Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 253 - Chad and JT

Episode Date: August 24, 2022

What up stokers?! Chad and JT talk about a variety of things!    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com, and use ...code [GODEEP].    Vroom is entirely online. When you need to buy a car, just grab your phone, go to Vroom.com, and check out thousands of great cars

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Before we begin this podcast, I want to let you know that we have our show out on Netflix, Chad and JT Go Deep. It's out now, and make sure you check it out. Watch the whole thing. It's a fun adventure, a fun ride, and I love it. I hope you guys enjoy it, too. We also have tour dates coming up. We're going all over. We're going to Vegas. We're going to Boston. We're going to Nashville. We're going to New York. Tickets available for that soon. We're going to Honolulu, North Carolina, South Carolina. Chicago.
Starting point is 00:00:31 We got to add a late show to Chicago. And we got more dates coming. So get your tickets at chatandjt.com. We're also brought to you by the legends at Vroom. Vroom, what up, dudes? Thank you so much for sponsoring the podcast. Guys, if you're shopping for a car, a lot of times you have to go to the dealership
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Starting point is 00:02:16 shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com it's smooth sack summer boys get on board or get left behind let's start the show or get left behind. Let's start the show. Let's smack the bell end and solve the Rubik's Cube. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Groger coming in with the Chad JT Podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean Thomas. What up?
Starting point is 00:02:48 Boom clap, Stokers. And we're joined by Jake on the keys. What up? What up, guys? We got Jack. Yo. Jack on the info and the socials. What up?
Starting point is 00:03:01 Full squad. Full squad, yeah. Lots of dudes. I love it well dude if you guys are listening to this right now the show is out yeah we're recording this on the Thursday before the show comes out
Starting point is 00:03:16 the show comes out on Tuesday this podcast drops Wednesday the following week from this Thursday it's a crazy feeling yeah it's nuts three years in the making long time effort put into it yeah it won't feel that way no feel casual yeah the effort was anything but yeah that's what's interesting is you put stuff out and i always always even before making our own thing i always notice that about movies and stuff people put out a movie and then just everyone just trashes it and i'm like after
Starting point is 00:03:50 and you know what actually after i fraught after i shot my first like even like short film seeing how difficult it is to do people put out a movie and then everyone just trashes it and i'm like but they worked really hard you know yeah well hey if you fuck up you fuck up yeah you gotta take the heat but you know what's good about that too though and this makes me respect a lot of actors and directors and musicians yeah is like when they do and i think the show's gonna be great and i think everyone's gonna like i've seen it but it's hard to judge your own thing because you're so close to it yeah it's hard to take the view from 30 000 feet or whatever but like you know people especially athletes like magic johnson like blew the like i think it was
Starting point is 00:04:35 like the 83 finals and everyone started nicknaming nicknaming him a tragic magic yeah it was like he's a bitch like he can't come up big in the fourth quarter larry's better and then magic came back the next season and was like the terminator right and like dominated in the finals yeah so kind of whatever happens it just fuels you for the next thing totally totally absolutely yeah and the thing is though i mean i genuinely i like every time i think about this show i just smile because i love it so much. And I was actually thinking because we were in the editing bay for November to May, and so I just know it inside and out. But having a little bit of space in between, now I'm starting to think about some of the scenes
Starting point is 00:05:20 in there, and I was just laughing out loud to myself just thinking about them so it is it's a fun show yeah i think that's a good rule too you know if if you enjoy it and you love it that's that's important and you know we got our buddies in there my mom's in there a lot yeah our dads are in there they're great yeah so it's uh the crew is such a good group of people the crew is awesome and it was a positive experience like i think you know everyone says this but i genuinely believe it with this project is that everyone had a good time and felt respected yeah on set and it was uh
Starting point is 00:05:58 i feel like everyone who worked on it is rooting for it which means a lot totally yeah it was such a great experience and yeah guys check it out if you haven't seen challenge at go deep yeah if you listen to this podcast you didn't watch the netflix show yeah i guess you're just busy yeah but yeah i might check it out yeah give it a look yeah if you make sure you binge it too yeah you gotta watch it all the way through they were big on this yeah netflix is like they need to complete it i don't know why they just want you spending more time on the app so you gotta put it on and let it run although you know what i have to say i i i personally don't i think i think once you get into the show there's we have a lot of cliffhangers in there and you just want to keep watching i think we're gonna leave you in suspense it's very intentional yeah but
Starting point is 00:06:44 we wrote the show without cliffhangers and then we got notes from netflix and they were like cliffhangers and we were like all right that's what that's what you want that's what you get and it was funny too because when they gave us that note anytime you get a note from someone there's a part of you that's like uh it's like it was perfect why are you asking me to change anything yeah but then you sit with the note for a while and you're like all right well why did they say that and what can we do to address that yeah and they almost always help they always make the thing yeah definitely i mean and two is because i get so impatient you know if we're working on like show ideas or like
Starting point is 00:07:18 stuff like this you know i'm just sort of like all right that's good like we got to go let's do it but then there's it is important just just to sit with things and just sort of like all right that's good like we got to go let's do it but then there's it is important just just to sit with things and continually sort of rework them and keep looking at them because it does get a lot better and it's just um and credit to dan lucchese too he he went so in depth with it where he yeah i mean that guy is hollywood that dude. Which, you know, he's on the come up. I mean, he's been on the come up for a while. But he's such a hard worker. He probably put in, you know, 10,000 hours on this project.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Not the Gladwell level of expertise. Dude, he did. Like, he would spend whole days looking at footage. He really sort of honed in on the, you know like outlines and all that kind of stuff and so yeah he had to do a lot of the heavy lifting yeah and he did a great job he did a great great job yeah i i you have this too where you said like detail oriented whereas i'm sort of like you know you're able to sort of relook at things and be like i don't know if the story matches up this way whereas i'm just like all right let's get in front of the camera just fucking do it dude yeah just i feel uh
Starting point is 00:08:29 incongruities and in story or character yeah which is total nonsense but it's very important to me i'll just like stay up and i'm like i don't something doesn't it's not connecting right yeah um yeah so hopefully it all connects because that's that's very important yeah but it's true too like this whole process with making anything uh in like you know traditional hollywood i guess yeah it's a long long process and you know you lose months just because like lawyers are going over details that no one can even explain to you in a quick conversation yeah and uh it is a lot of just hurry up and wait and it's a it's it's tough and especially since we do stand-up or we you know just do prank stuff or we run out and just shoot and see what we get it's uh it's different mindset different muscles yeah but it's it's all
Starting point is 00:09:22 fun it's fun to be able to do both it's fun to do the more long-term stuff and then like we got jake here with us and uh yeah i was i i didn't want to be stressed out waiting for the show to come out and waiting to see like what interviews we get or or like how it's received so we've just been making stuff like we went to iowa last week for a week and it was blast shot a bunch of really fun crazy stuff just for our own channels. Yeah, it's fun. It keeps my brain off the Netflix show. Yeah, it was a blast. Well, it's interesting, too, the kind of show we shot, too, is where we're interacting with real people the whole time.
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's all real people. Yeah, and it was such a mind trip of like you know you you basically want everything to go a certain way and and you can plan all you want you know but it's it's ultimately it's you know the the unpredictability of it was really exciting too because it's like with everything it's like any interaction could push you one way or the other could totally change your scene in ways or add to a scene in ways that you just don't even couldn't even have anticipated because real people are just you know they're gonna say what they're gonna say yeah that that that was really fun that's my favorite kind of
Starting point is 00:10:39 acting is just when it's with real people and yeah you're kind of acting and they're yeah being themselves yeah yeah and then you're also kind of acting and they're being themselves. Yeah, yeah. And then you're also kind of being yourself, but you also have this story in your head that you're like, I'd like to get us from here to there. Yeah, yeah. It's very exciting. Totally. And some people are just, we met so many characters.
Starting point is 00:10:57 You meet just people where afterwards you're like, that dude had it. Whatever it is, he was ready to go. Dude, I mean, the second episode, we're in Santa Barbara. And after that, I mean, seeing the way the Isla Vista kids live, I just wanted to rage. I immediately fell back into that college mindset of they're just so – the way they live is just so – it's such an amazing sort of life philosophy
Starting point is 00:11:27 that college kids in Alavista have. They're just having a good time. Yeah, UC Santa Barbara is like a little utopia up there. And that's why we went up there, to protect it. Because it's under environmental duress. But the kids were phenomenal. Charlotte, Dan Chu. I'm'm forgetting what's the one kid's name fernando fernando yeah it's a fucking legend yeah and like that kid we were just talking to dan
Starting point is 00:11:54 out in the street asking about the issues of santa barbara fernando just pulls up in his car yeah gets out just starts talking to us yeah never met this guy before no one on production knew who he was he just pulled into the shot and then he's in the rest of the episode because he was just a stud yeah he was so funny yeah and he was just he was one of my favorite kinds of people where he was like a full-on bro but you could tell he had a lot of horsepower in his head yeah like he would say some smart shit and you were like whoa keep an eye on this guy totally and the the i mean the beer pong the beer die i'm sorry i'm done with beer pong too but i i love beer die sky high dude i'm very passionate about beer die and to be able to include beer die in a tv show and then the watching them play beer i mean we
Starting point is 00:12:40 haven't played in a while we gotta play soon yeah i love it. I think maybe we're doing our premiere next week. We should have some beer pong tables there or something like that. At one of the other bars? Yeah, or at Elysian. See if they'll let us bring in a ping pong table. Oh, right. Yeah, I've never even been there. Do they have a big kind of...
Starting point is 00:12:55 I think they have a big lobby before you go into the theater. Right. Hmm. I wonder if we could block off a section of one of the bars. And get some kegs. Yeah. We should get some kegs. Yeah. We should get some kegs. That sounds good.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Kegs and eggs? Yeah. I like kegs and eggs. Dude, I remember in college, it's St. Patrick's Day. There's another day. Oh, for my frat, it was the anniversary of when it was created or some bullshit. It's a big day. Founder's Day.
Starting point is 00:13:22 It was Founder's Day. So you just wake up at like 4 a.m. and start's awesome dude kegs and eggs did make me cream yeah bust a load i gave uh i gave jt props on this but uh like your guys's improv is crazy oh yeah if i was in certain interactions that you guys had like i don't know how you just like stay focused and like kind of work your way through the conversation is there like something that you're like looking for like you said it's kind of just like a ride how do you decide where um i don't know i think it's uh how do you it's a... How do you...
Starting point is 00:14:05 It's a numbers game. Yeah. I mean, you both are probably taking classes, right? Sure. Yeah. Yeah, I think that helps. I think it's repetition. You just keep doing it, and then...
Starting point is 00:14:17 You just try to stay excited, and you try to think of new things to say. Yeah, you just sort of stay present, and just like... didn't you try to think of new things to say yeah you just sort of stay present and um um just like you stay present and you try to think in character and then sort of yeah i think a lot of it's just thinking in character and then sort of looking for instances where it's like what does the character want and then or, or what's, what's a place where you can, how can you take the scene in a certain direction based off what they're
Starting point is 00:14:51 saying to you? I think. Yeah. Cause sometimes you can tell if they're going to go in a funny direction or you can tell if they're going to go in a direction that actually fits with where you were trying to go. Yeah. And you can tell if they agree with you or they disagree with you and you just try to fuel whatever kind of uh spark of a direction you see from them yeah just keep going you just want to keep them talking keep them going yeah get them to open up sometimes they don't and they shut you down but that's funny too yeah but yeah it was it's
Starting point is 00:15:22 uh it's crazy the show's coming out yeah it's been a long time coming it's good we're busy too we got a lot of stand-up gigs coming out we're shooting more stuff totally i uh i've been meditating like crazy wim hof breathing like crazy nice cold showering i've been dialed with that stuff it's all good stuff it It really helps with the balance. Oh, yeah, yeah. You got to stay balanced. You got to get in the ice. You can't let a... I realized you can't fix thoughts through thinking. You can't fix thoughts through other thoughts.
Starting point is 00:15:54 People just stop thinking that way. I'm like, it don't work that way. You know what I think a lot about is mortality. Sure. That has put things into perspective because you place so much importance on like a show coming out or little things you know whereas at the end of the day it's like um i think this sort of came up in the in our tiger belly episode of just like you just have to enjoy the process because and i think i think this happens with a lot of like
Starting point is 00:16:25 actors and stuff too where you're always thinking ahead like what's the next thing you know it's sort of like your future planning you're like okay you know i'm doing this right now but when am i going to be able to do like a movie and stuff like that whereas like you always have to take a step back and be like be like no especially for us to be like no i'm doing the thing that i've been wanting to do. I'm doing it right now. Why can't I, you know, I should just. And I think there's instances where I'm really able to enjoy it. And then there are instances where I'm really in my head.
Starting point is 00:16:53 But I think I just have to get back to that place of like, I'm doing it right now. Like, it's happening. So enjoy it. And then, you know, I'm going to die someday. So. Maybe. Yeah, maybe. We'll see how many ice baths I can do.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So it's like I'm going to die someday, so, you know, potentially. I might not die, but we'll get to that. So at the end, you know, was ego tripping all that stuff doesn't a more fatay dude yeah it doesn't do anything love of fate bro yeah no it's true we usually look at that yeah we have very little we can control i just didn't want to get it wrong i'll do that a lot like yeah we were on a zoom earlier and i said ensnared and then i'll just google it real quick and be like did i use that right yeah i was like yeah dude yeah um yeah i think uh i think it's tough too because like a lot of we're working on a bunch of other projects that are big yeah
Starting point is 00:17:58 like a netflix show big but everything's contingent on stuff working or hitting and stuff like that. So you can feel you're like, I'm building this thing, but we're not sure how rock solid the foundation is. And then if it's not as solid as people thought, then we might have to rebuild. But you can do that. That's why I've been liking reading all these presidents' books is because those guys, look, they're all like, at minimum, probably like war criminals every president's done something like like that you know what i mean yeah
Starting point is 00:18:31 but their spirit and their can-do attitude is really invigorating because you'll read about them and like fucked up shit happens to all them and they just keep going yeah just keep going yeah and that's all that really matters can you keep going just keep going and yeah our lives are great like we live the dream so yeah i'm excited for more of it and the show's gonna bang people are gonna love it and we'll just keep rocking i mean i love it i i i truly do have you seen it you guys haven't seen it i watched the the trailer that the trailer it did a good job on the trailer yeah i really crushed that um yeah i love it a lot yeah good but by the time this comes out i probably have seen it yeah because next week so so how do you feel about it i feel fucking amazing chad you did really good jt awesome as well you better keep that right that better be what you say
Starting point is 00:19:31 yeah next week i'll come back with a different opinion yeah um dude speaking of loads uh jack you said that the sun is dropping a fat load on us today yeah so dark plasma on this thursday we're recording this is hurling towards the earth it's called cannibal plasma no dark dark dark plasma is hurling it's called cannibal what ejection mass ejection do you know what the plasma, what is plasma? I think it's like it's loads. The sun's busting a load on us. And I think it's messing up technology. I think if the sun occasionally busts loads,
Starting point is 00:20:15 and I think if it busts a fat enough load on us, a solar ejection, then it can like wipe out the internet. So that's something that we also got to worry about in addition to, you know, asteroids and viruses. Yeah, three out of five on the load scale. Wow, that's a pretty big load. That's like a Kevin Farr five years ago load. Now as the loads have gotten smaller. Anyways. Did I have lunch with joe oh you did today yeah oh nice i saw him yesterday for a or two days ago for a bit how's he doing he seemed good he's doing better i think yeah
Starting point is 00:20:58 adjusting to la yeah joe's back guys joe moved back to la the big hog there's dong equilibrium that's huge yeah i. I was, uh, yeah, he was going to move in here, but Ari Maness had an extra room at his place. So he's living with Ari, which is great. But I did, I, at first I was like a little bit like, I was like, all right, dude, you can come stay with me. But I was like, even like putting like a time constraint on it just cause you know, doing my own thing. But then once he was like, I'm living with Ari, I was like, oh man, I kind of really wanted him to live here yeah it was like one of those like buyer's remorse things i was like it would be a really fun throwback yeah but i don't have an extra room so i'd be sleeping on
Starting point is 00:21:32 the couch and he'd be in my room because i sleep on my couch every night anyways so it would have been a little awkward that way but it would have been a lot of fun to have him and we could have done pickums like crazy yeah but uh i'm glad he's back dude i he looks good he's he's looking thin and his calves were exploding today and he was telling me i don't know if he's told you this but he dropped some goss on me that certain high up popular female comic has been you know throwing him rhythm yeah did he tell you about that yeah do you think he's gonna to you think he's gonna potentially date yeah um maybe i told him to make a move i told him to make a move he said he wouldn't he's gonna wait for her no he should make the first move she'd
Starting point is 00:22:15 like that she needs an assertive dude yeah uh not knowing her at all but i think that's what joe should do i think just for joe would be better. Yeah, yeah. I mean, he has to be careful. You know, he's back working at the store, which is great. Yeah. So, you know, he can't – you don't want to get a rep for hitting on too many of the past comics. Yeah. But, you know, if love strikes you, you've got to honor that. So we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Dude, I was telling him, I was like, if that happened, I don't know if anything could make me happier I'd be pretty stoked she'd be very stoked too yeah she'd be a lucky lady you think she's heard
Starting point is 00:22:51 about his prodigious piece probably I think it's probably made the rounds everywhere yeah you know we've been a loud bullhorn for that yeah
Starting point is 00:22:58 I think everybody knows now Joe's got a big dick yeah if I I think I met her one time mission accomplished if I see her one time. Mission accomplished. If I see her and we strike up a conversation, I'm just going to relate everything back to Joe's dick in a positive light.
Starting point is 00:23:13 She'll be like, how about the news? I'm like, yeah, but it's nice we have good news. Like Joe's dick is still intact. I've been telling her that too. Yeah, she's really sweet. I love Joey Behar. Yeah. Me too. Dude, that'd be so sick if they hooked up it would be cool she's talking about on the view
Starting point is 00:23:32 i got something to talk about today i met this guy joe merisi oh my god what a lover romeo once you get him inside that place he just takes your body to another worldly dimension his touch his eyes is huge huge hawk so sensual assertive and then you ordered me pizza afterwards he'd be good at that too you get that prime sicilian yeah you want how we do prince street how about round table what dumbass you'd call her a dumbass girls like that sometimes if you're close with them if you have friendly banter yeah some girls like that it gives them a little jolt i uh did you hear about salmon rusty yeah dude that was insane yeah i thought that fat's while was over. I thought
Starting point is 00:24:25 it had kind of like come and gone, but I think those things are forever. People rushing the stage? Well, so like he wrote this book, The Satanic Verses in like 88. And then like the religious leader of Iran was like, put a fatwa on him, like a religious order to kill him. Whoa. So he was living with bodyguards forever but was also like living a full life like he'd you know pop up on tv and he was like he dates remarkably well uh because you know he's not the most traditionally handsome guy but he's married to like padma lakshmi and he's just a cool dude and so he was kind of a inspiration on so many fronts and then you kind of stopped hearing about it for a while and i guess maybe he let his guard
Starting point is 00:25:05 down a little bit like he didn't have as much security and he was doing a a speaking event and someone rushed the stage and stabbed him a bunch of times yeah he's gonna lose an eye yeah but he got stabbed in the neck i think that'll just help his swagger even more yeah eye patch the eye patch will work well with him yeah but bummer dude wishing you well simon i uh i'm sorry that it you know i heard the book too isn't even that hard like he's not even talking that much shit on islam like it's pretty light and most the book is like like a fantasy dream world like i think he does like magic realism and then but someone took offense to it who had power and put it out there that he was no good.
Starting point is 00:25:45 And yeah, caught up to him like, I don't know, like 34 years later. It's crazy. Yeah. Poor guy. Yeah. But I guess he was cracking funnies in the hospital. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:58 What a good guy. Yeah, he's tough as nails, that guy. Beast of a writer. Yeah, what would you do if that happened to you? If I got stabbed? If you were in his situation, would you be able to crack jokes in the hospital? Yeah, for sure. I was gagging like crazy today at the dentist.
Starting point is 00:26:15 I went to the dentist this morning. It was so fun. How are your teeth looking? Pretty good. I might have one cavity. But other than that, it was good. They said I was overdue for a cleaning. But my teeth, even if they don't like look perfect they seem to have strong like uh enamel enamel
Starting point is 00:26:31 yeah like i don't get many cavities and stuff like that but they gave me a cleaning and it was it was fun but they kept they were doing my x-rays and they kept jamming the thing in my mouth and my mouth breather so i was like and i kept like almost vomiting yeah and the guy was like are you okay i was like i'm great keep it coming yeah i just i was like trying to be tough yeah i pulled it off i was like let's go yeah when they were cleaning it they're like can you handle this i was like yeah keep going keep going yeah and it was uh it was a treat it was the most fun i've ever had at the dentist for sure that's awesome yeah they uh uh yeah is your girlfriend is she succeeding and trying to get you to be to breathe through your nose it's funny you mentioned that so i was like reading
Starting point is 00:27:12 yesterday on her couch and then she just comes in and like trying to be subtle not subtle at all just comes in with the james nester breath book yeah's like, if you finish that, you can read this one. And I was like, yeah, real subtle, honey. And then she was like, I wasn't making a big deal about it. I was like, come on, dude. She's like, it's not that I'm trying to change it. I just kept busting her balls on it. She's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:27:39 But then I left my book in the car and I started reading the James Nestor nose breathing book. And it is compelling. Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to read the book. I'm going to talk shit on it the whole time. I'm going to send her photos of passages that upset me or where I feel like he's overpromising, which he's already done several times in the first 10 pages. But by the end of it, I guarantee I end up adopting half the practices.
Starting point is 00:28:04 That's just my way. I talk shit on it. I make fun of it. But then I end up adopting like half the practices that that's just my way i talk shit on it i make fun of it but then i end up doing it right so yeah i guess she's winning yeah she's getting the dub there you know i i have yet to i've actually with my lady in bed i've taped my mouth once but i think i'm gonna do it tonight my lady would find it arousing she'd be excited that might get us all the way there yeah yeah she'd be fired up that seems nice yeah she's cool yeah she's got a good attitude um dude i like so my girlfriend moved in two three weeks ago yeah how's that going it's great man it's a lot of fun you having a ball it's so much fun yeah it's great it's fun having you know her it's like we just have we just have a ton of fun uh she grows like
Starting point is 00:28:54 almost every night and we just watch shows and hang out and it's like it's just a very fun you know you sort of i guess it's a big test you know it's to your compatibility and um so but we've been having a blast and it's fun and it's like i don't know it's fun to like plan shit and just like to think of things you can do for the house of like we're getting these like you know hanging lights or whatever to give it a little bit more of a cool sort of summertime you know ambiance and, uh, we're grilling and stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And then I got to do like man of the house shit, which is fun. Like I was killing spiders the other night, the best, you know? And she's like, there's spider right there. I was like,
Starting point is 00:29:34 Hmm, what else, babe? You know? And, uh, with a Swiffer, right?
Starting point is 00:29:40 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kill him with a Swiffer. And, uh, you know know and then for everything else calling the landlord yeah it's still being a man about it grabbing the phone and yeah yeah yeah i was like i got this i'll make the call i love that yeah and then um that's a lot of fun
Starting point is 00:30:03 i do i've been obsessed with watching watching roller coasters on Instagram now. You're just watching people ride them and see their facial reactions? No, more just the roller coaster itself. Interesting. I'll do like a point of view one where it's like you're on the roller coaster. It's sort of like POV porn where it's like you're the guy watching her take the load. This is like you're the guy taking the load
Starting point is 00:30:26 of the roller coaster and and also just you know watching them from sort of like a distance you know seeing how big they are
Starting point is 00:30:33 and stuff awesome dude and I was thinking to myself I was like since we're touring around the country I want to hit every major theme park oh that's a great
Starting point is 00:30:39 that's a great goal yeah be a roller coaster guy hit Cedar Point in Ohio Bush Gardens in Tampa. I wanted to obviously do Universal Studios, Disney World, Florida. Maybe Dollyland in Tennessee. Is that Dolly Parton's place?
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah, yeah. It's Dollywood. It's a great quest. It sounded so corny, but it looks legit. It's a fun experience. It's something new. Yeah. You'll come out of it with something.
Starting point is 00:31:04 A lot of thrills absolutely and you'll see interesting people and you'll do things you never would have ordinarily done yeah did cedar point in ohio look sick what's going on there just huge roller coasters they sound massive the biggest let's go yeah dude oh yeah i want to go back i've been there i've been to six flags great adventure and i rode king decaw's awesome but i want to go back to Kingda Ka. And then El Toro is like the best roller coaster I think I've ever been on. This wooden roller coaster in New Jersey. Wooden?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Wooden, yeah. Does it loop? I don't think so. But it's like on number one on a lot of people's lists. Wow. It's just so huge drop. Very intense. And there's something so classic about the wooden roller coaster. The sound and and it's just a lot of speed a lot of you know
Starting point is 00:31:49 it's yeah this was a that's a great quest yeah i was gonna do like a uh i'm doing something similar i'm gonna add like a day to every one of our travel things and try to go to like some kind of a spiritual center oh really yeah are you gonna do that like every time i think so i'm gonna do like a silent retreat or i'm gonna do like a breathing thing or i'm gonna do like ayahuasca yeah yeah i'm just gonna dip my toe into every like uh kind of a spiritual path there is for just a little bit where are you doing ayahuasca i don't know yet maybe in ohio dude that'd be a good place to try it i'm gonna do it all you do it with machine gun kelly love
Starting point is 00:32:31 that guy yeah that's what part of why we went to iowa was to uh get machine gun kelly to do something to help the culture out i don't want to tip it yet until you guys see it but we had a small interaction at a distance but he saw us and we saw him and we communicated. It was pretty crazy. It was pretty wild. Pretty, pretty wild. Excited for that.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Dude. Also speaking of you, like calling places or like killing spiders, it's funny. One of the ways that they describe people in the Teddy Roosevelt, William Taft book is they'll always describe their behavior as manly, but it's not like, oh, you like benched 400 pounds or you beat some dude's ass at a bar, you're manly.
Starting point is 00:33:10 It's like the way you took responsibility for supporting that congressman who ended up getting like bribes to not protect conservation lands in Montana, that was manly. They always describe like people taking responsibility in the book as manly. And I was Montana, that was manly. They always describe people taking responsibility in the book as manly. And I was like, that's cool.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And that word's not really used to describe things anymore. It's kind of fallen out of favor. And I'm sure there's other words that work well too, but there is something nice about that. I'd like to bring it back. Yeah, yeah. Like, your friend drives all you guys home when you're all drunk and he's sober. And you go, hey man, that was manly the way you drove us home last night.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. The way you took responsibility for us and made sure we were safe. That was manly. Dude, taking responsibility. I like that. Dude, someone told me that something I did was manly. Like if someone was like, the way you called that landlord and scheduled the plumber was manly, I'd be so fired up. It would encourage you to do it more, right? Yeah. It kind of elevates all this basic stuff into a new territory yeah like i went and
Starting point is 00:34:09 picked up my girlfriend's prescriptions from cvs yesterday yeah that was manly dude yeah i went i felt manly when i did it yeah i mean i did a little instagram video of me dancing to taylor swift but i still felt manly because because of the purpose of my mission i was like i'm picking up prescriptions yeah i'm helping her yeah felt good felt manly dude that's nice yeah i um i remember she was like uh she's like hey anywhere on the plumbing i was like she's like maybe i'll give him a call i was like hold on a second chief i'll make the call that's manly dude that's very manly of you i love that thanks dude um should we answer some cues of you i love that thanks dude um should we answer some cues yeah you gotta call the chief i also saw you and your girl had a good journaling sesh oh yeah i was journaling
Starting point is 00:34:54 um yeah she i was actually in a really sort of creative mood yeah i wrote dong and boner and i drew a dick she's like is that how you usually journal if I'm feeling creative you know when your muse comes to you and you just have to write you know that's how I felt in that moment it was like
Starting point is 00:35:18 you know I was just watching the history channel and then in my mind it was just dong I gotta write this shit down what were you watching on the history channel that sparked all that I was just watching the History Channel. And then my mind was just, dog. I was like, I got to write this shit down. What were you watching on the History Channel that sparked all that? I don't know. You don't remember that, but the inspiration.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Yeah. I mean, I kind of just put on the TV and I just stare and I don't take in anything. I'm more just staring at the wall above it. That's beautiful man what percentage of your journal would you say is words for dicks probably 90% what's the other 10?
Starting point is 00:35:55 calves so a lot of anatomy that's kind of where you go dongs, calves I'd like to take it to a psychiatrist and see if know he's like if he could base my iq off of it you can't trust those quacks no i don't know what they're talking about dude i also went to nantucket oh yeah yeah oh that's right for a week with my family that's
Starting point is 00:36:17 cool it sounds awesome dude it was beautiful one of the coolest places i've ever been like i was i anytime i'm going on a trip i'm always like i don't really want to go and then once i get there i'm like yeah fuck yeah but i landed i was like dude this place is freaking sick and our our friend martha was there who is script supervisor on our show check it out on netflix and uh she's from there so she gave me the whole rundown on the island it was really cool my girlfriend came came out. Had a good time. My dad was hilarious, dude. Dude, my dad just, he's still alive. He's still alive. Yeah, he's a tank.
Starting point is 00:36:54 The guy got pancreatic cancer almost four years ago. I was reading all the stats at the time. It said he was not long for the earth. He's just swinging, dude. He's still out there giving it as good as he gets it. And you can't stop him. You never know he was sick by hanging out with him. He's just full of vitality and just talking shit and yelling.
Starting point is 00:37:14 My whole family got into a huge fight about the movie Batgirl. Everyone just screaming at each other. And in the middle of us screaming at each other about Batgirl, I was like, this is nice. Everyone's being their full selves. It was really cool. Does he watch Yellowstone? Does he love it?
Starting point is 00:37:28 He does. He does love Yellowstone. He loves all that stuff. He's got the manliness part of Kevin Costner in there without the evil. Yeah, no, my dad's an evil guy. He's a sick and twisted dude. Maybe he's just John Dutton then. He is, for sure.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Did he put a cowboy hat on? He just said, you're not JT. You got to run this ranch. Dude, his friend Jimmy T gives me like the straight scoop on what my dad's been up to. And they've been friends
Starting point is 00:37:53 since they were kids. I love Jimmy T so much. I want to have him on the podcast, but he's refusing to come on. Yeah. But Jimmy T will just tell me stories about when they used to work together. He's like,
Starting point is 00:38:01 oh yeah, we were at this hair care conference in Las Vegas and we were fucked up. Me and your dad had been drinking and doing Molly all night. We had our friend's funeral the next day and man, were we loaded.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And I'm like, this is a great story. And then I'll bring it up to my dad. He's like, that never happened. I'm like, yeah, sure, buddy. JT, this is going to ruin us. People are going to, you see they're building the casino next door. We got to kill these people. My dad, yeah, he'll be like, you can't talk about this shit on the podcast, JT. He's like. People are going to, you see, they're building the casino next door. We got to kill these people.
Starting point is 00:38:25 My dad, yeah, he'll be like, you can't talk about this shit on the podcast, JT. He's like, I'm connected with Catholics, JT. I'm in business with Catholics. You can't tell these stories. I'm like, yo, I play by a different rule set. This is Hollywood. People just like a good story. And he's like, JT, don't tell that fucking story.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Don't you fucking tell that story. I'm like, I'm definitely going to tell that story, dude. Then he had good stories about my mom. My mom just being an animal. Like, I guess one time my dad forgot her birthday. Cause he was having like a business meeting at a,
Starting point is 00:38:53 he's like, Jimmy T was like, yeah, your dad was just had a bunch of us at like a bar and we were all getting hammered, but we were talking about important business shit. He's like, man,
Starting point is 00:39:01 your mom came in like a tornado. She smacked the shit out of him my mom's the best dude she just went in there and just tore ass um what's driving this yeah he's good in the show your dad's very good in the show my dad's very sweet your dad's so funny it was really really good guys i'm interrupting this podcast later once again we got a new show on netflix challenge at go deep check it out right now or when you have some free time it's a fun thrill ride six episodes it's the best and i hope you guys love it as much as I do.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Check it out at Netflix. And then we have tour dates coming up. We're going all over the country. New York, Boston, Nashville, North Carolina, South Carolina, Honolulu, Vegas, New York, Chicago. And I think we might have a Seattle date and an Atlanta date coming, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Get your tickets at chatandjt.com.
Starting point is 00:40:05 We're also brought to you by the Legends app, Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims, for looking after our hogs, for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean, because if you haven't heard already, it's smooth sack summer. When you're playing in that summer sun, make sure you're scaped from pubes to bum. Guys, in all seriousness, pubes are important.
Starting point is 00:40:26 And it's important to trim them and to make them look amazing and to let the world know that you just really, really care about your dink. And you can do that with the Performance Package 4.0. They got every product. Lawnmower, ear and nose hair trimmer, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, boxer briefs, you know, everything you need. Ball deodorant.
Starting point is 00:40:48 They have ball deodorant. Guys, get on the Manscaped train right now. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEP at Manscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code GODEEP at Manscaped.com. It's smooth sack summer, boys. Get on board or get left behind. All right, let's get back to the show. Mine is wide open, ready for a high five. Typically, if it's just one of my buddies, I will just stick with a good old-fashioned dap and that usually goes smoothly.
Starting point is 00:41:27 But I continue to find myself in situations where I'm cringing at the awkwardness of a missed fist bump or an awkward handshake that turns into a hug. I think the fact that I have noticed my low greeting success rate has affected my confidence. And now I feel like a golfer with the yips every time I see someone I know. What should I do? First off, what's the yips? It's when you're like just shanking everything uh or it's also like a baseball term i think for when uh you're like a fielder you just keep like guys it'll happen to guys there's a word for it uh the book art of fielding
Starting point is 00:41:55 was about it but there's a player who got it where you just can't make an accurate throw it's just all going all over the place um dude i love this question because i i sort of had this issue and and i think you just got to take ownership of the awkwardness you know take command and own it you know a lot of times people try to go in for a handshake i go for the hug but you do it confidently you know you say if they go oh we're hugging you're like yeah we're fucking hugging you know i think people like that i had a buddy who'd always hug me in college every time and i'd be like oh he's so sweet you know i think i think you go for the if you're going for a dap and you you go you have the open fist you squid that shit you know you squid the fuck out of it
Starting point is 00:42:34 that's why i go for the squid every time i know it annoys you but it does yeah uh i still squid him every time but you know me being able to talk about it openly alleviates any of the annoyance yeah and uh we only have we only have it like 5 000 times on camera where i go for it you do this why is it because it do you feel like emasculated because i'm squinting your fist well like the whole no i think it's probably partially but like i think the whole point is to do the same thing yeah then every time you do the other thing, and I'm like, hey, man. But I know it brings you great joy, and I know it's a thing that it's up to me to get over it
Starting point is 00:43:15 because I'll see other people when you squid them, and they love it. I'm like, God bless them, man. Yeah, the whole crew loved it on the show. I'm like, they're better men than me. I squid the shit out of Spencer, our producer. If you're watching're watching the spencer i'm gonna squid you next time i see you steve blast disease is when you can't make the throw i thought that's when you squid dude uh let's it could be associated with that dude i think i think you're right too i think with this
Starting point is 00:43:39 handshake thing dude it's an easy fix your is, is you're being reactive rather than proactive. Stop waiting for the other person to tell you what's going to happen. Just go in strong first and they'll react to that. Like I've noticed when I come up to stage to get the microphone, it's kind of an awkward handoff between you and the host because you don't know, like, are you going to hug? Are you going to fist bump? And people are watching too. So I just always, right when I'm walking up there, I already have my fist out. Hey, we're just going to do a fist. Oh yeah, too so i just always right when i'm walking up there i already have my fist out yeah hey we're just gonna oh yeah that's good start early yeah start early be the first one to draw it's a gunfight yeah be be doc holiday beat them to the punch also people aren't thinking about it as much as you think they are you know like i i had that thing i'd i sort of uh i saw bill burr at the comedy store and and we had this awkward thing where he went for a pound, I went to shake the hand, and then he opened his hand and I went for the, I should have just squitted Bill Burr.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So I was like, and I was like, you should have squitted Bill Burr. You should have. What the fuck? But it would have left an impression. Yeah. Because he's nice because he knows us now.
Starting point is 00:44:53 He's very nice to comics, you know? Good guy. So if he just like, he'd see me like, hey, how you doing? And I'd just go, yeah, squid. And I'd just stare at him. I think that'd leave him.
Starting point is 00:45:04 It's a great move. Yeah. I think that's part of it too, on the if you end up on the wrong end of it and you mess up it's always a good opportunity just to laugh oh man we fucked that up and give them like a double shoulder pat yeah yeah yeah and then everything's gone yeah but yeah i think i think it's true the issue isn't even the mess up the issue is the fixating on the mess up. Yeah. Because you got to just pretend that you're in control of these things and you know what's happening.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah. Wife won't let me shave. Boys, how's it going? JT, you're so wise. Chad, Chad's a bloody scucks. Aaron's a beast. Strider feels like a big brother. Joe has a heart of gold.
Starting point is 00:45:44 And Chris Legend always keeps JT on his toes in the sweetest way. What's a bloody scucks. Aaron's a beast. Strider feels like a big brother. Joe has a heart of gold. And Chris Legend always keeps JT on his toes in the sweetest way. What's a scucks? Oh, right here. Check this out. Oh, sorry if you're confused by scucks. It's a New England slang word for like dank. Oh, nice. I have a huge problem.
Starting point is 00:45:57 My dank wife doesn't let me shave my pubes. She prefers full bush. Bush. I'm a pretty hairy dude, too. She refuses to embrace being manscaped. What should I do? Love your wife completely, fully, and always. She sounds awesome, dude.
Starting point is 00:46:10 She wants you to be a feral animal. Why don't you honor that? Come in full bush, dude. Yeah. That's nice. I would love to have a lady like that. I think I do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I think my lady supports my bush. She's never commented on it. She likes your bush? I keep it pretty mangy. Yeah. I think my lady supports my bush. She's never commented on it. She likes your bush? I keep it pretty mangy. Yeah. Not horribly. I'll put the trimmer over it once a month or something, but I think that's cool, man. Unless you really want it to be shaved and then you just have an honest discussion about what's like a, if it's like really important to you and like you don't feel sexy with a
Starting point is 00:46:42 full bush, just tell her like, like hey babe i know you love the full bush but for me to feel sexy and fully in my body i needed to be a little more trim and i think she'll hear you on that right yeah yeah if he if his bush is making him uncomfortable like you're getting it caught in your zipper or something um you know and have that talk with her but i think if she wants to be you to be al natural bro just make sure you buy the manscape performance package 4.0 you don't have to use it yeah guys manscape has been getting on us because people aren't buying as many lawnmowers which like to me is like makes sense why they're like i i you guys bought a ton and at a certain i'm pretty sure the whole audience has already bought them.
Starting point is 00:47:26 The whole audience already has one. Yeah. So it's, it makes sense to me that you wouldn't keep re-upping even though the technology has improved, you know, tenfold. Yeah. But if you are thinking about, you know, if the machine has any rust or wear and tear, get the new one guys. Cause yeah, Manscaped kind of got on us and we're like, Hey, they're not buying mowers
Starting point is 00:47:44 like they used to. I'm like, well well everyone's got three yeah yeah how many how many how many mowers you want them to have guys and yeah make sure you use code go deep and yeah and then get the fucking deodorants get get the fucking the cologne i use all that shit get it all yeah it's all great stuff let's just use this as the manscaped ad i love manscape by the way they're you know been very generous to us you get the weed whacker you're a nose hair trimmer yeah let me try that thing out i'll put that thing in me you know i i do my nose hairs just with my fingers do you guys do that like when they pop up you just pull them out yeah yeah yeah oh for sure that's how i do my nails too when they get long i just pick them i feel like we kind of know
Starting point is 00:48:28 what we're doing with that stuff like it's woven into our biology to know how to like self-clean a little bit uh oh this is interesting kind of pertinent to what we're me talking about going to the dentist uh i'm a dentist from seattle hey lord's of stoke I'm literally a third year dental student in Seattle whoa hold on I'm doing the nose trimmer that's fun it's fun
Starting point is 00:48:54 whoa it's cutting hair that's really fun is that working I think that sound means it's working that tickles man you should put that up your ass I was thinking the same thing. I was thinking the same thing. I was going to say on my clit.
Starting point is 00:49:11 But I guess my clit's in my butt. Yeah, here, Chad, go. Yeah, put that up your butt. No, touch it for real, though. Ooh. Ooh. no touch it for real though that feels good you're a little dirty freak aren't you dude I just worked my tank you're a little dirty freak
Starting point is 00:49:34 get over here I am literally a third year dental student in Seattle currently and let me tell you guys the grind is unreal they actually have anti-suicide posters in our LASB last quarter. Dude, I always think the key to an anti-suicide poster is not to mention suicide. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Don't even mention the darkest possibility. Just show the brightest one. Yeah. Just be like, hey, second year students. And it's a guy like kayaking through glaciers. Yeah, yeah. My question for you is this. Just have beaches everywhere.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Yeah, just have beaches everywhere. Because once you put the word don't commit suicide into a wall, my brain goes, was I going to commit suicide? It puts you on that spin. Yeah. My question for you is this. What things could I do to get people more stoked on going to the dentist? My ideas include a bar in the waiting room and possibly hiring really attractive
Starting point is 00:50:25 dental assistants that wear lingerie and clear plastic PPE. Interested to hear any great ideas from you guys. Well, I like the way this guy's brain works. It's very simple. Yeah. You get some tits in the office. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:41 What if all the assistants had huge racks? Would that get more people? You know what? worked too people it's it's not gonna work your dentist comes in you like the office yeah you know a lot of us commit suicide but i had to counter that by getting a lot of tits in here yeah you know that's the thing too is i'd be suspicious of my dentist's intelligence at that point i'm like what i'm like you didn't think just being the best dentist would help like you just said tits and ass and beer yeah are you sure you're in the right profession bro he has the drill in your mouth he's like shelly bring that over here hey you gotta check this out
Starting point is 00:51:21 yeah shelly's 21 she's paying off some student debt Hey you guys check this out He's never gonna school for this shit Gets he gets he gets sued and then fired I was trying to prevent suicide bro, bro. Come is the point of this office all right sorry no i love it um yeah dude i think you got it figured out just you know what honestly i was going to give you real advice but i think uh i genuinely want you to try this and tell me how it goes and see if it becomes like the most popular dentist office in the country. Because honestly, I wouldn't bet against it.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I would just go for it, dude. You've got the plan already in place. And if you want our blessing, blessed. Go for it. He could be like Watley in Seinfeld, played by Bryan Cranston. He's the pervy dentist. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Good dude. I've been watching Seinfeld lately. Yeah, it's so good. Yeah, me and the lady will watch it and how do you how do you like it i like it a lot she always shows me the putty episode she says i'm like putty he's amazing in it dude that actor yeah he plays it so perfectly yeah his delivery is incredible dude he crushed putty and being the uh safety guy in california soaring in disneyland oh is he that guy? He's like, now buckle up your seatbelt.
Starting point is 00:52:45 And some kid does it in the thing and he just goes, that a boy. I can see it. Yeah, he's amazing. Money Talk with the Misses. My bro-braham Lincolns. The wife and I have been married two years and she is an absolute bombshell and my best friend. When we got hitched,
Starting point is 00:53:02 we were both pulling about the same amount of cash to regularly split bills or just traded rent, dinner, and all felt fair and never stressed on it. However, over the last 18 months, my career has blown up, which is dank for both of us in our future. However, the girl has started a spending rampage and nothing I say can slow her down. It's causing extreme anxiety and frustration. Where we used to share in the rent, I cover the whole thing. Where we used to split or she'd offer to split din the rent i cover the whole thing where we used to split or she'd offer to split dinners i cover the whole thing i know we are married and it's the same pot i feel a little used any advice would be greatly appreciated cheers boys it's a tough one i mean
Starting point is 00:53:36 you gotta just uh call her out dude i think uh and you can do that respectfully but i think you gotta just call her out and this would cut both ways i think the way you can do that respectfully, but I think you got to just call her out. And this would cut both ways. I think the way you got to think about it is like, what if your wife was making bank? And it's tough with these things too, because like, you don't want to come across like two rah-rah dude, like, yeah, hell yeah, she's using you, bro. You got to fucking put a stop to that shit. I don't mean it like that, but I just mean like for a fair, equal relationship. Like if she
Starting point is 00:54:05 was making bank and you were going willy nilly spending it on like golf clubs and dirt bikes and other sick shit, I would get why you were doing that. But I wouldn't disagree if she called you out. So I think you just got to be like, Hey babe, enough is enough. Like I work really hard for this stuff. We need more transparency on what you're spending and where you're spending. And I'm sorry for that. Like, I don't want to feel like I'm like, you know, looking over you or like you don't have freedom, but it's just not financially smart for us to have this much money going out.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Like, it's really about keeping both of us protected because, you know, we want this money to do more for us. And, and I kind of need to know, I kind of need you to slow down so I can feel safer about that. Yeah. I think it's well said. I have nothing to add. And then you know what I think that leads to? A big fight and a bigger reunion.
Starting point is 00:54:59 She'll come around. You guys fight about it. You get it out. All the emotions, all the the intensity all the names you know try to keep it pg and then the reunion gets x-rated all that energy you guys are gonna have a good time yeah so look forward to it man look forward to the conversation totally um dance for a wedding cue i was at a wedding this weekend and someone dropped their drink on the dance floor breaking the glass of course i've been there but got me thinking, what's the best recovery mode to do from this?
Starting point is 00:55:30 If you spill the glass, you take off your shoes and you dance on it. Dude, my friend Liz did a semester abroad and she met these two dudes who were cool guys, I thought. And they came to visit her in California and we had a pool party at her house and me and Strider were there and we tried to be hospitable. We're like, you guys are great guys. And we got super loaded with them.
Starting point is 00:55:58 And then one of the guys just got way too drunk, got the worst sunburn I've ever seen. He was a red haired guy. And he ended up breaking a bottle. We're like,'re like bro chill chill and then he he stepped onto the glass and just stared at me and strider while it happened oh really yeah it was like peak psycho yeah i mean we're like dude we gotta get this guy to bed yeah he was like that's awesome I think yeah if you do it clean it up but also you could you know if you just kept dancing
Starting point is 00:56:33 you know kept dancing but then shimmied your way towards a broom got a broom and a thing you're just sort of dancing and you know sweeping it up then people are going to be like wow that guy's responsible and cool and he's fun so it's a good opportunity for you to sort of shine
Starting point is 00:56:51 in the party and then you know who knows you may just end up hiring a really cool dentist um dude one more question about greetings sub stokers i've noticed while watching shows movies people of high economic status or people from other countries always kiss each other on the cheek when greeting one another however i never see this in real life does this feel like a custom that seems to be fading with new generations curious if you guys ever see this and what your thoughts are on it i would love to see this thing picked back up. I think it's just European. My friend's girlfriend works in fashion and she does it. And she was in Nantucket and she was hitting us with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And I did the thing that I laughed about. I went, oh, sorry, I'm not used to that. And then it's really not even a kiss. It's a cheek touch. Yeah, you make the kiss thing, but you don't actually kiss skin. Yeah. You're kind of kissing air and you're just hitting cheek. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Which is nice. It's fun. But it does throw you for a second. You're like, whoa, I'm not used to this one. No, when I lived in Spain, that's what they did. So I learned really quickly to do that with everyone, which is interesting. It is nice. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Yeah, dude, I would just start doing it. Yeah, you bring it back. Yeah. Yeah, we shouldn't let Europeans have have all the culture in class let's start doing it over here yeah and do it with your bros yeah that'd be cool tell us how it goes if you were the frat that was doing that that'd be sick yeah if you're in a frat i'm betting you are um all right last one long one what's up stoke lords first and foremost i've been a long time listener and i have to thank you guys for doing what you do the pod has brought me lots of joy
Starting point is 00:58:23 into my life i have a situation that i would love your guidance on. So I'm a rising senior in college. Me and my girlfriend of two years just broke up about three months ago. I was completely broken after the fact because she is truly the most amazing girl I've ever met. Not only was she the nicest person, but she also made me a better man in general. It was both our faults that we broke up. She had thought I cared less about her towards the end of our relationship, even though I never loved her any less, but I was bad at expressing my love to her sometimes. And she wasn't a very confrontational person, meaning we never argued and she had never confronted me about her feelings. If I had known how she felt, I would have done everything and anything I could to fix
Starting point is 00:58:55 our relationship. And that's why I felt like the breakup came out of nowhere. Anyway, she didn't want to stay in contact as she felt that was the best way for both of us to move on. I did what she wanted and stayed out of her life after the breakup to give her space. However, I was completely broken over the fact that I couldn't speak to her. Fast forward a couple months later, I had reached out because I truly wanted to just check up on her and see if there was anything I could do to bring her back. She agreed to meet with me and we'd grab coffee together. I apologized for everything and expressed to her that I still loved her dearly and would do anything to fix our relationship. However, it wasn't like that she completely rejected the idea. She mostly responded by,
Starting point is 00:59:28 I'm sorry, I can't take back my words, or I'm not in a good space right now and maybe down the road. It's these phrases that sort of keep me on the hook of thinking maybe we can fix this one day. However, nothing she said was definitive. So I don't know whether there is something or just false hope. He doesn't know what to do. Is that it? He doesn't know what to do. Yeah, it's just more him saying he doesn't know what to do. I would say he's got to go out and live his life.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Yeah. Get back out there. Maybe go on a few dates here and there. And then just get back on track. Do things that make you happy. Hit the gym. Get invested in your work. You're a rising senior, so back on track. Do things that make you happy. Hit the gym. Get invested in your work. You're a rising senior, so focus on studying, crushing it in school,
Starting point is 01:00:11 hanging with your friends, making some good memories. And I think the best thing you can do is go out and live your life and enjoy it. And I think trying to stick around and trying to get her to come back. Well, it's bad for your spirit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:31 I totally agree. I think I did this. I wanted to get back an ex one time. Um, and I had really blown it. And yeah, what worked for me was getting my, it wasn't calling her texting her.
Starting point is 01:00:42 It was getting my life in order and improving as a person because there's no downside to it like you and because there is a potential it worked with us we got back together we weren't supposed to be together but we did get back together like you you improve your life maybe she does come back but then if she doesn't your life is still improved yeah so you're still in a better situation than when you than you were when you you know started this kind of quest so i say that just go do things that make you feel strong that help you forget about her for a little bit because that's better for the day-to-day now whatever happens at the end of the road you'll be farther along than you were before so do that whatever that is for you brother but you got this i bet you all get married and shit nice chad who's your beef of the week uh dude property manager landlord uh
Starting point is 01:01:35 trying to get this thing in our washer replaced i hate when they're just like you know all i need to do is schedule a plumber it's been like three weeks and then like the property manager's like hey i'm maintenance isn't getting back to me can you reach out i'm like what is this like no i did reach out but i'm like what the fuck is going on here why can't like this is so simple why is this so difficult you know and i think it's just laziness every time i talk oh yeah oh um where are you on the oh yeah where are you living oh yeah yeah and i'm like dude i pay rent on time every time i'm a good tenant these are your problems you know they came with the house i didn't cause these problems so you fucking
Starting point is 01:02:24 schedule this shit and do it now. Or I'm going to write a Yelp review for the first time in my life and I'm going to fucking destroy you. And then I'm going to talk shit on Twitter. You hold all the cards, baby. Yeah. You could ruin this, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 So that's my beef. Great restraint on your part to not annihilate them. Thanks, dude. But it could be like the aliens in Independence Day. Where right now my laser beam is charging up. And I could destroy Houston in one go. No disrespect to Houston. I really like that city.
Starting point is 01:03:02 H-Town big ups. Jake, you had one? Yeah. My beef of the week is Bullet Train. We saw the movie, Bullet Train. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Terrible. Horrendous movie.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Especially as someone who edits film. Well, not necessarily movies, but kind of know how editing works. A lot of jump cuts and things that just made zero sense. And adding characters that had zero touch to the movie. It was just horrible. But I had a good time with the boys. So I guess that's a plus. But the movie was terrible.
Starting point is 01:03:37 That was fun. We did have a good time. But it was a bad movie. Beneath Brad Pitt. Very beneath him. Yeah, it's tough to imagine brad making a bad movie and there was some last second cameos that they threw in there just to like try to zhuzh it up and it was like disrespectful yeah i was like don't don't try to save the day with two seconds
Starting point is 01:03:57 of ryan reynolds okay i'm i'm i expect more from you than that yeah ryan reynolds ain't moving the needle for me like i'm not gonna see ryan reynolds for two seconds but oh this is a good movie i didn't like that yeah dude my beef of the week i had a bad pilot flying home from denver to la he was a bad pilot i knew it right away right when he got over the the comms he was like okay guys guys. So we're, uh, you know, yeah, right. About a 10 minutes behind. We had some, uh, late connectors coming on board and I just want to do a wait for them to get their bags. You know, I know I'd like to have my bags on my flight. I was like, what the fuck are you talking about, dude? And then when we got up in the air, it was bumpy and he's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's tough. A little bumpy. So'm gonna keep the fasten seatbelt sign on and uh you know i think i see some holes there for some good
Starting point is 01:04:49 weather so maybe we get through those and it gets a little little smoother and i was like what's with all this like kind of like like maybe stuff while you're flying he's like yeah it could get better you know maybe they'll get on board with their bags we don't know i'm like i just want a pilot who has no time for me who just gets on and he's like we had, it could get better. You know, maybe they'll get on board with their bags. We don't know. I'm like, I just want a pilot who has no time for me, who just gets on. And he's like, we had some late connectors. They're not going to make it guys. It's bumpy right now. I'll figure it out.
Starting point is 01:05:14 I need that kind of confidence. And it was a bumpy ride in a rough landing. And I knew from the beginning, I was like, this guy doesn't have it. And I don't think we think about that enough. That's 200 000 planes in the sky at any given moment some of those pilots just have to suck right they're not as good as the other pilots and i think we think they're all the same they're not all the same this guy was bad tell him bad pilot nice guy probably sorry dude i feel bad now no it's good
Starting point is 01:05:40 he fucked up he fucked up let him have it it's tough dude it's tough. He fucked up. He fucked up. Let him have it. It's tough, dude. It's tough. This is to you, pilot. Yeah. I don't know, man. It just didn't have to be that bumpy. Dude, I had that on my way to Reno. You know those flights where you board the plane, then you realize, wait a second, we've been sitting here for an hour. Yeah, sorry, we were late coming from savannah georgia the pilots were i'm like
Starting point is 01:06:07 why did we board the plane then why can't you keep us out until they showed up yeah what is this recent phenomenon with them all i know they're overworked and there's like a labor crisis but yeah i'm not used to seeing people like running up to the gate with me who are working on the plane yeah and i'm like i was literally in like the farthest row at window seat so uncomfortable you know the guy in front of me some douche who fucking leans his chair back i never do that on principle i think it's rude and i think it's bad karma and someone's gonna do it to me but i don't do it and someone did do it to me i was like you're a fucking asshole and um yeah so i was and then they're like on board they're like yeah so maintenance had to take care of something and we're supposed to
Starting point is 01:06:50 legally print this piece of paper out but the printer's not working i was like geez yeah the printer's broken yeah come on dude out of all the excuses at an airport the printer's broken yeah dude um jake who or chad who's your babe of the week uh my babe of the week is the cast and crew of our show nice um you know this is everyone involved this is netflix ben cavey ben lynn caitlin hotchkiss brandon norman vicky prieto uh our amazing director dan lucchese freaking legend um dave kneebone janelle cranking spencer vickers at abso uh the whole the whole cast we got you strider kev uh jt's mom our dads and the whole crew just the whole team was just awesome. We had such a blast making it.
Starting point is 01:07:47 And I think that comes through in the finished product because it was just so much fun. I just wanted to give props to everyone involved because everyone crushed it. It was awesome. So, yeah. Nice, dude. Jake, who's yours?
Starting point is 01:08:10 My babes of the week are you guys oh dude i just want to say thank you for all the opportunities you've given me really appreciate it and our last trip gave me a lot of inspiration and purpose you know it kind of felt nice like going home looking at the footage like holy shit we did this yeah you know so appreciate you guys thanks man that was a fun trip yeah it was awesome i gave me so much inspiration about other things that i could create nice dude you know i gotta give it right back to you man i think you're my bib of the week because that was a great trip it was a great shoot a lot of wild experiences i'll remember forever a lot of just good-hearted good-nature fun. And you're from Iowa, so you showed us around. You told us about the sweet corn. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:46 You told us what to look out for. But my favorite moment of the trip is when we were at dinner. We did a nice big dinner before we took off. You got to do it right. You do something fun together. You got to commemorate it. You get a dinner. We're all in conversation, and Jake's like,
Starting point is 01:09:04 fellas ever been in a three-way me and chad were like oh not really you know maybe came close once or twice and jake's like yeah me and my buddy banged a chick together one time can i say this jake say whatever you want he's like yeah we eiffel towered her you all just like got super silent and looked at me And I was like uh And then we started dying laughing I was like oh my god
Starting point is 01:09:30 Yeah it's a good story It's like you guys have never Eiffel Towered anybody Nah I've never been to France Is that why they named the Eiffel Tower The Eiffel Tower I think so Yeah that was funny Chad who's your legend of the week
Starting point is 01:09:46 my legend of the week is uh riding on a jet ski with your lady behind you oh dude peak bro peak living dude we didn't like tahoe oh you guys did that yeah that's fine just fucking you know she just hold on. Dude, I have the best feeling ever. Dude, especially, dude, one time I was living real fat off the land. I had a Wave Runner and I was in Cabo and I had two chicks on the back and I was just driving and I was like, dude, this is living. And I took him by where all the seals are. I was going to like blast through like a little uh gap so we could get real close to him yeah i fucking flipped the thing all the seals start jumping in the water and i'm like i might
Starting point is 01:10:34 get these two girls killed yes i'm like trying to get back up yeah they're like is this dangerous i'm like it's totally safe the seals are friendly yeah i was like terrified yeah but fortunately we got to safety and nothing happened but yeah that's hilarious having girls on a wave runner yeah good feeling dude uh yeah because you know you like hit a wake and you catch some fat air i was like and we just land i was like i just looked back i gave her a smirk and the way they gotta hug you yeah they gotta hold they gotta put their arms around you yeah unless she's real cool and she does the lean back and holds the handles yeah dude yeah that's a little too cool no she's holding on i was like where are we going she's like i was like
Starting point is 01:11:17 you want to go to an island or something she's like it's a lake i was like right dude i gotta i gotta get my girl on me on a wave runner that sounds great man dude yeah we should do a little double date yeah i know some wave runners dude we should go to miami and like do a wave runner to the restaurant i'm down for miami trip yeah yeah you could drive a wave runner to dinner there yeah what a great city yeah we're going to a wedding in a couple weeks too yeah jordana brewster and uh mason moffitt yeah dude mason loyal fan of the pod great guys getting married congrats dude yeah it's very excited for them i'm not sure does he still listen mason if you still listen well no let us know yeah well
Starting point is 01:11:56 no you're two hours in right now um jake who's your uh legend of the week uh my legend of the week is bill hater uh his ex-girlfriend was on a podcast two days ago, and she said the one thing she missed about him is his big dick. Anna Kendrick said that? Rachel Bilson. Rachel Bilson and him dated? Rachel Bilson from the OC? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:19 Whoa. Yeah, she said on the podcast he had a big dick, so shout out to bill that's huge dude dude just pranking it you're like whoa nice hog thanks dude my legend of the week is a just a armenian sandwich i had it was pastrami. The best sandwiches I've ever had. It was really good. That sounds dank. It was delicious. Chad, what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:12:53 My quote of the week comes from Fred Durst talking about Woodstock 99. I watched that doc. Really good doc yeah I've been cranking Kid Rock Korn and Limp Bizkit
Starting point is 01:13:09 ever since Fred Durst you know he goes yeah when we were on stage it was the greatest concert of all time I had no idea that the finger
Starting point is 01:13:17 would be pointed at me as a guy starting the riot I wonder if there's a better quote from him on that I mean it's a dramatic turn of events yeah I want you to take all of that negative energy
Starting point is 01:13:33 inside of you you got girl problems you got boy problems your rent's late I want you to express it right now and break some shit that's exactly what the crowd did oh man um jake what's yours uh my quote of the week is from a rapper named pusha t
Starting point is 01:13:57 in one of his songs he says you can live forever if the art you create is timeless um so it's kind of like playing off last week's inspiration it's kind of like if you create something that's like multi-generational or something that like could last forever then so could you or your spirit yeah you know oh hell yeah dude as a creative it really hit me that's fine yeah man hey i'm loving the energy uh mine is from the pitbull and neo song time of, Time of Our Lives. I was inspired because of what Fred Durst just said right there. But the opening little run of lines. I knew my rent was going to be late about a week ago.
Starting point is 01:14:36 I worked my ass off, but I still can't pay it, though. But I got just enough to get off in this club, have me a good time before my time is up. Hey, let's get it now nice oh yeah what's your phrase of the week for getting after it um this comes from woodstock too my name is kid kid rock baby oh yeah dude my favorite meme of all time is the you know the january there's like a january 6th photo of everyone rushing the capitol and then they photoshopped kid rock in there shirtless just stomping and leading the charge i thought it was so much just power to bob baby uh jake you got one yeah uh another song that i've been listening to
Starting point is 01:15:28 it's uh i've been doing too well to sit up sit back and think about how it could have went different which is always good in my life because i always like thought about like things in the past that could have been you know changed your trajectory but like now that i feel like i'm in a good headspace at least the last couple weeks it's like why even think about that you know so just go out there and keep doing it oh yeah oh yeah uh mine is uh from this is like a manly poem rudyard kipling's if i think i used to love it and then i kind of turned away from it because it felt too cliche and now i'm back and i think it's it's it's a great thing to read to yourself if you're ever feeling down and you need some courage in the moment.
Starting point is 01:16:07 But at the end, he sums it all up by saying, if you can fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run. I love that line. And then he says, yours is the earth and everything that's in it. And which is more, you'll be a man, my son. Now, look, he was a gross imperialist who sent his disabled kid to war when he shouldn't have gone. And the kid died. So you can always tear him down if you want.
Starting point is 01:16:28 But that poem rocks. And that last part hits. So I forgive you, buddy. Thanks for the poem. Guess I'm conflicted. But I love it. I listen to Michael Caine reads it on Spotify. No matter what I got to do that day.
Starting point is 01:16:44 You know, if it's showing up for a standup show or a work thing, or just even like a social thing, I put it on and I feel jacked. Nice. Yeah. Guys watch the show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Watch the show. Watch the whole thing. Binge it. Have fun. Stoked. Thank you guys. Thanks dudes. All right.
Starting point is 01:17:04 All right. stoked thank you guys thanks dudes all right all right if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guard you. To have the world beside you. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:37 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:39 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Go.

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