Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 201 - Chris Parr Joins

Episode Date: August 26, 2021

Stokers we got a treat this week, JT's brother, Chris Parr joins the pod. He's one of the coolest guys ever. They draft their top 4 leading men actors of all time and JT blows his whole lineup by over...thinking it and Chad and Chris said he couldn't change his lineup and put it in this description here even though he desperately wants to.  Sign up for new merch here: http://www.shopcgd.com​​​​​​​​​​

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys before we begin this podcast i want to let you know that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because today's episode is sponsored by manscape the leaders and below the waist grooming back to school time fellas and ladies we want to make sure you pack the essentials i have the best year yet the manscape fourth generation performance package is just that things are opening up be ready for whatever is in the daily schedule for you it's in the perfect package for your package it includes the brand new lawnmower 4.0 fellas go to the valet later joe good to see you uh go to the valet dick torian of ball trimming and join the two million men worldwide
Starting point is 00:00:46 who trust Manscaped by going to manscaped.com with the code GO DEEP. Make that ass clap. Gotta make that ass clap. Gotta make that ass clap gotta make the ass clap gotta make the ass clap uh what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going d with chad jt podcast i'm just doing rap intros now uh just from the i was listening to make it rain on the way over here so i'm pretty fired up on that uh shout out to to Fat Joe and Lil Wayne. I'm here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Boom clap, Stokers. And we have a very special guest. Huge guest for the day. JT's brother, Chris Parr. Welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. Christopher Hampton Parr. Oh, your middle name's Hampton.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Yeah. Dude, that's awesome. That's a great middle name. Thanks, dude. I love it. Yeah. I made fun of it for... Really? par oh your middle name is hampton yeah dude that's awesome that's a great middle name thanks dude i love it yeah i made fun of it for really middle like not too bad grade school middle school hampton right it's just different so what did people say that was stupid just oh that's your middle name about that's about it well you call me hammy a lot but that was endearing i was just trying to make it happen you know sometimes you're hey, I think I want to give this person a nickname, see
Starting point is 00:02:06 if it catches on. I was like, what about hammy or ham bone? What about what I always do? What was that thing I would always say? Oh, um. Bitchin' ho. Yeah. Bitchin' ho.
Starting point is 00:02:17 That's what he'd, he called me that. It was like a go-to. What was that? But it wasn't like a dig. No, it was like a. I'm just an idiot it was always very loving it was just like a it was like almost like gibberish that i like to say i would just go bitchin ho what was the age range of this what like 12 to 14 or something yeah something like
Starting point is 00:02:39 that kind of the you know my intellectual peak you're 12 yeah like me 10 you were 10 22 months younger yeah jt slept in uh you guys slept in the same bed for a while right or you you sort of comforted jt if we can do you want to talk about this yeah well his room was like i didn't list him we can talk about it yeah yeah and it was all above board it was all consensual. My room was really bright, and we just always hung out in there. My computer worked. His desktop broke early, so he would just come into my room to surf the internet. I had a lot of viruses. And his room was gray was the main color, which is just...
Starting point is 00:03:19 It wasn't the best choice by my parents for making it a room that JT would want to hang out in. It wasn't very bright. It was kind of tense. It didn't feel like a teenager's room. My parents were into design and stuff, so it was kind of gothic, I guess. It had a lot of sculptures and stuff. My brother's was more like a hacienda room or something. Oh, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Or like New Mexico. It like a lot of tans and wood it was nice yeah you had a great room we used to hang in there like 12 deep we'd have like 12 guys in there just dance party so he would sleep in my bed but we'd be hanging out in my room anyways and then eventually he just started sleeping in his own bed but my room was still a hangout room so if my friends were over or his friends were over or both of them were over we were always in my room yeah you would come home sometimes and be me and like five of the homies just listening to music in your room i don't know why that happened but it just had better feng shui yeah and then once maybe it was you dude maybe it was that you're so cool like Like, you imparted your coolness into the fabric of the room.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Couldn't hurt. Right. You know? So, yeah, we did that a lot, which was cool. You are very cool. You weren't always so cool, though. When you were little, like five, you weren't that cool. But then you got really cool.
Starting point is 00:04:43 How was he not cool at five? He was just so sweet. He was so sweet. But you know, like, to be cool. It was, like, too sweet that it wasn't cool? Right, like, because, you know, well, every, actually, I don't know. No, he was cool. Because, like, our older friends always liked him more than me.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And, like, when we'd wrestle, they'd root for you to win. Yeah, it's because you were loud, you know? So then I was always like, shut this kid up. I feel like they wanted to cut you down because they saw you like being loud and boisterous to like, fuck this kid. JT, let's mess with him a little bit. Right. Did you sort of respond to having JT as an older brother?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Like, all right, I'm going to be a little bit more chill and sort of go with the flow. I feel like that's kind of the case with the older versus younger that's sort of definitely what happened with me yeah i don't think i was never gonna match him a hundred percent of the time it was like i'd have moment i'm still i'm really loud that's like my voice projects i i get really excited i talk really loud but i'd say overall JT's just at a higher level for most of the time, and his highs were way higher than my highs. But he was also naked all the time as a little kid, and I just wasn't going to do that. Yeah, what do you think stopped you from doing that?
Starting point is 00:05:59 Just decency? My small piece. And then, you know, yeah, I don't know't know i'd even moon as much as you did but nobody did if you did if you did yeah if you could keep up what was your average mooning per week i mean it was more like what was my average not mooning i was always i was always either naked or i was just walking around the house and like boxers or tighty whities and nothing else so i was always pretty close to being naked and i still like you know like when i did mushrooms at the park a couple weeks ago i was in you know my short little swim trunks and then i was like man it'd be nice to be naked and then i looked around and there's you know families and
Starting point is 00:06:41 shit and i was like all right yeah we're not doing that did you get shamed a lot for it and there's you know families and shit and i was like all right yeah we're not doing that did you get shamed a lot for it uh sometimes at surf camp that one time i don't remember remember we were coming back from like carl's junior and i was like mooning people in the back and then first year or second year first year the better year and then they no disrespect to brooks who came the second year and greg but uh they kicked me out of the van and they made me like run. Oh, really? They made me run like a couple miles back to the campsite. Yeah. Which, yeah, it was kind of, it was almost like, I felt like Xerxes when they make her do like the shame walk.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Right. It kind of had that kind of tenor to it. Oh, were you naked when you ran back? No, but they were just, everyone in the van was like laughing at me. They were like, oh, look, you gotta run now, you idiot, you stupid idiot you stupid shit oh look at him run and they were like come on run rocky run like stuff like that yeah and i didn't like that attention it felt a bit too pointed yeah i think i got shamed out i had a naked face for probably like two or three years when i was seven to nine but i think i got shamed out of it because when i first met my sister-in-law
Starting point is 00:07:44 first thing i did when i first met her is i turned around and i showed her my b-hole uh and my brother got really upset with me and he's like we're getting married because he was intimidated yeah because i think i think is i think she saw my b-hole before she saw his oh yeah right he's like my wife hasn't even seen that yeah yeah he wanted to be the only I think she saw my b-hole before she saw his. Oh. Yeah. Right. He's like, my wife hasn't even seen that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He wanted to be the only b-hole in her life. Yeah, so I didn't really get naked that much after that.
Starting point is 00:08:12 That's good. No, it's not good. All right, get naked. Yeah. We won't shame you. You can get naked right now. We could blur it out and shit. If you want. Should we make this a naked podcast?
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah, we could do that. Aaron? Aaron's not into it. All into it i will holster it then aaron's a dad did you ever get naked aaron uh with buddies or anything yeah no with buddies no no i was always the big guy like just always the tallest and always the whitest okay and the only white guy so oh all your homies were pocs i grew up you know three miles from the mexican border so yeah nice that's awesome yeah it's good great it's better i mean it's it's isolating in its own way. Oh, I bet. Right. Did they call you, like, the white boy or gringo or anything like that? Sure.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Yeah, yeah. My Mexican friends used to call me payaso for clown. They'd just go, what's up, payaso? Yeah. And it felt like a term of endearment. Yeah. Yeah, my nickname was always Captain America because of being the white guy. Nice. Captain America? Yeah. You'd be a always Captain America because of being the white guy.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Nice. Captain America? You'd be a good Captain America. Which now, I mean, yeah, totally cool. Yeah, you'd carry that shield with pride and dignity. If you're Captain America, it gets naked. That would be the ultimate, I think. Can you imagine Captain America? You could always hide behind a shield, though, if you had to.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Yeah, Chris Evans showing up just naked. Avengers assemble. Yeah, do they showing up just naked. Avengers assemble. Yeah, do they show any butts in those movies? Because even that would be nice. They came close with Thor, right? But I don't think they ever showed his can. No. Like seeing Hemsworth or Chris Evans' butt cheeks would be cool.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Did you see Hemsworth said that he felt like he doesn't get enough respect because he's so jacked? Really? He said that recently? He said if he did more body transformation in his acting, would think of him as like a christian bale type but because he's so dedicated to fitness that people kind of uh don't take him as seriously as some of those other actors well i think out of all those actors the avengers he's the most like a real life superhero i'd say in terms of physique i mean the rock is probably more so but he's not in the movies but but he yeah he doesn't have the ruggedness though that that that you know kurt russell or bruce willis have i don't think he's a little prettier yeah he's just
Starting point is 00:10:36 he's more uh what what's the term cartoonish you know what you know when the people just have like big biceps and triceps and the glam muscle? He's pure glam muscle. He's like a bodybuilder. Yeah. He doesn't look functional. Yeah. Whereas I think Arnold had that, but a little bit more...
Starting point is 00:10:55 What do you think Arnold has more of? I think he just probably has a little more charisma. I think physically he's even less relatable, I would say. I think he looks more alien right like he's in more like the rock mold where it's like these people don't look like humans right right and we need to craft a movie around that fact like they like the bad guys have to comment on and be like look at your body you're indestructible but not if i push this button which will you know detonate a poison inside your head that will render you immobile and then i'm going to kill your family and you're like right it's never just like a guy going through
Starting point is 00:11:28 a divorce yeah arnold doesn't go through divorces yeah i was gonna say was arnold in mission impossible 3 right that is the thing yeah dude yeah that was a good fight scene when tom cruise is like having a headache yeah he's like shaking it off and throwing elbows dude i almost think he gets too fucked up in those movies you know like in like the fourth or fifth one when he's like shaking it off and throwing elbows. Such elbows. Dude, I almost think he gets too fucked up in those movies. You know, like in like the fourth or fifth one when he's like falling on all those cars and stuff. I'm like, Jesus, dude. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 It's like too much where he still gets up. You know what I mean? He gets ragdolled a lot. That's kind of his thing now. Yeah, he like straps himself into the seatbelt and then drives off. Yeah. Essentially a cliff just to land.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Yeah. And just get out and hit the button to cancel it. What's your favorite Mission Impossible? Oh, man. It's probably for Ghost Protocol because I feel like that one set the template for the subsequent ones the best. Maybe this most recent one, that was also very cool.
Starting point is 00:12:25 That was almost like the ultimatum one, where they're like, we have narrowed down exactly what it is we do here. Yeah. And I've just seen Ghost Protocol way more times, that that one just feels fresher and cooler. But it also was like the OG of like, wow, this is what these movies should be.
Starting point is 00:12:39 And when I saw it, I mean, I was like, it blew my mind. I was having so much fun. Right. This actually segues nicely into, we were going to do a segment today where we're going to draft our top leading men of all time. And then, so we're not drafting them and inheriting their catalog of films.
Starting point is 00:12:58 We're drafting them as if we were going to make more movies with these guys in their prime. And we'll do the ladies another time. But today, we're sticking to the fellers. Chris, since you are our guest, do you want to do the honors? Well, you know what, though? I know you're going to draft my guy first. And I don't want to lose him.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So I could. No, I can't. Take him. Take him. But go ahead. You go first. You should be polite. I'm going to take Denzel. I knew. No, I can't. You take him. Take him. But go ahead. You go first. Yeah, you should be polite. I'm gonna take Denzel. I knew you were gonna do it.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I knew you were gonna do it, and that was my number one pick. Shit. I know. That was my number one pick. Oh, crap. I knew you were gonna take it, because it would mess up the whole roster that I could build. He's the number one. We're each gonna get three. He's just the best. He's cool. He's such a good actor.'s so badass he can be sexy
Starting point is 00:13:48 he can do it all he's just the man i love denzel he's the best because i think he's also he's a movie star but like of the movie stars he's also the best actor of the movie stars like he can do like shakespeare and drama and he can there's kind of nothing he can't do. Except for maybe play a milquetoast character. I don't know if he could do that. But you don't really need that for what we're drafting for. He's not like a puncher, though. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:14:16 He's not a hand-to-hand fighter in his movies. I don't think he needs that. He's such an alpha. He doesn't need that. He can punch. The Hurricane? He's literally a puncher. He's a boxing movie. He's a an alpha. He doesn't need to. He is. He can punch. The Hurricane? Well, yeah. He's literally a puncher. A boxing movie. But I mean like... He's a puncher.
Starting point is 00:14:28 When he's in an action movie, it's always with guns. It's more gunplay. Yeah, he's not duking it out with the... But there's still some fight scenes. Like Virtuosity. Yeah, sure. Get in there a bit with the...
Starting point is 00:14:39 So who would you say is a better puncher? Because I don't disagree, but then I don't know. Is there another guy who is a better puncher of of the people we're pulling from harrison ford the guy i'm gonna pick the guy i'm gonna pick is a puncher is a puncher the guy i'm gonna pick is a puncher i got a surprise pick coming so wait who's next chad's up uh me yeah sure yeah of course okay number two harrison ford that's a good one that's he was on my list yeah i mean yeah always crushes it and and he does he has a he has a pretty pretty wide array of you know he's got
Starting point is 00:15:14 air force one uh something lies beneath is that what it's called what lies beneath what lies beneath blade runner uh star wars indiana jones he's done it all and uh every time every time he's what's up fugitive fugitive every time he's in a movie i get fired up i just love watching him witness rocks witness yeah i just re-watched uh air force one the other day it's so great it's so inspiring he stays on the plane because his wife and kid are on there yeah and they keep him like you know a lot of like the logic doesn't like you're kind of like how long is this guy gonna be able to hide from like 12 terrorists on a plane? Like they know he's underneath and they're like, we can't get to him.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I'm like, he's got like 12 square feet where he can hide. But he's wily. But his like tenacity and his loyalty to his fam. I don't know. It's very inspiring. Oh, yeah. I remember my mom. My mom would get so fired up.
Starting point is 00:16:02 She's like, she's like, this is Harrison Ford. He's hot he is that him and Brad Pitt she's like yeah he's hot we will not let go of Ratajouks and then they go then I kill your daughter then he goes no honey and then he goes one two and he goes okay I'll do it and he sounds like such a sweet dad when he says it yeah yeah the only I try to think about presidents that we've had who would actually stay behind and do that as well. Yeah. And, you know, Uncle Joe is just way too long in the tube. He'd forget where he was. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I think he would want to. You know, it seems like you've even seen those texts. Yeah. Things, he seems like he's a pretty loyal father. Yeah. But I think Trump would get off the plane. Yeah. And he would expect his kids to, too.
Starting point is 00:16:43 I don't think he'd expect them to stay for him. I think Barack would stay. Yeah. I think Barack would get off the plane. And he would expect his kids to, too. I don't think he'd expect them to stay for him. I think Barack would stay. Yeah. I think Barack would stay for Michelle. I don't think he would bail. For sure. Trump for Melania. He grabs his shoes.
Starting point is 00:16:53 He's like, later, dudes. Yeah, yeah. He'd be out pretty quick. He'd, like, blow up the plane with that. He'd be like, look, this is just, we don't negotiate with terrorists. We just don't negotiate. We just don't negotiate. We just don't negotiate. I don't know what to tell you.
Starting point is 00:17:06 We don't take a back step. I can see him skydiving with just a smirk on his face. And his hair just flopping. And he'd brag. I want to get it. I'm not even trying to be political. This is genuinely what I think, just psychologically. He'd land and he'd be like, I'm the only president in history to have survived a terrorist attack on Air Force One.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I think Bush would have stayed. Probably. Yeah, I think so. I think so, right? Clinton would have bailed. Clinton would have bailed. Later. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I think Hillary would have found a way to bail, too. He would have felt really bad about it, though. Clinton would have felt bad. Man, I shouldn't have done it. But he always would make the decision to bail too yeah yeah he would have felt really bad about it though clinton would have felt better yeah man i shouldn't have done but he always would make the decision to bail yeah he would convince himself to like he might be able to talk us out of it too like he shouldn't have bailed and then he'd get into it like you know he was right to bail yeah he just he'd look so happy um reagan would have failed but he would have told everyone he didn't fail yeah his world war ii service with trump that's good
Starting point is 00:18:05 gary oldman's the the villain right he's very good and he's like uh he's like i kill your daughter he's like tiffany he's like yeah cool right yeah wait which one yeah wait i uh all right my number one pick i'm going way off the beaten path but he's a star and a very good actor Chris I'm gonna give you one guess who do you think who do you think I'm doing wait okay I'll give you this hint
Starting point is 00:18:29 wow Greg Giebel doesn't think he's that great of an actor I have no idea but Colin Farrell no he didn't even make my list although I love Colin Farrell
Starting point is 00:18:40 but he's like too far down yeah he just we're talking about a different tier here who does Greg like? Sean Penn. I'm going with Sean Penn.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I love Sean Penn. He's such a good actor. He's a total wild card. And here's the thing. He's a puncher. Sean Penn, like a real life puncher. He boxes and he beats the shit out of paparazzi. Third overall, you're going Sean Penn.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I think so. I like Sean Penn a lot. What's your favorite Sean Penn movie? What's my favorite Sean Penn movie? For what we're talking about, it's such a minor film compared to like the, you know, the Denzel and Harrison Ford stuff. But like, what is my favorite? I was going to say State of Grace, but like what is my favorite i was gonna say state
Starting point is 00:19:26 of grace but that's not my favorite but that's like like a movie star part bad boys bad boys bad boys is so badass and he's very badass and i've never seen that he's in juvenile hall he's in juvenile hall and sa morales so he goes to juvenile hall oh that's this is bad boys for beating up this dude who assaulted his girlfriend and the guy who assaulted his girlfriend ends up at juvie with him and it's got great fight scenes they're really like, it's a pretty brutal movie but uh so Mystic River he's very good in
Starting point is 00:19:54 Milk he's good in none of those are like my favorite movies I think he's great in I Am Sam I'll go on the record and say that The Interpreter, he's pretty badass in that look I just don't think he's gotten the parts because he's just too wily, but I think Sean Penn is my guy.
Starting point is 00:20:10 If I was starting my movies tomorrow and they were like, you get a prime Sean Penn? I was like, we can make a bunch of cool shit. He's awesome. He's so intense. I love that. It's making me rethink what to pick next.
Starting point is 00:20:22 He's very intense. And he can be funny. And he can be funny. When has he being funny? What are some good examples? He did this Woody Allen movie. Spicoli? Sweet and Lowdown.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Sweet and Lowdown he's really funny in. Plays a mean guitar. What else is he funny in? Not 21 Grams. Oh, not funny in that. I never saw it. He's good in Colors. Colors is good. He's funny in that. I never saw it. He's good in Colors. It's too intense. Colors is good.
Starting point is 00:20:49 He's funny in Fast Times, obviously. Fast Times. Narrates well in Dogtown and Z-Boys. Oh, he's funny in What Just Happened, which is, you know, light satire. But that's actually a really good movie, too. And then, yeah, I'm going to roll with Sean Penn. I wanted to go off the beaten path. I'm going Sean.
Starting point is 00:21:05 But, you know, dude, I fucked up. Because I know who you I wanted to go off the beaten path. I'm going Sean. But you know what? Dude, I fucked up. Because I know who you guys are going next. And I should have just picked him. Because I'm kind of surprised you went with Harrison Ford. There was someone I was going to go before. But then I was... You might get him here, though.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Yeah. I don't even know if... You might get him here. Unless my brother takes him. My brother might take him right here. I'm just going to... I think my team's going to win. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:21:29 But I'm going to go with Tom Hanks. Oh! No, I don't think that was it. Just to really round out the team. Because now I'm doing... Is Tom Hanks too soft, though? No. He's not sexy.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Right, but he's a leading... But think about all the parts that are Tom Hanks too soft, though. No. That was my... No. He's not sexy. Right, but he's a leading... But think about all the parts that are Tom Hanks parts. But you just lost every action movie. You can't make action movies. Right, right. But you gain... You got Denzel for that. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And you gain every movie where it's like, he's just a dad with a family. Right. You know what I mean? He's just like, oh, this ordinary man who's thrown into an extraordinary situation, and he's just got to step up, and he's super funny. So you needed someone relatable. You wanted someone relatable. I'm trying to play the game a little bit. You wanted every man.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Now I got the breadth that I got with those two guys. Well, maybe I'll get my guy. I think you guys are screwed. Maybe I'll get my guy. Who are you going with? Brad Pitt. Oh. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:24 That's a good one. Because I was talking to my dad i watched fury again last night i was talking to my dad about we were talking we were talking about because we were just discussing like the budget you know you gotta pay like 20 million dollars to do that but i'm like that's worth it if you pay you pay 20 million dollars for brad pitt you're gonna get your money's worth i mean i can't think of any you're definitely gonna make more than 20 back yeah and uh he he just i don't know i think he just shines in almost every role uh i i love watching him he makes me it makes me happy watching him and he's sexy can't argue it i i beautiful i think i mean he's and he's an icon he's of all the guys
Starting point is 00:23:05 we've picked he's probably the most one like if you see a photo of him you're like that's an icon yeah like if i see him on a poster yeah that probably gets me the most excited to go see the movie and even in like you know like 12 years a slave his can't he like he just crushes little cameos like that he's good he's got a good heart in that movie so far all oscar winners all right well i probably should have gone with this guy first and i could have got the thing is i could have got sean penn with like my third pick you know what i mean i kind of didn't pick smart that way um but i but i like that i already have i got a surefire oscar contender in my in my in my one hole and i
Starting point is 00:23:38 thought you guys would take this guy tom cruise right right of course huge of course tom cruise mission impossible and then i'm taking prime tom cruise so to me that's like probably like 89 to 94 or something like that and you're getting where he could do action movies but you get like a few good men and jerry mcguire and kind of like him at his like most polished dramatic actor stage um jerry mcguire's 96 oh is it really oh damn thank you for his interview with a vampire okay not bad not bad not bad but i'm i prefer him and jerry not jerry's like his most relatable part basically but it's brad pitt and tom cruise an interview yeah that's kind of yeah brad Brad Pitt's hair in that is just such... It's so not flattering.
Starting point is 00:24:27 It's probably the ugliest he's looked in a movie. Which movie? He's still pretty hot, though. Oh, Interview of the Vampire. Twelve Monkeys. Made me want to be a vampire. But even Twelve Monkeys is like...
Starting point is 00:24:35 At least he's got weird energy. Or California. You know what I mean? California with a K. He's a serial killer. He's like a weirdo, like degenerate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 I wrote down Tom Cruise cruise but then i was i think i was caught up on his on latest tom cruise i wasn't thinking about prime tom cruise because the latest tom cruise is more kind of that brand like rock kind of where the movies are kind of the same right that's why i'm going earlier tom cruise yeah early time yeah where he's doing like a little more oscar stuff he's trying to work with all the best directors. Yeah. Like Magnolia, Tom Cruise, Vanilla Sky. That's probably, that's like the end of him being like, all right, I'm going to do like interesting dramas and stuff. And I guess it just wasn't feeling good for him.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah. Dude, Damon told a story about him on Bill Simmons where he was like, how'd you do that thing? And where you ran across like the world's tallest buildings. Like I've been wanting to do it for years. So we bring in the stunt coordinator and go, how do we do it? He goes too dangerous. So I found another stunt coordinator
Starting point is 00:25:25 I worked on some of that footage when it still had wires Really? You did? Whoa I didn't know that How'd this just come up? How'd it look? Even with wires dude it's still fucking It's amazing that he did that That's my thing
Starting point is 00:25:44 Not only do I have a great actor I've also got the best stunt man in the world on my squad yeah is that that's ghost protocol when he's in dubai when he's running wow yeah dude when you see how high up he is yeah it's crazy chris who you going at number three there's so many there's so many to choose from all months i think i know who i want because I actually have them one, two, three on my list. Yeah, I'm going to go Christian Bale. Dude, nice. Oh, nice. You got a wild card.
Starting point is 00:26:14 I was just looking at him on my list. I was like, he's good. You talked about it earlier, body transformation, but he's also such a good actor. That's definitely a part. It's always impressive when people do that. Sometimes people get more credit than maybe they should, but whatever. But he's just an amazing actor.
Starting point is 00:26:31 He obviously can do... I mean, he was Batman, and he was good. He's just... He's the man, and he can do so many... He can do anything. I think he's one of the best. And he picks good movies.
Starting point is 00:26:46 He's always good. I'd like to see him do, but you got Tom Hanks for the everyman stuff, so you don't need an everyman. Yeah. I was going to say, because I don't know if he could do that stuff, but you don't need it because you got Hanks.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Has Bale been funny? Yeah, he's been funny. He's really funny in The Fighter, right? In The Fighter he's really funny. And in all the David O. Russell movies, because I think he's pretty funny in american hustle too yeah it's more of like just him doing his comb over in america like that alone is hilarious he slipped a disc doing the hunch for that movie his commitment is almost what makes it fun it's not necessarily his like uh yeah yeah he fucked up his back because he like he got like a herniated disc from just pretending to be huge.
Starting point is 00:27:28 That's the guy I want on my squad, dude. I'm still laughing at the image of Trump just bailing out of Air Force One. Just with a slight smile on his face, knowing he won. That's a smirk. He just keeps coming in. Oh, man, that's so funny. Chad, who's your third pick? i think you have to right oh now i'm in my head do you know who i'm talking about no go forget forget forget my i was thinking robert de niro oh nice because i got i got harrison De Niro. Oh, nice. Because I got Harrison Ford, I got Brad Pitt, kind of too all-American. And then De Niro, the gangster stuff, and he's funny.
Starting point is 00:28:10 He's really funny. He's the parents. I mean, he's probably... He's iconic, too. By a lot of metrics, he's probably the best actor of all time. Yeah. In terms of body work, and then he does the body transformation stuff. He can be funny.
Starting point is 00:28:22 He's great in dramas. He's good in supporting roles. He kind of... Yeah, he might be the body transformation stuff. He can be funny. He's great in dramas. He's good in supporting roles. He kind of, uh, yeah, he's, he might be the best. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:29 And the body of work is huge. Huge. So much stuff. I don't know if he has like the leading man coolness. Right. That some other people, but you have Brad Pitt for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:38 You just need someone to be cool. You got Brad Pitt. Yeah. Cause I don't, I don't know if you ever watched an era on some, maybe in heat and maybe in good fellas, but I don't think you really watched an era and you're like, Oh, I wish I was that guy. Totally. Because I don't know if you ever watched De Niro. Maybe in Heat. And maybe in Goodfellas. But I don't think you really watched De Niro and you're like, oh, I wish I was that guy. Totally. But you
Starting point is 00:28:49 have Brad Pitt and he's kind of the apotheosis of that. Yeah. Who were you thinking I was going to say? P-dubs. Oh, right, right, right. Patrick Wilson? That was a hilarious joke, but you can't make that on this
Starting point is 00:29:06 podcast that's that's that's a given for me right this we'll call this the honorary paul walker draft yeah yeah right he would have been all of our number one picks so we're going with all these guys yeah instead um so deniro deniro i like that i thought chris was gonna go to deniro i botched my whole thing I don't know I'm gonna trade Sean Penn now for other guys I don't know why
Starting point is 00:29:28 I came in hot with that alright so here's my thing so you guys have your three should we do another round no we're good at three
Starting point is 00:29:37 I'm down there's so many cause like the people that are still on the board it's crazy yeah maybe we need to do one more round
Starting point is 00:29:43 cause alright so here's my thing and I'm gonna burn this one I'm just gonna say his name but i want to go with jack nicholson but is sean penn kind of division two jack nicholson kind of yeah right they're kind of fill the same lane right they're like the wild card leading man they have kind of like an anti-authority like edge to them yeah a little too similar i think there's like yeah there's still like several bonafide jack movie stars that are left but you know it's your team but i think if i'm if i'm making new movies with this with these guys
Starting point is 00:30:18 it's like jack and sean can basically play all the same parts right yeah so literally when sean penn directed his first movie, Jack's the star. Right. And I think Jack, when he directed a movie... The Pledge? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Never saw it. They have very similar energies. Same with Christian Slater. Yeah. Sorry, dude. Got him. All right right number three okay all right so what i think i need here because i because i want oh man it's our
Starting point is 00:30:55 hoosier second my second was tom cruise right so i had a strong i had a strong two pick to you yeah yeah dude i put some there's some big guys I put some weirdos on this list, man. Not weirdos. I know what you should pick. But like Paul Giamatti. You probably shouldn't pick him, but I love him. I know one you should pick. Throw it to me.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Throw it to me. I'm open. Daniel Day. Yeah. You know what? Because that is kind of the lane I was thinking. I was like, do I need... Because Tom Cruise can kind of do it because he did like last samurai yeah i'm like but do i
Starting point is 00:31:28 need someone who can do like historical stuff right yeah but with him i just don't i just don't know if he's enough of a movie star for me yeah i love daniel day lewis he's kind of just a pure actor yeah and every time you go into one of his movies you kind of go in ready to be tired right like you're like this is going to be amazing it's going to be like the most commitment and and precise acting i've ever seen but i don't know if i'm going to come out of it feeling like jazzed yeah i'm probably going to come out of it being like that was art yeah and phantom threat is like just it's just it's so good and i'm also like why like it's so specific and i don't i'm make whatever you want pta but like i don't it feels just odd that you chose this but it's amazing that's like that's how i felt after
Starting point is 00:32:11 was it master what the master the master yeah i was i kind of came out of that i was like oh no dude any pta movie that you see in theaters yeah you're basically like wow i think i like learned about art and i think uh I need to go home and watch Nickelodeon right now take a shower that's how we talk about the greatest filmmaker of our generation on here just relax
Starting point is 00:32:37 a bit or watch the first half of Boogie Nights but don't finish it I do that with a lot of movies That Blow yeah Yeah, just watch Boogie Nights. But don't finish it because then it gets... I do that with a lot of movies. That Blow. Yeah. American Made even.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Well, yeah. Good Tom Cruise movie where afterwards you just want to go drive around in your car. And the thing is there are real life stories of people who were drug dealers and kind of got away with it. Yeah. But we can't make those movies because it's immoral. Yeah. So you have to do the third act fall. Yeah. But I'm with you i'm like how about you just find the guy who kind of made it then moved his money into like legitimate businesses and it's kind of just growing old playing golf right now yeah yeah that would be cool that would be a good movie but i think people would be like
Starting point is 00:33:17 this is this is wrong yeah like they have to pay i'm like but it's true sometimes i imagine somebody has to and i'm like it's a fucking movie he's a good guy I've been watching him for two hours he's the good guy yeah um he transported things that people wanted yeah that's all he did yeah the real criminal is the is the end user is the system that oppresses non-violent offenders exactly the CIA enabling these dudes they just can't make money off of it alright so I got a pick my third pick I'm gonna go I gotta do it
Starting point is 00:33:51 I got some redundancies but I gotta do it I'm going Russell Crowe love it I love a prime Russell Crowe the thing about Russell Crowe is between all the actors we've picked it's probably the starkest contrast between prime and post prime he just hit like a period in his life where he's like
Starting point is 00:34:09 dude i just don't give a fuck okay yeah i'm getting hammered i'm watching my aussie rules football team i'm heckling the players and i'm just eating whatever pastries we got down here but i gotta say it's probably the biggest movie star move i think i've seen right it's very brando doesn't yeah he doesn't care so much he's got that much confidence where people still are like he's the man he is the man yeah and his prime movies like when he was came out of like la confidential and then he you know if you go way back you do romper stomper although it's kind of not like a movie star movie and then uh and got Gladiator, Master and Commander, all that stuff. He's just a beautiful mind.
Starting point is 00:34:51 He's just cool, man. He's just cool. So yeah, I'm going to go with Russell Crowe. I love it. I love Master and Commander. I didn't like it when I first saw it. I felt the same way. Well, because I wanted Gladiator again,
Starting point is 00:35:01 and then it didn't deliver on that, although the one action scene is cool or like one and a half but then you just see it's about friendship you know it's paul bettany and him just being friends and just them just on this mission together and it's lovely it's beautiful yeah well like the first scene you they sort of ramp it up to where you're like oh this is gonna be intense you know uh naval warfare movie and then they go to the Galapagos and they're just like exploring. And you're like, what's going on here? Yeah, they don't see the bad guys for like another two hours.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Yeah, and basically all the action scenes were put into the two-minute trailer. Yeah. It was kind of a disservice to the movie, whoever cut the trailer. Yeah. Because they were like, do you want to call Napoleon your king? Yeah. Like, yeah, we're going to watch the fucking French get fucked up in this shit this shit yeah and you watch and they're like studying lizards and you're like okay it's like the gray is like that where it's like do you think like they they marketed the movie
Starting point is 00:35:53 is like they're gonna be it's liam neeson fighting a wolves like the whole time and it's just not that right it rocks people get mad at that movie too because they're like that's not actually how wolves operate they don't have dens they don't track people down i'm like who cares yeah i'm like i didn't go to the movie to learn about wolves dude right and if anything i think wolves are cool based on that movie i'm not gonna go out and kill any you know what i mean because like they're obviously too gnarly for yeah it's not like jaws where right everyone saw jaws and was like let's go merc sharks yeah. How weird is that dude? These motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:36:28 man. Very strange. Chris who's your fourth pick? Surprise fourth pick. I'm torn. So who do you have right now? I got Denzel, Tom Hanks, Christian Bale. Alright. It's very strong.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah. And it's very well-rounded. I think you could go a lot of directions here. I know, and that's the thing. I was just watching Walk Hard. John C. Reilly is amazing. He hasn't starred in a lot, but I think he's hilarious. The guy can sing.
Starting point is 00:36:58 He can do drama. He's funny. But if he's the lead in something, if it's got a big budge, I don't know if I want to see that. Right. If it's small budge, I'm all in. I think the thing that I'm, man, it's like, I might just start spending that much. You forgot to mention that Russell Crowe is a hell of a singer as well.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Dude, actually, not a good singer, but triumphant singer. Because he got so, my brother and I, my brother and me watched that together where he got so hammered for Les Mis. This guy can't sing for shit. Not as bad as Pierce Brosnan got it, but more high profile. He is better than Pierce. But then at the Oscars when they sang it, he comes in last and sings his solo and he's proud. And I was at home with my brother.
Starting point is 00:37:38 We're like, yeah! Stick it to him, Russell! You can do it! He sounded pretty good. No fear. For the king! Da, da, da! And I was like, yeah, Russell! You can do it! He sounded pretty good. No fear, dude. For the king! I was like, yeah, Russell!
Starting point is 00:37:50 He's very proud of how he cannot sing well. Yeah. 100 million people tell you you suck and then you go hammer them at the Oscars and you say, well, listen to this. Get 30 more seconds of me sucking assholes. That's why he's awesome. I stand by the performance. I like the movie. I liked him, too. I do. Honestly, I thought Hugh Jackman was a little too intense.
Starting point is 00:38:07 A lot of people that, I don't know, care about the musical are like, I remember, I think it was Dan Collins, the fact that he sang this song like this
Starting point is 00:38:14 was total crap, dude. The original song, I didn't know this. About Russell Crowe? About Hugh Jackman. Oh, so he got some... About like the Let Him Live one.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Where like the... So he got hammered too. Yeah. I think in some circles. I remember like when the trailer came out it's like a you're not casting broadway people like a theater a friend who was in theater was like can you do you see anne hathaway butchering that song i was like that sounded pretty good yeah she won an oscar i don't know well i guess most critics are like theater kids too, right? This was like an actual theater kid. Was this the one you dated? Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Maybe she was just mad at you. We agreed on most movie things. Our movie taste was pretty aligned. That sucks. It was cool. I'm deciding between if I can do that. I kind of like wild card, like Chalamet. But there's Nick Cage.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Oh, young hitter. Wow. Oh, or Nick Cage. I didn't even think of Nick Cage. I would have taken him already. Nick Cage, Ron Pattinson. I love all these dudes. But you know what's true?
Starting point is 00:39:17 If you get a Chalamet, and I guess I could have drafted Tom Cruise for his 80 to 85 range and gotten a young person in there. But I think that's a valuable role to fill is to have someone to do the young roles. And I don't know. I bought him in The King. He was great. I thought he was badass. He was really good.
Starting point is 00:39:33 But Nick Cage is also the man. You got Christian Bale. I feel like Christian Bale can do most of what Nick Cage would do. Right. All right, I'll go Chalamet. That's a good one. It's a strong lineup. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:48 It's a good young buck. I'm not going on there. It'd be cool to have Oscar Isaac on the team, though. Yeah. I do like him. It would be cooler than Chalamet. I think Chalamet's better. I don't know. It's a tough one. I'm going to go with Chalamet. I'll stick to Chalamet i think chalamet's better i don't know it's tough i'm gonna go i'll stick to chalamet
Starting point is 00:40:08 but i think bale could do whatever i just wanted to honorable mention oscar isaac because he's a cool dude at least he seems that way all right chad who's your fourth pick i gotta go with leo dude i think every time you see le in a trailer, people get pumped. Like, I'm going to see that movie. And he's funny, too. I think he's decently funny. And he crushed it. And also in character roles like Django.
Starting point is 00:40:35 He's so good in Django. I think he's really funny. I think he's really, really funny. Yeah. Like in Once Upon a Time, he's hilarious. He's hilarious. Wolf of Wall Street, he's funny. He's super funny. Titanic, crushed it.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Gilbert Grape, he's so funny. Gilbert Grape. What else is he in? Aviator and then Catch Me If You Can. That was great. Catch Me If You Can is like the perfect movie for him, especially at that age where he's just like, it's fun. He gets to do so much he
Starting point is 00:41:06 still gets to look like i mean he's always had kind of he's kind of moved himself away but he had that like kind of really boyish angelic face i was actually annoyed when he kept seemed like he was actively trying to move away from it well now it feels more authentic like now when i see him playing like a crabby person i'm like oh you kind of you're like in your 40s now he has a couple but when he was like 25 and gangs he's like oh i have a goatee now i was like you still look like a kid yeah yeah yeah roman juliet too right love that movie yeah of course but just titanic when she's getting lower down and the fireworks go off behind him yeah so beautiful so what's so what's your what's your four four person rotation right now okay so i got i got brad i got harrison ford i got robert de niro and i got
Starting point is 00:41:46 leo dude that's pretty killer it's really that's pretty tough yeah yeah that's tough mine is getting cream but okay i'm gonna go that that might swing it that that i was leaning one way and i might be i was thinking chris is gonna chalamet you know there's not did he lose you a little bit with chalamet yeah a little bit yeah it's okay okay so mine here's the guys i still have my list that's a much longer legacy than right yeah chalamet dune's gonna rule i think he's like this is like trading like a farm prospect right like a proven selling yeah but who's but whose filmography is all it's very good already it is and he's got dune coming out so he's got he's got big stuff coming okay so here's the other guys that have my list ed edward norton love him matt
Starting point is 00:42:32 damon philip seymour hoffman and kurt russell we didn't even mention clooney which is crazy oh right yeah clooney's great but jane hackmanman. Gene Hackman, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Brando. There's like Paul Newman. Paul Newman, Robert Redford. But you know what? I'm going to go... I got my pick, and I think it fits in nicely with who I got.
Starting point is 00:42:53 I'm going to go in with someone who has gone too soon. I'm going with Heath Ledger. Love it. In my four spot. That's a great one. Because also, dude, he had incredible versatility. Like, teen heartthrob, played it perfectly in 10 Things.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Budding Action Hero and the Patriot. He's not amazing in it, but I really liked it. But so good in The Knight's Tale. And then the dramatic stuff with Brokeback and Monster's Ball. And then, of course, The Dark Knight. So I don't know. Yeah, I'm going to go with Heath. So my lineup is sean penn tom cruise
Starting point is 00:43:26 who did i pick third heath ledger did he pick third did you pick third russell crowe right right yeah that's a killer that's kind of weak it's out there yeah mine's kind of weak dude did i really want to watch russell crowe singing again yeah it's good dude just watch the whole movie oh if i knew i was gonna pick this i should have just if i was gonna pick a weird lineup i should have just gone weird all the way through and been like sean penn ewan mcgregor um right no do you want to would have been a good one is jim carrey right carrie because that would have just, so many roles that you get opened up to. But him, I want all my guys to be able to be in an action movie. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:09 And I just like Jim Carrey in an action movie. Right, that is true. I do want, for the most part, I want them to be in action. They've got to be able to be in a Tom Clancy movie. And I just don't think. See, Tom Hanks can do that. Yeah. He'd be the.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So this is like Jack Ryan, like where he actually stays in the office. Well, no, it's like Home for Red October. Right. He could have been... So this is like Jack Ryan, like where he actually stays in the office? Well, no, it's like, it's like Home for Red October. He could have been Alec Baldwin in that movie. I don't know, dude. I like Alec Baldwin. Oh, he did a submarine thing, right? He just did a submarine thing.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Yeah. Oh, it was a, yeah, he did a, he was the captain of like a destroyer. Greyhound. Greyhound, like escorting. But I think his strength is more like something bad happens on the submarine and then it goes to court
Starting point is 00:44:44 and Tom Hanks is the, uh, dignified lawyer who has to defend the, uh, the guy who went AWOL and shot the, uh, overbearing captain in the head. That sounds like a good movie.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Some movies rule too. Some movies are next time. We'll do our draft of top submarine movies of all time. Eight rounds. McHale's Navy. No rounds. McHale's Navy. No, not McHale's Navy. Down Periscope. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:10 All right. So, Aaron, you have to pick now. Who do you think's got the strongest four? And you can do all three. Tell us all three. I think, yeah, I think I got swung. I was going Chris all the way. And I do love it.
Starting point is 00:45:25 I do love Denzel and Hanks. Chris and Bale. Bale, I love Bale too. But I think, I really think Chad came in hard, obviously with Ford, number one, then Pitt, then De Niro. I mean, that's a murderer's row with Leo in the cleanup spot like oof
Starting point is 00:45:47 I think I gotta go Chad's too yeah thank you dudes yeah Chris you were right there but you know what yours 10 years from now
Starting point is 00:45:55 maybe Shallow Day maybe goes nutty yeah you got some serious prospects maybe he puts on Taylor Lautner muscle dude
Starting point is 00:46:04 I don't know if I need him to do that but that'd be I mean know if I need him to do that. But that'd be, I mean, we don't need him to do anything. It's his life. But I'm just saying,
Starting point is 00:46:09 if you want my affection, right, get beefier. Put on some rock, dude. Starting steak. Just jacked. It's the Punisher.
Starting point is 00:46:19 None of us said, none of us said any, like, contemporaries, like Reynolds, Evans, Michael Pine, Michael Jordan, Gosling. Johnny Depp even.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah. Gosling, yeah. I had Johnny Depp in a category. I had a, what was the name of this category? He's a heavy hitter. I mean, he could do all this weird shit. Oh, he was in my too weird category, Johnny Depp. Right.
Starting point is 00:46:42 He's the only one in it. I just wrote too weird Johnny Depp. No Gyllenhaal? And no Joaquin Phoenix either. That was probably the biggest leave off in terms of... I don't think Gyllenhaal has the charisma for me. To me, he doesn't come off as that memorable. I don't know if his shoulders are sturdy enough to carry the burden of it.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Not that he's not jacked. I just mean he kind of carries his shoulders a little enough to carry the the burden of it no not that he's not jacked i just mean like he kind of carries his shoulders a little bit like uh yeah it feels like uh he can't put the world on him the way you can harrison ford yeah and also with like chris evans and stuff uh i i sort of see the marvel movies it's i doesn't really... I mean, he was great in... Cellular. So, yeah. And what's the... Not another teen movie?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Dude, yeah. He is really funny. He has whipped cream on his hog, right? Is that him? He's also just super funny in the whole movie. Yeah. Yeah, I think the Marvel movies kind of like... I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:43 They just don't feel like they showcase their... and a lot of my favorite ones are team up ones yeah yeah yeah and it's like who's it helps them but it hurts them robert downey jr is probably the one that who's like the most like leading man-esque in that whole universe yeah i mean he probably has the most natural charisma of any actor. He just vibrates intelligence and wit and stuff like that. But yeah, none of those guys made it. I like Gosling. I like him too.
Starting point is 00:48:17 He just did the thing where I feel like a lot of actors, they get quieter in their movies. They stop taking roles where they're like fast talking fun guys like he just went completely away from that he just started playing like really quiet tense dudes did you like drive yeah I was really awesome and that's like where it started but then I think like first man he doesn't say anything you know like he's just like stiff and maybe hints at a well of emotion underneath but we didn't go british either none of us went foss better none of us went hardy
Starting point is 00:48:51 nobody went old guard with hawkins or sean connery i think i'd go ewan mcgregor before any of those guys i go sean connery before if i'm doing like uh you know that part of the world. Yeah, or Daniel Craig. I like Daniel Craig. Yeah. I got two Aussies on mine, though. Or Philip Seymour Hoffman. I guess we never went for any pure actors. I don't know that Philip Seymour Hoffman was that much of a leading man, do you think?
Starting point is 00:49:19 No. Did he really lead that many movies? No, and certainly not like... I think we all want to make like big blockbuster action oh nobody picked will smith that red table thing really i really got you huh no i remember i was talking to like uh i guess it was very evolved of him i remember jt asked me one time very like sincerely he's like he's like how often do you think about that red table thing with will smith i'm like i don't think i ever think about it, he's like, how often do you think about that red table thing with Will Smith?
Starting point is 00:49:45 I'm like, I don't think I ever think about it, man. He's like, I think about it every day. I think I was going through a breakup at the time. Oh, that's right. Just the idea of going on something like that. I mean, like, so honey, tell me all the ways I'm inadequate to the entire world. And then she's walking through it. He's like, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:50:03 It's very evolved on his part. But something about it, I was like, like yeah I don't think Sean Connery would have done that I reached across the table Sean Connery would have ended that segment quick not that that's the better way to end it but like Independence Day it's like one of the best movies ever
Starting point is 00:50:24 he's good but you know but I like him, but I don't like him in dramas at all. I like him more... My favorite Will Smith performance still is Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. To me, that's him at his... He's really good in Independence Day. That's really good, too. That's true, too.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Sixth Grade Separation is really good. He doesn't really do that in anything. No, he doesn't. I think he got off that earlier than like tom cruise did you know what i mean dude honestly just kind of move into like i'm just in huge movies you know who's the one guy that i left off that if i had another pick i would take is jamie foxx i was gonna say that dude that just came out of my mind oh man yeah because ray and then collider wise collateral he doesn't have like enough huge movies you are iconic, like Harrison Ford or Brad Pitt.
Starting point is 00:51:07 He's so talented, though. But he's so great. Well, he's doing Tyson now. He's doing Mike Tyson. That'll be really good. And he'll crush that. Dude, I like the Netflix movie Project Power. He's just a movie star.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I found him so watchable. And that movie was pretty fun. Yeah, he's awesome in everything. What's the weirdest movie you ever watched with Mom and dad uh i watched et tu mama tambien with mom just us two whoops what about bully that was a weird one well that was i guess that one was weirder because we watched it like three times with mom and dad we watched it that many times i watched the power people a lot no um it's like about a bunch of high schoolers
Starting point is 00:51:46 deciding to kill one of their classmates and there's like a lot there's like several sexual assaults and it's like the most brutal murder scene ever it's just a really dark dark movie it felt so normal when we watched it over and over again we would watch weird i mean yeah you know what yeah we would watch yes the sleepers like my they can sleepers kids go to juvenile hall and get sexually assaulted by guards and then when they grow up they murder or like Frank or like get them all like arrested for different things and nobody ever knows that they were the ones who molested him and my dad showed that to me before I knew what sex was like I
Starting point is 00:52:23 wasn't like I wasn like, first grade. Well, then dude, dude, when mom came home. So I didn't even understand. Yeah, and then she's like, I can't believe you showed it in the movie. So it's good for them. They should know. I'm like, I don't even,
Starting point is 00:52:34 I remember, like, the final frame of the movie, and then I remember them arguing about how we shouldn't have watched it. But I didn't, I didn't know. So I guess he did it at the right time, because, like, I was too young to even comprehend what was happening. It's funny to be in Dad's head and he's like, Monica's gone.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Time to watch something fun with the boys. He's like, sleepers. Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt. Very good in it. Kevin Bacon. Yeah. The Driver.
Starting point is 00:53:03 It had a stacked cast so I understand why dad was like I want to watch this movie all your friends in college too said that you were like the trigger man for what everybody would watch right
Starting point is 00:53:12 yeah I was it fairly early fairly early like I would like come back we also like I had cable
Starting point is 00:53:20 like full cable because we're huge believers yeah and so we would watch a lot of TV Like, I had cable, like, full cable. We're huge believers in the house. Yeah. And so we would watch a lot of TV. Like, people would watch TV, but I would, like, come back into the room, and then this started happening even in rooms that weren't mine.
Starting point is 00:53:34 We're like, I'd, like, come in and, like, they'd hand me the remote. Although I had one friend who sometimes would hang on to it. You know what I mean? Would that frustrate you? No, because it was nice because then eventually he leaves and I get the remote back and then I start doing my thing
Starting point is 00:53:51 and then another friend was like, thank God you're here. It was really a shit show. Because I was good at watching like three movies at once and just navigating the commercials and knowing when the really good scenes were coming up.
Starting point is 00:54:07 You know, like last Boy Scout has the craziest opening ever. And like, I was able to flip to it just for that scene. Show three dudes were like, what is this movie? And then I changed the channel and I was like, my best friend's wedding when they start singing. Oh, dude. I was like, so you're almost in the production van when they're like live cutting a news program or something. I think they're like, all right, ready, camera two?
Starting point is 00:54:26 All right, cut to camera two. And I would just do that. Yeah, channel surfing, I consider it an art form for myself. And yeah, it's definitely going away. It's a lost art. But that's okay. I knew that I had some skills. I could really do it.
Starting point is 00:54:43 Tell the story about when that the... And I don't want to glorify. I could really do it. Tell the story about when... And I don't want to glorify it. Don't do this. But tell that crazy story from South Bend, where you went to college. Which... The one where you...
Starting point is 00:55:01 Where I came out of... Yeah. Okay. It started with The one where you, uh... Where I, like, came out of... Yeah. Um... Okay, it started with Captain Morgan in my buddy's dorm room. I was very drunk. Then went to the only hotel on campus where my friend Mary Kate's parents were staying. I guess I pulled out a Bud Heavy and was like, is this cool? And just started drinking.
Starting point is 00:55:22 were staying. I guess I pulled out a Bud Heavy and was like, is this cool? And just started drinking and then proceeded to like fall down the stairs when we were leaving the hotel. Just hammered. Was blacked out at this point. Jumped in a cab with random people and took off.
Starting point is 00:55:38 So your friends thought you knew them too? I just jumped in with random people and they said okay, whatever Chris. They couldn't get ahold of me. I came out of a blackout several hours later and I was just walking with some guy. Never met him before in my life. Um, really, he's talking about finding like hard drugs. Um, and then I go and we go into a house and there's like a mattress on the floor and, like, static on the TV.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And two other guys are just like, what the fuck? And then he, like, gets some shit. I don't even know. He, like, disappears for a second. He's like, all right, let's roll. We're, like, walking around. And then he, like, takes off at one point and, like, ditches me and, like, disappears around a corner. And then, okay, so I'm just like, all right, I think I'm on this street.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I'm going to start walking back to campus'm on this street I'm gonna start walking back to campus start walking a cop pulls up um he's like hey what are you doing here I'm like I'm just trying to get back to campus I'm just going this is like you shouldn't be in this neighborhood this is not look let me see your ID I opened my wallet and my fake ID was on top I gave it to him he's like okay get in're going to drive you home. Drives me back to campus. And our dorm was right next to where you get dropped off. Uh,
Starting point is 00:56:52 and I get out and I like see some friends and I'm like, yo, what's up? And they're like, what the fuck are you doing here? Like what's going on? You don't have your phone. Where,
Starting point is 00:57:00 where have you been? And I realized I didn't have like my old school razor. Um, and I guess one of my friends had, couldn't believe that i was that i was uh back and i was okay and one of my friends had tried to call me earlier and a guy picked up just going habib habib habib habib and just wouldn't respond with anything other than when he talked to him for a few minutes you know your friend he's passed out in my cab. I didn't know that any of this happened. They tried to pay the guy, the guy who asked for money to bring me back.
Starting point is 00:57:35 At some point, I must have ditched that guy. And then my friend ended up still paying him like 50 bucks just to bring my phone back. I woke up in my bed and my phone was just sitting right there. Thanks, Justin. Appreciate you. And yeah, so that's the only time I've been to what I assume was a crack house. What did you think when you were in the crack house? Were you trying to play it cool?
Starting point is 00:58:01 For sure. Because I was already walking with the guy. I came in mid-conversation and he was just like it's just a random guy you didn't know and you're just blacked out yeah he's walked into the house with him and yeah and there's just it was like i mean that's how i remember like mattress on the floor two other guys like shrouded in darkness and just static on like it was like felt like it was out of the movie crazy you didn't do crack though did you no i don't think well because he was talking about getting drugs so i assume i didn't do drugs because that was that was the mission we were on i guess you may have paid for drugs though maybe because then he did ditch me so I don't know if like
Starting point is 00:58:45 but I don't know I definitely didn't have drugs on me and I'm definitely happy that I didn't do crack for sure that's always been a hard no for me you've never done crack
Starting point is 00:59:02 no crack heroin those are off limits for sure no no's just because you know it seems like they're really bad for you yeah well you don't do the blow ski anymore either i haven't now not it's been uh it's been a minute nice let's go yeah look that one's really fun but don't do it well now it's like laced with like fentanyl it's like dangerous yeah yeah i mean i think that's like i mean it's always dangerous but it's it's it's been intensified and that's just like yeah i don't think until fentanyl works its way out of like being everywhere i like i don't think i'll do any any pressed pills or anything like that or any other powders.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Do you know anyone who's gotten fucked up by that? No, not personally. That baseball player, Skrags, I think, from the Angels. Yeah, Skaggs. Yeah, Skaggs. He got a bad dose of something and didn't come back. Man. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Chris, do you get hungover? I feel like you're able to power through the hangover. You've got a good sort of steel mind. Yeah, it depends. It's Gatorade and water, maybe a bowl or two. That's just been the don't be afraid to take some Tylenol. That usually helps enough. If you're super nauseous, I mean, I don't know what you do.
Starting point is 01:00:26 But your mood never seems to dip. Usually it's like if I had a good enough time. It's more like if the only time it's really bad is if I don't know what happened, or I know that I did something bad. It's more... And not too bad. You just maybe said something dumb. Right. But even then like you'll just spin out thinking about it you know so like as long as that usually helps like oh man last night was fun so like you can't get too upset
Starting point is 01:00:56 about the fact that there's a cost to like all the fun you had you know that that makes sense it's a good way to think about it you're getting married too yeah yeah what is it four months now three months yeah november 20th yeah crazy it's coming up it's right around the corner and you you're rare this way you like planning a wedding like you actually enjoy it like yeah i mean there's plenty there where it's like oh this is annoying but for the most part like it's been fun. You know what I mean? And it just gets me more excited for, like, because you're just throwing a party, you know?
Starting point is 01:01:30 It's going to be a great party. And throwing parties is fun. And just knowing that, like, for the most part, who's going to be there? You're just going to be dancing. I like that it's, like, it's just built around dancing for the most part. It's also
Starting point is 01:01:45 about me and becca that'll just be like you know it's a celebration the center of attention you know but then i can also be cool about it because because obviously i don't need to force it in any way because it's kind of built that way you know yeah that's true too yeah you don't have to like there's no fight for attention at a wedding everyone goes there and it's like all eyes are lied that's the part about it that i didn't like but yeah that's the only part i tripped out on yeah my buddy was like that a little bit when he got engaged we were at his engagement party he's like why is everyone looking at me i'm like because it's your engagement party i was like you might have to get used to it dude he's like i gotta get out of here i was like no dude i was like you have to just act get used to it, dude. He's like, I got to get out of here. I was like, no, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:25 I was like, you have to just act like you like it. I'm sorry, man. That's kind of the cost of doing business with these things. Yeah, and it's just more of, I think it's better to be involved in the process and have a stake in it and have opinions. Although, don't get me wrong, it's led to arguments. It's led to like, oh, this is difficult. This is annoying.
Starting point is 01:02:46 But I didn't expect it to be perfect. And for the most part, we have very similar tastes. And then there are plenty of things where I'm like, I don't care. Just pick something. But if I do care, it's like, let's figure this out. Right. That was kind of your advice, right, was to have an opinion. That's like the best advice you can give to someone going through that process yeah i think so just because you want because then you're more
Starting point is 01:03:07 invested in the process and then so like it would just make for a more fun experience because it's like and then you get yeah exactly because if you're just like yeah whatever whatever i mean that's you can do that obviously but like i don't know i just don't think it would be as much fun yeah if you show up and there's something you don't like then you're gonna have a bad time right where did you propose that again just at home nice it's very simple it was uh i joke that because we've dated for seven years that because like the first thing she said when i got down on anyone all we did on a friday night was like cook dinner um she was like how did you do this i didn't do yeah i didn't have to plan anything but i think i just got her messed up by taking so long to do it that she was just like i can't believe that you were able to like pick a ring
Starting point is 01:04:04 on your own without me knowing you lulled her into a false sense of yeah and then she was surprised and quarantine you know you're just like on top of each other every day that she i think she was genuinely shocked that i was able to get a ring made without her knowledge and then so mom mom has like two diamonds right yeah that were like a set of earrings that dad got her right and dad when i told dad like oh but mom told me years ago you ever need a diamond you come to me and so i was like mom i need and then so she helped me out which was huge because like i said like i couldn't just be i mean i guess i could have made stuff up and be like all right i'm gonna go like play golf or something then gone to a jeweler. But I was able to tell the jeweler the specs via mom.
Starting point is 01:04:50 He made it. It's like somebody that she's gone to in Orange County for decades. And dad knew exactly what, when I told him, like, oh, yeah, I got a diamond from mommy. He was like, didn't happen to be one of the ones from that set of earrings I got. It's exactly what it was. Nice nice and then there's twos she's like you know if it ever how's it how's he ever wants it he's like he gets the other one and then it's so mom likes the fairness of it one day one day um if uh dad's been pretty involved right how's been dealing with dad less so now just because he's been busy but he's just like he's just he's so on it but he just annoys me he's how so what's he uh
Starting point is 01:05:36 what's he most sort of obsessed about with he keeps saying look chris there's certain things that you do to make it an elegant wedding and that phrase has just been driving me nuts yeah because a lot of times it's just like that's just what you like like there's other ways to do it but he thinks his taste is synonymous with elegance right and like he brings up a lot of good points. There have been some things where it's like, oh, nice. That is true. Let's do that. But you know how Dad talks.
Starting point is 01:06:15 When he's drilling down, it's tough, man. It's tough to be in the line of fire. How many dudes do you have coming to your bachelor party? how many dudes you have coming to your bachelor party i think it'll be 20 like 20 to 25 but i think it'll probably be like end up being like 22 where are you going tahoe oh that's good wanted somewhere local enough to where i could drive to south lake i think so yeah we haven't actually booked a place although i have a couple that yeah i've been a little no i do i'll show you which ones um because trevor was smart about i'm about the worst best man you could have in terms of
Starting point is 01:06:57 logistics yeah if i needed if i needed a wild card yeah exactly you're like you'll be there on time right i'm like yeah i got you i got you but i didn't need your help picking a place you know like that's i appreciate it and trevor and trevor um he's been in real estate rental so he knows that stuff like he's like look these places don't like you don't want any from like this company that owns a lot of places because like they have cameras and things like that like inside right obviously like although when i went to book one it was like reason for the trip and i was like i probably should lie right just say a work thing say it's like a sales retreat that's a good idea i'll do that do they charge more if
Starting point is 01:07:36 they know it's bachelor party i'm just worried that if i say it's a bachelor party they're gonna one charge they get scared to pop by you know what i mean like make a point to make sure that they come by where it's like not that we're gonna be doing like crazy i just want to play like drinking games and like smoke and maybe do shrooms yeah it's the driving so i can just don't have to worry about going through an airport right um but yeah i also don't need them to like show up for that you know i mean Like you're ruining our table or something. Yeah. Southlake is sick.
Starting point is 01:08:08 We do our formals there, our fraternity formals. I did some shows there one time. It's the best for partying. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Strider told me, I think it is on the south side of the lake,
Starting point is 01:08:23 and he said the California side is probably where you want to be. Then you've got a state line you can go over and gamble. Yeah, and I think that's because it's the first weekend of NFL football. Dude. I think I'll have the house until Sunday, and then maybe if dudes stick around, we can just get hotel rooms and go gamble and watch football. What do you think about the Steelers' prospects this year? 17-game season.
Starting point is 01:08:50 What are you pegging us at? I don't know. Probably 9 or 10 wins. I mean, hopefully it's more, but I don't know how much I believe that Ben has left in the tank. And then the offensive line, I hope we didn't draft anybody. We're making some signings. There are people that are supposedly coming up through,
Starting point is 01:09:10 but we also, I don't know. I feel like the offensive line is going to be terrible. And then the defense was so good last year. I don't know how they stay at that high of a level. I feel like if they drop even a couple spots, it's, like, worrisome for the team. Well, if they stay healthy, though, because we lost guys last year. year yeah i don't want to be pessimistic but i just want ben to gone yes it's been too long over him yeah yeah it's just he's a douche he's a douche just hang him up
Starting point is 01:09:39 even though he restructured his contract to like be more team friendly, but it's still a lot. It's just the Steelers don't have any money to pay free agents and they haven't for years. So it's just, I don't know, man, just kind of want something new. Yeah. That's how I feel.
Starting point is 01:09:57 You did great. We need fresh blood. Fucking bounce. I like that. All right. You guys ready? Yeah. Oh yeah.
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Starting point is 01:11:55 September 15th. Check us out. Hollywood Improv September 15th. What up? Well, this one has a good title. Your advice has ruined my life? Hello, Stoked Nation. So many ways you guys think about things
Starting point is 01:12:13 in the most ordinary way that just all normal dudes do. And that has been a revelation. Because as you get deeper into your 30s, you feel that more and more. My friends and I that I grew up with have grown more distant and adulted the best we could. But I feel like we all can't wait to rage with each other and be immature I guess my question is some of us have grown up better than others I most definitely still have grown up the least
Starting point is 01:12:33 but I've accomplished dreams and I'm literally a firefighter now and I have a pretty sick schedule built in with some heavy trauma in between how do I hang with my bros like we used to and both try to adapt to their married with kids at 30 life and also not have my central topic be involving me being a firefighter and not sound like a douche. I don't think that makes you sound like a douche talking about being a firefighter.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I just literally don't know what else to say when we start talking about how stuff's changed. I say to them and exactly the same dude that loves to rage in our 20s. I just help people more now and then I sound like a a deed bag for bringing up my profession. I totally get how it's tough to hang out with you. Like, cause most of my friends are like my buddies that I grew up with are like
Starting point is 01:13:14 married and have kids now. And so like, there's certain, you know, if I want to go dancing out at like the Abbey or something on like a Friday night, that's my new favorite spot. Like they're probably not going to participate.
Starting point is 01:13:24 You know what I mean? So I got some buddies who are like younger now who are more like on that wavelength, you know, which I kind of adopted from dad
Starting point is 01:13:32 because dad's like 65 and all of his friends are like 30s. Yeah, but he's friends of every age range, but he has friends that he goes out with
Starting point is 01:13:39 and they're like younger dudes. So you might need that, but you don't lose the other friends. You know, you just, and they still party they probably just don't do it as regularly
Starting point is 01:13:47 or it's like at barbecues but I don't think bringing up your profession is at all and if you're a firefighter I was playing volleyball with this guy yesterday who's a SWAT guy in Costa Mesa and then the other guy used to be in the Marines
Starting point is 01:14:04 and now does tech tech stuff. And I was like, very curious about both their professions. You know what I mean? Like I, that's a cool job. I, if you were my buddy, I'd want to ask you a million questions about it. Yeah. I think this guy's way more in his head than, than he realizes. Cause I, I, it's hard for me to picture people being super judgy of him for bringing up his career. And, uh, I think, I think, yeah, I think, I think you uh i think i think yeah i think i think you can relax i think i think just be yourself and have fun i don't think you need to worry so much about looking like a douche i think you're so self-aware that you're probably not a douche
Starting point is 01:14:36 so i think i think have a fruit smash and chill yeah it's it he's probably gonna have a fruit smash and chill. Yeah. He's probably going to have a, they have to have other stuff to talk about. Right. Yeah. Like what did they used to talk about? You know what I mean? Well, you can always go down memory lane too.
Starting point is 01:14:52 That's the thing. Yeah. I mean, in the Sopranos, they say it's the lowest form of like a conversation, but that's just Tony picking on his wife. I think it's the best. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:59 I love going down memory lane with people. It's so fun. Yeah. Yeah. You don't want to get stuck where it's like, all you do is reminisce when you're together. know what i mean you obviously want to talk about other but like it's always there to fall back on and then like i don't know i'm gonna talk about like books or movies or oh what do you just look your friends are gonna have stuff to talk about too
Starting point is 01:15:19 you just ask them questions just get to the bottom of where they're at even if it's not stuff you're into just keep talking to them about it is it that they're just not raging like he like he wants to rage that might be more what the issue is is that he's kind of like a like a weekend warrior type you know and he's got this flexible schedule so he doesn't have like a wife and a kid that he has to be accountable to in the morning so yeah for that in that case man i'll just i'd make a couple more buddies but that doesn't mean you lose the other buddies i think you just right you know because your friend who's married and has kids like he might be able to go out but he's not going to be doing it on your uh
Starting point is 01:15:52 you know your uh frequency so yeah just what about get one of your firefighter buddies to go out there with you you guys bragged all the people you meet about firefighting which is a great profession yeah i think i i i can see where he's coming from though because i i've always have i've had a fear of being braggy i guess you know you're very humble though you're like one of the most modest guys i know oh thanks yeah well i but i think i got a surface if you really get to know you oh yeah i yeah. I'll fucking kill you, man. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Underneath, I'm a fucking egomaniac.
Starting point is 01:16:32 But, you know, I keep it very chill up top. No. That's all I got to say. No, yeah. I can see where it's coming from, though. But I think if people are genuinely asking about your job, it's fine. But I don if people are genuinely asking about your job, it's fine. But I don't know. Whenever people ask me about what we're doing, I get that kind of like,
Starting point is 01:16:52 I'm like, oh, I don't want to tell you everything because then I'm going to sound like a nozzle. But I think that might be being more of a nozzle. Right. Than actually being, you know what I mean? Because if you're acting like it's a big deal, then it's saying that you think it's a big deal. Whereas if you just talked about it, you're like, they're like, how was your day? And you're like, well, this was my day.
Starting point is 01:17:10 Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Like, don't think because you're a firefighter that you're like separate from your friends. Like to them, they're probably stoked that you're a firefighter because it's fucking awesome. And if they ask you about your day, they probably want to hear about some firefighting shit yeah yeah and then you
Starting point is 01:17:27 always tell a story and then segue into something else you know what i mean like you don't have to stay on the topic right yeah just move it to you know something else for sure all right what up council of stoke hope all are having a friggin dank day i just graduated from high school and about to start my journey through college over these past few months of summer i started hanging out with this absolute dime piece that i've been friends with for a while now i'm talking kate upton look alike mega babe cool we started going on some fire fro-yo dates which eventually turned into grabbing some steak and then boning and raging with the squad. Wait, say that again? I don't think you phrased that right.
Starting point is 01:18:13 He goes, we started going on some fire froyo dates, which eventually turned into grabbing some steak, and then boning and raging with the squad. Which, like, him putting boning, tagging it with raging with the squad,'s like what and then boning um but this sounds sick i just uh i'm having trouble picturing this is all this where the boning's happening yeah and who who else is involved let's get some steaks and then they my buddies are having a party we should of course what's the one program i think you should leave when they get like
Starting point is 01:18:43 wet steaks or something yeah Yeah, sloppy steaks. Sloppy steaks. Steaks with the boys. Sloppy steaks with the boys. These guys always meet up. And the server serving them at the steakhouse is like, you guys can't do it. Do you better not do it?
Starting point is 01:18:57 We're not going to do it, okay? And as soon as the guy leaves, they all go, slop them up. And they just pour water on their steaks. Sloppy steaks. Sloppy steaks with the boys don't do it stoke levels are through the freaking roof dudes with this babe she's like the jordan into my paul the connection is genuine and i know she feels the same way about me. The problem is she seems to be afraid of commitment since I'll be leaving for college soon while she's finishing
Starting point is 01:19:28 up her last year of high school. Although it's only a two hour drive, I feel where she is coming from as we will both be busy with sports and won't have much time to see each other for the first three to four months. She's opened up to me and said that once I leave, she might start hanging out with other guys. Kind of bums me out, but I try to not let it bother me, and I don't want to force a good time. My question is, do I continue to pursue this mega babe, or do I just choose to move on and see what college has to offer in the female department?
Starting point is 01:19:55 How would you bros handle this sish? Thanks, dude. Sorry for the long quest. Love the plot and all your fire advice. Shaner. I think I would enjoy your time with her, you you know as much as you can until you go to college and then i i think you know i feel like if you keep trying to to to if she's indicated that she you know probably wants to move on after the fling is over i think you know i think it's
Starting point is 01:20:23 probably in your best interest to respect that decision and move on with your life and hey that might lead to you guys reconnecting but i think if you go off to college and you're still pining over her and you're still trying to you know force a relationship when she's not really into it that might just lead to a lot more pain than than just cutting the cord and moving on and and enjoying your time in college because i you Because I don't want you to be in a situation where you go to college and then you're just thinking about your girl from last summer when it was your time to really experience college. You don't want to look back on that time with regret and be like,
Starting point is 01:20:57 oh man, I should have just moved forward with my life. You know what I mean? For sure. Yeah. I think there's also even a way to do it where like if you don't if you're not like pining for it but you stay in touch you know yeah it's like thanksgiving's in november yeah maybe they play sports so maybe they won't be able to but like then there's christmas and then there's you know and then summer's there before you know that you don't have have to like... If you're not going to get too wrapped up in it and be pining for her too much,
Starting point is 01:21:28 then it doesn't mean you have to cut off the relationship entirely. You can kind of keep it alive, check in every once in a while. If you feel it sounds like... But definitely don't try and force a relationship if she's not into it. Yeah. Dude, at first, when I was reading it, was like go for it i was like be with her like you guys get along so great she's beautiful i was like just who cares if you're in college two-hour drive that's like that's a chip shot when you're 18 years old too you've got so much
Starting point is 01:21:56 energy drive that every freaking day if you have to i know you're busy with sports which is awesome but i was gonna say go for it but then the thing that gave me pause was that she feels like you guys are naturally going to kind of go in different directions once you go to college and she's already brought up that she will probably see other guys now she could be saying that as like a defense mechanism to like protect her own feelings which would be normal for someone at that age or she might be saying it because that's genuinely just what she wants to do so i would just ask ask her straight up. I'd be like, Hey, do you actually want to see other guys or do you want to be with me? And you, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:30 she might tell you what you want to hear just to not hurt your feelings. So you gotta be really, you gotta get to the truth of it. But if she says she wants to be with you and she doesn't want to see other guys and you're this into her, I think go for it. And then if it doesn't work, you up but i don't know maybe i'm just feeling romantic today but sounds like you're super into her and you guys freaking bone and then go raging with the guys sloppy steak after eating some sloppy steaks like what else is there dude that's it you got it so i don't know i'd say hey babe you want to eat sloppy steaks for the rest of our lives no don't say that
Starting point is 01:23:03 but uh but yeah i would i think i would go for it but i'd first find out where her head's at on it and if she says that she feels more like she wants to explore and stuff then you respect that and and then you know you know and then you go live your life and then when you come back at thanksgiving yeah you drop a line say hey you going to the homecoming game i'll be there should we go to chester's get some sloppy steaks what's cracking back from school yeah college is sick super sick you have a toothpick in your mouth and stuff yeah i'll be sick do i hook up with chicks yeah oh yeah i've been busy real busy a lot of ladies a lot of Making out, touching each other the whole nine yards. Learning, too.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Yeah, learning. I'm evolving as a lover, for sure. This has been a really important time for me sexually. I mean, people, I say I'm majoring in econ, but really I'm majoring in love. And sex. More sex than love. You want to go get some froyo? I really miss you.
Starting point is 01:24:10 I think about you every fucking day, dude. I'm going to transfer. Where are you going to school? I'm going to transfer there. I'm going to go back to high school. Dude, even that, like, I had a friend who transferred colleges for the girl he was into, and they inevitably broke up, and then he still had a great time so i think also you can't really lose yeah but it sounds like you like her i would just go for it dude um just keep in mind like how many people i don't know anybody who's with their high school sweetheart so like just temper it with that like that's true how many do we know one of my college buddies uh is and then hernandez hernandez and then chad de casas yeah we know a couple and then
Starting point is 01:24:56 my buddy from college they went to separate colleges that were like just a couple hour drive who's that tim yeah? Yeah. Good guy. What's up, boys? I really don't have anyone I can go to with this problem besides the Stoke Lords themselves. Almost a year ago, the bros and I went to one of close girlfriend's house for her 22nd B-Day party. It was a big blowout, and we were all pretty lit. Her dad got a keg, and her mom got her a massive bouquet of bottles and nippers. Keg stands were in full effect, and naturally shots followed. i don't remember all that well because i was pretty blasted myself
Starting point is 01:25:29 but apparently an argument occurred between my best friend and i literally best friend since fifth grade and i'm almost 23 i was going back to his house after to slump over so his brother had to come get us again i don't remember all that well but the loud argument carried into the car and back to the house. I decided to leave because I needed to get out of the crib before the fight got worse. I said goodbye to his mom and got picked up by my dank GF. Long story short,
Starting point is 01:25:53 I wasn't allowed to go over there for a little, which is understandable. This past Christmas, I texted his mom, dad, and his little brother separately a long heartfelt message apologizing for my actions, even though I can't quite recall what happened. They all responded with love. And I waited a couple of months before I went back to their house. His mom is perfectly normal, but now his little brother and father won't even look at me or talk to me. And it really hurts me and messes with me. I want to say or do
Starting point is 01:26:17 something that would make it all better again, but I'm lost feeling pretty depressed that my best friend's family feels different about me over one night. Love all you guys. Chad, JT, Strider, and Joe. Stoked Vibes for life. Oh, man, I'm sorry, dude. So he doesn't know what he did? Yeah, that's the tough part, right? It's like, I don't know what you said, dog.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Yeah. So presumably him and his boy are good. Yeah, him and the boy are good. And he even sent like a... Does his buddy know what he said? Yeah. I'm going to ask him right now. I'm. Does his buddy know what he said? Yeah. I'm going to ask him right now. I'm going to say, what did you say?
Starting point is 01:26:49 He's not going to get back to us in time, so we have to keep going as if we don't know. Yeah, that's the thing. Does he even know? I wonder if he's able to get a good read on what he actually did. I can't imagine if it was also just an argument and you had the wherewithal to leave before it got worse. That doesn't sound like someone who's out of control. And then to send a heartfelt follow-up message to all of them on Christmas is like, most teenagers don't do that. Most teenagers are like, no, I'm right, and screw them kind of thing.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Or 23, yeah. Or a 23-year-old, sorry. Maybe, I don't know, it kind of sounds... I think you just got to wait it out. Yeah. Just be, you're still boys. You know, at least one other member of the family is nice to you and looks at you and interacts with you.
Starting point is 01:27:35 But you'll win out. They'll see that you're a good guy again. It just might take years, which sucks, but you know what I mean? What are you going to do? Stop hanging out with your best friend? And honestly, going to do? Stop hanging out with your best friend? And honestly, how close do you have to be with, like, your best friend's dad and brother? Right. And you know, like, it might take...
Starting point is 01:27:52 I mean, ideally, you're very close, but, like, you know, life goes on. I don't know if that's glib, but, you know, I just mean that if you do have to wait, it's not impacting your day-to-day to wait. Right. Yeah. And, you know, they at least have two out of four in your corner. So it's only a matter of time. Or at least hopefully. They can't be that big of dicks.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Well, that's honestly, too, when I was like, the dad and the brother won't look at him. It's like mom and dad saw us get into so many fights with our friends, and they were like defensive backs. They had a quick memory. Or like, you know, they were like defensive backs. They had a quick memory. Or like, you know, quick. They were forgetful quick. Like, I think this stuff happens when you're in your early 20s, too.
Starting point is 01:28:32 Yeah. And I think he did everything he could do. He apologized. He tried to make it right. So, you know, yeah, I think you're right. Just wait it out. Just keep being a really good friend to your friend, and, you know, they'll eventually take notice and respect it.
Starting point is 01:28:50 That's it. That's all you can do. Yeah, 100%. Chad, you ready? Yeah. What's your B for the week, dog? My B for the week is um my beat for the week is with the delta variant
Starting point is 01:29:09 get it dude so pissed man so god damn when the new I remember when it first started showing up in the news you know they were like
Starting point is 01:29:24 new delta variant cases are right I were like, the new Delta variant. Cases are right. I was like, what the fuck, man? Are you shitting me? And then I started hearing, it started happening gradually. I had friends, Brad Fuller, he told me he knew someone who had a breakthrough case. I have a bunch of friends who had breakthrough cases.
Starting point is 01:29:42 They're like, yeah, man, a lot of people are getting COVID. I think it's going to become a thing i was like no no no and now it's starting to rise again and i think we're farther into it than than what they're reporting you know i i think you know because i i don't think the numbers are as accurate these days because there's like at-home tests this is what i heard from some guy too so i don't know who's the guy uh he's a former fda commissioner epidemiologist oh sounds good um and he was just like when you literally said some guy i thought some guy surfed with you rick's down by the pier yeah rick said that too though and rick you basically picked the person who would probably know the best.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Rick's predicted a lot of shit, so, you know. But if you look at, like, the UK number, this track of it in the UK and then India and stuff, it seems like we're sort of on track to peak in, like, late August. Which works out well for our schedule. Yeah. like late august uh which works out well for our schedule yeah that's if it's it's threatening work which is really what got to me uh you know and then all this load talk you know it's like everyone's got it's got a huge load and i was like you don't need to be braggy you know we get that you have a huge load and like that's you know um i don't think that's newsworthy. You know, you got a load a thousand times bigger than Alpha. Like, yeah, good for you, dude.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Like, you know, a lot of people have huge loads and they don't talk about it. So, I think Delta's just a fucking re-knob that needs to bounce quick. So, that's my beef. Good beef. Chris, what's your beef of the week? My beef is with Activision. Nice. Who are behind Warzone.
Starting point is 01:31:33 For several months now, I've experienced across my Xbox One and then now an Xbox X of getting booted a lot. I've made some changes that allow me to get booted less, but my biggest beef with them is not the fact, I mean, it sucks that I'm getting booted all the time, but they don't have customer service. They don't have a place for me to be like, hey, this is not working. What might be going on? Even on their website, it's like sign in here. You click sign in. It takes you right back to the same webpage. It's like,
Starting point is 01:32:08 I emailed them. They never got back. It's just annoying. You guys should have customer service. I should be able to at least talk to a robot that responds to me. Or even better, a person so that I can figure out. Because it's kind of affecting my mood. The fact that
Starting point is 01:32:24 when I'm dropping with the boys, I don't know if i'm just gonna i'm just gonna be running and then i just and you're the best player you're the best killer that that we have i don't i don't know but like you were brooks are the best at dropping bodies or ross like yeah i put my tears you know i i can i'd say i'm tier one but i'm not getting a lot of reps because i don't want to play as much because and the guys are always so nice you know what i mean they're always like oh man it's because they know it's they're sympathetic but it's i i'm such a buzzkill when we're playing because then oh we're looking good dude this feels like it might be one we're gonna make it far maybe win and then it's be one. We're going to make it far. Maybe win.
Starting point is 01:33:06 And then it's, I'm frozen. I'm fucked. I got to reboot. And it's just really depressing. That does suck, man. I know. I've been hearing about that. It's weird, too, because you got good equipment.
Starting point is 01:33:18 So it's weird that it keeps happening to you. Yeah, and it just started happening all of a sudden with one Xbox. And then now it's carried over to a new one. Do you think some hacker has a vendetta against you because they see how you're dropping bodies i don't know maybe maybe activision has a problem with me because i've ripped so hard it could be but that's why i'm like the only thing i've changed everything else so now i'm thinking it's like my activision account and it's just like impossible to do anything about it i've been getting that too i can't drop into verdansk oh really every time I try to go into Verdansk, they'll be like... Your passport doesn't work?
Starting point is 01:33:47 Yeah. That's crazy. And I don't know how to update it. Because no customer service. Yeah, get some customer service, Activision. Yeah, and pay your female employees better. Oh, nice. You got in trouble for that.
Starting point is 01:34:02 Yeah, do that. Aaron, do you have some ready? All right. My beef of the week is with my horniness. Nice. Just chill. Just chill, JT. It's okay to be alone.
Starting point is 01:34:15 Just chill. All right? It's just ridiculous. I feel you, dude. I know. I'm just like, it's like a Tuesday, and I'm like wired. I'm like, I gotta hang out with somebody. It's like, it's a Tuesday, dude. I know. I'm just like, it's like a Tuesday, and I'm like wired. I'm like, I've got to hang out with somebody. It's like, it's a Tuesday, dude.
Starting point is 01:34:29 It's like, just ride it out. Just ride it out. You know, I'm having dinner with a friend. I haven't seen him in months. I'm just like, you know, talking about something serious in his life, and I'm just like... He's like, how you doing over there? I'm like, good, good, good, good. Just freaking horny, dude.
Starting point is 01:34:57 I'm like, all right, that's cool, man. Then he was like, you know, I'm so horny all the time that I don't even feel horny anymore. I was like, it doesn't sound horny to me. It sounds like the absence of horniness. You feel this. That's like the crow. know in the crow i don't remember in the end of the crow where he takes the bad guy and he's like you remember he was like i see you for like a day before he actually died he's like i have
Starting point is 01:35:36 something for you 23 hours of pain and he all gives it to him in one straight shot. It's a good movie. Chris. No, Chad. Who's your baby of the week? First, I know what you're saying, too. I'll go on family trips to see my dad. Or I'll go and see my sister this weekend. Yeah, are you going to surprise her for her birthday?
Starting point is 01:36:01 I'm like, yeah, nice. I know. I'm going to see my dad this weekend. I'm ready to cancel the trip i'm like i'm not in a good place to go visit you right now i'm like give me a couple weeks get some affairs in order yeah um literally and but not like you know affairs and then uh and then i'm like i'll come visit you then because if i come now we're gonna go like on a river trip I'm like, I'll come visit you then. Because if I come now, we're going to go on a river trip. And I'm going to be ready to snap, dude.
Starting point is 01:36:28 I'm going to snap. If you crank, how much respite does that give you? How long? Man, sometimes it's a drop in the bucket. And sometimes it is the elixir I was looking for. But sometimes I don't want it to fix it. You know what I mean? For sure. You know what i mean for sure you know what i mean yeah oh yeah oh yeah all right chad what's your babe of the week my babe of the week is the guy who ripped ass in my hot yoga class oh dude Oh dude, legend. Dude, this guy was an absolute beast. We're doing hot yoga, 120 degree, whatever it is. It's hot.
Starting point is 01:37:12 It's hot. We're doing a chair pose, which is where you're like this. So you're basically doing an air squat, both arms up. Dude, this guy's in literally like tighty-whities. Everyone's sweating. And she's like, okay, now get into the chair pose, and you're going to want to lower, lower. And he keeps saying, it was like, it was like. I was sitting there, I was like, I was like I was sitting there I was like
Starting point is 01:37:47 I was like and then no one said anything she's like okay now let's Shavasana was it hard not to laugh that's always the hardest
Starting point is 01:37:56 when you can't not laugh it was hard because it was like it was hard because he acted like nothing happened that's what it is and he was like in this chair pose
Starting point is 01:38:04 it was like dude that was it, it was loud and wet too. It wasn't like a, you know, it was like really egregious. He really disrespected the room. It builds up tension and you need the person who did it or somebody else to relieve it by acknowledging it. Yeah. Because then when you don't, everyone's just like, we're going to talk about it? Like everyone's waiting for someone to be like, excuse me or something. Yeah. Because then when you don't, everyone's just like, we're going to talk about, like everyone's waiting for someone to be like,
Starting point is 01:38:26 excuse me or something. Whoops. That's where you get that laugh where you're like. And then, yeah, you just look back at the teacher and she's just like, you know.
Starting point is 01:38:40 She's a pro. But, yeah, I just love dudes that, because old guys seem to do that a lot. They'll do that in the locker room a lot, too. They just rip massive farts and not do anything. They're like Alec Baldwin in Along Came Polly. I think they can't hear that frequency anymore,
Starting point is 01:38:59 so they don't even know how loud it was. It's like the whistle at the end of Polar Express. I've just been in this situation where, like, you're in a gym or, like, a yoga class, and it's really uncomfortable. You're holding it in. You know what I mean? You don't want to be embarrassed. But there's dignity in that.
Starting point is 01:39:15 That's true, but there's nobility in that fight. I mean, I wish I was. Sometimes, not all the time, I wish I was just this guy. You just want to fart. You know? And then I know if I get another one i'm gonna hold that one in because i'm not gonna let me do it all the time you just keep doing yeah i was kind of wondering because the guy was so nonchalant about it i was like did he just do it did you just push it out i don't know i wish i could talk to him afterwards but i did like was that accidental or you just dunk it with how much agency is involved in your flashlights yeah stranger man and the fact that
Starting point is 01:39:52 we were doing it in chair pose i mean it was it's it's one of the grosser places to do it too because everyone's sweating and it's hot it's hot yeah the conditions are not meant for farting but a lot of them are going to happen there she's like okay perfect for farting yeah okay now okay now lower look at it lower okay chavassana chavassana chavassana
Starting point is 01:40:22 chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana
Starting point is 01:40:22 chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana
Starting point is 01:40:23 chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana
Starting point is 01:40:24 chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana
Starting point is 01:40:24 chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chavassana, chav Chris who's your babe of the week taking a page out of Strider's book and go with my dang fiance oh nice Becca I love you been together for a long time we're gonna be together forever dude let's do it
Starting point is 01:40:38 I'm really excited to get married it's gonna be super fun and then we get to just doing shit together for the rest of our lives it sounds awesome and she loves me despite my small dong which i appreciate and she did and she says i don't like you calling it that because it fits perfect for me so nice i think that's a really nice sentiment that even if you got a small dong you know doesn't mean that like your cinderella or prince charming isn't out there you just got to find the right fit and lock it down.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Love you, babe. That was awesome. That was beautiful. Thanks. I remember when you guys went on your second date. You guys came and met for drinks afterwards. And I remember... At the Woods?
Starting point is 01:41:19 At the Woods. That was our first date. And then afterwards, yeah, I remember at the end you went like this with a lot of swagger. You paid the bill and you went went you want to get out of here nice nice she was like yeah i was like oh it's on with the squad and boning we uh yeah we didn't well we didn't bone she was like i'm not gonna go back to my place and i was like we could just make out and cuddle that's what we did oh that's nice that's a lot
Starting point is 01:41:45 of fun um it's a lot of fun but sometimes it's not enough well don't get me wrong i was all sitting there going oh but you know you're right you lock it up she drove me home the next day and i hung out again that's it um my baby of the week is old espn so i'm reading the oral history of espn right now. And it's making me nostalgic for the ESPN that I grew up with from like 94 to like 98. And here's the thing that was cool about ESPN. Then I'm sorry. I'm, I mean, I know I'm getting hella nostalgic here and I'm kind of like, uh, saying in the good old days,
Starting point is 01:42:16 but I do genuinely think it provided, uh, more for the culture because now it's just like talking head shows where they argue about like the biggest football and basketball stories of the day. But back then, if you woke up at like six in the morning, which I did back then, it was like fitness stuff in the morning. If you woke up even earlier, like four in the morning, it was like World's Strongest Man.
Starting point is 01:42:33 So you'd be watching like World's Strongest Man. Then from like 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., it was like fitness TV shows, which were actually like really well-produced and fun to watch. And then from like 10 to like two, you'd get like college baseball or you'd get like a foreign sport, like rugby or something like that.
Starting point is 01:42:48 Like something that you just didn't even know you cared about, but then, and you kind of didn't understand it, but you're like, this is cool. And you'd start to like learn who the players were in these different, but like, remember they had the outdoor games.
Starting point is 01:42:58 Those were always fun to watch. That was sick, dude. Just dude swinging axes and saws. It was awesome. For a while they did poker, the motocross. They had all these different sports.
Starting point is 01:43:06 And now we don't even know as many people from these various sports because they just don't get the airtime on ESPN. But it was car racing. They just had so much different stuff. And now it's gotten so single-minded with how they do their programming. And I just don't think it's as fun or as diverse as it was when i was growing up because it was just and then sports center was obviously a bigger deal and those guys were huge personality they were bigger bigger deal to me than like talk show hosts like
Starting point is 01:43:32 i had more of a relationship with like stewart scott and like kenny main than i did with like david letterman or conan o'brien even so i uh i just really missed that era and in the book like it's so interesting like they made the america's cup like they made they were the first people to televise that and they made america care that we had lost and that we could get it back and uh and then that even had such a big cultural impact that they ended up making a movie out of it with like yeah with matthew modine yeah and so it's like if you make us if you package it right we'll care about like any sport if you can get the right story in there so come on let's get's get some more of those stories coming.
Starting point is 01:44:08 But yeah, I just miss old ESPN. I think they've actually gotten worse at highlights, too. They used to tell a story with their highlights where you got a sense of what the game was. And now they show maybe two plays. Home runs and dunks. Yeah, and it's like, what? And when I watch games sometimes, I'm like, there was a story to this game, and it was cool, and they used to tell it.
Starting point is 01:44:27 And they were the first ones to do that. ESPN was the first one to be like, oh, this quarterback had 12 straight completions, and they show you each of the completions. Right, and they had a little ticker. Right. They were pretty creative with their highlight. And now it's like whoever the biggest star is,
Starting point is 01:44:40 they show them hitting a three from the third quarter, and then nothing else from the... It's annoying. And i guess they do it and that's not even that like some of it i understand because like everyone already knows what happens because they get it all on their phone but you can still like tell the story of the game because they're not going to get that from their phone yeah let's get back to weirder programming um chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is aaron uh my yoga teacher um damn what a bait and switch there real roller coaster there oh oh yeah my bad because that's also aaron's name
Starting point is 01:45:20 what here's another aaron is my yoga teacher it's not me but it's also Aaron you're legend of the week every week I should have said my yoga teacher Aaron the flexible Aaron but you're legend of the week every week yeah
Starting point is 01:45:41 I like doing yoga on Sundays it's uh i i like doing yoga on sundays it's very nice and uh she's just a very comforting presence i i really uh enjoy doing classes i like i like when yoga teachers too they'll be like all right this pose is gonna it's a tourniquet for your genitals it's gonna cut off the circulation and the blood is gonna flow right back in you're gonna get all those nutrients okay we're gonna do in this standing eagle this is gonna massage your colon and i asked my dad his doctor i'm like dad can you massage your colon he's like no i understand i like how they say all those terms like all right this is gonna make the blood flow
Starting point is 01:46:21 into the kidneys okay and this is this is going to get all those. And I asked my dad about that. He's like, none of this is possible, but it does make me feel good. And I like, I like being flexible. So, um, and it's tough. It's like an hour and a half. It's tough. Like at the end, you know, like an hour, 45 minutes in, uh, you know, like she's like,
Starting point is 01:46:42 she's like, Chad, are you okay? Are you going to pass out? I'm like, oh, I'm good. I'm good. Just keep going. So, yeah, I just wanted to give her a shout out. What up? And then my legend of the week is also Aaron for just being an absolute legend.
Starting point is 01:46:56 Thank you. Hell yeah. Yeah. Chris, who's your legend of the week? My big bro. Oh. Come on. Get out of here, dude. That's that's nice you're the best I'm so happy to be here making my legend dude it's just uh you're the best you're the best big bro anyone could ask for
Starting point is 01:47:17 oh that's nice man it's always been super inclusive makes me feel good about myself. Love our banter. It's always a good hang. I love you. You're my legend, dog. Thanks, Chris. I love you too, man. You're a good dude. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Always been a really good, good guy. Good human being. You are. You're a good human being. You're a good egg. Thanks, dude. I love you. i love you um dude my legend of the week is a film that we both really loved growing up and uh i think it's kind of the best movie in some ways about america it's the people versus larry flint made by the legendary filmmaker
Starting point is 01:48:00 milos foreman who came from uh i think czechoslovakia, and they ended up banning him from making movies there. So he came to America where he could make any kind of movies, even ones that challenged the kind of establishment. So he made this movie about the guy who started Hustler magazine, which is, you know, super lurid and can be really over the top with his sexuality. But he ended up having to go to the Supreme Court because he was getting sued for making up lies, but joking lies about Jerry Falwell. And it became like a free speech argument. But basically what the movie's about is that like, we live in this country where people are like crazy and different, but that's, what's kind of great about this country is that you can
Starting point is 01:48:38 be crazy and different in here. And then we're all kind of united by all these different flavors that we get. And that's what makes us able to make such good art and put together such good sports teams and, you know, makes us innovative and, you know, business and tech and science. Like, I think it's because we got all these different crazy people, you know what I mean? And you're allowed to get mad at each other here. And that's, I'm patriotic about that. I'm like, people versus Larry Flint makes me feel patriotic about America because I'm like, yeah, we're a place where you can have all these different things
Starting point is 01:49:05 coexisting with each other. And I think that's nice. Love it, dude. Love that movie so much. Yeah. Woody Harrelson, incredible in it.
Starting point is 01:49:13 You know, he could have got drafted. Matthew McConaughey could have got drafted. No one went with Maddie Mack. Yeah. Sorry. I was on my soapbox there, but I just get fired up on that movie.
Starting point is 01:49:21 I'm trying to find healthy patriotism because I feel like we don't have enough. Yeah. He didn't want to do the movie at first because like it's i don't want to make a movie about this kind of thing he's like but and then he's like but then i'm reading about it more it's about free speech and he came from a country where they didn't have that like that's amazing yeah sometimes it takes an outsider to make you appreciate what you got what you got going on. Yeah. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Harrison Ford,
Starting point is 01:49:55 just in the spirit of what we were doing. My goal was just to work regularly. I didn't ever expect to be rich or famous. I wanted to be a working character actor, which I like you know just fall in love with the process enjoy the ride don't be so uh result oriented and you never know what will come agreed that's nice you know he was like on that talk show and he was like rubbing the seat yeah he was definitely he was on something like are you gonna make another like indiana jones or star wars i hope so and then just goes he's devilishly funny that was hilarious and i just love it so it's funny to
Starting point is 01:50:36 you know when he was on things changed you know what money's really cool when he was on conan in the 90s promoting k-19, The Widowmaker, it's one of the funniest interviews ever. Oh, really? Because it just shits on the title all the time. That is a really bad name for a movie. Catherine Bigelow, right, directed that? I've never seen it.
Starting point is 01:50:54 It's a good movie. Him and Liam Neeson, right? Literally, I don't think I've seen it because of the name. Isn't it Liam? I just remember. I saw it back in the day. I just remember. I think it's Sam Neill.
Starting point is 01:51:04 The trailer, surface to boat. And's Sam Neill He is kind of a Weirdly quiet dude right Yeah I don't think he likes doing No it's Liam Neeson you're right I don't think he likes doing press and stuff like that Yeah Chris what's your quote of the week My quote of the week is from
Starting point is 01:51:22 The first X-Men It's early in the movie rogue just saw logan aka wolverine uses claws and she looks at him and says does it hurt and without looking at her he just goes every time that's awesome that is a good line um my phrase of the week or my my quote of the week is from i watched this thing about kafka and what kafka s means dude a little bit of a bummer dude so kafka who like a lot of people think is you know and i've never even read his stuff but i know his reputation supposed to be one of the greatest writers like the 20th century and you know
Starting point is 01:51:59 one of the most influential basically his dad was like this super successful entrepreneur and just thought his son was just a bitch like kafka was like kind of feeble bodied and kind of had a lot of anxiety and, and was not like the tough industrious person that his dad was looking for. And none of his books had any success when he was alive. And then, so after the fact, his buddy who was like also his publisher, Kafka was like, burn it all, just burn it all. It's all crap. And then his buddy was like, no, I'm burn it all. Just burn it all. It's all crap. And then his buddy was like, no, I'm not doing that. And then it all goes on to, you know,
Starting point is 01:52:30 have this incredible legacy that's up there with like the greatest authors of all time. And I'm like, very sad. But this was the quote that Anne Rice said about him. This was the influence he had on her. Don't bend. Don't water it down. Don't try to make it logical. Don't edit your own soul according to the fashion.
Starting point is 01:52:44 Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly. Very inspiring. down don't try to make it logical don't edit your own soul according to the fashion rather follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly very inspiring i would probably say but maybe make it so people like it a little bit while you're around so you can enjoy that isn't she the one who wrote interview the vampire yeah and also kafka's dad he wouldn't even let him write he thought that was like soft really like kafka like, I gotta get all these feelings and thoughts out of my typewriter. And his dad was like, don't write. Nerd. You're like, dude, the kid's writing.
Starting point is 01:53:10 Like it's healthy. Like you don't like writing? Just the idea that somebody's like, I don't like intelligence. Yeah. It's so weird. I don't want my kid to be one of them smarty pants, you know, knows a lot of stuff and isn't creative. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:22 His dad was just like, do you know how much typewriters cost and how to repair? Yeah, his dad was like, just sell typewriters. Don't write on them. Sell typewriters. That's what a man does. Good Joe is a dumbass. Trying to write.
Starting point is 01:53:43 Chad, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Let's pop the knuckles. Nice. Chris, what's your phrase that we forget after it? My phrase that we forget after it? My phrase of the week for getting after it... Tonight? All bets are off. Nice.
Starting point is 01:54:15 My phrase of the week for getting after it... So, Kafka was born in Chechya, but he speaks German. So I'm going to go with a German phrase of the week for getting after it. Pass auf das uns niemanden Tisch weg mit. Watch out. Don't let anybody take our table. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Yeah, dude. You got to know how to do it. Hey, that's big. That's big. Don't lose the table. That's good stuff. All right, dudes. That's Chris. Thank you so much, dude. You got to know how to do it. Hey, that's big. That's big. Don't lose the table. That's good stuff. All right, dudes. That's Chris.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Thank you so much, bro. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me on, guys. That was awesome. Love you, dog. Good stuff. Love you, too. Let's get a meeting here.
Starting point is 01:54:55 Get done. Yeah, don't leave me hanging. There we go. Let's go. There we go. All right. Stoker's Drink Fruit Smash. Thanks for listening. Keep writing writing reviews they help us out
Starting point is 01:55:07 shout out to chris thank you for coming on and anything else that's it that's it all right later if you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know What to do, where to go When you need someone to guide you Just to have the girls beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see Go with me Let's go
Starting point is 01:55:48 Go with me Try to get Deep

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