Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 264 - Picking A Kettlebell Up With Your Ass with Harry Jowsey

Episode Date: November 9, 2022

What up stokers!? This week we have the very fun and engaging, Harry Jowsey, on the pod.    Get 25% Off  at trueclassic.com/[GO DEEP] Free shipping included on purchases over $100. That’s 25% off... at trueclassic.com/[GO DEEP]. Santa won’t be the only one slaying thanks to True Classic. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Dude, can I tell you something? I feel way more relaxed after doing that. So do I. I think everyone's listening. There's bonding to try things. Everyone should do it. If you're at home and you're listening, just try and pick something up and be relaxed. Yeah. I think that's a good way to start every episode. Really hone in, get in touch with your ah chakra, and just focus.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Dude, I think it works. It's the only chakra I care about. What up, dudes? We have a killer podcast for you with Harry Jowsey is super fun. We know you guys are going to love it. But first, before we dive into that, let's get into the other stuff up top. We got a tour coming up. We are coming to a city near you. Um, this week we are in, uh, I believe we were in Boston last night. So we were in New York city Thursday night. Then we're going to Denver, Chicago. Chicago sold out, but we have Nashville tickets still available. Atlanta and Salt Lake City.
Starting point is 00:00:54 And hell yeah, dude. So get on that ASAP. We also check out our show on Netflix, chat, and JT Go Deep. Of course, stay classy with True Classic. We're also brought to you by Legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure that our dinks are looking fresh and clean because thanksgiving gobble gobble gobble is coming around the corner you want a big ass turkey and you also want to make your nuts look like a fresh
Starting point is 00:01:21 turkey i'm talking no hair playa uh get% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. That's 20% off plus free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. Say trick or treat to your beautiful new Halloweeny with Manscaped. All right, let's start the show. Once we're deep, we're going deep. Try to change it. Because I tend to say shit that's like it gets me in trouble does she listen for you but everything yeah it's good dude i need it because like i'm a i'm a loose cannon and it's good to be that way because then you can just pull back in the edit like yeah you can say
Starting point is 00:01:59 everything you i do that all the time i'll say like horrible things and i'm just like i can edit it out later but it just feels good to say it so have you always been kind of an open book or is this like uh something you start to lean into once you i think um because my like my family has like a very like i don't know like with my parents i had like a very like good friendship and relationship like yeah whenever if say if i did drugs or say if i like hooked up with someone or there was a girl drama whatever i think maybe it just stemmed from that like my mom would tell me about like her sex life which is a little bit scary especially like this year when she's like telling me about i was like bro you're in your 50s like can you just fucking tell your
Starting point is 00:02:38 friends not me like i don't want to hear it yeah but um we just i think it just started from having like open and like honest communication with them and then i don't know it's it's kind of a blessing and a curse because people like look at me and judge me and then other people like oh cool like it's relatable but but it's just it's like a it's like a weird one your mom is she single she's like just dating or is it sex with your dad uh no so they got divorced i think she's getting uh cream pied by um no no she's she's seen this guy she calls the viking so i don't know really you have the freaky shit over there have you met him like does he go by the viking uh he bro he looks like a viking oh really he's got long hair drives a motorbike yeah i've only met him on like facetime at least she'll be safe he'll protect her that's
Starting point is 00:03:21 what i'm saying did you say hey viking yeah viking yeah yeah what a viking he's like i'm taking good care of your mother i'm like shut up bro oh god like leave it like leave me alone like fuck you know just get on your moose my mom's a bit like that yeah she's very like transparent about what's but it's nice because it cuts both ways like i can talk to my mom about sex things and it feels totally safe like i feel no judgment she'll give me the right advice is that always been like that for you as well like or is it just recently no it always it just probably took me a while to get comfortable with it because i think initially it kind of freaked me out where i was like jesus christ lady relax but i think long term it's actually probably a benefit yeah for sure it
Starting point is 00:04:03 also like it i think it makes like communication with like your friends and shit easier as well because like oh i don't i don't know i've met people where they have so many secrets and they feel like bunched up yeah they feel like bunched up and like this i don't know like fucking sneaky i'm like i just want to smack you just tell me what's going on whereas i'm like an open book and i just tell everyone everything and i feel more free yeah if you wear less armor you move faster you're not weighed down by all the stuff you're trying to like hope people don't i've never heard anyone say wear less armor that's good what do you wear like cowhide yeah wear nothing oh you're nothing just Yeah, just nude. Wow. Just move nude. Going into battle. Nothing to weigh you down.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Yeah. Fuck, that's brave. Nice tunic. Yeah. What? Yeah. Yeah. Dude, so what else is nude?
Starting point is 00:05:03 I'm just kidding. So, yeah. Oh, so what else is new? I'm just kidding. So, yeah. Wait, you were just traveling, right? Where'd you come back from? Fuck. I was in New Zealand. Oh, you were? Nice.
Starting point is 00:05:17 Do you go there often? No. Is it your first time? Well, so my family lives there. And I haven't seen my dad since like 2018 and his like health has been a little bit funky so uh my sister's like oh you should just like pop out but it's kind of weird because i have four sisters and they they have like four 40 million kids like it's there's just so many right and i just it's kind of like it was
Starting point is 00:05:41 such a big trip and like so taxing because there's just so many people. But it was really, it was a blessing. Have you guys been in New Zealand? No. There's nothing to do but eat. Really? Yeah. So I went to this town called Reefton and it's just like one street and there's like five shops on each side. And then it's just like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:05:59 So you don't really know what to do. So I just like have Pringles and just like sat and stared at my dad. I've heard there are no uh liability laws there so like the extreme shit you can do uh you can do like they just it's to the next level really like the canyons like all that kind of stuff like my stepdad said he went on like a single boat rafting thing where you go through caves and stuff wow and i guess the guides were basically like they're like don't go that way you'll die so just follow me this way oh no it's pretty serious like i remember when we were like when i was younger there and we took like uh kayaks like
Starting point is 00:06:36 down these like fucking this river and like one of our friends got like caught up against the wall and like the water's like hitting him and he's like slowly turning i was like this guy's about to fucking drown like right and they're just talking for fuck they're just like all right sweet like they're just just drunk as shit they just kept going like catch up yeah yeah but there's there's so much uh like outdoorsy shit and like fun shit to do there but it's also just like that's kind of it it's just like pretty and like fun and like cold and then everyone just like has like weird accents it seems chilly there bro so cold for no reason does it get hot uh it gets so they have the weird it's the weirdest shit they have a
Starting point is 00:07:12 massive hole in the ozone there yeah so it doesn't really get hot but you get like really sunburned that's amazing that's good well it's yeah it's good if you want to like tan yeah or if you do your butthole or the butthole gazing yeah yeah so if you do your butthole, what is it, butthole gazing? Yeah. Yeah, so if you do that out there, like your hole will get nice and brown. You need just like a quick five seconder. Yeah, just like real punctual to the point. That's pure sun. Yeah, you should go out there.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I don't do a camp. I heard New Zealand's going to eliminate all their rodents by 2050. Whoa. They're killing all the rats. Really? When did you hear that? I was playing Trivial Pursuit the other night and They're killing all the rats. Really? When did you hear that? I was playing Trivial Pursuit the other night and it was one of the questions.
Starting point is 00:07:49 That's the actual thing? Yeah, I think they have a big issue with possums. I think they're just going to murk them all. How do they find them? They got like heat seeking missiles? That's interesting. I guess they're just going to hire people and arm them and say, go out there and however many hides you bring back will you know reimburse you because we we have that in queensland with cane toads you know what canes are no they're just like these weird fucking toads but they have like poison in their back and they like they can squirt it at you and go blind and like really fucks your dogs up um and they have that when we're growing up like if
Starting point is 00:08:21 you have if you brought a cane toad into school they'll give you 10 cents really yeah so like kids look every day with coming like with a bag of frozen cane toads wow and they're like they're big as your hand like they're huge yeah and we just like walk around then if because we had a little pellet gun so we would just snip them and then hit them with like golf clubs and they're like oh these ones like they've been brutally murdered you have to put them in the freezer i was like okay well where's my fucking money right pay me my fucking money yeah i killed six toads yeah i was like i don't care they're dead but i fucking lit it up you shouldn't be worried about if i put it in a freezer kind of a gangster yeah but i was i was like you guys have some gnarly because i i studied abroad in gold coast and you guys have some gnarly everything there australia spiders snakes fucked up we read
Starting point is 00:09:06 that what stradbroke i think yeah yeah i don't know if that it's stradbroke that has like eight of the nine most venomous snakes or something oh bro it's but the thing is it's like the top of australia the bottom of australia is like you're pretty chill like you can do whatever but like where so where i'm from right at the top it's like in the water there's like box jellyfish there's stonefish there's saltwater crocodiles that are just like swim around at the top it's like in the water there's like box jellyfish there's stonefish there's saltwater crocodiles that are just like swim around at the beach and then there's obviously sharks sea snakes have you heard of them oh they're killing like three minutes oh sick and then uh and then on the land it's like there's like bird eating spiders and like fucking scorpions
Starting point is 00:09:39 and all this crazy shit like it's fun because you're just like do you ever get hit or something yeah i stood on a i stood on a wasp one day and then my brother come over to save me and put his foot on a scorpion whoa it was crazy wait what happened oh I was a kid and I was like running around outside because we'd never wear shoes for some reason I don't know why um and I just I got like murked by a wasp I'm sitting there screaming and then my brother's like what the is going on I'm sitting there screaming. And then my brother's like, what the fuck is going on? Come on, just nuke this wasp. And like gets hit with a scorpion. So both of us were down. Jeez.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah. How heavy is getting hit by a scorpion? I think he, I don't know if he went to hospital. It was like, it fucking, it stings a lot. Like it's, it's really dangerous. And then there was also one time when he was asleep and he got hit by a white tail spider and he almost like lost his arm wow yeah it was just like chilling in bed like having a good dream woke up his fucking arm was like so did you grow but was it rural or was it like a suburban community like what was the the neighborhood like um so it's like coastal country so where i'm from
Starting point is 00:10:39 is like the beef capital of australia so there's like a lot of farms and a lot of shit like that there but i was a little bit closer to the coast or like 10 minutes from the beach but yeah but it was also like weird for some reason like we never like closed our doors as well so like if you would go to the toilet you have to flush it first cuz snakes like wrap around the toilet bowl right and like you don't want to like sit down and just get fucking smoked and the nuts no it's crazy if you're any gnarly stories have you known anyone that's had like really gnarly maybe like a snake in the toilet
Starting point is 00:11:09 um my dad like one night he was like drunk and put his foot in the pool test the water and got smoked by a snake really yeah bro i was like i was a kid i just remember him like getting pulled out by like an ambulance and my parents like freaking the fuck out i was like yeah this is this is crazy but like there's also like dingoes as well which is like our fucking wild dogs and like one of my friends like caught one and just had it in like a fucking like a run at his house all the time it's like oh yeah it's friendly you go near it and try and fucking kill you it's great was it friendly to him uh no not really so it's just i guess because you feed it but like i was also just let the fucking thing go like yeah let it live like what's the point of this so how do you get from there
Starting point is 00:11:48 to doing like a huge netflix dating show um so i was i went to school in new zealand because my uh my dad's from there so i kind of had a new zealand citizenship and when i went to uh university i was like this sucks i'm so over it like i just there was there was a few things that happened and i was like whatever i'm i'm gonna apply for this show ended up going on a show called heartbreak island and then at that point i was like i won that with this girl and then after that for like months i was like damn like i really can't go back to university and i can't like work a normal job but i had like 50 000 followers from this because it's time like the the viewership is tiny over there and i was like fuck like how do i how do i keep this this
Starting point is 00:12:31 moving forward so i just started applying for like every single show i could find like any mtv show any like love island show because i had a uk passport as well i'm gonna try to get over there i was sitting like fucking nudes in like holding balloons with like my cock out like in the mirror and like under like all these like different uh just like in your application process you just like upload like selfies so you volunteered it wasn't requested by no i was like how am i gonna stand out let's get them on those work yeah no they did it they did it all like because i would like apply for like everything and i'll do like a normal one like respectable like my name's like full name like harrison patrick jowsey and then like you know real like thought out answers and then if i didn't hear from him in
Starting point is 00:13:15 a week it's just like fucking six different names and and different answers just with like different photos like one naked one of my undies just like the weirdest and like sometimes like videos and stuff and then finally um one of the casting guys is like yo maybe we should try and do something with this dude and then uh yeah bro i would like because the the process for because at the time there wasn't any like netflix reality shows so it was like super hush hush and when i was doing like the interviews for it i was just like walking into my undies and like doing push-ups and shit i was like what i was i have to stand out like i don't want to sit here and just be like a normal dude like right i just i want to seem like i'm fucking crazy and then uh yeah and then the the crazy shit was they wanted to make sure i was a real person
Starting point is 00:13:58 so they flew me to australia for a coffee for one hour to meet a producer so he's like yeah he's a real dude and then flew me back it was the craziest it was the weirdest experience it's almost flattering they're like this guy is so like ridiculous we don't believe he's real but then you and you did on too hot to handle like you really did stand out and you seem to have like the smartest psychology out of all the cast mates in terms of understanding that it was like entertainment like you didn't abide by the rules you were always causing problems yeah but but it was smart right like was that you kind of seeing the chessboard and realizing like this isn't one of those things where the point is to win the point is to stand out yeah i think um for people that haven't been on a reality dating show when you get in there because you
Starting point is 00:14:45 don't have your phone you don't have your friends and you're kind of just like you get blindfolded and you don't know where the fuck you are and you're like in a car going into the jungle so you're kind of like a really on your own and it turns it really turns into like your entire world like you can't think about anything else apart from like that show and what's going to happen because there's always like crazy shit going on but i think i was blessed because i did that show before and i'm like the worst thing that could happen is i just go home to my friends and i told these guys i was like dude like i know none of us are going to be friends after this because like it's we're all meant to it's just it's a competition so i told
Starting point is 00:15:18 them and i was like i'm gonna talk shit about everyone how did they receive that when you told them that they just laughed at me like this dude's crazy because i'm like it's also, a lot of them, it was their first reality show. So they didn't, they're like, no, we're going to be like best friends. We're going to be pals for life. Like some of them like planning to move in together, planning to get like a boat and Marina Del Rey. I remember that guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Oh, yeah, that guy. Is he still out there? Yeah, yeah. He's still on his boat. That's hilarious. But like one of the other guys is like, oh, yeah, I'm going to bring like $40,000 over. We're going to buy a boat together and we're going live on it i'm like yo it's like it sounds cool
Starting point is 00:15:48 for a little bit i feel like it's cool to have a place and a boat and then like go to your apartment and then like take the boat out on weekends but to live on it you had already been through the reality kind of shuffle so you knew that these friendships weren't actually sustainable outside of the show yeah i'm just like every everyone is here because they want attention and they want like to be they want to be like the coolest person in their town so i was like whatever like it's it's not gonna it's not gonna last forever so i'm just gonna fuck around and hope for the best but there was one moment when i started spending way too much money and like the head producer was like hey like doing a great job just stop fucking now because it's
Starting point is 00:16:24 gonna right it's gonna ruin everything so did you did you fuck because you wanted to fuck or did you fuck because you wanted to like throw the game into chaos no i wanted to fuck i was so horny but it was like the worst part that's nice it was like 30 seconds as well like the first round i was like damn she's like sitting there because the worst thing is is that there's cameras all through the room and um they only have like a little sheet i was like fuck like this is gonna be so embarrassing if they put this in yeah and then uh yeah you gotta fake it you just keep humping even after you came just for the
Starting point is 00:16:53 camera yeah like oh my god i'm so sorry it's the first time i've ever gone soft did you feel pressure having sex on camera uh well i did it on the first show so i was kind of just like you know what whatever like you had to do it yeah i was like let's just let's just get it in and give it the worst dick ever how was your first time did you perform well no terrible every time is the worst time yeah yeah like it's a massive disappointment because you're in your head about it or just in general yeah okay oh right even outside of yeah yeah there's cameras or not like i'm well i found your i find your candor very sexy.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Did you have genuine feelings for Francesca on the show? Yeah, I think it was in that time, like everything was just so serious and so fun. And yeah, I was in love with her when we were filming that show. So for her, it was different than the guys. You were able to like be like all right i'm not actually gonna be homies with the dudes but did that sneak up on you with her or yeah bro because the guys that have like morning meetings and go down and like i wasn't included in anything interesting so i kind of was just like walking around like damn this really
Starting point is 00:17:59 sucks because i don't really have any guy friends here and like they'll talk to me and like we'll have when we sit down have food like everything was fine but they didn't like because also i was spending the money and i was being being a brat so they kind of they're kind of just like damn like we don't really like this guy because i was just like being fucking ruthless yeah yeah what did you say i don't know i was like speaking, speaking of fucking elk. Elk. That's really fucking. Speaking of elk, I like that dude.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But yeah, they just, they just did like me, but it was, it worked out for the best. I think like just with, with their shows as well. Cause I think people, people just get so,
Starting point is 00:18:38 wait, is this a liver? Yeah. I was looking at behind these the other day. They always sold out. It's horrendous. Are you a carnivore really this guy are they your sponsor no oh he's just a big instagram oh no some girl sent it to me like if
Starting point is 00:18:52 you want to try liver this is the best way to go about it because i tried to have it normally yeah and just it's like a fucking slug you gotta you gotta do it uh raw that's what i do i just cut little pieces raw and i put maple syrup on it you just swallow it don't even chew it is that you got influenced by liver king or you just no i did that before liver king oh really yeah yeah so you got on my brother oh wow yeah he's actually copied me not really but that the the dried shit actually i think is way worse because you have to chew it right it just tastes like shit really yeah i thought it'd be great it would be like crisps and stuff and you're like no it still tastes like you just gotta swallow it are you uh how
Starting point is 00:19:30 much liver do you have a day i haven't had much lately because my connect my butcher in santa monica closed um and then sometimes they have in whole foods but not all the time so yeah i just haven't really been on it lately um but i love it do you eat testicles and shit as well when i see my brother he has testicles yeah wait your brother's testicles but surplus no my brother has he has he gets goat testicles from this butcher he's in new orleans so whenever i go there i'll like wow eat those raw what's that like it's just gooey and creamy uh not cream we put maple on it maple syrup and it's just slimy yeah what what inspired that uh what inspired that i don't know we all we all started on this health kick
Starting point is 00:20:18 truthfully we all started on this health kick after my dad had a heart attack yeah in like 2012 so then we all got really into diet and stuff yeah and then i tried everything i tried vegetarian then i tried you know keto and all that kind of stuff and i've sort of just landed on a place where i think organic's kind of like the best route to go because those extreme ones it's like they're not sustainable and i don't even know if they're that healthy like long term yeah it's like you're in a restaurant you're like oh fuck i can't have any like carbs like can you cut this out yeah yeah i think it's all just about just not eating too much yeah big thing but um my brother started on the liver and he got me into it and and i felt like a noticeable difference every time i ate it wow Wow. It was like a boost in mood. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:05 So I got really into it. And then just haven't really been on the ball lately. Yeah. I love it. Interesting. Yeah. Is there anything else that you eat? Like weird shit?
Starting point is 00:21:15 Nuts and liver. You eat brain? Dude, I've been trying to get my hands on some brain. Dude, I literally, I'll DM Liver King. One time I did, was like did you do he brain he's like he's like yeah brother and then he'll text he'll dm me from time to time be like he'll be like primal did you get your hands on some brain bro he sends him weird as shit i don't think it's him i think it's like someone else yeah because it's ever it's like
Starting point is 00:21:40 never breaking character like even the comet replies as well like like all the comments like does liver queen queef yeah and he's like primal why are you asking me this shit like fucking terrifying discipline yeah he's like one of the better actors that exists right now i feel bad for his kids though because like i imagine just like every day is like so intense with that guy just like waking up and screaming yeah there's clips of them like um him trying to teach them how to ask girls on dates and he's like he's like because which as your dad like breathing down your neck being like how do you ask girl on a date and be like hey do you want to go out sometime yeah and he's like more manly come on
Starting point is 00:22:21 hey you want to see my cave like so like and he'll like go out shirtless and be like yeah push it be like be like go talk to some chicks with my dad around i don't think i could do that no i would freeze up that'll backfire too whatever you push your kids into they're gonna resist they're gonna come out and just be like gay or something yeah just be like sorry dad i don't fuck yeah he'll probably just be the same about that he'll be like you're gay that's fine but are you primal about it yeah yeah you really pin him down and make him feel it yeah he's really taking the the nuts eating to the next level yeah he won't let you rebel in any way see he went to like went to like a fucking tribe in africa on a private jet and then i was like oh my god i was like this isn't
Starting point is 00:22:58 very primal yeah dude he's in mongolia right now just with his fucking fur hat just like running around bro like what a life bro i saw like a um interview where someone was saying he's making like over 100 million a year which is yeah i think from his supplement company yeah dude yeah fucking good for him dude yeah it's fucking crazy i mean yeah i mean you look at videos of his ranch and his life, I mean, he's living well. He's living good. Yeah. I watched his YouTube house tour, and he has a bucket for phones because he's like, no EMS, radiation, and then even his curtains and stuff. And then have you seen his bed?
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah, just a wooden. Just like a wooden slab. Yeah, yeah. There's no way he sleeps on that. There's no comforter or mattress. He's got a little light feather kind of thing there's no way there's a nice king bed in the next room but i'm like why cotton sheets like why do you have to like if you're making all this money why do you have to just like sleep on a
Starting point is 00:23:56 wooden box no one's gonna judge you if you have like a fucking twenty thousand dollar bed and like mattress that like inclines and like warms your bum dude that would be hilarious if you walk into his room and you like inclines what up primal i almost can't wrap my head around it it's like our movie characters just exist in real life now they're not even in movies like it's like following a like a character from like lord of the rings or something like that there's just a real life like powerful dwarf that we're all fascinated. I really wanted to like, just go to his ranch cause I was like texting him a little bit about coming on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:24:30 And then he started like messaging me, like all these podcasts that he's done. He's like, promote this primal. He asked me that too. I'm like, what? He's like spread the message. I was like, fuck, you're doing a good enough job. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Then I was like, oh, I want to come out and like train with him and do his like super barbarian workout then I'm also just like, fuck like i think he'd crush that though bro no way no no like this guy's like fucking five foot and just like a nugget and i'm just like long and skinny i just i don't even think i'll be able to like push half the amount of weight that he's got do you box what kind of workouts do you do i've been doing box i try and do like uh i sound so stupid but i try to do like cardio and weights like every day because i found that um i don't know it's really it doesn't sound stupid well it's it's really easy to turn like a meathead and just
Starting point is 00:25:14 like get like big and fluffy but like i found that like cardio makes me like more happier like going for a run and like boxing and shit sure makes you feel like really good about yourself absolutely yeah boxing's the best dude when you're hitting the mitts and you're in good rhythm you feel like a god yeah you end with that left hook and you hear that smack and you're just like dude i'm a badass i'm a fucking killer would you do any like others influence of boxing matches uh yeah i totally would but before we had had any kind of traction with what we were doing i was gonna like challenge joe rogan to a fight and if i lasted one round i wanted him to take me on the road
Starting point is 00:25:50 so i don't know if i would have made it around but i would definitely be down he's scary bro yeah i mean he's a good yeah he's done like black belt in taekwondo and he trains like every day but just one round three minutes like i'm figuring if i just stay on my bicycle run around the ring like make it hard for him to find me that would be hilarious he's just chasing you around yeah like he's only got three minutes yeah his kicks i've seen videos of his kicks powerful dude yeah he's a nugget as well yeah he's little yeah i'll have a couple inches on just keeping him at the end of my job yeah just fucking trouble your toes in his mouth he's got big hands i shook his hand once really he's like hey i'm joe oh shit i was like whoa yeah
Starting point is 00:26:29 whoa would you do one of those influencer matches uh i had like a few offers but i kind of just i'm like it's not i don't i think it's kind of a little bit like corny now unless you're like gonna take it to the next level i feel like because there's so many people doing it i wanted to do like a charity match in australia where like raise like get a bunch of people and like raise uh money for like mental health in australia because i've had a lot of friends that have lost their lives to suicide so i was like oh this if i was going to get knocked out i feel like it would be for a good cause so then people can't like laugh at me for getting like knocked the fuck out because like oh i made this money for charity.
Starting point is 00:27:05 But if I went out and like did a normal one and just got slept, I would be like, Oh, well now, now I just look stupid and I didn't do anything. You know? But I, I think,
Starting point is 00:27:13 I think, but hats off to people that like get in the ring and do it like fucking crazy. And Jake Paul, that, that fight was, was nuts. I didn't watch it. The Anderson Silva one.
Starting point is 00:27:21 How was it? Bro, it was really entertaining. Yeah. And he, these guys gotta be making so much fucking money. Like it's just, I didn't watch it the Anderson Silva one how was it bro it was really entertaining yeah and he those guys gotta be making so much fucking money like it's just they just have it like down to like a fine art it was just uh yeah it was it was a really good card and it was and it just like good for them like fuck you can't really get mad at it like that no he looks good too like
Starting point is 00:27:38 he has knockout power that's not an easy thing to do like he has ability and also to last that many rounds as well yeah they went 10 rounds yeah but like i'm fucking like off the one round on the mitts i'm just like yo let's fucking wrap it up yeah and sparring one round like your body's not used to that level of tension yeah and like your brain is it's almost even more from your brain like being that awake after one round you're just like oh oh like to go 10 rounds you have to be like a unique human being it's not an easy thing to do i've heard that he does training he's like adjusted his training schedule so he trains at like midnight so he was able to be fully functioning at the time of the fight i've heard
Starting point is 00:28:18 of this yeah i know that um awesome broome was doing that for his fight because he was like oh yeah come train i was like oh yeah when are you guys gonna train he's like yeah 11 p.m yeah i'm like what no like absolutely not like you couldn't pay me to get out of bed at 11. like i'm trying to jerk off and go to sleep floyd used to do that he his like crew had to be on like 24 hour like uh availability and he would call them at like three in the morning like hey i'm going for a run like come drive the van behind me jesus christ because he was just whenever he wanted to do it he'd do it it's stressful just like just don't do that dude i think that is professionally training yeah like that sounds like paradise to me why i would love it if i was training for like a movie or like something like
Starting point is 00:29:01 that where you just have like six months to just get in the best shape of your life and that's like all you have to worry about yeah I love because it's your whole life you don't worry about like running errands and stuff it's like people in prison it's just work out and read it's your discipline yeah paradise yeah you have that like and go speaking of prison though if you guys seen 60 days in i'm telling everyone to watch this fucking show bro it is the most insane show on the planet it's normal people that apply to go to prison for 60 days amazing and they have to like go at it like figure out like where the drugs are coming from like what's like any flaws like
Starting point is 00:29:39 what the fuck is going on bro i'm so addicted to this show the most recent one they had like all these ex-convicts go back in and this guy called lucky chucky goes live on tiktok like every four minutes and he literally is so angry at this other guy on the show he's like trying to like call him out the box and he like eats like real loud i brought i just said i send him gifts all day i was like right you're so funny wait so are they in there with real inmates or are they just in there with each other and the thing is a lot of these inmates have already seen the show so like some of the some of the fucking seasons some inmates are like oh you look like you're on 60 days in because obviously if
Starting point is 00:30:14 you're a normal person and you're not used to prison like you're gonna move like a little bit weird and so some people like seem to pick it up and if they don't get their story straight like there's been situations where they'll be like oh yeah we're gonna like kill him like this guy's a cop for sure like their intuitions like really on the ball with that stuff um and it's it's just like so fucking entertaining and like really and then you see like the shanks and the drugs and the shit they get out on the most like on the last one one of the ex-convicts just started on drugs again pulled him out like hey like that's illegal yeah yeah like you can't do that he's like popping like he's like taking uh their sleeping pills and shit from like other inmates like really having them and just like passing the fuck out yeah has
Starting point is 00:30:53 anyone been raped uh no i don't think well they wouldn't put it in i don't think i feel like that's the whole reason people watch that show yeah yeah that's actually yeah they should they should do a season of that where they're just exclusively like on their showers just yeah he comes fucking daryl with a rock hard cock yeah little highlight tapes like he pivoted left then he went right kind of on his heels yeah you have announcers for it yeah but bro it's it's honestly really fucked up because you can see like, you can see kind of everything that goes on and shit. I just feel bad. And like even some of the prison wardens don't know that these guys are on the show.
Starting point is 00:31:33 And there was like one season where one of the prison wardens like told the inmates that this guy's on 60 Days In and like, yo, you can't do that. Like this dude's about to get fucking nuked. Right. It's crazy. Yeah. It's a good show. It's scary stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:44 It's fucking crazy. Do you want to answer some listeners questions? Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it. get nuked right it's crazy yeah it's a good show the scary stuff it's crazy do you want to answer some listeners questions yeah let's do it are you guys do you guys speak about your show much on here yeah we did yeah yeah oh yeah you yeah you were very complimentary of it but i was so excited yeah because no that was so sweet i saw that story post you put that was really nice yeah yeah thank you man no worries yeah i was like i was in i was hyped up for it because That was so sweet. I saw that story post you put. That was really nice. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, man. No worries. Yeah. I was like, I was fucking, I was hyped up for it because I was, I was watching it on the couch, but I couldn't stop laughing.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I was like, damn, these guys are like, cause you're so serious. Always. Yeah. I was like, I couldn't, I couldn't stand anywhere near you guys if you were doing this. Like the scooter one, the bird. Yeah. Bro, that guy like whipping it around oh bro that was the shit was so fucking funny because he covered like so hot and then you're like oh no
Starting point is 00:32:31 like like so like serious about that old lady but i even this shit in court like or like with the council but i don't even know how you just like to sit there and say it dude i think i thank you first off i think i think it's a comment i think it's nerves i think i think it's believing in the cause and i think it's also like your one shot take you're like you know this is like this is it are you guys banned from any of no they love us oh you know when we go out of state they tend to not dig us as much uh right i don't know. You know, I think it sort of speaks to California politics. Maybe they're just sort of like, oh, these guys are fucking.
Starting point is 00:33:10 But we went to Delaware one time. They tried to smoke us out. Really? Yeah, they put us at the end of the meeting. It was like seven hours. And they're like, fine, you can come up. Did they know that you guys do that? They knew we were there because the students at the University of Delaware put out put up the bat signal they're like our parties are in danger and we
Starting point is 00:33:29 were like we answered the call wow um so they were aware that we were coming or they saw us there and they sort of knew um but uh wait so these happen at universities this was the city council this was like the city yeah for the unit uh i forget what the city is called but it was at the university of delaware wow wherever that university is located is like that city so we went to their council because they had put in a new law yeah about the size of parties or i think they wow scumbags don't stop the rage is there any shit that you guys cut out that you wish made it in like any pranks and stuff that was like all time there's a b plot about me having
Starting point is 00:34:11 herpes i really pushed hard to make sure you're still in there because we did a cool thing we flew an airplane that said i had herpes and what i what i liked about it was is that most people who saw that in real life thought it was someone being mean to me, but in the context of the show, it was that I was getting judged by other people who... I was being very open about having herpes and people were judging me for it. So at the end of the episode, Chad pays for the airplane to say I have herpes as a way of actually celebrating me. And I thought that was clever, but it didn't work in the episode. It was overstuffed. Other than that... We should post it. Yeah, we could just put it out as its own thing
Starting point is 00:34:46 Yeah, we would need like it would have to be like an eight minute thing, but we could totally put it together Are you guys doing anything on Facebook? Did I've started posting back again because I've been like researching like all the So I start posting and whatever videos actually started to pop off on Facebook's nuts right now yeah it's coming back right yeah i post like any tiktok and like uh any like any anything that's of my videos that have like done well even like podcast clips yeah and some of them like i had one video that got like 25 million views really yeah and then i just put like uh my like uh link tree on it yeah where i say oh yeah come check out the podcast or whatever and then it just like it's in the thing and then i have like a bot that replies like every single comment but like i'm
Starting point is 00:35:27 telling like all my creative friends i was like you have to just post like whatever the fuck on facebook because it's some shit hits and some shit misses it's kind of fucking wild it's really interesting that way because i i was listening to like someone talk about how it's like kind of undervalued right now yeah so that's like where stuff will pop off. Yeah. That's interesting. How do you get a bot to like reply? There's, so, you know, when someone like clicks on, like likes your thing and they don't like follow your page. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:53 There's a, you have to like click like one by one invite. And I was doing that for like hours while I was in meetings. Yeah. I just felt stupid. And I was like, there's got to be, there's got to be something like some, some fucking company in India or something has has has figured this out and i found like this like monthly subscription where it just like clicks like invite for like every single person that like interacts on the post and then there was like another like bigger subscription with it where
Starting point is 00:36:17 like we'll go through and reply to every single comment so like i'm doing all my tiktoks is like stupid and cringe anyway and the facebook audience is like a little bit older. So they just get angry at me. Yeah. So like, it's just all these like women in their forties and like old men just saying, this guy's fucking stupid. You should learn like grammar, whatever else. And then every single reply to every single comment is like, thank you so much for the
Starting point is 00:36:36 comment. I really appreciate it. If you want to check out our podcast, here's the link. And then sometimes the bot fucks up and cause they'll be like uh they'll reply back like fuck you you stupid pig or whatever yeah and then the bot will like do it like three more times like thank you for the comment thank you so i'm just sitting at home having a good time but yeah but yeah i can now send it to you guys if you if things start to pick up on on facebook because it's sick and you can make way more money on there dude yeah we have one pop off and i just
Starting point is 00:37:04 like started to notice it like i posted probably like four days ago and just started to notice it just started just slammed yeah and i'm like um it's crazy how they all kind of shift and stuff like instagram's kind of weird now with their algorithms kind of fucked but for a moment it was like really you could go really viral on it yeah i think uh snapchat's been nuts for me snapchat's been crazy i don't know if you guys do anything on there but the with the shorts as well apparently that's been doing really well yeah but yeah facebook i have one of my friends he has he has a few million followers on there but he said he's making like a hundred thousand dollars a month just from like posting videos really because their their cpm is just like way higher yeah
Starting point is 00:37:44 that's what i was like yeah i gotta get on that it's crazy what did your dad do professionally uh he have you guys got like dogs yeah yeah so when you register your dog with the council before there was like microchips there was like a nylon tag that would they'll put around the collar that said it belongs to this council and this is the number of it so if the dog ever got lost uh that would just like whenever they find it just like okay cool it's yours here's your dog back so he invented that and so when uh we were growing up we were just like we had like this little fucking factory under our house where we just like stamp these tags with like inspection dates for like because of the mining industry as well as huge in australia so
Starting point is 00:38:24 they have we have these like different tags that have inspection dates for like the cranes and every little bit that needs to be inspected and then the dog tag so that's kind of where they started but he retired and then my mom kind of just like she just runs it now oh wow super random yeah that's cool yeah and then his dad was doing like uh cow tags for the ears right i don't know if he invented it but i I'm just going to tell everyone he did. Yeah, hell yeah. It's crazy because who's going to Google that? That's the right thing to say.
Starting point is 00:38:52 It's a good myth building. I just tried and nothing's popping up. Yeah, yeah. It's my family. Jake's a whiz. Yeah, it was quick. If he can't do it, then no one can. I'm probably going to get fucking sued by Mr. Cowtag.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah. Bro. What are you saying, bro? That's our number one fan. Mr. Beef. Mr. Beef. All right. What up, Chad, JT, and any other friend of the pod?
Starting point is 00:39:18 I come to you in desperate need of advice. For the last four months, I've had a fat crush on a dude who I regularly see at the gym. I'm not typically one to notice when people show interest in me, but I've been feeling some solid vibes from him in our frequent eye contact. The problem is he hasn't made any attempt to talk to me other than working out near me or asking if I'm using a certain cable attachment. I'm definitely the type of person who's way too shy to make the first move, but I did start a short conversation after complimenting his shirt when we were leaving the gym once. was super friendly then but we haven't talked since am I just making up this vibe between
Starting point is 00:39:49 us should I try to talk to him again I feel like I've already made myself seem approachable and I'm worried I'd seem like a creep if I started a conversation again also how do you even start a conversation with the dude at the gym I feel like it's way too hard since most people wear headphones and I don't want to bother anyone during a workout don't know what to say thanks for any help you could give so i think in the gym the best thing to get anyone's attention is to like deep throat a barbell just like spit on it and like and just really lube it up you gotta have like a loose mandible for that because yeah well at least it shows that you you really can yeah fit anything
Starting point is 00:40:25 and yeah you can do whatever why stop there i mean go to a dumbbell or a kettlebell and just trying to hold a machine inside you yeah put an elliptical in your mouth uh i feel like in the gym like it's really it's i feel like it is kind of annoying but the best thing i don't know whenever i've spoken something in the gym i'm like i'm gonna go get food after like randomly if you want to get food. Right. It's probably, like, a little bit aggressive. But, like.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Is that after you deep throw the barbell? No, it's during. During. Yeah. So, they don't really understand what I'm saying. They're probably, like, a little bit, like, fucking weirded out. And then I'm, like, squatting on, like, a fucking kettlebell trying to, like, clench my cheeks and, like, hold it up. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Dude, that's an interesting exercise. Have you tried that one? No. But I got some kettlebells in the living room. I'd love to bend down and see if i could pick them up with my ass that's kind of like a squat deadlift hybrid and then like also clenching your cheeks the entire time it's you really get everything that that's genuinely smart and it's a mind game as well yeah you know and you could really test your tightness takes focus yeah so she should try that she or he should try that squat yeah pick a kettle bell up with your butt yeah and then ask if you want to get like burger king yeah yeah so you
Starting point is 00:41:32 want to get like big burger king after this like i'm the kettlebell still in your ass yeah yeah and just jerk it off a fucking barbell like yo what up where would you take the girls to lunch i was just fuck uh tender greens smart yeah that's the spot post lift meal yeah i that's what i would say i'd just be like or just walk up and have your phone and just put your number in yeah just walk over with your phone like or have you seen those those metal cards where it has like all your contact details on it yeah just walk up when they're like mid set and just like put the card under the phone and it will like pop up all your contact details so then you're just like just like do it like surprise attack what are they gonna do yeah i love that and they can just text you yeah i think direct
Starting point is 00:42:12 is kind of the way to go especially at the gym people are trying to get back in their workouts yeah then they're like unexpectedly flattered yeah and then so they have they have your info and then next thing they know you're picking up a kettlebell with your ass. Yeah. And they're like, wow, that's fucking 20 pounds? Yeah. That's a strong ass. This guy's dynamic.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Yeah, he's got it figured out. Yeah, because it's very masculine. Like, if you can pick up, like, a 24 kg bell with your butt. Right. It's crazy. And then if you can have it in your butt, and then, like, I think ideally they're behind you. And then you pick it up with your ass. And then you turn slowly, sort of like with a Clint Eastwood sort of masculinity.
Starting point is 00:42:53 You just go, hey. The kettlebell's just. Because if you can fully rotate with it in your butt, too. It's a different skill altogether. It's power. I think you've got to walk out of the gym with it still in. Yeah. Or walk in. Yeah. That's a power move. Just walk out of the gym with it still in yeah or walk in
Starting point is 00:43:05 yeah that's a power move just walk it in with a fucking kettlebell between your cheeks hey do you need one yeah yo this one's got a bit of a stain on it but fuck and if you if you attempt to walk out with it then maybe the person you're feeling heat for they come up and they're like hey you forgot the kettlebell in your butt and then oh my bad i always forgot and then just just let it this whole thing yeah just let it drop just open your cheeks and let oh my bad i always forget and then just just let it drop yeah just let it drop just open your cheeks and let it fall relax dude you're walking out with it in your ass you're just walking like this i'm genuinely gonna try that later i think that's a really smart move yeah i think we should oh should yeah there's a boy's day we could do it you know what let's
Starting point is 00:43:38 just try it right now i'm gonna get the kettlebell oh yeah yeah yeah maybe get a couple different do you just have those that one pair if you if you don't yeah if it's too heavy we can just try a water bottle dude yeah good call yeah try this the essentia yeah essentially is a good brand too i'd love to mason that into them be like yeah i don't know if you guys want to work together but let's put this up my ass we had this crazy idea for an ad spot. And like, we want to know your take on it. I only put up water with good pH on my ass. I don't mess with Aquafina.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, fuck that. Oh, wow. I don't think this is going to work. No, you can do it. God, I'll get this shit out of there. Yeah. Are you clenching? I'm trying.
Starting point is 00:44:24 Wow. It's in there. How does it feel? Like it's not going to come off the ground. It's a heavy weight. You next? Yeah, I've got to give this a go. It's nice and rusty as well.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Yeah, it's got a lot of wear and tear on it. All right. Come on, Harry. Come on, Harry. Oh, no. My legs are... No. come on harry come on harry oh my legs there's no way there's no way all right here i go yeah i feel like you you definitely got a good grippy ass yeah i played hockey for a year so i gotta be that but i found all of us trying this to be really relaxing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:08 But see, the thing is, do you shave your ass? Because I've shaved my asshole. So I think maybe... Why do you shave your asshole? Because sometimes you just... You want to be clean back there. You never know when your asshole is going to come out. Do you like to have your butthole licked? No, it's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:45:21 I've had it done twice. And the second time was like fucking crazy. Well, that would... That's also a weird experience with my dog as well. I would assume that's the only reason. I would assume that's the only reason to shave it is in case someone's going in there. No, I feel like it's easier to wipe and get it cleaned up. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:37 It comes out quicker. Does it get less friction? With hair growing in, though, does it get weird, prickly? No, because I just the my buzzer that i use for my face just get it down there whoa just just you know get that and then sometimes wow it smells good dude nice yeah can i tell you something i feel way more relaxed after doing so do i yeah everyone's listening there's bonding to try things yeah everyone should do if you're at home you're listening just try and pick something up yeah i think that's a good way to start every episode really like hone in get in touch with your ass
Starting point is 00:46:10 chakra and just just focus dude i think it works it's the only chakra i care about this guy has a great name his name is thor wow he said good afternoon bros the other night i was out on the town with the boys and this broad from the friend group asked to see a pic of my dank-ass girlfriend. She wasn't there because she goes to college three hours away from me. So I showed the girl my Instagram pics with her. What happened next was very uncool. She said to me, why are you dating her and started attacking my beautiful woman's appearance. My girlfriend and I have been dating for over three years and she's the love of my life.
Starting point is 00:46:40 My question is, how would you handle that uncomfortable situation? Would you start shit-talking her or would you walk away and would you tell your girlfriend i was three i was pretty thrown by the insults and i wish i would have made her realize that it's not okay to talk shit like that even if the insults came from jealousy thank you guys for your insight and i appreciate the positivity and lightheartedness you bring to the pod stoke on i think um the best case scenario in that situation if anyone's talking shit about your partner you should try and fuck their dad like girl or guy i just i think that's the best advice i thought i said it before like just yeah dad fucking's the future yeah so i think but again i don't know if it's someone you care about and some random chick is talking about your lady like blocker yeah and if you hook up with their dad
Starting point is 00:47:28 too on top of that it's just uh you win yeah no one can beat that mind game no you permanently own them yeah yeah i totally agree i think you just have to check with your girlfriend first like i wouldn't tell her that this girl was talking but i would say honey i have to do something someone has wronged us and i have to doing it for us as a man i have to write that wrong yeah and then your girlfriend's like well what are you gonna do and you say well i'm glad you asked yeah but i'm going to have sex with this person's father and then your girlfriend she's a smart lady she'll understand she'll say go get him and then you drive out into the town cigarette in your mouth tank top on and you go do the dirty on this lady's old man yeah make him a nice cock sandwich
Starting point is 00:48:09 and then you got a facetime person yeah after with their dad you know you're both smoking cigs you facetime you're in bed together yeah you just go what up you just take a selfie put it on a shirt as well you'd be like you have any more shit to say yeah yeah say anything else about like yo fucking grandpa's gonna be fucking smoked and and make sure it's good sex with the dad he should never be it should be the happiest he's ever been yeah take care of him send her a photo of him just beaming ear to ear yeah say you're welcome yeah let him really ride your nose wow yeah dude i love where your head's at yeah i'm locked into dude yeah dude kettlebell got me fucking fired up just that iron on my asshole just really
Starting point is 00:48:58 dude ass grip dads yeah just grounds us dude it's been sick the whole new perspective we haven't even explored. Yeah. Yeah, I'm glad we're opening doors together. Whoa, that's a long one. Guys, I'm interrupting this podcast to let you know once again that we have a tour coming up. You don't want to miss out on these shows. Go to ChadJT.com.
Starting point is 00:49:22 New York City tomorrow night. We got Nashville tickets still available atlanta salt lake city and denver these tickets are going fast so get on we're also brought to you by legends that of course manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trends p you for looking after our hogs or making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because you have a dong and thanksgiving is coming up and you're going gonna eat a turkey and you know what would be sick if you could match your dong with that turkey boom baby boom you want a fresh hairless dink and you're gonna get that with the lawnmower 4.0 the weed whacker ear and nose hair
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Starting point is 00:50:34 All right, let's get back to the show. Do all your audience speak like that? In the emails, they do. It's so funny. Typically, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fucking awesome. It's very complimentary and i think people have actually like um i remember one time we've done some things like we did we
Starting point is 00:50:51 did like corporate gigs yeah people are like have us speak to the company and like a speech like a council speech but they wrote in one they wrote it for us wow and they like got our voice so accurately it's like they're like if you have any edits or anything this is perfect yeah fucking hell yeah it's cool when people sort of adopt the lingo and yeah that's cool yeah i wish we where i grew up we had fucking cool like lingo and shit we just i feel like you do australia yeah we just we just talk really weird and really fast but you guys have like the best lingo i feel like no i feel like this is way more like chilled and like relaxed but like i go when i went back to australia it was like stressing me out i was like holy shit like fuck what are you guys talking too fast yeah and they just they shorten every word like we do a lot of that we abbreviate often
Starting point is 00:51:37 really well like a brief yeah yeah yeah that was good like yeah in australia they just have like weird names for everything like the liquor store is called a bodlo and like that's cool like random shit like that and i was kind of a little bit thrown off i was like fuck yeah i really i really need to get out of america because i'm i'm being too american now did you guys love fish and chips so good bro it's like on every corner yeah sometimes we have shock like sometimes if you don't know the fish and chips so good bro it's like on every corner yeah sometimes we have shark like sometimes if you don't know the fish and chip shop when we're growing up there was one that was like right on the beach and we'd go in there and like oh what's the fish like oh it's fucking shark really couldn't catch anything else yeah i'm like that's crazy like don't you shouldn't be
Starting point is 00:52:16 killing sharks yeah because that's fucked up but they even have like the deep fried uh pineapple rings have you had those yeah game changer change your life deep fried pineapple rings have you had those yeah game changer wow deep fried pineapple rings yeah you should really get on that it seems so disrespectful to a shark of like this creature that's been around longer than anything on earth yeah i think and it's it gets turned into a fish stick yeah but it's fucked up but have you seen these apex predator yeah bro have you seen like when people when uh they just like chop the fins off them and put them back in the water yeah shark fin soup right yeah they just like fucking slice them up and then just put them back which i heard contributes no flavor to the dish it's just like purely ornamental it makes people feel badass we should protest about that
Starting point is 00:52:58 we should we should think of something i mean i think like steven spielberg felt bad for the movie jaws because because it create like i don't think sharks were such a boogeyman until that movie came out. And then after that, people started feeling more aggression towards sharks and killing them. And it was like just, you know, an accidental byproduct of making a sick ass movie. Yeah. It's fucked up. It's fucked. I saw there was a guy in Australia that just got fucking smoked by a shark recently.
Starting point is 00:53:24 He was just like swimming in the water. And he just did you see the video no you hear about it there's a video of it yeah this guy was like just like training for like a fucking triathlon or something just like in the water a little bit too deep and then this fucking great white or some shit just just like fucking killed him but like his body was like floating on the thing you can see like the blood and whatever else but then like i always find it weird because right away like the officials and shit like oh yeah we're gonna go find the shark i'm like how the fuck are you gonna find the shark like yeah like what is the like it's the damage is done like you can't put it in fucking prison like yeah right you're in the water that's a pretty hilarious thing to say like hey bro we're gonna find that shark that
Starting point is 00:54:01 fucked you up and we're gonna yeah we got your back like how do you do that like it's us first like this is the shark yeah and we found him pull him out of the water they hold the shark up by his two fins and you stomach punch him yeah just fucking like that get a couple rounds in yeah try to eat his fucking fin yeah out of him yeah like the way it feels because they do that with crocodiles and shit where i'm from as well really like oh if a crocodile like ate your dog or whatever, because it's a big thing. If you walk a little bit too close to the mangroves. Or if someone gets eaten, they're like, oh yeah, we're going to get the crocodile. It's like, how?
Starting point is 00:54:33 How do you know it's that one? Yeah, you're just fucking nuking them all and gutting them. Like, oh shit, that's got a dog in it? Right. Crocodile's like, bro, you got the wrong guy. Yeah, fuck, this is my cousin. The real bad crocodile's like smiling on the other end of the swamp it's like oh you dumb ass fuck is i didn't even like that croc you killed what about due process like i thought
Starting point is 00:54:52 do you have much death anxiety uh no not really good sometimes i guess when i was younger but i think i'm kind of just like i don't know i feel like if you just pretend that everything's like not really real it's like kind of works it's interesting you know are you able to do that i can feel that for me a little bit i feel like it's just a big video game and just like whatever because then like i don't know because when i was younger bro i used to like wake up at night like fucking crying and like freaking out like holy shit like one day i'm not gonna be here and then i think maybe because i went to the ayahuasca, where I was just like, Oh, you did? Yeah, it was sick. I just was like,
Starting point is 00:55:26 Oh, okay, cool. Like, whatever. Like then the worst thing that can happen is we go to the other side. And yeah, I don't know. I feel that for me that you really do approach life. Like it's just kind of this joyful ride. And you seem to not,
Starting point is 00:55:38 I've seen like clips of you like in your podcast, like going through things that would be like difficult for people to talk about yeah but you handle it all with a lot of ease yeah i just i think that again like i don't know bro like i wake up and i'm like today's the only day i'm gonna get today so fuck like why do i want to be sad about it like i don't know and when you're around people like some people are just always like sad about everything and all the time and it kind of just like motivates me to be happier i'm like bro like you fucking suck it's just yeah it's like your mentality it's your attitude towards everything
Starting point is 00:56:07 like i think everyone has bad shit that goes on in their life like everyone like there's not one person on the planet that hasn't had something that's like really fucked them up and it just just comes down to like how you handle it and like not be a victim and i think maybe that was like my pivotal point i'm like whatever and it was was ayahuasca the turning point for you um i was pretty happy like before that but i just had like a lot of questions inside myself um with like my relationship with my brother my dad and then friends that i've lost like suicide like i wanted to see them and i wanted to see my like purpose a little bit better because we did it like three times in a week in costa rica and uh yeah is this recent yes it's the start of the year oh wow yeah yeah so it was uh i don't know it just it
Starting point is 00:56:51 kind of all just like flowed and like happened and made sense and then uh yeah when i was when i was there like after it was like damn like i really just appreciate everything that's going on you know like i was there's one one day where like after we come out of like the ceremony i was just like fuck man i just really appreciate women like the shit that they have to go through like to fucking grow a human and like squirt it out and then they have to like fucking nurture it so i was like 18 and i was like telling these women i was like damn like they just have so many like powerful women in my life and i wouldn't be the man i am without them so i was like i was telling these can i kiss your feet like i just want to say thank you. And also like, I just wanted to suck some toes.
Starting point is 00:57:26 So it's like, it just, it's the best of both worlds. Sometimes it takes a leaky bucket, you know? It's not always pure all the way through, but overall, very nice thing.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Have you guys done ayahuasca? No, I've started micro dosing. I did my third one today. Mushrooms? Mushrooms, yeah, yeah. Oh, nice. So see, cause I have a lot of, I'm a micro dosing. I did my third one today. Mushrooms? Mushrooms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Oh, nice. So see, cause I have a lot of, uh, I'm a very happy guy. Yeah. But then I have a lot of like anxiety that can get stirred up. Yeah. Booze or whatever, you know? Yeah. So I'm trying to like, and then just like, um, like majority of the time I'm like stoked and very happy.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Yeah. But then there's certain times where the anxiety will just take over. And'm like no stoked i'm just not stoked yeah and i and i uh it's just like the the powerlessness i feel yeah so i'm like trying to get to the bottom of that i think um microdosing like lsds is such a fucking good thing to do yeah because um i had a friend who was like mad depressed and nothing was like mad depressed and nothing was like helping him and he started like microdosing acid like to the tiniest amount to the point where you couldn't feel anything you just felt like more awake and aware yeah and his like whole life like turned around so right i think there's something to to say in it and it's
Starting point is 00:58:39 also like it's kind of like a really personal thing because you're just exploring your mind and just making sure that like everything's all good you're like okay i know that everything isn't as good as it it should be so i want to like fix it so i think like i think it's a good thing yeah but my issue was when i tried to microdose acid i didn't know how much i was doing right so one day i'm like you're just honest i'm yeah i was like oh it's 8 a.m and i've just had a whole tab of acid i didn't realize that that was the situation. Acid lasts a while. It's a full day.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah, because we used to order it off the dark web. So it would come from this professor who had it all listed out. Definitely not a professor, by the way. Apparently. He was like, I don't know, some 13-year-old kid. Yeah, yeah. With a smile. Some homeless guy. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:23 It was like bleach and shit. Like, fuck, this will get him um but yeah then some days like you just like have a little bit and you just be like so happy and like focused and like like i could really just like get creative and like think about all this like fun shit and think about the future and and all that stuff and then other days when you just have a little bit too much like holy shit that wall's talking to me yeah so did you have like a friend who uh because i'm kind of curious like being from australia and then you've moved around a lot like how did you develop
Starting point is 00:59:49 your friend group in los angeles yeah so i um so i moved over here with my best friend from the first show so that's nice a lot of my friends uh like so you did make a homie off the reality show yeah the first one yeah and that was the only one i was like i don't need anymore like i got one guy yeah i just need the one guy yeah yeah but like so the reason why we become best friends is on this first show i was like voted to go home like i lost the challenge with my girl and then his girl was like actually fuck you i'm gonna save harry and send you home and then we kind of just had like a trauma bond from that point forward and then after the show we just like moved in together and like figured shit out but yeah i moved over here with my with him and then
Starting point is 01:00:28 i think just i don't know you become aligned with like different people and then you just like really i don't know everyone i met out here is like is being a good person to me so i kind of just kind of stick to my like bubble which is kind of counter to what you hear people say about los angeles yeah most people i know complain about it constantly especially in regards to like friendship and stuff like that yeah i mean we met or got a lot closer in los angeles so yeah i do think there is a lot of good people out here but i think the biggest point of difference um that i've found going back to australia new zealand is in australia and new zealand and this is obviously not speaking for everyone but if you have like a dream and you tell people they kind of
Starting point is 01:01:03 like shit on you they kind of like like okay cool like um it's it's called crabs in a bucket because if you have crabs in a bucket and one tries to get out they pull you back down so like anyone kind of just doesn't really like majority of people my life can't really see outside of that scope and they kind of just like get locked in there like nine to five but like if you come here and you start telling people like oh i want to have a netflix show or i want to go to the moon people like oh yeah i fucking i to have a Netflix show or I want to go to the moon. People are like, oh yeah, I fucking, I know someone that can like help you or whatever. I feel like being over here is like very uplifting.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And that's kind of why I appreciate it a little bit more. But like back in Australia and New Zealand, it's just like people, if you want to do anything different or like me even moving out here, like I had people that like didn't want to be friends with me. Yeah. It's like really weird. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:44 I think it's like you can find those very optimistic good people that are just solid people that really just earnestly want to achieve their dreams. I think those are the best people to find out here. And then there can be that dark underbelly. But you just learn so quickly. You can just sense who those people are. It's just easy to avoid, think yeah yeah for sure sure um so now our segment we do our beefs babes and legends of the week i don't know if you were prepared for this you look like a deer in the headlights right now brother yeah beefs babes in yeah get ready but i've also had one hour sleep
Starting point is 01:02:20 last night well really yeah i was stressing. I had the most stressful night. Why was that? I just got back from New Zealand. So my jet lag's fucked up. And then I had issues with my girl. And so I was kind of just sitting there like, why can't I sleep? What the fuck's going on?
Starting point is 01:02:38 So I tried to have a sleepy tea. And then I went to bed at 5 a.m. Just like fucking pacing. Oh, just anxiety stuff? Well, man, you've been soldiering through. We appreciate it. Nah, I feel great. I just did a fat line outside. Dude, I had the same thing last night. oh just anxiety well man you've been soldiering through we appreciate it i feel great yeah i just did a fat line outside so yeah i had the same thing last night i woke up at four and i was like
Starting point is 01:02:50 what the fuck yeah what is going on i watched a lot of scary movies maybe it's the moon dude mercury is in retrograde right now yeah some shit like that's going on um yeah what's this babe beef said that almost could have been liver queefs you really whoa hey yeah beef queefs yeah beef queef um could have been liver queefs you really whoa hey yeah beef queefs yeah beef queef um so your beef of the week is just something that you're frustrated about it can be like a cultural thing that's happening or it can be something from your personal life like the dmv or like you know anti-semitism and then your babe of the week is uh just it can be a beautiful person but it can also just be just be raspberry jam if you think that tastes good.
Starting point is 01:03:26 And then your legend of the week is the same deal as the babe of the week. It's just someone cool or something cool. My beef would be jet lag. It's just stupid. Why the fuck does that happen? And how is there not a corrective for it? How do we not have a pill or a vitamin you can take that just resets the clock? I think if you do enough Xanax, you just sleep for a week and then you're going to be good.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I don't mess with Xanax too much, but in the few occasions where i've done it i've been like i get it like yeah i've had half about one time i was like you know what sweet it speaks to that thing you were talking about about just being like walking through life like it's a video game you carry so little stress or anxiety yeah look i don't want to sell kids on xanax it's bad that's why i stayed away from it yeah yeah it did feel nice yeah that's good at the time but yeah i i think there is like when i was in new zealand it was like oh you have this drink and by the time you land it's gonna be good i'm like i just think it's a time difference like i'm gonna wake up and just be like fuck what i need to do but then the babe of the week yeah well so
Starting point is 01:04:19 we're gonna switch off so go from your beef to his beef yeah let's do it chad who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week you might know this movie the baba duke it's australians australian horror movie okay i don't watch horror movies i watched the last night it's fucking just terrifying and it may i had trouble sleeping because of it fuck that bro fuck baba duke dude the baba duke fuck you so my beef is the baba duke yeah if we find you dude yeah i don't want to find the baba duke dude the baba duke fuck you so my beef is the baba duke yeah if we find you dude yeah i don't want to find the baba duke stay where you are yeah wherever you are i think he's in um uh southern australia what's uh south australia yeah what's the what's the big city adelaide perth not perth not adelaide melbourne i think he's down there melbourne's sick melbourne
Starting point is 01:05:03 melbourne's like uh san francisco yeah it's fucking unreal yeah yeah but i think the babadook's there so you guys should um talk to uh netflix about doing some shit in byron bay i love byron bay because have you seen that byron bay's like show that they had like a reality show out there but it just didn't i don't think it did too well because the people on it were just stupid um but like i feel like that would be a good segment it's like fucking you guys go to dude byron bay is like it was like my favorite city it's the best bro yeah there's bats everywhere too that's one thing about australia is like you go down to australia and there's bats everywhere yeah every night they're like they like would
Starting point is 01:05:40 cloud the sky yeah that's what it's like where i grew up they'd just be like live right by the water they're like as soon as the night like comes down you just hear them fucking go and they just have like these like fucking super glue shits yeah like hit your car and like peels the paint off really it's crazy yeah it's like a targeted sky yeah i remember i would get hammered and i would shake trees and then the badger i'll fly around we need we need to implement some bad eating yeah oh china yeah that'll be a play australia should be the new wuhan fish stick wuhan yeah um who's your babe of the week uh babe of the week um
Starting point is 01:06:18 carmen electro oh no i met her once she commented on my photo. Wow. Yeah, I kind of was like, oh that's sick. Is she nice in person? She was dating Dave Navarro at the time, the guitarist. And I saw him at LAX and I was like, I was in the bathroom. I was like, Dave Navarro, Dave Navarro. He's like, you probably want to meet my girlfriend. And I was like, who's that? And he's like, Carmen Electra.
Starting point is 01:06:39 And then I was like, ah! Wow. But so are you going to ask her out? She was in the bathroom as well? No, no, no. I was going to say, that's kind of crazy. wow but so are you gonna ask she was in the bathroom as well no no no i was gonna say it's kind of crazy uh no she commented on my thing um because i did a baywatch like photo shoot and she's like i love this and i was like i fucking love you like that's crazy do you want to come
Starting point is 01:06:54 see me deep through the barbell yeah she said do you have a view with a kettlebell on your ass yeah yeah like i bet you haven't seen this before if you want to be impressed wait to see what i can do with my pants off. She doesn't respond for a while. You're like, fuck, maybe it was the wrong one. You're like, sorry, that was my friend. He sent that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:13 My face, like, fucking red, like, squeezy. Wait till you see what I can do with a water bottle. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is... I'm going on a cruise for the holidays. Nice. In the Caribbean. And this is sort of the time of the year
Starting point is 01:07:32 where I get fearful losing my tan. I haven't been tanning much in the past few days too. So it's always nice to have something where you're like, well, in two months I'm going to get my tan back. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's a stressful time of year but it's i can remain optimistic have you ever tried milano tan no what's that it's like the shit that you inject it's like a peptide oh and it changed
Starting point is 01:07:56 like the pigment of your skin oh really yeah like some people who have like issues like going in the sun it's like you get it from a doctor but like some people have like issues they can't go in the sun yeah so you have this stuff and it like just makes you like tan real easy because like i get real freckly and shit yeah so like it just it helps but i haven't had it in years wait it's an applicant or it's a pill no it's a little uh insulin needle you put in like your fat my uncle jimmy used to do that a lot of a lot of yeah bodybuilders and like juice heads take it because i guess they're injecting everything that was like may as well go dark interesting yeah so you should try that you know just fucking sit in here and get a tan dude that'd be sick the lights
Starting point is 01:08:32 off dude that'd be a lifesaver my uncle was a bit too dark it was uh yeah i'm worried about that he was yeah he was like it got weird yeah that's what that i'd be worried about that he'd come in people were like whoa and you're like what yeah what's that but i'm shocking but i've seen because it's shocking you can see people that like take it too far yeah and be like a guy like me with like blue eyes and they're like what like something's not matching yeah what is going on like where are you from i was like oh island like that you shouldn't be like that dog yeah crazy um chad who oh you did your baby yeah uh my baby of the week is a paul connor friend of ours who we hung out with in seattle yeah nice great guy
Starting point is 01:09:18 showed us all around town best energy ever just handles everything like a prince so funny might be the funniest person i've ever met, along with his brother Luke. Also his awesome brother Mark, who was also their doctor. He was the doctor at the first hospital where someone had COVID. So he was there when the CDC showed up and didn't know what to do. Wow. So he was like front lines for all that. I love talking to doctors because you can get so much info out of them.
Starting point is 01:09:43 But then Paul is just like the man. So and he he works in a sales for amazon he was telling me he used to work with zippo the lighter company yeah and they're actually allowed to smoke inside their factory there it's one of the only factories you're allowed to smoke inside that's cool that's kind of crazy it's nice that there's one yeah yeah we needed one it's nice but then again if you go to china or like india i'm sure they're fucking they got kids no they gotta stop yeah they got kids cheap and that's what i was saying like yeah they're fucking making some fucking thongs thongs that's hilarious dude dude i'm taking a couple of these things with me elk and thongs that's good yeah
Starting point is 01:10:22 you fucking do what you need um who's your legend oh legend uh econ yeah i we went to dinner the other night oh really whoa it was so random so like this uh company that i like work with i'm like boys with the owner and um he's like oh you want to come to dinner tonight i was like yeah be sick and he's like oh we're gonna go with econ i'm like all right this is so fucking random and like it was because he's like such a nice good person and like we walked in craigs and i was like shook his hand i was like nice to meet you like met his whole team and then um there's like fucking four security guards like security and like bulletproof vests on and shit and then i was like i don't know what to talk to him about so i was like oh yeah
Starting point is 01:11:04 have you been to australia and he's like like really like locked in and like talking to me like a normal human but it's like freaking me out because it's acorn and he's just like yeah like tell me all about australia and shit and i was like oh where do you live like trying to look around he's like oh here in atlanta i was like oh where'd you grow up you grow up over there and i was just asking him like the stupidest questions i was like i could probably just google this like i feel so dumb but he was such a sweetheart it was really nice and then he performed at this like party oh that's awesome yeah i've heard a rumor about him not a bad one but funny okay but like a little i guess could be categorized as embarrassing but i love it truly
Starting point is 01:11:38 he uh he used to double book his shows on some nights and then he would have his brother go perform as him at the second one. Really? And I heard his brother didn't look that much like him. No way. Really? I respect that. Somewhat obvious.
Starting point is 01:11:56 That's awesome. No, it's very cool. It's funny. Wow. That's fucking awesome. Yeah, the balls of it is hilarious. Yeah. It's like, oh oh has two shows in
Starting point is 01:12:06 the same scene the same night like oh what the fuck oh they look enough alike yeah maybe not yeah i guess like yeah maybe we can throw up a pic it's just lip singing yeah fuck it up um chad who's your legend of the week oh did we do uh oh my legend of the week is uh brad pitt's deltoids um yeah i think just the ultimate source of motivation yeah i whenever i you know feel like i don't want to work out or like i dude are you serious whoa yeah the synergy is my background as achilles and that's the photo where his delt looks best wow that was in time magazine in 2003 that's what i saw when i was in ayahuasca wow i was in that movie you saw his deltoids yeah bro i was like massaging him
Starting point is 01:12:58 dude are his deltoids your spirit animal yeah yeah it's crazy you brought that up dude yeah well i was i was just i was that is wild that is well i was trying to think like what's my legend i'm crazy literally brad pitts deltoids and troy snatch and fight club yeah what a guy they'll make you work out or get hard yeah i mean that's that's a given my legend of the week is Brad Pitt's deltoids. Yeah, you got it. You got to give it to Brad.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Beast. He's got to figure it out. Have you seen that new movie, Bullet Train, with him? I did. Do you like it? I didn't. You didn't? No, I thought it was a...
Starting point is 01:13:39 Why? Did you like it? I really enjoyed it. I watched it like five times. I loved it. What, you think it was corny? I thought it was, you know, different strokes, different folks. Yeah, I just, I was excited for it because I was like, damn, this sounds fun.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I love Brad Pitt. I think I was just more excited for him. He's the best. He's the guy. He's the man. Yeah. I love him. I can't believe that's the background.
Starting point is 01:14:03 That's awesome. Yeah, because when I was when i was uh deep in like i watched it on the second day because the first day we did it um i did like one cup and it was kind of over after a couple hours and then one of my friends was like oh you should just never say no if they if they bring more up so i did four cups and i was just like fucking like i literally was was seeing fucking everything. And then, yeah, it was like halfway through that that like intense experience where I was like just randomly was with fucking Brad Pitt. We're just fucking nuking people like stabbing everyone.
Starting point is 01:14:38 I was like, really? It was sick. You can get to that place from Ayahuasca. Yeah. I was like running around i felt like a god bro and we were like fucking people up we're like brothers and shit and then the the weirdest shit was after the the whole retreat it was like 10 days away bro i booked this hotel just to like fucking regroup before i come back yeah come back to earth but i turn
Starting point is 01:15:00 the fucking tv on the first thing that comes up is like, oh, Troy. And I was like, this is fucked up. And they shot that in Mexico. Did they? I think they shot Troy in Mexico. Wow. Cabo. But you were in Costa Rica. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:12 Not even close, my bad. They did shoot in Cabo. No, I'm saying Mexico is not close to Costa Rica. Same, same. Speaking of my miss. I just lumped him. I was like, hey, kind of close. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:24 That's warm. Hey just lumped him. I was like, hey, kind of close. Yeah. That is insane. That's a wolf. Hey, it's tropical. Did we do, did I ask you your quote of the week? No. What's your quote of the week? We do a quote of the week. You can go last if you want a second to come up with one.
Starting point is 01:15:40 You guys first. My quote of the week. This is actually what we were talking about earlier yeah i used to do just like movie quotes and now i'm going more of like you know significant people from the past so it's from anne frank whoever is happy will make others happy too it's a good quote. Go, Ann, go. Shout out to Ann. My quote is from Love is Blind. Do you watch that? I've seen, I saw one of the promo clips where the guy puts fake eye drops in.
Starting point is 01:16:16 That was wild. It's awesome. So one of the guys gets kind of turned down by a galley's into and they ask him how he feels about it. And he goes, wait, hold on. And he puts in like rotos to make himself cry and kind ask him how he feels about it and he goes wait hold on and he puts in like rotos to make himself cry and kind of fakes the emotion of it but they kept it in yeah they fucked him on that they really made him this is probably wild i've never seen anyone do that do you do you think you're sorry one more question about the realities do you think you were well
Starting point is 01:16:38 suited for the show you were put on like do you sure like are you glad you went on that versus like the bachelorette or love is blind oh bro i'm so happy i went on that just because like it was fun it's so it's so much fun and also i think when you do like the first season of a new show concept you have a little bit more like freedom but i feel like with the bachelor or the bachelorette like kind of just like there's a structure they know what's going to work they know what's going to fucking print money so they're like okay this is what needs to be said this person's in this character and every season like you kind of know who's going to do well and whatever but i feel like with the shows that i did because it was like the first like one you could kind of just like fuck around and also like i did another one for mtv where it was like a kind of like a mini series of pepsi commercial
Starting point is 01:17:18 and i was just a piece of shit on there as well like i was on a date with a girl and i had this drink and we're on the top of the mountain and i was like fuck i don't want to drink this so i threw it over my shoulder and the wind blew it up all over her and like really like fuck things up so i'm like you know what i think i'm like the perfect dude for this show because like i just i'm just stupid and i just right went all over it's like it's if you if you look it up like on empty on their like youtube channel and it wasn't like it wasn't like water it was like fucking cherry syrup and like all this like sticky sticky shit and then like she's like okay well i'm gonna go and see these other girls and see if they're having a good date and she comes back and by the time she come back i fucking cracked open a coconut and i'm sitting there just like fucking
Starting point is 01:17:59 eating the flesh and because it was like a pepsi thing because they're trying to promote the new mango flavor i was like i was just fucking around like eating this coconut she's like what are you up to i was like i don't know and then i grabbed the fucking pepsi can i don't know what i was trying to do but i was like i just fucking slapped it on there and i went like that and pulled it away and it just fucking like sprayed her face never spoke to her again but it was just like i was like wow i'm really like i'm really the worst i'm probably the perfect person i'm the i'm a piece of shit because i just i was just like hyperactive my my quote is from love is blind one of the guys matt is talking about something traumatic
Starting point is 01:18:33 that happened in his past and um he's speaking through the wall to the galley's in love with and he just says life just throws shit in your face i laughed for like five minutes because of the simple poetry of it that's yeah it's a good it was uh very very funny uh and then okay last thing we do a phrase of the week you're getting after it that's just something that amps it's like a couple words that amp you up to get out into the world and have a good time so we can go first chad what's your phrase of the week um wait do we do your quote oh i was just i was gonna say take my dad said before i left him it just says take no prisoners just means like just give it everything so i think like empty the tank that's all i have i love it yeah i fucking love it dude
Starting point is 01:19:14 i might get a tatted fuck it really oh yeah we should do it i want to get a forearm one yeah you should do like fucking like a nice rose and a time clock like a little stopwatch and then like a cross or something and then like a forest i don't know if that's my vibe at all like every guy literally like a like a stopwatch and then like a fucking forest around here and then like a rose right we're almost out of time so remember to stop and smell the rose there you go wow that's fucking good wow what's your favorite if you're getting after it let's be brad pitt and troy
Starting point is 01:19:54 wow um wow mine is uh if you want to catch a bird be a tree yeah fuck damn what have I got I just think that I think that yeah I can't really top this cap each one yeah pitch it my again come in the form of question okay so kettlebell in your ass hey and you say yeah fuck yeah and you're like all right yeah set the tone set the tone that's good yeah put iron in your ass and get after it yeah there we go harry we've landed the plane we're home safe i hope you don't have any jet lag i hope you feel good yeah i, I feel great. This is awesome. It's a pleasure.
Starting point is 01:20:48 It was a pleasure. It was really good. Thanks for coming on. I appreciate it. I want to finish it on one joke. What did the cat say to the dog? What? Meow. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Is there anything you want to plug before we go yeah uh check out my spotify live show it's just harry jazzy or dating harry jazzy and then i'm just harry jazzy everywhere tweet at me tweet me some like hate yeah you like that it gives me you know it gives me attention you know it makes me feeds that like ego i'm like wow people fucking care it's yeah you're provoking a response yeah yeah i'm like wow because to hate someone takes almost more energy than to like yeah yeah it's crazy nice the way you smile when you're talking about it you're so fun you are well suited for the time you are a man well suited for the time and place yeah hate me let's go let's go that's a good phrase of the week for getting after it hate me
Starting point is 01:21:45 yeah yeah well what would fucking i need to step i need to be more comfortable with that yeah being hated you should what would elon musk do he'd be hated and people would love him for it yeah he doesn't give a fuck he'll just buy their company he did a corny joke he walked into the twitter with the sink with the sink like you should have walked in with a with your cock out that would have really taken the internet by storm there might be a third thing that could be for you when you buy snapchat yeah yeah just hey guys i got a kettlebell mass in my cock out what was the sink joke because he was going to flush everybody down the sink or something i thought he's like let that sink in that's what it was let that sink in yeah let that sink in. That's what it was. Let that sink in. Yeah. Let that sink in. What to do and where to go When you need someone to guide you
Starting point is 01:22:47 Just to have the girls beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see Go and see The cat and the dainty I'm going deep Trying to dig deep

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