Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 192- Joe Marrese Joins

Episode Date: June 23, 2021

Big Hog Joe is on this week bringing the lumber on beefs, babes, and the bears. Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​​​ Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% Off and... Free Shipping with the code GODEEP20 at Manscaped.com. If you wanna trim your pubes during a contagion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are brought to you by Helix Beer Bongs, the best in the biz. Guys, summer is here. It's time to guzzle froth, and the best way to get it into your gullet seamlessly with good flow and awesome funnel technology is with Helix. So go to ShopCGD.com to get your helix beer bong today we're also of course brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pube for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dongs are looking fresh and clean summer's coming are you ready to unwail your beach bod you're in luck our friends at manscape just launched their fourth generation performance package which includes a lawnmower 4.0. You heard that right, the 4.0.
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Starting point is 00:01:08 What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast I'm here with my compadre Jean-Thomas What up? Boom clap Stokers And we are here with the star of the new podcast
Starting point is 00:01:24 Joe Code Give it up for Joe Morisi Thank you guys so much And we are here with the star of the new podcast, Joe Code. Give it up for Joe Morisi. Thank you guys so much. And thanks for having me on. Of course. Thanks for everything. Of course.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And of course, we got Aaron in here. What up? On mic, ready to roll. Chad, you're dying? Apparently. You went to the doctor's today? Tell us about it. I'm fucking, I'm pissed'm pissed dude i'm so upset these moron dickhead bullshit doctors i'm talking to you dr i don't even know
Starting point is 00:01:53 your last name you fucking piece of shit get stoked on this guys the medical community needs a little bit of a reset resizing okay so i got physical last september and uh i got blood tests and they're like he's like your iron levels are very low and i'm like i eat steak all the time what are you talking about and he's like oh well you should take another test and i was like all right i go in to take another test and then i'm like so how are my iron levels and he's like yeah they're still low and i'm like what's the number and he's like i don't know like 50 or whatever it was it's a pretty big number yeah whatever it was and i'm like that's the same number as last time he's like oh this is the old test and i'm like dude like fuck you and so then today i i got a physical last week, just routine tests.
Starting point is 00:02:46 And they call me today. They're like, your liver enzymes are really high. I'm like, what does that mean? He's like, either you had a big weekend drinking or you have fatty liver or you have hepatitis or liver cancer. And I'm like, I've been sober for seven months you fucking assholes what the fuck are you talking and hepatitis i don't i don't think i have hepatitis no i don't think so maybe i have liver cancer if you know 31 years i mean i'm 30 right now but i assume i'd probably live till at least 31 for sure at least you know i i think it's it's
Starting point is 00:03:22 been a good run but i'm just so and then so then, so they, like, they tell you this shit. You know, they're like, yeah, you might be dying. We can see you at the end of the week. It's Monday where we're recording right now. They're like, we can see you on Thursday. And I'm like. Yeah, they're busy. Yeah, busy, you know.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Yeah, they're not busy. Yeah, they're not busy, Joe. It's hard to get an appointment. You gotta. how would you feel yeah i'd be very nervous i mean i drink a lot and my liver's fine so yeah dude i think it's i think it's a i think you're i don't drink a lot i'm so confident that you're healthy i think uh you drink a lot i think uh i think you're eating too much i mean too much liver I think you're eating too much beef liver. I'm eating too much liver? I think you're eating too much liver and it's liver overload. My liver's expanding.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah. Yeah, maybe. When did you take the blood test? Last Tuesday. Like first thing in the morning? Had you had breakfast? No, it was... I believe it was around like 1 or 1.30.
Starting point is 00:04:23 That can mess things up. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Some tests you need to be fasting for. Oh, right. I didn't fast. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Interesting. Oh, you didn't fast? Yeah, you have to fast. Oh, I forgot about that. Maybe that's it. Did you mention it to the doc? Well, they never... I just...
Starting point is 00:04:41 It totally... What did you eat that morning? Slipped my mind. Did you have steak that morning? It was at 3.30. Oh, dude. Yeah yeah i didn't fast yeah that's yeah you have to fast like eight hours before you're golden maybe they never told me to do that shit no dr david fuck you uh sorry i hope you're healthy and well yeah but yeah i don't dude he's a he's such a cock sorry i hope you're healthy and well yeah but yeah but fuck you i don't dude he's a he's such a cock sorry i feel like i'm way off well yeah call them tomorrow mention the non-fasting you're
Starting point is 00:05:11 fired up i feel like i'm way off brand with starting this podcast i'm not stoked right now but i'm pissed because like yeah they because i was telling him you know he's just snobby you know that's how doctors are sometimes yeah Yeah, he's snobby. He's like, I don't know. I'm like, yeah, I got this whoop thing. I'm trying to figure out how much sleep I need. I was like, do you know how much REM and deep sleep you need? And he's like, no, but it sounds like you do.
Starting point is 00:05:42 And I'm like, no, I'm asking you a question, you fucking slapdick. I've come close to coming to blows with a couple of docs. My dad's after he gave me a procedure he walked in and it's like a really dangerous procedure and he walked into the room and was just like and like seven of us are just sitting there to see if my dad's like you know okay and then the guy just like looks at his phone he's like oh uh he's fine and i was like you piece of shit dude stretching that moment out i was like you want to and he's like yeah i'm going golfing tomorrow or something i was like have fun in your backswing with a freaking broken arm bitch yeah i'm about to arm bar you dog yeah yeah they teach you this at john's hopskins or whatever yeah i was like you're about to get snapped i
Starting point is 00:06:22 don't think they teach and then my psychiatrist same thing i'll ask him he's like he's like you know cerakul seems to be going well i'm like yeah i'm still kind of anxious he's like maybe we'll add in lamictal i'm like will that help he's like we really don't know yeah i'm like he went to harvard to really not know yeah we're only we're only talking about my brain here dude yeah yeah no yeah let's just roll the dice with my brain i know dude there's i think they have to be that way right they have to be aloof to handle all the uh the death that they see yeah or they're just i wouldn't be like that though you can't they can't say for certain my buddy tom hall's not like that but dr hall yeah he's a legend because if you're taking different medications
Starting point is 00:06:59 they don't know how it's going to affect people differently so they can't give you a definitive yeah it'll make you feel better. Joe, you're being logical, but we're speaking to the emotional side of it. I mean, I take medication and it does nothing, so. No, your medication helps. No, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:07:13 It's a placebo. What do you take medication for? You don't think it helps? Yeah, it doesn't help at all. You have to say. My medicine helps me. I haven't been in a fight since I got on it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I haven't masturbated while doing 90 on the freeway since I got on it. Those were not infrequent. I'm still doing that a lot. Are you sure you want to lose that side of yourself i wonder about it sometimes but i still think i got the bull in me i've just tamed it a little bit so now i can deploy it when i need to not when it wants to well here's a big cue did you come when i was driving yeah yeah busted in a gym shirt why were you weaving in and out of cars it's all kind of a blur now but yeah sometimes
Starting point is 00:07:47 well is that jt and you're just fucking cranking it was mostly at night um okay okay but not the healthiest behavior did you see the movie the chase too early as a child is that the charlie sheen one where he has sex with christy swanson while they're driving yeah oh that sounds good yeah i've seen it i'd like to see that it's a good movie and actually i don't remember watching it i fell asleep during it in the next morning my brother explained it to me and he goes yeah him and christy swanson had sex while they're driving from the bow i was like that's a sweet movie you watched man i'm bummed i missed it yeah charlie sheen too what a guy you know he's like back he's back in our speaking of people who have i think he's probably got hep c he um he's got hiv but he's like back. He's back in our good grace. Speaking of people who have, I think he's probably got Hep C.
Starting point is 00:08:25 He's HIV. He's got HIV. But he's like back to being everyone loves him again. Yeah. Yeah. He's a resilient one. He's a resilient guy. He stays in the pocket.
Starting point is 00:08:36 He stays strong. He sticks to who he is. Yeah. Christy Swanson's super alt-right. Oh, really? Who's that? The girl from the movie. The original Buffy the Vampire. Oh, really? Who's that? The girl from the movie. The original Buffy the Vampire.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Oh, really? Oh, yeah. She was in the movie, yeah. Were you guys around when that plane flew overhead that said Joe Rogan is literally 5'3"? I didn't see it. I didn't see it in person. I saw it on everyone in L.A.'s Instagram. So he got height shamed?
Starting point is 00:09:00 Is that how people are going after him? That seems like kind of a... They're trying every which way. Joe's not 5'3". I've stood next to him and hugged him. He's got huge hands. He's like 5'5". He's got huge hands.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Which isn't huge either, but he's not. He's like 5'5"? Yeah. Is he really? I think so, yeah. Interesting. 5'6". Because I'm like 5'9".
Starting point is 00:09:21 I'm a little... I don't know. He's probably 5'6", 5'7", at the tallest. Right. But he's not a short- They're just trying every which way they can to kind of undermine him. They're really trying to get him. But I think they just make him stronger with all that stuff
Starting point is 00:09:36 because it just shows how much people care to take him down. Right. I mean, yeah, they really are trying to get him. But first of all, very lackluster roast. He's 5'3". Yeah, it's an easy way to go after him. Yeah. I mean, it would have been way funnier if they were like,
Starting point is 00:09:54 Joe Rogan is a dumbass. That's funnier. That would have been hilarious. But, yeah, I don't appreciate the body shaming. Yeah, I'm trying to think how I would go. I just like Joe Rogan too much. I would have just been like, Joe Rogan's the man. Would have been mine.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Even though I understand why people get upset with him, but I don't know. I thought it was kind of a, if everyone's trying to stop X, bet on X. That's what they said about Richard Nixon and later Donald Trump. Totally. Or that's what Richard Nixon said.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Do you think seeing that in the sky would make you want to stop listening to the joe rogan experience you're like well he's five three i can't trust a word this guy says yeah that's it made me want to listen to him more yeah danny devito's 411 like love that dude beast yeah i watched one of his movies last night other people People's Money. Twins. That was just on. Bizarre ending. Yeah. Yeah, that was crazy. Dude, also, people have been talking about this. This Christian Erikson guy, he's a soccer player, Christian Erikson,
Starting point is 00:10:53 and he kind of fell down on the pitch during a game due to cardiac arrest. Yeah. And it's just really scary. But people were kind of wondering, is it ethical for the cameras to keep rolling when something like that happens like when the family's freaking out and you know we're not sure if the guy's gonna die or not like should we go to commercial or something like that or you know go to some kind of screensaver but i almost think you just keep filming i know that's kind of like a weird perspective but something about that feels right to me really yeah like
Starting point is 00:11:24 we should see it. Because I was thinking about it. I was like, how can you justify that? And I was reading that book, My Struggle by that writer, Carl von Narsgaard. There's a popular novelist who wrote like eight versions of it himself. But he basically said how weird it is
Starting point is 00:11:41 that we always cover dead bodies and that we like always move dead bodies away. What if we just left dead bodies out? It's such a real part of life. I think we should almost normalize that a little bit, where it's like this stuff does happen. And the fact that we all go, ah, turn away. And I know it's for the privacy of the family and stuff,
Starting point is 00:11:57 but I do think that maybe we should all just be looking at it and be like, that happens. That's life. That's what they say in India. Death is all around you. So it's sort of normalized. And it's like people accept it as a part of life. It's not so, like we, in our culture, whenever death happens,
Starting point is 00:12:15 yeah, we just shut it away. Yeah, we're like, hide it, hide it. Don't let anybody see the death. Yeah, I do think we should have a better relationship with death. But yeah, in terms of keeping the cameras rolling and then the soccer broadcast you know they're so good at talking he could like he was running with splenda in the next moment he was down in the grass considering all that he had done in his life and whether it amounted to enough i suppose we all worry that one day we'll be in that position
Starting point is 00:12:38 and our life will come up waning but i can tell you this kristen erickson you gave it all you had rest easy young king yeah and then we're all like dude that was a nice way to summarize his life that's what they said no but they'd be cool if they could have said that if they stayed rolling give give these these soccer guys are really good at broadcasting like they don't have to talk about stuff so i'm here for the soliloquy if the guy's ready if we can handle it yeah i could swear in the 90s during a world cup i saw a guy's nutsack get pulled out by the like on camera like the the guy got kicked in the nuts and the trainers were like us down on their knees to help him and i could swear they like pulled it out where it's
Starting point is 00:13:17 massaging super valuable wow wait what do you mean like to help it not hurt and it was on tv how do you not show this when you said that i thought you meant literally pulled his nut sack off no not off but out like out of its shorts oh so so he got kicked in the nuts and you they're like you like just tickle it yeah i saw that on tv joe if you got hit in the in the nuts during softball would you accept you know a little tickle yeah if someone wanted to massage them to make them feel better i'd say yeah go ahead if they if they could lift up you know get past your heart yeah you would have to be able to lift that first yeah probably get a backhoe to like pick it
Starting point is 00:13:57 up or maybe a forklift forklift would be ideal yeah yeah did you guys hear about this dude who was swallowed by a humpback whale and survived i heard the yeah the tale is fishy yeah people are starting to say it's not true yeah i'd like to believe it is true so he was in the stomach did you read about it no i didn't read about it did you saw the headline i don't really go past headlines yeah i didn't read about it either i guess i got the whole story from the headline. I was like, that's cool. I know that it said he was all the way in there. His quote was, I was inside it.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I was inside its mouth. It tried to eat me. That checks out for me. Oh, he was inside the... So he didn't go in the stomach? He believes he was only in the mouth for less than a minute. He's in the mouth? That is a long time yeah i don't know that's a cool story it's amazing i'd say it's super random to make up i guess some people just like to tell tall tales maybe you know what with me made up stories are always this there's like a kernel of truth in them you know what i
Starting point is 00:15:02 mean like maybe it did gnaw on him a little bit and then just all the adrenaline and excitement made him embellish and then he was like i was in its mouth for a minute but really like he just had like an arm in there for like 12 seconds yeah that sounds right just getting some humpback kisses but dude i'm all about it man i hope they got swallowed by the whale and he made it out i think we need more stuff like that in the world just to remind us of how crazy shit it is i thought i got shit out of the whale yeah if you went through the whole process that'd be sweet well that's what i read i was like wow i was like oh wow you like he went through the whole digestive track just got shit out you know went through the pops out and he's like whoa whoa whoa and he comes up
Starting point is 00:15:42 you know that is the noise you would make too. If you got shot out the rectum, you'd be like, whoa! Dude, whale, thank you so much for digesting me in under like three minutes. That would probably change your life forever afterwards.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Like you just have such a new perspective on things. Like you'd call up people you'd been beefing with and you'd be like, hey man, I just got swallowed by a whale and shit out and I just want you to know, it's all good, man. People make mistakes mistakes you took more credit for that assignment at work but i'm not mad at you anymore man we're boys yeah you know what that is funny because when i read that headline i'm i'm so normalized like all that crazy shit that's going on yeah i'm so normal like uh i used to it all when i read that i was like oh interesting right it did not it did not
Starting point is 00:16:26 grab my attention in any way uh and then literally when i read it all like i just assumed i'm like wow a guy like got eaten by a whale and shit out and he survived amazing you're desensitized to stuff like that yeah whale swallowings yeah i mean what's he doing that close to a whale dude those don't eat big things the little things right right they just take in all the Stuff like that He had whale swallowings Yeah I mean What's he doing that close To a whale Dude Those don't eat big things They eat little things Right Right
Starting point is 00:16:48 They just take in All the plankton right Yeah Isn't Jonah in the whale Remember that Three days He did three days in there Dude in other news
Starting point is 00:16:56 Pinocchio You guys had a big dub In softball Against a team That had priorly Previously beat Charles Asset Yeah we won 17-2. Aaron, Joe said last night that your pitching has been dialed.
Starting point is 00:17:09 He says you only throw strikes. I only throw strikes. Yeah, it was like a machine. Yeah, and they kept taking them. I was like, too good? Yeah, took a lot of first pitch strikes. That game would have been 15 minutes shorter. They'd swung at everything.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Yeah, I like to swing at the first they'd swung at everything. Yeah. Yeah, I like to swing at the first pitch. It's usually juicy. Nice. Before they get adjusted to you. Yeah, how often? Like, what's your... You usually swing at the first pitch? I tend to just because it's softball.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yeah. I don't want to take pitches. Unless it's, like, really short or like way outside i'm i'm swinging are you cocky off the plate like when you when you hit like a slammer and you see it flying up do you just sort of drop the bat and walk no i haven't done any posing yet but i think i think you'd be good at that yeah thanks i'll give it a try i could see doing like the barry bonds or like mark mcguire you hit it and he's going you know over this into the stands and just right when you swing at the tail end of your swing you just drop the bat
Starting point is 00:18:18 yeah i'll come up with a bad flip or uh do you It doesn't bother you when someone like Fernando Tatis kind of pimps out his homer a lot? I don't get bothered by that. So you're not old school about it. You think, yeah, have fun out there. Yeah, I don't care. Good. Yeah, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Celebrations don't bother me. I was watching Andrelton Simmons highlights a couple nights ago just to bring a little peace to my brain. That guy's hand-eye coordination. You know when the ball takes an odd hop and then he barehands it? And then he can whip so hard. And it's all fluid. I think he gets from his stomach to his feet.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And as a burpee aficionado, I really appreciate this. Quicker than anyone I've ever seen. Yeah, short steps can really do that. It's beautiful. It's, like, beautiful. Nice. You know his home run celebrations? I can't stand him.
Starting point is 00:19:09 And this is not because he's a Cub, but Jock Peterson. Oh, Jock, yeah. Does he really? He actually did a. He's really doing it right now. It's really. He did a. It's really absurd.
Starting point is 00:19:19 He mimicked Tatis when they were playing the Padres. That's fun. Two big egos going toe to toe like that. Three of the top under 25 baseball players in the world right now all have dads who were like beast baseball players. It's like Fernando Tatis, Bo Bichette, and Vladimir Guerrero Jr. And all their dads were monsters. I think they used to think it was like bad if your parent was an athlete.
Starting point is 00:19:44 I mean, obviously good for the genetics, but I think they thought it would make for like a soft kid but now everyone's like no they have clubhouse experience and they understand like the pro they understand the pro lifestyle before they get there because it feels like in every sport bonds yeah and griffey jr and uh but even now it's like steph curry patrick mahomes it feels like all like the kind of transcendent uh stars right now have lineage. I think you're really helped as an athlete if your dad was juicing super hard in the 90s when you were born. Oh, you think that is in the jizz?
Starting point is 00:20:15 I think so. Interesting. Tatis in particular because his dad was a Cardinal and he was roided up to the gills. Dude, he could jack it up. Do you think that's kind of sad like don't you like this sort of like um you know guys who really struggled to who came from nowhere yeah from yeah totally if like all the top players are like kind of legacy players you're kind of like it feels a little bit less inspiring well yeah and then you wonder like
Starting point is 00:20:42 did they have more money so that they could get, like, the top trainers and stuff like that? No, we'll always love a rags-to-riches story more. I mean, you know, LeBron James, he grew up pretty hard to get to where he's at. And then I don't know what Tom Brady's life was like, but he was at least overlooked as an athlete. Yeah, he seems like he was, like, middle class. Yeah, I think so. Standard, like, grew up in, like, Menlo Park.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Is that right? yeah he's in the bay area just your basic dude that's where my family's from my mom do you think tom brady's cool we've been talking about this a lot lately i i know i don't think he's cool as a person i do not think i think his accomplishments are cool yeah and you know unassailable, but I don't think he's a cool guy. Whenever I hear him talk, I'm like, keep the helmet on, chief. Because he's just like, yeah. You're like, we're back, baby. I'm like, Tom Brady's a nerd?
Starting point is 00:21:41 Maybe. I think he is. Dude, what was i gonna say speaking of powerful jizz i uh was at the pool at the cosmo in las vegas this saturday and i ran into some stokers and they invited us over to their like cabana bed to hang out great guys super chill super fun and they were celebrating their dad's birthday he was 70 he looked much younger and he was awesome dude i walked up to him i was like dude thanks so much for letting us like kick it out your cabana he was like for sure he's like how old do you think i am i was like 50 he's like i'm 70 i was like dude you're a beast
Starting point is 00:22:11 and he's like i am a beast he's like i got four boys all athletes you know what kind of jizz you need for that and i was like dude this is a fucking straight shooter right here okay this guy's proud of what he's done he made some bulls and you And, you know, he's in this moment celebrating all of it. I was like, good, dude. So I went and got us some shots. Nice. I was like, dude, I'll be right back. Let me get us some shots.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Was he red and veiny? He was brown. Brown leather. Oh, yeah. One of those brown tan guys. With a big barrel chest. It was beautiful, dude. I love that.
Starting point is 00:22:40 And, dude, we ran into his sons, like, every day afterwards. Like, every time we saw him, we saw him at the airport. They were just, like, our check-in partners. Does their dad live there? No, they were all in town from elsewhere. But great people. Everyone in Vegas is just like so hyped to be there. Every time we get on an elevator, people are like,
Starting point is 00:22:56 how's it going? Whoa, this elevator's fast. It's popping my ears. I'm like, I love it. I love the open communication. Everyone's just at their most extroverted. And everyone's so hot. There's so many hot people there it's the best and then you know you start to feel bad because like you'll look at like a really hot girl and she won't even give you the time of day
Starting point is 00:23:15 right because you just don't hit that like cool hot successful check mark or whatever that they just do like the quick data on but then you start to love and you're like it's honesty it's real dude yeah we should uh we should do a vegas trip and like really like aaron you're invited too please we wear suits and shades sort of like men in black yeah just come in like like we're like a posse that means business so like when people we have like an energy coming off of us so that we're walking in and people are like like who are you guys yeah that's what you have to do yeah like who are you we're going deep that's fun dude yeah that's the best yeah we that's how i was walking through when i first got into the casino when i first got there i walked like this i was fired up to be there yeah and you could see it in our shoulders we
Starting point is 00:24:01 were just walking like this off for shirt on or off off for big chunks of the day if that surprises you inside everywhere oh nice oh that's good stuff yeah like if i'm in a hotel warm climate board shorts all the way through a whole time they're like sir you need shoes nope i'll see you later you don't need, you don't. It's such a great place. Yeah, I love that. I love, dude, just staying at a cool-ass hotel. The thought of it gets me so fired up. The hotels are amazing. Yeah, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:24:33 The food options, the size and scope of them. Road service. It's just a beautiful thing. Dude, we partied with the Friday Beers guys. They're so fun. Just the best guys. Their whole team, Jack, Max, Alex, everybody. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And then they had a good group of fans. They were partying. All just letting it rip. And they had a champagne shooter with like a trigger on it. So you could spray like a super soaker champagne into people's mouths. But it came out really hard. Like it would kind of blast you backwards. And they were like, I was getting after it.
Starting point is 00:25:04 They were like, dude, hey, you be the champagne guy i was like yes i had it i was shooting myself i shouldn't strider i was shooting bros but i think honestly when i was young enough and to be the sprayer i don't think i would have sprayed right right you need a little age to know when to spray and when not to spray and what at what where did you spray from like did you spray like pretending it was your dong no i was coming in like I was in SWAT with the pistol shoulder high. Oh, that's really sick. Eye down the barrel. I didn't know they had sprayers for those.
Starting point is 00:25:32 They're pretty incredible. At sports celebrations, they just use their thumb and shoot it. I've never done that. I want to do that. It's fun. Have you ever done that, Joe? No. You sprayed anything?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah. Beers, yeah, I've done that spray beers yeah dude i don't know how much spraying i've done in my life damn i just realized that i mean i've sprayed soda bottles i've made soda bottles explode yeah i've done that um i think you learn a lot about yourself when you're spraying when you're spraying yeah yeah i need to spray more i sprayed my wetsuit this morning but i've never done it with like i don't know if i've done it as much with alcoholic beverages and that makes me really sad right now and it's got to be hitting you it's got to be hitting other people not inanimate objects right you need that person-to-person spray yeah yeah yeah maybe maybe we should incorporate that into our stand-up like if someone has a good set we
Starting point is 00:26:22 have like a little award ceremony and then you know you get champagne you spray into the crowd people getting sprayed it does excite you even at when when i was at excess and david guetto was going he would blast fire every couple songs and the whole crowd go like we love fire yeah yeah we love pyrotechnics yeah but then he would also blast cold air into you yeah and that was huge like every couple couple of seconds, you're just like, ah! I like getting foam shot. I think it's the,
Starting point is 00:26:48 you know, it's the sensory part of it. You know, you're getting everything. You're getting touched, you know, by mysterious gases and fluids and you're just completely like in it,
Starting point is 00:26:59 in this experience of, of, of, uh, just decadence. It's like, it's coming you know that's what it is you're getting sprayed you're sort of like it's like a sexual explosion but with champagne it's funny too that people don't respect djs more you know it's like they're an easy punching bag for people like everyone's like oh being a dj it's so easy you just press play and then you pump your hands in the air.
Starting point is 00:27:28 It speaks to a kind of cheap cynicism in Americans that we're trashing DJs who are only there to help, only there to bring good vibes and to amp up people's collective effervescence. Right. And then, you know. I mean, do people trash the famous DJs or just wedding DJs? They trash them all.
Starting point is 00:27:43 They're like, it's easy. It's just you push a button. I'm like, it's not easy. A lot of it's jealousy too. Yeah. Because they didn't do what it took to get to where those guys are at. Guys and girls are at. They're not in the arena.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Yeah. But I want to thank you, DJs. I think you guys do something incredible. When Guetta played Pursuit of Happiness, I never related to those lyrics more, and it was the exact thing I needed to hear in that that moment yeah live that'd be awesome it was life-changing uh joe let's focus on you yeah what's going on cast out yeah code premiered today how are you feeling about it great yeah joe code it's out it's on YouTube, everything. Yeah. Spotify, all things comedy.
Starting point is 00:28:27 And you're loving doing pod, right? Yeah, I'm having fun. Yeah, I mean, it was good to do the first one. I felt a little robotic in the first one, but it still came out good. But from then on, yeah, they seem to just be getting better. So I think people are really going to enjoy it. You have a bunch of segments in there. What are the segments?
Starting point is 00:28:54 I do some segments like I talk about like I do this sucks, this is great. Yeah. We end on the positive. Yeah yeah and then i mean that's really it for the segments the shows are pretty short yeah right about a half hour yeah i'm only doing like 30 to 35 minutes that's what we did at the beginning i can see you extending to an hour over time yeah i can see it getting to be a couple hours i don't know about a couple dude you can talk bro i don't know you got a. Dude, you can talk, bro. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:28 You got a lot on your heart and a lot in your head. I think an hour will be plenty. Dude, I listened to the first episode. I was dying. When he talked about moving and helping Graham move. Yeah. The funniest shit. Yeah. Stokers, you got to check it out.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah, check it out, Stokers. Yeah, Joe Code. I could see that becoming a thing, people living by the joe code because you do have a very distinct code and uh point of view that was aaron's name yeah shout to aaron yeah well i might be dead from liver cancer in a year so um you should live by the code yeah maybe if i'll live by the code you don't have liver cancer you are if people that have liver cancer like wilt away what's going on with that double i got last week and uh i i only i i only started getting them like i got one two years ago and
Starting point is 00:30:18 that was my first one i guess i i was i was like i wasn't sure and then this one I got I was like oh I for sure get Cold Sores but yeah putting anything on it? I got some I got some Valtrex really stoked on it stoked on the trex but
Starting point is 00:30:41 yeah I guess I get them now. I, I, uh, I attributed that one though to, um, so we, we, we shot, we were filming, uh, I served trestles on a Thursday and it was like four hours. So I was really exhausted then and stand up that night in San Diego. And I drove back to LA that night and I drove to Palm Springs for stand-up the next day. Just the ultimate barrage of first world problems. And then I got cold sore.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And I was really, really tired so I think I just think it was being in the sun that long and then fatigue. Stress? Stress, yeah. Even though I was going to San Diego and palm springs to do stand-up yeah it's a lot of driving dude you were up a lot yeah and your arms were still sore from when
Starting point is 00:31:33 he did the murph right oh i did the murph i did the murph he worked his arms out so hard they were like swollen like a beast on the memorial day workout uh yeah yeah dude some dude came up to me i forget who it was and he said hey did chad really do murph yeah and i was like yeah he did it and then they were like that's crazy yeah you do it every year but they were like a little they were like they're skeptical but not because of you but just because of like the endeavor itself right right right and i was like no he did it dude yeah i was like he wouldn't uh fake that and then that's amazing my arms were toast uh so but yeah i yeah so i went to the doctor and he gave me some tracks and that that uh
Starting point is 00:32:14 you know the cold sore started going down after that i still have a little remnant but maybe your liver couldn't handle the murph right it could be a lot of things yeah it's definitely not disease ice baths and uh yeah dude i told the doctor i did ice baths he was like nonplussed about it i'm like why don't you nonpluss your fucking face dude well what'd he say he didn't like it he's just like and i was like i was like i was like yeah like my i'd lost like five pounds and i was like yeah i was like yeah i lost some weight because i went through a breakup and i was like not eating as much you know just just like anxiety and stuff and um he started going in the route of like medication i'm like like, I don't need medication. I went through a breakup, dipshit.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I don't know. I just got pissed. I was like, of course your brain goes straight to medication and not like just general things that you can do. Because I was like, it's just a breakup. It's anxiety you get for like a few weeks. My dad got another clean bill of health for like the next quarter oh yeah that's so awesome yeah he's a beast man nice he's making
Starting point is 00:33:30 pancreatic cancer his bitch he's in greece right now he just sent me a photo oh wow he's just living it up i swear to god his tenacity towards life is like greece yeah and i i'm freaking out over like a funky test he has to do that every quarter and he's just beasting through he just powers through it we had a big family meeting about all of his stuff and what happens to it yeah and the unfortunate uh if unfortunately he passes and uh yeah he was just an animal yeah he was just like yelling at everybody it was just classic classic tommy p yeah and then his his accountant came and i was like steve is my dad like because he's yelling a lot today obviously i was like does he always yell this much like on calls with you
Starting point is 00:34:13 and other business people was like yeah yeah your dad's always aggressive yeah and then my dad was like i was like that's right old lion yeah yeah and at the end of the meeting my dad was like sorry if i was an asshole guys yeah and i was And I was like, you're not, but I love you for it, dude. Yeah. Because he's right most of the time, too. He'll just make points. And it's funny, dude. I'm like way sharper after I hang out with him.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Yeah. Because he's just always like just he's so I mean, he's been the most generous father in the world and always super loving. But, you know, he's just like really aggressive and always like ask like really penetrating questions. Yeah. But then it makes my brain, like, rise up to that. And then so if I have, like, a work call that day, I'm like, doosh, doosh, doosh, doosh.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Yeah. I'm, like, super dialed because I just have, like, that, like, intensity osmosis with my dad. Right. All right. You guys want to answer some cues? Yeah. Are you going to read the title of that email? Navy SEAL's daughter wants to meet. What's up, bros? My name is Ryan. Here's the sitch. answer some cues yeah are you gonna read the title of that email neighbors navy seal navy seal's
Starting point is 00:35:05 daughter wants to meet what's up bros my name is ryan here's the sitch recently i went to a party and met this girl we live in san diego she's gorgeous and we had good vibes all night i got her number later on that night before we both left and i respectfully kissed her on the cheek to say goodbye i had to show her i got game without being disrespectful and going full in for a smooch within hours of meeting but i want know my, my, I want her to know my notice. I want her to know my notice, my interest. We texted for a few days and actually live pretty close to each other.
Starting point is 00:35:31 So we started to hang out. It's been great. And the sexual tension is so high. It's completely uncalled for, which is the definition of stoke. If you ask me, it's a good definition. She is weird and hooking up.
Starting point is 00:35:43 She is weird about hooking up when we were at my place because of my roommates. She has a great job but still lives home with her parents and is moving out in a few months. However, she only wants to hook up at her parents' house in her room. We were basically Ubering to the drill factory when her dad got home. We went downstairs so it wasn't weird and I went to meet him. The guy is 6'1 and about 220. House. He's got to have a hog the size of a
Starting point is 00:36:05 six iron he's tatted with full sleeves and scared the mary the sweet mary fuck out of me his handshake broke my ass i asked her what does he do and why he's so jacked up she hesitated for a while and finally told me he's a fucking navy seal my question is do i take the chance of drilling his daughter in his home and potentially losing a limb and or my life is it worth it to bust an obscene amount of swimmers and his hot daughter it could be badass or it could be life-altering i need your help please thanks for everything you guys do i'm a new listener only one weekend you make my day at work so much more enjoyable love you bros already thanks ryan yeah i wouldn't drill her there
Starting point is 00:36:39 i would well first of all i wouldn't say you're drilling or even about a Navy SEAL's daughter I'd say I'm gonna make sweet passionate love to this strong man's daughter and then yeah his roommate situation seems a lot calmer
Starting point is 00:37:00 like I live with two other guys if you wanna anyone who wants to have sex just you know fuck on you know we don't uh we're not worried about who's listening right you used to hate listening to me right because you said i moaned too loud yeah you were pretty loud you not not the woman that you're with the you i would hear you i don't want to hear man moaning can you give some examples i don't know it just would be like a like a just you know think of a guy sack and a quarterback just letting out grunts that's him because i'm in it dog yeah i'm in it, dog. I'm in it. I'm not thinking about anything other than dirty things.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Yeah, basically that. Which defensive end did I sound at? Fucking sounded like Urlacher. Middle linebacker. He's a beast, dude. I respect that. Thanks, man. So what would you do when you started hearing it?
Starting point is 00:38:05 Would you just pretend like it wasn't happening? Would you go take a walk? Yeah, I would just go in my room or whatever. Sometimes I'd be like, Joe, you hearing this, brother? No. I'd go, Joe, I love you, dog. Joe, I miss you. If you did that, then I would come in, too.
Starting point is 00:38:25 To join? Yeah join that'd be weird but I'm open to it you're in the act really a special person who'd be okay with that on the female end I mean you uh you're in the middle of the act and you hear a large thud and you're like
Starting point is 00:38:42 sort of like you know when godzilla starts stomping in the city well yeah that's what it's like when joe's hog comes to town joe woke me up one time by dropping his hog onto the bed and it bounced me up like the blob and heavyweights you know those things that like launch people into the water when one person lands on one side right yeah and then i just got launched out of bed i smacked horizontally against the wall yeah i was like, Jesus, Joe. He's like, you got to move your car.
Starting point is 00:39:06 They're doing street sweeping at 10 a.m., dumbass. And I was like, all right, dude, you didn't have to make my bed look like the heavy bag after Foreman's done hitting it. That's what you get. All right. Joe, do you ever get calls from wrecking ball companies that are like, our wrecking ball is out of commission. Can we use your hog? Yeah, but I charge too much. They can't afford it. It's like $100 an hour for me to do that. ball companies are like our wrecking balls out of commission can we use your hog yeah but i i charge too much they can't afford it it's like 100 bucks an hour for me to do that nice know your
Starting point is 00:39:31 worth what's up my dogs i'll get right to it obviously it's easy to get the wrong idea about a lady at the gym in terms of oh wait do we even answer that guy's question though i like joe's answer oh right right good call uh yeah i um i like what you're saying joe i i think i i love that he's having intense sexual tension and energy with this lady i would just sort of you know massage the wording a little bit and sort of you know you know just be like we got a huge spark here the passion is intense and i enjoy making love to to her. And I think if you do that, then you'll be safe from, you know, if this Navy SEAL guy hears that you, you know, are talking about drilling his daughter.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah. I think, you know, that's when you're cruising for a bruising, but I think with, you know, if you just start making passionate love to her and feel free to grunt like a quarterback, I think that's legit. Absolutely. Dude, I think also you should already be in this headspace, but it feels like you have even more incentive
Starting point is 00:40:36 to be polite and straightforward. So I would date every girl like their dad's a Navy SEAL. You know what I mean? And that'll probably keep you acting right. Yeah, that's a good idea. Because you don't want to disappoint a Navy SEAL. I mean, beyond even getting hurt by the Navy SEAL guy, which he is well-equipped to do,
Starting point is 00:40:54 do you want a Navy SEAL guy to look at you and be like, you're not a good man? Yeah. That would crush me. So, yeah. Show this Navy SEAL guy that you're worth your salt. Show him you're a Spartan. What's up, my dogs? I'll get right to it.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Get a fancy hotel room for a night. That works. Save up for a hotel room. Do it right. Go to the Cosmo. He's going to give you the thumbs up on that. Navy SEAL guy, he gets it. What's up, my dogs? I'll get right to it. Obviously, it's easy to get the wrong idea about a lady at the gym in terms of she's actually checking you out or interested. I mean, we've all been there.
Starting point is 00:41:25 A girl looks at us or is lingering in our general vicinity for different workouts, and our mind immediately starts wondering if it's intentional. In this specific situation with one specific gym babe, on multiple occasions, it seems like her intentions were pretty clear. She would subtly follow me to my next set, look at me, and continue to do pretty provoking workouts in my direct line of sight. I actually had to step away in between sets and fear that I may pop some soft wood. I guess the dilemma is that maybe she wasn't actually interested and was genuinely just sticking to a routine that happened across our paths time and
Starting point is 00:41:57 again. While I'm not shy, I'm very respectful and I don't want to be that guy that goes up to a chick at the gym and tries to spark up a conversation. I know every girl is different, but I've heard from several female friends of mine say they don't that goes up to a chick at the gym and tries to spark up a conversation. I know every girl is different, but I've heard from several female friends of mine say they don't prefer a guy to approach them at the gym. To close out the story, she finished up and headed toward the exit.
Starting point is 00:42:12 James blunts goodbye, my lover, played in my head, and I now fear I may never see this babe again. Thanks for any input or feedback, boys. What up to Strider or Joe if you're in company? JT, I think you're a good dude, and Chad keeps snapping it off the lip, brother. Kyle. Dude, you know what's funny? We talked about a guy. and company jt i think you're a good dude and jad chad keeps snapping it off the lip brother kyle um dude you know it's funny we talked about a guy we were trying to give a guy things to say to a
Starting point is 00:42:30 girl at the gym and then uh i talked to some lady friends afterwards who had listened and they were like don't ever hit on a girl at a gym why and so they just said they don't like it and maybe i'm sure there's exceptions to all the rules but that's the thing but if we're giving advice i think we should stick to the i mean it's like if this guy, cause now it doesn't sound like she's like a regular at the gym. Like if it was just a girl he would see once in a while, it's like, but what if that experience, it's hard not to want to take your shot. Cause it's like, where else?
Starting point is 00:42:58 What if I don't see this girl again? That's the thing that enters your mind. But what if you don't see her again? Maybe that's okay. Maybe that's all it was ever supposed to be. It's not okay. It's okay. It's not. No, just accept the okay. Maybe that's all it was ever supposed to be. It's not okay. It's okay. It's not.
Starting point is 00:43:08 No, just accept the experience for what it is. What if she's really hot? It's not okay. That's still cool. It was cool that you even had that experience. Right? No. Because if you go into every experience being like, hey, if I don't follow up with this girl or follow through with this girl, it's like a missed opportunity.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I think that's not the right way to think about it, right? Yeah. But maybe it's better to just be like, no, it is what it is. That's it. It was just, we flirt Yeah. But maybe it's better to just be like, no, it is what it is. That's it. It was just we flirted. It was fun. No, he didn't even talk to her, right? But they flirted.
Starting point is 00:43:32 He's not sure. I think they did. They did like an unspoken flirtation. And he took it to the right level. Maybe she just wanted to flirt a little bit, too. I think that's the other thing. Sometimes a girl just wants to flirt. And we're like, oh, man, I should follow up and fuck this girl.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It's like, maybe she just wants to flirt a little bit yeah i don't know what do you think yeah i like what you're saying i think uh i like i like the idea of i've sort of going through life and just having you know just enjoying the experience of each moment and not not being so attached to the uh the result to like to like the umteenth right yeah to just be like like that was a really because it is really fun when you do have like a flirtatious experience with someone or you like get some banter going with someone that you know you're never gonna like you know actually ask on a date or like you, you know, go out, you know, where you're just sort of, like, passing through and you just have a little fun
Starting point is 00:44:28 and you just keep moving. I think it's way more fun to live life that way. So I think just. Yeah, blue balls is a lot of fun. Yeah, I think just be stoked on the flirtation you had. And maybe if you guys cross paths, you know, or if you see her at the gym again and she's in you strike up a conversation you know a lot of things could happen i would
Starting point is 00:44:50 take a little bit of the pressure off and just go with the flow just believe it's going to come back around too if it's meant to be she'll come back to the gym you guys will do the same dance maybe a couple more times and finally at one point you're like like, hey. But for it to happen the first time and then to be like, okay, now how do I build on that? It's like, I don't know. You might be stealing some of the joy out of it and maybe rushing the dance a little bit. Yeah. I think. I mean, my sister and her husband met at the gym.
Starting point is 00:45:21 That's great. That's cool. So throw your theory out the window. I don't think that throws my theory out the window i don't know i feel like it does no look he can hit on her and that's great look if it's before sunrise and you know this is ethan hawk and julie delpy and they're having this whirlwind thing together where it's clear they're you know they're meant to be something with one another yeah you gotta follow through on that but i'm just saying if it doesn't always get there that's not a bad thing either it can be fun to just yeah have a moment i got you um what's i gonna say oh i believe i believe really very much too and that that the idea of sort of
Starting point is 00:46:00 surrendering and like letting things come to you, you know, obviously take initiative, you know, with a girl or something, you know, if you're interested, ask her on a date, that kind of stuff. But at the same time, just be content, you know, don't try to force things, let them come to you as well. Let things come to you because if you just sort of stay in the pocket and you don't think too much about the results and all that kind of stuff you just sort of stay in it and um trust that things are going to come your way good things and i think that's what happens and i think you know i think you'll look back and be like wow wow, what an incredible year I've had of just allowing these things to come into my life. But also, obviously, work hard and sort of be on your path and stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah. But the art of allowing, I think, is legit. To go back to the softball metaphor, take a pitch. This guy took a pitch. Yeah. Another one's going to come. Yeah. It's coming.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah. Yeah. And I think you'll know when it's the moment, you know? Yeah. Also fine. The moment will kind of present itself like, this is the moment where I say something. You go, hey. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:13 It's like if you're on a date with a girl and you're trying to figure out when to kiss her, you know? If you try to force it, you know, you just like, you got to wait for the signs. I always know the right moment. You do? Yeah. I'm good at that. Nice.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Savants of Stoke, what up? I need some advice on how to have a work-life balance. I started a sick internship last month, but it's busting my balls. My boss is a schmole and has me working 60 hours a week. It's great experience and helps me save up to buy a fruit smash, but it's starting to drain my stoke tank.
Starting point is 00:47:40 It's hard to find time to hang with my dank SGF who I just introduced to the pod. If you're listening, babe, what up? I also want to have time to rage with my boys and break out the helix plus i need alone time to build my bronze and clear my mind in nebraska sun fired up on chad's bear bronzing any advice on how to find a good balance between work and play all this work is leaving me real overwhelmed while trying to celebrate the ending of q team dude you know what you got to do you got to put a trip on the books. Just find a weekend a little bit in the future that you can get away.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Set it up with your boss so he knows you got to get out of there. If he'll accept that, you know, bearing that he lets you do it. And then just set that trip up. And then it makes the work more palatable because you're like, oh, dude, I got that trip to look forward to and I'm going to get it all out that weekend. I don't know. I don't think this guy's got vacation time. He's an intern. Joe, if you shoot down one more fucking thing, dude, I swear to God, bro.
Starting point is 00:48:28 I swear to God, I'm going to make you drink fruit smash. Dude, put a trip on the books. It's always nice to have something to look forward to. And it makes the day a lot easier to get through. If Joe's right and he can't get that time off, I don't know. You got to just do it in a day. 60 hours is a lot. When this email started with internship, I was like, oh, quit that.
Starting point is 00:48:46 Yeah, exactly. It sounds like he's getting paid, which is nice. It never happens here in LA. I'm looking at what his internship is. It's pretty sick, though. Oh, okay. So maybe he's getting paid. Yeah, it's a good internship.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I don't know if he's getting paid, but he's working at a cool place where he's probably meeting some cool people who can help him long run and he's getting some valuable experience nice some xp points i like but i'm not opposed to the quitting either but i just yeah i like what you're saying about setting up a trip that really there that really gives you something to look forward to yeah it just makes everything a little bit better makes everything shine a little bit brighter makes life more vivid. Yeah. I think so.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I'm trying to put a new trip on the books right now. I just got back. What are you thinking? I'm thinking maybe Denver. Nice. But I really want to go somewhere hedonistic. I need somewhere where people are all there and they're really. You should go to New Orleans. I'm thinking about that too, but is it too hot?
Starting point is 00:49:39 That was my concern. It is hot, but don't you want to be like, you know be in the humidity, just sweaty and hammered? Yeah, right. Yeah, it might be Miami then. But I don't have homies in New Orleans or Miami. I have a couple friends in Denver, Team Oilen and Luke Connor. I love Denver. I mean, I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:49:57 I've only been to the airport. Beautiful airport. It's got the bull with the eyes that people think is satanic, right? Right, yeah. And it's got the depictions of people wearing gas masks and stuff. Interesting stuff. But the flair of saying I'm going to New Orleans or Miami, it just has a little bit more kind of dog swang to it.
Starting point is 00:50:19 You're right. I need that swang. Yo, what up, Absolute Stoke Legends? It's Andrew again. I wrote in a couple weeks ago about my girl insisting on going through my phone we compromised by me giving her my insta login but i think i fucked up doing this she trips out about me liking kim kardashian pictures and liking old high school friends that have moved away states simply because they're a girl
Starting point is 00:50:40 she keeps tripping over nothing is changing my instagram password an option and telling her she just has to trust me or what else should i do thanks and love y'all yeah man she's i mean she's got to chill out yeah yeah for her to get into your phone i mean it was already a big deal to let her into your phone but i actually like that move i'm like yeah let's find out where your head's at and i think we kind of found out she's a little too paranoid is this the guy who sent a dick pic to his to a prostitute think that was a different guy. I hope so. I still think no. You don't, no, there's no doing that.
Starting point is 00:51:09 No. Let me see. Either trust me or don't. Yeah, this isn't the dude who sent the dick pic to a prostitute. Dude, I was thinking about being a prostitute, like if I was a male gigolo, you know? It's a tough job. Yeah, it's not easy.
Starting point is 00:51:23 You have a lot of clients. I don't think I could. That's my thing. I'd be like hey do you mind if we get to know each other for a month and build some emotional trust before i actually deliver the d that would be funny to be like how was your gigolo he had boner problems he had boner problems then he just wanted to talk for a while mostly about himself yeah i'd be like that's the way i do it that's how i jiggle up yeah everyone's everyone's got their own style should you show up you're like hey how's it going she's like hey or should up. Yeah, you'd be like, do a spiggle. Everyone's got their own style. She'd show up, and you're like, hey, how's it going? She's like, hey, should we get started?
Starting point is 00:51:48 And you're like, I thought we could just, you know. Who are you? Do you want to watch something? I like this show, Lovesick, on Netflix. It's pretty charming. It might make you kind of nostalgic for past relations, though. She's like, I'd rather not do that. I was like, well, watch something else then.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Yeah. Let's find something we both want to watch. This isn't what I ordered. I'm a sensitive guy. I need to trust you. And then I'd take like a Viagra so I could do it, and then we'd have sex, and afterwards I'd be like, oh, wow, I'm feeling a little flush from that Viagra.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Do I look okay? I'd be like, I'm kind of freaking out. I'm sorry. Do you mind if we go downstairs and get some fresh air and maybe a water? She's like, no, I just want you to leave. I'm like, well, we just had sex. We should hang hang out for a little bit it seems odd for me just to leave um what do you guys think about this dude and his lady uh yeah she's gotta chill out
Starting point is 00:52:37 get her off your instagram um maybe lay off the Kim Kardashian likes. Yeah. She's got enough. You don't need to contribute to those. That too. Yeah. That's why she's going through a divorce. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:52 She said she, she wants to be with someone now who like, likes to go to the gym with her and likes the same show. She likes. That's nice. She didn't have that with Kanye. I, um,
Starting point is 00:53:02 yeah, I, I, this girl needs to chill out. You gotta, you gotta lay down got to lay down the law. Yeah. Get her out of your Instagram. And what's going on? Like, it sounds like she's probably had some bad experiences in the past
Starting point is 00:53:15 that she needs to kind of get some closure on. Yeah, that, or I mean, he sounds like a good guy, so I don't think he's been, you know, doing anything to create trust issues. No, the things that she's upset about him liking are normal things that people like it's no indicator of uh of him being up to no good yeah yeah um but i think you have credibility now because you're like babe i like kim kardashian photos she has 120 million followers like it's a pretty standard issue stuff yeah um i'm pretty sure like once
Starting point is 00:53:46 you join instagram you automatically follow kim kardashian yeah everyone does yeah guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we are brought to you by helix beer bongs helix beer bongs the best in the biz for froth technology making sure that the booze funnels into your gullet so smooth it has revolutionary technology it has like that you know cool like uh miller light uh whatever they oh the swirls yeah it has a swirl so it swirls into your gullet and then just goes into your belly and then stoke emanates from within if you want that feeling for this summer go to shopcgd.com to get your helix beer bong today shopcgd.com get your helix beer bong we're also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so
Starting point is 00:54:33 much for keeping our trunes pued for looking after our hogs for making sure their dongs are looking fresh and clean it's time to bundle up with manscape performance package 4.0 inside this package you'll find their lawnmower 4.0. Inside this package, you'll find their Lawn Mower 4.0 Tremor Wheat Whacker Ear and Nose Hair Tremor, Crop Preserver, Ball Deodorant, Crop Reviver Toner, Performance Boxer Briefs, and a Travel Bag to hold your goodies. I'm talking about your nuts. Oh, actually the products, but then your scrotum holds your nuts.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Also, the new Performance Package 4.0 includes the Lawn Mower 4.0. Dare I say this is the GO of ball trimmers guys i trimmed my pubes today and um sorry i pubed my trims today and it was sensational um they look so good so good my balls look like like the day I was born, except if I were born with nuts, you know what I mean? Before they drop. Okay. The Lombard 4.0 has a 7,000 RPM motor, a new multi-function on-off switch, can engage your travel lock,
Starting point is 00:55:35 and gives you the ability to turn the 4,000K LED spotlight on and off when needed for a more precise shave. It's also waterproof, got a light on it, you can see your nuts. They also have the Weed Whacker for nose and ear trims with proprietary SkinSafe technology. I mean, you're getting all hairy parts of your body besides your dome. I think you can use it on your dome, too, if you really want to. They've also got liquid formulations, the C preserver ball deodorant crop reviver uh
Starting point is 00:56:07 so guys get the performance package 4.0 it's legit you get boxers a shred travel bag and you get to trim your nuts if you want to get this get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscape.com that's 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep 20 at manscape.com escape the shrubs and weeds of summer and shine with man's uh eighth grade teacher in distress sup guys i know i'm a woman but my bf says i'm a bro so i hope this makes the cut i'm an eighth grade teacher and the struggle with my male students is real i'm 24 so i'm only 10 years older than them they're pretty consistent with the weird sexual comments roasting me on the reg and just overall disrupting
Starting point is 00:56:43 the flow of the class with their teenage selves. Some examples. I'm just trying to teach them about metaphors and it seems like they're only focused on finding page 69. I have one student who constantly asks to lay on the floor when I read to them and he just man spreads like a monster. I have to take a sec from reading about Ponyboy and Johnny to tell him
Starting point is 00:56:59 to close his legs. Sometimes when I'm reading or presenting I will hear unprompted sex noises from the back row. Super distracting. They vary in pitch and intensity. They're weirdly interested in finding out my boy BF's gamer tag. I once caught a kid mindlessly humping a chair. When I called him out, he said he had zero clue he was even doing it. If they're asking me a question standing up,
Starting point is 00:57:17 they'll obviously adjust their balls crotch area while maintaining perfect eye content. Oh my God. I can handle the overall grossness, social naivete of them, but I think it's really taking a toll on the female eighth graders. They sit on the other side of the room for the boys and beg me not to partner them up. I want to be an advocate to
Starting point is 00:57:31 the girls and explain that these boys will grow out of these things. I'm just wondering if you guys have any insight as to how eighth grade boys think, rationalize their decisions, and act upon their thoughts. It might help me have a more successful year of teaching if I can understand their perspective from grown men looking back. I all i appreciate you all thanks lane um man i'll say first off junior high kids are the worst i don't think i was ever worse than
Starting point is 00:57:54 when i was like 12 to 14 yeah because you're like you're learning about adult things but you can't do adult things but you want to pretend like you are an adult right and it's all coming from like inexperience yeah and insecurity totally i remember when i was in in uh middle school and stuff the big insult was like you're immature you're immature and i i was i was over the mindset because i i just thought i loved like toilet humor you know what these kids are doing you know penis humor i still do all that kind of stuff and my whole thing was like but i like being immature it's hilarious um so yeah i don't know i mean in terms of like how to explain to the female eighth graders that
Starting point is 00:58:41 i think it's just um yeah I don't know that's weird yeah I don't know how you would but I think cause it's like are they directing these things like towards her some of a lot of it it seems like yes yeah I don't know that's weird cause in 8th grade I was just focused on
Starting point is 00:59:00 the other the girls around me not yeah it seems like they a 24 year old teacher though so you might be hot yeah right yeah i never had a hot teacher so i don't even know yeah in eighth grade we had all older it's not a great answer but honestly i think it's an experience thing i think anytime you're a young teacher and you start with junior high or high school kids yeah when i was that age we could sense the newness on the teacher and you're always going to test boundaries so we'd always go too far but then when i would see those same teachers a couple years
Starting point is 00:59:28 later they had figured out how to kind of like uh control the chaos yeah and so i think honestly it's just it's like first year jitters but you'll get through them and you'll you'll like incrementally learn how to put these people in their place in a way that's not too uh like uh that doesn't reflect poorly on you where it's like too intense or too damaging and then but honestly at a time i don't want to get you in trouble with like your you know administration but i think you can just be like hey kevin do you know how dumb you look when you do that right no but honestly kevin do you know how dumb you look like have the whole class just sit there while he's standing and then be like when you act like that you don't seem adult you seem
Starting point is 01:00:08 like a child who wants to be an adult and it's not cutting it no one's buying it all right so you can continue to act like that but i just want you to know all you're doing is alienating every woman who will ever look at you i like that yeah i had teachers say stuff like that to me and to classmates and it was always yeah it stuck with me I still remember Mr. Sand dressing down this kid Joe Zeller in 7th grade I kind of remember because Mr. Sand was actually wrong
Starting point is 01:00:34 he said Joe you might be a hot shot baseball player but you're a shitty student but I remember Zeller had like a 4.0 GPA and he was like a chess master too so I was kind of like I think you got the wrong guy mr sand but i still remember it yeah i remember i my favorite teacher is mr abbott because he was just cool everyone knew he was cool but he was also he could also lay down the law you got to be able to lay down the law yeah so i remember one time one time my buddy and i my buddy drew a photo i think he drew a photo of like a big bushy vagina
Starting point is 01:01:06 in class and he like passed it to me and i thought it was hilarious and then the t mr abbott he got it he got the photo and he like looked at it and his whole thing was just he was so cool and i looked up to him so much and his whole thing was just disappointment he was just disappointed and he's basically just like you know what dude not cool and that i still remember that clearly if so if you can if you can instill that you know in these kids of like creating this cool presence and then if they're you know acting like you know hobno, you can just look at them and be like, you know what, dude? It's just not cool. And that'll just pierce them right in the chest. And they'll be like, man, I need to be cool.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I need to be more mature for, what's her name? Lane. For Lane. Yeah. For Mrs. Lane. I think that's legit. I love it. That's really good.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I remember times where I disappointed my teachers, and they let me know their feelings were hurt, and it sticks with you, too. Totally. You just feel like a real horse's ass. Keep in mind, too, these kids are... The hormones are raging in a way that they've never experienced before in their lives. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I mean, just chemically, they're insane. They really are. Yeah, eighth grade. Especially boys. Big bushy vaginas. Those are hilarious drawings. Sure are. I still laugh about it.
Starting point is 01:02:36 We hear you. Thanks, guys. Yeah. I want to see them. Sup, Stokers. Please keep this a nod. 19-year-old, soon-to-be-20 college Stoker with with a broken heart and frustrated mind i was friends with this girl for over a year as young fool myself i caught feelings for her and crushed on her heart but was afraid to make a move i was always there for her
Starting point is 01:02:52 literally never said no to her and listened to all her emotional problems with her ex and her family etc in hindsight this was a bad move because it set me up for a sense of entitlement towards her and toxic vibes time goes on i lived in perpetual confusion and tension for nearly a year neither here nor there close but not too close if i make a move it'll ruin our friendship but if i don't i'm left miserable damned if i do damned if i don't toxic and torturous she told me several times she doesn't want to hurt me but i remain persistent blinded by what i thought was love after more than a year of knowing her we hook up finally then again she tells me she's not ready for commitment or a relationship and various iterations of her saying
Starting point is 01:03:24 she's not ready she told me many times that she for a commitment or a relationship and various iterations of her saying she's not ready. She told me many times that she thought about dating me a lot and she just didn't think it would work. That we would clash and that we both have big personalities. Sounds like BS to me. She doesn't like me and is scared to say it straight up. Heart broke. Then she immediately, less than a month, starts dating another guy.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I cut her out. I'm still not over to this day. All my friends and family tell me to move on, but I can't get rid of this inner sense of doubt that she owes me, that I gave up myself to her and that to forgive her would require me giving in once again to her. And I can't do that. But the more I hold on to the more frustrated I am. I tell myself I'm ready to move on. But then by some chance I see her on the street and I feel with rage. We still have mutual friends, acquaintances. And recently due to some miscommunication, she ended up showing to my apartment with her new boyfriend thinking that was okay because one of
Starting point is 01:04:07 her friends told her to meet her outside. But no, she walked in the building to my floor, the audacity. Two weeks after I confronted her about her breaking my heart, I opened my door to see her there with her new BF. To be honest, I don't even know if she knew I was there, but I was livid. I can't blame her for not reading my mind, and I generally am really bad at communicating. Anytime I try to talk to her, I get filled with rage and entitlement. We've had multiple conversations, and they never seem to change how I feel, because whenever I try to phrase it, it always seems like she owes me or that she's indebted to me. But she fucking used me.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Everyone tells me that, my friends and family. But when we kissed and hooked up, it was something I had never felt before. I'm realizing in hindsight that this was for sure a trauma bond, and that real love will come from someone who brings me peace not tension. Any advice Stokers? I wish that I could just be happy that's it. It's already been over six months since she let me down and I know she's scared
Starting point is 01:04:54 she cared about me a lot enough to hide her new relation from me and to try avoid hurting me by letting me down slowly but I can't get over the fact that she crossed a platonic boundary into the realm of romance only to swift me, kick me out and immediately date another guy after telling me she wasn't ready. How can I forgive that?
Starting point is 01:05:09 I feel disrespected. Am I wrong to feel disrespected? Thanks. Stokers and non women. This guy's really going through. Yeah. Wow. I think you did a good job of explaining your thoughts and feelings in
Starting point is 01:05:20 conjunction with each other at every turn. I think, uh, dude, it's just a valuable learning experience. I think you're learning what to look out for. And I think you're learning what you need in return. And I think, you know, it didn't work with this person, but you're gaining a lot of maturity from it. That tension you feel, that struggle, that's like your id and your maturity in conflict and i think your maturity
Starting point is 01:05:46 is going to win out 19 yeah it's good to go through something like this at that age too and not uh you know you're very young it's okay and yeah and she's probably not a bad person but yeah she just didn't give you what you needed and you know your friends and family are right to vilify her because it helps you get through it but yeah i think in time you'll realize that you know she just needed something and and she didn't even know what she was doing to get it but and you were happy to give it to her because you cared about her but and that's okay but i think you're you'll move on in time i think writing emails like this and writing it all out that's probably super helpful too yeah yeah i mean if you think you're entitled to something or she owes you in some way then that means that when you were there for her, you weren't there for her.
Starting point is 01:06:30 You were there for you. So look at that, too. Yeah, you're expecting something in return. Yeah. Were you there because you wanted to hook up? That's shitty. Yeah, that's what that sounds like. It's not shitty, though, right?
Starting point is 01:06:42 We all do that a little bit. Yeah, I've certainly done it, but it's just like, you know, it's not their fault. But you can't be upset if it doesn't come back. And then, look, she didn't handle it perfect, but yeah, you guys are right. You just got to realize your end of it. As we say this all the time, they're definitely not thinking about you as much as you think they are. That's just life. Chad, who is your
Starting point is 01:07:05 beef of the week my beef of the week is with fucking doctors and getting a physical you think you're doing something good for yourself and then they scare the fuck out of you when you know that it doesn't that it's just an error and it's like and they're just so nonchalant hey liver cancer hepatitis and you're like and it's like all right're just so nonchalant. Hey, if you think you have liver cancer or hepatitis, and you're like, and it's like, all right, well, can we test it right now? And they're like, yeah, we got an appointment in three or four days. And you're like, like, I've never, I'm so pissed. I'm never... I'm so pissed.
Starting point is 01:07:44 Because if it's nothing, I will... I never really get mad at people, but I will fucking chew this dickweed out because they fucked up my last test and... Doctors are on Yelp. Yeah, dude. Give a bad review. Give a bad review.
Starting point is 01:08:03 This guy made me think i had was anemic with liver cancer and i'm just so it makes you value your health for sure uh stoked on health um but just yeah i'm just pissed yeah only because like you know it's like i don't know i could i could get it taken care of but i'm going to mexico on sunday for like five days i don't want to fucking be in mexico i'm just hanging over yeah we gotta have this cleared up yeah yeah we probably got it yeah and you're just and you're just like yeah well can i come in tomorrow i know like just give me a goddamn blood test like you know i don't even want to get blood tests from these morons because they you know they keep messing up the test so like when i when i got
Starting point is 01:08:57 when i all right i'll stop but when i he read the test so when he was like checking out my iron levels he's like hey you're aren't you look anemic and i'm like oh interesting okay so i got another test and i'm like so what are the results and he's like he read the same iron levels as before and i'm like it's the exact same levels he's like oh that was the first test and i'm like i just need a doctor that's first test and i'm like i just need a doctor that's all right i haven't even go to a doctor fuck them what would make you feel better uh just getting a being able to get tested right now and figure it out let's figure it let's get him a test right now guys who knows a doctor we'll figure it out we'll get you a doctor yeah this can't this can't stand my dad's text this aggression will not stand talk to my dad's
Starting point is 01:09:55 talk to dr takeda she thinks that this looks like hepatitis you need to see a gastroenterologist like you've been safe too man i don't i don't think that's what it is yeah i think it's highly unlikely you'd have symptoms there's just no way about it yeah have something you'd have vomiting diarrhea yeah stomach pain yeah and you haven't had those symptoms i've been around you no um aaron who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is with organizing people i do it twice a week with 10 to 12 people each day uh you know with my softball teams and it's just i'm getting a little burnt out on it i'm still gonna do it because i love it but it's just it's driving me down and then and then being part of this
Starting point is 01:10:45 wedding that's coming up this weekend uh you know we went we went all the way out to palm springs we were gonna have uh dinner and then a brunch and it was pretty disorganized and so it basically ended up we drove out to palm springs for dinner we stayed the night obviously but like it's just things aren't you know it's really hard to organize people to do things um and uh it's tough i don't like it yeah no good joe who's your beef of the week uh i i got beef with uh some of the uh stokers that are threatening me with with not listening to my podcast if I won't drink Fruit Smash. Listen, stokers. Thanks, guys. I'll drink it when I'm good and ready.
Starting point is 01:11:38 You're not going to threaten me with downloads of my podcast. Get that out of my face. I just handed Joe a fruit smash. Yeah, I don't want it. Joe, you can make the whole situation go away. It's also warm, so it doesn't help the cause. I saw a Reddit comment of someone who appreciated you not caving to peer pressure.
Starting point is 01:11:57 They respected that. Yeah, that's what's up. Yeah, I'm an adult man. I'm not 13 trying to try cigarettes. Maybe to celebrate how tough you are, you want to have a quick sip of this with me? All right. My beef of the week is with Spirit Airlines.
Starting point is 01:12:15 I'd never flown Spirit. And I was like, hey, I want to go out to Vegas and I want to make it cheap. I'll do Spirit. I ended up booking tickets that were too late for the party we were going to. So I call them eight hours after I booked the tickets and go, yo, can I get a refund? They go, hey, there's a $100 cancellation fee and we give you 80 bucks back for another flight.
Starting point is 01:12:33 80 bucks back for another flight. Not a full voucher for another flight. 80 bucks back. And I got to use it by December. Then we're flying Spirit back. The flight is three hours delayed. They don't tell us for a couple hours. Why? Then they finally say, Hey, the flight attendants are stuck at the hotel. They can't get transportation. I'm like, what are you even talking about? I'll go get it in Uber
Starting point is 01:12:59 and grab them right now. The airport is five minutes from the strip that's insane they could have taken one of those bike cabs and gotten there in no time and i'm like dude not trying to be disrespectful i respect the hell out of anyone who works on an airplane in any capacity those things are scary as shit and flight attendants definitely set the tone for how we're all vibing but one of the flight attendants was there it's a flight from vegas to la it is 45 minutes yeah you don't need to i don't know what the faa regulations are but they should account for this we only need one yeah on a flight that short there's no beverage service yeah yeah so i'm there for three hours and look i wasn't mad i got to kick it me and the strides man we hit a
Starting point is 01:13:43 restaurant there got some good food, got a recap of the trip, tried to just celebrate what was left of us being in Vegas. But zero communication. Brand new airplane. That was nice. But, you know, I never even heard flight attendants not there for the flight. Never heard of that. What were they doing?
Starting point is 01:14:00 I hope they were living it up. I hope you did Molly the night before. But, you know, I partied the night before and I got to the airport on time. I hope you did Molly the night before. But you know, I partied the night before and I got to the airport on time. Almost missed my flight on the way out. You know, I told Stradwell I need to be there an hour before the flight. It's not true.
Starting point is 01:14:12 And then everybody else on comms on call, he was like, yeah, but bro, my brother was like, JT, I've only ever missed an airplane flight when I was with you. And I was like, that's true. But I was like, I've only ever missed six flights in my life. How many times have I flown? A thousand?
Starting point is 01:14:26 So my percentage is still south of probably a percentage point. So yeah, I've missed some flights. But for the most part, I get on them. I don't know. You don't want to miss a flight though. One time I missed a flight. I was sitting there so immersed in my book. They boarded the plane without me noticing
Starting point is 01:14:45 and they were canceling a lot of flights that day so i thought they canceled it so i walked up to the uh to the front and i was like hey they canceled my flight they're like no they didn't it took off 10 minutes ago i was like oh i missed it and then my dad asked me if i was the r word over text message bad look dad canceled canceled dad if you guys want to cancel my dad who has pancreatic cancer because he once texted me if i was the r word because i missed a flight that i was there for i support it yeah um you shouldn't have said that dad and then um he really shouldn't have but he was upset because i almost missed christmas and he did have to pay for my new ticket which at christmas time was very
Starting point is 01:15:31 expensive oh yeah yeah but also i think that's my charm i miss flights once in a while an hour before yeah or burbank i miss them everywhere but we were flying out of la yeah you can't so we were there in time, but then our parking lot was full. We no one accounted for that. I guess that's why you show up earlier to account for the unaccountable. And I made Strider stop at a 7-Eleven on the way so I could grab a vape.
Starting point is 01:15:55 And I checked a bag to Vegas, even though I was only going to be there for two days. I didn't want to bring my weed on carry-on. An hour before, though, is not enough, because by the time you get through security, it's like boarding is happening, and if there's a line...
Starting point is 01:16:14 But, bro, have you ever felt the exhilaration of barely making an airplane? Not really. I did a trip at ASU to visit a buddy, and when I got to the airport, I had like 40 minutes to go, and I did this move. I don't know if I'd even have the gonads to do it now. I looked at the security line.
Starting point is 01:16:30 I said, guys, I'm running late. Can I get to the front? And everyone looks at me, and this is what they do every time. They go, fuck, yeah, go ahead. Yeah. I got to the airport for a flight to Phoenix 15 minutes before my flight took off, and I showed the boarding pass to the security
Starting point is 01:16:46 guard and he put he let me go through like tsa he fast passed you yeah yeah but then i ended up the flight was delayed a little bit so i wasn't even that late um up next our diseased and dying friend chad who's your babe of the week uh my babe of the week is um this hypnotherapist i've been saying is quit dueling uh it hasn't worked um but i appreciate the effort put forth by him that's all his commitment to try to the craft yeah i'm like he gave it his best effort yeah i'm like i respect your commitment dude but those you know because when people talk about that, they're like, yeah, you'll be done forever. And then he hypnotized me. I was expecting to go into it.
Starting point is 01:17:33 And I'm thinking I'm bad at getting hypnotized. But, you know, I was expecting to go into it of just, like, coming out of the session just being like, wow, I just hate smoking. And I came out of it and went straight to the vape shop. You're trying, though, dude. Yeah, I'm trying. You're throwing everything at me. Lucy gum. But, you know, I got hepatitis, so fuck it.
Starting point is 01:18:01 Hypnotitis. Hypnotitis, yeah. Dude, I think you could hypnotize the hepatitis out of you if you get the right hypnotist. Dude, I'm so pissed. Yeah, dude, screw doctors, man. You know what this doctor I had one time said? And this isn't the right thing to say, but this is what he said. You know what doctors do?
Starting point is 01:18:21 We just hold your hands while you die. Someone said that to you? A doctor. No, I think nurses do. But you know what else he? We just hold your hands while you die. Someone said that to you? A doctor. No, I think nurses do. But you know what else he said? Yeah, yeah. He said, but we're wrong a lot about what's wrong with you. It's practice.
Starting point is 01:18:33 He didn't actually say that. They practice medicine. I bet you that's what he would have said. I almost stabbed a doctor in the hand with a needle once. Why? He loved, if you were sick at all he loved to give penicillin shots rather than uh oral you know tablets or whatever right it's kind of a fetish for him yeah yeah and sticking people i was just i was a kid and i was just like not having it so i pulled it out and almost
Starting point is 01:18:57 stabbed him in the hand with it oh wow yeah speaking joe or no aaron who's your baby of the week my baby of the week is uh my friends are getting married andrew and jillian uh they're just great people um and i'm super excited they're they're actually technically already married they got married during uh i think the christmas before the pandemic just to kind of get it over with um but yeah i'm just i'm super excited for them i hope this wedding goes off without a hitch i know it's gonna be fucking hot as balls um and i hope my speech goes well but uh yeah let's see i'm sure your speech is gonna go great yeah nice joe who's your babe of the week uh my mine is this guy over here aaron oh let's go um internal yeah i uh you know house babe getting joe code off the ground has been it's been a lot of fun
Starting point is 01:19:56 it's also been really easy like not easy but it's like stress-free because of this guy. You've got professionals behind the scenes. Yeah, Aaron's the best in the business, and he's also a great softball pitcher and player. Thank you. It's about time I'm recognized for it. Yeah, and I couldn't do it without Aaron just making it easy and fun. That's amazing. My baby of the week is all the people in Vegas I hung out with.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Friday Beers guys, Max and Jack, our agent Andrew Kenward, the locals in Vegas who were out with us, this dude Kurt who just threw the best hand slaps I've ever seen. Dude, when you see two guys, when you see two guys, homies, at a Vegas pool and they don't see each other and then they see each other and they go, and they hit one of those is a hand slap. You and Strider would be proud of. I could hear the hand slap and I was so envious of it. I was like, Oh man, that was beautiful. I want to get in on
Starting point is 01:20:54 it. A couple of minutes later, I got a hand slap from Kurt that was similar. And I was like, now I'm alive, dude. Now I'm in it. And yeah, there was just great hand slaps going on everywhere. And the people of Vegas are just the best. They're just so honest about hanging out. They're just having a good time. There's no judgment. It took me a couple hours to shake off the judgment of myself and to just give in to the pure hedonism of the moment. And then I was like, these people are setting the tempo,
Starting point is 01:21:18 and I'm happy to follow their step. It was really nice to be around that group. So, yeah, big ups to all y'all um chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend is um my buddy ass man uh he's been uh throughout the whole, he's been living a life of leisure. You know, moved to Florida for a bit. Came to California for a bit. Moved back to Miami for a bit.
Starting point is 01:21:52 I think he was in, like, Vail for a bit. Just living the ultimate life of leisure while also keeping a high-quality job. And he's just being an ass man. so i want to give a shout out to him you know he's he's he's my favorite florida guy and uh he's got a deep deep tan and he probably doesn't have hepatitis so good for him yeah that's good you guys have that in common um oh thanks yeah dude's name was kirk not kurt my bad aaron who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is my dad uh father's day is sunday oh yeah uh so um yeah i just wanted to give a little tribute to him. I mean, he, he worked his ass off. He got hurt on the job, uh, in the early nineties.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Um, and kind of, I wouldn't say never recovered, but never really got like the job status that he had at the time. Maybe, maybe he did. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but just, it never seemed that way to me. Um, but like he worked two jobs for a lot of my childhood two full you know full eight hour jobs a day um you know and we never wanted for anything so that was really awesome um and i always i told him that a lot you know the last few years like i really got a lot of my work ethic uh from him i'm still not up to that level because
Starting point is 01:23:26 like he would he could go out work all day come home and be and be puttering around the house doing all the chores and all this all the stuff that needed to be done mowing the lawn and taking care of this in there and i'm just like i do like a couple hours here and i'm toast yeah so it's like it's just crazy that, that he was able to do that for so long. And that's again, what, what made it so sad when he got Parkinson's and wasn't able to do all that
Starting point is 01:23:53 stuff. Um, cause he was just so, so out and about. Um, but yeah, let's love your dad. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:03 It's nice. That's nice. Good tribute. Um, Joe, who's love your dad. Yeah, that's nice. That's nice. That's nice. Good tribute. Joe, who's your legend of the week? Chad, JT, Strider. Yeah, it's you guys. Dude, thanks. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:24:22 Yeah, I mean, it's been fun. I'm not leaving. it's been fun no it's uh you know getting you guys giving me uh the the platform to be on the podcast with you and uh now i have the opportunity to do my own it's uh it's great and it's fun and it's thanks to you guys well we're not doing it out of kindness you're a beast well it's i mean it still is uh you guys have a lot to do with it so love you buddy we're so excited man yeah love you guys joe coatraro of the Ferraro clan of Mike and Emily Ferraro Emily delivered a beautiful
Starting point is 01:25:10 baby girl good on you Emily and she is here now she exists I had no idea born of tremendous parents Ferraro was born to be a dad even when we were in high school all the girls would be like he was born to be a dad.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Even when we were in high school, all the girls would be like, he's going to be such a good dad one day. And I'd be like, we're all going to be good dads. I'd get a little bit defensive. But now I see what they saw. He's really well suited for it, and I'm excited to see him go on that journey. So congratulations to you guys. Can't wait to meet the baby girl. And I know she's going to have a badass home to grow up in.
Starting point is 01:25:47 And Farrar was a beast at CrossFit. I mean, he moves weight, dude. Was in the regionals one year. Had the fastest time in his heat on the, I think it was the rope climb and handstand walk. So I know she's got those good genetics and that good work ethic. That's all going to be in there. And I can't wait to see her on the floor the floor hitting some olympic lifts snatching 200 pounds overhead textbook let's go capri um but yeah enjoy your babyhood dude that was so quick i had no idea happens fast brother yeah wow congrats ferrara pretty
Starting point is 01:26:21 name too capri yeah it's like the island. Chad, what's your quote of the week? It's from this guy in Bloodsport. Great movie. Jean-Claude Van Damme movie. And he's like... I forget the first part, but he's like... He's training for a fight. And the guy's like, it's going to be dangerous out there.
Starting point is 01:26:47 And he's like, yeah, I love it. I need a few more scars on my face. The guy's like, but what if you, I heard you could die. Yeah, if you fuck up. Nice. Yeah, that's cool. So, that's my quote. Aaron, what's your quote of the week i mean i i've had a little trouble finding one as always uh so i'm gonna go with something from bloodsport as well nice um they're
Starting point is 01:27:15 trying to test jean-claude van damme to see if he's like a legit fighter that should be there and that he studied under the the guy that he said he studies for uh so they they make him break a brick they stack up a bunch of bricks and he goes okay i'll break break the top brick and they're like no only break the bottom brick and so he does it uh it's it's super intense and then uh and the guy who was testing was like, and this is the quote, he just goes, okay, USA.
Starting point is 01:27:53 It's so fucking funny. And we're talking blood sport. Blood sport. Frank Duke. Frank Duke. Which was Jean-Claude Van Damme's martial arts instructor and claimed that it was a true life story and that it was based on his life.
Starting point is 01:28:03 That the Kumite was real and that he fought on it as an outsider and won. But I think people who did a little investigating were like, you made up everything. And then he was like, no shit. Joe, what's your quote of the week? Forget injuries, never forget kindnesses. That's Confucius. That's nice's nice yeah interesting uh mine is from the song the coup um oh no no sorry mine is from the group the coup uh
Starting point is 01:28:39 bootsy collins i think was the uh the lead singer and this is how the chorus goes robert vertries would always play this it's it's his boxing mix oh and this is how the chorus goes. Robert Virtuies would always play this. It's his boxing mix. Oh. And this is the chorus. I'm here to laugh, love, fucking drink liquor and help the damn revolution come quicker. That's called a coup? Yeah. Laugh, love.
Starting point is 01:28:57 What is it? I'm here to laugh, love, fucking drink liquor and help the damn revolution come quicker. It's nice. Hell yeah. Chad, what's your and help the damn revolution come quicker. It's nice. Hell yeah. Chet, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Hey, let's go kick that doctor's ass. Let's go. Fuck doctors, dude.
Starting point is 01:29:17 You know what doctors I like? I like the Sean Bakers of the world. That guy on the carnivore diet who we had in here. Yeah. You know, that guy got out of medicine because he was like, this sucks, dude. Yeah. I'm just going to eat steak all day. Those are my doctors. Yeah. The ones who look at the entire institution of it and they go, they're full of it. Yeah. I'm just going to go do deadlifts and eat. And he's jacked. I love it. So what other proof do you need? Aaron, what's your frisbee if you're gonna have to do it? Let's go break the bottom brick
Starting point is 01:29:47 Nice Joe? If you can't take the heat Stay in the air conditioning It's gonna be hot It's gonna be in the 90s That's really smart This is in honor of Ferraro
Starting point is 01:30:04 One time me, him, and Andrew Went to Vegas together He's that's really smart. Mine. This is in honor of Ferraro. One time me, him and Andrew went to, to Vegas together and we were partying at excess and we were like 24 wearing button ups and we were trying to hit on some gals. And these girls had a cabana right by the pool. And you know, me and Andrew started throwing them a little rhythm, trying to get them going.
Starting point is 01:30:21 And they ended up being pretty rude to us. And we were cool about it, but Ferraro really got upset. Not in like a horrible way, and they ended up being pretty rude to us and and we were cool about it but uh ferraro really got upset not in like a horrible way but they were just being rude and and he wasn't liking it and they didn't seem like they were having fun and i got really mad he looked at me he goes you don't deserve a cabana he was really offended that these people had a cabana that they weren't taking advantage of and really honoring the spirit of what having a cabana is yeah and and there was real hurt in his voice he looked at them with real disdain he said you don't even deserve a cabana and then he walked away and that's the
Starting point is 01:30:54 ferraro i love dude you know he respected vegas he respected the nightlife and he wanted people to to really respect it too so yeah if you got cabana, honor that in honor of his new baby. All right, dudes. All right. Stuggers, keep writing reviews. Love the reviews. They're so epic. And listen to Joe Code.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Leave some for Joe Code. Yeah, leave some for Joe Code. Let's help boost Joe Code. Let's get joe code on the charts thanks and uh guys listen to joe code out on all platforms all platforms right apple spotify yeah um youtube yeah it's hilarious man i love listening to it so stokers i know you'll enjoy it so check it out let's go all right i'm gonna go freak out if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to and where to go When you need someone to guide you Just a half of those beside you
Starting point is 01:32:10 Go and see Go and see Blacks 15 Homebound with E Cat and JT I'm going deep I'm going deep

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