Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 214 - Strider Wilson Joins

Episode Date: November 25, 2021

What up Stokers! Strider is on this week. We talk Chris Parr's wedding. Succession, and Unforgiven.     Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP at mansacped.com    ... Go to rumpl.com and enter code DEEP15 for 15% off your first order  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 we are also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because make sure you guys check out manscaped's site-wide savings for black friday that's this friday deals run from 11 22 through 11 29 black friday and cyber monday ho ho gentlemen the holidays came here early at manscaped the leading men's hygiene brand manscaped just launched new products including their all-new ultra premium body wash and a two-in-one shampoo and can dish it's time to give yourself or someone who needs it the gift of beautiful skin, hair, and balls this holiday season.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Go to manscaped.com slash go deep for 20% off plus free shipping. Throw in the H-phone, start the car, and let's get down. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we're here with the jester of Jacking Off.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Oh. I don't know why I keep going Jacking Off. Strider Wilson, what up? Dude, freaking what up? I've been talking about Jackingff a lot lately, too. I feel like that nickname probably is not as flattering as the maestro of matrimony. But you know what? It depends on your values.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Right. And it has integrity, too. There's probably a lot of people out there who are like, no, I think the Jaganoff one is the peak. Because it's honest and it's true. But so are the other ones. They like J-ing off too. Oh, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:47 It's nice. I mean, I love it. I love it. Yeah. It's great. You got to take care of your head. But I'm more of a doer than a sayer. Right.
Starting point is 00:01:53 Yeah. When people meet you, they know. They know that guy jacks off. Yeah. I just put in the effort. But I don't brag about it. I just keep it to myself. Well, you asked me after we did a just keep it to myself well you asked me after
Starting point is 00:02:05 we did a show at the improv and you asked me after your set you're like am i talking about jacking off too much and you gave me a very good honest answer you go dude if i'm shooting straight yeah and i go that's what i need to hear but that's a good bro a good bro is going to give you the answer he's not going to give you the answer you want to hear he's going to give you the answer you got to hear well and you crushed though you had an amazing set thank you yeah it was fun that was really fun man that was a really fun show oh dude those are some of the best times and we're all doing a show it's very nerve-wracking dude like oh yeah and then in the middle of it i'm sort of like off to the side just like even waiting to like go up as a host
Starting point is 00:02:37 especially because i had a bunch of friends come too and i didn't i didn't realize they were coming but i was super stoked that they came but that just racked up my nerves like times 10. Always when there's people there, you know. And I do need to address this, guys, if I may do so on this forum, which you've so graciously given me right now. You know, dude, and maybe I'm being a bit of a, and for lack of better words, little bitch. You know, I haven't put a strip down the middle of my dome.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Right. And it's been noticed. And we were on the stage, and one could say this was a hypocritical move of me. We shaved a dude's dome, and he stepped up, and he was stoked. Dude, Jeremy, big shout out, bro. Jeremy St. On.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You're a legend, bro. He's going to be my legend of the week. Dude, he needs to be. And dude, he has great flow. Great flow. Two years of growth. Beautiful long hair. and he was a good bro and he's like bro i go dude i looked at him i'm like dude i understand because i'm not brave enough and you guys are very brave to do this and i i go are you sure you want this and he goes hell yeah bro and then i was honored to do it and so if you know i could get called out say that's a bit of a cop out or two-faced, but it's just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I'm not there yet. I respect what you guys do and what you're doing for the rainforest. It's so huge and brave and it's a huge step in all the power to Jeremy. I appreciate that. But I don't think you need to do it. I appreciate that, man. And I would, need to do it. I appreciate that, man. And I would, dude. I mean, I would.
Starting point is 00:04:07 I got my job. Like you guys know, I'm back at the hotel now. I got to punch in and punch out. Yeah. Also, we got a little engagement party coming up. So fiance wants to be looking good. Yeah. Yeah, when I see the comments, people calling you out on YouTube and Instagram.
Starting point is 00:04:22 It hurts. I hate it. Me too. I feel it, dude dude I'll tell you guys right now I think about it I read them it hurts you and I think about them dude does it hurt you it hurts because they're not wrong I kind of like yeah you like it JT's doing JT's got a bunch of burner accounts dude I kind of like it they're all just JT's got a bunch of burner accounts, dude. I kind of like it. They're all just JT. Fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Shake your head. Shake your head. Shake your head. Your hair sucks anyway. I have bad hair. What am I doing? I almost hit a dog. No, it looks like a hairnet.
Starting point is 00:04:55 It's in my hair permanently. I mean, I should do it, but it's just. No, I don't think you have to do it. Yeah. And I think given your height and your presence, I think you can represent the grandfather trees of the forest that have been there for a millennia. Thank you. They're still just crushing it. And I think you can represent that for us.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Thank you, dude. Chad, I really appreciate that. And I appreciate both you bros. And I fucking get fired up on the rainforest. I think it's dank, dude. And I want more of it. So it's legit. Yeah, we're want more of it, so it's legit. Yeah, we're not trying to force anybody into anything either.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah, this is a strictly voluntary service, and not everyone has to do it. Plus, I mean, you didn't volunteer to shave the dude's dome. I asked you to shave the dude's dome because I got baked after my set, and I didn't want to give someone a haircut and ebriated, so I was like, Strider's got a steady hand. Dude, you were hilarious. Thank you for doing that, JT. And so to find that, I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:05:50 But it was also hilarious when you brought up the last comic. Alonzo Bowden. Yeah, who was hilarious. He was great. Super funny guy. So funny, dude. Has a podcast on ATC. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:05:58 Who's paying attention? He's legit, man. Very funny. Poignant, good material, dude. And JT was super high high and he was doing a good job introducing him he goes and next we have and he goes comic guy and like his brain like dude your brain literally straight up went into high mode and then he came up a lot of buttons like that was fucking weird all right he said what happened was i was like i was like so this
Starting point is 00:06:22 next comic guy and then i went comic guy yeah and then I went, comic guy? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then I went, is that weird that I said comic guy? And I looked at the audience and everyone was just like, what are you talking about? And then I went, you can check out his podcast on ATC
Starting point is 00:06:32 who's paying attention. Everybody clap it up for Alonzo Bowden. Yes, yes. That's exactly, that is right. That's exactly what went down. And then I came up the stage and you were like,
Starting point is 00:06:39 why'd you do that? I was like, I don't know. It was so good. I don't know. Just a misfire. Comicfire comic guy yeah that was a fun show and then we're all hung over even though it was two days ago but we went to my brother's wedding on saturday night and it was a fucking rager bro it was my favorite wedding of all time
Starting point is 00:06:58 it had the thing that i found out i most love about life it was kind of what i commented about in vegas afterwards dude when you're on a dance floor and everyone is pulsating and vibrating at the same level and it feels like you're one entity, it's got that like Matrix 2 Reloaded Ray vibe to it. And you literally feel like you're being lifted up in the air, like your spirit's coming out of your body. It feels Greek. It's like Dionysian or something.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I felt that Dionysian spirit. I was like, whoa, we're all connected. And I was on a ton of mushrooms too. And I was like, we're all connected. And I was on a ton of mushrooms too. And I was like, we're just vibrating. And it was like 200 people just in that elevated state for like an hour. Are you talking about the main party or the after party? I missed a lot of the after party, but the main party. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:39 But both. The dance floor was like, it felt like everyone had like streams of energy between them connecting us all. Yeah. If that makes sense. No, it was sick. It was very sick. I looked over at one point and our bro Brooks had Chris up on his shoulders, dude. Did he really?
Starting point is 00:07:54 Yeah, Brooks was like, sick, sick. You know, I love height. And he was just up there. I was like, that's so fucking rad. And everyone was like, yeah, dude. To Like a Prayer by Madonna. Oh, yeah. Dude, the band kicked ass.
Starting point is 00:08:04 They were good. Dude, if you're in a wedding band, you're versatile. You like, dude, you can do it all, dude. To Like a Prayer by Madonna. Oh, yeah. Dude, the band kicked ass. They were good. Dude, if you're in a wedding band, you're versatile. You like, dude, you can do it all, man. The dude that was singing, there was a guy and a girl both singing. But I got to say, the dude was amazing, man. That got ripped. Well, those two dudes who did like acapella. Luke and Paul Connor.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yeah. Yeah. That was unreal. Dude, Luke rewrote American Pie american pie the song from his speech at the reception dinner and then they sang circle of life yeah paul luke so beautifully yeah like funny but with heart i know it was uh uh can you feel the love can you feel the love yeah yeah dude that was well i started hearing it and i was like in my mind i was like man it'd be sick if they broke in the can you feel the love tonight because they started doing it I was like, man, it'd be sick if they broke into Can You Feel the Love Tonight because it started to sound like it.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And they started doing it. I was like, yes. Fuck yeah, dude. I love that song. And it hit the high notes really well. Yeah. Yeah, they turned. Physically, they were locked in.
Starting point is 00:08:57 They were like, what is it? Tonight. When it goes to that falsetto. And they both turned and went, tonight. And they made the same face. And I was like, how are they so locked in? They're bros, dude. I love the line. I love the lyric.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Can he be the king I know he is? The king I see inside. That always gets me fired up. I'm going to sing that to my son. It's a beautiful song. Oh, yeah, dude. And then, dude, I invited a date from Hinge. Oh, you did? At like did at like 9 30 yeah she showed
Starting point is 00:09:27 up really yeah dude it's a crazy story she shows up and i'm like but hey so nice to meet you so thank you so much for coming she's like yeah yeah for sure for sure um and i was like hey but like i gotta hit the dance floor so i start dancing yeah i come back i dance with her a little bit but she seems like she's doing all right on her own yeah but i didn't want to like you know like stop having fun but i was still trying to be like you know do both and then i'm not sure on the timeline but at some point i noticed she was flirting with another guy who was at the wedding and i was like whoa okay okay and i was like well hey she should have fun i'm having fun all good all good so then i went up and i started hitting on someone else who was at the wedding and then she kind of got mad at me
Starting point is 00:10:08 was like you're like hitting on someone else i was like you've been like we were doing that back and forth bullshit and then we ended up separating for a while and then the next morning i found out she hooked up with this other dude oh really yeah dude i had no idea any of this went down and then the dude apologized to me and i was like bro it of this went down and then the dude apologized to me and i was like bro it's all good like it was weird to me that he apologized but it was nice i guess but i was also like it's good dude it's good but i know yeah and then but i'm not sure which one of us splintered off first right but i because i ended up spending time with someone else and then i think i think but i'm not sure who did what first.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Dude, if you think about it, you gifted her with the dankest night ever. I'm hoping that dude had a nice D piece. He's really handsome. The guy's really handsome. Good looking guy. I want to know who it is off mic. The guy? He had a red beanie.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I know that. Yeah. I don't know if you know him, but he's like a handsome guy. He's cool. He's cool. He was rocking a beanie at brunch, bro. If you if you were a beanie at brunch, you're handsome dude Like that's just straight up. No But dude you invited her to the sickest rager of all time
Starting point is 00:11:13 There's an open bar and she met a hot dude and hooked up with them What are you fucking Santa Claus dude? Christmas came early dude like kidding me She was texting me a lot the next day and I I was like, I was texting her back, but I was like, I think this might be it for us. I just don't know if we ever hit critical mass. Did you say that? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Should I say that? That seems like too much. No, no, I thought you, yeah. When she texted you back, was she like, hey, are any of your bros getting married in a couple weeks? Or do you have any other cool friends? I was like, yeah, I'll keep my eyes peeled. Dude, the level of dude at this wedding,
Starting point is 00:11:50 very elite level bros at this wedding. Oh, that's nice. It was so good, dude. And dude, good on your bro, Chris, dude. Legend. Shout out to Chris, dude. For just like, you know, throwing it out,
Starting point is 00:12:02 inviting the older bros too and getting us all out there together because, dude, it was just so much fun, dude. And dude, like I said, you know, throwing it out, inviting the older bros too and getting us all out there together. Because, dude, it was just so much fun. And dude, I gotta say right now, you know, trying to plan a wedding and stuff. The seating arrangements. Very well done, Becca and Chris. It's big. Everywhere I looked, I saw someone I loved and I was bringing it in and I'm meeting us.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Dude, we sat next to each other, bro. That was very nice. It was so sick, dude. Who else was at your table? I sat next to one of Becca's friends, too. Yeah, I didn't know that couple. Yeah, but they're cool. I like to chat with them a lot.
Starting point is 00:12:31 They're from Louisville. And then who else did we have at our table? Did we have Brooks? We had Brooks. I can't remember. Brooks and his lovely wife, Lindsay, who's legit. The best. Then we had fucking Johnson and his sister.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Nice. And then Joe and Brittany were going to be at our table but i think but they came from like another wedding so it was fire they did two weddings that day dude i was talking to ferraro and babona i'm like raw beef liver you gotta get on it and like i kept going at them like in the during that i was like what's up dudes have you thought more about it but i was like fuck no dude i'm not doing that and ferraro was like he's like into it and his wife wife comes over she's he's like he's telling me about raw beef liver and she's like what the fuck you know ferrara is the right guy for it yeah i know
Starting point is 00:13:13 because i was like i was like if anyone's gonna do it it's gonna be ferrara and i'm like just think about it and i just went and danced off dude that's vital intel you're passing that's good the next day i'm like why i just keep going on about that you love beef liver dude i do i was passionate to talk about yeah it's interesting we should all try i wanted to try beef liver and surprise you that i tried it but i don't cook so we should all just do beef liver together so we know what's up yeah yeah since i don't shave my dome i would try beef liver with you i'll prepare it and i'll probably throw up no no you won't you'll be fine you'll get do you cook it no i just cut it up raw no you don't yeah oh you. No, you won't. You'll be fine. You'll get sick. Do you cook it? No, I just cut it up raw. No, you don't, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Yeah. Oh, you said raw. Oh, so you don't cook it at all? You just eat it straight raw? Can we cook it, though? Is that okay? Yeah. I mean, I've been fine.
Starting point is 00:13:54 Do you still get it from Balcampo? It's closing, right? Yeah, I get it from Whole Foods now. Okay. Organic grass-fed, but... Wait, why is Balcampo closing? You know, I heard that they had a, just like a billionaire investor, but, you know, they never really just made much money. So, they just cut his losses.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Just pulled the plug on the experiment. Especially because they had that, like, scandal. Yeah, I heard that. Over the summer. With their jelly. They were repackaging, like, Ralph's steaks. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Because it was, like, the most expensive meat in L.A. for sure. Or, yeah, I think in LA for sure. And so now they know more, which is a bummer. I like going there. But then again, now that they're closed, I'm like, dude, I would spend like $100 on like two steaks. Right. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Is it cheaper at Whole Foods? Yeah. I don't. Yeah. Yeah. And like beef liver is like six bucks because no one gets it. Oh, that's good. That's pretty nice. But it has to be organic grass-fed then i think it's fine dudes i uh i danced 12 miles at the wedding how'd you track my step my foot my step counter
Starting point is 00:14:57 amazing dude i believe it bro bro before they even like you know like you do the wedding you do the cocktail hour grooms party whatever, whatever, goes, takes photos. Yeah. I feel like as soon as JT was done with photos, he was on the dance floor with like your aunt or something like that. Yeah, Mary. Getting after it, bro. And dude, Mary Ann was ripping, dude. Well, my dad came up to me and my dad was doing this.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You know, my dad like can never chill. He always has to have like a mission. He comes up to me and goes, JT, we need to get fucking people on the dance floor. Can you do that for me? And I was like, yeah, dad, I got you. So so i'm like getting everybody on the dance floor okay the dance floor starts popping my dad goes up to me he goes jt we need to get everybody to sit down we need to give some speeches now i was like what amazing i was like no you gotta chill dude i was like we're not shutting down the dance floor we just got it going and my dad's like jt get everybody to sit down we need
Starting point is 00:15:42 to do some speeches we gotta switch it up i, no, we're not doing that, dude. I was like, one thing, one thing. Your mom was crushing it, too. Dude, she was a star that night. Her dress and her energy. Her shoes. Her shoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:55 She switched into some chrome dancing shoes that were fucking amazing. She was loving it. They gave great speeches, too. And then, dude, my last dance of the whole night closing time, me and Chad slow danced holding each other. Did you really? It was really nice. Oh, oh i wish i would have seen that i think i kissed him on the cheek at the end it was pretty romantic dude that's beautiful yeah yeah it was pretty sweet that's beautiful yeah we said some kind words to each other we just held each other and danced yeah i love that at the after party too they put on nickelback yeah dude the dj was very nice even
Starting point is 00:16:21 like dude can i get that mic and i just sang oh you belted the fuck out it was surprising because I was rocking out and then I just heard this dude honestly you sounded really good because I heard this voice and I was like I was like
Starting point is 00:16:31 is someone singing live but it did not sound like Chad Kroger you are Chad Kroger so it sounded like Chad Kroger but I turned and looked and you were just belting it
Starting point is 00:16:40 and I was like hell yeah dude that's amazing I didn't even know where you got the mic from I asked the DJ I'm like dude can I grab that mic real quick and he's like hell yeah and uh what a legend i just got on there ripped it can i talk about clay yeah sure so clay
Starting point is 00:16:53 clay thompson i just kept asking him questions i'm like how do you balance like partying and playing like what's going on with that and he's like i don't know man i just fucking do it i was like all right thanks good talk i'll see you later i just kept coming to i'm like dude another question i just gotta ask he's laid back i always pick his brain about stuff too i always ask questions about dating and stuff he's the man dude i introduced him to my dank ass fiance and right when i did he immediately goes hey did you hear that he beat me at the bachelor party in 21 and i go i look like thank you so much it was amazing she goes oh yeah i did so i immediately did just the most charming guy and also with his like balancing partying and playing stuff yeah and we talked about this a
Starting point is 00:17:36 little bit you always have to remember he's like the most elite fucking level of person that there is yeah it's like dude what he can do regular dudes just aren't doing yeah yeah you know what i mean it's just it's just that's how it goes no he's a special human yeah yeah and he's awesome he really is just a great guy really sweet guy all those dude all my brother's friends are just the shit dude like uh his groomsman robbie trevor yeah reggie luke just like i don't know great hang so funny And they all can party their asses off. Dude, those guys, bro, hey, quick shout out to our boy Reggie, dude. The constitution on that fucking guy, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah. I'm watching what he's taking down. I'm taking mental notes. I'd be dead the next day. He doesn't get hung over. I hung out with him the next day, he's fine. Really? Me and his girlfriend were marveling at him.
Starting point is 00:18:19 I'm like, bro, how do you not get hung over? And she was like, I know, I don't get it. And he's just like, I just don't get hung over. It's amazing, dude. My brother, too. My brother doesn't get hung over. They both have just, I know, I don't get it. And he was just like, I just don't get hung over. It's amazing, dude. My brother too. My brother doesn't get hung over. They both have just like iron constitutions.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Very even keeled guys too. I feel like their high highs, their low lows are never like crazy. And it's not because they're not getting after it because they are. No, they're super solid.
Starting point is 00:18:35 They're just solid bros. Yeah. They ride it perfectly. It's wild. It's pretty admirable. Yeah. And then big ups to, yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:42 the Parr family and the Lyle family. Becca, Mary, Glow. You guys put the Lyle family. Becca, Mary, Glo. You guys put on a great party. Mom, Dad, you guys crushed it. Dude, me and my dad were anxious. And then it turned in.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Once we got raging, it was like, it was all gravy at that point. Oh, and we gotta give a shout out to JT, the officiant. Good call, JT. Thank you, dude. Thank you, man. I was nervous as shit. Dude, you took us on a roller coaster of, you know, big some tear jerking moments it was very sweet and you uh you were nervous before but you you once i knew once you got on the mic and you felt the crowd you were just gonna be snap into place thank you man yeah i was really i think everyone could feel my nerves like people
Starting point is 00:19:21 would be like you're all right man i was like i'm, I'm nervous as shit. Yeah. I mean, it's a lot. Dude, I was nervous for you when everyone was walking. I mean, we do stand up. And I've watched people walk down the aisle at a wedding. I'm like, oh, it looks nerve wracking. Dude, it was. It was. But yeah, you're right. Once I got onto the mic, I felt better.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And also, I was just sitting next to my brother and Becca, you know? And I was like, all right. It's just like, because I was just thinking about myself. You know what I mean? I'm like, I got a crush. I got a crush. But then once I saw my brother, I was all right it's his wedding just like tee it up for the big guy yeah which is what you did you nailed it so hard um and it's different too because
Starting point is 00:19:53 i was talking to our buddy danny after and he's like you guys do stand-up and i go yeah but you know here's the thing like we just said when i do a stand-up set and i know people in the audience immediately worse i have accountability and then also it's a wedding efficient speech you don't want to be too funny you're not peppering it with jokes if you're too funny that's bad yeah you got to be a little funny up top light moment and then just get to it what you did and i remember being like it was hilarious like sitting next to some of the other bros and like jt literally said a line that was like chris my brother and we're all like we know they're brothers but he said that they're brothers and since he said it we recognize it and like dude all of our eyes were just like oh no it was amazing i kissed about 30 people that night i hugged about 45 and grabbed one i was like you know how much i love you
Starting point is 00:20:42 i'm talking to my dad's like lawyer i'm like i'm like i love you do you know how much i fucking love you i'm talking to my dad's like lawyer yeah i'm like i'm like i fucking love you oh do you know what you mean to our family do you know what you've done for us i love you forever you're my family quick shout out to our buddy greg who had the best joke of the night where his accountant was there and he literally just kept introducing everyone to his accountant it was amazing steve howard great guy yeah came to our center he is a great guy yeah i chatted with him a little bit he's like he's like i'm jt's uh they're the family accountant i'm like dude heard a lot about you you're the man dude he's a great dude him and his wife are great dude he's awesome yeah really good guy steve
Starting point is 00:21:15 you're listening i love you brother yeah he's great dude i was so pumped to me i was like the accountant what's up dude bro greg kept going around introducing everyone multiple times like me three times yeah and like we would finally be like me and steve were like yeah we know and we just thought we chalked up to greg just being too hammered but yeah but he was in on it that's funny it was good what else dudes are you see i want to talk about this neither of you guys watch succession i did oh you do watch it yeah are you caught up yeah what do you think about the most recent app? Honestly, I'd have to re-watch it because I was so hungover.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Yeah. I don't know if I like this season as much as I've liked the other ones. To be honest, I'm a little bit confused. Like as to what's going on? Yeah, just the plot in general. I just don't understand business stuff, I guess. Like with the DOJ and stuff, like what the investigation means? Yeah, and they're talking about potential prison time. I'm like, is that a real thing? you know they're talking about like potential prison time is like i'm like is that a real thing like or is they are they just talking about that it's
Starting point is 00:22:08 hard for me to like see people actually going to prison and stuff like that yeah they did kind of play it fast and loose with tom potentially going to jail i thought that was kind of shoehorned in there and now they're like forcing an arc with him yeah that i don't i mean it makes sense because he works in like the cruise part of it that That's the part that's getting in trouble. Yeah. But it does feel a little bit to me like I'm like, all right, you can feel sometimes when a show or a movie is just trying to move the plot. I felt it more this season than I have in past ones.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Yeah. But it is still really exciting. But you don't dig it. And Aaron doesn't really like it. No. My impression of the show is just probably like, Ooh! That wasn't it. You're right, you're right.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Don't edit that out, though, because it's bad. Go again. Don't edit it out so that it's bad. Sometimes you've got to sit in something bad. Yeah, man, it's just people being mean to each other a lot. And I don't care about any of the characters. That's Aaron's beef. I need someone
Starting point is 00:23:05 to root for i think they do a good job of almost making you root for someone and then pulling that person away from you yeah like the sopranos on steroids or something yeah it doesn't it doesn't get me as as much as sopranos for sure i like watching it for the acting but i i would say i'm i'm not as i'm not as um invested in the what happens to the characters. I kind of like watching it for the performances. Right. But I'm not sort of like, oh, man, I wonder, you know, is Logan going to come out on top?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Is Kendall? You know, I find it hard to really care. Yeah, and then I thought Kendall was going to come in a little bit more formidable this season, but they teased that again. You were like, oh, maybe he'll stand up to his dad. But it's consistent with the character. He just continually self-destructs.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And I relate to it a lot. I relate to people who fail under pressure. I always think about the Coney guy. Remember the guy who made the documentary about Coney in 2012? Do you remember this? About the African warlord and it like it took over the internet for like a couple days and he became like this kind of you know hero for exposing this story and for making everyone aware of it and then he went nuts like from i think all
Starting point is 00:24:15 the attention and they caught him jacking off in the streets in san diego that's right like he had like a psychotic break yeah and i really relate to that because I think he got so much credit for being a good guy. He was like, he couldn't handle it. He had to like show the world his shit basically and be like, no, I'm actually a loser and I'm a bad guy and I jack off in public. And I was like, whoa, I think he just couldn't handle the surge of attention and positive attention. I mean, dude, you guys have had a lot of attention.
Starting point is 00:24:44 And I remember when we did the Joel Osteen video you sent me a text too because like we had a fox interview or something like that or uh no uh k k houston video or something yeah like the local news in houston yeah yeah the foe steam they came up with the name the foe exactly they were branding it and that's also like nerve-wracking too because then you're like, dude, you're doing comedy forever. And you're like, this is my, my big thing or whatever. And like, I'm being dubbed foasty and I'm like, that's stupid. Yeah. But you sent a great text. You're like, dude, it's a lot at one time.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Like just enjoy it. And like, it'll be okay. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. And that was helpful. And then obviously us doing the interview together was sick as hell. But, uh, but you guys like have done a ton of that shit and had a ton of like big hit videos like and where stuff just moves so fast where it's like boom boom boom dude people will dm me being like hey tell chad and jt i want to interview them
Starting point is 00:25:35 tomorrow right you know and it's just crazy it's great well it's really fun yeah it's it's more good than bad for sure yeah but it just if it. In the moment, when the mask video came out, I was like, I got really kind of stressed. Well, we were lucky too. We were staying together that weekend with Dan. So basically everyone besides Chigas who had worked on it was together. So we all got to like have fun with it. But then after a couple of days, because it lasted a couple of days. And I know this sounds
Starting point is 00:26:05 like maybe not the biggest but it was crazy for us like yeah and then after a couple days i remember we were both like no more yeah i need a break yeah i remember when the paul walker statue video hit yeah i it was just so i just felt so exposed uh because the whole it feels like the whole everyone all eyes turned on you on like one instant and you're just like you're like oh fuck i remember i mean no i'm i'm smiling because i remember hanging out with you those couple days yeah and like i remember we went to greenblatt's yeah with some of the guys you were working with at the time yeah and the waitress was acting kind of funny towards you yeah and then she walked away we're like did she recognize you
Starting point is 00:26:42 do you know what's going on we couldn't like make heads or tails of like yeah because so many people wanted to hang out with you in that moment yeah and it was like yeah it feels like in that moment where you're like it's just like but then but then when he when he sort of started to get out of it like oh it wasn't as like big a deal as i felt like but in the moment you do feel like there's like a lot of people like just uh watching you no everyone and everyone wanted a piece of you in the moment you do feel like there's like a lot of people like just watching you. And everyone wanted a piece of you in that moment too. I remember even me, I was like, I got to hang out with Chad today. I think I even told you that.
Starting point is 00:27:14 I woke up and I opened the door. You're just standing there. I'm like, what's up, dude? I remember you told me like, you're like, do you think people are like treating me different? I'm like, yeah, I'm treating you different. I was like, it's a big deal yeah yeah yeah but yeah i relate kendall someone told me i feel like kendall at the wedding too which character is kendall he's he he's the main dude who like is always trying to like patricide his father okay yeah yeah yeah patricide he wears the uh dude working back at the hotel it's hilarious bill because it's all of them rich people his
Starting point is 00:27:45 father yeah patrick's not dude but i said i've done it yeah the department of redundancy redundancy department that you work for did and uh dudes wear those apple headphone things because of him you think yeah because that photo got so mean yeah they're not like convenient looking it looks it looks terrible it's not cooler than it's just saying i have like if you wear that you're being like i have a billion dollars right it's a signifier yeah dude i wanted to make a meme out of a build a butcher waking up in the morning after getting shot in gangs in new york he just has like three ladies sleeping on top of him it's a pretty hilarious image what's the best daniel day lewis role uh it it could be that i
Starting point is 00:28:28 think it's what oh my left foot yeah but see i don't enjoy watching there do i so i would go with movies that i like watching more like he's amazing in phantom thread i don't really like watching that he's amazing there will be blood but to me the the pitch of it is too high it's too intense all the way through i need like more variety i guess in it and so i would go gangs in new york agreed maybe one and then two and i think like you know a.o scott would disagree with me but number two i would go uh in the name of the father i haven't seen it's like a beautiful movie and a really good performance and then number three i'd probably go last mohicans i would put that as two because I've seen it
Starting point is 00:29:05 and it's so much fucking fun and he's amazing in it it's great and honestly his transformation in that might be the craziest because if you watch the behind the scenes stuff like Michael Mann's like
Starting point is 00:29:12 I had to teach him because you know Daniel Day-Lewis's dad's a poet he's like I had to take a poet's son and teach him how to run like a proper frontiersman and it's like
Starting point is 00:29:21 he wasn't like an athlete or anything but if you watch the movie he's like the most badass motherfucker yeah I was playing lacrosse in the beginning which is a native american sport invented and when he's running with those rifles you're like don't get in this dude's way yeah i will fucking save his woman at any cost yeah i i really enjoyed lincoln too oh dude i totally forgot about that yeah that's up there for sure when i when that movie came out that's my first was starting to be like i want to be an actor so i remember i watched that and i watched
Starting point is 00:29:49 wolf of wall street in the theater by myself good movies i was watching lincoln i was like yeah this is sick he's great just for the performance i mean yeah it's unreal yeah i think he felt more like lincoln than lincoln like i think if you would have put him the real lincoln and daniel day lewis in a room yeah and i had to pick who was actually lincoln i'd go with daniel day lewis right like that's lincoln yeah real lincoln comes in yeah that's not like that's i feel like that happens sometimes like dudes are better at impressions than like i would rather watch frank caliendo do a gruden impression oh he's dude he's incredible at his impressions unreal dude this film critic wesley morris made a good point that he doesn't
Starting point is 00:30:30 think he thinks we give too many oscars to people who play real people and that we should give more oscars to people who are playing made up correct because you get to be more inventive yeah you have to create like the person out of nothing yeah and then bill simmons was on it was on bill simmons and simmons was like yeah it's almost like how we do screenplay and adapted screenplay like there could almost be two oscars for like right playing a real person and then playing a made-up person that'd be great because it is like you think about all the people in oscars it's like jamie foxx for like ray and stuff like that or uh what would like remy malik yeah exactly if you play like a actor i mean if you play a musician who's like been through it you just automatically get a nomination but it is kind
Starting point is 00:31:11 of more interesting to be like what's like a big made-up one well even belford and i was gonna say wolf wall street but that's maybe like oscar isaac and like inside lewin davis or something like that fantastic well made up musician like i was watching i saw king richard over the weekend and it's about venus and serena williams father yeah and and then they show real footage of him after and and will will smith puts on he he has like this lisp this sort of like walk about him and then they show footage of the real guy and i'm like oh everything will smith it was kind of more pronounced he's doing an extra version of him yeah where i was watching i was like i was like oh he's kind of like it was it was interesting because you expect him the way he portrays him you expect him to be like this kind of like i mean and he is kind of like a you know he has this sort
Starting point is 00:31:59 of crazy personality but when i watched footage of him for real i was like oh he doesn't have a bat of a lisp and all this right it was interesting it was maybe it was like draft like two of a character study of like how to get into it but i thought he did a good job i mean i believed him throughout the movie and i was like moved by it so i yeah everyone says he's gonna win and then i think the female front runner oh it's kristin stewart for playing Princess Di so it's like what movie is that Spencer I should see it I'm only 12 minutes into King Richard
Starting point is 00:32:29 but Will Smith got the shit kicked out of him he like a guy's like cat calling his girl and the guy's like a rough dude and the young kid
Starting point is 00:32:37 like the young rough kid like beats the hell out of Richard and that compounded with how many times I've talked about this but Jada Pinkett Smith
Starting point is 00:32:44 just always going on Red Table and saying how she's not attracted to Will or how she had to cheat on him yeah and uh that compounded with how many times i've talked about this boat jada pinkett smith just always going on red table and saying how she's not attracted to will or how she had to cheat on him yeah and then will like you said in his book calls himself a coward yeah and he came out in the public and said he was so threatened by a two-pocket like ate him up inside and i'm just like dude will you know you're the man right like i think he's like a real masochist i think he likes yeah i think it like fuels him to do these big things is he has to like get kind of he's got to be like a public punching bag to like bounce back yeah it's interesting yeah yeah because in the book i'm you know i'm listening to it on tape i'm you know three hours in and a lot of it is just about how i mean i he does talk
Starting point is 00:33:24 about he's like he's like you know a lot of people see will smith the man the red carpet guy with the hot wife he's like but i feel like a coward and and all this stuff and he's like i use my uh yeah he's performance and like being funny to you know because i'm a pleaser and i've all my relationships i've been you know incessantly needy and stuff and you're like really but it's interesting i think we need to take will smith on a hunting trip i don't really hunt but we can do it we'll ride some snowmobiles with like rifles strapped to the back yeah and we'll just fucking put down a moose dude yeah and then we'll have him fucking eat its heart
Starting point is 00:34:00 but do you think do you think he's doing that though because it's and i love will smith of course big fan uh yeah i'd love to hang out with him but i'm i'm listening to it and i'm like is he hopping on this vulnerability train too hard where he's just like right going way too hard in the like that i'm i'm i'm a piece of shit yeah you guys can relate to me he's going way too hard in it yeah yeah i don't need to relate to will smith no i like i like will smith doing pull-ups and i am legend i mean the whole book could be his technique for that and i'd be like that was a great book be a rock star baby that'd be an awesome book yeah but maybe that's who he is maybe that is genuinely who he is but it's just
Starting point is 00:34:39 weird that we didn't get to see it until like like the late second act of his career yeah yeah see it until like like the late second act of his career yeah yeah what do you think aaron it could call i don't know i was just thinking that will smith should have been in the actor draft right that dude i was thinking that i was listening to the book i'm like oh yeah he wasn't mentioned once but but i mean you know he hasn't had his big uh i don't think he's great in dramas i think he's really good in comedies i still think the thing he was best in is fresh prince like i think that's his best eventually yeah six degrees of separation was really good be so young in that because the first season of fresh prince he's mouthing everyone else's lines right yeah while they're talking yeah and it's also probably just nostalgic for me because i was like seven i just watch him like yo this is the most charismatic
Starting point is 00:35:21 person he's so cool yeah but dude he's, he's good. Ali, he's good. No. You don't like him in Ali? He's bad in Ali. Really? I think it was a tough role. I think because Ali, you can watch footage of Ali. Ali's such a legend.
Starting point is 00:35:32 He's so charismatic. And he actually makes Will Smith. And Will Smith, that movie plays Ali kind of serious. Yeah. You don't get, I think, as much of the charisma from Ali as you do from, if you watch that doc, when we were kings. The script did not do it. Yeah. It could have been a better script. Yeah. I think so. You don't get as much of the charisma from Ali as you do from... If you watch that doc... The script did not do it. It could have been a better script.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah, I think so. And probably not Michael Mann directing. I like Michael Mann. I was going to say, it's the second time we brought him up today. Yeah, I think it probably should have been... Speaking of Michael Mann... It should have been Spike Lee and Denzel. Me, sort of, I guess the thesis for my showing on this podcast
Starting point is 00:36:03 is just come and clean about stuff. I want to come clean and say that look I fucked up on unforgiven I fucked up and you know it's not an action movie and I try to be too smart for my own good and it's my bad i fucked up but i will say right now and i'm not a good guy it's not a total confession because now i am not going to point the thumb i'm going to point the finger and i'm going to say um you know he is basically a crime drama that has good action sequences well look all movies are in multiple genres you just so happen to pick one movie that's not in the action genre at all. Bro.
Starting point is 00:36:47 And because you said it was a revisionist action movie. Yeah, dude, it deconstructs, bro. No, it's a revisionist Western. Smart. Exactly. It's right. You're right. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:55 You're right. He's fucking right. Look, a lot of people have been disputing what's a proper action movie. And I think for some people, to be an action movie, you have to just be not realistic or cheesy or something like that. I don't think that's what they mean exactly. For some people, I think it's only Michael Bay-style movies or action movies. But I do think there's more elevated, serious action movies. And I think he is one of those.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Well, yeah. People brought up Inglourious Bastards, too. I don't think that's an action movie. I don't really consider it an action movie. I don't think so, either. That's historical whimsy. That's this genre that Quentin's sort of inventing on his own, where these sort of restructurings of history with the Manson murders and rewriting it.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Very fun. I think it's so fun. I call it historical whimsy. There's action in it, but I wouldn't say Inglourious Bastards is an action movie. The ratio of talking to action is like is too significant christoph is too big of a disparity 25 minute scene sitting down yeah they don't have big like shootouts and stuff they're all pretty quick where it's like people get shot really quickly or then even like when they blow up the theater it's like they're just shooting you know hitler in the face and
Starting point is 00:38:03 then it blows up and i think a lot of that action is played more for laughs than for thrills yeah like if you watch like heat or the town which are like kind of serious movies that have action scenes yeah like those action scenes are meant to really excite you and for you to get like turned on by how like well they're choreographed and how real the guns sound yeah like there's people it's kind of cartoonish and yeah not that you can't be like cr's an action movie and it's super cartoonish, but. Like Starship Troopers or something. Yeah, that's still an action movie. But a lot of these, I mean, look, a lot of these things are fluid.
Starting point is 00:38:31 It's hard to know officially. Sorry, go ahead. Some people said that they thought Mission Impossible 2 is the worst one. It is the worst one, but that's why I like that you picked it. No. No, it's not. No, it's not, bro. That's the worst one.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Well, you went with your heart. I like it. One's probably the worst one well you went with your heart i like it one's probably the worst three is great with philip seymour great villain no people don't like three what i love three i love three i love three i don't think there's a bad one in the bunch to be honest thank you one is a different style of movie than the other four or five now i think the later ones he gets i like them all he gets the he gets the shit kicked out of him too much where i'm like dude just like relax well that's the thing people are like people were saying we should have picked mission impossible before like james bond you know and maybe the action's better mission possible but like nah if i have to be one of them there's no i don't want to be ethan hunt like if i transport ethan hunt's body right now i'd be like running
Starting point is 00:39:22 from like a sandstorm and about to get like punched in the stomach by like an anvil. Like if I transport it in James Bond's body right now. Yeah. What am I doing? You're not fucking in the last one. I'm banging. Yeah, not in that last one. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:39:37 This prude James Bond. They cut his dick off. In Chappelle's show. They took away his gadgets and then they took away's show. They took away his gadgets. They took away the two things that we watch him for. For him to have fun toys and for him to have a lot of sex. It's like a child dream. In Chappelle's show, he has the Sesame Street.
Starting point is 00:39:56 The adult Sesame Street. And they're talking about STDs. And the one voiced by Snoop Dogg has gonorrhea. And he shows his dick. And they're like, how'd you get that he's like from fucking hilarious um what else do we have here oh the secret agent conversation we had that together it was you and me it was me aaron and Yeah, yeah. And you wanted to say Jack Reacher was a secret agent. And Aaron quickly corrected you. He was an MP in the Army.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Yep. Said that he doesn't have that job title. It's true. Nice move. It is true. Good call. Because he goes and sees his ex-colonel, Taryn Killam's wife. What's her name from How I Met Your Mother?
Starting point is 00:40:41 Oh, Colby Schmulders. Colby Schmulders, yeah. And that's when I came up with your new nickname. Who was great on the impeachment by the way kobe smulders played um and coulter she's great oh really this is legit yeah she's good you know how there's the last like airbender yeah i think you're the last genre bender you know people like yeah but the anime one not the m night shamala yeah people whip around like earth and air you whip around genre dude you just been yeah dude because i'm neo i just see through it dude just binary in my nord report the genre dude yeah that's why when we do top rom-coms
Starting point is 00:41:19 you're going to pick the matrix yeah it's it's beautiful, dude. Trinity and Neo, people don't get the humor. Maybe that's one of my biggest beefs with Succession is Succession fans like getting it. Oh, dude, paper-thin line between commentary and actual character. Oh, yeah, dude. Fucking shut up, dude. I like it. The shit-talking is good, though.
Starting point is 00:41:43 No, they do a good job. I just don't watch. I'm just not interested. If Kieran Culkin was my brother, I'd beat his ass. I like it. The shit talking is good, though. No, they do a good job. I just don't watch. I'm just not interested. If Kieran Culkin was my brother, I'd beat his ass. That's true. No one gets punched enough. They don't punch their dad enough. I'm like, just hit your dad.
Starting point is 00:41:52 That's why Game of Thrones is great. Because Game of Thrones is essentially power maneuvering, but they cut each other's heads off. It's cool. Right. It actually goes there. Look, I want, in my my entertainment i want killing and fucking but i will settle for singing and dancing hey they come from the same place it's all romance the need for expression need to get it out do you guys want to answer some cues
Starting point is 00:42:14 all right dude are you even gonna drink your smash i'll drink it you drink it you drink it because i'm still recovering i don't want to i gotta be so how was so for everyone out there yeah strider is drinking do you want to explain what you're drinking it's it's fruit smash guys it's it's our it's our drink it's fruit smash with a plus sign yeah super hard seltzer eight percent abv because i'm used to that ipa abv and i gotta tell you very dank and it comes in a tall boy can great for taking out on the golf course great for just posting up on a pod with your boys and it's dank dude nice eight percent yeah and how does it taste taste dank this is pink lemonade i'd crush this within in and out burger never a five guys dude and that's what the fruit smash well done guys for sure you guys
Starting point is 00:43:06 crushed it and an amazing can too yeah great product great packaging immediately stoke inducing yeah makes me want to roller skate roller skating dangerous something i cannot do on my adult body. Rollerblading? Yeah. No, you could do it. Bro, have you roller skated? Yeah, recently. You recently went? I wasn't very good, but yeah, I put on some skates. Dude, it's fucking tough.
Starting point is 00:43:35 It's really tough. Me and Chad were schmoling out at the beach, and I was telling some young lady she didn't know how to skate right, so she said, throw on the skates and let me see how you do it, and I strapped up. You showed her what's what, dude. I got on there, throw on the skates and let me see how you do it. And I strapped up. I respect that. You showed her what's what, dude. I got on there, dude. You got a good base, though.
Starting point is 00:43:48 You fucking shredded. Yeah, I was going slow, but I was confident. I was going to, but I was like, are those K2s? And she's like, no. And I'm like, later. Good call, good call. What's up, guys? I'm interrupting this podcast so that you know once again that we're
Starting point is 00:44:01 Finally, we are brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims peeved, for looking after our hogs, kessley you know once again finally we are brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because jingle balls to the walls fellas listen up untrimmed pubes are a thing of the past and it's possible you have santa's beard in your pants it's time to leave your significant other some cookies and milk at the bottom of your chimney. That means you're dong. And I'm talking about the Manscaped Performance Package 4.0. Guys, use the Lawn Mower 4.0.
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Starting point is 00:45:36 All right. You guys ready? Bros, love is in the air. The LA smog has never smelled so sweet. I met this smart, sexy young woman with dark humor and a cute laugh she doesn't hide her emotions and is honest when she doesn't like something the kind of person that after you meet them you're inspired to start applying to law schools and volunteering at soup kitchens because they deserve someone like that dude i get that the
Starting point is 00:45:59 way you're reading this right now is like this is poetic dude she also knows how to have fun and has no issue being a sarcastic asshole when the time is appropriate you know what i'm reading it like like that sean mullen song she grew up with all the stuff sunny and shiny and share everything's gonna be all right rockabye needless to say one of my surprise great concerts oh really i saw my hotel cafe he's great no shamans voice is so amazing it's mostly like folky singer songwriter bob seger and that's on chair yeah yeah he looks i mean he's like a he's got a beer belly and he's completely bald good he's amazing that's nice fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:46:46 needless to say i don't want to i don't want to fuck this up on the first date like most guys i was a fucking wreck on the inside just grasping at straws hoping to land on a subject or joke that sparks a natural conversation instead of a formal interview we broke through that membrane of apprehension and fell into a flow state we didn't notice until the waiter asked us to leave that we were the last people left in the restaurant. I offered to drive her home and when we get there, I say some generic bullshit like, I had fun tonight. And she gets out and leaves. I spend the whole...
Starting point is 00:47:15 I then spend the whole car ride back home upset with myself. Going through all the cool things I should have said and the so-called moves I should have made. I was convinced that I came across as a total loser for not hooking up that night thanks she thankfully she responded to the customary good night text we had good back and forth and she agreed to a second date now that i've gotten over the initial anxiety i'm confident i can turn things around my question is your opinions on first date decorum he just tacked on a question yeah bro i was gonna say to just write my vows bro don't even wait what question is there dude do you consider no kiss or no sex a failure on the first date yeah no obviously dude dude literally as you were loser i was just
Starting point is 00:48:01 imagining this guy unbuttoning buttons of his shirt down and exposing perfect chest lettuce dude this fucking guy's a legend dude no dude you're a great guy you're fine man come on you know you're doing great i actually think it's better not to kiss yeah and not to have sex on a first date i think it's better to wait a little bit yeah i think for him since he's so cool dude don't kiss on the first date keep them wanting more exactly you're the man yeah and build it up build up that tension yeah do this way i went on a bunch of online on dates when i before i met my wife uh every girl i kissed on the first date fizzled immediately my wife and i did not kiss on the first date yeah i've had the same thing you sort of like
Starting point is 00:48:45 to leave the date the first date where you're like that was fun later and then they're sort of like whoa and you just walk off you know lats out and you're yeah spray him dude you're like i wish he kissed me and you're like you wish you know with my dank ass fiance we met at a party in college freaking hooked up straight up hooked up dude and then uh the next day she came over and we watched hook and we did not make out because and the reason is because i was too nervous but in her mind she was like whoa what's the deal what's going on he's composed he's cool like he's chilling well it's also a good sign that you're not turned on by children yeah well Julia Roberts in that movie though yeah that's true true yeah dude what's her what's her character Tinkerbell
Starting point is 00:49:33 Tinkerbell shut what up Tinkerbell what about do what about Bob Hoskins in that movie though yeah he's hot which character see mr. Smee he's mr. Smith for sure just saying did you know like what's going on in your dome is not necessarily the narrative that's going on in her dome so just do you be you know be confident be chill yeah i i think i think if they're giving you the signs that they want to be kissed then you got to be able to read those and act and be like all right clearly you know if they're like sort of waiting there like for you or whatever like starting to like touch you a little bit i think that's when they're like so they're
Starting point is 00:50:11 saying subliminally like you got thrown the move tonight but if they're not doing that then be cool yeah and this guy gets it yeah he's like come on he sounds like he's yeah the use of the word membrane i was like whoa yeah come on dude it's so true and dude he said membrane dude this guy's a beast dude and and look dude nuance is tough when dating and dude back in my days of cybering i used to cyber and yeah cyber well how so what do you mean oh dude be like chat rooms and i would cyber and i would just lead with i'm naked and i have a boner no way yeah it was chill and uh this was before i met my fiance but i'd cyber a lot yeah and um i didn't know this yeah yeah i would
Starting point is 00:50:49 nut quick um somebody's cybering with i'll just random strangers online how'd you meet like what kind of chat were you uh chat roulette so you just find someone in there did you see their face you find someone in there you could but i wouldn't i wouldn't do it that way i'd like to be i'd like to um because i like the poet i like the language of it could they see your face you find someone in there you could but i wouldn't i wouldn't do it that way i'd like to be i'd like to um because i like the poet i like the language of it could they see your face if they elected to so i think i shared it once or twice can you take us through like a typical cyber station yeah yeah you'd start out you'd go through chat roulette and you'd dodge about eight dick pics and this was just me and that's all you'd see and then you land on someone and i would just say what up you want a cyber and then someone would be like yeah i do want a cyber and we would cyber and it would be a
Starting point is 00:51:28 fun like fantasy play out and this is why i enjoy fantasy stuff i'd be like look i'm a conquering hero and she'd be like oh my gosh you came in and saved me from like the uh you know the oppressing planets like some dune a sort of dune style narrative the harkening that yeah sort of like the harkening and and we get into that type of stuff. I didn't like that movie. Visuals don't do much for me. I mean, dude. Spaceship's a spaceship.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Keep going though, see your side. Here's the thing, I love sci-fi, so you're just not a sci-fi guy, that's the thing. I love Dune. Keep going though,
Starting point is 00:51:58 see your side. But yeah, I would get into sci-fi, say I'm naked, I have a boner. I would really lean into all the fantasy and actually, when we got done with Brass Tax tax what would be time to cyber and and type back to each other about um making love i would just say i'm naked i have a boner and we're jack
Starting point is 00:52:14 hammering and then i nut hell yeah dude yeah all right next up dear ch Chad and JT. What up, boys? I listen to the pod a lot and have been loving it. However, I've been struggling lately with self-esteem and performance with my lady. Leading up to the deed, I feel great and ready to go rocking hardwood when push comes to shove. But when push comes to shove, I get scared and really nervous to where it completely takes me out of the situation. Keep in mind, I'm only 18, so it's scary that I'm having these dong issues at such a young age. JT, I know you struggle with similar issues.
Starting point is 00:52:52 How did you get over that? It's not an ED issue, I think. I just get really nervous right as it's about to happen. Won't find any excuse to stop because my wood has now gone away. I'm tired of this and I don't know what else to do besides maybe try pills. Please get back to me on this. I need the Stoke Lord advice p.s your brother's wedding looked dope oh thank you man dude i would uh have you has it been consistent with the same person
Starting point is 00:53:19 is this all happening with his girlfriend let me see i think you just got to find the right person you can go slow with dude and stop putting so much pressure on yourself it might just take some time but uh oh he says he has a lady yeah yeah I think do I had similar things except it wasn't I wasn't like ed it was more like a kind of nut just couldn't nut yeah and um but then i i think just through uh experience i think i think yeah it's the more you think about the more nervous you're gonna get and i think he you know i think he's aware that it's a mental thing.
Starting point is 00:54:12 And I think you just got to keep making yourself uncomfortable and eventually the nerves will ease up. But I think you just got to break those nerves through action. I love that advice. Yeah, just keep going, man. You'll be all right. And I um he said he's only about 18 right yeah you're a young guy man um it's funny because i recently watched this series love life which is dank season one is dank but i was watching season two it's so good and
Starting point is 00:54:37 there's a similar arc in season two where he sort of commits to this lady early on and so maybe you're having and dude the body tells you things before the brain the brain communicates with the body before the brain communicates with like your inner voice so uh there's something going on that needs to dissect and i don't know what it is but maybe it's like commitment or you're feeling pressure about the future and you're 18 maybe he's not ready yeah your body could be saying you're not ready to have sex you're probably just straight up maybe not ready and that's okay dude you're still young dog like some people are already younger some people are already way older i wasn't ready
Starting point is 00:55:13 till i was older so just chill yeah i think you're 18 no pressure yeah i understand you're gonna be bad at it yeah you're gonna be bad it's just like you're not gonna walk on the field and be good at a sport like you gotta practice it's nice you're even getting the opportunities really you're in way better shape than i was i would just uh if you know if that's what you want i would uh yeah i think just it'll happen when it's supposed to and open honest communication just talk to the talk to your lady and go hey dude she's she's gonna be cool man she's young cool chick you're progressive sorry i said chick my fiance doesn't like that and uh just talk to each other man talk to each other
Starting point is 00:55:57 about it it's okay dude will smith it dude lean into that vulnerability bro invent it if you have to and uh just be a beast you'll be all right dude also also maybe he's watching too much porn i would i would yeah watch less porn if that's a if that's something you're doing because i know that porn watching and jay and off that that that that would affect me so i try to i try to watch as little as i can. It's tough. It's tough, dude. And just a note on porn watching. Porn watching is like watching fucking. It's like watching the NBA and watching someone throw down a dunk and then be like, yo, I should be able to do that.
Starting point is 00:56:38 No, dude. No. That ain't what it is, dude. It ain't that. So don't hold yourself to that standard. You know what I mean? Just be considerate, be chill, be honest with yourself, talk to your partner. For sure.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Have fun. Be silly. Yeah. With each other. Who cares? Yeah. You got this, dog. Yeah, be silly.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I like that. What up, champs? My name is Augie from NorCal. I'm currently 15. I work at a restaurant and I meet lots of girls there. Lately, I've been meeting lots of 18 year old girls and I love them. I'm still a virgin and I'm wanting to lose it. I don't have a huge doinker. However, I don't get excited too easy and it fakes me and it takes me a while to get hard. How do you put on a condom and how do I make an 18 year old girl get off? I've gotten word from an 18 year old that I'm the best kisser,
Starting point is 00:57:22 10 out of 10. Come from a hot 18 year old i'll take it also do girls care about dong size any tips to give a young stud taking on older women love you boys stay flowy i feel like this dude was at the end he said young stud if anybody like i'm 51 i think this was written this was written by a 50 year old guy bro yeah later dude dude you're fine whoever this 15 year old is you're doing great you're fine. Whoever this 15-year-old is, you're doing great. You're fine. You don't need any advice. I'll take advice from you.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Yeah, you're good. Yeah, bro. And I think what you said is the best advice. Just have fun. Yeah. If you're having a good time, another person have fun. Don't put so much pressure on any one thing. It'll be nice.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And just pay attention. Failure is experience. What up, legends? I'm watching Fight Club for the first time and I'm freaking stoked. Brad Pitt is an all-time babe and legend so i've been on a movie kick lately and always respect y'all's movie opinions i might lean a little towards aaron's point of view on money ball to be honest whoa dude all right let's let's let's sway his mind just thought it was kind of boring now he wants a couple movie suggestions from y'all on the thriller suspense genre that are must-sees. Dude, we talked about Fight Club the other day, and I like that movie up until the point when you find out that Brad Pitt's not real.
Starting point is 00:58:35 I was going to say, watch Fight Club, but don't watch the end. I like that movie more when Brad Pitt's a real thing and he's a badass. When he's made up, I'm like, no, I want my Brad Pitt to be real. I agree. What's a real thing and he's a badass. When he's made up, I'm like, no, I want my Brad Pitt to be real. I agree. What's a thriller suspenseful genre? I mean, so thrillers are like whodunit. I would say Kiss the Girls. I would say...
Starting point is 00:58:55 Enough by Jennifer Lopez. Seven is a thriller. Yeah, Seven's a good thriller. Very good. What did you say? Enough with J-Lo? Enough with J-Lo. Yeah, fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:02 I love J-Lo. She's on my actress list. Fuck yeah, Chad. Good fucking call, dog. No, he was literally saying, enough with jlo enough with j yeah fuck yeah i love jlo she's on my actress list fuck yeah chad good fucking call dog um no he was literally saying enough with jlo oh is that what he said dude you know what i like that's not what i was saying that's how don't put words in my mouth a-ron uh is no country a thriller oh no country's a great call yeah it's suspenseful it's tense dude you know what i like this girl's a good thriller you know what i like this kid is double jeopardy you guys like yeah yeah it's a good great movie uh i love that movie the game fun we're doing a lot of talking about took me a while to get through the game yeah a little dated a little dated well it's not really character it's all like plot it's just this guy getting pushed through a bunch of shit but it's like a real thing yeah it is probably still happening today
Starting point is 00:59:46 good thrillers um oh dude what's the one with ben affleck and rajakowski um the fincher movie i just said gone girl oh did you yeah sorry my bad when we're doing off we got to do non-fincher we've done all finchers yeah so that's all lambs that's a good thriller. It's probably the best. I'm looking through a list right now. Is Event Horizon... That's more horror. That's a horror movie. What Lies Beneath? I've been genre though, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:16 What Lies Beneath? Fun movie, Harrison Ford. Drive is kind of a thriller. Is Uncut Gems a thriller? It definitely gives you suspense but i'd rather watch a good time than uncut yeah i like good time more too yep that's a great one is winter's bone a thriller yeah yeah which are bones a great thriller um what about midsummer is horror? That's a horror, yeah. The Departed?
Starting point is 01:00:47 Crime drama? Yeah. It's hard to be thrilling when you're that long. It's tough to be tame. We said God Let Me Gone. What's the other one with Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Cruise's wife in Mission Impossible? Val Kilmer's in it. Oh, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Oh, Basic Instinct is a thriller. Great, dude. That's a good one. Another Michael Douglas. Also Fatal Attraction. Yeah. Night Crawler, that's a thriller.
Starting point is 01:01:18 He might like some film noir movies, too. He might like L.A. Confidential. He might like Chinatown. Those are good movies. I hope he's got some patience. Well, yeah, enjoy those, dude. All right. Last question.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Am I the asshole? Lord's of Stoke. What up? A few months ago, my girl broke my heart and dumped me. After breaking up, I wanted to show her friends that just because she broke up with me doesn't mean I hate everyone because of it and I can still be friendly. I thought a nice way to do this would be to occasionally respond to her friends instagram stories wait say that again bro what okay he broke up with his girlfriend and he wanted to show her friends that
Starting point is 01:01:55 just because she broke up with me doesn't mean i hate everyone because of it so i thought a nice way to do this would be to occasionally respond to her friends instagram stories in a nice way for example like this band is awesome. I guess this was taken the wrong way and it somehow got back to her that I was hitting on her friends and attempting to slide in the DMs. When we were dating,
Starting point is 01:02:14 I was always worried about her male friend that was a little too friendly. She, a couple of weeks ago, I saw her and she told me that since I was DMing her friend, she hooked up with the guy I was always worried about. She kept saying how hurt she was. I would talk to her friends and try to slide in their DMs.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Am I missing something here? Am I the asshole? Now she's saying maybe one day things can work out and we can get back together. But after that, I feel like there's no way we can have a healthy relationship. I don't think you guys are getting back together. No, that's not happening. And dude, I don't think it's great that she hooked up with that guy. But you guys are broken up.
Starting point is 01:02:41 So it's also like, what the fuck can you do about it? But dude, yeah, not normal. Not normal sliding in the in the friends dms i don't know what you're thinking dude what that is like yeah bro not not the move dude did you imagine no dude if you were just commenting on the stuff and not sliding into dms okay but even then not really okay because you're constructing a narrative once you're constructing a narrative. Once you're constructing narratives and going, they will perceive this move as me doing this, dial it back.
Starting point is 01:03:13 Yeah, I think just separate yourself entirely. Unless you're like good friends with their friends and it was like, you know, it wouldn't be weird. I'd say once you break up later that's her circle it's a distinct pod yeah yeah also i like what you're saying about building narratives it was like oh like because it's true like this guy's overthinking it to death or he's not being honest with himself yeah and he was kind of trying to flirt with these gals because like sometimes people will tell themselves like hey i'm just being a nice guy but they're really trying to like you know get closer to
Starting point is 01:03:49 people and might have some ulterior motives so i'm not saying you were doing that but when i when i when you write that email my brain does go there and go what was this guy yeah actually trying to accomplish on a primal level we're more attracted to women with attractive friends is that true yeah yeah well i mean it's it's status it's it makes sense and for this guy too and it's a tough thing to do honest introspection do calling yourself on your own shit we lie to ourselves probably more than anyone else on this planet you gotta not lie to yourself man and it's a fucking tough thing to do and you're probably doing a little bit since you were sliding into the dms so it's a part of
Starting point is 01:04:25 maturity but it's fucking tough homie well i think i think to put yourself in their shoes if if your buddy just broke up with his girlfriend and then she was like dming you saying like this band is great you'd be like get the fuck out of my dms yeah and also also it's also the least interesting thing you could ever say it's like bro you have no you have no take on that band it's like yeah dude they do a good show like what well it's very it's very clear he's just trying to stay in their lives yeah yeah it's like the subtext is hey i'm still here i'm still around i still. And it's like, no one wants you to care. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:06 You just got to bail. Sorry, man. Sorry. Sorry that happened with the guy you're worried about. It's a bummer, but yeah, that's black.
Starting point is 01:05:12 You got to move on. You got to move on. Yeah. Yeah. You're not getting back together and nor do you want to. Hey man, Aaron, when you,
Starting point is 01:05:18 when she gave into the guy who you're worried about the whole time. No. And I bet it wasn't. He's never, he's never not going to be a problem yeah yeah after that yeah he's still dm'ing her um i mean i broke up with a with a girl who we had a lot of intertwined friends and it's just like anything you post after that if if it even uh relates to her at all it's like it's always going to look that way
Starting point is 01:05:46 yeah it is tough because sometimes there are ways where people can't perceive things and look at it through the wrong lens and you're like no i literally didn't mean it that way and when that is true you'll be fine mm-hmm chad who's your beef of the week i think if the week is with um ways it's been my beef of the week before but maybe more of a beef of the week with i-5 specifically i-5 when you get into camp pendleton uh because well there is no there's no alternative there exactly so here's here's what happened so i was driving down to san diego on saturday chris's wedding i left at about 10 30 and i was like you know what is that giving myself about five and a half hours to go 120 miles yeah just so everyone knows very manageable and way
Starting point is 01:06:39 said two hours and 20 minutes so i was like it's enough buffer definitely gonna get to san diego early is earlier than i need to be and i'm going and then you know i'm going through like long beach and it goes crash up ahead delay 15 minutes and i'm like oh crap and i was supposed to arrive at like 130 yeah 130 so now it's 1 45 and that just keeps happening like crash head delay another 15 minutes now it's like 2 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 p.m and that the wedding started at 4 and i was like i was like oh fuck dude so i was sitting there in san clemente like stuck you know because it took me like like the christianitos exit and you know so you go around i-5 a little bit but then you like it's all jammed up right
Starting point is 01:07:30 there so i was literally just stuck and i was like i was like i don't see this thing you know it's just gonna keep racking up so i was like man i'm probably gonna be late and then and then it goes and i start moving a little bit. And it goes, traffic's clearing up. And I got there at 2. But it scared the fuck out for like an hour. You're just sitting there when you're in traffic like that and you have something to get to.
Starting point is 01:07:55 I was like, I don't know what to do. Because you just don't. There's nothing you can do. And you're like, yeah, it was horrible. Sorry, dog. I've sat in that so many times. The worst was four and a half hours oh yeah yeah it's just that's scary arrow who's your legend or who's your
Starting point is 01:08:13 beef of the week my beef of the week is with spilling food on yourself oh yeah our buddy spilled water on you the other night well there is that oh yeah that was a disaster yeah luckily it did not penetrate my jeans for whatever reason i got home i was completely dry because you're strong dude although somehow my underwear was wet go figure interesting you know that's just been a good time uh you love your shake oh it came back to bite me later in that evening but um yeah i was just in a hurry today at work and i had i had to get a meal in between shows and reset the whole studio which is crazy so i ordered some
Starting point is 01:08:54 food got delivered just trying to wolf it down while recording and i spilled it entirely well not entirely but sort of on my pants i call it flying too close to the sun because it's like you're working but you're also getting some good food in and fuck sucks you gotta do it it's the worst i do it every time shredder what's your beef of the week my beef of the week is with and we touched on this a little bit preferably but um it's with the title of paul thomas anderson's next film and it's called licorice pizza which i think it just makes me it makes the big brother in me which i am it makes me want to go uh doorknob and you better touch one because i'm gonna fucking sock you in the shoulder uh it's a very pretentious title um and then i did read a vanity
Starting point is 01:09:47 fair article that one of our bros sent us robbie and it cleared things up i think that was the name of an arcade or something that he went to called licorice pizza and he thinks those two words define like an era of adolescence and i think that's a beautiful thing but i think shut the fuck up and part of what makes me so mad about it is I know I'm gonna love it because I love PTA I love his fucking movies it's gonna be cute and well observed exactly dude I'm gonna cry it's gonna be 8th grade Bo Burnham
Starting point is 01:10:13 bro I fucking cried during that movie I fucking dude there will be blood that movie for me is like all time dude smart to soften yourself here I know I know, I know. Very smart. Yeah, man, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:10:27 It's just licorice pizza. They need to get punched in the face. Maybe even people's all about. My beef of the week is, and Strider actually told me to make this my beef of the week. It is with Strider. It's a very minor beef, and it's actually more couched in adoration,
Starting point is 01:10:43 but Strider does drugs now. So what's up, man? He did mushrooms and he told me he also did Molly when he was in Las Vegas. I did Molly. The night we went separate routes. I hit a nightclub and they stayed gambling and he did Molly. Yeah. At the gambling or nightclub?
Starting point is 01:11:03 Well, we did it before we went to the nightclub. Like we were gambling, chilling, and then one of my brother's bros was like, "'Yo, do you guys wanna go to the moon?' And I was like, "'What, crypto?' And he's like, "'No, Mali.'" And I was like, "'All right, when's Vegas?' And we just put a little bit in our mouth right here."
Starting point is 01:11:18 This is actually my beef, is that every time Strider does drugs now, he comes up, you know, like weeks after, confesses, you know, he comes to terms with it. He goes, "' mushrooms or dude i did molly and then i always go i always get surprised because he'd never done any of some of what you did molly and then he always goes just a little bit just a little bit it is true and the dude that i was with he was like he's like i think you need to do a little more i was like no just a little bit he's like you need to do more dude and even at your brother's wedding i did did more shrooms at Chris's wedding.
Starting point is 01:11:45 And we were chilling with Reggie. And he's like, here you go. I was like, because Chris was like, dude, just ask for a cap and a stem. And you're chilling. I was like, I'll take a cap and a stem. And then I took like two caps and like two stems. And you were like, bro, you need more. And then I did it.
Starting point is 01:11:57 And then I was a little bitch too. And I was like, dude, can I get the chocolate bars? Like, no one has chocolate bars. Those are better, though. Yeah, I think a a huge i don't want to out anybody but a lot of people were doing mushrooms yeah at the wedding it was a wild party yeah it's fun to think of you know like there's certain drugs for each event it's fun to think of a wedding as being a shrooms event you i don't think they traditionally go together but it was a
Starting point is 01:12:17 nice marriage i think if you do and look i'm new to this but i think if you do like a small amount of shrooms like the right amount you can do it on any occasion yeah you just it just kind of turns you up yeah you just don't want to see god you don't want to do too much because it can go south on you no you just want to see colors colors brighten up and you just get a little silly you get silly um chad do you have a babe of the week yes that was will smith nice i really enjoyed king richard have you have you seen it you're about 12 minutes i i really enjoyed it i i i saw it with a date and we had a great time it's very uh moving and is well there's movies where i was like yeah yeah i love doing that when you're in the theater you're like i, I love those movies and theaters that get you amped on life,
Starting point is 01:13:05 and you're like, yes, I love it. And that makes you want to go out there and take action and do your own shit. So the whole time I was like, fuck yeah, Richard. And it got me fired up. And I was happy for Will Smith that he made a good movie. Yeah, good. I know. Yeah. He's had kind of a tough run. Smith that he like he made a good movie yeah good I know
Starting point is 01:13:26 he's kind of had a tough run after Earth Gemini Man what did he do with his son that was after Earth oh and he did that big Netflix movie with Joel Edgerton Bright
Starting point is 01:13:42 Joel Edgerton's a beast dude wrote The King with our boy Timothee Chalamet, big one. Joel Edgerton's a beast, dude. Wrote The King with our boy Timothy Chalamet. Love him, dude. Yeah, wrote and directed The Gift. That movie's a good thriller. That's a good thriller. Aaron, who's your babe of the week?
Starting point is 01:13:55 My babe of the week is the place I got the food from, Yaki's in Burbank. They do... Their special sauce is Thousand Island and teriyaki sauce together. It's like sweet, sour, savory all at once. It's great. They do a thin patty. It's a quarter pound, but it's thin.
Starting point is 01:14:13 It's like this. So thin. And then thick lettuce. So you get a crunch. So good, dude. Nice. It really fired me up and was really disappointing when some of it fell on the ground. Oh, fuck. That's tough. You don't want to lose any of that. when some of it fell on the ground. Oh, fuck. That's tough.
Starting point is 01:14:26 You don't want to lose any of that. Yeah. I like that you get crunch in there. Yeah, you got to. I also do this thing, which you'll never find anywhere else in the world. It's a hot dog covered in cheese, deep fried in a wonton. Whoa. It's called a bulldog.
Starting point is 01:14:42 Interesting. You dip that in the yaki sauce. I got one. it's only two bucks you get one with your burger amazing dang hell yeah fucking dang strider what's who's your babe in the week baby week's got my gf dude um she's just freaking beast dude we're just chilling dude and we're planning our wedding and she has just fire calls dude and and we went and saw stone brewery and it was legit but it's got a lot of planes flying overhead and
Starting point is 01:15:10 not like high overhead but like literally they take off like 25 feet from the venue and she's like look dude we're not even gonna do our ceremony here we're gonna do that at sunset cliffs so we could just have the rager here and it'd be fine and plus they got dank ipa so i'm fired up on that so just her being her open-mindedness i guess could be why she's my baby of the week you know that's it uh liberty station liberty station kind of close to point loma oh okay so it's right by the airport like limburg field dude literally literally right there wow like next door neighbors my baby my baby of the week is uh jeremy oh yeah the dude who shaved the line down the middle of his dome at the show yeah came early to the show he said hey i brought my clippers i want to support
Starting point is 01:15:56 the amazon and we're like hell yeah dude but it was a big sacrifice because like chad said he had majestic flow two years worth of growth all the way down to the shoulders handsome guy with like tristan from legends of the fall hair and he was like you know what i want to do this i just moved out here i'm like restarting like uh the direction of my life and i want to make strong choices and i want to be part of something and i was like yeah dude we appreciate the support man and then strider you shaved that line well down his dome and he stood on stage with us and it was it felt like a big moment and it felt like this was building some momentum and it felt like he felt good about it which was really nice we've been communicating a little bit since then he's a great guy hung out a little bit afterwards he's got a
Starting point is 01:16:37 good spirit good energy and we appreciate you jeremy thank you dude based that was a big move big ass move and yeah we don't take it lightly so thank you keep shaving lines down the middle of your dome guys and save the amazon we can save it if we shave enough lines besides strider we'll save the amazon yeah and i'll shave as many lines as i i get um the honor of doing don't keep posting about strider not doing it don't keep doing that i don't like it i don't like it at all so stop be sick if you guys chill on that strider is one of the trees guys yeah dude my i went to i taught don't do chinese for one summer my name is dalin which means big forest so is that true that's my Chinese name yeah my John John want the minze would you just say that means Chinese name John wall which means Chinese Chinese person the minks and my inflections are all wrong
Starting point is 01:17:37 some of fucking straight up bro and that means the Aaron, have you thought about it? No. Or do you mean you thought about it and it was a quick decision? No. Strong. Not thought about it. I have a hard enough time getting my hair to do what I want, let alone putting a line right down the middle of it. I think I look kind of sick. You may not come back.
Starting point is 01:18:01 You look fucking chill, dude. I think I look sick. Chad, who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week huh don johnson of miami vice fame nice um the original sonny crockett yeah so don johnson there's an article that says don johnson says his sex life has gotten better with age. When asked by host Andy Cohen, 53, if his sex drive remains as active as in his youth, Johnson replied with a straightforward, yes. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Good for him, man. The Lothario added, you actually get better at it. I've turned it into a science. And then Cohen goes, all rave reviews on Yelp for Don Johnson. Well, I can't guarantee that, you know, circumstances being what they are. You never know what you have to work with.
Starting point is 01:19:00 The aged whoopie wizard mused. I'm feeling pretty good about the review situation. Whoopie wizard? What's whoopie wizard mused i'm feeling pretty good about the review situation whoopie wizard that's what this is what's whoopie wizard i don't know dude he's a wizard whoopie like sex ah yeah whoopie that's like something chad tried to come up with the last second um this first draft yeah um but yeah i just i i just love that article i thought he's a beast and uh it's just hilarious to me so shout out to him for keeping his libido up at you know he's 71 don johnson sunny crockett on ghost fast boats just delivering the wood let's go that's what's maybe the best stubble in the game ever yeah amazing stubble amazing flow flow yeah he crushed in knives out very good
Starting point is 01:19:48 um tin cup he's a good guy he's also in jango yep uh watchman watchman he's a beast and what a name too don johnson you have to be good in the sack if your name is don and your last name is johnson yeah it's almost dong and your last name is Johnson. Yeah, it's almost Dong. And your last name is Penis. Yeah. So that's tight. And like Don Juan DeMarco. It's like a lover's name, Don.
Starting point is 01:20:11 Yeah. Good call. Don. My Legend of the Week is a podcast called Tell Him Steve, Dave. What the fuck are you talking about in another podcast? I've done this before. I've cleared it with you every time. This is wrong.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Darren. This is fucking insane, dude. Are you nuts time this is fucking quitting this is fucking insane dude you know history is dank the only better podcast you'll ever talk about is this on the atc brand no no no they're not oh this is demented bertolino listens to this it's fine it's fine man all right so what is it what is it it's called tell them steve dave it's one of kevin smith's it's an offshoot of kevin sm world. But they just had their 500th episode and I've been listening since episode one. And to think about that is insane. It is.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Some people weren't born when I started listening to this podcast. That's crazy. What's it about? Give a shout out. It's just people, it's just talking shit. I mean, that's all it is.
Starting point is 01:21:02 They're in New Jersey. It's fun. All right, I like it. One of the guys is on the Impractical Jokers. Nice. I like those guys. Yeah. My legend of the week is my brother and Becca.
Starting point is 01:21:13 Yeah. They got married on Saturday. It's crazy. It was so surreal. I was like, my brother's married. Like, it didn't feel real, like, at various points in the night. I was like, I can't believe this is, like, we're all here to celebrate these two and there's such a beautiful couple honestly like it's funny when people write in here like hey like this person's kind of
Starting point is 01:21:30 giving me mixed vibes this person's sort of doing that and like there's all this unknown and with those two I never got any of that like they knew they wanted to be together from the beginning and they've just done it right like they've been loyal to each other they have fun together I think they're gonna continue to have fun and and they're just happiest it right. Like they've been loyal to each other. They have fun together. I think they're going to continue to have fun. And they're just happiest when they are together. So that's where they belong. And I'm happy that's how it went and how it's going to keep going. And yeah, congratulations to you two.
Starting point is 01:21:54 You're both beautiful people. And you threw a hell of a party. So thank you guys. Yeah, they're the best. Chad, what's your quote of the week? What did we do? I didn't do my legend yet. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:22:04 I skipped you it's all good bro sorry it's quick it's just long sleeve tees no we're getting to that season in socal just love wearing a long sleeve too did you see we had someone write in that their girlfriend didn't like when he wore long sleeve tees with shorts i love that look it's a great look it's one of my favorite looks you crush that look thank you yeah i mean i don't know what climate they live in but i mean we're in like sort of a chaparral climate so i think that's probably i don't know but it's one of the most fire looks you can have nice chad what's your quote of the week uh comes from uh comes from king richard the movie
Starting point is 01:22:46 comes from king richard the movie you fail to plan you plan to fail i saw that boost aaron my quote of the week is uh from jt from earlier on that email for the guys dm his friends he's not the move dude i got a few guys today you know history is dank I'm a history guy today JFK was assassinated so I've got a few JFK quotes here and these are the first ones that pop up I just typed into google I'm gonna rattle them off forgive your enemies but never forget their names the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.
Starting point is 01:23:30 We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. Nice. Basically top five. Can be close. Those are great. Yeah. Um, mine is from the movie,
Starting point is 01:23:43 the town. I rewatched it. It's an amazing movie. And it's when Ben Affleck's trying to leave Charleston and get out of there. And Jeremy Renner, his buddy, the character's name is Jem. He's like, you're not leaving. You got responsibilities here.
Starting point is 01:23:56 And then Ben Affleck goes, what are you talking about? All you care about is Coke and Xbox. What a line. That's great. And I feel like you can really picture that gem character at home doing coke and playing xbox all day and also i think there's a lot of guys like that who that is like the two main things you know they're worried about so it's a good dialogue dude yeah uh chat what's your phrase that we forget after it or did i I skip? No, I didn't skip you this time. Phrase that we forget after it is...
Starting point is 01:24:32 Dude, my zipper is done up. Aaron, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Let's get silly. Strider. Sun's out, guns out. Mine is from Gang in new york i watched that movie front to back before heading down to sdnm when leo dicaprio first sees cameron diaz and she walks off he says she is a prim looking stargazer that's a nice way to describe someone all right oh dude can we do one more thing before we sign up he does a great dicky
Starting point is 01:25:08 from the fighter oh yeah yeah okay i gotta get into i'll be mark walberg real quick you're gonna train me to fight also when we're talking about our salaya do you want to be melissa leo dicky's mother sure i don't really remember she's crazy boston lady yeah Mickey, you were supposed to be here three hours ago to train me. Look, I'm sorry I'm late. I'm turning things around. Don't worry about it. What do you mean you're turning things around? You're supposed to be here three hours ago.
Starting point is 01:25:30 No, I'm stone cold sober. I'm ready to box. Hit the gloves. Let's go. I'm ready to hit the gloves. I already got the gloves on. Come on, let's go. All right, fine.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Yeah, there you go. There you go. Hit him. I threw up. Mickey. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry. Why are you throwing up? Are you fucked up? I'm not fucked up. Look, you throwing up are you fucked up I'm not fucked up look I'm a little bit fucked up
Starting point is 01:25:48 you're fucked up I'm just a little bit fucked up because you know look I'm trying to turn things around it's just tough on me you know you're the fighter mom loves you when she looks at me what she see what she see hey don't say that no mom mom admit it you're always on Dickie's side you're always on Dickie's side. You're always on Dickie's side.
Starting point is 01:26:05 I love you. I love you, Dickie. Mom, you know I love you, but you got me. Mom, he's fucked up. He can't train me. This is bullshit. Look, I may be fucked up. Come on, Mom.
Starting point is 01:26:12 But look, we're all fucked up. We're a fucked up family. We're a fucked up family. And Mickey, you fucking box. He's turning himself around. He's turning himself around. What's your name again? Mickey.
Starting point is 01:26:23 You're turning himself around, Mickey. Come on. You can't see that? He's not turning himself. You sure You're turning himself around, Mickey. Come on, you can't see that? He's not turning himself. You sure you're ready? He's sober. You're my fucking brother. He's sober.
Starting point is 01:26:31 Ma, I ain't sober right now. You're sober. You gotta keep convincing me. Ma, ma, ma, I'm sober. Look how sober he is. Look at me, look at me. He's a job of a human being. He's sober.
Starting point is 01:26:39 I'm ready to move. I threw up again. Ma, he can't. You're making him sick with all your training, Mickey. You're making him sick. Look at what you're doing. You put him in the toilet. I'm ready to move I threw up again Ma he can't You're making him sick with all your training Mickey You're making him sick Look at what you're doing He's supposed to train me ma
Starting point is 01:26:51 He's supposed to come in here and train me I've got a fight coming up He's supposed to train me Who's your brother You're putting all this pressure on your big brother You know he's got pressure on him He's a trainer Who made you tough
Starting point is 01:27:01 Look how sober he is You made me tough I'm sober as hell. Who made you tough? Who made you tough? Who made you tough? Look how sober he is. Look how sober. You made me tough. Yeah, I'm sober as hell. And I made you tough. You made me tough. And when other kids came up to you, who came up to you and tell you first, you fucking sock him in the jaw first.
Starting point is 01:27:13 You fucking get out of there. You told me that. You talk and move. Who taught you that? He taught you that, Mickey. He taught me that. Let me tell you something. I got a fight coming up.
Starting point is 01:27:19 You're supposed to train me. You're not. You're not. I'm here. I'm here. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than anything. Is he not here? I'm standing right here. I in the ring all right all right go ahead and hit me come
Starting point is 01:27:28 on that's good shit all right come on i'll come low hit harder mickey i'll come hit harder i'll come low mickey you're not hitting hard enough now look i need to borrow some money what do you mean i need a little bit money which brother why are you asking for money while i got boss ma ma he's asking for money while i'm training this is bullshit your big brother asked you for money you give him money ma here's the thing ma ma here's the thing I don't want to ask ma for money you're a big time boxer now come on you're gonna hit big
Starting point is 01:27:53 I want to put it on you I want to bet on you I want to bet on our fucking family I want to bet on our fucking family that's my son right there can I bet on our fucking family hey mickey fuck you. Yeah, Ma.
Starting point is 01:28:07 Ma. Admit it, Ma. Mickey was an accident. Mom and Dad had me on purpose. I got a big fight coming up. Hey, hey, hey. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something, Ma.
Starting point is 01:28:16 If I got a big fight coming up, why are you telling me I'm an accident? Why would you tell me that before a big fight? Because I never wanted you, Mickey. I never wanted you. That's right. You're just a pain in my ass. Hey, let me tell you what. I was wanted you. That's right. You're just a pain in my ass. Hey, let me tell you what. I was there listening.
Starting point is 01:28:26 I was there listening when mom and dad made you. Out when they made you. Oh, that was a good night. That was a good fuck. I was listening. And Ma even said, hey, hey, are you almost there? You better get ready. Right on the back.
Starting point is 01:28:38 Right on my tramp stamp. Mom's got a tramp stamp, but you didn't know that. I did. And I'll tell you right now. I'm on drugs, too. I'll tell you right now. I'm big time. I'm all fucked up. Your whole family's on drugs. Why are you guys all on drugs when I got a big fight coming. And I'll tell you right now. I'm on drugs too. I'll tell you right now. I'm big time. I'm all fucked up.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Your whole family's on drugs. Why are you guys all on drugs when I got a big fight coming up? Because we had you, Mickey. Because we had you. It's not my fault, Mom. Your father didn't pull out and now I get all this pressure on me.
Starting point is 01:28:53 Mickey ain't punching guys in the face of drugs. Yeah, we got this sober Sally up in here. Ain't it? Ain't it hurting other guys? Why are you slobbering? Because I'm fucking fucked up. Why are you so fucked?
Starting point is 01:29:04 I'm fucking fucked up. are you so I'm fucking fucked up I love fucking Jim Beam I love fucking Jim Beam why are you talking about Jim Beam when we're in the gym
Starting point is 01:29:12 why are you talking about Jim Beam cause we're in the gym and it's Jim Beam alright there it is thanks guys sweet I gotta see the genesis of that at canters that was yeah real fun all right cool the most fun dude we good they're good let's go yeah
Starting point is 01:29:37 all right stokers uh keep writing reviews stay stoked listen to history is dank yeah and uh stay stoked Bye. I know, I know, I know. Who's your favorite? Strider. Who's your legend league? Joe, what's your favorite league? Chad. What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your favorite league? Strider. Who's your legend league? Joe, what's your favorite league?
Starting point is 01:30:54 Chad. What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your favorite league? Strider. Who's your legend league? Joe, what's your question? Give me the screws. Thank you. I'm your host, Chad. I'm your host, Chad. I'm your host, Chad.
Starting point is 01:32:11 I'm your host, Chad. I'm your host, Chad. I'm your host, Chad. I'm your host, Chad. I'm your host, Chad. Thank you. To the last touch.

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