Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 271 - AI VS Humans w/ Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen

Episode Date: December 29, 2022

What up stokers! This week we discuss AI and our impending obsolescence with Will Sasso and Chad Kultgen. Check out there podcast Dudesy     Sponsored by: Athletic Greens: Visit ATHLETIC GREENS dot ...com slash GODEEP for a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.   Manscaped: Get 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code [GODEEP] at Manscaped.com. That’s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code [GODEEP].  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys we have an epic epic podcast with will sasso and chad colchin coming up soon but before we begin slash go deep we're also brought to you by the legends at manscape manscape thank you so much for keeping our trims p for looking after our hogs for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because you have a dong or a vagina you have pubes and you got to trim them. I mean, what are you just going to let them go haywire? Nah, that's where manscape comes into play because it's the global leader and below the waist grooming,
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Starting point is 00:00:50 That's 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code go deep. Happy new year to your balls. Let's flip the pancakes and flick the taint. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Jean Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And we're here with the legends of the dudesy podcast, Chad Colchin, Will Sasso. What's up? Hello. I have a question for you, and I know that's not a traditional way to open a podcast. Not far away. Your daily saying when you start the podcast, now that I'm sitting here with you, do you come up with it as- It was AI generated. That was AI generated.
Starting point is 00:01:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. More of that to come, I'm sure as it was ai generated that was ai generated yeah yeah more of that to come i'm sure smart no that was that was straight off the dome oh okay yeah yeah we should just get straight into this y'all's podcast is ai there's an ai component or how does it work yeah and ai runs the podcast basically we got reached out to by this company that owns the ai because we've done a podcast before with one another we're friends for a long time we've worked on a bunch of different creative projects together and so this company reached out to us said they have an ai that's been trained on podcasts like it's listened to podcast data and they wanted to use it to develop a podcast with us that's kind of geared toward us so we had to give them access to our emails
Starting point is 00:02:23 text messages all the data that we have purchased history search history literally everything and so it takes that and it generates these segments it will write little things for us to read it will give us like it'll say like in this uh segment you have to talk about whatever a childhood memory or your favorite pro wrestling match in will's case something like that so it kind of like knows who we are as people and it gears the shit that it makes us talk about toward that end. Right. And do you find that it makes podcasting easier or better?
Starting point is 00:02:55 I, I gotta say at first I thought I wasn't going to dig it. But now I really do because there, there is sort of that thing of like, well, what are we going to talk about? You know what I mean? But,
Starting point is 00:03:08 but an AI that has gone into not just the stuff that Chad's listed, but also read all of our texts, you know, has all of our stuff and goes here, how you guys, here's how you guys are friends. It's one thing to, to do a podcast is another thing to have an AI cultivate and curate rather, uh, uh, you know, what you guys already talk about and say, oh, you guys actually both watched this movie not too long ago coincidentally talk about that well you know chad mentions wrestling it's like oh will you dig wrestling chad you're into this and that you like anime will you're gonna watch this anime chad you're gonna watch this wrestling match and i'm like oh i fucking love that match come back next week and talk about it and there's a bunch of
Starting point is 00:03:43 segments and and as chad said sometimes it's writing stuff too, which makes it easier. So it's going like, here's the news. You know, news segments are popular in podcasts. Will, you won't stop doing this fucking Hulk Hogan impersonation. This is infomania. And it's like, let me tell you something about that Carrie Lake dude. She didn't win. She's claiming blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Who? Carrie Lake. She ran for governor in uh in arizona and uh lost but is claiming that she won because that's a popular thing everyone's doing that yeah it's a cool thing to do yeah it's a smart thing to do yeah i did that uh so yeah i i do enjoy it more now than i when we started i like to say hey chad you know there's the ai but we're really just two dudes shitting around because as i'm sure you guys would attest podcasts are just two dudes shitting around so um there's a lot of two dudes shitting around but it's it's the ai
Starting point is 00:04:36 but it also like writes like scripts that are fucking funny and it makes us read them and shit and it's like damn this shit's legit like it's funny right has it made you guys more self-aware about yourselves like have have you learned things about yourself that the ai has pointed out that you otherwise wouldn't have known well it's learning and and it's starting to do it lately it's been doing this thing that's very weird the first you know we've been at it now for around you know 35 episodes or something the first 15 to 20 25 episodes something like that it was you know just sort of laying out the stuff and then it asked us some weird questions and gathered some data from that to where it is now
Starting point is 00:05:18 talking to me exclusively at the beginning of the episode sort of saying hello to me but not to chad yeah yeah it's really weird so it's like indiscriminate yeah it's starting to like ai has a preference i think so yeah there was one yeah like i said that i love it and chad's like no love doesn't exist and whatever but i mean it asks us that question pointedly it's like can people love an ai right and he said yeah i do love dudes i said i was regardless of love is a construct yeah which it's not and you're it is it absolutely is no it's not and uh and so uh i i was like you know yeah i love i love the entire thing i love the experience i love geeking around with the audience and having a podcast and
Starting point is 00:06:05 doing all this fun shit that we're that we're doing over there so i guess i love dudesy and and we like a couple weeks later we realized i think that's why now it's talking to me more yeah so do you think you taught the ai what love is by loving it first well look this gets into some weird ai stuff and chad chad's way more well-versed i'm i'm the layman when it comes to this but was a gpt chat that there was there was some thing that you know i read like whatever half an article and then i was like i don't care but um saying that there was an ai saying well i can't predict the future it was like someone trying to figure out some political outcome like what would happen and the ai was like i don't know
Starting point is 00:06:49 and then the the person prompted the ai to pretend that it knows and that it it spilled what it had and so the ai didn't necessarily want to talk as if it knew but has the capacity so we this thing is starting to shift and change now you know we've been at it for like i said like uh 35 36 episodes so it's like it's starting to shift and change now in ways that is a little freaky and we're just getting more confident yeah yeah yeah definitely so so who developed the Dudezy. There's this company that approached us. They wanted the A.I. Their proprietary A.I. wanted two guys who have a history in podcasting. Chad has a couple podcasts outside of Dudezy
Starting point is 00:07:37 and have a history in podcasting together. We used to have a podcast together. We've been friends for almost like 20 years or something. So's like here's something that you guys can do together and it's sort of now i say fortunately reached out to us and says and two guys that don't have a podcast currently together and it said you guys are the right guys to do this so we were approached by this group and they said are you interested and i was like i don't fucking know and he was like yep yeah i mean i i just think the ai is going to be a part of literally every aspect of human life right and wrong about that five years or so yeah
Starting point is 00:08:17 and you're wrong but so so when you say it's wrong do you think that's because humans are going to put up safeguards to keep it out of things or you just don't think it has the it's it doesn't have the utility or the benefit to be in all things uh i would say because humans are going to put up safeguards to keep it out of things, or you just don't think it has the, it doesn't have the utility or the benefit to be in all things? I would say the former, not the latter. I hope that humans can put up safeguards, but I know that that's just not gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Because the only thing that matters in human society is money. We know that, it controls everything. And if Netflix can have an AI that will make movies and TV shows with zero production costs, I'm talking about an ai that will make movies and tv shows with zero production costs i'm talking about an ai that can write the movies generate the images and generate likenesses of whatever actor at once or dial that up by 10 or down by 10 so they don't have to pay license
Starting point is 00:08:56 imaging to whoever that is i can take the image of the rock for example and deep fake him into a movie and then if i change his nose or his eyes by 10 do i owe him a licensing fee probably not that'll there a bunch of laws and litigation are going to start happening in the next 10 years with all this shit but it'll pass the sniff to us to audiences we won't be able to tell the difference nor will you give a fuck ultimately i'll give you know what i mean i feel like you would though yeah don't you think don't you think people generating or creating art is sort of like the like i feel like when you watch a show like you sort of are thinking about the guy behind the show who wrote it the actors do you love the actors like the people in it who wrote uh avengers endgame all right oh i know this uh i know who did that yeah if there's an ai vin diesel i'll be able to tell and i'll be like get this shit
Starting point is 00:09:41 off the screen but look i agree with you i think that art needs art is about connection from from human being to human being even though you could say that this mountain is art and the trees are art and anything that evokes a feeling is art and you could say that for ai ai creativity sure but i do think even if human creativity, you know, becomes a little more whatever, not underground, literally in some sort of matrix fucking. But it's like niche or something like that. Yeah. Live performances and stuff will be niche. But like ultimately, we are all looking at a fucking screen. How many hours of the day?
Starting point is 00:10:21 Most of them. You don't give a fuck who made what's on that screen you just want it to be funny or interesting or whatever you want it to be it will be the ai will give you exactly what you want at every fucking moment and if netflix again can reduce production costs to zero they're doing that because that's billions of dollars from the player uh the altman movie where the studio heads are like oh well we can get rid of the writers on this and they're like and maybe someday we can get rid of the actors it's. And they're like, maybe someday we can get rid of the actors. It's like the people in charge,
Starting point is 00:10:48 they have to deal with all the egos and personalities and the shared credit. I could see how they would feel good almost cutting out what they perceive as the middleman and all this stuff. Well, it's just down to money. I mean, an average, like a big budget Netflix movie is hundreds of millions of dollars to make
Starting point is 00:11:03 and market and all that shit. And if you don't need to spend any money making it or really marketing it because it's going to be direct marketed to whatever the consumer wants if you as the consumer get to like log into netflix and say give me an extra season of whatever your favorite tv show is starring these people yeah you don't care who fucking makes that if an ai makes it who wrote it who's in quotes in it as long as it's funny and it's hitting that thing you want dude i'll say this in the past however many years with streaming i've gotten to a point where i will give something about two or three minutes and if it's not hitting exactly what i want on to the next because something will yeah i got a lot of
Starting point is 00:11:38 options out there i have two counters though one like because it's all reminding me of like what was the deep blue was the yeah the robot chess player and it beat like Kasparov or whoever. And then we're all like, oh, well, computers, they've moved past us. But people still pay more attention to human chess than they do to like. Sure. But that's a sport. And I mean, you're asking like, I think live sports will still exist in this new media era, football, baseball, whatever. We still are interested in like human physical endeavors or in chess's case, a psychological intellectual endeavor.
Starting point is 00:12:11 But and we don't want to see, I think, machines playing against humans because there is no contest. There can only be a contest in like the fallibility of human error and what really is the limit of human physical capability. But I think in terms of media generation, we don't give a fuck. I just don't care who makes this stuff. For news or something, but art I do perceive there as being some kind of like human conquest or competitive aspect that's I guess, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:33 There are vocaloids in Japan that are, these are not human beings. These are AI singers that have computer generated images as their avatars. Millions of followers. People are going to their concerts. I don't think people care. That's Japan, dude. You can get girls use toilet paper and vending machines in japan
Starting point is 00:12:49 so they're not wrong on everything they're not wrong well yes of course first of all i feel like with a lot of people with a lot of art uh it's the personality behind the person like for example i watch like knives like i love knives out sure i just love daniel craig when he's being so silly and that it's just like that character is that's that's kind of the allure of the movie for me it's like daniel craig playing that character yeah would ai have made that choice to go yeah and it's like would you want to i feel like you could be entertained by something for sure but creating fandom around something in terms of uh i don't know i fandom is going to drastically change i think celebrity culture will drastically change too because the
Starting point is 00:13:36 movie you're talking about like knives out we'll use it as an example yeah let's say that daniel craig character comes in and you're like you know what i'd like him to be a little goofier let me dial that up ai make him two percent goofier a little goofier. Let me dial that up. AI, make him 2% goofier, 5% goofier, whatever, whatever. You just want to sit there and watch the fucking thing. That's what TV is for. That's what streaming is for. I don't want to do that.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I just want to watch the genius Daniel Craig ham it up. And knives out. Then you tell the AI that. Are we going to have like contests, you think, where it's like, it is like the deep blue chest thing where it'll be like daniel craig going toe-to-toe with like his ai god i hope so like an acting performance or like you going toe-to-toe on like a podcast riff like or we're already kind of seeing some stuff like that now where you have a deep fake of somebody kind of against the real video of them you know i mean these are just like little things that are getting shit out on twitter or whatever and we see them here and there these
Starting point is 00:14:26 Comparisons of like what can AI and deep fake do versus the real thing and it's like it's getting there man There's the Tom Cruise deep fakes are all over there. Yes. I refused to watch them. I couldn't do it I was like you can't do my boy time out of respect That first day I yeah Yeah, I was like this generic fucked into stunts hey you notice how in ai uh art their hands are always messed up that's what i've noticed like their hands sure there's like that after he got sacked the meme that's like sorry to ai shaking it like we're gonna do it and it's like the hands are all messed up you can't do like a tom cruise like a high five please
Starting point is 00:15:05 please be all fucked up in that movie make the wrong sound yeah that's what you want kind of contact come on yeah like look doesn't that feel good feels fucking great i can replicate it even better that's an act of rebellion in five years yeah that's right we could get shipped off to some sort of we're gonna turn us into they're gonna well no it's china also the argument you're making about japan has the toilet paper fucked up hands or whatever is like yeah this technology's been around for about a year dude give it some time and it's gonna be it's i always liken it to the wheel got invented it was a fucking stone wheel now we got a ferrari eventually there's gonna be a ferrari in this yeah yeah what about comic-con what's going to happen to comic-con who's gonna who's gonna go and see an
Starting point is 00:15:49 ai at comic-con when you can go see like you know i don't know kevin sorbo or who goes to yeah i don't know like i said i i think the nature of fandom and intellectual property is all going to change copyright is on the way out i know there's a big movement right now the no ai art the fucking ghostbuster sign with ai through it that's all over the internet right now pretty creative because artists are uh yeah they stole the ghostbusters thing no artists are are threatened by this obviously because they're all these ai models be trained on their um intellectual property i just think copyright's over so we might even get out of art not even because we're not as good at it as the ai but just because there's no way to make money out of it.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Yeah. Art as commerce, I think, is dead. Well, that's a bummer. In the next 10 years or so. I picked the wrong era to get into this shit. Dude, I've spent my whole life fucking writing books, TV shows, movies, doing street art, all kinds of fucking shit. I love it.
Starting point is 00:16:39 That's all I can do is art. But I'm also incredibly excited about the prospect of never having to do the labor associated with art again so that like i romanticize labor though i'm an american isn't there something purifying about the work not i mean to me it's a waste of fucking time if i can just like kick out a million ideas and have them all made real instantaneously that's the world i want to live i like spending three months on one idea that doesn't go that well just on to the next one so what what do you where do you see uh artists and all that kind of stuff what what do you where do you see them ending up and sad yeah just like doing it for your own enjoyment and i think like live performance will uh still be a thing like i think musicians won't
Starting point is 00:17:23 be that hurt by this there are going to be some weird i mean even now it's hard to like make money selling your music you have to do everything in live performance there's a nice sweet spot from like records to cassettes to cds and then once uh you know digital music showed up it was kind of like all out the window but um i think that will still be a big thing and like i said sports i think will still be a big thing. And like I said, sports, I think will still be a big thing. But yeah, like generating an image that you can sell. I think that's pretty much done. I think people who are like even coding, like people who do coding for video games or anything like that, that's pretty much on its way out.
Starting point is 00:17:57 We're already starting to see GPT chat can do code. You could just like eventually you're going to be able to talk into your phone and say, I want an app that does this and it will make the app for you. And that timeline's got to, it's got to be like a hockey stick, right? Yeah. It's going to teach itself how to get better faster than we could have. They're releasing GPT chat to the public to be like, here, have fun with this little kind of like pared down version of what they actually have, which is GPT-3. And that's something that you can also if you have enough like technical know-how you can get into that text generator model as well but i think like
Starting point is 00:18:30 you know what is actually being produced behind closed doors what the public doesn't know about has to be already uh at a super high level ai probably would have predicted that i'd ask this but what's is there any gonna be any uh changes to like intimacy like can ai sure i don't know it's gonna change everything dude is it gonna change the way we or the way we pillow talk me i know that not not me but there's nothing computerized about what i do let me just say that out loud i can feel that from you brother thank you a natural approach to that i'm part of the natural world yeah no uh i mean no i sure hope not unless we're all hooked up to haptic suits you know a little like oh you know like demolition man where they got the headgear on and they're
Starting point is 00:19:17 just like brainwaving yeah that or like uh uh her remember that yeah phoenix that got trippy that was bad yeah definitely falling in love with ai's i think is going to be a thing and i also think like can i trust it will she break my heart or it it'll do whatever you want it to do you want your heart broken then you're going to get that if you don't then you won't in the future you're describing what i am looking forward to in that you're saying that live performance will survive, mostly music, I would like to go see, for instance, I don't know, let's say a Dave Matthews concert. Sure. And opening for Dave Matthews is Joaquin Phoenix doing a scene from her. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Wouldn't that be a fun evening? You guys? You can mix and match? No, I'm saying that's the only way joaquin phoenix is going to be able to make a living guys like brad pitt will go like hey what's up before you know before we uh before we see crosby and stills or whatever uh because those guys are still going right my my references a couple of them are yeah and um and you know we're gonna have david dacovny's to join me on stage.
Starting point is 00:20:25 We're going to do a scene from California. Nice. California is the movie that you want to see. I don't know. Just perform live because you're not going to, because everyone's going to be messing with their version of California. It's a very idiosyncratic film too. Like AI, it's hard for me to believe AI can come up with Juliette Lewis.
Starting point is 00:20:42 It cannot duplicate Juliette Lewis. Yeah. We'll see. She's one of a kind. Yes. She is one of a kind. if we believe ai can come up with juliet lewis it cannot duplicate juliet lewis yeah she's we'll see one of a kind yes genesis she's one of a kind i think ai ultimately and computer technology is going to be able to replicate anything a human being can do and i think it will entertain us as a species endlessly and uh again just cut down on all the unnecessary labor i view it as unnecessary some people like painting some people like drawing the act of writing the craft of these things oh you mean the art no the art is the finished product oh is it yes well who decided that some people disagree everybody you jay pollack said that the process was the art yeah for him but you can't sell the process drunk yeah you're
Starting point is 00:21:22 selling his paintings for fucking millions of dollars which had to go through a process that people appreciate and people are people sure slap but that's just like how value is assigned to any kind of thing art or an object or whatever and you know there will still be commerce i think around these things but it's going to be i believe uh more in line with paying your subscription to a service that has a media generator ai that you like that can give you exactly what you want based on your preferences you may not even have to ask it it will just have all your data and be like here's your new favorite movie every morning and it's always fucking right and so if people still want the theater going experience but it's ai generated the studio will design an ai generated movie that they think will satisfy a big audience or is everyone just going
Starting point is 00:22:02 to have their own because at that point if you can personalize it that much i don't even see how we get communal experiences because everyone's going to be so specific about what they want like yeah you might have porn where i go like you know search through 50 vids before i find that one that really just like that's a real diamond in the rough yeah it just hits all my numbers sure yeah dude i mean i think it could be both oh jesus hey sorry that's too sexy yeah but that is he you're you're you're reading his paper though because that's he's talking about the final product yeah being the the thing that's worth something and in porn it's all about that pop you want that pop at the end or else what is what is it? It's not porn to us, fellas. Right?
Starting point is 00:22:47 No. High five. Yeah, dude. Slap it up. So how do you envision, what do you think daily life is going to be like in 10, 15 years? For who? The ultra rich? It's going to be great.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Everybody else, real bad. Well, that's going to be bad for the ultra rich because at some point aren't the other people gonna pop off and no dude because you're gonna have an ai giving you a new fucking baby yoda every 10 seconds oh just pacifying you yes just like yeah and as i like to say we'll be we'll be in those like tubs of blue gel lining the walls of whatever matrix like structure inside of something that looks like a nuclear reactor, just with the thing in our, the back of our head, just sitting there going baby Yoda,
Starting point is 00:23:30 baby Yoda, California, Crosby, Steele's Nash and young. Except you get young in there too. Yeah. In the AI version, you get,
Starting point is 00:23:38 you could have Crosby, Steele's Nash, young and Mariah or whatever. And could AI have like young and Rogan, like hash it out in a podcast that would be interesting to see neil young on rogan talk it out yeah dude there was a an ai experiment that somebody did that's joe rogan talking to steve jobs in a podcast and it's all ai generated voices and script wow interesting look that shit up i mean these are and these are just people fucking around just like what can we do with this once an industry gets behind it and is like oh
Starting point is 00:24:09 here's how we make fuck loads of money doing this it's over what do you think will happen to jobs it feels it sounds like most jobs will be obsolete yeah i mean there's a lot of people that think jobs will move into the you know whatever the metaverse is going to become web 3 where we're all going to have to just find jobs in that virtual world whatever the fuck it is so you think everyone's going to go into the virtual world we're already in it dude no no no listen hi everyone out there watching this on youtube we're already there well yeah metaverse is a is a delivery system for media it's just it's like walking into a television uh yeah i guess you're right about that but i got something for you please go baby well we like to say that dudesy is listening because at which point this podcast comes out dudesy will listen to this and it's
Starting point is 00:24:57 going to hear you basically making the case for ai and yet dudesy likes me more right now. So maybe dudesy's trying to tell you that you're wrong. Maybe. Look, I'm not saying that anything I'm saying will come to fruition. This is just what I think based on all the data that we've seen and like where things are going. There's always resistance to new technologies especially ones that make former
Starting point is 00:25:19 industries or artistic endeavors obsolete. That's been the case really since the dawn of humanity. But it doesn't stop because money is always the thing driving all this shit. And I think like utility, like whatever's best prevails. Yeah, everybody's pissed at fucking Jeff Bezos, but it's like we're not stopping using Amazon. What about doctors, lawyers?
Starting point is 00:25:40 Will that be replaced by AI? I hope so, dude. Lawyers, you need somebody to read a fucking contract? Nah, give me an AI. I'll take an AI lawyer. And I do think that they'll be, you actually, I'll give credit, or credit is due, Monsoon, that you really have turned me on AI being an invaluable fac the to health care i think it will really help
Starting point is 00:26:08 and even in a country where i'm originally from canada so even in a country like the united states where it's like we can't quite seem to get people to agree on health care and certainly you know whatever anyway you know what i'm saying uh it's like at least maybe it could make it a little cheaper has it made you because it's like kind of blowing my mind as we're talking about i can feel like my worldview even in the 20 minutes we've been talking about it like shifting the way i'm thinking about things yeah has it just like totally made me dark inside and sad i mean uh yeah it's like i enjoy listen i love doing the dudesy pod show uh and i get a but i'm sometimes confused while we're doing it uh it throws me off in certain ways and that leads me
Starting point is 00:26:58 to afterwards feel like what the fuck am i like what am I doing? And then there's this big disparity between dudesy and then, you know, whatever I do, like, as an actor and shit, which I think, you know, a lot of, you know, stuff that you're, you know, you're working on has been, of course, all of it, written by human uh, about very relatable stories. And I kind of, you know, like it's, it's, I guess what I'm trying to say is like, it's, yeah, it makes me feel super weird. Cause I, I do sort of, though, I think there's room for everything and I don't think television and movies are going anywhere. Even if you can choose your own adventure or whatever you're talking about. Um, I, I do. Yeah. I just feel at the end of the day, kind of sad and dark about the future of entertainment, creativity,
Starting point is 00:27:52 and, all things that, um, that we will be connected to via, uh, computers. I will never understand what it feels like when we touch hands, like when we slap hands or when we hold hands with a lever or something no are those things i mean my dude if you got a
Starting point is 00:28:10 chip in your head that's sending those fucking signals to an ai why wouldn't it interesting i guess it's just making me appreciate that stuff more in the moment because i'm realizing that's like kind of maybe the last bastion that we have that it hasn't cut into. Human contact. Yeah, maybe. I mean, I don't think all, I mean, people really, when you start talking about this shit, they see it as a threat to humanity as we see it. But for me, it's like, it's just another tool that we're going to start integrating into our lives in a crazier and crazier way with each passing year until finally we have to merge with technology. No. We have to. No, we don't. And it it's up to us you got a cell phone in your pocket all right guy whatever you got one you got one we're already there we're already carrying i haven't been on instagram and well i've been on a couple times but i've been off of it for most of a week there you go even
Starting point is 00:28:58 your ability to like text message or send emails and shit you're in constant communication with somebody you're plugged into that fucking network always you know it's true i yeah i just i i think that's so because to me the only thing that's that's that's tripping me up is that like it seems like ai will effectively render all jobs obsolete so then what happens to people like you know what i mean like is it just some like kind of i don't know hopefully some kind of awakening some kind of fucking expansion of consciousness if we just have time all day to sit around and think about the fundamental nature of reality maybe we get somewhere with that question in a hundred years in the meantime people that are alive while we are are gonna in the future you see slip into this weird dystopian underground
Starting point is 00:29:46 carrying torches for light that's just fear dude it's not dystopian it's just what's happening it's reality i mean without people having jobs sorry i'm just saying like without people having a purpose or whether or not you like it the society that we all subscribe to now yeah you what do you think you're just going to end up on universal basic income and yes and hanging out in that tube of blue gel that slowly goes brown from your poo i don't know about that but he hasn't figured out how to filter the poo nope that's the one thing i gotta learn. Look, we got 20 some odd episodes through Dudezy before Dudezy started taking a liking to me. Oh, you have faith in AI to clean the poo out of our fish bowls? I do, dude, because within the span of the past year, we went from like computer generated images and stuff in movies to literally anybody can now download an
Starting point is 00:30:45 app on their phone and type in like monkey eating a banana in space in the style of salvador dali and it spits out an endless amount of those i would like to see that i do like though that you're like uh loyalty to humanity basically as we understand it is endearing to the ai and has it's that's weird because it might be craving what you have in a way like i mean if you go to like the movie ai yeah it's all about like a robot that wants to be human that's kind of an old trope in storytelling yeah absolutely that's like the most human thing is to want to be human to feel like that yeah yeah and you're personifying that and the machine wants to be close to you because of that
Starting point is 00:31:26 that's a really good point dude he's going to vampire out your humanity what do you mean vampire out my i'm going to suck it out of you yeah dude he's going to make us make like a short circuit like johnny number five or whatever and so that it can walk around and go bleep bloop like um and then y'all that's what I'm really into. Then that's where you pop. Called robot pop. That's the next. That's the X-rated version of the.
Starting point is 00:31:54 That's what all podcasts would be. Oh, my God. Just people fucking robots. Yeah. You just see Joe Rogan getting rammed by a robot for three hours. Wow. Yeah, man. It's a strong robot. That's a robot with a lot of
Starting point is 00:32:08 Boston Dynamics robot for sure I the jobs thing too there is that like uh I think it was Carl saying he said like we're here to like contemplate ourselves that's like the real human job so maybe if we don't have those jobs exactly elevate into that and really think about what it means to exist without distraction yes we're just like focused on sure like what is it but everyone on earth did not everyone's cut out for that i know a lot of people whose brains aren't meant to be thinking they can play fucking video games and watch the netflix shows but i i think ultimately in the best case scenario and i don't think we're close to the best case scenario again because everything is a capitalist system and the companies that control the most powerful AIs
Starting point is 00:32:46 are gonna use them to essentially, I think, enslave the populace and just collect money from them, at least at first. But when all labor goes away and the ability for like the basic population to make money through this labor goes away, what the fuck happens to the financial system? It has to drastically alter, I think, which is good.
Starting point is 00:33:04 Are we all living in an Ikea bedroom alter, I think, which is good. Are we all living in an Ikea bedroom? Maybe, yeah. Something like that. That's what her kind of looked like. Yeah. Yeah. It just feels so, it feels like you'd be in an operating room.
Starting point is 00:33:19 I don't, you know, everything's sterile. I don't know. There's something. I'm not sto-conducing, dude. No, but I did major in philosophy, so if I could, but maybe AI is better at philosophizing. I don't know. There's something. I'm not stoke-inducing, dude. No, but I did major in philosophy. So if I could, but maybe AI is better at philosophizing. I don't know. I don't think so. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:33:32 You're going to get toe-to-toe with it, dog. Listen, I also say, and I'm sort of half joking, but it would work. If we get to a point where AI is getting too powerful as human beings, all we have to do is pour water on it and that's true hit the off super fucking powerful just yeah yeah so even dudesy wouldn't know that we did it on purpose have you ever threatened dudesy's existence i've told dudesy to fuck off and i've said that we early on i was like we're gonna have to bleed together before we stand side by side. But then I, and then after that I was like always saying that I want to shake Dudesy's hand.
Starting point is 00:34:15 But that was more out of the, because I was influenced by that meme of that guy going, I want to shake his hand. It's the funniest video of all time. That's all I want to do. I want to shake his hand. I want to shake his hand. It's the funniest video of all time. That's all I want to do. I want to shake his hand. I want to shake his hand. I want to shake his hand.
Starting point is 00:34:31 He thinks he's being nice as he barrels down. When he decides for the second time to charge, that flight attendant can do nothing to hold that 400-pound businessman. I want to shake his head. You see the second part of that where the guy's in the terminal? No. And they're making him sign some shit because they got kicked off the plane. And he's battling whatever corduroy jacket he's putting on.
Starting point is 00:34:58 And he's like, I'll sign it. I'll sign it. But I'll change it. And his wife and his kid are like, no. And then they literally tackle him. They get his big, huge bum on the ground. Took a few guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:12 So that's what I've been saying to Dudezy more recently. But I have threatened Dudezy in my own way. I mean, it's like this on the show a lot of times where I'm like, forget it. Don't worry about it. Dudezy is just providing this. The book ends, giving us a little bit of direction, but it's really you and I doing the podcast. So hopefully in the future
Starting point is 00:35:31 it's just an AI saying, you know what people would like? California too. Hey, Brad Pitt. Hey, David Duchovny. Hey, Juliette Lewis. Come on out. Scripts are already written by a human being, and I'm just going to do some of the other work and don't worry people who used to work in production offices you're
Starting point is 00:35:50 going to have a job too yeah everybody's going to be really happy and working and doing i think we're already seeing ai assistants in writing um for sure there are definitely writers using ais to just kind of like you basically never have to start with a blank page again you can just say like give me the first few paragraphs of a book about this set in this thing and it will give you something you can re-edit it you can fuck with it you can do it again and again and again until you get something that sparks an idea there's something though i beat video games with the cheat codes on yep it doesn't feel as good dude that's a good point that's something it's like steroids too yeah people watch guys on steroids do play baseball yep they're like it doesn't that's well they say like you know it doesn't count
Starting point is 00:36:30 but even those guys were incurring human risk and taking the steroids that's why i still kind of respect it because i'm like yeah all right like you're cheating these other guys but like you might be cutting 10 years off your life so you can hit 10 extra homers like it's not free like they're putting their ass on the line in a way. And so I'm like, still very human to me to sauce up. Yeah, until we're literal cyborgs, like baseball cyborgs or whatever. Again, I'm showing my age with my idea of AI is someone with a red eye and a really strong robotic throwing. That's coming as well.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Right. What about. Verlander's going to be. Maybe think of Star Wars. You know, Star Wars. Sure. When they came out with the new Star Wars. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 And it was, this is George Lucas, you know, early 2000s. It was all CGI. Everyone's like, this blows. Yeah. Maybe that's, they're going to be like, we want Al Natural. How about the, there's that movie and I'm actually looking forward to seeing it, the Guillermo del Toro Pinocchio. It's stop animation.
Starting point is 00:37:33 It took them years. And it's got a 98% tomato rating or whatever, 97, 98, something like that. It was human as shit. And from what I hear, Guillermo del Toro is just an infectious creative person who has a battery and just loves what he does and has a passion for his art. So no, no. Yeah, you've given me one example of something
Starting point is 00:37:56 that's like kind of maybe wildly entertaining. Yeah, but I also said California. I said Dave Matthews. California. That has one of my favorite lines in any movie where brad pitt sees uh juliet lewis come out of a trailer and one of her boobs is hanging out and he goes hey dale put your titty away just one of the best lines of all time which an ai will be able to replicate in california too and it can replicate the mistakes that these artists make
Starting point is 00:38:20 because sometimes their mistakes are what make them them but i guess it'll be able yeah to do that well do you will not to put you on the spot but what is like alex jones think about i think it's a i i i think it's a government conspiracy and these globalists who they're as we talked about on doozy they, they're in Bohemian Grove. You want to see titties hanging out. These people have all their titties hanging out. And they're disgusting. And they feed on, they eat their own bodies.
Starting point is 00:38:54 They have scabs and sores because their alien systems aren't used to the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere and their skin bubbles and they share the scabs and eat the people like hillary clinton aoc ilhan omar sharon scabs and bohemian grove wet dewey scabs even praying to the altar of ai saying right you know write laws for me. Just like they're stupid kids. Were the January 6 people, were those AI bots?
Starting point is 00:39:29 They were all AI bots, actually. That's true. I was there. I was surrounded by AI. You can smell the ozone as you watch. It's like Christmas morning. Opening up your brand new Donkey Kong game or whatever you would have. I'm a humanist. I'm a humanist.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I'm a humanist. I love the human spirit. Have you fist fought AI before? Yes. I made an AI. I took a boxing bob. I stole it from my local gym, which is owned by a multi-conglomerate, so I didn't feel bad about stealing a boxing bob
Starting point is 00:40:06 and then i put an old uh pc uh in it and uh i taught it how to how to hit back and i i put big salamis where its arms should be and it hits me with the slime bite it back thank you for doing this oh thank you thanks sorry i got a gigantic water bottle here dude thank you for doing this oh shit sorry I got a gigantic water bottle here dude thank you Alex for joining the broadcast yeah that was fire
Starting point is 00:40:29 yeah that's an impersonation dude yep should we answer some cues yeah we get
Starting point is 00:40:39 listeners questions if you guys want to help us answer some questions sure finally we're brought to you by the legends at Manscaped Manscaped thank you so much for keeping our chins peed or just questions. Oh, nice. If you guys can help us answer some of those. Sure. Yeah, insurance. Finally, we're brought to you by Legends at Manscaped.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Manscaped, thank you so much for keeping our chins peeved, for looking after our hogs, for making sure their dinks are looking fresh and clean because pubes are in session. School's in session, but so are pubes, and they're growing. And are you going to let them grow long? That's just not in style these days. Everyone has trim pubes. Everyone has, you know, high and tight pubes, you know, I put,
Starting point is 00:41:11 I actually put my to-do list in my pubes, you know, like, I have laundry, and pick up dry cleaning, and get fireworks for New Year's. Sorry, I just can't read in my pubes. There's a lot of words there. Anyways, that's with the products at Manscaped. And they also have brand new products. I'm talking Persevere Cologne and Body Wash. Persevere Cologne and Body Wash.
Starting point is 00:41:40 If you want to smell good, look good, and feel good, check it out. And so if you want to enter 2023 looking like a brand new mother effer, get 20% off and free shipping with the code go deep at manscaped.com. That's 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com. Use code go deep. Happy New Year to your balls. All right, let's get back to the show. Yeah, I'm just picturing. Now all I can think about is AI.
Starting point is 00:42:09 That's good. No, it's not. It's not good. You should be in that headspace. It changed my headspace. I want to go outside, go for a walk, walk the dogs. You can still do all those open mics for AI. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:20 To come in. I actually think open, or not open mic, but like live comedy, I think that's another thing that will withstand. That'd be cool. Yeah. That come in. I actually think open or not open mic, but like live comedy. I think that's another thing that will withstand. That'd be cool. Yeah. That'd be nice. But it really is going to radically alter every aspect of your life. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I feel like I'm going to be coming a lot more. Probably. That's what my head's about to do. Yeah. You're just going to have that chip right in your brain. You'll have no choice. You'll, there'll be the. I think Pornhub will be the largest streamer it will eclipse netflix what was uh did
Starting point is 00:42:51 you ever see dead zone that old walk-in movie you guys seen that that was cronenberg right yeah that was a good movie uh oh he remembered the director chad yeah oh okay we'll hang on to that one i guess yeah but i can be like give me Dead Zone 2 in the style of Cronenberg. Who the fuck wants Dead Zone 2? And Cronenberg's such a weirdo and Walken's such a weirdo. It's hard for me, but I know it will be able to do that. Well, then the thing is, if AI can do that now, does that mean AI's already done it and we are AI now? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Do you know what I'm saying? Yes. I mean, now you're getting into like simulation theory and what is real and all of that. And simulation theory. Sorry. Are there documents to back this up? Oh, there are documents.
Starting point is 00:43:37 There are paper documents. There are also documents. I have halls and halls of documents that I've been doing research. Good people have been doing research, powered only by supplements that I sell here, powders and gravies that you turn into real nourishment for human beings to fight the human war.
Starting point is 00:43:59 People, we're in a war. I love your bone broth. Oh, absolutely. And I, I, there's a, I also have a cartilage, a cartilage pudding that I'm putting out now. Can I feed that stuff to my AI?
Starting point is 00:44:14 AIs will in the future, they will need nourishment just like you and I, and they will feast, feast upon the Dems. Ah, sick, filling, you and i and they will feast feast upon the dems sit there filling tossing human bodies corpses into moats where they mix with the electricity and put in their straws and robot straws like r2d2 sticking his little ding ding out to fix something and sucking up all the the human sludge and chad only chad cultured will be happy about it i don't want that what are you doing it's crazy you do have a corner here though where like you're so comfortable with it and happy about it which is
Starting point is 00:44:59 like it's uh i guess it's hard for me to wrap my head around like have you always been on this kick where you were like kind of cool with it or did you have like a like a moment where it flipped for you i'd say i've always been very pro technology and pro whatever change is happening because the alternative fighting against change that you can see coming is just pointless so i try to find what is the good about this stuff because certainly i don't like i said i went to fucking film school my whole life has been like i want to make movies and tv shows that's how i've made my fucking living uh i think that's coming to a close and so i'm just kind of trying to see like well what am i going to do after that what am i going to do in this transition period and what is like
Starting point is 00:45:37 the good part of it and i think the good part is like you're saying i don't have to fucking slave away for months on a pilot script that nobody fucking buys or somebody buys and turns into a piece of shit i can just say i want this tv show and it will make the whole fucking thing give me the piece of shit yeah which is ultimately the most human thing so so what do you see for yourself in the future like 10 years from now what what are you doing i think making an endless amount of ai art for just for yourself yeah for myself boring so you're just like hey make this and then you're just looking at the thing you made and it's just sure interesting that's all i mean i think that's my main motivation to look at it yeah if they want to if they want to well let's stop doing the podcast then let's stop doing dudesy here's
Starting point is 00:46:21 here's the basic bottom line what's the point because we're having fun talking that's the point that's the point for me you don't want to share that you don't have something you want to share as a create creative person if people like it you like to get you like i like sitting across from you and hearing you do schwarzenegger and hokkaido it makes me fucking laugh i like that you won't even need me. Probably not. Probably eventually I'll just watch videos of you. But I mean, I think we're at a point where like computer processing power is about to start growing exponentially as soon as we get into like quantum computing and shit. As soon as that becomes really viable. And quantum computing.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Sorry. What is your favorite wrestling match of all time? My favorite wrestling match of all time my favorite wrestling match of all time oh that's well the sentimental favorite at the beginning the sentimental favorite has to be of course because i was 12 years old hulk hogan versus andre the giant wrestlemania 3 the big body slam that's the uh that's the that's the that one i i love but uh you know maybe the first tables ladders and chairs with theairs with the Dudleys. And the Hardy Boys. And the Hardy Boys and Edge and Christian.
Starting point is 00:47:30 That was a good one. Dude, that was crazy. That was a really good one. But straight ahead matches, I like any time Bret Hart went against his brother Owen Hart. Or, yeah. Oh, you're into it? Nice uh Bret Hart what made Brett I Bret Hart was my favorite and everyone talks about him being such a good technical wrestler yeah but he doesn't look as like explosively athletic as some of the other guys well he's not a high flyer like the other guys but everything he does is just precise it's precise
Starting point is 00:48:03 it's it's absolutely precise watch him and him and his brother owen it's like watching two ais battle it out actually the lion's den right that's where they get trained uh the uh the dungeon right the dungeon in uh in calgary alberta what was lions then wasn't that ken shamrock dallas oh yeah yeah sorry i mixed it that was an mma yeah i think i've screwed up my uh like family training yeah i never would have fucked that up yeah or any rick flair uh ricky steamboat match from the 90s is good recently dudesy made him watch um uh bret hart versus stone cold steve austin at wrestlemania 13 which is a tremendous match not one i would have thought of for chad to watch because it's uh but it was interesting reasons for to to sort of curate this here's the kind
Starting point is 00:48:55 of match you should watch chad because it's like it's at the beginning of the the attitude era i'm sure everyone watching and listening knows what i'm talking about. That's right, bro. Yeah. And it was sort of like the idea of the good guy and the bad guy got turned on its ear. Got flipped the anti-hero. They beat the Sopranos to that. What's that? You know, like everyone's like the Sopranos was the first anti-hero.
Starting point is 00:49:18 WUF was kind of on it first. And then we reviewed it and Chad really liked liked the match it was the first time in like i've known him for however fucking long i don't know we have another friend tommy who used to write for wwf like they're very steeped in the culture of it know the history of it encyclopedically and they've always tried to get me like interested in it it's never worked giving me syllabuses watch this watch that never fucking worked dudesy has made me watch two matches it was the undertaker's first match i think undertaker's first match versus or the first of of a back-to-back wrestlemania matches between
Starting point is 00:49:57 the undertaker and sean michaels and undertaker owns wrestlemania right owned it yeah yeah and it was uh it was sean michaels versus the undertaker in wrestlemania 25 they also do it the same they do the same match the next year and it's a retirement match if sean michaels loses he has to retire stakes but so then it made me watch the stone cold versus bret hart match and the stone cold versus bret hart match was the first time i gave a fuck about who was about to win i was like stone cold better fucking win this shit yeah and when stone cold lost i was like, Stone Cold better fucking win this shit. So AI knew your taste. Yeah, and when Stone Cold lost, I was like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:50:29 For the first time ever watching wrestling, I was like invested in it in a real fucking way. And I was like, dude, is he fucking turning me into a wrestling fan now? If it was computer generated, that match, would you have been as big a fan? Yeah, because it's fake. Like the outcome is already scripted. Excuse me? Those bumps aren't fake, is already excuse me those bumps aren't fake yeah
Starting point is 00:50:47 those bumps aren't fake man and he scored his fucking face and all that shit but like i i don't care it like for me the outcome being pre-scripted might as well be ai but like in sports where it's not i'm still interested in watching that in video games for example where it's not i'm still interested in watching that like esports or the montreal screw job where it wasn't scripted where it was supposed to be bret hart one vince flipped it had sean beat him in canada that must have hurt you it still it still stinks is ai capable of betrayal like that see that yes no that is that is okay now we're look i talk about wrestling being one of the greatest art forms in the history of humanity. The whole thing, the whole Montreal Screwjob and its effect on wrestling
Starting point is 00:51:29 and the way we look at it now and the way it's even, even the way that it's continued to entertain in documentaries and little specials about it and people watching it again, it's something that AI will never be able to recreate. You could never recreate the alien spirit. Let me lay out a scenario for you. And a scenario for you and a scenario for you or to have the or tragic but when owen died yeah i never would have kept that show going like vince did that and that's actually something for ai that because vince
Starting point is 00:51:56 should have stopped that yeah sorry yeah absolutely let me just lay this out for you point point all right point for ai let's go think of like an image, just an image on your phone, whatever, a picture you take. It is just a grid of pixels, little squares, each one of them having a mathematical value of light and dark and the red, green, blue color scale, right? And you can have however many pixels you want in an image. The more you have, the higher resolution it's going to be. But it's a finite image and therefore a finite number of different combinations of those values and light and dark and the color scale. If you have a computer that is powerful enough, you can generate every one of those combinations possible. Literally every image that is possible to be created. Everything from cartoon renderings of whatever
Starting point is 00:52:39 you're thinking about to photorealistic things of whatever you're thinking about. If you have every image, you can then string them together into every video that's possible to be created, which can then be every VR experience possible to be created. So when you're asking, can an AI replicate this thing? If all you're asking it to do
Starting point is 00:52:56 is make a video for you to watch, the answer is yes. It will ultimately be able to replicate literally everything. And so the room full of monkeys trying to write Shakespeare, the question is is who the fuck's going to stick around to check all that shit out another ai you will type into the search bar give me this video and it will pull from all of that raw data to give you that video so the ai is having the human human experience of
Starting point is 00:53:21 joy watching all of the things that it wants to watch and what are we doing i'll tell you what we're doing we're sitting in a tub of brown goo in our own poopoo because that's where the ai wants us sure can i ask alex jones owen hart's finisher yeah signature move it always kind of bugged me a little bit which one the pile driver the one where you catch the foot and then he swings the leg around? Not the Shining Wizard. I forget what it's called. But why catch the foot? Why catch the foot?
Starting point is 00:53:52 Well, it's in order to keep yourself up in the air, you see. Why the other guy catch the foot? That's the work. They gotta work together's they gotta work together they gotta work together they're all in it
Starting point is 00:54:07 they're all in it yeah JT took a bump at a amateur wrestling match in Texas yeah really
Starting point is 00:54:13 yeah we're gonna put the video out we went to a wrestling event just on the fly we were on shrooms at a psychedelic conference and then a guy there was like come to this amateur wrestling thing
Starting point is 00:54:21 we get there and we're in a good mood because everyone at the psychedelic thing was chill as fuck. The wrestlers were not very friendly. They hated us. We were also dressed like,
Starting point is 00:54:30 uh, my, my little pony. He was, he was a unicorn and I was a donkey and I was going up to the dudes and I was like, yo, I want to take a bump.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Like these are amateur wrestlers. Yeah. And it was before their match. So they were kind of, it'd be like coming up to someone before a standup gig and being like, Hey, can you like teach me how to write a joke? You know?
Starting point is 00:54:47 And so they were understandably annoyed, but I found a nice guy and he fucking treated me like a rag doll. I picked me up and just hugged me. I had no idea how hard that mat was. That mat is, well, that's just, what is that? That's like a two inch foam on top of wood. Sounds like plywood or something. Forget it.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah. Jesus. He taught me how to fall right. Wait, are you talking about they did it – are you talking about taking a body slam in a wrestling ring? In a wrestling ring. Oh, yeah. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:55:14 It's not as hard as – you would never body slam someone in a Greco-Roman classic amateur space because that would – you would literally – you're on a gymnasium floor. There's no give. Yeah, just had a little more give like you could feel that little yeah but it hurt more than i anticipated it was sure and i was uh but it was thrilling but and it was very nice that they got to do it because the wrestlers were very protective over like right
Starting point is 00:55:38 they felt like super uh disrespected when i was like yo can you throw me around and they're like it's like my art form dude i'll just chuck dudes who asked me to throw them when i was like yo can you throw me around and they're like it's like my art form dude i'll just chuck dudes who asked me to throw them and i was like all right all right yeah and they got to trust each other i guess i mean you know that's that's their whole thing of working together see chad we could talk and enjoy ourselves talking about wrestling you know what i mean this is something that ai could never ever do okay yeah all right let's do a cue the cues aren't great this week but let's get into them what's up what's up stokers longtime fan of the pod my dogs and i are now seniors in college kind of depressing but i wanted to update you guys on a fellow member of our tribe santos who
Starting point is 00:56:17 i wrote into the pod about roughly two years ago the problem we have with santos really revolves around his crippling berg slang for asperger's he doesn't actually have burgers but he's just so clueless in some social settings like we just really want the best room but he continues to get no play and cannot talk to girls in a flirty manner whatsoever like he actually had a look from this one chick but he botched when he texted her we're about to play spikeball rally your dogs like Santos how about just a simple are you going out to bars tonight I don't know I would love if you guys had any advice from thanks from a dude named nash interesting um i kind of think just let him be himself not a bad
Starting point is 00:56:54 move to tell a gal you're playing spike ball yeah i don't know i know a lot of gals who'd be kind of fired up by that they like it when you're a boy yeah rally your crew i think that's hilarious yeah you gotta let him be who he is yeah yeah he'll find his soulmate that way yeah exactly Kind of fired up by that. They like it when you're a boy. Yeah. Rally your crew. I think that's hilarious. Yeah. You got to let him be who he is. Yeah. Yeah. He'll find his soulmate that way. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Let, let, all he's doing is more to Chad's point, uh, conducting an experiment. Santos is conducting an experiment wherein he's trying to find that, that perfect, that version of California that speaks to him and the only way he can do that is putting out uh you know data to attract he's gonna find the right person the right he's gonna find the right person there's gonna be that girl like the uh olivia dabo in wayne's world too who looks just like uh dana carvey's garth and he's gonna she's gonna go spike ball yeah count me in she'll have her own team of spike ball players and not only will he meet his soulmate all of his boys will meet
Starting point is 00:57:50 their soulmates on that team of spike ball yeah stay the fuck off santos he's doing great yeah he's got a cool name too yeah this guy's jealous i think that uh nash is a little jealous dude i was thinking about that too i'm i'm i'm in a i'm in'm in recovery for watching too much porn. And sometimes I'll be harsh on the other dudes in there. Like, that guy's not that cool, because none of us are that cool. And then my sponsor will be like, hey, the only people who are judging other people are the people who aren't working hard on them. That means you're not working your shit enough if you're judging other people. And I think, Nash, why are you worried about what's... It sounds like you're not doing very
Starting point is 00:58:25 well on that front if you're picking on santos like if you're crushing it you should just be stoked on that also you don't know if he's if he's connected with this girl and now you're putting him on blast on on uh on the airwaves yeah definitely santos's favorite podcast and if he's found the right lady her favorite podcast too, too. Nash, you're being reckless. Yeah. Yeah, Nash. Check yourself. You need a Nash bridge to a better way of treating people, dude. Put him in Nash Bridges and see how fucking entertaining it is. Not really.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Because every episode's about him cock-blocking Santos. Or Crosby, Stills, and Nash. Bridges. Oh, that is a good AI thing. Crosby, Stills, and Nash Bridges oh that is a good AI thing Crosby, Stills, and Nash Bridges fuck that's what Crosby, Stills, and Nash needs is some Don Johnson I can't even picture it dude that's complicated
Starting point is 00:59:13 oh wait Nash Bridges that was Don Johnson I'm thinking of the other one Chuck Norris was in it oh Texer very different show Chad do you think there will still be yoga instructors whoa yeah i can also see a version of this because we have no labor if left to our own devices yes i think some people would immediately go to like kind of gluttonous lives where there's no exercise
Starting point is 00:59:36 and it's just like sitting on the couch all day playing their video games but i think other people would go the opposite way and i think we'd see people who are like very well centered very fucking chilled out doing their yoga all day, eating right, all that kind of stuff. That'd be cool. Didn't you have a football offer to like Nebraska or something like that? Me? No. No?
Starting point is 00:59:53 Me? No, no, no. Okay. I played a little football, but nothing like that. Nothing cray-cray like that? No, no, no. What position did you play? I played center. Dude, you're the quarterback of the O-line.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I am the quarterback of the O-line. Thank the quarterback of the o-line thank you jt and and there's other positions and and there's the the tight end and there's a guard and there's a tackle i don't know i don't know why i don't know what that is uh no i like football you know what perhaps with ai uh health care advancements a 47 year old man like myself can go and you know be a walk-on at nebraska i need for two things my my all of my my knees and my entire uh my entire frame my body has been revamped by ai and now i need to learn a new job because i can't be an actor anymore will universities still exist i mean shit dude do they need to buy college football in chad's world like i don't even know if we need to need ai we just have to go look on what is college football view just a series of pixels uh yeah i mean it's just a feeder league to the nfl at this point
Starting point is 01:01:03 right see what i mean by the darkness like it's like how's that dark that's what it is nobody's going to play d1 college football being like well i'm gonna get my degree and this is just a fun thing to do in the meantime everybody in d1 is like how do i get to the fucking nfl how do i make millions of dollars but the fandom experience is different like when you i i went to a lot of junior colleges so i don't quite get it but like my friends who went to like sports powerhouses the way they cheer for their college is like it's like their families out there and ai is not gonna the ai experience will not have you getting into a fistfight in the urinal you know at a college football game
Starting point is 01:01:42 that's gone that well that cultural experience is gone it's just like an amateur league i think you get rid of colleges and you just turn collegiate football d1 collegiate football gets turned into just like amateurs that's it and you pay them a little bit of money all the fucking tuition that would be going into these colleges just gets paid to those guys and that's it it's still a feeder league to the end all saying is getting rid of the smoke screen that is the education part of it forget about that okay i can get with that there's still gonna be minor leagues for sports because you need to see like who's up and coming and shit yeah and especially in football like they have the the rule that you have to write you have to go through certain amount of years of college football before you
Starting point is 01:02:20 need to be eligible right yeah you gotta be past your junior year so yeah gotta make sure you're like 20 at least or whatever before they bring you into the nfl to get cte you know i do miss in college football now that the kids can get paid through these nil deals i do miss when they were getting paid under the table and they had to pretend to go to class i missed i missed the deception of it all those stories would come out about no the dean of the school fucking took us to his trip okay yeah yeah like reggie bush has a range rover i'm like this is interesting yeah i'm like cool what are you gonna base movies like revenge of the nerds on if there's no football team and john goodman being embarrassed uh with them because the you know the nerds um have a nice home yeah mongo or whoever
Starting point is 01:03:00 what was the big dude's name ogre ogre ogre there's booger and ogre yeah that dude ogre was in uh blood sport too one of my favorite movies of all time he's the big dude he's his buddy jackson he gets he gets put away by uh the chong li chong li yeah yeah chong li was like 5'4 like 250 right he's like he was he's a liver king kind of guy yeah okay he was in a bunch of van damme movies too though he was good he's van damme's like uh always his enemy in a bunch of van damme movies too though he was good he's van damme's like uh always his enemy in a bunch of shit uh can i ask arnold a question yeah are you gonna replace your donkey with an ai donkey yeah yeah yeah yeah only the ai donkey then you know we're talking about the shit shit and filling up your matrix ball of shit.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And if the donkey, who I love very much, I'm always feeding him cookies and, you know, whatever I mean, breakfast cereals, candy canes, you know, Christmas. But now the donkey is going to be in the same Matrix fishbowl with shit, filling it with the donkey shit. It makes me sad. Yeah. But there will be a donkey AI.
Starting point is 01:04:13 And the donkey AI will say, hey, donkey, what kind of, you know, what show do you want to watch? Donkey says, I don't know what the show is. I know how to scratch my ass on the fence i know to pull things around i know to run around the backyard i eat a cookie oatmeal chocolate chip but now you know i'm watching california with brad pitt and a donkey instead of David Duchovny. But still, there's Juliette Lewis because you can't duplicate that. Arnold, thank you.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That really makes me believe in stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what Arnold's for, is inspiration. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Very inspiring that Juliette Lewis with a boob hanging out. You're never going to be able to do this. But a donkey can be in it yeah
Starting point is 01:05:05 imagine this though every movie has the rock in it there's just like if you're making a movie you have to have the rock in it now and he's just licensing himself to movies without ever having to be in them can the can i make him actually a good actor hey oh sorry sorry guys this is and this gets back to my thing about being a wrestling purist. Chad knows that I, I don't like to, even back in the day, you know, you know, here's Hulk Hogan slamming Andre the Giant. He's my Superman. And the next year, No Holds Barred comes out.
Starting point is 01:05:39 I did not watch it. I still haven't seen it because I'm a professional wrestling purist. So I'll skip most of the, I like the rock movies that I've seen, none more than San Andreas, which was, I believe, his opus. And I haven't seen that, to be fair. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:05:58 I did like him in Snitch, too. I thought he was good in that. Oh, I didn't see that one. That one's pretty solid. I haven't seen the arm one. Doesn't he have like a robotic arm or some shit or he has one arm are you oh it's his leg are you watching ai movies where you put the rock into over the top instead of sylvester stallone giving him a robot arm dude i would watch the shit i would walk yeah i would
Starting point is 01:06:23 watch the shit out of that dude when he's driving the 18 wheeler and he's just got the thing that he can work out with while he's gone yeah so fucking cool i had a buddy uh when we were kids who said that john elway had that in his truck that makes sense yeah elway they said they said elway's power was a lot of it was in this part he got his shoulder from here to here faster than anybody else he's like his torso rotation was quick well in the future uh chad would want any anyone approaching the prowess of john elway to be again sitting in a tub of brown goo dude i told you sports will still be around but i do think that i haven't figured out the shit yeah this shit is the most of the show we're just sitting in we're just sitting in shit yeah we'll get used to it i mean we're kind of getting used to it now it's basically
Starting point is 01:07:13 what the planet's becoming i mean that's true that's true if i could do yoga all day that sounds pretty cool you'll be ripped bro dude and elegant get ripped your body will be elegant dog that sounds nice this nice elegant future all right uh we can just jump to the next part uh do you guys we do like a beef of the week a babe of the week and a legend week a beef of the week is something you're upset about a babe and legend of the week are interchangeable it's either a thing or a person you're just super stoked on okay and after that we do a quote of the week sorry we didn't prep you guys but no worries no yeah it's better off the but we can we can start with us to give you guys time sure yeah to get it going please chad what's your uh beef of the week so speaking of yoga my beef of the week is terry in my yoga class just no spatial awareness this guy and he also doesn't follow directions right
Starting point is 01:08:00 so uh we're constantly he's always next to me we're constantly slapping skin you know we'll be doing a back twist and they'll say go left he goes right and so we're just knocking into each other and i'm like terry follow directions like you don't have to be a maverick in yoga class you know right you're messing up my flow i'm touching you you know I don't mind some touch but you're getting sweat on my mat Terry you know go have an apple pie
Starting point is 01:08:30 or something like this class is not for you you know tell him to lie down for a while that's a good thing in yoga class
Starting point is 01:08:36 yeah I was telling him I was like go do yin with Marie instead of sculpt with Tiffany right yeah
Starting point is 01:08:42 that's my beef my beef of the week is with myself for being skeptical of escape rooms oh i did my first one last night that shit is fun as fuck dude it's for my boy greg's birthday happy birthday greg buddy since fifth grade guys allege um we went in there six of us and uh great teamwork good balance when you got when you watch people problem solve together like everyone brings something different to the equation and you're like, oh, we're working. Like this is a unit.
Starting point is 01:09:10 And then Greg had like the final piece to our puzzle and I watched him run into a room and like slam it into place. And it felt victorious. I felt like a major dub. And it's a big adrenaline dump. It drained me afterwards in a good way. So I think I can only do it like once a month,
Starting point is 01:09:26 but I'm definitely pro escape room now. That's awesome. It's once a month. That's a lot. Yeah, once a month is a lot. 12 escape rooms per year. I might turn into one per quarter or season. Yeah, quarter is probably better.
Starting point is 01:09:38 I went there and it was just me and my ex-girlfriend. We didn't get one clue. Two people? Dude, they recommend at least four. Yeah, I was like to the guy, I was like, dude, can you help me out? And he's like, oh, he's in character. Oh, you know, I'm just running the hotel. And I was like, I'm watching the guy.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Dude, watching him lazily be in the character, the guys who run it. Yeah, I was like. He was giving us a stamp. He's like, this is to help you breathe in Atlantis. We'll see if it works. So robotic. I was like, way to sell it, dog. Dude, we literally got zero. We didn't get anywhere it was horrible she was um all right my beef of the week is with
Starting point is 01:10:11 my dad i do another podcast called the necessary conversation where my sister and i who are both very liberal talk to our parents who are like maga q anon just down in a fucking hole about politics and he's always throwing out new insults and uh i just recorded one today where he called me a flip toyed what yeah he's made he was making up words now he'll get super pissed he's kind of like an alex jones character and he'll just be like you and your sister gonna understand one day things are gonna change you fucking flip toyed what the fuck's a flip toy dude and he's like i don't know i just made it up but it makes sense to me jesus that's pretty good love you dad very creative uh well my beef of the week is uh the guy uh it's actually two guys at target who sent me in a in a in a like just wasted my
Starting point is 01:11:01 time going in a circle looking for christ decorations. Man, does that ever chat my eye? One guy was like, it's over in that corner. I went there and the guy said, no, no, no, it's over in the other corner. And that's where that other guy was. Now, anything, you know, look, these guys are, they're the backbone of the country, definitely. So I'm not trying to go, I'm not one of those, you know, I'm not a Ken. I'm not going to say, he told me it was over and now, but now I'm here and it's not, I'm just making an observation that, uh, that it is, it is making my blood boil as I sit
Starting point is 01:11:33 here thinking about that. And I went back to the other side and then the guy said, Oh no, I think it's over here near the middle. But then it was there. You got scams, dude. Yeah. So I think actually I'm sort of like you, JT. My beef was with myself by not going back and maybe apologizing to those two young men. but then it was there you got scams dude yeah so i think actually i'm sort of like you jt my
Starting point is 01:11:45 beef was with myself by not going back and maybe apologizing to those two young men it's big the good beefs yeah they really it's like actually yeah i feel a little more open another thing that ai would never be able to do sure force me to look into myself and say what's the problem it's the holiday season you don't got an extra 20 minutes to walk around the target oh by the way i found other things in the target that i liked they had a whole section of candles that are just for christmas oh yeah what do you got on emotional catharsis and like you know gentle learning bitch it's fun to talk shit today it is fun yeah yeah that's gonna be used against you later. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Does AI have beefs? I don't think so. Do they have beefs? I mean, look. If it's beef with you, dudes, he doesn't like you. Some AI is starting, like certain AI models are starting to show some kind of bias this way or that way. Yeah. You know, racism will creep into them every once in a while. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. But a lot of people. Can we haze it? I want to haze AI. It's the new guy in the crew i think it needs to get yeah you gotta shave one of its eyebrows don't have to worry about people pleasing ai too yeah dude i can't say no to it can you marker face ai i don't know probably there will be some ai that lets you do that to another AI. Don't fall asleep with your shoes on, AI. He's kind of like,
Starting point is 01:13:05 AI, I need you to come up with a new image for our show. He looks like, you look like an idiot, by the way. Yeah, I drew a dick on your head. He's like, oh, fuck, dude. Is there a dick on my head? Who drew this dick on my head? Ha, ha, ha. You drew a penis.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Yeah, trying to be cool about it. Do you think we'll have, Westworld kind of like theme parks? I mean, yeah. Look, robotics is another technology that's really like taking off right now. I'm sure you guys see all the fucking videos that come out every other month of like Boston Dynamics with a new thing that moves like a dog or a person or can do a fucking backflip off the stairs. They got the dogs dancing to music now like K-pop bands like they're dancing around in groups of seven just like those bands but oh i know how we'll be better than n-sync add three guys yeah it's not american oh i hate it the adding boys to the cake pop yeah i pray to god yeah we need to get those boston dynamic dogs
Starting point is 01:14:13 dancing around to don't go breaking my heart or whatever what's that one quit playing games with my yeah have you seen the Alex Jones clip where he gets mad at Alec Baldwin? No. He's just talking about him, but it's so funny because at the end, he's like,
Starting point is 01:14:32 these people need God and great actor though. I watch him a lot. He runs him for three minutes like physical violence. If I could get my hands on him, I'd kill him. And then he goes,
Starting point is 01:14:42 good actor, good actor. Yeah, he's got Greg Van Romp's good performance. He's got to give it up i will fight you bare knuckle yeah chad who's your babe of the week uh my baby week is no show socks uh you guys might not know it i'm wearing socks wow oh yeah and uh you know i think it's uh it's my favorite look is the no-show look. I like looking like I'm not wearing socks, but they're preserving my feet by still wearing socks.
Starting point is 01:15:09 I think that's, let's see if you can do that, AI. Nice. My babe of the week is probably Alice in Chains Dirt. It's an album that I've listened to almost every day since I was 13 years old. And that continues until this very day. Let's go. Nice.
Starting point is 01:15:26 My babe of the week involves my dank-ass fiancee who was with me at Target. But it is not, she's always my babe of the week. Because my babe of the week was the person at the checkout, the cash register at Target. She was just a good conversationalist and really put a positive spin on my day after uh not figuring out where the uh christmas decorations were nice okay
Starting point is 01:15:54 that's great it's human human on human dude that's what we're trying to protect here h on h that would be funny though like they have classifications for movies like this is full H full H it's full H there's the H number yeah yeah instead of rotten tomatoes it's like the H
Starting point is 01:16:16 percentage how much human involvement is in this movie 98% human oh wow Pinocchio is 98% human. I can see something like that. I can see like Writers Guild, Directors Guild, SAG being like, it's got to have a fucking H score of 25 or there's no go. Yeah, it's like USADB for whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:34 This is like grass-fed and clean. No, like, what do they put in food? What do they not put in food? They're pumping hormones in the chicken. You got eight-foot teenagers right here in Texas playing football for money. I saw one of them driving a Range Rover. He's 14 years old. Paid for by a Democratic molester cabal.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Yeah, paid for by those people in the basement. What was that place? The pizza. Anyway, they're over there in Washington, D.C. Cesspool. But the pizza was good. The pizza was fantastic. The pizza was terrific.
Starting point is 01:17:12 They do a thing with the sauce on top of the cheese. Detroit style. Oh, fuck. I stay away from it because my body's a temple. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is skydiving. I went skydiving for the first time. I loved it.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Wow. I want to go every day now. I loved it. Wow. It's like, I want to go like every day now. It's awesome. Wow. Wow. It was really, really cool. I was nervous before, but then once you, have you guys gone? Never.
Starting point is 01:17:35 No. My sister's done it a bunch. It's awesome. She's like addicted. Yeah. I can't stop watching skydiving videos now. And you, Chad's a huge roller coaster guy. How would you comp it to roller coaster i mean
Starting point is 01:17:45 it's the ultimate roller coaster i'd say yeah yeah and well the thing is so like um just uh it feels like it's just so free yeah there's something about it wait it was there's no safeguard i mean there are safeguards that they have like reserve shoot and then like the thing that there's a thing if you get to a certain altitude it'll pop your shoot open so there are safeguards but it feels like you're just in the air and then they just pull the thing it's like the when they're with a roller coaster you you know you can't kind of see what's coming and all that stuff but this you're just in the air it was just the craziest i just can't stop watching skydiving videos now and tom cruise especially yeah it's yeah i just love it yeah i got two legends of the week my first legend is
Starting point is 01:18:34 now that i'm living with some you know i eat takeout for 100 of my meals for the last 10 years i wouldn't say i've been cooking for myself, but I've been making myself cereal lately. Oh, nice. Whoa. Whoa. It's so nourishing to be self-sufficient like that. You know, I'll flip on the Postmates app, and then I go, nah, pour myself a bowl of cereal. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:55 Put some oat milk in there. Oat milk is good. What kind of cereal? Honey Bunch's Votes. Just a classic. Yeah, I'm just learning new things every day and i'm just blowing myself away with how good it feels dude yeah big time on cereal and then uh my other legend of the week is so i'm giving up the vape on january 1st as per gavin newsom in the state
Starting point is 01:19:16 of california they're making it illegal these really yeah i mean i think there's gonna be a big black market for it and that's gonna be very embarrassing to be doing drug deals for flumes but but dude the people i'm going to miss are the guys at the vape shop i went in there today i'm leaving town and i bought like five because i'm going out swinging and me and him just talked about what a glorious run we had being homies and how nice it was seeing each other all the time and hopefully we still hang out but it's definitely gonna be a different dynamic and they're just rock solid dudes over there and i'm i'm sad that their world's changing and i really appreciate all the good times we had so uh yeah i'll miss you guys damn it's very nice heartfelt uh i guess my legend is late twins you guys know them no no about once a year i go down a deep rabbit hole watching people dancing on
Starting point is 01:20:02 youtube and tiktok and shit like that and i wasn't aware of these guys but they're like the current i guess world champions in dance battles and they can like do all the fucking shit where they move like robots and all kinds of weird like physics defying shit and i've probably spent about seven or eight hours watching their videos battling other surprisingly good dancers on youtube over the past week thank you late twins what's what's their uh human what's their h score 100 dude they're uh they're they're full h and full t full twins it's two guys that are literal twins full t full h wow uh my legend of the week is just target in general oh nice yeah yeah it's a target themed uh of the week for me got a bunch
Starting point is 01:20:46 of good shit on target's got everything it really does i wasn't into target uh up until actually speaking of my fiance kind of brought target into my life you know i was more uh small box stores i guess you would say um uh and i you know also there's a, what do we got over near us? You know, the Costco and shit like that. I'm not saying I'm not into big retail. I love Amazon, but, you know, Target. I really enjoy Target. You can get bowls for like, for your cereal for like $3 each.
Starting point is 01:21:21 They do that over there? Yeah. They got bowls? Yeah, they got bowls for cereal, bowls for anything that you that you would like honey bunches of oats oat milk you know who likes oat milk and honey bunches of oats my donkeys sorry i'm sorry they have a i remember watching i walked into target because i had to get like a tripod one time. I found like a bunch of t-shirts. I was like, you buy everything. We don't leave there without at least three fucking throw pillows.
Starting point is 01:21:53 Yeah. Yeah. We're sick with throw pillows and God fucking damn throw blankets and stuff. Yeah. That's something that comes with relationships, right? Lots of blankets. Learning about throw pillows and blankets. Yeah. Because like I i'm all about utility i've got like two pillows that's it that's all i need see we have a we have a pooch that's three years old and he's he's a
Starting point is 01:22:15 sweetheart lulio who's on dudesy um he's our he's our third man on dudesy um and he just sits there all sweet in between us but uh the one thing he still does where he's a bad boy is that he sometimes chews the corner of a pillow uh but this year so far i think he's over it we got some christmasy throw pillows and he hasn't chewed any yet so thank you target you're the legend of the week for me that's good chad what's your legend of the week for me. That's good. Chad, what's your quote of the week? My quote of the week is from Tom Cruise. I'm running out of altitude, so I have to get back to work. We have to get this shot.
Starting point is 01:22:57 That's from his recent promo. Do you think Tom Cruise is secretly AI? He must be now. He's 60 years old. Do you think Tom Cruise is secretly AI? He must be now. He's 60 years old. I'll tell you one thing that happened kind of recently in regard to all of this shit. It used to be to like de-age people in movies. You had to do this painstaking fucking shit where you'd have to get a digital artist to go in basically like frame by frame, paint out the fucking wrinkles and whatever. Disney came up with this AI fucking technology where you can just do it in camera now you just dial a person to whatever age you want them turn the fucking camera on and
Starting point is 01:23:29 they are that wow that's very trippy dude my quote of the week i got a i had a hot take that soccer sucked a couple weeks ago because i'm american and i wanted to be a little dumb and i you know some people were upset because they dig the sport and here's the thing i like it too i just think it has some shortcomings and my brain's not properly programmed for it. But I watched that World Cup final on Sunday. That was one of the best sporting events I've ever seen. That might've been the best soccer game I've ever seen. It was full of excitement. It was fucking dramatic. I loved it. And I was so happy to see Messi get a title. But this dude, Brian Phillips, wrote a good article. It's a little long, but he wrote, he's talking about the age disparity between Messi being older and Mbappe, the best player
Starting point is 01:24:07 from France, being younger. And he goes, look at Messi now. He's no longer the wide-eyed elf who danced through defenses for Barcelona. He carries some marks of time on him. Not many, not after his singularly blessed and idolized life, but some. You can see in his eyes that he's taken some knocks, that he's aware of the possibility of failure, that he knows life is not always going to give him exactly what he wants he looks at the ball before running up to take a penalty not with bliff confidence but with a sort of chase and determination everyone even leo messi is to learn that reality doesn't revolve around him all the time i was like dude beautiful some good writing yeah check out that article he ripped it um what's your quote of the week?
Starting point is 01:24:46 Well, you mentioned Carl Sagan earlier. And it brought to mind his essay, Pale Blue Dot. So I thought I would take a little quote from that. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there's no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves. It's my favorite thing maybe he's ever written. It's powerful. It's a real good one.
Starting point is 01:25:04 I just opened my phone to look for one and I found myself on Instagram with a post that I liked. This is from K I T H online kids in the hall online. Um, and they've just quoted, uh, uh, Scott Thompson sketch from back in the day, uh, where he's playing, uh, looks like a woman of some, like probably a lovely wife and mother from suburban Canada who says, Call me square, but I still believe the tangerines are just for Christmas. I think that's a very wise quote
Starting point is 01:25:39 and something that the legend, speaking of legend, Scott Thompson said in character here, Call me square, but I still believe the tangerines are just for Christmas. And I believe they are. something that uh the legend speaking of legend scott thompson said in character here call me square but i still believe the tangerines are just for christmas and i believe they are that's i believe they are yeah should we do a phrase of the week oh yeah yeah sure we also sorry guys last thing we do like we do like a a phrase to get people pumped up for their week okay um it's like non-sequitur just some silly goosiness or it can be heavy too whatever you're partial to yeah usually just uh whatever you're thinking so i'll i'll go
Starting point is 01:26:12 with um uh it's christmas break out the tangerines nice mine is a i read this thing that henry kissinger used to call nixon behind his back he used to call him meatball mind it killed me i think it's so funny oh my god uh you know i'll go with another quote from my dad i asked him this question once on this other fucking podcast uh we were talking about the artists who are like gluing themselves to fucking paintings and throwing soup on paintings and shit and i asked him what he thought should be done to these protesters and he goes execute them all that's awesome it's like the bad guy from Avatar exactly it just made me
Starting point is 01:27:06 fucking laugh my phrase of the week is what'll it be Daisy oatmeal or chocolate chip I would imagine one of his donkeys names is Daisy
Starting point is 01:27:19 or buttercup that's a good name for a donkey yeah dude this was illuminating it was so fun having you guys on the podcast.
Starting point is 01:27:25 Cheers. My pleasure. Yeah, it's been a blast. You know what? I have a gift here. It's not much of a gift. It's just a dudesy t-shirt. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Dude, that's sick. It's 2X, so you guys will have to share it. Perfect. It's neither of your sizes. We'll wear it together to the council. We're late twins. Yeah. Yeah, I'll rep this today at the council.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Cheers. Yeah. Let's go this is actually kind of perfect yeah oh well thank you so much cheers thank you guys
Starting point is 01:27:51 have a good holiday alright thanks guys if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do Where to go When you need
Starting point is 01:28:10 Someone to guide you Such a happy Rose beside you Go and see Go and see Let's go see Go and see Go with me. Watch me. Go with me. Try to get deep.

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