Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 211 - Strider Wilson Joins

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

What up Stokers! We got Strider Wilson on the pod this week. Total beast.   Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP at mansacped.com   Helix is offering up. to 200 dollars off all... mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners at HelixSleep.com/GODEEP   Tune in to BetMGM Tonight presented by BetMGM for all the hot tips    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we're also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because brace yourselves dudes winter is coming what the writers of game of thrones didn't want to tell you is that Bran was actually in a wheelchair because he didn't trim his balls with Manscaped. Poor guy thought it was okay to trim his balls with a traditional razor or hair trimmer. Not sure what you want as a gift for the holidays? Well, Manscaped is the ultimate gift, and they're here to change the men's grooming game,
Starting point is 00:00:36 and you can get 20% off plus free shipping if you use the code GODIP at manscaped.com. I can feel it coming in the air tonight oh lord and i'm waiting for this moment for all my life oh lord what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep chad jt podcast i'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we're here with the magician of matrimony, Strider Wilson. What up?
Starting point is 00:01:17 What up, my freaking dank ass lords, dude? And of course, we got Aaron back on the sticks. You were missed, Aaron. God, great to be here, guys. Yeah. It's good to see you. Missed you guys. Where were missed, Aaron. God, great to be here, guys. Yeah. It's good to see you. Missed you guys. Where were you?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Living my life. Amen. You were at a wedding. I did go to Portland last past weekend, but I've been otherwise around. You went to a wedding? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:01:37 How was that? It was good. Wet, you know. When's your wedding? July 16th is the date, but it could change. We dragging our we're it's tough making these decisions dude what's the what's the why might it change um dude we were thinking santa barbara but now my freaking fiance's like look but what about san diego and i'm like
Starting point is 00:01:57 whoa that's south wait she just we were thinking about goingball like that? I mean, that was in contention earlier, but that is considered a curveball at this stage. I mean, in wedding time, it's different than regular time. You're a year out. It's basically tomorrow. Well, I got to say, Santa Barbara for you guys does seem a little bit weird given that you both love San Diego so much. Yeah, that's part of it. She loves the Sunset Cliffs. part of it she loves the sunset cliffs used to live in ob i used to live in pb dude and freaking just
Starting point is 00:02:30 house freaking ipas even in college at those bars a lot of fun dude typhoon saloon you'd see me in the back room just on the d floor by myself having a good time crushing a hot dog stepping outside so yeah san diego's got a soft spot we have a soft spot in our heart for san diego but santa barbara's dank dude her family's from out of town it's you know it's right people are going to come and visit it's legit still socal um it's a beautiful beautiful uh venue that we've got up there and we still might do it up there you can't go wrong with either honestly yeah exactly they're both great places yeah we just want to have a good day have a nice rager low-key keep it easy so are you guys you're gonna bring in some help uh what do you mean like a wedding planner yeah you got to get a planner dude we're trying to do it on our own it's too much it's too tough dude you
Starting point is 00:03:14 know we're working on a budget and um that obviously takes some of it but uh for peace of mind and enjoying the process there's something to be said for that dude right just trying to friggin enjoy it as best we can you know well it's gonna be sick either way yeah it'll be fun dude you got that celebration of love you guys coming together no matter what i mean i know it's gonna be sick regardless they say thank you dude thank you they say 50 of couples do not consummate the bond on the wedding night really yeah i definitely won't fail to do that don't don't worry about it i didn't because you're so tired yeah you're exhausted i'm gonna consummate it wedding day schedule it in tell our new planner i think our new planner's name's kendall drake fucking look she's a that's a decision maker named kendall drake that's i already respect
Starting point is 00:04:00 her dude i haven't even met her yet zoomed with her one time but is it calling i was on my car so you should put stand-up sex in the i-10 oh that's what i'm saying dude it's gonna go in give me and all i need is about three minutes yeah about three minutes in between you know ceremony reception just give me three minutes are you gonna do it then i think so get it in do you pick a song yet to dance to haven't gotten that far i mean bro we're still considering san diego or santa barbara baby so not there quite yet but we don't have a song dude like some couples are like oh this is our song do you have a song no not at all no neither do we i mean maybe like um we love britney spears we'll have toxic we'll have to dance to that but yeah maybe we could do like a britney spears song that's like a slow rendition no i'm just saying we love that you're you're being very judgmental about
Starting point is 00:04:46 that that choice yeah i like it thank you dude thanks if i can wear like the body suit that bernie spears wears not come back sick as hell you have an albino anaconda around my neck dude and just cruise oh albino anaconda yeah and switch it up now it's now you have the anaconda and she's sort of like it's 2021 baby yeah maybe she seduces you it's gonna be 2022 baby yeah or yeah
Starting point is 00:05:11 I like that that's a good call you come in Kendall Drake you're fired Chad Kroger's taking over he's gonna plan this puppy up and do it right
Starting point is 00:05:20 I know my stuff JT will show up and hopefully enjoy the music actually dude would you like to DJ you've got your freaking fire on the aux cord bro
Starting point is 00:05:28 I just how do you dance to Toxic I mean I would say I have no idea I was just throwing it out there how do you not dance to Toxic
Starting point is 00:05:34 I think it's a hard song to dance to if a dude played an acoustic guitar you guys come apart on the I know that move you know what i mean you know what you should do i know what you should do you should do a full like
Starting point is 00:05:54 play by play of uh the miami vice havana scene she's like do you dance and you go i dance all right no first you go how do you like the mojito mojito's great do you dance and you go i dance all right no first you go how do you like the mojito mojito is great do you dance i dance and then you like do some cha-cha-cha i love that he says i'm a fiend for mojito it's a great line yeah where would you like to go oh how fast does that go it goes very fast i know a place i'm fucking just q moby maybe just moby bro maybe just some moby on the d floor havana cubans don't like my business they don't like my passport what's going on with you dogs dude what's up chan dude we got one week left on our project and then uh we're done we're gonna have some radical hairstyles
Starting point is 00:06:45 for a little bit oh dude chad dude yeah dude it's gonna fuck dude it's crazy but yeah we're almost done it's been amazing you've been amazing on it thank you dude it's been a blast it's so much fun dude that was so fun on saturday the dong march was epic dude it was really fun it was so fun dude got a lot of press too it did yeah yeah a few of my siblings sent me the some articles i was like whoa yeah i see i see you in a lot of the photos and i see your brother in a lot of the photos standing right next to me dude your brother's your brother's looking he's like very prominent yeah he's got his small dong shirt he's wearing his you know his hawaiian in honor of you bros and just out there supporting yeah he's a legend it's super fun man that's super fun yeah it was great i i i forgot that for some reason i thought it was two weeks ago i don't know why it was last saturday it was last
Starting point is 00:07:37 saturday wow yeah did you see any of the coverage of the small dog march i did yeah what'd you think i thought it was great i wish i could have been there yeah you would have been a good ally come to the next one we'll probably do another one at some point i think they'll sprout up all over the world that'd be great is there countries where they won't let you do that like would they let you do that in like saudi arabia probably not dude could you do a small dong march there probably not no disrespect to the sa could you do it in venezuela maybe not yeah russia well that's where is small dong shame the most prevalent where could we make the most impact i don't know there can't be small dong shame in cold places i mean that just comes with the territory because
Starting point is 00:08:25 everyone's gonna have small dongs exactly yeah like scotland i don't think they shame there no they're cool what's the weather like in scotland cold i think cold and gray damn freaking dreary dude yeah whenever i watch like james bond stuff i'm like i gotta go to london but then you know like did uh luke kasey will tell us about the weather there it just sounds it sounds like a new york visit for me like new york for me two three days good i'm out yep i feel like that's london for me two three days there and i'm good that's portland what i just did portland yeah two three days yeah out yeah enjoy the city because then the weather will get me down was it sunny
Starting point is 00:09:06 no it's rainy the whole time damn that's oregon right i've never been to oregon i think i hate rain yeah it makes me feel all soggy i i do like rain on like you know like one day where it's like one day day in like December is a good rain day because that's when it's like the holidays are coming and you're like, you're starting to get cozy and stuff. Rain past Christmas is no bueno for me. Right. Yeah, if you're inside and you're doing nice cozy stuff,
Starting point is 00:09:38 like lighting a fire and roasting chestnuts. Yeah. Do people roast chestnuts? I've never roasted a chestnut. You gotta roast it over an open fire according to the song then you eat them yeah well i couldn't even i in my mind i can't picture a chestnut i don't even know what it is i know like i've heard of a chestnut cabinet like i can picture like a cabinet in someone's house where they're like oh yeah that's where we keep our costumes
Starting point is 00:09:59 but i don't even know what a chestnut looks like, dude. Yeah. What's been going on with you? Getting new hot takes? Chilling, dude. Frickin' You know what I've been doing, dude? You know, we're living in an era now where everyone's like ordering food, right? Like Postmates singing shit, dude. And I've been eating in places.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Like I go to Domino's, I order my pizza, and then at the end I save and I go for here. The staff goes, what the, what type of psycho are we dealing with? And I just post up. They don't have anything. They got nothing for you. They have nothing for you in there.
Starting point is 00:10:34 But there's a great one. I'm over in Los Feliz. There's a Domino's over in kind of Atwater area, Frogtown, which I just discovered over there. And I'm posting up in the Frogtown Domino's. Dude, great staff, just chilling. Where's Frogtown? It's kind of by Atwater.
Starting point is 00:10:48 That's a cool name. I know, right? I just discovered this. It's a compost place my freaking dank-ass fiance and I go to. We've been composting, bro. I've been eating in Domino's and composting, dude. Oh, it's not a restaurant, Frogtown? No, it's like an area of LA.
Starting point is 00:11:03 It's the neck of the woods. Oh, composting area. Yeah, it's kind of like Echo Park area of la it's a neck of the woods yeah oh composting area yeah it's like kind of like echo park ish and you're making like mulch so what we do is when i'm done with like an apple core or a banana peel coffee grounds put them in a little like paper bag in our freezer and then when it gets full take it over to the compost just doing our part and you leave it there you don't take it back and like no no no they you put it there and they like put it back into the fucking environment or some shit hell yeah it's pretty sick dude and doesn't luckily doesn't smell too bad because it's frozen
Starting point is 00:11:35 i thought you meant you you and your gf are shitting in a bucket oh my god that's what's next dude i had i don't like farts you know yeah but i had a uh i was hanging out with someone on our crew after the shoot we were waiting for a van to take us back to the hotel we were staying at in catalina and uh we're just talking she's super nice and then uh i farted just slipped out i just laughed a little bit and i farted. Just slipped out. I just laughed a little bit, and I farted. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't look at her. How loud was it?
Starting point is 00:12:09 It was loud. Really? And then I was pretty humiliated, and then I literally go, oh, my God, I'm so sorry, I farted. And then I put my head down, and she's like, it happens, it's okay. No, I was like, it's not okay.
Starting point is 00:12:21 I'm so sorry. Yeah. And then she ended up getting sick, so she wasn't on set the next couple days. I don't think it was from my fart, but I didn't know she was sick, so I thought she didn't come back to work because I farted in front of her. That's funny. It was really humbling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:38 When a fart slips out like that, it's just, you feel very vulnerable. Totally. It's like the most intimate and vulnerable I've ever felt. It makes you feel old, dude. I bend over to pick up the dog sometimes. A fart will come out. I'm like, what just happened? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:12:53 And then I was seeing a gal. And I was telling her, I was like, yeah, I don't like... I told her the story. And I was like, I don't like farts. And she's like, really? She's like, you wouldn't let your girlfriend fart in front of you? And I was like, if it slips out, it slips out out but i'd prefer if we didn't fart in front of her and she's like well then you don't want to really know your partner you don't really want
Starting point is 00:13:11 to be open then i was like how important are farts to you hilarious dude amazing bro i was like if i you can be open about everything else you can tell me anything i just don't want i just don't want farts i would try not to burp and fart in front of like basically all people right you know what i mean yeah it's like there's the targeted ones that are funny but you used to make the whole english class be quiet so that they would listen to you fart right true i'm a sick fuck no it's a funny joke i'd go i go guys hold on here's the thing and then sometimes i'd even raise my hand mishheron you'd be like reading time i got a question for you and everyone looked everyone laughed right everyone loved it dude the teacher was chaos the teacher the teacher liked it because i respected the the uh uniformity of the process i was still it wasn't out of line it wasn't i mean it was absolutely outrageous but it was like i would still raise my hand and then
Starting point is 00:14:02 and then i'd fart and then and i try to play it safe i'd like raise my hand fart and then try to just sit in it and then be like that's all that i had and you said the cute girls in class like did too right tanae laughed one time dude tanae's smart dude did she we'd be in english class she'd be reading unassigned reading books dude she'd be reading like fucking dostoevsky we'd all be reading like you know jane austen or something. Yeah, exactly. And smart, dude. And she's a good dancer, dude. I remember one time in Spanish class, we were like doing a cultural week and she was showing,
Starting point is 00:14:36 she was in like honor Spanish and came to our Spanish class to show us how to dance. Volunteered, dude. Did not do a good job, but remember to this day, it was a nice moment. Yeah, I think girls like farts more than we think. i think they like the confidence that you displayed for sure yeah right you own the space yeah yeah i was farting too much in front of my fiance for a while right and she said i feel that as if that's desexualizing me a little bit that's what i worry about that's why i don't want it yeah yeah i think it does desexualize things yeah my brother was farting heavily in front of his wife when we were on a cruise we were sharing a room together and
Starting point is 00:15:10 he was he's trying to bulk up so he's drinking a lot of milk and it was just it was horrendous it was like loud and just like constant yes too much and i was like i was like is this what happens i was like it was like they were like heavy and i was just laying there and he's just like he's brown and she's laying there what did you guys think about this alec baldwin thing that's crazy it's tragic man you got to feel so bad for the director photographer and just i mean i don't know like with this armor like i guess she's a young lady and she wasn't like union or something like that yeah and maybe they were trying to cut corners on production or
Starting point is 00:15:55 something and i i don't know it's just i feel so bad for alec baldwin too yeah it's not his fault i mean there's like there's safety nets in place before that gets in an actor's hand and it's just tragic. He didn't even pull the trigger, too, right? It just discharged. Oh, really? I didn't know. I guess the gun had a history of just discharging randomly.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Man. But I guess the AD, too, had a history of just being a little bit reckless, too. Really? Yeah. I mean, yeah. How do you fall asleep after that like how i i saw he probably hasn't slept in like two weeks or something you look at the photos he and all the all the press is a haggard looking alec baldwin emerges in vermont dude you know
Starting point is 00:16:37 what's so interesting i was thinking about because i was reading articles on this and some other articles and not even reading articles just headlines to be honest and uh i used to laugh at the movie green street hooligans when he's like i fucking hate journals you're a journalist fuck you journalists and i would laugh so hard you let a fucking yank journal into the club yeah exactly that he hated journalists but now i kind of get it i'm like dude they'll they'll sensationalize they want to make a career for themselves. And in this era of fake news, I'm like, you know, man, I do have a little bit of beef with journalists.
Starting point is 00:17:11 It's not enough for the beef of the week, but I get it. Oh, yeah. I'm starting to get it now, dude. Oh, big time. Yeah. Yeah, they are. They're terrible. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah. What else is up, dog? Not a mucho, man. Didn't even party for Halloween, which is crazy crazy i used to love halloween ragers getting dressed up playing b pong yeah i played cory and beer pong last night he made 11 of 14 shots it's one of the most incredible performances i've ever seen and not all the cups were the same size we had some clear little cups too and he was just sinking them he just sank everything dude cory's a gamer he's a gamer
Starting point is 00:17:45 i think he might be the best at drinking games of anyone i've ever met you know who would be it'd be a nice match my brother versus him or peloton oh yeah brings it dude but your brother also brings it so yeah i was gonna say my brother's best but peloton's right up there too peloton's good at like all like he has all big brother skills which i think cory does as well yeah like cory doesn't miss a cornhole either. He's good at basketball. He's good at any backyard sport you're going to play. He's going to be legit.
Starting point is 00:18:10 It's a legit skill set. I can be good, but I'm not like a pro. But you know, your backyard football record is undefeated. He's never lost a game of backyard football. I played a lot of backyard football with him dude well see the key is i'm not that good of a quarterback but i'm a terrible wide receiver so i'm a bigger value-add a quarterback than i am a wide receiver and then we had good athletes wide receivers so i just got to throw it up to him yep and look no one wants to cover no one's
Starting point is 00:18:38 no one's covering dude as long as you can you can buy yourself enough time in the pocket you can get outside the pocket you're mobile so yeah you do the play. You can get outside the pocket. You're mobile. So, yeah. You do the play that Clemson ran to win the game against Bama in the Deshaun Watson National Championship. You just run a lot of picks. Yep. You have guys run crossing routes against each other, get the ball out quick, get them into open space.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And the defense isn't going to talk or switch or anything like that. They're going to get crossed up. No, they've got no safety help. It's a great call. Yeah, they've got no safety help. They're getting murdered all day. we had one of our bros um i won't say his name but he'll know who he is if he's listening would keep his own stats in backyard um who is that ferrara yes am i right yes like his team would lose and he'd be like i went five for 11 i was
Starting point is 00:19:24 targeted 11 times. It means I'm an asset. Caught the ball five times, two touchdowns. Two of them were for touchdowns. I had a nice day. We're like, all right, dude, you lost backyard football, bro. Like, where are you going to go tell, where do these stats count, dude?
Starting point is 00:19:35 It's win or lose. It was a tackle? Two hand touch. But we had our buddy, our buddies out there who would kind of deck you sometimes. Some guys would hit once in a while. If the opportunity arose. Saw some big hits yeah that's crazy i went to santa barbara dude one time during speaking of halloween dude epics up there dude and you were at the park with us
Starting point is 00:19:56 when there's like these random guys were all drunk and they're like hey you got like it was just a group of us walking back from like eating they're like you guys football let's go tackle and you guys were down but i'm soft i'm like no dude i'm not getting hit so some guy can get his jollies off fuck that dude my brother was at the in college my brother was at the beach with a bunch of buddies and these guys came up we're like let's play football and my brother and his friends were like yeah let's do it and the guy goes tackle and my brother and all of his friends were playing like intramural tackle football so they're like yeah we're down so they just beat the shit out of these guys and they said at one point uh i think my brother's
Starting point is 00:20:30 friend tim tackled one of the guys and knocked the wind out of him the guy was on the ground like couldn't breathe and literally my brother and his friends were like dude we can just play two-hand touch and the guy had no air and he goes oh tackle he was like half dead he's like no let's keep playing tackle i respect the pride yeah if you're gonna do it go for it that's amazing yeah that was always the guy who was like no tackling we're gonna play baseball we're playing with a tennis ball yeah he's getting fucking rocked in this game yeah we're too young it's not worth it i used to foul the shit out of people i was annoying dude when i played pickup basketball even football too i would just foul guys because
Starting point is 00:21:09 if you foul them enough and it's not a good thing to do don't do it youngsters it just makes you annoying but like i was like if i foul this guy like three plays in a row he's gonna stop he's gonna lose his will to play yeah you know what i mean like because he would just be like fuck this i'm not doing it no it's like perfect defense this guy's out of the game that's hilarious you know what it is it's intensity i i will match now i'm a little freaking can't quite move like i could but uh if a guy's going hard at me on offense then obviously i'll match up to his level on defense and like so if he's coming hard at the bucket like going fast then i've got no problem going up and meeting him and like kind of going hard but if a guy's going soft at the bucket, like going fast, then I've got no problem going up and meeting him and kind of going hard.
Starting point is 00:21:47 But if a guy's going soft to the bucket, I'm not going to be like, boom, and try to stuff him. It's a great point. I'll match that. That's a really good point. Yeah. And in turn, like offensively when you call your own fouls, so if you're going that hard to the bucket and I go up and I kind of get you,
Starting point is 00:22:02 you don't call that foul, bro, because you're going hard to the bucket yeah you you got to have that etiquette which a lot of guys don't and then they get mad like the worst guy to play with is a guy who has energy is going to the bucket playing hard and then you barely and then you touch him a little bit about it yeah you're like dude get out of here and then he's it's the worst guy both ways yeah that's true because i've played pickup basketball and i suck at basketball but like before the game when i find out who i'm matching up at and sometimes the guy won't respond but i'll go up to the guy and i'm like yo how hard are you trying to go here i'm like like what are you thinking and i'll even be like dude i'm just gonna run around on offense like off the ball set some screens and i'll like literally tell the guy what i'm gonna do because
Starting point is 00:22:38 i'm trying to work out like a kind of yeah an agreement as to what our situation's gonna be but then sometimes i'll start most guys just laugh and we'll talk a little bit about it but sometimes you get a guy where you're like yo dude you really trying to go hard here like are we really gonna be playing hard and the guy will just be like he won't even like talk to me he'll just like bump past me and i'm like okay i'm in it now this guy's a fucking that's the worst dude i always get yelled at for being tall so i'm like yeah if i don't get like boards what are you doing dude you're like seven feet tall really because yeah i'm six three which is tall for like pickup you basically always play
Starting point is 00:23:08 center unless there's like a guy who's really good or something like that so it's like i'll just get yelled at for not rebounding i'm like well this isn't practiced big guys big guys don't like to go down low traditionally notorious like every time i play with a six five guy i'm like okay we got this guy on the low block we'll just feed him he'll get some easy buckets and then he just floats out to the three point line the whole time you're like dude come on
Starting point is 00:23:28 go in between his legs three times use your size and then but then you get like 5'10 guys who want to play booty ball
Starting point is 00:23:34 and we'll just take guys into the block there was that one guy he used to play when we played in West LA yeah up that street he's a comedian
Starting point is 00:23:40 I think he was like he ran like a show at the comedy store oh really that guy had really good post-it moves and he was like yes 5' 10 yeah and he would just get guys on his butt and then come around on him and hit hit little shots i had to guard him and he just would manhandle me in the post he knew where how to position himself it's really nice and we played with like an angley
Starting point is 00:23:58 french guy one time i remember oh yeah that guy was pretty good yeah with brian d playing that one and he yelled at me for taking a fast break three. He's like, that's a bad shot. Yeah, yeah. I was like, dude, I haven't shot the whole game. Fucking Tony Parker, dude. That's my one. I'll always jack up one shot in a game.
Starting point is 00:24:14 You earned it, dude. And if it sinks, I keep going. But if I miss it, I'm just like, all right, that's my shot. Especially after you get your rebound. Yeah, if I get the board or if it's a steal or something, like if I created the offense, I'm like. Green light, bro. I'm kind of entitled to this. Yeah you're saying we always thought dustin our
Starting point is 00:24:28 friend dustin and dustin might listen to this so be careful he's a great player dustin might i always thought dustin was the best like non-professional shooter i knew and then you're saying you played with max friday beers and you think he might be a better shooter bro he can stroke it dude for real yeah he wouldn't even bring it down low like clay thompson's now kept it up high hit the uh hit the shots and we were playing against our buddy tyler who's like six seven closing out on him and he was just drilling him and i'm like dude he was he's good man and max has the edge on dustin because he's taller max is like probably six three he's a better shooter than dustin they're right there it's that's crazy like because dustin's like both of them are shooting if dustin's not covered he's like automatic from three same with max
Starting point is 00:25:15 our whole offense was like i can't even imagine being that good at shooting it's amazing it's so nice i think max played in college he said that's like what i did he's like dude i was a three point specialist like i played it i don't remember what He's like, dude, I was a three-point specialist. I played at, I don't remember what school, but he's like, yeah, I was a three-point shooter. Those guys are athletic, huh? Yeah. Is Jack a good player, too? Didn't play with Jack.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I was only just playing with Max, but I'd imagine so. I mean, they're all pretty big boys, can move. Yeah, they got good builds. Yeah. Was he good off the dribble? Yeah, he could cut really well. He could handle it well. I mean, I wouldn't say he's a dude who has handles on the back.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Can he shoot off the dribble? Probably. He didn't have to because we were just finding him open. But sometimes he'd get it, take a dribble, head fake, take a dribble, one, hit the three. Where'd you guys play? Dude, a nice court on the west side. Not Venice, kind of Marina Del Rey. Kind of where the YouTube studio is down there.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Right, right, right. Oh, interesting. It was nice. Brand new courts, good outdoor courts, but really nice backboards, glass backboards, not a double rim, which was good. Nice. So it was legit. We shot a thing trying to be shmoley where we're shooting in it.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Dude, we just are bricking everything. And not soft bricks off the rim, like clang. Then it lands like 15 feet from the hoop you're like jesus christ but the thing we were doing is every time we missed we were with a group of people would go change amazing amazing and would they be like no dude no everyone was pretty nice about it we wanted more of that intensity but you know what i haven't watched that clip yet it was funny yeah there's a change rule that a lot of people don't know if you shoot from in the key doesn't count exactly you don't get your change if you're in the key it's got to have some distance on it that'd been funny too if we were just hitting lips change make a guy get it for you change change dude i used to
Starting point is 00:26:59 be a good dribbler i could see that you're a good athlete i could do the uh the spider because of the spider yeah we go between the legs yeah yeah when i was in like fourth fifth grade i was like a master dribbler that was sort of my thing i was like yeah i can i can fucking dribble that's it but then i went to basketball camp like every summer but then i just i never grew i mean that's a big part of basketball yeah i didn't grow't grow until I was like, I remember when I was in like sophomore year of high school, I was like 5'6". That was huge. So I just, yeah, couldn't keep up with the big boys.
Starting point is 00:27:33 It's tough. Yeah. Are you ready to say that the Russ Westbrook thing is not going to work with the Lakers? I think I am. Wow, already? I think I am. You don't think they'll figure it out six games in?
Starting point is 00:27:43 They got to gel. I mean, dude. Because this is something we've been debating. Look at the history. I was I am. You don't think they'll figure it out six games in? They got to gel. I mean, dude. Because this is something we've been debating. Look at the history. I was just really hopeful. It's a name. It's a cool name. But it's like, dude, what worries me more about Westbrook, though, I love AD.
Starting point is 00:27:57 But, dude, he falls awkwardly three times a game. I have anxiety. Every game. Dude, it's unreal. And it's not like a um atatakumpo where like fucking he'll go up like he's so springy and agile and like he's amazing like like he falls down it looks athletic no he atatakumpo plays like a 6-3 guy he plays like donovan mitchell or something yes he's unreal ad is strong as fuck he's good he actually has a
Starting point is 00:28:23 pretty good handle can shoot well but like he just feels a little cumbersome. When he's going to the ground, you're like, Look out, there's our future. No, he kind of does go awkward. And his limbs, they just look like they... They look a little more fragile. He kind of has a big upper frame. And I'm sure his legs aren't really jacked.
Starting point is 00:28:40 He's a big man. Things just seem to jut out when he's going down. Yeah. Guys, finally we were brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, Pete, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because it's time to gear up
Starting point is 00:28:54 and give yourself the gift of shaving this holiday season. I'm talking about the Manscaped Perfect Package 4.0. They got the hygiene bundle. It includes the La Mer 4.0, Weed Whacker Boxers, Travel Kit, and Liquid Formulations Advanced Skin Safe Technology You will not nick your nuts with this stuff It's good, they also have deodorant for your balls
Starting point is 00:29:12 A Crop Reviver Ball Toner All kinds of goodies If you want to smell good everywhere The Refined Columbite Manscaped is a clean and fresh scent Designed for the refined gentleman So, get 20% off plus free shipping With the code GODIV at manscaped.com. Yeah, so during the winter, you may be spending more time inside with your balls.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Might as well make them beautiful. Get 20% off and free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. That's 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com. And use code go deep. It's time to join the Manscaped movement. These products are snow joke. All right, back to the show. Should we answer some questions?
Starting point is 00:29:47 Fuck yeah, dude. Let's friggin' party, dude. Let's do this. Let's friggin', we're just posting up. It's daytime, dude. Our energy's been pretty good. I was worried about our energy coming in, but we had our coffees.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Now we're feeling it. We're vibing, dude. Oh, yeah. The vibe's here, dude. The vibe's very present. It's real. Oh, that's nice. All right, let's see what's going down here i'm rocking my
Starting point is 00:30:07 i'm kind of bummed that no one like none of you guys are in costume though i'm in a costume as a primus fan i'm not a big oh yeah how was that promise really fun i'd like dude i didn't know much about primus i only knew them from they do the south park song and they do this song from when you drop in on level one of tony hawk pro skater jerry was a race car driver but dude less claypool if you get a chance to see him go see him the guy he should probably be my legend of the week he's an unbelievable talent dude the way he plays bass he's just a fucking beast dude that's what's up i i uh i like dressing up when it's like a simple costume. Easy to throw on. I don't like putting on makeup and shit.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Yeah. And we were just too busy this year. But next year, I really do want to dress up as a stormtrooper and maybe wrangle a couple dudes if you guys are down to join me. I would like movie-quality stormtrooper costume. Exactly. I'm in. And then we just march down the street that'd be fun yeah dude i'm 100 down you do that yeah you have the voice thing too that would be ideal yeah i want movie qual i want to drop anywhere from six to six hundred to a thousand dollars on that costume yeah yeah that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:31:22 saying then you can use the Stormtrooper helmet as decor. Yeah. You know what I mean? You could put that in your desk area. Wouldn't that be fun as fuck? That'd be super fucking fun. Yeah, you just
Starting point is 00:31:31 throw the helmet on. We could help each other piss taking off each other's pelvic area, dude. I'll take your little dink out and help you piss, dude. You would do that for me? I'd hold your beer.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Yeah, for sure, dude. You would do that? Yeah. Dude, thank you, man. 100% bro. That is the coolest look in the first Star Wars is when Harrison Ford andd and luke skywalker are dressed as stormtroopers yeah and they look badass in the outfits like without the helmet and their nice hair yeah yeah this is
Starting point is 00:31:53 pretty fire those indoor stormtroopers are sick that are on the speeders those ones right the like thinner mask yes thinner helmet oh all right first cue chad jt aaron and any other stoke elevating guest my friend we can call him a has a crush on a girl he works with but he doesn't have a lot of experience dating or talking with girls so he's struggling to get her to notice him they work the same job at our university but she has the shift right after him so not at the same time it's basically just monitoring a room in the library however after he finishes work him and i study in there for about an hour do you have any suggestions on how i could be a wingman for him to spark a connection with them or any advice i can give him to help him talk to her for context
Starting point is 00:32:33 on a he is not the most social guy and we struggle to get out to get him out of his shell in our apartment a bit he's a cool decent looking guy but is the type of guy that likes to stay home and play video games or something i think the biggest obstacle may be his shyness, but he seems he really wants to try and go for it with this girl. And I want to know if there's any way that bros and I can help him. Best regards, aspiring wingman. No,
Starting point is 00:32:56 dude, what a great question. Interesting question. Yeah. I think he doesn't need to insert himself into the equation so much. I mean, dude, look,
Starting point is 00:33:04 I love that he's got his bros back. I love that he's fired up. Love that he wants his bro to have a nice connection with this lady. But I think his only role is to step in. You know, who gets the girl is the guy who asks the girl, dude. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:17 So he's got to be the one to step up. Not the wingman, like the buddy that he wants to help out. A, right? A, he's got a pep talk. A as best he can dude
Starting point is 00:33:26 get his confidence up maybe take him out get him talk put him in the field like we used to say get out there strike out a little bit and realize guess what you live you're still okay it's like doing stand-up you bomb guess what dude you fucking you end up going oh that's okay i'm still alive i took my licks and maybe you know what i learned something bro yeah so get out there warm up go out get them out one night. I guess he sounds like an introvert. So maybe it's not like we need to go to a bar, but just have him go talk to a few girls in the coffee shop.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Not even hit on him. Not even, no goal. Just go say hello to people, dude. That's going to build up your confidence. And then he's just got to open up with a nice line like, hey, dude, you know, open up with a funny story that happened at work did you hear about this or that just get the conversation rolling light stuff and let them know there's no immediate pressure it's the long game dude build the rapport and you'll end up going on a date
Starting point is 00:34:13 i love that build the rapport i think just yeah just start just start chatting her up but not don't go straight in for the asking out i think just start to to establish that connection like you were saying talking about something that you can both vibe on in the in the in the office you know you talk about how weird steve is whatever you know it's like dude what's up with steve today and then you start vibing and then next thing you know you guys are getting coffee so uh but yeah it's just like a muscle talking to girls and whatever just just get out there and do it and then once you just throw yourself in the deep end you realize it's not all that bad you can swim yeah i think i think too
Starting point is 00:34:51 you got to be careful when you're the wingman that you don't like create your own connection with the person that you're supposed to be wingmanning correct that's what i'm like because if you start going up to him being like hey my friend likes you she's just gonna be focused on you and then it kind of puts you in this position where she thinks you're like the more outgoing or or alluring one because you're doing leg work for your friend which is like it's kind of easier to be that guy too because then you feel no pressure talking to the girl um and so i wouldn't make contact with her i would uh i would yeah, pump up your friend's tires. I would just, everything you do with him,
Starting point is 00:35:27 just tell him he's like the fucking best at it and just get him really high on his own supply and then hopefully that'll create the confidence he needs to go talk to this gal. So when you're playing like beer pong games, be like, bro, you've really improved in beer pong. Like your stroke looks good and like you're chugging well and then when you guys are studying,
Starting point is 00:35:43 be like, man, how do you know so much about, you know, feudal England? and then just keep making him feel good and then hopefully that'll that'll play out when he talks to her yeah i like that too of not not being the one to approach her yeah is that and that that'll just make your friend look kind of lame it just makes him look weak yeah if you're like hey my buddy likes you but he's like shy to talk to you or something yeah that's that's like middle school yeah elementary you're kind of just sandbagging your buddy actually yeah yeah you know what he could do is he could have a party at his house and provide his friend because this is college it's not no it's very normal to invite
Starting point is 00:36:18 someone to a party that you don't that you're just knowing you know what i mean hey we're having a party come over he should just host the party but tell his friend to go invite that girl he shouldn't invite he shouldn't invite the girl for him or anything but just provide a date that he could come go on you know what i mean like if he's like i don't know what do i do coffee whatever guess what dude i'm having a party invite her to my party done dude fucking b-pong table agreed all right next question married bedroom problem here we go oh boy um what up my dudes i come to you seeking your advice and arbitration and resolving an issue between my wife and i the two of us are recently married and have a fire relish however recently we have had some issues in the bedroom from the beginning i've been clear to my wife that sleeping naked
Starting point is 00:37:02 is a must for me i believe that nudity increases intimacy, not in a sexual way, but also not not in a sexual way. This is where the issue lies. Recently on one night, she wore PJs to bed. And this has been a sore point for the two of us ever since. That night, I refused out of principle to snuggle her. She says that what she wears in her clothes should not affect her snuggles. I refuse as if I can rationalize one night of PJs that in my eyes it's a slippery slope to always PJs and then separate bedrooms. What do you bros think? Should I forego my commitment and my belief in nakedness and accommodate her pajama wearing in the future or be steadfast in my opinion? Cheers, Matt. Dude, I think you need to relax.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Exactly, bro. Whoa. The slippery slope argument's never a good one, but this is one of the most extreme ones I've ever heard. This is like when people used to be like, if you allow gay marriage, then people are going to marry animals. Dude, exactly, bro. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:38:01 It might happen once or twice, but on average, I don't think that's gonna be an issue yeah yeah i mean the the way that sounds like kind of like psychotic to be like it sounds dominant are you wearing pjs to bed like kind of controlling and like yeah like let her let her be and it's not it does sound like it is a sexual thing it sounds like it is his can't to like snuggle naked which is not like no one would put that in a book of kink, but the amount of intensity that he feels around it makes it seem like kink.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So I would just be honest with her and be like, hey, I know I'm like over the top about this, but I'd really like it if we could snuggle naked. But to make it like, to play like this hardball game with her, we're like, if you were PJs, you get no snuggles. It's like, that's taking the fun out of everything and to make it an every night thing too yeah what do you what if it's
Starting point is 00:38:50 fucking cold to me we live in chicago dude what the fuck's going on bro yeah and that also takes away the the you know specialness of it if it's like every night it's like that's kind of you know if you if you like all right oh tonight's a nude night that makes a lot more fun true and i think it's cool if you're naked and she's in pjs and you're both doing what you want to do and like that's the best situation is when you're both feel free and open to be yourselves and accepted like if you're like hey if you wear pants to bed we're gonna get divorced yeah i mean your wife probably has a job and shit and other stresses she has a period yeah do put yourself in your wife's shoes if you let her wear them and uh ask yourself what would you
Starting point is 00:39:32 feel like if she was like hey man you better be in boxer shorts tonight in an undershirt i better see you in boxer shorts in an undershirt like and she probably does want you to do that but like if someone was telling you what you could wear and do with your body yeah dude yeah and you're dude your butthole's getting on those sheets dude she's probably the one washing them it's not you dude yeah bro you gotta relax dude chad just said it straight up moving on it's funny to take like cuddles and make it into something weaponizing cuddles dude yeah and mean should never weaponize cuddles he knew when he wrote this in though that we were not going to have his back on it like who yeah there's just you couldn't ask a friend and be like i want to force my wife to sleep naked every night because i'm afraid if she doesn't get divorced your friend would be like what like what are you talking about all right next question sup bros love
Starting point is 00:40:21 the pod whenever i finish nutting i have an intense urge to listen to some music just wondering if you guys do too or if it's just me i don't have that yeah uh i like to throw on clips from moneyball it's a great movie that's a good call is it though aaron oh dude aaron i'm back baby aaron's back it's a good ass movie dude it's a good ass movie one of the best movies ever Aaron you gotta
Starting point is 00:40:48 put your you know you gotta put your five guys it's a really it's a really good movie I'd rather smoke cigarettes after
Starting point is 00:40:55 cigarettes or cigarettes I don't like cigarettes at all but don't smoke them guys I'd rather than watch Moneyball dude vaping is fun after wait so what do you
Starting point is 00:41:04 you don't listen to music after you nut? No, after I nut, I usually get philosophical. I'll think back. I'll be very appreciative for life. I'll say, today was a good day. Thank you for this experience of my nut. And then continue on. That's what you say to your DF?
Starting point is 00:41:20 That's what I say to the universe. Do you write it down? I'll write it down down and i have a journal that i keep it's a moleskin i like moleskins high quality paper source material and uh i think i probably have it written in there hundreds and thousands i probably i don't think i've busted hundreds and thousands of nuts because i the amount of years i've lived there's 365 days i've busted tens of thousands of nuts what about when you step into the drill factory and then you emerge and your df is you know watching squid game right and we make eye
Starting point is 00:41:52 contact and she knows yeah do you say like you know do you give her a smile like it's a good day i'll look at her i'll go i might make a cup of tea you want i won't even say you want to you want like that and she'll go yeah they go chamomile or ginger that's typically what we have non-caffeinated yeah non-caffeinated teas sort of i like to mellow out with the tea i like to mellow out after busting a nut you know that makes sense to my de facto big brothers hey guys i'm a 23 year old grad student from chicago i'm writing you guys fresh off a devastating breakup. My girlfriend of just over a year has decided to call it quits on me. She was the most amazing woman I've ever met, and I love her deeply and will continue to love her for a long time.
Starting point is 00:42:33 She was the first girl that made me truly excited about our future together. In the process of our breakup, there was a lot of side-picking and drama within my friend group. Now I'm both sad about my girlfriend and have awkward tension with some of my closest dogs. I have a strong urge to completely isolate from my friends. I don't want to spend time with them or talk to them, really. I have strong motivation to completely reinvent myself by exploring new hobbies,
Starting point is 00:42:55 getting extra serious in the gym and school, and meeting new people. I'm not sure if I'm too emotional for the breakup or if this seems like a good place to start over. Could really use your guys' advice. Thank you for all you do. Dude don't i mean i think you need to chill a little bit too i mean it's okay if you want to take time from your friends and just focus on yourself but i wouldn't make it into such like a like a absolute like life mission thing like you're just like oh i need to
Starting point is 00:43:21 take some space and and kind of figure out where i'm at and make myself feel good about what i'm doing but i don't think that means like you know that i don't know i always think it's like i don't think it lasts if you're like i'm done with this life and i'm moving into this life like i think that probably means that the old life still has a lot of pull on you so i would just i would just do what you're gonna do and then just see how it shakes out but i don't think i would like i wouldn't stress about it i wouldn't worry about it i would just more in the relationship however best feel whatever feels best for you yeah i think he's it sounds like he's feeling a lot of emotions and you know i think you just sit with it for a while do some positive things um to sort of help process it you know do I think you just sit with it for a while, do some positive things, um, to sort of
Starting point is 00:44:06 help process it, you know, do some positive things for yourself. And, uh, I wouldn't make any, you know, I wouldn't make any sort of decisions of like, like JT was saying, just like, I'm going to completely isolate myself now. And, you know, it's like, I think just sit with the emotion for a little bit and, and try to understand, instead of saying sort of like why me, like why this happened, sort of try to have the mindset of like this sucks, but this happened for a reason and it'll take me to an even better relationship in the future, even though it's going to be raw and tender, like a blister on your heel from wearing some sick ass vans
Starting point is 00:44:46 for too long yeah dude I think the inclination to isolate from your friends is just you have to manage those relationships too and you just had a tough relationship fall out with your freaking ex GF dude which is tough dude I think he's just emotional from the breakup
Starting point is 00:45:02 right now dude take your time settle Settle in. You don't need to do anything drastic or absolute like JT said. Working on yourself. Studying in school is all great. Hitting the gym is legit, dude. Do that for sure. You should be doing that anyways, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And open, honest communication even with your friends, dude. And sometimes it might feel like, well, I don't want to explain myself or have to explain myself to someone. But it's like, well, if you care about the relationship and your friends like you would and they'd be happy to hear you and they're probably going to respond in kind so just do that and then if you do go the route of absolute and reinvent yourself do it by doing something sick by becoming like a river raft instructor or a bouncer at one of those bars where you throw axes oh dude that'd be sick you know something tight like that. It's just something like very masculine.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Because then they could describe it. It wouldn't be like, Evan's kind of just disappeared. Like, we haven't heard from him. It's like, no, Evan's throwing axes accurately. And Evan's taking families of four down the river three times a day and fucking gripping it and ripping it out there. He's a leader. Do you control
Starting point is 00:46:05 your narrative i'm gonna add something to that idea change your name to trip that's a good ass call too it's a great name dude where's evan you mean trip he's river rafting in the amazon yes that's crazy um all right last cue it's a long one just as i may say as if i may say as an older guy i know a year feels like a long time for relationship but it's not it was only a year yeah you're fine yeah you don't need to cut off all your friends i mean it's it's important and it's worth learning from and growing from but it's not they say the amount of years you've been in a relationship give yourself that amount of months to get over so give yourself a month bro and revisit so what about if you're with someone for six months you for six months you get half a month then then you'd get half a month two weeks yeah just do that yeah do that
Starting point is 00:46:53 math you get two weeks to recover if you were in a relationship with someone for two weeks you get fucking a day and a half bro you're back out there that's what you get bro uh it sounds like it was his first love too yeah that's gonna first cut the deepest bro yeah always yeah yeah and if your boy you feel all that you're like you're ready to die for that person at the drop of a hat yeah and if your boys aren't being supportive you know that's kind of like you said you might just need some time away you don't necessarily need to cut them off completely yeah he said he was getting judgment from his friends and look dude that's weird these are young guys too how many of them go to your buddy who's been in a relationship the longest, who might have the most.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Understand your friends, where they're coming from, too. You know what I mean? Where do they stand? Maybe they're tail chasers. You know what I mean? Yeah, they're just jackals. Awkward tension with some of my closest dogs. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Like, I don't think, why would they? Maybe it was a friend group, and they took her side. Yeah, are they, like, judging him for something? Did he do something? I don't want to suggest that, but like, it seems weird to me that they would be like... I don't know. Is this guy's name Dan the Man?
Starting point is 00:47:52 Uh-oh. Did he do something weird, dude? Uh-oh. I thought you liked Dan now. Man the Dan. Oh, yeah. Man the Dan. Nice.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Good call, dude. Says it all, dude. Aaron Beast. Hello, my friends. First off, big fan. Love the laughs and love you guys bring to the world. Here's a question. Over the past eight months, I've met this lady that truly understands me and cares for me.
Starting point is 00:48:12 She has always been there for me through my anxiety and depression and never left my side. As our friendship grew, she needed a place to live. And so she became my roommate where we spent every day, meal, and spare moment together. Here's the thing i am having a hard time seeing her in a relationship of any way or anyone for that matter we have hooked up a few times being with a girlfriend makes me feel really anxious and the idea of losing freedoms or fomo really stresses my mind as we have grown close my emotional connection grows but my physical one lacks. Could be med related. We are currently at different schools in different states where we FaceTime often and talk daily.
Starting point is 00:48:49 She's my rock. I'm 22 and just not very horny anymore, which seems weird because in high school it seems like I was always at the ready. That being said, I'm not really interested in pursuing the ladies. Just trying to figure my feelings out and would love some advice from the boys. Wait, so who's the first girl he's talking about so he had this best friend who they like were really leaning on each other and then they ended up living together for a while and they did like everything together and they even boned a couple times but he doesn't really like the idea of having a girlfriend and he doesn't know if he's
Starting point is 00:49:19 even like physically into her enough but he doesn't seem to be physically into anyone so he's wondering uh what's wrong and what's the deal i would definitely definitely look at medication and get your hormones checked yeah if you're 22 and you're not horny yeah there's something going on there and it sounds like maybe he's like but there's phases too right isn't there like months where you're like crazy horny and then there's months where you're not horny yeah i mean there's always for the first time there's always a baseline level of horniness of 22 he's saying he's not physically attracting anyone and then he went the lengths to write this email which makes me think there's probably something extra going on you know he's probably a fan but it's like it's obviously an issue and it's affecting his relationship and it
Starting point is 00:50:01 sounds like there's this girl that's great and it sounds like he's in his head he sounds like he's future tripping a lot dude maybe he has some anxiety and he's thinking about like creating these unnecessary boundaries for himself of like if i get a relationship then i won't be with the boys which is a natural thing to think but it's like you're creating that boundary for yourself you haven't even talked to your significant significant other yet and explored where you're going to be in your relationship so you're like dude you're trying to control too much in your universe just fucking chill dude and go yeah he's just gotta chill you you gotta just chill that's why i don't even think it's a medical thing i think he's just
Starting point is 00:50:32 overthinking everything like yeah i think you feel how you feel and then dude honestly with this girl i don't think you have to make a choice like right now she's not putting pressure on him to be like hey be my boyfriend he's just wondering like why don't i want to make her my girlfriend it's like well you might have an instinct that she's not the one for you and that might be right or maybe you're afraid of like being close to someone that'll all reveal itself in time so i wouldn't yeah i wouldn't rush to any kind of choice and i wouldn't even rush to fuck like just just go easy baby go everyone's stressed out. You gotta go easy.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Everybody's just gotta take it easy. That's great advice. Just fucking take it easy, baby. Take it easy. You don't gotta do anything. You can just chill. But you see, you had bee problems for the first time?
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah. How'd it feel? It sucked. Wait, while boning? At 22? No, a couple weeks ago. Oh, wow. Oh, damn, dude dude it's because i i you know i'm
Starting point is 00:51:28 because i had um i've just been we've just been working on this project and i've been stressed and so i think that was a huge part of it because uh you know some trouble sleeping and all that stuff yeah um but you like the gal right i do yeah which is why i was which is why i was a bummer but uh you know what though it sets it up nice for next time yeah you might just be building uh there will be a next time hopefully no dude you come on i've never had someone i've never had someone not go out with me again because of b problems i've always been worried about it but it's never happened yeah yeah i mean if it mean, if it happens, like, maybe forever. But even then, I don't think.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Yeah, she's really sweet about it and encouraging. Yeah, she didn't care, right? She didn't care. I cared. Of course. That's the thing. We care. It matters a lot to us.
Starting point is 00:52:17 You know what I mean? Like, sometimes I'll go out with a girl and I'm like, man, I really got to bone the hell out of her. I really got to do a great job. I really got to bring it. And then, like, the girl will come in the door and it's like clear she just wants to hang out for a bit like watch a movie and i'm like no no no she wants me to fuck the shit out of her i gotta fuck her like she'll never forget and then it's like that would be great but it's like i
Starting point is 00:52:37 think it's just how i need to think about myself yeah yeah i think too it's like in this like culture or whatever the internet and stuff it makes it makes you think that you just got to be some, you know, freaking Johnny Sins straight off the bat. Yeah, you watch porn. These guys have these monster cocks and they're hard as hell. But then, dude, look at their faces. They're all red and flush. They're all on like Viagra and CLs.
Starting point is 00:52:59 And watching those guys fuck is like me watching fucking Giannis play basketball and be like i need to be able to do that it's like no dude well it's like then you go play pickup basketball with the girl you're trying to sleep with and you're trying to dunk on her yeah exactly dude yeah exactly you're like whoa easy bro easy maxi energy and then you're like you're gonna remember that forever she's like yeah probably yeah dude uh yeah, dude, you just have some honest communication, dude. You're going to bounce back. You're a great guy, dude.
Starting point is 00:53:29 That's the thing, bro. Come on. And maybe you guys haven't found out your love language with one another. Well, we got to it. I was able to wrangle it. Oh, then okay. But it was just kind of like a fucking... Well, you got a lot on your mind.
Starting point is 00:53:42 It's tough. I had a lot. When we got a dog for the first time, I was like... I didn't have boner problems but like it was so in my mind it was like all right let's get the dog out of your head no totally totally yeah dog watches dude it's a little soul behind its eyes i i i see a little sunny looking at me what are you doing what are you doing over there what is that i wasn't super into this girl but i was having boner problems with this she was really sweet though with this gal one time and then i finally got like ready to go and i i put it in and the way i was moving she goes this is not what i'm
Starting point is 00:54:14 looking for no way but i laughed i was like i did appreciate i appreciate honesty so i was like i was like that's pretty hilarious yeah yeah yeah she was like am i pushing rope right now and i'm like yeah and i've never heard that before yeah what does that mean pushing rope dude exactly what you know rope just pushing oh okay okay i was like yeah i was like yeah and i've never heard that before that's hilarious amazing dude yeah and then you know girls are like i think they understand because girls like are can be fickle with like their horniness right you know what i mean yeah they go up and down everybody goes up and down and you know dude i mean just i don't want to say like oh man we have
Starting point is 00:54:54 it so hard ladies i think obviously have it worse but it's like dude as far as dudes go the expectation is that you're like one track mind sex always you should be ready to operate the dick it's like no dude we're we're still some complicated beings dude i've got some fucking thoughts and feelings inside me that mix shit up sometimes i know you do and it the hard wiring sometimes gets crossed over so yeah it's not like a on and off switch yeah we have our animal side and then we but then we have consciousness and then so we're thinking about ourselves as sexual beings and what that means and that can you know mean a lot of different things. Totally.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Yeah. Totally. All right, Chad, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is, I've done this before, but it's worth repeating again because it's such malarkey. Daylight savings. Oh, yeah. It's coming up next weekend. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I'm pissed. I know what's coming. Dark days, more bee problems because I'm going to be pissed about daylight savings. Why do we do this? Why do we voluntarily give ourselves more darkness? We need the light we need the sun our health guru troy says that sun is the energy that gives all it gives all beings energy
Starting point is 00:56:12 and i need it on my body most of the day and now daylight savings comes in and it's just you know it's i'm just pissed yeah it's whack it makes no sense dude it's like oh it's for the farmers no it's not dude yeah it's not for the farmers no it's for the it's for them trying to bring us down yeah some states don't even do it don't some states not arizona bro arizona's got it tight let's go yeah except i'm always confused about the time there yeah i agree i'm always late yeah it's like three here it's like six in arizona i'm like isn't that just south of here yeah to lay over in phoenix i ended up crushing two burritos so i needed to eat two meals whoa you know time was all off airport style too it's a 20 burritos where am i air one dude i like when you get a bottle of water you get a bottle
Starting point is 00:56:58 of water at the airport like it's six bucks yeah exactly dude for dasani ridiculous who's your beef of the week strider might be for the week dude i've had a pretty chill ass week so i've got to try to pull deep i mean some stuff's been chapping my ass um let's see my beef of the week's got to just be oh dude probably a neighbor of of ours um has like threatened to kill people in our building. It's happening again? I'm not a target. Thank God I'm not a target. I steer clear.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Your last building, you had someone who wanted to... I was the target. Ignacio. Ignacio! No! Dude. That's how Ignacio's boyfriend would scream when Ignacio was beating him and Strider could hear it through the walls.
Starting point is 00:57:41 That's horrifying. That's how I found out his name. And he called the cops on me. He was fixated on me. He did drugs. That's horrifying. That's how I found out his name. And he called the cops on me. He was fixated on me. He did drugs, so it was scary. But there's a new guy who's like death threat, like multiple people in the building.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I don't know if the landlord can do anything. And they can't get rid of these people. It's unbelievable. They've been there forever. And he keyed a neighbor's car. And I'm just like, dude, I see he's got a girlfriend. Maybe it's his sister. I don't know who it is um because they look very similar but uh she loves it
Starting point is 00:58:09 she's actually the rasputin dude she's the one like she's like everyone's disrespecting you everyone thinks you won't do what you say you're gonna do it could probably be him wearing a woman's skin dude whoa that's like yeah uh anyway that's my beef dude uh with deranged psychos dude dude we had a friend who got our we're not even like really close but i know the guy but he is like pretty combative and him and neighbor would always argue and fight and then the neighbor just came out and stabbed him in the neck holy shit another guy we know was there and like like was a good wrestler and like wrestled the knife out of the guy's hand but the the one guy goes to the hospital the guy the comedian we
Starting point is 00:58:51 know and he's like crazy and people were asking him in the hospital like how do you feel he's like i feel more invincible than ever i can't be killed after he got stabbed in the neck i'm real but the crazy part is the neighbor who stabbed him went to jail for a day and then they let him out. And now they're back living in the same building together, like two apartments away from one another. It's crazy. Because they have to like wait for the case to play out before they can like do anything to boot him out. I'm like, we're just like all like we don't have enough protection from psychos like in our society. Like once you stab your neighbor in the neck, you're out.
Starting point is 00:59:23 You're gone. You're evicted. You're like a hazard to society. But maybe it was like his first thing it was an impulsive thing so they're like all right fuck man i don't know that's crazy that's crazy so he's just tormenting people he's just terrorizing people in the building yeah and i found out from a facebook like thread that the building has and i was like whoa wow yeah a lot of crazies in los angeles yeah there is you know what it is dude los angeles the stakes that we're living in is it's fucking raining every day although it's 110 degrees it's christmas eve and everyone's got fucking somewhere to be that's what's happening every
Starting point is 00:59:57 single day in la dude and it's just nuts it's nuts um aaron who's your beef of the week my beef of the week could be my beef of life of a lifetime is lax oh yeah let's go this could be i just we land on time we i land early there often there i've never landed in lax and had a gate ready for me so park that plane get off this stupid plane i mean we were so lucky the baby slept like half the flight and it was amazing and we sat on the plane for a fucking hour oh that's the worst when you're on the runway oh dude and all that trap you in the plane uh taxiing yeah and after the hour we get off in the middle of nowhere and have to get on a bus. Oh, my. So they didn't even get you a gate. You never had a gate.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Oh, dude. Was there ever a gate planned? You had to do the bus? Yeah. Which is another hassle because I got the car seat that was gate checked and the stroller. So I got to get all that on the bus, too. Like, oh. Bro, I think, like, you know how jails in our country are like for capital it's privatized
Starting point is 01:01:06 which is whack that's a whole other rabbit hole we could go down i think if you commit like a misdemeanor crime or something you should just have to like work at the starbucks at the airport right like that will just be such a bad like just think about trying to park get to work drive there that is punishment enough dude that's your and your aunt but you're still doing a service you're still making money it's like does itself no one wants to be there even the customers it's just a bad vibe and that should be enough jail dude yeah that dude that sap someone in the neck you got to go work at the airport dude it's a good call you just have to drive around it dude exactly just do the loop
Starting point is 01:01:46 and amen to the people that do that work dude you're here yeah yeah and that's another thing that keeps changing too is like where the shuttles pick up versus everyone else and now you you have if you're getting the shuttle you have to go up to uh departures instead of arrivals which makes more sense yeah good luck dude it just yeah it made it it made a what was a pleasant trip an annoying last leg shit and always does my um my beef of the week isn't is a resolved beef now so joe came on the podcast last week and his beef was kevin yeah i heard that dude and then i guess a bunch of stokers reached out to Kevin and they were like, stop beefing with Joe. And so Joe's leaving tomorrow and didn't think he was going to see Kevin.
Starting point is 01:02:33 But I think the stokers instigated the resolution. That's what sparked it? Legends. Yeah, so Kevin, Joe told me last night. This is just full gossip circle but it's interesting i guess kevin reached out i was like hey a bunch of 14 year olds are talking shit to me saying like i'm not being a good friend to you he's like let's hang out and now they're they're gonna hang out today oh that's beautiful dude yes let's go thank you stokers for making that happen you guys keep
Starting point is 01:02:59 us accountable you really do like if i'm being a fucking idiot i get messages about it and i'm like oh i should change that behavior and that's what i've always liked about stand-up too is that like you say what you're thinking and the audience lets you know if you're on the right track yeah yeah they'll be like no don't talk about that you sound crazy or like oh yeah that makes a lot of sense keep pursuing that and then so it's nice to get and even you know when we did our podcast with joe when we were fighting with them about the vaccine, even though it was tough getting messages telling me what a bad friend I was to Joe, it was helpful in some ways, too, because it kind of made me think about myself more,
Starting point is 01:03:34 and it added more self-awareness to me. But I'm glad you guys reached out to Kev. Thank you for doing that. And now the world is back in order. I didn't realize that's what happened. I think that's what happened i think that's what sparked the the resolution yeah because joe's like kevin's coming i was like oh interesting yeah let's go dude stoke nash dude watch me get there they're just yelling at each other
Starting point is 01:03:53 oh they're definitely gonna be fighting but honestly that'd be nice i'd be like this is how it's that's a step one in the right direction yeah i'm like they're back um chad who's your babe of the week my babe of the week are uh mushrooms oh not not psilocybin although i do vibe with those uh i've just been really stoked on these layered hamilton mushrooms you put in your coffee chaga cordyceps and lion's mane dude it makes my mornings i like look i look forward to my morning so much now because i put these mushrooms in there and they're just they make you just so like give you like the cleanest energy so i'll just i'll just have a coffee i love waking up early so it'll be like 5 a.m have a coffee with some mushrooms in there and just read for like 20 minutes that's a beautiful morning it's like
Starting point is 01:04:41 it's euphoric it's your you time dude that's your zen it's my you time yeah so i'm just really hyped on the mushrooms right now mushrooms are you know a miracle of nature not just for having a sick ass trip but also just for boosting your morning and your early morning stoke is reishi a muffin a mushroom reishi is that one reishi no that's a friend of ours okay yeah good guy funny yeah oh he's legit yeah does he do shrooms yeah yeah okay that must be where i got my wires crossed one time we did mushrooms at the park together and he walked around with like a staff leading us amazing dude you need a guide like that he was great great and then we were with though who's kind of a you know wild card and uh first he's like hey go he's like hit on those girls in their car and i was like i don't want to do that i feel like i'm bothering him and he goes of course you're bothering him
Starting point is 01:05:35 and then me and him went into 7-eleven and we bought a bunch of like ice cream and shit kind of like a tough dude and we bring the the food to the counter to pay for it. And the guy goes, $11. And I goes, it's not $11. We didn't buy that much food. And then I'm like, yeah, we did, dude. It's 11 bucks. I go to pull out my credit card.
Starting point is 01:05:54 He's like, put your credit card away. I'm like, I'm not doing it. I'm paying for it. He's like, it's not $11. I was like, it is $11. So I pay for it. I was like pissed I paid for it. And then the guy there's like, do you want a bag?
Starting point is 01:06:05 He goes, yeah, we want a bag. And the guy's like, it's a 50 cents for a bag. And then he just stares at him. The guy goes, you can have the bag for free. Dude, amazing. Give us the bag. We walk out. I don't put the food in the bag.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I just grab it. We walk outside and without thinking, just throws the bag away. And then I go, dude, you just like strong arm that guy for the bag. And he looks at me, he's's like what are you even talking about he had no idea he was just operating on pure instinct that's just how he approaches the world he didn't even think about it and i was like dude you're you're a different kind of dude and then we wrestled and he fucking manhandled me he's a really good fighter um yeah a beast. Who's your baby of the week, Aaron?
Starting point is 01:06:46 My baby of the week is the Atlanta Braves. Oh, dude. Getting it done in the World Series. Hopefully tonight they just knock out Houston because nobody outside of Houston, Texas, wants to see the Astros win the World Series. My friend Grady has a hot take on it. He goes, I want the Astros to win.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I like that it's a comeback story from them cheating and he goes and i like that they cheated i was like interesting dude interesting i mean there is that there is that side of it certainly like if you don't like the dodgers at all it's like well they're just proving that they are actually a legitimate team which they always were you know they just had an advantage but they're always a legitimate team uh but yeah i just don't just want to see them lose i thought they were gonna fall off a cliff more because i was like i don't think they were that reliant on it right it was giving them like two extra hits a game or something like that it's like you still gotta put bat to ball no matter what if you know it's coming i can't believe people still cheat dude it was crazy i watched a rawoldis Chapman highlights
Starting point is 01:07:46 of him throwing like 105. The craziest part about it is guys make contact. On all the fastest pitches in history, the hitters make, it's either a ball or the guy gets, makes contact. Like it's better to throw 93 with like control than to just like, you know, break the radar gun. If you throw straight, I mean,
Starting point is 01:08:04 someone can you know lean out in front of it and yeah it's just unbelievable and you're supplying 105 yeah you're supplying a lot of the energy too maybe it's good to have that range of 105 so that it makes 90 look that much different yeah right oh yeah if he throws a breaking ball after throwing that's true the next pitch is probably always a strike yeah because you make contact on 105 and then he throws a change up and it's like your body can't handle that brain just is like whoa yeah you think the braves are gonna win i think so i mean they have 20 they're up 3-1 whoa it's over yeah i mean they definitely want to get it done in atlanta tonight because then otherwise i gotta go back to houston and win two in a row and they don't even have a Acuna playing, right? He's hurt? Acuna's been out since June with ACL.
Starting point is 01:08:49 And he's basically their – I mean, Freeman might be their best player, but Acuna's right there. Yeah, Acuna's obviously one of the best, like a 40-40 type guy. But they rebuilt the whole outfield. They got Jock Peterson, Adam Duvall, Jorge Soler. They just got monsters. All just mashers. Duvall's hit 40 home runs this year
Starting point is 01:09:07 crazy in you know it's like who do you who even is that and then they have Eddie Rosario who's like a afterthought
Starting point is 01:09:15 when he's like the hottest hitter in baseball right now so it's bananas big ups to our boy Bregman who was on here
Starting point is 01:09:21 oh dude nice yeah who's your baby of the week my baby of the week's gotta be my dank ass fiance dude um we like to do a couple's costume for Halloween and we did Cruella de Vil and um my costume was in Dalmatian and Sonny was a Dalmatian too I did actually see that but I also forgotten it was just guessing dude yeah I was old glory dude
Starting point is 01:09:41 and um I was just fired up because my costume was basically a t-shirt dude and i was like that's pretty sick i can take a leak no problem i mean i would have gone the extra mile so i was just stoked that she's like this year you're posting up in a t-shirt it's all good i was like thank you and and my fiance looks super sexy uh excuse me um in her costume so that was sick as hell and just so so just fired up that i was able to post up comfortably take leaks very easily get get my buzz on, and basically a sick-ass shirt, hoodie, and jeans. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Dude, my baby of the week is I always go to this coffee shop on Dante that used to be your. Oh, yeah. Had that coffee this morning. That's your regular spot. They have good, like, what's it, like Danish options, or what do you call that stuff? Pastry.
Starting point is 01:10:24 Pastry options. But they're almost always out of the almond croissant by the time i get there which is really frustrating so then after like six months of going there one of the baristas goes hey you know we get these from low chiquette la chiquette on melrose which isn't far away and then i was like what and i don't think they told me because they didn't want to lose my business you know i go over there they got almond croissants for days they're never out so now i'm going from getting one a day to two a day i'm going nuts with it but then i go in there the last couple days and i'm like what's this quiche situation you got going on they're like this one's tuna and parmesan sounds kind of gross best thing i've ever had really love it to death
Starting point is 01:10:57 so my baby of the week is the tuna and parmesan quiche and let you get it's very good i love that chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is uh this new edm artist i discovered last night thanks to cory lakosik uh earth and days just some nice deep house i love when you just throw on some deep house and you just want to start shaking your booty and that's what i want to do when i listen to these guys and it fires me up. Earth and Days, what up? Stoked I found you guys. I was cranking you guys at the gym this morning.
Starting point is 01:11:28 And you better believe I was dancing on that treadmill. You better believe it. Deep House is probably some good post-Jackoff music. Dude, fire call. I never even thought about that. I think I could see that. Put on some Deep House after I be a nut. Dude, the combo of Moneyball clips and deep house dude
Starting point is 01:11:46 that could be a youtube channel yeah that's a lot of great youtube channel just moneyball to deep house and just like maybe make them you know 15 minute just chill out mellow mood post nut music and maybe maybe some post that testimonials like oh dude that's great yeah we should probably do a video like that and be like, dude, I just jacked off. It was sick. But Kossak's a beast with the music recs, too. Yeah, yeah. He's got a good Burning Man set. He was funny, man.
Starting point is 01:12:13 I guess someone else was playing the music at the party last night. Yeah. So he kept having to like, people like, I think it's Corey's girlfriend kept going up to him and she was like, the music has to change. And Corey was like, I know, I know. He's like, I'm being political. I went up and I talked to them and I said, the music's that's step one step two is i say hey can i put on one song i'm gonna make sure it's a request so it doesn't feel like it's me taking over step three i use my phone for the one song and then i just start playing my playlist his girlfriend was like
Starting point is 01:12:37 his girlfriend's like good idea good idea and i was like i was like dude this guy is thinking he's like the eunuch guy on game of thr. Yeah, and he curates the party, and he takes curating the party very seriously as to the vibe and what's going on. And just watching him operate slowly and strategically, I was like, this guy, I love his passion. Dude, that's genius, man. Kory does curate a nice vibe.
Starting point is 01:12:58 He's the best. We played board games with him before that at a bar, and he had some great games. I was so jealous of that. Fuck. Have you played Catchphrase? Yeah, great game you pass around the thing it's no what was it play that all the time i think it was different
Starting point is 01:13:10 aaron what's your who's your legend of the week well i thought we're still done catchphrase it was a different game i don't know code words code word what's the one where you have to like draw connections and then there's like a bunch of little flat cards with a word on it and you have to give them a description of the word and then they put a card down on it i think that's code names code names dang you can't say the word but you have to kind of get it to them that sounds tight yeah who's your legend my legend the week's my daughter ruby oh that's nice she had her first flight to portland and back um she's 10 months now almost 11 months and for her to have not been a real major pain in the ass was is amazing everyone around us was like she's the best baby we've ever flown with
Starting point is 01:13:59 let's go it's i mean i'm still suffering from that flight like my ears are still fucked up but like oh yeah she's she's amazing she just handled it in stride there was turbulence she she was totally psyched about that that's like being rocked she loves that she's like oh great i'm being comforted yeah yeah and then um but yeah just not just never melted down just you know even when she was a little tired a little fussy still held in there like a champ it's great did she shit on the plane right before we got on week cuz we're not there we got the airport late we were worried we're gonna miss our flight because we were so late but then you get she's front of line yeah people small children you know back off afghanistan vet it's me and the baby
Starting point is 01:14:46 there weren't any but um but yeah so that was one thing that we got to do at least was get her cleaned up before nice but we would have rather done it in the terminal yeah of course bathrooms that's full-size bathroom legend who's your? My legend of the week is this security guard from the small Dong March. It was funny. I was just posting up there. That guy was a legend. Dude, he was so great. And he goes, dude, his friends were joking around because you guys were filming it really well
Starting point is 01:15:19 and sort of documenting the event, which is going to be pretty cool. And he saw a camera there and he was like, one of his buddies was Razum. He goes, hey, he looks like Son of Sam. And he pulls up a picture and then the guy pulled up the picture himself. He goes, yeah, did I look like Son of Sam?
Starting point is 01:15:34 David Berkowitz? Yeah, is that the killer's name? Yeah. And he was just like posing next to his like police sketch thing. And he's like, yeah, I do. Do you guys need that look? It was so funny dude
Starting point is 01:15:45 hilarious and then he told me about something i never heard of called the 21 foot rule when it comes to weaponry and firearms you know what that is if you're at 21 feet away you have a better chance of taking the person out than getting shot so um like he like they're always trying to get within 21 or be like outside of that if you're armed, so someone can't get in close of you. It goes back to what Pacino says. Yeah, knife, you charge. Knife, you run.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Yeah, yeah. Gun, you charge. And that's what he's talking about, the 21-foot rule, because it's, like, the way the brain can talk to the eye and fucking get the hand to go up and, like, click it out of the holster, someone will be on you quick enough. Tough choice to make.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Very tough. So I learned about that, which was sick that is sick yeah dude 21 feet okay my legend of the week is uh saffron burrows um i think i meant for this to be my babe i started watching you season three just jump straight into season three have you watched it yeah i'll catch episodes here and there dude the grandma in it is like 35. That's the actress who plays it, Saffron Brills. I was watching it. I was like, who is that? And the person I was with was like,
Starting point is 01:16:51 that's the grandma. I was like, what the fuck? That's not a fucking grandma, dude. Is she in Troy? Yeah. Yeah, she's Eric Bana's wife in it. Amazing. I think she's 49 in real life.
Starting point is 01:17:01 So it's plausible. Yeah. Smoke. But she looks like 20 I'm like And then it just made me think About my grandma And I was like
Starting point is 01:17:08 That's not what my grandma Would look like In a show It's just like The least realistic thing You've ever seen Although it is Physically possible
Starting point is 01:17:16 But I was just dying laughing Yeah She's beautiful But it's just hilarious That she's playing a grandma That's brutal It's the patriarchy You know
Starting point is 01:17:23 It's messed up bro Hollywood don't age But it's a show for women dude No I know I know know it's messed up bro hollywood don't age but it's a show for women dude no i know i know yeah that is messed up like it yeah they do love because i was watching it with a woman and she was like well it's because they live in like a nice neighborhood i think it's kind of like aspirational you know what i mean that's okay like everyone's like yeah if i lived in that neighborhood and had those kind of means i'd be a hot grandma too dude a gilfilf. Yeah, and all serial killers are hot, sure. But maybe they're doing that to, they want to be that way because they want to,
Starting point is 01:17:49 they think it'll make them attractive to men. What do you mean? Like cast the grandmas young? I got nervous. Yeah. Or is that why women want to be hot grandmas? I think people just want to look good as they age. They just want to be hot.
Starting point is 01:18:03 Yeah. It's just not to look good. I think it's tough. It's like in the fictional world it's nice and it's aspirational but in like the real world it's like this actress in her career now has to play grandma's and is being cast outside of other roles she could otherwise yeah so it's yeah she's in the grandma phase even though she still looks like she could just be like yeah the bar the Phoenix on a Friday night 100% or at Wally's you get a swanky Or at Wally's, dude, getting a swanky drink, dude. Wally's, dude, too much.
Starting point is 01:18:25 Weird, awful place. Everyone in there is so bougie and gross. But the nice part about it is it's from all different races and ages. So there's like a real equality of douchebag in there. You're like, there's black douchebags, white douchebags, Middle Eastern douchebags. It's kind of nice.
Starting point is 01:18:41 There was a guy in the bathroom, because that's where we went for Joe's going away, who just came in. He was like, yeah, yeah, yeah like yeah yeah he was making noise i was like what are you doing whoa and i was waiting for the stall and then he's like he goes i'm like i'm waiting he's like okay cool bro cool is it cool and then he went to the sink and just started hawking loogies and blowing his nose super loud and i didn't know what was going on but then i came out and my friend was like he's on blow dude yeah and i was like oh that makes perfect sense yeah yeah cocaine dude people love cocaine it's back baby like be careful podcast chad what's your quote of the week uh from moneyball oh boy oh dude aaron trouble yeah
Starting point is 01:19:20 when he says like oh we have the mvp but we're not going to mention him at all in this movie. Or the three best pitchers of their era. No, this is from Billy Bean. You know why it's not a quote? Because it's not in the movie. Well, this is from Billy Bean. It goes, that guy Aaron on your podcast is a re-nob. And when he calls and he gives me the answer I'm looking for, I hang up.
Starting point is 01:19:45 Amazing. That's good dialogue. That's really good dialogue. Yeah, dude, Aaron Sorkin. He knows who you are. Yeah. He's going to get you, dude. He's a good writer.
Starting point is 01:19:57 What's your quote of the week, Aaron? Is he though? My quote of the week? You know that Aaron Sorkin's a good writer? He's a bit of a blowhard. It's all about speeches and not about action but whatever you didn't like the social network? no I did not like the social network
Starting point is 01:20:12 you don't like the social network? you don't like the social network? that's such a boring movie what? it's not boring at all I didn't love it that much I liked it but are you nuts?
Starting point is 01:20:21 it's a great movie it's a solid movie I really enjoyed it. You guys are just trying to be different. You didn't like it the first time you saw it? I liked the social network. I did enjoy it. I was into the whole thing, but I'm not rushing to re-watch it.
Starting point is 01:20:35 That's good. I'll never re-watch it. You know what movie's great, though, and you'll never re-watch, is The Revenant. No, that movie sucks. No, the first act is great. Everything else else snooze fest yes tom hardy did a good performance i'll show you the whole movie it's just this and then tom hardy doing this yeah hot take air didn't think i'd get that kind of pushback the bear scene sick though
Starting point is 01:21:02 well it's pretty sick The first sequence is amazing. That fight when the... With the arrows and shit? Yeah, it's cool. What do you mean, bro? That's a sick-ass scene, dude. It is sick, but it's not like... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:13 That's the only thing I like in the movie. But that's what I'm saying. It's like... I didn't like that they did it as one shot. I would have liked it if they cut it up a bit more. I do kind of agree. And it was a little bit too self-stroking. Yeah, it felt faker to me because it was one take
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah, that happens a lot of times with those long single takes you're just like yeah, this must have taken months to plan But honestly if you just would have shot it with a couple cameras I would have liked 1917 more with with cuts It didn't need there what it lent itself when they were going across enemy lines from that one sequence where he runs across like Perpendicular to like the charge it's pretty sick and then he falls and stuff but you can still get that long but you're like marveling at the filmmaking you're not really like engrossed in the movie i don't know i think children and men's probably the only long take where i was like yo this is dope it is cool
Starting point is 01:21:57 now everyone does it yeah what did you do your quote of the week no my quote of the week is um i passed by a coffee shop on the way over here and it was packed and there were people lined up outside and so this is the thing i say anytime i see that situation as i just say they giving out free blow jobs because otherwise why the fuck are all these people here like this just doesn't never makes any sense to me like why you'd ever wait if i saw a line to something, I'm like, all right, well, I'm going to go somewhere else. If they were giving out free blowjobs, that'd be a long line. Would you get in line? But people would lie.
Starting point is 01:22:34 I'm married, no. You'd be like, yo, where you at, dude? You coming to meet us for drinks? It's like, I'm somewhere. I'm going to be a bit minute. Yeah, this line's just taking forever. What are you getting? We can just order for you here. No, you can't really order this for me there no no no they won't have
Starting point is 01:22:49 it on the menu I'll just be a minute and then and then afterwards they're like hey you coming it's like no dude I'm probably just gonna roll home man it's all good dude I'm pretty mellow right now I'm cool man not feeling it dude that was when we caught our friend was in a hotel room masturbating one time and our buddy came back a hotel room masturbating one time. And our buddy came back to the room. He's like, hey, what's his name? I won't say his name. But he's like, yada, yada.
Starting point is 01:23:09 He's masturbating in the other room. We're like, oh, really? Wow. And then he comes walking to the hotel room with all of us. And he's like, what's up, dude? And we're like, you just jacked off. And he was like, no, no, I didn't. We're like, dude, you're unbelievably mellow.
Starting point is 01:23:22 You just jacked off. What's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from a little movie called Dune. Desert power. I didn't like Dune that much. I can't get through it. I'm at an hour in. I'm like, this shit is boring.
Starting point is 01:23:36 I'm not a visual guy. I'm sure the visuals are incredible, but that's not what I go to movies for, really. There are a few convenient, lame things that happen. I don't want to give any spoilers, but visually the audio, I mean, I love it and I love world building. I mean,
Starting point is 01:23:50 Chad, it's a lot of world building. I agree. Like that's, you got to sit through that exposition, but I think he does it well and visually cool. And if you've seen the old doom, which I went back and watched so bad,
Starting point is 01:24:02 so unwatchable, my hot take might be, I've never seen anything by david lynch that i like have you seen like blue velvet or i wild it harder i've seen blue velvet i can't remember i've seen twin peaks i like the intros my favorite part of all of twin peaks is just the song down down down down i i think i'm just not a fantasy sci-fi guy except for like star wars yeah i i just i don't that none of you know Harry Potter's okay to me Lord of the Rings maybe I maybe I should revisit Lord of the Rings but uh you know anything that
Starting point is 01:24:33 doesn't have lightsabers I'm like I just can't get into it's a good point Marvel I don't give a fuck yeah I'm not big on Marvel stuff there's some movies that are amazing that are really fun like a bad Marvel movie still gonna going to have some entertaining beats. But Dune, yeah, it's a lot. I mean, it's a huge budget. And it's just like half of a story, too. It's like half of a book, so it's not complete. That's the ending is so anticlimactic.
Starting point is 01:24:55 Yeah. He just like, spoiler, he like beats up some scrub in a fight and kills him. And I'm like, like Lucchese explained it where he's like, that was like his metaphorical death of his old self and now he's his new self i'm like yeah it works that way like that is a good interpretation but i'm like in the moment i was like why is this the ending it just felt so arbitrary yeah i uh yeah i don't know it didn't do it for me the acting's good i like jason momoan a lot yeah he's like the perfect big bro in it he dude he's awesome duncan idaho hilarious name uh i was gonna make chalamet my legend of the week but i think i already have he's my i freaking love chalamet dude dude if i for how much i dislike
Starting point is 01:25:30 adam driver or just i'm jealous of the jobs he gets chalamet needs to be getting all of them he's yeah he's good dude i mean it always goes back he is getting all the jobs he needs more he needs driver gets more i love him and everything but it all goes back to the king for me the fact that he could pull off that part as a 130 pound dude. Dude, yes. Is like incredible. Because he felt really badass in that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Dude, he does. Dude, I went back and watched Call Me By Your Name. He's amazing in that. Yeah, he's good. But why do they call each other by their names? I still don't understand. Yeah, I don't get it. Like if we were having sex and I was like, JT, JT, wouldn't you be like, why are you
Starting point is 01:26:04 doing that? Yeah. My quote of the week is from Kurt Vonnegut. My uncle Alex, who is up in heaven now, one of the things he found objectionable about human beings was that they so rarely noticed when times were sweet. We could be drinking lemonade in the shade
Starting point is 01:26:17 of an apple tree in the summertime and uncle Alex would interrupt the conversation to say, if this isn't nice, what is? So I hope that you will do the same for you for the rest of your lives. When things are going sweetly and peacefully, please pause a moment and then say out loud, if this isn't nice, what is?
Starting point is 01:26:33 I love that. Good advice from a smart man. Chad, what's your phrase we're freaking after it? I just got new batteries. Nice. Aaron? I guess I'll do something from Dune, sort of like, let's go get the spice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Nice. Strider, what's yours? Kwan-Su, dudes. Oh, nice, dude. Surf Ninja. Yes. Minus Moneyball. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Yeah. It's a good phrase. Great movie. Everything about it is good. Except the daughter did. Yeah. No, she's great. I love her. She's great. I love her.
Starting point is 01:27:05 Just keep winning championships, right? Just constant championships. All right. That's it, dudes. All right. Thanks for listening, dudes. Keep writing reviews. Strider, thanks for coming in.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Thanks for having me, Legends. Thanks for tuning in, dude. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later.
Starting point is 01:27:24 Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Later. Thank you. We'll be right back. Chad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your baby? Strider, what is your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Chad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your baby? Strider, what is your legend of the week? Joe, what's your quote of the week? Lester Rush. Thank you. What is your name for the week? I'm Strider What is your name for the week?
Starting point is 01:29:48 Joe, what's your name for the week? I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:29:57 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:29:58 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:29:58 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:29:58 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:29:59 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm
Starting point is 01:29:59 I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm Bye.

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