Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 206- Ryan Holiday Joins

Episode Date: September 29, 2021

What up stokers! This week we've got author, Ryan Holiday. We talk about Limp Bizkit and philosophy. Check out his new book "Courage is the Calling".    Sponsored by Talkspace: Match with a ...licensed therapist when you go to talkspace.com get $100 off your first month with the promo code GODEEP. That’s $100 off when you use code GODEEP at talkspace.com

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pure, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because Manscaped just launched their fourth generation performance package. You know it's sport betting season and the odds are in your favor when you use the Lawn Mower 4.0 on your balls. Ready to take the leap to male grooming royalty? Two million men already have. Join the Manscaped movement by going to manscaped.com for 20% off plus free shipping with the code, GoDeep.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Okay, let's start the show. Once we're deep, we're going deep. Chad and JD. All right. all right um do you guys have to get in character this is character yeah well i've been i've been trying out more intros and lately i've been watching limp biscuit live so i thought i'd start with the lyrics of roland did i do on the last pod i don't think it matters i think i like the consistency of it yeah okay cool it would suck to be in limp biscuit in the sense that like you were at one point like one of the biggest fans in the world you were not just like cool but like cutting edge in your coolness yeah you pop help
Starting point is 00:01:19 popularize a genre and then you sell millions of albums and then people are like no that didn't happen right always you were always lame and we always hated you i feel a resurgence coming though i mean but granted my cousin sent me a video of them live from like 2013 and i sort of i was like i was like oh after like 2003 2004 frederick's just fell off the face either but then i watched this live video and i was like oh they fucking rip live and i was like dude i gotta go see limp biscuit and so now i'm like i gotta see biscuits is it like a tall poppy thing too like did they get can you reach that apex of cool and not look uncool to like the succeeding generation i don't know because they must have been like our music is not that different than Lincoln parks.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Why are they like, I mean, neither of them would be considered like super like trendy, but like one is like a caricature of shittiness. And then the other is like, Oh yeah, they're a big rock band. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Kind of just like a nostalgia thing. Yeah. I think also Fred Durst was kind of a jerk. Yeah. I think maybe that's what it was. Like I always bring up, he, he talked about how Britney Spears was going to see Justin Timberlake and he ran into her at an airport. And then he was like, nah, you're coming with me.
Starting point is 00:02:31 And then he's like, we went to Palm Springs for a week. And then during that same interview where he's telling that story, the journalist goes, we asked Britney about it. She said none of that's true. And then he just goes, damn. He's like really hurt. And then I saw him in Orange County and he left like 20 minutes into the show because he said we were like a bad crowd really when was this this was family values tour probably 1999 or 2000 first concert i ever went to oh wow it's i think
Starting point is 00:02:57 it's also important like a gimmick like the red hat it can help you on the way up right it makes you more recognizable but then it also makes it easier to derive so like the guy from nickelback like the long hair etc makes you really iconic but then it also makes you easy to lampoon right yeah i was i was watching i was actually watching some interviews with him in west borland uh last night and actually one was just fred durst in like 99 and they're like fred what do you have to say the camera he's like the music industry sucks everyone sucks you can't trust anyone i hate everyone and you're like whoa dude yeah the power went to his head i think that's really it was intense
Starting point is 00:03:36 hot take i would say that and i'm sure people who are all fans of my work would be surprised because i would say that the limp biscuit cover of Behind Blue Eyes is actually one of the few covers that is better than the original. I feel somewhat embarrassed to admit that. I don't even remember that one. But it's like. It's for the movie Gothica, right? I think so. I think Halle Berry's in the music video.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But like, it's like a legit good song. And if it was not by Limp Bizkit, I think it would like a legit good song and if it was not by limp biscuit i think it would be a much more popular song and the fact that it was them and relatively late in their career it's not like we've slept on it we just like it's like one of those things where you're like i'm gonna pretend that's not good but it's better than the original because the song is good but it's like a really sad song it's like happy by the it's a weird it's weirdly done by the who and there's this weird like intermission in it and so i i would actually i think where credit where credit is due it's a legit song that should be more popular that's a beautiful take
Starting point is 00:04:38 yeah is it does he have the vocals to get up to those like doll tree like kind of no he doesn't he kind of like doesn't do any of that so it's like Oh, he just kind of raps it a little bit? This is too far but it's almost like a Johnny Cash hurt thing where you're just like wow
Starting point is 00:04:53 like the real song is like okay but you're just like whoa this is a totally different song That's awesome How do you think Fred Durst could have used
Starting point is 00:05:03 stoicism to stay at the top? What do you think? Durst could have used stoicism to stay at the top? What do you think? I'm not sure that's possible. And I would say probably the popularity of him and music in that was just like, it's kind of weird. You look back at that period of music and just like, it's like, wow. So we were just like totally cool with misogyny. Like we're just cool with like with misogyny like totally we're
Starting point is 00:05:25 just cool with like a lot of like being really angry yeah i was listening i mean you listen like break stuff right yeah good so lyrics it's like an eighth grader you know it's like everyone says like one of those days we don't want to get up everybody sucks you know and it's like and we were talking about this actually because i was watching a lot of movies from like 99 and stuff and it's like the white male rage and stuff and like after 9-11 where did that go that that feels like it just disappeared and we've never seen it yeah exactly well it's not even songs too of like them being like all pissed off you know and it just doesn't hit the same as well you're kind of like where did all this like uh where where did these like
Starting point is 00:06:02 sort of trumpy like this angry white like where did the january 6 energy come from and it's like we flashback 20 years and all those people were 20 20 like it's like that they were listening to eminem and fred durst and like all the white male rage music and then uh now now they're angry adults who, you know, it's not so good. Yeah, it worked well in ARC, but it didn't work as well in the political process. I just read an oral history of whatever that bit of toxicity. Oh, on The Ringer? Yeah. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Really? I need to check that out. And he was good on Marin, Serge. Oh, he was just on Marin? He was good on Marin. It was a while ago. A while ago. But yeah, you're like white male rage, but then you're also like, wait, System of Down
Starting point is 00:06:50 debuted at number one, one of the biggest albums of that era. You're like, it's so different, but it's also the same. Ders has some- Punk rock came back in the late 90s too. So there's all kind of a confluence of anger and angst all yeah all at once darrest has some flexibility when his career kind of went down in music he started directing movies he's done like nine of them yeah and he did this movie the education of charlie banks which is about like uh john ritter's son is like a ruffian and he gets finds like a surrogate family at like an elite
Starting point is 00:07:18 liberal arts college but there's like talks about like derrida what's the guy's name the french like deconstructionist yeah Oh, the philosopher. Yeah, the philosopher. And it's in a Fred Durst movie, dude. And as far as I know, it was an intelligent kind of a... Didn't Fred Durst also discover the band Puddle of Mud? Dude, they were good. I didn't know that. Blurry.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Blurry's a great song. See, the mistake with Puddle of Mud was that the first song they came out with was like, I love the way you smack my ass. I love the way you pull my hair. And it was a little too cheesy. But the rest of their songs are really just about breaking up with your girlfriend and not being able to see your son as much. And I think they should have led with that. These are all good bands.
Starting point is 00:07:56 I love talking about these bands. But why are, why, is it like in 10 years, they be like again touring arenas and we'll just pretend like in the same way that like hair metal bands and whatever like there's is there a nostalgia valley i think it's gonna be just about to come out of it well so i think about this like what if in like you you know about i mean but like i sometimes wonder like so there's other writers who are around with shakespeare because shakespeare wasn't like the preeminent writer at this time like people liked like christopher marlowe more like what if wasn't the preeminent writer of his time. People liked Christopher Marlowe more. What if Shakespeare was the Limp
Starting point is 00:08:28 Biscuit of his time? But now with all that context removed, we're all like, Shakespeare was the best. And Christopher Marlowe was Radiohead. But a thousand years from then, everyone's like, that band's not that great. Well, I'll tell you that's how I felt watching Limp Biscuit live two weeks ago. That this was
Starting point is 00:08:44 the Shakespeare of their time moved me it moved like the little angry guy in shakespeare like he's like what he had like 26 000 words in his vocabulary fred dirsch is close to that dude he's got it's funny that you mentioned eighth grade or whatever because i remember that playing at an eighth grade dance that I was at. Yeah. That's not, and like just everyone going like insane. Yeah. Yeah. And I,
Starting point is 00:09:09 it's one, I'm amazed that they were allowed to play it, but like it, it does, it does have a certain like juvenile energy to it that maybe that's where it's like, that's what it's rooted in and why it doesn't age as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 But are, yeah. that's what it's rooted in and why it doesn't age as well yeah but are yeah are these bands gonna be like the nostalgia acts of their of like a little bit further or is the fact that the the other nostalgia acts still haven't gone away that it was kind of a one-time thing i don't know it's a long jam well it is charming to think about fred durst at 75 being like it's just one of those days when you don't want to wake up everything is fucked everybody sucks but he's like old and like his body's kind of whittled down that's to your johnny cash point it would like the power and hurt is that like you know he's yeah he's at death's door yeah i'm i'm hoping that there will be like a you know rebirth of this guy i've heard people
Starting point is 00:10:02 talk about corn lately you know i feel like it's a big tour yeah i feel like it's coming back and i also just selfishly i i want that to happen so i can like talk to younger kids and be like yeah i remember when hybrid theory came out you know it was huge or yeah meteora you know i don't know that that's just because i want to seem cool to to the younger well i don't know what you guys want to talk about but i could talk about this all day because then the other i've just messaged my friend, Spotify somehow put me on a Matchbox 20 playlist. I clicked on that or something. But I was like, holy shit, this band had so many more hits than I thought. I could have named two.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And then I was like, no, this was like 10 or 12 monster songs. And he was like, fuck. Oh, wow. Good for you. And then what i was saying is like why did so to go to the point about lincoln park versus limp bizkit why did matchbox 20 they're like like they're not like cool but they're not like uncool and then why is limp bizkit or sorry no no but then then sorry nickelback is like the least cool band of all time and like
Starting point is 00:11:00 No, no. But then, sorry, Nickelback is like the least cool band of all time. And like similar popular, similar amount of sales, probably similar amount of hits, similar kind of like dad rock genre. But one gets like, one's the black sheep and the other's just like, whatever. It's arbitrary. I think it is. I don't think there's a great explanation. Because I listen, Nickelback has has a bunch of good songs.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. And I was playing their music one time at a tailgate to get people to antagonize me. And a bunch of music snobs came in and started talking trash. And it was just, I don't know, something just becomes like, I don't, you know. That was good though. I was going to make way too big of a comparison there. But I think sometimes people just. You mean bigger than Limp Bizkit and Shakespeare?
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah. It might be as big. So you didn't draw the line there. Do you remember when Christopher Hitchens was on Bill Maher and he said something... Bill Maher made a crack about George Bush and the whole crowd went ballistic. And then Christopher Hitchens was like,
Starting point is 00:12:00 people, dumb people like jokes about George Bush because it makes them feel smarter than the president. And so they'll always clap for that. Sure. So I was going to say Nickelback's George Bush, where they just become, I think George Bush probably deserved it more. But they just become like this lightning rod for people to feel better then. And then once that happens, it's just out the gates. Didn't the guy from Nickelback marry Avril Lavigne?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Isn't that kind of perfect? Yeah. Are they still together? I think they broke up. They broke up? Well, she dated the guy from Sum 41. They were married first. Derek Wimbley or something?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Something like that. I'll tell you. Sorry, go ahead. Oh, no. I think about in those days, like Keanu. Keanu Reeves was kind of like a joke. Sure. When The Matrix came out, everyone was making fun of Keanu and his acting.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But now he stayed in the pocket and now he's like the sweetheart. Yeah, part of it's just not going away. And he never changed. He stuck to his guns. Guy Fieri is similar. Like if you checked in with Guy Fieri in like 2008, he's like the least cool dude. But then one, he doesn't change. Two, he shows like, oh, he's like cool.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Like he does like a lot of charitable stuff and then three i think as people get older they're like wait why do i give a shit you know what i mean like it's like why do i have an opinion yeah i think as i've gotten older i'm just like yeah i just don't well yeah i think he he's i think he's a good guy and he stayed in the pocket he didn't change and everyone's it's sort of like with like bullying or whatever you like bullying someone and they don't really respond to it and then that you're just like oh this is who you are yeah you start to love him yeah is that a problem you have when you're bullying people it is yeah it's just not landing yeah i'm like this is not working i want to destroy this kid so but i'll get there that's my biggest bullying problem that was a good
Starting point is 00:13:48 talk yeah i mean and chad kroger broke up in 2015 oh man is she is she remarried doesn't last i was listening to skater boy on the way here still right you weren't i was no i've been i've been really into uh like early 2000s like Good Char I guess that's later 2000s Fall Out Boy Santana and Matchbox 20 that's what Fred Durst needs is a young dude like Rob Thomas in that time
Starting point is 00:14:16 to mint him to the new generation like Olivia Rodrigo needs to do a song with Fred Durst and then cause that's like I didn't know Santana and then Smooth came out and I was like this guy rips man yeah and and someone made a comment too they're like there's an argument to me made that smooth has been the song of the summer since 1999 it's never changed it's always smooth you know um mr brightside by the killers has never fallen off the uk really 100 charts or whatever it's like for like the it's the longest yeah of
Starting point is 00:14:45 all songs interesting which you wouldn't think yeah that's another band with way more hits than you think yes um but so we drove here like we drove here from texas i had to do a bunch of stuff and we had to go to northern california and then we're doing something on the way back but we were listening to blink 182 on the way and because similar weirdly my wife and i just got sucked into kind of like a nine Nine late 90s early 2000s thing now isn't I was like oh wow you have also more hits than I thought you kind of You forget and then you're like not only is this I do I remember the song but like this was I remember I've seen this music video 50 times on television. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:21 It's interesting what happened to music videos to no one really watch. Does anyone watch music videos anymore? Well, of course if you go on YouTube, it's interesting what happened to music videos too no one really wants does anyone watch music videos anymore well of course if you go on youtube it's like oh yeah that's true but like they just don't have the same i remember i remember on mtv vh1 and just watching for hours and just waiting for my favorite one to come on or like i remember like uh sleeping like going to sleep with m MTV2 on. Yes. Like on the weekends or whatever. And you're just like, so that was like a little better as far as the music goes, a little more diversity as far as genres.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Like Matt Pinfield when he did that like 120 minutes at night or whatever. There's a bunch of, but you're just like, even when we were young, MTV was already getting away from music videos. But then MTV2 was like only music videos. I wish someone would bring behind the music back. They are. They did. Paramount plus. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Fat Joe. It's Fat Joe. Oh, that's a great one to start. Yeah. Fat Joe's coming up. Yeah. Amazing.
Starting point is 00:16:16 Yeah. I'm stoked. I saw the, cause I always wonder what, what is it? Paramount plus. Yeah. I've been wondering what happened to Fat Joe.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah. What did happen to Fat Joe? We'll see we will see stand by yeah dude he looks good though i gotta say he looks the same or no he's still fat yeah i think he's lost some weight but still fat enough to be fat joe nice which fires me up um and so yeah i guess this is a good time to segue you've got a new book out i do courage courage is calling yes so you just got one word from the title i appreciate that i'll make the courage to try read it yeah you read only i've read all your other books i've read all your other books yeah i'll make mean to be weird, but after you came on our podcast,
Starting point is 00:17:06 I've read all your books. And you're one of my favorite authors. Thank you. And actually, during COVID, I have Ego is the Enemy on tape, so I re-listened to that. And the biggest thing is Be a Student. Yeah. Because we do comedy and stuff, so I'm always like, I need to keep.
Starting point is 00:17:23 But yeah, during COVID especially especially it was just so uh those books were just so helpful at keeping me sort of you know moving forward and and keeping my sort of internal self uh strong i guess yeah because you said too like marcus aurelius like when he wrote a lot of his stuff it was during a pandemic it was during the antonine plague which is named after him and that he may have died of oh interesting and there's like so i obviously reread it during the pandemic and there's a but you're like not not not really understanding what a pandemic was then you read it during a pandemic you're like oh all this stuff hits differently because you're like oh you were being literal like there's this one line where he goes um he's like there's two kinds of plagues there's one that takes your life and the other that destroys your character and you're like
Starting point is 00:18:11 oh you were talking about the same assholes that we're dealing you're talking about the karen who's like screaming at the whole foods yeah because like some lady making $12 an hour, like asked her to put on a mask, you know, like these, these people are infected with a different thing and that that has existed for 2000 years. Did you find yourself getting more fired up during the pandemic as towards like people who were making those kinds of choices? I think it was, it was a one, it was weird. Like, it's weird that it was like if you
Starting point is 00:18:45 write about resiliency and obstacles and stillness and like all the themes that are in my books like unfortunately the pandemic was like exactly drove a lot of people to read about those things so it's like good for business in one sense which i obviously would not trade for like if you're like hey it's gonna be good for you but the biggest tragedy of 100 years will happen i'd be like hi i can sit this one out you know but um it was really interesting to realize like oh i thought we were all i thought all the people on in at this party were on the same page and it's like we're not right so i think it's not less that it fired me up it's more just're not right so i think it's not less that it fired me
Starting point is 00:19:25 up it's more just like realizing like oh i thought some of these things didn't need to be said but like unfortunately it's like my fans are the ones who need to hear it did you also want to have like a history of you saying those things so that there would be like kind of like a record no but i do think like it would be very it would be much easier to only talk about the like, here's how to be more productive. Here's how to be more personally resilient. But stoicism as a philosophy. So this book is one of a four book series. There's four virtues for the stoics.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Courage, self-discipline, justice and wisdom. Obviously, like self-discipline or courage would be the easiest to focus on because they're the least controversial. But then if you start to get into like truth, which is wisdom, or you get justice, which is what are our obligations to other people, what's the right thing. Now you're having to make some value statements that implicitly criticize certain people. So, you know, I think it was more a conscious decision. Like I'm not only going to say the uncontroversial stuff. Right. And you wanted to put those kind of ideas into action and show how. Yeah. It's just, it's like, okay, you have this platform. How do you use said platform?
Starting point is 00:20:41 And to only use it in a way that tells people what they want to hear strikes me as not just like kind of cowardly but also a violation of what the stuff is supposed to be about right like you can't just pick and choose and do you have a working definition for courage yeah it's when you put your ass on the line for something nice i was thinking about you guys actually because uh i i spoke at this um city council city council thing and as i was going and i was like like this is this is very ripe for comedy like so i get in and first off it's like the texas historical commission and it's like a hundred percent old white dudes yeah you know like this is supposed to represent the whole
Starting point is 00:21:30 history of a state that was originally part of mexico that of which 50 is women and just like basically all white dudes and like the dude opens the book and he's like you know we recall the order that this meeting of the texas historical commission we are taking covet very seriously like you know like please only like the rules are you must wear a mask and like don't sit next and it's like 30 commissioners all sitting next to each other not a single one wearing so you're just like all right like this isn't this this is like not the best and the brightest like we're we didn't we're not sending our best yeah right and then like i have to get up and be explain why like
Starting point is 00:22:11 a confederate monument is offensive and stupid and again you're like and we're all on the same page about this right and it's nope we're not yeah they're They're interesting. We've been to some meetings lately where, like the San Clemente one, where it's just like, yeah, some of the citizens will call out specific members. What was the one in San Clemente where they called out the... There was like a homeless shelter. And so they're fighting over... There's more homeless people in San Clemente right now, but not really that much per capita compared to most places. But, you know, San Clemente is fairly affluent. So I don't think they're accustomed to dealing with it. And, you know, there was the two sides on how to deal with it. And no one was saying, don't help the homeless. But one people, one group was saying, like, let's build a shelter. And then the other group was saying, yeah, let's build a shelter in another city and ship them there.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah, let's build a shelter in another city and ship them there. And then, you know, everyone would preface what they were saying by saying, like, look, I care about people. But there was one city council member who, like, on his face, you could read that he was a little bit of, like, a hard ass, I guess. Like he doesn't care about people? Yeah, he kind of got that vibe. Like he kind of, he doesn't want to feel, like, socially pressured into caring about people. Like he'll kind of give you the middle finger if you're like, hey, you don't care about people. He's like, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:23:29 He's got kind of that energy. JT talked to him in one of our videos, actually. Our mask video in San Clemente. Oh, wow. And he's like, you guys are part of Antifa, huh? You guys are part of Antifa? And it was like, my aunt's name is Mia or something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:43 And that was a city council guy. And that's the same guy. Right. I think people are having trouble with that where you're like, okay. First off, there's 500 and however many members of Congress. So it's like 530. 535. That sounds right. And a certain percentage of them are going to be...
Starting point is 00:23:56 First off, they're not 500 plus people from New York or LA. First off, you had to say, you have to pick 500 people, and you have to pick one person from every county in America. Chances are you're going to get some people who are not the best people. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And I don't mean like, I mean like you're just going to get people who are like own a small business in Topeka. No offense to Topeka, but you're just getting like random ass people. Yeah. Good Topeka people. And then then and like a certain percentage of them are going to be people who just believe random shit on the internet like i think we sometimes forget that like government is representative and like
Starting point is 00:24:37 representative means like a smack an accurate smattering and so like yeah we're like well why is the school board doing this and it's like because the school board member is like the school board is like first off who wants to be on the school board second like primarily old primarily like white dude like you're getting a sample size where you're gonna get some people who are like you know the the january 6th thing was all antifa like yeah people real people believe that so some of those people are going to be like in positions of influence and power yeah and and most people don't pay attention to local elections yeah so they just sort of let those happen and they don't really know who they oftentimes don't even vote or they don't even know who they just sort of you know i'm guilty of that too you just fill in a dot i'm like yeah um and so they don't really know who
Starting point is 00:25:28 they're electing and it's yeah and that person might have won with 60 votes like i was doing something about like the it goes it's both sides like i was reading something about the head of the la teachers union who's like apparently like a rackle nut on the other on the left end of the spectrum and it's like she got elected with like 600 votes or something and she represents like you know 20 000 teachers in like the largest school district in america and like she can hold the whole district and city hostage essentially yeah um and like there's really no one to blame but the fact that like most of the teachers didn't vote yeah that's you know that that's kind of exciting though because it's accessible then And there's really no one to blame but the fact that most of the teachers didn't vote. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:07 That's kind of exciting, though, because it's accessible then. Anyone listening to this, you could run and win. And we hold tremendous power. Isn't the wrestler Kane mayor of somewhere? I think so. Yeah. There's a town near Big Bend National Park called, I'm forgetting what it's called. But anyways, their mayor is a goat.
Starting point is 00:26:29 A goat? A charismatic one? He's a goat and he likes beer. And then we were just there and I was reading the Wikipedia page about it. Is he a policy walk? He's been the mayor a long time. And then like, I guess some guy was like insulted by the mayor. Like some guy was holding like, insulted by the mayor. Or, like, some guy was holding, like, this is legit. He's, like, holding a grudge against the mayor.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So he broke into the cage and castrated the mayor. What? A goat? Yeah, he castrated the goat so they couldn't. Reproduce? No, so they, like, couldn't be a hereditary mayorship. Like, they had to elect a new goat after. Interesting. Because. He was trying to elect a new goat after. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Because... He was trying to cut nepotism off. I don't know. But just a violent political protest to cut the balls off this mayor goat. They would need to give it some TRT to keep its mood up. Yeah. Yeah. But we should go to that council.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Do you have a dog? I do have a dog, yeah. Is he neutered? It's a girl. Okay. But yeah. She's faded yeah does that affect their hormones i mean i don't know why you would want like your dog walk like dangling balls
Starting point is 00:27:32 all over your house it seems like just for aesthetic reasons it is it is the first time i saw because i've only ever seen neutered dogs my whole life the first time i saw a dog with balls i was like what is going on over there it's like female dogs you want just like a dog with balls. I was like, what is going on over there? Same with female dogs. You want just like a dog just bleeding all over your house once a month? It's disgusting. It is crazy. My mom just got a new dog and they're waiting to, they're getting her spayed, but they had to let her go through heat like one time.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And she's like, yeah, she's going through heat right now. And she's like, I guess some dogs just come running up to her and might attack us. So I didn't realize that was like a whole thing. Do you take solace in animal animal behavior take solace in animal behavior yeah like i just read that like rats like the way that they kind of figure out who their partner is it's kind of strangely similar to humans in a way and like guys will get so frustrated but i hate all the games that people play but then rats they play similar games like the female will like tease the male the male has to be able to take the teasing give her space but not so much space that she doesn't feel like he's interested and they kind of do this
Starting point is 00:28:29 song and dance and that made me feel better about all of like our kind of male female interactions because i was like oh this is like kind of hardwired into our biology despite all our rage we're just rats in a cage yeah exactly too who's too. Who's that? Smashing Pumpkins? Those guys get it, too. Billy Corgan gets it. Yeah. So, like, do you relate to animals at all? Yeah. So, I live on, like, a little farm.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Oh, right. So, we have, like, donkeys and goats. What do you get out of that? They just walk around. You look at them. That's cool. But do you, like, when you're watching them and behave does it the donkeys especially donkeys are just like chill they're like big like living lawn gnomes like they they just are you know like you don't really have to take care of them at all they just chill and uh
Starting point is 00:29:19 they just like do their thing and they're livestock guarding animals so you have them because like they don't like anything running around them so like they chase away coyotes and dogs and bobcats and sometimes like ours fought off a mountain lion once so they they're they're just like but most of the time they don't do anything just their their presence is naturally a deterrent you you had an animal to get stuck in your fence or something like that i think i remember you posting about it and you had to like put it down uh i don't know about that um i mean i've had there's versions of that that have happened i have put so like we have at this bookstore uh and which is my office and then downstairs is a bookstore and uh like there's three there's three big longhorn skulls and i had each one of them i had to put down right um but yeah one of the things that you it's like you have a pet and you're like this is my dog it's my dog for like
Starting point is 00:30:17 the next 15 years gonna be cool but then you have animals like on a farm and just like you're around now but you're gonna die like there's just death is much more present um does that make you more comfortable with death i think so yeah it makes you chiller about it because you're like well the cows don't care yeah you know like um and you carry around that coin i do i just gave it away to someone no memento mori memento mori why doemento mori. Why did I think amor fati? Because we have a coin that says that. Did I give you that? And I think we got it from you.
Starting point is 00:30:49 So yeah, but memento mori means remember death. Right. But yeah, you don't need as much of a reminder on a farm because shit dies all the time. Even if you take care of it, just a certain amount of it dies. Were you ever fixated on death, like stressed out about it? I mean, I think most people think about it right uh and you're like well what happened scary i don't want to die you know like i think it's if it's not an overt fear it's more of like a low grade just like thing you're anxious about what do you think happens when you go
Starting point is 00:31:19 nothing nice i think it's just the it's it's like like i think the best way i've heard it express is like what were you before you were born yeah that's what roger ebert said he said i wasn't scared to be born i'm not scared to die yes but what about before you were born you were just nothing nothing i think right yeah i don't know you don't believe in like a soul um i mean i think there's something unique in each person that like was the unique confluence of your dna and experiences and moment and that matters does it continue after either in the work or the really you know maybe maybe i think about it as like it exists in like the memories and you know interactions you had with other people but like does it doesn't go back
Starting point is 00:32:05 into a unified consciousness yeah maybe it does i don't know but i the other thing is like uh what would that change what would awareness of that change i think it takes some edge off for me but but like why like what what is it like I guess. I'd probably dirt bike faster. So you would be more willing to die because you know that you enter some universal consciousness after? I think you see that from people who are like intensely religious, that they're just not really afraid of going. They're just like, look, if it comes, I'll be in heaven with all my homies. You're like, that's nice. Yeah, I guess.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You know people who talk like that. Yeah, I guess. You know people who talk like that. Yeah, I do, unfortunately. Do you believe in love? Do I believe in love? Yeah, of course. So where do you think that comes from? Where does love come from? I mean, probably from our evolutionary need to pair bond and raise children.
Starting point is 00:33:02 But whether it's an accidental byproduct of something is somewhat irrelevant to the fact that it does exist that is real to us yeah yeah yeah that's interesting because even if it is just something that just was an offshoot of our evolution you can't change that it's in your brain well like this so like elon musk has popularized this question like how do we know we're not living in a computer simulation right and it's like well what would that change what would you possibly do with this information yeah that would take the edge off too wouldn't make you more anxious you're like they could turn off the computer at any time oh is that how it works i don't know maybe that's interesting like it doesn't it it doesn't like what about existence
Starting point is 00:33:42 does that change you're alive you're in control of some things but most not things or not most things and meaning is what you create from your actions so are you agnostic about it or are you sort of of the mind that that there's really no point in thinking too much about because it doesn't change anything here i mean i'm i'm agnostic in the sense that i think it's silly to say like i know there is a god for the following reasons yeah also seems silly to say there is obviously no god for the following reasons yeah but do i think i'm god no right right so like the stoic position is sort of like they're whether it's uh evolution whether it's the god whether it's the gods or whether the stoics sort of have this idea they
Starting point is 00:34:34 talk about fate and they talk about this idea of the logos which is sort of like the rhythm of the universe or you know things outside of your control it doesn't or what they call an alcohol it's anonymous like higher power it's all the same thing at the end of the day which is like it's not up to you right right uh i was wondering about your process because you i mean you've written a number of books you have a new book coming out and you're also running um the daily stoic youtube instagram and you put out videos pretty much daily right uh email every day social posts every day emails on like a or videos on a regular basis but like
Starting point is 00:35:13 obviously i don't make the video like i make the i produce the stuff and then it gets cut up and right and so do you have like a rigid schedule for yourself or do you kind of. Yeah. Like what's your day to day look like? Wake up early. Don't touch my phone for the first 30 minutes to one hour I'm awake. I don't know how you do that. Discipline. Courage. No way, dude.
Starting point is 00:35:40 No way it's discipline, bro. No way. Just one of those days. Go for a walk or run depending on time uh with usually with my kids and then spend some time in the journal and then i then i write nice and then basically everything after that is like a play it by ear or like what gets scheduled do you ever that's the core do you ever write fiction no did you do you like fiction writers a lot yeah who are your like guys um i like walker percy wise probably my favorite novelist i don't think i've ever heard it have you read john fonte no fonte's probably the best
Starting point is 00:36:16 writer to ever write about los angeles he wrote this book called ask the dust about los angeles in the 30s are they like noir books or uh no they're they're like um they're really that's they're hard to describe but they're really good you would love it interesting his book ask the dust is incredible um so i i like fiction but i tend to like sort of older fiction i like i usually like fiction that has some sort of like moral argument as opposed to like this is a book with a bunch of shitty people doing a bunch of shitty things and then like then yeah i i'm sure that i like to be inspired which i like your books a lot because it always brings me to a sort of a higher consciousness i don't know how you say but just it it's just sort of like this reminder of
Starting point is 00:37:05 like you know get out there keep working well you know what i was just thinking because it ties into the the 90s early 2000s music although there was like a sort of rage and like uh whatever to it there was like kind of an earnestness to it that when we immediately transitioned towards like the uh like hipster uh first off like like and there was that some 41 music video about it that i'm remembering but then there was like the the shins and like uh all the the bands remember the strokes for like a period and then and then more into the white stripes yeah like all of that was kind of like hipster like ironic like wilco not yeah but it was like it was it wasn't earnest yeah and then so like the it the fact that like limp biscuit was
Starting point is 00:37:56 like earnestly singing like fucking infantile like immature lyrics about having a rough day. It didn't age well immediately into that stuff. And so I think, and I feel like that's kind of the theme of a lot of fiction, where it's just like, nothing matters. There's a cynicism to it, and I like earnest stuff. I think that's why Ted Lasso is weirdly counter-programming. It's like, oh, this is like a non-shitty person who like kind of cares. And it's like, it's funny, but it's not that funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 And like, yeah. I think the thing that works about it is that like with Ted Lasso, it's smart enough to choose earnestness, but it's aware of cynicism. Yes. And I think with Limp Bizkit, you never really got the feeling that they chose earnestness out of some kind of like philosophical choice it was more just like you know what i feel like saying today i feel like saying fuck you man and there wasn't much like uh uh like critical thought going into it well yeah like there was there was like it's like oh this is good shit man yeah i'm raw dude yeah at their woodstock 99 before they're set when they're coming out on stage, the whole band is just flipping off the crowd.
Starting point is 00:39:07 They're just sort of standing there. I'm like, this is ridiculous. But I love it. When I was at that show, they said, put your middle finger in the air. And I was 12 years old. And I was like, let's go, dude. I had my middle finger in the air. I was fired up.
Starting point is 00:39:20 And I was never an angry kid, but I loved that stuff, man. And you like shit talkers a lot i do i'm i'm i i do like being i think because they the earnestness because they're able to be themselves and sort of if if they are assholes they can be assholes and it's kind of what was the first concert you went to did i didn't go to concerts for a while i think maybe it was like revolution uh which is like a ska band um but i remember metallica was at like the fair one year and i was like my brother's my brother's like 10 years older he's really into like metal and stuff like his kids he's he's making them listen to like
Starting point is 00:39:56 slayer and stuff did you you play iron maiden for your kids yeah yeah nice they have like iron maiden shirts and stuff do they yeah that's awesome yeah what's your favorite first time it was limp biscuit and then my second one was phil collins really that's a parental choice they wanted i loved him too but it was like his fifth farewell tour yeah starting to get the feeling he's not really gonna retire he's got to pay for all those alamo uh artifacts that he has oh really he's the world's largest collection of phil collins interesting merchandise interesting and he's from england so but he's just like he has like a 10 million dollar i feel like if i was like super into like australis or something yeah weird that's a nice
Starting point is 00:40:35 reference thanks dude what was your first youtube video mxpx in modesto oh nice mxpx is that no i was thinking of no fx who's mxpx Is there a pop punk band? Another pop punk band. Yeah. And those guys always have a philosophy, right? Yeah. I think they were vaguely, were they vaguely Christian? They were vaguely kind of Christian, but they were like in the POD sense, where you're like Christian, but like mainstream.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Yeah. But not like. POD is pretty hardcore Christian. No, no, but like, you know, there was like Christian music and then there was like a handful of bands that were Christian and actual bands. Yeah, right. Like not all their songs were about God.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And Christian music rips because it's love songs about God. It's just, it's like a romance song about God. This doesn't happen as much anymore, but like, you know, you'd be like flipping, you'd be driving like through California and you're trying to find stuff, you're hearing Scan on the radio. And then like, it's like, it sounds like a love song. And then like flipping, you'd be driving like through California and you're trying to find stuff, you're hearing Scan on the radio.
Starting point is 00:41:25 And then like, it's like, it sounds like a love song. And then like, then you hear him, like the guy singing by him. You're like, ah, change it. You know, that's how you know you made it to the Christian rock stage. Is that your favorite Christian rock band, MXPX? Live is pretty good too. Wait, so Live was a Christian rock band? Oh, they're super Christian.
Starting point is 00:41:42 So that, okay, that's a category. Become Christian. I wouldn't say, I feel like it would be demeaning to describe them as a christian rock band right they're broader than that yes um but sure i can't name any others in the category that i would like more speaking of him did you ever listen to him i remember when people him when viva la bam was huge right they're like a was that his brother's band no that was CKY CKY but him was like a Norwegian like
Starting point is 00:42:08 screamo band I remember being like I should listen to him yeah and then being like no yeah listen it just didn't work
Starting point is 00:42:14 a little bit I tried he's like him and Gwar you remember Gwar yeah Gwar is like they put on these costumes it's like
Starting point is 00:42:21 it's like death metal I think do you ever listen to Norwegian death metal I think that's yeah I think him's think like varg yes those guys all killed each other did they really they took one of their bandmates killed himself and they they found his body and they took a photo with his brains and made that their album cover so like i being into iron maiden people and like liking metal people, oh, you should like this band. And I was like, no. Like, I only like, like, these three metal.
Starting point is 00:42:48 The rest is just fucking weird. It's weird. And not really music. Yeah. You know, like, I'm so constrained. Do you play instruments? I used to play guitar, yeah. You shred?
Starting point is 00:42:58 No, I would not say that. That's rough, right? I took guitar lessons for four years, and my guitar teacher quit, because that wasn't progressing. Like, just quit generally, or quit on you? He just looked at me, and he was like, hey, bro. That's not. I took guitar lessons for four years and my guitar teacher quit because I wasn't progressing. Like just quit generally or quit on you? He just looked at me and he was like, hey, bro. It's not going to happen. He's like, you're not into it.
Starting point is 00:43:10 It's not going to happen. So I'm left handed. So like I learned guitar left handed and then like I needed a better guitar. And I remember my dad trying to convince the guitar teacher that they should just teach me right hand. Like, wouldn't it just be easier to just do everything with your non-dominant hand yeah what are you talking about guys i'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends p for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh
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Starting point is 00:44:56 What do you mean? What do I think about it? Yeah. That it exists? I mean, what? Is it bad for people? I'm not sure it's bad for people i mean clearly there's not like health uh delirious there's not negative health reasons i worry there is
Starting point is 00:45:13 what would you what are you worried about well i googled it the other day is is masturbation bad for your brain it's it can cause memory loss really if you do it too much because like you overload your like whatever the neurotransmitter is that you're hitting. And then it can cause some deleterious melancholy. I mean, I think anything could be addictive. Any behavior can become compulsive. And I kind of threw it at you. I got you. But I am curious what the Stoics think about it.
Starting point is 00:45:37 Is that kind of hedonism and that kind of self-pleasure? Does that kind of make your spirit weaker? that does that kind of uh make your spirit weaker i'm not sure it makes your spirit weaker there's a cynic philosopher uh diogenes he's my favorite well i can imagine but do you know what he said about masturbation he says uh if only hunger was if only i could pat my stomach and not feel hungry you know like he was comparing hunger and he's like it's pretty magical oh right that's just a physical act just do that i love that and he used to masturbate in like public right yeah that was his thing that was his thing yeah and then when alexander the great came into town and he was like what do you want he's like get out of the way
Starting point is 00:46:18 you're blocking the sun yeah isn't that cool that is cool so i think that's one of the problems right so he's like really genius philosopher but like clearly either insane or like anti-social like so it's like it's this weird thing we're like probably like bipolar now or something yeah from the g it's like you got some of these genius ideas but also you live in a barrel and just walk around jerking off in public and so he was in a barrel the whole time He didn't have like a house he would retire to. No, I think he left. I think he like revoked, what's that? No, renounced all of his worldly things and lived on as little as possible.
Starting point is 00:46:57 There's another famous diogeny story where like he didn't own anything. So he's like, except for a cup. And he goes to the well or whatever to like drink with his cup and he sees like a young boy like drinking with his hands he smashes the cup on the ground because he realizes like he doesn't even need this too attached to it no that that his life could be even he you'd think that life with nothing but possessing one cup would be as simple as it gets and then you you realize like, oh, it can actually be reduced further.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I wonder with guys like that too. It's like he was probably smart enough where he could pull that whole lifestyle off. Or maybe he was like not as weird and just like after the fact, people are like, you know, he used to jerk off, just walk around town. It's not even true. Oh, it's kind of like urban myths about him. It could be. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Legend building. Nice. Definitely couldn't do that today i wouldn't recommend that to any uh new philosophers yeah or maybe it's like a kind of west scenario where it's like sometimes you're legit and sometimes you're fucking well with him it's like his music's getting worse and so his craziness is getting less palatable for me because i'm like i'm like it all made sense to me when the music was brilliant. But now I'm like, he's raising his burden of proof without each crazy act. And I don't think he's quite clearing it now. Why are we just supposed to pretend that this dude didn't like, like eight months ago, try or 10 months ago, try to like upend the presidential race?
Starting point is 00:48:26 You know what i mean like we're just supposed to like pretend that was just like a cool media stunt or we're like oh he was office meds but he's good now like that seems that seems like awfully generous if you were writing ego is the enemy now would you cite kanye i think i do did you i don't know if i tell any specific stories yeah but i try like i generally like so when i was talking about howard hughes i was thinking about dove charney and kanye west so like i generally try to and i learned this from robert green who's my mentor but i try you try to tell older stories with an eye towards a modern thing so people can make the connection right but then you're not being like but i fucking love kanye west right you want to talk about people that people have uh less strong opinions about so their reservations are not like immediate
Starting point is 00:49:17 oh interesting yeah if people come into it with too much like preconceived notions of the person it's too yeah already well like i imagine when you guys do your stuff like the less political it is the more it resonates it more resonates or if it's about something that like everyone like like ironically like three or four years ago like doing something like if you did a stunt about being anti-vax everyone would have laughed at it yeah and now for political reasons like only 60 percent of people would laugh at it and so it's like it kind of depends on where things are and like honestly some of the mistakes i feel like i made in my book it's like i thought something was like
Starting point is 00:49:53 outside the statute of limitations but like actually uh it's it people still feel how do you how do you gauge that? I don't know It's just kind of a gut feeling but like yeah, like Pete like I told in my book the obstacles away. I told the story of Obama in the primary the Reverend Wright scandal and he gives this great speech about race speech He like basically takes the worst thing that happens. Sorry all our Republican listeners. Right? No, like Like oh, so so he's good. He he takes this dark moment and it transforms the campaign. It seals it up. Right.
Starting point is 00:50:30 And then, yeah, people are just like. It wasn't his whole team telling him not to write the speech and do the speech. And he was like. Yeah, he said, no, this is a teachable moment. And so that's obviously what the whole book is about. It's like, how do you take a dark moment turns into a teachable moment? And so, like, I thought we'd all we could all see past politics but some people can't like i have a site called daily dad i also do an email every day about parenting and like we posted like an obama quote
Starting point is 00:50:53 on instagram the other day and people like obama's not even really a parent like you know like uh michelle obama was impregnated by their neighbor you know like yeah you're just like oh okay so you can't even like yeah you can't even like it's like i think the quote was something like having kids is one thing being a parent is another yeah like it doesn't matter who fucking said it that's a good quote you know but it's like some people can't see that so i try to generally zoom out and do things that don't trigger people that way right do you find it do you do not separate the art from the artist like do you do you like to kind of think about the morality of the person who's creating the content or making these like as a fan yeah um yeah i guess but i i i it's like if
Starting point is 00:51:41 a person's a piece of shit it makes it harder to so for me and the kind of thing it's like if a person's a piece of shit, it makes it harder to, so for me and the kind of thing, it's just like, it's like well past like Chris Brown territory, you know, you're just like this dude tried to sabotage a presidential election. Yeah. Uh, that doesn't seem like I'm not going to be like,
Starting point is 00:52:00 Oh cool. Well, the new song's good. And I get more fired up. Like I like Bruce Springsteen a lot because I'm like, he seems like a pretty good guy. Like he's got the same band for like 40 years been in the same marriage for like 30 years you know he always gives love to his hometown and to like the underdog and stuff like that and i think i i can't separate that from his music
Starting point is 00:52:17 that's part of what makes the music sure like great for me is that i believe him i guess but if the music sucks you wouldn't care about that no there's you got to be good in both categories yeah and then we were talking about sports before you came on you're reading the patriots book yeah and you were talking about what were you saying about tom brady why he wanted to go to tampa bay well the book in the book's called uh it's better to be feared uh and it's about like tom brady and belichick and the Patriots. But the read, it was an interesting read that basically it was like he wanted to keep playing, but couldn't, didn't want the grind of like what they call the Patriot way anymore, which is sort of a like relentless focus on progress, never being satisfied, never being pleased, like basically not having fun, always putting the team's interests above yourself.
Starting point is 00:53:09 It sounded like he was moving towards a slightly more balance. He wanted a little more joy in it, right? Yeah. He wanted to have fun. Bruce Arians has like a slow, I forget what it is. It's like win or lose, we beer or something like that. Oh, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Win or lose, we booze. That's what win or lose we booze yes yes yes yeah uh i'm so interested that's what all my buddies yeah uh but and it seems like it's a slightly more joyful way to play the game which i think about it's like if you don't like it why are you doing it do you try to apply that to your writing yeah i do i think starting probably on stillness i was just like if i'm gonna keep doing this it can't be painful every time yeah i think that i mean especially in like creative work too yeah it's like what we do if we're making a video or whatever or whatever if if you're having fun in the process i think that bleeds through to the audience yeah i will and certainly you can feel like if it sucks like for the person making if it's a chore sometimes you can get good stuff
Starting point is 00:54:16 but like it i do feel like the eventually they sense it yeah and and so we were kind of talking about too like do you think you can be the best at something and have that balanced outlook i don't know if you can be the all-time best but i feel like you can be near the top yeah because you're saying man you manage nobody's a pretty chill guy he seems that way i mean you're like four rings you're not just like he's the most driven person in the entire world and it's consumed him in his life and made everyone around him miserable. You know, like I do. I do think this is first off, it's more sustainable. But second, it.
Starting point is 00:54:55 What's the like, what's the what's the point? Like, you don't get to take the rings with you and you die. So, like, you should enjoy having them or you should enjoy earning them right no it's interesting i think i think sometimes i think i'm like you got to be like unhappy to be good at this thing but then that's just kind of a story we tell ourselves yeah i mean the fact that it's probably that you hear more about the miserable people than the happy people and we romanticize it a bit we do we do just i mean to go back to kind of then it contributes this sort of myth of like the tortured miserable but like most crazy artists
Starting point is 00:55:40 don't become successful at all like someone was once telling me like okay so obviously height is correlated with success in basketball right but in the nba height is not correlated with success in basketball because the taller you get the actually less good you are basketball right like you less coordinated less coordinated injury prone etc so you want there's a middle there's like some sort of sweet spot you want to be like six seven that's good or something you know um so it's like yeah being like an egomaniac being like maniacally driven whatever obviously like compared to the general population those trades are probably helpful but then within like the industry it's probably more harmful than helpful like more often it makes you fred durst
Starting point is 00:56:32 than it does like steve jobs yeah like with like kanye and stuff i i remember i listened like college dropout when i came out and i was like i was like this is awesome but now with his antics as of late instead and i haven't really been into rap you know for like 10 years or so just because i feel like it kind of i like the early 2000s rap but with all his antics and stuff i just sort of i'm like to this day i'm like i'm like oh he makes music still you know it's like so absurd to me and then when people like feed into and they're like what's kan Kanye doing? I'm like, how are you like supporting? Like, how can you like buy into this shit?
Starting point is 00:57:08 It's just so. It also seems like it sucks to be him. Like, yeah. So you're like, you're very rich, very successful, clearly very talented, very famous. But like, I don't think I want to live in there. No. Like not in not have his stuff. Like people are like, oh, I'd love to have all that. But you don't get to want to live in there. No. Like, not have his stuff. Like, people are like, oh, I'd love to have all that.
Starting point is 00:57:27 But you don't get to only have that. Yeah. Like, no, you don't just, you don't, you know, like, if you're jealous of Trump, you have to be like, but you have to first off be in his body. Yeah. And be in his brain. Like, probably not as good as you think it is. No.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Is it celebrity that you think did that to him like it on to kanye i mean i think it's probably mental illness and then plus the celebrity which makes treating the mental illness impossible impossible um and then also the ego and the other stuff how have you managed to like stay balanced with like your increased kind of uh attention and well i think it's much easier when you managed to like stay balanced with like your increased kind of uh attention and well i think it's much easier when you're not like touring stadiums and like doing billions of streams you know like there's i think it's much but you're getting like thousands of responses a day right yeah but i mean it's it's like i think it's much more manageable for sure. But I think you just, you just focus on the work.
Starting point is 00:58:27 That's the irony is like, there's no way the good Kanye music is coming from the place of the crazy, that the crazy, you're like the guy who's like slavery is a choice. You know, it's like, that's not the guy in the studio writing like Jesus walks or, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:42 great song. Yeah. I can't even actually name that that's the weird thing about kanye it's like he's much more famous than like how many songs like you would hear in like a regular rotation i don't even know any of his songs past like 2008 when did watch the throne came come out like 2013 i want to say i feel like that is the that's when it started I feel like that is the... That's when it started. No, that was like the peak of...
Starting point is 00:59:06 That was like when music was bigger than the other shit. Did you read that Lou Reed review of Yeezus? Lou Reed reviewed... It was so good. What did he say? I mean, he just said a bunch of things, but he just had such a beautiful understanding of what Kanye West was going for.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Lou Reed, what does he have, one song? Lou Reed? Yeah. They got, one song? Lou Reed? Yeah. They got a couple. Love and Underground? Well, they say only 500 people bought the record, but they all started bands. It's like the big cliche about him
Starting point is 00:59:32 was that his influence was larger than his notoriety. But no, he's got some pale blue eyes and like... Perfect day. And what's the sweet one? Sweet Jane. Thank God I found that song. I thought I was only going to be able to name one. That's fine. Anyways. I the sweet one? Sweet Jane. Thank God I found that song. I thought I was only going to be able to name one. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Anyways. I'm going to be a joke. And walk on the wild side. There we go. Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah. Are you? I'm just saying, like, Lou Reed telling me that Kanye is awesome.
Starting point is 00:59:57 That doesn't move the needle for you. Are you into, like, Eastern philosophy, like Taoism? A little bit yeah i uh yeah i like my two favorites are i'd say stoicism and taoism um i don't really have a question about it but i guess are you interested ranking yeah are you are you interested how far could you go yeah does that influence your work at all i guess yeah my so my stillness book is sort of the intersection of eastern and western philosophy yeah um what i love is when you find two things that didn't overlap that come upon similar conclusions right yeah that's my favorite too yeah that's what joseph campbell talked about
Starting point is 01:00:40 right yeah sort of monomyths yeah like oh this is a like an evolution they talk about convergent evolution when like two like two species that did never really interacted developed similar adaptations oh okay that's good because it was needed yeah i heard someone say that about aliens they'd probably look more like us than we think because maybe evolution has in this i know like the weather and all those factors would matter but like they're basically like evolution goes in the same direction but like bats and birds they both fly because it's like oh we could get around with wings you know in the style of air but they're different yeah if you could have a superpower which would you go with what are the options infinite i guess but i mean i guess flight strength
Starting point is 01:01:26 i don't know super eyesight i don't have a strong opinion do you like marvel i don't like any superhero movies any i don't think i've i have i think like the last superhero movie i probably well i saw the christopher nolan batman movies which i feel like don't count and then because they're like more they're like regular movies they're kind of like adult movies can i guess what your okay iron man no i was gonna say the last like the last superhero movie i saw would have been like when toby mcguire was in oh really those were good way back yeah good i've been coming out yeah i don't i don't really like superhero shit i don't like comic books i don't like uh science fiction interesting it's not not really that's like
Starting point is 01:02:11 the most popular genre right i mean it's basically like fantasy exists now like well even in books people love fantasy books but i have real trouble getting into them yeah i just don't like when i have to like be like wait okay so there is gravity or not like i don't like having to learn work out the rules of the universe yeah did you do game of thrones no nice so what do you watch you watch like grounded human dramas like i guess but even even like like as i've gotten older i'm just like i don't have time to be like i don't have that time i don't have it in me to be like stressed out about this you know like so like so like, like, like I remember Bloodlines, like I watched two seasons of, and then I was like, I just don't, why am I stressed?
Starting point is 01:02:52 Like, I can't handle being stressed about this. You know, like, like I don't want, I don't want. Well, so you're a sensitive viewer too. You really do take it to heart a little bit. Well, yeah. And then, and then like Pete Holmes told me one time that like as you have kids like you you can't watch anything bad that happens to kids so that like takes out a whole so i like really like i love like law and order it's like very self-contained you're in your house yeah
Starting point is 01:03:15 and then like oh like i like like sitcoms like good sitcoms like seinfeld in the office like i could watch them all but it has to be more self-contained and that's i actually have trouble on the streaming stuff where it's like okay for the first two seasons nothing happens but it's like okay that's like 20 hours of video yeah for nothing i can't do the just like the serial character driven serial shit as well as i maybe used to be able to do you get annoyed by just how ubiquitous marvel is too just where it's like everywhere all the time and it just doesn't bother me i just i'm just like cool i guess but it seems like a lot of i guess i'm more like who is this poor like who's adults adults watch it i know but i'm just like who are you it's kind of like clubhouse where i'm
Starting point is 01:04:02 like who's going on clubhouse leo lamar good for leo lamar she's crushing on there like i just don't have time for like i went on there i did a bump i did a bumble thing oh that's right bumble sponsored something bumble sponsor i didn't know bumble was sponsoring it the first thing i said they're like what dating app do you like to use i'm like i'm a hinge guy and then they muted me i was like oh dude i fucked up uh yeah no i with marvel yeah i do find it hard to care about the characters did did sopranos or did any of those like sort of revolutionary tv shows grab you though like they did obviously mad men was great but like i'm i'm more like after that i was just like okay i can't do like that too much time yeah well that's like
Starting point is 01:04:45 soprano i got sucked in the sopranos for a second time last year around this time last year i was just gonna watch the pilot because i was gonna make a story about it and i was like whatever but i got sucked in i was like i was like all right now the next month is like kind of fucked for me i liked uh i liked um the crown did you watch all of the different iterations of it and yeah i thought that was good but it was like there was less like uh i don't know the stakes felt lower i can't do like the like the oh shit i gotta watch the next episode find out what happens to these people yeah like at least you kind of like knew yeah yeah you know where it's gonna end up yeah she's she's still alive how is she still kicking dude it's crazy who to end up. Yeah, she's still alive. How is she still kicking? Dude, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Who? The queen. Oh, right. She's tough, man. She's crushing it, yeah. She's going to outlive everybody. Yeah, she's just- I was really worried that was going to cap off 2020. That she was going to go down?
Starting point is 01:05:36 That was like the shittiest year of all. Like, what could the worst- I felt like that was- You think that was the worst year? No, I'm just saying, like, if you're like, okay, what else could go wrong this year? If you were writing it, right. Like, let's drop that in like December 29th or something. Is there a stoic opinion on dating apps?
Starting point is 01:05:52 I don't think so. I mean, stoicism predates them, as you know. You got to give me more on masturbation and on dating because these are the things I'm fixated on. I also predate dating apps. So I met my wife when I was 19. How'd you guys meet? At Riverside. MXP.
Starting point is 01:06:09 At UC Riverside? Really? Yeah. You guys just had a class together or something? No, we just met at a kickback. Nice. I know a kickback, dude. Dude, I love that.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Some carne asada tacos? What was going on? I played beer pong. Did you sink into a rebuttal with her? Who knows what would have been. This one was in 2006, so I don't know what would have been on the radio. Good Char. Maybe a little Dirty Little Secret, All-American Rejects.
Starting point is 01:06:36 That's a great suggestion. Jimmy at World. Definitely. Were you nervous around women at that time or no? I mean, I guess. Yeah. Were you nervous when you at that time or no i mean i guess yeah were you nervous when you how'd you guys uh i mean we just met and then became like started talking a lot of instant method was it msn or aol i don't remember but a lot of instant messenger stuff minimal texting because it was still the io9 or what was it what the what's the predictive text thing called
Starting point is 01:07:03 i don't remember when you would type you don't remember this uh 33 do you remember when you used to have to type like it was like the keypad yeah and you had to type and it would tell you like what the word was getting it was the options that you would choose right like nine was like z x y yeah yeah yeah um so like yeah a lot of a lot of how'd you propose um so i was supposed to propose like i bought a wedding ring and it was in a safe in our house and then our house got broken into and they stole they stole the ring no so were you home when they broke in no we were gone we were in la and this is the house was in austin and so it was like i was on the phone with the police and they were like is there anything valuable in the safe and we we were talking on speakerphone.
Starting point is 01:07:46 And I'd be like, shit. Was that super violating to have someone break in? Yeah, it was fucking worse. Weirdly, to go to your point about masturbation, this was a couple years after I was profiled in Hustler. They wrote some piece about my first book. And so they'd sent me a couple copies. And we were getting them framed. We were getting them framed we're
Starting point is 01:08:05 getting it like framed in like a display so the hustler was like in uh like the closet where the safe was and like it was very clear that like some like 16 year old boys were the ones who broke in the house because like they had taken the hustlers and they were like like red i don't know how much they used them but they were like titillated by you they couldn't leave them behind they were like those are valuable let's grab those like yeah dude we gotta go we're saving ourselves embarrassment when we have to try to buy these at the cvs exactly no way was it hard to sleep back in your house after someone broke into it yeah yeah that that's the part that freaks me out yeah yeah how'd you get over that just time yeah yeah i don't really think about that although that i guess that goes against
Starting point is 01:08:52 stoic philosophy you gotta imagine about what break people breaking in people are like people are like a lot of people i talked to jt you know it's like they think about people i just don't i don't know yeah i think it's better not to think about but once it's happened then you're sort of like yeah you're forced to think about it yeah yeah i feel like i should imagine it happening more if i'm i don't know why i think the world there's that einstein quote like is the world hostile or friendly i don't know what snapped in me early that made me think it's hostile i do i do like when i pull up at a red light i park like 10 feet behind the car in front of me in case the guy in front gets out and I have a way to drive around him in case he like attacks me or pulls a car. Yeah, I have options. around like older relatives or whatever i think they go through the world as if it's like some like crime dystopia you know they're like i'm walking out to the car in the driveway better
Starting point is 01:09:49 like walk the house behind me like armed robbers were gonna like come bursting through you know what like there's a level i think our generation is a bit more spoiled where it's just like things are generally safe yeah obviously it's different you know depending on what race you are where you live or whatever but um generally, I'm sort of not a concern. Do you perceive the world as pretty friendly? I would say indifferent. Right. It doesn't give a shit about you, which is it means it's not out to get you, but it also is not protecting you.
Starting point is 01:10:19 It could throw you off at any second. Yeah. I mean, there's literally a deadly virus floating in the air that's killed like 700,000 it's so scary man i'm terrified of covid yeah it's scary yeah of course i'm not terrified of it but i'm like i don't want any part of that you haven't gotten it no have you no you no you nope and i'm jabbed too yeah fully yeah we went early to dodge because we heard uh our buddy worked there at the vaccination site and he's like he's like they have spares that they're throwing away so they're kind of having they're just like letting anyone through so we went early and my buddy and i dan were in a car and they're like so what do you do and i'm like
Starting point is 01:11:01 and it was before like the you know they, they had the pre qualifications or whatever. And I'm like, I'm a comedian. They're like, okay. You don't seem essential. There was a, there was a,
Starting point is 01:11:15 like a soul cycle instructor. Oh yeah. They got it in New York as a teacher. Oh really? She's like, I'm hilarious. Have you got, has anyone gotten their boosters yet?
Starting point is 01:11:26 No, but I'm looking forward to it. Yeah. What do you, how would you, because I'm super pro-vaccine, but I really do understand people who are afraid of it. I just wish they would admit they're afraid of it as opposed to like, no, it's bad. How do you see it working itself out? Do you think people will come around? Do you think we'll just mandate it?
Starting point is 01:11:44 I think they'll probably quietly admit they're wrong over time. They'll get it because they want to go to a fucking... I was in Sacramento two days ago, and it's like, there's a Marc Anthony concert. I watch all these people. They want to go to a Marc Anthony concert. I've been listening to some of his music lately, actually. Great.
Starting point is 01:12:01 He's got a real Messiah complex if you watch the videos. Remember that in Regain, Glacey's song, Hero? It's a great song real Messiah complex if you watch the videos. Remember that in Regain Glacier song, Hero? It's a great song. Mickey Rourke in the video. Jennifer loves you. Yeah, Mickey Rourke's like playing that piano or something.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I mean, that goes straight to me. Like, I love songs like that where it's like very dramatic. Hero, bad guy. You got to step up. Yeah. What do you got the rest of your trip? I've got to do Rich Roll tomorrow and then I the rest of your trip uh i'm gonna do ritual
Starting point is 01:12:25 tomorrow and then i have a virtual talk in the morning and then i'm going to uh do you know sarah if you you watch ghost town living on youtube no so my my friend actually started as my intern he now uh he has a ghost town three hours from here oh very good he bought a ghost town he bought it yeah he bought it and he lives there he spent the whole pandemic there yeah he started making youtube videos about it and like it blew up oh that's really cool um and uh so my my kids want to like go see it is it haunted he think he says it's haunted yeah has he seen any ghosts he said he has some ghost stories yeah really but it's mostly it's like these cool old buildings and tunnels and i don't want to see ghosts but i get really uh do you think they exist i don't know i just everyone i talk to like if it's oftentimes girls they'll be like i know go i've seen ghosts
Starting point is 01:13:18 all the time but i i i'm too scared to like believe in them because if if i i feel like if i do believe in them and then they are real and then i start seeing them i'm too scared to like believe in them because if i i feel like if i do believe in them and then they are real and then i start seeing them i'm gonna be like fuck i fucked up big time what do you think i do love that there's like whole genres of tv shows like about finding ghosts and they just never like they never actually never like just imagine like you're like okay on this show like we all know ghosts don't exist but we're gonna find them on imagine like you're like okay on this show like we all know ghosts don't exist but we're gonna find them on this you know like it just like never pays off it's pretty
Starting point is 01:13:50 it's like you almost like respect a good hustle yeah totally they have like those special cameras they're like picking up the electromagnetic like yeah we may this could be something yeah and then what's like next you're like next on and then it comes back and they're like we think we found this is like replaying the same yeah fucking four seconds of tension yeah they're like they're like in like an old prison they hear this like what was this like slam they're like what was that slam turns out not a ghost yeah on in the next is the camera guy yeah someone dropped the crafty yeah. Yeah, he dropped a boom mic. All right, what are these questions? All right, first up.
Starting point is 01:14:29 What up, guys? I've been listening to you Sultans of Stoke for a year now, and on a real note, you give some seriously great advice that's helped me through some tough times. I just moved to SoCal to fulfill a lifelong dream after a pretty wild cancer diagnosis. I'm good now, just keeping an eye on it and losing my job because of COVID. Just thought now was the best time to step out of my comfort zone, move somewhere.
Starting point is 01:14:46 I don't know anyone do some, do some really crazy and live life to the fullest. I'm loving it down here, by the way, been catching a sweet tan, learned how to surf and met some real solid bros. Here's the dealio compadres. I had a very serious girlfriend throughout college that really threw me for a loop, very toxic relation, not much trust. And she played a lot of mind games that I realized later in the relationship, which led me to finally end it.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I had to take a break for some self care and figure that whole thing out. It's been like three years though. Straight up though, dog, your boy feeling lonely and I'm ready to mingle, but I've been out of the game for so long. I don't know how to get back in. If you legends can impart some wisdom on the situation, be a huge help. You guys are awesome. Stay stoked.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Come back to play another show in sd soon judd do you have a take on what i'm not i'm not sure how qualified i am to answer this for the reasons we were just discussing right i think uh well i guess yeah i'd say i tell you got to get out there you got to meet people uh you know you you just got to put yourself out there and i think too just going back to you know having you on the podcast and stuff it's sort of like when you start reading books and like and like start working on yourself and like working on your confidence and and instead of sort of just chasing girls just to like help them fulfill you because
Starting point is 01:16:14 you think that they're gonna like fill that hole or whatever i think if you work on yourself and then you'll find that you know you'll be able to connect with a lot more if you get your shit together yes one uh you'll be more confident but then two you'll ex able to connect with a lot more. If you get your shit together. Yes. One, you'll be more confident. But then two, you'll exude that confidence in a way that will make the thing that you're intimidated about much easier. Right. And like, yeah, I kind of think about like if I was dating now, it would be much easier because like I know who I am.
Starting point is 01:16:43 I like I know what I like. Yeah. Feel good about myself. And I, I'd be okay being rejected by people who aren't into that. Like who don't, not, not into that, but who are just like, if they're not into me, why this isn't for me? It's like good to know. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 01:17:00 For sure. Yeah. Yeah. I would just get out there and take some swings and then don't let a wind get to your head or a loss get to your head or a loss get to your heart just yeah try and stay just realize i think the thing with dating is like you feel like it's gonna like fix you and it just doesn't so it's hard to detach from that but the more you can be like i'm okay without this even if you're just telling yourself that it's uh
Starting point is 01:17:21 it generally makes it a smoother road um i always say it to join rec league sports nice there's lots of women in co-ed sports oh you dog and if you're good at the sport that you choose to play obviously you probably should uh that's what more you know you've got confidence there you're exuding it you're playing well in the field really good advice yeah here's a this is a quick one but it's it's a pretty deep i'm an ex-mercenary i made a lot of money hurting people now being a family man feels weird sorry to hear that what what what do you think he needs to what do you think he's asking for first of all don't let your daughter go follow you two on tour in Europe.
Starting point is 01:18:08 She's going to be taken. That's a good point. You don't want to have to use your special skills. Exactly. I don't know. I think a lot of life is juggling different truths in yourself that can sometimes feel like they can't coexist but they have to so you just have to realize you are one person and you are this new person and then I
Starting point is 01:18:32 think like if you help people that can help you kind of yeah forget stuff like I I was I was an addiction uh program for sex addiction and then um there was one guy who had a similar career path where he was responsible for some people not being around anymore. And he dedicated the second half of his life to like building homes in like devastated countries and things like that. So I think for like every life he took, he wanted to like contribute to the betterment of another life. Isn't that part of recovery too? the idea of being of service like take your head out of your own problems by focusing on other people's problems it works miracles too yeah because it's like the self is the is the issue you can't think your way through it you just kind of got to get out of it and just yeah do stuff that
Starting point is 01:19:19 makes you forget about it great yeah i think be uh yeah be the hero if you're a movie yeah maybe that's the problem though he was the hero of an act yeah there's a lot of heroes where they're mercenaries yeah right this is the series be a regular person which is a heroic in its own yeah go from like a bruce willis movie to a tom hanks movie oh yeah make the transition or a bruce willis comedy not yeah i love bruce willis do you have a favorite actor uh i don't think so nice we had to pick our favorite actors dude i went sean penn in my first round pick dude i totally blew it he got destroyed in the comments why is that a bad pick he's a great actor but i just don't think he really strikes a chord with
Starting point is 01:20:04 people the way like harrison ford or denzel washington do denzel's a bad pick? He's a great actor, but I just don't think he really strikes a chord with people the way Harrison Ford or Denzel Washington do. Denzel's a good pick. Yeah, I mean, he's the best, right? He was number one overall. I would have thought you would have ironically picked a Vin Diesel or something. I take myself very seriously. I told you this outside. Yeah, I was like, look, this is a draft.
Starting point is 01:20:19 You know, I'm a GM here. There's a responsibility. What was I going to say? Never mind. All's a responsibility. Um, I wasn't going to say. Nevermind. All right. Uh, Oh no, but this is what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:20:29 You talked to Matthew McConaughey. Yeah. What was that like? He's cool. He does seem cool. He's cool. He seems cool. Do you have whiskey with him?
Starting point is 01:20:39 Do you drink whiskey with him? We've never met because we met during the pandemic. So we've never, never connected right a cool dude great book i need i have that book i need to read it green do you like audiobooks audiobooks i've heard that he reads it right yeah green that um what is this one what i got right here last one all right um is it okay to have a friendship with my ex-girlfriend who has a husband?
Starting point is 01:21:10 Probably not. No. That's probably not. Not good for you. Probably not good for her. Yeah. It's time to move on. Yeah, it's just not, the husband's not going to like that very much.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Yeah. How great of a friend could this person be? He wouldn't have broken up make a new friend do you is it it's it's not smart to sleep with your friends right i would say probably not i like the problem i mean yeah uh i don't i don't know if there's like a hard and rule, but I would say generally probably going to cause more problems than it solves. For sure. Dude, Ryan, thank you so much for coming in. Thank you so much, man. It was so great.
Starting point is 01:21:52 Great to see you. Thank you. And Stokers, check out, your book comes out 28th, Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday. That's exciting. It's not out yet? No. Do you get nervous? Of course. Yeah. Well, I'm sure it's going to go gangbusters. Thanks. That's exciting. It's not out yet? No. Do you get nervous? Of course.
Starting point is 01:22:05 Yeah. Well, I'm sure it's going to go gangbusters. Thanks. I'm positive. And then anything else you want to add? Daily Stoic. Oh, yeah. Daily Stoic.
Starting point is 01:22:14 Free email every day about stoicism. Dailystoic.com. And then also YouTube and Instagram at Daily Stoic. Cool. Hell yeah. Cool. Thank you, dude. Thanks forstuff. Cool. Hell yeah. Cool. Thank you, dude. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Yeah. What a dork. Oh, oh. Was that on camera? Were we recording? Yeah. Can I keep that in? I'm a dork, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:39 No, you're not. You're very cool. That's why I say it. No, thank you. You're a very cool guy. So are you. No, dude. Dude, you are. I say it. No, thank you. You're a very cool guy. So are you. No, dude. Dude, you are.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Cool. No way, dude. No way. You're cool, and you keep rolling, rolling, rolling. Rolling, rolling. What? Well, Chad, let's roll right into it. Who's your Beef of the Week?
Starting point is 01:22:57 My Beef of the Week is with the constant updates. I've probably done this before, but I think it's the Beef of the week every week in this modern age of tech technology uh you know my computer every day new software update uh you know instagram new update new algorithm uh you know everything is being updated and it's good as is, you know, quit it with the updates where I'm, I'm content with where things are at. I never do. I ever think, man,
Starting point is 01:23:33 I would buy another iPhone if they had more up to, you know what I mean? It's like everyone has the iPhone. So just leave it. Yeah. Like, I don't, I don't know what they're doing because I rarely do the updates feel beneficial.
Starting point is 01:23:46 They just feel like a nuisance. That's my beef of the week. Yeah. I just decided because my, my computer, I shut it down and restart. I restarted like once every two months. Yeah. I restarted Google Chrome's like brand new. I had to re put in all my passwords and then it kept, when I kept logging into my email,
Starting point is 01:24:02 it kept taking me to a new window, not a new tab, a new window. And I was like, quit fucking doing that, dude. I don't need a new window. I like it all to be on the same window, just multiple tabs. And then I don't know my passwords.
Starting point is 01:24:12 I'm real done with that stuff. So I had to log into like Amazon and then I had to log into like my email. And then I had to log into just a bunch of, into like an open mic signup for fourth wall. And I was like, dude, this is so frustrating. I was,
Starting point is 01:24:23 we were at the office that we've been at and I was ready to snap i was about to go fuck this and like break my computer you can't do that yeah and then so i just was like i was fuming dude dude and i don't like i never like the new look of anything no like chrome has like a different like like glow to it now and i'm like i hate it i hate it i was very comfortable with where we were at yeah and it's almost like i can i can feel the insecurity of these tech companies. They're like, you know, I'm like, if you guys would just be secure in what you created and leave it as is, I'd stick with you till the end. Take a page from Keanu. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:24:59 Stick to your guns. It shows integrity. It's like Instagram. I don't know what Instagram did. It sucks now. But they really fucked it up. And that hurt us's like instagram i don't know what instagram did it sucks but they really fucked it up and that hurt us too because yeah you know yeah they really fucked up our engagement went down so why'd you why'd you do that instagram dude my friend was telling me that netflix when they think about who they're competing against they don't think about hulu or amazon they
Starting point is 01:25:22 think about tiktok yeah interesting that's who their main like that makes sense their main foe is right that's where the eyeballs and people you know they go to sleep just watching an hour of tiktok yeah maybe that's why they got they got addison ready for like a three picture deal or something really yeah interesting aaron you ready yeah my fave is also software based it's with adobe nice i've been trying to download premiere for like a month it's it's like i'm being gaslit by adobe like at first i didn't want the credit card now that's working now every time i hit install it just is waiting for what it's teasing you yeah that's my beef good beef chad who's your babe of the week
Starting point is 01:26:07 my babe of the week is um our buddy dan lucchese uh i'm sure i've made him my babe before but i just love the guy he's just very lovely guy and we work with him a ton and uh we started working with him about two years a little more than two years ago that's crazy dude it's crazy and uh he's just the best guy just so sweet so smart so artistic uh so creative and just a hard worker and just good vibes and you can just tell he's just very genuine and means well. You know, he's just, yeah. And he's English, too, which, you know, every time you talk to him, you're just like, no matter what you're talking about,
Starting point is 01:26:51 you're like, this is a sophisticated conversation. And it could be about, you know, McDonald's. So what up, Dan? What up, dude? He's a great guy. Great guy. So sweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:03 And so smart. He's funny, too. Who's your baby of the the week my baby of the week is my daughter ruby oh we took her for her nine month uh checkup and she's 94th percentile in height dude so nice dang she's gonna be tall it's gonna be great that's awesome do you buy basketball right after no i'm thinking she's probably gonna be a starting pitcher in baseball now dude legend yeah my baby i'm sorry guys are sorry i'm gonna cut you off when you're talking about your daughter it's all good so she's gonna be big i mean 94th percentile that's that's good i don't even know if i was there i don't know i assume my baby of the week is corn dogs nice nice they're great
Starting point is 01:27:46 what's your dip what's your dip man ketchup what about the mustard and ketchup where you put them together you mix it i don't mind that yeah i don't mind that at all chad who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is Ethan Hawke. Dude. Yeah. He's just great. He's a great actor. And I like hearing him in interviews because he's so soulful.
Starting point is 01:28:13 And he's just very passionate. He's like, yeah, you know, you just get into the scene. And you're like, he loves art. Yeah, he loves art. I watched Before Sunrise last night. Dude, I'm fired up you watched that. It's like my favorite movie ever. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:24 It's a great movie. He's just, he's awesome. And he's been solid since, what, like late 80s? Yeah. Like, what would be the first big one? Like Dead Poets Society? Yeah. What a beast.
Starting point is 01:28:39 It's like 87, 88? Yeah, gotta give him props. He's so romantic in Before Sunrise, too. Oh, yeah. And he spins it. He spins it. Yeah. I was actually, I was watching it with a lady.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Oh, that's nice. And so I... Wait, the gal that we talked about? Yeah, yeah. And... Can I reveal what we found out about her? I don't know. I can cut it out.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Yeah, you can say it. He's like, hey, look at this girl I've been seeing. I seeing now look at her i go she looks exactly like your ex-girlfriend whoops and i don't think he had noticed yet yeah but they are literally dead ringers they are identical what does that mean you gotta type i gotta type yeah she's lovely she's lovely yeah it's a good movie to watch yeah i was i used some of ethan's moves after dude when i watched that movie with my ex she was like did you base your whole personality on this guy i was like not consciously yeah well the thing about it is he's like he's like kind of cheesy but like but like i was watching it with her and she was like she's like i love how like romantic he is he's very earnest yeah and uh and I'm like would you like that in real life
Starting point is 01:29:48 and she's like I don't know it kind of might be creepy it might be a bit much that's the response I get a lot yeah it kind of freaks people out Aaron who's your baby of the week or legend of the week also comes from the film world
Starting point is 01:30:03 his name is Destin Daniel Cretton he's the director of the shang chi the ten rings uh the latest marvel movie i went to film school with this guy whoa he's an awesome dude you know he's always had this like great like he's from hawaii he's like he's got this great energy to him uh but then he's just a fantastic filmmaker um he made a movie that was great at sundance called short term 12. based on the real arson yeah based on the short that he made that one sundance uh dude the way they pick directors for marvel movies is like incredible yeah i mean i know a guy who directed a marvel movie like it's insane that's crazy that's yeah he's just an awesome dude and an amazing filmmaker so movie. Like, it's insane. That's crazy. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:30:47 He's just an awesome dude and an amazing filmmaker. So go see the movie. It's got an 8.0 on IMDb. Nice. My Legend of the Week is from the book T by Carol Hoeven. It's all about testosterone and how it affects our psychology. And it's this professor of medicine from the 1800s named Arnold Berthold. a professor of medicine from the 1800s named Arnold Berthold. And he's the one who discovered that our testosterone works through our blood,
Starting point is 01:31:10 not through our nervous system. And the way he did that was he had a bunch of cockerels, young male chickens, and he'd castrate them. And then he would watch them change in physicality and in personality without their nuts. And then what he did was, is he took one of the testes and he stuck it into, he took a testy from one of the chickens, opened its abdomen and stuck the nut in its stomach and then sewed it back up. And then he saw that it continued in its masculinization from testosterone. And when he opened it back up at the end of its life, he saw that the testicle had attached itself to the colon
Starting point is 01:31:50 and still pumped tea throughout the body, throughout the bloodstream. Yeah. So big time legend. Love where your head's at. Love you knocking off the knobs on these chickens, then stuffing their balls back in their stomach, and all for the betterment of understanding in society. So big ups to you, Arnold.
Starting point is 01:32:08 You're a beast. I'm sure a lot of people were giving you a sideways glance when you were telling them about your work, but 300 years later, we're still talking about you. Chad, what's your quote of the week? It's got to be from Marcus Aurelius in light of having ryan holiday on the master of stoicism marcus aurelius you have power over your mind not outside events realize this and you will
Starting point is 01:32:35 find strength nice aaron what's your quote of the week uh how's this this is a decent one. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain. Dolly Parton. Oh. Just put it on Google. Nice. I don't know when this is coming out, but I'm running it back on my quote of the week. It's from True Detective Season 2.
Starting point is 01:33:05 Colin Farrell's character, Ray Velcro, absolute nutbag, goes over to beat up his son's bully, who's an 11-year-old. He beats up the kid's dad. And this is one part I forgot to emphasize, is that in one of the greatest lines of dialogue ever committed to any form or any medium, he's not saying it to the dad. He's talking to an 11-year-old when he says this. He's talking to an 11-year-old kid, and he says, bully my son again, or if you ever touch anybody again,
Starting point is 01:33:29 and I'll come back here and buttfuck your dad with your mom's headless corpse. For Nick Pizzolazzo, the writer, to write that scene and have a grown man say that to an 11-year-old, I don't know, I just don't think it gets better than that. That's nice. It's my first time, two-time quote of the week nice show that 11 year old his boss it probably changed him for the better i'm sure he was nice after that which is unfortunate but that's how people learn sometimes chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it
Starting point is 01:34:00 let's paddle nice aaron let's go warp some 11 year olds nice um mine is michael jackson i wanna love you p-y-t pretty young thing nice it's a great song hell yeah all right well thanks to ryan holiday for coming on what a beast that was great that was such a fun conversation he was great yeah it's pretty wild like you read a guy's books
Starting point is 01:34:30 you know and then you just have you just talk about Limp Bizkit with him then he's in here just flushing blood talking about Limp Bizkit what a crazy life we live
Starting point is 01:34:37 it's nice he's a great guy alright dudes peace peace All right, dudes. Peace. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, guys, guys. Guys, insane, dude. I'm not insane. I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 01:35:28 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:30 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:31 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:31 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:31 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:31 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane. I'm not insane What is your beef of the week? What is your beef of the week? What is your beef of the week? What is your beef for the week? Aaron, who's your lead? Stryker, who's your lead? Joe, what's your club lead? Thank you. Thank you. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,

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