Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 183 - Bear Sex, Hinge, and Listener's Q's

Episode Date: April 22, 2021

What's up stokers! It's just Chad and me in the studio today. We talk about memory, bear sex, and being on hinge.    Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​�...�   Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We ready? Yeah, I'm rolling. Alright. Whip out the dong and pour the sauce. What's up, stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, I want to remind you once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our chins pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because flowers are blooming grass is growing it's time to chop the weeds thank you manscape use code go deep 20 to get 20 off plus free shipping with the code
Starting point is 00:00:33 go to 20 manscape.com let's go deep 20 manscape.com 20 and i'm here with my compadre john thomas what a boom clap stalkers uh and And Aaron on the mic, as requested, as always. Glad to be here. Stoked to have you on mic, my friend. What's good? Dude, what's up, man? I just got back from visiting my mom. How was that?
Starting point is 00:00:58 You haven't seen her in a while? I haven't seen her in over a year. So it was a really, that first hug was pretty you know it was it was like a movie out of a movie scene you know just deep right you know just embrace like did you did you see her and like when you guys made eye contact you started walking faster well she was in the car so she just waved and i was like like at the terminal yeah yeah yeah she pulled up i was like hey and she has her she has a new dog uh this eight month old golden retriever uh soleil so her former dog uh his name luna and then this dog is soleil moon sun and i think she's gonna get another golden puppy name it i think something
Starting point is 00:01:41 some name for star or maybe just star so soon sun moon star anyways but super cute uh puppy and just sits in the front with her it like puts its paws on like the middle console and just like looks ahead with her is uh did you like her right when you saw her oh yeah well i think golden retrievers are like i was thinking about it i was like i think a good piece of activism if we want to really boost the stoke of everyone is to get them a golden retrievers are like, I was thinking about it. I was like, I think a good piece of activism, if we want to really boost the stoke of everyone is to get them a golden retriever. Oh dude, that'd be huge.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah. Cause they just like, they're just so happy. Free range, uh, free sourced. Yeah. Golden retriever mills. Yeah. Just pump them out, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 And I was thinking like Soleil was in heat, you know, I was like, dude, let's, you know, let's pump some jizz in there you know start breeding sorry mom um well hey soleil's into it it's all gravy baby yeah she's in heat i mean that's probably what she's fiending to do dude yeah super in heat could you feel the heat no uh her nipples are enlarged though nice um kind of gross oh interesting yeah yeah yeah just no I get it yeah 100% yeah I mean you know that stuff I like nipples of all sizes but if they're normally small when they get bigger I'm like that's different yeah I guess since she since she's a dog you know I was just like I was like
Starting point is 00:03:03 normally I like nipples but in this instance i was a little bit kind of like yeah that's probably that's probably a good thing i don't need to touch him yeah that's probably a good thing homie yeah i wonder if they're sensitive dog nipples yeah like like how human nipples have more nerve endings yeah that'd be chill i hope so yeah i'd like to see a dog sucking on another dog's nip. That would be cool, right? It'd be so human. Right. Like, oh, she's laying there in heat.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Any photo of animals having sex like humans, it always cracks me up. Oh, totally. Like, if you ever see animals in the mish position, make an eye contact. When do you see animals in the mish position? I think bears. Oh, really? Bears do mish. That's how they fuck? Yeah, bears do mish. Not all the time, but they do mish yeah interesting do they choke as well
Starting point is 00:03:48 yeah well they do a paw yeah i don't know if they got the the grip the way that we do yeah their necks huge their necks are huge i need like three paws to even get a little squeeze going right right yeah interesting i've seen a bear like the female bear was getting love made to her by the male bear uh-huh and he wasn't choking her right and she was like no more on the sides and harder right and then he was i want you to maul me trying to trying to figure it out yeah i want you to maul me not literally but just he was like a goofy brown bear yeah and i was almost i'm a homie you got it it, dude. Just stay with it, bro. He's like, this isn't me, dog. Yeah, he was like, this is not my personality.
Starting point is 00:04:30 I'm a poo bear, dude. I'm gentle. And everyone was watching him. He's like, dude, I hate fucking at Yellowstone. Right, right. Yeah, yeah. So many people. He's like, go look at Old Faithful.
Starting point is 00:04:39 That's the main stage, huh? Yeah, that's when you're in the big leagues. Yeah. Do you think bears're getting a lot more when they have to fuck or whatever they're just kind of like like oh dude okay fuck yeah i think the male bears are like they hit the glass and they're like bounce dude yeah hey bounce meanwhile the gorillas are just drilling themselves the gorillas don't care gorillas small penises in terms of what do you think you'd be more guerrillas guerrilla style or bear style
Starting point is 00:05:05 yeah do you think your personality would be better if like a gorilla who's a little bit shy about about you know fork or porking in public or a gorilla who's jaying off in front of the mirror which one am i yeah you know the answer to that question yeah you're the masturbating man at pompeii yeah i don't think i don't need to say yeah it's always that webcam porn just cemented with my laptop too my laptop's melted with me he's sitting all funny jane i would hope not but it would be authentic for sure david eagleman has a short story where he says like when you go to heaven your life is broken
Starting point is 00:05:57 up into what you did so you have to watch your whole life in chunks like okay this is how much you slept so you watch like 30 years of you sleeping yeah and right when i read that book i was like oh dude if i had to watch all of my jang off in a row it would like it would rival sleep yeah god's like it'd be the second longest chapter behind sleep wow dude and then the third longest chapter would be talking about it i'm like fuck you really need to break this up storytelling wise for sure so how did I do on my life he's like first off
Starting point is 00:06:28 wow dude you really got it you made time for Jane I honestly think God would be like you jade off a lot but you managed to get a lot done too I'm proud of you
Starting point is 00:06:37 when you weren't jade off you were active man maybe that's what your soul when you came into this life form your soul is like I'm gonna see how much I can get done while also jade off as much as possible if that's what my purpose is i haven't been aware of it but i've been honoring it yeah yeah dude i was thinking about
Starting point is 00:06:53 bears too like um just as per our conversation do you remember timothy treadwell the guy that grizzly man's made about the right he used to go up and visit the bears and uh he'd play with him like he'd hit the bears i'm like shut up shelly you dumbass and he talked to go up and visit the bears and uh he'd play with him like he'd hit the bears i'm like shut up shelly you dumbass and he talked to the bears like that and videotape all of it and the one time and it was bound to happen at some point but when the bears turned on him and killed him was when he brought a girl with him and they some people have postulated it was because she was menstruating and it threw the bears out of whack but maybe that's just like i don't know some misogyny that's in science or or in outdoor culture but it's uh it was interesting no that's like uh my
Starting point is 00:07:30 mom's dog was in heat it was fertile so we couldn't go hiking with her because you know dogs come from they can smell it from miles away so i don't know if that translates to humans but that's that's what i'm interested in can in can it cross species yeah you know but animals have that just you know natural they got that instinct instinct yeah dude i saw a guy driving up and down speaking of heat and and the passion and romance a dude two nights ago was bombing up and down my street doing like 50 like he was driving so fast you could hear it from my apartment right like it was like and he was sticking his head out the window going, fuck you! Fuck you! Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Go fuck yourself! And then he'd disappear for 30 seconds and then he'd come bombing back screaming it again. Yeah. So I got really excited. I like put on my clothes and I walked downstairs and my neighbor was out there and I'm like, what's going on? And he was like, dude, I think he's having like a lover's quarrel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Like I think something's going on and uh he was like dude i think he's having like a lover's quarrel yeah like i think something's going on with his girlfriend and then a guy from across the street on top of a deck with his girlfriend's like i think someone fucked his bitch it's scraped across the street but everyone on my side there was like four of us on my side she was like oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i was like wow. I almost think that guy driving so crazy made all of us adapt to a little bit higher craziness of a reality. So we were all more comfortable saying crazy shit. But people were like, yeah, dude, I think he caught his girlfriend's bone in someone else's piss. And so he bombed back and forth all night. He just kept doing it? He did it for like, I don't know, on and off for like an hour, hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Interesting. Doing like 50 down this super small residential street. Did you ever find out? No, I don't know the full story yet. Man. Could you ever see yourself getting that mad? No. I could get that mad, but I wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:19 But I've done crazy stuff, but not like that. You know what I would do? This is what I would do. I would do it once yeah and then i would get to the end of the road and be like that was insane yeah because like like one time i wanted to fight a co-worker so and i was young but i like followed him out of the office and i was like come to the park and he used to bully me a lot so i had fed up i was like come to the park and fight me and he was like i'm not gonna fight you dude and then i slapped him in
Starting point is 00:09:42 the face and i was like fight me and he was like no and'm not going to fight you, dude. And then I slapped him in the face. And I was like, fight me. And he was like, no. And then he started running. And I started chasing after him. And after 30 feet, I went, I'm being insane. And I stopped. And then I hopped into a cab and drove off. Oh, interesting. So I think that equates to two drives up and down,
Starting point is 00:09:56 screaming, fuck you. Yeah. I like that. Dude, I was at the airport today. I got picked up by the Uber. You know, LAXx they have like this uber pickup area um and uh this one uber was like blocking everyone else like he like there's this one there's the pickup lane then there's the drive lane and he was like half and half and both
Starting point is 00:10:17 and my uber driver pulls up behind him and he's like he he like starts honking he's like hey move well i gotta pick up this guy and the guy doesn't move so he gets out of his car he's like he he like starts honking he's like hey move well i gotta pick up this guy and the guy doesn't move so he gets out of his car he's like hey you gotta move you gotta move dumbass you're blocking the lane and he's just yelling at him he's like the guy said i don't know what the guy said but he's like what fuck me no fuck you motherfucker fucking move you dumb piece of shit he's like like, fuck this dude. And all the other Uber drivers are like, is that your driver? I was like, yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Dude, that's awesome. I was dying laughing. He's like, sorry about that, man. I was like, no, I loved it. He's got in his car and he's like driving like a madman. Was he driving fast? Yeah. He's a fired up dude.
Starting point is 00:11:03 You probably need people like that to keep things moving along. It's also nice when someone who's in that instance, they're working for you. You can say they're also fighting for you. Oh, I like that. I was like, oh, he wants me to get to where I got to go. He cares about his clients. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Or he cares about his clients. He takes care of them. Beast. yeah or he cares about his yeah his clients yeah that takes care of him yeah beast but dude it's just so funny when like just you see two people just fuck you motherfucker i love it yeah it's it doesn't happen enough anymore i feel like it used to be more common i feel like in new york in new york you get a good dose people do it a lot yeah not in la yeah maybe we gotta bring that back I do like fighting in public it's pretty hilarious you know what I like to do I
Starting point is 00:11:48 anytime I go on a date I start a fake fight with whoever I'm on the date with uh-huh or I'll just I'll say something embarrassing like we'll be walking I'll be like babe stop telling me how you support apartheid like it's not okay and then I'll just watch people make a face or I'll like I'll be'll be like, you cheated on me again with Darren? Yeah. Twice with the same dude. I told you you need to find a new tennis instructor. And then just see how people react to it.
Starting point is 00:12:11 How's it go? It's fun. It's always fun. Yeah. I think. Yeah. Do they like playing along? I mean, I never get a second date, but it's always fun.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Worth it. Yeah, worth it, dude, for the bit. No, most people play along. Most people go. That's fun. Yeah, it's fun's fun Aaron. How you doing, man? Good. Yeah. Yeah. How's the baby? Baby's good She's about to get her second set of shots, how many shots do they get?
Starting point is 00:12:39 I think this will be like Seven in the first four months. Wow. Oh, total? Yeah. So she's probably going to get like three or four in this one? Yeah, probably three. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Three or four what? Vaccinations? Whoa. Oh, just but not COVID related. No. Just like life ones. Yeah. Like for like polio and stuff.
Starting point is 00:13:04 Yeah, yeah. Mumps or something. I don't know. I don't know what she's getting exactly this time. No. Just like life ones. Yeah. Like for like polio and stuff. Yeah, yeah. Mumps or something. I don't know. I don't know what she's getting exactly this time. Yeah. She'll be strong. I remember that as a kid, getting vaccinations. Oh, you do?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah. Not as a baby, obviously. But I think when I was like seven, six or seven, they look at your dink and then they give you a shot. So brutal. They look at your dink and then they give you a shot. It's brutal. They look at your dick? Yeah. For the vaccine?
Starting point is 00:13:29 I think just in general. Yeah, generally. They just check out your dink. Did your doctor look at your dink? Not enough. Dude, Dr. Van Shank really cared about my hog. That's nice. Yeah, he's like, let me see that thing.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Yeah, here you go. You have, like, an interesting memory, right? Like, don't you not remember, like... I don't that thing. Yeah, here you go. You have an interesting memory, right? Don't you not remember? I don't remember anything. I remember certain things, very specifically. I remember the schedule. I remember emails. But I don't remember my life.
Starting point is 00:13:55 You don't remember? Yeah. Do you think that's better, though? I like it. Because I found, if I dated, I don't know, there's someone I dated specifically who just like always lived in the past. It's like, yeah, I just think about, you know, my childhood all the time. I'm like, that kind of sucks.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Like, why don't you live in the now? Yeah, you're more present. Yeah. I like to think that. I think it's either I'm more present or I just have bad memory. Both things can be true, though. I do to think that. I think it's either I'm more present or I just have bad memory. Both things can be true, though. I do have specific memory, I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Like distinct memories? Well, you have a really interesting memory, too. I remember everything. Yeah. Yeah. I'll remember stuff from when I was two or three sometimes. Yeah. But that's rare.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I have a couple memories from then that I've had corroborated by my mom that are true. Yeah. I probably sound a little wonky. But yeah, I think a couple memories from then that i've had corroborated by my mom that are true yeah i probably sound a little wonky but yeah i think i remember stuff from then yeah well i i like i'll talk to high school friends or college friends and they'll be like like dude you remember this time where you like you know told professor marta you know that you know that you didn't understand spanish i don't know something where you came in hungover so i'm like i don't remember any of that. My friends, every time I see high school friends, they have all these stories. Dude, I remember one of these stories. Are you crushing it in most of the stories?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Probably. And that's probably because you're so present. Oh, dude, thank you, man. You're so present that in all these stories, you don't even remember what you're doing. Yeah. But it's making a big impact. I was channeling Eckhart Tolle nice yeah dude I've been telling people that I think my purpose in life is to give other people memorable experiences that's cool and that's a good purpose I
Starting point is 00:15:35 think it's a dope I think that is your purpose thank you dude yeah yeah that's awesome I thought about it yeah because I was why did you determine that dude just everything is filtered through the dating but I I was on Hinge and I was asking people what's the meaning of life as my opener. And I realized it's a terrible opener because it's too heavy. And also it just is like too, it's too hard to answer. Because then someone asked me, they're like, what do you think the meaning of life is? I was like, oh, I don't think I can answer. And I was like, but I think I can answer what the purpose of my life is. And then I got there.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Right. Interesting. And it was better that way. That's a cool purpose i think it's a better thing to ask people too then what's the meaning of life you go what's your purpose yeah because people get a little more engaged that way right yeah the meaning of life can be so who knows yeah that's really interesting yeah i don't think i don't even think there's like a satisfying answer for what's like the meaning of life yeah i mean if someone was like the meaning of life is to like dance i, if someone was like, the meaning of life is to like dance,
Starting point is 00:16:25 I'd be like, that's fire. But like, does that encompass enough? Right, right, right, right. Yeah, no, it's too general. But if someone was like, if I was like, what's your purpose? And they were like, to dance. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:34 That makes sense. Right, right, right. And there's probably some dank meaning in that as well. Yeah. I think a lot of it is finding your own personal happiness. And that could be through creating memorable experiences for people. Yeah, and I love love happiness but i like to be sad too much too right right yeah i get fired that's your personal happiness though feeling oh that's true yeah feeling alive yeah
Starting point is 00:16:56 it's the best yeah how's single life dude it's fun i've been on a ton of dates yeah i've been relentless yeah they've been really fun though i love getting to know people yeah but it's uh it's been a lot but i love it yeah it's cool but then you know it sucks too because two weeks ago i was like this is the worst thing i've ever experienced well it's so up and down because it's like if you're on the apps and stuff you're just sort of living and dying by each message you're kind of like it's uh it's i forgot about the up and down of it it's tough yeah but i think once you get a few dates going yeah it gets a little more normal and you get into the routine of it it gets fun yeah but when you're a little less raw yeah you're a little less raw from the breakup and you've kind of gotten the ball rolling
Starting point is 00:17:39 and you've like learned how to like re-acclimate to it yeah or you've re-acclimated to it it's uh yeah i think then it's fun. Yeah. But who knows? Two weeks from now, I could be like, it's a huge memory. But I had a lot of fun last week. That's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:51 I'm reading Eat, Pray, Love. Oh, dude, nice. Yeah. Very interesting selection. Yeah. They have a great book about, you know, divorce in your 30s. Strider's going to hate this, but he used to call it eat pray menopause no nick you know nick we had him on the podcast he's like he's like bro you should eat you should
Starting point is 00:18:12 read eat pray love and i was like i gotta read it for just the experience of it because like but i'm enjoying it you know it's nice to get that perspective from from a lady i think there's a lot of value i was talking to a comedian at our show on thursday yeah when he was going through relationship problems yeah this was years ago he's like crushing it now but and he was like uh the way he got better is is he read like a female driven book about like uh being attracted to men who are bad for you right and he just really related to it oh interesting but i thought that was so beautiful yeah you know what i mean yeah i think oftentimes the best answer to your problems
Starting point is 00:18:46 can be going to the other end of the spectrum, but having the same problem. And somehow it's easier to connect that way. Yeah. Well, I'm reading it now, and she talks about her divorce, and then she fell in love with another guy, and then that fell apart. And she gets into the details of why it fell apart and stuff and you're like and and you can relate to it and you're like you can you
Starting point is 00:19:09 can glean stuff from it where you're like oh that's that's that's sort of uh similar to me blah blah blah there's a reason that book sold like a bajillion copies and they made a roberts movie yeah yeah and that lady has a good ted talk about um creativity yeah great to talk and uh and like lifestyle i guess you could call it, where she thinks we romanticize the Hemingways and them too much for being miserable. She was like, no, they would have been better writers if they were stoked more.
Starting point is 00:19:34 It's a hard thing to say, because they crushed it pretty good as miserable people. But it's a very compelling talk. It certainly made me feel better about trying to be happy and then still trying to make stuff. Yeah, if your vessel is like is like optimized and in tune then you're a little more uh this is kind of what she said you're a little more um readily available available to to to get that creative input i think so i think yeah no as well said i think millennium pete holmes when they did a podcast like a decade ago,
Starting point is 00:20:05 they said like they were talking about romanticizing sadness and they were like, it gets in the way. Yeah. Like you're actually better when you're feeling good. Yeah. I think that's true. I want to do stand-up more when I'm happy. I want to podcast more when I'm happy.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yeah. No, when I, like, you know, for the past few couple weeks, you know, I'll get into into moments of sadness and stuff. Yeah, we were both blue. Yeah, and it's just like, it's debilitating. You can't, you don't want to do anything. And you're a stoke lord. Yeah, I'm a stoke lord.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I was hanging out with my mom, too, who I love. And I was like, I don't want to be in this anxiety, sadness. But baby, you can be sad in front of your mom she get that's what she's there for no no no she it's great to be sad with my mom but uh but you want it you want to be chipper yeah yeah it's just you know you don't get seen that often so you don't want to be like you don't be like why am i like stressing over you know love shit love shit i have my mom and a golden retriever you know but yeah i was worried about being i worry about it too like being sad in front of people because you're like you know i don't want to
Starting point is 00:21:16 bring down the vibe and i don't want to and i don't want to like you know uh be too like counter but like i think when when my at least my therapist the person i pay to tell me things that i like yeah when he was like i was like he's like you're sad that's what's going on right here you're sad about the breakup yeah i was like damn it but i know it kind of felt good to hear it i was like that gives me an understanding at least yeah and then he was like it looks good on you and i was like oh thank you oh interesting yeah yeah so maybe sometimes if you're blue yeah it's like people are gonna be like like, whoa, I really like that. Well, it is nice to have some little dimensions.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Yeah, of course, right? Keep people guessing. Dude, I was thinking about that, like just getting too drunk at parties and stuff. Because I got too drunk at a party on Friday. And I was saying stupid shit. Basically all the things I just said I was saying. Yeah. And then I think you got to do it sometimes. Yeah. I think you think you gotta do it sometimes
Starting point is 00:22:06 yeah I think you gotta be an idiot sometimes I had so much outrageous energy I needed to get out you know it had been like a year piled up in me and then I just was like
Starting point is 00:22:14 I'm just gonna be kind of wild I have that urge too and I went too far at times you know what I mean and then I was like but then and so the next day
Starting point is 00:22:22 there was a lot of anxiety a lot of anxiety yeah I thought I had to do damage control i was like texting people and stuff yeah and that's a brutal brutal feeling oh i i can't i can't handle it sometimes you gotta you just gotta let loose um but i i'm so scared of that next day like damage control stuff that i like I can't handle that anxiety. I try to structure my life so I don't have to be in that position. Well, that's why I like having a girlfriend, too.
Starting point is 00:22:53 That's why I like hanging out with solid people. It is good to keep those things few and far between. And I want to live a productive, successful life. And I want to be in entertainment, too. You've got to be pretty clean. Right, right. live a productive successful life and i want to be in entertainment too you know yeah be pretty clean right right you don't want to give people a bunch of things that they can uh ammo yeah just up in the the momentum with yeah i mean i don't think most people are like looking to do that but you do have to be smart totally yeah i hate that that blacked out feeling
Starting point is 00:23:20 you're always nice though i know yeah i the best the best blacked out thing this was actually probably the my favorite blacked out uh uh incident that i had is like i remember it was in college and i was a we had pledges and stuff and they're in the basement getting hazed you know and i but i was kind of i was always on the pledges side so i would come in they were like getting like they had to do like push-ups and i would come in like black down like disrupted so they could get a rest you know i'd like crowd surf them they'd be like it's all good dudes and i'd run back out and then i went to my buddy uh bo's room no riley's room and i i don't remember this at all i put on slit knot and destroyed his room with like a bat he's like you you trashed my fucking room i was like dude that's awesome
Starting point is 00:24:13 and he forgave me he did yeah nice i want to talk about that forgiveness yeah i've been so lucky with like because i was thinking about how i was like you know probably an ass and said everybody was being pretty wild at the party i I don't think I was that out of step, but I, you know, so many people are now are like, we never forgive people. And especially with like the, the girls and guys stuff. Like, it's like, oh yeah. Like, I don't even feel like I can be a man anymore. If I make any mistake, I'm going to get in trouble or like people are going to ruin my life. Yeah. I'm like, that has not been my experience right like my experience has been like a lifelong apology tour yeah i've just like fucked up and done stupid stuff and people were like hey you're a good guy we like forgive you yeah you know what
Starting point is 00:24:53 i mean yeah like i don't know i think people have been overwhelmingly kind to me right in terms of like even like people i picked on when i was younger like they're all pretty cool with me now i think it probably has something to do with like energy and just like who you are underneath. Like they, like they can sense that there's some, you're like truly sorry or that you're not, you're not a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Well, that's a big part too is apologizing. Like I'll never like hesitate to say sorry to someone. You know what I mean? Like if I fucked up or if I hurt, even if I hurt someone's feelings, I don't understand people who like, don't say thank you and don't apologize it's so easy yeah not that i'm some great guy but like i'm apologizing because i fucked up but like
Starting point is 00:25:31 just apologize you're right right right this is small potatoes but my buddy was in the war zone in call of duty and had enough money to buy me back and instead he got a loadout i was furious that's really funny i was furious dude that's hilarious i was so fucking pissed and like two weeks earlier he had left me in the gas yeah when he was in a bertha like the truck yeah and he had time to save me and he goes no time jt and he drove away and i died yeah and i was pissed then so then when he did this a couple weeks ago i was like every time i play with you you fuck me over yeah i was like i hope you lose and then they got second place and i was like good yeah and i signed off but then he texted me later and he was like hey man i'm sorry i love you yeah i was like dude you're a fucking beast man i love you too
Starting point is 00:26:13 yeah yeah well it is interesting in the uh in war zone when when your teammates uh ditch you you know because they're like i can't i can't like there's too many guys i gotta get guys i gotta bail and you're like all right i'm gonna take note do you want to take note of this i was a coward when i first played because i was so bad i was like there's no way i can come in and help i was like if you're down it's over yeah and so literally if someone had all of our screens it'd be three guys fighting yeah my guy booking it just running straight cowardice yeah yeah and dude it's almost a metaphor for the beginning covid when i just ran to orange county i think i was just in a running mood i was like go baby go yeah yeah i remember you dished me one time early on when we were playing call of duty yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:26:53 i'm better about it now but still not ideal but yeah i was i was forrest gump yeah did you see that fast and furious is going to space is that Yeah. I saw something that the next one, if you Google it, it says it's going to be three hours and 11 minutes. I heard that too. Nice. Interesting. A little short, but it'll be good. Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:16 But dude, going to space, I mean, that's the next move. So are they going to be wearing suits or can Dom breathe in space? Should we watch? Does Dom know how to breathe in space? I think Dom can breathe in space. That's legit. Familiar. All he needs is his family around to be able to breathe.
Starting point is 00:27:34 That keeps his oxygen pumped. Do you need a suit? No, I need a Corona. Just sipping a beer in space. It's going to be icy cold. It's going to be chilled. Just floating. He's doing like some flips. He's going to be icy cold. It's going to be chilled. Just floating. He's doing like some flips.
Starting point is 00:27:47 He's going to fucking sock the rock all the way to Mars, dude. Yeah. Ah! Boning in space. That'll be cool. Racing cars. Are they still going to have cars? Should we watch it?
Starting point is 00:27:58 I'm down. What kind of ad is this? Dude, I'm obsessed with ads and business now. I'll tell you why later in my Legend of the Week. Cool. But I'm into it. This is the real trailer? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Oh, he looks a little... Get a nicer place, Dom. We heard y'all needed a little love out here y'all never thought about for a while missions we've been on we've taken out planes trains tanks i'm not waiting to think about the submarine and now we got cars flying in the air And now we got cars flying in the air? Who is he? Jacob is Dom's brother. So dumb.
Starting point is 00:28:55 He's all about family? Is that a brother for nine movies? Sorry, I don't mean to talk shit. I'm being sacrilege. Now your little family is my brother. Sorry, I don't mean to talk shit. I'm being sacrilege. Is that Han? That's Han. They reanimated him? So no one can... I don't know the timeline.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Maybe this is before he dies. No, they shouldn't do that. He's got to be back from the dead that's the only option. I love Charlie staring in there. that's awesome dude that's really cool love that dialogue is that Zoe Kravitz
Starting point is 00:30:24 is she in it that'd be weird that seems like an odd choice for her i think it's someone's at michelle rodriguez no there's definitely someone new there yeah yeah because that's michelle rodriguez no i don't think that's zoe kravitz though dude we gotta see this in theaters oh of course Joey Kravitz, though. Dude, we gotta see this in theaters. Oh, of course. How long do these movies take to make? How much what?
Starting point is 00:30:58 How long do they take to make? I don't know. I mean, it's gotta be a long shoot. But I mean, they're probably pretty efficient. Yeah. They're going to space, dude. Okay. Oh, this is perfect.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah, that's the perfect amount of space. Oh, okay. Yeah. I thought you meant like whole acts were going to take place in space i thought you know i thought that too because that's what people are saying but it looks really sick yeah um can i say one thing though yeah i don't know if john cena is a good bad guy right i don't know if he can be a bad guy because even in wrestling his issue was that they couldn't make him into a heel or he refused to be one yeah but he there is something about him that just feels kind of nice to be one yeah but he there is something
Starting point is 00:31:45 about him that just feels kind of nice i or harmless that's what it is he feels kind of harmless no disrespect i know he snapped me in half right but he just doesn't seem like a dude who would be a villain he doesn't have the shadow the inner shadow it's not there yeah or if it is it's so deeply compartmentalized it's on like a cosby level he's more like a captain america totally yeah well maybe he's a good guy he should turn that way so they reanimated han yeah i loved han han's great thought it was a mistake to kill i was eating like chips or something very cool that if i if i remember in an action movie i want to be the guy always eating like fries you want to take like the brad pipp yeah uh you want to inherit that it's like oh he's eating a shrimp cocktail now yeah i know it's a ceviche i think you always look badass if you're throwing some seafood into your gullet totally yeah he just looks so nonchalant
Starting point is 00:32:34 it's like you think i'm afraid of you dude breaking some soft shell crab into your mouth that'd be funny if you spilled all over your shirt you just spilled food on your oh shit the guy's like waiting to threaten to kill you you're like dude i'm an idiot sorry What if you spilled all over your shirt? You just spilled food on your shirt. Oh, shit. The guy's like waiting to threaten to kill you. You're like, dude, I'm an idiot. Sorry. What were you saying? I said we're going to rob the Bellagio.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Oh, okay. I have an anonymous tip that you and your crew are going to rob this casino tonight. Oh, sorry, dude. Are you okay? I housed too many corn pops in one gulp. I'm sorry, this is serious. This is a police issue. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:33:18 What? Are you done just ate 12 shrimp is that a vape yeah banana dude i'm addicted to this thing. And here's the thing. I don't want to quit. That's how I felt. I don't want to quit. I love it right now. Because it's such a, it's like a little reward. It's nice to have it around. I get a little stressed. Grab it. I feel a little better. Yeah. Well, it's nice when you're like... I know I'm looking down some pain, but... No, I mean, it's not that hard to get over, to quit. Dude, that's how you described it but everyone
Starting point is 00:34:05 else i talked to was like i think sometimes because you're so powerful at getting through things oh thanks and you don't really like to bitch i'll be like how was it you're like yeah it kind of sucked but it was fine yeah and then what are people saying i'll talk to other friends like it was the hardest two weeks of my life like i was screaming at my dog after three days really yeah i wanted to like tear the world's head off Well, you just got to go on a trip. I like that idea. You got to go on a trip because then I remember I went to see my dad. And I was like, all right, this is why I'm quitting Puff Bar.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And I left it at home, flew to see my dad. And that first night, I was kind of like, you know, I just didn't really know how to operate. I was kind of like, ah. And he's like, what do you want to do? I'm like, he's like, you want to go to Carl's Jr.? I'm like, yeah, yeah, for sure. And I, like, could barely talk. And I was like, this is weird.
Starting point is 00:34:56 I'm sure I'm weirding him out. Because I didn't tell him. Like, I didn't tell him I was smoking puff bar and I quit that day. So I was like, I'll just grip through it. But then, like, the next day, like, I just started to feel a little bit i think the the release from like the uh constant sort of little anxiety it gave me like made me feel more agitated light-hearted oh nice yeah so i think having that little nugget of like joy I was like, oh, I can reach that. If I just suffer through this a little bit, that's what pulled me through.
Starting point is 00:35:30 So that's why it's hard if I start doing it again for two or three days or something to quit then. Because then I still have the feeling of like, but I love doing this. I don't really see a downside at this point. You know what I mean? Totally. I had an experience like that where i uh i was in miami visiting my dad yeah and he's like let's drive to key west and the night before i got so fucked up yeah and we were driving to key west and i was literally dead in the car but i didn't want to complain about it yeah and then we were stuck in traffic and my dad's like do we turn
Starting point is 00:35:59 around and i was like yes yeah and everyone else was like no key west yeah my life dude we got lunch, and like people in Key West, it's like a slower vibe out there. Yeah. Like the waitress who was like, I think it took her like 15 minutes to get our order. And I was like, please, eggs. Yeah. And she was like, what kind of eggs? I was like, chicken eggs. She's like, well, how do you want those eggs?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Yeah. And I was like, over medium. Yeah. She was like, from a pan? i was like over medium yeah she was like from a pan i was like are you fucking with me are you torturing me and she like brought me the wrong food and i was just like i don't know what to do here yeah we got to qs i just slept but then at the end of the day i was like guys i was so hungover for that and my whole family was like you should just said something we would have turned
Starting point is 00:36:41 around oh really i was like what yeah that's the worst when people wanted when you have stuff to do when you hung over i remember in high school i um i partied a lot with my buddy ross and then his dad was taking us to like the friars club in new york city the next day so we're at like this friars club and i was i couldn't eat like at the friars club huh boys and i'm like i'm gonna fucking throw up i'm gonna die yeah i dude i. Yeah. Dude, I went on a date after partying too hard. And I was flop sweating. Saturday? Yeah, I was flop sweating in the car on the way.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Really? And I got to her house and I was like, fuck my life. I was like, dude, just bring it. Just bring it. You got this, bro. Yeah. And then I was like, don't cancel. Don't cancel.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Just go in there. I talked to Strider on the way. He's like, are you going on that date? I was like, yeah. He's like, you're an animal. I was like yeah he's like you're an animal i was like gotta do it dude yeah it's shaking uh dude i have some dates planned for uh post vaccine right i'm kind of like i don't know i know i'm excited again our second dose this wednesday dude should we talk about how i dated someone for a little bit. Just a couple dates. Broke it off. She matched with Chad on Hinge two days later.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Oh, yeah. I didn't realize. The savagery. But she didn't. Did she make that happen? I don't know. She has to like Chad's photo for that to happen. But she didn't engage in conversation.
Starting point is 00:38:03 But still. She might have liked it while you were seeing her. Like, just as like, hey, that's his buddy. I think it's sketch. I don't know. But if you guys love each other, you got to go for it. Okay, I haven't talked. But I think enough time's passed now.
Starting point is 00:38:18 If you love her. Well, I messaged her. I'm like, are you here for friends? I need intel on Jd man uh speaking of vaccines i got vaccinated oh you got vaccinated you get johnson johnson i got the j and j so i am how do you feel a few days from being fully vaccinated yeah almost at two weeks yeah yeah thursday did you have side effects just a a little like achiness all over the next day, but so mild. It was like,
Starting point is 00:38:48 yeah, could just be, I'm tired. Yeah. We've got our vaccine coming up on Wednesday and I'm a little bit worried about how jacked up it's going to get me. Our second Moderna. Well,
Starting point is 00:38:59 people say the second one is worse, but I've also heard stories where people say the first is the worst. So I don't know i think it's kind of a crap shoot i think that's your positivity though i think the second one's the dozer is that yeah i've heard people get knocked out by the first one really but it seems like most people think this yeah most people it's the second but i've have heard the first but you're not you'll be fine you'll i don't know i got i got chills did you? yeah well John Cheek our camera guy
Starting point is 00:39:26 he got fucked up by the first one on the second one he didn't really I think they say if the first one fucks you up you're good on the second one
Starting point is 00:39:33 really? I don't know if the first one fucked me up that bad I didn't feel much yeah it was a very low grade fatigue yeah
Starting point is 00:39:41 I did feel off for like a week though I did too I tried to work out like four days later and i was like i gassed really quick yeah i might just be out of shape too but i as weird as this is this sounds i really love driving through dodger stadium to get it it's fun it feels like like a graduation ceremony you know yeah because you're like you're like i made it right uh there's something i was with lucchese and stuff it was just like it's just weirdly joyous even
Starting point is 00:40:12 though it was like getting a vaccine i felt the same way though after i got it i was like i did it i made it i made it through this whole thing without getting covid yeah you know now i'm like kind of on the other side of it yeah it did feel even before it had like fully you know taken hold and given me all of its benefits i was like i'm good yeah yeah well it's cool seeing my mom it's like weird because she's fully vaccinated but it's just weird that it's like you're like you have to sort of like to be like no we're good now you know what i mean do you know what i realized you were so nice about your mom's dog passing away, and then my dad's dog, he had to off his dog like a week or two ago.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Oh, really? I really haven't thought about it much. Oh, really? Well, I think I just have such a, I love Golden Retriever so much. What kind of dog was it? It was a Bichon Frise. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. See, you care more about it already.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I just love dogs. I think it's nice. You have good empathy. My dad was like think it's nice you have good like empathy my dad was like coco's gone i was like yep shit happens dude well did you like grow up with it oh wow oh really i lived with her for like seven years was he sad yeah he was devastated yeah he loves that dog it's hard i was sad for i guess i was more sad for my dad. Yeah. I was sad for my dad, but not that sad. Well, Luna was particularly tragic
Starting point is 00:41:30 because she was only four. Yeah. Oh, that's really sad. Yeah. And it was just like a sudden cancel. Coco had been on a downward trajectory for years. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And Luna was like a beautiful dog. Just like picture perfect. Coco was ugly. There's something to that. she wasn't our bichon we had to put down uh my family's dog and we've had her like 15 years but it's like she got real weird looking like towards the end lost a lot of weight and just dragging bichons are weird to pet you know because like their their fur is just like really they're giving you a look look i still defend my girl yeah sorry sorry are you coming a little hot on coco there yeah yeah i'm sorry coco me and coco had some days
Starting point is 00:42:19 together yeah um dude i've mentioned on here before but my friend was dating someone who was a their dog was like a social media star yeah oh that's right I guess the dog was like desperate to die and then this lady was like you can't die dude like this is you know she was like pumping her with like vitamin b12 every day and like putting her in poses and yeah my friend was like dude it was brutal to watch like the dog was like staring into his eyes like do it bro just add me man yeah drop something heavy on me like can't walk so you're giving it uh shots of um what's that adrenaline adrenaline and then the um they're like in sons of anarchy he has arthritis in his hand so she just gives him shots and his uh
Starting point is 00:43:02 what is it cortisol yeah he's shots of cortisol just like now move he's just it was like a frankenstein dog yeah he just wanted to go constantly trying to sneak under you while you sit down smash me yeah it's killing itself yeah we had a friend christopher we had a friend's dog that was like pretty sure killed itself we kept it in the dark in the garage oh right out and then they were like yeah it ran into traffic i was like it got loose and it made it and it made a decision yeah dude it made a strong choice well you said you'd walk in the garage and just whoa before you turn on the lights you just see its eyes and then you'd hit the lights and his dog would walk over me like what the fuck are they doing to me man yeah they had a big ass house and you were like dude you could let this dog like
Starting point is 00:43:44 live in the side yard. And they would always be like, it doesn't like to come inside. We were like, no, dude. It likes to come inside. Oh, man. That's so sad. Yeah. It was a bummer.
Starting point is 00:43:54 They treated the next dog better. But they torched it down. It's funny when people have really ugly dogs. And they'll post photos. There's this one dog that I know of that's like a mangled-looking poodle. You know? They're like, here's... I don't want to say the name. You don't want to sandbag him?
Starting point is 00:44:14 I appreciate that. They're like, here's... What's the name? Here's Tulip. And he's like, whoa! You're like, oh, okay. is that an la dog it's a san francisco dog i think in la and san francisco too there's like some reverse pride and having the yeah the most mangled looking animal yeah so you see my thing it's like the ugliest thing in the world but i love it yeah i choose
Starting point is 00:44:43 to love this guy yeah but i like your style where you're like, you see this golden retriever? Purebred. $9 million for this guy. Yeah, dude. Literally genetically perfect. Yeah, dude. When my mom talks about Luna, she's like, no, Luna was a 10. Luna was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Luna was perfect. I love that. Dude, this is random but i do you hear the guy from the bachelor colton underwood came out as gay and it was just great you know it's so good you know he's out it's crazy he did a full season actually straight but i remembered with his ex-girlfriend yeah she got a restraining order against him right and don't you feel like that was him trying to act like a straight guy it was the girl it was the girl that won right like yeah his ex-girlfriend is the girl who won the bachelor i feel like i feel like he was like trying to like be straight with her and he was like i think i gotta like terrorize this broad that's what a straight guy would do right like if she gets a restraining order against me no one's gonna think i'm gay what what did they like
Starting point is 00:45:43 specify why no i don't think i know i mean it's probably he was just you know i guess you got to be stalking her right to get a restraining order yeah those aren't easy so yeah he's probably just showing up at her house and not leaving jeez probably driving by at 50 fuck you fuck you it's colton underwood outside fuck you you fucking assholes he was saying something else was so funny he was just bombing up and down the road yeah dude that's covid too everyone's just crazy right now yeah totally you can feel it when you're hanging out with people you're like there's like a an energy that people want to get out yeah do we have that one homie who comes to all of our stand-up shows oh you missed it so we did our stand-up shows last thursday dude he was interrupting your set a
Starting point is 00:46:24 lot though too, right? Yeah. Nice guy. He listens to the pod, but I want him to hear this. Yeah. He's got to keep it down. Dude, I love the guy, but he just talks so much during the set. Yeah. Nice guy, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Super nice guy. Best energy in the world. Yeah. After the show, we do a selfie. We hang out. Good hang. Good guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Definitely a friend. He needs to shut the fuck up during the show though totally it's like uh you can be agreeing and heckle and be a heckler that's the thing it's positive but he's like uh i'm like so yeah i went to this catholic high school he's like fuck yeah jt yeah yeah and you're like thanks bro and he's like you got it dude yeah you're like dude yeah it's the thing it's like they um they think it's like helping you and stuff and i don't mind it first because i'll be like oh thanks man yeah then you'll be in the middle of a joke and you'll be like all right yeah thanks man then you're like i don't know where i am in this joke and he just totally you got to reset and get back into like performance
Starting point is 00:47:23 mode and then it feels a little disingenuous. And then, yeah, but it's hard. I was like, dude, you got to shut up. And he kind of couldn't. Yeah. He got better, but he was still talking. Yeah. He's just fired up.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Good guy. He's a great guy. I also think he's so stoked that when I was getting mad at him, he was just stoked we were talking. Right. Like I was like looking at him and I was like, dude, audience, Audie to listen. So that from Bill Maher. Bill Maher. I was like, shut him and I was like dude audience Audie to listen I was like shut the fuck up dude and he was like
Starting point is 00:47:49 for sure dog I was like no dude for sure dude I am upset it's like you gotta shut up but I hope he still keeps coming to all the shows and I'll say what up to him he'll probably I bet you he hears this and he's like in his car
Starting point is 00:48:04 listening to the podcast and he's just like fuck yeah dogs that sounds just like he's just fired up fuck yeah jt fuck yeah dude you said you said you had like a funny joke i love the new joke about you not knowing when people are gonna fight you oh yeah and then chad does this hilarious joke and after the joke he goes heard that on the podcast dude oh i forgot about that yeah i'm like i don't think he did i heard that on the podcast dude this is so funny fuck yeah dude here's the joke imagine if he's like you're special or something you're like taping your special fuck yeah dude that'd be pretty hilarious yeah you're like dude this is the recording this i get one chance yeah he's oh for sure dude my bad
Starting point is 00:48:51 then five minutes later he's like fuck yeah dude his goldfish brain just resets i don't know i don't know if i'd want that even while i'm playing softball like it's a lot and we're doing stand-up, so you kind of want attention, but it's drawing a bit too much. Yeah, I kind of like when I get cheers, I'm like, yeah, I'm doing my job. I'm doing the thing. Right.
Starting point is 00:49:13 This is what I'm supposed to do. I'm a pro. After you hit, you want the fuck yeah, Aaron. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, not when you're at bat. That's so true. Like when you're swinging. Fuck yeah, Aaron.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah, before and after the set. When the job is completed i'm thinking about goldfish brain the craziest example i ever saw i had a fourth of july party and then i just heard i was outside i was super tired and i just heard people going get the fuck out here you motherfucker and i thought some dude i didn't know had punched one of my buddies so i was like and he was a big guy and i was like oh dude this is gonna be crazy but what it turned out i came in i was like what happened what happened and the big dude his name was cam he's like dude this homeless guy barged in here and i just lit him up and then i and then my friend andrew i guess he got roughed up and then this guy backed him up so it was the opposite of what i thought
Starting point is 00:49:57 this guy was actually helping our friends but then i i looked out he's like dude he came in he came in barged into the bathroom locked the door pushed my friend andrew out of the way to get in the bathroom then cam banged on the door and when he opened the door the homeless guy just came out attacking him so cam just started punching him in the face with rights yeah and threw him out the door and so then i he's like he's like dude i fucked him up i hit him like he was a pretty pumped yeah he's like i punched him like 10 times just straight in the face and threw him out the door and when i looked out the door peephole the homeless guy was walking around like nothing happened he was just walking down the street like this
Starting point is 00:50:31 like he had no memory i'm just kidding just drilling him that's what i was saying i was i was riding on the plane because I was thinking about golden retrievers. Every time you wake up and they see you, they run out and they're just like tails wagging. It's like Christmas morning for them every morning. And I'm sort of like, is that the peak of existence? Yeah, joy. Have your brain like that? Where every morning you're just fired up?
Starting point is 00:51:06 Or do we want this human intelligence? It's a good question. I mean, there's a lot of movies about it, right? Like Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind. Yeah. Like, is it better not to remember? Is there more joy in just every day just being a new gift? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Or the movie Mother, this Korean movie that's pretty dope. Yeah. She, in the end, oh, I don't want to give it away. But it's about, like, sometimes people would prefer just to not remember right are dogs fully present is that what's going on or they just don't remember they're totally present yeah i don't know if animals animals have memory right because a dog will remember someone yeah they'll remember if someone mistreats them totally yeah but yeah i do wonder how that works for them i mean i just i don't know how integrated their consciousness is yeah i think wonder how that works for them i mean i just i don't know how
Starting point is 00:51:45 integrated their consciousness is yeah i think they just feel it as like survival instincts right like they're like okay this dude was rude to me doesn't give me treats my body tells me to go the other way right but we're more like should i go the other way or should i try to convince that person that i'm actually worthy of doggy treats yeah that's that's that's the conflict that we have to suffer through. I love it. I want to remember everything. That's my saddest thing about death is that I won't remember everything. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:52:11 But maybe you go through some stuff that's too painful to remember. But I can't think of anything that's too painful to remember. I definitely worry about losing memories. Yeah, right? Yeah. Because that makes up who you are today. That's how you think about absolutely everything well this lady who had a near-death experience said that you know you
Starting point is 00:52:30 you when you leave your body you're still like consciousness and awareness and you just go into another realm where time is is non-existent it all exists in one simultaneously simultaneously and you can see your whole life so that'd be cool that's true to be honest acid felt like that yeah you kind of feel like you get the cheat codes to like time and space i've only done it once but yeah it did feel like that yeah it's pretty amazing yeah so if you could experience all your memories at once yeah and it'd be like you're talking about? Yeah, and I think when it's just awareness, when you're free from sort of the human mind, the judgment of the human mind,
Starting point is 00:53:14 then it's sort of just a blissful kind of like, wow, look at that experience. It's positive. I love it. Yeah. I mean, who knows? It's like the movie Boyhood. It's kind of nothing really happens it's kind of long but you know it's it's all right it's peaceful that was a good movie and
Starting point is 00:53:29 there was moments in that you didn't like it but just as an achievement yeah as an achievement base level we gotta give it an achievement of course i mean richard lincoln you shouldn't every year with these fucking people i mean i thought the parents were really good you know the actors the kid's not a great actor and we haven't seen him in anything since i think because yeah of that, but there are some scenes in that movie that like, and this was a critic who pointed this out, but you know when they're with the older kids and the older kids are kind of
Starting point is 00:53:52 talking shit about like how the younger kids don't know anything, but they're throwing like a razor around like a big blade. And there was those moments where you're like, Oh, this could go really bad if someone just makes a mistake. And it did remind me of life where you're like, Oh, there were so many moments where things could have gone on a way worse trajectory. Sure. And we just got lucky and got to end up at this relatively peaceful place. I thought it did you a good job with like that stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:16 That's what I think about boyhood. I like boyhood. Did you like it? Yeah. Did you guys see Sound of Metal? Yes. Yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:54:26 I thought the acting was incredible. Scared the shit out of me. Because I'm like, oh, I listen to music way too loud. Yeah. For sure. But other than that, I just thought the acting was really good. And it really affected me in that way. But not in like a, oh oh that was really incredible kind of way
Starting point is 00:54:48 you know what i mean having seen it i hate the title because they're not really playing metal no right the music's pretty small part of it yeah yeah and also read like he he learned he spent six months learning the drums and i was like didn't didn't didn't show it didn't right right as a guy who plays the drums a little bit that's what i've heard from people i'm like is that it wasn't like miles teller and and no certainly not but i mean still impressive he learned asl like he's a good actor too he's amazing his commitment's incredible yeah i just i thought the movie was good but not i don't know not like yeah yeah i thought it was all right i thought it was a little hard on him for wanting to get his hearing back.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Like I thought the movie kind of punished him for that. Well, I thought that was interesting. Like that was an interesting take that they, that the deaf community has. And I guess it bears out in reality that most people who get that end up foregoing it, like not wanting that, whatever. But I thought it was like so negative every step of it that I was like, I thought it was kind of being a little hard on people who might want to try and do that like if you're deaf and you want to get your hearing back the movie was like no you need to accept yourself and i was like well it might be okay if they want
Starting point is 00:55:52 to like yeah here again yeah and then and then i think it's kind of weird in indie movies now and i don't know i think maybe i'm i think it's kind of a trend where like in that and Nomadland, it's a lot of real people playing off of actors. And I think it kind of reveals the acting more. Like when I watched Nomadland and there's all these real people who are like, I lost my job at Amazon. And then, you know, I found out I had cancer. And then you're like, Whoa, this is like just real life. And then it cuts to Frances McDormand and she's like paying attention. I'm like, this is the most I've ever noticed.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Frances McDormand like acting, like I almost feel like it should just be actor and in sound of metal like the deaf guy was incredible he's an actor though he was yeah okay he's not actually deaf his parents were oh really oh this kind of neuters my point actually i was saying that i felt the same way with that where i was like whenever i see real people with actors it kind of just i'm like okay well now i definitely see the acting and I almost feel like just go all drama with it or make, but I think like we're in this weird place with media where like we have to integrate real parts into everything.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Cause people are like, I don't know. It's just how we, I mean, view things now. It's what you guys do. Yeah. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:57:01 true. But we're not acting. That's the difference. Aaron. No, you guys are great i'm a fucking bro that's true yeah i re-watched some ted lasso over the weekend god i love that show i love it it's so good it is really good it's just so heartwarming and fun i gotta rewatch and just funny yeah it's heartwarming without being cheesy it's yeah they they like nail that on the head it's like it's like not too much it's just like like i love yeah it's perfect dude i didn't think sudeikis had that in him right yeah i was always kind of anti-sudeikis totally and then i saw that and i was like this is like his i mean who knows
Starting point is 00:57:42 maybe he'll do something better but i was like this is it this is like his crown jewel yeah yeah there's one part where i don't even remember the part where they're playing manchester with when jamie's on the other team and jamie thinks he's playing mind games with him that ted last was playing mind games with him and uh jamie's like lining up to like start the game and ted comes he's like hey jamie have a great game he's like what the fuck man dude even the opening clip of when they show sudeikis dancing oh yeah team and just seeing sudeikis dance so well i was like oh nice dude yeah yeah like that was a smart way to introduce the character showing him with his moves totally i just saw magic mike and the first one's a sad movie but just ch Channing Tatum's dancing. Yeah. That's like the best role he'll ever have.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Hell yeah, yeah. He should just dance in every movie. Yeah. He kind of does. And he's kind of bad at a lot of parts of acting. Right. But the stuff he's good at, he's good enough at where you're like, no, you're still a star.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Totally. Interesting physique. Good physique. Gets a little puffy. Yeah. Shirtless the whole time. I've talked about it a million times. He should have been more jacked in Jupiter Ascending.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yeah. I mean, it's your job to be an action star. You can't come in 30 pounds doughy. Sorry, Channing. There's expectations. You know what the job is. Dude, should we do some questions? Yeah, should I do ads real quick?
Starting point is 00:59:01 Yeah, I'm going to be real quick. Oh, also, sound of metal. Cochlear implants are covered by insurance even in america oh really like all insurances basically it's like an essential thing what what is this cochlear implants oh really yeah it's like it's covered on oh really most insurance plans oh i didn't know that that's hilarious guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we were brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure their dongs are looking fresh and clean because uh guys these
Starting point is 00:59:40 manscaped is helping with not only your pubes but your chest pubes your nose pubes just all the hair on your body they got you covered and they're making sure that your dong looks fresh and also if you're a lady you know those parts are looking just you know like fresh as the outcast song says they will um you get the weed whacker the lawnmower 3.0 the weed whacker is a 9 000 rpm motor 360 degree rotor dual blade system rotary dual blade system make a whack in your weeds time to look forward to the crop preservative anti-chafing ball deodorant uh crop reviver spray on toner for your balls, and they also have a refined cologne. I mean, these guys have everything to make sure that you are manscaped. Get on it today. The cologne is light, approachable, and gentlemanly.
Starting point is 01:00:32 You can get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEP20 at manscaped.com. Do yourself a favor and always use the right tools for the job. Get 20% off and free shipping with the code GODEEP20 at manscaped.com. All right, let's get into some cues. Lost love and a threesome. Sup bros. Long time fan of the pod. Always finding a way to raise my stoke.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And for that, I am eternally grateful. Here's the deal. It's freshman year in college and I started chopping it up with the smoking hot blonde who had a butthole fit for a queen. What? I don't know. Absolutely pristine. Really started vibing with this girl but in my youth i was too nervous to tell her how i felt but i don't even know about the butthole
Starting point is 01:01:12 thing one night she hit me up to come over to her place to study and drink some wine with her bff long story short the only thing i learned that night was what not to say when you're about to have a threesome vibes were low from there on out and stopped talking all together what did you say yeah yeah that's kind of important do you talk about he probably has some deep shame about it so he doesn't want to put out yeah what he said but you have to follow up so we can we need it's necessary detail she was one of those rad chicks with no socials and i couldn't find her until this week when i see she finally made an instagram this guy's been looking for her would it be weird to follow her slide in the dms by the way i haven't talked to her in like five years i'd love to amend things and crush some sweet vag in the process yeah well i think we inferred that
Starting point is 01:02:00 but i appreciate your candor how do i go about this i'm lost so five years ago is when this threesome thing five years ago he thought him and her and her friend might have had a threesome now i don't know if that's actually what was going to happen because we don't know anything but he says he blew it by saying something wrong right but we don't know what he said wrong he's been checking social media for five years trying to find this girl yeah and he finally found her how often do you think he was looking her up to see if he could find her probably a lot dude i'm gonna tell you that you're you should and this is i'm not saying everyone in this situation shouldn't follow up but i don't think you should follow up with her is that too harsh
Starting point is 01:02:50 follow up with her is that too harsh uh maybe i don't know you know i i i i don't know he just doesn't seem that smart so i don't i don't trust giving this guy the go-ahead with her yeah is that too harsh i know i think i think you're right i think he at the very least he should wait a year before he follows her and reaches out yeah i would maybe have some normal conversation with her yeah i i would gauge like did she just get on so it's like right away you're just like hey what up uh although that could be innocent like it would look innocent like you know when you someone you might know joins and they let you know but right right i think send us the rest of the story and hold off on doing anything until then yeah i need more details because i don't know we need more info but i don't know he just seems a little bit uh it seems like he's just
Starting point is 01:03:34 been horny for this chick for so long i don't know if that's i understand that yeah i mean i've for sure for sure i've been horny for people forever and i definitely but weird to go with butthole first that's what it is right it's on i was sort of like has he seen it has he hooked up with it before and has he seen it is that what i don't think so it didn't seem like he did yeah is that word around the campfire that i've never heard people be like be like dude like butthole actually actually his butthole is out of this world i've never heard people be like, dude, Ashley's butthole is out of this world. I've never heard that. I mean, if he has seen it and that's how he chooses to start this, it's weird. It's weird to start with, like, this girl had a great butthole.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Yeah. No one starts with that. No. Ever. No one's like, why do you like this girl? It's like, oh, her butthole. Never hear that. It's out of this world.
Starting point is 01:04:23 But then if he hasn't seen the butthole and that's how he leads that's just as weird if not weirder yeah to be like oh and she had a butthole fit for like he's thinking about that through her pants right but he hasn't seen it five years later and that's what he's telling some strangers i don't know i don't want to be too hard on this guy for being horny but i feel like he i can't i can't trust him to uh to not be any more deets yeah i can't trust him to not come... Any more deets. Yeah. I can't trust him to not come in too hot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:47 More deets on the story and also the butthole line. What did you mean by that? And what else is going on in his life? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it could be, you know, maybe he's just from like Boston. That's what they say. That's been a common refrain for us.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Yeah. Maybe they're from Boston. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe he's from Boston. Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like he's just from Boston. Dude dude if you're just from boston then yeah go for it yeah i feel like philly is more of a butthole city but good call dude you're more well traveled than i am good point can i please be anonymous what's up guys i'm a girl in need of some help into the
Starting point is 01:05:21 male psyche i have this guy keeps talking about my butthole. He just followed me on Instagram. This guy from five years ago said, what's up, nice butthole? Should I go out with him? By the way, he had a really nice butthole too. I'm like, oh, this is a match made in heaven. What's up, guys? I'm a girl in need of help into the male psyche.
Starting point is 01:05:40 I have this one really good friend who's a guy and has a girlfriend. So basically we're on the same wavelength all the time, same ideals and hobbies for the most part, and different enough to keep things interesting. We talk all the time and we will talk about what we want in our respective partners, like physical features. And if I say something like I'm not a huge fan of chest hair, or I like facial hair in a certain way, he will tell me about his facial hair looking like that, or he has hardly any chest hair. then basically is describing me when he tells me the type of girl he's attracted to on top of that he remarks about the size of his dong without
Starting point is 01:06:09 actually saying anything how does he do that he just gestures he's just like oh you see that telephone pole have you ever been to the redwood forest you know those flap you know those flappy things outside of like car dealerships where it's just like he's like reminds me of when i'm limp on the one hand it feels like he's talking to me like i'm a bro and then on the other he's constantly complimenting me oh i'm sure he likes that that useful that useful uh dynamic if i say something slightly self-deprecating humor nothing serious just making funny things i know about my
Starting point is 01:06:59 self which is a friend thing but we watch movies all the time on this rave app while he works a 12-hour shift and we talk on the phone also during that time for at least an hour what do i make of this should i back off i like him but i don't want to ruin the friendship and get rejected on top of that we are co-workers but have this crazy strange bond wait so i mean he's definitely he's they're co-workers and he's kind of hitting on her and she's trying to figure it out and they talk like every day and like watch movies together on an app and they talk all the time and then he'll always describe his dream girl and it sounds eerily similar to her not eerily oddly similar to her and then what was her question but he has a girlfriend but he has a girlfriend oh there's a girl yeah that's the main thing yeah weird uh
Starting point is 01:07:37 and what's her question uh what should i do should i back off or do i tell him i like him but i don't want to ruin things she wants to know what to make of it like what to make of his intentions yeah i don't like that he's a girlfriend that's yeah if i had to define his intentions they're probably to keep having a girlfriend and to keep having like a quasi emotional relationship or a full emotional relationship with you yeah yeah it doesn't even seem quasi uh yeah i don't know what this guy's gonna do yeah i mean some people leave their girlfriends i guess for other people if it gets Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't even seem quasi. Yeah. I don't know what this guy's going to do. Yeah. I mean, some people leave their girlfriends, I guess, for other people if it gets bad enough. But he might just like having two girls who he gets a lot of attention and intimacy from.
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah. I don't know if that's fair to you. Yeah. I think. Or the girlfriend. For sure. Yeah. It bums me out. It bums me out.
Starting point is 01:08:26 It bums me out. It makes me feel like he's being a little bit manipulative and selfish. And I think you could find someone who's single who is probably a little better character. It's hard for people to put the kibosh on this stuff. They really want to get the Woody Allen thing. They want to get the eggs. Yeah. But I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I think... It's never good to go with a coworker. It's just never. That's true. It's bad on that level too. Yeah. But I think what you said is true. I mean, obviously, it's super...
Starting point is 01:09:03 The girlfriend's kind of getting betrayed a little bit by the boyfriend yeah how would you feel if he was your boyfriend he's talking to another girl for an hour a day watching movies yeah it's too much and then I think the other thing that happens if you're the other woman or the other man and you're in love with that person like like, I think you start to internalize that role to yourself. And I think it's bad for your self-esteem if you're like, oh, I'm always like the number two in someone else's life. And then you'll start to think of yourself as the number two, like in life in general. And I think it's just, you have to make choices for yourself in a relationship that will protect like who you are and who you want to be. And I think if you,
Starting point is 01:09:44 yourself in a relationship that will protect like who you are and who you want to be and i think if you when you do this stuff it starts to erode your self-esteem because you're not really getting what you deserve out of it um which is on top of like that you're kind of hosing somebody else too um but yeah you don't want to be the other woman you want to be the woman with some dude who I mean look there's a lot of guys out there who want to watch
Starting point is 01:10:10 movies with you totally what up Chad the ice bath legend and JT Cocho Ed Ogeron we're going to go out there and we're going to play
Starting point is 01:10:18 some rapid dogs this ain't a fucking professional classroom it's a football field play football get out there boy you're going to win some games out there we're going to win a bunch of games we're going to get some touchdowns that's what we do here at ALU Professional classrooms are football food. Play football. Get out there, boy. You're going to win some games out there.
Starting point is 01:10:27 We're going to win a bunch of games. We're going to get some touchdowns. That's what we do here at L.A.U. We win football games here at L.A.U. We throw touchdowns. We run for touchdowns. That's what we do. Best recruiter in the country.
Starting point is 01:10:39 Yeah. No one is better at convincing a kid to trust him and go to their school than Edo. Talking like that. Just comes to know that everybody's like, boy, you're going to love playing football at our school. him and go to their school than Edo. Talking like that. Just comes to know that everybody's like, boy, you're going to love playing football at our school. We're going to make you run real fast. You're going to catch a lot of touchdowns and go to the NFL. I promise you that. I'll look after your son.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I'll look after your son. I'm going to take care of him. And everyone's like, I trust this guy. I got to watch this guy. Or maybe it's just because he's paying everybody. Not to besmirch the good name of college football. What up, Chad and JT, the Ice Bath Legend and JT Cocho? Long time listener of the pod.
Starting point is 01:11:11 I'm 30 years old from the South Orange, from the South OC. I recently got back into working out to cut weight and build muscle mass with having a Mediterranean diet. I love it. Only problem is structure. I feel like my workouts are all in the mix and I feel like I don't have proper structure for a stoke workout, which makes me feel like I'm not making that good of progress. Do you guys have any ideas or guidance for ideas of a dank workout? Anything helps, especially for the diet I'm currently on.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Sorry for the long message and thanks for the advice. Hopefully to do matches with you and Chad on Cod. Did he talk about his workout goals? No. Cut weight and... Yeah, he wants goals? No. Cut weight. Yeah, he wants to cut weight. Cut weight. I mean, personally, I'm on a Mediterranean diet.
Starting point is 01:11:52 It's all pasta and pizza. It's pretty cool. That sounds delicious. That does sound good. Pizza Sode. I mean, eat, pray, love is all about it. I'm in the Italian part now. I see a lot of pizza. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Dude, I would do... Pasta's better in Italy oh yeah yeah pizza's not as good really no interesting
Starting point is 01:12:10 I gotta go to Italy I think that's true it's great yeah America's got the best pizza let's go for real for real we more or less invented it
Starting point is 01:12:18 wow we perfected it you're gonna get some blowback on that yeah so Liz Gilbert is lying does that yeah she's just saying i'm not saying about she's just saying it's the best pizza she's ever
Starting point is 01:12:32 i never met the lady i gotta talk to her no it's not we should follow up with her yeah yo liz you made a lot of claims about pizza in naples and aaron says yeah you're full of shit between me and joe like she's not getting out of this alive dude liz gilbert and joe debating pizza fireworks yeah why don't you go to chicago liz dumbass i don't know about that no it's called a deep dish you ever had deep dish margarita what do you eat air for your pizza dumbass slow down dude i would say don't judge your workout so hard i think this is being a little hard on himself i think whatever i just try to work out i don't everyone has their own method you can't really tell someone else what to do for me what works is like and it works as well as it works is i just
Starting point is 01:13:23 try to do something every day yeah that's good and i try not to stress too much about like how many reps and sets i'm gonna i just try to start and then i'll just do a bunch of weight and i kind of know when i'm done yeah i'll just like finish moving and i'll be like yeah i'm done yeah i love that i think uh too one thing i love is that uh high intensity interval training because you can do it, you know, you can get done quickly. I think you said your schedule's kind of tight, so you can, you know, 15, 20 minutes, you can be done. And it's the kind of workout where you're going to burn a lot of calories and you're going to, and you're going to burn calories throughout the day because you're just like, you know, you,
Starting point is 01:13:59 you get your heart rate up and then you go down, up and down. But I think it's really good for, for cutting weight and just getting you in really good shape. For sure. So I like to do sprints. I like to do battle ropes and stuff and just interval those. And then all your CrossFit workout too. It's all like interval training. But I've even kind of slowed down with that.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Really? I'll just go put 95 pounds on the barbell and I'll be like, I'm just going to do 10 sets of thrusters today. Right. And I'll just do 10 sets and I'll, I'll try and, you know, take quick breaks,
Starting point is 01:14:30 but yeah. And then the next day I'll do our, like I'll do 50 pull-ups, 50 dips, 50 burpees. And then I'll like do snatches with the dumbbell. Yeah. And I'm like,
Starting point is 01:14:39 I'm good. And if I just do like little chunks of that every day, yeah, I feel, uh, I feel good. Yeah. I mean, I'm not super shredded or anything, but I i feel healthy i think it's the best way to go yeah i feel good and then
Starting point is 01:14:52 if i got like a pool party coming up i just dialing in a couple days beforehand do a nice fast i just watch what i eat for a couple days yeah load up on the liquids do a little extra lifting if you work out like four days in a week you'll see your body will look tighter on that fourth day you literally see it change a little bit yeah and then you know i take my foot off the gas for a little bit puff up yeah i've been uh able to uh maybe it's because i'm going through a breakup eat less cow eat less food dude when i was breaking up yeah i was not eating my weight was down i was like dude i look sick dude but like in a good way yeah i was like i'm shredded yeah just heartbreak will just reduce diet yeah that's the best diet it's amazing yeah that's what happens with men i think it's weird but it's true yeah when our
Starting point is 01:15:35 heart hurts we just don't want to eat yeah how do i keep this ripped how do i keep this up i know and then once i was like a couple weeks out from it i started garfing down food yeah man there was that one night i was supposed to go on a date and then the girl canceled and i tried to get another girl to come over she canceled then i just large pizza yeah yeah sat in the dark yeah she wolfed it down uh dad i love ice cream man it's so good what'd you Well, I was with my mom. First night we had mint chocolate chip. We were just eating a bunch. My mom made a flank steak, marinated.
Starting point is 01:16:12 So good. That's my favorite. Marinated steak? I love flank steak so much. Yeah. I don't know if it's my favorite, but I like it a lot. Yeah. We went to a Mexican restaurant last night.
Starting point is 01:16:24 I just really wanted to agree with you there but i do i do love flank steak it could be my favorite yeah we got we got steamed pork buns saturday night those are good too yeah i like it when they're it's like a it's like a jelly donut almost where yeah it's like a cake yeah and where the bun isn't open it's totally just inside of it yeah that's very cool so good those are really delicious but yeah man i do high intensity interval training if you if you really want to cut i think that's the move i think i think long cardio you know if you run for like 40 minutes you're gonna plateau and it's it's your body gets used to that too quickly it's not fun
Starting point is 01:17:00 for my body no it's not good for your body if you run really that long too my neck's a little jacked up but i'm gonna i'm gonna do some snatches and cleaning jerks tonight i was talking about like running no for sure yeah did you run no never i'm a horrible runner i have inverted hips and my dad my parents said when i was in little league when i used to run it looked like someone was holding the back of my shirt really i have really goofy running form oh interesting my football the one year i football, my football coaches would watch film. They'd be like, what is going on there, par? It was really embarrassing.
Starting point is 01:17:30 It was my first time running in like a stadium. Yeah. You know, since I was like a 12 year old. Yeah. And there'd be like 400 people there. And after the game, everybody would be like, dude, you run weird, man. Yeah. Like you're a funny runner.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Yeah. And I'm super slow and I'm little. So you would expect me to be a little speedy yeah none dude dude my brother's friends in college when i first came to visit him i was in good shape yeah they had a football and his buddy joey was like run around and i ran and he threw the ball like 20 yards over my head he's like i thought you'd be a lot faster yeah super straightforward about it no he was just he was like he was like surprised yeah he's like dude you're like in good shape i thought you'd be able to run yeah yeah that's so funny i used to run
Starting point is 01:18:15 slow and then in little league i i hit a little dribbler i think to third base or shortstop and i tripped on home plate as I was going to first and that just put my body in the right position I almost beat the thing out and and ever since then I've you stayed like that yeah that's amazing yeah my coaches tried a lot they were like try running like this try running like that everyone's tried to fix it yeah because you know every coach thinks they can fix it too they're like no I got the trick I'll get you running normal yeah and I always believe in them I'm like they're right they'll get me running normal and then after a couple weeks they're like yeah you're just gonna be a backup we got to focus on the starters we don't have time to
Starting point is 01:18:50 to fix you i always felt i was like if just if all the coaches just had enough time to focus on me yeah they could make me the best player on the team right but if you don't display enough skill they're like i just don't have the time for you right right we got to allocate it to the studs yeah but do you like practice did you like like doing drills and stuff some of them do you think it was a drag i mean i definitely was always hoping practice got canceled yeah and if i ever had like a valid excuse to miss it i was pumped yeah but some of the drills were fun yeah i always liked pass blocking yeah i was always good at blocking i was always good at rushing but i was too little to play on in in the trenches i had a dream that i was back in swimming practice last night in high school what was that like
Starting point is 01:19:29 horrible high school dreams i was trying to get out of it yeah i always have high school dreams that i have to repeat senior year and i'm like 25 yeah then you wake up and you're like it's so weird when you wake up and you're like, I graduated math like eight years ago. Yeah. I don't like adult stress, but that stress was honestly worse. Yeah. When I was in high school and I was just always failing classes and always
Starting point is 01:19:52 just on the brink of, actually this is, I wanted to make my dad, my, my babe of the week about this. So I'll, I'll talk about it later. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:00 Here, let's do one more cue and then we can move on to that. What up dudes? Long time listener of the pod fired up on the advice lord from the Stoke Lords, Chad and JT, and potentially love guru, Strider, Big Hog Joe, and the legend of the sticks, Aaron. A little bit of background on myself. I'm a 21-year-old dude who graduated from college last year and moved to a new city for a job. The adjustment included moving into a one-bedroom apartment, adjusting to a new schedule, and working to find new friends and new territory while also keeping ones from a distance.
Starting point is 01:20:25 On top of all that, balancing the chaos that has come with this past year. Prior to graduating in the pandemic, I was an extroverted and motivated dude. I love to travel, go after passions, and crush beers with my favorite stokers every weekend. As the pandemic has went on, I've noticed that the isolation and overall lack of stoke has taken a toll on my mental health. An example of this toll is something I've been experiencing for the past few months, social anxiety. I worry about things
Starting point is 01:20:46 that would never cross my mind before, specifically how interacting with people and their perception of me. I get worked up prior to and hanging out with people now and experience things like nausea and headaches. I don't want to mope around and throw the white flag though.
Starting point is 01:20:58 To combat this, I've taken steps to improve my mood, like deleting social media from my phone, having dank IPAs with close friends and other hobbies to fill my stoke tanks. Do you legends have any advice to a fellow stoker that seems to be feeling a lack of stoke? What sort of things have helped you out when you've been in a slump?
Starting point is 01:21:12 Thanks, bros. Love you, Brennan. What a good dude, man. Yeah, great guy. Dude, I would say you're just not alone. We're all feeling this way. Everyone's tripping out right now. Everyone's had the hardest mental health year of their life. Most likely. Yeah. Um,
Starting point is 01:21:31 it was insane. It was fucking insane. And I don't even think you feel how it's affecting you until you're on, you know, the, the receiving end of some of these harder feelings. Um, but yeah, dude, you're not alone. You're all good. If anything, maybe talk about it. Yeah. I don't know if you're comfortable with that, but there's nothing wrong with being in a group setting and being like, yo, I'm feeling a little off. This is nerve wracking for me guys. And I think most of the time people will feel your sincerity and they'll have your back and they'll be like, dude, you're good. And maybe it'll feel good to just get off your chest, but you don't
Starting point is 01:22:02 have to do that, but that could be a good quick solve. But even if you don't, man, you're making good moves anyways. Yeah, I totally agree with that. I think, especially nowadays, if you're upfront and honest with people, you'd be like, dude, I feel weird being here. I just feel off,
Starting point is 01:22:21 and I'm sure tons of people are going to relate to you on that, and then it's just going to spark up conversation, and think uh they'll trust you too yeah yeah and it's it's just like it's something real to talk about that people are going through and so I think there's no shame in talking about there's no shame in feeling that way and uh you're a good dude keep facing your fears keep getting out there and I'm sure it'll you'll you'll crack through it and uh things i do too to just boost my tank um i watched cool guys in movies that's always smart i watched brad pitt in what's about time in hollywood george clunian out of sight yeah oceans 11 uh well this is weird but i like to watch clive Owen and closer, but don't do that. I'm a freak. Michael Douglas and basic instinct. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:10 But I think that is really good advice. Yeah. If you watch cool dudes and movies, then that'll, that always inspires me to just get out there and just like, you know, have a pit bull and wear a Hawaiian. Strider was making fun of me that I used to make him watch the weirdest movies before we went out. Right, right. I'd make him watch Closer
Starting point is 01:23:26 or the ending of Six Feet Under whenever you see the death of every character. Yeah. And I'd be like, he's fired up to hit the bars now. But it pumped me up. Really put everything
Starting point is 01:23:38 into perspective. Yeah. You watch every character on the show die. You're like, oh, well, that's where we're all headed. Let's have a good time tonight.
Starting point is 01:23:43 Yeah. Yeah. Let's not get too, let's not be too hard on ourselves i think that's the thing too is that because we've even talked about it living and dying with every message on a dating app yeah like i think that's all amplified because of new social anxiety that we have totally and so i think we're all grading ourselves pretty harshly yeah because it all feels a little precious right now yeah it's all like i don't know i haven't done this in a while and this is like my first one and it's a big deal yeah it's
Starting point is 01:24:08 like going to your first school dance again or something you're so aware of your every move yeah and i i never never underestimate the value of like things that get you pumped up you know like i was having a hard like couple weeks and i would just listen to like music that was just like that pumped me up i'd watch things that would pump me up you know like i i've been trying to listen to steve jobs book but it's almost too slow at this point in time for me to where i'm like i need to like listen to just music that was just like i'm like i'm not ready for steve jobs book like i'm just not emotionally ready to just like listen to like a biography yeah you need a little more speed yeah i'm sort of like more velocity give me some juice yeah i'm like saving it for when i'm just a little more like stable you know that's just me though no it's awesome you need
Starting point is 01:24:55 different things at different times and if something's not working you got to find what works yeah don't overlook the fact that this guy just graduated college though too like when i when i graduated college like and i was older than him, I think I was 23 or something, but you're done with school and shit gets real and that scares you. So don't overlook that. You might be going through that as well. Yeah, you're out're you're really you're out of academia you're into the real world no more school no more training wheels like this is the
Starting point is 01:25:31 real thing right and you've kind of lost the things you define yourself by like you're in a total new period of like you've been doing the same thing basically for 15 years yeah i bring it up but it's like an in and out you got those like five pillars of your personality you got to find like four new ones probably that's a tough uh but that's exciting too he's gonna find some cool shit yeah and some cool new folks i definitely had a tough time out of college those first two years that's when you were like boozing extra hard yeah i was getting blacked out and just but you're not in college anymore where it's like yeah it was like a setting for it it's not cool it was like friday you know friday afternoon i would go to barney's beanery and i feel like oh nick
Starting point is 01:26:16 swartzen's here and i cook i don't know i would just get blacked out all the time and it took me like a year or two to be like all right i think uh it took me like a year to figure out that not drinking is like an option that's a lifestyle choice i was like 20 23 and a half 24 i was like i was like oh i could not drink so yeah that's pretty young to figure that out though right i guess so yeah i guess i've seen some old friends in Newport Beach. Right, right. Just blacked out, eyes gone. You see them out there four weekends in a row like that?
Starting point is 01:26:52 Yeah. You're like, dude, this ain't normal, man. Like, you're going too hard. Something's off. Yeah. You just see them and their eyes are just vacant. Yeah. They're like, what's up, dude?
Starting point is 01:27:02 Well, how you been, man? You're like, I saw you last week. I saw you a week ago dude yeah and they do that like four weeks in a row and they're kind of angry yeah they feel like they could a fight could pop off or something yeah you don't want to be that guy who's like you know still raging too hard i don't dude a girl on a date i was telling her she was like i think i'm ready to rage again I've never like partied really she was in her 30s and I was like oh that's awesome yeah and then I was like I think I'm past that and she was like no I think you're about to go back
Starting point is 01:27:31 into another phase of it she was like guys go in and out of phases of it and I was like oh my god am I about to slip into a party phase I've been kind of raging a lot lately I've felt the pull of that lately too relative to my normal that's why I like having a girlfriend, too. It settles me a bit.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Yeah. I'm sorry to get so far off from your cue, dude. But we think you're crushing, man. Yeah. You're going to be good. You've got a good hand on your shoulder. You're just a little nervous because the world's opening back up. And like Aaron said, you're going through a big transition.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Yeah. But, dude, look, Chad figured it out. Skyrocketed. You'll do the same. Got it. Chad. My ass is asleep same. Got it. Chad. My ass is asleep. Really?
Starting point is 01:28:07 Yeah. What a cute ass you got there. Thanks. Chad, who's your beef of the week? Asshole like a queen. Yeah, do you got an asshole fit for a fucking queen of England? When I see that butt, I'm just like, Elizabeth, rally the troops. I forgot to write a beef.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Queen Elizabeth, also single right now, guys. Dude. Oh, that's who died, her hubby? Yeah. Dude, I want to marry Queen Elizabeth and just stick it to Harry and Meghan. You want to be a prince, and I think you'd be a tremendous one. I can visualize it easy. Would I go straight to king?
Starting point is 01:28:43 Probably. No. If they know what's good for him no i mean not in a way just like it would be good for them oh yeah it doesn't work that way no because she was queen when they were married oh that's right he's prince philip yeah i texted dan the case of the day of prince philip's funeral i don't think he got the joke sorry about prince philip dude he just liked it he thought you're being serious i think i was being serious dude that's really funny dude that's hilarious you should have tweeted to
Starting point is 01:29:13 all my british fans i'm sorry about that that'd be really funny um he just gave me the thumbs up. He might have been busy. That's funny. My beef of the week is with... Shit, man. I don't know. My beef of the week is with... Oh, here's my beef. Apparently there's a new trend that skinny jeans are going out of style and a lot of people seem to be happy about this what yeah and
Starting point is 01:29:51 i'm a big fan of skinny jeans so i'm yes uh all these gen z fucks trying to take away skinny jeans bringing baggy jeans back mistake fuck you huge mistake yeah you horny tiktok nozzles uh we're hornier than you we're older than you we tiktok harder yeah we talk harder we tiktok harder we're hornier and we wear skinny jeans and you're not taking them away from me with your trends you know so if baggy jeans don't look good on me no it took me forever to figure out that skinny jeans were the way for me. I think we got to, I think we got to hold the line. Absolutely. I'll die on this. I'll die on this hill.
Starting point is 01:30:30 It's a mountain. I'll die on this mountain. Always. Yeah. That's my beef. From my cold, dead thighs. Yeah. With this denim plastered on.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Yeah. No way, dude. That's a huge beef. I can't even believe they would want to do that that's just like arbitrarily circling back for circling back say no creativity like tight jeans look better yeah dude a light blue tight jean took me years to find it i'm sticking with it dude i've been pissed too urban outfitter which is where i get my jeans 30 30 levi's like skinny stretch they're doing the frayed bottoms now right it's i gotta roll them up it's like i gotta get them tailored i don't
Starting point is 01:31:10 like the fit anywhere else yeah i hate the seasonal shifts like something should stay the same just like verdansk totally dude that's a good beef aaron what's your beef of the week sort of related no No, not really. I mean, it could be. This could cause it. My beef is with male infertility. Oh, nice. I wrote a big, giant blog piece about it yesterday because it was the year anniversary we found out we were pregnant.
Starting point is 01:31:37 Oh, I didn't know that, dude. I'll check it out. Yeah, it was a two-and-a-half-year journey, basically where you start trying to have a baby. You pull the goalie as it were, which I love that phrase. Yeah. For getting off the pill or, or stopping all your, your contraceptives. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Your contraceptives. Yeah. And then you wait a year. They tell you to wait a year before you go to doctor and see anything and then and then my wife went got all checked out because you know it's kind of always assumed oh it's the woman and then everything checked out great and then it would end up being me i end up having a hormone imbalance that i didn't know about um and a a tumor on my pituitary gland which i didn't know about um but yeah benign
Starting point is 01:32:28 yeah it's all benign it's completely harmless a pill literally took care of it a tiny like half a pill twice a week crazy um and i i just had an mri a few weeks ago and it's they couldn't even see it it's either so small or it's completely gone. Um, but yeah, I mean, it's just, uh, and then I also had to get put on, uh, the drug that Manny Ramirez got caught on. Um, I don't remember. Oh, oxygen or something. No, it's, it was called an Astrozole. It's, um, it just regulates your, uh, estrogen levels versus your testosterone.
Starting point is 01:33:05 But he was doing that to correct for steroids. He was doing it when you're cycling off. When you cycle off of testosterone or steroids, your estrogen bumps huge to counteract that. The testosterone coming down, and then you
Starting point is 01:33:21 grow boobs. So you take this other pill so that but then it's banned in all major sports in the olympics so uh my olympic dreams were dashed at 38 but um 36 whenever i started it um but yeah then we we ultimately were able to have a baby no uh you know no ivf no nothing just straight up American porking. Aaron just threw a nice fist to represent the pump in, too. So yeah, I just wrote a big old blog about how, and you can find that at my website,
Starting point is 01:33:57 which I have not written on since 2016. That's what I meant I didn't know about. Is that I didn't know you wrote the blog? Yeah, I'll check it out. Yeah, it's at aaronbrungart.com. Let's go, dude. That sounds great. I'm glad you wrote that blog and I'm glad
Starting point is 01:34:05 the baby came did you find out the cause of the hormone imbalance no and it's apparently it's it's very common
Starting point is 01:34:12 they're seeing it a lot more both the pituitary gland tumor and that that caused the hormone imbalance yeah
Starting point is 01:34:20 what was weird about it was that it it didn't cause me to be like exhausted all the time which would have been a good um indicator symptom yeah or erectile dysfunction which yeah you know never happened strong like bull you know you're a beast yeah so you know and i i highly recommend everybody go see an endocrinologist just to get your hormone levels checked
Starting point is 01:34:43 any number of things because those things just affect so many so much part of our lives and our even our personalities that we just don't know and they're still figuring it out but like you know if you just have low testosterone for some reason you can figure it out and it can be really as simple as what i'm doing like Like taking half a pill twice a week. Yeah. That's fine. And it's good. And it's important too,
Starting point is 01:35:08 because for men it's like, if your testosterone is low as you age, it can affect your bone density too. Yeah. So it's important. It's important to have. And it feels like, were you going to talk about.
Starting point is 01:35:22 I was like, I've heard that with like our food and stuff when the like the poisons in the food and the water it's causing this male sort of infertility and then penis shrinkage and erectile dysfunction so many people sent us that article yeah like a thousand people sent us an article that our dongs are shrinking yeah and i think i think i think that's finally going to be the incentive we need yeah i think um i think a lot of it has to do with like the food supply maybe the air and stuff it's like you gotta eat organic plastics what is it glyphosate glyphosate yeah i was i was went on a date with a girl who knew a ton she was a sustainable environmentalist evil and she
Starting point is 01:36:01 was talking about how you know so we can grow these tomatoes the way we want them, which are like genetically modified tomatoes. They're not even the same really in like their actual like deep biological structure. She was like, we have to glyphosate all the soil, which allows the tomatoes to grow, but kills everything else. So we're totally making it, you know, non-sustainable. And we have, I think she said we have 60 harvests left on the top soil yeah before uh before we're done yeah he's uh you gotta eat organic i think even though it's more expensive but dude and then
Starting point is 01:36:32 pay now or you pay later she was saying now with the green revolution like you know it'll be better in some ways but there will be other environmental hazards like we're going to start needing different minerals like cobalt and the way we're going to drill for that will be just as exploitative towards poor people and also have you know terrible repercussions for the environment yeah but you know of course we need to go more environmentally conscious and sustainable but like it doesn't necessarily mean we're going to do it in the right way yeah and i was like dude vital intel yeah it was getting me kind of pumped up but i could also see how if you worked in that space it'd be a bit fatiguing because you're just getting so much bad news all the time totally but then a lot of people also sent us stuff on c spearsy about c spearsy being full
Starting point is 01:37:15 of shit i didn't make it through the whole uh doc to be totally honest i thought there i thought the i didn't like the style of the doc i thought he was too in it and i thought there was a lot of like manipulative storytelling tricks like the voiceover not corresponding to like the b-roll and like him injecting himself into scenes but it felt like he was kind of manufacturing it I was like I don't I don't like this dude's style to say nothing I know nothing about the facts in it yeah well that I think that was with people who made a similar movie what the hell they embellished a lot and then a lot of people were uh complaining that they they they're sort of debunking both both movies but yeah but overfishing is a problem who knows yeah probably i mean i bet it is um save the dolphins
Starting point is 01:38:00 but i'm just dumb dude uh aaron thank you for that yeah i mean it's just not it's not talked about enough and it's i certainly didn't know what was going on you know until i knew so get checked out yeah i want to get checked out i'm kind of scared though well i guess it's all it's all fixable stuff you know yeah i hope i don't actually know yeah i know what i had was fixable and i didn't know i had it and who knows how long i did right i never tried to get anyone pregnant did you feel like a lifting mood yeah i felt yeah it felt a little more energetic and and fucking horny as a motherfucker for the first couple months let's go but it leveled off love to hear that yeah but
Starting point is 01:38:42 yeah i was chasing my wife around a bunch. That makes me horny. Yeah. What's yours? Dude, my beef of the week, super small scale to those two huge beefs. But LeBron James, he did this a while ago. He tried to trademark Taco Tuesday. Oh, I remember that. Dude, get out of here, LeBron.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Yeah. You can't have Taco Tuesday. Because first of all all my homies and me came up with taco tuesday if anyone's going to trademark it it's going to be us 15 20 years ago before we used to go to chevy's which later became fred's in crown valley those those are the proper origins dude yeah nobody from akron ohio is is taco tuesday dude the balls on the brawn to think he could have taco tuesday get out and then my other beef is i think i said fuck a lot this episode guys i was really fired up chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week
Starting point is 01:39:39 is uh did i watch uh nobody with bob odenkirk oh how was that no i want to see it's like john wick with bob odenkirk it's awesome i've heard yeah it's awesome is he good in it yeah he's really good in it so my baby the week is bob odenkirk and nobody i don't want to give any way any details but it's awesome action movie uh please check it out he kicks ass and it's just you know very john wick-esque you know how his career is like kind of skyrocketed yeah uh and when he was in his probably what mid-40s yeah i've heard people say it's because his wife noemi odinkirk took over as his manager oh really and she was like she pushed him to do better call saul and yeah she started getting him into these different
Starting point is 01:40:20 acting interesting yeah and now he's like the dude yeah he's awesome yeah so legend of the week right there for her yeah um yeah he's so good i love watching him and stuff i uh he's intense i remember he was on mark maron's podcast and afterwards mark maron's like i felt like i worked for him by the time we were done and he dude he was talking about his kids yeah and he was like i love having kids and mark asked mark marion asked a really smart question he's like are you kind of hard on them about like comedy he's like well if they come to me with a joke i'll talk to them and i'll say well what's the structure of that joke yeah and what's the payoff that we're getting on the punch line i was like whoa that would be weird yeah like you're just trying to be funny at the dinner
Starting point is 01:40:58 table and your dad's like slow down let's break that down right i think we could shave a few syllables off the set up. What's the payoff? That's crazy. Yeah, you're like nine. Yeah. And your dad's an SNL writer. Yeah. Just can't shut off like the psycho joke brain.
Starting point is 01:41:12 Yeah. Hilarious. Aaron, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week has been mentioned on the show before. It's Mike Bertolino from All Things Comedy. Hell yeah. Great guy. Because he got Joe to play on my softball team to join it
Starting point is 01:41:26 hell yeah he's such a great businessman he got that's what he said right he cracked the shell yeah i said how did you get joe and he said i'm a businessman he closes deals let's go mike yeah dude that's tough because joe i was actually i'm glad he's playing but i was telling joe not to play because i lived with him when he had to retire or two seasons ended with injuries. Last two seasons of softball, torn hammy and a broken wrist. Well, he's going down. He'll just, we'll just take it down. 95% on the manager.
Starting point is 01:41:58 You're going to look out for his health. I'm going to look out for him. Yeah. Nobody. That's always my first rule is nobody get hurt. Second, nobody get into a fight. I'm loving that he's playing also i could foresee a little bit of tension between you and joe when it comes down who's gonna be the pitcher because i know that's both of y'all's specialties love that confidence dude let's go yeah love that you gotta take it you gotta take the crown from me
Starting point is 01:42:18 if you want let's go or i just have to have a really bad game dude bertolino's the best he came to our show last thursday he's such a good hang yeah such a cool guy the best yeah and a deal closer all things comedy you guys are the best i feel like it yeah it is the best made by comedians for comedians dude my baby of the week is shark tank i started watching shark tank matt lockwood comedian really great guy funny dude maurice's new roommate went over there to hang out. They put on Shark Tank. I was like, this is the best show I've ever seen. And remember when I was saying I couldn't find anything that I could chill out to and that I hated watching everything? Dude, then like mana from God, Shark Tank. I watch it all night, nonstop, 10 episodes in a row. And I'm just
Starting point is 01:43:00 chilling, having a great time. I love it. Dude, it's so fun. Entrepreneurs go on there. I believe in entrepreneurs in America. I believe we're a special place for them. And I believe it's a big part of how we've gotten, how far we've gone. Maybe it's gone too far. We need to make some corrections. I don't know. But I'm like, I just get so fired up
Starting point is 01:43:18 when someone gives a fire presentation and the sharks are impressed and they buy 10% equity at above what they were thinking they were going to get, let's go. Oh, that's awesome. And I've learned some financial jargon. What's your customer acquisition cost?
Starting point is 01:43:32 Now I see products, and I think about that stuff. Like I was at my brother's, and he has like a... It's not called Pup Box. Oh, Bark Box. So once a month, he's part of a subscription where they bring you new dog toys. Oh, cool. And I was like, oh, I wonder how much capital they had to raise to get that company going.
Starting point is 01:43:47 And I wonder what their subscription costs are and if they do it through their website or if they do it through Amazon. I'm just like, this is all so exciting and cool. Yeah. I just love the show. That's really cool. Favorite shark, Cuban. He's the biggest.
Starting point is 01:43:58 Cuban? I mean, he has the most money. So it all feels oriented around him. It feels like the show's almost pointing at him. Right, right. But Mr. Wonderful is good, too too but my favorite is probably actually i think mr wonderful is the best tv but i think laurie seems like she would be the best shark to go in with right laurie gruyere yeah queen of qvc oh she started qvc or she has like the biggest shows
Starting point is 01:44:18 on there oh interesting dude a kid from newport beach was on an episode yeah selling gopro filters yeah and uh and he was just like what's that needs i'm looking for a 10 equity acquisition at 1.5 million dollars yeah and he crushed it really and he got one he got one and he was such a bro they kept making fun of him they're like yeah dude yeah but his company was nails that's awesome but i looked i look up all the companies sometimes to see how they do. And you know, a lot of them do, do Lori Bantam bagels. She had Bantam bagels. I had no idea that was a Shark Tank thing.
Starting point is 01:44:50 Those delicious bagels you get at Starbucks. You can thank Shark Tank for that. Um, Chad, who is your legend of the week? Uh, my legend of the week is, uh, a bunch of, a bunch of stokers reached out after the last episode just to offer condolences which was really nice. About the relation? Yeah. I was like
Starting point is 01:45:11 it was really sweet. So I just wanted to give a shout out to all the people who reached out and thank you. It's always such a Stoke Nation is such a supportive community. You got friends out there looking out for you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:25 Everyone's just like super sweet. It was also cool. Not cool, but like it was nice. Some people reached out. They're like going through the same thing. It's like nice to just bond with people over that stuff. That's legit. It was cool.
Starting point is 01:45:42 So shout out to the Stokers. Thank you. They got your back, dude. That does give you a nice boost, right? Yeah. That's cool. So shout out to the Stokers. Thank you. They got your back, dude. That does give you a nice boost, right? Yeah. It's really nice. And they seem to get it. Like sometimes they're like, hey, man, I've been through this too.
Starting point is 01:45:54 And I got through to the other side. And like, you know, it helps hearing you guys helps me. And then you're just like, oh, man, this is really like encouraging. Yeah. It's nice to know you're not alone kind of thing. That's so big. That too. Aaron, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is my wife, Leah. encouraging yeah it's nice that you're not alone kind of thing that's so big that too aaron who's your legend of the week my wife my legend of the week is my wife leah um she texted
Starting point is 01:46:11 me that she put the baby to sleep and bathed her by herself tonight which nice we usually tag team on all that so uh it's amazing that she was able to do that you know uh we were going through a little bit of a rough patch just just trying to adjust to having a child and her going back to work and still from home but work while she's uh looking after the baby but she we kind of had a rough morning i left the house to go to work and when i got to work i got i had a text from her that kind of just tore all that all that bullshit down which beautiful. She's just great for that. You're fucking bringing it today, dude. That's some good shit.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. What a legend. You're a legend, too. I hope so. Because you recognize the legendary moves she was making. That's exactly what we needed.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Yeah, it's beautiful. That's awesome. That's nice. My legend of the week is my dad i just remember this funny thing that my dad did one time um so i was getting really bad grades freshman year of high school and i just knew the report card was going to come at some point and it was going to be the fireworks at home and then you know i had really because i was going to get like all f's i knew i was gonna be in big trouble so i started acting depressed for like a month in advance
Starting point is 01:47:24 so that when the report card did come my parents would have to be like oh but he's sad so the report card's more a symptom of that and and we need to focus on getting him happier and they wouldn't be able to get mad at me about the grades and then I remember my dad was just like what the fuck is this and I was like I've been really sad he's like he's like you got like four f's like you're fucking kidding me and then i was like i got all crying i've been sad and i ran back to my room but i was being manipulative and then my mom goes tommy he's been sad for like a month and then my dad went he's a genius uh chad what's your quote of the week uh my quote of the week is a i was listening to a i need a girl part two by p diddy my favorite lyric
Starting point is 01:48:18 girl what the hell is on your mind that was good singing dude dude thanks man it got me so fired up it's just like he just comes in so hot what the hell is on your mind i've always wanted to say that i need a girl ride ride ride is it that one or is that number one i need a girl to make my wife i need a girl who's mine oh my i need a girl in my life I need a girl to ride, ride, ride I need a girl, I need a girl I need a girl in my life And what does he say? If you happy to be with him, go ahead, mommy be with him
Starting point is 01:48:57 Go ahead, mommy be with him That is the best verse Yeah He's talking about J-Lo, I think Yeah, he's talking about J-Lo He sent yeah he's talking about j-lo he sent two bentleys to j-lo and ben affleck when they got engaged i mean greg giebel got into a huge argument over whether it was a nice gesture or not we were playing basketball outside and greg was like i think it's an asshole move i was like screw you dude you don't know that he was just being nice
Starting point is 01:49:17 yeah yeah in retrospect i think greg was right that's a weird it's a douchey movie for sure yeah what a weird can you imagine being ben affleck in that situation you're like oh fuck yeah and then the next time you see p did he's like you like the bentley and you're like yeah it was nice man but i already had a car i'm ben affleck you like the bentley man yeah i'm not like struggling for cash yeah um aaron what's your quote of the week my quote of the week is uh song lyrics from Jimmy Eat World. It's from the album Surviving, which is the most recent one. It's a song called Congratulations.
Starting point is 01:49:52 I think it's the last track on the album. But I think now that I'm reading it again, I think it's a treatise on, and I like that I used the word treatise, on the on the media and you'll, you'll, you'll kind of get it when you, when I read it. So this is just verse one. Uh, there's no clarity in front of me, only degrees of hating obscenity. There's no charity. Some don't deserve to make it. You'll blame and fight each other just for a slice of plunder, too down and tired to wonder whose foot you're crawling under. And I just think that's just a super cool choice of words, but also B if I'm right.
Starting point is 01:50:32 And it's about the media or people who let the media affect them and their life and their happiness and fight, you know, fight people that they think don't agree or right let themselves be manipulated by the media like i think it's pretty cool that's good they're deep dudes yeah they can hit a lot of different stuff too they hit relations they hit the media four quadrants um dude my quote of the week is from a brian scalabrini nba player who um is like a big doughy white dude so a lot of people think they can take him one on one so after his career
Starting point is 01:51:05 because he was kind of a bench guy in the league you could call him a scrub he plays a lot of these people one on one and just destroys them just like dusts all these people who challenge him like 11-0 and so the New York Times wrote an article about how the worst NBA player is probably still better than you
Starting point is 01:51:21 and they just talked about how good you are no matter how good of a player you are, even if you're the worst player in the league, especially relative to other people. And Scalabrini's quote is people don't understand how a little bit nuts you have to be to sustain an NBA career, especially when you're not that talented. You have to be ready.
Starting point is 01:51:37 You have to be up for the fight. You have to be like that. You have to be like that every day. And if you're not, you lose your livelihood. And I think that was just such a bad-ass quote that really gets you into the headspace of yeah even a bench dude like these guys every night are playing for their lives yeah and they're bringing that edge to it so if you're just a regular person who plays regular games you don't know the stakes that these guys are playing with
Starting point is 01:51:56 so yeah when he meets you on the like pickup court it's gonna be easy for him yeah i i was thinking about that because you look at athletes you know man it must be so cool to be an athlete but then you think about like you really put yourself in that situation i mean the pressure and it's incredible maintaining that and and not you know it's yeah it's it's a lot dude my buddy danny babona coach at uci let me do a plug for them if you're a young buckaroo and you can throw a hit go to uci they should call it uc newport beach because it's right there but danny danny is like uh was like one of the top pitchers in the country his senior year and he told me he could do the thing that kevin costner does in for love of the game
Starting point is 01:52:32 when he would be out there he would go clear the mechanism yeah and he would silence the crowd before he pitched wow it's great he gets crazy good at everything that's great he gets like everything we do he like studies and becomes the best at really like call of duty he watches streamers if you play with him he knows how to do everything that's cool he just has that kind of brain yeah it's a it's pretty incredible yeah they're professional athletes are being paid to stay in shape to be in the top shape to perform at a hundred percent every minute that they're playing right so yeah terrell owens walks onto a softball league which he does here in la he crushes it does he yeah that's awesome of course to baby he's the best yeah i want to play softball to you so toned very ripped they made fun of him
Starting point is 01:53:22 on hard knocks for always having shirtless shots. Roy Williams was like, who am I? And he pranced and like, he's kind of through a jolly, like through a rock jolly into the water. That's what Tio was doing in the B roll. Um,
Starting point is 01:53:35 Chad, what's your phrase that we forgetting after it? Um, have that cookie. It's cause I want to get a cookie after this yeah what kind of cook chocolate chip perfect from arowan it's gonna be about 20 bucks dude i fucking i bought like six things there like an hour ago and when the money came i went holy shit and i was talking to the cashier i was like i didn't expect to drop that kind of jing she didn't even respond i was like she must hear this cause every every interaction every person's just like what yeah you're like oh okay i'm gonna get i'm gonna get like a little side salad and a
Starting point is 01:54:13 juice 30 bucks i'm buying cereal and it was like a bajillion dollars yeah i was cereal dude yeah how do they stay in business dude i was also making fun of it or i was i was making i was saying it was a bad thing that we have so many options you know yeah like and in the hurt locker there's that great scene where he sees all the cereals and he's like bummed out because it's so like overwhelming and he'd rather just have like the simplicity and realism and the realness of war yeah but uh i kind of like having 6 000 cereals you can choose from yeah it is nice dude my war friend, I told you this, right? Do you know how much America spends every year on AC,
Starting point is 01:54:49 just on AC in Iraq and Afghanistan? No. Did I say my war friend? You did say your war friend, but that's cool. I like it. I met my friend who serves in the military. $20 billion. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:11 Holy smokes. Just to keep us cool. cool wow it's a lot of jing a lot of jing um aaron what's your friends that we forget after first of all if you want to get a good chocolate chip cookie you wouldn't think this subway right oh good call those are good call they're not a thousand dollars interesting but they're probably not healthy but they're good but if you're gonna get a chocolate chip cookie too exactly are you getting a health cookie no but they fool you because you get like a vegan gluten free one with only three net carbs in it and you're like this is probably good for me yeah but subway's good too it's hard to know you of them. Might have glyphosate in it. Thanks, Monsanto.
Starting point is 01:55:48 I guess they came up with glyphosate because it's like a derivative of Agent Orange, which we dropped on the Vietnamese so we could clear brush. It would be easier to kill them. Yeah. It's all fucked up. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:56:01 I don't know why I thought of this as my phrase for getting after it. It's kind of an amalgam of a bunch of things we've talked about but uh let's go wax the queen's asshole that's like a good thing to say to a sports team before let's go wax this queen's asshole and everyone's like yeah yeah let's go um my phrase of the week for getting after is dan gable on joe rogan's podcast incredible gold medal winning wrestler incredible life story and like a very humble guy but you know you know he's tough as nails too so it's a fun combination and he's very sensitive like a lot of what he talked about was getting help and like he says when i have a hard day i have to talk to my wife
Starting point is 01:56:37 about it someone's got to hear it i need someone to hear me i was like dude fuck yeah come from him but his quote was his high school wrestling coach used to say this uh win with humility lose with dignity but damn it don't lose i was like that's awesome yeah that's cool that's good stuff all right well aaron thanks for coming through yeah thanks for doing the late time. Yeah. Good to see you. Good to see you too, man. Yeah. It was nice. We ran into each other at Air One.
Starting point is 01:57:08 That was cool. And we just hugged. Yeah. I felt like I hadn't seen you in years. It was like two days. It was like two days. I was like, how you been, man? Whoa.
Starting point is 01:57:18 Stokers are writing reviews and they're firing me up. So guys, keep them coming. They came through on that? Yeah. They're coming through on the reviews. Keep writing them dudes it's good for us yeah
Starting point is 01:57:26 sorry to ask but we really appreciate it yeah and uh you can do it on your phone in the iTunes app so yeah oh nice
Starting point is 01:57:34 get in there bang bang alright dudes alright dude alright alright dudes later later

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