Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 217 - Brad Fuller Joins

Episode Date: December 15, 2021

What up stokers! This week we got our legend mentor Brad Fuller on the pod!   Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP at mansacped.com- Send in your best manscaping stories to win a pr...ize in next weeks episode!   If you’re not sure where to start with sports betting, start with BetQL Daily, presented by FanDuel.   Just visit Talk Space Dot Com and get $100 off your first month when you use promo code go deep at sign-up.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers of Stoked Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Oh, fuck. What am I doing? Guys, before we begin this, start the ads right here. Guys, before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are brought to you, of course, by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, for looking after our hogs, for making sure our dinks are looking fresh and clean. Because it's the holiday season, and you don't know what to get as a gift or stocking stuffer. Well, today's sponsor, Manscaped, has the tools to guarantee you win this year's stocking stuffer or white elephant competition.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Manscaped is the leader in men's below-the-waist grooming and they have served more than 4 million men worldwide. If my math is correct, that's almost 18 balls. 8 million balls. I don't know why I read 18. So get 20% off plus free shipping at manscaped.com slash go deep. We also have a Manscaped giveaway coming up. Guys, I'm announcing this now.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Next week, we will be sharing. We'll announce a winner of the Manscaped giveaway. And how do you get into that giveaway? You share your craziest manscaping stories with us. Send them to our email, chadgoesdeeppodcasts at gmail.com. We'll read the craziest stories, pick a winner, and that winner will get the performance package, which you do not want to miss out on because your pubes are gonna look so epic.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Alright, let's start the show. So Vegas, yeah I just you know I just when I when i party i i go you know full throttle that's probably good well i went to sleep at like five in the morning we partied with at uh resorts world we we did a thing with zed at this club called zuke yeah it was insane and then it was kind of work but then we finished at like 2 30 and then we were all just at this club and we're like we should just party and then we went Yeah. And there was this one dude. I thought I knew him. So I'm like, oh, dude, what's up?
Starting point is 00:02:08 I thought he worked with Zed's team. I never met the guy. He's like, bro, good to see you. Could not get rid of the guy after that. And he just kept trying to feed me Red Bull vodka out of like a big goal. Yeah. And I just kept being like, that's what Chad wants. Give it to Chad.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Well, no, that is the most potent thing that I've ever had in my life. Red Bull vodka? Yeah. It'll jack you up. It'll jack you up. It fucks you up. Yeah, and he made it really strong, too. And he's one of those guys where you take a sip, and he's like, come on, man, you gotta drink more than that. And he came up to me like 10 times that night.
Starting point is 00:02:37 He's like, come on, man, you gotta drink more than that. Don't be a pussy. And then I went to bed at 6. Yeah. And then tell them about the rest of your night uh yeah because so we started at like three you know and it's like we were working and you're tired well that's the thing i uh it was like we just kind of had this like we just wanted to keep going so you get an energy spike yeah we got an energy spike the sun was up
Starting point is 00:03:01 and we're like we're in vegas like it's 9.m. Let's go get French tips at this place. And then we were just on this mission looking for strip club. Which one? You know, I lived in Vegas for five years. Did you really? What? Oh, that's right. I knew.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Yeah. Yeah, we've talked about it from 92 to 97. Cameron and Paxton were both born in Las Vegas. And that's when it went family style, too, right? It was in the process, yes. That's when Luxor and Excalibur were coming in. But Crazy Horse 2 was still a big part of it yeah but you guys room yeah we yeah we went to hustle i'm not a strip club guy at all but we
Starting point is 00:03:32 i don't like some other guys that horny yeah we we were in like an uber i don't even know it was just one of those drunken ideas you know but we were just pounding drinks and got to like hustler and everyone's like i don't want to pay a hundred dollar cover charge hundred dollars to get in apparently that's what that's asleep that's what i think that's ridiculous as we we literally did not even leave the uber um so we go and then we were saying they were like just drive us back so drive us back we're at a bar like outside resorts world that like you know 10 30 went back to the resorts world i was with mostly with dan uh our guy we worked with the director and you know it was like 11 11 30 noon and we were just pounding drinks at this bar and then i just black out wait
Starting point is 00:04:12 a minute you're pounding drinks at 10 30 in the morning after going all night yeah yeah yeah and then you blacked out at the bar yeah blacked out the bar like full and then i came to you know probably around like 12 30 wait what what happened in those last two hours that's good question do you know does anyone i was asleep but i guess i guess he came to find me at some point yes i came to in the lobby with one shoe on and no key to my room i was like where the fuck am i man and i was like to the i remember being the front desk guy i'm like i have no key and i'm so fucked up uh and i was but i was looking i remember vaguely looking for jt's room and i thought
Starting point is 00:04:50 he was on floor 12 like i thought he's 12 207 that was like in my mind you were floor 11 11 207 well yeah the next day you were like bro i was looking for you and i was on your floor on floor 12 and i was like dog i'm on 11 yeah so i vaguely remember knocking on this door and this guy like, I told you, man. He's not here. And I'm like, all right, I'll see you. Were you also, did you have a hat on? Or was your... Oh, I had a hat.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Dude, yeah. I think I had a hat on, but that's a... Wait, but so we still don't know what happened in those two hours. Is that correct? We don't. No one has any idea. Like you were out. You could have been.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah. Time traveling. To get your shoe back. My shoe was in my room. Oh, okay. So I left with one shoe, which is funny. Yeah, you went back.
Starting point is 00:05:34 You're like, I want to be lighter. I want to move faster. Yeah, yeah. Crazy. I want to ground. That sounds really fun. You need to touch the air.
Starting point is 00:05:41 I'm taking Paxson and Cameron to the UFC fight. Oh, that's... Dustin Poirier vs Charles Oliveira This Saturday though? That's a really good card That's got some really good fights on it Where are you staying? We're staying at the Delano I couldn't get in anywhere
Starting point is 00:05:53 It's on Mandalay Bay Oh nice Have you been to the fights before? One of my closest friends is the CEO No Dana's the CEO. He's not... No, Dana's the CEO. He's...
Starting point is 00:06:07 Whatever... Joe Silva? His name is Lawrence Epstein. Okay. And I've known him since when I lived in Vegas in 92, and he was just a normal attorney, and now he's number two or three at UFC, and he just said,
Starting point is 00:06:20 you should bring the kids up and let's have a weekend. That's going to be so fun. Yeah. The kids are so fired up. The crowd is great, too. Really? It's just all jack dudes who bring the kids up and let's have a weekend. That's going to be so fun. The kids are so fired up. The crowd is great, too. Really? It's just all jack dudes who are just fired up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I want to make sure I have protection. I went when I was 18. I saw in Vegas, I saw Renato Sobral versus Chuck Liddell. It was funny, too. Strider, he wasn't supposed to go on the trip. And I just picked him up. And we're halfway to Vegas. And his mom calls.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And she's like, are you still at breakfast? And she thought he was going to breakfast and then she found out he's going to vegas and she flipped a lid that's so funny he's funny have you seen a fight live before i think i saw a fight live like before the ufc was really the like it was a small thing and i went to it right and to be honest this sounds uh it's like a big pussy, but it's really violent. I mean, it's kind of sometimes hard to watch when someone's on the ground and they're passed out and they're just pounding them and blood's flying. Yeah, the ref's got to be good.
Starting point is 00:07:14 The ref's got to get in there at the right moment. Sometimes they'll let it go for too long. This was really early. When John McCain called it human cockfighting. Yeah, that's about the time. Everything was allowed. You could headbutt. You. That's about the time. Everything was allowed. You could headbutt. You could like.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Really? Yeah. Kick a downed opponent. Just crazy stuff. But I love that my boys are so fired up to go. That's fun. It's really fun. I love the UFC, but I do relate to what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Like when I watch it with someone who isn't into it and I see them react to the violence, I kind of get in their shoes and I'm like, Oh yeah, this is like incredibly savage. Yeah. But, uh, I've just always liked martial arts and all that shit. So I, I fuck it.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Me too. But anyway, but yeah, so we got that this week. Boys, boys trip. That sounds like fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Just the boys. That's going to be nice. Yeah. Are you going to take them like gambling or anything like that? I was thinking about that today. I was thinking, you know what? I,
Starting point is 00:08:01 I will, this, when does this pod come on? Next Wednesday. Oh good. So we'll be back. I was thinking, you know, I'm going to give the boys, you know what? When does this pod come on? Next Wednesday. Oh, good. So we'll be back. I was thinking, you know, I'm going to give the boys, you know, like 500 bucks each, right? And just, I want you guys to have a good, you know, normally I'm like, I want you to
Starting point is 00:08:14 have a $2 table. Here's, you know, 100 bucks. But I want them to have fun, you know, so I'm going to try and show them the best time. I'm setting some other things up for them. That's cool. We're going to have matzo brite at the El Cortez Hotel, which is an old hotel downtown. Cool.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Yeah, I'm going to take them, because they haven't been there since they were born there, but they've not really been back in real life, so I'm going to take them by the house that we lived in and stuff like that. What were you doing out there? I was producing fake UFC programming. Oh, you've told me about this before, right?
Starting point is 00:08:46 And one of the guys who was doing the stunt coordinating ended up becoming the John Wick director. Chad Stilski was our stunt coordinator. He was our fight coordinator. Was he a good guy? The best. I watched John Wick in my recovery from the blackout. So like a couple hours later?
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah, like 5 p.m. Can we go back to that for a second? When did you actually go to sleep dude that's the thing uh i on my whoop it said nap from like one to three and then i just i just can't sleep i can't sleep during the day i can't either so i was kind of just like in a daze until and then i kind of like i went to bed at like 10 woke up at like three it was rough that's why i don't party that much because when i do it you know you do you go all the way stuff like that happens yeah luckily though i'm i'm full of love when i'm drunk you know i'm like a good time you're
Starting point is 00:09:36 not angry you didn't get no fight you didn't end up in jail no i just tell everyone i love them right which is like you know so i i take solace in that. But, you know, I also, it takes me from such like, I'm typically just very happy and motivated. And then it just takes me all the way to the depths of like despair. I'm going to get you a trophy that says worst hangovers in the world. Yeah. And you had that? Yeah. I mean, I was with JT.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Did you boo? No. Wow. He just gets really bad hangovers like i get pretty bad ones at times but he gets like the worst ones i've ever seen i just get really sad well you know what that's because your body is so pure that's what i say it's like a high performance car you can't put bad gas you can't put shit in there i appreciate i appreciate you should check your whoop too and see how many steps you took from like 11 to 12 30 and then if it's like 10 000 steps i'm worried
Starting point is 00:10:25 you might have walked the whole strip yeah your average miles per hour is like nine like you were at a good clip you ran like 10 miles just running down the strip being like i love you i love you that would have been good yeah nice vegas is the right place for that, too. Yeah, Rolling Stone socks. I got some limited edition Rolling Stone stuff. Did you watch the new, tangential to that, but did you watch the new Beatles doc on Disney? Yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:10:54 I'm a little, are you going to talk about trimming our pubes or we're just? That's after, but we can dive into it. But thank you for your professionalism. Of course, I want to make sure in Athletic Greens, I want to make sure everything's getting covered. We're working out our deal with Manscaped for next year, and they want us to give some of the product to some of the guests, and I thought about your pubes right away.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Thank you so much. I appreciate that. Of course. Is it a four by then? Yeah, it's going to be the 4.0, and your pubes have first position in my mind. Of course, dude. Thank you so much. I can't wait of course i mean you've got going deep pubes yeah for sure for sure um wait what were we talking about before that for a second we were i was asking you um
Starting point is 00:11:35 help me vegas no there was i was oh fuck um i don't remember oh the beatles thing okay so here's my take on it i'm three quarters of the way through the first episode so you're like three hours in oh no the first episode okay so you're like 40 minutes in no no it's like an hour and a half yeah oh right there's three episodes sorry and what i am absolutely fascinated by the dynamic that i did not know that existed amongst those four people right yeah and and i had breakfast this morning with an old friend of mine, and we were talking about this, and I was saying, you know, it's just so interesting that, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:12 when you watch it, Paul clearly is driving most of the creative, and I didn't know that George was as persnickety as he could be. Like that whole conversation about Eric Clapton, did you get to that yet? Where they want Clapton to play the guitar on it and George is feeling a little bit like... Yeah, and he's saying it's jazz and it's not... And they're having that argument.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And through it all, Ringo just kind of looks cute. Happy-go-lucky. Just happy-go-lucky. And so I said to my buddy, I said, but isn't that weird that Ringo doesn't weigh in? He goes, that's why the Beatles are the Beatles. Because Ringo was the guy who was just happy to be there. The glue he's the glue guy and he's the only one i think who doesn't really aspire to be a songwriter on it right because it's like george pushing for more songwriting
Starting point is 00:12:53 which he probably deserved because then his like solo album fantastic he's got like all-time songs on it yeah for sure and then paul and john kind of don't really think of them right on their level but then ringo just is like you can think about me on any level. I'm just happy to play the drums. That's cool. So I like that part of it. I'm a Beatles fan, but I don't know every song they've ever made. So for me, it becomes magical when I'm watching some of the songs that I've known my whole life come together.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Come together. Come together. Thank you. And I always, in my mind, I always figured, because I come together and come together, come together. Thank you. And I always, in my mind, I always figured like, cause I'm not creative at all. So writing a song to me seemed like something that it takes years of trying to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And then like they go, they go home and come back and they'd have a song that has with, with, with, withstood this test of time for 55 years. It just comes out in a flood. It just comes out. It's so incredible to watch that creative process.
Starting point is 00:13:48 It's amazing. Totally. And he said, and Paul said, it was way better when they like lived together. Right. And now it's like they're fractured. Because they only come together once in a while. So are all three episodes already uploaded on Disney Plus?
Starting point is 00:14:00 Yeah, I haven't finished it either. But I did watch a clip from later. I love the song Don't Let Me Down. There's this moment where like, because from what I've heard, because I haven't finished it, it's like Paul seems to be the only one who's like really still desperate to keep it together and kind of joyful about it. Right, right. And then when they're singing Don't Let Me Down and the cops come out on the roof, Paul looks at the cops and he turns back to the mic and he goes, whoo!
Starting point is 00:14:21 Like he's fired up that they're causing trouble and that they're being mischievous as boys yeah and that's like the best moment yeah and for him to be as like successful as he is and like as intelligent as he is and to just have that pure joy moment i was like it's really inspiring but he's so inspiring he loves it he pushes it yeah i mean i just love so i love the dynamic of it you know another rock documentary that i just watched i'm not totally done with it is the beastie boy ones on oh that's cool i haven't seen it I just love it. So I love the dynamic of it. You know, another rock documentary that I just watched, I'm not totally done with it, is the Beastie Boy ones on Apple. Oh, that's cool. I haven't seen it, but it sounds cool. So cool.
Starting point is 00:14:51 What's the thrust of it? It's Mike D. and Adam Horwitz. Ad-Rock. Ad-Rock. They're on stage, and I don't know the theater, but it's a theater in New York, Bad Rock. They're on stage, and I don't know the theater, but it's a theater in New York.
Starting point is 00:15:10 And they verbally, for two and a half hours, give you the history of the Beastie Boys. And Spike Jonze directed it, and there's photographs behind him. And you see the first footage of them, and they take you through. So it's like a one-man show almost. It's a two-man show. Right. Because they came in, too, as kind of like a novelty act like people are like we'll just get these like corny white guys to do rap and then they actually became like that's right pretty good artists but it's incredible i mean i love music docs but that
Starting point is 00:15:33 one's a really did you see that one there no it's worth seeing it's on apple plus it's pretty good i like the eagles one because that's like a real workplace drama you're like dude these guys hate each other they hate each other like at one point the base like gl one point, the bass, like Glenn Frey and Don Henley are kind of battling for leadership of the band, but they're both like, Glenn Frey seems like he takes care of the logistics stuff, and the bass is just hard. Glenn Frey's kind of giving orders, and the bass just pours a beer over his head and goes, cool down.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Then it cuts to a talking head. He was like, he was out of the band after that. Right, right, right. Right, right, right. I love that. That's a three-hour one, right? Yeah, it's really good. Yeah, that's good, too.
Starting point is 00:16:04 But I think they call it part one, which is always kind of misleading. Yeah, that is. Did you watch the Metallica one? Uh-huh. I love that one. That's one of my favorites. Some Kind of Monster. Some Kind of Monster, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:13 That one's great. I can't believe they let people in on all that. I mean, it's very, I mean, it's so funny seeing them in that light. And then it shows them at shows and it's like they're so badass you know and then in therapy they're just kind of like these spoiled kids a little bit and you're just like wow they're babies they're so sensitive yeah but the fact that they let that because i i don't like like celebrity produced documentary you know what i mean bill simmons made this point but but the two that i do kind of respect are that one and the kevin hart one yeah because both those
Starting point is 00:16:43 people let themselves look like assholes and yeah you're like, I can't believe you executive produced this thing. Yeah. That just makes you look like a fucking dick. Yeah. And it's totally in contrast to your public image. Totally. I, um, I watched that documentary and then I offered James a role in Texas chain. So I did. I wanted him to be the sheriff and we couldn't work out the schedule, but I got on the phone with him at least. That's cool. I got to talk to him. He's a raw dude. Yeah he would have been great in the role I just felt like he would have been perfect
Starting point is 00:17:11 What was that like talking to him? So shy and like not what you would think just not at all what you would think but also I was so in my own head because I love Metallica Yeah Metallica's sick. I want to see them live Have you seen them live? I love Metallica. Yeah, Metallica's sick. I want to see them live.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Have you seen them live? I saw Metallica and Guns N' Roses together at the Hollywood Bowl. That must have been a long time because they went on tour and then they blame Axl for a riot that broke out at one of their shows. Because one of the dudes in Metallica was like, was it Hetfield?
Starting point is 00:17:39 His hand got blown off by Pyro? No, he walked into a fireball. He walked into a fireball. They came off stage, so they were like, yo, Guns N' Roses, off by pyro no he walked in he walked into a fireball he walked into a fireball they came off stage then they were like so they were like yo guns and roses you guys got to do like a three-hour show to pacify this crowd because they're not getting metallica and then i guess after one song axel was like not feeling it walked off stage i might be exaggerating the timeline but it's something in that wheelhouse and then and then the crowd went nuts and they tore up the
Starting point is 00:18:03 whole building and people might have got hurt and stuff like that show those two people together was just unbelievable yeah unbelievable yeah those are some great performers and some loud music yeah for sure who went who went in what order because you know i think it was like the laverne and shirley billing you know where they would it would change um right because metallica by then has like five albums out and Guns N' Roses has one I think that just the one I saw Metallica went first and then Guns N' Roses and the thing I always remember about the Guns N' Roses show at the end of it Axl this is right when wireless mics were becoming the thing and Axl finishes the show and he launched the microphone. He throws it as hard as he can
Starting point is 00:18:47 into the audience and you hear it rotating over and over and it hits someone. But I think he did that at the end of every show. He just threw that mic out as far as he could throw it and that was the end of the show
Starting point is 00:18:58 because there was no way. That's so funny. You can't top it as a sound guy not happy about it. If it just hits someone in the head, oh, fuck, dude. I know. Couldn't do that today. Yeah. just hits someone in the head. Oh, fuck, dude. I know. Couldn't do that today.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yeah. You could not do that today. Oh, man. Yeah. Even mic drops as a sound guy. I'm like, no, don't do it. It's not worth it. It's a $100 microphone.
Starting point is 00:19:15 I haven't been to many great... I've been like... That's been on my mind is I need to go to more concerts because I've never been... Did you see the Rolling Stones here? No. Oh, dude. No. So good.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Man. So far, right? Yeah. Wow. It? No. Oh, dude. So good. Man. So far, right? Yeah. Wow. It was awesome. I loved it. I've been, System of a Down and Korn, I think, are playing together in February. I kind of want to see that.
Starting point is 00:19:34 We're talking to Janelle about that. But I don't know. Yeah. I want to see Metallica really bad. I think Metallica is number one on my list. Are they going to tour again? I mean, I have no idea what they are. Yeah, yeah i know dean del rey's opening for them in san francisco oh whoa that's doing a 40th 40th anniversary he's a comic who used to be a
Starting point is 00:19:52 roadie so he's kind of like no he used to be a musician oh right probably yeah i don't know he's open for them before as a he's got a good voice i've seen him singing on like the energy of that concert i mean you watch lars and you just cannot believe what he eats for any meal to have the energy to do what he does back there. It's just insane. It's just, and they all are. I mean, it's a great show. Drummers are always a little cut. Their arms are always a little shredded.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I have no idea how they do it. I have no idea how Don Henley plays the drums and sings. Incredible. With that voice, too. Right. I mean, he's got the most beautiful voice ever. It's crazy. But you have to see that show. If i will if not i will take you to that show i'll figure out how
Starting point is 00:20:29 to get tickets we will go see that show we have to see i want to see that too yeah i'm way down fired up but i wish you would have seen the stones it was so good yeah so who's playing drums now or did you see it with watts before he no no no i saw it just recently um here's the thing where i was sitting i couldn't see all i could where i was thing. Where I was sitting, I couldn't see. All I could see, where I was sitting, I was on the side. So I couldn't see it. And he didn't really introduce, really, the band in any way. So I don't know who that was.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I like the move where they get the son. You know, like I think Bonham's kid plays drums in Zeppelin now. And then Clarence Clemons plays the saxmens his nephew plays uh the sax now keeping the family i know and don henley and glenn fry's son deacon i think is his name i think it's deacon fry plays with the eagles now now this is what i wonder with that do they inherit the blood feud does deacon hate don henley i don't know if his are they it's a great name no that's your producer instinct to give him a badass name does he I don't know
Starting point is 00:21:27 does he stare daggers into Henley Aaron's gonna check my work and see if I'm right about that the ACDC has that too where it's like a nephew who's playing instead of Malcolm
Starting point is 00:21:36 no but Clarence Clemons' nephew I think it's his nephew I don't think it's his son I think it's his nephew his nephew so badass he can rip it really
Starting point is 00:21:43 he's on Jungleland he can handle it. He's got the lung capacity. Good, dude. Good. Don't blow it. I saw Bruce, and he was, as advertised, just put on the most spectacular show. He wears you out.
Starting point is 00:21:55 He does. He gives a working man show for a working man audience. Not in LA, but when he's in Jersey. No, but you can see him on Broadway, too. It's a totally different thing and magical in its own way. Yeah, he's the best. I want to ask you something. It is Deacon Fry Deacon Fry oh shit Deacon Fry is his name? that is so good that's one of the coolest names I think that guy's
Starting point is 00:22:12 like the number two to Mark Wahlberg in an action movie Vince Gill also in the band what uh how did in top ten box office where's A Quiet Place are you guys you know I don't know we did 300 worldwide nice in the pandemic what was there an estimated well listen when the movie was originally supposed to come out which was march 8th yeah the pandemic really started on the 13th um the estimates had us
Starting point is 00:22:40 opening to 75 to 80 million dollars which would would have been the biggest opening i've ever been a part of and then they pulled it and i think that at the end of the day the opening weekend it was a four-day weekend so it's like 50 million dollars which no one could believe and and frankly when they gave us the date i you know i many people called me and said, you guys are crazy because we're in the middle of a pandemic. And it just felt like the stars aligned. And there was this six to seven week period where, I don't know if people remember, in the summer, where it felt like things were opening up. We were past it. Yeah, we were past it.
Starting point is 00:23:18 That was a great stretch of time. So it was like so great that that happened. But still, even when people were going to see it, it was only 70% of the theaters were open, 60% to 70% of the theaters were open. Right. But a total success. Because when we had you on here last time, I think it was right before that came out.
Starting point is 00:23:36 It was the day before. And you were nervous. It was fun to watch you be nervous. And then got to talk to you throughout the course of the weekend when it was clear it was going to be a success both critically and uh financially it's nice yeah it's really nice you know i mean that that it's kind of like you know for me i've made a lot of different movies and that just seems to be like the magical one you know it's just things added up well and came out well and i'm proud of it and the critics liked
Starting point is 00:24:06 it and how do you how do you deal with the you know you probably have that probably about a month and a month and a half of that sort of busy with that and then how do you deal with the time after that like i was sort of wondering about like the in-between time are you able to fill that or are you just kind of like because i in my brief experience you know short experience in entertainment so far it's sort of like you're doing something and you're like busy and you're sort of like okay this is everything and then and then when that sort of you know slows down a little bit you can't my mind that's when my mind just starts spinning i'm like what's what do i do next like what do i do um super frustrating
Starting point is 00:24:46 yeah super frustrating because not only did the movie came out but in some ways at least to me it felt like the movie business had shut down so there was really nothing to do there was we didn't really have an opportunity to capitalize on anything then and it sucked and yeah and i still feel like it's challenging now um in a different way to get things moving forward and going and the things that i'm getting traction on are things that are all ip based or either our own or someone else's and it's hard to get original movies made right now for me so for ip IP-based, it means you're rebooting a movie or you're doing a book and turning it into a film? Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Okay. So the things that I'm having traction on at the studios now, one of them is, I don't even know if I'm allowed to say what it is, so I'll just give you a hint, but it's a prequel to a classic horror film. We're going to do a prequel to that film, and the studio's fired up about that. And we're in the midst of closing a deal with a great actress to do it, and they're pushing us, but that's a movie,
Starting point is 00:25:57 the movie that everyone knows the studio owns, and so they're fired up on that. Now, why does that fire them up so much because you've mentioned to me which movie it was and it's a great film but it's older and I don't feel like the main demo for who's going to go see the new one is going to be people who are even aware
Starting point is 00:26:15 of the original right? You're probably right about that but just name value alone kind of built in an audience it clears the clutter a little bit people know what they're getting when exactly so so there's that and then um although i haven't no one has said to me this and um there'll probably be another purge movie i imagine yeah and so there's traction on that and then uh jack ryan keeps going and so that those things but original ideas are
Starting point is 00:26:47 super super challenging right now and i think part of the problem is that um there is so much out there that there's it's it is hard to say to people hey check out this new thing when there's so much other stuff there and you don't have to leave your house to check it out so if you're if you're looking through netflix and you say oh well i leave your house to check it out so if you're if you're looking through netflix and you say oh well i saw a version of that movie or i saw the original i'll check out this that's easier and it's a safer bet for the studios than a brand new idea how do we break out of that like how do you foresee the industry sort of breaking out of that kind of rut that we're in well i think part of it happens when the pandemic abates and people start going back to the movies in a real way where
Starting point is 00:27:33 where you just don't even think about do i have to wear a mask or do i what do i have to do i think when life gets back to normal um that will help but you know our habits have changed and i do if i'm up in the middle of the night, I'm worrying about that. I'm worrying about the fact that, for me, going to the movies was always just a wonderful... There was nothing tainted about that experience for me. And now people don't have to leave their homes to see great product, right? So the question more is, how did the studios get people to leave their homes to see great product right and so the question more is how did the
Starting point is 00:28:05 studios get people to leave their homes and go see movies and movie theaters i went and saw i saw the james bond movie in the theater because yeah it was important to me i don't know that my kids are called no time for sex yes exactly yeah no time for sex but i don't know that my kids feel the same need to see that on the big screen like Like, I want to see Looker's Pizza. I definitely want to see that on the big screen. It's only at one theater. I was going to see it last night. It's in Westwood.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Why is that? It'll go wider, closer to Christmas. Oh, it's limited release right now? Also, that theater, I mean, I haven't seen it, but that in the 70s was the center of movie going. Those two theaters across the street from each other in Westwood were the biggest and best theaters to go.
Starting point is 00:28:51 That's where she goes in Once Upon a Time, too. Yes. Makes sense. I also think with the... It seems like the audience will get, hopefully, people who see movies, in terms of creating original stuff, will get fatigued on just having these built in brands that just keep churning on stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I think you're right. And then like, cause like in the seventies, what created that whole movie moment was like easy rider, right? Yeah. Like Dennis Hopper made this weird travel movie about these kind of outside the norm guys.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And then it did huge numbers and everyone was like, Oh shit, we got to keep making stuff like this. Right. And then, so they got weirder for a while and then that lulled and turned into different things. But yeah, someone will make something right. That doesn't really fit in with that, but hits huge.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And then then people will follow that money. In the past that has, that happens, you know, something that comes to mind that was totally outside the studio system or it felt like it was outside the studio system was a movie like Napoleon Dynamite. Right. No actors anyone had ever really heard of, and a story that, on paper, you're never going to get a studio to say,
Starting point is 00:29:53 I'm fired up to see what that is. You have to make it outside the system and then sell it with it. And those kind of things do happen a lot. I just wonder now, if you made Napoleon Dynamite or whatever the modern day equivalent is, where does that movie get played where people start talking about it in the
Starting point is 00:30:11 same way that everyone talks about Napoleon Dynamite? Cause like I'll ask you guys, did you ever, have you seen a movie and, but I love Netflix, but have you seen a movie on Netflix where your friends are talking about it and everyone's saying you have to watch it or, or any of the other streaming services for that matter.
Starting point is 00:30:26 I think, I'm not sure if this is because I do stand-up, but Always Be My Maybe, Ali Wong's movie, that was something where people were like, you've got to see that. That was a good movie. Yeah. Good chemistry with the leads and it was fun. It was a good rom-com. And good cameo by Keanu.
Starting point is 00:30:45 I think stuff like that, like Bird Box when that was out on Netflix. Bird Box. It's a good rom-com. And good cameo by Keanu. Mm-hmm. I think stuff like that, like Bird Box, when that was out on Netflix. Bird Box. That's right. Dude, good call. You know what, Aaron? That's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:30:51 Bird Box. Bird Box was big. Yeah, you're right. But I don't know if any of these were like... It's more serious, though. Yeah, none of these were like... Cultural from the hominins? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah. Or they weren't breaking new ground, either. It wasn't like... I saw the movie Zola. That was pretty cool. that felt like something new and different but i don't know that movie it's a based off like a twitter story that this uh exotic dancer wrote and the twitter story is incredible you can just read her breakdown of it she's got like a great way of describing everything and then they made a movie out of it and it's really exciting and very unique but it wasn't like a huge cultural
Starting point is 00:31:26 thing but back when you guys were younger and you were going to see movies in the movie theater it felt like every couple months you would talk about oh we got to go see that we got to go see that and it doesn't feel to me like that's happening in the same way now would you agree with that yeah i'm out of touch with it like i don't know what young people are doing but but when i was 32 years old or however old you say you are um i am 33 i used to keep it more shrouded in mystery because the character is perpetually 25 but um but when the covet happened i was like i'm not gonna die people not knowing who i am okay good that makes sense but when i you know when i was your age i was always talking about movies like what else was there to talk about? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:05 You know? It's different now. Well, you've met with these TikTokers and stuff, right? I have. What do you... You don't have to say too much, but are you... Does it connect with you? The marketing, the ability of these people to put themselves in front of so many people and have people be interested in everything they do
Starting point is 00:32:25 definitely makes sense to me right can they carry a movie can they act are people going to spend money to see them i'm still not convinced when i wonder if like doing that tiktok stuff does that help you as an actor like all of our greatest actors most of them don't like to be in front of people all the time. They're like weirdos when they're not on camera. Like everyone says Robert De Niro has like no personality off camera. Joaquin Phoenix, everyone knows he's like a weirdo. Daniel Day-Lewis, like, you know, is like learning how to cobble shoes in between doing something weird in between playing Lincoln or whatever he's doing. And it's like, I don't know if you're in front of a camera all day
Starting point is 00:33:03 TikToking, it's a totally different skill't know if you're in front of a camera all day, tick tocking, it's a totally different skillset. It is definitely a different skillset, but we as a culture are used to being in people's lives all day. I mean, the Kardashians and all that. I love them. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Or, or Beverly Hills housewife or the housewives, you know, that didn't exist back in the day. Right. So, so it's different now. And so,
Starting point is 00:33:25 you know, there is going to be a tick talker who is going to become a big movie star. You can do it. You're a really good actor. You're like the best actor. I hear you're a very, I hear you are a very good actor. I did hear that.
Starting point is 00:33:37 I tried. Thank you. Yeah. No, I heard it, but I, I know you did a job and somehow it could have been through your agency or someone mentioned to me that you did a good job on that show. Are we talking about the show?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Have we talked about what the show is? I don't know. No, we haven't mentioned the name. Okay, good. We're always pretty. Okay. Yeah. I don't know if I can talk about it.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Okay, fine. Thank you. I heard that. I heard that. We're a PR team's dream. We never slip on that stuff. But I don't think anyone would call you guys TikTokers. Do you know what I'm saying? Yeah, i think we've separated ourselves i think even youtube people
Starting point is 00:34:09 call us youtube guys but i think we're kind of um that's just me being kind of no no no but we separate ourselves from the back but uh it's hard to say yeah yeah but you guys aren't taking me on a journey through your breakfast and your your your massage or you're buying a pair of shoes do you know what i'm saying right like you put that stuff out when i get a massage that's just between me and the masseuse no one wants to hear about that but but but phil you curate it in a way that that that i think puts out who i know you guys, who you are, but also it's not giving so much of you away. Yeah. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:49 I think you balance that fairly. You know, the mystique of a movie star certainly has been ripped away by social media. Well, like Will Smith is like, you can tell he's really... Don't do this to me, dude. Go ahead, go ahead. In my view, he had a number of flops i think and then he's like he's seeing what's happening on social media he's like okay i'm gonna go on the super
Starting point is 00:35:10 vulnerable side i'm gonna lay everything out for everyone i think um and i watched king richard and i loved it i did too i thought it was really great and i thought it was too but i was i was sort of i'm sort of wondering i'm like'm like, would he have been better? Is this helping his career, the sort of YouTube vloggy direction he's taken? Or if he had just sort of waited until he had a movie like King Richard come out, in the grand scheme of things, would that have helped his career more? 100% it would have been better. You think so?
Starting point is 00:35:38 Then having his fucking wife talk about how much he sucks every five minutes. But everyone's talking about him now. You know what I mean? Yeah, I don't know. I would have liked the King Richard thing. Personally, I would have liked the King Richard thing if it was just after Earth. Yeah, I'm just thinking in the context of our culture and how things work nowadays. Even though I can't stand the whole...
Starting point is 00:36:00 I like the mystique of the 80s of this guy's cool and he has an aura. And that's the only of like this guy is cool he has an aura and that's the only time I see him is when he has an aura but that's right and that's the way it always was it's different now but by the way going back to something else we were saying King Richard is a fantastic movie and it delivers on so many levels to me it's fun and you're
Starting point is 00:36:20 learning something and you cry at the end I was cheering for sure but I don't hear people talking about that. Right. And why is that? Why? That's a good point. I wish I could figure that out.
Starting point is 00:36:32 I think we're in a different place right now where reality... I do think, and I love movies more than anything, but I think a thousand years from now, when people are studying the art of today, and I'm really just talking shit, but do think like keeping up with the Kardashians is gonna be more significant than King Richard I do I think there's something there in the reality of it in the way that it's like storytelling but it blends into things that we know are actually happening right and with just the performances in the and the the intensity you get from that
Starting point is 00:37:05 format it's I mean dude every time I watch The Bachelor I'm like this is the best fucking thing I've ever seen like on the new season dude there's a moment he's talking to two of the girls and he goes I have to be honest with you I've been intimate like this is amazing how did i stop watching the bachelor like how did i fall out of that because i used to love that show well yeah everything runs this court but it's incredible like every time i'm like what a ride and then i don't know there's just something about having real people in it that i think to your point about will smith maybe you do need that reality component i don't know i might be old-fashioned i i would prefer it the other way where you don't know much about the people,
Starting point is 00:37:45 and they come to the role, and you accept them in that role. Yeah, I'm talking about both sides of my mouth. Yeah, because I prefer that for my film, too. But then I do think there's something about... I think Tom... If you need my advice, guys. Tom Cruise has been able to maintain that thing and still stay relevant.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Yes. I don't know what he's doing, but... I think there's a reality component to him, though, because you know he's really doing those stunts right oh right which is super cool that he does because you're seeing promo for the new movie and they're talking about how he's going to be like hanging on the wing of a plane that's in like a negative dot and like a dive and you're like holy shit so when you watch his movies you're like there's this aspect of it where you're like that fucker was really doing this shit right and that's why mr just keep keep on this same theme like mr and mrs smith my favorite part about that movie is like
Starting point is 00:38:28 every time i watch them i'm like y'all are fucking when the cameras are off right like every time they look at each other i'm like yeah i bet you're looking at her like that yeah y'all are being bad yeah but if there was tiktok and instagram then you would have already know do you know what i'm saying like it made it more interesting that you didn't know and you wondered. These are the two of the best looking people on the planet. I wonder what happened and no one really knew until
Starting point is 00:38:53 Do you know what I mean? Years later, right? No, the mystery is good. Yeah. When this TikToker becomes a movie star, are people, do you think they'll be with like Gen z or whatever and so gen z will be able to take it because i i think about the transition how do how do you get people to take you seriously right but do you think with gen z growing up with that that's like what they know
Starting point is 00:39:17 do you think then they'll be like oh yeah for sure you know yeah i do because the executives the executives who i work with all came up in the movie business in the 80s and 90s. That's what we all watched. But the new executives who grew up with social media and all this, yeah, because that's going to be what they know. Yeah. Right? So I do. I think so.
Starting point is 00:39:38 And if they're a good actor. If they can do the job, then if Josh Richards can act like Timothee Chalamet. That'd be hilarious. If he was that good. How do you pick Josh Richards? How did you do that? He seems like the biggest one, right? Is he?
Starting point is 00:39:54 I think he is, right? I just see him pop up. He's a cute kid. I've met that guy. I'm impressed with Josh Richards. That's why I brought him up. Oh, you did? Because I told you.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Oh, that's right. I did. I told you that. I'm like, how random that you pulled him up. Right, right, right. Playing dumb. Oh, that's right. I did. I told you that. I'm like, how random that you pulled him up. No, playing dumb. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And his manager, Michael Gruen, who is an incredible force of nature. And he's young too, right?
Starting point is 00:40:12 Michael, 22. His manager's 22? Yeah, because when you were telling me about him, I thought he was like that NSYNC manager or something. No. Like some 45-year-old. Lou Pearlman. Lou Pearlman. Fat perv.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Yeah, and I saw him there. Sorry, Lou. Because I saw him together in the end. He's burning quite happily in hell. Yeah. Oh, did he die? Oh,v. Yeah, and I saw him there. Sorry, Luke. Because I saw him together in the end. He's burning quite happily in hell. Yeah. Oh, did he die? Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Aaron's psyched up. Oh, yeah, he does. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then I saw Michael Gruen in live. They're like, that's Michael Gruen. I'm like, that's Michael Gruen? Yeah. He's 22.
Starting point is 00:40:40 We'll all be working for Michael Gruen one day. You watch. Yes. That's nuts, dude. Good for him, man. He's awesome. Yeah. Could you imagine being a manager at 22?
Starting point is 00:40:49 The balls to, you know. Were you? You were a manager, though, right? Not when I was 22. But yes, I was a manager. I was a dog shit manager, but I was a manager. Why do you think you were a dog shit manager? Because I felt that.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Okay, so I represented a bunch of people at the early part of their career. And I felt like a fraud every day because I was not making enough to pay for my apartment. And I'm telling people what to do with their careers. And yet I had no success on my own. So it felt really inauthentic. And I was very lucky that a couple of my clients, my big client at the time was Tracy Ellis Ross, who I,
Starting point is 00:41:27 you know, I met her and she believed in me and we worked really hard together and, and something, you know, I learned a lot from that experience. But when I first met Tracy, you know, what I was telling her was simply my opinion. It was not based on anything other than my opinion at the time.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And, um, so you just had like healthy humility, which probably doesn't help if you're a manager. It does not help. You have to create the illusion that you know everything. And I did the opposite. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:52 I did the opposite, but, but you know, she, I mean, she was amazing. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:41:57 how did, how did, that's a good thing to talk about. It was like, how did you learn to stop? Like sometimes when I have to make a decision and I'm in a position where I need to be the person who makes the choice, at the end of what I say, I'll be like, look, I'm just a fucking idiot, though.
Starting point is 00:42:09 But you've got to learn how to stop saying that, right? Well, yes or no. Because at some point, you've had enough experience that you can say, I'm a fucking idiot who's had a lot of experience, and this is what I've gone through in the past, and it's informing my decision going forward. Right. Right? Yeah, the strength behind it will come through in the experience and the track record. And that's, that's helpful.
Starting point is 00:42:29 The experience is really helpful, whether it's right or wrong, you know, um, but it does help you make decisions going forward for sure. Yeah. I think the thing I'm learning the most about too, is just like how to like in a workplace, it's not like's not like a like when you're dating someone you know you can get into a fight and just say exactly what's going on but in a workplace there's more of like a kind of conversational jujitsu going on where you only show so many of your cards and you kind of have to like know what information to give and know how to like kind of you know kick a conversation down the road if you have to if it doesn't need to happen.
Starting point is 00:43:05 You only give away as much as you need to. Yeah, but that's corporate world. That is corporate America, right? And that's, I don't think a lot of people come to their first jobs with that knowledge. And they watch it happen around them. I certainly, my first job was at William Morris. So I watched it happen around me. And that was very informative to me, you know, what to say and when to say it more importantly that's this is when i watch succession and i see the brian cox character logan and he's just i'm gonna fucking destroy you i'm gonna fucking dominate you i'm like i don't think that's how bosses really get stuff maybe if it's a family-grown business but well i think there was a time when that was
Starting point is 00:43:44 the case you think like like ovitz was like that or something like you know i never listen he created such a mystique and you never heard anything because i i mean i was working in the agency world when during his rise and you never heard anything bad about mike ovitz you never did you just heard he was a genius he was smarter than everyone else and he knew everything that you didn't know and now all you hear is that he's just like every book about hollywood is like guys an ass hoe right so he got put into a category where it was like safe to trash him i i get yes because he was out of the business but i will tell you that when he was when he was mike ovitz and he was doing what he was doing he was doing things that no one else would do i mean there was there was not a notion, really, in a real way, about taking the assets of an agency, being a director, a writer,
Starting point is 00:44:29 a bunch of actors, and all putting them together. Packaging. And packaging. It seems so simple now, but that really didn't exist in a real way before he started thinking about it. Yeah, he revolutionized the bottom line for agencies. Yeah, I mean, I have nothing but respect for him beast he's a beast yeah he's an entertainment beast for sure i got i got that book i think that's the first
Starting point is 00:44:52 i'm gonna start because i'm reading all the acting technique books yeah i'm on checkoff right now yeah but i think uh because i asked i asked brad for a list of hollywood books to read and i think uh i unloaded on you. I loved it. I loved it. Was the Geffen one on there, too, the mailroom? You know, that was not on there, but I... I have that book. Oh, you have it?
Starting point is 00:45:11 Yeah, but I loved it. He sent me probably like eight books in a big Amazon order. Yeah. And they've come? They've come, yeah. Yeah, you'll love them all. Yeah. It's great to read about these things.
Starting point is 00:45:26 It's like that Beatles thing, where you read how this sausage is made. It's really interesting. That's my favorite, too. Because a lot of times I'll try to read books that are sort of not related to what I'm doing. And I just can't get into it. I like stuff where it's somewhat applicable it's like somewhat applicable right to my life but i don't know anything about those acting books right but i do know that you have a thing that you have to bring to whatever acting role you're doing and so you never you always have
Starting point is 00:45:56 to preserve that i don't know what the books are telling you but you have to preserve that thing yeah that chad thing right yeah you don't want them to take that away. Yeah, I do wonder about that. But I'm sort of reading them as like, I'm not taking notes of like, this is what you got to do. Like, you need sense, memory, and substitute. I just sort of like reading them of like, just to get all that information. And you're dedicating time and effort to your discipline, which I think even if even if it doesn't directly apply, it's like, it's all helping. It's marinating in my head. And I think it's having that tool belt.
Starting point is 00:46:31 For sure. And when you read like the Michael Caine one or something like that, like he kind of demystifies it a lot. Like he's like, what do I do? I hit my mark and I tell the truth. Yeah. How great though, right? It's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And he's one of you know a legendary actor who's crushed it in so many roles yeah across decades and you're just like oh this guy just like knows who he is and just is no bullshit about the approach yeah are you guys watching curb this season no i need no is it good i like it well you see early cuts of it yeah but beyond that when you talk about yes i do but when you talk about like natural you know like what i'm saying to you the larry davidness of the larry david like like if you went to acting school and it would have taken away the larry davidness of larry david yeah show wouldn't work right yeah and then vince vaughn is in the show and he brings a vince vaughn-ness
Starting point is 00:47:23 that you've seen before, but you haven't seen in a little while that's really kind of refreshing. And Susie, Jeff Garland's wife, you know, I feel like all those people are bringing themselves to it and it makes it feel more intimate. Like you're watching people that you kind of know. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:41 You know how like in the 80s, everyone was doing blow when they were making movies? I don't know about that. But I know because you came in a little later but but you hear that yeah right yeah and that it almost like contributed to the 80s has like this weirdness to it where you're like what like when you watch teen wolf and you're just like the all the directions this movie's going in you're like who came up with this shit right and then someone's like everyone was doing blow and you're like that that, that connects. Are we losing magic from that? Or are enough people still fucked up? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:48:08 First of all, just so you know, I've never done blow. So I wouldn't. No, I know you. You're a very healthy guy. But I'm just saying, I wouldn't, like you saying that it goes off in different directions. I would just look at that and say director was off or just not. Like I couldn't. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:22 They were just trying to make it work. Right. But do you think we'll lose something if everyone has to be too good of a citizen? Yes. You think so, right. Yes, but that's where what you talked about with Easy Rider comes into play.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Because if everyone's being such a good citizen and then someone makes a movie outside the system and it comes in, that's where there's room for that. That's why I'm excited for this new Sean Baker movie, Red Rocket, with Simon Rex. I want to see that too. It's about a piece of shit. It's got the reality component that I like.
Starting point is 00:48:51 And it doesn't seem like it's like kowtowing to any kind of present day morality. Right, but so if someone took that movie, which would never happen, you take it to a studio and say, I want Simon Rex to star in it. That's Simon Rex, yeah. right here i want him to start it there is not an executive in this town who would say that's a great idea let's do that has to happen outside the system and then come in and then it read and then it changes the system from the outside it changes him too he becomes
Starting point is 00:49:18 you know i haven't seen it but i i hear he's great and assuming that he's going to have a ton of meetings and he's going to get another role and and he comes back. And it's from going outside the system to come in. I think, yeah, there was a Marcuse. I forget his full name. He was a philosopher, and his big thing was, can you critique a system from inside of it? Or do you have to be outside the system to be a real critic of it? I don't know the answer to that.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I don't either, dude. I don't think he did. I don't know. It's tough. But there's always something interesting coming from outside. That's where Sundance and a lot of movies, that's where those things come from. Hollywood's always had that, and it's always kind of supported it. And the one thing about streaming is it does leave a lot of room for those movies to come in and at least be seen, which is great.
Starting point is 00:50:00 That's great for the business. Yeah. Right? 100%. You want as many voices from as many different places and as weird as possible. That's great for the business. Yeah. Right? 100%. You want as many voices from as many different places and as weird as possible. That's right. To be given us content, for sure.
Starting point is 00:50:13 It might also just be impossible that we're ever going to have a generation of filmmakers come out like that late 60s, 70s. You know. That's true. And De Palma, Spielberg. What was that movie what was that book
Starting point is 00:50:25 I told you about Raging Bull Easy Rider's Raging Bull yeah that's what that whole book is Peter Brisskin did I put that on the list I'm not sure
Starting point is 00:50:33 that's a great book that's a great book and you know what I like about that book he makes all those geniuses sound like they're this close to being idiots like every masterpiece
Starting point is 00:50:42 he's like this director who we all think is a genius had no fucking clue what he was doing no one had faith in him and then he churned out the best films you've ever seen their personal lives are all a disaster and they everyone thinks they're like everyone thinks spielberg's a dork everyone thinks like coppola's an egomaniac right and then it's just like but look what they did i had to go to sleep every night i listened to this lecture
Starting point is 00:51:01 from paul schrader just because he's such a character he's amazing he just the way he speaks for some reason it's very compelling but i just i like going to sleep to paul schrader he's a taxi driver and the way he breathes too at his age now the way he breathes yeah and his whole thing is like he was just like you know drinking and driving developed an ulcer at 25 because he was just so lonely and he's becoming chavis yeah and uh so he wrote the script as therapy and it sort of sat on a shelf for a year because his whole thing is like he's like art is art is a tool and it's you use it to do stuff and what you use it to do is to learn about yourself and other people and he wrote it as therapy and that's sort of his approach to screenwriting which i think is interesting did you guys ever see a movie called hardcore yeah with uh the guy
Starting point is 00:51:49 who played patton yeah yeah just randomly watched that movie we i mean a month ago that is as dark a movie as i've ever seen yeah it's him trying to track down his daughter who's got lost in the porn world yeah and he was like an abusive father and he plays an alcoholic father and i think he was an alcoholic when they were making it yeah which helps the fucking movie it is so like that movie anyway super dark but that's paul schrader and you could feel him in that movie yeah that those are his obsessions yeah he's great yeah he goes he was a puritan his mom yeah he used to like poke him with needles and say that's what hell feels like and so seeing a movie was like an act of rebellion for him because his parents were so strict yeah i think he was a
Starting point is 00:52:30 quaker or something like that and then so when he would see a movie that would be like the equivalent of me like you know ditching school and like doing acid or something like that he was just on a totally different scale yeah have you met him no no you got to talk to Bertolino. He worked for him. He worked for him? What did he work on? The Hills? No way. Something. Did he work on that Lindsay Lohan, James Dean one?
Starting point is 00:52:50 No, I don't think so. He's done some good ones. Late Autofocus? Light Sleeper? I don't know. He's got some good ones. He recently said he worked for Paul Schrader. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:53:00 First Reformed? That was a great one. Yeah. That's a fucking great movie. I never saw that. That's a good movie. That's good. People have been frustrated that we've been talking about Yeah. That's a fucking great movie. That's a good movie. That's good. People have been frustrated
Starting point is 00:53:06 that we've been talking about movies too much. So this will be a nice... This will be a nice tonic for that. Oh my God. But I like... It's what we want to talk about and I think that's more compelling. They want more dong talk?
Starting point is 00:53:17 Dude, that's a good question. We should put out a poll. Like more dong talk or less? Or more movie talk. Right. Or more anthropologists. Which the numbers on would not support that. Guys, we know two things.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Dongs and movies. Right. What do you want? That is kind of my wheelhouse. So I'll ask you one more movie question. I was saying, I said this on the pod too,
Starting point is 00:53:35 and I wanted to ask you this. Is Bradley Cooper the number two prestige actor in his prime in Hollywood right now behind Leo? I guess you could put Brad Pitt into the conversation,
Starting point is 00:53:45 but I think he's a little long in the tooth. So is hard question. I, you know, I mean, who's got first dibs on the best parts. It's honestly, I think if it's purely for acting purely for,
Starting point is 00:53:59 because you can't, you can't argue Bradley Cooper. I mean, direct it's, I mean, he's directing, I mean, he's a triple threat, right? I mean, he produced The Joker.
Starting point is 00:54:10 He produced The Joker. He directed A Star is Born. And he has starred in major movies. He's always a marvel. Yeah. So Leo's always working with amazing. I don't know. To me, it's kind of a tie,
Starting point is 00:54:25 but I, maybe I give a little bit to Bradley Cooper because of all the other things he's doing. But just as an actor, just in first dibs on a part,
Starting point is 00:54:33 I think Leo's, Alfonso Cuarón has a new movie. I think it's Leo, but not, is B. Coop's number two though? Oh, for sure. And then who's number three?
Starting point is 00:54:41 Well, I think it's, when Leo decides to do a movie, it's an event. It's a big deal. You know, like know like this adam mckay movie right you know it has a huge cast but i think the fact that leo's doing it and it's like kind of it's is it dark comedy i don't know but it is you've seen it the fact that it's you know that's what's giving it all the sort of gravity it's getting trashed critically is it really oh yeah i saw that movies do adam mckay's kind of dude no i think he's been riding a high of being like the did you guys see the
Starting point is 00:55:11 trailer today for the the laker show that he did that's gonna be cool holy shit is that great so it's gonna be so great show time yeah you auditioned to be jerry buss's son yeah yeah so did cameron yeah yeah did he really? Yes, he did. Whoa. Who's playing the son? I don't know who got the role. Do you know who got the role? I don't know. But that trailer.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I'd like to see. That trailer looks awesome. That's a great. I need to see that. A great thing to capture, too. Yeah, for sure. And they capture it. Like, when you look at it, it looks like it's from the 70s.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Or 80s, rather, right? Well, late 70s going into the 80s, I think, is what it is. Oh, they're going early on it? Well, I forget. Magic's first year. I think 80 was his first year. Okay, so it looks really good. Because I think 79 was Indiana State versus Michigan State.
Starting point is 00:55:56 How do you know that? Him versus Larry Bird, dude. Wow. Yeah. That makes sense. That does make sense. So what do you think about Leo versus Brad Cooper? I think Leo's the bigger actor, but I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:56:07 If you're doing the whole kit and caboodle, I mean, B. Coops, he's like, dude, I watch Cliff from A Star Is Born daily. I think it is a true masterpiece. I agree. And I love watching him in the director's chair, like when Lady Gaga's singing, then she looks to him for validation. That is such a great moment, isn't it? Great job.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Great job. Great job. And she just loves it. I'm like, yeah. But the way he's looking at her down over his glasses, it's so great that that was captured, right? Yeah, amazing. And I love that about directors, because I think all directors... Wait, and is that Ander Dice Clay sitting next to her?
Starting point is 00:56:38 Oh, maybe. I think it's Ander Dice Clay sitting next to her. That's a weird murderer's bro. I want you to check it out and make sure if I'm right or wrong about that. I do find with directors and like when I've directed little things and when I've worked as a PA and watch directors, they get a real satisfaction from controlling people. And I don't think it's coming from a bad place, but it's like they get to like, maybe it's a life thing.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Like we don't get to do this in life, but in this little slice of it, I get to move all the pieces. But think of the stress that comes with that as well oh yeah heavy is the head that wears a crown for sure for sure but i've seen the joy on someone's face when they're just telling especially if it's a director and like most directors probably grew up striking out right you know what i mean yes but yes but my closest relationship that's a director he never had that happen oh yeah that's probably true he did but he always killed it but i've seen why he lives in miami i've seen directors when they when they get to tell like a pretty gal what to do on camera and then she does it
Starting point is 00:57:37 they get this look on their face of course right right it's understandable where do you fall on the bradley cooper leo thing um i think acting wise leo i think i think kind of no question uh Right, it's understandable. Where do you fall on the Bradley Cooper, Leo thing? I think acting-wise, Leo. I think kind of no question, acting-wise. But yeah, Bradley, I mean, he's one of my favorite guys in Hollywood. I respect him a ton. But I, you know, and he is a triple threat, but I sort of wonder if he does have that sort of. The heavyweight charisma.
Starting point is 00:58:17 Yeah, that gravitas or like that sort of mystique around him where it's like, it's a Bradley Cooper thing. You know, I don't know if he's reached that level of like, you know, when Martin Scorsese does something or whatever, where it's like, this is Martin Scorsese's next movie. It's like, I've never really heard people say, this is Bradley Cooper's. So you would still put Brad Pitt then at the number two. Oh, yeah. Behind Leo. I love them all. No, they're all amazing. But I think Brad Pitt for sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:41 But then again, you know, it's, yeah, yeah, i think so yeah i don't know i don't it's hard to say i love brad pitt inglorious bastards is one of the all is one of my top five he's incredible incredible seems like a cool dude too and it's so cool in once upon a time in hollywood i mean so cool the epitome of cool yeah yeah so should we do questions now is that where we are i think so okay yeah we cruise through that guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping your chins peed for looking after your hogs making sure that your dinks are looking fresh and clean because we've got
Starting point is 00:59:18 manscape giveaway happening this month christmas time baby it's time to stock those stuffings with manscape send in your best manscaping stories today chad goes deep podcast at gmail.com we're gonna read the craziest ones we're gonna pick our favorite that winner is gonna get a performance package your pubes are gonna glisten in the sun with apollo's blessing believe it um ho ho ho, ho, fellas. Naughty or nice, tis the season to perform. Manscaped's best-selling products is the Performance Package 4.0. And you get the Lawn Mower Body Trimmer, state-of-the-art pube shaver that doesn't nick your nuts.
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Starting point is 01:00:51 Chad, GT, and any esteemed guests. My girlfriend always tells me I have a big cock while we're having sex. My dong piece is about two inches flaccid and nearly four inches hard. She has had many partners before me, at least 22. She's not exactly sure. From a statistical standpoint, the odds of her encountering someone who actually has a big cock are high. So why does she do this? My girlfriend has really small tits.
Starting point is 01:01:12 So the other night while I was fucking her, while we were fucking, that sounds less aggressive than what I said. Babe, I love your huge tits. She gave me a confused look and paused to say, babe, I don't have any tits. Does she think I'm just stupid and don't know what a big cock is? And how come I have to just go along with it? But when I tell her she has big knockers, we have to pause sex so she can correct me. Dude, I've actually dealt with this before too. And I think the thing is, is she's saying it for you to get you more confident, but
Starting point is 01:01:40 it's also just fun to say that stuff. Like it might just excite her to say, oh, babe, you have such a big cock. Cause that might get her excited. Cause it's just just fun to say that stuff. Like it might just excite her to say, Oh baby, you have such a big cock. Cause I might get her excited. Cause it's just like dirty talk. I wouldn't think that I would remove yourself a little bit from it. And just, dude,
Starting point is 01:01:54 I honestly, I would just play into it. Like if she's like, you got a big cock, I'd be like, yeah, I got the biggest cock you've ever seen. Just roll with the reality of that.
Starting point is 01:02:02 And then you, you just pretend you're just having fun. Yeah. I wish I had something to add to that. And then you just pretend. You're just having fun. I wish I had something to add to that. The issue is, it sounds like the relationship doesn't have a lot of honest conversation. That's my take on it. Whatever. Whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Yeah. I don't think I have anything to add to both those things. I think you covered it. Thanks. I think I would. I mean, I'm pretty vanilla, but i would clean up the language a little bit yeah thank you yeah but are we old and is that ridiculous that we're even saying that because i felt that when he was reading i'm cleaning up the language in the email or in the dirty talk well no the email
Starting point is 01:02:39 oh right i wouldn't want to talk about if i were dating a girl about i wouldn't want to talk about her that way no and i don't i that threw me off of like okay me too like okay like why do you have to say it like that why do you have to you know why why do you have to say like when i'm fucking you know it's like i don't know i think he wrote it with a boner i think he literally took a break from sex right and wrote out this email it was so fresh in his mind yeah even if i had a boner i wrote up you'd be more polite yeah this nice lady we were fornicating i don't know yeah i i and that's always kind of rubbed me the wrong way is when people uh it's to be you know why because it reads a little graphic it reads insecure to me. Like, Oh, you gotta be this like macho dude. He's like, it's like, it's like,
Starting point is 01:03:26 just relax. Yeah. Yeah. Um, what up chatting JT? What up JT? What up? Good people in the Stoker circle and universe.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Hope you guys can provide some insight here. Cuffing season is upon us and I'm single at the age when all my friends are wifed up or settling down. Thing is I dumped my dank GF earlier this summer, and I'm trying not to regret it, but I think I do. Working jobs we hated on opposite schedules in a pandemic was brutal on the relation and on her and my mental health. She's been through some tough stuff, and her depression really took over.
Starting point is 01:03:56 I couldn't help her anymore, and she was really in a bad way. So I had to end things for her own sake to work on herself. I didn't have it in me to support her through it, and she seems to be getting worse. Fellow gents, I broke this girl's heart and it was the hardest thing I've ever done. Now I'm thinking about her every day even though I dumped her months ago. I know who she is behind her depression
Starting point is 01:04:13 and she's completely changing her life on her own, finally taking better care of herself. She should be happy in her life without me before we can be happy together, right? But my gut tells me she's the one and I walked away because I was scared of stepping up in my lone life seeing her better now is soul crushing my guys she's everything i ever wanted i told her it was over for good a couple months ago but now i can't stop regretting letting her go it feels like if the universe made us cross paths
Starting point is 01:04:37 we'd get back together and be the dopest partnership ever should i fight to get her back and if so what's the most honorable way to do that for a lady when you already broke her heart is it possible to get her back after causing so much pain that's it um i hate that he says that he dumped her am i being a stickler today no no do you think i felt like it struck me weird too the way he described her didn't make it feel like there was a three-dimensional person. Right, he wasn't very sensitive to her. Yeah, that's true, that's true. But this guy, too, it's like, you know, she's having problems, and now she's better, and
Starting point is 01:05:19 he wants to get back with her. I'm confused. Does he want to get back with her because she's no longer depressed? But maybe he was the cause of her depression in the first place and without her i agree he's better off that could be true and he could be someone who triggers her into feeling that way exactly and maybe all the progress would evaporate when they got back together because the old the old way of working would reemerge. Right. You go back in, and then if she reverts back to the way that she was, then what do you do? I think that, you know, it was a moment in time.
Starting point is 01:05:52 They had magic together, and now it's time to move on. So do you think when you break up, that's pretty much indicative that if you break up, it's nine times out of ten it's unwise to try and make it work. Because if you guys both had it in you to break up, then that's indicative of the fact that it probably won't last. No. In this particular instance, it sounds like she's mentally better without him than with him. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So there are plenty of times when people break up, and then they do a lot of work on themselves, and then they can get back together. But it sounds like her life has gotten a lot better. Yeah. And so... Yeah. So there are plenty of times when people break up and then they do a lot of work on themselves and then they can get back together. But it sounds like her life has gotten a lot better. Yeah. And so. Yeah. Do you have friends who broke up, came back together and were better for it? Like it worked out?
Starting point is 01:06:35 I have friends that have broken. I have friends that have broken up and then come back together. I just, and I don't know if it's better because none of us really do know if it's better. They just say it's, they've just learned to tolerate it. But I do think that people who are together fall into the pattern. The patterns that brings people together keep on happening unless there's work, a tremendous amount of work done to break those patterns. And then you already, and then like, it could be too, you get back together and then she's like, you ditched me when I was at my worst.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Now you want me when I'm kicking butt. And then she's got some, there's resentments that are going to be in there. That's for sure. Yeah. Yeah. What up, Chad and JT? Now the other savants is stoked on the pod. I'm writing in today because my roommate is fucking creep.
Starting point is 01:07:19 We were boys in college and moved to Washington together for work and things are going fine except for this one thing. He is trying to bone his sister. Wait, wait, wait. He's trying to bone whose sister? He's trying to bone his own sister. That's a problem. Or at least it sounds like it.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Every day they FaceTime and as soon as it connects, the vibe changes. They both start baby talking each other and even runs through date ideas. To give you some context. There are twins, but I don't,
Starting point is 01:07:47 I don't think this excuses the fact that I've seen him take his shirt off before answering. It's starting to freak me out. Is this some weird twin twin thing that I don't know about? Or should my boot, my boy moved to Alabama either way. It makes me sick to listen to them get all hot and bothered on the phone. Any advice? Um, yeah, bonus yeah bonus sister oh he responds
Starting point is 01:08:09 that's it's defensive move really you're trying you're protecting her you're protecting him yeah and then if he doesn't respond the right way then you got to move out and then and then he's a checkmate move i like yeah and then he so when he next time he goes to facetime or you're in the background just like eating some chicken or something. Yeah, you know, these are really interesting questions you get. Yeah, it's a wild one. Have you had one that involves this situation before? No, this is the first one with this.
Starting point is 01:08:39 We've had an ant situation. Yeah, I've known people who are like a little boundaryless with family members, and it was like confusing at times. But I think the thing is there's like nothing to do. You know what I mean? Like you can't talk to them about it. People aren't going to receive that information well. They're going to get defensive. And you can bust his balls about it if he's a good sport.
Starting point is 01:09:02 You know what I mean? Which is kind of the best case scenario for this. But he doesn't sound like he's a good sport you know what i mean which is kind of the the best case scenario but he's not he doesn't sound like he's doing this concerned about his roommate right i heard no concern about the two of the twins no he's not worried about either of them like and the morality of it or one of them taking advantage of the other one he should just move out move out dude move out that sounds good yeah why'd you move out why'd you move out my roommate was sleeping with his sister but i'd be like but was he cool otherwise i'd be like was he clean you're tolerant was he considerate about food and stuff yeah but i get it i get it that is weird dude could you do you know know any cousins who are married? No. I knew a cousin couple.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Really? Mm-hmm. We're happy. Where? So my friend who was an AAU basketball coach, a kid who played on his team, his parents were cousins. Oh.
Starting point is 01:09:56 And they leaned into it. Their license plate said, like, first cousin married or something like that. I forget what it was exactly. And they had a very happy relationship. And two healthy kids. And everyone acted pretty normal. They didn't treat it like it was weird, so people had a very happy relationship and two healthy kids. And everyone acted pretty normal. They didn't treat it like it was weird.
Starting point is 01:10:09 So people didn't really treat them like they were weird. But yeah, it's unique. What's up going deep. I started a new job where I'm the young guy. I'm going to have a hard time relating to the older guys. It's construction and everyone I work with is a good dude, but they're all 10 plus years older than me. And it's hard to relate on anything besides women, which is typically rude, shitty conversation.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Or sports, which is just spouting off, did you see what happened last night? Once we get the juice flowing, I don't think it'll be an issue to shoot the shit. If you're in my shoes, how would you open a conversation on quiet time? Thanks, Cam. Some construction terms you guys might like. We need more material. That's great. That's good
Starting point is 01:10:43 jargon. Thank you. That's helpful um talk about news events that's a age is not relevant to that things that are happening but i don't know people talk about what they did last night i mean what else do you talk about and movies movies and dong talk yeah talk about i'm sure construction crew they're gonna love dong talk yeah why not that yeah and just talk about whatever you're passionate about and if that's dong go dong on it right and you'll find a guy on there who's into dong too someone in there's going to be into what you're into yeah i would look for things to like look look for little details or something that someone says that piques your interest or something and be like hey i noticed you you know you like converse i'm a fan too right let's dive into the history of those shoes i like that yeah something like that yeah but brad i had a question i forgot because you
Starting point is 01:11:36 you've always sort of been like the um oh boy you've had the knowledge to to foresee you know you're like when covid first happened you were like you told me you know in probably like february of that year they're like you're like this is going to be like bigger than 9-11 like the the impact and then when delta came along it was like you know in june you're like people are starting to get covid like this is going to turn into something what do you think about omicron i think it's a little bit overblown. Nice. I do.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Do you think it's a lesser disease? I do. Yeah. I do. I think that there was a lot of fear. I was reading today that there are a lot more people in the hospitals in South Africa. But I've lived in South Africa. I did a show there, and the living conditions there are, People are much more on top of each other than they are here.
Starting point is 01:12:27 But I feel like that part's overblown. I don't think COVID's over by any stretch of the imagination. I think that these are going to be scarce. We're going to be going through more variants. But I don't think that this one is going to be worse than Delta. Yeah. Hell yeah. What do you think?
Starting point is 01:12:46 I agree with you. What do you think i agree with you do you what do you think i agree yeah i think i think i think it was big scare at first and then um then it seemed like the symptoms aren't as severe and which is kind of like i hope we keep going in that direction of like where you know it's maybe more transmissible, but the symptoms aren't as bad. So it's just basically like getting a cold or something. And then I think hopefully the powers that be will be like, okay, now I think we can resume because now we have just another cold going around. You know, I was working out with a buddy of mine the other day, and he said something to me that I keep thinking about,
Starting point is 01:13:23 and he just said, if you don't turn on the news, and besides the fact that people are wearing masks, life isn't that different. Totally. But you turn on the news and you're either scared that it's coming or that it... Do you know what I mean? It's an interesting thing. I never thought about that because I'm turning on the news all the time. But if you didn't, we're all just wearing masks and going about our lives again yeah right yeah anyway sorry didn't mean to get sidetracked are we done with questions because we're done oh wow chad what's my beef who's your beef of the week
Starting point is 01:13:59 uh my beef of the week is my desire to black out you know some would say it's problematic right not your behavior but not my behavior i just you know i i when i you know when i start drinking uh i just go full throttle and i just like to redline it and uh and And I do love that. I don't know. There's something about – it's sort of like getting on like a roller coaster of like you're like, all right. You know, it's like once you start – I've never really – I've never been one to be able to have like two and just be like, you know, this is nice.
Starting point is 01:14:38 So like I just kind of – in my mind, it's like if we're going to like – if we're going to get drunk, let's get drunk and like, you know. mind it's like if we're gonna like if we're gonna get drunk let's let's get drunk and like you know but it's it gets in the way and and uh and it causes me to have to you know take these breaks and then it just puts my head in the loop of like do i just not drink at all do i just go for like you know six months every six months i like you know party or whatever and it's it's just confusing and then it just you know and then when i do drink that that much it just puts me in like a depression for like uh two or three days i know i started with this being funny and this got kind of wait but so can you just have a drink or two i mean yeah but i i i don't enjoy it you know it's not like it's not like and i don't'm not, I'm not someone who's sort
Starting point is 01:15:26 of like, I need a drink at the end of the day. I prefer just not drink at all. I actually get more joy from that. But I think, I think I do get in this sort of like, it's sort of when I want to celebrate something. Right. Or it's like, you know, it's like we finish something or there's just cause to celebrate. Then I just, I really want to celebrate.
Starting point is 01:15:47 But I don't really, just because I know how it will affect me the next day, I don't really like to have two drinks because I'll feel it. Right. And I like to sort of be running it sort of a, you know, I like to feel optimized, I guess, for lack of a better term right right so what are you going to do about that um i don't know at this moment just not drink for a while again i mean i you know i went for you know a year without being drunk until november and i loved it i like i like you know sprouty it's like my favorite because i'm just tremendously
Starting point is 01:16:25 happy and i'm just always doing stuff i want to do um but then again this sort of like you know uh i also like to go out and dance and you do that better when you're drinking yeah yeah so i don't know uh but the good thing is that i don't when i do drink it's very loving behavior so it's right you're not an angry drunk not an angry drunk i'm not starting fights i'm not sending you know embarrassing texts as far as i know or yeah lately yeah um so that that's the good news but it is kind of a do or die thing it's a personal toll it's not like there's like a ton of like externalities to it but yeah i just know you suffer i suffer for a couple days after yeah and uh yeah you're just intense like once you start going you want to keep going yeah yeah but it's not like it's always it's fun but yeah i just i'm like i just know you feel better when you don't. Well, I wonder if the price you're paying is worth what you're getting from it.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Right. And every time I'm in it, I'm like, it's not worth it. Then I get away from it, and you sort of romanticize it. So I'd say it's probably not worth it. Then you look at guys like Bradley Cooper and stuff who are like, I don't know how bad his drinking got you know or like john mulaney maybe maybe theirs was truly problematic but they've been you know sober and have been just crushing it and uh oh there's plenty of there are plenty of examples of people who were sober and crushing it and yeah didn't have a good
Starting point is 01:17:59 relationship if it does more and more of those examples than people who stay smashed yeah right for sure but it does sound like it's not a good situation for you i'm just hearing this and i'm responding to what you're saying and that sounds problematic that's why i said if you can have a drink or two and it's just kind of a thing rather than having to go all the way yeah um i mean i i can do that and i've gone on dates and stuff and had just like one or two. And it hasn't been like in my mind, I haven't been like, oh, let's let's go. It's sort of, you know, so it's not I can control it. But it's I just I don't really enjoy that. But you strike me as someone who takes a lot of pride in living a healthy lifestyle and doing good things.
Starting point is 01:18:48 a healthy lifestyle and doing good things. And I wear an Apple watch. And when you get to be my age, when I have a drink, my watch tells me the next morning, I see my heart rate is elevated overnight by five to 10, by a substantial number, by a real percentage. And that's just one drink. That's not getting blasted. If I got blasted, I'm sure it'd be much higher so for me may not be the same for you i'm not drinking as much now because i i'm not sleeping as well and i'm not functioning as well and i don't have the time to waste exactly yeah and i on my whoop and stuff after vegas you know it has like your recovery and it was at one percent right it was like it was like your your body is but maybe there's a way that you can have a relationship with alcohol where you can actually have a drink or two yeah but enjoy that yeah but you know i guess yeah that's a good point listen we all have our own relationship with alcohol right different
Starting point is 01:19:40 people are built differently so you have to i think the most important thing for you and you're not asking me but i'm going to pontificate anyways just to be honest with your relationship with it and just know what serves you the best I think sobriety is the better move for me and that's what you should do and I will support you in your sobriety
Starting point is 01:19:57 but why can't you dance when you're sober? he can, he's a really good dancer when he's sober I can so then what's the problem? I don't know, there's just something about you know does weed do the same thing no I never weed has never worked for me I haven't smoked weed in like 8 years
Starting point is 01:20:12 okay and I think if you take a more holistic view of what you're losing when you do it you won't want to do it as much I'm getting to that level you know especially when you take such a long break from it you can see it in your face one night you can see it in your face. One night, you can see it in your face. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 01:20:25 I look terrible after I drink. And the weight retention is incredible. Incredible. Yeah, your head blows. I mean, Bill Burr has that great joke about how he developed that, you know, John Travolta head. Right. If he just booze a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:38 Yeah, I wonder where Travolta's came from. Yeah. Who's your Beef of the Week? I think my Beef of the week is these smashing grabbers you know jt and i were talking and you were saying your head's on a swivel when you're walking around and that's not the way it used to be in la and i'm bummed out that that's the case i really am because i've lived here and i've always loved living here and my kids are saying to me you know we have to be safe and that's just not the way it used to be.
Starting point is 01:21:07 And I'm bummed out about it until that's my beef. I'd like that to end. And we could get back to at least being able to walk around and do things that we used to do without worrying about something happening. It is crazy when you see like the highlights of people just like in midday going up to like brunch spots and like jacking people of their stuff with a gun out during the day. You're like, what? It's such a bummer.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Just how out in the open it is. Yeah. And I guess with that Nordstrom's thing, I heard at the Grove, I think it might have been after hours, but I heard they beat the shit out of a lot of the people at the Nordstrom. Oh, is that true? I heard that on a podcast, who knows? Oh, man. I heard they were taking a t who knows but i heard they like yeah we're taking it to some of the
Starting point is 01:21:45 people there and they arrested 14 guys but then they just got out on bond immediately right zero bond but we'll get to that the pandemic has has caused income disparity to be huge and doesn't justify flat-out crime and beating people up but you know well cameron and Paxton want you guys to walk me to my car when we're done. Oh, I'm super done. Of course I will. Yeah, dude. We're full service over here. I appreciate that. Yeah. That'd be bad-ass. Um, I don't have a beef of the week this week, but I'm going to give my beef to Aaron cause I know he's got an ongoing solar panel issue. Oh, so the floor is yours.
Starting point is 01:22:26 That wasn't going to be my beef of the week if, uh, if I was going to get involved, but, I do have a different beef real quick. Just the Apple, the podcast app that's on the iPhone. I'm,
Starting point is 01:22:36 I'm finally moving away from it. I'm so done with it. It just doesn't delete the podcast you've listened to. And it's just, I know it probably slows my life down by four seconds, but as a guy who's in the industry, it's really frustrating. So can I draft on that?
Starting point is 01:22:51 Sure. My calendar, I updated my, my operating system and my calendar is really hard. It's not, it's quirky now too. Yeah. Would you use iCal or Google Cal?
Starting point is 01:23:01 iCal. I use Google, but even that has been a little wonky. Chad, who's your babe of the week uh my babe of the week is uh sunglasses i uh you know i was driving the sun was in my eyes and and i you know i appreciate sunglasses for the protection but also just to like just to if you want to feel cool you just throw on some shades and the job done yeah you know it's like you know task completed you're gonna look cool so i just love sunglasses for giving you that that ability to just look cool and feel cool and
Starting point is 01:23:36 in any situation and that means a lot to me um because i value you know feeling cool right uh and you do it well, by the way. Oh, thank you. I was going to say, thank you. Yeah, I found Cruz and, you know. In my sea business? Yeah, that too. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:54 I was thinking about, well, I was talking about that. I was thinking about Tom Cruise. Yeah. Hell yeah. All right. Who's your baby of the week? Well, of course, my baby is always Mrs. Fuller. You know, that goes without saying for 30 years.
Starting point is 01:24:04 But also, you know, today on my way here, I had a Celsius. And it really gives you a nice lift. A clean boost. A clean boost in the late afternoon. Yeah. It's really, it feels like it's not that bad for you. There's not a lot of sugar in it. And it really upped my energy for the pod.
Starting point is 01:24:23 That's awesome. So I have two babes. It's Alex and Celsius. Those are good babes. Thanks. Hell yeah. My baby of the week is Sana Marin, the prime minister of Finland.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Oh, hell yeah. Did you guys see this? Yeah. She got into hot water because she left her phone at home, which is hilarious for a prime minister to do, and she went out clubbing, which is also awesome.
Starting point is 01:24:42 Which also is like, I'm like, dude, I don't know anything about Finland, but I'm like, you can do that in know anything about Finland, but I'm like, you can do that in Finland. You can't do that if you're the leader of like US, China, Russia, you know, the guys who are always causing mischief. Finland, you can just take a night off. I love that.
Starting point is 01:24:55 But she found out that she missed a text that said she had been exposed to a COVID positive person. And so she put people at risk when she was banging it out at the nightclub. But I like where her head's at. She's's 36 she's leading a really cool country with good quality of life as far as i know and she's dancing it up at the club and she's very pretty so she's my baby of the week that's nice i never heard about her before and then i was like this lady sounds cool as shit it's a good babe chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week my legend of the week my quote of the week are going to go together so I'm going to do my quote of the week
Starting point is 01:25:28 to introduce my legend so this comes from the MacGruber trailer MacGruber is starring Will Forte it's on Peacock now it was originally a movie starring Ryan Felipe who's a listener what up
Starting point is 01:25:43 this comes from Rick Ruber smell you later Vic and I mean that with every sorry he's talking to uh who's he who's Ryan Felipe no the female who's 11 oh Kristen Wiig Kristen Wiig he's signing Kristen Wiig he's like smell you later Vic and I mean that with every fiber of my being. I will smell you later. And then there's the part where he's like, sounds like we need a little R&R. She's like, oh, I would love some resting relaxation. He's like, no, the other R&R.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Ramming and rimming. I can't wait to watch this show. MacGruber is so funny and it's like one of those it's like one of those movies and it looks like one of those shows where it's like he just got to dive into his most sort of like immature self and just like he's like this is why i think it's hilarious this is why i think it's funny and this is like it's all in this show and uh the the you know in the original the movie the villain was named cunth and their villain this one is named queeth i gotta first i never saw the movie i gotta see the movie
Starting point is 01:26:53 it's so funny that's good good so will forte is my legend yeah nice bro what's your legend my legend is uh jamie mcbride legend? My legend is Jamie McBride, who is the director for the Los Angeles Police Protective League, where he's the police union. He has told people not to come to L.A. because it's like the purge here. So I appreciate it. He referenced one of your films.
Starting point is 01:27:19 He referenced the film in it. And again, I do not to harp on it, but there are problems in LA. We got to fix them. And the only way that they get fixed is if enough people start being unhappy about what's happening here. And he's drawing attention to it in a way where it's kind of undeniable that we have to fix what's wrong here. Do you think we're going to go into some Giuliani New York years? Listen, you mean the broken window thing? Policies, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I think we have to. If things continue. It's time for that corrective. I think we have to. It's just people are going to start leaving, and the people who are here are going to be really unhappy. I mean, they are now. I haven't felt it in my day-to-day, though.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Have you? The thing that happened in truesdale what happened there where um that that event that woman was killed in her house in truesdale oh yeah yeah what i haven't heard about that was last in beverly hills yeah that by some some crooks broke in yeah a guy broke in and and he shot himself in the foot and then he killed her. Jesus Christ. You know, Beverly Hills growing up, you know, I was a teenager when down and out in Beverly Hills happened and Beverly Hills Cop. And Beverly Hills was always this place where everything was perfect.
Starting point is 01:28:37 An oasis, yeah. And now you're having people getting, you know, they had that robbery in Beverly Hills, the one where the guns brought daylight. It's just when it's like that, these things that have always been what LA is are now not becoming that. There's a real problem. I don't know why it's happening as much as it is. I mean, we talked about the income disparity, Aaron. You said that for sure. And also there's a zero bond situation now where criminals are just getting processed
Starting point is 01:29:14 and putting back on the streets. But it really bums me out. It just bums me out. It's a bummer. I love this place. I always have. And it just sucks. It is. And Jamie a bummer. I love this place. Yeah. I always have. Agreed. It just sucks. It is.
Starting point is 01:29:26 It is. And Jamie McBride is calling attention to it. I don't know that we're fully there. I mean, the Purge is hardcore. Well, it's not. Yeah, but he's saying, you know, it's lawless on the streets. And there is some of that that's true. We're getting Purgy.
Starting point is 01:29:39 Yeah. My Legend of the Week is Picasso. Nice. The best. Cubism. Even before that the week is Picasso. Nice. The best. Cubism. Even before that, the blue period. Anytime I've been in a museum and I've seen a Picasso, before I knew it was his, I went, yo, that is genius.
Starting point is 01:29:52 And then it turns out it's him. So just crazy respect to Picasso. That's awesome. Total legend. That's awesome. He is a total legend. All right, Chad, what's your quote of the week? It's the Mookie Rupert quote.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Do you want to hit it again? Smell you later, Vic. God, what's your quote of the week? It's the Mookie Rupert quote. Do you want to hit it again? Smell you later, Vic. God, it's so funny. And I mean that with every fiber of my being. I will smell you later. It's so stupid. You do love it. He loves that.
Starting point is 01:30:19 He does. The other R&R, ramming. No, the dong stuff. it really tickles us. I think he has something on his androgen receptor. It gives him a dopamine hit every time he says it. It's cool. It's awesome. It's genetic.
Starting point is 01:30:37 Be fools. Who's your quote of the week? I have two. One is be who you needed when you were younger. I love that. And as a parent, I thought, well needed when you were younger. I love that. And as a parent, I thought, you know, that's, well, as a human being, I think that that's really relevant.
Starting point is 01:30:54 But, you know, you think about, that's a very profound statement to me. And it's so simple. The other one is old ways don't open new doors. Oh, these are great quotes. I did some research for this pod. Thank you. This is my fifth pod. That's applicable to the drinking. It is. It is. I did some research for this pod. Thank you. This is my fifth pod. I like that. That's applicable to the drinking.
Starting point is 01:31:07 It is. It is. Old ways don't open new doors. I thought about that. And, you know, that's a little bit about the question. The guy who was asking about, you know, his girl who was depressed. You know, it's like, and it's important, I think, always to open new doors. My quote of the week is from Marriage Story.
Starting point is 01:31:24 It's when Scarlett Johansson and Adam Driver are duking it out. And he goes, and the worst part is I'm losing! Talking about the divorce. And she goes, I already lost. I loved you more than you loved me. Oh my god. And I was like, that is how it feels when you're in that dynamic.
Starting point is 01:31:40 And I like it when a movie goes there. Chad, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Time for some R&R. Sorry, if they added some R&R into a marriage story. Yeah, that scene would have been nice. I could have used a break from it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Sorry. I'm going to pass. I didn't prepare for that. For me, it's off the top of the dome. So anything that comes to mind. What would fire you up right now? It could be like Crack a Celsius. I'd like Crack a Celsius.
Starting point is 01:32:08 Thank you for the help. Because that definitely fired me up, for sure. Crack a criminal. Crack a criminal. Get behind Jamie McBride. Let's flatten the purge. I think this is the most... I heard something that Zedd said
Starting point is 01:32:24 when we were watching him DJ at Zouk and I think it might be the most powerful way to get people fired up he just went 1, 2, 3, 4 and there's just something about doing a count up it just it set the whole place on fire
Starting point is 01:32:40 and Bruce does that a lot 1, 2, 3, 4 and then they get into it and i don't know it's just a it never counts down or count up really yeah it's a count up right do you think one is better than the other is one two three four better than three two one yeah it's a good question man thank you i haven't grappled with it fully but i do think i think there is something about even though three two one seems to make more sense there is something about one two two, three,
Starting point is 01:33:05 four. Maybe it's because that's like, what is that? Like a half measure of a, it must be musical, right? Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:33:11 But there's something when it comes out of a musician, when they say that to the crowd, you know exactly what to do when they're done with it. That's right. And you just go. So I'm going to give it, yeah, one,
Starting point is 01:33:20 two, three, four, but maybe next week it'll be three, two, one. that's fine. I think Bruce does three,
Starting point is 01:33:24 two, one. Does he's more one two you might be right you might be right you might be right about that i should know he probably does it all he's very he talks a lot yeah yeah um all right brad thanks for coming in it's always such a choice you know how much i love doing this you know it you know how much we love you yeah you're sweet favorite guest oh that's nice you to say i love being here you're my la father i'll take that i call you with for genuine help and i am here always for you for both of you the going deep mentor do do you know what's worth discussing though go just i know we're at the very this and people are going to log off or whatever.
Starting point is 01:34:09 Do people know how our relationship started? Do you remember how it started? You reached out, right? I reached out. I was a fan of the pod. Yeah. And I sent you guys either on Instagram or whatever it was. It was an email.
Starting point is 01:34:23 It was an email. And I just said, if you guys ever want to talk movies, I'm all about that. You sent that email and I read it. And I forget. And I IMDB'd you. And I was like, The Purge. I was so stoked. But yeah, I think you reached out.
Starting point is 01:34:43 Hell yeah. No, that's it. I'm actually just tickled yeah i like what you were saying nice We'll see you next time. Bye. Shrider, what is your legend league? Joe, what's your club league? Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your baby? Shrider, what is your legend league? Joe, what's your club league?
Starting point is 01:35:55 Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your baby? Shrider, what is your legend league? Joe, what's your club league? Shrider, what's your plan? Thank you. Who's your favorite striker? Joe, what's your favorite? Chad, what is your beat for the week? Aaron, who's your favorite striker? Joe, what's your favorite? Thank you. Last

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