Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 171 - Joe Marrese and Strider Wilson Join

Episode Date: January 27, 2021

What up Stokers! The four horsemen of the chillpocalypse three weeks in a row! The boys talk about sat scores, Harry Stylez, and have a tough convo about their choices in the beginning of Covid. ...   Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com   Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, tape up the dong and get Joe ready for breakfast. What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by, you know it, Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because the nutsack never lies, guys. The nutsack never lies. The scrotum is the totem
Starting point is 00:00:49 nice of cleanliness and groom so use code go deep 20 manscape.com to get 20 off all right to the question well so boom clap stokers oh right and then uh dude basically every w in my life are you kidding me dude whether it's when you got me the 35s and i'm making gains and i didn't know mar sub 20 you and brooks watched it's uh thrusters and burpees do you ever get a life w and then you go to hit the the kiss but she's not there. Yeah. Sometimes I got to wait, dude. I'll honestly send her. You got to holster it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I'll kiss the air, just the atmosphere, dude. We get Shakespearean about it. Just, you know, it's the sky we both share. Put that out in the ether. And I know it's Landon. It's Landon, you know. But yeah. It travels.
Starting point is 00:01:39 Every W, dude. I mean, the best things, you know, Chris McCandles, dude. The best thing in life are shared. Dude, thoughts and kisses are energy and you're shooting that off to your I was going to say barista for some reason but I think that works
Starting point is 00:01:54 my GF was a barista in college and she serves you frappuccinos of love oh so dang I want to give you a dappuccino for that dude thanks a chino you need a little slappuccino on that. Dude, thanks, Ciccino. You need a little Slapuccino on your tushy.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Yeah, I could use that. You tired? What's going on, baby? Yeah, I put in a hard day's work today. Yeah, so you were hired? Feels good. You were hired to help someone move, right? Yeah. I feel strong.
Starting point is 00:02:17 I felt ready. Who was the lady? I was in good shape. Eva. Oh, Eva. Yeah, she's cool. She's beautiful. Yeah, I mean, I don't really notice, but yeah, I was just there to work.
Starting point is 00:02:32 What do you mean you don't notice? Because he was working. Yeah, I was focused on the job. Love that. Professional. Did you move any appliances? A dishwasher or a refrigerator? Were you like spiking little giants with the fridge on his back? It was a lot of metal bars,
Starting point is 00:02:47 shelving, a lot of fabrics, tables, some really solid wood and What kind of wood? Are you a big wood guy? Solid wood. Oh, just straight up wood?
Starting point is 00:03:05 You're not talking about... Yeah, I don't know, like a table for... Yeah. Like a table they cut stuff on. Right. So you're such a professional. If you're working the door at the comedy store and Sharon Stone walks up, are you adding a little extra energy because it's sharon stone are you just straight
Starting point is 00:03:26 like i'm a pro i give everyone the same amount of energy at the door um no i'd give it a little extra yeah what if okay what if it was susan sarandon oh good question i mean both of them i i would probably just take them to the VIP booth right away straight away and then sit them down and then I go like this what's that mean? cough it up would you do that to Ellen Barkin too?
Starting point is 00:03:57 yeah what are we just talking about these 80s hot chicks you like older ladies don't you? Dame Judy Bench those are just the hottest ladies I know too that's like my top three basically not to be crude yeah I mean they're hot yeah You like older ladies, don't you? Dame Judi Dench? Those are just the hottest ladies I know, too. That's like my top three, basically. Not to be crude. Yeah, I mean, they're hot.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah. What'd you do to Ellen Pompeo? Oh, yeah. Dude, you know, I wouldn't mind a hang with a... Not to switch gears, but the guy loves to drive. Patrick Dempsey. He races cars. He's at Le Mans like every year. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Yeah. What kind of cars? I think he likes to drive Porsches. That's accurate. I've valeted his Porsche before. Oh, man. Oh, really? Yep.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Thanks for the verification, homie. Shredder, what about you? Did you ever... Oh, but tell them what our boy Brian did and why he got... Fired? Yeah. Oh, he goes... So they have quality control specialists come in.
Starting point is 00:04:49 It's like the hotel wants to be five stars, so they'd have people come in from Forbes or AAA or I forget another abbreviation like that. Not Zagat, but it's like a Zagat. Yelp. Basically, they're called secret shoppers. They come in, they use like everything in the hotel and then they give you a rating and it's important for the hotel to get five stars because then you're allowed to charge outrageous prices. So Brian,
Starting point is 00:05:16 this person comes in and he's like, Hey, welcome to Beverly Hills hotel. You checking in today? And, um, and they're like, yeah, I'm actually checking back in. And he goes, Oh, okay. Then you know the drill and then like kind of took him through it and because he used the verbiage you know the drill that was considered too casual and too cool of a verbiage you did which is already an unbelievable word and he got the ax because of that like they're the valet department got a lower score and they like needed a scapegoat and the company was like sorry dude no one's ever been fired in the eight years that i was there no one's ever been fired dude they just
Starting point is 00:05:49 like kind of stopped scheduling guys yeah it's whack dude who do you say this to just a secret shopper but but when chloe kardash came in oh and chloe kardashian came she knows the drill for chloe kardashian came in one time and brian d drill. Khloe Kardashian came in one time. And Brian D is very confident. He wears fedoras. He's a cool guy. Yeah. Good looking dude too. Super good looking dude.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Tons of swagger. Great dude. Off good athlete. And he's the guy that you want on your basketball team. He's a freaking firecracker both ends of the court. And Khloe Kardashian comes in
Starting point is 00:06:19 for like an Access Hollywood event. Gets her cars. Welcome back. And she's like walking around her vehicle and he goes, by the way, which no one, you never do this. No one, no matter who it's like walking around her vehicle and he goes, by the way, which no one, you never do this, no one, no matter who it is in Valley, you don't like stop and by the way,
Starting point is 00:06:29 you get the car moving, it's busy. By the way, you look gorgeous. And then just gets in her car and she's just like, huh? Thank you. And he's like, yeah. Dude, it was amazing. That's awesome. Did you see it firsthand? Oh, I witnessed all of it. I was dying laughing. And he knows, too.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Brian D is aware. He walks a fine line of being a little bit too much, but he's quite aware of it. And then he got in the car and he kind of looked at me. He was like, so he knew. Dude, he made me mad one night. Our one buddy had been hooking up with this girl, and then we all went out together, and she was flirting with our other friend, and our other friend kept kind of reciprocating. I don't think he knew what he was doing, but he was like definitely flirting with her.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And I could see it was hurting our one buddy. So when we went outside, I was like, hey, you were like a bitch in there. And he's like, what are you talking about? And I got, I was frustrated with him for other stuff, the guy who was flirting. So I grabbed him and I pushed him. And then we started wrestling in the street and we got broken up and we were both okay about it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But then we were, Brian D was driving home with me and he was talking about the guy who had been flirting. And he goes, bro, here's the thing you don't understand. You don't know how much ass me and him have gotten. It's different for us. And I was like, dude, do you really think this argument's going to be effective with me right now? Do you really think I want to hear this right now? I was like, dude, get out of my face with this bullshit, dude.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I'm trying to calm down. The wise man comes in. Yeah. He's like, we've done a lot of boning, bro. Things are different for us. I was like, okay, dude. Okay. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I know you want to fight your friend. And look, we've all got cocks. You just don't use yours like we use ours. Okay? It's a different thing. Joe going hard, dude. Dude. That was big.
Starting point is 00:07:59 That was a good sip. Dude, that dude who was my beef of the week last week is going to come down hard on you for that, dude. Oh, yeah. And you're a brave man for hard on you for that, dude. Oh, yeah. And you're a brave man for drinking a bottle on camera. Yeah. Oh, right. That got beaten out of me.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Dude, I... What are they going to do to me? They're just going to call you an earth wrecker. Too late for that. What do you mean? I mean, I don't know. I mean, not me. I mean, it doesn't seem like the earth is in great shape right now.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Earth is already gone. I mean, I just ate four items from Taco Bell. Nice. What'd you get? What'd you get? Chalup? I was eating it in the car. The Gordy?
Starting point is 00:08:38 Yeah, I had two chicken chalupas, also a chicken quesadilla, and also a soft taco. That sounds nice. Nice, dude. So dang. Good range. It was almost $17. What? I get the expensive items.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Yeah, Chipotle's like that, too, because you're like, all right, I'm going to take a break and get Chipotle. A little bit less expensive. Then you're like, that's $14. And you're like, what just happened? They'll sneak up on you. You know you're going to get guac. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Quesadillas and chalupas are running about five bucks a pop. What? Five for a quesadilla? Yeah. Well, because you got the protein in there. Not a cheese quesadilla. Five bucks? No.
Starting point is 00:09:19 One of the protein ones. You got some chicken in there. Dude. Yeah, and the sauce. Which place is the least bang for your buck? Is that Shake Shack? Yeah. Shake Shack's like expensive.
Starting point is 00:09:30 Yeah. You can get a nice beer there. That's why you got to go jizzing out. I mean, Five Guys, you know, you get shit food. Yeah, Five Guys. And you're paying a lot of bucks. You can't catch me dead at Five Guys. Sucks ass.
Starting point is 00:09:42 Dude, you know what I think? I bring this up because i will come out there i heard a guy the other day uh was out to lunch with some guys said he thinks five guys is best burger he's had who said that i can't i don't know out of people joe say his name who was it we're not gonna hurt him who was it i'm in the market for a best friend, Joe. All right, fine. It was Derek. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Don't like him. Derek Poston? Yeah. It's fine. Well, I don't know. He's got a TikTok video blown up today. Congrats, Derek. Oh, does he?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah. Nice. His girlfriend called Allen Iverson, Ivan Allerson. And it just went bananas. It is pretty funny. TikTok, dude. It was pretty great. Can you imagine if he was horny and that went down? Yeah, if he would have been shirtless and shaking his ass, that would have been boo-coo watches.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You know what? My GF's been sending me recipes on TikTok, and I guess everyone's doing that. Oh, yeah, yeah. And they're all kind of horny. Like, when I'm listening to the video, it was like this kind of sassy gay dude, and he was like, he's like, so espresso chocolate chip cookies, I can just keep you up all night if you know what I mean. And I was like, I'm of horny. Like when I'm listening to the video, it was like this kind of sassy gay dude. And he was like, he's like, so espresso chocolate chip cookies. I can just keep you up all night if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And I was like, I'm getting horny. Yeah. Yeah. Dude, there's a Cold Stone guy who like takes videos of him making Cold Stone concoctions, Cold Stone creamer. And,
Starting point is 00:10:57 uh, I get torqued up when I watch it for sure. It's all the creams going in there and getting spun. I don't know what it is, but I swear to God, it gets me. You want to sit on it. You put cream on it. I want to do sit on it. You put cream on it.
Starting point is 00:11:05 I want to do everything to it. You put cream on Cold Stone. Oh. I'm going to be erect. Yeah, there is some. They put it on this rock there and they push it around. Yeah, when they push it on the rock and they're just like molding it and stuff, then they put M&Ms.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I just like. And they get it flat, dude. Yeah, dude. And you can just feel it right in your bell end. You know how in Ghost they make the phallic clay figure together? I think the modern Redux would be Cold Stone. Yeah. And they're just smashing their hands in some ice cream.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Totally. And she just has a handful of ice cream. She just slaps his dick with it. Yeah. And he's like, ah, it's freezing. But his boner's too throbbing, too much blood in his ass. Yeah. Too much blood in that cock mm-hmm pulsing through did they put melt if they put a fucking
Starting point is 00:11:53 liquid marshmallow in there I even know that was the thing well you do now partner dude life changer this is like we just moved to pegging whoa the liquid marshmallow yeah rare not too many places yeah how do you get it I don't This is like we just moved to pegging. Whoa. The liquid marshmallow? Yeah. That stuff's rare. Not too many places. Yeah, it's rare. How do you even get it? I don't even know how you get it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:11 You go to... I know a place. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Joe, I'm so glad you got a fucking big dick, dude. I just want to call that out real quick. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:19 That fires me up so much. It doesn't matter. No, it's amazing. It doesn't matter. You know, I write a gratitude list every morning. You know what's number one? I don't know. That hog.
Starting point is 00:12:31 Well, thanks. I've been applying to jobs during the pandemic, dude. Indeed.com, you know, stuff like that. Yeah, I've heard about it. My resume is just picture your fat hog, dude. And just the words, what up? Can I put that in there? Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Because I have indeed. I didn't fill out the resume part. Oh, yeah, yeah. Get on there. Make it easy for you. I used to have a photo of myself that I'd send to people to brag of me holding a big fish, but now I got it where it superimposes me holding your big dick. Nice.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Just wearing some rubber boots and a nice flannel. I've got a green hat on. You know those Oscar Mayer wiener cars? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've seen them around. Yeah, I'm having one made that's in the shape of your hog. Nice.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Let's get that on the road. Oh. Dude, that's a fire business idea. The hog mobile just cruising around? Yeah, the hog. Yeah, that's a good name for it. What's the point of this business? To boost stoke?
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. Dudes, I think I found what's the most controversial topic imaginable. You can't even talk about this. It gets people so fired up. If you SAT scores. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. People get fired. I used to try and do a joke about it where I'd be like, I would be like, SAT scores do matter.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Like if you did bad on them, you're dumb. If you did well, you're smart. And I'd only do it at open mics. Audiences would freak out. And one time the owner of Flappers came out of the kitchen. He was like, it's not true. And I was like, all right, Dave, you obviously did bad on the SATs. But he was like, it would really get under people's skin.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And then I talked to my GF about it. She's like, it's not an indicator of intelligence. And she did really well on it. But she was like pretty frustrated by the premise. And then I talked to my GF about it. She's like, it's not an indicator of intelligence. And she did really well on it. But she was like pretty frustrated by the premise. And then I was like, there's something here. Like people don't like to tell you what their scores were, even if they did well. It's really interesting. I did feel a twinge when you said that.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Right? I think maybe it's the hate against standardized tests. It's just, yeah. I never even took that one. I was going to say, not every state takes it, right? Yeah-hmm. It's just, yeah. I never even took that one. I was going to say, not every state takes it, right? Yeah, Illinois, we only had to take ACT. Mm-hmm. Which are harder.
Starting point is 00:14:33 The ACT is difficult. It's like, focuses on a subject. It's more difficult. You took both, right? Yeah. Did poorly on both. Not good. Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Maybe my mom thought I was, like, all smart. I went in there, and I had hubris. I was like, I'm going to nail this thing, dude. Went in there, just took the PSAT, my score. Mind you, this was at a time when it was out of 2,400 because they added an essay portion. Traditionally, it's out of 1,600, 800 math, 800 English. I got a 980 combined total score out of 2,400.
Starting point is 00:15:01 No, you didn't. You did not get that. Yes, I did. No, you didn't. That was my first score, but then I took a class, and this is where I think JT the Controversy comes in, because you truly can go take a class and not know what a triangle is or this,
Starting point is 00:15:15 and just learn the strategy of don't fill out that answer if you don't know it. Skip on, do your name. Literally, only take one third of the questions and it's gonna help help you boost your score 500 points and I just did that and then I ended up getting like a 1180 or something like that yeah of the not out of 1400 that's what I mean that you got a 980 out of 1600 is what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah it was probably out of 1600 yeah yeah there's no way I think it's not good now 2400 still horrend way. You didn't get a 980 out of 2400.
Starting point is 00:15:46 Still horrendous. But if you did get a 980 out of 2400, you got a lot of potential and you're going to find it. Don't let that score make you feel like you're a dummy. What about when parents go, oh, my little Brian's smart. He's just a bad test taker. Yeah. That's what I mean. That's true.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Or people like, some people get really nervous before they take a test. I'm like, everybody does. Everybody's nervous. People choke under pressure. Oh, you mean your kid's bad at the one same exact thing that everyone does in a uniform process? Your kid's bad at it, dude. See, but see, people don't like this. That was my take.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And people were like, hey, that's not fair. It's not nice. My girlfriend was like, don't do that joke as you have it because it'll make make everyone at the stand-up show sad and it'll just make people feel insecure and she's like it won't be so i'm trying to find a way to make it like empowering well it makes it makes me think that you did really well and so you think you're above everyone see i did i did i did pretty good but i didn't do like amazing i did but see like i won't even say my score but when you say it what do you have to do is make it about you and knock yourself down a peg. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:46 You got to have some humility in there. But what'd you get? You got to let us know now. I got a 1270 out of 1600. That's great. And you took no classes, did you? I don't think I had a calculator. Right?
Starting point is 00:16:54 There you go. See, that's why I like the joke because I did pretty good. And I was like the dumbest kid. I had the worst grades in my school. So I was like, anything I got was going to be above what those expectations were. Had you taken a course, like they guarantee you like a 100-point boost, you would have got like a 1380. I don't even remember what I got.
Starting point is 00:17:09 You did good. You probably did well. I don't even remember. Well, I know George Bush got like, I think George Bush got a 1210. Not very good. I think Bill Clinton got like a 1340. And do you know what Jennifer Lopez got on it?
Starting point is 00:17:23 What? 15. Nail polish. That was a joke. That was a joke. That was a joke from Time Magazine in eighth grade that I read.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Yes. Good joke. That was in Time Magazine. She's actually known for being smart though. I've heard that when she was babysitting. She's amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Amazingly intelligent. She's had a 40 year success. What's she doing with that goddamn lizard, A-Rod? You don't like A-Rod? You don't like A-Rod? I hate A-Rod.
Starting point is 00:17:44 He was a punk as a player, but I think he's kind of aged well as a media personality. Nat. Yeah, you're right. He has the same hair as Mike Pence. I just noticed that today. It's fucking weird. That's funny. A-Rod's kind of a tool.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Well, yeah, he's kind of cheesy as a common tigger. He is. Is he? He had that moment, too, where he, like, remember when he was running to first base? I mean, I don't mind. He tried to slap the ball out of the first baseman's hands. But he kind of did it like, it was kind of an effeminate movement.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I thought he was kind of done after that. Did I beef liver tonight? Whoa. Horrible. Yeah, liver. Ew, why? I was shocked. When you told me about it i was like he's gonna love it and then you're like it's bad i was like whoa well it's it's just metallic it's like it tastes it's like gamey i don't even know gamey just say it tastes like you're eating like a
Starting point is 00:18:37 fucking quarter doorknob yeah i was gagging and did you finish it though? my brother was like you gotta eat it raw and I'm like I don't know if I trust it raw although I did get it at Belcampo which is like it's a good place so it's trustworthy meat but
Starting point is 00:18:57 it was rough but I can tell you this stoke boosted really? to disregard the taste there's so many nutrients in there. I was like, I'm firing off on all cylinders. What a beast. For sure. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. Do you think this diet has helped out your sex drive at all or like made you mentally clear or what's going on in that department? I've been monitoring that and I think I'm just always horny. Right. Thankfully. Mental clarity. Yeah. You know what it is.
Starting point is 00:19:33 It's just more energy. It's just clean energy where I'm just like, I'm able to like, able to just like, if there's something, if I have to write like a card or something, you know, like a birthday card, usually I'd be like, I'd put it off for like days and stuff but now i'm just like let's do it right now and that that's that's the difference i felt love that yeah nice yeah i usually have to write thank you notes when i worked at nordstrom to customers oh and our buddy ferraro came in and did my manager ferraro came in like just did me a favor jt's bro bro Chris came in one time and did me a favor too like he was he got like a new job and like needed like the suit for it and like I was like thank god he came he came to me he could have gone anywhere so he was helping me
Starting point is 00:20:12 out getting that suit and for all did something similar to like he was playing minor league baseball and like needed like you know some shirts and crap to buy for me and like you know he bought the bulk from me he could have got a better deal elsewhere but was helping to bro out and then the managers do like quarterly reviews and they're like who's this who's this mike ferraro guy you guys seem to hit it off he sold him a lot of merch and then i was like oh yeah we just he's baseball guy just met him came in you know they're like yeah we love that we and they actually put me to men's sportswear because of that really yeah it was amazing and then like chris parr like, and I had your guys' address because I put them in the system
Starting point is 00:20:46 because they want to like build clientele. And I would write handwritten notes to like, I think I wrote one to Chris Parr. I definitely wrote one to Mike Ferraro and to his mom too. And I sent one that said, Ferraro to this day still thinks he's the true freshman basketball MVP.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And his dad kept the stats and they keep stats by last names. Wilson's not anywhere close to Ferraro. Sorry, bub. You know, it's not going to like, I don't know how you messed that up, but he still maintains he was the true MVP and he was a good player, but I got the hardware and I sent him a note saying thank you from the true MVP. Will you tell the story about when the prettiest girl in our class was at the game and what happened at the end? Absolutely, dude. Nicole, my dude, hope she's doing well. And yeah, bro. Yeah. She's the prettiest girl in our class was at the game and what happened at the end absolutely dude Nicole. No didn't hope he's doing well and Yeah, bro. Yeah, she's the prettiest girl. She was a cheerleader actually so like she's a freshman she's at all the home games
Starting point is 00:21:32 Right sounds hot. Yeah. Yeah, she's very attractive. I think I have to blank her last name though Okay, I'm gonna cut her I don't know you can keep it in but I'm gonna blank her last cuz I don't want people looking her up or something That's your people would that's my bad So yeah, we're doing we're doing stack 45 dude Because I don't want people looking her up or something. That's true. People would. That's my bad. What's her Instagram? We're doing stack 45, dude. My boy Brooks is the five on the four, dude, forward. And it's a great play.
Starting point is 00:21:52 I do a fake little thing. I come up to the key, fake like I'm going back, receive the ball at the top of the key, left side, if you're looking at our basket offensively. And then I toss it down real quick. It's just a go. Toss it to Brooks. Up high.
Starting point is 00:22:04 He keeps it up high, taps it to me and immediately I go for a layup. And it was like that play worked 90% of the time, we're down by one point, we're going down low for the bucket. Dude, literally just hearing Nicole go, yeah, go Strider, literally heard her say that, dude, as I'm going for a layup. No way.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Bro, bounces off the backboard, hits a zero rim, entirely off the backboard to the other side of the court, dude, just looked like this. The team just goes, oh, wide open layup. Play worked perfectly, kid. Bit. Yeah, bro. Nice.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Just bounces that fast. Wait, can you do one, two, wait, no. I'm going to keep going on this because you have two more really good stories. One, I'll just say this one. One time he was playing with Ferraro, and Ferraro got blocked really hard by a guy, and Strider ran into Ferrara's face went like taunted him for getting blocked when they were on the same team he got blocks already just go oh and then tell the story about that senior uh loof
Starting point is 00:22:59 what was his name oh wait he was a monster He was just this like 5'9 brick shithouse. Oh, oh, oh. And Luthley, dude. I'm saying people's names, dude. I'm sorry, dude. I've got his first name. I'm sorry, dude. Okay, Luth. Luth.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Dude, Luthley. And he'd come to parties and he was 17, but he'd like smoke a cigar and he'd just walk around and like act like security. But I guess he hated Schreider. So what would he do to you at practice? Dude, we would play the sophomore team, dude. And Luth, who was just so jacked, dude, built like a brick shithouse, dude. No neck, just all traps that went into jack delts.
Starting point is 00:23:31 And he goes, I got Wilson. I got Wilson. I'm like, dude, why, dude? Please don't, dude. And he would body me up so hard, dude. And I had to go down to the post. He would just put his shoulder on me and drive me out to the key. And the coach was like, Wilson, where's your strength? low i'm like dude i'm sorry dude this guy is on
Starting point is 00:23:48 he's so jacked dude i was not allowed to score do you think he disliked you because you were so happy no because he knew because i was the mvp and i was the scorer on the team which ferraro wouldn't admit and he goes i'm taking that out because the sophomores can't lose to the freshmen right and he goes and he was their best defender for sure. And he was like a defensive special. He doesn't do anything on offense. Older kids used to pick on me sometimes. And I think it was because I was so loud.
Starting point is 00:24:13 They were just like, yo, this little dude has way too big of a footprint. Like, we got to check him. And then sometimes they'd like me for it because I'd do something wild. And they'd be like, oh, that was like crazy when you were doing karaoke. And just jumped head first into a trash can. I was like, yeah, thank you. But other times they'd be like, hey was like crazy when you were like doing karaoke and like just jumped head first into a trash can i was like yeah thank you and then but other times they'd be like hey you're being too loud in the hall and they would like you know smack my books down and shove me or something and like it's a mixed bag for sure that's like i was lucky because i carpool with chase who has one of the best crossovers in orange county history and uh he was on varsity so
Starting point is 00:24:44 luckily i kind of had like and even like the first day of like the all-team practice like i walked in with chase and i and as a freshman and then he went to his varsity practice but all the dudes they clocked that no so i was like thank you dude did you guys ever get picked on by the older kids um not really i mean people would make fun of how i talked but that's about it, so have people been doing impressions of you your whole life? Yeah, since I was like seven. Do you even talk weird from when you were in Chicago? I always talked like this.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You had seven? Dude, imagine a seven-year-old kid. Yeah, brother, his baseball team, when they would call me, when my brother was probably nine, I was like seven. They would call me smoker. That's how I taught. Two down, two men on. I remember one time we were really bonding at the parlor,
Starting point is 00:25:36 like having a few beers, and I was like, is it ever hard for you to express certain things because of the way you sound? And Joe just goes, yeah. Yeah, sure it is. And anyway, quit asking me personal questions. I'm going to get a salad. Salad?
Starting point is 00:25:53 I'm combining two stories. That's what you said to me at Coanga General one time. Remember they had good salads there? Yeah, they did. I miss that place. That was fun, dude. Are they still open? I doubt it. I hope so. I shouldn't say that. I hope so. We can probably swing by. The guy sat next to the stage.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Dude, Richard, this old Vietnam vet who wrote fantasy novels was the open mic host. And one time we started all going there. He got mad one time. And he goes, guys, I don't like the tone of the mic anymore. It's changed. Yeah. Because we were kind of bro-ing out there. But nobody was being-
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yeah, he was getting a lot of testosterone. It was pretty fratty. But nobody was being that bad He goes and he does this like 10 minute thing was like it's changed people are being aggressive People don't stay inside to watch the comics and guess what guys it's affecting how many girls come here He was always hitting on all the girls I was like bro what's affecting the girls coming isn't us in the back like outside like shooting the shit It's you like come I didn't say this, but I was like it's, what's affecting the girls coming? Isn't us in the back, like outside, like shooting the shit? It's you like, I didn't say any of this, but I was like, it's you coming on to him, Rich.
Starting point is 00:26:47 But that was his big beef with us getting fratty is that he thought we were killing the ratio. Hilarious, dude. Dude, that one sandwich with the peanut butter and bananas. So good. Dude, Elvis. The JFK or the Elvis. Is that the Elvis? Elvis loved that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yes. Dude, yeah, they've got great sandwiches. Good chicken salad. Yeah. Little basket. Oh oh one of the girls used to cut your hair the girls who work the register yeah your friends are there for you yeah yeah she cut my hair until Joe's got all here didn't want to be cut any longer it decided I got all these what a lot of female friends hey would you watch your life you're a likeable guys we have like a million female friends yeah Hey, would you watch your fucking mom? You're a likable guy is what I'm saying. You have like a million female friends. Yeah. No, I don't. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Fucking bang all of them. No, I... But don't say it. You're saying it in a condescending way. No, I'm not saying it in a condescending way. With all your fucking hair. Yeah, I got poof hair. This isn't good hair, dude. This is bad hair. Joe, I think you could still grow it out.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I do miss it a little bit. Why not? I see it. It looks good. Dude, I'll go have these with you on my Propeach, too. I don't want it. I respect that. I respect that you're doing the Rogan route,
Starting point is 00:27:58 and you're just like, look, it is what it is, and I'm a man no matter what. Yeah. I'm a man. Rogan should sell a cream that's just called Rogan instead of Rogaine. Yeah. Just rub it on your head for a nice shine. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Chad, did you ever get picked on by the older kids? Not really. I knew how to bro out with the older guys because I had older brothers. And I think I was always so small and looked so young that I was able to just be this like kind of like Just a little dick weed that they liked. You know what I mean? Totally So I was always I was always friends with older older guys actually I can't I can't relate to younger people though I'm not I can't talk to younger people kids. I don't even know I think cuz I was the youngest I don't know how like younger people. was the youngest. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Younger people, I'm like, I don't. Yeah, most of your friends are older. We're all older than you. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah, younger people, I just have a tougher time. That's why, like, if I was a dad, I'd be like, hey, what's up? You need your kid to be older than you. Yeah, I think I need your kid to be older than you yeah I think I need my kid to be older than me
Starting point is 00:29:06 you need like Jack that Robin Williams movie yeah then you guys can hang maybe I'm just bitter because I never see my nieces and nephews because they all live in different parts of the country but like they don't show me that much love you know and I think I just don't know how to talk to them because I'll be like hey what's up dude
Starting point is 00:29:22 oh you got a scooter and they're like yeah and they just scoot on and I'm like why don't you call them once in a while because they're like five oh I feel you on that because I think I get along well with younger people because I'm the oldest yeah and then you got along well with really with older upperclassmen and you were you had older brothers yeah it helps having siblings it helps And I think a good advice for talking to younger kids is just talk to them as adults. I talk to my niece just like I would talk to an adult, like a little more clear.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I usually have a little more pep in my voice, but like just very full, complete sentences. And all it is is questions. They just ask you questions. And I find my diction is sharper with children because I feel more confident. I'm like, I got more language expertise than this little dude.
Starting point is 00:30:03 So I can really, I'm having fun actually than this little dude, so I can really I'm having fun, actually, because I feel zero presh. Interesting. Do you remember when you got mad at your little brother because he was reading GQ magazine? Oh, yeah. Did it want to be a magazine? We just get in the car one time and Strutter just goes, I'm a little pissed at my brother. I'm like, what's wrong? He's like,
Starting point is 00:30:20 walked in his room and he was reading GQ magazine. I mean, what the fuck? Yeah, why is he doing that? Exactly, dude. You don't go and do that, dude. None of the older brothers did that, dude. I didn't do that. What's this kid doing trying to be?
Starting point is 00:30:32 He's just trying to be an individual. He's just trying to have a little style, learn something. What's even in there? They tell you like how to tie a tie or something? It's like six best colognes and it's all like ads basically. But then they're like, it's like a guy telling, someone does an essay about a weekend trip. He had to Vegas with his buddies gentlemen's quarterly isn't
Starting point is 00:30:49 Three months and then it's like Justin Timberlake's on the cover and it's a story about him and he kind of talks about style He's like for me style is actually yeah, not doing everything like every time before I leave the house. I take off one accessory That's a real quote Timberlake, dude. He's got a new movie coming out called Palmer. What do they call that where they test it? Focus Group?
Starting point is 00:31:15 It was Focus Group for me. He's an ex-con who used to be a football star in a small town. He goes back and he becomes the surrogate father to this gay kid whose parents can't accept him. There's scenes where he walks in and the kid's watching Powder Puff Girls and he becomes the surrogate father to this gay kid whose parents can't accept him and there's like scenes where he walks in he's like the kid's watching like powder puff girls he's like you know that's for girls right and the kid's like yeah i'll be the first boy who watches like impossibly sweet and cute and palmer's like oh and then by the end of it he's like in court he's like i have to look out for this boy and he's crying he's a better man oh
Starting point is 00:31:41 here we go timberlake's target an accent like that? It's hilarious. And also an ex-football star like we talking about, dude. Why are you dressing like that? Why are you dressing like that, brother? You're being different. You're being different. Sling blade now? Yeah, we're taking it an extra turn.
Starting point is 00:31:59 The song's really good in the trailer. You think the director's like, let me hear the thing. He's like, hey, brother, why are you doing that? And he's like, perfect. Do we already talk about? I think I'd be good in a movie like that. I think you'd be fantastic in a movie like that. You mean the kid? Hey, dad.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Hey, will you talk like a boy? I am a boy. It's just that I happen to like cartoons and anime. There's sort of a cool floating world that I enter, and it's a lot of fun. Do you want to hear about it? I guess. It's pretty incredible. It's about spirits and how they really never leave us.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And so I kind of like to think that you're never going to leave me, even though you say you might, because you might have to go pull off that job. Yeah, I heard you talking on the phone. I ain't never going to leave you, ever. Look at me. I heard you talking on the phone I ain't never gonna leave you ever you look at me I promise you I ain't never leaving your side you can bet on that dude there it is oh great that's good good intensity from the eyes yeah thank you dutiful it's a real moment dude I got oh I got some skinny on the
Starting point is 00:33:03 Olivia Wilde thing oh Oh, dude, yes. Dude, from a trusted source who will remain anonymous, he has an inside look on this thing. He thinks what happened is that it was all kind of planned because it's a studio movie and they need to get some interest ginned up. So it's a fake affair. They've been split up for like eight months.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Shia LaBeouf was on the movie and then he was being like weird on set so they Had to fire him they said he dropped out he was fired they bring in Harry Styles Harry Styles is a wild man He's always down for some public action So he's like yeah I'll play the I'll play her boyfriend because they knew if they went with Chris Pine It would be like too obvious like I'm like oh of course she left Sudeikis for Chris Pine But Harry Styles has like this like kind of more interesting bend to it because you know he was just on
Starting point is 00:33:44 Vogue with the dress, so it's a more interesting angle. He's young. So all they've got to do is hold hands at a wedding, and the story runs itself. In eight months, are they still going to be together? Probably not. But the fix is in.
Starting point is 00:33:56 You're going to watch that movie for sure. Remember Mr. and Mrs. Smith? Yeah. Dude, you had to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The breakup? Vince Vaughn and Aniston? Yeah. You want to see if it comes through on on screen yeah wow that kind of bums i don't know if it bums me out how do i feel about it i feel it makes me feel better because i feel less bad for sudeikis yeah less bad for sudeikis but
Starting point is 00:34:20 do you think harry styles is kind of like to Olivia he's like you know we could date for real yeah yeah exactly if you want we can go on method with this if we really want to
Starting point is 00:34:31 she's like no this is for the movie this guy says that that uh Chalamet and Harry Styles are boning oh right I heard
Starting point is 00:34:39 he told us that I love it Chalamet can do no wrong Chalamet's my boy when I heard it I went like this duh yeah exactly duh how did I not already know I love it. Chalamet can do no wrong. Chalamet's my boy. When I heard it, I went like this. Duh.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Yeah. Exactly. Duh. How did I not already know? You are England. I am. I am England. Yeah, they just whisper each other's dialogue to each other.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah. That's hot. Crazy stuff. Crazy stuff. We should do something like that. If we have a video coming out, we could be like, Chad and JT are dating. And then people would be like, I got to watch this video. It really wouldn't change a lot, too. You guys are hanging out all the time.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Maybe we have to go a little more extreme. I don't know. I don't know. You guys are wearing cool outfits. I've been waiting for the green light. Let's hit it. Joe, will you marry us sure thanks man you're gonna get asked to officiate a lot of things dude because you got that kind of like you got that
Starting point is 00:35:32 kind of like authority built into you yeah you got that like uh like i want joe to get us like it that makes it official if i was gonna get knighted i'd want you to put the sword on my shoulder and call me a protector of the lands Cuz you are the personality type of the protector The Sentinel dude, yeah, I could do that Freakin beast nice who would you want to get knighted by Ditka? obvious Chicago Joe no obvious Chicago Joe no
Starting point is 00:36:02 I don't know Charles Tillman peanut yeah best punch in the game yeah yeah he's good
Starting point is 00:36:16 he's a good man wait who's Charles Tillman I don't know cornerback for the Bears how many concussions did our locker get that season I felt like it was every other game I don't know. Cornerback for the Bears? How many concussions did Urlacher get that season? I felt like it was every other game. I don't know, because that was before
Starting point is 00:36:27 they did the protocol stuff. Yeah, probably. I don't know. Everyone probably had a lot back then. Totally. You know, that movie Concussion with Will Smith? They made him a really boring, goody-two-shoes, but in real life, the doctor who solved it liked to go
Starting point is 00:36:43 nightclubbing like every night. Really? Why would they take that out of the script? I don't know. If there's ever... You should be inserting nightclub scenes into every script. I don't care if it's Jane Eyre. Put a nightclub...
Starting point is 00:36:57 Put a Blade style, Blade 1 style nightclub scene. I don't care what movie it is. Is Mr. Rochester DJing? Yeah, Mr. Rochester DJing. Yeah, Mr. Rochester, dude. Darcy's just on the dance floor just eyeballing friggin'. It should be a collab. Bad Boys 2 and Collateral,
Starting point is 00:37:13 they both have great nightclub scenes. I mean, the Collateral one, he's shooting people, but it's just like, that's what it feels like sometimes. Some guy's murdering the dance floor. Yeah. And you hope it's Tom Cruise best nightclub scene in a movie go I
Starting point is 00:37:38 Don't remember Katie Holmes in that Celtic pride Celtic. Okay, dude Celtic pride What's the one with DMX? The chain one. Oh oh yeah to the grave but the DJ was Romeo's must die where he's like people don't kill guns don't kill people people kill people that scene that's a great yes that's the scene from Romeo's die what a movie dude I forgot about that oh dude does this count John wick one in the button the spa area that's like technically a nightclub blade here blade we're picking on actions.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Is there one where people are just dancing? Studio 54. Too Fast Too Furious is a pretty epic one because that's when they meet with a drug dealer and he tortures the corrupt cop with the rat in the bucket. Cole Hauser, yeah. Cole Hauser, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:23 They heat it up. Tyrese is like, did you see her face? She was getting off on it. Yeah. Maybe Miami Vice when they're dancing at the club. Miami Vice, yeah. I'm trying to think of scenes where like Thomas Crown Affair, that's more of a gala, but they're making out on the dance floor.
Starting point is 00:38:37 What about any of the new, the Daniel Craig, James Bonds? Not a club, but sort of a club vibe. More of a rave. Do you know where I'm going? Matrix 2. Aaron? What a beast, dude. Aaron?
Starting point is 00:38:53 How did you know that? Aaron. Because I was thinking it. Dude. Yeah, and Zion. Right? I remember when I was a kid and I watched that in theaters and I saw the boobs. Yeah, like seeing boobs. That fired you up. Do you have a favorite nightclub? dude I remember when I was a kid and I watched that in theaters and I saw the boobs yeah I liked seeing the boobs
Starting point is 00:39:06 that fired you up do you have a favorite nightclub scene well I was thinking I was picturing one but I think it was more of a strip club in Armageddon oh yeah when they're all getting wasted before they take off that's one of my favorite sequences
Starting point is 00:39:23 ever is when they're before they get on the two ships to go save Earth, they're like, you have one night just to go crazy, go buck wild. It's like you see Michael Duncan on his motorcycle. I love it. Great guy.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Really jacked as kingpin. Do you want to do an ad and then we'll do some questions? Yeah. We are also brought to you by So good. Really jacked as kingpin. Do you want to do an ad and then we'll do some questions? Yeah. We are also brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs,
Starting point is 00:39:56 for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because the nut sack never lies, guys. The scrotum is the totem for good grooming. And when you show your nuts to someone, you want them to say, holy fucking shit, did you manscape that? And then you say, yeah, I did. Doesn't my dong look fresh? So fresh, it should be in an Herbal Essences commercial. So fresh, it should be in an Herbal Essences commercial. So fresh.
Starting point is 00:40:28 It should be spanked. You're fixing it. And guys, rosers are red red violets are blue get manscaped as a gift for um
Starting point is 00:40:51 valentines day cause she may say she loves you she may say she loves you if she gets you that gift ladies get it for your man okay you want this guy having a fresh dink? Then get him some Manscaped, because they have all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:13 They got the perfect package. 3.0, best products to keep your balls looking fresh, smelling nice, and feeling nice. They got the La Mer 3.0. You guys know it. You love it. It makes you look fresh. It's awesome. You got the SkinSafe technology, cutting edge ceramic blade to reduce grooming accidents.
Starting point is 00:41:32 It's waterproof. And then they have the Crop Preserver Ball Deodorant, the Crop Reviver Ball Toner. These all help your balls smell and look nice. They smell good. They got Crop Mop Ball Wipes. I mean, your balls smell and look nice they smell good they got crop mop ball wipes I mean your balls are just gonna be shining you're gonna want to show them to the world but you know do it safely and they also have boxers anti-chafing boxers and just they also have cologne guys I mean this is just the full menswear company that you want to align yourself with
Starting point is 00:42:08 you want to do it I'm telling you so get 20% off plus reshipping with code go deep 20 manscape.com 20% off plus reshipping with the code go deep 20 manscape.com your nuts will say
Starting point is 00:42:23 hey dude thank you that's it alright let's do some questions at manscaped.com. Your nuts will say, hey, dude, thank you. That's it. Awesome, dude. All right, let's do some questions. This is from Wes Appler. Hey, Stoke Overlords. Love the show.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Working from home, bringing, binging the pot on a daily really steps my Stoke levels the fuck up regardless of the day I'm having. In a bit of a dilemma, and would love to hear your bros go deep on this. Via Hinge, I met this super dank girl and we automatically connected over our hate of non-Stokely capitalism. She was really attractive and lived pretty close to me,
Starting point is 00:42:51 which is rare in the area I'm in. Bum, fuck, nowhere, upstate New York. We talked almost daily for about a week and a half, and I found myself getting attached pretty quick. JT can probably relate. I remember him mentioning he gets attached fast. Yeah. I don't like having an attachment so fast, especially just with an online date, but it felt totally legit.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Then I woke up this morning to find out she had entirely shaved her head and lost some solid locks. Fellas, it gets me fucking stoked to break gender norms and to trim back some overgrown bush, but this made me lose a ton of physical attraction to her, which I almost felt guilty about. I think it's great that she's more snug in her own skin, but I just can't imagine taking her to the drill factory now, just based on my sexual preferences, even though she's got a solid persona. How would you bros handle this? Hang in there and give it a go, or head back to the drawing board with her as a friend?
Starting point is 00:43:39 Thanks a ton for everything, you guys. You've taken a lot of negativity out of these shitty times with your great content and positive words. All love, L guys. You've taken a lot of negativity out of these shitty times with your great content and positive words. All love, LJ. Alright, well, you know what, bro? Palm that dome and take her to the drill factory. Get her on the conveyor belt
Starting point is 00:43:55 and drill her. Because I like nice bald heads. I have one myself, and I recommend them. I'm with Joe on this, dude. I got to say, look, there's no question your body, your heart, your boner is not going to lie to you. You're attracted to what you're attracted to. It's a visceral reaction that you have.
Starting point is 00:44:18 And look, it's fair. You know, sometimes you like a lady with some locks, but at the same time, it can grow back. It's all good. Sometimes you like a lady with some locks, but at the same time, it can grow back. It's all good. And I think, look, if you were going to be in the long haul with her, I think the emotions would outweigh just a stylistic change. Although, be honest.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Be like, look, babe, I love you. I think you're beautiful, but this isn't my favorite look for you. But if she's like, I'm going to shave my head forever, you're like, all right, well, you guys can cross that bridge when you come to it. But it sounds like she's just trying something out. Maybe she's going through something emotional, too. I mean, I don't think a full head shave means a little bit more. Yeah, and it's probably too early for him to be commenting on what his
Starting point is 00:44:56 preferences are for her looks-wise. You know what I mean? I told a girlfriend one time that I didn't like it when she wore dark lipstick. Did not go over well. But I felt better telling her. I don't like dark lipstick. Yeah, I don't like it. And I want people to be able to express themselves and stuff, but I was't like it when she wore dark lipstick did not go over well. But I felt better telling her. I don't like dark lipstick. Yeah, I don't like it. And then, you know, I want people to be able to express themselves and stuff. But I was just like, it's just for me.
Starting point is 00:45:11 And I kind of related. I was like, if I was wearing a cologne you didn't like, you know, I would feel like it was okay for you to tell me. Maybe they're not quite the same. But I felt better telling her. But it did cause some conflict. But with you, dude, I don't think you know yet if you like it or not. I mean, get into the act and see what happens.
Starting point is 00:45:27 You might actually like it and you might, you know, looking at her closer, say like, wow, no, it actually brings out, you know, the perfect distance between her eyes or the nice curve of her nose, whatever it is. And then you're pumped up. So I don't think it's a deal breaker yet. You know. She sounds edgy, dude. I bleached my hair twice when I was dating someone and she told me she didn't like it, but she suffered through it with me.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Same here. Yeah, dude, I would give it a shot. Stay in the pocket and see if it'll work, you know. Because you could have something special. I don't want you to run away from that. Just when you see it shaved down. And I think this, I don't know if this is totally fair, but like if someone does make drastic hair changes,
Starting point is 00:46:13 I do get a little bit, sometimes I do think that can be reflective of having some, being a little more internally chaotic than others. When someone has like five different dramatic hairstyles in a year, I'm like, what's going on over there? That's why Joe's got a steady, sturdy ship, dude. Doesn't matter what the waters are doing, he's sturdy. What up, Swammies of Stoke?
Starting point is 00:46:40 Long time listener who has taken your stoke to all corners of the world. Seriously, your pod has been a true inspiration. Went on the go. Muchas gracias to both Chad and Senor John Thomas. The real question today is about a chica who is hella legit. I met her over the Christmas New Year's holiday in Utah and had a handful of dates that got the Stoke tank filled.
Starting point is 00:46:55 But the real problem is that I went back to school in Kentucky and I'm now five states away. What do the swamis suggest? I don't want to be smothering, but at the same time, I don't want to lose a chance at a real babe. Paz y mi amor, muchachos. Diesel. So they became a thing and now she's five states apart?
Starting point is 00:47:15 They met over the course of Christmas, New Year's, had a handful of dates that got the stoke tank filled. And now they're five states apart. Hmm. Dude. filled and now they're five states apart. That's tough. I just keep coming up with little baby lies about why I'm always in the town that she's in. Hey, it just so happens in a month I'm going to be in, what's the town? Provo, Utah.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Lexington. I'm going to be in Lexington, Utah. That's Kentucky. I'm rolling with Utah. Lexington. I'm going to be in Lexington, Utah. That's Kentucky. I'm rolling with it. There's one in Utah, too. I thought he said he was in Kentucky. But she's in Utah. So yeah, I just keep coming up with fakes for why you're going to be in Utah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But not too many where it's obvious. But like, oh yeah, my sales job. They got me doing a stop in Salt Lake. Are you free this time? Dude, you could say, babe, guess what? obvious but like oh yeah my sales job they got me they got me doing a stop in uh salt lake you free this time yeah well dude you could say babe guess what i didn't tell you this before but i'm a huge skier yeah i love skiing and i go every weekend of the winter and the summer i like to fly to different places for it so i'm flying flying, I'm going to go to Deer Valley. So, uh, Hey, if you're free, maybe we hang out. Hey, weird. I have tickets to Alta next week. Uh, you wouldn't want to tag along, would you? Interesting. I'm hanging from a cliff in Moab. MI2 style.
Starting point is 00:48:35 What are you up to? Just texting with my free hand. TTYL. You got to take a photo of that too. Yeah. Definite selfie. Yeah. Or if you want, if you want to slow play and just be cool guy, you know, she goes to a jonas brothers concert you just send her a fire thing yeah on instagram just a quick fire i mean and dude done dude you got facetime you got tiktoks you got fucking you know whatever sort of technology you need get to get face to face dude do it yourselves virtually well you know when you get to that point. I mean, dude, five states is nothing, bro. Love transcends all mediums, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:11 And then, you know, I like to think JT's scenario, the little lies of wire there, love it. Rent yourself a motorcycle. Enjoy the trip out there. That'd be freaking cool, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Motorcycle diaries. By the end of it, you become Che Guevara. By the end of it, you become Che Guevara. By the end of it, you go, I got a sidecar in this one. You think they're into him? They are. Do you know how dank it would be if they ended up together for all time? And then he's able to tell his kids, who I wouldn't be able to relate to because I'm older.
Starting point is 00:49:41 But he'd be like, dudes, I like lied about skiing for like two years and like rock climbing. I became a skier and a rock climber just to, just to date your mom. That's a cool story.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Yeah, that's right. You know what made me okay with baby lies like that? And I don't know if they are okay, but what made me okay with them a little bit
Starting point is 00:49:58 was that Jim in the office when he's doing his wedding toast, he goes, uh, Pam used to teach me how to drive stick. And then he turns to his mom and he goes, Mom, how long have I been able to drive stick?
Starting point is 00:50:07 And she's like, since you were like nine. And so he was faking it so he could get some one-on-one time with her. That's good stuff. If Jim and Pam did it. Yeah. His heart was in the right place. That's what counts. And his heart will be in the right place.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah. He's telling a little white lie for love, not to get one over or make a quick buck. Yeah, she doesn't have a boyfriend or anything. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like she's into him. But you really fired me up with that rock climbing scenario. I mean, you're hanging from one...
Starting point is 00:50:33 Yeah. Hanging from the ledge. You're like, weird. Oh, yeah. Look at me. I'm just hanging from this... Interesting. Just out here in Moab with perfect service.
Starting point is 00:50:43 You're totally relaxed. Even though you're hanging, you're you're just like hey what's going on you're wearing these cool ass shades don't look down but you let her look down she's like oh my god you're 200 feet in the air he's like oh I barely noticed I didn't mean to FaceTime you
Starting point is 00:50:58 hey my reservation for two at the Cheesecake Factory will self destruct in T-6 hours it's a long drive from Moab. Yeah. For my sake and the sake of this female, I would like to remain anonymous. What up, Chad and JT, possibly Strider and the rest of the crew. So I met this girl back in the summer, and we instantly had a connection
Starting point is 00:51:16 because we both would be attending the same university in the fall. We hung out during the summer a good amount and the beginning of semester at school. Things were going pretty great. Here's where things took an unexpected turn for the worse. Another group of girls that my friends and I met decided they thought they knew what was best for me and said some pretty harsh things about the girl I was hanging with in an effort to break us apart.
Starting point is 00:51:33 My dumb self listening to them, I stopped talking to her for about a week. I soon found out that she went on a date to get a boyfriend in our short hiatus. I was pretty bummed considering the fact that I still like this chick. We would still Snapchat on and off, but nothing really came of it because the whole... You didn't even say fuck. I don't know why I did that. The whole boyfriend situation. Since we've been back home for break, we slowly begin to talk more.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Obviously, I don't want to be a homewrecker, but she has been sending some pretty big signs that she isn't completely satisfied in her relation with this dude. For example, one night we were talking and she told me that she still liked me, but she can't because she has a boyfriend. I've also heard stories from when she and her friends hang out. I am the topic of discussion most of the time. We both went to the same New Year's Eve party, and I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but at this party, she was all over me, and it didn't even seem as if she had a boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Once again, I don't want to be a homewrecker, but I do really like her. On New Year's Eve, she told me again that she still liked me, but does in fact still have a boyfriend, and as soon as we go back to school, she's going to cut me off. I do really like this girl, but I'm not sure if I should try to pursue her or even waste my time with her confusing contradictions and just cut her off.
Starting point is 00:52:32 I don't know what to do. I was hoping the romance gurus themselves could steer me in the right direction. Thanks, my dogs. Joe, hit him. No, I don't know. Hit him with the truth. I don't know. Hit him with the truth. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:49 This is a hard one. She got a boyfriend in a week's time when they were separated? Yeah, I mean, college? It's time to move on. Yeah, I don, college? It's time to move on. Yeah, I don't like this girl. She's playing games with your heart, bro. Yeah, quit playing games with my heart. Playing games with my heart.
Starting point is 00:53:18 It's in sync. Backstreet Boys. Oh, damn it. Had me, had. Yeah, she went to a party to get a boyfriend. Yeah, well, that was weirdly written, yeah. We tell people to live intentionally. That's the power of intention.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah, it was like my friends told me that they said bad stuff. It sounds like he was influenced by peer pressure. I mean, he shouldn't have made that mistake. He shouldn't have let other people get in his ear about her. It does make me curious what they said. Because, like, you know, it could be bad enough where it's legit. But it does sound like they were just being mean girls who just were kind of being judgy. So, I think that was kind of a mistake.
Starting point is 00:53:57 I don't know, man. I think, if you're really, really, are you really into her? I don't know if he's really that into her, though. I think she's doing the, like, I think he wants what he can't have kind of thing. I think that's what it is. She's dating a guy. And it's, like, she seems so desperate for attention from, like, multiple guys. It's, like, judging from her behavior now, it seems like if you started dating her, she would do the exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Not to be harsh, but I think she would do something. She'd tow along some other guy it seems like that's a pattern yeah and I think I just don't know if you're that into her dude I think that you're just into the moment you know it's exciting and there's a lot of like we can't it's more exciting
Starting point is 00:54:38 because of the impediments but I think once those things get out of the way you're going to realize that if you guys were meant to be together you would have you'd be together I don't think i think i think the guys are right i think you gotta move on yeah dude and when you're moving on get in the driver's seat bro he's hanging out around he's letting he's looking for any excuse he's just cruising in neutral right now not steering his own car just letting other people make his decision. Well, if she does that, then maybe I can do this.
Starting point is 00:55:08 And my friends influence me away from her. Bro, step up. You've got to be accountable. You've got to make your own decision. You've got to tell her, look, you've got a boyfriend. I'm out. You want to ditch your boyfriend? Then we're in.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Fucking A. You've got to pick a lane here, dude. You can't be floating around like this, dude. But truth be told, I think you should move on because if she's flirting with you and she's got a boyfriend, then, you know, that's not a good sign. And, you know, who knows what's to come. But be a decision maker, dude. And I'm tired, dude. I'm tired of people who are in relationships flirting with other people and people hooking up.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I hate that. Yeah. Fuck you, man. Come on, dudes. Fuck out of here. And look, I've hooked up with a girl who had a boyfriend. I'm not perfect. people who are in relationships flirting with other people and people hooking up yeah yeah come on dudes fuck out of here and look I've hooked up with a girl who had a boyfriend I'm not perfect but like I do think I'm like into a different stage of my life and I'm like that's just there's just no time for that shit never like what do
Starting point is 00:55:57 we do you're playing like Game of Thrones with like hearts it's like what are we doing just just focus on other stuff and just be solid yeah damn shame it's a young it's a young it's a young It's like what are we doing? Just just focus on other stuff and just be solid. Yeah It's a damn shame It's it's a young it's a young it's a young person's thing. I think too. Mm-hmm Once you think you're 30 sure like no, we're not doing that shit anymore. Yeah, I don't need the fucking headache
Starting point is 00:56:24 We're just gonna be locked in together like, you know on the same page and then we're gonna go take care of our business yeah um yeah yeah you don't need that you need to be hanging from a rock and moab facetiming someone who doesn't play games who's not who's not talking about how they're gonna cut you off when you go somewhere yeah like what kind of what kind of horse shit is this? You know? I'm getting pissed off just thinking about it. Yeah, you don't go, oh, you're going to cut me off? Let me cut you off now.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Excuse me. You've got a boyfriend. You want... Nice dance? Hey, I'll dance with you a little bit. But I ain't going nowhere. Yeah, you don't have time to cut me off. You know why?
Starting point is 00:56:56 Because I'm going to be fucking rock climbing. Sorry to curse. I love that. I love it. Ask her this. I'm fired up. Just, you know, this is probably just more flirting. That's the problem with these conversations that they all turn into flirting.
Starting point is 00:57:10 But just look at her and go, do you actually want to be happy? No, no, no. Do you actually want to be happy? And she won't know what to say. Yeah, no one would know what to say. And it's heavy. That's heavy. That's real heavy. Hey, what's going's going on oh i like your shirt do you want
Starting point is 00:57:27 to be happy yeah but you know what it's fucking true though god damn it is true yeah yeah it is heavy but it's true you're you're basically you're trying to trauma bond if that's your opening question you're like look you're like by the end of this we're both crying we're actually we're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend. Yeah. But we need that kind of hard, like a entry point to, we need the heft. What's up,
Starting point is 00:57:52 Chad and JT. My name's Adrian. I'm somewhat new fan, but you bros have upped my stoke level substantially since I've started listening. And it's greatly appreciated. I'm coming up on my one year anniversary with my current life partner. And she's really helped me through out the pandemic and my depression. However,
Starting point is 00:58:04 I fear that we aren't truly meant for each other we both really care about each other but i feel like i'm wasting both of our time since i can't see myself spending the rest of my life with her i think we need to break up but i don't want to hurt her and i'm scared of being alone since she's helped me so much do you think you could give me some advice on ending things in a good way and moving on to be happy by myself and eventually find the person who i can spend the rest of my life with yours truly forever, forever and always, with peace and love, Adrian. It's hard
Starting point is 00:58:29 for me to say what this dude, because it seems like he's feeling, he feels things a tremendous amount. And he's putting a lot of pressure on, I think he's young, he's putting a lot of pressure on this relationship. Yeah, I would... Why'd he call her a life partner? He doesn't want to spend his life with her
Starting point is 00:58:45 my one year anniversary with my current life partner dude that's what i'm saying i think he feels things very intensely stupid guy no it sounds like he's just using her to get through the pandemic i've seen it before i think he cares about her but i think he he's he's putting too much pressure on on the whole thing and he's like he's like i think he think he's making it more than it has to be. I would take it day by day and I would try to climb out of the depression before I made a choice on that other stuff. Although they could be linked, but I don't know. I don't think they are.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Yeah, he's got a lot going on with himself, I think. And he's got to deal with that. And that's true. But also empathize with her a little bit. You're not doing her any favors by dragging her along right cut it off sooner better than later you just got to face the music dude it's gonna suck but you got to face the music man advice on how to do that you know gently understanding i mean it's a pandemic so maybe not in person i don't know but uh not in person for facetime
Starting point is 00:59:42 no you should definitely have seen it over they could be outside at least just do six feet zoom do it six feet apart why are you doing this over text because of the pandemic
Starting point is 00:59:52 that's a good piece of advice right there they've definitely already been phoning yeah alright then do it in person for sure and dude I would say
Starting point is 01:00:01 if you're scared of being alone you don't ever have to be scared of being alone you know why because you got you you got the, you don't ever have to be scared of being alone. You know why? Because you got you. You got the person you love the most, yourself. And when you realize that you just got you,
Starting point is 01:00:14 there's so many possibilities of what you can do. So much fun you can have just you. Being alone is not bad. I love being alone. I can do things without judgment. I can eat beef liver, you know, by myself. And the only people that judge me are the ones who I tell about it. You know?
Starting point is 01:00:36 You have a girlfriend. What's that? You have a girlfriend. I know, but I did it alone. You know, she doesn't even know I did it. I like you living alone now because you really are getting to like... I'm just exploring myself. You get to be in touch with all your eccentricities. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:53 It's the best. You got the ice bath. You got the assault bike. Yeah. The all beef diet. Assault bike? Yeah. It's the one with the levers.
Starting point is 01:01:04 You got the studio studio the studio looks badass studio uh you know just going down youtube rabbit holes uh you know just reading about god knows what you know i'm a freak it's good good proud of you tell this guy you do be your own freak dude tell this guy the scariest part of anything is the beginning. And your mind is more powerful than we think. We always imagine, you know, if you're thinking about seeing a scary movie, oh, man, I'm so freaked out. Then you go see it and you go, oh, it wasn't that scary.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Dude, you're going to have to face the music. You're going to have to cut off with this girl. You're going to have to be alone. And guess what? It won't be as bad as you think it is. Yeah, you got this. And if you are, you're never really always alone. Come on.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Do you guys remember at the beginning of the pandemic when, Joe, when you had that fever? I don't know if you had a fever. I didn't have a fever. But I got a text from JT. This is like the day after Tom Hanks got it. It's like March 12th. What'd he say? Yeah. Joe has a fever. No, I don't. I didn't. That's all. No, but
Starting point is 01:02:01 hold on. That's all I texted to Chad. My neck hurt. That's what it was. You came home. Dude, but to be fair, I mean, I overreact't. I didn't. That's all. No, but hold on. That's all I texted to Chad. My neck hurt. That's what it was. You came home, dude. But to be fair, I mean, I was stressed out and I had a bad headache and my neck was killing me. You came home. You got one of those forehead thermometers, which now with more experience, I realize you're incredibly.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Yeah, those are terrible. Like inconsistent. Joe's like, it's saying 101. It's saying 100. I wake up at four in the morning just in a panic. I'm trying to stay separate from Joe. And I'm like, Joe, what's it 101. It's saying 100. I wake up at 4 in the morning just in a panic. I'm trying to stay separate from Joe. And I'm like, Joe, what's it saying? He's like, 102. Oh? You were saying that, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:31 No? I don't know. I don't remember. That's what you were saying. I don't remember. That was almost a fucking year ago now. What the fuck? I run out and move into my mom's. We were on a work call
Starting point is 01:02:44 with 15 people. All of our bosses were were on a work call with like 15 people. And like all of our bosses were all on a phone call. And everyone's like, look, because of COVID, we have to stop all this. And then they go, thankfully, no one we know has been affected. And then I go, actually, my roommate has a fever and I do too. Because I was using the same forehead thermometer. He kept telling me like 101. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And then the guy on the phone just goes, oh my God. Like we thought we were so terrified. Turn but you did have covid you lost your sense of taste and smell for two weeks yeah that's what i heard did you ever get tested like for antibodies yeah did you do you have the antibodies oh no damn that's weird i think you do um be a beginning it's almost a year since then it's crazy dude joe has a fever yeah we recorded the podcast too that monday remember like ran away like a bitch i didn't want to be stuck in the apartment for all of COVID. I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:03:46 We're both so neurotic. And that was so early on where we still didn't know that much. We knew like nothing about it. It was like, dude, if you get COVID, you freaking might die at that point. When I was like, if I'm going to be stuck in a room for two weeks, like, I mean, it was selfish of me because I could have got my mom sick, but I called my physician on the way down. And I go, I go, at this point, we didn't know anything about like asymptomatic spread.
Starting point is 01:04:07 I mean, we barely know more about it now. We do know a lot more, but we still, it's not definitive. But like, I'm way over my skis. But I was like, am I at risk of giving it to my mom? He's like, if you don't have a fever, you're fine. So I got my real temperature. It was fine. I was like, okay, so I'm good.
Starting point is 01:04:19 So I was like, I'll spend this in Orange County. But I am sorry that I bailed like that. It's too late now. Yeah, you already apologized. You don't need to do it on the air. Well, you called me out again on the air. So we're kind of re-adjudicating it, aren't we? Not to get verbal.
Starting point is 01:04:41 Yeah, I guess. Look, you guys, hug it out. Get close to each other. Can we hug it out? No. Well, I guess. Look, you guys, hug it out. Get close to each other. Can we hug it out? No. Well, not now. I'm going to take my headphones off. I'm really using this water bottle as a crutch tonight.
Starting point is 01:05:01 I hope I leave this in. What? Nothing. I'm not worried about it anymore. It's not a big deal. It's over with. Yeah, I don't know. I feel uncomfortable.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Why? I think because I feel a combination of mad. Not mad, but like I feel bad for what I did, but I also feel like it wasn't that bad what I did. Yeah, it wasn't that bad. It was just a pussy move. But I'm doing better now because I had to do it. This is what I said, and it might be a cheap rascal, but if an airplane is going down, you put the mask on yourself first.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Yeah, that's what they tell you to do in the i was gonna lose my mind i was gonna i know i'm a puss but i was i would have lost my fucking mind dude i'm i have panic attacks like crazy it would have been fucking insane yeah i would have fucking killed you dude and he would have sent you some good shit dude we would have sent you some good medicines and food and all that stuff you had to be safe oh this is a little bit yeah chicken noodle i i was sending him food but he had no sense of taste no that's crazy that happened afterwards actually no that was like almost a week just two days later because i was around you i don't know it was a crazy time look it's tough to just to judge real time decisions from
Starting point is 01:06:28 an armchair what movie is that from again it's like don't don't judge my real-time decisions from your armchair x-men it might be a bit quarterback yeah and monday morty quarterbacking it's like look jt felt like he wanted to be healthy he had to get out of there and stay healthy and it's you know he was scared but we all know JT gets a little extra scared about health. So, and we knew that you were going to be a healthy guy and you probably didn't have a fever, you know. And he would have called in favors if we need to. Strider, get down there, dude.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Bring Joe some Tylenol. All right. I love you. Yeah, it's fine. I'm not worried about that. I'm just zoning out because I'm tired. I love you. Yeah, it's fine. I'm not worried about that. I'm just zoning out because I'm tired. Oh, yeah. What's up, Stokers?
Starting point is 01:07:10 My crew from back home has been great to rage with, but lately my best friend in the squad has been acting different. It seems like I can never get a word around him because I'll try to talk to him, and he will cut me off mid-sentence and go in a different direction or keep his eyes glued to his phone or whatever. I'm talking to him. So as a result, I've just gone mute and never say anything to him.
Starting point is 01:07:28 He also tries to single me out in large settings and say douchey things about me to the whole squad that are just messed up. I can handle the playful shit talk, but I can tell he's just trying to bring me down. It really kills my stoke that my boy has flipped a switch inside of him. Any ideas on what his issue may be, or do you think it is time for me to branch out and find someone else to share my positive stoke levels with well you know absolutely if
Starting point is 01:07:51 someone's bringing down your stoke you got to you got a you know you can't you can't you can't stick around and let them bring the stoke down but it sounds like this guy has there's something he might be angry about mm-hmm and maybe you need to just have a discussion withoke down. But it sounds like this guy has, there's something he might be angry about. And maybe you need to just have a discussion with him about that because it sounds like he's just a little bit TO'd. You know, and if you just talk to him, you know, and say, dude, I know you've been acting kind of weird.
Starting point is 01:08:21 What's going on? What's up? And maybe you guys can talk it out. But, you know, but also a good rule of thumb maybe you guys can talk it out. But, you know, but also a good rule of thumb is if someone's low on your stoke, you know, get some distance and boost your own and then maybe get back in the pocket and see if
Starting point is 01:08:34 your stoke can resist the arrows. Yeah, I don't think it's nothing that a good talk can't fix. Yeah. I would just hunker down with them, get into the icky emotional stuff, and be like, hey, man, you've been kind of hurting my feelings lately. It's been pretty consistent.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I think there's something there. So I just want to know, is it something I'm doing, or are you going through something? Because I'd really like to get to a place where I'm feeling good when we're together. Totally. And it's so annoying when the friend does that. It's so immature of like, friends break each other's balls dude it's fun but you can tell when the friend takes
Starting point is 01:09:09 to the extra level you gotta know that line yeah you know and it sounds like that's what's happening and jt nailed it it's like look you go aside you say look man i want to like you i want to be friends i don't want to lose you as a friend but you're acting this way here's the example one two three um what's up man and then if he's just like i don't know dude whatever like you don't have to change who you are to make him happy and in life you're never going to be able to make everyone happy so if you got to part ways you do but you know try to be try to mend it first and then you do your best i think that'd be good though this stuff happens this is also just
Starting point is 01:09:45 friendship sometimes it gets complicated and people are complicated and you know how we match up a lot can have some awkward edges to it so you just gotta just just if you work on it it'll be all right um all right chad you ready yeah are we good did i kill the vibe are we good we're good all right no we got good. All right. No, we got good vibes. Dude, we got good vibes. I feel like Joe is over it, but he's just tired. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 We got this. Joe moved furniture today, dude. Yeah. It's all good. Chad, who's your beef of the week? Oh, I forgot to write down my beef of the week again. My beef of the week is with my left nut. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah. It's caused me problems twice in my lifetime. First, I got testicular torsion when I was in fifth grade. Then I got epididymis in senior year of college. And it all happened in my left nut, know and it's like it's like dude do we have beef you know it's like the last question that just happened where the guy was you know his friend was wasn't even looking at him he was just texting on his phone and you know trying to make him look like a douche in front of a lot of people it's like my ball
Starting point is 01:11:00 has done that to me twice you know i had to confront my mom not confront i had to be honest with my mom in fifth grade and say hey look my nut is huge and it hurts and that was tough for me you know so figure it out dude you know and then graduating from college swollen you know i had to go into uh the hospital you know and i was like yeah my nuts huge and the guy was like you should wear condoms and I was like now I feel like a douche um so beef is with my left nut you know it's like
Starting point is 01:11:34 you know if we got a problem if you want to start beef you know just like you know just like you know maybe just like get a little bit tender but don't flare up and try to kill yourself with testicular torsion and you said the ball dies right in testicular torsion yeah but if it did it minus the epididymia like the thing that connects your nut to like the string um that that flares up i
Starting point is 01:12:00 didn't even know a ball could die a A ball can die. Cuts off circulation. What is torsion? That's twisting. The nuts are twisted. Yeah, twisted. You got twisted down there. My left nut. Is the left nut the most important nut?
Starting point is 01:12:16 Aaron, do you know that? Is the left nut the nut that creates life? Or is it a combined effort? I believe it's a team effort. I did not hear from any of my investigation into procreation. Oh, interesting. That it was one or the other. Cool.
Starting point is 01:12:33 But you did it. Because you're a father. You didn't know during anything, Left Nut didn't do anything extra to create life or might be a little too much of ask right there. No. No, I did not hear that. Joe, who's your beef of the week I have a beef with the company of you all you dash hall
Starting point is 01:12:53 where you rent trucks and vans I think they have shoddy equipment and because I was running a van all day didn't't touch anything, didn't scrape anything. No one hit me. And then when I hand it in, they tell me there's this piece of plastic that's missing from, like, above the driver's side, the front tire. And it's just this plastic cover thing that I don't even know what it is and the guy's like i i don't i've never even seen this happen before i'm like okay i was on the freeway a couple times
Starting point is 01:13:31 it could have just fell off he's like no i don't think i don't think that could happen like he's like it was a situation where it was like i could have lied, but I literally don't know what happened. So whatever I was saying sounded like I was lying. And now I'm going to have to give, I'm going to have to take the manager to task because they're going to send me the bill and they're going to try to, I don't know. Do they have the before photos? Because you get there and you take the photos and all that. Yeah, he said it was on there.
Starting point is 01:14:07 I can't even really be that descriptive about this because I don't even know what the piece is. It's really annoying. They are nozzles, though. I didn't experience it. I reserved a U-Haul, and I went to the location. They're like, it's not here. I went to another location.
Starting point is 01:14:23 This is all over L.A., by the way, pre-COVID.'re like it's not here went to another location this is all over la by the way pre-covid like yeah it's not here i had to go to three locations to get a truck and then i finally get the truck they're like uh yeah we don't have a dolly and i'm like i'm moving today like you're in the moving business you should you should have dollies one thing they do now though they give you a 50 guarantee have the, like if you make a reservation and they don't have what you reserve, then they give you 50 bucks. But they're trying to hose me on this plastic part. Yeah, you're getting hosed. You could rent from Home Depot. Do you know that?
Starting point is 01:14:58 A van? You can get a van. I think you can even get a cube from Home Depot. A little production term right there, the cube. I'm a huge new fan of Home Depot. They're awesome. Yeah. They're awesome.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Good dudes in there, too. Yeah. Yeah, honestly, you all charged me $100 for a piece of flimsy plastic that fell off on the freeway. One time one of our buddies, RIP dude, showed up to a party and he's like I'm driving a fucking Penske he had a fake ID he gotta be like 25 to you know rent a truck a car
Starting point is 01:15:29 he looked 30 at 17 this guy and he didn't buy booze didn't do any of that rented himself a Penske for what? just a half he would take us
Starting point is 01:15:40 to get fake IDs in LA on Alvarado street and you know we'd all be pretty nervous cause you know it just felt like we were outside our depths a little bit. And then he'd be like, don't worry about it. I brought a knife. That's very comforting. Good, dude.
Starting point is 01:15:54 You're going to stab everyone who tries to rip us off. Because they always thought we were such little white kids. But we'd be like, what if they hurt us? It's like, how is that good for business if they keep killing the kids who are getting their fake IDs here? So like that's not gonna draw a little bit of attention to you. But dude, they would fuck them up all the time. You get a bag and be like, say I'm like six foot, 180 pounds and female. Yeah. I'm like, can I, can you guys fix this? They're like, yeah, I'll take a day. I was like, nevermind. Who's your Beef of the Week? Dude, my Beef of the this? They're like, yeah, I'll take a day. I was like, never mind. Who's your B for the week?
Starting point is 01:16:25 Dude, my B for the week is with this baby, dude. There's this baby in my building, and I'm a grump now. It's crying. Yeah, they cry. It sounds like a little alley cat. And Aaron, I'm sorry, dude. And let me tell you, I empathize with the parents. I saw the dad in the garage as i was pulling out to come to the
Starting point is 01:16:45 podcast we made eye contact we kind of i gave him he looked at me like he knew i think he's doing it to everyone in the building because it's like we have a courtyard so the the baby cry is reverberating off of the walls dude it sounds like wind and it's just but i do empathize what can the parents do they they go and they quiet the kid as best they can the baby wants to yeah right they're making me fucking down some claws dude leave uh leave like a pack of pacifiers on their front doorstep. Should I? Oh, maybe I will. That's a good move.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Aaron, problem solving. I guess it's not really with the baby. It's just with maybe apartment living. You can't blame the kid. It's just internally human. The parents are doing their best. Yeah, it's really tough. And you know, people tell you, they go, oh man, don't go to a young building.
Starting point is 01:17:38 People party. You're not gonna be able to sleep. No, don't go to a mature building. People fuck. They make babies. You're not gonna be able to sleep. That's right. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:48 Dude, my beef of the week is a beef that my dad started up a week and a half ago. He started a text thread and he put this guy who he works with and who I don't really know that well, but I've met a couple times, who I guess is pretty far to the right politically. And then he puts my brother on it, my mom on it, my uncle on it, just a host of us.
Starting point is 01:18:06 And he starts sending these kind of like crazy sounding articles about where it says it's from WikiLeaks and it's about how big DT is going to overthrow a coup and put like Hillary in jail and that there's this whole military, he's going to have the military behind him and they're going to like uncover all these deep state people. And then, and my dad's like interesting and then my brother's like hey this is all bullshit don't send me this like those aren't real links dad um you need to trust better news sources and then this guy who i don't know that well comes in and he's like not good news sources a four-star general and a former fbi director
Starting point is 01:18:38 okay and then my brother goes it's not real and i guess antifa started some fires my brother goes you're wrong about steve you're wrong about antifa starting fires and you're wrong about this bullshit get it out of my thread and then my dad goes hey guys let's leave politics out of it my dad started the thread he started the thread i was like what are you talking about dude i was like you started the thread he's like yeah no i didn't want it to go like that i was like okay well this is a weird way to help it not go that way he just loves to throw a grenade into a room and just watch what happens dude i got a similar thing uh sent to me and i just plainly put like you know like kind of like your brother said these none of these stories are corroborated by any other news source get Get yourself a right news source. Go Fox.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Go MSNBC. Maybe that's more middle. Go CNN. If they're all three reporting it, you got something. If it's just this link, it's probably nothing, dude. It was pretty hilarious. Yeah, but you know what? It kicked up my Saturday.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I was kind of laughing the whole day. That's hilarious. And my mom was like, just me, oh, please, guys, end this now. Stop this thread what a fire move by your dad dude yeah he's a maniac interesting
Starting point is 01:19:51 Chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is this pro Call of Duty player Thomas Paparato he
Starting point is 01:20:01 this is kind of a sad story I read today and it hurt it made me sad so i uh i gotta pay homage to him um he's a professional call of duty player and he's been pretty much forced to retire because he had a thumb and wrist injury damn and he had surgery on his thumb uh but then like the pain came back and he's basically unable to play anymore because his thumb's fucked up and he's like 25 years old and he like basically can't compete at the level he used to of call of duty because of his thumb and uh i was just like damn dude that's tough
Starting point is 01:20:38 it's really hard you lose your thumb and you can't do like it's his passion he's been playing call of duty for like eight years competitively just not stop and uh you know just an injury takes him out and it's like you play video games you think you're pretty much safe from that but i don't know so i just wanted to you know give him a shout out let's like like, dude, I'll drop in with you anytime, and you'll probably get mad at how bad I am, but I just wanted you to know I support you and all your endeavors. Let's get a recon. Yeah, and if you don't play again, I feel super bad for you, dude. I hope you find another thing that brings you some solace.
Starting point is 01:21:24 But I'm hoping maybe he can do like a Def Leppard, like play with his other fingers thing. He can play. I think he can play still. Just not at the level. Just not at the level. I think his thumb's too messed up. Not yet.
Starting point is 01:21:35 Damn. Yeah. Not at the level yet. I'm still holding hope out for him. Tommy Caldwell style. Tommy Caldwell. Dude, you could be the next Tommy Caldwell.
Starting point is 01:21:43 Is that the guy that climbed the Don Wall? Yeah. But it's also okay if you're not. If you just gotta, you know, get right up here and accept it, that's cool too. Yeah. He said he'll always have Call of Duty a part of his life. Good man. That was a good one, dude. Thanks. Joe, who's your Baby of the Week?
Starting point is 01:21:59 My Baby of the Week is anybody who does physical labor for a living. Because I did it for eight hours today. And I've done a lot of physical labor jobs in my life, and I forgot how satisfying it feels to put in an honest, hard day's work like that. You just feel a great sense of accomplishment. And it's good exercise.
Starting point is 01:22:23 And it's a you know, it's good exercise. And it's, you know, it's a hard day's work. And, you know, it's very rewarding, I feel like. So anyone, like I used to shit on physical labor. Like I used to be like, oh, this sucks. But like now having not done it in a while and then doing it today was like, wow, this is work. And it feels good. Let's work. Good shit.
Starting point is 01:22:52 But not really. I don't want to do it that often. Maybe once a month. Strider, who's your babe of the week? Dude, my babe of the week's got to be my GF, dude. She freaking got this chair reupholstered that goes over into my desk area wow amazing she found found a perfect pink over at jones fabric and sunny loves hopping up on that chair dude it's his little throne and i just can't wait to get a freaking fire frame picture of like ob ocean beach in san diego over it we love that beach and um that's interesting
Starting point is 01:23:21 yeah because she lives in ocean beach in uh in college oh and then i was over in pb oh ocean i thought you meant san francisco sorry no ocean beach i was like i was like oh weird no that makes sense like right on the ocean yeah okay beautiful no dude continue yeah no we're not dude we're so cal for life dude nor cal dude yeah i was like i was kind of like i was like nor cal yeah i don't like it. Ocean Beach sucks ass. Yeah, no, dude. No, I'm not going NorCal, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Yeah, dude, maybe I want some blue bottle coffee, dude. I was going to do Joe. Is blue bottle coffee NorCal? I think it started in the Bay Area, yeah. But yeah, dude, just my GF, dude. Just my GF, dude, having a freaking fire eye, dude. Just doing it right, dude. So stoked on that, dude. Just my GF, dude. Having a freaking fire eye, dude. Just doing it right, dude. So stoked on that, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Never had anything re-impulsor before. It's a nice adult move, dude. If your dad's ever challenging you or asking you, hey, what do you got going on? What are you doing? You go, oh, I'm getting something re-impulsored. Whoa. That'll throw him for a look.
Starting point is 01:24:18 That'll catch him off guard. You know, knock him off balance. A new rack from there. Get him on skates. My baby of the week is, I've gotten into a habit of doing the dishes. And I've been getting some boost from it. And my favorite part is when you open the door and you get hit with that waft of just hot steam right in the grill. It's like you're getting a steam at the dermo.
Starting point is 01:24:40 I love it. Doing the dishes is very satisfying. Oh, it's a great feeling. Yeah. And I like it when it's nice and like pretty full in there. Yeah. And you pull them out and it just has that kind of like heavy thud noise. It's like doosh and then you hear them all jingle
Starting point is 01:24:51 a little bit. Yeah. Yeah, it's a nice little pile of dishes right there and they're all, they're just all spic and span. Just ready to put some takeout on them. Let's go. Fun little game of how many you can get in there. I can push it a little bit. I can get this, I can get this strainer in there. Great scene.
Starting point is 01:25:06 Put the mugs under it. Rachel getting married. The groom-to-be and the dad of the bride, they race to see who can put more dishes in the dishwasher. Love it. Great stand-up sex scene in that movie as well. Really? Yeah, very good.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Very intense, yeah. What movie? Rachel getting married. Anne Hathaway. The late, great Jonathan Demme, the director. Billy Irwin. Written by Sidney Lumetstar. What do you remember about Bill Irwin in that movie?
Starting point is 01:25:30 You made a great call. Bro, his cry face. He's got one of the best cry faces in the game. Unbelievable cry face. Just a man cry face. But he gets big with it. Sometimes he gets really intense. He goes...
Starting point is 01:25:39 Trained clown, that guy. Clowning, dude. Clowner. He's a clowner. Him and Steve-Oo what's the great quote from that movie from the toast may i live may you guys live forever what is it um i hope i live to be a hundred oh no i hope you guys i hope you guys are happy together for a hundred years and me a hundred minus one so i never know i have to know beautiful people like you are gone
Starting point is 01:25:59 there's a lot of good ones from that toast. It's a multicultural dream. What were you going to say? Strider, you should write a stand-up sex scene in a movie for yourself. I think you would nail it. Thank you. I think you doing stand-up sex. Strider doing stand-up sex is like, that's like your godfather. Dude, I appreciate you saying that. maybe some nice churro scar lighting maybe my body lit darkly maybe her body a powerful you know maybe she comes out from the dark
Starting point is 01:26:33 yeah hops right up on me i catch her in a nice and jt's giving me the 35 so she could easily yeah get right up there some 45s too dude i'm scared of those pops dude well because you have such powerful thrusts thank Thank you. So I think if we could see like your ass jiggle from you know how powerful they are. Not just like jiggling but just like
Starting point is 01:26:55 cause you're just like and like it just ripples because it's so there's so much torque. Dude I would happily write this scene. I feel like you have to direct this. Yeah. I mean it sounds like you already have a I feel like you have to direct this. Yeah. I mean, it sounds like you already have a vision for it. You gotta direct it. The low angles to capture,
Starting point is 01:27:11 I mean. You just felt the weight. Are you for real right now? Of course. I'd be honored. You let me direct your stand-up sex scene? And then I'd love Joe to be my stunt cock. I don't want to let the viewers down with the tiny little dink that I have. And then JT. Script supervisor. Exactly, 100%. He'd look over the artistic choices. Last time you had I don't want to let the viewers down with a tiny little dink that I have and then JT script supervisor exactly 100% He'd be artistic choice last time you had seven pumps and in this take it was eight pumps, so I mean make a choice
Starting point is 01:27:33 Inconsistent yeah We do need Strider to come right now in this first setup even though We've got about six more hours of shooting you got to come in the wide So you're really gonna be faking in the close-ups This is the establishing shot so you have to give the the facial expressions Just but that asked them they give that torque your hand was on her hand was on your left Ass cheek in the last one and on this one it was on the right ass cheek So I don't know which one you want to go with but we got to pick one
Starting point is 01:28:02 last one and on this one it was on the right ass cheek so I don't know which one you want to go with but we got to pick one. Alright we're going to do a tracking shot. We're just going to cover your face this entire time. We're going to JL Fisher right under Strider's legs on this one dude. Upward angle. Just try to
Starting point is 01:28:19 Dude that was a nice thing of you to say dude. Dude thank you man. Joe scoot in a little thing of you to say, dude. Dude, thank you, man. Joe, scoot in a little bit because you're kind of not in frame totally. Yeah. There we go. Dude, any time, man. I know I just felt it in my being. I was like, this came from somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:28:41 This came from like a divine. Genuine inspo. Intelligencepo intelligence yeah muses yeah that was i was in flow state and in flow state i realized strider doing stand-up sex is oscar worthy beast chad who's your uh legend of the week uh my legend of the week is my urologist. I don't know if I want to say his real name. I'll say Dr. Novid. Just a beast, you know. We were talking about this the other day or something.
Starting point is 01:29:23 It was just one of the most vulnerable moments of my life in fifth grade when my nut was like the size of a tangerine and i had to get surgery so they could untwist it because you know i had a twisted nut and uh i was on the operating table and you know you're a fifth grader i hadn't hit puberty yet um little did i know my dong wouldn't even grow. But, you know, it's like you're on the operating table. It's cold. You're wearing a gown. And they're about to start surgery. And they're about to put you under and give you the anesthesia. And they start giving me the anesthesia.
Starting point is 01:30:00 And they're, like, counting down. They're like, all right, count down 10, 9. me the anesthesia and they're like counting down they're like all right countdown 10 9 as soon as i start counting down they just like rip open my gown and expose my my hog to like six nurses who were just staring at it but as i was i was fine and typically that would be a terrifying experience because you know nurses are just looking at your your your basically your you know your're bellend and you're a huge ball that's like twice the size of your shaft
Starting point is 01:30:31 but then I stared into my urologist eyes and he was just like I'm gonna fix your nut dude and that meant a lot and that gave me faith in future surgical procedures hopefully I don't have to
Starting point is 01:30:47 have any but you know that was a good jumping off point surgery wise for me nice Joe who's your legend of the week uh similar well not similar but
Starting point is 01:31:03 in the same medical field as well my i went last week had uh i have to have earwax removed like once a year oh interesting yeah it builds up and uh the nurse i love the nurse that does it she's so good at doing it just uh it's like it's like a what do you like shoot like a water it's like a feel like they shoot like a water. It feels like they're shooting a water gun into your ear, and it just gets it all out and cleans it. And it feels so good, too. It's very soothing. A lavage.
Starting point is 01:31:34 And I just feel so you can hear better. You feel good. You even sleep better because you start to get dizzy if you get too much wax and i just i felt i felt great since uh since i've had it done so it's good it doesn't hurt at all sometimes you feel a little bit of pressure but uh it doesn't really hurt no it seems to be pretty safe i might do that just get cleaned out yeah it's good to do especially if you feel I mean with me I'll start to feel
Starting point is 01:32:10 symptoms like if I lay down and I start to like feel a little bit dizzy then I know it's like wax is building up yeah it can knock off your balance and stuff right yeah it'll give you vertigo if it's if it's bad so crazy Strider who's your ledge of the week dude my legend of
Starting point is 01:32:27 the week's got to be my landlord pamela she's the best dude she's an angeleno dude from day once rare you meet someone who's like actually from la you know living in a city of transplants and she's so cool when me and my gf got our dog there is a dog deposit in our building it's like 500 bones she is not charged us it she doesn't care she loves our dog she's obsessed with sunny i'm walking sunny the other day she goes what's his favorite type of tree i was like i love these dental bones i hear a knock on my door today and there's a dental bone sitting at our door nice so nice of her dude just stepping up doing that and then on top that, she does have a bit of a temper, and I hear her yelling at her grandson sometime who lives in the building.
Starting point is 01:33:08 And she always yells, and she adds ass to every swear word. She goes, get your damn ass stuff out of the way. What is this shit-ass stuff doing down here? Dude, it's hilarious. Yeah, I love that. She adds ass to every, like, swear phrase. I'm like, I don't know why she does that, but it's so gold, dude. Yeah, that's awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:29 She's a legend, dude. Dude, my legend of the week is the two leads on Bridgerton. Have you guys watched this show? It's like Pride and Prejudice times. It's like people trying to get married in like Elizabethan. That's the right one, right? Maybe Victorian. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:33:43 Victorian. That's what it is. England. Married and like Elizabethan. That's the right one, right? Maybe Victorian. I don't know. Victorian. That's what it is.
Starting point is 01:33:44 England. And the twist on it is that there's more equality there. So a lot of the leads are black. So it's kind of like Hamilton, but they spun it into that universe. And it's really good. Like the lead is this like really handsome black dude. But he plays everything kind of like rigidly. And his character is just always like this.
Starting point is 01:34:03 Like, it is because I love you with all my heart that I literally can never see you again it's always like that kind of conflict like it'd be so easy for them just to be together
Starting point is 01:34:12 but they gotta keep them apart so he's always just saying that he can't be with her because he's just so into her which is so frustrating but for some reason it's like the best TV but also
Starting point is 01:34:20 the boning on the show is really good oh nice oh cool they got good boning. Yeah. Nudity? Yeah, nudity.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Whoa. Some boobs and some male butt. Nothing too crazy. It's like what you'd like. I think movies stop having as much nudity when porn really got popular because it was kind of like, you know, in capitalism, I think after outsourcing, it gets to specialization. And that's where we were at. Like, it was just such specialization in porn.
Starting point is 01:34:43 And so movies were like, we don't really need to have sex anymore but I think I kind of miss having just like not something that's like you're gonna schwack it to but just like fun sex in a movie and I think Bridgerton really hits it love that and it's a fun show it's a very fun show that's great Chad who's your quote of the
Starting point is 01:35:00 week or what's your quote of the week rather my quote of the week comes from Bill O'Reilly we're doing it live fuck it Who's your quote of the week or what's your quote of the week rather? My quote of the week comes from Bill O'Reilly. We're doing it live. Fuck it. We're doing it live. I'll write it and we'll do it live. Fucking thing sucks.
Starting point is 01:35:23 Is that the full quote from that? I think so. Yeah. That was hilarious. Thanks. That inspired me. I think I'm gonna change mine to a similar thing. Joe. My friend Joe sent me a bunch of cool quotes.
Starting point is 01:35:35 I'm trying to decide which one I'll go with today. I like this one. This is from Michelle DeMontagne. Okay. DeMontagne. Nobody? Yeah. Say DeMontagne. That sounds French.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Yeah, I think it's Michelle DeMontagne. Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself. It's pretty good. I don't know what it others, but give yourself to yourself. It's pretty good. I don't know what it means, but, you know, not bad. Sounds, you know, for me, I think I'm drilling myself. But then sometimes you've got to make love. Okay, yeah, yeah. I think you're right.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Strider, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week, it's not from any sort of media or anything like that just is oh this happened to me today when I was walking the dog, this dude with a suitcase it looked like he was going to the airport in like a rush or something, we're on the sidewalk
Starting point is 01:36:37 and he goes on the grass and Sonny was kind of taking up a lot of the sidewalk and I was going to move out of the way once I passed these hedges and go into like a driveway. And the guy just, savage move, takes his suitcase, starts walking for like probably, I would say 15 feet on the grass, rolling his suitcase on the grass,
Starting point is 01:36:54 very aggressive move. Then sees me go into the driveway, like once that he did it, because he didn't think I was going to move. And he goes, oh! But it was like, and it sounds like more aggressive or down, but he was like pleased move. And he goes, oh. But it was like, and it sounds like more aggressive or down, but he was like pleased that I was going to actually move.
Starting point is 01:37:08 And it was like, huh. Just this very strange, charming interaction from this guy. I was quite tickled by that. Oh. I'm going to start doing that. Oh, because he didn't expect you to get out of the way? Yeah. Probably he looked at me, you know, young guy, poofy haircut, dog, distracted.
Starting point is 01:37:26 He was charmed. Yeah. That's nice. Chad, will you do my quote of the week in the same kind of tenor that you did the last one? This is Mike Gundy's famous interview from Oklahoma State. Oh, yeah. Where he's mad at a newspaper for trashing one of his players. Yeah, this is classic.
Starting point is 01:37:39 Can you take it from here down? Are you sure you don't want to do it? No, because I think you got the tone for it right. Are you kidding me? Where want to do it? No, because I think you got the tone for it right. Are you kidding me? Where are we at in society today? Come after me. I'm a man. I'm 40. I'm not... I'm not a kid. Write something about me or our coaches. Don't write about a kid that does everything right that's heart's broken. And then said that the coaches he said he was scared that ain't true then to say that we made that decision because donovan woods because he
Starting point is 01:38:10 threatened to transfer that's not true so get your facts straight and i hope someday you have a child and somebody be downgrades him and belittles him and you have to look him in the eye and say you know what it's okay they're supposed to be mature adults but they're really not who's the kid here who's the kid here are you kidding me that's all i gotta say makes me want to puke nice he said it with a lot more anger and it was a lot funnier the way because he uh i really like that version yeah that was pretty like a poetic way that was like if he would have done it like that i think it would have actually moved his way yeah do you want to do his way joe sounds very sensible yeah the way
Starting point is 01:38:54 he did it was like come after me i'm a man i'm 40 that's how he did it can you say makes me want to puke like that I forgot that he said that he goes makes me want to puke makes me want to puke Mike Gundy that was the big soundbite from him I'm a man I'm 40 I'm 40 classic line
Starting point is 01:39:20 now he's got a big ass mullet he's really leaned into it Chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Is that Strider having stand-up sex over there? Dude, I have a thought. I don't know if you want to do it for the podcast, but if you could demonstrate your form. If you're looking at the wall so we can just see your ass. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:39:46 But I don't know if you want to do that. But if you do, I think it'd be funny, but I don't know if it's appropriate. I don't know. What do you guys think?
Starting point is 01:39:55 If you could do what? Demonstrate my stand-up sex form? Yeah, I don't think that's inappropriate. I mean, for the YouTube viewers, I don't think it's going to get blocked. You know, it's not made for kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:03 You always used to say you're all calves, right? 100%. That's where these thrusts are coming from This wait, so I think you're facing the wall so we can just see see your uh, see your ass I think you're so tall you would have to like hold the chair less shoulders more just lower body
Starting point is 01:40:32 yeah that's better that's better I love you so much bring the hand down a little bit yeah right there's good and more sort of like like you're
Starting point is 01:40:42 really working it in I feel like you're taking a piss. Yeah, like maybe do like a mini squat each time you rest. Love you so much. Love you so much. Love you so much. So much. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:41:06 So much. Still good. Thanks, man. Sorry, I know that was weird. Joe, what's your physical? You should get after it. I'm not good. It's rough.
Starting point is 01:41:25 Pass the lotion. I don't know, dude. It's rushed. Pass the lotion. I don't know. Sorry. Well, no, because my hands are so dry, so just pass me the lotion. Let's keep our skin hydrated. Strider, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Mine comes from what JT said earlier, which really tickled me. You're going to have to come in the wide.
Starting point is 01:41:51 My phrase of the week for getting after it is... Man, I'll have one. What's the one I like? Rubbin's Racin' from Days of Thunder. Rubbin's Racin'? Rubbin's Racin'. Oh, yeah. Cold trickle what does it mean?
Starting point is 01:42:06 just means hey sometimes it's contact sport life well that's how I've extrapolated already into a metaphor in the movie it just means
Starting point is 01:42:12 sometimes the cars hit each other when they're going fast you rub up along the side of the vehicle and it's aggressive but it's part of racing baby
Starting point is 01:42:21 I mean they're side by side at 180 miles an hour you gotta have a lot of trust in the other drivers that they won't do something dumb cause that could cost you your life But it's part of racing, baby. I mean, they're side by side at 180 miles an hour. Yeah. You got to have a lot of trust in the other drivers that they won't do something dumb because that could cost you your life. You're trusting everybody on that track that they're professionals. I got to watch that movie again. It's so good.
Starting point is 01:42:35 Good movie. I'm not tonight. I'm not tonight. It's you. Aaron, anything you want to say? I'm good. Nice. All right, dudes.
Starting point is 01:42:52 That was fun. That was really fun, yeah. Love it. Thanks, guys. Yeah. All right. Thank you, dudes. Legends, dude.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Love when we can get together and do this. Truly a stoke-inducing thing. Absolutely. Always good, yeah. Do you guys want to give the final sign-off? Yeah, have you been listening to Going Deep, Chad and JT? All right, boys.
Starting point is 01:43:14 There it is. Oh, sorry. No, I'm just... Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, there's always the half-hearted side. You go and see.
Starting point is 01:44:03 You go and see. We'll see you next time.

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