Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 176 - Strider Wilson and Joe Marrese Join

Episode Date: March 5, 2021

What up Stokers, this week we've the four horsemen of the chillpocalypse.      Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​   Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% O...ff and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagionSHOW LESSSHOW LESS

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh yeah, iron my shirt and slap a steak on my ass. What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation, this is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Kroger coming in with the going deep chat and JT podcast guys before we begin and we are also of course brought to you by the legends at Manscaped Manscaped thank you so much for
Starting point is 00:00:32 keeping our trims pewed for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinkles are looking fresh and clean because St. Paddy's Day is right around the bend guys and you're going to want to have fresh pubes for you know, that special, special holiday. Because if you're not wearing green, imagine what they'll say when they realize your pubes aren't in check.
Starting point is 00:00:56 You know? Will you even be able to day drink? Probably not. So make sure you get your pubes in order for St. Patrick's Day with the code go deep at manscaped.com for 20% off and free shipping. That's go deep at manscaped.com. And I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And are we just firing this off today with a with a financial call yeah i think we're gonna call our buddy saint capital and we're gonna talk to him about some other uh happenings in the financial biz and just overall kind of outlook stuff that that he's you know i'd love to hear his voice again i like saint capital more than mr capital oh did i just change it yeah but i like it i like where you're headed yeah i think is better. Because he is sort of the holy ghost of the financial sector. Yeah, and I think he said he had some juicy stuff on what we're going to talk about today. Oh, nice. So here we go.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yo. What's up, dog? St. Capitol, what's up dog saint capital what's good baby dude i accidentally called you saint capital instead of mr capital but chad thinks that's an upgrade uh pseudonym wise that's cool it's actually john street capital so it's all an upgrade oh john street capital nice that is pretty fire um how did you come up with that or Or do you not want to delve into it? I live there, and my buddies and I started an LLC to start investing together. So really unoriginal, but stuck ever since. Okay, so let's just get straight into it. How is Elon Musk worth more money than Jeff Bezos?
Starting point is 00:02:39 I don't understand it. I feel like Jeff Bezos' company has so much more impact and is so much more deeply woven into our culture. And I just feel like he's got more underlying assets. So what is it about Elon that people just believe in him so much that it elevates the profile of the company? Yeah. So you know how Chad is still a believer in Billabong? For sure. And Nobody else is.
Starting point is 00:03:07 It's basically the parallel for Tesla. Tesla has created this cult-like following for a number of different reasons. The company is valued at $660 billion today versus Amazon that's valued at $1.6 trillion. But if you look at the revenue, right, so call Amazon basically two and a half times on a market cap basis. Tesla did $31 billion of revenue last year, and Amazon did $380 billion in revenue. Amazon's 10 times as big from a revenue perspective. From a profitability perspective, it's 15 times as big, but it's only one and a half times as big from a market cap perspective, because there's this Elon premium that Bezos doesn't get. I don't think Amazon's complaining about how it trades, but there's that. And then Elon owns 20% of Tesla. Bezos owns 10.5% of Amazon. Part of that is just the length
Starting point is 00:04:19 of starting. Amazon was founded a lot earlier than Tesla, so Bezos has sold some down year over year. And all this network stuff is garbage in, garbage out projections. Nobody actually knows what's going on. It's just fun to talk about. Yeah, exactly. Bezos has been personally in his venture portfolio versus Elon. Everyone accredits Elon's SpaceX position to some big number, but Bezos has Blue Origin, which is his own rocket company. So who the hell knows what it actually is? Do you have much faith in the viability of these rocket companies? Like to be actually consumer product type stuff?
Starting point is 00:04:57 To be consumer productized anytime soon? No, it's just way too expensive. I think space is interesting. But if you think about the practical limitations of it, when are people going to try and colonize Mars or Thelon? Not anytime soon. What can you do there that you might not be able to do here? Maybe there's some things like vertical farming equivalent, and there's some practical use cases.
Starting point is 00:05:25 I mean, there's a ton of smart people spending a ton of money on it so who the hell am i to say but i don't know not for me i i read that they're building a space hotel that's due to be completed in 2027 um thoughts on that do you think that changes the game for spacex i mean look there's you know virgin galactic has been talking about space travel for for some time spacex thinks you know that we'll be able to have people go up there too and they'll have their reusable rockets so it's interesting but i think it's one of those things that you'll have people that are willing to spend you know multiple six figures if not separate figures on to say they did it do it and it's not the type of thing that's going to have mass appeal so you know multiple six figures if not separate figures on to say they did it do it and it's not the type of thing that's going to have mass appeal so you know how big can that be how many
Starting point is 00:06:09 people in the world can afford to do that for a one week trip inclusive of the training and all the other you know certification processes you have to go through i'm not sure how big that trustful market is probably like 10 people yeah maybe you can crowdfund one for the two you guys that's fire that's the goal a little nerve-wracking but i'm down do you think do you think bezos would have a higher net worth had he gone on rogan i mean i think that was a big um lock for elon but elon's i mean they're both weird dudes but that's what he's good at, Elon, right? He understands the culture better? Or like the media culture? He plays into it more, right?
Starting point is 00:06:50 Like, you know, think about their backgrounds. You know, Bezos is a Wall Street guy. He was at D.E. Shaw, which is like the epitome of Wall Street hedge funds. And he's been dealing with, you know, Wall Street sell-side analysts for his entire life. And he thinks you had to be sort of this buttoned-up way. Elon came at this as sort of like a arm-the-rebels type of entrepreneur where he was always trying to disrupt the status quo and did that with PayPal early on and Tesla and SpaceX,
Starting point is 00:07:19 and he doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks. He's bet on himself multiple times going all in, so I just think he's better in that room than peyce this would be you know any day of the week he's a little more of a romantic figure for some i suppose you're not buying into it yeah i mean no he's he's he's brilliant he's pushing the world in a lot of interesting directions and so good for him but i just heard he's an asshole didn't you guys have a heated phone conversation we uh we did have a conversation where uh he he ended it by saying i'm going to fucking mars and you can't calculate a spread and you don't trust
Starting point is 00:07:58 me um so so that was fun how did you respond to? I said, I always say there's one billionaire in the room, and it's not me, so I defer to you. Oh, nice, dude. Do you actually defer to him, or was that just kind of your jujitsu in the moment? Well, no, I mean, I wasn't necessarily agreeing with what I was saying. He was asking for market feedback. I was giving him that market feedback. One of my colleagues used me as a human shield because he didn't want to be the one to deliver that feedback. I actually sided with him that I thought the deal would get done.
Starting point is 00:08:33 It had to do with his Tesla SolarCity acquisition a couple of years ago, where he basically bought his cousin's company in all stock. The company was going bankrupt, and people thought shareholders were going to vote it down and you know say there was conflicts of interest because he also owned a large piece of it um but you know it ended up going through and uh he was right i heard sorry is bezos a nice guy or is he known to be an asshole too uh you know the people that work for him have worked for him forever right if you look at the senior executives at, a lot of them are super long tenured, uh, you know, compensation helps, but there are a lot of places that pay people a lot of money that see much higher turnover. So, you know, you gotta imagine the people that work for him, respect him, give him that
Starting point is 00:09:17 longevity. Right. Um, you know, there's some other things about sort of conditions for the average, you know, Amazon, uh, you know Amazon factory worker and the likes. A lot of people probably take issue with, but day-to-day, he seems like a good dude. He's taking care of the immediate team, but maybe not too concerned about the people all the way down the line. He'll tell you he's concerned, but what's the average wage there versus other companies? I'm sure it's not that much of a premium, despite the fact that Amazon is worth a lot more than those companies.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I heard that Elon Musk was especially hard on the hedge funds in the GameStop situation, because the hedge funds consistently bet against Tesla early on, so he has kind of a grudge against them. hedge funds consistently bet against Tesla early on, so he has kind of a grudge against them. Yeah, he's got this infatuation with short sellers. He really hates them. And his Twitter picture at times has been a pair of short shorts. He sent shorts to David Einhorn, who was a prominent short seller in Tesla. Right now, still, it's about 6% to 7% of Tesla shares are held short. So, it was a popular short for some time. What I think Elon fails to appreciate is, if you're right and you have this big short base, that only helps propel your stock higher,
Starting point is 00:10:38 like we saw in a microcosm with GameStop and AMC. So, if anything, those shorts have to become net buyers of your stock a lot higher, if you're right. So I don't think his hate is warranted, but yeah, he's not a fan. What about Dogecoin? Yeah, I want to know about Doge. I'm thinking about becoming a Dogecoin guy. Yeah, look, Elon apparently really bought some of that as a joke for his son. And everything the guy touches turns to gold.
Starting point is 00:11:12 So why not Dogecoin? It was built entirely to be a joke. But today it has a $ a six and a half billion dollar market cap and you know elon tweeted about it and it was trading under a penny and uh you know now it's trading at five cents so it's up over 5x since he tweeted about it last month so you know if you followed elon in you would have been good to go nice oh uh how much uh what's his son's name again equals mc squared yeah
Starting point is 00:11:49 how much dogecoin does x have negative b plus or minus yeah I can't pronounce it it's like x a e a 12 it's a quadratic formula he's probably got more dogecoin than us collectively on this
Starting point is 00:12:07 phone have dollars so he's probably doing pretty well nice what if he sucks at math is he good at math it's gonna be a real shitty uh shitty name to to have for the duration of his uh growing up but he's elon mus's son. He'll be fine. Yeah. Well, I knew Vlade Divac's son. He didn't play basketball. I think that's comparable. Yeah, exactly. So basically the same thing.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Yeah. So how are you feeling about the market overall? Are you feeling good? Yeah. We're getting a little bit – we're getting some speed bumps in the road here. You know, last week was a bit of a rocky week. Yesterday was okay. Today, returned. You're seeing rates go up, which should be implying that the economy is improving. negative correlation with rates, particularly those further south of risk curves, a lot of high-growth tech stocks that people have been invested in. So, we'll see. The Fed has to do a really interesting juggling act here over the next couple of months to let rates normalize and
Starting point is 00:13:15 continue to swage concerns. But given all the progress we have on the vaccine front, the fact that it looks like we're going to have another $1.9 trillion of stimulus, The fact that it looks like we're going to have another $1.9 trillion of stimulus and the fact that everyone's ready for reopening. I think we're higher 12 months from now. What does that path look like? I don't know. What do you think about all these stimulus bills? Do you think we're digging ourselves into a massive hole? Do you see us coming out of this?
Starting point is 00:13:43 No. We're really screwed long term um i mean you know the fact that we're now doing 1.9 trillion dollars when we're kind of you know weeks if not months away from reopening is it's pretty crazy you know you go back to the financial crisis and you know the initial tarp bill was 700 billion. And you had Democrats vote that down saying that was too much money. You know, here we are, you know, 14, 13 years later, and we're saying that, you know, the initial $2.5 trillion wasn't enough. We need another $1.9 trillion. Something like 30% of all dollars ever created have been created in the past 12 months.
Starting point is 00:14:26 That's not sustainable. The way in which you can leverage debt is you create real economic output to pay it back. But right now, all the stimulus is just going into financial assets, inflating that. Real estate, art, collectibles, crypto, the stock market, you name it. But that's not creating real economic output. So how do we ever get ourselves out of that hole? You layer on top of all the entitlement programs that are already underfunded. Wouldn't want to be president in 30 years. Right. What would be the alternative to kind of righting the ship? For righting the ship? Yeah. I mean, you're stuck between a rock and a
Starting point is 00:15:06 hard place there's no easy answers i think uh we probably could have done less than both stimulus packages and earmark the capital in a more efficient way right you know if you looked at the initial cares act so much of it was know, the typical misappropriation of funds from Congress and, you know, tens of millions of dollars for statue creation and cleanup and, you know, housing supplies for congressmen and women and, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars earmarked for things that had absolutely nothing to do with the pandemic. And, you know, had you put that to good fiscal use like infrastructure and kind of re-domestication of supply chain and education you know that has a chance to turn into
Starting point is 00:15:50 economic output in the future but uh you know per usual we kind of bastardized it sweet one poem good is there any uh is there any industry that you think people should be on the lookout for in terms of investing? Look, I think in a world in which asset prices have to continue to inflate, owning high-quality, critically important technology stocks that have pricing power is interesting. What's an example of that? Companies like Google or Salesforce or something like that, where they can continue to raise prices, and they're mission-critical for a lot of businesses that either depend on them or consumers that depend on them. You know, they're not sexy stock picks because everybody knows them, but I think those are
Starting point is 00:16:47 businesses that continue to outperform. And then, you know, as you think about re-domestication of supply chain, you know, what has to go into that, you know, you really start to think about all things kind of climate change related and, you know, automation related that i think will be interesting and you know be brought back here and require a lot of money but a lot of spend from companies nice well thanks for the advice and dude always good to talk to you street capital yeah yeah talk to you guys you're a fan favorite so uh it's an honor to have you on and i always learn something when you're on so it's great to talk to you. Are you still,
Starting point is 00:17:25 are you still lifting a lot? Trying to, struggling, but trying. What are you just too busy with work? Too busy, too busy with this pandemic. The gyms were closed for so long.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Right. Body weight stuff. I don't have a nice at home set up like you. Thanks, man. You got the barbell. That's just the critical piece, right? That's it.
Starting point is 00:17:52 You can build your church on that thing. Doesn't fit in a one-bedroom apartment, unfortunately. Where are you out in New York? Down in Tribeca. Nice. Robert De Niro country. Exactly. Yeah, right down the block.
Starting point is 00:18:08 If you saw De Niro, would you say something? Probably not. Who's someone you would have to say something to? Steve Nash lived there for a while. I went up to him when I saw him leaving Whole Foods, just because he's the man. What'd you say to him? Steve Nash. Just said I was a big fan and he should go
Starting point is 00:18:27 to the Knicks. He didn't heed my advice probably for the better of his career. Yeah, he landed close though. He's right down the street. Yeah. I mean, this was years ago when he was still playing but yeah, I'm happy with Thibodeau though as opposed to Nash as a coach. No complaints there.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Yeah. You got Derrick Rose over there. It's like, I mean, if this was 2007, you guys would be the favorites. Hey, we're fourth in the East right now. Are you really? Yeah, third time over 500 this late in the season in the past 20 years. Watch out. I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Wow, I didn't know you guys were performing. No one's really talking about it. Yeah, we're kind of going to just sneak up on people with a classic Thibodeau team, play good defense, ugly offense, and grind it out. Nice. St. Cavanaugh, I got one more question. Board shorts, I think they're pretty much impervious.
Starting point is 00:19:19 To market fluctuations. Yeah, I don't see them getting any kind of any replaced in any way unless i i feel like board shorts will be around maybe longer than oil what do you think yeah i mean look i think if you believe in electric vehicles then i probably bet on board shorts long term versus oil sweet that's a bet i'd make sweet thanks yeah they're not board shorts aren't fungible exactly they're super scarce just start creating a line of one-of-ones and sell them and say they're a store of value oh yeah what do you think about this nike lady who had to step down because her kid was reselling the products um i think if they really took a look at like half their
Starting point is 00:20:06 you know employees they'll do the same thing it's a dirty biz everything's a dirty bit i'm trying to get in on those sneaker drops yeah all right dude well it's good talking to you we'll probably call you in a week or two and just keep us posted man yeah great chatting all right guys have a good one to you. We'll probably call you in a week or two and just keep us posted, man. Yeah. Great chatting with you. All right, guys. Have a good one. Yeah, you too, man. Later, brother.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Man, he really is the sensei. Yeah, he's great. The sensei of cash. He just says words in such a nice flow. Yeah. Yeah. I catch every third one, but it's just like music. I mean, he can use the word like reallocate
Starting point is 00:20:45 so seamlessly yeah we got to re-domesticate supply chains which could have a actual positive economic output in the next couple decades but if we don't do that i mean the fed's in real trouble yeah right on my goal is to get this podcast to a point where that's how we talk the entire time. That'd be amazing. Yeah. That'd be cool. Be like NPR's Planet Money, but we're swinging for the other side. For sure.
Starting point is 00:21:14 I should bring the boys in here? Yeah. Guys, if you thought that was the whole pod, you were sorely mistaken. We got some heavy hitters coming in right now. We got Strider Wilson and Joe Morisi. Oh wait, can I get the horn? Let me get that horn sound effect.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Hit it. Let me get these guys. That's not... Guys, we've got two epic guests coming in hot. You know them. You love them. One of them has a huge dong. The other has a not-so-huge dong, but he has a huge heart and a big noggin. Give it up for Strider Wilson and Joe Morisi!
Starting point is 00:22:20 You're sitting over there now? Yeah, just so two guests are there. What do you think about that? I don't know. Whatever you want to do, I'm just going to ask. Yeah, I think it's fine. How's it going? Pretty good.
Starting point is 00:22:40 How are you doing? I'm good. I think I got Graham moving in with us. Graham Rogers? Yeah. Oh, nice. That's a great trio. Me and Lockwood.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, I mean, I'm desperate for a third person. I'm not picky anymore. I'm going to go broke. Do you hear Graham Rogers might be moving in? I recruited him. Oh, you did? Nice. I was working out with him, and, you did? Nice. I was working out with him and I was like, bro.
Starting point is 00:23:10 He's like, I don't want to live alone anymore. I was like, I got a place for you. Yeah, and he lives in shitty... Right in the middle of like the worst part of Hollywood. Dude, you're looking brown. You look really tan, dude. It's for babysitting. Just go out in the pool.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Nice. Yeah, it's great, dude. The backyard's amazing. Babysitting. I tan, dude. You know what's fun? Babysitting. Just go out in the pool. Nice. Yeah, it's great, dude. The backyard's amazing. Babysitting. I know, dude. But you're great at it. Yeah, dude. It's pretty chill.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I mean, it is. I do long hours. Like seven hours with two seven-year-olds. Really? Yeah. What's the conversation? Dude, it's pretty gold. There's this one kid that comes up and he goes he told me that his spirit
Starting point is 00:23:47 animal's a fox and i was doing history his dank on orcas i was like oh yeah do you know about orcas tell them some facts and he's like yeah i like them i went to the beach the other day and you know it gets foggy at the beach i was like yeah he's like it's like i saw this thing that was like a squid but it wasn't it was like um it was like a cthulhu like what's a cthulhu like maybe that's a spanish word or something for squid that i don't know but he's like yeah i saw cthulhu at the beach in the fog and i was like oh what okay i was like what is that he goes look it up on your phone you'll see so i come into a light and look it up and it's this gigantic evil demon dark death monster that's like destroying the earth oh
Starting point is 00:24:22 that's what it looks like because there's a metallica song called the call of the Catoons. Yeah, it's like some sort of ancient God. Yeah Well, no, it's from HP Lovecraft. Demon God, bro It's amazing dude. Hilarious. Yeah, like do you think you imagined that like you probably read that in a comic book he's like no No, amazing you probably read that in a comic book. He's like, no. Amazing. You cut your hair. It's about time. The recording just started, guys.
Starting point is 00:24:55 We got the connoisseur of marriage Strider Wilson here we got a lot to dive into and then we also got the big hog himself Mr. Masculinity Joe Morisi what up what up thanks I'm a man hey
Starting point is 00:25:18 yeah congratulations you're engaged thank you real deal Holyfield baby let's go taking the plunge doing it Yeah, congratulations. You're engaged. Congratulations. Thank you, bros. Thank you. He's engaged. Real deal Holyfield, baby. Let's go. Wow. Taking the plunge.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Doing it, baby. Let's go. Fired up, dude. Went out to J Tree, dude. Went out to the desert, dude. And freaking lost my GF, dude. Oh, Joshua Tree? Yeah. Everyone goes out there to smoke crack or something, right?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah. No, shrooms. You know what they do to smoke crack, though? At, like, the gas stations on the way to Joshua Tree. Oh, okay, yeah. That's where the good crack smoke is going. I knew crack was involved. For sure.
Starting point is 00:25:55 But once you get out to the desert, like, you could see... I don't do shrooms. I enjoy, like, a nice, dank IPA, like, knowing what I'm getting myself into. Yeah. I don't want to be too unhinged. But, like, when you're out there in the desert, I could see how like it would be the ideal. It's pretty, it's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Yeah, I like staying hinged. Yeah, dude, I don't want to be, yeah. I like being very hinged, dude. What was the first word you said after she said yes? Was it dank? Dude, I was feeling very dank, but I was like you went down first of all like i had a plan i didn't like tell myself where i was gonna say like oh you're like get on a knee and be like you would you make me the happiest man or like you're my freaking rock and i freaking would like to
Starting point is 00:26:36 grow organically i was like i like had an idea of things that i've heard in movies or would say and i was like when you know what in the moment i'm just gonna like it's gonna come to me and like it definitely didn't like i was like getting down know what? In the moment, I'm just going to like, it's going to come to me. And like, it definitely didn't. Like, I was like getting down on a knee and like stuttering while I did. I was like, I'd be forever with you. So much togetherness that forever I'd be so grateful that I love you.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Then would you be marrying me now? And she was like, oh, Strider, like, that's so nice. And then she was like, of course. And then like, I didn't even put the ring straight on her finger. Like, we just kind of frigging smooched. Did a little was like, of course. And then, like, I didn't even put the ring straight on her finger. Like, we just kind of freaking smooched. Did a little mac and cheese session right there. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Yeah, legit. And then afterwards, I was like, well. Did the kiss feel different? It felt very nice. It felt very loving. I could feel the joy. Yeah, you could feel it. Yeah, you could definitely feel it.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Wow. Yeah. That's cool. It was great, dude. It was great. And our lips were dry because it was windy as fuck. So I was out there the weekend before. Windiest weekend of the year. 60 mile an hour winds. You're just ripping, dude. It was great. And our lips were dry because it was windy as fuck. So I was out there the weekend before windiest weekend of the year.
Starting point is 00:27:28 60 mile an hour winds. You're just ripping, dude. Yeah, bro. We were in 30 and I was like 60. That's insane. We were outside just like trying to chill by a fire. You're literally like, I'm like, this is like dangerous. It's like a tornado.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Like I'm like one of these logs is going to come out of the fire and like light us on fire. Dude, hilarious. Dude, I just picture you slipping on the ring, just going, freaking dang. Dude, I did. To myself, I did. Honestly, I would say it because we got a nice jacuzzi. Look, we didn't do Joshua Tree camping style. People that do go do that, get after it, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Get in your van. Do it. More power to you, dude. Respect. I need Wi-Fi, dude. I need the hot tub, dude. That was a highlight for us. Asfi dude i need the hot tub dude that was like a highlight for us like as soon as she saw the hot tub dude and it had jets let's go dude we just posted up had a little rosé sipping that and then she had the ring on she she put it she took it off
Starting point is 00:28:15 because she didn't want to get stuck in the jet so we put it out on the little deck dude and just looking at that thing just freaking glistening in the dank stars out in j tree because there's a lot of dank stars the stars are beautiful it's close yeah it's like those are there right now in LA you just can't see them yeah I can't whack dude but yeah man it was isn't it interesting in LA everyone's trying to be a star but you can't see the stars beautiful you know I thought about it this whole time I'm so stoked right now dude I just picture you in that juku post-engagement, post-proposal, chest hair out, the jets hitting you just right.
Starting point is 00:28:55 So you're just like, your chest hair is just vibrating enough and you're just standing there just, and your fiance is just looking at you like, that's my husband. That's right. That's my husband. That's right. That's my man. Like James Bond. We would do that. Dude, it was the best. We'd look at, we'd go, we're getting married.
Starting point is 00:29:09 This is crazy. I was like, I know. We've been dating a long ass time. Yeah. So it was a long time coming. It wasn't one of those engagements of like, is she going to say yes or no? Like we talked about it. We, you know, freaking open.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You did say you were nervous though. You said you did have that rogue thought. Like, what if she says no? Oh, a hundred percent. Or like I was doing it wrong or like she hated the way that like i did it oh yeah i had to change a few times due to covid dude love saying that phrase dude anytime something goes wrong i'm due to covid dude and uh so like how to alter the plan so i was like is she gonna be happy with this plan and she was dude and yeah dude baby that jacuzzi the jets were hitting me just
Starting point is 00:29:42 right dude fucking so nice dude enjoyed ourselves and then uh she went to bed and i'm a bit of a night owl so i stayed up and watched a little movie with me no no i should have brought the box i was like fuck strap on the headphones what would really make this engagement amazing is i could play some xbox real quick you guys want to get a bounty yeah dude all right babe good night just play shipment by myself everyone's asleep dude take out 13 year olds yeah but dude it was beautiful beautiful moment so fired up dude wedding's gonna be a i want it to be a rager we want it to be a rager so probably summer 2022 dude you know clear a weekend probably sometime in July no date set
Starting point is 00:30:25 yeah we're just enjoying the engagement we're like we're chilling yeah summer wedding's the way to go
Starting point is 00:30:29 yeah I want it to be casual too maybe to do tacos dude we've been talking about that just maybe have a fire DJ dude
Starting point is 00:30:36 dance what are you gonna do location wise probably SoCal really are you giving SoCal San Diego maybe yeah
Starting point is 00:30:42 we're looking San Diego Santa Barbara LA LA, whatever. Solvang? Not Solvang. No, not Solvang. Although I love Solvang. Actually, maybe Solvang.
Starting point is 00:30:53 But the lady doesn't want to do it there. No. And it's maybe pricey, too. The seniors are pretty. Right. Oh, yeah. They gouge you. They don't want to blow our load on a location.
Starting point is 00:31:02 We just want something that's got room, dude. And then blow our load on probably just IP We just want something that's got room dude and then you know blow our load on like probably just IPAs. I want high class IPAs. I want top quality DJ maybe our boy DJ Abom. I want maybe like to
Starting point is 00:31:15 hire a dance team. You got to get some cool food too. My brother had pigs in a blanket at his wedding. See that's great. He's a game changer.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah I'm not like I feel like the maybe it's nice to have a table like we'll probably have tables you can go post up at but i'm not thinking like oh let's do like a steak or a surf and turf although i do get fired up on that but i'm like come on that's more for like grandpa's birthday or something this i want good dank quick eats get something in you fuel your buzz your tilt, whatever you're doing, and just go rich. Love that. That's your vibe. Couple speeches. How many people?
Starting point is 00:31:51 Hopefully as many as I can get, dude. I want to try to get $1.50. Maybe $1.25, see who shows up, you know. Sweet. All the boys told my DF immediately, my dang fiance, I was like, dude, hopefully you can find 20 ladies, because the entire fantasy league's gonna be in the freaking batch party dude and there's co-managers and shit dude hopefully you
Starting point is 00:32:09 can that's gonna be a great bachelor party it's epic and it's got to be vegas yeah because you're a vegas guy we talked and you're like dude i was like i don't know dude maybe tahoe could be nice dude i enjoy nature dude you're like dude you love vegas and i go dude you're freaking this absolutely right bro how many times have you been to Vegas? I think I'm at 28 times right now in my life. 28? I've been there a lot. I've been to Vegas 28 times, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 What's your go-to hotel? I've actually mixed it up a lot. Probably the Palazzo is where I've stayed the most. But honestly, I've had the most fun at the Cosmo, like as of late. Cosmo. That's sort of the end hotel right now. That's like the posh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:44 That's where you go. We had a good time there. Yeah. I've stayed at the Flamingo. Not great. That's like the posh. Yeah. That's where you go. We had a good time there. Yeah. I've stayed at the Flamingo. Not great. There was like shoe prints on the ceiling. People were doing some weird boning. Yeah, it's an old one. Shoe prints on the ceiling?
Starting point is 00:32:52 Yeah, I don't know how. It was like 12 foot ceilings. Like maybe someone did like one of those worm or what are those things called? Centipedes? Yeah. Human centipede? Yeah. I could see that at the Flamingo.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I think it's gone down. Yeah, for sure. Like a vertical, sorry, like a vertical human centipede? Yeah. A human centipede? Yeah. I could see that at the Flamingo. I think it's gone down. Yeah, for sure. Reggie and I... Like a vertical, sorry, like a vertical human centipede? Yeah. That makes sense. The Velcro. Or maybe they magnetized the room the way they do that carnival ride.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Oh, yeah. Where you can like turn upside down on it. Oh, yeah, like the G-Force one. Yeah. That'd be interesting to bone like that because you'd really penetrate. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That'd be interesting to bone like that because he'd really penetrate.
Starting point is 00:33:24 Oh, yeah. Like, he'd be like, you know, and like fucking. Yeah. Don't catch Joe in there. Yeah, I won't. Joe, what's up, dude? Not much. I'm trying to interject with something. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:33:44 Yeah. This is like an improv class. Yeah, well, dude, just get engaged. Then people will ask you tons of cues, dude. Well, the last thing we were talking about kind of died out there. What's that? The whole Vegas talk and then... No, no.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Oh, let's go back. You lost me with the ceiling thing. I lost you? Sorry. That was my fault. I brought up the center page. I was having my back. I appreciate that. Let's rewind to pre-sealing.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I like Vegas. You're a Vegas guy. I've been to Vegas a lot. Yeah. Joe dominates Vegas, I feel like. Yeah, I used to have a good time there. You have a good presence there. Kevin's wedding, right?
Starting point is 00:34:19 You had a good time? Yeah, that was a lot of fun. You hooked up with somebody? Yeah, Caesar's Palace. Great hotel as well. Who'd you hook up with? I didn't. You fun. You hooked up with somebody? Yeah, Caesar's Palace. Great hotel as well. Who'd you hook up with? I didn't. You did.
Starting point is 00:34:28 You made out with somebody. I can't talk about it. That's cool. I respect that. For sure. We did some work today. We did some moving. Yeah, I'm done with the moving.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Someone hired you to help them move, and then you had to call me to help you help them move. Because we had to lift me to help you help them move yeah because we had to lift like uh abraham lincoln's uh chest yeah i mean the thing was like yeah that thing looks like it's from the 1700s joe picked it up for three seconds puts it down and goes we can't do it yeah the guy danny's like we have to do it i was like joe we gotta do it and then joe goes it's not happening yeah sat down because there's nothing because i i want my hands you know um because it's one of these things where it's a dresser where the bottom is just completely flat so if your hand's underneath it you can't put it down without smashing your hand right right there's nothing let it drop yeah there's nothing that like you know there's nothing that indents it all.
Starting point is 00:35:26 You can grab it and then set it down. Yeah, your hand's at risk of smashing because the thing weighs about 8 billion pounds. It is scary bringing something upstairs that's heavy. You're like, look, if one person slips and falls here, I'll die. I'll die helping my friend move, which is kind of a tough way to go. Yeah. Just a dresser trampling you down the stairs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:48 I mean, tomorrow I'm going to be done. I mean, I could already feel it now. Yeah. My shoulder's a little sore. I had a coffee and it didn't do anything. Really? Yeah. Moving is a better workout.
Starting point is 00:35:58 It's better for functional strength than weightlifting because with weightlifting, you're just always doing kind of the same controlled plane of movement right like moving you're like Hucking it up over your shoulder and like pushing from your neck. Yeah all different muscles involved The dolly dude when movers when you see movers have a dolly like you see a movie or like this guy's too skinny This guy's got mmm. This guy, you know, probably worships Cthulhu and you're like this guy's not moving shit he's not moving my couch kidding me living space is no chance my credenza good fucking luck then he rolls into a dolly game-changer dude it truly like that oak chest all you would have had to do is slide the dolly under it leverage a little bit get two guys to guide it fucking ratchet that thing in
Starting point is 00:36:41 there hmm oh yeah we needed some kind straps. That's what you were calling for. Joe was saying, he was like, we need straps. Bigger dolly. I came over barefoot, too, to help move. Moving barefoot.
Starting point is 00:36:53 You know what? I didn't even think about it. That's how you lift. Living on the edge. That's legit. Yeah, dude, the fact that you lift barefoot is impressive.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I appreciate that. It's primal. You're in touch with Pachamama. I need my heels into the earth. Getting that seismic force. I mean, I'm going to up my rates next time people want me to move. What's your going rate? Now it's going to be $30 an hour.
Starting point is 00:37:14 Good stuff. What was your rate before? $20. Nice. I'm going all the way up to $30 now because I'm getting tired. Do you have like a little spiel if the same person asks you to move and you up the rate? What are you going to tell them?
Starting point is 00:37:31 I'm going to say, you know, I don't know. I can't even think of anything to say. I'm tired. You didn't give me straps. Yeah. No, I'm going to need lunch has to be provided. As well as zero water. You know what that means?
Starting point is 00:37:52 No. It's a zero water filter. There's nothing in the water. It's clean. Oh, yeah, I saw you using that. So are you off Brita's now? I never was a Brita guy. I just always got bottles.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Why zero? What's the deal with zero? Is it better than Brita? Yeah, I never was a Brita guy. I just always got bottles. Why zero? What's the deal with zero? Is it better than Brita? Yeah, way better. Why? Because it takes everything out. Interesting. How much more expensive? It's not. It's cheap. It's like 20, 30 bucks depending on what size you want.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Should I switch to zero? I have a Brita right now. Yeah, I would because it comes with a thing where you can measure the water too. Did Lockwood bring that over? No, I bought it. Oh, so this is have a Brita right now. Yeah, I would because it comes with a thing where you can measure the water too. Did Lockwood bring that over? No, I bought it. Oh, so this is like a real switch for you. Yeah. Because, yeah, I'm done wasting.
Starting point is 00:38:34 I was collecting too much plastic waste. Wow. And then, yeah. And the water's phenomenal. Yeah. And they give you a thing that measures the things in the water. Oh, like how clean it is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 The purity? That's cool. Like the tap water here is like 250-something. What's that, like chlorine units or something? Yeah, like a bunch of whatever stuff. A bunch of shit, yeah. It's bad. That's probably the worst in the country.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah, I think that's pretty bad. For the tap water here? Mm-hmm. Wow. I mean, every building has a sign on it that's pretty yeah that's pretty bad for the tap water here wow I mean every building has a sign on it that's like hey our water here might kill you just so you know yeah when I first saw that I was so shocked and then you see it everywhere and it just
Starting point is 00:39:14 you get over it yeah it's so bad that prop 65 I don't think Brita's even do much yeah maybe I should switch because I have Brita and I'm like I don't think It's doing much you can taste the difference. I mean this water really yeah, what if you boil water doesn't that kill the stuff? Mm-hmm Oh chemicals. I don't know if it takes like chlorine out. Yeah, it must I hope so
Starting point is 00:39:37 I've been to something I make my coffee. I don't use my filtered water cuz like I just imagined I in the woods Yeah, and they like kill germs that way but maybe they can't kill chemicals that way. Yeah, I just realized the ice cubes I make are from the tap. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:49 I started using the zero. I use filtered water for my ice. I should do that. You know what I do? What's up? Heat up the filtered water
Starting point is 00:39:57 then freeze it. Gives you that nice clear ice effect. Ooh. Why not treat yourself to something gourmet at home? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:40:04 that's legit. Yeah, because that's like how you get the clear ice. I mean, Why not treat yourself to something gourmet at home? Yeah. That's legit. Yeah. Because that's like how you get the clear ice. I mean, you should ideally have a machine that like heats water then immediately puts it
Starting point is 00:40:12 in the cold fucking whatever and then that's how you get clear ice. Instead of like white ice. I kind of like white ice. Yeah. It's kind of nice. I wish I could make my own
Starting point is 00:40:22 sort of like chunky, like little cubed ice. You know what I mean? Oh yeah. That's the best when you get like a nice like a hot summer day coffee bean ice coffee bean ice but like a coca-cola crushed ice ooh yeah nice the best um what was I gonna Joe I forget zero something oh yeah I've been trying to eat organic oh nice been trying to make that switch I was always kind of like oh who cares
Starting point is 00:40:47 but then I read a book on it and I was like I was like yeah I should you know I should clean it up yeah it's great that's got to make a difference and you know
Starting point is 00:40:55 I think the more you either pay now or you pay later totally it's preventative I guess you're saving yourself
Starting point is 00:41:03 the doctor's bill down the road. Health is wealth. Amen. An ounce of prevention is worth a lot of intervention or something like that they say. Forget what it is.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Something like that. There's some guy listening right now who said it to himself and he knows what I'm talking about. And to you, I say, what up? But probably less of those people than you think. Totally. Sometimes I'll say a word wrong on the podcast. I'm like, oh, I'm going to get called out for that for sure.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And no one says anything. Really? Yeah. You say it with confidence. I said sandbagging wrong the other day. How'd you say it? I said sandbagging was when like someone talks shit about you to somebody else to make you look bad. That's not what sandbagging is.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Really? Sandbagging is when you falsely make yourself seem worse than you are. Is it? Like in golf, sandbagging, son of a bitch. Yeah. Yeah, that's the phrase I know. Sandbagging, son of a bitch. That's in golf?
Starting point is 00:42:00 No, that's from, it's from Wedding Crashers. Yeah, yeah. You sandbagging, son of a bitch. I had no idea. But I hear on the golf course a lot where it's like, a dude will be like, oh, I'm an 18 handicap. Then hole number three happens and the guy's a fucking scratch golfer and he's a sandbagger.
Starting point is 00:42:16 When you pretend that you're terrible at basketball just so you can beat your cousin one-on-one, you sandbag her. Yeah, I've done that too. It's like what they do in White Men Can't Jump. That's a great example. Yeah, sandbag her yeah i've done that too it's like what they do white men can't jump that's a great example yeah sandbagging yeah is that a movie that needs a remake i mean i guess that's what they always say but it's like if it's good then it's good i don't know what i mean whatever do remakes work so what oceans 11 that worked yep that worked. Yep, that worked. Star is Born worked. That's a remake.
Starting point is 00:42:46 That's a great one. But what's the gap? Because the gap is like... The gap has to be significant. Yeah, I feel like it has to be a generation. I didn't even know Star is Born originally was made. And then I was like, whoa, it's a remake. Whereas I know White Men Can't Jump is a great movie,
Starting point is 00:43:01 and I know they're doing a remake. They're remaking Scarface. Really? I feel like that might work though 40 years old yeah that'll win the one before that is 40 years old so it's kind of like a star-is-born where this is like the third iteration there was gonna be a no scar no no yeah the James Cagney Cohen oh wow the remake of Scarface the Coen brothers dude Adam driver is gonna be excellent in it Dude, Adam Driver's going to be excellent in it.
Starting point is 00:43:25 Nice. Nope, you can't cast. That's once again, you need to have somebody who is of Cuban or Latin descent playing that role. You can't have a Pacino. I could do it. You, you would be excellent in it. I can't have a baby with this woman. I'm a pussy corrupted. I'm a pussy corrupted.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Dude, that's excellent. That's fucking great. JT dead in the fountain. I ain't killing a fucking kid. That's pretty good. Have you seen JT by a pool, dude? Oh, dude, yeah, bro. We need to start campaigning now, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:01 You guys are nice. Make JT Scarface. I'm down, dude. That's great. First you get the money, I'm campaigning now, dude. You guys are nice. Make JT Scarface. I'm down, dude. JT, you found your chest hair. Oh. First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the pussy. JT on the dance floor. Is that what he said?
Starting point is 00:44:14 Yeah, exactly. Then you get the pussy. Something along those lines. It's amazing. Yeah. Then you get the pussy. Where are you from? Baltimore?
Starting point is 00:44:22 Baltimore. Where are you from? The fucking dance floor, dude. It's a good movie. movie actually I never liked it I never liked Scarface the movie I always thought it was kind of slow and I think I went into it because you'd watch MTV Cribs and you'd see how hyped up like every hip hop artist
Starting point is 00:44:34 got about it but then when you actually watched it you're like oh I thought this would be more like wall to wall entertaining but I understand now better why they liked it because of the kind of like ascension of the character and also, like, how primally he sees the world. He's a very, like, I mean, just is, he's, like, total animal kingdom style.
Starting point is 00:44:57 100%. Yeah. Take over. I watched Dog Day Afternoon last week. Good movie. It's a weird movie. It's weird. Yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I thought it was the best, like, you know, first 20 minutes of a movie I think I've seen. Because there's so many, the stakes are so high, there's so much tension. And it's funny, too. And it just pulls you in automatically. It gets right into it, too. It gets right into it. There's no fat. And then John Cazale is in it, one of the best actors of all time. Oh, he's yeah, he's great What he died, but yeah long. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:33 Meryl Streep took care of him really that was his lady. Oh, really? Yeah, I'm couple. Are you kidding me? Pretty amazing? And she was like beautiful and he's not the most handsome guy in the world rest in peace she respects his craft his character is supposed to be like a handsome dude and then Al Pacino's like I want John right I want John and the director's like he's ugly
Starting point is 00:45:57 but then he saw him audition then he saw him audition and he's like alright he has to be it they did a documentary about John Cazale that's on and he's like, he has to be it. Yeah. They did a documentary about John Cazale that's on HBO. Yeah. It's like Sam Rockwell and like Philip Seymour Hoffman, all these great actors talking about him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:16 He was in five movies and all of them were nominated for Best Picture. Really? Yeah. Amazing. The two Godfathers, Dog Day Afternoon, The Conversation, and Deer Hunter. Deer Hunter, yeah. Yeah. I gotta watch Deer Hunter. Let me tell you what.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Have you seen it? Chop it down. Let's go, baby. Deer Hunter, like the wedding stuff? You're talking about the first 20 minutes of a movie? Watch the Deer Hunter. You'll be like... Yeah, what is that wedding scene about? It's a lot of world building.
Starting point is 00:46:40 It's like one shot, at least 20 minutes. When they zoom in on the one actor's face, and he's singing close-up in the wedding, you're like, why am I watching this right now, dude? I was just in a steel mill, and now I'm watching this dude in a chapel. This is all well-trodden territory, but they say that that director, Michael Cimino,
Starting point is 00:46:57 so he wins for Deer Hunter, and that's the peak of the auteur era in Hollywood where talented directors are given big budgets to make these pretty bold movies. So then his next movie is called Heaven's Gate, and it's about the 1860s and cattle barons fighting over cows, basically. It's like a three-hour movie. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:47:15 It has a graduation from Harvard in it that's like 20 minutes long. And then that movie, everybody basically points to you for killing that system and making everybody go more commercial because it was just, they put too much faith in an artist and he just totally bungled it like up his own butt. But if you watch the deer hunter, you can see that coming. You're like, yeah, this guy's not thinking about an audience too much. Yeah. At least in terms of just keeping them invested or interested.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Totally. Yeah. Watch that movie. Yeah. I've been watching WandaVision. Have you guys watched that? No. Not yet.
Starting point is 00:47:46 It's interesting. It's like for the first three episodes, you don't know what's going on. And I especially don't because I don't know. I'm not familiar with the Marvel world, really. I don't really know these two characters. I guess they're known in the world. Are they in the Avengers? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Yeah, so maybe I should know the world. Are they in the Avengers? Yeah. So maybe I should know the Avengers. But I think they also shot it in a way where you're not supposed to really know what's going on. It's like an alternate reality or something. Truman Show or something like that is kind of what the vibe I get. Wanda Vision? Yeah. It's on Disney+. Wanda Sykes
Starting point is 00:48:21 isn't in it? No. Wanda Sykes? I thought that was what they were. Sorry. Elizabeth Olsen. Mary Kate and Ashley's younger sister. Yeah, she looks good. She's a great actress.
Starting point is 00:48:38 She's good. Yeah. Ingrid goes west. She's excellent. It's a great movie. I never finished it. It's good. Stark. what happens in the end so she goes to of Joshua Tree and because she's obsessed with Aubrey Plaza Aubrey obsessed with her sorry it's obsessive Elizabeth Olsen's character and then she goes out to a cabin she's been she's wasted all of her money she's like just wants to be close in proximity there they've figured out that she's all weird and then she posts like it's really dark and she's like
Starting point is 00:49:09 i'm thinking about killing myself and blah blah blah and like puts it on social media and then um ice cubes son or the guy who plays ice cube that's his son right yeah he's the uh uh love interest in it sees the message goes out saves her and then a ton of aubrey plaza's fans like give her a ton of sympathy and then like it sort of creates her identity that way so it's like by being this like crazy obsessive person she got really validated through social media so it's kind of like a dark right message at the end like she yes she got saved her life but then like now her life is this what's gonna end up where's her character going with right yeah how you guys feeling about social media lately i'm not crazy about it you don't like
Starting point is 00:49:51 it not really yeah i mean i'll look at it still but yeah are you gonna do tiktok no it's good or or clubhouse i think clubhouse i think there's there's some more like it'd be fun No. It's good. Or Clubhouse. I think Clubhouse, I think there's some. It could be fun. More like Club Sandwich, you know what I mean? Give me one of those. Dude, amen, bro. Yeah, bring it back to the real, the tangible.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I did a show on Clubhouse. Nice. I guess like 4,000 people were listening. That's pretty awesome. It was fun, right? Yeah, it was fun. I think that000 people were listening. That's pretty awesome. It was fun, right? Yeah, it was fun. I think that the hosts were gracious. Where it's not like a Zoom show, they can unmute themselves and laugh. So they would unmute and laugh.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And that kept me going. It was like eight minutes. So it felt like a show. But it is also just like, you know, it it's weird did you do it from your house like yeah literally yeah pretty crazy like from the couch just doing a set yeah just to your phone yeah but like it's weird because like elon musk is on on it bill gates uh the robin hood i like all these people are all these like you know big ceos and all. All these people are, all these like, you know, big CEOs and all these like powerful people are like having discussions on there,
Starting point is 00:51:10 which is really interesting. What percentage of yourself do you think people really see from your social media? None of them see my DF. So, and that's a huge part of my life. That's at least 50% so definitely oh my dank fiance oh yeah um it's branding social media um um so yeah I mean it's definitely controlled it's like the part that you want to see and then people say things that they wouldn't say in public I mean I try to keep it as real as I can but like I definitely choose what goes on
Starting point is 00:51:44 boundaries that's just having boundaries right totally yeah you got to have boundaries for sure I mean, I try to keep it as real as I can, but I definitely choose what goes on. You've got to have some boundaries. That's just having boundaries, right? Totally, yeah. You've got to have boundaries for sure. Yeah. So it gets out of hand. I mean, I'm grateful for it, for sharing the podcast that we do. I do enjoy seeing what friends are up to and stuff, but I'm not really engaging it.
Starting point is 00:52:01 I'm not DMing Dwayne Johnson. I've actually DMed David Spade, though. Yeah? Yeah, I fell at his car. He got back to me. Oh, he did? Yeah. He's like, oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Because he did a joke. Because I'd always, like, chat him up a little bit. He's very nice. And he's like, keep that tall, goofy dude away from my car, man. I don't want him dinging it up. And it was cool. He drives, like, a Land Rover. And he told us, he's like, yeah, I got this with Tommy Boy money.
Starting point is 00:52:22 I still drive it. Yeah, yeah. It's cool. Yeah, you've got the store. Yeah, because he brings it to the store. Yeah, and it's cool. I like yeah I got this with Tommy boy money I still yeah yeah yeah it's cool yeah you've I know the store yeah yeah because he brings to the store yeah and it's cool I like it I'm like great car yeah it's awesome I love it and then I was at lunch and he's like messing with the other valets he's like yeah thank thank goodness that goofy tall guy with the hair didn't park my car this time he's like tell him I say later I was like all right cool and then I was like oh dude and he's like yeah what up dude that's cool yeah hang out get dinner good lobster my treat I think I love I think
Starting point is 00:52:48 I love social media though I do I do think everyone who's I think if you follow me you do know who I am basically I would agree with that honest guys I know what I'd say that same for me as well that they know you right yeah I don't think people see how hard i work out enough like if i post like after me if i see if i post a clip of a workout they'll be like you're working out hard i'm like you don't know half of it bro there's just a little sliver of it start showing that maybe yeah dude give show us some more results i don't know take the lid off dude i don't know i kind of want to keep it in my back pocket so if anyone tries to punk me i'll be like let's do sprints smart yeah that's the thing sprint yeah i love it it's tough to
Starting point is 00:53:30 frame up sprinting on social media like what platform like you know if you're doing an olympic lift with a lot of weight it's one shot it's locked off sprint i gotta cover 40 yards can't you just run towards the camera pretty cool but is it understood by the audience really yeah i've done like your speed i you know what i do you got to get a cheetah or a dog something for reference i do uh 50 meter sprints in the outfield at the baseball field how you do at uh pan pacific um yeah how much time does that take well there's like 15 i do um 15 seconds so i found this program that i do you do a 50 meter sprint and then the first three sprints you do you go 60 to 90 percent of your max effort and take three minute breaks in between.
Starting point is 00:54:30 So I'll do three like that and then three 90 to 100% max effort. Oh, nice. How long have you been doing that? About a month. The endorphin boost is out of this world, right? It's the best. My ass is really hard. Really?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah. You got a nice ass. Yeah, you want to squeeze? Yeah. Can I feel it after? Yeah. You know what's good? Sprint in the sand. Go to the beach and sprint. It's nice. Not the wet sand. I was going to say the wet. Dry sand. Yeah, but that's hard. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:56 You'll watch your land sprint speed go up, dude. Or hills. I love sprinting hills. I think it's important. Yeah, I can't do that. I don't want to. Reach max speed. Richard Jeffries. Yeah, no. I think it's important. Yeah, I can't do that. I don't want to. To reach max speed. Richard Jeffries. Yeah, no, I think going max output is important because you lose that as you get older. When you're young, you're doing it all the time and so your body's like pretty used to it.
Starting point is 00:55:14 But as you get older, like you feel it mentally before you feel it physically. Like someone's like, hey, we need to like jump over this thing. You're like, I don't know if I can jump over that anymore. But when you're young, you're always like, oh, can I jump over that fence? Can I jump over that table? You're always testing, oh, can I jump over that fence? Can I jump over that table? You're always testing that. And then once you get out of practice, it can become so mentally daunting that if you don't have the confidence to do it, your body's not going to be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Totally. You have to push. Hill sprints. I did it with him once and I almost passed out. They're great. I almost killed you. Yeah. Forget it.
Starting point is 00:55:41 Well, you just go up and you take your time walking down, walk down backwards, you know, catch your breath. As soon as you get to the bottom, crank it up. I couldn't catch my breath. Fighting, forget it. Well, you just go up, and you take your time walking down, walk down backwards, you know, catch your breath. As soon as you get to the bottom, crank it up. I couldn't catch my breath. Fighting, same thing. I was at the park working out Grady. Oh, you ran into us when me and Grady were working out at the park. And then you and Kevin came by. After you guys left, we weight lifted a little more, and then Grady just looks at me and goes, you want to wrestle?
Starting point is 00:56:00 No way. Oh, hell yeah. We strapped up, wrapped up, whatever you want to call it. Strapped up. And he just pummeled me He was like a basketball court. No, I'm like the grass right next to it. It was funny to that comedian Veronica I forgot how to say her last name Audrey Stewart's girl. Oh, yeah Yeah, she was there and she's like walks by me and greater having like this heart-to-heart conversation about relationships Then she walks by again. We're like doing Olympic powerlifting then she walks by again and we're literally wrestling
Starting point is 00:56:22 again we're like doing Olympic powerlifting then she walks by again and we're literally wrestling nice and then he pinned me super easily he's like a beast wrestler though yeah he's a strong dude yeah but I was like man I gotta pick it up I gotta do more jiu-jitsu or something but I've been trying to get this jiu-jitsu instructor to meet me and dude I literally had to message him the other day I go hey bro should I just start looking for somebody else and then he goes no no I've just been super busy and I go okay no, bro, should I just start looking for somebody else? And then he goes, no, no, I've just been super busy. And I go, okay, no worries. What about this day?
Starting point is 00:56:47 No response. He's just like, you got to find someone else. He's like a hot chick. Yeah. What if he's like, that was lesson number one. Bella Brewster gave me his contact info. Yeah. And then I don't, yeah, I guess I got to find somebody else.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Yeah. But he was willing to do it at the park. That's why I liked him. So I wouldn't have to go indoors with a bunch of other people. Yeah. Yeah. That's clutch. You got a hot I wouldn't have to go indoors with a bunch of other people. Yeah. Yeah. That's clutch. You got Hadouken, that energy to another instructor.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah, that's true. I got to let it go. It's just not meant to be. Yeah. He doesn't want to be together. Should we answer some questions? Yeah. Or should we do an ad first?
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah. Guys, we're also brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Guys, have you Manscaped recently? No. No.
Starting point is 00:57:36 It's been a minute, but I'm looking forward to doing it. Well, you guys better get your acts together because St. Patrick's Day is coming up quick, and you don't want together because St. Patrick's Day is coming up quick. And you don't want to disrespect St. Patrick with an untidy hog. Yeah, you're right. It's true. There's a reason there's no snakes in Ireland.
Starting point is 00:57:58 There's no bushes for them to slither around in. Yeah. There's only one snake slithering around the well-kept bush in my trousers, dude. Wow, man. You are the bush king, dude. That's right. That's his nickname in Warzone. That's right. You're a big bush guy?
Starting point is 00:58:14 Final circle, I hide in a bush. I get second place. Let's go. Guaranteed. From one bush guy to another. I think I might have learned it from you. Bushland. I remember you were like, dude, I'm in a nice bush.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I love the bush. If I find a bush, I just chill in there. It's like Final Circle. I'm just in the bush, baby. Just trimming my pubes. It's pretty hilarious to watch when you're spectating. You just see a guy standing above the character and you're just like, oh, he's not going to notice them. It's unbelievable. It's the best. And then you finally go to kill him
Starting point is 00:58:41 and he's got three teammates behind you. You die. Guys, you can get the Manscaped Performance Package, the ultimate men's hygiene bundle. You can get the Weed Whacker Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer. It's waterproof, uses a 9,000 RPM motor, powered 360-degree rotary dual-blade system. 79% of partners admit that long nose hair is a major turnoff, so why not use the best tools for the job? Get that Lawn Mower 3.0. Get that advanced SkinSafe technology.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Get that Crop Preserver Ball Deodorant, Crop Reviver Ball Toner, and the Shev Travel Bag. Guys, best fuel value in town. Get 20% off, plus free shipping with the code godeep at manscaped.com. That's 20% off, plus free shipping with the code godeep at mansca.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscape.com. Those are our ads for the day. Let's go. Now, what do you say?
Starting point is 00:59:33 All right. First question. What up, Chatter-Rom Lincoln and John Rob Thomas? I write in a critical time of heartache and more mixed emotions than a garden salad. Recently, I've been vibing well with this absolute dime and I think I could potentially have something special. The only problem we're both awkward as fuck. I've been finding it hard to convert our convos into dates.
Starting point is 00:59:51 How can I lock it up and babe her before she gets swooped up elsewhere? Any advice is much appreciated. Much love and respect. And I see you A-Ron killing it my guy. Fuck Puzio. Regards, Jim. He's just trying to lock down this babe before. Yeah, and he says they're both just too awkward,
Starting point is 01:00:08 but they're clearly into each other. Yeah. Both awkward? What are they, 13? You don't think? I'm still awkward. Yeah, but not really. I mean, you can ask people out.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah, that's true. This could be his first time. Yeah, dude. Just do it. Too much mind. Just get in there, enjoy the ride. Life is fun. It's going to be one of those things
Starting point is 01:00:37 where you have tons of nerves and you're going to be super nervous to do it, but you're going to want to do it because there's nothing more rewarding than getting yourself scared and then facing your fears and then stomping those fears in the face and saying later dude because i just asked out the girl of my dreams and now we might be going to joshua tree shout out strider thank you dude and dude i would just sit just sit in it sit in the discomfort right because it feels it makes everything feel, like he said, urgent.
Starting point is 01:01:08 Urgent. Emergency stoke surgery. But there's no emergency here. You know what I mean? This is all very normal. It's normal to feel discomfort. And you just got to sit in it and realize that even though you're feeling it, the world doesn't know you're existing in it. So you just got to like, I don't know, whenever you feel, you just get a, you'll just get a random burst of confidence or maybe
Starting point is 01:01:28 you won't, you just got to do it anyways, but just get a random burst of confidence. You just walk up to her and go, Hey, this might be a little awkward. I'm a little awkward, but I feel awkward because I like you and I'd like to take you out sometime. And then you just smile as best you can. But then you, then a tear forms in your eye because you feel so uncomfortable. She's like, are you about to cry? And you go, yeah yeah i think i just feel really vulnerable in this moment she'll be totally freaked out but she'll go out with you yep you just be honest it's like one of those things where you can feel your face moving you know what i'm talking about you're like yeah you feel the expression on your face like and then it would be a happy time. You're forcing muscles. I would like to take you to a dinner.
Starting point is 01:02:07 It's just so difficult to deal with. But you know what, dude? Overcome that fear, bro. That's your body. Stoke is bursting through, dude. Let stoke be your guide, not fear, dude. And then, yeah, if you make a bad joke, like a joke you wouldn't ordinarily make, that's great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:25 You go home, you think about it later. That's fine. What do you think, Joe? Yeah. Yeah, I think you should just ask her out. How should he say it? Like, hey, you want to go get some ice cream or something? Very nice.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Honestly? Very nice. Joe's very correct in saying that. Yeah. It could be that simple. Yeah, actually, probably going simpler is probably better. You probably don't want to freight it with too much poetry. Just say, hey, let's go grab a scoop of ice cream on Saturday.
Starting point is 01:02:59 And then when you're eating the ice cream, be like, by the way, this is the day. Yep. And then you can tease her. She goes, no, it's not. You go, it is for me. All right. You were hard when we went paintballing? Absolutely. whole time i could feel a vast majority i knew it like if i got tagged by paint my boner would shrivel shrivel a little bit but like when i'm communicating
Starting point is 01:03:16 with a stranger dude when i'm looking at a stranger bro and he's telling me like with like iqs that i can't really see through my fogged up rental mask of like throwing me signals let me know there's guys up on the like around the helicopter that bonding element right there with a complete stranger a dude who ordinarily would probably cut me off in traffic or whatever it's just beautiful that is beautiful you ever get hit in the dick i haven't been in the dick but i've been hitting the throat i hurt bad i remember that yeah sucked you didn't want to go paintballing that day and i drove over to your house and i forced you awake i was so late it was like 10 a.m and you were in the car and you were like i was going to tell the guard gate guy not to let you win i thought about i
Starting point is 01:03:55 didn't think jt had it because he's like dude i'm coming over in the morning i'm like dude don't bro don't he's like i'm coming over and i thought about it once i hung up of like should i take the extra step and then i was like yeah She's not coming over I walked into his room and I went get up we're going paintballing and then six hours later He got like shot in the neck by some maniac who wasn't even playing by the rules like the guy was supposed to be out But he just stayed in to torture people the bro He had no shirt on and then Strider was like I got hit in the fucking neck I don't want to do this shit playing with John Rambo
Starting point is 01:04:23 What was the one time when our buddy showed up at your house and none of us wanted to, it was the reverse? We were supposed to go paintballing and then like everyone just knew no one was going to go. So Clinton and Ferrara both showed up at like 7 in the morning and they knocked on my door and they're like, are we going paintballing? I was like, no, everybody's over it. And then I guess they were like, Clinton had brought over a paint grenade. And then him and Ferrara were like, you want to go set this thing off? They said they put it down on like a field.
Starting point is 01:04:46 It sprayed like one second of paint, like two feet, and then it just stopped. And they were like, all right, well, that's our day. That's the whole thing. All right, this one's the search for smooches. Hola, senor Kroger, senor Parr,
Starting point is 01:05:00 Aaron, and any sick guests. I'm a 15, almost 16-year-old stoker from the Bay. I surf, but I suck. And I make art, and I like guess. I'm a 15, almost 16-year-old stoker from the Bay. I surf, but I suck. I make art, and I like to think I'm a chill person. I'm probably a 7 out of 10, and I'm super content with that. However, I've never had a dank GF. I know I'm only 15, but I like to do a little smooching in an
Starting point is 01:05:16 appropriate setting with an attractive member of the opposite sex once in a while. And this cute tizzle combined with the occasional depressive episode makes the desire to not be lonely grow larger than Joe's elephant trunk. Sorry if that was too intense of a description. I seem to be able to find cute and interesting girls who want to hang out, but there is one thing.
Starting point is 01:05:33 For some reason, I cannot bring myself to talk to my mom about girls. My Padre isn't in my life anymore, so I really don't have a male figure I talk to girls about or just being a young man with. And the idea of asking my mom to drive me to hang out with a girl I know from Snapchat seems like it isn't worth the awkward conversation.
Starting point is 01:05:48 What do you guys think? Should I wait until next year to maybe find love in the halls of high school as a junior? Or should I stop being a little bitch and just be more open to my mom? Sorry for the long email, but I love you guys so much. And you feel like some older brother or uncles that I can look up to and get advice from. Keep doing you. Stay gold, Ponyboys. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Appreciate that, Wyatt. Dude, get advice from. Keep doing you. Stay gold, Pony Boys. Oh, that's nice. Appreciate that, Wyatt. Dude, don't wait. Get in there. Your mom knows what's going on. She knows what you're thinking about. She knows that you have romantic interests, you know? Yeah, ask your mom. Yeah, if there's nobody else there,
Starting point is 01:06:18 if your dad's not there and you don't have any older brothers, yeah, your mom's perfectly fine. Yeah, she wants to talk to you about this. It's going to be the best conversation ever. You guys are going to reach a whole new level in your relation. And then you're going to find a nice lady that you're going to take to the remake of Scarface.
Starting point is 01:06:39 And you guys are going to be smooth sailing. Yeah, I mean, you don't have to open up to her prematurely but like if you if having her give you a lift to go meet someone i mean you need a lift if she's got a car and she's down to drive i think you got to take advantage and if in the car she asks a couple questions do your best to answer but if you feel like it's getting to a place where i know it just feels icky to you just say hey mom i really appreciate you and i love you so much for driving me and i love you so much for being my mom, but I think I just wanna play this one
Starting point is 01:07:07 a little closer to the vest. And then at some point, she'll probably respect that boundary and then when you're ready, you'll open up to her, yeah. Yeah dude, she's your mom, she wants to make sure you're not doing anything, she probably doesn't understand Snapchat that well, maybe explain that to her. Oh, it's like text, but they go away,
Starting point is 01:07:22 that's like kinda how people meet. And you could be like, in your day, that'd be like be like i don't know sending letters to someone and you're going and meeting a pen pal but virtually i don't know dude like maybe your mom's not even that old but like maybe it's like it's like email but visual you know try to open up a line of communication with mom so you can give her a better understanding she sounds like you're afraid that she's going to judge snapchat and that's why you're wanting to like wait to go to school because she has a better understanding of that. But yeah, dude, open, honest communication with your mom,
Starting point is 01:07:50 and then let her know that you want to go frickin' mac and cheese with some frickin' cuties, dude. That's chill, dude. Very chill. Definitely get out there and don't let... And you can talk to us about it. Keep emailing. Yeah. Yeah. What up, Savants of Stoke?
Starting point is 01:08:07 Long-time listener, supporter, and fellow small dong haver. I'm in a tough predicament, guys. I was with my girlfriend for four years, through high school and up to my junior year of college. She just broke things off with saying that she needs to figure out what life is like without me in order to truly appreciate me. And had many nice things to say, but I'm crushed and don't know where to go from here. I still love her a lot, but I don't think she's going to want to get back with me after today. I've never been super comfortable with the
Starting point is 01:08:28 ice of having TP to be on my own, and four years with her is all I know. The ice of having TP? I've never been super comfortable with the idea, maybe, of having to be on my own after four years. Yeah, that sounds right. Isolation?
Starting point is 01:08:46 Is he in isolation? Yeah, but he used a C. That makes sense. Sorry for the long question. Shout out my dogs Malay and AI. They're my day one bros. Kind of lost my... She's trying to get over a breakup.
Starting point is 01:09:06 He's been with this girl for four years. She broke up with him. She said all the right things, but it doesn't change the fact that he's hurting. Dude, you just got to day by day get better. Watch the movie Swingers. That's a good breakup movie. It's about a guy in that same spot
Starting point is 01:09:19 who can't get over it, but then in a really organic way, he sees that when you're ready, life will open up for you. And it will. just gonna suffer for a bit man um and you'll have good days and bad days but the good thing is you didn't do anything wrong you're a great boyfriend you're a great guy and when it's your time you're gonna meet that right person and you guys are gonna settle into something really lovely together yeah yeah and uh try don't try not to you, block her on social media and that sort of shit. Like, don't keep talking to her because it's going to hurt too much.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah. Yeah. And then maybe, you know, try and go on a lot of dates, honestly. I don't know. Just, it's a good distraction. Yeah. If they're meant to be together, they'll find each other again. They're junior in college. You're so young. I mean... I was wondering about that.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Do you think that's true? That if you're meant to be with someone, you'll be together? I think so. I mean, of course she's gonna want to... I mean, so they're probably 21. Yeah, she wants to see what else is out. That's only natural. It's true. It's pretty much what everybody does. I mean, it's hard to... High school sweethearts not too many that marry. I guess it's scary because you just worry that like if she meets someone else are they
Starting point is 01:10:32 going to hit it off and then that'll be that. Yeah, it's definitely scary at first, yeah. But you got to ride it out. You got to hang in the pocket and ride it out. Yeah, I think experience the pain, sit in it. Now you know pain is going to contribute to your art if that's what you pursue
Starting point is 01:10:54 or your business, you know. You know, life is a – you just think you're experiencing stuff, you know. So you can – I would just take the time to appreciate you know the hurt you're in right now because this is something everyone goes through and now you can learn to enjoy
Starting point is 01:11:15 you and just you know get out there and just be psyched on on yourself you know go for a long walk go look at nature and be on yourself you know go for a long walk go look at nature and be like whoa you know lift heavy good advice yeah eat some steak or if you're plant-based eat some broccoli but stay busy too that's so true yeah yeah um all right this one is quantum
Starting point is 01:11:47 entanglement theory anonymous please greetings wizards of stokerly place appreciate the pod keep up the stoke i've recently been on what many would call a hot streak women want to be with me men want to be me this was the case until a few months back when i thought would be a dream scenario has become a nightmare while i was home for for Christmas, New Year's, shout out Dirt Jersey, I went to a small gathering at a friend's house where I acquainted with a rad chick. Let's call her Amanda, who also happens to be extremely attractive. One thing led to another and I got the digits and we have really hit it off. We like the same stuff.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Nickelodeon guts, Chris Lilley TV shows, gambling on sports and dank ass eats. Whoa, this girl sounds cool. She likes to gamble. Yeah, that's pretty amazing. One thing led to another. A few weeks after I returned to my current home base in Kentucky, I bumped shoulders with a friend of a friend, and she began to put the moves on me, including weaponizing a mutual friend of ours
Starting point is 01:12:32 telling me I should try to talk to her. She's also a super cute and dope girl, but I don't know if it's kosher of me to commence an entanglement. Amanda is dope, but at my ripe young age, I don't think committing to something with her right now is plausible, although I do plan to move back to Jersey in the near future. Amanda and I have obviously just met and are not exclusive,
Starting point is 01:12:48 not even hooked up, but the connection is really real. But is it wrong of me to play the field until I'm at least located near her? Additionally, if I do start a kick up with girl two in Kentucky and Amanda makes a trip to see me, how do I deal with that situation? Sorry if this was long convoluted. Appreciate the advice. Bro, I mean, you just got to decide if you're right for this life. Like, do you want to be a guy
Starting point is 01:13:07 who hooks up with a lot of girls? You're going to have stuff like that that you're juggling all the time. And, you know, sometimes that can not be fun. It can be too much to think about and it's easier just to keep it simple and have your one person that you're kind of all in with.
Starting point is 01:13:20 But I don't think you're actually doing anything wrong by hooking up with another girl at this point. Like, as long as you're being honest with Amanda that you're still seeing people, you don't have to, you know, hit it over the head a million times, but just tell her once and then see how it goes. But I don't know. You seem like more of a romantic. So I think you're going to go through a phase where you probably have fun feeling like the ball of the ball,
Starting point is 01:13:41 but you're going to probably mature out of that pretty quick and just want to be with whoever your Amanda ends up being yeah spot on dude agree with that bro yeah I'm exhausted from all that I was tired
Starting point is 01:13:59 well I mean all the it was a lot do you think he's used the Ric Flair line at the beginning I mean, all the... It was a lot. And then he used the Ric Flair line at the beginning. That's Ric Flair? Women want him and men want to be him? I think so, yeah. That was a good 30 for 30.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Yeah. Bill Burr is so funny talking about it. Joe's got no time of day for a dude that his issue is hooking up with too many ladies. Am I right in saying that? Yeah, that's 100% right. You just got to fit. He's got a logistical situation. But I think JT nailed it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Who do you want to be, man? What's your lifestyle? If you want to hook up with a lot of ladies then that's what you got it comes with the territory if you want to be a single you know get yourself a dank gf then
Starting point is 01:14:50 it's a different route yeah and there's no perfect life you know what I mean they're all hard yeah you just can't eat your cake and have it too
Starting point is 01:14:57 yeah you just got to decide who are you and you got to decide right now exactly dude no you're fine pick a major
Starting point is 01:15:04 what sport do you want to play you're good yeah just take it easy see how it goes with both these girls yeah but just be honest make sure you're being honest and also honesty without sensitivity is useless so make sure you're being sensitive too don't be like oh this chick's so hot though i really want to hang out with her honestly Honestly, dude. Honestly. Honestly, I'm into you, but there's this other super hot chick who I have a lot in common with and I'd really like to hang out with her too. Dude, honestly, the
Starting point is 01:15:32 thing about me is I love nutting. So it's like, I love nutting with new hot chicks, but then I also love nutting with this girl that I've known in my hometown. So where am I going to nut the best going forward? I can't decide if I just want to nut in you or if I'd also like to nut in other girls who aren't you that's a good line you're making me nuts amanda
Starting point is 01:15:50 listen you're the only one i want to nut in you're the only one i want to talk to nickelodeon guts about but i want to be in other people's guts dude when you guys asked me what i said to my now fiance in j tree i looked at her and i was like let's just nut together forever that's so nice that's awesome what did she say she's like that almost just made me nut i nutted at hello i nutted at hello. I nutted at hello. Do you think a girl's ever faked an orgasm with you? Probably. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Had to have. Yeah. Me? My little frickin' dink? Jesus, dude. Bring it in, dude. I was going in hard for that high five. Oh, is that how that happened?
Starting point is 01:16:45 Well, you're talking about your small dong just being real honest. I detached the mic from the stand. That's right, dude. Dude, no hardware gets in the way of that, dude. Just that pure honesty, dude. It fired me up so much, I just ripped it out of the stand. Thank you, Aaron. Freaking F5 stoke. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:17:04 This stand's not equipped for the amount of stoke Chad can freaking conjure up dude nice did your little dink do your little dink truth yeah we gotta end this podcast
Starting point is 01:17:24 with some stand up sex from sex oh yeah dude I would love to hit you I need to rewatch that clip I was looking at my form I think I could probably yeah I thought there's some stuff I could cuz Aaron if you can put the camera on me maybe I'll go yeah get right up against that yeah whoa oh that's nice and powerful yeah yeah it's good stuff i like you looking back imagining there's a closet mirror there maybe yeah yeah yeah there's some faking. Truth.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Girl, one time we were having phone sex and then I was like, I think she was trying to kind of dig me the next day. We were talking about sex and then she was like, well, I faked my orgasm last night. I was like, wow. Really? Yeah, I couldn't tell. Blend the network.
Starting point is 01:18:25 It's Verizon. Spotty. Yeah. All right, Strider, you ready? Ready. Let's party. Did we already do our, yeah, we did our second set of ads. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Strider, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week has got to be with basically basically just my fantasy basketball team i love fantasy i was starting to get into a rhythm i was my team was looking okay i'm terrible i have no idea what i'm doing and then anthony davis gets hurt and then but he's always always been injury prone so yeah just basically the lack of research that I did. So basically myself and my relationship with my fantasy football team. But I'll get past it. Still a lot of season left.
Starting point is 01:19:13 Right on. Joe, who's your Beef of the Week? I'd say my Beef of the Week is with Parkinson's disease. I went and did a show with my friend Amir Kabiri. We performed stand-up for this guy Joe, who's a great guy in his backyard up in Palmdale. And Joe has Parkinson's and we helped him raise some money for it. He's trying to get some stem cell therapy done. And, yeah, I never had really interacted with anyone with that disease. And he was just such a great guy.
Starting point is 01:19:55 And you could just see it. You could see him kind of fighting it. And, you know, it's just you could see how that disease kind of, like, takes over your motor skills and your body. And it's just awful. Yeah, my dad had it. It fucking sucks. Yeah, it was, yeah, because he's such a great guy, and, you know, he was having fun. But I could see him, like, getting frustrated when, like, he'd lose his train of thought or something.
Starting point is 01:20:21 But, yeah, I guess that's it. Nice. Do they know what causes that? Is it genetic or hereditary? I think so. There's no real known. I think he said, I think he was like a mechanic or something. And I think some chemicals maybe did it.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Fuck. I forget where he worked. I mean there's potential. My dad was kind of in a similar boat. There's also like head injuries could also be just like Alzheimer's.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Michael J. Fox has Parkinson's right? Yeah. Oddly enough he got diagnosed like 34 or something which is really so early right poor guy chad who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is with uh my neck uh i went snowboarding a mammoth this weekend i'm a skier but I tried out snowboarding and this is just a recurring injury I have. My trap gets locked up on my right side in my neck and then my rhomboid gets flared up. Flared up trap and rhomb. And it's just really, it pisses me off because it just like just incapacitates you for like a few days at least where you're just sort of like and yesterday I was like so
Starting point is 01:21:50 irritable you know it definitely does not contribute to stoke in any way it depletes my stoke and it makes me you know pissed off and I don't want to be around anyone because I don't want to you, how am I supposed to be a stoke lord when I'm, you know, oozing bummer because of my locked up trap. So I went to the physical therapist today and he said that it's a, there's a, my, my pelvis is a little bit off center. My leg is my, one of my legs is three millimeters shorter, and my spine curves a little bit like that, like laterally. Yeah. And so it causes like a disc in my neck to flare it up.
Starting point is 01:22:35 So that's what's going on. Hopefully this guy can help give me some stretches so I can keep it nice and tight. They use a chiropractor too. Chiropractors freak me out cause they'll just take your neck and they're like just relax I'm like I'm not gonna relax you can just fucking break my neck in half you psycho yeah those corrections are a little dramatic
Starting point is 01:22:57 yeah they're like hold still jeez does it hurt or is it always like it doesn't hurt but it's just like... Does it hurt or is it always like... It doesn't hurt, but it's just like... It's just jarring. Totally. And I never really... I thought it was...
Starting point is 01:23:11 I mean, it's a physical therapist's office, but he's also a chiropractor, so he did those things. I wasn't really expecting him to, but I think it helped, but I don't really know. Has it affected your boning? Never.
Starting point is 01:23:22 I noticed when you were stand-up boning, things looked good. Oh, dude, thank you. Yeah. Luckily, I think the ice bath has really solidified a nice piece. Because Wim Hof said that you have to punish your dong because your dong wants to punish you for something by not getting hard. But then you punish it with the ice, and it will never punish you anymore.
Starting point is 01:23:45 but then you punish it with the ice and it will never punish you anymore and I can tell you guys I can come six times a day oh baby let's go dude let's go that's like almost an entire work shift like you've got an hour break yeah you know plus your ten minutes that's you're literally putting in work dude thanks still do it that's what's up dude thank you thank you um my beef of the week is with um um i guess i'll say a personal beef i had a beef with a postmates driver the other day i was running late for a work thing. And then this guy was supposed to get to my crib at like 10 a.m. And it was like 11, 15.
Starting point is 01:24:29 And he wasn't there. And I was like, and so he was doing multiple deliveries from the same restaurant, you know? So he had like four packs of food from, so it said he was on his way, but he was, you know, had a lot of places to go before.
Starting point is 01:24:40 So I called him and I was like, hey man, this is like taking way too long. Like it's like hour 15 past, like I ordered the food like two and a half hours ago. And then he was like, it's not my fault. I was like, hey man, this is taking way too long. It's like hour 15 past, I ordered the food like two and a half hours ago. And then he was like, it's not my fault. I was like, I'm not saying it's your fault, it's all good. I was like, I'll come meet you, where are you? He's like, I'm dropping off food on La Cienega,
Starting point is 01:24:54 that's like a mile from me. I'm like, dude, I'll just come meet you there because it's on my way to where I'm going. So I drive over there, when I get there, I call him, I'm like, yo, where you at? He's like, I had to leave. He's like, you took too long. I was like, took too long? He's like, it took you like 10 minutes. I'm like, yo, where you at? He's like, I had to leave. He's like, you took too long. I was like, took too long?
Starting point is 01:25:05 I was like, he's like, it took you like 10 minutes. I'm like, yeah, I live like a mile away. Like, you know that. That's why I did this. And then I go, and I started to get pissed. I'm like, dude, like, what the fuck, man? Like, I came here because you were supposed to be here. So I raised my voice.
Starting point is 01:25:18 He's like, don't raise your voice with me, sir. I'm like, well, I'm sorry. I'm frustrated, okay? But you were supposed to be here. He's like, look, if it was that big of a deal, I would have just said later to the food and gone straight to work and I was like oh would you have and then um you really just all went down yeah and then so we're all getting really mad at each other and then he's like look I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna bring
Starting point is 01:25:36 you the food but you need to like watch the way you talk to me and I was like this guy does have my address and then I was like okay fine but like you're the one who keeps it going by he kept like bringing stuff up again and like wouldn't let the argument die. He kept being like, but, and then he'd be like, you did this. And I'm like, dude, stop. I'm like, I already said it's all good. Just bring the food and like stop extending the conversation. He comes over.
Starting point is 01:25:56 I see him in his car and go, hey man, it's all good. No worries. And then we slapped hands and I took the food and we both said, you know, days are stressful and we drove off on our separate ways. Yeah. I still tipped him well, too. Oh, that's nice. But, yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:08 I didn't give him a star review. How was the cold food? It was okay. Just eggs. Oh, eggs, dude, for that long? It's like freezing eggs. Oh, bro. I don't like the prompts on, like, Uber or Postmates
Starting point is 01:26:24 where it's like, do you love Postmates? And it's like, well, I do, but if I click yes, I'm going to have to do a survey. So I would just click no. And I don't like having to be dishonest about that. Yeah. I feel closer to the guy that we went through that. We know each other at our worst. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:43 And we accepted each other still. Yeah, it ended up being a positive experience. For sure. You. And we accepted each other still. Yeah. It ended up being a positive experience. For sure. You guys should wrestle. That would have been nice. That would have been real nice. Strider, who's your baby of the week?
Starting point is 01:26:57 Dude, my baby of the week's gotta be my DF, dude. My fiance, dude. We're taking the fricking next step, dude. I'm fired up. She's fired up. We've been drinking champagne. We've been just freaking, you know, having fun toying with the ideas of our big day,
Starting point is 01:27:13 the rager that we're planning down the road. So, yeah, just got to be my freaking fiance, dude. Just fired up on that, dude. My F, dude. That's awesome. That's it, dude. Your GF was DTF, down to fiance oh dude yes hell yes are you dtf down to fiance she was like that she is joe who's your babe of the week um i'd say my babe of the week is uh my new uh roommates uh matt lockwood and Graham Rogers.
Starting point is 01:27:47 Two great guys. Funny guys. Just gonna it'll be a nice positive household. Saving some money. Having three guys. Three's a crowd but um that's what we're fine with that i don't know it's nice it speaks volumes that you found roommates this quick yeah it's tough to do that some dudes stepped up they go yeah live with marisi let's go
Starting point is 01:28:20 dude posting up yeah yeah it'll be good Chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is you know I couldn't think of one so I was like I had one in mind
Starting point is 01:28:34 but I'm like it doesn't feel right so I'm gonna think in the moment I feel like good babes come in the moment my babe of the week is good babes come in the moment.
Starting point is 01:28:50 My babe of the week is just California. You know, California is taking a lot of heat these days. You know, a lot of people are saying, everyone move out of California. And we do have our problems. You know, we do have our problems, but I drove to mammoth over the weekend and you know where else do you see beautiful beaches and beautiful mountains in the same state yeah i don't know someone tell me i don't know where do you get world-class waves
Starting point is 01:29:20 and world-class uh skiing in the same state where do you get you know where do you get you know where do you get high-class shopping reality tv stars and just the entertainment industry and and uh and jack's good-looking bros um boardwalks, um, In-N-Out Burger, uh, you know, cool cliffs, all that stuff. Where else do you get that in the same state? I don't know, dude. All I know is California has that and California boosts my stoke and I'm a ride or die California guy till I die. I do not have paper hands when it comes to my state. I will stay here. I'm going to hold the line. Everyone is going to Texas.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Suck my dong. You're not welcome back. Boom, dude. My baby of the week is dogs. Now, I don't think I like dogs as much as most people. Just saying I don't like nature as much. I'm kind of a little more neutral on them.
Starting point is 01:30:28 But our friend Julie, she's helping us decorate a room at my new place, which you're going to find out about soon. Stoker's big news on that. She brought a little 10 pound dog. So fucking cute. I just touched it and it touched me.
Starting point is 01:30:46 I guess she's taking care of it for a friend who's got like lyme disease or something like that yeah his name's frankie the dog yeah dude cute dog and i i made the call i'm getting a dog i called strider to see if i could handle it strider basically was like you can't handle it and i was like i'm done yeah i don't think you can i don't think i can either it's an adjustment but you know what? I mean, I guess I can give it away if it doesn't go well, but I'll figure it out. Yeah. The hard part is going to be like traveling and stuff.
Starting point is 01:31:13 Yeah. Yeah. But I got a mom in Orange County. Yep. Doggo stays there. Doggy daycare. Yeah, I can put a doggy daycare. Yeah. Is that bad for the doggy?
Starting point is 01:31:23 Not if you find a good one. Do a good one. Yeah good one yeah your mom's probably the best bet he'll love it down there yeah um but yeah i'm pumped i think i'm gonna get a dog what type do you know 10 to 15 pounds that's all i know perfect already housebroken rescue i'm going rescue too yeah i gotta go rescue i already got i asked the the listeners to pound me about it and pound they did. They were relentless. Really?
Starting point is 01:31:46 Yeah. Oh yeah. What do you mean? Like I was like, hey, I might get like a breeder dog and people, and I was like,
Starting point is 01:31:53 but guys, shame me about it. You can shame me. Oh, from a few episodes ago? Yeah. And people were like, you motherfucker.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Oh man. You fucking asshole. Yeah. If you ever get a dog from a breeder, I will show up at your house and I will hurt the people you care about. It's pretty intense. That's amazing, dude.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Strider, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week, dude? Shit, dude. Dude, maybe Liam Neeson. Nice. I love Liam Neeson, dude, maybe Liam Neeson. Nice. I love Liam Neeson, dude. This guy is in such dank movies that I love. I get it.
Starting point is 01:32:33 Like, you know, Adam Driver, maybe the guy could sell movies. He's a good actor. You know, people see him and they probably get stoked. You know, me, for some reason, I get unfoundedly jealous because he gets all the cool roles. But Liam Neeson, he gets all the cool roles. But he's the man. Rob Roy, whatever his character's name is in Taken. I watched another movie where he's in called Unknown.
Starting point is 01:32:59 That's actually what I watched after I got engaged, after me and my fiancée enjoyed ourselves. I stayed up and watched Unknown. Dank ass movie, dude. The Grey. The Grey, phenomenal movie. You actually want to know what movie, though? It's not Neeson, but I wanted to watch it.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Aaron and I have been texting about this. It's been the movie The Rundown. I want to watch that. Breakdown. Breakdown, that's it. The Kurt Russell one? Yeah. That's a great movie. The Red Jeep Grand Cherokee, dude. The Renegade Truckers.. Breakdown. That's it. The Kurt Russell one? Yeah. That's a great movie.
Starting point is 01:33:26 The Red Jeep Grand Cherokee, dude. The Renegade Truckers. Oh, bro. Let's go. JT Walsh is the bad guy. Yeah, I love that guy. It's a really good movie. I want to rewatch it tonight. It's very creepy.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Dude, it's so creepy. I watched it with my buddy's grandpa, dude. That's a good grandpa movie. He finishes, he goes, that was a good choice, boys. We rented it at Blockbuster just based on the cover. It's a good choice, boys. We rented it at Blockbuster just based on the cover. It's a good choice, boys. Nice. Yeah, dude. Maybe Kurt Russell and Liam Neeson are my Legends of the Week.
Starting point is 01:33:50 I might have already told this story, but one time we went to a Blockbuster when we were in high school and to rent a movie you needed to have ID, so they wouldn't let me rent a movie on my parents' account because I didn't have ID. And Strider's there with us and Strider goes, hold on. He opens his wallet and he pulls out my freshman year
Starting point is 01:34:06 high school ID and he hands it to the lady at the place. Nice. It was unbelievable. His picture was so hilarious, dude. He was so tired in the morning. Dude, just...
Starting point is 01:34:17 When they... You always said it. It was... Liam Neeson, famously, Giant Hog. Oh. that's what i like to hear let's go dude from one hog master to another joe how's your legend of the cock um my legend of the week is uh my muscles um still got a lot of muscle and they keep growing people people keep asking me to move and that's a testament to my body and my strength but you were
Starting point is 01:34:54 terrible at it people ask me every week to move I move stuff around my house a lot. And just a show of strength. You literally took, like, breaks today. Yeah, because if something is too heavy, you have to save your back and take it step by step. So that's it. For a second when you were like, people ask me to move, I thought it was like you're standing in line at like a Starbucks and you're just so broad and burly that they're like,
Starting point is 01:35:36 sir, can you please move? There's not enough room. No, they ask me to move where they live. Shit. Yeah. Move their stuff. Shit. Move their stuff. Shit. Chet, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:35:56 My legend of the week is this guy Rodney who was at the El Porto surf parking lot. I was just changing into my wetsuit and the waves weren't that good. He walks by and he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 01:36:16 waves aren't that good, but I'm out there. That's all he said. And I was like, thank you, Rodney. And I just liked his attitude. I was like, Rod you, Rodney. And I just liked his attitude. I was like, Rodney, you're legit. And he has probably, he's one of those guys, he just has the best tan I've ever seen, even in February. And you need guys like that in your life.
Starting point is 01:36:41 If you want to have a good tan, you need guys like Rodney to just dominate you with their bronze and their go-get-em attitude and their in their infinite stoke attitude where they're like I'm out there no matter what I'm bronze and no matter what you're gonna have to catch me dude and I'm trying to catch you Rodney so what up that's awesome my legend of the week is uh Jamie Foxx I think he's one of the most talented guys alive he's good at everything he's like good at talk shows he's like good at being in movies he's a good singer he's funny he's as good at those things as anybody else is at those things like he's literally like the top one percent of
Starting point is 01:37:23 like all these different entertainment disciplines and uh I don't know he just seems to be one of the most effortlessly like charismatic people that's a gray star screen so it's about time i gave it up to him jimmy fox you're a legend obviously check out any given sunday ray collateral um slow jams by kanye west and uh and then also look at him, he ruins a comedian's life at the roast of Emmett Smith I think it was he just keeps making fun of the guy for bombing and the guy just keeps trying to go and then
Starting point is 01:37:54 Jamie Foxx just goes, hey I'm your conscience, I'm here to tell you that you're bombing, another joke didn't go well, oh no, it's getting worse and the guy's like, shut up Jamie and then he's like, I'm not not Jamie I'm your conscience you're blowing this and really just like ruin the dude but it's pretty hilarious I mean it is a roast yeah so I'm Jamie Foxx just doing it everywhere speaking of collateral have
Starting point is 01:38:19 we talked about this the fact that him and Tom Cruise or Eskimo brothers it is weird right right but they were in that movie together and and that Tom was probably with Katie Holmes at the time and then Jamie Foxx was like, putting this one on the back burner. Yeah. Dude, speaking of that too, got to give my other legend of the week, Jason Sudeikis,
Starting point is 01:38:35 for getting best actor at the Golden Globes for Ted Lasso. He looked really sad. A lot of people were saying he was on drugs. He probably was on drugs. He's sad. Olivia Wilde just ripped his heart out. But hang in there, Jason.
Starting point is 01:38:48 You got this, brother. Great show. Joyous. So good. Yeah, well-deserved, too. The show's amazing. Strider, what's your quote of the week? I have a very particular set of skills.
Starting point is 01:39:01 What's the rest of the line? It's got to be Neeson. Good luck. Listen to me now. I will find you. Is that right? I will find you and I will kill you. Yes.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Liam Neeson. Basically anything that Liam Neeson talks and says. Joe, what's your legend? Or what's your quote of the week? Quote of the week? March on. Nice. It's March, and let's continue to march forward, you know.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Hell yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. March on. My quarter of the week is from this bowling champion from nine years ago. He rolled his final strike to win it yeah yes yes I did it I did it who do you think you are I am who do you think
Starting point is 01:39:59 you are I am the way he says I am to the way he says I am too, the way he points the thumbs at himself. Yeah, yeah. One of the best things ever. Yeah, the look on his face. A lot of dark nights for that guy leading up to that bright moment. We should try to get him on the podcast. Dude, yeah, you absolutely should. I'd love to have him on. Mine is from a poem that my friend Grady sent me. It's called On Love by Khalil Gibran.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And this is just one part that I really love. Do you know this one? The prophet, yeah. To know the pain of too much tenderness, to be wounded by your own understanding of love, and to bleed willingly and joyfully. Nice. Powerful stuff. Yeah, it's nice. He's a prophet? His book is The Prophet.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Oh. Yeah, one of his books. Nice. Strider, I have that whole quote if you want it. Oh, yeah. What is it? From Neeson? I don't know who you are.
Starting point is 01:40:51 I don't know what you want. If you're looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I've acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that'll be the end end of it I will not look for you I will not pursue you but if you don't I will look for you I will find you and I will kill you I mean how's that not the best yeah I mean that's the whole movie right there
Starting point is 01:41:19 that writer really was just in the zone when that happened low state flows. You can feel the flow state in it. Huge. Strider. What's your phrase that we forget after it? Shit. Did I had such a good one?
Starting point is 01:41:31 I remember like, I thought of this, like I was like a week ago watching something and I'm like, damn it, dude, that's exactly what I need to think of when, um, next time I'm on the pod and damn it,
Starting point is 01:41:41 I fricking forgot it, dude. So it's just going to have to be, Oh, you know what so it's just gonna have to be oh you know what it's gonna have to be dude my my phrase the way for getting after it is gonna have to be let's get your hundredth okay let's get your hundredth you know what that is my hundredth win in war zone coming up i'm at 99 right now and my bros have been saying let's get me that hundredth it's been elusive but i think tonight's the night so baby and go get your metaphorical hundredth whatever has been you know you're on the brink of getting or not quite doing yet go get's go get some broads.
Starting point is 01:42:26 I don't know. Nice. Um, yeah, I'll go with that. Why not? Love it. It's women's history month. So, uh, love you ladies. And, uh, you know, um,, would love to talk to you sometime.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Nice. That's good. Chad, what's your phrase? Let me figure it out for you. Guys, I saw Joe's dick. What? Nice. Lucky.
Starting point is 01:43:01 Yeah, that's a stoke-inducing phrase. That's awesome. It's something I think I'll never be able to say in my life, but I hope one day I will. You'll see it at some point. Right, Joe? Sure. You may not want to show me your dick, but over my teeth, I've acquired a very certain set of skills for seeing dudes' dicks, and I will see it.
Starting point is 01:43:21 If you show me it now, that'll be the end of it. All right, mine is let go and hold on. That's my phrase. Nice. Yeah. All right, dudes. There it is.
Starting point is 01:43:36 In the can. Hell yeah. Guys, write some reviews. Thank you, bros, for coming in. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. Who wants the final word? Aaron?
Starting point is 01:43:51 Jibwow. Nice. I'm trying to drop my phone. I was wondering what that was. need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know what to do and where to go When you need
Starting point is 01:44:14 someone to guide you Who's nice to have the throats beside you Go and see Go and see Go and see Let's go I'm going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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