Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 257 - Brad Fuller Joins

Episode Date: September 22, 2022

What up stokers! This week we got our Hollywood dad, Brad Fuller, on the pod.    Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscap...ed.com, and use code [GODEEP].    Go to HelixSleep.com/godeep. With Helix, better sleep starts now.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're also brought to you by the Ledger Zet Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims puked and looking after our hogs. You're making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because smooth sack summer is slowly coming to an end, fellas. And if you haven't been scaping for the
Starting point is 00:00:16 summer sun, it's not too late to sweep your sack off of those pesky pubes. Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code GoDeepAtManscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscape.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code godeepatmanscape.com. Keep things smooth and fresh as we
Starting point is 00:00:31 say sayonara to smooth ball summer and enter fresh ball fall. Alright, let's start the show. What's real deep? Go deep. Chat is changing. Are you really sunning your assholes or is this just a thing?
Starting point is 00:00:52 Are we recording? Yeah, we're really sunning our assholes. Oh, have we started? Yeah, yeah, we're started. And we're really sunning our assholes. Seriously, how often are you sunning your assholes? How many hours in a day? I mean, more often than not. What do you get from sunning your asshole? What you not get you get a boost in tea you get do you really do you
Starting point is 00:01:11 really get a boost mental clarity immunity chad reads better oh yeah i told rich eisen i couldn't read until i started sunning my ass so so we're here we're here in the podcast so where do you do you do it here at home do you you send your asshole here um yeah i go out into the front where the neighbors are and i just do it on my street no one's stopped me yet no one's bothered me i'm more modest about it i just tug my shorts past my butt a little bit and sometimes i even keep a shirt on so it's a small frame right I have a back it's only 10 minutes yeah he's got a backyard yeah but I do share it with people so you mean you share the backyard with other people it's a duplex yeah so has anyone ever discovered you son in your asshole mm-hmm where they say that's unusual I would think people yeah they
Starting point is 00:02:02 don't follow you and seen the show yeah well no actually no my neighbor came out and uh he's like he's like so that really works huh i was like yeah brother let's come on down and spread them and his his neighbor's kind of a surly guy like he's real tough to talk to i've tried to make inroads there yeah and uh i think if he does start sunning his butt he'll be more extroverted. So, yeah. Because it kind of, whatever you're not doing, whatever part of you you're resisting, it kind of opens you up to that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:31 So, it's like a panacea, basically. Yeah. And, you know, I think my neighbor, you know, we're, yeah, we were kind of, you know, because I got the garage, I think we were kind of at odds a little bit. And then when he saw that, that was like the longest interaction we had when he saw me doing that and we kind of you know i was holding my ankles chatting with him and uh and uh he was like he's like that's amazing i was like yeah you know it's great and i was like i was like this is a really good conversation i was like you should try it sometime i think he thought i was stiff because i was we're both kind of quiet. But then when he saw me just, you know, saying what up to Apollo like that, I think he. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah. I don't, you know, I don't want to bury the lead, but I loved your show. Oh, thanks, Brad. I really don't. I just found it endlessly amusing and insightful. And in the end, I was I found myself to be you know touched by it I did I felt like an emotional thing that I was fully unexpected you know to have that happen at the end of it I just thought it was put together really well
Starting point is 00:03:37 and I just wanted you guys to know I think you did a fantastic job and I hope everyone gets a chance to see it because it's just fantastic oh thank you appreciate it's true thank you it's just fantastic. I appreciate that. It means a lot. You're a Hollywood dad. Oh, please. With all the responsibilities that come with that. I'm up for them all. Don't you worry. You know that.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I'm curious what has happened since the show for you guys. Have things changed? Yeah, they have. It's like open doors and we've know uh we've gotten like really nice emails from like directors and like producers that we admire and the people that were already kind of in cahoots with seem to be like really excited about it and and then you know like friends and family are over the moon and then you get people reach out to you and stuff yeah it's it's been really really nice that's so awesome do you find yourself getting recognized
Starting point is 00:04:27 more i mean netflix is a big platform here right yeah yeah i mean i can't tell if it's from our social media or netflix that where it's like new people you know then again i haven't really gone out that much except for like we went to santa barbara last weekend um but i haven't really been we got recognized by those firefighters firefighters that was cool what are you talking about we dude i was i was walking down the street and then uh these firefighters were like what up dude hey man we just talked to chad and i was like cool and they were working out they were pushing a like one of those workout sleds up a hill and they were like do this dude and i was super hungover and i was like nah and then my girlfriend
Starting point is 00:05:02 was like you should do it i was like all right fuck it i just drove it up the hill and I was super hungover and I was like nah and then my girlfriend was like you should do it I was like alright fuck it and then I just drove it up the hill and how was that? It was fun it was really fun and I did it in the time that was that they had allotted for me so that was good and then but that was really cool especially because it was fire you know what's nice too like my girlfriend pointed this out is that like when
Starting point is 00:05:20 people meet us who are fans of ours they don't really go like oh my god are you the guy they just go hey what up dude good to see you man it's like right they think they already know you because but that's true they kind of do that's what i love about the show is that you really do kind of get a sense of who you are and what you're about and i think that that's what you know kind of cuts through and and you have an emotional connection because it feels authentic it is authentic yeah i feel it it's really nice you feel like you just got more buddies but yeah it's been great it's been a great but dude you to pivot to you wait i have one more thing about you yeah go to me um i'm wondering if
Starting point is 00:05:56 doing the show god i hope this if this is bad cut this out because i don't want it but are other people starting to go in front of city councils and asking questions like are you are are there imposters out there chad and jt imposters there's there's one guy who made a bunch of hay on like barstool right yeah uh it's tough to say if they're impossible you know because i can't call them impossible people did it before yeah people go to city council but not in the way that you guys did it yeah but i don't know it's a like gerard carmichael promoted his special that way for love at the store like oh he did 10 years ago yeah okay so there's a uh so they netflix posted one of our council videos on their
Starting point is 00:06:41 instagram yesterday and one comment was about the other guy who had something come out like a few weeks ago i think his name is like alex stein or something the guy you aren't alex stein though which i thought was funny he did a good job yeah as long as they're funny yeah i don't think you know no one can uh if as much as you can call it a medium right i don't think anyone has ownership okay that's all i just wanted and honestly dude if people could see the real psychos who go into city council meetings who do speeches like that not for sharing it but just for love of the game and hatred of the government those are the real stars like we saw a dude in newport beach one time you remember that guy who clearly had covid oh oh yeah yeah he was like coughing and sweating and then he went up there
Starting point is 00:07:25 and he was like i forget what the overall cause was but basically he was like we need to go back to hand-to-hand combat 700 years ago you settled a fight three ways on horseback by sword or with knees and we were like what is this dude talking about and he was with a blade yeah you do with a blade that's right and i think he was tired of the cops and he talking about? You do it with a blade. Yeah, you do it with a blade. That's right. And I think he was tired of the cops and he said we should go back to like a blade society. Interesting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:52 So there's a lot of really good artists out there who just haven't gotten their day in the sun yet. Right. But Brad, to you, my friend. Yes, sir. You've been big in the trades lately in the Hollywood newspapers because you have a deal with the cause celeb of the moment, Sidney Sweeney. Well, yes. I don't even know how to –
Starting point is 00:08:16 It's a cause celeb, I guess. Is that the right phrase? I'm not sure if it's the right phrase. I don't know if that is. I took a swing. But she's the – How about the celeb? Well, listen, she that is. I took a swing. But she's the celeb. Well, listen, she certainly is getting a lot of press.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Oh, yeah. That means it's kind of a negative thing. That means she's arousing widespread controversy. No, that's not Sidney. No, no. She is the celeb. You know, it's interesting because I met her on, we were casting a movie and, and ultimately, you know, it didn't work out for her in the, in the role, not because of anything she did. It was, it was our, our thing.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And, but I was so impressed with her and the way that she views what she does and how she's expansive in terms of the material that she likes. And I like the way she's looking at it as a producer, which I don't find very often. And Sydney, you know, she's young and she's young in the business. Well, she's been in the business since she was 15. So she's been in the business, I think, around 10 years. But I don't have anyone who has consistently brought me better material than Sydney Sweeney. I mean, she is calling me with ideas. She sent me scripts.
Starting point is 00:09:33 She sent me one script that I loved that I wasn't able to get on. And this idea that we sold to Sony last week was something where she found, she just called me. She goes, I found a book and it's a great idea. And I'd love to produce it with you. Uh, she and her producing partner, Johnny, they, you know, that doesn't often happen. Often agents will send me something, a script or an idea, but it's not often that an actor will come to you with an idea and also think
Starting point is 00:10:03 about it as a producer at the same time as they're thinking of it as an actor. And she does that. So I'm on the lookout for more stuff to do with her because I just find her super inspiring. She has really good taste and she reads quickly. So she's bringing you material that she's found or is she writing material as well? If she's writing, she hasn't brought me anything that she's written. But she's always, she's a very, very avid reader. She's very, like, I'm sure she's got a huge IQ. I mean, she reads constantly and is sending out ideas.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And, you know, I get really excited because she brings me ideas. And then I go out to lunch with Neil Moritz, who's the biggest producer in Hollywood. And Neil says to me, hey, Sydney Sweeney called me with something today. And I'm like, why is she calling you? She should be calling me. I mean, what's the problem? And Sydney's smart.
Starting point is 00:11:01 If something's not for me, she knows the other producers that it's for, and she's always kind of looking for a way to get stuff done. She's just super impressive. Nice. I want to ask you, is there actors who read slow? Yes. Yes. Well, listen.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Are there actors who can't read? That I don't know. But you have to look at it this way. When I send an actor a script i'm only thinking about the script but there are 500 of me out there who are sending that same actor a different script that they're hoping that they're going to read in a weekend so um there are some actors um you're going to ask me who and i don't want to get into it because it's not that important but there are actors now who i've been waiting for eight weeks to take a look at a piece of
Starting point is 00:11:44 material right that's gonna be frustrating it is and then i was gonna ask because she got in the business at 15 it does seem like most the best actors start when they're in like their teen years and like in stand-up a lot of the best stand-ups like chapelle started when he was like i think like 15 or something louis started when he was like 18. Like a lot of the best people seem to get to it really early. Do you think like, I know there's a lot of downfalls to the business, but it seems like the experience is worth it. Like the sooner you get to it, the quicker you learn it.
Starting point is 00:12:18 Well, it's different. You know, listen, the entertainment business has its own language, its own timing. You know, things happen differently in it and if you get accustomed to those rhythms early on you can be more effective in it as you go it's a hard thing to learn you know in terms of reading material and speaking to producers and talking to other talking to directors and talking to other actors and so if you get into it as a kid and you're on a set, that becomes very normal. Whereas if you get into it later, that's a hard thing to kind of acclimate to.
Starting point is 00:12:50 I mean, to have 100 people just looking at you, to most people, that would be a terrifying, terrifying thing. But if you've been doing it for a long time, you understand what that is. And I think that that institutional knowledge can make a big difference in someone's career yeah it's like steph curry and basketball growing up in locker rooms that's right that's exactly he knew how to handle himself yeah exactly right that's one thing too that you learn going along is and then when you hear about people like sydney sweeney or like tom cruise and stuff is because there's this idea especially i think when you are outside of the business or when you're getting into you're like especially when we were doing like stand-up or something, you're like, oh, I just need to get a manager. Then I'm set.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Right. You know, it's these incremental things where you're like, I need to get a TV show. Then I'm set. But you realize as you go along that the work stays constant and even increases as you go along. And you need to keep up with that or step up even more as you go along. You can't. to keep up with that or step up even more as you go along you can't there's i i really don't feel like there's an instance where people are sort of like oh i made it and then they're sort of just sort of picking and you know what i mean i think it's a lot like that analogy where you put a frog
Starting point is 00:13:56 in water and you slowly start raising the temperature and frog never jumps out because it doesn't feel the change right right um i think a lot of people just you know you're doing this a long time and there's no barometer by which you determine i've gone from a to b or b to c or c to d or just kind of struggling all day long and hoping that something good happens right yeah donald tremble you just adjust to your new reality that's pretty quick but i you know i still go in and i i there are days that i feel like i don't know what i'm doing and more than not knowing what i'm doing i wonder how i've been doing this for 20 years if i don't know what i'm doing right you know because because the rules are always
Starting point is 00:14:35 changing and what had what worked last time doesn't necessarily work this time and you know and so um yeah like imposter syndrome which i wonder if like world leaders get that like do you think putin ever has days where he's like wait what's going on here like i don't guys i'm not really feeling it today i don't really feel like yeah i don't think he does i i think there has to be a level of self-awareness to have that thought also how blessed are those guys yeah yeah they just are just going yeah i just watched a doc on balsanero the guy who runs brazil this have you seen that nutcase he's a wild man no i don't know anything about him well he came from like a rough and tumble kind of province and he was a kind of like a
Starting point is 00:15:18 trump guy who like was calling out pc culture and just like talking shit to women on camera and calling like other government officials pussies. And there was this huge scandal in Brazil that wiped out half the political class. So there was this huge opportunity for him to rise. And then the guy he was running against was super popular, but then he went down in the scandal. And so by a lot of luck and then also his own lack of fear and self-awareness and just driven attitude
Starting point is 00:15:45 um he became president and now he runs the shit over there but i don't think he ever has a day where he's like i probably shouldn't be doing any of this i think he's like yeah right on what's next do you think the people are happy with him i'm yeah i think they're like emotionally charged by him i think he gives them a fighting spirit that a lot of politicians are incapable of but i don't think he's a good person or good for the overall planet he's the one who's chomping down the amazon oh he is yeah he loves it oh that's right but he but he sells it like where he's like he loves it he's like he's like i'm making more money for the indigenous people yeah so i mean he has a spin on it it's not like he just is like
Starting point is 00:16:24 no i just love burning trees he's like it's good we're giving economic growth to people who need it yeah maybe that's not such a great thing but his campaign posters right burning rainforests kind of crazy isn't this awesome kind of crazy yeah but that's interesting that you still get like uh that feeling where you're like what do i what do i do well like yes but then there are other days like um right now i'm we're putting together a movie that i hope will start shooting and then i guess we're supposed to start october 10th 11th and uh we're having some budget challenges and uh my son cameron was in the office and he goes aren't you freaked out you're whatever million dollars over budget and i said no no
Starting point is 00:17:14 this is how it always goes there's always this day when you're making a movie where you're so far over budget that the people who are paying for it tell you that if you don't cut the budget down the movie's not going to happen right there's always that day but i've been through that day far over budget that the people who are paying for it tell you that if you don't cut the budget down, the movie's not going to happen, right? There's always that day. But I've been through that day so many times that I don't panic. Whereas as a young man, I remember where I just couldn't, I would panic in that situation. Can I ask where that extra milli came from? You're not the first person to ask me that, the financi the financier wanted to know that too um you know it's not as simple as just saying it came from this right right we hired an actor who was a little bit more expensive than we wanted him to be so that there's that right and then um we're shooting
Starting point is 00:18:01 this movie in colorado and the locations are further out than we thought they were going to be. So we have to house everyone, which we didn't expect would happen. Bond fees and financing fees are high and we didn't expect them to be that high. And then there's a sequence in this movie, there's an action sequence that is really really cool and it's something i've never seen before but the reason i think you've never seen it before is it's really expensive to execute and so you know and the question that was asked today by the financier who i actually i absolutely love this financier i i this company is really thoughtful and this financier i i this company is really thoughtful and they're fantastic i hope to do a lot of movies with them but you know they want the first thing that would happen in a studio is they
Starting point is 00:18:55 might say we're going to cut that action scene in half financier this guy said we got to keep that scene we got to figure out how to preserve that scene. I mean, and so. And is the financier the one who's actually providing the money or the one who's recruiting other people to provide the money? In this case, the financier is the one who's providing the money. Wow. So he's down. He's down. What a legend.
Starting point is 00:19:16 He's a legend. Can I ask what he does? He finances movies. Nice. Yeah. Have you ever been in like a Wolf of Wall Street situation where it's like financed by an international arms dealer? No,
Starting point is 00:19:27 I didn't know. No, but I hate to drop a name here, but I have had conversations with Jordan Belford and I find him to be incredible. Really? I mean, he's a good,
Starting point is 00:19:37 he can talk that shit. He's amazing and smart and funny and has the greatest stories you've ever, you just want to sit there and listen to him forever. Oh, interesting. Yeah. Do you – when you walk on set, are you still sort of taken aback by how big everything is? I cannot ever lose that feeling.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It's crazy. I'm glad I don't lose it. Yeah. Because, you know, it kind of doesn't make sense that all those people – how everyone's – it's such an amazing thing when 100 people are pointing in the exact same direction and everybody wants the same thing. It's not always like that, but frequently it is like that, and that's what you want, where everyone kind of has the same goal.
Starting point is 00:20:14 And I see a big part of my job, once the thing is mounted, is just to keep everyone leaning in the same direction. It's amazing to see, and every time you go to a set it's it's like its own little city yeah and you're like you you look at it and you're like this is insane it's it's so big and there's so many people and there's so many moving parts and then they're like all right we're gonna company move or whatever you know they move to different and they just set up the whole thing and next day it's a completely new location it's it's really and just to be like a small part of that and just to witness it is really kind of – it blows my mind every time.
Starting point is 00:20:52 And it's super intense because you're doing that for, if you're lucky, eight weeks, right? And then everyone goes their own way. And you have this incredibly intense emotional experience with these people who who you think about all the time and you're everyone's pulling together and then they go away and everyone's on to something else it's so true and i always heard that in like stern interviews and when stern would always ask people are you friends with like the cast like you guys hang out and stuff and they're rarely would people be like oh yeah we hang out all the time it's like well it's because everyone's getting pulled in different directions yeah it's hard yeah and it's true too about these like villages that get built like through
Starting point is 00:21:27 the lachma had a exhibit for fritz lang the guy did that yeah old german movie metropolis and they went in there and like he was so ahead of his time with what he was doing never seen the movie by the way but he like back then if you were a filmmaker you had to be like an engineer too like he they had they had like trebuchets in the shot. They had to like literally build those. So they had like schematics on how to build a trebuchet. Like you get all these craftspeople onto a set and the actors are kind of the uncoolest people. Like we're walking around in our goofy outfits that were picked out for us.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And then you just see like a badass grip who's like tattooed and like jacked. And you're like, guy's the fucking man. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, it makes you understand why Julia Roberts went for a cameraman. I'm like, they're kind of cooler. Yeah, they are.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Like he's a stud. He's got to hold like an 80 pound rig for 10 hours. Danny Motor. What is it? Danny Motor. That's his name? I think that's his name, yeah. He's hot.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Good looking dude. He is a good looking dude. Yes. But so I'm hopeful. The guy who's directing this movie that we're doing, this guy, his name is George Nolfi. And George directed a movie called The Adjustment Bureau. Dude, good movie.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Good movie. And then he directed The Banker. Which one was that? It was something that he did with Anthony Mackie and Samuel Jackson. It's on Apple. And he's – George is amazing because he's off the scale smart. He's literate. He's a writer and a director.
Starting point is 00:22:56 But he's also – this is the weird part that I can't get my head around. He's great at math, right? So he's like the full triple threat because he can know he knows his budget down to the cent he knows exactly where it is he can rewrite the scenes that are too expensive and then he can shoot him economically like i'm having a great experience working with that must be so nice it's fun you know it's fun he knows the budget that's crazy yeah have you ever experienced that before with a director not to the extent where he's down to the penny the penny yeah yeah yeah he's incredible when we were working on ours we'd have like an idea you know right you have an idea i have an idea i know what the day costs yeah but
Starting point is 00:23:36 i don't know that if i have four grips and i lose one of them because i'm only we don't need a camera move yeah how much money i'm saving by getting rid of the one grip. George knows. Wow. What's his background? I think he's just brilliant. He went to Princeton. Yeah, that's one of the Coen brothers went to Princeton and studied math. But he's humble about it.
Starting point is 00:23:58 I don't even think he's ever told me that. I looked it up. That's how those Ivy Leaguers are. Yeah, they're quiet about it. Yeah, like when we did Hawaii Five-0, the director, I was like, where are you from? She's like, you know, so-and-so. I'm like, where'd you go to college? She's like, Boston. I was like, get the fuck out of here.
Starting point is 00:24:12 He went to Harvard, showed up. They always do that. Yeah. Except some Ivy Leaguers flex on it a lot. There are those. There are definitely those. But I think those are the ones who aren't killing it as hard. So they're bringing it up as like, hey, I don't have to kill it.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Right. I got to do a really good college. What college did you go to? Junior college. What junior college? Saddleback, IVC, Grossmont, Mesa, San Diego City, Berlin, Manhattan Community College. That's six if I'm counting. Yeah, I traveled a lot.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Yeah, I see that. Saw the world. Chad, what about you? Santa Clara. Just one. Nice Jesuit school. Yeah. What was your major again?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Screenwriting? Screenwriting. I was doing filmmaking and it was too much work, a lot of math. Too much math, right? And I was doing screenwriting and I was the worst student. That's why I did philosophy because English was too much reading. Right. But isn't philosophy a ton of reading also? It the worst student. That's why I did philosophy because English was too much reading. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:07 But isn't philosophy a ton of reading also? It's just dense. It's denser. But I just like the style of thinking more. Right. I like looking at a tree and being like, does that even exist? You know? My dad's like, what are you going to do with that?
Starting point is 00:25:19 I'm like, I don't know. Dude, that shit fucked me up. I was in junior college and when I was in New York going to junior college and we studied Augustine and he was all about time. It was the first time I realized you're dead forever. And I was like, oh, I was depressed for three months. I was just like walking around hang dog and being like, I'm just always going to be dead. I'll never not be dead. Couldn't wrap my brain around. That's crazy to think about. But okay. I don't know if we want to go there. But that's not the case.
Starting point is 00:25:47 These podcasts will live forever. Yeah. Oh, wow. And so you will not be dead in the ground for eternity. These things will keep on going. And the show will keep on going. And God willing, you guys make movies and other TV shows. And that just lives on.
Starting point is 00:26:09 That's nice. It's a nice consolation. Yeah. That's a great point too i didn't i thought you're gonna go spiritual no do you stress on death um yeah do you stress on it more because your family and stuff like that yeah i mean i stress on it because i want to take care of ally and the kids right so there's there's always that aspect of it and um yeah you gotta help the family you guys are like every time i call you your whole family is around it's a unit and they talk on the phone too and it's like so easy you know what i mean that's nice you to say listen we are we are four people who live in the same house right now which is kind of a great thing. And Cameron is working with me now. So every day, and he hates it that I say this to him, but I do. I just want to take all the knowledge in my head and just put it in his, right? And I don't know how to do that. And that's frustrating for me.
Starting point is 00:26:57 But I also want to have that same experience with Paxton, my younger son. And since we're not working together, I'm not able to do it. so i try and do it with him in different ways right you know what's paxton up to you he uh he works for a company called hudson pacific which owns the netflix building right here oh sunset gower studios and sunset sunset bronson and uh he's he's in the real estate business and it's he works the company's a great company and the chairman of the company is a guy named Victor Coleman and he's just a badass, great, kind, brilliant CEO. I watched that guy be a CEO and that's how you should do it. Okay. So I've been grappling with this and I think I'm pretty affirmative on it, but do you ever, can you be too kind in this business? affirmative on it. But do you ever, like, can you be too kind in this business?
Starting point is 00:27:50 I think that there's a short-term and a long-term view of that, right? So, I mean, in the short-term, potentially, yeah, people can take advantage of you if you are. But in the long run, if people want to keep on working with you again and again, I think that that outweighs, you know, the short-term loss that you might get from being too kind, right? So, but if you get repeat business, that's the best way, I think, to have longevity. That's fucking awesome. Do you think that's right? I think you're absolutely right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 What I like about what you're saying is that it's not like Pollyannish. You're just like, no, no, like it's actually not only right to be kind, but it's smart to be kind. Karmically, those two things come together and it works out more often than not. Yeah. Or it gives you a better shot at working out at least. But I have friends. I'm in situations where things don't work out the way I want to. And I have friends who would just say, well, fuck that guy.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Don't ever talk to that guy again and um in at the point where i'm in my career now i i actually do the opposite i try and befriend them and you know and sometimes that that has resulted in things that have been much more beneficial than just saying fuck you to someone i don't want to ever want to talk to you again or or taking too much in a deal where they never want to work with us again. Was that hard? Or is that just instinctively who you are? Or do you – like when you're initially mad at them and you're trying to work through it, do you have like a – like I get like a fist of anger.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I do get a fist of anger. But at the same time, I also know not to respond for 24 hours. That's kind of my rule. If I'm going to write one of those emails or do one of those things that i know you know is going to make someone upset or hurt them i i wait 24 hours before i i hit send and if i if after 24 hours i still feel that way i mean if someone's really taking advantage of you and treating you in a horrible way i think they also need to know that you're you're going to hold them accountable for it but um but you just try to put yourself in their shoes a little bit a little bit but i also
Starting point is 00:29:45 think that kindness wins i don't know do you find you have to do do you have to find do you find you have to write those kinds of emails or do anything like that frequently no i don't have to do it frequently but i do think that a that it has more meaning if it's well timed right so there are times when for example a director's going crazy and they're saying all sorts of stuff and i have been very nice all along that one email that says you've gone too far you need to pull it back get your shit together and let's figure this out let's stop behaving the way you are that has meaning if i haven't done that before is that tough for you to do or is that come naturally to you yeah is that a skill that you learned over time no i think it well it's a skill
Starting point is 00:30:30 i learned over time because um and it's something that jt just said because if someone is losing their shit it's mostly having nothing to do with me it's having to do with the stress that they're under and if it's a director i'm working with part of my job is to ameliorate that stress for them so that they can be focused on what they have to do. And so if one thing that I have gained is the wisdom to know that it's not always about me. Kind of part of the gig, right? Is you have to absorb the bullshit, right? So these other people can like clear their hopper yeah and you managed to do that without taking it on like psychically or whatever well i think there was a time in my life when i definitely took it on psychically and my hair was a different color and then i started i started
Starting point is 00:31:15 internalizing it my hair turned gray and then i got my shit straight and now i don't you went through that presidential arc yeah yeah exactly or like bernard herzog he says that crazy actor he worked with he's like i call every one of my gray hairs Kloskinski. Yeah. Hell, are you talking about Fitzcarraldo? I mean, is it? Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:31 That's some wild shit. That's some wild shit. People died making that movie. That's not what you want. We got to make something like that, Brad. I would love, well, not Fitzcarraldo, but a comedy, yeah. A comedy, but someone's got to die, dude. Well, we'll kill someone in a in a funny way right you're talking about
Starting point is 00:31:47 really die during the production because that's not gonna work out well for us yeah he got away with it because he shot that movie in brazil right where'd they shoot that movie somewhere in south america peru i think peru yeah so um do you find a lot of actors want to do their own stunts like tom cruise you have to because? Because we heard through the grapevine that Tom Cruise can only do that because he insures himself. He's an anomaly. I've said on this podcast, there's no one like him. He's the biggest movie star ever. I want to meet him.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I've never met him. I think that he has made it his brand. It's part of his brand is that he's a badass and he can do anything why did i want that man why do short guys make better actors i don't know that's true brando is 5'8 newman's 5'9 cruz is like 5'2 okay he's not 5'2 if tom's listening i want to know him to know that i'm defending him he's probably five i don't know how to how tall he is. I think he's five seven. Yeah. You know, I don't know what the answer is, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:48 but it's. Pacino's like pretty bite-sized. But there are some tall actors too. Skarsgård? Is he tall? Yeah, he's a monster. I assume he is.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Momoa? Momoa. Right, but I mean, great actors. Okay. Jim Carrey? That's a good question. Is he tall? I don't know. I think he great actors. Okay. Jim Carrey? That's a good question. Is he tall?
Starting point is 00:33:07 I don't know. I think he's tall. He's tall. Yeah, he's probably six feet. Tom Hanks is tall. Never met him. I think he's tall. Small guy energy though.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Right. He's a nice guy though. Seems sweet. He has that reputation for sure. Yeah. I don't know. What are you guys seeing out there? i i as you know i i love the comedy store it's a it's a very it's a very special place to me um and i'm curious what you're
Starting point is 00:33:35 seeing out there with the comedians now as it relates to what's happening in our country and you know is that a place where go ahead yeah i think uh i think comedians are i think it's i think i think it's kind of shifting you know i think there's a time are you talking about in terms of like people being able to say what they want to say and all that kind of stuff i think i think it's shifting back and personally i feel less i i don't know if it's maturing or stuff you know and i don't really have i don't have like controversial opinions buturing or stuff. And I don't have controversial opinions, but I feel less fearful of saying the wrong thing. When we were first starting out, you do a podcast and you'd be terrified.
Starting point is 00:34:13 Don't say something that can be misinterpreted the wrong way because then you could get screwed. And I think I feel, personally, I feel a cultural shift where you don't see people getting taken down on like twitter and stuff for that stuff very often anymore i think people don't really have a tolerance for it unless it's really egregious um and then i feel like the more successful comics uh these days are the ones that are kind of like you know um sort of say fuck you to all that a little bit. Right. And they don't go too far, you know, but they sort of, you can sense that they're sort of standing in the face of that
Starting point is 00:34:51 and just being honest. And they're just not as fearful. I do think there's like a little fatigue from all the, you know, conversations about it and all the aggression around it. You know, like, oh, this guy misstepped this way, or this gal misstepped this way. Now we got to drag them for it. I think everyone's like, oh, again?
Starting point is 00:35:09 Like, we're going through this again. And then, you know, they start to, when people like Aubrey Plaza are getting in trouble for things they did when they were like 15 and stuff, you're like, is she really like a force for what's wrong with the world? Like, it's a tough sell for me, but,
Starting point is 00:35:25 but there has been other changes at the comedy store. Like it definitely used to be more of a boys club. And I think the new management there has kind of, and a lot of those comics were great too. And like they sold tickets, like that place was packed out and it was a party. It was, it wasn't all bad,
Starting point is 00:35:42 but then there was parts about it that were alienating to other people. And now it seems like they've kind of switched that a little bit. And it feels, it does feel like it's a new kind of day there right now. I'm not there a ton. So a lot of people could speak to it better, but I also agree with Chad that like we did a show the other day and like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:36:03 people were going hard in the paint. Like people were saying, you know, wild shit. And it feels like there's an energy, like the audience kind of desires that. Like, hey, I want to go somewhere. Where you can just say whatever you're going to say and without fear of retribution. Yeah. And they get a charge from it where they're like, oh, fuck yeah. Someone like said something.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Because if you go on The Tonight Show and say some of those, someone like said something. Because if you go on The Tonight Show and say some of those things, that would probably... You won't go on The Tonight Show. Yeah, unless you're like one of the like the... Like unless you're like Burr, you know what I mean? And you've kind of proven
Starting point is 00:36:35 you can navigate anything. That doesn't seem to... Yeah, like the audience isn't really there anymore. Right. They're on YouTube. Right. You know?
Starting point is 00:36:43 So I even feel like at my and my sort of comedic voice has never really been you know one where it's sort of like yeah it's hard truth like right comes from comes from pain it's but i do feel um i've always liked edgy comic i i my favorite kind of comics to listen to are really edgy comics. Yeah. When we did The Road for the first time, he was just Nick DiPaolo. Oh, yeah. But he's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yeah. And you listen to like, you go to open mics and it's like, well, you kind of get used to comedy. So you hear like the edgy ones really sort of stand out to you. But I think my sort of sensibilities have matured since then but um but now i do feel kind of a an urge or whatever to want to be a little bit more edgy and to sort of like if those kinds of thoughts or ideas come to my mind to say them and i've had sets where i was too edgy you know what i mean and sometimes you get a laugh off something edgy and you don't like it because you realize like there's not enough thought or like you didn't really earn it.
Starting point is 00:37:52 You know what I mean? You just kind of gave them that like easy charge. And then you're like – And then afterwards you kind of feel a little guilty. You're like, is that really like – did I really like justify, did I justify it enough? Right. And then, but you want to have a place where you can work through that and figure it out and to see if you can justify it.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And I think that was something that was like really important when I started comedy. And then it kind of got lost because there was also a lot of morons saying a lot of crazy shit. Right. Right. Right. It was probably, and I was one of them and am one of them oftentimes and it was like uh i get why people pushed back on that i don't think people were
Starting point is 00:38:30 thinking about it too i think people were like i'm a comedian i can say anything i want and i don't think enough of us were thinking like okay you can but like should you or like or does that mean there's no consequences and stuff like that yeah it's interesting i'm very curious where it's going to go in like the next three years or wherever can we go back to something else that you touched on that i want to say tell you guys something aubrey plaza made a movie called emily the criminal i want to see yeah how is it it is so good and she is so amazing in it and it's the last thing that you would think that she would do. You just have to see this movie.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's like a raw gritty drama, right? Yeah, and she's incredible. Is it out now? I got a screener of it. I don't know. But it's one of the best things that I've seen. Have you seen it? I haven't seen it, but it is out now.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Is it in theaters? Yep, it's in theaters right now. Make the time. What's it called? Emily the Criminal. Emily the called emily the criminal emily and the directors it's it's just a great great movie it's a great ride i want to check it out what else have you been seeing um i'm watching the patient right now oh that's the donald gleason uh steve crowlin from the people who did the americans or whatever yeah it's amazing i mean there's i've only seen three episodes i mean the acting is, it's amazing. I mean, I've only seen three episodes.
Starting point is 00:39:46 I mean, the acting is incredible. It's super tight. It's a little bit heavy. They're good. The Americans ripped. Oh yeah, no, those guys are good. I think Joel Fields, and I forgot the other showrunner's name, but Carell you said his name is Donald
Starting point is 00:40:02 Donald Gleeson. He's so good in this. I mean, it's just like some of the – it's just wonderful just to watch him. And there's not a lot of action. It's just two people acting against each other. It's really awesome. His dad's Brennan Gleeson. So he's another one who got in early and like –
Starting point is 00:40:18 Well, he's in the Star Wars movies. He has red hair in some of those Star Wars movies. Yeah, he's one of the bad guys. Yeah. He's kind of like the button pusher. Yeah, exactly. And then I watched The Umbrella Academy, which I loved. I thought that was really fun, the third season.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And I thought that Stranger Things was incredible. I need to get back on that. The fourth season, I mean, just big and fantastic. Whatever came, when last time we spoke to you, you were doing meetings with like prominent tiktokers and stuff like that yeah um yeah not much really came of that um you know it's a different it's a different uh career cycle i think and um and since i'm not living in tiktok and social media is not the way that we're casting our movies. I mean, I wanted to see what that world was, but it didn't feel
Starting point is 00:41:07 like a fit for the things that I was doing. Dude, I can't believe we haven't talked about it yet. What? Top Gun? The greatest movie ever made. I mean... I think it should win Best Picture. I think it might. I think it will. It should.
Starting point is 00:41:23 What else would you put up against it? My dad's like, if it doesn't win, then the Oscars lose all credibility. I mean, how amazing is – that's what a movie needs to be, right? I mean, it's very simple to say after $700 million domestically. But that's what a movie should be. You go there. You forget your problems for two hours. You're so in.
Starting point is 00:41:43 You feel it. Oh, my God. I would be so – I mean, I love sitting it in there and experiencing it. It was so awesome. It gets better in each additional screening too. The second time I saw it, there's just like little things. It's not little the way they should, but like when they see the plane just like – Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:42:02 It's badass. I'll see you on the deck and it just moves up. It like how real it is you know it's like yeah i loved it i just look over at my girlfriend i'm like this is fucking awesome exactly my dad was like it gave me faith in movies again and i was like i think it gave me faith right yeah i think it was truly that's awesome like it gave me faith in america it gave me faith in movies. It gave me faith in the human spirit. And it's all built around, again, Tom Cruise's can-do attitude. The whole movie is just built around he'll get it done. It's perfect in every way.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Did you guys see Prey? No, I heard that was great. Really good. Really good. Do you worry about the future of the world with having kids? Yeah, I worry about the future of the world. I worry about dying about the future of the world with having kids? Yeah, I worry about the future of the world. I worry about dying and the future of the world. Those are probably the first two things I think of when I wake up is, will I die today?
Starting point is 00:42:53 And if I do, what will happen with my kid's future? Well, yeah, because I'm getting older now too. And I'm like, yo, like, you know, it's like 120 degrees, you know, even in spite of Top Gun. Paxton said to me yesterday, because it was 120 degrees. He said, Dad that is the world ending i said no it's just hot right you know it's like because even if it is it's better to just say it's hot and keep plugging right you don't want to say yes it's ending and then well and my thing is always only if i have a kid i just have to imbue them with the spirit that they can change it that they can make it better like it's the last thing that comes out of the out of Pandora's box is hope right as long as
Starting point is 00:43:28 we got that we can keep swinging that's right and I do believe that I do I mean you have to it's rough but like this this crazy thing happened today which has never happened to me. And I was, in the morning I go and get coffee at the same place, very early. And I'm in my car and I see a kid, like a 21-year-old kid comes up and he looks dirty, he's dirty and he's definitely not with it. And he opens up my passenger door. Oh.
Starting point is 00:44:04 And he leans in. He says, give me your wallet. I'm like, get the fuck out of my car, which is not me. I'm a big pussy. But I was so incensed that this guy did that. Like, you know, that he did that. And he looked at me and I looked at him back. I was pissed.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And he kind of just walked away, right? But my adrenaline was pumping from that. And that's something that has not happened to me in LA. I've lived in LA for 56 years. Something like that has never happened to me. And that's the one thing where I get concerned about. If that's happening to me and you read about the news and you're seeing all the crime and all that stuff i worry about that that that plagues yeah do you think that you know do you think i like that because i feel like there's a lot of leftover sort of symptoms from covid like that and do you think that it's it's gonna get worse before it gets better do you think it's kind of like we went through the tough time? Do you see like a light at the end of the tunnel with all that?
Starting point is 00:45:12 Well, the problem is, and I was thinking about this, and this is bizarre, but I went to go look for the kid after this happened, maybe to talk to him and help him out. But he was clearly strung out on something when it happened um you know um we don't seem to have a place to house all these people and to help them yeah and that's what's unsettling because you know no why should a 21 year old kid be walking the streets and you know and not have some some place to go or someone to help them yeah get through rough times you know that that bums me out it is a bummer it is a bummer i didn't mean to put a damper on it let's go back to tom cruise well if anyone can fix it tom can fix it he just allocated some of that energy he's
Starting point is 00:46:03 got i know but i mean here here, do you experience that? Do you experience any crime here? A little bit. I guess I've had some nervous moments, but I've been lucky. I've been really lucky. Nothing's ever touched me. My car got stolen when I was in high school, but that was my buddy. So it was an inside job.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Chad, what about you? No, I felt, you know you know culver i'm in very residential area so you know i used to be on venice boulevard or not but like right next to venice boulevard and that felt a little bit you know actually my my ex lived on a street where it was rvs all the way down the street and they're still there like i've you know and uh my office is on venice boulevard and there has been an rv in front of my office for a year and a half yeah and you're just like these people and we can't get it moved and then obviously i see the guy coming in and out of it yeah it's crazy and so that's something where you sort of um
Starting point is 00:47:03 i didn't really have any like weird, weird encounters, I would say. Although a homeless encampment, like, did burn down next to my old apartment building. Oh, wow. That's scary. I think someone died there. Yeah. Really? I think so.
Starting point is 00:47:17 But now I'm in a more sort of residential area. So it's just – it's very kind of – it doesn't even really feel like L.A. Right. Which I like. But, yeah, I'm still pumped on the future though. I think things will shake out positively. I do too. I think so too.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah. I think, I think you give it four or five years. You think it's that long? Just to be, I don't know, maybe like two years to really like start to, yeah, I think things are going to linger for a bit. But it'll be nice, you know? So you just got to wait it out. Yeah, but it's also like you look through like history and stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:54 Like, you know, people like to romanticize like, I mean, 40s, 60s, there's always crazy shit happening. Well, the one disappointing thing to me about your show is that I'm old enough to remember in 1976, there was a streaker in the Academy Awards. David Niven was getting an award and the streaker came right in front. And you guys in the show, you were streaking. And I was hoping that that was going to kind of bring that back and i don't feel like that's caught on and that could really help
Starting point is 00:48:28 la a lot yeah it's just about getting people feeling safe around dong again right um and you know that's a it's a nuanced thing and we just need time game of thrones made a valiant effort who did game of thrones oh they did i mean they they put dong like front and center in the culture um they did and so i think i think you know he's trying to carry the torch well you did a great job i'm just yeah i think that that can really see the smile on a lot of people's faces for season two is that what you're saying that's what you're asking for but i can did we get did it get picked up for season two is that the big announcement here we gotta keep pushing baby we gotta keep pushing yeah we're on the grind so maybe if yeah if we promise more dong in season two we'll get
Starting point is 00:49:13 that early pickup fellas who are watching bet your ass um how is your mom by the way i loved your mom she's a superstar dude um she She's great. She's handleable. So lovable. And she loves you. God, does she love you. She really does. I mean, she really loves you. I get messages like this like once a week.
Starting point is 00:49:32 They're so intense, but I'm intense. So I get where I understand it where she's like, Sean Thomas, I just wanted to call and tell you that I love you so, so much. Is that nice? 3 p.m. on a Wednesday. That's so much. Isn't that nice? It's like 3 p.m. on a Wednesday. That's so nice. It's fucking incredible. And, you know, she'd put herself in front of a train for me every day of the week.
Starting point is 00:49:52 I see it. I'm very lucky that way. She paid for the small dong march, right? She did. She did. She ponied up for that because she knew it was a good cause. That's right. Yeah, she did.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Yeah, my parents have both been like so great about everything. And you've been on the receiving end of some of our panicky calls as we go through this for the first time. Yeah, well, that's just the benefit of having done this once or twice before. Yeah, I called you, I think, two Sundays ago. Yeah. You're basically like, you know, it's out. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Because my mind has gone through all that. And you're like, you know it's out it's funny you know because my mind has gone through all and you're like what does it matter and i was like you're right it's it's out there it's done it's it's like a part of the fabric it's part of the entertainment fabric now right it's that it's part of that quilt now what are we going to do next it's a big fucking quilt it's a big quilt it's a big fucking quilt yeah wait are you watching the newman doc on hbo i have to see it it's on my list dude it's cool it's very romantic about life who made that wait who made that um ethan hawke ethan hawke right and that guy loves himself some art yeah he's he's he did a beautiful job with it because they'll be talking about their own life and then they'll cut it with a movie so it has this weird thing where it's like not real life in the movie but it feels like real life because they're talking about their actual lives and it just adds like this third
Starting point is 00:51:08 meaning to everything that's like really uh i don't know it stirs you in a way that i haven't felt before that's well he's a very bright guy yeah i don't know if you know this or not but he died at the end of the first purge yeah sad he was great in that he was great in that i was surprised when he died. Me too. Yeah. I fought to keep him alive. Really?
Starting point is 00:51:29 I want credit for that. I did. You did? Yeah, but no. Who were you? The director and you were? Oh, well, DeMonaco. You know, DeMonaco is smart about it. I always want a happy ending.
Starting point is 00:51:39 I fought for Krasinski to live at the end of A Quiet Place. I said, please. Please, you don't have to die. You don't. I said, please, please, you don't have to die. You don't. I have to die. No, you don't have to die. And I always lose that battle. So did you – like at the end of The Town, did you want Affleck to get away with it?
Starting point is 00:51:54 I did. I did. Of course I did. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm that guy. What's a – you probably can't get into the actual of it. I can get into anything you want.
Starting point is 00:52:07 I hope to hear Beast. What's like a, what's like the, the, I guess either the biggest creative battle you've had that shook out in an interesting way or the funniest one that you've had where you look back on it and you're like, I can't believe we were fucking fighting about that. It's kind of a meatball of a question. No, it's not. That's a hard thing. That's why there's a lot to take down.
Starting point is 00:52:33 You know, it doesn't seem like a lot. This is so ridiculous for me to say, but in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, there were so many characters in the movie. And I kept on saying, there are too many characters. I can't keep track of all of these characters. And I kept on saying, there are too many characters. I can't keep track of all of these characters. And I kept on saying, can we eliminate this or that?
Starting point is 00:52:49 And in the end, to this day, I think the movie is really fun. But there were too many characters in that movie. And that was a fight. It was a fight because it would have been better to have less characters. But the fans want to see all of their favorite characters come to life. So Bebop and Rocksteady, you had to have them. That's the snapping turtle and the wolf thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:13 They are pretty cool. It was the rhinoceros. Yeah. They are cool. But it's also, JD, I don't look at it the way you said it, where it's just like one throwdown that is going to change the course of the movie. Because it just doesn't go that way. It doesn't go that way.
Starting point is 00:53:31 Now, there are plenty of times where you'll test a movie. And I'll talk to my partners and I'll say, I know this isn't going to work. I know this isn't going to work. And I can be surprised. Like, I wanted John Krasinski to live at the end of A Quiet place and when we tested the movie i thought the audience was going to hate it and they didn't right so i was really wrong on that really wrong um at the end of the purge just because we're talking about it you the audience didn't love that ethan died but we came up with a beat after that that ameliorated the pain of his death, which was Lena Headey takes the gun and shoves it in the woman's face and hits the woman who's been tormenting her the whole time in the face and the audience cheers.
Starting point is 00:54:16 So you have the death, but then the audience cheers and they forget about the death because they're cheering and then they walk out and they're happy. Right. Where did you put the death and did you give them something to have a savor after? It was very satisfying. But that was not in the original movie. In the original movie he just dies. And so we've had to figure out a way.
Starting point is 00:54:36 So those are the battles that I really remember. And what happens in the movie business is that they always test these movies. And that's always the most stressful event in the movie business is that they always test these movies and and that's always the most stressful event in the making of your film that in opening night the first time you test a movie and you find out whether the movie works or not right and you learn so much from it and the thing that you said there's my way in your way the way i try and look at it there's my way
Starting point is 00:55:04 there's whoever's fighting me on it and then there's the audience's vote right and the audience always wins in my in my book if the audience is saying something in a very loud voice meaning not 80 or 90 percent of them feel something then my opinion is much less relevant i don't know that's the way i look at it some people look at it differently i don't make art movies right so that you know i know ben stiller was just talking about it like he used to do a lot of audience testing and now he's doing less of it but he's also doing different styles of project yeah like severance is a lot different than like tropic thunder for sure like one of them
Starting point is 00:55:37 you need the audience to be right you know jazz throughout one of them is like you know it's kind of more uh a thinker thing where they can just kind of grapple with it and by the way when in some ways i feel like that's the difference between one of the many differences between the tv tv shows now and movies is the way i've said this to you guys before i always look at it this way how's the audience feeling when they're walking to their car right that might be an outdated way of viewing it because now so many people are watching movies at home but as as a way of looking at it are you feeling good when you're walking to your car are you feeling uplifted from this or are you feeling depressed and i always even though a lot of the movies that
Starting point is 00:56:19 i've been a part of are so much depressing because a lot of people die and kind of always looking in the end for that little lift where you feel good about it even though you've been dragged through hell yeah are you satisfied yeah a little bit what are the like so when you do audience testing you give them like a card right it's a piece of paper and then what is like the how do you pick the words that you use for that are you like is it like did this movie satisfy did it make you happy or like what what's the like kind of questions you ask well there's two answers to that first there are companies that do this this is all they do and so and i've done it so many times i know that the principles of the companies and we'll before we'll go in we'll talk to the principles of the companies and before we'll go in, we'll talk to the
Starting point is 00:57:05 studio and the director and we'll word the questions, whatever's the standard way. And for the most part, the questions are the same for almost every movie, for the most part. And then at the end, you pepper in a little bit of different questions that are more specific to this film. But the things you're really looking for is how did you feel about the pacing? Was the pacing too fast, too slow, or just right?
Starting point is 00:57:29 Did you feel satisfied at the end of the movie? Those type of things. And the audience is pretty good with the pacing stuff. It's not how they consciously think about it. No, but the audiences are great. They're never wrong, like Billy Wilder said, right?
Starting point is 00:57:43 I subscribe to that. Who do you get in there? We're never wrong, like Billy Wilder said, right? I subscribe to that. Who do you get in there? We're never privy to that because if we were, we would stack it with all of our friends and make sure it goes the way we want. So they get people off the internet and whatever. But you can tell sometimes when you're testing a movie that the people there are veterans of going to movie tests you
Starting point is 00:58:06 know like there was a time when you used to we always used to test movies in burbank right so the people who lived in that area were seeing more tests than other people and and i i was actually talking to a buddy of mine who was telling me that they're going to test his movie in kansas city because they want to have an authentic audience who's never had the experience. And also they're testing the movie in Kansas City because they don't want anyone to hear how the test went. Because now with Twitter and whatever people will post,
Starting point is 00:58:40 I was at a test of blah, blah, and the movie sucks. People will post that? Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. post i was at a test of blah blah and here and the movie yeah interesting yeah yeah you make them sign some things where they say they don't but still it's somewhat inevitable do you find that that's interesting too is like la you know like when we're shooting stuff or whatever we try to get out of la because it's la audiences especially are so just savvy. Yeah. Do you find that the test results and their sort of opinion of movies is generally in line with the masses? I would say that for the most part, most of the movies that we've tested have always been here. And I've always found the testing process to be additive. Yeah. And I've always found the testing process to be additive. Not every single test I've been to, but in the aggregate, they seem all –
Starting point is 00:59:30 I've learned more from that than anything else in terms of about the film that I'm a part of. Yeah. You looking at your questions now? Yeah. You want to answer some cues? Sure. Is it that time? I feel like we've only been talking for five minutes.
Starting point is 00:59:44 No, I think we've been talking for like how long you want to take a guess hour 15 wow i love coming here it's like being in you know time stands still and moves quickly at the same time it's like a time machine when i love that it's true we're like two trains running parallel you can't even tell you're moving but you always get where you're going exactly that's exactly right now um proud you're a legend we didn't talk about any manscaping is that not happening anymore oh dude that's still very much in play okay good i just want to make sure you got some products right next to you oh yeah that's a lot more 4.0 and not only is it the lawnmower 4.0 that's a lot more 4.0. And not only is it the Lawn Mower 4.0, that's the Lawn Mower 4.0 with testicular cancer awareness purple on there. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 01:00:29 So, yeah. Cool. You know, you could manscape and bring awareness. That's awesome. Yeah. And then they got the ear and nose hair trimmer. Oh, yeah. That's wonderful.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Does every guest get that? We can start with you. just you thank you yeah thank you what's up jt do you shave of course i shave my full body i shave everything you're like a dolphin yeah i get waxed every week hairless i love it we're also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because smooth sack summer is coming slowly to an end, fellas, and you're ready for fresh ball fall.
Starting point is 01:01:15 So make sure you take care of those pubes, trim them off, make them look good and nice and fresh. You want your balls fresh for the fall because that crisp air is going to come in and you want to hit your balls nice, you know, because when you get crisp air hitting pubeless sack, that creates what? More fertility. Good. So get that with the Performance Package 4.0. You can get the trimmer. You can get the weed whacker the prop preserver ball deodorant the proper vibrant toner liquid liquid formulations to get that
Starting point is 01:01:52 fresh ball fall freshness guys get on the manscape train right now it's the best company in the world that and helix are my two favorite brands right now so check them out uh it's they're epic if you're on the manscape train you got to get on it right away it is it leveled up my life to levels i don't even know how to describe so get 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20 off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com keep things smooth and fresh as we say sayonara to smooth ball summer and enter fresh ball fall. All right, let's get back to the show.
Starting point is 01:02:30 All right. What's up, Chad? Howdy, JT. I have some buddies who I usually go out with a few days a week and I used to always have fun. But lately I've had zero fun the entire time and I'm not sure if it's just me now realizing it or if I genuinely need a break from the guys. But it kind of seems like all they do is talk shit and make me feel dumb when I'm in the water. And if I don't go because of work or whatever else, they just talk shit to me for not being
Starting point is 01:02:51 able to go. Am I just being a bitch or are they being renubs? Any advice helps a ton. Thanks, bros. Tough to say, right? It's hard to say from that. I wonder if he's becoming a schmall. I appreciate your sensitivity i
Starting point is 01:03:06 really do i get it but also like and like it's not always the best side of things but that is how kind of people relate to each other like it's hard when it's a new group of people because you're not accustomed i'm talking shit to you so you can be a bit more reactive to it but like my oldest friends we talk shit that's how men communicate for the most part i i mean yeah it feels like that's all we do yeah and that yeah i to me it feels like he's being too sensitive yeah and he needs to which is not shmoli behavior but it's tangential it's tangential it's like to the point where it's it's like too sensitive to the point where it's too sensitive, to the point where it's like, yeah, I think there's like on the scale.
Starting point is 01:03:49 Right. That's where you get in the small territory. Right. He could be getting there. Yeah. I think, dude, the best way to combat it, I think, is to rip at surfing. If you're shredding, like if you're good at something, that normally gives you a little bit of a reprieve on that stuff.
Starting point is 01:04:03 So I just get in that water and I'd be surfing'd be surfing all the time even when i'm not with them and then when you come out there and they see that improvement give them no choice but to give you a an affirmative head nod yeah also a good antidote to their shit talking is to sort of laugh along with them and agree with them yeah like dude you suck and you're like, I know, right? And then they'll be like, well, I can't talk shit anymore. He just agrees. So, you know, try that out too. Yeah, and maybe write us back and give us some examples of what they're saying. Because there is like a, if they're keeping it, you know, relatively friendly and low stakes, I think you just got to vibe with it.
Starting point is 01:04:42 But if they're saying like hurtful things, there's always a line, you know? But yeah, I agree with y'all. All right. How do you keep your stoke as summer comes to an end? My stoke is not dependent solely on the climate. I find other things that raise my stoke. Coming here, talking to you guys is going to raise my stoke for at least a week. And then if I need you and i can't come in here i can watch the show on netflix oh thank you or i can you know listen to the pod you know there's a you know you find you got to find other things you can't make your stoke just dependent on the weather or the time of year right i fall victim to that a lot you do it's cloudy this morning and i was i was struggling you you cannot let that be the sole determiner you just gotta keep moving got it
Starting point is 01:05:30 that's right move forward and you know what too that i've learned is that you gotta is you gotta you gotta learn how to make yourself impervious to the external correct you know whether it's cloudy you know whether someone called you a re-knob or something. Right. You say, now the power, I have the power. Right. Stoke is here. It's internal.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Yes. And you have to guard it jealously. Yes. And you're like, this, you know, I'm going to go to the gym, I'm going to move, I'm going to get some work done, and I'm going to- Going to sun my asshole? You're telling me. Even if there's no sun, the EV still cuts through the clouds.
Starting point is 01:06:07 I know. I like that. That fires me up. Chad, do you want to log us in here real quick so we can get some more cues? Is this a new computer? Yeah. Nice. Yeah, I got a new computer.
Starting point is 01:06:17 Today? Yesterday. Congratulations. Thank you. That's fun. Are you guys going to get a new iPhone and watch any of that? Did you see that presentation yesterday? Oh, did they do one of their big apples yeah one of their big uh yeah what is it is an iphone 14 it has a satellite so if you're in the middle of nowhere
Starting point is 01:06:37 and you need help it can you can get you help as you know that it's there's that and uh camera's new and uh it takes your body temperature. Have you shot anything on iPhones yet? No. Like a movie-wise? Like Sean Baker style? No. Do you think – we're probably getting pretty close, right?
Starting point is 01:06:55 I think – film festivals, I'm sure it's happening. Right. It's like already there? Yeah, for sure. I don't know if we're going to this question but gouda cheesemaker subject line is i'm busy eating pussy i just i'm not gonna click it because it doesn't seem like he needs help it seems like he's living a great life yeah he's fine he's fine um we're here on k-rock because they heard I was really sad about the Choco Taco
Starting point is 01:07:25 me too being this is a big problem for me it sucks and we were on we were on live on K-Rock
Starting point is 01:07:33 and I was like can we do a moment of silence for the Choco Taco yeah but you know the Choco Taco is not discontinued and it's and I had one last week
Starting point is 01:07:41 oh really so it's still out there it's out there oh is it coming did they sort of give in to the pressure yeah they did really they did yeah and I had one last week. Oh, really? So it's still out there? It's out there. Oh. Did they sort of give in to the pressure? Yeah, they did. Really?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah, they did. Do you think it was a marketing ploy? Yeah, maybe. I don't know, but I love a Choco Taco. So smart. I don't think I've ever had one. Oh, they're so good. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Dude. Where do you get them at? I go to Maine every summer. Oh, that's great. And this place where I go, they choco tacos it looks amazing where you go and you're rocking the pastel thank you you're rocking pastel the whole time the whole time that's awesome I didn't send you the pictures this year but yeah it's good you gotta rock pants with on each pleat it's a different color yeah for sure I do all that it's awesome it's like a costume party every night do you see Stephenhen king out there no i don't damn he's in bangor maine i'm in south casco maine i feel like you guys would get along though i do
Starting point is 01:08:31 too yeah yeah we have commonality for sure yeah you know i always reference the time we asked you if ghosts cross the street because that's something i i know well that's a real question i don't think they do i I don't think they do. You are a ghost expert. Thank you. I love that you asked me that question. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:55 That was good. That was good. Just come over. I'm going to fuck with you, man. No, please. What's up, boys? I'm a long-time listener to the pod, and you guys have helped put a smile on my face when i really need it absolutely dank i'm writing to you guys in a sense of confusion i recently started college and i'm in a relationship of about nine months with an amazing girl my question to you guys is how do i know when to call it quits on a relationship
Starting point is 01:09:15 i love this girl so much and i've loved her ever since i met her but something in my mind is telling me to explore college and live single for a bit i'm scared that i won't like it if i leave her and i'm even more scared that i'll break her heart and hurt her. Am I a shitty person for thinking this way while in a relationship? I don't want to leave her, but I don't want to keep having these thoughts like I'm missing out on something. I know it's stereotypical to break up to live the college life. So how would I do it? I don't think I would lose anything to stay with her, but I'm just confused. Please let me know if you guys have any advice. Did you say what year he is? Recently started college. So he's a freshman. I think so.
Starting point is 01:09:58 I have an opinion about this. Go. And it comes from what I thought was probably not the best way to start college, but I started college. I went to school on the East Coast and my girlfriend went to school in Santa Barbara and I tried to maintain a relationship. And it was just such a disaster. And the thing that it did for me was I was never present in college, right? I was trying to figure out how I was going to keep that relationship going. And that was just the wrong way to start my college career, right? Because I wasn't there. Like I wasn't committing to the you
Starting point is 01:10:27 know to the world i was in so i would say to this guy that if he's not able to fully commit to where he is and the community that he's going to be spending the next four years with ideally then he should break up what do you think of that that's a definitive answer right there i think it's beautiful you don't mind that You don't think that's too harsh? No, because I think too, like, look, anytime you're in a relationship, you're going to have thoughts once in a while, at least, where you're like, is this the right situation for me? But I think when it is the right person, there's always a thought that follows that's like, I just don't want to do that.
Starting point is 01:11:04 That's right. I just want to stay. And if that second voice isn't coming in, and instead the voice that's like, I just don't want to do that. I just want to stay. And if that second voice isn't coming in, and instead the voice that's coming in is saying things like, I don't want to hurt her. I don't know if I'll be happy without her. That's not what that voice should be saying. The voice should be saying, of course, I'm having those thoughts. But at the end of the day, this is the person I want to be with. And if that second thought doesn't come, then you already know your answer. But it is hard when you're in a new environment that you're going to be with. That's right. And if that second thought doesn't come, then you already know your answer. But it is hard when you're in a new environment that you're going to be in for a long time.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Yeah. To maintain a relationship from the old environment you were with, you were in. That's a hard thing to do. It might require a new him. Yeah. Because he's 18. He doesn't know who he is yet. That's right.
Starting point is 01:11:42 He's got a lot of learning to do. Because he's 18. He doesn't know who he is yet. That's right. He's got a lot of learning to do. And I think, you know, that doesn't mean you go become like a, like you just commit your life to getting laid or something like that. But like, you know, the more you can experience, the better idea you'll have as to what you actually want. Yeah. I feel for people who, some people just know.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I have friends who met their high school sweetheart and they absolutely belong together but sometimes you're like i don't know if you even really know what it is that you want because you never kind of right flew without a net a little bit yeah yeah i like that chad i agree with both of you guys i don't have anything to add okay i like that i like that second i like you know like that second thought thing is is i think that's yeah a real real thing and if you yeah you got to make sure you have that yeah that that voice in your head that's like you know just it's like understands the thoughts and then says just folks them right can i add something yeah i was in a similar situation when i was in eight when i was 18 and like you don't realize like there's so many more people out there as well like this one girl
Starting point is 01:12:52 that you're with you think like oh this is the love of my life but go meet people at college go see what's out there you know maybe she actually isn't the love of your life there's someone better you know it's so true because especially as you go through life and when you like my relationship now compared to you know it's so it's like when you have the one now is like so amazing where you're like how how was i like what were other relationships before where you're just like i don't know it's like it's like when you get into one where it's it like blows your mind where you're like it's like this knowing where you're like oh this is what it's supposed to be like right so that's what you're looking for so if this guy doesn't have that feeling yeah then he's got to make a different choice yeah or you could go to the commie store see a girl across the room tell your best friend you're going to marry her and 30 years
Starting point is 01:13:44 later you got two kids in a house and you're still with the same woman brad let's go come on brad let's go come on brother is that a nuva ring yeah the yeah have we talked about this i'm happy to talk about i think i need to get a nuva ring i had a whoop and then i got off it i'm not in the whoop but i do like the aura is that the aura ring oh dude nuva ring is that for menstruation or something what's that look at that i think it's birth control yeah oh cool for men or women uh i'm gonna get that in the uva is uva ring oh i thought it was an aura aura ring yeah aura yeah sorry nuva ring is a ring that goes inside of the birth control. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:27 And you wanted to get one, dude. Oh, dude. Dude, you just said you got a pussy, bro. And now you're putting it in your butt, dude. Can you guys stop talking shit? Yeah, is that what the guys at the surf thing are doing? If they're saying that, like, dude, it's just normal, bro. But do you think I'm i might get the aura ring problem with the aura ring is that it
Starting point is 01:14:48 doesn't agree with my apple watch right they fight about how i sleep and i don't know who to believe you got two like different doctors yes it's rough i i i refer more to the apple watch but i think the aura ring is giving me better information. Makes sense. Hey guys, I'd like for this to remain anonymous because people I know sometimes listen to this pod. This is kind of long, so bear with me. Standing by. I'm currently dating this girl and we are in love with each other. We've been dating
Starting point is 01:15:18 now for close to eight months and it's been completely blissful. However, I have a group of bros and we've all been best friends for 15 plus years. It's awesome. Three of them have hooked up with my now ex back during high school and early years of college. My girlfriend has always been around my circle of friends, which is why some of my bros have hooked up with her in the past. Why do you say now ex? I think he messed up. I think they hooked up with his current girlfriend. This isn't going where you think it might. You see, I literally have no problem with it. They're all just drunk hookups and it happened years ago.
Starting point is 01:15:46 And I didn't even have feelings for her back then. So I didn't care back then either. We've talked about it and she assured me she only has eyes for me and I completely believe her and I literally don't worry about it at all. My question to you guys is, how do you think my bros feel about this? I've talked to them all and they all hit me with the, as long as you're happy, bro. And ensure me that they don't think about her like that either. But if you were in their shoes, would you lose respect for for me my relationship because you and some other homies have slept
Starting point is 01:16:07 with my girl again i don't care either way but i've just been curious about how they feel about it view it and feel like they aren't being completely honest with me thanks bros appreciate the advice um i wonder why it's so important to him how they view his relationship. I wonder that. I think the primary thing should be how he views his relationship. And then, I mean, everyone has a past. Everyone does now. Perhaps it's less than ideal that a lot of his buddies have carnal knowledge of his current girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:16:43 And that's a tricky thing to maybe get over but if he has a good relationship with it with her who cares yeah you know what it is man because you're right it's like look i totally get it like it's not if you were drawing it up in like your fantasy you wouldn't be like oh i want my girl to like slept with three of my homies you wouldn't want. But life is never what you write up. Everyone comes with something. And I think what you got, you got a golem in you, dude. I'll call it a golem. We all got golems in us that just want to... You're happy right now. You're happy. You're in a good relationship. You got good friends. Everything's good. And you got this golem in you
Starting point is 01:17:19 that wants to take away from your joy and wants to be like, but wait, no, it's not perfect. Something's wrong. Something's wrong. it's not perfect. Something's wrong. Something's wrong. It's not wrong. It's all good. And we all have that Gollum, but you just got to ignore him, dude. Just tell him to shove off and fuck off because I don't think it matters. Do you find the Gollum is more prevalent in your life between the hours of 3 and 5 AM? Interesting. That's just me. You got a Gollum at that time? At that time. And he's trying to eat your joy. He's just me. You got a golem at that time?
Starting point is 01:17:45 At that time. And he's trying to eat your joy. He's trying to tell you things are bad when they're not bad. For sure. Dude, I relate to that. Yeah, you do? Yeah. Yeah, I find that.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Those are the bad times. I do get anxious at those. Like I sleep bad a lot. I'm very anxious when I sleep. Yeah. Because the golem's trying to tell me shit's off when it's not off. But that's right. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Do I get the... I'll get the golem in the morning a lot sometimes. Yeah. And I just walk it off. That's cool. Dude, a walk is huge, bro. Walks are huge. But it's hard to do that because if you're sleeping with your girlfriend and she hears
Starting point is 01:18:17 you get up and she wonders what's up and if you have dogs and they start following you around and at three in the morning there's a marching band going through your bedroom yeah oh i'm sorry am i being too personal about this no no you know that's you know that's the deal it's hard to do that i think you know all our partners are pretty chill i think you just tell them hey bro gollum showed up gotta go walk them off yeah and they're like yeah don't walk your gollum yeah yeah no that's true that would be a good thing well i you know. I tell her that whenever I'm feeling anxious, we have these little from our
Starting point is 01:18:48 shoot when we did Big Rod and the Slayer. We were playing motorcycle guys so I'll take the little dirt bike for a ride. That was a great laugh by the way. You guys are rolling. I want to do another one of those. That was really funny.
Starting point is 01:19:03 I want to go to St of those. That was really funny. That was so funny. I want to go to Sturgis. Oh, good luck. Howdy, partners. Yeah, we miss Sturgis. Double booking. Yeah. That would be sick. Are you a Yellowstone guy?
Starting point is 01:19:14 Do you like Yellowstone? Of course. Dude. Every episode. Who's going to look after Tate? Who's going to look after Tate in the range? That's what they're always talking about. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:23 I love that show. I love it too. Oh, God. Dude, it's so good. New season's coming out. Yeah, when does season five come out? tate and the range that's what they're always talking about i mean yeah i love that show i love it too god dude it's so good and new season's coming out yeah when does season five november there's a teaser at that vmas i didn't see it i saw it it wasn't enough it did not give me nearly enough who's your favorite character beth beth dude nice nice is that a the gal who's in flight is that his daughter yes yes and And Rip. Beth and Rip. Rip, yeah. Which one's Rip?
Starting point is 01:19:48 Cole Hauser? Cole Hauser, yeah. Oh, dude. He's so badass. I mean, he's just a cool fucking dude. Did Jimmy grow on me? Oh, yeah. I liked him too.
Starting point is 01:19:55 I know he did. When he started, he became a man. Sorry, spoilers. Oh, sorry. Yeah. But yeah, he's, yeah. I could sense they're going to have a good sort of heartwarming story for him yeah i love that show yeah all right brad you ready for the next part yeah what are we
Starting point is 01:20:12 doing you know what it is dog beefs and things of that nature yeah baby okay so what are we doing first tonight beef well listen i talked a little bit about my beef. My beef is like the guy that costed me in the parking lot of Cafe Lux today. That was my beef. On La Cienega? No, in the Palisades. Oh, right. Sorry. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:38 And then feeling bad after, the whole thing, the whole experience. That was beefy. It's hard not to, you know. Yeah. I mean, it came into your personal space. That's going to spike your adrenaline. No choice. For sure.
Starting point is 01:20:54 Regardless of the circumstances that created, it's hard to divorce from the, like the immediacy of that and be like. But how would you word that as a beef? Because I don't feel like I was articulate in doing that. I would say there was a wayward soul looking for peace and he has nowhere else to go. But he came to me in a moment where I couldn't give it to him. And his energy, which had been conditioned through years of neglect, forced him to force himself on me in a way that was aggressive and rude and off-putting. And, you know, I'm remorseful for what's happened to him, but I can't help but feel a little violated. So go in peace, brother.
Starting point is 01:21:32 But my peace, you know, had to be fought for. You were the Shakespeare of your day. That was so beautiful. I'm going to play that back over and over and over. That was amazing. Off the top of your head like that. That was amazing. By the way, I wanted to tell you.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Everything's had to be fought for after our encounter. What's that? Never mind. Okay. Okay. I just want you to know that today, Natasha Bedingfield came on and I thought of you the entire time. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Yeah. I can't think of you. I can't hear that song without thinking about you. Feel the rain on your skin. Yeah. I can't think of you. I can't hear that song without thinking about you. Feel the rain on your skin. Yeah. I mean, to me, that song is, you just picture people in a circle dancing. I only picture you. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:14 No, bro. I'm telling you. I picture you. No. No, because. We're wearing pastels. All right. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I took over. Ethan Hawke's out in Maine, too. He's got an island out there. He does? Yeah, because there's like a little chain of islands, right? Yeah, there are plenty. Yeah, there's a lot out there. When are we doing a vacation again?
Starting point is 01:22:32 Oh, I'd love that. We should do that. But you got to roll with all the fullers. Oh, I look forward to it. Okay. I want to watch you guys operate. It's a beautiful thing. It's fun.
Starting point is 01:22:40 Yeah. Chad, who's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the week is with loud air conditioners what a louder yeah there's a heat wave going on i'm trying to watch tv i'm trying to watch movies and these things are just loud as fuck yeah and you know i opt for the sound of the i'll turn it off I'll sit in the heat. My girlfriend, on the other hand, you know, she's not as comfortable in the heat. So I'm trying to watch TV and these things just crank it.
Starting point is 01:23:15 I don't even know what the decibels are, but they're through the roof. And they're really just sticking a stick in my craw, you know. And I'm just going to have to keep sunning. Right. Until it cools down, I guess. Is your air conditioning unit a new one or is it an older one? No, I don't have central air, so we got those loud-ass things that, you know, go through the window.
Starting point is 01:23:42 Yeah. It's just so loud. Right. Sorry. The speakers turned up to like, you know, it the window and yeah yeah it's just so loud right sorry had the speakers turned up to like you know it goes up to 100 it's like at 95 right i'm like what is rip saying fuck to read the subtitle i'm pissed yeah i get it dude my beef of the week is with rabies there's no cure i hate an incurable disease. So rabies, you just start foaming at the mouth and you lose your brain and then it's over, dude. And I just don't know how we haven't figured it out yet. Is that true? There's no cure for rabies. There's a vaccine
Starting point is 01:24:18 for rabies. That's true. You can get the prophylactic and not worry about it. But I had an incident when I lived in Costa Rica, I didn't get my rabies vaccine for whatever reason. And there was a dog with a crazy eye, like a rabies eye that was barking at me on the street. And all the locs were laughing at me and I was swinging at it with my jacket and I was like, get the fuck away from me. And then the dog scurried off, but it came close. And then the locs told me that that dog just has a crazy eye, doesn't have rabies. So they were just laughing at my good my fear but yeah i'd like us to find a cure for rabies i think that we can expand it that and all of our beefs is uncurable diseases yeah that's a universal beef right yeah yeah like als and rabies like yeah what right let's dedicate
Starting point is 01:25:04 some fucking i know big fucking effort to fixing those i think they are but we're not quite there yeah yeah like ALS and rabies like what right let's dedicate some fucking I know big fucking effort to fixing those I think they are but we're not quite there yet but I'm optimistic
Starting point is 01:25:11 we'll get there and then is the thing no I think we will find a day where we cure everything yeah me too but will we ever cure the human condition no
Starting point is 01:25:20 what about my hives you have hives are you still hiving I've had hives since June. Where? You know why, dude? I took a Zyrtec and it knocks them out.
Starting point is 01:25:31 What causes it? I don't know. I think it's probably stress. Do you work hard? Well, I know what triggered it was the sun in Hawaii. I was on a snorkeling boat and I got too much sun that day and then i've had hives ever since that's horrible to be betrayed by the love of your life to the sun yeah i also got the booster a week before but that's neither here nor there
Starting point is 01:25:56 right that could be a political thing that we could get into but we don't have to and the thing is with hives is like they never really know what the cause is you know so i went to i went to i went back to him and he's like yeah if you still have him in a few months we could do a blood test we're not gonna find anything he's like it could be a number they just don't know uh and i was i just told him i was like i was like yeah the sun and then i also got the booster he's like oh they didn't say anything right i got i got herpes and that's incurable and i think it's from the boosters oh you got the you got the booster i got the booster yeah you got the astrazeneca yeah and i told the doc i was like they're like what are you been doing i was like well i have been having condomless sex but also i got the booster and they're like ah it's astrazeneca they're fucked up dude i'm so sorry
Starting point is 01:26:49 that's why their stock plummeted it's all good shit happens yeah herpes is way worse than myocarditis uh yeah that's for sure yeah it's bad uh bro who's your baby of the week um you know i might have two babes of the week i mean it's it's always mrs fuller it has to be because you know that's my partner in life and so we do everything together like today we went to the dentist we go we just do it together i mean it's pathetic but we just if we have appointments we go together that's just it's pathetic a synonym for the cutest thing I've ever heard? It's the cutest thing you've ever heard, yes. What is that? Sometimes I'll do something really cute.
Starting point is 01:27:29 I'm like, God, that's pathetic. I'm like, what? Because everyone who listens to the pod is going to just say, whatever. No, they're going to love it. You think? I mean, that's insane. I'm being vulnerable right now. No, it is very vulnerable to be cute, But I find it very life-affirming.
Starting point is 01:27:45 We do. For me, it is life-affirming. And my other babe of the week is this guy, George Nolfi, who's directing this movie. He's just inspiring me every day. And he works harder than anyone. And I'm having a blast. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:27:59 Yeah. I had two. Is that all right? Yeah. I earned it. Do five or six, bro. Keep going. Rip. Chadias. i had two is that all right yeah okay i earned it do five snacks bro keep going rip chadias my babe yeah i got i gotta go with my girlfriend to uh you know from from the outside just looking at social media you guys really do seem deeply in love i don't really want to it's a very special connection i feel that
Starting point is 01:28:25 yeah it's uh yeah it's it's it's even from like the first month i was like this is profound no i i i i i heard that in the grapevine i heard that but then when i watch it i see it yeah i told you that it's uh i didn't want to sell you out so you know what kind of friend i am yeah yeah i was like bro that's weird i think I said that to you too. Just so you know, he said it early on. This is different. Yeah, I was like, Jordan Monaghan? That's what she said.
Starting point is 01:28:56 No, yeah. It's very profound. But she's just the best. I get hard on myself when I get in bad moods. Because I just don't want to be a bummer to be around. And then with the show coming out, it's been great.
Starting point is 01:29:14 But it's just a lot of emotions when that happens. So many emotions. There's mornings when I'm just laying there like I want to die. Just in agony. You're so stressed. Is that the golem? Is that like I want to die. Right. Just in agony, you know, so you're so stressed. Is that the golem? Is that the golem? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:30 It's like, and then there's days when you're on a high and it's just, it's just always shifting. Yeah. And, but she's just, she like wrote me, you know, like I came home from San Diego last night. She like wrote me a nice letter, you know, just saying how she's like there for me and stuff. You know, it's amazing it's really an important thing to have someone who can nurture you yeah and it's just and knows how to nurture you yeah and it and i have a tough time
Starting point is 01:29:57 asking for it yeah or just sort of i never really sort of sought it out but then when you find someone who does that it's just very you just feel very um makes you feel special and it makes you know it lets you know that how special they are and that's life affirming it's life affirming yeah very much so but i came home you know it's probably like 11 30 no it was like midnight and there's like a piece of paper like taped to the door and i was like oh fuck i guess i was like what is this but it's very sweet and stuff you know it's so nice yeah yeah i love that i was just like oh shit you're reading you're like oh okay oh thank god um but i love that she wrote it out by hand is that yeah right she didn't text you it's so sweet she wrote it out by hand yeah
Starting point is 01:30:50 i gotta i gotta meet this woman i gotta return the favor she wants to meet you she saw that you followed her yeah she's like i think i meant a lot to her um so i gotta write her a letter not that you know I want to but you know do something unexpected yeah I got it that's nice I gotta take my own advice I haven't been doing that but whatever you will you will dude my baby of the week not my gf but girlfriend
Starting point is 01:31:19 influenced it's gotta be queen elizabeth fair enough who just departed us today. Yep. My girlfriend's a huge fan of The Crown. She got me into it. It very much frustrated me at first. And now I'm watching them grow and change. I know it's a different experience. It's cool. And then, especially Philip, he's really come around that guy. I'm pretty amped on him now. I hated him those first couple of seasons. We did promo for Netflixflix and i was like the crown fuck philip that guy sucks
Starting point is 01:31:51 come on and now i like him he's a better man now yeah and he's like the crown kind of a tough watch that's on netflix radio you did that yeah i always have to give a little fuck you to everybody yeah i'm trying to keep it right sized um i uh but yeah i just look 70 years heavy is the head that wears the crown and she wore it for 70 years yeah now do i think that the monarchy is completely superfluous and should be done away with and it's just a symbol of a bygone era that gives us less than it takes absolutely but that lady she's got some metal she's tough as hell man yeah like she fucking went through all the shit and you know the show just makes you realize how stuck she is because she can't be a person she has to be a symbol which is like super dehumanizing but she just took it on with that stiff upper lip and, and just wrote it out.
Starting point is 01:32:45 And 96 years old. I mean, and just all the chaos she's been through, like who's more visible than them? No one. And yeah, she just managed it with a lot of grace. So I got to give it up to you,
Starting point is 01:32:58 Queen Elizabeth. You're a tough, tough lady. And you know, we're sad you're gone. Good, good on you for, I love that.
Starting point is 01:33:04 Thank you. I love that thank you i love that okay cool nice thank you that's awesome yeah she's tough yeah uh brad who's your legend of the week well you kind of stole my legend because you just spoke about her so i so come back to me i'll let me let me because i was going to go with her but you you tell me brother what's your feelings on the crown or on a what's your feelings on a well you know one incredible thing to manage right i mean and to always elegantly just always elegant she always was on point right it's just you know i haven't seen all of The Crown, right? And her family, it's tricky. We don't need to digress into all the crazy things that are going on.
Starting point is 01:33:53 But tricky. But she just never, ever – she never faltered. She was so steady in the storm, right? Yeah. And how do you – you can't be taught all that. That has to be in you. That has to be in your bones. She was incredible.
Starting point is 01:34:11 What's he? It's Prince Charles, but what's his name now? What did they? Oh, did he get? He got served up with a new title. I think it's King Charles III. Yeah. I saw something that he wanted to pick something different because of the curse behind
Starting point is 01:34:26 the net or something oh i don't know but like you know i mean the the media always had a good time with him and he you know he he was a willing subject of a lot of you know embarrassment and weird things happening and whatever but she just there was never anything bad you know incredible she's a tank how old is he he's got to be late 60s early 70s right because she was 96 yeah and then william's next in line yeah yeah king william he feels very royal to me he does i like all that kate they feel very royal to me and their kids that all feels yeah feels right have you met uh megan and nary i don't think so i haven't met harry but i there's i don't think i met megan when she was an actress i don't yeah i know her first husband i know him too trevor yeah he's hilarious My tough guy character that I do in here,
Starting point is 01:35:26 we're like, hey, look, I'm the tough guy. That's Trevor? Sort of based on him from a meeting we had with him. Yeah. And he's not that guy, but he just had this- No, he's so sweet. He had this can-do attitude that was just incredibly infectious, and it just stuck with me for a couple days.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Very charming guy. That's what it is. Stoke. I got it. I cracked the show. It's what it is. Stoke. I got it. I cracked the show. It's about Stoke. Is that what he said? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:50 And I was like, yeah. I was like, yeah, for sure. I love that guy. And then he was like, we're going to have some Porsches and some chicks and bikinis. And then we're going to party at a Benihana afterwards. How come I'm learning about this now? When did this meeting happen? Like five years ago. You come come on the bullet it's out dude you came to the meeting wearing a like track pants you know
Starting point is 01:36:11 like a dude yeah awesome good guy good guy he just comes in like so much he's just so like like a big smile he's just stoke that's awesome yeah my favorite meeting i think chad who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is jfk um you you probably can shed more light on this because you read about him but i've i'm reading a tip o'neill's biography speaker of the house which um i like that it's a good sort of insight into you know politics in the 40s 50s ands. And I guess I got up to 70s and 80s, but I'm not there yet. But he talks about JFK. When he met JFK, he's like, this guy's never going to amount to anything.
Starting point is 01:36:52 He's just a scrawny little kind of weasel. And then he built himself into the charming man that he was. Sort of charming, intelligent, kind of strong man that he was. So I was really inspired by i always like stories like that you know i always like hearing about people like teddy roosevelt similar um yeah both born like kind of physically weak both had like uh more kennedy with his back but like maladies that got away and then both displayed incredible physical courage yeah yeah yeah i like i like just hearing about people who achieved great things and they started from a – I mean, he had his family wealth and stuff.
Starting point is 01:37:32 But in terms of like who they were as people, they built themselves into what they were. And I think that's – You say Teddy Roosevelt, FDR. Yeah. I mean, the greatest scene in Pearl Harbor is when he gets up out of that wheel. Don't tell me. What's possible? I love that scene.
Starting point is 01:37:51 It's awesome. And you were probably seeing early cuts of that, right? I did see some early cuts on it, but yeah, I did. When you're in there and they show that scene, do you just get up and you're like, that's fucking it. Yeah, that's awesome. I love that movie yeah um my legend of the week i had it ready and now i'm forgetting you know what
Starting point is 01:38:13 i'm running it back to back i just opened my phone and it's what popped up it's vin diesel do you see the photo of course course I saw the photo. That was amazing. And the cars were there too. Did you get into the cars? I didn't get, no. Were you allowed to? I know Mason and Jordana, I think they got in. They took photos with it.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I didn't get a photo with it, which I woke up, I was like, oh, that's one thing I didn't do. It looks like a beautiful wedding. It was amazing. You really did. I didn't get a photo with it. I woke up and I was like, that's one thing I didn't do. It looked like a beautiful wedding. I teared up. The ceremony, they did a really beautiful job. That's nice. They got me good. That's good. We want love to flourish.
Starting point is 01:38:59 It's nice to see. Yeah, it is nice. It's life affirming. For sure. Would you die for one of your see. Yeah. Yeah, it is nice. It's life affirming. For sure. Would you die for one of your dogs? Yeah. That's awesome. But only one of them.
Starting point is 01:39:12 Dude, I'm getting a dog soon. What are you getting? Golden. Yeah. A golden doodle or a golden retriever? Golden retriever. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:19 Beautiful dog. That's going to be nice. Do they shed though? Yes, a lot. Oh, yeah. Bro. That's why I would only urge you to consider doodling yeah doodle i just can't you know i i respect what you guys are saying i hear
Starting point is 01:39:31 you and i think you're right but i can't do it i gotta go with i gotta retreat i want everyone to play but i want everyone to play this back when he's complaining how many vacuum cleaners he's gone through with this dog, with Muffy. Lola is going to be the name. Lola? Lola. Lola. You've met my doodle.
Starting point is 01:39:51 All right. Yeah. You have a great doodle. I love my doodle. Doodles are great. He's hanging that out there a long time. Oh, dude. Give it to him.
Starting point is 01:40:01 It's making me uncomfortable. I really want to squint. I knew. He hates it. I was wondering if you were going to squid it. But you've decided. Do you know the breeder or you're going to go to the pound or what are you going to do? I'd like to. You know, there's an Instagram, Bunnies Buddies, that they rescued goldens from Asia.
Starting point is 01:40:19 Oh, Asia? Yeah. Why? Because they're in kill shelters. They're going to be eaten and stuff. Eaten? Yeah. Oh, my God. So they bring that are going to be like eaten and stuff? Eaten? Yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:40:26 So they bring them over and it's tough. Please do that. And bring in three or four. You hate to hear about a golden retriever. Oh, my God. That's the worst. Dude, can you imagine that? You're like, wow, this chicken noodle is amazing.
Starting point is 01:40:40 What? Oh, my God. Yeah, if you watch Lassieie but the versions that they produce over there different movie right first act he's on a kebab is that you use that in your stand-up routine no but no no no but you have a joke about rescues so this is a right turn for you oh yeah yeah well you know you rescue a golden because you know it's all about the photo of course you gotta have a good christmas photo yeah but golden there is no i mean the golden puppy is the cutest
Starting point is 01:41:11 thing ever it's adorable i mean it's crazy yeah have you seen that thing i just want to surely temple it keep it young oh my god yeah there's this uh video that keeps popping up on my instagram where there's this kid probably three or four years old and like 10 golden puppies are just licking oh yeah it's so cute they're just so happy and they're just so uh i don't know it's just the way the way they if i'm ever down you just think about a dog you look at a dog and they just there's their their whole thing is they just look at you like why would you're like i exist why would i be anything other than happy we can learn a lot from them yeah it's true i learned that from walks you know you get so much presence from walks yeah it's crazy yeah yeah yeah anyways i love it brad yes sir you got a quote of the week
Starting point is 01:42:07 god i'm so ill-prepared i don't have a quote of the week i did oh shit it's okay we can come back to you okay well yeah i'm sorry it's a lot of homework it is a lot really i'm gonna give you five things oh my god we'll have people on here i I'm just like, they're like, why didn't you prep me? I'm like, I didn't want to. I thought you'd not come. Right. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:29 You guys go ahead. I'll try and figure something out. You going J? Yeah, I think I got it, right? Maybe. I mean, yeah, I would love to go with an American Pie quote, but I think I used them all up. Which one? American Pie. I could do tons um this is jfk those who i can't do his voice he's like how's it go how's it go
Starting point is 01:42:58 like uh listen to me america no that's not it yeah americans ask not what you can do for your country, but what they can do for you. That's pretty good. Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly. I'll do a quote. I think that just inspired a generation. Yeah, yeah. For sure. Maybe I need to build up my-
Starting point is 01:43:23 I wonder if I should quote somebody from the Constitution. That'd be huge. Oh, dude. I don't think that's ever been done. Really? I just want to read you guys this. I haven't found my quote, but I'm now searching my phone. And the headline is,
Starting point is 01:43:38 These quotes on the U.S. Constitution will get you fired up for federalism and freedom. Look, that's from ink magazine let's go but i i gotta fight oh my god it's we the people you guys have heard that a million times no i don't think i've ever heard it just sincerely here we go you ready yeah the glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution, nor by the courts, nor by the officers of the law, nor by the lawyers, but by the men and women who constitute our society, who are the protectors of the law, as they are themselves protected by the law. Robert F. Kennedy. He was the bulldog of the family. He was the pugnacious one.
Starting point is 01:44:25 He was pugnacious. So I finally got a quote out. I'm like, it's beautiful. I was nervous. I hate coming ill prepared. I apologize for that. You crushed it. Phrasing me for getting after it. Just think of who wrote the
Starting point is 01:44:43 Constitution. I don't even know if this is what they maybe this is a yeah i need to rephrase let's think of who wrote the constitution that's your phrase for getting after it yeah if you want to party and you think of you know hamilton you'll party hard all hail the queen that's a good one Hamilton, you'll party hard. All hail the queen. That's a good one. I worked with the director a long time ago, Mick G. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Jesus. He's the best guy, most fun guy. He used to say something. I don't want to fight City Hall. I need all heads going north and south. I love that quote. Wait, what does it mean exactly? He just wants to make sure everyone's feeling good. I don't want to fight City Hall. I just want all heads going north
Starting point is 01:45:33 and south. Oh, the head nod. That's cool. What a beast. He's a beast. The best. Yeah, he did Terminator Salvation. Yeah, he did. Are you pumped for the new avatar i would not say i'm pumped i'm i'm open-minded i will definitely go see it i loved avatar when i saw it i was pumped for maverick that's something i was pumped for yeah is that is that is that the
Starting point is 01:46:02 the high watermark now yeah for everything but like yesterday or um in the afternoon i was watching t2 and you know that's one of the greatest movies of all time for sure it's incredible and it holds up and it's just awesome in every way you know bay has been liking our posts here and there on instagram is Is that true? Michael Bay has? Yeah. That's amazing. I was like, is Brad behind this? I'm not behind it.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Is this full on Bay? I'm not behind it. I'm not. Do you think we'd get along? Oh, he's the best. There's no one better to go out to dinner with. Every time we go out to dinner with him, we have such a good time.
Starting point is 01:46:45 He's so fun. Is he the best you've ever seen at that component? Good action? Without a doubt. And like the pyrotechnics of it? Pyrotechnics and also he has this incredible... If you watch the Transformers movies, he's able in his head to construct a shot knowing
Starting point is 01:47:01 exactly where the robots are going to be. But when you're doing the shot they're not there and he can somehow see that in a way that i don't think a lot of people can and that's why it feels so seamless because of the because he he has the imagination to do it they will break out hot wheels and show you what a sequence is going to be like and i just always i i can't get past the fact that he still has Hot Wheels. That's hilarious. You've got to film that.
Starting point is 01:47:27 That's like historically significant. He does it all the time. I want to see that. Well, next time he's here, we can go out to dinner. He loves it. So fun to go out to dinner with. We're having fun, me and Bae. Yeah, you guys are back together now, right?
Starting point is 01:47:42 We're back together, yeah. So how's that? Is it like getting back together with a gal after like a couple years off no because we never broke up we you know we've always been friends just doing your own thing yeah so he he was doing his thing for a year and a half for two years i was doing my thing and now we're back it's it feels very natural did you mark like change in both of you like sensibility wise or temperament or any of that? Nothing has changed.
Starting point is 01:48:08 Absolutely nothing. That's cool. We work the same way together and it's fun. You know, it's just fun. That's awesome. That's awesome. I've always had fun with him. Brad, we love you.
Starting point is 01:48:19 Thank you so much for coming. Not as much as I love you. It's great. I love it when you guys call. Thanks for coming. Come in anytime. love you it's great i love when you guys call thanks for coming come in anytime if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go when you need someone to guard you Who's lost and half-thrown Beside you
Starting point is 01:48:46 Go and see Go and see Let's go deep Go and see The cat and game Deep

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