Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 267 - Tantric Sex Expert

Episode Date: November 30, 2022

What up stokers! This we talk to a tantric sex expert and then discuss other stuff!  Come see us live! We'll be in Denver (12/1-12/3), Salt Lake (12/4), and Atlanta (12/8-12/9) next! Get tickets at w...ww.chadandjt.com   Check out @mathewmmitchell comedy, he's hilarious    Sponsored by: Athletic Greens: Visit ATHLETIC GREENS dot com slash GODEEP for a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.   Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [GODEEP]. Go to DADGRASS.COM/GODEEP for 20% off your first order. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Welcome to the episode. We have a super fun episode. We have our boy Luis call in to talk about tantric sex, crazy stuff, and then we just get deep into some cues, into some legends, beefs, and babes. Make sure you stick around and watch the episode. But first, I want to give a... Well, first off, we're going to be in Denver this weekend. We got shows... And then Salt Lake tickets are running out, so get your tickets now at ChinaJT.com. Then we got Atlanta next next week there it's our last stop on tour for the year if you're in those areas get your tickets at chanjt your classic all right let's start the show three two one shake the ass and turn on aaron's cream cam what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with a going deep chat jt podcast i'm here with my compadres
Starting point is 00:00:59 what up boom clap stokers and we're here in this dude solo app we were supposed to have joe on but miscommunication on my part i forgot to confirm with him and uh so it's just the dudes yeah we're more excited that joe's not here fired up sorry joe but it's for the best catch you on the next one brother everything happens for a reason i'm excited because joe says he's gonna try and grow his hair again i do oh yeah i saw that and i think that's good have you seen it because in chicago he had like some little sprouts is he uh he had the five o'clock shadow uh working no i haven't seen him since and i don't think we've recorded a podcast since then have we oh yeah we did we did the draft. Oh yeah, right, right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, it was so fun hanging with him and Strider out there. Yeah, just the best. Joe had a great set. He did, he crushed both. He's a monster. Dude, so we're gonna call someone? Yeah, so this guy, we met him, so, actually the video's out now,
Starting point is 00:02:01 check out our video of us at the Psychedelic Conference, Stokers. We had a good time we were on mushrooms it was a fun hang we were in my pony costumes and uh that combo is just out of sight yeah it's meant for a good time it's hard to have a bad time when you're in that costume even if you're not having the best time you still look funny which means you're having a pretty good time i was having a blast and so we met this guy who we saw him on stage originally he was talking about breathing techniques and he's talking about ayahuasca and being an anarchist he's a cool guy and then we got to talking to him and on top of that he's into tantric sex and it was so eye-opening and so illuminating that we had to have him call in on the pod yeah let's talk to him so this guy comes a lot actually he bones a lot he hasn't come a lot as you'll hear Hello, hello.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Hey, Lewis. How's it going, man? Great. How are you doing? Doing well. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Oh, I'm so excited to be here with you guys. Dude, good to hear your voice, man. Yeah, likewise, likewise. Happy to hear you. It's been a minute. Yeah, we had that run-in at the site conference and we had
Starting point is 00:03:25 a couple conversations but we didn't go into much depth so uh we were hoping you could illuminate us on some of your teachings so you were saying that you're able to have sex for like seven hours at a time uh well the max that i've done is about six so So but you know, I looked at my watch and I saw that it was like 615 am because I was starting to get tired. I was like fuck six. So that was a bit surprising. Yeah, where did they go? Oh my gosh, where did we go? And you know, we start with breathing. You know, we either
Starting point is 00:04:05 are sitting or standing and we hug each other. And we begin to breathe and we begin to synchronize our breath and our pulse to where you know, until it feels like we are very connected. And then from then it like, you know, things move, develop organically. Like she planted a seed in my mind and she said that, she said, men should not ejaculate more than once a month. And I said, wait a damn minute. Because, you know, I really enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And then she was explaining to me that that's like our life force. And I said, okay, so am I not going to have sex? And that was like, but she said, that's the assumption. So the idea is to separate orgasm from ejaculation. And that kind of blew my mind you know for like a month and she gave me some exercises and for instance i had to play with myself until you know kind of like edging almost um but with certain kind of breathing and and not finish so i would get to a point where shit got like so intense that the
Starting point is 00:05:29 orgasmic explosion actually started from the tips of my toes and the tips of my fingers inward. Like it's kind of indescribable. Like I just started feeling that coming in through my arms and my legs and every time you know it was a little bit further in until it gets to the heart so yeah man it's it's uh pretty incredible so so is that when in holding in the ejaculate, is that done through breathing, muscle contractions? Do you do exercises? Or is it all mental? Well, let me see how I can answer that clearly. I think actually all of those things, know all of them apply but my you know what as men when we're having sex
Starting point is 00:06:27 oftentimes we look forward to the ending right because that's what feels the most amazing in my case now and for the last i don't know two and a half years or so um i don't want to come because like the actual experience is like orgasmic the whole time. And, you know, like knowing that if I finish, like, I don't want to end that, you know, I want to keep going. And yes, I've, you know, like some people say like, you know, if you're healthy, you can keep going. And after you go, yes, I can. Like my refracture, what is it? Refracture time? Refractory time is like really low, you know.
Starting point is 00:07:17 But that's not what I want, you know. It just feels, I saw that six was just a part of the equation. You know, six is, I mean, tantra is like a whole way of life and i remember like the very first class with kendall she said you know one like the main thing with tantra is reject nothing and i'm like okay that's an interesting thing and then she she was explaining to me like the, the idea of Aikido, for instance. You know, when you're fighting with somebody that knows Aikido, they use your strength against you. You know, so whatever comes, they accept it and they turn around and use it. So that's kind of a similar thing with Tantra.
Starting point is 00:08:06 kind of a similar thing with the tantra so instead of like if you have a problem instead of being against it or like crying or you know being angry you accept it and then once you do that you're able to transmute it so you know you take that everywhere in life if you're able to like you cannot change something unless you take ownership of it first so is that related to have you heard of the whole nofap movement where the whole idea is a lot of guys from the internet are aren't like masturbating so that they can contain their sexual energy and transmute it into other parts of their life is Is that the symbol? Oh, yeah. It has some similar aspects to it. You know, what Kendall mentioned was that the same energy that you use for sex is the same energy that you use for spiritual work. So if you are just depleted, then, you know know it's kind of challenging to move that into your spiritual endeavors so you know that's why we try to not ejaculate as much but you know i
Starting point is 00:09:14 got into uh sex magic and and some of the discordian uh teachings also and you know they talk about how you can actually use the moment of orgasm for manifestation and things like that what does that mean um so okay the this is this this is gonna sound kind of crazy anyway so when um there's a there's a school of thought called discordianism and you know robert anton wilson is like a prominent guy um so what they do is is uh using sigils so you know they create like an imagery of sorts like a mandala if you will and you can What's a mandala? Okay, let me try again. So as you're ejaculating, it is said that when you're the closest to the energy of God. So it's like sending a prayer while you're ejaculating.
Starting point is 00:10:22 It is more likely that you can manifest things, right? So imagine that you're like, if you're thinking about doing something specific with your business, as you're coming, you're not going to be thinking, I want to increase 25% more in my sales this month. You know, that's like, that's not going to work. No, it's not especially erotic either.
Starting point is 00:10:47 So what some of these guys do is imagine like they create doodles that they mean something so uh that's like the mandala like you know the geometrical shapes that are in a certain position with some letters and so you can focus on your sigil as you're coming to get you closer to that manifesting goal um that's like one of the craziest things that i've you know um done and yeah it kind of works all right i i um, I don't like, have you manifested anything in particular from it? Uh, I mean, this was like, I'm thinking like 10 years ago when I was getting into that specific thing. So, you know, probably yes, but I don't remember. Um,
Starting point is 00:11:41 it was not something that like, that was not where I was wanted to focus if you will what was your focus um you know I am also a certified yoga instructor and I've been into shamanism for quite a while so I learned that even if I have an intention, you know, for instance, Ayahuasca is going to kick my ass anyway. And it's going to show me whatever I need to work on instead of, you know, the petty thing that my human brain wants. So I learned from that that my true goals and values are truth and love, whatever comes from that. and love whatever comes from that so if there is something that's happening i don't reject it and i walk towards it with the intention of finding truth and love and whatever that is so instead of trying to manipulate outside reality you know i go into it with the vibe of truth and love.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And like in yoga, there's a branch called Raja Yoga, where they teach the students how to really like manipulate reality, if you will. But the benefit of that is not to actually manipulate reality, but to show you that nothing that changes is real right you know that's the egoic mind wanting to change things and when you're like with reality you can only twist it so much before it snaps back and hurts you yeah and trying to
Starting point is 00:13:18 control everything too is a it's a tense process like you're never comfortable when you're in that headspace. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So that is going to either hurt you or somebody that you love, and everything has a price. So you're going to pay for it. Yeah, you get whatever you want now, but then the bill waits for you. So instead of wanting to use my sexual energy, spiritual energy
Starting point is 00:13:43 to get certain outcomes i just use it to connect deeper with myself with my lover and you know there's been times where like i afterwards at the end like i just lay down for like a whole hour and like i am projecting and downloading and getting all sorts of things, you know, which are amazing for my work, you know, as a speaker or a consultant, because I can understand deeper things in the universe or maybe relationships, things like that. So, you know, like for the benefit of everybody, that's kind of more of what I enjoy doing all of that. This is after a tantric session? Yes. Yes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And you said that during one session you gave her 50 O's. Oh my gosh. That's like, that's pretty regular. And actually the last time she came to my house, which was the night before last, I was telling her, cause like I was really curious i could like you
Starting point is 00:14:47 know most times i'm in in the moment but you know the little scientists measuring in my mind that i don't know how many so it was 17 orgasms before i even went in whoa before, before you penetrated? Yes. Is that through touch or just through connection? Yeah, it was through touch, you know, um, various ways. Uh, it may just like rubbing kind of like with one another and, and, you know, kissing and maybe some hand play. Um, but yeah, like just 17 before I even went in that was kind of crazy so how do you use tantra in your like everyday life ah that's a good question thank you for asking that so you know the primary thing is
Starting point is 00:15:36 like it just makes me happy like i am happy i i see that like life has so many challenges you know I have two adolescent kids my mom's aging and like you know her mind slipping like business is hard and you know all of these things happening around me but it keeps me with that reject nothing you know and then i'm able to browse through life with the focus of um you know we're gonna make this happen you know kind of like michael jordan we're gonna win at any cost situation yeah um so it really helps me to focus um in that way are you teaching your kids about it Are you teaching your kids about it? Well, my son is 14. My daughter is 17.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I haven't taught them about it yet, but I have told them. Right. Actually, I mean, you know, they're too little to know. Well, probably the 17, not anymore. But they're too little to know. They need to find it on their own. You want them to come to it when they're sure and ready and stuff 100% Yes. Yes, and you know, they do know This lovely person that I connect with and
Starting point is 00:16:53 You know, I tell him hey, I'm gonna go see her I'll be back So they know when all these things happen, right? Well, not all of them, of course, but they know when I go and they know when she comes and they know when you come home smiling that you had a good time well most times i get back to the house at like 4 a.m so they're asleep but yeah so uh i going back to your sort of mentality about life so you're saying that through your teachings you've basically come to learn how to accept life as it comes at you but are you saying that you have sort of this uh unwavering focus towards achieving your goals is that basically what you're getting at it's partially that like i mean i am profoundly adhd i'm a little bit dyslexic you know so it it i mean life as it is is kind of challenging right
Starting point is 00:17:56 yeah but this helps me create and maintain focus um it it just keeps me like joyful, right? But also, you know, as we are connecting and I'm having all these downloads, like I'm able to understand why some things are important in society, you know, like I can relate that act that we're doing that specific moment to something else. And like all of these connections just started to happen in my mind and heart. And it should just make sense. And then I'm able to share them, you know, if I'm teaching a class. Like I don't say, hey, I learned this during a tantric session. Like, you know, they just get whatever teachings came through.
Starting point is 00:18:37 So like are the tantric books, they're not all about sex? They have like a bunch of chapters and parts about just other things in life? Yes. Oh, interesting. sex they have like a bunch of chapters and parts about just other things in life yes oh interesting so yeah and there are some that like even talk like it's like a novel if you will some of them are novels some of them like will tell you other things and and there was just a was it a guy or a gal who kicked it off well you know this is something that likes that millinery thing, like, you know, the the union between Shiva and Shakti, and they create rituals with like milk and honey. And, you know, they have actual objects that look like Yoni, which is the pussy or a lingam, which is the dick, and they
Starting point is 00:19:22 recreate things, you know, and then they teach around it so this is like i cannot do it justice in you know like a 20 30 even an hour and you see you see milk and honey in pornography are those really yeah what what is it about those two things that make them connected to sex but you mean you see the actual food yeah like milk like they'll pour milk on girls butts and boobs and where's the honey the honey goes on i don't see honey as much but i feel like it could be in there too well i i am going to fail you on that one because i haven't seen like a whole lot of that um but yeah i mean just playing with food is fun you know like like food play is pretty pretty awesome yeah i've been i've been yearning to be a whipped cream guy i've never
Starting point is 00:20:20 taken the plunge but i bought i bought it before but never opened the can why not i don't know i some i sometimes i i'm not scared i just sometimes i'm like it seems like an ordeal yeah sometimes you get horny and you're like do i really want to do all those bells and whistles like it was fun to think it's fun to think about i kind of just want to get there but you know what talking to you i'm going to actually take the the time to pause and break out the ready whip. Yeah, it's scary too. Sometimes you're like, I'm going to feel goofy if I try these things while I have sex. And feeling goofy while you have sex, they feel antithetical.
Starting point is 00:20:58 But it probably is good because it lightens the whole mood. I'm so happy you took it in this direction thank you um i wouldn't say that this is where you are like fucking naked with somebody but you're afraid of being naked in your soul you know like that that is like a little bit weird to me and like i mean i used to be like that too you know, and that's another reason why I'm kind of persnickety to whom I connect with. But, you know, there's times where you're gonna be like, you know, you're gonna hear queefs and you're gonna hear noises and, you know, like she's gonna jump and it's gonna hurt your dick and, you know, there's gonna be like errors, there's gonna be pains. And how you, how your partner reacts to that will speak volumes about her and how she sees you
Starting point is 00:21:47 you know totally yeah you want to just be like rock and roll about everything like yeah nice good more give me all the colors of your rainbow exactly exactly you know and there's something so beautiful about like you know the half time to like between session one and two or three or four, whatever it may be. And, you know, you get some water and you connect and it's not like purely sexual, but it's like, you know, you're opening, like get some crackers and cheese, some whatever you need to drink. We'll be back. We'll hug. You know, those are the moments where like, it's not just about always, always like, you know know penetrating all the time like there's some really awesome times that happen um even beyond that you know totally did we say the same time that was us
Starting point is 00:22:33 hey we're synced up synchronicity um how would you what advice would you have for them if they're having issues with well maybe let's start off with like watching too much pornography and stuff like that yeah I think we all go through our stages you know I did that too so I guess the first thing that one of my mentors taught me was first of all be gentle with yourself because if you're gonna be punishing yourself for doing something stupid then that's like a double whammy you know like yeah you're hurting yourself twice so you know the very first thing is like okay maybe this is something that i'm doing but i know inside of me that is not the best thing i can do so you know deploy empathy towards yourself and be like okay
Starting point is 00:23:22 we're doing this right now but you can always say no the next time. And it doesn't matter if you did it like 100 times this year already. The next time you can say no. And things change. You have agency. And it's so important too because your dick will work in different ways. You're always just using porn, you know, when you get in front of a girl, it's not going to work the same way, you know? So it's supremely important to take breaks and maybe making them longer and longer.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And because I think that also pornography prevents you from a deep connection with the other person. Because, you know, exactly like we were talking about, like, we think that it's just the performance all the time, you know? Yeah. And there's something beautiful about fucking up during the performance. Like, I'm going to be, like, super transparent, you know? Like, there's been times where my dick won't get hard. Sure, man. like there's been times where my dick won't get hard and and you know like in front of a 10 that you just met at the bar that would be a debacle you know i've experienced that you just yeah like
Starting point is 00:24:33 you know you get a little too much powder just nose beers or whatever shit don't work well then what right so make your eggs and scratch your back yes so you know when you actually you know shift your focus from like complete performance all the time to we're going to connect and be intimate and that probably means that i can give you a back rub or i can use my fingers and my tongue and things like that and this is something that women will actually appreciate that you don't just want to be there all the time. You know, like you have to start slow. You have to like love all of her, not just one piece or part, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So when you slow down and you're actually able to see her as a person and not just a fleshlight, your world changes. Amen, brother. All right. Well, Luis, that was really illuminating, man. Thanks for coming on and we'll call you another time. Appreciate you. Anytime. I'm happy to connect with you guys.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Great chatting with you. Talk soon. Bye. Nice guy. He's awesome. Next time, he's an anarchist too. We'll talk to him about that next time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:43 That's interesting. I like what he's talking about you call it half time take a tea it take a break have some water laugh about something i've been eating marshmallows a lot lately i have some marshmallows that's sexy dude i think marshmallows are a sexy food yeah especially the bigger ones yeah totally oh yeah the big you know i've been eating the smaller ones maybe i'll start eating the bigger ones get those jumbo ones dude yeah stick one in your mouth one in her mouth pull it apart whoa stick it between her toes aaron how do you uh how do you feel about all that stuff um so you're checking your phone a lot.
Starting point is 00:26:26 What's up, dog? I'm hustling. I'm doing business. I don't know. I feel like it's, first of all, I feel like you should have sex once a month is insane. Ejaculate once a month. Still. We're already a country on the edge.
Starting point is 00:26:45 So we need to. Brother, I hear you. Fun on that for a couple of days. I'm not fun to be around. Exactly. But you know, I think he's talking about mastering that energy. Sure. And of course that would be, that would be easy.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Great to do if it were easy. But you're worried about civil war. I'm worried about civil war. I'm worried about domestic violence. I'm worried about a lot of things that come from. Yeah. Get those numbers up. Yeah. I remember worried about a lot of things that come from. Yeah, get those numbers up. Yeah. I remember I went a month without busting a load.
Starting point is 00:27:09 And then this is probably five years ago. The first girl I hooked up with, upon just barely insertion, I came everywhere. Very flattering to her. It was flattering to her it was flattering to her and you know what it did it was like I was kind of psyched I was like that was awesome
Starting point is 00:27:31 she just exploded nice that was to everyone yeah that was cool but also like as someone who's gone through fertility issues like that's also not holding it in for a month is also not the way to to make it work right to get someone pregnant or whatever if that's what you're trying to do you need to be it's actually get better factory line moving yeah it's better
Starting point is 00:27:57 to do it every other day or oh interesting yeah yeah that's what western medicine wants you to think aaron but actually you got so many swimmers in that one madam i don't know no you want to you want to expel as much as you can as regularly as you can so you get rid of old dead jizz old dead jizz yeah get the new because what you're jizzing now is what you is what you made three months ago so oh really yeah it takes that long to make jizz like semen to get to the front of the line basically really you have that much in you yeah whoa what if you uh what if you beat off a lot then uh and you're coming a lot can you can you you know later all your reserves
Starting point is 00:28:40 no because you're always that's the one thing about men is we're always producing so oh we don't have a finite like women only have a finite amount of eggs in them from birth yeah they can get that check too they can see how many eggs they have left and stuff yeah yeah totally it's interesting but yeah guys can just generate forever well i guess what i was thinking is like at that time you know what i mean yeah it's i guess like empty the tank I don't know that you wouldn't have any semen I guess yeah I don't know that's so interesting but you could be out of sperm but still still have ejaculate interesting that's the thing you know what well I first learned about the nofap thing I was sort of it's totally taken by it because you know the YouTube videos are like
Starting point is 00:29:21 this is what Jim Carrey did this is what Mike are like this is what jim carrey did this is what mike tyson did this is what uh tesla did and i was like fuck yeah dude i'm just gonna stop jacking off i'm gonna store up this jizz and then um mike tyson convicted rapist i just want to put that out noted um i uh but and and i did i did feel more more motivated but one thing was uh and i think what he's talking about is different teaching is that once i started doing that once i learned about that now whenever i jack off and ejaculate i feel a sense of shame whereas before i would be like psyched but now i feel like oh i have less energy oh i have less right i'm less mentally sharp cross uh becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy yeah like my mental sharpness has been dulled yeah that's a i mean i think it's all mental but that's that's what i feel now after
Starting point is 00:30:23 learning that stuff well it's like bull durham that's what I feel now after learning that stuff. Well, it's like Bull Durham. He thinks he's playing better because he's not having sex with his girlfriend. Right. And she gets mad at Kevin Costner. And she's like, why did you tell him not to have sex with me? And he's like, well, because if he thinks that he's playing better because he's not having sex with you, then he is. And these streaks are so rare and they come around only so often that he has to honor that. And you should know that. With life, it's so hard to feel like you're on a roll. and they come around only so often that he has to honor that and you should know that like that
Starting point is 00:30:45 with life it's so hard to feel like you're on a roll so if you feel like you're on a roll because you're not fapping well you know go go that direction go with god but and i don't know how much choice we have in like what we believe too like yeah you've always been kind of a uh like had like a monk-like approach to your body and stuff like that so it makes sense to me that but hey if you want to jack off a lot i think you'd be great that way too that's the thing well that's the thing i it's it's almost like a uh a thing that's plaguing my mind more right now that i have that piece of information whether it's true or not i don't know but now that it's entered my dome it's like i can't get it out right sense no totally i mean it happened to me too once i
Starting point is 00:31:32 went to sex addicts and told myself i had a problem with sex it was hard for me to treat uh even normal sexual like acting out as normal because i was like but you got a problem and now you're in that problem and yeah that problem's devouring you right now and I was like you know you also just jacked off and that's okay yeah it's it's a yeah it's hard to measure how hard to be on yourself that's a but he's nothing to figure out he made a good point though that you just uh that you don't punish yourself he just sort of and so yeah you know jizz energy all that stuff it's a mystery to me but dude uh jim carrey do you think jim carrey if he were jacking off would have come up with ace
Starting point is 00:32:14 ventura like like doing the character that way um was he not jacking off when he came up with ace ventura according to this guy Nathan on YouTube. What about Thanksgiving, guys? It was good, dude. I was in Huntington. Had some turkey. No, dude. I had honey glazed ham, bro.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Nice. Nice. You know what? Jealous. You know what? I was at the Hilton in Huntington Beach and I had surf and turf because we went to the buffet. That's Warren Buffet. And I got crab legs.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I got a shit ton of crab legs. And then I got lox bagel. And then I went back to the buffet and I got honey glazed ham. You know, I got prime rib too. Honey glazed ham, prime rib, some stuffing, and some scalloped potatoes. And know I got prime rib too like this and prime rib some stuffing and some scalloped potatoes and then I got moose nice so you went off off menu a little bit but it sounds like it was more fulfilling you know I just I said yes to my circumstances what do you roll with how was yours dude it was great uh me and the gf we went down and hung out with my mom and her her awesome uh hubby greg and we had a we had a banging time
Starting point is 00:33:33 we was chris there no it's just us four nice and uh greg's daughter and her girlfriend were there the night before they're a great hang and it was good seeing them and then um yeah i cooked for the first time a little bit not much but i i i actually tried to help what'd you cook i helped with the sweet potatoes and i helped with another food dish that i can't remember but it was fucking fulfilling really nice to be a part of that yeah the food was great they crushed it it was so delicious and then um yeah i got really hammered. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 00:34:06 I think I ripped like ten shots of tequila. I was properly drunk by two o'clock. Like, like, hammering out spicy too. P.M.? Yeah, P.M. We started early and I was kind of, uh... I was barbed. I was, uh... picking fights and being a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:22 And, uh... my mom told a wild ass story. She's fucking hilarious. She told this story. She was like bragging about me, which I really appreciate. And she was like, John Thomas was always different,
Starting point is 00:34:39 always very special. Like, let me tell you, one time when he was two years old, he walked into my room and I was naked changing. And John Thomas said mom your boobs are out and i said john thomas you have to get used to things like this because when you go to europe women often have their boobs out insane for like so many reasons like we're first of all i grew up in california yeah i don't know why she was prioritizing european values so much i also don't think that's i've been to europe since
Starting point is 00:35:14 yeah i didn't see that many jugs and then um oh i did and then and then my mom says i followed that up with yeah but are all the women in Europe as sexy as you? You said that? That's what she says, I said. That's amazing. Which, you know, I do like to be a smooth talker. I could see myself saying that, but it's hard for me to think that any two-year-old knows the word sexy.
Starting point is 00:35:40 If anyone would say it, it was you. It's true. She kept going. She's like, and then John Thomas took off his smoking jacket and he poured himself a glass of cognac. Is this all after your mom showed you Fatal Attraction as your first movie? I was grilling her about that, about how she showed me a lot of sex movies when I was seven years old, like Internal Affairs and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:36:03 And how she was always attracted to the dark psycho who boned a lot and she was like we didn't just watch those movies oh it was so terrible it wasn't terrible it was fun i spent i spent it with my family in san diego uh brought the kid and the dog down and wife obviously uh but it was a lot of well a i made elote mexican street corn nice as much as a side dish for uh for thanksgiving and everyone loved it which was good and also like because i was really putting myself out there i felt like um because i've never brought a side dish before that I didn't buy or whatever. So that was cool. But then there was a lot of just little micro dramas going on around the family.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Yeah. The holidays, man. It's not even the holidays. It's just a lot of stuff that's kind of built up and is there. And I guess it's the first time everyone's together. Yeah, yeah. So it's a chance for it to come out. Because i don't go down to san diego very much anymore i used to go down monthly and now it's now i'm down to like three times a year um so i just kind of you kind of
Starting point is 00:37:14 walk into it you're like oh shit things have been going so that was interesting and a little rough at times stressful yeah yeah i felt that as well yeah it's odd and it's just like a lot of stuff that i don't know my family is very like messy they're never gonna hear this so it uh they're very messy and their house is a just a train wreck and it's like and it certainly they have an eight-year-old there my niece but like and dogs but we were never that messy growing up so it's just like and then i'm not messy now and neither is my wife so like and we have a two-year-old so like and a dog and no you know it's just weird to walk into that and be like we would never live like this how do they live like this we would never live like this how do they live like this so i hear you yeah my sister might also be an alcoholic whatever uh
Starting point is 00:38:10 my brother-in-law's good for nothing um yeah so yeah yeah yeah that's a lot of dude hey you got to get it out brother i'm feeling it too it's uh yeah it's it's just a lot of stuff like that and i was just i just repeat constantly i'm like this is why i don't come down here anymore like to my wife not to i got i got my girlfriend a pasta maker for her birthday so we're making pasta uh two nights ago it's cool dude i here's how much of a noob i am at cooking but like we were trying to figure it out it's the pasta maker bert used and we just didn't get the rat the the you know the ratios the ratio is correct yeah and we're like it's too liquidy and you know it's flour and water and egg yeah which is so funny when you're like when you look at pasta you're like how do they do this it's just flour and water which is so crazy to me they're different shapes dude yeah i'm like how they
Starting point is 00:39:09 fucking how they make this shit and then like i was like is it the wrong flour she's like what the fuck are you talking about she's like flour is flour i'm like there are different kinds but there's what you know there's what like is there two there's i think there's way more than that oh yeah so maybe i was right maybe that was the right question to ask i'm gonna report that back home sure isn't that the best where you like feel like you're like we're wrong in a conversation and you carry that with you and then someone's like no you were actually right you're like thank you and you're like there are hundreds of types of flour.
Starting point is 00:39:45 By the way. Just right when I walk in. Yeah, it's tough to know when to bring it up. Yeah. I always just kick down the door and like, hey, you were wrong about that thing. Yeah. I mean, you probably still should have been able to make pasta out of whatever it was. But I think there are different. No shot.
Starting point is 00:39:58 No, you can't. No shot. Aaron, he had the wrong flour. Yeah. Yeah. I'm already on the right although we did make pasta so was it good it was delicious yeah bro let's go yeah that's nice dude me and the lady we decorated a tree oh that's sick and at first i was sitting there and i was like can't get into this i don't like doing shit like this why i just don't i'm just not into like
Starting point is 00:40:23 it can be stressful home stuff yeah and i don't know where i fit in like she has such a clear idea of what she wants to do that i'm like i'm like i'd be like the sous chef and i just kind of be in the way like blocking her along the the kitchen line and and i'm like you know it's better if i just pull myself out but i was like no that's not my energy dude i gotta jump in so then i just like flip the switch and i was like let's fucking decorate the fuck out of this thing and i was was like, it's not balanced. We need a big one here, a little one here. And then like we were kind of like trying to negotiate how much stuff to put on it all together. Because I'm kind of a minimalist in my aesthetic, as you can tell from my apartment.
Starting point is 00:40:54 And then, but I got really into it. And then I was like, yeah, this is fun. I just had to like kind of find the like the intensity in it. And once i found that i was like all right let's go yeah it's finding the holiday spirit yeah yeah it was jolly yeah that would be jolly i know dude that was great i was when i listened back to the pod from last week when you were just talking about the holiday spirit it was like cute as fuck man i fucking love it dude i've been trying to lean into that more just like i think at my core i'm just a cute person but i've just been taught that you got to be barbed but you don't you can just be cute all the time you know society tries to put that in you yeah they're like hey if you're cute all
Starting point is 00:41:34 the time you're gonna get over i'm like i don't think that's true that's the thing i remember as a kid uh and earn in high school people like you gotta stand up for yourself more and and then and i've always had that in the back of my mind of like being too nice and stuff but then at the same time i'm all i'm like kind of like well i've kind of gotten everything i wanted so what is it fuck you yeah and it's i think what i think you get more of what you do yeah fuck you and you get more of what you truly want who are we saying fuck you too i don't want to be too willy-nilly with it adolescent males oh yeah from 2007 dude this is gonna be part of my beef of the week i got a big beef with dudes yeah um i'm beefing with
Starting point is 00:42:16 dudes right now i uh i think it's about honoring your true self like if at your core like i'm just kind of a mush you know what i mean i'm a fucking softy and i think you gotta your life's gonna work out better for you if you're true to who you are yeah totally and then you know if there's a fucking situation where you gotta get nasty maybe you don't yeah i think you play it by ear but yeah i think you stick you stay true to who you are but i think that's also like you got to be aware of um you know perhaps some kind of uh thinking in your mind subconscious thinking like defense mechanisms which is like people pleasing which is i've had that i've been able
Starting point is 00:43:00 to be more aware of that of like having impulses of like wanting to do this thing and then but taking taking a step back and thinking is this worth doing is this worth saying or am i just trying to please this person because i feel bad you know what i mean totally yeah you gotta if you're compromising yourself yeah and uh it's tough because some people can take on those compromises and and remain happy yeah but if it's if it's hurting you you got to be willing to push back and say yeah i also think like people because you bounce back they'll probably bounce back too like me or whoever you need to say the fucking thing to yeah we'll be fine oh yeah yeah totally i think i just uh i just feel bad that's nice i do yeah like you they booked us an opener in chicago but there was already four of us you know
Starting point is 00:44:00 and i was like dude i'm gonna call the club and fire this guy actually i stand by that and you're like that's mean you know i stand by that because it was a big opportunity for that guy and if we're in his position it would that spot would have meant a lot i hear you but to me it was like i had to look out for our crew first like joe was there mike's not coming on these other dates i was like it's gonna eat up into their time and yeah i mean he did what five minutes yeah well he was gonna do 10 yeah i beat him down to five yeah and he was a great guy and he was hilarious it the club wouldn't cut him which i respected the club for standing their ground but in my mind i was like and and and we had given them ample we'd emailed them and told them don't book an opener yeah and they it was their up so to me i was like i feel bad for the guy but like
Starting point is 00:44:52 y'all didn't do your jobs right and they were a great club and i had a blast there and it worked out beautifully but i don't know i was kind of like i don't know i was like it's it's we gotta I don't know. I was like, we got to do our thing. Yeah. Did he fit the vibe at least? He was great. He was really funny.
Starting point is 00:45:12 He had great jokes. Yeah, he's a good comic. Yeah, he's a really good joke. What's his name? I should shout him out. We'll put up in a print right here. You guys should follow him. He's really, really funny. And a good hang.
Starting point is 00:45:24 All right, should we answer some cues? right i'll get my laptop guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we are on tour still we're in denver this weekend we got five shows tickets are running out so get your tickets now at chadjt.com we also have saw lake city on sunday and atlanta next week so if you're in those areas insurance finally we are brought to you by the legends at Manscaped. Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our trends, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean
Starting point is 00:45:51 because you got pubes. And this is a great gift as well. You get the performance package 4.0. All of your hygiene needs are taken care of in one go. I'm talking pubes, hair, chest, balls, taint. You can get body wash, shampoo, conditioner, the Lawn Mower 4.0, beauty, the Weed Whacker Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer. That's Kroosh.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Let me show this. Oops. I have nose hairs now. And I use that to get them out of there. It's a lifesaver, dudes. I want you to feel the same way. So, you know, you can get your significant other or whoever, your dad, a candy cane. Or you can get them the Performance Package 4.0 and make sure that their pubes are in check.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And not only that, when you get them this gift, it's also a fun laugh. Because you'll be like, hey, I'm sure that their pubes are in check and not only that when you get them this gift it's also a fun laugh because you'll be like hey i'm looking after your pubes and i know you're going to trim after you unwrap this so get 20 off and free shipping with the code go deep at manscape.com that's 20 off with free shipping at manscape.com use code go deep manscape get your jingle balls ready for the holidays all right let's get back to the show. All right. This is from Jimmy Smoothcock. Hey, I got a question. Daddy gets horny in Ubers and drivers all up in my business about it.
Starting point is 00:47:12 I'm a stud. I'm a pussy eating champion. People will tell stories of my sexual prowess for centuries to come. I'm the horn dog champion. I'm not sorry if that offends you. Anyways, sometimes I like to suck on a titty, take my cock out, lick some toes, and have a little fun in the Uber. Ladies love it. It's good fun. Drivers always bitch at me for it. It's not cool. It's a shame that the Uber corporation is against women's pleasure.
Starting point is 00:47:35 I don't let anything stop me because I'm the horndog champion. I kept on doing my thing, and I got banned from the app. I tried making another account with a burner, and that got banned too. I'm not just going to take an Uber with a hot chick and leave her unsatisfied. I'm a man of duty and obligation. I'll make these ladies wet during our Uber ride. So here's the question.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'm banned from Uber. How much am I supposed to get around? I don't like driving. I like to be the passenger so I can focus on fornication. How do I get back on Uber? I tried to get all of the women I've pleasured in the Ubers to ride it on my behalf, but that didn't seem to help at all. I need a way to get back on Uber? I tried to get all of the women I've pleasured in the Ubers to write it on my behalf, but that didn't seem to help at all.
Starting point is 00:48:06 I need a way to get back on Uber. Well, Smoothcock, dude, I really appreciate your passion. I mean that. Yeah, I don't know, man. It sounds like you got it kind of figured out i would just get on lyft and see how it goes from there uh yeah i think um i mean i think i think if he does if he do this thing then if he if he keeps doing he's gonna get banned from lyft probably too although you know he should have maybe a disclaimer in his thing of like, hey, I like to fuck during rides.
Starting point is 00:48:46 But so I think maybe one way around that is to, you know, hire one of your boys to drive you around like a chauffeur. My boy Mason did that in college when I was hammering. I go on dates. He drive me in his Audi. Dude, he had air freshener, good vibes. He usually smoke a blunt and he would play Benny Benassi, a really good house DJ. And so I didn't do any fingering or cock pulling out or titty sucking. But if you found someone who's comfortable with that, I'm sure you could do that.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Totally. I think that's right too. Because if you're going to be someone who lives your own way, you're doing things the way you want. And those things can be a bit extreme to other people. You can't count on other people to, to be okay with that. You need to come up with a system of your own devising that works, that allows you to be that person, but still gets you from point A to point B. So I think Chad's absolutely right right you got to get a homie who drives you around you kick him a few shekels and you let him know well before you get into it that you're going to be boning in the back because you know it's i respect that you bone in the back of ubers but you got to respect the driver who doesn't want you to bone in
Starting point is 00:49:57 the back and so some kind of way to let people know this is how i do it if you're not down you don't have to drive me but if you do want to drive me i'll be putting on a show consent is important not just your partner but also your driver you can also get a really aggressive guy who you know as soon as he sees what's going on he's going to right angle your cock and that's also a bad situation too because then you have to then you have to pee around corners. Dude, that's true, too, dude. Like, if you're boning in the back of cars that are moving, like, you're not wearing your seatbelt. Yep.
Starting point is 00:50:35 It's true. And also, if you have a right-angled dick, you know, it's hard to penetrate fully. You're going to have to penetrate with the tip that's right angled and you're gonna have to go like this that's pretty tough in my opinion and you won't be able to pleasure as much so I think always be cognizant of you know flat surfaces or aggro dudes who would grab it and right angle it well they could just get to an accident you can't do that and then if that does happen call the we t-boned who knows
Starting point is 00:51:11 about tantric sex and he'll help you figure out how to use your newly shaped dick in a way that is uh you know good for one massive ejaculate a month yeah and also imagine being at urinals with a right angle dick. It's like you have to look at the guy next to you. It's a good way to meet people. Next one. Anonymous, please.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Sultans of Stoke. Is it your responsibility to delete the nudes of a partner after you break up? I regretted deleting them from a previous partner post breakup so i kept them after my most recent i feel a little guilty having them should i yeah if you feel guilty delete them i think yeah i think you should delete them yeah yeah delete them i don't think you should delete them if they were given
Starting point is 00:51:59 to you rightfully or you took them you know with consent yeah just lock them away in a secure folder so that they don't get out to the world yeah one caveat i think if he's in a relationship he should delete him i also think just lock those away really yeah um they're yours i like you being kind of wild on it i i had one partner this is so obvious she told me after we broke up she's like delete all those photos. And I was like, all right, copy. If it's going to be a thing, then yeah, sure. But I mean, you're not giving your phone to anybody for the most part.
Starting point is 00:52:33 Yeah. But you never know when that's going to come in handy. Right. You know. I hear what you're saying. I think, yeah. A lot of my boys have photos of me doing a mangina. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:49 I said, no, frame that. Yeah. Frame that. They have new friends. They don't have to delete that photo. It's hard for me to answer questions now because all I can think about is a right angled dick. Just look at this dude's ear while he's peeing while you're peeing. Sir, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:53:13 Yeah, it's right angled so you have to pee this way. You got T-bone in Uber. You just look down and go, fuck dude. That's perfect right angle bro um hey brothers and steez after a shitty v-ball practice for our college club team where our libero defensive specialist was playing uncharacteristically awful i was rightfully pissed he had his talk after practice but it was just him saying that he feels not enough guys were picking him up after that i angrily threw my shoe at the wall because of how bad practice was
Starting point is 00:53:48 and how I felt I got nothing out of the post-practice talk. We have no coach to get on us, which is cool, especially with this being club. But I think some of my teammates are pussies who can't handle some tough love or being chewed out, like by a football or basketball coach. A couple of guys had said not to do that to them, but I think that makes us incredibly soft. I know it's just club, but we compete for national championships each year and it seems we're getting worse.
Starting point is 00:54:12 After practice, he texted me because I was visibly upset, asking to meet and talk and hash things out. How do I explain that we need to stop being pussies and be able to be criticized or chewed out by each other so we're motivated to win and have more energy playing together. Thank you and much love. Hope to catch you guys at a show soon.
Starting point is 00:54:34 I think first I'd take, you know, if you're in a club team, I'd take, you know, I'd take stock of like how serious these other guys are taking it. You know, if you're chewing know if you're chewing if you're if you want to play on a club team and you're having fun and then someone's one of your teammates is chewing you out for sucking um i think i'd be if if i got into the league for those intent i'd be like dude i'm just trying to have fun you know maybe. Maybe we should be on different leagues or something. I don't know. But if you guys are competitive and you're trying to win,
Starting point is 00:55:11 then I think that's valid. But yeah. Yeah, I had my fourth grade baseball coach. He was awesome, Coach Garcia. He asked us before the season, he was like, what are your guys' goals? And we're all like, we want to win the championship. And he's like, okay, because there's two options. If you want to win then i have to play the best guys not everybody's going to play and i'm gonna have to tell you guys when you
Starting point is 00:55:31 suck if you just want to have a good time we can do that and we're all like we want to win and then he was like all right well then this is what you're signing up for and you know it was it was a smart way to like get us to buy into what was coming in a way where our eyes were open and we couldn't go back and be like, hey, why are you being a dick? It was like, well, that's what you wanted. So, yeah, I think you've got to talk to your teammates about what their aspirations are for the team.
Starting point is 00:55:56 You think he's being too intense? Yeah, yeah, yeah. As a guy who's played rec league sports for 20 years, yeah. I think he's being a little intense. See, I was on a volleyball team in rec league sports for 20 years yeah i think he's being a little intense i see i i was on a volleyball team in rec league volleyball and some of the people on the team told me i was being too but they liked it when i first joined the team because i helped us get better yeah but then by the end of it they're like i want to play in a lower division where it's less competitive
Starting point is 00:56:18 and i was like i'm just not wired that way yeah yeah i think it's good i think the discussion with the team ahead of time is really good it's really positive and really helpful like so everyone's eyes are open to what is coming but i think and this guy's complaining about a practice not going well like yeah they didn't lose a game they just had a practice that felt shitty throwing your shoe i mean that's pretty i'm not i'm not a i've thrown things i kicked a bottle for a field goal uh i've done some terrible things that i feel bad about in in frustration with myself not with my team um but uh i'm trying to get better not do that so
Starting point is 00:56:59 this guy might be too temperamental to be the uh motivating voice too like i feel like maurice he's a good motivating voice because he'll call people out but he's very uh it feels like common sense when he says it to a degree well you also if you're going to complain if you're going to be that loud a voice and complain you got to be a fucking bad you got a ball out you have to be the best fucking player on this team that happens a lot where the guy who's the loudest sucks and you're like dude or it's just media it's just middle or whatever you know like or yeah or just or sucks but like you have to be yeah you better be playing fucking you have to be able to lead by example and then also do some firing up if you have to yeah it's like michael jordan would have been a psychopath out of the league if he wasn't Michael Jordan. Yeah. If he wasn't the best fucking player.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Yeah. No one could be like, but Michael, you're being too hard on us. It was like, well, he's the best. So kind of whatever he says goes. And then they said about him like- Those guys were also being paid to play. It's a little different than club. A little different.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah. Steve Kerr said, you played for Michael Jordan. You played with Tim Duncan when describing the difference in their leadership approaches. Yeah. Yeah. And I always tell, I always tell my teammates whether they asked for it for it or not. I always just say, Hey, we've all, we all have dads already, so I'm not going to yell. We all, we all had dads who yelled at us already. We're grown men. We don't need that shit.
Starting point is 00:58:24 I've had that in Call of Duty. I had a friend who was too hard on me in Call of Duty. And I was like, bro, I'm doing this after I do other stuff that's a little bit more important to me. I don't need to be getting my fucking ass chewed out because I ditched ladder. We'd be playing a 40-minute game. He'd be like, JT, you watch the ladder.
Starting point is 00:58:43 I was like, I'm going to watch the ladder for 40 minutes in a video game it's more boring than like real work yeah and uh yeah he i ended up getting us killed because i stopped watching the ladder he was pissed and i was like bro i don't fucking work for you dog yeah club you're in college how serious do club teams get were you on one no fuck no no I've never been on one. They seem like they can get intense, but like, it was a practice. Like, I hate to quote Allen Iverson here, but we're talking about practice, man. We're talking about practice. Not this game that I gave my life for.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Yeah. We're talking about practice. Dude, that's why I was never, like, I was on water polo. I hated it because I didn't give a fuck about winning the championship i don't know why i just hated the team more and i would be more psyched when the other team would score because our goalie was such a fucking annoying little douche right he's like come on come on i'd be like i don't know i always like solo pursuits more i think that's my thing I don't know. I always like solo pursuits more.
Starting point is 00:59:44 I think that's my thing. But being on, whenever I was on, I don't know. I've been on instances where I was on a team I was psyched for, but I don't know. I don't like people yelling at me. And volleyball specifically, like you can get just, if the Libro's not having a good game, just get in front of them. Yeah. You start making the pass. It's like you don't have to let that guy touch the ball there's no rule he's got
Starting point is 01:00:10 to touch it so I like surfing a lot because it's constant competition with yourself stand up competition with yourself I love all that stuff where it's just you're just working out you're improving yourself um when you and everyone gets motivated different ways like some people do like being yelled at and they thrive off of it but if your libera doesn't it might feel good to you to get that out but are you actually helping him be better like if he did if he plays better with a different kind of motivation then it probably behooves you to give him that kind of motivation if you want to be in that role yeah yeah i just always find it's more it's better to be positive about the things people do right the effort they
Starting point is 01:00:50 make totally even when they don't make a catch hey great try you hauled your ass out there you know guys backing up plays even if the ball never gets to them, hey, that was awesome. I saw it. Rather than yelling at their mistakes. I mean, I do hate it because, you know, it's like I'm not saying I could have made that play, but like, you know, I did my part as the pitcher
Starting point is 01:01:17 to get it to where this guy hit the ball just a hair off of where he wanted to. And then so the ball got popped up let's say and you don't catch it yeah I'm pissed but like I'm not perfect like I'm gonna drop that ball too who knows yeah I think I think too if it's if it's like really egregious like I remember trying to do improv you try to organize improv things and people just want to take it seriously yeah and then he'd I'd be like pissed i'd be like what the fuck are we doing this for like do you guys want
Starting point is 01:01:49 to do improv or not you know what i mean i think uh so i think if that's the case where people just aren't taking it seriously at all so you can't even practice or like play games or like function as a team then i think you know being kind of a hard ass in that respect is warranted in some in some instances but like i think that's sort of for something like this it seems so low stakes that that seems like the it's a really good point like if the lavera is trying in practice like if he's focused and he's just having an off day yeah that's being human everyone has days where they're not going to be dialed yeah so to yell at him when he's
Starting point is 01:02:29 already probably feeling not stoked yeah it's not helping much but yeah if the libero was like taking bong rips when he was supposed to like yeah if he's having his hands out then you're like dude come on man like focus up a little bit yeah and i think too it's like uh i don't know i've just been thinking a lot about mortality and just like um living life and stuff i feel like you want to in my view you want to try to have fun as much as possible because like uh you know you're here for a brief amount of time what's the point enjoy your life. And so if you're playing club volleyball, I think the intent, they're not trying to win the state championship.
Starting point is 01:03:11 They're not trying to win the NBA title. It's like, have fun. If everyone's having fun together, that's way better than winning a bunch of games and being miserable. It's club volleyball. Yeah. Winning should be the bonus on top of just playing yeah yeah that's how i certainly feel about at this point
Starting point is 01:03:31 all right you guys ready for the next bit where are you going to store this stupid trophy like yeah in your heart in your ass either option when you're dead who's going to give a about this trophy exactly uh it's such an interesting thing to think of people like i need to get all this money on this and i do want to make a lot of money but like sure but like uh this is sort of like you can't take it with you yeah it just it just facilitates more fun things yes not it's not the thing yeah yeah chat who's your b for the week uh my b for the week is with uh let me just pull it up morning routines dude f them i'm out on morning routines nice i think they're counterproductive i think they add way too much stress to your life. I think they, unless it's something that you truly enjoy every morning
Starting point is 01:04:31 and it's a ritual and it's easy to do, it's not taxing on you, I think it's cool. But for the most part, and this may just be me because I'm intense, I'd get a morning routine and I'd just keep adding on to it because I'm intense, I would, I'd get a morning routine, and I'd just keep adding on to it, I'd be like, well, I need to, like, fucking, I need to do free writing, I need to do breath exercise, and I need to work out, I need to do all this shit, and it's like, two hours later, and I'm just like, and now I look back on it, and I'm like, I don't even think, I think I was so focused on trying to optimize through a morning routine that I was achieving
Starting point is 01:05:07 the opposite effect where I wasn't achieving kind of, you know, the things that I was trying to do. Whereas now I have this approach where I kind of just like waking up and getting started. Like I have a to-do list in my phone and just getting started on my to-do list right away. I love it. I like, sometimes I'll have like you know i'll work out in the morning i've been working out every day but like you know i'll work out in the morning but like getting up and feeling like oh i have to do wim hof i have to meditate it's it becomes a burden and it's not beneficial so now i've just been waking up and i'm like all right i'm gonna do some editing right now i'm gonna send some emails now i feel like yeah now i feel like working out and it's
Starting point is 01:05:52 so much more enjoyable i mean granted you know we have the luxury of sort of making our own schedules for the most part but it's uh i love it way more and you know what i think trying to reach these levels of, I think meditation and breath exercises are beneficial and they help out with stress relief and all that kind of stuff. But I think trying to like force it, you know, to reach this new level of like enlightenment or health is, doesn't work.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Like trying to be perfect. Yeah. So now I've just been sort of like, it's all kind of a mindset when it comes down to it. You just wake up and you're like, yeah, I used to be like, oh, I'm not getting enough sleep. I'm going to be miserable tomorrow. Now I just wake up and I'm like, I i'm like i know i can function with low sleep and i'm like no i feel good i'm happy so i think um it's it's kind of more just going with the flow
Starting point is 01:06:52 yeah it's nice too because you get a little more variety that way which is yeah i think nice on the brain yeah the variety is huge when you get too rigid with it you're doing the same and then you know what's coming the next morning and the next morning and the next morning and you're like life has enough of that stuff yeah and then you don't do if you don't do it then you feel bad yes it's like we were talking about the nofap thing yeah like i didn't meditate twice today i'm a piece of shit yeah you're human it's brutal that's nice dude yeah it's interesting er Oh, my beat for the week is, is just family drama. I mean, it's just like, we should all just get that shit out of the, out of ourselves, out of our system so we can enjoy our time together. Cause it is limited.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Like you say, and, and, um, you know, clean up our own houses so that we're like, and I don't mean that literally, but I also do mean that literally, uh, but figuratively clean up our own houses so that we're like and I don't mean that literally but I also do mean that literally but figuratively clean up our own houses so that when we're together all we have is the good time we have to together nice dude might be for the week is I got two like uh cigarettes meat smokers i don't think they work they're never on time you got to start like it like 48 hours ahead of when you're serving i don't even like the meat that much yeah i think the grill is more efficient and tastier. And look, I'm here to have my mind changed.
Starting point is 01:08:29 So if you're a smoker, hit me up. Send me the messages. Send me the meats. But right now, I'm not digging. I think to counter that, I think... I knew it was coming. Just to be able to say, like like i'm smoking a pork butt it sounds good it's fucking sick that is true it does sound cool well that's how they got me though we'd go on
Starting point is 01:08:52 these fantasy football drafts and the guys were like hey we're smoking a pork shoulder tomorrow i was like that's so exciting that's america right but then it's 11 p.m the next day and everyone's like hey we gotta order dominoes yeah what the fuck so we're supposed to be ready seven hours ago um i remember my brother for fourth of july he's like smoking a pork butt and he shoved a budweiser can up its ass that was awesome it's cool dude my next beef is with the uh loud guys at sports games i i came i went, I went to the USC Notre Dame game and I came home and I was like, you know what? I'm out on dudes. Dudes can be kind of obnoxious, incredibly lowbrow and just relentless. And, um, I went there with a bunch of people who went to Notre Dame, Reggie
Starting point is 01:09:37 Hankey, friend of the program, great fucking dude. His brother Regis, another legend, Jimmy Trotter, Jimmy Trotter's dad was the one putting on the Bacchanal. We had a great time. They're super fun guys. They're cool. And then, you know, everybody was in the heightened, you know, we're at a sports game kind of energy. I love sports too.
Starting point is 01:09:55 It's the fucking greatest. I sound like such a dork saying that though. I like sports. But we go into the game and we're sitting there with a bunch of ND fans. There's this drunk dude behind us being so loud and obnoxious and he's pointed he's like he's trying to annoy us like he's like notre dame sucks i would fucking hate myself if i went to notre dame losers your poo your poo in retrospect it was actually kind of funny like when i left the game i kind of cracked up at all
Starting point is 01:10:22 things but it was just too much he did it for like two quarters and he wouldn't stop and it was like it was starting to bother everybody and then uh he just kept yelling and yelling and yelling and it was like he was getting something else out it didn't even feel like it was about the game anymore it was like he had some demon he had to like just throw up on other people he also threatened to throw up on us at one point. He's like, I'm going to puke. I'm so drunk, I'm going to puke all over everybody. And I was like, I finally turned around.
Starting point is 01:10:53 I was like, dude, I didn't go to Notre Dame and you're annoying me. And he was so drunk, he's like, you Notre Dame guy? And I was like, no, I didn't go to Notre Dame. I bet he didn't go to USC. Probably not. I was like, I went to LMU, I'm i was like i bet he didn't go to usc probably not i was like i went to lmu i'm a lion and then he goes it's so funny drunk guys are the best at talking shit i was trying to be like reasonable he goes oh you're a lion huh lion man lion man and i was like fuck i was like no dude i mean like it's the mask and then i I was like, dude, just chill. And then he was like, okay, pussies can't handle it.
Starting point is 01:11:27 So then I tapped his buddy on the leg. Because this is what I always do. If one guy's unreasonable, I'll turn to his friends and be like, hey, this is kind of your responsibility. So I tapped his buddy on the knee. And right away, his buddy just goes, don't touch me. And then I kind of got a little heightened. And I was like, oh, because the drunk guy's name was Steve. I'm like, oh, because Steve's in charge.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I was like, Steve's the boss. You guys all just listen to Steve. I was like, that's cool. That makes sense. Yeah, that reflects well on you. Steve. Steve's the guy who should be talking. And then I turned around and then we were all just like tense and stuff.
Starting point is 01:11:58 And then Steve apologized, actually. But it didn't feel totally sincere. He was like, look, man, I know you went to Notre Dame. It's all right. You win some, you lose some. I was like, yeah, fine. I went to Notre Dame. And he's like, well, I'm sorry, man. It's all good fun. I was like, no, dude, I appreciate the apology. All good. All good. So I guess it wasn't so bad. And I did laugh at all the things he said to me when I left, but I don't know. It was just like, I like yelling at sports games, but I think your friends have to keep you accountable that if it's not funny, you gotta,
Starting point is 01:12:24 you gotta stop yelling. Your, your friends should be the one to be like, Hey man, my beef's really with his buddies for not just being like Steve chill. Like you're interfering in a way. Yeah. That's my other beef of the week.
Starting point is 01:12:36 It's probably a number where you can text and get that guy booted. Right? Yeah. Do you want to be that guy? No, I didn't want to, I don't want to be that guy. It's true, but no, I didn't want to i don't want to be that guy it's true but no i didn't want to get him kicked out i just was like i don't know i just wanted him to stop
Starting point is 01:12:51 or at least like but curb it a little bit if they won't stop i mean i don't know there's nothing you can do and you can leave but then you feel bad leaving you're like oh i let this dude yeah like but he was kind of ruining the experience but i don't know i grew up in socal and like it's not as intense of sports fandom. I didn't grow up in a place like Boston or Philly where it's like, I assume it's more the norm. I'd like to have people write in and tell me what it's like, but I feel like it's that level of volume and aggression, right?
Starting point is 01:13:20 Yeah, yeah. But I think they're more clever there. I feel like Boston fans and Philly fans know the sport sport a little better there's something you can do what right angle is dick i thought about it dude i was i was going through all the permutations of how to fight this guy if it went to that point i was like he's above me he's taller i have to grab his jacket and pull him downwards and then grab his dick and snap it in half well first you gotta jack him off get him hard if i could have made him come if that would have chilled him out i would have been like steve do you need a hand job because i'll jack you off buddy and just beat him off oh that's that's the
Starting point is 01:13:56 second third way yeah whole crowd cheers for me i'm just someone who goes to sporting events i'm you know i'm wearing my Cardinal sweater now I'm always on the away team side so like and I'm generally will go alone so it's like me against eight dudes probably not
Starting point is 01:14:17 going to work out but I still wouldn't text that number either so there is a number you can text most places have one yeah interesting I don't think he was that bad but he was annoying he made your beefs yeah he did i was pissed uh chad who's your babe of the week um my babe of the week well i i made this babe my babe of the week because I thought Joe was going to be here,
Starting point is 01:14:46 but it's Joe's dick. Just my North Star. It's my Sirius star, the brightest star in the sky. It's my Orion's belt. It's my Jupiter. It's my sun. It's just always such a pleasure knowing that Joe's dick is in the world and it exists and
Starting point is 01:15:08 no one's seen it but um it's creating a ripple in space time so we just like with black holes you can't see it but you know it's there and i just think it's just a truly fantastic thing and you know i'm watching ancient apocalypse on netflix and they're talking about how they you know built these structures that basically paying homage to you know the cosmos and sort of aligning up these structures with the summer solstice and all that kind of stuff and so i just want you know i want to you know put an ask out there to the stokers and see if we could leave something behind for future generations especially if there's a you know comet impact i think it would be really helpful for the survivors and future generations to see that what we cared most about was joe's dick amen
Starting point is 01:16:13 aaron who's your babe of the week uh my babe of the week is is i've already mentioned elote mexican street corn it's i mean you wouldn't think these flavors would go together. Corn, mayonnaise. Like, already, like, what? It's weird. It's weird. And then cheese. And then chili powder.
Starting point is 01:16:39 But it's just a magical thing. It really is. And I just realized, too, like, I was telling my buddy about it, and he's like, you know what you could have done is you could have ground up Flamin' Hot Cheetos and used that as a dust. Whoa. Whole new world.
Starting point is 01:16:54 Wow. So get after it, Stokers. Try that stuff. Nice. If they don't have it where you are, there's tons of recipes online. Dude, I have another food as my babe of the week. Hawaiian sweet rolls oh god yeah
Starting point is 01:17:07 king's hawaiian yeah dude it's just nothing better in the world i think they do about like 99 of their sales this time of year but they should be around all the time and you can put jelly in them cheese hams the gamut sweet savory, it always makes whatever you're eating better. And literally, it makes me, on Thanksgiving, just be like, I can't wait for tomorrow when all these leftovers are getting jammed in those sweet little buns. And they're cute. And the way they break apart. You don't need a knife. You just kind of put your fingers in.
Starting point is 01:17:40 You just open it up. I like to squish them. They are fun to squish, right? They got such a nice texture. They're like a stress ball almost. Yeah. It's a stress ball you can just throw in your mouth afterwards.
Starting point is 01:17:49 Do you know I have a record for how many I've eaten in one sitting? Can I guess? Sure. 20. Nine. Nine? Only nine.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Those are rookie numbers, dude. Get your numbers up. Well, I was eating Thanksgiving dinner as well. Okay, copy that. Copy that. That's strong. Yeah, yeah. Stronger. This year, three. Copy that. That's strong. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Stronger. This year, three. I did expect a bigger number. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, if I focused on it, I'm sure I could do more. Yeah, make it the bell of the ball. Chad, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 01:18:20 My legend of the week is Jizz, dude. It's just, you know, I know we talked about sort of retaining it and all that stuff in this sesh um but i'm also just psyched on jizz like it's cool that you know we have something that can sort of you know symbolize like hey i came it is interesting like it's a i don't know i don't know if i would have been god if i would have been creative enough to think that's how it should look yeah that's how it should work it's nice that it's a i'm glad it's not like actually it would be cool if it was like bright pink maybe but i like the white yes it's it's like a it's like milk could use some help smell wise or
Starting point is 01:19:08 yeah does it have a big odor I just think in general like if it smelled a better what if it was vanilla that would be nice to me it smells like oleander this tree and dude one time I was walking with my buddy and I was like dude this tree
Starting point is 01:19:24 this oleander tree smells like jizz and he's like how do you know that how do you know what jizz smells like no i fucking forgot it was sort of like i don't know he was accusing you of blowing guys yeah interesting uh my legend of the week wait did you do your legend no no who's your legend of the week uh it's been a while since i've been on the pod in this capacity but uh it's still such a great moment in my life that i just had this year uh albert pooh holes oh nice i was there for the 700th home run, 699 and 700. Was it September 25th? It's just amazing.
Starting point is 01:20:14 And what a career that guy had. I saw it from the beginning because I became a Cardinals fan in 2000. So the next year he was a rookie and I watched him all the way. And then, you know, he disappeared off the radar, uh, when he came to Anaheim because he couldn't in LA, you can't watch angel games, uh, on MLB TV, the app, uh, because it's technically Los Angeles. It's technically a local game. So to encourage you to go physically go there, they don't let you see it.
Starting point is 01:20:46 Same with Dodgers. So he disappeared for about 10 years. But then he came back, came back to the Cardinals for his last year and it was, it was nothing but a joy. Even when it was rough at the beginning of the year and he wasn't hitting, you're still like, well, he's still fucking here. He's teaching kids on the team all this stuff he's just a great guy uh and then when he started fucking raking the second half it was like oh yeah oh yeah yeah that
Starting point is 01:21:16 was incredible that because he it looked like those days were gone and then all of a sudden he snapped back to like prime pulos yeah it was just dropping bombs they had 18 in the second half that's so fucking crazy yeah yeah he's a legend great stance too yeah didn't change much classic state entire career yeah uh my legend of the week is a pivot from my beef of the week last week i watched episode four and five of white lotus. I'm back. I like it. It's good. They should have started this shit earlier and got more into it. But I like that.
Starting point is 01:21:51 It's like kind of about, uh, how everyone's using sex is like, uh, it's like transactional. Like everyone's using sex to kind of not even to have sex, but work at like a second motive. And,
Starting point is 01:22:03 uh, it's interesting. And I like it now i'm on board it took a while but you got me did i feel that too i i was first episode i was like what the fuck and then uh by episode three i was like towards the end i was like i i want to see the next episode it started clicking yeah so sorry mike weta jumped the gun on your brother you know what you're doing well i mean I mean, what's it going to be, eight episodes? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:22:28 Like, three is pretty far in. That's the thing. They put this, none of the characters were fun, and then they added this fun guy in episode four, and it like changed the whole energy of the thing. Yeah. And now they're adding dimensions to him, and it all feels more sneaky,
Starting point is 01:22:44 and it has a more sneaky and and uh it has a more sneaky and interesting commentary than i initially thought it was going for so good for you white lotus thank you sorry to interrupt but are you guys watching andor no i watched the first episode i kind of i need to get into it i heard it's amazing i mean it's the guy who made michael clayton tony gilroy baby so yeah check it out it's it's star wars for adults all right like not adult but like grown-ups question yeah they're lightsabers no not a one but you don't miss it there's so much going on you don't miss it i mean i did love mandalorian and not many lightsabers especially in the first season yeah but some melee weapons though right like some sword adjacent stuff oh right yeah like that one guy had but i didn't count that i mean lightsabers it's when jedi are doing it or doing it really
Starting point is 01:23:34 yeah for sure that guy was a bitch hey man chad what's your quote of the week um since i was doing a lot of dong talk for the last two i thought i'd go with a historical figure you know to round it out smart get back to maturity um so i'm gonna go with winston churchill success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm aaron um shit I don't have one. All right here. Uh, this is the chorus to the song. Place your debts.
Starting point is 01:24:11 I, of course my, my guys, Jimmy world. Um, how do we keep making all the same mistakes? You'd rather have the misery than growing pains. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:23 It's the devil. You know, we're just little creatures of uh of habit dude mine is a quote that i saw on a funny comedian uh karan's uh instagram it's kind of different than the theme we were pushing out earlier but it made me chuckle with my book in one hand and my drink in the other what more could I want but fame, better health and 10 million dollars that's funny
Starting point is 01:24:51 Chad what's your phrase of the week for getting after it phrase of the week for getting after it is let's lose all sense of space and time that's fun that's a good way to start a party let's lose all sense of space and time. Nice.
Starting point is 01:25:05 That's fun. That's a good way to start a party. Let's get right angled. Oh, that's a good one. If you said that to me at the start of a party, I would get so fired up. I think this,
Starting point is 01:25:20 this guy was interesting to me. He, he was fired for refusing to get drinks after work. So he sued. He's from France. He sued his company for the right to be boring at work. And it got all the way to the French Supreme Court. And they ruled that companies can't fire their workers for failing to be sufficiently fun.
Starting point is 01:25:41 And so I would say it's a good way to take the pressure off before a party. You have the right to be boring hell yeah alright well that's it Stokers thanks for watching thanks for listening if you're listening check out the YouTube watch it it's dynamic we have three cameras in here
Starting point is 01:25:57 keep writing reviews those help us out a ton and just keep spreading the word of Stoke fellas and ladies see you later thanks guys Those help us out a ton. And just keep spreading the word of stoke, fellas and ladies. See you later. Thanks, guys. If you need advice These guys are really nice
Starting point is 01:26:15 You wanna know What to do, where to go When you need someone to guide you Such that half the world's beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see Go and see
Starting point is 01:26:41 The cat and dame team We'll see you next time.

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