Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 184 - Robby Berger (Brilliantly Dumb) Joins

Episode Date: April 29, 2021

We have the legend Robby Berger on. He's an all time guy.  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​​ Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with... the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yeah, marinate the hog and fire up the grill. What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, before we begin, we gotta remind you guys once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs. You got Bush, you definitely do if you haven't tried the best products from our sponsor Manscaped. I'm looking out for you too because I also have an exclusive 20 off discount use code go d20 manscape.com i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and we are here with our
Starting point is 00:00:37 new guest the charisma himself, Bobby B. Brilliant, dumb. Brilliantly dumb on Instagram. You guys know him. You love him. Robbie Berger, what up? I tell you, fellas, I'm glad we're running this back. I think we walked out of the studio. Yeah, we did your show.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Yeah, you guys came on to my show, and we walked out of there, and I think we all knew that we were going to run this back. Yeah. We were connected. Yeah, there was something going on. I think we even said it on the podcast. We said, there was something going on we i think we even said it on the podcast we said there's something going on here there's something in the alchemy instant fireworks it was like an explosion i mean we were talking about you know bringing it back i'm just
Starting point is 00:01:15 in my mind i'm like i'm pretty sure we're going to create a new genre for sure yeah sure and look where we are today yeah there was just something real special going on in there i said even from the time we started too we knew there was something there and usually sometimes it carries over into the podcast room and you don't know if that's going to keep flowing and it just kept coming totally well that makes me wonder were you always that guy i'm very comfortable you know i'm always having a i'm usually having a good time um and yeah i i'm able to kind of carry it on into the podcast. And that's what I love about podcasts too. You could just go and you just let it fly.
Starting point is 00:01:49 But see, I picture you like you're seven years old and you're that same person. Not much has changed. And you're kind of like people are coming over and you're kind of this conduit for a good free-flowing hang. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's safe to say you gave me the best compliment i think i've ever received when you said that you compared me to howard stern
Starting point is 00:02:11 i i feel that as far as just making you guys comfortable until this day like that just hit really good with me i mean that's as good as it gets right there that's a great compliment it really is because stern could just loosen you up right out of the gate i don't think i've ever felt something that that deep well yeah when we talked to howard i mean it was he as soon as you he locks you into the zone and you just feel open you're like all right i'm gonna tell you everything even though you got a huge audience and i had that same with you i mean you just walk in the door and it's just like i think too with like the people that come on stern they just know when they go in there that there's nothing off limits that he's just gonna let he's gonna say whatever he's got to say and you just kind of he's built that reputation out i think that's a big part of it yeah you guys
Starting point is 00:02:58 a little nervous going into that oh i thought you're gonna ask me if i'm nervous right now it's like a bit you're a little nervous right now a little bit you'll settle in though absolutely it looks like you're settled in this is a ask me if I'm nervous right now. I was like a bit. Are you a little nervous right now? Yeah, a little bit. You'll settle in though. Absolutely. It looks like you're settled in. This is a comfortable seated position I'm in right here. I like to play with my toes, much to the chagrin of some of the viewers. You pick your toes?
Starting point is 00:03:14 I do. I do all the time. That's how I keep them. I've never ever clipped my nails. And look, I've talked about this the other day. They look pretty good, right? Just from by, would you rather pick the toes or go for the hand nails? Would you rather pick the toes or go for the hand nails? In ordinary life, I'm more with the fingers.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And on the pod, I'm more with the toes. Gotcha. The toes, though, are kind of like a... Because I pick my nails, too. The toes are a treat. For sure. You give the toes one to two weeks. You got some growth on there and you just go to town. I mean, it's...
Starting point is 00:03:43 I love going, too. And you know when it's i love going to and like you know when it's prime picking season i like going for the big toe oh it takes so long to grow to where it takes a while to where you could really go down at it yeah you ever do it in the shower you ever pick your toes in the shower i've never done that i don't know when i'm picking them oh you don't it's so subconscious you do in the shower. And what's interesting with the shower pick is that it kind of softens it up a little bit. Right. So it's an easier pick to where it's a little more damp.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You know what I mean? This is what else I love about you. You have like an expert kind of attitude towards everything. Yeah. A lot of times just ridiculous stuff like that. It's a little bit like when Tom Cruise is in The Last Samurai and he's living's living with the samurai and he's like they live every day with a meticulous dedication to every task that's how i see you like when you order a coffee i think you go in there and you know exactly what you're getting in that coffee you know it's funny even when like i went to go get
Starting point is 00:04:37 the coffee and it's right on your guy's block everybody walking on your guy's block has starbucks coffee in them it's like that that was the spot to go and i feel like everybody that comes here too stops at that starbucks the one on melrose right here it's a great starbucks by the way too great you've been traveling huh hitting the links hitting the links a lot of golf yeah um and i'm kind of in the stage now you still always have my mom would book my flights right now i kind of want to get to the rewards program where there's going to be a lot of more traveling coming up to where i kind of want to i'm in the market for an airline yeah to where
Starting point is 00:05:14 yeah i kind of want to lock something in um and i just don't know what airline to lock it oh so you're surveying which one you guys go traveling what what airline are you doing i mean typically southwest but you're a southwest guy yeah but you know if i i like what you're saying because i could see you dominating the captain's suite or whatever they call it the executive suite um i just out of pure intuition i'd say delta yep um you got a lot of flights with delta yeah and again i'm looking into it now being in the market like you got a lot of flights with delta so you want something that you have a lot of flights the only thing i have with the southwest is it's a free-for-all when you guys go to board it's a free-for-all there's no assigned seatings no yeah does that stress you out a little bit, Chad? He loves it. Me? I mean, honestly, not really.
Starting point is 00:06:07 But it's just cheap. That's the only thing. I love a scrum. You do love it? I love the scrum. Yeah? Let's get in there. It's elbow.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Let me ask you something. So they go to tell you that you guys are boarding. Do you go up right away, or do you sit and let it marinate? I sit for a second just to get myself into the proper headspace yep and then i get up with just bad intentions i love that about you you ever skip if you're boarding group four you go up when they say boarding group three yeah i'm a little embarrassed to say i don't have much uh fealty to the rules i'm playing by my own rules i respect that about you though i really. And I expect the same from everybody else. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah. And then even when the flight lands, are you the guy that gets up, or do you wait until it's actually time to get up? I want to get out first. You do. So you're up and at them. You grab your bag and then wait? I'm trying. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Yeah. What about you? I get up, and then I kind of get upset at the other people that get up, even though that I'm already standing up. But yeah. I mean, mean look we'll see i found with with jet blue people are a lot more calm to wear i always forget about jet blue jet blue spectacular yeah a lot of a lot of leg room yeah and then i think a total game changer on a flight now is in-flight wi-fi oh yeah they gotta have it some some flights it's like it just doesn't work. It can be hit and miss. They have it, but they don't have it.
Starting point is 00:07:28 And you lose your mind. Yeah. The TV systems aren't working. I opt not. I never connect to the Wi-Fi. Come on. You really don't go to the Wi-Fi? Out of principle, because it's like the one time
Starting point is 00:07:41 where you can truly disconnect. And I'm like, I don't want to bring Wi-Fi into the air. It's like the one time where you can truly disconnect. And I'm like, I don't want to bring Wi-Fi into the air. It's like the one time where I can read a book and actually read a book and read 20, 30 pages without checking Hinge. I do my best texting up in the sky, though. Really? Yeah. Interesting. It's such a good take because I do, too.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Because you're locked in at that time you're locked in i've never been better in a group chat or whatever than when i'm in the air oh very interesting yeah and because you got nowhere else to be you can just settle into it totally and i'm just multiple text threads just bang bang bang bang that's really interesting you ever get overwhelmed by text messages absolutely mine pile up it. I got like 500 unread right now. See, that would stress me out. It would stress me out to have to respond to all of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But I leave some hangers on there. But do you go through your day thinking to yourself, like, wow, I got to get back to that guy? Or like, wow, I'm missing that? No. Because I let them pile up a little bit too, but then throughout the day I'm thinking like, oh shit, I really got to get to that text message or get back to that. You get back to them? I do. I do.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I'm a big phone call guy too. I think there's a lot more you could do in a phone call. Or something that I think is huge now that I love. I love a good audio message. I was going to hit you on audio message today, but I didn't want to stress you out. That wouldn't have stressed me. Not at all. No, it would have been a little warm. Like, why is he you on audio message today, but I didn't want to stress you out. That wouldn't have stressed me. Not at all. No, a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Like, why is he doing the audio message? No, because maybe I'll wait to check it. True. Yeah. I didn't really think about that. Chad, do you do audio message? Yeah, I never do voice to chat. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Yeah, I think I never do Siri. I think I'm slow to get into the, I don't know, maybe it's a natural sort of weariness, or not weariness, sort of like a natural uneasiness about getting too deep into the technology, I guess. I feel like you've got a good relationship with your phone, though. I'm on it a lot. Yeah. I'm on it a lot.
Starting point is 00:09:42 It can be pretty compulsive, yeah. Especially, I'm on the dating apps now, so I'm just like, you know. Can I ask you one more thing, Chad? Yeah, yeah. Not to put you on the spot or anything, but I'm curious. What's your screen time looking like? Dude, a week? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Our average? Six hours? Okay. A week? No, I think daily. Oh, a day. Daily? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Yeah, it's a lot. I got mine at nine. You're at nine? I'm think daily. Oh, a day. Daily, yeah. Yeah, it's a lot. I got mine at nine. You're at nine? I'm at nine. Oh, dude. How do you feel about it? You know what? I'm glad you asked.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Honest to God, I think it's something I'm very... It worries me to where I think, okay, you do got to bring it down a little bit. But I think with your social media and stuff, with your stories and stuff, it's so natural. And you're able to put your personality into your content so easily. Some people just have that ability. That makes me feel better just knowing that it's my job. I mean, you guys, you could always say, okay, it's my job to to a degree so i think that helps me put in a little bit better headspace but when they give you that notification of what the screen time is sometimes it's definitely concerning yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:10:56 yeah it's i don't know why they put that in there because you get on sundays and you're like the fuck apple yeah like was that to like did think, I feel like screen time, it's a very personal question. It's kind of asking how much do you make a year or something. It's a very personal thing. Did you find that to be a personal question? I did, yeah. It is. But from you, I'll take any question.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Go personal. I'm so comfortable with it. Ask me personal shit. Let's go. I wanted to get that out. I really did. Dude, thank you. JT, where are you at?
Starting point is 00:11:23 I think I'm at like nine or 10 hours a day. Really? I'm on it all the time. Yeah. But I appreciate you being open about it. It's an extension of me. I mean, like, you know, they design these products to feel like they're part of your body.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah. And I feel that way. And you get the 9, 10 use. That doesn't bother you at all? No. Good for you. Good for you. It's such a good mental headspace.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I think also what it does is like, and maybe I wouldn't be this way if I wasn't so addicted to my phone, but when I'm talking to people, I can get, you know, I'm sensitive. I'm feeling every word that I'm getting from people. So sometimes it can be overwhelming. I just go to my phone real quick and then I get a nice little moment for me
Starting point is 00:12:03 and then I tap back in. You know what I mean? I will say, being friends with you guys for some time now, honest to God, you can always tell if somebody's a good texter or a bad texter.
Starting point is 00:12:12 You guys are very good texters. Oh, dude, thank you. You get emotion. You put ha-ha-has in there. You guys are enthusiastic in the text messages. And I appreciate it. Chad, one time,
Starting point is 00:12:22 he's like, hey, you been feeling all right? I was like, I think I'm good. He's like, you seem a bit down. I was like, you know what? I have been a bit time, he's like, hey, you been feeling all right? I was like, I think I'm good. He's like, you seem a bit down. I was like, you know what? I have been a bit down. He's like, yeah, no exclamation points this morning when you texted me.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Yeah, JT usually has five. But you do. You find such a cadence in people's text messages and then you have such a good understanding of them to where if they don't bring that same level of energy or that same amount of hahas or something like that it does it does worry you yeah and if you know so i got energy you can just i can feel his energy in each text and it's it's it's so through the text i can feel how jt's feeling it's crazy but then there's like people who and i think a lot of people do you know i
Starting point is 00:13:06 think it's sort of the alpha male mentality to where they're like i gotta give one word answers yes i'm i'm busy i'm on the go i'm an alpha male you know and but to me it's just rude you know and you're like this is not like those just be like what the simple okay i'm like you're like, this is not, like, that would just be the simple, okay. I'm like, are you just going to okay me? It's brutal. Brutal. Yeah. To where I'd rather you not even respond.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Instead of the okay, I think a great alternative option is to like it. Now you have the option to like it. Such a nice feature. Such a better, it's a great, great feature. Totally. To where I just think as an alternative, if you're going to do okay scratch the okay click it with the like i think you would appreciate just the like more than the okay no totally yeah or you know i i a heart a heart means a lot hearts are great yeah so someone gave me the thumbs up and i was just like put a little more effort in there what about when someone sends you like a salvo you know they hit
Starting point is 00:14:05 you with like seven and then you go through the individual text and hit them with different responses you know what i mean you give one a heart you give one a thumbs up you give one an exclamation point huge it it's it really is it's an incredible feature that that they added it's really smart so so uh where'd you grow up grew up in new jersey which part of jersey morris county so like more north jersey where is what is that near princeton or trenton or where we're talking hoboken i think princeton would be a little bit south kind of in the hoboken area but then once i in jersey was, but once I came out here, I mean, I fell in love with it. How long have you been out here?
Starting point is 00:14:48 Been out here three years now. Nice. You're pretty new. Pretty new, yeah. But I just am in such a groove out here. Like, I just really, really love it to where I don't see, as much as I love New Jersey, I don't see me going back anytime soon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:04 You're a California guy. I'm a Californiaifornia guy i'm a california guy i may not sound like a california guy and you know you guys look talk walk like california guys i don't have that that's okay because you got los angeles you could head up to so many different areas where you know i just don't see me leaving cal for the longest time. You have the energy. Yeah. You've got the energy. Yeah. Yeah. It's New York, and I love New York.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I love tri-state area. Yeah. But it's a different energy. Totally. I think you probably stood out over there. Yeah. Where you're like, why are you smiling so much? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 People, yeah. They're not big on the whole smiling so much. They're more pedal to the metal. And I'm just, I'm never in a rush. Pedal to the metal. Is that a Jersey phrase? Yeah, it is. My dad always used to say that.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Does he? Yeah. Now, is he a Northeast guy? He's from Princeton. Oh, okay. That's why you came right to Princeton. I gotcha. Hopewell, specifically.
Starting point is 00:15:58 How long did he live there for? Until he was like 18. He got on the road pretty quick. And then now, is he out here? He's out. No, he's in Montana now. but he was in California for 30 years. New Jersey, California to Montana? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:16:10 That's an interesting trio right there. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I just, I tell you, I love it out here. I'm so happy. Yeah. I really am. You are a really happy guy. You know, I'll be honest with you, JT, I don't have a lot of bad days.
Starting point is 00:16:23 That's crazy. How do you do it? Look, there's shitty things that come up, but I just overall, I'd like to think I got a really positive outlook on it. I'd rather be happy than mad. Now, did you build that, or was that always there? It was always there. So if I look at all your school photos of the whole class, Robbie's just ear to ear
Starting point is 00:16:43 grinning at each one. If you go to Randolph High School class of 2011 most likely to brighten your day is me. They gave it to you? They gave it to me. You got the most likely. Give me some there bro. That's awesome. That was probably a landslide. Yeah. It was a big accomplishment. I'm sure the girl
Starting point is 00:17:00 next to you in like the superlative picture I bet you she looks dour in comparison. well you know what she was a she was a happy girl but there's been some days where i caught her where she wasn't happy um so i understood her winning but at the same time i've caught her on some bad days but i mean yeah it was a it was a i've kind of always been that way i'm just uh you know is your family the same? Yeah. It's a no. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:28 That's hard. My sister and brother, one's a doctor and then one's in the army. So they're like a little more serious and then there's me. Are you the youngest? I'm the youngest. I can feel that. Yeah. You could, huh?
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah. And it's an interesting dynamic, you know, growing up with them. And we're just totally different people. Not to say that they're not happy, but they're just like more serious kind of by the book. That's kind of your dynamic too, right? Yeah, similar. I'm the fifth child. And so, you know, older siblings are, my parents were a lot tougher on the older three. Yeah, that's usually the way it goes, I feel like. Yeah. And then once it once it came to me i was kind of just a little spoiled prince but happy
Starting point is 00:18:11 yeah i could you know a good relationship with my parents and then just you know just go with the flow kind of thing now what do they think about your career like everything that's happened to you uh well my dad encouraged me to go into entertainment yeah uh when i was in college i was like i i always wanted to be an actor but i never really had the confidence to say like i want to go into comedy acting whatever you know just because like i come from a pretty serious background you know like my grandparents are all doctors and it's education's like the main thing and um my dad sort of saw that in me because he's like what do you want to do i'm like yeah i want to go be a producer like i had any idea i had no idea what that meant you know i just thought i was like oh that's something i can do where it's
Starting point is 00:18:54 entertainment but people you know who take education seriously or whatever will their career seriously will think it's respectable but my dad's like i think you should go into like acting and then so as soon as i got that from him i was just like like full speed ahead i feel like half of like wanting to be an actor is is just saying like i'm an actor like owning it and saying i'm an actor i feel like that's almost half the battle right there yeah yeah and i think it's it's odd if someone owns it right away you know what i mean yeah like those theater kids in high school god bless them but it always kind of like freaked me out a little bit i was like how do you you're already an actor i was like you're like 17 right i was like yeah it was just odd to me but then
Starting point is 00:19:33 for me it was the same thing i was like i started off i was like i'm gonna be a documentary filmmaker right because it sounded more serious and substantial yeah and then everyone i would meet in like film school and stuff was like you're kind of a goofball why don't you get in front of the camera i was like no I'm a very serious thinker I was like I'm interested in big topics and illuminating them with infotainment and then slowly
Starting point is 00:19:54 I was like no I think I'm you know I'm more of a I almost feel like two people are kind of maybe not afraid but hesitant to say it because I feel like if you say like out here in LA like I'm an actor or I want to be an agent or something like that, people just give you like, oh, yeah, like everybody else in California. Whereas in New Jersey, if you say, oh, I'm an actor or I'm an agent, I work for CAA, it holds a lot of weight. It's such a grind out there and there's so many people trying to do it out here that i i feel like they may look at it in in a different light yeah you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:20:31 well so did when did you uh decide that you were going to be like a presenter uh actor uh for me i was um i was working i was always going to be in hospitality so i came out to los angeles to be in hotel management and um i loved it because i loved i would sit out on the driveway i was like a services manager and just talk all day like i could just go you have people coming in and out new faces all different places of the world everybody's got their own situation everybody's got something going on um you know at night you see some crazy shit working at the hotel but i just always loved doing that and then i was just doing instagram and stuff on the side
Starting point is 00:21:11 it was never like you know i'm gonna be a comedian or entertainer whatever it is um but then it just it just started to grow a little bit and that was pretty crazy like you know you're working and then you know i have employees too that you gotta you're at the four seasons you gotta act serious and shit like that but then they see me doing videos and stuff like that and some people would come they recognize you and it got a little bizarre but then at that time i was like holy shit i might be able to make a career out of this um and then at that at the time pretty much all within the same month, bro, Bible and barstool came to me about doing a full time. And that's when I was like, Holy shit, I could really do this full time.
Starting point is 00:21:52 So are you at the four seasons in LA in Beverly Hills? Yeah. Okay. So you're getting some heavy hitters coming through some entertainment types for sure. So you're like thinking about doing this when like someone like, I don't know, like Kevin Hart comes through or David Spade. I don't know. Yeah. this when like someone like i don't know like kevin hart comes through or david spade i don't know yeah are you like all right let me test my chops against this guy and see if i can keep up
Starting point is 00:22:10 yeah 100 and you've so many different faces coming in you got big time peoples at the four seasons beverly hills to where yeah you start to realize like i can hang like i you know you go you have a conversation with some big time guys and you're out there having a ball for 20, 30 minutes talking. Their car's already waiting there, but they want to steal and keep talking to you. And yeah, you do think to yourself, like, I might be able to hang. You know what I mean? Yeah. And it's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And at the same time, it just helps your people skills so much. Because every hour of the day, you know, when you're a manager, you got to be there 10, 12 hours. And you're there, and you're just out there talking to people all day. So you just take in so much. You meet so many different people. And then, yeah, there's all these different celebrities that you see, and it's so cool. So were you always happy there too? Oh, yeah. I was just non-stop just
Starting point is 00:23:07 bouncing off the walls my problem was being a manager again you got to kind of be serious and you got to maintain that level of i couldn't i was just you know i was always goofing around and having fun and laughing with my employees and all of that to where they did get a little worried you know about me toning it down or becoming you know what big thing for me was i was becoming too buddy buddy with the employees which i always thought was a little ridiculous because to me is i was so tight with them to where if you ask them to do something if you're in a gym and you need them to do something they're going to do something for you and want to do it for you to help you out right so that was my was my mentality with it get as close with them as possible and and have a really good relationship
Starting point is 00:23:50 with them and then when again when i was in a jam or you needed something there's a lot of good good parts to working at the hotel there's always a lot of shitty parts too you have a people who are used to never saying you know they never get said no to and they scream at you and you get to you know you just got to bite your tongue wrong or right you know and just take it on the chin that's awesome that you felt like you could motivate people through um through them feeling indebted to you out of friendship rather than having to do it from like a uh kind of authoritative position totally or because like you know running out off like fear or like you know anything like kind of authoritative position. Totally. Or because running off fear or anything like that
Starting point is 00:24:27 or just being a prick. It just was never... I mean, yeah, of course, you had those managers who were just... They loved to be the top dog and instill fear and their police stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:24:37 That was never me. But sometimes the higher-ups would look... Because they could pretty much say there was all these executive office up top and they could see down onto the driveway andups would look, because they could pretty much say there was all these executive officers up top, and they could see down onto the driveway, and they would just see me goofing off, slapping fives and shit like that. But that was always the way I just liked to do things. Yeah, I think that's smart, because with dog training and stuff, the paradigm has shifted, because before it was sort of like you've got to dominate your dog, and i'm learning about this you know you just gotta establish dominance and but now they're learning that that that just puts the dog in a perpetual state of fear so it's just like you know it's amazing the way that that world's changed too yeah and then your brother's in the army brothers in the army so do you guys ever like compare and
Starting point is 00:25:20 contrast like uh kind of uh methodologies for that stuff in a way yeah because again he even too would just do things so much differently like he's that guy much more serious by the book and stuff like what's his rank in the uh he's a captain okay yeah so he's he's running a squad too he's running a squad he's running a squad for sure is he's running a squad. He's running a squad, for sure. Is he doing it through, like, loosey-goosey vibes? No, definitely not. Definitely not. I think if you go out there, you're not going to see him slapping, you know, high fives and shit like that. And it just goes to show just how different, you know, that we are.
Starting point is 00:25:55 And then, you know, in the Army, I don't even think you could really take that route to a degree to where you're that loose. It would be interesting. It would. So was he with you, like, growing up? Would he be like, up would he be like hey you need to like be like more dialed in i need you to be like because with my younger brother i would sometimes he'd be more relaxed about stuff and we'd be like weight lifting and i'm like hey where's your intensity bro i like i was like come on you gotta be pissed lift this weight and he was like already stronger than me so it wasn't even like i was i had like the bona fides to be screaming at him like this yeah but i would get pissed and
Starting point is 00:26:29 i'd be like come on man like be more pissed off i was like like where's your killer instinct he's like bro we're weightlifting in the garage like yeah i think he was like that to a degree till he then realized like okay this is just the way he is this is how he's gonna be we're that different of people but yeah growing up in the beginning for sure to where i always felt like i was doing something wrong right you know what i mean yeah totally it's a it's a bizarre dynamic to be that much different i mean you said i mean my brother you know he i mean growing up he'd be like you know he'd just be all right today we're gonna go chainsaw a tree you know i'd be like, you know, he'd just be like, all right, today we're going to go chainsaw a tree, you know, and I'd be like, I want to go surf. He's like, this isn't dog town, okay? He's like, you need to do manly activities. You need to work on my car, you know, and he just
Starting point is 00:27:15 constantly trying to get me to be like this way, you know, still to this day, he's like, you need to buy a gun, you know, and I'll like facetime him and he'll have his whole carpet will just be littered with like clips he's like he's like i'm putting bullets in my clips right now and i'm like dude i don't i'm not i'm not a gun guy i'm just like i'm not i don't i don't think i would like having a gun in the house and he's like wait till you have a kid and i'm like all right whatever dude um so i totally relate to that but he he accepts me you know but he's still kind of just like you need to fucking it's funny with the gun community they always try and recruit guys into that community yeah and there's really no middle
Starting point is 00:27:55 ground with the guns you either you either want a gun you don't want a gun yeah there's really not much convincing that you're gonna do to get a gun gun. Yeah. I grew up shooting guns. Did you? My family had a lot of guns. For Christmas one time, my dad got my brother and me an AR-15. How old were you at the time? Like 17 or 18, maybe 19. And my mom was horrified. She's like, it's Jesus's birthday.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Why are we getting machine guns? My brother and me were like do you have a certain spot where you guys would keep the gun that's the thing they're they're they're in wyoming they're not in california and is it in a safe it is in a safe but if i'm being totally candid the lock on the safe is uh hit and miss when it comes to use gotcha it's dangerous we shouldn't even have all those guns but a lot. I mean, but a lot of fun to shoot them. A lot of fun to shoot them. It's a little bit of an adrenaline rush.
Starting point is 00:28:49 No, totally. The way we experienced nature was like, we would appreciate it, but we were mostly dominating it. We were shooting guns, riding dirt bikes. You know,
Starting point is 00:28:56 it was always like some kind of aggressive form of, uh, of, uh, interaction. See, to me, the thing about the guns,
Starting point is 00:29:03 a lot of people get a gun in case they have an intruder or something like that my thing that i almost feel like is by the time you get to the gun wherever it is it's always in some sort of safe space the intruder is already in and did whatever he had to do yeah to where it's not like the gun's usually just on your hip while you're sleeping you could pull that thing out and let it ride i always feel like it's always locked up in the safe in the attic in the basement to where it's not on hand am i wrong there with that no i think that's probably true i know some people who are more like on ready to go with it or they have it in a place where they can get to it quick right like my my ex's friend was in like a one of the bad shootings that happened and so he had a gun with him at all times
Starting point is 00:29:46 because he was a little traumatized. I don't blame him. No, right. Yeah, exactly. It was very understandable. He was well-trained with it. He could draw and shoot very quickly and efficiently. Yeah, if something like that, I mean, it's like, shit.
Starting point is 00:30:01 I might turn into a gun guy if something like that ever happened to me or if you're close to that. Yeah. But it's funny what you said, shit, I might turn into a gun guy if something like that ever happened to me or if you're close to that. Yeah. But it's funny what you said, too, Chad. It's like people, they always, gun people, they're always recruiting. Yeah, and I've never had that mentality of like, what if someone breaks in? I never think about that, ever. Oh, see, I do.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Which might be a fault because... I think about it all the time. All the time. I never, like, what are you gonna do for security? I'm like, Oh fuck. I don't know. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I forget to lock the doors. I shouldn't say this cause people come by. But yeah, I don't know. I just never, I don't know. I just always, I guess I always,
Starting point is 00:30:38 it's super naive, but I was just figuring it's all good. Well, but even it's like the chances are someone's probably not going to break in. And I think you're just trying to have the mindset that's going to make you feel best. Yeah. You know, like who's the happier person? The person who's worried about someone breaking in all the time.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Yeah. And is over prepared for it or the person who's not worried about it at all. Yeah. It's sort of like being a prepper too. You know, like I highly respect preppers, you know, but I just figure, you know, if the apocalypse comes, you know, there's a nuclear blast. I'm going to go stand as close to it as possible and just get destroyed. This is going to be deep, but what worries you?
Starting point is 00:31:13 I mean, when you think about your biggest worry, what's something that really, really worries you? What troubles you? I think two things I worry about the most are probably my parents and career stuff. I always just want to keep moving forward career wise um yeah i think that's the biggest thing i i just i just want to keep i i just like progression so i always like to feel like i'm progressing it's a phenomenal answer yeah uh and then i i just i love my parents, my family.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yeah. That's a really good answer. What about you? Yeah. Honestly, I like the answer so much that, yeah, I think my parents is definitely something. Yeah. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Even career-wise, too, I would probably hit those. Yeah. Without a doubt. Yeah. Something that I think about daily, you know what I mean, that I i worry about daily i would say it's right on the nose yeah i just yeah i don't like feeling like the feeling of being stalled yeah i and i don't know i love creating just you know where you just sort of like yeah i don't i don't get much from socializing and stuff. You guys get creative when you smoke pot? I do.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I do too. But do you find that the creative zone for me, like if I smoke weed, I smoke a joint, right? The creativity in my mind for the first 30 minutes, 30, maybe 45 minutes is off the charts. It's a great 30, 45 minutes. but then i have a little bit of a come down on it to where then i get a little tired but i always want to keep chasing that 30 to 45 minutes where it's the most creative part like a lot of stuff with the podcast stuff like that has
Starting point is 00:32:57 all come from that 30 to 45 minutes do you get the come down of the weed you do yeah and sometimes it'll not make me creative. It'll shut me down a little bit. Yeah. I don't think it's, I've never found anything that works all the time, you know? So there's variance to all of it. But no, yeah, I'll get high and the ideas will just start flowing. I try to use it like kind of not quite break in case of emergency, but it's like when I
Starting point is 00:33:23 hit a wall. Yep. Then I'll hit it and something will pop and i think you just got to switch up your you're just trying to switch up your point of view right or like you're trying to switch up your perspective on it you're like all right i've been thinking about it this way for a while it's not working all right let me do something else and see if i can see it from another angle and it often does work yeah i like that too when you hit a wall or you just don't have much going to where you can't think of anything, you smoke a joint
Starting point is 00:33:48 and it's like a totally, it's like a clean slate. Mm-hmm. You know? It really is. Yeah. I'll do, I was doing a lot of mushrooms.
Starting point is 00:33:56 I had to slow down because I was going to like, you know, live in a tree house or something like that. But I was, that helps too. It does, huh?
Starting point is 00:34:04 A little more heavy duty. I've never done mushrooms. No? No? I've done them like once, maybe a while ago, but not enough to where I, I mean,
Starting point is 00:34:10 I feel like I did. I'll toss you a handful before you come in here. I could be a big mushroom guy. You're going to have a hell of a Monday. It's fun. I really do.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yeah. It's fun. You'd be amazing at it. Dude, I would love to see Brilliantly Dumb. Do you like being called Brilliantly Dumb or Robbie Berg?
Starting point is 00:34:23 Yeah. What's your way to prefer? Okay. I'd love to see you do an ay. Do you like being called Brilliantly Dumb or Robbie Berg? Yeah. What's your way to prefer? Okay. I'd love to see you do an ayahuasca ceremony or something. I've never done ayahuasca, so I'm recommending something
Starting point is 00:34:32 that I don't know about. But I think you doing one of those and filming on it, that could be amazing. I think that would be wild. Yeah, I've never really gotten, and I want to. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:34:41 I've never been against it. You know what I mean? I want to do it. Do you have friends who do ayahuasca? No. So you're looking for your crew to do ayahuasca with? Yeah. Well, it could be right here.
Starting point is 00:34:53 It could be right here. This could really be something. Go to Jamaica. Us three doing ayahuasca together. Because you don't want to do shrooms with everyone. But doing them with you, I have no doubts. Because if you do it with the wrong guy, it could end up being a really bad trip that's what they say yeah yeah no i think i would bring a lot of energy for you guys i could see you just sort of reassuring us
Starting point is 00:35:14 like this is good yeah this is good guys yeah this is good i'm tripping balls i i was afraid to do them because i was like oh i'm gonna a lot of people i think are afraid to do them because they're like and you know be safe if you don't want to do them don't do them but i was afraid to do them because I was like, oh, I'm going to, a lot of people I think are afraid to do them because they're like, and you know, be safe. If you don't want to do them, don't do them. But I was afraid that I would find this inner darkness in myself that would scare me. Like I was like, oh no, I'll get to the root of me and it'll be a person I don't like. Yep. And then the first time I did them, I got to the root and I was like, I'm stoked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:38 I was like, actually the, the darkness is above the inner me and the inner me is a fired up little gorilla. And once I got in touch with that i was like okay yeah it was it was actually really nice yes so you do figure out like you you figure out a lot of shit about yourself i i i didn't it wasn't like i was yeah yeah you do you do i've had a lot of trips like that where i'm like oh i do this because of this reason and i'm actually reacting to this thing that happened earlier in my life. And that kind of made me believe that the world worked this way when it really doesn't.
Starting point is 00:36:10 That's just a way that I'm telling myself. And then when the trip's over, you still remember what you, there's some residual benefit. I think we got to do shrooms boys. Yeah, I really do. I don't think I've ever had a deep therapeutic sort of,
Starting point is 00:36:25 maybe I haven't think I've ever had a deep therapeutic sort of... Maybe I haven't done shrooms deep enough since college. Or maybe you're already in touch with that inner essence. Oh, dude, thanks. I mean, I've been reading a lot of Eckhart Tolle, and basically what he preaches is what you just illustrated with the whole, like, the mind is just insanity. But at your core, you're just a peaceful being but if you're taking shrooms and you're not getting there that might be a sign that you are
Starting point is 00:36:51 exactly where you need to be because it sounds like jt's got a lot going on you know what i mean where chad just might be at that level where he needs to be dude thank you well i was thinking the same thing for you i was like with you know with ayahuasca i don't know if you i don't know if you want to mess i don't know if you want to mess with what's going on yeah maybe i am where i need to be ram das said that once he got to a place with his like meditation and with his like spiritual practice that he would do uh psychedelics and wouldn't really change much yeah because i think he was already kind of in that headspace interesting he might have just been bragging yeah yeah i mean i i did shrooms you know a couple times in the fall and and we have a friend kevin the schmoll and uh he's so into that stuff you know i told him yeah i took
Starting point is 00:37:37 some some shrooms and he's like what did you learn and so i was like oh i guess i have to think about what i'm learning right now you learned that you really want to go to space I want to go to space that's one thing yeah I love the ocean and then uh speak up more that was that was the three lessons those are great yeah so Kevin's in our crew you have a tremendous crew we got a good we got a we got a good group of guys how'd you build the team a lot of it a lot of the guys came through the hotel like my guy Joey cold cuts great guy working oh he's fantastic he was working at the restaurant at that hotel hmm our other friend the Big Maple he was working at the other restaurant at the hotel so what it all kind of came together all you know working through the hotel yeah for me that was a big reason why I didn't go to bar
Starting point is 00:38:22 stool which obviously it's a really tough decision but first why I didn't go to Barstool, which obviously is a really tough decision. But first off, I just got out to California. I was in a great situation out here. But we had such a good crew. And so many of that crew was a reason why we were being able to do what we were doing, having the success we were having. To where I didn't want to leave the boys. You know what I mean? We were so tight.
Starting point is 00:38:45 We were having so much fun. We really felt like we were doing it the right way to where it was like, why would I leave that? Yeah. It's so important. I mean, the crew keeps you grounded, too. For sure. Especially if you're out here.
Starting point is 00:38:57 You know what I mean? Yeah. You need those boys that are just like... Oh, even coming out here, you always think whenever you move somewhere, you always think, you know, I really want to find A good group of friends
Starting point is 00:39:06 And what not And it happened so fast To where you don't even realize It's like holy shit Like this is exactly What you wanted You had that good of a crew Did your eyes light up
Starting point is 00:39:15 When you met Joey Colcutt It's like the first time You heard him He just hit you With some kind of comment That spoke to a special way Of looking at things My manager
Starting point is 00:39:23 I was working at the front desk At the time And my manager Had a noise complaint about Cold Cut's restaurant because he was running the restaurant Really late and they were playing loud music It was affecting guests coming in to check in And
Starting point is 00:39:36 She went in to go complain and then Cold Cut came back out to the front desk to kind of Talk it out a little bit and he came to me And he's like dude can I ask He's like do you think the music is is too loud i said i think it's fantastic people are having a good time everybody's enjoying themselves and then right out of the gate i mean joey kulk just hit it off because you showed him that you were a good dude about that action yeah for sure and the bottom line is people were having a good time people were inside they were dancing they were having fun.
Starting point is 00:40:05 It was drawing people to the restaurant to where I truly felt that, too. It was a bit positive. Yeah. Everybody was having a good time. The vibes were great. Music wasn't as loud, I thought, as my manager thought. And right away, we just ended up becoming great friends. And then the crew kind of pieced together from there.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Jersey Jerry, is that his name? Jersey Jerry. Is that from childhood? No. become great friends and then the crew kind of pieced together from there jersey jersey jerry is that his name jersey jerry is that from childhood no no jersey jerry he was just he was like a fan of the show and he was oh i mean oh really yeah oh i thought he's like your childhood no a lot of people do especially since he's from jersey but yeah he was dming me and i i went to his profile and he had these call-ins to radio shows, like ESPN and all of that. And usually when you call into those, they hang up on you right away. Like you make your point, first time, long-time listener, first time caller, you make your point, they hang up on you. He would have these calls into these radio shows, and they would keep them on.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Will Kane, like Michael Kay, because they got such a kick out of this guy. And he would stay on for like 10 15 minutes and i always wondered what those guys do that call into the radio shows you wait for two three hours of your day just to get hung up on yeah um and they would call him on and i saw i thought it was hysterical so i was like hey you should come on the show whatnot and then that just kind of created from there. Nice. I got a big question, too. Sure. Joey Coldcoats. Yeah. I mean, there's this ongoing saga.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I kind of want to, on this podcast, I want to know, did he fart? I think he farted. I think, I do. I don't know where else that would have came from. Yeah. You know what I mean? Totally. Yeah, and he takes the swing.
Starting point is 00:41:42 We're on the golf course. He takes the swing. There's clearly a fart, and if you look at his swing at the point of where his swing was when he farted would have been a perfect time to fart to release to release yeah to let it fly um and listeners check out brilliant uh brilliant so i can the l's dude you're doing brilliantly dumb on instagram uh check out this saga you know we got footage of cold cuts you know hitting the golf swing it looks like he's farting sounds like he's farting but you know a lot of people are debating it so and he gets upset because i asked him i said did you just fart
Starting point is 00:42:16 and he got very hostile like he gets very upset yeah um do you think it was a fart total when i first heard it i was like fart gotta be a fart yeah Totally. When I first heard it, I was like, fart. Gotta be a fart. Yeah. And I think both fart gates were absolutely a fart. Yeah. And again, at the time of his swing, it's at the perfect time. If he would have been in his backswing and farted, I would say not a fart. Is he a bigger guy?
Starting point is 00:42:37 He is. So do you think any of you guys assuming it's a fart is prejudiced towards bigger dudes? I would hate to say yes, but yes, I do. And there are people in the fart gate that'll back him up and that get upset about it too, understandably so. But I do think he farted. You got to trust your gut. You do, you do.
Starting point is 00:43:01 You got to trust it. So when you're filming everybody, when you guys are golfing, how do you know when's the moment to pull out the camera? A, if they have like a tricky shot, like if they're behind trees or something, you never know what's going to happen. You know what I mean? You don't know if it's going to plink around, hit it. A lot of ways it could go. There's so much that could go wrong. But from the main part, what we do is even, you know you know if you're not behind trees we just keep that thing rolling so the
Starting point is 00:43:29 camera we're out to go for us it's just rolling all the time we always have our phones we you know what not to where you just never know what's gonna happen and your lady's a big golfer too she is she is dude i get invested in it invested in relationships that I see blossom on social media. I'm like invested. Yeah. Yeah. What I like about her, she doesn't mind. I'm a big believer.
Starting point is 00:43:52 I always want a camera to be rolling. You know what I mean? And that can be tough. Sometimes if you're having a bad round or whatnot, you don't want a camera in your face. You're getting frustrated or whatnot. There's like a mutual understanding between her joey cold cuts like all the people that we have out there that the camera's just going to be running and if you we get you with the bad shot like it's going to go up and there's just this mutual understanding
Starting point is 00:44:13 we love it that's awesome yeah it's good stuff what are your uh i'd love to get your overarching philosophies on some big topics so like uh on love what do you what do you think is like the uh what's your what's your outlook on love i you know i i i think it's i'm a big believer i know it's cliche when you know you know you know what i mean when you know you got the right one you usually got the right one um and i think you just gotta let that shit flow, man. Just let it flow. No timeline, no dates of when you want certain things to happen. You just let it flow. Nice.
Starting point is 00:44:52 And what about on like life? Do you have like a, do you think there's order to this or do you think it's kind of chaos? Does everything happen for a reason or is it all kind of just the meaning we bring to it? It's definitely chaos, but I do think everything happens for a reason or is it all kind of just the meaning we bring to it? It's definitely chaos, but I do think everything happens for a reason. So from our vantage point, it's chaos. But if you zoom out, there's an origin to it.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Yeah, there's a reason to it. It's just nuts how one decision or certain things happen that totally change the direction of where your life goes. What were those big ones for you? Not going to Barstool. What if I was in New York? I wouldn't be sitting here right now. I wouldn't have met my girlfriend. I wouldn't be with Joey Colcuts.
Starting point is 00:45:31 Stuff like that that just totally changed the direction. Were you talking to Portnoy? Yeah. And so he was trying to bring you on the team? Yeah. I was working and I got a DM from him. And of course, I'm a huge Barstool guy. And yeah, getting getting that totally freaked
Starting point is 00:45:45 out hmm totally freaked out you just play it's not the right fit or it might have been the right fit it was like there was a better fit yeah yeah and I didn't at first we text me I was like okay done it's a done deal but then when I actually really thought about it and I reflected on it it kind of was like holy shit like maybe i'm not gonna go and if you would have told me that i would say no to them um i would you know i would say no way i think it was a smart move i uh because i think you'll flourish and independently yeah and i think i think you'll your your ceiling is much higher now and think about we wouldn't be sitting here right now yeah we wouldn't be gabbing yeah yeah what about what's like the foundational pieces of uh art that kind of shaped your
Starting point is 00:46:31 your sensibility oh wow that's deep that's deep because i don't know i don't know what kind of music you listen to i was trying to think about it i was like what's what's what's robbie listening to when he drives around yeah oh is. It's a phenomenal question. You know what I'm big on? I'm a huge, huge Billy Joel guy. Oh, that makes a lot of sense. Does it? That makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Yeah, that really hit, huh? Yeah. I love me some Billy Joel. I really do. I think he's phenomenal. I'll dabble in Elton John and the Eagles. But Billy Joel is my guy. What was that? Bruce.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Of course. I'll get into Bruce. But Billy, for me, hits hard. That hits home. You get that tingle. You get that. You know what I mean? Not to say that Bruce can't do that.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Billy, for me, is always just. Well, that's why when cold cuts is coming out of the restaurant and they're getting noise complaints, you're looking in there. They probably got a piano in there, right? Yeah. And you're just thinking, this is it. Let them go. We didn't start the fire. Let them ride.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Let them fly. Let them enjoy themselves. Yeah. You know what I mean? One of my favorite things is seeing people enjoy themselves. You know what I mean? Seeing people have a good time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:39 You know? Were you a big partier? Not really. Just a big socializer. Just a big,izer just a big yes yeah anywhere where i could go and and talk and move around and stuff like that i'm all for but i don't think i was a huge partier i just like the gatherings together and then at parties i like seeing other people have a good time it's great so you're at action park media right now yeah and were you a big entourage so action
Starting point is 00:48:05 park media is run by kevin connelly yeah uh e from entourage were you a big entourage guy growing up oh yeah yeah big time that was like the to the point where i mean still till this day i'll watch and how is it now you know you're hanging out with like johnny drama yeah and kevin connelly regularly is it a mind trip or are you kind of like oh these are just my boys now till this day yeah yeah we go we went out golfing with them and like there were times where you're out golfing where you had johnny drama and then you had kevin connelly eat in in a cart together yeah and watching them go to their ball in the car driving together and like drama time.
Starting point is 00:48:46 He had to hit his shot and stuff like that. There were times throughout the rounds where I was like, dude, this is insane. I was in the car with cold cuts and I kept saying to cold cuts like, do you realize how insane this is? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like, it's just nuts. What's their report like? Very similar to the show which is bizarre like it's it's you know they're different
Starting point is 00:49:08 in some regards but from the from the most part they're very very similar is it art imitating life or life imitating art um life imitating art i would say they took it on oh dude for sure we even went out with we were were out with Johnny Drama, and we were golfing, and we were golfing with the head pro of the course, and we're out on the fairway, and it's a par five, and the head pro's trying to tell Drama to lay up, like to play the course, play it smart, play it safe, lay up. And Drama listens to him, and he takes his little iron out,
Starting point is 00:49:43 and then all of a sudden you see him over the ball thinking and he turns and he pops up and he goes no offense bro but i didn't come here to lay up and he puts his iron back into the bag takes a big three wood hits it into the water it was like classic classic johnny drama amazing. Oh, it was so great. But yeah, throughout the round, I'm pinching myself. I'm like, this is insane. This is nuts. And they're great guys. Do you ever ask Kevin Conley about his gallivanting with the Pussy Posse?
Starting point is 00:50:18 All the time. All the time. It's wild. I feel like anybody connected to Leonardo DiCaprio in some way, shape, or form, it's just such a legendary. You hear a story about Michael Jordan, instantly it's legendary. You hear a story about Leo or anybody with a connection. They're a little larger than life. Oh, totally. Totally. To where it's insane. But yeah, all the time.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Totally, towards insane. But yeah, all the time. And he's seen so much throughout his career that, you know, you sit in the studio with him, you hear what he says and different stories that he's had. It's fascinating. It's got to be. And David Blaine was in that crew, right? Yeah, which, you know, I've asked him and I don't remember what he said. I always wonder how Blaine snuck into that. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Well, he's a magician. Well, that right well he's a magician well yeah but he's a magician but where how did they all get connected yeah like was he ever an actor like how did they all get connected right and a damn good magician the best right the most i mean do could you know of a better magician better than david blaine i don't think so chris angel there we go. Wow. Now we got it. Mind freak. Now we got it.
Starting point is 00:51:28 The mind freak. Yeah. Who do you got, Chet? Criss Angel or David Blaine? I think I gotta go with D. Blaine. Yeah. Yeah. I was just throwing Criss Angel out there just because that's the only other name I know.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Justin Willman. What's his name? Oh, yeah. Well, this is bad because I was like, I worked on his Comedy Central pilot. Justin Willman? Justin Willman.
Starting point is 00:51:48 I think I asked him. Nice guy. Good guy. He's a good magician, too. I was on a lot of drugs when I worked on that show, guys. Was he good for him? No, I was on a lot. Oh.
Starting point is 00:51:58 You know what's funny? He was bone sober. He was a professional. Also, too, you think about actors, like how hard it is coming up with the actors and stuff like that imagine being a magician coming up and telling people you're a magician oh tough tough sledding yeah you're in high school you're keeping that to yourself totally unless you've already got the goods right because i think i think what you can do is like there was occasionally where people would have offbeat passions and you'd be like oh what a dork but then the talent show would come aroundbeat passions and you'd be like, Oh, what a dork.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But then the talent show would come around and you're like, you're like, did you see Caleb Irish dance? The kid can bring it. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:32 they had an audio visual component to where like behind him on the screen, it's split screen into other Caleb's doing the Irish jig. Yeah. And I was like, Holy crap. Like this is like a full scale immersive experience. And then I just had to tip my hat to yeah talent if you got the goods totally or even like you know you meet friends friends parents they take you out to dinner or something so you know you what do you do
Starting point is 00:52:54 you give your whole story you say you're a magician it's tough to get them to to take you seriously it is it's got to be tough growing up with that it's a big buy-in yeah and magicians too always cocky on stage i hate that you're so right yeah they i mean then they they really bring it i mean i think you have to really really believe that you know you're the fucking man because every time every magician i see on stage they're just so just like commanding the room just like when their patters always like superior yeah they're like oh well you thought it was a jackal you give balls actually no yeah i wonder if they take that off the stage like if they take that big dick energy off of it sure i'm sure it bleeds it probably unless to some degree i'll smack yeah yeah but unless unless you don't
Starting point is 00:53:43 unless you feel like the magic is all you have yeah yeah maybe when you get off the stage and you're sort of like who am i you know without my cards they feel a little absent of their power yeah yeah it's like how they said johnny carson when he wasn't hosting this night show he was just a sad guy like he made that red light to be on is that so talk yeah yeah people said he was the most socially uncomfortable person they ever saw. Really? They're like, if there was a red light on in his living room, he would have been the best conversationalist in the world, meaning like the red light from the camera. Fascinating.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Because he was one of the best to ever do it. He's the best, right? Yeah. And yeah, but terribly insecure and introverted guy off camera. And then as soon as he gets off stage, he's just a different guy? Different guy. A lot of times, too, with musicians, too,
Starting point is 00:54:29 they're more comfortable on stage performing. It's interesting. You know? Yeah. They come alive. They do. They do. I feel that being on stage.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I'm more comfortable. I've had that. I just like being on stage, I'm more comfortable. I've had that. I just like being on stage. Being more just having a mic in your hand is sort of like, I guess being the youngest where you're sort of like, the youngest family dinners, I don't say a word. And so everyone was just talking and stuff, and I was just like eating my peas.
Starting point is 00:55:04 But do you now feel the need to be the funny guy to where people are expecting you to be on? Even friends from home, now you go, you see them, do they expect that you're going to be on? I felt that early on. But as I got more comfortable with it, i just i just try to bring uh levity and just like a good good attitude i think that i think that's more my focus because i'm like you know yeah i was just like that's just like an unreachable thing just always being hilarious you know it's and i just know there's just i'm either in like a funny mode or not you know it's and i just know there's just i'm i'm either in like a funny mode or not you know and so i'm like the best i can do is just bring a good attitude yeah see my thing too
Starting point is 00:55:53 is like i got so much energy all the time yeah that people expect me to always have that energy and some days i just don't have it yeah and if if you're the slightest bit off, people will say, well, what's wrong? What's wrong? Hey, you okay? What's wrong? And you really don't want them. That's it. The truth of the matter is you just may not have your A stuff that time.
Starting point is 00:56:14 Yeah. You know what I mean? I just tell them, if someone's like, hey, what's up? Like, you're not on. I go, yeah, I'm sad. I'm sad. It's a great great approach and then that'll make them laugh oh you're sad you go yeah yeah i'm really sad today and it kind of fires them up you know gives them permission to go in different directions i guarantee i'm being honest with
Starting point is 00:56:37 you i will use that it works yeah just short shortcut that great. And I think also if you're like, uh, I was having dinner with like my ex's friends and they were like, how are you feeling about COVID and stuff? I was like, it's nice. And they were like, why?
Starting point is 00:56:54 I was like, well, my brain's so chaotic. It's nice when the rest of the world looks just as fucked up as my head. And then they all start laughing. They're like, your boyfriend's hilarious. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:57:04 I'm not joking. But yeah, I was like, if boyfriend's hilarious. I'm like, I'm not joking. But yeah, I was like, if that works for you, good. Like, I think they almost, because if you're a funny person, they think you're always being funny. Yeah, 100%. So I don't know. I think it gives me a nice,
Starting point is 00:57:14 gives me a nice place to jag for them. I think it's advantageous. Chad, I didn't want to finish without saying, and because I didn't say it the first time to you, you had an unbelievable set of hair. Oh, dude, thank you. Is that, I mean, yeah, that really is consistent. I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:57:31 I mean, that thing's there to stay. Yeah, it's my pride and joy. Yeah, put a lot of time and effort into it. And I'll run through stylists. Like my girl Jess bailed last year. I don't think she's cutting hair anymore yeah i felt lost and but it's also during covid so it was like a time where you couldn't get haircuts yeah and so i was just letting it grow you know um but then i found a new girl myra who's just on fire i think your old jess is probably a magician now i think so dude be yeah could be
Starting point is 00:58:07 i gotta ask her yeah do you do you tell them what you want done with your hair or since they're a stylist they choose yeah i tell them what i tell them what i want yeah i'm pretty specific you know because they'll try to they'll try to hit me with the bieber the the old school bieber they'll try to go super short on the back and then like long and i'm like that's not me like i know i know you think that that's gonna look good but it's not so you know and if they if they go in that direction i'm you know it's the only time where i'm mean you know i'm in the haircut chair you know you tell me give me the bieber cut yeah it's gonna be too late to say sorry.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Yeah. You know, that's the only time I'm curt. You know, they start cutting the back and I see the scissors moving up. I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah. You know, you got to check them. I love that moment in the haircut where you know they're about to go too far. Because they're always going to go too far in one direction.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Always going to go too far. Like, I'm like, hey, just a quarter inch. And then every time it's a half inch. And you see them go to do, they got it perfect. they go to do morning go hold it yeah we're good yeah yeah and dating wise too you know if a girl is like you know you're a little too nice you know i'll be like well watch me get a haircut i'll bring them along and watch me get a haircut and they'll just see me just you know and i'll i'll bring them along and they'll watch me get a haircut and they'll just see me just you know you're a different guy yeah she's like wow you're a savage i'm like yeah for things i care about yeah i don't fuck around so that's why with this relationship i'll kill for you i love that
Starting point is 00:59:36 dude i felt that yeah rob can i ask you something anything what are the three give me three movies i'm a big sports guy okay love it all right so i would go with my top three i would go remember the titans okay yeah i would go away from sports here and i would say goodwill hunting just an absolute classic so you love a movie with a good speech. I do. Where a guy's bringing the best out of the other guy. Oh, I absolutely do. I love, I love a good speech.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I like, take me on a little bit of an emotional rollercoaster. Give me the highs, give me the lows. I was thinking about Remember the Titans this morning. I was thinking about Bratier and Julius Campbell when they have their first kind of face-to-face, notwl but when they're after practice yep and he goes that's the biggest waste of god-given talent ever seen and he goes attitude reflect leadership coach captain captain yeah and then that next day is when they start that's left side strong so i'll give you a new haircut yeah strong side left side it's phenomenal and then so what's the third the third i would go
Starting point is 01:00:46 i don't think i could go sports again i'd probably go shawshank i mean you can't that's chalk it's chalk yep and nobody's nobody's gonna fight you on that no those are classics yeah foundational films you can watch those every day of the week i watched a clip from goodwill hunting yes two days ago two days which clip was it? I guess. When they're sitting by at the park. No, I didn't close, but I went with when Affleck tells them. Oh, phenomenal. If you're still here in 30 years, I'll kick your ass.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Oh, phenomenal. Phenomenal clip. That comes up on my TikTok feed a lot. Oh, it's so good. I like, you know, with TikTok, a lot of the movie clips come up. I love that shit. There was a YouTube comment underneath it that I really thought crystallized what makes that's so good. I like, you know, with TikTok, a lot of the movie clips come up. I love that shit. There was a YouTube comment underneath it that I really thought crystallized what makes that scene so special. It said, this whole film, all these people have been trying to encourage Will to change his life and to, you know, fulfill his potential.
Starting point is 01:01:37 But the only person who ends up getting through to him that really makes him make that leap is his best friend. Doesn't that hit deep? All these mathematicians these therapists all these different people are trying to get through to him but it's his best friend that he grew up with who actually gets him to make the leap and you talk about a guy that could just do it all robin williams oh i mean to get into that deep from being a comedian then to go in and being that emotional and raw phenomenal talent it's crazy with him too because you know i i always bring up like the negative sides of people i don't know i just well i think
Starting point is 01:02:09 they're complicated it's interesting but like you know robin williams notorious joke thief do you know this is that so oh so in san francisco where he came from they used to have like a scene they light you in stand up to say you got so many minutes left on stage i guess they had an other light that they would flip on to say robin's in the building like hide your material basically come on i swear to you and so i guess he stole a ton from like david brenner but he always i guess felt conflicted about it because he would come and write checks to people like to kind of and it was never a contract established in advance but he would he would throw money to people to take their jokes basically to make up for take their jokes basically to
Starting point is 01:02:45 make up for taking their jokes it was like apologizing rather than asking for permission kind of thing and so he and then you know some people think it's because he was so stream of conscious that when he was on stage he was riffing so fast that he had to pull whatever was in his head and oftentimes that was something that someone else said and so it just came out of his you know motor mouth style um or was yeah and then i'm sure put his own spin on it and his delivery that's the thing with him his delivery and he's a genius like i mean it went to juilliard and he can do any kind of character i you know i don't i it doesn't make me think less of him as a comedian he's so talented but it just makes me just curious about who he was as a person a little bit.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Isn't it amazing too, guys that are either that smart or that talented tend to have the most issues offstage and stuff like that? Because I just feel like they are so overwhelmed with so many thoughts and different emotions that it's hard to kind of keep it all together and you just got to think his mind was so frantic all the time and in just so many different places that in a way it's almost a burden well we were talking about this last week too and just like with him and like you know richard pryor was such a such a sad guy did the sadness did that help their art or did it make it worse? I like to think it didn't. They would have been just as good had they been, you know.
Starting point is 01:04:10 You would like to think so. Had they been happy. Definitely. I think they would have been. Yeah. Robin's such a talent. People forget one of his first movies, Moscow and the Hudson. He learned Russian and the saxophone.
Starting point is 01:04:24 And he's like, it's like his third movie out yeah yeah that's just how much shit he probably had going on yeah i wonder if like that that high of intelligence it allows you to get deeper moments into that that sort of um that deep well of creativity so it's like maybe i don't know if maybe they're you know high functioning all the time just thinking of great material all the time or if they were just like they had these spurts of like intense kind of flow yeah what i mean that's interesting i wonder and to have the range that he did then to go into movies and either be the funny guy or do what he did in goodwill hunting unbelievable in drama it is it's insane awakenings with the
Starting point is 01:05:05 bobby de niro it's crazy i was thinking about that too like creativity it's like you know we talk about fast twitch muscle versus slow twitch muscle yeah some people are marathon runners some people are sprinters yeah in fighting some people grind it out some people just hit you with bursts yeah i think maybe creativity is the same way too yeah some people are fast twitch creative where they they just hit you with a big burst and it comes out quick and hard and then they go down. And some people are just slow rollers. Continue at the same pace.
Starting point is 01:05:34 I think a lot of it, we have different writing styles in the sense that you like to be around people and performing. I like to be alone and solitary. I think a lot of it has to do with like what gets you more present. You know, like if you're around people, I think you're able to be more present. When I'm alone, I'm able to be more present. When I'm around people, it's more kind of like my mind's going every which way.
Starting point is 01:05:59 I can't focus as much. When you guys write together, are you comfortable with saying, no, I don't like that? Like, is there times where you guys bring something and you say, no, I'm not big on that and change it up? We don't say, I don't think we ever outright say, no, I don't like that. Yeah. I think it's more like, occasionally we'll say that. Yeah. But I think most of the time it's more like, try to be thoughtful about it.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. I guess where it's like, Hmm. And then I think if it's nice to have a reason or an alternative, like if you don't like something, I think it's good to have like a reason why you don't like it. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:06:34 We were like, Hey, I think that doesn't like fit tonally with what we already got. So it might make it to this. So I can't do that. Or you'd be like, but I think the best thing to do is to, is to build on the idea. Like if you don't like the idea, instead Or you'd be like, but I think the best thing to do is to, is to build on the idea.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Like if you don't like the idea, instead of just outright being like, cause I'll shut down stuff too much, I think. Yeah. And I'll, I'll instead of being like, no,
Starting point is 01:06:53 I don't like that. I think the best thing you can do is go, okay, well, why did he think that was the move? There's gotta be a good reason why. And then build something. And then be like,
Starting point is 01:07:02 maybe not that, but maybe this, that's kind of an offshoot of that. Right. And i think that's the best way to do it if you're working collaboratively i think odin kirk said that like bob odin kirk said that one of the biggest bits on mr show was brian posain pitch something and then odin kirk said he was like that's the worst idea i've ever heard but then he thought about it more and he was like okay but like brian's a funny guy why do you think of that and then they were able to like piece it together piece it together why he's coming up with that and then it was like the biggest sketch they ever did yeah i i had another question for you i
Starting point is 01:07:32 can't remember what it was they hit on me yeah hit him with it yeah what what what what was it in the realm or if it comes up smack me right in the mouth with a jet have you been punched before i never have and i really wonder what that's like. I watch UFC. I watched the UFC card the other day, stuff like that. Great card. Great card. I just wonder what's that like to where I almost do want to get punched just to feel it.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Obviously, I don't want to get punched, but I wonder all the time what it's like. I've never been in a fight either, but I had a friend punch me in high school. Now, that wasn't a fight, though? No. We were just hammered in Spain, and we just socked each other in the face. You know, like, he socked me first, I socked him. Yeah. And it was pretty liberating.
Starting point is 01:08:19 I feel like it would be for me. Like, if you said, you know, can I punch you in the face, I would say no. But if you just went ahead and did it, I feel like I would be for me. Like if you said, you know, can I punch you in the face? I would say no. But if you just went ahead and did it, I feel like I would appreciate it because I want to know what it's like to wear one. Yeah. I just don't ever see me being an, I'm just not that guy. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm not a fighter.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I'm not a. No, I think you would synthesize, you're a beef synthesizer. I think you neutralize the fight. Yeah. That's where, i like to be that guy do i not destroy my enemy by making him my friend yeah abraham lincoln and and at the same time too like i'll see my you know you got some friends that go out to go to a bar or whatever again the fight's just why yeah where are you going with that yeah what's the best possible
Starting point is 01:09:00 outcome they're just horny right could be they could just be horny what what do you see what's your sort of vision for your career wise where do you see yourself headed what what do you what do you want i i would love to be like a johnny carson yeah i think you're great at that absolutely i would love to be a talk show host i really would i think that if i had to put a goal because for a while i i kind of wondered like, you know, what is, like, I wondered what the answer to that question was. I knew it was something in entertainment, making people laugh. Is it stand-up? Is it this or that?
Starting point is 01:09:34 And when I really, when push comes to shove, I really feel like that would be the best. That would be the greatest. I love that. I love sitting down, having a conversation. You know, you're making it fun. I just think that would be incredible i could totally see that i would have a ball and with the way uh entertainment's going like what do you think the next version of the tonight show is that's gonna survive yeah i tell you that's gonna thrive yeah that's a good question
Starting point is 01:10:01 you know because it does seem like a lot of these talk shows, like, yeah, the host, they have their different styles and whatnot. Yeah. But it's all pretty similar in regards to the setup. Yeah. You see Jimmy Fallon messes around with the music and different games and stuff like that. But I do wonder what the next step is. How do you change it up?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Right. You know what I mean so i i don't i don't even know i i don't know what exactly it looks like yeah but what i do love to see is the different styles like i think to me letterman was incredible he's got an unbelievable style amazing oh dude great um but i do like to see different people change it up. I like James Corden. I think it's hysterical, too. Yeah. Who's your dream person to talk to?
Starting point is 01:10:50 I would be so curious to sit down with Howard Stern. Yeah. It's going to happen. I hope. But you want to do, what side of the sticks do you want to be on? I would love to ask him the questions. I really would. But when he did Letterman's Netflix thing, he couldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:11:06 It's so funny you said that. I saw that. He has such a hard time being a guest. He's so used to hosting and going into that host mode. I struggle with that sometimes, too, is being a guest. You saw that in Letterman's. He comes on, and he totally just turns into the host. And even Letterman said to him i'm not let me ask the questions he likes to be he likes that vantage point oh for sure he
Starting point is 01:11:33 likes being the one who's in charge of where it's going also too like it'd be so cool to be on so my dad's such a big stern fan just for his sake to to if he ever sold me on that or something like that i mean it would be incredible yeah we're also brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our chins pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean because you got a dong or a vagina and you've definitely got pubes and manscaped is here to help you, you know, keep that shit tame. Um, because that's what we all want to do is stay clean, keep grooming, and you can do it with the perfect package 3.0 kit. Uh, that's got the lawnmower 3.0 cordless waterproof. Um, and we've also got the, um um the crop reviver ball toner testy toner uh the weed
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Starting point is 01:13:16 okay sounds good just throw them in all right here we go let's let's pick some good ones it's a quick one it's. Normally they're long questions. We're big on context. What did they do? The email you guys did? The email I made. Love it. And I don't vet them.
Starting point is 01:13:30 I go through them in the moment. Yeah. So no prep. I love that. Fresh out of the hopper. Lonely or horny? How do I know if I'm lonely or just horny? Thanks, boys.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Well, you're probably both. I would think so. I would think so. I would think so. But sometimes it's hard to know which is bigger. You know what I mean? Because I've been horny and then I realized later that I was more horny. But more often I've thought I was horny and realized I was lonely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:05 I hit a spot with if I am too horny, then I question, am I just lonely? Rather than just enjoy being horny, I'll hit a spot where I do question, like maybe I'm just lonely. Yeah. Great question, though. Short, sweet, to the point. Yeah. I think you just got to, a like how horny are we
Starting point is 01:14:26 talking yeah yeah i wish he was here to actually clarify yeah just how horny he was talking and i wouldn't condone you know maybe if you want to if you want to be sort of uh you know your own guinea pig maybe drill yourself and then say are these these feelings still coming up? Or did I just, you know, blast them through my dog? It can be the greedy, the great equalizer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:51 Is she off limits? What up chat and JT? How's life? I'm a freshman in high school and there's this one girl at my school who's just perfect. She's hella cute. Great personality. The whole package.
Starting point is 01:14:59 However, there is one problem. She dated my homie a year ago. They only dated for a week or two and didn't have a messy breakup. She's still friends with my homie. That allows for the big question. Is she off limits? Do I move on and just forget about it?
Starting point is 01:15:11 I go back and forth on whether I should move or not. As of now, I feel I should move on, but I just wanted to hear what you guys think. Also, if you say she isn't off limits, I suck at flirting. It's not like I'm scared to talk to them. I just can't flirt. Any advice on that? Let's take it bit by bit. Is she off limits? scared to talk to them i just can't flirt any advice on that let's take it bit by bit is she
Starting point is 01:15:25 off limits uh i i don't think so but given that this guy's freshman in high school i know how you know amped up those feelings are if you're like dude i dated her for like his friends probably like bro i that's my ex even though they dated for a week you know that's just freshman um but i i don't think she's off limits i if you really want to you know do your due diligence i would check with your buddy and just be like hey i'm you know can i ask her out of course check with the buddy i think the buddy should give you the green light absolutely because here's the there's plenty of fish in the sea but not when you're a freshman in high school yeah you know what i mean your dating pool is relatively small yeah and also
Starting point is 01:16:02 at that point everyone's going through relationships so quickly i don't think it's the same as like your 30 year old buddy yeah you know what i mean where you're a little more developed in in your attachments this is like you know everyone's figuring it out so i don't think your friend should feel uh any kind of i don't know ownership over that yeah you know what i mean i think i think he's got to give you the green light. The only thing I worry about with the green light, and I would ask the friend too, is even though he gives you the green light,
Starting point is 01:16:32 does it now affect that friendship? I think we're going to find out. Yeah. Let's battle test it a little bit. I think you have no choice but to at least see and test the grounds a little bit, but definitely get that clarified. I think it shows a lot of integrity to go to your friend first.
Starting point is 01:16:48 I do. I do. And then if he doesn't give you the green light, I think you say, maybe do give me the green light. Push back a little bit. Yeah. If you're super into her. And then he says, I suck at flirting. I can talk to him.
Starting point is 01:17:01 I just can't flirt. Well, if you're talking to them, you're flirting. Yeah. Yeah. This whole, like, am I flirting? Do I suck? It can't flirt well if you're talking to them you're flirting yeah this whole like am i flirting and do i suck it's like well just just keep talking yeah i would say yeah just whenever you're talking to them make sure make sure it's a good time yeah bring your own robbie burger to it yeah a lot of times talking is flirting yeah you know i mean yeah it also sounds like there's no wounds like time heals all wounds there's no wound in his relationship with that girl his buddy's relationship yeah that kid's having a ball but it's also been a year so like even if there was he should be kind of over it by
Starting point is 01:17:36 now like i have like my my high school girlfriend is married to one of my high school buddies but it was like two three years later so it's like i don't care go ahead man yeah do your thing totally agree do we hang out or talk no and and when you're that age though too there's just gonna be overlap there's nothing you can do hey bros i need advice i've been hanging out with this girl for a couple weeks now and she stayed the night at my homie's house with me the other night and it was awesome the homie who owns the house though it was however has been hitting on her and stayed at her house last night after a party. I don't think anything happened, but is this a red flag? I can't trust my dog?
Starting point is 01:18:12 He's too horny. I've known him for forever, but if I can't trust him, can we stay friends? Thanks, boys. No, I don't think you can trust your friend. I mean, you can trust him to be your friend. You know what I mean? That line from Jackie Brown. You can trust her to be her, but in this case, him. You know what i mean that line from jackie brown you can trust her to be her but in this case him um you know what dude i think you just gotta you gotta hang in the octagon with
Starting point is 01:18:30 this guy and you gotta beat him you just gotta beat him yeah i think you go toe-to-toe i think you're dancing with the guy i really do i mean yeah you can you can be mad at the universe that why did why can't it just be easy well Well, it can't. It's tough. It's amazing how horny people are out there. Yeah. You know what I mean? We're all horny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:52 You a horny guy? I am. Yeah, I am. Love that. Love that. Yeah, I think, how old are they? No age here. I'm guessing from the syntax and the overall vibe that he's a 20 year old
Starting point is 01:19:09 right top high end of the age uh guess i'd say 24 yeah but more likely 20 20 to 22 yeah yeah i would say too i would say you know pursue this nice lady you know get in there you know, pursue this nice lady. You know, get in there. You know? Go toe-toe with your friend. What's up? Like, how do you gauge, say you're a horny guy, how do you gauge how horny you are? For me, it's always what other people tell me.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Gotcha. Which is really all you have to go off of. I've had friends say, you're a horny guy. There we go. Because they just know. Yeah. They feel it for me. It's what I talk about and it's
Starting point is 01:19:47 it's when we go out they can it's where I'm at horniness is always word of mouth it's word of mouth and they just you just trust the people
Starting point is 01:19:54 around you I do yeah so if you don't know maybe turn to one of your friends and go hey am I horny am I a horny guy yeah
Starting point is 01:19:59 and they'll know yeah well we were filming something and the camera one of the camera ops was like you know we always catch you looking at boobs just when we're out filming they're like dude you're always just looking at boobs that's true that's what zach told me yeah oh wow i've never noticed yeah i thought i was being subtle but you
Starting point is 01:20:22 know i i can't it's but I try to be respectful. I'm not staring. Yeah, you're very respectful. You've got good manners. But if there's boobs, I'm a scope. A lot of times if I go out with my girlfriend, I see guys looking at her and stuff like that. It's just a mutual understanding that it's going to happen. I get a little territorial.
Starting point is 01:20:42 I did in the beginning, but like i realize it it's just there's nothing you could do from stop it stopping it's gonna happen what a healthy mindset you know yeah it took some time to get to that mindset it's tough you know but you gotta yeah you adjust and overcome yeah yeah yeah i i think i think a lot of it too as you grow up and stuff, as you mature, you kind of just like, you know, you try to let go of those attachments. Yeah. Just sort of like, doesn't work out. All good. On to the next.
Starting point is 01:21:13 You know, you're on your path, your mission, whatever. And, you know, they want to come along for the ride. Hey, that's cool. If not, all right, see ya. Because it's like, what the point of of pursuing something that you know someone else isn't as into you know what's been getting in my crawl lately too is if a girl i'm fancying and we're you know getting somewhere together if she even just says something like you know i was talking to this guy and he's like the smartest guy i've ever met
Starting point is 01:21:40 i'll be like whoa whoa oh is he is he because i i i got an inkling that he's not the smartest guy ever man i think he's kind of full of it if i'm being real i don't know the guy from adam you know but i'm pissed i'm mad i'm like i don't like i don't like hearing that well you know but but it's great i guess but you know, you know, it is. What are you going to do? On another note, okay, say you have a girlfriend who hooks up with another guy and cheats on you. Are we really in the right to get mad at that guy? Because technically, if it was us and we don't know the person, we would do the same thing. We're not going to say, oh, no, I feel bad for this guy that you don't really know.
Starting point is 01:22:24 I don't think that it should be blamed on the no you can't blame the guy you can't but that's our natural instinct but i've made a big transition in that department because i used to be like i used to be okay with hooking up with someone if they had a boyfriend yeah and now i i'm not okay good for you good for you i i gotta get there yeah fast for sure get there quick well you know what it is i just i it just took me i really should i really gotta get there yeah why is this most recent one was she fixed up with another dude but but but but dry it's i i should really that's a spot it comes comes when it comes. Yeah. Well, I did that in high school.
Starting point is 01:23:07 I had hooked up with an ex who had a boyfriend at the time. And it was just so devastating to my well-being. I mean, to him it was much worse. But it was so hard on me, dude. No, it was so just like the guilt and just the way it made me feel. Yeah. It was just horrible.
Starting point is 01:23:30 And I'm like, you know, not worth it in the slightest. So I think I just learned that lesson pretty early. Yeah. It's not worth it. What's up, boys? Joe Rogan voice. Here we go. I my that's goldberg who
Starting point is 01:23:47 says that though that's goldie right please keep me anonymous i'm writing to get some advice on the issue that's weighed on me for months around six months ago my long-term best friend and i split ways we have been close friends since ninth grade and are now graduating from the same college together i stopped being friends with him because i felt he was to to be blunt, a narcissistic, self-centered asshole. To paint a quick picture, he's the kind of guy who must always be the center of attention, is highly manipulative, and clearly cares almost exclusively about himself. He's very attractive outwardly, cool, smart, athletic, etc. But once you get to know him, it always feels like a one-sided relationship.
Starting point is 01:24:21 That being said, though, the way the friendship ended was not great, and I think I am largely to blame for that. Instead of walking to his house and confronting him face to face, I wimped out and ended the friendship via text. My other good friend who was also tight with this guy ended his friendship with him the same day for similar reasons. Whoa, that's crazy. But in person and our, but he did it in person and our friend was entirely unreceptive and saw only to attack him. I was afraid of this and also felt it would simply be an unproductive conversation if he was unwilling to listen. In my text, I offered to talk in person, though he never responded.
Starting point is 01:24:51 Flash forward a few anxious weeks later, I text him again, repeating my wish to speak in person. He denies my request and says he doesn't want to talk. A few months later, and I still feel guilty. I have texted him since, but he hasn't responded. I believe he blocked me. I finally worked up the courage to walk to his house and simply knock on his door but after five or six attempts he has been
Starting point is 01:25:08 out of the house every time this is very dramatic yeah it is my real question is do you guys think I should continue to try to force a face-to-face conversation this guy was a real menace in my life for a very long time and during some crucial years I let him push me around and make me feel worse about myself
Starting point is 01:25:24 it always felt like this would be a pivotal moment for me to rise above and find myself without him, but I chickened out and haven't totally felt whole since. I've never read Crimes and Punishment, but imagine this is somewhat how the main character felt after committing that murder. Am I allowing a narcissist to manipulate my emotions and should just forget about them? Or do I need to face the dragon one last time? I've talked with a few different friends about this and they all agree with my opinion of them, but have varying opinions about what I should do going forward. Some say I don't owe him a thing. And furthermore,
Starting point is 01:25:52 it would be selfish to pursue considering he, it would be selfish to pursue talking, considering he expressed that he didn't want to speak. I've also spent quite a lot of time thinking about why I would remain in such an unhealthy relationship for so long. And I think that this is something I should probably consult a professional about, but if you guys have similar experiences or any guidance, I'd love to hear about that as well. I apologize for a mammoth of a question and would love to hear all of your
Starting point is 01:26:13 input. Peace and love. This guy's going through it. He's going through it. And something that I do respect that he did that I wish we would do more of is go to people's house, knock on their door. Don't text them. Don't call them.
Starting point is 01:26:28 That's nice. I wish there was more door knocking and ringing of the doorbells going on. That's very nice. He's hurting. He's hurting, Chad. Yeah. I think he's totally being manipulated by this guy. I think there's no point in trying to.
Starting point is 01:26:42 If you go back in there and you try to reason with him him, this guy's a, you know, he's just going to fuck you up even more. Just, you know, break contact. It's like, that's what he's looking for almost. He wants this guy to fuck him up one last time. It's almost like he misses it. Yeah. And so he's chasing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:59 And it's like, you just got to cut contact, you know, let bygones be bygones, you know, just separate, you know, go bake a pie. Enjoy yourself. I think people are too hard on themselves about the breakup thing, too. They're like, I was weak. I did it via text. I'm like, look, especially if you're dealing with a toxic person, you get out however you can.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Yeah. If you've got to do it via text or audio message, it's just get out. You're just trying to survive. Yeah. Whatever you got to do. Whatever you got to do it via text or audio message it's just get out you're just trying to survive yeah whatever you got to do you got to do you want to blow up your car leave some teeth in there yeah that's what you do stigma with that where i have no issue i would almost if i was going to get broken up on i would almost prefer it to be a phone call i don't see anything wrong with the phone call but the phone call is fine yeah i think it is too look if you can do it in person great but let's not let you know great be the enemy of the good like just just
Starting point is 01:27:49 whatever you got to do to get out of there do you know how many probably relationships kept going because they tried to do it face to face that's the other thing if you go face to face a lot more potential there for uh a reconciliation especially more with the boyfriend girlfriend thing because that energy is going to create you know some desire for intimacy but no dude i think you handled it fine i think you're being a little codependent with this guy because you're kind of you know codependent he's a narcissist and those two things go hand in hand i would just stop talking to him all together like going to his house five times what what are you going to get out yeah i totally agree with that and the fact that this guy got broken up with by his two homies
Starting point is 01:28:29 on the same day i never even heard of such a fucking thing yeah it's crazy i mean this guy's this guy's a nut you know you don't need him and then i i totally feel where this guy's coming from too where he's like why did i let myself be in this relationship for so long yeah hey we all do it okay we all do it and you know toxic people can be highly charismatic there's a reason they're able to keep people in their in their orbit so you know don't blame yourself for that yeah just go work on building your own orbit yeah this is good so well said jt that really was that was good i've been there i love that yeah this is gonna build character for you yeah you're good you know you just gotta got to learn to stay strong in your position. You weren't fucking each other.
Starting point is 01:29:11 You don't need the last line. You're fine. Exactly. Need help keeping on because my girlfriend listens a ton. What up, bros? I hope you guys are doing well as the light at the end of this pandemic tunnel gets brighter. Hello to anyone joining you guys in the pod, too. You're probably a freaking rock star and killing life right now. Couldn't be truer. I'm at a pretty
Starting point is 01:29:27 difficult split right now. My girlfriend and I are great, but I've lately been having some doubts in my head. She's an awesome girl, genius in the classroom. So fun to rage with and just a great person overall. The only issue is I don't think she's for me. We've been dating for a few years and she's truly one of the coolest girls I've ever met. But lately I just have this feeling in my head that she's not the one I'm going to end up with. She's going to be moving away for the summer for a summer job and possibly looking to get out of our state when she graduates for college. And I'm not sure how she will hold up through all of it, especially with this uncertainty I face. I think so highly of her and don't want to hurt her.
Starting point is 01:29:57 But at the same time, I can't just sweep this under the rug. Maybe I'm in the wrong here and I'm totally OK with it. But I just figured the relationship stoke lords could steer me in a less confusing path thanks for the possible help and much love to you guys for all the content you make i think if there's any doubt especially two to three years in i think it's so brutal making that phone call or or or part in the ways but if there is doubt at this point i think you get out there and i think that goes back to if you know you know uh clearly he doesn't he's not sure of it right now i think you break and you feel a lot better after that's done yeah uh dude i'm going through the exact thing
Starting point is 01:30:37 right now uh and yeah when you know you know yeah it's it's uh if you got if you have any doubt you know it's gonna suck fucking blows but it's the best decision and it'll be the best decision in the long run so i think if you have doubt you already know what the answer is you just gotta you just gotta and you know it's not you have a ton of respect for still you you know you could it could be very amicable and you know you could be kind of on the same page, and you could still have a friendship afterwards. Yeah, I think it's not even her. This guy's just got some more experiences he needs to get under his belt.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Yeah. It's just timing, bro. You just got more life to live before you settle down. So get busy living. Get out there. She'll be all right. And you'll be all right with her being all right. So just break it off, man.
Starting point is 01:31:34 And see how that feels. You can always call each other back. You could. It's always there. Nothing's permanent. All right, but good luck out there. Relation debacle. I recently parted ways with my girlfriend of three years mutually
Starting point is 01:31:49 since she's going to school in Manhattan. We're from Philly, and it breaks my heart that she wants space during her time at school, though I understand why. I can't help myself from getting jealous of hypothetical situations. Any advice to stay positive and keep this babe thinking I'm not so insecure? She's gnarly, and I don't want my sad thoughts to soil i relish is he a new babe no same baby same baby doesn't want his insecurity to soil their relation that has ended yeah i'd say break contact with her go live your life go on some dates uh you know you know let her give her the space that's what she asked for
Starting point is 01:32:24 i just think he's overthinking it too. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I just don't think there's much to it. I just think he's totally overthinking it. I was worried about being insecure with someone, with someone I was dating and my therapist gave me the best advice.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Yeah. I was like, I don't want her to think I'm insecure. She goes, you are insecure. It was a huge help. I was like, yeah, I mean, I could spend, you spend you know 90 of my energy trying to hide this thing that i am or i could just get it out there and and see how it goes yeah you know it's not worth it to just contain how you're feeling like you're not you're you know you don't seem like
Starting point is 01:33:02 you're good at it so just do what you're good at. Say how you feel and then move on. Yeah. And I would think, I mean, they've broken up. So, you know, if you're worried about being insecure, you know, trying to talk to her about it and sort of keep up these feelings, that's just going to torture you. You know, and then you're going to come in with the quivering lip, you know. What a phenomenal line out of your therapist it was unbelievable that's un i mean it was so blunt yet so true and okay and okay that's why she's there it was really helpful yeah i love that um yeah but dude i mean and it's
Starting point is 01:33:39 over like yeah you just got to move on yeah just get out there and live your life. Jerk off, get a water ice. Yeah, that sounds like a guy who could use, who could jerk off. Yeah, and get a water ice. That's my Philly reference. A what? Water ice. What's that? It's like a snow cone.
Starting point is 01:33:54 Oh, that sounds great. Oh, nice, yeah. You like snow cones? I think they do in Philly. Yeah. Yeah, hammer yourself and get a hobby. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:34:03 All right, love advice for a lady listener. What up, y'all? Lady listener here. As an avid listener of the pod i always hear dudes writing what their lady was so i thought i'd mix it up with some gal troubles and solicit advice from the stoke lords themselves so quick overview i'm 30 not a 10 but also not entirely terrible looking my own humble opinion or this could be a shallow house itch who knows but just super single unfortunately history has proven that i've absolutely trashed taste in men. By no means am I one of those girls that say there are no good guys out there. Of course there are. I just seem to have a natural proclivity for terrible dudes, usually because there's an insane sexual chemistry, but it's the same shit every time. Meet, have a fun, steamy,
Starting point is 01:34:38 flirty connection, hook up a few times, then fuck boy shit. I usually know these dudes are fuck boys, so I'm never really surprised or bummed when things fizzle. Healthy? No, but this is where we are. Here's my dilemma. I recently hooked up with a dude that I have an insane crush on. Talk in middle school, listen to sad music to feel this. Talk in middle school, listen to sad music to feel the feels kind of crush. He's absolutely perfect. Like 10 out of 10 would do housewife shit for. The primary issues, he's one of my brother's best friends. They're actually military buds who serve together, so their relationship is next level BFF.
Starting point is 01:35:10 After the hookup, he was very weird, which caught me off guard because I did not expect fuckboy shit from him. We talked about it a little, and he said he was just concerned that my bro would find out. Oh, but he got concerned after. Recently, he slid back into my DMs
Starting point is 01:35:23 to chat about our next hang. Not expressly with just me, but our whole normal crew normal crew including the bro he hasn't asked for my number but all i want to do is give him my digits tell him to come visit me specifically and then hopefully things can go from there the question is is this concern over the bro just to guys for the same old fuck boy shit or is it worth pursuing to see if it could actually be something lady probs am i right any insight and love for the pod for love of god please don't say my name i don't think that's the end of that i i really don't yeah you think there could be something there i do wow i love it i love the optimism i just think that that is definitely not done yet especially for the fact that he slid back after look i i don't want to you know douse sand on this burning fire of optimism but
Starting point is 01:36:07 i don't know i'm getting fuck boy vibes from this guy the the brother thing i want your brother to find out yeah yeah uh that is concerning you know because that's such an easy it's like he's got that easy out he's got that built in out so So then he hooks up with you again. Well, I guess this is the key. If you guys hook up again, and then he brings up the brother thing again as a way to create space, you're like, Hey, that ain't flying. Okay. Cause, cause now we're, we're repeat business. All right. So you're here, you're here. You can't keep being like, but your brother, it's like, no, we're hooking up. Okay. And so, and maybe, I don't know. I mean, you want to play cool, but I wouldn't play it cool with this guy i'd be like hey
Starting point is 01:36:48 if you're into me go talk to my brother go talk to my brother fair or we keep this thing on the download we love that kind of uh we love that it's a little it's got a little you know uh it makes it exciting yeah it's got a little it's got a little something on it yeah it's enticing it's got a little we're being bad on it yeah yeah which it's enticing. It's got a little we're being bad on it. Yeah. Which can be fun. And I don't mind the little we're being bad. No, little we're being bad can be pretty good.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Yeah. You talk. Yeah. Yeah. I think maybe saying like, go talk to your brother about it. I think I would maybe fool around a little bit more. No, you're right. You're right.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. Just let things saturate. Maybe throw a Dura Flame on there and just get after it. And then test the waters. Yeah, that is not the end of that girl. You will get a follow-up. There's more coming.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Yeah, there is. Hey, so we had a girl write in a couple weeks ago about how she was 22 dating a 29-year-old and she was feeling a little insecure because he was more sexually advanced and she had some hangups and, uh, we gave advice and she followed up and said that she did have some hangups. She had some stuff that had happened to her that made her hard to be intimate and her and the guy worked through it. Oh, wow. Yeah. That's great. Another cruising, another cruising. Love to hear it. All right. Last one. I'll keep, I'll try and keep it straight. This girl is a part of our squad, by the way.
Starting point is 01:38:09 So my ex-girlfriend and I recently broke up after dating for over a year. At first, the stoke tank was empty. But then a couple of days ago, she was all over me and I was digging it. We ended up making out for a while. We talked about it after and we both confessed we still had feelings for each other. But today we went to the beach
Starting point is 01:38:21 and I was getting totally mixed signals. Like she didn't want anything to do with me. Minor, not so minor detail. I'm almost F's. I'm almost F's. My dog also has feelings for this girl. The whole day at the beach, they were flirting nonstop and this was draining my stoke. So my question to you is what's the best thing to do in this situation?
Starting point is 01:38:36 Sorry for the long text, by the way. Thanks in advance. Wait, your bro's hitting on your ex? Is that what's going on? Is that what you're saying? Or is his dog hitting on your ex is that what's going on is that what you're saying or is his dog hitting on the ex they were flirting non-stop together that's a huge question and the dog came in the dog was hitting on her yeah wait what look if if you guys we mean dog like friend i do yeah oh i thought it was i was like yeah canine no no no
Starting point is 01:39:07 if they're not if it's not working out on the beach it ain't gonna work out anywhere dude that should be the happiest time i'd i'd put this i'd put her in a new category of partner where it's like okay this is just someone i see once in a while and i'd start looking elsewhere for whatever it is you get from people in that dynamic so i what i'm saying is you got to start dating other people you gotta you gotta you gotta stop putting all your eggs in that basket she's not reliable she is not reliable. Sorry, brother. Sorry, man. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:39:49 And now you're, I mean, the friend thinks a different thing. Here's the thing too, that friends will do. They'll, especially when you're young, they'll hit on a girl because they don't think you'll have the emotional chutzpah to walk up to him and say,
Starting point is 01:40:00 Hey man, that hurts my feelings when you do that. So I would, I would try and find that power within yourself and go up to that dude. Cause what they think, cause they'll be, they'll think that male ego will stop you from doing that. Cause you don't want to acknowledge to another guy that you're threatened by them. But if you are, I would just own it and go up to him and be like, Hey man, yeah, you do have some game and yeah, maybe you got more game than me, but why do you got to be such an asshole? There's not enough people out there.
Starting point is 01:40:25 You got to go after a girl. You know, I dated for a year. Like, what the fuck is that in you that you feel you got to do that? There's nothing wrong with being blunt. Sometimes it's better to be blunt from both ways, from both sides of the ball. I think that guy will shrink if you come at him like that. Yeah, I do too. I think, you know, just get get him in the go in the guts
Starting point is 01:40:45 reverse alien him yeah he'd be like I can't figure out if you're my boy or my dog right now you're neither yeah
Starting point is 01:40:54 yeah I don't know how to talk about you yeah right now you're just a guy who ruins the beach yeah yeah was that necessary no probably not
Starting point is 01:41:02 yeah Chad who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is taxes. I don't know if I talked about this last summer, and we touched on this prior to the podcast. Maybe it was being recorded. I can't remember, but I fucked up my taxes big time this year
Starting point is 01:41:18 because I moved a bracket to the point where you get paid, and then we moved to the point where you get paid. And then we moved to the part where you have to pay. And I was like, oh, crap. Yeah. And our accountant was just like, whoa. And I was, you know, it was deep into COVID. And I was like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:41:41 So my big piece with taxes, it's like, dude, you don't have to come at me that hard. Like, you really gave it to me. It's a good life lesson. I was talking to my mom. I hard like you really gave it to me it's a good life lesson i was talking to my mom i was like i was like i was talking my mom about i was like i think my stand-up's improved you know because i'm going through some like life experiences now like before i was kind of like a spoiled prince that pretty not very relatable but now i've i fucked up my taxes it's not i'm a spoiled prince who's fucked up his taxes i think that's that's uh that's somewhat more relatable. It's kind of like Christmas, what you're going through,
Starting point is 01:42:08 to where when you're young, Christmas is exciting because you always receive gifts. Right, right. Now I think you're at that stage now where you have to just give gifts. Yeah. You know what I mean? Totally. Where Christmas used to be a fun time, taxes used to be a fun time. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:22 I think that might be gone for you. Yeah. I do. And you know what it's not so much a beef i was kind of like at the time i was like kind of like stoked i'm like yeah nice like going through it a little bit some financial difficulty yeah that fired me up so love that yeah that's my beef uh i'm gonna go my beef right now i'm a little disappointed with starbucks and the reason i'm disappointed with star Starbucks is I think they're forcing the drive-thru. I don't think they're ready for the drive-thru and nor do we expect them to be.
Starting point is 01:42:49 They tried to adapt to go to a drive-thru line. That drive-thru line nowadays at Starbucks, it's a bit of a disaster. It's backed up. It doesn't flow well. And now the patrons that come into the Starbucks that do it by the book are now being affected by that as well to where it's backing things up they always just put one barista out there dry they just hang them out there to dry where i'm always shocked that there's not numerous baristas for all the stuff that they got to do and the different drinks there are but i i just i love starbucks i just feel like they're forcing the drive-through lane um Starbucks. Nice. Hell yeah. My beef of the week is with the world opening back up.
Starting point is 01:43:31 I had a moment. I was like, you know what? I don't want the world to open back up. I got used to this. I felt like I was thriving in COVID. You know, I got into a groove. I let go of like career pressure because I was like, no one's doing shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:43:43 And then I settled. I just was hanging out with my family and like my high school friends. I was working out. I was playing video games. career pressure because i was like no one's doing shit you know what i mean and then uh i settled i just was hanging out with my family and like my high school friends i was working out i was playing video games we were doing some of our stuff but it was like pretty intermittent you know so it was all i don't know it's just nice and then now the world's opening back up and i feel my anxiety coming back i've been stressed out you know and uh you know, I got to learn how to navigate it in the regular world, but I guess I just, uh, I'm a little, I'm a little sad that, that we're done with being kind of, I don't know, stuck in place a little bit, you know, it's, it's, uh, you know, LA's
Starting point is 01:44:19 fast. Everything comes at you fast. Everything's this, this whole place kind of operates on anxiety and i'm like and you know i'm a i'm a receptor for that i i take it all in so i guess you know i just yeah i'm just a little bummed that that we're done we're done with the lockdown glad you said that because somebody had to say it because you're not wrong i think a lot of people really did enjoy the lockdown there was no stress in it day to day you knew what to expect there was no you got to do this this and this because you know when you could always hang your hat on nobody else is doing anything right now it was nice not many people want to say it i'm glad you did well yeah now if i'm not doing anything i know everybody else is doing something there we go and i you know that's gonna it's gonna drag me out of the house.
Starting point is 01:45:06 I can't be doing nothing when other people are doing stuff. Respect the hell out of that. But it's, yeah, I'm a little bummed. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is The Stage. Just the general The Stage. Is that funny? I like it. I like it. I didn't see it coming, but I like it.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Yeah, the stage. I've been doing a lot of stand-up, and I just love being on stage. It's awesome. And I don't know, man. I was just fired up. I, I did a couple shows this weekend. It just fired me up. I was like, let's go, you know, just getting out there. You know, it was fun, like, connecting with people, too, you know, especially, like, the first audience on Saturday was, like, a little bit older. And it was, like, making, like, an old guy laugh. You're just like, hell yeah, dude. Like, I know I could do that, you know, just this old guy.
Starting point is 01:46:02 He's just like, you know, it's just, I like it. So, yeah, that's my babe. Love that. My babe, I'm going to go with a babe, Kourtney Kardashian. I love this thing she's got going with Travis Barker. I love it. Is that not just the best relationship going right now? When you see them together on camera or whenever they're you know
Starting point is 01:46:25 uh shown they just look like they're just two peas in a pod oh it is it i just think it's spectacular i think it's so fun to watch they were at the ufc event they were both sucking lollipops was that not i mean who thinks to do that they came up with it oh right and then the double date they got going machine gun kelly and it brings back that kind of punk rock thing. You know, I'll always be a pro Travis Barker guy. Of course. And I'm just so happy to see that relationship flourish. And I think it's going to be a lot of fun to follow down the road.
Starting point is 01:46:54 And I think they got the legs to go the distance, too. I do, too. Call me crazy. And we've seen them go through so many different relationships. I'm invested. I am, too. I'm right there with you. My baby of the week is a UFC
Starting point is 01:47:06 fighter, Rose Namahunas. She regained the strawweight title. She's the first woman to lose the title and get it back. And, uh, you know, I've just been a part of her journey. I've seen her. She came from a hard home life. She found, uh, order and fulfillment and fighting. She went through some crazy stuff. You know, she was in the bus when Conor McGregor threw the dolly at the window. And then she beat Joanna Young Jacek, who looked unstoppable. She beat her twice. And then she said that the pressure
Starting point is 01:47:35 of being champion got to her. And that she didn't know how to really find fulfillment after that, because she had gotten to the mountaintop. And she was like, now what? And then she ended up getting, she was piecing up Jessica Andrade, but but she's strong lady jessica and rod picked her up dropped her on her dome and uh she got knocked out bad but she built herself back up strong like bill the butcher after prince valen mashed his face up good and she came out last
Starting point is 01:47:59 week and she fought zhang weili who's a monster first round head kicked her unconscious got back to title what i love about rosano henness when she wins the emotional catharsis she goes through after the w i mean she's shaking she's crying and then they put the mic in her face and she goes i'm the best yep she was even saying it before the fight too yeah which i thought was just great well what a fucking card. And then her hubby, Pat Barry, is her former UFC heavyweight, is her coach. And he had tough times. And she got him better.
Starting point is 01:48:36 And then so you just know it's like this, I don't know. It's like these people who the world has broken. And they've made themselves stronger in the broken places. And now she's on top. I love it. I love it love it i do i do too and just a phenomenal phenomenal card it was such a good car oh god so good it was just excitement throughout you know the fans are back it was good stuff uh chad who's your legend of the week um yeah i saw that clip of her saying i'm the best the best it's awesome it was beautiful
Starting point is 01:49:02 uh my legend of the week is chad kroger the singer nickelback guy it's your namesake uh i was uh on saturday i was going through it a little bit i was like in my feelings a little bit you know um i was just i was you know i was i was letting the i was the sadness got to me and i was just driving i was like i was you know where it just hits you and you're just like god i driving i was like i was you know where it just hits you and you're just like god i was i was pissed i was like fuck you know a lot of it was a cloudy cloud cloud clouds were my mom i was i was feeling like you and my mom was like john thomas it's been cloudy for four days it really does affect me yeah i was like i was like this is bullshit what the
Starting point is 01:49:43 fuck are you doing to the sky um and so i was in it and then i put on why don't you and i which he showed me oh the song why don't you and i by chad kroger and i gotta listen to santana and it just it got me right if only for a little bit you know i had a little i had little, I had like five minutes of just like, everything's all good. You know? Thank you, Chad Kroger for, uh, for getting me through this. You were grappling with that sadness like a beast too. Cause you were talking about it.
Starting point is 01:50:13 Oh yeah. I know you, well, you've taught me that. I never, I never have been one to like talk about it, you know, like I, I just, but now I'm learning to do that more and it really does help. I love seeing you bust that out. You're putting it out there. Yeah. Thanks yeah thanks yeah and you were laughing at it you were you were yeah you were really working through it yeah and i yeah it's it feels good to work through that stuff you're a beast yeah thanks so are you you're a beast Thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:50:45 What about you? You got a legend? Or you got something else? Legend, I would actually go, you had mentioned to me, you know, make sure you know who your legend of the week is. And I really thought about it. I had my maintenance guy come to my apartment the other day because I wasn't getting hot water. And we got into a conversation, of course, and he was telling me about cold showers.
Starting point is 01:51:10 And he's like, look, I'm going to fix the water. I'm going to make sure you have hot water, but just something to consider, I've been taking a cold shower for years. You go into the cold shower, there's a little bit of a feeling out process. You got to get over the hump. If you can get over the hump of the cold shower, stick it out, gut it out 30 to 45 seconds. After that 45 seconds, you will appreciate that shower so much. And when you're really going to appreciate the cold showers, when you get out of
Starting point is 01:51:36 the shower, there's a certain refreshment to the cold shower. And ever since that maintenance guy come he did fix the water and do have hot water now i will only go cold showers love it i love that yeah i mean you're talking to you a cold shower guy every day i have an ice bath too i love i love cold water ice baths in the early a.m come on every day yeah and is there do you agree with that 30 to 45 second phase oh yeah well you know what i do to get over i i because i've been doing it a while is i i you know especially if it's like early morning i'll get in and just go whoo yeah yeah and that that just strips away any kind of fear or pain where you're just, woo! And then the feeling after where you get out of the shower, it's so good.
Starting point is 01:52:32 It's phenomenal. Yeah. My legend of the week, I'm going to go with two. I got Kamaru Usman, who defended his 170-pound title at the UFC event this past weekend. Put a hell of a knockout on Jorge Masvidal. I think it's the only second time he's ever been dropped and he put him out and jorge masvidal on the build-up to the fight was like he's got no power oh he hits like he's got pillows in his hands all he does is wrestle and you know do little uh control cheap shit and then usman put him down dude and he's just getting better every fight he he's looking like a world beater i mean he's
Starting point is 01:53:05 looking like he might go after george saint pierre as the greatest 170 guy of all time did you hear rogan talking about how this guy's got like extra bones in his body rogan loves talking about that stuff he's obsessed with anatomy that way he loves it he loves it and genetics and skull density of yoel yes he loves all of that and he. And he breaks it down to where it is interesting. Apparently, Usman's got different bones throughout his body. I believe it. Yeah. He looks like a freak.
Starting point is 01:53:33 He looks like a freak. Yeah. And yeah, he's just so dedicated and disciplined. And he really delivered. And now, you know, the rap on him was that his fights were boring. But the three out of his four title fights have been barn burners yeah they've been great fights so yeah just pumped to see someone just coming into their own like that and then speaking of people coming to their own we shot some videos this weekend with our friend strider you know legend he's great and just watching that
Starting point is 01:54:00 guy work yeah you know watching how dialed in he is, watching how ready he is. And then just, I don't know, he just was killing me. Oh. He was so funny. Yeah. And he was so locked in. Yeah. It was just a joy to watch.
Starting point is 01:54:15 Yeah. It really was. It was joyful. So yeah, Stranger is my legend of the week. Chad, what's your quote of the week? I've been listening to the Steve Jobs book, which he turned me on to. And my quote comes from that book, where it goes, Jobs regarded Raskin as an insufferable theorist,
Starting point is 01:54:36 or to use Jobs' more precise terminology, a shithead who sucks. Didn't they say he split people into two categories? Yeah. sucks didn't they say he split people into two categories yeah in jobs's head you were either you were either like an artist or a genius or you're a shithead who sucks yeah dude him like you he he lived in a house with no security doors open oh really i've heard that not a security guy yeah and on a normal block i'm not not that far in, so yeah. Interesting. I watched The Replacements the other day. Keanu? Are you kidding me?
Starting point is 01:55:11 Come on, what a movie. Did you watch The Replacements the other day? No, but I've seen it six million times. It's so good. I love that. And it just hits so hard in the way that Shane Falco delivers it. The pain heals, chick digs scars, glory lasts forever. And I kind of realized, I don't really get that. I don't really understand kind of what that means but the way that falco delivers that is extraordinary the
Starting point is 01:55:33 easygoing leadership of shane falco what about when he comes back at halftime when martel's taken over as the qb and he goes you're not even a has-been you're like it never was or something like that you'll always be a second and then he goes kiana just gets so humbly yeah i'm okay with that so good gets fired up dude and kind of just came into the leader role didn't really necessarily he's unassuming leader totally reluctant yeah tori i almost feel like he would be okay with not being the leader it just turned out that that's the where he was something about that movie man it's unbelievable he's the kind of qb who if like you know the linebacker favreau comes in and says hey i got a speech today can i give the speech today no problem
Starting point is 01:56:14 shane's like hey the floor is yours no problem yeah also love the fact love to see a lefty quarterback absolutely you know what i mean mike vick yeah i'd love to see a good lefty quarterback it looks different does the motion looks different. It does? The motion looks different. Totally. And I love it. Great, great, phenomenal film. And it just fires me up.
Starting point is 01:56:32 That is a great movie. The love interest, too. She's beautiful. Yeah, she wasn't in much else. Yeah, she should have been. Now, where is she now? She was great. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:56:41 You wonder where she went, huh? I've been looking for her. They had good chemistry, too. Yeah. She's great. I saw that movie in theaters wonder where she went, huh? I've been looking for her. They had good chemistry, too. Yeah. She's great. I saw that movie in theaters. I'm a little older than you guys. Did you really?
Starting point is 01:56:50 Wow, that's a movie to see in theaters. You got to see a sports movie like that in theaters, and you got to bring a couple guys with you. You got to bring your squad. Let them all get fired up. Absolutely. Good cast, too. Orlando Jones doing great work.
Starting point is 01:57:02 It's a great movie. Looks like a jacked-off elephant. From The Office? Oh, is the deaf tight end he was in shape he was killing in that one it's best player on the team um my quote is uh from uh the book normal people so i read sally rooney's other book conversations with the friends you know i thought it kind of glorified being a neurotic ass a bit too much but i think this one is a little better these These characters are, I'm a bit more sympathetic towards them. I think they're just better people. And I think she still has the same level of insight,
Starting point is 01:57:31 but it's a little easier to follow along with these people. But one of the characters, Peggy, she's kind of a wild card and she's speaking on men. And she goes, generally, I find men are a lot more concerned with limiting the freedoms of women than exercising personal freedom for themselves so that was very provocative i think i think that can be true you know what i mean i think you see you see guys and we're like yeah we want to do
Starting point is 01:57:54 whatever we want but then you put a bold woman in your face and sometimes you're like hey i got to tamp this down what is that what is that i mean just out of curiosity how many books do you read a month? It varies, but probably like one or two. For you. I would love to be there. I really would. I'm in a book club now.
Starting point is 01:58:11 Are you? So I'm in a book club with my friend Kat. And what we do is we're going to bring a different third. It's always us two. And then we have a different third member for each book. So we rotate through different editions. Get your shit together, JT. That's nice. You do. Thanks, man. I appreciate that. Yeah. Well shit together, JT. That's nice. You do.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Thanks, man. I appreciate that. Yeah, well, I'm a little behind on the book. We were supposed to meet last Thursday, but I was struggling. But I'm almost done with it now. Yeah, it's a great read. And yeah, you know, and then the thing with fiction, you know, it changes the way your brain works. It rewires your head.
Starting point is 01:58:40 You start talking and thinking like the author. Yeah. It's kind of a nice place to be yeah yeah so i definitely recommend it uh chet what's your uh phrase of the week for getting after it uh my phrase of the week for getting after it and i didn't tell you about this one so this is um i want because i wanted it to fly off the dome yeah uh basically phrase of the week for like what do you what do you say for getting the party started kind of thing you know so my phrase of the week for like what do you what do you say for getting the party started kind of thing you know so my phrase of the week for getting after it and i'm just letting mine fly off the dome i didn't plan it my phrase of the week for getting after it is um we're
Starting point is 01:59:13 gonna need duct tape that sounds kind of no no no it doesn't sound like a murder kidnap thing at all okay no it sounds like this night could go in a lot of different directions i was saying we have to fix like the wall because we're gonna break it that's what my head yeah we're breaking shit you know we might have to put the carburetor back together exactly yeah yeah same with do you have extra sheet rock oh i like that deep like that wow are you guys all good on sheet rock that's a great one that might be the best one we've ever had. I like it off the dome. I got to tell you, I think you've adapted to the Beast Bays and the Legends. You've embraced it probably better than any guest we've ever had. He didn't even need a prompt.
Starting point is 01:59:54 Most of the time I got to go, who's yours? I would hit you and then I just looked at you and you had it. Also, too, I could see it in your shoulders to where when you give a little bit of this, I know, okay, go ahead, Rob. I only got to to see the eyes i've been looking at your shoulders the whole podcast that's unbelievable that's where the punches are coming from and i gotta tell you boys i i mean it huge fan as you know and like i said we had to keep those vibes going and uh i think there's more to come i i agree i i think this is a never-ending story in a way. I do too. And I'm eager to see the next couple chapters. My Phrase of the Week
Starting point is 02:00:29 for Good and After, Dana White, leader of the UFC, was on the Bill Simmons podcast and Simmons is like, so Amanda Nunes, who's like the 145-pound champ and 135 as well,
Starting point is 02:00:39 he's like, when did you know there was something about her that was different? Like, what was it about her that really made you think, okay, there's a spark here. There's something there.
Starting point is 02:00:46 Dana White just takes a beat. He goes, she hits like a dude. Actually, it sounded like Dana White. Really? Okay, cool. Yeah. I think that was, it just cracked me up. I thought, I think everyone listening thought he was going to have this, you know, like,
Starting point is 02:01:00 you know, it was in a press conference and I saw her say this thing and I was like, oh, she's got an ad. No, he's like, she hits like a dude. That's phenomenal. So hit like a dude. Yeah. Boys, this is fantastic. Robbie, we got to just keep this. We got to make it a thing.
Starting point is 02:01:16 I tell you, I love you boys. Anytime you want me up here, you know that. Well, I think it's going to be real soon. Yeah. Say the word. I'll be ready for you guys. This was truly phenomenal. Little Casablanca.
Starting point is 02:01:28 This is the start of a beautiful friendship. Bada bing, bada boom. Let's go. Got to hit the links. Anytime. Yeah, we got to golf, dude. I think the content we could get us on the golf course, you two, me and Joey Coldcuts, I think it's game over.
Starting point is 02:01:41 I think it shocks the world. We got to get out there. I really do. I think it would be sensational. You think it shocks the world. We got to get out there. I really do. I think it would be sensational. You know what's crazy about that, too? I think it'll be fun, but I think it'll be good content. But I also, I can't imagine not being relaxed with you. I think I'm going to really settle into it.
Starting point is 02:01:54 Yeah, totally. I'll let you, you'd be taking it just shot by shot. I also think it'd be the best golf you've ever played. Wow, I'd love to have that. I'd be right there with you, of course. Undo for a good round. Love that. All right, well, thanks so much, man. Dude, have that. I'd be right there with you, boys. Undo for a good round. Yeah. Love that. All right, well, thanks so much, man.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Dude, thank you guys for having me. I appreciate you, boys.

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