Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 219 - Strider Wilson and Chris Parr Join (Holiday Movie Draft)

Episode Date: December 29, 2021

What up stokers! This week the guys draft their favorite holiday movies. There is disagreement over the definition of a holiday movie. Enjoy!   Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code GODEEP ...at mansacped.com- Send in your best manscaping stories to win a prize in next weeks episode!    athleticgreens.com/GODEEP to take ownership over your health and pick up the ultimate daily nutritional insurance!     

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys before we begin this podcast i want to let you know that we are of course brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because this is the global leader in below the waist grooming and they're leaving 2021 with a new product clean yourself into the new year with their ultra premium body wash. Also, special offer alert. Use the code GODEEP for 20% off plus free shipping at manscaped.com. 4 million men worldwide.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Trust Manscaped. Time to join them. What's your team? How we gonna eat? Chad and Jay team. How are you doing, Strider? Good, dude. I'm fucking chill. Oh, you mean fantasy?
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah. I'll carry you. I'm in second overall. Oh, wow. Are you really? Yeah, I'm second. Who's got the best team? You could say I have the most points for.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Greg's first. Why's Greg always first? He dominates bro he's been to three if he goes to the finals this year which he's projected to do that'll be three finals
Starting point is 00:01:11 in a row for him and he might go undefeated this season I mean he's on like a truly historic run yeah you gotta give a lot of credit maybe he loses this week
Starting point is 00:01:17 for negligence that'd be nice if he lost fucked it up wait so who's your top guys Taylor and you got Taylor you're golden
Starting point is 00:01:24 Kamar's been hurt but he's back week, so we'll see how he looks. And then I've got Cup, who was my lucky pick. And then I've got no quarterback or tight end. Are you from the studio? I think we'll switch cameras, right? Yeah. Like live switch? I think so.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I remember. Yeah. I think. Are we rolling? Yeah, let's kick it off. All right. Twist the nipples and fire up the grill. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation?
Starting point is 00:01:55 This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. We're here with the... Manre Jean Thomas what up boom clap stokers we're here with the uh man it's getting tough now uh we're getting here with we're here with the the uh did I'll just say genre bender dude right yeah the genre whoever said that in the comments dude you're in my head no i came up with that did you really i said you're the last genre bent okay dude okay that's okay they're
Starting point is 00:02:30 coming for me because it's all over the thread i'm like who thought of this but you should have known genius but don't get down on yourself because this is redemption day for you let's go baby so let's let's come up with something positive for you the um the the duke of dong oh dude love that there we go and uh strider wilson what up what up dude fired up to be here boys fired up and scared and excited the dong of dukey i'm so vulnerable right now dude anything and there's a lot of freaking holes in my armor right now dude every very porous dude you know what that was that was bad salad dude yeah it was bad salad it's from a
Starting point is 00:03:05 legally blonde yeah oh it's when uh when he's breaking up with her and she's crying and he's like bad salad oh at the beginning yeah right um then we're here as well with the newlywed neighbor chris parr welcome back legend what's up guys what's up stokers happy to be here and you're venturing into the uh into the end so i guess we're all living in the uncertain but you're venturing deep into the answer and you're going to south africa i am yeah to do research on omicron yeah i mean if that comes up but it was the honeymoon that we had planned and i don't know it was like is there go had planned. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It was like, do we go anywhere else? Is there still a travel ban? What's the deal with that? So we did have to change around some parts of our trip. But we were going to do a couple days in London here or there before heading down to South Africa. But we're not doing that anymore because we can't. We'd have to self-isolate and quarantine there. So we're just going straight to South Africa, but we're not doing that anymore because we can't. We'd have to self-isolate and quarantine there. So we're just going straight to South Africa.
Starting point is 00:04:08 I mean, at no point have U.S. citizens not been allowed to travel back to the States. And I don't see that happening several years in. So we'll be able to get back here. It's just if we're flying, we can't leave the airport, wherever we're flying through. Right. Oh, makes sense. Okay. can't leave the airport you know right wherever we're flying through right oh makes sense okay um i'm hoping they treat us like royalty because i imagine a lot of people canceled trips
Starting point is 00:04:30 dude so yeah we'll see it's gonna be sick i mean safari you're going on safari right safari so we're doing cape town for a couple days then like the wine lens there safari and then we go to mozambique where it's just like a resort like on the on the water that's cool and then we fly home one of the two my favorite words to say yeah i think yeah i didn't even know it's got the zam yeah mozambique it's like well that's we it's uh it's on the coast it's not i mean south africa is also on the coast. It's not... I mean, South Africa is also on the coast, but it's a different country. So we do fly there.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Sick. We had to get our own... We had to send our passports to their embassy to get our visas. Whoa. Yeah, it was crazy. That's pretty intense. Like a physical passport? Yeah, which was crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It was crazy to send that. Yeah. Because it's like, never lose your passport or something that's drilled into you. Yeah. Which is good advice. Why do people make such a big deal out of passports?
Starting point is 00:05:27 I don't know. I think if somebody gets a real one, that's worth a lot of money. I assume there's a huge black market for it. Is it because there's such a market for getting into the States that if someone has your passport, they got that kind of access?
Starting point is 00:05:42 I'm happy to do that for a stranger right like if it's a hot spy who needs like how do i don't get in trouble like i won't get how will i get in trouble aiding and embedding i think maybe is what it would be aiding and embedding i like that yeah i like that phrase a lot yeah i'm just i'm just pulling that out of my arse. I like that. Do a little A&B with a little B&E. No problem. Solve a little mystery. Chris, down to Mozambique. Mozambique's a great James Bond city.
Starting point is 00:06:12 That's like it's always a Bond opening sequence in Mozambique. Makes sense. Chris, I'm picturing you in a nice tux, dude. Are you bringing your tux? No. Dude, you should just wear it in Mozambique. You should just wear your tux. Tux up, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Tux running on a crane. Oh, bro. I don't know. We'll see where i get with when i pack i've kind of laid some stuff out but you're not allowed to i'm not checking a bag because we got a lot of transfers and they said don't do that that was our that was the recommendation you're not checking a bag no i'm bringing like uh two carry-ons yeah that would suck to lose your bag and over there in i think yeah i mean it sucks when i
Starting point is 00:06:46 lose it like flying to la from like denver yeah like so dude you know what i thought about i have a ton of t-shirts and shit but i wear like five shirts yeah right like you just packed all five shirts that you wear like you're good and like what do you have two pairs of jeans that you wear come on and dude a couple of shoes when i try to throw out shirts i'll like look at shirts i beg no that's nostalgic. Dude, same here, bro. It's tough. And I was like, I know I'm going to wear that someday, and I never do.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And I'm not a hoarder, but it's hard. I have like three drawers full of shirts. I wear five or six. When was the last time you purged and cleaned stuff out? Like three weeks ago. How did it go? I purged pretty hard this time. It felt good.
Starting point is 00:07:26 I threw out a lot of pants, some shoes, a lot of hats. I have too many hats. People send us stuff and they send us a lot of hats. I'm like, I wear like one hat. So got rid of all that shit. But dude, speaking of the Osh though, did I hear you talking about the new Call of Duty map? Yeah. Have you Duty map? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Have you played it? Yeah. Got two dubs. Let's go. Is it easier to get dubs right now? I don't know. What was your team? It was Danny, Brooks, Robbie, and myself.
Starting point is 00:07:59 If that's your squad. We went back to back. Two killers, the leader and robbie run around yeah you need a wild card yeah brooks and i had six both games danny had five two robbie had like three kills overall wasn't a lot i heard the new map it's super fun it's way different it's all that uh that. I feel like you can run a lot more on it because there's just a lot of cover. There's a ton of bushes. Chris, now you're talking about speaking my language.
Starting point is 00:08:33 I love bushes. I love Bushmaster. You can do it. You have to hide in one and get second place, final circle. We figured out, started figuring out strategies for a little bit, but there's still so much more to explore. The Vanguard guns are horrible. Yeah, they suck. Right here. started figuring out strategies for a little bit, but there's still so much more to explore. The Vanguard guns are horrible.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Yeah, they suck. Right here. That's the thing. World War II guns are trash. Yeah, I love that it's World War II aesthetic, but I want a gun that's cool and technological and sick. I don't want a BAR, dude. That's horrible recoil. The realism felt unnecessary. yeah uh but so if you
Starting point is 00:09:07 play a certain version you can get you can do it where you're playing with only like 1944 equipment or you can play a version where you can all the ground lutes still all the vanguard guns but like you can get your load and get your regular guns that's gonna be the version tell them about the kid that you were playing with how he oh this one kid we're playing with one rebirth maybe 11 12 13 i heard his mom yell at him in the background and he disrespected her he said yeah almost i'll come off pretty soon he's what he said when his mom was telling him to come off right away and then we're playing and we're playing smart and like the circle is bouncing and we're in circle and he's like oh we're on top of prison
Starting point is 00:09:42 he's like oh there's a team in control he saw my radar let's go push and like he'll like start running and pushing like thinking he's a leader i'm like now i'm in my 30s you're 11 i'm not listening to you and then he gets killed and he goes where were you guys and we're like yeah that's outside a circle like what are you doing he goes he goes oh are you guys passive you guys are passive we're like what like not a question he goes oh you guys are passive yeah and i'm like not a question he goes oh you guys are passive yeah and i'm like what do you mean like in life like sexually like yeah sure like i guess i'm a finesse bottom but like when it comes to call of duty we're smart i'm strategic i don't know if passive's the word you little bitch and i was i said that afterwards and then he he ended up
Starting point is 00:10:20 leaving the game before the game even ended and then we got the dub and we're like, fuck yeah. And then I'm standing up yelling. I'm going to go fuck that little kid, dude. Fuck that kid. And my freaking fiance comes out and she goes, are you yelling at little kids online? And I was like, no, he hopped off. It's behind his back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:37 You were like, gosh, I thought I was yelling at a little kid. And I was like, he had already hopped off. There's no victim here. I liked how adamant you were about it i was like yeah good dude those 11 year olds need it he was just this little kid was an asshole he was a dick he's like yeah you guys play soft i don't like this i'm out and just quit on us that happens a lot in rebirth all these teammates all the time yeah people are a little... they're poly. Is Rebirth the same map? I think you can still drop
Starting point is 00:11:09 Rebirth Island. I think. That's cool. So is it the guns from Riverdance? So all the ground loot at least when I played I did Rebirth before when Vanguard was up but only for people who owned Vanguard. Or when Caldera was, but only for people who owned Vanguard,
Starting point is 00:11:26 or when Caldera was up, but only for people who owned Vanguard. And that's where I first found out that Vanguard guns suck because all the ground loot was Vanguard. Gotcha. And, dudes, I don't know if you guys saw this, but in even more epic news, Sydney Sweeney did an ad for Vanguard, and it fired me up.
Starting point is 00:11:47 You were telling me about that last night, and I was pretty pumped. She's my new white buffalo. For Sydney Sweeney, someone who I was already pretty interested in and compelled by and rooting for, to combine the fucking Call of Duty, dude. Genius call. Dude, who would have thought to bring those two things together? But whoever did is a genius genius smart yeah man sydney sweeney's really uh spectacular well how do you think she is on comms laid back yeah monotone probably cool but a great listener like yeah yeah i could see us you know holding final circle from this ridge that's
Starting point is 00:12:25 a good call gives us high ground i could see everything oh you're going to recon okay she goes oh i see sniper fire coming from about 343 yeah southwest as long as her buddy from white lotus isn't in there and like you know sends us into a trap or something like exactly yeah yeah good call yeah although her character from white lotus was a little bit of a you know sandbag let's think i could see her i could see her on comms like you know negging a little bit like just dominating from the back sniping but just being like you know nice push yeah and he'd be like thanks but i don't know how to take that sydney sweeney but i like that energy yeah it's motivating yeah i haven't
Starting point is 00:13:01 seen euphoria but i hear she's good in euphoria i haven't watched it i haven't watched it it's too heavy for me yeah it's not fun it's good i heard it's great visually really impressive too it is uh it gives me crazy anxiety it was like hypersexual is that it's uh yeah and it's just also like you just i don't know you just feel like you're worried about all the characters being in danger right in so many different ways is it like kids i've never seen kids because it didn't seem kids is gnarly yeah it's like it's like one of those like movies it's like 13 where they're like this is what teenagers are actually up to and then you watch it as a teenager and you're like my life's way more boring than this like these things might happen but they're like a once a semester thing it's not like yeah every hour of my day like an alpha dog movie that that movie worried me oh dude i think
Starting point is 00:13:49 i think for me euphoria actually had like really poignant moments so it wasn't just like just awfulness all the time but there is like a specter of like doom and anxiety the whole time you watch so it's not the most fun thing to watch but i do think it's satisfying in other ways yeah i like um justin timberlake's one of my favorite quotes from alpha dog is fiesta motherfuckers we ready yo what the fuck that was his like big breakthrough role he's playing a very complicated character yeah and he goes he gets sent to the can dude dude his name the bad guy the emile hirsch's character they changed his name from the movie to johnny true love right but his real name was jesse james
Starting point is 00:14:36 hollywood oh david i mean bro it's a better character and i was like do we really need to switch it up you know what else is cool when i because i got really uh invested in that movie just in the backstory because it kind of reminded me of orange county a little bit yeah it does i looked up emil hirsch's character 5-4 in real life whoa really whoa interesting the head of this uh you know affluent gang little guy that seems to be a common thing i think so right with like guys like for some reason i'm not i don't know about criminals like that, but just like, I don't know. Well, like Napoleon and Stalin. Napoleon actually wasn't that small.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Napoleon was average for his time. He just had a brother who was tall. Right. But then again, maybe it made him feel small. Yeah. And that is, I guess, the idea behind a Napoleonon complex although a misnomer in its true name dude what if napoleon walked in here right now and he's like you know trying to tell us what to do what would you say he was supposed to be good at that right i might i'm not gonna lie yeah how do you say later in french dude yeah fucking bitch oh hitler was five
Starting point is 00:15:39 nine oh dude what napoleon came he's like you guys you guys you guys are passive soldiers you guys are passive you guys are passive soldiers didn't they exile napoleon to an island and they gave him ships that he could command and play around with so he wouldn't be too bored really they were like you can still like pretend you're like uh you know a leader yeah and he just played around with his boats but then he took his boats back to the to the mainland i remember this from sophomore year cultural geography so i might have the details wrong because it was 20 years ago and then he they they basically they they put the whole army in front of him like hey napoleon you're not coming back you're not taking everything over and then he gave this rousing speech and the whole army was like you know what we're back on board napoleon like he was just like wait hold on i am napoleon i am meant to lead you guys let's go kick some
Starting point is 00:16:31 ass and the whole army was like that's a fire speech dude we're on board for some reason i picture i'm just holding a baguette the whole time yeah oh yeah dude you could kill someone with a baguette like a five-day-old baguette oh yeah bro that's gonna happen soon in la right yeah yeah it's gonna jack lodge hoquette my favorite pastry place grab one of their baguettes and just merc somebody dude french might be the hardest to like eyeball and say properly like italian i can kind of be like oh like bene or yeah something more like manja and then but i see like french like even like names like crevier or something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:06 I'm like, it's not right. It's a tough, it's a tough accent to do. Yeah. Very difficult. Because it sounds like Mangia Bani. Yeah. Mama, where's the pasta? But then if you have to do French, it's like Strada.
Starting point is 00:17:18 This is my friend. This is a great French. I think it's really good. Strada. It's actually not bad. I believe you. Strada. Where are you?
Starting point is 00:17:25 Why are you so late? Please, please just fix I think it's really good. It's actually not bad, I believe. Strider, where are you? Why are you so late? Please, please, just fix it. That's my French. You know who I always think of as the French dude from The Patriot, who's like, there is a time for diplomacy. Diplomacy is dead.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Is that guy French in real life, Chuckie Carrillo? Yeah, he's gotta be. He plays a French guy in like, because that's Kiss of the Dragon that you're talking about. Yeah, it's a trailer from Kiss of the Dragon, but he's the dude from The Patriot. Yeah a good movie i watch as my daughters were burned alive
Starting point is 00:17:50 well this is good this is a good transition point we're in the movie talk already in honor of the holidays he grew up in paris nice in honor of the holidays we're going to draft our top three holiday movies of all time you guys might have already sensed that there's been a palpable nervousness in the room we take this shit serious we take the comments serious and uh yeah we're all here to take down chad and dethrone him he's on a run. Can I just say I'm rooting for Strider. Dude, thank you, dude. I would love nothing more than for you to dethrone me. That's why you're a good leader
Starting point is 00:18:31 and a good champion. You're humble in victory. You have class in defeat, which hopefully will come today and we'll find out about. But thank you for your endorsement, my dog. Then we could do a little R&R. We could use some relax rexton relaxation no the other r&r ramming and ripping
Starting point is 00:18:51 this is from the new mcgruber dude which is a series i didn't realize i haven't watched the trailer the trailer is hilarious it crushes i've never laughed so hard yeah maybe i don't even watch it he goes i'll, I will smell you later. And he's going to die. He's like, I mean it with every fiber of my being. I will smell you later. Dude, it's so funny, dude. And then there's one shot where he's shooting machine guns.
Starting point is 00:19:16 He's like, dick shot. And these two guys just get shot in the dick. Dude, Felipe's the best in that movie, dude. Ryan Felipe crushes in that movie yeah he's yeah oh nice he's a listener yeah oh is he yeah what up dude i valid his car too nice guy dude good dude are you guys ready odds are evens okay shit i'm fucking nervous dude you're ready to check okay so you put up a number one A one or a two. Okay. One, two, three, go. Okay, fourth pick.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Okay, dude, it's going to be tough for you to win. Uh-oh. On holiday moves? Crap. Chris, you ready? Mm-hmm. One, two, three, shoot. Okay, I'm third.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Oh, shit. Oh, not going to say it. I know, not going to say it. I don't think you're going to say it. This is so bad. But the pogros are so strong, dude. I messed up the first. I didn't even think about it. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Number one pick. Back to back number one picks. Were you ready this time? Chris, good job, dude. He's already winning, dude. Let's go, dude. My bad, my bad.
Starting point is 00:20:19 All right, I'm fucking nervous, dude. Pulling up my lip. I got my lip. I wrote them down this time, dude. I'm not messing around. I'm not going off my dome anymore. I can't get cute. You were going off the dome?
Starting point is 00:20:34 Yeah, I had hubris. I thought I was clever and smart. And then I get up here and I'm bending genres. Well, I mean, this one... I'm going to go die hard. Yeah, i love it i mean dude i love it and yeah i mean it's come up on previous ones of these that we've done obviously it rocks bruce will it's die hard everyone knows it it is a christmas movie i feel like there's disagreements about that but it's for sure a Christmas movie.
Starting point is 00:21:06 And if you don't think so, fuck off. Yeah, yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. Yeah, Chris, I love that you went diehard. And I got to tell you, Christmas is central to the story. He's going out there on Christmas Eve to get back with his ex-wife. It just happens that Hans Gruber... Separated, you know? Yeah, separated.
Starting point is 00:21:24 Yeah, they're taking time apart. So they play Christmas music at the end. It snows during the course of a holiday party. So Christmas is central to the story. So you're getting my endorsement, dude. 100% diehard. Dank pick. Great pick.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I think in this room, it would have been first among all of us. It's one of the best movies of all time. Yeah. Perfect screenplay, too. Let's go. He's setting up to win again, dude. I'm winning this thing.
Starting point is 00:21:54 We were thinking, too, we've got to get, at some point for these drafts, we've got to get an Aaron cam to see your reactions. Yeah, I do want live reactions from Aaron. If we could get a gopro of like aaron just making your pick and then you look over and then you just see the eyes go down for some reason i want it to be like night vision like a sex tape style i don't know why it just feels grittier that way yeah yeah yeah and then i do like like it's a tough call what do let's go to the errand cam and he's
Starting point is 00:22:26 just like yeah okay jt's taking way too long here dude he is googling a lot. Fuck, dude. Look, look, look. Hey, do it right. Win it, dude. I don't want you losing sleep like I do. No, dude.
Starting point is 00:22:51 I'm not. Is Die Hard with a vengeance for Christmas? Does that take place during Christmas? No, but Die Hard 2, Die Harder does, but you know. Yeah, but Die Hard 2. Yeah, we're out. I don't think that's on any list for any movie. Dude, you know what it is, man? It's know after the colon title it is like yeah die harder yeah it is true oh they thought this one through
Starting point is 00:23:13 my list is um dude no it's like the movie i'm gonna pick probably this could be a sean penn pick but i'm okay with it i'm coming straight from the gut i'm not even thinking about like all time ranking this wasn't even on any of the lists i saw this is my favorite christmas movie of all time the family stone stone i watched it i saw it the weekend it came out i dragged friends see it then we went on christmas vacation together that was your second time seeing it when we saw it no that was my first time i dragged friends when we got back to come see it yeah i went and saw it twice in theaters i always plug it to put it on here's the thing dude what is Christmas
Starting point is 00:24:05 besides all the gifts and the Santa stuff it's the collision of personalities you know what I mean it's Thanksgiving no it's Christmas don't you ever dude I mean it's a holiday that still counts
Starting point is 00:24:21 Luke Wilson the man in it Dermot Maroney always great Sarah Jessica Parker perfect for her dude she's gotta be kind of annoying
Starting point is 00:24:31 and then the family's annoying too but I love that movie I cry every time I laugh every time it's got McAdams in a great song with the
Starting point is 00:24:39 it's alright and it's all in fun we gotta get right back to where we started from love is good love can be strong we gotta get okay so that's my number one i'm family stone can i tell you a story yeah i i i saw that movie in theaters too with my family and um uh i think this this sort of explains our difference in how we enjoy movies because first off I love Luke Wilson's character
Starting point is 00:25:07 I was really inspired by that I was like dude I gotta be like he's like a documentarian in Berkeley or whatever let's have some beers but at the end spoiler alert the mom dies and me and my sister-in-law were like no no fuck you
Starting point is 00:25:23 we got so upset we're like why would you kill the mom what! We got so upset. We're like, why would you kill the mom? Dude, what else is Christmas but the death of matriarchs? It made me so... It made me so... Mom suffered during Christmas. It made me so upset. I'm like, you killed the mom
Starting point is 00:25:38 at the end of this fucking movie? Oh, man. Craig T. Nelson, bro. Is that Dormant Malrooney or Malcolm which one is it Dermot Malrooney okay see I'm going family stuff three all right here we go just says don't fuck up a bunch on my phone here says you believe in yourself dude this is so hard the door is so wide open um but yeah no no no it's up to the person look yeah don't be coy don't be coy
Starting point is 00:26:07 we can argue about it I leave it up to you we want to be suggestive but we said holiday movies but for my first pick there's going to be no controversy you're going Easter
Starting point is 00:26:14 yeah exactly bro 10 commandments the passion of the Christ they perform all holidays dude it's great oh right dude I'm doing passion
Starting point is 00:26:21 you could the passion of the Christ freeze my god dude yeah I'm going and Passion. You could. Passion of the Christ. My God, dude. Yeah. I'm going, and he's my boy, a big reason why I got into comedy. And this movie's so fucking good, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Don't say it. Elf with Will Ferrell, dude. I mean, it's a great-ass movie. It's got nothing but charm, dude. Okay, dude. Chad's unenamored. Sorry, sorry. You know what's funny is Chad in the beginning said,
Starting point is 00:26:45 oh, Strider, man, I'm really pulling for you on this one. And then he goes... Elf's a good pick. I think that's going to be... That's a winner for sure. Elf's a great pick. People love the movie. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:26:53 And honestly, having your guys' endorsement saying that, I'm not even kidding, dude. It means a lot. Dude, you're coming out strong. You're coming out strong. Dude, it's so charming. Will Ferrell's performance is so good. In a difficult role to pull off,
Starting point is 00:27:04 they wanted him to do an Elf 2. He said, said no i really don't think the magic can happen again i respect him sticking to artistic guns and um that's like all beauty and all art you know it's fleeting and elf captures that great love story great dad son story holiday story it's got the magic at the end so yeah it's fire it's great john favreau right love john favreau yeah he's a beast so do i get two you get two bro okay first one gotta go with it it's a family favorite of ours i watch it every year killer comedy still holds up christmas vacation all right whoa what so look at the nod from aaron look at the nod of approval christmas vacation dude
Starting point is 00:27:48 oh you don't like it it's my least favorite vacation movie i don't like it either really of the vacation movies it's my least favorite shitter's fall bro i'll take vegas vacation bro i don't know and randy quaid's pretty great in it randy quaid is the best his uncle what is it you don't know what it is it okay but chad sorry yeah can i explain my yeah let's hear let's just talk about how aaron's fuming we need aaron cam right here dude we need aaron cam baby so many quotable lines i think still people still quote to this day and and my one of my favorite movie moments is when they shoot the uh the icicle through uh julia louis dreyfus's window
Starting point is 00:28:31 and it melts and breaks their cd player and she's like to her husband well why is the floor all wet todd i don't know margo yeah it's good to me um i felt like that just crashed and burned but uh that was a brilliant performance that's gonna play well on camera oh thank you thank you i'm just so worried about my fucking pic jt's back on google now i read it uh so yeah i gotta go christmas vacation i mean classic when he cuts the turkey uh the shitter's full i mean classic shoots the fucking you know kills the cat all that stuff um it's great i love it um second pick i gotta go with this because i grew up watching it all the time i watched it in vegas and fired me up and it's good family movie as well the santa claus with tim allen with Tim Allen. I love that movie.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Dude, the rescue elves coming at the end. So badass. The elves, just the whole... The way they create the North Pole with these kids but they're hundreds of years old but they're just sort of immortal. And his arc too
Starting point is 00:29:41 is pretty great. Classic 90s dad arc. Very funny scene when he burns the turkey and goes to Denny's, and he looks at the other dad, and they're, like, both eating there. Yeah, yeah. Like, mm-hmm. It's pretty hilarious. Like, yep, we fucked up Christmas, too.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Yeah. Man, great movie. Very charming, dude. Very fun movie. Yeah. When he becomes Santa Claus, he really... Yeah. That was sort of his...
Starting point is 00:30:03 When he broke into movies, right? Tim Allen yeah he did Jungle to Jungle oh yeah with that yeah it's a good movie and it was tough acting for Tim Allen
Starting point is 00:30:13 to go from oh oh oh to ho ho ho also underrated thing about Tim Tim Allen went to jail for cocaine distribution yeah
Starting point is 00:30:21 yeah dude I see his mugshot it was like moving weight well it flipped on someone right yeah yeah mmm long did you like seven years i think he did legit time yeah that's crazy to think about hard time and then he's like it just shows you like and then he becomes america's family man yeah like don't don't get down on yourself if you're in jail right now yeah for distribution of drugs or even murder, you can bounce back, dude. We'll take you back.
Starting point is 00:30:47 You got to take your lick, serve your time, bounce back. We're a country of second chances. And also, if you're in jail, thank you for listening. That's a demo I'd like to break into. That would be cool to get messages from guys in jail. I'd be like, thanks for passing the time for us, dude. That would be nice. And do like a Metallica show for them, but our show.
Starting point is 00:31:04 Like Johnny Cash style, live. Just into your house. You should be like, yeah. Then what's the lead singer's name again? Hetfield. Hetfield's like, you know, I could be in here like you guys where it sucks because I got anger. And they're just like sitting there. Basically.
Starting point is 00:31:19 He addresses like, I'm afflicted by anger. He pulls it off by the end, but at first you're like whoa dude he gets like he tries to relate in a really pretentious way like oh no dude the thing is that i take my anger and then make the art and then you guys you guys made someone die yeah the thing is we're not we're not that to me it's like what's up dudes i'm always so stoked to come to san quentin i got no anger in my heart but i'm here to make you guys stoked he's like sorry about the guys i displaced in cell block c i wanted my own area to mentally prepare please don't take any of my
Starting point is 00:31:56 crafty i have very specific food items that i need yeah exactly um strider who's your pick oh we're going back around it's snake baby baby this is nice oh this is really nerve-wracking because there's a lot of great ones on here you know what i like about chad's pick there too he's got a pick that has santa claus in it now i think you gotta have one movie that's got santa in it right strider you already got that with your elf one yeah you gotta have that and i think right now oh yeah i'm gonna save this pic for a second dude the the level of contemplation in your face right now all right i love it here we go i'm going on wheels moving i'm going undeniable right now i have a pic where i could get clever i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it yeah i think ignore any instinct yes yeah take my instincts and go
Starting point is 00:32:49 opposite is what i'm doing yeah uh this is a movie it's undeniably great uh and this director has a ton of great holiday flicks uh i'm going home alone uh you know john hughes he's a fucking beast um oh he did but he wrote it didn't he chris columbus directed it okay thank you aaron you're really making me second guess myself he produced okay he produced it fucking excellently um he's a fucking sick producer and but dude macaulay culkin's amazing dude and dude the wet bandits dude i have a if aliens came down and landed on earth and they saw the humor like it's real it's a live action cartoon and it's so good
Starting point is 00:33:26 they built this whole house in like a gymnasium to like get all those hijinks going on and also has one of the most off color jokes of all time when what's the name of
Starting point is 00:33:36 the main kid's character is Danny or what's the little kid's name Kevin Kevin yeah dude when Kevin like zip lines out of the house and then he looks like Marv
Starting point is 00:33:44 and he's like where'd he go and then he looks like marv and and uh he's like where'd he go and then uh the character fucking what's his name uh daniel stern daniel stern goes maybe he killed himself daniel stern is the man dude daniel stern is one of the funniest guys of all time bushwhacked celtic pride hilarious are but like i feel like you're more of a Lost in New York guy. Look, Chris, I was looking at both, and I love them both amazing. And Lost in New York is so charming. You got the dove lady.
Starting point is 00:34:11 But I went original. Wait, but hold on. Am I next? Yeah, snaking. I'm going Home Alone 2 Lost in New York. It's a good pick, bro. It's a good pick, bro. It's a good pick.
Starting point is 00:34:22 I'm actually glad you took the first one. It's a good pick. I think I might like two more. I like two more. Dude, he's rich in New York. He's a good pick, bro. It's a good pick. I'm actually glad you took the first one. It's a good pick. Yeah. I think I might like two more. I like two more. Dude, he's rich in New York. He's up at the Trump. He's bumping shoulders with Trump. He's at the Plaza.
Starting point is 00:34:31 The turtle doves. You filthy animal. And you know what I think that one gets a little bit more? He's lonely, dude. He's lonely in that one. He misses his mother in the first one. It's more of a mother-son. Is Goodman in both?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Or is Goodman only in the first one? Wait, Candy? You mean John Candy? John Candy. John Candy. He's on the first one because he's got the band of guys when the mom's driving back.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Isn't that the second one? Are you sure? Because I'm hoping it's the second one because it's a little bit better. But also, you also said you said Your Yellow Belly,
Starting point is 00:35:01 which is, that movie was actually written for, it's a made-up movie. That movie doesn't exist and it was written for that movie. Incredible. And the guy goes, I thought that was so cool.y, which is, that movie was actually written for, it's a made-up movie. That movie doesn't exist. And it was written for that movie. Incredible. And the guy goes, I thought that was so.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Oh, it is? Yeah, it's not a real movie. It's called like Angels of something, I forget. And the FAO shorts reference with the big toy store. Very good, yeah. I miss FAO shorts. Yeah. I give you two turtle doves.
Starting point is 00:35:24 You bring these turtle doves. You bring these turtle doves to your best friend and then he fucking gets tight with the vagrant lady. The dove lady. Incredible. So yeah, I'm going Home Alone 2 Lost in New York. Oh, Tim Curry and Rob Schneider
Starting point is 00:35:40 are like that threesome at the hotel. Rob Schneider's agent. What a hole schneider had the best agent in hollywood dude seriously like six years he's popping up in everything now that we've had the two of them can we acknowledge how much of a dick uncle frank is the cheap uncle oh the cheap uncle yeah yeah he yeah then like he's gonna pay for the pizzas in the in the first one he's like oh yeah he's like legitimately a scumbag because like he's going to pay for the pizzas in the first one. He's like, oh, oh. Yeah, he's legitimately a scumbag. Because he's way too hard on a child.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Yeah. And his kids are fuckers, right? Are they his kids? Is his kid Buzz? Yeah, he's got the redheaded kid. The redheaded? That kid's a shitbag, man. Is this the one who wets the bed all the time?
Starting point is 00:36:20 When you see that kid? And he's going to come down on Kevin? Yeah. But that red-haired? Which one was the first one that had the recording device that's number two which is iconic because everyone got that for christmas that year it's iconic yeah feeling good about it's nice it's nice i mean it's derivative but it's nice chris you got two dude dude. Oh, I get two now. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Let's do four. We got time. There's so many. Oh, you only have one. Oh, you have two. Three. Well, no, because I go. I don't think we need to do four on holiday movies. No.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I'm going to go. We'll see how we feel. I'm going to go Nightmare Before Christmas. Nice. Yeah, that's what I was. And a Christmas movie. It's got Santa Claus in it. I wanted that.
Starting point is 00:37:02 It's also got lovely songs like, what's this? What's this? I don i don't look at it's a fun scene to just watch and just dip into um it is like and it nails kind of both you know what i mean it nails both holidays it does has elements of both i mean you got people poisoning each other in halloween town what is it called? The main character is super fun. And then for my next one, I'm going to go... Real quick, Chris. What's up? That movie also is great for every holiday
Starting point is 00:37:33 because remember there's that tree sequence and it has the graphic of every holiday on it. So really there's a town. It's kind of a cool world. Yeah, he just happens to walk into the Christmas one. Yeah, very cool. And it's also a really good family movie, because I feel like it does have stuff for like,
Starting point is 00:37:48 you know, adults can still enjoy it. It'd probably be a little creepy for kids, which is kind of fun. I feel like those kind of movies stick with you when you see them a little too young, to where you're like, oh, this is a little, like the poison and all that. And then for my next one,
Starting point is 00:38:03 I'm going with a bit of an offbeat pick i'm going independence day well fourth of july whoa that's so smart bro that's so smart no i'm all on board christmas move no i'm all on board it's a smart holiday movie chris is being smart i endorse this i think i think okay i don't know but chad what do you think what do you think i think it's not for holiday i think it's for holiday. I think it's the holiday season. And this is why we wanted to have this conversation on air. You guys are playing coy. No longer will the 4th of July be known as an American holiday,
Starting point is 00:38:34 but as a holiday, what is the tale where the world in one voice, like it's in there. That's true. Bro, I was trying to think about what other good holiday ones. That's a great 4th. I can think of Born on the 4th of July. Not a fun movie. But dude, that's true i mean bro i was trying to think about what a good like other good holiday ones that's a great fourth i can think of born on the fourth of july not a fun movie but dude that's a yeah yeah i'm telling you this is what i have to fight against to make these lists do you understand i'm afflicted with ptsd no thing easy when i make these lists i'm afflicted by bad ideas
Starting point is 00:39:03 i'm just like all of you. Let's get Aaron Cam. Yeah, Aaron Cam. What's the Aaron Cam? I can pick something else if you know. No, dude. I mean, look, that's what I'm saying. The rules. I like it.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Aaron says he likes it. Aaron, you should get in front of a camera. I like it, too. I like it, too. We're going for it. We're going for it. Okay, now we're talking, baby, because we got more. Well, now he's got independence.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Chris, that's smart. That's smart. Do you want to stay at three? Oh, well we got more. Well, now he's got independence. Chris, that's smart. That's smart. Do you want to stay at three? Oh, well, then shit. If we're going to say all holidays. If no one was going to pick it, that was going to be my last pick, because who was picking? That was my curveball one, you know what I mean? But I can just wait for it.
Starting point is 00:39:38 You get two picks in a row. I'll wait for it. Yeah, I just. Well, we're doing four, right? So then I'll come back. I mean, it's fine. I can pick his list is die hard it's fucking right there yeah i'm die hard oh yeah that's independent aaron
Starting point is 00:39:51 makes a good point we have to establish how many we're doing up top because it's okay i can find another one you know what i mean i feel but you would have had that anyways yeah that's true aaron you're right well then i'm allowed to just pick it look if you if you want to like just let me pick again, I'll do that. But I can also wait for it to come back around. I don't mind.
Starting point is 00:40:08 I think if we let you pick right now, we should then say... Independence Day's off the table. We should say it's only like holiday as in Christmas, like wintery holiday movies.
Starting point is 00:40:18 But I'm also down for this. Well, I know. I like this. You gotta let him keep the pick and we'll let the audience decide if that's a valid holiday pick. Respect. Hashtag respect, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I'm down to just let it come back to me. I'm just picking a couple. Chris, I love it. I love what you just did right there. All right. Of course you love it. You know what he did? He bent genre.
Starting point is 00:40:41 He took genre. You have a protege now. I want Matrix glasses, dude. Some genres are meant to be bent. Others are meant to be broken. All I'm saying is, dude, you don't sound like an American right now. You don't think Independence Day, Fourth of July is a holiday? I'm saying, dude, I'm a fucking patriot, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Move to Canada, bro. Move to Canada. I bleed red. I jizz white. Which is totally cool. I have such a tough... My heart's blue. I have such a tough. My heart's blue. I have such a tough.
Starting point is 00:41:08 I still think I'll get this on the way back. Patriot. I jizz white, bro. I'm going. I'm going. No one was going to pick this and I might lose the movie, but I just got to go with it. I'm just going to gut jingle all the way. Great movie.
Starting point is 00:41:28 It's a good movie, dude. I love it, dude. Maybe the weirdest Christmas movie of all time. Arnold Schwarzenegger is just a suburban dad. Yeah. Right away.
Starting point is 00:41:36 You're like, this guy doesn't live in this fucking neighborhood. That's not his life. That's not his kid. Yeah. It's about, it's about consumerism. And if it's about anything, it's about consumerism, if it's about anything.
Starting point is 00:41:46 It's about consumerism during Christmas. And then, dude, I just got to say Sinbad. I love Sinbad. He's hilarious in this. Sinbad's funny and everything. Guy's magnetic. His stand-up is fucking hilarious. Him and Arnold go into a tent, and then somehow they end up in superhero costumes at the end.
Starting point is 00:42:02 With rocket, working rocket boosters. Working rocket boosters. Yeah, dude. And they're like, what's his name? Danny. I am your dad, Danny. end up in superhero costumes at the end with rocket we're working rocket with working yeah and they're like what's his name's good daddy i am your dad danny and literally after putting like a thousand people live jamie and almost killing people at the end they just make amends quickly and then phil hartman is the creep who's trying to get in that dude he's so good in that movie with the eggnog he's amazing i hated him. And before I had seen any of his other stuff, so I just thought that was him. Rita Wilson. She's a great, great Christmas mom.
Starting point is 00:42:29 Yep. Yeah, I love Jingle all the way. And I saw it with you, Chris, and Dad, and the Pell Bass. Might have been a bad boy and thrown a stink bomb. Did you throw a stink bomb in the theater? I threw a stink bomb. You prankster. Right in the lobby afterwards.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Oops. That's amazing. What was this, Ocean Ranch? No, this was a weird one. It doesn't even exist anymore. It was like Deep Lagoon in a Gale, but I forget the theater. I don't even remember. I remember seeing it, but I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Yeah, Jingle All the Way. Chad. Turbo Man. My turn? No man my turn no no is it me strider strider okay here we go it turbo man jamie okay dude i'm feeling pretty confident right now so i'm gonna fuck it up uh here we go it's also funny like all the best christmas movies are supposed to be before like 1950 none of those are getting i think i'm gonna get one coming back to me they'll still be there later here we go i might get it i'm going bad santa that was getting my pick that was my yeah i'm glad i won it because i have another one i think i can still get it It's adult. It's R-rated. Billy Bob's performance is un-fucking-believable. And it has the kid in that.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Dude, the pathos in that movie is through the roof. It's just incredible, dude. It's incredible. It's got heists going on. I mean, dude, it's just all time. It's all time. It's an amazing movie. It's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah. Beat the shit out of some kids today. For the the first time i feel like my life's really got purpose and he just he's so good dude what is he doing he's like the when john ritter is complaining that he keeps hearing him have sex yeah and he keeps telling these ladies they're not going to shit right for him what does he say we're like he's like not even paying attention he like only catches one weird he says are you saying there's something wrong with my gear sorry your gear my fuck stick billy bob thornton makes it not seem like dialogue you're almost like that's just how billy bob talked yeah totally like when you see him not talk like dialogue. You're almost like, that's just how Billy Bob talks. Totally. Like, when you see him not talk like that, you're like, whoa, he's acting now.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Yeah. Incredible. That's a great pick. That was going to be my pick. I have the ultimate charm and the ultimate bad boy. This is a good list. Chad, what's your picks? I'm stoked on your list, thank you chad uh did i get one or two two oh i i gotta cap this off all right well i'm gonna go with another one
Starting point is 00:45:15 that's sort of in the same vein as family stone rom-com adult christmas flick Love Actually great pick I kind of beef with it sometimes because of the rocker thing it's kind of sad but it's got a couple bummer segments in it but it's a good Christmas movie fires me up Love Actually I think it's a go to for a lot of people Keira Knightley I love her
Starting point is 00:45:41 another white buffalo of mine her and Sidney Sweeney what up I've just become knightley i love her um another white buffalo of mine her and sydney sweeney what up um i'm just i've just become a big horn dog on the pot um sorry i've embraced horniness dude yeah and dude okay my last pick might be i mean it's a classic but it's from the 60s but i always watched as a kid i like have to go back to it because i it's what i always watched it as a kid I have to go back to it because it's what I always watched during the holidays and I always loved How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Starting point is 00:46:09 not the Jim Carrey one, the original animated one whoa, is this a feature length? oh, come on alright, I'm just being a dick it counts, it's a great movie it's a great song it's so good
Starting point is 00:46:24 it's a classic tale and it's so good it's a classic tale and it's genius because the thing is like you don't need to stretch out the Grinch into an hour I mean you can't when you see his heart grow at the end it's incredible he couldn't ruin the Who's party right because they just love each other too much
Starting point is 00:46:38 oh man and honestly I don't think the Jim Carrey one I think that was kind of a I don't like the Jim Carreyrey it's kind of a boner yeah if you're going great you've got to go that i'm sorry i even tried to be a schmall right there to you uh apology accepted what's up i haven't seen that one makes perfect sense that he's the grinch dude dude he's so good in power of the dog i need to watch his character is this badass western guy who's repressed sexually he's basically your mother's a pie face drunk
Starting point is 00:47:12 and you're a pussy and i'm fucking gay really that's basically like the dismal amazing dude it's badass dude he's awesome only way I fuck is by digging a hole in the dirt sticking my dick in it to how a cowboy fucks. Cowboy fucks.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Literally, I fuck the planes. Your mother's a drunk. Yeah. And you're an idiot. And I'm gay. Strider, who's your... Okay, so number four coming back to me now it's time to get cute fuck up my perfect list i'm making a list and i'm fucking it up twice
Starting point is 00:47:54 here we go boys there are still a lot of good ones out there for me that i could do i haven't even gotten classic yet and if I do it, I think I get the dub, dude. But I want to be too smart. I get nervous when you say this is going to get the dub. What I could do here is I could make a nice all-time Christmas list that could then come back could be the counter to Chris's
Starting point is 00:48:22 or I could play in Chris's sandbox here and go with another pick. And also, I know what Aaron wants me to say right now with this pick. Aaron can. What do you say? Yeah. I think he's saying, I don't know what I would pick, so he doesn't have any idea what Strider's going to pick.
Starting point is 00:48:41 I'm going Halloween John Carpenter guessing i'm going halloween john carpenter it's not a fucking holiday we just said we're not doing that we'll leave it up to the what's the title of the movie bro i don't decide this i don't halloween that's a halloween i don't decide this it's gonna be up to the audience we'll see what they say but i didn't agree with independence day and then i think i agree with independence the halloween pics even it's even smarter because it literally it literally took the slasher genre to the suburbs and it dude yeah it has one of the best performances one of your all-time scream queens jamie lee curtis dude it takes place on halloween it is central to the fucking movie the holiday revolves around it and it literally is central to the fucking movie. The holiday revolves around it.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And it literally brings terror to the suburbs. The first time to ever do it. The score is amazing. The music's amazing. I think anyone who appreciates horror will be like, yeah, that's an all-time holiday movie. You guys didn't want any Halloween movies? In which the sandbox that we just did. You say the holidays. What do you think?
Starting point is 00:49:40 You think Christmas, New Year's, Hanukkah. It's Christmas? For holiday movies, it goes Christmas, and then maybe you can get away with a Thanksgiving movie? Sounds like you boys didn't establish these rules before we started. I mean, I think it's inferred. We wanted to have an open conversation about it. Like, what month is it?
Starting point is 00:49:54 December. Yeah, bro. And when people ask you to go, hey, what are you doing for the holidays? And then you go, oh, for Halloween. I'm going to do that. It's like no one's ever said that. Dude, dude, dude. That's discrimination, dude. that's some messed up discrimination against
Starting point is 00:50:07 halloween right if you're doing kwanzaa that would be discrimination but it'd be closer to a holiday movie yeah can i just say halloween is a holiday whenever you say is it do you even get work off on holiday not a federal holiday but do you think columbus's day is a holiday because it's not holiday it's wrong it's just trying to i was thinking about your list it's gonna look hilarious and then my brother's wait bro did you see that somebody with someone put as my list on genius dude literally in my head i go i think that's the one where han tell where she says han just hold me although i think that's return of the jedi
Starting point is 00:50:43 and do that uh i remember remember before you said Unforgiven last time, you said this pic is going to make Aaron cream. And I think whenever you think that, don't do that pic, dude. You were not in Aaron's pic. No, no, no. The movie I'll tell you. I'll tell you. No, no, that wasn't the one.
Starting point is 00:51:02 There's one that is Aaron's pick, but no one said it. I won't say it in case someone does. Okay. Just jizz and white. But I'm standing by my pick. I'm sticking to my guns. That isn't a Legally Blonde thing that is central to the holiday. Halloween is a holiday.
Starting point is 00:51:16 All right. I got three movies I'm juggling for for my last one, but I know I got the pick. I got the pick to round out my list. This is going to make my list complete. This is going to give me the fucking dub. I'm going for it. Eyes wide shut. He's joking, dude.
Starting point is 00:51:31 That was on some list. It's a Christmas movie. Really? Yeah. Is it really? I'm going eyes wide shut. Whoa. I love eyes wide shut.
Starting point is 00:51:38 One of the creepiest, most erotic movies. Dude, if you're born, when I was was born if you're not watching movies that are simultaneously freaking you the fuck out and giving you nightmares while simultaneously giving you a boner we just didn't party the same way like eyes wide shut is one of my favorite movies ever stanley kubrick a master filmmaker one of greatest filmmakers ever and it's just i don't know it's got some really great scenes in like when nicole kidman talks about wanting to cheat on tom cruise with that yeah sailor that navy colonel yeah it's a good family movie for when i'm when i got a family when i when i have a family and we're like what christmas movie we
Starting point is 00:52:19 watch it's eyes wide shut let's go You know what your dad wants to watch. All the kids, Eyes Wide Shut. Eyes Wide Shut. All right, guys, put on your robes. Let's watch. They all stand and watch it, dude. Two hours. I can just try to be like, what do we do as a family?
Starting point is 00:52:37 We jizz white. I also- Lead red at jizz white. I ruled you had to have Santa Claus in your movie. I have no movies with Santa Claus. Yeah, but bro, how central is the holiday of Christmas to Eyes Wide Shut? I mean, look, I'm only going Legally Blonde on you. I'm only playing devil's advocate. No, it's not that central.
Starting point is 00:52:52 But it is a Christmas movie. And there is Christmas shopping in it, I think. But I mean, is that enough? Maybe not. Is love tangible? If I'm getting dinged on Legally Blonde... No, you're getting dinged on Halloween now. Oh, I fully stand by Halloween. You can ding me on Legally Blonde... No, you're getting dinged on Halloween now. Oh, I fully stand by Halloween.
Starting point is 00:53:06 You can ding me on Legally Blonde. I think that's different rules. But Halloween is through and through a holiday movie. And it's iconic. And it literally informed an entire genre. I had to go with my heart on this. I had to go with my heart. I'm going Eyes Wide Shut.
Starting point is 00:53:17 But I love that you do that. I needed a weird movie in there. Honestly, you could sacrifice me for your pick for Eyes Wide Shut. I was thinking about doing hocus pocus but i feel like oh bro bro i love it dude chris i love speaking of horny no no no no i'm gonna go i'm gonna go classic christmas a christmas story yeah yeah yeah you've seen it it's on every christmas the whole fucking day it's adorable check it out if you haven't um and yeah i kind of i feel like i needed like a classic christmas one in there
Starting point is 00:53:54 uh just to kind of round out the list since i do have different ones so yeah that's it all right honorable mentions it's a wonderful life is everyone's general number one pick white Christmas I've never seen it I like the new one too I think it's the girl from is it the Matilda girl yeah she's in one
Starting point is 00:54:16 where they go to court over Santa Claus that's a good movie that's a good one Gremlins Giz gremlins i was gonna pick gremlins is a gizmo is a christmas gift ghost of girlfriends past i love that movie no one's really i mean i was gonna get f the ref groundhog day that's a holiday i was thinking about that was one where i googled like ground and i was like halloween i'm cool with groundhog day felt like it's independence day you actually people get work off groundhog day like that's yeah it's kind of a it's not even a whole day it's like a thing that happens and some people don't totally i want it
Starting point is 00:54:56 scrooged with bill murray i love that yeah it's a good i've only seen it it's good dude i watched it yeah i watched it like a couple years ago and it's a wild one yeah it is wild the taxi driver oh muppet christmas carol i love muppet christmas carol that almost made my list i could have gone with that over eyes wide shut for sure yeah i love muppet christmas carol polar express polar express i saw it it was really boring is it good i mean i love the book i watched this i mean it doesn't really the movie doesn't really bring much up for me it was like the book was perfect book The book is amazing. They're just going to make it longer. I love that the book is five minutes and you're freaking done and it's moving.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yep. Yeah, the whistle thing at the end is nice. Yeah, that's kind of like the whole thing. It's just the ending's really... I don't know if I want to watch an hour and a half just to get to the... Aaron, you've got our list. Do you want to... Should we kick the mic to Aaron?
Starting point is 00:55:44 Oh, yeah, absolutely. Frosty the Snowman too oh the Michael Keaton one where he's Jack Frost Jack Frost good snowboarding scene or no is that Jack
Starting point is 00:55:54 no is that called Jack Frost isn't it it's it's snow day yeah there's Jack Frost I was just thinking about that I don't think so
Starting point is 00:56:02 that does feel it just feels snow I guess yeah winter i mean you guys did leave off my favorite movie of all time which is a fourth of july film jaws oh bro that's a great pick damn that'd be a good does anyone see jaws and think holiday movie though no but independent no i don't but it revolves or it takes place over the holiday weekend but fourth of july or independence day bro it's called independence day i mean dude yeah and like there's even like it every time a day starts it goes july 3rd yeah
Starting point is 00:56:34 all leading up to right right july 4th interesting bro this next pick is gonna make aaron cream i thought you guys were cool with hallow I mean, I guess Nightmare Before Christmas was two, but I was like, it's a Halloween and a Christmas. And you guys were like, yeah! And then the Halloween pick. I guess I think of it as Christmas. Nightmare Before Christmas? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Yeah, I think that's a Christmas. You know why? Because they turned the haunted mansion at Disneyland into Nightmare Before Christmas theme. That's what it's called. Aaron, give it up all right guys aaron cam chris obviously came out strong die hard number one i mean i thought maybe it would last a little longer because of the controversy of whether it is a
Starting point is 00:57:22 christmas movie or not but we're pretty much all in agreement that it is. Yes. We're cool fucking guys, so it's a Christmas movie. I mean, I like the Independence Day pick. I thought that's bold. I like it at three or even four. If we knew we were doing four, he would have saved it for that, I'm sure. He would have had, yeah, bad Santa then.
Starting point is 00:57:50 Have you guys watched A Christmas Story lately lately yeah i watched the last christmas it's kind of one of the first times that i've seen it all the way through it sucks oh i like it it's if a movie needs that much narration in it it's because it's not good probably yeah yeah i don't i don't think it's i think sometimes when narration's done well, it's not necessarily additive to the plot, but it's good for just like the characters and stuff. Yeah. And that's what's really good about the narration in that. It's like, you don't really, some of it's kind of plot driven, but a lot of it's also just like a look inside this kid's mind, which is when I think narration's at its best.
Starting point is 00:58:21 Yeah. Where it's not just like, and now this is happening and this is happening. But I think for that to be true if you're going to use an adult's voice we have to see him as an adult at some point right like uh the sandlot sandlot um they don't do it they don't do voiceover in stand by me but you do see him as an adult yeah i don't know that's that's just my opinion on that particular film so that's a strong list family stone i would never think of in a million years
Starting point is 00:58:49 so for it to be a number one look i'm not even a big holiday movie guy like on my on christmas i watch like moonlight or something like that so for me i was, you know, I'm just coming from the gut. Oh, boy. And then Chad coming out strong. Outside of Die Hard, maybe the strongest pick in the whole draft altogether. Christmas Vacation. Infinitely quotable.
Starting point is 00:59:24 I don't understand. I mean, Strider is trying to lose me right now,able i don't understand i mean strider is trying to lose me right now and i don't know why it's gonna make you cream dude it's not it's not that is no i just i mean i understand it is the number one christmas movie of all time i would say like it's like i think if you had to go like across country, which movie gets put on the most on Christmas, I would say it's Christmas Vacation. I think it might be Christmas Story. Maybe. They're both up there.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Those are both up there, yeah. But I was always like, yo, let's put on Bad Santa. Christmas Story is definitely the first one to get played 24 hours, but I think Christmas Vacation is getting there too. That movie sucks. Is that the Bing Crosby one or something? I saw it last year. It sucks. Oh, good. all it's it's two old guys dating young girls it's not good um i love the how the grinch stole christmas pic i think animated somebody somebody had to do it
Starting point is 01:00:20 love actually loses me ah because so much of that movie is a bummer. Right. The Alan Rickman plot line, Liam Neeson's wife dying. Right. God damn it. Yeah, but that Liam Neeson one. But that one's also, yeah. That's a killer sag, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:39 The kid learning how to play. Dude, anytime a stepdad loves the kid, like're biologically connected i'm on board because that's just it's like pure love not motivated by any kind of is there you know biological yeah it's not it's not liam neeson's kid it was his wife's kid from her previous but he loves that little shit he takes the responsibility also really close to to when Liam Neeson's real life wife died so it's also a bummer I love the holidays are tough for people people get sad
Starting point is 01:01:10 the holidays are a bummer dude they're the best bummer in the world but I'm not looking for that in my holiday movies fair fair then we come to the genre bender Strider
Starting point is 01:01:21 Wilson never saw a genre he could have been never saw much like neo bending time and space elf strong pick home alone strong pick bad santa very strong halloween bold and i love it strider wilson wins whoa Strider Wilson wins whoa no way no way no way hey you know what dude
Starting point is 01:01:50 you did it your way you still bent genre but you dude let's just have a moment of Strider just celebrating he loves me he really loves me
Starting point is 01:02:01 Aaron can you feed it back to him how do you feel Strider dude I feel so good I feel so honored um Aaron thank you so much because despite I was talking shit and I knew that you
Starting point is 01:02:12 the meanings of my list was strong that you picked it and um you know Chad's endorsement was big I really needed to not fuck up this I had conversations with multiple people um over the week
Starting point is 01:02:22 did you really just conversing and really having a dialogue with everyone, loved ones, old neighbors. Ignacio, I called him. I said, hey man,
Starting point is 01:02:29 don't try to kill me. I didn't do anything, dude. I'll get you some PCP if you need it, but what's your favorite holiday movie? And he's like, dude, No Brainer Man,
Starting point is 01:02:36 Bad Santa. I was like, okay, thank you. Ignacio said that? See, I thought he was a nice wide shut guy. Oh, dude, he's definitely a nice wide shut guy for sure. I thought Ignacio was going to...
Starting point is 01:02:44 I think of it as a holiday movie. Yeah, it was just really definitely a nice white shuck guy for sure. I thought Ignacio was going to... Think of it as a holiday movie. Yeah, it was just really fire and I'm honored to be able to come in here and stick to my guns, bend some genre, and get a dub.
Starting point is 01:02:53 Congratulations, man. Thank you. Well deserved. Thank you. Yeah, let's keep going. Oh, shit, sorry. So in terms of order, I gonna go Strider one Chris to Chad three JT dude honorable mentions to I mean just Hallmark movies my mom loves those the Netflix
Starting point is 01:03:16 style Hallmark movies are great my dank-ass fiance and I watched single all the way Netflix is uh this is their first gay um like Hallmark style movie. It was good. Very charming. Very good. Did you watch Happiest Season? I gotta hit the can. The Clay Duvall,
Starting point is 01:03:31 she directed Kristen Stewart and Mackenzie Davis. Oh, yeah, yeah. I like that. Yeah, that was good. Oh, yeah, no, that was a, but it wasn't a comedy really. Well, I'm saying for a holiday movie.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Yeah, you're right. I didn't like it. You didn't like it? No. You know, Kristen Stewart's kind of, she's kind of a, Hocus Pocus. you're right. I didn't like it. You didn't like it? No. You know, Kristen Stewart's kind of, she's kind of a... Hocus Pocus. I really was...
Starting point is 01:03:48 I like that pick. I know you do. JT liked that pick too. Which one? Would I have won had I gotten Bad Santa in the three hole? Because then it would have knocked off Christmas Story.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Yeah, and if you go Bad Santa, then I probably have to go, then I probably go Halloween, get a lot of shit for it in the three slot because I'd fuck it up. But then for four, it would come back to me and I probably would have gone like,
Starting point is 01:04:16 maybe I would have said Planes, Trains. I probably would have said that. If we were going to go non-Christmas, that would have been the closest kind of film for me. To capturing, because it does capture the vibe of the holidays. Totally. You're getting home. It's got a big dinner scene at the end.
Starting point is 01:04:33 It feels like a holiday. And John Candy is so good in that little heartfelt moment at the end. Trading Places Christmas. I'm wondering about Trading Places. You could get legally us. Trading Places Christmas? You know, I'm wondering about Trading Places, but you could get Legally Blonde with Trading Places because it takes place over the holidays, but it's not quite about the holidays. You do have Dan Aykroyd in a Santa Claus.
Starting point is 01:04:57 You do have him out front? Eating a huge piece of salmon through his beard, which is a great image. I do think it's a Christmas movie. I think that would have to be a four pick. You'd have to have three solid Christmas movies. And then you could get away with that one. You've Got Mail is another one of those ones
Starting point is 01:05:13 where a lot of it takes place over Christmas, but it also ends in the spring. Totally. Ghostbusters 2? New Year's? Oh, yeah, because I was trying to think of New Year's movies, but all I could think of was Money Train, which climaxes on New Year's. Also, When Harry Met Sally think of New Year's movies but all I could think of was Money Train which was like climaxes on New Year's
Starting point is 01:05:27 also when Harry Met Sally has a New Year's sequence but it's not really a New Year's movie is Entrapment a New Year's movie cause that's when they have to do the heist
Starting point is 01:05:33 amazing dude year 2000 dude the original Ocean's Eleven is a New Year's heist with Sinatra it is for me never seen it can't be too old
Starting point is 01:05:44 you better believe the bender wanted to pick the bender was really itching to pick that. The bender. Dude, that's just my new name. The bender. Dude, like if we do
Starting point is 01:05:58 we should like get like graphics, you know, like when they introduce a DDR character or some shit. It's like Chad, like the Stoke Lord. Yeah. JT, like Mr. Pen. Chris, just like, you know like when they introduce a ddr character or some shit it's like chad like the stoke lord yeah jt like mr pen chris just like you know the the foundation and then me just the bender yeah pokemon cards like like powers genre bending fucking up dude a picture of you just like
Starting point is 01:06:25 it would definitely be like one of those like purple cards like a Mewtwo little tail the genre bend bendito fuck yeah dude cause if you took bad santa
Starting point is 01:06:49 I almost went bad santa number one dude it's so good yeah a lot of those but I want charm for my number one pick
Starting point is 01:06:55 I want joy I remember I watched bad santa when it came out and I haven't seen it since then and then jingle all the way I watched that as a kid
Starting point is 01:07:01 a bunch I haven't seen it in like you know jingle all the way is like a bad movie. But it's so weird that I kind of like it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:09 Because it's like... When he puts on the suit, as a kid, I got so fired up. It is cool. Yeah. The suit is cool. The character is cool. Yeah. And his son's a little cutie too.
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Starting point is 01:09:38 All right, here we go. What up, boys? I hope you guys have been mad posted up and hogged out. I want to ask you guys for some advice now. I know you always keep it real with your viewers. To start things off, I've been dealing with some low-stoke activity over the last few months. My roommate is someone I've considered one of my best friends over the years. He's also my cousin.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Well, despite the love I have for my bro, he is almost unbearable as a roommate at times. I personally like to spend my weekdays coming home from work, posted up in the living room watching anime. But when my roommate comes in, he says that the same thing every day. Quit watching that gay ass shit. Let me clarify, boys. We live in the deep south in a small rural town.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Anime is for nerds. Not many people around here are forward thinking or very accepting of equality at all. So words like gay or even the F slur are often used as an insult towards things that have nothing to do with sexuality. While I'm straight, it still bothers me that he finds it necessary to call out everything I enjoy
Starting point is 01:10:31 with offensive terms. I don't feel comfortable with him saying, I like it all times to dress a little modern, maybe a dope ass sweater, dank ass jeans and sit converse or vans. But my roommate thinks anything other than Wrangler boots and a t-shirt on, you guessed it is gay i enjoy writing as a hobby but since it isn't sitting in the walmart parking lot and
Starting point is 01:10:51 jacked up truck it's deemed gay all right i think we get this yeah um he likes a lot of other stuff he doesn't know how to deal with it uh if i'm just move out i'm worried he won't find another roommate and manage to pay bills by himself. He is my family and close friend, and I want to find a rational way to handle this without either fist-fighting him in the yard or moving out, which would also leave me in a bind. Since a place is tough to find in this small rural town,
Starting point is 01:11:18 please help me, Stokers. Much love. Yeah, I mean, first of all, you know, you don't want to use, you you know homophobic language to describe something that you think is lame i mean that's just lazy be more creative with your just call it lame call it whatever you know like i don't like converse what would the bed just look lame yeah i would i wouldn't say anything homophobic about that's like what you would do in middle school so he's obviously not mature i would just be like try harder do you be like what don't you like about anime and he could be like you know i don't find the characters relatable and i think it's a bit too zany exactly because i really get to the crux of what you're
Starting point is 01:11:53 feeling here it's a little bit lazy and and just ignorant to just be like oh it's this 100 and yeah speaking of like avatar is great anime and has like a great storyline that i think is actually about isn't one of the characters gay in Avatar, the series or something like that? Or like, no, one of the characters like comes around to accepting someone, I think. I didn't see it. But in any case, the roommate, whatever, he's being a schmall dude. The dude that wrote in, I'm like, just sounds like this guy's immature, dude. I know he's like your boy and you love him and you guys got a pass? But I'd be like, dude, first of all, stop saying that. You sound stupid when you do. And third, like, dude, I just have different interests, bro. Just because you don't understand or care to doesn't mean that they're lame. Just means you're not into it. And I think you also, you say that to him not so much because you think it'll change his mind,
Starting point is 01:12:39 but you'll feel better for having said it. Like if your friend's stuck saying that stuff, I've had arguments like that with buddies where it just got annoying that they were being like that and then you know you're a lot of times people are going to double down after you do that but at least you got you said your piece dude you know what you had a great time we like we're at our buddy brooks's basketball court one time and i was like saying some stupid lame like i kept like going back to a joke when we were having like an actual debate and i remember you and greg were like kindergarten tactics and i was like shut up but it was really smart dude this guy should just tell him be like dude stop using kindergarten tactics tell me how you feel
Starting point is 01:13:12 yeah quit using kindergarten language yeah i want to watch anime i think i like princess more more on aku i think it's amazing i think there's some really dope anime there's amazing ones yeah i think too um yeah i think you should say something to his cousin but at the same time too i don't you know it doesn't sound like he's gonna be able to change him and to me it sounds like he feels like sort of like a uh he doesn't really fit in and fish out of water and when i when i was hearing the question in in my mind, I'm like, well, why don't you move to a place where you can find more people with common interests?
Starting point is 01:13:49 Maybe his job's keeping him there and stuff, but it sounds like he wants to sort of explore different parts of culture and all that kind of stuff. Move to LA, move to New York. Yeah, move to a place where you can find people who have those common interests and then you might find that you enjoy life more. And it's a bummer that his cousin might not be able to pay the bills, but I think...
Starting point is 01:14:15 Can't be responsible for that. Yeah, that's a... And you can also do these things over time. If you have a hard conversation, if you try and check him and be like, stop talking shit on all the things that i like yeah like you know be supportive we're close and it's just bothering me but if he doesn't respond to that well you know you can always be like hey i'm moving out by this time you know and yeah definitely find people that you can talk to this stuff about because obviously you have interests and you want to talk about it with someone.
Starting point is 01:14:49 And you not being roommates with him might help the situation because then he's not going to be ragging on you for all like the, because that means he comes home and like maybe you're on the TV and like he's upset because he wants to watch something else and you know, oh, anime is on again. So like those are kind of problems. It could be creating tension just because you guys do live together that living apart would actually solve a lot of these problems. Yeah, people's things get less annoying when you have less proximity to them,
Starting point is 01:15:12 for sure. Also, dude, you could just dominate this guy. Just sleep with someone in the living room who's into anime. Oh, bro. Nice. And then that'll right-size him quick. Because I got an inkling this guy is probably not having too much fun in his personal life. So just show him the upside of having interest.
Starting point is 01:15:33 And he should do it while wearing Converse. Yeah, wear the outfit. I don't need Wranglers and boots to jizz, baby. Dude, wear Converse, dress up as as team rocket and then bone in your living room yeah with anime bone in the living room i think that's the move i mean act like you're surprised when you get caught yeah but then do one of our friends at a fourth of july party everybody was super fucked up was having sex in a room and our other buddy walked in and our friend just turned to him and like in a real cool dispassassionate voice just goes, what's up, Joe?
Starting point is 01:16:11 That's amazing. Didn't it surprise or shock that he got caught in flagrante and just was like, just own that moment. What's up, legends? Hope all is well. I'll get right to the issue. I live in a dope cottage at school with one other roommate. We've been getting along great for the entire semester, but recently there was an incident. On a lovely Saturday morning
Starting point is 01:16:30 we decided to cook a big breakfast together. Needless to say, I was stoked. The issue arose with the cooking of the bacon. We both had different types of bacon and we liked to cook them differently, so we decided to cook them separately but on the same pan. I, of course, paid close attention to my bacon, flipping it at the precise moment I needed to and continuing preparing for the rest of my feast.
Starting point is 01:16:49 I noticed he hadn't flipped his bacon yet so before I went to use the bathroom I yelled at him. He was watching TV that he should probably flip the bacon. I then proceeded to go use the bathroom expecting to come back to my bacon being perfectly crisp. I enter the kitchen, inspect my bacon and come to realize it is quite burnt on one side, and his is perfectly cooked. Before making an accusation, I assess the thickness with a fork as I had normal cut, and he had thick cut. My supposed bacon definitely felt thicker, so there had to be a sneaky swap so he could have my perfectly cooked bacon.
Starting point is 01:17:17 I ask him kindly, yo, did you swap our bacon? I didn't really care. I just wanted him to admit it. He proceeded to immediately get extremely aggressive aggressive claiming he knew I was going to accuse him because his turned out better and started a bunch of nonsense to prove that bacon was his own I was in shock in his inability to lie
Starting point is 01:17:33 then he did a taste test his bacon tasted the same did some more forensic work my conclusion to the test I didn't tell him my conclusion to the test because I'm afraid he'll get pissed, throw a fit, calling him out. Is this battle worth it?
Starting point is 01:17:50 I don't want him to think he can walk all over me, stealing my bacon, and thinking I won't do anything about it. However, I also want to keep the peace. It's totally worth it, dude. This is bacon. You got to fuck this dude up. I know.
Starting point is 01:18:01 You got to slap him in the face with a pack of Oscar Mayer bacon and say, dude, that was un-chilled. You gave me... And the way you like your bacon is the way you like your bacon. There's no debate in that. You can't... There's no bending when it comes to that.
Starting point is 01:18:18 Bacon's not a genre. No. But here's the thing, dude. This guy that wrote in, my problem is this. You've got to have your own executive action you hold yourself accountable you are sent you're writing it about this bacon you have a huge bacon debate and you go and take a fucking leak while you're cooking the bacon what are you doing bro yeah how long does it take to cook bacon you already know this guy's got an
Starting point is 01:18:40 issue with that but you can leave it in and go you know yeah but you don't even like bacon no i don't like bacon but didn't he i'm saying but i'm talking about the debate here i'm not bacon's a greedy ingredient makes everything else taste like it but dude that's why you know how you just have fucking yeah exactly it shouldn't be another stuff i'll have a strip up for breakfast but he's going oh we decide to cook our own bacon together that's what he said at the beginning then he goes to the bathroom and asked his boy to flip his bacon. No, he was saying, hey, yours is looking like it's burning. You should flip yours. And then when he came back, he thinks that the guy claimed that the guy who went to the bathroom, that was his.
Starting point is 01:19:15 He took his bacon. Don't go to the bathroom during that time. Hold it. Look, I don't think they should have. They should have just cooked them in separate pans. You know what I mean? Your roommate's getting ready and go, I'm going to piss in their ass.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Yeah, but should he not be concerned about living in a household where he's not able to take a leak and trust that his bacon will remain his? I honestly don't know how you fix this because this is really bad. Do we? We were close with one guy.
Starting point is 01:19:42 We had like a 50-year-old friend who was living with a couple of 20-something one of the 20 somethings was a hunter right and one of the guys the 50 year old was kind of a bad roommate and they'd make a big ass pot of coffee they'd leave for a second they come back pot of coffee's gone he just dusted so they got pretty annoyed so i think at one point it got so far that the hunter guy took his raw elk and put it in my sandwich. No. I can't remember. I'm just going to keep rolling.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Addendum meat. He put the raw meat in the guy's bed to fuck with the guy. So the guy finds the meat in the bed. The 50-year-old goes into the hunter's room, squats, and tries to take a shit on his bed. The hunter comes back in the middle of the shit, comes into his room, sees the guy's shit on his bed, just clocks him in the face. And I guess it was like a really good punch. And then, so he didn't get to finish his shit.
Starting point is 01:20:42 And so I think you got a lot of options put raw bacon in his bed tried to shit in his bed oh yeah you heard you heard the 50 year old guy yeah he was like well i yeah well i tried to shit in his bed this is like i just remember saying it it was so funny what did he say about the punch? He's like... And then he came in and he cold cocked me. It's like something like that. You know what I mean? Where it's like he's insinuating that it was a cheap shot.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And this guy has the audacity to come in and punch me in the face. I know, man. He's an asshole. He's really bad. This stuff just happens with roommates. You throw down sometimes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:31 And that's, and like, you guys just probably shouldn't talk about bacon anymore because it's going to be way too touchy of a subject and you should just avoid it entirely and just eat the bacon and prepare it the way that you do it and just judge him silently when he makes it his way and just move on with your life because you're not going to convince when you're getting into you stole my bacon like nobody's ever going to win that totally not going to be in a definitive resolution i i get it that i mean one time uh uh
Starting point is 01:22:02 one of my roommates carter stole my orange chicken and dude and he just denied it and he was eating it in front of everyone and it's like and it's you know it's savage when someone's caught red-handed and they won't come clean yeah it's like the cover-up's worse than the crime yeah you're like dude just admit it dude but some people are unable to they can't and if you tell them to that's definitely when they're like I'll never admit that I mean I still don't trust them they almost believe they're lying that's what I was wondering about like do they
Starting point is 01:22:33 in their head be like this is mine or are they I think they convince themselves that they didn't actually do it it's insane I had a roommate who wore my shoes he wore his shoes to work and then said I didn't do it I had a roommate who wore my shoes. He wore his shoes to work. And then said I didn't do it? Said he didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I had a roommate who used to just sleep and shower in my room when he had his own room just to dominate me. Oh, I remember that. He's my dog, though. He's one of the best roommates ever, but he just had a stretch where he was just – Owning you? I'd come home and he'd just be sleeping in my bed or he'd be in my shower and i'd be like yo dog you have your own shower why are you in my shower and he'd be like oh sorry man something was wrong with like the plumbing or something and i was like all right i was like try not to do it again dude one of the most narcissist things i ever did was in high school our one of our
Starting point is 01:23:23 bros hernandez had a sick pair of shoes and i wore them home from the beach and i was like i'm just gonna take his shoes that's normal at that age and then he's like did you like did you take my shoes and i was like yeah have your shoes he's like where are you i was like i'm at roberts and then he came to like get him like with it and his mom was like yeah i bought my son the shoes it was really weird i don't know why i did that i think i just really wanted i tried to steal my cousin kyle had a sick jacket and we went to the jersey shore for a vacation or montauk for vacation and i was just like yeah i'm trying to take this jacket he caught me as i was in the lobby he's like yo give me back my jacket and then i tried to before me and reggie were like brothers
Starting point is 01:23:56 when i went to notre dame to visit you for the first time i tried to steal his jacket and he had to run outside i'm like hey give me back my jacket and i was like oh you and he was a good play i'm like hey fair play you caught me before i made it off camp but neither of those guys were And he had to run outside and be like, hey, give me back my jacket. And I was like, oh. And he goes, good play. I'm like, hey, fair play. You caught me before I made it off campus. But neither of those guys were that mad at me. They kind of understood that. They got brothers. I feel like stealing clothes in high school was like a thing.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Because people would leave them at parties. We also would get a lot of clothes just by virtue of people leaving them at our house if they raged. There is something. I'm not proud of this. But there is something about an inherited or stolen this but there is something about a an inherited or stolen piece of clothing that you love it more than one you would have bought on your own because it's bolder you see someone wearing you go oh that looks sick and then that's mine now yeah you just
Starting point is 01:24:34 get it sometimes you have that moment too where you put on something your friends like dude that looks good on you you can keep it oh dude that's one of the best things ever dude that's what the christmas spirit's all about you and me got got into a fight because I was taking some of your clothes at Christmas one time. Or during the summer, we got into a fight. I don't remember. Yeah. That's brothers, dude. Sounds like you were being a real piece of shit, though.
Starting point is 01:24:54 You were being pretty dramatic about it. I'm going to have no clothes. I was like, you're going to have clothes, dude. I can't even go outside. I don't have anything. Give me. All right, should we get to the next part? Chad, who is your Beef of the Week?
Starting point is 01:25:09 My family. They live in every different city. Everyone lives in a different city. New York, New Orleans, Chicago, Sun Valley, North Carolina. Everyone lives in a different city. And they're like, you know, it's like, come visit me. Come visit me. I'm like, it's a lot.
Starting point is 01:25:33 I'm like, why don't we all? I mean, and granted, we used to all go to one place. But there's just too many people now. You know, it's like 30 people with everyone's kids and stuff. And that's too much but it's like i i get jealous sometimes of people who like they have family just nearby because my i have to fly to see my family and it's like uh it's just uh it's annoying and it's kind of like you know you just want to be like how about you come see me i don't want to fucking fly
Starting point is 01:26:05 it's different climates too see if you're going to see one after the other yeah you got to pack for different stuff yeah and i love all of them and i want to see all of them i want to go on like a tour but then that's a lot of you know because it's yeah it's like you go to new york you gotta it's a lot and then uh it's just there's a lot of people and uh so it just gets irritating you know you're just like and like an ice bath is that like carry-on or do you have to check that dude i mean the way you do it i mean i've tried to take the freezer the carry-on or check-in but you know it's too many questions then i have to play i have to do dry ice and all this shit and is it like snowboard protocol like it's oversized luggage it comes
Starting point is 01:26:50 out of that little weird side one i do i mean the rates they just skyrocket for because you know it's oversized baggage but they're like what is this it's for ice baths and it's like no one really they recognize snowboards and golfing and stuff and they're like well why do you need to take this industrial size freezer and i'm like the well why do you need to take this industrial size freezer and i'm like the same reason why people need to take a snowboard you know quality of life yeah to get their jollies yeah um so yeah that's my beef strider what's your beef of the week dude my beef of the week is with plans dude many plans, especially the holiday season. Nah, dude. I don't want to get locked down. My time, it's like when I look out and I get you have work and scheduling and all
Starting point is 01:27:31 that, it's like, that's life, dude. But then when my social calendar is getting locked up with, like the fact that I'm having a social calendar, dude, I don't want a social calendar, dude. I want my boys to hit me up and be like, you have a movie tonight or just grab a beer? Yeah. Instead, I've got to go, nah, dude, I can't. I committed to this thing three weeks ago. Is your family doing the gingerbread building competition again? No, we're not doing a gingerbread one this year.
Starting point is 01:27:56 And it's not even just family. It's all sorts of different stuff. It's just crazy. But yeah, a lot of family. That's what I mean, dude. Family's like, oh, we're going to go do a dinner on the 23 the 23rd and i'm like but we already have a dinner on the 24th and then christmas on the 25th i'm like nah dude and then like you become a bad guy if you don't want to do all of them and so i'm like the grinch yeah yeah become the grinch but i'm like no we're gonna chill well
Starting point is 01:28:18 then what family does too is like oh you're the only one who's not gonna be there or they're like you know everyone was really excited to see you dude yeah bro you get guilt trip and then you're the only one who's not going to be there or they're like you know everyone was really excited to see you dude yeah bro you get guilt trip and then you're like yeah no guys i love you it's not like that i just gotta i'll be a better hang on those on the 24th and the 25th if i don't have to do the 23rd dude totally or do a bad one that i'm in now this scenario is uh we're having like a little engagement party um and and a friend can't make it and they're like oh but let's come out and get dinner but they like live in a different city and I'm like no like bro
Starting point is 01:28:51 you're coming to our thing like I'm not now gonna drive away and schedule a different night like if you can't make it like I love you dog that's chill totally chill but nah dude who's the octopus guy the documentary on Netflix oh I forget his name oh my octopus teacher that guy he just took off That was your shot. Yeah, totally chill, but nah, dude. Who's the octopus guy? The documentary on Netflix? Oh, I forget his name.
Starting point is 01:29:07 Oh, my octopus teacher? That guy, he just took off. He's like, hey, I need some time. I'm in love with this octopus. It's going to make me a better hubby and father if you let me hang out with the octopus. And it did. He probably was emailing his family at that time and like, yo, I got plans.
Starting point is 01:29:20 I'm missing Christmas to go on a honeymoon. It's nice to not have to. I love doing Christmas, but it's nice to not have to, I love doing Christmas, but it's nice to not have to schedule with, you know, four parents. It's a nice treat. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:32 Yeah. Who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is trying to get some Olivia Rodrigo concert tickets and was going to go with Joe and Brittany and Becca. And, uh, they like make you sign up like oh if you want to get a ticket you have to be a verified fan sign up here none of us got verified fans i don't know what fan what does that like sign up for something just to get the opportunity
Starting point is 01:29:58 to buy tickets and none of us sign like got it like it's like oh it was like we did the we did it and you didn't get it so good job you don't get to buy tickets which is like am i even did you guys even do it you know like it's just a black box i want to be able to just it would be nice to just buy obviously they're going to be available on like stubhub and secondary sellers but like prices shoot up and i didn't even get a chance to like buy a regular ticket because i didn't even make it through the first hurdle and i don't understand how we didn't and none of us did like all four of us brutal it's fucked that's crazy and it's no transparency in terms of who
Starting point is 01:30:34 they pick and why so like do they even pick anyone or is it going to be like is it just all like i don't know fucking famous people that got it or something right and then it's an information grab i'm like dude i want to go i try to go buy a fucking sandwich now they're like give me your email address do you want to sign up for these things i'm like no can i just give you cash and get a turkey sandwich everyone wants to be like do you sign up for our membership i'm like from a pastry shop yeah are you nuts yeah i'm not your own member here you get 10 off every croissant i'm like that's enticing but it's just not worth it i'm not from around here dude you know exactly i'm from out of
Starting point is 01:31:09 town always you know what fuck olivia rodrigo damn hey look we can't i don't know guys i don't know if she's involved in these decisions i don't want to jump to conclusions she is bro I don't want to because the album is really good I just don't want to I don't want to maybe and look we don't want to
Starting point is 01:31:34 burn Chris's chance to get into this fan club yeah my bad dude my bad dude I'm not going to get in there dude when does this come out
Starting point is 01:31:40 that came from me that came from me that came from me make sure I get tickets before yeah yeah that's Chad does not speak for me I just want to make that clear although this has come out that came from me that came from me that came make sure i get tickets before yeah that's uh
Starting point is 01:31:45 he doesn't chad does not speak for me i just want to make that clear although this has been very frustrating my uh my beef of the week is with eggnog it doesn't taste good and it looks amazing like it's got a great name when you see it getting poured poured, you're like, that's going to be delicious. And then you taste it and you expect it to have kind of like a milkshake taste to it. And it's like, I don't know, is it like sour? It's sour? It just tastes funky. And I don't know, there's a couple of foods that I've always wanted to like.
Starting point is 01:32:16 French onion soup is one. They just don't work for me. And eggnog is one of the most disappointing ones. Because I remember being like 16 and being like, yo, mom, dad, because we never did it. I was like, let's get eggnog is one of the most disappointing ones because i remember being like 16 and be like yo mom dad because we never did it i was like let's get eggnog super fired up on and then i tried it i was like i forced myself to finish it but it was dreadful so yeah i'm abused with eggnog it has always growing up it's like that looks delicious it looks amazing but french onion soup have you had one with a solid layer of cheese on top i've had it everywhere i order it once a year just to see if it doesn't doesn't jive never works for me interesting crazy
Starting point is 01:32:50 you know you gotta you gotta go the the uh the interlocking in lakeville connecticut oh try that and let me know what you think i'll start out there daddy oh chad who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Holiday Decorash. Oh, yeah. I got a coffee from... Dude, Aaron Kim approves. We got to have an Aaron Kim. We got to do it for sure. Just nodding.
Starting point is 01:33:20 I got a coffee from Starbucks, and it was a festive cup. And I was like, it just makes me so happy. I love festive holiday stuff. There's four houses down the street from me that they're doing a light show. It's a Hanukkah-themed one. And it's all synchronized, like all the houses. And it's incredible. I think they should, I mean, if they stayed up all year i'd get used to it but i mean it's just um there's really
Starting point is 01:33:51 nothing better and i and i'm throwing this out there i will make a strong commitment to get a tree this year nice it does feel good having a tree yeah it is nice when you're gaming next to it dude yeah i love just gaming and looking over at my tree and being like, hell yeah, dude. Yeah. Sick. Strider, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week's gotta be my freaking dank ass fiance, dude. Speaking of tree shopping,
Starting point is 01:34:13 that's exactly what we're going to go do later today. And just sipping on a nice latte, cruising around and smooching is just one of my favorite things to do, dude. Just like looking at that and being like, hmm. You know that thing like we may both sort of agree non-verbally about getting a nice piece of decor at the home depot which is usually where we get our treat we you know in la it's tough to find like a you know one of those like family run lots or whatever which would be nice but i also like corporations and um so yeah just cruising around smooching my dank ass fiance during the holidays
Starting point is 01:34:41 and um i would say yeah maybe like a warm smooch on a cold night nice yeah so beautiful who's your baby uh i'm gonna go with caldera i'm really excited we talked about it earlier new map it's just really fun to explore i can't wait to learn every inch of that place and just uh make some memories with friends over comms you know i'm really excited so let's do this hell yeah my baby of the week is jane campion director of the power of the dog movie i've never seen the piano but i heard it's amazing but i saw bright star which was boring as shit but still never seen it very sensual director the visuals are incredible tells a good story too and dude she does crazy stuff with animals. Like, in Bright Star, there's a scene where they're just putting butterflies in jars.
Starting point is 01:35:31 That probably took, like, a week to prep for, to get all those butterflies in there. And then in Power of the Dog, there's crazy animal stuff. Like, they get two, like, unique-looking birds to land on a nest during, like, a tracking shot. And I'm like, how the fuck did they get those birds to do that? How did she get those birds to do that? Sex. Right. birds to do that sex right it is a sensual film it's alluring dude it'll get you it'll get you going and then it's got more to it so i'm giving it up to her she's a great director yeah chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is gonna be the ocean but i'm i'm switching it up i'm going with the genre bender oh dude thank you dude let's go we're getting some redemption thank you uh you really took it
Starting point is 01:36:10 on the chin these past few drafts and uh you know and i know how it feels thinking that you're going to make aaron cream and then he just shoots blanks um so i think to make Aaron cream today I want Aaron creaming yeah it was really heartwarming to see so I'm stoked for you thank you dude thank you bro my legend of the week
Starting point is 01:36:35 and it also involves my W today I mentioned I had a lot of conversations with a lot of people but chief among those conversations was with Mike Bert bertolina and he really uh we had a nice good long talk um he was ordering at the mcdonald's drive-thru while doing it and i was really interrupting his order he got a number seven then he did add some nuggets which was a good call and uh for those of you who are wondering the number seven is the double cheeseburger
Starting point is 01:37:01 meal best meal and it was really yeah yeah two cheeseburgers sorry not a double cheeseburger important distinction thank you aaron beast yeah it should be the number two it makes more sense that way but um yeah mike berlino just an absolute beast dude um and gave me a lot of good picks so it's really nice it's all i'm saying is success is a team effort and even when you think you're doing it alone oftentimes you're not there's someone out there having your back and being your bro if more sports franchises had that outlook
Starting point is 01:37:30 maybe the Cowboys get another title maybe the Lakers do too Lakers haven't watched them at all this year really not having fun watching that team Russ doesn't fit Chris who's your legend um it's new family the moylens uh yeah yeah biggest props go out to lauren moylan who gave birth to a beautiful daughter, Kit, and then Trevor, one of my best friends, has been for years and years. Great job.
Starting point is 01:38:08 They're a beautiful family. Everyone seems healthy. And yeah, great job. Way to go. Pumped to actually meet the little one. I can't wait. And you're Godfather. I am.
Starting point is 01:38:21 Honored. Thanks so much. And they're just the coolest. i'm sure the kid's gonna be cool as fuck because you really couldn't have two cooler parents and they were both they both seemed like seemed like it was hard as i imagine a lot of births are um and she was a trooper and yeah facetimed with the the little one just the other day. She's fucking adorable. So cute. So cute.
Starting point is 01:38:47 He's been sending some good pictures of him watching the kid. He's gaming in the background, dude. I love it, dude. Just being a beast. Just pumped for him, dude. That's awesome. My Legend of the Week is a song. It's not a holiday song, but I think it works for this time period.
Starting point is 01:39:01 It works for any time period, but I think it actually is kind of a good holiday song. It's the piano from Eyes Wide Shut. It's for any time period, but I think it actually is kind of a good holiday song. It's the piano. It's the creepy score from Eyes Wide Shut that sends a chill down your spine. That is it. No, it's Enigma, Return to Innocence. Oh, bro. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:39:18 One of the best songs of all time. And I think it's timeless. It'll always work. Theme song, 96 Atlanta Games. Was it really? Mm-hmm. They used that song. And it's big in Man of work theme song 96 Atlanta Games was it really? mhm they used that song and it's big in Man of the House
Starting point is 01:39:28 Man of the House yep it's a great song they sample that that's like a drinking song I think I studied that
Starting point is 01:39:39 in college like it's a drinking song from some student named Mr. Something I forget his name nice legit
Starting point is 01:39:43 Chad what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week, so I was on Spotify earlier, and I got a recommendation for David Guetta's new song, and I was like, I like Sexy Bitch. Great song. It's a good song, Akon. The lyrics, when you really look at it, you're like, whoa.
Starting point is 01:40:06 Genius. Yeah. My brother used to do a joke that i stole from him at parties yeah when we just be you know you'd be ripping up on the dance floor normal to that song yeah and then when it hit the chorus my brother would just find a friend of his who's a gal and just point at her and stare and just not move Damn, sexy bitch. Yeah. It's aggressive. But okay, so in his new song, this is less complimentary because it was so pretentious. I think we all remember his MLK rendition where he's just like, dude. Guetta did that? Yeah. Whoa, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:40:43 Yeah. So in this song, I forget the name of the song, but he goes, he's talking about house music or whatever. He's like, this is my church. This is where I heal my hurts. And I was listening to it. I was like, what, dude? Yeah, leave it to Mike Posner, dude.
Starting point is 01:41:03 Yeah. I was like, David, have we not learned anything from your faux pas two summers ago? But, you know, apparently not. So, you know, David, what are you thinking? Yeah, it's not his range. Yeah. That's Mike Posner in Macklemore country. This is my church. Strider, your quarterly my quote of the week is from a holiday
Starting point is 01:41:32 movie it wasn't on any of our lists but um the holiday with Jude Law and Granger camera just but my dad got fiance and all and I always quote this like when someone like when we're to tell someone a funny story that happened at work or like the day we always go, it's so funny. You'll fall off your chair. And that's like what the little girl says. When Jude Law does like the napkin man thing and the little girl looks,
Starting point is 01:41:55 looks over at Cameron Diaz goes, it's so funny. You'll fall off your chair. It's hilarious. So British. It's great. Little kid. Christopher, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:42:08 Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty. Oh, that's sick. I like that. Yeah. It's from Children of Dune. And yeah, the more you learn, the more you know you don't know. That's why it's always just you just kind of got to keep going. And it's unsettling at times, but it also fun i love that dude confucius says like the wisest man admits what he doesn't know because he knows the most smart dude
Starting point is 01:42:35 you know you read a book you read a song you got to come in with something strong off the top like i think when you think about songs that really start off hitting hard, like Maggie Mae, you know? Wake up, Maggie, I think I got something to say to you. I think this is the best intro to a song ever. Justin Timberlake, Losing My Way from the Future Sex album. Goes, hi, my name is Bob. I work at my job.
Starting point is 01:43:03 I make $40-something a day 40 something dollars a day such a good such a great song i mean you know with inflation counting you might be on the money yeah 2000 what was the come out 2006 sounds about right maybe he's working from home and he's only clocking one hour dang chad Chad, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Let's make Aaron cream. That's a good idea. I wish we had Aaron cam for that one because he's creaming right now.
Starting point is 01:43:33 Oh, oh, oh. That was a good come impression. Dude, we had Aaron cam cream. I'm like, whoa, dude, he's creaming. Sorry, dude. I have a family sorry dude clean up on aisle Aaron
Starting point is 01:44:09 strata what's your phrase of the week my phrase of the week for getting after it is fucking let's do this chris what's yours strider said it earlier it's from one of my pics yippee-ki-yay motherfuckers yeah dude yeah such a good call we talked about her on the last ep or a couple eps ago the prime minister of uh finland sana marin 36 year old she's young dude so she had a tweet while she was prime minister that said i guess it was from a popular finnish pop song that said hey boomer boom boom put some ice in your hat, cool your head down. Nice. Or cool down. Nice.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Hell yeah. All right. Dude, good draft. Good draft. Thank you, guys. Thank you, honor. Let's see what people say. All right.
Starting point is 01:45:05 Later, dudes. Later, guys. Thank you, Honor. Let's see what people say. All right. Later, dudes. Thank you, dudes. Bye. We'll be right back. Joe, what's your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Shad, what is your beef of the week? Joe, what's your beef of the week? Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your beef of the week? Shad, what is your beef of the week? Aaron, who's your best?
Starting point is 01:46:07 Stryker, what is your quarter week? Joe, what's your quarter week? Thank you. I'm a striker. Bye.

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