Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 27 - NFL Boat Sex Party, Waverunners, and Optimism about the Future

Episode Date: July 18, 2018

For episode 27, our main dawg, Strider, joins us once again in studio!  We get deep into a Minnesota Vikings NFL sex party, discuss waverunner situashes, talk about how the world is actually doing re...ally well, Strider unleashes some puns, and we dive into beefs, babes, legends and questions.  Check it out, m'dawgs. For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers this is chad coming in with going deep with chad and jt podcast episode number 27 and i'm here with two dudes say what up guys hey what up dudes dude what up stoked to be back with my bros, dude. Strider, good to have you in again. Dude, always pumped to be in here, dude. So amped to be just chilling with my bros, dude. Dude, it's nice to have the trio back together. You just said episode 27, dude. That's like the Legends episode, you know? That's when Morrison went out, dude, for Joplin, Hendrix, dude. So just really feeling pretty legendary today. Yeah, this is a pivotal, pivotal number.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Yeah, you got to have your head on a swivel, dude, you know? And then once you get to 27, get past that, you're safe, you know? I think I might stick with like light beers, like Bud Light, Michelob Ultra, stay away from like Four Loko or anything like that. That can really, or maybe even like vodka Red Bulls. I know that can really kind of, age 27 like you never know so true dude true i mean vodka red bulls a legit drink though if you are going to hit the club or amp it up with your boys because it's that yin and yang beverage you know you get the you get the vo in there but then you get that that red
Starting point is 00:01:20 bull for the amp you know you get amped on the bull and you get fucking mellowed out with the vo it is the perfect bev for like you know i want to feel both things at once jablam for sure dude for sure legends legend legends uh yeah should we get into it? Did you guys, uh, do you see that photo of, um, Jay-Z riding a wave runner and he's like wearing a helmet and he looks slow and old and past his prime? Dude, honestly, I did see the photo and I got to say that there's some undue flack there. Um, because he's, he's being smart, you know, he's like, dude, if I'm on a jet ski, I'm on the back, my GS driving and like, dude, she, she rips pretty hard on a jet ski i'm on the back my gs driving and like dude she rips pretty hard on a jet ski and um honestly it's pretty terrifying being in the back dude and like you don't know if there's rocks under the water or a seal or something dude so he's protecting his
Starting point is 00:02:16 dome dude you know that's his his livelihood so i mean did he look tight nah dude but was he being smart for sure dude and i respect that dude i hear what you're saying you know i just like he's a rapper and i feel like you gotta like if you choose to be a rapper you gotta stay hard at all times and like i was riding wave runners at like age five not even a life jacket like my parents were pretty adamant i was like no if i'm gonna do this like i'm going full on like and for jay-z to be like a full-grown dude who owns businesses you think he'd move past the helmet phase on the wave runner sitch that's true dude i mean as a rapper like you do i try to come off hard but he is canadian dude and i don't want to be racist against Canadians right now, dude,
Starting point is 00:03:05 but, like, I mean, they're not known for being hard, you know, so. Jay-Z? Oh, dude, I'm talking about Drake, dude. My bad, my bad. Jay-Z should have. That's true. Jay-Z is pretty hard, dude.
Starting point is 00:03:15 That's true. That's true. But still, dude, he's being smart, dude. I could see Drake wearing a helmet. Drake. Yeah, Drake would be in a helmet for sure, dude. I think also what people were like zeroed in on was the fact that like he's gone from being this young kind of edgy
Starting point is 00:03:32 groundbreaking rapper to now being like an old guy like he's officially uncool like his posture was awkward he's wearing a helmet that looks terrible and it doesn't look like he's going very fast. So it all adds up to what I've been hearing murmurings of from people that Jay-Z's kind of lame now. But to me, it's unacceptable to call Jay-Z lame. I think once you're cool, you're always cool. You get a lifetime pass. No matter what you age into later on, I'll always remember you at your peak.
Starting point is 00:04:06 But, dude, when I saw that that photo to piggyback off that like when i saw that photo i'm like damn he like because he's like in the billionaire club i think he's he's been hanging out with warren buffet and like bill gates way too much you know true dude and to circle back to the jet skiing um portion of this is like jt dude i've seen this guy on a jet ski in Cabo, dude. Frickin' just ripping, dude. Ripping it. Just ripping, dude. What's it called, the death run that's out there, dude?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Yeah, there's a rock. There's two rocks out in the ocean at Cabo, and there's a channel of water between them that's probably 10 feet wide, and the waves crash at like 30-second intervals, so you can time it and blast through it on your wave runner, and it's very exciting because the rocks are also covered in huge seals that dive into the water in and about and around you when you blast through there. I was telling Chad I had two chicks on the back and I flipped it right before we got in there.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And in classic cowardly fashion, I made them wait for me to get on before I rescued them. Nice. Save yourself first. But I did keep everybody calm. I was like, it's no big deal don't worry about it but on the inside i was like we're all about to get eaten by seals dude seals are vicious uh sea creatures dude don't let anyone tell you they aren't they will bite you dude dude i could see you in that in that situation though just like the chicks are like what do we do and you're like runner. I'll get on. Let me pull you up. Don't worry, JT's got this. You got to act like you've been there before.
Starting point is 00:05:29 True story. Dude, I was witnessing this from my jet ski from a safe distance, dude. I did not do the death run. I had no chicks on my jet ski, but I was having a nice time out there, though, dude. You know, freaking getting the salt in my lips, just freaking having a good time, sun beating down. Have you taken your gf on a runner i have dude i have um it was dank um i went out there first i was like all right babe hop on the back and then she's like i don't know like um i kind of want to go and so i was like all right
Starting point is 00:05:58 dude for sure i'll get on the back and then i just hopped on the back and uh dude she ripped she freaking tore it up she went fast and I was holding on to her, dude. Like, she's solid out there, you know what I mean? Like, she's my rock, dude. She takes control, and I just freaking sat in the back, had a nice time, dude. It was an hour. We had an hour rental, and she probably did 55 solid minutes, and then I got five minutes on the way back to the dock.
Starting point is 00:06:20 When you sit behind her, do you hold on to the side, or do you wrap your arms around her oh dude i wrap my arms around her for sure dude she's she's got solid core dude do you carve it all like on the way to back to the dock like did you get to do any like donuts or like spray one of your boys or like anything like that she took it up like right to the um like right to the part where it's like uh no going past five five miles dude harbor patrol was kind of pretty close by so like i mean i definitely did some swerving but at a low at a moderate speed nice yeah i don't want to create too much wake you know for paddle boarders
Starting point is 00:06:56 no i copy but it felt cool to be in like the driver's seat dude it felt great to be in the driver's seat for a little bit yeah dude bitch between us like i wish you gave me a little more time out there yeah but i mean it was a good time dude nice keeping it nautical did you guys uh what did you guys think about the uh the thing i sent you about the minnesota vikings boat sex party it's from 2005 so it's back in the day but it's such a great story i thought it'd be worth us hashing over the details i was super pumped when you showed us that story. Dude, I love reading that. Any story about camaraderie, where bros are hanging out, getting to know each other, dude, is something I can fully get behind.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Yeah, to break it down, it was the 2005 Minnesota Vikings team. Dante Culpepper was on it, Bryant McKinney. It's a good squad. They had some up and down years, but they had some great years. At the end of the year, one season they uh went out on two boats onto one of the lakes up there and they proceeded to have a wild wild sex party they brought up a bunch of girls from the south and uh fred smoot i guess was the ringleader the defensive back and he um pulled out sex toys ky KY jelly, handcuffs,
Starting point is 00:08:06 all sorts of gnarly paraphernalia. And they proceeded to have like an 80-person orgy. Dude, I got to say, reading the article, I was not surprised, dude, that Smoot was the ringleader because DBs, in my opinion, are maybe the most superior athlete on the field. I mean, maybe not the most freakish, but dude, you got to have unbelievable hips.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And when it comes to lovemaking, and especially if you're going to do it in front of your boys yeah i would have i have no trouble believing smoot would be um you know uh yeah like yeah i think he's probably a skilled lover with his sexuality too for sure yeah and yeah i uh and i guess they got caught because people they got close to the shore and people would come out onto their patios or whatever. And they'd be like, wow, there's 15 giant guys fucking. And one of the boat captains said he saw girl on girl, guy on girl, guy, guy on girl and guy on guy. So a lot of the teammates were feeling extra close or maybe it was, you know, normal behave.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And they were blow skiing each other. Oh, the dudes are blowing each other? Yeah. Whoa. That's what some reports say. There's no official breakdown. normal behave and they uh were blow skiing each other oh the dudes are blowing each other yeah whoa that's that's what some reports say i there's no official breakdown and fred smoot admits it happened and we'll still talk about it in interviews which i really respect for sure outside of that most of the guys kind of keep it at arm's length dude yeah he uh the wikipedia had like a breakdown of like what like almost all the dudes did yeah it was like individual did a big yeah like smooth you know i i don't know i don't watch football at all but i was just
Starting point is 00:09:30 astounded by like stutes prowess smooth prowess like he grabbed a double-headed dildo and he inserted into both two chicks at the same time and then like apparently he was just like dildoing in front of everyone i imagine like at the start of the party, he was like, he's like, what up, guys? I organized this. I'll start it off. And then he just started railing the chick doggy style or something. Dude, I got to imagine there was a lot of doggy style going down, dude. Also, dude, I want to say this is true and untrue.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I feel like you were mentioning the combos like chicks on dudes dudes on chicks chicks on chicks dudes on dudes it's like this is ahead of its time for 2005 but then again dude i mean the romans were doing this type of stuff so it's like dude this is like age-old stuff you know i was talking about that last night with a friend who's kind of an alpha male in the traditional sense and he was like he's like yeah i don't like fuck with anything gay basically and i was like well spartans do sex all the time with each other so i don't really think that it's any sort of bearing on your strength or vitality where you stick your donger but but i do but it's still ahead of its
Starting point is 00:10:37 time for the nfl now i mean it's it's but i guess if you do it in an orgy sense people give themselves more of a green light to do anything. True. And you got, you know, you get walked that fly fine line of like what becomes grotesque at some point and what becomes, you know,
Starting point is 00:10:51 just a good old fashioned team building exercise. That's what I liked the most about it. I thought it was like pretty incredible that you get 50 football players together and everybody's comfortable, you know, and that speaks to Fred Smoot's leadership. And that's probably why they were pretty good on the field that this guy was like look let me set the tempo we're all gonna have our dongs out and it's gonna be a lot of fun and everyone's like yeah
Starting point is 00:11:11 he's right like you gotta you gotta really have some charisma to pull that off for sure dude i think if you dig deep into like a lot of like you know male uh groups or teams and stuff there's always been that stuff going on. Just now we're being more tolerant where now it's like, people are like, oh, that's cool. You know, that they were like bonding that hard. But I think like you were saying, like, it's always been going on, you know, like dudes have been, when you get in a team and you, when you're fighting for something together, you know, and your dongs are out, like, I mean, it'd be hard not to like, just be like be like dude let's just like
Starting point is 00:11:45 let's connect on an even deeper level you know for sure dude for sure i'm not gonna yeah you want to know your teammates in every which way possible like you're the person closest to me in the world so i want to share everything with you yeah yep and you got to look at it this way did you you're uh you mentioned uh some of the um you know sex uh people that came up to this party were from atlanta and from the South. And, dude, I mean, now I don't know if they're paying for that or what the prostitution thing is, dude. But, I mean, that's probably a solid gig for whoever's coming up there. And if not, maybe it's just a good time and that's what you're into.
Starting point is 00:12:16 So you just got to hope it's all consensual, good, solid stuff happening on that boat with the bros. Yeah, I think it was. I think another indicator of what a good team situation they had was that there was guys who didn't participate in the sex and they still probably had a good time. So they were like, oh, there's Bryant, you know, going down on a girl in front of me. I'm just going to look at that for a second and then go get some food.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And it's not a big deal to that person. They don't go home and go, oh my God, I watched Bryant, like go down or go, I watched Fred Smoot messing around the dildo. He's like, you know, his, his wife or kids are like how was the party he's like oh it's really good it was a good party i had some really nice conversations i loved i learned a lot yeah to imagine the spread on that boat like um was probably pretty solid like i'm talking like refreshing foods like probably you know like yeah mandarin you know or like cuties those little nectarines dude strawberries classic dude blueberries a lot
Starting point is 00:13:05 of fruits dude and then i would imagine some you know good good finger foods you know you don't want to fill up when you're making love yeah if fred's in charge it's a good spread yeah fred knows dude fred's taking care yeah dude yeah i would go into battle with a dude like fred dude things that sort of maintain energy you know you can just snack on or like all right before i like you know before i participate in this bukkake let me just you know have a yogurt good call yeah yeah nice like greek yogurt you know maybe some honey in there to sweeten it up yeah i'm jealous of their party it's amazing when mckinney picked up a naked woman and put her on the bar and performed cunnilingus on her fred smoot referred to it on a 2013 reddit ask me anything as a
Starting point is 00:13:45 running through the okra patch i don't know what that means but it sounds cool later that evening mckinney and three other men were spotted sitting in deck chairs receiving fellatio from four women which was also observed by the crew in a public area of the boat nice and i guess the boat company was most pissed off not about the uh rampant sex but they left it a mess yeah ky jelly everywhere condom wrappers just you know it's a good time but there's a there's a dirty cleanup side to it that these players want to ignore that's the one thing i'm a little disappointed them in like this crew lets you get as wild as you want and you disrespect them by leaving your dong bags full of your juice everywhere.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Yeah. Yeah, that's a little unsympathetic on their half, dude. Cleaning the sex out of a boat has got to be one of the lower end duties of a crew member. So you've got to feel for the crew. And honestly, dude, I bet you they were chill with the partying, and then the story probably broke because they were upset. They were like, dude, you know what, man? I'm a little disgruntled at this mess I've got to feel for the crew. And honestly, dude, I bet you they were chill with the partying, and then the story probably broke because they were upset.
Starting point is 00:14:47 They were like, dude, you know what, man? I'm a little disgruntled at this mess I've got to clean up. And I get that, dude. Maybe it was hot that day, too. That makes it always worse. And you have peak athletes. They're going hard. They can go for a long time.
Starting point is 00:14:56 So I'm sure they're sweating a lot. It really probably, you know, the smell of sex, I'm sure they can create that more than anyone. So I think they... Big dong bags full of a lot of jizz. Yeah, they produce probably similar to what horses do. My only qualm with that is that they didn't use Douglas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:18 The lube that sponsors us. Yeah. Oh, dude. Because they offer a really solid product and like really smooth boning i think it really probably would have added to the um whole situation and like um probably could have helped the smell you know because like they have really good scents and it's almost like it's not lube it's more it's like it's like jelly you know so it's like what do i do do i put this on you know some of fred smoot's dank spread
Starting point is 00:15:46 or do i put this on my dong i wonder what it's like on the boat ride back in after everybody's nutted and stuff everyone's like just sitting there like so what else there's just like carnage everywhere you know there's just like jizz and and hairspray and i don't know why hairspray but there's just shit everywhere and then you're just like like what do you talk about after the orgy hey you're gonna go see like minnetonka dude you gotta watch highlights probably of yourself that's what i'll do remember this play maybe break down film there's there's film of the orgy but it hasn't gotten out really but people say people were taking pictures dang cool i respect that that it's been almost 15 years and the photos haven't gotten out that is people say people were taking pictures dang cool i respect that that
Starting point is 00:16:25 it's been almost 15 years and the photos haven't gotten out that is yeah and this day and age especially dude you know it's like yeah that's yeah that means this was an effective uh afternoon did you guys um and another positive note about humanity did you guys uh read this article from a couple months ago by steven pinker in the wall street journal about how the earth and all the people who inhabit it is actually in a better place now than it's ever been dude that's why i keep saying it i know dude it's legit i i did i i made it halfway through the article i tire out when i read but um dude yeah it was freaking a great great read dude i was very interested um in that article about especially especially about sulfur dioxide. Yeah, dude, that was harmful for the atmosphere.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Producing less of it now, though. Yeah, it's crazy that they're able to gauge how many particulates we're putting out into the atmosphere. Yeah. He's like, we went from 34 million to 20 million. I was like, dude, lots of credit to that counter. Yeah. If you look at old photos of LA and the smog,
Starting point is 00:17:24 I mean, it was so much like in the 80s and shit um and all you have to do dude is like watch a movie of like you know a period piece and see how shitty life was you know if you watch like any you watch like any war movie you're like oh well it's not that bad you know what i mean so like when people are like oh it's just i'm just worried for i'm just like well how about you you know go take a shower and go eat some avocado or something dude yeah hot shower dude yeah any time of day or cold shower yeah dude yeah if it's hot out we have the option dude i recently had my wisdom teeth pulled and i was imagining myself dude what if a lot of times i imagine myself would this be like 100 years ago you know if i did something and um dude i was like i got put to sleep for it i woke up it was like magic dude yeah had medicine
Starting point is 00:18:15 to take to feel like you know less pain it's perfect dude amazing that's ideal yeah yeah people seem to glorify the past a lot like well back in the 50s you know we would have been uh we would have been belting our belts and strapping our boots and you're like the fuck are you talking about man i wear vans exactly dude jt wears sandals regularly dude jt's the master of rainbow sandals that's like his trademark dude for sure they got they're always broken in dude one freaking day this guy breaks a man dude people come on people all around socal dude's true can recognize jt by his feet true you know if you just show a photo of your feet like oh what up jt they look up you're like yeah i got it right i got nice feet
Starting point is 00:19:02 dude you got a laird hamilton cruise around barefoot you know frailty of modern man dude walk across the street freaking barefoot put that golf ball under your foot for sure i've been doing it dude at my desk freaking pumped it just freaking roll it on you been doing it yeah dude not fully uh standing up yet but just kind of sitting a little added pressure you know gf do it uh yeah. My GF will do it for sure. Sometimes she uses my golf ball. I'm like, dude, it's my golf ball. You got to find your own one.
Starting point is 00:19:32 She'll still use it, but that's fine, dude. You're sharing, you know. That's being a couple. For sure, dude. When are we going to go on a double? Dude, I'd love to. Do you like a game night? Maybe play some Settlers of Catan.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I'm into that game. I can't. Why not, dude? I'm too competitive. I can't play board games,lers of Catan. I'm into that game. I can't. Why not, dude? I'm too competitive. I can't play board games, especially with my girlfriend. Got to tell you, dude, I played the other night with Joe, not Maurice, our other bro, Joe. His GF. I won, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I won, dude. Was there any hard feelings from the other side? I could tell they were not happy, dude. I was very happy, dude. It was the first time my girlfriend had played.'s very smart dude she's very intelligent very cunning dude can be manipulative but in a good way dude but especially playing the game like maybe becomes negative but anyway dude like
Starting point is 00:20:12 she was upset to lose but it was her first time I told her look this is your learning game but still felt good to go in there and just straight up dominate and take away the dub freaking just dominated on goats and timber dude and just freaking built myself cities and roads that's fucking tight awesome no that's so sick did you get any of those cards oh dude yeah for sure the um i'm blanking on the name of the cards right now like the um point cards or whatever
Starting point is 00:20:36 they're called it'll come to me later but uh yeah dude i did steal joe's girlfriend's army some of them are knights and largest army gets you two victory points victory cards dude and uh yeah i jacked her army dude it felt good nice yeah was joe piss joe was frustrated he uh at one point during the game he did do a count we were going to do a transaction he was going to give me one wheat for one brick simple transaction and um i was thinking about it and then he uh very condescendingly started going three two one i one. I told him, dude, I would be down to do this deal, but simply because you started a countdown, that's bad business practice and no deal, dude. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Great call. Yeah. Even with your boys, you got to be shrewd. For sure, dude. In the movie Baby Boy with Tyrese, his mom's giving him a lesson on how to be a businessman and she's like she's like a salesman doesn't make you feel bad after the deal she's like a hustler makes you feel bad she's like be a salesman and joe was a he's a hustler he made
Starting point is 00:21:35 you feel bad he's like not only are you gonna make a deal with me but i'm gonna make you feel like gross afterwards for sure it's like you know i don't want to do business at that shop yeah and when you're rushing somebody into something that's a telltale sign of like you know red flag dude why are you rushing me what are you worried is gonna happen if i take too much false urgency correct yeah that's what that's what fascists do dude you're being a fascist during that game dude buy my wheat right now strider buy my fucking wheat exactly dude why do you want my brick so bad for sure i knew he wanted to build a road dude you gotta let him't let him do that. You got to play hard to get. I have this wheat, but then just look away and then you'd be like, well, how about it
Starting point is 00:22:12 for this brick? And he'd be like, cool. Exactly. I've been stoked to do that. I would have walked over to the fridge and cracked him up in a fresh BL Smooth, dude. Maybe an IPA. I was drinking an IPA. Dude, bro. Exactly. Sculpin. I was having a Sculpin, dude. Robust flavor. Dude, the dankest brew. bl smooth dude you know maybe an ipa i was drinking sculpin dude bro exactly sculpin
Starting point is 00:22:25 i was having a sculpin dude robust flavor dude the dankest brew they're not out here this is kind of different i'm sorry i didn't i didn't send you guys the prep for this but i just read today that action bronson the rapper who has three tv shows on vice viceland yeah i mean who knows what the hell's going on on that network anyways I can't keep up with all the cool shit they're churning yeah this like fashionistas like got a show about like yeah do you know eating chicken mousse in New Orleans I'm like I don't get it I don't know if that means who's the dude that started by saying perfect sense yeah what's his name the dude that started vice Oh Gavin yeah there's Gavin McGinnis who went alt-right and then
Starting point is 00:23:03 there's Shane Smith I think who's the went all right and then there's shane smith i think who's the guy who's still there he's kind of kind of classed up the joint okay i think the first dude i remember like watching an interview he was so proud of his news style dude he's like i am the news with a chainsaw like i i go into stories i am gonzo i dive in dude and i'm like dude are you because they go to like weird places and they they put themselves in the front of the camera so they're like this like a surrogate audience member who's a little bit like snooty for sure a little too self-indulgent it's like it's about the story or they're all too wispy too they're all like oh there's a stiff breeze in senegal i'm a dead man for sure how are you guys doing this right now dude just like dudes with beards we're going to north korea yeah for sure that's like it's like they're bragging at a bar all the time
Starting point is 00:23:50 yeah it's like you're overhearing them talk to a girl at a bar and they're like yeah i went to north korea to find out how bad the access of evil really is you're like give it a rest dude yeah exactly we're all just here kicking it you don't need to hear about your freaking journey dude for sure listen to what she's got to say dude yeah where's she been for sure yeah at your mom's exactly dude that's where she's been dude freaking going down the okra path and then he's mom's okra patch dude he's like oh i'm happy about that i'm glad someone's going down on my mom and i'm like you crazy bastard that's some good jujitsu it's not a bad call did you know a happy mom it's not what you can do mother can do for you it's what you can do for your mom i'm not saying go down on your mom
Starting point is 00:24:28 that's what it sounded like maybe that's what you just said maybe meet like a you know a silver-haired fox who would be treat your mom right go down on someone like radical love dude that's that's like the transitive prop like you go down someone like your mom and then you have another bro return the favor maybe on your mom and it just goes around around and you pay it forward exactly like hayley joel osmond he uh makes sense too because he was in that movie pay it forward yeah and so that makes sense dude yeah my dog's dumb but action bronson the rapper he's got three shows advice but i guess the people advice are very frustrated because he smokes mad ganja in the
Starting point is 00:25:05 offices and nobody else is allowed to smoke weed but they don't enforce it when they when it comes to bronson interesting so that's a power move yeah yeah it's like i guess it stinks all over the office just like they walk in you're just like ow does he just blow it in their face that is some fresh ganja i don't know he's kind of he's just blowing in your page oh yeah i have the three shows you're just a fucking grip what do you have one show get out of here dude i think he probably thinks everybody else is smoking weed too he's like wait i'm the only one yeah he's like well i thought we were all getting ripped and he's like mid-bowl dude one time jt and i got in an argument dude and i think it ended up strengthening us in the long run, dude. But I remember we were watching an episode of Bill Maher and Galifianakis
Starting point is 00:25:48 stoked up a joint on there. And I was like, that's not a big deal. And JT's like, that's kind of a big deal, dude. He's smoking weed on TV. I'm like, why is that a big deal? Yeah, you and my brother were saying it wasn't a big deal. And I said it was. But I mean, we all smoked pot.
Starting point is 00:26:01 So it was like it wasn't a big deal to us. But also, I was kind of wrong. I don't know. That was like 15. That was like, it wasn't a big deal to us. But, but, but also I was kind of wrong. I don't know. Like that was like 15. That was like, what? Like that was six years ago. Yeah. I think we all just probably needed girlfriends at that point.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Probably need to, you know, go mellow out, dude. Have a few, you know, maybe play some, some brew pong and freaking chill out, you know, put on some sublime. Weeds legal now. And it's so much more pervasive in the culture, but maybe moments like that helped. Like I do think like knocked up was kind of like a huge movie for weed people because it was like for normalizing weed amongst non-weed smokers. They were all really nice guys.
Starting point is 00:26:34 They were all good guys. They're all guys you wouldn't mind having in your life. And they're having fun. And they're having fun. And I think that went a long way for people being like, oh, weed's not that bad, especially in comparison to some of the other stuff we put in us you need to be honest um i'm interested in trying these cbd lattes because the psych the psychosis effect of weed dude kind of um i'm not chill with that too much
Starting point is 00:26:54 that's why i like to cruise on my ipas and um my gf and i recently came up um or i ran into one of my bros and he gave me hooked up with a free joint and i was like oh dude i'll take that maybe give it to one of my other bros who appreciate it and then my gf's like you know what strider let's freaking let's light this up and you know have a fun night where maybe we smoke we stay home we watch a comedy dude and i'm like you know what i'm down i'm down and she's like all right well when do you want to do it next week i was like maybe in july dude this was uh mid-june it's not stuff to get done in june you know what I mean, dude? And I don't want to get stressed. You don't want to go into it in the right mindset, you know? She kind of made fun of me for that.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Said, dude, you know, maybe you're a little too pent up. Maybe you got to unwind. But I don't know, dude. It's July now, so maybe I'll toke it up. Hell yeah. All right. If you guys could have one superpower, what superpower would you have? All right, if you guys could have one superpower, what superpower would you have?
Starting point is 00:27:50 Can I, like, be Superman or I only get one of Superman's powers? You only get one of Superman's powers. Sorry. I'd probably say being able to probably be it's gonna be a little bit uh uh personal but like dude probably being able to control like uh maybe this comes with super strength but like being able to control my nut like um sometimes i'm just you know in the throes of making love and just chilling and doing a ride but like dude you know you want to make sure everyone's being taken care of dude so just like is that something that would be involved with the super strength type setting like that's that's absolutely a power.
Starting point is 00:28:25 Cause that's a muscle dude. You know, it's extreme control of your nut. I think Buddhists try to do that. Yes. To get tantric dude. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Um, so yeah, I think that would be good. Cause it'd be, it'd be good to be able to like lift a plane and, and nut good. So yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:42 What about you dudes? Man, I'm having a tough time with this one i think i would choose like probably just have like super sick charisma like the sickest charisma like a fire personality yeah yeah i would choose to like up my charisma times like 10 so it's like better than George Clooney JT? I think I'd have the power to just like get super present let go of my past
Starting point is 00:29:17 and concerns about my future and then just like exist as almost like a non-sentient being. Dude, that sounds like you want to live like in that moment that you're nutting. Yeah. You know, like, cause that's like, dude, when you're nutting, you're not thinking about anything.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Dude, you're just checking out like. Strider, who is your babe of the week? Who is your babe of the week? My babe of the week this week has got to be my GF, dude. We recently bought this pillow for our couch. And honestly, dude, it's like this nice navy blue. So it's a nice masculine-looking pillow. So it made me feel like she's taking me into consideration with this purchase.
Starting point is 00:30:06 But it really just went with the flow of our apartment, dude. Dank feng shui. Still need a few more pillows to go with it. But she told me later that she bought it from this company that's from women who own businesses, dude, which is legit. And they're making good stuff. So it's nice to know that our dough went to a good spot and a good cause. And, you know, maybe I rest a little better when I lay down on that pillow. So, yeah, dude, I've got to go to my GF this week for just being legit, dude, being considerate.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Fire. Nice. Chad, who is your babe of the week? My babe is Gwen Stefani. Whoa, dude. Yeah. But Gwen Stefani circa, like, 2004. Because I'm not really as familiar with her what she's up to now I don't even know what she's doing or even what she looks like I like she kind of just like
Starting point is 00:30:50 peaced out after that sick super sick album dude I saw a poster of her I think she's doing a show in Vegas oh is she like a maybe a limited residency I'm not sure where yeah oh dude I gotta go see that dude I'm down dude no doubt we should cruise together do you see what I did no I'm into saying puns to my gf lately dude she enjoys when i say puns to her dude that's why i did that tip joke earlier well it seems like you bros didn't like it as much but i get that dude but my gf sometimes she chuckles when i do them so i kept doing them i loved it thank you dude yeah i appreciate that dude i i've been taking notice of your puns i'm sorry for not like commending you more for it i know maybe they're not good because i'm the best commend is a nice um laughter you know like
Starting point is 00:31:30 visceral reaction but i appreciate the positivity from my bros just keep trying yeah for sure just keep at it dude look for wordplay yeah dude i'm keeping my head up and uh listening and something comes up i'll try another one. Yeah. Oh yeah. So Gwen Stefani circa the 2000s, like there's everything about her was just so cool. You know,
Starting point is 00:31:55 not only was she like this super hot blonde chick from SoCal, but she had like that cool chill vibe, super talented. She had like a cool punk band. She was also in, what's the HBO thing? She worked with jimmy ivy she's in the defiant ones and how jimmy ivy's like you're gonna be a star in five years be patient and she's like and then she's like and it happened and like just like a full-on ball of talent that just you know every her her jams i still listen to her music today you know from like no doubt and all that stuff and so
Starting point is 00:32:26 gwen thank you for just being like a beacon of like socal coolness and just sort of like carrying the flag for us you know just sort of like repping the state and just being like yeah california produces some like super hot chicks that can like sing and dance and and kick it with eve on a fucking atv and like jam out and just be like the front chick for like a tight sublime like band you know and it's just like everything about her was just so cool she just oozed coolness and then she got into like the style arena i believe and just like she was just like a trendsetter and so I just gotta give it up to her for just like being dank as fuck and
Starting point is 00:33:09 you know it's just like I hope to find I hope to find a lady as you know multi-talented and as you know angelic as she you will dude thanks dude for sure dude you're a freaking catch dude thank you thank you so much thanks you too yeah you too all of us dude oh that's good
Starting point is 00:33:34 this is a room full of catch dude yeah dude freaking straight up some tunas in here dude you know what the chef ordered the fresh catch nice market price dude love it market price is high today my uh babe of the week is uh i'm undecided it's between two guys both mma fighters paulo costa who's actually a really hot dude like so jacked i'll show you guys a photo of him he just won his fight this past weekend i love the way he fights every shot he throws is a power shot he fights at 185 he looks 225 whoa he's uh he's undefeated so far he's ripping through the opposition nice rig i mean we need to see him against someone who's got better stand up and can kind of uh you know keep him at distance maybe and i want to make him my babe of the week but i got to go with another
Starting point is 00:34:22 ufc fighter daniel cormier show us this dude yeah who is not a conventional hot guy no disrespect to daniel but his body doesn't even look like that of a champion even less he's the short one yeah it's not really a fire rig functional rig though dude functional rig he's now the light heavyweight champion and the heavyweight champion of the ufc and i really respect him because it's been a hard journey he was a college wrestler he never won the national championship his senior year he lost to kale sanderson who was the greatest uh wrestler in like u.s history he was undefeated all throughout college so he unfortunately ran into a guy who just couldn't be beat. Then he went to the Olympics and I think he ended up getting fourth place. So he didn't get to podium. Then he came to the UFC and he was like the best fighter in
Starting point is 00:35:15 the UFC. Like he didn't lose a round until he fought John Jones. Then John Jones beat him and even out wrestled him. Then John Jones got in trouble, had to leave the UFC. Daniel Cormier won the light heavyweight title, beat all these other killers. Jon Jones comes back, they fight again. Jon Jones puts him to sleep. Head kick. Knocks him out. Jon Jones tests positive for steroids again. But for some reason, we don't ever hold Jon Jones
Starting point is 00:35:36 accountable for it, because we all think he's so naturally talented that he doesn't even need the steroids, so it doesn't feel like they're helping him as much. But so DC is always the bridesmaid, never the bride. And his reputation is forever going to be understood as the number two guy which is too bad because he's a really good guy he's a commentator he's got a family he's the team captain of the team that he's from aka and he kind of trains everybody and he's a high school wrestling coach and he donates his salary to the rest of the coaches he does come off a little bit of like i'm trying too
Starting point is 00:36:03 hard or i think i'm funny and I'm not funny. And like, I, you know, those guys who like love being the good guy, he's got a little bit of that like JJ watt gross narcissism to him, but it's really not that bad. Cause you are being a good guy,
Starting point is 00:36:14 but then he got his redemption. Cause this past weekend he fought the heavyweight champ and he knocked him out in the first round, which no one expected. And for the first time at 40 years old, he goes from being always number two to maybe the forever number one. So DC, you're my babe of the week.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Love and respect everything I just heard right there, dude. That was inspiring. Yeah, that is for sure inspiring. Hanging in there, dude, at 40 years old, dude. Freaking getting in the ring, bro. Dude, I did some yoga. We've been experiencing a heat wave out here. I ring, bro. Dude, I did some yoga. We've been experiencing a heat wave out here. I've been doing yoga.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And I did some yoga with my GF. Dude, I was sore the next day, dude. It's hard. I'm a young guy, dude. Freaking imagine being 40, getting in the ring, dude, grinding it out, bro. Putting your life on the line. Yeah, legitimately, dude. So mad respect, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Freaking loving it, dude. Strider, who is your beef of the week? Let's see, dude. Freaking loving it, dude. Strider, who is your beef of the week? Let's see, dude. No, this is going to be a little bit kind of, I don't know what the best term of this, maybe spoiled or a little entitled of me, dude. So I'm admitting that I'm coming from the wrong on this one, dude. I am. But, dude, I've been charging cold brews.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Love cold brews, dude. So smooth. Good on my tummy, dude. High-quality bean. And I straight up go to this coffee shop regularly, dude, and I'm like, can I get a cold brew? Light ice. And I don't even need room for cream, dude. And they know me at this spot, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Freaking barista's name's Alex. And Dante? Dude, exactly, dude. And Dante. Barista's name's alex and dante dude exactly dude and dante barista's name is alex dude i like i see this guy dude and freaking jacks me loaded with ice and then still leaves a little room for cream dude dude i drop a dollar tip every time when i'm in there dude i get it did i grind in for fat tips dude you know what i'm saying like dude that's that's a freaking salad that trader jo. And, uh, that my girlfriend and I split, dude, we get fricking Caesar with no chicken, dude. You know what I'm saying, dude? And, uh, so yeah, dude, Alex, bro, when he did that to me, dude,
Starting point is 00:38:13 I felt pretty disrespected, dude. I was like, why'd you even do that right now, dude? But I get it, dude. He sees a lot of customers. Maybe he doesn't remember me. Like I remember him, dude. And so I don't know what's going on in his life. You know, I don who's kicking his cat around but uh definitely rubbed me the wrong way dude would have felt nice if he hooked me up and was a solid bro you know dude that's a genuine beef and i think you're still being compassionate um and giving space for him to to just deal with being human but i mean dude at a certain point you got to call it like you fucking see it dude if that's your beef that's your beef bro true true i mean like dude if if you certain point, you got to call it like you fucking see it, dude. And if that's your beef, that's your beef, bro. True, dude. True.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I mean, like, dude, if I would have felt like you did it on purpose or, like, looked in my eye for a little too long, like, I'm not a fighter, dude. But, like, you know, dude, I would have been pretty upset, dude. I would have gone home and, like, thought about it, you know, or in my car thought about it for a long time. It's, like, a crucial part of your day the cold brew and like for him to like be so careless especially when you're like really putting in the effort like here's a tip dude like you know make this right and he's just like yeah i'm in my own head i don't even whatever and then just like you know gives you kind of a whack cold brew it's like dude i also gotta say this about him he's a cold bro, that dude. Dude, that's a freaking excellent pun, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Dude, the thing about him is that I didn't... Full disclosure now, dude, is this is... He brings his dog to the coffee shop. Now, that's chill, dude. It's an open environment. You have a dog. You don't want to leave your animal at home, dude. But honestly, dude, I'm going to say this right now, dude,
Starting point is 00:39:43 and I feel bad, and, you know, people all use their dogs for emotions, but, dude, fucking, dude, fucking keep your dog out home dude but honestly dude i'm gonna say this right now dude and i feel bad and you know people all use their dogs for emotions but dude fucking dude fucking keep your dog out of the workplace dude a little bit 100 and dude fucking don't fucking put your dog on me dude like fucking dude it's your pet dude not mine dude don't walk your goddamn great dane through a fucking supermarket dude sorry about sorry about that god saying that right there dude but like god appreciates it dude bring your dog but switch your tone about it dude is guess is i guess what i'm saying dude what would be a better tone like i'm sorry dude yeah exactly you're the burden in this scenario dude you're bringing the extra to this dude you know what i mean like absolutely and it's a choice item maybe some people say a little bit more like I'm being open-minded about it.
Starting point is 00:40:25 You got problems. I don't know who's kicking your cat. The dog's for the London for what? Lost loved ones, lost whatever. Dude, I get it. Dude, you need it there. But, dude, be aware. Dogs are getting super spoiled this day and age.
Starting point is 00:40:37 They're treated like above humans. And it's like they're getting way too cocky just strolling into workplaces, just like act like they own the joint. They're like, yeah, I get all my shit paid for and I get to go wherever I want. And then I still smell ass. And you're like, all right, dude, but like, you know what? Stay humble and like sort of know where you come from. You know, it's like just treat like airplanes with respect too. Dude dude yeah it's a privilege dude and you
Starting point is 00:41:08 know what it is dude these people you know what they're doing dude it's a power move bro it's a power move to be like smart and that's a villain power move of like i have my cat try to tell me not to have this yeah chad who's your beef of the week? Dude, my beef of the week is with our dog, Rick. Rick, what up? You know what the fuck you did. I'm just going to cut to the chase. Rick tried to get me to watch a sad movie. No boy, no dude.
Starting point is 00:41:44 I like him. Chad doesn't like sad movies. I get it, but don't. I don't make him watch sad movies like sad movies I get it but don't I don't make him watch sad movies with me I get it Rick you know how fragile you know how I feel about positive thinking you know how I feel about negativity you know how I feel about the fragility of Stoke
Starting point is 00:42:00 you know I primarily like to watch movies that take place in miami preferably with like will smith or tom cruise and for you to just like spring that on me dude and try to make me watch manchester by the sea like i was bummed for the whole fucking day the whole day i got 30 minutes into it. Honestly, I'm thinking about cutting Rick out of my life because I got like 30 minutes into it and I bounced. I was like, what the fuck, dude?
Starting point is 00:42:33 You know, like it's hot out today. I was going to go surf, you know, and I just sat in my room and I was like, and my mom was like, what's up? I'm like, I'm not stoked. She's like, why? I'm like, fucking Rick. You know, Rick tried to get me to watch Manchester by the fucking dickweed. mom was like what's up i'm like i'm not stoked she's like why i'm like fucking rick you know
Starting point is 00:42:45 rick tried to get me to watch manchester by the fucking dickweed um so yeah my beef was it's with you rick like know your boys you know be sensitive no understand that like i don't like sad movies i'll never watch them and like if the movie doesn't get me amped or horny keep it out of my vicinity you know i'm just i'm fucking pissed guys i'm pissed dude i think what you got to focus on in that is that's not chill of rick but it's realizing every emotion that we experience there's always a layer of horniness in there so like even when you're sad you're still hor horniness in there. So like, even when you're sad, you're still horny, dude. You know what I mean? So like, when you're happy, like you're still horny. So dude, next time you get sad, just focusing on that horny would just be
Starting point is 00:43:33 my coping advice. And, um, that is brilliant. You know what I mean? Like next time you get like, dude, when I, that, when, and when Alex fricking jacked me with the cold brew today, I was like, I'm still horny. You know what I mean? And I've got a nice outlet with that because I have a girlfriend who loves me, dude. You know what I mean, dude? So, like, just focus in on the positive there, dude, you know? I'm still horny.
Starting point is 00:43:54 Did he trick you? That's a good anchor. How did he trick you into watching that, dude? He was like, yeah, let's watch a movie. Like, it's been a while, dog. And I'm like, tight. You know, I didn't even think to ask because because you know you i'm a pretty trusting guy and it's got c in the title and you're like dude i freaking shred it you know yeah like i yeah i didn't know anything about the movie and i just
Starting point is 00:44:13 yeah yeah by the sea by the sea and i was like was this like a you know reboot of into the blue oh dude that's what i thought and then i saw um the weirder affleck bro just like being all sad i'm just like who the fuck signs up to do this oh man but i feel good now the director of that movie kenneth loner again he's like a big bummer of a dude in real life really like every time he's in an interview they'll ask him questions they're like how are you feeling today he's like well i have to do this so i'm not feeling great you're like oh way to set this off with like the worst possible tone possible yeah dude yeah someone else was like um this other director helping him get his movie made they're like what do you think anthony mangelo would think about how it came out he's like well
Starting point is 00:45:02 he's dead so he wouldn't think anything i was like right dude yeah we get it dude bad shit happens yeah that's the word that's just so focusing on negativity you know when you see somebody like in passing dude at Benihana's I'll be like hey how are you today you know what I mean like dude that's just what we say that's just colloquial like don't tell me oh I've been better like what you want to dive into this for 20 minutes dude or do you want to get to the tep and grill you know what i'm saying dude yeah i'm like dude just be like good and then move on dude you know like or call one of your your boys that's that's when you say that to me it means you got lack of bros in your life dude you can't open up to and just really dive into it yeah when you're trying to like flex that sadness on other people that's just that's just
Starting point is 00:45:44 selfish for yeah that just bums everyone out that's what we're getting to the root of a lot of that yeah i think rick i think he's in a weird place but for now he's out of my life dude next time i see someone with their dog in the supermarket or like at the doctor's office or something like that i'm gonna go up and be like oh my god what a nice animal how's your day good good then they're gonna ask me back then i'm gonna freaking bum them out dude i'm gonna bum them out hard dude be like i don't know dude my rent just got jacked up cold bruise or more freaking tired i have got a bad dong haircut right now gotta get a feeling later and i'm gonna bum that person out you got a bad dong haircut like your head looks
Starting point is 00:46:21 like a dong or you got a bad haircut around your dong dude uh i was referring to my my head uh looking like a dong like my body looking like a penis it does but um as far as like the downstairs manscape um i have recently because the heat gone to the bald look and uh feeling pretty chill dude yeah it's good it's good. It's breezier. Yeah. My beef of the week is with Stephanie. Stephanie was in my high school senior class. She was in student government. And a couple weeks shy of graduation,
Starting point is 00:47:00 the class underneath us had their elections to see who would take over in student government. And I was in the room when they were counting the votes and it came down to two girls, Alex and I think Katie. And all the senior girls liked Katie, didn't like Alex. Alex was kind of like one of those disaffected like hipsters who was like, everything here is so lame. And she almost ran for president as a way of like making fun of it more than actually wanted to do it.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Alex ends up winning the vote. And I'm in the room with all my best girlfriends in my senior class. And I watch with Stephanie as the ringleader as they decide to change the outcome of the election and give it to Alex. And I specifically remember Stephanie saying this. And this is where I learned how quickly our institutions can get corrupted by people who think they're doing it for other people. Stephanie looked at everyone. She said, we have to do this. This is our parting gift to the next class. And I was like, I was like, dude, you can't do that. I was like, this is a democratic election. You have to respect the process. And then they went, fuck you fuck you jt like you were on student
Starting point is 00:48:05 government you never came to any meetings you don't go to class you have no right to weigh in on what direction the school should go and i said i'm not weighing in i'm saying let the votes go as they were voted like i'm not saying that i should be in charge i'm saying you shouldn't be in charge either yeah and then they were like fuck you like this girl does not deserve to be president she's a fucking bitch this other girl works really hard and she deserves it and i was like look i don't like either of them but i don't like you right now the most because you are taking this and you're making it about yourself and that's not what this is about you have to protect the institution you have to protect the rituals so that people believe in these things and every
Starting point is 00:48:43 time you do something like this you chip away and that's why we have so much cynicism in this country right now towards all of these institutions. Like no one believes in the government anymore. No one believes that anyone's looking out for them. And it's horrible. And Stephanie was right there at the tip of the spear making it happen. And then Miss Melbourne came in and she said, what are you guys fighting about? And they were like, JT has to get out of here and i said i said miss melbourne they're trying to throw the election you can't let them do this it's unethical and she said jt get out and i was like are you gonna kick out the girls too she said i'm kicking everybody out i'm doing the vote who who ended up winning alex won the person who was elected won and then i was in class with stephanie she said
Starting point is 00:49:22 there are you happy i said no i'm not i love that yeah because guess what you weren't being biased you were just like it doesn't make me happy it makes me what it should be yeah yeah love that dude how you doing i'm like i'm not doing great because i'm stuck in art class stoked on your no nobleness yeah dude thank you that's why i told it yeah you're ethical as fuck i like damn you really had the foresight to think about the whole institution i love that school strider what up who is your legend of the week let's see dude gotta be my gf dude because um this week i got a new desk dude and this is a freaking dank mid-century desk dude solid freaking wood dude i don't know what it is but it's probably some
Starting point is 00:50:11 sort of oak or maybe redwood if they're allowed to chop those down um but dude this is such a dank desk dude it's got three drawers dude for me to store things that i like dude i write my ideas on it and now i like my old Target desk a lot, dude, I gotta say, but wasn't making my GF, wasn't sparking joy in her, dude. So I was like, look, dude, this is a no-brainer. We gotta get rid of this. Honestly, bro, the desk that she got,
Starting point is 00:50:35 retail value, dude, 700 bones, dude. Whoa. Bro, that's like a straight-up two-week paycheck for me from Benihana, bro. So she goes on Facebook marketplace dude some bro's business is closing down dude and we're not closing down he's moving so it was actually nice positivity he's you know growing he was getting rid of some deaths dude it's 200 bucks and my gf's like dude 200 bucks let's get this i go say 150 and we can put it in the back of my
Starting point is 00:51:00 truck and we'll pick it up pay cash on delivery cod dude cod like the fish it's a pun dude and um dude and uh dude he goes all right 150 bro we cruise over there we got some nice cold brews made a nice little morning of it dude picked up my new dank desk so definitely my gf this week being a legend dude freaking working the marketplace to spark joy in both of us, dude. Nice. Good on her. Yeah, dude, legit. Chad, who's your legend of the week?
Starting point is 00:51:31 My legend of the week is Julian Wilson, surfer. Nice. Yeah, he's making a good run for the world title this year. Let me just preface. If you don't know, Julian Wilson is a surfer from the sunshine coast of australia one of the most fun guys to watch on tour he's just like his free surfing is just out of control he's just so like so much technique but so much raw talent just mixed into one and he just like hot dude super hot dude he should have been my babe honestly because he's just like a full-on babe um
Starting point is 00:52:05 and uh i just i've enjoyed watching him since like you know his section in young guns 2 and then young guns 3 he killed it those quicksilver surf flicks and then like ever since then he's just been dominating you know like people are like oh he's a prodigy and he's really lived up to those expectations um and like i've always been super stoked on him he's the most fun guy to watch i always want him to win you know he just had a baby he's married he's just crushing life his movie's scratching the surface i watched that probably like 500 times sophomore year of college to pre-game you know i love that people who didn't even surf they'd come in to my place i'd be like yeah i'm pregame and they're like what are you doing i'm
Starting point is 00:52:49 like watching a surf movie they're like can we watch something else i'm like no and then they watch and they'd be like dude who is this guy i'm like it's julian wilson they'd be like he's not my favorite surfer i'm like that's fucking right you know that's fucking right that's a surf flick is a great movie to have like a good surf flick dude to pre-game with your boys too it's on the background best dude it's not gonna be it's like no one disagrees with what's happening on the screen yeah you know what i mean love that dude just bringing your boys good scenery sick tricks hot dudes hot chicks can't go wrong and uh you know felipe toledo knocked Julian out of the first place thing in the running for the title.
Starting point is 00:53:26 So, Julian, I just want to let you know I'm pulling for you, dude. Let's close out this year strong and let's get that world title, you know. Felipe is a force to be reckoned with, but I know you are going to come out on top, dude. So, keep being a beast. Nice. Legit. My legend of the week is a random guy from a movie theater a couple years ago i was seeing the flick nocturnal animals oh yeah um directed by the fashion designer tom ford
Starting point is 00:53:53 it's a kind of a rushing nesting doll of a man's worst fears the movie itself is but it opens um shockingly unfortunately a little grotesquely and i'm sorry for saying that it's grotesque because it's it's a bunch of naked super super fat women and they're filmed in slow motion wearing like burlesque stuff like they have like garish chains on and they're blowing those like kazoos from parties and the the movie just zooms in on their flaps as they move and it's um it's shocking you know because you don't normally see nudity and you definitely don't see that kind of nudity most of the time in a movie you know most of the people are hot and uh and it's like five minutes of it's super gratuitous and so it's five minutes straight
Starting point is 00:54:40 of just this loud like orchestra music with just fat skin being thrown in your face big pussy flaps the whole nine yards after the five minutes the theater is dead silent it goes to the regular credits no one's making a noise no one knows what to feel and then one guy's sitting in like row seven just goes, so far, so good. Which was like the perfect thing to say to you because he kept it positive. And he kind of just like sent us on our way because we all needed something to be said. And I didn't know what to say. You don't want to say like gross or yeah, fuck yeah or something like that.
Starting point is 00:55:21 He just said it perfect. So far, so good. It was perfect. I was in that theater, dude. That guy was a true legend. Yeah, it whole thing everyone busted up like i want to shake that dude's hand i did too i want to be like hey man like way to rise to the occasion yeah it was unbelievable dude his tone just so far so good it was amazing. He said it in a clipped way. He didn't take his time with it. He just got it out quick. The best is when someone gets a good joke in a theater.
Starting point is 00:55:52 If they execute it well, it's the best thing that ever happens. All right, guys. Let's get into some advice. What's up, dudes? Brady here. I'll make it quick. I'm a solid guy. I love to drink brews shack bowls and
Starting point is 00:56:05 beat up nerds that's my life recently i tried to make the move on my mom's friend nancy she keeps giving me the eye at family dinners and i know she wants to fuck what should i do what should i do keep it classy and ask her to and ask her to take me to a steakhouse or try to keep it dangerous and turn it into a stealthy affair. Yeah. I don't know. The beating up nerds, dude, when you said that, I was like, what is this, dude?
Starting point is 00:56:32 You know what I mean? Nerds didn't do anything wrong, dude, unless, like, I don't know, the nerds came at you with some hard science questions when you weren't ready for it, then maybe they would deserve it, dude, trying to shame you. But I would say, you know, dude dude maybe you made yourself uh somewhat to me like and maybe i'm a little fired up because the heat today but a little somewhat unlikable up there at the top dude but i do love that you crush brews and i do love that you hang with your bros um and then the
Starting point is 00:56:57 rest of your question sounded like it was um you know taken from the script of like a pornhub original or something like that and uh um maybe finding the positive silver lining in here is maybe, I don't know if you direct or you're able to sell scripts to the adult industry. Maybe that's where this story is best lived, dude. Other than that, I'd say enjoy the nice home-cooked meal, dude, and chill and be a respectful, legit um with nancy and your mom's friends dude yeah dude uh piggybacking off that like i would um you know the whole porn hub thing like it sounds like you're in like that whole situation you know so i maybe like watch some
Starting point is 00:57:41 of those videos and see how those dudes do it you know um i wouldn't go so far as to like put your dong in like a pizza but maybe put on like a suit you know and just sort of like because like this is an older woman and you want to like show her like yeah i you know i'm i'm a mature guy so maybe put on like a full tailored suit and just like sort of just like be around her and just be sort of like clueless and like but she'd be like yeah i love steaks you know and that's a good call and maybe she'll because it it sounds like uh if you want this to go down the way you want it to go down she's gonna have to initiate so take notes from like porn hub like strider says and like create that moment.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yeah, actually, after hearing what all you guys have to say, I think his best bet is don't make the move on your mom's friend because it's probably going to upset your mom. I would skip town and take all this energy you have and beating up nerds and wanting to sleep with older women and just be in porn. Move to Los Angeles, get in the deep end of the pool and really see what you're made of if you want to live out these fantasies do it firsthand in the place where they're making them happen so uh yeah man i think you should get into porn yep i would definitely found this dude get yourself a nice probably like a shark skin gray suit that's like a nice uh medley of blue and gray you know like looking like a shark come on out here dude you know because you know those apex predator dude come out here and just freaking be confident dude get yourself
Starting point is 00:59:10 a good business card too yeah and watch boogie nights you know find your burt reynolds and like don't do blow too much for sure good advice hey dudes caleb here gonna break it down my dad keeps trying to assert dominance on me been lifting more weights and he's been tanning. It's making me so fucking mad. Quit trying to flex, old man. Hey, how should I have a discussion with him about not flexing dominance on me too much and embarrassing me in front of my mom? Like in the movie Red Belt, everything has an energy. Either deflect it or absorb it, but don't oppose it. either deflect it or absorb it, but don't oppose it. Yeah, sort of take this exactly. Take what your dad's doing and use it to any kind of negativity that comes your way and any perceived negativity, like someone's trying to flex on me. What do I do? You don't want to cower in the corner.
Starting point is 00:59:57 You want to rise up. Your dad wants you to be the best dude you can be. So, you know, rise up, tan more, lift more, lift more flex more and he's gonna be super proud of you dude dude what i like to do is um when i'm lifting super set with books you know what i mean dude like dude freaking get on the squat rack bro get yourself eight reps do not sacrifice form for weight and then come down and freaking you know hop into like a steinbeck or something dude you know what i mean or hop into like i don't know like what's a good read go to top 100 dude and just freaking dive into something you know secret history is a pretty dank book that you can get into female author dude my gf
Starting point is 01:00:32 recommended to me dude so definitely do that also what i do dude if your dad does upset you call him early in the morning like 6 a.m and just let him know you're up and getting stuff done oh dude i love that what are you up to you know what i mean like what are you up to you're up and getting stuff done. Oh, dude, I love that. What are you up to? You know what I mean? Like, what are you up to, dad? You're saying beat them to the punch. Correct. Be the early bird.
Starting point is 01:00:53 That's right. And then you'll have kids one day and you'll do the same things to them. To cycle, dude. If you guys could only have one weight lift move for the rest of time, which one would you go with? I think it's got to be a power clean. Probably the Olympic lift, a power clean. Works every muscle in the body.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Mine would be a power clean as well. Is clean and jerk where you go like this? That looked like a hang clean and jerk. Yeah, jerk's where you go overhead with it. I mean, we should probably add a jerk to ours too. Probably. We should definitely work those muscles. Power clean and jerk. And you want's where you go overhead with it. I mean, we should probably add a jerk to ours too. Probably. We should definitely work those muscles. Power clean and jerk.
Starting point is 01:01:27 And you want it to be a power clean because you'll get more legs if you start from the ground. Yeah. Correct. Sub Chad and JT, I was recovering for a long, hard day unwinding watching Forgetting Sarah Marshall when I checked out my Instagram and saw Chad was watching at the same time. This almost immediately filled my stoke tank. I was a little ashamed of watching rom-coms by myself, but after seeing Chad watching too, I feel like it's okay. Is it, Jake?
Starting point is 01:01:49 All day, dude. I fucking love rom-coms. I'll watch them all day. Good vibes, good romantic stories. Makes you want to be romantic. You get to see good humanity at its best. Yeah, the best way is to see a rom-com or by yourself because it'll get you excited to go
Starting point is 01:02:05 out there and meet somebody or to watch them with like your best bros absolutely dude i could love crushing rom-coms with my bros and with my gf dude i can recommend uh set it up on netflix dank rom-com i haven't watched it yet i heard it's super cute that's good delightful but i watched love i watched love simon that was really i heard that's good yeah i gotta watch that with my gf she saw it without me did she like it she loved it it hits all the beats man hey bros love the pod y'all's relationship advice and overall outlook on life has really inspired me to live my life with a full stoke tank regardless of tough times and bummers i'm having some trouble doing that right now with this serious lady issue i'm going through i've
Starting point is 01:02:43 known this baby since we were sophomores in high school and always had a thing for it but she had a boyfriend who was a solid dude and don't fuck around like that regardless of that we became really close but there's always been some sexual tension between us the issue now is that she got a new boyfriend once we got to college and he was my freshman year roommate and one of my boys even though we roll with different crews they broke up six months ago and since that the sexual tension between me and this absolute goddess has reached an all new high. Her ex and I are really tight
Starting point is 01:03:08 and I think he still kind of likes her. So I haven't made a move, but I also feel like the universe is telling me that this babe is for me. Should I just remain super tight with this chica to not lose a bro or risk it and maybe fall in love and hopefully my boy will come around?
Starting point is 01:03:20 Side note, if I talked to this girl about us getting together and she wasn't into it, we'd still be tight as fuck because she's a chiller. Also, most people involved listen to the pod, so I talked to this girl about us getting together and she wasn't into it, we'd still be tight as fuck because she's a chiller. Also, most people involved
Starting point is 01:03:27 listen to the pod so I'd prefer to remain anonymous. Well, she sounds like a good lady if she's listening to the pod. Dude, and dude, let me tell you what,
Starting point is 01:03:35 just based on the length of the question that you've gone in, you waited quite a while for this goddess, dude, and she's gone through two bros now, two boyfriend cycles, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:46 You got to make the move, bro. That's all I'm saying. I feel like you could have gotten there a little bit ago. Wait, regardless of the – I feel like, dude. Regardless of his dude? Sounds like these other guys were his bros. He waited it.
Starting point is 01:03:57 He waited it. It didn't work out. Dude, maybe you guys are meant to be together is all I'm saying, dude. In the spirit of rom-coms, I'm go with the love actually move if you haven't seen the love actually move get some poster boards and tell her how you feel with poster board leave it up to her and just be like he's my dog but i'd eat your i'd eat your ass yes beautiful i i'm gonna co-sign it too i think you should go for it but i think you got to talk to your bro first for sure and if he's not into it you tell him well look man i still got to follow my heart because i think there's something there
Starting point is 01:04:30 but if you're straight up with him about it he can't be as mad at you on the back end because if you act like sniveling about it and do it without him then he can be like oh so you knew you were doing something wrong that's why you hit it yeah maybe he could he could either be like greg w or not. Yeah. Hey guys, long time listener. First time writing in my stoke has been fluctuating up and down due to my
Starting point is 01:04:50 thyroid condition. It causes my weight to fluctuate constantly. Plus minus 15 pounds. When it's down, I'm stoked. I look and feel good when it's up. I don't look or feel good because honestly, who wants to ever gain 15 pounds?
Starting point is 01:05:00 I know I can't control my weight during these fluctuations, but do you guys have any tips on how to maintain a solid average level of stoke throughout? Girl in need of self-love tips. Dude, it's tough, man. Look, I'm a bro, so it's, and you know, bros, you know, we want to get jacked. We want to have legit pecs. We want to have fire traps. We want to have, you know, freaking straight up dank striations on our tries dude and you know dude talking to my gf dude i mean she talks about how the male gaze exists dude and she's right dude you know what i mean like i look through the world of the lens of being coming being a bro and um it's it helps when i'm able to step outside my shoes and be like look dude being a being a young lady dude
Starting point is 01:05:41 an eh lady dude it's tough dude it's tough business dude yeah and you know dudes don't make it easier with you know the high standards that they have and like you know society and hollywood and advertisement so dude it's like dude you gotta just be like look a lot of that shit is is uh not unattainable the world i'm looking for but it's like it's fake there's there's touching it up you know dude it's like everyone's younger and hotter and it's like the pinnacle dude it's like that's like me when i'm shooting hoops playing basketball it's like well dude why can't i sing shots like lebron well it's like dude it's not how i'm built everyone's built different dude you know what i mean although i do have nice finesse touch with my left hand around the rim but it's like dude you have you have your thyroid uh issue
Starting point is 01:06:21 going on it's like dude you i'm sure dude you're a legit, freaking dank-looking young lady, dude. And, you know, dude, just freaking have a good solid crew of friends who have your back. And fucking, dude, realize, look, in life, be serenity. You can't control all things, dude. You can just control your attitude, dude. So fucking crush pokey, fucking IPAs if you're into IPAs, but maybe you like pina grige like my GF. And I don't know, dude. I'm not saying cope with booze, but have a nice time.
Starting point is 01:06:50 No, but you're saying, yeah, enjoy life regardless of the hardships we have to endure. For sure. And keep them in perspective. Yeah. Own your imperfections. It's what makes you perfect. And in that Baz Luhrmann, Everybody's Free song, there's that line where he's like, remember the nice things people say to you, forget the criticisms.
Starting point is 01:07:10 If you learn how to do this, tell me how. Like you can give the advice, but it's hard to live it. For sure. Well, one thing I do is I work on, whenever I feel like self-conscious, I work on self-talk. Because you can self-talk your way into believing whatever. So I think if you work on that self-talk you make it a habit of just like you know i love the way i am i love the way i am blah blah blah you know i think that's that'll just you keep building on that and building on that and then eventually it'll just become a habit
Starting point is 01:07:39 to where you just sort of i mean it's a lifelong pursuit but and i also i just watched videos of like people who are carefree for sure and that inspires me to be more carefree dude i once i self-talked myself after um like talking about my dong like i'll look in the mirror and i one time was like i've got a big dong i got a big dong i got a big dong i got a big dong dude i believe that you know now i'm like yeah my dong is not not, yeah, it's like, it's not big. It's not big. But, you know, dude, I feel like comfortable having my dong, you know, and I can't change it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:12 So I'll just be like, I've got a big dong. I got a big dong. I got a pretty dong, dude. Yeah. Yeah. Stoked on my dong. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Last one. What up, Chad and JT? I have a very sensitive time issue that I need your assistance with. My senior pictures are coming up very soon and my parents are trying to make me cut my lettuce. They say it would look unprofessional, which is bringing my stoke to previously unknown depths. So my request is, Chad and JT,
Starting point is 01:08:34 can you please help me convince my parents to let me keep my flow? They both listen to the pod and your word would carry a lot of weight with them. Keep up the good work, fellas. Dude, the family that pods together stays together. Love that. Dude, parents of this dude um you know my parents they tried to get me to do a lot of things they tried to get me to cut
Starting point is 01:08:55 my hair they tried to get me to wear clothes from like j crew they tried to get me to you know conform they tried to get me to study business they tried to get me to read they tried to get me to wear sunscreen and i was just like you know i know who i am actually i do wear sunscreen but they tried to get me to wear like bullshit like neutrogena like spf like 100 it's like how am i gonna bronze with that you know like think think with your fucking head um so Um, so parent parents, let your kid be the way he is and he will find his path. If I had listened to my rents in that respect, like my dad, when JT and I started going deep, my dad reached out and he's like, do not go deep seriously. And I was like, and I took him what he said.
Starting point is 01:09:44 And I, you know, know still went deep but in like a more respectful way with him in consideration yeah and then you know and then we sort of found our path and now we have the pod and everything so you don't want to get in the way of your kids path and trust that they'll take the lessons you gave them on their own path they'll respect them but you need to you can't force them to do it's not gonna be the exact same yeah i uh i also think like with your senior pictures you want it to be something you remember and stand out so like in 30 years he looks back and he has a crew cut there's no memory there there's no personality there but if in 30 years you look back and he's got a wild hairdo everyone's gonna be like who was this crazy character and it'll spark all these memories and
Starting point is 01:10:29 it'll be evocative and then it'll be more than it would have been if you made him just you know play by your kind of boring aesthetic rules no disrespect because parenting is hard i know you're doing your best but i think here you might be overreaching crazy haircut i say allow it it's good for everybody plus if you make him get a haircut and he's got a dong cut dude which i think i always get a dong cut freaking look like a combo of an eraser and a penis walking around um i think that uh you don't want your kid to have a dong cut doing that photo i gotta fully support my bro's opinion on this. All right, guys. That'll be it for episode 27 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast.
Starting point is 01:11:08 I just want to give major props to JT and our dog Strider for coming in again. Thank you, dog. You're a genius. Love you guys. You're geniuses. You're the best, dude. And guys, thank you so much for writing in. Thank you for being the best Stokers ever.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Keep listening. Keep writing in. We're trying to get to all your questions so um you know you guys have been fire so keep it up and uh yeah if you want leave us a review on itunes uh give us a rating we love that and um uh check out our patreon for bonus content patreon.com slash chad goes deep and um anything else you guys want to say stay stoked stokers for sure dude stay stoked

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