Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 272 - Best Break Up Songs Draft w/ Strider and Chris

Episode Date: January 4, 2023

What up stokers! This week we draft the best break up songs ever with Strider and Chris and Aaron!   Sponsored by: Athletic Greens: Visit ATHLETIC GREENS dot com slash GODEEP for a FREE 1 year supply... of Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys, we have a killer killer breakup song draft coming up for you guys, but first I'm gonna do a quick well We're going back on tour We got dates coming up. The website is being redone right now. We're gonna have a sick-ass flyer coming up for you guys So keep your eyes peeled. We have some good good stuff coming your way Spokane, Washington first that's coming up up, I think, on January 22nd. And then we're going everywhere. So keep your eyes peeled. ChattingJT.com. We're also brought to you by the legends at Athletic Greens. Athletic Greens, thank you so much. I drink Athletic Greens every day, sometimes twice a day, because it gives me all the nutrition I need in
Starting point is 00:00:39 one package and one delicious drink. And I love it. and if you're looking for an easier way to take supplements athletic greens is giving you a free one year supply of vitamin d and five free travel packs with your first purchase go to athleticgreens.com slash go deep that's athletic greens.com slash go deep check it out all right let's start the show. What's your favorite spell, Patronus? Crucio! Ooh, damn, man. Is that too heavy?
Starting point is 00:01:24 It's unforgivable, baby. Yeah, that's true. But it's also, you know, you're kind of a rebel for doing it Yeah I know, I just said that, dude And hey, look, I heard Harry do it one time Who did he do it to? Bellatrix, after she killed his godfather You know, she deserved it
Starting point is 00:01:40 She deserved it Alright, are we doing this? We kicking it off? Yes, sir, yes, sir let's kick it off all right let's uh let's make a carpaccio and call the doctor what's up stokers of stoke this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with ch JT podcast. I'm here with my compadre, Sean Thomas. What up? Boom. Clap, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:02:08 We're here with the wizard of tongue wagging. I don't know. You shall not not come. Nice, dude. Strider Wilson. That'd be tough for Gandalf to do that with that big beard. Oh, yeah. Gandalf down there.
Starting point is 00:02:28 But he'd find a good way to use it. Like with some foreplay. You know, he'd have a misdirect. You think this staff is for nothing. And we're here with the colonel of Cantankerous. Does that work? I think that's negative is it yeah cantankerous is like he's like hard bad-tempered argumentative and uncooperative oh man that's the opposite what i was going for congenial yeah the kernel of congeniality oh thank you yeah that's cool too
Starting point is 00:03:01 because you're a kernel which is like badass. But then you're pleasant because of personality qualities or interests that are similar to one's own. But do you eat pussies? What? Sorry, my whole thing was about cuddling. Yeah, I hear you. Guys, the answer is, you know. Yeah. Sometimes I just get really just I go for that low-hanging fruit.
Starting point is 00:03:23 I love it. That's going down on someone is low-hanging fruit. JT, that's the way to – that low hanging fruit I love it that's going down on someone as low hanging fruit JT that's the way he brings us back that's right and we're back
Starting point is 00:03:31 I don't know if this is a breakup song but that's what we're doing today guys we're drafting and we're drafting our top four breakup songs
Starting point is 00:03:37 of all time woo Aaron are you ready why do you look sad already Aaron just cause I'm not gonna be able to hear them oh you're not gonna be able
Starting point is 00:03:44 to hear this song oh yeah cause we're plugged into our headphones we'll figure out a way around that we'll play them out loud Why do you look sad already, Aaron? Because I'm not going to be able to hear them. Oh, you're not going to be able to hear this song? Oh. Yeah, because we're plugged into our headphones. We'll figure out a way around that. We'll play them out loud for you, too. You don't want to borrow it. Aaron has this look of concern right now, like you really want to do this right.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Okay, copy that. And we won't let you down so that you don't let us down, and then so nobody gets let down. This is the No Letting Down podcast. That's right. This is the No Letting Down crew, and this thing's about to start going both ways. What movie? The Town.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Good stuff. Oh, nice. All right. Did you do some research? Of songs? Yeah. I'm looking at my list right now. How's your list?
Starting point is 00:04:18 It's good. It's diverse. What about you two? I'm feeling pretty good. What's nice about it is that there's different kinds. There's different kinds. There's different kinds of breakup songs. There's different vibes to them, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:38 I'm happy that you brought this up because in doing my research, you know, listening while I'm driving, I was like, does the song have to be about a breakup? Or is this a song that you listened to that got you through a breakup? That's dude. Like that's a distinction. Hold Me Close mentioned that yesterday and it kind of opened it up for me yeah yeah so i think you can do either i think so too i think i know i know you can do either yeah yeah absolutely i already had it you know i'm gonna hey i'm gonna i'm gonna bend it baby can i can i burn a bend now that i wanted to do yeah do it then i was gonna do last kiss by pearl jam because is it not a breakup that is a fucking dies yeah that's a breakup i feel like strider's gonna do like i'm
Starting point is 00:05:12 proud to be an american or something yeah got me through a really tough time and you know it just it says breakup to me mine are all gonna be about christian rock songs about breaking up with god and then getting back together and then guys a Aaron just found an extra cord and hooked up headphones to it so he could listen to music with us. Can you hear it? Aaron, let's go do it. What a soldier, bro. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I'm fired up for this. It's going to be, you know, the thing is we're all, besides me, we're all pretty four happy guys. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I'm a happy guy. I think you're a happy guy. I just like to be
Starting point is 00:05:45 sad yeah a moody happy guy i'm a moody process your emotions fully yeah you're feeling it and it's in my face i can't hide it so true i can't have a look you can hear you even on the phone hey you just know you just know immediately dude you can you can feel through text it'd be like you'll be either tucks or five exclamation points or none. Dude. Yeah. The emotes, dude. The emotes.
Starting point is 00:06:12 All right. Here we go. Here we go. Oh. Oh, yeah. We throw another one. Odds are even. All right.
Starting point is 00:06:16 One, two, three, shoot. Oh. 50-50. One, two, three, shoot. Oh. One, two, three, shoot. Oh. That's right. That's right. Tits McGee. That's cool. All right. Fourth pick. One, two, three, shoot. Oh. That's right.
Starting point is 00:06:26 That's right. Tits McGee. All right. Fourth pick. I didn't want first pick. Fourth pick for Chad. Should I see this? One, two, three, shoot.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Oh, fuck. I don't want to go first. I always get first. All right. Here we go. Here we go. I'm going to get first. I'll be all right.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I'll be all right. Don't feel bad for me. Yeah. Are you ready? Nice. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. Rock, paper,
Starting point is 00:06:46 scissors, shoot. Oh my God. I was literally about to, Chris, I was literally about to say, don't do scissors because that's what I do.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Dude, I think, I haven't won a draft in like, ever, but I always get the first pick. You dominate at getting the first pick. Dude, one more thing.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Guys, if you notice this on the, whoa, I haven't gotten any sun during the break, and I was on the East Coast, and so I started applying Clarence fake tanner, and it slid down my hand, and it marked me. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Yeah, I look like a fucking idiot. Dude, I thought... I was wondering what that was. I was like, is that a birthmark? I never know. I was freaking stupid. I thought you were going to have so dumb, I thought you were going to be dumb i thought you're gonna be like
Starting point is 00:07:25 so i tanned this part of my hand all right dude with the first pick of the breakup song draft maybe feel it out you got a lot i trade my first pick um no no here we go here we go i don't want it either i don't want to go first step up here we go here we go you know what i just got to go straight down the middle i had already played a little bit of it at the beginning of this let's before we started recording i'll play it for you now here we go the number one breakup song of all time do you know it i don't recognize it yet oh dude oh i recognize it now it's been yeah bro bro great fit all right let's get to the chorus. I said nothing can take away this blues
Starting point is 00:08:28 Cause nothing compares Nothing compares to you Nothing Compares to You by Sinead O'Connor, dude. Bro, that's a great pick, dude. I mean, she just taps into the utter devastation of the breakup. She articulates it well. She has, the world is her oyster. She's a woman about town.
Starting point is 00:08:59 She has access, beauty, everything a human being could desire. But none of it means dick diddly squat because the person that she has built up as her other half as the person she would be with forever has disappeared and she's just a fucking sunk rock now man and i don't know i've been there brother i've been there i love hard i've've been there. And I think it's number one. Sinead O'Connor, Nothing Compares You. Written by Prince. Oh, I love that fact. I know Aaron wanted me to toss
Starting point is 00:09:31 that out. Baby, I got you. Nice. Great music video. Good music video. Often covered, you know, because I think it means a lot to a lot of people. And it's just guys, if you're out there and you're hurting, throw that song on. Sinead O'Connor, she feels you. And if you want to hurt lot of people and it's just uh guys if you're out there and you're hurting throw that song on senado and she feels you and if you want to hurt other people do it at karaoke because it is a bummer to listen yeah this one's not gonna be as fun as the pump up songs when we
Starting point is 00:09:57 all listen to it because you know we all just have to look sad yeah but i'm down you gotta feel and sometimes you gotta feel heavy i'm down all right chris feel, and sometimes you got to feel heavy. I'm down. All right, Chris. I think I'm going to stick to a song in a similar vein. It's also slow, but just really sad and good. Whitney Houston, I Will Always Love You. Is that a breakup song? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And so I think it's like a timing thing, you know? Also interesting, that's a Dolly Parton song. Yeah. So both number ones written by a different performer. And Dolly has come out and said, look, that's her song. She made it her own. She even considers it. She's mentioned she considers it a Whitney song
Starting point is 00:10:47 because when she did it, that's when the song reached a whole other level. She's amazing. Yeah. All right, let's play it. It's a good pick, yeah. That is all I'm taking with me So goodbye
Starting point is 00:11:05 Please don't cry We both know I'm not what you you need Yeah, this is a breakup song. And I Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:11:21 I will always love you. We'll always love you. Yeah, it's a beautiful one. We should talk about The Bodyguard. We gotta talk about The Bodyguard. One of the best movies of all time, dude. The plot, incomprehensible
Starting point is 00:11:46 but dude when they first bone and she sticks his like she's got his samurai sword she's got the samurai sword she puts it to his chest and then they drop a scarf and it's so sharp that as it's bellowing down cuts it in half unbelievable then they bang for the first time they bang prime little post prime but like still tail end prime
Starting point is 00:12:09 Costner alright what do you got Strider those are two really good picks guys they are can I tell you right now guys those are two unbelievably
Starting point is 00:12:17 good picks and they've really pulled at my heart strings this one when I was doing my research 15 seconds ago I was like you know i don't know if i think of this as a breakup song but it's a good motherfucking song and i really like this motherfucking band and it is super heavy and there's a movie about it that made me feel sad
Starting point is 00:12:40 but uh i'm gonna go with and it's i just love this song it's uh joy division love will tear us apart yeah that is a great song it's a great great song look am i winning no but i'll tell you right now it's a sick ass song do you know something about aaron that he likes like manchester aaron likes that music big tony wilson film it's so nice because I just see Aaron shaking his head and saying no. You like that music, don't you? I like that song, yeah. Thank you. Chad, you got two picks, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Wait, bro. Let's give it a little. Oh, sorry. Sorry. My bad. My bad. My bad. I know it's not the pick, but don't fucking disrespect me.
Starting point is 00:13:19 No, that was disrespect. On the day of my daughter's wedding. That was disrespect. I apologize. It's okay. I keep wanting to do that do I maybe I should give it a break although I do have fun well here's the thing look you love doing that I love doing things just how it goes yeah sure you stick with what we love exactly why am I questioning myself
Starting point is 00:13:41 why am I questioning myself dude the intro is so good and then the synth they're so moody it's so They're so moody and so... Love will tear us apart again. Yeah, it's a banger song. It's a great song. Honestly, now listening to it, I like the pick more. Good song to listen to in a breakup.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's a really good song. That was really fun. All right, my turn? right my turn you got two picks two picks oh shit okay uh first pick i gotta go with this one because it was around the first time my first relationship lasted three months in college my first breakup and i listened to it while i was happening and while the break was going on and uh so it's just it's personal for me it's dancing on my own by robin oh that's a great one and the video is so good and i was just you know and that was a point in my life where i was partying extra hard i was a freshman going on sophomore in college and i was really getting after i was dancing a lot and i realized you know what this summer i'm dancing on my own and uh so it really
Starting point is 00:15:14 just resonated with me and i remember being at bro my favorite party house otter and dancing on my own hell yeah hell yeah dude bro it's one of my favorite songs oh dude yeah and also on top of that you know it's about sort of like watching your ex with someone at the club around that time i saw her with another dude so it was like the whole story was playing out for me this summer that's the tough part about high school and college is that that's why i'm glad i never attended either is that yeah yeah a small pond yeah did i run over to her house when i was one summer my buddy max he's like he's like let's just go over let's go over there there's a guy there i'm like oh did you just see the guy that she's with now that's but he looked like a fucking dork yeah he was for sure dweebeb dude one time when I broke up with someone like
Starting point is 00:16:05 six years ago and then I saw her go to a bar with another guy I broke up with her too and then I was yacked out on Adderall and I just walked in I was like what up I was with David Dorward and David Dorward just grabs me and goes hey man we're gonna leave now and then I was like I'm being cool I'm being
Starting point is 00:16:23 chill and then he was like no we like i'm being cool i'm being chill and then he was like no we're just gonna go yeah yeah but this song the thing about this song sorry go chris go baby it is a good it's a it is a good it was on a lot of lists too as a breakup song yeah i always liked it i always thought of it in my head even though it totally works as a breakup song it's like an unrequited love song right like that it's like they were never in a relationship and even though they have a new girlfriend it's like i thought like when you guys broke up i thought that was going to be my chance and then someone knew and so i always liked it as like a unrequited love song as opposed to a breakup song but it works great for both i know i see what you're saying about like because it can
Starting point is 00:17:04 also i feel like it can be you're watching someone that you're pining over and you've never even gotten there with that person. Under Quiet at Love songs are fun. There's a few that I like that are that. It's tough, but it's not like it's not
Starting point is 00:17:22 a breakup song. I also saw it as top five on a lot of lists. And I'm like, oh, I just don't think of it that way. You ready? Yeah. This is a fun song. It's great, dude. It's unique, too.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's unique too. They're talking. People are talking. Oh, Aaron just took his jacket off. Oh, he's crying. Aaron just took his jacket off. Aaron Campbell. He's playing with his nipples, dude! This is Aaron Kim! Aaron's playing with his nipples, dude! He's wearing fairy wings under the jacket!
Starting point is 00:18:12 He's wearing fairy wings under the jacket! Holy shit, yo! Holy shit, dude, you can get low! You're a club fiend, bro! Aaron's choking himself out, dude! Aaron's choking himself out! He's auto-erotic-ing it, dude! He's auto-erotic-ing out, dude. Eric's choking himself out. He's auto-erotic-ing it, dude.
Starting point is 00:18:28 That stinks, dude. Come on, Eric. Watching your kids. Looks like it's game over, fellas. Exactly, dude. Game chat. Dude, very easy to visualize, too. Just her in the club just watching and being sad.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Yep. Strong imagery. Why can't you see me? That was nice. Nice dude nice pick good first round so far all right guys or end of first round all picks i'm gonna go with number two okay i you know it's it's it's a i'm picking between two songs on the same album i think one is you know one is more of a break like pure breakup song but one I like more and it's about asking for forgiveness from a past lover I think oh interesting so I'm gonna go with sorry by Biebs oh nice yeah
Starting point is 00:19:20 Oh, nice. Yeah. Dude. Scott Bieber. Dude, that's a good one, dude. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bro. I mean, I guess you could- I was thinking of a different artist, which is interesting.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I think- I almost- I was thinking- Yeah, but similar? But similar artists? Yeah, but similar. Oh, I know who you're talking about. I know who you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I know who you're talking about. No, dude, yeah. Freaking know, dude. Yeah, this one makes me want to dance a little bit more. The other one is fantastic. I'm loving these bangers that you got. But I just think Purpose is such a good album, and you gotta shout it out.
Starting point is 00:19:48 One of the best albums ever. I wouldn't even mind carpooling with you when you're sad. All right, you ready for Justin Biebs? Let's go. Oh, bro! I mean, it's incredible. It's so good. And that opening, when it comes on and everybody goes,
Starting point is 00:20:04 Oh! And that opening, when it comes on and everybody goes, oh! Aaron's pitching a 10. What a breakup in Miami, dude. Have forgiveness Once or twice, I mean maybe a couple of hundred times So let me all let me redeem all redeem all myself tonight Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm missing more than just your body Chet, Chet, very understood. Dude, I would have pegged that you would come with the first optimistic breakup song. Oh, dude, dang.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Cause that one has like an air of like, hey, this could work out. Yeah, exactly. Cause I think, I don't think it's, this could work out. Yeah, exactly. Because I don't think it's too late to say sorry. No, it's never too late to do the right thing. No, never too late to do the wrong thing. That's interesting. You're a bad boy. Look, I want to do the right thing to you before you let me do the wrong thing to you.
Starting point is 00:21:18 You know what? I'm glad he didn't say sorry because I think Haley's a better choice than Selena. For sure, better match. Dude, I think he proposed to her after four months. Did he really? To Haley's a better choice than Selena. For sure, better match. Dude, I think he proposed to her after four months. Did he really? To Haley. They knew. Quick hitter.
Starting point is 00:21:31 It kind of makes sense because if you're Justin Bieber, you've been around the block a couple times. I think you can ID what works for you fairly quickly. Yeah, supermodel works. That's what I was doing. Exactly. I don't know. I'm a rock star who has everything.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I'm the man. Supermodel, that's going i'm doing exactly i don't know i'm a rock star who has everything on the man supermodel that's gonna be nice she does rule though she read sapiens what up strides you're up dude all right and this is a tough draft dude we're neck and neck bro i mean shit dude this is so good dude those picks were so i'm so fired up right now like i, I just want to fucking be like, dude, let's go. You want to pick a fire-up song? Yes. But...
Starting point is 00:22:09 Fuck. I got to have backhands. I had a different song on here. I'm going to go with... No, I don't want that one. I love this song. And I could probably get it later, but I love it.
Starting point is 00:22:30 And it was the very first song I thought of when I thought of breakup songs. And I got to go with, um, Etta James. I'd rather go blind. So I don't know this one, but this was number one on a lot of lists. It's amazing. Dude,
Starting point is 00:22:40 if you listen to it, it's one of those songs and dude, her vocals in it. Like you guys both chose songs with beautiful, beautiful yeah this one right here is like it's the creme de la creme dude you hear her singing you're like this is full of just passion you feel it when did you first encounter this song from a movie i saw it in a movie bionta i think played at a james or somebody played at a james in a movie i forget but yeah think, played Etta James. Or somebody played Etta James in a movie. I forget. Yeah, she played Etta James in Cadillac Records. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And we saw that together. Yes. With Adrian Brody. But I knew about it before that. Okay. Because I remember I tried to be cool when we were watching. I was like, I'd rather go blind. Like, said it, like, kind of to myself out loud.
Starting point is 00:23:15 So you can see that that was cool. It's a great song. Just give it a listen. And give it a feel. Should I say that? Give this song a feel. Yeah. Oh, fuck. Yeah, fuck. That's tasty.
Starting point is 00:23:30 It sounds a little bit like Tennessee Whiskey by Chris Stapleton. I feel like he took this riff from this. Yeah. It's definitely the same tempo. Used to spend my nights. Something told me it was over. same tempo used to spend my nights i've definitely heard this i've never heard this when i saw you and her talking yeah bro your heart's broken yeah the personality is in this when you combine the personality with the vocal abilities... I feel like she just saw her husband with a younger woman giving her the necklace that was supposed to be for her for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:24:12 That fucking bastard. That's a dick. blind boy than to see you walk away from me child does it build to like a huge thing that we need to listen to no but it builds more it's like she's hitting all the notes it's basically that but
Starting point is 00:24:41 there's a little more passion later on beautiful stuff beautiful stuff it's just a great song She's hitting all the notes. It's basically that, but there's a little more passion later on. Beautiful stuff. Beautiful stuff. It's just a great song. Chris. Oh, bah. Yeah. It's a big pick for two.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I think I've been doing some research too, is where most of us lose it. Really? No. Yeah. Well, it's two, two is the critical pick.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I think I could get this one later. I actually think three, I think three is probably the pick where. Right. And then four, it's like, oh, that's still there. Good job. That's a great pull. That's a nice save pick.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I'm going to, I'll just do it. We Belong Together by Mariah Carey. Whoa. Oh, it's a great song. Dude. And this is just like, I am totally devastated that you left me kind of song. And like, I still want you so bad and that's it
Starting point is 00:25:28 dude the music video so hot I watched that non-stop is that the one in front of the soccer gold too I think there's a guy from prison break at the wedding Wentworth Miller yeah I think that's the one that's right Wentworth Miller
Starting point is 00:25:42 I love that you knew that that was so sick that was so sick that was so sick dude that way you just did that that was sick exactly dude the the plans they're on my body bro fucking mementoed that shit just done dude great video and mariah carey one of the hottest women who ever lived and chris you now have whitney houston and mariah on your list. Thank you. I mean, the vocal horsepower, dude. Yeah. And the song is also like, it picks up towards the end. And it's like, she belts and I just fucking get, it gets me going.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I get so jacked up listening to this. All right, here we go. Aaron. Aaron's crying aaron just started crying oh my god are you good dude are you good dog dude aaron's choking himself out and crying bro bang city let's go dude Come back Now he's doing a slow twerk Bro, Bang City Let's go, dude That's good stuff Alright, I got two picks here Dude, you know what?
Starting point is 00:26:54 I'm excited for your picks, dude Can I just say that? Yeah, because I'm getting stupid over here Let's go, dog Because here's the thing, bros Wait, can we go five on this? Duh! Okay
Starting point is 00:27:04 Alright, here's the thing Here's the thing, bros. Wait, can we go five on this? Duh! Okay. Here's the thing. Here's the thing. I think we need some anger. I like this. We need some anger towards the opposition. I'm getting there. Oftentimes in breakups, you're very pissed off at the other person. So I'm going to go with two angry anthems.
Starting point is 00:27:21 First up, I'm just going to play it. There's a really dumb one that I don't think. Oh, I almost picked this. Oh, dude. This is great, I'm just going to play it. There's a really dumb one. Oh, I almost picked this. This is great, dude. This is on my list. I know. I'm happy for you. I wish nothing but best for you both.
Starting point is 00:27:41 I know the version of me. Is she perverted like me Would she go down on you In a theater Whoa, dude What a lyric And would she have your baby I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother
Starting point is 00:27:59 Cause the love that you gave Every day was a movie for the day Gotta ask for you to Open wide No No! To remind you Of the mess you left When you went away It's not fair To deny me Of the cross I bear That you gave to me
Starting point is 00:28:36 You, you, you Oughta know Dude, she's not letting this motherfucker get away with it. He thinks he's just gonna run off and live happily? No sirree. Do you know who it's supposed to be about? Dave Coulier from Full House. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He pissed her off. Oh, wow. What about the going down on the theater? We don't know. Oh, dude. That definitely happened to Dave Coulier. That was Coulier, bro. Dave Coulier at first. Coulier had the best day of his life dude i got one more sticking it sticking it to the partner song it's like really good at it fuck
Starting point is 00:29:16 all right guys this is watching jurassic park in the 90s i imagine fuck i think this is Watching Jurassic Park In the 90s I imagine Fuck I think this is the best Petulant Breakup song of all time Wait don't steal it from me If it's Do you remember this one?
Starting point is 00:29:38 I did I wanted to talk to you About it so bad Bro Sophomore or high school This one's so much I mean I love it I don't recognize it But I love it.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I don't recognize it, but I love it. It's so funny. See, I don't know why I liked you so much. I gave you all of my trust. I told you I loved you. Oh Fuck the presents, might as well throw them out. Fuck all those kisses, they made me jack. Fuck you, you hoe, I don't want you back. Fuck what I said, it don't mean shit now. I remember that song, dude. Dude, when he caps it with fuck, fuck you, you hoe.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Dude. I don't want you back. The next verse is, you played me. I heard you gave him head Oh god What's the Who's the Emon dude
Starting point is 00:30:51 Emon I don't think he ever had another hit bro Yeah Cause he said it all He left it on He put it all on You can't get more pure than that I like that he knows his worth though
Starting point is 00:31:02 And he's like I don't want you back Yeah Good for him bro It's like I don't want you back. Yeah good for him bro. It's empowering. I've never been so hurt in my fucking life dude but don't come near me. Because I fucking hate you now dude.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I fucking hate you. Alright Chris you're up dude. That's so fucking funny. I'm also gonna go with a petty one but this one's more upbeat. And it's like I'm happy that we're not in this relationship anymore gives you hell all american rejects great one dude dude tell the story playing pong at roger's house me and trev and we're playing against his ex-girlfriend and
Starting point is 00:31:44 one of her friends and we're losing and so it's like but this song was super popular at the time it had just come out and so i'm like do we need that song like let's get it fucking going and we put it on and we're singing it and then we start hitting cups dude and we're like just won't stop singing it not even putting together that the lyrics are like his ex-girlfriend like they a pretty recent breakup when you see my face hope it gives you hell hope it gives you hell it's all just like saying like you to an ex like i'm living my best life and then like and we're having the best time and then finally roger comes over what the are you guys doing and then we both look up and like sober up.
Starting point is 00:32:25 And we're like, oh. Look up. And she's just sitting across the table fucking pissed. Amazing, dude. But hey, man, you know, it wasn't about you. Exactly, dude. It wasn't about you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Sorry. And truth be told, I miss you. And truth be told, I'm lying. When you see my face, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell. If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well, then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell. Beautiful. They had a moment. They had so many bangers. Yeah, they really did.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Strides. Four hole. Here we go. This song is just one that like look i don't know how great it is but i love it i'm like addicted to this song like just the way the guy sings just hearing him sing i don't know if it's the best breakup song ever but it's good it feels like it's more in that unrequited love territory but it is technically a breakup song because of basically one line but he goes and it starts sometime around midnight oh and you haven't
Starting point is 00:33:54 seen her in that dress for a while dude it's just the most fun song to sing yeah you love this song i did but he would always make fun of this song. I know. And you actually liked it? I loved it, dude. Why did you make fun of it all the time? Bro, I used to make fun of the skulls. I used to hate it. But dude, because it's so corny. Like the guy's singing, he's like, she's holding her tonic like it's a cross. Dude, it's like, and it makes, the piano plays, there's a shift in your emotions.
Starting point is 00:34:23 And you're like, dude, it's bad. But you listen to it and you're like yeah yeah yeah and dude and the whole song just builds the whole time it just builds and builds and builds i like how he kind of because you'd always make fun of it even compared to that part of basketball where the song on the radio like says everything that's happening to the main character like and he's like it just lays like the songs it says exactly what's happening and that's what would annoy you about it because he's like listening to it yeah and he's like it just lays like the songs it says exactly what's happening and that's what would annoy you about it because he's like listening to yeah and he's like and your
Starting point is 00:34:48 girlfriend your best friend just left you and signed a contract with the guy and the other thing his name is jerry and he's like and chris listening you better go do something and like he gets up and goes it is kind of like that but but dude it's good it's like it's bad but it's good and he's like and you haven't seen her in a while. You might not even need to play it because I nailed it so hard. No, but just say the name of it. Oh, it's Sometime After Midnight
Starting point is 00:35:13 by Airborne Toxic Event. Around Midnight. Yeah, Sometime Around Midnight, yeah. Airborne Toxic Event. I should skip a little bit in this song, right? Skip a little bit, yeah. Yeah. Sometime Around air but by the
Starting point is 00:35:25 airborne toxic it's a good song it's an intoxicating voice and then he kind of goes like this. So there's a change in your emotions. And all these memories come rushing like a little waste to your mind. Of the curl of your body's like two perfect circles entwined. The girl of your body's not too perfect Circles entwined And you feel hopeless and homeless
Starting point is 00:36:09 And lost in the haze of the wine Oh, it's come and gone for a while Then she leaves Should I skip to when it bops? No, because it's close. Okay. See? She looks right at you and goes.
Starting point is 00:36:31 A full mouth. As she walks out the door, your blood boiling, your stomach grows. So good. Let me see the ghost. It's that song on the radio where you're like, you keep turning it off when you listen. You're like. Do you remember me?
Starting point is 00:37:03 At Coachella? Yeah. Yeah, I was going to tell that story. Yeah. I remember that, yeah. What if he just goes... He would always put a better good choice in this song. If at one point he's averse, he just went.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Just cried like sobbing, but in, in like verse with the music. That's so funny, dude. Yeah. Coachella 20, I want to say 2015, 2016 that we were seeing them on the main stage. And there was a guy having a real emotional moment behind us. He was shirtless and he was by himself. And he was like cratering into his own body and he was sitting there listening and he was like just bawling his eyes out,
Starting point is 00:37:56 like crying so hard, like no Sean Marino tears, like just like the biggest tears I've ever seen. And I started giggling a little bit. And then we all started giggling. There's like six of us in front of him. We start laughing. And the guy, dude, admirable as fuck, just taps me on the shoulder. He goes, hey, bro, I'm trying to have a moment here.
Starting point is 00:38:12 And y'all are kind of fucking it up. And we all got so sheepish. We're like, dude, yeah, for sure, our bad. And then we just went quiet and said it. I feel like someone in our crew went up and. No, no, two hot girls. That was it. Two hot girls. Because this guy was such an angel.
Starting point is 00:38:26 He fucking deserved it. Two hot girls just came walking up to him. They're like, hey, are you okay? And he was like, oh, like, man, this shit just fucking happened with my brother like a fucking year ago, man. It's fucking busted me up. I don't know what to talk about. And they're like, oh.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And they just like hugged him and held him. And he just held him for the rest of the song. Yeah. And he just kept fucking going. He balled his heart. It was really beautiful. It was cool. That's amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah. And we almost fucked the whole thing up. to the song and he just kept fucking going he balled in the heart it was really beautiful it was cool that's amazing yeah and we almost fucked the whole thing up I mean but like it's like I see that and I'm like it was like
Starting point is 00:38:50 six of us laughing I was like I couldn't it wasn't like a hard like ah but we were just like whoa dude that guy's like
Starting point is 00:38:55 when you're trying to stuff it when you're trying to stuff it but the guy can tell from your shoulders that you're laughing at him because you're like
Starting point is 00:39:00 and a few bros look back like well that's because like one of us it's like one person noticed it and was like dude have you're like that's cuz I you one of it looks like one person notice it isn't dirty he was yeah he was into it but just shows you how powerful that song yeah Chad two picks two picks bro okay first one I'm gonna go into the new metal category whoa I was watching a live performance of this song And someone goes The world needs new metal now more than ever
Starting point is 00:39:31 Amazing It's a great quote dude Of the year And so I'm going with First one is Nookie by Limp Bizkit Let's go dude What the fuck That is a breakup song.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It's a comment. It's just like, I never saw it. So genius. And I know your taste. I know how much you love Limp Bizkit, but I never saw it. And dude, honestly, that's a good way to stick it to an ex. Being like, I did it all for the nookie. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yeah. So Fred Durst said, it's about my ex-girlfriend, how she treated me like shit. And I couldn't leave her. I wouldn't get over it. She screwed my friends. Used me for my money. I tried to figure out why I did it and i figured i did it all for the nookie amazing dude i love that i love that i love that he went on this deep emotional journey inward and at the end he's like i kind of see it that is the truth and
Starting point is 00:40:30 often cases yeah do you remember when our boy was dating a girl who was somewhat destructive and we thought they were a bad match and do you remember what you told him when he asked you why you didn't say anything about it i think i do is it this has happened just go for it bro go for Just go for it, bro. Go for it. Go for it. Dude, she's got double Ds. Literally in that voice.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Oh, you said it to him? Dude, dude, she's got double Ds. You said that to him? Yeah, like our boy was like, he was like, why did you guys let me date her? She was so bad for me. And Strider literally just goes, dude. Just put his hands out. It was really fun.
Starting point is 00:41:12 It was amazing, dude. There are some things more powerful than my words. Correct. And like, whoa, nothing was going to stop it. You were in a trance. Exactly, dude. And I get it. You can only almost build down an eight-unit apartment building so many times.
Starting point is 00:41:30 You can only so many times the fire department almost can get caught. Before she's like, she's literally dangerous for you. Dude, it's like, bro, it's actually. She's like, your life is in danger when you're with this person. But nookie, dude. Nookie it up. Nookie, yeah. I'm nookie guy.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's fucking great. And then I'm going to go with. Oh you want to listen to it aaron have you heard nookie before chill chill dude also i mean i was in fifth grade when this came out and this was as i remember the exact moment i heard it. Lunch Tubes. Because being able to belt the chorus. It just sticks with you. And the name of the album. Bro, let's go. Oh, this is off Significant Other.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Never mind. That was her next one. I thought it was off Chocolate Starfish and Hot Top Flavored Water. This speaks to the anger, dude. Yeah, their music was good. The guitar was good. This one you're angry. Wes Borland had that heavy guitar.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And then the voice of Fred Durst. One of the best singers of all time. Do it, Fred. Do it. I came into this world as a reject Look into these eyes Then you'll see the size of the flames Dwelling on the past It's burning on the plane Everyone that burns Has to learn from the pain I came into this world as a reject Look into these eyes, then you'll see the size of the flames
Starting point is 00:42:45 Dwelling on the past, it's burning on my brain Everyone that burns has to learn from the pain Hey, I think I've got the day My girlie ran away with my pay When fellas came to her play Now she's stuck with my homies that she fucked And I'm just a sucker with the look on my throat Hey, like a chump, hey, like a chump
Starting point is 00:43:03 Hey, like a chump fucked Hey, like a chump Hey, like a chump Hey, like a chump Hey, like a chump Hey, like a chump Should I be feeling bad? Should I be feeling good? It's kinda sad I'm the laughingstock of the neighborhood
Starting point is 00:43:14 And you were thinking I'd be moving on But I'm a sucker like I said Fucked up in the head, not And maybe she just made a mistake And I should give her a break My heart'll ache either way Hey, what the hell What you want me to say? I won't mistake And I should give her a break My heart'll hate either way Hey, what the hell What you want me to say
Starting point is 00:43:27 I won't lie And I can't deny I did it all for the looky And the guitar in this is amazing Yeah, 100% Dude, how many times do you think he says Like a chump? 85
Starting point is 00:43:41 Like a chump Like a chump Like, I think, three or four or four no no not in a row throughout the whole song no no in a row in a row oh eight eight let's see let's see four cookie let's stick it up for rock stuff is probably like the way you do it's four eight sixteen twelve sixteen is that still like your your guess at 85 yeah like for the whole song dude there's 7 there's 7 but then he does a hey
Starting point is 00:44:09 without like a chump yeah octaves it's still in that octave brother alright hey number 4 for me yes cause you just did Limp Bizkit right now your list is Robin what else Bieber
Starting point is 00:44:24 Limp Bizkit. Right now your list is Robin. What else? Bieber. Bieber. Biscuit. Limpie. I guess you've got one more. Yeah, so this next one is probably the most profound romance of my childhood. And then this is the song about the end of it. And it is shrouded in so much sort of like
Starting point is 00:44:45 controversy and sort of like what happened all this shit and i remember listening to it and i was just and uh it's stuck with me ever since it's cry me a river by timberlake nice dude very nice this the the just the even the music videos of the imagery it's kind of you can't disconnect it from the video yeah the hoodie like he's he's got his villain hoodie on and he's what right in the music video he's watching her hook up with someone is that correct no no he's breaking into her house after she skedaddles right and he's sneaking another woman in to film a sex tape at her crib that's right and and when they start-
Starting point is 00:45:25 That's what's going on. I think so. Whoa. And then this rumor always would happen with a lot of things, but the girl in the video, everyone's like, dude, she went to our high school. There's also, there's like kind of a moment that always sticks out in my head because I'm a pervert, where when he first starts filming them hooking up, the way she sucks on his lip really always
Starting point is 00:45:45 stuck in my head right i remember that yeah and that was kind of timber like coming out as like a sex eye i think that is what boosted him from like child to like man was that his first single as a solo artist no he did like senorita before that oh god no not senorita he had another one like uh it was just the first this one sticks out in my mind because it was like, uh, I think it was, I think it's the biggest one of that album. Justified.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Mm. Hmm. Rock your body was the first song. Right. That would make sense. Yeah. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:46:19 dude. And the Timbaland it's Timbaland, right? Yeah. Is he still producing? Yeah. He's such a legend I like watching
Starting point is 00:46:26 YouTube videos of him producing for people he's so cocky it's amazing really? yeah there's one where he shows
Starting point is 00:46:31 Jay-Z Dirt Off Your Shoulder and Jay-Z's just like oh and then Timbaland Timbaland's like I'm the best motherfucking producer
Starting point is 00:46:36 that ever lived but do you believe him because the beat is so insane this is great, dude. Listen to all those different sounds. Bro, this song's so fucking sexy, dude. Bro.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Yep. Yep. First time JT said his face in the song. Yeah, he just bit my thumb off. And then I looked down and my claws were already up. Oh. It's a great song It might be his best Dude also interesting
Starting point is 00:47:36 She cheated on him With Wade Robson Their dance choreographer Who was molested by Michael Jackson What Full circle. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:49 You didn't know that about Michael Jackson? Yeah, he molested kids. Totally fucked up. Character guy who didn't know Michael Jackson molested people. Huh? Wait, what? Wait, what? Brennan Cooney has a great bit about that where he's like,
Starting point is 00:48:09 I hate when people are surprised. Have you ever looked at Michael Jackson? Exactly, dude. He looks like he smells like crayon. Dude, his address is Neverland Ranch, dude. Weird guy. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Wade. Yeah. Strides. Takeland Ranch, dude. Weird guy. Yeah. Wade. Yeah. Strides, take us home, brother. Oh, man. You guys have such bangers. No, please, Chad, elaborate. Go, go, go. You know how you're talking about naming a baby Dave?
Starting point is 00:48:36 You should have a baby Wade. Yeah. Look at Wade, dude. He's wearing leather pants as a baby. Wade. Yeah, cowboys have to grow up And have these names Earl, Wade, Wyatt
Starting point is 00:48:48 Earl, dude Wow Okay, guys, I'm sorry I'm stalling right now I'm stalling, but I'm gonna get into it Take your time, baby Alright No rush, baby
Starting point is 00:48:58 Here's one It's a song I love And I didn't really know it was a breakup song But it is, actually And even straight up from the first I just love the first I have to admit this I love the first maybe 30 seconds of this song so much
Starting point is 00:49:11 and then after that I'm enjoying it but the first 30 seconds are really fucking nice is this an older song? older is this by a prominent solo rock star? yes I think I know where you're going go go go go
Starting point is 00:49:24 this is Rod Stewart. Maggie Mae. Maggie Mae. I knew you. That's the ultimate best up top song of all time. Bro, up top, it's unreal, dude. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Let's give it a listen. Let it speak for itself. It's nice. Also, a great music cue in this in the, what's the skater movie, Dogtown and Z-Boys? Yeah. Great music cue of it in that movie.
Starting point is 00:49:44 Great soundtrack of all time. The the doc the doc has the best one But oh the doc is an amazing soundtrack. Oh, is this from the movie movie? This is from the movie though Okay, I bet it's in the dog Lord's a dog town then did yeah dog town and Z boys is the dog doc Yes, sorry. Sorry fuck that Boys You disrespect the Z-Boys, dude? What's up? Dude, I was confused. Bro, you want to get hit? You do Muay Thai? You do Muay Thai? You want to get hit, bro?
Starting point is 00:50:11 Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. Dude, that's amazing. Dude. Dude.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Here we go. It's so sweet. It doesn't sound... It sounds like that guy that you just... It's a weird version. It's a weird version. This song blows, dude. It's like...
Starting point is 00:50:35 Bro, this song sucks, dude. No, sorry. That's not it. Did you practice? You go, this is what you picked. I did this... That's how it starts. No, this is not how it...
Starting point is 00:50:42 This is not the radio. Yeah, sorry. Dude, it's the top ones. I'm sorry, man. I didn't fucking do it. Let me get the right one. All right. I think I just got to skip that part.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah, there we go, bro. Now we're talking. Wake up, Maggie. I think i got something to say to you it's late september and i really should be back at school bro what's your whole list i think you might have the most cultured list because you've stretched eras and music scenes. I've got Joy Division, Etta James, and Rod Stewart. And sometimes it's funny that he has the most cultured list with sometimes-
Starting point is 00:51:34 Airborne Toxic. Yeah. How could I forget that? I was thinking of my list and I didn't remember. I was like, I drafted that number two and then I forgot about three and it came full can tell Aaron's got you in first place. And he's just wondering if he can forgive you for the airborne toxic event pick. So true.
Starting point is 00:51:51 But Aaron, give it a listen, bro. Aaron, dump your wife, then give it a listen. Or no, get dumped by your wife, then give it a listen, bro. Is Maggie Mae a breakup song? Is that what you're going to say? I don't know. It's on all the lists. I haven't listened to the lyrics, really, I guess.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Because I only think of the opening. Isn't that more of like a family barbecue at a beach town kind of song? Bro, so true. Isn't that more of like all the dads being like, cool, can I get another Stella? Yeah, exactly. Okay, can you imagine, this is the thing about this one. Can you imagine listening to this after a heartbreak? Like if you and your dank ass fiance broke up, would you be listening to Maggie Mae?
Starting point is 00:52:24 Nope. Nope. imagine listening to this after a heartbreak like if you and your dang ass fiance broke up would you be listening to maggie may nope i'd be listening to this while like carving a surfboard like in the movie well because i guess i'll look at the lyrics later um all right chris oh fuck four hole it dude we're and i got two bangers lined up i I'm excited for your guys' list. We're doing five, dude. I want to ride in your guys' car. I kind of want to ask your opinion. Yeah, ask me. Ask me. I'm here.
Starting point is 00:52:53 You know we always help each other. Yeah, there's just a lot of different ones I could go. Maybe I'll just go with this because it's a banger. Guys, prayers to DeMar Hamlin who collapsed on the field today. Oh, on the field oh yeah man it's horrible looks like he's in a really rough condition so we're hoping you're okay they they postponed the game yeah they gotta postpone yeah that was the right thing to do yeah jesus that's terrible guys i'm interrupting this podcast let you know once again that we're going back on tour keep your eyes peeled we're coming to a city near you first one up spokane washington we're doing a weekend at the spokane comedy club go to chanjt.com for more info my legends we're also brought to you by the legends
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Starting point is 00:54:35 go to athletic greens.com go deep that's athletic greens.com go deep check it out all right let's get back to the show um i guess why'd you laugh well because now i'm about to pick like a saw once switching gears yeah it's kind of fucked you there my bad uh no it's okay i mean obviously it's more important than my four pick that the dude it's hopefully okay and i'm gonna go with before he cheats by car Underwood. Dude, great pick, dude. It's super fun. A lot of fun. The lyrics are a lot of fun. It's another fuck you one. This is the dance to You Do That Song.
Starting point is 00:55:17 Anyhow, we can just play it. Yeah. All right. This is the one where she's like, I take a Louisville. Oh, yeah. The lyrics are so fun. They are really fun. She fucks's like, I take a Louisville. Oh, yeah. The lyrics are so fun. They are really fun.
Starting point is 00:55:26 She fucks so fun. I take a Louisville. And it's also a warning to the next one. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. Someone get me another Chardonnay. Yeah. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Except she shoots whiskey, dude. It's in the song. Good call, dude. Fuck. These are great lyrics and he don't know I'm dead by dream into the side
Starting point is 00:56:15 of this pretty little souped up four wheel drive call my name and who is it that sees I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights And lashed our home in all four tires And maybe next time I'll think before he eats me One of the best lyrical songs of all time.
Starting point is 00:56:39 It's a great pick, but dude, I gotta say, just for the fellas here, you can't mess with the guy's rock. Yeah, don't fuck with my ring. Okay, look, ladies fellas here, you can't mess with the guy's rock. Yeah, don't fuck with my ring. Okay, look, ladies, good song, but don't touch the guy's rock. Seriously, what am I going to do? Bang up your bathtub or whatever? Okay, no.
Starting point is 00:56:55 No. Am I going to cancel your subscription to Sex and the City? No. Dude, that's right, dude. If you're going to commit a crime, don't cry your name. Yeah, nice job, lady job lady yeah way to leave evidence but can you but if but here's the thing dude that's true
Starting point is 00:57:11 she was a bad criminal but if it is a gal and she carves up your whip are you really gonna call the pen on a chick though dude such a good call dude she's playing 5d chess that's smart although kind of kind of a secret badass move to send her to jail for a while when you get sentenced to six months and you're like sayonara
Starting point is 00:57:33 lady you bring the new chick to the court proceeding dude good call dress her up cool like all hot you got your arm around you're like this, dude. You know, all like that. Have fun. I always said you look good in orange. Yeah. Cruising, dude. Just fucking sit down, dude. All stoked. You got a fucking hot chick up in court.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah. Nice song, dude. Do you think... Dude, maybe there's a judge in there, but I'm the one who's honored, dude. Ha ha, dude. Ha ha. Ha ha. dude maybe there's a judge in there but i'm the one who's honored what's the thing dude oh what's the thing dude dude that gobble dude that's it that's the best that's everyone's cousin, dude. Good pick. Do you think any of the songs that these people were written about, do you think they were affected by said song?
Starting point is 00:58:33 Have to be. I also kind of think you're flattered if they write a song about you. Like if I dated Taylor Swift, I would prefer she write a song about me than she didn't. You know, I want to have an impact. Well, right. Especially like with her where she's written about presumably all of her exes it seems like she must it would must it would actually be like an ultimate power move if she didn't write one about yeah because
Starting point is 00:58:52 it means you didn't matter and then you're sitting there going like what's fine all right i got i i got two songs i'm going with uh one song is a optimistic breakup song but it's it but it sounds like it's not going to work out it's's from an artist that we've talked about. I love this woman's music. I'm Going Million Reasons by Lady Gaga. I love Lady Gaga. Very similar to Sinead O'Connor's song. I got to say too,
Starting point is 00:59:19 when I had my heart scared because I was railing too much Adderall and I had to wait like a couple of weeks before I got there all clear from the cardiologist i would walk around my block listening to this song thinking about my ex-girlfriend i couldn't tell her call her and tell her what had happened because it would have just been more proof of her suspicions that i was out of control yeah and i would just sing this song and think about her and one day i was crying singing at a block from our place on hayworth and a neighbor stuck his head out the window and said yeah, brother
Starting point is 00:59:47 That's awesome. That's amazing. Yeah, it was a good person. That guy's the man. He was a good dude You're giving me a million reasons to let you go You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show You're giving me a million reasons Give me a million reasons Giving me a million reasons About a million reasons If I had a highway I would run for the hills If you could find a driveway I'd forever be still
Starting point is 01:00:22 But you're giving me a million reasons Give me But you've given me a million reasons Given me a million reasons Given me a million reasons About a million reasons I bow down to pray I try to make the world seem better Lord, show me the way To cut through all this worn out leather i've got a hundred million reasons to
Starting point is 01:00:50 walk away but baby i just need one good one to stay bro that just changed my entire disposition, dude. I got lost in that. So did I. That might be the song I listened to on the way home. Yeah. I got lost there. I didn't know where I was.
Starting point is 01:01:11 It's so good. I saw her do that, but she did like a sped up version of it. She did it like a more like upbeat club gaga song. Did you see her live? Yeah, at Coachella. Another Coachella story. What's up? And then she did another. And then the song that she played after. You played You Fucked live? Yeah, at Coachella. Another Coachella story. What's up? And then she did another.
Starting point is 01:01:25 And then the song that she played after. You fucked up? Yeah. That was like our whole day was planned around. Like it was going to peak at Gaga. You know? That was like the one that we wanted to see the most. And that song, The Cure, that I played for you by Lady Gaga.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Yeah. She premiered it at that concert. And then right after she did that fast She did one of her normal songs That are fast and upbeat She did it as a power ballad I can't remember though She was amazing
Starting point is 01:01:53 I love that song I think I need one more rocker song Because I got two sad ones with Sonato And that Million Reasons I got Atlantis Bringing the heat so good and then uh i can't remember what my other pick was fuck it by iman fuck it by iman such a good pick it might be the pick of the draft it's like such a good pick it can't it can't be put into a category but this one i'm gonna go with adolescent fueled anger breakup damn it by blink 182 oh good
Starting point is 01:02:24 nice wow great song let me do it come on here we go the best and i'll cut to the best part. I love this bridge. Oh, you want it? You want it? I'm getting into it. I love the bridge.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Hmm. I guess this is growing up. dude best three-man band of a bond of all time dude tom delong mark hoppus travis barker dude fuck green day dude look they're sick they're sick i'll give you that they're sick but dude is that why you're giving me dude i'm just gonna say they're sick i don't know if they're the sickest ever well dude there is something out all right dude you got dude primus You got fucking deep. Rush. Alright, that's my list, dude. That's my list. Aaron, what's up? Dude, the way you came in with Blink at the end there, bro. I want to leave people on a high note.
Starting point is 01:04:16 I want to send them out having a good time. That was fucking rad of you. Alright, should I do this this or should i just go no don't do that one that's that's like third tier what's the other one well this is gonna piss a lot of people off dude honestly honestly dog, I would do that one. This one? Below that one, dude. Yeah, that one's good. Chicks love it, dude. I'm doing that so you can get some chicks, dude.
Starting point is 01:04:51 But I just don't like singing it. It's not a fun song to sing. But, dude, you'll get mass DMs, bro. Dude, let big bro wingman you, dude. Dude, you'll get mass DMs, bro. Fuck, are you for real? Dude, Chitties love that song, dude. Evidence, bro. Evidence, dude. fuck you for real dude chitties chitties love that song dude evidence bro evidence dude
Starting point is 01:05:10 evidence all right fair enough dude that's integrity no i think i'll just do this one no you're not doing the top one are you no do the first one you show me or go personal but i'm just if you don't pick soon i might have to knock you out nah fuck it let's just do it yeah do you do you uh i'm gonna go forever and always by taylor swift we gotta have swift on the list yeah you know we got it i mean i prefer the piano version which is slower but it's basically um i just don't know that one actually full full candy you'll know when it when you start playing it you'll know it but yeah which one uh piano
Starting point is 01:05:53 version yeah i like that one i like the piano version more but it's oh and i kind of wanted t swift on here she's the best breakup songwriter ever ever ever, ever. I'm going to drop the twang. No, never. You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me Were you just kidding? Cause it seems to me This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak I don't feel welcome anymore What happened? Please tell me Cause one second it was perfect
Starting point is 01:06:38 Now you're halfway out the door And I stare at the phone He still hasn't called And then you feel so low You can't feel nothing at all And you flash back to when He said forever and always And it rains in your bedroom
Starting point is 01:07:00 Everything is wrong It rains when you're here And it rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone I was there dude is that song for when you're breaking up with being awake big bro just came in
Starting point is 01:07:19 with the body slam he didn't want me to do it and I did it now he's telling me I respect it I respect it I did it now he's telling me I respect it what'd you say Aaron right right right oh
Starting point is 01:07:35 don't touch me like no list is perfect strider five hole Question before I do this Is it breaking up If a chick dies And now she's with God Wait are you stealing my thing
Starting point is 01:07:54 No I don't know but this is what I'm asking I asked that before the podcast Oh did you Yeah do you not remember that You were in the conversation You were sitting there I sat here and I said hey I was going to do this song Yeah. Do you not remember that? We had a conversation. I go, hey, do you remember? You were in the conversation. You were sitting there. I sat here and I said, hey, I was going to do this song.
Starting point is 01:08:10 Is it a genre, Ben, if you break up because the girl died? Verbatim. Yep. I remember this now. What? All right. All right. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Here's the thing. I cannot do that pick. I'll save it for honorable mentions. I wonder if we're thinking of the same song because you never said the song. I did. I did. Okay. Then it's not the song. What song are are you thinking of but this isn't my pick okay i was thinking of nick cave into my arms oh that's a beautiful song yeah it's a beautiful song i
Starting point is 01:08:32 don't think the girl dies in that one i think she doesn't she die and she like goes to no he mentions what would happen if they did die not a breakup song but it's not a breakup it's just about loving someone a lot that's a beautiful song just that would have been an unforgiven pick so you saved me and you know what thank you it's from your movie. It's just about loving someone a lot. That's a beautiful song. Just, that would have been an unforgiving pick. So you saved me. And you know what? Thank you. It's from your movie that you love that Aaron loves too.
Starting point is 01:08:48 Bro, that movie makes me cry, dude. About time. Fucking good movie. Okay. My pick is going to be, how can we not have this band on here already? It's The Cure,
Starting point is 01:08:58 Pictures of You. Thank you. Gotta have it. Gotta have it. Aaron just said, thank you, dude. Strider's gonna win for like the fucking
Starting point is 01:09:06 50th time in a row cream check it's a great song Chad's list is banger but this is a great song and The Cure is the old I mean wedding singer sorry I don't have enough time
Starting point is 01:09:14 I've been listening to a lot of The Cure lately I don't know this song you'll know it when you hear it oh fuck dude I missed a this isn't even my favorite one.
Starting point is 01:09:26 I fucking missed a beauty. I did a... What do you... What's up? A stoker reached out to my DMs because they did a draft. It was 13 picks in a row. They did a 13-pick draft?
Starting point is 01:09:42 Some stokers did? Whoa. And they wanted you to judge on it What an honor That's a lot of research to judge on that Did he judge? This is beautiful dude I got baked at this concert with Nicole Emanuel
Starting point is 01:09:59 Dude that's rad Thanks dude She sounds hot Are you manuel's wife is my turn yeah dude my number five is don't speak by no doubt great one dude what a bombshell of a number five i know just what you're feeling no aaron we can cut it here we can cut it at five i'm sorry uh i mean no doubt classic 90s band gwen stefani you gotta love her yes and classic oc like hot oc chick yeah yeah who's like kind of like and it's about like with the bassist in their band.
Starting point is 01:10:45 I know, the turmoil was there. And they're playing it together? They're singing it to each other. Wow. Incredible. She also did it, Gavin Rosdale, who also has a great breakup song. Is Glycerine a breakup song?
Starting point is 01:10:59 I have no idea what Glycerine is about. All right, honorable mentions real quick. This is what I really wanted to pick. And I only, and you know, it's my battle and research. I only saw it because of the song that you recommended picture by Cheryl Crow and Kid Rock.
Starting point is 01:11:13 So good. That duet. Duet banger. Did you get both sides, bro? Oh my God. It's so good. It's a great song.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And the fact that Kid Rock did that, I was like, dude, well, he kind of belts harder than her on that song. And that's like the most impressive part is Purple Rain a breakup song
Starting point is 01:11:28 I have no idea what that song is about I was told it is but I couldn't verify it so I don't I don't maybe I take Purple Rain
Starting point is 01:11:36 very literally I think he literally saw Purple Rain and wrote a song about it that's what's up dude legit high fives
Starting point is 01:11:42 I mean you got Fleetwood Mac you can go your own way yeah oh yeah Love Yourself by Bieber was that your other one
Starting point is 01:11:50 instead of Sorry yep So Sick by Neo good one yeah dude Careless Whisper by George Michael about cheating on somebody
Starting point is 01:11:59 and I think I don't know if they actually break up though I just know that he cheated but just for the guilty feeling got no rhythm line. I wanted to, these broken wings and learn to fly again. Isn't that like about a kid who got abused or something?
Starting point is 01:12:14 Maybe. What? That just feels like that kind of song. It just feels like that kind of song. Dude, when you said that, I was like, whoa. But it might have been, yeah. We missed like a huge album, I feel like. Confessions oh
Starting point is 01:12:26 was that what you were thinking about when you said cause when you said when you said when you picked the Bieber I was thinking of Timberlake I was thinking of Usher
Starting point is 01:12:33 same deal I was thinking of Usher cause he's got Burn and he's got Confessions Part 2 Burn I can't tell who's I think that's Breakup
Starting point is 01:12:41 we gotta let it burn cause a lot of it's like it's funny cause he does have herpes oh yeah maybe it's about herpes like some of it burn. It's funny because he does have herpes. Oh, yeah. Maybe it's about herpes. Some of it's about walking. It's like needing to walk away from a relationship.
Starting point is 01:12:50 But then he also sings about like, I'm still burning for this person until they return. But is he singing both sides? I don't know. I was listening to it in prep for this and I was like, I'm fucking confused. Yeah. Because I can't tell if he's switching. I can't tell when he's switching perspectives if he is. Not necessarily a breakup song, but Miss Jackson by Outkast.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Yes. Yeah. Or Roses. Caroline. Oh, that's a good one. That's a really fun song. Also Heartless from Kanye. This is How You Remind Me by Nickelback.
Starting point is 01:13:18 I was wondering. I didn't consider. I'm like, is this one? But it's a great song. It should be all of our honorable number ones. Unbreak My heart tony braxton beautiful song charlene by anthony hamilton and then the one that i wanted you to pick thank you love thank you oh thank you yeah oh thank you i just don't like singing that song so i couldn't pick it because it's not like it is a fun fuck you song and she does go through like a million relationships in it, which is really fun.
Starting point is 01:13:46 The End of Heartache by Killswitch and Gage. Whoa. Might have to play that one. A 77 times 7 one? Absolutely. That's a great one. I almost picked it. I thought about it.
Starting point is 01:13:55 It was a little inside baseball. I don't know. Maybe everyone knows Brandy. Oh, there's Yesterday. All my troubles seem so far away. Is that about a breakup though? I just think like somebody died, you know what I mean? There's a few songs in there where I'm like
Starting point is 01:14:08 I feel like somebody's parent died Or like got like a bad diagnosis or something Good For You by Olivia Rodrigo rips Since you've been gone? Since you've been gone Oh, one of the best I mean that whole album's a breakup album But I think Good For You might be her best
Starting point is 01:14:23 Because the whole song of Good For You is like, it's like her listing all the things that she helped him. It's all about how she helped him grow as a person, and now he's taken all the stuff, all the knowledge from their relationship and used it in his next one, and how that pisses her off. It's like one of the lines is like, looks like the therapist I found for you has really helped.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah, dude, amazing. What about, does Bob Marley, No Woman, No Cry, is that one? I think that's a breakup. I don't know. I never, I probably could be. Or Bill Withers. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. Oh, that's definitely a breakup song.
Starting point is 01:15:00 I know, I know, I know. I love that song. I know, I know, I know, I know, I know. Since You've. I know, I know, I know, I know Since You've Been Gone is so fun. It's amazing, dude. Since You've Been Gone Avril, My Happy Ending. Oh, you gotta have Avril.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Does Avril Lavigne have one? That's what I'm saying. Oh, Avril, okay. So much for my happy ending. I still listen to Sk8er Boi. It fires me up. It's one of the best songs. You guys ever heard Miley Cyrus' song,
Starting point is 01:15:31 Angels Like You? It's so good. Dude, Miley's good, dude. She fucking rocks. She's got like a smoky voice. I love that voice. Yeah. I love a female vocalist
Starting point is 01:15:41 with a deeper register. Those Backyard, when she sings Jolene, one of the best breakup songs ever She rips that shit. Yeah, and angels like you is just all like her being like I'm a shitty person But I told you that up front. Sorry that you're a good person and I fucked your life up It's like yeah, it's worried about an affair song She's saying don't fuck this shit up. Yeah. Yeah, Jolene's my account Strider. Do you want to pass on that thing?
Starting point is 01:16:12 Guys we're gonna be out of this studio Oh, yeah, where you guys gonna in a month? We might have to go back to the ATC for a while, which would be awesome and then and then and then we've got to find a studio. Thank God. Yeah, it would be nice. Some of the guys are saying, because I postponed the game, it might just be a tie. I'll take a tie.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Me too. Yeah. All right, so a lot of honorable mentions. A lot of honorable mentions that didn't get up there. Although, you know, they were sitting on there for a long time, and then Don't Speak came out, Pictures of You came out.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Appreciate those picks, guys. Thank you. Good job, boys. If you're going to do a Taylor Swift, why not We Are Never Getting Back Together? I like the song, but it was overplayed, so I got annoyed with it. So it's just not one of my faves. But I totally get it. It's kind of the more obvious one to pick for sure.
Starting point is 01:17:08 Chandelier. Oh, yeah. But that's like breaking up with drinking, isn't it? No. I think she's going to get drunk because she's so heartbroken. Oh, I just always took that as like... I think that's an addiction song. The thing is, with a lot of these, you could probably have multiple ones. But breaking up with your addiction, that's fucking hard. I always took it as an addiction song. That's how I... The thing is, with a lot of these, you could probably have multiple ones, but I always take that as a...
Starting point is 01:17:25 But breaking up with your addiction, that's fucking hard, dude. I always take it as an addiction song more than a breakup song, but that works. I'm writing a breakup song about me and the vape. It's going to be heartfelt. It's going to be tough. Yes, okay.
Starting point is 01:17:40 I can't go a show without mentioning my favorite band, Jimmy World. They have three great ones called Your House, If You Don't Don't, and Disintegration. How did we all miss the boat on picking Jimmy World? What if I didn't miss those three? How did we all miss the boat? That was going to be my whole list. I was slam dunking this thing, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:57 That was like my top three. I was like Disintegration, Jimmy World. They're all three of them are too obvious. I didn't want to do that. That would be hilarious. I don't know if this room could withstand that cream. Yeah, Aaron would just be asleep right now. Refractory period.
Starting point is 01:18:11 I Just Don't Think I'll Get Over You by Colin Hay. It's in Garden State. Oh, nice. Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar. Oh, that's a fun one. Lost Cause, Beck. Nice. Don't know that.
Starting point is 01:18:24 It's No Good, Depeche Mode. It's a fun one. Lost Cause, Beck. Nice. I love Beck. Don't know that. It's No Good, Depeche Mode. It's a great song. And even Here I Go Again by Whitesnake. First song I knew. Oh, that's a breakup song. It's fucking rad. Oh, yeah. That's a fun one.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Here I go again on my own. I sit down as a guy, quit his job. Yeah. I just thought it was a guy about like fixed up cars. Those 80s guys really had like a vision of themselves. Like a drifter, I was born to walk alone. Well, I mean, a song written about a divorce that we didn't get is In the Air Tonight. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Also The Police, but that's a creepy one. Every breath you take. Yeah, is that about stalking my high school english teacher who ripped miss brain she said that was about the book frankenstein that frankenstein wrote that about or that the monster wrote that about frankenstein
Starting point is 01:19:17 sting definitely wrote that about following she didn't have her masters and i guess every breath you take She didn't have her master's. And I guess... Sorry, my fourth place is Chad. Whoa! I love Dancing on My Own.
Starting point is 01:19:36 I love... I think Don't Speak is a great pick. It was Nookie, huh? Nookie in the middle. Nookie sunk me. Bieber, Cry Me River. Bieber! I don't really love any of those songs. When you went through a breakup, did you listen to Nookie? Because Bieber Cry Me River Bieber I don't really love any of those songs when you went through
Starting point is 01:19:46 a breakup did you listen to Nookie because that's pretty hilarious it's kind of a compliment when you broke up with Monster Energy and switched to Rockstar did you listen to Nookie
Starting point is 01:19:58 and then it's a clean face I still listen to Nookie I love it and I'm going to Nookie I love it And I'm gonna stand by it I'm just glad I didn't get last Fuck yeah Wait so what else besides Nookie? Watch it
Starting point is 01:20:21 He's got a wand Watch it Aaron be careful I don't really I mean I don't really love Cry Me a River as a song. I feel like a lot's come out about how Timberlake did Britney Dirty in that whole situation by making it public. Yeah, I wasn't aware of that. Yeah. You know, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:20:37 It's got to be Chris. I love the first two picks. Well, I didn't even know that Mariah Carey song was a breakup song, to be honest. I was, my sister played it a million times. I thought it was like, we belong together. The chorus is we belong together.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Yeah. Oh, so it could mean it's active. Well, right before that, it's when you left, I lost a part of it. Yeah, I know. I never heard, I never paid attention to the opening lyrics. So don't, I mean,
Starting point is 01:21:00 I'm not giving you points away for that. I just didn't know. But yeah, I don't know. You kind of lose me with Forever and Always. Yeah. Before He Cheats is fine. It is what it is. AR is a good choice.
Starting point is 01:21:15 I like that. That's a fun song. Which one was that? I Will Always Love You. Beautiful. Oh, yeah. Good one. Good one.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Starting pick, though. Written by Doy parton about because she was on a tv show and she was leaving the tv show and she worked with the star of it forever in in the operaland world and so she wrote it for him wow i always love you even though i'm leaving to become a fucking megastar yeah was she married at the time to someone else she's she's been married to the same dude for like 50 years damn bro you never see him your wife pops out those songs actually like thanks honey she's like yeah it's about the guy i'm working with you're like okay
Starting point is 01:21:53 yeah but it's weird he's never you never see pictures of this dude like yeah it's weird she's never no some things are better hidden i agree like carl or something of course it's always a carl dave dave carl is his name it's wade dude carl dave dave it's wade robson number two number two strider yes dude you know what i knew i was gonna win just because you couldn't give it to you nine times in a row. Well, no, no. I mean, La Volterra's part, great. I'd rather go blind. Great. Unforeseen pick.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Sometime around midnight, you kind of lose me. Maggie Mae, you said you wouldn't even listen to it if you broke up with someone. That's true. But then you hit us again with, you know, you hit a haymaker. This could be a number one. Pictures of you by The Cure. Really brings you back out. But yeah, JT fucking knocks it out of the park
Starting point is 01:22:50 you know why because i've been through the most breakups dog for experiences so congratulations jt park let's go bro the breakup song draft let's Park. Let's go, bro. You won the breakup song draft. Let's fucking go, dude. Let's fucking go, bro. All right, let's get in. We're going to skip questions. We've got to get straight to the next part. Chad, who is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 01:23:19 My beef of the week, I'm not sure if this has been done in the last couple, but it's Call of Duty 2. Yeah, bro. I've tried. I tried last night. I tried before christmas before i went on holiday i tried dude bring back for dance activision bring back for dance bring back rebirth i don't know this new game sucks you suck yeah fuck you yeah it blows whack as fuck it's crazy for a game to get that much worse like you just expect these things to get better they get it's the thing it's like they get too like they're trying too hard it was like simple and perfect not not too simple but like now it's like you die so quickly.
Starting point is 01:24:06 It's so hard to aim. The map all looks the same. I don't even know where the fuck I'm going. Yeah, you can't see anything. What's the difference between a pack and a supply box? What is that? It's crazy. The three plates.
Starting point is 01:24:19 Three plates? When I found that out, I was out, dude. They're like, you have the availability of a third plate, but you have to find it i was like dude you know what it is i think it's the people who designed the game they didn't have enough laymen in the room like they should have had us bros in there who are like bad players yeah except for you chris and we all would have been like no dude that shit's too complicated yeah it's so annoying it's like they felt they needed to make changes because they don't want to come out with the exact same game but everything they did I was like why
Starting point is 01:24:47 I know and I just all I want is Verdansk oh that's that's please yeah I heard they come out with Verdansk on mobile but who the fuck
Starting point is 01:24:55 wants to play mobile mobile so you play on your phone dude you just fixed it I did whoa oh you did you knocked it
Starting point is 01:25:02 I knocked it don't mess it up yeah you fixed it it's organic that was organic we it. No, it's perfect. Don't mess it up. Yeah, you fixed it. It's organic. That was organic. Great job. Wow. We never wanted to fix it.
Starting point is 01:25:08 People have been complaining about that for two years now. That was amazing. Or was it your wand, bro? Because you looked at it. Oh, yeah. It was your wand, dude. I was like, whoa. But yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:19 Feng shui. Activision, give us back for dance. This new version, you know, poke it. Yeah, dude. Strider. Let's see. My beef has got to be with when I went to the hardware store, dude. Because that's where I went and got my tree and everything.
Starting point is 01:25:36 It's just right outside the hardware store. Then I cruised into the hardware store. Basically, I go in there to just get an extra key made. It's the only thing I know how to do at the hardware store and i was just beefing on myself like all the dudes in there didn't respect me they knew that i didn't belong in there just by the way i was walking i don't know what can they draft they might not be able to fucking drive they can't drive for shit bro it's true that's the way to look at that's this is my arena dude and that's their arena but here's the thing i respect their
Starting point is 01:26:03 arena and i want their approval, dude. I want to be loved by the dude in the hardware store. I want to be respected when I'm like, look, I need to put up some curtains. I've got this type of drywall. He asked me,
Starting point is 01:26:13 where are the studs in your drywall? Do you have a stud file? What? And then immediately, he's just like, just buy this easy to use kit and you can return it. And I just leave
Starting point is 01:26:23 feeling like such a dumb ass and i can't even use it and then i go there and i'm like i don't even own a hammer dude so that's my new year's resolution is to fucking become a beast in the hardware store so i'll probably just hang out there on saturdays now uh my beef of the week is between greta thunberg and andrew tate oh let's go wow good so andrew tate. Oh, let's go. Wow, good to meet you. So Andrew Tate reached out to her, talking about all of his cars and said, please provide your email address so I can send a complete list of my car collection
Starting point is 01:26:53 and their respective enormous emissions. She responded back to that. This is all online where everyone can see. Yes, please do enlighten me. Email me at smalldickener energy at get a life.com and he got pissed so he responded with a video which had a pizza box in it which then allowed the authorities to find out that he was in romania and they were able to arrest him for sex trafficking and then she had the final word when she responded and said this is what happens
Starting point is 01:27:23 when you don't recycle your pizza boxes. It was funny. Amazing. Also, dude, the balls on Tate to do sex trafficking for him. If he's guilty. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:27:33 Yeah. Finally, he was like laundering money or like it wasn't, it wasn't sex trafficking, but he was doing something tangential. What surprised me about that is like, so it was money laundering. That actually makes more sense.
Starting point is 01:27:42 Cause when I saw it was trafficking and I assumed it was human trafficking, I was like, isn't Andrew Tate making like millions of dollars off of his like stuff like why would he be in that business i think that i think that yeah he's running like an only fans agency so i think the the the charge was that he like lured girls into his place and sort of like held them captive yeah and made them do these things these webcams things so i don't know so then my question is if you're doing that why are you also trying to be the most famous person in the world like if you're running a business that you knew was illegal why would you simultaneously be trying to make your face be everywhere
Starting point is 01:28:21 yeah it's a i don't know because he's a dude because he's alpha well that's the thing yeah well that's the thing is like you you'd hear about all the way he'd be like you'd be like i'm so rich i'm like you know i'm worth 50 million dollars whatever then you hear about how he's making his money it's all like sleazy ways and you're like that's kind of just gross yeah you know he's the worst dude um but his car sounded sick dude my beef of the week it's got to be new year's eve yeah yeah it's a good one bad holiday and like i don't i'll never wrap my head around why it sucks ass but i have i've had like three good new year's eves in my whole life and really what i think it is is those nights would have been
Starting point is 01:29:09 excellent nights had they been any other night besides new year's eve the expectations are astronomical you can try and divorce yourself from be like no i'm just gonna stay in and like chill but when it gets to around 10 30 at night and you're just sitting on the couch you get this feeling in your stomach where you're like this kind of sucks like yeah am i a loser like should i be living it up right now but if but i've been on the other side of that where you're out at night and you're at a house party you're like this house party kind of sucks i don't know that many people i don't think i'm gonna hook up with anybody this is such a buzzkill and then even on nights where i had a partner it just it for whatever reason it makes you reflect
Starting point is 01:29:45 on your whole year and it's like uh i just don't think it's a good holiday and then i was thinking like fourth of july is the other huge day holiday and that one's always pretty good so i don't know why new year's eve sucks and fourth of july rips i don't understand it's the post holidays malaise i i've been having it the past few days where I just sat. After the holidays, it's just... Because there's so much buildup and it's jolly. And then you have the holidays and you're just like, fuck, now it's January.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Dude, you know what? There's something charming about the winter in December. And then past, you're like, get me the fuck back to summer. Yeah, it's been raining. Dude, you know what? You're right because my brother knows this about me. It's been kind of a thorn in my family's side, is that I dislike Christmas a lot, too.
Starting point is 01:30:28 Right. And I like to isolate on Christmas. And then, yeah, New Year's is just... You know what? I'll go bigger in my beef. It's not just New Year's Eve. It's that whole week of holidays. I think they fucking blow.
Starting point is 01:30:41 It's just such a huge commitment, the whole thing. And also, to your point about Fourth of July, it's a whole day. But a huge commitment the whole thing and also like to your point about fourth of july it's like it's a whole day but like new year's eve like there's like a countdown like you're supposed to be you're supposed to be having the best time like right as it counts down which is a lot of pressure you know and it is like hanging with family can be stressful there's that whole thing before it yeah it's just like a day like thanksgiving's a day it's really just like it can be just like one meal you know and then you're and then you're out and a lot of fake enthusiasm on all those days too it's forced fun yeah i think it was more than
Starting point is 01:31:15 forced fun yeah we're having a good time i hate that and that time dude that really nice girl she's married now she's a great job she blew our buddy and then kissed me afterwards at midnight nice dude in the theater JT loved it I did not love it
Starting point is 01:31:35 I just said I didn't hate it I did not love it well it was funny the guy who got blown I wouldn't have known he made sure to come forward
Starting point is 01:31:44 he ran up to me and he's like, dude, did you just kiss so and so? She just blew me. All our reactions were just like, oh, oh, oh. See, I kind of, I think I miss house parties for New Year's because I think that's actually,
Starting point is 01:31:59 if it's like you're just at a house party with friends, it's like, you don't even have to wait for a drink. It's like, I feel like it takes some of the the anxiety out but i haven't actually like gotten to that point i haven't aged back into house parties yeah it's true yeah you kind of i think we're like right on the cusp we need more friends who are homeowners dude yeah uh chad who's your baby the week uh my baby the week's the carib dude. That's so good. Nice blue water. Jack Sparrow's tan.
Starting point is 01:32:30 Palm trees. It's just awesome. You know? Dude, I was watching your Instagram, dude. It was getting me through the holiday season, dude. On the boat? Bro. And even on the docks when you were dancing.
Starting point is 01:32:44 I watched that like eight times, dude. Dude, are you for real right now? A hundred percent. Eight times, dude. Fuck. Like a rock song. Exactly, dude. I hit an octave on that video, bro.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Yeah, that's the Bahamas. That's what it does. I love the Bahamas. I love the Caribbean. It's the best. Brings me so much joy nice that's awesome and you get a tan during christmas dude yeah that's fucking smart you're stealing bro i gotta say though still still didn't take away the malaise yeah there's something i texted you i was like i
Starting point is 01:33:19 gotta get home dude yeah i fucking but did you not see fam over christmas no i did i did and then you went because then no we went on a cruise with fam oh nice um but you know it's coming back they're coming back i i don't know something weird it's i don't agree amen there's only agree just throw the babe i just want to get a cruise ticket one way no stops off the edge of the right off the side of the flat earth right out there just me and a bunch of flat earthers let's get on this boat and drop you and kairi irving just playing some b-ball can't wait to go crossing me over for eternity dude that is pretty funny
Starting point is 01:34:09 are you just smiling on the way down and you just go told you we're so right dude um my baby of the week's gotta be my freaking dank ass fiance dude she's been making these dank juices at home whoa it's great dude she has this program that she signed up for like vegetables that are like a little bruised or whatever but she's gonna juice them anyway so fuck it and we get those and she juices them up and bro they're amazing brother give us the mix well I get my favorite it's just a shirt up carrot ginger so dank it's sweet it's really good no yeah like but carrots are
Starting point is 01:34:56 sweet I don't like ginger or something but ginger can get you but I like IPAs so it's interesting my my root some Some little turmeric in there, bro. She makes a nice green apple, ginger, kale, cucumber, turmeric. Is something wrong here? I don't know. I don't hear him as well. I mean, I'm talking about my fiance's juices, so. Wicked Cruz.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Wicked Pete Cruz, indeed. Everyone's like Strider cool You fucking loser No people love it You know that You do think You know people love it These juices are sick dude
Starting point is 01:35:32 Yeah Turmeric's good for you man But here's the thing They're warm That's all I'm saying You just put a little Spice in that drink I like it dude
Starting point is 01:35:41 That woke me up Christopher I'm gonna go with my dog zoe she uh we road tripped and she fucking hates the car i think she gets car sick easy because she usually sticks her head like down but she freaking beasted i mean we were in the car for like 14 hours, 15 the other day. She just freaking chilled and just laid there. And every time we stopped, a lot of times we just left her in there. Then when we said do your business, she did it real quick and was back in.
Starting point is 01:36:14 So thanks for making it easy. And it was nice to spend the holidays with her and not have to board her somewhere. That's so much better than having to board your dog. And Zoe has taken great strides. She was always loving and energetic, but she would hop on you. But you guys did a good job of being like, no hopping. She's lazy as fuck now. It's nice.
Starting point is 01:36:35 That's great. She loves the snow, dude. She's having a fucking blast. Really? Yeah, she'd stick her nose in it and then pop her head up. Look like a little coke head. It was so funny and adorable so yeah love you zoe good work this christmas appreciate you um
Starting point is 01:36:53 my babe of the week is the playwright tom stoppard he's 85 he's probably most famous for writing shakespeare in love and his plays are like super dense and hard to understand i've only ever tried to read them and it's a chore but dude i saw his new play leopold stop when i was in new york i saw a lot of live theater i saw mike berbiglia's one man show one of the best things i've ever seen beast um dude this play leopold stop gut punch and we were talking about this last night theater always goes there like every play is about the nine most impactful things that can happen to a human. It's like your dad betrays you.
Starting point is 01:37:29 Your kid's not your kid. It's like all that shit. Incest. Yes. Like heavy in plays. Multiple abortions. Always betrayal. And there's always betrayal in theater.
Starting point is 01:37:38 That's like the main kicker of it. Abuse of every kind. But there's something about seeing it that's cathartic because it's stuff you run away from and then when it's shoved in your face like that it makes you less afraid of all that stuff and i haven't had that experience with like tv or movies in a while so you can't pause it yeah you can't stop it and it's real people up there giving it their fucking all and uh yeah i just thought that play it's and so this play is not as challenging it's like easier to understand and it was beautiful man just fucking gut punch that is the thing though
Starting point is 01:38:10 sometimes you can go see a play and you can be like what's going on yeah they can sell you can not follow sometimes plays you can't follow and they can be corny really easily like if they do bad job with the lighting and like especially like that magic realism shit it can knock you out yeah a lot of magical realism they break the fourth too much yeah i saw samuel l too and john david washington really yeah in a play yeah they did they did this like legendary play the uh the piano lesson and then uh fuck yeah samuel was really good it was kind of a subdued part but there's one part in the play where they all just start hitting a beat and then they all start singing john david washington um the guy who was like steel in the dc movie and then uh or like the cyborg oh ray fisher yeah and then uh and john david washington and they fucking dude they're just singing like live and i was like
Starting point is 01:39:02 how are the other two dudes uh john david washington had like great physicality you know he's like an athlete he was really good but he was a little and he played the guy like really intense but there wasn't as much like nuance to it but he was better than i thought he would be because i'm not a huge fan of his how was ray fisher he was good he was like trying to be like really comedic and like talking in a real slow drawl and it kind of annoyed me but by the end of it he won me over but that's how plays always are they kind of feel corny at first and then it wins you over it's always tough and like that's why when they're bad they're so bad because it's like somebody like the acting feels um i don't know forced forced more forced yeah and because you know you're going to be there for about two and
Starting point is 01:39:38 a half hours you've got to be like especially with a musical or a play you gotta be like i gotta get into this you sit down i I better I'm a guy need to get on board mm-hmm otherwise it's tough Chad who's your legend week my legend the week is in the same vein as you your babe but I've been talking for years about getting a pup what and I like signed up in october and it happened i'm getting a pup let's go when dude when uh three weeks from now her name right now is ellen she's a mini golden did you name her after ellen degenerous no they named her ellen oh we're gonna name her Alola. You told me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nice. But she's like the cutest dog ever.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Pictures. Show us some photos, dude. When you get that dog, you come meet the dog. You got to come meet and I'm going to watch The Lion King with her. Smart. Oh. She's chewing a blanket, everyone. She is chewing a blanket. Dude, that coat blanket she's a cute little nugget oh my gosh the light hue of that coat she's with her little pink bow oh my god did you post that photo uh
Starting point is 01:40:54 candy did i think i saw that fuck yeah adorbs dude so very very cute very cute doggy play dates play dates sunny yeah very excited It's sunny, yeah. Very excited to have a doggie, so. Congrats. It's going to change your life, dude. It's going to change your life for the better. I've been holding off on it for. You've been itching to do this.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Dude, I know. Damn, dude, that's going to be amazing. Yeah. You're going to feed it treats, dude. It's going to love you. Maybe just wake up. It should go home. Oh. Oh. Dude, dude i love that i love dogs
Starting point is 01:41:28 strides who's your legend of the week my legend of the week fuck dude my legend of the week is i don't know dude maybe you know maybe i just gotta give a shout out this is always these guys are always there for me day in, day out, weekly. I've said it before, but I got to say it again. Did the KB boys thread maybe? I just got to say they're good dudes. They're lifting weights. They're keeping us inspired, especially this time of year.
Starting point is 01:41:56 I get a lot of texts and a lot of days where I'm like, I'm over it. My knee kind of hurts, so I don't want to move anything. I get a text, and it's like just completed this workout in 15 minutes or just did 2 000 calories on this and i go i gotta fucking move so legends dude to the boys dude just legends is the boys dude also a good show i haven't watched that show it's great i was really good I think you'd like it it is darker it's dark but it's pulpy dark but it's also fun and you'll laugh a lot
Starting point is 01:42:31 but sometimes you're like whoa and dude Homelander's performance is he's unreal all time best thing going on Tony Stark he's incredible you should be taking home gold all the time dude he should
Starting point is 01:42:46 where's his Emmys where's Golden Globes I gotta say the Carl Urban character kinda getting on my nerves a little bit at this point yeah but everybody's so good
Starting point is 01:42:53 Huey's great Starlight they're all so good fucking love Frenchie yeah he's a little annoying I was gonna say I liked him and then he said that
Starting point is 01:43:01 I was like that's actually more right yeah huh which character do you hate Frenchie oh yeah oh really I like do you hate? Frenchie. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Oh, really? I like Frenchie. I like Frenchie, actually. Is he the French guy? Yeah. Dead serious. He's the good kisser. Oh.
Starting point is 01:43:13 Yeah. Chris, he's your legend. You, dude? No. Baby, right now we're in the Super Bowl for fantasy, man. It's been a great season. We'll see what happens since, obviously. Yeah, there's bigger concerns. Yeah, but it's been a great season.
Starting point is 01:43:36 It's been a wild ride. And, man, it's been a... We had some lean years, and look, whatever happens, we're in the Super Bowl right now. It was a fucking sick season and it's way more fun to call each other be like man our team's good the class that we have to not make justin jefferson our beef of the week oh yeah we've rode that dude all season he's had one of the best wide receiver seasons in
Starting point is 01:44:01 recent memory maybe of all time and then he gets blank gets blanked by Alexander for one catch for 15 yards. When Alexander was talking shit earlier in the week. Dude, I think Kirk was hurt. His ball looked bad coming out. I blame Kirk more than Jefferson. Yeah, that ball looked goofy coming out. Who were you guys playing? Trevor Moylan.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Great guy. Fierce competitor. He had Austin Eckler, who was unstoppable. Bro, he had a career-long rushing touchdown, 72 yards. And Eckler's a great guy. I love him. He's a tough guy. Dude, yeah, he's got a great body.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Love that rig. Look, we'll see what happens. But it was still a good one. Pretty eyes, too. I mean, you know, I wish we had secured the dub, but I was like, you know, either way, man, it's been a great ride. So thank you. It's been fun.
Starting point is 01:44:45 We put it all out there. My legend of the week is I was doing chest press at a gym in Studio City. And I had a 70 dumbbells inclined chest press. And I was struggling to get my... I had it. I was under control. But I was struggling to get up that eighth rep. And you know when you're under the tension. But you know you got it. It wasn't like, but I was struggling to get up that eighth rep. And you know, when you're under the tension,
Starting point is 01:45:05 but you know, you got it. It wasn't, it wasn't like I wasn't going to drop them, but as I'm getting to the top and finish my set, this burly, burly Russian guy, just so gently comes behind me,
Starting point is 01:45:18 puts his hand under my elbows and not forceful at all. Just goes one more, bro. Oh my God, dude, get the fuck out of here. and not forceful at all just goes one more bro oh my god that's amazing and then I'm laying there with my struggle face and I hear him say that and it just turns into the biggest smile of my life and I go
Starting point is 01:45:33 I come down he gives me a perfect spot just barely hitting those bows just right when I need them to just hitting those bows I get it up I drop the up i drop the bell i drop the the dumbbells he's already turned back he's like i could tell you had one more man i had to help you get it i was like i appreciate you dude that's the only way i think that could
Starting point is 01:45:54 have been better is if you turn around and he's already gone he was never disappeared or if he was ukrainian yes he might have been i don't know but dude beast that's true. He was Ukrainian. Yes. He might have been. I don't know. But dude, beast. That's amazing. What a perfect spot. Chad, what's your quote of the week? One more, bro.
Starting point is 01:46:11 My quote of the week comes from The Tradition of Festivus by George Costanza's father. What's his, what's George Costanza's father's name? Jerry Stiller?
Starting point is 01:46:29 Yeah, Jerry Stiller, but what's the character's name? I don't know. I don't know. Anyways. Mr. Costanza? Mr. Costanza. The tradition of Festivus begins with the airing of grievances. I got a lot of problems with you people,
Starting point is 01:46:44 and now you're going to hear about it. Frank Costanza. You, Kruger. My son tells me your company stinks. Kruger, you couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe. That's my quote. Festivus airing of grievances.
Starting point is 01:47:04 Let's go. Let's see here. I'm trying toin of grievances. Let's go. Let's see here. I'm trying to look up a... Okay, hold on. I want to do it from... Wait, can you come back to me real quick? Because I have to find this. Bro, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:47:15 Chris? This one... I think it's been attributed to different people over the years, but it's been around for like hundreds or thousands of years. Some version of it. Defeat is an orphan, but victory has a thousand fathers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Oh yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. All right. Start. Can you go? Cause I have to find my book.
Starting point is 01:47:36 Yep. Yep. Yep. I got it. I'm ready. No, thanks. And JT,
Starting point is 01:47:42 take your time. Cause this quote can go on for a while if I want and it starts sometime around midnight or at least that's when you lose yourself for a minute or two
Starting point is 01:47:58 as you stand under the bar light and the band plays some song about forgetting yourself for a while. JT's not back yet? And the piano. All right. Chad, do you want to go?
Starting point is 01:48:14 Well, you already went. Yeah, I went. Okay. Dude, I forgot. I forgot about the thought to do it next week. Dude, I could lend you any lyric you want from Sometime Around My Night. I heard you singing it. It sounded nice.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Thank you. Hold on. Let me look this up real quick. Maybe the part where he goes, and you just have to see her. You just have to see her. You just have to see her. You know it'll break you
Starting point is 01:48:44 in two turns you know what's another great song that's not really while JT looks a good I don't think it's a breakup song but I love it's in the same vein of that like bad singing but I love it is the song Rockabye by Sean Mullins yes it's a great song everything's gonna be alright
Starting point is 01:49:01 Rockabye but then when he talks he goes she used to go to parties with Dennis Hopper and Sonny and Cher. Oh, I remember. Yeah, I remember that part. When he talks.
Starting point is 01:49:12 I love how quickly you slip into your Nick Cage. All my character voices are just Nick Cage doing that. It's just like 10 seconds until it starts to turn into that. It's so true. It's so good. Oh, yeah. seconds until it starts it starts to turn into
Starting point is 01:49:32 Yeah, have you ever seen Nick Cage? Yes, I actually saw him I checked him in the hotel a little bit ago, bro What was that was a relatively warm day? He's wearing full leather Amazing full leather. What kind of like black or brown? black Black full leather gets out of it stretch what was he like just very chill yeah I'm gonna need those bags and I go can I send those up to the room yeah
Starting point is 01:49:50 great great thanks thanks Greg that's awesome that's amazing dude what are we doing in town see you guys
Starting point is 01:49:59 where does he live this is a few months ago this is a few months ago where does he live I don't know doesn't he have like a million castles he used to dude I think he I think he had to I think he had to unload a few months ago where does he live i don't know doesn't he have like a million castles he used to do i think he i think he had to unload a few of those property taxes man they'll get the best of us maybe he lives in like montana i feel like he's a desert guy
Starting point is 01:50:16 i feel like he's just he's got like 12 homes and one of them's in like a european city that no one's heard of nice yeah bull fest um f1's gonna be there dude my quote of the week is a mark maron uh offhanded line that he said to maria bamford during their podcast where he was because i'll talk to myself a lot when i'm by myself and he said one time he was by himself and he said uh he was thinking on himself and he goes you're ridiculous but you're no dummy yeah what's your phrase we're getting after it let's do it no I don't want to do that expelliarmus let me Let me find this real quick It's gonna be real quick Sorry, sorry
Starting point is 01:51:08 I'm fucking dropping the ball right now No, dude We can always cut it down, baby Yeah, I'm gonna need those bags I'm gonna need those Alright Alright, here we go This is my phrase of the week
Starting point is 01:51:16 for getting after it She feels safe now in this bar on Fairfax From the stage I can tell that she can't let go She can't relax. Just before she hangs her head to cry,
Starting point is 01:51:27 I sing to her a lullaby. I sing, Everything's gonna be alright. Rock-a-bye. Rock-a-bye. Rock-a-bye. Dude, he does rip.
Starting point is 01:51:46 Chris, quoting our dad here, when he's skiing, because we went skiing, every time he went blowing, he always does it. He's calling himself a certain skier. I can't really,
Starting point is 01:51:59 but he'd be zipping by me and every time he'd go by, I'd go, Jean-Claude. And he must have done it to me 15 times when we went skiing a week ago. Dude, my... That's amazing. On the plane back from Desbest, he rips on the skis, too. Jean-Claude.
Starting point is 01:52:17 And when he says it, he's got the biggest fucking smile on his face. Well, it's his hips. His hips were like Mikhail Baryshnikov out there like he was graceful and he would just be smiling just carve right in front of me and just say Jean-Claude
Starting point is 01:52:31 and then just and then he's gone hilarious dude my phrase that we're getting after is from one of my favorite films
Starting point is 01:52:39 of all time I watched it on the way home from New York and it never fails to inspire me a star is born you sold dad's ranch and he socks him and i think it's the worst line in the whole movie but fired me up when i saw it it was because you were drunk jack you know what i like that
Starting point is 01:52:58 movie that they're arizona cowboys yeah because they're kind of more real yeah exactly i like that touch arizona interesting you stole my fucking voice yeah it's because you got nothing to say it's a good movie first 45 minutes best 45 minutes oh god dude um all right dudes we did it that was fun bros good draft good draft thank you dudes thank you Aaron thanks for listening stokers spread the word about the drafts get people on the drafts alright thanks for listening Really nice You wanna know What to do
Starting point is 01:53:46 Where to go When you need Someone to guide you Such a happy Rose beside you Go in deep Go in deep Let's go deep Go in deep I'm going deep. I'm going deep.
Starting point is 01:54:05 I'm going deep. I'm going deep.

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