Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 246 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: July 7, 2022

What up stokers! This week it's Chad and JT    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP].  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers before we begin this podcast i want to let you know that we are going on tour we got new dates that are up on the website i'm talking hawaii which ticket link isn't available yet but it will be available after july 4th so probably now that you're listening to this what up uh we're going to nashville chicago uh north carolina south carolina new york we got a lot of dates coming up check out tickets at chadjt.com we're also going to be at the Hollywood Improv on July 27th if you're in LA get tickets at chadjt.com
Starting point is 00:00:32 come see us live what up dudes, we're also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped, Manscaped thank you so much for keeping our trims for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because hey you, I'm talking to you you got bush you definitely do if you haven't tried the best products from our favorite sponsor manscape what up taking control of your bush is important you
Starting point is 00:00:55 got a big old bush and you want to make sure that it's manicured and fresh and you want to make sure that you got the net best nut sack on your cul-de-sac save big and be the most hygienic version of yourself by using our discount code go deep for 20 off and free shipping at manscaped.com all right let's start the show so is the cherry does that have sugar in it no zero sugar zero carbs how did they do that in soda how do they make it so that it's just sugarless and calorie-less and yeah i think it's sugarless calorie-less and way worse for you probably it's just chemicals i remember we were we were in when we were here in texas we were i was drinking i was just sucking down diet cokes and not drinking beers and joe's like
Starting point is 00:01:53 it's probably way worse for you i'm like yeah you're probably right yeah depending probably is it has more caffeine than regular coke by the way really yeah interesting i mean worse for you from like maybe a like biological health perspective but from like uh everyone's things are different like some people soda's a better alternative than booze and for some people booze might be a better alternative i love diet coke our friend robbie he's like not drinking now he he just fucking houses diet oh yeah you know we're bonding over that yeah he's like dude now. He just fucking houses Diet Coke. Oh, yeah. He and I were bonding over that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:26 He's like, dude, I love Diet Coke. I was like, dude, I love you. That's sweet. That's nice. My brother sent me a video of him just ordering a pitcher. Really? Dude, that sounds amazing. I got to do that.
Starting point is 00:02:37 He got a pitcher of Diet Coke. Everybody else was doing pitchers of beers. He's like, just give me a pitcher of Diet Coke. Dude, that's awesome. Went hard on it. What a legend. Yeah, he's awesome. Went hard on it. What a legend. Yeah, he's awesome. We just got a dub in Call of Duty like 30 minutes ago.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Oh, you guys got a dub? Oh, yeah, good one. Were you in the Caldera? No, Rebirth. The new Rebirth. There's a new Rebirth map. What's the new Rebirth? I forget the name of it, but it's cool.
Starting point is 00:02:58 It kind of feels like Strider called it out. He said it feels like a city from Croatia, but I forget what the name of the city is I'll look it up Every time he says it I'm like Where is that? He's like Croatia Dubrovnik Is it really?
Starting point is 00:03:17 Yeah I was joking there You got it Well why don't you Flick the bell end and call me Ted? Because what's up, Stokers of Stokernation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas.
Starting point is 00:03:35 What up? Boom clap, Stokers. We're here with the emissary of audio engineering, Aaron Brungardt. Welcome. Thanks. Call sign cream. Signing in. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Call sign cream. Dude, when was the last time you creamed last night? No. Yesterday, though. Nice. Yeah. Well, what up what up dude you look comfy on that couch thank you brother feel comfy yeah now we're here it's friday afternoon we got fourth of july coming up what are your plans what are you doing dude so tomorrow uh which is Saturday
Starting point is 00:04:26 I'm going to a beer pong tournament at Corey LaCostics from the pod dear friend of the pod dear friend in regular life good dude gonna be some good beer pong he can play oh dude he can rip and then that night I got a show at uh Jimmy Berry's the guy who works with Friday beers he's doing a show oh nice so I'm gonna go do that with Friday Beers. He's doing a show. Oh, nice. So I'm going to go do that. And then Sunday, Brandon Norman's having a party. I'm going to that. Nice. And then Monday, my girlfriend's having a party, and I'm going to that.
Starting point is 00:04:52 Oh, she's having a party. Mm-hmm. Nice. She's having a little shindig. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, I'm excited. We went out on Thursday, or Wednesday, rather, and she bought a new grill. Right, yeah. What kind of grill? I don't even know. My girlfriend loves to shop. It's bought a new grill. Right, yeah. What kind of grill?
Starting point is 00:05:05 I don't even know. My girlfriend loves to shop. It's like her favorite thing. Really? She gets so excited by it. I just post up on that couch hard. I just sort of beeline it. And I'll be like, yeah, it's good.
Starting point is 00:05:16 No, it's not good. I like that. Don't like that. Well, that's nice. I kind of like... Because I'm interested in fashion and stuff. So she'll be like... She'll just come out and try stuff on. I'm like, yeah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:05:27 No good. No good. I'm just sitting on the couch just like, you know, on Twitter. That's fun. Yeah. But no, I have the same thing. I think when I'm shopping for myself, I get overwhelmed because I don't know. I think I'm thinking about a combination of like spending money and then I'm just overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:05:44 by the options. And I'm just like, am I actually going to wear this? That's a big thing is like, am I actually going to wear it? Because you can try something on, and you're like, yeah, this is sick. There's a world where I could see myself wearing this in Cabo or something. And then you buy it, and then you totally forget about it. No, that happens all the time. You buy stuff that's at the edge of your sensibility. You you put it on and you're like oh this does look good but this
Starting point is 00:06:08 would mean that i'm becoming like a different version of me like i'm presenting as like a new style a new yeah uh association and you're like am i ready for that right like am i ready to be cowboy chat or tommy bahama chat or yeah or like uh you know military adjacent chat those are all big swings to take decisions and you can go down that path but you know you don't want to be halfway about it and then and then a lot of times you get home and cooler heads prevail and you're like i'm just gonna throw on the hurley t-shirt and the blue jeans and rocket dude that's literally i always go back to the j crew essential teas i'm. I'm just like, you know, I'll try. I try.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I try. But, you know, it's hard not to go with Vans, Pants, and the tea. A lot of icons, they're simple in their style. Yeah. Like Steve Jobs. Tom Cruise. Louis always just wears a black t-shirt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:02 They keep it streamlined. always just wears a black t-shirt yeah they keep it they keep it streamlined well because whenever i see people uh whenever i see people who look like they're following sort of like what a you know fashion magazine sort of told them to dress like or something where they're wearing like a lot of different accessories and layers and stuff and it looks like they're trying too hard um that's like the way bigger turn off than just bad clothes you know what i mean right where it's sort of like i'm gonna wear a flannel and i'm gonna wear like a beanie to the side like this and then all this shit and uh you know and i i just like and i i think I always sort of like, whenever I shop for clothes, I fear being that guy. Who is that guy again?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Just the guy who's like, you know, following all the current fashion trends. Oh, yeah. No, that's awful. Yeah. No, you want to exist independent of that. Yeah. No, you don't want to be the guy who's on the cutting edge of fashion. But also the guy, you know, it's like the guy who's like wearing clothes where I'm like, he doesn't look comfortable.
Starting point is 00:08:10 You know, it's like if you wear like a shirt and a cardigan over that and it's like, but I'm like, it doesn't look comfortable to me. I think I like comfort. No, you want to be functional. You want to be able to move. Yeah. No, that's a big part of it. When I was like 24 24 i was pushing the style
Starting point is 00:08:26 yeah like i was wearing cardigans and stuff like that and like sexy boots and designer jeans and at a certain point i was like it's just not me yeah i want to dress like a uh hip young dad who coaches his kids sports team i like that that's my look dude you should get a cell phone carrier for your belt whoa you know it's like clips on i'll for sure do that dude that sounds great dude if you go if you do stand up in that you walk up on stage, you clip it out, put it on the bar stool. Well, Rogan wears a fanny pack. Oh, he does? I don't know if he does.
Starting point is 00:09:14 He doesn't do it on stage, but most days he wears a fanny pack. Interesting. Yeah. So he's taking big swings out there. He's taking chances. I was at a comedy store on Tuesday night. And I went into the little back area where people hang out and smoke weed. And I was smoking some weed back there with Craig Conant and some other cool guys.
Starting point is 00:09:38 And then the guy next to me is a shrooms guy. He just makes shrooms. Dude, have you seen how far they've gone with shrooms now? No. He's like, okay, so this is like shrooms juicy fruit. It's like juicy fruits, but eat them like that. He's like, these are like shroom gummy bears. And these are like, literally he was like, these are like shroom meatballs.
Starting point is 00:09:59 Not actually the meatballs. Yeah. That's what Shroom has said, literally. But he was like, it's like, I think because weed's legal now, all the creativity that used to go into taking weed into fun directions, it's not fun anymore because it's just established. Yeah. So now it's the next drug. And so now it's like all the different things you can put shrooms in.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Right. I did get his number. I was like, this is a good person to know. And I was talking to him like he was a genius. Right. But in my head, I was also like, you are kind of dumb, but you're a genius right but i was like dude that's amazing bro yeah and he had like probably six different food iterations that he had condensed mushrooms into wow interesting that i'm confused by shrooms because people are like making them so out in the open like that like here's my
Starting point is 00:10:41 here's my chocolate shroom bar and like posting about it on the internet what's the deal with shrooms now are they legal i don't understand they're legal in some states right oregon is legal right it's not totally legal but i do think there's some drugs that the cops just aren't as invested in stopping it's like decriminalized is that what they are it might be at that stage in some places yeah they're also not distributed in bricks so they're not key load up yeah right now you don't see that very often but now that's now that at some point shrooms are going to be all the way legal and then they'll start condensing other drugs into foods yeah but they'll be like dude this is a heroin gummy bear take it yeah and i'll be like oh it's a gummy bear so it can't be that bad the heroin gummy bear sounds nice and And then I'm hooked on that H.
Starting point is 00:11:25 You guys ever had meth and cheese? I mean, I've done both separately, but you're saying you can combine the two? That would be pretty sick. I'm just saying science is here for you. It's getting there. Are you trying to tell me right now that you can eat mac and cheese that has meth in it? Whoa. Someday.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Dude, that's the future that sounds really terrible yeah what being on meth yeah it seems like a tough life not a lot of people can sustain it yeah i don't know i feel like i'm so overstimulated now these days you you know, by my phone and shit and da-da-da and stuff. To be on meth, it's like to stimulate myself that much where I'm like, oh, man. You don't even sleep for four or five days? Oh, dude. No way. Well, that's the thing, too, with just doing anything these days.
Starting point is 00:12:18 For me, at least, though, I can't. If I'm going to be hungover, it ruins multiple days for me. Yeah, and a meth hangover is probably a gut punch. Yeah. That's going to be hungover, it ruins multiple days for me. Yeah, and a meth hangover is probably a gut punch. Yeah. That's going to be tougher. Yeah, I'll have to talk to some people about it, see what they think. My friend Greg one time, not Greg Giebel, another Greg, him and his lady were going to do Molly together,
Starting point is 00:12:40 and they bought it off a pretty dicey dealer. And they were in the hotel room, and they had a drug kit tester, and they tested it, and it said meth, and they just it off a pretty uh dicey dealer and they were in the hotel room and they had a drug kit tester and they tested it and it said meth and they just still did the meth and then they did it yeah what they do they just did meth in a hotel room and boned a lot oh interesting he said it was fun really yeah he said he had a great time but he said he said he couldn't come but that he was extremely invigorated by it what What, like his dick? Yeah, crystal dick. I've heard about that at sex addict meetings. Whoa. You're not, like, fully hard,
Starting point is 00:13:09 but you're, like, four-fifths hard for, like, hours. That's a nightmare. Yeah, it is. For some people, it's both. It's a twisted fantasy nightmare. Wait, what are you doing for Fourth of July? Or, sorry, what were you going to say say uh yeah you know i i don't know like i i used to and i guess i do have those fantasies a little bit now of like partying hard but like you know i used to be like oh i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:13:36 reward myself with just like a fat fat rager you know just getting hammered and stuff but now it's just like i'm gonna reward myself i'm like i'm gonna get some cookies and watch like a nicholas cage movie that's beautiful that's like that's what i love yeah simple pleasures yeah i accidentally got my mom into edibles oh nice i didn't like i just got some from a comedian that I work with who has a brand. He's a very well-known guy. Wait, you gave her edibles? I gave her those just because she wanted them, which was a shock in its own.
Starting point is 00:14:16 And now she's, like, super into them. It's weird. Oh, she's a stoner? I wouldn't call her that, but I don't know. It's bizarre. Is she watching basketball a lot? It's a funny movie it is uh you know just like it's just weird to see someone who your whole life was like don't ever don't ever don't ever do anything and she never did anything and she was with my dad and my and my dad was the only man she was ever with for her entire life like sexually so for this person to be like yeah i
Starting point is 00:14:46 was just popping edible and once cnn for a while it's like mom what i don't know i mean she watches a lot of cnn but yeah that's cool though so she's still experimenting she's still trying things for the first time ever are you worried that it's a slippery slope and that it'll lead to no no i'm not worried about that it's just it's just a bizarre flip in her brain that that i didn't see coming what's she like when she's stoned it's giggly my friend dan said it was like hard for him the first time he got stoned with his dad because his dad's a pretty uh not like uptight but pretty put together doctor and his dad got stoned and my brother asked him he's like what was it like when your dad was stoned he's like dude he was like an idiot he was like talking about how trees are cool i think it was a it was a little
Starting point is 00:15:35 jarring for him to see his you know uh the patriarch of the family turned into like a 19 year old kid in college just being like bro you notice like branches are weird yeah and it uh i guess he was a little judgy about it but you know understandably so yeah i i think that i think that comes with old age too it's just sort of like a switch in mindset it's well especially nowadays with like where weed's at in the culture so it's it's to the point where you know it's it's like so it's everywhere it's almost like people like why are you not doing weed yeah you know um and also like i am they're old enough to where they're like well i'm not gonna get hooked on heroin after this yeah but even if i did who cares yeah i think my dad's stone would be pretty funny i think he'd be like he'd
Starting point is 00:16:26 like bro i do surgery is that nuts i cut a dude open you can imagine being a surgeon you're like if you're like stoned the night before you have to do heart surgery like oh fuck dude i gotta saw through this guy's sternum that does happen when i get stoned if we have like a big day plan the next day yeah I'll be like, and we can talk about this. I got stoned. We did our first day of acting on the Rob Lowe show on Stable, the John Lowe and Rob Lowe show.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah. And I got stoned the day before, but it was like three in the afternoon. I had like 24 hours to not be stoned, but I was stoned and I was like, holy shit, I'm going to be acting in front of people tomorrow. I was like,'re gonna be filming me and then my brain was like i can't do that yeah and then i just had to have like another voice come through in my head and be like bro
Starting point is 00:17:12 relax yeah we're just gonna be like this for a couple hours and then everything will be fine by tomorrow yeah and it was but if you do have stuff that's coming up yeah and i hadn't even been thinking about i wasn't even nervous about it and then i got stoned and i got flooded with anxiety and it was like bro you're gonna look stupid tomorrow and i was like oh but then you just kind of ride it out and you're like all right i got this dude i have that because i smoked that one time like a couple months ago and i was sort of like oh i'm gonna you know uh experiment with it a little bit more and stuff but now now that we have this you know in the next month we have those shoot days uh my girlfriend will be like do you want to smoke i'm like no i have to act in three weeks you're on top of me i'm gonna be thinking about it
Starting point is 00:17:55 uh that was fun acting it's so fun we only did one day but we shot like a a big scene for our characters in the show it It's so fun. And it's interesting with acting too. I don't know if people know this, but like you don't shoot the whole scene at once. You shoot it in like chunks. So like we'll shoot our part first. And then if we're acting with Rob Lowe,
Starting point is 00:18:16 we shoot his part second. And that three pages of dialogue takes place over three hours. And for the first hour and a half it was us and rob was acting well but when someone's not getting their coverage which means the camera's not on them you don't and you have to do this most actors do this i was close to all you don't commit or say it the way you're actually going to say because you don't want to waste your energy it's crazy how much acting drains you it's bizarre like it's it doesn't even make sense you're actually going to say it. Cause you don't want to waste your energy. It's crazy how much acting drains you. It's bizarre.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like it's a, it doesn't even make sense. You're like, I'm just saying words, but like to be good at it, you really do have to like do it in a way that makes you tired. Yeah. And so he's acting and I'm acting off of them and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:18:57 yeah, Rob Lowe's a pretty good actor. No big deal. And I'm acting, I'm like, I think I'm doing good. I think I might be acting better than Rob Lowe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Crazy thoughts like that. Um, then we switched to Rob Lowe's angle. And dude, the fucking guy is brilliant. He comes alive and each line is its own exciting little journey. And then he's, I saw what really good actors can do is that when i'm doing my lines at this point i'm trying to get it right yeah i'm just like all right this is the line they wrote for me say it right but that's not great acting great acting is like we experiment with
Starting point is 00:19:34 it you experiment it goes beyond the page and then i saw him make mistakes and then turn those mistakes into like better than what was what any of us could have thought the line was going to be just because he was present yeah and and i was like whoa this guy's a fucking good and then the what's the lady's name from fleabag who we're acting with sean something she's amazing yeah and then i just watched her and then and actors are funny too because they're hard on themselves you know what i mean so she'd be like that was terrible i'd be like nah you're like a good actor yeah it's like blown away by both of them yeah i was like this is crazy i think it'll make me a better actor in the long run and then uh and you know it's nice we we have each other so even if my line is not great i'm like chad will mop this up but uh it was uh yeah it was a cool experience
Starting point is 00:20:20 i never i don't think i've ever acted with people who are like you know yeah on that level i mean it was there's a part where i was like it's fucking rob low it's crazy that hit me after like a couple hours i was like oh i'm acting in something with rob low that's pretty wild uh i know it's so it's so because he he normalized things so quickly or just i i do at least where you just sort of like you know you just normalize in this thing you know you just you sort of get to a different thing and you're sort of like yeah that's whatever you know whereas like a couple years ago it's like to think about where you know what we're doing right now it would have blown my mind but um but yeah it is you're so i was like i was like wait a second we're acting with rob it's awesome because i've watched him for you know decades like
Starting point is 00:21:14 my whole life austin powers uh that you know tommy west wing tommy boy parks and rec wayne's world wayne's world he's been in my life since I've been like, you know, six, seven years old. Behind the Candelabra, Thank You for Smoking. He's amazing in all of it. Yeah. It's weird too because like, just like so many actors are so good. Yeah. Like even the people who are doing background in our scene.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Yeah. They were really good. I was like, you're good. You're good. Yeah. I was like, it's crazy. Yeah. Like they all know how to act like, you're good. You're good. I was like, it's crazy. Yeah. Like they all know how to act.
Starting point is 00:21:46 I don't know how to act yet. I'm learning, but I'm like, you know, I consider myself more like a, what, something else, but I'm just like, I'm like watching everybody. I'm like fucking hell, dude. Get it. And you know what else I don't think it feels crazy is because when you get there, everyone treats you like you belong. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You know what I mean? Yeah. Like the PA picks you up in a golf cart. They drive to your little trailer. They do your clothes fitting for you and everyone just acts like you belong right you know what i mean yeah like the pa picks you up in a golf cart they drive to your little trailer they do your clothes fitting for you and everyone just acts like you're supposed to be there yeah like no one looks at you and you're like this is crazy huh so you're just like oh it's all normal yeah totally it's so fun that's my favorite thing to do yeah you love acting you're so good at it oh thanks man so are you it's so fun it's just uh it's just fun to uh get creative with it when you when you like know that
Starting point is 00:22:27 and you're like then you like find a new way to do it it's like fun it's so like joyful i think it's really fun i love it yeah it's cool um what's it gonna say i forget but your 4th of July plans. Oh, yeah. Can I go to Newport? I think we're going to stand up paddle around the harbor. Oh, that's awesome. I'm going to try to at least, see if I can rent a couple stand up paddle boards, go for a bike ride, maybe watch Independence Day.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I think we're probably going to see some of her friends in Newport, you know, around there. But nothing like concrete. I just want to do summer. I want to have summer days. I want to get some fireworks. You know, they have, like, those stands, because they have, like, those stands where you can buy those, like,
Starting point is 00:23:20 legal fireworks. So I'm going to buy a bunch of those and just light those off eat some hot dogs and watch independence day and then probably go out a little bit so fuck yeah that sounds perfect yeah summer day what about you aaron we're gonna go to santa barbara because apparently they have an awesome zoo oh nice kid there have you taken her to a zoo yet oh Oh, yeah. Yeah. Does she get stoked? Is she old enough? When I took her, she was probably too small to be stoked. But she's been going a lot since then.
Starting point is 00:23:56 So I don't know. Yeah. I hope so. Dude, I put up a quandary on Instagram. Oh, yeah. What was the consensus consensus i think some people misunderstood what i was asking a little bit because i i didn't specify whether so i asked what do you think is more embarrassing to call yourself an artist or creative but i think some
Starting point is 00:24:16 people thought i just meant uh creative as an adjective whereas i meant it as a noun where people say i am a creative not i am creative yeah and Yeah. And it came to me because I was doing a show on Monday at the Kibbitz room, which was really fun. Dude, it's so funny. Comics are so mean to each other. I'm hanging out with Matty Chimbor, who's hilarious, guys. Check him out. He's such a funny guy.
Starting point is 00:24:37 Softball teammate. Yeah, he plays softball. He's pretty good at softball, right? He played D2 college, right? Hit a homer yesterday, you know? Let's fucking go, Matty. Me and him are chilling. We're talking talking our buddy latif is doing a set and then a fucking heckler comes in and just is like because mickey avalon then my dick guy was doing a concert next door
Starting point is 00:24:55 lying just out the door i didn't know he was still so popular but yeah guy's got staying power some crazy fan from his thing comes into our little stand-up show and just starts like dancing and screaming at latif when he's on stage and latif is handling it but clearly would be happier if it wasn't happening yeah right when the guy comes maddie and me have been talking during latif's whole set not paying attention right when the guy comes in and starts fucking with latif without even thinking maddie just pulls out his phone and starts taking video and photos of it then just puts it away and comes back to the conversation with me.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Like, he just had a radar. He's like, oh, my friend's being fucked with. I better chronicle this moment. And then me and Matty were going to drive to the comedy store and hang out. And then before we got there, we both realized we didn't want to do that and we just drove home.
Starting point is 00:25:41 But it was a good, we were chatting in the car and Matty likes to talk shit. He's so funny. We were talking about like pitching TV shows and I was kind of telling him what our game plan is for it. And his impression of us
Starting point is 00:25:52 pitching TV shows was so goddamn funny. He goes, he just jumps in and he goes, he's pretend talking to whoever we're pitching to. He's like, you guys like tits?
Starting point is 00:26:02 The show's about surfing. I laughed for like five minutes. but then i wanted to fuck with him and he's like very against being pretentious yeah so i was like dude maddie are you an artist he's like no shut up i was like you are an artist and then he's like i'm not an artist dude shut up and then i was like well what are you he's like i'm a creative and i was like that's more embarrassing so then i asked i was like, well, what are you? He's like, I'm a creative. And I was like, that's more embarrassing. So then I asked, I was like, what's more embarrassing, being a creative or an artist?
Starting point is 00:26:28 And it was almost 50, 50. Really? It's 53%. People said artists, 47% creative, but I think it's more embarrassing to call yourself a creative. Um,
Starting point is 00:26:39 I think artists. Yeah. I think most of the people I've talked to say it's more embarrassing to call yourself an artist. Yeah. I remember when we first started like working together on stuff, you're like, you would refer to like, you know, this is our art. And then I was just, I never thought about it that way. And I was like, oh, interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:01 To me, it's art. Yeah. And to me, it's like, you know, it's not really up to you to decide if something's art. People and time kind of tell you. Yeah. But I'm pretty easy with what I consider art. Right. Even with who I consider artists.
Starting point is 00:27:15 Yeah. Like, I think if you just live a romantic life, you're kind of living an artistic life. Like, I think, like, I know, isn't the guy on the road, the Jack Kerouac book? He calls, like, Dean Moriarty, his buddy. Like, he was, like, I know, isn't the guy on the road, the Jack Kerouac book, he calls, like, Dean Moriarty, his buddy. Like, he was, like, the most artistic man I ever knew. And all he does is, like, drive around the country and, like, bang young chicks. And he thought that guy was an artist. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Just because he was living passionately, I guess. But to call yourself a creative, like, it just seems so new to me. You know what I mean? yourself a creative like it just seems so new to me you know what i mean it's like it's like this new word that we've come up with and it's like who does that really describe like i'm a creative like what is i guess i guess it's just different for me because i've had to redefine my idea of an artist because i grew up with a mom who's an artist so my idea of an artist was like you know someone with a short haircut who drank wine and ate cheese you know who's an artist so my idea of an artist was like you know someone with a short haircut who drank wine and ate cheese you know that's an artist for sure yeah and so i would i i
Starting point is 00:28:12 in turn like artists for me were just like sort of the people you know i don't always go like my mom my mom has show and go to her gallery or like her friends would come over and they're just very like distinct where they're just very like these are artsy folks you know what i mean they're like eating cheese drinking wine and they're like it was just a very so i never really i just viewed art as you know painting drawing photography sculpture yeah traditional arts yeah that's that's that was always i had it boxed in there so i never but the until you sort of helped me sort of redefine it like oh art is different things but yeah that's what i sort of grew up with yeah i don't even mean it like uh like if i say like i'm an artist i don't mean like i'm good at it or that like what i'm doing
Starting point is 00:29:06 is like important yeah i just mean like i don't know i don't even know what i mean by it yeah i just feel it in my soul i'm just like i'm an artist right it's who i am right it's so awful to call yourself that though it is awful but i but i would feel worse calling myself a creative creative being like i'm a creative. Like you're an established creative. Or like, I guess if you call yourself an artist, you can suck. But if you call yourself a creative, to me, there sounds like there's a kind of like implied sophistication and like control to it where it's like, I'm a creative.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Like I know how to move things in a way that is uh impactful i don't know it just it seems uh it's interesting because it's the opposite for me i think it is from this sounds to me too artists would be higher and a creative is just like i i put stuff out there that might be lowbrow and sucky yeah it's sort of like i i i i'm a person who professionally makes attempts at creativity who makes stuff yeah yeah i guess i just there's more to me there's when i think artist i don't really think of a successful person i think of someone who's just like painting in their garage and i'm like that's an artist who just kind of lives creatively yeah and i'm like well if that person's an artist then and then you know there's like i don't think every stand-up is an artist but a couple of them are
Starting point is 00:30:30 right like i don't know louis was doing this great interview show on canada in canada with the guy who interviewing him got me too i think he was being really really gnarly this guy john gomeshi but he was fucking good at interviewing not important but he was being really, really gnarly. This guy, John Gomeshi. But he was fucking good at interviewing. Not important, but he was good. And he pushed Louis on it. Like, Louis was like, I'm not an artist. And he's like, you're totally an artist. And Louis was like, nah, nah, nah, nah, I'm not an artist.
Starting point is 00:30:54 And like, really like, I was like, of course Louis thinks he's an artist. Like, get the fuck out of here, dude. You think you're an artist. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. I guess they're both cameras. There's episodes ofis that would disagree with louis interpretation of what he if that he's an artist because they're good and they're artsy
Starting point is 00:31:11 yeah like his whole style is very like artsy um whatever that means and you just don't know even what people are gonna like in some time but yeah i don't know. I already think of artsy. I just think of like a still shot and like a bass playing underneath. Like, doom, doom, doom, doom. Here's a coffee shop. Dude, I got this new crystal in Santa Fe. Whoa. I felt way more creative because of it.
Starting point is 00:31:38 What kind of crystal? I bought a crystal. I bought two. You bought two? Yeah. Dude, honestly, I don't even know what the crystal is. I forget the ones I got, too. What do they look like one's like a blue orb and one's like a little like little pony but he's made out of something oh nice blue what's blue i don't know what blue is i got my mom one
Starting point is 00:31:57 what's up sapphire sapphire i got my mom a amethyst, which helps with meditation and grounding and creativity. I'm going to go grab mine. Keep talking about yours, and I'll grab mine. I've been way into crystals lately, Stokers. Whoa. I even put one up my butt because I had writer's block. I just threw some citrine up there, and then I was like, what's the deal with airplane food? And that just shows the
Starting point is 00:32:25 power of crystals you know i came up with a fire bit anyways what's going on been listening to joe code i asked joe um how big his load is and he didn't answer my question no well how do you think how big do you think joe's load is do you miss doing joe code i do i miss i love listening to joe code it's great yeah yeah i still listen yeah are you still listening that's awesome yeah it's great i was listening to it right now actually really yeah it's great yeah i love you there's some weird glitch i'm hearing on this episode oh really because like he's talking and you're hearing a delay of him talking oh interesting it's weird you lost your crystals no they're around i just can't find them do you sage them you know because they pick up bad energy from people who touch them really no no one's touched them no people
Starting point is 00:33:22 in the store oh really oh whoa you gotta sage that shit damn yeah clear out that negative energy fuck i gotta sage myself a lot you know psychic vampires they're out to get you i feel that do you know what psychic vampires are no they're dudes are out there trying to suck your energy damn why are they doing that i don't know why does anyone do anything it's true they don't know what else to do that's just the only thing they can do i saw a psychic vampire at arowan sorry i'm just now go uh just this guy he's getting tortilla soup and he just looked at me and he was like the news huh and i was like get
Starting point is 00:34:05 away from me dude no shot yeah dude should we answer some cues i need your laptop though oh yeah yeah what's up dudes i may interrupt in this podcast let you know once again that we were brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims peep for looking after our hawks for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because you got a bush you got a dink or a vagina and the biggest thing is you got pubes and what are you gonna do with those pubes you're gonna let them grow out are you gonna let them go haywire you're gonna let them say to your respective partner hey i'm doing whatever i want i don't have someone asserting dominance on me no you don't want that you want your pubes to say that they're being dominated by who by you using manscaped products
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Starting point is 00:35:55 All right. Oh, also we have tour dates. We're coming to a city near you. Check out tour dates at chadjt.com. Come check our show. It is a lot of fun, you're gonna love it and i love you guys all right let's get back to the show we had our appetizer draft i love i love the hot debates going on uh i'm getting kind of slammed but i love it i think it's a lot of fun uh i think
Starting point is 00:36:19 the people going after strider actually i love strider to death i would you know i'd jump on a grenade for that guy but the people going after him for brussels sprouts are really hilarious dude the quote you sent me i just called him a douchebag yeah one guy just goes one guy just goes let me find it here it is brussels sprouts really what a douche and the guy have you seen what the guy looks like no he's like 50 i mean he spelled douche d-o-o-s-h oh that's amazing yeah well to strider's credit uh when you look at the graph and you haven't listened to the episode, you think he's just talking about straight Brussels sprouts, which you're like, you know. You see that and you're like, are you fucking serious compared to cheese fries?
Starting point is 00:37:14 But I don't think people understood that it was Brussels sprouts with bacon and a lot of other, you know, there's a nice sauce on there. Strider is the worst draft again look i'm not gonna say much i don't want to kick a man when he's down but just look at the wry smile on my face all right they're clearly not what he thought they were. He's good, though. That was a fun draft. I'm always glad when it kicks up some... Some heavy debate. ...speedy debate.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yeah. You know, I wouldn't have anticipated that. But you know what? Food is... Everyone eats food. Everyone has opinions on food. And now when I look at it, when I look at the graph, because I stand by my picks. I love them all.
Starting point is 00:38:08 But you do look at yours and Chris's. Chris's especially when you just look at the things just all stacked. We have nachos. Wings, crab cakes, and cheese fries. I mean, that's just heaven. It's rock solid. I would bathe in that but my pokey tower is still number one if you're like what's a pokey tower i'm like what do you think it is listen to the name dipshit um all right here we go long time listener of the pod and would like to thank you two for the
Starting point is 00:38:44 constant laughter and sound advice i've been releasing i've recently found myself at a low point in my life i've been dating an incredible girl for the past three years but over the past couple of months it started to go downhill so i've been dating for three years she wanted to go on a break with the aim of meeting again in mid-july to talk initially we had a no hooking up with other people rule but she decided she didn't want this rule. So we agreed we could hook up with other people, but to tell each other if we hooked up with someone else. Wanted to avoid hearing it through the grapevine. I hooked up with someone else recently, and after speaking with my therapist, decided I should come forward and tell her.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Unsurprisingly, she was very upset and made me feel like garbage. I still love this girl and want to be with her, but I feel like I ruined it and have given her a reason to end it all. She still wants to meet in mid-July, but I am thinking she just wants to dump me in person. Everyone I have spoken to about the situation said I shouldn't feel so bad because I didn't start the break and it wasn't my decision to not have a hookup agreement. Yet I am riddled with guilt and self-hatred. Any advice would be appreciated on how to navigate this situation. Dude, I totally agree with your friends, man. I mean, she started the break.
Starting point is 00:39:50 She established the rules. You originally wanted not to hook up with other people, and she didn't want that. And then you do it, and now she's upset. Totally unfair on her part. And I don't think you should feel guilty at all um simple as that yeah you sound like you're just super in your head man and just like really beating yourself up but uh like strider always says don't go 12 rounds with yourself um it all sounds like this sounds super patronizing but my therapist says it to me and i'm 34 it all sounds very young you know what i mean yeah like you guys not making like clear kind of
Starting point is 00:40:28 you're not making choices that are like protecting the relationship you're both testing like boundaries not in like a manipulative way but you're both just like exploring while still trying to like be together and it it all sounds like a lot of mistakes are going to happen if that's the kind of way you're doing it. Yeah. I don't think you did anything wrong. I don't think she's, she's, she's upset. Cause you hooked up with someone else, but I think your future trip in a little bit of being like, she's going to break up with me. Like she might, she's probably not.
Starting point is 00:40:58 And maybe you just want to break up, man. Maybe you don't want to be in this thing. I know you say you really love her, but like, I don't know. it sounds a little all over the place yeah i think i think once he gets some time away from it it's you know it sounds like a messy situation i feel for him he's been with her what three years long time it's understandable that he's gonna have these like conflicting feelings but yeah and he feels like he really needs he should be taken care of her yeah it's understandable that he's gonna have these like conflicting feelings but yeah and he feels like he really needs he should be taken care of yeah it's sweet yeah it is nice from from the objective standpoint you're good you're a good guy you have nothing to worry about you did nothing wrong you stayed within the rules and um you know what when you go see her order
Starting point is 00:41:42 some brussels sprouts yeah they'll have it on the sides part of the menu and then uh but dude also i would say this too like uh so funny i already forgot what i was gonna say dude i'll give you a little mission after you hear this try not to talk about any of this for like a week just try and sit with it for like a week i know when i think i did something wrong i just call people off the hook and it just makes the problem more you just spiral more so even like talking to your therapist and talking to your friends and writing into a podcast i know it feels like you're gonna get answers but answers, but you know the answer.
Starting point is 00:42:27 You've gotten the answer. Just sit with it, and just don't talk to anyone about it for a while, and see how that feels. Not because you're hiding anything, but just to see what it feels like to just hold it. All right, this one's kind of a blur. I have kind of an opposite take of you guys a little bit not that not that he did bad i don't have that opposite take i just think it's over and it's okay yeah
Starting point is 00:42:51 like you hooked up with somebody you were willing to do that at the time so you're willing to find someone else i mean like i wouldn't be and if you young, especially like you don't, you don't always end up with the person you're with for even three years. Like those, those Peter out, she wanted to take a break. Why'd she want to take a break? Something's broken. So it's all right.
Starting point is 00:43:17 You're going to be fine. Take care of yourself. Hang with the boys and do the things, do some stuff you've been wanting to do that you haven't done and you'll get through it. Sounds good. This one's kind of a bummer. What up boys and any esteemed guests,
Starting point is 00:43:34 longtime fan of the Stoke. So I recently got dumped by this girl who I was seeing for a few months who I really liked. She said we had great chemistry and always had a good time when we were together, but she said she doesn't have that longing feeling for me when we're not together. Here's the issue. Past few years, I've been dumped four to five times now by girls I really liked,
Starting point is 00:43:51 all of whom can't give a solid reason as to what it is about me that made them lose attraction and desire. All were two- to four-month relationships. It's really messing with me mentally, especially in terms of confidence. Like, is something wrong with me that girls only discover after getting to know me better? Am I trying to better myself? I'm trying to better myself,
Starting point is 00:44:08 so I was thinking of contacting my exes and seeing if they can give me a little more context as to what it was. Is this a good or a bad idea? Any recs on how to approach that convo with them? Or just any recs for this struggling fella? Thank you, legends, and sorry for the long background. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Dude, little context. I Googled this guy. He's really handsome. Really? Yeah. He's like a really good looking guy. Interesting. There's your problem.
Starting point is 00:44:33 Yeah, dude. You're too handsome. Dude, who knows? Yeah, who knows? I would, like, thinking positively on it, do you know how many guys would be dying for the past few years to have
Starting point is 00:44:47 dated four to five gals? You know what I mean? Like you're clearly not having problems meeting people and at least, uh, getting them invested to some degree. I think maybe, and I don't mean to be Pollyannish, maybe you just haven't met the right person yet.
Starting point is 00:45:02 Maybe none of these were your person and maybe you have some peculiarities or things about you that is not you know grokking with these other gals but maybe they're just not the right gal I just like if you want to take space from dating to figure it out go for it but I think just as fair if you keep dating you're gonna meet someone who's all in that's just just the process. Yeah, I agree. And, and dude, I, I, I dealt with that in like college and stuff of like not being able to get like a long
Starting point is 00:45:29 term thing. And oftentimes it was cause I liked them too much. And I would, you know, it was like way, it's way too clingy. Yeah. Too soon.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Too soon. Yeah. Yeah. Especially in college, you know, I'd be like, if you like, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:43 this girl who I was like crushing on and like hook up and i'd be like no way and i just all over them yeah scare him off that was my issue um and weren't they all smoke shows too what's up weren't they all smoke shows yeah they're all hot right yeah well sorry i know he wanted to be anonymous bleep that bleep his name um you might just be dating super hot chicks dude i mean if you're dating a lot of hot chicks that that's that's what that's how that's how it goes down a lot of times and you know what and and so i would just keep doing you just keep work you know focus on yourself and building your your own life and focusing on that because i found that you know you can you can implement all the like dating tricks or whatever you know it's like being like detached or whatever but i think at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:46:36 it just comes down to if you're like trying to to you know truly attract someone and keep them it all just comes down to who you are as a person, you know, so, and I don't think there's anything wrong with you, but, you know, if you, if you have your life, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you have your life and you're super invested in what you're doing and you're excited about what you're doing in your life, that's going to be attractive to someone else else so i think as long as you focus on that then the right person will come along and then you'll meet that person and you'll be like oh this is the person then you guys will be together so i think that's i wouldn't worry too much about just keep living yeah and i think also dude like
Starting point is 00:47:20 yeah sort of piggybacking off what Chad's saying, like, do you feel like you're truly being yourself in these relationships? Maybe just be weird. Just be a weird guy. Do you know what I mean? Does that make sense? Sure. Yeah, totally. Just be weird.
Starting point is 00:47:40 If you're weird, be weird. Yeah. And then you'll filter out people quicker, and the people who stay will be a better match. And just, yeah, just don't hold back. Just keep doing what you're doing. But maybe it could be, I think he's probably doing that. I think he's probably clinging to people and being a little needy.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Yeah. But to me, that's not being weird. To me, that's just being afraid of not having someone with you and you're not actually yourself i'm saying be your full eccentric colorful self and just see what happens after that you might have better luck yeah totally because i think people respond to that it's like authenticity or something like that yeah wanting to better yourself is great but do not contact your exes about it oh yeah to the exes thing yeah i was it was a good movie, High Fidelity.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I do a little bit of that. I know you do. I'll do the old anatomy of a murder and call up the ex. Hey, what happened there? It's always nice to reconnect a little bit and no bad blood. There might be. There might be, but, well, hey, it's up to them if they pick up the phone. You want to give them a gun while you're at it?
Starting point is 00:48:44 Sure. Look, I reserve the right to torture anyone I've loved for the rest of my life. No, I try to keep it small, but yeah, do you call up all your exes? But I think you're, but you're saying that that might set him back farther. Yeah. Yeah. It's just gonna, it's just gonna hurt. I mean, it's not, it's not growth hurt i mean it's not it's not growth it's
Starting point is 00:49:05 just you're you're being masochist you're being a masochist yeah yeah it's tough yeah i wouldn't have you ever contacted an ex i'm like yo what happened there uh no only drunk in like college i was like i was like what did you do to me i remember one time i was you know you remember when like you remember those when i was younger and stuff like and i think a lot of people have this that fantasy of like of like just laying it on someone telling them how much they hurt you and like how much it affected you uh when in retrospect that's like the most pathetic thing you can do as opposed to just being like yeah whatever but anyways so i just you just get drunk and you're like you know i almost had to go therapy because
Starting point is 00:49:50 of you right and so i remember one time there's this girl i like i was like you really hurt me i hate you like like whatever and she was like we were never exclusive. I was like, what? What? And it still hurts. So don't do it. I mean, I've told a few girls that I've dated to go die in a fire. So I really can't. Oh, you have?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Oh, see, I've, yeah. When I call back and ask, I till the the pain has subsided so i sound like a happy person on the phone yeah i'm coming at it from a perspective of like hey everything's good over here how are you doing yeah but deep down i'm you know i'm fucking with them yeah but lightly yeah i just want them to know i'm okay yeah yeah so bleep his name out again but if you're gonna if you're gonna call them yeah don't be too hurt when you call them or or go all the way with it and just call them and be like they're like hello and you're like and you're like they're like who is this and you're like
Starting point is 00:51:08 I've never I've never been the same I will never be the same since you fucking walked away you stupid bitch you stupid stupid bitch that's uh I'm gonna this uh on one of the seasons of america's next top model
Starting point is 00:51:29 the nerdy girl who like was a great model though she had like a when they would put the makeup on her like holy shit it was crazy they were doing shoots with like italian model guys and they all came over on their vespas and they all got in the hot tub and she just went fucking nutty with some dude in the hot tub and yeah some dude. She had a boyfriend back home and she calls him. It's so funny, dude. She calls him and she's like, I did the worst thing I could do. And the guy goes, you fuck somebody!
Starting point is 00:51:54 And then he starts crying. It's really sad. But it's really funny. He starts crying and then he just goes, you stupid bitch. What's the song? America's Next Top Model. Oh, that's amazing. Wait, what's this song? America's Next Top Model. Oh, that's amazing. Yeah, throw up the clip.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Jack, can you throw up the clip? It's so funny. That's amazing. Yeah. Just please tell me what you did. Okay. Just tell me. This is the worst possible thing I can do.
Starting point is 00:52:23 You had sex? I don't know. It happened last night. The worst possible thing I can do You changed you're not you're not sandy To cheat on someone you've known for four years. I never thought you could do that You think about how we wanted to be together forever then he throw it away you stupid bitch um yeah when you say when you say like that from that place of pain it's funny um all right here's another all right should we do a heavy question or a light question? I think we got to do a light one. Yeah, we got another guy who's pining for someone. I'm just going to tell this guy real quick.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Dan, who doesn't know if he should reach out to this girl he broke up with because he's still in love with her. Am I overthinking? You're saying don't? No. I'm going to go quick. Just call her. Tell her you love her.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Just do it. Just do it. Just call her and tell her you love her. What's the worst Just do it. Just call her and tell her you love her. What's the worst that's going to happen? You're going to find out. It's not what you should do, but you need to find out. Go do it. Go do it.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Aaron Cam, big head shake on that. Aaron did the opposite of cream. Yeah. He just did a whip it. He brought it in. All right. Shotgunning. Hey, Chad and JT, how do i get faster at shotgunning
Starting point is 00:53:46 beers any tips from the party bros themselves uh just repetition man just repetish you know maybe do some throat opening exercises um you know i don't know what those entail but i would just start chugging everything. Chug everything. Start in the morning with chug your water, chug your cold brew, chug your green juice, chug your tonic,
Starting point is 00:54:17 chug your Diet Coke, and then chug that shotgun at night. Same deal, dude. I'm not very good at shotgunning, but I'll give you baseline advice, dude know how do you get to carnegie hall practice man how do you write a great play you read a lot of plays you just got to do the thing just never not be shotgunning breakfast lunch and dinner shotgunning beers getting that muscle memory in place getting your gullet smooth and lax and before long you'll be top dog, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:49 Just go. Just shotgun. Such a great word. Yeah. Shotgun-a-brew. Shotgun. It's my favorite. Chad, you ready for the next part?
Starting point is 00:54:58 Yes, sir. Chad. What's your beef of the week, dude? All right. This beef is probably my biggest beef of all time and i do not say that lightly my beef is with this new internet campaign against teabagging sorry how dare they so according to this article let me read the article teabagging or tactical squatting has long since been a form of communication in online games namely first person shooters like call of duty and halo though whether it should be is a different matter altogether typically this is performed by crouching repeatedly while standing over an enemy
Starting point is 00:55:42 player's body or face most players see the action as a form of trolling opponents or asserting dominance that's correct though recent arguments in the gaming community have called into question whether or not teabagging is sexual assault according to the dictionary definition teabagging is the act of placing one's testicles the mouth of another person often repeatedly raising and lowering it like a person tipping the teabag what uh however someone on discord is saying that without consent this is sexual assault and i'm just here to say no no and i'm not i'm not going to stand for this i'm not going to stand for the slander against teabagging. Teabagging has been around for generations,
Starting point is 00:56:27 and it's going to stay around for generations as the premier form of asserting dominance after getting a kill in a first-person shooter. If we don't have teabagging in video games, where are baggers going to take out the aggression? I don't know. The real world, maybe. And you don't want that to happen, although I've been teabagged in person by Kevin the aggression. I don't know. The real world, maybe. And you don't want that to happen.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Although I've been teabagged in person by Kevin, and I kind of enjoy it. That's neither here nor there. Anyways, I'm just here to say, nah, fuck you. And I'm going to teabag as many people as I possibly can. I'm going to keep doing it. as many people as i possibly can i'm gonna keep doing it although to ask a player you just down for consent to teabag would be really hilarious yeah if they had like a button for that like you click wine it just like pops up like yes no and they have to click it click yes every time yes teabag me yes teabag me anyways i'm pissed this is uh this biggest atroxity I think I've ever heard of. And there's nothing sacred anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:29 Like, I at least thought that I could teabag for the rest of my life. And, you know, I don't want to live in a world where that's not a thing. Yeah, I think they should also have like a suicide option in those games where you can just blow your own brains out. And then afterwards, I'll just click, yes, please teabag me. And I'll do that for the remainder of the game. Dude, thank yeah i love getting t-bagged that's the thing it's like it's not like it's not like i like to t-bag people then when people do it to me i get all pissed when i get t-bagged i love it you know i just love seeing those virtual nuts just coming in my face
Starting point is 00:57:59 i'm like yeah i deserve that shit and i don't know man i mean like you know i'm just thinking down the line would you trust a president who hadn't been t-backed before i haven't thought about that or i have thought about that no that was part of the reason i voted for biden he'd be a good person to teabag do you think when he fell off his bike he was kind of begging for it there was a big crowd around him so you never know it could happen you can cut a clip of you teabagging biden after that take it take it take it and he'd probably be cool about it yeah you'd be like come on man that's my man grow up a little bit yeah come on don't teabag me jack that's hilarious aaron you gotta be oh chad's got more beef sorry i'm gonna make it my babe okay cool i just like that this article doesn't object to people killing each
Starting point is 00:59:05 other in video games just what they do after how they celebrate right like the violence is okay violence but the tea bag is where it gets a little too yeah gruesome uh my beef of the week is with uh these four teenage kids four teenage guys who showed up to my softball game last night it was a nine o'clock game uh we're playing a team we haven't seen in a while but i don't know either way it doesn't matter games i mean we're crushing these guys it's it's fun uh but they're also super they're super uh negative towards each other it's really weird they're all just speaking spanish and just talk about teabagging someone just like anytime anyone made an error it was like
Starting point is 00:59:53 fuck you your mom's a whore stupid dog yeah it was insane and some other players afterwards were talking about quitting like on their own team yeah including on their own team it was insane um but in like the middle of the first inning or second inning these four teenage boys show up one of them is shirtless it's pretty ripped for a teenage boy shirtless wearing the giant like uh sunglasses that look like a snowboarder's visor almost like and that's it just shirtless and with those on it's again dark out um and they were just commenting throughout the game and it was it was like i didn't really pay much attention to it because it didn't really bother me until towards the end of the game where I'm throwing a pitch
Starting point is 01:00:47 and one of them says our team is pizza party he says pizza as I'm about to release the ball purposely to distract me and as soon as I let go of it and I don't even know I don't know how long it was before I just said shut up and just stared at these
Starting point is 01:01:04 fucking kids I will come at you it was before i just said shut up and just stared at these fucking kids and like i'm fuck i will come at you motherfuckers and they'd already been spoken to by several players i think virtu said he went over and talked to them too like to get them to shut up and that's like final straw like you don't talk in someone's backswing you don't say something while someone's about to swing the bat and you definitely don't do it when daddy's doing his fucking work let's go and these kids left right after i did that so dude message received but also get the fuck out of here did you verbally bag them i did i verbally bagged them nice dude get out of here i wish i knew what they look like so i could go over and
Starting point is 01:01:42 find them and tabag them. I would like to see that. My Beef of the Week. What's my Beef of the Week? Chad, who's your Beef of the Week? It's honorable to be. My Beef of the Week is another beef. No, my Beef of the Week.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Sorry. I'm going to make my own. Yeah, my baby of the week is my other beef. Yeah, because you had a lot of beef this week. Yeah, I'm a two beef. I'm on a two beef week. Wow. To anyone who doesn't know, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to drop this bomb on you. Splash Mountain is being renamed.
Starting point is 01:02:24 What? splash mountain is being renamed what uh i don't even know what the rename is like tatiana's adventure what the fuck is that and you know what the reason for it i get it it's the the the theme song song of the south used racist stereotypes you know i'm like okay we won an oscar but yeah um zippity-doo-dah won an oscar is it right that song's racist apparently he was yeah that's you can't find it anywhere one movie song of the south it's a disney yeah the name kind of song of the south yeah and look i get it you know uh you know if you want to replace the song replace the song you want to make a new story uh you know if you want to replace the song replace the song you want to make a new story that's fine i guess i don't know but just like why are you renaming it yeah like tatiana's adventure like splash mountain i'm pretty sure those two words aren't racist tells you what it
Starting point is 01:03:17 is and pretty universal yeah splash and mountain yeah tatiana's adventure i mean it better if you guys are gonna redo that whole ride it better be sick as fuck yeah and tat, Tatiana's Adventure. I mean, if you guys are going to redo that whole ride, it better be sick as fuck. Yeah, and Tatiana's like a hot name. Yeah. Her Adventure sounds hot. I want Tatiana to be hot, and I want her Adventure to be hot. You know, I want to get a wet... Sorry.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Probably not the best way to... It's the princess from Princess and the Frog. Oh, okay. Yeah, like if we want to fight the good fight, we shouldn't too horned out yeah yeah um but i don't know dude i mean just keep the name splash mountain i'm pretty sure the word splash isn't racist i'm pretty sure the word mountain isn't racist and i think the two combined i think it just means getting wet um as far as i can tell i don't think that's racist so i think you can keep the name and do whatever you want with the ride just make sure it still has the log drop and
Starting point is 01:04:08 um yeah that's my beef that's where i saw my first celebrity who seventh grade saw sinbad on splash mountain dude he's a legend he is i heard he's such a good comic oh he's hilarious yeah dude his stand-up rips yeah he's so goddamn funny totally improvised it doesn't look like he has to try at all it's just he's so comfortable up there that's crazy aaron here's your baby of the week uh my babe slash legend of the week is the kids in the hall oh yeah they got a new show right yeah it's been a while uh i've been meaning to say it but i've been been absent from the show for a little bit. It's just so funny. They're still so good at age 60, like they were in their 20s, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:50 It's amazing. It's nice to have a sketch comedy show, too, with people in their 60s. You just don't see that very often. They totally address it all the time and just like, hey, maybe, you know, there are definitely points where they're like, yeah, we don't fit in the sketch because we're old, but they still go with it. It's super fun and then they do stuff that only they could do in their 60s which is fun that's awesome dude i do have a beef of the week oh no i'll make cat my babe my beef kevin durant oh yeah what's he doing this fucking guy kevin right one of the greatest basketball players
Starting point is 01:05:22 i've ever seen seven feet tall handle, impossible jump shot to defend, can hit it from anywhere, so smooth out on the court, never looks like he's forcing it. Truly a special, special, special basketball player. But he started off in Oklahoma City in like 2012, I want to say, maybe even a little bit earlier. They had like this incredible young nucleus with him and Russell Westbrook and James Harden.
Starting point is 01:05:44 They get to the finals way before most teams that age get there because normally need like a little more you know veteran leadership or whatever they lose to lebron's uh heat no shame in that the next year they almost make it back but then i think they get beat by the spurs and then the next year they almost make it back they lose harden uh and then they get beat by the Warriors. Klay goes crazy on them. Way to go, Klay. Durant leaves Oklahoma City, goes to Golden State. After Golden State had already won a championship and just lost in the next
Starting point is 01:06:14 one, he went to the 73-9 Golden State Warriors. So it's rare for a guy who might be the best player in the league to go to the best team in the league. It's just like not how we were traditionally raised to think superstars should act but it was like the player empowerment era it's like all right whatever let him go where he wants to go let him be happy they win two titles they lose a third because
Starting point is 01:06:34 everybody gets hurt he leaves golden state goes to new jersey he stacks the deck again they get kairi irvin james harden doesn't work out for a bunch of reasons now he's requesting a trade and he who knows what how specific it really was but the team he requests he requested to get traded to is the is the sons who had the best record in the nba and have like a couple of studs on the team so it just looks like every time it gets tough kevin durant will go to the best team available and just be that little extra they need to get over the top. But at a certain point, you do look like you're running from a challenge. You know what I mean? It looks like as Damian Lillard famously talked trash to Paul George,
Starting point is 01:07:16 who had kind of done a similar thing. He said, you keep running from a tough time and I'll keep putting in that work. And he might get traded to traded the trailblazers too which would put him with lillard but i don't know it's just it's not a good look it's not a good look and i like durant but i was saying some mean things about him in my text thread yesterday on with the xbox boys i was i was throwing out some ugly phrases i was drunk and i i was i i felt like he set himself up for it and i when i saw the news on sports center i i commented ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i laughed at him yeah kevin durant you're a bitch that's what i said i called him a bitch i said what a bitch yeah it's so fun to call an athlete a bitch
Starting point is 01:08:06 yeah just these you know like specimens of what humanity can create and then you're just like yeah too bad you're a bitch dude yeah yeah go to the suns go to the suns chad who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is rob lowe's hair bro dude could not stop staring at it how's it so thick that so thick amazing hairline just he's got a balayage in there i'm pretty sure it was just fantastic you literally said that to me in between takes there's like 50 people on set yeah me and chad just finished a fucking searing take chad just leans over and goes i think he has a balayage i love his hair dude i was just i was admiring i was just thinking i was like it's so odd yeah i was like just i was
Starting point is 01:08:58 just looking at his hair i was like that's so awesome you awesome. And then you just ripped it. That's awesome. Yeah. So wait, Babe and Legend are separate again? Yeah. Damn it. It's okay. I prepared just for one of the two. You can improv it.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I mean, I will say, we took down the Rick Glassman episode, so I lost my shout out to the legend that i ran into at ralph's uh the stoker i ran into the ralphs who who recognized me despite i was wearing a mask oh nice dude and everything uh so shout out to him again uh thanks for thanks for and eagle eyes for spotting me on the wild um my legend of the week is, you know what? I'm gonna run it back. I've done it a million times. I'm going to do it again. It's Bruce Springsteen.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Nice. Dude, I was watching his music video for the song Brilliant Disguise. So the whole song, it's about his breakup to his first wife. And, uh, it's crazy how vulnerable he is. Like, I mean, he's a superstar and he's talking very personally about this breakup. I mean, through poetry, but it's pretty easy to see what he's talking about. And so the song is just one take of him playing the guitar and the camera just slowly pushes in, just slowly pushes in. And for the first couple of verses, he's saying, am I really seeing you, babe? Is that you or just
Starting point is 01:10:18 a brilliant disguise? But then by the end of it, he talks about himself and he goes, and when you look at me, look close and like, look tight. Is that me baby? Or is it a brilliant disguise? And by that point, the camera's in a full closeup. So you think you're looking where you are looking at him being very vulnerable and just staring straight at the camera. And you're like, that's him being real, but he's literally telling you, is this me or is it a brilliant disguise? And so he's almost calling himself out to the audience being like, this isn't me. I'm lying.
Starting point is 01:10:46 And you're like, whoa, that's powerful. That's awesome. And to just put himself out there like that. That's why he remains a da boss. Da bossy boss. Chad, what's your quote of the week? So my quote of the week. He was in your front man draft.
Starting point is 01:11:02 He was. He's number three. I got him third. My quote of the week comes from just a moment on the Bill Simmons podcast when he's interviewing Jeff Bridges. That I just thought was just delightful where you're just like, man, Jeff Bridges is awesome. He's talking about Bill Simmons making the argument that they shouldn't make
Starting point is 01:11:21 remakes of movies where you can watch like where the original is just kind of timeless like you can just watch it anytime and still love it you know it's a good point yeah and um jeff bridges goes well uh here's my counter argument true grit and he goes i think bill simmons says i forget what he says and then jeffrey goes it's a total remake man just the way he said it i was like i was like god i love this guy he's like it's a total remake man he's good jeff bridges and uh i just thought i don't know he's just like every time i hear jeff bridges in an interview and stuff i'm like he just sounds like the coolest dude that i would love to hang out with.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Dude, it's funny. I was talking about him the other day. I think he's my favorite actor. Yeah. Or not my favorite actor. Him and Charles Gordon is probably my favorite actor, but he's the actor I would most like to be like. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:13 And someone mentioned it about him. They go, he's never uttered a false word. Yeah. Like he never fakes something. Yeah. Maybe as he's gotten older, he's gotten a little bigger. Well, his cowboy accent. That's the thing.
Starting point is 01:12:23 As he's gotten older, he's gotten a little hammier. But if cowboy accent. That's the thing. As he's gotten older, he's gotten a little hammier. But if you look at those older parts, like in Fabulous Baker Boys or something, it just looks like a regular dude just existing. I mean, but it's still got some sizzle on it. Yeah. Yeah. Because that's something I'm learning about acting, too. You do have to sell it a lot.
Starting point is 01:12:38 Yeah. Like, sometimes I'll just deliver stuff. It's too flat. I'm just like, hey, what'd you do with the paperwork? It's like, that doesn't work in acting. You have to be like, hey, man, what'd you do with the paperwork it's like that doesn't work in acting you have to be like hey man what did you do with the paperwork and then all of a sudden that's like better on camera for some reason yeah even though it seems like totally yeah there's like big there's like a weird sort of medium yeah well it's i think it it's just like the tone and the
Starting point is 01:12:59 comedy drama and stuff because if it's like robert denier you're in like heat you know against like al pacino it's all kind of subtle and like on your face but then if you're in comedy it's like you gotta like rise up to the you gotta amp it up a bit yeah i think it's all just kind of that's what's tough is like figuring out you know what's too much what's like matthew mcconaughey said about rom-coms yeah they were talking about like they're like how can you do like dallas byers club when you had this whole McConaissance and he was like look it's hard acting in rom-coms that's a different thing you go too deep you sink the
Starting point is 01:13:32 ship and it's true you have to keep it light and bouncy they get over how embarrassing it is that's what it is that's what it is fucking A man I'm going to borrow that from Mark maron who i believe got that from ted danson one day on a set really and dude maron got way better if you watch maron's show maron on
Starting point is 01:13:53 ifc like the acting he's not that great in it but then you watch him in like glow and you're like holy fuck he figured it out yeah totally uh my quote of the week if you weren't aware today is bobby bonilla day love this day july 1st of every year the new york mets pay him 1.1 million dollars from 2000 to 2035 because they signed him to uh it was a 50 year deal no, they signed him to what was originally supposed to be a five-year deal, I think, for $8 million. But they were in financial troubles at the time because they had gotten burned by Bernie Madoff. Wait, who is this?
Starting point is 01:14:36 Which came out later. Bobby Bonilla. He's just a baseball player. Okay. He used to be on the Pirates with Barry Bonds and then moved around a bunch. And later, in 2000, was on the Mets. Okay a bunch and later in 2000 was on the mets okay or yeah 2000 he's on the cardinals it was last season but um so they're like we're in really bad shape bobby can you help us out he's like sure i'll defer my salary and somehow he worked it so that they have to pay him $1.1 million on July 1st from 2000 to 2035.
Starting point is 01:15:10 What a legend. So his deal went from being a five-year, $8 million deal or whatever. It has interest on it as well to being worth like $25 million. That's awesome. Genius. Yeah. So my math is a little off there because I think it didn't start in 2000. It started maybe in 2010 or something like that.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Yeah. Max Scherzer, who's currently playing for the Mets, is making $40 million for the Mets. He just got some deferred money from Washington, $15 million. Wow. So he's making 55 this year. I'm deferring.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Ken Griffey. Yeah. Ken Griffey received $3.5 million from the Reds this year because of deferred money. Wow. He hasn't played for them since 2008. Wow. It's insane,
Starting point is 01:16:04 but good on them. Wow. It's insane. But good on them. Yeah, that's cool. So I found a quote from Bobby Bonilla. He was always kind of a brash guy. He was like Barry Bonds' light a little bit. He was way more likable. But he says, I'm not afraid to swing the bat. If they elect to pitch to me, I'm going to swing.
Starting point is 01:16:25 I'm not as picky as Mr. Sheffield, which I like mr sheffield oh that's nice i'll swing at something over my head that's awesome just yeah sheffield had a good eye i mean had that 400 on base yeah bobby was a switch hitter he was a solid player uh my quarter of the week is from uh this book i'm reading now i'm into presidents now i'm reading the bully pulpit about theodore roosevelt and william taft i'd started it before but now i'm getting into it more seriously and um theodore roosevelt he gets like jobs that no one else wants in government and he just like loves them and like really takes them seriously he's like i'm gonna make change and he's got a job where he's just uh trying to make sure that people
Starting point is 01:17:03 aren't hiring solely based on party but but they're hiring based off merit. And so he comes into the office. No one's ready for this guy's energy. And one of the guys in there just said, I recognized him instantly as a fine specimen of vigorous manhood. Hell yeah, dude. That's awesome. He was big on that. He was a vigorous man.
Starting point is 01:17:23 He would take foreign leaders on a hike and if they couldn't hang he wouldn't respect him wow that's right you gotta beast him bro get moving um chet what's your phrase of the week for getting after it my phrase of the week for getting after it is um let's put some barbecue on that sauce oh I like that fuck I didn't have anything that works that's a funny thing for getting after it when
Starting point is 01:18:06 you're just like like what are we doing tonight boys you're like i got nothing i got nothing we've all been there mine isn't a phrase it's just a little video if you guys want to feel good and you just want to get some energy for the night i've watched it a ton this week there's a big brawl in baseball between the angels and mariners my favorite baseball brawl of all time there's been some good ones is when uh the yankees and the red socks were about to get into a fight and don zimmer was pissed off at pedro martinez and pedro martinez he there's video of him talking shit to people but you can't hear what they're saying and over the years he just basically said everyone who he's he says the other person he was talking shit to kept saying stuff about his mom
Starting point is 01:18:43 there's no way that's what they said but i love that that's where he goes because he knows we'll all be like yeah pedro's right but don zimmer the what was he at the time 72 yeah 72 year old little pudge ball former player but a long long time ago just pudge ball bald manager is just like fuck pedro martinez i'm gonna fuck him up he charges at pedro and it's on camera and pedro looks at him like this when he's running at him he's like the, what the fuck are you doing, dude? Don Zimmer bull rushes him. Pedro Martinez just grabs him by the head and throws him to the ground. And his fat body roly-poly's on the ground.
Starting point is 01:19:16 And he's just laying there all old and discombobulated. And the commentators, I think it's Joe Buck's like, oh, my God, the humanity. He's like, zimmer's down this is getting ugly out there and pedro's just like what you want me to do man what do you want he doesn't hurt him more than he had to like i think pedro was actually pretty even keeled about it like yeah but the old guy just runs him like there's this moment right before the funniest part is pedro grabbing his head and just laying him to the ground yeah but the moment where pedro recognizes that this
Starting point is 01:19:45 old fuck is charging him he just goes huh and then he looks at me he's like be careful man what are you gonna do be careful man what are you doing just grabs him and checks him and yeah i think if you watch that you'll have a really fun night because it never fails to put a smile on my face i gotta watch that i'll show it to you man it's so funny yeah oh that's so good if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guide me So I can have the courage beside you Go free Go free Let's go deep
Starting point is 01:20:35 I'm going deep I'm going deep

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