Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 249 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

What up stokers?! This week it's Chad and JT!    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use code [GODEEP]. �...� Helix is offering up to 200 dollars off all mattress orders AND two free pillows for our listeners at HelixSleep.com/GODEEP   Vroom is entirely online. So, next time you need to buy a car, just grab your phone, go to Vroom.com, and check out thousands of great cars.   

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're also brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our tunes for you, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because it's time to nut up or shut up and take the easiest step to looking sexy this summer by using Manscaped. They got the Ultra Smith package. Make sure you have the proper care down there.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Boxers 2.0 gave you the perfect stage to show off your new look. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEP at Manscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEP at Manscaped.com. Manscaped.com. Stay fresh, clean, and smelling good with Manscaped. We also are on tour going to North Carolina, South Carolina, Hawaii, Chicago. We got a new Boston date coming November 8th, New York. We're coming to Nashville, Las Vegas.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Get your tickets at ChallengeAT.com. We also got shows in L.A. What up? Let's start the show. Ooh, mama. Let's tuck the manjana and let's order the wings. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I'm here with my compadres. Don't tell us what up. Boom clap, Stokers. And we got Jake on the sticks. What up? What's up, guys? We got Jack right here. Manning the laptop and the socials.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Got a full squad in studio. Yeah. You got your Modellos. Yeah, I love these. I think this is my favorite beer now. Really? I think I'm a Modello guy. Modello's good.
Starting point is 00:01:39 You like the Modello. Which one is that? This is the Modello Especial. Right, right. What's the other one called? I think it's a color. It's like Negro or something like that. I don't know, man. I don't know. What?
Starting point is 00:01:55 I don't know what it's called. What'd you think I meant? I thought you were scared of saying Negro. Yeah, I was a little nervous. Because you're like, I don't know, man. Once the camera turns on. Scary world out there, you know. Words are a fucking...
Starting point is 00:02:13 I'm doing a bit about this, where it's like, it is... I think, you know, some people think we're, like, too sensitive about it. Some people think we're not sensitive enough. I see where both sides are coming from. But I do feel like sometimes I can't... Who thinks we're not sensitive enough? Who thinks we're not sensitive enough? A lot both sides are coming from yeah but I do feel like sometimes I can't even know who thinks we're not sensitive enough a lot of people really yeah like who I like i think we're pretty like no we're sensitive yeah no not us not us no you're very sensitive uh yeah yeah sometimes i'm insensitive i think it's important you know everyone has a duality
Starting point is 00:02:59 in them uh has both sides yeah i think yeah, I think you got to travel somewhere if you want to be raw. Right. That's what my bit's about. Oh, yeah, yeah, I like that bit.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Thank you. I thought you were talking about a new bit, like. No, no, the bit I've been doing, where I use the R word. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:16 But, sometimes it makes people sad, which I understand. I love it. It fires me up. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, it's a topsy-turvy world. It is. It fires me up. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yeah, it's a topsy-turvy world. It is. It's interesting. Things change. But you know what hasn't changed? The fair. Is this a segue? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:37 You went to the fair, right? Yeah, I went to the fair. Which fair did you go to? It hasn't changed in 20 years. It's the exact same kind of ride. Is that how long they've been doing it? I think they've been doing it like... Yeah, remember from when i was like like six yeah yeah but i just know from when i was a kid i haven't been in like 20 years and i just i loved it as a kid and um it was just so much fun like the rides are so much fun and i went and i was like i wonder
Starting point is 00:04:01 if this is gonna have the same effect on me as when I was a kid. And I love it just as much, maybe even more. I got a footlong corn dog. A footlong? I got a footlong corn dog. That's huge. Big thing, a Dole Whip, which is like pineapple frozen yogurt. That's delicious. And then they take you on the rides and the rides are insane.
Starting point is 00:04:20 They just strap you to a seat and then they just suspend you like 100 feet in the air and just spin you upside down then you go yeah ride's not really the right word for it because it doesn't really circumnavigate anything it's just they spin you it's all spin based dude i love it yeah you like getting dizzy i just like i just like thrills because i just laughed the whole time it's so much fun and we went on the zipper that's insane you're just in a cage and they're just spinning you around in like every direction you had beef too right you you bailed on one ride because their uh sanitation wasn't up to standards well yeah someone yacked on the right before us we were in line and i started to smell i was like what is that smell and one of the like carnies was
Starting point is 00:05:00 like yeah it's like ew they yacked and um i was like oh that's disgusting and so i was like i was like the candy i'm like i'm not you shouldn't get on this ride someone's threw up all over it oh it's gross so i was like to the guy i was like hey can we get a little refund on our tickets and he gave me he gave me attitude he's like you want a refund and i was like yeah and he's like fine and he like made a big deal out of it and he had to like get this paper and stuff i'm like dude you've got puke all over your ride get me out of here yeah no if someone throws up in the the little uh container that you're gonna be in yeah i think you have full rights to be like hey i don't want to do that that's a sit in it someone barfed in here that's basically the
Starting point is 00:05:46 grossest thing that can happen there's nothing grosser than that yeah but the fair is absolutely disgusting fair is great it makes me think like carny is one of the jobs that we probably pick on the most right probably has the strongest image connotation where when you think of a carny you think of like a mangled human yeah who's like kind of like welcome to the fair and there's kind of like a of unfairly or fairly or not there's like a subhuman kind of association with it so when you go for that job you must know like this is one of those jobs that people kind of pick on right yeah i know that is an interesting thing because i yeah i feel like you you either have a ton of self-awareness about it or none like parking people too like that's another job where it's like
Starting point is 00:06:31 okay this is universally kind of picked on as a profession and so when you go into it you must know that that's what you're going to be absorbing like the traffic the people who give parking tickets in los angeles oh right a meter yeah yeah like a meter mate or whatever the phrase is yeah like i think that one you gotta lean into being the bad guy because there's no other option yeah like that's just how people think about it like you're the worst job in society i feel like maybe for a lot of people when they start that job they're like i'm gonna come at this with a whole new attitude i'm gonna be like i'm gonna be like the cool parking guy but and then they're like look you gotta meet a quota you're not handing out enough tickets and you start and you try to be apologetic you're like i'm sorry you know it's just my job people are such dicks to you that
Starting point is 00:07:14 eventually you cross over and you're like you know what i'm just gonna be the bad guy i'm gonna be a dick about it the entire time yeah that's one of those things where the system is bigger than the individual yeah that was sort of like when I went to junior college. Yeah. I was like, I'm going to make junior college fun and I'm going to make it like something that we all have school spirit about it. And we're not going to treat it like just a passing station to greener pastures.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Yeah. And then after like a week I was like, this sucks. Yeah. Yeah. And I kind of just, I, I bent to the overall attitude of it.
Starting point is 00:07:39 Yeah. It was tough. No, it's a, it, it, with a lot of things in life, you have this feeling of like,
Starting point is 00:07:47 I'm never going to succumb to that or like become that guy. And then you become that guy, especially when you reach your thirties. Yeah, totally. I'm finding that now. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, I'm almost like,
Starting point is 00:08:02 I get a little insecure about how old and conventional I'm becoming. Right. Like, I'm like, am I losing my wild man chaotic spirit that makes me who I am? Yeah. Or that makes people like me? Right. And then I have to be like, no, I just want to like stay in on a Saturday night and like eat a bowl of ice cream while I watch Sopranos with my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Yeah. It's a little scary. I'm like, but that's not who I am. Right. No, I'm out. I'm driving too fast and i'm going from place to place just careening off of people yeah in life not in my car right and then i but no i'm just that's who i am now yeah 34 dude that's like my favorite shit to do it's fun it's really nice yeah it's really nice yeah it might be cooler i I think it's cooler yeah, I just worry like maybe I won't like have like
Starting point is 00:08:49 Like I won't I won't be as like strong a spirit if I write if that's my life But I don't think that's true. Here's how I view it is you? It's given what we do you you know on the weekends I that's when I build up my energy reserves
Starting point is 00:09:10 you know I stay in I watch movies you know I jack off I don't come and then and then
Starting point is 00:09:23 when we're doing our job that's when you let the energy loose. That's crazy you don't come, but I respect it. Yeah. I was really horny today. Nice. Did you come? Once, but I wanted another one.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Dude. But there was some buffer to it. Nice. I had other people in my life saying, hey, I think one's enough for you today. Right, right, right. Which I really appreciate those people. You've got to have those dudes. It's one person, but I really appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Yeah, you've got to have those people in your life. Yeah, yeah. It's always a dude. My brother called me and said, how many times have you busted? I said, once. He said, let's cap it there. Yeah, yeah. At least until after the podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Yeah, my buddy Rick is on all call when I'm about to come. And he's like, don't finish. What? Yeah. Yeah, my buddy Rick is on all call when I'm like about to come and he's like don't Yeah, yeah, dude Jake don't make a big deal out of it. Yeah, it's life you guys I mean you guys could become those guys. Yeah, you guys are young you guys we got Jack and Jake here They're yeah, I was called Jack before I was like before you post I might come he's like don't come That's good. It's good. You guys have that kind of open dialogue, especially for people we work with. Yeah, yeah. That's been lost in this new society. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Kind of, you know, been adjusting to. Thank God we don't have HR. This is kind of a big pivot, but. Yeah, dude, give me a segue. Well, it's a bummer of a pivot, but we lost a comedian. Oh, yeah. You know, I wasn't close with him. His name was Jack Knight.
Starting point is 00:10:44 He's a wildly talented person yeah and he passed away through very sad circumstances yeah um yeah it's pretty wild that one hit me hard that one that one was really tough to process um he was such he was like the guy you know when we were doing open mics he was like the guy and When we were doing open mics, he was like the guy. I was always too intimidated to talk to him. He was so intimidating. He was scary. He picked on me a couple times.
Starting point is 00:11:12 He bullied me a few times. But he was so good at it. There was a real charisma and power to it. And it fucked me up a little bit. But I always wanted him to like me. He was just a unique human being. Like he was like 19 when he started doing open mics and he just got it. Like he had it all figured out and he had this power that you really wanted him to like you. And I saw him do that in front of
Starting point is 00:11:37 audiences. I saw him in front of like a hundred people and he would inverse the performer dynamic where most of the time we want, we're trying to convince the audience to like us and he made it that the audience wanted him to like them right and that's a rare rare kind of uh uh quality to have like you have to be very confident in who you are and a lot of comedians fake that but he just had it organically yeah and uh yeah that was a that one shook me up a bit i know that was so unexpected that that was and um he uh even because i hadn't seen him in a few years but i think even though you know everyone was talking about him and just sort of remembering him and seeing him and so it brought up that same insecurity that i had open mics being around because you know it was him and like a group of like three or four guys and they're always sort of the cool kids sometimes like 12 of them and he was like the leader yeah
Starting point is 00:12:34 and i would just like i would slip in be so scared to go on stage because i was like in my mind i was like whatever i say i'm just gonna look like a fucking goof in front of these guys um and uh yeah it's so it's it's really sad i mean he's so talented he had an amazing career ahead of him for sure he was on big mouth writer for like five seasons yeah he did a voice on there he had his own show on peacock i mean his like yeah career success was insane open for chapelle and he always seemed to not give a fuck about any of it it seemed like he'd be willing to throw it all away if it meant he got to say what he wanted to yeah and i can remember i can almost remember every interaction i had with him yeah he just left a mark he was he was special that way yeah
Starting point is 00:13:18 and it's a tragic that uh we lost him so young yeah that was crazy very very shocking but yeah r.i.p i didn't know his name was he had a different name his name wasn't jack knight what was it it was yak him and then he had like a different last name oh really but jack knight was a great name it's a great name yeah he was a beast um did he see Patty the Batty drop the bag? So I didn't watch the fights yesterday, but I'm a Patty the Batty fan. Yeah. And he did like, it was more subtle. He wasn't too disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:13:53 No, yeah. It wasn't like the most, you know, dominant bag, but the fact that he did it, it's pretty amazing. And he had been talking about it in the pre-fight. The fact that he talked about it, I literally, like, he talked about it and he did it. And, like, people were starting to tag me and stuff, you know, because they know how passionate I am. Most messages I've ever gotten, people were like, you have to cover this. Dude, yeah, I know. And I got so many messages about it because of him talking about it and stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I had that sort of rebellious thing in me of, like, because so many people are telling me to talk about this, I don't want to talk about it. Yeah. It starts to feel like they're feeding you vegetables. Yeah, the fact that he said he was going to do it. It starts to feel like they're feeding you vegetables. Yeah. The fact that he said he was going to do it and he did it is pretty unbelievable. And then he gave a post-fight interview about how we need to be more honest about our feelings. And he said, I'd rather have my friend cry on my shoulder than not be able to see him a week later or something like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:43 He's crazy cool. He's like a well-intentioned, down-to-earth Conor McGregor. Yeah. uh not be able to see him a week later or something like that right he's crazy cool he's like a well-intentioned like down-to-earth connor mcgregor yeah because they're from kind of the same region but he comes at it from the thing about connor that was always so special is that he was like i'm gonna be the greatest in the world i'm gonna change the fight game no one can stop me and he made it happen right but with patty the baddie he's more there's a modesty to him yeah and it's it's cool there's a lot of the Batty, he's more, there's a modesty to him. Yeah. And it's cool. There's a lot of the same charisma, but he's coming at it from a much different angle.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah. And Jack, you're saying that his opponent, he liked the teabag. Yeah, he was smiling. He was smiling. Oh, he smiled when he got teabagged? That's charisma. I mean, it's huge for the movement, too. Underrated thing about the teabag, and something that I've always appreciated about you is that I think a lot of people think that the teabag is about domination and ownage and humiliation.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And it 100% is. Right. But what makes it okay to me is when the person who's getting bagged likes it. And you love getting bagged. And so for Patty's baggie to co-sign it, that's huge for the movement. You know what I mean? Because it's consensual at that point. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I mean, the movement's taken off. It's been a wild ride. And I'm excited to see where it goes. I know. There's something about it. It's just so fun. There's just like a childish kind of spirit about it that I find so fun as an adult. And also, I would enter the UFC and get dominated by him just to get T-backed.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You know, that would be... That's a huge sacrifice. I'll hit up Dana White right now and be like, dude, just put me in the ring. Do it, DM him. I'll be like, hey, Patty, just don't fuck up my face. Like, put me in an arm bar and I'll tap out and you can just back me, dude. Smart. Because I don't want to get my face fucked up because, an arm bar and i'll tap out and you can just back me dude smart because i don't want to get my face fucked up because you know i like to act uh anyways like 15 seconds in
Starting point is 00:16:33 you're just laying on the ground dude yeah you know what i would actually they'd ring the bell and i would just fall dude speaking about acting we heard some crazy stories about a really world renowned actor i don't want to say their name because it's not my business but i would like to circle around it we heard about a huge a-list actor who um we heard a story that he was shooting a movie in england and uh his driver came to pick him up and he wasn't answering the door and opera was blaring out of the the cottage he was renting and the driver who was a proper a proper geezer from the east side of london he went around the side because he wouldn't be denied and when he opened the door and walked in there was this actor
Starting point is 00:17:16 getting pegged by share yeah dude is that crazy yeah but cool i almost wish this actor would come out and say it because i think it would normalize a lot of behavior for a lot of uh dude i mean if you go on like a lot of young impressionable citizens you go on following like dude i mean summer vote three i got pegged by what's your life like i'm just getting pegged by a share on the regular dude to opera music and then we heard another even more wild story the person telling stories like do you want one more yeah me and chad were literally literally sitting crisscross applesauce on the ground and we're And then we heard another even more wild story. The person telling us the story was like, do you want one more? And me and Chad were literally sitting crisscross applesauce on the ground and we were like, please.
Starting point is 00:17:50 And the other story is that they get dropped off at Deserted Islands with a parachute. And then they have like a team of ex-special forces drop behind them. And they do like the most dangerous game where the special forces people chase them. And if they find them they butt fuck them and that's what's that's what's at risk these are all actors or this is one actor but they also heard a story they got chased by a tiger one time on purpose on the island yeah wow island behavior do you think those guys are wearing
Starting point is 00:18:23 like camouflage and trying to hide or are they like i think he's trying to hide yeah i think i think it's like legit okay right well because that's the thing if you like getting buttfucked buttfucked how are you really trying your hardest not to get buttfucked i think this person tries their hardest and it makes the buttfucking better because they know they really emptied the tank beforehand. But that's one man's perspective. Otherwise you got like guys out there in like neon
Starting point is 00:18:51 t-shirts trying to get attention. That's the thing too with like Cher, how does that conversation begin? You're like, Cher, I love your song. Do you believe in love
Starting point is 00:19:06 she's like well funny you say that because i've got a strap on and fan of the opera on cd you know a lot of what a lot of what makes sex good is like feeling comfortable with the other person and comfortable in being authentic and what you want and need in that moment yeah and i feel like between this person and share there's probably a lot of self-confidence yeah and i think that makes the conversation easier right like i think one of them says peg and the other one says let's go and it's bang bang that's great there's no red lights in their uh personal life They let it rip. And clearly no time limit. Like if his driver was waiting for him, he didn't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:19:49 He was like, let's just keep going. And I think sometimes you want to get caught. You want people to see you as you really are. Yeah. Like that side door was open for a reason. He was like, if this driver puts in the effort,
Starting point is 00:19:59 I want him to know me as I, as I really am. And not as I project. So interesting. It's pretty fascinating. Yeah. Dude, have you been watching this Andrew Tate's guy's videos who took over social media?
Starting point is 00:20:14 I was literally, I was just introduced to him five minutes before the pod. What did you think? I have to watch more. I mean, so he basically, he's like an insane motivational guy. Yeah, he's just super like old school, kind of like hardcore about male-female roles, where he's like, the man is the provider. He is the protector.
Starting point is 00:20:40 He is the one who has to be powerful and in control. And the woman has to be there to support that and then like and then he goes farther and farther and he's like dudes can bang other chicks chicks can't bang other dudes oh really like uh dudes are smarter actually portnoy pushed back against him really and it was really interesting yeah like they had like a little i mean he's kind of playing a character he's amping it up a bit yeah but uh or a lot but uh he was like i think men are smarter and better in pressure situations and was like i don't think that's true he's like i think men have higher iqs and then poor boy looked up who had the highest iq in the world just on google and it was a woman oh yeah for sure date
Starting point is 00:21:19 just kept rolling with it yeah but i didn't know he was he had created this kind of pyramid scheme where he hires people to hire other people to keep pushing his clips on social media so when i got back on tiktok just to track one of our videos yeah i just got a deluge of his videos right and i was telling my girlfriend i was like yo i'm getting like all this like toxic shit i don't know what the fuck's going on here yeah but it turned out he had gamed the system like he figured out a way to make it so his clips are always getting pushed, which is pretty brilliant. Yeah. I saw one clip where he's talking about how sleep is for the week. Hilarious.
Starting point is 00:21:51 And he's like, you say you're tired at night? I say I'm going to work. I will not have sons who are too busy buying NFTs and saying, oh, I made a little bit of money and have skinny little arms and go to crypto conventions and be dorks. I will not have nerds as children. I refuse to have a nerd carry the lame tape. If my son is a nerd, one of us has to die, him or me,
Starting point is 00:22:14 and I'll challenge him to Mortal Kombat. I mean, it's hilarious. The challenging him to Mortal Kombat, I mean, he really kicks it up into the absurdity there. I think, you know what's crazy is like, there's a part of me that agrees with him you know he's speaking to a real thing and i think it's a natural reaction to like the kind of sensitivity we've been driving towards right as like a generation yeah but i mean he's
Starting point is 00:22:36 like you know i bet you he cries all the time when the when the cameras are off and he's at home alone i mean he's like liver king He's playing a character. Yeah. But. He can't be all one thing all the time. No. It doesn't feel good. Liver King posted a hilarious story of him with his wife. And he's like, had an amazing dominant Saturday with the Liver Queen. Dominant day of relaxation.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Yeah. Sometimes you got to dominate. That's the thing with all these guys People like I mean he sounds more toxic and stuff But I don't know about I can't really speak on it He's an entertainer
Starting point is 00:23:15 They're fun I don't know People take the content too seriously But they don't label themselves as entertainers Because that would put you too far behind the curtain You have to suspend disbelief And believe they're real for a little bit yeah and i think that's probably where people get like a little like wary of them where they're like because you know they're entertainers but there might be a lot of people who don't know
Starting point is 00:23:38 that and take it as gospel or whatever right but you're able to detach from it and be like this guy's just funny as fuck yeah but i don't know if that's anyone's you know i don't know if there's like a responsibility there to be like i'm just fucking around yeah i mean i guess because people are like oh he's on steroids and stuff they get all upset about it and i'm like i'm like i'm like but who cares if he's on roids yeah like what's the real cost of that yeah i mean who cares? If he's on roids? Yeah. Like, what's the real cost of that? Yeah, I mean, it's not like he's...
Starting point is 00:24:11 If people are eating more raw liver, is that... I don't know. What's, like, the net impact of that? Yeah, I mean, I don't know. What's the... How negative of an impact is he having? Liver King? Yeah. i have no idea probably not no i mean in terms of the stuff that's really bad for the world not at all yeah it's probably a
Starting point is 00:24:33 waste of time to yeah that's why just people get so upset about like they're like oh he's on steroids i'm like but i don't care i also look i did steroids i don't think it was good for me fucked up my shoulder and i don't think it was good for my self-esteem yeah but um like you know sylvester stallone's only three years younger than joe biden like steroids kind of work like sly stallone looks like he could still you know run through a fucking wall and then paint or whatever it is he actually likes to do and then joe biden looks a thousand i'm like you know it might be good if joe b was taking some shots of tests in the butt that would be hilarious i i think it would benefit a lot of us if he got some like stem cells yeah he should be trying all that stuff yeah and you know not Not everyone's the same, but I don't know. If Liver King is on steroids, it would be cooler if he was honest about it, though.
Starting point is 00:25:33 If he was like, I'm on roids. Yeah, I'm on roids, but I'm also dominant. Because he can still do it, right? Yeah, I guess the thing the beef people have is that he's sort of like, his response would be like, I've never cheated in my life and i'll never take roundabout i'll never cut corners in life and stuff and it's like if you're if you're gonna if you're gonna directly sort of like respond that way then that rubs people the wrong way yeah i think the cover-up's worse than the crime right in an instance like that where if you're doing steroids and you're just transparent about it.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yeah. It's kind of likable. Yeah. You know, and then you do have to worry about the influence it could have on youthful or impressionable people. Yeah. But it's like when you say you're not the thing and then you are the thing. Yeah. That's where people get a little bit like.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah. They have a right, I think, to kind of go at you yeah what's up primals today here's what liver king's having for dinner we have a full testicle some beef liver and then my wife's gonna give me a shot in the butt it'd be great and the language that the gift he has for language would still be there yeah yeah because tate's really funny with how he talks too yeah yeah i just don't know it's also funny like tate's like funny with how he talks, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just don't know. It's also funny. Tate's like a world champion kickboxer, right? Oh, he is.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And then it kind of reminds me, it's similar to that Patrice O'Neill philosophy, where it's effective coming out of them, but is this really going to work for your Joe Blow dude? No. I don't think that'd be good if there was an army of them. It's nice to have one or two of those guys but yeah no yeah if like uh the guy who works in my vape shop starts acting like that i might be like hey bro you might want to chill a little bit i think there's a happier route for you here how's it go how's it going jim my son's a nerd i have to kill him
Starting point is 00:27:32 kill him my son's a nerd yeah that would suck no yeah if my kid was in the nfts yeah my son's nerd i mean i think he'd be adorable though yeah nerds it can be incredible there's a lot of uh fighters who are nerds i love and they just get a yeah what does it mean to be a nerd like i don't i don't i don't know if we have a great working definition i'd be more upset if he was a douche yeah like i was watching place beyond the pines and like i i hadn't seen the movie in like 10 years but then you know in the later half of the movie the dark haired kid in the third act yeah bradley cooper's son is just like the ultimate douche yeah just. That's my worst nightmare. I didn't buy the casting. I was like, this doesn't feel like Bradley Cooper's son at all.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Like the Long Island accent. They like touch on it, but I'm like, I still don't get it. Why does he talk like that? It was a huge departure from like the dad. Yeah. Why did you watch that? We just watched it. It's good.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Yeah, yeah. it's a crazy movie but that's you know there's some movies that were just where it like it touches like a nerve and seeing like
Starting point is 00:28:35 dads with their kids who suck and are just douchebags that always I'm just like ugh
Starting point is 00:28:42 that's like a worst fear kind of thing yeah I'm rewatching The Sopranos and that's like a worse fear kind of thing yeah i'm re-watching the sopranos and it's all that oh right yeah yeah aj's just a little shit he's so funny though yeah this is my male heir he just slaps him around yeah and like he just always has the dumbest response to everything like he gets back from dc yeah and his dad's like how is dc he's like it was cool they had
Starting point is 00:29:05 playstation in the hotel rooms and he's like that's your takeaway from going to the nation's capital and he just looks like yeah yeah i don't know i watched uh andrew tate battle gamers on twitch a live stream and he was calling them nerds the whole time yeah but they're all like multi-million dollar like entertainers right so like how do you classify them as nerds like yeah what's that yeah there's just always money in calling someone a nerd right well yeah that's the thing too i don't know like like that's always gonna work no it's hilarious yeah it's just funny and and nerds are dominating today. True.
Starting point is 00:29:46 I think they always have, right? I'm reading the... It's going to come up later, but I'm reading the Teddy Roosevelt and William Taft book. Teddy's a badass, but he's a huge fucking nerd. How so? He's just bookish, and his optimism and can-do attitude it's like impossibly
Starting point is 00:30:08 nerdy like he's always like i will do my best today and i will try to connect with as many people as possible and make the world better for the people who come tomorrow right and it's amazing and inspiring but it's also you're kind of like all right just take it down by half bro like relax but it's that nerdy like kind of uh wide-eyed approach to life that i think made him right you know the huge historical figure that he is but it's not like cool when you read about it you're not like oh this dude's like laid back and fucking doesn't give a fuck right yeah that's cool in high school and then it's not no it depends it depends yeah there's like a there's like a cool confidence that's cool i also i don't know there is if you're like good at what you do yeah oh for sure but yeah that's there's a delicate balance there i think yeah. Yeah, that's the thing is like, how do you classify people as nerds?
Starting point is 00:31:09 Like, how would he even say his son's a nerd? Unless it's like, what, like what? I don't know. Right. Yeah. Do I know an out and out nerd? And how? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:17 And why would they be a nerd? Just because they're like good at technology or what? Or they're into like, I guess when I was growing up, it was like Dungeons and Dragons and like Doctor Who and stuff like that. But I don don't know a lot of sexy guys are into that shit too what's um what's that one game uh the south park made fun of oh world of warcraft yeah that was huge when i was in high school i do i do know this though like a lot of people i know who are bullies in high school have become very happy compassionate people in adulthood right and that's always interesting to me yeah like and i think that's the best way to to keep bullying the people you bullied in high
Starting point is 00:31:56 school is to become a happy well-adjusted adult yeah because they probably expect you just to stay a butthead for the rest of your life yeah and. And then they have to check up on you on Instagram. They're like, he's fucking happy with a family. Yeah, yeah. And he's like sweet and supportive of his wife. Yeah. No! No! You put on lipstick like Steve Buscemi and Billy Madison.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Oh, my God. Kill this. That's the way to do it. And it's like they pull your Facebook page up and your kids like go into a soccer game. And then that trauma just like comes back to them when they were like a freshman in high school playing soccer. Yeah. You like talk shit to them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Oh, my God. Soccer players used to get picked on. I mean, they were cool. But the football players would always pick on them. Call them grass fairies. Really? Yeah. They call them grass fairies.
Starting point is 00:32:44 That's hilarious. and then there was almost a fight the the soccer team won like the cif title yeah they threw a big party yeah and some football guys showed up and i don't know where the beef was coming from yeah this is fucking hilarious story actually so my buddy was like the king badass football player yeah and he had a busted shoulder. So he had like this like sling that had like a refrigerator compartment right here. It looked like that at least. He's strapped to his arm and he shows up to the party and the soccer players are high on their horse because they just won the title.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Like all the cutest girls are there. It's like a banging party. Yeah. The dad who owned the house was like a maniac. He like put his head through a door later. Yeah. And then did bench press with us. He was fucking hilarious. Yeah. who owned the house was like a maniac he like put his head through a door later yeah and then did bench press with us he was hilarious yeah and then uh the football players show up and
Starting point is 00:33:28 the soccer players are like all puffy chested hey you can't be here you have to leave and the football players are like are you serious dude are you serious yeah the soccer players were like yeah you gotta bail dude and i remember my friend had his thing he's like i'm about to take my arm out of this sling and beat the out of you and then like a bunch i didn't play football but a bunch of us were like dude don't hurt your arm like relax relax you just have to leave so he leaves and then he ends up going to like the naval academy for college yeah and so i threw him a going away party yeah and the soccer players showed up yeah and my friend was like he's like hey i'm gonna beat the fuck out of that soccer player who kicked me out of the party yeah and i go hey man you can't do that you can't do that i'm like i'm like it's gonna ruin the party i was like you gotta chill he's like, hey, I'm going to beat the fuck out of that soccer player who kicked me out of the party. And I go, hey, man, you can't do that. You can't do that.
Starting point is 00:34:05 I'm like, it's going to ruin the party. I was like, you got to chill. He's like, let me beat the fuck out of him. And he was only asking because it was at my house. And otherwise, he would have just fucking killed the kid. And I was like, no, dude, don't throw off the vibe. Don't throw off the vibe. So he doesn't kick his ass.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I let the guy stay at the party. Like a year later, I'm at a party and I run into the guy who stole my car. And it's at that soccer player kid's house. And I'm pissed off and I'm like, yo, kick the guy out who stole my car. I'm like, kick him out. And he's like, no, I'm not going to do that. I was like, dude, I saved your life. I was like, this fucking guy was going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Our football buddy was going to kill you. And I saved your life. I was like, kick him out of the party now. I was pissed. And so he goes up to the guy and he's like, hey, you're out. You're out. So he kicks out the guy who stole his car. I was like, oh, it's a good thing I did. I leave the party now i was pissed yeah and so he goes up to the guy he's like hey you're out you're out so he kicks out the guy stole his car i was like oh it's a good thing i did i leave the party my football buddy was there calls me an hour later i'm like he's like you gotta come pick me up
Starting point is 00:34:52 i'm like why he's like i'm hiding in the bushes the cops might be looking for me i'm like why he's like i beat the shit out of that soccer kid so like the minute after me and the soccer player like evened out our our like what we owed to each other i left because i was all sad just seeing the guy who stole my car like bum me out and then i guess he started talking to my football buddy my football buddy just i remember when he described him like what'd you do to him he's like, he was just talking in my ear, talking in my ear, challenging me. And then I punched him and he did a triple backflip over the couch. He just ran away. It was fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:35:36 I love that. Yeah, it was great. I guess in college it was the ultimate Frisbee players. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, those guys got it coming. If you were like, I'm going to go party at the ultimate house. I'd be like, have fun, geek. We're just chewing people up today.
Starting point is 00:35:54 Yeah. Dude, yeah. Started with the nerds. I'm pro nerd. Yeah, I love nerds. I love nerds. I think I'm pretty nerdy. Yeah, that's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 00:36:03 I consider myself a nerd, I think. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I was always a film nerd. Like, I would drag all my friends to watch, like, arthouse movies. I'd be like, yo, Michael Haneke has a new movie. Yeah. It's about evil and cruelty, and it's very disturbing.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I was like, come to the independent theater with me, and we'll watch it. Yeah. And then, like, ten of us would just be in there being like, this fucking shit ripped. Actually, it kind of sucked. We'd all leave and be like, that was kind of a waste of fucking time um dude i've been listening to this book about it's it's
Starting point is 00:36:33 oh yeah you're pumped on this yeah it's about it it's sort of like this historian is sort of talking about the next hundred years in terms of geopolitics it's crazy but he's basically like america is going to dominate for the next hundred years and he's like and then the dominant i learned about this from shane gillis's podcast uh just for reference um and uh yeah i learned about this book and he's basically like so america is gonna we're still you know there's all this talk about how america is like a failing empire and he's like we're still like a juvenile empire like we're we're so young and we're in this sort of like identity crisis phase which is why we have so much internal conflict and um and but basically we've positioned ourselves so well and we're so we have so much sort of economic power
Starting point is 00:37:21 that we're just going to be the dominant power for the next hundred years and um and russia and china he predicts are gonna you know collapse um even though everyone's sort of like worried about china but he says that china's gonna collapse and the dominant powers in the next hundred years are are going to come up are Turkey, Poland, and Mexico. Because we have a declining population, the birth rate is going down. So for the first time in history, the population is going to start decreasing, which is actually a bad thing. It can create kind of a crisis. crisis and um so now we're sort of you know we'll get to a point where we'll need so many sort of immigrants for labor that will start paying people to come immigrants to come to america to work you know whereas now people are sort of like we need to close the borders kind
Starting point is 00:38:20 of thing or there's that sort of now it's gonna it's gonna like shift where we're gonna like have to like begging people to come yeah why does he think china and russia are gonna collapse he said that uh just a lack of like individualism there well the thing with china is that it's it's such an unstable kind of power that when they when they open their borders up to trading and to exports, I believe, the coastal part of China becomes really prosperous and rich, but the sort of interior, whatever the fuck. Whatever the fuck. The inland? The inland part is really impoverished and uh there's gonna be a revolt because of that right um and then with russia i don't know but i forget the reason but we're basically seeing it right now i mean it's kind of collapsing right now
Starting point is 00:39:20 which one both of them russia because their economy over expansion and stuff like that well yeah just from their invasion of ukraine their economy is just taking a massive hit good dude i'm rooting for it yeah yeah us staying on top and them taking a hit yeah it was really interesting but he said like but then but there's gonna be he's like in the next hundred years there's gonna be conflict between mexico and united states because mexico is going to try to reclaim some of their territory like texas and stuff that's crazy isn't that interesting and he's like he's basically talking about history and stuff and how at the beginning of the 20th century the dominant power was europe europe dominated the whole world and it's in everyone's mind they're like this is how it's just going to be for the rest of time and then world war one world war two hit and it basically just collapses
Starting point is 00:40:10 and it was never able to unify because they had all these internal struggles so it's just interesting to think about that is how you know europe was kind of the dominant force and then there's just this massive shift nice over the 20th century yeah i know i'm seeing it i'm watching the crown i'm like england was the eminent power for so long and then yeah should just go sideways for a variety of reasons that seem beyond any human's control it seems like there's just a natural ebb and flow to the rising and fallings of empires yeah but i i it's a very grandiose statement, but I think it's true.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Yeah. That's interesting. Yeah. He goes, sorry. Yeah. He goes on to explain like the sort of military tactics of the U S he's like, there's going to,
Starting point is 00:40:57 there's going to be another world war, but it's going to be unlike any world war we've seen. Right. Because, you know, the style of warfare has changed so much, um, with technology and all that kind of stuff and um but also we're at such an advantage like our navy is so dominant we just
Starting point is 00:41:15 dominate the ocean and geographically you know it's you know if you're in europe and stuff you're sort of prone to other countries invading you. But the United States, we've got Canada and Mexico. We're nice and isolated. We've got oceans on both sides. Yeah, we've got some pretty nice isolation. We've got some physical advantages. Yeah, he's basically like the 21st century is going to be the century of North America.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Let's go. Wow. Hey, that's a good way to pitch it. Yeah. That came to me reading. I'm in. What's the book called to pitch it yeah that came me reading i'm in what's the book called let me see let me see um the next 100 years by george friedman very interesting a lot of powerful writers with the last name friedman right thomas milton yeah those guys Right. Thomas Milton. Yeah. Those guys, they just, you write hits if you got that name.
Starting point is 00:42:05 Yeah. Dude, I almost did something nice for someone the other day. What'd you do? Did the open mic at Fourth Wall in North Hollywood. Fun. Good hang. This will probably all get cut, but there's a, I forget his name, but there's a little person who does stand up.
Starting point is 00:42:24 Have you seen him at the open mics? Is it Pac or something yeah yeah good guy funny but he was like just railing against i guess this was really interesting he was doing a bit about little people and he used the m word and then he was saying that someone a white lady corrected him from the audience it was like you're not allowed to say that and he was like yeah but i'm it but i thought it was actually kind of sweet that the lady you know everyone hates karens for like yeah uh overstepping their place and like telling people what they can say and can't say even when they're speaking to the specific group that should have the kind of authority on that yeah i think it's kind of sweet i like the karens do that i'm like you know i keep being dumbasses and going way beyond your pay grade yeah i'm like it's coming from a good place it's annoying as but i kind
Starting point is 00:43:09 of like it and then uh he came off stage we were sitting next to each other he's a good dude and uh he was like uh he just was still railing to me he's like people are so sensitive and i was like yeah yeah for sure yeah but then i was like hey man i'm the most sensitive person in the world yeah and then we just laughed for a couple minutes it was nice yeah but then i left there went to uh right aid because my my uh my uh lady uh she uh has she had covid so she had a sore throat so i was picking her up some uh some cough drops and and she was like get the max ones but they only had extra strength and i was like yo is extra strength the same as max? They are.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And then I went to pay for it. And this dude walks in. And he's like, yo, are you Armenian? And I was like, nah. But he clearly needed something. He looked like almost transient. I couldn't quite place him. And he was like, and I was like, but what do you need?
Starting point is 00:44:00 I got you. And then he was like, I want cigarettes. And I was like, yeah, I got you. I got you. I was like, what kind of cigarettes do you like? He's like, I like Marl got you i got you i was like what kind of cigarettes you like he's like i like marlboro lights or something i was like all right all right so i go up i'm like yo i'll get these and can i get two packs of marlboro lights and dude cvs is like we don't sell cigarettes yeah i'm like ah all right and then he's like but you can go like across the street yeah and they sell cigarettes over there
Starting point is 00:44:20 and i looked at the guy and i was like i can't do it and he was like for real that's it and i was like yeah dude it was the kindness only lives in the store street no and dude i looked across the street it was like a long diagonal walk yeah i don't know this dude it was up in north hollywood so i was like yeah i don't know i don't even know this area and stuff like that so i was like i don't know you bro i was like and it's cigarettes if it had been something that was like if it was like food or something like that i would have been like yeah for sure for sure but it was cigarettes i was like nah and he was kind of bummed out and pissed and then we just broke it off but i mean you know it's a valley too those are wider streets
Starting point is 00:45:00 it's tough to cross it's a huge intersection yeah like inters la is a little bit more compact i'd be more down i think and it was another like 15 minutes for sure and then i was also like the the the circumstances i was in provided me a get out where i was like i pointed out the cough drops i was like yo like my girl's sick i have to help her with her throat is beyond tickling i was like i have to bring her these and he was like fuck and i was like well good luck to you man yeah but i still felt good about myself that i almost did something nice for someone right even though i pulled it away from him at the 11th hour yeah i'm sure you appreciated that yeah i think we were on good terms yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:45:42 sure when he left he was like yeah i, he would have had to cross the street. It was a big intersection. Yeah. Did you watch The Gray Man? Yeah. What did you think? I really, really wanted to like it, but I just couldn't. It didn't really, I saw what it was going for, but I found it very uninteresting.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Yeah. I did not think it was interesting. It was tough to keep my attention. I was just texting the whole time. I don't know. I like Ryan Gosling. I like Chris Evans. Yeah, the cast was stacked.
Starting point is 00:46:18 And Anna de Armas. This is insane. Her eyes, dude. She's got those big eyes. Yeah. And I was just like, like yeah the action scenes weren't that competitive like it was crazy the stuff they shot where it was like the camera would be like up above like coming down like straight vertical and like fireworks going off while dudes are punching
Starting point is 00:46:37 and kicking yeah and i was just like she's not doing it for me i think i think it was a cool concept to begin with with the idea of like they take an inmate and make him a... Super soldier? Sort of like a born identity kind of thing. Totally, totally. But I don't think that... The story didn't work enough to where I actually gave a shit about Ryan Gosling. And then I didn't think...
Starting point is 00:46:59 Chris Evans as a villain didn't really work for me. And some of his dialogue was just so... That's what I found too. Like the cadence of it was good. They said everything in a witty way. But there actually wasn't actual wit in the text. I had a friend who was like that. He'd say everything in a witty tone.
Starting point is 00:47:18 We'd be like, oh really, is that what you think? And I was like, what the fuck are you even doing, dude? I was like, you're just saying blasé sentences in the the rhythm of wit i was like that doesn't count yeah and uh that whole movie kind of felt like that yeah it felt like it was written by a college baseball player who thought he was smarter than he was yeah i was i was really rooting for it too that's a good analogy that's who the guy is oh really yeah and you know one of my friends who played college baseball is gonna think it's him i'm not talking about you i'm talking about your really good friend but you're in the clear you're funny as shit oh dude you know i've been chatting with
Starting point is 00:47:51 via dm just uh as a tom tom hole i saw this dude yeah yeah one of the greatest humans who's ever lived dude we uh we just dm all the time we're just stay focused king because he screenshotted you he screenshotted you yeah dude he's the best man he's the best and he's a great friend to have cause he
Starting point is 00:48:10 he's a doctor so yeah yeah he's full of information and then he's also just like the most fun guy to talk to he's so fun yeah
Starting point is 00:48:18 he's a good dude and a hilarious like dude so he's an ER doctor yeah he's like 6'2", long blonde. He looks like Thor.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah. And then he just, but he can save your life in a moment's notice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's coming off, like, a double shift at the hospital, and then he's playing in a volleyball tournament today. Yeah, yeah. That's why I was like, stay focused, King. OC's finest, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Best OC I've ever known. And to the baseball player thing, if you're a young buckaroo and you play baseball and you can throw or hit, go to UCI and play under Danny Babonet. That wasn't him I was talking about earlier. Danny never feigns wit. He's himself all the time, which is one of his best qualities.
Starting point is 00:48:55 And on top of that, he's a hell of a coach. So if you're going to go play college baseball, do it at UCI. They should call it UC Newport Beach because it's right there. And if you're lacking moisture during intercourse, check out Douglas Lubricant. The best in the biz. They got tons of flavors.
Starting point is 00:49:10 It's strawberry, tangerine, vanilla, anal. It's good. Wow, that was crazy. You didn't own the fourth one. That was interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Almost broke.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Almost broke. I was like, don't fucking laugh break dog. Don't fucking laugh, dude. This is a serious company. All right, let's get into some cues, dude. Finally,
Starting point is 00:49:30 we're brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean, because you got a dick, you got balls, you got a sack,
Starting point is 00:49:42 and you've got a fupa. Maybe I can't say that. I don't know. You got,. You got a sack. And you've got a fupa. Maybe I can't say that. I don't know. You got the fucking pupil area. And you know what grows there? Hair. And you know what you got to do? Trim it.
Starting point is 00:49:56 And there's only one company for that. It's Manscaped. And they got their ultra smooth package. They got the body wash. They got the boxers that give you the perfect stage to show off your new look. They got the weed whacker ear and nose hair trimmer. Dank shirts. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:50:12 All you have to do is get this and then your ear and nose hairs are gone forever. The Lawn Mower 4.0. I mean, guys, if you're not on the Manscaped train, get on it now. They're the best. Get that dick and ball area looking good. And it actually, you know, I have a really great experience with it, and it's really hard to trim down there, and they make it super easy. So get 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com.
Starting point is 00:50:42 That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscaped.com that's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com there are so few perfect summer days don't let hot sweaty balls ruin them stay fresh clean and smelling good with manscape all right let's get back to the show all right messy girlfriend i recently moved in together with my girlfriend it's been about one year four months and things are going just okay and our relationship is honestly fine it sounds good yeah that sounds amazing honestly fine yeah however she is a disgusting slob to live with i mean without a doubt the worst roommate i've ever had will let the trash pile up endlessly. Never does any dishes.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Dirty clothes are all over the floor. Never makes the bed in the bathroom. It's like an atomic nuke went off in there and her shit is literally all over the counter space. I don't want to break up, but honestly, I can't live like this. How do I approach this delicately? I can already imagine this conversation going poorly because she easily takes offense to things, but something has got to change.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I think what's got to change is you gotta break up brother that sounds horrific it sounds like you're not happy at all and you can't even have a conversation with her about it i mean i don't know dude dude i would i would uh i also don't like how like on eggshells he is about bringing it up to her yeah yeah like dude if you're in a relationship you have to be able to be honest with your partner about hopefully all things but you know the majority of things at minimum like if she's this bad like you're driving yourself to total bummer town by not just being like yo lady clean up yeah like and and and also he didn't balance this with like hey she's dirty but she does all these things for me like she drives me to these
Starting point is 00:52:32 places or yeah she's always there for me when i'm having a down day or like our sex is incredible it's all like as far as i can tell from this email i feel like you like i'm like just break up with her because there was no positive spin at all in here. The tone? I mean, he's like, your relationship is honestly fine. And it's like, what do you want to spend your whole life just being sort of pissed off about that? And then you just, I don't know. Like, what do you see down the line from here? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:59 I think if best case scenario for taking this where this is her primary flaw and everything else is pretty much hunky Dory. Yeah, dude, you just got to fucking talk to her about it. Yeah. Yeah. Like just, and I'm,
Starting point is 00:53:13 I'm dirty. So I could, uh, I can relate to her, but I don't think I'd be offended if someone called me out for it. Like if she's that bad and she won't take accountability for it well that's not good at all then then no then there's a major issue there i don't know it's like he kind of makes her sound like a total savage here yeah like he's gonna be like hey babe you need to clean up and
Starting point is 00:53:38 she's like huh don't talk to me like that and she's gonna like fart and like throw a bottle on the ground and break it. Just beat the shit out of him. Yeah, but you want to get fucked up, bitch? Talking to me like that? You think you can pop off like that, you fucking little bitch? Go do the dishes. It sounds like it's like his older brother.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And she's like, what the fuck did you say to me? Just hold him down, hock a loogie in his mouth. Stop it. No, no, no. You know what else you could do, dude? You could just... This would be a funny test, but it could backfire. Just do to her what she's doing to you.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Like, you know, Tony Soprano's always depressed on The Sopranos. And then one episode, Carmella gets depressed. And it brings out a totally different side of Tony. But he has great empathy for her in that moment because he understands that that's how he is most of the time. And that's the effect he creates when he's being a bummer and moody.
Starting point is 00:54:32 So maybe you should just be messy as fuck. And then you see if she'll fold at some point and be like, Hey, we need to do something. He's like, Oh, interesting. You said that sometimes you have to teach someone through making them
Starting point is 00:54:43 experience what they put you through yeah and this is a thing where it's not destructive where it's like it's not like cheating or something like that we're like okay this is just fucking absurdly ugly this is like you know yeah yeah do do something to annoy her and see if she if she catches on to it yeah maybe she looked at you did she grow up with like a lot of maids she have like a lot of housekeepers just be like hey if you're gonna be like this you have to hire a cleaner once a week you dirty you dirty lady dirty sexy i think too after four years like how can you not like say something as simple as that like clean up your shit yeah there's got to be like a tension that wasn't explained yeah you know what i did too when i get upset i converted into horniness
Starting point is 00:55:30 and i'm like hey you're making me mad it's making me horny it makes me feel better i just yeah and then if she's like i don't want to fuck i, I'll clean. Fine. Right. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, you threatened her with boning. Yeah. You're like, hey, you being a pain in the ass is making me horny. And then they're like, oh, fuck. Please don't do that to me. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:55:54 All right. I'll clean up the whole place. All of a sudden, spick and span. And then you're just like, all right. Yes. Maybe that's the answer. Maybe just tell her that her dirtiness is making him horny and she'll be so disgusted. All the time.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Maybe just tell her that her dirtiness is making a morning and she'll be so disgusted. All the time. Every time you leave out like a Capri Sun destroyed, it just sends me into a fucking tizzy. Our relationship is honestly fine. Yeah, and it's honestly fine. Dude. That was like... Well, you know what it sounds like to me? It sounds like he feels like he can't do any better.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Which I promise you, you can. There's something better out there for you. So have faith, brother. Yeah, or someone more right for you. Yeah. I know that feeling, though. After four years, you feel like you're stuck with that person. You don't want to throw it all away, but you can do it, man.
Starting point is 00:56:45 I believe in you. Dude, nice. Post-STD check happy hour. Your boy did some randy shit, and I need to get my dong check out. The Planned Parenthood in my town is actually right next to my favorite bar. I'm thinking about scheduling my checkup right before happy hour, then heading over for some celebratory misery drinking. I might invite friends.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Is this a weird move? No, it's a great move. Yeah. I think it sounds more like you're just bragging. Yeah. Yeah, smart, dude. I'm like, cool, dude. You're going to have a great afternoon.
Starting point is 00:57:15 What did I do the day I found out I had herpes? I just, like, cried in my car for, like, five minutes max, punched my steering wheel, and then I just moved on. I was like, fuck it, dude. What else are what else are you gonna do no this is great dude also it's kind of cool if you can like i always think it's cool if you can own that energy if it turns out you do have syphilis chlamydia herpes you just hit that bar afterwards and someone's like how's your day going you're like not good found out i had herpes that person's gonna respect that and then you going to be friends all of a sudden. That's going to be nice.
Starting point is 00:57:48 I think the positioning of bars is so key. Like, they always put it, like, next to a lawyer's office, next to a Planned Parenthood. It's like, oh, these things go hand in hand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I love going to Planned Parenthood. I've probably told this story before, but, dude, one time I was at Planned Parenth parenthood getting checked up and they had a tv in there in the
Starting point is 00:58:09 waiting room and they were playing it was on e and they were playing an episode of sex in the city and uh and this has like new meaning now because of the cultural moment we're in but it was an episode where miranda gets a abortion and is like crying about it. And I was like, worst possible setting for this episode. Remember I was sitting there like pretending to read a book and I was like looking up the TV and I was like, what the fuck is going on? Like, why are they playing this episode? And I went up to the lady at the front desk and I was like, yeah, you should you should change the channel. This is weird as fuck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:41 And she was like, I don't have control over that. I was like, all right, fuck it. I went back to my seat and just buried my head. I was like, this is the weirdest thing. Yeah. And she was like, I don't have control over that. I was like, all right, fuck it. Went back to my seat and just buried my head. I was like, this is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. All right,
Starting point is 00:58:51 next cue. I had my girlfriend of a few months rebound for me at the courts, layups, free throws, threes mostly. I yanked a three
Starting point is 00:58:59 and it blinked her beak real hard. She cried even though there was no external bleeding. She refused to keep collecting rebounds and sat in the car instead. Dump her? No. Question mark.
Starting point is 00:59:14 What? Dude, one time I was... This is dumb as hell, dude. I was on a vacation with an ex. Like, we were boyfriend-girlfriend at the time. I was laying in bed, and I just rolled over onto the to the remote yeah and i just went oh and i flicked it and i just threw it up in the air
Starting point is 00:59:30 get out of the way and then i just hear her go oh yeah i threw the controller right in the face she was sleeping she woke up and started crying and i was like oh no no no no no i'm so sorry and i just like cuddled her for a bit. Yeah, I don't know, dude. If you hit your girlfriend in the face with a sports ball, I think you got to, even if you don't feel like there was intention behind it, you still have to treat it like it was a huge mistake and be kind and helpful. I think you should have been in the car with her, being nice to her after that.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Yeah. And, yeah, maybe give her a break yeah i mean if one of your values is that you know you need some a partner who can post up in the key you know um then maybe maybe you should find someone who could do that yeah just date your best friend. Just go date a guy. Or like Sue Bird or like Dinah Tarassi or something. Yeah, maybe you should hook up with Dirk Nowitzki. Why are you breaking up with me? You really just botched that rebound situation.
Starting point is 01:00:43 It can be tough for athletic dudes, I think, sometimes to see someone physically fail. Yeah. They've never been taught how to be tolerant of someone who's not succeeding in that moment. Yeah. And you're like, no, it's a big part of life, dude. Things bounce off people's faces, and we have to be there for them.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Dirk Nowitzki. I'm a good pursuit Dirk Nowitzki. I'm going to pursue Dirk. Tim Duncan. I'm going to eat his butt. Alright, last question. What job would you have? What job would you go for if comedy and creating dank videos were outlawed?
Starting point is 01:01:20 I'd be an imagineer at Disney. I would design their rides. And I'd come up with the dankest new rides. And I'd just fucking dominate that job. I would be a teacher. I'd be a high school teacher. That's what I wanted to do before I started doing this.
Starting point is 01:01:38 But you hated school. I did hate school a lot and was a horrible student. But I liked the mentoring aspect of teacher student relationships right i think that'd be cool yeah the i don't even know what subject yeah i just like to give teenagers advice film oh that'd be dope yeah if that was more of a curriculum in high school usc film guy yeah but i think i'd rather do high school than college yeah because it feels more personal. I think, yeah, I think I'd be a film teacher
Starting point is 01:02:06 in an all-boys school, like at Servite. Right. That's what I'd do. I think that'd be really fun. That sounds cool. And you get to have, like, heart-to-hearts with teenagers
Starting point is 01:02:15 and be like, hey, these choices you're making now will dictate the adult you become. What kind of person do you want to be? Do you want to be an asshole or do you want to be a good person? Yeah. Maybe like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:02:23 I want to be a good person. I'm like, all all right good for you get out of your kitchen stuff like that that sounds nice show them weird movies trip them out yeah they'd be really fun all right Chad who is your beef of the week did my beef of the week is uh we kind of touched on this earlier in the pub but I was at the fair and the music was like kind of dubsteppy i was like to my girlfriend i was like this music is insane she's like i think you're just getting old and i was like oh fuck dude i'm that guy because sebastian maniscalco he has that joke of like he's like you know you're
Starting point is 01:02:56 getting old when you go into a club and you're like is it loud in here and that's why i was at the fair i was just playing all this like edm. And I was like, what the fuck is this? It was driving me insane. I was like, this is what kids listen to? So I don't know if that's really beef. Yeah, it is beef with myself. I'm like, are you getting old? What the fuck's going on with you?
Starting point is 01:03:21 So yeah. Who's your Beef of the Week, Jay? My Beef of the Week is L.A. County. I'm not sure if I have beef of the week my beef of the week is la county um i'm not sure if i have beef with the council or the governor but they banned flavored tobacco products um which is probably good for me because now i'm not vaping but also when you quit vaping it's hard to just go cold turkey so like i like those zins those zins, those cool mints. Sure. And they don't sell those either. So now I'm just, like, getting headaches. Wait, so all flavored vapes are gone?
Starting point is 01:03:50 That's what, yeah, at least that's what I think. All the stores by my house, anyways. Really? Yeah, in L.A. County. That's what I've been told. All the clerks are like, we don't sell these anymore. Interesting. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:02 So what are those again? I have a flavored one. I have a flume right now that's aloe grape um have you been able to buy that recently i bought it three days ago when did you look it up i tried today just before i came here yeah maybe i got in there right under the wire i should enjoy this one while i have it that's crazy so you have to get like tobacco flavor now yeah oh i guess so it doesn't effectively go into place until january 1st 2023 but they voted unanimously to ban it la city council um last week so some stores are just must just be taking them off to kind of abide by those rules i guess but it doesn't go into effect until January 1st. Yeah. But that's my beef.
Starting point is 01:04:46 So, but it's probably good for me. Like I said, you know, quit vaping. Yeah, that's a good upshot. Yeah. It is like, it does feel like, are they doing it because kids are doing it too much? I think that was the initial premise was like all the flavors were towards kids. Too good. Yeah. They were towards kids. Too good. Yeah. They were too appealing to the ears.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Like cotton candy. And some 18-year-old's like, oh, I love cotton candy. Yeah. You know? Yeah, I want to do a city council speech saying that we should be able to keep flavored vapes, but I'm too embarrassed to do it as myself, so I think I want to go in as a character. Yeah. And I'll be French, and I'll be like, you cannot do this.
Starting point is 01:05:22 We need our flavored vapes. They bring us joy. And I'll be French, and I'll be like, you cannot do this. We need our favorite vapes. They bring us joy. And, of course, there could be health detrimental effects. But I'm an adult. I make that decision on my own.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Right. And that's the thing, too. They want to ban menthol. And it's like, menthol cigarettes have been around for 40-plus years. Like, how do you? Yeah, maybe it's the cigarette makers lobbying, going to war, over which bad thing can still exist. True. Dude, my beef of the week is with a Redditor who is commenting on our villain draft.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Had a great time doing the villain draft. Love villains. You know, the scariest ones for me are the emotionless ones. If they have emotions, I feel like I can relate to them and maybe they can be saved. But when they have no emotions, that's when you really feel like there's no way of stopping them. But one dude was commenting on one of my villains who fits that, Anton Chigurh. And he's like, oh, I think JT doesn't realize that he was originated in the Cormac McCarthy book, No Country for Old Men, that was written before the movie. You don't think I know that?
Starting point is 01:06:31 I am so offended. My friend Greg, who I played golf with yesterday, defended me because he knows I know that. I have read two Cormac McCarthy books. I did not read No Country for Old Men, but of course I know he wrote it. And one of the books I haven't read, Blood Meridian, I listened to an hour and a half lecture from a Yale summer school class about it on YouTube. So I'm more than prepared to speak on it. But to suggest, as a huge fan of the Coen brothers and of Cormac McCarthy, that I didn't know where the character originated, that fucking upset me. It upset me deeply. And you know, sometimes y'all Red redditors you're very perceptive sometimes and then sometimes you're way off way way off like they didn't believe that kevin fard legit named
Starting point is 01:07:11 his kid harrison fard yeah they thought it was a bit the kid's name is harrison fard dude i swear to god and i saw kevin at that open mic mentioned earlier, and he couldn't believe they thought it was a bit. And then he weirdly kind of forgot why it was even funny that his kid was named Harrison Fard. He's like, I don't even get what the bit is. And I was like, I don't, how do you not get what the bit is? You named the kid Harrison Fard. You're confusing all of us.
Starting point is 01:07:42 So easy. Of course I know where Anton Chigurh came from. It's really, really offensive to suggest I didn't. That really upset me. All right, Chad, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is my girlfriend. She's moving in with daddy. Nice.
Starting point is 01:08:01 She's moving in with Kevin? Yeah. That's crazy. I know. I was like, why kevin why not me she's like well i respect him more he's daddy and i was like fuck i knew this would bite me in the ass um so yeah she's moving in with kevin and uh hopefully i can visit um no she's moving in with me uh this weekend yeah nice it's Sunday right now, but next weekend. Sweet.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Yeah, I'm excited. The same place you got now? Same place, yeah. Nice. Yeah, I think we're just going to eat lots of ice cream, play board games, tan. I think we're going to get a dog. We're going to discuss why she respects kevin more than me and hopefully work through that and then you know but i'm super excited and hopefully a
Starting point is 01:08:51 year and four months from now i'm not writing an email to uh joe code which is my favorite podcast just being like yeah it's fine but you won't clean up joe what do i do um so no i'm super excited i think we're gonna have a blast and uh it's uh yeah i've never lived with a lady before so it should be fun nice yeah what are you uh most like so you've never cohabitated with a lady no do you like uh So you've never cohabitated with a lady? No. Do you like... Have you been forecasting what that might be like? What do you think are the benefits and potential downsides?
Starting point is 01:09:35 The most obvious benefit right now is that she lives in Newport, so it takes away that driving thing. Be closer, yeah. I'm very sort of... One i you know i'm very sort of particular with how i live and i like to do my very sort of independent and like do my thing which is like you know kind of get kind of antsy when i can't so that's um but she's so easy going and stuff and we've gone vacation together for like a week at a time and stuff and it's always been great so you guys have test run it yeah so i uh and i think she she knows me so well so i that she understands that about me so i i'd say you know that that could be i think maybe something that
Starting point is 01:10:19 yeah no i think that'll be fine though i think i think you know she works a lot and i'll be able to still do my thing. And then when we had, when we're together, we have a blast. And she likes to cook bomb ass meals. She likes to cook bomb ass meals. She likes to tan.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Um, she likes to watch movies. Um, we just have a really good time together. So I think it's gonna be fun. Play video games. Uh, ride those,
Starting point is 01:10:43 you know, get bikes. We're going to get a dog. Sounds lovely. Yeah. Does she bag? Does she bag? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:51 You said video games. Does she play video games like Call of Duty or Halo? You know, we've actually never played video games together before, but she'd be down to bag. Oh, nice. Yeah. I think she's down to bag. Cool.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Yeah, she'll drop sack for sure. Yeah. Jake, who's drop sack for sure. Yeah. Jake, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is Travis Kelsey. I went to a concert at the Wiltern, a guy named Mike. And Travis Kelsey came on stage and shotgunned a beer. And it just like put the electricity in the building. Everyone was, I mean, I was already kind of lit, but I was give me another beer yeah you know so shout out to travis kelsey he
Starting point is 01:11:30 made my night nice let's go um my baby of the week is uh alexander mcqueen fashion designer um tragically took his life in i think 2010 dude I went to the LACMA on last Sunday. Did the same rigmarole of seeing a lot of the same paintings I've seen. But they always have a new exhibit. And this one was Alexander McQueen. It's called Savage Beauty, I think. And I've always known that fashion was art on an intellectual level, but it never moved me the way art had until this day.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Dude, this dude's dresses are insane like he puts like all this history and and philosophy into them like he has one uh runway show that he did that was all about like british imperialism in scotland and like when you look at the dresses you can feel that you can feel like the abuse of power and like all the carnage that they rot. And it's all in the dress because he'll put like some of the images in there sometimes, but sometimes it's, it's not. And then like, he'll put these epic, like almost helmets, like headdresses on the models that have like these really like aggressive, like animal shapes to them. And, and it was the first time I'd seen fashion and been like, holy shit. Like it's,
Starting point is 01:12:48 And it was the first time I'd seen fashion and been like, holy shit, like it's hitting me on a level beyond function. I was like, there's like ideas in here. And the combination of the beauty of the dresses with also the crazy power of the ideas was like really, really moving. Then I watched his doc that you can rent on Amazon prime. The dude was a fucking beast, man. Like he was came from poor upbringing. His dad was like a taxi driver. He had no like roots in fashion, just was gifted, could like sew and put stuff together at a young age and was like kind of a schlub. Like he'd be just wearing like track suits. Didn't look like a fashion dude at all, but just was super gifted that way. And, and turned into one of the great designers of, of contemporary times. And I was like, dude, this guy's a fucking beast, man.
Starting point is 01:13:34 And, uh, yeah, it's sad that he went, he was a very tortured artist, but his art was insane. And his runway shows are crazy. And sometimes he would just like, he'd put together like $10 worth of materials. He'd take like saran wrap and he could just fit it to someone just by eyeballing them. And he'd make like the most beautiful dress out of it. And I was like, dude, this is like, uh, I know this is like true genius working in a medium that I've, I didn't understand until this moment. So I was fired up on that. I recommend everyone go check it out if you live in LA and if you don't watch the doc because I think no matter what You do his like punk rock ethos will resonate with you So big it big ups to you McQueen. Sorry. Sorry no longer here
Starting point is 01:14:15 Chad who's your legend of the week? My legend is I gotta go with Patti the baddie and he dropped the bag huge for the movement I mean we're making serious strides. This is entering mainstream and to see you know a real live person just drop that you know in person this it really just fired me up and uh yeah yeah i was also i figured you were going to say that but i was also going to be he was going to be my legend but for not for the bag but for his speech afterwards i think it was very brilliant how he was like talking about mental health and he was like we need to get rid of the stigma surrounding men that you can't speak he was like i would rather have speak to my friend and have
Starting point is 01:14:56 him cry on my shoulder than be at his funeral in the next week i think that was beautiful and it was like the perfect stage for it too because like this dude just whooped this dude's ass and he like seems like this huge gorilla like the strongest guy ever but then for him to be like vulnerable not even really vulnerable is the right word i don't think but like just to say like speak his mind you know be very real and candid about the situation yeah be sincere and vulnerable it was nice yeah it always it's always better coming from a fighter too because you can't challenge them on like the masculine shit. You're just like, dude, you're a fucking badass. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:15:29 And it's like that video went super viral. In some videos, I'm like, how the fuck does this go viral? But for that video, I'm like, this is what people need to hear. Like, especially like young guys my age. I know a lot of friends who like don't want to talk about their feelings or say anything. But to see a badass who just fucking choked this dude out come out and be like, hey, man, just speak your mind.
Starting point is 01:15:49 Talk to somebody. It was very beautiful. Nice. Sorry to steal your legend, but we're on the same wavelength. I didn't hear his speech. I got to hear it. I got to watch it. Dude, it's incredible.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Dude, I think my legend of the week then will be Molly Meatball, his buddy who's a great fighter and just like houses hard A after her fights and just seems to have a ball doing it. They're both so down to earth. It's really compelling. Yeah. So she'll be my legend. And the duo too.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Like when he wins, she jumps in the cage and like cheers with him. They're very pure. They're very pure. It's cool. And their accents are very similar. It's super awesome. Chet, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week comes from Johnny Knoxville.
Starting point is 01:16:29 The gooch is the spot between your balls and your butthole. Nice. Nice. Jake, do you have one? I do have a quote. That's right. I don't know how much value I have in this universe but i do know that i have made a few people happier than they would have been without me and as long as i know that i am
Starting point is 01:16:52 as rich as i ever need to be by robin robin williams right so i think it's kind of like the way i portrayed it was like you don't need money to be rich as long as you make the people around you better and happier. Nice. Mine is from the book I mentioned, the Teddy Roosevelt, William Taft one. This is like a usual experience for someone hanging out with Teddy Roosevelt, who's just like just such a character. Like the guy's just going full blast in every direction at all times. But this guy who's the U.S. forestry chief, his name's Gifford Pinchon, he goes to hang out with them. And this is the paragraph. Pinchon's visit with Roosevelt was
Starting point is 01:17:32 unforgettable from the outset. Quote from Pinchon, we arrived just as the executive mansion was under ferocious attack from a band of invisible Indians, he wrote in his autobiography. And the governor of the Empire State, this is when Teddy Roosevelt was governor of New York, was helping a household of children to escape by lowering them out of a second story window on a rope. So I guess he was playing like, you know, Cowboys and Indians with all the kids there. And he literally was taking them from the top story of the house down on a rope. After rescuing his young pioneers, Roosevelt settled down to a long evening of food, drink, and conversation, punctuated by a spirited boxing match in which Pinchot had the honor of knocking the future president of the United States off his very solid pins. Though the government, but then the governor
Starting point is 01:18:16 emerged victorious from the wrestling contest that concluded their visit. The alliance established that night would play a central role in future conservation policy so teddy roosevelt invites over this dude who they both have the shared goal of you know protecting nature and how does teddy hang out with him he talks to him about deep shit they eat some food and they drink and then they box and wrestle to cap off the night wow psycho i love it what a great psycho uh chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it my phrase of the week for getting after it um i was gonna do that yeah i was listening to to this Lex Friedman podcast with this bishop, Robert Barron. It's fascinating.
Starting point is 01:19:09 I can't think of anything he said. Well, he said stuff. He's just talking about God, but it's like, I don't know. It's just so interesting to hear someone. I'm trying to think of. He's talking about love. What's something he said about love?
Starting point is 01:19:28 I don't know but based on love let's say my phrase that we forget after it is that love is the most important thing in the world all right it's true I had an old improv teacher teacher ariva kaitis who would say that he said love is the most powerful thing in the world and we have 20 000 years of like established written work that supports that like 20 000 is the wrong number but basically that every great song every great book it's all about the same thing it's all about love yeah it's a crazy crazy thing but but that was the one of the well i listened to a lot of lex friedman podcasts and a lot of times it's all about love yeah it's a crazy crazy thing but but that was the one of the well i listened to a lot of lex friedman podcasts and a lot of times it's just it goes way over my head because they're just so smart you know rogan is able to like put in layman's terms but this is one where i was sort of like i don't know i was just fascinated by it because like i'm not religious
Starting point is 01:20:21 i'm not baptized or anything i am in the you know spiritual like i do think that stuff's really interesting but it was it was like there's something about here this guy was like it's really interesting to hear really kind of smart people who are religious discuss god in like ways you know you just hear things of like you need to like he's like a god fearing man and stuff that's sort of but to hear someone sort of talk about from like sort of like a scientific kind of philosophical perspective is so interesting yeah more nuanced yeah just like the broad strokes that you get yeah he talked in such like artistic ways there's like he's like god is to be to be you know it's you think of lord of the rings and there's all the characters and stuff in there but
Starting point is 01:21:04 none of the characters inside of Lord of the Rings know who J.R.R. Tolkien is. But he's present throughout Lord of the Rings, talking about how, for him, the idea of God is something that you can't put into human language. We can't conceptualize it because it's so beyond like and now the characters in lord of the rings could like really say who the author of lord of the rings you know what i mean yeah it's like trying to explain to a dog what a computer is
Starting point is 01:21:37 right yeah i think i love it yeah j. Jake, you got a phrase in mind? Yeah, my phrase in mind could be, it's not about the numbers. It's more about the trend. So I think this could be about, like, your life or your content in general. Like, it's not that this video gets a million views. It's about that it's better than the last one and you keep getting better over time. Yeah. it's about that it's better than the last one and you keep getting better over time yeah um which is good for me to hear because sometimes i get bummed out if something that i make doesn't get a lot of
Starting point is 01:22:10 views but i know that i put more effort and it looks better than the last one i made so it's all about the journey right similar exactly yeah the journey yeah that's like doing open max and stuff it's like when you just know you're just making progress. Right. If I think about myself where I was two years ago, I would have never even thought I'd be here. It's crazy, yeah. I wouldn't have thought you'd be here either.
Starting point is 01:22:35 I didn't know you. It seemed unlikely that someone I don't know would be here. But it feels right. So get after it and keep chasing it is what i'm saying you know enjoy the process yes dude my phrase of the week for getting after it comes from uh i talked about him last week sam mcclory was a magazine publisher in the uh 19th century and he's recruiting this great writer lincoln steffens to his mag and he says your tr article meaning
Starting point is 01:23:02 teddy roosevelt article is a Jim Dandy. That's how I described it. He said it's a Jim Dandy. And then I googled Jim Dandy and it means something excellent of its kind. A Jim Dandy? That's a Jim Dandy. It's something excellent of its kind. So that's a nice phrase that we've forgotten
Starting point is 01:23:20 after. Let's go have a Jim Dandy night tonight. Nice. How'd you and her get on? Was it a Jim Dandy night tonight huh nice how'd you how'd you and her get on was it a Jim Dandy what year was this when do you think he said that like 1890 wow that's how I used to say someone was legit sick or dying yeah Jim Dandy I think we missed that a little bit the evolution of phrases yeah like today you might say that was chill that article on tr was chill but back then they'd say it was jim dandy that's a little dash between the gym and the dandy that's awesome i like that i wish i called soda pop yeah i wish i grew up saying pop
Starting point is 01:23:58 it's a midwest thing right yeah i did my whole life you said pop yeah he has sprinkles or jimmies my whole life. You said pop? Yeah. You have sprinkles or jimmies? Sprinkles or jimmies. It's somewhere. That's me, yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:07 That's you? Yeah. East Coast? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, dude, can I get some jimmies on that vanilla?
Starting point is 01:24:12 Uh-uh. Get some jimmy on that. When I moved out here, I served tables and I was like, you guys want any pop? And they were like, where are you from?
Starting point is 01:24:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Iowa? Yeah, it's a weird place. We're going back. Yeah. We're going to be out there in a couple weeks. Yeah, it's a weird place. We're going back. Yeah. We're going to be out there in a couple weeks. Oh, yeah. Excited to see Iowa up close.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Yeah. All right, dudes, I think that's it. That was fun. That was fun. All right, fellas. All right, bros. If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:24:45 You wanna know What to do Where to go When you need someone to guide you Just a half-hearted sigh You're going
Starting point is 01:25:00 free You're going free That's the Go with me Go with me Let's go deep Go with me Try to dig deep

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