Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 208 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: October 13, 2021

What up stokers! This week we've got Chad and JT. They talk about Chad acting, the IATSE strike, and the tough guy makes an appearance.    Come to the Small Dong March in Los Angeles on Oct ...23rd in Los Angeles at Pershing Square    Sponsored by Talkspace: Match with a licensed therapist when you go to talkspace.com get $100 off your first month with the promo code GODEEP. That’s $100 off when you use code GODEEP at talkspace.com   Sponsored by Liquid Death: get free shipping on all water and merch at LiquidDeath.com/GODEEP. That's LiquidDeath.com/GODEEP. Or grab some at Whole Foods and 7-Eleven.   Sponsored by Manscaped: Get 20% off + free shipping with the code [GODEEP] at manscaped.com. That’s 20% off + free shipping with the code [GODEEP] at manscaped.com. Say Trick or Treat to your beautiful new Halloweenie with MANSCAPED™.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right guys we're gonna blow this boat up you want to blow this boat up that's fred durst at mtv spring break i think 99 2000 blowing up a boat and that's the way we're gonna fire off this podcast we're blowing up a metaphorical boat of stoke i'm here with my compadre john thomas what up boom clap stokers and we're here with aaron on the mic what up what up uh we're here with your dog hudson what up what up buddy we're uh let's not forget that um limp biscuit did the theme song the mission impossible theme song i listen to Impossible theme song for M2. I listen to that song while I run.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Which one is that? It's just the, you know, they do the... The do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do. Yeah. What a banger. With Fred Durst on the vocals. Dude, blowing up your boats, too, that's like burn the boats.
Starting point is 00:01:00 That's what explorers used to do when they got somewhere. Yeah. They're like, hey, we gotta burn our boats down or else we'll just turn back and run. We've got to burn our boats so it forces us to figure out this place. To settle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Oh, I didn't know they did that. I think that's like a phrase that people will use, burn the boats. I think it's from, I think it was in that David Epstein book we read, Range. Oh, okay. When we read that book years ago. I don't know, what is new with me? I love tension. I'm trying to get better at sitting in the tension. find that sometimes if you can just hold it that's where
Starting point is 00:01:28 all the magic is yeah if you just don't say anything yeah and then you just watch people stare at each other yeah that's pretty uh it's pretty exciting you're ready for marriage buddy that is a lot of being in a relationship right it's just stare downs no because i have an issue i always say stuff i always talk you know what i mean totally yeah i always fill the moment with more talk but i think oftentimes it's better to just let the moment be awkward but we went to the van gogh exhibit dude yeah have you have you heard of this thing i've i pass it every time i come here yeah it's too expensive it's a freaking ripoff yeah i've heard that it's 50 bucks for one room but it is a very immersive it feels like you're in black mirror you go in there and it's just
Starting point is 00:02:09 it's on the ceilings it's on the walls it's on the floor and you sit in these little circles with like 100 people in there and you just watch all these van goes come to life and his like skin starts breathing like the skin of the it looks like the people he painted are breathing and stuff and then i was wondering like i don't know when this changed in art but he doesn't paint like aristocrats he paints like regular people yeah and i was like whoa that must have been kind of like edgy at that time to paint regular people instead of that's almost like now it's like seeing an independent movie instead of a marvel movie right like you're like no i don't want to see a big jacked chris hemsworth being a superhero i want to watch like nomadland right right right i want to watch a movie about regular people yeah so i wonder if like van gogh was like maybe that's
Starting point is 00:02:52 why his paintings didn't pop in his time because everyone's like who are these regular people like show us like the elite yeah exactly like ew these are just like that's just like a postman and then he's like no it's the beauty of everyday life and i get it it is it's beautiful that's it i think if i think if i were living in that time that would be my reaction because i'm so i'm like where's the brad pitt and you're fucking right but uh well i think that's valid though i feel the opposite way though now about like when the crown won all the emmys i was like yeah fuck the crown like it's good but like it's not that good come on yeah did anyone watch the emmys i don't know it was really boring really rita wilson the bits the bits were real bad rita wilson rapping was good what were the bits about it was just like cedric the entertainer talking to his co-stars from his shows like he hosted yeah he hosted the
Starting point is 00:03:42 show what yeah i mean he's got a sitcom on cbs and it was on cbs so like it's like uh all the a lot of the presenters were cbs presenter like cbs shows um i don't know it's just a lot of like hey i it was a lot of like hey why aren't it was a lot of people like calling him to be like, why am I not there? It was just like, I don't know. It was really bad. The other thing that was really funny, though, was Conan was nominated for Best Late Night Show,
Starting point is 00:04:16 and he lost to John Oliver. But when Stephen Colbert went up for uh best um it was like live best live um variety show or something like that uh-huh um for his election coverage um colbert's election coverage colbert's election coverage he was like everybody come on like all of his writers and everything conan went on stage with him oh that's funny that's hilarious he's in the. He's like shaking this one guy like the whole time. Yeah, I was wondering because I saw people tweeting about that, about Conan. So funny. It was like sort of stole the show a little bit.
Starting point is 00:04:52 And you could tell Colbert is like stretching for to see how long it like he's thanking people. But he's also, you know, Colbert is smart enough to go. How much longer can I push this to make him commit? Right. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. Yeah. Colbert is smart enough to go, how much longer can I push this to make him commit? Right. Behind me. Oh, that's funny. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I heard they did a joke about the fly being on Mike Pence's head or something like that. Yeah. Like 150 days after it happened. Yeah, yeah. It was like a year ago. Two minutes. Yeah, it's just like, who gives a shit about it?
Starting point is 00:05:19 Oh, yeah, way longer than 150 days. Because that's like five minutes. The election was almost a year ago. Yeah. That's crazy that they ran with that joke. All the jokes were bad. And it's one of the things they did this year that was different is part of my beef, so I'll save it for that.
Starting point is 00:05:34 That was nice. Cedric the Entertainer being on a sitcom that no one watches, you get paid so much money, but you are in kind of a purgatory of sorts because you know no one that it doesn't really mean anything to people he's had three sitcoms which is crazy for real yeah i can name them all he's funny but i think he's funny cedric is the neighbor. Our buddy Nick George did a guest star on one of his sitcoms. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:06:10 And he said he was, he said the guy is just on set, super talented, and was like throwing jokes left and right. And it was like, he said he was a beast. That's awesome. But yeah, I mean, network TV now, like you know cba it's it's it's weird it's like yeah because they're still doing it and i feel like they're still doing it and behaving in a way where it's like it's still like prime time but it's like yeah you know but then you go to the emmys and it's like netflix and the streamers are all winning the awards and
Starting point is 00:06:41 it's a it's a weird kind of i i guess they're all sort of making the transition to streaming but you're kind of like uh it seems like the idea of just still making sitcoms is like you're kind of like why are you still doing that but you're in a different range now you i don't i won't give away any details yeah but you acted in something yeah i did an acting job. Yeah. That's fun. I want to hear all about this, but probably be all fair.
Starting point is 00:07:10 A cool acting thing. It was cool. It's about as cool as it gets. So without getting into too much detail, what was it like being on set? I love it. It's exactly what I want to be doing, is just guest starring on your favorite shows. is like just guest starring on like your favorite shows yeah i i'd obviously want to like act in like a uh you know further down the road in a bigger role but that's like you know when you like in a comedy you see like you know people just doing these sort of like small roles that are super fun and that's like that's like what i've always wanted to do so are you doing it yeah
Starting point is 00:07:43 i knew you were gonna get it too like when you were auditioning yeah i was like you're gonna get it but i didn't want to jinx you how'd you know i just knew you were you're a good actor i just know you're gonna get it thanks but i i didn't want to like i know you like whenever i say something's gonna happen you always make me knock on wood or you're like don't say that don't say that which i totally understand yeah so i was like i had to like just be like you're great i'm sure it's gonna work out like you know kind of be more like in the middle yeah um you're like it's gonna happen i'm like you fucked it you fucked this whole situation yeah well everyone's different too
Starting point is 00:08:13 like some people like doing that like yeah i'll tell people something's gonna happen like way before it happens and i'm like no it's gonna happen because it i think it makes me feel like it'll it puts more pressure on me yeah but but totally understand the, no, don't talk about it. Like, wait until it's fully realized, which makes sense. Yeah, I guess I, yeah, go ahead. No, that was it. Yeah. Yeah, I guess I get kind of, I get superstitious and I get, um, I, and, and I don't like raising expectations for
Starting point is 00:08:47 myself, especially in this industry, because it's like, you know, it's so unpredictable and it's so, no one knows, you know, people act like they know, but no one knows. I mean, you can have like an idea of like, you know, if you're like making something and you're sort of, you can feel it, you're like, this is special. making something and you're sort of you can feel it you're like this is special but you know it's like the industry itself is just like it's just it's a lot of it you're just rolling with the punches and you just keep pushing forward and then but then when you i think when you get fixated on something where you're like this is gonna happen for sure and it's gonna take me there and then oftentimes i don't think it ever works that way so i think getting set on that is like it's just
Starting point is 00:09:26 yeah that's what i get scared of totally i mean these last these last two years have taught us that for sure yeah for sure yeah because we had a project and then covet happened yeah and then it was supposed to come back and we're looking good yeah and i'm sorry we have to be vague about everything guys i hope it's still interesting with the uh the lack of specifics but it'll be cool in due time but then ayazi the the hollywood union for all the cameramen i didn't even think about that for everybody yeah like basically everyone on set who you don't see at an award show is gonna go on strike i think with good reason too like i'm on the side of the ayotsy members it's all my it's like you know i used to be iotsy's crew it's just a crew it's like makeup artists
Starting point is 00:10:11 editors gaffers key grips all the camera guys everyone it's the people who everyone who moves the stuff sets the stuff up and then records the stuff that we all watch the background industry yeah and they didn't get the pay bump they were supposed to and the the streamers still call themselves new media so they're like we don't have to pay you as much as tv channels yeah yeah and they're just giving no no turnaround time between shifts and yeah breaks and no i mean like i've you know i i did it a little bit too but like i have friends who've been working those jobs for like almost a decade now and like you know they'd work 16 17 hour days and then be driving home and like pass out behind But I have friends who have been working those jobs for almost a decade now. And they'd work 16, 17-hour days and then be driving home and pass out behind the wheel.
Starting point is 00:10:49 And it's not an uncommon experience. Yeah, I fall asleep on the freeway during a PA job. Yeah. In the fast lane. They really do. I weaved into the fast lane. You did? Really?
Starting point is 00:10:58 Yeah. Letting them know I was there. They work you like a dog, man. I had to be on set at like 4 in the morning at a shoot. We were doing it at like a Jewish day camp in Malibu. Yeah. I had to be on set at like four in the morning at like a shoot we were doing at like a Jewish day camp in Malibu. Yeah. And I was running late.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And when I got there, my tires were smoking like a race car. Really? For me taking the turn so fast. Yeah. Yeah. Because the pressure, if I was late, they would be like, where's JT Park? JT Park, switch to two. What's going on?
Starting point is 00:11:20 Where are we supposed to park? Yeah. You're fucking this whole thing up. And you're like, ah, ah. That's when I started doing Adderall. Because I was like, I felt like I had to like, I wasn't like aggressive enough. And then when I took Adderall, I was like, this is easy. And then like three months later, I was like, bleh, bleh, bleh, bleh.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Yeah. But yeah, so the IATSE might go on strike. I think they'll figure it out. Because I don't think the whole industry wants to shut down. And literally, you can't make anything without them. know it's it's wild it's it's it's historic i mean the last strike uh was world war ii yeah it's not crazy 1948 yeah yeah yeah yeah obviously the writers went on strike for like a couple months i moved here right when the writers the first one moved here two weeks in 2007 before the writer's strike i went to see a taping of jay leno during that yeah he was he paid his whole staff
Starting point is 00:12:08 did he he he paid out of pocket to keep the show going oh what a beast and yeah and like on set too i mean those uh it's hot it's always high stretch because you know if you lose if someone's late if you lose a minute you're losing thousands of dollars you know it's like that's why it's so funny when you hear about you know stars who are just taking their sweet ass time and they're like three hours late and it's like you just cost production like 300 grand yeah that's what they do like when people are like yeah joaquin phoenix on the joker he wasn't feeling it so he just walked off and like he's an amazing actor maybe it's worth it yeah but you're like you do know there's a cameraman who's got like 50 pounds on his shoulder who now has to
Starting point is 00:12:47 sit there for another 20 minutes and like probably in the fucking burning burbank sun yeah waiting for you to like get into character yeah it's like come on man yeah i know yeah it's uh it's a it's but high stakes so what did you say happened when you uh when you were done with your your acting gig you you went up to the creator and what you tried to i try to take a photo you know because i wanted to commemorate the moment you know that i also you know when it comes out i want to like post about it and he's like he's like no man we'll just hang out i'm like all right cool that's awesome yeah did you guys hang out then or plan to? We had lunch and then,
Starting point is 00:13:27 you know, I changed numbers and stuff. So, uh, so cool. That's cool. And you told me you've texted him four times since then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:34 He hasn't responded. Uh, I texted him good night and good morning. And then, uh, I sent him a, uh, Fred Durst gift,
Starting point is 00:13:41 you know, to break the ice, you know, of him blowing up the boat. No response. I figure he's busy. He's just busy. He'll get back to me.
Starting point is 00:13:47 He's totally into it. I Yahtzee set that boat up. He's totally into it. He's into it. I guarantee he's into it. He's feeling it. Dude, thank you so much, Aaron. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:56 What were you saying? I said I Yahtzee set that boat up to explode. Every time you see a boat blow up on spring break MTV, it's IATSE crew members who are PAs who are packing that thing with dynamite, wiring it. And there's some producer, like the PAs are like, I don't know how to set up explosives. And the producer's like, figure it out, okay? Just wire it and tell me when it's done and it's ready to blow.
Starting point is 00:14:19 What's new with you? Dude, what is new with me? I don't know. Everything's been good. We've just been working hard. We've been busy. So I've been focusing on that. Last last weekend what did i get up to i uh got some sun worked out i've been hitting the peloton been uh calling people a lot i mean every time we get on
Starting point is 00:14:36 the freeway to go do like a city council i just call people the whole time yeah and then i know i'm reading this book t about testosterone it makes me feel like a bad boy because it really, it's about like how there are huge biological differences between men and women. And this author thinks that the thing that makes us so different is testosterone and how that affects your psychology and your physiology. But so much of like the prevailing sentiment in the culture in the culture is that most differences are because of socialization which I do think is a huge part of it too and sometimes it's hard to sift through which is which yeah but I'm loving it dude it's all about just deers fighting each other and like how tea makes their nuts triple the size yeah when it's mating season interesting like their
Starting point is 00:15:20 balls go away and then when it's mating season, their balls just get huge. Yeah. And then they fight with each other and they try to have a harem of lady deers. Dude, nice. That they can have for their own. Do they establish the sort of expectations of the relationship beforehand? Yeah. Like the main buck will be like, hey, yeah. So like you're going to be like one of 30.
Starting point is 00:15:42 But like, you know, you're in like, you know, you matter to me. You're important to me. Yeah. And she's like, you know, you're in like, you know, you matter to me. You're important to me. Yeah. And she's like, okay, well I might go away with Tim or actually they're named after their moms. She's like, so I might go away with Gloria nine. And then their names are like their mom's name and then how old they are. And then the big books like what?
Starting point is 00:16:00 And then he goes and fucks up Gloria nine. Nice dude. Puts a little antler into his eye. I want you to know something, babe. My antlers grow for you. Yeah. T makes their antlers stronger than the bones in their body.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Do they talk about how to boost T? Uh, no, she hasn't really talked about that. I mean, you know, they do talk about shooting up testosterone. A lot of this is one of a lot of the tech,
Starting point is 00:16:23 and this is going to be my, uh, baby of the week, but a lot of the tests and this is gonna be my uh baby of the week but a lot of the tests that they do they'll just this is what it always comes down to when they're studying testosterone apparently they cut the nuts off of whatever animal they're they're testing on to see how they change and uh and then they'll shoot it up with testosterone to see if that changes them back is she pro or anti shooting yourself up with testosterone i don't think well maybe she gets to it but i i think she would be neutral on it i think she would be pro for some people and not
Starting point is 00:16:53 pro for other people right like i think she would have told me not to do it when i did it yeah yeah did you do it when did you do it when i was 18 summer after senior year i shot up for the whole summer testosterone or i thought it was roids yeah those are roids oh yeah um i did testosterone and i did uh and i did a hgh and i had done like a cycle of anovar during football season earlier that year and uh yeah it makes you really strong but then what's interesting is like i did get in more fights when i was on testosterone but i don't think it's because of roid rage. I think it's because I was big and jacked and I was like,
Starting point is 00:17:26 I want to use these muscles for something. Right. So I think it was more of like, I was already looking to fight people and then I, and then the steroids helped get me there, you know? And then, and yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:38 it was a little bit more of a butthead, but also I was a lot, I was happier a lot of the time too, because I just felt so jacked. Yeah. But it just wasn't sustainable. My shoulders fell apart from overlifting. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:48 And they're still all fucked up. There's definitely medical reasons to do it. Like I'm on a drug that helps regulate the counter to testosterone. DHT? No, no, no. Something else um i don't know if that's exactly what it does but it you know it cured the thing that was in my head the the tumor on my pituitary gland so i didn't know you had a tumor on your pituitary gland have we talked about that before i don't think we've talked i did a big thing a big thing about it, yeah. I did like 10 minutes on it. I remember you talking about that. On this pod?
Starting point is 00:18:25 I remember you talking about that, but I didn't know this was a tumor. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what was causing infertility, and that's such a big deal about having our baby and stuff. Oh, man, that's scary. I did it on the anniversary of us finding out we were pregnant, so it was like April, April when I did it,
Starting point is 00:18:42 when I did it on the show. And I wrote this huge blog piece about it oh okay i remember that but um yeah the the doctor was just like you know you don't if you want to have another child you should stay on this thing but also there are benefits to having at least a normal testosterone level uh going forward into your life and it's you know it's related to bone density and as you get older as a man like you want to have that still obviously so no it helps with a ton yeah yeah do you talk about sending your nuts no i don't think that would help fertility at all
Starting point is 00:19:15 you don't think that works no whoa debate dude we should compare loads i mean you you probably got me on that yeah you guys should but like but i'll be next pod yeah there's a lot of a lot of fertility they talk about keeping your nuts cool like so i think sunning your nuts is bad oh crap that would make sense because of the laptop thing right people are like don't put your laptop on your your nuts because you're overheating them i switched to boxers for like six months fucking hated it but something about the sun being like an organic scent uh organic source of heat though makes me feel like maybe it's maybe somewhere in the middle certainly and the vitamin d is different than just heat on your nuts but i'm probably just trying to hedge between my two dogs it's an electric note and the one thing i learned too about testosterone is that
Starting point is 00:20:01 if you're on testosterone you can it actually can make you infertile because you overproduce because your body just decides oh well i'm getting it externally i don't need it i don't need to make it so therefore you you don't produce good sperm and all that stuff yeah yeah i've noticed a change I think I mean I haven't done any tests but you know I think when I started eating more organic I felt more of a
Starting point is 00:20:34 change in I think lean muscle growth and just mood and just like an increase in drive a little bit i think might be related to testosterone because i do think that the the um pesticides and stuff like all the chemicals and like you know commercial food do affect your testosterone sure yeah this one stuff and i i do think there's something to that but it's that's all just my i'm like you know anecdotal i think we also don't know
Starting point is 00:21:09 like the impact of plastics plastics huge yeah phthalates yeah uh i mean we do know that they you know shrink hogs uh which is good for our movement but uh you know in the long run i don't know i don't i don't know if we i don't know hey you know i honestly i worry about small dongs not being as special yeah we're just gonna be another cherry in a bowl of cherries yeah it's uh it is the best way to motivate people to change things though yeah it's like the earth is on fire and like it's gonna be uninhabitable in a 50 years and everyone's like yeah whatever and then it's fire and it's going to be uninhabitable in 50 years. And everyone's like, yeah, whatever. And it's making your dick small.
Starting point is 00:21:47 And everyone's like, we got to fix it. Get rid of the Thalys. Get rid of them, dude. My dick is... I just imagined a guy at a city council. Council, my penis is shrinking and you are responsible. Do your job and make my dink bigger. Thank you. And then the whole crowd's like it is so true that would be like the environment like the earth i remember some guy who's this
Starting point is 00:22:13 actor who's like super political he puts up this serious post he's like in front of like a brush fire you know he's like our earth is burning it will be uninhabitable and i'm just like shut up you know and then you see shut up you fucking knob go back to your cw show bitch uh and then um but yeah dink small dink dink dink shrink dink shrink is huge no people get fired up i had that with vaping i remember with vaping i went to this hypnosis guy and he's like and you know his thing was mostly for cigarettes you know and i was like when he transferred to vaping it's like it's not as effective because he's like you're inhaling tar and i'm like but i'm not and he's like he's like but he's like you are messing up your lungs You won't even know when lung cancer hits.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And I'm like, shut up, bitch. I like getting a buzz. He's like, this is hurting the appearance of your skin. I'm like, all right, now we're talking. Yeah, exactly. Now we're talking. That was the first thing that hit me. I'm like, no one's seeing my lungs, partner.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And you know it's like 30, 40 years down the road. But your skin looks worse now. I was dating this girl and I was having boner problems and then she sent me an article that vaping's linked to erectile dysfunction. And I was like, too bad I've had erectile dysfunction my whole life. So it's not the vaping.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Vaping, try anxiety. Yeah, yeah. I was like, how about performance anxiety, okay? How about I just need to talk for a couple hours before I can get there? Yeah. You know, the tough guy thinks that we got to get rid of the phthalates and the plastic. Look, people used to tell me you do coke, your penis shrinks. I was okay with that.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I knew it was temporary. And I like the boost I got in communication. I was really bonding with a lot of different people. But then when I found out there's stuff in our stuff that's making my stuff smaller that's when I got fired up and I became an environmentalist because I do I care about the environment in so far as it affects how I look when I'm naked and on blow because that's a big moment for me that's kind of like when I feel like I'm at my most free that's when this stag going back to Dia feels like he's on top of Yellowstone and he's looking down at the guys and saying, hey, I got a pretty good sitch here.
Starting point is 00:24:25 But then if I'm doing that and I look down at my piece and it's marginal compared to what it used to be, I don't know. I can't do it. So get the Thalites out of the plastic. I'm talking to you, government. Fix it. You're pumping out toxicity. Not like blow.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I do super clean blow. Super clean. Well, by the way, tough guys got to be serious here. Don't do blow right now because the fentanyl shit. They ruin blow. Blow do super clean blow. Super clean. Well, by the way, tough guys got to be serious here. Don't do blow right now because the fentanyl shit. They ruin blow. Blow is ruined right now. This is a PSA from the tough guy. I never thought I'd say this.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Stay away from the blow. It ain't as good as it used to be. It's not in my time when I was in Miami in the 80s at the Copacabana. And me and my friends were just taking it off a platter. And we were just living it up driving go fast boats to cuba every other weekend you can't do that anymore because they fucked it up they fucked up cocaine i'm so pissed i loved cocaine uh thank you for your comments tough guy but this is a meeting about the budget um like the but like how much money you should spend on blow
Starting point is 00:25:21 it's like a wedding ring you spendfourth of your yearly salary on blow. We're just trying to modify the company budget because we're in a deficit. Yeah, my dick's at a deficit. Because of where your company's putting into the water and putting into the plastics and putting into all the things that I'm surrounded by. It's your company. Oh, I own the company? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Whoa. Dude, you know how many times I've come out of a coke binge and I owned a company? That's the thing, people get off coke, I'm like, dude, I'm super productive. I come out of a blackout and I'm like a titan of industry. I'm like, I didn't even know I owned a plastic company. And now that I know I own the plastic company
Starting point is 00:26:03 that's making my dick small, well, I got the power to change it. So do you think we should proceed with laying off 30 employees? What do you mean laying them off? Firing them. Whoa, that's heavy.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Yeah, I think we can do that as long as we can give them some blow before they go. We have a big fucking body and we send them off right. Send them off in style like a Viking burial. Just light it on fire as they float down the river to nothing. Okay. That was a tough call, man. I don't know how I feel about firing people.
Starting point is 00:26:38 Like they're going to get other jobs, right? Yeah, I mean, you're the CEO. You got to make tough decisions. Fuck. You know what I need? I need some blow. I need some blow now. I just did that PSA about not doing blow.
Starting point is 00:26:52 All right, tough guy is making an audible. Adderall, get me some Adderall. Okay, I'll put that into the company memo. Are there any other announcements you want? Yeah, put that in the memo. Tell everybody it's Adderall season. tell them to tell them it's gonna boost productivity does this go to the employees we're laying off for the current send it to everybody yeah no keep them on the email chain even after they're fired i mean they're fired but i don't want to feel left out right
Starting point is 00:27:18 and make sure they come to the company party okay okay and they'll be treated like they still work why are we firing them because we're at a deficit uh yeah a mysterious amount of uh the budget went missing uh you know we're trying to sort out where the money went um but you know under the uh you know expense category it says um miscellaneous look i'll be honest with you that was me doing blow that was you? Yeah, I'm guessing. I actually don't know for sure, but it sounds like you're kind of hinting at the fact that I spent it all on blow,
Starting point is 00:27:51 and I don't want to live my life in fear, so let's cut to the quick. It was me. It was blow. It's in my body. So are you admitting to the board that you spent half the company's budget on cocaine? Hey, you cracked it.
Starting point is 00:28:07 You cracked it. Great call by you. You're a great employee. You cracked the case. Thanks. You're due for a promotion. We cracked it. This does mean that we're going to have to terminate you as CEO,
Starting point is 00:28:19 and we're probably going to bring up criminal charges. Whoa. Holy shit. That's very charges. Whoa. Holy shit. That's very interesting. That's very provocative for you to fire me, the CEO. That's crazy. I love the inverse of power there. I love how you took that power from me.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I respect it. Fire me. You're going to be a great CEO. You're fired. Whoa. That feels weird. I've never been fired before. Oh, oh man let that sit in for a second whoa whoa i really respect the way you handled that you got to the bottom of it you didn't you know compromise yourself it's good job you know what you're getting a promotion you're promoted i just promoted myself i uh i just fired you and security is gonna escort you out whoa
Starting point is 00:29:12 you're giving me like no agency in this i love that i love the way you're doing this security's coming to get me right now i believe they're in the elevator now yeah okay hold on hold on hold on that's brilliant you're a genius that's brilliant because now i'm done yeah i didn't even know i ran this place till a couple hours ago but i i really got into the power of it when i found out you know this is like a stanford prison experiment and you're the god but i thought i was the god but i'm the prisoner whoa what a control what is it an experiment you got your control and then you got what's the other one you're random placebo whoa sorry I said whoa so much. Is Coke a placebo? Coke's not a placebo, right?
Starting point is 00:30:13 No. Good. All right. Well, it was a pleasure working with you. I'm glad I promoted you. If you ever needed my help, I'm here to run things if you need me. I'll probably be running them from, you know, whatever discotheque I'm at later tonight. Okay. Well, we'll see you in court.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's a date. Thanks for making plans with me after you fired me. That's so, like, I don't know, just generous of you. I didn't think I'd see you again. All right. Oh, security? Security? Here's security.
Starting point is 00:30:42 Get into it. All right. We're going to just have you come with us. here's security get into it alright we're gonna just have you come with us can I tell you something yeah I like you I like your cool detached demeanor but to get the tough guy to leave you gotta match my energy
Starting point is 00:30:58 so I'm doing this for you security bring it a little harder alright Randy hit him with a taser. Oh, that feels good. I love how you did that. What is in that? Is that electricity? That fucking slaps, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Bro, whoa. That might be better than blow. Oh, that's making me horny. That's making me horny. That's like pure testosterone in there. Yeah, sir, you are erect. Dude, my nuts always do show through my shorts on this show. It's crazy. I was talking about your cock.
Starting point is 00:31:37 Yeah, no, I do have an erection. Every time I get caught with an erection in public which you know is uh more often than i don't care not to admit um i always i always laugh i think too many people they get defensive they're like oh i got a bone i'm sorry i didn't know i'm always like it was a little sinister but it's playful dude but but to the uh testosterone conversation in that show sex education the female lead jillian anderson she said that 10 of men have a pheromone that women find attractive regardless of what the guy looks like uh-huh it's called like andrestosterone or something i said it incorrectly but it's close to that and then uh so i started
Starting point is 00:32:23 googling it i was like how do you do a blood test to find out if you have this and then i started googling after that how do you find the supplement for it is there one i don't know i don't even know if it's real there was like a bbc article saying that that's just kind of like folklore and that it's not true but yeah worth investigating yeah that'd be cool that could change everything be like aqua di joe aqua di joe di giorno aqua di jo jo aqua di giorno did you did you watch the new tom brady subway commercial no it's pretty good really what does he do does he throw a subway it's it looks like it's like one of his like cologne ads that he does that are like super cheesy and like faux sophisticated uh-huh but it's him with like sandwiches oh that's great and then
Starting point is 00:33:03 at the end they go but you don't eat bread because you know he's on a super hard diet and then he turns to the camera all sexy like but it also looks like he's pissed at the person saying it yeah is good dude i i had subway last week it was awesome oh really dude it's so good i love subway like i uh i mean i i don't eat subway often but when i do i fucking, I fucking, I go to town. What'd you get? Dude, I just got turkey, ran it through the garden, extra mayo, extra mustard, Italian bread, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper. And some motherfucking, you know, I got jalapenos, I got banana peppers, all that good stuff. And I just, then you get, Then I get salt and vinegar chips. Is it salt and vinegar?
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah. Those are great. The best. Are banana peppers are those bananas or peppers? Peppers. They're the yellow peppers. Those are good. They're pepperoncinis.
Starting point is 00:33:56 They got some kick. They got kick. I'd say they're probably a little bit less spicy than jalapenos, but they fucking do the job, man. They do the job. They do the job. We're going to do a job. We're going to rob Fenway.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Fenway Pop. Should we answer some cues? Yeah. All right. Sprinkler maintenance suggestion. I've been seeing this new woman, and she is a squirter, if you get what I'm saying. However, we've fornicated multiple times, and I haven't gotten her to fire hydrant yet. I'm getting her to reach climax, but still don't know how to make the woman juice come out
Starting point is 00:34:28 I feel like you guys might be experienced in this area if neither of you know how to approach this question I would love to hear from Uncle Joe I'm sure his massive hog has some has caused some major flooding and his time spent on earth Anyways, thanks for spreading the smoke and revitalizing Southern California hashtag small dong niche anyways thanks for spreading the smoke and revitalizing southern california hashtag small dong nash uh so if you've never she's never squirted with you how do you know she's a squirter she said i think she told him yeah dude it is tough when someone says that to you i had a girlfriend and she was like before we started dating uh like before we became boyfriend and girlfriend we were on like our third date and she's like i dated this dickhead like named darren
Starting point is 00:35:04 and i mean he was an asshole but he did make me squirt for the first time i remember i was just like oh cool yeah and i felt like real like i was intimidated yeah you know it's almost tough when they tell you like what they're capable of because then it just gets fixated in your head like oh yeah you're just like well if i can't do that like i suck yeah that's putting a lot of pressure on you i i don't know if i've ever been with a girl who's told me that, but it is a lot of pressure. I imagine a lot of pressure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I think, I think it'll happen by accident, man. I think if you just get lost in the moment and you're really present and paying attention to her and paying attention to yourself too, because I think, you know, if you're so worried about making her squirt,
Starting point is 00:35:44 you're probably not having a good time, man. Yeah yeah you're all fixated on just trying to get this result and that's not good for you like do what feels good for you i mean obviously do what feels good for her but do what feels good for you and if you get lost in your own passion i think you'll just by chance find yourself in squirt valley and also dude just ask her be like what can i do to make you squirt they'll tell you that she i guarantee she knows how to make herself squirt and so just be like just guide me you know tell me what to do do we need extra stuff am i hitting the right spot and before you know it you're fucking drenched dude yeah just scratch her back while she gets herself off yeah and then she's supported just be whispering in her ear, being like, you're doing great, honey.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Yeah. Can't wait for you to feel all that goodness. Yeah. And then when she squirts, be like, good job, sweetie. Yeah. And then when she squirts, just be like, I squirted too. But yeah, you got this, man. Congratulations.
Starting point is 00:36:35 It sounds really exciting. Now I've made somebody squirt. Oh! Aaron! Multiple. Whoa! Aaron! Multiple girls? oh Aaron multiple Aaron in the same sesh no I don't know if that's possible
Starting point is 00:36:53 but also as someone who's got experience with this you don't want it it's a real big hassle I've heard this from friends but dude I do want it. I like that nastiness. I'm going to get squirted in the face.
Starting point is 00:37:08 It will ruin your mattress. Nice. Yeah. Nice. You will never want anyone to see that thing without a sheet on ever again. Is it stained? Yeah. Ew.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Ew. Oh, dude. That's not good. Can we just celebrate for a few minutes Aaron's accomplishments in this department? What are you going to throw on, like, 112? Yeah, that's a great idea. All right, here we go. All right, guys, picture Aaron making someone squirt.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Aaron is getting drenched right now. Song's taking a second play Song is taking a sec Just like it takes a sec to make The magic happen I'll start playing my own Sort of a This is Chatty Wine
Starting point is 00:37:56 It's a play on Chatty Wine That's a good character This is for Aaron. The squirt maestro. This is for you, Aaron. Hudson is so confused. Your dog is so children on this, but he looks excited. Whoa. That's all it's.
Starting point is 00:38:55 He's watching me twerk. That was crazy. But yeah, man, don't, don't, don't be too obsessed with the squirt. It's just part of the thing. Yeah. And it, I don't know, man. I go back and forth on it. It might be, it might just be,
Starting point is 00:39:09 you make someone pee himself. Nothing wrong with that. I mean, it does mean she had a good time. You know, it's not like, it's not like there was ever a complaint afterwards. All right, here we go. Crossroads. My dong is the smallest in the friend group.
Starting point is 00:39:24 I still, with my parents, smoke Dummy Kush, and crush 2K and Call of Duty. Bro, sounds like you're living the dream. I'm fully addicted to porn, hit the sauna ritually every week, and listen to LRB, Little River Band, and Erykah Badu on repeat. I don't know the first one, but Erykah Badu is magical. Pretty sick, right? What's the problem, you ask? I left a really good money-making money to pursue in other careers.
Starting point is 00:39:51 What is more important, working hard towards financial freedom and retiring younger, or being happy and having the freedom of spending more time with my bros and lady? There's a lot going on here. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think it's okay to leave one career if you're going to pursue another one that is less financially viable up top. But, you know, you might have to slow down with the 2K and the dummy kush and the porn and allocate more of that. I say allocate a lot. And direct more of your energy towards making the stuff you want to have
Starting point is 00:40:28 happen in your career happen. Um, and you know, everyone needs downtime sometimes to reassess and recharge, but you know, it sounds like this is what you're fishing for me to say to you is that, is that do this other career, do what makes you happy,
Starting point is 00:40:41 but, but do it like, let's go, dude, let's go. I think it all depends too on like what kind of life you want, you know? Um, you know, if you want the life where you're sort of working towards financial freedom, so you get like financial freedom at like 40 or something, it's like,
Starting point is 00:41:00 if that's what you want, then I'd go hard in the paint, you know, and just sort of, If that's what you want, then I'd go hard in the paint, you know, and just sort of, you know, blinders on and just make that happen. But if you want your job to be something you're, like, passionate about and you want to sort of, you know, just sort of enjoy each day as, you know, I don't know. I think it's sort of follow whatever you think will make you happiest. Yeah, there's no right answer right yeah but i also think that you know working in such a way where you're like i'm working right now so i can be happy later i don't know if that i think we've seen tons of examples where that doesn't work you do hear a lot of stories about people being like i was always like putting off my life in favor of my career and then thinking one day i would live my life and then yeah now i regret that i went that road but then you also see people who regret never like committing to something fully and just bounce around too much so yeah i agree
Starting point is 00:41:54 with you it's like based off the limited information we have there's no like one size fits all answer yeah but but obviously this guy kind of feels like i think he feels a little bit listless right now yeah because i think he's being playful but he's also being um a little self-critical with the initial stuff that he listed you know like with the two maybe he's being too hard on himself too it's not like successful people don't play 2k and masturbate a lot but it does sound like i don't know i can i can tell you that for me and you know, I'm kind of a psycho, so, you know, take this for the grain of salt. But for me, it's like when I do stuff like play video games or, you know, stuff that I feel like is not serving me in the long run, it makes me unhappy. So, you know, I'd sort of assess and be like is that the case for you because you know i sort of like to live my life where i'm like i feel like everything that i'm
Starting point is 00:42:54 doing is sort of pushing me forward and in terms of progress even if it's like and we work in entertainment so even if it's like watching movies i like to watch movies where i feel like i'm learning something still or like appreciating this you know filmmaker actor whatever um so that's sort of how i approach my life and i that makes me really happy so that's just me though uh yeah i don't know yeah it's it's it's your values yeah you know what i mean like i it i i like to play 2k or not 2k i like to play call of duty with the guys but then some i've taken a couple weeks off because like we've just been busy and like i just don't have the bandwidth for it right now yeah but i do know that that
Starting point is 00:43:33 stuff feels better like if it's after a good day of like work yeah you know or like at the beginning of the pandemic when there was no work to be done yeah i was like tickled pink just to like play call of duty all day and i was like and i kind needed that. I hadn't done that in like a long time, but it's all situational. And then, yeah, I think, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Force yourself to do things that are like going to make you like, I, I guess the thing I like, I like like information. I like learning stuff a lot. So I'll just like, if I read like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:44:02 20 pages out of a book or I watched, or like I listened to a podcast that's like in a subject that's difficult to understand and i feel like i gained some understanding it does make me feel better about then going to have a drink or something like that totally just it feels more balanced yeah yeah if you're if you're sort of if you if you yeah it's it's like rewarding yourself i think is important it's like it's like working living your life and working in such a way where you are able to get to a point where you're like okay now i can reward myself it's like it's like what we're working on now i'm sort of
Starting point is 00:44:34 thinking down the line of like how am i and i'm trying to stay present in the moment but also of like you know thinking of like how i'm gonna reward myself when we're um done you know i'm thinking like a big bowl of ct crunch and some some raging that sounds great um yeah so yeah you know but and we're in such a lucky situation it's hard for me to say i'm like just follow your passion do what you're i'm like just follow your passion do what you're passionate about you know but it's like a lot of people can't say that and it's in it it's difficult to to find that so yeah but this guy i mean he's got a lot in his favor like he's living at home with his parents so he's not paying rent right now or maybe you are but i'm assuming you're not you're probably getting
Starting point is 00:45:19 a lot of free food yeah so you got like he's not a great guy but like daniel snyder the guy who owns the washington football team he started his. He dropped out of college and started like a billboard business out of his parents' basement. Yeah. Turning into like a huge operation. Yeah. And so I think it's kind of smart here with your parents, but you know, use that time wisely, save up some cash and get things in motion. Yeah. Or you don't have to, if you just want to live at your parents' place forever, that's cool too. It's a little bit of a tougher sell to other people, but if it really makes you happy,
Starting point is 00:45:49 then you'll be okay with it. Yeah. But can you really be okay with it? That's the hard part. And your parents too. I check with them to see if they're stoked on it. Yeah, if you live there forever. Yeah. I'm guessing not.
Starting point is 00:45:58 They're your parents. They should accept you no matter what. They should just let you live there forever. My parents are so easy that like, so i'll have friends who would be like oh dude i crashed my car and like i need a little money to fix it and i'm too embarrassed to ask my parents i can't ask them for money i'm like do it that's what they're there for yeah i'm like look they fucked you up all right yeah it's your it's their fault the car even got damaged yeah I don't really believe that, but I'm like, I don't know. All right, last one.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Love Rhino Extendo Maximum. I like this title a lot. My 16-year-old cousin started texting me last night at 1 a.m. about gas station boner pills. I told him not to do that. He's young, dumb, and full of cum, so he doesn't need them. He's a good kid, smart as hell and driven. He doesn't need Love Rhino Extendo Maximum.
Starting point is 00:46:43 No one should take this, not even rhinos. We talked about this, but I i didn't get to him he says he wants a rhino cock what do i do i really like this question i like the way he articulated everything i like the point of view i'm a big fan of this question i think first off you know i'm i'm of two minds about it i agree he shouldn't get boner pills there's no reason uh you know horny goat weed at your 7-eleven is not going to give you a rhino cock the only way you're going to get any rhino cock is if you grab your ankles and let the sun penetrate your gooch um and that's science um but also you got to let him go out there and make his own mistakes you know you can't you can't you know you can give him advice but you got to let him fall down a couple times and get some scabs, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:28 and, you know, fall into some boner pills and see what's good with that. So I think that's, you know, give him advice, but don't try to control him. That's my thoughts. I wouldn't, like, ingest anything you get at a gas station. Yeah. Like, they're not putting the top-of-the-line products at a gas station. Yeah. Like they're not putting the top of the line products at a gas station. I don't think that stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Yeah. There's like zero regulation in gas station products. And I get the feeling you want to feel strong and tough. You know, you're like a blowfish. You want to blow up and look, look intimidating with your big hard cock. But you know, it's, it's it's a performance it's acting it's not the real you your sex will be better if you're being the real you yeah when i have sex with
Starting point is 00:48:11 viagra i feel like it's like a wooden dick it's not even my dick and i don't really feel as into it really and i'm doing more work but oftentimes i'll feel like it wasn't even me that was having the sex it feels like an imposter because i don't even move the way i like to move because i got this dick i'm not used to having and i'm like yeah and then i'm like it's not even how i fuck yeah i'm being serious though um yeah plus if you're 16 man don't do that damage to your heart that stuff's not good for your body like You've got to see the long run. You want to be fucking when you're 70, right? Well, you're stealing from that a little bit by taking these crazy, crazy drugs.
Starting point is 00:48:53 The disadvantage, too, of having a rhino cock is if you have a big, hard cock that often, the chances of you falling and then falling down on it and right angling it oh they go much higher and dude you don't you don't want a right angle dick at 16 you want to get that when you're like 30 when you know yourself a little bit more and you're able to you know work your way around it there wasn't that's the benefit of a softer cock there was a male porn star i think prince yeshushua or something black duty wears boots in all of his scenes and i guess a girl was on top of him bouncing on it and she fully deserted and then came down on it too hard and like snapped his jimmy in half oh he was out of commission like nine months so i had to cut him from my fantasy team
Starting point is 00:49:36 oh for real because we didn't have any ir spots so i had to drop him which was sad because he was like my third round pick did he at least get an injury wild card? Yeah, I tried to pick him up later through waivers, but he was a hot pickup from all the other guys. It's a 15-man league too, so there's not much room in free agency. Dude, that's all I can think about. It's painful. Also, if there's any way in the world that this is actually rhino related uh substances
Starting point is 00:50:06 being involved uh they're endangered species and you shouldn't oh dude nice nice dude dude great angle don't don't poach rhinos for this bullshit it is funny like because that's also in this book about like you know because of all the testosterone that's in antlers there's a lot of like antler supplements supposedly what ray lewis took to come back from like a dislocated elbow in like record time but i don't think taking stuff from animals and putting it into humans works yeah it doesn't cross over until you get a pandemic or something yeah i think we have different systems one yeah i don't even think this thing came from a bat we're all fairly certain it came from china at this point from a lab aaron you know it i don't aaron you know it came from a lab i don't you don't think it came from a lab no i just i have no idea right well of course none of
Starting point is 00:50:56 us have any idea but what do you think i don't i think i respect it wet markets are a thing and it's they are very gross you think it was a pangolin? I don't know. That's the best answer. But I think there's gross shit out there, and this was bound to happen because gross shit's out there. Gain-of-function research. Just buzzwords.
Starting point is 00:51:18 I just know buzzwords. Gain-of-function research. Chad, who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is uh dude i have a fucking uh fruit fly infestation oh no i got back to my place yesterday and there's a bunch of fruit flies i opened the door and they just like you know probably like 10 just sort of start flying around i was like it's like what are you dudes doing in here and i just had the place clean it's not like they were like you know uh surrounding a piece of fruit you know that i left out they're just chilling out there they're looking for shit i'm like where are you dudes
Starting point is 00:51:57 coming from it's pissing me off and but luckily they're slow at flying so i've been clapping them out of the sky or the air that feels good it feels good yeah but now there's just a bunch of dead ones i don't know i'll pick them up because they're gross i gotta get an exterminator um uh yeah and then i fucking you know flushed my toilet the other day and in my driveway uh a bunch of water and toilet paper came out of the fucking driveway. And I was like, what the hell is going on? Is that true? It's true.
Starting point is 00:52:31 That's nuts. Whoa. Yeah, dude, I'm dealing with house issues now. Yeah. But luckily, I rent it. So I just called the landlord. I'm like, this whole situation's fucked. And now they're on top of it.
Starting point is 00:52:44 You got to make those calls. Yeah. That's a good idea. My property manager, Yolanda. Yolanda, what is going on? Because my place was built in like 1950, I think. The sewer does attach, or usually on the driveway somewhere. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yeah. Could have come apart. Maybe that's it. Maybe the sewer's backed up. I would think you'd smell it, though, before you'd see anything. Yeah, that's it maybe it's maybe the sewer's packed up i would think you'd smell it though before you'd see anything yeah that's true erin who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is with the emmys nice nice aside from being boring and long and award shows are always long and but they're not always boring um but this is the thing that really drove me bananas so before every category or when when they announced every category they would show you clips of the nominees totally normal right
Starting point is 00:53:34 then they'd bring up the presenter and then the presenter would do a little speech about something about the category or whatever it was just like just come up and say who won like i don't need you i don't need to preamble we already saw the nominees like you're detaching me from what we've been doing now by spacing it out just fucking come out and say you know jason tudeikis and that's it it was really weird i don't know why they did it that way it's usually you know the presenter comes out the nominees are clips the winner is it was the nominees are you know lighting's fun and um you know whatever whatever stupid banter that if there were two of them they would have and then and and then they'd crack the envelope i didn't just out of nowhere
Starting point is 00:54:24 And then they'd crack the envelope just out of nowhere. Because I guess this bit died. So the winner is, at least if the bit's bad, you could just say, and the nominees are. And then everyone kind of forgets about it because someone wins and they're super happy. You just keep pushing. Yeah. But it was really weird.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I don't know why they did that. Whack. Maya, Beef of the week is with uh it'll probably win an emmy next year the broadcast give it to themselves that's funny my beef of the week is with wisdom 11 the most successful stag and the uh i think it's the red deer population which is the most studied by the scientific community. They've written like countless research papers about him, but when they're in their horny season, rut season,
Starting point is 00:55:08 as they call it, he's got to fight off SFs, which is what researchers call the stags that try to mate with Heinz and his harem. SF stands for sneaky fuckers. And this, this guy wisdom 11. So wisdom's his mom name and 11 is how old he is he just crushes it
Starting point is 00:55:27 i mean this guy gets all the the ladies and it kind of goes back to what we talked about with agnes collard about how monogamy is this institution we created so that we could every guy could have a girlfriend because back in the day the hot dudes just got all the girls and like us nerds were just fired up about it. We just couldn't stop fighting each other because we were so pissed off. Well, this guy's like the ultimate stud, Wisdom 11. He can, so a typical deer strong stag can father up to seven deers in a year. But this guy, he sired 15 calves in one season, which was a whopping 25% of the total number of calves born that season and a world record for the stags of rum where he's from.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And this was in a group of nearly 90 adult males. Like, come on wisdom 11, just save some for the rest of us, dude. Just not a nice guy. Yeah. Just totally encroaching on other guys needs and affections it's like
Starting point is 00:56:25 you don't need to have that much sex dude it's like we get your name is wisdom and you have a big load yeah he's got the name wisdom but he's not displaying much you know yeah he should give some more to tatler 06 or gloriola 09 they're pretty pissed those guys but you know congratulations on your you know your uh what would you call it your uh virility you're very virile yeah virility nice chad who's your uh babe of the week is that the first time you've asked me how to say a word well i mess them up all the time no i've asked you before i didn't know how to say jib wow which one are we on babe dude uh my baby's my buddy miller just a great guy always there for me i mean the guy goes to like seven weddings a year so you know he's just uh he's just crushing
Starting point is 00:57:22 it and uh he uh he's just a good guy he's always sort of he's like one of those friends who's always like checking in on you and i'm not the best at staying in touch and i sort of isolate you know but he's always keeping in touch and and like you know checking in on me and just always been a good guy fun guy to hang out with uh you've hung out with him a few times i love him yeah i have the best time with him yeah he's just the best and he's just uh you know always been there since college we've had some great times you know it all started with uh the surf video campaign too and some 40s of mickeys at my place in college and then uh you know that transpired into you know a big rotisserie chicken
Starting point is 00:58:02 and a sixer bud light platinum on the lawn and just bronzing and now here we are so i just want to give him a shout out for being a good dude and uh yeah what up aaron so my babe of the week i've got two uh one i've mentioned before uh it's a restaurant raising canes there's a location being built in burbank oh nice yeah so i'm gonna go there all the time when i'm near the studio it's gonna be packed i'm sure like a like any chick-fil-a drive-thru but it's worth it it's really good food uh second is my softball team gnarly hustle brought home the uh the saturday co-ed championships. Nice. We were the number two seed, but still unexpected because the number one seed was undefeated
Starting point is 00:58:48 and had the male MVP on the team, which is generally an indicator of how you're probably going to win the whole thing. We had the female MVP, but she was out with back surgery. So we kind of shocked the world, and it was a beautiful thing. Let's go. I maybe felt more elated after this one than after the first one. We won last 2019 of summer. So you guys won the whole thing?
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yeah. Dude, congrats, man. If we hadn't already done Peaches and Cream, we'd run it back right now. And to all the Stokers who've reached out and been complimentary, this is not the team that Joe was on. He's on my Thursday Night Men's team. You said you guys have been hitting better since Joe's out of the lineup? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:32 It's not his fault. We're just, we are hitting. It's kind of his fault, though. It's not his fault. But I'll tell him that for fun. Hey, Jack, in the edit, remember to cut to my wry smile at this point. I got a little Kim and Joe shit. My baby of the week is the pastor who started the Santa Ana City Council meeting last night.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Dude, I get a little skeptical when some of these speakers go because it feels a little self-aggrandizing. And oftentimes it's kind of just pat or cliche. This guy was gifted, man. He was bringing it. Because at first I was like, ah, whatever, whatever. And then halfway through I was like, okay, this guy is super talented. This is the kind of religious leader I grok with. And what I liked about it is he brought like everyday vernacular
Starting point is 01:00:19 and like kind of related his, uh, situation and, and, and, and place where he lived into Jesus. And he had this one moment and I don't mean this joking. I'm serious. I like, love this. He goes, he was talking about how we need to take care of those who have less. And he's like, it's like when Brown Jesus from the barrio of Nazareth. And I was like, Oh dude, that's such a good way to like way to put that into context. You know what I mean? Because then it made you rethink who Jesus was. And you're like, oh yeah, Jesus was from a poor neighborhood and he was there to help the poor. And I was like, yeah, that's important. It was a good way to talk about it. And I was like, this guy rips, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It was powerful. I was moved. And he was all in flow when he said it. So it was like on top of like nine other, you know, charismatic and well-intended things that he said. And it was like on top of like nine other you know uh charismatic and well-intended things that he said and i was like this guy rips dude so he's my baby of the week uh chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is the uh city clerk at santa anna uh so sweet you know it was we went to a uh a pact meeting last night it was somewhat hostile yeah because they were battling about rent control rent control yeah and um for our speech i had we had a big poster board and security was like i don't know if you
Starting point is 01:01:32 can let that in that's too big and i'm like but it's like you know it's an essential part of the presentation and so when we went in they like left it outside they're like we're gonna check the council and i went to the city clerk and the city clerk already knew us she's like i was like went to the city clerk to see if i could just send her the photo so they could put it on and display it on like the live feed and i was like i went up she and before i say anything she's like hey chad and i was like i was like hey um she's like yeah so the poster board we're checking right now so we'll figure it out i'm like okay that's cool uh i also have this photo so i could just send it to you and you could put it on the the big screen for everyone to see on the live feed she's like no
Starting point is 01:02:15 i just thought she was just so sweet and just like hilarious. So I just want to give her a shout out. I don't know her name. I'll catch her name next time. She was really sweet. Yeah. And that guy from TKO Boxing. That guy seemed like a really good dude. Great guy.
Starting point is 01:02:32 He was like losing his gym and he started a boxing gym like right by where all the gang activity is to like give the kids an outlet, you know, and he does it all for like free. He's been doing it for 28 years. Wow. Just teaching the youth how to, you know, channel their aggression in a healthy way. Yeah. And you just get moments like that at city council. You're like, dude, there's good people out there trying their best.
Starting point is 01:02:52 And then there's us talking about butthole sunning. But that's our best. I went up to him. I was like, you and I aren't so different. Yeah. A meeting of the minds. Yeah. Aaron, who's your legend of the minds yeah uh aaron who's your uh legend of the week my legend of the week um is a sad one unfortunately um my buddy john who i mentioned on here probably a year ago
Starting point is 01:03:15 um was diagnosed with brain cancer and he passed away last monday i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah he's he fought really hard you know they had really crazy brain surgery to take this tumor out. And they got all of it. But it's just so aggressive it came back. And despite chemo and radiation and everything, he just wasn't able to beat it. Just such a great dude. Just one of, like, the purely nicest people you'd ever meet um you know he's from the midwest so maybe that has something to do with it but he also kind of
Starting point is 01:03:52 grew up in new zealand a little bit in switzerland and then um you know he's super smart he went to yale then ucla he was a doctor um in cancer research um which sucks too and then obviously switched to covid once that once that hit um but yeah just one of the smartest but also humble and nice and um you know we were supposed to go to we were going to go stay with his family and go to kansas city and st louis in the same weekend uh last year but covet obviously uh knocked that all out but but just the fact that he would offer something like that was really cool for a guy for me who'd never been um also sneaky great dancer you guys would love that about him. Nice. I didn't have any clue until we're at his wedding, and it's just like, dude, look at him go.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I mean, I was floored by all the amazing food they had at this wedding, but he was up there just rocking it. It was amazing. And, dude, the modesty to not show that off at every turn, to let it be a surprise in the right moment. Yeah, for real. Just the best dude, and it really sucks. Yeah, it sucks.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Sorry, man. Sorry, Aaron. Well, that was beautiful. It was a touching tribute, man. I'm sorry. My legend of the week is Mike Singletary. Joe would love this. Linebacker for the Chicago Bears in the 80s.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Probably the leader of the greatest defense in history. I would probably go with the 2000 Baltimore Ravens because I actually watched them. So that's just the best I ever saw. But Mike Singletary, Samurai Mike. The most footballer footballer of all time. Like the guy is just all about the team, all about honor and all about doing your job right. And so I'm going to follow up with my quote of the week and my phrase of the week for
Starting point is 01:05:58 getting after it are going to be Mike Singletary based. So I'm just setting the table for that. But Mike Singletary, Samary samurai mike you did it right you did it right every time um chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from sly stallone and uh demolition man in one of the first scenes he's uh going to get wesley snipes and he jumps out of a helicopter and as he's jumping out of the helicopter he goes phoenix and uh i'm gonna start doing that whenever i'm doing uh epic shit you know if i'm taking off on a set wave and there's a lot of dudes out there i'm gonna be phoenix that's awesome just drop in or you know um even if i'm, uh, you know, just, uh, what else do I do? That's epic.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Um, if I'm at Erewhon and I'm really stoked on my purchase, that'll fire people up. You know, he's not calling himself a Phoenix, right? Yeah. I don't really know why he's saying it.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Why does he snipes? His character's name is his last name is Phoenix. You didn't know that? Are you serious? I forget what his first name is. It something crazy you thought it was like just a red eyes no that's better though that is more funny you always have a better interpretation of reality oh thanks it's a real credit to you um dude that's so funny erin good simon phoenix simon phoenix is the lasts knife's character's name
Starting point is 01:07:26 oh well it works either way so he's just letting him know i'm coming but him just naming some kind of flying creature like just driving going falcon it is better that way like it makes it a more interesting movie if there's no like real reason for it yeah yeah maybe i thought maybe his character had like you know had like a rough patch and now he's rising from the ashes he was in a way he is a phoenix in a lot of ways yeah um hilarious that's up there with you being like nicole kidman and saying la confidential american beauty for her first two movies uh what's your quote of the week by the way i showed i showed the draft card to my wife and she totally disagreed with me about who won that thing who'd she think won
Starting point is 01:08:13 i think she went strider strider was pretty hurt after him i don't know it's i can't get down with jlo uh yeah i think i think strider because i think he had it in the bag yeah he was crushing it well his first two picks were uh meryl streep and sandra bullock i was like there's no way he can lose yeah yeah yeah and then uh but yours was strong too thank you very strong one two it was like yeah when mcdormand and blanchett i mean if you're going for prestige i was i was i was up there um it was very tough to choose um what we'll see what the stokers say when it comes out i'm excited yeah what's your quote of the weekend um my quote of the week is from napoleon hill he's an american writer from the early 1900s uh victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting nice
Starting point is 01:09:03 nice and i think that goes well into my team winning uh this championship on saturday it's just like we we had no expectations of winning the whole thing we're missing our you know arguably our best player male or female um and yet uh and and playing against the best uh obviously the best team and the best team all year. Also, not to brag, but I struck out the league MVP. Oh, let's go. Made him foul out. That must have felt good.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I was like, that should count for two outs. Like, what the hell? Did you fist bump afterwards? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. It needed to happen. I mean, come on. Yeah. My quote of the week is mike singletary um so famously vernon davis who was like uh top of the first round tight end pick freak coming out of maryland just jacked and fast and and just a physical anomaly um he was like being a bad teammate during one of the games and
Starting point is 01:10:04 i don't think he was invested. I think he like, so he came out of the huddle and he didn't care that he had fucked up. He came off the field after making a mistake and he didn't care
Starting point is 01:10:11 that he'd fucked up. And so Singletary, who's all about the team and was the head coach of the Niners at the time, he sent him off. He sent him off. And then in the press conference,
Starting point is 01:10:19 he goes, the situation with Vernon is, look, I would rather play a game with 10 guys and get beat up or a flag every time than have an 11th guy who's not out there for the team. You need everyone to be there for the team. If someone isn't there for the team, I can't coach them. Can't win with them.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Can't coach them. Can't win with them. Can't do it. Won't do it. Can't do it. Won't do it. Can't do it.'t do it can't do it won't do it yeah can't do it won't do it and it was like i was like yes and i watch it all the time because i'm just like that's a that's like what you when you picture a football coach that's what you
Starting point is 01:10:53 picture him saying yeah what is the cadence is so i quote him i quote him all the time and i forgot that i that was him yeah yeah can't do it won't do it can't win with them can't coach them can't do it won't do it i say it all the time can't do it won't do it can't do it won't do it and he's just a man uh chad what's your phrase we forget after it uh my phrase we forget after it is uh i smell pork butt well yeah no explanation necessary i think it's better that way. It's tantalizing. It makes you want to follow up.
Starting point is 01:11:30 I think mine is just can't do it, won't do it. Can't do it. Also, Vernon Davis, famous, most famous, was getting tackled by TJ McDonald, USC alum, and he got tackled by his dick. I was watching it with my brother and he was writhing in pain on the ground and I go oh I think he blew out his knee anytime someone falls down I always think the worst and think it's some horrendous injury I was like I think he got
Starting point is 01:11:51 tackled by his dick I'm like no shot dude they show a close-up you can see his dick outline in his pants this you know 210 pound strong safety grabs his dick and drags him to the ground and then the cameraman they cut to a close-up of vernon davis's face as he's on the ground dude the level of pain this guy was in he's like just screaming to the heavens i've never seen that before but i got another singletary quote for my phrase always wear your uh your cup your jock none of them ever wear cups they feel uncomfortable it's tough to run in it how do you fit it in there he had a big hog i think i mean he was getting dragged down it was like midway down his leg but dude his track guys at the olympics like because they just wear that that outfit and no underwear a lot of times whoa you can see dick oh yeah that's awesome just 110 hurdles and then flopping around oh man insane
Starting point is 01:12:42 so my friends we forget after it's another mike Singletary quote from like his sports entry. He goes, I believe God gave football to us to turn boys into men. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. I played one year.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Yeah. Yeah. Football's the best. Football season. We're back, baby. 0-2 in my fantasy league it's a longer season this year we're gonna turn it around we got this come on antonio gibson stop getting your goal line carries vultured get in the end zone bernard davis was on my fantasy team back when i
Starting point is 01:13:18 the one and only time i played and he credits mike singletary for turning his career around he says that that moment really changed his perspective on stuff. So, you know, Mike Singletary helped him in his journey. Alright. Dudes, I think that's it. That was fun. Yeah, that was great. Bye. We'll be right back. What is your beef of the week? What is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:14:39 What is your beef of the week? What is your beef of the week? What is your beef of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Chad, what is your lead for the week? Aaron, who's your lead for the week? Stryker, who's your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Last to watch. Thank you. I'm Shriner. And this is your host, Michelle. Michelle, what's your question? I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner.
Starting point is 01:16:07 I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner.
Starting point is 01:16:15 I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner.
Starting point is 01:16:23 I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. I'm Shriner. Bye.

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