Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 277 - Dentists and Other Big Announcements

Episode Date: February 11, 2023

What up stokers! This weeks ep is only an hour but we stuff with it tidings from the future. Enjoy!    We are now taking voicemail calls for the pod. Call us today with your questions or drop a conf...ession about a wild night with the bros! (323-418-2019)   Check us out on tour! Go to www.chadandjt.com for tickets!   Check out the reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Episode Sponsored by:   Athletic Greens: Visit www.ATHLETICGREENS.com/GODEEP for a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase.   Helix Sleep: Visit WWW.HelixSleep.com/godeep for 20% off all mattress orders + 2 free pillows

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up Stokers? Thank you for joining the podcast. We have an epic, epic episode for you. Stick around for it. But first, before we begin, I want to let you know that we were brought to you by the legends at Helix Sleep. Helix. Guys, I love Helix Sleep. My mattress is Helix Sleep. Best mattress I've ever owned. And I'm for real on that. And honestly, is there anything worse than going to a mattress store and laying down on a mattress that's not sick? Well, problem solved with Helix because they will give you the dankest mattress you've ever seen. And Helix is offering up to 20% off all mattress orders and two free pillows for our listeners. Just go to helixsleep.com slash go deep. Get up to 20% off your mattress and two free pillows.
Starting point is 00:00:38 This is their best offer yet and it will not last long. Helix Sleep, what up? We're also brought to you by Legends Athletic Greens. Athletic Greens, thank you so much for sponsoring the podcast. Guys, I drink Athletic Greens every morning. It makes me feel so good. I get all my vitamins, probiotics, prebiotics,
Starting point is 00:00:52 antibiotics that you need. And I drink it every morning and I love it because it keeps my nutrition on point. If you're looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a free one-year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs
Starting point is 00:01:04 with your first purchase. Just go to athleticgreens.com go deep that's athleticgreens.com go deep check it out rolling go for it all right swizzle the stick and tap the taint. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? We come to you live from the ATC Studios. Our second digs we're back at. Yep. Here with my compadre, John Thomas. What up?
Starting point is 00:01:39 Boom clap, Stokers. And thank you guys for your patience this week. I felt ill when we were supposed to record. But we are in the studio now. We are getting it done. And we love you, Stokers. Thank you guys for your patience. How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:01:56 Good, man. I'm tired today, too. I had to get up early to go to the dentist. And then I'm in there. They were supposed to finish my root canal. I had like a temporary half of my tooth on there and then they went to put in the new half. It didn't fit.
Starting point is 00:02:11 He told me my gums are inflamed. I said, is that something I did or is that something you guys did? He said, we'll talk about it after. We did not discuss it after. He sent me to a gum specialist. So I'm gonna have to do a gum graft because when they put my braces on it pushed my canines forward
Starting point is 00:02:29 so through no fault of my own really I mean maybe I could have taken better care of them but the dentist basically said it was like a fait accompli like you were going to lose them and yeah now I might have to do a gum graft where they go into the roof of your mouth and they remove like tissue from there
Starting point is 00:02:45 and then put it over your gums and it's supposed to feel like a really hot pizza burn on the roof of your mouth for a couple days man and then um yeah i was pissed i was fucking pissed i was mad at him he's a really nice guy and i left there in a huff but i had a nice breakfast afterwards and there's been nice moments peppered throughout the day, but I was tired. And I was like, all right, I'm done with, it's been like four visits for this fucking thing. And I was like, all right, we're in the clear now. No, there's no clear. There's more doctors coming.
Starting point is 00:03:17 That's the thing with dentists because they love to deliver the bad news. They're like, this continues. You could lose all your teeth. Yeah. He's like, your teeth will fall out if we don't stop this he's like your gums are detached i was like it all sounded it made me feel gross about myself yeah i was like i'm a gross motherfucker like how did i let my mouth get to and then i was mad at my parents for not like being more on top of my mouth breathing when i was a kid i was mad at the orthodontistry industry in general for practices
Starting point is 00:03:46 that had like short-sighted aesthetic corrections but weren't like uh systemically beneficial and i was like the whole fucking thing's a racket i was like how much money is that gum doctor kicking to you based off your referrals and he was like i don't know what you're talking about he's just the best gum doctor and i was like don't don't know what you're talking about. He's just the best gum doctor. And I was like, don't mess with me, man. All right? I know I'm getting taken to the cleaners. Just look me in the eye.
Starting point is 00:04:11 You know, am I wearing lipstick? And he's like, why? I was like, because I like to look pretty when I get fucked. That's from the movie Blow. And then he hadn't seen the movie Blow. That upset me. I was like, it's really good, especially the first two acts. And he was like, yeah, I'm more of a traffic guy. And I was like, yeah, you would be first two acts and he was like yeah i'm more of a
Starting point is 00:04:25 traffic guy and i was like yeah you would be yeah you would you would like traffic more nice guy doctor send him a hate mail a lot of times with the dentist they'll tell you shit and you're actually a really nice guy they tell you shit and you're kind of like well i could just not come back and ignore this forever there is that moment where you're like, you know what, dude? I might just bounce and just, you know, what's the phrase? Like test my luck? Like, you know, see how I fare on my own. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I was like, I don't need you. He really is such a delightful man. I told him I do comedy stuff. Oh, he's hitting me with bits every time. He's hitting you with jokes? Yep. Sometimes I get a bit racist. That's okay. I can every time. He's hitting you with jokes? Yep. Sometimes I get a bit racist. That's okay.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I can handle it. I don't judge. If we got to bleep his name out. Jake, bleep his name out on this one. Yeah, the joke today wasn't, it was just a bad joke. You want to hear it? Mm-hmm. Why do you think all, why do you think the Vikings uniforms are purple?
Starting point is 00:05:27 Why? Because if you choked for 30 years, you'd be purple, too. They fuck up a lot in the playoffs. Oh, the NFL team. Yeah. Oh. I was thinking about the actual Vikings. I was like, they wore purple? Dude, that's crazy that you're so dumb about sports that you're actually smarter about
Starting point is 00:05:46 life and that he went to something that was like real vikings the real vikings like more rich and and requires more understanding um man i'm sorry matt that getting news like that is the worst it was tough dude it was a tough start to the day But it's really just the lack of sleep I'm just cranky Well it's also It's like when you go to get your car fixed Or something Or the vet I'm discovering this too with the vet
Starting point is 00:06:14 It's like they just tack on shit They're like you're gonna have to get like a Culture taken Urine analysis I'm like how much is that 500 bucks I'm like why It's always more It's always more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:25 It's always more than you went in there. You go in for a quick fix, and then they're like, no, no, no. Like, this is the first domino. Oh, yeah. We got to do a massive overhaul. And you're just like, you feel your shoulders sink, and you just stare at them. And you're like, you want to say something back so bad, but I don't have the requisite knowledge. So I just sink, and I go, fine.
Starting point is 00:06:46 It's fine. And you're like, so just by showing up, I have to pay $250? Yeah. Yeah, that's how it works. They're stealing from us. I've had some good times too, though. I installed a door handle and my girlfriend- Did you do that today?
Starting point is 00:07:01 Yesterday. Yesterday? How'd that go? Very fulfilling. So I fixed the internal handle. Wasn't working right. It was a little loose. I tightened it up.
Starting point is 00:07:11 That fucked up the front handle. It just had too much wear and tear. Like, it has this like, I don't know, half circle inside of it. And that's the mechanism when you pull down on the handle that turns the lock. And that thing was just from wear and tear had like a deep groove in it so i went to the diy hardware store bought a new one fitted it up on there and it looks good and it's working well it's super easy yeah like anyone could do it i just never took the time to try you know i'm learning that about stuff like fixing stuff i learned how to
Starting point is 00:07:43 like i learned how to change a tire. It's so simple. But you just see the fucking irons and stuff, the wrenches, and you're just like, it just, when you just see pieces of metal that you're supposed to apply, you're like, I don't fuck, like, what are you doing? It's literally just unscrewing the lug nuts and stuff and then taking it out. Yeah, you just unscrew stuff and screw other stuff in. It's pretty basic.
Starting point is 00:08:09 It is, yeah. But it's fun. It's a lot of fun. I'm going to fix the sink drain got disattached, detached. So I'm going to fix that tomorrow. Nice. How are you going to do that? I've been watching YouTube videos. Well, that's the other thing now is we got YouTube.
Starting point is 00:08:24 YouTube, yeah. So I was just watching YouTube videos on it last night, and I was like, this is amazing. Do you ever think about the fact that someday we're going to have basically Google in our domes, and so you won't even have to go to your computer. You'll just sort of think. I'll be like Neo in The Matrix. Exactly. You'll be like fixing door handle, and the video will pop up.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I'll be like, upload during a drain attachment he's like gotcha brother and i'm like and then we might even get to a point where our hands you just command your hands you just go hands fix sink and they just do it and you're like a passive observer as your hands do it and it might not stop stop there. You'll be like, hands, make this woman I love come. And your hands will do it and you'll just be watching. And you'll be like, tank, shut off the video. Stop watching. And tank's like, yeah, I'm not watching.
Starting point is 00:09:14 He's always watching. Do you think that when we... Yes. When robots take over for manly activities, they're going to steal our ladies too? No, no shot. I'm not letting that happen. I'll meet you halfway every time. Like you come home and she's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:32 Frank the robot here just fixed the door. Yeah, and he like winks at me. I'm like, where'd you learn how to wink? Who'd you pick that up at? He's got a sexy tool belt. No, no, no. No robots gonna be in my house and no robots gonna be dating anyone in my family famous last words on this new bot yeah we had a busy week too we're pitching a new tv show fully scripted tough time to pitch we pitched it well we did a good job like i i told my girlfriend after i was like babe i don't know what's gonna happen but we emptied the tank
Starting point is 00:10:03 i gave it a hundred we dressed up like sailors we put our best foot forward creatively and you know it's about sailors too not just arbitrarily we uh yeah we put we put our best foot forward and you know we're pitching to disney disney's an umbrella for a lot of different disney owns everything yeah and the next literally the next day or no right after the pitch was it right after the pitch they they got this earnings call from Bob Iger he's like we're restructuring the company we're cutting three billion from content they've fired 7,000 people yeah they're telling the streamers to be more judicious than what they pick up and then he did a release where he said he might sell Hulu. Yeah. And I'm like, to who?
Starting point is 00:10:46 Like, what? Is there any more media conglomerates? Is he going to sell it to, like, ExxonMobil? Well, dude. I swear, I think that's who it's going to be. I think the gas companies are going to own all this shit. I think realistically, so Comcast has a third of a stake in it. So they could either try and sell it to Comcast or Comcast could force them to buy it.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Yeah. And I think they don't want to be in a position where they have to buy it because that would cost them billions. So I think that's what's going on with that. Nice. But I think ExxonMobil or BP might come in hot and just be like, hey, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:17 oil's kind of becoming uncool. Let's try and get in the streaming biz and be a little bit more hip. I'm putting money on it. I'm betting a barrel of gas that's going to happen. And also it's going to be interesting because then I think some of the really prominent entertainment moguls who don't need to be at one place. They have options. They're going to be like, if you work with Exxon Mobil Entertainment, I won't work with you.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And then the hungry up and comers are going to be like, bro, I'm not in your position. Like, I don't have a house in the Palisades. I gotta, I'm doing business with the oil people. Seagulls be damned. Yeah. Fuck the geese. Yeah, like, I don't know any geese. Geese ain't paying my bills, brother.
Starting point is 00:11:59 Dude, do you think, like, you know those, like, intros where it's, like, the fucking, the credit source is, like, universal. It's the globe. You know, it's the earth. There's going to be, like, a geese covered in oil just think like, you know, those like intros where it's like the fucking, the credit source is like universal. It's the globe, you know, it's the earth. This is going to be like a geese covered in oil. Just like. Yeah. It's going to be like a pretty picture of the earth.
Starting point is 00:12:12 All picturesque and, you know, three floors covered in water. And then you're going to slowly see oil just drip down it. Just covering it in a black molasses. And yeah. And a guy just pouring it on and just. And people are going to get mad at us. molasses and yeah the guy just pouring it on and just and people are gonna get mad at us like well you know that's funny too because we just did a uh we did a corporate gig last week for some oil and gas people specifically a company that finds out who owns the mineral rights on properties
Starting point is 00:12:37 because aaron i don't know if you knew this it's a little bit like hell or high water but like you can own land but not own the mineral and soil underneath the land. So yeah, this company figures out who owns that minerals. And they said they did like $1.8 billion in payouts last year. And I was like, how much of that was people who didn't know the money was coming to them? They're like a huge chunk. Oh, I bet.
Starting point is 00:12:59 So random families just get like a letter that's like, yo, you're sitting on like $15 million worth of like, or you're like, nice, you're sitting on like $15 million worth of like ore. Yeah. You're like, nice, good. It's probably not that much. I have some mineral rights and I get like 40 bucks every four months. Yeah, but you don't have that good mineral, bro. I don't.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's in Kansas. Wait. I don't know. Aaron, are you in bed with big oil? Yeah. I don't know. Aaron, how do you sleep at night taking that shit? I don't know what kind of minerals there are, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Look into it, dude. They might be giving you short shrift. Nah, I don't know how do you sleep at night taking that shit? I don't know what kind of minerals there are to be honest look into my short shrift That'd be cool if you're on the rights to some pink Himalayan salt I'd hit you up for that It's good stuff in Kansas. Yeah, dude. You sprinkle it your fucking right Himalayan yeah, Himalayan they got mountains in Kansas. It's a part of topi that's the plains It's just planes. Oh, maybe it's Salt Lake City.eka. Or that's the plains state, right? That's the plains, yeah. It's just plains. Oh, maybe it's Salt Lake City. Well, what do you think makes those plains fly, brother?
Starting point is 00:13:53 Dude, yeah, that was fun, though. But it was, I love doing those, like, we haven't done many, but we've done, like, a couple offshoot kind of gigs like that. They fly out. They put you in a hotel. You don't know what you're walking into. We had 200 people just being like, what are you guys going to do? And we were like, we have no idea. Dude, they wanted us to perform.
Starting point is 00:14:13 They didn't have a stage. They only had one microphone for the two of us. And they wanted us to just stand in front of like 200 people. I was like, dude. He was a really cool guy, too. The guy who ran the company. Everyone there was really nice and fun to talk to. But I was like, this, he was a really cool guy too, the guy who ran the company. Like he was real, everyone there was really nice and fun to talk to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:26 But I was like, this is going to be tough. But then we found a little, what do we stand on? Like a mini couch? What do you call those things where you put your feet on them? Ottoman? Like two Ottomans. Yeah, we stood on like two Ottomans. And just bombed.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Not someone from Turkey, the furniture. Yeah. And we just bombed. We from turkey the furniture yeah and and we just bombed we bombed like horrifically and got heckled yeah by that pretty lady yeah she was annoying well she honestly helped us out because there's something you could play off of because it's one of those instances where they're like you know it's just for people they're like like oh just go out there and be funny and you're like well it needs a little bit more setup and so it's just like people and it's, oh, just go out there and be funny. And you're like, well, it needs a little bit more setup. And so it's just like people, and it's basically a networking event.
Starting point is 00:15:08 So they're like, all right, so these oil guys are going to be networking. And then you're going to interrupt that when they're at a bar drinking, hanging with their friends. And you're just going to talk at them and make them laugh. Pretty difficult thing to accomplish. It's really hard. And I made my peace with it beforehand where I was sitting there and i was just staring at everybody and i went this is gonna suck well that's the thing too is like sometimes we'll set it up as like we're doing like a q a because and it's like just funny because it's sort of like these are these two intellectuals
Starting point is 00:15:37 they're like accomplished activists coming up and it's us you know so for people who like really understand who we are and like our comedy and stuff it works yeah especially for people who are in like government or whatever because then they understand it but then if it's a q a with us and people don't really understand who we are they're like why the fuck would i listen to a q a with these guys you know what i mean because it's like we were like presenting ourselves as experts but they don't understand the humor behind it. That we're not experts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:08 They were disappointed we weren't real experts. Yeah. But which calls into question their whole understanding of the term expert. I was like, who do you consider an expert? True. And they were like Bobby Bowden. I was like, he was a good coach for sure. Dude, props to him.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Yeah. And then, you know what? They did a thing too. They made us do the meet and they had us hang out with everybody beforehand. Oh yeah. Which I think it's like, I know this is like inside baseball, but like generally the shows work better if you just meet everybody afterwards. So you have like a veneer of mystique when you go up there first.
Starting point is 00:16:40 But we were just like chumming up, talking to everybody. Super fun. But then we get up there and some of the guys i was talking to weren't laughing and they were trying not to look at me oh dude and so i just started staring at them and i made them look at me in the eyes yeah while we bombed up there yeah dude like i was like you're gonna bail on me now brother because 20 minutes ago we were talking about your kids and we were on the same page and now you won't even look at me how the tides have changed and uh dude this one guy was talking shit to me he like started off where um he didn't know who we were he just heard that we were a couple comedians he's one of those
Starting point is 00:17:16 guys he's like tell me a joke tell me a joke and i'll be like shut up and then he'd come away like come on tell me a joke you You can go be funny up there. Tell me a joke. And he just keeps talking shit. It's a weird thing. It's a weird thing. It's really annoying. And then finally he comes back.
Starting point is 00:17:32 He's like, oh, you're the public yachts guys. Oh, you guys are funny. I'm not bad for talking shit. And he's like, you're going to go make me laugh up there? I'm like, nah, dude. I'm just going to bomb and then you're going to hate me again. But yeah, there's something what is that why why why do people get so defensive when they I guess when they hear someone's a comedian and they're like oh really tell me a joke you know
Starting point is 00:17:56 what I mean yeah I think it's just like the competitive instinct that's hard wired into men specifically I mean women do it too but I guess I'm just more noticed it more with men but like but it does women do it too, but I guess I'm just more, I've noticed it more with men, but like, but it does seem like it's heightened even more with comedians because like,
Starting point is 00:18:11 with athletes, I think people do like to test them a little bit. Like, oh, you think you're a big tough guy. You know, like, I think fighters will get that. But I don't know if like,
Starting point is 00:18:19 you know what it is too with comedians is that they know the jokes are all in our head. So there shouldn't be any issue with us getting the joke out it's not like if you see like a basketball player you're like hey demar de rosen dunk a basketball and he's like well i'm at you know cheesecake factory there's not a hoop and there's no ball right but our court we're always on our court yeah we're always in our jersey on our court and we should be able to slam yeah because all we
Starting point is 00:18:45 need is a microphone if you go to have to a musician he's like i don't have a guitar right and i'm like you know what the other thing i want to say is he was like i got news for you i'm not that funny yeah me neither okay yeah look you hired me you're paying me no matter what yeah but i'm not that funny so you just got to deal with i guess that's what they're trying to prove to a certain degree that's the way to short circuit them is just go straight to them like i'm not that funny thanks for the money yeah move it move it pal move it still fun and then afterwards i uh dude because i haven't i'm sorry i know when people have a sober kick they got to talk about it but i got to talk about it. I haven't drank or smoked pot. I had one shot that night, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Right. I had one shot of tequila. Then afterwards, I postmated some Tres Leches cake. It was phenomenal. Nice. And then I went to the bar there and just like journaled and had my headphones in. And I had a chocolate cake with ice cream and went to sleep that night. And maybe the worst hangover I've ever had.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Really? Yeah, just because I've been healthy. And then so now if I do anything off the healthy path, I feel it tenfold the next day. It's enough to make you want to just eat Taco Bell and drink every day. Because then you always feel like shit. But you don't notice you feel like shit because you always feel that way. Whereas if you feel good,
Starting point is 00:20:10 you don't even know you feel good until you do a little bad and then you feel really fucked up. It's so true. I've always thought that when you go sober for a while, let's say a month or two, no, I'd say probably more than that. Maybe like two or three months.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Right. You kind of fuck yourself if you want to get back into hard partying lifestyle. Yeah. Because you realize the other side of it, which is like, for me, it was like waking up on Saturday mornings without drinking. I started doing that for the first time. It was like a whole new world. Like it was like, to me, it's like i had so much more time so
Starting point is 00:20:47 much more things i could do in the world you can wake up and you just feel fantastic you're like wait a second i can go surf and just do all this shit instead of just feeling like shit you know it's like and so when going back to partying especially like for me it's like you party and then you're like like how i can't even live like this this is it's the most, it's like you party and then you're like, I can't even live like this. It's the most brutal. It's like working out. Like if you work out all the time, it's easy. But if you take three months off from working out and then you go into the gym, your muscles are sore for like a week afterwards. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So you almost need to be partying a little bit all the time just to stay in partying shape. Totally. And I'm out of it. I'm not in partying shape right now. Do you think you'll ever get back into it yeah i yeah i don't know i'd like to stay on this healthy path i haven't been watching porn either nice and uh i've been healthy healthy healthy but like i've had phases like this before and i've found my way back to partying. Yeah. I don't know. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:21:47 Maybe I should just talk about it then because I'm doing it for a reason. Right. Big news, guys. Are you announcing it right now? I think I'm going to do it. Big news. Oh, boy. This is going to be big. I've been seeing this girl for like a year now i love her so much she is so wonderful she's my favorite
Starting point is 00:22:13 person in the world she's smart she's poised she's beautiful she she knows how to handle me she handles me real good and uh i just respect her so much in like November we started I was just moving in basically we started talking like hey maybe maybe we don't try but maybe we don't not try to have some kiddos and I said sure why not life is life we'll see what happens but I had already been kind of thinking that this was the person I wanted to do that with and we and we were both at an age where we felt prepared for it well it happened quickly and she got pregnant and there is a little parster cooking up right now in the oven and we got some bigger news a couple weeks ago we go in there for the sonogram there's two there's two dude why do you guys both seem so nervous okay i got nervous just for the announcement okay yeah that's
Starting point is 00:23:23 why i was like because I could feel it because it's such big news but it's so exciting I mean it's crazy it's huge I mean dude you're gonna be a great dad dude I'm really fired up to be a dad to two to two of them that spawned me when we found out it was two my brain broke I was like whoa but we know one's a boy. Not sure about the other one yet. And yeah, I'm going to be a father. I'm really excited for it. It's crazy because I adjusted to it quickly. Like it's such a big departure for me in terms of how I've lived my life up until this point.
Starting point is 00:23:58 But I think I've always really wanted to be a dad. And I was always curious about what being a dad was like. Like, I didn't even know I was doing that, but I'd always ask dads about it a lot. And I was always really obsessed with like my friends, kids and stuff like that. And yeah, I think, I think it's kind of the thing I'm most excited about in my whole life ever to just like raise these little people up, to learn how to be better myself, to really figure out what my philosophy on life is and how I can communicate that to two new humans
Starting point is 00:24:33 to help them be the best humans that they can be. And then I really had to think about what I value. I mean, look, this is like so early. Who knows how my brain's going to go? Day to day, I'm sure it's going to be a roller coaster. But like at first I was like, oh, like I got to raise them to be tough and like successful. And like, they got to be able to like fend for themselves and all this stuff.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And then, uh, after a couple of weeks, I was like, I think I just have to like love them a lot and be compassionate and like hope they're good people. And then maybe if I model that other stuff, they'll figure that out. But even just having those internal conversations has been rewarding. So I can't even imagine what it's going to be like when they actually pop up. And then it's just, I don't know. I think it's kind of focused me in a way too where I'm like, yeah, I think I'm just going to have to grow up a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And I'm excited for that. Yeah. I feel like you've already grown up a lot. Oh, thanks, man. Yeah. I'm excited to like, yeah, just kind of see if I can rise to the challenge of it. And I'm excited for that. I'm like, yeah, let's do it. Well, first of all, I think you're going to be a phenomenal dad.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I'm so excited for you. Thanks, man. And I see you with kids all the time. You're so good with kids. It's so natural for you. So, like, even when we were at that council meeting, you're just like, you're just so fun. So you're just gonna be such a fun dad. Cause I am a kid. That's what Robbie Hoffman told me. Yeah. She's like, you are a kid. Yeah. So like when the kid's like, I'm sad, I can't play with
Starting point is 00:25:57 my toy. I'm going to be like, I get it. Dude, I really, really understand wanting to play with something and not being allowed to. Yeah. That will stick with you for a while, but you'll realize in the long run, maybe it was good for you, little dude. Yeah. Leo Jackson Parr. What do we think? I love it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:26:19 And yeah, it's been fun telling some friends and family. And it's scary too, you know, like the morning sickness. But even that stuff, it's like now I like, you know, I'll make protein shakes for my girlfriend and like I'll help out around the house more and like run errands for her. And I've just found it all to be like immensely rewarding to kind of just not be thinking about myself all the time. not be thinking about myself all the time yeah and i think uh there's something about when you have when you when you have that kind of real responsibility of like taking care of other people and stuff it's something like primal in you where it's just even if it can be like brutal at times it's so fulfilling and satisfying where it's it's it's i feel like there's never a point where you're even when you're it can be like kind of tough where it's it's it's i feel like there's never a point where you're even when you're
Starting point is 00:27:06 it can be like kind of tough where it's like overwhelming or whatever it's always satisfying it's always worth it so i think i think there's something really sort of um great about that that kind of responsibility i'm pumped um thank you man yeah And, yeah, it's exciting. There's something else I was going to say, but I forget. No worries, bro. How are you feeling today? I mean, I'm just, I've been in a really good mood, but I'm a little cranky today. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Just tired? Just tired, dude. Yeah. But. Can't get used to that. Right? I have been more tired since we even found out she was pregnant and i was like i've never been this tired before in my life but we don't even have kids yet yeah but even being
Starting point is 00:27:52 tired i kind of like because i'm i'm traditionally not a person who gets tired and sometimes i'll just sit on the couch like man i just need a minute well there's something about that too where it's like it's like when you're like single you don't have kids and stuff when you're like I'm tired people are like from what right but now you have this excuse where you're like man I'm exhausted they're like I get it brother yeah it's like you can ride those excuses and but they're they're warranted for sure yeah I think it'll make me better at my work and better at just being a friend to people. And like, cause yeah, I think it'll just, yeah, there was, there was something where I felt like I had reached.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And if I hadn't met the right person, I would have continued with it. But there was something about, cause I'll always drive myself crazy. Like that's just who i am like i'm neurotic i like to think about things but the things i was thinking about and that i was driving myself crazy about i felt like they weren't that i wanted to stop fixating on those things and start fixating on new things yeah which i don't want to make it seem as if like I did it for novelty, although I'm sure that is a small percentage of it, but it was more that I was like, oh, I even want to like level up my problems a little bit. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And like, we're doing good. It's always eat what you kill. Like, you know, we, we got to keep working and there's always a degree of uncertainty in it, but've got more reason to go hard at it now too totally so let's uh let's go yeah because i want those kids to have a beast of a father yeah i want them to be like my dad's a beast i know they'll never say that but maybe in their 40s they'll realize it oh totally yeah when you when you're a kid and you realize it and you're like teens that's cool yeah it's gonna they're not gonna definitely think it for a long
Starting point is 00:29:46 long time but but I'll just be like one day one day you'll understand little ones well in this the fact that you're thinking about this stuff now it's crazy to think of because I don't know from experience but from what I hear maybe Aaron you can attest to this
Starting point is 00:30:02 when you actually see the kids for the first time I feel like that's gonna like everything your mind in even more ways that's supposed to be the moment yeah and i'm already sentimental i'm already crying about these little people and i don't even know them yet yeah they're just little they went from raspberries to like uh walnuts like a week ago right yeah it it completely changes as soon as you see them um yeah it it's it's so dramatic it's so beautiful um it's great to want to impart all those those larger life things to them too but that's not really what you have yeah you have time for that yeah the day-to-day grind is really where you make your bones yeah yeah my daughter's two and it's just i've tried you try to impart a large life lesson you're not pumping nichi through the speakers no no
Starting point is 00:30:55 all right well she's gonna be a little behind have you thought about your first well i guess that you're probably gonna watch kid movies but your first shot my parents never showed me kid movies yeah what's your first movie gonna watch with them you're gonna watch heat my parents showed me like heat they're gonna be like no you watch kid shit i'm like well because we i figured out how to work the remote control yeah no my parents were like heat i told you the story when my mom came home when i was like five and my brother was like three maybe a little bit older and my dad was showing us this movie Sleepers where all these kids go to juvenile detention and get molested.
Starting point is 00:31:28 And my mom comes in, she's like, why are you showing them this movie? And my dad's like, it's important. Me and my brother were like trembling. But maybe long term that was good for us. Dude, I have a wait and see approach on all that stuff. I don't know about rated R movies, even giving them a little spankaroo once in a while. I think you've got to see what kind of kids you get and what the world looks like around them.
Starting point is 00:31:51 And then also I trust, I really do trust my girlfriend so much. She's so smart. She's so sensible. She's so centered. And still fun on top of that, which is pretty awesome. And then,
Starting point is 00:32:04 so I'll probably be following her guidance with a lot of commentary pitched in for me centered and still fun on top of that which is pretty awesome and then um so you know i'll probably be following her guidance with a lot of uh commentary pitched in for me along the way yeah she's so she's so like capable and poised and she's poised yeah she'll love that yeah babe you're poised i could see if you're like going out to dinner your kids are like watching ipads like what are they watching gangs in new Well, I mean, that's an important film. Yeah, exactly. Because it's man in a primal battle rendered obsolete by the progress
Starting point is 00:32:32 of technology, time, and you know, larger configurations of organized bodies. I mean, you know, that's... You gotta think about that, two-year-old. Absolutely. And also you got Daniel Day-Lewis ripping it up. And then, you know, Leo DiCaprio.
Starting point is 00:32:47 He's in the news right now. Yeah. You know what? Not my business. Well, it does involve young girls. Yeah, I guess so. At some point it might be my business, depending on how,
Starting point is 00:33:01 depending on what route he, if he diverts or maintains. Yeah, well, dude, depending what route he you know if you know if he diverts or maintains um yeah well dude yeah that's that's a good on that but i wanted to ask you some things actually before maybe we get into questions we got 30 minutes i wanted to see if you were it's a new segment we're trying out it's called stoked or unstoked so i'll ask you about a couple different things maybe some things that happen you know, that are just experiences we had over the past week or public occurrences that are worth finding out
Starting point is 00:33:30 if you're stoked or unstoked on them. Mm-hmm. The controversial Oscar nomination of Andrea Risborough. Dude, fully stoked on that. Nice. That just fires me up. LeBron James passing Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the all-time points leader in the NBA. Dude, just so stoked.
Starting point is 00:33:50 And I was more stoked for Phil Knight's reaction. He had no phone. He was watching it, taking it in fully in person. Oh, really? Yeah. Nice. The Chinese balloon that got shot down over Montana. I don't know where it got shot down, but they saw it in Montana.
Starting point is 00:34:05 Dude, just so stoked to see some action, you know? You know, I've been watching war movies. Why is it a balloon? Why are they using a, like, you don't have more advanced technology than a balloon? Yeah, shouldn't it be a plane that goes fast? That's what I thought. Well, I guess you want to take more photos. Right. Also, they must have known they were
Starting point is 00:34:27 going to get caught. Yeah. I almost think they wanted to get caught. It's all so weird. But I'm stoked on it. Also, it's like, are we really going to fight China? Yeah. Don't they need us? Don't we need each other?
Starting point is 00:34:43 Isn't it kind of like a couple that's like, like playing like a little War of the Roses with each other, but you know they're actually doing it because they know they can't break up? Like they're going to be together forever? Totally. I think they both, you know, I don't think it's a chance either side wants to take.
Starting point is 00:35:02 But, you know, I might be super naive in this, but I always think that everything trends towards good. The moral arc of the universe is long, but bends towards justice. Martin Luther King, my friend. Exactly, yeah. So when people are like talking about- He's only 5'6".
Starting point is 00:35:16 Was he really? MLK, short guy. What a beast. When everyone talks, people talk about like the threat of nuclear annihilation is upon us. I'm like, I feel like it always is. Totally.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Like, shut up. But I don't know. Should I take that more seriously? But then again, what do I do? What can I do? Well, mutually assured destruction. It's a good deterrent. It's like, if I fight you, you fight me, we're both going to die.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Exactly. That doesn't make sense for nobody. Yeah. That's why we all have nukes just pointing at each other. But some people think that there's such whack jobs sometimes in power that they don't even care about that. They're like, yeah, well then let's both die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 But I almost think that's just a useful like kind of perception for them. Cause then they're like, if they think I'm crazy, they won't fuck with me. You know? Yeah. Like this roommate, I had Simon, he had wild eyes. You would not have wanted to go to the war with him. I remember him. But he wasn't, he wasn't like an imposing person.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I, uh, I mean, I'll just send Putin a letter and be like, just don't. Yeah, handwrite that shit. We got one more stoked or unstoked. Puppy daycare. Dude, so stoked on puppy. It's probably kindergarten.
Starting point is 00:36:24 Oh, I'm sorry my bad yeah she's in school I don't mean to belittle her education for real for real I know you take it serious I told you about that yeah I took her to puppy kindergarten there was just silence
Starting point is 00:36:37 from me? I wrote it down I know I know it's so ridiculous it's not more ridiculous than anything else no no no I loved it I know. It's so ridiculous. It's not more ridiculous than anything else. No, no, no. I loved it. I thought it was hilarious. I loved it.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Puppy Kindergarten is great. You just take them and you just like go play with each other. Very cute. Very cute. And I felt like a fucking doofus. People can make you feel like an idiot for how you... Like I didn't really leash trained her, just because, you know, she's in my yard,
Starting point is 00:37:09 because she's not, like, fully vaxxed. So I, like, kind of brought a leash, but her thing would pop off. Just felt like a, maybe, I felt some shame. Bro, I hear you, man. I spend a lot of, I think a lot of us do. We spend a lot of our life feeling like, I hope no one confronts me about what an idiot I am today.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Dude. I told a comedian last night at a show, I go, you know what? I'm fully comfortable now with being an idiot. I'm just going to walk into every situation and instead of trying to be smart or prove I'm smart, which I have an instinct for, like I have a compulsion to it almost.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I'm just going to walk into every room and be like, I'm the dumbest person here. Yeah. Because then it's only upside from there, right? Totally. Like I would just go to puppy kindergarten and be like, I'm really, really mentally disabled. Just say it. No, I can't.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I can't. Message transmitted. I'm like, look, I can't. No, I went to the channel. Message transmitted. I'm like, look, I'm stupid. Yeah, I'm stupid. What's a bully stick? But you're clearly not stupid. So I think there's almost like a kind of like a Socrates like rope-a-dope on him. Well, that's sort of our, at least my kind of approach towards life is just you know play into the dumb
Starting point is 00:38:27 Mm-hmm Because then you get the other people to over commit you know they see you sticking your chin out They throw that left and then you pull back real quick totally and then you're like yeah, I'm a counter puncher, baby Do you should we get into these voicemail? Yeah, so I'm really stoked on this we're having stokers you can leave voicemails now We have a hotline. It's on our Instagram. I don't know that. Oh,
Starting point is 00:38:48 let me, but we, uh, now you can send us voicemails of your cues, which really fires me up. The number, if you want to leave a voicemail is three, two,
Starting point is 00:38:57 three, four, one, eight, two, zero one niner. What was that again? Three, two, three, four, one, eight, two, zero, 2 0 1 niner. What was that again? 3 2 3 4 1 8 2 0 1 9.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Are you calling Aaron? I'm writing it down so I can put it on the screen. Jake, if you're listening, I'm telling you this and I'm sorry, Chad, if it spoke to you, but I'm not playing the one that says protein farts,
Starting point is 00:39:30 but I have been listening to this podcast I like it's called girls who fart they fart the whole episode check it out it's very very important guys I'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we were brought to you by the legend that helix sleep guys I chose helix well helix sent me a mattress okay and? And I like firm, but not too firm. I got this mattress and my last one was super firm. This one was the exact amount of firm that I needed because I took that quiz and it was literally, I was like, honestly, kind of skeptical. I laid on it. Best sleep of my life. And guys, I cannot recommend Helix enough. They are the best. If you want a good mattress get helix get on the helix train today everyone is unique everyone sleeps differently take their
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Starting point is 00:42:07 And was this a real thing or was it all in Donnie Dargo's head because of his meds? I would love to hear your feedback. Thanks, bye. I haven't seen the movie, so I'll leave that to you. I've seen it. I haven't seen it in about 15 years. I've always had a slight aversion to it,
Starting point is 00:42:24 not dissimilar to like napoleon dynamite where it becomes like the go-to offbeat movie for every um like casual film fan and uh but i did really i've never seen napoleon dynamite i did really like donnie darko i thought it was really compelling but uh i saying all that long way to say i have no idea what the time machine was but i do think it was a real time machine i don't think it was in his head if only because i don't like movies where in the end it's all in their head i it always kind of cheapens the experience for me a couple of like small pivots off that that i do think work fight club obviously i like that it's not all in his head, but that Tyler Durden was.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And I like at the end of Men in Black when they zoom out and the Earth is just a marble that bigger aliens are flicking around. Oh, yeah. Those were cool. But the whole thing like, you know, ooh, like Identity. Did you ever see that movie?
Starting point is 00:43:21 It's like this whodunit serial killer movie and in the end it's just a guy with like split personality. Oh, that's different from Split. Yeah. Different movie or different idea? Yeah. Well, I remember Split. I never saw Split though.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Yeah. I didn't see that one. The McAvoy one. Yeah. He got fucking. He got yoked for that. He got fucking. He had traps, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:42 That's what smaller actors, that's the the trick if you want to look big on screen get your traps up get your traps up that's what hardy did in a warrior too i i love donnie darko i wouldn't worry about what the time machine is just enjoy that movie and the soundtrack it's great and swayze swayze's Yeah, that scene rips where Swayze's like a pedantic religious dude and Donnie calls him out. He's like, if some bully's picking on you, don't cry about it. Learn jiu-jitsu and kick him in the nuts.
Starting point is 00:44:14 And the crowd's like, yeah. And I was like, yeah, it's really sick. This is Stop Stokers. This is a question more for Joe. Um, Skip, I have a big dong, and sometimes I have a heart issue. It's fucking funny. I just like condoms to do it, so I'm trying to go back.
Starting point is 00:44:37 If you can, Joe, or somebody have a big dog give me some tips or what's the best condoms for somebody like an and a half plus girth and thickness and size of course it'd be great
Starting point is 00:44:57 thank you so much brothers keep a good show this is Skip Orange County baby bye dude thank you for your question dude Did a good show. This is Skip. Orange County, baby. Night for night. Bye. Dude, thank you for your question. Dude, Skip's a ledge. You can tell he's crushing it on all fronts.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Skip, dude, if there's not a condom that fits you, dog, I think it behooves you to start a condom company specifically for guys like you and Joe. Even if those condoms only end up being used by you and joe i think that's like hello entrepreneurial and also like you taking your problems in your own hands and solving them is like so good for your self-esteem and if you got that kind of robust self-esteem on top of having that rock hard huge cock that's a pretty dynamic duo absolutely i think too if all else fails you could get a trash bag and a rubber band you'll be good to go brother you know i like to use glad uh you can get scented uh maybe with
Starting point is 00:45:58 febreze i think that'd be a nice combo uh febreze and sex yeah it sounds good yeah dude just take it like a 30 gallon trash bag with like the two blue ties at the end strap that on but you got to seal it so then like go outside and get your garden hose just double knot that and then just uh go to work and then you'll also have kind of like a home builder vibe to your whole sex game, which I think could be additive. Thanks for writing in dude. What up Chad and JT. I'm out here ice fishing in Idaho right now. I just had a question for you guys. Have you guys ever had a fight or a beef between you two and how did it end up?
Starting point is 00:46:44 How'd you guys resolve it uh would love to hear thanks for spreading the scope love you guys dude last week i'd say most i gotta say i don't think conflict is bad if both people are willing to change and i think you know not to get high on our horse but when me and chad do fight we get it out and then we we work to resolve it like the fight last week we were both like I was like I'm annoyed and you were like well I'm annoyed and then we were like no no and then you were like I'm sorry I understand and I was like I'm sorry too I love you really respect you man it's very it's awesome yeah like we and there's no, I'll say this too.
Starting point is 00:47:26 I don't think there's, we do a good job of moving on. Yeah, it's rare, but when it comes up, it's like, feels like it comes up at the probably most necessary time. Yeah, we were both getting stressed out. Like a respectful, kind of like, all right, the towel's about to blow off. Let's resolve this. kind of like, all right, the top's about to blow off. Let's resolve this.
Starting point is 00:47:45 You were funny, too, because I sent you a passive-aggressive text message. I know. I was like, oh, interesting. And Chad didn't realize it was passive-aggressive at first and just answered it. And then I had to text him again and be like, I'm being passive-aggressive. Which do you want first?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Well, I think I prefer this one first. And then you called me, which was nice. And then we worked out. And then, yeah, then we're at the airport the next day and we just talk about, you know, normal shit. But, yeah, we'd be fine. I think it would be insane. I almost think it would be unhealthy if we didn't occasionally have a little bit of conflict. That's what they say about good relationships.
Starting point is 00:48:24 If you're not fighting every once in a while, then the honesty is not coming out. So then there's, that's what they say about romantic relationships, but I'm sure in partnerships like this, it's the same thing. Like if there's no fights at all, then there's something bubbling under the surface.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Yeah, I think a big part of it too that makes it good is that like, I do, I trust you so much. You know what I mean? I know you're working your hardest. I know you're doing your best. I know you don't fuck people over. So having that baseline, it's not like I'm never suspicious.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I'm not like, what's going on over there? I'm always just like, hey, man, he's got his way of doing things. I'm my way of doing things. Sometimes those are not going to align, but I know we're pulling in the same direction. Totally. But yeah, good cue. It's good foundation. Good timing on it.
Starting point is 00:49:11 I should go. I'm probably 15. All right. So you want to move on? Yeah. All right. Let's keep it moving. Chad, what's your beef of the week?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Dude, my beef of the week is overwork, man. Just over... You know, I seem to do this often, is just run myself into the ground. And it's not even with, like, work. It's just, like, it's just this, like, compulsion to be, like, doing shit at 100%. Like, even when I'm tired, like,
Starting point is 00:49:38 since we got, like, the dog, I haven't been sleeping as much because it just gets me up early. It's a whole... And then... but then I go and work out super hard and I've done this a few times in the past year where I work out so hard that I make myself sick and I got this sick this last time I don't know if it was related to like working out too hard but it was definitely related to not resting enough but I just have a tough time
Starting point is 00:50:02 resting because it makes me feel like a piece of shit um and you don't like saying no to stuff like if someone's like hey can you do this thing yeah like yes well because i yeah i like doing stuff i like i always like feeling like i'm moving forward and not doing stuff and i think that's probably ingrained from family stuff. Sure, of course. Yeah, I'm learning to rep. My girlfriend was like, she's like, it's okay to do nothing. I was like, all right. Dude, not only is it okay, I think it's very hard to do nothing.
Starting point is 00:50:37 I was thinking about this the other day. I was like, everyone does shrooms and ayahuasca. I've done shrooms, not ayahuasca. But honestly, it feels more challenging, more wild, and more revelatory to me to just do nothing. Turn my phone off. No stimulation. No sex. No screens. No substances. Not even a cookie.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Just sit there for 30 minutes with your thoughts in a room. You'll go on a ride. It's scary. Totally. But I think it's good for you right like yeah it recharges you a bit totally and yeah we're like we're getting a little early we got to save our juice for like the things that need them you know totally it's uh i don't have as i i can't i'm like an old pitcher a little bit where I'm like I can still hit my top radar speed but I can't do it for nine innings.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I gotta pick my spots. Yeah. Who would you equate that to, Aaron, as a pitcher? Like late stage, late stage Curt Schilling? Don't think about the rest of Curt Schilling. But as a pitcher, isn't that the right comp? Maybe John Smoltz. Love Smoltz, dude. Yeah. Don't think about the rest of Curt Schilling, but as a pitcher, isn't that the right comp? Maybe John Smoltz.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Love Smoltz, dude. Yeah. Good golfer, too. Yeah. Dude, my beef of the week, last week I talked about books being my babe of the week when they got pictures in them. My beef of the week, back on books, biographies. I got beef, dude. Two-fold beef.
Starting point is 00:52:06 One beef is every biography I've ever read about a significant person, artist, whoever, those biographies really thrive on their worst qualities. We already know the great stuff they did. And what those books always do is they get into like how they failed in their personal lives, how they were petty, jealous, insecure. They always kind of hit those ones. And by the end of the book, you feel better knowing that this like super smart,
Starting point is 00:52:36 super accomplished person was more like the rest of us. But I also think sometimes it undermines them too much. I'm like, I don't know if you needed to hit that stuff as hard and they kind of make it seem like that stuff was the fuel they were using to do all the other good stuff and i don't know if it's that cut and dry sometimes like sometimes i wish i guess they just went a little easier on the subjects and then my other beef is with biographies is the length dude like i Like, I'm reading this book about a filmmaker I like, John Cassavetes. Guy was a beast.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Like, he went for raw emotion in all of his films. But, dude, his book shouldn't be 400 pages. He's not that famous. Like, I read that book about the replacements to bands, 600 pages. You guys never went platinum, bro. It's tough for me to get through. The childhood takes up like 200.
Starting point is 00:53:24 I'm like, I don't give a fuck. I think, look, if you're Teddy Roosevelt, as long as you want it to be. Yeah. There's wars. There's, you know, decisions that impact other countries. Huge ramifications to his life. But like, if you were like an independent filmmaker who had like two quasi hits, no matter how potent those were. Sorry, bro.
Starting point is 00:53:44 You get 200 pages for sure chad who's your babe of the week uh my babe of the week is kevin's dog garf um kevin came over to like he's like i'm gonna socialize your dog so he brought his dog over garf is a shih tzu and and he's like garf garf is good at training dogs. And Garf just comes over and just starts barking and growling at my dog for like an hour. And he's like, no, this is good. She's teaching him. Garf is teaching her.
Starting point is 00:54:14 And I'm like, are you sure? Garf is just barking at her. And he's like, he's learning a lot right now. You put a lot of trust into Kevin. I did. Yeah. I was like, this is nature. This is how they do it. They just bark at each other. It's a lot right now. You put a lot of trust into Kevin. I did. Yeah. I was like, dude, this is nature. This is how they do it.
Starting point is 00:54:26 They just bark at each other. It's a kind of nature for sure. And I was like, all right, dude. And then he just leaves. Dude, and dog-offs are real. Me and Clinton, we used to have dog-offs in high school with our two dogs. Yeah. Like if one of our dogs peed on the other one a little bit, that was a W.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Dude, that's huge. It was big time. Garf's a cutie too. that's huge. It was big time. Garf's a cutie, too. Hey, does your dog have an Instagram page yet? No, I'm gonna make one. Alright, let me find my babe of the week real quick. Sorry, it's a little... I've been journaling like a mofo, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Where's this shit? Where you at? Oh, yeah, I remember who my babe of the week is. Dude, this is random, but my baby of the week is Gilbert Burns. He's a UFC fighter. I'm gonna mess up his nickname. I think it's Duquinho. Dude, he had a fight about a year ago where he went up against this guy, Hazmat Chemaev, who is like the boogeyman of the UFC. He just, in his four fights preceding that,
Starting point is 00:55:26 that he'd had in the UFC, he'd only been hit four times and he had just absolutely ragdolled all the people he fought and in different ways. Most of the time he was taking them into the ground and just, just smashing them. And then one time he just knocked the guy out real quick, standing up. So Gilbert Burns took this fight to fight him that a lot of guys were avoiding. Cause they were like, I don't want to look bad in front of this new juggernaut. But Gilbert Burns, dude, he was smaller than him height wise. You know, they weigh the same, obviously, but not on fight night. Shamayev probably had 15, 20 pounds on him. And he comes in kind of nervous. He's a little nervous, but then they start fighting and Gilbert Burns just has so much heart because he gets rocked
Starting point is 00:56:00 by Shamayev, gets knocked down, but he has no back down in him. He just keeps coming. And like, he has this look in his eyes where Chemaev's laughing at him before the beginning of the third round, like, I can't believe you're still here, bro. You're still going to come? I'm messing with you. And Gilbert Burns just has this look in his eye like, shut up, dude.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Let's fucking do this. And he had this one moment where Chemaev took him down and got on top of him and was going to hit him. And from his back, which is like a vulnerable position for most guys, especially against a guy like Tchamayev, Gilbert Burns is just backhanding him and then he just freaking, this is Sparta, from his back, kicks him in the chest, which I haven't seen a lot in the UFC, and knocks Tchamayev back and it like didn't really hurt him, but it was such a like underdog heroic move to be like, hey man,, you're not just going to run me over, all right? You're in a fight, and I'm going to make you earn this.
Starting point is 00:56:49 And I was like, I don't know, I watch that fight sometimes, and I'm just so inspired by just the heart of Gilbert Burns. It's nice. Hell yeah. Chad, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Cesar Millan. Is that the whisperer guy? The dog whisperer. Dude, the guy is a fucking beast.
Starting point is 00:57:10 I've been crushing Cesar Millan. What a legend, dude. I mean, I saw the South Park where they kind of made fun of him, but I don't even think they were making fun of him. But he's just like, because he, you know what's cool about him is he's like, he's teaching about how to train dogs or whatever. And he's like, my goal is to teach you that there's no bad dogs, just bad humans. So he's basically just teaching humans. Right.
Starting point is 00:57:36 And he's basically just teaching you like animals are instinctive. They're, you know, they're fully in tune with nature. They can read your energy. They can feel how you feel and when you're calm and confident and just with it they will they will follow you they will like listen to you when you're anxious nervous and like kind of all this kind of shit that's when they freak out and that's when they just start displaying bad behavior so it's really like he's showing you that like having a dog is like it's almost like
Starting point is 00:58:06 one of your greatest teachers as a human to teach you how to be you know a more present in tune human being and if you're not that way if you're if you're out of sync then your dog will respond to that and you can you know what i mean yeah so i love man. I think he's awesome. And he's basically, he's just a cool dude. I would just love to meet him. Yeah. Caesar, you're a beast. It's going to cost you. What's he charge?
Starting point is 00:58:34 Thousands of dollars. How many doggy biscuits? Thousands of dollars. Damn, dude. There's a bit of controversy with that guy. Oh, Aaron. Oh, dude. Come in with the blanket. Yeah, blanket yeah that is shit i was super
Starting point is 00:58:47 into him too when i first got a dog and then i learned you know that there's there's some contradictory thoughts on on uh training uh from him right because he's not fully into the positive reinforcement shit yeah i mean i get my dog treats too so i don't know you gotta get the whole thing with his dog killing queen latifah's dog what wait what like last year yeah his dog killed queen latifah's dog yeah yeah shit dude i'm not bringing my dog around him yeah i still love him though um who's my legend of the week? What's something legendary that happened this week that just had me stoked, dude? I mean, dude, it could be related to your announcement.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Bro, I do got to give it up, dude, to my lady. Just a trooper, man. And watching her go through this and seeing the way she handles it, it's inspiring. And, dude, babe, also, you're healthy as as a horse you got two in the first crack unbelievable i think that's more her than me do either of you have twins in your family no oh wow no twins in our lineage that's crazy uh my quote comes from michael singer this guy wrote untethered soul great book if you haven't read it check it out. There's nothing more important to true growth than realizing you are not the voice of the mind.
Starting point is 01:00:10 You are the one who hears it. Man, that shit's profound, bro. It is, dude. It is. No, don't do that. It is. If you can watch your thoughts, dog, not be your thoughts. It's like the news thing on CNN. It's just a ticker going by.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Ticker. Yeah. Breaking news. 40 dead in this country. Not today, brother. Not in this mind. It is funny when I watch CNN, I'm like, that's exactly what my thoughts are. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Breaking news. It's carnage. That's what it stands for. Carnage news network um now I'm getting a commentary my quote of the week I think it's by DH Lawrence but I picked it up from the movie GI Jane Viggo Mortensen when he's talking to his new potential Navy SEALs he goes I never seen a wild thing feel sorry for itself it's badass that's awesome Chad we'll saw quote for getting after it yeah phrase yeah for sure a phrase for getting after it um let's fucking let's crack the wood bros bro my phrase of the week for getting after it i got a twofer they're both from that cast of
Starting point is 01:01:36 eddie's book so what his acting teacher told him to be a great actor you need to have the hide of a rhinoceros and the heart of a baby. And they also, this critic was talking about why John Cassavetes' movies rip. And they said he learned to dissect people without despising them. Nice. Well, dude, it's great to be back in this, dude. Aaron, good to see you in that seat. Aaron, you must love this, dude. It's right down the street.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Well, it's not from my house, but yeah, you're back in Daddy's dojo, and I love it. Daddy's dojo. Gracias, sensei. Gracias, sensei. Stokers, thanks for your patience this week. Thanks for listening. Congrats to JT on being a new impending father. Gracias, Sensei. Stokers, thanks for your patience this week. Thanks for listening. Congrats to JT on being a new impending father.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Thank you, dude. And yeah, guys, keep writing reviews. Keep being legends. Support the show. We love you. Thank you. If you need advice These guys are really nice You wanna know
Starting point is 01:02:46 What to do and where to go When you need someone to guide you Such that half the world's beside you Go in peace Go in peace Let's go deep Go in deep Let's go deep Go in deep Try to take deep

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