Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 233 - Strider Wilson Joins

Episode Date: April 6, 2022

What up Stokers! Strider joins. We talk Will Smith!   Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code... [GODEEP].   Check out out the new audible original Summer In Argyle at audible.com/summerinargyle    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys before we begin this podcast I want to let you know that we have a Patreon up patreon.com slash chad goes deep for bonus episodes each week me and JT breaking it down classic episodes and if you're a $10 patron you get to DM your questions and those get priority on the regular podcast so if you have a question that you really want to ask and you want to get it up there become a patron and dm us your quesh and we'll get it in there uh we also have shows coming up we're going to be at the irvine improv tonight at 8 p.m we also have some dank t-shirts from nef the epic clothing line that they're going to have at the show and it's a really cool sort of cartoonish me and jt surfing going deep in
Starting point is 00:00:44 chat jt t-shirt, check it out. We're also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our tongues peed, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because cue NFL draft sound. I think that was SportsCenter, but what up? With the first pick in the NFL draft,
Starting point is 00:01:06 Ball Saxonville has decided to pick Manscaped to stock up their D. D stands for dick. Manscaped leaders and below-the-waist grooming have sponsored us to make sure you don't get booed out of the bedroom like Roger Goodell. Support us and head to Manscaped.com. Use the exclusive code GODIP at checkout for 20% off plus free shipping at manscaped.com. Alright, let's start the show. Call it a boner and let's pitch the tent.
Starting point is 00:01:47 call it a boner and let's pitch the tent what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast i'm here with my compadre jean thomas what up boom clap stokers and we're here with the oh i didn't think of a name we're the the the matrimonial magoo oh love is blind mr magoo is blind dude you go into these things i love that strider wilson that's why you're a genius dude thank you you're stoked to be here and also call it a boner pitch at a tent i think that's one of my favorite intros i've ever heard of you i don't know i mean maybe stokers know this you just do these you just do these i i just happen i gotta say though for that one i was on open mic earlier and that came to my mind and i wrote beautiful yeah but you said it like it was the first time oh dude love that you're going to an open mic baby just getting after it dude oh dude yeah they're they've been i i mean i
Starting point is 00:02:40 i enjoy them just to to work on stuff and it makes me feel good to go into them. But I mean, the last four I've been to have been just fucking brutal. They're rough. Maybe I'm used to shows now, though. I don't know. Dude, we've been having fun. One of the saddest places on earth. I was saying this before we started. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:57 You know, there's a reason people in comedy kill themselves. Yes. And open mics are a big part of it. Yeah. It's not no one's listening to you bearing your soul or you trying to be edgy or whatever it is but you gotta do it and it's the best but isn't you know sometimes you have blue days you'll have a perfect day you'll it'll be your birthday you're like man everything's going nice but is anything top when you come up with a
Starting point is 00:03:24 new bit and you go oh i think this puppy's gonna work dude and then it does work and then you go oh isn't that fucking nice yeah and when you have a bit that works and then uh especially when you're going through a drought and you're sort of like thinking you're like am i ever gonna like come up with it because you're in your mind you're like because good bits are so hard to come by where you just sort of like you're like like you just get in this mindset where you're like where do these even come from am i ever gonna have a funny bit again dude but they come exactly if you try to force it you know it's tough jt recommended the book born standing up by uh steve
Starting point is 00:04:02 martin maybe you heard of him and uh no he he's got a great thing where he's like man those nights where it's coming to you are so valuable and he's like you just need to fucking sit down and write yeah he's like i don't he's like and they'll come when they do yeah and that's the thing maybe the material comes to you maybe you gotta go you gotta go live life and then have your eye trained to capture life whenever i stay inside and i don't go out or anything like that and i just try to write it's like you need stuff to to yeah well you said the quote who dare to sit down to write that has not first stood up to live oh let's fucking go but i think i think too there's the chris martin quote from the bgs
Starting point is 00:04:40 doc where he says um they ask him about writing a hit song and he's like he's like you don't write a hit song really you can't write a hit song or try to write a hit song he's like it's like waves when you're surfing you're out in the water you don't pick the waves you just paddle into them and sometimes they're amazing waves and sometimes they're shitty but you just got to be in the water dude hey man that's why i hate the fuck you know coming up through stand-up and stuff and i listen to your guys doug stanhope podcast so maybe this is why i'm hitting hard which i love by the way dude i loved it man stanhope great you guys hey you guys got a pretty kick-ass podcast over here dude go and did you say that no you i'm just saying that right now you guys and stanhope was awesome on here man that's been what's been
Starting point is 00:05:18 so cool but uh that's when maybe i'm geared towards stand-up but like um dude i was just fucking i'm forgetting what the point was that like um dude i was just fucking i'm forgetting what the point was that i was gonna make but uh well i think you made your point that the podcast is great yeah it rips it rips you're fucking sick as fuck oh dude you're the fucking the third king speaking of which i saw gata in malibu whoa and i was i was with with Kennedy and she's like go say hi so I go up and he's like he's like on the monkey bars and I'm like I'm like Gator what's up he looks at me he's like what are you doing March 31st and I'm like I don't know man he's like I got a show in Venice I don't think he knew who I was I think he thought I was a fan because like the first thing he said to me is like
Starting point is 00:06:03 I'm like Gator what's up man good to see you and he's like what are you doing March 31st we got a show we're gonna turn out I'm like okay I'll see you later yeah that's very unlike him to plug something just straight to the plug and we're just kind of staring at each other and I'm like and she's like I don't think he had any idea who you were and i'm like yeah i don't think so either the train tracks are coming up behind the train yeah he's all forward yeah just that we're gonna turn out i'm like okay i'll see you later um yeah he doesn't remember me but uh what is we were talking about standing uh yeah um yeah you just got to be out there and doing it um you just gotta keep going to the mic for sure yeah hell yeah keep grinding it's all about never
Starting point is 00:06:50 a bad thing to be honing the crap dude should we talk about uh the biggest happening maybe in human history yes i mean there's so many takes and i kind of like that we had a couple days to process yeah because uh everyone was jumping on it and i'm also proud of the fact that none of us posted about it on social media like because it was like that was almost speak for yourselves that was like a stronger a stronger choice well not a stronger choice but you know an interesting choice and then but yeah so will smith uh slapped chris rock in the face yeah and. And the world stopped for a moment. My phone, I wasn't watching the Oscars.
Starting point is 00:07:29 I was seeing Lost City by myself in Montana. Good movie, by the way. Oh, I can't wait. And then my phone just blew up. And I was like, holy shit. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Dude, I watched the clip. You walk up. I think a billion things were going through chris rock's mind like he ain't because will smith's kind of laughing he's like and then just slaps him i'm like first of all dude chris rock's a pro that's what i want to say yeah so many of these things we're talking about will smith let's just give chris rock his due cordons before we get into will smith's issues that he's got going on, obviously. Chris Rock's a beast, bro.
Starting point is 00:08:07 He fucking handled it like a beast. He kept going. He's a champ. And he wore the slap. Let's go. He kept his composure. And he also came up with a bit on the spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Which was impressive. I like the way he just played it cool and he's not pressing charges and all that kind of stuff. I think he handled it the best he could. They apologized to each other too. Yeah. I mean, look, I think Chris Rock's joke might have been over the line. I don't know. And then I thought- I don't think he knew about alopecia.
Starting point is 00:08:34 So if he didn't, then there's no issue. And then Will Smith- And he's literally the director of Good Hair. Right. Or the writer of Good Hair. That's true. Which is a good documentary. And then Will Smith's reaction was obviously too much. Yeah. right or the writer of good hair that's true which is a good documentary and then um and then
Starting point is 00:08:45 will smith's reaction was obviously too much yeah but honestly it was just like an incredible moment like i think people are probably like moralizing a bit too much like especially like comedians like i want to call out some of my betters like let's go let's go like jeff ross said he cried when he saw it yeah which i don't know why you would cry. I know he cares about standup and it like- Rocks his idol. Yeah. One of his idols.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. But if Bruce Springsteen got slapped, I'd keep on moving. And then- Yeah. I guess it depends on who's slapped. But I don't know. If Will Smith slapped Bruce Springsteen, I would not cry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:22 I'd be like, huh? If Will Smith slapped my dad, i might get upset but i don't know how yeah you're i don't know how close jeff ross and chris rock and then jim carrey said he was like appalled by the academy's reaction that people clapped or something like that but he was so dramatic in his like language and then judd apatow said that will smith could have killed chris rock and i was like hilarious you know i don't want to act tough but nah you're probably not going to die from getting slapped yeah well anything could have happened before the slap you know like we don't know what you don't know what will's gonna do
Starting point is 00:09:56 once he's up there and doing that what if he didn't just slap what if he clocked rock like and rock falls back hits his head who knows like yeah cameron poe style and baby let's go whoa dude good rep right what i'm talking about yeah i guess if you put that in his tweet i would have liked it yeah cameron poe style yeah i guess i guess he could have killed more like if will smith had had like a gun or something will is he could have shot him infinitely larger and stronger than chris rock no look yeah he's not gonna be able to kill chris rock he's not going we wasn't going to so you're on jed's side no i'm just i'm playing devil's advocate to him like this i'm saying is will smith possibilities was a huge little
Starting point is 00:10:36 bitch in this moment dude and if he was really having his wife's back dude she can speak for herself dude well i'm saying dude that's his male gaze this is a term i learned from my dank ass fiance his male gaze he is thinking only of himself only from his ego thinking i have been shamed i have been wrong he's not really thinking about his wife in that moment he's thinking about how he looks in conjunction with that and then reacting to it will smith man i love your fucking movies dude if he If he would have said, welcome to Earth, bitch, and then hit Chris Rock, I'm fucking cool. Other than that, get out of here, bro.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Dude, I mean, I watch it, I'm like, what's going on in that household? Yeah, he's obviously got other issues, dude. Never got the laundry. I mean, yeah, and he laughed at the joke at first, and then she rolled her eyes, and he looked over, and then he's like triggered. I don't know and i don't i think it's you know open marriages are uh i'm not sure they'll uh they're i think that's sort of proof of concept that they don't work i i liked a youtube comment
Starting point is 00:11:36 that said where was this anger will when augie was blowing jada's back out yeah i did a 19 year old guy that was like the hip-hop guy she was sleeping with i forget his age but yeah that sounds about right and yeah i mean i think knowing how much we know about will smith and their relationship mostly through her disclosures on public platforms i did feel like it was all combined in that moment but i don't know i don't think it was as like it was amazing it was like an incredible moment it gave everyone fodder for like weeks and stuff but i don't think it's like i don't know i don't think it's like like people are getting into like huge discussions about like violence and whether it's ever like justified and stuff like that and i'm like i don't know if it's that i don't know if it's representative of
Starting point is 00:12:19 something larger i feel like one dude just got pissed at another dude and slapped him yeah i mean i think maybe no like i mean obviously this would never happen because the this would never happen that's the thing well you have to look at this moment an isolated thing but if any other guy first of all chris rock would never make a joke about any other non-celebrity's wife but if a non-celebrity gets up there and hits chris rock jail done pause commercial break later like no in america he's who the guy is removed from the building right yeah there's no way but if you know the people it's different like of course of course that's what i'm saying there's no equal thing that's what's crazy about it but at the same time like once it's not a bit
Starting point is 00:13:00 once like oh somebody went up there and hit somebody over words people want someone to blame that's the thing who do you blame who's in charge the academy who calls the shots there i just that's what i feel like there's no one's calling shots well i think too what do you blame i don't know will smith yeah i mean i think i think in that moment you know everyone was just so shocked because i think when he was walking up people like oh this is a bit maybe even the producers were like oh he's gonna play this off well that's funny and they did it and then i just think the fact that he still got the award and everyone just gave him a standing ovation like nothing happened i was like i kind of like that it just speaks to the shock that people have and how we keep moving forward. Yeah. But I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Were you there when that Blair girl slapped me in my face and popped my eardrum? Yeah. We just kept moving. Yeah, we were partying. We were pretty hammered. We were fucked up. But no one was like, she needs to leave the party even. We were all just like, yeah, that happened.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And then we just kept plugging along. Yeah. Vastly different scenarios. But but yes what do you mean once everyone's hammered at a party and there's no nothing's involved nothing's being filmed could have never happened no one ever saw it um you're not on television in tuxedos yeah well like i was telling you on my plane today a guy got there was a physical altercation and one guy got removed and they kept moving and the flight got delayed. And the flight attendant said she thinks it was because of the Will Smith thing. So maybe there is influence.
Starting point is 00:14:32 But everyone on the plane, we told both guys to get over it, basically, so we could take off. Dude, you know what? I think Will Smith's such a huge psycho that he knew an open hand slap would be okay. Because if he punched him, I think it would have been like... Oh, that's different. Yeah, sure. way yeah you know what i mean which means it's calculated which means it's more not okay mentally yeah the look he has on his face as he's walking away is that is that crazy he's like smiling insane he's like smiling oh resting his his yeah his it was scary dude like when i watched it i was like this is weird dude it was and i mean
Starting point is 00:15:07 he goes up there he assaults him on stage yeah he just walks back and like he crosses a threshold dude this girl blaring never crossed any threshold you guys were hanging out in the garage next to the fucking fridge where ronas are stacked up he crushes a fucking threshold which is the stage in the fourth he must love fucking fucking adam mckay's directing style by breaking the fourth and going up there and and and then slapping chris rock and i can't do that yeah i mean he shouldn't do it there's no doubt that he was wrong to do it but i don't think it's it was just a slap like i just don't think it's like a huge like uh moral issue like to me it's pretty minor no no i don't think it's like this moral thing but there
Starting point is 00:15:50 needs to be a punishment dude i would like to see him get punished in some way because there's been there's been no punishment in fact reward dude no i think he's being punished everyone thinks people are making nine million memes about how his wife cheats on him i mean like well yeah i guess what would be a fitting punishment that's what i'm saying i don't know i don't know what that is and i don't know what body should employ that it's the academy the academy they have to although yeah he's not he's not presenting best actress do you think they're going to take away the award no they can't no no because there's already given well i okay so i uh his speech after was the most brutal thing and he's like god is calling on me to protect people and you're like what yeah you're not a cop what are you
Starting point is 00:16:33 talking about dude yeah well yeah i think the speech too was he kind of made it like like he's a protector and like i'll justify it yeah love will make you do crazy things he's like oh i'm a character that's what ike turner said me hit tina like i love you yeah and but see i think that's a little bit like ike turner had a pattern of behavior it wasn't just one time not that that would be okay you should never hit your partner but like and it was man on woman which i also think makes a difference and i just don't i don't think it's a i i understand the thinking but i don't think ike turner and like will smith belong in the same sentence sure sure sure like what if wanda sykes tells that same joke you think he goes up there and does anything no of course not well regina hall made a joke about
Starting point is 00:17:22 their marriage that was arguably actually definitely worse yeah it's more personal no i'm glad he didn't hit a lady yeah yeah that would have been way worse or what if the rock gets up there or momoa tells that joke it is does he's a weapon slapper no and he can't he doesn't walk up there but you get the rock i don't know i think you got to know that too like cousin the there's certain people rock when you when you're big you can or when you're small like i know there's certain people i can't make jokes about because they would hurt me and then there's other people i know i can get away with it with i think the argument people are making is that he's a celebrity and because he's celebrity he got special treatment he was able to go up there it's nothing new assault someone on it is assault yeah he slapped someone
Starting point is 00:18:05 on stage yeah and walk back down and still get an award and a standing ovation and make a speech yeah and you know normal people that wouldn't be able to happen to uh and uh it was insane but i mean twitter was very entertaining like they should so they should have just removed them like right after. Probably. I think so. But I don't think anyone knew what to do. I agree. I don't think anyone knew what to do either.
Starting point is 00:18:30 If you've ever worked in any live event, you might have some idea. Remove the fucking dude who just slapped somebody. Remove the guy who went up on stage. When the award is given, when they say, and the winner is Will Smith. when the award is given when they when they say and the winner is will smith due to tonight's unforgettable or whatever you want to say unfortunate events he was removed from the building now to accept the award as the producer or the director or i am glad we got the speech though yeah yeah yeah i am too i think it makes although it was very commentary for sure it was very painful the way people are taking the incident and like making it they're like turning it into like
Starting point is 00:19:12 whatever their like life philosophy is on like this larger oh people love doing like that's the thing i'm like i don't think it's like cause for that i think to play devil's advocate i think i think culturally maybe we've reached a place where people think that reacting to words that's the appropriate way to react to words you know what i mean dude exactly bro that's like dude i'm saying that's what the opposite reaction i'm saying that's what will smith thought he's not thinking about himself oh excuse me he is thinking about himself not about jada he should have gone up there i think he did it for j she she because she they said he was laughing and then she made a face at him and then he went up there yeah like she was like you need to do
Starting point is 00:19:57 something basically and it look but what he could have done is go up there and go sorry to interrupt chris what you don't know is my wife has a condition where her hair fell out. That's why she's upset. I mean, it's hard to imagine someone doing this, but like that is an option at all times. If he would have gone up for his speech, that would have been the best way to do it.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Like, hey, I thought that joke was inappropriate for this reason. Yeah. Yeah. Which would have been arguably lamer yeah totally bro dude it's like anything it's like dude you can say anything but you fucking talk about my family i'm gonna fuck you up who's gonna be like dude you can say anything but you talk about my fucking family what's going on yeah let me hear about it dude okay cool okay so your point yeah maybe we
Starting point is 00:20:39 could correct that it's like dude like what a worst what fucking soapbox are you on to interrupt the show and be like what you guys don't know is that she has a medical condition he's like all right back to your thing chris and he's like all right right and he didn't know he was gonna win best actor so he might not have thought he would ever get a chance to address it yeah he's like this is my shot well the thing is like too it's like he's been campaigning to win the oscar for years like he that's been his goal and on the one night where he's basically you know he's been winning all the awards up until this point it was kind of like people were expecting him to win and on the one night where he's about to finally do it he ruins the moment
Starting point is 00:21:15 in the most and the role is for playing a dad who is considered kind of a nut yeah yeah i mean i i i feel for him i think he's i think he's got a lot going on yeah and uh there's a lot of frustration in there and a lot of i mean with the whole like red table thing and i mean i'm sure i think that people are making a lot of jokes about his marriage i think a lot of things are building up and he's just having, you know, I mean, I think he, maybe there's a bunch of ego and play and stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:55 He's trying to process all that and he's just sort of about to blow a lid or he did blow a lid. Yeah, for sure. I don't think he's a bad guy. No, no, no, no. I just had a bad moment.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think he's, yeah. I still go do a movies he should still be in movies he's just still fucking rip it i love his movies he fucked up he needs to come out he needs to apologize maybe that's it dude just apologize hey look chris rock was the one who
Starting point is 00:22:15 was transgressed against if chris rock's cool then it's all good yeah i think i would probably laugh if that happened to me i'd be like i'm like whoa if you were chris rock yeah i feel like jesus does he was like oh wow yeah i mean he had a i mean yeah his reaction i think his reaction is great yeah he handled it well he's like dude it was a gi jane joke yeah it was amazing he's like bruh it's not about your wife yeah dude i mean if anything he's saying your wife would be awesome in this movie where she plays a navy seal yeah yeah that's a compliment yeah yeah will smith needs to watch g.i.j and bro i think the part that would if i was chris rock the part that would affect me personally the part that would affect me more was the the visibility of it like i'd be
Starting point is 00:22:58 more embarrassed that like 100 million people saw me get slapped right but i don't think i'd be that if i made a joke about someone's wife and they slapped me i don't think i would be that shocked by that yeah yeah i'd be like yeah probably i upset that person i know exactly how i upset you like yeah i was i was flirting with that i if it happened to me i'd be like oh dang publicity his ticket sales went way up his ticket sales went also but also i saw a poll that most people think he's, what was it, that he's like to blame or something for it, which I think is way off. No, it's Jada's fault. No, I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:23:34 But I guess I just think art needs more of that. I think that's like it's better for art if there's more of that. More salt? More salt. I wouldn't even call it a salt. It's minor salt, but it's a salt. It is is but like i don't know i think it's just a slap assault to me is like when you get your ass rocked
Starting point is 00:23:54 he went hard i mean he's like you heard it on mike yeah it's crazy look look my dad got hit over the head with a wine bottle yeah by a chick yeah and he tried to get her to like he pressed charges on that and like when my car got stolen i pressed charges but i've been hit a lot like when ryan maxwell knocked me that was a fair fight though but i was like yeah i just got my ass beat it's tough man look he threw the first punch bro this is goes hey they say everything you learn you learn in kindergarten you don't hit somebody dude that's all it is yeah but let me tell you what you hit greg that time no i didn't okay i'm with you when you took him down yeah
Starting point is 00:24:39 i just put him on the ground i didn't i never ever threw it that's a song adam no it wasn't that self-defense the was attacking me real hard bro he was coming at me real hard bro i was like whoa uh yeah just hit the weight room learn some wrestling moves bro well if hey if will smith would put chris rock in a boston tea crab and say respect my wife till he gets out that would have been that would have been great a full nelson's a good move too because you're not hurting the guy but he can't do a great, but he can't do anything. Full Nelson's a great move. But he can't do anything. He's stuck.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Well, like Charlie Murphy said, first of all, you don't slap a man. If you slap a man, you have a gum fight after that. Someone has to go. Yeah, dude. You might be right, bro. Fuck, man. It's crazy, dude. But I hear what you're saying, JT.
Starting point is 00:25:24 I hear what you're saying, baby. And Will did just produce a stand-up show that I don't know if it's crazy dude but I hear what you're saying JT but I hear what you're saying baby and Will did just produce a stand up show that I don't know if it's aired yet but 16 episodes of an up and coming stand up show Will's being a little bitch dude just fucking take the joke bro don't be a little bitch dude
Starting point is 00:25:38 Dave Anthony tweeted a little known fact Don Rickles was stabbed 42 times while on stage is that funny? No, of course not. That's funny. But that guy, all he did was make fun of people for 50 years. Yeah, I think, I mean, you could tell something was off with Will for the past few years. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:56 With his Instagram and his social media and stuff. It's just so manufactured and like, and just try hard. Where he's like, I've gained the most weight of that i'm losing and you're just like i'm just like something's going on like this is not independence they will no it's very sad it was all very sad i mean i can't feel good to have your wife talk about why she cheated on you publicly yeah and you know i think yeah he probably should have channeled that it does feel like displaced anger he's totally bro that's why it's not just a slap he's he's breaking ethics moral code number one don't take what's bothering you in your personal life out on somebody else
Starting point is 00:26:39 boom if you're doing that you're a bad guy and you're not doing it all the time he had to slip up i'm not saying he's a full-on bad guy but you can't be doing that i'd say to your argument the better move would have been at the after party to slap him oh for sure it would have been smarter way better he's drunk whatever and then it's not even a story really or it's a story but it doesn't like the fact that he was on camera yeah he took the time to walk on stage what like three or four seconds maybe five to think about it do it yeah yeah i don't know man yeah i guess i just like the rawness and the realness of it i mean i don't agree with it like you shouldn't do that i don't think it was slick but i was like it was a real moment i mean it's very entertaining i would have i would have tuned in otherwise it was real human emotion nothing's more entertaining than that
Starting point is 00:27:30 yeah i know their ratings went up by 500 thou but still the third lowest of all time i think oh wow yeah i don't know do you yeah i mean do you think the oscars are gonna stay on this downward trend or and what do you think is the cause of that do you, do you think the Oscars are going to stay on this downward trend? And what do you think is the cause of that? Do you think the COVID kind of weird award ceremony thing? But I mean, they're always on a downward trend. And why do you think that is? You mean it's because of streamers? Yeah, I think the best stuff goes into series, limited series.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Like a Winning Time, Game of Thrones is huge. You get a 10-part series with a film budget it's going to be better yeah yeah i mean i think the only movies that matter like marvel movies and stuff like that and like batman like those are like events but all the movies that were nominated for best picture like belfast coda power of the dog i mean they're like they're like jazz no one saw those it's for like people who have specific tastes yeah but they had gladiator up there now that that was huge these movies don't mean much to people yeah by the way uh anyone who heard the patreon heard me rail against power the dog it went one for 12 so i think i'm right vindicated
Starting point is 00:28:39 vindicated one for 12 that's my little league batting it took me five nights to watch that movie and look i respect prouder dog beautifully shot great character our cumberbatch brings it but baby you need a nap during that puppy power of the fucking cat nap dude i might put that in my fucking action movie draft list yeah that's what will smith needed to do he needed to walk away and go rub up on some fucking saddle dude speaking of though uh peacemaker i was dying watching that i gotta watch that show that show is a wreck i'm fucking i'm gonna dive in i don't want to overhype it too much with this character vigilante it's fucking it i mean it's so it's like for i like where they're going
Starting point is 00:29:26 with these superhero like shows and stuff where it's like much edgier and like and like the the superhero is kind of a fuck up but it's not like too sort of like winky of like you know self-aware like deadpool it's just sort of like this guy's kind of a douche but he's trying to be a superhero it's just sort of like this guy's kind of a douche but he's trying to be a superhero it's very entertaining i love it and i love john cena don't check it out yeah the tone of deadpool i hate in that ryan reynolds tone generally i don't don't like but i did like free guy i have to agree guy was good i liked free guy had some good themes and i started watching adam project i'm gonna finish it i'm enjoying it yes uh free guy the second half i was like at first i was sort of like what is this but then as it went on i was
Starting point is 00:30:11 like i was like oh i dig it no the scene with little rel and him hit me really hard about like the meaning of life like that even if there is no meaning to it the fact that you care about the people in it is what gives it meaning yeah yeah that was powerful amen same fucking theme as um what's that show the chris mccandle's movie with eddie vetter soundtrack into the wild you know he says the best things in life are shared amen good movie what else you just got back from montana dude i went to montana it was amazing do you ski you snowboard i came back out of retirement i snowboarded for a day how was it montana it was amazing do you ski you snowboard i came back out of retirement i snowboarded for a day how was it oh baby it was fun i mean dude my feet just hurt too
Starting point is 00:30:49 much when i do it i gotta get like is it your boots yep they're snowboard boots i think i just have weird feet i gotta get like some like uh liners made for myself so i can do it again i mean i suck but you have big arches i think that's what it is my dad has high arches so he always had trouble finding boots. Yeah. I did that. I mean, I'll talk a lot about it during my Beefs, Babes, and Legends, but I had one night that was so fun. I partied till like five in the morning, wound up at a bike shop for some guy's birthday that I didn't know.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Nice. At like four in the morning. And the people there, they're just the best. It was nice to be somewhere where like everyone there is just pretty happy. And I think it was the college kids' first time back from spring break. And dude, young people are hilarious like there was just three dudes walking out of the bar they were leaving they just took a can of beer and just threw it against the door before they left and you could tell from their energies that like the requirement to be in their group of friends was that you like to fight so i just just like moved out of the way and i was like go and then you get on the dance floor this is gonna
Starting point is 00:31:48 be my beef so i'll save it but young kids dancing is pretty funny too how so because they're so horny no because they i don't think they've settled into their bodies yet so the guys are just bumping into each other a lot and not really dancing and the girls just fall down a lot you know for like attention and it works once and you're like that's cute but then they keep doing it and like they're just trying to like find their place on the floor basically like i don't think they're really listening to the music i think they're more just like figuring out how to perform for the other people who are there bro that's a motherfucking beautiful metaphor right there dude no you're not
Starting point is 00:32:23 really listening to the music of life dude they're not they're not settled in they don't know how to listen yet because they don't know themselves no they're not listening for the beat they're more just like moving and kinetic and like looking around and they're trying to feel comfortable but they're not like settling into the music yeah the hips are arrhythmic it's like come on baby just settle in just listen slow down and i was 34 so i'm like no no i'm like my life is the quest is the is you know the pursuit of the beat that's what i'm always trying to find that and then so i was like moving too fast and i you know i can't dance as well as i used to you know my hips are slow my knees are well i can't like you know if i drop it to the floor i can do that like twice a song i can't
Starting point is 00:32:57 stay there for the whole song now and uh but i was like but i but i do know who i am as a dancer and some of these younger folks are still a- You're a fantastic dancer. Oh, that's nice. I remember we were at Swallows. My dang ass fiance goes, JT can move. Oh, thank you, dude. Tell me something I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But it was fun, dude. Montana's a great place. And then I was there with Ross. He was going to be my legend of the week. Oh, bro, let's go. We were just lifting and drinking coffee. We drank like five coffees a day. I love that.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah, Ross Akanos, baby. Dude, i was just in cincinnati recently oh that's right yeah you were out of town my dad gas fiance's grandma turned 100 never met a hundred year old before that's crazy yeah 1922 b arthur betty white jack kerouac a few others born jack kerouac lived to be 100? No, no, no. He was born in 1922. Oh, okay. All people born in 1922. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Did she have stories? You know what? Dude, we asked her. We were sitting at, we had her birthday luncheon, and then the next day she came over for brunch. She's 100. She's not going to stay out late. So we did a luncheon, then a breakfast. And the lady that set it up, my freaking ass fiance's aunt kathleen goes what's the
Starting point is 00:34:08 secret what's the secret to living to 100 she goes you know what i love my husband jerry oh that's nice she goes i'm not kidding that's it and i go fuck man that's cool when it was jerry pat i think i think he actually lived quite a while too. He was a healthy guy. I think maybe he made it to 92. But was born before her, so maybe 15, 12 years ago. Something like that. Those are good genes. Great genetics. Yeah, let's go.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Let's go. What did you guys say after she said that? We all just went... Has she dated anyone since? She has not, but people fuck in old people homes. People fuck. They do.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Old people fuck. Dude, and here's the thing. You're basically living in a hotel on vacation the whole time when you're old. You've got like a sick ass, I don't think they do buffet. At least the home that I went to, I haven't been to many old people homes. But maybe that's not the right word to say. Is it convalescent home? What do you say?
Starting point is 00:35:07 I think you're getting retirement. Retirement community. Yeah. Our demo in their 80s is going to push back on you. Yeah. I don't want to be ageist, dude. I want to be the first comic canceled for ageism, dude. But anyway, dude, fucking,
Starting point is 00:35:21 dude, you're living a vacation lifestyle. They have happy hour. They've got games. They got everyone single, dude. I think they fuck, dude. living a vacation lifestyle. They have happy hour. They've got games. They got everyone single, dude. I think they fuck, dude. Oh, big time. STDs are rampant in old people homes. I had a sick thought once when I was with my grandma.
Starting point is 00:35:34 And she was really lonely. Her husband Wendell passed away in like 1970 or something like that. Whoa. And I don't know if she ever got drilled since then. And I remember one time I was with her. This was a true thought I thought i had i was with her and i used to visit her a lot i loved my grandma and then um i looked at her and i was like i'll bang you just to like just love dude just to give you that feeling i was like i love you so much and i wouldn't but i had that thought and i felt good about the thought i was like i would bang you to help you feel better dude i love that i didn't make an offer or anything but
Starting point is 00:36:08 the thought alone warmed my heart there are some mini windows in there where you're like oh wow like look at the shape of this carrot yeah it was like oh you want pumper nickel on your on your sandwich do you want a little pumper nickel dude old people love pumper nickel bread they do one time i've ever heard of pumper nickel i think i took her to in and out we just went on a date yeah dude i love that but i didn't drill dude dates with old people younger generation listening to them you know i'm a history guy talk to old people man it's a great resource dude go visit them dude it's pretty incredible i i interviewed my grandpa before he died just for like a class project but he gave me this whole life story it was awesome dude they'll give it to you unfiltered yeah dude you did a great is this something mentionable you did a great
Starting point is 00:36:54 stand-up showcase at at a oh i don't know if it was great dude i watched i watched it look i watched um chris gardner said i really enjoyed it We did stand up at my grandma's old folks home. She did enjoy it. We filmed it, but we ended up getting banned. They never let us back. Why? What was the reasoning? Everyone was doing like blue material.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Yeah. Yeah. Chris Gardner. Agents. Who's African-American was up there. And then this old, you know, it was a mostly, it was a South OC. So mostly white old folks home. He gets up there. He's not being any more, old folks home. He gets up there.
Starting point is 00:37:25 He's not being any more outrageous than anyone else. He's just talking. And I'm filming in the back, and an old white lady gets up, walks by me, and just goes, what's he hollering about? Oh, my God. And walked out. Jesus. Chris was a pro.
Starting point is 00:37:39 One of the funniest guys ever. He was on this pod. And he just kept pushing. Yeah, that was fun. My grandma really enjoyed that. was nice she's a sweet sweet lady dude i watched band of brothers bro good show bro don't even fucking are you trying to make me cream my shorts dude yeah dude and well aaron are you creaming are you by the way by the way we have uh we have a gopro it's in my truck i forgot to bring it in but But we have an Aaron cam that a generous stoker who works at GoPro gave it to us in San Jose. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:38:11 Yeah. Dude, for draft apps, let's go. We're going to set up an Aaron cam for draft apps. Aaron, I think you might have to use the selfie stick. And just on a pic, you just load it up to your face and then just show your reaction. But don't be actory yeah i'm not gonna does gopro have a does it have a night vision filter so it can feel like a sex tape dude good call can we do that can we do that that'd be nice to watch or maybe uh maybe
Starting point is 00:38:36 a heat uh thermal yeah some thermal scope predator scope so you can see the jizz in his pants dude yeah we see you see aaron he's turning Dude, yeah. You see Aaron just turn white. He's saying it's a black light. Room Raiders. Oh, yeah. Maybe it has to have a blue light so you can just see the squirt from his dong when someone does a John Carpenter movie. Did you want to know something? You want to know something? Now, I was going to maybe say this for my legend, but I'm just going to fucking burn
Starting point is 00:39:01 it right now because I've been thinking about it. Commercial music kicks ass think about like kiss or even imagine dragons we live on these bands but bro just think if you went into like and this is part of what's his name speech um tom morello speech from his uh rock and roll hall of fame for Kiss. It's so good. Yeah. Listen to that piece if you've never heard it because it's amazing. But bro, commercial music, like imagine if you saw Imagine Dragons, maybe that's why their band name
Starting point is 00:39:32 has the words Imagine in it, at like a hundred person venue. You'd be like, bro, this is the fucking best thing I've ever seen. You'd be like, this is the fucking, I was just listening to that song like, I'm never changing who I am yeah yeah it's time to begin it's so fucking good no they're great it just gets overplayed dude because of advertising
Starting point is 00:39:54 and dollars dude my media literacy what up well and it's easy to pick on people for being corny but i think that's just like it's cheap criticism criticism. Get paid, bro. What are you? You're going to fucking use your skill and talents not to get paid? Go get paid. And sorry that it does get over saturated. But dude, if you saw them in a fucking cool setting. No, it's the fact that they are in a real band that makes people criticize them once they get that success. Because you can feel them like playing for that.
Starting point is 00:40:23 But you're right. Like, just like Marilla says, like if you walked into a bar and you just saw those guys rocking on stage like if you saw kiss in the boots in the makeup yeah doing detroit rock city you would be fucking electrified best night of your life best night of your life you talk about it forever you bring it up at your funeral you bring it up at every wedding it'd be it happened did you know what gets me going is uh thunderstruck yeah bro little acdc let's go baby yeah i like to drink to that little little uh black betty did a little oh no that's not no they do uh back in black sorry sorry sorry but black betty also a great fucking song yeah that is a good song all songs that go well in movies too no i agree with you i think top 40 is the best music. Like I'll always think that that's the coolest.
Starting point is 00:41:08 And with music more so than like movies or something, I have like very broad taste. So I just want a banger that's going to get me fired up. Amen. And music like, I don't know, I'll listen to like Pavement and stuff like that and like Smarter Rock. And it doesn't set me off enough.
Starting point is 00:41:24 Yeah, I always get kind of upset at slower kind of you know alternative rock because i'm just like i'm like it's not it's not getting my juices going it's not getting me amped i like stuff that i the same thing i just like music that gets me amped i don't care who it could be in sync bye bye bye gets me fired up yeah i listened to tearing up my heart on the way to the airport today and i was fired i was like acting like i was in a boy band video yeah just like thinking what would my face look like if i was telling a girl that yeah dude i i do the same thing i'll do sprints and i'll just picture the love of my life and i'll just you know be on my
Starting point is 00:42:03 knees singing a tour and i do when you're sprinting are you sprinting hills or are you just sprinting flat i do the 3.0 incline respect so you're on a machine then yeah although i do that there's a a hill outside of my duplex that i do sprint on get a nice bronze going i go shirtless you got the best duplex ever, dude. It's a dank one. In case anyone's listening, dude, and your stoke meter's low, just listen to this. Although, dude, I do have a beef with my duplex that'll come up later. Oh, is it the people that live next to you? No, but that's always my beef, though. Yeah, dude, bro.
Starting point is 00:42:41 They got bad energy, dude. They got bad energy. We still haven't spoken. Dude, you've been living there how many years now dude i was reading my book laying outside and this motherfucker is just spraying his like doormat with a hose and it's like coming over the fence and shit no acknowledgement just fucking spraying his shit they won't talk to anyone though i'd be surprised if they talk to anyone other than each other yeah like i bet you their parents come by and it's just a silent affair yeah like i don't know what they're i don't know anything about all their names i don't know what they do dude you got
Starting point is 00:43:13 biblical shit going on over there like love that neighbor type stuff like you're really being challenged to love your neighbor dude although dude i was at an open mic the other day and these guys are like i don't know it's funny seeing these like clearly sexually frustrated guys just be like he's a cuck he's a cuck you're like yeah dude you also haven't been laid in like a few months yeah probably like a few years so like relax the cucks come out no i get it i get it yeah and all the like insult guys are like cuck is trending on twitter he's a cock he's a big cock and you're like all right dude they're like you can never let a woman do you like that you can never let a woman get that yeah and i'm like well have you ever like been in a
Starting point is 00:43:55 relationship with someone like they're pushing pool i'm not saying you let someone just you know have sex with whoever they want and talk about it but like it is funny like when i was going through my relationship problems um like a year ago and i was at an open mic talking about the guys were freaking out they're like you can't let her do that yeah you gotta do this you gotta do that i was like you guys all sound insane and then i was being insane too but i could hear the insanity in their voice no no you weren't being insane dude you were being logical bro oh i was being because we all couldn't like dude i remember i was guilty of this i was like no bro there's no way that's the case but it was the case
Starting point is 00:44:29 yeah and it wasn't that bad of a case but it was uh i was being too understanding yeah i was trying hard to understand well that's the social media now is so toxic there's so many accounts these days where it's like a guy, like, you know, like something his girlfriend did. And like, and like, it seems like so many like men these days on social media have such like a toxic view of women where they're just like, she's cheating on you, bro. You know, it's like, that's like always the thing. Like you gotta, you gotta let her go.
Starting point is 00:45:01 You know, you gotta break it. You know what I mean? She's for the streets, stuff like that. Yeah. And you're just like, you're like, I'll just read them. I'll be like, what is going on? Dude, I saw the funniest thing in Montana to that point. I'm walking into a bar and I just hear a guy outside.
Starting point is 00:45:16 He's got his girls in a corner between two bars. And he's like, do you want to check my phone? Do you want to go through my messages and check my phone right now? And the girl goes, she sounded honest too. She's like, you don't understand. I want to go through my messages and check my phone right now and the girl goes like she sounded honest too she's like you don't understand like i want to trust you i go to the bar i come out an hour later i'm walking by they're still there and the guy's going this is the problem with society they tell us just to believe women like what is that and really yeah and as i was walking by the girl was like she looked as bamboozled as she did earlier.
Starting point is 00:45:48 And then as I walked by, she caught my eye just in the corner. I didn't know if I was going to do anything. And I just turned to her and went, no. You're amazing, bro. I just gave her the hand under the neck. I was like, don't listen. Yeah. But he was like, it was like gaslighting, basically.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Yeah, of course. I mean, it's depressing to look at on social media because it just seems like so many so many guys these days are just so like frustrated or like there's just something wrong yeah in my experience too it's like most people will and i think women do this with men too well they'll like they create like an overarching kind of like philosophy about how they all act and like yeah what's wrong with them you know what i mean whether it be like the patriarchy or like or you know the man side is like the men have been emasculated whatever it is and you're like look most people are inconsistent and kind of a pain in the ass a lot of the time and you kind of have to give everyone room to do that and then you work through it with people and see if they can improve or if you guys are compatible
Starting point is 00:46:42 but i don't think you should just be like calling a whole other side something no that's like broken or or yeah or like uh or against you yeah i mean dude any test you've taken that's multiple choice wherever whenever the word like always or every and definitely shows up like you eliminate that answer because there's always and and that's the way to live too of like having that sort of like super pessimistic view of like you know all that's because in my point of view is is you i feel like i feel like you kind of gotta just give people the benefit of the doubt because you can't enter a relationship that way where you just have this overarching view of like that like you know you all women cheat or something and stuff because that's no way to like be in a relationship and it's like and i don't know what that is like social media is it like too many options these days it's just like it's just so toxic these days
Starting point is 00:47:39 where i'm like you know it doesn't seem like a lot of people online at least are in like happy relationships, but that doesn't seem to be the case when I step out into the world. I think it's just too many people like being, there's too much momentum. You know what I mean? Like things catch on and then everyone jumps on and it becomes the truth. Yeah. And people aren't pulling back from it and actually like looking at their own lives the way you are and like saying yeah but what is it actually in these so and then also
Starting point is 00:48:08 if you act like that like if you think everything's bad or if you think women are a certain way you're only stopping yourself from being able to like love someone exactly like you're you you might be right half the time but the only person you're really hurting yourself you're only hurting yourself in the end yeah like because then you're going to be stuck in that thinking and then you don't open up you don't let people get close to you and you don't really fall in love with someone because you're always thinking that you're going to get fucked over or something yeah and like i have to tell myself that because i'll think like that sometimes i'm like all i'm doing is short circuiting these potential relationships yeah and i think too it's like there's people online that
Starting point is 00:48:44 people get advice from on youtube it's like there's people online that people get advice from on youtube it's like obviously dudes have been hurt and are just sort of like putting their experience and their feelings onto all these like sort of younger dudes who are just like are like oh that's the way it is and it's just these guys who have been through you know where you're kind of like yeah maybe you should take a look at this guy's history and see what's actually going on with him i mean you know his name is bobby rio no anyone who's made a youtube video about women and how you have to approach them yeah anyone who have been credible twice distrust towards that person yeah yeah because they're coming from a very
Starting point is 00:49:22 hurt place yeah no one even if you do get hurt i think you just you figure out what you did that's the other thing you figure out what you did wrong when something goes wrong yeah like everyone it's like when you go to a stand-up show and someone's like my last four boyfriends have all been toxic narcissists and i'm like but who's the common denominator yeah not even that you're wrong but like what's going on in you that you keep falling for because i know a lot of guys who aren't that. Confucius, baby. Honest introspection.
Starting point is 00:49:49 What's the easiest thing to do? And it's human nature. We want to understand things. We want to compartmentalize. I get this. Women, all women do this. So this is why. It's why conspiracy theories exist, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:00 It's an easy understanding for things that you don't quite understand. Yeah. With the Will Smith thing, we can never fucking be in will smith's head we can hypothesize we can speculate as much as we want we won't know only he'll know with women we won't know only she will know what she did to you or trans how she transgressed you what you can control are your thoughts and how you fucking experience the universe dude some marcus aurelius type shit and it's tough to do and it's maturity yeah and i think the only it's getting burnt i think the only yeah it takes getting burnt and i think the only thing to listen to on the internet is alien stuff but i love alien shit yeah yeah it's good i love alien shit dude
Starting point is 00:50:41 we need aliens bro unites us dude nothing better than watching a good alien video. Are you kidding me, dude? Nothing better. I love ancient aliens. Let's go. All the guys on there who are like experts are the best. Fuck yeah. That ilk of dude is the most amazing guy ever.
Starting point is 00:50:59 I just imagine them pounding 12 coffees a day and just dissect you know it's conspiratorial and i love that aspect of it i take it as entertainment i don't buy into it as like this is the facts oh i do really yeah you think they're where aliens came and visited let me tell you this i am 100 think there are aliens a billion percent dude there's aliens at the bottom of our own ocean a fucking bobcat's an alien what the fuck is that have they been here from another planet i don't know i don't know about that but i i believe one million percent there's aliens did i i'm gonna say that i think they're here i think they're you know they're flying around they're saying what up and we just
Starting point is 00:51:41 have to say what about i only well yeah i think there's one in this room right now uh yeah i watch i think you're right because i watch one youtube channel and it's an alien talking about dating and he says how you have to deal with women from his planet yeah and dude super informative man dude that's probably a good perspective to have because he's not taking his past human experiences he's taking his alien experience and he says you got to check those broads yeah he doesn't let any of the like he his keys to his spaceship those are his dude you don't get to borrow the whip well what do you say about the will smith thing you think he thought will was justified he thought he thought will needs to break up with jada
Starting point is 00:52:15 like the most backwards view but technologically the comedians who made jokes about it chris distefano had a great joke where he's like will and jada's relationship is so toxic they clearly need to break up will just needs to come out and admit that he's gay and be happy and jada just needs to move on to the next soul she eats exactly exactly he drilled it he sent that funny tweet where he's like um he's like you have to win win Oscars to do this kind of shit. After I win, I'm going to slap the shit out of a few people. 50 Cent's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:52:56 His Twitter is really... He's amazing. Dude, he took all the fat shaming he went through after the Super Bowl. He took it really well. He made merch out of it and shit. He's hilarious. I think 50 Cent like knows who he is. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:11 I think that's what came through from the beginning. Is that like he was very confident and comfortable in his skin. Yeah. Jay-Z has that too. They don't look like there's any kind of discomfort in any situation. Like I feel like they'd be comfortable anywhere. Totally. I think that's true of rappers i think that's a sort of a if there's any common thread between rapping
Starting point is 00:53:30 and comedy is it's knowing yourself because you need to have a point of view if you're rapping without a point of view what the fuck's going on yeah you're done what the fuck are you doing if you're doing comedy out of point of view the fuck are you doing you're never gonna make it anywhere you're done and i think too like view, the fuck are you doing? You're never going to make it anywhere. You're done. And I think too, like the life experience thing we talked about, those guys have unique life experiences
Starting point is 00:53:50 that inform them. I was thinking about all the rap songs about airplane food. Right. If they did the same thing stand-ups talked about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Observational rap. Did Julia Fox, Julia Fox came out with another banger was he said at the like uh variety was asking really like so what's next for you and she's like oh my book i don't like to talk about it because i'm like very superstitious and i don't like to talk about things before they're done but i can just say that so far it's a masterpiece nice i love that it better be dude i do love that bro yeah and dude julia fox crushes it in uncut jams yeah and dude when you said that i listened to that probably a billion times it's amazing a billion times amazing i like her i should get her on the how do you not
Starting point is 00:54:38 love how do you not love julia fox yeah dude i didn't know you were superstitious you mentioned that to forte like the numbers stuff i have oh i look at numbers yeah yeah i didn't know you were superstitious you mentioned that to forte like the numbers stuff i have super oh i look at numbers yeah yeah i didn't know you look for like what are your numbers bro yeah uh three three three really it's related to like you know it's it's like rooted in like all this sort of manifestation shit but but ever since i was you know ever since i was like a teen if i i don't really have the same word if i saw you know if i saw 13 and stuff and like numbers like that and then i if i see if i see certain numbers i'll sort of be like oh that's indicative of like good things coming or you know i need to like it'll scare me but yeah i don't know i'm just i'm very kind of ocd about all that wait do you have bad numbers or do you have good
Starting point is 00:55:22 numbers mostly good numbers yeah i have good i don only have good numbers i don't have bad numbers uh my good numbers are one eight and five one eight and five those are my good numbers yeah i'm three two three um i'm just about a lot of that stuff like i think if i see if i see a cat crossing the road black cat i won't cross its path i'll turn around and I'll find another really yeah whoa mirrors scare the shit out of me I'm just I think I'm just OCD about certain stuff I don't know if it's superstitious but I'm like if I'm like jacking off too much or doing too much drugs I'm like I don't think my life's going in a good direction right well what's the number of jacking off well what's the number put a number on it and let's talk about it yeah how many times did you jack off is it five if i
Starting point is 00:56:12 jack off and i and i and i spew three three ropes i'm like this is bad so then three rows oh three ropes yeah if i spew three ropes i'll be trying I speed three ropes, I'll be feeling really good. Do you try to force a fourth out? I'll be like, oh no, oh no, oh no. Oh no, my grandma's going to die today. I got to jack off again. Yeah, I call my grandma and I'm like, two problems. One, I think something bad is going to happen to you. Two, I don't think I'll be able to have sex with you.
Starting point is 00:56:39 I just busted. Look at that photo. Grandma, hey, I just came. How you doing? Okay, cool. You want a pinochle cool look grandma
Starting point is 00:56:48 you might die today I don't want to break if you break your back I'm sorry about that I just shot three ropes yeah exactly did you shoot three ropes again yeah she's very supportive she would laugh at that JT you shot three ropes
Starting point is 00:57:03 JT I told you your grandpa shot four ropes non-stop wendell dude powerful powerful man buddhist he was a buddhist my grandpa that's cool oh that's awesome yeah he was a buddhist real estate guy and he was in the manhattan chess club oh well it's good that'd have been cool he didn't fight in the war but no he wasn't helping with the a-bomb yeah but they're making a movie out of that christian dude that cast is gigantic yeah oh dude if he and if he inserts time too much on that i'll fucking punch him in the face dude oh dude yeah honestly it is a time race though i actually re-watched dunkirk on friday i've seen it four times it's good but but yeah a los alamos is where they did it and that's near san jose no santa fe so whenever i go on hikes with my mom we'll like scout out
Starting point is 00:57:51 los alamos but you can't really get in there i want to go in i know but i don't really know what i'd find just a bunch of nerds fucking die wait what's los alamos is that where they that's where they developed it they came up with new mexico sick sick guys i'm interrupting this podcast later once again that we have a patreon up patreon.com slash chad goes deep support the show check out bonus episodes of going deep chat jt each week you can become a patron and we're bringing it back old school style we also are gonna prioritize questions on the regular podcast for $10 patrons. So if you become a $10 patron, then you can DM us your question,
Starting point is 00:58:30 and that will get priority in the regular podcast. So if you have a question that you really, really want to ask and you want to get it in there, make sure to become a patron and DM us. We also have shows coming up. We're going to be at the Urban Improv tonight, 8 p.m. It's going to be sick. Irvine Improv tonight 8 p.m it's going to be sick we have tons of shows coming up we're going to be in Texas, D.C., Michigan lots of new dates coming up check it out at chadandjt.com we also at the show tonight in Irvine have these incredible shirts from Neff
Starting point is 00:58:59 a really sick clothing brand and it's basically like a cartoonish version of me and JT surfing. A Going Deep with Chad and JT shirt. You're going to want to pick it up because it is sick. Finally, we're about to buy the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trends, Pete. For looking after our hogs. For making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean. Because you have a dong.
Starting point is 00:59:21 You have pubes. And you need to make sure those pubes are looking fresh and clean. And with the new Manscaped Lawn Mower 4.0, an elite electric trimmer, you can really style up your pubes. And what other company does that? I don't know. Probably just Manscaped, you know. I trimmed my pubes the other day and I trimmed a, I worked with the different settings, I trimmed a palm tree in there. Didn't really get the design that great, but it still looks sick because I was using a Lawn Mower 4.0. And you have a light on
Starting point is 00:59:52 so you can see your pubes in high def. It's got ceramic skin safe technology so you don't nick your nuts. And rumor is that Kenny Pickett got trimmed up with Manscaped and is skyrocketing the draft boards small hands who also if you got nose hairs ear hairs you can get the weed whacker nose and ear hair trimmer that is your solution for that get the performance package that's everything you
Starting point is 01:00:18 need anti-chafing boxer briefs travel bag crop preserver anti-chafing ball deodorant a spray-on toner you get the body wash two-in-one shampoo aluminum free deodorant aluminum free is super cruise head over to manscaped.com get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep caitlin barnes definitely shave some time off his 40 time after using manscape get 20 off and free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com that's 20 off with free shipping manscaped.com use code go deep it's time to find your diamond in the rough with manscaped all right let's start the show hey stokes hey stokes a hollis stokeaholics this is elias here and i recently informed you about my alpha male status and wanted to clear the air on some confusion since um he saw justin bieber
Starting point is 01:01:09 documentary he's never been the same seeing all those girls chase him opened his second grade mind to a world unknown from that point on i've been perfecting my craft i don't want to sound cocky but i am capable of pulling in almost any tail i want being six five helps a great deal but girls aren't all what life's about and i'm just wondering what i can do with this mastery i think it's the dude from the gator episode right um well like gator's friend said why are you asking us for advice yeah i think you got this, man. It sounds like you got the keys to the universe. Just enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yeah, quit bragging. But it's good to hear from you again, man. Yeah, thanks for writing in. I'm going to keep texting, dude. Shut up. Well, this is interesting. Small tongue. There's something that's been bothering me when I hook up with the babes. I have a small tongue, which drains my stoke when eating out.
Starting point is 01:02:06 I like to make sure a woman's needs are taken care of and I enjoy eating out. My stop. My small tongue has made me self-conscious though. I mean, my dong is above average, which is dope. But when I eat a girl out,
Starting point is 01:02:16 it feels like my tongue is not enough. Let me draw a picture of how small I have to use my pinky. When taking a jello shot, small, my tongue will not reach the bottom of the shot. I was wondering if you guys have any tips or tricks to make the ladies experience better. I've tried my best to support the body positivity movement in raising awareness for small dongs. I'd be so stoked if you dudes can include small tongues in the movement or help me in starting one.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Also, shout out to my buddy G-String. Love G-String. Do you guys mind if I step in here? Yeah. I would say he might be conflating here. And as being, if I dare say so, the d'Artagnan of darting, when you are performing cunnilingus,
Starting point is 01:03:04 is what she's talking about, you are not doing deep stimulation that is a more of a surface level stimulation so honestly you're sort of um i think he's in his own head here or maybe he needs to switch up his uh methodology but you don't have to be going deep and penetrating uh while darting you are targeting the um look without getting too graphic i don't want to get too graphic but you you don't need to be too much okay getting in there you need to be on the upper you know more towards the belly button doing stuff up there and targeting that area and you could be doing some simultaneous stuff but a short tongue should not inhibit you from performing pleasure in a sufficient manner dude i actually had this issue when i was in when i was younger
Starting point is 01:03:58 my tongue was too attached to the bottom of my mouth. Oh, so that's interesting. So I was limited. I couldn't stick my tongue out very far. So when I was in college, I was like, that's weird. I guess I can't stick my tongue out very far. It was like that. That's all you need, bro. That's all I need. You don't need more than that.
Starting point is 01:04:16 But I'm just saying, you know, he might have the same condition where the dentist cut the thing. Yeah. So now I can stick my tongue out more. It hurt my articulation and everything. now I can stick my tongue out more. It hurt my articulation and everything. I couldn't move my tongue that way. Whoa, dude. I didn't know that. So there could be a medical procedure that could get him where he wants to go.
Starting point is 01:04:32 It could be a medical procedure. But then on top of that, I just got to say, you know, don't be in your head so much. You got to place all your energy on your target. And, you know. I'm going know call it a target yeah yeah and just focus on loving it and treating it like it's your favorite kind of pie for me it's lemon meringue well your lemon meringue yeah for me it's lemon meringue and I just go in there and I'm like I'm just like I'm just going to town on this lemon meringue although I don't even think about lemon meringue I'm just going to town on this lemon meringue. Although I don't even think about lemon meringue. I'm just saying I apply that same kind of energy towards it.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I love the tang itself. So I just get in there and you just focus all the kind of love you can on it. And if you inject passion into your darting, they're going to notice. Yeah, I think that's right. And I think every girl is different too. You figure out a person and then you take those moves to the next person and they don't always line up. I think the thing that you just got to work on figuring out what works for that person.
Starting point is 01:05:43 And I think that's just over time, baby. You just get to work on figuring out what works for that person. And I think that's just over time, baby. You just get to know them. And then I think a lot of that stuff is comfort. If the person feels comfortable with you. So if they think you're putting in max effort and you really enjoy it, I think they'll give you some pointers along the way to help you guys both feel good about what's going down. When you go down. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:01 On that little mound. And pointers. Of clitoris. Hey hey pointers during sex you know guys can maybe take that in a negative way dude that's open honest communication take that in the real time oh a little to the left a little this baby be fired up on that means you're getting close means you're almost there you're playing fucking super mario you know what i mean you're almost rescuing princess beach while freaking and going down on that peach oh so get in there baby that ref don't let that don't let that get you down let that get you up yeah i was gonna say i was thinking more of like a starfox but i love starfox you know yeah i was thinking starfox
Starting point is 01:06:41 you're trying to rescue Slippy that works you're playing as Falco I always played as Falco I was thinking of Taken and like her vagina got kidnapped by armed forces by Albanian sex traffickers you gotta kill them all
Starting point is 01:07:02 they need to go down I'd like to see you in action with that mentality me yeah like going down on someone or killing albanians well with the going down on someone with the idea that they're albanian sex traffickers and you have to kill them that is what it looks like when i'm going down on someone i mean i think you need to do that i think when you're going down on someone you need to say good luck not coming put on a leather jacket like the Liam Neeson and get in there I go down there and I'm like give me back my daughter you piece of and then she's like who are you talking to you know I'm talking to you do JT you do the
Starting point is 01:07:39 monologues you do a lot of monologues from films while going I do mutter to myself a lot I mean all the time but even during well do you sort of look in the general area of where the clitoris is you're like i will find you yeah i'm like i will find you i have a specific set of skills yeah that would be fun i will find you clitoris i will find you i found you but it's it's yeah i think it's just a just a time game baby you'll get there yeah and it's just his tongue he just thinks he has a short tongue and i think it's good he's bringing attention to that like there's probably a lot of guys out there who don't know who to talk to about having a small tongue and it's nice that you came forward and were vulnerable about it
Starting point is 01:08:17 no i literally had that insecurity in college like i was like why is my tongue so short and i went to a dentist and he was like he was like my dog it's attached to the bottom of your mouth and he just cut that shit wow did anyone ever make fun of you about it no what was it like no one ever really noticed no i it was it was a something i put on myself right you never went down on any of your bros and they never noticed that your tongue was short no but we're kind of the same like thing where it's like you don't really we didn't really air out our issues for sure um so as clown was you know made a comment to me hammered once um where he was just like yeah it's not like when you go down on me bro and i was like what what
Starting point is 01:09:06 yeah that makes sense yeah that's literally the interaction that makes me baby um all right i'm a good guy but i did a bad thing me and my girl were together for close to five years met in college and had a great relationship i felt the relationship went stale. We didn't have that fire that we once had and we were only 24 years old. I didn't have a great job at the time and my self-esteem was in the gutters. I found myself drinking too much and spiraling into a depression I didn't know I was heading towards. Me and the boys took a trip to Nashville. To no surprise, I drank too much and took a pill from a stranger, Molly, worst decision of my life. During this uncontrollable experience from this drug, I had sex with a female.
Starting point is 01:09:49 When I got back to my girlfriend, I was overcome with anxiety, guilt, and depression. I came clean and told her everything. She packed her bags and moved away. She won't answer any text messages or calls. I am now hearing rumors that she is telling people I had a three-month relationship with this mystery Nashville girl. Not true. How should I deal with this? this i love her but is the damage done is there no hope for a future relationship should i call her out for the rumors i did a bad thing but i'm a good guy please keep anonymous so he hooked up with someone on molly is that what you're saying
Starting point is 01:10:18 yeah and he came clean like almost right away and then he's like now he doesn't know if he should keep trying to fight to get her back and she's telling people now then he's like now he doesn't know if he should keep trying to fight to get her back and she's telling people now that he was like uh cheating on her for like three months with with this girl so here's the thing i don't believe him in his email because he's like oh i did molly and like hooked up with a random no no no no no no no i think his girlfriend's correct i think that he was texting this girl did molly got a little looser than he ordinarily would have like fucking um allowed himself to do this via this drug and did go cheat on this girl because there was probably text messages otherwise why would this girl why would his girlfriend be like
Starting point is 01:11:03 you did this for three months? Because it's a pretty specific number. Or he waited to tell her for three months. And then that's why she thinks it's been going on. Yeah, yeah. That could all be true. There's another scenario where he could have like done it and then, oh, this has been going on for three months
Starting point is 01:11:19 since the hookup. Yeah. But yeah, yeah. That's believable. that's believable. But like when I, when I, when I was like hooking up with two people at the beginning of COVID and I told one of the girls about the other girl and she freaked out, she, she had every right to be upset. I mean, I wasn't lying to her. I didn't say I was in an exclusive relationship with her and I told her I was
Starting point is 01:11:42 seeing other people, but she was still really hurt, which I totally understand. I was leading her on even if i was giving her the facts but she did proceed to like make up a lot of details about it like and i don't begrudge her for i mean i was upset about in the moment and but i was like you know what she's hurt she's gonna react to it the way she does but she did have like an uh she was so hurt that she expanded her hurt expanded the details of it to make me sound like the girl the other girl was like younger she made her even younger yeah right right i was like yes yes and and and there was other things that she made up that just made me look like such a douche. So I do think there is, he could be telling the truth about her.
Starting point is 01:12:26 And let's take this email for what it is. Let's not, I shouldn't be hypothesizing outside of that. So let's just say that he's correct. But you are right that he said, I had sex with a female and it's like, well, so you just picked up a girl that night? Like that, but it does happen too. It does happen, does happen, does happen.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Never, not much in my life it's maybe one time in my whole life but yeah nash vegas oh he's in vegas nash vegas that's what they call nashville okay well then okay then it could happen there okay so let's say that he's a good guy he needs a little bit of help does he want this girl back is that what he wants he wants his girlfriend back i don't know he says how should i deal with this i love her but is the damage done is there no hope for a future relationship should i call her out for the rumors so i don't know if he wants her back it sounds like he's that sounds like he wants a safe face it sounds like he's like he's got different he's feeling a lot yeah i think i would um maybe you both were looking for a way out.
Starting point is 01:13:27 And I would just maybe, you know, let things settle a little bit. Yeah. Because it sounds like the relationship wasn't going that well. You know, it was like nearing its end. So maybe it was just sort of like, you know, your guys ways of you know she's like okay that that gave me the the pass i need to leave and him it's just maybe he was subconsciously like i want to get out of this maybe this is you know and that's what happened uh in terms of calling her out for it i don't know i mean will that stop it no i think you just get into a you're just gonna give it more
Starting point is 01:14:05 size yeah yeah i think i would just i would just live your life let things settle and and let time pass and heal yeah that's that's the move and like if if someone if you made a mistake and the other person's upset at you and they're going over the top in their upsetness of your mistake again to what we talked about earlier you just you you made a mistake like when you step on a grenade there's shrapnel and like that yeah it doesn't make it okay but i think you're right like the relationship wasn't gonna work he cheated for a reason exactly i think and you don't want to cheat don't cheat in your next relationship yeah yeah because then people really to be honest with yourself why'd you cheat why'd you leave? Dissect that.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Really look into it. Yeah. And just because you've been together for five years doesn't mean you can't... You're not allowed to walk away. You're only 24. Yeah, correct. Yeah, he's still young. People will judge your life.
Starting point is 01:14:56 You got to live it, man. People do that on their way out a lot too. Yeah. Like cheat to... Force them. To force the breakup. Yeah. Yeah. And he's young too it sounds like it i'm sure he'll find someone who's much more compatible with and and they'll uh and then he'll you know do the take and role play thing with her and it'll be you know much more effective
Starting point is 01:15:21 that does sound good. Yeah, maybe hit up this girl you hooked up with when you were on Molly and see where she's at. Dude, you've been texting for three months. I'm kidding. That's probably true. I do believe that. I believe that more readily than, oh, you fucking hooked up
Starting point is 01:15:37 and then this three months thing went on and got called out. Nah. He said he came clean right after. That's what made me think it. Yeah, I think people don't well i don't know look i'm watching summer he cheated which is a lie so it's difficult for us to take what you say as truth because you are a confirmed liar and and good for you for coming out on that that's the step in the right direction yeah i don't mean to come down on your heart but that's what that is it's deceit it is sure i'm sorry bro but it is yeah but yeah i guess i just
Starting point is 01:16:14 don't know why he would lie to us though if he's anonymous in the email too i do because he lies to himself we lie to ourselves more than we lie to anyone else. 100%. I believe he believes every word he's typing. Could be true. Yeah. All right. What up, Stokers? Want to start off by saying I love the pod and have watched pretty much every episode. I appreciate y'all for being great vibes to my week.
Starting point is 01:16:37 That being said, I'm having a small crisis in my apartment. I'm currently studying abroad and I'm living with two of my closest buddies from college. They both have girlfriends back home, meaning that they spend their days and nights on facetime with them and rarely go out i anticipated our time abroad to be three of us hitting the streets and boosting each other's stoke but now i am left solo most nights to figure out how to secure a seven plus with no assistance mostly to no avail how can i keep my stoke up and deal with two schmoles that i live with thanks bros aren't there other bros in the program you can kick it with yeah I think uh this is a good opportunity for you dude you just get out there on your own and
Starting point is 01:17:18 see what you can do I think uh you know it sucks your bros aren't involved but you're you're gonna learn to sink or swim just by yourself which i think is a good gift yeah like yeah and you got this you might not be able to do as much work as you would if you had your full team with you but i think you can still go out there and and have a couple nights that that surprise you word i think it's harsh calling them schmoles yeah they're not schmoles they're trying to keep something you know something alive that is a hard time when you have that much distance and you're young like it's hard to keep going so they do need to they do need to come out and hang out though like i'm not going to argue that either though they need to fucking hang out do some shit yeah all right chad you ready yes sir who is your
Starting point is 01:18:13 beef of the week my beef of the week is with my plumbing system okay so i'm gonna have some issues with my plumbing started probably about three weeks ago there's some bubbling coming up the toilet wasn't flushing so i had the plumber come out he's like oh there's some uh some roots in the main run main line i pulled them out i was like all right sick fast forward to uh last friday toilets bubbling again. And I'm like, interesting. I thought the plumber fixed this. And then Sunday morning, I
Starting point is 01:18:52 am washing dishes, using a lot of water because I have a lot of dishes to wash. And washing dishes, using a lot of water. And I come out and my toilet bowl is just like full. I'm like, oh and then i use the washer which uses even more water and it drains the water through the system through the main line and i'm watching band of brothers sick mini series
Starting point is 01:19:22 and i start hearing you know the splash of an overflowing toilet and now it wasn't clear water guys this was shit water yeah yikes and it's like splashing i'm like oh fuck gross but then it stops but then the washer keeps going and then it just starts really coming out and i'm talking i had a river full of shit water coming out of my bathroom and i couldn't stop it like i turned off the water line in the on the toilet you know that didn't stop it it was fully clogged so a bunch of doo-doo water is just coming out of the toilet and i can't stop it and so it just keeps coming and coming and it's going in my room it's going in the office it's going down the hallway and i was just like i was like this is horrific yeah but the thing is i was watching band of brothers and i was so into the story
Starting point is 01:20:16 where i was just sitting there i was like this is so dank do i finish this mini series and then tend to the shit river that's over there and i gotta tell you i went for 15 extra minutes nice dude and i cleaned it up but you know what i was not really pissed off i was more laughing at the situation because it was so horrendous yeah i was like this is so fucking gross but i felt like i was like oh i was like oh i'm an adult this is what you do you have a plumbing issue you clean that shit up and i felt like i felt like oh i was like oh i'm an adult this is what you do you have a plumbing issue you clean that shit up and i felt like i felt like tim allen in home improvement i was like it was like this is you know this is like this is a rite of passage cleaning up you know a shit lake in your
Starting point is 01:20:56 in your duplex and um cleaned up all the doo-doo water is gross and i swiffered it and uh and i had the plumber company fixed it you're also very honest about it on zooms yeah like we'd be zooming with people some people you didn't even know that well yeah anybody hey i'm having a plumbing issue and it's the shit kind i was kind of taking it back i was like whoa nice dude way to keep it 100 with people yeah you got your apartment manager to pay for all this right oh of course yeah that's what's nice about renting that's like the one of the few things that's nice about renting yeah yeah yeah because that would be on me in my yeah my situation but yeah is it all hardwood yeah okay no it's nice yeah because i was i was imagining carpet and i was like fuck oh dude yeah that never comes i never put carpet in an apartment building no no no well for sound it's nicer but yeah that's why this one's here but like yeah aaron who's your b for the week
Starting point is 01:22:00 my b for the week is uh going back to the oscars it's with award inconsistency i don't understand and this is not to not even to take a shot at power of the dog but i never understand when someone wins best director for a movie that is not the best picture or best picture but the director's not even nominated i don't understand that i don't it's a director's medium how does a director win best director and then not win but like how did the how did coda win best picture and not the director of coda when you know i mean there's look look i hear what you're saying but there's discrepancies with screenplay and source material and juiciness of roles and all those types of things that like,
Starting point is 01:22:47 what's the better story to be told? Like there are better, there's inherently for the Western eye stories that appeal to us more, you know? And, and I guess if like you are telling an Eastern story, like what's that fucking great movie that the North, the Korean director did.
Starting point is 01:23:05 Parasite. Parasite parasite it's a class story class stories in the west or pull yourself up by the bootstrap and fucking get it done he tells a very different class story that's amazing and it's so fucking good and granted the class is that's why he won best director and it won best picture well yeah you know what i'm proving your point i guess but but uh i don't know i think there are inherent discrepancies between better source material and and not and i don't know different directors can it just it always drives me nuts i go back to saving private ryan spielberg wins best director it does not win best picture yeah it's horseshit yeah um ben affleck not even being nominated for argo when it wins best picture it's like i mean bro he directed he felt argo has one good scene dude i like that movie a lot saw in theaters enjoyed enjoyed myself um but yeah just it never makes sense to me that that happens
Starting point is 01:23:56 how can you say gene campion's the best director this year when the movie didn't win and coda wins and coda arguably you've got actors who can hear and actors who can't hear there's a lot to wrangle there like that's a lot of that is how do you establish a tone and a rapport with everybody and a tone visually and and everything that that directors do when you have some cast that's disabled some it's not yeah that's a good point is it there that's a really good point I mean to not even be nominated in that category wasn't I think I don't believe they were nominated but they definitely didn't win so um Strider who's your B for the week all right baby I was in the Midwest I'm posting up in the hotel room I'm enjoying myself
Starting point is 01:24:43 had a few itos watching some tv i'm watching king kong okay with the jack black that peter jackson won fun movie all over the couple scenes didn't need to be there but and a few too long but overall fun movie commercial comes on for weather guard weather guard is a floor mat that goes in your car that protects you you know you're in the snow the sleet whatever it is it keeps a floor mat that goes in your car that protects you you know you're in the snow the sleet whatever it is it keeps your floor mat safe at the very end of the commercial big old american flag why do i need that bro and don't get me wrong i love motherfucking flyovers at stadiums i love when jets go over i love when the stealth bomber flies low i love helicopters i love paratroopers bombing into
Starting point is 01:25:25 stadiums i love it i love america we're the best country in the goddamn world but do i need it in my advertising dude do i need it do i need a weather guard like what are they loving about that like dude oh the guts and purchase dude when i get into my car i fired up on that you're supporting an american company where yeah i don't even know if they're american it is it is that's i've seen that commercial a thousand times okay you've seen it yeah yeah all right okay so maybe that's what they're dialing into weather tech this is what i need yeah it's weather tech yeah but why do they need to say that they're american aren't there is toyota better at making weather tech shit for your car no weather tech is completely uh aftermarket but it's interesting
Starting point is 01:26:10 that it's weather tech like what if it was a like a um uh antidepressant that's like hey man we'll make you pass out for 364 days of the year besides the fourth of fucking july baby you wake up and you fucking remember what it is to be free well i'm like yeah that would be a weird you know what I mean I'm like to stamp the USA on but yeah yeah hey nationalism what led to world war one you know what I'm saying I'm like baby and two so all I'm saying is and three we got the best country in the world I don't need it it's the same with the Pepsi stuff I feel like it's stepping there it's it's it's but maybe hey but maybe if you lean it feels a little bit right leaning to me but honestly sure it i feel like that is the right way to lean because if you lean left it's like what do you get hey these are hd tactical glasses that fucking interpret articles
Starting point is 01:26:58 from the other perspective very well and you can understand an argument quite saliently uh you can you can see the author's background immediately and understand if they have an agenda so i do understand it but i'm like baby just fucking tell me what your product does right that's it that's all i'm saying yeah just tell me what you fucking do right but i i think they are trying to obviously appeal to people's no totally totally to appeal to people's hey it's um, totally, totally. Appeal to people's, hey, this is one thing I made in the USA. Great. Amen.
Starting point is 01:27:30 USA rips. USA rips. All I'm saying is when you advertise, tell me what you do right. My Beef of the Week is, it was gonna be with young people on the dance floor, sorry guys, but I already talked about it. So now my Beef of the Week is gonna be with zillow the the real estate you know you can just like look at someone's house and it'll tell
Starting point is 01:27:50 you how much it's worth that's insane yeah but that's just like i know when i was growing up that was like the rudest thing you could do is ask someone how much their house costs and now you can just zillow it and i guess in some states you're not allowed to do it like it's not city records and there's like a reason you are able to do it to keep people from like artificially juicing up prices but i don't know i think it's too far you should not be able to look at someone's house and know how much it's worth yeah if it's not for sale yeah that's crazy yeah if it's for sale yeah no that makes sense better maybe it is weird but if it's just some random dude's house and you're just like bang i'm like no it should just come up and be like it should just
Starting point is 01:28:28 say mind your business and then you just keep moving it's like dude not your problem it's dude i hear you on that man i'm all for that that's that's pretty whack joe showed it to me we were just walking home we were talking about home prices because they're so insane in la i was thinking this too. How much do you think a van on any West Hollywood street, if it was just a van, but you could live in it legally, how much do you think that van would sell for? Oh, bro. It can be parked there the whole time?
Starting point is 01:28:58 It can be parked there the whole time, like a house, but it's a van. Dude, probably $300,000. That's what I thought, half a million dollars. Yeah yeah i think that van would cost half a million dollars dude no i agree with that it's insane the size of like a studio yeah it's not that different it'd be kind of sick too because you could just drive off during the day and just be dope as hell yeah you don't even need a jockey for street parking on like wednesday or thursday yeah it's amazing chad who's your babe of the week uh my baby of the week is my dank ass gf nice um she's into fashion so she's gonna i was like you gotta style me so she's gonna style me we started off we went to
Starting point is 01:29:38 malibu we went to some shops we got some cool ass pants and a cool ass shirt more of a miami look that i can you know i was like this is this is for like for you it's for like when we get like Got some cool ass pants and a cool ass shirt. More of a Miami look. I can, you know, it's like, this is for like, this is for like when we get like sushi or steak or go to Miami, you know, some like nicer pants. And yeah, she's gonna make me look fly. I love fashion. I love being stylish. And she's gonna amp it up times 10,
Starting point is 01:30:01 which I'm stoked on. But not too, I'm still gonna maintain my self in the process but i think it's just she's gonna be like this these are the cool ass companies check this shit out dude that's dang this is gonna be vastly i'm already laughing because i know how vastly inappropriate it's gonna be so forgive me in advance this is gonna be vastly inappropriate okay i'd pay money to watch you guys bone in good outfits keeping your outfits on so it's tasteful that's how cool i think you guys are that's really nice dude dude it's vastly inappropriate but dude i dude i believe it coming from the core of my being i'd pay a lot of money for that too dude yeah for the audio listeners i'm making a face of just pure jubilee
Starting point is 01:30:46 see it's it's inappropriate but it's kind of a compliment you can slap him right now oh dude if you slap me i'd get hard dude no i did what you shouldn't slap what if will smith sack tapped him dude if he backed him this was this bro i forgot to say this was my idea i think you should have just made him flinch yeah if he would have just done the fist and made him flinch you own someone for life after that yeah you just would have done that and chris rock probably would have done it and then if chris rock stands tall you just got to give him respect yeah that's tight that's a great call make him flinch but yeah that's cool man but yeah well i'll bone for you guys and well i'll check with her first and dude i can't wait to see what you get what
Starting point is 01:31:29 yeah yeah yeah it's got to be all consensual i would never you know i would i would give you my sum of money and then you would agree we're not gonna american pie it with some like webcam thing that gets leaked yeah yeah yeah and if she's if she's yeah i won't i'll just i'll she would see what she says but dude i can't wait to see your outfits i'm fired up thanks dude that's gonna be sick thanks man yeah um yeah yeah do you think do you think you love her so much that she could give you an article of clothing that you wouldn't traditionally like that you might be into i think uh i think well i think we're on such a level of understanding where she would know she i think she understands you trust her to know you she understands my
Starting point is 01:32:12 style so much what would be the most difficult article of clothing for you to accept um like a turtleneck although i do one of those hats that has like the the brim around it one of those maybe like a vest yeah vest is tough i think not not not like a north face one but more of like a you know like a part of a three-piece suit yeah or like a life vest because you like something like a pickup artist wears which guy like a life vest because chad's on the boat he can swim he can handle himself thanks dude that's why i thought titanic was so offensive yeah i do remember your reaction to that film when they found the life that you were like dude you were in the illustration scene everything the life vest came on you were like james cameron what the fuck are you doing yeah yeah i took serious offense that because i was like dude wim hof will tell you that's really good for you to
Starting point is 01:33:03 be in that water dude if anything he should have just been swimming laps. Dude, can you imagine if Wim Hof was on the Titanic? He's like, the cold is teaching me so much. No, you stay on the wood. I have never felt so revitalized. Everyone calm down in the water. It's good for you. The cold is our greatest teacher.
Starting point is 01:33:23 This brings you vitality i have my own wood all right now you can't have that guy on that boat he'd sink it just to get everybody into the cold yeah yeah wim hof is the one driving it he's like he's like we need to find an iceberg he's going straight for the iceberg yeah the cold is your teacher and everyone's like we're dying please get us out of here and that rescue boat comes he's like the only one your teacher and everyone's like we're dying please get us out of here and the rescue boat comes he's like the only one still alive
Starting point is 01:33:48 and they're like Wim get in the boat he's like shut up and bro I'm swimming to the mainland he could blow that whistle so well
Starting point is 01:33:55 his lung capacity is strong yeah he's the man Aaron who's your babe of the week my babe of the week is
Starting point is 01:34:04 again another thing not to be lost in the uh oscars this year it's the year of the boobs man everybody had him out this year really i'm sorry to be crass but holy shit i mean every what films let's go no just all the women had oh you mean at the oscars the fashion show themselves yeah everybody it was like everybody had him spread and low cut and even schumer had him let's go in their opening dress it was like that's crazy hey and there and there was one point where um when will smith was giving his acceptance speech for the Oscar and he, he was, you know, saying something nice about the Williams sisters and they cut to them and
Starting point is 01:34:47 they had to put a graphic up because the Venus's nipple was showing. Really? Yeah. Did that be funny for his speech? He's like, I want to apologize to the Academy, to all the women out here. This was a big night for boobs.
Starting point is 01:35:01 I overshadowed it with my slap shredder he's your baby of the week dude maybe the week's gotta be my dank ass fiance dude she's just been a legend dude she's been working and doing grad school for so long and she's she's getting to that point where she's almost done she's gonna push through summer and it's just impressive man i gotta tell you dude she comes home she greets the dog we fucking smooch you know we chill for a second we catch up and dude she's out in the bed because she's she's grinding so hard so just just for her for being a beast dude getting it done dude being the change she wants to see in herself and everything she's
Starting point is 01:35:50 awesome thank you dude we got a double date dude yeah i honestly dude when we double date you're invited oh that's nice man no no i'm for real dude that's come imagine that dinner dude all of us and dude bring someone to if you want to i'll bring i would fucking love that dude that'd be a fun night where should we go oh uh taco play a petty cash petty cash great fun fun chad who's your legend of the week uh my legend of the week is my uh buddies alex and noah uh iverson and noah that called my frat bros. They're just, they're beasts. We would rage back in the Santa Clara days and
Starting point is 01:36:29 Alex lived next to me and we would just crush beer dye together and, you know, just really get mimosas and just have, he was a good neighbor. They're starting this new, they're entering into the crypto space.
Starting point is 01:36:47 This new project, Super Good Dicks. I'm just super stoked on for them. That's like, and I'm sort of like, just pumping it up because I'm so psyched for them. It's this Super Good Dicks. But it's actually sick what they're doing. So yeah, I just want to give them a shout out send love their way super good dicks stoked if you want to check it out super good
Starting point is 01:37:12 dicks.com check out these dudes and their dank new uh crypto nft project they're working on because they're they're becoming crypto gods i'm stoked for them let's go let's go dude did you know i mean i was i was driving over here and having a thought about nfts and shit and i'm like maybe the way nfts look now with like board ape yacht club and shit is maybe this is optimistic is like how netflix looks with like mailing dvds to your house where you're like what no like we can just go to Blockbuster or whatever. Like maybe the iteration we're seeing now is not what it's going to even look like at all. Like maybe it's going to totally evolve and be something different like this.
Starting point is 01:37:55 So yeah, maybe it's going to be rad. Yeah. I don't know what it'll be, but I'm far enough. It's going to be something. Can't hurt to get into it a little bit. Hell yeah. Yeah, I mean, I don't know enough about it to know where things are going or if it's going to take over but i would bet it is just from the amount of like support it already has yeah it's tough to figure out though all the terms and stuff they're like this is it for your wallet and i'm like my rich wallet yeah no i don't
Starting point is 01:38:27 rich wallet yeah no i don't i don't think i'll ever get into it though i know man i got no it just doesn't stick to my brain there's no stickiness i'm not fired up on it i'll tell you that much dude i mean we dove in we's tough finance stuff for me like i they're showing me the project and i was stoked on it i'm like this is really sick um but like fine all that kind of stuff for me it's if it doesn't pertain to like comedy or what we're doing it's hard for me to like i'm the same way focus dude i hate thinking money shit dude i had like emailed accountant today about like my llc identifies as an escort what's the salary that i need to be giving of this or that and they're like we'll come in and we'll meet about it and i'm like oh yeah i i the only time i want to know
Starting point is 01:39:24 about finance stuff is when my dad's talking to another young dude about it and i start to get jealous that they're getting close yeah and then i'm like and then i'll genuinely be like maybe i should give up comedy and get into finance yeah i don't like this dude encroaching yeah and and my dad appreciating his uh appreciation of my dad's knowledge i'll just watch it happen i'm like get the fuck out of here no no you know where you're at dude you guys are such legends where you're at a point where finance guys look at you and go i got a fucking rock hard boner because these boys are doing something right oh dude thanks you know same with you this can be hey hey all of us together baby let's go i saw that boner i'm gonna call it a tent you know you know i'm pitching the tent over here i mean it's a tent for one yeah yeah yeah yeah no one's getting there you know it's a compact tent
Starting point is 01:40:09 you know safe you're very safe very you know bear is not even going to come up to it bear won't even look at that bear with a meal not worthwhile the benefits of a small maybe a raccoon yeah yeah yeah you get a small d piece you get some benefits those are tough on hogs raccoons yeah rock him muncher little dong dude yeah you don't want anything nails yeah and an opposable thumb yeah little fuckers have opposable do they really thumbs yeah little fuckers have thumbs dude what if you roll up on a raccoon he's like playing with a game boy and say what's up dude he's got a nintendo switch so i just play animal crossing what's up dude i'm just playing wordle exactly yeah bro i got it i got my go-to word my five-letter word's horny what's yours yeah
Starting point is 01:40:57 well i can be a vowel bitch yeah yeah no give me your trash you're like hey raccoon what are you doing playing pokemon aaron who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is albert motherfucking poo holes yeah back on the cardinals baby one last ride for the machine uh i i didn't i heard the rumor that it was coming, but I didn't think it was going to happen once we signed another guy, and he's back.
Starting point is 01:41:32 Let's go. Let's get 700. Hell yeah. Do you think if Chris Rock were like, Albert, nice last name, dude, sounds like poo hole, he would have come up and slapped him? No, he's a very sweet man. I heard he is really nice. Yeah strider who's your legend sorry no no it's funny yeah that's funny
Starting point is 01:41:52 dude you know what my legend of the week is fucking convertibles dude the best dude dude dude i valeted this convertible i think it was like a mercedes clk or some shit but bro it's the bomb it just takes what we what fucking sucks about being in la and makes it sick as hell you're just chilling dude you're cruising it's a go-kart experience in your car it's rad dude and if you're alone look if you got a your sig oh maybe their hair gets messed up that's messed up but dude if you're fucking just cruising did i rip that motherfucker through the lot it was rad dude it was a perfect day socal is the best place for a convertible on pch i think that's like we're only here or like to vegas dude if we all got convertibles and went
Starting point is 01:42:43 to vegas together like in a fucking convoy, it's one of the best things I've ever heard of in my life. It is crazy, like how a convertible turns like the mundane into something exciting. And then you're just automatically having more fun. I think the reason people don't do it is because they don't wanna stick out too much. Yeah, self-conscious.
Starting point is 01:43:02 But if you're just in that experience, you're like, whoa, like this is making everything more joyous. And if we can take a convertible mentality, how can you make everything more joyous in our lives? Drop the top. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:15 Baby, how can I drop the top on anything? How can I drop the top on sending this email? How can I drop the top on showing up early for this meeting? How can I drop the top on fucking, you know, meeting how can i drop the top on you know calling my dad take your shoes off before the meeting yeah and then tell your dad something weird to start off the conversation catch him off guard because he knows he's ready for the usual checkup what's going on do you need money dad you know raccoons have thumbs yeah yeah just like it off with that he'll go what i love telling my dad random facts that always makes me feel like
Starting point is 01:43:44 i'm kind of steering it a bit more. It's a great call to have that. And no one can get mad at you for sharing facts. No, you gave me knowledge. Oh, I'm mad at you for that? The fuck? Right, it's anti-intellectual. I did not waste your time.
Starting point is 01:43:54 Yeah, it's anti, yeah, exactly. Great call. My legend of the week is our buddy Ross. Ugh, the best. I talk about him on here a lot. He's an amazing guy. It was his idea to go visit my dad. He came out there with me and he's such a good guy to hang out with. He's so fun. And he was a
Starting point is 01:44:11 really wild dude when we were younger. And sometimes I make too big of a deal about it, you know, and like we'll just always bring up these stories about him just, you know, being the hard charging guy that he is, but he's really become such a compassionate and sensitive adult, which you wouldn't expect for a guy who played like football at USC, but he has such a high emotional intelligence and he, and he's so like aware of himself and other people and he can fit in with anyone. And it's just, it's really fun to be around. And he calls me out in ways that are great. Like he, I was just telling him some stories.
Starting point is 01:44:47 He's like, you need to go back to sex addict meetings. And I was like, get out of here, bro. But he's right. And then, and he'll just always tell you how it is. And then he also called me out that, I guess I was, he's like a little bit to the right of me on politics. And I guess at one point when Trump was president,
Starting point is 01:45:04 I was like, dude, you have so many black friends. Don't you feel bad being a Republican? I don't remember saying that, but I probably did. And it like hurt him. You know what I mean? He was like pissed and he called me out on it and I kept denying it, but like playfully, but he just, you know, holds me accountable, but he does it in a way that's like gentle. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:45:24 But he tells you what you need to know. And then, yeah, I just had the best time hanging out with them and lifting with them. He's such a fucking beast in that gym, dude. Bro, he's so fucking jacked. And then so I'll ask him about it. He has a son, Killian, beautiful boy. Yes. That he made with his beautiful wife.
Starting point is 01:45:38 Is that weird? No, no, it's not weird. And I'll be like, when are you going to put a barbell in that kid's hands? And he goes, at some point, but I just hope he's a compassionate person and i'm like dude let's go baby let's go no dude ross is a leader dude the way when we're even on comms gaming like ross is definitely the strongest and like very successful guy of all of us we're like ross tell us where to go on this map and he's like no danny you are good at this you tell us and then danny boom he's on it and dude dude he truly is the man and his bullshit meter is through the roof dude this guy cuts through everything i remember
Starting point is 01:46:13 the one time like he was coming into la and we were like where should we go to dinner and i go baby let's go to jones and he goes must be close to fucking strider dude and i and and literally was walking distance from my house all the guys were busted up laughing because he literally cut right through it now in my defense it's a great spot to go do really a lot of fun but ross was 100 right dude the guy's a legend this is the best um chad what's your quote of the week uh i'm going back to these stay up king things just because they're so funny uh i know we were talking about how toxic the internet is but i mean it can be beautiful yeah this guy this guy put up a post about uh like his girlfriend kissing his ex and all the uh all the comments they're like you're lucky it happened today bro
Starting point is 01:47:07 it's chess day let's get it and then and then gym's always open brother and then rise above king damn time to move on king swole is the goal king stay humble king
Starting point is 01:47:25 just just calling someone king is so dude that's what i was gonna say bro we call each other legends is king the new legend dude king is nice king is nice especially if a guy's in that vulnerable spot like he needs that yeah booze yeah it is night yeah remind me like our like our buddy said he broke up with someone I just sent a text I sent my type is in the group type I sent a text so I'll be more sincere but oh that's nice being like you dropped this King yeah I think those are the ones I can find but it's fucking hilarious that's like the good part about like internet momentum yeah yeah and everyone going to back for that guy is is nice
Starting point is 01:48:10 yeah stride or aaron what's your quote of the week my quote of the week is from uh we were talking about this before we were on air i think peacemaker yeah um it's kind of like his motto at the start at the start of the show I cherish peace with all my heart I don't care how many men women and children I need to kill to get it that's funny dude vigilante when he's like
Starting point is 01:48:37 do you know what that makes me feel when I have to kill someone when I see someone when I see someone murder someone or sell heroin to someone or do graffiti i have to kill that person do you know how that makes me feel the way he says too because he's wearing a mask like like like he looks like you know uh fucking red bull he looks yeah and in like his the voice is so funny coming out of him. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Yeah, he's basically a serial killer. Isn't that guy wanted for murder? Strider, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Marcus Aurelius. I've been really high on this guy lately. Love him. The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury and it's betterment of oneself it's not let's go exact or do this or that
Starting point is 01:49:34 don't get bitter baby get better and i fucking love that dude he's got a lot of great shit are you reading meditations no i i'm wanting to research something for history is dank and i'm like i'm trying to finish the tom brady book which i fucking love by the way you do so as much as like do you like it more or less than the than the kobe than like the pearlman books about the cowboys the lakers i think your point is spot on where pearlman's more salacious and gets into the nitty-gritty juicy stuff a lot yeah dude you are right Sam Witherstein really does have a very pretty unbiased sorry what did I say did I say Samwise Gamgee uh this fucking guy is pretty balanced in his
Starting point is 01:50:17 take on Tom Brady I thought there was too much just fucking Tom Brady love Belichick love in the beginning but he keeps it real especially with the um cheating and the spying and dude there's so much and maybe because all the juice is already there with this new england shit like yeah i don't know man it really makes me respect tom more and and sees bello check in a more human light yeah they're machines but but so you were doing research for history is dank yeah oh but dude there's no way i'm gonna dive into um reading um what the fuck's his his book again marcus really his book's name it's a meditations yeah meditations look i take a long time to read i i would i recommend ryan holiday but i read meditations i'm like i don't
Starting point is 01:51:04 know what he's saying yeah it's it's very dense and like kind of you have to decode it a little bit yeah i might need the cliff notes on that yeah modern translator helps with that stuff for sure sometimes philosophers just they use so many words yeah that somewhere in the middle you just get thrown off like insofar as was a phrase that always got me in philosophy it's like yeah uh wait what were we talking about it just means they're having a thought in their head while writing it and you're like whoa this guy's just a high thinker and it's like jesus they could stand to be more economical and the thing is too you'll read like a few pages and you'll be like that could have been one sentence yeah you know they're like it's like when the cow and the cow sees his udder and he's like, why won't you milk?
Starting point is 01:51:46 And you're like, so what are you saying? Be strong? Right. But here's the thing. That was a good made up metaphor. Yeah, that was pretty incredible. Were you like that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:54 We can tell you've dived into this. Yeah. That's impressive. Also, we are not their audience. The audience was maybe their peers or maybe they weren't writing for the times. This is journal. Okay. Well, there you go. It's himself. That's a maybe they weren't writing for the Times. This is journal. Okay, well, there you go. It's himself.
Starting point is 01:52:06 That's a weird journal. He should read my journal. Dude, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Darude was lit tonight. I was at the club. I realized I was being a cock to this person and this person's a cock.
Starting point is 01:52:18 The end. Yeah, yeah, yeah. My journal is... Looking forward to tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like, wow, we found Chad's journal post-mortem i want to try anal steaks delicious would like to try anal every day for a year best pokey interesting enough
Starting point is 01:52:35 not at fucking what's that uh bear flag actually at hole in the wall spot whoa that'd be dark yeah yeah bear flag is the best though yeah bro i might go there tonight i'm going newport sko dude my my quarter of the week is from uh the tender bar dude i loved it ross didn't like it so i'm going against ross on this one the ben affleck movie directed by george clooney it's just about like the nature of like homespun wisdom that we impart to other people and how much that can impact our lives and how we carry it on and stuff love that as a theme love ben affleck and i always cheer for ben affleck that's my fucking guy but he has one he's like one of his life principles is that like to get a girl you have to have a car
Starting point is 01:53:12 and when he's explaining it to his nephew he's like you gotta have a car all right maybe not in the future if you live in like holland but here you gotta have a car it's so funny to me that he just picked holland it felt so perfect i was like that guy would say that a bar owner and in upstate New York it wasn't disrespectful but I was like yeah that's kind of how I feel too because they're ahead of us in every way the Nordics right yeah they got a different culture yeah yeah Chad what's your phrase we forgetting after it the phrase that we forgetting after it is you ever try maple syrup with bacon let's apply that to how we dance
Starting point is 01:53:48 tonight oh nice also do you see all those boobs at the Oscars that would be funny if you ran into someone the next day
Starting point is 01:53:56 you're like did you see the Oscars last night you think they're going to talk about Will Smith they're like yeah a lot of good boobs
Starting point is 01:54:00 that would be amazing like whoa nice dude where do you see the good in everything Aaron what's your first movie for getting after you also i think a thing lost from the oscars and i tweeted about this it's like please don't forget to take beyonce's whole performance and chroma key that shit because it's so much of this light neon green going on it's a tennis ball green oh man green screen all over that thing.
Starting point is 01:54:25 Nice. Because it's fun. Not because she deserves it. It was a beautiful performance. Hell yeah. Love Beyonce. My phrase of the week for getting after it. What were you saying?
Starting point is 01:54:37 You kept repeating a phrase during your legend. Who was my legend again? Sorry, I've had a couple of first mashes. Fuck. Convertashes. Fuck. Convertibles. Yeah. Oh, yes. JT said it.
Starting point is 01:54:52 Put the top down on this. Drop the top. Yeah, drop the top on this. How do we drop the top on that? That's my phrase, yeah. Drop the top. Hell yeah, hell yeah. Strider, what's your phrase we're figuring out here?
Starting point is 01:54:59 Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker. Great one. Mine's from the Bon Jovi song, It's My Life. For Tommy and Jeannie, who never back down. be kai mother fucker great one mine's from the bon jovi song um it's my life for tommy and genie who never backed down i don't know who he's talking about but sounds pulled from his real life and i can just picture those fuckers and i'm just standing tall so for tommy and genie hey man hey man i think it's the characters from Living on a Prayer. Oh. I know Tommy's one of them for sure. That's fire.
Starting point is 01:55:29 He used to work on the docks. Tommy used to work on the docks. What's the one from John Cougar Melling Camp? Sucking on to the docks. Jack and Diane. I think you guys brought me around too. I don't think Will Smith should have hit Chris Rock laughter
Starting point is 01:55:47 laughter I know you did but maybe it's good I think he should probably go to jail no I'm kidding yeah what a crazy moment yeah that would be hilarious if you get
Starting point is 01:56:03 Jim Carrey's on the news and they're like what do you think about this yeah man a lot of great boobs i would have liked that more yeah don't even talk about it what do you think about the incident what incident uh will smith slapped chris rock he did yeah well this is the problem there's a lot of good boobs there yeah our culture focuses on the perpetrator, never the victims. And Chris Rock was the victim in this instance. What's Chris Rock's story? Let's hear him.
Starting point is 01:56:29 What's his take? Yeah, I'd be interested. Yeah. I'm sure he, I honestly think he doesn't think he's as much of a big deal as everyone else. However he reacts is how we should follow. Yeah. He's got 15 minutes on him for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:43 Oh, hell yeah. I liked his line too. He's like, smith just slapped the shit out of me that was gold all right someone someone tweeted uh chris rock is the tambourine that's special yeah that's amazing all right sweet that was fun good shit guys guys check out keep writing reviews because they help us out if you need advice these guys are really nice you want to know what to do where where to go. When you need someone to guide you, there's no step out from the road beside you.
Starting point is 01:57:32 Go with me. Go with me. Let's go deep. I'm going deep. I'm going deep Cloud and game, deep

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