Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 182 - Strider Wilson and Joe Marrese Join

Episode Date: April 14, 2021

This week we got the four horsemen of the chillpocalypse!  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​ Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with th...e code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Or is the friendship permanently tarnished? No. I need a beer over there. I'm ready to watch the fireworks. Well, that's nice. Ready to watch the fireworks. Wow. That's nice. Really? Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Yeah, that's right. Who was like Joe Morgan on that team? Who's like the big? Oh, 2006. Sorry. Joe Morgan. Eckstein was the World Series MVP on the Reds team? For the Cardinals.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Oh, for the Cardinals. So he won one with the Angels and with the Cardinals? I don't know. Was he on the 2000? Eckstein? Yeah, he was our shortstop. Yeah. Dude, watching that guy throw to first base,
Starting point is 00:01:02 every time you were like... Like he couldn't throw it on a rope. Really? No, he was so... Yeah, he was scrappy, but he had no natural gifts. Epstein? Eckstein. Epstein's a molester.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Are we rolling? Yeah, we're rolling. All right, let's do it. That should be how it starts. That be good next time oh x time um um melt the wax and give my nipples a charge what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Guys, before we begin, I remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because you've got a dong, right? Or if you're a lady, you've got a vagina and, you know, you've got pubes. You've got pubes and sometimes you've got a clean house. You've got to take care of what's going on downstairs and just trim it up and to let your body and your genital area know that you care so use code go deep 20 man stop manscape.com to get 20 off your first order go deep 20 manscape.com we also want to give a huge shout out to our seltzer sponsor fruit smash the best hard seltzer in the game right now
Starting point is 00:02:43 strider is smashing one how do you how's your smash dude baby i'm just kicking back and smashing right now yeah tasty i got pink lemonade going makes me want to get a nice burger dude let's go oh yeah dude i mean tons of stokers are getting fruit smash they seem to love it it's nice have you drank have you tried fruit smash no i haven't had any of the seltzers yet oh this will be will be your first? Well, I'm just afraid. Should we get you trying? I don't want it. Try your first one. I'm afraid it's going to be too good and I'm just going to start
Starting point is 00:03:11 pounding up. Correct. That's what's going to happen. It can't happen. Drinkability? Huge. You're going to just deprive yourself of Call of Duty and seltzers? Yeah. Have you not been jacked? I think at the end of the episode, we'll have you try one,
Starting point is 00:03:26 and we'll get your on-camera review, because it's too good to pass up. I mean, that's like electric entertainment. Yeah, electric. Are you time out? Yeah, can we time out real quick? Is Chad out of the wide? I think I'm in there.
Starting point is 00:03:43 He's in? He's not too cut off nice i can scoot in a little bit while we just get yeti can you scoot in a little bit yeah i'm sorry i'm like worried about it smart baby smart sometimes you got to put on the producer hat not easy to do. People were complaining about not having the wide. Chad, it might be good if you came in a little bit too. I'm sorry, dog. What happened to the song
Starting point is 00:04:14 up top? Post. It gets put in post. Oh, okay. So, uh... How we looking, A-Rod? We got it? right nice uh joe am i detecting seltzer shame yeah i don't i i just try to only drink beer i try not to drink any kind of sugary is real how's the sugar barely any sugar one gram damn real fruit juice contains what are we talking about the end of the episode you got a seltzer right there joe pop that thing and give it a
Starting point is 00:04:51 swirl i drove here 4.7 you live two blocks away we're saying a sip i'll drive you home i've only had a few later kidding you can spend the night You can spend the night Dude Have you guys had a sleepover yet? Since living in the new place Just for old time's sake Say what the fuck I was feeling a little squirrely The other night
Starting point is 00:05:11 I was like Maybe I'll just go stay on the couch At Joe's place But uh I know I got self conscious Joe's gotta come here Dude He comes over
Starting point is 00:05:18 I got more I got more furniture now Than he does Here Really? Yeah we got a lot of stuff I gotta come by and see the layout you guys have a credenza credenza yeah really wait what is that again bro i mean it's a basically a
Starting point is 00:05:34 non-functional piece it's a space filler what people that hate on it would say but honestly it's a beautiful piece of furniture that fills space in a fun way it plays with void it really ties the space together typically a hallway oh okay yeah i think. It plays with void. It really ties the space together. Typically a hallway. Oh, okay. I think we all play with void. Don't we? Wow. Especially lately, dude,
Starting point is 00:05:50 during these times. I've been playing with myself in the void of my bathroom, drilling myself. How often is that happening? Daily. Nice. Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes if I'm busy, though,
Starting point is 00:06:02 it won't happen, but I'll make sure to make up for it the next day. Back-to-back nut. Do you try to diversify your skates as in where i'm dropping it or as in how fast or yeah i think everything i mean i don't know if you really have i don't know how much control i have over my ski oh me not like you know if i want to you know it's like when you twist the nozzle of like a hose and it can be like spray or just like no no no no but i was thinking like if you aim it you know it's like today i'm gonna get the soap dish oh some no i i can't aim look i'm i have a tiny cock and i'm a quick buster and when it happens it happens and it's enough and i i'm more of a let's just let it
Starting point is 00:06:43 where it's gonna go it's gonna go and typically that's in the the sink where my fiancee washes i think you're underselling yourself i've seen you have sex it's pretty electrifying are you serious jt animated it's a big deal what were you doing thank you i just came home the fucking guy left his door open it was my fault yeah no joe thank you for clarifying it was like seven at night jt to no to no fault of his own i just we were in the throes of passion i scurried into my room and the i didn't like the door would swing shut behind you so they knew so i stayed in my room for like 18 straight hours i was making noises dude i didn't know here's the thing i was sewing it i didn't know i make noises i heard you were like you're like oh oh oh oh oh, oh, oh. That's right, right?
Starting point is 00:07:25 It's true. JT would be a better testament than to myself. I didn't know I was making noises. I was in the void, you know. That's cool. In a beautiful void. You lost yourself. Correct.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Speaking of being in the void, yeah. Were you having an out-of-body experience just watching your tiny dong from above? No, no. I think I was just more engaged with my fiancee than GF. Nice. Just looking deep into her eyes. I knew in that moment, I was like, these two are getting married. You knew that?
Starting point is 00:07:52 I love that. That's nice. You knew probably slightly before I did that. That was a while back now. That was maybe seven years? Seven years ago. Man. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Good memory of that. Our butler place, dude, on the west side. Yeah. Young Spry stride that was a good spot it was a great spot dude yeah it's when i was just balcony we didn't know how good we had it totally dude that apartment was amazing bro it was really nice iconic do you guys feel that earthquake last night yeah yeah dude i did it woke me up 44 i live at the epicenter that's crazy i was at the epicenter really was at the epicenter I was pretty stoked
Starting point is 00:08:26 I looked on twitter and they're like right near LAX airport I'm like dude I'm like right there epicenter and it felt like someone picked up my house and like shook it and then put it back down yeah it sounds like it's like your house is like taking off like a plane I'm so lazy
Starting point is 00:08:42 when it happens I'm like fuck dude just let the shaking stop like i do not want to get out of bed right now i was like either just have the building fall on me i don't want anything in between dude yeah it always happens when we're in bed yeah yeah that's true yeah i don't want to get up either yeah that'd be a funny scene in the movie you're like shut up and then your house just collapses dude i know you die dude I always think it's war. I always think we're being attacked. Yeah, it's awesome, I think. I'm like, oh no, they're here. Who?
Starting point is 00:09:14 Korea, North Korea. I think that's who I normally think it is. That's a very intuitive guess. It's too scary, bro. Well, I mean, did you go on Yahoo and it's like, Kim Jong-un's sister just said this. And I'm like, dude, no. So at all times, are you sort of vigilant of missile alerts? mean did you go on yahoo and it's like kim jong-un sister just said this and i'm like dude no so at
Starting point is 00:09:25 all times are you sort of vigilant of like missile alerts i'm pretty aware of them really when we were in hawaii yeah okay bro yeah i was gonna say every time i go out of town i have an intrusive thought where i'm like if la got nuked now who's the who do i'm not there good check but who do i love is there and how will i miss them? I literally have that thought. Oh, really? I'll be enjoying myself having like a Mai Tai and I'll be like, I should just be enjoying the sunset. But I'm thinking about nukes, dude.
Starting point is 00:09:53 We've had a good run of no nukes being dropped. Considering that so many people have them. You know, at one point, what? Like us in the USSR, we each had like 20,000 or something like that. Something crazy, yeah. And you're like... To like destroy the earth many times over. Yeah, and these people are always getting pissed off at each other
Starting point is 00:10:09 and there's so much ego and flexing and then, you know, we've had a good 70, 80-year run. That's pretty amazing. That's crazy. What keeps the balance is like mutually assured destruction, which is scary. We're standing in a pool of gasoline and we've all got matches in our hands. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Don't throw it. And that's what Gore Vidal said. It's scary, dude. You think aliens are going to tip the scales? No, I think aliens are just chilling. And if one gets launched, they just zap it. They're like, nah, play. Oh, that's a nice way to think about it.
Starting point is 00:10:37 That's what the theories are these days. That the aliens came around the time of the invention of nuclear weapons because they came they're like, they came to be like, yo humans, just letting you know, this is not chill. And,
Starting point is 00:10:51 um, so now they're kind of, and there's stories from Luke Casey out, you know, I don't know. He, uh, he,
Starting point is 00:10:57 he just told them to me that, that, you know, there's stories of people have eyewitness stories of them, like launching missiles. And then like a ship comes in, like, zaps it. This is online? Yeah, I think it's on podcasts and stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Luke Casey's pretty deep into the alien stuff. I love aliens. I love aliens, too. When I'm a kid, you know, like, people are afraid of the boogeyman. Yeah. I may have mentioned this before, but I saw a movie called Fire in the Sky. Terrified me. It truly slept with my blanket over my head for five years we listened to the podcast with the real life fire in the sky
Starting point is 00:11:29 guy he was on rogan really yeah i should listen to that it's not as scary as the movie he has a very calm voice the whole time he's like then they took me up into their force field yeah they say a lot of time it's like if the thing is he's an adult when it happened they say like when kids talk about it it's usually like a predator like a sexual predator and their brain can't
Starting point is 00:11:50 that's how their brain justifies it took that down no fun lane didn't I welcome to no fun avenue well last time you were on you thought that 29 year old
Starting point is 00:11:58 was a I don't know dirty perv so now I think you're establishing a pattern yeah and you know what they say
Starting point is 00:12:03 when someone accuses a thief they're a thief you will molest exactly bro you will molest my dirty dirty exactly i'd be very shocking dude if i found out you were a molester i'd be like nah nah photo of you on the news with tack glasses i do have those tack glasses i did a lot of stuff like uh i feel like if you do things that you do with a dog without a dog, it's very molestory. Like go to a park, just sit on a bench and just watch. I do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Right. Pretty molestory. But if you have a dog, it's like, well, I'm just watching my dog. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:40 You know, but you know, I, I'm a little, I go to parks and stuff and you know i'll observe people but i know where to draw the line yeah yeah you got you got some auto check stuff yeah used to just go tan on the sidewalk yeah i like how this is all molestory but yeah i'll take my i'll take my shirt off it's pretty molest and i'll read a book yeah that's not that molestory
Starting point is 00:13:04 i don't think if I was doing that, if I was doing that awful stuff, I wouldn't be doing, I wouldn't be taking my shirt off. You know what I saw JT do one time? You know what I saw JT do, dude? Held a mass one time, dude. In the church.
Starting point is 00:13:19 How I did think about becoming a priest for a while. You're saying pervs don't take their shirts off? Maybe they do, but I don't know. If you were were a molester i don't think you'd want people to think you were like libertine you know what i mean i don't think you'd want them to think that you were like you'd probably want to seem as normal as possible right and i kind of make a spectacle of myself so i don't i don't think most molesters want to draw more attention although i don't know there's that dude so i used to go on like family vacations with my family to the bahamas super chill and then um this guy had an island there peter nygaard i guess he invented like spandex and uh you know when you drive around on boats people be like oh that's peter
Starting point is 00:13:59 nygaard's island they throw the most wild bitching parties. Everyone does coke. Everybody's naked. Now they're making documentaries about him that he's like an Epstein associate and that he was doing down and dirty stuff on that level. And I'm like, whoa, man. Because everyone in the Bahamas would be like, no, he just parties, he rages, he's like the most fun. But now the bottom's falling out
Starting point is 00:14:21 and the truth's coming out. And it's like, it's pretty dark. I haven't watched the doc yet, but I've just seen the trailer. And I'm like, oh, that's going to be bad. Did a lot of people know? And they were covering for him? Or they just sort of said, oh, that guy's the man. It was more that.
Starting point is 00:14:34 He's raging. Yeah, no one was like, you better watch out for him. Everyone was like, it's the most fun party on the island, bro. You got to go. Yeah. Interesting. It was like amp. Bummer.
Starting point is 00:14:43 What else? NCAA title tonight? NCAA title. Yeah yeah going on right now i think yeah we're missing it because we're serious podcasters yeah that's right we get stuff done who you guys want no idea gonzaga yeah i'm down with gonzaga but how about that name gonzaga yeah dude yeah what is that what is it yeah i don't know where it comes from is that the city i think it's dutch no it's spokane is the city spokane washington it's dutch no i was just saying that i didn't know it was in washington yeah small school washington spokane gonzaga's supposed to be beautiful when i was young baylor baylor remember they had like one of their players killed another player on the team there's like a documentary about that and the coach covered it up and shit yeah gnarly yeah forget what the
Starting point is 00:15:28 documentary's called but are we going dark too much yeah yeah this is not stoke inducing right yeah how do we keep it stoke induced fuck was that in the 90s are we chilling announcement whoa okay yeah go ahead uh going through a breakup welcome welcome to the single club but you know what dude you're doing you're practicing what you preach you're kicking it with your fucking boys right now oh yeah and how many times do we say that when someone goes through a breakup kick it with your boys talk it out do you need to say anything what's going on hey three of us are single now that's what's up yeah just throwing that out there to the world. Hell yeah. Joe, JT, Big C. Yeah, it's just painful.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Oh, sorry. That's good. No, that's a fair assessment, though. You said you were like, when we were playing Call of Duty yesterday, you were like, it was hard for you to lock in. I was playing Call of Duty with the squad, and I was like, you know, I was about to cry. I was just, and I was like, you know, I was about to cry. I was just playing.
Starting point is 00:16:27 I was like, oh, oh. But, you know, I don't know. You know, it's for the best. You know, it's amicable, and we still have love for each other. But, you know, it's like ups and downs of just, like, painful, and you're like, you know, whatever. downs of just like painful and you're like you know whatever and then uh but uh but i was kind of like you know because we talk about breakups and stuff and like pain you know and so like this morning i was just like i was at the gym i was like yeah the pain is good pain's good feel it you know it's gonna help you you know develop and and all that shit um you're mourning yeah you're in mourning yeah yeah yeah yeah so but yeah i know
Starting point is 00:17:08 a lot of stokers follow her so just one request that you don't message her or anything yeah just be respectful yeah yeah i didn't say anything um that's good on you dog but joe how are the cougars uh they're uh they haven't pounced in a while not in my direction i haven't been pounced on really um yeah i might be getting too old now no never i mean maybe maybe it's the approach because jt has your dating profile you know tailored a little bit maybe it's yeah i had my like, really cool, smart gay buddy fix it up. Oh. Yeah, I have terrible pictures.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Like, dude, I'll show you, like, okay. I look awful on here. This is what's so interesting. I'm a master. This is my, okay, so I have some flex on it, you know, where it's, like, me on, like, Ellen on there with my dog. But, you know, I never watched that clip. I never watched us on Ellen until last night. Are you serious no i never watched the whole thing i never watched the
Starting point is 00:18:10 whole thing i watched the one minute clip and then i watched it for the first time last night it was one of the one of the things we done i was like i could i could watch this all day yeah it's great segment okay check this out so i would never have predicted this but my friend redid my profile so i have that i have have me naked on a wave runner. Wait, can I see that picture right there? This is my most popular photo. That's a terrible picture. That's my most popular picture.
Starting point is 00:18:30 You look great. And it's the potato chips deli. But I never would have predicted that. The squinty eyes, yeah. You know what my buddy said, and you know what the girls who have liked it told me when I asked them about it? They like the crooked smile.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You look like a mere Kabiri good guy picture good guy sorry there's nothing wrong with that i meant it as an insult oh wow joe i think for the coogs maybe you should get some photos of you like by the pool like near cabana you know like well yeah since i've been shaving my head i haven't done anything cool right right yeah but now you're partying you had a party the other night it was a rager in a party that was a party and you were wasted dude i was gonna i'm not gonna you were like spilling beer and like yelling and stuff so what where was this i liked it my house baby what's up, dude? You would have been around that when I was chilling.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Do you know what you could do as one of your pictures? Huh? You know those little Christmas villages that grandma set up and parents set up, like fake snow, a little town hall,
Starting point is 00:19:35 railroad track? Put one of those on your cock and then just say, look, I'm into the holidays because, you know, looking for someone to spend the holidays with. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's a good time to, you know. People want to be intimate around the holidays because you know looking for someone to spend the holidays with right it's a good time to you know you should people want to be intimate around the holidays they want to then they want a summer fling so yeah i feel like summer fling could parlay into something holiday for you yeah i'm a liberty i have one too that i think could really boost your uh your profile you get you get hard and you put a towel over your cock and you say if you need an extra towel rack hit me up. You say hey I've got his looking for hers.
Starting point is 00:20:14 His and hers towels. Or I do it and now I have his and hers sinks. Maybe I should take a picture by the sink. Dude. Wash my hands. I always liked the one of you doing laundry. Do you still have that? No, I took that one. My arms weren't that big in that picture.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I wasn't getting a lot of action. What about you enjoying a nice decaf? Maybe a JT-style photo of his face like that, but you have a decaf in frame. Yeah. I think you need a close-up of the mug. Like, unadorned and just pure. All right. You've got a handsome face. I'll take, like unadorned and just pure. All right.
Starting point is 00:20:47 You've got a handsome face. I'll take any ideas. You've got a handsome face. Any strategies. I really don't want to be on the dating apps anyway. Yeah, they're brutal. It's very superficial. I try to win them over by being funny, and that doesn't work ever.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Isn't it always just like, hey? Everyone just says, hey. you know what i've been asking people in there not getting a lot of responses but i just go hey what do you think the meaning of life is no one says yeah no one responds yeah a couple people did no one wants to think that but maybe maybe not that many people would have responded anyways it might not matter what i say yeah i was filling out mine it says must love must love fish ice no must love sharks ice baths and tanning nothing wrong with that do they have an app where you have to read that type of stuff before you get to see photos no i think you have to look at those and and then scroll. I think it should be vice versa. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Oh, like their answer before you see the photos? Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's kind of integrated into one experience. You get a photo and you get an answer. That might exist. That does sound familiar. That's the best, but I don't know. I've been dating before these apps. I've never been on one app.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Okay. Unversed in this territory. And I would give jt be like dude what should i say back to this the girl was like hey like i like coffee or something and i'd be like you need to tell her that you love her dude you tell you're ready to commit dude you tell that you want to have coffee forever i like it he's like no dude yeah it's tough well it's always hard when you get advice from someone else too because it's their brain but you're trying to get someone to like your brain so then even if like like dustin would always have clever things to say
Starting point is 00:22:28 but then i'd like be stuck where i'd be like okay dustin what do i say next and at some point you're like all right you have to just like uh strike out or or or hit it or or succeed on your own what's the goal of the interaction obviously the goal is to you know have a relationship and stuff but the immediate goal is like to get a date yeah like that's what you want you want short term yeah match be a little bit charming that's the action and then through that's the process is there something on there where it's like i'd like to date and that's like a thing you click on there or you just have to say that in dming like no that's not yeah people say you're looking for serious say you're looking for something casual uh relationship have kids want kids you know all that raya has just looking for
Starting point is 00:23:11 friends interesting they're like yeah i'm just looking for friends and business connections i'm like it's called go on linkedin yeah yeah right i yeah yeah it's so weird to me well some people like uh i was talking to one girl she moves around she moves every four months so she uses hinge to meet people what'd she move for like that she's a traveling nurse oh that's okay how how far into the interaction do you ask for the date do you like you know maybe hit a couple topics then you like drop it down i think it's different with every person like some people i think want to banter and get into a connection and you're always guessing and then some people it's like it feels pretty clear early on yeah but i think that there's
Starting point is 00:23:53 it's like a momentum thing like you're like okay this is the moment now i think by about the third message by about the third yeah what are your go-to first topics like do you talk paintball do you talk like maybe jet skiing crossfit okay you talk crossfit that makes perfect i'm like hey do you have the hip mobility to do an overhead squat perfect they say yeah i'm throwing up plates i say yeah tironi italian food yeah saturday here's a plate for an appetite here's a plate for you you got a plate of lasagna waiting for you lady don't worry about the calories you're burning it at the gym no i don't know everyone's different right everyone's different jack you're are you on the same i mean it might be too soon you don't need to answer don't feel like you're on the spot yeah yeah i'm i'm waiting a bit for engaging
Starting point is 00:24:41 cool just to process you know dudes we should go fucking paintballing. Dude, I was thinking that the other night. I think you need that, dude. We should go paintballing. We should definitely go paintballing. Gotta go to Disneyland. Gotta go paintballing. You're stoked to go to Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I'm stoked to go to Disneyland. He loves it. I love Disneyland. I'm so stoked. What else is there to do? Everything pretty soon. Movie theaters are open. People are going to movies now.
Starting point is 00:25:04 I want to go to a movie, yeah. I would like to. i'm going to see magic mike on my friend rented out a theater we're gonna go see a movie on friday night really amazing magic mike yeah one of the best movies of all time why you guys because it's great oh it's a good ass movie channing tatum is a phenomenal athlete that act that actor the alex Pettifer, parked his car. Douche. Yeah, everyone says he's a douche. He was on the Brady Snell's podcast, and he talked about him and Channing Tatum weren't friends. Yeah, dude, I'm sure he's doing the heavy lifting and that of not being friends.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Channing Tatum's chill, dude. Channing Tatum. Super chill. Saw him wearing a fedora one time. I was like, that's tight. Oh, hell yeah, dude. That's tight. Yeah, it's not an accident.
Starting point is 00:25:40 It looked tight. I think he was like a D1 caliber athlete, too. Yeah, wasn't he like a tight end? Wide receiver. Love it. And he's like a proper six deuce two bills oh he a big boy sometimes he gets too big he does when i saw him in the fedora a little too big jupiter ascending he's shirtless the whole time he's kind of paunchy i'm like bro you're kind of like an action movie star i need you to be cut dude you know i was thinking I was thinking? Braveheart? Yes. I think Braveheart is the best casted movie I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I love what you're saying right now. Please expound. Okay, because look at like Longshanks. Is there a more English kingly evil feeling guy? No. His little weak son, you know know this goes beyond the orientation like you do kind of want to smack him right when you see he's weasley i mean yeah it's pigeonholed into if you skip all that part yeah his innate sensibility is you kind of want to smack around um brennan gleason brennan gleason's, the Irish dude. But then even like smaller parts like the Torturer.
Starting point is 00:26:47 What are those guys called? The Executioner guy? The Executioner. The gray-haired guy? Like that guy is the perfect Executioner. Yes. I just think, you know, whoever did casting for that movie, they nailed the look and feel of each one of those characters so well.
Starting point is 00:27:01 They really did. They should have won an award for that if there isn't one. They should do that. They should do that. They should do that as an Oscar. Best casting. Because some movies they do, they just drill it. Like Lincoln had really good casting.
Starting point is 00:27:12 Brilliant casting. Joseph Gordon-Levitt to be his boyish type son. That was a tough part. Yeah. He's so obnoxious in it. He's just a bitch. But I think he was really like that. And I think he was the only surviving son.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Lincoln's son was a bitch? He had like five kids and they all died besides one. That's like Mary Todd went kind of crazy Yeah, that'll do it to you. Yeah back then too is pretty common, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's not fun You just come downstairs and they're like we lost another one last night. Yeah, one guy hit by a train I think really yeah I think so and then I think Mary Todd had some predispositions, though. Guys, welcome back to the Stoke Hour. Yeah, dude, what up, dude? What up?
Starting point is 00:27:52 We're all going through breakouts. It's going to be a bummer for a while. Yeah, sorry. Should we answer some questions? People have been asking for more questions. Really? Yeah. By the way way i got the
Starting point is 00:28:05 oh st gonzaga i thought it was dutch what is it young students oh yeah it is that makes sense yeah that ties back straight into our uh first topic on the pod what was that molestersesters. Right. Bring it back, dude. Joe, what kind of socks are those? Everyone talks about that. These are just Adidas white. Nice. I gave you some socks. Chad, I have some for you, too, on the couch.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I don't have any for you right now. You brought socks? Whoa. Baylor's up 17. Yeah, I just saw. It's 31-14. Hopefully Gonzaga comes back I want to see Mark Few get one
Starting point is 00:28:47 sometimes when you have an emotional win like that two over UCLA you kind of get I don't know you think the magic is going to happen but it's not magic you have to work for it alright dudes almost got thrown off a horse oh dude yeah yeah so it started it started
Starting point is 00:29:10 moving on you right i went to because you haven't been on in a saddle and i get i get in the saddle maybe twice a year and my freaking it band was getting super tight so i take my right leg gotta work that fascia dog dude i do i need you to show me how to do that. And, uh, I will. I was like, you know what? I thought about it,
Starting point is 00:29:29 taking my leg out of the stirrup, my heel, my foot out of the stirrup and stretching it alongside the horse, like kind of up by its neck. But I was like, that's not a good idea. I was like, and I've got enough room to operate in these stirrups.
Starting point is 00:29:40 I'm going to go ahead and just raise my leg up a little bit, lean and stretch a little bit. And it got in the peripheral peripheral vision of the horse which i think just spooked the shit out of it was like what the fuck is that shoe doing that close to me boom thing starts bolting gets 20 yards like in the blink of an eye oh dude kind of jumped up a little bit but luckily jt gave me some 35s and i was fucking dialed in dude squeezing with my groin nice i never felt like i was going to get thrown off. But I definitely thought if you wanted to keep running, there's no way I'm stopping this horse.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Oh, nice. No way. Do you want to do a triple-double after the pod? What's the triple? The crossfit workout? I can't right now because I've had these things. I'm doing the man makers tomorrow. So how long did the horse run for? Not long it probably got 25 yards okay that's a good distance it's pretty solid but real quick scary dude if your running back pulls off a run like
Starting point is 00:30:34 that in fantasy football you're pretty stoked you're happy dude i was loping on a horse i mean when you're loping when you see it versus when you're on top of the horse totally different because you see someone you're like oh that looks pleasant but when you're on there it's just like you're like oh my oh fuck dude they're like yeah you're just loping bro yeah this is it was a court this is a quarter horse that i was on which is typical and i mean they can probably reach 30 miles per hour yeah and i talked to the guy he's like dude 10 miles per hour on a horse feels like insane right and i was probably going less than that loping loping's like i think it's the one it you know it goes like trotting loping galloping so loping is in between trotting and
Starting point is 00:31:11 galloping speed medium yeah well a trot's very uncomfortable very like a trot you're kind of bouncing yeah loping's smoother there's a rhythm to it yeah and i think with galloping i mean you're more of an you're more of an equestrian. But don't you sort of stay still in the saddle and it moves? Yeah, I was never great. I learned by just like being on it and holding on it. And I was so little, I would just bounce around and I just got used to that. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:37 But I do think when you're at a lope, you're kind of like a little above the saddle and you're just getting that contact when you hit. But I never learned how to like, they call it posting. I tried to learn how to do that effectively. I got the worst scab on my butt. Really? I remember I was practicing it because I was so bad at sports. My dad was like just looking for anything I could do.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Yeah. He's like, here, you're going to learn how to cowboy and rope. Yeah. Then I get there, all the dudes are missing fingers from when they throw it around the bull and then they put it around the horn and their fingers get pulled off. And I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:32:04 And then this really beautiful woman who was at like a neighboring high school taught me how to ride. And then after a week, my butthole was too damaged to continue. Nice. Dude, it gets your, what's, where are the muscles in here? Kegels. I feel like it gets your kegels nice and tight. Because every time I ride, I'll be sore in my kegel area. I'm like, dude, nice.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Yeah. You can have, dude, nice. Nice. Yeah. You can have a nice tight snatch. Yeah. I tried sunning my balls this weekend. Did you really? Yeah. Just your balls? Yeah, because they're like...
Starting point is 00:32:37 You didn't drop them out of your shorts? So everything else was covered and just your balls were exposed? Yep. You're wearing jeans. Interesting. I was standing in my backyard because because it's kind of chilly so shirt with a shirt on and just my pants down to my knees you were like frost and blade when they killed the one vampire and they're wearing helmets and like suits all the way through
Starting point is 00:32:54 yeah but instead of you holding a vampire you're just holding your nuts out yeah post breakup so i was like hopefully she doesn't come over right now and be like i think we should talk again or your neighbor she wants to hook up and you're like my balls are too sunburned to bone yeah so what are you doing i'm like i'm trying to boost my testosterone by 200 how do they come up with these numbers they're just you know dudes on instagram yep 200 it sounds better than 100 hundred percent. So that's why. Yeah. One hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Are you dudes ready for some cues? Hell yeah. What's up? Savants of Stoke. I'm a 23 year old faithful listener of the pod. I've even gotten the opportunity to bag on words on with Chad and the schmole. This is Marshall.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Hell yeah. And I joined a new gym where there's a lady who has caught my eye. She works out at the same time I do most days during the week. The question I have for you is how do I approach this beautiful babe at the gym? I know it's generally taboo to make a move on girls like this, but I feel like sometimes you just have to go for it. I don't have any current ladies in my life, and seeing her fills my stoke tank. It hypes me up more than any pre-workout ever could.
Starting point is 00:34:00 It's been almost a year since the last time I've been in a relationship. Any advice on how to approach this would be awesome. Obviously, I don't want to be a creep. I need to do this in a way that radiates stoke. Keep up the good work. I love you guys. Sincerely, The Big Marsh. Yeah, I think I would get fired up if she's doing an exercise.
Starting point is 00:34:17 Yes, I was thinking the same thing. Yeah, get fired up on it. Be like, dude, nice squat. And just be like, I like your mobility. Yeah, you just got to go for it. Yeah, I like i like your mobility you know yeah you just gotta like you just gotta go for it yeah like your technique then you just strike up the conversation and trade details but hey like do you like to put your feet outward or put them in a little bit yeah do you go shoulder width apart yeah and just be genuinely interested in her uh lifting methodology
Starting point is 00:34:38 yeah like don't you just love doing legs someone came out to me like that like super stoked and was like dude don't you just love doing legs i'd be like yeah i do yeah and first of all this guy sounds like a huge pervert no i'm kidding uh dude i would say i wouldn't do it during the workout to be honest with you rather in the in the middle of it well yeah not when she's mid set or even during on the floor really on the floor you're on the floor wow so you really respect that is sacred time i don't want to be talked to like i would run into my buddy at the gym a lot and i like the guy great guy sometimes we're talking too much i want to get and i want to get out 45 minutes i want to hit my things i hate when i gotta like wait on a machine and
Starting point is 00:35:20 so could he just say hey look i don't want to take too much of your time like should could he throw in a uh a qualifier like that i mean he could but it's like look I don't want to take too much of your time could he throw in a qualifier like that I mean he could but it's like I just don't think that serves him best I think you gotta catch her at either the smoothie bar or before the workout starts you gotta catch it in that area in the lobby maybe figure out when you think she's
Starting point is 00:35:39 about finished and maybe hang out by the women's locker room don't you think if he's like waiting there and he's you're doing an exercise exactly you cannot be waiting you cannot be seen waiting you have to you have to finagle that here i i've got i've got something that meets you halfway so because what if she's like just done a bunch of squats and she's like you know when they walk around they do that little rest kind of thing if during that to be like dude nice
Starting point is 00:36:09 squats or whatever start building rapport and then over a few days maybe over a few weeks you got you see each other you're like hey what's up but then you finally strike it because then when he sees her at the smoothie bar he's like natalie she's like hey doing squats today like i don't know well we should do squats at uh dantanas i like it yeah i like building incrementally too i think sometimes we go into situations we're like all right i gotta i gotta really get it all out this first time it's like you just go up and be like hey nice nice work on those squats yeah and then you keep it moving yeah then a week later maybe you add one more sentence to it and then he you know low and slow low and slow here's how you do it you gotta know you gotta you gotta be a weasel you gotta know she's going to the you just saw her
Starting point is 00:36:55 finish triceps you know she's gonna go lower body after that she's been alternating yeah let's be honest marshall you've watched her workout a lot you know she's gonna go to the squat rack you go there. You go there as well. Maybe you put your towel down. She comes up to it, doesn't see it. You go, Oh, I had that juice. Oh no, I'll go away. You go, Oh no, no, no, no. You take it. It's all good. I might go do this anyway. It's a natural quote organic. And I put it in quotes because it's absolutely manufactured moment of you quote one being a nice guy. And it creates an organic talk because if you interrupt someone, I don't know. When I'm finishing a lift, I like that moment of my own headspace. I don't want anyone interjecting.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Now, if it's a cute girl and Marshall's a good-looking guy, maybe that's a different scenario. But maybe she's getting bothered a lot at the gym, too. That's what I'm saying. Maybe a lot of fellas are coming up and going, hey, look at this. Maybe you go up to her. Yeah, respect the game. Maybe you go up to her and you say,
Starting point is 00:37:46 hey, can you spot me real quick? Exactly. You ask her for a spot. Okay, a spot is that's too many. And then you're doing tricep press downs on the cable. Dude. Let's go. There's no way to spot that. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And then she's like, what am I doing over here? And you're like, sorry, just wanted to talk to you. That's what I'm talking about. Honestly, it's the most clever and fun way. You got a bones, Chad, dude. Chad's wants bones off that. Oh, I'm sorry. Dude, let me tell you most clever and fun way. You got to bones Chad, dude. Chad wants bones off that.
Starting point is 00:38:06 Oh, I'm sorry. Dude, let me tell you something. Is that how you do it? How do you bones? I was going like this. JT, I love that. You either be a weasel like me. You say squid sometimes, right?
Starting point is 00:38:14 What is that? So when you go for a pound, but you squid them. Right. Go for a high five. Turkey. There you have it. Okay'll do that to her have her go for the bones and then flip her with the squid yeah i like doing that i do a completely separate exercise and you're like what are you doing i just wanted to talk to you that's amazing and then you shimmy that's amazing hey can you spot me and then you do 10 burpees
Starting point is 00:38:41 she's like trying to spy you she's like where do you want me to help you like this guy on youtube told me to really you know to peacock so here i am go up to anybody hey i'm lacking motivation but i really want to finish my last set could you watch me and i think that'll fire me up so i go stronger and then you bench and you scream during every rep do not fail dude show her who you are she's mid-rep of a squat dude or bench is even better pop champagne and go i'm just celebrating our first anniversary a year early here's some champagne walk into the gym in a tuxedo walk straight up to her say hey dinner next week you and me she says yes then you walk out yeah yep okay this guys this is a good one dick face dilemma what's up dudes yeah big fan of the pod here listening weekly in ireland i
Starting point is 00:39:32 wouldn't normally write an email like this but we don't know where else to look for advice so my friend had a rager at his house last night which led to him passing out around the 4 a.m mark respectable a guy at the party who he kind of knows rubbed his dick on my friends the host passed out face while recording it and laughing in front of the whole party total lack of respect or hilarious should my friend kick this guy's ass or give him props for being an opportunist totally stuck on this one guys any advice is really appreciated it's probably worth mentioning that we're 30 years old thanks for keeping us us stoked for lots of lockdowns here in Ireland. Much respect and stay stoked.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Definitely worth mentioning that you're 30, dude. So to the first part, hilarious or lack of respect? It was the guy's house. Yeah, he did it to the host. Oh, yeah. Definitely an added element of disrespect. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:19 I would say this guy is, at this point in his life, to be doing something like that to somebody who hardly knows or doesn't know super well at their own home and recording it. I would say that this guy is a sociopath and should not be invited to any more social gatherings and maybe needs to be, people need to keep an eye out on this guy. Ban him from the Emerald Isle? I think so.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Yeah. They call Ireland. I love that. It's beautiful. Chad him from the Emerald Isle? I think so. Yeah, they call Ireland. I love that. That's beautiful. Chad, you seem like you want to take the other side. Yeah, I just would like to know sort of more of the dynamics of the squad. You know, if he really knew this guy.
Starting point is 00:40:56 You know, because if I did... No, I don't think he did. If I did to my buddy Ass Clown, I think it was hilarious. Still? Would you still do that to Ass Clown? I'm not the type of guy that would do that but i'm the type of guy that would watch and laugh i knew it so i it's tough
Starting point is 00:41:13 for me it's tough for me to say kick this guy's ass and kick him out of the friend group because i can for sure tell you that i would watch and laugh hysterically if i saw today i think so if you saw me teabag joe today oh dude that'd be hilarious no you would not you would tell me not to have you teabagged him no way me that's fun chad loves bagging call of duty dude yeah you guys i think you'd feel worse about it than you think you would yeah maybe maybe it may i just i just i i guess i just don't want to kick a party or when he's down i don't know well no he's having when he's down. I don't know. Well, no, he's having the time of his life. He recorded it. The guy recorded it.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Oh, he recorded it? The guy's a savage, dude. Yeah, he recorded it. That's a hate crime. Kind of blackmailed. That's what I was going to say. It's no good. You can't do this as adults.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I mean, you should never do this in the first place. This should never take place. It's wrong. But I understand when a 19-year-old does it because they're 19 and stupid. That's no excuse. I mean, what happened to draw on the face? Not actually. Yeah, but you got to trace them.
Starting point is 00:42:11 All right. Well, and he also rubbed his dick on the guy's face. Like it wasn't when you teabag someone, when you when you teabag someone, which is bad enough, you put your balls, which I think is less intense than the dick. Yeah. On the top of their head where they have hair. No, on their forehead and into their eyes. Right. Right. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But this guy put dick on the... When I hear face, I imagine he's rubbing his dick on the guy's cheek. It's disgusting. It's no good. And dude, yeah, it's worth mentioning that you're 30, bro. It's worth mentioning, dude. No good. I have a question. And dude, yeah, it's worth mentioning that you're 30, bro. It's worth mentioning, dude. No good. I have a question.
Starting point is 00:42:48 So 30, unacceptable. What if they're like... Always unacceptable. I'm going hard on it. Hear me out. Hear me out. Hear me out. What if they're like 65?
Starting point is 00:42:57 And they're like, we just want to relive our old party days. No. If it's consensual. I mean, if it's... What? Chad, if we're in a vacuum and someone's like yo you know hey wait uh whatever like old dude's names are like hey wade i'm gonna pass out tonight and i'd like uh i'd like bud to fucking i would enjoy if while i'm asleep and i don't know it
Starting point is 00:43:18 if you filmed your penis on my face if that was recorded in conjunction with the recording of the dick on the face then you got the green light maybe but is that ever gonna happen i don't know i guess i was just thinking like relive the glory days like you go to a college reunion with your like 65 year old buddies it's like dude we gotta be like gotta relive college well also imagine he said we're not that close with the guy so we're all really good buddies we have a party and then let's who's someone who's like kind of on the peripheral like uh and then who's a maddie chimbor's friend dom don don de pedo what's his name the baseball coach yeah don don what if don came over and put his dick on strider's face yeah that's a good point and filmed it i wouldn't like it i like don too
Starting point is 00:44:06 but i'm just saying like you know we we haven't hung out twice yeah he's at my house he's at your house maybe i'm just having a tough time differentiating between just like the description and also the actual action because i'm sure if i saw the action i'd be like all right that's that's not true yeah you would laugh and, I'd be like, all right, that's not true. Yeah, you would laugh. And in this case, if they put it on your face, that's not cool. Would we laugh?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Let me ask you, Chad, when you're describing seeing the action, I don't think we'd laugh. You're describing it already seeing it taking place. Right. People have to be like, who's the guy who just does... I imagine this guy was like,
Starting point is 00:44:42 I'm putting my dick on there. And then people have to like cheer for it and so it's a very different scenario right you think people were cheering like I bet you there were some guys
Starting point is 00:44:49 that were cheering that went on to do that for sure it'd be a really strange scenario if he was like I'm gonna put my penis on the face everyone said no
Starting point is 00:44:56 everyone's silent he's like yeah everyone's silent while he does it and just fucking stares in everyone's eye yeah that's no good alright here's the situation homies this one's from and just fucking stares in everyone's eye. Yeah, that's no good.
Starting point is 00:45:05 All right. Here's the situation, homies. This one's from a lady stoker. What up, Chad? And what up, JT? I have a bit of a situation with this dude I like. I really like him, but there is one problem. He has a GF.
Starting point is 00:45:19 We are bros, but I don't know what to do about this situation. I'm looking to the stoke lords for advice. Should I remain silent or should I tell him how I feel? I'd like to remain anonymous. Thanks for helping to help me out potato chips please get back to me asap dude what up uh i heard my lady what up i think we need more information but at the same time i don't think we need more information he has a gf i think you have to do the right thing just karmically and not, because if you contribute to them breaking up, I think you'll carry some residual bad feelings about it that might manifest
Starting point is 00:45:56 itself in negative ways down the road. Like there'll always be that maybe a little bit of original sin in your head. So I would just go live your life. And honestly, if he sees you doing that, it'll probably, if he feels the same way about you, maybe a little bit of original sin in your head. So I would just go live your life. And honestly, if he sees you doing that, it'll probably, if he feels the same way about you, it'll incite him to break up in a more noble way where you don't have to participate in the cause of it directly. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:46:19 Yeah. Totally. That sounds good to me. Yeah, I think it's sacred ground. It's tough. It's a tough situation to be in. Very tough. Yeah, I feel for it, but...
Starting point is 00:46:33 Major need of advice. Hey, bros. Hope you're having a super dope day. Thanks for all the stoke you bestow upon our nation. My happiness frequency thanks you. I'm a long-time listener, but first-time writer. Your advice has always been on point, and this is something I don't want to ask
Starting point is 00:46:48 one of my homies for a number of reasons. Long story short, this girl I'm seeing recently opened up to me, no pun intended, about her desire for butthole pleasures. We have talked in the past about our sexual experiences, and she did mention that she has done it, but I thought it was just for the sticking. I had no idea she was also about the licking as well.
Starting point is 00:47:05 Doggy style on a whole new level. As much as I didn't want to tongue punch her fart box, I'm going to go with the flow, dude, for the most part, and want to please my lady, so YOLO. It wasn't awful, but I wouldn't line up to keep at it, that's for sure. Better than kombucha, though, that's for sure. Here's where shit turned. She then insisted that she lick my ass and that I would love it.
Starting point is 00:47:26 After declining the offer multiple times and seeing her being pretty bummed out, I let her have her go. I wasn't a fan of that shit one bit, and now I can't help but see her differently. In the span of minutes, I went from adoring this girl to being creeped the fuck out. I'm truly not a bad guy, which is why I let her lick my ass in the first place so she wouldn't feel embarrassed or anything. But every time I close my eyes, I literally see her sitting down
Starting point is 00:47:49 eating a Ben & Jerry's shit-flavored ice cream with the poop emoji. Come on, bro. What should I do to move on from this? She is still a great, awesome girl and nothing like that changes. But she let me in on one of her quirks and now I'm just super grossed out,
Starting point is 00:48:01 which makes this all the worse that she opened up to me. Don't know what to do so I don't hurt her feelings please help quit bragging bro yeah that's tough i don't know it's no no just tell her you're uncomfortable with it yeah just talk it out yeah i wouldn't judge her so harshly for being into like everyone's kinks are weird to other people and they only make sense to us but it's totally normal. It's cool that she likes eating, but I think you should be pretty excited. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I had my butt eaten once and I didn't love it, but I was actually, I thought the girl was really cool for doing that. I was like, you really nice lady for giving that a whirl. Yeah, of course. And if he's not into it,
Starting point is 00:48:41 that's also fair on him. You just guys are, you guys are on a different page. So you just got to let her know and say, hey, I'm not exactly into this. I know you enjoy it. You like her otherwise, but things aren't clicking in the B room, the bedroom. It's a big part of the relationship. But I also think a big part, and look, someone can be too weird for sure,
Starting point is 00:49:05 but I think the B room, a lot of what makes it good is open lines of communication and lack of judgment. And, and, you know, you're, you're halfway there. You're communicating honestly. And it's cool. She felt comfortable enough with you to talk about that openly. But I would try hard to like detach from the judgment a little bit and just see what that, if you can do that.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah. Totally. Cause, cause who knows? I mean, if she's down to do that, if you can do that. Yeah. Totally. Cause, cause who knows? I mean, if she's down to do that, she's probably a pretty open-minded person and you guys might have a really good time together.
Starting point is 00:49:31 So I would try and not be, I wouldn't, I wouldn't image associate. Yeah. Yeah. But it's hard not to do. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I love butthole stuff. So, you know, I understand where she's coming from. It turns you on, it turns you on. It's like you don't really have power over that. Totally. She's being honest.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I would say to him, too, what's your weird kink? Because if you've got one, let it out. Start establishing that bond a little bit. Do you guys think everyone has a weird kink? No. We were talking about this on comps. i don't think i really have a weird kink you don't know it yeah i think you do yeah so you think everyone has a weird kink no i think you do really yeah what do you think it is i think it's sick no i don't know i don't know no i honestly don't think you do but i i think i think if you i think it's okay not to
Starting point is 00:50:27 I like stand up sex That's weird You actually do like stand up sex? Yeah I enjoy stand up sex Like where you're picking up the other person? Yeah that's cool Why are your eyes so alive right now? I had a mental image of it
Starting point is 00:50:42 And I was enjoying it You're a beast I love that dude. I just, I had a mental image of it and I was enjoying it. You're a beast, bro. I love that, dude. Lock in on me like that. No, I think you probably do have something. Yeah. That's still undiscovered, but I know you're going to get there. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Maybe not. We all have a metaphorical Everest of, of kink, you know? No, maybe not. I think, do you think this guy has something? What I'm saying is,
Starting point is 00:51:08 do you think this guy is just more of a vanilla, like, does he enjoy missionary style boning and that's fine? Maybe he likes doggy style, whatever. That's not crazy. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:16 And we, we shouldn't like, we shouldn't say like, we shouldn't say one way is better than the other. There's only your own truth. Yeah. I do think he shouldn't judge her for what she likes you know for sure and i wouldn't let that judgment turn him off to whatever his kinks are so i think shame
Starting point is 00:51:32 should be out of it and i think he does have a dose of shame in here but i'm also saying if he's not into butthole stuff he doesn't have to be he doesn't have to do it yeah for sure of course yeah yeah i think i would i would maybe just tell her in a non-judgmental open honest way you know i don't like it but i respect that you like it that's what you're into yeah um and i you know i want to make the b room a special place for us both so let's work this out but with you yeah i think you think i think you're a bondage guy i could see i could see you tied up with a gag ball in your mouth maybe a gimp mask yeah a gimp mask a gimp mask and your tongue darting that's the only thing exposed is just this yeah everything else leather dude
Starting point is 00:52:21 who is that dude dude that Dude, that's Strider. Dude, it's me, Strider. What up, dude? Cutting loose. Sorry. Yeah, I'm just having a dank IPA before I get into it tonight. Just a little afternoon delight. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:52:35 It's a 102 outside just in full leather. Do you always get tongue-darned a gimp mask? Oh, yeah, dude. It's the best. Brings it alive. Really keeps my boner from popping yeah i like that really spices up the engagement nice yeah you just walk around you do like a story like what up dude look at this credenza it's strider you have your mullet coming out the back
Starting point is 00:53:01 that'd be sick i know this thing's disgusting now dude i love it man thank you i love it too i think you look like you could work at bear flag right now you for real i'm i'm for real i haven't even logged any you know hours in the water polo practice yeah i feel like you gotta have water polo practice to work at bear flag it's like on top of the resume not you with with that cheese. Thank you. All right. What up council of Stoke? First off, I want to thank Chad for introducing me to ice baths and cryotherapy.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I've not built my first ice bath yet as I do not have the space, but I begin each morning now with a very cold swim in Lake Union in Seattle. I originally tried cold showers after hearing you talk about them on the pod and I love the effect that cold water exposure is having on my energy and overall Stoke. Now to the important stuff. I'm a senior member of the squad morph into a schmole. This dude used to be a master of stoke and an inspiration to us all and is now becoming a finance bro who will only talk about his own salary or how much money he should be making. He uses business jargon all the time and it's starting to affect the squad. This dude that used to be a fun loving party
Starting point is 00:54:02 god is now consumed with his own financial success He's constantly talking about scalable capital assets or smart content market optimization the rest of squad are successful dudes We just don't fixate on talking about our own fields of work and how successful we are in them You know that bit that Strider does about crushing deals. That's this dude for real We miss talking with him about real stuff from random normal conversations to deep intellectual subjects we all don't want to hang out with this dude anymore but we feel guilty and want to honor the fact that he's been a member of our squad for many years do we tell this dude he's becoming a schmo and then we miss how he used to be or do we accept the change in his behavior as his new personality the schmo like behavior really began to change about two years ago so this is not a recent thing thank you for your guidance oh that last sentence bummed me out
Starting point is 00:54:46 because i thought it was just might be just a phase like you start working in finance you're all of a sudden wearing like gucci loafers and it's like your thing but because i was like it'll probably pass but two years maybe thinks he's impressing all of them i don't know he's trying to be a big shot yeah big shot of the group the group. Do you know what I would do? I wouldn't say a word to him and I'd just talk trash on him when he's not around. That's easy. Yeah, that's the easiest move here.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I think they're already doing that. Just let him go through it. He'll circle back around. He'll figure it out after a couple years. But I mean, what are you going to do? He's probably pretty happy being into that shit. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:24 it's not like an unhealthy thing. It's just he's a bit too self-involved but i don't know that's it that's it's a hard conversation to say to someone i this is our friend andrew is much more open so you could you could talk to him about things like this but he's always been very um uh invested in like music festivals right and i remember one time we were talking and he was like talking about coachella and stuff and i was like hey andrew you might have to just realize that not everybody cares about coachella as much as you do yeah nobody dude dude the freaking hurt in his eyes when i said that to him he was it cut him deep i it was like i i felt like i had like but he's a good sport he can roll with it but this guy doesn't seem to be and that's that's andrew's to his credit he's he's very
Starting point is 00:56:11 uh open to talking about anything and this dude's probably not like that but i don't know what do you think i mean i think you're spot on it's the same sort of talk like dude we're fired up for you we're glad you you're making money, but like, shut up. We want to talk about other stuff, dude. There's always guys who are good at busting balls and they can do it in a light way where they don't even have to be too sincere about it, where they won't even be like,
Starting point is 00:56:34 hey, dude, can I talk to you? Like, can you stop caring so much about your job? Like, that wouldn't work, but there are some guys who are like, oh, here goes Jackson again. Well, shut the fuck up about derivatives. And then all you guys laugh really hard you guys all go and then he's like oh yeah he's gotta see the writing on the
Starting point is 00:56:50 wall at that point yeah yeah yeah that's all that you gotta do and then if he fires back he's like fuck you guys you guys are just jealous because then you go all right bro now you're like too far exactly yeah now you're you're you're gripping it too tight but it's a tough one i i agree with all that i think bust his balls because it's not like something he's not hurting anyone he's just being annoying yeah and uh you know i think he just busts his balls give him a little shot you know just just check him a little bit maybe you know he'll dent his ego a little bit he'll he'll start deflating i like that if only he was into like if only he had a cool porno career right you know and he was always talking about like that like busting loads yeah oh dude i was
Starting point is 00:57:36 playing a plumber and i busted a load nice i think there's something too about when your when your friend is like really into making money it can feel uh it does especially when you've known each other for a long time it can alienate it's kind of braggadocious yeah and it feels it feels very like egocentric you know where you're like oh this guy has to be like the top top dog and like he he can't really just chill yeah and so that can kind of throw people off when they're not in that same mindset but but again like at the end of the day it's not like a bad thing. It's just when you've known someone for so long, you don't like to see them kind of become a one-dimensional kind of person that way.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Yeah. It only really works if you're talking about busting loads. Yeah. If he's like, look, I got a daily rate 800 bucks and I busted a fat load. That's cool. Tell me more. you know i'd love to hear that yeah i don't want to hear about you know a slinging how volatile the market was today at closing people are good i i my brother one time was like he's like dude you just talk about chicks too much now he's like all you do is talk about chicks i was like it's like five years ago i was like fuck dude yeah yeah it could be he's like
Starting point is 00:58:45 he's like it's made my girlfriend and like her friends think you're just like a horn dog oh yeah you better watch
Starting point is 00:58:50 yeah yeah and I was like damn but I like to read and shit he's like you don't really
Starting point is 00:58:53 read anymore he's like you're just horny all the time I was like oh god yeah but it also was kind of like
Starting point is 00:59:01 maybe your time catching up with him but they're all around you know what I mean? Like you guys weren't going out to a bar together one-on-one where you could get that out, clear the hopper with that. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I'm coming over like once every three weeks and I'm just doing it. Everyone's around. Right. But yeah, it's tough to say how this dude will take it. I don't think anyone's ever had a conversation like that with someone who talks about busting loads. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:23 I mean, no, I think you're right. right but honestly one time i was our same buddy andrew one time yeah i think we may have told the story before but he was like he would just tell like boning stories right when we were like 19 we're like that's cool and then after a while we'd be like dude shut up well he would come he would complain about it too he did that classic thing that guys who get laid a lot do where and i understand from their vantage point it's valid but he's like bro i'm exhausted and he's like i'm just too fucking tired bro and i'm like what's wrong he's like dude fucking denise came over and like we fucked
Starting point is 00:59:56 and then she was like begging to do it again and i was like fine so i fucked her twice and then i'm like just so beat now yeah and i'd be like i'd be like dude then i had to get ahead yeah yeah just to calm her down yeah he's like then i was late to work and then now i gotta go have sex with this other girl i'm like all right bro i'm sorry i was like i was like i know it's a problem for you but like for me i just i have no empathy and then at the end of the day he's like dude can i borrow 1500 dude i'm back on rent. You're like, come here, dude. Come here, dude. Fucker, dude. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:28 What's up, dudes? I am friends with this awesome girl, and I would like to ask her to prom. The problem is that I've never done something like this before. And also, she turned down four different guys last year for prom before deciding she was going to go with a senior who is one of her family friends. Dude, I like how discerning this lady is. Yeah. I work with her dad at his store delivering stuff this
Starting point is 01:00:45 is a great movie already we're also in the same friend group and get along well how should i ask her to prom without her thinking i want to date her i know you guys have given some fire ideas on how to ask people to dances so if you could lay some of your sage wisdom on me i would forever be in your debt also i've been struggling with acne for the past couple of years and don't have the highest self-confidence any tips well don't worry about that dude acne i've known some dudes who had really bad acne who were like beasts with the ladies because i think it's just like if you can be confident in the face of that it's actually a gift you know what i mean and then for prom they won't touch them rent a dirt bike drive it over to her house bring an extra helmet say hop on i want to show you something then if she's like no
Starting point is 01:01:22 be like all right well i just rented the dirt bike because i wanted to ask you to prom but don't worry i'm not trying to hook up with you i just want to go as friends love it i love that pretty cool uh i love uh involving live animals get a bunch of rabbits put a note on them hey i'd love for you to hop on my motorcycle and cruise to prom with me something like that little pun love that dude i mean you just fired me up because maybe a combo of the two pull up shirtless on a horse oh and you greet her like a knight say my lady fair tidings uh would you and then you ask her to prom or you ask her on the back of your horse you take her along like the bluffs overlooking the ocean. You pop the quesh.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yes. And then you have a wine and cheese, or you were probably in high school. Then you have a LaCroix and cheese assortment ready to go. Nice. You guys dine. And then you have Strider come in in a gimp suit. And show you what you were going to be doing on prom night. Dude.
Starting point is 01:02:28 Strider, please demonstrate. I got a rule for kids. This isn't a rule, but just say yes when someone asks you to prom. Right, right. Yeah. The first person that asks, you just got to say yes. I kind of like that she said no to four people. It's pretty unbelievable, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:42 And four guys tried. You know what I mean? Like. I know. That sounds like a movie, too.'s runaway brightish um dude you can also play the music soul child song just friends i think that'll work for her it's a good song great it's a laid back but still a little romantic all right dude should we get into the next do you want to do some ads chat and then we'll get into the next bit yeah i think i think also you should find out um i think also you should find out where she's getting out of class you know because she's rejecting dudes you got a cool guy here like you don't care you know throw on a leather jacket some shades maybe get like a
Starting point is 01:03:26 fate a sig but don't light it and just you know one up one foot up against the wall if she comes out of class and you're like jessica she's like what and you're like say that stuff so you can oh yeah i'm envisioning the whole thing i love it because i think i kind of bombed at the end of that but i think it was a good setup well because i don't really know how to execute after that well it's tough because you're probably thinking you built up such a great scenario the question should have been will you marry me but it ended up being just what you got a problem yeah i just didn't really know how to cool this yeah it should play up but i think yeah it was too sick yeah maybe you can figure out the rest yeah okay cameo probably yeah aaron seneki get a good cameo from someone brian scalabrini
Starting point is 01:04:23 or the guy from the office the guy from the office is like a billionaire off cameo yeah kevin yeah he's busting out like 6 000 of them a day or something crazy guys i'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because you got a dong or a vagina and you got pubes what are you going to do with those that's where manscape coming comes in this is the first company in the world to be dedicated to your pubes how many salons are there how many you know How many salons are there? How many, you know, how many super cuts are there?
Starting point is 01:05:06 Tons. But you know what? There's only one company for your pubes and that's Manske. And they're here to look after you because they've got the perfect package 3.0 kit. Comes with the essential lawnmower 3.0 waterproof cordless body trimmer, a ton of other liquid formulations to round out your grooming routine the best trimmer on the market for your hedges and i'm talking about your pubes with advanced skin safe technology pioneered by manscape uh when you trim the edges the tree stands taller inside the perfect package you'll also find the manscape crop preserver ball deodorant making sure your balls are smelling majestic before your perfect package, you'll also find the Manscaped Crop Preserver Ball Deodorant. Make sure your balls are smelling majestic before your Tinder date. You'll also find the Crop Reviver Ball Toner. A spray-on testy toner.
Starting point is 01:05:53 It's designed to make your balls smell irresistible. I've tried it. And I could smell my balls from the distance. You get refined cologne to add to your arsenal the shed travel bag patented high performance reduced chafing manscape boxers need i say more here's what else i'll say get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscape.com that's% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEP20. At manscaped.com. Nice. Chad.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Thank you, Aaron. Beautiful. Thank you. Absolutely. Joe, clap for me, please. Sorry. Good reading. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Chad, who's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the week my beef of the week is uh the husbands are boyfriends of famous tiktokers oh nice have you seen these guys on uh you know it's like a famous tiktoker she'll that's married she'll be doing the video and she'll be forcing this poor guy to like play a role but but it's it's very um they one of the famous ones just broke up really yeah it's very uh emasculating to watch oh oftentimes because they're like they're like you know uh they'll like lip sync or whatever like they'll lip sync a scene from a movie and they'll make this poor guy you can just see that he doesn't want to be playing out this scene but she's forcing him to do it and they're playing out
Starting point is 01:07:29 this movie it's like when babe when uh you know when babe goes on vacation they play out the scene yeah and this poor guy and i'm like i'm like dude i don't know man it just bothers me i'm just like or they say bay b-a-e yeah when you know it's just like before anyone else yeah and it's just like is that what that means i think so who's your beef chat is your beef with the person the guy doing it or the person making them do it yeah with the guy doing it with with uh with allowing himself to be sort of a pawn in this in this tiktok game that they're playing you know and i've had people all people you know stories and stuff but never to that extent of like i'm gonna emasculate you in front of the masses you know what i mean yeah i try to
Starting point is 01:08:18 make it more empowering to whoever's in that story yeah maybe go more tony robbins style like roar like a tiger right i do sometimes like when um like when someone will talk about their partner and then be like and then dum-dum over here right and i'm like don't they work for nasa yeah i hate that one i think like exactly too yeah when people like they talk about they're just like yeah this idiot over here that's the old uh sitcom that's what it is yeah and you learn that like so early in acting class they're like hey so if you're playing a sitcom husband remember you're like dumb hungry horny and you like sports yep and i was like look i relate to all those things but in between those things there's a lot of personality here but what's always funny about
Starting point is 01:09:10 that is that in acting class when you had to play a loving husband i was always good at it because i don't actually have a wife and then all the dudes who actually had wives they would always sound so pissed off in their wife scenes right like they'd be like all right so come home and like your wife messed up dinner and i'd be like babe did you overcook the lasagna again and then the guy's actually married with like babe did you overcook the lasagna again and you could just feel the reality of it i had that in an improv class this italian guy immediately resorts to violence he's like where are the meatballs and you're like oh yeah dude yeah so so my beef is with those dudes like you know uh make your own tiktok and do the videos you want to do or something like that you know or
Starting point is 01:09:59 just say like put a video on their account be like hey i know i play this dipshit in these lip syncs for my wife but i do own a bunch of stock so smart i remember one guy i knew was always in his girlfriend's videos and i could tell it was starting to get to him and then like he put out like a video of him like throwing a spear it was a big time over correction he was like here's a video of me throwing a spear those guys should just have a tiktok account called like the reverse angle and it's just their faces while those videos go on like play that song or whatever and they're just like deathly unhappy how many hits 23 million yeah oh great yeah you almost don't want it to work yeah you just start tanking your performance yeah yeah you'll do that sometimes when I pick them's you with too many you'll just start tanking up like when you're done yeah well I just get tired yeah it's hard answering questions
Starting point is 01:10:59 I respect it I've watched the most you guys have ever done in a day yeah or like like in a continuous like like two hours worth of questions no in a row no we hit them pretty quick right maybe 10 or so 10 hours 10 questions or 10 picks yeah that's fast um croutons or Buoys Buoys Nice
Starting point is 01:11:35 For surfers Yeah You gotta watch out Hell yeah Oh nice Joe What? Yeah ask him what take your time too because i can edit it okay cool um joe yeah
Starting point is 01:11:55 cinnamon toast crunch or scissors oh the salmon toes crunch oh wow so you can't cut anything anymore no no
Starting point is 01:12:09 you just use there's a lot of use box cutters sharp objects you can use yeah interesting strata do you
Starting point is 01:12:15 have one for him joe sex or boosting cars boosting cars stealing sex
Starting point is 01:12:24 he would never steal a car about sex while boosting cars no would you ever steal a car or see a little movie called gone in 60 seconds right i figured no joe's a sentinel joe's a protector he's not gonna steal yeah have you ever broken the law yeah Yeah. That's awesome. What'd you do? I don't know. Hit and run? No.
Starting point is 01:12:51 It's myself with the mic. It's different stuff. Fair enough. I can tell you the issue with sex and cars. Sex while boosting cars. The shifter gets in the way. Oh, nice. Right. Strider, what's your B for the week?
Starting point is 01:13:08 My B for the week is, perhaps it's with my energy, but probably not. It's more so on the person. And I find it's usually like a older lady, not a Karen, but like an older lady.
Starting point is 01:13:24 When there's a big line and everyone's like waiting to order and they just go in and snipe a question real quick with like the one person working like it this this is very like bougie but like it's always at like a deli or like a a smoothie bar like this probably happens at the air one freaking deli all the time where it's like hey just real quick question for me and it's never a quick question. Very frustrating, dude. Very selfish. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Hate that selfishness. Do you think the question's even necessary, or do you think they're just doing it because they want some air time? It is never a necessary question. It's just air time. Yeah, it's always something that's labeled over there. And the guy always, luckily the guy at the counter can always just answer it pretty quickly.
Starting point is 01:14:03 It's over there or whatever. But then there's a follow-up. Yeah, but I but this do you have anything in the back and then the guy's gotta ask someone else and it's and it's just i didn't get enough sleep you didn't get enough probably that's why i'm getting earthquake wake you up earthquake did wake me up and in fact i didn't remember until you guys mentioned it here and then i vividly remembered vividly remembered being like whoa i felt like did your lady wake up she didn't wake up no she slept through it she's a happy sleeper that's awesome i know i'm jealous that's nice yeah wouldn't that be nice sleep if you were gonna get crushed in an earthquake wouldn't you just love to not wake up for sure just be done yeah the earthquake this morning is like a it's sort of like the earth i
Starting point is 01:14:43 feel that it's really you know i got to bed at a nice time but it's sort of like the earth shaking me awake be like stay alert bro yeah you're heartbroken right you're like dude it is funny like it's like the saddest thought in the world but when you're when it's late at night you go i can't wait to be asleep yeah i just I just want to be asleep. Yeah. Yeah. Check out of this day. I'm just done. Yeah. You're like, I'm done.
Starting point is 01:15:08 Can I just be asleep now? Yeah. It's like, you're like trying to get, you try and get through like a painful time. Then the earth is like not play. And you're like, that's the movie click.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Right. Right. Yeah. You just fast forward through all the, the, the crummy parts, but you need those times. They make you who you are.
Starting point is 01:15:25 It's true. They make you appreciate the good times. And when you're going, yeah. Yeah. Joe, what's your beef of the week? I've been beefing with myself lately. I'm my beef of the week. What's going on?
Starting point is 01:15:39 What's up, buddy? You don't have to. For the listeners, JT put a very loving hand on Joe's shoulder. Well, people have been asking me favors, and I say no, because I don't freaking feel like helping. We turned my head. Well, there's been a few different instances. I was asked to watch Cats for somebody.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Who asked you to watch their Cats? Are we naming names? Do Cats even need to be watched? Oh, Craig wanted you to watch his Cats? we naming names do cats even need to be watched oh craig wanted you to watch his cat yeah oh okay for two or three days and stay at his place how long does it feel bad for saying no huh he made you feel bad for saying yeah what he says he just thought it was ridiculous that i didn't want to take a drive down to redondo beach and stayed his dirty ass apartment and then like a few hours later i get like feelings of guilt and the same thing happened
Starting point is 01:16:33 again with some lunatic who asked me to uh have her friend move yeah julie so she designed the podcast to you but she asked us she's not a lunatic i just she gave us a one hour runway she's like hey can you help my friend move i was like you can't tell me one hour notice one hour notice i'm like you want me to help your friend move you got to tell me a week in advance and i don't even know her friend i don't think i've met the guy well i know him but besides the point i just been i don't like having feelings of guilt and then i get mad at myself and i'm trying to get over it love that but you know what it's the power of saying no i'm glad you said yeah i heard there's
Starting point is 01:17:10 power in saying no that's why i do it i saw a youtube video about it cats don't need to be watched you put out tuna they fucking go catch a mouse or a bird dog different story and redondo i mean he lives an hour away yeah it's not easy to get to Redondo, dude. No, and then if you got shit to do up here, like, it's 86. You can't do it. Yeah. Yeah, I have stuff to do. Dude, my beef of the week,
Starting point is 01:17:31 I'm gonna just off the top, but this jewel, I've been hitting this thing like crazy. It's definitely got its hooks into me. It's tough. It's a slippery kind of addiction because I think sometimes when we think about addiction,
Starting point is 01:17:42 we think that the craving is loud and that it's like, oh, give me this, let me do this. But it can be much more subtle than that. You can just be sitting there and like all of a sudden your brain's just like, hey man, why don't you just take a nice little drag of that thing? It's not a big deal, we're not addicted.
Starting point is 01:17:55 We just want to take a little puff because we're a little bored. But you don't realize that is the addictive voice masking itself as something minor because it knows that tone is gonna more easily let you slip into its fucking grip so the pernicious voice of of vice inducement stay out of my head bro yeah I I've had my struggles with those two it's tough and the biggest trigger for me is I'll go surfing and my brain will be like, dude, don't
Starting point is 01:18:30 you want a nice treat after that? Don't you want to just take a nice rip of a little like puff bar? And it's just like, it's that thing of where you get that dopamine squirt where your mind is like, go treat yourself, you know? Just have a nice little puff. You only get one. You'll be over it after that. But it's then it just snowballs it keeps going when quarantine first started dude i mean just because i was you know i was staying at home all day i was just ripping those
Starting point is 01:18:54 things non-stop because i bet yeah i was sort of and in my mind i was just justifying i was like i was like well what else am i gonna do that's the thing too your brain's like okay well i have these other vices that are potentially worse. And then you're like, this isn't as bad as me getting hammered or wailing on myself. You're like, no, this is probably the lesser of the evils. Right. But then when you get off it, because I realized how anxious they made me and how they just put me in just a lower mood, lower vibration.
Starting point is 01:19:26 So when you get off it, you just like you're like it's your mind you're like whoa like it but they're so hard to get off it because the cravings just don't stop but once you get off it it's just very kind of your happiness goes up you get boosted yeah it's just so tough yeah i think i'm probably a week away from trying to get off of it but then i feel like that's the language of the uh the consistent user you know if you go on like a trip like if you're going away for like a few days just leave it and then you'll be on a trip and you'll have less uh motivation to buy one oh nice yeah maybe i'll go stay with my mom for a couple days yeah yeah and then also i have less vices when i'm around my parents because i want to like prove to them i don't have vices exactly yeah um that's a really smart move chad
Starting point is 01:20:10 who's your uh who's your baby of the week uh my baby of the week is our buddy cheddar uh aka john um so summer after we graduated from college probably one of the more epic party moments we had is that it was 4th of July, the whole squad, the cream pie house, we gathered in Long Beach, and we were just raging at our buddy Nick, aka Ass Man's house. So you guys have an Ass Clown and an Ass Man?
Starting point is 01:20:43 Ass Man, Ass Clown, Cheddar. That's awesome and uh cheddar was so hammered that he ate a candle thinking it was cheese do you eat the whole candle he ate the whole candle that's hilarious and there's there's video of him just slicing it up what a beast beast. Yeah, and he sliced it like cheese. Put that shit on pasta. Yeah. Just grate it. Yeah, dude. Here, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:10 Let me top you off right there. So shout out to Cheddar for eating that candle, dude. Nice. Cheddar, who's your baby of the week? Baby of the week's gotta be my freaking dank fiance, dude. That's awesome, dude. She's just been beasting, dude. She's got a week off of work, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:24 A week off of her grad school. Dude, we just posted up down in carlsbad walked in this dank meadow of flowers and just freaking had this stuff called cardiff crack which is just dank ass tri-tip which i think you guys would both really enjoy joe you would actually love it as well but i know you guys are a big uh belvine dudes and um yeah dude so just a freaking dank little week down in carlsbad just you know seeing her be able to you know just relax a little bit she earned it there's nothing like relaxing after you earned it you know hell yeah so just just being a babe just being a freaking beast that's awesome yeah joe who's your babe of the week uh i got i was on youtube watching a bunch of uh tony kukoc highlights and dude nice yeah yeah tony's my babe of the week because uh
Starting point is 01:22:08 i i mean i really forgot how great he was um people talk about rodman but i think without kukoc the bulls don't win that second three pete that was unbelievable and i forget he was 6 11 like yeah i was gonna ask like he was like the first dirk before dirk and uh luca and all those guys he was yeah he was europe european player of the year and um you know jordan and pippen kind of dogged him when he first got there or whatever and but yeah he the guy was incredible nice dude buzzer beaters everything love that yeah and long and like there was a game and like i think i got in the eastern conference finals in 98 against indiana he had a game where he had like 30 points and yeah i mean guy was great he was really good and he'd be so good in the modern nba with his skill set yeah oh yeah oh
Starting point is 01:23:04 yeah yeah he'd be like luke and he could with his skill set. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. He'd be like Luke. And he could handle and he could shoot it. Yeah, they'd have him handle the ball more. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, he played three positions. I mean, it's incredible. And those guys were hard on him.
Starting point is 01:23:15 Like, when he played against them in the Olympics, Scotty and Michael didn't like that Kraus liked him so much. So they went at him and they destroyed him. Yeah. And they were probably pretty tough on him when he first came over here but he you know he he earned his keep um dude my baby of the week is i learned this reading the end of the wild book that i've been enjoying uh it mentioned that the main character christopher mccandless was maybe a virgin and then it said henry Thoreau, lifelong virgin.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Yeah. So I think sometimes, you know, we put so much pressure on ourselves to, you know, it takes up so much of my real estate, my relationship with the opposite sex and how I'm doing in that department. And it's, you know, it's probably doesn't deserve that much space. Cause then I looked up other historical famous virgins and Nietzsche's on here. Descartes, Emmanuel Kant. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Newton, Isaac Newton's number one on the list. When did they have sex? Finally, they did it. Oh, they did. They never did.
Starting point is 01:24:19 And they've made such huge contributions to civilization that I'm like, it's a good idea. Look, maybe if you took all that energy, poured it into something else you know you're the father of physics or of uh that's what i'm saying you know existential thoughts so big ups to those dudes for uh channeling all that horniness into some exactly right serious serious um you know intellectual writing thanks dudes um you nerd uh yeah i'm kidding i'm kidding isaac i'm kidding dude i'm super jealous yeah thanks for discovering gravity verge yeah that's what probably what his friends at the sign he's like guys i discovered gravity they're like whatever virgin yeah
Starting point is 01:25:09 who would have thought that guy's name would you know echo throughout eternity um chad who's your legend of the week my legend of the week um so you guys know the story of pompeii big volcanic eruption everyone a bunch of people there got sort of you know frozen in time by the ash by the lava so sort of you see them in their last moment and they're just like mummified one guy is jacking off fuck yeah wow nice let's go so mine is the masturbating dude at pompeii who just went out like a champ uh you know he's just like oh fuck pompeii is erupting and just starts cranking his unit that's smart nice yeah smartest guy there yeah and you know i wonder if he knew that you know he's probably gonna be cemented in time he's like i need to show people that i've i'd fucking drill myself you know maybe that was his passion
Starting point is 01:26:08 and maybe if the people the townspeople like were alive they could be like dude jeremy doing what he loves he went out in style i love his name being jeremy yeah that feels right maybe it was even more benevolent like if joe if there was a big tragedy about to happen just like i gotta get my dick hard real quick so future generations can see this oh i thought you were gonna say because when the house collapses we need something to hide under oh i mean honestly yeah you could save lives yeah you could save lives that's a good call craig would be like are my cats okay and you're like yeah yeah your cats are fine dude they were protecting the rubble like an elevator shaft by my dump by my shaft guys
Starting point is 01:26:45 don't worry the roof the roof is gonna collapse no don't worry my cock's holding it up yeah it'd be cool hey don't worry craig i put a bowl of milk on the tip of my dick cats are fine yeah strider who's your legend of the week damn my legend of the week. Let's see. I've been crushing the F1 series. I know we talked about it a lot, but I just enjoy it. I know you had a hot take, the editing. I did see it. What? You were like, the editing's...
Starting point is 01:27:15 No, I love the editing. I just... The formula for each episode. I'm kind of fatigued on. Yeah, exactly. The formula is very built in. But I find comfort in that. Yeah, that's true. I find a little bit of comfort you know what you're gonna get and i just love that
Starting point is 01:27:28 series and i did i want to go in f1 race so bad are you annoyed that ricky ardo left reynolds for mclaren though very annoying doesn't it just seem like a lateral move that guy's got kind of happy feet right dude he is the embodiment remember i i do like ricky ardo more now but at first i was like this guy's a weasel i don't like him that was my first inclination of that guy he enjoys the celebrity aspect so much into what he's doing and he seems like a happy fun go lucky guy but you're not an f1 racer if you're not a savage but on the reddit threads they people like his racing i guess he's really good at overtaking people like he's really good at passing people which is a you know it's a bold skill super fun i um i liked the guy from um maybe lando
Starting point is 01:28:08 not lando norris no not lando norris um the spaniard he's playing golf with his dad i forget his name he's moving to a team i think he's moving to ferrari yeah the guy from racing point yeah perez was that his name yes and he wasn't going to get a spot and then he then he got a spot with red bull actually i like him so him and verstappen yeah because i was not seeing with ricky ardo and Yes. Is that his name? Yes. And he wasn't going to get a spot. And then he got a spot with Red Bull, actually. I like him a lot. So him and Verstappen. Yeah, because I was saying with Ricciardo and Verstappen on the same team, because now they say the Red Bull car this year is actually going to be able to maybe challenge Mercedes. Really?
Starting point is 01:28:35 That's another thing I'm fatigued on. It's just like... Dude, and the DRS thing is such BS. You're just following the mid-tier, and so you're watching people compete for fourth? That's like, or third third and it's lame like the sport has become so niche where it's like but we're good at mid-tier like we're because it's budget like we don't have the budget to compete up there so but if we're getting fourth it means we really won and it's like nah dude dude that that guy topo or whoever runs the mercedes team he's worth he's worth 700 million dollars i looked him up on he's an
Starting point is 01:29:02 owner he said he's like i'm pat's a team, so why would I step away at this moment in time? I had to stay here. He sounds so, just the German accent sounds so cool. Sounds like the guy from Beer Fest. Yeah, he's a German dude. He talks like that. How's that guy from Haas still have a job? He's a disaster. Oh, Haas. Yeah. But I
Starting point is 01:29:19 like him so much. He's a character, but it seems like he's like every... Yeah, that team is run like crap, dude. And then their fucking car almost blows up and kills the driver. But I guess that's not his fault. Joe, who's your legend of the week? I saw that Roy Williams retired the basketball coach. Oh, nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Good sports-related babes and legends. Yeah. Not to bring it back to Chicago, but he's the guy who recruited Michael Jordan in North Carolina. So, like, he should be in the Hall of Fame just for doing that, you know? And when he talks about Dean Smith, Roy Williams, he still calls him, like, he says, like, coach or sir. He still has that respect.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Yeah, because Roy was there and then went to, like, Kansas or whatever and then went back to Carolinaansas or whatever then went back to carolina to coach but yeah only by all accounts the guy was like a great person and everything huh only coach with 400 dubs at two different programs oh yeah yeah that's awesome so yeah roy hats off that's awesome let me look up real quick who won the because we might be done right let's's see. Oh, yeah. No that game still going They're up 14 with 12 left 12 minutes Baylor's up
Starting point is 01:30:36 Save within reach like to see Gonzaga. Maybe we can watch after this my legend of the week is Simon Yeah, we hung out on saturday and i just uh had the best time kicking it with him he's such a fun cool guy all good vibes showed me zed's chicken coop and he gave me an egg to bring home and uh i was in my uber and when i got out the egg was broken in my in my pocket was it really but i was like yeah and i was like what'd you do to clean it dude i just i haven't cleaned it yet i just threw the egg away i was like i was drunk i was like oh fuck and then i you know it, dude? I just, I haven't cleaned it yet. I just threw the egg away. I was like, I was drunk. I was like, oh fuck. And then, you know, biodegradable, I just tossed it into the woods or something.
Starting point is 01:31:10 But yeah, Simon's just a beast. And it's cool hanging out with the, they're German, you know? And they talk about, I was like, how's it adjust in LA? They're like, it's weird getting used to the drama. Cause I guess they're used to Germansans have a more stoic cool vibe which i really you know jive with but it's uh it's interesting to just hear about like the cultural differences like they say everyone in germany they're a bit too chill sometimes really and so they like it over here that we're a little bit like feisty with the emotions whoa so yeah but
Starting point is 01:31:39 he's he's a really chill dude super deep super cool super fun to chat with so simon thanks for the hospitality it was fun kicking it with you bro it's a legend and z. Super deep, super cool, super fun to chat with. So Simon, thanks for the hospitality. It was fun kicking it with you, bro. He's a legend. And Zed as well. Thank you, dude. Legends. Is it chillness or is it you get punished if you have emotions in Germany? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Honestly, if I'm doing a deep reading of it, I think maybe like fervor kind of fell out of favor after the Fuhrer. I would imagine. So they were like, hey, maybe we should kick it in a different direction. I went to Berlin one time. Huge weed parade. I would imagine. So they were like, hey, maybe we should kick it in a different direction and just, you know. I went to Berlin one time. Huge weed parade. Really?
Starting point is 01:32:09 Yeah. Nice, dude. You smoking weed? I'll take baby rips. If you have a baby rip. No, you don't. If Joe takes a sip of a fruit smash, I will take a baby rip.
Starting point is 01:32:21 No, I'll do it. On this pod. I'll do it on the 200th episode. I'll do it. All right. Well, there you go. We're going to have to wait 15 episodes. Oh, I thought we were like three away.
Starting point is 01:32:31 Will you just drink a fruit smash at the end of this episode? I don't know. I'm scared. One sip, dude. What are you afraid of? I have bad anxiety. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Can't drink today. I'm sorry, man. You do a sip. Oh, from last night? I don't know. I'm just making that stuff, but just go with it. Don't drink today. I'm sorry. You do a sip. Oh, from last night? I don't know. I'm just making that stuff, but just go with it. Don't question it. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:50 You know what I mean? So you do have bad anxiety or you don't? I don't know. Not at the moment. Sounds like an anxious answer. Do you want to touch? Yeah. Does that feel better?
Starting point is 01:33:02 Yeah, it feels a lot better. That's nice. Thanks. Chad, what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from uh sons of anarchy from clay morrow ron perlman baby baby you killed him you played me for a chump and i was i was no match for that tight pussy and that angry broken heart. Amazing. This is one of the more serious moments of the show,
Starting point is 01:33:32 but I just couldn't stop laughing at that line. I was no match for that tight pussy and broken angry heart. It's a powerful combination. Yeah, they'll get you. Especially Ron Perlman Just soldiering over Nah, baby, you played me like a chump Strider, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:33:55 My quote of the week You brought up this movie early on And I haven't been able to shake it ever since It's a quick quote It's a good quote It's an effective quote Nice I believe the prisoner wishes to speak Ever since, it's a quick quote. It's a good quote. It's an effective quote. Nice.
Starting point is 01:34:09 I believe the person who wishes to speak. Freedom! Freedom! So fucking good, dude. And his friend's face is, dude, the supportive acting in that moment so damn dag dude he sees the ghost of his lover it's so damn good and then the guy like jt mentioned the executioner guy because he wanted him to say mercy right mercy way he wanted him to say mercy and he goes or do you want him to say a word that started with F? Like, ask for forgiveness?
Starting point is 01:34:46 I forget, but you think he's going to actually say... He's going to finally break. Yeah, he's going to say mercy. But he never breaks. Never breaks. And just lets out. He's got an iron will, that fella. So good.
Starting point is 01:34:56 It's a great movie. It's one of the best movies ever. I love that movie. I watched that. It's three hours long. I'll watch it start to finish multiple times a week. Do you think it's vain for Mal Gibson to write that part for himself? Of course, but it's a vain industry It's Hollywood that comes with the territory
Starting point is 01:35:12 It's like if he was trying not to act like he wasn't being vain Maybe he was that's more vain. That's yeah, then that's whack. But it's like dude. I wrote myself a badass role I'm on a horse. I'm giving fucking speeches. I'm You know cuz there's shots of him just on the horse just looking like like when he's coming to kill the nobleman oh dude and he's just this force of you know nature that's gonna right the wrongs yeah drops the mace and just whacks him yeah he gave himself that direction yeah he said be more badass he's like no you're not bringing it i need you to be sexy up there. Yeah, dude. He can do it. Joe, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:35:51 This is from Men Without Women by Ernest Hemingway. The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much and forgetting that you are special, too. So you guys going through breakups, don't forget you're special. Dude, thanks, Joe. Thanks, man yeah and now you guys have your freedom freedom what's up yeah you are getting disemboweled oh right right right yeah yeah luckily that didn't happen your nuts just got tanned yeah we just had a tough conversation
Starting point is 01:36:21 Yeah, luckily that didn't happen. Your nuts just got tanned. Yeah, we just had a tough conversation. But I do, yeah, that's right. I tan my nuts. That's right. Dudes, hold on one second. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Okay, I can't find a quote of the week from Into the Wild. I left the book in the other room. But I was watching a video about the fighter Andrew Gulotta, big boxer from the 90s, heavyweight pugilist. And he was a dirty fighter. And one of the comments said, he's a real dirty fighter. And he'd go, he'd go, uh, you know, head, but he'd go low blow. And someone said, Andrew Gulotta is the only guy I've ever seen throw combinations below the belt. So most of the time, most of the time when someone cheap shots you, they hit you with one shot to the nuts. Gulotta, and you can watch the video, would unload like four punches all to the balls. And it's so over the line that I don't even think the refs knew how to like corral it.
Starting point is 01:37:15 You know what I mean? What do you do at that point? It's so extreme that you're just like, hey, man, just cut it out. But he throws brutal, brilliant combinations straight to guys' balls. Damn. Like four to six punches, punches and bunches, just annihilating. Because most of the time you throw one because you can be like, hey, it was an accident. I meant to hit him just above there.
Starting point is 01:37:37 But when you're watching four punches in quick succession from a heavyweight killer all to the nuts, and then someone else said he would do it when he was winning just to further break the gut um chad what's your phrase that we're gonna after it um dude joe just tried to seltzer oh man yeah i can't wait for them when that happens oh okay yeah that'll get me fired up. When is that going to happen? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Just do it now. Let's have these frickin' bro-ster-dom-us. You've never had a seltzer? I don't want to. If I go grab you one, is that too much? I'll go right now. I'm getting him one right now. I want it.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Get him one, and then we'll skip to you. What's your phrase of the week for getting after it? I was talking about guilt earlier so uh my phrase is probably uh leave behind the guilt get built did you make that up yeah that's killer thanks fuck yeah that was really good leave behind the guilt get built uh my phrase of the week for getting after it is battle bots. Hell yeah. That was just an amazing show. It's still running. Great show.
Starting point is 01:38:47 You have two choices here. You can do Tropical Punch or Berry Blast. What do you think? I don't want it. Joe, just sip it. It's the end of the episode. Come on, Joe. Too scared.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Tropical Punch or Berry Blast, dude. I don't want it. Will you just sip it and say what you think? All right. Is there a deeper reason that you don't want it will you just sip it and say what you think all right is there a deeper reason that you don't want it because that'll make i'm worried about that too i'm like will it make us feel bad no but you have a deep i just i don't want to drink alcohol today if i've had enough the last uh day that's fair enough all right well this was a i think that's an exciting ending to see someone but i will i will i them to do. I will do it eventually. Sweet.
Starting point is 01:39:26 All right, cool. I'm going to hold everyone in suspense, though. That fires me up that you're going to do it one day. I think it's better you didn't do it this episode. I think it's good you stuck to your guns and you weren't peer pressured. I think that's going to be encouraging for a lot of young stokes. Yeah, I'm not going to get peer pressured by you guys. Or anybody, for that matter.
Starting point is 01:39:40 I love that. Oh, you will. Right on. Kids at home. I'll pressure you. Joe. Do what Joe just did. When we say cut, we're all going to pin you and. Right on. Kids at home. I'll pressure you. Joe, do what Joe just did. When we say cut, we're all going to pin you and force this fucking game down your throat.
Starting point is 01:39:50 But on camera, I'll say that's really awesome. And then we're going to put our dicks on his face and film it. And we're going to film it. Yep. You better film that. We're going to do a big 180 from the advice we've been giving. Sorry, did you give a phrase? No, sorry. Yeah. He's a phrase. Good looking out, man. And we're he's a good looking out man and we're gonna
Starting point is 01:40:07 lick his asshole yeah i'll take care of that show some hair yeah my phrase the way for getting after it is probably freedom was that called the death girdle What's that called? The death girdle? Death rattle? Yeah, that's it. Death rattle.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Okay, when you pretend dead, do you close your eyes or do you leave them open? Close. Oh, it's probably a better choice to leave open, though. Never seen someone die. It's probably harder to pull off. Totally. Like to fake. Totally, yeah. Yeah, because you'll see people coming coming it's so tough not to follow
Starting point is 01:40:48 all right dudes that was fun good shit yeah guys check out our merch shop cgd.com you can get a strider dank ipa shirt dank we gotta get next next line we'll get we'll get joe a shirt yeah i'd love i'd love to have a shirt um it's coming maybe one maybe one that's just an arrow down i'm with joe's dong that's a great call okay i'll let you pick though all right sorry i don't want to i don't want to step on your toes there but i do think that the stokers would love to represent your dong in some form of attire. Yeah, absolutely. All right, dudes. All right. Thanks, guys.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Leave us some reviews, too. Yeah, guys. Helps out the pod. Love reading them. Thank you guys for stopping in. It fires me up. Anytime I go to the thing and there's new reviews, I'm so happy. Always cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:43 Helps us out. It just feels good. just feels really nice all right bros if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go Where to go When you need someone to guide you Seems to have the clothes beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see
Starting point is 01:42:19 Go and see Cat and Jane TV We'll see you next time.

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