Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 186 - Ivy Miller Joins

Episode Date: May 13, 2021

What up stokers?! This week we have comedienne/surfer/snowboarder Ivy Miller. She's awesome. Enjoy!  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​​​ Sponsored by ...Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are once again brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because you have a hog, make sure it's tight. Manscaped is here with a new product alert. It's time to stop dropping or this brand new shaving kit that they just launched. Introducing the Ultra Smooth Package, a specialized groin shaving kit that they just launched introducing the ultra smooth package a specialized groin shaving kit to help you buff protect and smooth your most sensitive areas i'm talking about their new crop shaver crop exfoliator and crop gel it's time to crop
Starting point is 00:00:35 that bush of yours and get right to the roots with a discount just for you get 20 off plus free shipping with code man oh with at manscape.com with the code go deep 20. That's manscaped.com code go deep 20 for 20% off plus free shipping. What's real deep? Going deep. Chad and JT.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Ooh, yeah. Order the nuggets and don't forget the sauce. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Guys, oh, wait, I don't have the ads yet. I always just say we're here brought to you by Manscaped, but yeah, I'll just say that. Guys, we're brought to you, of course, by Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that we're looking fresh and clean. Use code GODEEP20 at mainescape.com for 20% off your order. And I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. Boom clap, Stokers. And we are here with comedian, surfer, snowboarder, fresh off a trip from Cabo, Abby Miller. What up? Hey, guys. Thanks for having me. You were just in Cab i was in cabo how was it it was really fun nice yeah what'd you get up to
Starting point is 00:01:52 um it was coco's 30th birthday so it was she had like 20 people in a spot and so it was like a giant slumber party surf party that's amazing's amazing. Yeah, it was really fun. Did you guys venture to like El Squidro and whatnot? Yeah, we did a few nights. But you know what? We ended up going to the one next to it. We didn't actually go into Squidro. What's the one next to it?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Mandala. Oh, Mandala. I've been to Mandala. That one goes. Is that the one that's like open? Yeah. Nice. Yeah, El Squidro, as you get into your 20s and like a little bit older,
Starting point is 00:02:25 you go to El Squidro and it's kind of like the 18-year-old spy. That's how I felt about it. Yeah, Mandala seemed a lot more sophisticated. More mature vibe. More mature. Do you dance on elevated surfaces or do you keep it ground level? I really try to. Yeah, it's important.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Yeah. What is that? What is that feeling? Why is that so, I don't know, exciting or fulfilling? I don't know. I want to say attention, but... That's a part of it for sure. It's a part of it.
Starting point is 00:02:51 But also, I've gotten to other parties and I just want to get on top of the building. So I don't know if it... Even if it's not seen, I'm still like, oh, I bet I could climb that. You want to get to the highest point possible. Yeah, maybe something to do with climbing trees as a kid. Monkeys. Yeah. The monkeys.
Starting point is 00:03:09 You reached the peak, and now it's time to celebrate. Yes. Yeah. Like a challenge. I can dig that. Where do you guys stay when you go to Cabo? We stayed at the Cape. At the Cape.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Is that at that surf spot, the left? Yes. What's it called? Indicator? that surf spot the left yes what's it called like uh indicator no i think indicators is the right and then the it's like it's like uh monuments monuments monuments something you know yeah uh yeah that's cool you go there often right you go like every year well you know i've been going since the pandemic a lot. Yeah. Because it's just easy.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And it's kind of like a mindless trip for like friends. It's like equal surfing and good food. Right, right. Whereas like Selena Cruz, a little bit further down, it's like great waves, but just desolate. And like you need a guide. And then other spots are, that one's just easy. Different experience. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Yeah. Yeah. Did you get COVID? Did I get COVID? I haven't gotten COVID. Dude, nice. That's pretty impressive for going to Cabo all the time and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Well, yeah, I think so. Have you gotten COVID? No, I was really safe. Yeah. I stayed scared and away. In here. Yeah. And you were in Costa Rica for like, what, like three months?
Starting point is 00:04:24 Yeah. I moved to to i have a car in like a spot oh do you really yeah oh that's so cool so you're gonna go back or is it like yeah what's your sort of california costa rica i don't know i'm just playing it by ear because it's i don't really have much of anything anywhere except like now a car there yeah and every all my work's been kind of remote yeah and then i'll like come back and bust it out for two weeks if i have to right but like for surfing and filming and stuff it's been really sweet yeah and like taking photos for sponsors and whatnot and then writing remote has been great but i got this little like geo tracker with like
Starting point is 00:05:01 super blacked out windows oh that's sick it's awesome and then i got a really cool loft like right on the beach oh that's so cool that's nice um i went to costa rica when when i was like 15 i can't remember where i stayed um i don't know well i was sounds like a good trip yeah i was just telling jt that i wasn't sure that you surf oh really how many surf trips i've invited you guys on and you haven't how many surf trips have you invited like three or four what are you talking about single are you yeah all like a few in the dms and then a few via text puerto rico there was a show i invited you to it. Puerto Escondido, there was a show, I invited you to it. And I also said, comedy, surf.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Right. And you're like, yeah, definitely, I'm concerned. When was that? Was that last year? Yeah, last year, year before, two. Okay. And then this last time, I was like, yo, Pobones is going to be pumping. Come.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And you're like. Yeah, I don't know. I guess I just couldn't make it down to Mexico. I don't know. But I do go't make it down to mexico i don't know but i do go and i do go in california yeah where do you go um i had beach like el puerto really yeah that's my like typical spot yeah and then i'll go to i've been going uh over the winter i was going like huntington a lot and then hit san clemente sometimes and nice yeah pretty much it cool Puerto Escondido sounds cool yeah it's so scary I have a terrible memory so I forget everything it's okay I'll remind you yeah
Starting point is 00:06:32 um that's uh and so you said you it's easier to work remote what's what's work these days um I've just been writing like commercials for different brands oh cool yeah and like uh doing a few like ghost writing jobs yeah is that based off your like instagram like a few yeah yeah i think so like i've done uh like they do like a paid post or something and then they'll have me write a like a bunch more them. Okay, that's very cool. How did you decide on the van life? Well, when I was in college, they were charging $1,200 to stay in a room with four girls.
Starting point is 00:07:18 I was like, that seems steep and uncomfortable. So then I got my van and I was like like this is great because it's like a studio and i just park it in front and i plug it into the house and it's great it's really cozy i like understand why puppies get crate trained and then eventually like it oh interesting yeah why well because i don't know when i go into my little hole, I'm like cozy. Right. And I have like a little connection with my van. Like I'm not very into cars or like material items too much.
Starting point is 00:07:54 But then when I like started sleeping in my van, we had like a relationship. You felt like a strong connection to it? Uh-huh. Like it's like an extension of you? Exactly. That's nice. to it uh-huh like it's like an extension of you exactly that's nice um are you are you i feel like you're extroverted but would you say you're kind of an introvert too because you like your alone time in the van yeah yeah that's i i've been trying to figure that one out because like
Starting point is 00:08:16 everybody thinks i'm really extroverted yeah and they think i like to party a lot yeah but i'm like quite the opposite like i really like my alone time and I really like, I'm so bad at partying. Like I'll blow it out like once a year. And then the rest of the year, I'm like drink some water,
Starting point is 00:08:34 get to bed by 8 p.m., wake up at 7, do a nice workout. That sounds nice. That's how I like it these days. Were you always like that or did you like in college sort of let loose a lot more?
Starting point is 00:08:46 I think when I moved out, because I moved from Encinitas to Tahoe when I was 17 and 18. Okay. And that's when I went nuts. Yeah. And then after that phase was kind of over, I was good. Yeah. Which was nice to have that be over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah. I kind of went through like, I went a little longer, you know, probably, like, 16 to, like, 23, 24 was super hard. But then, like, the hangovers started getting worse and worse. Dude, that's what it is. Yeah. And then it's, like, when I started waking up, you know, sober on Saturdays, it was, like, the most, like, it was, like, the happiest I've ever felt.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I'm, like, this is incredible. I can go, like, you know, surf or, like, do all this stuff. all this stuff you know and now i'm sort of like and i feel like i'm similar because i'm like i'm like 50 introvert 50 extrovert yeah so i'm like i don't know i can hang out with people sometimes what about you jt i'm very extroverted i hate being alone yeah even if i like need alone time and I just want to sit and contemplate, I like to have someone next to me watching me do it. Yeah. Supervision.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Yeah, kind of. I just like knowing someone's there. I went over to my friend Grady's to work out the other day, and then I just sat outside for 20 minutes without saying a word, and we just chilled together doing that. That's nice. But I think had I been by myself, it would have stressed me out a bit. Stressed you out?
Starting point is 00:10:04 Yeah. Do you consider yourself a stressful person to be around? I think had I been by myself, it would have stressed me out a bit. Yeah. Stressed you out? Yeah. Do you consider yourself a stressful person to be around? I can be. Yeah. No, I think I kind of turn it. I don't know. You get moody.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'm moody. Yeah. I'm moody. That's good, though. And I don't hide my mood very well. Like, if I'm not feeling it. Yeah. Like Ariana Grande says, I was just listening to her yesterday.
Starting point is 00:10:28 F a fake smile. Dude, I'm right there. I was listening to Thank U, Next on repeat yesterday. That's a good one. Such a banger. And then when you listen to that song and she mentions all the guys' names up top, do you Google who all the guys are?
Starting point is 00:10:39 Because you know who Pete is and you know who Malcolm is. But then she says, I didn't think I'd get over Ricky. And now I look back and laugh, and I looked up Ricky. I did look up Ricky. Yeah, it's her backup dancer. Really?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yeah. Interesting. Is she still dancing with him? I don't think so. Oh, man. No, I think that's dead. Yeah, I'm... And Sean's big Sean.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Really? Yeah. Wow. I'm kind of the opposite. If someone's there, I'm kind of the opposite if someone's there i'm kind of like why are you here yeah yeah i like wondering that though i like being like why are you here but i'm like because i want you to be here i'm just like yeah get out of here man i want to like do my thing i don't know that's how i feel yeah it's it's a double-edged sword sometimes i always want
Starting point is 00:11:21 people around but then you know sometimes i wish all these people would leave but then once they do leave shortly thereafter i'm like i wish they'd come back yeah yeah that's a good point i envy people who like to be alone like i read that into the wild book and i was like what a badass like he just wanted to be in the wilderness by himself and just experience life yeah like completely uh unmitigated by other people but then the last thing he wrote is like life life is better when shared. And then he fucking died. So who knows?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Maybe he was pushing it a bit too hard. No disrespect to the dead. Good guy. So how do you sort of envision your life? Do you like, do you, do you want to sort of just keep traveling around and like, and like going to,
Starting point is 00:12:02 you know, Costa Rica or like Australia? Like what, what's your sort of ideal life situation for around and like, and like going to, you know, Costa Rica or like Australia, like what, what's your sort of ideal life situation for the next like. Is that a big Q? Yeah. Is that a big question? I don't know. You look scared. Um, well, cause when I do that, I just,
Starting point is 00:12:17 I like to picture the end goal. Right. Yeah. Okay. And then everything else, because I feel like i'm like the jackal trades master and none thing so it stresses me out when i think about like how i'm gonna get there right steps i need to take because if i if you would have told like grom ivy what i'm doing now i'd still be like how did that work out you know yeah so i don't think i can like be like this is how it's gonna happen but i like to imagine that i have a house in mallorca when i'm like spain 40 nice with like a nice family
Starting point is 00:12:51 one day yeah and i'm sitting drinking wine that sounds cool with like a croissant yeah that sounds great i love a croissant yeah do you to reference another pop song have you listened to peaches by justin bieber i haven't gotten to that one you haven't heard it they mentioned my orca in it really it's kind of like the definitive line of the song oh no way i'm worried it's going to boost real estate there yeah yeah shoot you might have trouble grabbing a place now so you might want to get there quicker rather than later okay i don't want to stress you out well it could surge right now because of the song and then they'll take a dip and then that's when you can strike.
Starting point is 00:13:26 Right. But to be honest, I think real estate as a whole is surging immensely right now because of COVID and everybody's fleeing from the cities. Literally all my safe havens that I go to are like... Just packed. Packed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Right. Crazy packed. It is true what you're saying though about like, I could never have predicted how anything would go. Like all the planning in the world and all the thinking about it wouldn't have at all come close to what it ended up being. Yeah. Like, or like, you know, just in terms of what I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:13:53 So yeah, maybe it's not. But I still feel like you need to be intentional because then it'll like, it'll get you somewhere. Maybe not the place you're planning on, but like, at least it'll move you in a direction. Yeah. you're planning on but like at least it'll move you in a direction yeah i i think i well one one thing that really got me going was in high school our english teacher made us write a letter to herself in five years and i like wrote everything that i wanted and it was like all just random ass things like i want to be sponsored by o'neill for snowboarding i I want to get paid to surf. I want to do this. And then I just had a list of things that I wanted. And they all happened, like weirdly detailed.
Starting point is 00:14:33 So then I got super into writing things that I wanted. But I don't know in the order or how it's going to happen. I just went like, that would be cool. I would like to work with those people or make that or be dancing there or i don't know be dancing where latin america you wrote that down yes you wrote i want to dance in latin america yes that's gonna happen let's go dude yeah way to manifest thanks no i like that idea i like to dance in latin america too yeah yeah it's great they just do it better yeah they do know how to dance down there then they all love to dance yeah not to
Starting point is 00:15:09 generalize but it does seem like they like to dance yeah in colombia in puerto rico i've never been to puerto rico i've been there i went i was on a cruise on it for a day that's nice how'd you like it for a day cruises are crazy man cruise life is different i do like cruises what what was your experience with a cruise? I'm so intrigued. I'm kind of a big, well, my mom's a big cruise person. Okay. Started with the Disney cruises when I was young.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Loved them. And I just love being on a boat. I like the feeling of being out to sea on a boat. Cool. It's like my favorite feeling where you're just sort of on a boat and you're like, and then on Disney, I just loved Disney growing up. I was just like, this is awesome. But then I went on a cruise last year to the Caribbean.
Starting point is 00:15:54 That's when we went to Puerto Rico. But it's kind of at this point, I just go with my mom and my stepdad. We just bop around and stuff. You wear cool outfits. I wear cool outfits you dress i wear cool outfits i wear all linen yeah i'll get a cigar oh i think i saw that oh yeah that was on a cruise that's really cool yeah it brings that out of you yeah yeah i like the feeling of being similar to like hawaii when you feel like when you're like sort of like i'm in the middle of the ocean
Starting point is 00:16:20 i love that feeling of just being out in the middle of the ocean when it's hot and you can tan Would you ever go on like maybe a smaller boat? Oh for sure. Yeah. Yeah, have you do you like sailing? You know, I haven't really dabbled here. Here's my okay. My beef with my dad is that Before I have three older siblings who are like 10 years older So when they were kids he had a boat and then he sold the boat when i was born so i'm like i'm just out on the boat life but damn yeah but i do want to get into that would stick me deep i definitely talked to my therapist about that you would yeah i'd be like all the other siblings got to party on a boat and i missed out on that yeah feels oddly
Starting point is 00:17:01 personal yeah yeah he me over. Yeah. They could all bond about like parking the boat and like which, you know. Right. Dad, should I throw the anchor? Yeah, son. Right. Are you, are you, how do you feel about cruises? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I, it feels kind of confining. Right. But I like sailing. Yeah. Like I've done a lot of sailing. Catamarans or what kind of? I prefer catamarans. Yeah, they're so cool, right?
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah, they're a lot smoother because I do get seasick. And they're sexier too. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you see like the Thomas Crown Affair or like Fifty Shades of Grey. Oh, yeah. Those dudes always drive catamarans. Oh, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Because they get them off the ground a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Off the water. They get them off the water they're tilted you know and you're leaning back in that chair there's something exciting so if you had an opportunity to sail around the world would you take it yeah absolutely yeah what kind of boat greta thunberg um a cat like a 70 foot cat catamaran nice that'd be cool would you be afraid of dying no because there's like
Starting point is 00:18:07 there's routes you take oh and times that you take them oh that's good you plan it that's good you gotta like be smart about it so yeah things can happen but so things go bad you're not you're never like stranded there's always like a kind of route no i mean checking things could go bad when you're making passage like you're doing past or the yeah passages could go bad when you're making passages. Like you're doing passages. Passages? Yeah. Like when you'd go from Hawaii to Fiji or from Mexico to Hawaii. That middle in between can get sketchy.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Right. But I think I would really want... I've been dying to do the top of Canada just down all the way to Costa Rica. That'd be amazing. That'd be really cool because there's some just neat spots along the whole way yeah I think I'm too afraid to do that but I'd like watch a documentary about you doing that but you can see the land the whole time sometimes oh that's nice yeah yeah but I need to be at yeah he doesn't want to see land no you
Starting point is 00:19:01 don't want to see land no whoa that's cool yeah do you think if you were born in like the 1400s you would have been like an explorer yeah although i was thinking about that and i think i would have been more like a uh like a pirate no like people bring things to me and i say yes or no what is that like a queen i don't want to say that but somebody i want to be a prince so that's all good but like you know i got a lot of power and like i can like if i need to what is it off with your head yeah i don't like him off so you mean like some kind of like despotic leader like like an emperor or something like that yeah i could do that dude that'd be cool well because you kind of have to be but in those, you either got to be like a head.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Like if you're, right, there was a sharp distinction. It was like you're either the person getting owned or the person doing the owning. Yeah, so I would like to. You want to be like Catherine the Great or something? Yeah, yeah, that'd be great. That would be cool. Or maybe like a Joan of Arc. Right, a righteous warrior.
Starting point is 00:20:02 Yeah, just on my own. Would you be a gentle ruler or violent yeah yeah i'd be gentle yeah but you have you're smiling like you wouldn't be yeah well you know if things seems to be like a sinister idea if someone crosses you we'd have strict rules you gotta adhere by the rules you gotta have order yeah yeah you have to have order agreed like i think a lot of my friends are having babies dude all my friends i have like terrible fomo and it's gnarly having those little things around i want to have one you want to have one because i want my kid to hang out with my friends kids yeah although i heard it doesn't
Starting point is 00:20:33 even work that way i heard your kids end up hanging out with like their preschool friends parents well i think you can get like the second wave yeah and i don't mind if my kid's the youngest because maybe he'll like learn stuff yeah or she'll learn stuff from their kids Yeah, but sorry you were saying oh um, oh, I Don't know you like see Little thing little guys get away with certain things and our games and then like implementing rules when they don't need to you know It's just interesting parenting the concept. Yeah, it is like ruling would be similar to that Yeah, I was thinking about my parents hit me when I was a kid and I think that was very good for me. Like what kind?
Starting point is 00:21:10 Like a lot of butt slapping, but sometimes it got like more just fight, fight. Yeah. And I think it was actually, I think I was such a bad kid. I kind of needed that. Like a fight, fight? Like you would, you would throw it back? Yeah my dad yeah um but i think it was good i like i was in junior college psychology and they were like you should never hit your kids and i was like no no it helped me like i was i would not have listened without that yeah i got some butt slaps too were you a bad kid not a bad kid but were you problematic at times i was more sassy and like would find ways around things do you remember like did you ever say something like this to your parents where they got mad at you and they were like hey what
Starting point is 00:21:48 did you do with this and like you just learned this and you're like none of your business did you ever say something like that i remember being four you said that when you were four no my my dad said i need to go to bed or something and i put my hands on my hips and i was like do you have any idea who you're talking to wow Wow. And my parents talk about that all the time. And I'm like, no. Have you ever been in a fight? Yes. What happened?
Starting point is 00:22:15 Well, I was in surf PE growing up. And I was, like, friends with all the boys. And the girls didn't like that sometimes. And I was coming back from surf PE once, and this girl, like, just out of nowhere, I was just walking back to class, and then I just got decked right in the throat and hit the floor. Wow. She was like, stay away from my mans. I was like like holy shit and then i got up and then she
Starting point is 00:22:48 pushed me up against the chain link and i was like oh dear i'm just a girl did you you didn't uh you didn't return fire no i don't know i can't like i'm not i don't get mad enough right oh right like i just i'm like i'm like oh wow you're so mad whoa was there any follow-up to like did you and her reconcile or did no did the man make a choice no i know we weren't hooking up or anything wait how old was this again i think i was like 15 oh okay yeah damn you got here when you were 15 that's crazy yeah well yeah there's a lot of fights in my so many fights in my high school really i think it's a southern california thing where'd you go to high school i went to santa margarita catholic high school and then i went to jay sarah catholic
Starting point is 00:23:32 high school ah jay sarah i have a lot of friends that have come i was in the first graduating class wow there was like 40 of us crazy yeah we were all like mutants who had been discarded by other schools. That's right. Yeah. Where'd you go to school? I went to a boarding school in Connecticut. Really? Mm-hmm. What was that like?
Starting point is 00:23:53 It was good. It was like college with a lot of rules. Yeah. I always knew I was going to go because it was like a family thing. All my siblings went before me. I'm the fifth child, so it was like a really good school education wise but it was just it's a whole it's a culture shock coming from california where everyone's kind of like smiley and you know and then you get to connecticut and everyone's it's just super competitive
Starting point is 00:24:15 and uh kind of like you know you talk to kids and they'd be like what do you want to do when you grow up and they're like i want to run a hedge fund you're like 15 they're like what do you want to do when you grow up and they're like i want to run a hedge fund you're like 15 they're like what do you want to do i'm like i want to work at billabong so uh but i i didn't like being there but i look back on it and i appreciate it yeah because it made me very independent and um just self-sufficient yeah um but yeah it's a culture shock for i thought it was gonna be cool i was like oh we're gonna to be cool. I was like, oh, we're going to go to Connecticut. Everyone's going to be preppy. I'm going to start wearing like pastel and be preppy too. I got there and I was like, nah, I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:24:56 But I remember at like eighth grade, I bought a Lacoste shirt. I was really stoked on it. Dude, those were huge. Yeah. And, uh, it didn't really, it wasn't really my thing. Yeah. There was looks that got popular that didn't agree with my. collar yeah like that just didn't work on me yeah or straightened hair when that was popular i did it for one party yeah and it just looked disastrous yeah so i
Starting point is 00:25:16 couldn't participate in like the kind of emo movement right it just didn't fit my aesthetic at all did you were you into the emo movement at all it might have been before your time no i think i wasn't i was 11 when that happened right and i remember wearing high socks and like cutting shirts yeah like tying them but that was as far as i got what music are you into currently yeah yeah oh um i don't know it depends i love reggaeton oh really like daddy yankee and stuff like that yeah sure love it tego calderon blambe so good yeah it's it's it's propulsive it's like addicting and that's big in puerto rico right yeah nice yeah what about you i like uh like r&b nice yeah that's what i've been listening to a lot right now what who's your favorite that's my favorite all time i like frank ocean probably yeah i listen to a lot of him do
Starting point is 00:26:20 you like the weekend i love the weekend like old weekend though like trilogy weekend yeah what was that one like hi for this or or a house of balloons those songs that was like when his sound you would feel like he was like dunking your head in a pool and you were like getting submerged in it now he's a little like too poppy for me yeah that was good thanks do you sing sometimes should we sing yeah go for it since the moment i spotted you you been running around with my shoes my stomach's tearing with the butterflies and it's all right all right i can't remember the words yeah do you know that song that's our favorite song it's our at the moment why don't you and i
Starting point is 00:27:10 buy nickelbacks chad kroger and santana wow it's really good that made me happy to do that for a second i'm sorry guys no yeah i love that song uh to the moon and straight on to heaven. Heaven. That's a good backup. That was good. Yeah. Yeah. Good harmony. Straight on to heaven.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Out there, down there with the butterfly. When you're driving the van, do you sing a lot? Yes. What do you... Oh, we've already covered that. Rigatone. Nice. I also really like... I've been getting into just like metal-y stuff a bit.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Oh, you like metal? Kind of. Like what kind? I mean, rocky metal. I like Danzig a lot and Misfits sneak in there and some King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard ones, but those are more particular and I don't know. Do you get down with Mudvayne? Oh, Mudvayne.
Starting point is 00:28:07 That sounds fun. My brother's really into metal, so he's like you gotta listen to mud vein mud vein slipknot which everyone knows if not i guess it's not metal i'm more like i get i just hate saying rock right right right is that punk i got you yeah it's like a weird like i just like a like cool guitar and like a lot of noise a lot of drum. I only know one Danzig song. I've done. Mother. Most people. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Oh, that's Danzig? Mm-hmm. That's cool. Have you seen the video of him getting knocked out? No. It's pretty hilarious. It's pretty funny. He's talking shit to this big fat guy.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Yeah. And the big fat guy just punches him and knocks him out. So glad it was caught on camera. So when you were growing up you're a surfer and a snowboarder which did you want to be a pro surfer pro snowboarder did you want to be both what was sort of or did you just were you just doing both and you're like just having fun i don't know i really i snowboarding because i think because i grew up in the surf world right you know you always want what you can't necessarily have too much of.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Right. So, like, I would have, like, surf contests on Saturday and then a snowboard contest on Sunday, like in Bear or something. Right. But I always, like, I had surf P and surf team. And then the second I graduated, I moved to Tahoe and, and like was doing snowboarding stuff and i wasn't very good at either one i would just like you know like when i was with my snowboard friends they'd be like oh you're so good at surfing i'd be like thanks i know and then when i was with my snow or surf friends they'd be like you're so good at snowboarding i'd be like i know it's crazy
Starting point is 00:29:38 so it's just like not staying anywhere for too long yeah and then you got sponsored by o'neill yeah is that for surfing snowboarding snowboarding yeah that's cool it was just like doing little local rail contests and stuff that's cool yeah i've seen some videos like uh you put up on a pig bear recently yeah i love you're ripping thanks yeah i retired yeah do you guys snowboard no i retired it's hard on my feet really yeah I retired. Yeah, do you guys snowboard? No, I retired. It's hard on my feet. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:15 I ski, actually. Of course you do. Yeah. Where? Take a lot of flack for it. Actually, so my dad, my stepmom moved to Sun Valley, Idaho. Oh, cool. So I go to some value that's like where i go all the time does it hurt your knees no because i actually went to a ski camp
Starting point is 00:30:31 oh so you know how to do it in whistler so yeah so i learned the absorption thing which i didn't know it because i always loved like i loved like johnny mosley watching moguls yeah and then i went to the ski camp and they showed me how to like absorb so it's it's literally you're just moving you're crazy johnny moe yeah johnny moe he's the man he's the coolest yeah i always just blasted pizza blasted pizza straight yeah i was like this can't be good yeah my dad one time had me on like a leash he was like teaching me i was like four or five and so i was literally you know just french frying it just like straight down. And he's like holding me back. But he fell and dropped it.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And I had no idea. So I was like four. So I was just rocketing down this hill. No clue. Just straight down. Just like. And luckily it caught up to me before I like hit the lift. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Yeah. He loves telling that story. That's crazy. You were a little bomber imagine a little bomber yeah imagine just like having a kid and accidentally you just go straight just still going you're like oh no you got pizza pizza i didn't know what pizza was at that time uh luckily i survived yeah you could have gone fast into anything. Or off of anything.
Starting point is 00:31:47 True. Wow. That was at Sugar Bowl. What'd you say? He goes off a ski jump. Yeah. That was at Sugar Bowl? That was at Sugar Bowl.
Starting point is 00:31:57 So your parents are really cool. Yeah. They are cool, yeah. I feel like your parents are really cool, though. Yeah, they're cool on Instagram. Yeah. Your dad's a character. Yeah, they're cool on Instagram. Yeah. Your dad's a character. Yeah, they started a... Remind me.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Your parents started like a lifeguard company? Yeah, when my dad was like 18, he was a lifeguard, and they had like little weasel squeezers. And he was like, John, can you make me some board shorts? So she made him some board shorts, and then she ended up making everybody in the agency board shorts and then the next agency and now they make uh lifeguard uniforms for like 80 of the world whoa that's cool that's awesome yeah wow that's a great business that's
Starting point is 00:32:37 cool what your life you were a lifeguard for a while right yeah yeah for for like a good 10 years. Did you save anyone's life? Yeah. What was that like? I mean, not as like fulfilling and rewarding as you'd think. Cause you were so scared in the moment, like just trying to keep them alive. Well, that was the thing. It wasn't ever, I mean, it was Southern California, so it was never like scary big days. Like in Hawaii, it'd be hairy, you know, but like, it's more like they're frantic and i'm scared for them or like i've had a lot of guys not want to be saved by me oh interesting and it's like just like like a lot of arguments of like just grab the buoy man yeah so you're like out there in the water you're like dude you're struggling like just grab the buoy he's like no
Starting point is 00:33:21 i'm good i can yeah yeah i've even had people be like send send your guy out send a guy like send a guy wow really and you're like okay i'm just gonna swim no i just sit on the buoy and i wait till they get a little further under and then they like grab it i'm not doing it i'm not gonna say much snarly did anyone ever die on you no i'm not on my watch oh that's good yeah i'm i've that's why i've got this pterygium because i stare into the glare what is that like the it's like a hole in my eye pretty much everybody's like on instagram so he's like oh you're so stoned i'm like i'm not it's just like what is it it's like from the sun from surfing and like looking into the glare oh oh yeah you got yeah it's like a callus for your eyes pterygium oh nice but it's
Starting point is 00:34:06 spelled like pterygium oh it's got a p like a pterodactyl kind of thing yeah that's cool yeah what's he gonna ask can we get back to weasel squeezers again what are weasel squeezers like speedos yeah they're like that's awesome yeah that's awesome more like booty shorts oh okay dude i remember yeah i've talked about this on the pump smugglers That's good. I see When I was seven and my friend Daniel Pellbath wore a speedo to the community pool And I thought that was gonna be like the look and I was so nervous He looked amazing in it by the way, but I was like, I'm not ready for that
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah, but I realized it was kind of a one-off and that he was just the only guy doing it. Mm-hmm So did you ever follow up? No, I never wore one as my primary swimwear. Board shorts came in and kind of went that direction. Yeah, board short, boom. Yeah. I dabbled. I played water polo. You wore a speedo?
Starting point is 00:34:58 Yeah, in water polo. You have nice legs, though. That would work. They're so white, though. When I was at boarding school, indoors in Connecticut, it's not the same. Oh,
Starting point is 00:35:09 it's like kind of pasty. Everyone was pasty on the team. No, yeah, it just doesn't have the same flair. Oh, it's indoors. Everyone's pasty. There's no sun to counter the chlorine,
Starting point is 00:35:16 like bleaching that's going on. Wow. Yeah, water polo is an interesting look with like, because you're wearing the cap too. Your hair gets all streaky. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I didn't look good. They look so intense in the water with the goggles and everything do they wear goggles no they don't wear goggles no goggles but the the ear the ear things the earmuffs right that's what you're thinking of yeah um so when did you start getting into comedy oh um i'd say when i was around 19. 19? Yeah. Because my first introductory to LA was through modeling, which is so bizarre. Because like, I don't know, I didn't really, I really like the photo shoot aspect of like, my sponsors growing up and like, going somewhere, taking a photo, having like a makeup artist and an outfit and then having a final product. photo, having like a makeup artist and an outfit and then having a final product. And then,
Starting point is 00:36:12 I don't know, it just kind of turned into modeling. And then I got super into modeling, like did Miami Swim Week, did a bunch of cool campaigns. And then was just like, this isn't really my thing. Like getting super just what you look like is how you get treated. Right. And I just had the hardest time with that. Like you'd go into castings and be like, look at you. How many followers do you have? And then you tell them and then you'd leave. I was like, I feel empty.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. So then I was like, well, what do I like about these photo shoots? I like like creating something and having a final product. I like like making people giggle and like see them laugh like i'd make it a point because people are so grumpy in like the modeling acting world that like if you can make them chuckle a little bit then they like actually look at you a little bit or maybe twice so then i'd like make it a point so i don't know and then i was like okay well i got to get out of this uh modeling thing and and started doing like uh interviews for red bull and different uh sports stuff and
Starting point is 00:37:12 and then i just i don't know i wrote a skit or a stand-up thing yeah do stand-up every now and then yeah it's fun yeah we did a couple shows together yeah yeah that was a fun show the one that we did a couple years ago in encinitas yeah that was really fun yeah that one's always a good one you had a lot of like friends and family there yeah that's my hometown show does that make you more nervous to perform in front of them or no no because you know they're gonna laugh no matter what oh interesting you know like you could be like or sometimes i don't know i think it's just more of a home game yeah it's like your hometown it's cool seeing everybody show up that is nice and like we don't
Starting point is 00:37:52 really have comedy in insanitas so it was like cool and it's great having you guys because you guys also have like a good fan base and insanitas the bros yeah you guys got the bros yeah we got some bros yeah and chris cote is the best yeah nice guy i love Yeah, you guys got the bros. Yeah, we got some bros. And Chris Cote is the best. Nice guy. I love that guy. You guys did like a WSL show together? Yeah. We did a WSL show. People hated it.
Starting point is 00:38:10 People hated it. What? It wasn't bad. Wait, John, what happened? We had a great crew. We had a great team. Yeah. But it was like, it was called Get Sent.
Starting point is 00:38:20 And we'd review, it was like a clip show. So we'd watch like a surfer falling away. And we'd be like, ka-pow! he really tasted the whitewash on that one now we're gonna take you to philippe toledo in uh cape town and then we'd like it was very did i say all that right yeah yeah it was well how long were they like four or five minutes yeah so they're like you guys gonna do 100 episodes and so i think i I think I briefly remember this conversation. Do you remember that? It was like three years ago. Chad was afraid to go surfing afterwards. I was, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:48 He was like, I don't think they're going to. Because WSL Instagram, they were like, who the fuck are these guys? And I was like, oh, fuck, dude. They're a tough crowd. That's the thing. Yeah. They're tough. They're finicky.
Starting point is 00:39:02 It's like the crowd of dads that get off work they got their new channel island surfboard they haven't they've only ridden it like four times yeah they're just hungry to get a wave on like two foot closeouts and san clemente yeah get online and then they don't have any sense of humor like i mean you you have these kind of conversations and you like hit them with a little like a little something and just goes and they're just like. They're intense. Super intense. Yeah. Surf dads from affluent areas.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Have you seen any interviews from Laird? He's awesome. He's just so like down the, like, yes, this is what it is. He's very sincere yeah i broke my wrist 7 000 different times yeah we had him on the podcast actually what really yeah we're like that's great we heard you uh saved your house from uh the fires and he's like yep yep got a hose put it in the pool he definitely has a can-do attitude oh yeah i love it yeah yeah it's so good yeah no like just so that's how it was of course yeah i got lost at sea filming
Starting point is 00:40:13 water world and thought i was gonna die but yeah that was an amazing story yeah he got lost on a jet ski in between like oahu and the big island or something wow i gotta i gotta look at that episode yeah it was a it's like a year ago exactly almost that's great oh that's crazy because it was during covid whoa during covid yeah that's so weird yeah yeah but i think i like that because it come my dad's kind of like that right like my dad's like a character but he it's always when he's not trying i mean he doesn't ever really try he's just being himself he's just being himself and then when and i like i've had my stand-up skit and i've done it in front of him to be like so what do you think and he just straight
Starting point is 00:40:52 up looks at me and is like it's not funny i'm like oh that's funny he says that though but is he overall supportive of everything overall yeah yeah super he likes it yeah that's good yeah but it's interesting like his humor because then his buddies which is also weird him and his buddies will like review my instagram videos oh really and like they'll tell me whether they think they're funny or not and i'm like i didn't yeah it's you never want those extra it's just not helpful yeah yeah it's not like you would review their jobs yeah that's a good point yeah yeah i don't know it's an interesting and then you're like oh well i heard a lot of your patients backs aren't getting better you would never do that yeah that's a good point yeah yeah i always get
Starting point is 00:41:36 kind of thrown off if i know like families watching or like i don't know yeah i like it more when my parents don't pay attention when my mom's like i saw your latest video i'm like oh i don't yeah oh god it's just extra stuff but my mom will tell me she's like you don't post enough you need more followers i'm like just leave it alone lady i know yeah yeah that's interesting because like sometimes i'll do like a skate mom my dad's like yeah you kind of missed the mark on that one but then what was weird is like i did i don't know if you guys saw i did like um the like a photographer skit yeah like my modeling and like creepy photographers yeah yeah my dad loved it which i was so nervous of him to see because it's you know a little more risque yeah it's a reenactment of like me being creeped on in my modeling career. Like he'd get mad and be like, who was the photographer? Yeah, I don't know what his reaction was,
Starting point is 00:42:26 but I came home one day and he had the neighbors in our living room and he's showing them the video. Really? Oh, interesting. I can't put a pin on your humor at all. Yeah. Yeah, my dad's sense of humor is very juvenile.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I think the hardest I've ever heard my dad laugh was when Zach and Mary make a porno and someone gets shit on. And I think the hardest I've ever heard my dad laugh was when Zach and Mary make a porno and someone gets like shit on. Yeah. And I remember my dad just died laughing. And I remember I was like, I was like 22 and I looked at my dad and I was like, that's what cracks you up, dude. That is funny.
Starting point is 00:42:54 That is funny. Yeah. And he's like a really smart guy. Yeah. But he's the same way. My dad's really funny, but he's not trying to be funny. Yeah. He just like says funny things, which is almost better. Yeah. Right. It's better when there's not in a, funny he just like says funny things which is almost better yeah right
Starting point is 00:43:06 it's better when there's not in a uh a desire for laughter yeah yeah i think i think that was a generation too like all of them kind of have like my dad the most juvenile things it's so strange like he was talking about and your dad's like a doctor or something right no he's not why did i think your dad was a doctor? Isn't he a neurosurgeon? Oh, no, he was a paramedic fireman. Oh, close. All right, there we go.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Kind of. Not that close. Yeah. Well, I don't know. Maybe it's close. Yeah, no, I mean, both impressive. For sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:47 So when he watches a video or something, they kind kind of if they don't seem to like it does that motivate you or is that just like like how is that because for me i'm just like i guess i would just like be like well i just gotta work harder i don't know no because i don't know it's tough because they like the final product of all my videos usually but like when I show them first drafts they're like they don't hit the mark and to be honest in between us I feel like when they see that people like it when they see there's a lot of likes or comments my dad will read my comments out loud like I should just have a section of him yeah reading my comments because he loves it he's like ivy blah blah blah blah that was a good one like this but then when i show him a video before i
Starting point is 00:44:31 post it or anything he's like when my dad comes to stand-up shows he doesn't laugh at my jokes he laughs at the audience laughing at my jokes like he sees everybody he looks around he looks at everybody else laughing he's like and then he kind of loosens up it's interesting well i think it's probably a weird thing to like think your adult child is funny too totally i don't think anyone ever expects that from their their offspring yeah i mean imagine having a kid and then being like yeah like it trying to make you laugh yeah i want to be a comedian you'd be like that's weird yeah who do you think you are right yeah i uh i remember we did when we did hawaii 50 my dad made me watch it with him our episode yeah which was like you were so good though i've had thank you we were like really inhabited watching like a full 30 minute episode i was just sitting there and he's just
Starting point is 00:45:22 like watching he's a he's like a doctor too so he's just like analyzing it i was just sitting there like this is my dad told me your acting's bad he's like you gotta get better your dad i think he was right but yeah he was very point blank about it yeah um but my dad's like yeah you look good you look like you belong on the show you did thanks yeah you're very good i don't know thanks um do you have a preference for like scripted versus unscripted stuff i like unscripted but i do too but i also like scripted like make make it your own kind of totally but i love improv yeah it's like my favorite thing in the world that's like what you do with like skate mom and and all those characters that's all improv yeah that's cool yeah it's just like adult pretend yeah was skate mom based on
Starting point is 00:46:10 someone not someone in particular but it was more of like i don't know just growing up in the industry and like being surrounded by those types of parents my parents were so the opposite i think i like paid extra attention to them because of it. Cause my parents would just like sit in a lawn chair and be like, good job, sweetie. I'm like, I lost.
Starting point is 00:46:32 They're like, ah, it's fine. Get them next time. Whereas like, there's like, you know, the dad on the shore with the dad cam all suited up yelling from the
Starting point is 00:46:40 shore. Like there's a set to do a turn. And I'm like, okay, yeah, yeah. I'm like trying to take his advice from the water. Yeah's a set to do a turn and i'm like okay yeah yeah i'm like trying to take his advice from the water yeah in orange county there was a website called oc varsity and parents would go in there and fight about like which high school sports team was the best
Starting point is 00:46:54 but it always devolved to dads talking shit on other people's sons like they'd be like hunter white doesn't have the speed to really be a game breaker he'd be like damn dude you're just talking about a 16 year old and then other dads would come in and like defend him and it was uh and to me it was normal because i grew up there so i was like oh this is like how all parents are but then once i got out of southern california i was like oh not everybody's that like obsessed with sports excellence like if you're in new york or la it's kind of you know it's more artsy and stuff. It's just a different value set. Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah, it's crazy. I mean, I have a dog, and I can kind of understand the like. You have high expectations for your dog?
Starting point is 00:47:35 No, he's just adorable. You know, I want him to succeed. So I can see how it might relate. Like, I know for a fact I'm going to be the gnarliest skate mom when I'm actually a mom. Is your dog in the van right now? No. Oh, okay, that's good. I wish.
Starting point is 00:47:48 But no, not in the van. Where's your dog at? He's in San Diego. Nice. Yeah. Are you super competitive? No. No?
Starting point is 00:47:56 No, not at all. No, you're competitive. I'm really not, though. Really? Oh, that's good. It's weird. I've been trying to figure out my personality
Starting point is 00:48:03 because I have a bunch of contradicting things. You know i like structure but i'm not competitive because like that's why i didn't i did horrible when i competed in surfing and snowboarding because i was just like oh good job and the girls were just like oh you were too friendly to the competition i don't know no i just i didn't make it like a priority, you know? Like, I really like doing the interviews because I feel like I'm still in it. And like, I get to snowboard with everybody and surf with everybody. But like, I don't have to.
Starting point is 00:48:33 You can do it more for joy rather than for like, I don't know, what would it be? For like your actual life value? Yeah, it's gnarly. Especially like such an individualistic sport you know i don't know though i feel like everybody's competitive isn't it just kind of hardwired into us biologically i mean i'm competitive in some things that's what i mean yeah we all have our things yeah because i didn't think i was no i was always too competitive like i had to learn how to be less competitive so that i could get along with people because I would take Ls so hard.
Starting point is 00:49:07 And then it was just unbecoming. You have to just be okay with losing. What were you most competitive in? Everything, I think. Yeah. What about you? Yeah, I'm competitive. But in weird ways, too,
Starting point is 00:49:24 because I'm easygoing. Yeah. But I think in my mind, I'm competitive. But in weird ways, too. Because I'm easygoing. Yeah. But I think in my mind, I'm like, I'll fucking kill you. Yeah. I think that's what I feel deep down. Not like just... Not like actually to death.
Starting point is 00:49:37 It's an energy. I don't want to beat people. I just want to succeed. That's how I... I think that's my... That's nicer. You don't want it to come at the expense of someone else. Yeah how i think that's my that's nicer yeah you don't want to come at the expense of someone else yeah i think that's i think that's what it is um i don't know but i've
Starting point is 00:49:51 always i've always wanted to like but in school i didn't like try hard i didn't really care not me neither yeah but uh i think when i i don't know I just always wanted to like, I think I always wanted to reach a certain level. Yeah. I guess. Yeah, I always wanted people to think I was special. Yeah, I think that's it. Yeah. I'm the youngest.
Starting point is 00:50:12 But I think everyone wants that. Yeah. Or at least everyone who does what we do. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I, yeah. I think like for what we do, whatever it is, like just trying to be like being visible.
Starting point is 00:50:27 I think there's like a, this is kind of a tangential point, but I also think there's like a certain level of like necessary self absorption. Yeah. Like you have to be thinking about yourself all the time. Yeah. But I think it's good to do that because it's reflection. Well, one of my, my, like,
Starting point is 00:50:41 one of my favorite quotes is like comparison is the death of creativity. Right. Because the second I start looking around, then I'm like, all my ideas and things just go to shit. And you get sad, too. Yeah. So I think when I really just focus on myself and juice myself up and stay just in my own thing, that's when I produce.
Starting point is 00:51:03 You do a good job of that, too. Because you seem to live your life in a very idiosyncratic way. You live your life, it seems like very intentional. Like you do what you want to do and it doesn't seem comparable to like other,
Starting point is 00:51:13 I don't know, performers I know. Oh, cool. Thanks. But that probably helps with what you make, right? Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:51:21 I definitely have like my fair share of anxiety and issues every now and then. But I like to just keep to myself a lot. Making yourself laugh, is that something you love to do? Yeah. That's the best. When I was in high school, there was parties on the weekends, right?
Starting point is 00:51:43 And I got so much joy out of like smoking a little weed and like making my room this like great ambience like with candles and stuff and i'd sit in front of the mirror and see how long like time myself and see how long i could go without cracking like make try to make myself laugh and it's just it's really fun but it's definitely crazy like it gets wild i think that's the best way to be creative though so you're sort of just like you're pursuing your own joy and then you know that's sort of like where you block out everything else and you kind of if you're making yourself laugh it's just like i think that's just like that's what it's all about yeah at the end of the day. I think.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But you seem to be a little more like you like to make the room laugh. But I don't know. I film myself. The whole time I drive to work, I film myself singing songs. Oh, you do? I don't post it. I just laugh at myself singing songs. Hey, well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And kind of study my face. Or I'll film myself dancing like three hours out of the day. Really? Yeah. Really? Three hours. Not three hours. That's a long ass time yeah but for a little for stretches really yeah if i'm bored too yeah but no it's it's important to me to make other people laugh for sure yeah yeah i get a
Starting point is 00:52:56 lot of joy out of that oh for sure yeah yeah me too but yeah i think uh and i also like i approach life like that sometimes too like you know i'll make mistakes but if they're funny in retrospect i'm not that bummed out about them right yeah totally that's interesting but then also sometimes like i'll make any mistake funny in retrospect if i can think about it the right way yeah yeah you just gotta own it yeah i'll find myself laughing at it and then i'm like am i really laughing at it or am i just trying to convert it into something i can laugh at so that i can move on. So I can move on. Yeah. Yeah. Not ruminate on it too much.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Yeah. I know that feeling. Yeah. Um, so you played Mia Toretto. Oh yeah. Fast and Furious. And I reenacted.
Starting point is 00:53:36 You were great. Yeah. Thank you. You were great. You really channeled Jordana. Yeah. Thank you. You guys were as well.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Oh, thank you. Were you a Fast and the Furious fan prior? I still haven't seen it you haven't seen it oh you've never seen it no well that well your performance was really good thanks i did interpret it studying i studied up on it and i read that chapter yeah you read the chapter in the book fast and furious oh that's cool that would be hilarious if it was a book before it was a movie.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Dom pulls up, throws on his leather jacket. Yeah, I'd love to read the prose in that book. Dom gets out of his car, flexes. Let me get a Corona. The descriptions of Paul would be epic. Just describing him in prose. You would need full paragraphs.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Paul steps out of the vehicle. I can't even come up with the language for his hair. I can't even come up with the for his hair what yeah i can't even come up the language for his hair yeah what was it god like just arc like curls wow yeah with sun like gold beaming yeah emanating joy to everyone around yeah there we go are you are you in i i find myself in this pursuit are you in the pursuit of the year-round tan oh yeah yeah absolutely what does being pasty do to you i don't i haven't been there in years yeah i feel like you've been tan your whole life i don't i don't go there if it's like cloudy in california for more than a couple days straight will you fly
Starting point is 00:54:55 somewhere else to capture no okay i was hoping you'd say yes but yes but but rub on him if i'm like working oh you'll do a spray on no rub, rub. What's the rub? Like lotion. Oh, my dad does that. My dad does too. He takes my... My dad has like a fake tanner he puts on his face. What? Yeah. He does always look tanned.
Starting point is 00:55:13 He's always tanned, baby. Wow, I didn't know that. He can be sick as a dog. He'll put that on. You'll never know. It really helps. It does. When you lived in Tahoe, what'd you do?
Starting point is 00:55:23 That's when I think i decided that the pale life wasn't my look that was you and sf right me and sf me in connecticut you poor you poor people yeah yeah did you when i used to get bad acne in high school and i put on makeup and then you get caught at school you're like are you wearing makeup you're like fuck yeah you're like my day is fucked yeah yeah but again i try to own it i did morning announcements and i was like hey i'm wearing makeup yeah just get out in front of it yeah didn't you really yeah i tried to oh interesting i tried to own it um i didn't know what other choice i had at that point yeah yeah dude acne is gnarly yeah the year around tan and uh
Starting point is 00:56:01 yeah what was the other thing oh Oh, I was wearing Vans. You know, I never wanted to be in a situation where I wasn't able to wear Vans. Do you feel that too? Yeah, I guess I never have been in that situation. I've always worn Vans. Yeah. So you got to do. It's just comfortable.
Starting point is 00:56:23 It is, yeah. Physically and? Stylistically. feel you're like you just i feel at least like i'm more in tune with my higher self oh man there was a year of miami where i put on heels oh and i you lived in miami no no miami swim week sorry but like you'd go to these castings and i was just so uncomfortable you'd be in heels in a bathing suit and i just didn't book anything because i was like like awkward and uncomfortable and like i was just so out of my element so the next year i came back in vans oh you did yeah and i booked like six shows yeah i bet yeah yeah because you're standing out oh
Starting point is 00:57:06 she's cool someone we're working with saw chad wearing vans and now he wears the same vans oh that's right that's pretty cool that was awesome yeah just classic blues or you go black uh slip on i wear these blues those are nice and then i have slip on pink whoa yeah i wear a new balance good good for the knees. They look good. You also have your boat shoe kind of thing. Yeah, I wear those sometimes, too. Those look good. Oh, thank you, man.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah. I'm a little shorter in those, though. Yeah. Yeah. What's your go-to van? Lately, I've been into the platformy ones. Oh, interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:43 I can't really picture this. They're in the kitchen? I saw Oh, interesting. Yeah. I can't really picture this. They're in the kitchen. I saw those. Yeah. Cool. They're kind of like golf shoes. Yeah, you go shoeless when you pot.
Starting point is 00:57:51 I do the same thing. Yeah, I just, I like to be barefoot. Dude, this is actually, and I can be. Maybe this is TMI, but check this out. Wow.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Whoa. That's a great color. My toenails are painted. That looks good. It's like a good indigo. Yeah, one coat. Or color. My toenails are painted. That looks good. It's like a good indigo. Yeah, one coat. Or a periwinkle, excuse me. Is that the color?
Starting point is 00:58:10 That's a periwinkle. Dude, good specificity on that. Yeah. Are you into grounding? Are you into like spiritual kind of stuff? I know you're into like manifestations. Yeah, yeah. What sort of like excites you the most?
Starting point is 00:58:22 I've been getting really into these meditation hypnosis's oh cool and they're crazy because it's like um it accesses a part of your subconscious that is typically kind of you you get the with therapy with like talking to someone but it just makes it so you can access it alone and it like kind of helps you dream these situations all the way through like the reason you're doing this is because of that and i'll have like a lot of either realizations in the meditations or in like dreams later on but those have been crazy is that marissa pierre no it's lacy phillips oh lacy phillips that's but i'm sure there's other ones yeah like i did this
Starting point is 00:59:01 meditation thing one time but it was, it wasn't even a thing. It was like a YouTube thing. So I was like, maybe it's similar. Yeah. Makes sense. Yeah. I mean, just getting into that state. They all probably know each other.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Right. So are you always sort of in search of being present? Or are you, because I love Eckhart Tolle at the moment. Are you into all that stuff? Yeah. It's the best. Yeah, it's the best. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, I just love feeling good.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Yeah. You know? Yeah, when I'm on my phone too much, that's when I just get disconnected. Yeah. That's kind of it, though, when I notice it the most, is when I just get too phony. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:42 And I get kind of like, meh. Yeah. But besides that, I've been pretty good about getting a hold of the old i journal a lot like an excessive excessive amount what's your like journal voice like are you pretty positive when you journal are you pretty no i'm just unfiltered it's like my journal is like my best friend so you're really you're getting out all everything yeah it's coming out yeah yeah exactly i i read an old journal and i was at the park with a friend and my whole journal was talking shit about my friend who was right next to me really yeah that's funny that's the best and then i read it i was like he's
Starting point is 01:00:14 a good guy why'd you write all that but i guess that day i was just frustrated sometimes you're just feeling how you're feeling and you know better on the page than yeah than on the person yeah journaling does feel good. Do you write visualization kind of like manifestation stuff? So every month on the new moon, I'll do your new moon wishes. I feel like you're a good manifester. Thanks. You kind of touched on it earlier, but I feel like you seem like you've manifested what you've done.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Chad's a good manifester. He did a vision board and everything on it came true. I watched it happen. Really? It was pretty nuts. That's awesome. pretty nuts that's awesome I would love to see that sometime yeah first time I saw it I was like this is ridiculous and then like two years later I was like good work I was like you nailed it well I kind of I went overboard I was like they're like write how much money you want to make and I was like I'll just write a ton of money so it's like 2020 five million dollars 2025 500 million I don't know I remember I was like I was like, I'll just write a ton of money. So it's like 2020, $5 million.
Starting point is 01:01:06 2025, 500 million. I remember up to you, I was like, do you really want $50 billion? You were like, I just wrote a number. Yeah, yeah. I was like, when I saw it, I was like, we do comedy. This is going to be really tough. Yeah, yeah. I was like, I don't know if we can make that much money.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I was like, dude, the universe, you never know what's going to happen. You never know. Unless we invent like a battery or something. I don't know if we're going to get there. Yeah. Yeah. But I don't't wanna put a ceiling on it it could happen we've got Aaron and our crew
Starting point is 01:01:28 let's go can you invent a battery no I love your candor I love how honest you are should we answer some questions we answer listeners
Starting point is 01:01:37 questions oh yeah and then the do you wanna do an ad first guys I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know
Starting point is 01:01:44 once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. Because you got a hog. Summer is coming. You want the breeze to go through those pubes and make you feel fresh. And this is from the legends who introduced the electric ball hair trimmer we now have the razor and set to get you trimmed front to back whoa they are looking they're taking care of not
Starting point is 01:02:15 only your balls but your gooch and your b-hole as well what other company does that i don't know i really don't know and guys you no longer have to borrow your ladies razor for that precise trim okay we got the ultra smooth package the manscape ultra smooth package three-step kit to make your package the perfect package crop exfoliator infused with ingredients that can soothe clear and keep the skin on and around your groin feeling refreshed the crop exfoliator can help reduce the risk of ingrown hairs in your delicate places crop gel see where you're shaving with our unique clear shaving gel just for the groin with four essential oils oh mama it's time to shave the crop shaver was designed for shaving
Starting point is 01:02:54 the groin area with confidence three precision blades include extra wide lubricating strips and pivoting head for the ultimate groin grooming experience the crop shaver it's not your average razor it's smaller thicker and with a micro chrome bar that allows for the best shape possible from any angle yes uh all these are vegan cruelty free sulfate free all that good stuff uh guys get the ultra smooth package from manscape get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 manscape.com that's 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscape.com smooth it out fellas with manscape your balls will thank you but the man manifests so you every new moon you write a new like sort of list yeah things that can happen in a month
Starting point is 01:03:36 oh really so like say you have a big goal yeah things that can happen in a month to get you closer to that goal oh cool it makes you kind of break it down yeah and not necessarily think about the hows yeah because that's what you're not supposed to do because then you get too into like i wonder how this is gonna happen how that's gonna happen yeah but it makes you just like kind of make the process happen a little quicker like right i don't know if you want to like work with someone specific, you can say, I wish I get put in that person's world somehow naturally this month. That's cool. I've been studying a lot of Wayne Dyer. Did you ever listen to him?
Starting point is 01:04:16 Uh-uh. He's all about, you've got to assume the feeling. Do you do that kind of thing? Yeah, yeah. You assume the feeling of I am. I already have right right you do yeah yeah um that's cool i love all that stuff i'm like so i'm like yeah i just i don't know i love it that is nice yeah so vision boards i do have a vision board
Starting point is 01:04:41 yeah uh uh i'll write so i i think my main thing about it all is I try to I've sort of I would write down like what I would want. But now I'm more focused on because I feel like when I have like super specific goals. Like I'll have like a vision board and stuff when I have super specific goals and I get sort of like anxious about it. And I feel like that's not the kind of mindset you want to be in so now i'm more kind of like i'll do like a gratitude list and then i'll do things of like i do too yeah i feel like it's like you're putting it's like i don't know i feel like it's an exchange like yeah hey my dudes then pick up my collateral right you give to get yeah yeah yeah exactly so i try to like get myself in like a feeling of just
Starting point is 01:05:27 feeling good i think that's that's the main goal because then i think good things will come yeah yeah because if you're putting out gratitude then you feel like you're a person who puts out gratitude that's a good person right yeah interesting and then like like karmically and stuff just being like you know a good guy and you probably see the world more positively after you do something like that yeah and then just like like with like eckhart tolle and stuff if you ever like try to like do this thing where you like just interpret the world in the present moment it's pretty like uh incredible like have you ever done that where it's like you like interpret like what's going on without judgment yeah everything feels more sort of alert and alive yeah yeah like that oneness uh-huh it's very like brief for me but i felt it where
Starting point is 01:06:10 i'm like whoa yeah and that's kind of like a separation from ego yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah that it's hard but it's good to like get in the habit of like checking yourself on that stuff totally and happiness makes up for in height what it lacks in length. Oh, interesting. That's what Robert Frost said. Oh, that's cool. But I learned that from a John Travolta movie where he quoted it. It still works. Hey, baby. Yeah. Should we answer some cues? Yes, sir.
Starting point is 01:06:36 This is from Kennedy Harder. Hey, Chad and JT and Ivy. I've been a long time listener, but this is the first time I'm reaching out to you guys. I'm 18, female, and recently broke up with my boyfriend of a year and a half. i feel guilty for not being upset over the breakup it happened over the phone and text wasn't that messy because we had been drifting apart for a while he's two years older and all the red flags and frustrations from the beginning of the relationship were the cause of the end there was a huge lack of effort on his end i heard on another podcast
Starting point is 01:06:59 that girls typically leave mentally way sooner than physically and it really hit home for me because i'd been so done with the relationship three months before I ended things. My question is how about how is about how I met a new guy recently when I was thrifting and we became pretty close. I have never gone along swell with someone. It feels like we click and he treats me so well in a way I've never experienced, but I feel guilty that it's so close to my breakup that it could be
Starting point is 01:07:19 disrespectful. I've talked to the new guy about this and he has been super kind with listening to me in this situation. Nothing has happened romantically between us kissing or anything and i want to take that step with him but i'm hesitant out of timing do you think it would be wrong to let things happen with him also how do i tell my parents i broke up with my ex he is the first boy they have met and i don't know how to approach it off yep first thing women naturally go through things in their mind a lot quicker than men that's why we like like see the end of things that's why we also
Starting point is 01:07:55 jump to conclusions so like you could what was her name uh kennedy kennedy could have also just played it through seeing the red flags been, been like, well, this is probably where that's going. And then also, you tell your parents by going, I broke up with him. Typically, that works pretty well. Yeah, that part's interesting that she's so worried about telling her parents. She's worried she'll disappoint them or something. But your parents are on your side.
Starting point is 01:08:24 They don't give a fuck about your ex all they care about is your happiness if you say you're happier with someone else they're going to support you as long as the person's not like a bad person totally good job following your gut yeah don't worry about moving i mean look ideally i don't think you're being unhealthy because it's like you seem like you were an unhealthy thing and now this new thing is very healthy so that's a good transition but even if it was unhealthy i mean what are you gonna do you're not gonna do everything perfectly by like the therapeutic book so i would just follow your heart and go for it yeah uh i think once you break up you know be respectful but i think you got to sort of you
Starting point is 01:08:58 know look after yourself so i don't think you know i think moving on with someone is i think that's fine and tell your parents especially if the guy was a butthead like who cares you don't owe him anything move on he's probably hopefully he's sad but yeah he might be being a douche too let that motivate you or don't let that motivate you don't even think about that i'm sorry yeah yeah i guess i i think the move is just to cut off all kind of contact and just move forward. It's crazy, though. Cutting off contact completely.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Yeah. It is crazy. Yeah, but I think it's the healthiest thing to do. Yeah, my therapist, Suzanne, she always told me you got to go 90 days no contact after a breakup. Yeah. Just to let the feeling settle and see where you stand on everything. Yeah. Or just forever.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Right. You don't talk to exes no that's probably better when people are like friends with their exes and they i don't understand they send them like emojis and shit this is very specific obviously i've encountered this emojis yeah interesting yeah the girl i'm seeing now her ex-boyfriend like sends emojis to all of his ex-girlfriends oh interesting yeah interesting. Yeah. Like, what a weirdo. Well, it would be nice to be friends. Like, be like, oh, just a good friend.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Yeah. It would be nice. But it just seems like it complicates things. Aaron, you don't think so? No, let him go. Yeah. Cut him off.
Starting point is 01:10:15 It's over. Yeah. Snip, snip. Yeah. Let her go, dude. The passenger song. Yeah. He has such a different voice.
Starting point is 01:10:21 You don't want something like pulling you back when you just gotta move forward. Yeah. Especially when you know it's not gonna, you back i mean you just got to move forward yeah especially when you know it's not it's not gonna it's not that you're not compatible it's not gonna work what's the point yeah sometimes i'll get bummed out i'm like i should just call this ex and just say hi but i'm like why do i really want to do that yeah yeah what's really motivating that it is very tough and i think it's just i want connection yeah yeah um all right what's up stoke kings just started listening to the pod and really love these the vibes you guys all spread on god's green i'm a 25 year old pop artist living in
Starting point is 01:10:49 nashville and trying to find my way my roommates just moved out one got married and moved the other one just moved for a better job opportunity and i'm struggling to find a way to meet new stoke razors around town i considered a boxing class and i've met a couple chicks on hinge but nothing sticks or their auras don't match up with mine i tried the friend version of bumble as well but there's a lot of batters that swing the other way and i don't want to lead anyone on any ideas on some i don't know why that makes me laugh it's fine yeah i get it um any ideas on some cool ways to put myself in a good atmosphere for possible long-term relationships keep up the pod bros is he like romantically or friendship no i think he's looking for homies dude yeah it sounds like homies interesting dude i think do the boxing class you'll meet cool guys
Starting point is 01:11:34 there yeah and then just read a lot of books when you have downtime and then you'll have interesting things to say to the people at the boxing class that's cool have you done that before yeah okay yeah it's a great answer thank you i'm doing jujitsu right now there's a lot of cool guys in there i'm hoping we'll be having tonight yeah i think i'm gonna go at 8 30 actually yeah unless i divert but yeah i think that's what i'm gonna do cool oh it's really a beat down i just get my fucking ass kicked yeah yeah but do it it's really fun how do you feel about this, Ivy? What part? How do you make friends?
Starting point is 01:12:07 Oh, um. You don't have to answer. Yeah, why? Why? I don't know. I guess. I don't know. I mean, okay, I just moved to Costa Rica, and I did meet some new friends.
Starting point is 01:12:26 How'd you do it? I went out, which I normally don't do, but I went out, and I met some friends, and we had, like, there's nice dinners, and I don't know, it was a good surf community. Yeah, around sports. Finding a new community, yeah. Get a hobby.
Starting point is 01:12:42 Yeah, common interests. Yeah, common interests. Common interests. Totally. Yeah, if you like to, you know, go out, grab some brews. in the community yeah get a hobby yeah common interest yeah common interest common interest totally if you yeah if you like to you know go out grab some brews yeah always make friends at the bar uh yeah common interest common interest because other than that i think i mean my my girlfriends i've known them all since i was literally like five six right right like my day ones yeah the one girl who's in all your videos, she's hilarious. Yeah, Sarah?
Starting point is 01:13:07 Is Sarah's her name? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you guys have a nice rapport. Yeah, you guys have a good... Yeah, you can feel the depth of your friendship. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:15 That's great. You guys work off each other well. Yeah. We learned how to surf together. Oh, you did? Like on the same board, because we were both kind of scared. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:30 So we were like pep-talking each each other and i just imagine if there was video it was probably so funny it was like okay you got this one this one's gonna be a little bit scary but you got this okay stand up look forward do not fall okay do not fall i'll put my hand out you can hold it okay i'm gonna hold it yeah you know it's good that's awesome and now like we live together during quarantine it was just oh you did sick yeah we've managed to like grow together and now we're like just how we were when we were like five six that's awesome that's not friends from when you were like a kid or the best it's so grounding yeah yeah like whatever stress you're feeling if you hang out with your friends from when you were like before you were an adult yeah just like i'm safe yeah that's what when you were talking about earlier how you were like i like being alone i like not being around anybody or i like having somebody around and i was thinking
Starting point is 01:14:10 like yeah i like being alone but i also like there's those friends where you can just like either nap next to or just not say anything that's really nice my daddy's to have friends come over and he'd just nap in front of them i'd walk into his room and they'd be watching sports center and my dad would just be asleep that's a great friend that's a good friend like scotty what are you doing here he's like i don't know man he invited me he's like your dad invited me over he just passed out yeah my dad kind of the dream i have like that that's like who has time for friends that's cool that's kind of badass he just likes to work he just doesn't work but you know people love people like that like nicky his like nurses love him yeah nicky lotta the f1 driver he was like i have no friends i don't have time for friends i think
Starting point is 01:14:54 they're stupid yeah and then when he died everybody was like nicky was the best guy i ever knew he was my best friend yeah yeah that's interesting i think it's just a cool it's a cool stance to take yeah and then it's very provocative people be attracted to it you don't want friends and then they all yeah who doesn't want to take. Yeah. And then it's very provocative. People will be attracted to it. Yeah, maybe you don't want friends, so then they all... Yeah, who doesn't want to be friends with that guy? That's a good point. You get that? Guy to like you, you feel very special.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Because he doesn't want anything. Yeah. Yeah. He just wants to be alone, and you're like... Dude, when you're close to someone who doesn't want anything, I mean, it'll fuck with your head, but it's very enticing. Yeah. You want to be around that.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Yeah, totally. You want to crack the code. Yeah. Toxic or normal? Fat. What up to Chad? enticing yeah you want to be around that yeah totally you want to crack the code yeah toxic or normal fat what up to chad fat what up to jt and any other stoke inducing guests possibly on the dankest podcast to ever exist my name is andrew from dallas and i have a question about my relationship i've been dating this girl for about two months now and i've done nothing but be the best boyfriend i can be but for some reason she insists on going through my phone and i have nothing to hide but it just feels like a breach
Starting point is 01:15:46 of privacy. She says I can go through her phone too, but I have no interest in doing that. She insists she trusts me, but just wants to make sure. I'm holding my ground without letting her, but she's thinking I'm hiding something. Is she tripping? Am I tripping? Do I let her go through my phone? Love y'all. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:16:09 I think you should maintain like a a degree of separation if she she's like says she trusts you but she's like but i want to make sure yeah i don't think she trusts you what do you think i think that's right yeah dude i always if when i was dating someone i've let her she would want to go through i always go through it do your thing. Yeah. And then I always give her kind of a look afterwards. I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:31 It didn't work out, so maybe it wasn't, but I don't think it was because of that. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. Yeah, I don't think. No, it's too much. I mean, like, when you're without someone and you just love your space i don't know it depends on what you like your space i think if you both like that's true if it's your values if you feel she has to respect that if you don't like that and that's a boundary you have she has to respect that
Starting point is 01:16:55 yeah i guess it's just not about your eye but yeah that's like she she has to learn how to adjust and be comfortable with not knowing that information yeah it takes two to tango that's true if it would have been one of someone else i dated and she wanted that would have been like no it was like because the person who wanted to know i don't know i just trusted that it that they just needed that but with someone else it might have felt more controlling yeah yeah it's interesting yeah i think there's something to um having that certain amount of trust built in to where it's like it's like you can have your phone on the table and you're like girlfriend or whatever's there and it like goes you don't have to like yeah that's hot worry about that yeah worry about them checking it yeah there's
Starting point is 01:17:39 just no kind of like they're like yeah i trust you i don't have to look through it yeah but it's like further than that it's like you have the confidence that you like this person enough and they know that you like them enough right right that that's all you need yeah like it's just it's right there yeah instead of like uh well why are you sure let me make sure oh okay i'm sure now yeah right at what point are you like like they're securing it without evidence they just trust the feeling yep yeah that's beautiful with words jt oh thank you he is yeah i had a girlfriend one time she's like i just want to make sure you're not up to any bullshit i'm like me yeah you're a solid dude i was like all right whatever i used to ask chad if i could check
Starting point is 01:18:28 his text messages he did and i let him did you get any good info i'd be like are you texting other boys and he was like no and i was like let me check this shit did you find anything i was like you texted joe morici nine times yesterday what's that about i wanted to see his dong yeah which i was totally okay with that was about? I wanted to see his dong. Yeah. Which I was totally okay with. That was different. Yeah. I want to see that. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:18:47 We all want to see that piece. Yeah. Um, what up guys? Love the energy you guys have. And I try to have the same laissez faire Stoke Lord demeanor that you two protrude. The problem is when I try to come across, when I try it,
Starting point is 01:19:00 I come across as a total schmole douchebag. Damn. It feels like the recipient thinks I'm condescending or patronizing them and not being genuine. I'm really good at being an angry asshole in a joking way, but I struggle to be a believable boost stoke booster. For context, I'm from Massachusetts where people are typically uptight in general. Is this imposter syndrome trying to be something i'm not is it my tone do i try to give up to boost other people's stoke by means of compliments or positivity thanks for the guidance do shanes dude practice makes perfect dude it's not going to come out
Starting point is 01:19:38 smooth the first time but i just keep doing it and stick to your guns i also think be who you are though i was just about to say that yeah that you can i mean i i run into this problem a lot some like my friends that know me very well um sometimes pull me aside and are like that was mean yeah but for the most part the ones that really know me are like oh she's just that's just her it's her like how she shows that she loves you right right right and i think like some people don't really maybe relate to it but i think the ones that like you enough understand and that's what matters totally yeah and i think like like what you're saying like everyone has their own way of like showing or boosting stoke you know like this guy it's through being like a uh you know like a like a boston kind of a prick yeah so yeah to try and be if you if there's
Starting point is 01:20:33 a guy who has that energy where he's just giving you shit all the time but then he's just sitting there he's like i'm chill i'm chill right now you're kind of like what's your problem that does freak me out when some people are like dude i'm super chill i'm mellow and then you don't believe them yeah you know and then you're no, you're like a secret psycho. You'd almost rather see the psycho. Yeah. Yeah. You're like, just be you, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Yeah, be super you. But I guess when I was young, I was being a psycho. And then I think I was a secret softie. And so when I switched to softie in my 20s, it worked better for me. Well, that's probably a more natural you. It was more authentic. Yeah, that's what it was. Yeah, y'all are right. Joe is who he is he's not a schmole that's true yeah maurice is just like
Starting point is 01:21:11 he's rude but but it comes from such a love that it's not rude yeah it just feels like genuine talk do you know joe at all do you know joe i don't know if i do he's sort of in our universe a little bit he's just this chicago guy talks like this yeah shut up jt he's a big current idiot i think i've seen him around yeah he's a good dude what kind of pizza is a deep dish no i'm not eating that yeah he won't eat things he doesn't want to eat and where is he from chicago chicago you can't get him to try things i was hard on him in the last podcast about his eating habits oh that's right i forgot the masticator dude help gym beef what up sentinels of stoke not to be unctuous but i fucking love you guys the chillpocalypse cavalry always brings their a-game in dire times and i come to you in dire times indeed i'll try to make this as short as possible. Please, please, please keep me anonymous
Starting point is 01:22:05 I go to the gym almost daily and I see the same guy there pretty much every time we used to never talk But we definitely knew of each other because it's a small gym How however out of the blue like a month ago this guy starts talking to me like he's reached out to me on three separate Occasions for brief conversations and to me we've hit it off. It was always him initiating conversations I'm sorry, I got lost. It was always him initiating interaction. The problem is that recently, every time I say what up to him, he acts like a soulless husk and pretty much totally ignores me when I ask him how he's doing. I'm pretty sure I did something to offend him, but I'm not sure what. There's definitely nothing offensive I could have
Starting point is 01:22:39 said. I don't think he's depressed because he's still friendly to other people, just not to me. I'm pretty introverted and maybe I didn't reciprocate enough friendly Jim Bro vibes toward him after we started talking, so he might think I don't respect him or something. I've kind of given up talking to him because of this, but he seemed like such a chill bro at the beginning. I just want to know what his beef with me is, because I see him every day. This small issue keeps coming back up in my mind and it's totally draining my stoke. Is there still time to make amends or should I leave this guy to wander in the illusion that I'm some asshole forever? Thanks, bros.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Any advice is appreciated. Man, I gotta be straight with you. I think this is a big time overthink. Yeah. I don't think this guy has any issue with you. I think you're screenwriting in your head. You're making it the most tragic story possible.
Starting point is 01:23:21 Yeah. I think you're good. Just he's going on his own thing he probably has no clue how you're feeling about anything so i would just they were brief interactions i don't think it was maybe in his own mind ever destined to be a soulful friendship so i would just kind of let him do his thing and keep doing your thing i think it sounds like a little bit more than a bro friendship oh you think he's in love with him some people just want that friendship though dude yeah yeah but you think he's in love with him you think he wants to
Starting point is 01:23:52 that was a lot of thought well guys are sensitive that's the thing is like we we're really it hurts when a guy doesn't want to be our friend and we want to be friends with him hurts when a guy doesn't want to be our friend and we want to be friends with him oh what i don't know i don't know either i was just trying to like experience that yeah especially if the guy's hot really yeah it Yeah. Totally. Because then you feel like you're not on his level or something like that. Huh. Has that ever happened to you? Yeah, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:35 Like you reached out to be a bro, but the bro didn't want to be your bro? Yeah, that's happened. Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah, it happens. What can you do? I think what you have to do is realize, look, you can't... Take it personally.
Starting point is 01:24:47 You can't build your life around getting validation from someone else. You have to build your life about doing your own thing to the point where other people will be attracted to that. Totally, yeah. Yeah. I would say just lift hard. Work on your own. Radiate good vibes as you do it.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Maybe bring them a shake or a snack. Bring them a shake, yeah. I got this extra protein bar yeah i just gave him a head nod too maybe his love language is gift giving right or maybe if you really want to freak him out but you want to be super true to yourself just go up to him at the gym and be like hey man we had those interactions and i felt like this was going to go somewhere but since then you've kind of pulled the ripcord and just abandoned me on this free dive to Earth. And I'd love to be your friend, but if that's what you're not into,
Starting point is 01:25:30 I just want you to know I'm hurt. I can say that verbatim. I'll be over at the squat rack. I just see you lifting and you're just like... One tear? Yeah. Dude, just give it to him straight just be a psycho go tell him how you feel yeah i like that read this email out to him and say i sent this into a podcast about you
Starting point is 01:25:51 uh how are you doing on time with what just like do you have to leave at a certain time no cool aaron's got a heart out though at uh six yeah yeah look we should get into the next portion um some guy just texted me that he gave my mom a uti that's a weird thing to text yeah what i think he's just talking shit like a buddy or something just some rando i think my mom knows to pee after sex partner um chad who's your beef of the week uh speaking of which my beef of the week is uh seeds and fruit nice dude yeah i was having i love tangerines i love grapefruit oh that smelled it uh yeah i love tangerines i was having two tangerines i like i have tangerines every day i had two tangerines today and both had seeds in them and i was like dude why is this like you know like the seed part
Starting point is 01:26:46 of your fruition is done so you know you gotta say later because it really just you know dampens my fruit eating experience and when you like cut open a piece of fruit and there's seeds everywhere you're just like man i can't like i can't enjoy this the way i pictured it in my mind what's the fruit that's doing it to you well today was tangerines but grapefruit before that right yeah that's my legend though so i didn't want to go too hard on grapefruit nice yeah but uh grapefruit watermelon uh i can handle it a little bit more. What else has seeds in it that bothers me? Dude, if I'm squeezing out lemon juice and seeds pop out onto my salmon. That is annoying.
Starting point is 01:27:36 I want to burn my house down. That's a fire response. Starfing an aggro there. No, dude, it's good. You're feeling your feelings. Thanks, guys. All right, that's my beef. Dude, a small imperfection like that on something that's otherwise great,
Starting point is 01:27:50 that drives me nuts, dude. Yeah. On a salmon? Just, like, let it be perfect, dude. Yeah. Why can't the seed just, like, be gone? Or be at, like, the bottom. Yeah, not in, like, the middle. The middle.
Starting point is 01:28:03 The middle is part of the fruit. Mm-hmm. What are they doing there? They're just trying to get attention. I'm like, middle maybe is part of the fruit what are they doing there they're just trying to get attention i'm like your job is done go fuck yourself dude that's a good accent dude thanks who's your beef of the week um i feel like i'm really good about drinking water but it frustrates me that every day i wake up and it's like a new dude could be thing like i gotta drink so much water and then by the time i've gone pee like 47 times in the day i'm really proud of myself i fall asleep i wake up it's the whole thing all over again tony collette in the movie friends with money her hair gets really stringy and her husband's like you're not washing
Starting point is 01:28:41 your hair she's like i just hate that i have to do it every day and i think to her actually underneath what it was about is that that's what her life became about was like maintenance maintenance yeah but that's probably too deep yeah no it's a whole thing though like how much water do you drink in a day i got this crazy thing on amazon it's a gallon. And I'd go through two a day. Wow. That's awesome. I had a straw and everything. Wow.
Starting point is 01:29:08 That was like peak of the pandemic. How long do you want to live to? Oh, I don't know. I don't. Like a good age. Like to see some shit. For sure. But I think it's just like my skin's really dry
Starting point is 01:29:27 all the time and i just really would like to have moisturized skin and i feel like i'm sunburned a lot i just want like hydration do you wear sunscreen yeah all the time. I never wear sunscreen. You're Latino. Yeah, Colombian. But you don't wear sunscreen, right? I do when I need to. I might hang out in the sun for like 45 minutes. I've been doing organic lately. But I feel you on the rehydration. You wake up and you're like, I've been doing electrolytes lately.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Yeah. Because I feel like it's it's less uh labor intensive i'm not sure if it hydrates as much but i feel like helps hold it holds yeah because of the ice water you just like straight through yeah and then like before bed too i'll you know drink a lot of water and then i have to like pee like five times before i can fall asleep yeah i have a pretty small bladder do you ever go to bed when you know you're gonna have to pee in the middle of the night but you're just like,
Starting point is 01:30:26 whatever, I'll just chance it? I used to do that. I used to do that but now I'm just like, I'll like force myself and like get it all out. Smart.
Starting point is 01:30:35 Van life, you gotta do that. You gotta be strategic about when you pee. Yeah, true. Yo, where do you shower? In a house. Fine. Fine house. So you shower? In a house. Fine.
Starting point is 01:30:46 Fine house. So you just like hit up a buddy when you're in town and be like, yo, can I cruise by? Yeah. Nice. What's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is, um, first is with not reading signals well. That always frustrates me. Um, I made that.
Starting point is 01:31:02 Reading what? Like signals well. You know when like you think you're supposed to do one thing and then you do it and then you're like oh that was the wrong thing to do yeah yeah i hear you i was basically just being too horny yeah and i was like i thought that was a smart thing to do but it wasn't yeah that always embarrasses me does that make sense yeah i got you okay um but dude my second beef is i had this dream the other night i was at the park i know it's so boring when people talk about dreams but just bear with me um i was at the park and two i
Starting point is 01:31:29 thought they were foxes were attacking me but i think i knew even in the dream that they were actually puppies and then i killed the puppy they bit me on the hand and then i killed the puppies with my foot like i stomped them to death and then i was like oh my god i'm gonna go to jail for killing puppies and i was like wait did you know they were puppies and in the dream i was like i think you did know they were puppies and then i found my And then I was like, oh my God, I'm going to go to jail for killing puppies. And I was like, wait, did you know they were puppies? And in the dream, I was like, I think you did know they were puppies. And then I found my dad and I was like, dad, help me cover up this crime because I don't want to go to jail. And my dad helped me bury the puppies.
Starting point is 01:31:53 And then we had a, there was a video camera that recorded it, but I somehow had the camera and I was trying to erase the footage before the owners got back. So they wouldn't know I killed the puppies. And when I woke up, I actually had a mark on my hand where the animals bit me. Isn't that weird? And then I looked up the meaning of foxes in a dream. And if you see a fox in a dream, it means that you think someone in your life who you're close to or getting close to is deceiving you. But I thought it was a fox and they were actually a puppy.
Starting point is 01:32:20 So I think what it is, is that I think the person I'm getting close to in my life i think they're a fox but they're actually a puppy and then i accidentally killed them thinking they were a fox wow so how do you interpret that that i think i'm i was being overly skeptical about someone's intentions yeah interesting and thinking they were being deceiving when they're actually being kind simple yeah yeah interesting and then i just woke up and i felt like a coward for burying the puppies i was like i should have just gone to jail if i was a good guy right then i don't know if he secretly killed two puppies he'd probably just want to cover it up yeah what would you do i'm asking the listeners effect oh if i killed puppies what would you you'd you'd what would you do i don't know do you remember that guy he got he got into a driving altercation with a woman she cut him off and i guess she was being an asshole about it and he walked up to her car
Starting point is 01:33:16 and grabbed her dog and threw it into traffic and he did five years good Good. Is that fair? Is that right? I think so. Five years? I mean, that guy's got some shit going on. Yeah. It's probably not the only thing he's done. That's true. I just think one year. Nah. Five years?
Starting point is 01:33:39 For a puppy? Yeah. A puppy? An innocent puppy? Yeah. I just love dogs so much i don't but dude the the the mindset to be to throw a puppy that guy's a psycho yeah it's not like he it's not like he was like you know made a mistake and like i don't know but i think like neanderthal thinking you're like all
Starting point is 01:34:02 right it's a girl i can't hit a girl. What can I hit? Puppy or a boyfriend? No boyfriend. Why don't you hit like the car? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm being a psychopath. I'm going to go further and say, put that guy down. Oh, you think that guy deserves to die?
Starting point is 01:34:15 Yeah. Wow. You're for the death penalty. I knew you were against it. If it's so clear, there are definitely instances where it's been used incorrectly but i've also i know someone who was murdered so their their guy should have
Starting point is 01:34:30 been killed he died of covet in prison oh no wow so interesting i guess that worked out but it's Are you pro death penalty? If it's clear. Fire. Hell yeah. That's our podcast. Chad, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is Nelly Furtado. Dude, good babe.
Starting point is 01:35:04 I've been on a 2000s music binge. I'm talking Nelly, just Nelly. Singular Nelly. Nelly Furtado. Dude, good babe. I've been on a 2000s music binge. I'm talking Nelly, just Nelly. Singular Nelly. Nelly Furtado, Diddy, 50 Cent. I was listening to Get Rich or Die Trying, Jagged Edge. And Nelly Furtado, she has some absolute bangers. Promiscuous. Promiscuous. She fires me up every time.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Man Eater, I'm like a bird um if you listen to that justin timberlake and timbaland song which one give it to me i think this is what it's called is it with nelly frittata i think so but i just i thought she's great and i haven't really you know she had that like that moment in like 2006 or whatever and i'm kind of like you know where's nelly frittata so i just wanted to give her give her props and that was like a different phase for And I haven't really, you know, she had that like that moment in like 2006 or whatever. And I'm kind of like, you know, where's Nelly Furtado? So I just wanted to give her props. And that was like a different phase for her. Because when she first came out, it was with I'm Like a Bird, which was more like folksy pop.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Yeah. And then she rebranded as like kind of like a hip hop adjacent artist. Yeah. Maybe she transitioned back to the folksy pop thing. That might be the time. Because she was super cool. Like she's, that first album was kind of like i live in um silver lake yeah it's like ethereal yeah and this next one is sort of like i moved to weho for
Starting point is 01:36:11 yeah yeah a couple miles but a big difference yeah so i want to give her yeah props who's your babe of the week? Always Selena. The singer Selena? Yeah. Yeah, she's amazing. Anything for Selena. But I will say. Anything for Selena.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Anything for Selena. That guy just died. Really? Mm-hmm. Aw, rest in peace. A couple months ago. Yeah. But also the girls in the snowboard industry right now are killing it they're doing like some sick stuff so it's really cool to watch all of them putting out some really cool stuff
Starting point is 01:36:54 that's awesome yeah late at night when all the world it's good song did you like the movie a lot yeah it's good i did yeah i like the tv show yeah that came out the show right have you yeah it's okay and it's scripted right it's like acting right yeah yeah it's a girl from walking dead playing selena it's okay you know the dad's still a dick yeah why was he such a butthead it's like the jackson's dad you know yeah too serious who specifically is shredding right now um this girl zoe she's got a crazy last name i feel bad trying to pronunciate it pronounce it but um here i'll try i think it's dechanel zoe she's snowboards yeah but jamie anderson's been crushing it um they have they've put out this wonder cats no it's called something zoe zoe said dowowski
Starting point is 01:37:57 snot say not but no these girls are they're pulling some crazy stuff snow cats just check it out but they're just like so much style, like pulling really cool stuff. I don't know. It's really nice to watch. That's awesome. That's awesome. The guys of course are pulling some cool stuff too,
Starting point is 01:38:14 but like, it's nice to see the girls step up and like swag. Yeah. Give it up for the sisters. Let's go. Hell yeah. My baby of the week. And it's funny.
Starting point is 01:38:22 It's serendipitous. Ariana Grande. Yeah. I was going to roll with her. I mean, she's got pop banger after pop banger, hell yeah my baby of the week and it's funny serendipitous ariana grande yeah yeah i mean she's got pop banger after pop banger really strong voice uh-huh problems thank you next just all hits and uh but then she's you know not to get heavy but she was in a fucking terrorist attack yeah like a fucking explosion went off at one of her concerts a bunch of people died it's super tragic and she just came back she keeps swinging so you gotta respect the durability the toughness
Starting point is 01:38:49 yeah I also think she like exudes so much femininity it's like really cool you know as some I like see I think I've grown up a bit more tomboy so I think I admire
Starting point is 01:39:04 girls that just rock the super girliness. It's cool. Nice. That is cool. Chad, who's your legend of the week? Grapefruit. Beast. I'm into fruit right now.
Starting point is 01:39:18 Can't go wrong. Yeah. I just like, you know, my dad would eat grapefruit growing up and I was kind of like yeah whatever but then lately I got grapefruit like two months ago and I ate it and I was like this is the most refreshing best snack I've had
Starting point is 01:39:36 in a long time my voice just cracked when I was talking about it it always does when you talk about something you care about yeah and so and also I was like kind of like i think it just cracked again i um at night for like dessert you know i love ice cream it's like my favorite thing but you know if you want to stay sort of like lean or whatever i'll just grab a grapefruit does the trick and i'm like that's my late night go-to and it's hydrating helps you rehydrate it's the perfect uh perfect
Starting point is 01:40:06 snack i think i think grapefruit is the perfect snack throw one in the oven sprinkle a little brown sugar on top oh interest for how long like 15 20 until it's crispy on top wow and it's like the yummiest like healthy cream brulee thing do thing. Do you cut it? You cut it in half? Yeah, in half. Wow. Nice. I didn't know that was a thing. Yeah, model meals.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Let me check that out. I have two at home. Like meals for models? Yeah, like when you're dieting. Like it's like healthy but still feels sweet? Yep. Dude, that's huge. Is there like a site for that?
Starting point is 01:40:40 I don't know, but I can tell you all of them. Dude, send me the Google Doc. Yeah. Yeah, I would love that. I've got so many snacks. I want to get on the fucking model meal plan. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Be looking fucking fire. Who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Shuba. One of my best friends passed away this last weekend. I saw that. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 01:40:59 He was such a legend. Such a legend. Really cool kid. Nice. Yeah. But it's been cool because his passing has like brought so many people together and like seeing how much love comes out from one person it's been really cool and i just feel him around me all the time now like you know when you like love someone you're like oh i wish i got to see you more but then i mean this is my first time experience experiencing
Starting point is 01:41:27 death this close to me they're just like with you all the time now like i feel him when i make decisions whenever i like have he was like my number one comedy supporter like he'd sign me up for stand-up comedy jobs a lot ones that i was like no wait wait hold on and he's like you're flying up to reno tomorrow you have a job i'm like what okay but like now whenever i have like any ounce of self-doubt in anything i just like feel like hands on me and i've got like shuba like just being like nah that's cool yeah that's really cool that's nice yeah sorry for your loss thank you um i thought it'd be funny you know our friend strider for his legend the week he always does his gf i always thought it'd be funny for my
Starting point is 01:42:11 beef of the week every time i did my ex gf then you know how he's done it for like four years and for four years i was like yeah my beef of the week's got to be my ex gf dude that that would be really funny yeah that was actually my friend luke's idea so i gotta give him credit uh he busted that out over comms and i was like that's really funny jt's pissed yeah i think i still gotta be pissed off yeah my beef is my shit but i know my legend of the week is uh when people and i'm doing a bit about this but when someone says to you in a conversation especially if you're kind of like new to knowing them when they go whoa um i've never told anyone this but when someone says that to me, that's like the best feeling in the world when you're like,
Starting point is 01:42:49 whoa, they're really letting me in. Yeah. And you're like, we've really like gotten to a deep place quickly and establish some trust. Right. That's my legend of the week. That moment.
Starting point is 01:42:57 Yeah. That's the best. Wait, what's the, what's the word? The thing when someone says like, you're having like a conversation with something to go, I've never told anyone this, but yeah, you that i love it really i feel so like honored and
Starting point is 01:43:10 i'm like nice they trust me yeah and they're going to a place that they need to get this off their chest and they haven't felt like they've had the right space for that and i fucking gave it to them like let's go yeah yeah it's a good point that's my legend that's awesome good point. That's my legend. That's awesome. Yeah. Chad, what's your quote of the week? I forgot to do a quote. Let me see. Eckhart Tolle. No, I'm going to do Arnold Schwarzenegger in Batman. Nice.
Starting point is 01:43:36 Everything freezes. It's true. So have you seen the Batman from like 96 with Chris O'Donnell yeah and Schwarzenegger is Mr. Freeze
Starting point is 01:43:54 Clooney's Batman I was so stoked for it when I was a kid they had the whole Taco Bell thing going on Taco Bell, Batman so I was getting all the Taco Bell and I was like I can't wait to see this movie and then arnold schwarzenegger is mr freeze and his whole thing he's like he's trying to freeze the world i think i just saw a meme about it because they're like he's actually a good guy because of global warming but he's like everything
Starting point is 01:44:19 freezes and he like shoots his gun that's my quote i like that one what's your quote of the week um i'm gonna do something in this life i'm gonna be productive kodak black no yeah um chat what's your phrase that we're getting after it my phrase we're getting after it is um oh i'm sorry i forgot i forgot to tell you about this one so i uh this is like a uh to like start the party oh it's like a, to like start the party. Oh, got it. It's like if you want to start the party, what's the phrase you're saying? Like a rallying cry.
Starting point is 01:44:52 Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So mine's going to be, I like to improv mine. Yeah. I just like to, whatever flows through. So let's see. Let's go no socks tonight.
Starting point is 01:45:08 Dude. Nice. Abby, what's your phrase that we forget after? I guess if I'm just bringing it in. Something that always gets me pumped up is just when the girls are like, we're just going to blow it out. Yeah. Nice. That fired me out. Yeah. Nice.
Starting point is 01:45:25 That fired me up. Yeah. Yeah. Did you say that in Cabo? Oh, yeah. Hell yeah. One more night, let's blow it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:32 It's tough on that last night, too. Yeah, you got to pull. Everyone's kind of beaten up. Yeah. Yeah, you got to rally everybody. Everyone's like, are we going to go out? And then someone just has to drive the ship and be like, yeah, we're going out. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:45:43 It takes charisma. And true belief. just has to drive the ship and be like, yeah, we're going out. Yeah, yeah, exactly. It takes charisma. And true belief. My phrase of the week, forgetting after it sounds banal, but I think it's actually super vital, is like whenever someone pitches an idea to you and you're in the night and you're trying to get after it, you just say, for sure. To whatever the idea is, just for sure.
Starting point is 01:45:58 For sure. Even if they throw 10 different ideas, just for sure to everyone. Just for sure, let's do it. Let's party, for sure. Hey, do you want to go it yeah let's party for sure like hey do you want to go in the pool for sure oh do you want to go for a hike for sure just for sure yeah for sure just be down all right well that was it thank you for joining us so much for coming thanks for having me the joy having you yeah this is fun it's always good seeing you guys yeah good to see you where are you traveling to next i leave for oh i'm going up to half moon bay i'm doing the big wave awards with
Starting point is 01:46:30 uh inertia cool and then i go down to costa rica on the 15th yeah how long you going for i don't know undetermined tbd yeah very cool that's really cool what about you guys any trips coming up to come to costa rica and go surfing uh i mean i'm down probably gonna go to my mom's and oc in a week yeah yeah uh what do i have anything coming up i might go to the desert for like two days like ocatia wells or something like that oh nice yeah my brothers are coming we're gonna go to disneyland you love disney i do he loves doing are you an adult disney lover uh yeah wow i'm not ashamed to say it you shouldn't be ashamed yeah i love it fuck shame yeah i love it yeah my brother's your favorite favorite ride no well yes that too uh space mountain space mountain yeah based on yeah favorite character pluto oh who's yours stitch stitch are you disney surfer are you
Starting point is 01:47:30 disney gal is that disney i mean i love animated movies a lot yeah yeah i'm not so into the movies as much i think i just have like nostalgia from i mean i love lion king lion king always fires me up but uh i think i'm more of like a theme park guy. Theme parks. Yeah. Do you get fast passes and do the whole thing? Yeah, well, my brother might get this thing. He's like, dude, there's a thing where you can get like a guide
Starting point is 01:47:55 and get to the front of the line. Oh, that's amazing. Wow. Yeah, so I'm like, yeah, let's do that. Do they have any Moana shit going on? I don't think they have Moana shit. They got to get some Moana shit in there. Dude, totally.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Some Maui and Moana shit. Yeah. All right. Well, cool. Thank you, guys. Yeah. Aaron, thank you. Good luck at softball tonight.
Starting point is 01:48:15 Give them hell. Tell us how Maurice plays. I will. Nice. Stokers, thanks for listening. And leave some reviews. Yeah, guys, the reviews are great Fired me up to see like a new batch of them
Starting point is 01:48:27 Yeah And also Fruit Smash I drank three You drank three If you're gonna If you're gonna have seltzer Drink Fruit Smash Let's smash
Starting point is 01:48:35 Alright Later If you need advice These guys are really nice you wanna know what to do, where to go when you need someone to guide you, who's nice to have
Starting point is 01:48:58 those roads beside you, call and preach call and preach Go in deep. Go in deep. Let's go deep. Go in deep. Try to get deep.

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