Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 159 - Halloween, Alex Jones on Rogan, Japanese Honey Bees

Episode Date: November 6, 2020

What up Stoker!? Chad and JT discuss dressing up for Halloween, Alex Jones on Rogan, and Japanese honey bees. Enjoy! And check out our merch tshirts! Link below! Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off an...d Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion Sign up for new merch here: www.shopcgd.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your dream? going deep with chad jt podcast guys before we begin i remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean use code go deep 20 to show the world that not only do you get haircuts you get dong cuts they look good go deep 20 minutes get.com for 20 off your order okay and i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up what up boom clap stokers and uh what's good oh oh uh also we are rocking new merch. We've been working on these designs.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I'm rocking a Stoke Nation tee. I'm rocking I Have a Small Dong. Dude, supporting. Stokers, you can rep Stoke Nation. You can rep Small Dongs. And we're launching it this week, I think Friday. So be on the lookout for that. And I'm fired for it yeah keep people guessing yeah let them know yeah just uh be proud yeah i feel like i feel like our merch could merge into like a surf brand eventually oh that'd be legit
Starting point is 00:01:36 and eventually we'll be buying stock and that will sell billabong and buy stock and whatever we call our brand sounds like good potential for a SPAC. Oh, dude, yeah. That just fired me up. Yeah. I'm pretty pumped up, too. Who would you talk to about a SPAC? Keith?
Starting point is 00:01:55 Yeah, my dog Keith. Yeah. Yeah, he's flipping companies all day. Nice. This guy's an animal. Hustler, dude. Was he one of those guys who was in his childhood, you know, just like flipping cars, you you know in the kindergarten flipping candy at halloween that kind of guy
Starting point is 00:02:10 he was one of those dudes who like wasn't even a salesman he was like an athlete you know what i mean he was always just trying to put up more weight trying to be a little bit quicker trying to be the best quarterback he could be and then at some point that just didn't happen for him and he was like you know what i'm just gonna take all that energy and put it into hustling yeah yeah throw touchdowns in cash exactly yeah that's cool go long for a big bag of dough yeah spike the bonds go for two million is that how he says it yeah he talks he talks like that we're gonna go for two Is that how he says it? Yeah, he talks like that.
Starting point is 00:02:43 We're going to go for two. It's all football verbiage. Nice. Did you have a good Halloween? Yeah, dude, it was fun. Dude, your costume was epic. Thank you. William Wallace.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Thank you. Dude, I didn't even know you were dressing up, so it fired me up. Dude, here's the thing. I hate dressing up. Yeah. I don't like it. Actually, last year, Halloween was one of the worst Halloweens I've ever had because uh my gf at the time made me dress up as a as a pun it was a pun party so i had to wear a hawaiian shirt with boxing gloves i was hawaiian punch i felt miserable and then we got to the party and these like really rude dudes um came up to me they were like guess my friend's
Starting point is 00:03:21 costume you have to guess his costume and i was like oh no i don't really want to i feel kind of put on the spot they're like guess it guess it and he was wearing corduroys and i was like um and he had long blonde hair so i thought he was roid from secret roids we brought him up two pods in a row and i was like um i was like are those are those corduroys like a quarter roys and then they went a quarter roys no you idiot and they like started laughing at me and i was like so embarrassed yeah and then they went a quarter Roy's no you idiot and they like started laughing at me and I was like so embarrassed yeah and then I was like well what is it and then the one dude who was laughing was like well I didn't know at first either I'm like wait you didn't know what it was either and you're laughing at me like that and I got really mad I go you guys are idiots
Starting point is 00:03:56 and my gf walked in at the moment she's like jt calm down and I was like oh sorry and then they went up to another dude and they were like guess what his costume was and the guy got kind of scared and i went up to the dude i was like bro just get out get out of here did he bail no he stood in there he he fell to uh he took the beating he felt obligated but dude yeah so my uh my gf now had a uh bonfire and i was like yeah i'm probably not going to come in costume but then i was like you know what she'd like it if i showed up in costume so then i went with my buddy t hole and he was like dude i went as william wallace a couple years ago i was like oh that was a sick one and he was like yeah he's like i still have this sword in the back of my car he just drives around the sword in his
Starting point is 00:04:38 car he also has more stickers of his family's on his truck. Does he really? Oh, yeah. It's like Harvard alum. His dad played in the NFL. It's like NFL player. Yeah. Loyola med school. Like every single thing is on the back. Oh, that's hilarious. There's like no window space.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I'm like, you can't even look in the rear view. Yeah. Granted, they got a lot of accomplishments. I mean, they deserve to brag. Yeah. Those aren't like top student in middle school. No, it's big time braggy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And they're not afraid to say it. Yeah. And he's a great guy. But so he's like, dude, I got the sword. So I was like, dude, let's go into the costume store. So we go in there, and they got the gladiator chess piece. That's all I needed. Then my mom's boyfriend happened to have a kilt.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I bought a long wig. My mom got so into it, she's like, we got to make the wig better. I'm like, no, I don't have time. She's like, let me make the wig better. She had, like, brown dye to make it the right shade of the right hue. And then she straightened the curls on the front bangs to make it look like more like one of us. And by the end of it, I was like, dude, this is dialed.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. And the face paint too. Did you buy the face paint? I bought the face paint and my mom's boyfriend applied it on me. Really? He's a good artist. Oh, he's a good guy. Craig's a beast.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Grills and face paint. He can do it all. Yeah. Did you go as anything no uh no i i to be honest i didn't think i didn't think anyone was really gonna dress up i just wasn't expecting it and um i uh but i was walking i went to dinner uh with with caroline and then like a couple people and uh i saw these people like a pack like a couple people. And I saw these people like a pack, like a squad,
Starting point is 00:06:11 all dressed as stormtroopers, full on the helmets. Like they were no joke, you know, it was like full on stormtrooper. That's awesome. That was pretty fun to rock, like just rolling as a squad, as a stormtrooper. That'd be really cool. And then walk around with like six of your boys. Just, I was like, I got to do that next year. One of the most fun nights i ever had was i went out in pb in san diego with like four dudes and right before we went out we were at the mall and we're like let's just go into banana republic and i'll get white linen shirts and wear them out tonight
Starting point is 00:06:38 yeah and we just felt like 98 degrees it was great well plus one yeah and it felt amazing yeah and then people come up to you like what is it was it like a white knight or something like that you're like no he's dressed like this yeah yeah yeah i think that'd be that'd be so fun to be in the bar and just like my voice cracked but you'd see like a dude you just see a fellow stormtrooper and you're like what up dude to be squatted up like that yeah i was so jealous of those guys i was like and every time i think the numbers that happens every halloween i'll see like a costume those guys i was like and every time strength in numbers that happens every halloween i'll see like a costume i envy i'm like damn because they plan yeah i never plan for it i never plan i'm so distraught at the end of summer i'm like god dang it we got a
Starting point is 00:07:17 end of we got daylight savings we got cold coming you know halloween and i i just and then suddenly like the smoke clears i'm like oh fuck it's halloween i never plan on gifts yeah ever either yeah i just don't plan ahead some people are like they'll see something you like and they're like six months in advance like oh i got that for you yeah like dude i'm not thinking like that yeah i'm like you i'm like day before halloween i'm like let's figure it out yeah let's go maybe i'll get a stormtrooper outfit tonight yeah well yeah why do you have to wear it just on halloween yeah it's figure it out yeah let's go maybe i'll get a stormtrooper outfit tonight yeah why do you have to wear it just on halloween yeah to thanksgiving yeah wear it to like your girlfriend's parents house roll in yeah what do you think stormtroopers talked about when they were just
Starting point is 00:07:58 like in the cafeteria um probably like who which stormtrooper was hooking up with who probably a lot of hot gossip on that test star i mean you're trapped with a bunch which stormtrooper was hooking up with who probably a lot of hot gossip on that test star i mean you're trapped with a bunch of stormtroopers i mean you're gonna want a bone i'd watch that reality show for sure except i don't know you know they'd be like it would be sort of like love is blind because you won't be able to see under the helmet you know to be like i'm really compatible with you know xenu um and then you'd have to take off their helmet and just be like is this for real i uh did you see the travis scott thing yeah wait so tell me about this i couldn't stop laughing so travis scott uh travis sc Scott was going to be dressed as Batman.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And he set up this little video. He shot this little video in his mansion, it looked like, of him dressed as Bruce Wayne in a suit, you know? Like a suit and tie, like Gucci or something. Kind of badass looking, like he's Bruce Wayne walking to his Batman vault to get his uh batman outfit and he's just walking with like a stogue and then he goes and it looks like an elevator he like presses it the door's open to see his batman costume and it's like chocolate brown
Starting point is 00:09:19 everyone roasted him just on the color right yeah but there's a photo of him sorry there's a photo of him in it he's just standing everyone roasted him so hard that he deleted his instagram so funny and then uh it must have meant a lot to him he must have been really psyched on i know i've seen it coming i know and um it reminded me of parks and rec with like um what's his name uh adam adam scott adam scott when he dressed as batman it's just like it's just him standing there everyone's like bro your costume fucking sucks you're out there on a limb when i showed up it's like william wallace everyone was like fired up at first but then after a couple seconds everyone settled down and then i was kind of like what am i doing in this outfit
Starting point is 00:10:07 yeah i was thinking about that because you're going to meet new people so it's like you show up in that and it's like you really gotta you gotta maintain a lot of confidence to to keep strutting around that party dudes i i in college i had a a full-on authentic Jones costume. I rented it. It was super stupid expensive for me at the time. And still probably is to rent. Um, the minute I got to campus in my car, I was like, this was a horrible mistake at nine in the morning.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I got to wear this all day. I think I, I think I went to my first class and I ditched the rest of my classes. Went home, came back from my night class still wearing the costume to the class where the teacher said you guys should all come in costume and I was still the only one
Starting point is 00:10:57 dude that's a really you're actually making me remember from the other night like I made a bad joke to someone and like when you make a bad joke in a costume and you're stuck there with your face painted yeah you just feel extra stupid yeah you're just like fuck i really fucked up yeah i feel like i do you think there's like a with costumes you have to hit a happy medium to feel comfortable at the party like if you go overboard if you go too little or do you ever do you feel that pressure or you kind of just like whatever it's true it i think most people aim for the middle
Starting point is 00:11:29 though and i i kind of i'm like i would have liked a little more commitment you know what i mean yeah you just see someone like in a onesie thing that they bought and you're like all right but yeah like we're those are not costumes that's not a costume no yeah those are pajamas yeah exactly good call yeah because you don't look like an animal but then if you come in with too much if it's too ornate and it's like you can't move around in it that's an issue too i like to go with goofy i like to be like a hot dog or something that's fun you know or like cookie monster teletubby i like i like costumes like that i love all that yeah what about what about a partner one you
Starting point is 00:12:06 know like where one guy's a plug the other guy's the socket yeah last year last year was fun i had a look like i was riding a dinosaur you had a good costume that was fun i had a weak one last year what was yours again i just dressed as like an aerobics instructor but it looked like i was just going skiing oh it looked good though especially for the party we were at it was like it was like neon so when you were dancing, it really was loud. It stuck out. It felt good, yeah. Yeah, I felt good moving in it, for sure.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Dancing is the best. It's just how I process everything. If I feel sad, I just got to dance to get it out. And I need people to see me dancing. Oh, interesting. That's a big part of it. Interesting. I mean, it works by myself, but it's better if there's a little visibility.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Yeah. If people notice that you're working through something or just that you're dancing? Both. Yeah. I think they can feel both. Before this, actually, where I got this coffee, I went dancing into this coffee being listening to the Naked and the Famous. Nice.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Didn't even post it. That's good. Just went in there and danced. Yeah. And then, you know what I like doing after you dance like that and you get crazy is then you reset to normal real quick you're like dancing like a maniac and then they're like you're up next turn like oh hey how's it going can i get a small coffee please how's your day going yeah yeah i've been feeling pretty good lately i've been i've been uh i haven't drank for a while, so I've had those moments of just spontaneous joy.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Nice. Yeah. That's the best. Which is nice, yeah. I just, yeah. I don't even... Yeah, I just want to eat a tangerine and just put on a cowboy hat and tube socks and that's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And then call myself Bert for the afternoon. Yeah, when I get a spontaneous feeling of joy, I'm just like, how about I call like a third cousin? Wait, so what are tube socks? Just long socks. That's all they are? Yeah. And they go on your dick. Or they can.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Or they can. Yeah, but I was talking about putting them on my feet oh that's awesome yeah cowboy hat and tube socks that's a good look yeah so i am dropping dong you're naked yeah that's great yeah with a stoke unlit that's a lot of natural stoke i remember you came to an open mic one time with a cowboy hat yeah would you sign up as i don't remember you had a cowboy name hank maybe hank's good name yeah hank strong hank's had big dongs typically big torpedoes not that i'm ashamed of you know a less than stellar piece but sometimes i like to go by hank just to like live vicariously through joe's dong, this will come out after the video probably comes out,
Starting point is 00:14:47 but we're going to do some running and skimpy underwear stuff. Yeah. And so I went to a place to buy skimpy underwear today, which was a gay establishment. Not exclusively gay, but it seemed like that was their primary clientele. And I was looking at all the dildos, and I was kind of psyched on the sizes. Yeah. Because you got your nine-inchers, but there's a lot of six-inch dongs. Oh, really? dildos and i was kind of psyched on the sizes yeah because you got your nine inches but there's a lot of six inch dongs oh really yeah nice it's kind of encouraging i was like oh look at this yeah a lot of six inch dildos yeah a lot of i
Starting point is 00:15:13 mean you know and it's probably more for the ass than the vagina but i was like oh that's good that you know every you know everyone you think all these dildos are gonna be nine inches no a lot of them are six, seven. Yeah. Reasonable. Yeah, that's good stuff. That really... It fired me up. That makes me optimistic for the world. Right?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah. And I think, dude, I stumbled upon a video last night, a sex education video I learned about the clitoris, basically about the female anatomy and what the clitoris basically about the female anatomy and like what the clitoris is and that dude it's like a muscle it has 8 000 nerve endings yeah the dong has 4 000 i know man i remember learning that in high school i was like lucky ladies yeah getting double yeah and and it goes so the g spot is like like the other end of the clitoris. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:06 So that's why if you're like pushing up through like the vaginal wall. Yeah. That's why you're stimulating it. Oh, interesting. And then the top of it is the part that like pokes out at the top under the hood. Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, I've tried those moves yeah sorry mom um but i'm here to get the job done all right this is important stuff yes so it's just like it yeah it's in there
Starting point is 00:16:35 and uh uh so uh dudes you gotta you gotta you know get that thing spazzing out good call yeah for real good call that's that's what i learned dude nice i love you doing a little research dude adding some nice descriptions to to you know a thing that a lot of us are trying to understand yeah you know twitter's good for some things you know just when you think it's only use is to divide our country it's then you learn about the clitorises i think you can learn a lot yeah it's just you just got to be curious yeah is that too politically charged how is that politically charged i don't know but we'll cut it there and say yeah for sure um yeah for sure dude a lot of people are scared
Starting point is 00:17:15 of doing good work on the veg and i think you know it's good oh no i was talking about the twitter dividing our niche oh no you're good dude dude. Okay. What was I going to say? Dude, that's why I've been big on not, I'm circumcised, but they say an uncircumcised dong has more nerve endings. Oh, right, yeah. But what about dick cheese? I think that's just a problem early on
Starting point is 00:17:37 and your parents scrub it for you as good parents do. And then as you get older, you're taking a shower every night. But if you had a kid with a uncircumcised piece, would you think that he might feel weird if he's got a turtleneck on his chode? He might catch some heat from his classmates,
Starting point is 00:17:54 but people are afraid of what they don't understand and just anything that's different. But I actually think that if you're just looking at pure, like, bang for your buck buck getting the most out of your peace uncircumcised is the way to go and you know no knowing you i think your child would helicopter that uncircumcised peace i pray i pray he's got that kind of confidence yeah i hope he comes home and he's like hey the other boys made fun of me and i go you go back and you tell him you got more nerve endings okay and you tell them their parents are a bunch of sheep who just did what their parents did before
Starting point is 00:18:27 them they never even thought critically about what was going to make their dode feel good for their kid yeah I'm out here looking out for you son and you're building character right now and that character is going to come through and you being a freaking sexual dynamo so don't you you keep your fucking head up partner I fucking love you I gotta love that kid I like it to be like yeah my dad he's just so interested in like the nerve endings in my piece. Yeah. And he's just like, it seems like he's living vicariously through my nerve endings.
Starting point is 00:18:52 They call me into the office. They're like, oh, your son won't stop talking about his piece and how he has more nerve endings. And he says, you've been kind of, that's kind of the way you talk at home. And I go, damn right. That's how I talk at home. Do you have a problem with my son's piece? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:03 That it's covered? You got an issue? Well, is it it not awesome do you not think it's awesome father francis is there a problem here because he's going to catholic school well i mean he's a kindergartner and uh we were doing a class on space and as you know rocket ships have a phallic quality to them. And he asked how many nerve endings. He asked how many, he asked, are you okay? I laughed a little. Please continue, sir.
Starting point is 00:19:37 He asked how many nerve endings were on the space shuttle Columbia. Or Discovery, sorry. Look, he can't be talking like that at school. But I think we can both acknowledge that's a pretty precocious joke for a four-year-old to make. Have we thought about putting him in the gifted classes, maybe with the other kids who are making sophisticated dick jokes? Well, you know, he does wear a turtleneck. And I have not thought about putting him in the gifted class because he seems to only talk about penis. Is there a class where you guys talk about that more?
Starting point is 00:20:09 Not yet. Well, look, if you want, I can homeschool him, but I got to be honest, it's going to be a lot more dick talk at home than at school. If the mission is to get him to talk about dongs less, you don't want him at home with me. I don't have a job right now. Okay. You don't have a job? No.
Starting point is 00:20:33 What were you doing prior? I was designing rocket ships that looked like dicks. Are these penis spaceships circumcised? No. Don't you think the population will think that's weird? That, you know, I assume 85% of men are circumcised. I think it's weird. They'll think it's weird. Don't you think the population would prefer like a bellend on their spaceship
Starting point is 00:21:06 look you can do your spaceship with a bellend i want mine to just not be uncovered but is that aerodynamically you know aerodynamically is that going to work you know if it has a big hood on it i mean a bellend is you know i don't want to get scientific here but it's way more fluid and aerodynamic that'll pierce through i don't think so i think the head is going to cause a lot of friction with the air you want that closed dome i don't i don't i mean i don't want to be argumentative i'm kind of unfamiliar with uncircumcised oh you are thanks yeah oh that's funny it's funny it's interesting oh yeah well you know i too can feel pleasure you know you
Starting point is 00:21:54 guys aren't the only ones you know just because you guys are kind of like high and mighty um but i can come too just so you know i know you guys have more nerve endings on your cocks, but I can come too, okay? I can come more than your son. I'm pretty sure I have come more than your son. Father Francis, at no point did I suggest you couldn't come. Well, that's the thing with you uncircumcised folk. You think you have way more nerve endings and maybe you do
Starting point is 00:22:25 but i can come i believe you can come do you because you have your child here at school preaching at a religious institution about how he can come more and harder than his classmates he can come that's what he's saying that's news to me dude did you listen to uh alex jones on joe rogan oh yeah that was pretty good stuff it's always so entertaining aaron did you listen to that uh you had to listen no i i did not i listened to mcconaughey but i did you listen to that? You had to listen. No, I did not. I listened to McConaughey, but I did not listen to...
Starting point is 00:23:08 How was McConaughey? He's great. He's great. Yeah, I like McConaughey. He's a good guy. Marin was kind of being a dick to him about it. Oh, you listened to him and Marin? A little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Marin was like, yeah, it was the kind of book where I was like, if this wasn'tthew mcconaughey i would think this is stupid but i don't mean that as a criticism he said that he said that to him what matthew mcconaughey said he's like right right right because of why and he's like no i don't mean it as a criticism it's just more it's it's really a compliment that's not a compliment at all yeah i know i was listening to mcconaughey's life story he's like talking about his struggles like his big thing like the big risk he took was that he stepped away from rom-coms to get into more yeah and he's like that was like the big moment for me and i'm like dude you like you got your first movie at like 22 23 on like your first audition like yeah the name of the book is right green lights it's been a life of uninterrupted green lights your dad died with a boner amazing not that no hearts out to him for that
Starting point is 00:24:12 yeah that is a bummer but sorry dude i'm just saying his lineage is pretty cool he's a beast i guess he won anyone most handsome at his high school and he tried to sue Accutane. Really? For making his skin terrible. And so when they were suing him, they were like, yeah, it made my high school life horrible. Like I felt like a mutant. And then they pulled out his yearbook and they were like, you were the most handsome guy in your class.
Starting point is 00:24:37 So he lost the case. Really? Yeah. That's true? Yeah. But no, please. Okay, I saw Matthew McConaughey once once i probably told this story a million times he was uh at a bar with his wife and they looked like they were having a nice time and she got a burger and fries and he just turned her goes you know i'm going to eat some of those
Starting point is 00:24:57 fries right i love i love my my buddy miller put it He's like, he's the most in touch, out of touch person ever. That's well said. Yeah. That's exactly what it is. Because I can't stop watching his announcement that the book has been released on Instagram. He's like, hey, everybody, McConaughey here. This book has helped me find a lot of growth for myself a lot of truth and honesty and you can read it also if you want to and he goes he starts laughing if you want a good laugh and uh i recommend
Starting point is 00:25:35 that you give some uh green lights not only to yourself but to other people and the two aren't mutually exclusive just keep living What are you talking about? But he's so confident. And he's just like, I'm like, I love him. You know? It's just like a river flowing. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:25:55 Yeah. He's just talking. Going off into a million different little streams. Yeah. But he keeps flowing. He never stops flowing. Yeah. He's always in rhythm.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm sure he's an awesome guy to hang out with. I bet. Yeah. I don't think you can knock him out of rhythm. No. Dude, but Alex Jones, I don't, you know, he's probably not a reliable information giver going out on a limb here. He brings in just a stack of paper he's like joe i got the documents
Starting point is 00:26:26 would you would you print those off yahoo yeah what do you what do you mean you have the documents and joe is being harder on him this time than normal he's like alex we have to verify this we got to bring it up can you bring it up jamie can you bring it up yeah and then like some stuff he'd be like close to the truth on and then other other stuff, if he was wrong, he'd be like, all right, let's just keep pushing, Joe. It's close enough. Let's just keep moving. But just in terms of entertainment value.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. He's really fun to listen to. He's very entertaining. And I listened to a show one time and the production value around it, like it makes you feel like you're in a movie. You know, it's like, welcome to the resistance. If you are listening to this broadcast, or they call it a transmission. If you are listening to this transmission, you are the resistance.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And you're kind of just sitting there like, whoa. I think that's part of what's fun to listen to about him is that actually it's kind of positive. It makes you feel like you're part of something like that, like the resistance. Like you're fighting for good. Yeah, exactly. So when it comes to Global Warming, like he's like no the earth's been hotter a million different years it's actually cooling itself if you think about it and uh cold cold it's clean it burns clean you're like oh like i it's not what any scientist i listen to on like
Starting point is 00:27:38 npr or something you're saying but yeah it's nice that he believes that it's like it's like that's a it's a friendlier world to believe in. And then even the stuff that he's like kind of dark about, like he's like, Oh, there's predatory child molestation rings that have been instituted since, you know, the Kennedy administration.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And they've just been circulating children through different islands. And then, you know, Joe, Joe Biden's connected to it. It's all, it all goes very deep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:58 That stuff. But he's like, but we're going to get them. We're, we're coming to the truth. I've uncovered it and we're going to fight it. Like even that has like a bent at the end of it where it's like, we're going to stop all this. And you're like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:08 That does fire you up. Joe, I am pro-human, okay? I'm pro-human. I'm fighting for you. And you're like, yeah. That's what it is. There's something actually positive about it that makes it palatable. I thought Timmy Dillon was a good addition to the pod, too.
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah. I think he did it really well because he knew when to interject. You know, like Eddie Bravo would kind of just talk over him, and you're like, I kind of want to, you know, and it would get kind of annoying. But Tim Dillon was able to just sort of like, you know, do some surgical strikes in there. It just kept it very entertaining. Yeah, he's a bit more discerning.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yeah. I think it's funny, too, with Alex Jones that he, like, just sometimes when his random interests will pop up, like, he'll just bring up an actor and he's like, Michael Douglas, he's a great actor. You know, he's amazing at disclosure. Yeah. Pick a random movie. I'm a huge fan of his. It's just so...
Starting point is 00:29:00 Joe, you're getting drunk. You're getting drunk with me right now. Yeah, and he always wants him to smoke. Smoke some pot, Joe. Come on, come on. We're getting drunk right now. He's like, Joe, you're a smart guy. I know you know more than me. You're getting drunk with me right now. Yeah, and he always wants him to smoke. Smoke some pop, Joe. Come on, come on. We're getting drunk right now. He's like, Joe, you're a smart guy. I know you know more than me.
Starting point is 00:29:08 You're a smart guy. Yeah, he's very... Aaron, he was in here one time, right? Or should I not talk about that? I feel like the statute of limitations has been long enough. Yeah, he was in here once. Well, he was more radioactive at that point, too, right's when he was getting like his kids maybe taken away in the sandy hook stuff was a bit he's he's he's gotten cagier to or savvier where he's like walked he
Starting point is 00:29:35 doesn't stand by the sandy hook stuff anymore yeah at least not on rogan i think at that point he had he was walking that back too but but yeah damage has been done i mean he was being sued and everything yeah whenever i watch him i'm like i'm kind of like there's something that's so um seeing someone who believes in something so deeply and like and has like dedicated their life to like fighting for something that they believe in is like you kind of like are envious of it even if you don't share the same beliefs it's sort of like like wow you like you know he really is on a full mission well and he's got his own way of thinking it doesn't seem like anyone else's he doesn't it seems like he's his own information uh kind of uh source yeah like he finds it himself he doesn't he never hear reference. Here's a smart guy you should listen to.
Starting point is 00:30:25 He's always the guy finding it. Yeah. He's like, look, I've talked to 80 different military officers. They can all confirm this. The numbers are huge always. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yeah. John Ronson. I was, I brought this up before too. He did a really good, uh, piece on him and like this American life. And like the most interesting part to me was that,
Starting point is 00:30:40 uh, Alex Jones told him that when he was in high school, he went to a party and 12 guys jumped him and tried to murder him as part of some like conspiracy and it turned out in reality four guys jumped him and he really did beat the shit out of the guys but when he retold the story he just tripled how many guys were there and then added that there was like a uh like a machiavellian aspect to it rather than just four guys he wanted to beat his ass yeah but he it was like already nuts enough it's it rather than just four guys who wanted to beat his ass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:05 But he, it was like already nuts enough. It's like you beat up four guys and then he's like, no, there was 12. You just got to amp it up. It's like already a cool story. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Dude, did you read that fact about bees that I sent you? Yeah. Uh, do you want to, do you want to read it out? Yeah. Cool fact about bees. So beekeepers in Japan attempted to introduce Western honeybees for the sake of their high productivity.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Western honeybees have no innate defense against the hornets, which can rapidly destroy their colonies. Although a handful of Asian giant hornets can easily defeat the uncoordinated defenses of a Western honeybee colony. Dude, that is such a harsh takedown of the Western honeybee. The Japanese honey bee has an effective strategy, though. When a hornet scout locates and approaches a Japanese honey bee hive, she emits specific pheromonal hunting
Starting point is 00:31:53 signals. When the Japanese honey bees detect these pheromones, 100 or so gather near the entrance of the nest and set up a trap, keeping the entrance open. This permits the hornet to enter the hive. As the hornet enters, a mob of hundreds of bees surround it in a ball, completely covering it and preventing it from reacting effectively. The bees violently vibrate their flight muscles in much the same way as they do to heat the
Starting point is 00:32:17 hive in cold condition. This raises the temperature in the ball to the critical temperatures of 46 degrees Celsius, 150 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the exertions of the honeybee raises the level of carbon dioxide in the ball to the critical temperatures of 46 degrees Celsius, 150 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, the exertions of the honeybee raises the level of carbon dioxide in the ball. At that concentration of CO2, they can tolerate up to 50 degrees Celsius, 102 degrees Fahrenheit. But the hornet cannot survive the combination of high temperature and high carbon dioxide level.
Starting point is 00:32:40 Some honeybees do die alone. Some honeybees do die along with the intruder much as happens when they attack other intruders with their stings but by killing the hornet scout they prevent it from summoning reinforcements that would wipe out the entire colony dude they get in a big circle and they hump until they heat it up so hot that that heat from their humping murders the hornet it's insane it's amazing how how does that how does that get programmed into your like into their instincts you know what i mean totally because they don't i i doubt they like have a conversation about it you know like this is what we're gonna do dudes yeah that's so true i'll just do it like one bee just started doing it
Starting point is 00:33:22 yeah and then the hornet's like on top of you and you see it start to sweat and you're like it's working it's working keep going yeah and then pretty soon you fly around you tell all the other honeybees and stuff dude that'd be pretty awesome if you had like a rival squad and like one of them one of the dudes tries to like kick your ass but you get your squad and you just air hump around him and he gets super hot and like gets heat stroke and and like has to bail it's always been my dream to just dance circle bullies to death yeah you just get like he comes in he's like i'm gonna fucking fight you and you're like dudes square up and you just start like
Starting point is 00:33:54 and you just start like humping the air and you go yeah yeah he's like what do you what are you guys doing what's going on here and he's like oh i'm getting hot oh and he tries to call for backup but he's like choking on all the heat and he's like guys come they're they're helping me they're helping me yeah and then one guy's like dude i want to stop dancing i don't want to kill him you're like dude you better keep you smack his ass you keep going bro yeah we got him on the ropes yeah yeah you don't give up now we're not going to decision all right we need the knockout and then that bully what would he even tell his friends after that they're like dude what happened you were supposed to kick all those dudes asses dude they did some
Starting point is 00:34:32 like weird kind of bukkake thing they bukkaked me they danced on me until i died they danced on me until i was unconscious i'm not going back to fuck with those guys yeah you never rep yeah dude dude if i had a gang, the Western Honeybees, they're like, why do you call yourselves that? You throw them in the middle of the circle, just dance on them. Aaron, would you be in the humping squad? I mean, if only to save my own life, sure.
Starting point is 00:34:58 For sure. But would you, like, hump with us just for recreation? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. Cool. cool dude other animal related news so um the new york times has an article that and this has long been a myth in fishing circles like fishermen have said that swordfish battle sharks and everyone's like oh you're just telling stories about you know fantastical things in the ocean to sound cool it It's like, nah. They found eight sharks in the last six months that have had broken swordfish parts in their dome. So these swordfish are using their swords like swords.
Starting point is 00:35:33 But people don't understand why because the swords don't grow back. So if you go after a shark like that, that's it for you in a lot of ways. You lose a lot of your aerodynamic swimming capacity. You're you're not able to kill other fish so it must be it's hurt too it's gotta hurt to break off your your dome piece like that yeah but it's pretty cool that they're going after sharks like that like i'd love to witness that it must be like their last resort papa roach like they they're like they're like i'm gonna die i gotta stab this dude
Starting point is 00:36:02 but can you imagine having a fucking sword on your head? You'd want to use it at some point. Yeah. Like, I do have a sword. Yeah. And I want to use it on something big and tough, like a Mako. Yeah. What would you use your sword on?
Starting point is 00:36:16 If I had a sword down there, I'd stick it in stone and then just pull it out all the time and be like, King Arthur. Yeah. That's how you'd sleep. Just dunk, dunk. Yeah, my favorite part of that article is that they're like, they just thought it was a tale that fishermen would tell. And I was like, it must be so cool to be one of those fishermen with, like, tales of the sea.
Starting point is 00:36:38 You know? You're like, man. Like, whatever. Just like, out in the water right here. I don't know. Just seeing cool shit like that yeah i mean fish are insane i was watching the octopus teacher i'm gonna watch there's aliens in the ocean yeah like those critters are insane it's uh i'm only halfway through but it is really compelling what's the coolest thing you learned about it wasn't even like something that i learned it was just the first moment and i don't know if it's like uh if it's reenacted but the first time him and the octopus touch it's special like the octopus's
Starting point is 00:37:15 suction cups kind of grip to his arm and you kind of feel what he's talking about like the connection changes him brings him some kind of serenity and you kind of instinctively understand it just by watching it yeah just from the way the suction cups hit them and the way that they kind of like they're almost embracing and there's something so powerful about that especially when it's like inner species and i know there's just something about octopuses that they kind of have like a mystical quality to them yeah i think it's because their heads look like big brains yeah they they're they're a little more anthropomorphic than uh than other animals in mystical quality to them. Yeah. I think it's because their heads look like big brains. Yeah. They're a little more anthropomorphic than other animals in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Yeah. A little more human-like. And they're intelligent. Yeah. And you can feel that in the way that they kind of touch each other. Yeah. You can feel the kind of intuitive nature that they share. They're almost like human-like in that they look like they have a big brain,
Starting point is 00:38:10 but they're also very so alien to us. Yeah's the way that they're the way they move and use their tentacles and like all that shit completely don't they use that like to their tentacles those feet like to walk dude it was that's really cool is um they it sticks all of its legs like inside of its kind of um torso in a way and then it uses them almost like uh it uses its feet almost it looks like it's using them like a tank uses uh the kind of uh rolling oh wow wheels that they have and they do that so that they can look like um like seaweed basically when they're walking yeah and so i mean to like a human eye you're like oh i can tell the difference but if you're if you're like a shark that operates primarily on smell which is something i learned while watching this yeah you could see how they'd get away with it interesting it's pretty insane yeah the sharks are just using smell they got
Starting point is 00:38:53 those eyes but it's all coming from their nose how they're tracking things down which was another really interesting thing was just like you know as humans i think all of us value sight as probably the most valuable sense but there's other animals that are daredevil style using their other senses to basically navigate space. Yeah. Well, it's like dogs. You watch dogs and they're navigating by their nose pretty much. That's what's guiding them where to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:16 It's crazy. They're sniffing around looking, trying to find a place to take a crap and they have to like sniff the right place. Do you smell your girlfriend a lot? Not right place do you smell your girlfriend a lot um not really do you smell her pits ever no do you yeah i'll smell her face sometimes she's like what she noticed interesting what she said we were we couldn't find the word for it the other morning and then look adorable alert we messaged each other at the same time at night say we were we couldn't find the word for it the other morning and then look adorable
Starting point is 00:39:46 alert we messaged each other at the same time at night and we were like primal that was the word and we both thought of it at the same time she smells primal or it's a primal move it's a primal move yeah but she does smell primal i think that's what i like about it she smells lovely but it's primal there's something in there yeah yeah do you believe in that with like people where they're like sometimes you kiss someone and you just don't have the right like pheromones with that person and you're kind of meant to be yeah like there's something about some people's tongue juice that matches with your tongue juice yeah yeah i think so i wonder if they sell stuff like hey we'll give you better tongue juice if you take a shot of this we could yeah we could what would make
Starting point is 00:40:21 better tongue juice? Some peanut butter fragrance. I was going to say the sweat from your gooch. Spray that on your mouth? I don't know, dude. It seems like it's very pheromone heavy. That's super primal, bro. Yeah. That's super duper primal squared.
Starting point is 00:40:40 Just try it and see if ladies love it. Don't knock it till you try it. You're like, wow, there's something about you. It's like, yeah, I have gooch sweats. I strive for that kind of open-mindedness. Yeah. Where it's like, look, I'll try anything. And if it works, it works.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Dude, should we answer some questions? Yeah, was there another thing? Oh, there was a little thing, but it wasn't, I don't know. It was just something i thought was interesting it was just a uh a paragraph from a from a someone's like personal opinion piece saying that what they think is the right mix of people to be around they said and it was just talking about people's like belief systems basically that unconvincible people are unconvincible people are frustrating to talk to, but being around only convincible people, you just end up at the average belief,
Starting point is 00:41:28 which was interesting because I felt that before. When you're in a group of agreeable people, you'll all just land in the middle at the most agreeable opinion, but that doesn't mean that it's right. And it says having a diverse variety of unconvincible people to sample from and move away from when it gets to be too much
Starting point is 00:41:43 because, yeah, they do get too annoying, and a group of convincible people with whom to hash out the ideas and find the best versions seems like the ideal. I think I gravitate too much to the convincible finding the unconvincible too annoying except in very small doses. But I think that's super true. You know, it is like, I don't know. It's like if you're in LA, so many people are like hyper liberal. You're like, but you need, you're like, you're like, I think't know. Like if you're in LA, so many people are like hyper liberal. You're like, but you need, you're like, you're like, I think you'd be better off talking to some Republicans. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah. Just to even battle test your own ideas. Totally. Cause then you see like some of these, I'm in the elections tomorrow. Yeah. And you see some of these projections for how some liberal publications think Biden's going to do. And they're like, it's going to be like one of the biggest electoral landslides in history.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And I'm like, I don't think that's the world we're living in. I don't think that's the America we're living in. Yeah. I mean, I, you know, I'm voting for him and I hope he gets the dub,
Starting point is 00:42:34 but I think it's gonna be narrow if he does. Yeah. We shall see though. Yeah. And then people like stores in LA boarding up. I know people are like, stores in LA, boarding up. I know. People are gearing up. I saw Dr. Drew on a podcast, though, and someone brought it up.
Starting point is 00:42:55 And he's like, that's never going to happen. I'm talking about Civil War or something. I was like, that's all I needed. Dr. Drew, thank you. I've been wanting to shoot guns lately. I need to polish up on my gun skills and i need to get back into jujitsu yeah i don't that i'm not i'm not like i don't know i'm never really scared of like criminals or anything like i was just like i'm like even if there was a civil war like i'd probably be fine i never really like I was thinking like should I get a gun
Starting point is 00:43:28 if I had a gun I'd be more anxious about having a gun than like needing to protect myself yeah I don't like that you have those intrusive thoughts you're like oh fuck I have a gun in here what could happen with a gun as opposed to being like you have something to protect myself I think I'm just more kind of like
Starting point is 00:43:44 oh fuck I have a to protect myself. I think I'm just more kind of like, oh, fuck, I have a gun. You know what I mean? It's funny, too. Like, everyone I know who has a gun is people I know in Orange County where there's no crime. Yeah, yeah. And all the people I know who don't have guns live in L.A. Yeah. Where it's like, it might come in handy more often.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah. That is funny. And like, my friends are like, yeah, I got three guns. three guns like the one the sig 380 is perfect for home defense i'm like in your gated community in san clemente who's who's robbing you the orthopedist who lives next door yeah is he pissed off that you've let your hedges grow over his into his lawn yeah yeah that's my thing too is like i like i was thinking about this the other day i might stuff that you've let your hedges grow over into his lawn. Yeah. Yeah. That's my thing too is like I was thinking about this the other day. I might have already said
Starting point is 00:44:30 it on here. I was like, I don't want to hunt, but I'd like to go on a hunt with hunters and just hang out with them and pick their brain while they do it. Yeah. Because when you hear hunters talk about it, it's pretty amazing. Yeah. Like I was talking to a bow hunter and he was talking about when they get close to the elk and they do the call into the thing and you're basically in communication with the elk to draw it out so that you can get it with the elk and they do the call into the thing and you're basically in communication with the elk to draw it out so you can get it with the bow and i was like that's pretty amazing
Starting point is 00:44:48 and then he was talking about the feeling he gets after he takes down like a big buck yeah and he was like it's the most intoxicating powerful feeling i've ever experienced yeah it felt like he sounded like he was talking about like in like the highlander when you chop a dude's head off and lightning bolts come into your body and you get filled up with that guy's power it had that kind of like uh energy to it interesting i don't think i'd feel that if i killed a buck i don't think you would either no but i do i i understand what they're saying because i listen to i listen to joe rogan talking to shane dorian about bow hunting and the way they talked about it there's how they just like totally immerse themselves in nature and they're like completely self-sustainable for like, you know, 10 days and they're on a hunt, like they're on a mission.
Starting point is 00:45:32 That's, that seems super fun of just like you're like in the wilderness and you have like this one goal where you just got to kill this buck or whatever, kill like a fucking pig. And so you're just like always like searching and it's just like that stuff's super fun to me just like the adventure of like you know um feeling like you're just like yeah no i totally and totally and you're like inspecting the ground and you're like getting clues and you have to have an understanding of so many things to be able to accomplish this one thing. Yeah. And if you do it, even if you don't do it, it's probably still very fulfilling. The coolest dude is that guy who got attacked by a mountain lion up in Colorado and then he choked it to death. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Because he was like a jujitsu guy. Yeah. So he got behind and rear naked at this freaking mountain lion. That's crazy. I'd be curious how that guy felt after that. Yeah. Because he wasn't asking for trouble. mountain lion that's crazy like i'd be curious how that guy felt after that yeah because i mean he wasn't asking for trouble i mean i guess he was walking in the lion's backyard but you know
Starting point is 00:46:28 wasn't looking to do anything bad yeah just trying to catch some catch some uh views i think it'd be cool to hunt like a a deer if like you knew like okay this deer's a bad guy you know like he's he's done some gnarly shit and it's like he's he's he's done wrong to a lot of does in the area we need to take him down well he probably has yeah if he's a wild animal oh right a lot of them are probably not the kindest i don't i don't know if they even think of things in those terms do i don't know if i mentioned this since we're talking about manly shit but i uh i could tell that my girlfriend like was not a take a guy's last name kind of person. I just started getting that vibe.
Starting point is 00:47:08 So we were going on a hike, and I was like, you don't take a guy's last name, huh, if you get married? She's like, no, why would I do that? I had to think about it hard, and I was like, one, to protect my fragile male ego,
Starting point is 00:47:17 and two, so I don't look like a pussy in front of my friends. Yeah, you gotta do it. Do me a salad? Yeah. I was like we throw them do me a salad yeah i was like i'll do the dishes for three years i know but then i was like did i already talk about this on here no and then she was like but like what why like why is why would i do that and i was like well okay maybe it's because like if we were hiking and like and this doesn't happen very often, but like if a gang of like marauding dudes came over, I was like, I'd willingly throw myself in front of them so you could get away.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And then she was like, but I do the same thing for you. And I was like, no, but you got to run. It just doesn't work that way. Like you just got to get the hell out of Dodge. Yeah. Like it's my job to die for you. You should take her to see Troy Casey. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:04 Well, he goes a step too far. Cause he's like, we don't need women. He's like, men are natural leaders. Women are subordinate caretakers. He found a post today where he's like, today my wife complimented me on my confidence. You know, because there was a point in my life where, and I deeply regret, my business was taken a nosedive, so I took on the form of the mother and all hell broke loose well you know that's his personal truth
Starting point is 00:48:31 I think that's true for a lot of people and especially men it's just in their heads that they can't live I think I'm like that I don't think I could be like the caretaker but I don't think there is a right way or a wrong way to do it it's just what works for you.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Yeah. Can I read this thing? Yeah, go. And I love Troy too. He's a very compelling guy, but, um,
Starting point is 00:48:54 I just disagree with him on stuff. He's a good sport too. If you disagree with him. Oh yeah. Brother. Always happy to have a debate oh god sorry guys uh all the texts are coming in because i put on airplane mode okay my wife complimented me on my confidence recently i asked her if i maintained that throughout our marriage answer no after we had children I got caught up on capitulating to the feminine,
Starting point is 00:49:27 deferring to my wife on many issues that would later haunt me. I relinquished my leadership in the family as I got caught up in feminist ideals that infected my mind via the media programming. Strategically, I played Mr. Mom as one of my businesses took a nosedive. I supported building back her long-standing business after our first child. It sounded like a good idea. She put on her man pants and I put on an apron and the shit show began.
Starting point is 00:49:57 He's hilarious. You know what's funny about that? Is that him asking her, did I maintain that confidence throughout all of our marriage? Is like one of the most insecure fishing statements you could make after that. Yeah. Hey, you've been really confident lately. Have I always been confident?
Starting point is 00:50:18 You want to just take it in stride, dude. No. And then he creates this whole narrative about it. It's like, about it it's like dude it sounds like a lot was going on in you i don't know if other people were registering it as deeply as you were is it always this confident right was it always confident i think i just spit on my monitor um that's funny we gotta have troy back on sometime to do some... What's that drug he gives us? Hoppe.
Starting point is 00:50:48 He's in Arizona. He moved to Arizona. Oh, he did? Yeah. Sedona. Nice. All right, let's answer... Do you want to do an ad and then we'll answer some questions?
Starting point is 00:50:56 Oh, yeah. I've got three. We have three ads? Yeah. People have kind of been complaining, but hey, we've got to make that bread, guys. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast again to let you know that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for supporting the podcast. Support for Going Deep is brought to you by Manscaped,
Starting point is 00:51:14 who is the best in men's below-the-waist grooming. Manscaped is taking over the world and is now available in all of Europe, Canada, UK, and Australia. What? Dude, they're going to have the whole world with trim pubes, with pubes trimmed, or with trims pubed. And, guys, you know the deal. You know how important your dong is. You know how important it is to have well-maintained pubes.
Starting point is 00:51:42 People can tell. You know, it's an aura that you give off. It's an aura that you give off it's an aura that you give off where they're like wow uh this guy there's something about him and i suspect it's his pubes and if you ask him you'd say why are you so charming and you're like because i used manscaped on my balls right aaron yeah i'm a firm believer in it thank you that's an endorsement from aaron yep i just manscaped uh not not long ago nice feel great nice this is the greatest ball hair trimmer on earth according to rogan according to uh joe rogan so guys um they have Lawn Mower 3.0 electric trimmer. Third generation trimmer features a cutting edge ceramic blade to reduce grimy accidents,
Starting point is 00:52:30 keep your nuts smooth like a baby's butt. What? Yeah. When I tell you this is premium, I mean premium. The battery will last up to 90 minutes, so you can take a longer shave. You can shave your nuts for 90 minutes. I've done it. It's awesome.
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Starting point is 00:53:26 All right. Nice to hear beast. All right. First question from Katya. What up soul soulmates of Stoke? That's nice. Nice. I'm a new fan of the podcast.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Started listening after one of my favorite climbing bros, Dan, who's usually a total diva. Wouldn't stop talking about his Stoke kit and bronzing. Nice. And suddenly turned into this chill maniac. Anyway, I love the podcast. I listen while I work and drive, and it's been great.
Starting point is 00:53:50 What I want to ask you guys about is how to maintain this chill attitude that I strive so hard to carefully cultivate during my morning and evening commute. While I live in San Diego, and I'm sure you guys know that most people here are just cruising to the beach or looking for a burrito or some delicious ceviche from Oscars. Ooh, I got to check that place out. I usually encounter at least one complete douchebag during my commute to and from work. You know, someone who's either tailgating for no reason or driving like a total dick. It totally ruins my chill, and then I get to work all mad, and I don't like that. It ruins my stoke, even if I'm listening to you guys, which is an impressive amount of stoke-ruining power that these dicks have over me. I should mention I'm from the northeast, so I'll admit my
Starting point is 00:54:26 road rage fuse is pretty short, but I'm working on it. Anyways, can you lovely people please advise on how to keep my tempers cool while on the road? Peace and love. I usually I always try to get into their dome, you know, if they're being a nozzle on the road.
Starting point is 00:54:45 It's so easy to lose your temper. And I do. There's a time when I lose my temper. It's on the road when I get road rage. And, yeah, people are like, wow, you have a temper? And I'm like, yeah. But typically, you know, if someone cuts me off or something i'm like oh he's probably having a bad day it sucks for him you know they're probably just having a bad day if they're being a
Starting point is 00:55:13 dick they're being a dick um you know it's probably something on them and so that's why i try and be like i i get it dude you know sometimes the world is tough and you gotta take it out on the Um, or I just laugh, you know, if they're just being a complete asshole, I'm like, well, that guy's a huge asshole. That's hilarious. I do the same thing. Sometimes like when I really upset someone, it just makes me laugh. I'm like, Ooh, they're pissed off. Yeah. And then whatever kind of person they are, I kind of like, like I've talked about this before. If it's a lady, sometimes I'm like, come on, we're just flirting. But I think a nicer thing to do is, and this is a Rogan thing that he talks about when you're feeling confrontational with another adult is just picture them as a baby. Just, just look at them as a big baby, like in their baby form.
Starting point is 00:56:00 It's true. This is, this is a lot of Joe Rogan references even by our standards. Yeah. But that's awesome. Katya, I think you got this. it's true this is this is a lot of joe rogan references even by our standards yeah um but that's awesome kati i think you got this and also you know sometimes it's fun to be angry maybe maybe you need that you know it's it's awesome to be chill and we're all striving for it but you know i want you to experience all the colors of the personality rainbow and get some red fire in there be pissed pissed. Fuck those people. Yeah, it is fun to be angry sometimes.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Sometimes I'll be like, I'll hit the wheel. I'll be like, fuck. Yeah, motherfucker. And then I'll start laughing. I'll be like, that was hilarious. Yeah, it was fun, right? Yeah. Dude, one guy flipped me off like a year ago.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Funniest thing I've ever seen. When my dad and I used to get into fist fights, we always laughed about it the next day. We'd be like, that was nuts. You were so pissed. He was like, you were pissed. Yeah. And sometimes you've got to empty the tank. So, you know, I don't think you should punch your dad. I cried a lot about it, too.
Starting point is 00:56:55 But, you know, if you can keep it right-sized and just be upset at some stranger in their car, I think that's okay. What's up, Legends of Stoke? Shout-out my boys strider and joe and gotta rep my dog aaron freaking beast on the sticks so yesterday my boys and i threw a sick party and two girls from cali came to visit one of whom is my boys gf the other is an absolute fucking dime piece who was really into me and even took a prairie dog shot with me what's that i don't
Starting point is 00:57:21 know so we ended up walking down the street in the pouring rain and then i pulled her in and i leaned her against a car and we sucked face in the street it was fucking epic i can't lie that's awesome dude i can picture it that's cool the problem is that i have a girlfriend yeah dude um already i love that this dude's like okay so let me finish you guys the problem is that i have a girlfriend who left the party earlier was mad at me because i wasn't paying enough attention i was sauce that being said that being said i do love this girl but i've had friends that asked me the question if i'm happy with her if i should still be with her anyways what i'm asking is should i tell my girlfriend what happened or just do the split and not let her know if i told her
Starting point is 00:58:00 she'd be crushed and the emotional toil would be too much for her also i know this i know this game off really bad i know this game off really bad. I know this came off really bad, but I swear I'm not a bad person. I just fucked up and want to do right. Thanks Stokemasters and sort for the long email. What I do think is funny though is like, and you know, yeah, you, you, you, like people make mistakes, man. I, I've, I've, I, I, I did something similar once I made out with someone when I had a
Starting point is 00:58:23 girlfriend. I did something similar once. I made out with someone when I had a girlfriend. But the thing that I like about this is that he's still so stoked on the makeout that happened. He's like, it was fucking awesome. Yeah, the way he described it. Yeah. Leander against the car. He's like, I do feel bad, but it was sick.
Starting point is 00:58:37 You got to give it up to me. That was sick. I mean, the whole lean thing and the way we were vibing. It was bad. Sounds like Tequila Sunrise. Yeah. I think Hot Movie. All three of them at their physical peaks.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Mel, Kurt, and Michelle, friends of mine. I would just break up with your girlfriend. I don't even know if you have to tell her, but I would break up. You guys aren't going to end up together. This also seems like you made out with this girl really doesn't seem like he stressed stressed about it at all no it seems like he he he did it because he was fired up on it and uh now he's just like has some remorse later on
Starting point is 00:59:17 like it's it's remorse because he feels bad for hurting his potentially hurting his girlfriend's feelings not really because he's and he doesn't even seem to be that yeah he's like should i feel bad yeah he knows he did something wrong but yeah he's still so stoked on it yeah i think also when you're i'm guessing you're in like your early 20s yeah because he's still got a college uh email when you're at that age you think you can like cheat on some i mean people maintain this beyond that age but i think most of us grow out of it is like when you're that young you're like well i can hook up with someone else but still love my girlfriend but then when you get older you're like no like the love part is being considerate of how they feel even when
Starting point is 00:59:58 they're not watching yeah and you're just not there yet. But you got to be fair to this girl who cares about you. And it seems like maybe, you know, she had reason to feel the way she felt. Like you not paying attention to her. Literally the night she was mad at you for not paying attention to her, you hooked up with another girl. Yeah. So you're kind of, you're validating her concerns. I think you just got to break up with her. And also,
Starting point is 01:00:25 I don't know how you guys feel about this. I hate abbreviating California to Cali. Oh, yeah. Yeah, future note, it's, uh, if you say Cali, people know you're not from California. That's true.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Good call. Okay, cool. Glad we could agree on that. But good for you on the hookup, Thomas. It sounds hot. Yeah, it did. Now let's see if you can do it when you're single, because it's tougher when you don't have that love in your back pocket that you're just taking for granted. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:57 What up, Stokers? Huge fan of the pod. So my boy Jake has become a huge smole since the start of the school year. All of the other six members of our tribe are in agreement that he's just a different person than he was last year he's just become a huge dick and a vibe killer when we try to intervene and tell him this he just says that we're all soft i personally think being quarantined with us in school is the main reason why he's acting like this others think it might be his recent increase in the amount of weed he smokes and how and and how he now drops acid that's a weird reaction to those i mean weed can
Starting point is 01:01:27 make you a little more insensitive because you're just so you know it dulls your your senses a bit so you kind of become a dick but i don't know anyone who does acid and then becomes an asshole well he thinks he's cool because he's taking drugs now that's what it is good call he doesn't seem to respond well to us telling him that he just needs to chill out any advice on how we take necessary steps to avoid having to boke him from the tribe? Thanks. Just have a good time without him. Just give him some FOMO.
Starting point is 01:01:53 His survival mechanism will kick in and he'll adjust, hopefully. I can tell you guys like him and you value him, but if he's being this big of a douche, I just have a party and just forget to invite him. If that happens once or twice, he'll figure it out. That description is pretty hilarious, though. If anyone says anything, you're soft. Yeah, way to hear your bros, dude yeah i understand what he's going through though i remember when i started partying like hard in high school for the first time i thought i was so
Starting point is 01:02:32 cool and so hard i was like you know i was like watching like mac dre videos and i was like i was like i'm the fucking hardest dude alive and then my brother came home from college and he like bought a bong he's like yeah he's like yeah I smoke weed now I'm like you didn't even know at a party and I was like a junior in high school and he's like what the fuck's your deal he's like you're not in dog town dick weed and that sort of took me down a level and yeah so if you can get like his older brother to say, dude, you're not as hard as you think you are. You're just a high school kid who just discovered drugs. If he's self-aware enough, that'll probably take him down a peg.
Starting point is 01:03:14 Dude, that reminds me. One time my brother was being kind of a dick to me for a couple months. Everything I said, he'd just be like, oh, okay. Just something sarcastic. Started to really get to me. So we went for a drive to go hang out with some friends i hope you don't mind me telling the story chris he's like the best guy i know and my moral compass um so this is an aberration
Starting point is 01:03:32 but uh he was i was like hey he said he made another comment like that to me and i was like have you noticed you've been kind of a dick to me lately like everything i say you kind of chop down he goes no i don't think so. Yeah. And I go, okay. And then I started crying. And then when he saw me crying, he was like, all right, dude, you're right. I've been a fucking asshole. And he came around. So sometimes if someone calls you soft, lean into the softness, get softer. Yeah. And just, just, just be this exposed hurt person.
Starting point is 01:04:01 And then, then you're really, and then if he's a dick, then I mean, what are you going to do? The guy's just a dick. If he's a dick, then, then go the other route and be like, kick open his door and be like, we're going to go chop down a tree. Get your chainsaw.
Starting point is 01:04:13 Yeah. And then if he's like, Oh, I have a chainsaw. And you're like, pretty soft. I like that. If you're a dick,
Starting point is 01:04:17 then after you cry, then you kick his ass. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Cause, cause it was strong of you to, to go soft.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Yeah. And then if that doesn't work at some point you're like all right well i've already been emotionally mature about it i think it's time for the circle to come back the other way and i got to put hands on you yeah don't don't actually fight him um unless you can do it without actually hurting him if you can just dominate him what's up fellas sorry if this is too lengthy i come to you today with a situation that seems unique to me, but I guess it could also be categorized as a quarter life crisis. These are very common, but my issue is everything in my life is actually going extremely well. I feel that within the past year I bought my first house, which really started taking my workout,
Starting point is 01:04:57 taking my workouts, working out more serious and just got engaged the dankest woman on earth. My problem is here is lately I've been really lacking stoke and more specifically self-confidence. I know part of it is my job, which pays fairly well, but I hate it more than I'd like to say. I know the easy answer is to look for another job. The problem with that is my degree. Political science is a complete joke. The job I have now is in finance, but it's so complicated.
Starting point is 01:05:20 I have no idea what I'm doing, so I'm not qualified for any other jobs out there that I would actually want. And then there's my confidence issue. I've always been a schmole, not athletic, the butt of all the jokes, et cetera. But I do a decent job of fitting in, and I understand my role of being the schmole. My issue with that is after years and years of small treatment, it's really starting to take its toll. I guess I'll wrap this up by asking, how can I find my self-confidence again? Wow, this is a great question.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I really relate to this. self-confidence again wow this is a great question i really relate to this i i know i'm feeling this right now actually pretty acutely where everything's going pretty good and i'm my my self-esteem is low i think you know dude i don't think i don't think you need to quit your job yet either i i wouldn't be so hard on yourself that if you're if you've got this job it's because you deserve it and and you you and i know what it's like to have a job where you don't feel like you know what you're doing but i bet you you're better at it than you think and that seems to be your issue with a lot of this stuff is i don't think i've never heard a schmole be so self-aware about their schmoleness and though which leads me to believe you're not a schmole i think uh dude honestly i think you
Starting point is 01:06:22 need some hobbies like that octopus teacher guy he, he just went into the ocean and started swimming with his bare skin, feeling that against the seaweed and playing with octopuses. It doesn't have to be that for you, but I would find something that brings you peace that's not connected to these other things that actually sound solid, like a house and a dank GF. Yeah, totally. I love what you're saying. yeah totally i i i love what you're saying i think i would get some um something gets you gets you out of your head more into your body and just like you know like crossfit gardening yeah gardening you know flipping tires uh hitting a tire things the fucking best yeah hitting a tire with a sledgehammer um just get out there and get moving get in the world get into nature uh i think that's a good thing to do and also i wouldn't i wouldn't uh you know granted i don't have much experience
Starting point is 01:07:13 with uh applying for jobs and shit um yeah keep going um I mean I worked at Billabong as an unpaid intern um but I would say like JT was saying you got the job you have for a reason and I think you are way more capable than you think you are
Starting point is 01:07:39 um you know you could be a fucking entrepreneur you could you could be a fucking entrepreneur. You could, you could, sorry, fucking assholes. You know, you could be an entrepreneur. You could, you know, be a rollercoaster designer if you want to. I mean, anything you can do. You seem like a very smart guy. You got Dank GF, fiance supporting you. so you can do anything you set your mind to for sure yeah i agree with you if you do have to start in another gig yeah you might have to start a few steps behind where you are now but that's a confident move and then
Starting point is 01:08:16 if and then you'll you'll progress there and you'll learn and you'll you'll find your groove and you'll find your niche for sure and it's just about searching for that stuff like you know not everything Like, you know, not everything's where you want it right now, but you've got a lot of good stuff in place. And I, and it's hard to keep up the energy to keep searching. Cause at some point you're like, I have everything. It should just be working out, but it just doesn't work out that way. You got to just keep looking for stuff that brings you serenity and you'll find it. I can tell you'll find it. But in the meantime, just try to let yourself feel down. You know, have a good cry about it and understand that your emotions are valid. But that doesn't mean that what you're thinking is true.
Starting point is 01:08:55 I don't think you're the schmole. Yeah, there's something about doing something that puts you through temporary pain voluntary pain like joyful suffering that just sort of uh builds you up and and and and carries you through the day where you're like you know it's just like if you do like a hard workout or something just for the rest of the day you're like i'm set i'm solid and it's like even if you're feeling low you're like at least i've got sprints to look forward to tomorrow absolutely sprint it out dude and you know maybe maybe talk to a therapist too i i was i was telling my therapist today i was i feel ugly and she was like you're handsome i was like thanks that's all i needed to hear i just need a lady i pay to tell me I'm handsome. It's great.
Starting point is 01:09:46 And take some solace in the fact that most degrees are meaningless. Yeah, totally. I got a screenwriting degree. What the hell is that worth? Nothing. Your philosophy major? Yeah. People are like, who's your favorite philosopher?
Starting point is 01:09:56 I'm like, what? Now I've actually been reading during quarantine. You are reading Aristotle. Yeah. I called Chad yesterday. I'm like, what are you up to? He's like, I'm reading Aristotle. I was like nice bro it sucked i don't think anyone's ever said that to me on the phone before yeah yeah i know how you're gonna get through that man i finished it you
Starting point is 01:10:15 finished the whole book it's only 40 pages still bro 45 beast mode it's about story structure and it's called poetics, about the poems. You know what's this, dude? Message me on Instagram and we'll just start talking about how we both feel down. That can be good too, just sharing. So maybe you already got it out by writing that email. What up? I'm Avi. Being a man of many interests, I've delved deep into fields of discipline that lack traditional social intersection.
Starting point is 01:10:44 I surf, I ball, I play music, I chill with the homies. I've delved deep into fields of discipline that lack traditional social intersection. I surf, I ball, I play music, I chill with the homies. As you both have reputations as squad dynamic engineers and architects of some of the strongest squadral structures known in the world, I have a tricky brotheration to which I believe you can both relate and provide guidance. I think this guy's going to be a really good writer in a couple years. I feel as though my inner squad overlap levels are much lower than the typical healthy dude in his early 20s. It isn't as though my boys from different squads have beef with each other, but it would be very lush if there was a bit more integration.
Starting point is 01:11:18 I strive for it to be like the end of the classic animated film titled Ratatouille, in which, spoiler alert, Ratatouille's rat squad meets up with his chef squad, and they aren't really that close, but at least they both like food and are both friends with Ratatouille's rat squad meets up with his chef squad, and they aren't really that close, but at least they both like food and are both friends with Ratatouille. Is that too much to ask, or is it totally normal to have these intersquadral webs with stringent brothers? Stoked and touched if you read this and pondered my issue. Dude, I've dealt with this a lot. For some reason in college and stuff, I had a number of squats, you know, and, uh, I would get pulled in different directions and it's like, and I could feel that sometimes the squats didn't want to mingle,
Starting point is 01:11:52 you know, sometimes some people would be kind of, they're like, this is a party for just us, blah, blah, blah. Uh, and yeah, I think, um, I don't really know if I have an answer for you because it is tough. I think it's, um, I think, I, I, I don't know if I'd try to force it, but just sort of allow it to be, but also try to get the two squads raging together at some point in like a non forceful way. Um, together at some point in like a non forceful way just so I could see you know the dankness and inside each squad but also yeah just and also you know be stoked that you you have different crews to go interact with you know you're not just sort of relegated to one yeah you can go mingle with many legend also uh ratatouille is the dish the the rat's name is remy oh good correct dude another thing i would do is um is just accept
Starting point is 01:12:58 your role as the group conjoiner some people people have that gift. Some people put together outdoor yoga classes and they invite friends from different groups. You lead them through the vinyasa flow and then all of a sudden everyone's bonding over this shared experience. So just be that dude that brings that adhesive quality to these groups. Put together a group hang and you'll see, not everyone's going to mesh, but, but they'll all be in a better kind of rapport with each other after kicking it in one of your design situations.
Starting point is 01:13:38 You got, you got the juice, dude. You can make it happen. Um, I had a question. Nice. You'd hit question. Nice, dude. Hit it.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Hey, what's up, dudes? This is Randy. So the political situation has gotten me really edgy and just not happy right now. I went to vote and I wrote just dickweed on my ballot for president. What do you think went wrong? I get that. I get not wanting to vote for the options that have been kind of forced on us.
Starting point is 01:14:21 You know, like feeling like, look, I didn't choose either one of these guys. I don't really like either one of these guys. And, you know, even if I do have a preference for one, their supporters are so obnoxious that it's, it's alienated me to the point where I just want to, I just want to burn it down. I just want to write dickweed on there. But I think it is good to make choice.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Like, that's what like the Bhagavad Gita is about, right? The guy's like, I don't even know if I want to fight this war. It's like, you're already going to fight it. You were destined to be in this position. So just fight with your team. Yeah, and I think... Yeah, I hear you, man. Politics these days are annoying.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Sometimes you're just kind of like, why can't we get back to like you know the 90s or something you know i wasn't even i was so young i don't even remember but it seemed like it was much nicer than politically uh but also you know i get where you're coming from you know sometimes you just gotta draw dick weed on a ballot and um i think it's pretty hilarious but yeah i think and i think in this instance, he probably should have actually voted for someone, like a candidate.
Starting point is 01:15:31 But I'm sure the ballot counters will get a good laugh when they see Dick Weed on your ballot. What state is he from? Pennsylvania? No, he didn't say. I mean, Dick Weed might even be considered uh a vote for trump i don't know oh yeah i guess however you look at it yeah all right last question i'm currently 18 years old and one of my lifetime bros has been drinking vaping and smoking weed over hanging with the bros he's been doing this in cecily for the last
Starting point is 01:16:04 year and has really become a problem when i try to get him to cool down in the vaping, and smoking weed over hanging with the bros. He's been doing this incessantly for the last year and has really become a problem. When I try to get him to cool down in the vaping, he claimed that it was good for him and is a must for his survival. However, recently he's gone into some major legal trouble and has to take urine tests, so he's resorted to vaping nonstop, even in my parents' car. How can I get him to lay off the vaping and alcohol? Thanks so much, and I love listening to your podcast, P's. Hey, dude.
Starting point is 01:16:27 I appreciate how concerned you are for your bro, but serenity prayer. Like, you know, what can you control? That's yourself. So I would just be the dankest version of yourself you can be and just crush it. And then when he asks you, like, dude, how are you crushing it so hard? Because I don't vape. I don't vape. Because if you're just telling him not to vape it's more like nagging but if you're crushing it and you're attributing that
Starting point is 01:16:47 to not vaping then it becomes aspirational for him and he's like fuck maybe i should give up the vape yeah yeah i think i would just lead by example don't be hard on him that's probably gonna make him want to vape more and he'd probably you know he'd probably try to boke you so uh lead by example show him how cool it is to um to not vape you know i i've vaped for a little bit and when you're addicted to it you're kind of like how am i ever going to exist without this little plastic thing that i inhale you know how am i ever going to like how am i ever going to like, how am I ever going to enjoy myself? You know, this is sort of like my treat. Whenever I do work, I, you know, sit on the couch and I take a poll of this. But then when you get off it, you realize how much better you feel
Starting point is 01:17:38 in so many ways. And so if you can sort of, if you can somehow get that message that like you know it on the other side of vaping is just like clarity and and no anxiety less anxiety and and full lungs that can help convince them to i think go to the go to the uh reddit quit jeweling, and set him up on a date with a really cool, smoking hot young lady who's anti-vaping and then that might get him to give it up as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:17 I love that. Chad, what is your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is this stingray out in manhattan beach uh so last wednesday last wednesday i was out surfing and the thing was it was like flat there were like no waves and so i was literally paddling i was like well if i'm out here i might as well get bronzed and get a workout in so i was paddling in between lifeguard towers just back and
Starting point is 01:18:46 forth and uh it was low tide so at one point i i sort of got off my board and i just stepped in the water i was just standing in the water and then i took a step and then it just felt like a hot knife just sliced through my foot and i was like and i was all alone because no one's on the water because it was flat and i was like i was like ah and i knew right away i was like oh i just got hit by a stingray and a part of me was like it's pretty cool i haven't been hit by a stingray yet but the pain was so terrible i was like i was like i was like hobbling in and i'd paddle kind of far because like you know it's fall so not all the lifeguard towers have lifeguards in them so i did i did i had to like limp two lifeguard towers down
Starting point is 01:19:30 um and so i'm like i'm like limping and uh the lifeguard there was like um she's like did you get hit by a stingray i was like yeah so she's like i'll get you some hot water so i go to the lifeguard station she gets like a bag of like scalding hot water and she's like, I'll get you some hot water. So I go to the lifeguard station. She gets like a bag of like scalding hot water. And she's like, so you guys just got to submerge your foot in that. And it was like, so it was like boiling. So I was like putting it in and out. And she's like, she's like, just, just put it in. She's kind of calling me a pussy for not putting my foot in there.
Starting point is 01:19:56 And I was like, I was like, geez, lady, take it easy. And there's something about her. She's like had to go or something. I was like, all right. So she just like, once I got my foot in there uh she bailed she's like okay as soon as this cools down you just got bolt home i was like okay so i have my foot and i like slowly make my way to my car and i'm like all right i'm just gonna have to drive home uh and just like endure the pain. So water cools down. I empty the bag, throw it in the trash, still thinking about littering. And then I'm just driving home in the worst pain of my life. It felt like someone
Starting point is 01:20:35 was hitting my foot with a hammer. And I was like, I was just like, I was like, oh my God. For some reason, I was like, in the middle of my drive home, I was like, I gotta, I gotta postmate some McDonald's. I need some McDonald's. So I postmate McDonald in the middle of my drive home, I was like, I got to postmate some McDonald's. I need some McDonald's. So I postmated McDonald's. And I got home. Most pain I've ever felt in my life for like a prolonged period. And then I got to a bathtub, just soaked my foot in hot water.
Starting point is 01:20:56 And I had to get stitches. I got three stitches in my foot. Nice. Because it wasn't a poke. It just like slashed my foot. So it got me good. Dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Um, but you know, I thought it was, you know, I wasn't, I wasn't that bummed about it. I was like, it's kind of a cool story. For sure. Or just like, you know, it's a good life experience. And I just became a little bit more of one with the Osh. I mean, it's super legit to get stung by a stingray. They're exotic animals. And like, anytime you drop you drop that pearl on someone,
Starting point is 01:21:27 they're going to be impressed. Yeah, it's way cooler than saying you, like, fell or something. Absolutely. I got stung by a stingray. It's cool. Where'd you get your scar? Stung by a stingray? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:37 Nice. Did you survive it? Yeah. I slipped on cardboard in a puddle. Yeah. Nice. Yeah. I slept on cardboard in a puddle.
Starting point is 01:21:42 Yeah. Nice. I was swimming with my wife in Thailand, and these dudes are just like, hey, hey, look out, look out. And I look up, and what is coming towards me slowly in the current is the giantest jellyfish i've ever seen in my life and i mean luckily those dudes were looking out and they and i got out of the way and everything was fine but
Starting point is 01:22:10 because i've been stung by jellyfish before and it sucks and i can only imagine what this massive fucking thing would have done to me yeah it was insane was it like a man o war i don't know it didn't i don't think it had huge tentacles or anything like that, but it was gnarly. It was big and had color to it. Oh, they're scary, dude. It was like a basketball, this thing. That's how big it was. They scare the shit out of me.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Dude, box jellyfish in Australia. I was in Australia. I was diving in Australia. And you had to put on like a full wetsuit. The water was like 70 plus degrees, but I had to put on a full wetsuit because they had box jellyfish in Australia. I was diving in Australia. And you had to put on like a full wetsuit. The water was like 70 plus degrees. But I had to put on a full wetsuit because they had box jellyfish in there, which are tiny. They're like this big. But if you get stung by them, it's like you, I think a lot of people die.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Isn't that crazy with the ocean? Yeah. Like that fish from Deuce Bigelow. Like if that thing hits you, you're just dead. They're like, hey, there's some of those fish in this. I'm like, what's going going on are we just okay with us swimming around then when those are around
Starting point is 01:23:08 they're like yeah it's okay I'm like I don't think so dude it's gotta be them or us if I see it I'm killing it yeah dude I wanna
Starting point is 01:23:19 I'm gonna cut this into earlier with that Garrett's guy cause I think I have some just so thanks for writing in garrett i'm sorry you're feeling that way with little confidence i just want to tell you something you rip at your job you're super fucking handsome your wife loves you no matter what happens whether
Starting point is 01:23:35 you fail or succeed she loves you for you you're a good family member you understand that the most important thing in life is just to love well and everything's gonna work out you're a beast and you know what poly sci is a fucking sick major everyone's sick studies poly sci you understand human um hierarchy and that's a valuable thing to know that was nice so good for you dude and you're not a schmole you know how many schmoles i know that know they're a schmole one kevin and he would have wrote this email with a lot more like he would have been calling us a bitch or something it would have been more evident that he was a schmole in the email and kevin's awesome too he's a great guy. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:25 My beef of the week is with a cleaning your car or your room or really anything. I'd rather move than clean my apartment. That's just where I'm at. I move one thing into a place where it's supposed to go. I'm exhausted, like tired, genuinely tired. I weight lifted outside today. I was worried someone might steal my 45 plates. Didn't care. Just threw them under
Starting point is 01:24:53 my staircase and was like, if they're gone, they're gone. But it does feel good when you do clean, but it feels a lot better when shit just already is clean. I hate it. I'm a
Starting point is 01:25:09 dirty child. Though I did put some Drano in my shower today. Oh, that's nice. Because it wasn't running right. No big. But yeah, cleaning, can you get a little more exciting? I mean, I watched the Marie Kondo thing. It's a great show. But who has the time to fold their clothes into little triangles well you know what the thing
Starting point is 01:25:30 about cleaning is is that there's no end to it things get things will get dirty so you like feel good after you clean but you just know yeah you know you know it's gonna get dirty again um chad who's your babe of the week? Aaron's beef. Oh, I didn't get your beef here? Did you skip my beef? Because I think you can't handle the hard truth. Oh, this is true.
Starting point is 01:25:52 I did, guys. I did tell Aaron earlier that I was going to skip his beef because he kind of tipped it earlier. And it's a, I don't know. It's a beef that I disagree with. And the more he explained, the more I disagreed with it. But please, Aaron, the floor is yours. My beef is with the floor is yours. My beef is with the movie
Starting point is 01:26:07 Moneyball. Checking out. One of the best movies of the last 20 years. It's undeniably not one of the best movies. I don't even know how it was nominated
Starting point is 01:26:20 for Best Picture. But here's my problem with it. Here's my problem with it. Yeah, go ahead, dude dude i haven't read the book so and i've heard the book is more um uh not so not so much a praise of moneyball but like is this a new thing could this work i don't know uh the movie is very much like, this is the thing, this works. And I think what, what bothers me most is it, it denies the fact that they had three of the best young pitchers we've seen
Starting point is 01:26:56 in a generation in Tim Hudson, Barry Zito and Mark Mulder. Um, and focused way too much on Scott Hattieburg. Played brilliantly by Chris Pratt. But yeah, it just, the part of it that bothers me is that there are things that Billy Bean did that are great. Drafting those guys.
Starting point is 01:27:21 Drafting Miguel Tejada, who was the MVP that year. Eric Chavez. Good third baseman. guys um drafting miguel tejada who was the mvp that year uh eric chavez uh good 30 home runs gold glove and 110 rbis like they had i can't believe rbis yeah i believe rbis do matter antiquated statistic continue i'm sorry i disagree and i think that's why no one's putting them up like they used to but um it's just weird that like it spent so much time focusing on this one guy and maybe david justice as well um and just just completely ignored the fact like three of the best young pitchers since smoltz maddox and glavin like just insane to me that that that was completely glossed over they were never mentioned by name they showed hudson in a game uh but it's played by a guy who was old it was really weird
Starting point is 01:28:21 the guy who played david justice no the guy played tim hudson right yeah guy who played David Justice? No, the guy who played Tim Hudson. Right. Yeah. The guy who played David Justice had a nice swing. It wasn't bad. I mean, David Justice was a little more straight up and down. He didn't have as much crouch as the guy did, but apparently they actually did play together in the minors at some point. That guy? Yeah. My baseball friends I saw with were like, that guy's a real baseball player.
Starting point is 01:28:42 They could tell right away from his- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that's the thing too it's like some of the stuff just it's like this is clearly written by guys who don't watch baseball um the movie not the book or the or billy beans in in overall philosophy which can be debated that's fine um the movie itself is very frustrating as a baseball fan. When you're portraying normal people, a real people, it'd be nice if they look like the real people,
Starting point is 01:29:11 even a little bit. They had a skinny guy playing Eddie Gordado who was delightfully chubby his entire career. That's upsetting. They had a guy who's, who was a legit 17-year vet, Royce Clayton, playing Miguel Tejada. They showed him playing in the field once, and he dropped the ball.
Starting point is 01:29:35 My friend Jeff Cusick's one of the extras in that movie. He's a UCI baseball player. Danny Babone is in there a little bit, too. Really? Oh, nice. I mean, that scores some points for me. Danny Babone at UCI baseball. a little bit too. Really? Oh, nice. I mean, that scores some points for me. Danny Vamona,
Starting point is 01:29:46 UCI baseball. Well, as a non-baseball player, I didn't notice any of that, so I thought it was us. Yeah, I got a couple of things. I mean, it's hard.
Starting point is 01:29:59 I know it's hard to cast actors to play baseball players. It'd be nice if they cast guys who actually played baseball in their lives. That would be pretty great. Um, to me,
Starting point is 01:30:14 you're never going to film an actor who looks like a baseball player cause they're built differently. Baseball players are all shoulders, um, to a, to a, to a man. They're all shoulders.
Starting point is 01:30:25 Um, they're also way taller than all actors. Okay, what about Brad Pitt's performance? He's good. Jonah Hill's performance? Got no problem with Brad. Jonah was a little one note. He was a little Casper the Friendly Ghost in it. I kind of...
Starting point is 01:30:39 Speaking of your looks thing, the guy who Jonah Hill's based on, he didn't let them use his real name because he was offended by the Jonah Hill casting, which is how I read it. But yeah, that's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:30:50 And then, you know, a guy using, trying to kind of defeat, um, age old wisdom with like, with, uh,
Starting point is 01:31:00 with like new kind of, I'm all for that. I thought it was effective. I'm all for that. I think it was effective. I'm all for that. I think it could have been done a little bit better, maybe explained a little bit more than just we have the magic science and it's all on base percentage.
Starting point is 01:31:14 Spike Jones as the nebbish stepdad. Yeah. And then what about the daughter's song? It's too good of a song, but it's a good song. Well, it's a real song performed it's a real it's a real song performed by a pop star named lenka uh there's great intel who recorded that song in 08 and the movie takes place in 02 so it's anachronistic on top of that well come on but it's not like the song is not about like iphones i know it's not about but i mean it doesn't matter if it's not like the song is not about like iphones i know it's not but i mean it doesn't
Starting point is 01:31:46 matter if it's anachronistic it still fits within if your movie's supposed to take place in 2002 i mean they had they had the brick nokias like they didn't have an iphone so like i think you lose little points there this is insane the story at the end where he shows the the fat guy on tv hitting a home run. Already lost me when you said that guy was 260 pounds. That guy was like 310 pounds at least. Aaron, these issues you have are so technical. They are.
Starting point is 01:32:16 These are like incredibly. You're showing the movie. I think you're missing the forest through the trees a bit here. You're showing the movie to the wrong guy then. Because it's, and especially with the reputation that this is a great movie some one of my friends favorite movie of all time which i can't even believe it's amazing it's it's it's that's and i didn't even know sorkin was involved uh until the until the end credits and i was like uh-huh i get it when they fired steven soderbergh was supposed to direct it and they fired him because he was going to make it too
Starting point is 01:32:44 realistic he was going to make it too realistic. He was going to have the real players play themselves, too. Oh, really? Which, you know, could go horrible, but, you know, it's Steven Soderbergh. He might pull something out of his, I mean, if anyone can pull that rabbit out of their head. He is the best, but I think he would have bricked it. I don't know. I think it would have been, I'd be interested to see it, but.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Well, maybe you just hit the ball out of the park and I just, and I'm, I'm too far behind the times to see it. If you liked it, I'm not hating on you. I'm just saying these are why, this is why I didn't like it. And maybe I'm not the guy to see it since I'm so, I mean, just cause I see, because I watched so much baseball, I'm probably the wrong guy to see a movie that's not made by people who watch baseball. It was a hilariously technical takedown. You're like, Eric Chavez's sideburns were longer.
Starting point is 01:33:34 No. I mean, you are right about the pitching staff, but... Yeah, yeah. It's weird. I mean, if I have one thing I ultimately am mad about, it is that they make no mention of this killer trio who deserve the credit. And Barry Zito won the Cy Young that year. Like, they deserve all the credit in the world. And who wouldn't want to see Barry Zito portrayed on screen in that movie? He's such a weirdo.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Playing the acoustic guitar. Yeah, just like, what? Not even a mention. They were right about on-base percentage over bat batting average as long as they got that right yeah i can see that for sure i mean walks are kind of boring but i get it like it works it's effective i i like it more than swinging for the fences every time because you might get more home runs by doing that which is the current game. It has devolved.
Starting point is 01:34:26 Yeah. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is... the steak I made today. It was nice. It was medium rare. I butter basted it. I actually i actually used one of maddie matheson's recipes the minute steak and um you know saute some onions and that butter after i made that steak threw those onions on there and the taste was just explosive and um shout out to
Starting point is 01:35:04 the cow dude thank you so much for giving me that steak shout out to the cow. Dude, thank you so much for giving me that steak. Shout out to the onion. Dude, thank you for giving me that flavor explosion. And thank you butter. Thank you for the cow. Thank you to the cow that made that butter. And, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 01:35:19 that's it. Aaron, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the 100 Grand Candy Bar. Nice. You guys have these? No, but I like you. You're still on food. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:35 We have a bunch of Halloween candy around. And I never think to buy these whenever I go. Not that I'm buying a lot of candy bars in general. But I never think to buy these whenever I go, not that I'm buying a lot of candy bars in general, but I never think to buy them. And every time they come out for Halloween, it's like, oh, yeah, this is amazing. It's caramel and then milk chocolate with Rice Krispies in it. Like, it's a texture.
Starting point is 01:35:58 It's a joy. Taste-wise, it's a joy. Get on it, people. Hell, yeah. My babe of the week is the movie money ball you know um ballasted by an incredible uh performance of barbed frustration by brad pitt who forms a wonderful odd couple with jonah hill as they try to defeat the staid beliefs of old baseball heads and bring in some outside thinking that can give the underdog a shot.
Starting point is 01:36:33 I thought it was very effective storytelling and the way they tied his family into it, tugged at the heartstrings just the right amount and fantastic direction from Bennett Miller and just top to bottom, a perfect film. I agree. Brad and Jonah are the odd couple in that they're polar opposites
Starting point is 01:36:53 because Brad is the most handsome and Jonah's not looking great in that one. Jonah's weight fluctuates a bit. Interesting little tidbit about Billy Bean that my friend told me. I guess he used to go to bars and his buddies would be like, you only get laid because you're like a stud baseball player. And he'd go, okay, tonight I'm telling everyone I clean animal carcasses off the freeway.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Let's go. Wow. Chad, who's your legend of the week? Well, I wrote this down before any of this moneyball malarkey was even brought to the table. My legend of the week is the inspiring nature of Brad Pitt's hotness, which we discussed about a week ago. And many times before that. He's just so hot, but he's so hot in the sense where it's very comforting. It's comforting to know that Brad Pitt is hot and remains hot.
Starting point is 01:37:50 It's not your watch to it. Exactly. And you can, like, you know, if there's political strife in the world, if there's civil unrest, if sea turtles are eating straws, that can make you sad. But then you can remember, well, Brad Pitt is still hot. It's inspiring that someone can be that hot. You're like, oh, someone can do that. Someone did that. And they keep doing it.
Starting point is 01:38:17 And he can be that hot without being a douche, by being super cool. Because you know when you see dudes who when you look at them you're like okay this this guy is traditionally very good looking like square jaw you know he's like he's a male model and you're like but that hotness is not inspiring they don't carry it no with uh brad pitt's kind of modesty yeah there's something i think it's because he has so much he's adds so much substance to his hotness where you can tell he's just thinking a lot and he's like he he's he's gone through stuff you know and he's and he's a nice guy and uh you know and he's and he's he's just uh it's just i can always count his hotness to always be there for me
Starting point is 01:39:05 it really is the best someone just sent me a photo of him looking hot and I was like thank you it picked me up for the day and we've seen him battle and through it all he stayed hot he's been hot the entire time probably maintained his peak hotness
Starting point is 01:39:22 better than almost any other person in history I mean he's in his 50s. He just broke up with his girlfriend. Yeah. Who I guess... She was in an open marriage? She was in an open relationship, yeah. That's so hot.
Starting point is 01:39:32 Really hot. Yeah, I'd be stoked. I don't know if I'd be stoked, actually. It sounds hot, but then it might be a little scary if it actually happened. Well, Brad's blazing the trail. I mean, ifad was stumping your lady oh oh dude yeah yeah this this chef owner is a cool guy like hey so what are you what are you doing for halloween i'm just gonna go pork brad i'm dressing up as Baby Yoda.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Life's unfair sometimes. You just get matched up in an unwinnable matchup. Yeah. Well, tell Brad I said hey. Absolutely. Aaron, who's your Legend of the Week? Great team. My Legend of the Week? Great team. My Legend of the Week is the Incomparable.
Starting point is 01:40:33 And we unfortunately lost him this week. Sean Connery. Oh, yeah. Just what a badass. What a great, speaking of great looking dudes, what a great looking dude. Went bald. Still great looking. You know, put on some of the best wigs in history. great looking dudes. What a great looking dude. Went bald, still great looking. Uh,
Starting point is 01:40:45 you know, put on some of the best wigs in history. I think we could say that in the wig hall of fame. Uh, and just an amazing, like kind of, I mean, obviously he got in trouble for saying some things later in life or in a
Starting point is 01:41:01 playboy interview, but, uh, just a manly man and uh made chest hair cool which is fun um i love the highlander and his contributions to it um and obviously anina jones last crusade it's like it's such a departure from james bond like it's just it's it's super it is pretty wild he pulled that off as like a nebbish teacher yeah exactly kind of a doddering idiot in a way at least in terms of like knowing
Starting point is 01:41:34 how to act or be in action he's got moves yeah but yeah amazing amazing career amazing um amazing actor, yeah. Yeah, I saw Michael Bay wrote a story about him in The Rock when he's giving Sean Connery some direction. He's like, hey, can you be a little bit less charming in that next scene? He's like, yeah, sure, boy. Well, I saw comedian Matt Bronger tweeted that he knows a guy who was on The Rock as an actor. And Michael Bay tried to direct Sean Connery and Sean Connery just said,
Starting point is 01:42:13 Why don't you go blow up a bridge? That's hilarious. That's awesome. Yeah. Rest in peace, Sean sean connery he made it to 90 amazing yeah it was one of those that celebrity deaths when you see how long he made it and you're like you're like dude good for him made a good tough stock yeah my uh my legend of the week is my dad another man made of good tough stock um my dad has been living it up during COVID, making moves, partying, going to Mexico, going on boats. And he's also been battling pancreatic cancer for a couple years and has fought it valiantly. And with little loss of velocity in his life.
Starting point is 01:43:06 He just takes a couple extra naps now, but my dad is on top of it. He's almost more on top of it now. Cause he's just showing you that he won't go gently into the good night that he's going to, he's going to come at you with both barrels and, and let you know, he still got it. And he does, he does. And he got a bit of bad luck and thought he had a sciatic nerve but it was a kidney infection that turned into an abscess that that filled up his body with uh immense pain and he's been at the hospital for a couple days now laid up and a lot of love to my brother for uh being by his side for a good chunk of that and and i've been able to get in there too and spend some time with him and uh yeah my dad
Starting point is 01:43:45 is so fucking funny the nurses when they talk about him they're like your dad you know to some people he'd be mean but we know he's just masculine because they come in and they're like mr parr you need to eat he goes the food here fucking sucks he's just in a very grumpy mood and uh you know i'll ask him questions and if the questions are at all stupid, he's like, JT, what the fuck are we talking about? And, you know, but he's battling. And he doesn't complain. And he just keeps fighting. And, yeah, just every day I grow to appreciate his toughness more.
Starting point is 01:44:19 And he's funny. He was kind of delirious from the pain medication. And he was just talking about business deals. Like he was like, the hotel, the hotel, if they double the investment, well, then we'll have to leverage it with a loan. But that shouldn't cut into the interest rates. And then the next year, and I'm like, Dad, what are you talking about? He's like, oh, he's like, you brought up the hotel, didn't you?
Starting point is 01:44:38 I'm like, no. He's just talking. He's just always ripping. He's always focused. And, you know know he asked for very little like it's it's you have to you have to really um like volunteer you're like no no i want to be here i want to help you out because he's like hey just go do shit like go and i appreciate that they like like if i tell him i gotta bail for work he's like go go do it do it
Starting point is 01:44:59 and and i i really do admire his like go get him attitude it. It's, it's, it's deep in him. And it's, uh, there's not a false part of it. Cause I've, I've seen him do it in the toughest of times, but even despite all that, he's still, uh, sensitive and loving and, you know, he cries. And if I cry, he's, he's very supportive and it's nice that he can do both things, uh, so well. So very grateful to you, dad. I love you hanging there he's getting better he'll be fine and uh it's just tough to see him have to suffer through this but i it is nice to be close to him while he does so yeah i love you dad yeah glad he's pulling through yeah he'll be all right just gonna take a couple more days um it sucks when you're there you're just like you want to do more you
Starting point is 01:45:46 know you just want to like and you just get so frustrated you're like i could just i could just body slam every doctor in here yeah but um but they're doing their best and you know it's obviously hard times for them but uh yeah uh chad what's your quote of the week? Um, my quote of the week comes from, um, Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder. Who hears the key grip? You? You. Hit that director in the face
Starting point is 01:46:24 really fucking hard you shit the money bed my friend that's it that's awesome Aaron what's your quote of the week my quote of the week okay
Starting point is 01:46:40 my quote of the week is Sean Connery it's someone asked him because apparently he turned down the role of Gandalf in Lord of the Rings oh wow which would have been amazing and he said
Starting point is 01:46:56 yeah well I never understood it I read the book I read the script I saw the movie still don't understand it that's awesome what a beast book. I read the script. I saw the movie. Still don't understand it. That's awesome. What a beast. My quote of the week is from the movie Midnight in Paris.
Starting point is 01:47:16 Nice. Which I think we can all agree is just delightful. And it's Corey Stoll, who does an amazing job as Ernest Hemingway, and Woody Allen does an amazing job of approximating what we, I think, what we all hope Ernest Hemingway would have sounded like. And he says, I believe that love is true and real and creates a respite from death. All cowardice comes from not loving or not loving well, which is the same thing. And then the man who is brave and true looks death squarely in the face, like some rhino hunters I know are Belmonte, who is truly brave.
Starting point is 01:47:42 looks death squarely in the face, like some rhino hunters I know are Belmonte, who is truly brave. It is because they make love with sufficient passion to push death out of their minds until it returns, as it does to all men. And then you must make really good love again. I love Hemingway in that
Starting point is 01:47:58 movie. That movie just fires me up. I fucking love that movie. You got to, right? I just watched that movie in college and I'm like, I gotta get a cardigan and go to Paris and just have a crazy fling and then write a novel. I love that for you. Yeah. I see it for you. Dude, thank you.
Starting point is 01:48:15 I can... Eating, you know, fucking snails. Escargot, sorry. Oh, I'm not offended. I fucking love escargot. It's delicious. Yeah. Garliccargot, sorry. Oh, I'm not offended. I fucking love escargot. It's delicious. Yeah. Garlic and butter.
Starting point is 01:48:29 Yeah. You don't even notice the snail. Yeah, you're like, dude, why don't we have this everywhere? They're just showing off like how good garlic and butter are. Yeah. Dude, we should start like an escargot restaurant here. Love that. Like to go.
Starting point is 01:48:43 Escarbro. Yeah. We like establish it as sort of like your go-to hangover food possible spack mm-hmm what's your phrase of the week for getting after it oh do we oh we got your quote um our phrase of the week for getting after it is um let's let the blood flow is that kind of dark I meant to like dongs but I just didn't want to say dong
Starting point is 01:49:12 no I don't think it was dark okay I liked it Aaron what's your phrase that we forget after it there can be only one islander yeah it's true too my phrase of the week for getting after it is from the sun also rises the hemiway book my brother sent it to me today and it's the bill always comes amen yeah all right dudes oh long one yeah uhokers, be on the lookout for merch. We will be launching, I believe, Friday.
Starting point is 01:49:47 You can get a Stoke Nation shirt. I have a Small Dong shirt. We have some cool stuff coming in the future. I'm talking Helix Beerbong, anyone? Nice. Yeah, we got these cool shirts, dudes. Pick them up. Buy them.
Starting point is 01:50:03 Yeah, let the world know you have a small dong and you're stoked and uh yeah alright see you guys later good luck with the election America if you need advice these guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:50:21 you wanna know what to do where to go When you need someone to guide you There's one step out the door beside you Go in deep Go in deep Let's go deep Go in deep I'm going deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep.
Starting point is 01:50:47 I'm going deep.

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