Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 222 - Strider Wilson Joins

Episode Date: January 20, 2022

What up Stokers?! Strider joins us and we talk about a lot of stuff but mostly dongs.    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free... shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP].   Go to ShipStation.com, click on the microphone at the top of the page, and type in GODEEP.    Check out Private Internet Access VPN at https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/GoingDeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys before we begin this podcast I want to let you know once again that we are brought to you by Manscaped. Manscaped thank you so much for keeping our trims pube for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because rosers are red violets are blue don't let a wild pube wreck you and your crew. Valentine's day is just around the corner our sponsors at Manscaped are here for you with the best tools to get your balls ready for this special occasion. This v-day it's time to join the four million men worldwide who trust manscape the leaders and below the waist grooming with our exclusive offer go to manscape.com use code go deep for 20 off plus free shipping I played in a pickup basketball with Strider, and he was guarding a lady who was like 5'7",
Starting point is 00:00:53 and every time Strider blocked her, he'd flex and go, Yeah! Yeah! Yes, what's up? Get out of my house. It was crazy. Otherwise, you're not going to learn, dude. I'm out there to take it easy.
Starting point is 00:01:03 And you had like 14 blocks that game. Yeah, a great stat line went home i called my dad about it on the car ride home what'd he say he said that's pretty solid um how about your rebounds you know yeah i was like i only had about six rebounds oh he immediately pivoted to another stat yeah dads are like that yeah he's like dude good job i guess on one stat but like how's your whole game you know what i mean don't just brag to me about one part of your portfolio that's performing well. Are you going to be like that with your kids? Nah, I'm going to be fucking chill as fuck. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:01:31 Yeah, I'm going to be chill as fuck. Dude, I think there's something. Everyone I know of our bros is a good dad and a very loving and faithful husband. And I do think this generation is going to be the best dads ever. Oh, dude, that's's nice I really believe that that's sick I heard Hank Azaria on WTF one time be like hey like our generation he's a little older but he was like I don't think our generation will be as good
Starting point is 00:01:52 at like I don't know if we would have won World War 2 but we'll be better dads and I was like why don't say that but now I actually think he's right I think that is what's going to happen I think we're going to have a bunch of dank dads better and better and better yeah and it could swing the other way depending on events you know like if we got to get hard real quick maybe we'll lose some of that sensitivity but i do think that sexually
Starting point is 00:02:11 yeah if we got to get if we got to fuck yeah or the world's on the line yeah like the whole world's gonna blow up unless you can bust get a boner yeah there's something you lose having to be that guy yeah you know there's a little gentleness that goes goes gone but hey if the moment demands it bust get hard and bust but i do think yeah do you think if if you're in like a 24 situation like your keeper sutherland a nuke is about to go off and they're like well we won't set this off if you can get hard would you be able to get hard how many people are watching me? The whole counterterrorism unit. And you've got your secretary in your ear. Traditionally, I'd like more eyeballs.
Starting point is 00:02:51 But that scenario you just painted sounds pretty hot. And actually, I'm getting a little horny just hearing it. You really put it over the top with the secretary whispering in my ears. Sorry, I was just thinking of Mary Jean Raskoff. Why are you apologizing for teeing up a fat erotic scenario? Oh, I thought you meant like too much over the edge. No, over the top. Who's the secretary?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Oh, like I come too fast? Oh, no, no. I thought you meant just like it was like a cool scenario until you said that. No, dude. It was a cool scenario that got hotter. I think, dude, honestly, the best thing she could do for me is talk shit to me yeah and i bet she won't get hard and save the world yeah i got i need something to fight against would you need to uh do you think you could just do it mentally if you someone's just talking shit yeah yeah yeah nice yeah i wouldn't even need to touch it but off of that
Starting point is 00:03:40 i do think we're gonna be better dads for sure for sure yeah dude that's tight dude we got the antibody squad here yeah we all had covid let's go let's go dude how are you feeling with those antibodies dog i mean it's good as i can be i guess nice dude you guys had more symptoms than me it's because you're littler yeah you got littler symptoms because you're littler dude and you got the booster how's that And you got the booster. How's that, dude? How's that for a backfire, dude? Yeah, dude. Fucking trying to talk shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah, dude. Trying to talk some shit, dude. Get out of here, bro. Ha ha, dude. No, dude. I was... Dude, you... Honestly, bro, I have to throw out mad respect to your fucking COVID symptoms because you
Starting point is 00:04:18 put up 185 on power cleans with COVID. Yeah, I PR'd my power clean. That's tight. That's huge. Mid-COVID. I was working outside alone late at night. Yeah, I have my my power clean mid-COVID. I was working outside alone late at night. Yeah, I had my own barbell.
Starting point is 00:04:28 You had integrity too, though. You made a video of it. You said, guys, I really did this. You weren't just making it up. And I did make my neighbor hug me afterwards, though, while I had COVID.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Nice. But I told him, I was like, bro, I got COVID, but I just PR'd my power clean. He's like, it was more than a plate, right? I was like, yeah, a plate in a quarter.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And he went, it's legit, I'll risk it. Bro, you put the ball on his court and he was so stoked he goes like oh yeah that's you did everything responsible in that scenario he gave me a fat lob back and let me overhand slam it dude when i did find out i had covid i was at reggie's place with alex they're roomies and we're just watching tv and talking shit and then i get my pr pcr back and it's like you're positive and so i go oh dudes i'm positive and their reaction was that's crazy and then i was like i was like do you guys want me to leave and we had postmates coming and then alex was gonna go eat your dinner first and then he can bounce did they get it yeah they got it oh no they
Starting point is 00:05:25 didn't get it they didn't get yeah no they didn't get it no i don't think either of them got it nice which is crazy because they were being so chill about like they even set up my food on a tray because we're eating on the couch and they like put my spare ribs on like a tv dinner they could not have been more cool about it dude that's epic there's some chill ass bros very chill ass bros they they were way cooler than you guys were when I tested positive. No, we were like, you got to get out of here. They literally left the building. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I was back here like, you guys for real? Yeah, we were for real. You thought we were kidding. I thought he was kidding. I was looking at the little wrap and I go, Aaron, you're popping positive. And he doesn't react. I'm like, how strange. Because I was negative the day before.
Starting point is 00:06:04 No, it makes sense. And then like five minutes later, I'm like, how strange. And then like. Because I was negative the day before. No, it makes sense. And then like five minutes later, I'm like, Aaron, dude, you're positive. And then you were like, I thought you were kidding. And I was like, nah, dude, this is for real, for real. You're like, I don't know what happened. I had a fever the night before. Well, that's what's funny is like you get symptoms. Yeah, I had negative tests, a bunch of negative tests.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Because you had a bunch of symptoms and you were like, dude, I don't think I have it. And I was like, what are you feeling? You're like, fever, headache, body pain, chills. I was like, and then you were coughing on the phone. You do that every time you're sick. When I call you, I go, I'm like, Chad, how are you feeling? You go, I'm good, man. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I kept getting negative tests. i was like kind of bummed i was like fuck man let me just get this thing yeah and get it over with and i was like i just catch because catching a cold during codes like that's that's lame as fuck that's the worst yeah no you want to get the real thing yeah especially with this slightly seemingly diminished version yeah dude also i gotta give some love to a joe morisi because we're all laughing about covid now but we weren't laughing with him about it you know we were all pretty hard on him about it and i think you know our argument had sense to it but and i do feel like i was better protected because of the the booster i'm not a doctor i'm a fucking idiot but you know joe joe made some
Starting point is 00:07:19 points yeah he did make some good points but did you know who made some bad points was my coworker, bro. He's, he's, he's anti-vax. He's gold that he comes up. He goes, cause he knew how to miss work because of COVID. He goes, so you end up getting it right. Like all happy about it. So you got it. I go, yeah, yeah, I did. And he goes, and you were boosted. I go, listen to this, bro. Got boosted Tuesday. Got it on Friday. He goes, well, I hate to break this to you, man, but you gotta know you might not be around in five years. He's like, he goes, in your luck you didn't die this week.
Starting point is 00:07:55 All this stuff, yeah, all this stuff. And then in the middle of it too, some guest is like, hey, can I get some waters? I'm like, yeah, hold on, let me get you some waters. Give this guest some waters. And I'm like, wait, so what are you saying about me dying, dude? And and he's like here's the thing dude they don't tell you this country runs on five 5g right you got a phone that's 5g he goes he goes yeah he goes nope it's not even turned on yet he goes they're pumping your body full of heavy
Starting point is 00:08:18 metals they're gonna know when you open your fridge at 3am when you flush your toilet at midnight when you're done fucking they're gonna know because that's what 5g does tracks heavy metals they're gonna know when you fucking bust dude and i'm just like i don't i don't care dude dude i'd be stoked if the government knew when i was gonna bust same here yeah that's always been my perspective on them like they're like they're gonna be tracking everything you do. I'm like, cool. Like, I know it's like civil liberties and like,
Starting point is 00:08:47 maybe that can turn on you at some point, but I'm like, I'm not worried about it. I'm not, I'm not doing anything that bad. I think they'd be like, this guy leads a pretty cool life. They're like,
Starting point is 00:08:55 oh, he's at the beach now. I'm like, just waving to like the drone. What's up, dude? Yeah, dude,
Starting point is 00:08:59 that's such a good point. Like, if I was being observed by someone in the government at all times, I want to make sure I had a stoked day. Cause I wouldn't want them to go home bummed from what they watched. It's a good point. Like if I was being observed by someone in the government at all times, I want to make sure I had a stoked day because I wouldn't want them to go home bummed from what they watched. It's a good call. It's a good call. It's like the lives of others, that Oscar-winning German film
Starting point is 00:09:11 where it's like this dude like falls in love with the people he's listening to. Yeah. I would want to have that effect. It's a great call. You'd be knowing you're getting other people stoked. You guys kind of do that anyway with your sick-ass activism. It's like you would just be making sure. Thank you, mean i'm inspired by my brothers dude and it's like maybe if i know that there's a dude in like one of those little cargo units in the desert on edwards air force
Starting point is 00:09:33 base just give me a kiss oh god sorry Can I tell you something? We got the antibodies. Completely safe. Why did you say, oh, God? Because I was jealous. You want all of that, dude? Because you're jealous? Yeah, I was like, oh, God, I want to be in there. But I'm far away. You're not that far.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Yeah, I am, dude. I'm still fatigued. Of our symptoms, dude, you did get it the worst dude yeah that's right I was at the Zed show and I got it hard do that I was actually pretty stoked that's how that's how we got it because if you're gonna get it yeah I got I didn't do fucking anything fun yeah dude i was like i was like you know i was talking to my acting teacher she's like she said where'd you get him i got this sick ass zed show backstage just you know everyone had covid it was sick it was so tight it was so
Starting point is 00:10:38 tight because i was there's this thing about like because like everyone's getting it i was in my mind i'm like dude am i not living life like you're choosing how you go down dude yeah yeah go down in a blaze of glory dude bon jovi dude it's just like i got it at work probably you know what i mean like probably pulling up someone's escalade which is a sick car but it's like it's not zed concert dude i um it's funny when when we announced we had to like drop out of our show so many comments were people like you feel stupid yet feel stupid about getting the vaccine i'm like shut up dude like anyone who whatever viewpoint you have you're just gonna like find your bias or whatever you know you're like oh they got covid but i'm like
Starting point is 00:11:23 i'm like shut up idiot you don't know exactly bro you knew omicron was coming bro you knew this super transmissible variant was coming nothing no you didn't do yeah no one knows anything yeah but but that reflects on me too where i'm like i don't know anything because when i got the vaccine i thought i was never gonna get coveted after that well that's that's what we all thought and that is not me though dude remember you guys thought I was being a bitch? Yeah, you were still being safe. Like when we went to Vegas not long after, you were still rocking a mask.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I'm like, why are you rocking a mask? And you're like, you were basically saying, we don't know. No vaccine's ever been 100%. That is kind of how they pitched it, though. And maybe I'm the fool for being like, yeah, that's legit. Thanks. And thinking it was real. But that's why I kind of agree with Maurice more now, too, is because he was like, I just don't know if it should be mandated at this point, if it's not really going to make, if you still get it and pass it.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Totally. And that was our thing with Maurice. It was like, bro, we understand not wanting someone telling you to put something in your body is whack, but we still thought you had a good reason to put something in your body. That was important, too. It was like it uprooted his whole life. Yeah. And we just wanted him to be on the show and to keep his job and
Starting point is 00:12:28 shit yeah and it's an always changing situation you know i like like yeah that's what you know science is it's always evolving fucking winston churchill who's a beast he's like dude i reserve the with the facts change i reserve the right to change my mind and then at the end he said and what about you, sir? He flipped it back on the other dude. That's what's up. He put it on him, dude. Speaking of which, dude, I watched the movie. Fuck, I'm blanking on the name of it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 But it's Gary Oldman's performance as Churchill. Oh, like the looming leader. Darkest Hour. That's it. Oh, yeah. It's so good, bro. Is it good? I watched that again, too.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It's so good. Oh, I've never seen it. Is it good? You haven't seen it? No. His performance is phenomenal. I thought it was going to be boring, like just a boilerplate, like historical. No, dude, it's awesome. No, they do never seen it. Is it good? You haven't seen it? No. His performance is phenomenal. I thought it was going to be boring, like just a boilerplate historical thing. No, dude, it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:13:07 No, they do a good job. I mean, it is that. That is the essence of it. But they do a good job of having urgency and stakes and stuff. Is it like WWII, like Dunkirk? Bro, exactly. Battle of the Britons, that sort of thing? Bro, you trying to inform the government of my fucking boner right now when you're talking
Starting point is 00:13:23 like that, dude? You do look like you have a boner. Thank you, dude. Let me see. Appreciate that. Can you do the speech? We will fight them in the hills. We will fight them on the beaches.
Starting point is 00:13:33 We will fight them on the streets of Piccadilly Square. We will fight them in the air. We will fight them on the ground. We will never give up that and make a deal with that man. And then he kind of calls out America at the end. And he's like until our brother from the west decides to enter the foray it was like he really was like hey guys you need to get involved in this well the movie kind of trashes america too because he calls
Starting point is 00:13:55 fdr and he's kind of like you have horses how about you have some horses to like carry this shit across canada or. Yeah. They like, he basically like shut. He's like, yeah, whatever. I don't need to hear your shit. Right. And France too,
Starting point is 00:14:09 dude. France is getting dominated. He's like, well, and like he has a lunch. What's new? For sure, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:14 For sure. Nice. Dude, Emily in Paris though. Oh bro. I love that show. Yeah. I've only watched like three episodes.
Starting point is 00:14:22 I got so annoyed by her in the first episode. I couldn't get through it. Your take take is correct in season two is more of that she's lying to everyone and herself included and it's very frustrating to watch as a character like you're like why do i i mean i know why i like her she's charming dude she wears cute outfits dude and my me and my fiance love crushing that show her dad's's Phil Collins. Yeah, her dad's Phil Collins. Dude, if I wanted to see a woman lie, I'd just live my life. Dude. Boom, dude. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Hey, save that for our men's club meeting this Wednesday. Oh, sorry. I got the time wrong. I thought we were in it. Oh, yeah. No, no. Men's club every second Wednesday of the month from all day to all day. Don't bother us.
Starting point is 00:15:05 We're going to turn it into a Patreon. Yeah. The men's hour. Yeah. We'll be just sending exclusive content to all of our Patreons of just truth bombs. Stuff like JT just said. Stuff like how to drive in reverse. Stuff like that
Starting point is 00:15:25 stuff like showing up on time stuff like that like any of the things i'm saying other people do it's just that's just who i'm dealing with but i do all those things oh same i drive in reverse all the time and i show up on time i remember remember when you tried to Joe Cool it out of the garage. Oh, bro. My hubris, dude, I whacked my own bumper. JT was taking a phone call and we had this tight little garage. We were in Tandem Park, so I had to pull out to let him out.
Starting point is 00:15:56 And I was like, I got this brother's open spot over there. No fucking big deal. My car didn't have a backup cam. I was going to work. I'm like, and like making eye contact with JT, whack this fucking pole directly in our lot Whack it so hard. My car stops and jt's on the phone. He's like What?
Starting point is 00:16:14 It looked intentional. He pulled out in reverse so fast and just drove directly backwards into a pole And I remember seeing him go like this Oh, yeah, upright and confident in the seat and then just schwack and i was just like whoa and he's the best parker i know like you're normally a demon with that stuff you can get into any parallel parking situation one correction that's the ultimate confidence move is the the palm on top yes the open hand let it go if i'm if i'm on a date and we're parking always do that oh that's so true dating really does change the way you drive you're just like let me just control this machine let me
Starting point is 00:16:51 just park this whip it's a huge so true i'm a bad driver too that's why i wanted to get a dirt bike and i'm still thinking about it but you guys were all pretty like you're that's gonna be bad for you and uh i do remember i'm a bad driver because with my ex i'd be driving around and i'd do like a squirrely move like kind of in front of somebody she'd go she just gets scared and go i'm scared i am scared right now and then i'd be like oh sorry sorry actually i get a little frustrated why are you scared it's all good well i drive behind you sometimes and you always run at least five red lights yeah you were hard on me about the dirt bike yeah i'm sorry i just i don't want to see you get hurt for me i know i uh i'll see jt driving and he's just on his phone just right through a red light
Starting point is 00:17:36 oh casually dude just like yeah for sure like he'll see it go red. He's like, nah, it's all good. Yeah. But it's not even like you go fast. You're just not even aware. I'm doing like 20. Yeah, you're just doing 20. Just cruising. Yeah. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Yeah, yeah. I'll do good. I like that. That's my new philosophy. I'm over my death fears. So now I'm just like. Oh, you are. I'm just like, I'm just going towards it. When did that happen?
Starting point is 00:18:11 I think like six months ago maybe nice but now i'm really like grooving in it and i'm like i do i think i want to get a tattoo i think i want to get a dirt bike i think i'm having a midlife crisis what what kind of tattoo would you get well i told you i might get allied tattooed on my shoulder but that might look like alley too so it could be a bit confusing. For sure, yeah. Other than that, dude, I'm open to anything. I don't know. You should get a big palm tree on your whole back. That's cool. In and out palm trees. It's kind of made me understand people who like tattoos more now.
Starting point is 00:18:34 Because I used to not like tattoos because I thought it was people like advertising personality. And I was like, just be the thing that your tattoo would suggest to people. But now I'm like, I think tattoos are a way to give meaning to your experience and to tell people what is meaningful to you do you know what i mean it's like a way to just be like this is my story for sure and this is what matters to me right i want you to know what matters to me and then i also think if you get tattoos you can kind of look tough and then it makes your sensitivity more interesting if you're not because do we still think tattooed people are tougher not really anymore no because most tattooed people i know are like hipsters same yeah but you got some good amount of muscle
Starting point is 00:19:10 on you so it would translate to toughness yeah too though you lost a little bit because of your covid symptoms but you're still still jacked yeah thanks to you you actually did inspire me to start lifting i was taking it easy on myself just posted up on the couch playing some Xbox dude which has not been working properly that's gonna be your beef right it's gonna be a huge beef buckle up
Starting point is 00:19:32 it's gonna be it's gonna be men's club level ranting on this Xbox stuff but JT he saw me and he's like dude you look skinny
Starting point is 00:19:40 I was like fuck dude I started just lifting everything I could inside dude nice yeah I can't be looking skinny dude yeah dude uh yeah i went to yoga yesterday i lost some tone that's tragic dude but you said yoga yeah well i figured out when you're on the tail end of covid how to test negative all right now let me just preface this with i am a scientist and i know more than joe rogan love that agree
Starting point is 00:20:08 all right so if you want to so basically i read in an article that you know if the pcr test you'll test positive for a little bit because you'll have dead covet cells in your nose that was via aaron's intel right and uh so yesterday i was like i gotta get this shit out of my nose so what i do i did a full 26 and two hour and a half hot yoga sesh hot hot yoga sesh sweated it all out you sweat out every sweat out all the the remaining virus and then this morning i went surfing salt water refresh for the nose oh and got tested negative dude yeah there's two doctors in the kroger clan now let's go what up dad he didn't expect to see that coming did you text your dad and be like hey yo yeah and he's like science knowledge disseminate to your clients yeah and
Starting point is 00:21:05 he's like uh or patients rather yeah and he's like okay well what about if you got a rectal exam because you know they do that for covid testing sometimes they'll put the q-tip in your b-hole that's what my doctor keeps doing yeah well that's why i said a couple times a week i'm like is this the way we're supposed to do it he's like every time it's the best way to do it well that's why you know i kept testing negative and i was like i'm pretty? He's like, every time it's the best way to do it. Well, that's why I kept testing negative. And I was like, I'm pretty sure it's COVID. So I showed up to the drive-thru test site and just put my ass out of the window, kind of like you used to do.
Starting point is 00:21:32 And they wouldn't do it. That was funny. When I threw you, because I had a bunch of Rapids that I had stockpiled because I was supposed to bring them to our fantasy football draft, and they came late. And I gave you the test. And you're like, you mind if I test you out? I was like, well, yeah, I probably already got it too, so go for it yeah and then you took the nasal swab and you just went up
Starting point is 00:21:48 your butt with it and right and then you went like an inch and a half deep two inches right and then it came back negative and you're like all right i'm good i'm gonna go hit the club yeah but dude like all right i was like dudes for sure yeah great yeah well it's the most accurate way and that's the way so you put it in your butt first, then your nose? Mm-hmm. Right after? Mm-hmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Yeah. And then a little throat swab just to make sure. Because they say with Omicron that you should get your throat. Yeah, you get all your orifices. Yeah. That's a good idea. Dude, I've been more into juvenile talk lately. It's really made me happy.
Starting point is 00:22:20 It's made me the happiest I've ever been. I've been really happy the last two weeks and I can I can pinpoint The origin point of said happiness. I was there and it started saying that sack. No close I started it involves the nuts I started telling all my friends that I was gonna that I fucked their dads nice and dude, I swear to God It's made me so happy making that joke dude. Hell. Yeah I just talked shit like my friend will talk shit to me because I was the manager of the basketball team in junior high I'd be like, oh you know like going to like fold up some warmups? And I go, yeah, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:47 it was crazy when I was the team manager because when we played your school, your dad was there and he said how cute I looked and then I butt fucked him. And then I get happy. Nice. I get super happy. It's great.
Starting point is 00:22:58 It's definitely something if you're in the middle of him talking some smack to you, it's going to stymie your opponent. It's great debate tactics. You know, like if you were in a debate on anything, some smack to you, it's going to stymie your opponent. It's great debate tactics. If you were in a debate on anything, I don't care what it is, if you just told someone that you're going to fight their dad, they're going to have to think about that.
Starting point is 00:23:13 I did get it from Donald Trump. Yes. Because I didn't ever see him say it, but I could hear him thinking it. Right. When he'd be talking shit to the Bush or the Cruz or the Rubio i could i could see the subtext yeah which was i've boned your father right and with trump i don't believe
Starting point is 00:23:32 it i could see it i um that's one of my favorite lines in the american wedding is uh he's like talking to the hotel clerk and he's like or better yet go blow your dad and the guy goes my dad this reaction my dad dude in the new mcgruber which is amazing yeah uh it's so funny dude like this is a spoiler alert but like will forte wakes up from having like a you know a flashback dream and this guy one of his enemies is like oh Oh, do you have a bad dream? Little baby. He's like, no, I had a great day dream.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I was fucking your mom and dad and making them both come, but I was coming way more. So that makes me happy. It's great. There's real joy in that. Yeah. It's the absurdity of it. Oh dude,
Starting point is 00:24:21 by the way. Oh, Mari Chismas. I got, I got JT a pair of these. What movie did we see? Kingsman? No, Red Rocket. Red Rocket, that was good.
Starting point is 00:24:31 These are amazing. Oh, those are great, dude. Great color, too, dude. Fioris. Thank you so much for lifting. Chad just gave the Strider his Christmas gift. I cannot wait to lift in these, dude. Dude, they're sick.
Starting point is 00:24:42 I got a pair for myself, too. What kind of dumbbells are you going to throw around with them? I'm picking up the 35s with these bad boys. Let's go. Let's go, bro. That's when we get into the power zone. in these, dude. Dude, they're sick. I got to pair for myself, too. What kind of dumbbells are you going to throw around with them? I'm picking up the 35s with these bad boys. Let's go. Let's go, bro. That's when we get into the power zone. Thank you, dude. That's what I like to hear.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Bro, I'm picking up the 35s. You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to break these in with a nice Omar. Nice, dude. I'm going to break these in with an Omar. One of the best workouts of all time. You should post it. I will post that.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Thrusters and burpees. Dude, by the way, audience, if you're looking to get your New Year Resolution workouts in, 15 with O, Dean. Good call. It's still up. That was incredible to watch you perform that. Thank you, dude. Dude, that was a tough...
Starting point is 00:25:11 Bro, my body was locking up on the second day. It was tough, dude. You were great, dude. Thank you, dude. You were really good. It was so fun. Our boys, shout out to Ferraro and Babona for coming through and throwing around some real weight.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And Dan Lucchese for directing and shooting it. He's such a beast, dude. He's up, bro, just setting up all the angles, dude. He loves it. He's a fucking beast. He loves it.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Dude, speaking of going fast on things, too, I was wondering, how fast do you guys think you guys would go on the Autobahn? If you had, like, a sick sports car
Starting point is 00:25:39 and you were in Germany and you're on that stretch of road, how hard are you pushing the pedal down? What's the speed limit? There's no speed limit. Oh, fucking fast, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Kilometers? Fucking 200 kilometers. What is that in miles per hour? Like 110? Fucking pretty quick, I think. Here's the thing, too. One hand, and then one hand on my fiance's leg yeah yeah dude and then just carism i i've always fantasized about you know having the love of my
Starting point is 00:26:13 life in the riding shotgun yeah throwing break stuff by uh limp biscuit that's such a good ass call and have a fast car that's stick and right when the huge guitar riff hits throw it in pop the clutch do a burnout after that I think I would like to die that's a good way
Starting point is 00:26:38 well said that's a good way to get COVID too like I don't know where you'd get it in there you've got COVID doing that that'd be a good way to get it. Sorry. I just spit all over the bike. That's chill, dude.
Starting point is 00:26:56 There's a bunch of COVID in the freeway convertible. Yeah, you gotta put the top up. You're just like, I want it. Fucking truck coming from Wuhanuhan the other direction dude just drops a bunch of covet on you dude just cruising all fast can you imagine if there's a semi it's this guy's coping and it's the thing flies up everyone's like oh no it's all green. I just imagine a husband trying to take control.
Starting point is 00:27:26 He's like, honey, the COVID trunk's open. There's COVID everywhere. Roll up the windows. Tell the kids to put their masks on. I got to get around this guy. He's got COVID everywhere. Truck driver's just totally oblivious. He's just cruising.
Starting point is 00:27:39 He's like, fix the back. Pull the back. You got COVID everywhere. He's listening to like Freebird. COVID everywhere he's listening like free bird yeah he's just he pulls on the horn yeah no not the horn
Starting point is 00:27:50 no not the horn you got COVID everywhere COVID truck spells on the freeway dude honestly on the Autobahn dude I would just be stoked
Starting point is 00:28:01 I would like to see how fast my fiance pushes it cause that's probably how fast I'd go she be driving yeah she fucking that's hot she hits goes pedal to the metal let's go dude what kind of car are you i think like an aston it's like a james bond i thought you're gonna go viper i like you going european dog oh yeah it's not much classier yeah but you don't go german that's true i should have gone on german make but i think the i love astons
Starting point is 00:28:22 they're they're sexier than any beamer or mercedes-benz iteration you get into them and you you can feel the craftsmanship as soon as you get in it you feel it they're meant to be drunk you should they meant to be driven naked a lot of people don't know that wild horses run naked thank you that's awesome that's awesome for real do you guys know 200 kilometers i did i looked it up on google how fast do you think that is a mile per hour 150 i said one i think i said what did i say 110 i think probably yeah i'll say like 140 125 i was gonna say i could tell you were gonna say that why'd you hesitate on the 125 because i already threw my thing out there i can't backtrack you wanted to be strong in your assumption.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I like that. That's what's up, dude. I went down swinging. Dude, we also watched this Javier Bardem thing. Oh, yeah. Because I really feel like you guys have saved my life several times over again just through your good vibes. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:29:18 But he was talking about how much Josh Brolin meant to him on the set of No Country for Old old men and i was taken by how impactful it was for him he said he was going through a tough time in his life and that and that josh brolin kind of saved his life through his humor yeah it's hilarious to listen to him talk about he was like josh brolin is the funniest man that i has ever been on a film set ever we're in the middle of the desert filming a scene and Josh Brolin would pick up cuties from the craft table. He would start
Starting point is 00:29:49 juggling them. He would pull out his butt, spread his butt hole and the whole crew laughing. Very inappropriate. But everyone of age, everyone over 18 laughing very hard. And for me, it's having such a tough time in my life going through many personal things, personal issues.
Starting point is 00:30:06 And Josh Brolin would do such funny things that the Coen brothers would take a very lighting scene, very peculiar, very particular. And Josh Brolin would step out from behind a light, completely mangina-ing everybody. And the way Josh Brolin, the thing about the mangina for him is it's not just typical
Starting point is 00:30:25 mangina, it is of the timing it is of the meaning behind it very beautiful meaning and it is very selfless, a lot of people in life they think the clown is a clown to be laughed at but a clown is something to bring people together laughing, the whole crew felt like family after that, I felt
Starting point is 00:30:41 that this is my family a lot of my scenes I am by myself not interacting with other people but at that moment instantly just brolin making us family that's incredible so josh brolin really his humor his humor rescued me he rescued me i was standing i was envisioning myself falling asleep at night how i would kill myself i would be sitting there thinking i would take a um you know stand at the edge of a cliff and light myself in on fire and that's how I would do it that's how I imagine it why would you do it that way because yeah I come from a family of actor have to be make a dramatic have to be very dramatic making a choice you have to make a choice and I think the beauty of
Starting point is 00:31:19 me taking my own life at a cliff but deciding at the last minute I will let myself on fire instead. It's probably a good misdirection. It would keep people guessing and talking about me for a long time. How close were you to suicide when Roland did the Mangina that saved you? I was very close. I was thinking, you know that thing I use in No Country for All Men, the cattle, the air gun? I was thinking about taking that in the car with me and then driving the car off a cliff. That's what I was thinking about I was thinking about taking that in the car with me and then driving the car off a cliff
Starting point is 00:31:47 that's what I was thinking about into a pool so I drowned and that's what I was thinking about until Josh Brolin did the funniest thing I've ever seen with my eyes and experience with my heart and laughing from my lungs and from my belly
Starting point is 00:32:02 and putting me truly in stitches and putting me so many cracking me up into stitches when Josh Brolin was the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. As soon as we found out we were filming on location, he texted me, see you in the desert, bitch-ass motherfucker. I thought that was so funny, him to call me a bitch-ass motherfucker. How did you thank Josh Brolin for all this?
Starting point is 00:32:23 I thanked Josh Brolin by all this I think Josh Brolin by showing up at his house in the middle of the night standing above him wearing that ugly wig that I wear in the film and putting a coin in his butt but after all it is not a coin but it is just another coin but this is his butthole coin did he laugh he didn't he stayed asleep and i left and told no one about that till this moment so if josh brolin you are watching thank you my friend you saved my life and you are welcome for that sacajawea coin it's a rare coin dude that's amazing wow dude that's incredible that's crazy yeah he's amazing. Wow, dude. That's incredible.
Starting point is 00:33:05 That's crazy. Yeah, he's a lunatic in that movie. He'd just be killing people. Anton Chigurh, dude. They made the name. I've seen this before. They made the name so that it would have no country of origin. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Like, Anton Chigurh, it has no, like, it's not a Spanish name. It's not a French name. It's not an English name. There's no etymology for it, basically. Just sick ass name. Because they wanted him to be elemental. They didn't want him to be from a place. They wanted him to be from just something deeper, something bigger.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Dude, that reminds me. I had this buddy growing up about just killing things and being primal and shit. Nice. Because I've been thinking about hunting, too. Yeah, I've seen you behave more like a primal dude lately i'm trying to be more primal yeah because i've i've done the the the other side of it and now i want to get to i want i think it's about balance and i was thinking about hunting and then i remember my friend uh ian flick we called him bean flick and he was like a homebody like never went out out into the world. And then we grew up in OC together
Starting point is 00:34:05 and then his family moved to Wyoming and he got close to a bunch of hunters and they kept telling him how primal hunting is and how it puts you in touch with nature when you're connected to that which you kill. You know, to put down an elk and then to eat that elk and be part of the entire process,
Starting point is 00:34:20 what that can do to your soul. And then so Bean Flick one night just grabbed his dad's gun his dad didn't even have a hunting rifle he had a glock 40 handgun right with like old ones 17 shot mag he went out to the neighbor's farm and just like just shot one of their their cows in the head nice whoa he hunted a cow he hunted a cow wow because he was he was like he didn't he was new to wyoming he didn't understand the difference between wildlife and livestock right and so he just he just executed this cow so the cow was just staring back at him mooing he thought he found like a wild cow yeah and then he was like
Starting point is 00:34:54 moo and then he snuck up behind he was dressed like he was in one of those like assassin movies you know like yeah right the all black night vision goggles the whole thing turtleneck and then he iced the cow. Right. Wow. Fuck. And so he went to, he had to do like six months probation house arrest. But he was proud of that cow.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Because he even hung that, he mounted it. He mounted, he taxidermied the head of the cow and put it on his wall. Yeah, I've seen a photo of that. And he still is, to this day, best hamburger he's ever had. Yeah. Because the family let him keep the meat. That's a good call to use the at least he used the kill they're really nice people yeah vietnamese family named fan which fan translates in english to cage and then bean flick was like in a cage after that so there was all this like
Starting point is 00:35:36 weird symmetry in the story fuck i love that he's a glock to hunt it's crazy right yeah that's that's more primal i think than using like a long scope rifle because it's more intimate for sure yeah it's very intimate you got to get that close to the cow and he risked himself getting up to that cow could have like stepped in could have stepped towards him and knocked him over or something yeah wild yeah yeah he could have gotten mauled by that cow yeah when you kill a cow do you milk it after no i think you milk a cow before oh i think you milk a cow before you kill it oh so they don't kill every cow they milk yeah i think there's some cows that are for like good for beef and then other cows that are good for milk maybe it's how
Starting point is 00:36:20 big like their um udders are this might be my phrase of the week. Do you guys remember that 3.0 song? 3.0... 3.11? 3.0... No, not 3.11. Is it 3.03? They sang that song, Don't Trust Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Where they say, And tell your boyfriend If he says he's got beef Oh, yeah. That I'm a vegetarian And I ain't fucking scared of him. I don't think any line in the world Gets more fired up than that.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Yeah. That's interesting because it's like tough but also like kind of opposite of primal. That's what it is. Because you wouldn't expect a vegetarian to be tough.
Starting point is 00:36:55 It's a vegetarian being badass. Yeah. That's what I like about it. It's the juxtaposition. You nailed that. Yeah. Good call. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:05 That's so cool to bring diet into romantic beef. So fucking true, dude. It's called beef after all. Did you guys watch Cheers season two? No. Part of it. I mean, my fiance was watching and I'd listen in, but it was a bummer, dude. It's a bummer
Starting point is 00:37:25 just hearing about jerry i mean dude dude yeah that's that's fucking snarly awful and then and then other than that it's like it's all about how fame has like adversely affected the team it's weird about these netflix docs like that and like tiger king the second season's just about how the success of the first season right has impacted the cast it's not about their story anymore it's about their relationship to like our understanding of their story and i'm like that's not what i want to watch no yeah i don't want so fame has it's had a pretty like negative effect on yellow dairies you know like the super legit crazy athlete who's a hard ass him and monica hate each other now the coach why and he's he never really specifies or i might have missed it but he just says there's like a lot i guess he wrote a bunch of mean shit about her on twitter
Starting point is 00:38:08 saying she was like maybe like a hard ass and a jerk yeah but it might be more specific than that but basically they're at odds now he just does like instagram lives talking shit on her and then oh interesting and then like there's the the people who weren't highlighted in the first season who are bummed out now because they didn't get to get famous. Yeah. And it's, it's just all this weird, like meta kind of commentary on the first season. I'm like, I just want to follow a bunch of beast athletes trying to win something.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah. Like the people on the team who weren't covered. They're like, it's like their story now. And then, so that's, they're so public now they had to switch to another junior college that they like half followed during the show.
Starting point is 00:38:44 That's like their crosstown rival. Oh, interesting. And they're actually better because they're not as affected by the camera yet or by the success of the show. But then you're like, you're like, I don't know if I have the bandwidth
Starting point is 00:38:55 to care about two cheerleading teams. Right, right, right, right. I just need one. Interesting. They're so fucking cool though when they do flips and shit. It's amazing. Bro, Ladarius, dude, that fucking guy is a beast what does he do there's like stunting stunting tumbling flying and he's like a stumbler because he stunts and tumbles which is dynamic as hell like not many
Starting point is 00:39:17 people do well said yeah he's he's a beast he's like one of the best athletes i've ever seen i think so too yeah but it is a bummer um i watched sicario bro one of the best athletes I've ever seen. I think so, too, yeah. But it is a bummer. I watched Sicario. Bro. One of the best movies ever. It was good. I watched Tommy Boy yesterday. Great movie.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I watched a biography of Chris Farley. It's pretty sweet. Oh, look, it's sad. Yeah. It is sad. He's awesome. Adam Sandler's song about him, I watched that like once a month. Is that from his recent special? From his special.
Starting point is 00:39:44 It's so beautiful. I need to re-watch that special. It's so good. It's super fun. song about him i watched that like once a month is that from his recent special special yeah i need to re-watch that special it's so good super fun he you know it's like a tragic story but he finds like the positivity in it yeah you know where he's like he basically lived the way he wanted to live right and although it was tragic for him and for the people close to him and all the people who loved him it was uh it was not like it's not tragedy. There was a lot of beauty and stoke in it. Totally. Is that Goonie's shirt? That's tight.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Christmas gift. Really? From who? My wife. Nice. Not so legit. Speaking of fucking Josh Brolin, dude. Yeah?
Starting point is 00:40:20 What? Goonie's dude. He's kind of in a downward dip in his career before No Country right Brolin
Starting point is 00:40:29 yeah yeah he wasn't the A-lister that he was probably or like A-lister wasn't it
Starting point is 00:40:36 kind of like a John Travolta thing kind of revived him yeah well so he was big in the 80s during the oh yeah
Starting point is 00:40:42 but he started coming back a little bit before No Country yeah he kind of built up to that but there were smaller parts it was like yeah Yeah, well, so he was big in the 80s during that. Oh, yeah, but he started coming back a little bit before No country. Yeah, he kind of builds up to that but there were smaller parts. It was like yeah, he was in Hollow Man Melinda and Melinda That's a great movie, yeah, it's got a beast cast it's got a weird my first date with my high school girlfriend really Oh nice. Yeah, do you guys get scared? All right. No, I Yeah. Did you guys get scared? Yeah. Oh, yeah. Nice. That's pretty scary.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Did you comfort her? I hope so. You're like, babe, I got you. Yeah. Yeah. That was the thought process, but I don't know that it happened. I love Elizabeth's shoe, dude. Don't take a girl to a movie with a rape in it, if you can avoid it.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Do you know one of the first movies I ever saw with my dank ass fiance was girl with a dragon tattoo I just watched that this morning. Yeah. Oh, did you yeah, she's dude you're beast moaning some movies I love it. This is what happens when you're when you're cooped up inside. Yeah, yeah Yeah, and crazy range on said movies Yeah, I'm a bit obsessed right now. Yeah, but you're taking in some good art. Oh, for sure. Fucking sick as hell. David Fincher. Fincher, dude. Who do you got winning these playoff games this weekend?
Starting point is 00:41:50 Bro, my parlay's already fucked, dude. Eagles fucked me, dude. Couldn't fucking cover, dude. You can't cover? You can't score. Yeah, they could barely score a touchdown, dude. Disgusting, dude. Turned it off off walked my dog dude
Starting point is 00:42:05 what did you think about that raiders chargers game i mean we're way behind oh dude i mean do we believe that they were really gonna kneel it are they just fucking with them i don't know i don't know if they were gonna go for the win but there's you know there's the austin eckler click from afterwards true true that good dn from oakland is like yeah we were gonna we're gonna kneel it out but then people make points that they're like, you think they wanted to play the Chiefs instead of the, instead of the Bengals? Yeah, no, you don't want to play the Chiefs. So yeah, it makes sense that they were going to go for it.
Starting point is 00:42:35 But it was, it's just weird. It's also their rivals, the Chargers and Raiders. Yes, it's true. Yes, they want to destroy each other. It's a win to kick them out. Yeah. It was interesting though. I thought they were going to kneel it it's a win to kick them out yeah it was interesting though i thought they were gonna kneel it i kind of did because why risk it yeah
Starting point is 00:42:49 they're chargers coach just like i know he's a he's a big analytics guy but it's like bro you're going for four he's like playing madden you're in a playoff game essentially you don't go for it fourth down and like five in your own 25 yard line on his own 18 yeah and then he ran a really straightforward just like up the gut run and got totally stuffed yeah and maybe think dude dude because when i was a kid i didn't believe this people would be like oh that team's a loser that team always loses i was like yeah but they switch owners and management and players so often i don't know if that really continues i don't know if that really if there is some kind of like essence to these teams that make some losers but now that i'm in my 30s i'm like some teams are losers like are the chargers just
Starting point is 00:43:28 losers like every big critical down on that in that game i felt like they choked yeah like that fourth down letting up big third downs getting penalties when they were like in advantageous positions and i was like maybe the chargers are losers yeah yeah fucking losing mentality yeah you gotta step up did you gotta be able to play in the clutch or you can't do that Chargers are losers. Yeah, yeah. Fucking losing mentality. Yeah, you got to step up. You got to be able to play in the clutch. You can't do that. You're sitting on the couch.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Do you think if you have a consistent losing record over years that that affects their subconscious? That's what people say. And it's hard to prove that in stats, but I'm starting to believe it. I could see that. I mean, Patriots, we're the Patriots. Obviously, we're going to win. Yeah, if you get like a transcendent coach and an athlete, I think you can. Because the Patriots used to be like a loser team, I think.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah. And then once they got Brady and Belichick, they were strong enough to rewrite the kind of mythology of it. But even now, they've gotten better, right? Even without Brady, they're like still a good team. They got their asses fucking smoked. So we're recording this day two this is Sunday so first round of first games of the playoffs were yesterday and they got smoked really but they kind of had it coming because they beat the bills by only running the ball they only threw it three times which is like the least amount of passes since I don't know like the pre-modern era. And people were talking a lot of shit to the Bills after that.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Like they got out-muscled and out-toughed. And then the Bills hung like 50 on him yesterday and scored on almost every drive. Fucking, there was a stat where Josh Allen had five touchdowns and four incomplete passes. It was insane. He was dominating. Dude, he's so talented.
Starting point is 00:45:02 He's a big boy too. He kind of reminds me, he's like a more athletic Brett Favreve like he's got that gunslinger mentality he's wily yes he's got a big cannon of an arm that he can throw from weird angles yeah bro but then he can run like i think he had 60 yards yesterday my brother was really good because my brother was making picks my brother had the bangles winning and covering and he had the bills winning and covering both did and then he said josh allen be the leading rusher and he almost was he was like 20 yards behind singletary i think it was but yeah the bills look good and then joe burrow looks like a love joe burrow cool do you see him
Starting point is 00:45:36 wearing those fucking tony stark sunglasses he's a cool guy yeah he kind of reminds me a little bit of like nameth like a little bit of broadway joe you know it's got swagger broadway joe burrow jamar chased an interview he's unbelievable and he said that joe burrow is very quiet off the field i like that i like that too just lead with your fucking game dude a quiet confident man that that sideline pass he had was incredible but it should not have counted yeah did you see that i didn't see it but i said yeah like i did dude i appreciate that you're just supporting momentum thank you let's go we just gotta keep it rolling who's gonna win today i mean bro i'm already fucked i took the eagles to cover lost but i knew the
Starting point is 00:46:14 bucks would win um right now this is the toughest game that's going on while we're recording dallas and niners i don't know i took dallas in my parlay though but i think the niners were already on the board but dallas has to make it happen bro this is their this is their moment high scoring offense I don't know. I took Dallas in my parlay, though. But I think the Niners were already on the board. But Dallas has to make it happen, bro. This is their moment. High-scoring offense. Dude, they've got a decent defense. They're at home.
Starting point is 00:46:31 They're playing. The last time the fucking Niners and the Cowboys met up was in 94, that NFC Championship game that the Cowboys dominated in candlestick, dude, that vicious defensive line. But fucking, bro, Dallas has to step to step on they got to make it happen dude is uh oh what the fuck are the ramps still in playoffs yeah bro they got a tough matchup against the cardinals i think they're better but their two safeties are out i don't even know who their safeties are bro they they just took a ticker out of retirement they just took um what's
Starting point is 00:47:02 his face who was on the chargers weddle weddle oh weddles back they signed him out of retirement they just took um what's his face who was on the chargers weddle weddle oh weddle's back they signed him out of retirement yo i don't want to get race related but this is all positive are we in the golden era of white position players could be you got mcafree's a running back you got mcafree was the best running back in the league for a year and now cup's the best receiver in the league for a year within like three years of each other. When has that ever happened in our lifetime? In our lifetime? No, dude. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:29 Like growing up, you're like, you can't be a white wide receiver. Yeah. You can't be a white running back unless you're gonna be like a power back. You can be like Larry Zonka and weigh like 240. But we got like speedsters out there. I think there was even a stat that I heard.
Starting point is 00:47:40 He's not the best, but like there was a cornerback that was a white dude. And it was like the first time, I think like a white cornerback started a game since like 93. Seahorn in the early, I think it was like 2001. He was safety, wasn't he? He switched to safety. He started a corner.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Good looking guy, too. That matters. Yeah. There was a new white corner? I saw something on Instagram about this. So if I see it on Instagram, you know it's legit. Well, well to you white kids watching which i'm sure is a small portion of our audience anything is possible you could play wide receiver in the nfl at a high level this is something that we also discuss like a third down like you know slot guy for sure on our wednesday men's club we
Starting point is 00:48:22 will discuss if you're a straight white dude so you can do stuff in this world you know it's true well athletically yeah yeah why are white americans bad at basketball though when white europeans are so good probably because the fucking euro step dude which i still don't understand i look at it and i'm like i don't understand how it makes sense it's kind of like when you watch us play soccer we're kind of stiff on the ball yeah where other countries are nimble in the hips and kind of have flow and a soft first touch we kind of play like we got like robot hips you kind of see it at every school dance true not a lot of good dancers but is that a cultural thing or is it genetic? What's the Eurostep?
Starting point is 00:49:07 Do you want a side step? It's like you dribble at the hoop. You take like one huge step this way and then with your off foot you like jump back the other way.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And you get like you get the guy way out of place and you do like an awkward angle kind of layup. And Manny Ginobili brought it
Starting point is 00:49:24 even though he's Argentinian he was kind of the the originator of it yeah dude Vlade Divac his son went to my school whoa yeah for like a year good passing big man what's up was he tall he's super tall did he house cigs dude Vlade did Vlade came in oh bro dude just smelled like cigs and just he's's the man i love somebody's cool he's a bad gm but great player dude great beard really good passing out of the post probably the softest touch on cutters i've ever seen yeah he had one of those catch it and just dip without kind of looking it'd always be over his shoulder like that his son smelled like cigs too really
Starting point is 00:49:59 we're in fifth grade maybe because he drove him to school or something like that was just housing cigs the whole time yeah he's like rolled up the window my parents were smokers every time kids got in the car they'd be like do your parents smoke i was like do your parents judge nice dude yeah dude is your dad gonna get that your dad i was such a happy kid whoa i was real happy dude it's true yeah we're getting there buckle up all right should we answer some cues yes sir fuck yeah dude what up guys i'm interrupting this podcast letting you know once again that we are brought to you by manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends pubed for looking after our hogs for making sure that my dink and strider's dink and aaron's dinks look fresh and clean strider how's your dink these days with manscape dude my dink and Strider's dink and Aaron's dinks look fresh and clean. Strider, how's your dink these days with Manscaped?
Starting point is 00:50:47 Dude, my dink is dank these days, dude, especially with V-Times Day coming around the corner, dude. I like to get my corners nice and right angled, dude, because I'm going to be showing my freaking dank fiance the right time, dude, which for me is quick, but we like that because we're dialed in. So, yeah, I'm looking nice, feeling fresh for the special day, dude. I'm just going to be sick as hell, dude. And you throw some ball deodorant on it, right?
Starting point is 00:51:10 Of course. You've got to keep things smelling nice, smelling fresh. It's like walking into a new car or something like that. You're always charmed. Oh, what a great smell. Why not have that new car effect by your dink? And you put on the Manscaped body wash wash and what'd your gf say to you uh she goes smells like you're about to make some good ass decisions and i go thank you because i'm a straight up decision maker and i decided to put this body
Starting point is 00:51:36 wash on today which was a good ass call listeners don't you want the same for you and your lady friend get on the manscape train today get the lawnmower 4.0 get the weed whacker ear nose hair trimmer get the body wash get the ball deodorant get everything get on the manscape train today get the performance package 4.0 that's everything in there valentine's day is coming up get your manscape and get the cologne you smell good and if you want to do this go to manscape.com for our exclusive offer of 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep your balls and lady will thank you if you go to manscaped.com get 20% off and free shipping with code go deep at manscaped.com that's 20% off with free shipping
Starting point is 00:52:16 at manscaped.com use code go deep join cupid and shoot your arrow with manscaped this valentine's day thank you strider for joining these ads. Dude, freaking fired up. Appreciate my dog, dude. Back to the show. That cake was really good you sent me. It was fucking delicious. Nice. I almost got one for myself.
Starting point is 00:52:33 I was like, that looks really good. Ah, you should have, dude. Yeah, yeah. What was the cake? It was like a funfetti. Yeah, it was like a funfetti from Milk. Oh, nice. I love that place, too.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah. Thank you, man. It was nice. Yeah, I was stuck inside, but everyone made me feel good and you got a dub on cod got a dub on cod really trying to get a dub on cod it's been booting everybody lately i know that's gonna be your beef that we can get into it deeper there say it got the dub at 11 59 was it in caldera or resurgence caldera we did a resurgence one before that just because it was easier to drop into and then we got the caldera dub and it ended at 11 59 so right in the calendar birthday day dude i haven't i haven't gotten a dub in caldera yet
Starting point is 00:53:15 you haven't got a dub in caldera we gotta change that bro dude yeah you gotta get a dub in caldera yeah i'm too focused on bagging and i always get killed balance baby yeah uh uh yeah i'd like to win while focusing on the bagging i i have games where i just go non-win yeah like the win is not what's most essential to me i'm like hey let's drop the hottest place yeah let's duke it out let's create a funny memory yeah and then i have days where i'm like all right i'm i want to get a w today yeah you know i haven't't, just lately in my mind, it's been, I just need to drop sack. Well, you got to honor that. Just go with that as long as you need to.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Yeah. The wind will come. Yeah. And also it's a time thing. If you're not playing all the time and you're just dipping in once in a while, yeah, then you're going to prioritize what brings you the most joy. And for you, that's, that's bagging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:02 And I, I just wish that reflected in your stats somehow you know because it'd be like oh you got all these deaths and stuff and it's like yeah but but you were bagging did you see what i was doing yeah i got bagged by a stranger dude that's my favorite but not in caldera just in regular life yeah yeah oh you did yeah yeah i was at the vaughn's parking lot oh dude i hear that happens a lot and he's like oh do you want bags with that and i thought i was like oh no it's not that many groceries yeah and then he's like no and his buddy tabletop me this is two middle schoolers uh-huh they tabletop me yeah and then they both started bagging me and vaping in the whole air around me smelled like guava ice wow yeah they're just like vaping and going and they were laughing like take it and i was getting bagged and i'm a
Starting point is 00:54:47 full-grown adult i can't like really hit hit back or fight them because i'm hitting them i'll be hitting kids you can do that really but keep going yeah so i just sat there and took the bag dude and they were wearing corduroys and one had a chain wallet and it hit me in the eye the one part of why did you laugh with them when they were bagging you? I guess I did appreciate how hard they were dominating me and how hard I was getting dominated. And I was like, holy shit. Like, this is just like, sometimes you just have to laugh.
Starting point is 00:55:18 You know what I mean? Like, you got to have humility. Dude, you're a legend for doing that. Dude, thank you. That's awesome. Oh, God. I want to get in there. Yeah, get in here.
Starting point is 00:55:26 You're not that far. I told you I'm fatigued. That's right, that's right. And we got a lot of hardware in between us. Dude, did I? Yeah, we do have a lot of hardware. It's a lot of maneuvering.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Did they steal any of your groceries? No, that was the thing, dude. They just wanted to get, they really just wanted to bag me. They could have stole my groceries and I had dang shit, dude. Yeah yeah because you're on a tampon run for your girlfriend right yeah yeah i had those and yeah i had a few of those uh-huh yeah which i
Starting point is 00:55:52 yeah and that was all you had that's it that's why that yeah i was like all i have is tampons i don't really have that much like i didn't need a bag right but i didn't mean that's why i was like i know i only got these and then you you bought 40. What is that? Yeah. I mean, here's the thing. I just bought them in bulk. I was like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:56:08 I go, you know, be ready. You know, that's what I say. It's like, it's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:56:12 10 minutes early is on time. Yeah. And when I'm on a run for my freaking dank ass fiance's product, I'm like, let me just have these stocked up, ready to go. Why didn't everyone so convince the apocalypse is coming? Bro,
Starting point is 00:56:24 we're never going to get back to, I mean, maybe we will, but everyone's reaction to COVID was, how am I going to wipe my anal? Right. That was it. It wasn't, oh, let me... It crystallized our fears.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Cover up, yeah. People are really afraid of their buttholes being dirty. That would suck. Do you guys think the end is coming? Is the end of the world coming soon? Nah. That's what I love to hear.
Starting point is 00:56:42 That's good. Everyone's so obsessed with it. Yeah. No, I never think that that because i'm just like i guess there have been cataclysmic events you know in the past but uh to that i say nah and i think this next generation is strong i mean those middle schoolers i think between them maybe weighed 140 pounds yeah they put me on the ground quick and i think our country's in good hands if those kids are going to be the ones running it. They had spiked haircuts.
Starting point is 00:57:09 And they were fucking... Spiked hair is back? Yeah, yeah. Was it gel? Yeah. Dude, crisp and hard. Farmedly gelled? I was happy they were bagging me with their corduroy nut sacks rather than their spiked hair.
Starting point is 00:57:18 They could have porcupined you. That's what we used to call it. After they bagged you, they gave you like a little mini lecture on the importance of recycling all those tampons yeah yeah exactly they said but i do get they didn't know they didn't really label but i do get the eco-friendly ones my dank ass fiance requests that right for less less than our carbon footprint i said oh guys correction and then i think that's honestly why one of the guys decided not to give me a people's elbow he said he was gonna people's people's elbow me. But you said the tampons weren't for your fiance. You were just buying them for people in your building?
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah. Right. Yeah. Do we have a little area with this bookshelf in our building? What if you're not using something or you have extra? Which is, I think, a beautiful thing. You can put it down there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And I actually do put that down there. Yeah. For anyone who needs it. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. That's awesome. That's the real reason I buy bulk. Well, I got bagged by my teenage neighbor because I don't compost. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:12 We compost. My fiance and I can hook you up with a spot if you need it. Yeah. He's like, you're going to throw that banana peel in the trash? You should compost. And they bagged me. I got bagged by this 18-year-old. He didn't want to, and I just kept grabbing his jeans and yanking them down onto my face oh you forced him on it oh whoa i forced him to bag me yeah because
Starting point is 00:58:29 you were looking to get back i wanted to get dominated yeah but i still wanted to be in control yeah so i was just i was on my bird and there was just some 18 year olds hanging out yeah talking shit yeah they're you know they were they were being choogy yeah and then i just dragged one of them down onto my face dude you know the crazy thing about all these guys like you told me this you told me this and my neighbor told me this they all know kevin whoa kevin's kind of like father yeah father chews yeah aaron do you think the end of the world's coming no that's what's up if aaron says it you know it's true do you guys want to answer some questions yeah
Starting point is 00:59:05 fuck yeah is there civil war coming for sure oh dude not Armageddon nice what's so civil about war situated in
Starting point is 00:59:15 in the sack please remain anonymous what up chiefs of chill I had held down on mashing beans until I was 21 over a year ago
Starting point is 00:59:23 and much to my surprise I did not bust quick sorry it was the opposite in fact I've laid pipe many more times since then and I always have the same problem not being able to cross the finish line with the exception of one senorita I feel bad for my female companions as they
Starting point is 00:59:42 often apologize even though they have nothing to do with it. Any advice on how to overcome this turtle, this hurdle? I should mention I do not jack off, so I'm always rocking a full tank. You're a loyal subject. Wait, what's the turtle? Hurdle.
Starting point is 00:59:57 I think you meant to say hurdle. He's not coming. Oh, he's not coming? Yeah. Well, but sort of interesting, the tortoise and the hare, right? So instead he wins the race when they're i don't know how it maps out exactly over this dude's queue which honestly dude i would just say this really in the term of like the grand scheme of things of problems not that big of a problem that you're lasting too long yeah bro i would say that's borderline even
Starting point is 01:00:25 not a problem yeah it's cool if you wanted some advice i would uh i would think of other dirty things while you're having sex to help you get over the finish line not ideal but hey if you're really concerned about busting just think about whatever pervy things get you there and then also i would just jay off with your partner while you guys like kiss and then bust that way yeah that's cool that's intimate too yeah and then i don't know man i think you're good too i think it'll when you find the right person it'll work itself out but honestly i think you're in a good spot i like that you were intentional about losing your virginity and uh it's great you're you're able to fuck for a while that's
Starting point is 01:01:05 really cool and maybe he's uptight dude sometimes you know you can't bust if you're not letting yourself go just get loose right dude i used to do that i used to not make noise with one of my partners because i was insecure with her a little bit just because we had so many friends i was like i don't want them to think i come we i make a lot of noise you know I'd come like this well I didn't see you come I saw you about to come yeah and you were like ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dude
Starting point is 01:01:30 and do you know what I do when I come it's fucking stone cold dude ha ha ha ha ha dude you were you were so full bodied but you know what man
Starting point is 01:01:42 yeah to everything it's a little death as the French say dude if you could have seen my face when I saw you, I was horrified. I was like, I shouldn't be seeing this. I'm being bad. I felt bad. Yeah, it's my bad, dude.
Starting point is 01:01:54 I left the door open. You did leave the door open in a common space, though. It's my bad, dude. You should. You wanted to get caught. I was horning it. Dude, that's the thing. Tell this guy, that got me extra going.
Starting point is 01:02:04 That got me. Those kids that bagged you, you should show them how you come. That is true. I should say, you're lucky I don't bag you. And they go, oh, yeah? What if you did? You know what it would be like? Ha!
Starting point is 01:02:14 Ha! Ha! Ha! That is what it's like. It's like you're on a horse and you're trying to get it to go faster after a bandit. Dude, that's a great call. Yeah! Yeah!
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah! Yeah! And then if I might not do it. And then when you go, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do horses understand that noise? I don't know, dude. Why does that noise work so well with the horse? There's got to be something in their ears, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:50 But dude, this guy's got to just mellow out, dude. I would say put on a good, you know what, dude? Put on a nice album. Maybe some deep house music. Dude. Cry in front of her. Just cry in front of her. If you found some purple disco machine, bro, you're going to bust too quick.
Starting point is 01:03:04 What's purple disco machine? It's just this dank ass dj that fires me up let's go uh oh you want to play some purple disco yeah i got it right here i'll play some purple disco you think this will help him bust you're cranking to this? Yeah, bro. I need sunglasses if I'm gonna bump yeah this is cool this is like sick
Starting point is 01:03:53 whoa this is good dude this is how you fuck at midnight dude dude isn't that sick yeah do you guys ever play that game
Starting point is 01:03:59 Project Gotham Racing yeah that's a sexy game that is a sexy game you know it's sexier though sexy game I think Need for Speed takes the cake yeah Need for Speed is sexy is Need is a sexy game sexier though sexy game i think need for speed takes the game yeah need for speed is sexy is need for speed the one where cops will chase you yeah dude that's hot need for speed too that's hot dude this guy should play need for
Starting point is 01:04:14 speed too while yeah yes game while you bone my brother's gonna hear this and correct me but there was like a was it project gotham is that the one you just said yeah or like racing under is that the one that also had like drifting yes you would drift a lot and like it was tough to drive there was a drifting race you could challenge someone to a drifting race i don't know and then there was also drag racing in it like they had all the permute it was like post fast and furious so they had all these different permutations of racing and then but it was all in sexy cars like you're saying like sleek lines and the coloration of it was like reflective. Everything looked like a Bugatti with like a nice sheen. Dude, in A4 Speed 2, I had a Nissan Skyline.
Starting point is 01:04:51 That's your favorite car, right? Yeah, it had street glow and everything. It looked like Paul Walker's in Too Fast, Too Furious. Sick. Dude, that's what made me first come when I was like 11. You busted at 11? Dude, I busted, yeah. You busted at 11?
Starting point is 01:05:05 I was getting chased by some cops. You didn't bust at 11, bro. So you were running from cops in real life and you came. Bro, I heard you didn't bust at 11, dude. Dude, I busted. Aaron was there. He saw it. Aaron.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Aaron, you saw a child bust? Was it real? I was like 18. Yeah, he was my babysitter. Ew. Aaron, you fucking perv, dude. Whoa. Aaron, ew it real? I was like 18. Yeah, he was my babysitter. Ew. Aaron, you fucking perv, dude. Whoa. Aaron, ew, dude.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I busted and he's like, five guys is still better. Whoa. Dude, he made it about hamburgers, dog. Yeah, dude. Psycho. Yo, Chad and JT, huge fan of the pod. I come to you for guidance with an issue that I need Stoke Nation to help me with. I'm currently a senior in high school and i have a younger brother that is a freshman
Starting point is 01:05:46 recently i was going to the car and saw him hooking up with a girl in my car i didn't handle the situation to the best degree because they kind of saw me seeing them and proceeded to run away ever since this has happened my brother has been trying to walk all over me this event has given him confidence to think that it's acceptable to use my car as a hookup location because i'm trying to keep that whip clean and it's my car. You know, I don't want him hooking up in my car. I'm asking for advice to handle this situation. I don't want to cock block my younger brother, but I need to be able to put my foot down
Starting point is 01:06:14 and put some down some ground rules, but can't quite muster up the balls to do so. No matter what I do, I can't get him to respect me in my car. Let me know what you think. I appreciate any advice you guys have to give and look forward to hearing your wisdom dude one of the all-time great writers i just want to hear my legend of the week dude you fucking crushed this bro your little brother's the man dude dude first of all this dude's got to go out and just get himself some and you got a cool car you should be able to do it come on dude yeah dude and get your brother a blanket and create a nice space for him to bone in dude come on sharing is
Starting point is 01:06:45 caring in the car yeah you would not have let matthew do that in your car yeah i would have dude in your audi yeah bro no you would not have done i would have curated a nice space i would i had a 10 inch sub i would have been like bro put on some fucking if i would have known about purple disco party i would have said put that on. Purple Disco Machine, dude. I'd say put on some fucking Moby, dude. Wait, you're against the boning in the car. Well, if the brother's not cool with it, I think you got to respect people's space. Yeah. That is true.
Starting point is 01:07:14 I think you should let him bone in the car. But you got to respect someone who doesn't want it to happen in their space. Exactly. He does create the boundaries. Chad and I are both kind of telling him that we want him to change his perspective but if he doesn't want to change his perspective which i think he fucking should your brother does need your younger brother does need to respect your rules your car your rules it does sound like the little brother's trying to dominate him a little bit too there does seem to be a an overt dominant or do you think he's interpreting that i think it's there i think
Starting point is 01:07:43 your brother's trying to dom him i don't think so i think i i would have boned in my brother's car to try and impress him that's nice but you're a younger brother yeah and you're a younger brother yeah i used to jack off in my brother's space dude i used to jack off on my brother's bmx bike i think direct communication is what's new here i just talk to your little brother be like bro i'm not trying to cock block you i'm stoked on you hooking up with chicks i'm stoked that you're out there living life and that you're having a fun one but i would just ask that you hook up in mom and dad's car right dominate your parents don't dominate your brother yeah i don't i mean the maybe just because i'm a younger brother the idea of his younger brother hooking up in the car,
Starting point is 01:08:28 I think if I were an older brother, it would fire me up. I'd be like, dude, hell yeah. And when you get a car, I'm hooking up in it before you. Okay, I could be down with it. But the fact that the little brother and the girl ran away like laughed, they're not letting him in on the joke. It's one thing for your little brother to be like, hey man, can I borrow your car to hook up?
Starting point is 01:08:44 Because I don't have anywhere else to go. Then you're like, yeah, I'm the the big brother i'll tee you up with that yeah but for them to be laughing at him and running away it's like whack he's not in on they need to be more of a team i didn't realize they were laughing at him like kind of fucking punking him maybe i'm over let me go back to it they just proceeded to run away they didn't laugh i added laughter i made it more savage i thought it was a heartwarming story and if you just change your perspective a little bit then yeah you know it could be for you too we got a good cue here fantasy football punishment refusal what up legends hope all is well in the new year and i'll get right to the issue fantasy football has come to a close and there are winners and there are some losers the loser of our league this year has been mia mia for days now and seems he's refusing to do the punishment this isn't the
Starting point is 01:09:29 first time he's done this two years ago he was supposed to do a lemonade stand in town until he had enough money to buy a 30 rack this was never performed this year he's supposed to make some tiktok dances and post them on his story with no context however he's gone ghost he's a huge pan he's a huge fan of the pod and i know know you're listening, Coogan. How do we receive this? Someone has to be punished. Peace. He's out. I think Aaron's right, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I think you've got to get booted, dog. Yeah, you get booted, dude. Because those are good punishments. Great punishments. Those are really good punishments. Those fit what is happening. Those fit a fantasy football league loser. And if you're not doing that, it's bad for the morale of the league.
Starting point is 01:10:04 And the biggest thing with the fantasy football league is everyone has to care about it the same amount. That's what makes it work. And if there's a guy in there, he's not caring about it by not doing the things you guys all agree to that give it stakes. You're out. Dude,
Starting point is 01:10:17 you went, this is a bet you entered. It's not like this is coming out of thin air where they're like all of a sudden, dude, you got to go do this Cougan. It's like, no,
Starting point is 01:10:30 you knew there's a punishment you played the entire season you could have won but you didn't things don't fall your way sometimes maybe you got an injury derrick henry whatever and then you gotta fucking face the music bro you can't say oh mr special and this is coming for me dude the guy who didn't want to start his d. You know, this is coming. You just got to take your licks. You know what I mean, dude? That's part of betting, dude. It's the beauty of it. Integrity of the league. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:51 He's violating it. You got to protect that. I don't even play fantasy, but I know this is wrong. Yeah, bro. It's like, yeah. I know it's wrong, and you know it's wrong. His name is Coogan. Coogan?
Starting point is 01:11:04 Come on. That's the worst, bro. that's like a dude who like loses in beer pong and he's like oh no i got a new partner yeah because my partner had next but then he chose me so i'm still staying on the table and it's like always looking for a fucking loophole bro yeah dude no coogan you got to do it it's good for the spirit of the league it'll make next season better if you do do it that's the thing you're You're just not looking out for the league. The league's bigger than any member. And when Strider tried to do that thing with the defense,
Starting point is 01:11:29 he was acting bigger than the league. And that's why it was so hurtful to so many of us. I hurt the people I love. That's what I do. Alright. I think we're good on cues. Those were good ones. Yeah. Chad, what is your beef of the week dude uh my beef of the week
Starting point is 01:11:50 uh isolation isolation good beef man yeah because i you know i i had to stay home for christmas and and i got COVID. And I was pretty isolated. And I'm a pretty introverted dude, but I was realizing. I honestly had this fantasy of doing Christmas alone. I'm like, that would be interesting. And I did it, and I was like, this is whack, dude. And it made me realize the importance of having people around and being around people, family during the holidays.
Starting point is 01:12:27 And, you know, just being around people is important. And that's why I was like made a shift in my mind. And I sort of, I was like, when I'm done with COVID, I'm going to be out there. I'm going to be out in the world as much as I can be. Not that I'm a recluseuse like i am out there a lot but i'm gonna make more of an effort to be social because i don't think i'm as big of an introvert as i was saying i was i think i was telling myself that story but i think i like being around people more than being alone which i didn't think before that's awesome man similar experience too like the first couple
Starting point is 01:13:06 days of isolation i was like this is awesome i'm getting back in touch with myself yeah i'm not diffusing my energy with just like a bunch of hangouts because i don't want to be alone but then after like a week it's diminishing returns i was like yeah bro i need people dude i was seriously thinking i was like i was like i was sitting in my place i was like am i gonna be fucked up permanently from this like you know being isolated for too long i'm like i was sitting in my place i was like am i gonna be fucked up permanently from this like you know being isolated for too long i'm like am i going insane um you do kind of go insane and i started making mountains out of molehills about every problem yeah because you know you don't have any frame of reference for any yeah yeah and i was thinking about like you know
Starting point is 01:13:40 isolation from like covid you know it's been like two years and i was i guess i was thinking about that because i was like man i'm like so isolated in this i've been for you know a few weeks now and there really isn't any sort of thing of like oh this is something people go through but they bounce back and it's like this is sort of unprecedented this uh what's been going on. So I was like, maybe I could get fucked up. I don't know. This is not something that people go through normally. I think you're right, man.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I mean, people have had much worse. I'm not complaining. I have a great life. But it was a, you know, there's some dark days. There's this movie, The Secret in Their Eyes they made an American remake that I guess sucks but the original version
Starting point is 01:14:28 this guy's they're trying to track down this killer who killed this lady and they find out that the the victim's husband actually has had him
Starting point is 01:14:37 guys total spoilers I'm spoiling the whole fucking movie has the has the the murderer in captivity and so the journalist who's investigating or the cop who's investigating finds the guy at the house has the murderer in captivity.
Starting point is 01:14:46 And so the journalist who's investigating or the cop who's investigating finds the guy at the house. And when the guy who murdered the wife comes out, he's just been stuck in this cell that the victim's husband put him in for like 20 years. He goes, he comes out. He doesn't say free me. He just goes, will you just please tell him to talk to me?
Starting point is 01:15:02 But isn't that the crazy thing about life where it's like, we're by ourselves so much much does that mean that we don't really like ourselves but then this whole time in life we're looking for someone to love us and hang out with us yes but it's like i are we that's not wrong are we innately selling someone a product that we know is flawed right like we're all salesmen basically snake oil salesmen we're like no man i'm lovable and fun i'm the best man you're gonna want to be around me but i can't fucking be around me by myself for more than 24 hours that is the tough part that's like life the salesmanship part is that we're acting like we are okay alone because that's attractive to a partner but the truth is we fundamentally want someone correct
Starting point is 01:15:40 to watch us be alone and we're pretending like we don't need that but dude that's just hard we all need it that's hardwired into our biology we can't the game is the game exactly that's it's like rats animals do it too i'm sure an elk a moose elk or bull elk is like hey i'm good by myself and then the lady's like oh he doesn't really need me that's better yeah yeah there's an trickery is innate all sorts of nature your birds of paradise all of these things there has to be some sort of tom there's a flirt rats rats do it the woman flirts with the guy if the guy comes on too strong she bails if he waits too long she bails it's like a competency game you're just testing the competency of your partner and that's just part of it dude that's like that cow that
Starting point is 01:16:18 bean flick uh yeah murked you know he probably was doing the same shit bean Beanflick, he kisses that cow every day, he says. Even though he had to do six months of solitary confinement. And he had to be solitary for that. Right. But they let him keep the cow head. Yeah, that's nice. He loved it so dear. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:34 That's a good beef, man. That's probably my real beef of the week. I have another one, but that's my beef too. The isolation was hard. It's tough, man. Shredder, what's your beef of the week? Sort of playing off this isolation one of the biggest i i used to i called it medicine for covid which was playing cod with
Starting point is 01:16:50 my fucking boys call of duty yep call of duty and warzone ever even after the update it is so fucking glitchy dude yeah i'm sorry dude i'm sorry dude i've had it up to here with getting booted bro in that ricochet screen oh dude if i have to see that ricochet thing one more time which i do appreciate they put that they put anti-cheat in there but it's not stopping the cheaters there's still wall bangers and all the all the rest of it exactly bro it didn't work and then on top of that you're just booting every dude you get booted non-stop everyone and it's this and it's not everyone's internet or their xboxes it's this and it's not everyone's internet or their xboxes it's the fucking servers dude because it's happening to everyone and we all live in different
Starting point is 01:17:30 parts of the country and it's consistent and it's pissing me off and we'll sit there with our boys and we're all getting mad trying to hang out and have fun and rack dubs and bag and we fucking can't do it and it's the one good thing we have but we found joy in it we did we would laugh how much we were getting kicked being on comms together. Your brother made the best point where like someone would get kicked and people would go, dude, are you serious? And no one
Starting point is 01:17:53 joked around about it once. He goes, and no one's tricked anyone about it ever. It's just we all can't believe it. Dude, I got convinced that Call of Duty isn't just a video game for us. But the fact that we're getting booted so much, I think aliens watch us play Call of Duty and they laugh at how many times we get kicked and how many times we still try to game after that.
Starting point is 01:18:11 They're like, they're going to try and join a game for the 43rd time today. These guys are amazing. They take bets on it. They're like, I can't believe you did more than 40 attempts at a reboot. It's like when you take the fucking laser pointer for a cat. That's what aliens are doing for us. Look how cute it is and funny it is when they chase the laser pointer trying to play call of duty yeah it was
Starting point is 01:18:27 my birthday and we couldn't get in there and dude i had a big dramatic moment i went i went i went uh i was like you know what guys you guys have tried so hard to get me into a game and i really appreciate it but at this point i just got a bail it was like a five minute speech and then i go wait i'm in at the end it was so funny dude he was super selfless and super serious like look because we had like nine dudes on and we were kind of both able to rack a game
Starting point is 01:18:48 nine guys on it was beautiful it was beautiful all there for JT's birthday party and fucking and then JT gets the one left out
Starting point is 01:18:55 and we were like no we're not going to leave JT out but it was so hard to rack games that we're like dude we kind of got to leave you out
Starting point is 01:19:00 and he's like no it's fine I get it just chill guys I'm going to chill here don't worry I'll stay on comms it's beautiful and we're like all right man all right he goes wait no hold on man it was like a groundhog day moment i became selfless and i got to be in the game then i
Starting point is 01:19:11 got booted again but the laugh we got was beautiful we made beauty out of it that's it but you do they gotta fix that they gotta fix the guns don't load either oh yeah you're just like you can't even see your gun the gun glitch bro and then the freezing on the buy box glitch dude i'm getting fucking cluster striked up doing that are you really yeah bro i didn't know that was i didn't know that was a glitch no i got killed at the box i killed someone at the box and i clipped it because that's so fun yeah he was just sitting there frozen i was like easiest kill in my life dude i gotta say too one of the greatest pleasure i play with randos sometimes i'll just get thrown into a group you know on rebirth or called you playing with strangers is beautiful because you get this opportunity to be selfless
Starting point is 01:19:48 for a stranger that's so i'll go out of my way to revive a stranger someone i don't know yeah and get him up yeah and then you're like maybe he's gonna get another stranger up because of that yeah and that bro that makes me feel good about how i'm living my life i'll play rebirth and i'll hear like a prepubescent fucking kid saying like bitch mother reference stuff how i'm living my life i'll play rebirth and i'll hear like a prepubescent fucking kid saying like bitch mother reference stuff and i'm like you need to not talk like that and then they'll hear my voice and they'll be like whatever old man i got called old no way really i was like no i'm not even that old shut up you just shouldn't say that type of stuff but that's great that's great dialogue it is nice that i can hopefully affect them but they don't
Starting point is 01:20:22 listen dude dude i played with a couple of kids and they were amazing and we we won like four games that's incredible yeah dude i tried i played with a group of guys and they were actually on com so we were talking i was like hey guys i kind of suck like let's play and they were like all good dude i rev them they rev me we had a decent game we finished like 10th nice and then i was you guys want to play again then they jumped into a new game without me oh dude that was hilarious it was brutal but it was hilarious i was like you know yeah dude we'll see you in the next round yeah some relationships aren't meant to last have fun have fun out there man um aaron do you have a beef of the week i do my fire stick is fucking failing constantly i mean to piggyback on what you're saying.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Like, I get like, I was trying to watch the new Peacemaker show with John Cena. With Queen Latifah? No, that's... The Equalizer? Equalizer, yeah. My Fire Stick keeps failing. What's a Fire Stick?
Starting point is 01:21:18 Amazon Fire Stick. Oh, right, right, right. Plug it into the back of your TV and you get to eat all the apps and stuff. Oh, okay. I have an old... In our living room, I have an old TV. Oh, okay. My TV that I bought when I first moved to LA. Oh, gotcha right, right. Plug it into the back of your TV, and you get to get all the apps and stuff. Oh, okay. I have an old, in our living room, I have an old TV. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:21:26 My TV that I bought when I first moved to LA. Oh, gotcha, gotcha. So, yeah, it's just constantly forcing me to reboot. Wow. Saying it's not on the network, and it's like literally a foot and a half from the router. So, it's just really fucking annoying. It's the worst, dude. I'm going to have to buy a new TV. to owner jam dude which fine the tvs are cheap now but yeah it's annoying
Starting point is 01:21:51 you're gonna get roku no i'll just have a smart tv that'll have all the apps already it's fucking tight right it's gonna be one of those that look like a painting when it's turned off you've seen that yeah those are pretty sick i don't think i need i don't need anything to for ruby to look at at this point i just needed to focus on us and listen to our voices yes she's she's walking she's running into everything and nice is it already baby proof the house and shit i did a lot of it when she was crawling but now it's not even you can't baby proof her slamming her head into something right or uh pouncing on the dog and he bites her yeah i was doing that when you were babysitting me yeah right just non-stop yeah i love that but you i can put in a headlock you
Starting point is 01:22:38 know what i'm saying what's up you then i could put in a headlock oh he did he gave the best headlocks yeah yeah yeah he's a fucking master noogie guy chad what's your baby of the week or who's your baby of the week uh my baby of the week is uh he's actually he's been mentioned before simon zed's buddy let's go dude well he's a legend first of all he and he and anton are are absolute legends anton zed's's real name. Yeah. And, uh, but Simon at New Year's gave me this crystal and I was like, it's like, it's supposed to have good luck and I'm pretty psyched on it. Cause I'm just rocking this crystal. I'm being an accessory guy.
Starting point is 01:23:17 I'm in the gang more into accessories and I just want to say thank you, dude. I'll probably give it back at some point, but for now I just love rocking it. And, uh, yeah. New year say thank you, dude. I'll probably give it back at some point, but for now, I just love rocking it. New year, new you, dude. You got to do that stuff. New year's great for that. I love that we come up with resolutions.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Dude, Simon's the man. He's the man. He's such a great guy. So fun and so loving. Just the best. And he says all the best stuff. Amen. Who's your baby of the week, Simon says, dude? stuff amen who's your baby simon says dude
Starting point is 01:23:46 legend oh i didn't even get that dude i was messing around dude dude i was messing around it's a classic dad joke you having fun i was just cutting it up you know just with the boys keeping the list dude you know what i mean dude my legend of the week's got to be this dude leonardo he's my one and only patron i started a patreon dude this is real for real just patreon strata wilson dude i've got one guy dude and his name is leonardo and he's a fucking beast and i'm gonna fucking put out some good shit for you my dog so i appreciate you dude being a patreon dude so that's fucking tight thank you leonardo guys join starters patreon yeah join that and we're gonna have one too yeah and we have some really good ideas you
Starting point is 01:24:30 guys have one up i follow you guys yeah but we're gonna start putting content out let's go there you go and listen to history is dank thank you yes history is dank it's a great show and joe could try to make some more of that bread yeah baby uh aaron who's your baby the week my baby the week is a show reservation dogs have you guys seen it it's on hulu it's on hulu it's on fx it's that fx hulu thing i think it's only on fx hulu though it's not on the channel uh it's great it's just a show that follows like these four little yeah like teenage kids they're probably like 15 on a reservation and it's just it's just hilarious taika waititi's like a co-creator on it and it's just really place in that part of the world is yeah oklahoma oklahoma oh copy that on the
Starting point is 01:25:18 reservation yeah oh that makes sense so yeah it's it's it's a native primarily native that's why he relates to so deeply yeah and the other there's a comic named sterling harjo who's also a co-creator on it good name but yeah it's just great there's a lot of like actors you've seen in other things uh you know native actors you've seen other things that are in this that are just being instead of being like the stereotypical you know native american character they've played in something else or or whatever you know like zon mclernand is this actor who's who's on fargo season two there's like this amazing hitman nice but on this and you'd remember that you know like that guy um but in this show
Starting point is 01:26:00 he's just like a fuck-up cop that can't get anything right like but he's just like a comic. It's your more three-dimensional Yeah, they don't have to be like yeah, this is a Native American and then they have like reaction Yeah, and then they have West duty audience. I was gonna say West duty last mohican. Yeah last mohican ronimo eat Geronimo. You just watched amazing actor and dramatic stuff Yeah, he just this weird guy on one episode that's awesome that's completely comical he's such a good actor he's such and i'm glad he's alive i was gonna ask you i was like is he still around he's got cancer or something could be i mean he's just old now right how long time he's fit dude oh bro he is fit yeah he still
Starting point is 01:26:40 is still looks good but yeah he's just playing this wacky like weirdo who lives in town i mean it's just and and oh bill burr's on an episode oh that's amazing nice he's like a high school basketball coach for this one of the girls characters who's going through some shit and they both go through it like together it's he's he's also doing a they go through this whole big thing during a driver's at uh driver's test nice it's really good half hour half hour single cam single cam yeah let's go kirk fox is in it as like a leader of this white meth group in town all funny it's all funny they play with some tropes uh you know some native tropes that you know the spirituality and stuff like that it's really funny it's a really great show check it out i'll check it out um my baby the week i have two my
Starting point is 01:27:30 first one is michelle moynihan the actress um she kind of gets like thankless parts sometimes like she's got to be like the wife of like the hard charging lead and uh and that's a tough part but dude she crushes it like she's so good in mission impossible three really good performance that's the tough part but dude she crushes it like she's so good in Mission Impossible 3 really good performance oh that's her yeah oh yeah and then
Starting point is 01:27:50 but dude I just watched Source Code again which is a really good movie Duncan Jones David Bowie's kid directed it and it's Jake Gyllenhaal and I think it's one of his best performances
Starting point is 01:27:57 I put it in his top three and she is amazing in Source Code cause she's just it's like a groundhog day kind of concept again where he's just going through the same experience over and over again and she has to be this person who he learns to fall in love with through her inherent goodness and just like great vibes and she crushes it and then she has all these little beats where she has to react to this character who's kind of crazy and she just always uh exudes like a really solid nice person who's who she is my true detective same same same
Starting point is 01:28:34 yeah detective she fucking beats kiss kiss bang bang she's great she's amazing in that she's a great actress super underrated and i think she's i think she's got some other stuff like on tv where she's been like the main person and she's gotten to flex more muscles. But I just love watching her and I think she's just a really underrated actress. And then my other babe of the week is the dude at my vape shop, Smoke Shop on Melrose. Dude, me and him have been slowly building into a really nice rapport. And I went in there today to get two more Kiwi strawberry hype bars. And then he goes
Starting point is 01:29:05 how you doing dude i go i'm doing really good man and then i took a beat i went i guess and then he just laughed and he was like well you feeling like europe good and i was like yeah i think i am feeling europe good he goes where are we going whoa and i go where are we going he goes i don't know germany i go dude i heard berlin's great and then another guy walks in so i grab my my bars and i'm walking away i go all right dude send me the itinerary he goes no you send me the itinerary and i go dude i'm on it i'm on it and are we ever gonna go to germany i don't know but we go to germany in our heads every time i see him what a dank interaction and it's nice to watch us grow and evolve well dude you know he's playing in germany this summer limp biscuit oh what about purple disco face dude i i've been
Starting point is 01:29:47 trying to follow where he's gonna machine uh i'm gonna purple disco machine my fat my bad but i like that you guys visit every time purple disco yeah um um i think he's mostly in europe but we should go let him, dude. I really dug that little bit you gave us. It's best to work out, too. Purple Disco Machine, too. And what a great call. People are like,
Starting point is 01:30:11 oh, you're going to Europe for the museum, for the art. Well, yeah, we are, to see a fucking sick DJ. Yeah, we're going to see... That's a good call to get in there for that. And they don't let you have your cell phones there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:21 No cell phones in Berlin. Really? I heard that from someone outside of bar one time another great person i was in berlin once they were doing a fucking weed parade nice dude i was like this is a cool ass city dude does germany rip i think germany does rip now that's awesome yeah they've really turned it around to become fucking chill that's tight chad who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is...
Starting point is 01:30:48 So in the new MacGruber TV show, there's a sex scene. And I thought it was really legendary. I'll play it for you guys. But I thought it was extra legendary because I watched it and I just intuitively knew that this is how Kevin fucks.
Starting point is 01:31:04 You sent that to me. Yeah. There fucks. You sent that to me. Yeah. There you go. You sent it to me. So I'm going to show it to you guys right now. It's actually the last thing I was watching on my phone. That's awesome. You play it.
Starting point is 01:31:14 All right. So this is how the schmold has sex. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh just a little bit more
Starting point is 01:31:38 transferring into you oh oh oh oh in the end great ending great ending he's a little more vulnerable sorry to out you like that Kevin
Starting point is 01:31:57 but you know I love you but and Kevin loves that scene too he loves it dude we were on comms talking about it he said yeah that's why I take notes from that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:05 Yeah. Shrider, who's your legend of the week? Dude, my legend of the week's gotta be my dank ass fiance, dude. She's been such a legend, dude, when I've had fucking COVID, dude, and chilling, dude. And just, you know, she's not my dank ass wife yet. But like they say in vows, sickness and health. And she was just there for me the whole time being a beast and she didn't get it right she did now though oh she did oh man but she was the thing was is she was in that worst space of um feeling sick but not testing positive being
Starting point is 01:32:36 like well what the fuck yeah i'm sick but i don't have the fucking coat like this is weird that happens to like everyone i think yeah. Yeah. Aaron, what's your legend of the week? Or who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Bob Saget. Oh, yeah. Let's go. Unfortunately, I never got to meet him. He joined ATC in October, November of last year.
Starting point is 01:32:59 Super excited. I exchanged some emails with him. He's so polite in the emails. So enthusiastic about the new venture and the new opportunity. And then he did come to the studio once a couple years ago, and unfortunately it was my day off,
Starting point is 01:33:18 so I didn't get to meet him formally. But just, I mean, everyone has said what a sweetheart he was, and maybe one of the best the best and nicest guy in comedy which is insane considering his act yeah yeah but yeah so funny and so uh just a talented dude it's awesome he's a beast i never met him either but he seemed to even from watching him just to have this energy of warmth. He would have loved you guys, I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:33:55 Britalina asked us, I think we were trying to have him on or go on his podcast. And I've been a fan of his since I was a kid. Yeah, he's been our life, our whole life. He's on an episode of Quantum Leap that I think about all the time. Hell yeah yeah he's been our life our whole life yeah beast he's on episode of quantum leap that i think about all the time hell yeah it's crazy valet his car once lexus nice guy subtle classy very nice good vibes not ostentatious yeah and he was like america's dad for a while and then he was raunchy too he did it all which is perfect dad all the boxes he's been joking lately and and i think he told this he was on the comedy cares thing we did at the beginning of the pandemic to raise money for comics who were going to be out of work for a while
Starting point is 01:34:33 uh and he said who thought that that i'm actually uh america's dad and like the other guy was he's a rapist oh yeah yeah Cosby he worded it way better it's been months I can't remember dude my legend of the week is a friend of ours great guy had to take some time off from work he was banged up and now he's back I want to give love to Clay Thompson
Starting point is 01:35:02 he was out of the league for two years not out of the league but He was out of the league for two years. Not out of the league, but, you know, out of being on the court for two years. And, you know, I don't see Klay a ton, but when I do see him, he's always positive. He's always upbeat. And he's always there to have a good time.
Starting point is 01:35:19 And I know that's his reputation, but it's true. It's really who he is. And it's funny, like, when we were young, Klay was kind of shy. He was was always cool but he was kind of shy and he's not shy anymore but he's still the same person and he's maintained that through all of his successes uh which are about the highest you can get and and he's maintained it through this low period too and he's always been solid in who he is and i'm so glad to see him back out on the court and that first game back, he dropped 17 he was shooting a lot, he was getting
Starting point is 01:35:47 after it and he looks like the same old Clay and I know that team is a juggernaut and they got a great shot at winning the title and I hope they do and I think Clay's going to have a beautiful chapter for this next part of his career and I'm just stoked to see him back out there and he banged one dude, I know dude
Starting point is 01:36:03 hard in the paint went into the lane and dropped one on the D and he banged one dude I know dude went into the lane and dropped one on the D and he always has beautiful reactions to his great moments there's this little bit of I can't believe I'm doing this every time he does something like that he really finds joy
Starting point is 01:36:21 in how great his job and station is he's a real inspiration so i'm glad to see him back out there so big love to clay for for coming back dude hell yeah that's tight and he's snarling he's snarled he put up the lips like dude he's at 100 he's at 100 that's sick yeah he's the best um and he gave love to chad for your ball handling skills dude i do that i couldn't believe that i was like whoa i talked to him at your brother's way he's the best. And he gave love to Chad for your ball handling skills, dude. Dude, I couldn't believe that. I was like, whoa. When I talked to him at your brother's wedding, he's the sweetest guy.
Starting point is 01:36:50 Really great guy. Yeah. Dude, he was so cool. He met my dank-ass fiance. And before I even said it, he goes, you know, your fiance beat me in lightning. And I was like, thank you for saying that, dude. I was so fucking chill, dude. Nice.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is I was texting Strider yesterday, and he ended the conversation with a schwing, which is great from Wayne's World. And it just fired me up. That's awesome. It's just schwing is. Schwing.
Starting point is 01:37:22 Schwing. Schwing. It never gets old. It's perfect. Swing. Swing. It is an all-time move. And it's like...
Starting point is 01:37:32 It's so good. And it's very out of left field, too, which I liked. It was kind of like... It was like you brought it back. You know, an old-school swing. And it just... It felt like, you know... it felt like you came on me thank you
Starting point is 01:37:50 and that would be my honor and I'll tell you right now for any young stokers listening do yourself a favor and go watch Wayne's World one and two they're some of the all time best movies you might not get some of the references some things are not evergreen but I think those are in themselves evergreen movies and
Starting point is 01:38:08 schwing is something that you should put into your lexicon hell yeah dude aaron what's your quote of the week my quote of the week is going to be something it's i think i'm gonna do bob stagget Saget's quote from Half Baked. Dave Chappelle's character, Thurgood, he's got a girlfriend who doesn't like that he smokes weed, so he's trying to quit weed, so he goes to rehab. And he tells everyone, he announces, hi, I'm Thurgood, I'm addicted to weed.
Starting point is 01:38:46 And everyone in the crowd just gets fucking pissed at him. And Bob Saget stands up and says, marijuana's not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for weed? Hilarious. That's classic.
Starting point is 01:38:58 Hilarious line. Because you don't even, I don't even think you see him in the crowd until he stands up. Yeah, it's awesome. And it's Saget. Ugh. Classic. My quote Saget. Oh, classic.
Starting point is 01:39:08 My quote of the week is, uh, I watched Tom Hardy in an interview. You talk about his movie Bronson, which is based on this, uh, sociopathic criminal named Bronson, who I guess became a celebrity in a, I think it was England.
Starting point is 01:39:17 England. Yeah. And then, uh, Hardy was talking about actually talking to the real Bronson guy that he portrayed over the phone. And I guess Hardy came out straight with what he was feeling at the time bronzo's like how you doing he's like i'm going through a breakup
Starting point is 01:39:28 i really feel lost and all this stuff and then uh bronson told him this parable where he said uh did you hear about the boy he got lost in the uh in the flood he got stuck in a flood and the water kept raising and they kept trying to get him out but his was stuck and they couldn't get him out and he ended up drowning and hardy was like yeah i remember that he goes that never would have happened to me he goes because i would have cut my foot off and he goes sometimes there's a moment in your life where you have to lose a part of yourself to grow but that's just what you have to do and i was like whoa yeah you know we get stuck in these situations where we're like i can't get through this and we just stay stuck but sometimes it means there's a part of yourself that feels real that feels like you but just because it feels real and feels like you doesn't mean you have to do it you know what i
Starting point is 01:40:12 mean sometimes you got to just say later to that part of you and that's where the growth comes from so big ups to bronson dude for just spitting sp. I like that. Fired me up, dude. That's fucking sick. Chat, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Phrase that we forget after it? Sizzle me timbers. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:40:41 With a little camera look, bro. What do you mean when you say that? I mean, let's have a, you know, let's... What's the term? What's the term for when pirates are... Ahoy? A parlay? No. It's not like...
Starting point is 01:41:03 Maroon? Let's act like Jack Sparrow Um Let's act like Jack Sparrow That's what you mean? Let's just be as hot as Jack Sparrow For sure It is hot
Starting point is 01:41:22 Strider What's your friends That we're forget after it? Dude, are we fucking doing this? Aaron, what's your phrase that we forget after it? Chad already said it. Schwing. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:39 My phrase that we forget after it is from the movie The Program. Great college football movie. It's a classic. The starting quarterback joe kane whenever he's got to get the team fired up for a critical late game situation play he says let's put the women and children to bed and go looking for supper love it dude love nice let's go i want to be a wide receiver on that team dude and it's possible as cooper covered all right dude good sesh good stuff guys check out take a nap striders new patreon oh thank you chad dude
Starting point is 01:42:12 history is dank uh we're gonna have a new patreon coming out too or we have one sick new content and uh stay stoked stay stoked these guys are really nice and you wanna know what to do and where to go when you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 01:42:38 there's no such thing as having friends beside you go free go free We'll see you next time.

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