Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 221 - Anders Holm Joins (Part 2)

Episode Date: January 12, 2022

What up stokers! It's part 2 of the Anders Holm podcast! We get weirder, deeper, chiller, and more excited. It was a true pleasure having him on.   We're also gunna start a patreon next week or t...he week after so if you're craving an extra hour of going deep sign up.    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP].    Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app now, use promo code GODEEP, and get FIFTY SIX TO ONE ODDS on any NFL team   Visit talkspace.com and get $100 off your first month when you use promo code godeep at sign-up.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, guys? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean, because there's nothing like the NFL playoffs. Move over, Bills Mafia. It's time for Balls Mafia with our sponsors of today's show, Manscaped. They're here to remind you that the recipe for success in the playoffs is to protect your franchise quarter balls. The road to the Super Bowl is never easy, but the road to your Super Bowls is a few clicks away. Take the Lambo leap and join the 4 million men worldwide who trust Manscaped with our exclusive offer. Go to Manscaped.com and use code GODIP for 20% off plus free shipping.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Once we're deep, we're going deep. Chad and Jay deep. Chad, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is the full moon. So last week, I wrote this beef down when we were supposed to meet last week and i was feeling like lethargic you know just kind of off and i kept saying nostalgic thinking that meant lethargic oh yeah i was like dude i just feel so nostalgic right now um and uh so i thought I had COVID because everyone's getting COVID. I'm like, dude, I know I have it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Like something's off. I'm nostalgic. And they were like, for last year? Yeah, dude. I was like, I just can't stop thinking about Disneyland. Right. Then I saw my buddy, big time Venice guy. And he's like.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Sick title. Dude, yeah. Nick George? Yeah. And he's like, bro bro it's got to be the full moon brother you know the full moon's got you dude and i was like yeah dude it is the full moon that's what's because there was like five days and now i'm like dude i think it was the full moon yeah so that's my beef that's good beef you were in the headspace too. Like when we talk, you'd be like, I think I have COVID. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. I was. Yeah. I felt off. I was like, something's off. And I got tested a bunch of times. I was like, and then, but then, you know, you can't get tested for the full moon. You just got to look up.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Well, I think this is good for like anybody watching or listening. Like if you think you've got COVID symptoms, it's most likely the full moon. Don't waste money on the Abbott test. If they even work, if there is even a pandemic, it's probably just the full moon. And that's the thing, the CDC won't tell you that because they can't make money off the moon. Dude, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yet. They're probably trying to monetize it. For sure. I mean, if the CDC director is like, look, we have a harvest moon right now, relax. I'd be like, yeah, for sure yeah dude i mean if the if the cdc director is like look we have a harvest moon right now relax i'd be like yeah for sure yeah she's like look we got a harvest moon and it's gonna bring about covid like symptoms but this is not the virus i'll wait for neil young's harvest moon you know what i mean oh yeah oh dude you guys know what i mean how was that fauci impersonation
Starting point is 00:03:01 that was my first time trying it oh that was that was you doing Fauci? That was good. I wasn't clocking it, but it was solid. Dude, thank you guys. Like seamless. I didn't even. Thanks, brother. Do you have a Fauci impression? Get on that mic, hit it. Because it'll be cool to hear it through like a different.
Starting point is 00:03:18 You got the COVID. Don't get tested or get tested a lot. You know what? It's a little Sopranos-y, but I like that. I feel like Sil's talking to the world about it. It's a full moon. That's pretty good. Do you have one?
Starting point is 00:03:35 I'll do one. Because I feel like we're doing it now. It's kind of like a... I'll pinch it out. Yeah. It's the full moon. It's affecting people. You just close your eyes.
Starting point is 00:03:51 You put a mask over your eyes. And what we think we know is that that will help you. Look, if you've been exposed to the full moon, it is your responsibility to stay out of the moonlight. You got to get inside and you got to stay away from the moonlight. You're hitting the intention. I didn't do that. Yeah, that's good. Oh, like the direction.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Like telling people what to do. Because he was on his heels at first. Like, okay, I just tell people what's going on. But now he's like leaning in. He's kind of more aggressive because he's like fuck this and he's polished he's done about six billion things you cannot spread the full moon you gotta wait it out it's five days you cannot spread it don't worry about distancing it's the full this is like five years from now don't worry about distancing you don't have to get a vaccine. What we're dealing with now is a super moon.
Starting point is 00:04:47 It's different. It's new. What we think we know is that it's not actually closer. It's just brighter. It's shining brighter. It's just shinier. The moon is shining brighter. And we know why and we know how.
Starting point is 00:05:01 But we can't stop it. So it's up to you to have mitigating choices that will help us with the moon. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Cardi B. It was nice coming on your Instagram live. Thank you, Cardi B.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Look, we got a blue moon, guys. We got a blue moon. If you're shitting blood out of your ass, that's the blue moon. You're drinking too much blue moon. Yeah, you're drinking too much blue moon. It's not the beer. It's the thing in the sky. It's the blue moon yeah you're drinking too much blue moon it's not the beer it's it's it's the thing in the sky it's the lunar object the only cure is shock top
Starting point is 00:05:30 it's back you put an orange slice in it the vitamin c god remember having a first shock top and being like whoa it's so good awesome and then you drink two in one night and you're like i'm gonna vomit now but when you first taste it doesn't even taste like beer it's like a sweet treat and what that's an orange on there you see they put an orange on there yeah like it was such a revelation yeah it was i wasn't ready for it oh my god do we feel okay about when you see the waiter the waitress like they like press the lime too far down so like the finger gets in the bottle of like a corona it is weird or is it just kind of like a when in rome i i for me i don't mind any of that shit i'm like i'm like just
Starting point is 00:06:17 get your shit on there but they also kind of took it away from you like that you know i know where you're coming from but yeah no it's a good point depends where i'm at if i'm in miami i let it go if i'm in la i'm like hey that's my line to play with and do you drop it in and then just kind of drink or do you drop it in do the upside down with a thumb in it thing no i don't do that what is wire this seems so light so you know i tried to do that and i always fuck it up and i just spill over the floor that's the thing i'm just gonna just pressurize the bottom yeah it's the this dude was seeping that's the blue moon that's coming in there's something called combination in the beer oh boy who's your beef of the week um man can we skip me and i'll like think about it yeah for sure yeah
Starting point is 00:07:03 okay i'll get one my beef of the week is is that with the revisionist history on the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Now, growing up, I just knew the Red Hot Chili Peppers as a killer band. But now, because they have that very distinct sound, people just make fun of the like, And then they kind of make them seem like they were just like a novelty act or something like that. But that was not my understanding of them as a group. me the red hot chili peppers just fucking rip i saw them at weenie roast like three years in a row they got talented musicians at each spot i mean they've had different you know guitarists but when it's frusciante and it's flea i mean those are high level performers so i'm just saying similar to hasselhoff but actually i would even put it a
Starting point is 00:07:43 level above they put some respect on their name. Like the Red Hot Chili Peppers bring it, dude. Does, who does, no, I'm thinking of Foo Fighters. Pat Smear joins, or does Pat Smear also play with? I don't know Pat Smear. Pat Smear was like, he kicked it with Nirvana way back in the day. So I think maybe it is Foo Fighters. But I want to say he was in a video with the Red Hot Chili Peppers dudes.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Yeah, I don't know. Forget it. But yeah, Chili Peppers, they get a bum rap. I feel like they got the douchebag thing. Exactly. But they also just never apologized in the way that Mark McGrath did because I don't think they let it get to them. I think they powered through through and eventually they'll
Starting point is 00:08:25 be looked back as looked back on as a legit band it's they have integrity they don't ever they don't wink at their own shit they're not like oh yeah our music's goofy they're like no we're artists and this is art and they're in a tough spot they're they're they're so big like you two green day all these bands who started out as just a few dudes starting a band and like ripping it and change and coming up with an uh original sound then become like their own worst enemy in a way it's so true and it's and then it's it's easy to make them like the joke because everyone will get the joke you can't make a joke about um deer hunter or like some like obscure small like destroyer like a smaller band because not everyone's going to get
Starting point is 00:09:12 it but if you make a joke about a huge band everyone will get the joke so it's it's ripe it's easy yeah it's like they come up with this original thing and we love them for being original but then once we understand like the basic beats of what they're doing we're like oh that's so lame that they always do that thing it's like right but right it's because you're used to it like they had to come up with that and that's the artistic part of it yeah it's almost like it has to happen to every legend you know keanu nicholas cage right nickelback yeah and they sometimes they power through I feel like Keanu's a perfect example of someone who just powered through and was like, yeah, hilarious. I'm a meme.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Sorry, I just made really cool movies and was unapologetically not gonna get an Oscar, right? But made really fun movies and was a movie star. And he's powered through, whereas Tom Cruise kind of pandered for a minute, but then was like, this is useless. I'm just going to power through.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And now he's, he's made his, some of his greatest movies with these fucking, um, mission, mission, impossible movies. You can't deny how good these movies are.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Oh yeah. They're amazing. You know, and they have no right to be their mission, impossible movies. but then you go see them you're like fuck this is amazing this is great and now everybody's kind of like yeah i'll do a mission impossible movie i'll get in that movie um but yeah chili peppers i was never like the biggest fan and i did have that kind of like i'm gonna keep them at a distance but like those first few cords of uh scar tissue come on are there any more recognizable opening
Starting point is 00:10:54 besides like that and blind melons no rain no rain where it just goes and you're like whoa and then yeah and then blind melon with the fucking very similar you're like oh i guess uh the next three minutes of my life will be spent listening to this song right hook it yeah i'm not blaming someone for hooking me and where is this beef where are you watching a documentary on it or something dude i don't even know where i came up with it we were talking about the other day it might have been that and so like people who watched it i just like i just did a quick like you know it might have been hbo's doing all these docs and i'm like a big bill simmons fan so i like kind of like right i watched like
Starting point is 00:11:38 and they're not even totally related to the red hot chili peppers but i was just watching like the landis morissette one and then the juice world one and just had me thinking about music and i was like man i feel like red hot chili peppers are kind of like getting punked a little bit publicly and it it's not fair to what i have experienced with them throughout my lifetime right i mean these are also guys who did like funk you know and like a little cultural appropriation yeah and like or large cultural appropriation cultural appropriation is um it's like but they were in it like say like bc boys were white dudes doing rap but they were like in the park they like went it wasn't cynical like they really believed in it regardless of the viability of it yeah and they also like um worshipped the culture in a way that like they were outcasts
Starting point is 00:12:28 at a certain time until they were cool like they weren't cool they were uncool hanging out at these places um until they came into their own and made it cool and then you have people like 10 years after them doing it like a vanilla ice who you're like well now you're just seeing that there's money in this opportunism yeah so like you know these the chili peppers in what the early or mid 80s are like huge um parliament fans and like they're deep into it like a lot of white kids really weren't they seem like they were super duper into it and just jamming out to it then because they live in a place where white people are like well i need a white person to kind of introduce it to me because then it's safe they made a bunch of money off of it but i guarantee
Starting point is 00:13:14 you those dudes are like uh super down with those guys and you know i mean no and if you talk to them about it it would be genuine fandom like they would have like for sure they would have like deep cuts and i bet george clinton is like oh yeah those are my guys they were like the crazy fucking white dudes who were like why are you here and when they talk to george clinton i bet you they're deferential and have real respect like if george clinton was like like not true because they know they owe everything exactly i think i think they're authentic in it if you listen to the if you listen to bc boys lyrics the rappers that they're talking about, like Busy B and Schoolie D, like nobody knows who they are. It's deep cuts.
Starting point is 00:13:51 It's the deepest cuts. And they saw them live in the basement of some fucking apartment complex way back in the day. And they're rapping about them in like 15 years later when no one else is rapping about them. And no one's asking them to rap about them in like 15 years later when no one else is rapping about them and no one's asking them to rap about them they're just like yo man like we're this because we saw run dmc and all these other guys coming up and we're still like passing the mic because that's who we came up on and like the transparency is fully there yeah i totally agree with you i think it's like that being said i don't fucking know well you can and you can still criticize no you can still criticize them for it but i do think
Starting point is 00:14:29 it makes a difference if there's like if it's real you know what i mean like when you talk about vanilla ice it's like a record producer was like hey if you sound like this this could be huge and vanilla ice is like i want that but the red hot chili peppers went to the record producer was like hey this is what we love right and we want to do this iteration of it. And by the way, Eminem, he has no problem. He has full credibility. Kendrick Lamar says Eminem is one of his biggest influences. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And Mac Miller, R.I.P. These are people who put in the work and were in the culture before they were like, oh, I'm going to make money off of this. And they weren't vultures. I think they were genuinely like, they would live in that even if there wasn't fame on the other side of it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah. Fucking A, man. Let's go. Yeah. But yeah, Chili Peppers, what's their, and this is a whole other thing with these bands
Starting point is 00:15:20 who have been around for 40 years. You know, even Scorsese, I know you're a movie guy he's got some fucking clunkers tons right and silence bro that's what was happening in the theater when we watched that whoa silence that shit sucked right he's just so christian mic drop um but like there's been some clunkers and they're getting old and it's definitely not cool to be like an old dude running around in your underwear playing bass but like i guarantee you people are gonna come around and be like this fucking old guy runs around in jordans and underwear and plays bass i wish that was my grandpa or some shit they're gonna be legends
Starting point is 00:16:00 you know they are legends yeah best album though album, though? Is it Blood, Seger, Seger? Blood, Seger, Seger, Magic. Yeah. And it's funny for me because I was in high school when Stadium Arcadium came out and stuff like that. Right. So even though that's not their best album, that was the one that was the soundtrack for my summer.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Right. You know what I mean? So it's like... That was the first Chili Peppers album I ever bought. It was huge. Wasn't it a double disker? It was double disc, and I had just moved to LA. And I was like, I'm in LA.
Starting point is 00:16:32 This seems to be the culture, da, da, da, da. There were still record stores, and there were signs for it everywhere. I was like, I'm just going to give it a shot. I listened to it a bunch. Nice, dude. Thanks for saying that. I didn't buy an album after but like those dudes rip
Starting point is 00:16:46 I think that was their last like kind of relevant album for sure where they were still like in the zeitgeist which one? they just kind of aged out Studio Marquitian
Starting point is 00:16:52 Danny California and like Tell Me Baby I mean Californication Scar Tissue or that album Under the Bridge
Starting point is 00:17:01 Under the Bridge is undeniable if I've been telling everybody this because i just did it and it was fun the rolling stone magazine 500 greatest songs of all time they redid it they just redid it and i listened to it and it's fucking great and there's some songs like under the bridge is on there umissue is not on there. And I was like, Scar Tissue is a massive song.
Starting point is 00:17:29 Scar Tissue is a good song. I thought it should have been on there. Poison by Belle Biv DeVos is not on there. Poison. When a Man Loves a Woman by Wilson Pickett is not on there anymore. Interesting. There's a bunch of songs that you're like uh why isn't that song on there and then there's like a um you know no disrespect to
Starting point is 00:17:50 what the fuck is the guy's name the like british pop star guy who's oh uh george michael no he's young young i know uh uh he's never gonna rick rick assley no no no young guy young guy new new guy he was part of like harry styles harry styles thank you like harry styles okay you're good um they had a harry styles song on there there's a harry styles song in the 500 greatest watermelon sugar watermelon sugar it's a good song but compared to the songs that you're talking about and i don't even think this is my age i think it's just not even in the same. Watermelon sugar, which I had never heard before. And,
Starting point is 00:18:26 but just seeing it, I was like, I got to hear this song. And to me, I wasn't like, whoa. I was like, all right. Um,
Starting point is 00:18:34 but it was above under pressure by queen and David Bowie. Get the fuck out. And I was like, is it really? What are we doing here? Rolling stone? Is this trolling? Do they even believe that?
Starting point is 00:18:44 They don't believe that. They can't be. There's there's they had to do that it was political do you think i think they're just trying to stay relevant i think they were trying to have people talk about it on the podcast oh that's true that's i mean right what are you doing that's what you're saying and by the way yeah i want to say that under pressure was like only the in the the first 50 from 500 to uh 450 which seems kind of crazy it's a fucking awesome song it's and you know i would say 300s what's what's number one respect aretha franklin no not the best song of all time and also the first time they did it they did like a rolling stone which is hilarious because it's like they're paying yes they're like just being like it's got rolling. Yeah, I mean the first one was
Starting point is 00:19:25 super honky, super duded out. This one's heavily revised. What's Hilarious is a very tremendously good song is number two. But it's not. Fight the Power.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Public Enemy. This is such a corrective to their last list. Top 50. Top 50. It's number two. Number seven or eight is a banger. But I just don't know if it's top 10. Get Your Freak on Missy Elliott.
Starting point is 00:19:57 What? Yeah. No, they're trying too hard. Isn't that? Yeah. By the way, that is my college years it is a an absolute banger yeah i just don't know um if it's better than well you never you don't really listen to you're like this is good for freak dancing in seventh grade right you don't listen to that like uh black street no
Starting point is 00:20:23 diggity exactly which is not on the list which is it maybe it is but anyway i would argue that In seventh grade. Right. You don't listen to that. Like Blackstreet, No Diggity. Exactly. Which is not on the list. Or is it? Maybe it is. But anyway. I would argue that it should take the place. Because, yeah, you listen to Get Your Freak On, you don't think this is like a serious movement in the culture.
Starting point is 00:20:37 Look, here's what... This is me just pressing my seventh grade boner. Yeah. Which is also formative. And those people who are making the list... Good call, yeah. They're like, hey, that was what I was pressing my boner. Yeah. Which is also formative. And those people who are making the list. Good call. They're like, hey, that was what I was pressing my boner. I feel like it should be top 10.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Look, I get it. Missy Elliott, one of the greatest female rappers of all time. Timbaland, one of the greatest producers of all time. Yeah, good call. It was a sound that we'd never heard before. And look, Timbaland, so prolific. He's got to be in the top 20 with something. Promiscuous Girl, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:10 I don't know what it is. Promiscuous, I would put that above Get Your Freak On. Yeah. And then Can't Stand the Rain is also in the top 500. But to me, Can't Stand the Rain is above Get Your Freak On as far as something brand new, a sound no one ever heard before. Were the Beatles in the top ten? No, not a song.
Starting point is 00:21:33 Really? The highest Beatles song, I believe, was John Lennon. Imagine? Maybe it was Imagine. Maybe it was something else. I gotta check out this list. It's amazing. But by the way, Spotify, someone did it.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Someone just put it all in order. And it makes you just believe in humanity. Really? That's cool. You're like, oh, this song. There are 11 duds on it where you're like, what the fuck is this song? Out of 500. do you just search rolling rolling stone 500 yeah rolling stone 500 greatest songs of all time 2021 uh because there was a
Starting point is 00:22:12 previous list but like so i was filming in alabama i went to a wedding adam divine's wedding in mexico and then got fucked on the way back, just boned at the Dallas airport and ended up having to drive from Dallas to Mobile, Alabama, which is eight and a half hours. And I had already been carving into the list, but I was like, well, here we fucking go.
Starting point is 00:22:41 This list was born for this drive. So I just plowed through 250 of the songs driving that's cool and it felt like it was a two-hour drive and every song i was like this is a good song i've never heard this that's a fucking good song oh this song is next oh shit this song oh yeah this song oh my favorite song like it just made you go humans create amazing shit that's cool there's so much it's wild i like that that music does that more than any medium for me too where like it makes you believe and like yeah you're like it's it's like a higher plane and maybe that's my beef of the week is rolling stone that sounds like it's your beef. Nice, dude. Where I'm like, guys, I just need...
Starting point is 00:23:25 And by the way, you can go on their website, plug, and you can kind of read the blurb of each song and why they picked it and how influential it was or what the context of the times was. Change is going to come. Sam Cooke, I think, is number three. See, I was going to say that might be the best song of all time. Yeah, that's arguably the best song. Respect time. Yeah. That's a arguably best song.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Respect. Doesn't put you in a good mood. Are we at the Franklin? I got, I got, I can't argue that that's not the greatest song. I think it's a fun song. It means something that when she's singing it,
Starting point is 00:23:57 she's got the greatest voice of all time, arguably. Um, it just seems like because of the, the message of the song, it's them being like, this is the message of the song, it's them being like, this is the message of the time. For sure. And it feels a little fitted for that to me.
Starting point is 00:24:10 For sure. But it is an incredible song. But I just don't know if when I hear it, my brain has ever gone, whoa, this is the best song of all time. Where the first time I heard a change is going to come, I was like, I can't believe a human being. It stops you. It stops you.
Starting point is 00:24:23 You really can remember that moment in a way that I don't know if respect, because respect is kind of also like a wedding banger. You know what I mean? Exactly. Yeah. But that's the best part about it. It's like, it's not hitting you over the head. And same with Fight the Power.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Fight the Power is a fucking mosh pit song, right? It's an amazing song. It says a lot. It said it at a time where it needed to be said and still needs to be said now. And like, I think that that kind of raises it a few spots, you know? I just don't think it's as good
Starting point is 00:24:54 as A Change Is Gonna Come or... Or but like even Nothing But A G Thing. Like if... Nothing But A G Thing is on there. Regulators is not. And look... That's crazy, bro. Warren G is obviously not Snooop snoop he's not
Starting point is 00:25:06 dre um but regulators is a song there's there's zero nate dog songs in the 500 greatest songs of all time that's insane to me that's insane um nobody sang a better hook than nate dog nobody never ever gin and juice not on there which i think is nothing but a G thing is its own animal almost. It's like it's this holy fuck, what the fuck is this? Because it just came out of nowhere. But Gin and Juice, and I stand by this still, if you put Jay-Z and Snoop against each other, there's not a Jayay-z song better than
Starting point is 00:25:47 gin and juice it's true period to me i'm trying to think like we're just kicked on and you're like with so much drama in the lbc yeah i guess i guess i guess i was thinking maybe big pimping but i don't think big pimping but big pimping. Big Pimpin' is like, you bop your head to. Gin and Juice is a fucking like, you ride with that shit. There's a cut to it. Snoop is so in and out of
Starting point is 00:26:16 the beat on that. Big Pimpin' is kind of not, I don't know, it's a clunker to me. Yeah, and it's a banger. I don't know if you can dig into it as much as Gin and Juice. But I'm trying to think of my favorite Jay-Z's, and I'm not a rap expert, but I was watching Tupac. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I watched a bunch of Tupac live things last night, and I watched him do America's Most Wanted with Snoop Dogg. And the way that Tupac gets animated in his performance, it's electric. No backing track, and it's just him pure velocity. He's so in it. Nobody rides a beat better than Tupac no backing track and it's just him like pure like velocity right he's so in it nobody rides nobody rides a beat better than tupac because it's his full body i mean dmx was his own guy
Starting point is 00:26:51 that's true with like an intensity but as far as like a i'm swinging with the song tupac just like was he could generate so much like force and energy and like intensity and then before the song starts he's talking shit about having sex with biggie's wife and energy and like intensity out of it and then before the song starts he's talking shit about having sex with biggie's wife and you're like whoa dude yeah like this is the duality of man that's what i love about him yeah but i was trying to i think jay-z for me and i i think people would say this isn't the best but i think like heart of the city what was that one was that off of uh the american gangster soundtrack is so fucking good it's really i believe that's off that yeah and i think snoop produced a ton of it and people were
Starting point is 00:27:31 like oh what's this gonna be it's just bangers it's just it's just absolute bangers he's good his anthems i know those aren't his like best lyrical work but his anthems are pretty incredible yeah jay-z's highest ranked song i believe was 99 problems that's a great one our basketball coach played uh dr j and american gangster is like a huge deal at our high school yeah he's like we're like mr benjamin you're playing dr j he's like yeah man he called me malibu he's like yeah malibu that's me in there baby there's two black guys you've had in your life who called you malibu yeah i mean i feel like because foo called you malibu yeah malibu breeze i mean isn't aren't you though that's uh that's what it's what i strive to be yeah that's incredible you know exactly where they're coming
Starting point is 00:28:15 from yeah oh yeah you know and you like it which is and what did you call them it's not an insult where did you pigeonhole them no but yeah the list it's super fun but yeah Rolling Stone like just some some shit in there where you're like huh but there was a song I'd never heard by these guys Poncho and Lefty don't know it and it's like within
Starting point is 00:28:40 the first five songs I fuck it now I can't remember the song but I listened to it like a thousand times in a row because I was just like it's like within the first five songs, fuck it, now I can't remember the song, but I listened to it like a thousand times in a row because I was just like, it's like a folksy kind of country and I don't like country at all song that has this weird melodicness to it that goes off what you would think
Starting point is 00:28:58 would be the normal way a human would do a song. And it just stuck with my fucking head for like two months. And I listened to it all at Poncho and Lefty. Yeah, send that to me. Or Left Foot, maybe. I'll send it to you. I think my number one all time is...
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah, this is interesting. I think my number one all time is Talking Heads Naive. This Must Be the Place. That's way up there. And what a lot of people don't talk about is the context of songs and having like these resurgences. Like that song went away for a while and then
Starting point is 00:29:26 i want to say it was in that fucking sex doll movie with ryan gosling oh larson the real girl yeah during some montage oh really so like kind of got brought back by like a cool movie and like cool people started playing it like at cool parties yeah and then uncool people who got to go to cool parties were like oh this song's cool it's a cool song that uncool people can appreciate exactly makes it the best and then also with um i don't think people even realize this but uh don't stop believing everyone's like oh yeah that's the song they play like after the fucking cubs won or whatever the fuck white socks maybe it was cubbies um no that movie was played in the movie monster with charlie starin when they're roller skating that is that is when that song came back and then cool people were like yeah this song
Starting point is 00:30:19 kind of ironically rips that song's had like four moments. Like, Sopranos finale, Glee, end of the pilot. The Glee pilot rips. It's Don't Stop Believin'. That song just is... It's going to have like 30 more cultural touchdowns. I still love it. Dude, Perry can just belt, dude. People try to get you to hate it, but it fires me up.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's not my favorite song by them. I like the one where he's like oh fuck what is it no no no no no where he's like where he gets on that he gets in that chorus where he's like oh faithfully yes faithfully that's my shit because there's some drama to it there's drama to it he takes you on a little walk separate ways too though bro how separate ways go someday love will find you that's a good song i can't handle that that fires me up too no no but you know what i mean like that that gets me going that song it's a punch that song's punchy i feel like that that song, for me, it doesn't go, hey, man, we're going.
Starting point is 00:31:26 It kind of drags you in a way, drags me in a way that I never asked to be on board with it. It doesn't invite me in. It forces you in. And I go, it's too loud, guys. I don't want to be here. It's a frat guy. Is it? Pressuring someone into something.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Yeah. It's like a, hey, man man i'm not interested type of thing yeah yeah give me a choice here brother does it build there's no build no it doesn't it comes in blasting it's like that rob thomas song uh uh the world is falling apart you know i believe the world is burning to the ground i don't know that one but you just reminded me that a song that should be on the 500 greatest songs of all time and i don't know that one, but you just reminded me that a song that should be on the 500 greatest songs of all time, and I don't give a fuck, is Goo Goo Doll's Iris. Bro, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Let's all just stop the judgment and just give that song its due. And the lead singer had a great haircut. Resnick, dude. Bull? No. It's like Meg Ryan haircut. Not even just because she's in the movie for the song iris like fun bangs sort of bon jovi-esque that's a good call sure i guess i can't even picture he's a hottie that's just what i remember that's just what i remember from
Starting point is 00:32:35 watching that music video back in the day i was like even as like a six-year-old i was like it's good hair and you can't relate to that chorus it's so good i don't want the world to see me because i don't think they'd understand. Yeah. Fucking A, man. I felt that way fucking every day of my life, bro. Heavy. I had an assistant one time.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I was just listening to music and that song came on. And I was like, this song's fucking great, right? He goes, yeah, I've seen Goo Goo like three or four times. I was like, what? I've never met a person. I was like, oh, okay, dude. You're fired. No, but I was just so what? I've never met a person. I was like, oh, okay, dude. You're fired. No, but I was just so taken aback.
Starting point is 00:33:09 He was like, yeah. They came to my college twice. And then I was in St. Louis and they were playing. So I just went and checked them out. He can't even admit to himself what a big fan he is. Yeah, I was like, damn, dog. But the list is... And they did the 500 Greatest Albums,
Starting point is 00:33:22 which is a whole other chore. But the 500 Greatest Albums, which is a whole other chore. But the 500 Greatest Songs is fucking sick. Dude, it stimulated a lot of conversation here. I love it. That's what it's for, right? Dude, I also have the Yawn Winter biography right here. I'll give it to you about the guy who started Rolling Stone. And he's like a fucking whack-a-job.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Can I tell you something? Yeah. I can't read. I'm bad at reading. Dude, I legit appreciate you sharing that, though. Yeah. So for me to even pretend that I'm going to read that, it's not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:33:49 And it's not that I don't like reading. It's that I'll read, and then I'll go, was I just reading? What was I just reading? I have no idea what I just read, and I've got to go back up to the top of the page, and I just read that page again turn the page, go to the next page and I'm like
Starting point is 00:34:08 Do you do audiobooks? No, it's the exact same thing I'll be listening to it and then my mind will just go and then I'll be like oh fuck, I gotta like rewind 40 seconds or whatever It sucks I think you're
Starting point is 00:34:27 speaking for a lot of people when you say that and i appreciate the vulnerability yeah yeah chad who's your babe of the week before you hit the bathroom um okay kevin klein in the movie dave i'm you know i'm starting to appreciate sad movies a little bit more i watched first reform the other that would yeah it's a sad movie is that ethan hawke ethan hawke and paul schrader so good yeah and and i'm i'm you know i'm i'm uh i'm starting to because they used to be like if it if it bums me out i can't watch it but now i'm starting to get more. I'm like, no, I can. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Also, what are you going to watch that doesn't bum you out anymore? Because that's like most movies. So that's why we're trying to make our own stuff. So that's why I'm just kidding. Well, I just watched 90s shit because, you know, like Dave and Kevin Kline. Yeah. That's feel good. those 90s movies when they have the the orchestra or whatever and when it's just that very light music okay we're entering
Starting point is 00:35:32 movie world uh it just fires me up and it's a genre that doesn't exist anymore yeah and i love it man i love those characters those are my favorite characters of those guys who are like carefree and just enjoying life and they just you know they do have some problems you know like he's divorced and all that stuff but it's like that's a problem no just like they've had they've had sorry my dog no they've had their struggles right of course yeah uh they've had you know they've been through emotional stuff that's what i'm saying yeah um and then they uh but they just seem to go through life with this sort of like playfulness that i just uh it's aspirational it's it's it's gets me very excited about life if they can get
Starting point is 00:36:13 through it so can you yeah you just sort of like oh that's how i should be right like why am i worrying about you know just whatever i'm worrying about when you know you got kevin klein just sort of riding his bike just being like yeah i run a temp agency but it's it's the it's like capra-esque yeah to tie it back to even earlier times and it's the idea that if there was just a good decent person in charge of everything yeah everything would be better and is it like fantasy maybe but it's a great place to hang out for a couple hours yeah and that. Because I think we all want to believe that. And Kevin Kline embodies that well. He has a goodness to him.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And I think that makes the world a better place. I think that lifts people up in a way where it's like, you know, I think like a nice little dose of just sort of, you know, naivete and optimism is good for people. And dude, when him and Charles Grodin, who is probably my favorite comedic actor of all time, behind maybe Jeffrey Tambor, when they reset the fucking budget And dude, when him and Charles Grodin, who is probably my favorite comedic actor of all time, behind maybe Jeffrey Tambor, when they reset the fucking budget, dude, and they put the screws
Starting point is 00:37:09 to all those fucking senators who are trying to get, you know, pork barrel spending or earmarked bullshit, dude, and he's just like, nah, dude, that $200 million,
Starting point is 00:37:16 going to put in some houses up, bitch. We should put in a savings account. That'll generate $25 million of interest. Let's go, dude. It's a great movie. Good movie. Have you,
Starting point is 00:37:24 now, you like that version of Calvin Klein. Have you seen... Because I just watched this during the pandemic for the first time. Sophie's Choice. I've never seen it. No, I need to watch it. I know what the critical thing is in it, but I've never seen it. Right, I did too.
Starting point is 00:37:36 You can't. It's cultural. Yeah, exactly. He's in it, and it's a side of him you like can't unsee afterwards where you're like whoa this dude's fucking unreal yeah are you ready for that level of sadness though because well i felt that way after wild wild west no but this makes you this makes you appreciate him uh that's true dude that was a heavy hitter. In a bunch of ways. In ways that a giant tarantula body can't. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. It's actually different than Wild Wild West. Sophie's Choice and those are... Are they different? They're like... I mean, metaphorically, they're actually... Talking about a lot of the same shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Which is probably why he did it, because he was like, I get it, this is a homage. Are you saying that World War II was more savage than the Civil War final answer yeah so they've basically pitched the movie as sophie's choice meets texas right the wild wild choice the wild wild choice yeah it's for playing um jim west wild choice uh what was i gonna say who do you kill i forgot i can't even wrap it well kevin klein wild west oh yeah i read this acting book harold guskin or whatever uh and he all the whole book he just talked about kevin klein he's like kevin
Starting point is 00:39:00 klein did hamlet when he did blah blah it just shows you his range because he's so good at being like the affable, likable guy. Fish called Wanda. He's kind of a jerk, right? But he's so lovable. But he's so lovable. And he's so buffoonish. Yeah. But you see this movie, Sophie's Choice, and you're like, oh, he's got different speeds, man.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Nice. Yeah. He can do it all, dude. He's a fucking true actor, man. Yeah. And that 90s run he was on with Dave and In-N-Out. He had a good stretch there. Is he?
Starting point is 00:39:30 In-N-Out is a legendary VHS box cover. So true. DVD cover. With him in the tux. You know it. Sprawling, baby. Yeah, it's nothing, but it's so memorable. It is.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Why? Kevin Kline. It's up there with the XXX one where it was just Vin Diesel hitting a tricep flex and having a fucking fat 3357 revolver in his hand. With that fucking sick arm tattoo, dude. And is Kevin Kline married to Phoebe Cates? We were just talking about that earlier. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:40:02 Solidified. And JT guessed his age correctly do you know what it is um he's 67 i nailed it on the head i was like i was like yo how old's kevin klein i go he's 74 and he was he's 74 well he looks great i haven't seen him for a while actually he's eternally youthful yeah yeah because he has fun but those movies from that era i always talk about house sitter you ever see that sinbad no no that is house guest house sitter is steve martin he's an architect he just broke up with his girl um so he has like a one-night stand with goldie hawn and then she learned all this stuff about how he built this house for his girl and she dumped him. And now he's got this empty house. And she's like, just got fired from her job. And she starts living
Starting point is 00:40:50 in the house that he just built that no one's in, in like the town he grew up in where his parents live. And people start coming by the house. And they're like, Who are you? And she's like, I'm Steve Martin's wife. And they're like, we didn't know he wasn't married. And she's like, well, how would you know? And they're like, we're his parents.
Starting point is 00:41:08 And then it becomes this like lie thing where then they're like, we're so happy you got married. And he's like, my parents are being nicer than ever. And so he's got to play along. So he's got to keep it up. And then she's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:21 got a troubled past where she's commitment phobe. But now he's like no now you got to stay in it and then like he starts getting his girl back who i think is dana delaney i don't know her she's great but dude goldie hahn and steve marr i'm not even aware of them you always have the fire ones because i watched death becomes her because of your same era so my grandma gave me in one christmas death becomes her and house sitter both of those one christmas she loves goldie hawn yeah goldie hawn is she's dynamite unreal did you watch christmas chronicles no she's great she's still got it she's still got that like um joe adevi yeah joe adevi
Starting point is 00:42:00 she's like a joe a constrictor um yeah no she's just like fucking the the like quintessential goldie hawn moment for me and maybe this is like a cliche thing to say is in uh private benjamin when she's like finally uh trying to like figure out how to be what she's it's like a montage of her like trying to get the hang of it and she like makes her bed perfectly and you're supposed to be able to bounce a quarter off of it. And she bounces the quarter. And it bounces back. And she just grabs it but misses it.
Starting point is 00:42:31 But her face doesn't illustrate that. Doesn't change. She's just like... And you know Nancy Meyers was like, we're keeping that. Oh, is that a Nancy Meyers movie? Yeah. Wow. It's at least her script.
Starting point is 00:42:43 If not, I think it's her movie. I think you're right. I think you're right. I think you're right. That's a good combo. But it was so funny and goofy and stupid. And I think I tweeted out a video clip of her in Bird... Not Bird on a Wire. What's the one with Mel Gibson?
Starting point is 00:42:59 Oh, yeah, dude, where they're on the run. And he's like, dude, yeah. No, it is Bird on a Wire. Is it? Okay. So he's in the shower, and. No one has burned on a wife. Is it? Okay. So he's like in the shower and she just found out he's not dead. And she's like dumbfounded
Starting point is 00:43:10 and she goes on this runabout. She's like, yeah, he's alive. And he's right here. I'm looking at his butt and his butt's alive and he's here. And she just kills it. And you're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:20 She's amazing. She's so funny. And then she's beautiful too. My mom cornered her i brought my mom and dad were in town and i took them to the um this is 40 premiere i think and goldie's son with kurt russell i think is in it wyatt russell yeah maybe him or somebody was in it and um they were there and my mom's like is that goalie horn i go yeah pretty crazy right your son's taking you to hollywood premieres and she goes i gotta go i gotta go say
Starting point is 00:43:50 hi and i was like my mom's fucking gone and she just goes up and i see her be like tap tap and goalie turns around like yes and she's like and i just kind of like see the body language and like goalies like melts and it's like my mom comes back she's like and i just kind of like see the body language and like goldies like melts and it's like my mom comes back she's like she was just so sweet and i was like that's crazy my mom's just fearless i had that same my mom we were at a laker game i was like 13 and margaret was there like she was at a lot of laker games and my mom's like i have to go up to talk to her and i was like on pins and needles the whole time i'm like don't blow this with the lady from like grumpy old women right and then my mom was perfect in that moment she was just like i love you you're so beautiful and margaret was
Starting point is 00:44:27 like thank you so much and i was like oh my mom kind of knows how to hang she gets it yeah here's an ann margaret shout out here you got an anecdote about ann margaret my dad dated her in high school get the fuck out dude it's like it's his whole like you know ann margaret and i went to a few dances together and i'm like and as a kid i'm like i don't know what that means dude but now i know that she was like legendary beauty yeah yeah that's insane they like went to the same lutheran church because she's like i don't know swedish or some shit that makes sense i didn't know any of this they went to like he went to like the dance where the girls asked the guy sadie hawkins he went to the dance where the girls asked the guy. Sadie Hawkins. He went to the other high school to go to her dance.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Oh, so she really was picking him. Yeah. Dude. That's his claim. Dude, your dad's a legend. That's not his claim. And then he brought me to a book signing where she came back near the hometown. And he was like, we wait in line.
Starting point is 00:45:26 And she's like, hi. And he goes, and it's Phil Holm. And she just dips the sunglasses down that she always wears. Like the, like rouge, like not rouge, but like tinted red sunglasses. And she goes,
Starting point is 00:45:39 Philip Holm, get over here. And like gets out from behind the desk and like starts hugging him and i'm like who is this lady hugging my dad this is your dad's the mac dude yeah apparently that's pretty cool man yeah yeah my dad always said he dated one of the ladies from the movie ski patrol that was always his big dude celebrity claim to fame i'm developing ski patrol right now are you really yeah dude i met that's a great movie dude i presented at the nhl awards many years ago uh and then i'm backstage fucking drinking beers with uh who's the legend from the rangers
Starting point is 00:46:13 who's fucking mark messier messier he had like a miller light and i'm like where'd you get that he's like you gotta go back in this fucking door just grab it out of this kitchen mini fridge uh and i was like sick so he's like here you go pal opened it for me i'm like this is fucking dope i'm not a huge hockey fan but i respect hockey i love sports and he's a legend but so then we're back there and this guy goes hey i know you're about to go out there i don't want to bother you um i'm the voice of god announcer here tonight and i just got to get a picture with you because my daughter's a huge fan. And I'm looking at this guy and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:50 you gotta be fucking kidding me. And he's like, what? I go, you're Roger Rose from Ski Patrol? And he was like, yeah. I go, dude, I can't tell you like how many times I've watched that movie as a kid. The effect it had on me. I'm like, and then I go like,
Starting point is 00:47:10 if your daughter likes me, she only likes me because I'm what you, I'm you, you're in me. And she's just liking, right. It's edible. Uh,
Starting point is 00:47:25 and I was like, you're the man. Like, and we just drank all night and he'sedipal. And I was like, you're the man. He is the man. And we just drank all night and he's a good dude, nice guy. Went to my rival high school, weirdly. Same high school as Ann-Margaret.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I just touched his thigh. I loved it. This high school's got some heavy hitters coming out. It was like the fancy high school. Right, makes sense. But so, now we've kept in contact
Starting point is 00:47:42 and I'm going to try and develop a new school ski patrol. Dude, that'll be dope. I think we're ready for it. They've tried a couple times with iterations of that, but they haven't done it like they've done how ski patrols go. I should get you guys in it. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Not to flex, but I rip at skiing. We talked about that last time, I think, that you were a skier. I'm a skier as well. Yeah. I'll practice. I rip pretty hard. It's fun. I'm not really good.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I can't like go backwards like I assume you can and be like we're gonna go this way and then spin back around I do do that yeah it's the best way
Starting point is 00:48:11 to talk to your friends who where are we going are we going fire trail alright I'm gonna get the skis where your heels
Starting point is 00:48:16 come out of them and you drop knee that would be hilarious yeah I'll get you on those you can look really elegant with the telemarks what was the movie hot hot dog or hot dog the movie where like it was like ski dancing that they use those skis right i don't know is that like sheen or something in it i don't know
Starting point is 00:48:34 but it is like we're remaking aspen extreme let's go let's go guys i'm playing peter burr let's just let's just corner the market it's time ski. Ski movies are... They are ripe. It's time to come back. Yeah, it's time. But yeah, Roger Rose, Ski Patrol. I mean, what's the woman from Ski Patrol's name? The blonde-haired lady, right? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:57 The Russian? I think that's who my dad said he dated. I haven't asked him in years. Wow. So it was like,ley like don't let them push you around yeah because my dad was like a ski bum in like sun valley for a couple years nice what a i mean did you guys do anything pointless like that no i i always i always no no but like i didn't know i always admired it but i just never i don't think i have the um
Starting point is 00:49:23 because i love surf culture i love ski culture i love extreme sport culture i love x games all that stuff but i just never had the uh i think i just i never i think i just think about the future too much i'm with you i mean i had a homie who like right out of college and this is a dude who had like actually had some cash so he wasn't he could do this it's like a it's a privilege he just moved to san diego to what p pb yeah pacific beach right more tattoo parlors and burrito shops than any other square mile in the world and for one year or maybe like 14 months just lived in a fucking shitty ratty on the boardwalk apartment two dudes to a room sand everywhere wasn't even a surfer yeah he was just like yeah we just drink eat tacos
Starting point is 00:50:14 and go out at night dude pb at night is like a war zone yeah they party it's pretty i mean yeah it's it's interesting going down to san diego and you just doing like shows down there and stuff because they the way they it's it's a it's a different world it's miami and i respect it yeah and by the way he's fine he didn't miss a year of like yeah getting ahead or whatever you know when i moved to la i was always kind of like you know not that i was like able to even pound the pavement as soon as i got here but i was mission-minded yeah and everyone who was like yeah we moved to london for a year i was like able to even pound the pavement as soon as i got here but i was mission-minded yeah and everyone who was like yeah we moved to london for a year i was like what the fuck are you doing there but now i'm look back i go i wish i just did that so i could move to la with a little bit more of a
Starting point is 00:50:58 thing under my belt yeah even if it was nothing you know yeah i've always admired people who can they they can just travel. They're like, yeah, I'm in Mexico City. And you're like, alright. Are you though? How? I kind of feel like we get that through the work though a little bit. Now, but it's through the work.
Starting point is 00:51:18 It's not pure. It's almost nice because I think it's almost better. For me at least, where I'm like, I get to experience this cool place, but it feels purposeful. And... Almost better? Yeah, I think it's almost better, for me at least, where I'm like, oh, I get to experience this cool place, but it feels purposeful. And maybe that's the opposite of the point. Maybe the point is to not have it be purposeful. How often do we hang?
Starting point is 00:51:32 Or for the purpose to be different. How often do we hang? Not. This is like second time. Yeah. And it's on a podcast. You think I want to kick it with you guys on a podcast, or you think I want to kick it with you guys in real life?
Starting point is 00:51:42 Tell us right now. Are you for real right now? Well, for sure. But like, I don't know when that's going to happen. That's true. And so that's what I'm equating it to. Dude, with the Workaholics guys, we've been around the world. Like Australia, Australia.
Starting point is 00:51:57 But we've been places. Or Peru. I went to Peru with Adam. We went to the Bahamas and did Shark Week. And it's all paid for. And it's like you've got tour guides who are like, hey, we're here to take care of you. And you party.
Starting point is 00:52:09 And things are paid for. And it's fucking awesome. And that's definitely the way you want to do things. But at the same time, I'm like, yeah, but I never took a vacation where I didn't have to be up at 6 to do radio in Australia. And not that we didn't like stay up to four you know but like it was yeah you know it was always in your head that there was something
Starting point is 00:52:32 i don't even think it was in my head just because i was like so fortunate and like stoked on the experience the experience of it but like looking back i'm like yeah but like and maybe it is better i don't know i don't know it's hard to say it would be nice to do something without any like a functional purpose to it other than to like experience life right but i don't know if i'm totally hardwired that way and we're artists yeah right like not so not but not to like be like pretentious or something yeah pretentious about it thank you but like we're artists we don't clock in nine to five right like what we do professionally is an extension of who we are and how we live so like i guess it is kind of like a um blurred lines kind of thing right i went on a surf trip to mexico over the summer at this place that was like very remote
Starting point is 00:53:24 and like kind of like you go there and it's literally just shacks on the beach and you know there's no resorts it's concrete shacks extremely minimalist like the bare minimum of what you need right and there's just people down there who just you know this one guy uh i called him school bus because he's like yeah i'm just taking my school bus mainly in mexico down to costa rica you know he's just living like that and when i was there i was there for like five days and i was at first i was like you know you have no cell service and i was like kind of freaking out i'm like i'm you know just just i was just like i'm missing stuff yeah you know then you settle into it and then towards the end
Starting point is 00:54:02 i found like this p like this piece where i'm like oh this is like right embracing this lifestyle but i think also because i was getting closer to leaving where i would get back into this right but that's tight yeah but it is interesting like i was looking at people the people there who were just like living in there just living like the surf life like the true surf life and i'm like i was like watching how i'm like i'm like i admire it but i yeah i just don't think i could ever i could ever do it yeah you're like but what are you doing yeah what are we supposed to be doing you're like yeah creating things to get reactions to no you don't care right yeah and you're like no no They're like, we barbecue every night. We have two cats.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah. And you're like, oh, is that enough? For me, it's important to have those people in my life. But I think I always kind of understand that I'm not that person. And then maybe I'll have that sabbatical when I'm in my 50s or something. Yeah, that's dope. That makes me want to take my kids on a visit. Because I'm a hotel guy. Yeah, love hotels, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I know some people are like uh i want to rent a house that way nobody's bothering me and i can cook food and i don't cook i like to be able to go to a restaurant wake up go to like the crazy breakfast uh go to a pool and i'll deal with somebody bothering me if i can just get drinks served to me and you can trust the infrastructure yeah and my kids can just ball out and have a good time but like now i'm like wouldn't it be tight to do a week of balling out and enjoying life and whatever excess and then hitting a place like that for a week and making your kids like yo go dig a fucking hole yeah dude go dig a hole go like make a thing go like just be present with
Starting point is 00:55:47 your environment yeah like tacked on kind of human amenities yeah and then i also would be like digging a hole with them probably because i'm like what am i gonna do yeah i think it's your balance that's the right way to think about it yeah during the day people literally just lay in hammocks yeah they just lay in like that's fucking like i was i was just i was you know you surf in the morning it gets blown out yeah it's not really surfable and also you're tired you surf like three hours in the morning right people just lay there yeah for like six hours and then they surf again that's every every day. That's wild. That's wild. I'm jealous, but at the same time, jealous.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Yeah. I guess. But yeah, the wiring is just not there. What gets in the way? Just the condition need to produce or something like that? I want to make something. Well, I just think I grew up watching movies and I said I want to make movies.
Starting point is 00:56:47 I didn't necessarily want to be in movies, but I wanted to make something that resonated with me in a way that those movies did. Like I wanted to make a Ghostbusters, right? Where it's like somebody made that. I want to make something that awesome that that i guess now i'm thinking like that people enjoy but almost that i would enjoy i'm like can i do that can i make something that that that's that awesome the answer is no but like um i wanted to try right and well yeah that's that's like when i watched like kevin klein and dave that's that's how i feel of like i want to play a character who invokes these kinds of feelings in me or that or
Starting point is 00:57:33 who you know creates that kind of lift in my like spirit you know and and that's having fun yeah in a professional capacity you want to be somebody else's babe on their podcast. Yeah. Dude. Do you have a babe? Did you do yours? I didn't do mine.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Did you wait? Who was yours? You go before I do. Oh, I do? That's the order? You're going to make me do that? Babe of the week. So now that I know
Starting point is 00:58:02 that it can be kind of just somebody you're fawning after, um, there's this booty clapper on Instagram. Uh, no, who is my babe of the week?
Starting point is 00:58:14 I mean, I guess it's, I mean, it goes without saying that it's my wife. We just had a baby and she's killing it. Um, so she's a total babe cause she's just handling her business and I'm trying to help out and stay out of the way at the moment i mean it's gotta be um the guy from the alpinist did you guys watch that
Starting point is 00:58:54 dude i haven't watched that i watched uh i watched 14 peaks i started out this is the dude who like him and i just watched like the first 20 minutes him and honnold are like battling each other to break records my babe of the week and this is maybe this is just because you just talked about this but there's an old guy there named like squiggly or some shit who just does hula hoop all day like they interview like they start him as like a talking hand he's like i've been living here 25 30 40 years uh in the al is this? In the Alpinist. Okay. It's in, maybe it's Squamish, Canada, British Columbia, I think, where the subject of the documentary grew up and climbed, and now he climbs all over the world.
Starting point is 00:59:35 But this guy, this older dude, he lives there, and he starts talking about climbing. So you're like, oh this must be like the wise old sage and then they're like and he's like yeah so i'm just pretty uh embedded in this community i've been around here for a while also i do a lot of hula hooping they just cut to him in like the town square hula hooping with this alpinist kid with like it going around his neck than the body and like his van is just like so you're like oh you're just like an old raver who doesn't do anything all day except hula hoop and mix it up he might be like the guy at my liquor store who was like who's the fresh meat
Starting point is 01:00:21 like i'm gonna show you how to do it he knows like these kids are either out roaming or die climbing but i'm gonna be the fun guy who's like hula hooping in the time but in this moment i'm gonna be like a beacon of kind of optimism for them and i was just like and like you watch him and you go oh this is like a nice guy a good dude good heart who all he needs to do is hula hoop he found his way isn't that crazy that's you can you imagine i mean i and i i guess we did but like if you found your thing and it was that easy do you think that's a higher level of consciousness or do you think that's lack of intelligence i think those are the same thing like the dumbest person in the world is
Starting point is 01:01:07 able to tap into something that none of us can tap into it's pure where they're completely like cut off from every like self-awareness actual awareness like can you imagine the things you would do if you were like a complete moron? I heard Kanye West on Brady Snell's podcast. And he's like, with every album, I'm trying to get younger. He's like, I feel like when I did College Dropout, I was like a 16-year-old. And then with like Late Registration, I was like 12. And he's like, and I think it was when Yeezus was coming out.
Starting point is 01:01:38 He's like, with Yeezus, I'm like two years old. And you know, you couldn't quite like chart it. And it's primal. But it is. It feels that way. And then he just, Pablo's like my favorite a public dude people underrate them pablo's his best album for sure dude uh ultra light uh beam like and when chance the rapper's verse comes on that it's religious it is really religious yeah yeah and even like there's like four or five songs in
Starting point is 01:02:02 the last six songs that are just fucking bangers. Is Real Friends on that one too? Yeah, Real Friends. Bro. If you're driving on Mulholland at night and you turn on Real Friends, you either will drive off the cliff to kill yourself or you'll call someone you haven't heard from in a long time and have like a super connection.
Starting point is 01:02:27 I've wanted to pay him money for the experiences he's given me. I was driving one time to the beach. I wasn't driving, but I was still riding. And my friend put on From the Yeezus, Hold My Liquor. And the way I got into that song, the depth that I felt when I was feeling it, I was like, I need to write this dude a letter. He's tapped into it and
Starting point is 01:02:46 by the way people call him an idiot all the time and i don't obviously he's a musical genius and um obviously he has other like limitations socially for whatever like however you want to like categorize things um but like yeah that thing he says all these things that aren't great, but like he has no filter and he's either dumb enough to say them or free enough to say them or, you know, because he doesn't care about his career. He's pure. He said insane shit that like everyone else would get canceled. But like, has he been canceled? Or has he just been like, I know a bunch of people like i don't listen to him anymore but all right yeah he's kind of above it in a way and he's even made careers for the people who
Starting point is 01:03:30 correct him when he stepped like van lathan i listen to all the time on stuff and he's the guy who called him out at tmz when kanye was the black dude on tmz yeah that was i don't know if I had seen that on Instagram, but when he checked Kanye, I was like, I don't think anybody ever could say it any better than he said it in that moment. He's like, it's not radical thought. It's the absence of thought. And I was like, whoa, dude, way to distill it in the moment. It was crazy. And even Kanye was like, that was my favorite part how how did he do that kanye was literally looks around goes yeah like checked like i've been checked because i think that shows
Starting point is 01:04:13 kind of like not great or kind of like whatever disposable everything's disposable great um but i think it's hyper disposable um but i saw that moment and was like oh that's an amazing moment that's not a that's not a disposable moment but I give now I watch every day I give
Starting point is 01:04:32 I give Connie credit for playing the the idiot in that two man scene you know for playing the buffoon yeah
Starting point is 01:04:40 yeah dude my Bay of the Week is similar to it was inspired by you guys talking about this there was a dude in mission beach right next to pb right where the roller coaster is there and it might have been urban like legend but there was a dude who would roller skate there every day day in a specific position like he was kind of low crouched and i guess the rumor was he used
Starting point is 01:04:59 to be like a neuroscientist or something like that not guitar genie looking dude it might be dude i'm this is all coming from like vague memory of when i lived there for like nine months but he would skate there every day in a certain way and i guess he found an angle to skate at and a speed that did something to his brain that made him happy this has to be the same guy yeah it's like a dude who like has like a head wrap and he plays an electric guitar or something he plays some sort of instrument that's hooked up to a speaker on him and he skates in like a slow motion yes manner this is the same guy and he found like the combination of things through sound and through movement that just made his brain go hey dude you're happy and he does that every day wow and that's just his whole life
Starting point is 01:05:41 i love that like maybe that's true or maybe one dude was just like you guys know what it is right so that guy was a new i mean like no it's like it's an npr story even better that he was like oh you're npr yeah i was a neurosurgeon and uh just threw it out you fucking dipshits yeah it was like the s town that should have been yeah crazy yeah that dude is a legend um he's been out there i mean i've lived in la almost 20 years and i remember him from when i was out there like oh three oh four the same i lived out there in like uh oh six oh seven is he alive because those legends sometimes are gone there was a dude in silver lake who used to walk around reading just like the
Starting point is 01:06:26 tannest dude ever love that and you would always just see him walking in like walking around in super short shorts high socks just getting a sunburn in like 120 degree weather and then i think he died like five years ago and there's a big write-up on him i think i remember that yeah yeah yeah he would walk on like um hyperion whatever's next to hyperion um that's got less traffic i think i saw i think you're the right guy sweaty because i remember and super do you have a hair piece uh yeah his hair might have looked a little weird yeah i think i remember it well he was a doctor and uh i mean the write-up was like he was a doctor and then he retired they're all doctors yeah and then they get over it they get an
Starting point is 01:07:10 orthopedist there's something about them being doctors no i don't know there's something about them being doctors where it's like oh this is the highest level of like traditional society you can attain yeah and now they've decided to do to go direction. I mean, doctors, I had a homie who, he like broke something in his neck, like a vertebrae, and he had to get them taken out and put in with like these plates. And he went down to Orange County to get it
Starting point is 01:07:34 and he was like, you should see these doctors. They're just like the most confident human gods ever. They're all like handsome guys. My buddy Tom Hall, dude. Yeah. That's my buddy doctor he's just super hot super smart yeah unbelievably smart passed more ap tests in our high school than anyone in history and like he goes they just know that they're operating at another level
Starting point is 01:07:56 literally operating but operating at another level of like existence where like they're saving lives and then they're just jumping in their Lambos and cruising off to their perfect families. Yeah, they're going to play volleyball with other tall doctors. He does. Tom bangs from the outside. You set that guy butter,
Starting point is 01:08:16 he's going to put it away down the line. That is crazy. He's like a fucking local dollhouser. Yeah, dude. Exactly. That's my one piece. Good rep. That was perfect though well
Starting point is 01:08:26 well put uh yeah well placed that fucking confidence level those guys are babes my my boy stoked all the time he's happiest guy now maybe except for chad yeah chad probably tom okay nice you way to give him those dabs chad who's your legend of the week uh that might seem so lame right now i just wrote stand up. Uh, that's not lame. I know, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:08:48 we're on this theme and the idea of stand up. Yeah. Well, it's just stand up is just like when, whenever I do it, I feel like, uh, it just puts me back into,
Starting point is 01:08:59 uh, it just makes me happy. I guess your purpose. Yeah. It just, I like performing a lot yeah and you're fucking good at it oh thanks man yeah i just uh yeah like and uh because we've been busy with other stuff it kind of gets away from you and stuff and even even i'll just go back to like an open mic right just get up on stage i mean you know what i'm talking about you just like it
Starting point is 01:09:20 just sort of resets you in a way where you're just sort of at raw performance and creativity where you're just sort of on stage in front of people trying to make them laugh. And when you make bigger stuff, which is amazing because it's going to resonate with more people and it's a harder thing to pull off. You sometimes have to get away from exactly what you want to say to make it work within this bigger thing, which is part of the process and it's awesome. But with standup, you're like, I can just be as dumb as I want right now and say exactly. Yeah. Just,
Starting point is 01:09:49 it's just straight like me in this moment. Yeah. And it works in that medium. Yeah. How do you guys balance, um, the persona or whatever, whatever the word is that if it's not persona. But the persona that you intend versus the persona that the audience will accept.
Starting point is 01:10:11 That's a good question. Do you know what I mean? Because sometimes you'll watch a stand-up earlier on and you're like, oh, they were really going for a different thing. Then they pivoted and the audience liked it more. And you go well they were clearly chasing a different thing but then now they're doing this and the audience likes it so how do you how do you bail on well I wanted to kind of be
Starting point is 01:10:37 like the I want to be the guy just tells like one-liners right and then you realize like they don't want to hear one-liners from you then you start telling stories and they like that and you're like all right i'm a storyteller yeah i think i think early on i i i knew pretty clearly you know early on how the audience perceived me when they saw me on stage like yeah i mean it's it's yeah and And so I, you know, when I sort of like took that on on stage, I was pure persona. You know, every joke was kind of from that point of view, you know, that naivete or whatever. Now it's sort of like a mix to where I think getting a little bit more skilled where it's sort of like there's more truthfulness to me right uh into like what i'm going through but like through that point of view
Starting point is 01:11:31 right and i think that's where i'm headed so i think there's more longevity i've been loving that new stuff too oh thanks i feel like it's part you're older now and growing up too so it's like it's real to who you are in this moment well early on i would be like to jt i'm like yeah i'll be like i was like yeah I'm like, yeah, I'll be like, I was like, yeah, I'm like, you know, kind of a privileged guy. To me, I was like, I, you know, especially because we were coming up in like Eastside open mics. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Where it's like, you know, people are like, you know, they have this raw. Best fish tacos. Yeah. Yeah. They have like this rawest. And I was like, I was like, I just knew I'm like, I'm a, I'm a, you know, white guy. Right. have like this rost and i was like i was like yeah i just knew i'm like i'm a i'm a you know white guy right i was like i know i don't really have like a profound interesting sort of like you know life right that's gonna be your ectomorph though i'm an ectomorph i can bring that on stage so i i think i i so i went pure kind of character um but then getting experience in life and stuff and sort of stuff that people can relate
Starting point is 01:12:27 to i think that that's when you sort of start to find that material did you did you start to so you're like well i'm gonna lampoon what i look like and then at a certain point where you like maybe i'll just instead of lampooning it like be honest with the parts that are accurate we're like yeah i do surf i actually love it you know i mean like yeah what the the idea is cliche that like oh you surf of course you surf dude yeah but you're like yeah but i do and then there's no ground to be like oh all right i guess you really are that guy as opposed to like kind of making fun of what you are in a cartoony way yeah i think i you know
Starting point is 01:13:06 actually i think i've in a way started from that point a little bit uh because i was talking to my dad and i was thinking i was i like i went to this open mic and this guy was like bed greer was like he's judging it you know it's at the belly room at the comedy store and he's like you're just a white guy he's like you're good looking but you're not like super good looking and you like you're gonna give you know he's like you're gonna need to give me a reason to want to listen to your white humor right and that was sort of i was i was listening a lot of motivational stuff then i was like yeah this is like my my failure moment this is this is what's gonna give me the drive to find my perspective sure it's like thank you ed greer uh and uh so then i then i i was like i was thinking i was like how was it how was i funny within my family how was i funny in like college and stuff and i
Starting point is 01:13:55 was just talking to my dad i'm like yeah i'm like yeah i guess i could just talk about how much i like love my hair you know because it's true yeah i'm like what i was like i was like in this moment what do i care about right now my hair right i was like oh that's like a funny right place to to speak from and then just sort of evolved from there yeah does that make sense yeah yeah i love it i was just thinking about uh your like original performances and i was pitching you jokes in my head just now i was like you should tell him uh to put like a bunch of sand in his shoe before the show dude it's and then like mid-show just empty your shoe of sand on the stage sorry that was bothering me anyway like to just truly be like that beach bum yeah that's really funny um but yeah no that's
Starting point is 01:14:47 i that's i know i did open mic like three times when i was a when i was an assistant at real time with omar because most of the stand most of the writers were ex stand-ups and i kind of wanted to like be like yeah i did stand up last night yeah and i did it uh because my homie yasser do you guys know yasser lester yeah beast he worked the like phone at uh the improv at the time by the way i love like when you've been around long enough the dude who you see him rise up by the way adam divine worked the phone at the improv and when he left that job gave it to yasser i believe um but so y so Yasser would be like, yeah, I'll get you on the list. You don't have to like come and wait around. So I did it like three times and I did okay.
Starting point is 01:15:32 I had like, it was, I had a lot of new rules, like that I would write for Bill, that Bill would pass on, that the head writer would be like, this is funny, but Bill didn't like it. It's not his voice. And I would change it a little bit to be like, oh, this is like a, I wouldn't be like new rule. I would be like, this is funny, but Bill didn't like it. It's not his voice. And I would change it a little bit to be like, oh, this is like a, I wouldn't be like, new rule.
Starting point is 01:15:47 I would be like, you know, like this, they should fucking change that to that. Yeah. And then I just also improvised a little bit depending on whatever the song, the intro song would be. I'd be like, just to start loose, but it's all standups watching you.
Starting point is 01:16:02 But I never, I always wish I stuck with it only because of what you're talking about, which is like, you should figure out what your point of view is. Right. As opposed to like, just kind of guessing. Like, and if you do standup,
Starting point is 01:16:19 I imagine the audience tells you, audience tells you like, yeah, uh, we really don't like you as a prick like if I was like
Starting point is 01:16:27 my persona's gonna be like the jerk yeah cause some people get away with it but like at a certain point they'll be like
Starting point is 01:16:32 we hate you don't do that right you know you seem like an actual prick and you try on all those
Starting point is 01:16:36 like you try to be Jessalynick for like a month and then the audience will be like you're not Jessalynick right yeah
Starting point is 01:16:41 or you try and be nice and they're like we don't like you as a pussy. We want you to be hardcore, bro. Yeah. It's interesting. Dude, two things on that real quick. When I started comedy, I started in New York and I wanted to be an elbow patch intellectual
Starting point is 01:16:55 comedian. Right. You know what I mean? I wanted to be like- Was that like a Galifianakis effect? No, it was more like older than that. It was almost like Dennis Miller, like Robert Kleiner. I liked like witty, like urbane guys. I wanted to be like dick cavett almost like i wanted to be like
Starting point is 01:17:08 borderline i wanted to be urbane yeah you're just like a bruh well the audience let me know real quick i was like i was like look i'm playing comedian but i could also probably host a show where i talk to physicists right and then the audience was like no you can't do yeah they were like that's not you bro i love that i was always in awe of jt my first song even from like the first set i saw he had this unique like uber vulnerability where you just talk about you know just like but from a broey perspective of course which is hilarious it was like so unique because i was like i'd never seen it before and it was like this kind of like uh like the shit you were talking it was just so funny because it's stuff that you never would expect someone to just say right and
Starting point is 01:17:56 then you're just saying it from like this like funny person yeah it was very uh it was very kind of uh i keep saying unique but it's just really unique well because like like the surfer vibe the malibu persona or whatever you don't think it would be like introspective yeah or like critical of self or whatever and if you're like sharing insecurities people are like i've never seen this before what yeah right yeah as opposed to just like you know when you go to 7-eleven and like they got the taquitos on the rotisserie? One time a buddy of mine lit a joint on that or whatever. That's funny, but you expect...
Starting point is 01:18:31 That's not that funny. But you expect that kind of like... That's in the wheelhouse of what you already know about a bro. Right. But then when you hear him go like, I put a condom on the other day and it was just a little too loose and it fucking broke my heart people are like yeah exactly what happened i don't know how to place this kind of way but i'm curious so like now i'm like shopping for different size columns but i'd never seen the brand before so i didn't know if it was like extra big or like from another country
Starting point is 01:19:00 and then i'm like what's this country with their dicks are so big? You know, whatever, like, people don't expect that. So I'm sure it was shocking. Yeah, it's still a work in progress, too. But off that, I want to get, prove what Chavo said, my legend of the week is buffalo sauce. I love it. Dude, nice. Dude, I was having some of my eggs today.
Starting point is 01:19:18 It's delicious. Yeah, yeah. I had some wings at Strider's engagement party. Big shout out to Strider and his fiancée. What's funny, too, I get met, our buddy Strider always talks about his fianc out to Strider and his fiance. What's funny too, our buddy Strider always talks about his fiance, but she doesn't want to be on camera. I was wondering if she was real.
Starting point is 01:19:30 That's what people think, dude. They don't think she's real. I lived with her for like three years and they're like, it's all a bit. The part where you were talking about sushi the other day, he's like, we're going out for sushi. I was just, that dude is a, he's an anomaly. He's incredible.
Starting point is 01:19:42 He's the coolest. And beloved, dude. I've never met someone who people, who's genuinely interesting, funny, and intelligent, and that people just automatically love. Yeah, he's got a thing about him that it's like no nonsense. He's straight to it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:58 He knows who he is. Yeah, for sure. And because he does, so do we. Bro, Strider, big ups to you, dog to you dog yeah man i'd love to come hang out with everybody off the podcast but it's hollywood man we don't do that sorry dude i'm down i'm fucking down let's just go to the grove and walk around do a couple laps that's my favorite place dude i go to the grove like two three times a week it's like the capital from the hunger games nothing bad's ever happened there get on the the train. Except for executions and shit. There were those executions.
Starting point is 01:20:26 I don't know if they... They don't publicize it. Yeah. But yeah, buffalo sauce is... Dude, so I was at the hospital a little while ago having a baby. And the menu at this hospital is pretty good. But I was like, I don't want something too crazy. So they had a mini buffalo chicken wrap okay and i'm like great it's just little it's gonna give me a little zip for the day yeah so this fucking guy behind the counter grabs
Starting point is 01:20:53 two chicken fingers out of like the fridge throws in the fryer i'm like all right uh then he gets out like a white tortilla throws it down sprinkles a bunch of lettuce on it grabs the chicken fingers out of the fryer puts them on top of the taco and then it was supposed to be a mini buffalo chicken wrap
Starting point is 01:21:20 and he goes with the buffalo sauce and then just hands it to me like open face and i was like it's disrespect this is insane yeah this is not a wrap like you gotta dice the chicken right and then you mix it with the lettuce and then you wrap it. And it wasn't mini. It was like pretty big. It was macro. And then I ate it, and it was a fucking mess.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And my wife's like, what did you get? I'm like, well, I was trying to get a mini buffalo sauce, like buffalo chicken wrap. And I think that was my last encounter with buffalo sauce.
Starting point is 01:21:59 So like, I know where you're coming from. Right. But a little recency bias is playing into it. Yeah, it fucked me up. It'll come back into your life, I'm sure. For sure. And you just didn't want to put that dude out.
Starting point is 01:22:09 You know, he's having a hard day. It's a tough gig. You didn't want to be like, bro, come on. Can you put a little more thoughtfulness into the rap? I mean, I didn't even give him a look. Like, you know, like, I'm taking it. But we both know this is not a rap. I know the look, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:25 So, yeah, just got to grill cheese the next time, and it was pretty out of sight. The fries are great. The fries were fucking, we would just get a ton of fries. That's awesome. Nothing like hospital fries. Dude, I used to go on cruises with my family and just get plates of fries. Yeah. Oh, man, it used to remind me of a buddy of mine had a friend.
Starting point is 01:22:43 We all grew up together together but it was his experience and i'm retelling the story uh where they went to brown's chicken which is like a kfc chain in chicago that doesn't exist anymore and my homie asked for like let me get two drummies and like some thigh uh and uh some breasts and then the kid who was with him was like can i just get a plate of the skin like the fried part and they were like no you have to order chicken you have to eat the chicken with it all right fine but now i'm like kfc if they were like kfc just the skin it'd be like the biggest fucking thing in the world something about that feels wrong to me i'm like no you have to eat the part that's not as special to earn the special part you can't just get the special but in this day
Starting point is 01:23:28 and age of like the chickens the bread and like the dorito taco shell like what's the next craziest thing it's like bucket of skin now kfc it's gonna happen at some point that's my dr fauci again it's a bucket of skin yeah two doses of the skin and you're gonna you know you're gonna feel fuzzy for a bit but again we got the full moon chad what's your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from my yoga teacher mimi shout out uh first is it is it problematic she's chinese is it problematic? She's Chinese. Is it problematic if I do a Chinese accent? Probably, dude.
Starting point is 01:24:09 Yeah, I wouldn't. Okay. But let's see how good it is. What's up, guys? I'm interrupting this podcast. You know, once again, that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims pubed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean.
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Starting point is 01:25:11 your nuts in high def and they've got the crop reviver ball toner crop preserver ball deodorant because you want to show off your 2022 self looking fresh with nice balls. Yes. And they got a shed travel bag, anti-chafing boxer briefs as free gifts to keep all your goodies stored comfortably. And guys, let's just blitz poor hygiene all night. These are the best tools for the job. Be sure to travel to manscaped.com for exclusive offer of over of 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODIP. Tame that playoff beard in your pants. That's 20% off with free shipping at Manscaped.com. Use code GODIP when grooming your most sensitive areas.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Why play in the wildcard game when you can take the safety of a first round buy with Manscaped? For the show. No, I'm going to go standard American. Smart. Well, I don't know what that means either dude yeah i've been thinking about this all day i'm in a massive pickle dude how many stories and jokes i've told where i've turned someone who was something else into just a white guy yeah god's waves help me i love the phrase something else too that was not the best way
Starting point is 01:26:20 to put it but uh i was in high with this guy. He was something else. But like cool and fun. Okay. I have it in my head. I can do it now. Chad, you need to be in class every day. You have great energy. That meant a lot to me.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Like we were talking about energy. There was a little bit of an accent in there. Fuck, dude. I heard it. Dude. Oh, dude. No. Even just like the gentleness as if or she has a gentle voice yeah no she controls the room that's why you like her too you like a boss lady oh yeah so she said you have good energy dude can i put my feet up
Starting point is 01:26:58 bro please i've been waiting for you to do it take those those socks off, too. No, I don't know. By the way, my second legend of the week is those shorts, baby. Should we talk about them? Yes. These are Mountain Hardwear down insulated shorts because I live in Southern California, but sometimes it gets cold, and my kids call them my jacket shorts. I also have jacket pants.
Starting point is 01:27:22 They're fun. Dude, you have pants like that? Yeah. That's tight. And here's what I'm starting to see. They're fun. Dude, you have pants like that? Yeah. That's tight. And here's what I'm starting to see. High-end fashion. They're doing them now. Dude, you're ahead of the curve.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Well, Mountain Hardware. Shout out Mountain Hardware. They're ahead of the curve because they're making just functional outerwear. And then like high-end streetwear companies are like, that actually just kind of looks fun and cool. And then high-end streetwear companies are like, that actually just kind of looks fun and cool. Dude, you should ask Mountain Hardware if they'll change the name of the shorts and pants to the Ders. To Ders' jacket shorts and jacket pants?
Starting point is 01:27:53 Or just the Ders. Yeah. I do like the Ders. The Ders. The Ders shorts. The Ders shorts? The Ders shorts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Get on your Kanye shit, dude. I wish. You know? I don't know if it's my place but yeah these are fucking the best they're tight uh they're way too expensive but hey man that's just what it is those are expensive yeah nice these are i mean these are 250 dollars or no i'm sorry the pants are 250 these shorts were 200 but my kid gave them to me for christmas so really oh yeah he's breaded and then my other kid gave me some like goofy puke colored uh fleece
Starting point is 01:28:35 pants sweet from uh mountain hardware i'm just looking at any camera i love it around hardware fucking it's good shit i don't know if you guys i've never heard of it but i'll check it out when we have that off my kang yeah i'm gonna come beat up from the feet up in mount hardwell so here's the deal you guys are both from socal right yeah right or yeah but we'll get into it uh but i grew up in the midwest where like you need shit in the winter that's like fully functional my joke is that the rain jacket of somebody who lives in Southern California is just a hooded sweatshirt. I don't understand it.
Starting point is 01:29:12 But it's just like, yeah, you just need a hoodie, even when it's pouring rain, as if it blocks the rain. When I moved to New York, that's all I had. And then I had to go to American Eagle Outfitters and get something that had some... Like driving here today, it was pouring raining and it's not warm it's like 48 or 50 degrees out and i just saw all these people in hoodies and i'm like all you gotta do is buy a rain jacket but it never rains here so people are like just just survive the day hood up you're good to go anyway jacket shorts yeah i think though i think this rain has been good for i think we're surviving they were getting a little bit past that drought that's true that's true you guys like the rain no no i'm a sun dude
Starting point is 01:29:50 day in day out i'd love to be tan yeah i love it when the people on the news are like there's we have a severe drought and i'm like that's awesome nice yeah yeah now we're sunshine boys what do you think um again like being from the mid Midwest where you got seasons, for the first many, many years, I was like, fuck that. We don't have a seasons here. It's great. Who needs winter? Da, da, da, da.
Starting point is 01:30:18 But then you realize after 10 years, you're like, well, wait, how is it already 10 years? And you don't have the same like markers. There's no demarcations of time. Yeah, back in the day, you could be like, well, it's pilot season. And it's been a year since the last pilot season. There's no demarcations of time. Yeah, back in the day you could be like, well, it's pilot season. And it's been a year since the last pilot season. So we know it's been a year. And now that's kind of gone.
Starting point is 01:30:35 And so now you're like, if I wear a flannel, it's winter. I buy winter clothes now, like jacket pants. Just to arbitrarily kind of signpost where you're at. Yeah, to go, dude, it's on those get out those winter clothes and rock those so that i just so that i just know otherwise time just to fucking escape you can slip into on we when you don't have any kind of like uh like obvious cycle to stuff yeah it's it's fucked up specific to where we're at too um it's that it's that old simon rex song uh la is like groundhog day yeah every day is the same dude i had a dream about simon rex uh i'll probably cut this but i had a dream with him that he was uh forcing me to have
Starting point is 01:31:14 sex with him never had that dream before in my life and i woke up fucking terrified nice dude yeah i mean i would you could cut that that's true though he's in your zeitgeist it's real bro i woke up and i was like what the fuck was that man yeah i wonder what that means i do too he crushed in red rocket though did you see it i did we saw i gotta see it i gotta see it i liked it a lot yeah he's he's got there's a couple scenes where he's got to get dark you know i mean he's kind of dark the whole time because he's like you know like a uh right a gr mean, he's kind of dark the whole time because he's like, you know, like a grifter, like, you know, kind of manipulator dude. But the scenes where he gets dark, it's real, man.
Starting point is 01:31:50 He's fucking good. That's awesome. I'm glad. Maybe that was the performance was so effective. Yeah. He's in your dreams, man. Do you have a quote of the week? Do I have a quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:32:00 Oh, man. I mean, what was my kids always say? Like the craziest shit. You know what I mean? Where it's like just a gem. But I can't think. Quote of the week off the top of my head. No, I don't have a quote of the week.
Starting point is 01:32:20 Like, is this one you guys heard this week? Or this can just be a quote that you're presenting this week both both um you could make one up off the top of your dome i guess uh yeah maybe i'll do that maybe my quote of the week um and then will you just give me either one of you give me like a genre of of uh what it should be about kind of thing this is like a bad improv okay all right like inspirational odom move on and then you will also move on you'll be free well that's not what i said what you mean yeah yeah yeah you'll be free yeah sorry like i felt that you know i mean like that was really good because we were talking about it earlier and i it i it did you know when you get on um in the comments and you start typing and you're like how am i wording this something
Starting point is 01:33:33 and then you just delete it because you're like who fucking cares who cares who cares but like i got so fired up when i saw people be like so sad sad, man. Like, can you imagine? It would have been so dope. And it's like, he's still alive. Don't keep him in that box. He might bring something completely different to the world potentially, and better and more impactful than what he did with basketball. Maybe he won't. I don't know. But maybe he will. so let's stop being like man i wish he was still balling let's not act as if the the story's over too just because it didn't go the way we thought was like supposed to happen yeah do you mind if our social media guy posts like a photo of your face with that quote no no i think that could become a meme
Starting point is 01:34:24 yeah for sure hey like i said it's not up to me you know what i mean yeah there's greater you know what i mean like a black and white photo with like with like white font uh-huh and it will find a photo of you just looking inquisitive whoa yeah we take that still jack did you see that that's what you were talking about bro guys i'm blushing i'm blushing i'm gonna wet my pants um yeah i guess that's my quote just because it was fucking pissed me off the internet fucking drives me crazy oh yeah right i gotta go to the fucking costa rica where were you uh rio nexpo, Mexico. Mexico. I gotta go to Mexico and unplug. Because I'm addicted
Starting point is 01:35:08 to the phone, right? Me too, man. It's crazy. I think I talked to you guys about Squid Games last time I stopped by. Yeah, did you? We almost potted. Yeah, we almost potted. Then we departed.
Starting point is 01:35:24 Departed. With we departed. Departed. With the accent of Boston. God, I should have done stand-up. I would have found my voice and realized maybe I shouldn't have done that joke. I liked it. I liked it. But everyone loves Squid Games. And it was good.
Starting point is 01:35:38 I just finished it because I was busy watching Sopranos. Started Squid Games. Finished Squid Games. It's amazing. With the exception of all the American actors. Shots fired. Because weren't they horrible? I haven't watched it yet.
Starting point is 01:35:50 Oh, okay. I'm three episodes in. Oh, okay. So you're enjoying it, right? But everyone's like, oh my God. My theory of why everyone loves it is because it's subtitled. So you can't be on your phone or else you don't know what the fuck's going on. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Right? So everyone's like, dude, it was just so engrossing like i felt like yeah because you had to pay attention for the first time like normally even when it's something i really want to fucking watch um like sophie's choice or whatever to not pick up my phone and watch sophie's choice was so fucking hard uh and then eventually of course after like an hour you're like deepening the movie if it's good if it's not you're like let me just check what the fucking you know but uh when there's subtitles you can't do that it's so funny you say my review literally of movies now when someone asks me if a movie's good i go i paid attention like i'm like i'm like my brother's
Starting point is 01:36:41 like was the king the new kingsman movie good right i was like it didn't feel like the other kingsman movies it felt like a little comic book-y but I was like I paid attention there should be like a the phone the phone pickup marker like dude
Starting point is 01:36:53 it was seven minutes in I grabbed my phone or like two hours in or I never grabbed my phone you know like that's the the marker of how good it is
Starting point is 01:37:01 that's the measurement for how good it is but I know we've been here a long, I've been here a long time, but the first Kingsman movie, the end of that movie.
Starting point is 01:37:12 Anal sex. Is insane. That's right. I totally forgot about that. But it makes it, it's like ridiculous and I don't like it, but I'm almost like, I kind of think it works because it makes you,
Starting point is 01:37:21 it just went there in a way that was like. The craziest moment in a movie in the last 20 years i agree or none where it's like hey if i save the day can i fuck you in the ass and she's like yeah because you're obviously not going to save the day and then he saves the day and it's not like a quick hey all right there's a real slow wind up to him like walking back to the room i'm about to go fuck this girl in the ass like high-fiving people then he gets there the doors close she knows it's on but she's cool about it which is great he knows it's on and then there's a dude who's on like the security cameras who's like oh they're uh really gonna start fucking in the like i was like this is
Starting point is 01:38:10 no longer enjoyable and the fact that they made it anal too where it's like they're i almost think they were and this takes away the absurdity a little bit it's like i think because bond movies always end with bond sleeping with it they're like all right well how do we twist that up a little bit with some like new edginess we're like we'll make it anal and then you're like but you really ended a hundred million dollar movie with anal sex like are you fucking nuts dude also like she said it knowing that he wouldn't save the world do you mean we're like it was an empty if you go hey i'm gonna jump off this building will you pay me a million dollars? I'd go, yeah. But then if you did it and you army crawled over to me with broken legs and you were like,
Starting point is 01:38:52 where's your million dollars? I'd go, dude, obviously I didn't mean that. Right. Right? You almost don't like the protagonist as much because you're like, oh, you actually made her follow through on the anal sex promise. Don't you think a gentleman, someone from the Kingsman would have walked in there and been like, hey, that whole thing, we'll get there when we get there. Someday.
Starting point is 01:39:08 Yeah, we'll get there when we get there. Maybe I'll just take you out to coffee for this first one. Yeah. Or even if she... He's like, hey, I'm back and I did it. If he was like, can we do anal? And she goes, yeah, if you save the world, we can do anal. And then he comes back, he's like, I'm about to do anal.
Starting point is 01:39:24 And then she goes, okay, yeah, bend yeah bend over right if he got pegged dude that not even not even that he's gonna get that he's getting pegged but that she's like you didn't say who like and that's more fun she's funny she's got a sense of humor oh you thought you're gonna come back here and fuck me in the ass no i can't believe that got through all the script rewrites crazy and that like whoever you know warner brothers whoever produced it was like good ending co-written by a woman though so like that helps you they have that can you imagine if i'd like to know whose idea it was matthew vaughn dude just straight out of his dome was like i'd love to have a movie end with just an anal is it based on a comic book it feels like it especially this
Starting point is 01:40:04 last if it is maybe it was in the comic book it feels like it especially this last if it is maybe it was in the comic book but like that makes sense 88 or something like 13 year olds too yeah yeah but they had like in like the mid 90s they started doing like the more adult comic books like dark watchman type shit yeah yeah where like you would it's a little rougher than like x-men um these are the bad guys these are the good guys everything's good it's like when gray came into comic books basically yes yeah i mean but come on that ending and like i'm not like a prude i'm a prude and i was like this is weird yeah like i'm the guy who made and wrote game over man for netflix check it out uh there's a lot of fucking weird shit in there but this was just like gross dude when i say the new kingsman doesn't feel like the other kingsman movies it's
Starting point is 01:40:52 because it's literally devoid of those kind of scenes interest i haven't seen the second one was the second one good second one doesn't have anything that like raunchy in it it feels more like the other kingsman but none of them have gone to that right extent good yeah probably by the way the clothes you can buy from the kingsman on like mr porter beautiful did you know this oh you can buy kingsman like the actual not the like from the movie like the ones that they wore but like the exact same stuff really you can buy on mr porter it is not cheap and some of it's fucking sick i'm in dude next time we hang let's all drop in some dapper suits and channing tatum is in the second one yeah and like cowboy gear right like the american version of king whiskey guy you can buy his whole suit like it's
Starting point is 01:41:37 fucking kind of sick he's having fun in it yeah i'm like am i am going to buy a suit from the Kingsman movie? What was that? Sorry. Would you fart it? No. That was you? Yeah, I cleared my throat. Oh. When you have that beautiful of a voice, when you've got that nice, smooth baritone, it
Starting point is 01:41:54 sounds like a knock. It needs some clearance. Sorry, not to embarrass you. Can you do it again real quick? Oh, okay. More guttural, though. It was more like... I think when it was in the arm, I was... It was more like I think when it was like in the arm
Starting point is 01:42:05 it was more like Van Morrison's voice it was like a motorcycle driving on gravel there it is yeah there we go yeah that there's your quote
Starting point is 01:42:13 I actually picked that up from Rolling Stone top 40 artists of all time he's good but that's how they describe Bruce's voice he was just here in LA wasn't he
Starting point is 01:42:20 he's still kicking yeah god bless him yeah not into the mystic yet nice yeah because he's got that crazy love hey guys here in LA, wasn't he? He's still kicking? Yeah. God bless him. Yeah. Not into the Mystic yet. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Because he's got that crazy love. Hey, guys. I just keep stretching it. Second lull. Yeah, well, dude, this is... What's the lull record? We had a couple with... We had a...
Starting point is 01:42:37 Do you know Jimmy Tatro? Yeah. I love that dude. Yeah, we had him on for our last recording. We had some nice lulls. Yeah. I love a good lull.
Starting point is 01:42:44 I'm trying to get more comfortable with him him though. Short inside baseball story. Ready? The sitcom he's on. Home Economics. Home Economics. My agents reached out to me and they were like,
Starting point is 01:42:57 hey, so they really like you for this show, Home Economics. Here's the script. I read it. I'm like, this is fucking really good. This is really well written. Jimmy Tatro has the offer right now uh if he passes it's gonna come to you and i was like oh fuck he's really funny he's kind of young for it though like the guy's like a family man and like jimmy could be like a movie star like i don't know if I would do it if I was him. He DM'd me because I've just met him a few times. He DM'd me and was like, yo, man, I got a question. I'm up for this sitcom. And I
Starting point is 01:43:35 like it. I just don't know if it's the right move for me. And I was like, is this a joke? And I hit my manager up. I go, the dude who's got the movie who, if he passes on it, I get the part that I like actually really like just DM to me to be like, should I do this? Yeah, man, what do you think?
Starting point is 01:43:54 I like making my own stuff. You did your own thing. Should I keep doing that? And so I call him, I go full disclosure right out of the gate. If you pass on this, they're offering it to me and i'm for sure gonna take it i was like i love this part i think it's it's it's great for me um but i was like but you are super funny and if i were you i think you're super fucking talented you got your own
Starting point is 01:44:20 show you're starting to be in movies and i don't know if you want to play like a dad when you're like 28 or whatever i don't know how old he is uh because then you're a dad already and really when you're gonna have a long career like think about adam sandler he wasn't a dad until he was like big daddy big daddy and even a big daddy he was like 35 or 38 yeah and he's like a surrogate father yeah and like and like he's in the the um murder mystery movies right and he's like whoa are we gonna get married it's like dude you're almost 60 years old yeah so like i was kind of like maybe don't be a dad yet and ride it out um but i was like but again if you do i'm i'm telling you how I honestly feel, but also if you do pass, I get this part,
Starting point is 01:45:06 or I don't get the part, but they offer it to me. So just know that. And he took it and is also doing movies. But I was like, this is fucking hilarious. I think he's super funny. When you're getting tested in like a, that's like a biblical test almost. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:45:23 It's like you have this moment where you're like, I could tell this dude to pass. again like at some point if i told him the pass and then i did get the part or whatever how's that gonna look to him yeah like and i like him every time i run into him he's a great dude he's super funny he uh isn't just like some annoying guy he's like interesting to talk to uh so i just kept it real and was like i want you to pass please pass but know that i'm gonna get the offer right um and i love i would love for the producers to hear this and be like we weren't gonna offer it to you i mean like you might have gotten the offer
Starting point is 01:46:05 like after we went to everyone else in town. But yeah, that was like a funny Tatro story that I said was going to be short. No, it was a great story.
Starting point is 01:46:14 I like this. Inside baseball. That's how it works, guys. You don't always get the part and you can lie to people you kind of know when you run into parties or you can tell the truth.
Starting point is 01:46:24 The choice is up to you. Yeah. So you guys had a bunch of lulls with him? Yeah. Yeah, we had a couple. But just, you know, if I had known that... But aren't the lulls too
Starting point is 01:46:34 a natural reaction to like when you just get into a nice groove with someone and you build up to this high energy point and then there's a natural kind of reset after that. Yeah. Yeah. So the lulls i think are
Starting point is 01:46:47 well earned right fucking amen third lull it's nice should we sit in it are you gonna fucking clear your throat again you should you should say god's waves i should have cleared my throat like 45 minutes ago and i just haven't oh wait let's hear it god's waves that was nice you have like um the double voice you know where there's like i can hear your voice but then there's also the like um reverberation part okay all right do you guys know yeah do you hear it there's an afterlife to his like just say like i'm gonna go to the store i'll be back i'm gonna go to the store i'll be back whoa so there's they like probably what you sounded like when you were younger voice in there and then it's like the double deep did you have a crazy like voice changing no but it used to be a lot higher
Starting point is 01:47:42 when i was a kid yeah interesting that'd be in i hope so that would be insane if you were like three years old i need a bottle i totally forgot about the voice changing thing oh dude your kid it's usually people with super deep voice they come out on the other side like what's up yeah you know because of course i'm so jealous of these who got Adam's apples. I was like, fuck, he's got an Adam's apple.
Starting point is 01:48:06 That's sick. Oh, I didn't even think those are something you develop. Oh yeah, those pop. Later? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:11 Oh, I didn't even think about that. Oh yeah, I was, I was, I was like, I was like, I gotta get a nice apple.
Starting point is 01:48:16 What do you got? Let me see. You got a good one, dude. What do you think? Yeah. I mean, what's cool about yours
Starting point is 01:48:22 is there's not too much space above it because it's those guys that have all much space above it because it's those guys that have all the space above it that you're like like reptilian it looks reptilian jutting out too much it looks like a snake eating something that's like passing through my brother bill has a pretty dope one no shit yeah i think that's why i was so because i i look up to him you know so i was like i gotta get one like bills uh-huh that's rough when you're older bro i got
Starting point is 01:48:45 older brothers and when they have something you want physically like pubes yeah my brother got pubes before me and he's younger no way it was bigger than me dude so i fought yeah it wasn't like a big brother bullying a little brother it was like every time he was like a furry child i was like i gotta bring it dude that's gotta do something if your younger brother has pubes before you dude we went to a doctor to test where i was at in the puberty train which was taking a necklace that had different size nuts on it and comparing them to my nuts and i was 20 wait what doctor i drove orange county brother and then uh yeah and then i wanted my brother to stay in the room for the net measurement because i trust him but my mom there has to be a parent my mom was like i will do it
Starting point is 01:49:27 right but dude my so they they get this puberty chart out which is probably pretty arbitrary but they go you're two years behind and your brother's two years in front wow and he was 20 months younger than me 22 months younger than me wow so he was two months ahead of me on the puberty train wow they kept calling it a train and then they're like it's a train um that's wild and how did you what is this necklace this nut necklace you're talking about so it's like a necklace that looks like it could be you know fit for some older style of living okay and then it's like it had different like bead nuts on it and it got progressively different they got progressively bigger and then there were different colors anal beads progressively different they got progressively bigger and then
Starting point is 01:50:05 they were different colors anal beads at a doctor's office exactly and then they would take like so i was like an orange nut which meant i was like small nuts and my brother didn't measure his nuts but i think he was like green how did you not talk about this earlier when we were like i talked about all the time i just talking about balls i didn't want to we gotta if we go on i'm gonna go on amazon i'm gonna order one of these i'll reach out to my folks and dude then the drive home my dad was like we're all silent everyone's really sad for me because they were like right jt might never have like yeah a man body and then my dad goes you know jt there's a bigger things in the world than that stuff and i just started crying and i snapped and i went shut the fuck up shut the fuck that's
Starting point is 01:50:45 like getting that fist bump yeah i was like this is bullshit i'm fucking sad let me out let me out let me out i'm walking i was like i'm disfigured bro and then uh but it all worked out dude yeah i got i didn't get armpit hair until um college really wow what are you rocking now um i have like a little triangle of chest hair nice dude you know yeah no way not even close to that i was that level at seventh grade though jesus so what was your brother chest hair no pubes chest hair no pubes dude back hair no pubes that's a rough combo wait i mean i guess i got pubes bull parties were a fucking nightmare man in like seventh or
Starting point is 01:51:25 eighth grade i had some cubes but it was like not like but when did you get chest hair fuck man it's all confusing i think like eighth grade ninth grade yeah wow i remember like i'm gonna be swimming as like a senior and there'd always be like some freshman new kid at a rival high school or even on your own team who like shows up with a beard and chest hair and you're like the fuck's going on over there what's the deal bro yeah it's not it's not the right time i still don't have like what i assumed i grew up in a college town evanston illinois where northwestern is and you would just see like college kids running around with beards as like a 12 year old and like just throwing frisbee and shit and you're like i guess any day now yeah i still don't look as hairy as those guys no but you got good i'm looking at your legs right now you got a nice distribution of uh follicles yeah these the leg
Starting point is 01:52:16 hair is probably my strongest um i attribute i admired your facial hair on our last recording. My mustache can get there. And that's, my father had one, and my mother's brother had a strong mustache. And I actually look like Uncle Bobby when I put a mustache on. My cousin always hits me up, and he's like, you know who you look like. R.I.P. Oh, really? Dude, do you remember the first kid who could jizz? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:50 I remember Aria. Aria Torshizzi. Sure. Tore it up. Sorry, Aria. Dude, I've told this story before. He's like, we're good. You said first, not last.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Dude, he's like, yeah, I jizzed. He's like, yeah, he's like, it's sixth grade. He's like, yeah, bro, I jacked yeah, I jizzed. He's like, yeah, he's like, is sixth grade? He's like, yeah, bro, I jacked off and I jizzed. I was like, what? Ninth grade. He's like, really? Ninth grade, huh? That was late, bro.
Starting point is 01:53:13 I remember the first time. So you did jizz? Yeah, ninth grade until I jizzed. Yeah, dude, seventh grade. I could have helped you with that. How? Bro. I would be like, let's see what I can get out of here.
Starting point is 01:53:24 Yeah, let's talk about i told you we got a hangover yeah yeah you sound really fun come to the grove come to the grove please come to the grove i mentioned this thing on the pod yeah just taught me how to jizz more yeah dude my loads are just out of this world they were taking down the christmas tree and we were just behind that and he fucking said i had slack and jacked me off. You know the Workaholics guys? They know loads. They're good guys. We do know loads.
Starting point is 01:53:48 They're really good guys. Yeah, I don't know when that happened. I definitely remember it happening and being like, because it's dry. And we've talked about this on our podcast, of course. How fun that was when it was dry. When it was dry, you're like, sensation. I guess that's it. And then one day it's like.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Clean up. Yeah. And then your mom looks at you like please don't ruin all the towels right yeah please don't take your shorts off yeah before you do this dude i feel bad because when i was uh doing foreign exchange in spain yeah my senior year of high school i was living with a host family right it's just everywhere like she was just the floor hey brother let me let me free you oh yeah no dude let me free you should not feel bad about that dude they knew that's okay you're a young man you're supposed to be doing that right how do you say what is in spain spain ejacula bongo a bongo i made it A bongo? I made it up. Bongo. Ejaculado. Bongo.
Starting point is 01:54:46 Mucho bongo. But you're saying the Spanish version of ejaculate. What's their jizz? What's their fun word? El diablo. They put a big like, it's a lot of Christianity. Right, exactly. For sure. Catholicism.
Starting point is 01:54:58 Yeah, they got a lot of shame around. I'm Colombian. I'm a lot of rip-offs. They call it buffalo sauce. Yeah. No? Muy tango not a good callback
Starting point is 01:55:06 championes hey you're weaving baby yeah mushrooms are championes I've told this story a lot I used to have my friends come over
Starting point is 01:55:13 and we'd all watch porn together and we'd make little huts and jay off under them and all my boys really yeah it was fun dude and all my boys were starting it wasn't weird
Starting point is 01:55:21 because I was like I had a lot of leadership qualities but me and all my boys were jaying off in our little forts and my boys were starting to bust like like something was coming out right and so i didn't want to be left behind so i faked it and i went to the bathroom and i thought it was like pee right where you could hold it in right so i was knocking on the door going guys i'm about to bust open the door open the door yeah and then and then i was like guys i was so close like i was busted in my shorts and then all my friends were like it doesn't work that way and i got totally called out it was humiliating
Starting point is 01:55:49 dude even my parents they were listening from upstairs and they would do you sound like an idiot right now so this that's not how bust works my mom was like super like just like you made a laughing stock out of your did this happen like that jt did this party happen in a post-jackass world? Around the same time. Okay, yeah. That makes sense. So I grew up pre-jackass, and that just didn't fly. Like, homosexual stuff, it just was so much more, you just didn't do it.
Starting point is 01:56:25 And then jackass came, pun intended, and they were so kind of homoerotic with each other that it just let the doors down for dudes to be more homosexual about stuff. I love that. They were like a force for cultural good in terms of taking camaraderie to where it really belongs. Exactly. Because I remember there were
Starting point is 01:56:41 a couple dudes on the swim team who are not gay but like this was like around the time when when jackass was coming out and they were doing stuff that i was like yo what are you doing bro like and they're like i'm just fucking around and i was like oh yeah uh i just didn't know that was but i think that jack yeah but i think like jackass they made it just kind of goofy and fun to be like yeah i'm gonna tie the let me tie this thing to your dick which like if i'm in high school or middle school that era you're not really doing that i knew one guy who jacked off his dog but like even everybody thought that was crazy that is right yeah
Starting point is 01:57:25 i yeah i think even post jackass there they're like yeah did we all jack off our dog there's always that guy dude i had a buddy yeah jade off his dog i was good i think i did too i got humped by my we used to get let my dog hump us in front of everybody yeah i mean that's hilarious right but would you let your but so you and in that era post jackass you might even let your homie hump on you as a joke right and well i i'd be like so what are you doing i think it's to me it's spartan is this the end of the pod no no no because and look this is because american pie came out before jackass right and came out before I did this. And the ultimate diss in that movie is when he drank the beer of jizz.
Starting point is 01:58:10 But I feel like drinking a jizz beer in 2022, somebody's fucking done it just to be the fucking crazy guy at the party now. Just to be the edgy guy who's not afraid of things. And nobody cares. Yeah. No, it's not even by the way it matters for a week and then people just move on whereas if someone did that in my high school as a joke they would it'd be the first thing anyone ever talks about dude there's kind
Starting point is 01:58:38 of a badassness like an edgelord in his quality to being the guy who will go there and be unafraid of it right yeah right like i used to be a pioneer i used to make out with some of my dude friends in front of like really big alpha male guys to just freak them the fuck out yeah and then we would just die laughing yeah and how bugged out these like uh kind of uh neanderthalish dudes would respond to it right yeah right i gotta go yeah Yeah. Right. I got to go. Yeah. No, I think we're almost there, though. Yeah? That might get cut.
Starting point is 01:59:09 No. Chad, what's your phrase of the week for getting after it? Phrase of the week for getting after it? Dudes, I think I just busted a load.'s the first time what's your phrase that we forget after it um did you enjoy that or were you kind of i can't tell how you i let you have that yeah i thought it was funny yeah i liked it i wasn't asking you i was just like did you feel yeah i felt it i felt um like a little bit of motivation okay cool like just a little not not like a fully um i think mine might be uh and this doesn't this is a metaphor
Starting point is 02:00:07 this isn't specific and it's something that has a little bit of backstory but um let's go get some snacks oh nice is that rex ryan no that is uh me and the workaholics dudes filming sketch comedy before everything we were filming with these like guns outside of a school and two police squad cars fucking roll up open the doors pull guns on us and they're like hands in the air hands in the air we're like what the fuck's going on and uh they're like somebody said you guys were over here cleaning guns we're like we're filming a sketch comedy like they're not real it's a it were over here cleaning guns. We're like, we're filming a sketch comedy. Like, they're not real. It's a fucking joke.
Starting point is 02:00:48 And the guy's like, I was ready to fucking blow your head off, kid. And I'm like, all right, well, we're like, we're just like, just pack it up. Get out of here. And he turns to the other fucking officers like, let's go get some fucking, let's go get some snacks. So it's like, let's go get some fucking, let's go get some snacks. So like me and the dudes have said that, like, let's get some, let's go get some snacks for 20 years now. Psychotic. It's amazing.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Hilarious. Yeah. And I was like, and back then I was like, you were just going to go around the corner and blow my head off without like figuring out what the situation was. And now I'm like, yeah, you got to do it. You got to just go blow somebody's head off without like figuring out what the situation was. And now I'm like, yeah, you gotta do it. You gotta just go blow somebody's head off. Do you think they still would've got snacks? Had they blown your head off?
Starting point is 02:01:32 Yeah. Eventually. Right. Snacks are crucial. What kind of snacks do you think they got? Slim Jim. Funyuns? Oh,
Starting point is 02:01:38 Slim Jim. Yeah. Funyuns were, as where I was gonna go, but then I was thinking about those, the triangle doritos the pyramid one like the 3d doritos right yeah they have like the circular shit yeah they're overwhelmingly good is that what they're called the 3d yeah yeah dude those are good yeah um like
Starting point is 02:01:58 those seem to sit with you for a while so if you're a cop and you're out um potentially blowing the heads off of sketch comedy performers just trying to shoot something to get famous um i feel like that would sit right for sure um my quote of the week is uh is i didn't know i just got curious the other day about the origins of the the uh the labeling of plastic surgeon for someone who does plastic surgery. I was like, why do they call it plastic surgery? And I thought it was because plastic, they meant like the stuff that they put in people is plastic. Do you know this?
Starting point is 02:02:35 I mean, I'm just guessing that it's like you're fake, so you're plastic. So that's what I thought. It's not that. It comes from the Greekreek word plasticos which means to mold oh wow and i was like whoa that makes a lot of sense and it's like kind of elevates it from what i thought was like kind of a derisive label that should be on their like business card you know like i'm a plastic surgeon you go okay and then you read the card you go oh fuck okay yeah cool yeah it kind of elevates what they do so it means to mold and then i was
Starting point is 02:03:05 like oh that makes perfect sense yeah but i just always thought it was kind of like a cheap association but like no it's like they should put a k on the end right to switch it up like this is greek greek yeah yeah yeah yeah okay on the end so that kind of blew my mind so my my phrase of the week is to mold well there's plastic surgeons out there that like you know like fix burn victims and stuff and like yeah put faces on people um which never really works but like at some point i bet they figure it out um this is a plastic surgeon it's a mole i had is that plastic surgery yeah because my parents wanted me to not have a more as such a severe scar so i got done by a plastic surgeon oh so you had a mole removed that left a scar? Yeah, it was like this big.
Starting point is 02:03:49 And they're like, they had to do it three times because they can't just cut out all that stuff. It's so that you have like a divot and they filled it in. Yeah, so they cut out half. Yeah. Stitch that up. Yeah. Cut out the other half, stitch that up. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:03 I think that's it. Did you say like, hey, while I'm in here, give me some nice bubbles. Give me some nice nuts. stitch that up yeah cut the other half stitch that up yeah i think that's it did you did you say like hey while i'm in here give me some nice bubbles give me some nice nuts well actually his uh what's your you have the bead the necklace yeah so i got some excess skin yeah can you just put those away please i want them tight and taut yeah dude what's funny is like his his like wife was sort of like the head nurse or whatever. And she's like, he's great. Look at what he's done to me.
Starting point is 02:04:29 I was like, that's awesome. Yeah. And guess what? She says that 20 times a day. Yeah. That's like her go-to. Yeah. I've gone down a rabbit hole of on Instagram watching before and after.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Sorry, not even before and after. But seeing nose jobs done for the first time oh where they like reveal it to the person what oh is it is it gnarly no oh it's like you're it's when they they've done the nose job and then they're wearing the thing oh they come back actual operation no no no no no this is like the reveal of the person who's gotten the surgery and they're seeing their new nose for the first time and it's i did i watched it for like a half hour is it kind of beautiful like do they cry and they feel so happy so you don't see the before until you see the new nose that's smart okay so when you see the person's reaction and you see them like smile and get
Starting point is 02:05:25 stoked and they can't wait to live this new life and, and, and not have that self-conscious thing about their nose. You see that. And like people cry and it's, and the doctor's like, take a look and hold up the mirror. And it's,
Starting point is 02:05:40 it's emotional for these people, not me. And then they show the before next to the then they show the after next to the before. And sometimes you're like, oh, wow. Like, yeah, I can see why they might have wanted a nose job. But then sometimes you're like, oh, like, you had like something. You had a look. And now you just are kind of like everyone else standard
Starting point is 02:06:07 american is that what you said yeah and now you're just standard american you don't have a nose that might represent your like ethnicity or where you're from uh something might make you distinguished or like set you apart from a lot of other people where you're like, you were kind of hot with the nose. And now that you don't have the nose, you're just kind of, now you're pretty. And does that distinction make sense? And you kind of,
Starting point is 02:06:36 you kind of, uh, I was getting real dramatic about it in my brain. I'm like, you kind of like take away your story. You take away your story you take away your story like your face is a story of who you are and now you're like you know what i don't like this story and it's a new one but you're like but you're piggybacking off someone else's story or trying
Starting point is 02:06:52 to someone else's story and now you've lost like this critical essence that was you and i can't wait till we get to a point in because this is i don't know maybe widely a more american thing where like people come here and they see a certain standard of beauty and they want to replicate that. We're like eventually we're going to get to a point where like people are going to go, you change your nose like those people. Why? Like it's more hot to be the other thing because it's more rare. it won't be abnormal because there'll be so many people with a certain nose or a certain look, a certain aesthetic, a certain bone bone structure that aren't trying to look like,
Starting point is 02:07:29 like white Americans or whatever. Right. Uh, where you'll get to a point where it's like, why did you want to look like that? There's, and you didn't realize that a long time ago, there weren't many people who looked a certain way and it was uncomfortable.
Starting point is 02:07:41 They just wanted to blend in and not get looked at or teased or feel different. Um, you you know i think that but you should go on and just watch the reveals it's amazing dude yeah i uh and babes that's interesting i thought you were talking about the operation because i heard the operation is not yeah they have to break your nose and like pull pieces out and all that oh geez no this is just the like have a look in the mirror and then they look and they're like it's perfect it's so cute oh my god it's so you got rid of the thing and then they show the before and you go oh yeah maybe not like or like they get rid of like more down here or something but then other people you're like now you look kind of i don't want
Starting point is 02:08:22 to sound like a weird fetishist or whatever but like now you're kind of boring and you just are well that's like imagine if Owen Wilson got a nose job he had like I don't want to if he had a button nose
Starting point is 02:08:32 yeah fuck that he's like what's up dudes and you're just like what the fuck dude no there's something sexy about someone who can I don't want to be mean but then you're Luke Wilson
Starting point is 02:08:38 yeah Jalen Rose was doing like a draft guide for the NBA one time and he was talking about Anthony Davis who was going to go number one. And he was like, what I like about Anthony Davis is he didn't change his eyebrows. He's like, that shows to me strength of character that he stuck with it.
Starting point is 02:08:52 And I'm not trying to critique anyone. I know some people who've gotten plastic surgery and they're way happier afterwards. So I think it can go either way. But I do think there's something to like, you know, like Larry David lost his hair so earlier. And I think he's even had some work done. But like he lost it. But it seems like he's having had some work done. But, like, he lost it. But it seems like he's having work to stay who he is, not become something else.
Starting point is 02:09:09 Right. Which is slightly different. That's what it is. Yeah. Yeah. I know what you're saying. Some people go in a new direction. They're like, I want a new face.
Starting point is 02:09:15 And then some people are like, I just don't want to lose my face. I want to keep this as close to me being at my best as I can. If you guys, now this is just projecting where your bodies or your faces or whatever might go. If you were in a situation when you are 50 or, let's say 60, because then things probably have really gone to hell if they're ever going to by that point.
Starting point is 02:09:38 50, I bet we could still maintain. This is Hollywood. If you turn 60 and they go, hey, you have to get a plastic surgery surgery like some sort of plastic surgery done what are you gonna get what would i what would you get like would you get like bags removed or like this thing down here like cool sculpt your your titties or like lipo or like hair transplant i mean you're a hair guy what do we do if we lose it yeah i think hair transplant's the move and i don't want to hit too close to home i think hair transplant's a good good call uh calf implants i take propitia yeah so i'm trying because you get your mom's dad
Starting point is 02:10:29 exactly and i saw it starting to go and i was like i'm just not ready for that yeah yeah and i dye it black too i probably be like 30 gray no shit like if you look at my stripe that's coming back because you know we gave ourselves these haircuts oh yeah oh dude skunk yeah full skunk exactly what do they say in the great outdoors to Amazon. Oh, dude, skunk. Full skunk. Exactly. What do they say in the great outdoors? You get kind of a neo-skunk thing going on there. It's a good movie.
Starting point is 02:10:51 Dude, I think I did something to my balls. Bigger balls. No, I don't know. No, it was fun. Yeah, I was living in that moment. I liked it. I was letting it go. Thanks. I don't know what I'd that was fun. I was just, yeah, I was living in that moment. Yeah, I liked it. I was letting it go. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:05 Thanks. I don't know what I'd do. Would you add a ball? Give me one more. Oh, my God. Give me another ball. Do you guys want to hear the dumbest joke ever? Yes.
Starting point is 02:11:15 During the pandemic, they had like a Johnny Carson radio on Sirius. I don't know if you guys caught it at all, but they were just playing old episodes. I don't know if you guys caught it at all, but they were just playing old episodes. And they had some stamp guy on who told the joke where this guy goes to the doctor and he's got a voice like this. And he goes, doctor, look, I got a voice like this. I just I hate it. Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. But I've got these beautiful balls.
Starting point is 02:11:45 No joke. And sex life is great. Got no complaints there. It's just hard to meet women with this voice. And the doctor's like, well, I think maybe we got to remove the balls. And he goes, okay, do you think it's going to be okay? He goes, do you think it's going to be okay? Yeah, I think it's going to be okay.
Starting point is 02:12:05 All right, let's do it. So he goes through with the procedure. And then a month later, he comes back. And he's like, doctor, as you can hear, my voice sounds great. I love it. But here's the thing. I can't really perform that well in the bedroom anymore. I got to get my balls back and the
Starting point is 02:12:25 doctor goes yeah that's not gonna happen that's pretty funny i like isn't that the dumbest joke in the history of jokes it's so funny i like how basic the punchline is oh my god it's not gonna happen yeah i heard some guy and by the way i'm paraphrasing and i don't even know if it was that's not gonna happen but it's the fact that the doctor had his voice. So what we're assuming is that the doctor heard about how good his sex life was and then took his balls. Strapped on his balls. Dude, actually, I missed that.
Starting point is 02:12:54 I didn't even realize the plot of it. I was thinking it was even more evil where it's like, this just keeps happening to dudes. Like it's a pandemic. He's like, I got my balls removed, so I got to find someone to give me their balls. I like how you said that was the dumbest joke and we both misunderstood it too.
Starting point is 02:13:12 Well, but I mean, it's like, it is a hyper stupid joke where it's like, yeah, this doctor met a guy who's got big balls, wanted to fix his voice. And then when he came back, just to do the voice and that's the whole i mean but this was on like a carson episode i'm like i gotta watch them yeah did they get that i didn't realize they got that edgy on cars i didn't either do you watch like all the carson stuff like
Starting point is 02:13:35 no but i really i enjoyed the uh the the channel because it was like this menagerie of like names you've heard from your past like ann margaret or whoever and then it would be like it'd be like dom deluise and fucking cesar ed asner and you're like oh yeah them or be like new stand-up steve martin and then some like fucking old actor who like laurence olivier and weird al and you're like okay um but it was just fun and interesting and a ton like an era that we don't know and have no context for what their personalities were actually like we know them through this like weird whatever was their biggest moment prism yeah i like and we know and we also we don't it, but we know that there was nothing bigger than Johnny Carson at the time.
Starting point is 02:14:26 So to go into it knowing that and to be like, oh, I'm listening to something that 75% of people with a television were watching that night were watching. That's kind of heavy. It's crazy. And how unproduced it was.
Starting point is 02:14:42 It was just people kind of bullshitting on a couch as opposed to now it's like you get in there you tell your story about pulling the prank on set then you plug the movie we watch a clip you say you just had a kid we move on like this was just like burt reynolds shooting shit yeah you know where you're like this is kind of going nowhere but johnny's just letting it ride have you done that like fallon or seth meyersyers i never i did seth meyers i've done um i never did fallon i never did kimmel i've done um james corden corden twice and my joke is that i want to be the first guy to have been on three times and never gotten past the third chair
Starting point is 02:15:26 that's funny like yeah i was like if i could just maintain just stay where i'm at consistent don't put me in the middle don't put me next to james just the wild guy on the outside here right um but i'm i don't know if i can say this maybe you guys can cut it i'll text and find out but adam divine's gonna host ellen they've been doing like guest hosting oh nice and i'm gonna go on because i'm promoting um this netflix show i did for shonda rhimes that was uh that's coming out in february called inventing anna so again not hanging out my friend but business calls so might as well uh but it'll be fun to not talk about boners like to try and not talk about boners or farting or have you guys discussed that what are you going to talk about no i i haven't even talked with him about it uh my manager called me was like so adam's
Starting point is 02:16:16 hosting and we're going to get you on there and you could talk about inventing anna and i was like oh my god we're just gonna i was I'm imagining all we're going to do is talk about how we need to be on our best behavior and not discuss anything and just keep saying, you know, just best behavior. Weather's great. It is, uh, sun's finally coming out. That's all we need to talk about. But watching you guys repress, like one of those wry smiles you'll have trying to like
Starting point is 02:16:42 not go there will be, I think, really entertaining. I mean, and now that I've said that bit, we're not. I mean, you know, you guys know. So you think you have a bit and then you're like, we're not going to do that bit. Or like you don't even remember to do the bit. But yeah, it'll be hilarious to be on daytime talk. But yeah, those shows are, they're fun. I've done like, what's the Today Show fun i've done like ergo what's the today show
Starting point is 02:17:06 i've done that good yeah it's fun i mean not good morning america but the today show right that'd be that'd be fun it's a whirlwind mbc the whole thing dude you go in there they're like stay here because it's a three hour long show with like 12 guests you know whether it's like the person who's like this is what you're buying for dad this father's day and then it's like actually this medicine has been devastating to the country great and then you have on like there's so many people that come on it's this circus and the people who host it are unbelievable because they download all the information to talk to you about your show. And they're super personable.
Starting point is 02:17:47 Like when you're talking to them, you're like, yeah, no, I did go to university, Wisconsin. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 02:17:51 yeah. Oh my God. Like, how'd you know that? And like, they're connecting with you and they're like, Hey, good luck on the movie.
Starting point is 02:17:57 Hope to see you again soon. And then you peace out and you see them turn over to like put an apron on and like put a hat on and like make pancakes with some guy from wherever and you realize that this is their every day right and they download all this information and then they just like get rid of it i imagine i don't know how you could hold it all and then the next day download again and yet they still are like al roker is like a fucking g he's like how you doing man all right cool uh you know what i liked you on mindy project that was fun and now i don't even know if you ever saw it maybe you did maybe you didn't but like i was at ease roker's talking mindy project and now
Starting point is 02:18:40 we're there talking about whatever else and like like, they're fucking good. Those shows are crazy. Dude, if I could do today's show during Christmas time with like all the things. You got to get on with Hoda. Reach out to Hoda. I bet Hoda would be a huge fan. Hoda is fucking cool. Dude, I'd kick it with Hoda for sure. Hoda and that hour that they do. Hoda and.
Starting point is 02:19:01 Aren't they drinking wine? Is it Kathy Lee still or no? No, it's Bush. I don't know which jenna bush jenna bush they are fun they're loose they're having a good time there's no presh uh yeah you gotta reach out to your people and go we gotta get on there they would love to have you guys that's good advice yeah hoda yeah maybe when we're promoting this thing, we'll do that. Hoda. I think that's a better fit for us.
Starting point is 02:19:29 See if you guys can get a week on there. You know what I mean? Dude, I appreciate that, man. A week with Hoda. Certainly ask. I mean, she's cool. She's a rad, rad lady. Dude.
Starting point is 02:19:40 Woman. Person. She is really cool. I've seen her in... She did Mike O'brien the writer performer super funny he used to do that like seven minutes in heaven thing where you do stuff out of a closet right and like the the built-in thing was that it would make the other person uncomfortable yeah you couldn't make her uncomfortable no she just hung in the pocket for every part of it
Starting point is 02:19:57 it was uh all right well before we get off here i was wondering if you try some beef liver chad's a big beef liver guy And we have some jerky style of it It's supposed to be really good for you I don't know if you're catching that odor already But Chad you ready? Yeah let me know if you Yeah we're all doing it dude Beef liver
Starting point is 02:20:15 Yeah you're gonna get all the B vitamins Vitamin A All the K's You look a little skeptical are you good? Well I just don't know why there's such a build up to it can I pull the part piece out? yeah because it tastes like shit oh
Starting point is 02:20:30 it's not good but it's good that is rank okay, got it so Chad eats it raw well dude, bigger piece than that my friend hold up the piece you have. Damn it.
Starting point is 02:20:47 Yeah, you got to get like a full Dorito. I'm going to have that one. It's not a do as I say thing. This is, I'm in. A full Dorito. Okay. Perfect. Thank you, man.
Starting point is 02:20:57 I appreciate it. Double taps. All right. So this tastes horrible, but you eat it all the time once a week what does it taste like just metallic metallic just oh really and this is dried out beef liver yeah all right uno dos tres I hate this I mean, right off the bat,
Starting point is 02:21:34 there's no taste, right? It's when it mixes with your saliva that it tastes like dog food. And the story behind that is that when I wouldn't eat dinner growing up, it tastes like dog food. And the story behind that is that when I wouldn't eat dinner growing up, my parents would go, fine, why don't you eat dog food? And then I'd be like, fine. Oh, you would actually eat the dog food?
Starting point is 02:21:54 I ate dog food. Nice, dude. I told you guys. Dare tried to save me. That is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Oh, nice. If you eat just regular liver, if you cook it, dude. Yeah. This is better than that?
Starting point is 02:22:09 Yeah. Because they got flavoring. Onion, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And I'm not like, by the way, I'm not like Mr. Weird Food. Like my sushi limitations. Like I don't like uni. I'm not that guy.
Starting point is 02:22:23 I don't like eating those like seaweed chips. guy. I don't like eating those seaweed chips. I just can't handle it. Straightforward roll guy? No, I like sashimi. But I don't like eel. Unagi? Yeah. I like to just get that slice of fish.
Starting point is 02:22:39 Love it. But that's not that bad. Sashimi's a nice word to say. I don't want more. You shouldn't. You don't feel a stoke front? You don't feel a boost? I do get a boost after every time.
Starting point is 02:22:49 My stomach is definitely, yeah. My stomach's definitely like at attention. It's like, it feels prepared. It's like, what's going on? Yeah. Dude, nice. It's like you're a little castle town and someone from a country you've never heard about
Starting point is 02:23:00 just rolled in. And everyone's like, who's this new guy? It's a little bit of that. Yeah, that's definitely gross but it was i i'm shocked that it's not it's okay yeah maybe next time we go raw yeah that's how he eats it raw why and it's like a bloody organ uh my brother does it and uh and i try it and bill uh mark good memory and uh mark's younger older older are you one of four boys uh three and then i have four sisters i thought you had a younger brother no no two older brothers and nine younger sisters crazy yeah no but i uh it's it's just supposed to be very nutritious for you and i legitimately feel like a boost when I eat it.
Starting point is 02:23:46 Dude, I feel it right now. I feel it. I know what you're talking about. It feels stronger. Yeah, and the next day, I feel happier. It's like a thing. I don't know. This is my problem.
Starting point is 02:23:58 Is that like, even if tomorrow I wake up and I feel great, there's no way I would make myself do that. But you wouldn't sacrifice like 10 minutes out of one day of the week to get that boost? Yeah, I don't know. I don't think so. And, you know, like maybe that's sad. No, I think you're just a normal dude.
Starting point is 02:24:21 Well, we were talking about this before the pod. You were saying you don't like these guys who are like ultra on about like you want someone who lets go oh yeah i mean the context of this is like to see um these people whose lives are like uber dialed in i'm just like you seem ultimately boring because or maybe they're ultimately fascinating because the demons are so fucking hardcore. Yeah. And they're putting on. But I like guys who show up late by accident or have one too many beers in public. And they're not just like fucking so dialed in.
Starting point is 02:24:57 You want some messiness. Because I'm just like, are you constantly thinking about that all the time? You're always thinking about yourself kind of in a way as opposed to just being like oh fuck i forgot i had five years shit whoops yeah you know right someone who's like uber um self-conscious or like uh you know they're always minding themselves i don't know it just seems kind of weird. Interesting. Yeah. I do think it's the latter for me. I am fascinated by those people because I think about, like,
Starting point is 02:25:31 underneath that, like, behavioral focus, what caused that? What is the drive? Yeah. Were you born that way? Did something happen to you? It almost feels like there's, like, a yearning to be human in it that I think What, what, what do you, were you born that way? Did something happen to you? It almost feels like there, there's like a yearning to be human in it that I think is like really
Starting point is 02:25:49 profound. And like, and by the way, some of these people get like crazy successful and stuff and like they can harness that. Um, but then you're always like, but are you doing this?
Starting point is 02:26:00 Cause you enjoy it. Or are you just chasing that void? And it'd be the only country that fetishizes those people? Like I read books about CEOs. Does any other country read books about CEOs? Yeah, I'm sure like there's some people in Japan and Tokyo that are fucking Korea. That's the one other one.
Starting point is 02:26:19 That's the one other one. Like does Norway do it? Probably not as much just because there's like shame in that where it's like to chill i mean norway has its own problems and stuff but uh i'm not familiar um but yeah they they're the people who are like hey they don't keep score for kids sports until you're in like high school and it's free for everybody you know so like the competitive thing is not they're trying to go be anti-competition until until it gets until you're an adult and it doesn't so it doesn't kind of dictate your uh you're mature enough to handle competition whereas if you're a four-year-old and like your parents are telling you that you're a
Starting point is 02:27:01 loser because you kept like, then you're developing yourself or your practices or your beliefs when you're too young or too immature to understand it, right? And then by the time you're mature, it's too late. You've already got your thing. It's too drilled into you. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:27:19 So they wait until you're mature enough to go, okay, cool. We were just having fun, but now we keep score? Sick. Or maybe they all keep score. I mean, my kids are hella young and they didn't keep score in their soccer game when my kid was four. But after every game, he'd be like, it was six to three.
Starting point is 02:27:36 We fucking destroyed them. You know? It is hardwired into us. Yeah. And I am skeptical of people like... Because they watch adults keep score. So they're like... But I don't know.
Starting point is 02:27:45 I think maybe we just... Or maybe it is just your product or your circumstance even at that age. But I do think like the people I'm most skeptical of are the people who are like, when you're in a competitive context and they're like, I'm not competitive. I'm always like, okay, you're so like life competitive that you can't even like acknowledge it in this moment because it would it would mean some kind of judgment on you right yeah i don't know people are cool that we could talk about them forever we did i think we did it this was a great one did we clock this
Starting point is 02:28:15 dude i was looking at it this is the longest podcast we've ever done i think we're at five hours we're basically we're basically like a bunch of joe rogan's dude i think we just put joe rogan like he's gonna see this and he's gonna be like fucked he's gonna take like three alpha brains that day and try to try to best this time you guys are gonna cut this to 38 minutes yeah it's gonna be so tight though no lols this is gonna be all bangers dude oh man the greatest greatest super punchy um but dude i can't thank you enough taste gross now, the aftertaste is ridiculously long. It hangs forever.
Starting point is 02:28:47 Yeah, but you're like, that's where the power is. I like it. Get your sponsorship, man. Are they sending you this shit for free? That guy actually hit me up and he was like, hey, you want to do a promo code? And I was like, I want to do a fucking promo code. Oh, he did? Yeah, but you know, you say like, hey, buy these.
Starting point is 02:29:04 I don't want to do that no really are they gonna kick us some uh no he wasn't business mind kicks it so what are you doing i mean yeah well i just feel like it's so in line with your like yeah but the idea was like that like shout them out right on instagram being like hey oh no no liver crisp and then use my promo code and then you get a kickback of the those profits Oh, no, no. There's no point in that. No. No, but we'll shout it on the pod and then just kick us some straight up jing for it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:29:29 Yeah. I mean, who doesn't want someone to talk about how gross their product tastes? Dude, yeah. This tastes like shit. Try this, dude. It tastes like shit, but you feel great the next day, maybe? That's funny. Yeah, sorry, dude.
Starting point is 02:29:43 Well, yeah, thanks for having me, man. Dude, it was such a pleasure, man. Thank you for giving us this time and for... Hey, next time, we're not even going to record anything. Bro, that'll be fire. No one's going to know what we talk about, where we are, the Grove. It's very Nordic of us. Yeah, we should wear Kingsman outfits and get cocktails.
Starting point is 02:30:00 Dude, the suits are like $2,000. The shirts are like $600. It's crazy. Maybe we just, we'll hook up with some of this. Mountain Hardware. Get these guys some jacket shorts. Mountain Hardware. Come on.
Starting point is 02:30:15 GS up and then we'll wear it. They're probably sold out. Probably. Dude, thank you so much, man. This was so much fun. Cool. It was fun, dude. Anytime.
Starting point is 02:30:22 Great to see you. Great to see you in person, too. Last time was Zoom. Hey, man man last time was zoom was just okay i hadn't even met you guys yeah yeah and here we are and i was here last week and we had a false no we didn't have a false positive we had a legit positive yeah aaron popped positive he thought i was joking with him i go aaron you're positive and he didn't say anything on this weird and there's's weird. And then he was like, I thought you were joking. And I'm like, nah, bro. I wouldn't joke about that.
Starting point is 02:30:47 But he parties, so everybody knows about him. That's the thing about Aaron. He's at the discotecas every night. He's making out with different people. And I love it. That's who he is. But you've got to be careful in this time. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:30:59 All right. Sweet, man. Pleasure was mine. Pleasure was mine. Dude, pleasure was mine. Yours. The pleasure was pleasure. Yours, dude pleasure was mine hours yours the pleasure was pleasure yours dude lucy goosey have you ever been on this long of a podcast no no this is the longest by far and best yeah oh yeah were you checked in the whole time or did you have to take little breaks
Starting point is 02:31:18 very much so yeah this is this is great good oh dude thank you man yeah thanks for having me boys too thank you for that contribution on the voice of course didn't hurt did not hurt additive is there something you want to say to the stokers before we depart um don't take for granted what these guys give you and provide for you on on a weekly basis as you heard these guys joke like try not to be prudentials call themselves artists but they are artists they put their there's their this is their time and they're giving it to you don't take it for granted they won't be doing it someday and you're gonna miss them so follow tight dude that was powerful wow thank you man and i know you guys do appreciate it and i appreciate that you appreciate it but dude that was beautiful thank you man that was really
Starting point is 02:32:08 true man dude thanks man r.i.p john madden fucking hey man what a lady he invented the word doink did he really that's a shakespearean contribution to wow dude yeah dude he he to describe when a ball hits the field goal post. It doinks it. Oh, he doinked it. A doinker. And he just came up with that. And a legend in three different facets of his life. That's cool.
Starting point is 02:32:35 Coaching, broadcasting, and video games, dude. Three things I fucking... Didn't he play football, too? I don't think he was a pro player. But I heard this real... You know, you used to watch real sports on HBO at like three in the morning? Yeah. This might not be true, because I remember from when I was seven. Dude broke into his house, put a gun to him and his lady, but I heard this real, you know, you used to watch real sports on HBO like three in the morning. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:32:46 This might not be true. Cause I remember from when I was seven, dude broke into his house, put a gun to him and his lady, took him into the garage to open the safe. John Madden looks like he's opening the safe, grabs a shovel, puts it on the dude's head,
Starting point is 02:32:58 incapacitates him, saves the day. Nice. Fucking sick. John fucking Madden, dude. Unreal. I would pay someone to fake that
Starting point is 02:33:06 like Churchill did with his prison breakout right maybe he'll have a movie who would play John Madden and then we can go off of that Albert Finney
Starting point is 02:33:13 I'm not here to tell you guys when we go is he dead Albert Finney Albert Finney he's dead he might be too old to play
Starting point is 02:33:19 Brian Dennehy Dennehy's gone he played Bobby Knight yeah both guys are dead who I just named yeah Brendan Gleeson Yeah
Starting point is 02:33:26 Wow That's a good one That's really good Um Yeah Are we gonna beat Brian Cox He'd be great
Starting point is 02:33:34 Yeah Doinka Fuck off That's not like How Australian Fuck off you doinka Oh you know who could be young And this would be a cool role
Starting point is 02:33:43 For him to like Pack on some pounds Is uh Kurt Russell Ooh Cause they Kurt has like a wide Oh, you know who could be young? And this would be a cool role for him to pack on some pounds, is Kurt Russell. Ooh. Because Kurt has a wide face, and he's got eyes that are engaging, and I feel like Madden had eyes that were kind of captivating. And when he was a younger guy,
Starting point is 02:34:01 and maybe I'm thinking of the hockey movie that... Miracle. Miracle, where they had kind of the same hair. I don't know. I feel like kurt's got that gravitas where uh he could whip you into a frenzy if we want the bummerific version jesse plemmons i mean i don't know if that'd be bummer i bet plemmons could rise to it you think he'd bring the zhuzh you saw him in um was it date night or game night no i didn't funny he was was he funny in that i'm not trying to shit on anybody else in the movie because it was pretty funny. He's the funniest dude in the movie. What's funny?
Starting point is 02:34:30 Like part of the movie is him. I got to watch that. Yeah. I've never seen it. I heard it's good, too. Yeah, it's fun. Good. I've seen it, but I just don't remember it.
Starting point is 02:34:39 Yeah, it's not memorable. It came out in the post-memorable movie era you know where you just can't remember stuff it's just escapist I mean it's just content there's no like moment that is gonna be remembered from any comedy post bridesmaids
Starting point is 02:34:58 like shitting in the street and what since then don't think it exists. Yeah, it's crazy. I think that was it. I wish I would have known when I was in the theater that this was the end of the thing.
Starting point is 02:35:10 I knew. No fucking way, dude. And I got to go now. No way, dude. You're going to end on that part of the shot? I knew, and now I got to go. Get out of here, dude. If you need advice
Starting point is 02:35:20 These guys are really nice You want to know advice Go with me. Go with me. Let's go with me. Go with me. Got to get to me.

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