Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 21 - Rap Beefs, NFL, Conspiracies

Episode Date: June 6, 2018

Jabwow, stokers!  Chad and JT dive deep into the world of rap beefs, discuss the new NFL protest rule, discuss conspiracies in rap songs, elaborate more on the love for Tom Cruise, there's another to...ugh guy talk, and, as always, name legends, beefs, and major babes.  Check it out! For bonus content, check out our patreon:  www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's your team? No we didn't Chad and JT J-Wow baby What up Stokers? This is Chad coming in With my compadre JT What up?
Starting point is 00:00:19 What up dog? How you living? Dude I'm doing pretty good man Yeah my brother just got me jacked up Cause he started watching Cobra Kai on YouTube Red youtube red oh nice my rec from a couple weeks ago or last week and then uh he was like oh man i just finished episode nine which is right before that right before the season finale yeah and he's like i don't have time to finish episode 10 and then he texts me like five minutes later he's like i'm powering through i'm gonna watch episode 10 i was
Starting point is 00:00:42 like yes i gotta stick with this. That's a nice tale of persistence. Yeah. You've got to follow through. Yeah, it got me pumped up. I was like, yeah, I'm going to start watching things through lunch break. Yeah, don't let me down, bro. Dude, I've been applying a new sort of mental trick in my life ever since our last pod.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Every time I'm in a sitch where i feel like i feel myself not giving my all i just say what would tom cruise do and i power through especially like socially you know if i'm like talking to someone i'm like all right i'm gonna bounce i'm like what would tom cruise do he would stay for three more hours he would lock in and lock in and chit chat and charm the fuck out of this person so and then you bang out 400 pull-ups because you have mission impossible 20 coming up soon that's gonna be a good one yeah yeah what up guys so uh jt has some technical difficulties now and now you're just with me chad what up um yeah, I'm feeling good today. Just sort of reflecting on my life and just what I can do to improve my ways in all ways. I've been trying to branch out, trying to use bigger words, trying to quote movies more,
Starting point is 00:02:02 just trying to look for love. trying to quote movies more, um, just trying to look for love, honestly, uh, I think I'm pretty stoked on love at this point, you know, because I just, like, I don't know, man, it's, uh, I've been watching a lot of movies lately, and, like, whenever I see, like, a scene where, like, a dude is with a chick, and they're, like, rolling around on the beach, and I'm just'm just like why am i not doing that at all times it's um and it really makes you think check check uh that's good for me check check that's good for me yep we're golden should we get into it yeah let's uh what are some uh the current event uh cur event um have you heard much about the uh drake and push a t beef dude i just heard about it like two days ago i don't really know push a t but uh i'm always stoked
Starting point is 00:02:51 to hear about a beef yeah i think it's it's weird when like um someone's bad relationship with someone else is the news you know what i mean but it is fascinating and these are public figures so like i want to know about them bad yeah so like basically what happened is is pusha t came out with a new album and uh on one song infrared he trashes drake for like being kind of corny and for having a ghost writers which is a lot something a lot of people have said about drake um and he went after drake because drake uh made fun of him a couple years before on a uh on a mixtape where he kind of burned a lot of rappers. He made fun of Kid Cudi for having mental health issues and stuff. So Pusha T came back on him.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And then a couple days later, Drake is really good at rap beefs. He kind of destroyed Meek Mill a few years ago with the banger Back to Black. No, Back to Back. So then Drake came out with Du duppy freestyle where he makes fun of pusha t and like says basically like you're over a good music with kanye west that's your label i helped kanye west with songs yeah um and also said like your street bona fides are exaggerated like you were never really like the drug dealer that you say you were. And it was a good, fun listen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:05 But he also mentioned Pusha T's fiance in it, so that elevated it to a personal level. So Pusha T came back and said, your dad abandoned you, he's a bad dad, and now he's back in your life and he's like a cornball who's just selling stuff. He says, like, your mom is lonely. And then he said, you have a kid
Starting point is 00:04:24 that you haven't acknowledged publicly who lives in france so he went straight for the jug dude he went like everyone thought he was just gonna like make fun of drake for like having ghostwriters or being soft because that's where everybody goes yeah but he went like no i'm going like real it's like no i'm actually gonna i'm not even gonna really go after drake i'm gonna to go after his family members who are not even in the beef. Yeah. That's heavy. He said it's because it's super heavy.
Starting point is 00:04:51 It's like the heaviest stuff ever. Yeah. He picked on Drake for being a deadbeat dad. Yeah. I did not expect that. I mean, that's – I think that, to be honest, dude, that kind of lowered my stoke a little bit because like – I could feel it when I was telling you.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Yeah, because, like, you hear about a rap beef and you're like, oh, they're just going to call each other, like, corny or, like, say, like, oh, that guy's a small dick or whatever. Like, oh, that dude, he's fucking mushy mouth came and fucking spit, you know. But to just be like, yeah, your dad's a piece of shit. Your mom's lonely and sucks. You're a deadbeat dad. guy's like whoa like i i think that would be my response track would be yeah lay off yeah lay off by drake it would probably be me just like crying you said some true things but you said some hurtful things think about why you're mean that's not cool push a t push a t fucking dick why are you going after my dad dude he's not a cornball yeah i'd be like look my dad's my dad he makes some bad jokes but like i mean like he's i love him
Starting point is 00:06:02 dude give me a beat. All right. Yeah, here we go. My mom's not lonely. I set her up with a nice guy named Rick. And you're a dick for what you said, dude. Fuck you. Man, so that's a heavy beef. I didn't realize.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Push a T. You're really pushing the limit and this is the most famous pusha t's probably ever been he's a good rapper though he has like good songs and like yeah like i don't know much about rap but i think pusha t is good do you think he'll stick around after this i know a lot about rap pusha t yeah i mean because he'll be relevant amongst like like hardcore like rap fans yeah i mean he's like sort of mainstream he is mainstream but like just not he's not on that drake kendrick lamar connie level yeah dude i saw uh uh 50 cent posted another thing about ja rule so Just leave him alone, 50. I know. I was like, dude, it was heavy.
Starting point is 00:07:13 All right, so Ja Rule goes, Drake, Push, I'm going to let you all finish, but Loose Change was one of the most disrespectful diss records of all time. Is that Pusha T's record? No, I don't think so. Okay. And then uh so 50 cent i'm not gonna use the exact words he uses because uh i'd be that'd be racist um but he goes yo look at this this clown still think he in it look at me fool i'm the reason you drive in that uber you bum ass clown laugh my ass off get
Starting point is 00:07:45 the strap it's like dude 50 way to kick a man when he's down jaws just in his uber just like fuck man dude 50 has jaws number like 50 just like for whatever reason this happens sometimes with my brother when i play him against ping pong i play at his level of ping pong even though i think i'm objectively a better player yeah he just knows how to beat me like that's john 50 like every time josh says 50 comes in and literally like just like smushes him to the size of an ant and then walks away and then every time 50 tries to like grow back into his man body 50 goes what are you doing trying to grow and just smushes him back into an ant he's like and if you do that again, I'll smush you even harder.
Starting point is 00:08:27 But I respect Jaws like gumption. Like, no, I'm gonna come back. Can you imagine if actors did that? Like Brad Pitt and George Clooney? Or like, what would be like Brad Pitt? And like, who's like a, like who's the guy from like the 80s movies? Who's like a kid actor?
Starting point is 00:08:47 What movies? Like, Corey... Corey Feldman. Corey Feldman. If Brad Pitt was just clowning on Corey Feldman, you're like, dude, let him be, man. Leave him alone. Yeah. That was like Shaq was picking on an NBA player, JaVale McGee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Like, every month on his show, or every week, he'd do a segment called Shaqton a Fool When Someone Acts Dumb, and it was always JaVale McGee. Yeah. Every month on his show, or every week, he'd do a segment called Shacked and a Fool when someone acts dumb. And it was always JaVale McGee. And at some point, people were like, Shaq, just leave him alone. Yeah. He's fine. He's fine. It gets disproportionate to their crimes.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah. Dude, I honestly thought when Ja Rule said Loose Change is one of the best diss tracks of all time, for a second I was like, does he mean the 9-11 documentary? I was like, is he talking about a diss track? And if that's considered a diss track, is it dissing 9-11? Look at this bitch-ass terrorist event.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Ha ha, you said never forget, motherfucker. People are like, what are you doing, dude? The facts, baby. They don't add up. Building 7, bitch. Building 7. First thing you need to know about me, I believe 9-11 was a conspiracy. Second thing you need to know about me, I got bars.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I'm a rapper. They call me Boots Change. Dude, can I get my take on the on the on the protest at the anthem yeah all right real quick guys i hope this doesn't alienate anybody all right i think it's i i don't do it i put my hand over my heart during the anthem i i love putting my hand over my heart during the anthem and standing up like if i'm walking i'll stop and like do it like i like it i think it's cool yeah but i think it's also cool what colin kaepernick was doing like i think it's cool because he's not i think it's worse to be like politically unengaged like he's obviously engaged with what's going on you know i mean like he cares yeah and so he took a knee it's protest and i think that was fine and actually the fact that he's able to do that
Starting point is 00:10:45 that in our country you're allowed to to to protest the anthem and that we have those kind of freedoms to challenge our government and make it better yeah that makes me more proud to be american so when i see him on his knee i actually put my hand over my heart harder yeah and with more pride because i'm like we live in a country where we can we can do that where we can do that where we can debate these things. No, it is cool. I think freedom, the older I get, the more I'm like, damn, freedom is sweet. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:11:12 So, yeah, I just, I think the ability to do what you want, say what you want is essential. Yeah. I'm proud of the military, too. I love World War II movies. Absolutely. It's all epic. Who's your babe of the military too. I love World War II movies. Absolutely. It's all epic. Who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week?
Starting point is 00:11:30 I'm really stoked on this one. I don't know why I haven't brought her up yet. It's Michelle Rodriguez, guys. It's Michelle Rodriguez. I love her. Letty from the Fast and Furious franchise. Is she bisexual? That's what I hear.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I think she said, like, I don't fall in love with, like, a man or a woman. I fall in love with a person. Yeah, and that's one of the things I love about her. She's, like, unpredictable, you know? One day you could see her with a hot bib. The other day you could see her with a dude. So I love her unpredictability in that. And she's just, like, a tough chick. tough chick she's just like super hot but super badass like super hot but she could also just like
Starting point is 00:12:12 dominate you in the b room which like turns me on and like um i'd like to bring out two quotes of hers uh from the movie swat which i think she just killed it and i i love the movie swat so much it just makes me want to just be a beast you know just like join swat honestly um so when he first meet her in swat she's in the hospital and she thinks samuel and jackson's samuel jackson is internal affairs and she's like i'm sick of these bullshit complaints because some bato doesn't like getting thrown to the pavement by a woman i'm like damn that's a badass line only michelle rodriguez could deliver that you know if like reese witherspoon delivered that you'd be like that was pretty hot reese but uh you can't throw anyone to the pavement yeah i'm not buying it yeah so uh i think uh kudos to you michelle for just having that kind of ability to just like be like super dank
Starting point is 00:13:06 like super hot but also have the ability to like throw dudes to the pave she can kick it with the crew and fast and the furious she almost dominates all of them you know like vince fucking jesse totally dominates jesse and um you know she just takes a role in that honda civic and she's just like bleeding and then vin's like you okay and she's just like just get the fuck out of here i'm just gonna bleed out of my mouth for a little bit so and then another quote of hers is uh when uh jeremy renner's flexing on her she's like oh you're swat you're swat and she's like he's like what are they making bulletproof bras now and she's like what they need to make are bulletproof condoms big enough to fit your big head and i was just like dude roasted roasted brenner who's got a good evil
Starting point is 00:13:59 look about him he's great in that movie he's hard to roast so uh really just amped on that and uh so just yeah michelle you're my babe of the week i'd love to meet you sometime i'd love to like wrestle with you i'd love to go paintballing with you i'd love to just like go to a gun range with you or something and just like kick it and then you know i'm always up for um romantic activities as you as you as the stokers know i'm a huge um fan of romance so michelle hit me up but it's that's not about that it's about you as just a very dynamic lady and i totally respect that you're a babe my babe of the week who's your babe that was nice my baby of the week is lebron james LeBron James is an NBA player who plays for
Starting point is 00:14:46 the Cleveland Cavaliers. Yeah. He had a little detour where he played with the Miami Heat, where he won two titles and went to four straight finals. Before that, he played for the Cleveland Cavaliers for seven years, took them to only one finals, but he always had a garbage team. He's the best basketball player of this generation, bar none. I'm sorry. Look, I grew up in SoCal. He's the best basketball player of this generation, bar none. I'm sorry. Look, I grew up in SoCal. Kobe was the best difficult shot maker I ever saw,
Starting point is 00:15:09 and he was relentless on O. But when you take their entire careers into account, I think LeBron's the better player. I think he can do more for you offensively. I think he's more effective defensively. And I just think, I don't know, he's a computer out there. He's dialing up what the best play is. He's figuring it out, and he's executing it almost every time.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Getting to the finals this year might be his crown jewel. I mean, he played with scrubs. A lot of these guys probably couldn't start on most other teams, but he got them all the way to the finals, his eighth straight finals. The consistency. It's amazing. 15th year in the league, led the NBA in minutes per game, played all 48 minutes in the game seven. He played the whole game, the whole game against the Boston Celtics in game seven. That's just, there's like one guy in the world who can do it and he's it. And the other thing I saw that I really thought was interesting is the 10th slowest player on average in the NBA when they take all their movement on the court into account and measure it out. He's the 10th slowest player in the NBA, but he's not.
Starting point is 00:16:13 He's one of the fastest guys in the NBA. What he's doing now that he's in his 15th year is he's finding moments to slow down so he can let his body recuperate. And then when it's time to go fast, he goes fast. And I think he's done a good job living his life he doesn't get into trouble a lot he seems to care about stuff he's married to his high school sweetheart i mean is it marketing am i buying in you bet you bet thank you i bet i do i bet i do i do i do i do too i'm in leBron you're my babe of the week dude that's epic I was listening to an interview with
Starting point is 00:16:46 Judd Apatow when LeBron was on train wreck and he's like dude LeBron had like a very extensive knowledge of comedy
Starting point is 00:16:54 and you're like dude is there anything he can't do besides like his deltoids are enough for me take away basketball
Starting point is 00:17:03 take away everything those deltoids are enough for me he's away basketball, take away everything. Those deltoids are enough for me. He's a babe. I appreciate the way you just distilled it down to really the elements that matter. Because that is like, those things, those deltoids are really well shaped. Yeah. Can I, real quick?
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah. Nope, go ahead. Yeah. Real quick. Yeah. Nope. Go ahead. I get mad when people use the word jacked when they mean ripped and when they use the word ripped and they mean jacked.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Like Chris Hemsworth is jacked in Thor. He's also a little ripped, but he's more jacked. You think ripped should be more for like tone. Tone and shred. Yeah. And jacked is more for size and bulk. I'm glad he made that distinction. But you have to be a little ripped to be jacked. Yeah. Because jacked is more for size and bulk. I'm glad he made that distinction. But you have to be a little ripped to be jacked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Because you need some tone to be jacked. Or else you're just solid. Yeah. Or bulky. Yeah. Yeah. I'm glad he made that distinction. All right, dude.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with my college landlord, Myron. What's up, Myron, you fucking piece of shit? Chad wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. So Myron is, he's this dude. In college, after my freshman year, I joined a fraternity, and I'm like, I'm moving out of the dorms. I'm moving off campus.
Starting point is 00:18:20 We didn't have one big frat house. We had satellite houses. So we had like four or five i can't remember the number um and i was moving into the soccer outhouse which was like the dankest house it was like it was like the garage but in the upstairs these dudes uh shout out to jimmy nick and uh matt they were they were graduating and i was moving into their rooms they they like built these rooms into this outhouse so it was like a full house i was gonna live with two of my boys tommy and mikey and we were just like it was gonna be like our little party house and we're like super stoked
Starting point is 00:18:54 because they're like the dankest rooms ever june comes around and we're like all right we're gonna move in myron comes around walks upstairs and he's like what's all this what's going on here i'm like what do you mean it's going on here i'm moving in he's like who built these rooms who who built these rooms i'm like jimmy nick and matt built these rooms they're fucking dank what do you want myron he's like this is a fire hazard these rooms are going to be torn down no one can live in this outhouse and i'm like well i just signed the lease so where the fuck am i going to live and he's like it's not my problem i'm like it is dude i just signed the lease you know my dad's gonna be pissed two days come by we come to the out house all the rooms are torn down like they
Starting point is 00:19:48 built walls so they could separate these rooms yeah it's all it's like it looks like it's like rubble so tommy and i put our heads together and we're like we don't know what to do but you know what we can do let's just try and hide from them so we moved into the garage downstairs and we just put our mattresses in there and we just we just like kept sleeping in there and eventually they stopped coming around it's like the frat boxcar children yeah so i would just like to extend a major fuck you to myron for uh destroying those rooms and making me live in a garage paying rent living in a goddamn garage it was cold as fuck and uh chicks were not digging it when i bring them back they'd be like they'd be like where do you live and i'm like um the garage
Starting point is 00:20:39 and they'd be like what and then my parents they like came by they're like hey we're gonna come visit and they come see and they're like they're like, Hey, we're going to come visit. And they come see. And they're like, they're like, where do you live? I'm like, I live in the garage. In Squalor. And like, when my dad saw where I was living, the look on his face,
Starting point is 00:20:52 like it was like a scene in a movie where like, he was just like a smile slowly fades to disgust. I'm like, sorry, dad. He's like, you like to rage, huh?
Starting point is 00:21:08 I'm like, a lot. And he's like you like to rage huh i'm like a lot and he's like all right so yeah so just uh myron eat a dick for making that summer a little bit more difficult and for making me live in squalor when it wasn't necessary and you knew people were living in the outhouse don't act like you didn't know don't act like you didn't know. Don't act like you didn't know, okay? So that's my beef. My beef of the week is with Jason. Jason's a good buddy of mine that I grew up with. His older brother, Josh, was in my grade. He was in my brother's grade,
Starting point is 00:21:37 but our crews were intertwined, so we always hung out together. Jason's a good dude. I love him still to this day. I went to his wedding he's just a cool cool guy but this is my beef i went over to jason's house one time with my brother we all went over there to hang out and uh his mom and dad came up to me julian dave rest in peace dave i miss you um and uh they came up to me and they were like hi uh jt we found a picture of an erect
Starting point is 00:22:07 teenager's penis on our camera and we think it's your penis and i was like no that's not my penis i saw the penis i was like that's not mine thank god i was like a nudist too because my brother like sincerely looked at it and he was like no i've seen my brother's penis a million times this isn't his penis see that freckle yeah and he was always defending me yeah there was like a little blood burst near the head and i was like i don't have that like florida shaped like uh emblem on my penis and uh and they were like thank you for your spirited defense of yourself and then but they like still believed it was me actually because like i was kind of like a troublemaker so and they thought i was such an animal that they were like it makes the most sense
Starting point is 00:22:47 that jt came over to our house gave himself a hard-on and took a photo with our family camera and left it on there just for shits and i was just like all right whatever so then we went upstairs and we started playing video games and josh his older brother and my buddy we kept looking at the dick and we're like, whose dick is this? Whose dick is this? Like we wanted to know. And then finally, after like a couple of minutes, Josh goes, wait.
Starting point is 00:23:11 And he zooms in, he goes, Jason, these are your basketball shorts. And Jason sprinted out of the room and we're like, we got him. And we all chased him. We're like, it's your dick. It's your dick. And he's like, yeah, fine.
Starting point is 00:23:23 It's my boner. It was my boner. I took a picture of it we were like why and you know those are his reasons and and then um and then i was like dude you sandbagged me you told your parents it was my dick he's like dude no they just automatically thought it was your dick i tried to tell him it wasn't and i was like fuck man and he was like he's like i'm sorry and i was like it's all right and he was like all right well i'm not gonna tell him it was my dick though and i was like all right fine and so to this day i think his parents still think it was my dick so they still think it was yeah and for making me carry that that wrongful burden that unnecessary burden yeah jason i love
Starting point is 00:24:03 you but fuck you you're my beef of the week well it's your dong you admit it's your dong that's just dong ethics who is your legend of the week my legend of the week is my boy will um i'm just gonna come out and say my legend of the week is Will for socking me in the face. JT, your fight stories are plentiful. I have close to zero. Probably just because of... It's a marker of intelligence. Well, I think it's a combination of being chill and also a pussy. Yeah, I don't want to call myself a pussy either.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I'm a hard dong. The hardest. I just never really been interested in fights. yeah i don't want to call myself a pussy either i'm a hard dong the hardest i just um never really been interested in fights i don't know i just never i've never really i haven't been in that many situations where like maybe i'm also slow to the cut you know i don't recognize when people are being mean to me i'm just like whatever dude but i've never gotten to the point where i'm like i need to fight this guy i'm always just like whatever but um you know I was I was pushing the age of 18 no I was 19 when Will and I were uh we were we were in San Sebastian Spain and I was like dude he was talking about getting a fight or
Starting point is 00:25:17 something I'm like dude I've never been punched in the face and he's like dude I think you need to feel what it's like to get punched in the face at some point in your life. And I'm like, yeah, I think you're right. And we had had a few brewskis, not going to lie. So we were just amped on life, amped on Spain, amped on Spanish, amped on Spaniards, amped on just the euro in general. And I'm talking about the currency. And so I was like, dude, Will, we were by the beach in San Sebastian. I'm like, dude, Will, punch beach in san sebastian i'm like dude will
Starting point is 00:25:45 punch me in the face he's like what i'm like punch me in the fucking face and he's like all right the only way i'm gonna punch you in the face is if you punch me in the fucking face i'm like you fucking dog socks me in the face i loved it i was so amped did you really yeah dude i was like i was like that was fucking awesome he's like all right you do it you do it and uh so i wound up hit this fucker in the jaw and he like goes down he like goes down he's, oh. And he comes out with like a smile on his face. He's like, you are a good friend. And we embraced. Thank you, Will, for just, you know, bringing that man out in me. I'm sure you guys felt so close in that moment.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Yeah, it was pretty sweet. Dude, yeah, my buddy Andrew and Lorenzo, they were in college together. And they were walking home from the bar one night. And they're both kind of like, they're sensitive souls. You know, it's beautiful. Yeah. And then Lorenzo went, hit souls. You know, it's beautiful. Yeah. And then Lorenzo went, hit me.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I just want to feel something. And then Andrew, without another word, came up and socked him. And then they just had a fistfight out in the street. They called me the next day, like individually. They're like, dude, I just had like the best night last night. Like they were like lording it over me. They were like, it's so fun. We just beat the fuck out of each other.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Dude, there is something to Fight Club. Oh, for sure. Like fighting dudes. It does bring something out where you're like, this is the shit. In high school, I got multiple invites from different dudes to join their Fight Clubs in their parents' garage. I just never found the right crew I would have been in, but none of them were the right guys for me. That is something about Fight Clubs. You need to find the right squad.
Starting point is 00:27:24 You got to be fighting with the right guy. Yeah, you don't want to be fighting with some dudes where you're like, these guys don't have it. Who's your legend? You know, that leads well into my legend because my legend is someone I have fist fought with and is also someone that I've hugged a lot and kissed a lot and who I basically owe everything to. My legend of the week is my dad.
Starting point is 00:27:45 You know, you could pick your dad every week, or I could pick my dad every week. He's really just been, like, such an interesting force my entire life. Like, he's a very strong, determined, successful guy. But I never even thought of him like that. I always just thought of him as, like, my dad, and, like, a and like a very sensitive i mean he'd get angry and stuff he's a fiery dude but he's also incredibly warm like i could always talk to him i still talk to him like with total transparency
Starting point is 00:28:15 i tell my dad everything like my drug problems my women problems my sex problems i mean i probably tell him too much but i i really feel safe when i talk to him like i can like if i'm as long as i'm being honest i know he'll accept what i'm saying and i specifically made him the legend of the week this week because um my dad got diagnosed with uh pancreatic cancer which for those of you who know about cancer it's one of the uh the worst ones it's really rough but um but he's just tackling it like a fucking champ just going through chemo and radiation and i don't know he's convinced he's gonna beat it and uh i'm i'm all the way in i think he's gonna beat it too yeah i do too and so i just wanted to like share some details about my dad that make him such a legend like um he's uh he lives in bozeman montana now and uh he moved there after him and my mom broke
Starting point is 00:29:13 up and i realized every and then he broke up with his girlfriend there and he moved again i realized every time my dad breaks up with somebody gets out of town because it's like yeah who wants to deal with that anyways i get it but if you go to bozeman montana with my dad he is the mayor like when he walks around everyone in the streets just go, hey, Tommy. And he like just throws them finger points back. And it's because he's just a charismatic guy. And like one of the funniest things my dad does is he organizes big group nights. Like he's like, hey, everyone meet here at this bar at 10 o'clock.
Starting point is 00:29:37 And once everyone gets there and he sees everybody mingling, he leaves. Like he doesn't even stay for the party. He just goes. He just proves to himself that he could put it all together he sees people happily interacting that he wanted to meet and once that's all going smoothly he's like all right my job is done and he just goes home and then he thinks about the next one he also um he's like a very honorable guy but he loves like gossip so he'll just like throw grenades in a conversation like when i was with him last time in bozeman two of his friends came up to say hello and he goes hey uh he's like
Starting point is 00:30:10 ben i heard molly was flirting with your worst enemy last night and it's true that actually happened but he just wants to see how they react to it and then we walk away i'm like why'd you ask that he's like what are you talking about he has like no recollection of it what's going on and i also the thing i really want to stress those are like me having some fun at my dad's expense things but uh he's a deeply flawed man which i say about everybody i just think everybody's flawed but he's like the most ethical person i've ever known like when he says he's going to do something, I trust it completely. And like, he shared a lot with me when I was young. He'd tell me about everything and he treated me like an adult. And I think he always treated all my friends like adults. Like he always respected
Starting point is 00:30:54 what we had to say. And I remember one time his friend Paul was hooked on heroin and he, it was crazy. Like he was, he had a kid and a wife we were friends with and he had literally given his wife like instructions on how to revive them from when he like OD'd on heroin. And he was crazy. Like he was, he had a kid and a wife we were friends with. And he had literally given his wife like instructions on how to revive him from when he like OD'd on heroin. He was that bad. And he disappeared one night. No one knew where he was. Like, I mean, people were afraid it was the last time they'd see him. And we just went to dinner. I didn't know any of this. And my dad's like, Hey guys, I was like 12. My dad's like, or I was 14. My dad's like, Hey, Paul has a problem with drugs. He's going to die. I have to go find him tonight. And so we had dinner and then my dad just left
Starting point is 00:31:30 with another friend and they went to find him. And then two days later, Paul was living with us and he got sober at our house and he's still, you know, he's still sober today and he's living a good life. And I don't know. I just, at the time I thought everybody would just do that. But now I realize my dad has a special obligation that he feels to other people. And I just feel really blessed that, uh, that I get to have him as my dad. Very blessed. So thank you, dad. I, I love you dearly. And, uh, you're a're a beast one last funny thing we were my we were floating the river we used to go river rafting together my dad had no experience but he'd steer the boat and uh we were throwing water on other boats and i just remember my dad going don't throw water on them they're samoan i didn't know i didn't know when i threw a bucket of water on
Starting point is 00:32:21 these samoan guys like they were like a football team in a raft. They came back with like the biggest buckets I'd ever seen and literally flooded our boat. They like jumped on and like threw us all. I mean, it was all in fun, but they were so much more powerful than us. They're Samoan. I didn't know anything.
Starting point is 00:32:39 I didn't know Samoans were like stereotypically the toughest people. And my dad just goes, JT, JT, don't do it. They're Samoan. like stereotypically the toughest people and my dad just goes JT JT don't do it they're Samoan he knew what was coming yeah and then they fucking thrashed us but you know my dad did really well in the rest of my it was funny because my dad was like a smart business guy so I never thought of him as like being physically tenacious but he is he's a he's just tenacious and always he just he's self-effacing and but at his core he's just a rock no fear in the gut that was beautiful your dad's a beast I know he's gonna beat this thing and it's just it's nice to see I every time I see your dad has such a presence about him
Starting point is 00:33:26 he's got a big footprint I always say yeah and it's he's just he's the legend among legends and you know
Starting point is 00:33:32 just props to you for staying so strong in this fight dear beast oh thank you dude I appreciate that yeah and
Starting point is 00:33:41 yeah Tommy I love you dude and we're with you 100%. And JT, I know he's going to pull through. He's a beast. And yeah, just amazing legend. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Let's go. All right. All right. Let's get into some questions. Stevie, what's up, dude? Love the pod and love what you guys are doing. I've been having bad luck with the ladies. In an effort to get my beat back, I read
Starting point is 00:34:05 the game and learned about negging. Been trying it a bunch. Told a girl she looked like a dumbass and told another that her jeans sucked. It's not working. What gives? Any tips on how to properly neg? What up, Stevie? Thank you for your question. You know, I
Starting point is 00:34:21 tried this route with the negging and stuff like that, and I wasn't great at it, but you might be the worst ever. There's nothing flirtatious about telling someone that they look like a dumbass. But it is funny, but it's not going to work. Yeah, dude, Stevie, I'm sorry to laugh, dude. I know you're trying. I know you're trying with the ladies, but yeah i mean just take a little you know um if you're gonna nag you know just like tease them like don't insult her intelligence or tell her she has bad fashion choices yeah you gotta know
Starting point is 00:34:56 how to like nagging them's like hey you look like bored like pick on them for looking bored yeah you know what don't even nag just like be yourself and like try to be nice and i think that's going to help you a lot more yeah man just um yeah uh if you're gonna tease them like just be like hey um you know why are you so ticklish or actually don't do that yeah not not not great advice yeah don't tickle them why are you so ticklish um but yeah dude you know just take it slow man um don't uh just take it slow you know i'd stay away from insulting their brain and um their fashion choices and just you know just say hey what up my name is stevie i read the book the game and it told me to nag you but i'm not gonna do that yeah stevie you you got this man
Starting point is 00:35:42 this one's from beef sup dudes beef here i'm having trouble boning this chick i've asserted my dominance in so many ways dominated in shuffleboard and shimmied in front of her after victory gave robbie a wedgie when he said what up to her and even challenged her to a foot race because you know girls like when you tease them what more should i do to bone my dog beef um i think you're a good guy and i know what you mean that dominating can really seem like it's attractive to people but you might be overdoing it like the wedgies a lot yeah there's such a thing as trying too hard for sure and i think if you're like trying to show your domination,
Starting point is 00:36:26 then you're not really dominating. That means you're losing. You doth protest too much. Yeah. You're like, hey, look at me, I'm dominating. She's like, well, the fact that you have to show me that you're dominating means that you're just kind of a weakling. You're overcompensating.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Yeah, like he just gave this dude a wedgie for saying what up to me. Sounds like you have some jealousy issues my friend hey dudes major respect to jt on the vulnerability regarding pipe laying in the last pod what did i say i think did i talk about my boner problems or not losing my virginia toast 24 which was great i am writing in as i'm in a similar situation i just turned 20 and I'm still a total verge, which I give myself a really hard time about. I'm confident and think I'm a good looking dude. I just have a hard time putting myself out there,
Starting point is 00:37:12 especially since I'm gone so long, not taking initiative in this area. Also amplify my troubles. I'm in engineering, which pretty much means a negative number of females and no easy opportunities to even talk. I had a good time in high school and knew lots of great girls, but I've always been pretty slow
Starting point is 00:37:26 when it comes to the B-room activities, which is cool, but proven to be not so cool considering the situation I'm in now. Would love to hear any feedbacks you dudes have on this. Thanks in advance. Love the pod. Just keep doing your thing, dudes. Do you want to touch on this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:41 As you dudes know, I was a virgin until I was 24. I felt a little incomplete because it hadn't happened. And me losing my virginity at 24, I now look at it as an asset because I learned a lot in that time about myself and about people and about what I really wanted. And the first time I had sex with a girl, she came because I think I was ready. That's remarkable.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Yeah, it was really cool. And dude, the best thing i ever heard about virginity was on loveline and it was from harlan williams the comedian who said uh he was like dude i'm so jealous of you that you get to experience for that for the first time like that's such a beautiful thing yeah you know it doesn't always go perfect but this is like you getting to see like the fast and furious for the the first time. Like I wish I could go back and see the Fast and Furious for the first time. Yeah. And so I'm stoked for you, dude.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Dude, yeah. And, you know, don't get too down on yourself, you know. Like this is one of those times where whenever there's something you're not happy with, a lot of people tend to like try and force it you know they want to like force something to happen you know like in this case you want to force the bone itch to happen and a lot of times that's just it's it's not going to work out i think the best thing you can do is just you know be happy about you're not i not be happy but um you know be happy about you're not i not be happy but um sort of just be like yeah i'm a virgin you know and don't think about it too much just let things happen as they should and i think that way
Starting point is 00:39:13 you'll you'll find a nice lady who uh will make you experience losing your v card and uh it'll be beautiful you know but if you try to force it, if you get down on yourself, that'll only just lead to negative thought patterns and just probably, you might just lose to someone you don't even really want to, you know? I saw that happen to a lot of my friends and then they were just like bummed afterwards.
Starting point is 00:39:38 So just, you know, don't try and force it. Just, you know, don't get down on yourself. Let things happen as they should. Keep plugging away at life. You sound like a solid dude sounding like you work hard you're a beast and it'll happen in the best way possible what up chad and jt i'm in need for some solid life advice in a very dark time for my stoke in short i'm a coke addict dependent on the sauce and i'm a serial cheater my raging has resulted in an inflamed liver an empty wallet and a complex web of lies and betrayal i'm afraid the snow has gotten in the way of me laying the pipe with random hotties even more so than my girlfriend okay when it comes time to slay my
Starting point is 00:40:15 rig is never fully torqued and i'm forced to settle for the mouth i can't even cheat to completion anymore how does a young man do copious amounts of cope coke and avoid the dreaded coke dick also what is your guys's stance on my promiscuous activities? I feel guilty about my infidelity, but I can't stop myself from chasing tail. These biddies have even confronted my girl about my cheating, and I still get away with it. And I'm starting to feel horrible about how easy it is to manipulate her. I've always been the douche of my squad, but I think I've reached a whole new level. How do I get back to a more chill level of douche?
Starting point is 00:40:41 And what do I do about my substance abuse? And what about slaying hot sleuths and my girlfriend which do i choose sorry for the dr seuss rhyming scheme there just sort of punched out of me anyway i know i can trust you princes of california you kings of stoke to enlighten the hell out of me and set me on the correct path of bodaciousness loving the pod loving the vibes loving you dudes best jake well we appreciate the love jake yeah and appreciate the honesty as well. Yeah, I think the answer is simple here. You've got to choose the virtuous life,
Starting point is 00:41:16 which is I think you've got to find a way to drop the blow ski, stop partying as much, and be a monogamous dude. I know that might sound boring to you. It sounds like you like to live life at full throttle and get full-on adrenaline going and just be everywhere all at once. But I think it's starting to affect you in a negative way. And I think once you start to hone in on, you're like, all right, what are my values?
Starting point is 00:41:44 And you choose good values and then you start you know living sort of in a more virtuous way you're gonna actually find yourself enjoying your life 10 times more colin farrell said that you know after his raging days once he got sober he's like i have way more fun now yeah dude because in the cycle you're in you're not going to be able to really suss out what it is you want because you're too in it you know what i mean you're in a cycle of like uh adrenaline and come down you won't feel the consequences of what you're doing until you have some distance from and then you're like oh man i kind of fucked up because you're just not treating her right and it's not fair to her and you're gonna feel bad about it down the road yeah
Starting point is 00:42:23 that's a good call and i mean you're getting everything you want right now you're feeding that id but your super ego is taking a nap and when it wakes up it's gonna fucking harsh your mellow big time guys it's the return of a segment tough guy talk i'm coming to my office and you're being shy i just uh so shelly she wants me to bring you the new memo no no no let's let's let's uh put that on the back burner for a second you're looking to do a bump of the blowski come here you know it you know it you come into my office you know what you're looking for okay let me just put out a little bit by a little bit i mean more than you've ever done before in your life um all right here we go yeah let me line this up for you and make sure turn around so everyone at the office
Starting point is 00:43:03 can see you do this Cause I want them to know I don't I'm not sure I want them to see me Doing blowout I know And that's what I'm trying to get out of you Is this shame thing you got About who you really are
Starting point is 00:43:12 You're a fucking animal And you're fucking sitting here And you're like Oh I'm gonna pretend I'm not a fucking animal I'm gonna pretend I'm just like a Namby Pamby
Starting point is 00:43:19 Like a Cinderella Little munchkin From uh Peter Pan thing No Hey What else you got on ya You got anything else Did you bring anything to the potty Like a Cinderella little munchkin from Peter Pan thing? No. Hey, what else you got on you? You got anything else?
Starting point is 00:43:29 Did you bring anything to the potty? Just my phone. You brought your phone to the potty? Who you gonna call? Some girls? Maybe we can look at like Pornhub or something like that. Jesus fucking Christ, you're a sick freak. I like where your fucking head's at.
Starting point is 00:43:43 You're really coming out of your shell. I'll watch some fucking porn with you. Hey, what bring it up on your phone and then we'll throw it but we'll uh we'll do that thing where it's like digitally transposed and we'll put it up on the big fucking tv and we'll watch the porn together so everybody can see we're gonna watch it together dude i've been doing blow and watching porn with my friends for so long but it's fucking it's really nice that you suggest that because it's making me nostalgic and like i really want to share this with you so yeah let's throw it up on the big tv okay um who's your favorite star porn star yeah oh man it's so hard to pick it's like you know you're looking at the fucking dream team what's your fetish my fetish is i like uh big big dudes
Starting point is 00:44:17 i like big dudes with hard dongs i'm more into the guy to be honest with you the guys are more exciting for me because i kind of like to think about it like athletes Like I'm like oh I could be that guy Okay I mean you asked the question partner Don't get gunshot on me now Who's your favorite star? I was gonna go with Brie Olsen Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:44:35 Oh dude She is a cutie I love her I love her to die You know I know Brie right? You know Brie Olsen? Yeah yeah yeah We flew on a private jet together
Starting point is 00:44:43 Really? Yeah when we were partying with sheen charlie he's a great fucking guy hey here's the thing about charlie you can't fucking listen to what you read about charlie you gotta fucking know charlie to fucking know what charlie's all about yeah we should get him over here yeah you would fucking you'd fucking love you dude you'd love me you're in your fucking cute innocence bro he would rip you the fuck up dude what do you mean rip me up i mean he'd fucking get you out of your fucking cute innocence, bro. He would rip you the fuck up, dude. What do you mean, rip me up? I mean, he'd fucking get you out of your fucking little fucking happy-go-lucky.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Who's the fucking tall guy from the fucking Disney movie? The Muchu from the Mulan? Like, he'd get you fucking out of that shit. Muchu? Muchu, the little fucking dragon with the fucking Eddie Murphy. What's he going to do to me? Who? Charlie. Muchu? Muchu, the little fucking dragon with the fucking Eddie Murphy. What's he going to do to me? Who? Charlie.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Muchu? The dragon? He's going to get you to fulfill your destiny, motherfucker. You're going to kill the Hun. You're going to fucking set off a big fucking avalanche. I'm being fun. You're being fun. Look, everybody in the office is looking at us.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Look at him. Look at him. Oh, God. Hello. How you doing? My fiance's out there. Dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I'm your fiance right now. We're engaged. Yeah? Yeah. My fiance's out there. Dude, dude, I'm your fiance right now. We're engaged. Yeah? Yeah. Walk me down the aisle, and let's get married over this line of Blosky right here. Come on, do it, bro. Okay. Oh, dude, what a snorty.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Snort, snort, snort. Oh, whoa. Feel it. Whoa. Feel it in your fingers, feelort, snort. Whoa. Feel it. Whoa. Feel it in your fingers, feel it in your toes. Hey, dude. Yo. You're beautiful.
Starting point is 00:46:15 I think I talk like you now, dude. You look beautiful. Speak. Let's get massages. You want to get a massage? Yeah, I want to get a fucking massage, dude. Oh, my God. Let's get a massage. You're a fucking villain, dude., I want to get a fucking massage, dude. Oh, my God. Let's get a massage.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Fucking villain, dude. You brought out your villain. I know what we should do. What? Skydive in the nude. Dude. The air going across your cock. No parachute.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Makes it hard. And we parachute down together. Dude. Dude, the neighbors are looking at us. Look at this. The whole office is staring. What's up? Two guys naked on Bloski in the office.
Starting point is 00:46:44 All of a sudden, we're the problem? Evolve. Evolve. All right, Stokers. That'll be it for episode 21 of the Going Deep with Chad and JD podcast. Thank you guys so much for writing in, for being awesome. Stokers, check out our Patreon for bonus content. We're coming up with hot movie reviews, all that good stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:03 And that's patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep. Keep writing in. I'm sorry if we didn't get to your question. We're trying to get to them all. But keep writing in. We love the questions, and we love you guys. JT, you want to say anything? Stay up, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Stay up, Stokers. Later. Later. Later.

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