Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 161 - Ghosts, Sex songs, Britney Spears

Episode Date: November 18, 2020

What up Stoker!? This week Chad and JT discuss someone dying in the apartment Chad's looking at, Britney Spears, and the uplifting nature of sex songs. Have a good day!Sign up for new merch here: http...://www.shopcgd.comSponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagionSign up for Zebit TODAY at Zebit.com/godeep and get up to $2,500 of credit to shop the Zebit marketplace.Go to lucy.co and use code "GODEEP" to get 20% off all products including gum and lozenges!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah, pull my hair and call me Frank. What's up Stokers of Stoked Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you that we are once again brought to you by Manscaped, the number one company keeping your trims pubed, looking after your hogs, making sure that your dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because when you step out into the world, you know, to the sound of, you know, to like an ABBA song, you want to let the world know that you also have shaved pubes. And you can do that with Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Use code GODEEP20MANSCAPED.COM. I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, stokers. And, oh, dude, we got some of our custom wines here today, too. Should we go through them? Yeah, we have Pondering Chad. It's a nice Pinot blend, white wine.
Starting point is 00:01:10 What up? We have Sensitive JT. It's a nice rosé. And then we have the belle of the ball, the Small Dong rosé. It's just a beautiful blend, aged back to, I don't even know when, but it's, I want to say it's aged back to antiquity when small dongs were the real deal. Yeah. There was a time when small dongs reigned as the top dong. And then that somehow got perverted over time by Big Dick.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yeah. You know the way people say like Big Tobacco? Mm-hmm. Double big on this dick. Big Dick. It's a big dick and it's being run by a big enterprise of dicks but it says self-love on it and it also says a rosé for the man without shame but we also hey ladies you know you can drink this too and uh yeah it should be really
Starting point is 00:02:00 good yeah support the small dong men in your life And you can do that with this rosé. You can party. You can have a good time. You can rage. And you can also support less than stellar hogs. You know, you can drink while also making the statement, hey, I love four-inch cocks. Hey. Cock seems like kind of a harsh word there.
Starting point is 00:02:23 You think so? I don't know. Maybe I'm just sensitive. You know what I thought was harsher was the love part. Yeah. Because it's such a big commitment. cock seems like kind of a harsh word there you think so i don't know maybe i may have just said you know you know what i thought was harsher was the love part yeah because it's such a big commitment right to love oh you know what i mean yeah yeah good call i was like maybe they have an affinity for small cocks yeah yeah that's good maybe yeah we don't want to scare people off from buying the small dung rosé it's like yeah because it's such a big commitment. Yeah. Make it a support. Yeah. Support small cocks. Yeah. Yeah. And then, of course, we got to support our dog Strider.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, nice, dude. With the Strider's girlfriend. I haven't seen this one yet. You haven't seen this one? Not in person. This is the Pinot Blend. Wow. Look at how cool that is.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You can support the best relation in the nation with the Strider's girlfriend Pinot Blend. This photo of Strider. Is this from like one of his headshots yeah dude that's hilarious that's a great one striders gf and it's calise from a game of thrones with their face blurred out as we all know no one knows what striders girlfriend looks like chad and i have seen her she's very cool very awesome she's great great lady and uh they just got a dog too i don't know i don't know if they want us to ruin the the surprise i asked him if i could post about it he said it was okay yeah you did post about it yeah Great lady. And they just got a dog, too. I don't know if they want us to ruin the surprise.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I asked him if I could post about it. He said it was okay. Oh, you did post about it. Yeah. That's right. Yeah, they got a small little dog. I'm pumped for him. I can't wait to meet him.
Starting point is 00:03:33 It's pretty awesome. Yeah. Have you met him yet? He's so funny. No, but he's so funny talking about it because he's so neurotic. I'm like, what do you think about the dog? He's like, it's a little shy when it met me, and I kind of stepped on its fur a little bit, so it kind of got scared of me, and then the breeder had to kind of pet it into feeling comfortable with me again i was
Starting point is 00:03:48 like dude it's gonna like you yeah i was like i don't think there's gonna be long term like ramifications from having an awkward start yeah no his his energy is too good to to be disliked yeah um yeah he said the same thing to me he's like yeah you know you kind of like scared doors a little bit right now so it takes a little while to walk down the stairs and you know i'm like it's it's gonna be all good dude yeah it's gonna work out yeah yeah being it looks like a cutie it does yeah i'm glad i got a dog i'm jealous honestly when you're about to make a big move right yeah i uh i'm i'm looking for a new place and um so i i i've been looking i've been looking hard i was like should i go manhattan beach
Starting point is 00:04:32 i stick around where i'm at now um and i found i found two places so i found a place online and then the realtor called me and she's like i have these two places they aren't listed but they're a great price you know they have backyards which is like i'm fired up on it i want a backyard and i'd like an extra room as like an office you know we could you know film stuff in there all kinds of cool stuff and so one was like you know fairly expensive and then the other was like a great deal and i was like oh i can't wait to check out this place and i'm gonna i was gonna check out check it out tomorrow or i'm going to check it out tomorrow but the realtor called me today and she was like hey you know we're in realty we were in the business of full disclosure so full disclosure someone passed away in that place in september
Starting point is 00:05:21 i was like oh crap so i don't know what to do because i'm not gonna lie dude i'm a scaredy cat i'm scared of ghosts um freaked me out i say go for it dude someone died in there i don't know if i could sleep in i don't think that's bad well okay i i called i called the accountant i called our accountant michelle the best. Yeah. And I was like, great lady. I was like, Michelle, like, um,
Starting point is 00:05:47 I was asking, you know, what the feasibility of like the other place. She's like, yeah, it's doable. And I'm like, I'm like, but this other place is like great deal.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I'm like, but someone freaking died in there. And she was like, well, I think you should figure out the manner of death. So they think that's what I'm gonna do. If it's a murder, suicide, that's bad. That's bad. J going to do. If it's a murder or suicide...
Starting point is 00:06:06 That's bad. That's bad juju. If it was murder or suicide, I might not move in there. Everything else, I think it's great. So any other... You're not afraid of ghosts or being in a place where someone... I'm neutral on ghosts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:20 But I don't think this ghost is going to be a bad ghost. I think if there is a ghost, I think you're getting a good ghost. I just don't think this ghost is going to be a bad ghost i think if there is a ghost i think you're getting a good ghost i just don't want ghosts but there's probably what's how am i going to drill myself with ghosts i guess because you live in a new apartment there's probably very little probability that someone died where you live right now but over the course of history someone probably died on that plot of land so i do ghosts go away or do they stay forever i wanted to call your mom about it she would know yeah but maybe your mom could come in and like assess the the the the energy levels well she so there was a ghost at the house that i grew up in
Starting point is 00:06:59 i i never saw him but my mom said he was there there and they got along amicably and I was never bothered by him. How so? How so? Like my mom would like be in the kitchen and she'd be like, I can put that, get the fuck out of here. I told you to leave me the fuck alone today. And she'd like get annoyed and be like, just bail bro.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And then I don't know. Sometimes he listened. Sometimes he did it. What would he do to her? No, I don't think he would like futz with her at all. I think he would just scare her. Like he'd walk into like the kitchen when she was in there and she's like fuck like i didn't know you were going to show up you fucking asshole yeah or he'd like mess with the lights or something so would she
Starting point is 00:07:32 like see an apparition or like something would like a door would close and she'd be like you fucking asshole i think both but probably more often the the door would close or something like that like an unexplained happening interesting that she would attribute to said ghost but but but to you i think i don't know i think it's actually almost good juju if someone died in there there's like a cycle of life thing to it that i think is kind of cool and profound i don't know man i'm i'm super i'm superstitious sometimes i'm a scaredy cat but what's the what's the go i totally respect that i'm not pushing but i just i wonder if we're being too hard on ghosts. Like, I don't know if the ghost is going to.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Yeah, you're right. I mean, I. The ghost is going to like you. I did judge the ghost before I even, you know, took a chance to say what up. That's what I, what up? Because I, I honestly, to be, if I can be frankly on this pod right now, I bailed on the showing of that place. I appreciate you being vulnerable. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:27 That's okay. She's like, are you comfortable with that? I'm like, and she's a super nice lady. I was like, no. Do they have to say that someone died in there? Is that law? It is? It's law.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Yeah. So if it's law, it means other people are concerned about it. So you're definitely in good company yeah i i i think if he also died he or she if they died how they died does matter yeah yeah it feels like a brutal murder but it definitely wasn't a brutal murder how do you know i think i just would have heard about that or something i guess i don't hear we live in la i think people people get murdered every like five seconds i think the lady would have i think the lady would have told you if it was a brutal murder or or you know what the price would be way cheaper how much cheaper was it it's like percentage wise um
Starting point is 00:09:16 i like 20 see the death discount is solid yeah yeah See, the death discount is solid. Yeah. Yeah. See, if I were you and I find out it's a brutal murder, I'd go, it's 40%. Yeah. 80%. Dude. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't know, man. This is how horror movies start. I don't know, man. You know, like, at one moment I'm living the Stokefield life, you know, slinging small dong rosé and telling good people to shave their pubes. Next moment, you know, I'm sacrificing goats in my backyard and i don't even know why that'd be a hard right turn for you yeah i i just think maybe ghosts they stick around because they have unresolved business in this existence and it could just need you to like spread stoke to it's like
Starting point is 00:10:04 you know old frat brothers that that miss him or whatever and you could just need you to like spread stoke to it's like you know old frat brothers that that miss him or whatever and you could like deliver his like a part of his beer bong to each one of them that'd be cool and then at the end of that he's like all right dude peace that's all i needed you to do and he bails on the apartment that'd be so sick yeah that'd be really sick well i don't know do you want to come do you want to say what up? I'll check it out. Yeah, I'll help you see if the vibe is right. Yeah. I'd love to have that kind of job. The accountant was like, Michelle, was like, she's like, I'd be more scared with less money in my pocket.
Starting point is 00:10:39 She said that? Yeah. She's the best, dude. Brass tacks. Yeah. Frugal. That's what she does but is is frugality worth it when it puts your soul in danger depends aaron what do you think
Starting point is 00:10:59 i mean i'm i'd be more worried if the person died of covid to be honest right now yeah you think it'll linger i mean i hope they cleaned it yeah uh i wouldn't worry too much about horror films i mean most of those you know not a ton of those are in apartments right yeah is this a house yeah a big victorian you know it You know, it was in an apartment. Paranormal activity. Mm-hmm. Not the first one. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:11:30 The first one was a house. Good call. Oh, okay. Well, this is a duplex. Yeah. Yeah, do many horror movies start in duplexes? There's a bad dark comedy with Ben Stiller and Drew Barrymore called Duplex. Yeah. Where they have an annoying neighbor who I think they at some point plot to kill. i hate to see you get ensnared in something like that yeah but do a backyard though
Starting point is 00:11:51 that'd be nice you go out there and bronze i'd bronze my nuts you know boost my tea there it is i think it'd be worth having a ghost around if i could do that yeah i'm not worried about some fucker dying in your apartment who cares they're dead circle of life i don't know man their energy they probably lived a good life that's what i would ask i'd say did they live a good life they're like yeah he's a fucking happy dude you go all right cool i'll inherit that energy i'm gonna interview the neighbors and be like all right what the fuck was the vibe yeah what was that coolest guy ever and he just like lived to be like 110 and he was just like he was like raging
Starting point is 00:12:26 and then he was like alright peace later I'd love to live in that guy's aura if right before he died he was just like
Starting point is 00:12:33 I'm out yeah called his neighbors like hey later dude I'm out I feel like that's how you'll die I hope so
Starting point is 00:12:41 actually I don't think you will die I think you'll you'll find some let's go you'll find some stem cells for your noggin and then you'll just keep going i hope so actually i don't think you will die i think you'll you'll find some let's go you'll find some stem cells for your noggin and you'll just keep going i hope so that's the dream i can see your head in the here you're just your your dome in a vat two thousand years from now what up you're just this fucking people walking i'm like what up dude what up dude what have you
Starting point is 00:13:02 been up to i'm like chilling like dude this isT. This is one of the original bros in history. Why do we flip the channel on this TV? I've been stuck on this thing for a while. The Masters 2230 is over. Can you flip it to the football game? That should be our next TV show is your head in a vat in the future. That'd be really cool. I'd be interested to live that life for a bit.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. You can't lift like that. No. Yeah, I'd have to find another hobby. It'd be tough to go without weightlifting. But I could still watch
Starting point is 00:13:34 CrossFit and stuff. You think that'd make up for it? I get a nice vicarious thrill from it. It wouldn't be the same, but I do enjoy it. That's good. Love seeing someone
Starting point is 00:13:42 do an overhead squat. Yeah. Their shoulders, their arms going way far back. You know, strong core, good range of motion. Hmm. Fires me up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Whether I can do it or not. What else, dude? Oh, dude, Strider showed me Ross lifting today. Oh, it's pretty badass, right? Dude, the traps on that guy. Let's talk about it. Like, who's this fucking Goldberg? He's a big boy. Dude.
Starting point is 00:14:08 And I meant that in a compliment, Ross, if you're listening. Oh, he'll take that as a compliment. Yeah, Goldberg's a beast. Those are like the best traps I remember from growing up. When Ross met Kevin, Kevin was like a little bit rude to Ross. I remember. And Ross was like, why is that guy not scared of me? I was like, I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:23 I was like, he's crazy. Dude, people like Kevin. Yeah. the schmole he's great uh yeah i i you know he he's our schmole but he's he's great great guy yeah um you wanted to talk about your your posture oh right yeah i got a lot of blowback on my posture people were saying i'm like you know way far hunched over which i get maybe it's from the lifting but yeah i'll try and be a little more upright today and then i've been i've been kind of sitting this is my most comfortable way to sit i like having my feet up like kind of uh i don't know what you even call this i was going to use a term that's no longer appropriate crisscross applesauce is what they're teaching the kids now i'm crisscross applesauce i like to're teaching the kids now. I'm crisscross applesauce.
Starting point is 00:15:08 I like to play with my feet a little bit. It makes some people uncomfortable, but it's okay. And then someone said I looked like a, uh, like a 13 year old girl at a slumber party. That made me laugh. I think that just means you're fired up. I'm having a good time. Cause what are 13 year old girls at slumber parties? They're having the best time. Fired up. Except in pen 15, it turns it into this like savage environment where like everyone's just alternating being bullied yeah and and not being able to be transparent about how that bullying is affecting them which is the hardest part about that age where someone's like are you mad you're like no i'm not mad and they're like you're mad and then you're like no i'm not i'm fine shut up And you can't even say you're hurt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. That gets a little easier as you get older. Still hard, but easier. Do you remember, because I always experienced this in like late elementary school, middle school, you know, and stuff. I'd be like, hey, are they talking crap about me? Especially if it was like a girl. And I remember one time my buddy Peter was like, dude,riel she's talking crap no broke my heart at the slumber party no just i was at i was at peter's um and we were just chopping it up you know playing like donkey kong and he's like dude by
Starting point is 00:16:18 the way ariel she talked a little crap about you and i was like oh no because she's so tan and just a good swimmer and uh i thought we had a fuge yeah i remember one time my buddy greg and i bonded really hard with the girl i was in love with scarlet and the girl he was in love with jesse by just talking crap on our other buddy hunter who was out of town but i stand by all the things we said dude that is like growing up that is a lot of the time how you became friends with people yeah still i mean still today too but when we got back when hunter got back to school from his trip jesse told him we were all talking crap on him and he brought the fire down on all what do you do he was like so you were talking shit on me jesse and
Starting point is 00:16:58 then i like was such a rat i was like it's mostly greg dude good yeah he he was so intense i was like afraid i was like a fuck i was like just i yeah i don't even know if that's actually what happened but i did do stuff like that yeah i might have actually had greg's back that time but yeah it's crazy dude we uh we got some articles today we watched uh the first film made during covid yeah it's called corona it's about eight people who get stuck in an elevator it's shot i think on an iphone and um it's shot on an iphone i think so and i think it's all one continuous take and they just shot it over and over again until they got it really so they shot like an hour and a half of i think so wow Wow. Of this really beautiful dialogue. But it seems like what happens is that someone who's Asian gets on the elevator and she starts coughing and everyone starts acting racist to her.
Starting point is 00:17:55 So it's kind of a microcosm for how xenophobia can thrive in troubling times. Yeah. It looks like one of the worst movies I've ever seen. But you got to respect that they they got it done yeah during these times and there's no new movies out because everything's getting pushed back yeah so if you go stay at like a hotel and you're like oh what new movies they have like corona is one of the only ones yeah you know it's an interesting move by the producers to be like or the writers to be like hmm what do what do people want to see right now
Starting point is 00:18:26 do they want to see a movie about what they're currently experiencing well yeah and then during the trailer it's like this it's kind of understandable you're like okay everyone's kind of freaking out but it's a horror movie so they got to juice it up so at one point there's like an old crusty white dude in a wheelchair and he's got a handgun out and he's like i'm here to kill somebody he's like it's been a long day and i feel like killing somebody like how did we get here yeah dude lord of the flies style the thing about it is like covet is serious you know like i take it seriously but sounds like you're about to say the opposite i am uh you know if they're like for a premise for a horror movie you know if you are stuck on an elevator with someone who has a contagious disease you
Starting point is 00:19:11 want it to be like ebola something that will kill you for sure yeah something that will like make you explode right not something that'll you know it will give you like a it could kill you but most likely a bad flu yeah you'll have a bad flu or on the good end of it you might just lose your sense of taste and smell yeah they could follow up with the characters two weeks later and they're like yeah maybe symptomatic yeah sorry i freaked out so hard on that elevator yeah yeah it turns out you know like i just uh i can't really taste much but yeah it's not that bad yeah i guess i was curious i was looking at all the people in the elevator i was like who in here has underlying conditions yeah yeah i was like what blood type are they they all looked fairly
Starting point is 00:19:47 healthy except for the murderous old guy yeah no he's for sure he's dead if he gets it yeah um it's crazy with covid we're heading into you know the the we're firmly in the third wave rather and it looks like we're gonna have new lockdowns yeah do you think that's yeah it's gonna go down i think they're gonna try and be a little bit more targeted with it on this go-round. But I also think people are so fatigued. I don't know if it'll have the same collective effort that we had on the first one. Yeah. Because, I mean, it wasn't even perfect on the first one.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah. You know what I felt collectively from the whole third wave or whatever? There's people like, there's like 150 000 cases a day and i the general sentiment i feel from people it's just like i think so too i i wonder the only thing that really concerns me because it does seem like we know how to treat it better now i'm getting over my skis here like i have no clue what the fuck i'm talking about but it does seem like we have like a little bit better idea of how to treat it yeah i just get scared about hospitals being overrun like not having enough space for people totally totally but if if we can somehow not allow that to happen i don't know what that entails but but
Starting point is 00:20:55 i'll probably be a little safer like my family's changed our thanksgiving plans we've we've pared it down yeah we're not gonna go to my uncle's house anymore my mom was gonna leave town she's not doing that anymore yeah my cousin was supposed to fly in to see me i don't know if i'm gonna do that anymore yeah i feel bad too i really want to see him but i just uh i don't know yeah it seems a little dicey to to fly him and plus my dad's you know in the fucking hospital he's like i can't get him sick yeah that yeah that's uh i don't know what i'm gonna do for the holidays i'm trying to figure that out because uh i don't think i'm doing anything for Thanksgiving. Well, you can come down.
Starting point is 00:21:28 You can spend it with us if you don't have anything going on. Oh, thanks. Yeah, of course, man. I don't want to put you guys at risk, though. Just get tested before you come down or something. Yeah. Yeah. And we'll be outside.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I think we're going to eat outside. Yeah. And then Christmas and stuff because, like, my dad's going to be in Idaho. Mom's in New Mexico New Mexico's locked down so I don't know because I you know I'm I'm like you know I know that flying is safe I just don't I just don't want to put my parents at risk you know of like if I could like drive to them if I could get tested and like drive from my apartment to them i'd be like cool right i just like the the flying and then like flying into mexico and they don't have like rapid tests like
Starting point is 00:22:13 because a lot of it is just the the anxiety you know of like if i go to see my mom it's the uh anxiety of being around her without being absolutely sure I don't have it. Totally. You know what I mean? Like the idea of getting in the airport or something. And that's more of like, I just don't want to deal with that. Totally.
Starting point is 00:22:34 It is scary. Yeah. I've been visiting my dad a lot and now I should have been doing it from the start, but when he's in his hospital bed, I wasn't wearing a mask the first couple times I saw him, and now I wear a mask the whole time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Just, I don't know. What are your precautions? It's funny. I speak just to amplify my dad a bit. I had a bottle of wine in my bag because I brought it to our stand-up show on Saturday. We did a really fun drive-in stand-up show in San Diego. Thanks to Chris Espinoza for putting that on.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Yeah. And I brought my own bottle of wine, and I had it in my bag today when I visited my dad and it was too bulky. It was taking up too much space. So I just left it in my dad's hospital room. And then I get a call from him and the nurse and they're like, what's this wine? And I was like, uh, I just had it in my bag and it was too bulky. So I left it in my dad's like, are you getting drunk for the wine out of your bag? I'm like, no, I had it on Saturday and my dad's like are you getting drunk for the like wine out of your bag i'm like no i had it on saturday my dad's like tell me the truth yeah i'm like no and i'm like and i'm all embarrassed that the nurse is judging me because i've been seeing her for a couple weeks like you know we like know each other at this point i'm like i'm not i don't drink that much yeah but i was it i looked very guilty to them yeah and then my dad was so funny uh he he was like super fucked up on uh oxycontin like a
Starting point is 00:23:48 week ago he's doing good by the way guys he's getting better and it's been tough but it's been very inspiring to see him deal with the pain and and still stay up um he's on oxy and you know we did streaking in front of the cops and we were like a little bit nervous to do it before we went out there and i was telling my dad about he just goes pussies and then he went back to sleep that we were nervous yeah and then um and then i was telling him about my girlfriend how i was like i got a little jealous one night and he goes uh you're a paranoid nutcase you always have been and then he went back to sleep that's awesome yeah so funny yeah i've been going to physical therapy because my trap keeps oh yeah and my physical therapist is this like older lady from russia kind of turns me on to be honest oh nice but you know she's it's professional i hear you
Starting point is 00:24:41 it's professional but i just like she's like kind of fierce you. She's professional. But she's kind of fierce. She's basically like, I'm the embodiment of the American dream. I come here, little or no money. I'm a single parent. I make my own business. I'm doing very well for myself. I'm like, that's awesome. She's like, it is awesome. She's pretty much like, everyone in this generation is becoming pussies.
Starting point is 00:25:04 Oh, wow. Yeah. I was like, everyone in this generation is becoming pussies. Oh, wow. Yeah. I was like, yeah, I hear you. She's probably lived through a lot, too. Yeah. The fall of the USSR. Exactly. And then she's like, I saw her today.
Starting point is 00:25:14 All those Baltic states going at it. I saw her today, and she's like, let me put my magic hands on you. I was like, thank you. And she's like, you know, America is becoming Russia. You know, Bill Gates is going to microchip us all, and there's no freedom of speech. And she's like, I was like, dude, damn. She's scaring you.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah, she's like, do you think we're, I don't know. And I was like, and my mom, like, are we becoming Russia? What do you think? What do I think? Nah, we're okay. You don't think so? I mean, I don't know. A Russian is telling us well i think i think
Starting point is 00:25:46 she has cause to be more alarmed but no i think uh i wouldn't worry about it i mean i would worry about it i'd worry about there's so much stuff to be worried about the environment uh the state of uh like discourse in america and how much everybody seems to hate each other, COVID. Yeah, all these monopolies that are happening in tech and in business. Yeah, I got no clue what I'm talking about. But you know what I'm pumped on? I don't even know. I don't even know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:21 I don't know. I can tell you this. My traps feel a lot better and i like i like getting a massage yeah so that's what i got fired up on i don't really have a political take but you know except i want disneyland to open back up that i mean i think that's something i can get behind too um dude we read about britney spears uh i can't say this word conservatorship conservatorship there it is it's a you know i don't know about the conspiracies like about that she's like sending messages to her fans do you know much about that oh totally they're like if they're like britney if you're in trouble
Starting point is 00:27:02 wear a yellow shirt next video she's wearing a yellow shirt, just like dancing, all kind of weird. But I don't know. It seems like, I feel like her, so the conservatorship is basically her dad controls her life. Runs all of her shit. Runs all of her life. She can't post without his approval or whoever he maybe assigns to that. She can't post things without approval. She can't eat, drink, do anything without approval.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Is that correct? I think so. Yeah. Yeah, he's like, she recorded four albums. She did like 250 shows. She did like a Las Vegas residency. And he could literally make her do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Like, we don't know if that's even her own will making those things happen. Yeah. And she had an appeal, right, to get him off of it? I think so. It wasn't even to remove the conservatorship. It was to get someone else in place there, right? I think so.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And I think it was implemented in 2007 after a head shaving incident. And they're not supposed to last that long. It's not supposed to exist for 12 to 13 years. If you get one done in court for mental health purposes like bipolar or schizophrenia or whatever it is um every year you have to fight to get it renewed or you have not oh interesting you have to like you have to prove again that it's worth renewal yeah and hers for whatever reason just is like continuing uh yeah like unabated and you're like dude this is like you don't want to get into too hyperbolic of terms, but it's like, she's kind of like a slave. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It is weird. Yeah. And I don't know about the stuff about like her sending messages in the videos. I'm like, I'm always like skeptical of that stuff because it just seems like you can look for that confirmation too easily. Yeah. If you're already thinking that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 But just the fairness of what she the the situation she's in is is horrible yeah like it's totally unfair well she should be freed free britney yeah i don't know man i mean um it is kind of freaky and you i've heard too that the medication she's taking is like um making her gain weight and all that kind of stuff like it's she's on like all this stuff that i think she's just being forced to do she might be on what i'm on then saraquell that makes you gain weight yeah and she so i don't know man i like uh i love britney you know to the death i mean you know ever since i was like nine years old you know that's why we went to the city council about her yeah i mean she know ever since i was like nine years old you know that's why we went to the city
Starting point is 00:29:25 council about her yeah i mean she's the reason i went to city council drill factory what have you drank pepsi um she's definitely an important part of my life yeah i was an extra in her movie oh that's right crossroads yeah that's a great movie it's awesome yeah her boyfriend in it like or the love interest rather when he defends her in the bar because some uh some townies get a little handsy he does this move the guy throws like we throw like a right hook and then an elbow to the face nice now for a hot guy you're interested in a guy who can play some instruments and be sensitive to be able to throw a move like that. Yeah. I mean, that's a keeper.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah. And they stayed together, right? I think so. Yeah, I think at the end, they're firmly in love. Although I think someone, one of the other girls was kind of feeling him. It was either Taryn Manning or Zoe Saldana. I forget, but yeah, him and Brittany were the ones that got connected.
Starting point is 00:30:19 That's good stuff. Yeah, so I'm reading that Jessica Simpson book, making slow progress through it, but I'm at the point right now where her and johnny knoxville are having an emotional affair during dukes of hazard oh wow that's juicy stuff and this was while she was still together with nick lachey right right and so what's what's going on well so they feel totally trapped by newlyweds their their reality show about their marriage so she and nick lachey right so they do like a romantic episode that's like for their anniversary but mtv sets everything up and And then she's like, do you remember like, and they're playing this romantic
Starting point is 00:30:48 song and she's like, do you remember our first song? And he's like, no. And then it comes on next. And then, so she realizes that it's all been set up by MTV and that he can't even like fake it. That he's just going through the motions of acting like they're this couple in love. And so they start to feel trapped by that. She goes to make Dukes of Hazzard. Nick might have been having some extracurricular activities with a bottle service lady. Oh, really? I mean, Jessica doesn't know, but she saw them making eyes,
Starting point is 00:31:14 and there was a tension in the eyes that was suspicious. And then Jessica goes to do Dukes of Hazzard. And I guess her and Johnny never hooked up. In the book, I'm a little bit like, but did you maybe? You know what I mean? Yeah. But did you maybe? Yeah, would she admit it now?
Starting point is 00:31:28 I don't know. Yeah. But she's being honest about the emotional aspects. So I'll, you know, I'll take her at her word. And then, you know, Johnny's just like, you're like, he's got like cute nicknames for her. And he's like a great talker. And they have all these big emotional nights where they talk and and feel like they understand each other but i think that's what all it amounts to what what do you think giant knoxville is like when
Starting point is 00:31:50 he's like in love with someone and he's trying to trying to court them you know maybe if he wants to let a girl know that he really cares about her he's like look you know i i see a real future with you and i just want to see if you kick me in the nuts i think he does do stuff like that yeah he's romantic yeah he's like hey i'm gonna go get you know a bull to stick its horn up my butt and i'm gonna dedicate it to you she's like oh my god this guy's intoxicating yeah this guy's he was a real go-getter hey um hey jess i have been thinking about you a lot and I'm going to have this guy shoot rubber bullets into my torso and it's going to spell out Jess
Starting point is 00:32:29 with a heart Women love Johnny Knoxville I used to go to Future Focused it was an after school tutoring program I still failed all my classes, thank you very much and they'd let me DJ which was super cool of them a lot of red hot chili peppers and I remember the ladies who worked there would always
Starting point is 00:32:46 say johnny knoxville was hot yeah and these were like sophisticated mature ladies well i can see that he's a good looking guy and he's he's got that fearless factor he's sort of the leader of the jackass crew yeah he gets his ass kicked but he loves it and he's kind of got like a like a cocky kind of like but like also humble you know he's kind of like hey yeah he's kind of got like a cocky kind of like, but like also humble. You know, he's kind of like, hey. Yeah. He's able to have like, he has that like cockiness, but it's not off-putting in any way. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And I mean, he's, dude, when he got knocked out by Butterbean in Jackass 2, and right when he wakes up, he goes, is Butterbean okay? Yeah. I mean, the presence of mind to nail that joke is pretty incredible. Yeah. Makes me want to sleep with him. Oh, for sure. He just went gray now.
Starting point is 00:33:28 He's Silver Fox. I guess he'd been dyeing his hair, and then during quarantine, he let it go gray. Oh, that's great. What's he up to? New movies? He had a new movie coming out, right? Did he? I think so.
Starting point is 00:33:37 His acting was always a little bit... Subpar? Yeah. Sorry, bro. subpar yeah sorry bro um and then dude we read about this thing in italy where they used they have a lamborghinis as cop cars they're classic italy and they finally had a function for it and they had it drive an organ to get delivered to somebody else like like from milan to rome it's like a 200 mile drive they made it in an hour. I love that. So cool.
Starting point is 00:34:08 It's the coolest thing I've ever heard. That's like the dream mission for me, is I'm just at work, and they're like, hey, we need you to deliver this heart where the guy's going to die, and you've got to drive a Lambo to get it there. I'm like, this is why I want to be alive. Yeah. Moments like this.
Starting point is 00:34:20 That should be in Fast and the Furious movies. Yes. Hey, what's Toretto up to? Oh, he's in Italy. He's delivering organs. Whoever makes those movies, if you're going to do that, I will volunteer, and I'd like to write this into the plot where I will drive up to the car that's driving his heart,
Starting point is 00:34:41 and I will hijack it the way they hijack semis in the first movie. I'll shoot the metal dildo through through the seat come in through the top pull the windshield out and then just like shoot the guy with a tranquilizer gun take him out drive the car back to like a nice freezer save the day that's awesome yeah do we also read an article about the 10 happiest songs of all time according to a study done by some neuroscientists you got dancing queen by abba good vibrations by the beach boys which i've never actually good vibrations actually doesn't get me that stoked uptown girl by billy joel also doesn't get me that stoked sorry billy i had the tiger gets me fired up just the beginning for me Just the... I'm a believer by the monkeys.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Solid. Girls just want to have fun. That's a banger. All the time. Living on a prayer, for sure. I will survive. Yeah, when I was like a third grader, that was my favorite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:36 At first I was afraid. I was petrified. Did any replacements? Great scene. And then Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. Oh, yeah. Pretty undeniable. But I was wondering what song you would add to the list. Peaches and Cream by 112. Great scene. And then Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves. Oh, yeah. Pretty undeniable. But I was wondering what song you would add to the list.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Peaches and Cream by 112. Great song. And WAP. Dude, mine is super sexual, too. I do Fucking Problems by A$AP Rocky. I love bad bitches, that's my fucking problem. Oh, yeah. And yeah, I like to fuck, I got a fucking problem.
Starting point is 00:35:59 That song gets me so amped, dude. Yeah. I think there's something about that where it's like of all the problems you could have loving to bone too much is a very invigorating one totally and i think it's something that everybody could get behind yeah and then you got peaches and cream which what are peaches and cream sexually i think he's talking about is that a cream pie i don't think so and then you got wop which is a little bit more on the nose. That stands for wet-ass pussy, which is very uplifting. Little Urban Dictionary definition.
Starting point is 00:36:34 Very pretty and soft skin. Oh. Dude, I thought it was a cream pie. He says it's when you eat a girl out and she comes. That's more like it. I think that's what 112 was talking about yeah in 112 and when it comes to eating peaches and cream shorty we don't play so all the ladies in the house if your peach is it put your hands in the air and represent your
Starting point is 00:36:54 clit in short kind of i don't remember those lyrics those are some fire lyrics yeah someone wrote that bro represent your clit represent your clit bro i'm gonna start saying that all the time yeah even to the fellas um that's cool yeah we went the same direction I think we both get fired up by the same thing
Starting point is 00:37:11 yeah you know wet ass p word and a little sexual a little sexual energy it's gotta be in there mhm
Starting point is 00:37:16 yeah it's a hot rock and then Kendrick Lamar's verse on that song really gets me pumped up I gotta listen to it again
Starting point is 00:37:23 there's the part where he says, Girl, you know you want that dick? And that part never fails to just get me so hyped, dude. Never fails to make me... I always grab my jock every time until I'm like, You know you want that dick? It's a good vibe. You know you want that dick?
Starting point is 00:37:43 You know you want that dick? that you know which parts it's on in rap you can be braggadocious like that which is you know that's really cool um yeah I'll put it on real quick I think I can play like a second of it right without getting us banned yeah I mean the intonation is just so beautiful.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. Yeah. Nothing gets me as hyped as that. I think it's something we all want, you know? We all want to say that. We all want to stand atop the mountain, Lion King style, the sun shining down on us, and just look out at the beautiful woman we love and say, Girl, I know you want that dick.
Starting point is 00:38:25 That feels good. You know, just standing there shirtless, girl, I know you want that dick. That feels good. You know, just standing there shirtless, sun blazing on you. On Pride Rock. On Pride Rock. And you're like, girl, I know you want that dick. You're wearing a jockstrap. Yeah. And she's like, baby, you look great.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You're like, thanks, honey. I feel great. I know you want that dick. I know you want that dick. I know you want that dick. That's dick. Yeah, that just gets me jacked up. That gets me as jacked up as Katrina in the waves walking on sunshine,
Starting point is 00:38:57 which also gets me really fired up. Yeah. And then Peaches and Cream, though. Let me tell you what I want to do. I play Peaches and Cream when I manscape Oh really? You put on a little background music? Well I do it to the lyrics Let me tell you what I wanna do
Starting point is 00:39:13 Turn on Lawn Mower 3.0 That's awesome I'm a bit all over you. Can't get enough of you. Always into you. I know you're talking about peaches and cream. Oh, I know you. That's right. In my Bentley limousine. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:41 You know what I mean. Peaches and cream. I know you. That's right. I don. Peaches and cream. I know you want, I want, I want to be. That's right. I don't even remember the lyrics. Those are it.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Those are the lyrics. Yeah. Dude, Ben Shapiro is going to watch this and be like, Oh, that's what, that's how white dudes are supposed to do this music. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:00 What S P word? I asked my wife about it and she said, this woman has a serious got a logical condition. like dude no dude no dude you can fucking went there man you're gonna sound like a big ass virgin bro dude you don't sound cool at all man yeah it's too bad um i'd like to see his face the first time he heard that. Wet ass pussy? He's just about there. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Whoa. Whoa. Yeah, what did it feel like for me the first time? I felt like I was there. I felt like they grabbed me by the collar and they're like, you're going to listen. And I was like, hey, I'm all ears. Say what you got to say. If I can be frank, the first time I heard it I was like this is stupid really you didn't like it
Starting point is 00:40:46 yeah it grew on me oh dude I thought it was so funny the first time I heard it I think I'm so I'm just it's hard for me
Starting point is 00:40:54 to like new music I feel you I think I'm just like getting to the age where it's like anything new I'm just kind of like
Starting point is 00:41:03 stupid I hear ya well I mean you're a little more open anything new, I'm just kind of like stupid. I hear you. Well, I mean, there is. But you're a little more open to new stuff. Oh, thanks. Well, there is something about it that does feel like a little bit like, I don't know. It feels like a little bit. It does feel a little dumb.
Starting point is 00:41:16 You know what I mean? But I think that's part of the appeal. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And then just that bang and refrain in the background. There's some whores in this house. There's some whores in this house. There's some whores in this house. You're like, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:27 All right. You're in charge. Where are we going? And then they're like, wet ass pussy. And you're like, oh, all right. That little dangly dang
Starting point is 00:41:36 in the back of my throat. And like Megan Thee Stallion, they're both like pretty voluptuous women. And then they're just like banging the ground. And you're like, look, these chicks could, you know, they'd destroy me. You know? Yeah. If they came into like banging the ground. You're like, look, these, these chicks could, you know, they destroy me.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You know? Yeah. If they came into your house to like, to have sex with you, they, they, you feel like they'd almost, you'd be like a, like a, like a spider after, like one of those praying mantis. You'd be one of those animals that dies after they have sex with you. Oh yeah. Yeah. They'd smother you with that ass and you just die.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. Yeah. After they got your seed out of you. Man, dude, I would be, uh uh i don't even know what i would do i don't think i'd yeah i'd die you die i'd die yeah beautiful death yeah that's what orgasm in french means little death yeah oh oh oh your life force just comes out of you. Yeah. It's a soul stealer. I like stuff that steals your soul. That's why I like thrusters in CrossFit. Because you do 20 of those, you feel like you're going to die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:33 That's what's up. You want to do an ad and then we'll get into some questions? Yeah. Also brought to you, of course, by Manscaped, the number one company in charge of keeping your trims pubed, looking after your hogs, making sure that your dogs are looking fresh and clean. Manscaped
Starting point is 00:42:50 is the best in men's below-the-belt grooming, and they offer precision-engineered tools for your family jewels, guys. I'm talking jingle balls to the walls, fellas. Listen up. Untrimmed pubes are a thing of the past. It's time to gear up and get yourself that Manscaped Perfect Package 3.0.
Starting point is 00:43:11 When I was a kid, when I was a teen, you know, in high school, I tried to trim my pubes with a razor, with a Mach 3 Gillette. Yeah. Cut it up. Yeah, it's the same here. Horrible. Winter formal junior year. I won, it's the same here. Horrible. Winter formal junior year. I won King, by the way, no big deal.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I was looking to celebrate afterwards. Yeah. I was making out with a girl in the jacuzzi. This didn't happen a lot, but I was having a good night. I think she was into it, too, because I won the King thing. And then I got naked in the jacuzzi, and everyone was like, look at how hairy Par's bush is. So then I went into the bathroom, and I borrowed this guy's razor,
Starting point is 00:43:42 and I just shaved my teeth that night. And I came out of the bathroom bathroom and I was bleeding a little bit but I still got in the jacuzzi made out with her, did a beer bong, threw up brushed my teeth, went back to making out with her we passed out next to each other and she ended up hooking up with another guy who stayed awake couple weeks later someone posted nude photos
Starting point is 00:43:59 of me from the party on myspace but I never looked at him I was like I don't need to see that and do you think that would have happened if he had a lawnmower 3.0 absolutely not there you have it guys par just laid it down i mean what else do i have to say you can also you could have put the crop preserver in your nuts i mean you could have had this ball deodorant you know these products smell good anti-chipping boxers all the good stuff it's a holiday season guys get the perfect package 3.0 and use code go use code go deep 20 at manscape.com to get 20 off and free shipping with
Starting point is 00:44:31 the code go deep 20 at manscape.com uh clean up your nuts and make santa proud this year guys and we also brought to you by helix beer bongs the best in the biz they've got this cool funnel technology that just like funnels that brewski right into your mouth look out for helix beer bongs and uh yeah hell yeah let's get into some questions what up stokers long time listener of the pod you dudes are dope and i make sure to catch every episode keep up the dank work my q is about my best buddies also my roommate's gal she blows hella hard i don't want to be mean because i can promise I'm not a mean guy, but she sucks ultra mega loads. She's just a downer at parties, controls my buddy hella, and one time I watched her pour water into a white claw at a party to give the illusion she was drinking, which is a red flag, clearly. When we met her, she obviously didn't appreciate our marijuana intake levels.
Starting point is 00:45:22 appreciate our marijuana intake levels. She commanded my buddy roommate not to smoke the stoke inducing material around her because of issues. She has seizures, seizures, which is understandable, not dogging her on that, but she gets seizures when she smokes and she still smokes dab pens from time to time. So you tell me, but she says he can't even smoke with us, even if she's not there, but allows him to smoke dank carts, which all of us concluded are fake and dangerous.
Starting point is 00:45:46 We live in Ohio and weed is illegal. So my buddy doesn't even smoke with us anymore in fear of his girlfriend finding out. Anyways, this new girl doesn't like us and we don't like her. And our dog is caught in the crossfire. What are the professors of Stoke think of this? Sorry if this is too long, but I felt it was a compelling topic of discussion. May the Stoke be with you. Dude, I'm so sorry that she blows so hard um but i like the way you wrote that by the way i whenever
Starting point is 00:46:12 whenever you whenever you don't like someone you say that they blow i can really relate um i don't know man it's tough because I wonder if, is his friend aware that they don't like her? And he's just like, sort of like, I don't know what to do because I like both these people. I don't know. It seems like the friend has willingly gone
Starting point is 00:46:36 with his girlfriend's direction. Yeah. Or chosen direction for the relationship. Yeah. Like he's following her and I don't think he's thinking twice about it. Yeah. He doesn't seem to be in conflict.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, what do you do? This is a tough question. I think it's a tough question because there's not a great answer because there's nothing you can do. Yeah. And it's actually more about realizing that a ton of life's frustrations
Starting point is 00:47:01 come from trying to fix other people's mistakes and the larger thing, trying to control things that just aren't, you're just not going to be able to control. So you have to just think, what can I control? And you've got to look at every problem like that. Be like, can I make my dog not love this chick who's kind of a wet blanket? No, you can't.
Starting point is 00:47:23 So you've just got to have fun on your own and you know have a good time when you're with your dog but but people change relationships change and you just got to evolve with them and your expectations evolve with them as well um yeah so i'm sorry you know your dog can't get down with you the way you want to but he's still your dog you just gotta try and actually if you can accept him for who he is now that'll be huge he'll be super fired up on that yeah and i would say you know i know i know it sounds like she does in fact blow um but i wouldn't focus so hard on how much she blows because that's only going to make she that's only going to make her suck even more in your head it's going to frustrate you more yeah
Starting point is 00:48:03 and it's probably going to make her seem worse than she actually is because you're just so upset about it that you're like, you know, just focusing on all the negative things about her. That's going to be your world, you know. So just kind of like focus on the good things, you know, focus that you have your buddy, you know, focus on the fact that you have a good squad. You guys seem like you're having fun. You're enjoying each other each other's company and yeah it's you know minor bump in the road but um you know life is good for you my friend so you know this is a honestly this is a champagne problem even though it seems all-encompassing at the moment totally it's almost like you're like the coach of a football team and your buddy's the GM and he made you, he brought on a new player
Starting point is 00:48:45 onto the team, like a wide receiver who doesn't really fit with your system or the way that you want to play ball. But look, you're the coach, your job is, and this is what you can control, is to make sure, or kind of can't, but I'm just going to keep going, is like your job is to make sure everybody's as effective as they can be on the field. So you might have to cater your system a little bit to play to her strengths. Yeah, totally. So you can get the most out of her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:07 For sure. So yeah, just strategize with the personnel that you have. Does that make sense? Totally. Yeah. But I'm sorry you're dealing with this, dude. It can be a really frustrating thing. It can be a very frustrating thing.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. Do you want to check to see how long it was? It's 30 minutes. If we're out by 7, we're good. Okay, cool, cool. Yeah. We got dinner with a friend tonight, guys. Jordan Brewster.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh, yeah. That's pretty crazy. Yeah. We're not even joking. Yeah. So, buddy, long time listener of the pod, absolute legend. Can I say his name? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Mason. What up, dude? Should we tell the whole story? Are we allowed to say that? time listening to the pod absolute legend can i say his name yeah mason what up dude should we tell the whole story are we allowed to say that we could tell it and then check with him our friend mason who was a huge fan of the pod started watching the fast and furious because of the pod and he fell in love with jordana and now they're actually dating seriously dating there's a lot of love there it's crazy dude he's in paparazzi pose now i know he sent me one of the pictures he's like how does my chest hair look i was like good dude and we talked about this on the last pod chest hair oh right yeah crazy uh what's up
Starting point is 00:50:17 lords of stock stoke town germ here i'm the guy on ig that always tags you guys in strider and old brad pit picks and fast and furious memes memes. Oh, thank you. Oh, legend. What up? This is the second time writing in. First time you guys were with MP Cunningham and Jared Jackson. You guys basically told me to take it easy and it'll come to me girlfriend wise. Well, a few months now, well, been a few months now. I bought a new
Starting point is 00:50:38 house with a pool and also got a big raise at work. Moved in and JT, totally agree. Clean was way worse than the move itself. So I did end up asking the girl out at work. Only lasted a month and broke it off with me because I didn't want kids or marriage right away. I'm 27. She was 29. But I went on a dating app and went well.
Starting point is 00:50:53 Then I invited her over to crush some stranger things and meet my pup. I thought we had a very nice time, even made out a lot. Nice. I then got ghosted. So here's my theory. So for the date and second, I picked up and dropped her off because she doesn't have a car. I also paid for dinner. So when she came over for the second date,
Starting point is 00:51:10 I worked 10 hours that Saturday and it was 1 a.m. and she wanted to go home. It was already pre-discussed she would take an Uber because it's an hour round trip from her apartment to my house. So I had her pay the 30 bucks. So I had her pay the 30 bucks to get home. Was I wrong for that? I keep thinking about it
Starting point is 00:51:25 is that where i fucked up and got ghosted really thought we had a connection but i'm not gonna quit think i'm gonna ask a woman i met that was touring the house i was selling i think i need to find someone where we have a lot more in common what do you think uh dude i don't know how this thing went wrong with the other girl i mean you know it could have been that it could have been another thing i think the key here is that you're horny he's horny yeah and it'll come it'll come and and he's making moves i mean it's not like he's like he's he's writing back to us being like dude like you told me to relax and nothing's out like things are happening for you so stay patient you know you don't want to you don't want to rush into anything you know for the ones that don't want to rush into anything. For the ones that don't work out, you can be like, all right, good.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I'm not wasting my time. These are just more checkpoints on the path to just true love. Totally. Yeah. You're hitting a few DUI checkpoints. It's all good. I totally agree, man. I think, look look whenever it goes wrong we can like get in our domes and be like wait what mistakes that i've made like could i have been a little bit
Starting point is 00:52:28 different this way or been different that way but it just wasn't meant to be that girl wasn't your person yeah but like chad said you got that energy you're horny and you're motivated so you're gonna find your person yeah and you got your life together so it's it's it's when you do find that person i'm stoked for you it's gonna be Yeah. And I feel like as a dude, you know, too, you just want that thing. I think girls are a little bit better at sort of like judging like, is this a fit? Is this not? Sometimes dudes are so horny that they're just kind of like, all right, well, I just want a girlfriend, you know.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And we just want to, we want to get it. We want to win. We just want to like, we're just like, we're just all forward. Yeah. And sometimes it's just, it's just not meant to be you just don't vibe and your horniness can like blind you to that like i remember one time i went on a date with a girl and and it was kind of an awkward date but i was like you know i was freaking i was at a rager you know i was i was torqued up and i was like hey you want to go on another date
Starting point is 00:53:23 and she's like i didn't feel a connection i was like and it i was i was yeah i was like you know still like like i was like 20 at the time it just like blew my mind i was like wow that's a thing now older i'm like oh it makes total sense completely i've been on dates where it was like the second or third date and i'm like hey can i kiss you and then we kiss and i'm driving home in my Uber and I'm like, we're in love. And she's driving home in her car and she's like, I'm probably not going to see that guy anymore. Right. Sometimes you got to have that energy to find your person. So unfortunately there's going to be some swings and misses like that.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Yeah. Because I go into, if I'm going a couple of dates with a girl, I'm thinking in my head, I'm like, most of the time, I'm like, if I'm, I'm kind of convinced I really like them. Yeah. Oh, totally. You kind of have to be convinced I really like them. Yeah. Oh, totally. You kind of have to be. I think dudes are that way. Right. They just fall in love easily because they're just kind of like, yeah, this is nice.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You know, girls are a little bit more kind of like. Judicious. Yeah. They can sort of like, they're just, they take their time a little bit more. But as a dude, you're kind of just like dude like you know if it fits but at the same time i've had girls who wanted to date me and i wasn't ready and i was like yeah i was like nah yeah and they're like you led me on and i was like i know i fucked up i am sorry all right what up chad and jt i'll cut to the chase. By most life metrics, I'm doing well.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Finishing up a PhD and in a three-year relationship with a girl, much more attractive and a professional six-figure salary. Nice, dude. However, I've lost stoke fast over the past 1.5 years as I've started to lose passion for my discipline and have grown apart from my girlfriend as she's moved further away. There are many factors to describe, but she has the qualities I'd want in a wife, but not a lifelong companion. We're on good terms and she would marry me if I asked, but it would hurt both of us badly if we broke up. In Mac Miller's song, Good News, he says, why I got to build something beautiful just to set it on fire. And I run through that in my head as I'm feeling guilty for being dissatisfied regarding the career and social trajectory I've taken. I miss the camaraderie of hanging with my non-schmoles aka my down bitches but don't have a local crew and my girlfriend can't kick it the same way what
Starting point is 00:55:30 what to do wait i'm sorry i missed some of that yeah i think we need more information but basically he's been in a relationship for three years with a girl who's like super beautiful and very accomplished professionally i think she's moved away distance wise, which has added some strain to the relationship, but also he's just having some general ennui and doesn't know if this is what he actually wants, but he thinks it would be too painful to break up. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:54 But dude, honestly, this just sounds like being in a relationship. You know what I mean? That's normal, dude. What's your feeling? We all want to burn stuff down.
Starting point is 00:56:02 My, uh, my therapist calls it Dantos. It's the, it's the, the desire to self-destdestruct but sometimes it's valid sometimes you you're you're not ready to make that commitment and if you did you'd always wonder what it would have been like if you kept searching um but i can't tell you where you're at on on that spectrum i don't know if you should break up or not but i'm actually leaning towards not at this point.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I think just based off where we're at, like how we're giving advice to you based off these two paragraphs, I would say message us back in a month and tell us how you feel. Yeah. Take your time. I'd be patient with it. There's no rush. Suss it out. It can feel like there's a rush, right?
Starting point is 00:56:42 Because you can get so anxious. You're like, is this right? Am I doing the right thing? It's like yeah breathe yeah you seem like a really smart sensible guy though this guy yeah it's like trying to figure out whether or not you have a ghost in your perspective apartment check it out you know don't say no good girl yeah that was hilarious yeah that was great call thanks yeah for sure um urgent advice necessary also would like to stay unanimous nice what up stoke lords and founders of the nsa national stoke association big fan of the pod and videos long question but i have to set up the scenario as it's somewhat complex i'm currently the holder of information that may cause a squad implosion and potential
Starting point is 00:57:22 bokes may be necessary it's come to my attention from a fourth party. From a fourth party? Aliens? Why is that so funny? The fourth guy? A fourth party. Wait, so what happened to the third? How did they get implicated or taken out of this?
Starting point is 00:57:44 Dude, this guy's amazing. From a fourth party that one of the homies slept with another's girlfriend, probably multiple times. While at the time the homie was only casual with his girlfriend, it was clearly not fair game for one of the dogs to interfere sensually. This happened over a year ago, but I just found out the information. What steps do I take going forward? The homie is not with his GF anymore,
Starting point is 00:58:03 but has always been suspicious of the other and brings it up to this day. Do I tell the homie with the GF I can confirm his suspicion or leave it alone as it's in the past? Is it grounds for poking for the homie that slept with his dog's GF despite them being open at the time? P.S. If you're ever in Boston and need a local to show you some good rage
Starting point is 00:58:19 scenes, surf flakes, look no further. Much love. Keep ripping, boys. Ah, gracias, dog. That sounds enticing. Man man you hate to have a guy like that in your crew you know what i mean i mean i definitely would love to boke him i'm wondering if we can do the boke without telling the dude though you know i'd love to be like hey you got to tell the guy the truth and and but then i'm like i don't know there's so much ripple effect from that there's so much potential shrapnel and carnage that i'm like i don't know if i want to set that bomb off you know what i mean like because i don't know how your boy is going to react i don't know how the dude gets accused i
Starting point is 00:58:57 don't know what how you know what's the girl like how she's going to react to all of it it's it's a lot to for us to give the green light on i don't know i feel like i just stop inviting the guy out as much yeah i don't know i mean he's a douche yeah yeah you don't you don't because if he feels that way if this is like if this like happened multiple times and he's, you know, he doesn't have a very good character, clearly. I don't think that's someone you want as your friend long term. So, yeah. Yeah, I mean, we had a dude in one of our crews who would sleep with everybody's exes or try to hook up with them when they were dating.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And we're all still pretty tight with him. It's just he's more on the fringe now. He just kind of naturally faded away without ever having a big conflict or anything like that. And none of the relationships were so serious because everyone was so young. Everyone was like 18 to 22. So the likelihood of you staying together with that person is already pretty slim. It's like with this guy. Him and this girl aren't going to get married. So it'd be different if they were, you know, if he was like sleeping with someone's fiance,
Starting point is 01:00:12 then you're like, yeah, you got to tell the guy. But if this is like a fling, it's like, yeah, the dude's got suspect character, but is it worth all the turmoil that will come from harsh confrontation? I'm not sure. I don't know. I don't harsh confrontation. I'm not sure. I don't know. I don't know either. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:27 That's, that's with some of these questions, it'd be nice if we could follow up with these people. Yeah. I actually had someone wrote in a question. Yeah, please. Uh, Hey dudes,
Starting point is 01:00:35 my name is Hanson. Um, so I was at a bonfire with a bunch of my buddies and then, uh, Toby came in. Well, sorry, I misread it.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Hey, dudes, my name is Hanson. So I was at a bonfire with a bunch of my buddies, and I was going out with this girl, Brittany, and we were going to make out, and I'm pretty sure she was going to let me touch her boobs that night. But then my buddy Toby came in and yelled at us while we were making out, and she got scared, and I never got to do it. Should I kick Toby's ass ass or should i tell this
Starting point is 01:01:07 girl that we're done dude it's so hard to listen to a question but i heard some of the big details so he was gonna grab a girl's boob and then his buddy interfered so he was at a bonfire and then he was going to make out with this girl and then um he was going to make out with this girl and they had made out a few times from what I gathered. And she was going to let him touch her boobs that night. And he was really close to touching her boobs. And then one of his boys came in and yelled at them while they were making out. And she got scared.
Starting point is 01:01:39 And now he doesn't know whether to kick his ass or not or break up with her. No, stay with her. Your moment will come another time. But I wouldn't kick your boy's ass. I would just, dude, the biggest diss you can put on a guy is calling him a cock block. Yeah. Guys get so defensive.
Starting point is 01:01:58 You go, hey, bro, you're a cock block. They're like, huh? I'm a cock block? You think I'm a cock block? No, dude, I'm not a cock block. You're like, no, you're a cock block. Yeah. I don't want to call him out by name, but we had a friend who was a cock block? You think I'm a cock block? No, dude, I'm not a cock block. You're like, no, you're a cock block. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I don't want to call him out by name, but we had a friend who was a cock block, and we all just started calling him CB. Not the most clever nickname, but he was like, why is my name CB? We're like, because you're a cock block. Yeah. And you can get some friends with you to agree with you on this, to call out this dude as a cock block, and then it'll get in his head, and hopefully he'll stop doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:25 What do you think? I agree, dude. I think you should maybe talk to him and just be like, dude, I was going to touch boob that night and just see how it affects him. I would even be like, dude, if I can't touch her boobs because you blew that up for me, which would have been a really special moment for her and I, I have to squeeze your boobs.
Starting point is 01:02:43 You got to let me rub your chest. And then have him come over and you just rub his strong chest for a couple of minutes. And he'd be like, all right, thanks dude. Yeah. I had a weird eye for an eye thing coming to my mind, but I'm not sure it's right. I would ask him to see his mom's boobs. Yeah. I just don't know. It's hard when you bring in a fourth party like that, because I don't know if the mom's in on it, if the mom's down for that. That's why I was like, I get that. That would be nice.
Starting point is 01:03:11 His mom's probably a babe, and she's probably pretty cool, but I can't guarantee that she's going to be down to flash one of her son's homes. Right, yeah, that's putting a lot on her to resolve this conflict. Yeah, that's a big ask. And then you've got to deal with the dad and stuff sure i'm sure he'd be down though yeah he's probably a cool guy and he probably gets it you know and oftentimes in like you know affluent communities like that those people are swinging already yeah and uh but he to to entangle the kids really makes it complicated although i'm sure they have those impulses and urges yeah well we all do yeah we all want to kind of do gnarly stuff yeah but you can't yeah it's it's fun to talk about but you don't want to do it yeah you don't want to do it but i mean some of
Starting point is 01:03:59 the stuff all dirty talk about is so gnarly but i would never do it yeah yeah but if you see an opening with his mom i i don't know what are you are you thinking of a specific friend's mom yeah have you did you ever know if i wish. Do you guys, do you talk now? No. Oh, I'm sorry. To the mom? No, just to you. I mean, to, you know, the kind of, just to the lost potential connection.
Starting point is 01:04:40 No, I drove myself to it. That's nice. All right, Chad, who's your B for the week it's tough to find a B for the week cuz I was feeling pretty good that yeah my B for the week is the uncertainty of paranormal activity I guess it's it you know because it's tough when ghosts get in the way of your finances and living situation. And you don't even know if there is a ghost. You know, like, is there a ghost? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And then you got all these TV shows, and who knows who's real, you know? And Sopranos, they did a pretty good job of the guy talking to spirits, and Pauly seemed to believe in it. I don't even know what I'm talking about right now. And Pauly seemed to believe in it. I don't even know what I'm talking about right now. I just wish I knew. I wish there was a way to go to this duplex and be like, is there a ghost in here?
Starting point is 01:05:34 Show yourself. To know for sure. Yeah. Right? It'd be great. Yeah. There's the Nathan Fielder episode about this. Oh, the realtor ghost.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Exactly. Dude, that's right. Dude, I should hit her up. You this. Oh, the realtor ghost. Exactly. Dude, that's right. Dude, I should hit her up. You could. Dude, I should for sure. I should get like a medium to like come in and assess it. That's the crux. There are entities in this. That's the hook.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Yeah. You could do it. Dude, we could do that. We could totally do that. I mean, we... We couldn't film it it'd be ripping off we'd be ripping them off
Starting point is 01:06:07 yeah but I'm talking about doing it like for real just do it and not film it just for love of the game and for your peace of mind yeah
Starting point is 01:06:14 I'll think about that you know who's into that stuff is Dr. Drew's wife really she has a podcast Calling Out with Susan Pinsky where
Starting point is 01:06:23 she talks to like psychics and mediums to mediums and astrologists to talk about the future. I just know it because I follow Dr. Drew's channel. And they had one for Halloween of talking to spirits. Oh, wow. I could ask her. That's cool. I'd be like, Susan, do you know? They looked like they just had a nice vacation.
Starting point is 01:06:42 They did. Dr. Drew posted like five shirtless photos of himself Dude yeah He's a beast Yeah I think he shaves his chest He's my kind of guy Do you think he shaves his chest?
Starting point is 01:06:53 Absolutely Dr. Drew Is that your beef? Yeah Aaron do you have a beef of the week? My beef is with myself Oh Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:04 Why? Because I I violated the cardinal sin of reading comments because you a couple because i we kind of talked about this before the puppet like a month ago you said you were like don't read your comments yeah yeah yeah and you know i went into um your guys's comments and found some some about myself. And then responded. And that was stupid. And I don't need to do that. Because who cares? Did you get any joy out of it?
Starting point is 01:07:32 Absolutely not. It is tough. You know, it's so tempting to look at the comments. Because it's just, they're there. It's like a fucking, it's like a, you know, it's like a giant cookie in the next room how are you not gonna like check it out it's really hard and they're about you yeah you know yeah and then when you read negative ones it's just it literally feels like someone just drop kicked you in the stomach you're just like oh i was not expecting
Starting point is 01:08:01 that yeah because i went in and i wanted to engage with the positive, you know, and celebrate Kevin being a guest. And, man, I regret it. I don't know. Maybe there's not, but I do think there's some good from it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I learned not to do that. Yeah, you learn, like, a new level of self-control, you know?
Starting point is 01:08:23 And you have to be really – it's really hard not to let those things like keep kicking around in your head yeah yeah like you can read the bad thing and then you'll think about it for like with me at least i'll think about it for a while like i'll be like is that person right am i too this way and then you'll want to like correct so that person will like you more but then you're like is that the best way to actually get more evolved or or or better whatever it is you know we're chasing and then i don't know it's it's it's interesting well even even when you know the other person's wrong uh because they're just spouting non-facts uh it's like well you're not going to change their mind so why bother yeah well that's it's an interesting beef yeah um dude my beef of the week is and we talked about this during the ad and so this is this is pretty spontaneous it's the guys who posted the photo of me naked at the after
Starting point is 01:09:19 winter formal party with like my uh nude body and and know, the nicks and cuts I got from the impromptu shaving of my pubes that I did at the party because I was naked in the Jakku and I was trying to hook up with this girl and they were like, oh, he's got a hairy sack. So I ran into the bathroom and found a razor and I was drunk and I did a bad job. And, you know, but I still partied hard the rest of the night. And these guys, rather than having a good time, were just photographing me. And I just wasn't even paying attention because I was just having fun. And then I go to school a week later
Starting point is 01:09:47 and everyone's like, dude, there's nude photos of you on MySpace. And I was like, you know what? I'm not going to look. I don't care. I was there. I remember what it was. If I don't look at it, it doesn't exist.
Starting point is 01:09:54 This kind of related to the comments thing. And it actually dredged up a lot for me because when we did our streaking video the other day, an LA Times beat writer posted a photo of my bare ass on their twitter feed i thought it was the best and you could almost see my hole and i was you know you were there with me that day i felt really vulnerable about it like i was like dude i don't know if i feel good about this and you're like dude it's awesome and you know my fucking family
Starting point is 01:10:15 and friends are such great people i was on a group thread with my fantasy football league and i was like dude i feel terrible about my butthole being on the internet and all my boys were like dude it's awesome and my brother was like so sweet he's like dude you used to run around naked when mom and dad had parties and i'd be chasing you he's like you've come full circle dude this is like your actual life now this is how you express yourself this is how you make a living he's like it's beautiful and i was like fucking thank you so much dude and you know so i'm okay with that lady posting a photo of my butt but these other guys were just trying to embarrass me yeah and you know they were always acting like punks like that.
Starting point is 01:10:46 Yeah. Because I cheated on an English paper too. I won't call them out by name, but there were two dudes, two bigger dudes. They were homies. And I cheated on an English paper. I like bought one off the internet and gave it to my teacher. And she was going to assign us another assignment. And everyone was complaining about it.
Starting point is 01:11:00 I was like, who cares? And then one of the guys was like, well, you don't care because you'll just buy one off the internet again. And me and my English teacher were close. And she got really hurt and like got teary-eyed and so it was really hard and you know i shouldn't have cheated it was my fault i'm the one who stepped on the grenade i can't blame somebody else for it exploding but he didn't need to do that he didn't need to sandbag me like that and posting photos of me naked at that party like dude come on bro like have some respect for the party and and you know i think they were
Starting point is 01:11:25 jealous yeah yeah because i had one winter formal king that day totally and i was riding high yeah but i was dude it's a buster move totally yeah it's a it's a crime actually to post those photos of me yeah you're a minor as well yeah and he was like 20 i think this guy had been held back like four times i was like what are you even doing here um but yeah so my beef of the week is with you two bros you know who you are I hope they're listening I hope they are too whack ass you'll never get paid to be naked in public bitch you've you you haven't worked hard enough for that right yeah or for that that privilege rather That privilege, not a right.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Yeah. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My buddy, Sully. He's just a good guy. I've known him for a few years now. He's a dude from Boston. Love guys from Boston. Love East Coast guys.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Love that sense of humor where you just give people shit. He's an older guy, but I met him just through a friend of a friend. But he's always just very supportive. He's just one of those guys who's always there to support you. If you're doing something or whatever, with what we do, you post something, he's just there and he's like, hey, dude, I love what you're doing, blah, blah, blah. And he's just like, I'm around. Anytime you need me, just call and he's just like he's like hey dude i love what you're doing blah blah blah and he's just like i'm i'm around anytime you need me just call he's just one of those guys he's a very solid dude always there for you um he's a south bay guy which is
Starting point is 01:12:55 awesome and he's just a good dude so i just wanted to give him a shout out solely you're the man um thanks for being such a good friend that's awesome dude yeah you got to highlight those people yeah the connective tissue the fabric of what make bro relationships work totally fucking best aaron who's your baby of the week my baby of the week is my uh baby that's uh about three weeks away wow dude that that wow i know it's coming up flying uh and both her and the perspective that she brings um you know because i certainly was mad about all this uh guff that i was getting on the internet but then it's like who cares i'm about to be a dad like that's all that matters this little girl's gonna be awesome Who cares what some dipshit on the internet says about me?
Starting point is 01:13:47 And we'll probably continue to but what if they're cool? They're cool the people writing the comments. Oh, I doubt it. I doubt it. They don't have daughters fuck them So yeah, just the perspective of that and just like Yeah, I don't what do I care like I'm a dad now. That just like, yeah, I don't, what do I care? Like I'm a dad now. That's awesome, dude. I'm pumped.
Starting point is 01:14:09 I'm pumped to meet the little, the little one. Yeah. Is she going to, is she going to be able to come to the studio or we got to be COVID safe, right? Who knows about COVID? That's too bad, man.
Starting point is 01:14:18 But I'm, I'm pumped for you, man. Yeah. That's going to be awesome. Dude, you're going to be a dad. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:23 It's so nuts. You're going to teach her about baseball. That's what I was wondering about. Yeah, like what are the lessons? Yeah, yeah, 100%. She's going to throw right, swing left. Smart. Pretty swing.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Those lefties got the nice swings. I can't Griffey. Rafael Palmeiro swing. That's going to be nice, dude. I'm pumped for you. Yeah. Dude, every time friends are having kids, it makes me want to have kids. Because I was like, I want my kids to grow up with like other people's kids.
Starting point is 01:14:47 You know what I mean? Cause that's so clutch when you, my parents had a lot of friends who had kids around my age and I learned so much from them. Yeah. And they always made vacation so great. Cause you're just like, you're with these different, you got friends from Florida. You're finding out what they're doing at their junior highs. You know, those Florida kids are way more sexually advanced.
Starting point is 01:15:04 Yeah. So they're like, Oh no, I know like five kids who have been fingered and gotten handjob and stuff you're like whoa yeah whoa that's cool i'm sorry i don't know how i got there i'm just gonna check see what the yeah i think we got five minutes i'll go fast uh my baby of the week is um with lon hammond that's james Marsden's character from The Notebook. Look, The Notebook, probably the greatest kitchen sink romance of our lifetime. You know what I mean? It's just balls to the wall, over-the-top romance.
Starting point is 01:15:34 These kids are nuts. They're throwing their whole lives away just on the off chance that the other person might love them. You know, you got to love that. Is that thing going to keep going? No, I was just checking that's why i was like wait for the g oh yeah my dog thank you um i can always cut it out too um but the the real what part of what makes the notebook so good is that she ends up falling in love with james marsden's character lon hammond and he's a great guy he's like a soldier
Starting point is 01:16:00 he's he's wealthy but he's modest about it he really loves her he's a great dancer he's good looking so that's what makes it hard. You know she's got to pick Noah, but you do feel bad for this other guy. And I'm like, but what happened to Lon Hammond? He was a great guy. He was worthy of his own romance movie. So I want to make a movie about Lon.
Starting point is 01:16:18 About him getting back together with maybe his lady before McAdams. So he's my babe of the week. Then my other babe of the week is Lenny Kravitz. Nice. Who's your legend of the week, Chad? My legend of the week is Sebastian Maniscalco.
Starting point is 01:16:32 I don't know if I've talked about Sebastian before, but dude, I was driving to San Diego listening to him on the way, you know, and I've just been listening to him
Starting point is 01:16:41 ever since nonstop. I drove to San Diego on Saturday. Thank you to everyone who came out and everyone who put on the show is epic but uh dude he might be my favorite stand-up comic he's so good he's just like um he's definitely in the top top top five because he's just like his delivery is so perfect i just really admire because you just know how much work he put in. He's got so much talent, but you can just see that he really crafted his style. And he just delivers every time.
Starting point is 01:17:14 And he's just, I don't know, I love his point of view. I love his stage presence. I love his physicality. Best faces in the game. Makes the best faces. Best faces in the game. Makes the best faces. Best faces. Like his album, What's Wrong With People, his special from 2012.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I could listen to that all day, nonstop. Is that the one where his dad's using the mouse with his foot in the subway one? Yeah. That's one of the best specials ever. It's so good. I just want to give him a shout out. Can I get double me? Lady lady it don't work that way yeah because i agree like with his stuff he's like
Starting point is 01:17:51 about like holding people up in line he's like he's like i don't hold people up i just keep it going at subway they're like what do you want i'm like run it through the garden run it through the garden they're filming me i can't yeah i can't do it i can't do it i can't do it i love in his in his most recent tonight show appearance he's wearing an all red suit love him and he's um he's talking about uh oh he's talking about his wife's jewish family and he's like first off love the jews well you know great people and he's like see i gotta build them up because i'm about to rip them to shreds i love like he sort of like breaks the fourth wall a little bit he's like explaining what he's doing it just makes it so funny that's nice uh so yeah i just kind of give him a shout out aaron who's your legend my legends uh my family and friends they uh we just had our
Starting point is 01:18:40 second uh baby shower we had one in la and one in San Diego. And, you know, they just really came out and did all the hard work so we didn't have to, which is always what you want when someone's throwing a party. Nice. Awesome. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:18:56 My legend of the week, sorry, were you saying more? No, I'm good. My legend of the week is my brother, Christopher Parr. All-time legend. He's growing his hair out right now.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Nice. He's just got this, like, feral, Colin feral look from, all-time legend. He's growing his hair out right now. He's just got this like Farrell, Colin Farrell look from like Miami Vice. You know, he's got a beard and long hair and it's boosted his already abundant sex appeal. And he's just a rock solid dude. Like my dad's been in the hospital for a couple of weeks now, which has been hard. And my brother is just calm in the storm. He's in there almost every day, keeping my dad company, helping my dad out with like, uh, work stuff, keeping everybody informed, but also just like temperamentally being solid. Like just, I don't know. It can be hard. Like I get really emotional about all of it and you know, I'll be crying and I'll be reacting not in a bad way, but I just, it can be hard for me. And my brother though,
Starting point is 01:19:48 just like, he just stays the course. He's always positive and he's always there for other people. So I really appreciate you, Chris. I love you so much. Thank you for all that you do as a brother, as a son, as a friend, as a, as a soon, you know, at some point a husband and yeah, I just, and he's a lot of fun. So yeah, thank you, Chris. He's awesome. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from Junior Soprano in The Sopranos.
Starting point is 01:20:13 So in their culture, you know, going down on a lady is frowned upon. I remember this. And so he's down in boca with his with his guma and uh she's like you know corrado what you do down there you're like a great artist you just set me on fire and he gets this look where he's just like pass the red peppers and i just i love the if you if you want to laugh watch best of junior soprano on the surprise on youtube he's great pass the red peppers yeah that's it aaron what's your quote
Starting point is 01:20:52 of the week my quote of the week is a is a lyric from jimmy world song called pass the baby which i chose because of my babe but it turns out it's actually more relevant towards the beefs uh the lyrics in verse one go, there's something we can count on. The boys like swinging low. If it gets too ugly, well, that's our industry. We feed and feed.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Nice. And I think that's about the haters. Hell yeah. All right, my quote of the week is from my GF. We were lying in bed and like I just said during my legend, i've been pretty emotional lately just crying almost every day and i was like hey babe i know i've been crying a lot
Starting point is 01:21:31 but can i tell you a story about how i cried yesterday and she just goes yeah in a minute i'm trying to find this song and then she felt really bad she was like that was so mean i was like no it's hilarious i was like you need to take breaks from hearing about this stuff um but yeah that cracked me up. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Plug it into the ox. Nice. Aaron, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it?
Starting point is 01:21:56 Let's go be dads. Nice. My phrase of the week for getting after it is from the film Gladiator. It's in the opening sequence when they're about to fight. How would you describe them? I was going to say Highlanders, but that's completely wrong, but they're going to fight like,
Starting point is 01:22:09 uh, these tough, like German forest folk. And, the lead German guy comes out of the woods and he just goes, I'll sink to him. And, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:19 my friend Robbie always used to say that. So I'm totally, uh, copying this from him. Robbie coming legend. He always found those great little lines from action movies That just get you fired up Like in Lord of the Rings, how they say loose
Starting point is 01:22:30 When they let go of their arrows But that one is the all-time classic So if you're partying, just say that And get your boys hyped to take on the Roman imperialists Alright, sweet That's our pod Thanks for listening, guys
Starting point is 01:22:43 Write a review. Helps us out. All right, later. All right. Let's go.

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