Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 218 - Jimmy Tatro Joins

Episode Date: December 24, 2021

What up stokers! Merry Christmas! This week we got Jimmy Tatro.    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP at mansacped.com- Send in your best manscaping stories to win a prize in... next weeks episode!   Go to rumpl.com and enter code DEEP15 for 15% off your first order   Go to haversupply.com and enter code: GODEEP at checkout for 20% off   Go to DietSmoke.com and use the promo code “GODEEP” for 20% off your order. That’s G-O-D-E-E-P.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims peeped, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean. Our favorite producers at Ball Trimmers Manscaped, the global leaders in below-the-waist grooming, are leaving 2021 with new product. Clean yourself into the new year with their ultra-premium body wash. clean yourself into the new year with their ultra premium body wash also special offer alert use the code go deep for 20 plus free shipping at manscaped.com four million men worldwide already trust manscaped time to join them let's start the show all right sizzle up the steak and twist my nipples what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad and jt podcast guys i'm here with my compadre
Starting point is 00:00:52 jean thomas what up boom clap stokers and we are here with our is it three pete three pete uh jimmy j bone tatro, dog. Run it back, dude. I know that. I call you Tatro. Don't I call him Tatro? He does call you Tatro. Yeah, yeah. I like how you...
Starting point is 00:01:13 Is that like your new intro? Sizzle my steak and twist my nipples? I come up with a new one every time. That's solid. That's a good one. And I think I was in my head about the intro. That's why I messed up your last name. So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:23 But Jimmy Tatro. welcome back to the pod hey it's a pleasure to be back guys it's always great to be here do you have a nickname i think jimmy is the nickname oh so your parents call you james nah what do they call you they just call me jimmy everyone pretty much calls me jimmy there's like one person who calls me james it's like my ex-girlfriend called me james and that was it did you like that uh i didn't mind it just because no one else called me james i considered swishing to james when i went to college because that's like the one time where you could be like i switched from jt to john so to john john did you no i switched to john
Starting point is 00:02:02 but that's the time you could do it. That's when you got to reinvent. I could rebrand here. I could totally rebrand. But I ultimately deemed myself just far too deep into the Jimmy lifestyle to switch back to James. Did she start calling you James? Or did she, after a while, start calling you James? Like at the beginning. She started calling me.
Starting point is 00:02:22 No, at the beginning it was Jimmy. And then she started calling me uh no at the beginning it was jimmy and then and then she started calling me james yeah it's funny when someone tries to like rebrand themselves like i had a friend who everybody called clint or we all called him clint and then he's like i want to be klinkowski now and we're all like i don't know if i can do that was that his that was his actual last name and so he's like i want you guys to stop calling me clint and then we were like i don't know if i can do that i get that because clem's not that's not great yeah it's not great but can you ever like can you rebrand yourself or does it have to come i think you can because my brother did it like i mean not to me he's always going to be johnny but i remember i was
Starting point is 00:03:01 off at college i came back and his friends were like calling him John and my mom called him John and I was like hold up you're on board with this like you're calling him John too you're you're okay with this but he I mean to his family he's always Johnny but he successfully rebranded amongst his friends to John nice yeah so it. So it's possible. It is possible. I knew a guy who had a tough high school experience. He was on the football team for all four years, and they never let him on the field once. Oh, man. So he got the Letterman jacket,
Starting point is 00:03:36 but he couldn't put the football patch on it because you had to go on the field once to get the patch. Oh, dude, that is tough. And I used to ask the other football guys, I'm like, dude, can you guys just let him play like one kickoff? And they're like, nah, dude, he's too big of a liability. What was his position?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Why was he a liability? He was so bad that if they let him on the field for one play, in their minds, I think it might've been a little dramatic. They were like, it's an automatic touchdown. What was his kickoff position? There's 11 guys. He can't be that bad.
Starting point is 00:04:02 They respected him so little. They're like, we can't let him on the field for one play the team the coaches they were all on the same i think probably half the parents were like this is the right move and then when he went to college he changed his name from uh aaron to jake i mean he had to completely switch that's a big rebrand he just did a totally new name yeah new name new vibe yeah not okay i had a friend who went to college with a man named aaron not okay yeah right it's a proud name is that your middle name jake no no you know what's funny is uh speaking of names uh when i introduced you guys to my girlfriend the other day we ran into each
Starting point is 00:04:37 other at you know obviously masters masters and uh and she was like who are they i was like those are my friends uh chad and jt and she was like i thought your friends names were chet and jd and i do have two friends chet and jd that i just saw and she's like hold on and that moment i was like yeah it sounds ridiculous i have two friends named chet and jd and then two friends named chad and jt Two friends named Chet and JD, and then two friends named Chad and JT. She's like, and you say you're not a bro? Do you say you're not a bro?
Starting point is 00:05:17 I mean, I don't really think of myself as like a bro, really, I guess. Me neither. I think you do. And I know you, so I can confirm that you're really, you know. But we are bros. You are bros, but you're intellectual bros. That's what I was going to say. Why don't you consider yourself more of like an intellectual, sensitive bro? Like you have it in you, but your intelligence sort of takes over.
Starting point is 00:05:37 What is the definition of a bro, though? That's a good question. That's a thing. I think it's fluid. I don't know. There's so many different kinds of bros. And I also think it's like that thing when they were talking about pornography in the Supreme Court. And they're like, I don't know how to define it, but I know it when I see it.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I think that's what it is with a bro. I mean, granted, we all are wearing baseball caps right now. That's true. I definitely am aware I check a lot of bro boxes. Our voices, too. Our voices don't help. The voices, too. Our voices don't help. The voices. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Yeah. When I moved to New York and people were like, you're like a bro, I was like, you don't know what a bro is. I was like, I'll take you back to SoCal and I'll show you a real bro. Yeah. I feel like the real bros aren't aware of themselves. There's a lack of self-awareness. Right. That comes with being like a bro bro well
Starting point is 00:06:27 yeah i mean you if you go to deep orange county or san diego that that's where you'll see that's where you'll meet true bros and also i know it's this too we talked about this before on the podcast if you go to the bungalow that's where you meet a pretty specific type of bro there those are the fresh out of college bros fresh out of college bros who are like on top of the world yeah uh yeah we've always talked about doing like a like a documentary or something about like finding the different types of bros the demographics you know because uh it really changed norcal socal that's a huge thought about doing like a spin-off of real bros of sceny valley like real bros of you know manisquan new jersey yeah or like real bros of because there's a lot real bros of the south real bros of hockey
Starting point is 00:07:12 bros hockey dude hockey bros are a whole other beast that's a whole nother breed yeah it's like a maniacal breed dude yeah they were in timberlands they got huge asses and different type of flow they all have the t-rex posture because their asses are so huge, so they're walking like this. And they're really comfortable with one another, right? Like hockey bros? Oh, yeah. They're incredible.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Hockey bros are a good time. They're helicoptering their dongs in the locker room nonstop. They're fun to hang out with, though, hockey bros. I enjoy them. Oh, they're the best. Yeah. I'm learning about ski bros more now, like Montana guys. Oh, yeah. Or like Wyoming guys. Yeah. hockey bros i enjoy them oh they're the best yeah yeah i'm learning about ski bros more now like montana guys oh yeah like wyoming guys yeah they're just like super into nature they don't
Starting point is 00:07:51 need people that bad they just want to talk about like fresh pow pow and like lifty bros yeah are those ski bros or snowboard bros because i think those are two different types of bros as well right it's interesting to get deep into the taxonomy of it like yeah i think they're part of the same genus but maybe a different family yeah lifty bros are who would you say is more bros like beachy surf bros or lifty bros on like and like if they're in like i'd say yeah that's tough i think the mountain guys are more bro yeah if. If they're at Mammoth, work in the lift. Yeah. The lift to the train park. Yeah. If you laugh like, oh.
Starting point is 00:08:29 That's what it is. They sound a little bit more ridiculous than Beach Bros. Yeah, they do. But the Beach Bros can sound pretty ridiculous, too. I mean, it can really go either way, but I might agree with you on that one. I always wanted to be, growing up, I wanted to be like full beach bro, you know? But every time I would hang out with them, and this is what I thought was like why I couldn't venture into that like fully or just become that.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Into Brodom? Yeah, just because I was too concerned about the future. Do you know what I mean? Right. Like they're able to live in the moment and I'd be like, but what are we going to do for money? That was my thoughts i can't do this because like i can't get stoned all day because i like i have to like do something yeah you know this isn't sustainable yeah exactly yeah but they're like you know the lifty bros they're they lift for a while yeah some of those some of those dudes just ride that out until
Starting point is 00:09:25 like forever yeah like all but they're happy you know they love it and i i'm envious of it for sure i think that's one thing about bros is like people think they're kind of toxic and they certainly can be but in my experience like when i moved to new york and la and i got to know people who weren't bros i was shocked at how mean they could be right i was like dude i think bros actually might be the nicest people i've ever met like they get into more fist fights yeah but that's over quick and then you move on but like right weird like passive aggressive like verbal kind of takedowns i think those are more hard on the soul long term yeah and i don't think bros really do that no no it's more you know they're not fighting about real things they're fighting about like surface level right dumb like you're
Starting point is 00:10:11 always late bro yeah i think we've covered all the bases here, boys. Yeah. I bet it wraps it up. Are you wrapped on season two? No. I finished, we just finished shooting season, or episode 17. Wow. And I'm off for the year. And then we start shooting again on, uh, uh oh. Hey, how you doing? We start shooting again on, I think, January 4th.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Oh, okay. And we have five more to go, 22 total. Is it an episode a week? Yeah, that we shoot. Yeah. Yeah, we shoot an episode every week. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:58 Is that grueling or is it kind of, is it like a day job? It's a day job. It's like the closest thing you can get to having a nine to five in this business kind of. Yeah. Because you're showing up at the same place every day. It's on a stage. It's the the closest thing you can get to having a 9 to 5 in this business, kind of. Because you're showing up at the same place every day. It's on a stage. Same people. Luckily, I like everyone that is on the show. Everyone's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And it's, you know, working at a high level. Everyone's pretty good at their jobs, which is always nice. And I think I've realized like one of the things i when i don't have a good time on a project it's when people aren't good at their jobs if people are good at their jobs and i can take something away like i can learn um i'll have a good time it's just nice to like like the writers have really found their groove i can like fuel the show getting better and better um so a lot of plus sides yeah to combat the you know uh what's the word the fatigue from repetition yeah like with the i feel that too on a lot of things
Starting point is 00:12:02 i work on and then is the hard part just you want to come up with a new way to say something or a new joke style to kind of deliver? And then at a certain point, you're like, I kind of just got to play the hits and still make it feel fresh every time. Kind of, yeah. And I think with a 22-minute format, it's somewhat limiting just as someone that comes from a space where you don't have any time frame that you have to like adhere to so um you can't really let things like you can't do too much you just can't even if it's
Starting point is 00:12:34 funny and they want you to say the thing your way you can't really like add a lot to it because at the end of the day it's got to be 22 minutes you got to move the story yeah so it's got a you know it's kind of like a speed it's got a fit yeah so i i that's the that's the toughest thing as far as uh the actual workflow on that show for me the toughest thing is is like just just having to stay in like a you know the 22 minute format and what are you doing between takes like are you like it's like jacking off whoa you how many times a day you jack off like 30 dude dude um no no between takes i'm uh i don't know i'm just i'm just chilling we're talking talking to the cast hanging out um yeah there's like a bunch of dudes in the crew that are always checking in on my fantasy team.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Every Monday we get back, they're like, how'd you do, man? It's like their way of, you know. Bonding. Yeah, it's our way of bonding. Yeah, fantasy football is a good. It is good. I mean, I fucking love fantasy football. It sounds like a very cliche bro thing to say, to like fantasy football.
Starting point is 00:13:44 But it's an amazing thing. It's an amazing thing. Like we just had a dinner. Every week our low score has to pay like 200 bucks for dinner. Whoa. Yeah, which is a pretty serious punishment. But so we have like a group dinner every week that is mostly financed by the person who lost. And we like didn't do it four weeks in a row
Starting point is 00:14:07 so we had like an 800 tab and we just all went to benny high end of the season had a great time got some butter in you oh dude so much butter so much butter i didn't realize it and then all of a sudden he starts scooping and i'm like i go he does one scoop and I'm like, that was a lot. And then he goes back for another scoop. On every individual dish, too. And I'm like, oh, no, he's going for more? Boom, another scoop. And then goes back again. And I was like, I started getting stressed out.
Starting point is 00:14:34 I was like, this is too much butter. It'll sink you. You've got to chill out on the butter. How'd your season go? What's your record? One league, I did very well. And playoffs are starting right now, actually. And the other league I didn't do so hot.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Do you have a main league? Do you have one that's kind of... The main league that was the main league, the other league actually passed us in buy-in. Oh, okay. And the one league that was my high buy-in league, all of a sudden we couldn't get everyone to raise to buy-in and the other league went high.
Starting point is 00:15:12 And we recently at that dinner raised the buy-in to $500. Wow, 12 teams? 12 teams. So 6G. That's a 5K pot. That's a big pot. Let's go, dude. A lot of people have been putting their pots into like a cryptocurrency.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Really? I know a guy who their league did it and the pot went up like a couple grand. Like a couple. Bitcoin or Doge? I don't know what they put it in. They put it in something. Yeah. You know, some coin that doubled since they did it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Wow. And they now have a pot worth way more money. Are you a convertible guy? Do I? I don't have one. I would like one. Right. Now what's stopping you?
Starting point is 00:15:57 Right now it's, it would be having two cars, but it's funny you say that. Cause I've recently been like, I would like to have a convertible you got the itch it's i got the itch it's just a good time it's fun just roll that top back and just let the hair flow every time you get in the car it's like you're not you're doing something you're having like a unique fun experience you want to go for a cruise in my
Starting point is 00:16:22 convertible it's like a date every time you get in the car. I actually just drove. BMW let me drive a car for like a couple weeks. And I asked for the convertible. Nice. And I was loving it. My girlfriend wasn't vibing as hard in the convertible. I feel like girls generally don't like it cold. There's a scene in the movie spanglish
Starting point is 00:16:45 where thomas hayden church is gonna take tia leone away from adam sandler and he finds the perfect height for the window so that her hair doesn't get that's huge tussled up when she's riding along that is huge it's pretty cool if you get a convertible would you get self-conscious about your music choice i think for sure i think i feel like i would like a convertible but i couldn't only have a convertible because it's a little like too showy look at me yeah you know and i'm not really trying to attract you know attention like that if i'm just going to the store but why not right i don't know because just more eyes on you i get i get i I don't know. Cause he's just more eyes on you. I get, I get, I don't know. Paranoid.
Starting point is 00:17:26 You look paranoid when like you feel people are looking at you. I do in LA, but when I'm in orange County, I don't care. Maybe it's cause I'm out of my home base. So I feel a little more free to fly my freak flag. And I don't really worry about like people's permanent thoughts about me, but that's why,
Starting point is 00:17:40 you know, that's why I like Miami and Las Vegas so much. Cause like it's a ridiculous place. So I feel no self-consciousness being ridiculous in those spaces. And you need that. You can wear sunglasses inside and you can be a total weirdo. And no one's judging. If you're driving a Dodge Viper, everyone's like, cool car, man.
Starting point is 00:17:58 There's no second thought about it. And that is the car that would be like, whoa. That's the most ostentatious of cars. Yeah, a Dodge Viper. A red one, dude. A red Viper. Those things are sick, dude. They are sick.
Starting point is 00:18:11 They probably drive like shit, but that engine. Yeah, I don't know. I forgot those are still around. They are. They still make them new ones? No. You don't think? No.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I don't think so. Dude, I'm pitching this and I'm kind of kidding, but I'm actually dead fucking serious. What if we all just rented some sport cars and went for a drive? To Vegas. You don't think? No. I don't think so. Dude, I'm pitching this and I'm kind of kidding, but I'm actually dead fucking serious. What if we all just rented some sport cars and went for a drive? To Vegas. To Vegas. That could be fun. And we drove in formation. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Triangle. Caravan. You seem a little, are you into it? Yeah. Ducks fly together, dude. Just picking up all the lanes, dude. I was like, fuck these guys and their flying V. And then they're all convertibles so i can see exactly who it is
Starting point is 00:18:47 i would like i actually have been wanting to uh rent this this one convertible the stick shift i've been wanting to drive a stick shift i drove one in high school it's so fun but in high school i hated it because living in la in traffic. in traffic, I'm just first, second. I started having knee problems from shifting so much. Right. I think I'd get in less car accidents if I had a stick shift because I'd be more focused. You can't be on your phone. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:15 You're like trying to shift and like pick. Yeah, I'd be trying to text while I'm shifting. Yeah. I've literally realized that I had to shift and just like, oh, toss the phone. Yeah, I'd have to text my i'm shifting yeah yeah i've literally like realized that i had to shift and just like oh you just toss the phone yeah i'd have to text my mom for money once i parked right did you guys listen to the ben affleck interview on a howard stern no but i saw he was getting roasted for it i i saw it too i saw i haven't listened to that one but i saw his response on jimmy kimmel what? Wait, he responded already?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Mm-hmm. He's pissed. Shit happens. He was like, these people, these clickbait people, they take what I say. It was a two-hour long interview. I thought it was really great. I was like, I should do more of these. And I opened up, and then these clickbait people take a little piece of what I said
Starting point is 00:19:59 and misconstrue it. And he was like, you can make me the meme guy the the batman sad dunkin donuts guy but once you come after my kids that's where i draw the line i'm sick of people picking on him dude he's a beast i fucking love yeah the dunkin donuts sad photos are like my favorite i love those so much him just looking so stressed smoking a cig like he needed that sick he needs it so bad he needed that sick dude you just see like you could like feel that inhale in that photo you're like oh brother you just sucked that whole cig down in one puff yeah he hasn't let people take away from him his right to be sad and dumb yeah and a mess yeah just dropping like fucking thing of coffee is all over him dude the guy's a mess i loved it though and dude this speaks to like you too like i don't
Starting point is 00:20:54 think people understand how smart you have to be and how much like bandwidth and also how like strong you have to be to direct and act in something. Oh, he's the fact that he's directing and acting in his own stuff is like, like Ben Stiller to directed Tropic Thunder. Amazing. Wild. So, I mean, the fact that he did that is just so incredible. But it's funny that you say that about the about Ben Affleck getting mad because I can like half the people that are roasting him online
Starting point is 00:21:25 definitely didn't watch the interview. They just saw like headlines and just like piggybacked off of that, which is something that annoys me very much right now. Yeah. Is people like not actually watching something or like reading the entirety of something or getting any more context, just seeing a headline and getting mad something or or like reading the entirety of something or looking in or
Starting point is 00:21:45 getting any more context just seeing a headline and getting mad and like spreading it from there with their own like stamp on it now it's like you didn't even yeah the research yourself or like yeah and it's like it's like you know his response any any if the press is like media comes out with something saying like a headline of like this guy said something shitty and he responds or like it comes out that you know that wasn't actually the case they're not going to come out with more articles like headline news of like actually we were wrong but i feel like was not being a piece of shit like that i found that article and like you know the fourth page of whatever you know news thing i was like you know it's like if you get bad press but they were wrong they're not
Starting point is 00:22:37 going to come back out with like the same amount of publicity and be like by the way we were wrong this guy's actually cool like that i don't think that ever happens yeah i was thinking about this the other day whoever was the person who said any press is good press is pretty much single-handedly responsible for everything that sucks about social media right yeah because people really took that shit and ran with it yeah you know and you get these people that are fucking huge from just getting any press yeah bad press mostly bad press more bad press and they fucking become huge and then people forgot people forget that the way they got there was just from all bad press. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:29 And then all of a sudden, next thing you know, your kids are idolizing them. It's a shame. It's like Jake Paul. Yeah. He's capitalized on that. He has. He capitalized hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:40 He did well with that, too. Do you know him? I know Logan better. Yeah. I know. I mean, I met jake a handful of times um i've done a few videos with logan always been a nice dude yeah you know i've always jake developed his look well i like where he ended up with the beard and the haircut like it fits like he used to be kind of like a clean cut guy yeah and now he looks like a bad guy yeah like he really does jake oh yeah all tatted and stuff yeah like he looks kind of like you want to see him get punched
Starting point is 00:24:11 do you have have you ever had a a beef no i mean i just you know i don't want to get riled up get the heart beating and i don't enjoy beefing. Yeah. It happens, but I never enjoyed it. Like, when we were at Mastro's the other day, and I was in the bathroom, you know the feeling you get when you're like, something's happening here? Yeah. I don't like that feeling. It gives me too much anxiety, and I just like.
Starting point is 00:24:38 What was happening in the bathroom? Well, I went in the bathroom, and I've been in there for like 20 seconds and you know door handle shakes one shake you're like okay dude was just checking to see if he could get in then five seconds go by and i'm like okay two shakes you know it's locked now you're just now you're talking to me then he went for a third shake and it was like a long loud third shake and i was like what the fuck and i walked out and i just look at the dude i'm like what and he's like oh dude i was just kidding man and i'm like what's the joke yeah he's like it was just a joke dude it was just a funny joke and i was like i just i don't get the, what's the joke? He's like, it was just a joke, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:25 It was just a funny joke. And I was like, I don't get the joke. What's the joke? He's like, it was just a funny, you didn't think it was funny? I was like, no. He's like, oh, dude, you just don't get it. I was like, all right, man.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And I walked away. That was the end of that interaction. That's crazy. I was flustered. He was at a group dinner. Right. So he's feeling himself. There's a lot of testosterone at the table.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And he's like, I'm going to fuck with this guy in the bathroom. Yeah. And it's not like his boys were there. It was just for him. That's weird. And there was actually one other guy that he didn't know. And I opened the door. And that was the first guy I saw.
Starting point is 00:26:00 And the guy looked at me like, I don't know. And I looked at that guy like. You just like dude but that dude wasn't laughing he was just like weirded out and uncomfortable this dude is like well he uh he sounds like one of those guys who you know those guys who are like i'm an asshole sorry yeah it's like well if you have this self-awareness then don't be an asshole right but yeah that's just me man i'm an asshole what can i tell you yeah a lot of those people don't pull it off like there's some people who can pull it off yeah but like they're very few and far between yeah it's a it's a high difficulty thing to do yeah there's also the people that uh
Starting point is 00:26:38 just do shitty things and then are like i'm a gemini you're like uh well yeah but you know but all that shitty stuff you've been doing like yeah it's a cancer moon and beaver so yeah i've been doing some shitty stuff but you know that's how us yeah i kind of been thinking maybe i'll get into horoscope stuff yeah because i've been doing the same like no that's all i kind of been thinking maybe i'll get into horoscope stuff yeah because i've been doing the same like no that's all bullshit kind of like perspective on it i'm like maybe i'm ready to just be like now i'm a capricorn guy read it every day you're a capricorn capricorn what are you scorpio you're a scorpio i'm not a typical like whenever i say scorpio people like you don't seem like a scorpio you don't have you don't have this Scorpio vibe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Thank you. I think. Both my parents are Scorpios. Really? And my girlfriend's a Scorpio. Do they have the vibes? Surrounded by Scorpios. Do they have the vibes?
Starting point is 00:27:35 My mom and girlfriend do. My dad, not at all. Super chill. You know, I'm a Leo rising. That came out of front. Oh, that's big. I might get roasted for that. For saying what? I just said, my dad doesn't.
Starting point is 00:27:44 He's super chill. Oh, like that's implying that the other folks aren't chill yeah it takes all kinds i'm a leo rising so what does that mean apparently that i think that's your rising moon or sun i think but apparently that's what how you appear to people um so i don't know what what are you i'm an aquarius oh interesting yeah i don't really what are the characteristics i don't know what what are you i'm an aquarius oh interesting yeah i don't really what are the characteristics i don't know but every time i've heard them i've been like seems pretty vague seems kind of applicable to anything sure what do you know what your rising is i don't know that's so aquarius of you did i did not care yeah that, that's very Aquarius. I don't know. I've just gotten people
Starting point is 00:28:26 who said the characteristics and I've never really like, never seen them and been like, yep, totally me. Well, Scorpio's like dark and brooding and I'm like, I think I'm the opposite of that. Unless if you want to say I'm brooding,
Starting point is 00:28:40 you can, but. I'd love to be brooding. Yeah, dude. I want to feel more like Tupac when I'm on camera. You know, I want to feel more like Tupac when I'm on camera. I want to feel kind of menacing, but there's something compelling and deep about it. It's tough to do that as a comic. I'm not really giving that off.
Starting point is 00:28:54 No, it's tough to be brooding and dark when you're a comic. Dude, I got fucked over by AAA the other day. I busted a tire in the rain on the freeway, pulled off, parked at a Walmart, had to get a tow. Oh, no. They fucked me. They got some tow truck driver who was asleep who I finally woke up and he's like, bro, I busted a tire in the rain on the freeway, pulled off, parked it at Walmart, had to get a tow. Oh, no. They fucked me. They got some tow truck driver who was asleep, who I finally woke up. And he's like, bro, I don't know you. And he hung up.
Starting point is 00:29:11 No way. So then I left a message with AAA. And I was super pissed off. So I listened back to it to see if I was too pissed off in the message. Dude, I sound like the biggest bitch in the voicemail. I'm like, hey, AAA, this is JT Parr. The tow truck driver didn't show up and i'm a bit frustrated like i didn't sound angry at all yeah and i was like dude where's the tupac in this
Starting point is 00:29:31 like i should be like fuck you fuck your kids come pick up my car dude i i think i have the opposite effect like the second i get a little bit mad people are like, whoa, relax, dude. And I'm like, I'm not that mad. I was just like being a little more stern with those words. But like, second I say something like a little confrontational, people are like, whoa, relax. But see, I don't think we should let them take that from us either. You know what I mean? Like, especially I think in Los Angeles, I think if you're like a bro, they're like, all right, we need you to be lovable all the time. And I'm like, maybe it's a Capricorn thing, but I'm like, dude, I'm complex. You know what I mean? I got rage in me. I'll burn the earth down. And I don't want to lose that. Maybe I never had it. That's Capricorn vibes, man. That's why you're a Capricorn.
Starting point is 00:30:15 That's what it is, dude. It is. So when you get, when you get angry, like, does your voice change? angry like does your voice change um maybe a little bit maybe uh i don't know like the last the experience i'm thinking of was like this dude used to park his this dude on my street had like nine cars and they were all he was a hoarder like he was a complete hoarder he would walk around and like go through trash cans on Melrose. He lived in a nice area. And he was going through trash cans and keeping stuff. And he had nine cars that he would park all over the street and take up. There's only so many spaces.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Dude's taking up 20% of the street parking on my street. And he would keep his piece of shit car filled with trash, like in front of my house. And one time it was like, you know, I told him like, you can't do this. Like you can't keep parking cars in front of the house.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And one time it was like, it'd been there for like a week. And I was like, yo dude, you got to move your car. I'm going to get it towed. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:31:22 he like pushed back a little and then i got mad and uh how'd you get mad i just was i just i don't know i just i mean i was just like it's not like i said anything crazy i was just like you know move the car i'm getting a tow no say how you said it though i was like, you keep your piece of shit car in front of my fucking house, move it or I'm getting a tow. I love that. That was good.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I think it was really compelling. Yeah. Yeah. That got me. Bucket of bolts. You know, I think it'd be one thing if it was like,
Starting point is 00:31:57 you know, added to the, to the vibe. But it's like, you look, you don't want to look outside your window and see like this. A jalopy.
Starting point is 00:32:03 It's a jalopy and it's filled with trash. Like, like you could see's like, you don't want to look outside your window and see like this. A jalopy. It's a jalopy and filled with trash. Like you could see it like up the windows, you know? It's like someone just emptied out a garbage bin. Dude, in my mind too, he was doing all that because he wanted a reaction. You know what I mean? Like he wanted to be seen. He doesn't feel seen.
Starting point is 00:32:19 So he's like, I'm going to cause some mischief. I'm going to be a pain in the ass until someone reacts to it. Causing mischief is just, it just sounds so elementary. Yeah. What you doing? Causing some mischief. Causing some mischief. I'm being bad.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Just messing with my street again. Dude, I got 25 cars out there right now. I was like, where is he getting all this? For a while, I was like, maybe he getting all this for a while like maybe he is like storing stolen cars maybe people like steal a car they bring it to him and he's like i'll hold it right for you know a couple weeks keep it on melrose yeah dude my quiet neighbor the other day my neighbor's super quiet you never hear him like i never hear him i think i'm the loudest person in this quadplex the other night he's just blasting music so fucking loud like really good music too like
Starting point is 00:33:09 early 50 cent stuff i was like yeah this is kind of good yeah it was it was good it was like club's gonna get out of control i was like all right cool but i was like is this gonna stop at any point went for like 30 minutes downstairs neighbor finally comes up so i open the door because i want to see the confrontation i'm like yeah get in there knock on the door and then she's like no i'm too scared i was like all right right, I'll knock, I'll knock. I knock, I knock, I knock. Start banging on it. It doesn't open it.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Just turns off the music. I see him the next day. No mention of it. We just kind of nodded each other. Interesting. And I was like, dude, I think he just wanted to feel seen in the quadplex. Right. Like he's super quiet usually?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Super quiet. Never makes a peep. Doesn't talk a lot. And out of nowhere just starts blasting 50 Cent? Yes. This is kind of bizarre. It is is bizarre i think he just wanted to be noticed i think once he heard us knocking on the door he's like all right people noticed me or he was murdering someone or he was killing someone or he's going through some shit or he was on some blow that makes sense yeah i mean you get that in me i'm putting on stranglehold that's your good times 100 yeah
Starting point is 00:34:06 cranking it do we went to that was back in the day what never mind do you dance i love to dance i don't think i've ever seen you dance really i mean i'm not gonna dance right now no but uh i was gonna try and pimp you into it you know i you know i think i'm a pretty good dancer You get me out there on the dance floor I'll throw some moves down I could see you moving your shoulders I'm a big shoulders guy I'm always like I like to bounce
Starting point is 00:34:35 That's exactly what I pictured in my mind I like to keep the elbows up And just kind of I'm here a lot And I like the knees I'm always moving knees yeah yeah are your feet moving much you know some of those a little wiggle i'm doing that you know wiggling the knees a lot and then a lot of shoulders you know when people clock you dancing
Starting point is 00:34:57 do they go all right oh yeah i i remember the first time i ever did Molly was at Coachella. Me too. And I remember thinking, not only am I the best dancer at this whole festival, did I already tell you guys this? No. I remember thinking, not only am I the best dancer at this whole festival, but everyone around me is lucky
Starting point is 00:35:24 to be able to see what I'm throwing down right now that's awesome that's that was my first molly experience i thought i was i thought i was killing it so hard that i was like you're welcome everyone for doing this for free in front of you did you feel like you hit every beat perfectly i felt like i was just really yeah so you're dancing getting shoulders and you felt like you was really yeah so you're dancing getting shoulders and you felt like you just oh I was hopping it reaching out you know it's just you know when you just are like you know you're sticking in your comfort zone yeah and then you could kind of branch out a little bit but
Starting point is 00:35:55 things could could go off yeah I just felt like I was just knowing all those moments that's sick yeah it would do it was it was sick when's the last time you grinded with a chick on the dance floor um probably not that long ago like uh we went to vegas for my girlfriend's birthday we did some grinding nice that's awesome yeah you gotta do that yeah i love to grind we were in vegas recently were Were you? Yeah. Where'd you go? We went to Resorts World. That was where I went. Did you like it?
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yeah. I thought it was cool. It was like, felt like it was like designed by someone that was like, just give me all the most expensive stuff. I don't care what it looks like. I don't want like a common theme. The theme is expensive. That's Vegas.
Starting point is 00:36:43 It's Vegas. But like a lot of the hotels have like a, you know. Right, right, right. Like a kind of vibe where you're like, ooh, this is the theme here. They were, I mean, I was looking around like, especially when you start like when you own a house and like you live on your own for a while and you like look at furniture, you're like, whew.
Starting point is 00:37:00 That's a $1,200 chair. And you got thousands of them. And those hotels cost like a billion dollars to build. Do you know how much that costs to build? How much? I looked it up. $4.3 billion. Really?
Starting point is 00:37:13 To build Resorts World. That's so sick. It's sick, but how long did it take to make that back? That's a good point. It's got to be a while, right? Yeah. Yeah, I was looking at like like places like disneyland i don't know how much they make a casino in a day but i think disneyland i think
Starting point is 00:37:30 they make over a million dollars in a day for sure probably disneyland which is crazy to think about yeah yeah but then i don't know how much they're spending to run the rides and all that stuff parks are a big part of their revenues. So I think, I mean, and they're a huge company. So I think those things are cash cows. Yeah, I think they make around a billion a year. That's crazy. Did you go to Zouk?
Starting point is 00:37:57 The nightclub? We did go to Zouk. Tiesto played. Nice. The song of the weekend was, you know that song that's like, let's get down, let's get down to business. That's a good song. Yeah. Once it's in your head, like everyone that's watching this or listening to this,
Starting point is 00:38:12 they're like, fuck, that's in my head for the next two weeks. It'll just happen randomly too. You'll just be sitting there and all of a sudden it'll just creep into your head like a car driving by. Let's get down, let's get down to business. Do you think it's possible to act like you're on molly when you're not on molly like could you get into that frame of mind i think i could i think i could too yeah it's uh i just can't stop moving you know like it's like if i want to
Starting point is 00:38:37 stop moving to the music i can't i'm just even if we're having a too locked in yeah you're locked in even if you're having a serious conversation You're too locked in. Yeah, you're locked in. Even if you're having a serious conversation, you're just like. Do you get verbal with people? Or you tell them how much you love them and all that stuff on Molly? That's not really my vibe. No? But I definitely have been there. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:00 So you don't see people and say, like, by the way, man, I've been meaning to tell you this forever. You mean so much to me. I'm more of the guy that just, I stay dancing. I just dance. I'll just be off by myself, just vibing out. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you put that love into a fist bump maybe, though?
Starting point is 00:39:16 Have you had some really meaningful fist bumps? Oh, it's definitely some meaningful daps, some good handshake hugs. With some good eye contact? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw two guys in Vegas do this. They just walked up to each other and looked at each other and went. And then they slapped hands
Starting point is 00:39:30 and I was like, that's it, dude. That's it. I love the visual of you being proud of a complete, you're a third party to another dad. And you just want a proud dad. Love that. Sharing that moment moment it is nice to witness like a when people haven't seen each other in a long time like a like a run-in like a really excited
Starting point is 00:39:54 run-in those are fun to watch it's beautiful from afar are you watching succession no you don't watch it i've heard it's great i've heard i should uh everyone tells me to watch it? I've heard it's great. I've heard I should. Everyone tells me to watch it, so I'm just kind of like, fuck everyone. Yeah, I get that. It's like culture is forcing you to eat your vegetables, and you're like, no, dude. I know what I want for dinner. Yeah, I'm not going to fucking watch it because you said to.
Starting point is 00:40:24 But no, I will watch it eventually. I actually finally caved in on Squid Game and I watched that. Was it dope? I haven't seen it yet. It was good. It was definitely good. I liked it because it takes you out of the world we live in. I feel like a lot of things now are meant to remind you of the issues in the world and uh that's fine
Starting point is 00:40:48 but it's nice to escape and the issues in that world are so not what were you know yeah why do you think it was such a huge hit i don't know it's it's hard because i don't really understand what it is that hits on netflix like there's like a weird formula that like some shit on netflix just pops in ways that you could have never seen coming like um like lupin blew the fuck up did you see lupin no it was fine yeah i mean this you know it it looked cool like it was well done um and i don't like to hate on things when they like are well done and make sense because it's kind of like they made it it worked shut up yeah you know people get so focused in on like well this theme and this little thing. I'm like, shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Go make a better thing then. Yeah. And you can't. So shut the fuck up. But that show, there was so many moments where I was like, they're like, it's like he's a spy show. So you kind of got to like think through the like gadgets and like the cool shit, you know? Like a lot of things you're like wait so he just got away he just didn't explain how he just got out of that building he's just on the roof now yeah
Starting point is 00:42:10 or like he like he's on air he's wearing like a like a fake mustache and they're like i don't know and then they don't recognize him he's like a very recognizable like good looking guy and he just like slips around and like these just like very average disguises yeah it's like but like that show was huge right huge and it was like good it was fine but i don't understand what it is on netflix that makes these things because it happened with that it happened with bridgerton it happened with squid game it happened with uh queen's gambit queen's gambit and then like some of these like uh like rom-coms that are like right right they do crazy biz yeah and they just blow up all of a sudden these kids have you know 10 15 million instagram followers
Starting point is 00:42:58 like overnight i don't know what it is no idea i'm very interested in what that formula is it will be yeah i guess because they're they're they're international so i guess it has to permeate maybe it's stuff that that can hit all demographics i don't know there's got to be a visual aspect to it i think like squid game like visually it was very cool yeah like it looked really cool um and i bridgerton too bridgerton a lot of colors i watched jt watched it all the way through i loved it i think i know why bridgerton hit i don't know about the other ones why do you think it hit well i think for one thing we've never seen like black people in like a Jane Austen style story. So right away, that's kind of interesting. You're like,
Starting point is 00:43:45 okay, it's just like, you know, uh, kind of Elizabethan, like, is that what era that was? Victorian.
Starting point is 00:43:53 You're like, okay, it's this Victorian flirt fest, but you're like, I've never seen black people in it. And then the main black guy was like, amazing. Like he was sexy as hell.
Starting point is 00:44:02 And then. You want to know my hot take? Yeah. I don't think he's hot. What? Wow. But expound. Why not?
Starting point is 00:44:10 He's just like too... Swap? He's too pretty. He's too swap. He's too pretty for me. I think about that too. Like I... If I was gay, and I wish I was, but I'm not.
Starting point is 00:44:20 If I was gay, it would have to be with a dude who felt very straight. I've thought about this a lot. So like, like someone on your fantasy team? Yeah, exactly. And I hate to even deal in some kind of like, you know, thing where you have to like fit into a mold. There's all different kinds of people and there shouldn't even be like kind of archetypes or these things, but they're woven into my head. They are woven into my head. So like whatever the idea I have of straightness is, I think I'd be most attracted to that in a, in a dude. I think the word you're looking for is like a little rugged. Well, yeah. And I want it to be hard for him to be gay. Like I find movies about repression, sexual repression, very compelling. Yeah. I actually have a theory
Starting point is 00:45:03 that there's never been a bad movie about someone who's sexually repressed like brokeback mountain moonlight power of the dog they're all incredible because you're watching this guy fight against himself and he's this badass dude but he desperately yearns to fuck another guy and you're like whoa this is really compelling and i think it's that kind of guy i'd want to party with and i don't think the bridgerton guy has that vibe you could see him doing anything he's kind of guy I'd want to party with. And I don't think the Bridgerton guy has that vibe. You could see him doing anything. He's kind of libertine. So I do know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. Although I don't think that's what you meant. Well, I just meant he's, you know, sure, he's good looking. He's suave. He's too pretty. But also they showed sex in that show. I think that's what was kind of cool about it. I haven't seen soft sex in a movie or in a TV show in a while.
Starting point is 00:45:44 I feel that. I mean, a lot of seen soft sex in a movie or in a tv show in a while i feel that i mean a lot of times soft sex feels unnecessary like you want to watch a lot of old movies and you're like that director just had a hard-on like there is no need for this they just were horny director was horny my favorite sex scene out of sight you see no sex it's just all flirting and steven soderbergh the director said when you show sex you stop being a storyteller so I think I think what you're saying
Starting point is 00:46:08 is like yeah like it's like why is this in here is this moving the plot are we learning about the characters nah we're just watching
Starting point is 00:46:14 two hot people like there's like there's some of those movies that have like that have like real sex like there's that movie yeah like Melancholia
Starting point is 00:46:23 no not Melancholia the Antichrist one with willem dafoe all all the large lunch yeah it's like i it's it's porn yeah we have porn now i think that's the other thing we lost the sex in movies because porn was like porn hub was like we got we got it don't worry we got options have you filmed a sex scene um Filmed a sex scene? No, not like a sex scene. Have you kissed on camera?
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah. Because I'm very uncomfortable kissing. Even when I was in acting class, it was hard for me to kiss in front of the whole class. And I love to kiss. And I think I'm a passionate kisser. But when people are watching, it kind of gets in your head a little bit. Yeah. No, I've had a few a few uh kissing scenes few smooches how'd they go um you know well i think uh like to be honest like
Starting point is 00:47:14 there's times when like you're on set and you're like i don't want to like make out like i'm just not it's just yeah that's not the vibe i'm just like not you know it's like it's like 8 a.m like i just had you know you're talking about your fantasy football team. I'm not trying to like make out right now. You know, it's like, so sometimes you're just like, yeah, it's like usually that's what they pay pretty awkward, but, uh, that's the job. But that's the job. That's what they pay for.
Starting point is 00:47:41 Yeah. Yeah. Like there's been times where I like was like okay we've done i think we've done enough takes right of this you know but you also don't want to be rude to the other person like hey we've done enough takes yeah like what you don't like kissing me yeah but that i mean she was she was also like okay it's getting it's getting to be a lot here i was in an acting class where the acting teacher made me keep making out with this girl. Really? She's like, go do it again.
Starting point is 00:48:07 It was like 10 times. It was some kind of like Meisner thing, I think. She's like, go do it again. Go do it again until you feel it. This is when I started acting. So I was like, oh, okay. And the whole class was watching. And then after, they're just like.
Starting point is 00:48:21 And you're like, oh, wow. Did I tell you about my only acting class experience I've ever had? No. I didn't tell you about this? I've been to one acting class my whole life. And it was for this movie that I didn't get. They didn't cast me in the movie. And then the director reached out to my agency and was like, I want to do an acting workshop with him to work on that character.
Starting point is 00:48:45 That I did. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I told you about this. I think off mic. I think last time we got dinner. Yeah, yeah. We didn't go on it. I just got to keep going now.
Starting point is 00:48:55 They're so curious. You guys want to know. I want to know. They need to know. I was hammered at that dinner. That was a good dinner. That was fun. Dude, I was sweating by the end of it.
Starting point is 00:49:03 I had so much to drink. My body overheated. Yeah remember you i went silent for like from like the entrees to the bill i was just like oh that was right after you guys went on howard stern right different that was a new york time but i also got too hammered at that one as well we missed our flight oh right oh you're talking about we went to bacari yeah yeah yeah we were blacked out at jfk after that and then we missed our flight it was awesome that's great and then we went back out that night oh man it had to sick but keep going oh so anyways i'm already like i'm already like dude why do you want to do this with me you know but they're like you know he's an up-and-coming
Starting point is 00:49:41 director it'd be good to like have this release and relationship you should do it and i'm like okay fine i'll do it and uh and so the first one it's eight hours on a saturday morning like an eight hour class and you want me to do fucking three of these and you didn't cast me in the movie like so whatever i show up i'm like i have good mindset about this i get there first thing they do, it's me and this other guy who's clearly been there. And the acting coach goes, you're smoke, you're fire, go. And the dude just starts billowing.
Starting point is 00:50:20 You know, he's done this. And I'm like, you know, all of a sudden, this guy's billowing. He goes straight into being smoke. I have no context. I'm like, uh. Was there like two minutes where you're just standing there trying to figure out? We're doing like fire and smoke. And he's like, work off of him.
Starting point is 00:50:42 The smoke billows off the fire. So I'm like, fucking fire so i'm like fucking and i'm like in my head like what the fuck am i doing like and like the main acting lady comes over who's like going from from group to group and she's like stop what are you doing and i'm like i'm i'm fire and she's like fire is hot fire breathe fire comes from the ground fire is erratic fire jumps jump i'm like and she's like yes i felt that and i'm like uh she like has me like crouch down now in like this really low stance and my quads are on fire. I'm like, this is, and at one point she's explaining something.
Starting point is 00:51:31 I put my hands on my knees because I'm like tired. And she's like, stop, what are you doing? I'm like, I'm, you know, I'm tired. I'm sweating. It's like fire sweats, sweat. She had me like curling my toes up because fire like wants to rise so i'm like this she's like giving a lecture and i'm sitting there fucking just flaming you know and every now and then she'd be like explaining something and she's like jump and i was like i I'm out, dude. Like, after the class, I did the whole thing, and then I called the guy after.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I was like, yo, I'm not doing two more of these. I'm sorry. And I thought he would totally understand. He was offended. He was like, why not? I thought we made really good progress. And I was like, I mean, no. On what?
Starting point is 00:52:24 The character that i didn't get like if i got the movie i'll be fire all fucking day but i didn't so i'm not gonna sit here and torture myself by acting like fire um so yeah that was uh that's my only acting class we should all try to act like fire right now chad do you want to try i was just i just kept this fire let me think about fire yeah it whoa it it whips it whips that's good it whips yeah it whips a little more intense could you try it a little more intense i tried to smile yeah don't smile don't smile fire's angry this guy called me today and i just called him i was like laughing he's like
Starting point is 00:53:10 why are you laughing i'm like i don't know anyways fuck dude yes why are you laughing i'm like dude i just laughed yeah fuck that stop dude yeah stop stop laughing i'm like sorry i'm happy go fuck yourself all right what's stop laughing i'm like sorry i'm happy go fuck yourself all right what's up dudes i'm interrupting this podcast letting you know once again that we're brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because 2022 is on the way and the last thing you want to be is the guy with pubes getting in the way of making this year your best yet.
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Starting point is 00:55:12 That's 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code go deep. Happy new year to your balls. Show. Now I'm in my head. That was good. That was a good start it was a good start that was really good that was really good that felt like me trying to be sexy you know when you try to be sexy you just no i think that the sexiness was on accident yeah that's good i think i'm really bad at it i would
Starting point is 00:55:42 go does that feel like fire? That's like a Duraflame trying to spark up. Help me out. Help me out. Help me out of the. All right, I'm going to pour some lighter fluid on you. Lighter fluid. Dude, that was good.
Starting point is 00:55:54 That was good. I think fire is a little more. It's more. Contained? It breathes a little more. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah. It's like you're breathing, but you're also letting shit out. That's good, dude. Sometimes sideways. Aaron, you're off camera, but if you want to throw down some. Yeah, Aaron, do you want to switch seats and be fire? I could be pretty fire if you did that, dude. We're trying to get an Aaron cam for his reaction. Did that guy just think he was helping you self-actualize or something like that?
Starting point is 00:56:28 He's like, this guy has this hidden thing and I want to help him bust it out. He had this whole idea of the symbolism of the characters being one was fire, one was smoke. Sounds like a bunch of hippie bullshit. Yeah, the movie was not good. I'm not going to say the name of the movie, but it was like a well-known not good movie did it have a really long stupid title uh i will neither confirm nor deny is is uh are you still you lift a lot right i've uh i've been seeing a trainer nice yeah i'll go to him because i just I'm not going to go to the gym on my own. And if I do, I'm not going to go hard if I don't have to.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So that's what I'm paying for. He's pushing your ass? I'm paying for someone to, what? He's pushing your ass? Yeah, he pushes me. And we don't do, like, I don't like, I don't do a lot of weights. Because if I lift weights, I just get, like, I just bulk up. Yeah, you're jacked, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:26 And so I just do a lot of body weight stuff. Was that weird when I called you jacked right there? No, it was cool, man. It was fine. Nice. Dude, that's what I've been doing. I've been doing these hot yoga sculpt classes. Really?
Starting point is 00:57:39 Honestly, it's like, I'm just smiling the whole time because it's like, I'm like one of the only dudes in there and it's like, and I sound the whole time because it's like i'm like one of the only dudes in there and it's like um and i sound like a perv but like no it sounds it sounds like like hot yoga is nice hot yoga is great and it's like they're like it's just like a great way to start your morning because you're sweating a lot and they're it's like really really hard because they're doing like body weight exercises mixed with stretching and you're like you have like dumbbell like 10 pound dumbbells and you're like doing you know you're doing like a you know squats and then like curls and shit for like an hour can you how hot is it uh i think i don't know exactly i think
Starting point is 00:58:15 around like a hundred like is it a sauna or is it not it's not not not as hot as a sauna as maybe like a hundred hundred and two yeah that's fucking hot. For an hour? Yeah. You're sweating a lot. Do you have water in there? You bring your water in there, yeah. It's tough. It's really tough. Have you done it?
Starting point is 00:58:32 I've done hot yoga and I've been the guy like, dude, one time I did moto yoga and I was like in there and I was shirtless and I was like, I think I'm stronger than all these other dudes. Wait, moto yoga? Yeah, it's a studio. And then like 30 minutes in, I was on my mat just writhing and sweating i couldn't even do the last half of the class you said you were shirtless i thought it was maybe like a naked yoga thing you're like i was at moto yoga and so i was shirtless i was like wait
Starting point is 00:58:54 is this yeah everyone's butt naked and they're inspired so they have that i think isn't there a naked yoga there should be that's a thing that's a thing for sure it is a thing i've seen someone sent me an ad for it um i would like to my problem with yoga i like it a lot i can't hear very well so it's tough for me when i'm on my back to know what's going on right because they talk quietly sometimes and uh you have to kind of watch them yeah i really rely on like reading lips a lot to like help here right um and it's hard uh when i'm on my back to like so i'm like i often find myself like trying to like look forward and then i'm like this isn't relaxing now yeah like messing with my neck when you were younger did you have a crew that you would lift with uh when you say younger what do you mean like a bunch of eight-year-olds just hitting the gym yeah i'm talking like five years old you're in there you're
Starting point is 00:59:49 hitting deadlifts with your boys you're trying to get up to a plate no i mean like probably like 15 to 25 yeah i uh because i played sports so we would just like non-stop be conditioning and working out so i don't really have to do that. I would work out with like my two best friends sometimes. And then in college, I had like a gym. Like my buddies, I lived with like, you know, six guys. And sophomore year, I lived with like, you know, 50 in the frat house. But we had like a, you know, six guys that we'd like, you know, pair off with.
Starting point is 01:00:27 It's a beautiful thing. We used to go to the, we used to swim a lot in college. Oh, interesting. We would get really high and go swim. And the pool at our school, University of Arizona, shout out U of A, was fantastic. Like it was like this massive pool and we'd get goggles they had underwater music really and like lights and we would just be like hi like doing these like underwater exercises sometimes the uh synchronized swimming team would be there and you could watch them like you could go under and watch what's happening like yeah to make the stuff on the surface happen and that is
Starting point is 01:01:02 fascinating yeah they're all there's like doing these formations underwater pretty cool that is the foot the leg work must be insane they're like doing they're like you'll see like like a like a like a pyramid under there all the girls doing like bicycles to like raise up and then the girl on the top like jumps but you don't even see that part. It's crazy. A lot of breath. You've got to have a lot of breath to be able to do that. Yeah. I played water polo.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Oh, so do you. It's treading water. It's tough. Yeah. It's really tough. One of the slowest looking sports on camera I've ever seen. Yeah, not very fun to watch. It's not dynamic.
Starting point is 01:01:43 No. It seems hectic. But as a sport to play it it's supposed to be like like it's like gladiators going at it right yeah well yeah i remember i was never i don't think i had the i just didn't care about the team like i just didn't like anyone on my team and i just didn't i i just i i'll get passionate about things but that was just something i just could not get passionate about you know but you know i think a big reason why is because i went to boarding school in connecticut and i'm like i'm playing water polo indoors that sort of defeats the whole purpose like the purpose of playing water polo is to get tan as fuck and jacked but if you get i not only was i inside but i was getting bleached by the chlorine so i
Starting point is 01:02:26 was getting whiter yeah and that really just you know affected my steez and i'm like i don't even that's not even that's not why i signed up yeah no you needed more vitamin d dude that's for damn water polo players have that a specific body they've got those huge lats huge lats big shoulders big shoulders yeah there's a lot of speedo tugging. That was a big thing. I would hear the stories about that. Dude, yeah. This kid stole the ball.
Starting point is 01:02:52 He was driving down, grabbed his speedo, pulled him back. He's like, what the fuck? But, you know, that's how you play. All in the game, baby. Yeah. That's sick. It's not cheating unless the referee calls it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Do you guys think it's scarier if we live in a moral universe or an amoral universe? That's sick. Yeah. It's not cheating unless the referee calls it. Yeah. Do you guys think it's scarier if we live in a moral universe or an amoral universe? Wait, you said amoral, not immoral, right? No, amoral. Like, it just doesn't care. Like, the universe has no opinion on morality. I think moral is probably better. Some sense of morals. But is that scarier then?
Starting point is 01:03:24 Because then maybe we're doing something wrong um i don't know because if it's amoral then we don't have to worry about our own personal conduct as much but i feel like i'd worry more in an amoral universe because no one has any sense of being like i shouldn't do that that's bad so it seems more dangerous and more uh i don't like more could be going wrong right like the consequences of that if everybody knew that it was a amoral universe then you'd have to worry about everybody like a little purgy yeah right But what if you were the only one who knew? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Me neither. I always try to operate like we are in a moral one. Like karma. I believe in karma. So I think, if I kill this spider what does that mean yeah like i do have those thoughts no that's a good thought yeah i feel because it's like there'll be certain instances where it's like you have an opportunity to like do the wrong thing or do the right thing and then i'm sort of like if I do the wrong thing right now,
Starting point is 01:04:46 it's going to bite me in the ass. So I like living that way. I think it's a good way to live. It feels nice to do nice things. It does, yeah. And you're sort of like, I think if you believe in that, if you believe that, if you make the right choice
Starting point is 01:04:59 and then that will come back to you, maybe not equally, but it's like you're at least stepping in the right direction as opposed to making the wrong choices and building up all this negative shit uh i think it brings peace of mind do you think you chose to believe that or you think you were just born believing that um i think it's a belief because uh it scares me so i don't think i was like i think i don't think yeah i think but i don't think i was like raised up you know like my parents were like that's bad my dad my parents were always like do the right thing and they
Starting point is 01:05:39 always seem to you know try to take the high ground so but i don't uh i don't yeah i think i developed that that belief my mom's karma was more related to parking she believed very firmly in parking karma no that's the thing like like if you steal someone's spot that's like yeah bad, bad parking karma. Yeah. So she was very big on parking karma and always claimed that she could get a space in even the busiest of lots because she had such good parking karma built up throughout the years. I like that. Do you still believe that? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:22 I have a question for you, though. It's a question that I was asked not too long ago that i think is a very interesting one if you're standing on a ledge right like a balcony maybe a cliff are you worried that someone's gonna push you that you're gonna jump or that you're gonna push someone the second one you're gonna jump i always get that urge oh for sure you're on a balcony you're like i could do it i'll be at the escalators at the century city mall and i'll grip the sides because i'm like dude if i don't grip these sides i'm going bonsai off the side like it's it strong in me. Yeah, I feel that. I feel that too, but also I think I feel the third one.
Starting point is 01:07:09 You might push someone. Yeah, I mean like, you know, when you see like, you know, it's the little kid standing there on that edge. You know, like I could just. Dude, when I'm stressed out, when I'm anxious, when I'm anxious, I get, I guess they call them intrusive thoughts. Like the thought that you're going to jump off. People think it's a product of anxiety.
Starting point is 01:07:28 But when I'm, so when I'm anxious, I'll be around anyone and I'll just get a thought where I'm like, I got to punch this person. Child. Anybody. I have this in my house, this staircase that goes down like in the middle of uh like you walk up into like the dining or the living room kitchen area and it's like enclosed by this little like wall like that high but when you're standing like you know on this side you're pretty much looking down a staircase and like every time i walk by it, I'm like, if I jumped, I'd get really fucked up.
Starting point is 01:08:09 And why do I think that every time? I just look at it and I'm like, yeah. Yeah, if I jumped right there, I'd get really fucking hurt. Do you think that's a sign? I think that's a sign of a healthy mind. Okay. I think.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Yeah, it's calculating risk it's trying to keep you safe yeah because i think if you're if you're the type of person who would just do that and not think about it then you're in problem area but i think if you're aware of it if you if you if you can see that thought and say no right then that's some i'm the third i i'll be walking on the sidewalk with people and cars will be coming back dude if i just push this dude into the street everything's ruined yeah and it's good i had that with family too it scared the shit out of me like i would be like don't leave me alone with like this person because i don't know what i you know what if i get murdered i know i know yeah it's crazy and that impulse to jump i had a friend billy j reeves and he would just always do it right like he would get that impulse and he'd just go oh no
Starting point is 01:09:16 and it made him like a folk hero to all of us you know we were all like dude that's the guy because he just he he wouldn't hesitate but off like what i mean basically anything you jump off roofs you jump like off high dives you jump off like you know climb on top of a car while you were driving it he would just he just and it didn't seem like it was coming from a bad place but he would just do it would he make a spectacle a spectacle of it or would he just be walking and then he it was it was for him or it was for everyone it's tough to say but he it did seem like he it was believable that he would do it by himself and actually when he died he jumped out of a tram when it was like 200 feet up wait so this guy eventually killed himself by doing...
Starting point is 01:10:05 I don't think he'd describe it that way. I don't think he would say he killed himself. But he jimmied open a tram when he was on his way up to the top of the mountain, and he just jumped out. No board. Because he's like, I gotta jump. He's just like, I gotta jump. Might as well jump.
Starting point is 01:10:20 I feel like I needed that. I needed to know that before... But he was a legend. Before using this as an example. It was crazy. His parents weren't like, dude, no trams. No, his parents, they were split. His mom was super bummed and was like,
Starting point is 01:10:42 we should have told him not to do stuff like that. And his dad was like, that was Billy. He jumped. Billy jumps. Like, you could tell his dad had a kind of a pride about it. Right. That's my boy. That was my boy.
Starting point is 01:10:56 He went for it. Where other people wouldn't, he went for it. Like, your son won't jump out of a tram. And Billy never hesitated. I feel like in those situations like when it comes like like a wingsuit diver you know when that's how they go it is like part of you is like that's how they would have wanted to go they were living because i feel like i always think about those wingsuit divers and i'm like can't you just see one of those dudes just not pulling it?
Starting point is 01:11:28 And just being like, I'm just going to send it to end it right now. I think so. You're just flying, going like 150 miles an hour. You're just probably like, ah, you know? I never would bring a girlfriend around one of those wingsuit guys. Their vitality is so overwhelming. It's like you saw Free Solo. Incredible.
Starting point is 01:11:48 Dude, one of the, I mean, probably the most impressive athletic feat, maybe of all time, besides the guy that ran the marathon in under two hours. I think those two are the... Good calls. But his girlfriend, I felt so bad for watching that documentary.
Starting point is 01:12:04 She's like, but what if you die babe he's like then i fucking die so uh she's like well yeah that's if you know that's how you feel but like what about me i can't think about that he's hanging from the thing saying all this yeah yeah you see saying such dark things. Blaming her for like, yeah, I fell. Ever since I started dating this girl, I've fallen way more times. That was hilarious when he's like, she dropped me. I injured my back.
Starting point is 01:12:35 I'd never fallen before. She's like, I didn't really know what I was doing. He's like, I had to make a judgment call. Do I love this woman or do I love climbing? And I decided, I love her. It's like, do you think she was also upset that, but I think this is also part of the reason she liked him. Yeah, that recklessness.
Starting point is 01:12:51 And that climbing was more important to him than any other person could ever be. Not even just her, but any person. You know, when I watched that documentary, I didn't know if he made it. I didn't watch that knowing like he survived i thought maybe there was a chance that he dies and the documentary was just about the dude's journey that happened so the whole time i'm watching it i had this like element of suspense
Starting point is 01:13:18 where i'm like this is life or death because i didn't know like you know you watch it knowing that he won an academy award or whatever and he gave a speech you're like oh he lived he made it but i had no context i was like am i gonna watch this guy fucking die because i don't want to have you ever seen a dead body not in person but uh people are too comfortable showing videos of when people die you know someone shows you a video and they're like crazy right you're like damn what happened to that guy like that guy died i was never like that was non-consensual this dude tom in college i remember he turned to me during a film production class he's like hey do you like looking at fucked up shit and i was i just needed friends i was like
Starting point is 01:14:02 yeah dude and he just showed me like a dead person what's this doing for you like photos just like what was that like crazy website ebom's world it was that one and there was another one that was even more fucked up i can't remember i had a buddy though here's one thing where this guy like cut his nuts open yeah and then he popped him out i never watched it i couldn't do it yeah no i saw those it was all those videos were going around for a while the pain olympics yeah it was like 2009 yeah 2008 because i had a lot of those too like you go to sleep first and then your weird friend would stay up all night when you woke up and looked at
Starting point is 01:14:38 the downloads it'd be like horse fucking guy that one dude yeah Dude, yeah. That one was, yeah. Mr. Hands. That guy died. He died. Dude, I love that we all knew that. Yeah. That was the first time I saw a video where someone died, I'm pretty sure. Yeah. Because I remember seeing that and going, oh, God. And someone was like, yeah, he died. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:58 And I was like, I don't want to watch someone die. Yeah. Yeah, I had a buddy who was really into that stuff. It was kind of. That'd be like telling a story about a guy you know he was a legend he like always jumped and then like and then mentioning after that like he killed himself yeah i have a friend who did that yeah no i yeah oh yeah yeah no i know dude come on bro dude rest in peace billy j yeah rest in peace billy j bombed out of that tram dude i wasn't there i didn't see him but he did a gainer right
Starting point is 01:15:31 yeah but he didn't finish it they say landon on his head fuck head first fuck oh dude but next topic he always talked about doing the fattest gainer in history gainers look amazing they look so i have dreams they defy physics i have dreams about jumping out of like a plane and just doing a gainer and you know that pulling the chute you know not like a send it to end it way it's funny to think of you like sleeping and you dive into your head just you just yeah fuck yeah i had the coolest dream i ever had i had this dream i woke up and i was like oh i was like so bummed i was awake and my girlfriend was like what i was like man i just had the sickest dream sick what i was like oh man i was like i was barefoot water skiing and the boat was pulling me and it like whipped me around and then i started going faster than the boat and i was just no rope
Starting point is 01:16:35 just cruising barefoot water skiing faster than the boat and i went around it and did a loop and then caught the wave again and she's like so you had a dream that you were bro jesus it was like yes i did it was the best dream i've ever had that's hilarious you should you should make a you should you should shoot that for like a youtube or something yeah it's pretty amazing did you feel like when she labeled it bro jesus because that's perfect it was bro jesus i wasn't thinking that she was like so you were dreaming that you were bro jesus it's pretty amazing and i was like yeah nail on the head i think it was probably influenced by me watching a lot of Austin Keene videos.
Starting point is 01:17:27 Who's that? He's always wake surfing, and he'll do this thing where they'll whip him on the boat. They'll turn so that he goes off the boat, lets go, and then goes across the water and catches the wave of another boat whoa it's he's that guy's nuts yeah he does the coolest shit he did one where they whipped him he was in like a uh i forget he was in a lake and there was like a lake a lake and in the middle there was this tunnel and they did that and he went through this tunnel on the water came out and then caught the wave of like another boat wild stuff i gotta watch some more of those videos yeah to get that good at something and not knowing that it'll ever be something that anyone would care about yeah
Starting point is 01:18:21 that's true dude are you interested in climbing mountains at all yeah for sure have you watched this there's this thing on on netflix uh project passion where this guy climbs 12 or 14 14 of the 8 000 meter peaks like the himalayas like mount everest k2 annapurna all of those he does it in like six months i was watching it and it looks brutal but i think i want to climb a mountain like how big like not everest not everest yet you think you would eventually be down to climb everest yeah i feel like it's got to be way safer now than it was before the way they're showing it it's like the sherpa is basically you know it's like they have it almost seems like a sherpa is basically you know it's like they
Starting point is 01:19:05 have it almost seems like a tourist attraction yeah they have like guides now that like will yeah take you up but i just think i because i've climbed up a ski mountain mount baldy and somebody i don't three thousand feet you know it's nothing you're doing like two or three hours but the feeling when you get to the top is like it's so primal yeah and it's just such a clear like you like i just climbed this thing you know what i mean it's like you have an objective and you do it and you're on top of the world and then you like it was and not a lot of the people i was with were like could feel the same feeling with they're like i'm like do you feel this and they're like no that sucked no and i'm like no dude i love it they said it sucked they're just like it was brutal just
Starting point is 01:19:50 climbing up i'm like but this is like the best feeling you focused on the satisfaction they focused on the i love the pain of doing it the pain of doing it and then when you get to the top it's like well don't you also like see a mountain sometimes and just feel like i want to i want to climb that yes yes i want to make it to the top of that yes that happened to me one time we were in mongolia i was with christian oh that's right yeah and we uh i still was this mountain we were in this like canyon and we're staying in these yurts and there was a mountain that wasn't like that big and i was like i could fucking climb that thing and i just started walking it was like 8 a.m i just woke up and i
Starting point is 01:20:24 just started walking and next thing i know i'mm. I just woke up and I just started walking. And next thing I know, I'm like almost to the top. But every time I feel like I'm getting to the top, there's more. And I'm like, oh, shit, we're leaving today. Like I probably need to get back. And I see like they had no idea where I was. I found out later they were freaking out for like an hour looking for me, and then someone was just like looked, and they were like,
Starting point is 01:20:50 is that him up there? And I was just a little speck trying to climb this mountain. They came over on like a motorcycle, and the dude was like, calm down, calm down. And I was like so close to the top, but I had to start booking it down. Did you still feel good? It still felt good like i just like you know when you like see something and you're not sure how big it is
Starting point is 01:21:09 because it's far away and you want to like experience it firsthand yeah i just need to go over there and like get up on that thing just to have an understanding of my surroundings yeah it's kind of that yeah i feel like there's serenity at the top of that mountain yeah i know that's what i was like i was hiking for when i pictured them looking up at you they were like we don't want to lose them and you're like no i'm i'm the only one who found himself i'm where i'm supposed to be i'm up here but they were like we were supposed to leave for our flight 30 minutes yeah they're like that's all well and good dude but there's a long check-in project yeah and you're up on a mountain right now.
Starting point is 01:21:47 And then the guy's like, calm down! And it took me like 10 minutes to get down. I was running. Was there wildlife? Not up on the mountain. Right, once you get above the tree line, nothing can survive. I mean, it was Mongolia. There was a lot of goats, a lot of cows horses what's your favorite animal on land or sea or both interesting I think I like I mean I
Starting point is 01:22:18 think like gorillas are the dopest yeah I love gor. I love gorillas. I love gorillas. I love elephants. That's tight. And I love dolphins. Those are amongst my favorites as well. Does it bum you out that a bear could beat a gorilla in a fight? You think? I've looked it up. Really? Have they, like,
Starting point is 01:22:39 you saw a video of... People just do, like, they do, like, the scouting report on each. The CGI? And there's... No. I've seen a CGI. Because I looked up like, could a cheetah be...
Starting point is 01:22:52 Something like that where I was like curious. And I looked it up and people do like CGI enactments of like animals fighting. Interesting. Yeah. I just heard the bear's too big, too powerful. They're like faster than the gorilla and they're bigger. Really? Bears are faster than gorillas?
Starting point is 01:23:09 I think bears can get up to like 35 MPH. Really? I don't know, but I think so. I'm pretty sure. That's tight. Gorillas are just cool though. If you could be one Marvel superhero, which one would you be? Do you have an answer off the top of your head?
Starting point is 01:23:29 For you or for? No, for you. Yeah, I'd be Shang-Chi. I haven't seen that. It's good. But it's also my B for the week. Dude, my B for the week is related to this as well. Really?
Starting point is 01:23:40 Yeah. Nice. We can circle back on that then. Okay, yeah. Let's holster that. And you can think about which Marvel character you're okay yeah let's let's holster that and you can think about which marvel character let's hold to that i think i would i would probably be iron man but actually i don't know because iron man is uh mortal and like can get hurt but he he just seems like he has i definitely want to fly i want to be flying what did you how did you describe tony stark's personality type it's like reformed ego oh his is yeah is it yeah i think reformed ego that was interesting
Starting point is 01:24:11 like a guy who's full ego but then you know basically kind of hits rock bottom or gets checked a little bit and now he's a more self-aware, egoic person. Tony Stark. He can fly. I, for a while, wanted to be Spider-Man because it just seems like. I mean, flying through the city like that? Just flying through the city like that and just swinging, that seems pretty great. Do you know who I'd be? Who? Owen Wilson in the Loki Disney Plus series.
Starting point is 01:24:43 Does he have superpowers? No, but he's just a really cool guy.'s just owen wilson that's its own superpower guy's charming he's charming as fuck very likable yeah that'd be a great superhero dude yeah i definitely wouldn't be captain america no fuck no no it's just too much pressure. You can't fly. You're just basically a human, but a little better. I think Captain America, of all of them, is the most likely to have a deep, seedy part of himself that only comes out when he's alone or away from the team. I totally see that, because he's such a poster boy.
Starting point is 01:25:21 Whenever there's someone that's that clean on paper, something seems off. His porn history be bizarre yeah yeah russell wilson like russell wilson is just there's something gotta be off he's too clean yeah he's like a computer with a glitch yeah there's something i think there's you know something weird there's something weird. There's something off there. Chris Evans' sweater game, though, is on fire. Yeah. Dude. I mean, primarily in Knives Out, but. Chris Evans really.
Starting point is 01:25:53 Have you met him? No. But the fact that just being two superheroes is, like, pretty sick. All right. He was Human Torch. And he was Captain America. And very different superheroes. All right. He was Human Torch. And he was Captain America. And very different. Very different.
Starting point is 01:26:07 But doubling down on superhero roles? Jesus, man. Have you ever auditioned for a Marvel movie? I auditioned for something, yeah. But I didn't get it. But that would be... Chris Hemsworth? That would be great.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I wouldn't... It would be sick to be Thor, but I would not want to bemsworth that'd be great i wouldn't i would be sick to be thor but like i would not want to be the guy that follows up thor that's a lot of pressure the guy after chris hemsworth you're not gonna be as thor i could totally see myself doing that being the guy after dude that would be so good you have a blonde wig. Or they just let me with my Brillo pad. I am Thor of Ragnarok. You must leave Asgard now. Asgard.
Starting point is 01:26:54 These are my people. The way he says Asgard. We're going to Asgard. Yeah, I mean, a guy born to play that part. Dude, yes. You can't be more Thor-looking than that guy. So who's going to be next?
Starting point is 01:27:10 Same way I feel about James Bond. I don't even know who it's going to be, but I'm already pissed off The shoes are huge. That's true. Also, do we respect Hemsworth for not getting fat for Endgame?
Starting point is 01:27:20 Like he just put on a fat suit. Oh, he didn't actually get fat? No, he wore a fat suit. He had to be jacked. He had to get jack i think i think the producers were like can you get fat and he was like no fucking way man i mean hems were stay jacked i bet they i bet they didn't want him to get fat because they put so much money and time into him being jacked that they're not going to be like undo it just for this beginning part of the movie. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:47 We need you looking fresh for... We need you jacked. For whatever the next one is. Yeah, and it's easier to get a fat suit than to get a jacked suit. Yeah. I would love to book a movie where I have to be jacked. Have you done that yet?
Starting point is 01:28:03 No. So you play Bert Kreischer in the burt kreischer movie the machine which is coming out did you like transform did you like study burt to like act like him a little no that's awesome i yeah i realized that his like the way he talked was kind of more like uh like his lower lip and i told him this i put like a little thing in just because like his lower lip was a little more like when he talked protruding yeah a little like channing tatum and foxcatcher kind of thing i haven't seen. He fills out his jowls in it.
Starting point is 01:28:46 But I thought, I mean, it helped because I was like, I don't really look like Burt and I'm not, I don't know. I was in pretty good shape during the movie.
Starting point is 01:28:57 But it was like his college self. So it was believable that like, you know. He was in shape in college, yeah. Yeah. And I think it's more fun
Starting point is 01:29:03 to watch someone who's fit. All right, should we get to the next part? Let's do this, guys. Let's do it. We got cues. Okay. How did you find out about Stoke? What was the first time you remember being stoked and realized you were stoked?
Starting point is 01:29:26 First time I found out about stoke probably like I Mean I was big skateboarder growing up so probably like X games I like watching the X games When I was first like made aware of stoke did that's a great answer Yeah, I think I'm I think I might have the same answer. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:46 Dude, when I saw that guy wearing the Mountain Dew helmet, BMX guy, I fucking lost. Matt Hoffman? It wasn't Matt Hoffman. I don't even know who it was, but I lost my mind. I remember when I think to the X Games, I think of they would go around with these backpacks with Mountain Dew. Yeah. And you would just, it's free. And they just fucking Code Red.
Starting point is 01:30:14 That was before Code Red came out. I was like, red Mountain Dew? I'm stoked. Dude, the week of the X Games every summer, that was like my favorite week of the year. I was just like, this is the coolest shit I've ever seen. Dude, that one guy, Tommy, like Tommy Lars, who would do the, his only event was like the Moto X step up. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? It's like pole vaulting on a dirt bike.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Oh, yeah. Where you just go straight up. Yeah, like Tommy Lars, the guy just dominated the step up. I don't know what he's doing right now, but that guy a beast mine's the same jay meyron jamie what jay maron who's that he was a uh bmx vert guy and he would do the 540 tail whip sick and i just loved him to death dude i remember seeing him and i was like that's stokeoke. Yeah. And he always finished second. He couldn't beat Dave Mira. Dave Mira, that was the guy.
Starting point is 01:31:09 Yeah, Dave Mira was sick. Rest in peace. Rest in peace, Dave. But yeah, I think if you're pursuing Stoke, just check out some old X Games footage. Did Bob burn Quist back in the day? He's unbeatable. He's unbeatable. He's still going.
Starting point is 01:31:28 I follow, there's another big ramp guy, Elliot Sloloan oh yeah i've heard that name dude he's just going nuts he just posted this video where he did you might want to cut this because it's just people don't care but he did a fucking he they have that rail in between and he did a one foot like grind on this rail like coming off a mega ramp like one foot with like a foot in the air like how do you how do you do that yeah that's insane yeah dude i love the names of the event like the do tour the do tour sick sick girlfriend gross I have this friend and his girlfriend is an absolute swamp hog with the temperament of a silverback gorilla in mating season
Starting point is 01:32:13 just a very rude individual and has been holding my friend socially hostage for a year she is unattractive and they don't even bone anymore well except for when he gets super drunk which isn't that often because she doesn't let him out with a squad of rage they're clearly incompatible and she brings down a stoke on a daily basis not to mention the stoke of our squad suffers as a result as we are now constantly down a council member the drunk sex from what i understand isn't even enjoyable it sounds like
Starting point is 01:32:39 he's just kind of hate fucking her how do we save our friend from the clutches of the this evil barn boar thanks in advance you kings of california here's what i'll say we're reading a very biased really biased uh whatever complaint being filed this guy's mad that he's losing his friend here. I think not as much of it is about her as it is about him being sad that his boy isn't around as much. And maybe he's leaning into that a little too hard. Sad about his friend's choice. And then it would just make me question what choices have you made in your own life? Like you do seem to be so invested in this with so much vitriol yeah he he hates her so much he's calling her unattractive he's talking about
Starting point is 01:33:31 their sex which is bad you know it seems to me like maybe you know it's not like when your friend's talking about his girlfriend he's coming home and being like oh dude we had an amazing time we had the best time ever no you talk to your friends about their like significant others it's usually the bad stuff you know vent yeah it's venting so i don't know man i don't know what to make of this i feel like you can't save a friend from a relationship if it's actually bad he'll eventually figure it out himself and if it's truly a toxic situation then you can say something but seems like you just don't like her and i think this email made the person who sent it seem incredibly unlikable and i don't know what your normal baseline is but i would say that maybe you're letting this situation
Starting point is 01:34:25 turn you into an evil barn boar, and I would fixate and focus on you and not so much on your friend's choice that has nothing to do with you. Yeah, also, he didn't mention, like, is his friend happy? If his friend's happy, nothing you could say. But if his friend is in, like, a bad situation, definitely address it. But they are clearly incompatible.
Starting point is 01:34:56 You got to just let that run its course. He'll know eventually. Yeah, I concur. Too intense. yeah i concur too intense dp gone wrong oh recently my girlfriend and her sister went on a girl's trip to nyc for a week as much as i miss crushing cans with her i got to pound some quality beers with the boys after a solid night at the bar i browned out on the walk home and did what every man does after not seeing their muse for a week i sent her a dp oh so dp means dick dick pic the next morning she was dp gone wrong he's like my my girlfriend went out of town i was like oh no where's this going and then he
Starting point is 01:35:41 said i browned out on the way home i did what every guy would do i'm like oh no he did it okay dick pic i thought the same thing i was like where's this guy going with uh the next morning she was showing her sister the funny videos i sent of my dog father father oak getting down at the bar until their laughter was halted by a picture of my semi-hard dong they both shrieked in the middle of one of the biggest airports in the US. I addressed the sitch as soon as they got home and offered an apology,
Starting point is 01:36:10 but her sister still won't look at me or speak to me. What should I do? By the way, I love the pod. Listening to you guys has extended my vocab exponentially. Thanks, Kenny. Nice little coda at the end. I see only one logical solution. You gotta get that thing up to full strength and blast it off to
Starting point is 01:36:28 her sister yeah her sister was clearly turned off turned off by the semi-hardness of it she didn't see you at full strength yeah you gotta let her know what's really in there your girlfriend's sister is sending an email like the previous guy being like my sister is stuck with this guy with a substandard hard boner i would love to read her that email right after this hard boner so i was on a girl's trip with my sister in nyc and her boyfriend sent his semi-hard dong i i think you got to use the sister as a messenger here uh because i think you approaching her and bringing this up to her is uh only going to make things worse. So I would ask your girlfriend to do some legwork in confirming that you're a decent person
Starting point is 01:37:11 who's not prone to this kind of behavior. Yeah, I mean, I wonder what it is that she's not, what is she mad about, you know? Yeah, and I mean, even trying to talk this one out. You can't really talk it out. I think I would just give it time. Time, you know? Time heals all.
Starting point is 01:37:30 It's like, maybe, you know, if you, yeah. You might have to take the L and just try to saturate that L with some dubs. Yeah, just be like, I fucked up, I'm sorry, but, you know, now your sister and I are learning salsa dancing, so. i fucked up i'm sorry but you know now your sister and i are learning salsa dancing so or or make a joke about it you know a little joke in passing like yeah find that opportunity when you guys are together and be like someone says something embarrassing you're like yeah like that one time i yeah sent you know you're gonna be like where are we getting for lunch and you could be like well i was thinking hot dogs but that right might remind you of the picture of the semi-hard cock yeah yeah something like that
Starting point is 01:38:12 my dad on vacation one time accidentally sent a dick pic to the family thread no your dad and so we made him go eat lunch alone. Nice. Fair. Who was the dick pic intended for? He never told us. But he got sent to me, my brother, and my mom. Nice. And he's like, no, yeah, I was supposed to go to you guys. Were you stoked?
Starting point is 01:38:39 No. Because he wasn't that hard. I mean, but... You got to slap his hand. I passed it on. Thanks for being a nice conduit. You know, I actually, that situation reminds me of, I had kind of a similar situation.
Starting point is 01:39:02 Not similar at all. Actually, I don't know. don't know no let it rip okay i uh i get home and uh my girlfriend's getting her hair and makeup done and uh i had just been you know at my at my other house and uh i already hate how this story sounds um and my computer was in the car and i had been feeling the need to you know crank one out and uh i used my phone which you know i don't always do i just want to i just want you guys to know that and uh i had met the people doing her her makeup like over the phone a bunch of times and uh i met her for the first time hey i'm jimmy nice to meet you guys and uh we're like talking and like oh my god i've heard so much and uh we're talking about getting an
Starting point is 01:40:01 outfit like on so i'm like yeah i I'll Google that. Pull out the phone. Oh, no. Oh, oh, oh. And they just are dying laughing. And I'm like, I just leave the room. I'm just like, I gotta get out of the room. And I just take the phone and leave. They're cracking up. They're just like, I gotta get out of the room. And I just take the phone and leave. They're cracking up.
Starting point is 01:40:28 They're just hysterically dying. And I had to leave. I was coming home for a quick second to grab something and dip. So I went back in there and I was like, well, it's been great meeting you guys. This has been
Starting point is 01:40:44 fun. I'll see you guys later. And now every time, like the second time I met them, I like walked in and they were like, looked at me and I was like, yep.
Starting point is 01:40:56 And they just started laughing right away. Yeah. And then you're like, I have to pull something up on my phone and they all get scared and then you just have like a PBS lecture ready. I know. I'm watching a TED Talks. talks oh whoops um all right let's get to one thing though i just i don't think it's kenny's fault like he sent the dick pic sure right but it's really a sister's
Starting point is 01:41:18 fault for showing right showing it to the sister right she's mad at the sister's mad at the wrong person that's true point that is a good point it's a good point i mean come on she was mad at the wrong person you can't you know the girlfriend didn't really have his back here yeah it's true chad who's your beef of the week my beef of the week is My beef of the week is my freezing duplex. So I live in a duplex in Culver. Maybe I shouldn't say that. Who cares?
Starting point is 01:41:59 And it's freezing because it's built in like the 50s. I think just a developer built all these you know duplexes uh and um i think that the it's it's all wood and i think that there's not much insulation so and i don't have central air don't have central heating so and usually it's nice but in december i'm in december and january it's cold as fuck because it's been like 40 degrees at night and i just have space heaters going and they're not doing anything and i'm just like i got a good space heater do you if you uh dude that'd be great because i need a wreck
Starting point is 01:42:34 yeah yeah text me that yeah i will because i've been looking for a good space here because i just wake up cold all the time oh that's tough yeah and i like being cold i like ice baths i'm a i'm a cold guy but now you don't want to wake up cold yeah so that's that's how you get a sore throat huh that'll give you a sore throat you know yeah do your teeth chatter no um but uh but uh yeah they do yeah they do like I wake up chattering and uh and I'll call my mom
Starting point is 01:43:14 and she'll be like where are you I'm like my kitchen she'll be like it sounds like you're skiing could you imagine trying to look tough while your teeth are chattering dude I've tried to. Someone breaks in, you're like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:29 What do you got to do? Get out of here. You got to find a dipper. My neighbor confronted me. My neighbor confronted me. He's like, did you mess with my breaker? And I was like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:43 What do you got to do? Yeah, get out of here I'm freezing man That's all you can say You can't even say that I was like I'm freezing man Someone breaks in your house
Starting point is 01:43:53 And you're like I'm fucking cold dude I'm fucking so cold dude I'm freezing you fucking bitch Be the one that starts The confrontation Yeah Hey
Starting point is 01:44:00 You say something to me bro? You talking shit bro? It's like dude You can't You gotta Dude too cold to fight, bro? You talking to Schaefer? It's like, dude, you can't. Dude, too cold to fight, bro. It's too cold to fight, dude. Jimmy, what's your beef of the week? My beef of the week, and this comes from a place of love, is Marvel. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:44:20 I know. I can see why that would be a controversial statement. Here's my thing. I love Marvel. I haven't disliked anything Marvel has done. I think their storytelling they're doing is awesome. I think the way they have the universe in each movie just gives you a little piece. All you need to do is say one thing that threads it together.
Starting point is 01:44:38 I think it's genius. I love it. They need to slow the fuck down. They're doing too many things. I don't have time to be a marvel fan anymore i can't keep up it's like one a week it used to be every time a marvel thing comes out it's an event it's a it's a significant event and it's a big deal and now they're just doing everything it's like nonstop. I have even watched like the last three things because I'm not caught up on the thing before it.
Starting point is 01:45:11 And we don't need a backstory of everyone. I heard they're doing a thing on Don Cheadle's character. For real? I love Don Cheadle. No one's asking for that. No one. No one walked to Iron Man and said, I want to know more about, what's his name?
Starting point is 01:45:29 Rhodey? Rhodey. No, I'm happy meeting him at the place he's at. Yeah. And I met him. Yeah. He comes and goes. Next thing you know, it's going to be like, you know,
Starting point is 01:45:38 a series about Pepper Potts' sister. Yeah, the backstory on Jon Favreau's character growing up in like a big Italian family. Yeah, it backstory on Jon Favreau's character growing up in a big Italian family. Yeah, it's not even going to be superhero stuff. It's just like, this is the way that, you know. Just a coming of age story. It's like a Bronx tale. Yeah, about Pepper Potts' family
Starting point is 01:45:56 and then meeting Iron Man. Before she even meets Iron Man. That's season two. Like her pivoting on her career. It's like a devil wears prada kind of movie right right right like a like a like a someone working up the ranks in the marvel offices you know starts out as an assistant fumbling around they see tony stark oh it's the only superhero you see in the whole series but i just think i love it i want everything to be a bigger
Starting point is 01:46:22 deal like it used to be like they would release release one or two or three things a year. That's fine. They're doing like 10. I dig that. Dude, I've been watching the Hawkeye series. Is it good? It's good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:46:34 I don't doubt that. I don't doubt that at all. But they don't need to do it. Well, I think the COVID backed a lot of stuff up. So they're really having to push it out there, but they, they do treat it like Marvel is the only thing you're watching. Like they treat it like,
Starting point is 01:46:51 okay, you're not watching anything else. You're just absorbed in the Marvel universe. And we have something for everyone and everything. So you don't need to need to watch anything else. And I'm like, it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:46:59 it is, it feels like such a overwhelming, huge, like thing to stay in. Like, I'm like, I don't have the bandwidth for this. It's getting like, like such an overwhelming, huge thing to stay in. I'm like, I don't have the bandwidth for this. It's getting like, the way they were doing like, you know, whatever. Iron Man, Captain America, whatever. Avengers. Boom, boom, boom. Avengers. Boom, boom, boom. Avengers.
Starting point is 01:47:16 I thought that was fucking cool. And it kept everything neat. And now it's like, obviously they want to do this, but it's like the world's getting so big. and now it's like obviously they want to do this but it's like the world's getting so big. It's like you don't need to go huge. Like it's already huge. Like how many whiteboards do they need to map out everything? There's not enough.
Starting point is 01:47:37 I feel like in order to write the Marvel stuff, you have to be in an enormous room where you have like the iron man movie is like you know huge and it's small in the room yeah the grid for your story shouldn't be bigger than like the tesla like labs right like grid of problems and math gotta be though they're like the same level of sophistication it's like i don't know what's harder and that's why i love it keeping track of marvel dude my beef is with marvel as well much more granular but i watched the movie shang chi again really i enjoyed it the lead is great aquafina is great the father son stuff always compelling the kid the main guy, he trained from seven to 14 to be an assassin.
Starting point is 01:48:26 Then he leaves that life and he just becomes a regular schmo in America parking cars. His dad is thousands and thousands of years old and has been an active warlord for 99.9% of it. Fighting, kicking ass. Is there going to be a lot of spoilers here?
Starting point is 01:48:45 Maybe. Not totally. Because you kind of... You haven't seen it yet? Mm-mm. Okay, well, I'll keep it vague. Yeah, I could do your most. No, I can do this vague.
Starting point is 01:48:55 I can do this vague. I got this. Keep in mind, my buddy directed it. It's a great movie. Hold on. It's very granular. I've heard nothing but good things. Then this kid gets some extra training for like a week in the movie.
Starting point is 01:49:07 The idea that he could then fight his dad, and it's a fair fight, when his dad has thousands and thousands of years of experience and has suffered no physical debilitation because he's basically immortal, and he's going to lose to a kid with seven years of training who hasn't been as far as we know doing any martial arts for the last 10 years 2 000 years to seven same physical ability it's just not believable yeah i get that i broke you i broke you shang chi that movie just got ethered dude um
Starting point is 01:49:45 chad who's your babe of the week my baby of the week is kevin the schmole nice uh so last sunday he and i had a uh we celebrated a new holiday we made up called bagmas which is a celebration of the tea bag which is a move that you do in halo i actually saw that clip if you talk about uh he's down bagham yeah that's kevin i thought that was real funny that's kevin that's kevin saying those words he loves it and i love it and we went on twitch i twitched very rarely it's not like a you know but i was like we're just gonna stream 12 hours of bagging and that's what we did on sunday we played call of duty from 10 a.m to 10 p.m and t-bagged as many people as we could wow for 12 hours straight and it was one of the best days of my life wow yeah 12 hours of bagging and can i tell
Starting point is 01:50:47 you something tea bagging does not get less funny the more you do it in fact i would venture to say that it gets more funny the more you do it i love it it's like the giving tree or something like that. It is. It's like a well with no bottom. It is. And, you know, Kevin, he's my babe because his wife was upset. For sure. But he was like, I got to do this.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yeah. It's solid. Jimmy, who's your babe of the week? I'm sticking with Lola Bunny, man. Nice. I think she's been your babe every time you've been on the pod. Yeah, man. She's just so hot.
Starting point is 01:51:33 She's a smug. They made her less hot in the new Space Jam, right? I haven't seen the new Space Jam. It slipped my mind. But I did see some people angry about Lola Bunny Online. I think she just has baggier clothes. I don't know. I think they just made her less slutty.
Starting point is 01:51:57 So she's still got that rig underneath that gear? I don't know. That's fire, dude. That's hot dude hello you trickster who's your babe my babe of the week is um chad because he told me during that bagging that when he was an hour nine he actually got tired for a little bit but then he bagged someone and he was renewed thank you thank, dude. Are you for real right now? I'm serious, dude. Good on you.
Starting point is 01:52:26 Because you bagged for 12 hours? 12 hours straight. Who could do that? Who's an Ironman at that level? That's hot yoga for you. Yeah. That's why you do it. It's all the training you do when you're not on the sticks
Starting point is 01:52:40 that gives you that endurance. Yeah. Because I don't think a normal person could maintain it break I mean to tell so I mean to tell someone to taste it with that much you know zeal and fervor at hour 12 is that takes training yeah Chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is um going with the theme uh joey boza on the on the chargers he did a tea bag celebration and uh he's my new hero yeah well joey i dm'd him i was like dude thank you so much for you know putting us on the map he didn't respond was your beef of the week also related to bagging no no
Starting point is 01:53:27 what was my beef what was it was just being cold being cold okay yeah but it's more it's more time sensitive yeah i think if i you know had a beef related to it i'd say it's not being able to do it enough yeah you know um and also it not looking you know i think to a you know? Um, and also it not looking, you know, I think to a, you know, romantic partner, the, the sight of a boyfriend wearing headphones, teabagging someone isn't the most,
Starting point is 01:53:56 you know, sexually appealing. Probably not. Which I think, which I think it should be the opposite. Right. I think it should be like, right I think it should be like like who's your new boyfriend
Starting point is 01:54:06 like oh this guy he just teabags him and his friend they started this thing called bagness it's it's it's really cute
Starting point is 01:54:19 yeah he bagged for 12 hours and on hour 9 he got tired Yeah. He bagged for 12 hours. And on hour nine, he got tired. But then he bagged someone. And he wasn't. They're like, okay. I walked in the room and he's telling this 16-year-old to taste it.
Starting point is 01:54:42 It was the hottest thing I've ever seen. Would you bag your son in the game? Oh, big oh big time dude that kid's got to learn some lessons yeah he's got to build some character yeah i like that dot dot dot in the game though you know leave him leave him questioning it for a second would you bag your son in real life in the game it's in the game yeah it's in the game would i bag my son in real life is what you asked me no no i was just no is that what you asked i'm not asking that now it's a shame my legend is santa hell yeah clause not to be confused with you know santa jackson santa anita santa jackson santa barbara santa santa gonzalez um but yeah i mean it just you know every year without fail coming through in the clutch a lot going on in the world right now,
Starting point is 01:55:45 especially with this Omicron flare-up. Everyone knows he's still going to come through with the presence and bring joy to millions. So I just got to give a shout-out to Santa for always just being so consistent. That's tight. Shows up. My legend of the week is we went to a city council meeting the other day to speak on schmoles.
Starting point is 01:56:11 And there's always a big issue that's being tackled at a city council meeting. And this one was they were trying to throw up a cemetery smack dab in the middle of like a community in Orange, the city of Orange in Orange County. And the people were fighting hard against it. And one dude went up there with some science and he talked about the bugs. And he went into vivid detail, but all in a very kind of monotone, dry delivery, just being like,
Starting point is 01:56:36 the bung beetles feast on the carcasses. And in the process, they eat maggots, which are consumed with bacteria. The beetles then leave the cemetery and go to the playground next door and spread said bacteria to all the children. And I was like, this is amazing, dude. And he went on for three minutes just on the bugs, dude. Every kind of bug.
Starting point is 01:56:58 He knew what they were all doing to the dead bodies. Wow. He really leaned in on one angle there. Wasn't just like, I don't want it there the next all bug based the next guy came up and he was more of like a a dude dude and he came up there and he was like look i'm not here to get in all that stuff i'm just saying nobody wants it fucking here and as a one two they were strong but i preferred the bug guy yeah well you gotta have your bug specialist when it comes to deflecting a cemetery. Because he probably been studying bugs his whole life.
Starting point is 01:57:31 Clearly. And then this moment came and he's like, I have the requisite information and knowledge. Do you think he was studying bugs his whole life? Or do you think he went all in on the bug angle and did research in advance to know as much as he could about bugs in this meeting. You're right. I do think you're right. I don't think he studied bugs. I think he just studies things when they come up.
Starting point is 01:57:53 And I think that's what I liked about him. Yeah. He just was like, oh, well, what are the implications of this? And then his brain went down the rabbit hole and he went, the bugs. Got to go on on the bugs. And then he prepped. And then he came in there and he delivered. Quick way to tell if he studied his whole life is if he used the Latin names. Oh. bugs gotta go on on the bugs and then he prepped and then he came in there and he delivered quick
Starting point is 01:58:05 way to tell if he studied his whole life is if he used the latin names oh no yeah he didn't say like caesar caesar fuck it caesar huh fuck it caesar book chad what's your quote of the week oh my quote of the week comes from my new hero liver king oh my god have you seen liver king yeah he's gotta be on on the juice yeah i was dming with him today i was pretty excited about it because i was like liver king how do you how do you consume raw bone marrow and he's like great question you scoop it out and you just taste it it's nice to get all the peptides in there and uh just yeah you can sprinkle some maple syrup on there but stop making excuses and just dominate wow but i like he'll be like liver king here here's what i'm having for tuesday dinner
Starting point is 01:59:01 having of course some beef liver drizzled with maple syrup, some beef testicles, liver queen brought me some avocado, but not too much because she likes to take some of it, and I'm also having some carbs, which I earned. Alright, primals, I'll see you later. Alright, primals. I like that. Liver king out. He calls his people primals?
Starting point is 01:59:20 Yeah. That's sick. He's like, liver king here, I'm going on vacation vacation can you guys guess where and everyone gets like a cold place because he's you know into like you know ice baths and stuff and he's like if you guess the cold place you are wrong i'm at the beach but i like how he refers to his wife as liver queen yeah and it is she's probably like i didn't ask for this i don't want to be liver queen dude yeah yeah there's a story where he's like he put a bunch of uh they're on vacation at the hotel and they put a bunch of ice cubes in their bathtub and it's him in that in the ice bath and
Starting point is 01:59:54 he gets out and he's like all right liver queen you're up and she looks so unenthused she's like why am i doing this and like getting in there's like that's good liver queen you're just like whoa dude how lucky is he to have a woman he can torture yeah you're liver queen and his liver dream his whole life and his liver boys that's fire jimmy so i don't think you knew about the quote of the week i didn't know but i think i would have to say that my quote of the week is uh sizzle your steaks and twist your nipples by a chat over here. Dude, thanks, man. Yeah, that was a good one. That came off the dome.
Starting point is 02:00:28 Yeah. That just came off the dome? It came off the dome. Impressive. Thanks. Mike. Sizzle the steaks. What you got?
Starting point is 02:00:39 My quote of the week, heard this the other day from a guy on the street. Me and Denise are good. I just communicate with her through DMs. You know what? You just do you and I'll do me. Stay out of it, Dad. This guy was 50.
Starting point is 02:00:58 No way. He was 40 to 50 for sure. Wow. And he was pissed. Nice. His dad was prying way too much that's awesome chad what's your phrase that we're getting after it uh flip the switch do you know this one what is it phrase a week we're getting after it so it's just
Starting point is 02:01:22 like something of like what something you would say to get the party started it can just be totally random like mine's flip the switch mine's probably uh let's get down let's get down to business dude you should start a party that way where you're like everyone's like gathered and you're like hold up hold up hold on let's get down i just have one thing to say let's get down let's get down to business i can hear it so clearly for my phrase of the week i wanted to get our reactions to trying beef liver nice i have some here are you down to try it? It's really healthy. Okay. Thanks. All right, here we go. You said for the phrase of the week?
Starting point is 02:02:10 Yeah, I think it'll... Are you going to get it from our reactions to trying the beef liver? Yeah, it's a weird combination of things. I just forgot that we should have tried it earlier, and so now I'm doing it now. Ooh, that's pungent. It's thin. Oh, it's like chips. Eh?
Starting point is 02:02:24 Sure. I give my dog something very similar to this. Right. One, two, three, bottoms up. That's one of the worst things I've ever had. Oh. Oh, dude. You need a chaser. I didn't feel bad it tastes like the zoo i didn't feel bad right away but then it got bad at first i was like oh it's like a beef jerky but dog food oh and now i'm like this tastes like the zoo is that that metallic taste that you talk about, Chad? It's gamey. Yep. Oh.
Starting point is 02:03:09 But dude, instant surge afterwards. You feel it? I do feel good. Yeah, dude, you should feel it. I think I'm just glad to be done. That's my phrase of the week for getting after it. That's what it is. When you do shitty things, I think it's not even the thing. It's just that you did the shitty thing that makes you feel good.
Starting point is 02:03:23 And my phrase of the week for getting after it is instant surge sick nice dude jay bone jay bone thanks for coming in dude you're so nice to come through dude you're a legend thank you man anytime guys your time we gotta do another dinner we do yeah i'm getting bombed just get absolutely bombed we should go to the same place as last time i've been going there a lot I like that place a lot you should bleep that out so people don't start going copy that sorry fellas and ladies
Starting point is 02:03:52 have you tried their pastas I love it it's a great vibe the design of it you're like indoor but you're outdoor great stuff pasta sounds good my friend goes there so much. My friend Felipe. They gave him tickets to opening night Lakers.
Starting point is 02:04:13 Pre-dinner, followed by tickets to the Lakers game. Wow. Just because he goes. He goes like three times a week. Wow. But they're like, thank you for being such a loyal supporter of our restaurant. Here's some Lakers tickets. I'm going to start going in there, and after one dinner, I'm going to be like, where the ticks at?
Starting point is 02:04:35 I'm like, I want a game where LeBron and AD are both playing. It needs to be against a contender, okay? Bucks or Warriors, that's it. Dude, I could hang in the silence all day yeah that was fun it's been fun yeah we just sit here and we wait for the guest to walk out oh do you?
Starting point is 02:04:54 no anything you want to say to the Stokers before you sign off? I don't know I guess I should probably plug something do you want to plug your podcast? it hasn't happened yet I don't know. I guess I should probably plug something. Do you want to plug your podcast? It hasn't happened yet. I don't have one. It's not in the works or anything.
Starting point is 02:05:13 Save it. But yeah, it hasn't happened yet. I guess I have a show that just came out. I have a movie that came out yesterday and a show that came out a week ago. One came out on Roku. It's called The Now. Right.
Starting point is 02:05:28 I saw it with Dave Franco, right? And O'Shea Jackson. Yeah, Dave Franco, O'Shea Jackson, Bill Murray. Oh, that's sick. Yeah. Did you get to work with Bill Murray? Yeah. I got to hang with him a little bit.
Starting point is 02:05:38 We didn't shoot anything together. That's awesome. But he's hilarious in the show. The show is basically like a movie. It's like a two and a half hour movie broken up into like 14 eight to 10 minute episodes. Interesting. Oh, nice. It's a mini series.
Starting point is 02:05:55 Sweet. But it's really dark, really funny. It gets really dark for a while and then it gets, you know, gets out of that. Nice. Don't worry. My friend was like, dude then it gets out of that. Nice. Don't worry. My friend was like, dude, it's fucking dark. I was like, yeah, well, you're about halfway. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:11 It's at the low point. And then, yeah, I got that animated movie called Rumble that just came out on Paramount+. It's an animated monster wrestling movie. Sick. That's sick. Then Home Economics. Oh, Home Economics 2. movie sick that's sick so then home economics oh home economics too um that's uh season two resumes january 5th i was crushing some episodes today yeah it's fun man i like it yeah i like it a lot it's getting better and better too i feel like the yeah writers are really finding the groove. Yeah. I crushed probably four episodes today.
Starting point is 02:06:48 Season two? No, season one. I was just having a good time. Super fun. Hell yeah. You're a beast, bro. You guys are beasts. You're a beast.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Aaron is a beast. I love that thanks for having me boys thanks man Bye. I'm out. Who's your best? Strider. Who's your best? Joe, what's your best? Chad. What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your best?
Starting point is 02:08:10 Strider. Who's your best? Joe, what's your best? Chad. What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your best? Strider.
Starting point is 02:08:20 Who's your best? Joe, what's your best? Chad. What is your beef of the week? Aaron. Who's your quote of the week? Chad, what is your lead for the week? Aaron, what is your lead for the week? Stryker, that is your Legend of the League. Joe, what's your quote of the week? Thank you. What's your name? Joe, what's your name? Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:05 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:06 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:09 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:11 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:13 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:18 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:20 Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 02:10:29 Bye. Bye.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.

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