Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 24 - Uncle Joe, Eating vs. Laughing, Exercise

Episode Date: June 27, 2018

In episode 24, our Uncle Joe visits to go deep!  We dive into earphones vs headphones, eating vs laughing, whether or not to put lettuce on a burger, proper pranks, the Vin Diesel vs. Rock feud, plus... legends, babes, and beefs.  Dive on in, stokers! For bonus content, check out our patreon:  www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Stokers what's up guys welcome to episode 24 of the going deep with Chad JT podcast my name is Chad Kroger I'm here with my compadre JT what up what up? What up, dog? And today we are joined by a very special guest, our dog, JT's roommate, Joe. What up, Joe? Yo, what up, dogs? Joe, thrilled to have you here, dude. Oh, man, it's so great to be here. I love podcasting. Same.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Do you consider yourself a veteran of the genre? Yeah, yeah, I'm getting there, getting a lot of experience. I love the foam headphones. These are nice and comfortable. Yeah. I'm not a big ear bugs guy, so I like wearing these. What do you dislike about ear buds? It just hurts my ear after about two minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:57 It's very quick. Yeah. Two minutes? Yeah, you stick it in there, and it just hurts. I don't like that. I like the nice foam, soft on the ear but you know i can't imagine you wearing the foam ones because they're so big and like sort of ostentatious like i just imagine you being like i look ridiculous yeah i don't wear them out in public yeah so you don't
Starting point is 00:01:16 listen to music in public no not really do you think it's rude to listen to music in public um yeah i don't really like seeing that yeah why well i i prefer to see at least like the earbugs on people i don't yeah walking around i think like this on the street is a little obnoxious yeah i i see what you're saying so you're making a huge statement you're like i'm not gonna listen to you yeah it's just too much it's like you're shutting out the whole world it's like come on let let me let somebody in what did people do in the 1850s, you think, when they wanted to shut out the world? They went in a cave or something. That's a good call.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah. Caves are a pretty solid spot to just get in touch with yourself. They had a lot of caves back then. Yeah, for sure. They've all filled in. Oh, the caves have filled in? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Overpopulation that's what happens that's good that's kind of sucky that back then you couldn't just like be like you know i'm gonna go to work and listen to tunes today you had to be like well i gotta get away so i'm gonna go hide in a dark dank hole all day yeah yeah nice and dank to listen to tunes, like, to listen to tunes, like, you had to, like, you're like, hey, can you do the accordion player? Like, hey, dude, can you, like, follow me to work, you know? Yeah. We take a lot of things for granted, you know. You can't just, in the 1850s, you know, if you're, like, going to do whatever you do,
Starting point is 00:02:40 like, be a sheriff, you can't put on Foo fighters during like a high speed chase no you'd have to like hire whoever the foo fighters were of that time to like be in your toboggan or in your wagon with you while you're drawn by four abused quarter horses yeah we have a lot of luxuries like yeah it's just we take for granted i'm big into modernity i love it i think it's better to live now than like any time in history oh yeah yeah but on the but if you could go back to a time in history where would you go probably like greek and roman times so i could be a gladiator oh that's cool yeah i think there's a lot of glory back then i'm always i'm i'm super big into honor i've been really into honor lately and like being honorable and uh yeah so i think that'd be a pretty epic time to like really take hold of honor um you know achilles also and like troy like brad
Starting point is 00:03:38 pitt you know he was just like that was just like honor incarnate. So if I could be him fighting Troy, I'd choose that. That'd be sweet. Yeah, I'd one-up you on that. I'd want to be the emperor of Rome. Oh, you'd dog. Yeah. Well, I just said time. Well, I guess, yeah, you picked a role.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Whatever BC then. I don't know. I don't remember the dates. But yeah, I'd say 1510 bc would be my ideal time it's a good day and you'd be emperor yeah i want to be the emperor i see you living a pretty uh to borrow a word from them spartan life as emperor they're like i don't see you being lavish like do you just have like a lot of like italian beef sandwiches and stuff yeah we'd have italian beef um yeah i'd wear the the the leaves on my head those were cool crowns yeah yeah i mean i got a good emperor look to me that's true because
Starting point is 00:04:34 i got a very um people used to say i'd have the like i'd look a little like joaquin phoenix oh yeah yeah but i'd be cool i wouldn't be like him. He's, you know. Hooking up with his sister. Yeah, I'm not doing that. And you live by, John and I have discussed this, you live by like a code. And I think people would really respect that. You know, I think you'd be a stern leader. Yeah. But like people would respect your sternness.
Starting point is 00:04:58 You wouldn't just be like some jackass. Yeah, because you could tell it wasn't coming from a place of like power hungriness. It was coming from a place of like duty.iness. It was coming from a place of duty. Yeah. So you wouldn't get Julius Caesar'd. If people were to stab you, you'd be like, oh, geez. Yeah, I would expect a couple attempted stabbings, yeah. How do you think you'd respond to it?
Starting point is 00:05:19 I think Chad pretty much nailed it there, though. Can we make believe I stab you real quick and we'll get your reaction? All right. Damn. Yeah, it would hurt. That would hurt. If I lived in an era, I'd live in the 1980s. Because you guys know me, I love to dance.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Oh, dude, yeah, good call. That'd be cool, yeah. Dude, that's a great call. What age would you be? oh dude yeah good call yeah cool yeah dude that's a great call oh what age would you be i'd be 25 years old living in new york city when thriller came out and i'd be wearing suits but not like a yuppie but basically yuppie but like self-aware and i'd just be dancing all the time joe what uh what uh what's been like uh spicing up your life lately? What's got you excited? Well, I just got this haircut yesterday, ready for summer, clean shave.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Yeah, you look good. Yeah, that always makes me feel great because people always ask me, why do you clean shave? You don't have a regular job where you need to do that because I like how it feels. Yeah. I like the way it looks and the way it feels when i'm when i go to when i'm sleeping like when you lay on the pillow with a fresh face you know it feels great it's soothing it's you know it feels cool on the pillow yeah so look the part be the part i think i think especially
Starting point is 00:06:39 coming into the summer season you want to be your most polished self yeah i agree i always like to have a fresh shave whenever i don't like i don't like when i have stubble it's just not me like whenever i have stubble like i'll look in the mirror and i'm just like it's too puby you know i don't even think it's that puby i just it just looks dirty to me you know yeah well you got a you got a great face oh thank you well yeah that's, yeah, that's the thing. I'm just, I'm so good looking. I gotta, I want to keep that. You gotta see my whole face.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah, lead with your best asset. Yeah. You want to show those cheeks. Yeah. I mean, when I, yeah,
Starting point is 00:07:13 when I had a beard, like I was getting a lot of compliments too, but I'd rather just go natural. I feel like the beard's like a, it's like a mask in a way. I'm a five o'clock shadow guy. Yeah, you always have some kind of beard going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But never a full beard. No, and I never fully shave. I just use a clipper without the clipper on it. Yeah, the electric? Yeah. Yeah, I go full blade, five blades, gel. You're putting a tone on that. Like you think you're like is it more
Starting point is 00:07:47 masculine than me because of the blade yeah because there's that element of danger there you might cut yourself yeah i'm taking a risk every time for a second there i thought i was being insecure in that assumption about you but then it turned out to be valid. Yeah. I go blade to the skin. I'm a Gillette Mach 3 guy. Oh, really? Mach 3. I go Gillette Power Pro Glide. Is that five blades?
Starting point is 00:08:17 Five blades, yeah. I need five. Minimum. I'd go 10 if they had it. I've heard that the... You'd go 10 blades they had it. I've heard that the... You'd go 10 blades? I would, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Would that fit on your face? Yeah, it would fit. I had a thick beard. Would there be any stroking, or you just sort of touch it to your face? No, you can't stroke. You gotta go just slow glide.
Starting point is 00:08:46 10 blades. The specificity of your process is remarkable. What kind of shaving cream do you use? You seem like a Barbasol guy. No, I'm an Edge Pro Gel, the orange one. I got different colors. I got orange is the sensitive skin. Do you go sensitive skin?
Starting point is 00:09:04 Yeah. Do you have sensitive skin? Well. Do you have sensitive skin? Well, it seems to be working. Did you always have such a particular philosophy on life? Yeah, I would say. Like when you were like 13, were you like, like your friends were like, oh, I'll just use any deodorant. And you were like, no, I only use Old Spice Yacht. No, back then I was experimenting yacht.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I just, I don't know. No, deodorant, that was a work in progress for a while. I used to use, yeah, all different ones. The one, it was like the gel ones, but those never worked for me. It was always like wet. They're so wet. Yeah, it's so wet. And you're like, why did I just fucking take a shower? It seemed like the cool thing to do. I think it was always like they're so wet yeah it's so wet and you're like why did i just fucking it seemed like the cool thing to do i think it was like right guard or something
Starting point is 00:09:48 yeah it would stain your t-shirts like you'd put on your t-shirt afterwards and be like just globs of wetness like you come out your arm it would come out like spaghetti yeah yeah it looks gross but for a while now i've been using um yeah i believe it's it's a right guard but the white one arctic refresh is my uh scent that's a good nice yeah i won't deviate you're a good smelling guy too every time i go in your room there's no smell that's like the optimal smell like i just walk in there and i'm like i just walked in the air oh good yeah because you could work in a lot of places you could work in a lot of places. You could work in an office or at a lumber yard. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I can go there.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I got that range. Yeah. All right, guys. Let's get into the news. Oh, sure. Did you guys – so there's this rich guy in Laguna Beach. Great city. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Dude, yes. He lost his $20 million home to his wife and the divorce. So before he had to, before he had to, before he had to legally turn it over, he, um, covered the whole house in a fart spray. Like he bought like concentrated fart spray and he,
Starting point is 00:11:00 um, unleashed it all over the home before he turned it over to her. Now she's suing him because the house is like apparently uninhabitable. Dude, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's kind of an immature move. If I were in like fourth grade and like I was getting divorced and like had to leave my house to my ex, I'd totally fart it up. But if you're in your 30s, I'd come up with something a little little more sophisticated he's in his 50s there we go you know like you'd be like you farted all over my house all right later you know what i mean yeah i would kind of like your wife would be like this is why we're getting divorced my dad told me the a story about this guy who, now this is cool.
Starting point is 00:11:45 He's getting divorced from his wife and he bought her a car or something and she was getting the car. So he drove the car for an hour, pedal to the metal in first gear, burned through the whole clutch, and destroyed the brakes and gave it to her. Yeah, that's a very adult move. Yeah. breaks and gave it to her yeah that's a very adult move yeah yeah i mean but i think this fart thing is pretty i'd call it uh legendary i think it's amazing why because farts no matter what age you are always smell and it's always oh you always got to get out of the room like whenever you smell a bad fart you're like like, oh, this is the worst. Yeah, that's an excellent point.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I mean, it's an age-old thing. Yeah. You know, farts will always smell, no matter what age you are. And, you know, if you're 50 and you want to... I think the... Not to take exception to what you're saying, but I think the crux of what we were saying wasn't that a fart stopped smelling it's that they stopped being as funny oh no i i disagree what this guy's a billionaire i mean he's he must be smart so he knows i'm on the side of the billionaire you don't get that rich by uh being stupid he knows that the fart thing was a genius move but
Starting point is 00:13:03 what did he leave the cans behind he left all the evidence yeah yeah so that's where he messed it up how did why are you leaving the evidence behind yeah he like wanted a rubber face in it then maybe she would have been walking around being like oh what did i eat you know maybe she thinks she's smelling up the place dude i like what you're saying maybe i shouldn't have had the chili you know i'll make her question herself yeah whoa dude i like what you're saying because i i feel like if you were to ask the guy he would say the same thing like farts smell bad whenever wherever whenever you are yeah uh did you guys uh all right i'll show you guys so like Burger King was gonna give out free burgers
Starting point is 00:13:46 forever to any woman who had been impregnated by a soccer player in the World Cup yeah and where would be the what do you have to bring in the DNA that's what I wasn't sure about I was like how do you prove that your baby
Starting point is 00:14:01 was bone created by a soccer player. Or did somebody just think that was a funny marketing thing? Yeah, but I do think they were genuinely going to do it. I don't know how they were going to get proof, though. It seems like a total BS thing. Wait, so it exactly was like if you get impregnated by a World Cup soccer player, you get what?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Free Whoppers for life or something? Yeah, it just sounds like a... bad joke yeah yeah yeah it yeah it's because there's no way that would be yeah what do you bring in the birth certificate and uh whatever his name uh here he is here's the father yeah that's yeah it's just i think it was just a bad joke Here's the father. Yeah, I think it was just a bad joke. Do you guys like Burger King?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Dude, yeah. I typically don't go. I'll go about once a year. Nice. Every now and then I'll go for the two for six. They have a two for six? Yeah, you get like a Whopper. You can mix and match. Damn. You can get a Whopper and a chicken sandwich for six? Yeah, you get like a Whopper. You can mix and match. Damn.
Starting point is 00:15:06 You can get a Whopper and a chicken sandwich for six bucks. Dude, I did like their chicken tenders. I do like the Whopper. Yeah. Chicken fries are good. And their chicken sandwich along with the mayo. Yeah, the original chicken sandwich. That is really good.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I do forget about that. Yeah, I think I'm going to go get one today. Yeah, and they put the mayo on it. I haven I'm going to go get one today. They put the mayo on it. I haven't been in a good amount of lettuce. It's not too much lettuce. Because most places will overdo the lettuce. I'm not a big fan of lettuce on burgers anyways. I don't understand its purpose.
Starting point is 00:15:39 There's no taste. I like the crunch. There's a texture there. I just do meat and cheese on my burgers. No onion? I do grilled onions in In-N-Out. I like raw. Why?
Starting point is 00:15:55 It's just better, I think. Are you a natural person? Do you like most things in their natural form? What is that? I don't quite know what i mean yeah i don't know what that means what uh what would you say like potatoes no what are we gonna say no like potatoes raw that's a good point you don't like potatoes right yeah i don't yeah what are the things you're most looking for in a partner um very good question What are the things you're most looking for in a partner? Very good question.
Starting point is 00:16:33 I like attractive first. That's pretty obvious. Like if she's like a really sweet seven or like kind of a nasty 10, like a mean 10. like a mean 10 probably a mean 10 yeah because i feel like uh you know i could so you don't think it's it's not fixed like you'll get her to be nicer just by virtue of her hanging out with you and stuff that would be my hope yeah i like i like uh you know, I like funny. I like funny a lot. That's always big for me.
Starting point is 00:17:10 You can make me laugh. I love that. You know, I'm not one of these guys that, oh, I need to be the funny one. No, I don't care. Is that your favorite thing to do, to laugh? One of them, yeah. Laugh or eat? Tough call. Yeah, i'd say eat dude what about for you i laugh what about you it's so tough
Starting point is 00:17:36 i think i have to go eat dude i love yeah i just i love the laugh. That's beautiful. I love to watch Robert Downey Jr. and Tropic Thunder and laugh for, like, days. Just crack up. That's cool. Eating can bring laughter, though. That's true. Yeah. But it does stifle your laugh a little bit. It's harder to laugh when you have food in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah, it could be. But I'm having a good time if I'm eating Wendy's 4 for 4 by yourself? yeah smiling while I'm eating it one thing I'll do is I'll be cracking myself up and then I'll send people a text
Starting point is 00:18:18 basically of the thing I'm thinking of I don't think they ever get it, you know? Cause it's just in my head. Like I'll just send them a random Tom Cruise gif. Right. And they'll be like,
Starting point is 00:18:31 what is this? I'm like, is it hilarious? And they're like, I guess he had to be there. Sometimes you'll send me shit. Like you'll send me shit like that a lot of my hilarious. Oh,
Starting point is 00:18:41 you think it's hilarious? Yeah. You're basically just sending like positive memories to me so it's nice to think about yeah because i'm like oh yeah that was really cool life is pretty good yeah sometimes i'll send stuff to girls though and they'll like i sent this one text this guy commented on one of our youtubes uh the paul walker one he goes dude's a loser about you yeah so i sent it to this girl i'm like was this you she didn't respond as a joke yeah that's funny that's funny right it's really
Starting point is 00:19:13 yeah it's really funny i don't know why she didn't respond i thought it was hilarious yeah i mean i've sent like the funniest messages to people on like on like uh tinder or like uh bumble or whatever and got no response yeah i always go for funny yeah i don't think the quality of your statement really impacts that much the response if they don't if they don't respond or like laugh at it then you're like okay well you probably wouldn't be cool to hang out with you anyways lame-o yeah it's a smart it's a smart test to just be like is this person like do they have like it's like a dog whistle like do they hear it
Starting point is 00:19:46 yeah are we on the same page yeah maybe I should text that was a while ago that that happened but maybe I should still text her now you know
Starting point is 00:19:54 yeah even though it was two months ago I'd be like now I know yeah I'd be like hey sorry for a long time I thought you didn't get the joke but now I'm realizing
Starting point is 00:20:02 you might not even have tried to get it, so let me explain why it's funny. Yeah. And by the way, Joe and I agree that you're a lame-o. Yeah. Do you call people lame-os a lot? No, I just, I said that just a few minutes ago for probably the first time, yeah. All right, let's get into it. Joe, who is your babe of the week babe of the week uh i would have
Starting point is 00:20:30 to say uh colin farrell i saw him and he looks great he's got this silver fox thing going now nice you know he's getting a little older and yeah he was like in shape uh you know i just saw him on the street and he was like yeah like gray mixed in with the black and just still in shape he looked he was pretty tall i didn't realize that he was like probably six foot or six one and i was like wow this guy's got it together still. Shit. Nice. Well, yeah, I think he's more together now than he's ever been. He's sober. He's got a family.
Starting point is 00:21:09 He's dialed in. Yeah, he looked great. I love that. I'm a huge Farrell fan. Dude, I watch that SWAT scene all the time. They get me pumped up. I'm like, I need to work out, and I'll watch Colin Farrell. Sorry, I'm always thinking about Tom Cruise.
Starting point is 00:21:25 I'll watch Colin Farrell running on the beach doing pull ups on the lifeguard tower I'm like thank you Colin for that inspo and I do it how could you tell he was in good shape was he wearing a tight tee or something yeah he had a sleeveless tee on so he was showing off the guns Howard's guns
Starting point is 00:21:42 pretty decent they're like shaped but they're not like bulky right So he was showing off the guns Oh yeah How are his guns? Pretty deece Yeah They're like They're like shaped But they're not like bulky Right Yeah dude whenever He had some good tone to him
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah whenever I see him in SWAT I'm like he's not bulky He's just toned But he looks strong You know like a fighter He's fit They're like They're like
Starting point is 00:21:57 They're not that They're not that thick But like that muscle is You know Yeah I'd say That body type Yeah Where'd you see him at?
Starting point is 00:22:05 At a grocery store. What a beast. Trader Joe's? No, Erewhon. He was at Erewhon? He was at Erewhon. That's crazy. I go there so much and I haven't seen him.
Starting point is 00:22:16 I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. Was he getting a green juice? Yeah, he was in the Coffee juice line Fuck I'm there all the time I'm gonna see his ass
Starting point is 00:22:28 I'm gonna say Colin what up Chad see money Who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is my Babysitter Candy My babysitter She sounds hot I think she was pretty hot
Starting point is 00:22:39 I was like six or seven at the time So I can't accurately say It's good you had a stripper for a babysitter. Whoa, dude. That's my babe of the week. Yeah, come on, man. I do appreciate the joke. Yeah, and make money however you have to.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah. Yeah, and nothing against strippers. Candy with an I? I think it was with a Y. Oh, okay. Why, do you know her? No, I'd say could maybe not stripper if it's candy with a Y oh okay why do you know her? no I'd say could maybe not
Starting point is 00:23:08 strip her if it's Candy with a Y then yeah so Candy I don't know if you guys have watched any of our music videos
Starting point is 00:23:17 but I do pride myself on having some pretty dank moves and Candy is the reason why because she made me watch michael jackson music videos every time we hung out and so at a young age i was like whoa this guy is electric he can dance and uh so even at a young age candy she like she showed me how to moonwalk and that stuck with
Starting point is 00:23:41 me and then that that transferred into all other moves i've never really taken a dance class but um just her showing me michael at a young age and teaching me how to moonwalk transferred into all other dance moves so candy i just want to say thank you for being uh such a babe thank you for being such a fire babysitter and like exposing me to like a huge influence in my life um thank you for being the coolest and thank you for making me dino nuggets a lot and spaghettios uh i miss you and if you're listening um let's kick it and watch let's watch thriller billy jean the way you make me feel and the bad music video nice yeah i can see his influence in your dancing. Oh, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Thank you. I love that. Thank you. Who's your babe? My babe of the week is my girlfriend. Ooh. Ooh. Yeah, it's long overdue.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Oh, my girlfriend. Nice. Oh, sorry. No, I'm taking a chance doing this in front of Joe. I knew he was going to come down on me for being soft. Nice, Joe. Take it to him. Yeah. But you and her get along, like, fabulously. She's great, yeah. front of joe i knew he's gonna come down on me for being soft nice joe take it to him yeah but
Starting point is 00:24:45 you and her get along like fabulous she's great yeah yeah i would i would say you guys like almost love each other and you don't even know each other that well yeah i guess we really don't she adores you like she's always like joe is just the best i can just tell he's a great guy you know yeah we hung out yesterday after you guys hung out yeah it was comfortable yeah she's yeah i have the feelings mutual yeah so i just like really love her and um we've been in each other's lives for a long time the thing i like is um she challenges me you know is that a weird thing to like about your partner no that's great yeah yeah i think like when i'm with her, I'm like, oh, I can't be a lazy dummy. I actually have to be like, she makes me more of a man.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Because sometimes I can sag in that department. I'll just be like, I'm just going to chill. Yeah, you can't. But she's like, no, you got to like, she's like, I believe in you. So if I believe in you, you need to be the you I believe in. And I'm like, whoa. Yeah, that's great to have that. That's what you want. You don't want to be the you i believe in and i'm like whoa yeah that's great to have that yeah yeah that's what you want and she don't want to be complacent nah yeah and she's just a sweetie
Starting point is 00:25:51 she like always wants to give me hugs and kisses so i always like feel like um like affection you know what i mean and it's just nice because you can like go through your life and you're like you're like does like what can i count on and then i can always be like oh i can count on the fact that she like she loves me that's cool and she's seen me in a lot of different stages of my life so she kind of knows the whole me you know you meet people this is like you meet people later and they just know like a bit but like she knows you're like kind of like kevin and winnie yeah Yeah. Wonder years. Yeah. And she's just so smart and so pretty and so funny.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And she has so much charisma. Like she really does. Like when I go places with her, I just marvel at the way she like gets on with people. It's a, it's a masterclass. I feel like I'm on one of those masterclasses, but instead of like Aaron Sorkin teaching me how to write a script She's like teaching me how to like
Starting point is 00:26:47 Be light as a feather In the world Nice Thanks guys That was beautiful Love you Snuggles Alright dude I call her Snuggle Butts
Starting point is 00:27:02 Pumpkin Nut Pumpkin Nut? Yeah she's my Snts. Pumpkin Nut. Pumpkin Nut? Yeah, she's my Snuggle Butt Pumpkin Nut. Alright. I'll let you have that. I want you guys to bash me. You know? I deserve it.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Because you want us to bash you? I'm not. Dude, she's strong. She is like a really good athlete. She was like a college volleyball player, so. She's kind of like a good athlete like me, kind of. I'd say she's a few cuts above you. All right, well. Joe scored touchdowns.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Yeah, I'm very good. I think she was like Orange County Volleyball Player of the Year. I was a quarterback. Or Orange County Athlete of the Year. The ultimate leader in sports. Not too many men can do that. No, that's true. That's a more difficult position, but the level that you were playing at was a few levels below where she was playing at. Oh, you mean playing varsity as a junior.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Okay, yeah. Well, I mean, in high school, she played with Olympians. I don't get the comparison. You're the JV quarterback No I was No I'm varsity Not JV But didn't you go to like a small school
Starting point is 00:28:09 And you guys played like other Doesn't matter What was your record? Four and five Middle of the road That's fine How many kids were at your high school? I think it was like 800 to 1,000.
Starting point is 00:28:28 All boys? Yeah, it was all men. Joe, who is your legend of the week? Legend of the week is my mom, actually. Nice. Because she broke her arm. Oh, no. Recently? Yeah. mom actually because she uh well she broke her arm oh no recently yeah just had surgery on it and uh she she act she's all right she acts like nothing even happened it's like she's not even like
Starting point is 00:28:55 depressed or mad about it she's just like just talking to her as like normal she's just like oh this is just like a thing like yeah she's acting like it's just like a scratch and me i'd be like devastated but yeah i mean she you know she's in her 60s and that's like not an easy heel and she's just rolling with it how'd you find out beast um well my dad texted me a picture of her in the cast he It was like, oh, your mom fell down. Yeah, and then talked to her on the phone. Yeah, she fell in the backyard. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Props to her for maintaining stoke through a broken arm. Yeah, she's maintained stoke. Has she always been tough? Yeah. Yeah. Is that where been, like, tough? Yeah. Yeah. Is that where you think you get your grit from? Yeah, I feel like, yeah, I think we have a very similar demeanor. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Yeah. I've never met your mom, but I'd like to, just so I could sort of feel that energy of, like, toughness. Yeah, tough lady, yeah lady yeah yeah this is where joe came from she'd be like yeah and now she joins me as having a metal arm too which is cool you have a metal in there yeah i got metal in there nice is that from the softball injury no this was uh this was my senior year of high school. Were you still the starting quarterback senior year? No, I played defense senior year. Oh, so you lost your job.
Starting point is 00:30:27 I didn't lose my job. Sorry to get excited. Well, the thing was, I started—it was a real-life John Moxon situation. From Varsity Blues. We've reviewed the film for our Patreon members. Oh, great. Yeah, probably the best film ever made. But anyways, the starter got hurt, and then so I stepped in.
Starting point is 00:30:53 We were both juniors, so he was the starter. So senior year, he was healthy. So there actually wasn't even a competition for the job. It was just like, you're going to play defense. Like I didn't even – there wasn't a competition. Like I kind of wanted to still be the quarterback, but I was – I always liked playing defense, so I was fine with it. What was it, outside linebacker?
Starting point is 00:31:19 No, I played corner, cornerback. Nice. Yeah. So you got wheels. Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Miller B. Nice. One of my dogs from college.
Starting point is 00:31:35 What up, Miller? I think Miller listens, so what up? Miller's a legend, dude. He's part of the Top Gun crew at college. I lived in Cream Pie House. Top Gun and Cream Pie were uh friendly with each other we part we raged together a solid amount um and miller's just he's just like the solid dude there for all of his dogs always down to party always down to kick it always down to have a deep conversation always down to watch
Starting point is 00:32:05 surf videos for like hours you know and he's like one of my dogs who can you know he's not even really that into surfing but he's just like he's so into uh companionship and just being one of the dudes that like he can watch something he's not really into and enjoy it which i think is a great quality just like a good solid dude that you can count on in times of need. You know, like it was the year I had to sneak into Coachella, and he was there like waiting at the exit where I was sneaking in. So making sure I always got in, you know, because I didn't have a ticket that year. So Miller, dude, you're a legend.
Starting point is 00:32:42 That's so key for friend groups to have have a guy who just, like, believes in the group. Yeah. He brings that aura to, like, each interaction. I was going to abbreviate there, interaction. Joe, you seem like one of those guys, too. Yeah, you know what? When Chad was saying that, I was like, yeah. I was like, that sounds like me a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Like a good glue guy. Like, it's hard to talk in a group of like six guys but you're like one of the best at it yeah i'm uh well the thing is when i'm in a like a bigger group i kind of i i never really take the lead um i'm kind of uh kind of just sit back but i'll i'll get uh i'll get some important lines in there. You're like the glue for every squad. Not just one squad. Every squad you go to, you're like, oh, Joe's keeping this together. Has there been friend groups that you've kind of been like,
Starting point is 00:33:34 I can't be in this because it's just not the right vibe for me? Or do you kind of find the positive in them all? I mean, I've left friend groups before, yeah. That's hard yeah it can be hard to do but you have to do uh what feels right how do you how do you broach the subject are you just like guys we're no longer boys or you just sort of bounce i've done that before yeah it's hard it's like a breakup what'd you say um just yeah just kind of like that like like you know i don't i don't really want to be friends anymore it's that's a it's a difficult thing to do it's weird it's up front though i respect but you got to um you gotta yeah you
Starting point is 00:34:21 gotta do it if you're yeah it's better than just ignoring the person, because then they're gonna keep hitting you up and just wondering what goes on. It's better to be straightforward in a situation like that. Mm-hmm. Because it's a classy move to at least tell them like i don't want to anymore instead of just leaving them wondering and you had to do it because like you felt like you were just becoming a version of yourself you didn't like as much so you needed to kind of like protect that and that's why you had to initiate the breakup yes pretty much yeah my legend of the week is my old boss at uh nordstrom sam so i talked a little bit about working at uh nordstrom's
Starting point is 00:35:15 with uh strider last week uh there's a busy season there where they go into sale i forget what the name of it is but uh it's just a crazy time where like they do like 80 of their business in this two-week period and it's impossibly stressful so i was working like between thanksgiving and christmas uh ours was in the summer season yeah that's when i worked there and then during this time like i was downloading like palettes and like breaking down like all the makeup that came in the boxes and then shelving it. Like during this time, you'd get 10 times as much makeup. And it was really hard for every department, not just makeup to take on this influx of
Starting point is 00:35:55 stuff and to be ready for this seasons of sales. And Sam put a lot of pressure on me. He's like, dude, I'm counting on you to like set the tempo with everybody. I need you to step up for me. I need you to be good at this gig. And I dug that because I was like, Sam believes on me. He's like, dude, I'm counting on you to like set the tempo with everybody. I need you to step up for me. I need you to be good at this gig. And I dug that. Cause I was like, Sam believes in me. So I got to be good for Sam. So I worked my ass off and I never knew if Sam was noticing. And sometimes I get frustrated with him because he'd put more work on me or he changed what he, what I was supposed to do. And I just felt like it was a moving target sometimes,
Starting point is 00:36:21 but it's hard to be a boss. So I think he was just doing the best he could, but we ended up having a really good season. Everything went smoothly. We all worked our asses off. We all look 10 years older by the end of it. This was probably three weeks of work. And then, um, at the company party to like celebrate the end of it, Sam had gotten me, so I got to backtrack here. Sam had gotten me into this podcast called Hardcore History, which I've mentioned on here before, which is just this guy breaking down big sagas from history. And Sam was like, hey, you like podcasts, you like history, you should listen to it. So I started listening to it. And we were both really into the one about World War I. And at World War I, the biggest battle was called Verdun and the guys were in trenches.
Starting point is 00:37:03 And when you were in the trenches, you were just getting hit with mortar fire and machine guns. So you'd be hitting all day and to like get a break from the shell shock guys would make little pieces of art with stuff they found. It's called like trench art. So Sam got me really into it. I was super into it. And we talk all the time about it. Then at the company party, Sam comes up to me and he goes, I got something for you. And he pulls out a bullet that has like a flattened piece of sheet metal on it with poetry written into it. It was one of the artifacts from Verdun. And he gave it to me to basically say, hey, we went to war together, but we survived. And I'm thankful for the sacrifices you made with me. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Yeah. Solid dude. Yeah. Yeah, I still have it it i keep it in my car and i grab it whenever i go to do something big oh wow oh do you really yeah that's cool hell yeah that's sweet is it is hard is hardcore history still doing its thing yeah dude it's amazing yeah big rex i would give is wrath of the con which is about genghhis Khan. That's where I got all my information when I made Obadiah my legend. And then, uh, damn, what was the name of the World War I one? It's like Age of Apocalypse.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I know I got it wrong, but that one's also really, really good. Forgive me for not remembering. That's sweet. Who is your Beef of the Week, Joe? Um, it can be a thing, too. Yep. Uh, my Beef of the week is with uh acne i've uh it's been i've been getting a decent amount of in my forehead lately lately and um
Starting point is 00:38:35 i feel like i've outgrown it and i don't like that it's coming back i haven't had it for a while i don't know why it's here and i'm not digging it if you know you think you outgrow stuff like why would you i'm gonna you know i'm gonna i'm an adult i don't want this acne now it looks good on you no it doesn't it doesn't look bad it's like that one right there and you're still handsome not that one there's here there's here it's it's It's all over. There's like a good three. I do see the other two that you pointed to.
Starting point is 00:39:10 The lighting made it hard to see them. But in total sincerity. He looks good. Well, they're starting to disintegrate. How are you combating it? Washing my face like I always do. That's why I don't know why. What do you use? I got like this clean and clear
Starting point is 00:39:26 stuff do you wear hats now no i think that was he wears hats once sometimes but yeah i think that was part of the culprit yeah maybe you need to bronze more a little sun would help too all right yeah i could do that maybe you need to go surf surf. Get some ocean water. Ocean water. Dude, I never have acne in the summer because I'm in the water so much. Yeah. Clears that shit up quick. Yeah. Go in the ocean. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:52 We'll go together. I'll give you a surf lesson. I don't know. I'm scared. Scared of what? The water. You afraid of the unknown? Like in the water?
Starting point is 00:40:03 Like because you don't know what's under? Yeah, I don't know what's in there. Nothing. It's kind of like death. Like we're like a bird flying over the ocean. We don't know what's underneath the water. Solid metaphor. Chad, who is your Beef of the Week?
Starting point is 00:40:24 My Beef of the Week is with my old boss, Pat. What up, Pat? I'm a surf instructor. And for a while, I was working with a surf school. And it was a pretty solid gig, you know? And it was a lot of fun during the summer. Good tips, good clientele. After a couple of years, I was like, I need to branch out and go on my own.
Starting point is 00:40:43 I need to do my own privates. Also, I like to have my own schedule and I wanted to make my own schedule. There's certain things I like to do. If Jurassic World is coming out or something like that, I don't want to be working. I want to be seeing the movie. I'm really into not working when I don't want to. That's sort of why I wanted to go solo so that's what i did i'm going solo for about six months and i get an email from my old boss he's like what up chad
Starting point is 00:41:15 this is pat i heard you started your own little surf thing you're gonna need to cease and desist and i was like what he's like you're gonna need to cease and desist and I was like what he's like you're gonna need to cease and desist or we're gonna sue you because you signed a non-compete agreement and I'm like dude I don't even know what I signed I don't read shit and he's like well you signed it I'm like you know what let's just settle this by the pier Pat and he's like don't make me get the legal eagles into it so we just went back and forth for a little bit and i just want to say it's really lame to like try and claim ownership over the beach and like determine who can teach lessons and who can't it's kind of a spiritual thing
Starting point is 00:41:57 and pat for you to like try and bring law into that i think it's like the most unsurfing thing you can do so i think you need to think about that before you try to get all business like on me i was just trying to spread stoke and joy through shred lessons and you know um you know it's a great way to to to converse with not only you know with solid dudes and solid chicks you know know? And, um, I was getting to know people from Europe and Germany and, and, uh, other countries, which was dank. And for you to just like, try and like harsh my new business venture with a cease and desist letter. Uh, I just think that's very uncool. And the beach is the beach and you can't bring a cease and desist
Starting point is 00:42:45 authority to that you can hit me with legal jargon all you want but fuck you that's my beef yeah let him have it thank you nice Chad yeah Pat
Starting point is 00:42:58 you don't own the beach thank you Joe nice yeah you're welcome my beef of the week is a very controversial one it may even seem kind of antithetical to everything i believe in but my beef of the week is with uh the rock wow i don't know if you should continue yeah i'm quoting my brother we're gonna have to stop you yeah no. No, go ahead, Owen. Yeah, do it.
Starting point is 00:43:26 I just feel like he's so, like, I think he's phony. You think he's Ellen DeGeneres? You think he should go for quality over quantity? A little bit of that, but also it's just like he's like, oh, I believe in this the most. Oh, I love this the most. Oh, I believe in this the most. Oh, I love this the most. But it's like he's saying that about everything.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Oh, right. You know? I am concerned that The Rock has gone the Ellen direction and he's not fully being himself. You think he's disingenuous? Yeah, but I mean the guy has has such a great life it's easy to see why he would be so positive about everything i mean that's kind of a beast he is a i mean i guess i i i would say you know how how could you be how could you have a negative outlook on anything when you have what he has and the life that he's built for himself and his family.
Starting point is 00:44:25 It's like why would you not be positive about everything? I don't know. Do you guys like – I'm embarrassed now and nervous. Do you guys like – is it – you guys pro-rock? Yeah. I mean I appreciate your argument though. Here's my take. Trying to go out and really going on on a limb.
Starting point is 00:44:46 Here's my take. Whenever I see him giving praise to his elliptical machine, I'm like, why are you giving praise to an elliptical machine? Why aren't you doing sprints? Number one, qualm. Number two, qualm. That's what I'm talking about. You're bummed by all his positivity i'd like to see him in a room you know like when we met herb like oh yeah he'd win me over he's
Starting point is 00:45:16 radiating positivity yeah i think the rock would do the same thing although i like the way tom cruise does it where he's not like he's not like just like being like i love all this i love all that he just comes out with like fire hits yeah maybe the rock needs to take a step back yeah i need more bangers yeah less positivity more bangers yeah it's like stay quiet and then release a bomb yeah chad's got it yeah thank you dude because i was i was i was in a quicksand of i was in the quicksand of self-doubt but yeah and stop praising your elliptical machine and i think you need to take a step back and be like i'm using an elliptical machine well he doesn't need to lose
Starting point is 00:45:54 weight what he doesn't need to sprint but you're right well sprints build muscle you've seen like sprinters in the olympics he doesn't need to do that either. Well, he needs to maintain. I think he's maintaining just fine. I mean, you don't even work out. Yeah, I do. You do eight-minute abs. Yeah, it's a great workout. I recommend it.
Starting point is 00:46:16 If you do it right, it works. No stress on the neck, no stress on the back. What does eight- minute abs consist of? I think it's about nine different movements in like 45 second intervals. Yeah, you work everything. The obliques, lower abdominals. That's what's up. Yeah, it is what's up.
Starting point is 00:46:40 If you want to feel my abs. Can I feel your abs? See the results, yeah. Are you really want to feel my abs. Can I feel your abs? See the results, yeah. Are you really going to feel them? Chad's going to feel Joe's abs. I see Joe shirtless all the time, so I already know he's ripped. Joe looks a little nervous.
Starting point is 00:46:59 He's flexing hard. He looks the most vulnerable. He's like this whole podcast. How was it, Chad? Make it back on the mic. Alright, here's my take. You've got good abs. You've got damn good abs, but if you had sprints to the mix, you'll have abs of steel.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I could sprint. I'd be afraid of pulling a hamstring, though. Fear is the something until the something something. Van Wilder. First question from my dog, Reggie. Yo, what up, legends? Long time listener, first time questioner love the important work you do maintaining our notion our nation's stoke levels kiana would be proud
Starting point is 00:47:49 thank you dog basically as two handsome jacked co-workers and co-friends i desperately want to hear both of your takes on the massive beef between the fast and furious franchise co-stars dwayne the rock johnson and vin diesel wow serendipitous. Because we just broke it down on The Rock. I don't know if you keep up with the Bloids, but they freaking hate each other. On Instagram, The Rock called the Groot a chicken shit and a candy ass for some stuff that went down on set and revealed they refused to share scenes together. Tyrese chimed in in support of Diesel, and now they're spinning off The Rock and Jason Statham in a whole different movie to keep the core franchise together so whose side you got any guesses what drove them apart who wins in a
Starting point is 00:48:29 real fight who's smarter who benches more who fucks better i'm begging you to go deep on this because i don't even know myself which meat mountain i should support bonus cue just saw incredibles 2 and left with some major pants feelings about mrs incredible aka elastigirl aka mrs parr aka a bangin flexible male who loves her family and would do anything for her kids and kicks major bad guy ass what i'm asking is who's both of your all-time biggest crush on an animated babe reggie this is amazing dude because one of the topics we didn't do but i was thinking of was have you been attracted to an animated character before based off mrs incredible That's why you're my dog.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Because we locked in, homie. Because we're on the same fucking page. That's what's up, dude. Yes. Yes. Yes. All right, guys. What do you guys think about The Rock and Vin Diesel's beef?
Starting point is 00:49:15 Wow. Is this like a new thing? They've been beefing for like a year or two now. Whoa. Publicly. So for years probably before that. I haven't been following the beef but Well so whose side you got?
Starting point is 00:49:28 I'll run through Reggie's questions. Whose side you got? Do I have to pick one? I gotta go with Vin. Oh really? Nice. Loyalty to the franchise.
Starting point is 00:49:37 That's my dog. Why Vin? I don't like the rock coming in and trying to play like the fucking general your candy ass woes is my franchise bitch so why don't you take your uh ass and go take a hike you know teretto is way more like you're like this guy has flaws you know this guy is he's tormented inside.
Starting point is 00:50:05 He beat a man to within an inch of his death, and he's dealing with that, but he still drives like a beast. The Rock just comes in, and he's like, I'm super strong, and I can do whatever. And I'm also, like, a super heroic guy. And you're like, that's not exciting. Where's the conflict? Yeah. What do you guys think drove them apart?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Probably egos. I would assume both of those two have. The other is probably tough. There's not enough room in the room for both of them. Yeah. Not enough room for that much meat. You don't come into a Corona fiesta with Heinekens. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Oh, these are actually better. It's like, well, that's not really what we're talking about. Yeah. Who wins in a real life fight the rock vin vin what you may you may think the rocks you've seen him wrestle but that shit's fake dog no it isn't who's smarter vin vin who benches more the rock who fucks better vin rock's smarter also by the way who fucks better um then i'd give vin now all right so have you guys ever been attracted to an animated lady yes yeah yeah me too who's your all-time fave well i was thinking about this and um
Starting point is 00:51:20 there was always hot chicks on beavis and Butthead. Like, they'd be hot. I like that one-eyed Cyclops chick on Futurama. Super hot. I always liked the one from The Little Mermaid, Ariel. Oh, I was going to say that, yeah. Yeah, she was hot and then also the when the when the was it the ursula became the dude she was the hottest that's true she was the hottest what a babe i remember being a kid and be like she's bad and i want it yeah like she was like the first like seductress i really fell for i uh i also
Starting point is 00:52:03 always was attracted to like kind of like the hot bunnies like actually like animals you know like uh like the female bunny in um space jam nice oh dude is that babs yeah dude yeah yeah jessica rabbit that's a big one yeah that's a big one a big one yeah that's a big one yeah she was like the pam anderson of uh animated all right we got another question this one's from woody okay so there's this girl that i've been talking to for like two months and we were friends for majority of high school i'm a junior but at the party we but at this party we really hit it off we talked for damn near the whole party and it was great the next week i took her to a party and it was exactly the same. Although this party I found that she is good friends with my ex. I didn't let that bother me and time went on and we still hang out together and I asked her to prom.
Starting point is 00:52:51 The night of prom everything was going great but then at the after party I blacked out. The next morning I got completely different vibes from her and it just wasn't the same. I asked people if I did anything stupid and all they said was i was just kicking it in smoking bowls we still talk and i still have feelings for it but i feel they are not reciprocated should i try and rekindle whatever flame there was or recast my line into the sea of women i would take a step back i would still stay connected with this lady you know keep talking to her you know but don't but also talk to other ladies, you know, just so you can take a step back and, and, uh, maybe, uh, maybe decrease your interest
Starting point is 00:53:33 a little bit. So then maybe that might make her more interested in you. If you're just, if you're coming at this where you're like, um, I need to like fix this now. We need to figure out what happened, what went wrong. I think that might push her away even more so if you just take a step back play it cash you know talk to other ladies you know just be cool that might bring her back in yeah i would say if he blacked out he definitely said or did something that turned her off yeah yeah because if he doesn't remember and probably other people were blacked out too and they don't even remember It can just be the face you're making sometimes when you're blacked out. You're just so drunk, and you're so slack-faced. Yeah, you just look bad.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Especially the other person's not even close. But I don't think it's a deal-breaker. I think you can recover from it. I think it can be, depending on the girl. It shouldn't be, but it can. Well, well it's also high school so it's not like especially if they're like looking for a reason to get out of it if they you know absolutely but i think it's high school so it's not like the other guys you're comparing yourself to are like you know 40 year old mortgage brokers who like never lose their cool yeah for high school yeah you should definitely get a second chance on that.
Starting point is 00:54:47 Yeah, I think it's not – and you're drinking. I think the key is just to be like a little self-aware about it. Like maybe be like, hey, I know I got a little loco the other night, but that's not really me and I was just burning one off because it was prom. Yeah, you got to own up to that. Yeah. Yeah, it happened at prom where you got black – yeah, I mean, yeah. It's prom night. You got to be like, yeah, it was prom.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Let's get past this. We were having fun. Yeah. St. It's prom night. You got to be like, yeah, it was prom. Let's get past this. You know, we were having fun. Yeah. Stifler's Lake House. I mean, we were just getting nuts. Yeah. Exactly. Jablam.
Starting point is 00:55:14 What up, JT? What up, Chad? What up, JT? It's Curtis Boy from the East. Love your show, man. Was wondering if you could give me some advice. Got this Betty on my mind, and we used to date, but don't anymore, and she doesn't answer my texts.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Been flexing pretty hard on all my posts because I know she follows me on social media. The plan is live a life so spontaneously rad that bae can't resist the urge to reach out and answer my text. Do you guys think this is a good plan to win back an old love? Much appreciation, Curtis. Oh, yeah. Yeah, if you're living like a cool, fun-looking life, it's going to attract attention. Yeah. I like the approach.
Starting point is 00:55:48 If you look like you're a man on a mish and you're living a cool, fun life and you're just like, yeah, I'm doing my thing. I'm on my mish. If you want to tag along, cool. If not, cool. Yeah, peace. I'll find somebody else. That will increase attraction. Yeah, I think this is a foolproof plan like i think in the process of living or trying to appear to have a good life
Starting point is 00:56:11 you'll lead a good life and that and that if you don't in and the motivation for it won't be as important once you get to the end of it like you'll be like wait why did i start living this badass life oh it's to impress that chick but now that my life is so badass i don't even know if i need her because i'm happy yeah and you're going to be impressing other people along the way. Yeah, you're going to meet more people and your life's going to get bigger. So whatever motivation you need to be better, use that.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Absolutely. All right, we got Borch. I heard your plea to the council the other week and I was shocked to learn that oysters are a natural aphrodisiac. Seeing that I myself could use a little more love,
Starting point is 00:56:44 I took a honey to the shuck shack in the hopes of finding true love. After slurping a couple of those puppies, my throat closed up and I went into a rough allergic reaction. Ah, damn, dog. I'm sorry, man. I'm fine now, so everything is cush, but do you have any other suggestions for dudes who are allergic to seafood but crave a woman's companionship? I thought everyone knew about the aphrodisiac thing with oysters well there's other aphrodisiacs out there yeah chocolate strawberries dude oh nice good one
Starting point is 00:57:11 dip those strawberries in warm chocolate and then you know then your uh mojo will be firing and you'll you'll have uh i forget the word but your je ne sais quoi will be sexy yeah you don't want to have your throat close up when you're trying to get your mac on another good thing is like to get a vibrator girls really like that you get one of the good ones you can get on amazon copy yeah that's good to know what's up chad and jt coming up in a few months, I'll be 20. Two decades. Wow. Something to be for sure be grateful and celebrate tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:57:49 However, there's this one thing that is harsh in my mellow, if you will, and that's virginity. I had a girlfriend at one point and we did everything else, but the fact that I've never physically banged the noodle for sure lowers my stoke tank. Should I let this get to me or should I just keep moving loving life each day? JT? What's up, dog? So I was a virgin until I was 24. It was a big thorn in my side. It was something that I hid from people. But honestly, man, I think I'm better off for it. It's wonderful that you've pushed it off because
Starting point is 00:58:18 you only get to experience it once. And when you do it, you'll really be ready. So I wouldn't worry about it too much man i mean just keep doing what you're doing try to focus on other things improve your life in other places and when you do lose your virginity you know it'll be special dog no i disagree well i think you want to you got to lose that virginity you got to get it done i mean i i lost it at 18 um which I guess is a fine age, but I feel like that was even late. I mean, we weren't like super exclusive, but I guess she was like my girl, kind of. But like, yeah, it wasn't exactly like a special thing. Do you think it's something that you should value as special?
Starting point is 00:59:02 Do you think it is a special thing? No, I think you got to knock it out. Like riding a bike. You got to get on that bike. Even if you fall down, just get on. But learning to ride a bike is a special thing. I guess. But yeah, because the virginity thing is, it can start to wear on you.
Starting point is 00:59:26 What, he had a girlfriend and they didn't have sex? That's normal. I'm in the middle on this. Because I lost it kind of like, it was just kind of like, oh, that was nice. Yeah, when I lost it, I was like, thank God. I'm like, yeah, I was like, I wasn't like, oh, this has to be great. I'm like, I need like i wasn't like oh this has to be great i'm like i need to fuck and let's go yeah i mean i i mine probably it probably would have been better off under more
Starting point is 00:59:55 ideal circumstances like i was just kind of we were just kind of like drunk and i was just like oh that was boning okay so maybe if it was a little more romantic that would have been a little bit like cooler because i don't like look back i'm like oh that was theing, okay. So maybe if it was a little more romantic, that would have been a little bit cooler. Because I don't look back, I'm like, oh, that was the best night ever. I'm just like, oh. Yeah, I did it in the car. It's great.
Starting point is 01:00:13 No, mine was awesome. We were in a hotel room. She had an orgasm. Yeah, right. Yeah, no, she did. I didn't believe her, but she did. Bullshit. No, she did. I didn't believe her, but she did. Bullshit. No, she did. I didn't believe her, but she did.
Starting point is 01:00:27 I do like your perspective on it. We had already said we loved each other. I didn't say that. We cried afterwards. Mine was much more like Joe's. It was very what up. Yeah, I was excited to get it over with. I wasn't like, oh, this is going to be amazing. You don't want to be a virgin.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Aiden. What up, JT and Chad? Feel like switching up, giving equal shoutouts to you two amazing dudes. What up, dog? So my long-time girlfriend broke up with me on the first day of summer break, and it was a total bummer. She's been dealing with some mental health stuff and feels like she needs to focus on herself. And I have my own batch of shit too.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I'm writing this in the lobby of my therapist. Shout out to her. What up? She said that at the end of summer, we might reevaluate and get back together. My problem is that I'm so busy being heartbroken that I don't have summertime fun, nor am I working on improving myself.
Starting point is 01:01:17 I haven't even been listening to the pod and I'm only getting back on the backlog now. And since it's completely up in the air and whether we get back together, I can either just be flat out bum nor bummed at all so it's sort of worse than if she'd flat out broken up with me so what else should i do any tips on getting over a betty i don't want to rebound because i want to be able to get back with her and also i'm weird and introverted and shit so fling isn't really my vibe and probably wouldn't work out anyways i'm so fucking pumped right now
Starting point is 01:01:42 dudes and don't know how to i'm so fucking bummed not pumped you're the opposite and i don't know how to go on thanks aiden oh this guy nuts summer just started you got to get out there go what do you think she's doing sitting at home reading waiting for you this guy's gotta get out there at least try and get socked you know you could be like okay i don't want to bang these other girls but at least get sick dude i love the perspective of your advices so dude yeah because what do you think she's doing i just it's the summer she wants to see what dicks are swinging you know i love you're saying, Joe, because I think you have a much more hard take on it, but I think it's very well-meaning behind it.
Starting point is 01:02:31 Yeah, I mean, she's going to be like Tarzan, swinging on different dicks. Or Jane, if you will. I don't know if that's true. I don't know if she will be, but I do agree with you that he needs to be out there living life. Like, you can't just be wasting your time, especially this prized short time, like, pining for somebody that might not care about you. Yeah, the summers. Yeah. You know, you got to use it.
Starting point is 01:02:55 You know, it goes quick. You got to. And then the negative self-talk that, like, I'm weird and shit. Like, everybody's weird and shit. Everyone who's competing with you for girls is weird and shit. You can't use mental whatever. What did you say? Mental health is an excuse?
Starting point is 01:03:10 Like if you love somebody and you want to hang out with them. You don't take breaks like that. You would use that to help your mental health. Yeah. Like you're – that's a cop-out. You're saying that – and also you're almost saying that like I need to get away from you because you're not good for my mental health in a way. You're saying that. So it's like – don't make a face because that's true. I'm a good analyst.
Starting point is 01:03:40 He needs to take action. Yeah. Take action. Get out there. You should check out a YouTube channel, Charisma on Command, dude. If you're ever with somebody and they say, I need to get my mental health together, that means they don't love you. No, that's a huge – that's not necessarily true. I think it's part of it.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Obviously, they're having issues. Some people do, not all people, but also like, if you're going through stuff mentally, you want, you need to be around somebody that's going to help you get through it. And, uh, being in your own head, isn't going to solve it. Yeah. You get out there and take action. I don't, I don't disagree.
Starting point is 01:04:19 I've used, like, I've been like, I've told girls, I was like, look, I have to break up because I'm a sex addict and I need to focus on my recovery. And I was just lying. Cause I just didn't want to date the person. And it was like, it was a, it was a lie of convenience. Like I took something that was like actually wrong,
Starting point is 01:04:31 but not every situation is that, I mean, all we know is the girl has mental health problems. We don't know like what, how she broke it off with a guy. Why she broke it off with a guy or what she actually is doing. But I do agree. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:04:44 The guy needs to live his own life yeah yeah because she's basically like i want to get fucked by more guys than you joe what is your movie quote of the week go to chad first because i chad what is your movie quote of the week um all right i got mine can i go yeah i had to look it up for a second um it's uh it's from d2 the mighty ducks nice great movie you guys know that movie yeah of course yeah there's a line that um one of guys – like once they were starting to get sponsorship and all this stuff. I forget who the guy was, but he said to Gordon Bombay, he goes, life can be great if you know the right people. And I mean that's really a great – because there's a lot of – there's a few different ways you can look at that.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I mean that's really a great – because there's a lot of – there's a few different ways you can look at that. It's like if you know people with power and influence, they can help you. But also if you have great friends and a great family, life is great. So there's a couple different ways of looking at that line. But generally speaking, yeah, if you know the right people in life, your life is going to be pretty awesome. So I thought that was a great line. It was a good line. I think that's the best of the Mighty Ducks movies.
Starting point is 01:06:19 Yeah, the second one was great. Because best bad guy. The Iceland guys? Yeah. Yeah, they were cool. But yeah, I mean the first one was great too what about this quote from number two after uh usa beats iceland the one iceland kid spoiler iceland kid goes because you lost it he goes you lost it for yourself let's go shake their hands oh yeah to the coach yeah yeah that coach was a badass. He's an animal.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Chad, what is your movie quote of the week? Okay, mine's from the movie Step Brothers. Great movie. When Derek, who's the brother of Will Ferrell in Step Brothers, he's talking to the dad and he's like, yeah, dude, I got my real estate license for shits and gigs and i'll even do it for four fifths commish because you know what really gets my dick hard helping out my friends nice that's awesome and i think he just really hit the money there about you know like there's a lot of different ways to get your dong hard it probably feels the best you know
Starting point is 01:07:21 when you're like wow i helped this guy find a new house and i only charged him four fifths commish this boner was earned you know for sure helping others is the key to uh i think um you know long lasting and quality erections my uh movie quote of the week is from the movie 10 things I hate about you nice yeah it's at the end when Heath Ledger's character Patrick has a
Starting point is 01:07:54 kind of a he's making it up to Julia Stiles for dating her with ugly intentions at first because he was getting paid to date her so he makes it up to her at the end of the movie so he buys her a guitar and she goes into her car she's like oh my god a guitar and then they start making out and they're all joyous to be back together and you know they belong together so it's a good time and then she stops kissing him and cat stratford who's a real
Starting point is 01:08:15 pistol goes you can't just buy me a guitar every time you screw up you know and then fucking heath ledger the man patrick looks back and he goes, yeah, I know. But then you know, there's always drums and bass and maybe even one day a tambourine. Bang, dude. I like it any time the love of your life challenges you and is like, oh, you're actually not the shit. And then the guy goes, no, I am the shit.
Starting point is 01:08:37 Yeah, that's why you love me. Yeah, exactly. Joe gets it. Yeah, I get it. Is that it? that's it guys that was episode 24 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast
Starting point is 01:08:51 thank you so much for writing in for listening for being stokers big thank you to our dog Joe Chad, JT thank you
Starting point is 01:08:59 this was a lot of fun you're a legend you're a legend dude and guys keep writing in if you're on iTunes leave're a legend dude and uh guys keep writing in uh if you're on itunes leave us a review we love reviews and um just keep uh stay stoked guys stay stoked we'll see you next week later thank you

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