guy, dude. Chad, who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:11:20 My babe of the week is Shea Serrano. He's on the Ringer podcast and stuff. I listen to him on the Rewatchables podcast. And I just love how I listen to him on the Rewatchables. Rewatchables is like their favorite movies, like the movies that you can rewatch a ton. And I listen to the one on Fast Five and Armageddon. I love how shamelessly he loves these action movies. He's all in. He's not critiquing it. He's like, I don't shamelessly he loves these action movies. You know, he's all in.
Starting point is 01:11:47 You know, he's not critiquing it. He's like, I don't understand, like, the logic in that. I don't understand, like, this is stupid. Rock's being a cheesedick. He's like, no, he's all in. He loves it. And I love it, too. Because that's what I love about movies is when you can just have fun.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Have fun with a group of dudes who drive cars and save the world from asteroids, you know. I don't need to get into all the complexities and point out plot holes and stuff. Just let's have a good time with Bruce Willis.
Starting point is 01:12:15 So, yeah. Legend. Love that. Strider, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week's got to be my GF, dude. When we were road tripping
Starting point is 01:12:22 back across the country from Chicago to LA, we got to Flagstaff, we got to the Grand um when we were road tripping back across the country from chicago to la um we got to flagstaff we got to the grand canyon we were stoked freaking living it up having a great time and then we were like okay we can take this route that gets us back to la or we can take a 20 minute longer route through vegas that gets us back to la my My GF looked at me and said, do you want to lay a parlay? She said that? And I said... She said parlay?
Starting point is 01:12:50 She knows parlay, yeah. She said parlay? She knows, and I go, I'd love to do that. She goes, all right, we can do that for 21 minutes. I looked it up. I looked up the Mandalay Bay, which is on the south end of the strip, which is the most efficient for us to hit.
Starting point is 01:13:03 She drove us through the carport. She stayed in the car, hopped out, went into the sports book, tried to pull some money out of my ATM. My fucking car wouldn't let me. All I had was 20 bucks in my wallet, cash. So we basically went to... How much were you going to pull out?
Starting point is 01:13:19 I was going to pull out 200. And thank God I didn't, because all my parlays lost. But just the fact that my gf was like we're going through vegas to do this wow what a legend it was nice that's amazing it was only 20 extra minutes on the trip but dude this is a three day four day long excursion we're on i mean come on it's the thoughtfulness it's her knowing how much that means to you to be a degenerate gambler and to give you that correct that's what it is that's she enabled and to use the word parlay oh every time she says it it's just like a little you're popping 10 big time big time
Starting point is 01:13:55 that's the other thing she knew she was setting up yep she was throwing out a little bet that that was going to get you a randy thank you no. Definitely energized me to drive a longer leg on that journey. Don't worry about that. Aaron, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is my buddy John. If you listened last week, he had brain surgery. Had a tumor removed.
Starting point is 01:14:18 It looks like they got all of it. They still have to do a lot of tests and stuff. But he was immediately like he walked the next day. It's not easy. I mean, it's like 20 steps at a time or whatever. But it looks like he's on his way back. He's been texting me about baseball.
Starting point is 01:14:33 So it's awesome. Great. Best case scenario. Glad to hear it, man. Yeah. Nice. My baby of the week is Julia Pinoche. The actress probably most famously known for The English Patient.
Starting point is 01:14:45 She's also in Chocolat, Three Colors, the Kieslowski series, and some really interesting art films like Clouds of Silmaria and Certified Copy. I've seen like two of those five things. Because the thing I most love her in is Dan in Real Life, that Steve Carell movie, where she plays his love interest, but the current partner of his brother, Dane Cook. But Julia Pinoche is just incredible. She has such a good vibe in all of her movies. And I don't know. There's something elegant and warm, but also she's very emotive in all of her movies, in kind of a subdued way.
Starting point is 01:15:20 She doesn't seem like she's calm calm but the emotions really come out of her and i don't know it just makes it really fun to watch a lot of different stuff chocolat's probably her most showcased performance where it takes advantage of like her best parts as an actress yeah but then i watched that too um chad who's your legend of the week um i might do my legend quote and so you just bail okay this one um my legend of the week is KFC from Barstool. Probably the most hated guy on the internet. You go on Barstool and he posts these one-minute monologues of just what's going on in the world, and everyone's like, I hate this dude.
Starting point is 01:16:00 But dude, I've been watching his progress. He's literally starting to win over the audience and they're like starting to be like you know what i actually like kfc and it fires me up so much because i'm like dude what a great tale of persistence like he's like fuck the haters i'm gonna keep doing my monologues i'm gonna keep working i'm gonna keep improving i'm sure he's working on it and now everyone's like you know what i'm starting to like working. I'm going to keep improving. I'm sure he's working on it. And now everyone's like, you know what? I'm starting to like this guy. And it fires me up.
Starting point is 01:16:29 So, yeah, props to KFC. And then my quote, just because I have to leave, is Will Patton in Armageddon. What are you doing with a gun in space? Great line. Sorry I got to bail, dudes. No, it's my bad, dude. Sorry, space. Great line. Sorry I got bailed, dudes, but I will... No, it's my bad, dude. Sorry, man.
Starting point is 01:16:49 No worries. I will see you guys soon. Beast. See you soon, brother. We're having too fun. We like to keep it going, you know? Strider, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is,
Starting point is 01:16:57 and I've been, sorry for a little bit of a push right here, endorsement, but for History's Denk, I've been researching Steve Prefontaine the runner beast and the dude's just a beast man i didn't know anything about this guy
Starting point is 01:17:09 dude he stood up for like um basically an argument we're still having today about like athletes rights college athletes yeah so just a total beast a front runner so and just like running is so badass i've been um while i was out of town my gf and i would run a mile a day dude running is not fucking easy man and this guy's doing um uh what is it 1500 meters um so like that's 12 laps around the track basically three miles and i think that was in the old olympics like the main measurement uh like the the uh premiere event was that the 1500 meter uh nowadays it's probably like the 100 meter with hussein bolt but being able to do a 1500 meter is just so badass and dude he's a total front runner and you know no spoilers or anything but he passed away
Starting point is 01:17:56 prematurely and you know what was to come it's kind of that goldilocks zone of like why who's the guy uh fucking dean whatever his name is the hollywood actor james dean james dean when someone dies like with potential i was gonna say dean kane yeah yeah dean kane no way with ripley's yale football alum yeah he played football um but yeah dude pre-fontaine's just a beast pre-fucking legend dude standing up for what he believed in not backing down in a total front runner love that yeah he's a monster because 1500 meters you can that's the five five thousand meters right so he but he was running the one oh no that's the 800 meter the 800 meter is the longest one that you can sprint right or basically run yes and he did run that he held every record like in this country in like the 70s except for the mile
Starting point is 01:18:45 and he was only like three seconds off the mile amazing yeah like he was just as his coach bill bauerman yeah yeah that's good and then phil knight phil knight dedicated like uh a lot of his book to steve prefontaine like just talking about he worshipped the guy yeah i think he was just like a total beast he was a rock star yeah as a. As a long distance track guy. It's so weird. You gotta have a lot of charisma to pull that off. Dude, you do. And he does.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Two actors played him. Do you know what two actors? Yeah, Crudup and Leto. Dude, legend. Have you seen the movies? Yeah. I've never seen them. I'm watching the one with Crudup now.
Starting point is 01:19:15 I think the Leto one's better. Really? Well, I don't know. So one is, you're watching Without Limits. That's the Crudup one. I'm watching Without Limits. We've talked about this on here before.
Starting point is 01:19:22 And then Prefontaine is the Leto one. I remember the Leto one more. so that's maybe why I like it more I don't know which one's better, but I remember the letter one a lot more distinctly hmm Sutherland plays Bowerman and the crud up one and then the guy who's the The drill sergeant and full metal jacket is is this really the other one Lee Ermey Yeah, I just have a bit of a, I don't know, like whenever Leto's involved, I'm a little bit like. No, but this is early Leto before he's like, it's like early Johnny Depp before they're
Starting point is 01:19:52 like total, like, you know, idiosyncratic only performers. Okay. Where they're like, no, if my guy doesn't have like 35 different tics, I can't play it. That's why I like Johnny Depp and Donnie Broscoe. Cause it's like his most grounded performance. I mean, he's, he's also good. A lot of those movies from that time. That's why I like Johnny Depp and Donnie Brosco, because it's like his most grounded performance. I mean, he's also good. A lot of those movies from that time, he's really good.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Like Nick of Time. Oh, dude. One of my all-time favorite movies. And it's just like a bedraggled dad who's just got to put in this really hard position. He does a really good job. Another good movie to watch with a dad. Nick of Time. Aaron.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Are you pressed for time right now? I got to go in. Sorry, I keep dragging this. I'm just having a nice time. No, it's me. It's me. I don't know. It's us.
Starting point is 01:20:35 It's not you. It's me. I think I'm good. I got five more minutes. Aaron, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is celebrating a birthday today. He's 62. Fabulous, amazing actor vigo mortensen oh yeah how is he 62 right he's been acting in movies since 84 yeah he was like 40 when he did lord of the rings like 45 that's so crazy dude
Starting point is 01:20:59 being in that good of shape fucking dude you're on a horse you go on one horseback ride at like a dude ranch you're tired yeah but vigo knows on one horseback ride at like a dude ranch, you're tired. Yeah, but Vigo knows how to post. He knows how to lope, right? I mean, he's a pro. Totally. I was in a storytelling class
Starting point is 01:21:12 with his son, Henry. I remember that. You had a good show. Thank you. It used to be, yeah. Yeah, just a legend. I mean, he's been in so many great things.
Starting point is 01:21:20 Eastern Promises, History of Violence. History of the Staircase, more like it I mean I don't even get that they they have like they do 69 on the staircase oh yeah yeah yeah it's fucking tight I've only seen that movie in the theater that one time oh that'd be a fun movie to see in the theater because it's such a hard left you know that the hotel at the beginning the motel that the bad guys are staying at schitt's creek a lot of genius coming out of that area yeah although you know i don't even quite get history
Starting point is 01:21:53 of violence history of violence kind of confuses me a little bit but i love eastern promises and the fight scene in eastern promises yeah yeah the yeah it's all eastern it's all time sorry history of violence which is weird because i know the guy who wrote it um whoa but um yeah it's it starts out great and then it doesn't the payoff doesn't really work that's also a cronenberg thing that i think is really weird he he sets up really well and never really finishes right um and he had a graphic novel to work off of, so, I mean, that should have been there. Yeah. But anyway, Viggo Mortensen, great dude. He's Aragorn forever for me.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Yep. Agreed. I wish I could grow long hair, too, and look like him. Same. My wife's not super stoked on that idea. I also have to print a correction. I said that Dean Cain went to Yale. He went to Princeton.
Starting point is 01:22:48 You know, very forgivable. It's Ivy. It's Ivy League. Still a maniac. My legend of the week is Scott Glenn. Also rest in peace. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, he's still alive. No, I think he died recently, didn't he? No, but see, that's
Starting point is 01:23:04 why I did a joke about that he's dead. I think we all just assumed Scott Glenn is dead, but he's actually alive. Oh, I'm probably getting him mixed up with Sam Shepard. Oh, good call. Sam Shepard did die. They kind of look similar. Very similar dudes. Gruff, gruff.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Same era of acting and both in the right stuff together. Yep. Which is one of my favorite movies of all time. Strong recommend to everybody. Great movie. It's one of my favorite movies of all time. Strong recommend to everybody. Also, you know, iconic parts in Backdraft, Training Day,
Starting point is 01:23:30 smaller part in The Silence of the Lambs. Yeah, yeah. Crawford. Daredevil. He was great on Daredevil, the TV show. Oh, nice. Yeah, I think he's one of the best badasses of all time on camera. Like, just really believable. The original man on fire.
Starting point is 01:23:44 Yeah. Oh, yeah. Good voice. Baseball biceps. time on camera like just the original the original man on fire yeah oh yeah good voice to baseball biceps because you see it in the right side like damn this dude is shredded yeah and uh yeah just always cool always badass and if you wanted your movie just to have a have the vibe of like legit masculinity you got to have scott glenn in there also U.S. Marine Corps vet. So, you know, he actually did it. So that's probably why you could believe it when you watched him. So, yeah, Scott Glenn, you know, you're 81, but you're still tougher than all those Chris boys combined.
Starting point is 01:24:15 And I love the Chrises. You know, you throw me in there, you're still tougher. So I just, you know, I think you're worth your salt. I think you're great. Strider, what's your quote of the week? Quote of the week. I was listening to, I want to say it's, is it Lisa Loeb on the way over here? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:24:32 Love is in love in another way. Basically. Stay. Yeah, stay. The whole fucking song, dude. So my quote might just be stay, but that's just a fire ass song, dude. I'm sorry, man. I'm like, Lisa Loeb, bro. Don a fire ass song, dude. I'm sorry, man. Like, let's go, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:49 Very on target. So good. And a great music video too. And yeah, so just love it. Leave a love, stay. It's in the credits of Reality Bites. Great fucking movie, dude. Aaron, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:25:02 My quote of the week, it's another Jimmy Eat World lyric. It's from the song Electable. Parentheses, give it up. It's verse two and then the bridge. Talking points from talking heads with automated smiles. There's no higher ground to stand than the bottom of the pile. Give up acting unaware. You can't ignore the crime.
Starting point is 01:25:23 The enemy is you as well. The enemy is I? You know we're all complicit in the American Experience and problems And then the bridge not in my name you don't speak for me. I am my voice, and I want to scream I want my air you want my life. I act as one, but I'm not alone That's a good lyric. Oh yeah, Eric poetic damn it's all it's all about uh i forget when this album came out if it was uh about one of the elections but yeah
Starting point is 01:25:52 um my quote of the week is from the movie swingers it's uh vince vaughn's character is giving uh john favreau's character a pep talk because he's just been striking out non-stop he's like you know what you are you're like a big bear with claws and with fangs and then his buddy sue who's also talking about goes big fucking teeth man yeah big fucking teeth on you and she's like this little bunny who's just kind of cowering in the corner shivering yeah man just kind of you know you know you got these claws and you're standing these claws and you're thinking of yourself and with these claws you're thinking how am i supposed to kill this bunny how am i supposed to kill this bunny and you're poking at it you're poking at it yeah you're not at it. You're not hurting it. You're just
Starting point is 01:26:25 kind of gently battling the bunny around. You know what I mean? And the bunny's scared, Mike. The bunny's scared of you. It's shivering. And you got these fucking claws, man, and these fangs. And you got these fucking claws and these fangs, man. And you're looking at your claws and you're looking at your fangs and you're thinking to yourself, you don't know what to do, man. I don't know how to kill the bunny. With this,
Starting point is 01:26:42 you don't know how to kill the bunny. Do you know what I mean? You're like a big bear, man. And then Jon Favreau's character hears all of that. He hears all of that. He looks at them like very vulnerable eyes. He goes, so you're not fucking with me? And then Vince Vaughn's like, no, I'm not fucking with you. And the other guy's like, honestly, man, dude, it's such a good pep talk.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Striderider what's your phrase of the week for getting after it it might have to be from that movie now that you just said it and from my experience on my road trip vegas baby vegas nice dude fuck yeah aaron what's your phrase of the week for getting after it oh god um let's let's go look at those beautiful babies. Love it. Lots of beautiful babies, baby. There we go. Mine is from the movie Chocolat. Johnny Depp and Juliette Binoche are talking. He's like a drifter,
Starting point is 01:27:35 and she's trying to set down some roots. And then she goes, don't you ever think about belonging somewhere? And then Johnny Depp's character says, price is too high. You end up caring about what people think about you. And then Johnny Depp's character says, price is too high. You end up caring about what people think about you. And then she takes a beat and says, is that so terrible to have
Starting point is 01:27:52 people expect something of you? A minute later, they're making out. Don't know how they got there when they're having this serious discussion about values, but they got there. Well, dudes, I think that's it. Great stuff, guys. Hell yeah. It was fun. Yeah, it was fun, man. It's good to see you. I saw you yesterday. I saw you. Great stuff, guys. Hell yeah. It was fun. Yeah, it was fun, man.
Starting point is 01:28:06 It's good to see you. I saw you yesterday. I saw you on the sticks, too. Yeah, we had a rough night. I know. We'll get them, though. Yeah. A couple top tens.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Nothing to write home about. We just weren't dropping bodies. We weren't bagging bodies. Exactly. Would you rather get a W or get 30 kills amongst your quad? A W. I want a W for the squad. I'm not a kill guy.
Starting point is 01:28:24 I'm not good. You're pretty good. I've never experienced that itch. I like you playing like girls don't like you. I like you playing that. When in your life was that the reality? I don't remember that. I almost made my GF... I mean, I remember you were a little awkward.
Starting point is 01:28:40 I was awkward. Still can be awkward. That's not true but my gf gave me this haircut you might be the least awkward person I've ever met nah I've done some awkward I don't know honestly if I smoke weed I'm very awkward
Starting point is 01:28:54 I remember when we smoked weed that one time maybe it was just right after high school I was like you guys like me right like you're my friends and stuff fucking brutal that's everybody does that weed alright. That's everybody that's on me. It was charming when you did it. All right, then we're good.
Starting point is 01:29:08 That's it. Yeah. All right. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go
Starting point is 01:29:24 When you need someone to guide you Seems to have the throat beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go deep Go and see Go and see Let's go deep We're going deep We're driving deep

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