Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 167 - Jake Paul, Tom Cruise Blow Up, Bitcoin

Episode Date: December 30, 2020

What up Stokers! This week we discuss Jake Paul making us sad, Tom Cruise being right in his megalomania, and Chad's foray into bitcoin. Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the ...code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 guys before we begin this podcast i want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because you want to have a fresh looking dong before you step out into the world so use code go deep 20 at manscape.com to get 20 off your order oh yeah tickle my tummy and call me larry Ooh, yeah. Tickle my tummy and call me Larry. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:56 And I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And, yeah, what's good? Chilling, dude. Did a pod today. I'm looking at some potential places to move to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I was focusing on the Santa Monica area today. And how'd you feel about it? Like, what, because you said you got, like, a hair up your ass about hitting Santa Monica. What inspired that? The Osh? The Osh, being close to the ocean. I want to do Venice more than Santa Monica because it feels like it's got a little more of like it's a little more of a vibrant culture there it's more neighborhood II it's more neighborhood II but the places for the
Starting point is 00:01:33 same price in Santa Monica a little bit Venice seems a little more expensive yeah and a lot more like Santa Monica is like newer yeah so a lot of the places like are kind of designed better whereas in Venice it's like everything's so funky yeah it's hard to find like a straightforward place that has what I'm kind of looking for. Yeah. What's interesting about Venice is that it'll be like the nicest house, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:53 you've seen for, you know, multimillion dollar house right next to like a group of dumpsters. And that's like, that's Venice. It's like, it's like really nice stuff next to dumpsters. That's part of the appeal, right? Yeah. Is that it's got a little more like grit to it's like it's like really nice stuff next to dumpsters that's part of
Starting point is 00:02:05 the appeal right yeah is that it's got a little more like grit to it but it's still like beautiful yeah that's so california it's like pay top dollar to live in trash and so santa monica is a little more you're you're in the market you know these things things. Yeah. You've been searching. I didn't mean to bag on Venice. Oh, you came in hot on it. Oh, sorry. No, I'm not the mayor. No, I didn't mean to bring you down. I just think it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:02:34 No, not bringing me down. I love Venice. Yeah. And I love, you know, like, well, Arnett did a Netflix show about living in Venice, being like a sober guy. And everyone I talk to loves Venice, but it is funny. The show Kingdom that I just finished. Kingdom is Venice everyone I talk to loves Venice but it is funny the show Kingdom that I just finished Kingdom is Venice yeah everyone loves Venice our buddy Nick's in Venice the
Starting point is 00:02:50 Chernins are in Venice yeah a lot of people we like are in Venice I like where the Chernins are where it's a little bit like I love the idea of being close to the beach but there there's you know they're like a three quarters of a mile away from it, I'd say. And super nice places over there. That is cool. Yeah. It is interesting, though. Every place has its shortcomings in Los Angeles. I don't think there's like a perfect neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh, yours is really, really cool. You just moved. You have a brand new spot. I like it there a lot. It feels like you're kind of in like the the neighborhood it sort of feels like you're in like a highland park kind of neighborhood a little bit but you're close to the beach that's a good balance um which is cool but you know but you know that yeah i i love it right now because there's like a backyard and stuff but like i'm always itching of like getting closer to the
Starting point is 00:03:42 beach and stuff and there i don't know if i could live in a place for, you know, more than five years. I'm not sure if I have that in me to just stay. I feel you. I feel like I just got to keep moving. I like that. I don't know. What do you think? You could find a place and just be like, this is it.
Starting point is 00:04:00 No, not yet either. Yeah. I think you're right. I'm still searching for the right place. Yeah. And yeah, I don't want to be bound to any neighborhood either. Yeah. I think you're right. I'm still searching for the right place. Yeah. And yeah, I don't want to be bound to any neighborhood yet. Yeah. I want to stay mobile.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Yeah, always on the go. Feels cooler that way. But I do want to get a doggy. Yeah, what kind of doggy are you thinking? I'm thinking Schnoodle. Schnoodle? Yeah. What's that?
Starting point is 00:04:22 My girlfriend told me about him. Her sister has one. They're half a schnauzer, half poodle, but I want a miniature one. But I want a big miniature one. I want a big mini schnoodle, 20 pounds, hypoallergenic. And here's the thing. Yeah, about that big. I want to, and they're affectionate.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah. Oh, that's the best. Here's the thing though. I want to go breeder. Yeah. I talked about it on the live yesterday. Everybody was like, don't go breeder. Dude, people get really heated about that. And here's the thing i'm susceptible to to being shamed yeah so if
Starting point is 00:04:49 you're listening send me messages telling me not to go breeder because if i have my druthers and no one's watching me i'll do breeder all day yeah but if people get on me and they're like you piece of shit you need to get a rescue i'll i'll fold and i'll get a rescue i'm the exact same way like my mom was like i you know she's like hey hey, we're looking at these mini goldens and we're on the waiting list. We might have an extra dog if you want. And I was like, ooh, yeah. My girlfriend is so pro-rescue that she was like, you can't get a breeder. You just can't do it.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm very passionate about this. But have you seen these mini golden retrievers? I know, right? But I love, you know, rescues are great. They're great. I love pit bulls, I'm going to say it. Although, you know, so it's a tough call. Is that controversial to say you love pit bulls?
Starting point is 00:05:46 I don't, I guess not. I think people are just scared of pitbulls right um but that's why it's it's powerful to love them yeah um like Caroline's dog is half it's got some pitbull in her I mean the jaws on that thing are just like incredible you can see the power that's the thing about pitbulls is you look at their jaw muscle and you're like dude like that looks like the size of my glute it's like when uh people are attracted to like violent people you're like oh this violent creature is gonna love me yeah i think it makes you feel more special that they that they treat you with tenderness when they have this capacity for violence and they they really do love you they do oh they're if they love you they love you but they're they're very sweet dogs but they've got this like dark underbelly.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And I think it's kind of a, you know, they have a bad rap because if they have abusive owners, that brings out their, you know, their sort of involuntary sort of primal side that'll rip your throat out. Their survival instincts. Yeah. Well, that's like, we read an article, it's a natural segue about a guy who did a psychopath test. Like he looked at brain scans of psychopaths. Yeah. And then he looked at his own brain and he was a psychopath.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. But he thinks because he was nurtured in a loving household that it kind of sublimated those instincts and he turned out to be like the best version of a psychopath where he's just competitive and wants to win arguments, but he doesn't murder or assault people. Oh, that's so interesting. I got to read deeper into that article. He's a pit bull. Yeah. But it made me feel good because sometimes I think I'm a psycho or that I've been bred from psychos. Yeah. And then I'm like, well, you can still be ethical. Some people do it out of like performance because they want everyone around them to think they're a good person.
Starting point is 00:07:26 And that overpowers their psychoness. So, I mean, whatever it takes. Yeah. I think everyone's got – a lot of people have a degree of psycho in them. I'd say I'm psychotic about my own body. Your tan. My tan. I'm pretty psycho about my tan.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah. I'm about submerging myself in frigid waters. And about conditioning my hair. I'm psycho about expressing my emotions. Yeah. Even if there's not a reason for them to be in high gear, I'll find a reason why I need to be. The same way that Michael Jordan will find a reason
Starting point is 00:08:02 to have to beat you at basketball that you disrespected him, I'll find a reason why you just made me emotional. Yeah. I'll find it. You'll find it. I'm Michael Jordan of emotions. Dude, the only time I ever got mad at my mom was when she used to give me haircuts. And this time around, I thought it was kind of a lackluster haircut.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And I got in the shower and I slammed the door. Haircuts? You slammed the door? Well, she wasn't there. She was outside. But I was like, I'm going to take a shower. I went in the shower and I slammed the door and I felt really bad about it. I'm turned on.
Starting point is 00:08:38 That sounds like it felt good, right? Yeah, because I was pissed off. I had a dong cut. I think your mom would have liked to hear you slam the door. She's like, oh, wow. She didn't like it. She didn't? No.
Starting point is 00:08:50 See, I like it. That's the psycho in me. Yeah. I'm like, oh, Chad has a gear he can go to of overwhelming anger. Oh, I'll go there. If it's the right thing. You can get daddy going a little bit. It scares me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:03 I hope it's not aimed at me. Oh, yeah. Dude, one of the fights my brother and I got into, I gave him a haircut before New Year's, and I kept being like, that's a great haircut I gave you. He's like, yeah, it's pretty good. I'm like, why don't you say thank you for that haircut?
Starting point is 00:09:18 He's like, I already said thank you. I'm like, why don't you say thank you again for that haircut I gave you? He goes, I'm not saying thank you again. I'm like, say thank you again, bitch. And then he's like, fuck you, man. And then I was like, you want to fucking go? And then we just fist fought.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Oh, you went? You went. Yeah, I just kept talking shit to him. I was kneeling him. And then I had a pretty cool line. He's like, oh, yeah, you're real tough. I was like, stand up and I'll show you how tough I am. And then he came over and just walloped me.
Starting point is 00:09:40 How old were you guys? 18 and 16. That's awesome. He punched me. And then I came back. He punched me. And then I came back. He punched me and then he just stood there and let me punch him. And then we started wrestling and I put him on, I had him in a headlock and he, lunatic, take a psychopath test, Chris. I'm just kidding. He's the best guy I know. He just had to survive. He threw his thumb into my eye and then
Starting point is 00:10:00 I threw him down and I went to kick him, which I would never normally do, but we were really fired up. And thank God Danny Babona was watching the whole thing and he broke us up. And then I threw him down and I went to kick him, which I would never normally do, but we were really fired up. And thank God Danny Bobona was watching the whole thing and he broke us up. And then I went to the gym. No, first I go, I go, fuck. I go, I'm so sorry, Chris. He goes, I'm sorry too. Then I went to the gym and I tried to work out, but I had the worst headache of my life. And I just sat there and iced my face for 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:10:22 But haircuts, they bring something out of us. It's one of the most intense experiences I go through routinely. Like every time I get a haircut, when you just start to see it, when they go too short, when you're like, hey, keep it a little long. And then they're like, okay, I'm just going to even it out. That's always the phrase they use. I'm just evening it out. I know you're fucking not, right? You're taking length off. I'm looking at the hair falling off my head. And you just sit there and you feel so powerless and then you just have to sit there for 30 minutes when this person just ruins your life dude at least for a month straight up ruins it and you know you have like i'll have specific directions i'm like this is what i want
Starting point is 00:11:00 but then you know a lot of times this is why you got to find the right person because they'll have it in their mind like oh I'm gonna cut it I'm gonna I know this guy thinks he wants it this way but I'm gonna cut it the way that he should have it cut then they give you some fucking Bieber haircut you know circa 2010 which is the any and you just and you you're looking at yourself in the chair and you're like and and you just want to, you know. It's like some of the only times where I'm just like, I want to beat the fuck out of you right now. Of course. That's the feeling.
Starting point is 00:11:31 You just want to get out of there. Just either kill him or get out. But I can't look at you. Yeah. Or there was a couple of years there where everyone was doing like the Cristiano Ronaldo haircut. Like kind of like shaved on the sides and long on top. Brutal. And they would always try to do that to you.
Starting point is 00:11:44 And I'm like, do I look like I could pull pull that off do i seem like i have the face or head shape for that no i clearly don't yeah so just take it off a little bit leave it rounded at the corners yeah i mean i've given you the blueprint don't deviate because you think you're some kind of a tour yeah only like one percent of dudes can pull it off and i don't even want to be that type of dude that's not me and so it's like i don't even want to be that type of dude. That's not me. And so it's like I don't even want to look like I'm the kind of guy trying to be like that kind of dude. That's the thing I don't want people to see me and put me in that box.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Yeah. Oh it makes me so mad. Speaking of haircuts Jake Paul. Oh yeah let's get into this. Dude so Stokers if you haven't seen it which I'm sure you have jake paul is trying to fight connor mcgregor now he's resorted to talking tons of shit to him he put up a video on monday
Starting point is 00:12:33 uh this week i'm not sure when this podcast coming out but on the 14th of december just uh And it was pretty lewd rant. It was over the line. He crossed the line. He crossed the line. Very uncalled for. You know, people can say, oh, it's all to drum up the fight. Well, guess what? It made me sad.
Starting point is 00:12:57 When he insulted his wife, it made me sad. It just gave me this harsh feeling in my stomach where I was like, world's a mean place yeah i don't like it when i watch jake paul um um um you know when you when you look at logan like we talked about this on the noel pod like there you can feel there's a there's some self awareness there there's you can feel there's some semblance of sensitivity there like with jake paul you have none of that there's no humanity you have like the the worst of humanity just bundled up into like one giant ball of douche there's nothing redeemable about him and then people are like well so don't you want to see connor all right i don't know if anyone's in but then that makes you think okay so i want to see conor mcgregor kick his ass yeah i don't even want to see that yeah i want to see jake paul unable to get another fight because no one will deign to fight him right
Starting point is 00:13:48 yeah i almost yeah i almost don't want to see conor mcgregor give into it because it's like it validates him yeah and and this is these are the tactics he's going to keep using to try and get fights although caroline brought up my girlfriend brought the image of him with like a broken nose and all his teeth gone after fighting him and i couldn't stop laughing so that would be pretty it would be just like oh fuck dude i got really fucked up man maybe it's all worth it yeah and you know conor mcgregor talks a lot of shit but i don't think he ever trashed someone else's wife he would bring their wives into it but it was more about like how the wife felt bad for the husband for being like a shitty fighter or something like that yeah which i thought was good shit talking yeah and then i think the farthest or the furthest
Starting point is 00:14:33 connor ever went was when he told khabib that his dad was like um friends with like chechnyan terrorists yeah that was over the line as well but I almost think this one's worse yeah I think disrespecting someone's wife it's it's just really really mean well I watched that video and I'm like oh you're you're just you're 23 you know you just watch that and you're like oh this is what a 23 year old wannabe boxer would say you know what I mean totally and and uh he's 23 right i think he's like that young sounds right i'm not sure it's so gross it is really gross i wonder i wonder what his parents think about him oh shit i didn't think who were the paul parents yeah i'd like to know that would be interesting it'd be i'd be curious to like study them and be like how did this
Starting point is 00:15:29 all come out of your household do you think his dad was like he's like dude nice he called his wife a four nice work dude you burned him from one celeb that you know we're not crazy about to another celeb that we love but who seems like he's about to go through a little bit of a a tough spot tough moment tom cruise a recording came out of him yelling at the crew on mission impossible seven and did you listen to it oh yeah what i love the most about it was when he was like every night i go home and i'm talking to producers studios insurance companies about the state of our fucking industry and that's what's on my mind every night saving this fucking industry and i was like dude like the the station
Starting point is 00:16:20 that he thinks he's at where like he's the leader of all of hollywood is so megalomaniacal but then i was like what if it's true like what if all those studios are like tom's gonna get us through this and all these insurance companies are like we can't give the go-ahead on this 200 million dollar film and tom cruise is like on my honor we'll get through this and there won't be any problems with covid and they're like all right tom if you say so yeah and so maybe it's like real maybe he heavy is the head that wears the crown. Maybe he really is
Starting point is 00:16:46 responsible for the entire industry. Dude, it fired me up. I'm like, yeah, Tom, save it. Like I just picture Tom just like running through a burning building with the industry on his back. Carolyn had a hot take.
Starting point is 00:16:57 She thinks he leaked it himself. Because it's the most Tom Cruise thing. You know he wants everyone to think that he's carrying this industry on his back. You know he wants people to think that. Yeah, because I was wondering how to get out. Because with stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:17:14 if you're this sound guy, you've got to imagine it's probably one of the sound guys, right? Yeah. And you leak that, you're going to lose your job. Yeah. The whole sound department's
Starting point is 00:17:24 getting interrogated right now. During the production? Like when was the Terminator thing with Christian Bale? It came out way after the movie. Yeah. So this comes during the production after he just like fucking laid into them and someone's like, I'm going to send this to TMZ. Because it was sort of like
Starting point is 00:17:46 you're like holy fuck man like this is crazy but he does paint himself in like a pretty good light in his mind for sure but so does she think that he like that it was a real reaction to something and then he realized it was recorded
Starting point is 00:18:02 and he's like you know what put that recording out I want everyone to hear that or does she think the whole thing was orchestrated no no she i uh we didn't get into those specifics but um in my mind if we're going on this i'd say it happened and then later maybe he leaked it that makes sense because i mean it i don't know it's not because what's interesting about it is he's basically saying, like, if you guys don't follow the rules, no one here has jobs for a while. The rest of these sets aren't going to run. People can't feed their families. People are going to lose their homes.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Like, the weight of the industry is on our shoulders. That's why we need to follow the rules. It's not as opposed to, like. my salmon was fucked up yeah yeah yeah complaining about something about himself he's basically saying like dude he's like saying like we gotta save the industry like that's why you need to follow the fucking rules he's being responsible yeah he's right yeah yeah and he probably went about it the wrong way i but it's not like someone, it's not like he got the wrong hairspray. And everyone says about that Terminator one that that DP that Christian Bale was yelling at was really annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:20 He was always meddling with stuff during shots. Yeah. And it seems really egregious to freak out if you're an actor. Yeah. But like, now that I know more actors, like they, it's really hard for people to act when people are like moving around like near the cameras and shit like that. Yeah. It's distracting.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You're like fake crying about like how your uncle, you know, like lost a leg. Yeah. And someone's like knocking shit up or like chewing pretzels loud yeah and you know i get it it's just acting but but um i i yeah what's interesting so what i'm saying is i lost my point but what i was saying is is that like maybe this guy that tom cruise yelled at like was he doing it a lot like was he was he playing that hand slap game where you put your hands on another guy's hands and then you try to slap him? You know that one? Was he doing that on set? And then Tom was like, I told you to stop
Starting point is 00:20:08 playing patty cake! You're gonna get us all killed! You're gonna end the movie industry. But it just had some of Tom's patented megalomania in there. Yeah, and I What was I gonna say? I'm sure a ton of people who are itching to get back to work
Starting point is 00:20:31 have that frustration in them where they're like you know it's like okay they're back to work like finally we're back to work especially for someone like tom who just thrives off working like he just needs to keep progressing and stuff and then when something like Corona gets in the way and you're just like, you're like, what do I do? I'll make a movie in space. You know what I mean? So it's like he probably has so much
Starting point is 00:20:52 built up energy inside where when he saw someone potentially get in the way of fucking that up, he exploded. It's a good point. Yeah. Like he's scared. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:04 He needed two lines like that. Like, do you know how desperately I want a good point. Yeah. Like he's scared. Yeah. He needed two lines like that. Like, do you know how desperately I want to be here? Yeah. I do not want to go home. Okay. I have to be on set. Yeah. And you are going to take that away from me.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah. Totally. That's like the Pipe Masters were put on hold for I don't even know how long because the CEO of the WSL got COVID. And it's like for all the surfers who travel to hawaii is from australia and stuff which is really hard to do they were already there when it got there they already had like a day of competition and then the ceo of the wsl got covid and now they have to like just stop the whole event and it's just like i i for for, the frustration would be so high of just, like, how the fuck could you, like, just, like, can't you just, like, keep it together for, like, this set amount of time?
Starting point is 00:21:52 Like, what the fuck is going on? Totally. You know? I don't know. No, you're right. Well, this brings us to a larger point. Ellen got COVID. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:00 And it was funny early in COVID, like, when Von Miller got it. And he was like, I haven't left my house. I went and got, like, fish tacos outside from a food truck once wearing a mask and I got it. So guys, be careful because you can get it any which way. And now we know he's lying. Yeah. You for sure got it fucking around with your friends.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Yeah. You know what I mean? And then Ellen got, I'm like, well, how does anyone get that close to Ellen? You know, she's doing the show, but they must be testing those PAs like nine times a week. Yeah. You got to probably get three rapid tests just to get within six feet of her. Yeah. And so I don't know how these like super rich celebrities keep getting it.
Starting point is 00:22:35 They must be partying. Yeah. I think they're getting it from, I'm not saying this about Ellen. We were on her show. It was great experience. Can't wait to go back. but, and you know, she's happily married to Porce da Rossi.
Starting point is 00:22:47 But I think all these other celebrities who are getting it, orgies. Oh, yeah. Every celebrity who's getting COVID is getting it from going to an orgy. Yeah. Totally agree. They're just smooching each other. That's what's got to be going on. And people can't stop smooching.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Like who else has it? Ellen got it. Idris Elba got it, but he got it early, so he probably got it normal and he's horny and he's horny oh the rock got it when did he get it the rock got it like two or three months ago like i for sure think the rock got it from fucking yeah he said they had some friends in town who didn't know they had and i'm like rock i think you just had one too many people at the orgy and not everybody was accounted for totally totally on board with that which is cool just admit it no one's gonna judge you yeah everyone would really
Starting point is 00:23:34 respect you if you came clean about it that'd be awesome look guys i know it's corona times but due to all the stress i had to get my energy out so i had an orgy we'd all rally behind that person oh yeah i totally i'd get in there i'd ask to be in it yeah i'd be like what's up with the next one rocky yeah would you be intimidated like given your your your sexual your experience and sexual maturity if you were in an orgy with Dwayne the Rock Johnson um would you be able to conduct yourself the way like normally like would you be able to engage in the kind of dirty talk that you do or would you be a little bit nervous you know I'm I can't say what would happen I know I'd be nervous but I'd like to take on that challenge I don't want to run from a challenge yeah so if the challenge is can you be horny in front of
Starting point is 00:24:28 the rock i mean you know lose or win yeah i want to be in the ring yeah i want to take the people's cock on dude yeah grill it up and eat it i'm not yeah so am i afraid yeah but that's how i know i'm doing what i'm supposed to be doing yeah I follow that fear you know what he's cooking down to try it I think I'd have trouble down to you know mix up my own meal across the way and see who's thrown out a better dish yeah I think I'd
Starting point is 00:24:56 have trouble yeah I think I'd have trouble engaging with another partner because I'd be like dude the rock is plowing right next to me like I'll just like check this out and I'd be like dude oh you want to just check out the spectacle yeah I just sort of see like you know like like oh yeah he's really been working on his rhomboids just right now
Starting point is 00:25:21 I can see that it is painful when you get like cut out of uh like a wild situation like one time my brother's girlfriend had a friend in town and we just like hit it off right away we're at a bar we just started like making out and then um didn't work out that night because her and her friend like got into a fight i was like hey break it up guys let's relax but i was just you know i just wanted to hook up with her and then like it was like two in the morning and she's like me and shelly have to like work this out i was like maybe save it for the morning and she's like no we need to talk tonight i was like oh fuck dude so then like two nights later we go out and uh we're making out again on the dance floor i'm like
Starting point is 00:25:56 oh it's on yeah and then this fucking girl who was at this party with us um who had been like hitting on me earlier but she was just kind of hitting on everybody. She just decided she liked the girl I was with and like just started making out with her. And then I was like totally taken aback. I was like, what the hell? And then like- Is it Jimmy's or is this another time? Jimmy's?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Jimmy Tatro's. No, it's a different time. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, that girl was like hooking up with other girls in front of me too. So then I, like some of my work friends are there they're like bro just get in there get in there and i'm like i'm like you think i should they're like yeah
Starting point is 00:26:31 get in there i'm like all right all right so i walk over there i'm like hey what's up like how's it going my touching both their necks and i'm like how you doing i'm like just like kind of trying to creep in and then like i like i like kissed a girl i was with and then like the other girls like she's like she she was like pretty down and i was like okay cool then we start making out i'm like oh sweet i did it i'm in and then like after a couple seconds making out with me they just go back to making out with each other and then i'm just sitting there kind of watching i'm like i try one more time they're like kind of like give me like the side of their lip and then i'm like that's all i got and then they just go back to kissing I walked back and I was like it's just not gonna happen they're only into each
Starting point is 00:27:06 other yeah I just try to like it was really hard to like find a way in yeah I was like touching they're like trying to you know cuz I didn't want to I couldn't really touch the girl I hadn't made do the hand thing. It was more just like, she's over here. And then they went back to kissing. I was like, all right, I'm out of here. And I went back to my friends. I was like, dude, it's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I love that you got in there, though. I tried. Yeah, I'm happy I tried. Because I'm trying to my friends. I was like, dude, it's not going to happen. I love that you got in there though. I tried. Yeah. I'm happy. I tried. Cause I'm trying to think of like, what's a line that you would, cause I know, I know me personally, I would go up, I'd be like, I'd be just standing there. I just sort of would like expect them to like, you want to come in?
Starting point is 00:27:59 Yes. Okay. Yeah. I was kind of, I kind of had that vibe. I think maybe after a couple minutes i was like all right i gotta stick my head in there this song was banging the music was banging too so i couldn't really like verbalize what i was trying to do okay i'd love to see that they're like making it so like an onlooker just see this guy it just goes up to them he's just like
Starting point is 00:28:20 looking at them and then he just starts showing up And I can see with them. It's a horny dude. Yeah, just a random guy. Like, I didn't even know them. I hadn't already made out with one of them. I was just walking by two girls making out. I was like, oh, I don't mind if I do. I'll try and get in on that.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Oh, hey, ladies, you guys are having a good time. Do you mind if I participate? Yeah. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho. You just walk away. Then I just walk away. I'm like, oh, it's no, I'm outside. I'm like, oh, it's no good.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I'm going to go taco truck. It was worth a try. Yeah. So I was going to go, hey, dude, you trying to get on that? You're like, yeah, give it a shot. Yeah. My coworkers were the best because I was kind of defeated at first. I was just like, oh, man, that sucks. I was like, I was kind of defeated at first. I was just like, oh man, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:29:05 I was like, I was kind of complaining to people. I was like, dude, the girl I was making out with, that other chick just took her from me. I'm like, they're just making out. They're like, bro, get in there, dude. Get in there. It's like a, but in my head, I was like, they're right, they're right.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Yeah, why haven't I tried that yet? You guys just have a dance floor. You just go for like 20 minutes. I ran into the girl who took the girl from me later and we'd always laugh about it. Oh, really? Actually, I still laugh with the other girl about it too. Yeah. She's like, not anymore because, you know, I've got a GF now.
Starting point is 00:29:37 But like before then we'd be like, it was only like once a year, but she'd be like, sorry. I like, she'd be talking to my brother's girlfriend and then she'd be like, tell, tell JT, I'm sorry. I left him for another woman. I was like, I'm still heartbroken over here. Still thinking about you. But it was a tough break. I was just like smiling.
Starting point is 00:29:55 That was really nice. I try to be super pleasant and easy to be around in my approach. Hey. Oh, hey, don't want to bother anybody. But, you know, I might slip in here and just be a glue guy. in my approach. Hey. Oh, hey. Don't want to bother anybody, but I might slip in here and just be a glue guy. Not looking to be the star of the game, but I'll feed you guys the rock,
Starting point is 00:30:14 whatever that means. Yeah, you're just like, your hand's kind of like motioning. You're like, oh. Yeah, I didn't know how to quite get in there and just like angle it. I was just like, huh? What is you?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Come here, come here, come here, come here. You want some too? You jealous? You jealous that I'm doing this? You want in on this?
Starting point is 00:30:32 And then. I wish I could have watched that without knowing you. Yeah. That would be so funny. That was really funny. It's a, it's a, it's a,
Starting point is 00:30:39 it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, that girl just was,
Starting point is 00:30:40 remember I just walked up to you and I was like, dude, look at this chick. And she was just going off on people in the middle of the dance floor well you you like came up and you're like you're like hey what's up guys and you're like what's up man and you guys just start dancing and just grinding so hardcore and you guys are like grinding hardcore and then like i were like kind of like standing there dancing a little bit. And then I turn back around and she's, like, fully bent over,
Starting point is 00:31:06 like, hands on the floor and you're just, like, your hands behind your head kind of just humping her. Wow, dude, that escalated quickly. She still would message me.
Starting point is 00:31:19 She would send me crazy stuff. Oh, really? Yeah. She would be like, she'd be like, what's your problem? Like, out of nowhere, she'd just be like, what's your problem? Yeah. And I and i'd be like i knew but i wouldn't even respond after a
Starting point is 00:31:29 while because i knew she was just like that's how she uh got attention basically okay yeah interesting yeah she was interesting um dude so i did a deep dive into cryptocurrency did you really yeah well i i really got, I was researching Bitcoin and cryptocurrency heavily because I thought it had to do with ice baths. I thought it was cryotherapy. So, yeah, I just kind of got into it.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I'm like, what does this have to do, what's currency and ice baths? And then I learned that it's a new type of like monetary system where you can you can cryptocurrency is sort of like the the the banking system of the future you know pretty soon pretty soon we're going to move away from the paper dollar and we're going to be it's all going to be in crypto and it's like who's getting a jump on it now you know and it's like is it all even real like are people just pumping these stocks up or are they are they for real or is this kind of just like a scam that people are trying to lure others into do you have any thoughts
Starting point is 00:32:35 on it just like abstractly it seems if enough people believe in the scam it becomes legitimate yeah that almost seems to be the foundation of a lot of like kind of, uh, financial instruments and also just like religion and other kind of, I don't know, just abstract concepts that we all sort of, uh, build our society around.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Totally. Do you think cryptocurrency is going to be, uh, the thing we use in the future? Yeah, I do. Cause, cause my buddy Jay says, who works at a Goldman said we use in the future. Yeah, I do. Because my buddy Jay says, who works at Goldman, said that that's the deal.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And he said he's got most of his money in crypto because it's decentralized. I don't know what the benefit of being decentralized is, but I get why that word is compelling. I know. Like I was talking to my financial advisor, Debo. What's up? What's his name, Tito?
Starting point is 00:33:30 Debo. Oh, Debo, that's right. Debo, yeah. And he was just like, he's like, yeah, dude, like you've got like, I mean, you've still got $8,000 in Billabong stock. And we're just watching that, waiting for the market to shoot back up, you know. Summer's coming again soon. You know, board shorts are going to be flying off the shelves for sure uh you know what with global warming and stuff um you know people are going to be looking to swim more than ever and i was like sick so should we uh should we put this billabong stock in the bitcoin and he's like no they're two different things. Like you'd have to get some more cash to
Starting point is 00:34:05 put in Bitcoin. And so, you know, it's sort of like, you know, where do I see more of a profit in the future in cryptocurrency or in, you know, board shorts? I mean, I know Warren Buffett's like investment tenant was like, I only invest in things I know or things I understand. so for me i understand board shorts yeah i don't quite understand crypto yet yeah so i'm sticking with you know so i'm sticking with what i know and that's shorts yeah i love that and also maybe i should go with what my original intention was because i was just trying to study ice baths you know i'm trying to get a new ice bath and i fell into cryptocurrency but maybe what i what my heart
Starting point is 00:34:50 and soul is telling me to invest in is industrial size freezers and you know what i love about that is how curiosity and how progress in any direction can lead to breakthroughs in other places. Like I was just reading about how the same technology that allows us to keep bull semen cold, because in India, they're building up their agriculture. No, not agriculture. Is that agriculture with cows and shit? Oh, for sure. Is that agriculture?
Starting point is 00:35:20 Cow jizz is agriculture, right? That's not industrial. Yes. Right. So let me just look this up real quick. By the way, guys, we have Dante back on the sticks. What up, dude? Howdy.
Starting point is 00:35:41 So, right. So they're trying to expand their livestock and their agriculture. Yeah. So, they needed new ways to keep the bulges cold so they could send it all over the map to get their cows preggers. And now the same technology they use to keep the bulges cold is what they're going to use to be transporting the coronavirus. I love that.
Starting point is 00:35:59 The vaccine. Exactly. Oh, sorry. The corona vaccine. Yes. So, you think the guy who is making progress and who is coming up with the technology to keep bulges cold also knew that he was going to have to create the technology that we need in order to like save humanity from this horrible pandemic?
Starting point is 00:36:15 No. But he followed his passion. He, you know, he went as far as you can with bulges technology and now he's going to save the world. And same thing for you. You were just looking into, you know, cryo baths because you want to keep your body fit and in that mitochondria exactly powerhouse of the cell and then in that pursuit you found out about cryptocurrency which is brand new to me and now i'm finding out about it yeah and i'd love to dive more into it but you know
Starting point is 00:36:38 i'd love to take the cold plunge as well and um yeah i, it's true. It's follow your passion, you know, say yes to life, you know. Right now I'm into freezers and look what freezers are doing for the world, saving it. You just, you break through one door and you don't end up in the room you were trying to go into,
Starting point is 00:36:58 but you look around and you're like, hey, this room's pretty cool too. Yeah. It's a COVID vaccine or it's cryptocurrency. Yeah. Glad I busted through that wall. Just keep busting through walls. Yeah. You'll find the room you want to stay in dude thank you man it's like yeah it's just for all the listeners out there you know follow your passion you know it's like
Starting point is 00:37:16 it's like what do we love we love you know we love dongs um we love tanning. We love board shorts. We love partying. Small dong rosé. Everything came together. Yeah. Absolutely. So buy the merch, guys. Pick it up. Christmas is coming up.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Get a nice gift for everyone in your family, some rosé with our faces on it. And we got Helix beer box coming soon. That's going to be cool. Like for real very excited about that um does that make any sense totally guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure their dongs are looking fresh and clean because you have a dong, okay? You've got one.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You've got balls and a penis, and you need to make sure that it looks presentable. You may not be showing it to anyone for the foreseeable future, but that's okay. You know that it's ready to go. Who knows? You could score an unexpected soccer goal and then you really got to flash some hog and it's in those moments when you need to make sure that it looks
Starting point is 00:38:34 good because listen up fellas 2020 sucked yeah it's new year new balls with our sponsor manscape manscape is the best in men's below the waist grooming offering precision engineered tools for your family jewels and helping two million men all below the waist grooming, offering precision engineered tools for your family jewels and helping 2 million men all over the world get rid of hair on their freaking nuts. Yeah. So come out of the quarantine with clean balls thanks to the Lawn Mower 3.0. It's a waterproof, skin-safe trimmer. It will reduce nicks to your two best friends, your nuts.
Starting point is 00:39:02 You got the Crop Preserver Anti-chafing ball deodorant you got moisturizer you got you got deodorant for your armpits for your nuts and you got ball toner spray the crop reviver uh you know you got all the the shed travel bag it's all these goodies stored comfortably uh anti-chafing boxer briefs so get% off plus free shipping with code go deep 20 at manscaped.com. That is 20% off and free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscaped.com. Your balls will thank you. Happy new year. Um,
Starting point is 00:39:35 should we answer some questions? Yes. All right. What up bros? I'm in the seventh grade up here in the state of, um, MIA and I'm fucking bored, man.
Starting point is 00:39:44 MIA. What's what state is that? Maine. Maine. Good call. Oh, up here in the state of MIA, and I'm fucking bored, man. MIA? What state is that? Maine. Maine. Good call. Oh, it's just MA. And I'm fucking bored, man.
Starting point is 00:39:52 I hate this QT. Oh, Massachusetts. And I never have anything to do. I listen to the pod every Tuesday and watch all the Twip streams on Sunday. I can't catch the Wednesday ones because the dumbass time change. Any advice could really help because I want to stay away from drugs and not drink till like sophomore year. Good man. Let's maybe drink sophomore year a little bit and then let's push the drugs to
Starting point is 00:40:12 maybe even after college. Yeah. Really can't wait till I'm older and can have a beer bong bro. I hope you're doing great dudes and have fun shredding the gnar and shrieking. Wish I could be in Cali. I hope you're doing awesome. The youngest stoker, Carter. Carter's a beast, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Is he the seventh grader? Mm-hmm. Oh, he's like true stoker on the Twitch stream. Oh, so you know him. Yeah. What up, dude? Yeah, what a legend. Dude, just hang out with your buddies.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Go for walks. You know what I mean? Yeah. And just share about how you're excited for your future together. Yeah. But dude, I'm sorry you're struggling right now, man. It must be pretty boring. Maybe get into doing calisthenics, you know, I don't know if we want to be weightlifting yet with your growing bones, but pushups, burpees, sit-ups, pull-ups, dips. I think those are all okay. And, uh, you know, like Chad always says, cultivate your passions, maybe some chess,
Starting point is 00:41:02 little chess. You know, you're know you're doing the body with the exercise and you're exercising the brain with the chess um nice combination of that so when you do start partying you got a nice solid constitution so you don't suffer too much through it absolutely what's his name again carter yeah carter i would say too you know all of what jt said and also you know it's hard to think of right now but try to think of like what you'll like 10 15 years from now if you could look back on on what you invested in yourself at this time like what would that be because you know when you're like 25 30 and you're like oh wow when i was in seventh grade i started learning chess i started working out i started building up all these skills i started
Starting point is 00:41:50 reading books and stuff and now i'm a freaking beast you know as opposed to like when you're that age especially like an adolescent it's like you you always just want to just to give in to your your your desire for for instant gratification, pleasure, you know, like, you know, drilling yourself or starting partying and stuff. That's what I did, certainly, just raging and stuff. And it's like, oh, and now I look back, I'm like, oh, I wish I had read more books or, you know, learned, you know, Chinese. So, yeah, think about that just try to envision yourself your future
Starting point is 00:42:28 self looking back on yourself now and be like try to try to make that guy proud start reading james patterson books they're like not very uh the language is pretty simple they're easy stories to track they're all serial killer stories and the main cop alex cross is like a badass dude that's easy to look up to. And yeah, I think you can pound through all those and they're all bestsellers. So they're all very entertaining and it'll kind of build up your appetite for literature. But it's a good gateway book because it feels like a movie when you read it. Also, you know, it's tough. It's tough to be sincere at that age because everyone's so vicious. I know that's when i was probably at my meanest was seventh and eighth grade you know i was you know puberty and and just not knowing how to fit in and you're starting to get an adult brain but you're
Starting point is 00:43:12 not allowed to do any adult things um you know try practice being sincere with your bros like text your bros tomorrow but hey bro miss you dog see how that goes over i'm worried i'm worried I'm giving you that advice and it's going to backfire and they're going to go, dude, you're a bitch. But I think it's worth a shot. But have the courage to try. Yeah. That's where real leaders are born out of that. For sure. They put themselves out there.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Absolutely. Get some pussy, dude. What's up, Stokers? I'm a sophomore in college on the East Coast, and I recently came home to the West Coast for winter vacation. Out of nowhere, my ex-girlfriend from high school hit me up after not talking for over two years and said she wanted to catch up. Ooh, boy.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Wait, she hit him up after not talking for like two years? And she was like, hey, I just want to catch up. Oh, yeah. Nice. Okay. Nice. Two things. i'm guessing right now one she either wants to be with you and that's why she's rekindling or two she wants you to want to be with her and that's why she's rekindling i was surprised at first but nonetheless was down i had no expectations until she started asking me almost every day when we were going to hang out i've been super super busy, but we have a chill sitch on the sketch now.
Starting point is 00:44:27 And after finding out that she had recently broken up with her college boyfriend, I figured she wanted to bump stumps again. She's pretty banging nowadays, and she's also a cool person. So my question is this. Do I approach this sitch with a flirtatious attitude and risk reigniting the emotional attachment despite being on opposite sides of the country? Or do I try to keep it at a friendship level because her genuineness and strength was super chill and helpful um are they gonna see each other or is she just like on the other side of the country just reaching out to say hey no he came home to the west coast for winter vacation so they're in the same place they're physically hanging out oh yeah dude i say go for Yeah. Go for that holiday love sesh.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Here's the thing. It's going to get one side is going to want to be together with the other side afterwards. Yeah. And one side is going to get their heart broken. And then the other side is going to regret that they broke the other side's heart. I'm just projecting what happened to me now. Look, you just go for it, man. But you're going to try and keep your guard up, but it's not going to work.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You're going to fall for her again. Yeah. But that's okay. Or maybe you won't. Maybe she'll fall for you again. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you guys will just have fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Go for the holy love sesh. You're aware of the possibilities of what could happen, of how you could get hurt or how she could get hurt. So as long as you know what you're getting into, dive in and say yes to life. You never know what could happen. You guys could have a fucking kid. That'd be nice. Yeah. You know, you never know what could happen. You know, you guys could have a fucking kid. That'd be nice. Yeah. Boom clap, fellas.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah, I would just go for it, dude. Plus you're home, you know. Yeah. Make sure she's being safe, though. Don't give COVID to your parents. For sure. Boom clap, fellas. I found myself in an interesting predicament.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So about a year and a half ago, I met this smoke show of a doll at a bar. And we ended up dancing and making out a little bit. By the end of the night, however, I lost her and eventually saw her with another bro. Wait, let me tell a quick story. Okay, one time I went to Vegas for a friend's bachelor party, and I was on fire. I was hitting on a ton of people. Not even hitting on, but just trying to talk to every girl I saw. And it was actually going pretty well.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I had a good energy about me. And then I met the... So we're at the pool bar, and I just go up to this girl and I'm like, hey, do you like mojitos? Conversation springs out of that. She's beautiful. We have a great conversation. She's like, hey, let's hang out tonight.
Starting point is 00:46:34 So she sends me, she gives me her phone number. I write the number out in my phone because she gave it to me in like notes and it has one extra number on it. And I'm like, oh shit. I'm like, she gave me an extra number. I'm And I'm like, Oh shit. I'm like, she gave me an extra number. I'm like, Oh man, no, I don't know how to call her. Then at like two in the morning that night, I just, I was like, Oh, I guess I'm not going to see her at two in the morning. I'm like, bro, just take off the last number. So then I text her at 2am and I'm like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:46:56 what's up? And she's like, Hey, it was, I did it. I was, I was right. She's like, Hey, Hey, we're just going to bed. It's our last night. We're leaving tomorrow in the morning. Like, sorry, we didn't get a chance to meet up i'm like ah damn so then a month later i text her i'm like hey what's up she's like who is this i'm like it's a guy from vegas she goes are you serious who's dead moment was over um all right but by the end of the night however i lost her and eventually saw her with another bro. Bummer. I ended up getting her Snapchat, though, and I've talked to her periodically over the past year and a half.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Dude, way to stay tenacious in there. Fast forward to these recent months, we've actually been talking a lot. I've taken her on a couple dates and even hung out at each other's places a couple times. Safe to say we're unofficially official at this point. But she's got a girls trip coming up with some friends that she's had planned for a while down in Miami Beach. And I can't help but think she's going to catch some D down in Miami since she's not technically tied down to me and again is an absolute smoke show
Starting point is 00:47:51 any advice on how to handle this situation ease my mind as the inevitable nightmare is this beautiful girl that is almost mine getting dicked down by some Miami hunk any advice is greatly appreciated I feel you brother I feel you too man I know exactly how you feel that's scary bro some Miami hunk
Starting point is 00:48:06 with his just fucking Johnny Sins coming in just to play doctor damn dude yeah worst case scenario also kind of hot dude I went on
Starting point is 00:48:14 a bachelor party trip with some really hot college baseball playing guys to Cabo and like married girls came over and they were like
Starting point is 00:48:21 trying to hook up with the college baseball playing guys and I was literally like my wife is never going on a bachelorette party. But the, the married women who were trying to hook up with the guys had really bad relationships because one of them was like telling one of the guys like, please, my husband never sleeps with me.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It's been years. I just need someone to touch me. And it kind of freaked my bro out. And then he was like, dude, I'm not into this. Like I gotta go. Cause she was like too, uh, mixed up. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:47 But, but dude, here's the thing, thing man and this is the crux of it i think is you can't control what anyone else is gonna do i know this isn't like gonna make you feel a lot better but you can only control you and i think so much of our frustration comes from trying to like but he's not really trying to control her, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's not right. That's just more me. Um, I don't know, dude, there's, but it's the same thing. You just have to, here's what my therapist tells me. Trust isn't about the other person. It's you trusting that you'll be okay. No matter what happens. So let's say worst case scenario does happen and she does get dicked down. You'll be okay, dude. You'll be hurt, but you'll get through it and you will be okay. So you just have to trust that. Even if you feel like you can't, you know, if you're not in a position yet where you can
Starting point is 00:49:35 ask for that trust from her yet, you'll just, you just got to remember you'll be okay. And the chances are she's probably not going to get dicked out do you think she's going to get dicked out probably not right no it's corona times it's tough it's corona yeah you know although there is no corona in Florida that's true plus you know
Starting point is 00:49:59 I don't know part of me is like, is there, does he have the opportunity or is there the possibility of locking it down? For sure. Before she goes, you know, maybe that's an option where you just sort of, you know, you establish that exclusivity and, you know, make one step closer to a full-on relation um what's how do you frame that you don't mention the trip as being a motivator right you know this is what you say
Starting point is 00:50:34 you say hey uh babe so you know i've been thinking about it a lot and that's you know and i think we're really um we really got something special and we're really moving in, you know, a positive direction. And I'm just terrified that some big hunk is going to dick you down in Miami. So do you want to be exclusive before you leave? I love that. That's perfect. Yeah. Just say that.
Starting point is 00:50:55 You nailed it. Cool. Yeah. The truth. It's always the quickest route. Yeah. For sure. What up, Chad and JT?
Starting point is 00:51:04 If you have a guest on today then please give them my regards i'm in a bit of a tricky situation right now that hopefully you two stokers can help me with i'm sure you remember a few years back when the real bros of simi valley first aired there was an ongoing joke popularized about the character wade not burning for some reason some of the homies decided that i was the weight of our squad and that i didn't burn i've always enjoyed marijuana but i've ever since the first episode of real br, I can't talk about or smoke any kush around the homies without being told that I don't burn. All I want is to blaze with the squad without changing
Starting point is 00:51:30 this ongoing joke, but every time I bring up the topic of weed, the homies can't seem to resist the joke. Do you have any advice for someone who is the butt of a long-running joke? I did think it was quite funny for the first month or so, but having been years now, I'm quite a... It's been going on for years. or so but having been years now i'm quite up it's been going on for years i'm sorry i'm laughing man that's that's that's really tough um
Starting point is 00:51:52 uh i know the members of my squad are good guys and that i wouldn't want any other group of friends because we make great memories sorry this is so sad i guess because he's a sweet guy i wouldn't want any other group of friends because we make great memories when the joke is not being brought up thanks for helping keep the stoke up in times of turmoil in the squad keep up the good work max all right here's what i think you got to do max you got to just look it's like johnny moxon said at halftime in varsity blues 24 minutes for the next 24 minutes of our life. We have a chance to play like gods. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:30 And he just says, basically, if they go out there and empty the tank, that's heroic. I think you got to do something so fucking cool, so undeniable, that your entire image within the crew has to be defined by that rather than this. So I don't know what that looks like, but I believe in you that you will find it and that you will do it. Otherwise, you're going to endure this for the rest of your fucking life. Or maybe not.
Starting point is 00:52:54 They'll probably get over it at some point. Or you guys will grow apart after you go to college and kind of get jobs that separate you and you develop relationships that kind of pull you in new directions. That was really interesting yeah i'm leaning more towards the uh evil kenevil kind of thing it's like this this is the spark that you need right come the next brian deegan it's not what we demand from life it's what life demands from us this is your challenge this is are you gonna back down and not burn yeah i know you do burn but are you gonna back down and not burn? Yeah, I know you do burn, but are you going to back down and not burn?
Starting point is 00:53:26 Or are you going to burn so freaking hard that everyone's going to be like, man, I wish we didn't pick on him so much for not burning that now he's a CEO of Pfizer or something like that. Nice, dude. Yeah, the company's going through the roof, baby. Yeah. So this is the fuel that you need to dominate in your life so throw on a pair of shades put on a blazer and get out there and maximize your potential because you got it and you got the full you got the you got the
Starting point is 00:54:01 the fuel i mean these guys they're all comfy're all laughing. They're all soaking it up. They're like, ah, no worries. You know, I don't have to overcome anything. You've got the way doesn't burn joke to overcome. And you will overcome it tenfold. That's the thing. It's like, you'll always be somewhat defined by this joke and by how they perceive you now. But if you kill it at life, they always have to add an addendum that, but he's killing it.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Yeah. Yeah. It's either, it's going to come at some point. They're going to be like, look, dude, dude, he's crushing it, man. Like it's unbelievable. That guy just goes out there and he just gets it. And he still doesn't burn, but they're just going to put it in like that. It'll be like a small part of this greater paragraph of who you are.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Yeah. Yeah. Just one little sentence. Yeah. So just, just make sure the rest of that paragraph is just banging. Yeah. And then if one of them in the future is like, hey can i borrow some money for a loan and you're like i thought i didn't burn and he's like oh dude and we were just you know having fun it's not like
Starting point is 00:54:54 really it went on for years and now you're asking for you for money why do you need to buy weed you don't burn dude but you'll be nice and loan them the money that's something like of course but that's something like count them on a cristo shit yeah yeah or that's like some end of king arthur stuff yeah where he's like the the charlie hunnam one with jude law that we saw together yeah where he's like thank you for making me an abandoned boy who grew up in a bordello with no family and had to be on the streets hunting for food because you built me into the man i am today so thank you and the bad guy's like no no you channeled all my evil into progress yeah yeah i love that go for it dude you got this dude love
Starting point is 00:55:39 life woes hello chad jt strider aaron and any other guests hope you're having a fantastic day i have attached a brief conversation from the fantastic dating app Tinder where I referred to the lady as my dog. To my surprise, she was not impressed with my choice of phrase and actually seemed to offend her that I called her my dog. I'm not sure, but this seemed like a massive red flag to me. I believe referring to someone as my dog is one of the greatest compliments you can give. Was it perhaps premature?
Starting point is 00:56:02 Is it a phrase that should only be used for a great friend, but not a potential mate? Is it a phrase for boys only? Thanks for your time. And hopefully your expertise can shed some light on this. Well, I'll tell you right now, she's not the girl for you. Absolutely not. Because even if she doesn't like it, if she's the girl for you, she's going to laugh and say, hey, I'm not your dog, but I appreciate the attempt.
Starting point is 00:56:22 That's more your speed. Or she's going to be like, what's up? What's up, playboy? Let's get after it. And that would be really cool too. But this person, not your person. You know what you got to do. Bail.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Yeah, she just saved you some time. Let's see. You want to do one more? Yeah. What up, Chad and JT? My senior year of high school, my longtime girlfriend broke up with me and it sent me to a depressed place for about a year. I'm now a junior in college and feeling better than I ever have in my life. However, I still find it difficult to be talking to new girls.
Starting point is 00:57:03 I've had no problem with hooking up and I've gotten kind of serious with two girls however neither relationship lasted than a few months i think it's because i haven't been putting myself completely into these new relationships and i'm scared that a tough breakup will send me back down how should i go about opening up myself to the possibility of a new long-term relationship while still protecting myself from the possible outcome of being badly hurt again i mean dude i think you're you're thinking about what everyone thinks about before they go into a relationship we're all scared about that stuff but i think when you meet the right person you'll still have those thoughts but your feelings for them will be
Starting point is 00:57:36 strong enough that you'll be willing to push forward um despite them so uh i wouldn't worry about i think you're doing everything right actually i would just i just would keep just trust that you will meet the right person at some point yeah and it'll kind of help with that stuff totally i mean that that was like the that like defined my teen and early 20s teen years and early 20s is like these like almost relationships that lasted for like you know like a month or two and then just like, didn't work out. And I'm like, what, I'm like, what did I do? You know? And I think it's just like, you know, it's just a, it's just a part of, it's just a process. You're just going to keep learning and growing. And the important
Starting point is 00:58:20 thing is you just keep putting yourself out there and yeah, you're probably going to get hurt, but, you know, if you rip open that heart, it's only going to come back stronger, whatever that phrase is. Be anti-fragile, whatever that is. Completely. Like, you know, get yourself out there. Say yes to life, you know, and strive for love. And, you know, it can be painful painful sometimes but it can also bring you the
Starting point is 00:58:47 greatest joys so you know just keep doing what you're doing and and um i don't know i i was i did a podcast with craig conant he reminded me of something that i sort of forgot about in like that's in like the sort of like philosophy and spirituality kind of stuff that I'm into is the concept of letting go. You know, just surrendering to life. Just let things happen as they will because they will happen.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You can't control, you can't control these relationships or what's going to happen. You know, what's going to happen or what's going to happen. What's going to happen is what's going to happen. So just enjoy the ride because tons of people before you have found love and you will too. Dude, it's so well said. I mean, that's what I was kind of getting at earlier. It's like control is at the root of so much. I think of all my frustration basically.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Oh, yeah. I'm like, if I could only get these people to do what I wanted them to do. Yeah. And it's like, dude, but you can't. Yeah. And it's, it's, it's, it's an active thing where every day I have to be like, I'll feel those anxieties rise up where I'm like, oh, this person could hurt me or this person could hurt me. And then I'm like, okay, but what can I really do about it? Right. I can just do what, like, I, I can just take care of myself and try to do the best I can at can at these relationships and at, you know, work and my personal care and all that stuff. And that's all I can do. That's what's up.
Starting point is 01:00:12 That's what's up, man. But you're good. I mean, it's nice he's so thoughtful. Like, he's definitely, you know, thinking about things in a non-superficial way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even think I had the maturity to really verbalize that, to articulate that when I was his age. Totally.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I mean, he's like a few years ahead of the curve for sure. Yeah. I was just frustrated with a boner, you know? I mean, I thought I was like, I was a virgin. I thought I was never going to tell anyone. I thought I was going to die that way. And I had never been in a relationship and i i just was like uh i was just hiding yeah look at you now i'm gonna relate dominating come on lifting weight i do love lifting weight dude i did 100
Starting point is 01:00:57 burpees yesterday it felt good yeah so did you actually i saw in the story there's like some some uh you're like did i do them or did i not i think i did them i do yeah i got a little self-conscious afterwards because like the record in crossfit like a lady did 161 in seven minutes and i did 107 minutes no she did 100 she did 161 in seven minutes i did 107 45 but then i thought about it i was like no that's a huge difference yeah yeah 61 that's in 45 seconds less time. Yeah. Yeah, she almost did double what I did. But no, so I think I did it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Yeah. It felt good. I'm going to do it again next week, so I'll have a more, I'll be certain. Yeah. But I'm going to go faster next week. I'm going to break 730. Well, dude, I got battle ropes now. You'd probably have to, if you want to work out in my place now, you'd probably have to bring, now you'd probably have to if you want to work out in my place now you'd probably bring i have some 25 pounds by an assault bike jump rope battle ropes soon an ice bath i'm coming over with the
Starting point is 01:01:51 kettlebells in the barbell yeah i keep the back seats down in my prius every time i go down to my mom's orange county i bring the barbell it's so funny i know my mom makes fun of me she's like do you drag that barbell everywhere i was like bring it everywhere i go you know what's interesting is we never would have like invested in this of stuff if it wasn't for COVID. Completely. I'd just be going to the gym. Me too. But it's better having it at home because I work out more.
Starting point is 01:02:14 And you can do it outside. Exactly. Yeah. All right. Let's get into the next part. Chad, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with articles about the corona vaccine
Starting point is 01:02:27 you know I just stumbled upon an article today that was like oh you know you might not and you know I know the vaccine is controversial for some people whatever I just I want to get the vaccine I will take the vaccine
Starting point is 01:02:44 in my nuts if it means I can like get, fully get back to work and stuff. Not that I've been enjoying my time during, you know, but let's get, let's get on with it. You know, and then these articles I see, and that's the thing,
Starting point is 01:02:58 that's the Tom Cruise like frustration of like, I just need to get back into full, my full work routine, you know? It's like, I want to go visit my family, blah, blah, blah. And I know people are going to be like, oh, why don't you just go visit? Well, you know, fuck you. Nice. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:03:14 You know, I'm just, anyways. But I see these articles that are like, oh, you might not be able to get the vaccine until fall and until next fall. And I'm like, why are you writing this shit? Like, you know, I'm like a lot of, most people are saying it's like March,
Starting point is 01:03:34 April. And then you should be like, oh, but I don't know. This one guy said until fall. And it's like, it's like, I know you're writing that to get some eyeballs.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Cause people are so, you know, but, and it's probably not true, but it's like, why the fuck are you, you know, it's like, do you have any sort of like, I know you're writing that to get some eyeballs because people are so, you know, and it's probably not true, but it's like, why the fuck are you, you know, it's like, do you have any sort of like decency for like, or do you have compassion for like our feelings right now? Yeah. You know, some motherfuckers love spreading bad news.
Starting point is 01:04:01 It's, it's so. Some people love to call you like hey did you hear about this bad news yeah I'm like no yeah no why are you handing that off to me makes me so mad you will you you hold it and let it fuck you up don't give it to me and then they like they like smile at you while it fucks you up yeah you can feel them being like yeah I gave you bad news now you have to process it and i'm guilty of that sometimes too it's it's a very you don't do that ever oh i'm not no you're like the least that person i've ever met okay you're actually the opposite i remember when we were first starting to
Starting point is 01:04:36 do stuff together yeah like we had a call with like some uh mtv yeah and you were like how come they haven't called us back i was like dude honestly i don't think they want to work with us and he looked at me and you were like please don come they haven't called us back? I was like, dude, honestly, I don't think they want to work with us. And you looked at me and you were like, please don't talk like that in front of me. Oh, yeah. What am I talking about? You hate that shit. I don't like any negativity.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yeah. And that's why, you know, usually I stay away from that shit. You totally do. I'm watching like fucking Wayne Dwyer videos on like, you know, Taoism. But this coronavirus shit is like, I just want to know like what's going on we can like open back up and so now I'm reading these dick weeds articles you know it's like
Starting point is 01:05:13 I don't know so that's my beef it's a good beef yeah and whoever wrote that article I didn't see who wrote it but if I if I ever see you on the street I will give you one of those like like, I'm not pleased with you looks that you get from drivers sometimes. My Beef of the Week is with my dear friend, Danny Babona,
Starting point is 01:05:36 and a little bit my dear friend, Greg Giebel, who's recovering from COVID and is doing better. Yeah. But he was still on the comms the whole time playing Call of Duty, and that's the setting of my beef. I'm playing Call of Duty, and we're in separate trios, but we're all on the same party, so like six of us can talk. And I haven't talked to these guys in a while, so I start throwing out movie conversations.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I'm like, Ben Foster, overrated or underrated? We all agree he has some annoying tics as a performer. He really hams it up, but properly rated. He can really bring it sometimes. Then I'm like, all right, better actor, Emile Hirsch or Ben Foster? And we're all like, okay, probably Ben Foster. I don't know. Where do you stand on that?
Starting point is 01:06:15 I was thinking probably maybe Emile. Oh, really? Yeah. Why? I'm not as familiar with Ben's. I'm familiar with him in like Alpha Dog. What else has he been in? Hell or High Water.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Yeah, I haven't seen much of his stuff. stuff Bang Bang You're Dead, 310 to Yuma they're both in Lone Survivor together they're both in Alpha Dog together right right right Lone Survivor but Emile Hirsch is really good in that too yeah they're both good but I think Ben Foster's probably a little better
Starting point is 01:06:42 and then we start talking about Olivia Wilde's movie Booksmart which we all agreed was overrated. But Greg, or maybe I shouldn't even say this, but Greg said he said that to his girlfriend, that Booksmart was overrated. And come on, you can't tell a lady that Booksmart's overrated. Not in Los Angeles. I mean, that's always going to get you into trouble. You just got to say, hey, pretty good. That's the most you can trash it.
Starting point is 01:07:05 But so we're all talking about how it's the most you can trash it. Yeah. But but so we're all talking about how it's overrated. And then Danny gets upset. He's like, hey, guys, are we dropping on the recon or the scab? OK, can we focus and stop talking about little fucking indie films? We're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. So then Greg feeling the pressure from Danny mutes the other three of us so he can focus on the game. That's my beef. He muted you guys muted us he does that he does that sometimes because he wants to focus and get the w uh in
Starting point is 01:07:32 call of duty i mean really the beef should be with me if we're talking about you know always trying to bring up like art conversations when we're you know supposed to be bagging bodies yeah but you know we don't get much time together, except for a couple hours a day. And yeah, so my beef is with you, Danny, for not letting us have a nice conversation about, you know, film and actors and all the things that go into that. That's my beef. But if you're a young baseball player and you want to go to a college that has a great program and the best coach in the business, go to UCI and get coached by Danny Pomona. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there dude I can't even believe um
Starting point is 01:08:10 you can mute other people you can mute them that would that would feel so hurt I've seen it a bunch of times my babe of the week is my garage I have a new garage Dude There's just things when you're growing up That you take for granted so much You know when you grow up in like your parents house A garage
Starting point is 01:08:44 A backyard you know a basketball hoop um all kinds of shit like a big kitchen you just take that for granted growing up you're like yeah this is how it is and then when you actually get those things for yourself you know when you when you're like an adult's sort of like, it's such a good feeling because you're just like, you're just like, oh, fuck. Like, you just gain so much more appreciation for like, oh, fuck, a backyard is sick. Like, I never really had, you know, it's like, growing up, I was like. Oh, we have a pool You know that's cool Like it's cool We have a pool, but it's like now in my mind if I were to have a place with a pool in the backyard
Starting point is 01:09:30 I'd lose my fucking mind because of course I'm like I beg I have a fucking pool in the backyard you know so I think that's It's just like and you know I'm in like a duplex You know I'm sharing a backyard or something but there's part of Sven's stuff so it's pretty much like they're both private and it's not like huge but it's like it's something and I think maybe just living
Starting point is 01:09:54 in LA too it's just different where you get like a backyard and you're like you're just like holy shit man it just makes such a big difference in a garage you're like wow there's all this storage in here i can put all this stuff in here i can put workout stuff you know it's like uh i don't know there's something about like earning that stuff for yourself
Starting point is 01:10:15 it's like the best feeling 100 yeah and i totally totally took it for granted like just growing up in orange county everyone had like a pretty nice house. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. And so you're like, oh, this is normal. And it doesn't take a ton of hard work to get these things. Yeah. And then you start living and you're like, oh my gosh. Yeah. Like to get a house that has like a pool and a garage.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Yeah. You got to fucking bust your ass. It's crazy. You got to bust your fucking ass. Yeah. And then when you do get it, you value it so much. Yeah. It's such a there really
Starting point is 01:10:45 is something to like to work in for that stuff you know it's it's so yeah because when you're in your backyard now you're like this is my backyard yeah like i got this backyard yeah and i'm like what am i gonna do with my backyard i'm gonna get a grill and I'm gonna get a fucking freezer so I can throw water in there and take ice baths it's gonna be an extension of you I'm gonna work out outside I'm pumped for it it's the best dude you gotta get a backyard
Starting point is 01:11:16 I'm trying the place I looked at today didn't have a backyard and that was the reason I don't think I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna one of these places doesn't have a backyard but it has like it's own like little outdoor like barbecue space that's kind of fenced in atrium style and i was like that might work yeah yeah it's tough is it shared yeah it's like a duplex yeah yeah i'm trying to get a standalone place but it's tough in santa monica there's um this neighborhood in culver near where my old apartment, that's weird to say, it's right next to downtown.
Starting point is 01:11:50 But it's such like an uplifting area. And there's a dog park like a few blocks up the way. I could send you like the sort of area. Yeah, send it to me. Because they have like small houses there. They do? Yeah. Dude, that's perfect.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Send it to me. Yeah. It's very uplifting. I like that area. I couldn't find anything on west side rentals in that area today yeah it might be tough but i'll check it out yeah let me know dude uh my babe of the week is um strider and uh joe pelazon because uh they they were like hey have you been to potato chip deli lately and gotten one of their sandwiches? And I'm like, no, it's been months. And since they mentioned it to me, I've had four of them in a week.
Starting point is 01:12:30 I just get the chicken Milanese sandwich as much as I can. And there's something so comforting about a sandwich. It's one of the most satisfying things you can eat. It's got the bread and the meat and the cheese and then the various lettuce and sauces in there are various vegetables and sauces in there. And there's just something about it that feels so wholesome and nourishing yeah there's few things as special as a sandwich yeah it's true it's just a perfect thing it's awesome and so thanks to those guys for encouraging me to you know indulge in them and to and to make sure i don't forget about them yeah who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is um this teacher jimmy monach
Starting point is 01:13:06 i hope i'm pronounced that correctly he is a teacher at indian creek school i believe it's a high school he teaches um he's not he's a high school english teacher. So Indian Creek School is a high school. And he's basically showing his students all of our city council videos. Nice. And our email received thank yous from all of his students. So I'm going to read off their names. I'm going to read some of the emails because they're really inspiring. All right. read off their names and I read some of the emails because they're really inspiring.
Starting point is 01:13:50 All right. So big shout out to Riley, Roddy, Juliana, AJ, Madison, Alex, Danny, Dylan, Josh, Christopher, Caroline, Edmund, Cole, Elon, Rowan, Katie, Kermit, Cade, Katie, Kylie, Jamie, Danny, Addie, Alston, Devin, Amara, Havana, Malcolm, Bobby, what up? Thank you guys so much for sending in your thank yous to us. They're very appreciated. For example, Riley said, you both are great rhetoricians because Chad's diction and use of logos really illustrates how educated he is on these topics but jt's use of pathos when he sings britney spears really hits home and even makes me tear up sometimes um let's see thank you your uh this is from aj your great rhetorician because you're not afraid to speak your mind.
Starting point is 01:14:47 You also provide wonderful imagery, whether it's riding a scooter down the street and looking at trees or going to get fish tacos with the bros and your girlfriend. In other cases, like when you were in Manhattan Beach and said not to get too lawyer-y on you, but this is in direct violation of the Constitution. This proved to city council members and many citizens that surfer bros or whatever kind of bro you are, are not stupid. I will use the confidence your videos have given me in order to fight for all bros out in the world. Also, we can make it more rad.
Starting point is 01:15:18 When people talk about the future of this country and think we're on a negative trajectory, I would serve this up as exhibit A for awesome for why we're not going in that direction. Absolutely. Katie, this is the last one. Katie said, you guys are just undeniable scholars that can argue any point effectively.
Starting point is 01:15:42 Except about fantasy football. Yeah, for sure. point effectively um except about fantasy football yeah for sure so shout out to the students of that uh english class and jimmy for teaching it thank you for for spreading our activism and what up to you guys legit dude my legend of the week is also a stoker oh nice dude so i'm doing an instagram live yesterday and i'm you know I bring people on and we chat about their life or whatever. It's a, it's, it's fun. And then, you know, people get really open, which is nice. Yeah. So I bring on this stoker, Seb, and he's, he's, he's, he's doing some, he's like 20 or 19. Nice dude. Cool guy. Obviously smart. And he's talking about how does he stay stoked during COVID. But then from there,
Starting point is 01:16:21 the conversation just expands. You know, I give him the basic rundown. I'm like, Hey bro, exercise, you know, do some kind of meditation or breathing, um, have some fun, you know, play some call of duty or, or, uh, you know, card games with your buddies or whatever. And then I was like, you know, get on the dating apps, you know, entertain some, some love interest too. And then, uh, and we just talk about all that stuff. And then he, and then it turns out that he had cancer during COVID. He had a lump in his back and he got a rare form of cancer that only 80 people got diagnosed with in the entire country last year. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:16:53 And so he shares this with everybody, which I really appreciated. He's opening up in a serious way. And it was clear that it had, of course, a profound impact on how he looked out on the world. So thank you for sharing that, man. And you know, it's, uh, um, I don't know. It was just, uh, it was deep and it was, it was, it was, uh, it was cool to talk to him about. And then he goes, Hey, we got a problem with the schmole. So how do we deal with the schmole?
Starting point is 01:17:20 And it kind of made me create like a taxonomy for how to deal with the schmole. And I think there's a couple of different ways you can do it. You can stop inviting them to stuff. You can, uh, you can have a compassionate conversation with them where you say like, Hey man, I don't think you're really living up to your full potential. Um, you can give them withering glances and, and mean looks, but you gotta be careful with that one. Cause you can break someone with that stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:42 You know, that's breaking case of emergency, you know. Just giving them one of these after they make a joke. You don't want to do that too much because you'll just crush somebody. And then the last one is what I'm gonna do to Shmuel. You gotta take him down to the ground and just pin him. So we start getting into why he's got a Shmuel problem. What's the Shmuel? So this Shmuel, I guess, is trying to hook up
Starting point is 01:18:04 with one of his buddy's sisters and he goes we don't think that should happen you know we got to protect the sister it's not nice to the friend and this guy you know he's he's kind of a a coxman he doesn't really care about this girl he's going to go back to college hook up with other chicks and stuff like that okay yeah i hear you i was like i don't know if there's really much you can do there other than ask the guy to maybe not do it and then and then it keeps going it goes and then i go, so what's your relationship to this sister? Like, are you in love with her? And he goes, no, I'm not in love with her, but we did used to hook up. And I go, what? I'm like, you used to hook up with her. He's like, yeah, yeah. A couple of
Starting point is 01:18:38 years ago, but I realized it was a mistake and I just don't want this guy to make the same mistake, you know? And I just don't think it's right. And I'm like, you lunatic, Seb, you crazy motherfucker. All that stuff we're talking about control, same thing. You know, he wants to be the man. He wants to be the special one. He doesn't want someone else taking away what's special to him. And I said, look, bro, there's nothing you can do. You got no credibility. You just got to let this play out. But he was very receptive to that. And he was, he was a good dude and really interesting brain. And then he messaged me today and said that the other stoker, the dude who was going to hook up with his sister, watched the live and he decided to not hook up with the sister
Starting point is 01:19:15 and to go hang out with the bros. Nice. Yeah. Because he was so compelled by what Seb was saying. So yeah, I want to call Seb and have him in the pockets because he's a really thoughtful dude. Yeah. And wise beyond his years, but also still immature in that way where he thinks he can
Starting point is 01:19:27 control everybody. Yeah. He said that too. He's like, I always feel like I'm playing chess with everybody. Interesting. And I was like, Seb, you know, you got to let go of that dude and just live your own life. But the dude's been through a lot.
Starting point is 01:19:36 So he knows, you know, he knows more about life than I do. So it was nice talking to him. Shout out to Seb. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week. Do you remember when Kanye West came out with that Poopity Scoop song? Oh, yeah. Is that the funniest song of all time?
Starting point is 01:19:56 Who? A scoopity poop, poopity scoop. When everyone was like, it was like the most anticipated album of the year. And that was the first thing he dropped for it. Yeah, what a nut. That was awesome my quote of the week is um if you don't believe it or don't get it i don't have the time to try to convince you sorry that's from satoshi nakamoto who's one of the earliest bitcoin uh he's the founder of bitcoin nice dude i thought they didn't know who invented bitcoin yeah i thought that too or maybe they do know who he. I thought they didn't know who invented Bitcoin.
Starting point is 01:20:26 Yeah, I thought that too. Or maybe they do know who he is, but they just don't know much about the dude. Yeah. Interesting. I just Googled that, so. Dude, my quote of the week is from this super great movie, Major League. And it's Tom Barringer's line when they find out that the owner of the Indians built the team to lose so that she could move them from Cleveland. And I guess the Indians are changing their name. So this will be one of the last times they're referred to as that.
Starting point is 01:20:55 And Tom Berenger's character, who's like the long in the tooth catcher, who's got one last ride in the show. He goes, well, I guess there's only one thing to do then. Win the whole fucking thing. And I just love that attitude. It He goes, well, I guess there's only one thing to do then. Win the whole fucking thing. And I just love that attitude. It's like, yeah, everyone's conspiring against us. The chips are against us, but we still got to just go out there. And the best way to stick it to them is just to win the whole thing. I love that. What's your phrase of the week for getting after it? My phrase of the week for getting after it is like, hey, did you trim your pubes? Because we're about to sauna.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Nice. Mine is from a Cub Swanson. He just had a fight this weekend in the UFC. And he's like been on kind of a losing streak. And Joe Rogan asked him how he felt in the preparation for the fight. And he goes, dude, actually, I was terrified. Just spent the last few days questioning myself. Which I was like unbelievably taken aback by his candor.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And then he goes, but you know, I just thought about my kids and how I didn't want to let them down and how they think I'm their hero. And I just wanted to win it for them. He starts choking up. And then Rogan did the nicest thing. And I think a lot of interviewers in that moment would have seen the guy crying and been like,
Starting point is 01:22:00 oh, this is good TV. And been like, you really wanted to win for your kids, huh? But Rogan goes, for sure, man. So then he threw that left hook and instantly just transitions but i think he did it to spare the guy you know just to he had this moment now he's like all right well yeah i don't want you to cry too much let's just talk about something else interesting which i thought was pretty compassionate or rogan's just such a mean head that he's like oh yeah your kids are important but that left hook man you really sprung it on him. Yeah, that's an interesting interpretation because Rogan was that thoughtful.
Starting point is 01:22:32 I think he was, dude. You think so? I think he loves fighters so much. And I think he was like, hey, this dude's crying. I don't want to lean into his vulnerability. I'll throw him an olive branch and just give him a way out. We'll talk about something else. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Because he was real quick on it. Interesting. Yeah, because I haven't heard it. out. We'll talk about something else. Yeah. Cause he was real quick on it. Interesting. Oh, so you can't, yeah. Cause I haven't heard it. Yeah. I'll show it to you.
Starting point is 01:22:48 And I'd be curious to get your take. And I might even have wrong what his transition was, but it just, I was taken aback by how quickly Rogan moved the conversation away from that sensitivity. That's a sensitive point. Yeah. That's hilarious.
Starting point is 01:23:01 For sure, man. All right. All right. That was fun. Thank youhmm. For sure, man. All right. All right. That was fun. Thank you, Dante, for being here and running the pod for us. Thank you. And Stokers.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Write a review. Yeah, write a review. That helps us out. It helps spread the word of Stoke Nation. So write a review and give us that positivity. If you feel obliged. Alright, late. If you need advice
Starting point is 01:23:34 These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just watch the happenstance Beside you Go and see
Starting point is 01:23:54 Go and see Let's go deep Go and see Cat and dame deep Let's go deep I'm going deep Cat and game Deep

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