Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 165 - Cody Ko Joins

Episode Date: December 17, 2020

What up Stokers! This week we have the legend Cody Ko on the pod. We talk about his life, work, and diving. He's great! Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at ...Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:01:29 of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast guys before we begin i remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because when you step back out in the world for the holidays you're gonna have on an ugly sweater but you want people to know that your pubes are not ugly they're well trimmed they look like a astro turf they look like you know dodger stadium. They look like, you know, Dodger Stadium during the World Series. That's what you want. So use code GODIP20 at MaceGate.com.
Starting point is 00:02:09 And I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. I apologize if you're watching the video. I'm sweating a lot. I was late getting on the pod and literally came straight from lifting downstairs. Dude, the lighting actually looks good. Are you sitting on the floor? I'm trying to figure looks good what are you are you sitting on the
Starting point is 00:02:25 floor where are you trying to figure out what the fuck you are i'm at my buddy mike ferrara's i'm in his his guest room at his house that's where i was working out and uh i i i got off the floor and i was like bro i'm late for the pod and he's like you can do it upstairs and then i ran and grabbed my shit i'm using his xbox xbox headset that he uses to play call of duty which he sucks at love you ferrari suck so you haven't even does he suck you haven't even showered no he doesn't suck he's fine uh i haven't showered yet i'm fresh so is this this is stinky pod it's stinky yeah i'm sorry i'm down to do a stinky pod i'm not smelling too hot right now you don't put deodorant on this morning you look like a guy who smells good though i appreciate that but i don't yeah i'll throw this out there i love your newfound flow oh yeah it's not i've been admiring
Starting point is 00:03:13 it uh from afar and because we hung out a bit too from a closer distance thank you man but yeah exactly yeah we've been surfing together yeah people that don't know also jt we got to get you out there man dude i'm gonna start surfing i'm surfing for the first time in years this saturday going up to tapanga on a longboard oh not this saturday that's it's gonna be big right it's gonna be big yeah i just want to go out there and just just face the beast head on just jump in the deep end baby double overhead is what i'm hoping for yeah with a long board too that's not dangerous for anyone else in the water soft top jt yeah they're on my 10 foot doyle just concrete board like i'm paddling into jaws yeah i'm going for it dude
Starting point is 00:03:56 but you're not with your lady oh yeah yeah oh never mind sorry thank yeah you know i'm just gonna say thank you for the compliment on the flow i feel like with headphones on like this like it looks like a villain you know because it's like just suction down to my head right yeah like it's extreme and it's just bushy bushy out the back you know i think i think i think it's cool yeah thank you i'm a big fan flow and if i see if i see uh good good stuff, I'm going to call it out. I appreciate that, man. I think it helps with surfing, too.
Starting point is 00:04:29 It just looks better. You got to do some hair flips. Exactly. And it helps me look the part. Yeah. I'm not that good, but when people see the hair, they're like, well, he's going to get better. I mean, they just automatically are like, this guy's legit. Yeah, he's not good now but he will be yeah he's great he'll grow into the
Starting point is 00:04:50 do yeah you mentioned a villain hairdo when you were young did you ever like feel like you might that you were gonna go one of two paths in the world you were gonna ever you were either gonna have like a tremendous positive impact or have like a tremendous negative impact and that was gonna kind of be like the big deciding the big choice you were gonna have to make you mean like a villain in a movie yeah yeah um you know what I never really had that moment in life um I think that I've always been a really happy positive person always my entire life and so I never really had you know and I also I've that I've always been a really happy, positive person. Always, my entire life. And so I never really had, you know, and I also, I've never been that much of a manipulative person. I feel like to be a real villain, you have to be very cunning and you have to have a lot of manipulation power.
Starting point is 00:05:38 You have to know how people's minds work. I can't really do that. I have too much. I almost have too much empathy that sounds like a sounds like a bad answer to like what's your greatest weakness i just have too much empathy yeah um but i almost people's dreams come true too much yeah exactly yeah no but i mean i feel like every time i every time i'm in the position where i could do wrong to someone i'm like i would never want this done to me, so I can't.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And so it makes it hard to, like, delegate, too. Like, if someone's working for me or something like that, which is something I'm just exploring now, it makes it hard for me to be like, hey, can you do this menial task? Because I wouldn't want to fucking do it. So why would I have someone else do it? But then I'm like, I'm paying them, so I – you know what I'm saying? Do you ever have fantasies? Yeah, of course fantasies do you ever fantasies of being more ruthless like i know because i've always been a super nice guy and almost too nice you know people would tell me that girl they'd be
Starting point is 00:06:34 like dude you're too nice yeah i'm like i'm like i know and i always had fantasies of just sort of like you know just being like a ruthless badass at times it's like do you have those as well yeah i mean i feel like i can lay down the law if i need to you know yeah i generally pretty non-confrontational aka i'm a giant pussy most of the time but when it comes down to it i can i can do it with no shame like i can really i think i can get angry probably or maybe this is just the fantasy in my head. I don't know. That's what I, that's why I remind myself, like I'm paying money. It's just a, it's a job, you know? I don't know. Delegation. I feel like it's a tough thing.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I feel like an asshole when you're doing it. Yeah. I was an AD on shorts and I would like, we'd run out of like batteries and I'd be like, I'll go get the batteries. And then finally the director was like, Hey, that's like a PA has has to do that you can't be leaving set to do that and i was like but i'm a great guy and he was like yeah no one's no one's disputing that you're like that's not a role though you're not yeah you're not that's not helping me get the shot yeah what's jt's role here oh he's the good guy on set so you can just ask him to do whatever or like for a compliment he'll just do that but do you need a back massage and that got to be tricky then they were like no more back massages all right well
Starting point is 00:07:49 you guys are losing out we can get sued for that so stop doing that yeah he's a good guy he's just waving in the corner yeah oh dude that's a good guy giving thumbs up to people nice work by the way yeah i i had a question so this is more of like a general life question so did you grow up sort of always having an interest in entertainment and like uh you know comedy and all that kind of stuff or did you kind of did it develop later in life um i i never had an interest in it at all honestly i was like i always liked joking around and just having a good time and and making my friends laugh but then um i was always like i was always really into technology always like growing up the new iphone the new ipod touches i
Starting point is 00:08:38 would hack them i would write code i would i would i was really into torrents and i would like figure out how to you know remote remote access a seed box where i could download crazy files and i was always really into that stuff never yeah writing code specifically i wrote some like html and stuff like that but um as a kid that was always what what like you know wet my beak i no what my uh whistle no that's not right you know you know what i'm saying wet your beak tickled my fancy wet my beak sure there we go there we go yeah your beak is yeah and so then i'll self-talk like the hacking and all that kind of stuff yeah i mean it's just i just you know you didn't mess around for it for long enough and you figure it out and that's cool that was always like my passion but i realized later that i always used to like theme out my like the stuff that i would do was creative um like i'd theme out
Starting point is 00:09:32 my ipod touches yeah you know i'd jailbreak them and i'd theme them out so that they look really cool i had this one yeah that was all purple pimp themed so it was like it's a big cadillac it was purple that was the background and all the icons were purple and I did them all in Photoshop myself and I was so proud of it. Yeah. And then, so like, you know, going through, going into college, I was like computer science is going to be the thing that I'm going to do. And afterwards I'll go to Silicon Valley and I'll start a tech company and I'll get super rich. And so that was like, that was my goal. And you know,
Starting point is 00:10:04 you make a goal like that for yourself. And then it becomes your entire mindset and your entire path and your entire passion. So it's just kind of funny how things change. Like when I finally realized, oh, I actually like doing creative stuff a lot more. And I like not having a ton of structure. And I like doing things by my own pace. And like um making an idea come to life and I started to realize I'm more of a right brain person that I thought I haven't written a line of code I haven't updated to the new iOS for the past four or five iOS's you know that used to be the first thing in my mind because I used to write code for iOS I would upgrade to the
Starting point is 00:10:42 new one I would download the betas just to fuck around with it i haven't done that in forever so clearly it wasn't like a real passion of mine or maybe your passions change i'm not sure but yeah um later i i realized like probably when i was 23 24 that like being a creative was more my speed but i still want to do business and stuff you know like yeah and your parents worked in software development right or something along those lines they worked in tech my yeah my dad my dad ran a software company that he sold to adobe oh cool yeah it was like um it was our it was uh it was clipart it was fonts though it was still creative yeah okay cool but i think he would ship out fonts on floppy disks or something like that i forget how what the business was and then my mom ran a business that was that was um you know the cards that you get in the mail from
Starting point is 00:11:35 dentists that say hey you're you know you gotta you gotta go back to the dentist yeah yeah and they're always like they have like a little cartoon on them yeah so she ran one of the main printers of those and she would work with cartoonists like famous cartoonists to design you know like cartoons for those things and she would ship them out to dentists and that was her oh interesting yeah that's so cool do you think so not to get too Freudian on you but do you think part of the reason you deviated from tech into comedy is because your dad had been successful in tech and you were like, I kind of want to go my own path.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Or am I reading into it too much? I think you're reading into it way too much, dude. Honestly, I'm insulted. No, I mean, maybe. I think the reason why I'm, why I want want to do both why i want to be creative and also because it's not like it's not that i completely am disinterested in tech anymore it's just i i guess i thought i was more passionate about it than i actually was but i still want to be involved like i i like i i'm talking to this one tech company right now
Starting point is 00:12:44 um and potentially investing in it. And that's something I'm really stoked about because I still want to be involved in tech. I invested in cameo as well. Like when it was, when it was, um, you know, early, cause my best friend started that company. And so like, it's, I like being involved in it. And, um, it's just like writing code isn't really for me. Right. and um it's just like writing code isn't really for me right so do you do you like do you pay
Starting point is 00:13:07 more attention to like business personalities and stuff than you do to like comedy ones like are you more likely to listen to like a uh peter teal like podcast than like a um i don't know who's a famous comedian. Chris Rock. He's famous. My favorite podcast by far is How I Built This, which is all about business. It's like an NPR podcast where the host will talk to the founder of a successful business and they'll go through all their trials and tribulations from building this company from the ground up.
Starting point is 00:13:43 And so that's my favorite podcast my most favorite ever but then i my second favorite probably bad friends which is just a comedy podcast is bobby lee and andrew sentino just around for an hour and so like it's a mix of both yeah and when you when you started doing vine and all that kind of stuff was that just like you're just kind of having fun and it sort of grew from there or did you have a little more of a strategic kind of it would honestly i was working on a competitor app we were working on an app that was basically snapchat for video before snapchat had video and so we were like keeping really close tabs on all the social media apps that were coming out because we were building one and then um and then vine came out and so i downloaded it and started
Starting point is 00:14:31 fucking around with it because i lived alone in palo alto like went to one bedroom apartment just by myself and all my friends were on the east coast or they were in seattle and so i was just like lonely i was and i was like this is cool this is definitely a cool little gimmick I thought it was a gimmick at first like I think I just deleted it and then redownloaded it later and realized that the community is really great and so it was like a way to cure my bored boredness and it was also like a way to I think like as an adult or someone over who's graduated from college and now is working in the real world like it's really important to stay creative yeah like to just use the right brain and whatever it is like home projects or whatever so it was like that outlet for me it was like my writing in my diary
Starting point is 00:15:16 or whatever it was just like pump out a little comedy video every single day and that made me feel good and then and then that's how it just started growing from there and then I started taking it more seriously wow that's so interesting you seem to have like a growing up just sort of like a like a real sense of maturity but also like you had the the sense of maturity to know that to maintain your sort of childlike self does that make sense like yeah i mean yeah yeah or just like a very you seem like you had a big a lot of self-awareness from an early age something like that maybe i don't want to toot my own horn too much you know are you what about you guys were you guys like you always wanted to be entertainers because you guys are fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:16:06 May I say that? Oh, thank you, man. You can say that all day, dude. Yeah, for sure. You guys are both so naturally funny, and you had to have known from an early age that this is a strength, and I'm going to pursue this, or no? I always had that inner desire.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Like in middle school, i did like a play and i and i did like a a comedic play and i and like being on state like i was always very sort of shy like i i was just pretty super quiet but but getting on stage was like huge for me because when i got on stage i was like oh i feel me. Because when I got on stage, I was like, oh, I feel like, I sort of feel like myself a little bit. Okay. Which was a weird kind of feeling. And I knew that from an early age. And I always had this desire to, like, pursue entertainment and stuff.
Starting point is 00:16:58 But then I would take acting classes. And I would be like, oh, these kids are all kind of dorks. And I just, like, couldn't go through it I just honestly I was like too like self-conscious to think like to like be like uh confident enough to to tell my friends like yeah I'm doing acting stuff like come see my play you know what I mean um so but it was always in the back of my mind and like during college I was like i'm gonna go work for billabong design board shorts something like that you know or or i i wanted to be in entertainment too i was like to my dad i'm like yeah i'm gonna be a producer you know like i really had any idea what that meant nobody knows what that shit means until you actually uh like
Starting point is 00:17:39 have or i don't know i don't know how to say this without sounding douchey but unless you're in the industry or like experience no one knows what the fuck a producer is or does right yeah it's like you just vaguely set up deals you like put people in contact with each other yeah exactly when you ask people but that's even vague like i don't know i don't you know if i wasn't involved i wouldn't know what the fuck that meant either yeah they're just the money or they're putting people together it's like how what how hard how hard could that be you mean they make one phone call they make 50 million million dollars yeah yeah i just i pictured myself in like a white button down in like a corner office just like yeah just i'm making movies you know yeah yeah just producing uh but then like towards the end of my junior year of college,
Starting point is 00:18:27 I was telling my dad I wanted to be a producer. And he's like, you should go into the talent side. I think that's what you want to do. And it was just that simple conversation, just flipped the switch on in my mind. I think just getting his approval, honestly. And I was like, oh, yeah, we'll do that. And I just went fully into it from there. Nice that's sort of how how it went down when did you mind me asking when did you lose your virginity um again i mind come on no i lost i lost it at 17.
Starting point is 00:18:58 dude no solid solid yeah yeah no no it was great my uncle invited me over and it's just gonna just a powwow yeah uh yeah that was my high school girlfriend and i um yeah 17 is at my my house and um in my room and my parents were like probably probably 20 feet away in my room and my parents were like probably, probably 20 feet away in their room. And so, Oh no, actually they weren't home. They weren't home. But anyways, yeah, it's boring. Were you popular? What were you like a popular dude? It's kind of hard to say. Cause like the school that I went to, I went to a big, not big, but I went to i went to a big not big but i went to
Starting point is 00:19:45 like a big ish big for calgary a big ish public school from when i was in ninth grade and tenth grade and then i moved schools to a sports school so that i could have more time for diving and it's basically a school that was designed for like alpine skiers and olympic level athletes that were like would spend all the, like the entire winter in Europe and they would have to do online high school pretty much. So that school was like 150 people total between ninth, 10th,
Starting point is 00:20:14 11th and 12th grade. So there's like nobody in the school. So it was like hard to be, I mean, there's everyone was popular and everyone was not popular. Right. Do you have, we all had our little click in the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Yeah. Whoa. Yeah. I went to to college i was on the college like i went to duke for diving and the two people on my team were like meddled at the olympics wow did you want to go to the olympics yeah i mean it was a i wasn't i wasn't like naturally talented enough at diving for that ever to be like a realistic thing, but it was always a pipe dream. Like I would use that in my head to like motivate me to train really hard. But at the end of the day, I was like, my shoulders weren't flexible enough. I wasn't skinny enough. Like diving, you know, is half technique and half just grace.
Starting point is 00:21:02 And like, I was always kind of like a brute force diver what was your best dive my best my best dive was um probably full out which is front two and a half full twist and then my best hardest dive was front two and a half double twist so that's two two and a half somersaults with a 720 holy. Holy shit. That's crazy. Would you be dizzy afterwards? No. What are divers like? What's their psychology?
Starting point is 00:21:31 Like, are they weird? Like, like, you know how wrestlers are weird. I would say divers generally are pretty cool. Nice. There's a lot of like,
Starting point is 00:21:40 it's a lot of like shittiness to diving, like waking up at six or 5 30 or whatever and then having to go do your hardest dives in a fucking freezing cold pool in north carolina where it's like minus whatever outside in the winter yeah and so we're we're spinning and you know spinning and twisting at 6 30 in the morning freezing our asses off it's like you kind of have to like have like uh you know it's like it's good for callusing your mind so i feel like we're all pretty pretty well-rounded people i mean that feels like i'm bragging but that's all the divers i've known are pretty like chill did you have to do the same kind of like conditioning as the swimmers no no no their shit their shit was i mean they they like they had it way worse yeah swimming is brutal man
Starting point is 00:22:27 i swam in high school it was terrible yeah my coach that calluses your mind for sure because you're just bored yeah and it's hard and you're just doing boring hard shit at least diving's fun like when you hit a hit a really great dive you're like fuck yeah but like yeah swimming it's like a really good lap yeah i mean there's there's there's nothing fun about it which is why my dad pushed us into it you know because there's nothing fun about it it's just a straight workout yeah it's brutal uh and yeah my coach would punish me because he knew i was kind of just like a you know i was you know i was a little lazy in high school and like yeah he's making me do the 500 free okay and he's like you're gonna do the 500 free i'm like just just fucking let me go man
Starting point is 00:23:16 kill me just fucking let me out of my misery and then the chlorine and the hair i don't know if you had this too the chlorine and the hair is brutal yeah i never really got that because i always had shorter hair so like i never really got the stringy like uh shiny green hair you know that people get yeah i had i had that big time it was just like a fucking you know i look like uh you know doc brown or something. It was no good. But yeah. What did you think when you first moved to LA? Do you like LA?
Starting point is 00:23:53 Yeah, when I first moved to LA, I was like, I feel like, because I had a little bit of a following. And so, you know, it was like, I was 24. And so it was like, it was obviously the best thing ever you know it's like coming from canada i used to watch entourage and that's what i felt like arriving in la there's a little bit of like vanity that's just like you know i'm feeling like hot on myself because i got this little following on vine and i'm like am i the world's my oyster right now i can go to whatever party so i used to just party like we used to go to these underground parties where you had to you have to go to a u-haul parked they give you they text you the address two hours before the party and i don't even know how i got on this lift serve it's from a
Starting point is 00:24:35 friend of a friend and um you text you an address downtown somewhere and you go to the address and there's a u-haul sitting there you go to the u- there's a U-Haul sitting there. You'd go to the U-Haul and a guy in the U-Haul would give you a little piece of paper with the real address on it. And then you go there. And it was this underground party where people doing drugs in the open. I used to go to those like all the time I used to go to, you know, just, just create just parties. Like I used to, I was just living it up. And, um, it was kind of bad. It was like probably, you know, now I look back and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:25:06 I wish I would have used that year and been productive because now I'm 30 and I'm like, it could be 29 in this same scenario. You know what I'm saying? Do you ever go to those parties where, I went to a few warehouse parties where like you get into like one of those storage elevators and they'd like lock you in there with this dude. And I was like, dude, I could very easily just be getting murdered right now do you ever like what did you do i went to a warehouse party a rave uh my buddy was really into deep house music so uh he took me to this
Starting point is 00:25:37 rave and like they're like they're like yeah it's just uh in this warehouse you just have to go on this elevator so we go on this elevator and it's like a big storage elevator and there's just this dude standing in there and he looks like straight out of hostel or something you know so yeah we just walk in this elevator and the door shuts and i'm like oh fuck dude like i just i was like oh i literally just stepped into hostel yeah uh just Yeah. Just like, yeah. So I could do Molly downtown. And, uh, we turned out to be Molly. He's like, yeah, dude, just on Molly and like tied to a chair. I'm like, nah, dude, this is not what I wanted. And he just keeps getting you high. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:19 So you're completely depleted of serotonin. He's like, this is the the this is what they do for torture in LA yeah I feel like LA does that to everyone I feel like we all get to a breaking point with it where we're just partying too hard and too and like it's it feels so cliche that I don't even think I realized it was happening to me I was like oh yeah I'm partying too much because I live in LA but I actually was partying too much because I lived in LA yeah but I thought I was like because I was like self-deprecating or aware, I was like, oh no, I'm not fucking up my life.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And then one day I like woke up and I was like, my whole life is a shit storm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's just, it's incredible. Like the depth that you can explore your vices in this city, because, because I mean, you know, you have everything you could ever want here.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Plus Vegas is, you know, have everything you could ever want here plus vegas is you know a half an hour flight away so we would go to vegas like once every two months which is even even worse you know and then we're partying all the time and i just i spent a year when we first moved here where i bought a surfboard i bought you know a nice board brand new board with the intention of like really putting my head down and learning how to surf. I didn't use it for like an entire year because we were always too hung over to go surfing. And I was like, after a year, I was like, I realized I was like, dude, like, this is just, I got, I was like chubby, you know, I wasn't eating right. I was, wasn't working out
Starting point is 00:27:38 at all. I was just drinking and damaging my body. And so eventually I was like, and you know, my career wasn't really taking off my and you know my career wasn't really taking off my comedy career because i wasn't really experimenting at all and i just uh yeah i realized i was like i gotta fucking focus on on other stuff was that before after you and noelle hooked up that was that was before oh no that, yeah, it's kind of right around the time probably because when I was 25, 26, something like that when I was like 26. Because that's when I started doing YouTube. And then like I was working full time, but I was also committed myself to posting a vlog three times a week. So then I really dove into editing, which is super time consuming, and making sure to get enough footage
Starting point is 00:28:25 that I had like a entertaining video three times a week on top of my full time job. So I really didn't have that much time. And then we were surfing a lot too. So that's when I really like found myself here, I feel like. And did you have like a following on YouTube? Like, like when you're on Vine, did you were you building your YouTube or did you just make the full transition? Were you starting from scratch a little bit? Yeah, I started from scratch. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah. It was scary. Yeah. When did Vine shut down? 2014 or something? I think it was like 20 i forget i totally forget but i remember that moment because i needed um i needed a specific visa to stay in the states because i'm canadian and so i made a conscious decision to go for the entertainer visa which means i couldn't do software engineering anymore which means like
Starting point is 00:29:22 if it failed then i couldn't really fall back on my plan B in the States, I'd have to go back to Canada and then be a software engineer there. Right. So it was a big risk, like going for this visa. And that's like right when Vine died. So then I had to basically start from scratch as soon as I committed myself to really doing this. So it was like I was I had to make it work or it wasn't gonna, it wasn't gonna stay in the States pretty much. Right. Wow. was there any kind of like uh i don't know excitement on switching from vine to youtube though because you didn't have that same audience so you could kind of redefine like what you're like how you were uh like what your style was and like what what your kind of niche was it's fun because you can you can tell right
Starting point is 00:30:03 away like the audience on YouTube was way more dedicated. Like even though I was only getting a certain amount of views per video, I could tell like, which was way less than I was getting on Vine. I could tell like the people that were on YouTube were really, if you can convince someone to watch an eight minute video,
Starting point is 00:30:22 it's like they're much more invested than someone that's watching a six second sketch on vine so like i really felt that at the beginning which was exciting like it felt like i was building something real you know like it felt like i was building a little like community which which was like really motivating that's cool and where do you sort of see yourself uh like what what are you building towards in terms of like, are you trying to create like an even bigger sort of massive presence on YouTube?
Starting point is 00:30:54 Or are you looking at transition to other mediums? I don't know, man. I should probably know that, but I just don't. I never really have been a person to make a goal. Like, I know what i want in my head but like i it's not something really concrete you know i want to just work as hard as i can doing as many things as possible yeah follow where that takes me because i'm gonna go where what's work with what's working you know do you make goals like in any part of your life like like with your surfing
Starting point is 00:31:23 are you like i want to be able to like drill a certain kind of cutback. Yeah. Right now, right now, my goal with that is just learning how to cut back and in general. Nice dude. Yeah. What about personal? Like I set goals for like, you know, not wanting to watch a certain amount of porn in a week or like to be like nice to certain people, you know, like someone I've been like kind of mean to, I'm like, let's try and be nice to that person for a month that's like my goal yeah and those I do I
Starting point is 00:31:49 do but I need to do more of that stuff did you yeah but you might just be dialed you might just be doing good and not need to because you're kind of doing good see I mean you are doing good yeah but I'm thinking about I think about work all the time I'm thinking about work all the time. I used to be more – I feel like maybe I used to be a little bit more well-rounded in terms of my goals, like fitness and stuff. Like I've done two or three marathons, which is like – that's a goal, right? That's a lot, bro. That's what you commit to like six months in advance. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. But that – like it's 25, 26, 27, and then it's kind of slipped away from me now to, to, I don't know, I need to have more personal goals. I feel like with the people in my life and, and stuff that's not work related.
Starting point is 00:32:33 How do you decompress from work? I guess surfing, right? But with Kelsey, are you thinking about work when you're doing those things to you, though? things too though sometimes i it's nice the the the night the new place that we moved into the studio is like separated from the house so it's like it's it's like even just walking like five feet into the house is it's a total switch i don't come back here after five like i turn my computer off and it's this is my office you know which is which actually helps a lot because then i'm just decompressing i just don't think about work. I'll send an email on my phone, but that's it. I dream. I have a goal of just doing the perfect podcast, just drilling a three hour podcast front to back, you know, interesting questions, good rhythm and timing with my, with my dog. And then, um, some fun,
Starting point is 00:33:21 funny flourishes throughout. Well, I can can tell you i can tell you right now this is not it this is probably not it yeah this is not it with the amount of times you've cut out i would say that's the antithesis right i think that's what i think that's kind of killing me in real time it's like i really felt like this was going to be the one and i feel like i've bundled it because of my lack of time management skills and now i'm like i don't know how i'm going to spin this to myself for the rest of my life i think i'm just going to be the one. And I feel like I've bundled it because of my lack of time management skills. And now I'm like, I don't know how I'm going to spin this to myself for the rest of my life. I think I'm just going to kind of carry an open wound about it.
Starting point is 00:33:52 And I'm flattered that you thought that this one was going to be the one though, that I'm capable of doing that. I'm flattered. No, you're great. Because when we, when we did your part, your, your podcast, we did your podcast. Pleasure's ours. Pleasure's ours. Yeah, clearly left an imprint on you. And you were so fun.
Starting point is 00:34:15 It was so fun. You're really good at riffing, and you're really good at supporting riffing. I don't know what it was, but right when I got on there with you, I was like, oh, this guy really is kind of McConaughey-esque with the green lights oh yeah all right rhythm on here really yeah i appreciate that man thank you i appreciate that um yeah i mean i i also feel like that comes with doing a podcast for a while don't you think like that that muscle of keeping shit going and just trying to figure out another avenue to go down is like something that you learn by doing something for an hour by talking for an
Starting point is 00:34:54 hour on a microphone over and over and over again totally dude uh doing a podcast in terms of things i wanted to do in entertainment it was literally like the last thing like i was like people want to hear me talk for it they're like i don't want to talk you know like i don't even like i only like talking when i have a microphone i guess i do a microphone now but like on stage yeah and i have a microphone and but so what did you want did you want to be a stand-up i started with stand-up yeah i've always wanted to be a stand-up actor and i love podcasting now it's it's been cool like stand-up actor and I love podcasting now it's it's been cool like working with JT and stuff just branching into these these other mediums and
Starting point is 00:35:30 stuff um but I think at the heart of it I like I love writing too so I think stand-up um and acting are the two main things um yeah um but I've been I've been but, uh, I've been, I've been, you know, diving into, I've been Twitch streaming on Twitch a little bit. Oh yeah. I finally got a face cam. New media baby. Yeah. Oh, you finally got a face cam?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Yeah, dude. But you're still streaming from the Xbox, right? From Xbox. So it's way out of sync. I have like a 10 second delay. And it's like super far away. It's just like a full wide shot of you sitting on the couch like this. Dude, that's exactly what it is. I of like that yeah it's very exactly like we we told
Starting point is 00:36:12 noel i'm like i was like to noel i'm like yeah man we bought our first camera he's like he's like you just bought a camera and i'm like yeah man like we're getting into this technology when i just showed up 15 minutes late with an unstable internet connection so i don't know yeah yeah with an xbox headset on yeah it's the most gamer way to record your podcast yeah you know what i don't like about podcasts is that you can't have lulls in the conversation is that like there's and it's a pressure I put on myself that it has to keep going, but I don't know. I kind of feel like I, I, I, I miss the organic, just lulls of 10 minutes of silence, but maybe we could do that on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:53 It just would be, it would just, it just feels like, uh, that wouldn't be right on some level. Yeah. Or we could do it. We could do a dedicated show where that's just the main bit. And it's called, you know, it's called you know it's called lull or it's called you know uh uncomfortable or something like that where we just have really getting to know each other yeah yeah yeah this is really getting to know each other well then we could do that we could include the first 15 minutes of this pod
Starting point is 00:37:20 exactly in fact let's all just artificially delay our internet connections that would make it happen for sure yeah do you guys audition for stuff like have you guys gotten anything through auditions in la so i i started auditioning when i first got here i went to like acting school a little bit and and i started auditioning but i was just like I saw the whole system and like you know it's like well first off you know it's like you need an agent to get the good auditions but you need good credits to get a good agent and I was like I was like this is just so ridiculous like how am I supposed to build a career out of these like you know once every once or twice a week kind of just like things where people only really get like a minute to really it's totally it's totally random and i
Starting point is 00:38:13 was like it's way too there's way too much luck in this and it's sort of like a lot of it is just you get picked people get cast you know for like you know reasons that don't even really have to do with your performance a lot of times it just comes down to your look and all that kind of stuff and i was like i was like i'm not gonna build up a resume of like co-stars and guest stars to eventually like what i want to do this way so that's when i went into stand-up because i was like oh this is like i'm fully in control yeah of this and i can and i can play to my strengths and develop and and write and and sort of uh that's where the sense of control and it's like i can really work hard at this and i can see the results yeah the fruits of my labor and if you're doing
Starting point is 00:38:59 well doors will open exactly yeah go in and kill an audition but they don't like the color of your shirt or something or the the guy's having a bad day or whatever yeah yeah and like you know it's like you do stand-up it's like you become part of a community and you're meeting people and you're just sort of like all that kind of stuff and when it's acting it's it's much more kind of uh lonely you know it's like you go to auditions and it's like, how do you really, you know, it's kind of hard to form a network. Yeah. Yeah. You got to show yourself off.
Starting point is 00:39:34 You got to get a camera. Because I was auditioning just for modeling parts and just for like, you know, being like beefcakes and Baywatch spinoffs and stuff. And I just kept not getting the part because it's so political. Like I went out for, I wanted to go out for Thor too as as I wanted to replace Chris Hemsworth and just nobody saw it for me and I was like well this is bullshit I was like I'm just gonna make my own stuff and now and now we're actually getting to showcase our bodies because we I don't know Cody I don't know if you saw but we started started a TikTok. We tried to do horny 30 year olds, but now it's, they banned that. So now we're Randy 30 year olds.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Wait, that's your TikTok account. Yeah. But yeah, once you check it out, I'm visiting this shit, dude. It's a work in progress, bro. Okay. So, and there, there, there's an arc behind it, but if you look at it, give us your honest feedback. Is it 30 is 30 spelt out oh there it is randy 30 rolls oh yeah dude oh there it is wow nice bods boys oh dude thank you dude yeah
Starting point is 00:40:36 that's that crossfit bod but we're just we're hoping that you can feel how horny we are i can feel it dude because i think that's that's the basis of the you know that's the that's what you gotta do on the platform well everyone on there's like a hot like 18 year old and they've totally it's become really ageist and hey cody honestly no presh open door if you ever want to come over throw the hoodie off and just you know get on that xy dancing access with us uh we'd be more than happy to showcase your body. Dude, I got to hit the, I got to hit the fucking, I got to hit a Peloton or something for a while before I do that, okay? Let me tell you, surfing does not get you in shape.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Surfing makes me tired, just makes me want to drink beer and eat shitty food. And so I'm just, the more I surf, the more I get in worse shape, which is just counterproductive. So I got to fucking hit the, what was it called the sprinter bike or the fucking assault assault bike yeah this even that it's in the fucking name
Starting point is 00:41:31 dude assault bike assault yourself right yeah yeah you get physically assaulted every time you ride that thing so i gotta do that before i before i take off my shirt. Because I'm looking pretty soft. At this moment in time. I got. The first part. The first part I ever. The first like semi real. Is that me? That was me.
Starting point is 00:41:53 It's my groceries. Oh gotcha. Do you want to go get them? No I want to hear the rest of the story. Well I was just going to say. Okay so I worked with my friend who was a writer. And he wrote this small pilot. We got a deal basically with this digital media company and they were creating like eight minute pilots or something like that to see if they could sell them into bigger shows or something like that.
Starting point is 00:42:16 And so the show is called Boy Toys, I think. I think it's still on YouTube. And I was supposed to play this guy that was sleeping with older milfs in LA like cougars like you know there's an Ashton Kutcher movie about the same thing basically but like like a month and a half before the shoot or something like that I was I was supposed to be in shape because I was we had a sex scene in the thing so I was supposed to be jacked like supposed to be believable that I could get like a hotter older rich woman in la so i for like a month and a half or two months i just hunkered down and just worked out as much as i could and
Starting point is 00:42:49 ate salad and chicken every day it's all i ate and i got in the best shape of my entire life and then we shot the pilot and i just let it all go in two months donuts and yeah it was bad but that's when i had the tightest rig i'd like to see i i envision you in like death race doing pull-ups you know that scene with jason statham yeah that was what i was doing nice yeah that's awesome i respect channing tatum because he puffs up in between roles but one time he was like shirtless for all of jupiter rising i think that was the name of the movie and he must not have given himself a big enough runway. Cause he was still bloated in it.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And he was shirtless the whole time. And I was like, like, I mean, you know, he, he'd never made that mistake in the magic mics. He always came in. Like, you know, single digit body fat, but Jupiter rising, I don't know what happened. Maybe they had like the nicest crafty setup, but he was just like, I couldn't watch the movie i was like damn dog you had one job channing all you had to do was come in tight but you know he was kind of like a he was like a hybrid human animal thing so maybe that was uh oh jupiter ascending thanks aaron just
Starting point is 00:43:55 uh messaged me the correct title jupiter ascending i was just on channing's instagram for some reason he's a great guy i don't know him at all but well he's he's jacked again let me just say that oh because he's really yeah he's back oh because he's single yeah that's probably why he lured up he hit the gym he's back out there yeah my man he's one of the most incredible athletes i've ever seen like his dance moves and the magic mics the way he can like literally like propel himself is uh i don't know it's it's pretty special yeah people don't realize that stripping is a sport for sure it's a fucking sport that's a good movie a freshman who gets on the varsity stripping team and all the guys don't like him because he's such a prodigy oh yeah that's a great movie yeah yeah i was captain of the stripping team
Starting point is 00:44:41 and this is my team this year. I'm the lead shooter, okay? I am the biggest dong. I got the biggest dick. I got the best hip swivels. You know your place, bro. Kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Now on the right side of the pole. Dude, do you want to answer some listeners' questions with us?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Sure. This is what up so i wanted to ask the masters of cinema and emotions themselves my girlfriend might be the jolliest person i've ever met she loves baking cookies and listening to christmas music from october to a little bit after new year's i respect her stoke but it has its limits i get stoked on other things christmas not included i can do it for so long but after a few hours a day it starts to be really undanked to me am i the schmool or is it within my limits to say enough is enough and start to focus on my own stoke can you recommend any christmas movies that would raise
Starting point is 00:45:32 my stoke the dog who saved christmas gave me some stoke but undoubtedly didn't fill the tank y'all stay jacked in bronze love the pod con dog damn dude con dog that's a great question that's a great question here's the thing man i feel like in a relationship you each have to find your own individual stokes and be true to those stokes but also support each other's stokes but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be always stoking for each what what the other one is stoking for but you got to be there and make sure that they're able to stoke as much as they possibly can you know i'm saying does that make sense i love that totally that just fired me up yeah was it christmas movies or music she plays music from october to january christmas okay yeah man that would be tough for me i mean bro yeah that's what i'm saying like well okay i just said you got to support their stoke but
Starting point is 00:46:37 fucking hell if i'm listening to mariah carey for four months oh my god i would kill myself so i mean yeah uh i would uh i mean this is a tough one i feel like you know if in the car i feel like it's sort of the same thing with food it's like you pick one night she picks another night you know it's like this is my car ride today we're listening to my music that's kind of what kelsey and i do actually it's like if i'm driving then and we're going a long way then it'll be my music and then on the way back it'll be hers you know totally i yeah i do i i sort of feel like because that is a long time but i think the more you resist it the more irritating it's going to get you, the resistance is just going to keep growing. Yeah. And eventually you won't be able to be horny.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Sorry. I'm just thinking about horny 30 year olds. Yeah. I'm thinking about that. I'm just thinking, I'm thinking about stripping right now. So I think, I think maybe try just diving into it, you know, all the way. Like get some Christmas sweaters. Okay. Make some eggnog. Make some hot chocolate. You might find some stoke in it for yourself.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Yeah, do I not? Yeah, find your stoke and her stoke. Or you just annoy her so much with your Christmas stuff that she completely is just like, all right, I'm out. But yeah, I think, yeah. Chad, I totally agree. do i not destroy my enemy by making him my friend you know that's what abraham lincoln was saying about the south but i think in the in these terms like just dress up as santa claus bake some gingerbread cookies play be so stoked on the music and yeah there's this there's this good short in paris at 10 where this guy's
Starting point is 00:48:24 gonna break up with his wife, but then he finds out she's dying of a terminal illness. And then, so he stays with her and he starts doing all this stuff that she loves that he always hated. And the line at the end is by pretending to be a man in love, he became a man in love. And I think by pretending to be a man who loves Christmas,
Starting point is 00:48:37 you could end up loving Christmas, but whoa, that probably wouldn't. It wouldn't work for me. It wouldn't work for me. I'd blow my fucking brains out if i had literally just fucking whatever is available that being said do do what i say now as i do all right i'll pull my fucking brains out if that was my reality i can't handle christmas music i hate that fucking shit i think it's all horrible except for harcow the bells and maybe all i want for christmas is you but i agree with cody it's got like a shelf life of like two listens on it i don't know man i think that's
Starting point is 00:49:07 good advice i think don't kill her with kindness kill her with christmas yes really fucking go as hard as you can until she's like relax like i'm sick of this fucking mariah carey song now and then both of you guys you know can switch to listening to dubstep or something cool you know and you gotta do christmas vacation for sure i didn't like christmas dressing up like santa claus yeah i don't like it either it's not good i know it's a classic but i watched the first five five ten minutes of it i was like this is uh god awful which Christmas Vacation. You don't like it? No. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Is it really that much of a classic? It stresses me out big time. There's so much tension. I got to make sure I'm thinking about the right movie. Hold on. When Randy Quaid is like, shitters full. Yeah, this is, oh, wait, wait. Oh, yeah, this is the one.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Maybe I got to give this more of it is really funny shitters full and then okay and then elaine from seinfeld is like julie leary-jefferson is like well why is the floor all wet todd and he's like i don't know margo i mean that's probably one of the best moments in movies ever that is good um all right kind of like succession it's a great show but i would just never hang out with those people oh yeah totally that's our boy strider's beef with it he's like i just don't like those people except for tom dude i want to hang out with tom i know i yeah yeah i love tom he said tom i heard you swallowed your own load. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:50:49 His bachelor party. Yeah. He swallows his own load. Do you remember that part? Yeah. He's such a dork, but he's so sincere. Like, I love him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 My buddy Andrew nutted in a girl's mouth right before new year's and then they separated and she came out and kissed me at new year's oh and then my buddy andrew was like my buddy andrew comes up he's like did you just make it out with blah blah blah i'm like yeah dude we kissed he's like i literally just nutted in her mouth yes yes and like was so pumped up on it because you know i used to give him a lot of shit i used to like kind of pick on him a little bit or like just bust his balls too much and so he really a couple years of that came all back on me in one little my kids taste bro change yeah like how much like how my children taste and i was like it was the best kiss of my life no i don't know but dude the savagery of that lady to pass it from him to me knowing she knew man she just
Starting point is 00:51:46 wanted to pass the stoke yeah she did she's cool he's holding his load holy fuck man i kissed it a little all right last question sorry about the length but i need some help dudes what up stokers my name is footy and i'm seeking some serious advice from my bros okay i've been dating this girl i met in first year for two years now, and she is perfect. Beautiful personality appearance and a super easy going and loves me more than you guys like bird scooters. I know what I said. Over the two years we've been dating, I've spent some time, two different four month periods on internships in Vancouver that I absolutely love, which is across the country from where we go to school. We're Canadian. And you know, being a frat guy that I am, I'm not huge in a long distance and kind of want to
Starting point is 00:52:22 rage freely with my bros in another city. The long distance sure sucked both times for me causing a damper on my mood, but I remain loyal. So here's the problem. Starting in January, I'm due for eight month work term this time. And it's back in Vancouver. And once the eight month term is over, I only have one more year of school. There's so many numbers here until I graduate. Well, she just got into the best school for pharmacy in Canada and will be there for four more years. I do love this girl. He just wants to know if he should stick it out or if he should break up I love when people include really specific details in these yeah like she she goes to this school for pharmacy and she's in a third year and I have this job it's like she listens she would fucking she'd know exactly who who's who you're talking about she doesn't know she's like no it's somebody else yeah yeah no it's
Starting point is 00:53:05 definitely this is a chance this is weird coincidence um yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna say man if you're young don't fucking do long distance i'm sorry to be brutally honest but it just sucks and it never works out in my opinion if you're older and you're committed and you know there's like life there's you guys have a life together and all that stuff then 100 but if you're young you're frat guy and whatever it sounds like he's already thinking about partying freely with his bros just cut it you know i concur dude sorry yeah dude it's a bummer i'm i'm i dude it's good you were loyal to her that that that's a nice thing that you yeah that you'll keep up going forward you know setting a good standard for yourself and um
Starting point is 00:53:49 but yeah you can break up knowing that you gave her your best effort and that you'll both be happier because of it so i'm sorry that things don't work out but i think cody's right dude i think you gotta you gotta experience the world without being worried about her yeah yeah yep and dude cody i want you to experience the world dude so you know like good luck to you for the without being worried about her. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And dude, Cody, I want you to experience the world, dude. So,
Starting point is 00:54:07 you know, like good luck to you for the rest of your day and whatnot. Thank you guys, man. Appreciate it. Listen, it's been, it's an honor to be on this podcast.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I love you guys. And I think you're the funniest dudes ever. And, um, thanks man. Chad, if you want to come to huntington tomorrow early morning let me know and jt i'll see you there too maybe with your giant board
Starting point is 00:54:32 yeah i got my 20 foot doyle i'm just bringing a big kayak i hope that's cool i'll be out there in a full full river rafting boat in seated position yeah uh dude cody thanks so much for coming on man thanks for having me dude it was it was blast i appreciate you're a legend and the best so uh it was an honor to have you on our pod i know the stokers will be very stoked too so fuck yeah shout out to the stokers man thanks for listening hopefully you rocked with it you know what's up dudes i'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are
Starting point is 00:55:22 looking fresh and clean because dudes are you looking for the ultimate stocking stuffer this holiday season well look no further because our sponsors manscape have the tools to make this year the year that you win stocking stuffer or white elephant competition of the year i got a little carried away on that but you guys know what i'm talking about i'm talking about trimming your pubes looking good making sure that your dong looks fresh and clean like a freaking elephant's trunk straight out of the san diego zoo with no pubes that could be you guys and guess what there's great news manscaped has released their products across europe canada and australia boom i mean this is the best company on earth guys and
Starting point is 00:56:12 you know you know that we've been huge supporters of them for a while now and you just got to get on board because they just keep coming through in the clutch and being legends um a few of their products uh some prime stocking stuffers this season are the crop preserver ball deodorant name speaks for itself crop reviver ball toner excellent crop cleanser body wash you're getting your whole body and your nuts i mean it's really awesome crop mop ball wipes foot duster foot deodorant your whole body guys uh the shears 2.0 luxury four-piece nail kit the weed whacker nose and ear hair trimmer that has proprietary skin safe technology to get rid of those nasty nose hairs what up and then of course the lawnmower
Starting point is 00:56:58 3.0 the best trimmer with a replaceable ceramic blade with advanced skin safe technology for your butt balls and body all these formulations are vegan cruelty free dye free sulfate free and paraben free so you know their products are legit so get 20 plus free shipping at manscape.com with the code go deep 20 that's 20 off and free shipping at manscape.com with the code go deep 20 be the ballsiest gift giver this year with Manscaped. Also, we got to announce our winner of the Manscaped contest. It is the legend, Sean Walsh. Sean Walsh, thank you for writing in. Your story was very stoke-inducing.
Starting point is 00:57:39 And we just want to give a huge shout-out and thank you to all the stokers who wrote in. We really enjoyed reading your stories. And thank you for participating. You guys are all legends. So big what up to that. All right. JT is chugging a – what are you chugging? I'm chugging a vanilla latte.
Starting point is 00:57:57 I wanted a pumpkin spice, but they were out. Nice. That sounds delish. Dude, I didn't even get sad about it. I didn't even just wallow in the disappointment of them being out of the pumpkin syrup. I just went, do a vanilla. Just made a call. Quick in the moment.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Make the best of what it is. Take the next best thing. Did they say, hey, no pumpkin? Did you take a beat or were you just like, snap? It hit me for a second. It did. I did go, oh, make it a vanilla. I like that.
Starting point is 00:58:25 Yeah. You just roll with the punches. You take life on its head oh, make it a vanilla. I like that. Yeah. You just roll with the punches. You take life on its head. You give it as good as you get it. Yeah. It hit me in the stomach, but I saw an opening
Starting point is 00:58:32 to come over the top with a hook. Yeah. You're accepting life. Yes, sir. I like that. Life on life's terms. That's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:58:39 And that means a vanilla latte instead of a pumpkin spice latte tonight. Hey, I love it. I love it. you take vanilla when it's offered yeah they got vanilla vanilla is great vanilla is delicious it's just you know it's around all the time yeah pumpkin it's that seasonal that that scarcity but do you think we're
Starting point is 00:58:56 past pumpkin or is it just because like you love pumpkin so much that now we're you just try to savor it as for as long as they have it yeah i think you know or are you being festive no i'm not being festive okay maybe a little bit actually yeah i didn't think i was being festive but yeah it might be hey it's the holidays yeah let's do some holiday drink yeah that stuff's starting to take hold in me i love it appreciating the seasons like liking the festivities doing the customs all that stuff yeah yeah i got a tree oh yeah yeah what kind of tree did you get a nice beautiful green one yeah someone asked me hey is that like an elmer fudd or a or a dander wood and i didn't respond on instagram yeah oh really they were asking me what kind of tree it was yeah i wish i knew i i could probably check the label
Starting point is 00:59:43 but um i gotta say i i don't like shopping i get overwhelmed by the choices yeah so i just went in what kind of tree it was. Yeah. I wish I knew. I could probably check the label. But I got to say, I don't like shopping. I get overwhelmed by the choices. Yeah. So I just went in there and I was like, that one, let's go. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:50 And then my GF was like, nah, come on, let's enjoy it. I was like, all right, yeah, let's enjoy it. And then I was like, okay, these ones, these ones. But it turned out that first one was the one.
Starting point is 00:59:59 Hey, you got to go with what you got. So we grabbed that guy, grabbed the base, got some lights. And then we didn't have anything to put on top but she had given me a painting that she's kind of embarrassed about but i think it's pretty good uh-huh and i was like we'll put the painting on top yeah now i got it in my i lit it up last night i was watching tv i said hey let's light this puppy up the uh how's i have to
Starting point is 01:00:17 see a photo i haven't seen it oh you haven't seen it no how have i not shown you my beautiful tree dude i i um i'm the same way with specifics on stuff. They're like, what kind of parts do you have in there? What's the warranty? What kind of parts do you get in your new car? I'm like, I don't know. I got the whole thing. I don't know specifics.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Hey, what's the volume of your board? I don't know. A few liters? I don't do specifics. People love specifications. Yeah. I like general. People love specifications. Yeah. Yeah. I like general. I said something.
Starting point is 01:00:47 This is not even worth bringing up because it just opens such a can of worms. But I said something anti-gun on here. It wasn't even anti-gun. But I was saying we should take some guns away. And people, the messages they sent me where they were like, do you understand the pleasure in getting your bearings down to a 7.2 inch diameter that allows the bullet to come out an exit velocity of 7.62 miles per second I'm like I got no clue man I got no clue I like shooting guns I like shooting guns but but they want to get
Starting point is 01:01:15 the gun perfect so that it shoots like the most accurate clean round yeah imaginable and I love I love that I love that people are dedicated to making things better but I'm like you. My weights, Ferraro takes such good care of his weights. He cleans them after every session. He takes immaculate care of everything. And me, I'm just like, I throw them under like a tarp, and I'm like, if they get dirty, they get dirty. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:37 No, I, yeah, I'm the same way. Somewhat similar, yeah. What was I going to say? Oh, yeah, I was thinking, when you're talking about guns, too, the line I remember most from the movie Shooter with Mark Wahlberg is, shoots true. What's her face? Kate Mara.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Kate Mara. She's like, shoots true. And he's like, yeah. She knows about guns and that? Yeah. Oh, of course they're going to hook up. Yeah, shoots true. And her brother was like his old comrade or something like that.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Yeah. The tension's already there. It's good stuff. Oh, your brother that I fought in war with and that I saved his life? Yeah. I care about protecting your family. It's like it's on. Can you handle this gunshot wound?
Starting point is 01:02:18 He's busted up when he sees her, right? Oh, yeah. You know, I've never seen it all the way through. Oh, you haven't? Only in chunks. He takes whippets to pass out so she can pull the bullet out. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Only Mark Wahlberg can do that. I just imagine you watching that while you were at your frat. Yeah. And being like, exactly. I knew it. That's right, dude. Guys, I'll see you later. Shoot's true.
Starting point is 01:02:49 So we had Cody Coe on this podcast.'s good stuff he's a good guy sorry about my wi-fi i think that's good it's all good you you listen back to it right it's not bad big chunks are great yeah perfect it's salvageable yeah um but yeah i won't even notice it in the edit i hope so good uh but, so should we get into the beef of the week? Yeah. Chad, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is the wetsuit tan line. For those of you who don't know, in the winter, if you're rocking a wetsuit a lot of the time, you get a nice, kind of nice, I mean, you keep your dome tan, which is awesome.
Starting point is 01:03:21 You know, you got to keep the dome tan, you know, let people know that you're still in the sun somewhat but the wetsuit tan lines you get like a neckline do you see it you get like a neckline where it's like it's like you're tan from the neck up and um you know it's at first it's like you're like oh nice i'm keeping my my uh my dome tan my face tan but then you you sort of sit with it for a while and you're like, all right, like now I just miss the rest of my body being tan. You know, it's like, I'm in sort of the grieving stage where I just miss like the full body tan of summer. Now I'm
Starting point is 01:04:00 in winter and it's like, it's like, yeah, my dome is pretty golden, but you know, of summer now i'm in winter and it's like it's like yeah my dome is pretty golden but you know um you know my nipples aren't fried you know that skin is it's not really like crispy it's more supple and uh that just made me think you know it's like why don't they make wetsuits that allow you know it's like you know you keep yourself warm but you allow the rays to come in and bronze your body you know and you could do that for your dong too because according to like health gurus in venice if you sun your dong vitamin d and testosterone boost by like 10 thou and your b-hole right and your b-hole yeah yeah so um so kind of like a translucent or like a clear wetsuit yeah so you can see the skin underneath yeah and your dong ideally i think there's a lot of like a translucent or like a clear wetsuit. Yeah. So you can see the skin underneath.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Yeah. And your dong, ideally. I think there's a lot of like 90s tops like that in music videos. Right. Yeah. Like who would wear those? Like Marilyn Manson. Marilyn Manson.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I was actually thinking Tyson Beckford. Oh, dude. I know what you're talking about. It's the same style of dude. Yeah. They'd be good guys to do TikToks with. Very smart. Man, getting into this TikTok world, it's just a whole new ballgame. I mean, I've had to reach new levels of horny that I've never even felt before.
Starting point is 01:05:15 You gotta, that's how that app operates. It operates on horniness. I mean, everything does, but that one acutely. So you really gotta amp it up and channel your your inner fuckable yeah you talk to like the developers and they're like yeah i mean we're all just really horny in this office you go to those offices everyone's tick-tocking all the time they're all just boogieing around and make the stallion and yeah in little 15 second increments yeah you're like are you covering the lower half of your torso get that shit out of here this is tiktok
Starting point is 01:05:46 we i don't even know if we're allowed to talk about it but we had a meeting at tiktok and everyone had crop tops yeah everyone had a bare midriff even like the kind of larger people security guard ed he's a good guy he was dancing too is such good hips on him which was really surprising because i know he had he told me he had a replacement like five years earlier Yeah, but he came back modern medicine. Yeah. Well, yeah, he has a good I know he's like his round his like Giration is kind of off kilter But his thrust is just he said the mechanics of his new hip are like, you know He's really able to put some power in it the only I think he misses is since he is bare midriff
Starting point is 01:06:28 his like nightstick like pokes into his bare skin and you can see the repetition of that is starting to leave like not like a cut but like an abrasion yeah yeah what do you think you should do about it just lotion it up as much as possible and then maybe turn the stick sideways. So it's horizontal across your belt line. Yeah. But then when you're turning, you could knock over lamps and stuff. Did you say something to do about it or is it just something you noticed and you kind of.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Just something I saw and I was like, that's going to be an issue down the road. Right. unintended kind of uh you know physical uh punishment that people take in on most you know jobs that are routine oriented like that your attention to detail especially when it comes to thrusting and magic mike style dancing is like out of this world it's something i care about and it's something that i think when done right is important the liberation in a man's hips when he hits his swivel right it frees people a little bit well you you pointed out something in my dancing that i didn't even like think about it well you you pointed out something in my dancing that i didn't even like think about which is like you were like you're like your face isn't matching your groin your face is not
Starting point is 01:07:52 matching your groin your arms what are they doing and it's that kind of you know it's that kind of precision you're sort of like a you're sort of like a ballet teacher from Black Swan. I haven't seen that movie, but I assume they're intense. Vincent Cassell. Yeah. Super intense. And you're like that with just like, you know, humping the ground. I think you managed, though, in record time to get all your body parts and your visage on the same place and the same level of horny. The same idea, the same idea, the same horny idea.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Dude, thank you. Your face and your crotch and your hands, by the time you took in what I was saying and processed it, we're all on the same horny level. Wow. Yeah. Dude, that makes me so happy to hear you say that. Well, it made me happy to watch. I was saying and processed it, we're all on the same horny level. Wow. Yeah. Dude, that makes me so happy to hear you say that. Well, it made me happy to watch.
Starting point is 01:08:57 My beef of the week is a fight that happened years ago, but it always stuck in my mind. And I only heard about it through other people, but it's pretty fascinating to me. What happened is there was these two badass twin brothers. And they were almost badass by mistake. Like, I don't think had they grown up normally, they would have been such tough hooligans. But I remember one time at, like, a Little League game, the cops came and, like, busted their dad. So they grew up kind of hard. And they took on a me-against-the-world kind of mentality. And they were red-haired, which is kind of cool. They were, like, badass red-haired guys, which you don't see a lot in like entertainment but it happens yeah and uh and uh
Starting point is 01:09:29 one time they went to a howie's game shack which was a 24 hour uh computer arcade i used to go in there and throw down all the time and uh they played some guys on a land game in this game called battlefield and i guess their team got whooped on the red haired kids and their friends and uh the other team must have talked some shit or maybe they didn't say anything these kids were you know prone to fighting so they could take anything as an insult really you didn't have to do much and i guess the red-haired guys got so pissed off they say hey we're gonna beat the fuck out of you come outside we're gonna beat the fuck out of you and the kids you know these are computer gamer kids they're like look we don't want to fight we just wanted to hand you your
Starting point is 01:10:01 ass and you know virtually and they're like no now you got to fight we're gonna beat your ass so they go downstairs, these red-haired kids, and they rip the windshield wipers off of cars. Because they're gonna whip the kids with them. So these computer kids see what's waiting for them outside. I don't know, it must have been like five or seven guys with the
Starting point is 01:10:17 windshield wipers, which I never even thought of as a weapon. Dude, that's insane. The creativity of people is really remarkable. And I guess the computer nerds go, well, okay, hold on. It's a 24-hour arcade. We'll just wait them out. We don't have to leave. Oh, they got in 60 seconds.
Starting point is 01:10:30 So they stay in the arcade, which has like security and people there. And the arcade also had pizza and monster energy. So what else do you need? It's a siege. And they're ready to hold up for months end. And then finally, I guess it got to be like eight in the morning. And the computer nerds were still stuck in there. And the crazy red haired kids waited.
Starting point is 01:10:50 They waited till eight in the morning. I mean, these were proper, you know, menaces. These guys were psychos. And so the kids finally came out and I guess they got their asses kicked. They finally came out. I think one of them had to go to soccer practice or something. And they were like, you know, we just got to come out there. Hopefully these guys are tired from waiting all night.
Starting point is 01:11:07 We're all jacked up on Monster. And I don't know the exact details. Maybe they came out running. Maybe they walked out and they faced their end kind of bravely. Like some of the people in The Sun Also Rises. Yeah. When the town revolts against the bourgeoisie and they put them in a beating line. I don't know how they did it.
Starting point is 01:11:23 I hope those nerds walked out proudly and said, sorry, you guys can't handle a beating like a man. You can't handle a battlefield beating the right way. So you got to resort to this. But they were funny, man, those red-haired kids. The guy who ended up stealing my car, his friends beat the shit out of them one time. And then like a week later, they saw each other at a party.
Starting point is 01:11:41 And they were like, what's up, man? It's good to see you again. They're like, hey, that thing that happened, it's all good now. I was watching. I was like weird wait so how badly were the uh the nerds beaten i don't think they got beat horribly yeah no i think they're okay interesting but it's it's it's it is like warfare playing out in real life yeah at howie's um who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Michael Jordan.
Starting point is 01:12:10 I finally started watching The Last Dance. I'm hooked. Love it. He's the man. He's awesome. Coolest, coolest athlete I think of all time. I think he's up there. I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:23 But that's why I was watching it. I'm like, dude, there's no one cooler. When you watch footage of him just walking around the practice facility, you're like, that's the fucking man right there. He's the man. And then like the, all this, like how petty he is, or he's just looking for things to motivate him, you know, real makeup shit. You know, if someone like looks at him the wrong way, I mean, Stoker's probably all watch this, they all know.
Starting point is 01:12:43 But like, you know, like in that one game against the bullets he like made up the story about the guys like nice game mike and he just embarrassed him the second the next game just shit like that man it's like uh the thing is like he'll talk shit and he'll say i'm gonna beat the fuck out of you through basketball and he does it oh he backs it up every time he backs it up every time and uh yeah i think he's just and and i was thinking you know like if even if he had social media in these days because you know like sometimes people are like i wonder what those people would be like with social media i think he wouldn't even give a fuck or he'd just be talking shit on there all the time yeah like every lebronBron post, he'd be like, you're my bitch.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah, dude. He'd be the only one being nasty on there at all times. Yeah. Because I think, like, yeah, compared to LeBron. He's much cooler. He's way cooler. I agree. I think I'm so fired up that you're pumped on it, too.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Like when you text me that you're watching, I was like, let's go. Yeah. Yeah. Because it is so cool. It's so motivating. He's amazing. That's how I play the game. Did you?
Starting point is 01:13:50 I play to win. Have you finished? Yeah. I'm a one more episode. Oh, so you saw the ending of the one episode where he goes, where he starts crying and he goes, you don't want to play that way. Don't play that way.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Yeah. Wait, what was that about? Cause they were talking about him being too much of an asshole. Yeah. And he goes like, Hey, I never asked anyone to do anything that I wouldn't do myself Yeah, like I pushed myself. I pushed everyone hard. I pushed myself even harder Yeah, like that's what I thought it took to be a winner
Starting point is 01:14:12 Yeah, and then he goes if you don't want to play that way don't play that way he starts crying Which is interesting like why is he crying? I think because it means so much to him to play that way but someone made a good point I think it was I always steal stuff that I heard on here But on the bill Simmons pockets someone said he was crying because he thought about all the things he lost living his life that way. Right. Like he thought about all the sacrifices he had to make and the relationships that were
Starting point is 01:14:32 made more difficult because he was like, I have to live this way. Yeah. Which is kind of interesting. That's really interesting. Well, what do you think about him? Because looking at him now, he doesn't look as healthy and stuff like he's drinking a lot people say he's a booze hound yeah is he feel bad saying that sorry mike that's what people say do you think he he when he was in the
Starting point is 01:14:57 nba he he went so hard he had with so much intensity that afterwards it was sort of like he just like was like all right i did. Now I can just like fucking relax. I don't have to think about winning this much anymore. I think he's said himself in interviews that it was, it's, it's been almost impossible to fill the hole that basketball left. Right. Like he was so, I don't think any person has ever been more well suited for their job than he was for that.
Starting point is 01:15:21 It's like that David Epstein thing, like match fit. Like he was the perfect fit for like who he was and what he did. And then unfortunately, you know, in athletics, that doesn't last long. So he's done it like 38 and then he's got the rest of his life to be like, what's ever going to be like that again? Right. Yeah. That is interesting. Cause it's like, you lose your mission. You got to find new ones. I think Kobe learned from him and that's why Kobe tried to be like, you know, he made like the shorts and stuff like that. It went straight into detail.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Because he took like so much from Michael. I think he saw that too and was like, okay, I want to have a little more purpose after I'm done. Yeah. He went straight to another mission right after that. Yeah. Michael, there's something kind of sad about it, but it's also beautiful. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Because he was just so good. He's so, I mean, he looks good. I love his outfits.'s a man the backwards like hangel hat with like the black turtleneck yeah he's so slick uh what was another yeah they say about some surfers especially big wave surfers they get adrenal fatigue and when they've been in so many scary situations like that they just don't know how to like readjust to life a little bit yeah i've heard that that makes sense um my babe of the week is you know what i'm gonna give it oh no i'm giving it to this is weird jonathan lip nicky oh nice the kid from jerry mcguire yeah so i showed that movie to my gf and every time
Starting point is 01:16:41 lip nicky was on screen she just was delighted. And I was like, yeah, this is, and I was like, it made me think about it. I was like, this is the cutest kid in movie history. Weird thing to say, but he is. He's the cutest kid in movie history. He's just like so funny. Every line he says, he's like, you cursed. You said the F word.
Starting point is 01:16:59 He's like, don't worry, I won't tell mom. I gotta go to bed, mom's coming. Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds? You want to adopt him. You get why Jerry wants to be Mom's coming. Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds? You want to adopt him. You get why Jerry wants to be a stepfather. And you know, just like Michael, how Michael without basketball isn't the same. Nicky was like only in one other movie. Like that's his thing.
Starting point is 01:17:15 That's not like Michael at all. But that's his thing. Yeah. He didn't really have much of a career after that, which I kind of like. What's he doing now? I don't know. I remember we tried to get him on the pod, but he said he didn't want to talk about like Jerry Maguire. Oh, yeah. How long ago was that? I don't know. Remember we tried to get him on the pod, but he said he didn't want to talk about like Jerry Maguire.
Starting point is 01:17:25 Oh yeah. How long ago was that? That was like right when we started. Yeah. And I know he went through a phase where he had a six pack. So I mean. That's right. He got jacked.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Which is another mission to go on. Yeah. But I think he, I think what he realized is after Jerry Maguire, he's like, no one will ever be that good again as I was in that movie. Yeah. No kid will ever be as good as I was. I'll never be that good again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:43 And so he retired it. But yeah. Oh my God. was in that movie yeah no kid will ever be as good as i was i'll never be that good again yeah and so he retired it but yeah oh my god he did in one movie in one movie what macaulay culkin tried to do in three totally he dominated culkin yeah who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is this comic uh james austin johnson so funny he does uh this trump impression and it's probably the best Trump impression out there. And he does these impressions of Trump talking about Scooby-Doo and Pokemon and stuff. And what I love about it is it's not even political. It's just a hilarious impression of Trump talking about Scooby-Doo.
Starting point is 01:18:17 And it's just so memorable and so funny. I can't get his Scooby-Doo one out of my mind. I'll just be out there. Every day I'm just driving and I'm like, Scooby-Doo. Scooby Doo one out of my mind. I'll just be out there every day I'm just driving and I'm like Scooby Doo. Scooby Doo. Scooby Doo. They call him Scooby Doo. They call shows Scooby Doo.
Starting point is 01:18:34 But Scooby doesn't do anything. Scooby. I should probably play this stuff. But Scooby doesn't. Scooby doesn't do anything. It's one of the worst deals we've ever had. Okay. I'll just play some of his stuff. Scooby-Doo. Check him out.
Starting point is 01:18:50 His Twitter is ShrimpJAJ. Yeah. All right, I think I'm good. All right, his Twitter is ShrimpJAJ. Scooby doesn't do anything. Scooby is not involved. At the time, Scooby's not involved. Alright, his Twitter is shrimpjaj. God fucking damn it. Just let it keep going. I'll cut it off. This is your show up with the mystery tamer in a van. And they walk around and they do, you know, they think around.
Starting point is 01:19:29 You know, mystery, they're solving mystery. And Scooby is not involved in any way, shape, or form. Scooby, frankly, gets much too much attention, money. We're giving way too much attention to Mr. Scooby. And he's not. Way too much attention, money. We're giving way too much attention to Mr. Scooby. And he's not. Way too much attention, money. We're giving way too much attention to Mr. Scooby.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Scooby do. He doesn't do. We call him Scooby, but he doesn't do. He's a terrible deal. All right, yeah. No, it's so good. But you guys, check him out.
Starting point is 01:20:01 ShrimpJAJ on Twitter. Dude, my legend of the week is the show Kingdom. We had the star of it on here, Frank Grillo. Yeah. J-A-J on Twitter. Dude, my legend of the week is the show Kingdom. We had the star of it on here, Frank Grillo. Yeah. And I only watched the pilot to be prepped. Dude, I should have watched the whole thing. He's amazing in it.
Starting point is 01:20:11 He's so good. Yeah. Yeah, he's like this real three-dimensional character. Like, he's kind of an asshole, but you really see his whole thought process. Everyone on the show is kind of an asshole, or totally is an asshole. But you care about them. And I don't know, it's just awesome. It fires me up. It's funny. It's sad. And it don't know, it's just awesome. It fires me up.
Starting point is 01:20:25 It's funny. It's sad. And it feels real, but it's still amped up. It's good. Yeah. That's awesome. Brian Belasco, the creator. But yeah, I've been pounding my way through it.
Starting point is 01:20:34 And Jonathan Tucker. He does this really kind of showy performance where he's like really over the top and does these big like speaks like in poetry kind of, like his character is like kind of pretentious. It's amazing. He's so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:48 I got you. I think I have the whole season on my iTunes. Really? From when I was prepping for it, yeah. It's on Netflix now. Oh, that's right. So people want a fourth season. I should mention that.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Really? People are like, let's get a fourth season of it. You think they will? I don't think so. Sorry. Yes, I do think they will. That's a better answer. They will get a fourth season. Nick Jonas is in it. I feel like he's so Sorry. Yes, I do think they will. That's a better answer. They will get a fourth season.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Nick Jonas is in it. I feel like he's so busy. Right, right. I mean, how are you going to get Nick Jonas back? Yeah. Good call. But maybe Nick wants to do it. Is he a big MMA guy?
Starting point is 01:21:17 He said he wrote his song Jealous, the one about Olivia Colpo. I referenced her beef with Danny Amendola a couple weeks ago. He said he wrote that song jealous about her because at that time he was training MMA a lot for Kingdom it's a show about MMA fighters and so he was extra fired up when he wrote it because he was really in his aggression probably not jagging off
Starting point is 01:21:34 no dude he was channeling all that chi Chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from my legend of the week they call him Scooby but he doesn't do they call him Scooby but he doesn't do it's a terrible deal that's it nice dude my quote of the week is from the movie Jerry Maguire I'm gonna go with some rod Tidwell quotes though this where uh jerry says that he doesn't play football with enough heart he's like off the field heart on the field you play with your head and that doesn't inspire people man just play with
Starting point is 01:22:14 heart and then tidwell gets all pissed off that he challenged him goes no heart i'm all heart motherfucker i just think about that all the time. It's the best. It's the best. You don't play with heart. Play with your heart, man. That's what inspires people. You know? No heart. I'm all heart, mother.
Starting point is 01:22:38 But then what's cool is that he actually starts playing with more heart after that. Yeah. Because they got that kind of relationship. Hell yeah. What's your phrase of the week for getting after it? My phrase of the week for getting after it is, let's shave our chests. Nice. Yeah, don't nair it.
Starting point is 01:22:52 It's tough on the nipples. My phrase of the week for getting after it is, again, from Jerry Maguire. Show me the money. That's the first one that popped in my head. It's good stuff. Or I love him. When Renee Zellweger was talking about Tom Cruise. Love him for the man that he is.
Starting point is 01:23:14 No, I love him for the man that he is and the man that he should be or that he almost is. I love him. Renee. She's great. I heard she almost blew the second audition, but there was just something there. They had to bring her back. That's good. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:23:29 Was that like her first big movie role? I think that was her breakthrough, yeah. Wow. That'd be pretty wild. It's Dorothy Boyd. Can you imagine getting cast in a movie like that with Tom Cruise? Your first big movie. It's got to be scary. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:41 But you know Tom would make you feel good. Yeah. You got this. Jay Moore tells a lot of stories about that movie on his podcast. Oh, yeah. It's awesome. Jay Moore, interesting guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Very disliked. By people who know him. Why is that? Well, I know he stole some, I forget what his name, Rick Ingle. Who's like the, he's sort of like a crazy character. He was friends with Louis C.K. Rick Glassman? Not Glassman.
Starting point is 01:24:08 He's older. He was a big New York comic like in the 90s. But he stole some bits. He's friends with Louis C.K. He stole some bits from him and did them on SNL. I know he stole, I guess he stole one of Burt Kreischer's bits. Oh, really? And then I guess he was mean to people.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Yeah. But that's what people say. But hey, Jay, if you ever want to do the pod, we don't have to talk about any of that. He's listening. He's like, thank you, bros. We'll just talk about your movie Picture Perfect with Jennifer Aniston. I love that one. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:35 I think that's it. We got Strider coming in right now for this episode that will come out before this. Yeah. Thanks for listening, Stokers. Give us a review and check out, yeah, for Christmas gifts, check out our merch. Could be dang. Get the merch, dudes. Could be dang.
Starting point is 01:24:54 You know you're going to love it. All right, bros. See you later. Bye, guys.

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