Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 181 - Astrologist Kyle Thomas Joins

Episode Date: April 9, 2021

What up Stokers, this week we've got astrologer Kyle Thomas in the studio!   Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​   Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and... Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 really good yeah i saw like something about like this album is what takes him from like troubled troubled teen to adult stars well i thought he did that with purpose but this is the next evolution yeah i don't know i was listening to i was like this is what justin should be doing really yeah it's good that's i don't know i'm a sucker for that stuff i always like seeing justin i'm rooting for him all the time yeah yeah him and his lovely wife yeah are we rolling all right um vacuum the rug and say what up to the weekend what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast guys before we begin i'll remind you once again that we are brought to you by manscapeped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that we're looking fresh and clean.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Because spring break is here. It's time. And, you know, summer's coming. Pandemic is coming to an end. So let's stay fresh. Let's stay clean. Let's stay groomed and get ready for the good times um and i'm here with my compadre jean thomas what oh sorry use code go deep 20
Starting point is 00:01:32 manscape.com and i'm here with my compadre jean thomas what up boom clap stokers and we're here with pop culture astrologer kyle thomas welcome to the show. Hello. Thanks for having me. Yeah, thanks for coming on. We're psyched to get into it. So you set up where you read our charts? Yes. Awesome. Should we just dive into it? Maybe your background a little bit?
Starting point is 00:01:59 Sure. Start off. Well, I have been involved in astrology my whole life. I've always been fascinated by the esoteric and the other lens of understanding the world and people and myself. And so, you know, I've been studying and researching, you know, different kinds of ways of looking at the individual and, you know, predicting certain cycles in my life and other people's lives for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:02:24 And so I think it really comes down to, you know, over time, I found that my gifts were kind of growing, you know, pretty significantly. And, you know, the way that I got involved in astrology is that I actually was just writing content, releasing it online, and it started to go viral. And so people were really kind of catching on. And, you know, I've always been involved in entertainment at some capacity. And so the natural blend of being a pop culture astrologer kind of happened organically. And so I'm pretty excited about how my career has been going. I currently work with Cosmopolitan Magazine. And I write horoscopes for people all over the world.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I work with people, celebrities, politicians. Do you write the horoscopes that are in Cosmo? I don't write those. I do write a lot of articles about like sex, love, compatibility, you know, certain psychological profiles of the individual, you know, fun things like that. And so, yeah, I mean, I do write lots of, you know, different kinds of horoscopes. I can tap into people's love lives, sex lives. And the big thing that I kind of try to teach with astrology is that not only is it predictive, like I can tell you when you're likely to see a shift in money or your relationships,
Starting point is 00:03:38 but I call it productive as well so that people know how to take charge of their lives and build the lives that they want by using the pattern and frequency of the stars right nice so it's a they can use it as a guide absolutely right yeah yeah that's awesome yeah i follow you on instagram so i'm always looking at the uh you know it'll be like i'm a scorpio so yeah one of the success days for scorpio and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, well, and that's the thing is that like, I can see that there's going to be a great alignment for certain zodiac signs or people in general at certain times of the year or the month. Yeah. And they're always
Starting point is 00:04:14 changing because the stars and the planets are always moving. And so that's why I have to be tapped into seeing where that alignment is. And then, you know, like I said, from the predictive standpoint, we're going to see that there's going to be something that manifests. But, you know, it's the same kind of situation where, let's say I tell one of you that there's going to be money coming to you at certain times of the year. Well, why get a little bit when you can get a lot. And so if you strategically move forward at that period, you know, you're going to see more success. And that's why I work with, you know, major celebrities and, you know, how you can really move your career at the right time. So then you get more fame or you get more followers or, you know, whatever message you're
Starting point is 00:04:54 trying to release, whether that's, you know, make the world a better place, or I want to save the oceans, you can be very strategic. And that's why I look at what I do is less as less of a psychic sort of thing. Yeah, because it comes down to mathematics, and it comes down to the consulting of what you want. So you come to me, and you tell me where you think you are. And I'm like, all right, well, this lines up here. So I'm going to help you strategically move forward. You know, if you look back in ancient times, you know, kings and queens and warriors had astrologers that were telling them when it was a time to go or when it was a time to retreat.
Starting point is 00:05:32 So that's what I do for you. Cool. And so you're able to sort of, so how do you, how do you work out a, it might be too complicated a question, but how do you work out a chart? Like do you assess where the stars are at where they're going to move the planets and all that and then yeah can you sort of explain that yeah totally so basically you know i think it really comes down to an individual's natal chart and so everyone has their own natal charts it's never going to be the same of anyone else on earth, uh, in any time in history, because like I said, the planets are always moving. And so
Starting point is 00:06:10 there's always going to be something, even if it's, you know, minute going, there's going to be a difference there. And so, you know, when we're creating a natal chart, we need the time of birth, place of birth and the date of birth. And so what I do is I take that to different platforms that I work with online every day. And because I'm a perfectionist, I always double or triple check just to make sure I'm seeing the exact degrees and everything's there. And so from that, I can see that you have different houses and different sort of alignments of your planets. So for instance, most people know their sun sign because it's the date of their birth. And I can still glean a lot of insight just from that about your temperament and your personality and the patterns of your life, you know, for instance,
Starting point is 00:06:55 so you know, the planets here, right now in 2021, are we have Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius, and that naturally is going to create an impact on Scorpios or Capricorns. But to get more into the minutia of that and how you're individually being affected, I have to apply that to your individual natal chart. And so, for instance, as I was saying prior to our discussion today, you're a Scorpio and you know that, but your rising sign is Aries. So you would actually read for Aries and for Scorpio in any of my predictions that I make. You are Leo rising and Capricorn sun. So the way that people see you is your rising sign. And then, as I was saying before, is that we like apply that information to see where the planets are transiting and all that kind of information there. So, you know, like I said, you know, I'm going to consult an ephemeris or,
Starting point is 00:07:50 you know, all sorts of information from NASA about, you know, the degrees of that solar eclipse or things of that nature. And life is balanced in its own equilibrium because, you know, there will always be a time of the year when there's more focus of love or more focus of money for individual people. But, you know, let's say we have a longer moving planet like Jupiter and or Saturn. Well, you might go through a very lucky period for several years at a time in an area of your life. So that's why you look back and you're like, Oh, crap, though, you know, those years were really rough on me, you know, for you, you went through a really big
Starting point is 00:08:29 learning curve, particularly from the end of 2017, until pretty much the middle of December, where you were like, really settling down your roots and trying to figure out like, what I want for the next 30 years, like, where am I going through? So on one hand, that probably meant that you were were you know either birthing new projects starting new projects like i would say literally like 2020 was the most critical year of that uh because you also had jupiter there but the thing about it is that you probably had some a couple a couple health problems you probably had a little bout of depression but you also had to really figure out like, what do I want?
Starting point is 00:09:05 How do I work really hard to get the things that I need? And so from those patterns, you have established it established not only the next 12 years, which is a Jupiter cycle, but also the next 20 or 30 years. Is it looking like greener pastures going forward? Yeah. I mean, the thing is like Saturn is out of your sign. Let's go. And now from your solar chart it's in your sector of money and so the thing about that that means that you're going
Starting point is 00:09:30 to be really grinding and hustling for a lot of money this year and until technically march of 2023 if someone's going to go into a down cycle yes how do you like give give them that information like what does that mean that they should do in their life? Like they need to like be careful more and like. There's definitely cautionary times. I mean, to be crazy, like my mother was a victim of a very intense violent sexual assault on the exact day I predicted. And I predicted it for her six months in advance to the exact day.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Oh my God. Yeah. Well, and this was years ago and I, you know, my mother, but through that process, you know, and this is the thing that I always try to teach people is that anytime we have a challenge or a difficulty in the, in our stars or in our lives, it's actually an opportunity to grow and to embrace more power and experiences. And we all go through difficult times. Like you had Saturn in your sign pretty much, I think it was from the end of like 20, it was like 2012, end of 2012 until about,
Starting point is 00:10:33 I believe earlier mid 2015. And you probably had some difficulty during that period in time. You know, you were probably figuring out like, what do I do? How do I know my strength? You know, all of those kinds of things. But you actually just went through your,
Starting point is 00:10:46 your Saturn return, I believe. Yeah. So for you, interestingly enough, you both were going through some very intense cycles simultaneously because when Saturn was in your sign, you were also thinking about like, you know, what do I want to build? What do I want to go to, you know, and kind of reassessing that, but you were going through this critical growing up period in a lot of ways and like paying attention to everything that you learned from those past you know right three decades there and now you're on the other side so from the astrological point of view you're finally an adult i feel you know i talked about this on the last pod. I was like, I just turned 30. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:27 And I'm like, I like being 30. Like, you know, I've always felt like I'll be sort of like eternally young a little bit, you know. But like I felt that where I'm like, I like being an adult. Like it's, yeah. Well, it's funny because you saying that you're going to be an eternal child, that's because you're ruled by Aries, which is the first zodiac sign. So there is this sense of innocence and excitement and passion. You're a natural leader. You know, there's all sorts of really important sort of like striking out, you know, you want to be first, you want to be dominant, but it doesn't mean that like you're not willing to compromise or work with other people, but there's a natural balance in your business partnerships, your romantic partnerships,
Starting point is 00:12:02 all of that kind of information. Also, the thing that I was seeing before, so your Venus, your natural Venus, your native Venus, is conjunct your sun, so you'll always be beautiful. You'll always be beautiful. And then also... You're so pumped. Yeah, so there was that. I believe it, though, for sure.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And then for you, where do... One of you, I thought,, your Jupiter conjunct your sun, or maybe it was just the Venus. Yeah, but you're, so you'll always be beautiful because of that synergy right there. Oh, thanks. And you're going to naturally attract good things to you. Nice. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You know, I, I always, yeah, I always try to like work on that. Like I look. I think you're blushing right now. I am blushing. Yeah. I'm fired up. Um, yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:49 no, I've always tried to like, uh, cultivate like just positive energy, which I'm always trying to like figure out, like, is there, is there like too much positivity to where you kind of like,
Starting point is 00:12:59 I don't know. I guess I'm always trying to find that balance of like being real versus being like, cause you, you, I've annoyed JT sometimes where I'll be like too positive. He's like, dude,
Starting point is 00:13:10 no, but overall, like, here's the thing. Anything would annoy me of all the things that could annoy me. You being positive is the best of the things that could annoy someone. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:21 that's like a good quality. Totally. Well, interestingly enough. So i'm moody as fuck capricorns are moody is that true yes my boyfriend is a capricorn and you guys are great actually capricorns and scorpios are like the two most common people pretty much in my life i'm a taurus so that's the opposite of scorpio which actually means that we have a lot of similarities in how we are and so it's kind of like the yin and yang sort of energy.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And so I naturally tend to partner or in business or whatever it be with Scorpio sort of energy when it comes to Capricorn, that's a trine, which represents we're both earth signs. So we're actually also very similar, but it's much more harmonious. Whereas, you know, like I feel like if, you know, when it comes to like an Aquarian energy, that's, that's much more different than an Earth sign. Or, you know, we look at like a Leo energy, that's also very different from an Earth sign. But we are actually all have, we all have all zodiac signs in our chart, because the entire sky is in that natal
Starting point is 00:14:23 chart. You can't just leave one out, you know? So it's going to be in a house. You may have planets in different places. And that is what makes you entirely unique. And I try to teach people using the stars that you are meant to be here and do the things that you are and also to live a life of fulfillment and abundance. You know, you can get everything that you want if you use the right timing and also use the strengths of your charts.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And if we have a problem, it's gonna be here to ultimately, like I said, help you learn a better path or learn more about yourself. When did you first notice you had intuition? And what did that look like? Well, we were talking about this before. I think intuition is something that we all naturally have.
Starting point is 00:15:04 But I mean, in like a preternatural sense. Well, I mean, when I was very young, I had a lot of very spiritually endowed experiences where I was actually raised Catholic. And I've studied many different religions and spiritual traditions throughout my whole life. And it's interesting because astrology isn't a spiritual tradition, but it does give you a lens of looking at things from an esoteric and different side
Starting point is 00:15:27 And so when I was very young I actually had experiences with I would say angelic sort of energy and Beings of some degree whatever my consciousness was Interpreting that so were you seeing a thing? Yes. What do you see they were they looked like people but they were not there and Yeah, and so look like they look like people. people okay but did they have like a glow or did no they like saved me multiple times this happened growing up wow yeah you from what like death oh they'd be like don't go that way no they like literally like held me what do you mean there's i've gone through some of these experiences before one time i I was in, you know that like those rides that are like either a boat or a spaceship on like at a theme park?
Starting point is 00:16:09 At the fair that does the loop? Yeah, yeah. I hate those. Oh, those are awful, yeah. Well, one time I was actually, it was like the last time right before the theme park was gonna close. My dad and I loved theme parks.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And so we were like, we're gonna go like for one last ride. Well, it was like probably some 14 year old kid that was now 14, 16 or however young you could be to work there. And he was just like not really checking. And my my harness didn't click. And so, you know, he kind of just like pushed everything else down because usually they'll click, you know. And so right before we were about to start start there was this person that's like i would say middle-aged man and i was younger uh that came and sat right next to next to me and beside me and i was actually really creeped out because i was like who is this dude coming up to hang out with
Starting point is 00:16:53 me next year on this ride my dad was like sitting much farther away and as we were going uh he held it down because i would have slipped out right Right. And so I interpret that as a situation where I was saved by some sort of higher vibration or angel or whatever it be. And, you know, when, when I talked to my parents about that, they were like, there was nobody there. Wow. But, but, but I'm not crazy. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:18 I'm not schizophrenic. I'm not having these like visions and stuff. Like, you know, I had multiple experiences like that, but there were even times when I could, it was, there was also this really crazy time when, you know, I was much younger and I could just like look at the stars and interpret them. I didn't even know what they meant. And I'd be like, talk to, you know, an individual that was like mourning or something. And I would just have this like higher spiritual sort of like vibration that I could kind of communicate to people. And hopefully I feel like, you know, give them information that was needed, you know, but I don't talk to spirits and I'm not a medium. I'm.
Starting point is 00:17:56 But you think it all comes from kind of a similar place. Yeah. Touch different parts. Yeah. You know, I was actually talking to a client earlier today about this. different parts of it. Yeah. You know, I was actually talking to a client earlier today about this and I feel like whatever mode someone uses, whether it's spirituality or religion or meditation or comedy, it's all approaching a different face of God and sort of kind of in communion with that energy. And some people think it's angels and some people think it's
Starting point is 00:18:21 nature. You know what I mean? It's, we all have this different sort of divine experience that we go through in this lifetime. And I think, you know, when it comes to like past lives and that sort of interesting sort of motif, you know, I'm always learning. And I feel like every person I do a reading with, every person that I meet is a different face of God. And so i can learn from you you know today you know we're learning new things from each other and who knows what may happen you know in six months or a year or five years that we may connect someone and to each other or help each other because of the way that we've met you know everything is in alignment at all times even in darkness who is like the first person you knew who understood your gift?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Because your parents kind of didn't understand it. No, they always really wanted me to suppress it. They always thought it was really weird. So you'd like bring it up at the dinner table and be like, enough of that. Yeah. I mean, they kind of, they just didn't want me to be picked on, you know, and they felt like they were. Making me stick out too much.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah. And, but I'm like, I'm, I'm very authentically me, you know, I feel like I, I don't go out of my way to be different. I just feel like I am. I'm trying to live my truth. And it's hard for you. Like, yeah, I feel similarly about myself. Yeah, you know, but it's like who you are, you just want to be who you are. You know? So who was like the first person who You just want to be who you are, you know? So who was like the first person who kind of got it? I mean, I don't really know if anybody really did.
Starting point is 00:19:53 I still feel like people are still confused by it. But I feel like, I mean, I remember my- But now it connects with so many people. Yeah, you know, and I try to, but it's like, I think, you know, my grandma was very loving and I feel like she really helped usher that in. Sometimes I'll still have dreams about her you know I feel like yeah you know I feel like I feel like it was probably her that's nice yeah but I think that it's like one of those things where I sometimes I'll get like messages from people that I haven't talked to in decades or years you know and they'll be like
Starting point is 00:20:22 Kyle you remember when you used to predict this and And I'm like, well, you know, cause it was like one of those things where even when I would like have wine or like, you know, have drinks when I was younger, you know, I would like tap into this sort of like ethereal energy and like, no, I'm not channeling a spirit. And you know what I mean? No, I'm not doing any sort of weird energy work, But it's just like, sometimes the way that I can, when I'm tapping into through intuition, it's like, I can see something, you know, and it's like, I don't know. And I'm trying to learn more, I want to understand it. And it's funny, because I've actually talked with Dr. Drew, who is so intelligent, and just, you know, blows my mind every time we hang out. And, you know And I have a lot of friends now that are celebrity
Starting point is 00:21:06 psychics. And so in no way would I ever consider that I'm on that level, but I also am not training to be. And I think the thing that resonates so well with astrology is that I can quantify it. I can say that there's going to be a moon that's highlighting this kind of situation in your life. It's in the zodiac sign. It aligns with your sun. And, you know, then we talk about it in your chart. Because the thing about astrology and the thing that just blows me away is that it's always right.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It is always right. And there is something about that that I'm so fascinated about the history of mankind. And, you know, to think about the universality of everything that we're going through, no matter what era or age we are in, everybody falls in love. Everybody wants to prosper. Everybody has all of these very human experiences. appreciating about this, this gift from, you know, the universe to do this, is that it makes me a better storyteller, and I can heal people through it. And I'm not coming up and I'm not laying hands on you. And I'm not like, you know, saying anything. I'm all about people praying and stuff. But it's like, how do you tap into your gifts? How do you tap into what you were meant
Starting point is 00:22:20 to do in this world? And I can see that by looking at your nodes and I can talk about different movements of the planets. And so, you know, I think it just comes down to, you know, how can I guide you and enrich your experience so that you live a more fulfilling life? Nice. Who is the first astrologer? I mean, there have been so many. I mean, it's, I mean they're like i don't actually know
Starting point is 00:22:49 i should know that my manager would be really upset that i don't know that it's i mean there's we had where it started uh well i mean everyone probably did ancient times i mean we're talking about you know egypt and greece and babylonia you know um mesopotamia. Like there's all sorts of, yeah, exactly. I mean, a lot of those ancient structures are sort of in conjunction or aligned with the stars or all that kind of stuff. Yeah, totally. It's like sacred geometry, you know? And the more that I research these kinds of things,
Starting point is 00:23:17 I mean, like I literally have a sigil on my chest and this is the archangels because each of the archangels is aligned with a planet and so there's all these different kinds of correspondences you know and because like you know i'm not sitting here worshiping anything i just feel like i'm very connected to i love the angels you know and am i a voice for the angels i would not necessarily say that's the case you know i'm just like fascinated by by the myth and the stories. Who's your favorite angel?
Starting point is 00:23:46 I mean, I feel like Sarkia is the archangel of Jupiter. I really resonate with that one. Uriel is the archangel of- Are they all ladies? They're all, well, technically angels don't have gender. Okay, cool. Yeah. So because they're a divine being, you know. But again, I mean, I feel like, you know, Anaya, Hanaya is the archangel of Venus, you know, and so in the sense in the tradition of religion, you could pray to those angels, you know, but it's
Starting point is 00:24:17 also in the same kind of thing as like, you know, American gods, which you put energy towards is also something that's going to have power over you. You know, when people idealize celebrities, in a sense, that's an idealization of a godlike energy, you know, and so, you know, I think, you know, interesting, and this is I mean, I could wax poetic about this forever. But I think that it boils down to when in any sort of thought and belief. That's why intention is so big in pop culture right now, because people want to change their lives, but they need a tool to do it. And one thing that I also teach with my astrology is it's not just intention. Life is not just about intention. You can pray about being successful, but that's not going to make you successful. It doesn't matter if you have the most wonderful
Starting point is 00:24:59 chart in the world. You have to act, you know, and the same thing is it's like people come to me and they're like, tell me when love is going to happen. i'm like i can tell you when love is likely to be there but if you sit at home you're not going to find it right with love do you do you use astrology to better understand your partner yeah i think it's really fascinating i actually talk about and the cool thing is now that i've sent you your natal charts no but i mean like you like with your partners yeah absolutely well it's it's one of those things is that you know any sort of you your natal charts. No, but I mean, like you, like with your partners. Yeah, absolutely. Well, it's one of those things is that, you know, any sort of compatibility reading, you can do it between friends, family members, romantic partners, whatever it be, you see about how those alignments
Starting point is 00:25:36 are actually connected, you know, and ultimately, you know, astrology also has a very strong tie to psychology and human relationships. And so I feel like there are certain things about any individual that I would meet that I have their natal chart. I would know how to interact with them in a certain way. And so it's funny because like, I actually did an article for Cosmopolitan recently about how the most common phrase that I've ever said in my life is, what is your zodiac sign? So, you know, had I met you on the beach or had I met you at the mall, if I, if I would have asked you that, I would have already had just a limited amount of information
Starting point is 00:26:13 about some of the goals and themes of how you interact. But granted, I don't have your rising sign, but I still would know, you know, it's kind of that sort of like, you know, even with like Myers-Briggs, you know, someone's particular personality profile, but going back to, you know, it's kind of that sort of like, you know, even with like Myers-Briggs, you know, someone's particular personality profile. But going back to, you know, my situation with my partner, you know, there are certain things that in our charts together are maybe a little bit more, create more fiction. relationship that I've learned is that, you know, you need two people to be involved in order to work towards, you know, you know, playing to their strengths or working through or working through a weakness. You know, I had an ex that I had, you know, our charts were like perfectly aligned. And it was like, we've been probably connected in past lives and with mediums and stuff. They talk a lot about that, which is like blows my mind every time. But, you know, he and I are not together. And I'm happy
Starting point is 00:27:06 because it was not supposed, you know, it was just not supposed to be there. Yet, you know, my relationship with, you know, my partner is, is wonderful and more fulfilling than any relationship I've ever had. Even though our rising signs aren't perfect. You know what I mean? Like, there's just so many complexities to human interaction. Was that surprising to you? No, because I think that, I mean, I've had relationships with every zodiac sign.
Starting point is 00:27:32 I've dated every zodiac sign. I've been good friends with every zodiac sign. And, you know. Stop bragging. No, no, no. I'm just saying in general, you know, but part of my particular study of human interaction, because I actually went to school for psychology. You know, that was my my degree is in along with English.
Starting point is 00:27:52 But I wanted to know about people. You want to understand people. Yeah, you know, and so that's why when I was asking every single person what their zodiac sign is. It's not about just taking from a book and distilling that into what I believe because I'm in Aries rising as well. And so I like to make my own conclusions. I like to find my own facts. Are you thinking about people all day?
Starting point is 00:28:18 Like when you're driving around in your car, in your head, are you just kind of thinking about people? Yeah, yeah. Is that what we're all thinking about when we drive around what do you think about when you drive around what do i think about the weather for real no i don't know what i think about i guess i think about other people i i don't know i i i um well it's what going back up to what you were talking about with like, you know, science from the universe or like all that kind of stuff, or like using astrology as a sort of a, uh, more of a motivating kind of tool.
Starting point is 00:28:54 I'll think about stuff like that too, or just sort of like, you know, um, or I'll just reflect on like, I mean, not all the time i'll think bad thoughts too but like good things that happen or or like using like signs for the universe is like instead of being like afraid of like you know if people use like horoscopes or whatever to like be like oh god i got something horrible coming up you know it's more of like a like no i'm supported and like i'm gonna it's more of like a driving kind of push does that that make sense? Yeah. Well, it's funny because even in your chart, one of the things that I first picked out is that, so your son is sextile to Neptune,
Starting point is 00:29:31 which literally says a natural ability to grasp visionary matters, you know? So I would feel like there's a lot of things in your chart that meant that allow for big ideas, you know, you know, kind of trying to grasp different concepts but then there's interesting other alignments that show that you go about it in a different way
Starting point is 00:29:50 in order to create impact you know and those are interesting nuances to the character that are all developed in the natal chart right interesting yeah yeah i it's tough to say what i think about i don't know you know i i think i just think about people the whole time you think about people and like trying to understand them yeah i don't know you yeah because you're always sort of analyzing behavior yeah and like what people i don't really think about that that's awesome uh i i don't know i i like to be in awe, I guess. So like I was in like Bob Iger's book. I'm like, man, Disney's awesome.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I don't know. It's a good book. I guess that's why. I don't know. I was fired up when I listened to that for sure. It is. But then I was like, I was thinking about him and Mike Eisner
Starting point is 00:30:37 and I was thinking about their dynamic and how like when he took over for him, he like kind of sold him out, but he also like gave him credit. It was very interesting, like the balance he struck there. Yeah. I don't think about that kind of stuff at all.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Well, you're a Scorpio moon. And so Scorpio is, you know, obviously he's a Scorpio sun. But when your moon sign is also very important to your internal emotional life. And so that's kind of how we interact with people in intimate settings. And it becomes more aware, you know know the more that you know someone but a scorpio moon is very very you know i would say almost obsessive internally about you know other people power dynamics how you relate to other people how you strategically can be interacting with other people to get what you want and that's also a similar trend i do that a lot probably oh damn dude yeah i mean but it's
Starting point is 00:31:25 it's very passionate it's not necessarily here to like you know it's not machiavellian it might be oh no you know i mean i feel like it's one of those things where it's like it doesn't have to be used for evil but like you know i think that you're interested in how people probably react or you know you know you're very focused on your desires and how you can get that and satiate that. And, you know, you both are fire sign risings, just like I am. You know, so our presentation to people tends to be, you know, theatrical or entertaining. We want to, you know, strike out.
Starting point is 00:31:58 We're performers. Yeah, we're definitely because of that. But when it comes down to who we are underneath it, the more that people get to know us, they might not necessarily see that we have to be the center of attention. So what are you thinking about when you drive? Well, I actually don't drive. I haven't, I hate driving. How do you get around? Uber. What do you think about when you're in the Uber? I write a lot. I mean, I think I really, I do. I'm so- Am I pressing you too hard for an answer here? No, I mean, I think like, I really feel like, you know, I'm very, I'm very just interested in people.
Starting point is 00:32:31 And I mean, seriously, the stories that I hear from people all over the world. I mean, I'm talking about from every echelon of the socioeconomic status, you know, all nations, all over. And it's just insane. Cause it's like, I am a romantic at heart. I mean, that was what I was really trying to make a major theme in my Hollywood career as a writer and director. But it's interesting, because a lot of my, my thematics and my my work has transcended now in astrology, because when I'm doing a show,
Starting point is 00:33:00 or I'm writing a horoscope, I'm writing a love story each time. And so now I feel like, you know, someday I want to document, not in the sense of, you know, any sort of taking credit for some people's love stories, but there's some beautiful and heartbreaking ones out there. Yeah. You know, and it's like, we think that, you know, we all have a love story to tell, you know, and I think that is certainly true. But the
Starting point is 00:33:25 more that we, I hope, start to think about how other people feel or other people, you know, are going through it, because it's like, you know, some people are ruthless when it comes to love, and then some people just use it as an expense to, you know, or, you know, just they use it in a way to get something, you know, and So you're trying to imbue more romance into, into people's perspectives. Yeah. I mean, I feel like, you know, when it comes to my horoscopes, I mean, even if you like last year, I had like 4 million hits on my website alone.
Starting point is 00:33:56 And so the vast majority of the hits are for like love horoscopes or will my ex come back to me? That's right. You know, people, yeah, because people want answers and I'm here to supply those answers in the sense of some frame of reference to them that I hope for the right kind of people, it's going to ultimately give them some sort of closure or solace or help them move forward to either improve that relationship or find someone else that's better for them. You know? So.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Do you, do you, can you see like, sorry, I was thinking of getting into the, do you have another question? Did I? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:34:36 I think I did. I wanted to know, do you, Oh, can you see if a couple's doomed when you do their thing? Well, so one of the big things that I feel like, you know, I've touched on a that I feel like, you know,
Starting point is 00:34:48 I've touched on a little bit before is, you know, the certainly like the predestination form of astrology, and there's certain astrologers and you can look at that, that will look at your chart and be like, you're going to get married three times. And it's the first time is gonna be when you're 36 years old, you're gonna have five kids and you know, this is your job and you're going to fail or blah, blah, blah. I don't like to live in that sort of fatalistic sort of energy, but it's because I'm an Aries rising. I want to believe I have control of my destiny and I want to have free will and be able to, you know, manifest whatever I want. And so that separates you from some like determinist astrologist. Yeah. You know, that are very, just like totally like everything's destined in that way, because I think that there is certainly, you know, destined events, obviously,
Starting point is 00:35:25 from your chart, but also from the movements of the planets, because as certain planets move, certain things come to light, and you're going to have to face that lesson karmically, or, you know, decide how you're going to move forward, which I think, you know, is what I'm trying to ultimately do here is that it's it's to empower you in your free will to make the right choice for you. And so getting back to that situation, I was actually doing, this was before the pandemic, I did a bunch of readings with a bunch of celebrities and I was like, you're all gonna get divorced.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And they were not very happy with that. Granted, it was a show, but they kind of had signed up for it, obviously. But after that situation, they all came to me and they were like, you're right. What show? It was a celebrity show. Like a Real Housewives?
Starting point is 00:36:10 No, it wasn't that. I haven't done TV stuff yet. It was a podcast. But it was basically one of those things where we— Did they all get divorced? They all separated from their partner. But here's the thing about it is that when I see that there's certain powers in your eclipse—or there's certain eclipses that are going to come. So for instance, I was actually
Starting point is 00:36:29 going to talk to you both about this before because of your charts. So from the predictive things that I can see, that basically, an eclipse is a destined event in your lifetime that you're going to have to cross and you're going to be presented with. And so we're going to begin an eclipse cycle that starts in Taurus and Scorpio at the end of this year. So for both of you, you're both are going to be hit pretty hard in your relationships because of your sun signs. So that's why originally I asked you, I was like, have you found a partner yet? Because if you haven't, you're probably going to find one and settle down. Or here's the opposite end. you're probably going to find one and settle down or here's the opposite end if for some reason you are not in alignment with her or whatever be or even in business partners you're going to
Starting point is 00:37:10 separate but very quickly over the next two years find someone that is more in alignment with you and because it's it's that you know sun sign and across the sky sort of energy i'm a tourist as well so i'm going to be focused on my personal power, what I want to need in my relationships. But usually these eclipses trigger events like moving in, having a kid, getting a puppy together, you know, all of those kinds of things. But like I said, if you're not aligned, you're going to face that and you're going to be like, I think it's time to go, you know, but towards the end of this year, well, uh, technically yes yes the first eclipse here is november 19th but then it echoes into 2022 2023 okay um i think that you i feel pretty confident you'll be like super settled
Starting point is 00:37:51 down probably even married probably by like i think i would it's like 2024. oh right on let me see it's gonna be a fun wedding yeah but like by i would say by may 25th of 2024 you're probably going to be married oh interesting yeah that's your party cabo good call or are you feeling somewhere else no i think cabo or miami miami be fine yeah and maybe we maybe we double dip yeah dude maybe we do the double dip well what do you see for for this guy well for you, that particular eclipse cycle in Scorpio and Taurus is going to hit your sector of true love and also your friendships. Does that mean I'm fucked? No, it means that there's going to be
Starting point is 00:38:32 a lot of very powerful experience. So I would say by looking at this, and here's the thing, when I'm writing about something, I can see from my past experience, and that's the thing that blew my mind. I was like, this is all so real. When's it coming? What was that? When's it coming?
Starting point is 00:38:46 It starts at the end of the year for you too. So I feel like. So I'm just chilling until then. No, there's certainly time prior. But I mean, there's basically like as early as like April 23rd until about June 11th, Mars is going to be in your partnership sector, which means that you could be like super focused on work projects with a business partner, or it's a great time for dating. You know, I think that's going to be pretty prominent for you. But also, excuse me,
Starting point is 00:39:11 this eclipse that's going to take place is on November 19th, and that is hitting your sector of true love. And so I feel like what will manifest for you, and this is from the sun sign, obviously, but I think you're very likely if you haven't started dating or found someone yet you're likely to meet a soulmate and i mean i'm talking about like the real shit the big shit i believe in soulmates yeah i do too you know because it's a nice way to think about life right yeah but i think we have multiple soulmates a lot of people think it's just one no because mathematically isn't there one best fit like does or is it's our human relationship so nuanced you can't really just pick one yeah you can't i think there is one best one like in any, or is it, are human relationships so nuanced? You can't really just pick one. Yeah, you can't.
Starting point is 00:39:45 I think there is one best one. Like in any data set, isn't there a best? I mean, there could be, but I mean, I know for a fact by looking at people's charts that, but there can be,
Starting point is 00:39:54 you know, you guys could be soulmates in, in, in business. People tell us we are. And you know what I mean? I was talking to a gal who is, uh,
Starting point is 00:40:00 into talking about past lives. And she says, she says we were brothers in a past life and he was my older brother. Totally. You know, that makes sense. I could see it. We do have that dynamic a little bit,
Starting point is 00:40:09 but just like he's older than me, but I'll be like, Hey, we got to send this email. I mean, literally it was one of the things that I was looking at from when I first was doing your charts. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:22 No, totally. Well, when I was looking at your charts, I was like, you guys are so compatible oh oh nice yeah it feels that way super super compatible i mean both of you have water sign moons you know your your sun signs are very in alignment you both have fire sign rising you know
Starting point is 00:40:34 like there's just a good there's a productive relationship here you know and so i love that for you but it's good yeah it does that's a good way to describe it yeah yeah every time i hang out i'm like that was good but also probably fun you know i mean i feel like there's a good balance you know i do think that you probably take more of the lead though because you're that aries rising yet there's an interesting thing about you that you love it is that you're like you will let him take the lead on certain things but you still want to be the star yeah of course you know but it's a balance because it's two different that fire energy it's like the leader the be the star. Yeah, of course. You know, but it's a balance because it's two different, that fire energy. It's like the leader, the star, the star, you know, it's like, it's a synonymous sort of vibration.
Starting point is 00:41:09 You know, it's compatible within that. But yeah, I think you can be soulmates with people in your family. Like, what was that? Nothing. Okay. But yeah, no, I mean, I feel like, you know, soulmate energy is definitely on your radar. I feel pretty confident that you're going to feel very, very confident that you're going to fall in love.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Oh dude. Nice. Yeah. But it's like deeper. And the thing is, whenever we see a relationship ends, it usually is clearing you out to find someone else that's better. and I know that a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Is this person going to be like a new person or is it going to be someone I already know? Well, here's the thing. You're going to actually have a Venus retrograde in Capricorn at the end of 2021 into 2022. So X's and people from the past are going to come back to you. Interesting. Yeah, guaranteed. I'm like not even joking.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Is that just, yeah. Well, it's in your sign. It's going to, I will put money on it. How much money would you, have you bet on stuff like this before? What was that? Have you bet on stuff like this before? What was that? Have you bet on this stuff before? No. I mean, there are certain astrologers that do actually specialize in the stock market.
Starting point is 00:42:11 No. I mean, do you ever bet? You're like, I'll bet this will happen to you. And the person's like, all right, bet. But I'm always right. So I don't need to. It's like, this is my profession. If I wasn't good at it, I wouldn't be doing it.
Starting point is 00:42:21 Have you ever had intense ideological conflicts with other astrologers? Uh, no. I mean, I really, I feel like I'm very, I love astrology in the sense as a profession because it's an art form and it's one of those things where there's more than one way to do it. Yeah. You know, it's an art form. It's like music, you know, it's, you kind of like, you have your own specific kind of, you know, rhythm and pattern that you want to go. And, you know, some people would probably disagree with the way that I go about it. But at the end of the day, I'm helping people and I'm also helping my life. And you know what I mean? So it's like, I'm out here, I would never predict death. I will never predict anything of darkness in that sense.
Starting point is 00:43:05 But if I see something bad, I'm going to tell you that you need to be careful. You know, like there was some people that I saw a lot of really bad stuff for a couple years ago. And, you know, I was straight up and honest with them. You know, for instance, as an example, right now, Saturn, which is the planet of life lessons and sometimes hardship, is in Aquarius.
Starting point is 00:43:26 That is opposed to Leo. So anyone with either a Leo rising, depending on your degree, or a Leo moon, depending on your degree, or a Leo sun is going to be opposed. So they're going into a colder and more difficult period of their lifetime. However, through that hardship and moving through that sort of pain, weak relationships are going to break so they can find better ones or any relationship that they strengthen will last forever. So it's that kind of like, how do you, you know, like how do you approach it? And I want to approach it from a sense that I think that you are worthy of love and happiness and are able to make that decision for yourself, especially with a certain information that I'm giving it to you.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Nice. You know, is that right? Am I too late to get on this or it's very fascinating? No, what's your birthday? October 13th, 1982. October 13th, so you're a Libra. You're into this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:14 I thought you'd be skeptical. Well, I am skeptical, but I am interested. Nice. Yeah, well, and that's one of my- You want to know. Yeah, I want to know. That's one of my favorite things is that I feel like the way that I try to connect
Starting point is 00:44:24 with people about astrology is that I'm not telling you if you're a piece of shit or if you're amazing, you know, I'm just saying that these are certain things that are likely to happen. So have you found, have you fallen in love as of recently? Yes. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:44:37 Okay. And he's had a baby. Amazing. Oh yes. I was actually going to say, okay. So one of the things here is so from just even your libra sun you know and i haven't seen your rising sun and all those kinds of things at
Starting point is 00:44:49 this point in time i can still make important predictions for you the first being is that saturn and jupiter moved into a new sphere for you in the middle of december of 2020 and so they're setting up a whole new pattern so on on one hand, this sector rules love, romance, creativity, so creative projects, but also children and fertility. So the thing about this is that I would say that particularly since that point in time, the middle of December, with Saturn being here until about March of 2023, you did say you have a kid, right? You're going to be having so much hard work to do because saturn is all about that and that's the main priority however that's also going to test your romantic relationship because it's gonna basically be like oh shit we're so busy when do we find time for love when do we time fight find time for sex when do we find time for cuddling or going on a date it's
Starting point is 00:45:38 just already there yeah exactly saturn is there so that's that kind of energy. However, Jupiter is the opposite sort of vibration of Saturn and is also here. And so it's showing that you can find the balance if you find the right time. Also, if you guys wanted to, you'd also be really favored to conceive again this year. I'm serious. My, um, I had some friends that they literally just told me the other day they got pregnant. I was like, of course you did. You know, so some friends that they literally just told me the other day they got pregnant. I was like, of course you did. You know, so there's that, you know, but, you know, I'm looking at these different sort of configurations that are, that are manifesting, you know, also from, let's see what other
Starting point is 00:46:15 eclipses. Oh, this is the other thing that's crazy. Since June 5th of 2020, you entered into a new eclipse cycle that is all about media communications, podcasting, writing, speaking, all sorts of digital content, advertising, social media, all of these kinds of things. And so whereas you may have been doing things like that prior, it's been like launching new products and projects and things. The next big shift was around December of last year.
Starting point is 00:46:39 And the next big time is going to be, there's going to be a huge shift, either an ending or taking on more role around May 26th and June 10th. There's also that, and then you're going to end the year probably taking on new projects, particularly around December 3rd. The thing about this, when this same cycle happened to me, that's when I got hired by a production company and was able to take over major accounts with horoscopes. Then I was, then I was launched my first online book, then I got hired by Cosmopolitan. And then bam, I had a front page, like a front cover article, you know, so it's like, these things were destined, it was supposed to happen to me. But if I was just sitting back, they wouldn't maximize to their greatest fulfillment. And so, you know, I think that,
Starting point is 00:47:20 you know, I'm trying to think what else you also have a new moon on April 11th for you, which is not too far away. That's going to be all about partnerships, you know, so it's going to be really bringing in, you're probably gonna have to sign some contracts around that important time. You're likely to be bringing in more discussions about commitment with your partner. You know, also, let's see what else is there. Your career is going to light up from April 23rd until June 11th, because Mars is going to go into your career 23rd until June 11th, because Mars is going to go into your career. You're gonna be super freaking busy. And the thing about it is that these things just happen naturally, you know, but by being aware of it, you can really maximize
Starting point is 00:47:54 more of your timing, you know, like, that's why like, you know, if it's a great time for love, focus on love, you know, put that in your in your calendar, because you can grow that relationship for find it if you happen to be single, you know? So I also feel like that's kind of helped me like fast track a lot of things in my life because I've been like, so you do your own astrology. Oh yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Does that feel different? No, it's, I mean, it's the same stuff that I would say to somebody else. I mean, I feel like because I have tangible experience, like one thing that I'll do with client readings is that like, I'll use examples from my life or celebrity life. So celebrities life that I know, uh, about different sort of ways these manifest, you
Starting point is 00:48:36 know, um, this big TV star, I just, I love him. I don't know if I should say his name, probably but um i've been doing readings from no um he parsons you can't guess um but he actually i predicted exactly when he was going to get his big payouts i also predicted exactly when he was going to buy his house you know all of these important kinds of things years in advance and now that i'm you know it was cool because i feel like i kind of entered in through like young Hollywood and now they're all getting really famous. And so it's like as they arise, they're introducing more people and, you know, so. Did you go to college? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Where'd you go? I actually went to the University of Madison in Wisconsin. Oh, nice. It's a big party school, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Did, were you into astrology then?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. I mean, i've been into astrology my whole life so would you like do everybody's astrology in like the dorm rooms and stuff like that yeah yeah have you seen did you have good predictive powers then yeah but she'd be like all right you're gonna like hook up with like this dude at a massive kegger well that's that's a little bit different i mean i would say like that would be when you're tapping into that level of i guess i was just i was i thought the signposts of what they were doing was goofy what does that make sense like it's just it's funny to me to be doing astrology to college
Starting point is 00:49:55 kids because then it's like you're predicting like funny stuff yeah but you're gonna bone on spring break oh yeah i say that i say that shit all the time. And when, like I said, it's like with the right kind of individual, you know, I cater the reading to what they want or their personality. You know, like some readings I'm doing and I'm like cussing every two seconds because that's how they speak. You know, I want to speak on the level of the individual about the things that are important to them. Their values.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Exactly. You know, and then yet there's some people that are like you know totally like i was working with this politician and she was like very very rigid and like didn't have too much of a sense of humor so like she wants dates hillary clinton no i don't know why i made that no um but but yeah you know it's like it's what it's a good It's... What? It's a good saying. Thank you. It's even in the sense, I mean, with you guys being... Sorry, Bill. Comedians and such, you want to, you have to gauge your audience. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Yeah. Cool. Do we have anything else on our charts that we can go through? Well, like I said, I feel like looking at your needle chart is kind of like looking in the mirror. Okay. And it's very validating because you can be like, Oh, wow, I am really like that. And you can work with your strengths. Whereas I think that when there's something that's challenging, we can obviously work against it, or, or at least be more conscious of it. So when you
Starting point is 00:51:16 make that decision, you do know where it's going to lead you, you know, like some people are very impatient, or impulsive, or aggressive, or angry, or whatever it be. And that doesn't make you a bad person, but being aware of how you affect other people is important, you know? So, I mean, I think that, you know, like, what was I saying here before? You're very, you're, you're very gifted in media, for sure. You also have a very powerful ability to convince and persuade people using all of your communications abilities. Your son is in your fifth house, which represents that you are very,
Starting point is 00:51:56 you're super fun, you love to love. You're probably a huge romantic. You probably are very, very excited about any sort of creative endeavor you can kind of almost be like swept up in it um i do feel like you're probably going to have children if you want to it seems very very likely is the propitia gonna affect my semen i don't know about that i think you can power through yeah also if you get off it for a couple months in that in between
Starting point is 00:52:25 time you can pump one out but the hair is going so you're on the clock that's gonna be a tough decision yeah we're gonna have to take advantage of every ovulation i'll have to after watching sons of anarchy so we'll have to have a vote on when you you know what i'm allowed to go off the propitio now yay well the thing that i think is really cool, you both have Venus in your seventh house. So you both naturally are drawn to very, very charming, affectionate, feminine sort of energy. You know, you really want that in a partner. Like a girl who will scratch your back?
Starting point is 00:52:58 Probably, yeah. You know? But also be like, put a lot of effort into being beautiful. Do you like having your back scratched? Yeah, absolutely. It's the best. Yeah, I know. I mean.
Starting point is 00:53:07 No matter how mad you are at someone, if they offer to scratch your back, do you always say yes? I mean, I feel like. But you're hurting yourself when you say no. No, I mean, I feel like my relationship with my boyfriend, we were very, very physical and scratchy. He's a Capricorn. He's all very tangible.
Starting point is 00:53:24 And we're both. That's one of the things. How'd you guys meet? We met on a dating app. Which one? Chappie. No. I should know this.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I think it was Chappie. I don't think the app exists anymore. How long have you guys been together? We've gone over a year and a half now. Nice. And I literally predicted to the day I was going to meet him two years in advance. Wow.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Wait, so what did you do on that day? Did you wear your spiffiest clothes and do your hair the best? No, it was one of those things where I knew that there was a window in time when I was very likely to find love. And it was literally like about a week, but I knew it was like probably within about three days. So what were you like those three days? You must've been like hyped up, right? I mean, I was like, you must've had your head on a swivel. Like, well, but I mean, I was lining up dates. It's that kind of thing is it's like, I was like, I'm going to make sure that I don't want just like, let's take advantage.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah. I don't want to just take like an okay love. I want the best love. So you weren't just sort of like sitting and sort of just like waiting. It's like, it's like, okay, now's the time to be proactive. Exactly. Did you postpone dates for that three day stretch so that you could maximize the romantic potential? Cosmically? I mean, I did. I was casually ish dating prior, but nothing was
Starting point is 00:54:32 really keeping me excited. It was just kind of like, yeah, it's fine. But I was like, it's coming, you know, and I was really irritated for those two years prior, because I was like, I can't find anything that sticks. It was like either I'm too busy here. We meet and we become friends, which is great. But then it's not love like that or we meet and we become friends, which is great. But then it's not love like that. You know, it was just there was always something in the way. And then, you know, it came and here I am. And I'm very grateful for it.
Starting point is 00:54:54 But I feel like as I've talked about with like breakups and things with other relationships in the past, had I not gone through all of that shit, I would have not appreciated the relationship that I'm in now. all of that shit, I would have not appreciated the relationship that I'm in now. And to, you know, God forbid, you know, if we were to ever break up, which looking at our charts, I don't think will happen. I feel like we're going on a good stretch. But there are always things about astrology that might be a little bit like a cosmic wildcard, like Uranus is the planet of chaos and uncertainty. So whenever there's a plant, whenever there's something that's throwing in a wedge, there's something that I may not see. Like that's nature naturally going to happen to every person. Like we have a really messed up full moon on April 26th this year. And it's, it's like devastating. It's everyone is going to have some bad shit that happens on
Starting point is 00:55:39 April 26th around that period in time. So like, for instance, because I know that I am, I talked to my partner, and I'm like, I think we should just take a couple days and just like, not hang out, you know, because last year when we had a really bad full moon, similar with Uranus, we got into the biggest fight we've ever been in. Again, I feel like any relationship, if you really put energy and time into it, you can compromise. You can work through that. And it can be any sort of connection. Have you ever dated someone who didn't believe in astrology? Yes. And now they do. Cool.
Starting point is 00:56:18 Are you convinced of them? No, I'm just right. So did you say, hey, this is going to happen to you after we break up and then it happened oh yeah i mean it's interesting i still have people that you know not are trying to get back together with me or any sense but are just like they'll still reach out and they'll be like oh my god like read your horoscopes and i'm like ah block you know but you know i'll politely like usually reply but but internally you're thinking block yeah i'm just like you know like oh i'm so sad about your breakup or am i you know like actually i'm not you know like but it's one of those things right yes i want everybody to be happy but i just want to be happier than some
Starting point is 00:56:54 of them i always say that yeah you know i want all my exes to be really happy i'm just a little less happy than i yeah you know so are you like kind of is that is that competitiveness is that what it is yeah Yeah, yeah. That's probably your Scorpio moon. But Capricorns in general can kind of be very competitive. Were you competitive growing up? Yeah, I'm an Aries rising. I feel like you're probably super competitive too.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's weird that people say I'm a Scorpio, but they're like, you don't seem like a Scorpio. Is that because of my sun rising? Yeah, but also, I mean mean like as I was saying before there's we have all these different configurations in our in our chart we have our Venus sign we have our Mars sign we have Jupiter we have all these different things and that is what makes you
Starting point is 00:57:33 authentically you and that's what makes your patterns you know like I can talk about you know a lot of Scorpios are probably going to buy a house this year. But for some, it might be moving into a different situation. You know what I mean? Like joining a partner. That's why they got a new place. There's all sorts of big domestic energy in regards to Scorpio there. But all the other configurations are going to create more nuanced experiences for you. Cool.
Starting point is 00:58:02 You said that we have big things. But prior to the podcast, you we have big things but prior to the podcast you like you both have big things coming yeah yeah i mean it was the eclipses i feel like primarily in terms of love yeah you know big partnership stuff i mean i think that you just had a full moon last weekend that was in your career so that was pretty there should have been some sort of shift as of recently within the last week about like either a good proposal or opportunity um actually we're still kind of in that vibration now um where was i'm stoked on it yeah interestingly enough you're probably
Starting point is 00:58:36 going to change your career and i would say about i'm gonna stop being a comedian or no it's you might go into a different area with it or you might blow up um because Uranus is going to transit your natal 10th house pretty slick in about a couple years I think it's probably in a couple years 2023 Jesus but right now it's all about expanding in your media presence and like really going and doing new things doing new projects you should probably see as much as you possibly can do within that. How did you know where to, how do you know, how does it work? Like, how does the, how do you relate media to the stars? Well, there, so we call it the house system. So actually let me show me show your chart for a second. So this is your chart. Okay,
Starting point is 00:59:27 we have a chart here. So the thing about your circle is that life is split up into different sort of areas that each house rules. And so the thing about it is like, for instance, your exact moment of birth is very crucial because it creates the start of your chart and everything sort of like pans out from that. So even a couple minutes, certainly an hour is going to change a lot of things about you. So different sectors, for instance, we look at when we're thinking about media, usually media would be related to the third or ninth house. Sometimes there can certainly be connections to the 10th or 11th, depending on how it's falling out for someone, if they already have a career in that direction. So I have a lot of planets in my ninth house, which really indicates that I have a
Starting point is 01:00:11 lot of big draws to spirituality, academics, I'm super intellectual, but also the media. I've been involved in the media since I was like five. So those are natural things. I was doing a lot of acting and stuff, like really young. Were you in movies we'd seen? No, nothing that big. Like I had done some like TV that was like Old World Wisconsin and stuff, but it was nothing like major. But I was getting trained by a lot of, you know, people as I grew and things of that nature.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I also wrote my first book when I was in like 14 years old. So again, that's like media publishing, all sorts of communication related things. Also, my third house has a lot of planets to Mercury and then also Mars. So those are really big indications of what are important to me in my lifetime, and where I'll likely see success. But also, you have your Jupiter in your ninth house. So that means you're going to see in Jupiter's the planet of luck. So it will show where you find your that means you're going to see, and Jupiter is the planet of luck, so it will show where you find your luck,
Starting point is 01:01:07 where you're going to attract luck to you. And so, that's right, right? You have Jupiter in there? Yeah, you have Jupiter in your ninth house. Just wanted to make sure. You have your sun in the fifth house. That's what it was. But yeah, I mean, that is something that is going to,
Starting point is 01:01:23 you're going to find luck there. You're going to naturally radiate. You're going to attract probably benefactors or people that have good media presence. You know, you'll have a sort of, you know, natural magnetism to be able to kind of manifest there. You know, I think that, I mean, Jupiter does represent, you know, at times prominence and fame. So, you know, you would see that you'd likely find opportunity in media, radio, television, publishing that world. Nice. You know, and that's just a general lifelong prediction, you know.
Starting point is 01:01:56 But the cool thing, too, is that, like, even if you have a house that's not filled, like, my fifth house of love and romance and creativity isn't filled at all, but I'm super creative. So it doesn't mean that there's a problem if you don't have something there. You know, there was also like the nodes really tell you about like what is really important to you to learn in this lifetime. And so, you know, one thing that I thought was really interesting for Chad is that your north node, which is your ultimate destiny in this lifetime, is in your midheaven, which your midheaven is your 10th house, which is all about your impact in your career, and usually represents your professional advancement.
Starting point is 01:02:36 And so basically, in past lives in esoteric astrology, you probably were really focused on family and your roots and staying close to home and really taking care of your parents. And granted, it's a past life, you can't necessarily remember it. But all of those experiences led you to be here. So naturally, I would say you probably have a pretty strong tie to either your family or your mother or just people like in that and you, you know, will fall back on that when you don't feel validated or when you're not ready to kind of soar but your ultimate goal your ultimate driving force is that you want to be famous you want to be successful you want to
Starting point is 01:03:15 be powerful you want to be known in your industry it's that kind of stuff you're nodding your head yes that's correct you know i mean would you see that that's true yeah yeah yeah you know strong connection to my mother yeah yeah that's what i totally saw you know just like that you know and i think that being aware of these factors is helpful like i said because you can maximize the time that you have you know and life is very short it's weird sometimes i like you know i look at you know i feel young. I'm certainly not old. But, like, the experiences that I've had have given me wisdom. Am I looking at you too hard?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Yeah. You know? But I feel like we, you know, I just, life is so fascinating. I can't wait. I just want to, like, write all the books. Yeah. And, like, and talk to all the people and have all the TV shows and, like, tell about the world because I feel like I'm just so fascinated by life. Mm-hmm. That's cool. tv shows and like tell about the world because i feel like i'm just so fascinated by life that's
Starting point is 01:04:06 cool um yeah what else is i'm just kind of interested in the chart but i feel selfish you want to know more about where you're going yeah no i think i think that's that's part of it yeah let's do it yeah let them know well i, I think that you're going to see particularly a lot of success starting around, and this doesn't mean that there's going to be less amount of success prior, but particularly after like June 11th. I think that lasts until, I think it's July 29th. Let me look up my handy ephemeris.
Starting point is 01:04:42 That's good. Yeah, so it just means that it's going to be a high point yes i was right june 11th until july 29th because mars is going to go into your solar sector of achievement so you're likely to see a lot of hardcore energy about really rocking it out really moving forward um you're gonna see you could probably take on new projects. You're probably going to see achievements then. But Mars is action. Mars is really a big focus on moving things forward. And so that's when I would tell you, you have to work really hard at that point in time. Also, you know, in order to make any sort of prediction stick, I'm always juggling multiple factors at the same time because, you know, it's not just one planet that makes you famous
Starting point is 01:05:23 or successful or wealthy or find love. There's always gotta be a multitude of things that, like I said, really are gonna show that there's this prominence of love at this time or there's this prominence of you getting married, like I was saying. So, you know, there's that. Also, just from your particular,
Starting point is 01:05:40 this is your chart, yeah, your particular star from your natal chart, we see that Jupiter is in your sector of friendship. So you're going to be having more success, particularly in regards to, I would say, expanding your network, meeting powerful people. You're going to have milestones of your hopes and your dreams kind of manifesting. I'm going to say you're going to have a lot of like your hopes and your dreams kind of manifesting. I'm going to say you're going to have a lot of luck in that, particularly until all year, actually. All year. Until about, until we get into like 2022.
Starting point is 01:06:14 So that's why like, you know, by balancing this, I would say look at who you have in your network. And who these people are that can help hook you up in a way, you know? And by doing that, you're going to be able to manifest things much more quickly, you know? So make that vision board, make that top 10 list of the things you want to manifest in the next couple of years, put a person's name next to it, not who's going to fulfill that role for you, but who can introduce you to someone who can. So like, let's say you want to, I don't know, have your own MTV show. Well, who's a producer that
Starting point is 01:06:46 you know that can hook you up or a casting director you know what i mean because using this kind of thing is going to help you but i would say strike during that time particularly in the summer okay cool you know that'll be really good i also see that um mars is going to go into your sun sign at the end of the year i believe believe it is from, it's like October 30th, I think. October 30th. Oh, I love that I have no dates. October 30th until December 13th. So you're going to be super busy. It's really a great time to like get super like physically active. Your sex drive is going to be really high, but you're going to be like super dominant. You're gonna be like, I want to get shit done. I want to make this happen. And you should, because you only have Mars in your sign
Starting point is 01:07:26 for about two years at a time, or not two years, once every two years at a time. Okay. So it's kind of like help set patterns. And that's another thing that I'm always trying to be proficient within is like, you do these things now, it's just going to kind of snowball effect for you. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:40 You know, so that's really going to help a lot, you know, so make those big priorities, make that happen. You know, on the other opposite side of the coin, if you do want to move forward in any sort of real estate matter, helping, helping your family moving forward and build, getting a better place that could manifest for you, you know, like I said, but that's just from the sun sign. Um, I feel like, yeah, that's pretty prominent. If you don't want to have a kid, you need to be pretty careful. So that is something that's, if you do want to have a kid. He has to wear a condom? If you do want to have a kid, you're going to be going into a transit
Starting point is 01:08:24 that's going to be making it much more easy to have a kidom? If you do want to have a kid, you're going to be going into a transit that's going to be making it much more easy to have a kid. At what time? From basically May 13th until July 28th. But next year is the main one. Hyperpotent.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Okay. Yeah. It is that kind of thing. A drop of it. It's like VX gas in the rock. You drop a drop of your semen in a room at that time, you get the whole boardroom pregnant.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Bam! I've been doing too many ice baths. He that and pumping in new new swimmers yeah well it's but seriously you know like you're if you want to have a kid you could probably conceive next year i mean it would be much more easy to do it uh next year it's time dude no bro it's time no i think you're ready if not there's a possibility from like march of 2023 for about three years after when saturn goes into that solar sector for you where like you are like oh shit i've got so much to do because of kid time that could be you and he has a second kid coming hypothetically if you'd like to it would be much easier this year to do so we're still we're still thinking it over yeah okay and it seems likely that you probably will if you want to because like i said you have two
Starting point is 01:09:29 planets that are that'll be nice dude yeah well i mean it's up to you it's hard not the one's hard enough oh my god my brother is a libra and he's got two kids down and he's just he's like the best dad in the world but what else is coming for a rod well i mean like i said those are really big important sort of energies we talked about when it comes to the media situations when we've got um all of the um yeah the media situations we got the focus on love creative projects are probably going to be important to you things that really inspire you will he become less narrow-minded in his perception of fast food french fries i feel like that might be ingrained into a personality i saw a shift last week that's true he did have a shift oh yeah you liked your
Starting point is 01:10:15 in and out fries last week it was earlier this week it was on tuesday but uh no i didn't i mean they were better well done is better 100 well done is better. 100% well done is better. It's still not great. Your income will rise next year. I hope so. Yeah. That'd be awesome. No, I know so.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Thank you. It'll probably be in like next April. So it's about a year from now. But if you have any opportunities for like payouts, settlements, you know, funding, sometimes this is royalty checks, that you may have one at the end of the year. There's a possibility, but I feel like the finances are more popping next year for you. Cool. That's probably right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Yeah, it seems. Were you able to see the pandemic? Yeah. At all? Yeah. And basically it's one of those things where, you know, when it comes to astrology we're watching the movements of the planets and we're seeing what they're doing and where they're
Starting point is 01:11:09 going and you know when we have rare conjunctions like 2020 was nuts we had so many just weird configurations of the planets that we've not had in like hundreds of years and such for some reason um because that's just the way that it lined up. And so we knew that 2020 was going to shake the system up completely. We knew that there was going to be, it was kind of, I guess I called it prior that it was a Phoenix year. And that shit was a Phoenix year, you know, because it burnt down all of the kinds of things that weren't in alignment with us and allowed us to, you know, I hope for the most part, appreciate different kinds of things that we may have been overlooking. And whether that's human connection, or physical health, or interaction with other people, you know, I think that, you know, that was an important moment in
Starting point is 01:11:54 everyone's lives, we're all going to remember, it doesn't matter if you were eight years old, you know, this was a turning point year. And so, you know, we don't have that many, we don't have interactions like that of the planets like like that for years and years and years and years and years and some in some points like hundreds of years the one thing that is that we ended the year though was the great conjunction of jupiter and saturn did you guys hear about like the christmas star like the double star the age of aquarius yes well that's a tie to it. So the thing about it is that a great conjunction takes place between these planets and it sets up this, the, the system of society and how things
Starting point is 01:12:30 are for about 20 years in a very confined era, but for about 200 years, they meet in the same element. So for the last 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn were in the earth signs showing that money was power. So we rapidly, you know, had that explosion of, you know, billionaires, et cetera. And so that was a new sort of thing, you know, but also immense abuse of the earth's resources, all sorts of stuff, you know, like when we come to environmentalism, shit does not look good for the earth, literally just from astrology's standpoint, you know um it just really doesn't so we're gonna go through some pretty crazy shit particularly until 2026 you know that's gonna happen but going back to what i was saying about the the dawning of this next great awakening that began on uh december 21st of 2020 because now for the next 200 years jupiter
Starting point is 01:13:22 and saturn are meeting in the air signs. So technology is going to explode. There's going to be a huge focus on equality and humanity and really kind of exploding science and developing different rights and all of that very human-focused, humanist sort of stuff. But on the opposite side, there can also be more control and there can be more restrictions because Saturn represents that too. So, you know, we're going into a new era and I feel like I'm hopeful. But again, I mean, it's not just a person's life. Humanity decides and has free will too. So it's a good a good warning shot.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Yeah, you know, like fucking recycle. Let's take care of the earth, you know? Like that is majorly important. And, you know, I think, you know, when we look further out into like the dawning of the age of this next great awakening, you know, like people will live longer, you know, robotics will explode. You know, there will be all sorts of breakthroughs,
Starting point is 01:14:23 but at the cost of our humanity in some ways, too. Right, right. So what do you how do you see that the next year globally? Well, I did an article about this for horoscope.com that was talking about how the Coronavirus is going to be affected, particularly this year. And so technically, I feel like humanity has, you know, the harder that we strike it, and that we take efforts to obviously contain it, and whether that's through social distancing and vaccines or whatever it be, we can probably eradicate it by roughly about 2023, in general, because Pluto will leave this sector and go into a different area. And Pluto has been very important in creating this pandemic and so there's still a planet according to according to astrology yeah
Starting point is 01:15:10 okay yeah so neil degrasse tyson is he out on pluto yeah he just posted something today that's the only reason i know he is me and chad were talking shit on neil degrasse tyson yesterday i'm reading his book astrophysics for People in a Hurry. Love it. Yeah. So, but yeah, I mean, I think that that like, that's going to be something that we deal with. I think that particularly when it comes to like the rollout of vaccines, I literally predicted exactly when that was going to happen.
Starting point is 01:15:39 All of that explosion. I knew that basically by March of this year, things were going to get better. I think that when it comes to our freedom and lifestyle and travel and fun, when Jupiter goes into Pisces, which will be from May 13th until July 28th, life is going to be much more joyous and fun and enjoyable. And, you know, Jupiter here is going to definitely connect a lot of people. So make connections, whether they are in love or friendship or whatever it be, life should be more easy. Um, well, I think we'll really enjoy that, but then it goes back into Aquarius. So then there's going to be a lot of focus for the second half of the year, particularly
Starting point is 01:16:18 on the things that we've been dealing with so far this year already, you know? Um, but the, the preview that we're feeling when Jupiter's in Pisces this summer is how 2020 is gonna look. And 2020 is gonna be a lot of fun. It's gonna be much better. I feel like people are gonna feel more at ease. We're also gonna have an economic boom,
Starting point is 01:16:37 which I'm super pumped for. So I think that'll be, I mean, we're about to go through that. And I think that boom will start to happen. Like I said, in May. Cool. Dude, you have to be out by seven. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:52 What time is it? I think we should do questions and maybe we can just do beef, beefs and babes, uh, before Monday or something. Yeah. Before Mondays. Do you mind if we answer some listeners questions? Um, well, no, but you, uh, no, but you will need your input as well. We give advice to, like, the listeners.
Starting point is 01:17:12 A lot of it's romantic stuff, too. Would you say that's the biggest bucket that people are worried about? Is it love or is it success and, like, finance and stuff like that? Well, like we were saying before, I think that each different astrologer has their own niche. You know, kind of like you go to a certain musician for a certain kind of song. You know, you're not going to go to Adele because you want to like have a dance party.
Starting point is 01:17:37 I mean, unless she's recreating herself, which could happen because she has Uranus on her sign. But anyways, I feel like because I write for cosmopolitan magazine, that's a woman's magazine where a lot of people are focused on love. Okay. And so, but also because my career was very focused on writing romantic fiction and, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:55 Roman rom coms and stuff like that. It just sort of pivoted that way. Yeah. Yeah. So love is definitely the big thing. All right, here we go. Any clue who's going to win the world series?
Starting point is 01:18:06 I'd have to look at the charts yeah I actually just in case I had a pretty big podcast that I can't talk about yet that did ask me to talk about some stuff
Starting point is 01:18:16 with all sports but I haven't heard back from them yet so they like reached out and then they disappeared I'm like how do you do that happens a lot
Starting point is 01:18:21 you came to me yeah you know but I need an agent so if you know that? It happens a lot. You came to me. Yeah. You know, but I need an agent. So if you know an agent, let me know. We do. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Dumping my boyfriend for my career. Help. Two big buckets here. What's up, Legends of Stoke? Also, quick shout out to all the female Stokers out there. Sorry for the long email, but I need your help. I just turned 21, and I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree. I've also been working on a certificate that will allow me to teach English in foreign countries, which is dope because I'm
Starting point is 01:18:47 super drawn to traveling and moving from place to place. But my issue is I've been dating the same guy for about two years now and he's really great. At first, we didn't think much of it, but to my surprise, I've been offered a job in Spain. We live in Canada. It's a year-long placement and he's practically begging me not to go, but I can't help but feel like I would be missing out on some of the best times of my life. He brought up doing long distance to which I am hesitant because that just isn't my vibe. So in conclusion, he's given me an ultimatum, a career that will offer travel opportunities, which is all I've ever wanted out of life or him. I don't want to break his heart because he's been nothing but good to me, but I also don't want to give up what could be the most epic job ever.
Starting point is 01:19:22 The realist in me is telling me that I'm young and to just leave him behind but then i also have to accept saying goodbye to him his friends and his family who i've grown to love over the past few years what do you guys think is the best option hammer the job am i a shitty girlfriend for leaning more towards my career thanks guys i mean she's got to dump him yeah totally agree she even said that the things that she's like his friends and family, like she, I think she just, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:47 I don't know. I mean, I, I think that she should follow her destiny and her feeling there, you know, otherwise she's going to feel trapped for the rest of her life, you know? Yeah. Hell no.
Starting point is 01:20:00 She, you're 21. You're, you're not going to be friends with the same people your whole life. Yeah. Your family's going to change. Go for it. Go to Spain.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yeah. You got to break out. Especially when you're young. I feel like you got to lay the foundations for your career more so. Totally. And not make decisions that'll, you know, for, you know, because I feel like that's just going to create resentment.
Starting point is 01:20:30 If she stays just because of him, she already sounds like she already has some resentment probably. I think she just feels bad about that she has to break up with him. Yeah. I think she's ready to go. You know what you got to do. Yeah. He'll be fine. Hot guy summer.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Hey, bros. I'm a recently single bro and I'm looking to get after it this summer. I'm going into my freshman year of college and I've been in a relationship throughout most of my high school experience on any advice on how to get after it with the ladies trying to be most respectful, but still get puss. Any pointers from the council anonymous? Um,
Starting point is 01:21:04 probably not. Probably don't call it puss. Yeah. would just uh i could call aaron be nice out there dude you got this just be nice and friendly yeah get get out there and uh watch your language a little bit yeah enjoy life have fun and then probably good things will happen yeah have fun and cultivate an exciting life for you. Mars will be in Leo, which represents that sex and passion and dating will be pretty hot in general from about June 11th until July 29th.
Starting point is 01:21:36 So a lot of people, like I said, will have a pretty hot summer. I mean, summer looks really good, finally. I mean, last year. Summer is vaccinated, yeah, sure. Yeah, and for anybody wanting to get back together with an ex at the end of the year, it's a perfect time.
Starting point is 01:21:49 At the end of this year? Yeah, you know, and people are going to be, yeah, lots of people are going to get back together. Do you think that's going to have a John Thomas here? There is a possibility, because Venus is retrograde in Capricorn. But here's the thing. It stresses me out.
Starting point is 01:22:02 I feel like if you, I do stuff on exes all the time with out. I feel like if you... I do stuff on the X's all the time with people. If you wanted to, you could. But I also think that the eclipse cycles that are coming, I think it represents that there's new love. Nice. Hey, bros. Really huge fan of the pod
Starting point is 01:22:22 and I'm looking forward to listening to you guys every week. It never fails to boost my stoke, so thanks. Anyways, my girlfriend and I, who have been together since high school, and we're in college now, are absolutely head over heels for each other, and we feel like a perfect match. We have a killer relation, and I really have nothing to complain about when it comes to her or us together. But she has always done this one thing that has really bothered me and left me feeling hurt, and I feel in need of some advice from the Stoke brothers. So here's the dilemma.
Starting point is 01:22:43 Whenever my girlfriend and I are around our friends or just anyone else our age, she treats me like I'm her annoying little brother and it sucks. She'd do things like talk about me to others in a really condescending way as if I'm an inconvenience in her life when I'm sitting right next to her. She also interrupts me a lot when I'm speaking. Whenever someone else asked me a question, she'll often at times answer it for me before I can speak and then talk about in a way that makes me feel like a total reknob.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I like to think I'm a pretty cool dude and I try real hard not to be a dick I can't remember a time I've ever had beef with anyone in our squad and I have a habit of making my mission to make sure the stoke tank of every one of my friends is filled that being said I feel like I'm constantly defending myself for not being a renob when I'm in front of our friends because my girlfriend's words and condescending tone I feel like I can never call her out in the moment when she does this because it would bring an awkward situation and be disrespectful to the others there. And then, um... I get real vulnerable and tell her that the way she acts around her friends hurts my feelings
Starting point is 01:23:37 and makes me feel like dog shit. Then I say the specific things she does that bother me and ask her not to do them anymore. She responds the same way every time. First, she acts real shocked, says she has no idea she acts the way, and then she gets self-deprecating and apologizes and promises never to act that way again nothing has changed i'm writing this right after she did this poor guy if any of you guys could give me advice about carrying my girlfriend's
Starting point is 01:24:01 around friends i would really appreciate it uh i think i would if you're i think i would break up with her i mean if she's treating you like shit yeah especially if she's publicly too yeah i mean what's the what's i don't think i don't think that should be part of your relationship. And if nothing's changing, too, I also feel like he's kind of trying to people-please a little bit too much. Like, he's super concerned about everyone in his crew, making sure that everyone else is stoked, that she's stoked, you know? It's coming at the expense of his happiness.
Starting point is 01:24:42 So I think I would say focus on yourself a little bit more and maybe, you know, find a partner who respects you, especially publicly. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I mean,
Starting point is 01:24:57 I think you, maybe before you do that, get more mad and maybe like really tell her like, Hey, look, this really bothers me. It's killing me to go out with you publicly. Cause like, get more mad and maybe like really tell her like hey look this really bothers me it's killing me to go out with you publicly cause like
Starting point is 01:25:09 you're cutting me down and I hate it and I've expressed this to you and it hasn't changed maybe give her an ultimatum and if it doesn't change I'm out did that sound convincing?
Starting point is 01:25:23 yeah hell yeah what'd you think? What do you think, Kyle? I mean, I tend to see that ultimatums don't really work in relationships. But the thing is, it way of, you know, being kind and being respectful, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:48 I think that's, that shows a lot about your character, but then the fact that she's not respecting your character means that she doesn't respect you. So it's time to either tell her that that needs to end completely or the relationship needs to move in different directions just so that they both can be happy. Yeah. I think she sounds like she might be like from new jersey or something you know because no no because i i dated a girl for like a week from new jersey and she's like i talk i bust balls
Starting point is 01:26:17 i talk shit yeah she might have like all brothers or something yeah she's from boston yeah because and she's like so every time i'm dick face yeah every time i talk to this girl shut up like hey you want to we're living in his girlfriend joe yeah we're living in spain at the time like hey you want to go get a croissant and she's like oh do i want to get a croissant do i want to don't want to get a croissant i'm like i get it you're from new jersey you know so she might just be from new jersey ask her where she's from i say make make things awkward in public if she does it again i think it's a good idea why are you concerned about making it weird like she's making it weird he's embarrassed she knows that he's too embarrassed to to do something yeah you gotta stand up yeah and and think of it too like if
Starting point is 01:27:06 she's saying this in front of the people you care about think about how she talks about you when you're not there it's probably way worse it sucks yeah oh dumb dumb maybe dish it back she's like yeah nice nice order derek and you're like nice face nice face idiot yeah i'm not the best at insults every one time my brother was like he's like dude you you habitually do something i was i forget what it was but i'm like i was like what you're habitual destroyed i was like i was like 14 that's hilarious i didn't know what habitual meant i bet that knocked him off balance so he's just like what well i can tell you this we remember it to this day oh he'll bring it out they're like that's your best insult
Starting point is 01:27:53 dude you're a bitch my brother's name is mark mark if you're listening you're habitual my mom my mom my cousin juanita was in town and she was sad and my mom mom was like, John Thomas, go talk to Juanita and cheer her up. I was like, mom, it's weird. Like we haven't hung out a lot. I was like, if I just go in there, I'm like, I'll just wait for it to happen organically. And then my mom took a beat and she was like, okay, take your time and then make it happen organically. Oh, man. All right.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Last question. If you really want to get to her too just tell her she's it kind of looks like she's growing a mustache that'll really get her you gotta torture dude yeah look you break up or you bring the fight to her
Starting point is 01:28:32 you either retreat you throw in the towel you surrender you break up which she knows it's her own kind of victory or or you gotta take it to her
Starting point is 01:28:39 it's time for war next time you go out five burns on an index card just have it on a scroll and just and then when you drive her home go how's that bring a podium that's like the roast ashley okay start watching jeff ross clips watch all the roast battles yeah okay last question yo dudes what's up I have a question for the podcast. What is your definition of a skateboard poser?
Starting point is 01:29:07 Thank Chad and JT. Keep going deep. Skateboard poser? Someone who, I think someone who lowers other skaters' stoke. Dane Reynolds, he's probably one of the best surfers in the world right now. He's like, kooks are not the worst. Kooks are not the guys out there who are new to surfing kooks are the ones who are you know uh who have bad etiquette who are snaking waves taking other people's waves getting other people in dangerous situations like they're bored going over the falls and stuff those are so anyone who's creating bad times for other board writers,
Starting point is 01:29:45 that's a poser, I'd say. Nice. It's fire definition, dude. Dude, thanks. What do you guys think? I agree with you. I think that was it. I wasn't thinking that was it,
Starting point is 01:29:55 but then when you provided the answer, I was like, he nailed it. Because it's like, poser is someone who's acting above their skill level or pay grade or experience or awareness, and they're trying to, as like a status thing, and that's always going to get in the way of the people who are actually doing it earnestly yeah but if you're an earnest like beginner that's cool that's good someone is out there just trying to learn they're always stoked what do you think i mean i think that's very fair cool have you met like astrologists who were like, you're a poser?
Starting point is 01:30:26 To me? No. No, no, have you met ones who you thought they were posers? Yeah, but I feel like it's one of those things where it's, like I said before, I think that because astrology is a craft, it's an art form, everybody has, they're entitled to make it their own. And, you know, that's why I don't necessarily feel like, you know, like there are some people that because I do pop culture and celebrity stuff, they think that that's not, you know, definitive enough academic astrology. you know definitive enough academic astrology and i say that you know i am trying to impact people in a better way and i'm doing it in the way that i can so you know like i said i think that
Starting point is 01:31:13 you know the idea of a poser in astrology i think it just comes down to who resonates with most people, I suppose. Cool. Nice. I love it. That was it, I think. Thanks so much for coming in. Dude, that was so fun. Yeah, you guys are great. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Dude, give me a bow. Even though we're both vaxxed. Right, yes. Yeah, you can start doing high fives now. Damn. Do you guys want to? Except for Aaron, you're left out. Unxxed soon soon sorry we love you dog get the vaccination bro let's go uh well cool well this was really cool fun and thanks for coming in and yeah you
Starting point is 01:31:58 have anything else today no that was super fun i'm i'm looking forward to time periods more now. I was pumped, but now I'm super pumped. Where can people find you? So my website is kylethomasastrology.com. I definitely post all sorts of horoscopes and everything there. And my main platform that I use is Instagram. So it's at mrkylethomas, Mr. Kyle Thomas. So check out my stuff. I post all sorts of things about your life and predictions there.
Starting point is 01:32:28 My really good friend's name is Kyle Thomas. Oh, nice. Well, thank you guys also for having me. It's a pleasure to be here. Yeah, this is great. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know that we are brought to you by Honey. Honey, thank you so much for sponsoring the podcast. You guys are legends. So I told you guys up top about
Starting point is 01:32:44 Honey. if you're buying stuff online you know pillowcases socks aaron what are you buying online these days diapers diapers what are you buying online diapers nice same just in case yeah same that's interesting what if a baby walks in and i don't have anything for him to poop into yeah i'm trying to get my Nice. Same. Just in case. Yeah, same. That's interesting. What if a baby walks in and I don't have anything for him to poop into? Yeah, I'm trying to get my brothers to respect me more. So I'm like, if my niece comes, I got diapers.
Starting point is 01:33:16 Dude, that's a nice ambition. Always prepared. You know what my methodology is for getting people to respect me? Yeah. Do things they don't respect. Right. So then they'll have to respect that I don't need their respect. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Yeah, that's a good move. I like that. Reverse that call. Yeah. Nice. Well, you can start doing those more disrespectful things or respectful things
Starting point is 01:33:39 if you're buying products. I think this makes sense. If you use Honey, because with Honey, you can apply any kind of coupon code to your purchase. It's free of charge. It can save you money on, like I said, I bought pillowcases, saved like $10. I bought electrolyte mix, saved like $5. It's legit.
Starting point is 01:34:03 So there's no reason not to get it. Honey is legit uh it's found it's over 17 million members over two billion dollars in savings you don't already have honey you can be straight up missing out on free saving it's literally free and installs in a few seconds by getting it you'll be doing yourself a solid and supported podcast i'd never recommend something i don't use get honey for free at join honey.com slash go deep that's join honey.com slash go deep what is your beef of the week my beef of the week uh I'm not sure how much truth there is to this but apparently Bill Gates is trying to block out the sun I know nothing about this so you're gonna have to have to fill me in. Dude, I'll pull up an article.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Dude, I'm serious, bro. Okay. Fact check from Newsweek. Okay, we're going to... So interesting. So, so interesting. all right just let me know newsweek i don't need all this bullshit so the daily mail which is a british tabloid newspaper reported in august 2019 that gates wants to spray millions of tons of dust into the stratosphere to stop global warming
Starting point is 01:35:33 uh uh i don't know dude this article it could just say yes or no but it goes on like there's too many words where like the ultimate aim of the i'm like just tell me what's up fuck fucking dick wads okay let's just play like he is trying to block out the sun but stokers forewarning i don't know if that's actually true if he is huge beef because that's straight up out of a superman movie or some shit no that's out of 300 except they do it with arrays but this nerd's doing it with chemicals yeah with arrows i mean sorry um so dude if you're doing that fucking stop uh and if you're not okay cool we're chill him and jobs were like
Starting point is 01:36:36 fierce rivals throughout their careers yeah you know they had like a begrudging respect for each other but they had a pretty open anger towards one another as well and when steve jobs was criticizing him he goes he has horrible taste and i don't mean that in a superficial way i mean that in the most important deep way imaginable he just thought he was like the opposite of an artist he thought he just like right was a hack who sold bundles of mediocre product interesting yeah so whatever dust he's going to put into the sky to block out the sun it probably won't be as artistically interesting as what some other tech creators would do it'll be purely functional exactly like this is just a stopglove warming i'm
Starting point is 01:37:16 like well you could like you know help us out a little bit you know you did block out the sun so you could make it like a cool design or something that says if you believe you can change the world, then you can. Maybe some messaging like that, what Steve Jobs would do, right? Some nice maxims up in the sky. Yeah. Yeah, he would have done a tasteful job with it.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Yeah. Or just like a black and white portrait or something. Yeah. Or something like, sorry dudes, but this is for the greater good. Mm-hmm. That's a good beef, dude. That's a big beef.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Someone trying to block out the sun? If that turns out to be true, that's probably the beef of that's a big beef someone trying to block out the sun if that turns out to be true and that's probably the beef of the century if not the millennium yeah i mean that's a yeah my beef is with newsweek too for their horseshit article that just doesn't you know they're like here read on here's some ads and i'm like just tell me what tell me what i need to know so yeah dude my beef of the week is um with my indecisiveness because i try to say i was decisively indecisive when it came to watching things right but yesterday last night it teetered into just pure indecision i was on the couch for an hour and a half trying to pick what to watch i didn't watch anything for more than five minutes continuously wow i'm watching
Starting point is 01:38:22 braveheart i'm like nope can't do it. Then I switched to Drive to Survive, final episode of season three, five minutes, and I go, nope, can't do it. My buddy Greg had mentioned the show Terriers that we both left from a decade ago. Bought episode one of that, five minutes, and then I go, nope, not doing that. Then I tried to watch 10 minutes of an Adam Curtis documentary. Nope. Then I watched some, like a replay of the Lakers Clippers game. Couldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Watched some Canelo Alvarez highlights two minutes in jumping again and i just could not settle on anything nothing can occupy my interest sports comes the closest but like film tv it's like it all feels fake to me now with like the actors and stuff interesting it's too like i don't know i can't buy into the there's no suspension of disbelief for me right now interesting oh my god actors annoying and then so i think i'd be better off watching like jersey shore keeping up with the kardashians because it's like i know it's like you know constructed but it feels realer and it's more interesting to me but i don't know even that stuff wasn't really doing it for me last night. Is that because you kind of have a...
Starting point is 01:39:28 Has your outlook on life kind of been dampened a little bit? That's what I wonder. I wonder if that's like... Because if you can't enjoy things, that's supposed to be representative of like, you know, being depressed or something like that. But this has been ongoing for a while. And I don't know.
Starting point is 01:39:41 It's just... It's easier for me to watch something when I'm with someone else because then it's like a communal experience and we can talk about it and share about it as we go through it yeah but when i'm by myself it's very hard for me to find something that like really locks me in but i but i want to enjoy that yeah i mean yeah i had that for a while uh you know when i was doing stand-up like every night when we were doing stand-up like every night you know like heavy on the open mic circuit i don't know if this is the same thing but people like oh did you watch that show i'm like why would i watch shows i have i have stand-up to
Starting point is 01:40:13 do i i enjoyed that's that's what i was i was like i was like they all suck now anyways that was my mentality i try to watch falcon and winter soldier too and that was like i was like yeah not really yeah i i do think i did an instagram live and that was like, yeah, not really. Yeah. I do think I did an Instagram live and that was more engaging. Yeah. And I do, I am missing standup a lot. If I could do standup every night, that would be, that's more where I get enjoyment from. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Watching stuff, it's kind of, it's almost too passive. That's kind of what it is. Right. Yeah. The only time, like I'm hooked hooked on sons of anarchy right now so i'm like you know watching it non-stop but uh it's hard for me to get into a show like it's hard i it's hard sometimes i have to force myself to sit and watch it's tough i'm gonna try and watch the q anon show because there's a q anon show yeah hbo did like a six-part series on it and everyone
Starting point is 01:41:03 says it's like amazing really like they find the guy who started it, which I guess was a mystery. Yeah. Wow. Not to give it away, but that's what people are saying happens in it. So I'm going to try and watch it because also then I can talk to people
Starting point is 01:41:13 that were back in an office setting as of today. So I can talk to those folks about it. Is he the guy playing Warcraft in South Park? Probably. Just sitting there. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da- Just sitting there. I haven't seen that South Park episode. What? Dude, it's the best.
Starting point is 01:41:31 It's too passive for me. I can't watch it. Dude, I think you can watch this one. All right, I'll check it out. Yeah. That's legit. Dude, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:41:43 My babe of the week is Traffic uh i was in traffic today dude city is coming back baby i have never been more stoked to be in traffic what up traffic thank you so much uh for sponsoring los angeles and letting us know that we are you know we are kind of getting back up and running baby so um it's nice to be in there you know just driving with other people who are pissed and i'm listening to steve jobs book right now do you like it i like it yeah i'm into his whole spiritual journey right now um which i dig he's pretty dedicated yeah he doesn't do it halfway yeah uh he's a cool guy and it's cool to listen to it in traffic i never thought i'd be in traffic again how do you like the way walter
Starting point is 01:42:30 baker reads it i like it yeah i i have to put on like the moana soundtrack intermittently you know to to keep my stoke up you know sometimes a book sometimes a book can boost my stoke sometimes i'm i feel like i'm in a part of the book right now where i'm kind of just like forcing myself to get through it because i kind of hear about the apple stuff more that's how i feel honestly right now but i think i'll so right now i'm just you know i'll put on some techno to be like all right i'm still stoked and then i'll put the book back on it's good balance yeah of stoke and intel yeah um who he later battles with intel penny and processors nice um dude my babe of the week is my fingernails
Starting point is 01:43:12 now look they're they're not amazing but see what do you see when you look at those pretty normal fingernails right nice and pink yeah but like i mean like how they're cut oh yeah they look nice nice cuticles guess what what i've never used a nail trimmer in my life no not once not maybe when i was like five or six but since seven on i just use my fingers to pick at them yeah the same thing same thing yeah and i've never had an issue they're always the right length i just intuitively know when to start picking at them yeah and you know when i was younger i'd get like i'd go too deep and i'd like pull too much right hang now i very rarely have those issues now nice and i just think i know how to groom my fingernails i know what i'm doing that's good stuff yeah it looked good so you same thing let me see yeah they look perfect
Starting point is 01:44:00 oh dude thank you i don't do my toenails either yeah dude that's my favorite one they've grown in and you get you get nice and juicy it's nice to pick at yeah but yeah i don't i don't need the thing that's cool thanks i've never i've always been kind of like all right when am i going to get to clippers but now i'm kind of like i feel okay about it i'm doing this for the rest of my life i get it sweet. Sweet. Who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is ice cream. Fucking love ice cream. You know, whenever we do something cool, gotta celebrate, I get some ice cream.
Starting point is 01:44:38 You know, because ice cream is like, if you're going to start boozing, you know you're going to have a hangover. But if you just treat yourself with ice cream, you know, it's like, like it's like it's like a message to your body where you're just like i'm treating myself right food is i know i can go too far for some people but i do think food is the best way to quell like a feeling yeah it's like the healthiest you know what i mean yeah because i'll get anxious and i'm like oh i should smoke some pot or i should have a beer or i should whack it yeah and then i'm like just have a bowl of cereal same thing right yeah i think there's something like because i'm pretty intense about diet but i try i try to find a balance of like you know being healthy but also treating yourself getting some pleasure yeah because i
Starting point is 01:45:23 think if you're just so intense with with diet all the time then it's like you lose that's that's more detrimental to your health than just saying like to your to yourself and your subconscious like dude everything's all good such a balanced chat let's all do thanks let's have some cold stuff yeah i read this book on uh this lady had an nde near-death experience and she's all about you know it's all about just you know having fun keeping your energy high and i was like i was like that's such a nice message you know just keep your stoke up i love that it's basically what she you know when you go into the other realm they're like dude all you have to do is be stoked that's what they tell you i hope so i hope so damn i'm like did i fuck that
Starting point is 01:46:09 up they're like no you were stoked i'm like thanks did i fuck that up what up dudes dude how'd it go well who's your legend of the week oh that is ice cream sorry dude my legend of the week is cereal hell yeah dude it's the best yeah and i've just been picking up so uh i was hanging out with a friend and we didn't know what to get to for dinner and he was like oh i got cereal and i had a bowl i hadn't had a bowl in a while yeah i went home that night or on my way home that night i went to rite aid picked up two boxes akashi went through those in like a day and now i've been hitting air one and getting some of their gourmet, but still not good for you. Like off brand cereal.
Starting point is 01:46:47 Yeah. Some kind of like corn pops, a derivative and then like a, a kind of a fruit brand one. And I'm just murdering it too. And it's so good. I put some oat milk in there. Nice.
Starting point is 01:46:58 I'm going through one of those big bottles of oat milk like every other day. That's good stuff. Cereal. It's just the best. It really is. I mean, it's, it's a treat and it's just the best it really is i mean it's it's a treat and it's connected to your childhood you know i mean i had nine million bowls of cereal growing up yeah you go through phases yeah you have fruit loops months then you have cocoa pump cocoa puff months i love uh frosted mini wheats those are so good. When they're soggy. When they get the right texture
Starting point is 01:47:25 and then you just break it in half. CT Crunch. Very nice. French Toast Crunch. A little specialty thing. Dude, I like Choco Krispies. Hell yeah. I like Rice Krispie Treat Cereal.
Starting point is 01:47:43 I love that. All right, Chad. What's your quote of the week um okay this is from Hale one of the cops in Sons of Anarchy anger clouds judgment it makes us do things we end up regret
Starting point is 01:48:00 ah anger clouds judgment it makes us do things that we end up regretting things we can never take back you know it's funny so i i just grew up where you can take everything back we'd say the gnarliest shit and Really? And then we'd be like, I was pissed. People get pissed when you say crazy shit. That's nice. It is nice, yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Dude, mine is from, I'm reading the book, End of the Wild. I'm going to finish it tonight. Super short, very inspiring read. I'm so impressed by how faithful the film was to the book. Like, it's really, really close. faithful the film was to the book. Like it's really, really close. And the, and the movie was really effective.
Starting point is 01:48:49 But yeah, the book is, is incredible. It's so well written by that John Cracker guy. He's got a bunch of bangers. And he does that great thing where the, where they put quotes at the beginning of each chapter, you know, so you feel like you've read like Thoreau and Tolstoy without having to,
Starting point is 01:49:03 you're like, I got the greatest hits right here. But I like this quote that he's got for children are innocent and love justice while most of us are wicked and naturally prefer mercy gk jesterson yeah buddy dude what's your uh phrase of the week for getting after it. Can you put whipped cream on that? Or maybe, this is more active. I'm going to put whipped cream on. I'm going to put whipped cream on the night. I love it.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Thanks. That's where it belongs. What's my phrase of the week for getting after it? Let go, let God, and let it ride. All right. There it is. That was fun. That was great.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Thanks to Kyle. Kyle. Beast. Yeah, that was super fun. He probably knew I was going to forget his name right there. Yeah. Oh, yeah. JT, you to forget his name right there. Oh yeah. JT, you will forget my name in 36 hours.
Starting point is 01:50:12 We're recording this like 36 hours after that. Yeah. Guys, check out our merch at shopcgd.com. You can get all kinds of shirts that represent Stoke Niche. And please leave us a review. That helps out the podcast. And they're always appreciated. We love hearing from you guys. Stay stoked there any last words jt tell your mom you love her i don't even know why yeah good stuff is that good hell yeah yeah tell your mom you love her i love you
Starting point is 01:50:41 all right late I love you mom alright late if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 01:51:00 just a half road beside you come and see come and see See you next time.

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