Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 174 - Movie Producer Brad Fuller Joins

Episode Date: February 18, 2021

What up Stokers, we've got one of our favs, Brad Fuller on the pod. We talk about Hollywood, actions stars, and life.    Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​   Sp...onsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's your dream fire up the pan and fillet the fish what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep and chad jt podcast guys before we I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because I know it doesn't feel like it in the majority of the country right now, but spring is right around the corner. And you know what spring calls for
Starting point is 00:00:45 spring cleaning and that does not just pertain to dust bunnies that pertains to your pubes brad are you doing spring cleaning i didn't think about that but that's definitely true and yeah and it's hard to think about spring being right around the corner with the weather the way it is but you're absolutely right yeah now's the time to prepare for that. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. It's never too early to start preparing for Cabo. Even during COVID, I don't know if you, you know, still get ready.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Even if you want that mindset of spring. Yeah. Get those pubes right. For sure. Yeah. A man for all seasons. Absolutely. So use code good.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Or a woman. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. Yeah. This is not just dudes. You know, we're... Everyone can trim their pubes. Everyone has pubes.
Starting point is 00:01:29 A little known secret. Yeah, a little factoid for you young buckers out there. Yeah. So use code GODEAP20 at mainscape.com to prepare for spring. All right, I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom. Clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:01:42 And we're here for the third time, I believe, besides Strider and Joe, you're our most frequent guest. What an honor. Thank you. I love coming. I'd come every week if you'd have me. Well, you're a fan favorite. I think we check the threads and Brad Fuller's behind Strider and Joe.
Starting point is 00:02:01 That's the most common name. They are the best guests. I mean, they really are. I love listening to them. I go you above them. You do? Yeah. Thanks, JT. I love those guys, too. I love them, too. You know, I see them all the time. Yeah, it's boring for... Yeah, I get it.
Starting point is 00:02:16 You're used to it. Yeah, I see Joe all the time. I basically get what's going to happen. He's going to yell at me about something. Right now, he says I got his mugs. He says I lost two of his mugs. Because he saw me here. He has a Comedy Store mug and he saw me on a video drinking a Comedy Store mug here.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And he's like, you brought it to the podcast. And then you lost it. I'm like, dude, it's all things comedy. They have Comedy Store. Like Brenton, who works here, works at the Comedy Store. I'm like, it's just they've made more than one of those mugs. He goes, nope, that was my mug. Why don't you just get him another mug?
Starting point is 00:02:49 I should, I should. I will. That's the move. I got him one. I got him one from my friend Jay Saver. You guys buy his stuff that says, don't speak to me until I've had my cup of cum this morning. That's disgusting. Right.
Starting point is 00:03:00 So Joe doesn't want to drink out of it. No, I don't blame him. It's a great mug. Jay's a really talented artist. If you need help with a Comedy Store mug, I might be able to help you. Yeah, you got some connects over there, right? I do. I met my wife there.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Did you know that? I met my wife at the Comedy Store. Yeah. So you were a single guy, a man about town? I wouldn't say I was a man about town, but I was certainly single. I think we've had this. I think you've rebuffed me on that before. So where would you rank yourself in terms of your man about town-ness?
Starting point is 00:03:27 Not very high at all. Was dating tough for you? No, but I was always monogamous in like a serious relationship. That's awesome. Yeah. So that always made me feel good. You were monogamous even from like your teens on? Well, there were moments when I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:03:42 But for the most part, yeah, I always liked having a serious relationship. You were a girlfriend guy. I was, yeah. And your sons are kind of the same way, right? They are, yeah. Paxton is less so. Paxton is more of a man about town. Cameron is closer to me in that respect.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Do you get a vicarious thrill from seeing Paxton kind of work his mojo? You know, I get a vicarious thrill from seeing Paxton be happy. Right. And I know when he comes in, because he moved out now I know when he comes in that, because he moved out now. So when he comes in the house and he's got that big grin, you know, he's enjoying not living in our house and having a good time. So that gives me a big thrill. That's nice.
Starting point is 00:04:15 That's cool. He's a charismatic dude. Yeah, I think so too. He's got that. He's a spark plug. Yeah, for sure. It's funny. One of my buddies was like really struggling during COVID.
Starting point is 00:04:24 He was like lovesick over a girl. And he was calling all of us a couple hours a night being like, I can't live without her, man. I'm fucked up. And he started getting crazy drinking and stuff so he could sleep and not think about her. And it got a little scary. And he had been seeing this girl for years casually while he would call us and say he was in love with other girls that he was trying to see. So she was always kind of his backup, backup plan a little bit, or like his like, you know, backbone. But he had other things he was into.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And then he was like, no, I'm in love with her. And we're like, dude, you're not in love with her. You're just worried about losing her, blah, blah, blah. He does a standup show. He invites her. He invites another girl. And he's flirting with the other girl in front of the girl he said he was in love with. And then I go up to him like, bro, are you really, you said you were in love with this
Starting point is 00:05:07 girl for months. You were like crying over her. Then you invite another girl out and like flirt with her in front of the other girl you're supposed to be in love with. He's like, no, I'm not doing that. I'm not doing that. But then I looked at him. I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:05:16 I've never seen you happier. But it sounds like you should go to Talkspace.com. Hey, that could work. Yeah. Don't you think? He hasn't confided in me. We're not as close of friends, but I've heard from not just JT, but numerous sources that are like, yeah, this guy came over to talk to me about this.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I'm like, that's weird because he came over to JT's the night before to talk about that. But he's the greatest guy. He's a great guy. He's super funny, too. He did seem sort of like jazzed up. He's like, I got to tell you something. I got a situation on my hands. I really fucked up big time at this show.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Right. But I think it all turned out okay. No, he's having a good time. Sounds like he's not very good at compartmentalizing his emotional issues. Yeah, I think that runs the gamut for most stand-ups. Yeah. Right. Kind of roller coasters.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Right. Sure. That's fuel. That's fuel. I guess it is, yeah. Yeah. Right. Kind of roller coasters. Right. Sure. Yeah. That's fuel. I guess it is. Yeah. Yeah. I was just reading the Jessica Simpson book.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Took me forever to read. And John Mayer basically would date her and then break up with her and then just kind of without much reason why. And she ends up thinking that it's because it fuels his music better like he can do his like heartbreak songs oh that's interesting yeah the more he's unfortunate that he had to rely on another human being to get that creative yeah it's fuel source
Starting point is 00:06:34 but uh and then Picasso is like the same way yeah I mean a lot of artists right for sure yeah I mean you must see it firsthand right I've seen a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean there are a lot of people who thrive on drama for sure. Both sides to you guys and gals. For sure. Yeah, absolutely. And you can see it happening. It's like a car crash about to happen, but for some reason, sometimes
Starting point is 00:06:57 people don't see it when it's them. You find that? I do. I just wonder if they like the car crash. They might. I don't get that, though. No, I know. That's why I love you. Yeah. I want to avoid every car crash. And that's why I love Chad, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm the same way. I like to just smooth sail through life. I'm just like, well, I don't know. But it causes problems for me, you know, because, you know, if you're too nice to people, you don't want to, like, you know, talk about the hard stuff or whatever, confront the issue. Then you just delay it and then it blows up in your face. Every single time. Yeah. Nothing good comes from delaying a conversation that needs to happen.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It never gets better. It only gets worse. Yeah. And by the way, not just in relationships, in work, too. I mean, when you have to deliver bad news, it's not easier tomorrow. Yeah. You only lose one more night of sleep, so it's worse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But how many, but do you also think, is there a lot of problems that fix themselves just by you? Like, because I think sometimes, and Chad has helped me a ton with this, is like a problem will come up and I'm like, man, we got to like get on top of this thing and we got to confront this thing. And then Chad will kind of be like, let's just like wait and see a little bit. And then oftentimes it'll correct itself just through time. Well, sure. That happens. But as many times as that's happened, I'll give you an example. So I produced a movie a long time ago and we had an actor who played a role who was
Starting point is 00:08:23 actually a friend of mine and he's a well-known actor and he did a fantastic job in the movie, I thought. I loved him in the movie. And the studio said to us, we want to recast that role. It was two scenes. We want to recast that role and we want to reshoot it. And I didn't tell the actor because I believed the person that the studio chose was so much worse that there was no way that that was going to exist in the movie. I just felt like someone was having a bad day,
Starting point is 00:08:50 said, I don't like that actor. Let's put someone else in it. And then when push came to shove, they would say, well, no, the first guy is much better. We'll go with him. So I never told the actor that that happened, that we reshot his scene with another actor. And when he found out, he has never spoke. That was 15 years ago. He's never talked to me since. And I was hoping that it would play out the way you said, JT, where it'll work itself out. It did not work itself out.
Starting point is 00:09:14 And I lost a relationship with someone who I really liked, this actor I really liked. When did he find? He wasn't at the premiere, was he? No. This movie luckily didn't have a premiere. It was horrible. But I think he heard from an agent. Those type of things do get out eventually.
Starting point is 00:09:29 They just do. And so what I try and do now is I try and just be transparent to the, probably to my own peril, but I try and be transparent as much as I can. Yeah. I find issues with people wanting you to do things, you know, like a podcast, for example. It's weird that we're on a podcast right now, but people ask you to do a podcast, but you know that they can be problematic and they're just the way they are. You know, and you're like, this is a friend of mine, but like, you know, there's stuff like that where I'm learning now just to say, like, ah, blanket, I don't do any podcasts.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Just because it's like, how do you... How do you articulate this to someone? Yeah, how do you say, like, it's scary out there, dude. Or hey, man, I don't want you to change who you are, but who you are doesn't jive with how I'm trying to represent myself. Yeah, exactly. You're kind of a dumbass. No, I just tell people this is the only podcast I do.
Starting point is 00:10:28 It is. I've never done another podcast. I don't. Yeah. I don't. Honored advocate. No, this is a comfortable place. It feels safe and you guys are...
Starting point is 00:10:36 There's no... It doesn't feel like you guys have any angle or an agenda that you want me to come on here and throw things out there that are gonna get me in trouble later. We're long playing it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna get you on episode... Your We're long playing it. Yeah. Yeah Your 30th appearance, okay By then, you know There's not that much on that movie that was a great just straight down the middle yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:10:59 That's interesting too with the I don't know the information stuff like how information can leak from it because it feels that's very, I don't know, maybe that's true in all businesses, but it seems happens a lot in entertainment. Well, there's so much commerce in having information that other people don't have. That's currency. And so. That's Wall Street. That's what Gordon Gekko says. The ultimate currency is information, right? So when someone learned that I had cast a different
Starting point is 00:11:25 actor to play with this guy's role that's something you want to tell the actor and if I would have played it right and I would have said hey listen studio didn't like it we went with another actor I believe in you and I'm gonna do everything I can to keep you in the movie and if I can't I'll call you and that's how I would handle it today mm-hmm but that's not how I handled it big information they should do like we had a family friend who I adore. I love him. But he would, he used, he'd get close to people, find out their secrets, and then he'd get close to other people by sharing those secrets with other people, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:55 And he was like a fun guy to have around. So everyone would be like, would let him get close. And then he kind of used like intimate knowledge of people as his like currency to, with other people. Seems kind of devious, doesn't it? Yeah, it was, but I don't think he was conscious that he did it. You know what I mean? So you couldn't really, I mean, you could, you could ask him to like get out of your
Starting point is 00:12:15 life, but I don't think you could really like, it didn't really make sense to like be like, Hey, do you understand that you're doing this? Cause I don't even think it was so deeply woven into How he right into who he was? but But he should have just gone to entertainment And I'll do it sometimes do like I love finding out like, you know, like stuff, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's you do get like a little But when you have something great when you have great information, it does it feels great
Starting point is 00:12:43 It does yeah, you call your baby. do you want to believe what I just heard? Right. Yeah. And there are those moments when you actually have something that other people don't know. Feels good. It does. But then you have to be careful because it's all built on trust also. And whoever told you that, you don't want it ever coming back.
Starting point is 00:13:00 So it's a balancing act. Yeah. You got to be smart about it because like i think my our our friend wasn't clever enough doesn't sound like he was discriminating it was he'd learn anything about anybody and tell anyone else and he couldn't hold it for very long and then it's like oh it was out right yeah but you kind of you're like no this is what i'm gonna hold yeah sometimes there's more power in holding. Totally. Yeah. When you first got into the business, did you have a certain
Starting point is 00:13:30 level of naivete that sort of got shattered as you went along? How's your approach from the beginning? You can call it naivete and getting shattered, but I basically just got just, it was horrible.
Starting point is 00:13:45 My first five years were just... I mean, it was just horrible. I mean, I was in a training program at an agency, and, you know, back then, it was not uncommon for my boss, who had a Rolodex. I don't know if you know what a Rolodex is, but basically it looks like a Pirelli tire,
Starting point is 00:14:03 and it had every phone number in it. And she had one on her desk and I had an identical one on mine. And she would say, get me so-and-so. And if it took me too long to flip to get to the card, she'd throw the Rolodex at me. So it only took me a couple months. And I just memorized every number in the Rolodex because I didn't want her to throw it at me. And she would throw pencils at me. Like if I gave her an answer she didn't like, she would take pencils and break them and throw them at me.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I mean, it was really brutal. My experience was brutal. And it doesn't, that doesn't, that stuff doesn't happen now, thankfully. But back when I, in the 80s when I was coming up, that was very common. That was tame. I feel like it still happens, right? It can't. That stuff can't happen now.
Starting point is 00:14:51 It's just too, you know, social media has changed everything. And I think in some ways it has made everyone rethink the way that they're treating other people, which is a great thing. And I think that it makes you accountable. If you do lash out in the back of your head, you have to think, you know what, this isn't the right way to treat a human being. And if I'm doing that, I am putting my career in peril. And people have, and you watch it every day. People are getting canceled every day.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I think people are better at the optics of it, but I don't know. I just feel like power just corrupts. Absolutely right. You know, like I, it's a weird analogy, but in high school, the prettiest girls were always the most popular freshman year. But then by the time you got to senior year, the nicest girls became the most popular girls because they had actually burnt the least amount of bridges. And all the pretty girls had dated the same guys or had just been kind of... And probably with dudes too. I just noticed it with girls.
Starting point is 00:15:45 It was just like, they just kind of burned bridges. But then by the end of senior years, the nice girls were just as, as evil, like a notch below, but like still kind of went through the same kind of like, uh, like to me, I used to say instead of power, I'd be like popularity corrupts. Absolutely. Well, listen, I mean, I think that there is something to what you're saying. But inversely, in Hollywood, much of anyone's value in Hollywood is their proximity to someone else that people want to get to. So if you're the biggest asshole in the world, but you represent the biggest star in the world, there's no consequence necessarily for that.
Starting point is 00:16:26 star in the world, there's no consequence necessarily for that until someone comes out and says, this person did this and hurt me in a wrong way. And then suddenly people turn on you. That didn't used to happen. That was not the case 10 or 15 years ago. That's good. I think it is good. That's nice. I do think it's good.
Starting point is 00:16:41 It's a, it's a, it is a better, it's, it's actually a corporate environment. Whereas it used to be kind of like the Wild West So did you do you still are you still friends with that boss? He used to check shitty Um, I don't talk to her as much but it's not because she used to chuck shit at me because I learned a ton from her I really did she taught me a lot. I just I really did. She taught me a lot. I just, our careers don't, you know, if she called me, I would take the, I'd love to talk to her if she wanted to put. Just life took you in different directions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So. How did you adapt to that? Like, did you learn to just laugh at it? Like, how do you?
Starting point is 00:17:23 No, it was devastating. I wish I could tell you that I had great coping skills. All I remember is every Sunday night I would go to bed covered in sweat, dreading Monday morning. And I'm just so grateful that I don't go to sleep that way anymore. I mean, I'm just so grateful because I literally, like Sunday was dreading Sunday night, which was dreading Monday morning. But I wasn't in it alone. And the people that I became friends with at that point in my career, I'm still friends with now. And it was kind of like it was our own shared war-like experience. Do you think that young professionals now are losing something because they're not subjected to, yeah, having shit thrown at them? Well, listen, you know, I don't know because I try and think about, I guess the skill that it taught me that kids today aren't getting is it taught me to keep my head cool under pressure.
Starting point is 00:18:14 When things are flying towards you, if you can keep your shit together, that's probably a good skill to have in the entertainment business. to have in the entertainment business. But, you know, I think that we all, you know, we all have to adapt and the business is different now than it was. And fortunately, I don't think that a lot of people have to deal with that. And I don't think that if you can't treat your assistant poorly, then the system, then it stops like that. That cycle of abuse actually, I think, stops, which I believe is better for the business. Totally.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah. But when you mentioned it, I was like, I did grab to that detail where you're like, I memorized every number in the Rolodex. Yeah. And I was like, well, it might not have. For sure. You might not have had the motivation for that had you not had. But it's not.
Starting point is 00:19:01 But then maybe there's a cost to that, too. For me, J jt there was a horrible cost i mean i i hated my life it was really bad and maybe do you think it could have like hamstrung like you in other ways too like i think if if i'm in a place where like i worked an office job and i wanted to be like a creative person at the bit at the company but i wasn't in a no one saw me that way. And I think one of the hardest things was when I started to believe I was the person that they saw me as.
Starting point is 00:19:30 You know what I mean? That's not right, which is not ideal. That's not ideal. Yeah. And they weren't even being, they were hard on me, but as hard as they would have been on anyone in that job. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:41 So, but that was probably the hardest part about it was like, I was like, oh, like maybe I do have these limitations that these people think I have. But then what I realized is it probably just wasn't the right job for me. Right. And that's what I realized. I just suck at fixing printers and shit. Right. And I realized I don't want to be an agent.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Right. Because that culture is not a culture that I'm comfortable living in. Did you have friends who were totally cut out for it? A hundred percent. And they're doing great. It is fun. Like when you meet an agent who's like meant to be an agent. I love guys like that. Yeah. They fire me up. Yeah. I remember when we, when we met our agents for the first time, there's one guy and there's one guy in like the room who had just a total,
Starting point is 00:20:19 like just the epitome of what you think, like Hollywood agent. He's like, yeah, we can take care of that. And it just like fired me up for like a week. I'm like, that was, cause I'm just so the opposite. Right. He had this cocky face the whole time. He's like,
Starting point is 00:20:30 yeah. And he was kind of quiet. And then I was like, is it really hard to like transition like contacts from one place to another? He goes, it's very easy. He said it with all this like arrogant gromit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:42 But me and Chad afterwards were like, that was fucking awesome. That's cool though. Yeah. That's super cool. Yeah. But me and Chad afterwards were like, that was fucking awesome. That's cool though. Yeah. That's super cool. Yeah. I've always admired that. It just, just the people who have that kind of unflinching kind of confidence.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I'm just like, how do you cultivate that? I think they're born with it. It doesn't come from having Rolodex. It's got to be. Yeah. And they're pumping themselves up in the bathroom. They're throwing water on their face like, you got this. You can do it.
Starting point is 00:21:07 You're the man. You're the man. Give them the show. Fake it till you believe it. Right, right, right, right. You guys love your agent. Dude. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:21:15 He's a great guy. All our reps. Andrew Kenward, killer. Yeah, and our managers, also killers. Great guys. That's great. And our accountant, too. She's been incredible.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yeah. That's been a huge. Got a strong team. Yeah. Not to flex to the audience, but our team. We're's been incredible. Yeah. That's been a huge. Got a strong team. Yeah. Not to flex to the audience better. We're just fired up on them. Yeah. I'm sorry for flexing, but we're just fired up.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Is that flexing? I asked the question. I don't know that you're flexing. No. Yeah. I may just be being sensitive. But by the way, people listen to this podcast because they are interested in your life. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah. Good call. I think. That's why I listen. Yeah. Yeah. It's nice. They're all awesome. They're all. Yeah. Great. Yeah. I think that's why I listen. Yeah. Yeah, it's nice. They're all awesome. They're all great. Truly. And then, you know what I was thinking about? I'm like embarrassed now. I'm like, all right, let's segue out of that. You should push us more in that direction.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I think it's healthy. We do love talking about it. Yeah. If we're not on mic we probably talk about it all day yeah um but i i was thinking about this the other day like so assistants are on the phone they're on all the calls right yes so you totally forget about that you forget when you're talking to like your agent or your manager that there's two or three assistants on every call listening and then the first 10 of the first 10 minutes of every call is kind of just talking shit. You know what I mean? Yep. Or it feels like it's like mandatory.
Starting point is 00:22:28 Like it's like, hey, we can't get straight into this. We got to, you know, make some jokes. But you're like, then I always remember, I'm like, there's other people listening. Well, first of all, that's true. And you should always be aware that there are other people listening because there always are. But the other part of it is when you're assistant, you're doing so many things at once. So, right, you're responding to emails for your boss.
Starting point is 00:22:50 You're responding to requests from your clients. So you're listening, but you get to the place after doing it for a couple months where you're selectively listening for what your boss wants you to do. Make sure I call so-and-so, send the email, then they'll say that on the call. But the other stuff for me, it just kind of, just through survival, I needed to be so efficient with my time that if they're just bullshitting, I kind of just checked out and did my work. Right. And so, but that doesn't mean that they're not on the phone and that that's definitely something to be aware of. I tend not to have anyone on my calls anymore. I just don't need an assistant on the phone and that that's definitely something to be aware of. I tend not to have anyone on my calls anymore. Interesting. I just don't need an assistant on the phone and I don't... it's just one less thing to worry about. If I
Starting point is 00:23:34 need to tell my assistant something while I'm on a call, I'll just text them, which wasn't available to me, which wasn't available when I was an assistant. I'll just send them a text and say, do this or do that. But I don't want people listening on my calls. Do you even think about it? I do. Well, just because I'm dating an assistant. So I've watched her work and I'm just aware of it. Does she check?
Starting point is 00:23:54 But she's listening, but she's also doing a lot of other stuff. She's exactly what you're describing. Yeah, she's multitasking. I've been in the room and, you know, just because she's working from home because of COVID. And it's all kind of, she's barely listening. Right. Like it's just, she's working from home because of coven and it's all kind of she's barely listening right like it's just she's just trying to schedule everything and just emails and it's just non-stops and honestly i think we're pretty wholesome but yeah but i assure you there are many who aren't no that's what i'm thinking about i'm like i'm like people are just
Starting point is 00:24:19 letting it rip and i'm like i'm like i don't know it's i think they forget it's almost like on the real world where you get used to the cameras being there. Yeah. You just stop noticing. Right. And I feel like they're so used to being on these calls. And you never hear, you never, ever hear the assistant on the call. They only connect to you.
Starting point is 00:24:34 But they never, I've never once heard an assistant pipe in during a call. But I will often say, get your assistant off the phone if I want to have a conversation. Right. So they think you're saying, and I know you're not, but they probably think, oh, Brad's about to say a bunch of off-color shit. Well, yes, they probably do. But I would rather that than not have the conversation that I need to have. Get to brass tacks on it. Yeah, well, sometimes it's nothing racy or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It's just you want to have an honest conversation about a client, and you don't want everyone to know what you're saying about a client. Like if a writer blew a take that he pitched to me, I don't know that I want the assistant to hear me saying, here's what he did wrong. I wouldn't be as honest with an agent who I don't know well as I would with an agent who I do know well, but I came up with a lot of agents. So there's shorthand and I don't need an assistant to go in to tell other assistants what I thought of a take. Oh, so you're kind of protecting the writer too. shorthand, and I don't need an assistant to go in to tell other assistants
Starting point is 00:25:25 what I thought of a take. Oh, so you're kind of protecting the writer, too. I'm protecting... yes. You're trying to give it as little visibility as possible. Yes, yes. Because you know everybody's going to be chatting and looking like, oh, they said the guy who wrote this kind of sucks. And it harkens back to what we were talking about, where that's information.
Starting point is 00:25:38 So then an assistant could go to another assistant and say, I hear that so-and-so's not getting this job that Brad Fuller's producing, and that's information for another assistant where the assistant could tell their boss, I know that so-and-so's not getting the job. Why don't you pitch someone else for it? I think you have to be careful who knows what they know. So when there's this level of Machiavellian information trading going on, when it doesn't work out in your favor,
Starting point is 00:26:07 when it backfires on you, do you just have to kind of, I think what I'm realizing is like, do you just kind of have to be like, oh, it's just all a game? Like it's just a, you don't really hold the other people or do you judge the people who did that?
Starting point is 00:26:18 I never judge them because everyone, because I would only judge, I mean, everyone is not always aligned. And that's where the issues come up. If an agent wants a different person to get the job, then I want to get the job. We're not aligned. It's just different loyalties. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 So it's never personal. I don't think that it's personal. It's just in the entertainment business, when someone else has a different agenda, you have to take that into account with the way you're doing business with that person. You just got to go in with your eyes open. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. So, and that
Starting point is 00:26:57 happens a lot. But that's why I try and be transparent and just say it the way it is and just not have as many assistants hear me do it. But I try and be transparent so that the game is not af is and just not have as many assistants hear me do it. But I try and be transparent so that the game is not afoot. Yeah. If you always tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. Quotes like that.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Yeah. Yeah. That's a harder lesson to learn, but I think it's a better one. You're processing that. Yeah. I'm just chilling. You're open. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:24 No, I think I do go into it with my eyes open. I do. I mean, I think we're both really like... Well, you guys are the beginning part of your career. And we're not big enough where it would really behoove anyone to backdoor us. Well, by the way, when someone's backdooring you, they're not backdooring you. They're just trying
Starting point is 00:27:40 to help themselves. That's such a good way to think about it. But it's true. There is no animosity towards you. That's not what it's about. That's such a good way to think about it. But it's true. There is no animosity towards you. That's not what it's about. That's never what it's... I don't think that's what it's about. I mean, yeah, there's a rare occasion where someone really wants to mess with your life, but that's not really, rarely happening.
Starting point is 00:27:56 See, I think sometimes I do project that onto it. I project on, even though I intellectually agree with what you're saying, I'll be like, no, this person's trying to like fuck me no there's too many things to do in every day there's just too many things there just is so but they're trying to help themselves makes sense
Starting point is 00:28:15 yeah everyone loves you JT you don't have to I just said I love everybody that's so funny we said that at the same time yeah that's true everyone loves you no one's trying to fuck you I promise I love everybody. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I guess I just feel like, uh, I just feel like, uh, in battle sometimes. Yeah. But it's really not. No, we're making like Instagram and Tik TOK videos. And they're hilarious. Oh, thank you. And I love them. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:28:39 Yeah. I mean, you guys streaking that, uh, was the ballsiest thing that I've seen in a long time. It's funny because we got little nuts yeah yeah yeah but that's not why it was ballsy the cops the cops i mean i got nervous i got nervous i mean that that was a tense night it felt like it was tense it was tense and and we we were out there all day streaking and and our director Dan is he just kind of JT to their more I think they love that German animals yeah and we do get off on like pushing the envelope a lot and they and they were they were there they're
Starting point is 00:29:21 pushing for it and strider and I were like are you insane we're all you know doing it like a jury on whether we should do it we're like our directors British he's like so what's the upside I think that if we potentially go out there we can always say no but there's a big opportunity here for a very interesting take yeah and then very good accent by the way thanks and then I didn't mind I'm like look I think it's you know this is what we do. We go into like the most intense atmospheres and we try to get what we can out of it.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Right. Then Chad takes a beat and just goes, I think it's moronic. And then you did it. Well, that's the thing. I love, I love semi-dangerous activities, surfing, big waves, whatever. You know, I just just in terms of the danger I choose I'm very selective and cops and riot gear
Starting point is 00:30:10 is not the same as like a 10 foot wave for sure but I think we're different in that we all have our selective but do you get scared when you go into that I mean are you terrified no I wasn't that scared that night
Starting point is 00:30:24 I don't know cause I yeah, I wasn't that scared that night. I don't know, because I... Yeah, I wasn't that scared. But other things scare me more. You know, honestly, like, Chad's a lot more bold with also, like, what he's willing to put out sometimes. You know, we all have, like, our different, like... Like Chad's saying, it's like, you know, there's, like, eight different attributes of fear.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And when it comes to, like, authority stuff, I'm not very afraid of authority. I always feel like I'll know when to like hold him and know when to fold him. I trust myself in the moment. I mean, even one time, like I was with my friend Greg and cause he was asking me about that video and I saw like a car accident and I just ran towards it. Like we were walking to an open mic and cars crashed and I was like, I was like, get me in there.
Starting point is 00:31:00 And I just ran to it. I just have always been, and like in high school when fights would break out, I always tried to like kind of, I don't know, get close to it. Right. Yeah. Well like, what was I gonna say? Yeah, and... I'm all fired up now. Well, when we were in there, when we were doing it, I was like, oh, this is fun. I was enjoying it. You know what I honestly think about is, you know, with that where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:31:24 the possibility of being killed is a thing. I think about my mom. I'm like, I don't want to do that to my mom. You know, that's what I, I'm not so worried about me dying. I'm worried about, about, you know, breaking my mom's heart because I was streaking in a riot. And you died streaking.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. I mean, that's the. Yeah. I'm like, I'm like, oh, I don't want to do that to my mom. You know. Right. My voice just cracked. My mom called me and was like, John Thomas, you need to get in there.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Make the video. She did? I mean, that's my parents. My dad was like, he would have called, my dad genuinely would have called me a pussy if I didn't do it. Really? Yeah, I told him when I was doing open mics, I was like, yeah, I got this idea, dad. There's this big comedian, Joe Rogan. I think I'm going to challenge him to a boxing fight. And if I make it around, he has to let me open for him. My I was like, yeah, I got this idea, Dad. There's this big comedian, Joe Rogan. I think I'm going to challenge him to a boxing fight.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And if I make it around, he has to let me open for him. My dad was like, that's a great idea. Do it. And he was bragging to his friends about it. And then I showed him videos of Joe Rogan just annihilating a heavy bag. My dad's like, JT says he's going to fight this guy. And he was like, I think it's a really good idea. And I've had four concussions.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Did that go anywhere? I never did it because I think it felt kind of a... I should still do it, honestly. I don't know why I didn't do it. I just, I don't know. I just didn't. You know, we started working on our own stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Yeah. That sounds like a crazy idea, though. Yeah. It's a good idea. It was... Now a lot of people have the idea. You know, I thought he'd say no. And I thought he'd also feel too antagonized because I would have to go up to him at like
Starting point is 00:32:45 the con. I was going to like kind of ambush him with cameras and like, yo, like, will you do this? And I think he would have been really turned off by that. And I like him so much. I don't think I wanted to risk alienating him. But, and you know, honestly, at this point it would be really scary. I wasn't as scared, you know, four or five years ago when I wanted to do it, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:04 He could really, I don't want to get a fifth concussion. Yeah. No, you don't. It's not worth it. I've had three. I don't want to get a fourth one. Yeah. Not worth it.
Starting point is 00:33:12 No. And you'd have to go to Austin. We went to Austin recently. I saw that. What was that? You're traveling around a weird town, weird sounding towns. We were shooting, it's upcoming commercials we're doing so uh can we know we can say i think uh wait is this a big don't say the brand but we can say
Starting point is 00:33:31 like the what division of yeah it's it's a new hard seltzer oh really yeah and we basically partnered with them it's like a year-long campaign um and so we traveled to all these different areas to like shoot uh we got a bunch of stuff in the can it was so fun yeah I think we got years worth of commercials that's crazy I didn't know that's what it was I just saw you were in interesting sounding towns
Starting point is 00:33:55 yeah it was really fun I mean we went to all different kind of types of America you know Pennsylvania Georgia basically Florida Tallahassee, Austin. And I loved it.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah, it was great. That's cool. I've never been to those places. And the people were so just fun to talk to and really charming. Genuine. So genuine. Yeah. And our crew was ridiculously cool too.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Like the ad people were really cool. And then our crew was, you know, it's our director. How big was your crew it's like seven of us oh wow there's four eight of us four
Starting point is 00:34:29 yeah I think eight yeah any towns that you loved that you would never dude I might get a place and if I ever had to scratch I might get a place and no
Starting point is 00:34:39 I was thinking that little town in Pennsylvania we went to oh really what was it Blue Balls in Blue Ball really yeah there was something I'd probably just go there in the summer but I. Oh, really? What was it? Blue Balls? In Blue Balls?
Starting point is 00:34:46 Really? Yeah, there was something. I'd probably just go there in the summer, but I don't know. There was something so charming about it. Yeah. What's the origin of that name? Well, it's when you haven't had sex and you really need to not. Now, I get that.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Okay. But why did they name the town Blue Balls? I think because of why I just said. Is there anything distinct about that town that would create that ailment? The revolutionaries were young men. I got you. So what do you think they were thinking about when they were naming all these places? So it's been called Blue Balls for 210...
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah. I think it might be from the Civil War era, actually. Seriously? Yeah. I think Ulysses S. Grant's nephew, just this fucking horn dog who had to leave West Point a year early to go help in the fight. And he was like, man, I'm horny. And they're like, focus up.
Starting point is 00:35:26 We got battles to win. He's like, I can't. I'm just so horny. And then they won the battle. He's like, what do you remember from this battle? He's like, just how horny I was. So we shall name this town Blue Ball. Was that the most interesting named town that you were at?
Starting point is 00:35:40 Intercourse was probably the most. Where's Intercourse? Climax. Right down the street from Blue Ball. Really? Climax, Georgia was interesting because the mayor was so on board with the innuendo. He was like, I'm from Climax. I just had Intercourse last night.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And we're like, oh, nice. It's a population of like 800 or something, maybe even less. But he was just, he was really into it. How's the Small Dong Rose going? I think it's selling pretty well yeah we'll have a new new promotion coming out soon oh really and new merch coming out really yeah i should have wore some merch on this all right you look great yeah but i should have wore some merch and i like that jacket a lot thank you can i you take propicia right yeah
Starting point is 00:36:21 did you can i see your... It looks amazing. Wow. Yeah. It works for me. It works for me, too. When did you start? I don't know. A long time ago.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Really? A long time ago. Did you have... Because I'm worried about my... It's way early for this, but I freaked out my girlfriend, I think, a little bit, because I was like, I'm going to go get my sperm checked out. No, I think I was taking it before I had kids. Nice.
Starting point is 00:36:47 I don't even know. I mean, I don't even think about it. Because the one thing people say is that it can make your jizz count lower. Everything worked every time I tried. I was two for two. No, not really. But, you know, no, I have
Starting point is 00:37:04 no problem with that pill. It's been great for me. Me really. But, you know, no, I have no problem with that pill. It's been great for me. Me too. But, you know, I mean, Mrs. Fuller would love me if I had no hair also. Do you, I mean, our culture at large is like so looks obsessed. But did you also feel like, hey, the better I look, the better chance I have of like getting these deals done? No, because I'm not working with a lot to begin with. You're a good looking guy.
Starting point is 00:37:28 It never felt like that. No, I, you know, listen, that was, um, no, I never, that never entered my head. I just wanted to be, I just want to be smart and prepared. That was it. You never worried about that? No. How you're looking? Even being in LA all these years?
Starting point is 00:37:44 No, not really. Yeah. That's good. I mean, no. You never worried about that? No. How you're looking? Even being in LA all these years? No. Not really. Yeah, that's good. I mean, no. I mean, I don't want to look bad, right? And I don't want to, you know, I don't want to gain the weight. And, you know, there's vanity with that for sure. I want to exercise and take care of myself. But, I mean, you can tell I've never had a nose job.
Starting point is 00:38:05 I don't do any, you know, I've never done anything besides take Propecia. So you've never fallen into, like, the health craze kind of traps of L.A.? Like crazy dieting, you know, all these biohacking kind of things? No. Well, that didn't exist for me, right? So, you know, at this point, I think, you know what I did? I did Prolon. What's that? You know Prolon? No. Prolon is like a, it's a five-day program that is like you're fasting, but you're just taking soups. And it's like a healthy version of fasting for five days. I did that and I felt pretty good. But
Starting point is 00:38:43 beyond that, I've always, you know, just trying to eat healthy and exercise. And I don't know. I'm not really hung up on that. I don't know. That might be the way to go because I'm reading like a, you know, holistic diet book that some guy I surf with turned me on to. Nick? And it's like, no, Matt.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Oh, okay. And I was reading it. They're talking about diet and he's like the matt okay and um and i was reading it they're talking about diet and he's like the importance of organic food and like all this stuff that's in like you know the food that's not organic and so i'm like and it was pissing me off because i'm like this is too much i can't i can't think this much about food you know what i mean where i'm like when you describe how you stay healthy i'm, that seems way healthier than obsessing about, is it organic? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:29 Right. But I wonder, are you just wired that way? Because as long as I've known you, you've always been pretty into that stuff. Totally. I mean, it turns me on. To eat you well and to jump into cold baths. Yeah, just... And just to figure out ways to get himself...
Starting point is 00:39:47 If there's a higher level of... A higher quality of life he can be getting, he's always going to look for that. I think that's good. That's a good thing. I think it's a search for everlasting stoke. Yeah, that makes sense to me. So going back to what you were saying,
Starting point is 00:40:03 there's so much more information now than when I was your age. So I was reading those books, the similar books, when I was your age. I remember there was a book, Fit for Life. And it was a great book, and it talked about eating fruit in the morning and protein and all that I remember being really into that
Starting point is 00:40:27 and I went through the Tony Robbins of it all and that was super cool but at this point now you're going to hate this but I try and eat organic
Starting point is 00:40:38 as much as I can no me too but only because my wife eats organic and that's what's in the house that's always smart that's kind of my just surround. Well, that's always smart.
Starting point is 00:40:48 That's kind of my, just surround yourself with people who do healthy stuff. Right. Just through osmosis, you'll pick up most of it, I think. Right. So, yeah, I mean, I haven't had fast food in years and not because I don't love it. It's just there's other choices in the house. Yeah. No, I love eating organic and I try to, but you just read it and you're like, damn, man. But sometimes, like just today, so since COVID started, I've been taking vitamin C and zinc
Starting point is 00:41:11 and all those things to stay healthy. But then there was an article that came out in the last two days that they have no effect on COVID, right? And so I'm like- Don't tell me that, Brad. I'm telling you. I'll show it to you when we're done. It's like-
Starting point is 00:41:22 Zinc's not doing a shit. I'm taking corticine or something to help the zinc digest. Yeah. I was doing that too. I was doing it too, JT. Double whammying it. No. Article came out.
Starting point is 00:41:31 It doesn't do anything. I mean, the other part of it that's different now is that anything you read, you can read the opposite that could be true, right? Yeah. I mean, and so it's hard. I think you have to be selective about where you're getting your information from
Starting point is 00:41:46 and who you trust and who knows who's right or wrong. It just stands to reason that eating healthy is probably better than not eating healthy. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Whatever that means. I think just listening to your body. Right. Like if you're on a diet that's supposed to be the cure but you feel terrible Right.
Starting point is 00:42:03 You know that should be a warning sign. For sure. Yeah. Unless you're in an ice bath. diet that's supposed to be the cure but you feel terrible right you know that should be a warning sign for sure yeah unless you're in a nice path you love those I love it I could never do that my neighbors think I'm weird and yeah cuz I'm just always in there seriously does your heart start pounding it I'm convinced that your neighbors just feel like I don't think they think you're weird I think they're probably like I think I'm convinced that I'll kill it. I bet your neighbors just feel like... I don't think they think you're weird. I think they're probably like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:26 You think I'm flexing on them? No, I think they're probably just looking at you and they're like, I should be doing shit like that. Wait, it's in your garage, right? It's in my garage. So they see you getting into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you prepare the ice so that you...
Starting point is 00:42:37 I mean, do you take the temperature before you go in? So I have a temperature controller on it. So it's set to 32. So it'll turn the freezer on intermittently to keep it at that temperature. And then I unplug it when I get in just because of electricity. That is so crazy to me. I'm now going to drop a name. And this really happened to me two days ago. And it stands in support of what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:43:04 I was in Montecito this past weekend and I was walking down the beach. Now, I can't get in the water in Montecito. It's really cold. It's low 50s, high 40s. I mean, it's a really cold ocean. And I'm walking down the beach. It's beautiful. It's like 430 and I'm not kidding you.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Rob Lowe walks right in front of30 and I'm not kidding you. Rob Lowe walks right in front of me and goes right into the ocean. And the person I was with knew him and said, what are you doing? And he says, 20 minutes a day, I'm in this cold water. And it changed my life. It makes me
Starting point is 00:43:40 feel great. I do it every day. I can't even fathom that. But if you want to look as good as Rob Lowe, who looks amazing, I don't know how old he is, but he looks amazing. Maybe that cold water is the answer. That could be the biohack right there. I think it does something. I think of all the things, that's the one that's like really makes a difference. Did you ever do cryo? I've done cryo and I've done it once we did it actually together and well not in the same thing but we did we went together and I don't think it says I think it does something but I don't think it's as effective it's just really
Starting point is 00:44:13 cold water I'm just terrified that I'll have a heart attack and die and that's what they'll find me well I was scared the first time I got in I like texted JT I was scared because people were freaking me out. I told him to text me before and text me after, so I know he was okay. So what is the physical risk? When you get into the water, well, you surf, so you are comfortable in cold water. And I've been doing cold showers for a while. So the idea is that it's good stress for your body. So first off, when you get in, it constricts your, it's a good workout for your vascular system because it constricts your veins.
Starting point is 00:44:47 And then they say it pumps like all the, it just pumps all the, it just gets your blood really flowing. And you feel that when you do it. You can feel like you get like a tingly sensation in your skin. Yeah. And then when you get out, you know, you're kind of red because your blood's just like flowing. Have you done it, JT? I've done it a couple of times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Do you like it? I do. To me, it's, I'm sure there's science that it benefits you. And I also think just like, even beyond that, it's like, you feel like you climbed Mount Everest right afterwards. Like imagine. Yeah. Because you're doing something that's like really difficult.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You're choosing to do it and you're going through like an extreme kind of experience. Like your body is, but you get to a place like when you're a minute or two in where you really do kind of like relax and hone in. And then when you, when you get past that period of where you're like, I gotta get the fuck out of here. And you just kind of settle into it. I don't know. I think that does a lot for you psychologically. And then you get out of it and you, and I don't know if I just, it, it makes me feel good about myself where I'm like I fucking did some hard-ass shit today I fucking did an ice bath how long do you go in I mean we've done it a couple times like three minutes yeah I didn't have enough ice in my mom's I'd go into her freezer and I'd get like she's got a bunch of like ice blocks from like
Starting point is 00:45:59 someone who sent her like salmon one time and I throw him in the bathtub and yeah I don't know what degree I got it too, but the first time I did, I was worried about a heart attack, so I woke my mom up at 2 in the morning. I'm like, hey, can you watch me do this? She was like, yeah, I love you. Yeah, no problem. That's great. But so you said something.
Starting point is 00:46:14 You touched on it, and I want to go back to it. Yeah. You said you've been taking cold showers for a long time. Did you do that because you eventually wanted to get into an ice bath? I think I just wanted the benefits. Cold showers give you similar benefits. It's not as hardcore. But, I mean, we interviewed Wim Hof.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And before that, just to get into it, I did a cold shower like that morning, just straight out of bed, you know where your your body's not really prepared for you just get in the cold water and it just one i think the the thing i love the most about it is it it helps with i don't have depression but it lifts your mood you know and so it just helps you to and you know i don't know about the science of it but i think it it releases endorphins and so they say it helps produce norepinephrine or something like that, which helps with treat depression. So the biggest thing for me when I did that cold shower
Starting point is 00:47:13 before Wim Hof was I just felt great. I felt happy and I felt like just prepared to take on the day. I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I'm gonna take a cold shower. You really are? Oh, dude, that's amazing. No, you guys inspired me.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Seriously, I wanna try and do that because I have a... We'll call you on the next pot and'm going to do it tomorrow. I'm going to take a cold shower. You really are? Oh, dude. No, you guys inspired me. Seriously, I want to try and do that because I have a- We'll call you on the next pot and get you a takeover. But I have a real aversion to being cold water. I just have never liked it. I don't love to go in the ocean unless it's like 75 or 80 degrees. So it's a real thing for me to get over. Also, if you look at surfers, and there's so many things that go into their life, so I'm sure they eat healthy and they work out constantly.
Starting point is 00:47:44 They're really working out all the time. And there's so many things that go into their life, so I'm sure they eat healthy and they work out constantly. They're really working out all the time. But if you look at like Rob Machado, Kelly Slater, Shane Dorian, those dudes are all in their 50s now. They look amazing. For sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:56 You think it's because of the cold water or you think it's because of the... I was saying it's the cold water. It could be the sun. It could be the constant paddling. And then the lifestyle around surfing seems pretty healthy. You're just like, not to stereotype, but they're smoking pot and eating fish tacos all day. Do you surf? No, I just went back out there with my girlfriend like a month or two ago, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:48:15 it was fun. I think I might start doing it more. It's fun. Yeah. It's great. When you get up on a wave, you're a part of that mystery, as Matthew McConaughey says in Surfer Dude. Is that what he says?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Yeah, in the movie. He's like, what's so special about surfing? They play this Mishka song, and he's like, I don't know. It's like asking, why is the wind special? And then he's like, you get to be a part of that mystery. Yeah. And when it's over, it's okay, because you were in line and on time. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:48:39 It is cool. I love that little monologue. And you get that just straight shot of vitamin D. Yeah. That's one thing, going back to the cold showers too, Wim Hof, I saw how genuinely happy he was at like 60-something, where he's just like so, he's just a goofball. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And I love that. I was like, oh, this guy's just having so much fun with just life. And that's what was, I was i want that so i think i'm always kind of like searching for things to get me to that state of mind did people reach out after that pod and said they started doing it too i think a fair amount i think i think posting to my eyes bath i've gotten a lot of inquiries of like how to build one and then people sending videos of them in cold water so that's great i think i'm you know trying to continue whims we can continue whims mission for raising stoke yeah i mean he can do
Starting point is 00:49:34 the splits he's been through a fucking ton of shit in his life yeah he's happy as hell yeah yeah that's cool he's a horny guy too really he i didn't hear that interview He's a horny guy, too. Really? I didn't hear that interview. He's pretty horny. He detailed that. And he was like, oh, my cock is strong. Get in the cold and your cock will be strong. And I was like, oh, they cut this out of the Gwyneth Paltrow episode. No, that's good. So, you know, I'm sure that had a lot of people getting into cold water, for sure.
Starting point is 00:50:02 He's talking about ED. He's like, you see, it wants to punish you you for something but then you punish it and it will never punish you anymore yeah man yeah that's cool i think he had a hard on while he was talking yeah i'm hard right now with the strongest boner you have ever seen at 60 yeah he's up there yeah and he just had a kid or something. He does incredible things. I mean, he like, you know, climbed Everest barefoot and he like swam under, you know, a frozen lake. He's doing remarkable things daily.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Good for him. He's incredible. I'm not. That would be different. Yeah. Let me know how it goes. I'm going to. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And before you get in, just say, I love the cold. I love the cold. This will, you know, this is good for me. I think I have that mindset. Well, I love the cold. I love the cold. This is good for me. I think I have that mindset. Well, I did cryo for it. Oh, you did? I enjoyed that. I did that for it.
Starting point is 00:50:51 And then the world stopped, and that was that. I do agree with Chad. I think cryo works, but I'm a little more skeptical. Actually getting in the cold things, there's something about it, too, that's so elemental. You know what I mean? I'm like, this is like 10,000 year old practices. Or Hickson Gracie, who people say is the greatest jujitsu practitioner ever. There's videos of him doing like breathing exercises and like freezing rivers and stuff
Starting point is 00:51:14 like that. Yeah. And he's in his 60s now and he's in incredible health. Yeah. But then sometimes I wonder, I'm like, are these just unique people? He is a unique person. Yeah. With Hickson, you're like, you're just...
Starting point is 00:51:25 Different breed of human being. And I think with Wim, too. Like, if we studied their genetics, even from birth, they would have some kind of, I don't know, qualities that are exceptional. They're the ones where you take an x-ray of their spine and it's all curved and they feel no pain. As opposed to me, if there's any, the slightest curve, I'm miserable. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:44 But then he would say that that's because I'm not getting into cold water. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle, right? Probably. Eat the breeze. Yes. I don't do that. We had like a extreme long distance runner on here, this guy Keith Eckert. And he was like a great guy.
Starting point is 00:51:59 I think he's about to go do his big long walk in Alaska pretty soon. And he was like, yeah, I just get hammered before runs and never bother. And then he runs like a hundred miles. What do you mean? Like he does like, what are those called? Like ultramarathons? He does like ultramarathons, but he'll drink before an ultramarathon. That's insane to me.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And to him, he's like, no, it just doesn't bother me. I think anyone could do it. And I'm like, no, no, no. Like you're different. Does he look like a normal human being? Yeah. Yeah. He's regular size, but I mean, he's cut, like he's in really good shape. And he was almost a Navy SEAL. Like he's, you know, uh, he's unique again. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:34 I don't think he's made of normal stock. Right. For sure. Yeah. And so like, you know, you know, drink 12 White Claws. I don't run a hundred miles. But he's never had a Rolodex that I just had. Yeah. I just went, yeah, no, I don't think he could do it. Maybe, I don't know. I don't mean to underestimate it, yeah. For sure. Speaking about like the
Starting point is 00:52:51 industry, is this going to be like the Oscars? Like who... Has anyone seen any of these movies that are going to win Oscars? These are like plays. This is like winning an Obie this year or something like that. It's an Off-Broadway Theater Award. You know, that's a really good question because the thing that this year has taught me about my movie going
Starting point is 00:53:16 is that if the movies aren't playing in movie theaters, I don't really, I'm not aware of them. And I don't know how people are. I don't really know. You know, I'll have friends who will call me and say, you've got to watch this movie or that movie. But there are probably 150 movies that came out that I've never heard of, and that's usually not the case. And so I don't know how the members of the Academy are going to figure out how to do this, because normally there's word of mouth and there's all these things. But the playing field is totally level.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Like, there have been no marketing campaigns for these movies in a meaningful way where you're feeling it. There's not screenings and all the things that there used to be to get people to come out and have tastemakers see the movie and talk about the movie. It's just kind of like it's all out there. And I have no idea how they're going to figure it out. I mean, have you seen anything that you think is Oscar worthy? I thought the Sorkin movie was really good and felt like, and it was the, it was the movie that I saw where I was like,
Starting point is 00:54:11 okay, this is like an Oscar movie. Okay. Like I was like, you know, it's got a huge cast. It's about like, you know,
Starting point is 00:54:15 uh, important topical subject matter. And, uh, you know, it's got a big writer director on it. And then I saw promising young woman. I thought it was really, really good. I thought it was incredible. That's a great movie. And I didn't feel like a big writer-director on it. And then I saw Promising Young Woman. I thought it was really, really good.
Starting point is 00:54:25 I thought it was incredible. That's a great movie. And I didn't feel like a big budget. Some of the sets and stuff felt pretty janky to me. But the story itself was incredible. And the acting was incredible. The acting was incredible. And I was like, okay, this is kind of like a Dark Horse Oscar movie.
Starting point is 00:54:39 I haven't seen the Judah and the- I haven't seen that either. Yeah, I don't even know the name. Or the full name off the top the- I haven't seen that either. Yeah. I don't even know the name. And then, or the full name off the top, but I probably watched that tonight. But I think some of the other ones I saw, like I saw- Sound of Metal. Sound of Metal was good, but I didn't think it was quite, I thought the performance was
Starting point is 00:54:59 really good. And then the sound design was really cool. So yeah. See, but I don't know if in a normal year I'd think a sound of metal was... I'd feel like some Scorsese movie or Coen Brothers movie would knock that one off. And then A Night in Miami. Yeah. I haven't seen that.
Starting point is 00:55:14 I want to see that. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. Right. Yeah. I liked it. And it's about amazing guys. But the hard thing with those kind of movies is they're all playing these amazing guys
Starting point is 00:55:22 who I've seen who they are themselves in pop culture. And I think it's hard to live up to that. Right. It's hard to play Muhammad Ali. It's hard to play Jim Brown. It's hard to play Malcolm X. But if you saw that, and this is the hard question, if you saw that movie in a movie theater, would you think that's an Oscar movie or would you think that that's just a good movie? I think I would have just thought it was a good movie.
Starting point is 00:55:44 But I think it would have been a help had it played in a movie theater. Can I tell you what my viewing has changed during this in that I'm watching a lot more documentaries. And like I watched the Tiger Woods documentary. I was blown away. I watched the
Starting point is 00:55:59 Nightcrawler or the Night Stalker. I mean the Night Stalker documentary. That was amazing. And that's not normally the kind of stuff that I would watch, but the documentaries I... The Bee Gees documentary. Was so good.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Oh my God. That was amazing. Their harmonies? Incredible. So beautiful. Yeah. When they got the... They're showing the production room and then they're just isolating their vocals and stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:22 It's incredible. It gives you tingles. Chad, you didn't see it? I didn't see that. You've got to see the Bee Gees. It's incredible. It gives you tingles. Chad, you didn't see it? I didn't see that. You've got to see the Bee Gees. It's just amazing. I've got to check that. Did you see the Cecil Hotel one that just came out?
Starting point is 00:56:31 You watched that one? Yeah. Is that the one about the water tank on top? Yeah. That's like a legendary story. I was so pumped to watch that one. What did you think? I'm not the right person to ask because I made a Cecil Hotel show a couple years ago.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah. Oh, about the same thing? Mm-hmm. Oh, man. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Do you think yours was better? No.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I don't. You're such a classy guy. I love that. I don't think it was better. But I know the story, so I come to it with too much, and it wasn't. Oh, so you're like, oh, they didn't put that part in. They didn't give a viewpoint to this janitor who had some interesting shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:03 But the story itself is fascinating. Is there crazier stuff that wasn't said? You know, not that much. You know, I mean, that's kind of the problem with the story. Like it kind of, she was in the water. I don't want to give it away,
Starting point is 00:57:13 but you know, she was there and no one really knows how and they have that footage of her in the elevator. I mean, that's kind of. Where do you land on it? I don't have an answer. I really don't. And I wanted to get one.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I don't have an answer. I really don't. And I wanted to get one. I don't have an answer. Do you think something supernatural happened? Well, it's like when you guys asked me if ghosts can travel across the street, right? You know, I mean, I think that there's something weird. There's some weird energy in that place for sure. For sure. But I also think people go there seeking weirdness also. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:46 And so if you're seeking it, you sometimes can find it. I do think if there is supernatural. I think L.A., Palm Springs, Joshua Tree. These areas are a little more. Definitely. They're supernatural kind of like hotspots. Listen, I think I told you this. When we shot Texas Chainsaw Massacre, we shot it in a house that was 100 years old or more.
Starting point is 00:58:07 And someone had died in the house. And I'm telling you, when we scouted that house, I felt pressure. And it was weird. And Drew felt the same thing. You know, sometimes that is a, you know, sometimes you can feel weird shit. And it's not comfortable. Yeah. So just like a darkness descended on you?
Starting point is 00:58:23 Yes. And there was a lot of death in that house that we shot in. Yeah. So what, just like a darkness descended on you? Yes. And there was a lot of death in that house that we shot in. It was, it added to the movie, but it was not fun to be in that house, especially at night when the crew wasn't there. I didn't like that. Yeah. When someone writes you like a ghost movie, do you, do you care if they actually believe in ghosts or not? I don't ask that question. I just want it to feel real on the page so um if it feels real on the page i assume that they do have you gone into cecil hotel i have not yeah i didn't want to go into that yeah right and you know they they cover like tourists that are standing there and they're like yeah it was disgusting and so we just we tried to switch rooms i'm like why don't you just leave
Starting point is 00:59:02 what was with these people who don't just fucking leave? I know. You leave. Yeah. Well, that was the joke about the Amityville whore. I forgot who did the joke, but he was like,
Starting point is 00:59:13 you think there's a ghost in the house? Get the fuck out. Yeah. Don't stay in there and keep living there. Don't wait and see. I guess people get embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:59:20 They're like, I don't want to sell my house because I think there's a ghost here. And then three weeks later their child's been possessed. Right. I don't want to sell my house because I think there's a ghost here. And then, you know, three weeks later, their child's been possessed. Right. Right. The right option is to sell the house. Or at least
Starting point is 00:59:29 to get out of the house. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Because I signed on to this new place and the person died across the street. And I was convinced. Like, my first night there, I was like, the lights are weird. I'm screwed, you know. Right. And it's been smooth sailing. But I was thinking, I'm like, how am I going to get out of this lease? You know, when I sold it, when I signed the lease, and it's been smooth sailing. But I was thinking, I'm like, how am I going to get out of this lease?
Starting point is 00:59:46 You know, when I sold it, when I, when I signed the lease, and it's been an awesome place, like exceeded my expectations. But when I signed the lease, I was like, I was like, you know, I might be in for a rough year. Because someone died across the street and you were concerned that ghosts were going to come and find you? I thought they were going to cross the street. Well, no, you know, I was, I was like, I was so paranoid about it.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Cause I was like, I asked like the, the property manager. I was like, no one died in here. Right. And she's like, oh, and she's believed in ghosts. She's like, oh, oh my God. No. And I was like, okay, cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:16 No, I, as I told you, I mean, I've never heard of it happening, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Right. Ghosts crossing the street. I don't know. I was just like, what if the ghost is hot? Dude, that's a big question.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Well, what would you do if the ghost was hot? Well, I'd be, you know, a little bit more timid in the house. You'd be shy. Yeah. You'd come out of your room every day with like a button up.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Yeah, I'd come out with a button up. Your hair done well. I mean, I'd definitely behave more like a gentleman. I'd, you know, put the toilet seat down. That's nice.
Starting point is 01:00:46 And do more crunches. Hold the door open for the ghost before you leave. You're like, you first. Have you ever seen a ghost? Have either of you ever seen a ghost? No. I thought I'd seen ghosts, but I was just tweaking on Adderall. Are you sure that's what it was, though?
Starting point is 01:00:59 Yeah. How do you know? Because once I got off the drugs, I stopped seeing shit. But literally, I'd see spooky shit shit i'm super afraid of spooky i i went to my parents brought me to therapy when i was like five because i was having such horrific nightmares oh wow that's horrible i'm i'm real sensitive to scary movies and stuff but it's kind of as i've gotten older it's it's gone away from the supernatural and now it's more like a break and an entry kind of like a regular dude's going to break into the house and murder me or, you know, God forbid, hurt someone I love.
Starting point is 01:01:32 You guys know this. That's why I have a Rottweiler in my house that will kill people. That's awesome. Well, I didn't train him to kill people. He just, that's his natural way of being. If he doesn't know you, it's not pleasant. Did you meet him? I don't remember.
Starting point is 01:01:44 No, we put him away. We put him away. But I'm terrified. He's not good with company? He's getting better now, but he's... It's not been good. Do you like that though? You're like, look, this isn't like one of those friendly pet him around. This dog has a job.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Wait, but you've met the friendly dog. I have a friendly dog and then I have a dog that's not friendly. So at night, do you let the the friendly dog. I have a friendly dog, and then I have a dog that's not friendly. So at night, do you let the Rottweiler go downstairs? I do. And before the Rottweiler, it was a German Shepherd, and before that, it was an English Mastiff. I mean, I believe that I grew up in the era of the Hillside Strangler. And that was the most, as a kid, that was the scariest thing that someone was breaking into houses and killing people.
Starting point is 01:02:29 And it felt indiscriminate and it could have happened anywhere. Yeah. And I lived in a part of town where that was not too far away. And to this day, it terrifies me. Home invasion stuff terrifies me. I got a great thing. I got this stick that my mom's boyfriend gave to me. Great guy, Greg.
Starting point is 01:02:43 What up? And you hook it up to the door knob, and then you push it down, and it can block the door from opening. It stiffens when you open the door. Oh, that's cool. It's awesome. That's cool. You could also put a Rottweiler on the other side of the door and accomplish many of the same things.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I'm trying to get back into martial arts, so I feel like if anyone breaks in, I can Hadouken them out the fucking window. What kind of martial art are you doing? I want to do jiu-jitsu, but I don't know how to do that safely with COVID right now. But someone we were talking about before the pod recommended an instructor. Yeah. I did watch Hicks and Gracie teach jiu-jitsu back in the day. This was 25 years ago.
Starting point is 01:03:22 It was an amazing thing to watch. I mean, he's just so gifted. And it's mathematical ago. It was an amazing thing to watch. I mean he just so gifted and it's mathematical Yeah, he's really smart. Yeah. Yeah, like the biggest jujitsu guy right now I mean, yeah, how do you say he's the biggest but and I don't really know but this guy John Donner her he was like A philosophy major at NYU. He's a PhD. So he breaks it down He's like it's a it's a it's a it's a modality of systems and sometimes I don't think he knows what the words mean, but he strings together a lot of big ones. Yeah. But yeah, but it's hard to do that with COVID because you're in very close proximity to people there.
Starting point is 01:03:53 Dude's breathing on me for sure. Yeah. That's tricky in these days. I'm looking at pit mixes right now. You are? I'm looking for dogs. Yeah. It's hard.
Starting point is 01:04:02 I mean, there's a huge waiting list for rescues, but. And you want a specific kind. What kind do you want? Well. And why that? I'm not judging you. It's all right if you transitioned out of it, but it's interesting. Which one?
Starting point is 01:04:13 That you wanted a three-legged dog. Oh, yeah. So in Austin, I saw a three-legged golden retriever, and it just like melted my heart. I was like, that's what I want. I want a three-legged golden retriever, but it's hard to find. That is a, yeah, that's hard to find. Very specific. You'd chop its leg off.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Best that you don't do that. Yeah, yeah. But I'm looking at all the shelters, right, all the rescue places right now and primarily the most available dogs are pit mixes. And my girlfriend's dog is a pit mix, the sweetest dog of all time,
Starting point is 01:04:46 but it's jaw, you know. The muscles are like three inches thick. Have you ever seen your girlfriend's dog go off? Not really. At the dog park a little bit, if the dog tries to mount her, she'll get the hell off me, but I'm not sure if she would.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I've never seen her go full pit mode.'s, I'm not sure if she would, I've never seen her go full, full pit mode. See, I don't know pits that well. And I wonder what that is. Like, I wonder when a pit goes, is there no stopping it? Because that's the concern, right? I mean. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:16 My dad, he's a surgeon and he, he's dealt with hand surgeons. So he's dealt with, um, attacks from pit bulls, you know, because people, he'll do surgery on inmates and people in lower income areas. So a lot of it, there's meth involved and they aren't raising the pit bull rate. So he'll deal with a lot of those injuries, which are just like very traumatic and devastating. So yeah, that's the thing about pit bulls.
Starting point is 01:05:43 I don't know. But my dog would go off and it's not, you know, I mean, any dog can go off depending on what, you know, I shouldn't say any dog, but a lot of breeds do and can. And so it's probably not specific to pit bulls. It's just when you have a dog that you're taking with you everywhere you go, it's a concern of if it's an aggressive dog that can limit your ability. Like, this weekend we took one dog with us up to Montecito, but we didn't take the other one.
Starting point is 01:06:10 So, that was sad. I felt bad about that. I thought I was sad that our other dog couldn't. Now, he loves it. He knows. He's like, no, I'm a fighter. They're going to keep me here. I'm not meant to be in the soft. He's doing battle ropes. That's how he reacted. He's like, I'm a dungeon dog.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Right. That's right. But I didn't raise him. I didn't raise him that way. No, it's who I am. I'm a dungeon dog. Right. You need me here.
Starting point is 01:06:33 You want me on that wall. He's smoking a cig doing battle ropes. Yeah. Having this done. When it gets dark, he comes alive. He's like, this is my time now. He gets a little Bane-ish. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:43 Yeah. I was thinking more Frank Grillo, but. Yeah. Very Frank Grillo. I was. It's a little Bane-ish. Right. Yeah. I was thinking more Frank Grillo, but... Yeah, very Frank Grillo. I was thinking you sound a little bit like Frank. Grillo's the best, man. The best. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Guys, my guard dog is here. Well, let me see your dog. Oh, yeah. Come on, Aaron. Where's your dog? Bring him. All right, let me bring him. Oh, he's in the car?
Starting point is 01:07:00 He's in the corner here. Oh, corner. Can we see him? That's kind of a bummer. Yo, I had a friend... What's his name? Hudson. I probably told this story on the podcast. Hudson? I had friends who kept their dog in their garage in the dark all the time. And they
Starting point is 01:07:11 had drinks in there, so you go in there and you grab a Gatorade and then you see the dog go. And I swear to God, they took the dog for a walk one day and it ran straight into the track and killed itself. Oh, God. Oh, that's horrible. Oh, sorry. It cracks me up. It's not that funny. No, yeah, it's not. We're waiting for Aaron's dog. He, sorry. It cracks me up. It's not that funny. No, yeah, it's not. We're waiting for Aaron's dog. He doesn't want to?
Starting point is 01:07:28 Okay. So I'm looking at these dogs and I rewatched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood recently. Brad Pitt has a pit bull. He does. And I'm like, just the vision for myself of coming home and having a pit bull and then making mac and cheese I think I'd have to do that you know right so you're holding
Starting point is 01:07:49 out for a pit bull that's what you think no no I'm you know I'm kind of at this point you know I like pit mixes my family's not so on board with that but you know I also love golden retrievers so those I love Labradors too I'm kind of open to most dogs
Starting point is 01:08:04 they'll come around once they get to know yours they'll be like ah okay yeah they're just being protective pit bulls you know there's a huge prejudice against but once you every pit mix I've met is like the sweetest dog so would you bring the dog here like today if you
Starting point is 01:08:19 had the dog would you bring the dog yeah why not yeah I think so put him on the fucking table yeah that'd be fun right are you getting a dog jt no i moved that was like my big thing i was like thinking about getting a dog i was thinking about like switching out my car and then i moved and i was like i think that's my one big thing for the uh yeah i get exhausted from too much change yeah i understand that but i would like a dog actually because i do get lonely you know what i mean i think having a buddy there who like loves me unconditionally. Wait, you're living alone now?
Starting point is 01:08:46 Yeah. And I'm so needy. Like I'm super needy. And a dog. Right. I like, you know, if I'm, if I'm exhausted in chat or like, you know, my family or my girlfriend, like I feel bad about that. I mean, I'll still do it, but like, you know, I got to watch it. But if it's a dog, I can cuddle that guy all day.
Starting point is 01:09:02 For sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I should get a dog. You should. But here's all my friends and. Yeah. Yeah, I should get a dog. You should. But here's all my friends and family are like, you can't handle a dog. Why?
Starting point is 01:09:10 Because I wake up late and I'm just kind of irresponsible. I mean, I'm on top of stuff. But the dog could change you. I mean, the dog, knowing that there's something else to take care of, I think affects the way you think about it. Totally. And I think that's people are like, oh, like, because I want to have kids, you know, and people are like, I don't know if you're ready for kids. I'm like, dude, you rise to the,
Starting point is 01:09:27 no one's ready for anything. You rise to the occasion. That's right. I totally agree with that. You should get a dog. I think I should. I don't know. Can you where you live?
Starting point is 01:09:35 Mm-hmm. Yeah. As long as it's a small dog. I want to get like a 20, 25 pounder. Yeah. But if Chad's got a pit bull, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:09:40 I'm worried about the pit bull just chowing down on your dog. Just confusing. Coming in it's big lats not to delve into stereotypes again but yeah I remember my friends my childhood friend Clinton his dog came over and our dog and like we kept
Starting point is 01:09:56 fighting I was like my dog's dominating your dog and then like his dog like scared my dog in a fight but then my dog pissed on his dog's face accidentally and I was like oh Taz won dude he pissed on your dog's face all. I was like, oh, Taz won, dude. He pissed on your dog's face. All of it is meaningless, but it meant something to you. It meant a ton to Clinton and I. We were hyper competitive with one another.
Starting point is 01:10:13 But you grew up with a dog. I did, yeah. Great dog. Big humper, Taz. Big, big humper. One of the all-time. I think he learned it as a horny family. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:10:23 I wanted to ask you one more industry question too. So you had a film, A Quiet Place 2, that's now been pushed to, is this alright to talk about? Of course. So do you guys have like a date for it now?
Starting point is 01:10:36 We do. I think the date is September 17th. I think that's the date. I should know. And are you guys like opening against like Top Gun now and like a bunch of Well, we definitely won't open against Top Gun because it's the date. I should know. And are you guys like opening against like Top Gun now and like a bunch of...
Starting point is 01:10:45 Well, we definitely won't open against Top Gun because it's the same studio. So Paramount has us and Top Gun. Listen, that has been a very unsettling... Look, there's a lot of unsettling things, but it's like we did this work. Movie came out really well. Yeah, you know it's great. That's the hardest part for me. Right. And so all I can Yeah, you know it's great. That's the hardest part for me. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And so all I can do is tell you it's great. I'd love to show you it's great, but I can only tell you that it's great. And we were so close. I mean, the movie was supposed to come out on March 20th. So we had the premiere on March 8th, and the world was starting to get a little weird. And I remember my wife saying we should take hand sanitizer because that's what they're saying you need and but we had a premiere there were 200 people at the party there were 350 people in the theater and that was the last time that I was in a movie
Starting point is 01:11:37 theater and it's just a bizarre thing and you don't it's like you do all your work you we've done so many people have done all the work and you just don't know what's going to happen with it. And we have another movie called The Forever Purge. Same thing. Don't know when or what it is. I'm just grateful that the studios in both of those cases are holding
Starting point is 01:11:58 on to the movies and they're going to come out in movie theaters because those are movies, I think, both of those movies especially A Quiet Place need to be seen in a movie theater. Can you get into the economics of going to video on demand versus going into theaters? You know, I'm happy to talk about what I know, but I don't know that much about it because those deals are,
Starting point is 01:12:18 you know, people aren't talking about those deals. They're being hush-hush about it. Yeah, so, I mean, like I had heard when Warner Brothers originally took the Denzel movie and put it on HBO Max, that there was a huge outcry because, you know, a lot of people earned their money from the back end on the movies. And if you put it on there, there's no back end. So they had to, what I heard is that they had to come up with a formula that compensated the back end
Starting point is 01:12:45 participants for putting the movie on there and that's a different way of doing the business for sure and that's something that I hope you know I hope that movies go back into movie theaters and people go and see them in the way that they did I mean you know in China now the numbers
Starting point is 01:13:02 are really good people are going back to the movies there. But I ask you the question, would you go in a movie theater and see a movie full of people, with people coughing and sneezing and doing all that? Or when do you think, if the answer is no, when do you think that if you were vaccinated and everyone you knew was vaccinated, would you do it then? Or is this, you know? I think if everyone was vaccinated, this is coming from someone who was the most afraid person at the beginning of this thing, too.
Starting point is 01:13:25 Like, I did crazy things trying to avoid getting the virus. But I think if everyone was vaccinated, I think I'd be okay with it. And then, I don't know, are theaters going to start, are there going to be more, like, outdoor options, do you think? I know we can't, you know, retrofit the entire industry, but. Well, listen, you know, again, if we're going to talk about A Quiet Place, that is a sound-centric movie. And you can't create the same acoustics outdoors as you can in a box. I mean, that's what makes that movie sing. So I'm sure that's available and people will see it, but that would not be ideal for me.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I would want people to see it in a a place where the right where the room was built for sound if i were vaccinated i'd i'd go in a second i mean we're in austin and stuff they had gyms i that's one thing is people are like when when things go back to normal you know are people going to be able to like adjust are they going to and i'm like in my experience you know know, being in like Texas and stuff, yeah, I was walking by bars that were like, you know, they're outdoors but they're fully open. I didn't even notice for like two minutes. I was like, oh yeah, that's something I haven't seen in a year. Right.
Starting point is 01:14:36 And so I'm pretty optimistic that things will return to normal as quick... I mean, I think people want it so badly that I think it's, maybe in places like LA where people are a little bit more anxious about the virus and stuff, it'll be a little bit less so, but in the majority of the country, I think it'll be pretty quick. Yeah, and it'd be like,
Starting point is 01:15:01 people always reference the roaring 20s, maybe people will be in such a hurry, they'll see every movie, too. You know what I mean? Like, if theaters came back, that was a huge part of my life. I'll be like, I want to see every movie in theaters. And there's a lot of movies that they're holding on to that people are going to be interested in seeing. It's going to be a stacked year. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:17 But what effect does that have on the business? You know, if a huge movie is coming out every other week or every week, you know, are you taking money away from each movie by doing that, you know, and not staggering it? So I don't know what the release schedule is. Nobody does. But when a movie goes straight to HBO Max, I shouldn't say this, but it feels different to me, you know, and the urgency to see it is not the same when it's in your house but it's certainly more comfortable you know well that's like with the oscars this year even last year when oscars were nominated that went straight to a streaming service when oscar movies you know movies were nominated i was i was to me it was a little bit i was kind of like well that can't really happen right you know was like, it just weirded me out too much where I'm like, I don't know if a movie that went straight to streaming can really.
Starting point is 01:16:11 They feel smaller? Yeah. They don't feel it. It felt indie in a different way. But then you have Godzilla versus King Kong coming out and Dune, which are huge movies. Are those going straight to? Well, no, they're going to be in theaters and on HBO. But all those directors are pissed, right?
Starting point is 01:16:28 I haven't spoken to them. Listen... But I mean, this is in the trades and stuff, right? They're like Denis Villeneuve. I mean, that dude's like, you know... He's a major filmmaker. And I don't think he... I can tell you this.
Starting point is 01:16:38 I don't know if that's true of him. I'm just using him as an example. But he seems like a little Nolan-esque where he's like, look, I have a very specific vision for how this movie should be seen. I guarantee you he did not set out to make that movie and have it end up on a streaming service. He wanted it.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Like most filmmakers. He's an artist. Yeah, they wanted their movie to be seen in a movie theater. But that can't happen now. So what's the next best thing is really the question, you know? But so you had to make a call to be like hey we'll wait for theaters right no it wasn't my call i wish i could tell you it was it was the studio's call but i think our movie is unique in that i keep coming back to it it's so sound centric that you the movie won't have the same
Starting point is 01:17:16 impact in a home as it will in the theater and thankfully the studio sorry sorry brad what about drive-ins i mean sound systems and cars are getting yeah i you, Brad. What about drive-ins? I mean, carls are getting. Yeah. You know what? I don't, drive-ins wasn't even anything I considered up until COVID, right? I mean, that just seemed like a little fringy thing that was happening in other places. So I don't know how, I don't know if drive-ins are like, I haven't seen a drive-in in forever. Have you seen a drive-in or Aaron, do you have one near your house? I don't know. No, I had to drive an hour to see Tenet seen a drive-in in forever. Have you seen a drive-in? Or Aaron, do you have one near your house? I don't know. No, I had to drive an hour to see Tenet at a drive-in.
Starting point is 01:17:49 And how was the sound? Sound was good, but still that movie was too heavy to see at a drive-in. Right. Probably, yeah. Yeah, I mean, if you're in your car, that's just, you're asleep by the second act. Yeah, it's distracting. I'm in the car.
Starting point is 01:18:02 It wasn't that. It was more just like it's so dialogue heavy to understand the science in the movie. But Christopher Nolan doesn't understand it. Yeah. JT said that.
Starting point is 01:18:16 I swear to God, if he was on this podcast and we gave him three hours, by the end of it, he's like, hey, can we run that back? He's like, I think I'm finally
Starting point is 01:18:22 starting to get it. I didn't see that movie. It was a gigantic just clusterfuck i mean he's genius you know i'm i admire the man deeply but i think he was i know i think he needed some i think he didn't write it with his bro i think he needed other people pitching him some ideas on it would be my call i got it from my lowly vantage point well no i mean listen the great thing about movies is everyone has an opinion about yeah but that's also a case of a guy well i don't know if nolan has this kind of pull but like forcing that into theaters and then drive ins instead of pushing you know well listen i admire him for for what he really did yeah but he was willing to take the hit because he believed in the way that his movie should be seen.
Starting point is 01:19:08 And you got to admire someone who is willing to throw down and fight for their art like that. Yeah. What do you think about the Tom Cruise rant? I'm going to think about that. First of all, I am a huge Tom Cruise fan. Of course. I watched Top Gun yesterday. Nice.
Starting point is 01:19:27 From beginning to end. Nice. It's a great movie. It's so good. You know, I think that when you're a producer and there's a lot of jobs on the line and a lot of money on the line, your job is to be a leader. Now, I'm not sure that I would lead the same way that he did. I don't know that I would unload on people like that because I've had that happen to me as we've previously discussed here.
Starting point is 01:19:49 But I certainly understand the sentiment and not wanting people to get lax about that at all because too many jobs and too much money is at stake. And the way he represents himself in the rant, he's saying, I'm kind of like the tip of the spear for this whole industry. And everyone's like looking to me to like set the tempo. Is that true? There is some truth to that. I think, I mean, certainly for that franchise, he's, he is that franchise and has been in, and he is the face of it. And it's a huge franchise. And, um, uh, you know, he's not, he, he strikes me as someone who never wants to fail. And, um, I think that if his movie got shut down because people were not adhering to the rules, he would see that as a failure. Yeah. I just, you know, that rant, you know, that was a big rant. You know, he went off and I can't imagine he wanted people to hear that, too.
Starting point is 01:20:45 I've got my own theory that he put it out. You do? Mm-hmm. Why? Because I think it's such a Tom Cruise thing for people to hear. Because it was such like a... And I was more in favor of it than not. Because I was like, yeah, protect the set and get the movie done.
Starting point is 01:21:08 And it was so, like, Tom Cruise would be like, yeah, people need to hear this. That's interesting. I think. That's interesting. I never thought of that. I really didn't think of that. You know. And you know who leaked it, right?
Starting point is 01:21:21 You'd be like, all right, it was either the sound guy or, like, an editor. Like, how many people have access to the, maybe on You'd be like, all right, it was either the sound guy or an editor. How many people have access to the... Maybe on a movie that big, there's like 30. But I feel like you'd be able to pinpoint pretty quickly. Oh, that's interesting you say that, because I thought someone just did that on their phone. Oh, someone probably did it on their phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:35 I don't think anyone in the sound department would leak that, because it would be so simple to say who did it and they're done. Who leaked this? Someone just hit record on their memos. Yeah. But listen, he's a force, right? And he's a leader and that's how he led. Have you seen successful big,
Starting point is 01:21:56 because you've seen like huge directors. Have you ever seen like a huge director who is chill? Or for the most part, do they kind of lead? Is there a lot of, what's the word? Do you kind of have to, at least as far as you've seen, kind of be authoritative in an outward? You know, I think that, listen, I think that when lives are at stake, and my closest experience was with Bay because, you know, I worked with him for 20 years. Michael takes very seriously the responsibility on set safety
Starting point is 01:22:32 because he's doing huge things, right? And you cannot be soft-spoken and be blowing shit up. There's about 50 cars to flip into each other. You have to know exactly what everyone is doing. Everyone has to be dialed in. And a lax attitude is not going to create what he creates. So when you're on set, if Michael would roast someone, were you the guy who would then go up to that guy?
Starting point is 01:22:56 No, I never produced a movie that Michael directed. We just produced movies together. So I was never on set working on his movies I was on set as a as a I would go there to visit him but I mean like are you good cop to someone else's bad cop depends on the situation there have been times when I'm bad cop and the directors good cop I mean I have not worked with a lot of directors who unleash on the crew but we're making horror movies for the most part. I mean, you know, it's a more intimate thing. Our movies don't have tons of stunts and whatever.
Starting point is 01:23:31 In the two Turtle movies that we made, both the guys who directed those movies are just great guys, you know, kind of soft-spoken and kept it light and fun because that was the tone of the movie. Oh, that's nice. So I've never really made an adrenalized Fast and Furious type movie
Starting point is 01:23:49 or Armageddon or one of Michael's, you know, Transformers. So I haven't worked with directors who have to manage 300 people. Yeah. But I think that that's a hard thing to do. I bet. Yeah, I think I'd be snapping off all the time.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Yeah, I think it would probably not, my personality would not thrive in that situation in the same way. But I want to make those type of movies for sure. I mean, in my career, I'd like to make one movie like that. I'm developing a movie with Chad Stahilski who did the John Wick movies. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:24:21 Oh, nice. And he's like a super soft-spoken, great guy and I don't think you've told us on here but can you talk about how you guys met Chad yeah sure um before I was producing movies I was producing shows for pay-per-view television um and probably in 1990 or 91 I was doing a martial arts show that's where I met Hicks and Gracie was actually on the show. I interviewed him for this martial arts show that I was doing, which was basically a wrestling version of the UFC. So I think they're up to like UFC 280 or two something, but UFC one,
Starting point is 01:24:56 their first one came on the air at the same month as my show, which was called Sugar Ray Leonard's Fight Zone, which was a wrestling version of the UFC. And Chad Stahelski was my fight coordinator. And so he hired, we hired a bunch, we shot it here in LA at the Palace Theater and Chad hired all the fighters. So I was working with all the martial artists
Starting point is 01:25:17 that Chad knew on the west side of town. And we were, Chad was choreographing all their fights. I mean, he was an incredible fight coordinator, and that's how we met a long, long time ago, and now we're working together again. Yeah. They're supposed to, there's, John Wick is, there's a fourth one coming, right?
Starting point is 01:25:37 I think there is, yeah. Yeah, and is there, are they going to keep it going? I don't know if they've shot it yet, though. Yeah, why not? It's a great franchise. I mean, they've created a world there. I love the John Wick movies. I think they're fantastic. Incredible. Yeah, I love though. Keep it going. Yeah, why not? It's a great franchise. I mean, they've created a world there. I love the John Wick movies. I think they're fantastic.
Starting point is 01:25:48 Yeah, I love them. I love them. But what about Keanu Reeves? I mean, the greatest career. Well, we were talking to someone about their like, who's your favorite action star? And it was like Arnold
Starting point is 01:25:58 and I threw Bruce Willis in the ring because I was like, he's the everyman. Sure. And the sleeper was Keanu. It's not even a sleeper. I know.
Starting point is 01:26:08 He has so many of them. When you think about it, yeah. Speed, Matrix. Yes. If you're going by movie, he's the best. You take someone's top five action movies, and with him you do the first two, John Wick's, Point Break, Speed, and then The Matrix. You're like, I don't know if anyone can take on that five.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Yeah. Right. I don't know that anyone can. Well, Arnold would be what? The two Terminators? Predator. Predator. Commando.
Starting point is 01:26:34 Commando. Yeah, you need one of his like- And True Lies. True Lies. True Lies. Conan. Yeah, I think that's it. But I don't know if that's as strong as Keanu's.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Yeah, that's tough. Well, listen- And Arnold would be the- He's the gold standard, I think, for that shit. But I think that also, Lethal Weapon and Die Hard. So good. So good. Mel Gibson's a good action star. I watched Braveheart this weekend also.
Starting point is 01:26:56 It's an amazing movie. Amazing movie. Great action too. Amazing that it got made. Amazing that that movie got made. Yeah, and like Apocalypto. I mean, the guy's a freak. Like, he makes crazy ass movies.
Starting point is 01:27:05 He does. But going back to what you said about Keanu, I guess he has more varied franchises that will stand the test of time. He's the thinking man's action star. He definitely is. He's the zen action star, which is kind of nice. Do you think someone has to go, like a public figure actor, has to go through that kind of roller coaster to be as beloved as Keanu is?
Starting point is 01:27:31 Well, I think that there is longevity. Longevity is rewarded more than anything else. If you've had a career that spans decades, that's magical. And it's so hard to do. And he has, as we've said, he's had hit movies in almost every decade of his life. And there's not a lot of people who could... And the movies, it's not like they're getting worse. They're all good.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Yeah. Right? So... Yeah, he's finding his groove even more. For sure. But I think there's something to what you're saying that we love them more for going through the highs and lows with them. He was a punching bag for so long.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Like when I went to film school, everybody would be like, you know, I don't want to cast like a bad actor, like Keanu Reeves. And I'd be like, well then why do we want to watch him and everything? It's not because he's bad. He's not bad.
Starting point is 01:28:11 No, there's something to him, right? Yeah. 100%. But, but yeah, I think, I think there is something to that where it's like,
Starting point is 01:28:17 even I was thinking about Steve-O. Like I think we all love Steve-O more because we saw him at his worst. Like him at his worst is is on video we can watch it yeah so you can watch him huff and paint trying to end his life basically and now we see him looking handsome and got it together and he's like giving advice and he's like a real dude and you're like i don't know it's it's it's meaningful to go through the whole thing never went through a low like you never read a headline about keanu. That's true. Somehow he has it all
Starting point is 01:28:45 buttoned up and stays out of the press when he's not working and is there when he is. I feel like he is just genuinely a really good guy. It feels like that for sure. I've never met him. I don't know. Knock on wood. We want our heroes to be that way.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Jay Moore on his podcast said that in between takes on Street Kings, Keanu would be reading Chaucer. Yeah. Really? Like pull out like a 600-page book and just decompress. He would eat weird things, too. He would eat like, he said something like he broke out a huge steak or something. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:29:17 I forget the details. But it was like, yeah. So have we decided on this pod that Keanu is as good as it gets in that genre, in the action movie? I still... You still think Arnold? I think it's Arnold. Okay. I'm sorry, Keanu.
Starting point is 01:29:31 No, I think... Listen, it's certainly worthy of its own pod. I think they're different because it's... There's Arnold. The thing about Arnold is he's so... His physique is so perfect and he's just so... he's reached a level that's unattainable. Right. Whereas Keanu and Bruce Willis and Mel Gibson, you're kind of like, I could see myself rising to the occasion.
Starting point is 01:29:57 Normal physiques, they're all shredded, but they're normal. Right. Yeah. Whereas Arnold, you're just like, that guy's a tank. He's awesome. But the other guys, you're kind of like, especially Bruce and Die Hard. He's having marital problems, but now he's in extraordinary circumstances, and he can pull it off. So I don't know.
Starting point is 01:30:15 My argument was in an action movie, to truly be the greatest action star of all time, it's how you walk with a machine gun when you're mowing down henchmen. And no one, like in Commando, I think is the best example of that. Arnold's got like two.50 caliber machine guns and he's just cruising. And a hundred guys are trying to kill him and he's just relaxed, just mowing them down. And I think he could pull that off better than any other actor in history. He can, but no one can run better than Tom Cruise. And running is a big part of it too.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Tom Cruise in a sprint. It's pretty beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Tom Cruise's movements too. They're so exact. Like, you know, that last samurai collateral. I mean, he moves with like marksmen.
Starting point is 01:30:56 And we met some stunt guys on Hawaii Five-0 and the first thing we asked were like, yo, what's up with Tom Cruise? They're like, he could be the best stunt guy in the industry if that's what he wanted. Well, he hung off that building in Dubai. Who else would do that? I mean, I saw that building. I was scared going up in the elevator. He was outside the building.
Starting point is 01:31:21 I think he needs to be in a rom-com, but find a way to add the stunts into the rom-com he needs to be in a rom-com but find a way to add the stunts into the rom-com. Has he ever done a rom-com? Jerry Maguire, I guess is closest. That movie Night and Day with Cameron Deen. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:31:33 That's a good call, Aaron. It's a good, fun little movie. Yeah, it is. James Mangold. I think what he did with his hair in MI2. You loved it.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Yeah, I mean, it's unmatched. I don't think I can think of anyone with better hair. Wait, was that long hair or short hair? Long hair, but on the motorcycle fights and the rock climbing, you know, he just flipped it perfectly. Oh, that's right. That's right. That's the one that opens on the rock climbing,
Starting point is 01:31:56 right? Yeah, yeah. Like the best opening scene of all time. And then in the motorcycle when he like spins around and his hair would like flip around his face but it was like perfect and he's just like it was like dude
Starting point is 01:32:09 how do you do that? Right. He's beautiful. Yeah. Star quality hair. For sure. I love it when he gets mad at Thandie Newton in it.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Yeah. When she's like you stay alive. He's like she shoots herself with this shit and he's like why did you do that?
Starting point is 01:32:22 Yeah. He's like I thought you didn't care. Oh you who doesn't care about anyone. And she's like, I guess I lied. Yeah, yeah, I guess I lied. That's powerful. That's where it's from.
Starting point is 01:32:31 You stay alive. No, you stay alive is from Last of Mohicans. Really? Yeah, he's got to jump off a waterfall. She's about to get taken by Magwa, I think, in the bed. I've never seen that, though. So how do I know that quote? He might say you stay alive.
Starting point is 01:32:48 You stay alive. I will find you. No, that's Blastomohicant. It is? Yeah. I'm calling maybe not. Let's look it up. All right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 01:32:55 Because she injects herself with the... Right. Maybe it's both. With the chimera. How'd you pull that? I've been studying Greek. Oh, yes. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Bellerophon. Chimera. JT's right. Stay alive, no matter what occurs. I will find you. Oh, it is. Wow, you're amazing. You really knew that.
Starting point is 01:33:24 I mean, my brother and I say this to each other, you is. Wow, you're amazing. You really knew that. I mean, my brother and I say this to each other, you know, every time we have dinner. It might be in Mission Impossible though. I feel like it is. I don't want to take more time. Well, I can cut it up. Am I too, uh, Fanny Newton chimera injection scene? Okay, here it is.
Starting point is 01:33:42 You who don't have a cut. There we go. Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. Okay, here it is. There we go. Yeah, that's the one I was talking about. I mean, look at the way he twirls there. This is like... Sorry. But look at this twirl. I mean, they can't teach you that in acting school. They can't teach you to spin like that.
Starting point is 01:34:13 So good. I mean they can't teach you that in acting school. They can't teach you to spin like that He says it in both movies He's I'm not gonna lose you but it's the same thing. He does stay alive. Yeah, that's amazing Wow, the way he throws that thing. He just. Yeah. That's amazing. Wow. Dude, the way he throws that thing, he just shoots it. So good. He's so good. God. Wish I could have been an action hero.
Starting point is 01:34:33 Wouldn't that be cool? The best. I got to pee real quick. You guys can start. All right. We'll start answering some cues. All right. Dearest brother ship from another mothership many blessings do you want to do an ad first Chad?
Starting point is 01:34:47 Oh right And then I gotta be out by 930 but we will be Where you going? I'm just supposed to it's the latest I can call my girlfriend She wouldn't even care but it's more me What's up guys I'm We are also brought to you by Manscaped.
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Starting point is 01:36:34 brothership from another mothership many blessings to chad jt strider big d joe and of course aaron the straight up legend been in a relation for over two years with my now dank gf all is stoked but i have one quest that keeps turning the perpetual wave I'm shredding to a straight up buster. I'm committed to showing my very small dong all around the cosmos. And in this case, I've been trying to give it the chance to explore the dank booty of my GF. This is not something I've never got to do with any past female. And since I'm stoked on my GF, I'm in a conundrum. When I bring up the subject, she laughs and says, if I wait 10 years, it'll be on the table. The reality is, I think she probably isn't down.
Starting point is 01:37:10 You think? 10 years? Well, ultimately, he's like, I think she's playing me. I wouldn't be so frustrated, but plot twist. She did this particular deed with her last BF, so I'm kind of beefing that she isn't willing to share a dank booty with me. Well, it sounds like she didn't enjoy it that much.
Starting point is 01:37:26 I understand this may be petty, but would love your advice. I mean, it would get to me, too. Your dong only lives once, and I think experiencing the different opportunities of lovemaking in the world is important as fuck. I also suspect she maybe doesn't enjoy it, so that's something I need to consider. Yeah, brother. I love my GF, but curiosity is feeling an internal fire that is getting hard to tame. Any advice on how to deal with this? I think offer to let her play with your booty.
Starting point is 01:37:53 Oh, that's interesting. Yeah, because she could probably feel like, oh, you just want to get in there without any regard for how it'll affect the way I feel. Right. You know, like you're just trying to get yours and you can be like, no, explore, explore what's going on with me. Right. I'm willing to make the sacrifice too. That's ingenious actually.
Starting point is 01:38:14 Oh dude, thank you. Good for you. I appreciate, thank you, Brad. I really like that answer. All right. Dude, I think also like I get too horny sometimes and, and I'll be like, Hey, like I really want to have sex. And that never ever is arousing.
Starting point is 01:38:27 You know what I mean? I think if you put pressure on someone to do something, they're not going to enjoy it. You know what I mean? If they do do it, it's going to be out of obligation. So I don't know. I would just be super nice. I'd be nice and put no pressure on her all the time and just be the best boyfriend in the world. And then you hope one day she'll surprise you.
Starting point is 01:38:47 Yeah. That's also good advice. You guys are good at this. I think that putting pressure on someone to do something they don't want to do, that's never going to resolve itself in a good way. Yeah. It just doesn't work. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:59 So. And it's just shitty to do. So I don't know, man. It sounds like you really like her. She sounds cool. I like her response. It's been 10 years and it's on the table. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:39:05 It's cute. She needs to see a huge commitment. Yeah. And dude, if this is your biggest problem, you're doing great, man. Middle of a pandemic. Yeah. He's like, guys, I come to you in desperate times. The world's on fire and I can't have butt sex.
Starting point is 01:39:23 I'm like, brother, I hear you. Right. All right. At what point is it a lie what up pod I'm overflowing with stoke right now I just took my height I'm 25 years old and it turns out I grew in the past year I thought I was done growing I thought I was 5'8 and a quarter but I am now 5'11 and a half wow
Starting point is 01:39:40 what that's not possible there's like that happened to like two people in history Yana sata to Kembo Last time I took my height was about two years ago at the DMV I just realized a pair of pants I got tailored six months ago or too short So I took my heights and it turns out that I grew recently. Holy shit I always told people I was 510 even though it's like 5 8 and a quarter I thought it was close enough to 5 9 and 5 9 is close enough to 5 10 now
Starting point is 01:40:04 I know for sure that I'm 5 11 and a half. I thought it was close enough to 5'9", and 5'9 is close enough to 5'10". Now I know for sure that I'm 5'11 1⁄2". I was never insecure about my height. I got a good jawline, and I'm tall enough, so I was never really insecure about my looks. My mom just told me to tell people that I'm 5'10", so I went with her judgment. She's telling me to tell people I'm 6' now. I'm trying to decide if it's too much to lie and say that I cross over the line to 6'. I don't want to talk shit that I can't back up and embarrass myself. Also, if I'm close enough.
Starting point is 01:40:23 What's your take on telling people your height? Isn't it pretty apparent how tall you are? I mean, that's not the kind of thing that you can really fib. I mean, do you guys think I'm 6'4"? No. No. I'm 5'10". I mean, how do you lie about your height?
Starting point is 01:40:40 And who cares? I don't think anyone's ever asked me what my height is. That's what I was thinking too. I rarely ever say my height. Unless you're super tall. Seems really important to this guy though. It's a big deal on the apps if you're dating. Is that true? Yeah. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:40:54 I see. If you put six feet, it opens the world up to you. Well, Aaron, how tall are you? I bet you're 6'1", 6'2". No, I am just a hair under six feet, so I crossed the six foot threshold. I would say you're six foot. I think this guy's tall enough to say he's six foot.
Starting point is 01:41:11 I also think maybe him lying about his height manifested his growth. Right. You know what I mean? Oh, because he was thinking positively and he was aspirationally getting taller. And it caused him to live up to it. I don't have this policy anymore, but I used to say that if i told a lie if i could make it true before the other person found out it was a lie that it was just good motivation so that's a great that's it yeah i like that so they'd be like where do you work i was like i got a job at this place but i didn't have a job there yet i
Starting point is 01:41:37 was just applying but i was like all right well now i better get that, but this guy's a medical marvel. I mean, he grew almost three inches at age 25. It's insane. Yeah. I would, if you're looking to put that in your dating profile, I would put that in your dating profile. Like, right now I'm 5'11". Who knows where I could be next summer? Right.
Starting point is 01:41:59 Yeah. Yeah, that's better than saying you're 6'8". Yeah, tell me what your limits are and I'll stop growing at that height. Right. Yeah, she doesn't want to date anyone over 6'0". Like, I promise you, I won't get taller than that. Yeah, I got that kind saying you're six feet. Yeah, tell me what your limits are, and I'll stop growing at that height. She doesn't want to date anyone over six foot. I promise you, I won't get taller than that. Yeah, I got that kind of control over this thing. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:42:10 My body's crazy. He might want to see an endocrinologist, just the thought as well. Why do you say that? I went through this with fertility. I went through this with fertility. There's quite a spate in our generation of men of pituitary tumors and things like that. Oh, boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:38 So you can check that out. Maybe you have a good one that's made you grow. He's got the best one, right? Yeah. If he's got one of those things, this is the best one you can get. The doctor's going to be like, you lucky fuck. You're getting huge. Yeah, potentially. Next time he emails in, he's going to put on 30 pounds of muscle too.
Starting point is 01:42:51 And dong. Maybe it's dong, you know. Or he's being pranked in some way very specifically. I think his mom put him on the limitless pill without telling him. And she's just been putting that into his cereal. And pretty soon he's going to be like, hey, I'm writing music like Mozart. And now I can do complicated math be like, hey, I'm writing music like Mozart, and now I can do complicated math.
Starting point is 01:43:08 I'm like, fuck, dude. Figured out crypto. I want that pill. Yeah. Yeah. Are you a crypto guy? Are you a- Yeah, I have a little crypto.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Oh, you do? Sure. A Bitcoin? Or are you a Doge guy? No. No, no. I have a tenth of a Bitcoin. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:43:25 I have a little Ethereum and a little Litecoin. Oh, that's cool. But what I did a couple of weeks ago, or actually two or three months ago, is that someone told me that you can schedule it so that it'll take an amount of money out of your account and just buy it every week. So I'm buying every week, I buy $100 worth of Bitcoin. Nice.
Starting point is 01:43:43 That's cool. And of Ethereum. I might get into it. Yeah. buying every week i buy a hundred dollars worth of bitcoin nice that's cool and so and of uh of ethereum i might get into it yeah it's completely foreign to me well it doesn't yeah it's foreign to me but i do feel like every day it feels like that is becoming more and more of a legitimate real real thing i think so yeah absolutely i think i i yeah I'd like to dabble at some point go baby keeping stoke around couples when single what up stoker
Starting point is 01:44:12 sorry for the long email in advance I've got a beach trip coming up in the next month for me and the boys for spring break of college these are the guys that I have known for a very long time and they're like family I'm super pumped to chug beers and party with all of my good friends I'm writing to you guys because recently I've gotten out of a serious long-term relationship after finding out she cheated on me a few months back i'm sorry man my problem is on this beach
Starting point is 01:44:31 trip most of my fellow brothers are going to be with their significant others and celebrating the good weather and beach with a babe in their arms i on the other hand will be empty-handed for this trip with almost all the single girls that were previously coming having bailed out and i've been thinking about how this might affect my stoke. We rented a house with about 15 to 20 people and we have it for the entirety of spring break. And I was just wondering if you dudes could give me any advice on how to keep my stoke levels high while being surrounded by couples
Starting point is 01:44:53 on the warmer weather endeavor. Also would love to know Chad's favorite song to get pumped up to before he goes out and surfs. Thanks dudes. Love the pod. Fuck boozy. Favorite song to get pumped up to I would say I Think I'm In Love With You by Jessica Love the pod, fuck boozy up. Favorite song to get pumped up to? I would say I Think I'm in Love With You by Jessica Simpson.
Starting point is 01:45:09 Nice. Great song. Yeah. How's this dude stay fired up? He's in a tough spot. Yeah. I don't think he's in a tough spot at all. No?
Starting point is 01:45:17 I love that. I, you know, I had a friend who was single, and he liked to travel with me and Mrs. Fuller. And the three of us went to the Bahamas. And he met a girl there and spent the entire trip with that girl that he met in the Bahamas. And then when he left, he left. And that was kind of the extent of it. It was kind of this magical romantic thing that he had with this woman he met there. And that was it.
Starting point is 01:45:42 And this guy, he's limiting his opportunity to simply the 20 or, you know, the people that were in his house. But if he's going someplace for spring break, there's going to be a lot of people. Even with COVID around though. But, well, I guess that's true. I don't, you know, I don't think about that.
Starting point is 01:45:56 But if you can meet that one person. Right. You meet that one girl who's got the antibodies or has been vaccinated. Yeah, sure. The degree of difficulty is up, but dude, you know, magic happens and you got to be open to it.
Starting point is 01:46:08 He's not going to be the only single guy who's going on this trip that's going to be wherever they are. Did he say where they're going? No. Oh. Hopefully it's like a hotspot and it's not like- Like Myrtle Beach or something like that. Something sick like that.
Starting point is 01:46:21 Let's go. Yeah, I totally agree. I think that's great advice. I think he's anticipating way too much misery. You know, it's like, maybe if you think about it in the sense that all the other people you're going with, they're with couples, their trip will be kind of predictable, but you're, you know, the possibilities are endless for you. Yeah. I mean, who knows what's going to happen? So I would just embrace the uncertainty. I'd like to overset my boundaries
Starting point is 01:46:51 and say, I'd like this guy to write back after his vacation and hear how it went. I'd love that. Is that okay to say? No, we don't hear enough follow-up. I'd really, but when we do, it's always very fulfilling. Oftentimes it works out really well. Yeah. I'd like to hear how the advice is taken and what came from that. Nice. Yeah. I'd like to hear how the advice is taken and what came from that. Nice. Yeah. I'd like to hear that too. Yeah. I'm results oriented that way.
Starting point is 01:47:09 Let's go. All right. Brad, are you ready for the last segments? What are we? Yeah. Beefs, babes, and legends. Oh, sure. Of course.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're a vet. But I wasn't, I'm not prepared. So I'm just going to off the cuff. Do you want to go last then? Yeah. Okay, cool. chad who's your beef of the week my beef is well i'm excited you're here brad because it pertains to movies
Starting point is 01:47:32 so i think you'll my beef is with the lack of erotic thrillers out there this day today um you know i watched basic instinct a week or so ago it's delightful i mean just it got all everything flowing you know i was just like i was so pumped up i was like this is awesome i was like i don't really know many erotic thrillers that are out today like these are movies that just i don't see that often anymore and you know it's like I just wish we had a modern day just horny Michael Douglas you know being a detective and doing his thing with Sharon Stone you know just manipulating the fuck out of him and yeah I think that would really fire me up.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Fatal Attraction too? Fatal Attraction. My wheels are spinning. Yeah I have to watch that too. God. Erotic thrillers. That's a great beef. Thank you. I've not heard of those type of
Starting point is 01:48:31 movies being developed. Really? You know, on the level that you're talking about, with great actors and real production value and directors. I gotta get into that. Yeah. Gone Girl was kind of the last. Yeah. And then maybe A Simple Favor, the Anna Kendrick one. But that one even was a little campier. Yeah. Gone Girl was kind of the last. Yeah. And then maybe A Simple Favor, the Anna Kendrick one.
Starting point is 01:48:48 But that one even was a little campier. Yeah. Yeah. I like that movie. It was fun. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's a great beef. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:48:54 May I recommend one to you? Yes, of course. It's a movie from the late 80s, early 90s called Shattered. Ooh. Tom Barringer, Bob Hoskins. Oh, nice. It's a really good one. All right.
Starting point is 01:49:04 You know what's another good one? There's one with Ray Liotta and Kurt Russell, where Ray Liotta is obsessed with Kurt Russell's wife and internal affairs with Richard Gere. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah. And Andy Garcia. That's a very intense one. That was a great era for that.
Starting point is 01:49:19 My Beef of the Week is with the website Quora. I guess I'm subscribed because every day I get emails from them and they're just like, they're always about narcissists. I don't know, maybe I like something that was about narcissism, but it's always like can a narcissist ever be better? And the answer is always no. And I'm just
Starting point is 01:49:37 like, I'm getting these emails. I literally get them like once a day. And I read them and I have some narcissistic tendencies. I'm like, what the fuck man? And I just, I always click it. And I'm like, it's like, what will a narcissist do in a relationship if you tell them the truth? It'll like, he'll devalue you or he'll leave.
Starting point is 01:49:52 And I'm like, what the fuck, man? Is that true? Isn't there like degrees to this shit? But I got to unsubscribe to Quora because I'm just getting just, just bum, bum guarded. Bombarded? Bombarded. Did you say bum-guarded?
Starting point is 01:50:06 I think I confused it with Madison Bumgarner. Oh, okay. Bumgarner, what's his name? Almost my last name. Yeah, and I confused it with Aaron. And then that really good pitcher from the Giants who was always nails in the postseason. Bumgarner, yeah. Yeah, he's a beast.
Starting point is 01:50:20 Yeah, so I'm getting bum-guarded with all these questions about narcissism, and I'm just going to unsubscribe. Makes sense. Brad, who's your beef with me? I don't want to bring the show down, but my beef is just with the news. I mean, I'm reading that COVID's going down. Then I'm reading that there are seven variants, and they're much more contagious. And I simply don't know where to look to get information on where to be on this.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Are you experiencing that? Like, it's conflicting information. And I don't remember a time in my life when there was so much of that. And I find it really confusing. And they'll find something to, like, upset the conventional wisdom. Like, the New York Times today was like, you know, most people agree it doesn't affect children that much. And then today, the New York Times is like, kids with long-lasting lingering effects from
Starting point is 01:51:04 COVID. You're like, dude, come on. Like we thought we had this one safe pocket of like our population. And they're like, no, don't get cocky. Like kids are getting fucked. I'm like, dude, I don't, I need a little, dude, I even read one guy was saying that this new variant from South Africa is more deadly. But the scientists that they were referencing in the article said he was only 55 to 75% confident about that. But that was the entire basis for an entire article from like a major publication. This is insane.
Starting point is 01:51:32 So I don't know where to look anymore. That's my beef. I don't know where to turn from my news. I think you're right. I think that's the way we all feel. Yeah. Sorry. No, that's valid.
Starting point is 01:51:41 I don't want to bring it down. COVID, I mean, yeah, I saw how much the numbers were going down in California. And I mentioned it to someone and she was like, yeah, well, they're expecting another spike in the spring. Right. So your stoke goes up and it goes right back down. Yeah. No, I'm stoked. We're at 55,000 cases today when we were at 200,000 a day a month ago.
Starting point is 01:52:01 That's great news. I know, but then the next article is about the different variants and all that. It's like I'm taking my Zinc and Vitamin C. For sure, I'm sticking with it. Me too, I'm ignoring the press on that. Chad, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is, so the Schmole and I play
Starting point is 01:52:19 Call of Duty and we go on Twitch sometimes. We got the guys on there, here and there. Me and Kevin always fight so I Twitch sometimes. Yeah. We got the guys on there here and there. Me and Kevin always fight so I take breaks. Yeah. And we played, so we played with, there's a three person one
Starting point is 01:52:33 so you get matched up with a random person over there. It was this kid who went by the name of Mino. I don't know his real name. But he was just on fire with the comms, you know.
Starting point is 01:52:42 He was just, he was our general and he was just dominating. And the comms, you know? He was just, he was our general, and he was just dominating. And, you know, it's like two guys who are probably like twice his age, and he's like, no, no, go up there. He's like, no, that's a bad move down there. And he's like directing us the whole way. And we got like second place with this kid. So I just wanted to give him a shout out for just, you know,
Starting point is 01:53:02 with the great comms and just helping us through the game. It's always nice when, when a kid just like dominates the scene like that. I was really impressed by, by him and, uh, and just a shout to everyone that was watching too. Thanks for watching.
Starting point is 01:53:18 Can I ask a question about the small? Yeah. Can he ever shed the small moniker or is that, I think he likes it too much. Other people could. People are capable of de-schmole-ing themselves, but he loves it. Okay. So Kevin loves being the schmole.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Yeah. Okay. He's the alpha schmole. He's the rare schmole who revels in his unlikability. Which kind of is likable. I wonder if we were to go out there and be like, Kevin, how would you feel about not being the Schmoll anymore?
Starting point is 01:53:46 What are you talking about? Really? Yeah. Okay. I'm the Schmoll. I'm the Schmoll daddy. Good to know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:54 So if you meet him, make sure you call him Schmoll. All right. Nice to meet you, Schmoll. I definitely would. For sure. Yeah. He loves it. I remember when kids were first talking shit to him, like when we labeled him the Schmoll,
Starting point is 01:54:04 he's like, look, this kid was talking shit to me and I said I was going to bang his mom. And I wasn't even there. He's like bragging about this to like strangers, like people that barely knew him. Schmoly behavior. He's intense. My baby of the week is Dan Hedaya. Just a great actor. Classic character actor.
Starting point is 01:54:22 I think best roles probably are the ones he's most known for. The dad in Night of the Roxbury, the dad in Clueless, and then Bette Midler's ex-husband in The First Wives Club. Can I ask, is it Danny Hedia? I think you just said it better. Thank you. I was confused by that, but I don't mean to correct you because he's your baby of the week.
Starting point is 01:54:41 But he's just a great actor, right? He is, yeah. Solid, for sure. So good, especially in Clueless. He's just the, you know, he's playing a slickster, but you can but he's just a great actor right he is yeah he's solid so good especially in clueless he's just the you know he's playing a slickster but you can tell he's got a heart of gold and he really cares about Cher and Night of the Rocks but he's sort of a similar part he's a little more of a hard ass it's a little higher comp like you know a more pointed comedy and then or heightened comedy rather and then but you know you know he loves his sons at the end of it and I don't know he just brings a warmth to all of his parts yeah with along with
Starting point is 01:55:04 like the kind of irascible personality too. So big ups. I just watched him in Searching for Bobby Fisher because I was like, let's see another chess thing. Because I, you know, I saw Queen's Gambit and then I was like, okay, still a great movie, but he's in it. He's got a little bit part in it. Who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:55:19 Well, it's boring, but you know, it's Valentine's Day or we're coming off of Valentine's Day. So it's Mrs. Fuller. I mean, we had a great weekend. That's nice. She takes great care of me. She takes great care of our kids, one of our dogs. She's just amazing. So she's always going to be my babe of the week.
Starting point is 01:55:33 She's always a huge addition when you FaceTime too. Yeah. Oh, she's always there. Yeah, she's there and she'll come in and drop some pearls of wisdom. And then, yeah, that's Mrs. Fuller. That's awesome. Thanks. Chad, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:55:46 My legend of the week, so as you guys are aware, I'm a huge, in terms of wardrobe, I like plain tees, crew neck, and just these sort of slim fit khakis, colored, usually like gray or black and um and my go-to t-shirt was the j crew essential t yeah white gray navy pink i love the pink i always rock pink whenever i can um and they stopped making it for some reason and i don't know what happened you know so and i was freaking out for a while. I was like, where am I going to find my t-shirt? Because I have a very specific type of t-shirt that I like.
Starting point is 01:56:31 The way it fits, the way it feels, the way it shrinks. And so I was on a mission. I'm like, I've got to find my new t-shirt. And so after months of searching, I've found my new t-shirt. Dude, I'm really excited to hear what this is. It's the Buck Mason. I wear it. You wear Buck Mason.
Starting point is 01:56:49 I do. I love Buck Mason. They're awesome. It's a great t-shirt. Great t-shirt. This is Buck Mason, and this is a little, I'm going to let it shrink. It's a little bit larger than I'd like. But, you know, I have a smaller one that's a little bit, you know, tighter fitting.
Starting point is 01:57:04 But I just, everything's dirty. It looks better tighter fitting, but I just think it's dirty. It looks better on you, but I have that exact shirt. Oh, thank you. I knew you were a Buck Mason guy. You came in styling today, and I was like, you're Buck Mason. I related it. No, you look good. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 01:57:15 Yeah, so shout out to Buck Mason. Thank you for making those special tees. You don't know how much it means to me. That's nice. That's awesome. Yeah, I like that dude my legend of the week is um inspirational videos on tiktok i've been digging them dude yeah you get some finance guy on there he's like look you can bitch you can complain or you could get up and finish the job and i'm like hell yeah, man. That's right.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Pumps me up. I get it. Again, hate to be boring, but after the conversation today, my legend of the week is Keanu Reeves. Yeah. Yes. Because it's just not enough. He's not spoken about enough.
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah. And he really, he's amazing. He's just amazing. Yeah. He's a hero amazing he's a hero for sure Chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from basic instinct starts with Sharon Stone
Starting point is 01:58:14 and then we get Michael Douglas' reply you got some coke I got a Pepsi in the fridge she means cocaine I can do another one too what do we do now Nick fuck like minx raised Rugrats live happily ever after I hate Rugrats fuck like minx forget the Rugrats and live happily ever after it's good yeah dude I forgot to bring the andrew yeah i'm reading andrew yang's book
Starting point is 01:58:48 um and it's it's really good he's he's a really good writer he's funny and the quote i wanted to do was something he said about revolution where it's better to like choose revolution than to like uh it was a quote from someone else it's better to choose revolution than to like have to endure it or have it thrust upon you. And I was like, Oh, that's a forward thinking way to think about how change has to happen. But I don't have the exact quote.
Starting point is 01:59:10 So instead he had talked about how he got picked on a lot when he was younger for having a small dong, which was all just stereotype, you know, just kids being bullies and assholes. And he talked about his response to it. He's like, it made me sad.
Starting point is 01:59:22 It made me, you know, feel vulnerable. And it also made me worried that I did have a small dick. And I was like, it made me sad. It made me, um, you know, feel vulnerable. And it also made me worried that I did have a small dick. And I was like, dude, nice Yang, way to put that in that chapter. I think a lot of people relate to that. And it made me more excited to get to his like, you know, take on universal basic income and automation, knowing that he had been through that kind of small dick crisis. Like so many of us have. That's good. like so many of us have that's yeah that's good um you know i said i watched top gun this week and i think that uh you know in top gun instead of saying i want to raise your stoke they said
Starting point is 01:59:55 permission to buzz the tower i like that quote permission to buzz the tower and it's he never grants it but he keeps on doing it it. I like everything about that. That's epic. You got to buzz the tower. Got to buzz the tower. Is that an innuendo? I didn't think about that until just now. Me neither.
Starting point is 02:00:16 Manscaped, maybe. Yeah, maybe. We might have to throw that into the ads. Okay, cool. Oh, we'll cite you, though. Okay. Of course. Got to buzz the tower. Well, MLA you.
Starting point is 02:00:25 Chad, what's your phrase when you're forgetting after it? Let's watch a Michael Douglas movie. Nice, dude. That's good. I'm a big Michael Douglas guy these days. He's great. Have you ever met him? No.
Starting point is 02:00:44 No. I wish I had. What's your phrase when you ever met him? No. No. I wish I had. What's your phrase that we were getting after? I think I just did it. Permission to buzz the tower. Sorry to not be that original. Mine is more just like my word. These have become like my word of the day really lately.
Starting point is 02:00:59 But I like this word. It's a noun. Hoy poloy. Hoy poloy. Hoy poloy. Hoy poloy. Yeah. The masses, common people. Yeah. Yeah. Bridge and tunnel. It's a noun. Hoy poloy. Hoy poloy. Hoy poloy. Hoy poloy. Yeah. The masses coming, people.
Starting point is 02:01:07 Yeah. Yeah. Bridge and tunnel. Love it. Yeah. All right, Brad. I think this was, you know, everyone's great, but I think this one is my favorite. You think this is our best one?
Starting point is 02:01:17 I think it's my favorito. Wow. I really, I loved it. I can't tell you if I was sitting here for 15 minutes or 15 hours. It just kind of flew by. Two hours and 15 minutes, I think. Wow. You're our best guest.
Starting point is 02:01:28 Really? Yeah. Guys, you know, I'll come back anytime. You just have to call me. I'm always here. Call you, we shall. Awesome. Awesome.
Starting point is 02:01:36 I loved it. Thanks, dude. Bye. Bye. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 02:01:58 Just to have the girls beside you Go and see Go and see Girls beside you Going deep Going deep Let's go deep Going deep Getting deep

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