Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 189- Producer Brad Fuller Joins

Episode Date: June 2, 2021

What up Stoker!? This week movie producer, Brad Fuller, joins. He's pumped and a bit nervous because we recorded it right before his movie, A Quiet Place II, was released in theaters. Enjoy!  &nb...sp; Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We are brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean. And most of all, thank you for keeping our dad's pubes trimmed. whether you have a dad bought or rocking the six pack make sure you you and your dad are smelling nice and shaved where it matters most talking about your hog so make your dad proud this year and get him and yourself a manscape lawnmower 4.0 and the refined cologne by manscape the brand new lawnmower 4.0 yes 4.0 check it out and refined cologne is perfect for you and your dad in your life to complete your grooming game so get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscaped.com all right let's start the show okay flip the pancakes and let me see the maple. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we are here for the fourth time. This is your fourth time, right? I'm so happy to be here. See, they all roll into one of another. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Kind of. It's a little bit like SNL, where if you're a four-time host, I think that's a big distinction. That's like Paul Simon, Tom Hanks. Yeah. Yeah, John Goodman. Well, there's other guys. For the heavy hitters. Well, there are other guys. I mean, Strider and Joe.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I mean, how many times have they been on? They're in the cast, though. Yeah. They're like kind of, yeah. They're in the cast, though. Yeah, they're like kind of, yeah. They're in the world, I guess. But so are you, though. I would say for someone who's not frequently in content with us, you're the most in this content.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And a fan favorite. Well, that's nice to say because I love coming here. I mean, you guys call me, I'll show up anytime. You know that. Should I not say that on camera? I guess I should. No, no, it's pretty good. I play hard to get or something, but I really do love coming to do the show i love it um you don't have to play
Starting point is 00:02:09 hard to get we've been trying to get you for six months um what's honor to have you here how are things going um you know pretty good um it's uh it feels like the last time i was here we were kind of in the middle of covid or front middle of COVID, right? Yeah, was it January? God, was it that long ago? January, February. And so now here we are. It feels like we're coming out.
Starting point is 00:02:35 There's movies coming out in movie theaters. Life is different. For sure. There's been a switch, I think, in most places I've been to lately where you can tell people are ready to get after it. They're ready to forget about it. And they're ready for a lot of excitement. So it's a little bit like America after World War I and II, I guess. I think so. Yeah, that's interesting because, you know, many people who are here and listening have never been through those two things, I would imagine.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Right. This is the biggest collective crisis for Americans, I think, since World ii that's me quoting the new york times for pay them well i'm happy to be coming out of it and doing it with you two guys why are you saying why are you 9-11 oh i was gonna say yeah but that wasn't necessarily collective right so i think you're right i think or because it was a year this was a year too at first when you shook your head no i was like what else could it be but then i thought of that and i was like that was pretty bad yeah it's a big deal but it wasn't yeah it didn't not everyone was in 9-11 right right oh right right that's a good distinction aaron thank you well and then so you you're you're coming out of this big you have a film coming out it'll come out uh before this podcast comes out
Starting point is 00:03:42 but a movie you've worked on for years is about to hit the theaters yeah i mean that's a really weird thing it's like uh you know you prepare for something and we uh we got right to the gate and then they they pulled the we should say what the movie is right yeah a quiet place part two uh and so uh good reviews yeah it's looking good it's certified fresh which i'm very you know i haven't had a lot of certified fresh movies, so it's nice to have that. Let's go. The trailer.
Starting point is 00:04:09 I've been in the movies twice so far. The trailers, it's been on both. The trailer's been on both movies. It's out of this world. I think I remember when you saw that scene, it was like after the first time you came on the pod and we went outside and you're like,
Starting point is 00:04:20 John shot this scene in a car and like, it's amazing. And that became kind of the, the crux of the trailer, right? Listen, yeah, that sequence was so amazing. And to the Stokers, who really kind of are film fans, the great thing about it is it was kind of one shot, right? And I think if you've seen the trailer, people will know what we're talking about.
Starting point is 00:04:43 But Emily is driving her car, and a bus comes barreling towards her. Now, that's how it looks. But that's what was really happening. Like it was all orchestrated. We had stunt people, but Emily was behind the wheel of that car. The kids were in the car. The bus decimated a car before it almost hit Emily. And then she pulled it in reverse.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Now, we had a stunt driver who was above her helping her to drive but as a producer like sitting on the car on the roof of the car wow and they're in like a harness yeah yeah like a sprint car you know like a little sprinter car like on top of the car that was that that rig is up there and he's controlling it he's controlling it wow but emily was in the car and that was a real bus and it was moving fast towards her and and and that's as much anxiety as i've ever felt on set because you you know something goes wrong you got your three stars in there and you know thank god it worked out and we were done so you got your headset on you're at video village you're
Starting point is 00:05:44 looking on but but we shot it actually on on the street so i could see it i could see it with my eyes and then i could see what the cameras were seeing in video village and how many chances do you get for that shot only one so you did a pickup we did a pickup after just because we the combustion on the bus hitting the car we wanted to make that a little bit better but for the most part it was a one-er i mean it's definitely a one-er we did it one and a half times and is that the whole day is that shot or is that you know i think it was half the day i mean rigging that i mean the the earlier part of the day is also in the trailer as i'm recalling it was a long time ago now it's almost two years ago when we were shooting it um is the scene where john walks up to the police car and then the police car you have to rig that police car to flip that that's a big
Starting point is 00:06:28 rig um which took some time but we we shot in that that little i guess it's like a little neighborhood for about a week and how scripted is the car accident like did it when you read the script did it come out close to what was written it It was better the way we shot it. I mean, I can never visualize things as well as I can see them. So when I saw it, I just felt to my, you know, I spent 20 years with Michael Bay. So I'm used to reading about mayhem. And then mayhem gets a lot better when Bay shoots it. And this was that. I mean, I know Emily was driving.
Starting point is 00:07:01 A bus was almost going to hit her. But when you see it happening, you can't believe that it's actually happening. It's one of the things that I'm most proud of being a part of because it's a fantastic sequence. It's not only your lead actress, too, who's a badass and a great actor. It's the director's wife as well. Yeah, and he's right there. He was standing as close as JT is to me right now. And did he know you guys got it after? Yeah, we he's right there. He was standing as close as JT is to me right now. And did he know you guys got it after?
Starting point is 00:07:28 Yeah, we knew it. Yes, yes. But you know you got it, but you can always make it a little bit better, right? And so is it worth the risk? And so in that case, not that much. Oh, so you ran it back all the way twice. I'm thinking back. I feel like we picked something up.
Starting point is 00:07:44 But for the most part, it was all because it's a one one-er so you can't really cut in and out of it so i was wondering about this because you know like uh i forget her name the lady who directed nomadland chloe yeah so she her next movie is a marvel movie so totally different scale from her first couple movies and then like ryan fleck and anna bolden they did like a lot of indie movies and then they did captain marvel yeah and then so you like uh worked with john on a quiet place john krasinski i say like i know and i'm picking up your familiarity thank you um then how do you guys know that these directors are capable of stepping into like a bigger production like
Starting point is 00:08:25 that that has like a lot more uh like special effects and stuff of that nature well you never know you never know um we have when i say we i'm referring to bay and drew and myself at platinum dunes michael's whole concept when we started that company was let's give first-time directors the opportunity to make a movie for the now now the the asterisk was a first-time director was someone who had spent 500 days on set i've told you that um and so um you take people who know their way around a set and who've done it at least for us that's what we did and you surround them with great professionals like super great professionals with a lot of experience and and and it's been a pretty fruitful experience for us i mean taking someone who's never directed a movie and being a part of their first movie is
Starting point is 00:09:12 kind of a magical thing to do and so um there there was nothing that krasinski did before quiet place that said to me he did brief interviews with hideous men right and the hollers and the hollers but those movies i was going to say there's nothing that he did brief interviews with hideous men and the hollers, but those movies, I was going to say, there's nothing that he did that spoke to his ability to create tension and the depth of the acting and all the wonderful things that he captured. But John is a very, he's just an amazing guy and he had the vision for it. And it just felt to us like he was undeniable.
Starting point is 00:09:45 And are all these people, they've got to be good in the room, right? I'm assuming all these people I'm talking about. Not all of them, but John in particular is very good in the room. Very good in the room. Not all of them are, but I mean,
Starting point is 00:09:55 you kind of do have to have that personality trait because people are following you. You got 150 people who are doing your bidding on a minute by minute basis. And if you're not a dynamic leader it they'll it will start to fracture right and not everyone is a dynamic leader and sometimes a producer's job is to go to those fissures and fill them so that they don't get bigger
Starting point is 00:10:17 but for the most part the job calls for that type of personality where you can express yourself in a way that people understand it and can do what you have told them you want executed. Like that's part of, that's part of the job. And I feel too, like I think sometimes, uh,
Starting point is 00:10:36 cause I watched, I watched a behind the scenes thing on good fellas yesterday. And then I watched good fellas. It was a really nice day. That's a good day. But, uh, I think the thing that everyone said about Martin Scorsese
Starting point is 00:10:46 is just like he's so prepared. Like he knows everything. Like he looks at the script and he has like all the shots already made out in his head. And then he's already done prep with the actors on each scene so that the dialogue is like shaped the way he wants it. And he already has the songs in his head. Like he's so prepared.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And I feel like that could be a substitute for natural charisma too, right? It's just being so passionate about what you're doing that it translates into just competency. I've had directors who do that. I have one director that I worked with in an early part of his career, Mike Flanagan, who is a fantastic director. And on first day of the sequel to our movie, Ouija, he directed the sequel. He took me aside, took out a huge notebook and he had every single camera move for the entirety of the movie in his notebook,
Starting point is 00:11:37 broken down by day and broken down by where the camera was going to be. So anyone who wanted to know what we're doing six days from now in the afternoon could look at this at a document and would say cameras gonna start here move to here we'll go in tight here and that is an amazing thing now inversely there are other directors I've worked with who were kind of like today we're gonna shoot this sequence let's see how it goes and see how the actors are maybe we can capture this in a different way. And neither is better than the other. It just depends on the group working together and the magic that is created by that. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And so some actors love to know that three days from now they're going to have 14 close-ups and they should probably sleep more and not do anything, not eat any food that's going to make them swell. You know, others kind of you know they respond and just let's see what we're doing today and see how it goes so it just depends on on the group and how the people uh all interact together but do you feel safer having the money be with the person who's got the whole thing already written out in the notebook or or does that not matter if the movie doesn't come listen great? Listen, I probably, there was a time in my career when I would have taken comfort in that. And it is an easier thing if the studio's on set with me and they have questions and I can open up this notebook and say, well, here's the answer. But I wouldn't say that it's always better.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Right? Maybe I feel a little bit more comfortable, but it's not always better. So what do you do if you're like Francis Ford Coppola's producer when he's making Apocalypse Now? I don't even know how to process what you just said, but let's go with it. But you're overseas. You're overseas. He's like a year over schedule. He's adding like new tangents to like an already huge script.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Yeah. You know, he can't get Brando on set. Right. And like people are getting dysentery what do you what do you do it i think the producer's job is to make sure that he's happy and that francis ford coppola is getting everything he needs so you just go to bat for france you have to the guy's as good as it gets i mean there's nothing to be won from going against him and saying i'm gonna cut a couple days off your schedule. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:47 We don't really need that sequence over there. That's not going to work. So do you kind of want to, if it's someone like Francis Ford Coppola, you probably want to get him on like his first or second great movie and not on like his fourth or fifth? Well, there's a part of me that says yes. But the other part is on his fourth or fifth movie. If the guy's the biggest genius in the world, no one's going to want to stop him. So everyone's going to be leaning in and saying, let's let this guy make what he wants to make, right?
Starting point is 00:14:08 At some point, you earn into people looking the other way. Until you don't. Because, you know, I mean, the making films is a very simple thing to quantify. The films either are deeply award winning movies or they make a lot of money. And then everything in between is a little bit subjective. But either you have
Starting point is 00:14:32 Academy Award winning movies or very profitable movies and everything else is subjective. Have there been any aspiring directors that told you what they wanted to do and you kind of thought it was ridiculous and then they just blew you away? There have been shots that they've wanted to do that i thought were ridiculous and i was blown away i would not say there's there have not been a lot of directors who every day come to set and tell me what they want to do when i roll my eyes and i say it's going to be a shit show
Starting point is 00:15:00 right and it's genius that that doesn't happen but but listen i i'm wrong as much as anyone else maybe even more than other people and i'm not a director and i and and i personally am a visual person so i am better at responding to to something after i've seen it as opposed to hearing someone talk about it there are different producers who are not that way. Yeah. Yeah. So you, you were talking to us today that you got like a new project you're trying to get moving and we, we don't have to go into too much detail about it, but what's that like?
Starting point is 00:15:34 Is it, it seems like it happens fast. Sometimes it happens very fast. If you're competing for something, if you're competing, but if you're not competing, it's the slowest, most arduous process trying to get a movie going like like we'll come back to a quiet place because
Starting point is 00:15:50 that's what's on the top of my mind obviously i mean today is uh can i say what the day is do we say that so today is wednesday people will be in theater seeing the movie tomorrow night and it opens in earnest on friday morning you know so this is the last thing i will do before i get into bed and hide until sunday but this and this is the biggest movie to have come out since covid like since this stage of covid that we're in now like post you know half facts well i don't know what that means because king kong is a bigger budgeted movie but i would but jt i would say i just got caught up in that okay thank you and i and i but i had to correct you but but the fact is is this is the first theatrical movie like this movie is not on streaming anywhere
Starting point is 00:16:37 for a long time so there is no there's nothing to compare it to but it seems somewhat fitting that we're the first one to come out because we were the last movie that was supposed to come out when this whole thing happened. This is so frigging exciting. Yeah, you can look at it that way. You know, it's never easy for me to release a movie, especially when it's one that I feel in my heart and soul. It's a fantastic film.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I'm just excited for people to see this. And the insecurity that goes with not knowing if people are going to like it or what they're going to do. As a producer, I'm always searching for something to give me a false sense of security. So the movie is certified fresh. I think it's 92, 93%.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Okay, I can hold on to that for 45 minutes in a day. And then I'll think about something else that makes me horribly insecure. Our theater is going to be open in this part of the country. And what's the capacity going to be? And suddenly, you know, the Rotten Tomatoes score goes out my head and I'm worrying about something else. Have you guys adjusted your expectations based off those factors yes but again we the answer is yes but also normally when a movie comes out there are three or four other movies that are coming out that weekend right there's one other movie that's coming out opposite us, but there is a long runway
Starting point is 00:18:05 to have your movie stay in theaters, which wasn't the case pre-COVID. There was always two or three blockbusters opening every weekend. And for Memorial Day, which traditionally has been the start of the summer movie season. So the biggest movies of the summer always opened on Memorial Day. Just to have us and there's one other Disney film is a different situation. So there's no data that anyone can look at and say, yes, capacities have been reduced,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but also you're in twice as many screens. So how does that matter? Yeah, no Top Gun or anything like that? No, i want to talk about competing interests with so uh do you so do you talk to the studio and you're like all right guys so here and they're doing like tracking and they're like hey here's where we think is like a good number for us to open up every freaking morning every morning i'm on the phone with them. But by the way, they're saying the same thing to me that I'm saying to you. We've all never been here. It looks good. People like the movie. All the things I've said here, I'm just parroting what I heard this morning on my call with Paramount. But no one knows. So you assuage other people's concerns,
Starting point is 00:19:20 right? Like if John's freaking out, you're like, hey, man, you did a great job. It's going to be great. You know what? I think it's different for John because John right now, he's on tour going into theaters, surprising people around the country. So he's getting feedback every night on the movie. He is watching the movie with people. If I could go to a theater tonight and be assured that audiences are going to love this experience and that they're going, I mean, I feel very confident, but at the same time, until I, until I witnessed it, I think I talked to you the night that we first premiered the first quiet place in Austin, Texas was the greatest night of my career. Cause I could feel the audience
Starting point is 00:20:01 pulling their chairs out. were so excited just people going ape shit like that i felt like oh wow this is really a great experience until i have that experience because i haven't been able we haven't been able to test the movie with an audience in a real way because you can't do that now and up until two or three weeks ago and by then it was too late anyway so what's the point of doing? So I have not seen this movie with an audience. I guarantee you no one has ever said what I'm about to say to you. I have never seen this movie with an audience, with the exception I saw it with an audience once at the premiere,
Starting point is 00:20:36 which was a year and three months ago. We had you on right before that. Yeah. Did you guys have a premiere, a second one? No. No reason to. I mean, right. And you can't really do a premiere. I mean, you can do a premiere a second one no no no reason to yeah i mean right and you can't really do a premiere i mean you can do a premiere but so many you know why do it i
Starting point is 00:20:50 mean they did it they did a beautiful premiere in new york it was fantastic so you're flying blind in war yeah but you know you got the goods in the plane you know you got the good bombs i do i feel like that i feel like that i do i feel like that I'm telling you JT but after being on the show for four times you know I'm a neurotic guy this is the most nervous I've seen this is because you've never been with me right before a movie comes out
Starting point is 00:21:16 like the day before I can enjoy that so who assuages you? who like who tells you it's going be all good my gff nice or do you have a routine in place to sort of uh you know help help quell your anxiety yeah right now hold on in honor of a quiet place to oh thank you get out there and see it guys and have a couple fruit smashes beforehand i love fruits then u Uber to the theater. Yeah, exactly. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Delicious. Come on. That's delicious. Is that fruit punch? This is a tropical punch. Tropical punch. Nice. Because it's not too sweet, which is what I like about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:53 My brother said, my brother was with me last weekend, and he was drinking fruit smash. And he's like, the thing he loves about them is that it feels like you can't taste the chemicals. Yeah. Like when you tastes other ones. It's clean. It's real fruit. Yeah, it's clean. I like that.
Starting point is 00:22:07 That was very nice. Thank you. What were you asking me? He was asking me. Is there a routine in place to help quell your soft-boiled eggs and wheat toast? No. Usually on a Friday night when the movie opens, I will not commit to doing anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:24 Usually on a Friday night when the movie opens, I will not commit to doing anything. Yeah. But I will have someone who will drive me to the movie theaters. And I'll go with Mrs. Fuller and Paxton and Cameron. And we'll go and we'll walk around. Thank you. And we'll walk around. And I'll get that experience, the visceral response that you get if a movie's working.
Starting point is 00:22:44 Right. And if I feel that, then I'll just keep going. It's like a drug. So we'll go to eight. Oh, you'll keep going. I'll just keep going to other, I'll go, oh, and this is like, I'll say to Alex and the kids, I'll say, let's, this theater, because you start to see the times when the movie starts. So I'll say, well, this scene's coming up in that theater.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Let's go there and see if that scare works. Or in this theater, the movie just started. Let's see how that opening sequence works. And you kind of just go from theater to theater. It's super fun. Super fun. Do you have to buy a ticket or you just have a badge that says I purchased this? That's a funny thing because I'm happy to buy a ticket.
Starting point is 00:23:21 I'm happy to do that. But often Paramount will call and say, you know, these theaters in this part of town are very used to people who work on the movies going opening night. So Paramount will call and say, you might be coming by and, you know. Very cool. I've been to the movies twice so far. And it was packed last night.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Really? Yeah. What did you see last night as i saw yeah and it was how was the date by the way am i allowed to ask that yeah it's good i'm enjoying enjoying the single life it's it's nice yeah good yeah um can i ask one more question yes because i'm curious about this um how do you meet a woman to date? Primarily dating apps these days. Right, see, that did not exist. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It was just, it was white knuckling in a bar to go up and talk to a girl and hoping she didn't throw a drink at you. Yeah, I kind of, I try to go for that approach more as much as I can in life. But I mean, especially during, you know, I guess we're kind of in the post-COVID era. And I'm sort of like taking it easy a little bit. So I haven't really been going to bars and stuff. But a lot of times, the best ones are typically when you've sort of like have met in the past and then you kind of reconnect.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Those seem to be the most most fruitful i guess but it seems to me and we don't have to go off on this we can talk about whatever you guys want but it does seem i'm i'm i'm seeing this because some of my friends are getting divorced or what or their status is changing right and social media becomes such an important thing like when you reveal the relationship on instagram as a major thing or what or or what you comment and if there's a heart. I mean, these nuances that are totally lost. I don't know any of this. You pick it up quick.
Starting point is 00:25:13 I know, but it does feel like it's super complicated. What's big for me is looking at their story because you know they see when you look at it. Oh, is that true? I didn't even know that. Yeah, you can see when you look at it you know oh is that true i didn't even know that yeah you can see when who's looking at your story if you look at it right away like in the first minute you're sending a message like hey i'm paying attention yeah who's writing that book like on what this is all this means see i but i sometimes when i try to do it by a book i'm dead i'm dead in the water why because i'm trying to game the system and the system the only way through
Starting point is 00:25:44 it is instinct. I think you just subtly understand. You feel a switch go, and you're like, oh, now is the time to say something. Because if you try to play it by a formula, it comes across. I think they can feel it.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Everyone can feel it, both sides. You know, I think the key is to have a lot going on. If you're a busy guy, if you're doing a lot of stuff, naturally you'll have that sort of energy about you that's not desperate or needy, or you're kind of like,
Starting point is 00:26:11 it's kind of like, yeah, I've got a lot of stuff going, but I'd like to see you. I think that's key. It's like Mike in Swingers, where he keeps trying to get advice from Vince Vaughn and Sue, I forget that actor's name. And then by the end of it, he meets heather graham he's like you know what guys i got it right right yeah well i hope i never find out how was the date is
Starting point is 00:26:32 it was it a first date no this is like a number like five or oh wow yeah yeah okay well what's it like for you when one of your friends is like in their late 40s early 50s or something they get out of they get out of a long relationship and now they're back single. What's that like to, to see? Well, there's parts of it that sound super interesting. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And then there's other parts of it that I'm just like, I'm exhausted even hearing about this. I, it's just, you know, most of my friends have kids. So there's always like, when do you tell the kids and what do you tell the kids?
Starting point is 00:27:04 And when does she meet the kids? And there's that. And when does she meet my ex-wife? And those are not new problems. But wow, it seems like that's just a lot to tackle. And then at the same time, figure out the social media thing, which I didn't grow up with, and my friends didn't grow up with, and they're all probably screwing it up and doing it wrong do they turn into teenagers again a little bit they do absolutely do and they fall in love so quickly and it's like look from the outside looking in it's like don't you see what's happening right right but i guess you don't and that makes me happy though that it's eternal you know what i mean because i think in our heads we're always like i'll grow out of this it's like no as long as you're in that space yeah it's gonna dredge up that stuff
Starting point is 00:27:45 i think we're all looking for love i mean i just feel like we are and then when you feel that thing it's it's like a drug it's like you know and so when those feelings when those feelings come in it overtakes you it's it does all right there's yeah there's one week where i was like calling my mom and so i was like what do i when do i text right that's the wrong person yeah right actually my mom's good my mom's how does she know the rules because she's very like honest she's like she's like um because well she's more like i don't know i was like i was like when should i i was like i have this date set up a week from now and i set it up and i'm like should i text in between she's like she's like no I'd see
Starting point is 00:28:26 that as desperate and she was right she's right I she's like I she's like text her like on Thursday so I did on Thursday and that works and it worked yeah so she was she surprised me because I thought she'd be like no you should text her like just all the time and you know but she was like no I'd see that as very needy and like this guy has no confidence so yeah that's good i was watching country strong last night yeah and gwyneth paltrow says this to leighton meester's character at the end she's giving her advice on her career and she's like hey like always wear high heels get your dresses hemmed here um you know always go with the best song not with what you wrote but her last line of advice is don't be afraid to fall in love it's the only thing that matters in life wow that's heavy yeah something to think about but that's a lot of pressure
Starting point is 00:29:09 yeah but it's kind of it i think it kind of takes the pressure off because then you're not worried so much about once you get there and you're not so worried about doing it right you're like oh this is just kind of part of it i that makes sense to me it totally makes sense to me the difference kind of is is that you guys are able to because you learn a lot about these people before you go out on a date with them because it's all whatever they want to put facing forward is all there right it wasn't like that for me right you just met someone and you and then all of that peeling back the layers kind of happened over time right that's true too.
Starting point is 00:29:45 But people are, they're able to dupe you with their, because people know how to, you know, put their best foot forward on social media. And then some people, they can't help but be themselves and they start posting like crazy stuff. And they got like 50 story updates and you're like for the day and you're
Starting point is 00:30:00 like, okay, this person's a little intense, but some people, you look at their thing, you're like, Oh, this person's like the ideal human. And then you, you know, get to know him and you're like okay this person's a little intense but some people you look at their thing like oh this person's like the ideal human and then you you know gets to know them and you're like okay there's more to this right right and it seems like a lot it does it seems like a lot well your boys are out there in the world right yeah it's um yeah both of my cameron and paxton are out there they're definitely and they're like, charismatic. That's nice of you to say.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah. My wife and I would like to say they're good boys. You know, those things. And they seem to be having a great time and having no issues with the things that we're talking about. But like just yesterday, I called Paxton and I said,
Starting point is 00:30:39 you know, the movie's 93% fresh. I want to put that on my story. He goes, you can't put that on your story. I said, why not? He goes, it's douchey as hell. That's not what you put on your story. I mean, please don't do that. That would embarrass me.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Paxton's got to post it, and then you repost his thing. Right. But then he's not going to do that, because he doesn't want to draw attention. Right. He's being demure about it. Yeah, so now I'm just talking about it on the pod. You guys need to post that. Yeah, I'll post it.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Thank you, thank you guys. We're seeing it tomorrow. You got tickets? Yeah, through our agent. Where are you seeing it? Playa Vista, Cinemark. is that is that a q a advanced screening i don't think it's q a it's just said advanced we got it through like uh our agency that's awesome yeah will you text me after oh yeah i'll text you not during not during but i'll also put and i i
Starting point is 00:31:40 gotta disagree with paxton on this i think you you should post the 93. Listen, I wish you were here, but he had his own logic for it. The kids tell me that I can't do a lot of things, and so I just end up not doing anything. My dad, he sold hair care, and he did a commercial for one of the hair care products. It was called Got2B. And after I watched the commercial,
Starting point is 00:32:01 I started crying, and I said, Dad, you cannot put this on TV. And what happened? No, of course he put it out there. He was said, dad, you cannot put this on TV. And what happened? No, of course he put it out there. Yeah. He was like, look, we already made it, bro. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It's too late. Yeah. It's too late now. Ship sailed. No. He liked it too. He was like, I think it's cool. And then, you know, he knew more about it than I did.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Right. So speaking of my dad, I always felt like he was like, like he always wanted me to, to get laid quite a bit. You know, not like it was like, he always wanted me to to to get laid quite a bit you know not like it was like i think so yeah but also sometimes i think maybe i just projected that on to him yeah but uh is like how did you handle uh sex in general i guess with your boys um well listen it's uh i i will start out by saying i think it's different with boys if you're the parent of boys versus girls, right? I think it's different. But Allie and I always try to present that there are two people consenting to something and that you want everyone to feel good about what's happening and, you know, no hard feelings, right?
Starting point is 00:33:03 That's not the way you want to go about it. So it's always been in our house about respecting, you know, the women that they're spending time with. And I've always been pretty open with the boys. I mean, when they were much younger, I had a drawer. This is horrible, but here we go. Sorry, Paxton. I had a drawer in my bathroom that there was just always condoms in.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And I didn't ask. I just said, that's there, so you never have to worry about where you're going to get it. It's always going to be stocked. And I didn't count how many were in there. When it got low, I would just load it back up. What age when they got in high school? Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Definitely not early high school, towards later. My dad made that drawer when I was in fifth grade, and I was like, the pressure. I was like, I'm tired of that. I'm going to take it the other way and say, you're depriving them of the embarrassment of having to go to an Arco or something. Right, but I thought about that,
Starting point is 00:34:04 but they have Amazon, too. Do they order an amazon but yeah yeah sure but the the other part that's interesting about both boys is they are monogamous like they like to be in relationships yeah for the most part they do um look cameron's calling me right now it's nice should we speakerphone him and ask him no we don't want to do that you know so but like they're they're on the sites that you're on I think and that's
Starting point is 00:34:35 Pornhub looking for dates and you know they're out there LA's a great city for that right I mean it's fun it can be very fun especially now coming out of. You know, LA's a great city for that, right? I mean, it's fun. It can be very fun. Especially now, coming out of COVID, it's like everyone's going to be... Going to see A Quiet Place 2 in theaters this weekend.
Starting point is 00:34:52 For sure, on dates. On dates. It's the perfect date movie. Oh, fantastic. Is A Quiet Place 1 on a streaming service in case someone hasn't seen it? God, I should know that. I'm sure it is. I think you just have to Google it and it will tell you i don't know where it feels like it's been everywhere
Starting point is 00:35:07 i don't know probably on hbo max it's paramount but i don't know yeah that's right i don't know i don't know where it is but it's out there i've seen it on hulu that's right yes yeah i think you're right aaron i think it's on hulu um do you feel better i guess we'll we'll know more you know in like a week or two but do you feel good that you guys like stayed the course and didn't do one of those like streaming deals that's a loaded question that really is because um there it's easy for me to say to you now i'm glad we stayed the course but you think back to the last time i was on the show, we didn't know when and if this thing was ending and if people would ever come out, right? I mean, before the vaccine, we didn't really know.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And there was a part of me that felt like, God, I really want people to see this movie. I really do. And if the option is them not seeing it or seeing it on Netflix or HBO Max or a streaming service, I would rather them see it there as opposed to not see it. So Paramount made a very bold move about 11 weeks ago where they picked this date. Fast and Furious was originally on this date and they punted to a month later. June 28th something. Yeah, I think they're a month later.
Starting point is 00:36:27 And it happened within a second like paramount just pounced on the date and when that happened who makes that call it's everyone at paramount and viacom i mean it's a it's a big time call because there there was no one at that point i remember when they made the call and people would say to me what are they doing you know the vaccine just came out or people are just getting the vaccine. How are people going to go see movies 10 or 11 weeks from now? And at the time, that created a whole different level of anxiety for me. Because what if, you know, what if what is happening now wasn't happening? What would we do?
Starting point is 00:37:00 We would have lost the opportunity with this movie. Are they contacting people to CDC? I think they have people everywhere that I don't know if it's CDC, but they are talking, they're not just sitting in a room. Are they talking to Newsom too? You know, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:14 I don't know if it, if it gets, I think it's more on a national level as opposed to a local level. But it was a, it was a ballsy, ballsy call. And if it works out, I will be eternally grateful that they took the chance, because it is a big chance to take.
Starting point is 00:37:31 And this movie specifically is a must-see in theater type of movie. It is. It definitely is. I mean, we built it that way, and sound was such an important part of the first one that this one, it's even more so. Can I ask kind of an old man question? I'm an old so i'm gonna be the right guy to ask so um i was thinking about it doesn't seem like there's like a ton of young great actors and actresses and maybe that's just like my uh you know like you always think when you were growing up there was like a it's
Starting point is 00:38:00 like whatever saturday night live you grew up with you think was the best or something like that right but i can only really think of like timothy chalamet i guess as like a like a young budding male lead who can is exciting to people do you think like is it tough to cast those parts right now because so much of that energy has gone into these like social media platforms you know i don't know if it's hard because it's gotten into social media platforms. I think that stars are made differently now. So like Joey King, right? Do you know who Joey King is? She's a fantastic actress. She did a movie, I think it was on Netflix, called The Kissing Booth, right?
Starting point is 00:38:40 And she's been working her whole life. She's a young actress who's been working her whole life. But The Kissing Booth came on and she became a huge star and and now she just wrapped a movie with brad pitt so she's in she's doing the dave leach movie with brad pitt uh train the train whatever do you know anyone know what it's they just wrapped it it's a sony movie i think and you know so um i think that producers are finding actors in different places. Right? It felt like in the old days, they would either see them on a TV show. I mean, Brad Pitt did guest spots on all those.
Starting point is 00:39:16 That movie Across the Tracks with Ricky Schroeder. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. That's what I was referencing. What he was like on those sitcoms, he did some guest spots on that. Now it's a little bit different. They come from different places. I guess some do come from social media. I don't, I don't, like I've never heard.
Starting point is 00:39:35 That's what I'm wondering. Can those people make the leap? I think anyone can make the leap. I don't think that. Yeah, Mark Wahlberg did it. He was like an underwear model and rapper. He's a great actor. So yeah, I mean, anyone who's talented can make the leap. They just have to get seen, right? And they have to get the opportunity. Well, what do you think of TikTok?
Starting point is 00:39:54 I remember last time we talked, Cameron was telling you that you need to get more into the TikTok world. How are you feeling about it these days? You know, Cameron has pushed me. And I've, you you know a couple of those big tiktokers have reached out to me and one or two of them i'm working with now to see if there's something i can do with them i mean i find tiktok absolutely hypnotizing like i can start watching tiktok and an hour later i will not like there is nothing in my life that turns on my brain quicker than TikTok.
Starting point is 00:40:25 Yeah, the user experience is so nice. How does that happen? It's like crack. It's deep in your brain. It is. It's just funneling down. Just hits. And if I'm bored, I just...
Starting point is 00:40:36 But clearly, they're reaching a ton of people. And for the first time, in terms of marketing a movie, our trailer was on TikTok. John did a live TikTok. I mean, that's a thing. That's just a different place to reach a lot of people. Does it scare you at all that that form of entertainment these days is sort of taking over a little bit? No.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I mean, I think that there's plenty of room for people to be entertained because they're carrying around their screens with them everywhere they go. Right. Right. Um, but I think that there, and maybe I'm deluding myself, but I think that there are,
Starting point is 00:41:10 the movie going experience is a unique one. And for movies that, uh, you have to see in a theater, there's nothing that kind of compares to that. Yeah. And, and,
Starting point is 00:41:19 and being in the movie, going back to the movies, I mean, it's, I was like on a, it was euphoric being back in the movie theaters because you can't you know especially when you're looking at you know your tv your phone all year and then being back and you know your popcorn it's immersive and it's an immersive
Starting point is 00:41:35 yeah so so i i think the tiktok tiktok is additive instagram is additive the. The thing that I wonder is that for most of my career, if you wanted to learn about movies, or if you wanted to market your movie, you would buy an ad on a sitcom, right? And now I don't know how you reach... So many people are watching things on Netflix and on Apple TV, and there's no commercials. So the question kind of is, how do we as content providers reach our audiences? And TikTok offers that. But is TV a viable option now? Do you guys watch any network television shows?
Starting point is 00:42:18 I'm curious. No. No. I've been meaning to watch Home Economics just because our buddy Jimmy Tatro's on there. That's nice. Is that Topher Grace? Topher Grace.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Yeah, he's great. Do you watch any network TV? No, it's all streaming. Now, 10 years ago, this conversation would have been very different. Right? Dude, 10 years ago, I cut the cord. 10 years? Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Yeah. I was early on. Yeah. I was really mad at DVR once. You should be doing TikTok. You want to do one today. And we have one Randy 30 year olds where we get shirtless and dance on there. Yeah. And I'd love to do one of those to promote a quiet place.
Starting point is 00:42:54 I'd love to watch you guys. We'll call this a loud place. One. You guys should. Thank you. I'd love that. Yeah. But yeah, so the landscape is changing and it's a little scary because everyone who is making the decisions or who is making the movies, my peers, we're all people who are not raised on any of this stuff. So it's, you know, we're trying to adapt looking backwards and forwards at the same time. And I think that, you know, I don't want to miss an opportunity. Right?
Starting point is 00:43:25 Yeah. Like I should have made a TikTok with you guys for the movie. We should have done that. That probably would have driven huge sales. Oh, maybe. Oh, for sure. You can, guys. Well, we'll definitely do it. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:43:37 You have to be shirtless, though, bro. Not happening, dude. No one wants to see you. You're shredded. You know you're shredded, bro. Brad, thank you so much for making that shirtless TikTok. It it's not happening we'll figure it out we'll maybe wife beaters um what did you think about amazon buying mgm for 8.8 billion dollars it's amazing i think it's amazing because and what does mgm have their biggest thing is Bond. Yeah, they have Bond, but also they have huge library.
Starting point is 00:44:05 I mean, MGM has, you know, going back all the musicals from 30s and 40s and 50s. Weren't Marvel and Pixar like $5 billion or something? Yeah, but... Well, Star Wars was $4 billion. Yeah, but then you got to think about the TV too. I mean, MGM has... Just the size of their library is so much bigger than those other guys. Yeah, like Shark Tank is an MGM show, right?
Starting point is 00:44:26 That show is so good. That's a huge piece of business, Shark Tank. Just that, right? And they have a lot of television. Mark Burnett is a genius, obviously. And so, you know, it just speaks to the value of content. I mean, everyone looks at these things that are happening through their own rose-colored glasses.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I look at it that content is so valuable that they're paying $8.5 billion to own that library, right? So that's good. And by the way, I think a lot of the movies that MGM made, this will give them an opportunity to really be seen in a different way. Because Amazon, as you know, we have Jack Ryan on there. to really be seen in a different way you know because amazon as you know we have jack ryan on there they are if they are behind something it's incredible how they market and reach their audience and yeah because they're so data driven they can like i don't know how they do it but i can tell you that when jack ryan the first season came on uh every single box that came to my house for two months had john christensen's face on it and it said jack ryan on amazon prime whoa no movie movies haven't been marketed that way before right you know and
Starting point is 00:45:31 then if you went on if you wanted to buy a tom clancy title not a jack ryan title any tom clancy title john's face was on the cover of the book really yeah so wow like their marketing reach is unique and different and i think it's great because more and more people will get to see things that maybe they wouldn't have known existed or didn't care to see or they just didn't get reached in the right way uh i want to ask you too about uh so john cena yeah got in trouble because he was yeah was he speaking in mandarin i think he was speaking in Mandarin. I feel so badly. My brother texted me about it. I feel so badly for him.
Starting point is 00:46:10 I mean, I've never met him. He seems like the nicest guy in the world. And all he wants. The most make-a-wish visits ever. Is that true? Cena? He beat The Rock? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Wow. Yeah, he seems like the greatest guy. But to catch people up, he was doing an interview in Mandarin promoting the fast and furious. And he referred to Taiwan as an independent country, which goes against the communist, the Chinese communist party. And typically when people make mistakes like that, it like craters the sales of whatever thing they're promoting in China. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:43 So like, it could be like a, like a hundred million dollar gaff yeah yeah i mean oh it's so unthinkable i you know i had someone call me today who said the actors know not to do what he did if if the movie's opening in china you know yes we're all aware of that yes because it's such a i don't want to minimize what he did or didn't do it's just such a there was no malice in this do you know what i'm saying it was i mean he was trying to do the interview in mandarin honest mistake you know
Starting point is 00:47:16 and that it wasn't like free taiwan no yeah no but then and they're furious yeah over it they're furious? Yeah. Over it? They're fast and furious. Oh, dude. They'll start doing propaganda right away. Really? Like saying, screw this guy and screw this man. Really? I think it's cost people like $400 million before. Wow. So what would you recommend?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Let's say Chad and I, by some grace of God, are in Fast and Furious 11. recommend let's say chad and i by some grace of god are in fast and furious like 11 but if you want to be in fast 11 my my friend neil moritz produces those movies i might be able to you know at least get you guys an audition i mean i sure i have a driving tape i could submit to him really yeah i'll get it to neil i will get that to neil i i wanted me doing a burnout and then i give a pretty like pretty cool look oh to, to the camera. Yeah. I'll get it to him. Neil must've had no, I mean the first fast and furious is like a small movie relative to what
Starting point is 00:48:10 they've become at least. Yeah. And, uh, wasn't like a gigantic blockbuster. It was really successful. It was, but,
Starting point is 00:48:16 but I mean in the buildup to it, like they didn't know it was going to be like, no, no one knew. So does, what is like Neil think now when he's like on this like rocket ship basically well you know i i would say that neil's been on a rocket ship for much of his career i mean forget forget fast and furious i mean he's made so many successful films i mean sonic and 21 jump street
Starting point is 00:48:38 and 22 jump street and you know he did triple x I mean, Neil rarely gets it wrong, right? But Fast and Furious was the first really big one that he did on his own. And listen, he loves that franchise more than you can imagine. And, you know, he has such a fun franchise to be a part of because it's just cool as shit. Like, everything about it's really cool. Like the cars are cool and people are cool. And obviously we can get to Paul if we want to get there. But you know,
Starting point is 00:49:11 like he, you know, that's just like, what a dream to have a movie there that they're going to make 10, 11, 12, 15, who knows how many of these they can make,
Starting point is 00:49:22 but it's, and it feels like it's endless. It will never stop yeah i agree would you so do you i hope it doesn't are we happy that the rock's out and now it's back to just being vin you know i've been neil and i have not discussed that i know he had a great experience with the rock and i you know he and vin have been working together forever so um it wasn't big enough for the two of them though is that true though i don't know that that's true you know duane just is he's super busy like it lining up the other actors
Starting point is 00:49:52 who've been in the franchise for a long time um that's a scheduling nightmare right and then and duane is probably the hardest working actor now i mean he just never stops and he has hobs and shaw yeah so but that's But that's what I'm saying. What are you saying? Oh, what you're insinuating is that now they have two different franchises. Yeah, they're like, we'll give you Hobbs and Shaw. You get to keep the Fast and Furious. I never heard any discussions like that.
Starting point is 00:50:17 But I see that as an underdog W for Vin. Because even though he's the original guy, you know what I mean? And he has more claim to it. Yeah. The Rock is the biggest movie star in the world. So I could have just as easily seen everybody go with The Rock and then kick Vin out of the franchise. No, Vin is integral to that.
Starting point is 00:50:34 So we're saying, that's what I'm saying. Is Vin, Vin's the most integral. Yes, I would say that Vin is the most integral because he was there from the very beginning. Can you imagine if they're like, The Rock is Dominic Toretto? They just straight up replaced him. be a little more believable in the fight scene that day oh right right yeah yeah but wow what a great thing to have been a part
Starting point is 00:50:54 of in a career i mean just amazing i remember when fast and furious 4 came out i lost my mind like 2009 uh i think it's 2009 because tokyo drift came out and i was like i was like okay you know the dream is dead and then that came out i was in spain at the time i i don't know i think that was the most excited i've ever been for a movie really yeah i was like no way like paul's bag vin's bag like that that was that was a really smart move by then too yeah yeah that's what fast five was for me fast five that's when i was like yeah i saw that at like a bang in theater like on like 97th and third or something like that yeah and the theater just went off yeah it was like it was one of the best
Starting point is 00:51:35 theater going experiences in my life yeah you know what i think i'm gonna do um because neil does listen whenever i do these i'm not gonna tell him that we talked about him at all i'm just gonna say you should listen to it yeah i just said it to him and yeah i think that's what i think that's whenever I do these. I'm not going to tell him that we talked about him at all. I'm just going to say, you should listen to it. Yeah. I just said it to him, and then, yeah, I think that's, is that the better way
Starting point is 00:51:49 to go about it? You think I should tell him? I don't know. Yeah, that'd be a surprise. Yeah, I like the surprise. Justin Lin's another director like that, where he did
Starting point is 00:51:57 Better Luck Tomorrow. It's like a super sad, but Orange County-based movie. And you know, it's really dramatic. And then he somehow he can do the fast and furious movies again just because you gotta look at it this way jt people start with small movies because no one's giving them any money right then they make their
Starting point is 00:52:16 small movie and if it's excellent everyone comes to the conclusion hey this person's super talented let's give them and see let's give them some money and see what they can do right yeah i guess it's just like the the big 90s directors a lot of them came from like music videos and commercials and stuff yeah and then once their first movie hit their second or third movie was just a bigger budget version of that it's like okay like wes anderson you did rush more now you're gonna do royal tenenbaums but you can see like a very direct line in the sensibility. Whereas now, it's like, all right, Wes Anderson, you did Rushmore.
Starting point is 00:52:48 Now you're doing Jurassic Park, the deck, like the 10th one. Well, that definitely happens. And some people rise to the occasion, and those are the big franchise directors. And some of them come back and do smaller movies. You never know. And there's so many other variables that it can't rest squarely on the shoulders of the director, right?
Starting point is 00:53:10 There's other things and timing and proper casting. And, you know, there's so many different variables, but, but the ones that consistently hit the, hit it out of the park are the ones that, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:21 who had the biggest movies. Cause it's the biggest risk. Yeah, for sure. the ones that, you know, who make the biggest movies because it's the biggest risk. Yeah. For sure. Did I say for sure there? No, I didn't. That was my version of you saying for sure. I took a second.
Starting point is 00:53:35 I was like... Thank you. You looked at me like I said it. And then I was like, did I say it? Yeah. That was incredible. Thank you. I've been working on that.
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Starting point is 00:55:28 cover right who's the lead uh josh lucas oh i love josh yeah he's great and uh i mean there's a lot of people but i i did a pilot with josh a long long time ago i love working with him he's a fantastic guy but there's a lot of people in that movie i don't even want to give too much of the cast away but um grillo grillo's not in that one damn it um but it's interesting because i was talking to james demonico this morning about about it and we were just talking about the fact that people just love that idea and for james it came from such a dark place where he was in a Sears. James lives in Staten Island, and he's in a Sears. And someone was just taking so long in the line and kept asking questions. And he just said to his wife, I swear to God, I wish there was a day where you could just kill whoever you want.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And that born out a franchise, like just out of that idea and i think one of the great things about um great concepts is they're so they're so obvious like a great concept is so obvious and the fact that yeah you know james kind of came up with that and just you know executed the way he did and now we got you know forever perch oh that that i think we talked about this before but that just the premise of the movie just grabs you right away because i mean that's something that i think everyone's sort of fantasized about right and thought about and and then to have a movie about that is just so uh i remember when i first heard about i i saw that in theaters the first i've
Starting point is 00:57:05 seen i think all of them in theaters but um uh what's the premise of this one if you can get into some detail wow now universal hasn't given me my list of things i can and can't talk about but basically i'm just going to tell you what it is it's like what's that takes place in taiwan it does not take place in town um you know we're used to hearing that purge siren right and that's when everything stops but what if it doesn't stop then what if people just keep purging once they purge they can't stop kind of thing stop they just they they ignore the uh which kind of mirrors where we're at now where it doesn't feel like there's as much like uh uh high trust in like institutions
Starting point is 00:57:42 and so i could see us being in a place where, you know, we don't have the capacity to stop something like that. So that's, that's the concept of this movie. And, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:53 really super fun. And that's a, you know, that's something that I hope, you know, we get to keep on making those. Cause those movies are really, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:01 they hit the zeitgeist. And I think that if, if, if, if i meet people and they ask me what movies i've made that's the one that people seem to really connect with on it you know that concept you know fucked up people not normal people yeah did you you're kind of like a uh expert in like horror and then actually like would you say or would you say it's across the board no no no no i would not say it's it's definitely not across the board i mean i've made a lot of horror movies so i know a little bit about that so you really respect genre like you really respect genre expertise i do absolutely and then but you're like guys so what kind of do you think gave you the uh ability to be able to break down horror so well? Well, I'd say in the beginning, I just wanted to make a good movie.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And the script that we had on the first movie I made at Platinum Dunes was Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And the script was just so good and so scary. And it felt like at that time, that was 2001, that horror movies were pretty crappy and they didn't look good. They really didn't look good. It was kind of like you make big action movies or you make a romantic comedy
Starting point is 00:59:13 and horror was like the redheaded stepchild of all that. And when Bay and I would be sitting around and talking about it, he'd say, well, why don't we make a great-looking horror movie, like a really rich, great-looking horror movie that's just super visceral and scarier than what people are used to. And that's how Texas Chainsaw kind of came into existence. And I would say that the movie itself, when you watch that movie,
Starting point is 00:59:43 you can smell how stinky that house is, right? Or you can, like, you really get, like, Marcus Nisbel, who directed it, did such a great job that you can really feel what it would be like to live in that house. And I think that's why that movie was so scary for so many people, is that it felt so visceral and tangible, like, there and uh and that was a great experience and so once you do one thing well hollywood says well you that's your thing yeah so we just kept riding that wave is there uh when you're reading a script um is there do you do you feel it sort of in your gut or whatever when you're reading a script? That you're sort of like, okay, I think this is something I want to do. Or do you take time to process it?
Starting point is 01:00:31 What I feel is, I feel that a concept, I can get excited about a concept. I'm not great at recognizing characters necessarily. Like, I won't give the note, this character, we have to change these little things. Big moves I'm good at. But I think that where I've been lucky is that recognizing that audiences will respond to this, whatever this is. And I haven't always been right, but i've been right more than i've been wrong right and so um that's what people present to me because um everyone wants to get their movie made you know and so i'm always on the lookout for you know new concepts and you know trying to find
Starting point is 01:01:20 you know something that is as good as the purge or a quiet place because those are both just magnificent concepts yeah at the beginning you know to start out it feels like there's fads in horror too like uh you know there was like the the torture porn kind of era was saw and hostile and and those were like uh kind of heavily predicated on like viscera yes so would you give notes you'd be like hey like people are responding to this right now like house of wax or whatever i remember when i saw that there was so much creativity in terms of just how they dismember the people right and that was kind of what was drawing people to theaters at that time at least it seemed like that but that can go wrong too because um the first chainsaw um was certainly violent um but we did a sequel called uh texas chainsaw the beginning
Starting point is 01:02:07 and that went way too far and that was in response to saw and um you know i think that like we saw saw and that was really brutal i mean you know everyone talked about that the the scene at the end where ells takes his own leg everyone talked about i never even watched it and hostile to i mean eli's movie you know these movies are they're they were really scary but they really presented violence in a way that we hadn't seen it before so we just all looked at each other i said well if we're gonna make another texas chainsaw we got to make it worse than that and like that movie opens with a poor woman having a very bloody birth in a slaughterhouse right i mean there is nothing that could be more disgusting than that i mean it is so bad and we show every part of the birth and that is the birth of leather face and it's disgusting
Starting point is 01:02:59 that's pretty hilarious though for it to be the birth of leather face i like that and we're all we're sitting around we're saying the director great like that. And we're all, we're sitting around and we're saying, the director, great guy named Jonathan Liebsman, we're sitting around and we're like, how can we make this more disgusting and more, you know, and then we had a scene towards the end of the movie where Leatherface literally peels Matt Bomer's face off. And when we shot that, I didn't even want to look at the monitor. You know, it's like, I didn't even want that image at the monitor you know it's like i didn't even want that image in my head because i could i knew i could never get rid of it and so so like we were
Starting point is 01:03:30 responding to what was happening around us like it and i think after that movie i kind of at least for me personally i just said you know i'm gonna put the pump the brakes a little bit i think for me i'm just not comfortable with all of that disgustingness. It's just too much for me to deal with. You were outside your taste a little bit. Way outside my taste. I almost want you guys to watch the beginning of Texas Chains at the beginning so you can just see this disgusting birth in this disgusting... I'm sure we could have made it worse if we had rats running in the blood
Starting point is 01:04:02 as the baby was coming up. Did you guys test that scene? And did it test like two graphic for audiences? I think, I don't remember because it was in 2005. So that, you know, 16 years ago, I don't remember. I remember testing that movie was not a fun experience that audiences were not responding the way they did to Texas Chainsaw, the first one.
Starting point is 01:04:21 I mean, and I think we all felt like, you know, maybe we kind of, maybe we went too far and how are we going to pull this back? But, but that's not what was happening at the time, at the time everyone was going for it. So you go for it. And did you guys adjust based off the, we really, I don't remember adjusting that much. I've, I remember thinking, well, the prevailing attitude about violence is this. So we're going to give people what they're expecting. Yeah. Do you you get do you get some the mpaa wasn't coming down on you we did have to we had there there were some things in there i remember that we had to shave frames like it wasn't like they didn't say you can't do the sequence but we said like you know there's too much blood or there's too too much of this i'm just saying that's what's crazy it's like the mpaa
Starting point is 01:05:00 was allowing all this violence and gore and stuff. Right. But if you show like a vagina, it's NC 17. But if you show like guys like face getting dismembered from the mandible, everyone's like, Hey, it's PG baby. Let it ride. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 But like, I wouldn't make a movie like that now. I'm not interested. I just don't, it just feels gross. Yeah. It seems like nowadays to audiences and I don't really know but it seems like audiences are more interested in movies sort of like quiet place or or purge that sort of make your
Starting point is 01:05:31 imagination run wild a little bit more but the purge concepts strong concept but the purge is pretty violent i mean that too it is pretty violent and uh you know i mean this next one is a little i mean they're all violent but but not like the stuff you're talking about. But the violence in The Purge has become part of the DNA of that franchise. And so we can't make a PG-13 version of The Purge. The fans would not embrace that, I can't imagine. But, you know, one of the things I was very proud of was A Quiet Place was a movie that didn't rely on any blood. There was no blood in that.
Starting point is 01:06:05 And I don't think there's any blood in the second one either. We relied more on the tension and the scares. And there was a birth in the first one though, right? Yes. You're right. I've done two births. When I think about those movies, I don't think about any of the violence.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I don't even think about the scenes as much. I just think about the concept. yeah yeah the purge is really strong for that like you don't have to see anything just having that those scenarios it's like yeah wow like a gang chasing down some like innocent person that like just yeah immediately puts you into like a tension well the siren it just sirens and noises with that one you hear gunshots going off and you're just imagination well the interesting thing about the forever purge is that
Starting point is 01:06:50 some of the movie takes place in the day and scaring creating a scare in the day is a much more challenging thing than creating one at night and we have a sequence I think we have a very scary sequence in the day and I think that's a that is a much harder and smaller target to hit if you're doing it in the day.
Starting point is 01:07:10 That's why most of them take place at night. I mean, that's why they all take place at night. Most horror movies do. I mean, when you're a kid, too, you're not afraid of the day. Once the lights go off and then you don't know what's out there that's when it starts to go yeah do you feel like um working in such like uh like uh gruesome material sometimes do you think that gets some of that energy out of you like do you think that makes you lighter overall you're like you get some kind of catharsis from uh the gnarliness um i think this is the first time someone said catharsis and gnarliness yeah i think that's certainly in my life um i i do i do you know
Starting point is 01:07:45 like it's i don't as i've said i don't love it but there is some catharsis in doing that and um but i don't know that i like that feeling anymore i feel like i've kind of changed a little bit like i've done it like i you know we did a we like a hit man who like you're like i don't i don't get to see him yeah i don't it yeah it doesn't turn me on the same way but like one of my i think my favorite movie that i made and it's a super violent movie and i love the movie it was our friday the 13th not it wasn't called our friday the 13th there have been many friday the 13th and then we made one in um I think, 2009, 2010, with Jared Padalecki in the lead.
Starting point is 01:08:27 And I love that movie. And it's super violent, but it's super fun. And I liked the balance, right? If there's balance in it, and it's not just all killing people and just depressing, that I can handle more violence. Do you know what I'm saying but if it's just pure violence i i don't think i can do that it's it's funny too because the audience for those films sometimes that is what they want is like the like my friend greg is kind of like a horror
Starting point is 01:08:57 cinephile i mean he's a cinephile in general but he knows everything about horror and when he was younger i don't even know if this would still be his opinion but like i like joyride a lot the paul walker movie that was really cool but it's super tension based and i remember being like we both liked him when we came out of theater and then he went home and like read more and um and then i was like i was like oh gee joyride was dope and then he's like not a high enough body count right and that was like the consensus on like joe blow the website he would go to like on the message boards yeah well joe blow is a great website but that you know that that is a certain fan group right who i'm very familiar with because i loved being on that site when we were making all those movies uh bloody disgusting is another one
Starting point is 01:09:36 where we're you know they're very focused on that um and you're doing movies that like like friday the 13th or like uh or texasainsaw that have like a huge legacy in horror. So it's like they're going to come at you like quadruple. That's right. And so you have to play by the rules that were set up before we got involved, right? And so the rules are that they have to be this certain violent thing. But I feel like now there's different people who can make those movies and I'd like to try and see if there's other ways you can scare people, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:09 you know, just, just not for me, it started to feel like violence was becoming a crutch. Right. Super violence is becoming a crutch. And I just thought I've done that a lot. Maybe there's something else I can do. Maybe there's one about a ghost crossing the street. you could base it in my place yeah listen we should all make a movie together yeah i'd love that i'd love that that'd be so fun yeah it would be i like that idea a different way to scare people that's such an interesting kind of a uh way into it but if you
Starting point is 01:10:40 if you actually can do that can you you know like audiences would love that, right? The timing, the cadence, the cutting pattern. Audiences are familiar. They know what's going to happen. I think that it's my job as a producer to give audiences, when they think the right hook is coming, to give them an uppercut. Do you know what I'm saying? The other side. And that's a really great movie-going experience.
Starting point is 01:11:02 I always want to surprise people. You know know one of the scariest scenes i've ever seen a movie is this independent film terry with uh it's with john c riley and it's about a high school kid but there's a slumber party with like these two nerdy guys and a popular girl and just not knowing what was going to happen between those three as they're kind of getting over their skis with like uh kind of like sexual games or something like that i was terrified right like terrified but, that's a, I'm going to ask you,
Starting point is 01:11:27 and it's a leading question, but doesn't that feel like a richer experience than watching someone cut someone's head off? I think, I think because of what you're saying, because it was, I mean, it was one thing.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Cause it was like part of what scared me about it was it felt so real. So that was what was really scary. But then the other part that freaked me out was like, I did not see it coming in this film at all, but this was like a coming of age story. in this film at all. This was like a coming of age story and like you knew this kid was getting
Starting point is 01:11:46 bullied and stuff so you were sensitive to it but you didn't see this moment coming. The whole movie kind of builds to that unexpectedly to that moment. Well what you're talking about
Starting point is 01:11:54 is kind of like did you see Hereditary? No but I heard it's amazing. Did you see it? That sequence that happens in the first 15 minutes of the movie
Starting point is 01:12:03 I don't want to talk I mean I don't want to give it away is the scariest sequence that I've ever seen 15 minutes of the movie, I don't want to talk, I mean, I don't want to give it away, is the scariest sequence that I've ever seen. Yeah. Where something happens that you just can't believe what's happening, and the tension is so masterfully done. So you have to see that movie.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I've got to watch it. I know I'm not a, I'm really, horror movies, I had to see a therapist when I was a kid because my nightmares were so brutal. But I am 33 now. But I do live by myself. Do you agree about that? Yeah. And I watched that alone on Halloween.
Starting point is 01:12:35 It sort of blows your mind because the way he shot it, it makes you sort of question what you saw. Right. But isn't that taking horror to the next level? Of course, yeah. it makes you sort of question what you saw. Right. And you're sort of like... But isn't that taking horror to the next level? Of course, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Right? That's what excites me, something like that. Yeah, I had to pause it and watch it the rest of the day. Right. After that sequence? Yeah. Well, now you're going to have to do this. Or the Uncut Gems guy.
Starting point is 01:12:57 They did a good job. That was more tension. Yeah, but I like that. Right. Sustaining that feeling. Yeah. I mean, you want to go to the movies to have an emotional experience that stays with you. I'm very, when I see a scary movie, I really like watching scary movies in the theater
Starting point is 01:13:13 because I'm very like kind of an active watcher. Like my legs come up when I get scared. Right. If I'm on a date, I'm just like, they're like still and they're like handling it. I'm just like, ah. But it's so much fun. You're the more fun person to sit with in an audience for a horror movie. That's what I love.
Starting point is 01:13:33 I'm having a good time. I'll be at the last row looking for someone with their legs coming up. That's super fun. I'm having a great time. That's good. It's fun. Right. It enhances the experience.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Yeah. I just love that. I'm just curious. Does that happen when you watch them at home uh not as much but i do you know i do i do sort of get very kind of i react a lot right but i love it the whole experience is so much fun i remember when i saw the conjuring yeah great movie great Great movie. I love to get big popcorn, big soda. And my buddy had seen it already. And he, so he knew some of the scary points. And he like, he extra scared me during the one thing.
Starting point is 01:14:17 I was like, ah! And the popcorn flies up. The soda flies up. It just like slams down the crowd. It's awesome. Right at the beginning of the movie and just you just hear it all just sort of like dripping but that's i love that yeah that's what i want to see it's very memorable yeah i'll never forget yeah for sure um do you want to answer some
Starting point is 01:14:35 questions of course okay so this dude reached out to me on ig and we chatted a little bit on there and but he was he was he really wanted us to answer it on the pod because any because he said there's more context in here as well so he said what's up stoke lords for the past two weeks my emotions have been tortured and mangled and i really don't know what to do essentially my girlfriend boned one of my homies hours after we broke up to back it up me and my girlfriend have been doing long distance for the past year where she's in chicago and i'm in la the past month or so has been rocking because she doesn't want to move here and i don't want to move home also i fucked up a bit a few weeks ago. So every day when I drive to
Starting point is 01:15:08 work, I see an ad for BackpagesPro.com an adult entertainment website. So one day when things were rocky, I decided to pique my temptations and take a dabble into the dark. One thing led to another and I ended up sending a dick pic to a hooker. Although I never intended to buy the hooker or ever do anything physical. I was just seeking some naughty pics and maybe some
Starting point is 01:15:24 sexual communication. So when my girlfriend came to visit a few weeks ago she went into my phone and looked at my recently deleted photos and saw said dick pic obviously she knew this didn't go to her so i told her the truth about my shenanigans we broke up on the spot but then got back together towards the end of her stay a few weeks go by and she's driving down to see her friend at college which happens to be my alma mater and she calls calls me and says, we need to break up. I thought it was sus, but she promised me she wouldn't hook up with anybody. On Sunday morning, she called me and I asked her if she hooked up with anybody. And she said, no.
Starting point is 01:15:53 And we continue to hang out on FaceTime as normal. On the FaceTime, I get a call from my buddy and I tell my girlfriend, hold on. Murphy's calling me. I'm going to take this. My buddy Murphy spills me the deets and I'm devastated. My old buddy, a kid I used to live with smashed the love of my life. I called her back and cussed her out. I then blocked her for four days until yesterday when I gave her a call on the call.
Starting point is 01:16:10 She pretty much explained that she wants me back or that she wants me in her life and that she's sorry. So I know the exact same thing happened to me with the other girl I've loved. Therefore, I've always communicated to her that I have trust issues because of it. And she would tell me that she would never do that to me and that I'm not your ex-girlfriend. So it stings extra worse. I don't know if I should give her another chance or block her forever i feel like an in-between state would lead to more heartbreak i still love and care
Starting point is 01:16:30 about her but i'm totally torn i'd love to hear your guys's thoughts sorry for the lengthy letters sincerely heartbroken no stoke oh god well if it was a love of his life i wonder why he's sending his dick pic to a prostitute right so quickly after they they broke up yeah it just sounds like you guys are you guys don't know how to break it off because you're so attached to each other but this is clearly run its course clearly yeah pretty toxic if you're going back and forth breaking up getting back i mean it's you don't want that in your life and i i can i can see too i mean i can understand totally how he feels like it's she's probably the only one you know uh but i i guarantee if you if you're able to break it off and get some space and get some time you know
Starting point is 01:17:21 you'll see that there are other people out there who are more compatible with you that you can have a, you know, loving, peaceful relationship with. Sounds like there's a lot of anger in their relationship. Like there's vengeful behavior going back and forth and that it's hard to have any trust after that, in my opinion. And I think that's coming from, I think they both resent the other one because they know that they don't actually want to be in the relationship or that the other person's right for them so they're almost doing bad things as a way to get that energy out and then still stay in the relationship like her after the hooking up
Starting point is 01:17:54 with your buddy being like i really want you back and i want you in my life like to me that it probably feels genuine to her but it sounds like guilt a little bit and sometimes doing something wrong and then having guilt about it is a way to kind of stay in the in the relationship because you couldn't stay in it without it so i don't know i think it's yeah i'll just say later i'd say later and and i think this guy needs to um sorry be aware what happened i just feel bad that i said say later because it sounds so casual no but i i think he has to be aware of his behavior and the next time really think about what he's doing. Yeah, sending a dong pic to a hooker. Sounds exciting.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Is that considered a down payment? I mean, what is that? You think he was looking for a freebie? Dude, I had a friend I lived with. We weren't really friends. Yeah, you get an estimate off that. I had a guy I lived with in Costa Rica, this British dude who was a real horn dog. And he fell in love with a hooker.
Starting point is 01:18:51 And he kept going out with her. And I'd be like, are you paying her? And then he was like, it's not like that. But he wouldn't answer. And then one day he came back from seeing her. He's like, she left with another guy at the bar. I'm like, I don't think you can be mad, dude. It's kind of the gig.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Right, that's the gig. Yeah. god bless him yeah we miss him but then i thought a girl i webcammed with had a i thought we could potentially date but was not to be i like the idea that you get an estimate off of your dick pic though like yeah i can do that for 200 yeah Yeah. Can I get it? Yeah. What's up, boys? Longtime listener and fan of the pod coming with a bit of dilemma. My friends and I graduated from college a year ago and moved into an apartment together in Chicago. Before moving down here, one of my roommates started dating this girl. And when we moved, they decided to go long distance.
Starting point is 01:19:40 She moved out to New York. Seemed like a bad idea then, but we didn't really think it would last long fast forward to now and our good friend used to be a lot of fun and routinely skipping nights out but is now routinely skipping nights out to FaceTime his girlfriend and flies out to visit her once a month for a week at a time if he does come out with us he's texting her the whole time even though they talk 24 7 it seems like whenever we go out or have a good time with him she starts a fight with him and he has to stay home to talk to her the fights they have are really unusual for 23 year olds who've been dating less than a year, i.e. how they need to raise their kids or how close they will need to live to her parents.
Starting point is 01:20:09 The dilemma is that we are coming up on needing to sign a new lease in the next month or two and we think he is seriously considering moving to New York for her instead. She's made it clear she would never come to Chicago. All of his friends agree that he hasn't really been himself since he started dating her and we think it would be a mistake for him
Starting point is 01:20:23 to move away from his life here to be with a girl who we think has some possessive and manipulative tendencies do we let him go out and find out for himself or is it a big mistake if it's a big mistake or do we try and warn him even more to change his mind basically they're asking do we poke the small right that's it that's what it comes down to yeah yeah i think you broke him just cold it doesn't feel like he's a he it doesn't it doesn't sound like he's a uh valued member of the squad anymore right he's not focused on the squad he's all consumed yeah he's all consumed and so he's not holding up his uh his end of the bargain with the squad yeah i agree and and i think too if they should talk to him too about um you know her i i always sort of was like you know let people do what they do and and you know if you try to step on their toes it'll you know it'll just it'll never work out the way you
Starting point is 01:21:21 want it to you can't really tell people what to do but i you know in in in in past relationships i had some friends say things like i don't think it's right and then i but maybe i mean i was and i took that i was like oh thank you like i appreciate you saying that so i think they could say that too. Yeah. Well, I think that's great you did that. And I think that is the way to be. I always think you should trust your friends and family because they're looking out for you.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Yeah. But it doesn't sound like this guy is... You don't think he's reasonable? I don't think he's available to that kind of counsel. Right. Yeah. I think this dude sounds like he's dead set on seeing this through to what will probably be a fiery end.
Starting point is 01:22:09 But if they're talking about how they're going to raise their kids and how close they are to her family, it doesn't sound like he's committed to the squad much anyway. I've fought with a lot of GFs, so we didn't make it to that point. But we fought about that stuff. You did? Yeah. But we didn't make it. But we'd be five months into know but like we'd be like you know five
Starting point is 01:22:26 months into dating and i'd be like look i don't you know i was like super atheist at the time or something i was like i'm not raising my kids with faith you know i don't like it and then my girlfriend at the time would like cry and it was but but were you the small in your friend group no i think i was still pretty because well here's the thing i would do is that i would go to my friends and be like i'm a fucking moron and then they'd be like yeah you're dumb and then we could kind of move on right but but no i think most of them were pretty nice i mean i also was like my you know these were i was a late bloomer so maybe they were like i think they all got what i was going through like
Starting point is 01:22:59 i remember i called my buddy john and i was like i'm having relationship problems and you know i'd seen him dating people for like a decade before he saw me dating someone then he was like you're just a nutcase aren't you you're just like you're freaking out all the time i was like yeah so like they were kind of patient with me but yeah i mean this dude i don't know i mean it's tough when your friend's not where they were before and you know it's like they're not as fun to hang out with and they're kind of being a bummer but i don't know if there's really much you can do. Yeah, I feel like you could talk her off of this girl. The next girl would be the same.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Yeah, he's got some stuff he's got to figure out on his own, right? He's got to learn. Yeah, let the boking commence. Let the boking commence. But if Q purged sirens. But if he is such a beast that he can hear you, I mean, that's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:44 So it's worth it i don't know some people they just gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta you know he's young he's gotta make have those experiences and sure yeah and and some people do i don't know i've seen especially at that age i had buddies who like i saw them with their girlfriends at that time and i was like oh this is like not it. And then like, you know. They got married. They're married.
Starting point is 01:24:08 They have kids and they're like super, super happy. Really? Mm-hmm. As long as they can mature together through it and both kind of mature. Right. It can work. Do I apologize?
Starting point is 01:24:19 What up Chad and JT, Aaron and any other dank guests? I have a bit of a situation. A few years ago, I asked this girl out on a date. We knew a lot of the same people and would see each other around a lot. She went to college in a different state, but we made plans to get coffee when she came back for break. Long story short, we started texting a lot before she came back and then we went on an actual date.
Starting point is 01:24:35 We talked for a few hours and it seemed like things could go somewhere. However, anytime I tried to text her and set up another date, she always said she had something going on. I obviously took this hint that she wasn't feeling it. At the time, I took it hard because I was going through some depression shit and it felt like a hit to my personal and it felt like a hit to me personally i also didn't have much going on in my love life then love life then anytime i saw her after that i didn't really talk to her i don't think i was trying to ignore her but my ego had a hard time getting over being rejected i know it was super
Starting point is 01:24:58 immature of me and it made a lot of tension anytime we saw each other around she just graduated graduated from college and now i'm seeing her around all the time with COVID restrictions lifting. The tension is still there and I wish it wasn't. I have a really hard time saying sorry to people, but I'm working on being better at that. Should I just text her to try apologizing in person or should I just let it go since it was one date
Starting point is 01:25:16 and it was two years ago? Thanks for any help, Andrew. She's not thinking about this. One date two years ago? Honestly? Am I on an island here? No island no no i totally agree i mean he he put the answer there at the end i would just uh let it go yeah sorry dude one date two years ago i mean who remembers that yeah if he yeah if he apologizes now that's gonna she's like what are you talking about right and even if you're like a little you're not like making her life inconvenient or hard or anything you're just like a little salty
Starting point is 01:25:48 when you see her i mean yeah that's not ideal we'd all love to just you know not care about stuff like that but i think yours is contained enough where it's not something that you need to apologize about yeah if anything i think that's gonna spook her a little bit i think so too yeah yeah if you go up to her and you're like hey I'm sorry I've been acting weird to you because I'm still sad from two years ago she goes who are you she's gonna be like it's okay
Starting point is 01:26:11 and then you're gonna be like it's I think you're almost just trying to find a way to re-engage with her so that you can like hopefully maybe spark it up again but do we know each other right exactly yeah but that's not to say
Starting point is 01:26:24 she's not gonna regret it one day of course no she'll she missed out big time but two years ago you can't you can't apologize for um her not wanting to see you anymore no i went on a couple dates with a girl like i mean it was the myspace era that's how long ago it was but like every new year's eve she would send me like an apology for what for it not for her not giving me a chance or something and i was just like i've moved i've moved on what it's so weird yeah yeah it's a it's a i appreciate it's egocentric for sure yeah yeah yeah i'd say the solution is get busy with your own life get things going start you know get
Starting point is 01:27:07 how old is he he's like 23 24 um i don't know if he said i don't think he said yeah but i i you know get busy with what you're doing you know focus on that focus on yourself and and building your life now that's some good advice yeah that's good that everything will come yeah yeah for sure that's the key i think join a rec sports league i can't recommend it enough yeah i i want i i want to do softball maybe next year so fun i think i'm late um all right last question summer hair for maximizing stoke what up council i come to you today with a query regarding the lettuce april last i succumbed to the quarantine buzz and shaved my scalp since then i've been on a redemption arc of regrowth and come to you today with a lion's
Starting point is 01:27:50 mane just in time for summer my question is this what is the ideal length for a flow to be and what are your thoughts on mullets my hair isn't a good place but i'm curious about how to take it to the next fucking level thanks boys tons of wisdom on the pod looking forward to hearing from you good question i think i tap out on this i'm gonna you know it's not my area of expertise i don't really know much you know come on i mean i'm not he i like the you know you cut a nice nice image listen you're a good looking guy and you dress well you're very kind to say that but like did this guy send a photo like how long is his hair like how are we to come to the conclusion of what's long enough too long and the mullet thing i think is pretty well known that that's not a great way
Starting point is 01:28:36 to go it ought to be i think you're right depends on your facial structure depends on what kind of hair you have it depends on the season but to me the ideal hair besides chad's thanks and then paul's in the first fast and furious the ideal hair is brad pitt's and legends of the fall oh right yes what do you think of brad pitt in something else once upon time in hollywood but i like that more different different different different ideals but yeah it's like which brad pitt do you want to be that's the big question he needs to ask himself and brad pitt's hair and legend of the fall it's different in Legend of the Fall is different, equal length in Troy, but different.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Yeah. You know, his is a little more sun-kissed in Legends of the Fall. It feels like it's the kind of color you get from riding horses in Montana. Yeah. But I think that's the idea of length. So if you can pull that off, I'd go for it. Yeah. Not a lot of conditioner.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I totally agree. It's like, I'd look at all of uh brad pitt's filmography and choose you know do i want to be achilles do i want an achilles vibe do i want to fight club fight club was at the beginning of when he shaved his head right yeah that was fight club and then uh moneyball is a good one too because that's where he's like he's a little more buttoned up but he's still super hot he's got some flow but it works in the office yeah he's got like because and he's jack too in that one um but then legends of the fall i mean that's beautiful well that's ideal for i guess that's the male ideal right legends of the fall hair i think so yeah and then do we have
Starting point is 01:30:02 an opinion on mullets i i i just i just don't see that working for someone right now. But maybe, I don't know. I'm punching up here, but I got to say, I rewatched some of Theo Vaughn on Road Rules, and I missed his lettuce from that. I need to see his lettuce from Road Rules. It's pretty interesting, because he has a lot of his Theo Vaughn quality.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Really? But the people around him don't get it, so he's kind of like the outcast on his season he's kind of like the sad guy talking about a mullet i'm thinking joe dirt am i not thinking of this the right way no that's right yeah there are degrees of it for sure one of the funniest movies of all time yeah i think theo has a more refined kind of mullet okay like it's suitable for you know you can sort of for everyday life people see it they're like oh that guy's making a statement if they see like joe dirt mullet they're like something's off right something's loose right right yeah it also depends what you do for a living like can you can
Starting point is 01:30:59 you pull that off in a business setting a mullet with the suit i don't know there is something like uh strider grew out a jedi hair strap like one of those little ponytails that comes out it's just kind of like a rat tail yeah like a rat tail and uh but he was he was so swacked out he could pull it off right but but that was also he was in college would that work for him now maybe but it's a it's a high it's a tougher sell for sure that's a hard sell um the rat tail i haven't seen that in a long time i gotta say i think i think i'm against wait are you saying hayden christiansen's rat tail yeah yeah i'm i'm against the mullet i i have a big question what do you think of hayden christian sorry hayden christiansen's Sorry, Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin Skywalker.
Starting point is 01:31:50 It's hard for me to divorce my passion for the first three Star Wars and then the fact that there was another Star Wars. I was so jacked just to go back into that world. But it's interesting you bring that up because I was thinking like, where is Hayden? What happened to him? I mean, it wasn't a bad portrayal at all i mean it was it felt a little dare i say thin like a little thin right but it wasn't bad but like i don't think it was terribly well written that was the thing he had tough dialogue to deliver
Starting point is 01:32:19 he did and he had to play brooding but he wasn wasn't really given the other parts to make that work. When you think about it... But he did kind of suck. He kind of sucked. When you think about it, George Lucas has not directed that many movies. No. So is he a good actor's director? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:40 No. Not a good actor's director. He made a good choice with the hair. Sure. Wait, George Lucas didn't direct that movie, did he? Yeah, he did all the three prequels, yeah. He did? Yeah. All three.
Starting point is 01:32:54 For better or worse. And that was with what, like, probably 30 years in between. You're right, you're right. 30 years in between. He directed the original Star Wars, and then American Graffiti, and then his college movie. Yeah, exactly. exactly that's if and then those prequels because everything else he just produced and then jj directed the first one after those three yeah okay then ryan johnson there's people who say like that the first star wars was like rescued by
Starting point is 01:33:19 uh i know everyone gets help but a lot of people say it was rescued in the edit like that he kind of gave them like a mess. And then it was, this isn't a huge thing, but it was like De Palma's idea to put the scroll at the top of it. Like, cause no one understood the movie. And then Brian De Palma was like, yo, you just gotta like,
Starting point is 01:33:36 just write out what's happening. And then the audience will be able to make heads or tails of it. I think I did read that in a book. Yeah, Easy Riders and Raging Bulls. Yeah, that's right. That's where did read that in a book yeah easy riders and yeah it was that's right that's where i read that they did casting together too yeah it could have been william cat and uh coal miner's daughter what's her name sissy spacex oh she's such a good actress yeah but not right for princess leia yeah they did carrie and and star wars same time she's perfect
Starting point is 01:34:01 for carrie yeah yeah she's there's a heaviness to her that I don't know if it works in the Star Wars galaxy. Right. Yeah, I think Hayden's due for a comeback. Yeah, I think so, too. I believe in him. I love that. Dude, Life is a House? He plays like a sad prostitute drug addict?
Starting point is 01:34:19 Oh, really? I thought he was phenomenal. Really? Him and Kevin Kline. Interesting. Yeah, he was good in that stuff. I like that idea. You like it was good in that stuff i like that idea you like it bringing him back i like that i think he i think he got a little bit screwed because of the rights and i think he you know he got dealt sort of a you know i mean he got
Starting point is 01:34:37 an amazing role but uh what about him and ahmed best who Jar Jar? Yeah. Bloody cop movie. Yeah, they're unfairly maligned. If they come back. Jar Jar 2? The guy voiced him maybe. I love it. I support him. You're the only guy here, dude.
Starting point is 01:34:56 You've got to do this. I never want to see Jar Jar again in my life. No, not Jar Jar, but the actor. But the actor. Not the character, obviously. Have you seen that with actors? I guess that's like Travolta and pulp fiction a little bit is like after they've hit their zenith and then they come back down to they crash land land back on earth but then sometimes
Starting point is 01:35:12 it seems like they come out of that like humbled in a way that helps their acting uh yeah for sure i mean you know that's a great career i mean yeah that's we're rooting for that guy yeah you're rooting for that guy i mean when's the last time you guys watched saturday night fever uh like three years ago four years ago yeah i don't know john travolta's acting in that he should have it's unbelievable i think he was nominated he should have won it's unbelievable how good he was the charisma all of it the whole sadness i yeah i just watched a sad movie movie. So depressing. But people don't remember it that way because it's got... Magic Mike's a little bit like that, too. People just remember the dancing that you watch.
Starting point is 01:35:49 It's kind of a bummer. Yeah. But Travolta, you've got to go back. It's worth it just to watch what he did with that role. It's incredible. And he was on... It's a little problematic, that movie, though. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:59 Oh. But it seems like it's aware of its problem. Like, it's judging the characters for it. It's not reveling in it at all. It's sad. Yeah. Yeah. But're judging the characters for it it's not like it's not reveling in it at all it's it's sad yeah yeah yeah but uh i haven't not seen in a while i don't want to get to the opening of that movie it creates more so much energy it's so good and it's all about that music that music was do you know if a movie how soon into a movie do you know if it's going to be good or not can you tell tell from the first frame? No. No?
Starting point is 01:36:25 No. I think, yeah, there's a, like Martin Amis' dad, he was an English writer, I think his name was Kingsley Amis or something. He said he'd read the first sentence of the book and he'd be like, trash. And then he'd throw Catcher in the Rye across the, I don't like that book either.
Starting point is 01:36:40 I wish I could. I'd have a lot more time on my hands if I could discern it that quickly. Wow, that'd be great. To go home to that. home what about with the script can you tell right away with the script well no i i read a script last weekend i'm reading the first 30 pages i am so psyched i'm like this is tense phenomenal and by page 50 i just put it down so you know sometimes that can happen like the idea just doesn't hold on it's a shame when it happens for sure what are our screenwriters or what are they like because i just read get shorty and they're kind of treated
Starting point is 01:37:11 like the lowest class citizen that's not true of the filmmaking hierarchy at least of like the above the line people yeah no i don't think that's true i think there is a tremendous amount of respect i mean if you're giving actors great words to say, everyone loves you. It might have been different. That movie felt like an exaggeration of... They were really turning it up. Yeah. And it was written by a writer who maybe felt like...
Starting point is 01:37:36 Yeah, maligned. Because in the beginning, you don't have the same power or the same ability to get things done the way you do after you've sold some things and made profitable things. It's the same thing we talked about with the director or even an actor. Do you guys want to do Beef Babes and Legends? Let's do it. Chad, who is your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is with Kim Jong-un. I don't know if you guys heard, but he banned mullets and skinny jeans.
Starting point is 01:38:05 Is that true? Yeah. Wow. Oh, well, now I'm pro-mullet now that I know it's illegal. Right. Yeah, and I'm, you know. Theo Vaughn's pretty strong on that grotto there. Yeah, I'm just going to say, you know, he crossed the line.
Starting point is 01:38:18 He crossed the line. He finally went too far for you? Yeah. It's interesting to me that that made it on his radar. Yeah, and what's his beef? Right. It's interesting to me that that made it on his radar. Yeah. And what's his beef? Right. What's the problem?
Starting point is 01:38:28 What's the problem? Is it because he doesn't look good in skinny jeans? Maybe. And we had talked about it, and you were like, dude, I'm not. I was like, what do you think about him? You're like, I'm not cast in judgment yet. Right. It's still TBD.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. But when they go for my fashion choices, that felt personal to me. To explicitly say no skinny jeans, and that's something I cherish. And I want the opportunity to have. And I want that for the people of North Korea, too. Right. Yeah. Well, you made a video of you in really skinny jeans right saying
Starting point is 01:39:05 like hey i'm here and we hear you and i see you for and i'll be walking around in these for kim yeah i sent it to the people of north korea so that they can know that we were thinking about that yeah i i sent it through you know a uh a sort of blacklist or you know through the dark web uh carrier um so we'll see um maybe it'll make a difference but i was pretty passionate it was good lighting and uh jt was coaching me on it so that's cool yeah and uh you know i think i really delivered a lot of passion and i think you know and i did in korean oh wow yeah wow that's super impressive yeah and i didn't touch on taiwan at all good that would yeah yeah it hurt the financial viability if that video ever gets monetized yeah totally totally you're losing out on about a third yeah so that's
Starting point is 01:39:56 my beef just great beef brad what's your beef i don't think you guys are gonna like this or appreciate it but my beef is with my dong in my bladder we're not going to appreciate that well i don't think you're talking to the dong problem i know but but here's the thing every single night at 2 13 i wake up to have to go to pee and it's ruining my sleep my aura ring is telling me that i'm not having good night's sleep apple watch is telling me and i don't know why i have to battle with myself right right it should just should just be able to sleep through the night every night at 2 13 is if they're looking at the watch the dong and the bladder looking at the watch right and and and then i have to serve them yeah so that's my what do you i, that's my beef. That really is. It's a great beef.
Starting point is 01:40:46 I totally relate to that. I mean, I have a small bladder. Strider and I both, actually. He and I bond over how much we have to pee. Yeah. And when I'm going to bed, I have to, you know, if I have like, I'll have like a little thing of water with like a little supplement to sleep. I'll go to the bathroom probably like
Starting point is 01:41:06 three times just because i'm like i need to get it all right so i don't wake up in the middle of night it's so frustrating and i'm only 30 now and i'm like right am i in for a world of just like bladdered hurt you're looking at me right now and the answer is a resounding yes yeah yeah yes my brother my brother too he's he he told me he's like it only gets worse i'm like it only gets worse it's so bad you know how this is a weird thing that i do and not made it it's weird but it works as i tape my mouth shut so i'm only doing nasal breathing and that you're still doing that yeah the consistency and that phenomenal and that uh when you do when you only breathe through your nose at night, that I read this book called
Starting point is 01:41:49 like from James Nestor about breathing. That helps you to now I don't have to wake up in the middle of night to pee. Are you serious? Mm-hmm. This could be the most important thing that's happened this month. I'll text you the book. Please. James Nestor.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Just so you know, it's like a legit technique. Because everyone I tell it to, they're like, that's insane. Why would you do that? But my brother and I both do it. And it's like our sleep is so much better. I wake up feeling rested, even if I only get like six hours. And now I wake up at like 5.30 to pee. I would love that.
Starting point is 01:42:22 So what kind of tape do you use? It's like a medical tape it's very uh you know non-abrasive um yeah i can send you a photo i want to see that i'm gonna do that the next time i come on we're gonna talk about it yeah i it it's weird and people are gonna you know but it's it really works and it it has changed my sleeping for sure i mean it's conceivable that when i see you next that the the babe of the week will be that tape and that book yeah god willing that would be amazing i hope it fixes it for you thank you chad i appreciate that yeah really thank you hell yeah that's nice i'm excited for you to try it i'm going to try it my uh my beef of the
Starting point is 01:43:03 week is with uh a little incident that happened on sunday i was in huntington beach with the lady i've been seeing and we went for a nice walk on the uh on the on the sand at night and then there's just a lot of people there huge collection of people huge group of people mostly young they look like high school kids and there's kind of a rowdiness going around like you know once it says walk on the on this on the the street people are just barreling across and it's starting to get like uh i don't know like the huntington beach just won like the nfl uh super they just won the super bowl and uh so i see a group of cops there and i go up to them like what's going on they're like oh just a lot of kids with energy to burn off and then the cops just peel off and start running
Starting point is 01:43:42 come around the corner and kids are just beating the shit out of the cop car and then i'm like whoa i gotta i gotta see what's going on yeah so i start talking to people and i guess what happened is is this kid adrian put up a tiktok saying that he was gonna have a party in huntington beach like at the pier and it ended up going viral it got 400 000 likes there was kids there from oregon from like arizona i was like interviewing kids trying i was like no one knew adrian oregon from like arizona i was like interviewing kids trying i was like no one knew adrian yeah i asked like 20 different kids i'm like do you know adrian they're like uh yeah i think he's in my buddy's chem class at like the school down the street but no i don't know him personally and the kids were just raging they were lighting off fireworks they
Starting point is 01:44:18 were climbing light towers um you were hearing rumors they're like oh the cops are shooting rubber bullets someone just got stabbed. And I was loving it. Yeah. We almost got stampeded. I had to get me and the lady out of the way before these marauding teens go by. But at one point, I almost pushed it too far. We were walking back.
Starting point is 01:44:33 We were like, all right, we got enough of this. We got to get out of here. We got to stay safe. So we started walking back to the hotel we were staying at. And these two kids just come running down, just barreling down. I go, hey, dudes, you got to slow down. And this little blonde punk,
Starting point is 01:44:45 who's like 110 pounds soaking wet, with more menace in his face and i've ever seen turns when she goes fuck you bitch and then i was like oh and i was like i'm sorry man and he was like and he's kept staring me down dude the palpable fear i had in my body i was like i was like i turned to the girls i was like hey i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that i was like let keep moving. So my beef is with me thinking I can hang with these kids. I mean, you looked into this kid's eyes. He was ready to go all the way with me. He was ready to take it to the end. And I was like, I'm not there, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:14 Yeah. I was like, you know, I got. Did you get him on camera? Not that kid. No. I got a bunch of other kids on camera. Most of them didn't. Most of the kids were really smart.
Starting point is 01:45:21 I was like, yo, can I film you talking about this? They're like, no, I don't want to do that. I was like, yeah, you're smart. You don't want to like say that you here, and it's kind of a scene. But I got one really sweet guy on camera who was just really nice about it. And actually, at the end, he said he wanted to go because he thought it'd be romantic for him and his lady to see all the fireworks. And he was genuine. He was really sweet.
Starting point is 01:45:38 But it was crazy. It was a really crazy scene. And then they ended up having to call in curfew. These kids were really letting it rip. It looked insane on your your story this is how the purge is going to start for real it's not going to be the government saying go for it it's going to be a kid on tiktok probably true meeting at this intersection it felt purgy it had that energy did what's that movie from the 80s with matt dylan where he's like it's about high school kids and they're kind of like wayward red dawn not that one it's like uh and in the end all the parents go to a, they go to like a PTA meeting and
Starting point is 01:46:09 the kids lock them in the building and they kind of riot outside. God, I know what you're talking about. It really stuck out of my head when I was a kid. I don't know that movie. It had that vibe though. It had like the kids are in charge now and they got a lot of energy and anger towards hypocrisy. But it was also nice they had the the
Starting point is 01:46:26 the glad flag was high in the air so i was like all right at least it's people from every you know right what's that stand for yeah like for the gay lesbian oh yeah uh it was you could uh as actual i don't know if they're covered in there maybe though but it was like uh you could feel that uh it was nice that it was people of every stripe beating the shit out of that cop car. Cool. Is it Over the Edge? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:57 Yeah, it's 1979. Good call. Oh, it's way old. That's a really good movie. A group of bored teenagers rebel against authority in the community of new granada after death of one of their own well i saw the 2121 version it was adrian's kickback oh that was the best part too it was described everyone kept calling it a kickback
Starting point is 01:47:12 yeah some of the i saw some of the footage of the fireworks going off that was insane it was really intense like a lot of people around and they were just moving in like uh zombie waves like it'd just be like 500 people. Yeah. And yeah, I felt like I was, I sent all of my videos to Vice as an audition tape. That's cool. I'm ready to get in the field. Send me to wherever cannibals are. Nice.
Starting point is 01:47:36 There's a lot of weird like group activities like that. Like the people who watch people do donuts, like in just kind of flash mob intersection. Oh, interesting. It happens in the Valley all the time it's very strange the ability of people to quickly organize it's uh exciting and terrifying chad what's your baby of the week uh my baby of the week is my brother my brother was in town last week and we uh we had a good time uh i i saw him over the holidays but you know during covet i haven't seen much of my family so it was nice that we got to spend some time together we uh first night he came we ate steak we did an ice bath we played gta next day we went to disneyland it was awesome um we got churros we did space mountain splash mountain all the star wars stuff
Starting point is 01:48:27 uh some california what's up the new ride no i couldn't get on the new ride because like i didn't realize that you need to get in like the queue online like the night before and i i wasn't aware of that system so it sucks couldn't see that but we did do millennium falcon and with the COVID restrictions you are and the ride by yourself, which is cool. That's cool. And we had a good time. And then he came to the show, which was great. He hung out with JT, Strider, Joe.
Starting point is 01:48:53 And Joe was like, you look like Chad. And he's like, yeah, I'm his brother. He's like, oh, hey. Yeah. That was a good show, too. You crushed. It was a fun show. Strider crushed, Joe crushed. Everyone crushed everyone crushed too everyone crushed um joe really crushed he had a great he came out he
Starting point is 01:49:11 came out with some heat um and uh but yeah it was just great to see him he's he's the best so uh and yeah i love you mark that's nice that's nice yeah i really like that we had a good time oh he has a daughter too by the way he because he's such like a he's more kind of like really kind of masculine you know and just kind of like emotionally a little bit harder than i he's jacked yeah he's jacked i'll be like how are you doing he's like good you know that kind of like he's very kind of stoic i guess you could say but he has a daughter and he's just like crazy about his daughter so when he when you see him look at photos of his daughter or whatever it's just like the the look of joy on his face is just it's so cool to see he just like starts giggling
Starting point is 01:49:56 that's nice that's how old's the daughter too wow yeah dude i could cry right now thinking about my daughter right yeah so awesome what do I have to say to get you to cry? Brad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Advil PM. Nice. I mean, as we've discussed, it's been a challenging week and hard to fall asleep. And Advil PM is always there for me in a very gentle way, and it rocks me to sleep.
Starting point is 01:50:26 And despite the 2.13 awake, I go right back to sleep if I've taken Advil PM. It just feels like it's always there for me. That's nice. Don't abuse it. Don't take it more than a couple nights in a row. But on that occasion where you really need a good night's sleep, it's solid.
Starting point is 01:50:43 Yeah. I love that stuff. My babe of the week is mango. Is what? Is your phone causing that noise? Oh, is that my phone that's doing that? I think so. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:50:56 Yeah, because I just wanted to check if mangoes were in season because they have been bomb lately. Really? I've just been having some tasty mango. I grew up on mango. You had some before the show. I ate a full box of it. Yeah. It's already sliced. Yeah. You can tell when you see it in the, in the clear container too, if it's good mango, cause it's a little deeper of a yellow and it looks like it's kind of softened at the edges. You don't want that mango with those like,
Starting point is 01:51:18 you know, hard, like Tetris kind of cube ends. You know, you want it to be that soft kind of melted mango. Yeah. And that's what they've been serving up lately at the grocery store and i'm just i know i love it i think it's the best fruit in the world yeah i grew up on it my mom always had a lot of it at the house you know it's also fun when you just peel it and you just bite straight into that guy you get the juices everywhere nice it's uh yeah it's it's my favorite fruit hell yeah chad who's your legend of the week um my legend of the week uh is movie theaters uh fitting for this episode yeah uh yeah i just i'm going to the movies i'm gonna keep going to the movies we're seeing a quiet place too tomorrow very stoked uh and uh it's just i don't know you know the whole covid year i was kind of
Starting point is 01:52:10 like you know everyone was kind of isolated i was alone in my apartment but i'm i'm i don't mind being alone so i was kind of like yeah i'm good i'm you know i'm i'm fine like i'm i'm cruising it's all good but then i started doing things that you know just going to comedy shows But then I started doing things that, you know, just going to comedy shows, hanging out with comics. That's been huge. And then going to the movies. And it was just like, you know, you don't really realize how much you really miss something until you get to experience it again. Like, I just wasn't even thinking about it.
Starting point is 01:52:42 And then, you know, you go to the movies and it's just like, it's unreal. So, yeah, it's just good to be back. Going to the movies is it's just like it's unreal so um yeah it's just good to be back at go to the movies is one of my favorite activities so yeah it's my babe nice dude yeah get out to the theaters this weekend guys totally every weekend after please yeah you won't regret it can i can i call you on friday like as the as the receipts are rolling in absolutely all right i'm calling you every day because this is like let's do it together this is the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me let's go i'm ready i am so ready i need the help i've never been this close to a big movie dropping call me all the time i'm always available you know that real quick have you had a movie that performed well under expectations
Starting point is 01:53:22 they performed what like under expectations of course how do you get to the other side of that it's part it's the business it's just what it is you just roll and luckily the first two were good so i had a little bit of i had a little bit of optimism in the bank yeah and so when a couple of them after that didn't work i knew that there were going to be ups and downs i always said to to ally you know that's you're getting on a roller coaster ride this is what our life is going to be and so is that first w that's pretty pivotal huh well yeah the first one to get the first one to be a success so you kind of feel like dude it's a positive business because otherwise yeah it's hard to when you taste that it's hard to you know you want it
Starting point is 01:54:07 so badly again and then you also when you don't have it maybe even work harder to get back to it right yeah who's your legend of the week well i'm gonna draft on what chad said kind of but i i and it sounds bullshitty but it's really. I think it was a very courageous thing for Paramount Pictures to, a long time ago, I said 10, 11, 12 weeks ago, decide to let this movie come out theatrically. I know they were offered other ways to release the movie, and they hung true. And in our business, there was so much unknown.
Starting point is 01:54:43 You just kind of jumped off the cliff and hoped that things would open up. And, you know, this is not an inexpensive movie. And they put a lot of money towards marketing. And to take that risk, they have to be my legend of the week. Just all the, you know, particularly the marketing staff at Paramount. But from the chairman of the board, Jim Giannopoulos, all the way down. They picked a date, and here we are. And hopefully when you call me on Friday, I'm in a really excited mood.
Starting point is 01:55:13 I got a good feeling on it. Thanks. Me too. My legend of the week is Cole. Cole was a young dude who worked at the hotel I was staying at, and I ran into him the day after Adrian's kickback. And we struck up a conversation he was like a fan and stuff super nice guy and uh i was like dude were you at adrian's kickback
Starting point is 01:55:30 yesterday he's like and you know i'm not judging anyone who went to it it was exciting i wanted to be there but i have respect for this dude because i was like hey were you there and he's like no dude i couldn't participate in that dude he's like you know i'm trying to be on my thing i'm trying to be responsible and uh you know i got these things i got to take care of and i was like you're a beast, dude. Yeah. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Nice call. It takes a lot of power not to go to that. How old is Cole? He was probably like 19. And he had that already that mindset that he's going to win. He was so mature. Good for Cole. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:57 Cause I'm 33 and I was like dragging the girl I was with. I was like, we got to get in there. I ran into Cole the next day. He's like, no, dude, it didn't feel right for me.
Starting point is 01:56:06 And I was like, God damn, dude. Thanks for the lesson. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week, I've been on an American Pie Bender of quotes.
Starting point is 01:56:15 So, this one comes from American Pie 2. One of the, you know, first scenes of the movie at Stifler's house party. Stifler, you know,
Starting point is 01:56:24 thinks he's getting a champagne shower and someone actually pees on his head. And he emerges and he goes, I got peed on. Nice. He owned it. He owned it, yeah. Ooh, I can taste the bubbles. What's your quote of the week? Well, JT, my quote of the week is something that you said, which is, work that ass.
Starting point is 01:56:55 That made me laugh so hard when you were talking about getting massaged at 11 years old and you're telling some masseuse to work your ass. I thought that was really very funny. So I'm going with that. That's the quote, right? Work that ass. Yeah, my parents raised me to be bold. Well, that was bold. Yeah, I laughed my ass off.
Starting point is 01:57:15 That was good. My quote of the week, I think it's maybe it's in my top I'd say, and this movie has a couple scenes like this, but it's probably my top 20 scenes I'd say, and this movie has a couple of scenes like this, but it's probably my top 20 scenes of all time. It's a Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta and good fellas. It's early in the film.
Starting point is 01:57:33 And Joe Pesci tells a funny story about effing with the cops when they are interrogating him. And then Ray Liotta goes, you're funny. And then Joe Pesci, who's like a mad murderer in the movie, like crazy mob guy takes offense. And he's like, funny, how? Like, what do you mean funny? He's like, I don't know. You're funnyci who's like a mad murderer in the movie like crazy mob guy takes offense and he's like funny how like what do you mean funny he's like I don't know you're funny he's like
Starting point is 01:57:49 what do you mean like I amuse you like I'm a clown like how am I funny and then the other guys who are there get uncomfortable and they try to step in to protect Ray Liotta's character and they're like they're like he's just talking he's like hey he's a grown man he can explain it how am I funny? Funny how? And then Ray Liotta takes a beat. He just goes, get the fuck out of here. And then Joe Pesci just dies laughing. He's been fucking with him the whole time.
Starting point is 01:58:15 And I know it's so real, but it's so fun. The way the scene starts with the funny and then gets tense and then goes back to the funny. It's just, I don't know. I don't know why it's so great, but there's just something in it that's like. It is so great. That scene, scene you gotta pull up that scene tonight it's such a great scene and their outfits he's got the weird suit with like the uh the collar that covers the whole time i don't know it's just all perfect and i guess that was born out of improvisation it was like something that joe pesci had seen in his life told martin scorsese about martin scorsese was
Starting point is 01:58:43 like all right we got to put that in the movie. And then they just worked it out. And it's like, I know it just adds so much life to it. And then the other scene from that movie would be when they're cooking dinner in prison. Right. And he's slicing the, the garlic.
Starting point is 01:58:55 All right. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? My phrase of the week for getting after it is, um, I'm going to wear a fedora nice dude are you?
Starting point is 01:59:12 tonight yeah dude that's cool just hanging at home solo? yeah just around the house? yeah I'm doing the open mic
Starting point is 01:59:21 I'm gonna do I'm gonna wear it at the open mic that's a good move you doing flashback? the Hollywood have going to wear it at the open mic. That's a good move. You doing a flashback? The Hollywood. Have you heard of it? No. It's on Melrose.
Starting point is 01:59:29 Oh, okay. I had no idea it existed. Same setup style as the other ones? Yep. Sign-up style? Yep. Brad, what's your phrase that we're going to after it? Well, we're going into Memorial Day, so I was thinking, let's smoke the meat.
Starting point is 01:59:43 Nice. That's a good one. Thank you. Let's smoke the meat nice that's a good one thank you yeah my phrase of the week is from this book i'm reading called the argonauts um and uh she says in it artistry trumps mastery that fired me up that's cool cool. I think it's true. All right, dude. Brad, thanks for coming in before the big weekend. Guys, I love being here.
Starting point is 02:00:12 Aaron, thank you for all you do. Chad, JT, this is the best. I don't do any other podcasts. We appreciate it. It's an exclusive. I love this, and you guys know I love the Stern Show. And he said schmole on the wrap up show for us I heard it
Starting point is 02:00:28 I wish I could have done more but whatever no that was a beautiful thing to drop in there thank you thank you but I love being here every time guys thanks for having me back it's great to see you Stokers go watch Quiet Place 2 this weekend you gotta go see it or I guess when does this come out
Starting point is 02:00:44 I'm gonna try and put it out early next week, like Monday, so that we can kind of hopefully capitalize a little bit. Go see Quiet Place 2 now. Right now. We'll post about it. More people will see the post. Yeah, probably too. Nice. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 02:00:59 No, we're fired up on it. Me too. Thanks for the fruit smash. What'd you think? Delightful. And refreshing. Thanks for the fruit smash. What'd you think? Delightful. And refreshing. They're good guys. Yeah. Cool. I liked it.
Starting point is 02:01:10 Let's smash. All right. All right. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. Thank you, guys. These guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go when you need someone
Starting point is 02:01:27 to guide you just to have the girls beside you go see go see let's go see go see
Starting point is 02:01:44 the chat in day two Let's go deep I'm going deep Trying to take deep you

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