Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 28 - Finance, Archetypes, Currency

Episode Date: July 25, 2018

In ep. 28, we dive deep into the finance world.  What is going on in finance?  We've got that covered, big dawgs.  There's different archetypes.  We explain what those are.  Currency is the thing... that you use to spend cash.  We explain.  It's all dank.  Plus, babes, beefs, legends and questions.  Check it out big dawgs. Check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers this is chad coming in with the going deep and chad dhc podcast i just i fucked that up with chad dhc podcast uh what is it episode? Yeah Episode bainty 8 But the 29th one we've recorded Because we recorded another one last week And the audio didn't work Yeah So this is episode 28 And I'm here with my dog
Starting point is 00:00:35 You heard him talking And I'm just going to let him introduce himself What's your name? JT Oh hey Hello What's up? Hanging
Starting point is 00:00:44 I've had a good day yeah i've been i've been uh consuming good good uh good youtube clips oh nice yeah what what what do you consume all right this guy the clips this guy like stories of old does um kind of mythopoetic breakdowns of movies I like. Like he did one on the gray and how that's really based on Viktor Frankl's concept of heroically suffering. Because all these wolves are trying to kill Liam Neeson and his buddies. And Liam Neeson was actually going to kill himself at the beginning, but now he's fighting to survive. So it really becomes about how the meaning in his life is born out of courage,
Starting point is 00:01:30 courage against even impossible odds. And then he did one on Spider-Man 3 and grandiosity because that's the one where the Tobey Maguire series where Peter Parker kind of goes off the rails and gets obsessed with being Spider-Man and how that affects his... He becomes cool, Tobey. That's one of of my favorite scenes not because it's so captivating but just the corniness yeah toby's dancing is uh but i really respect him going for the full he really
Starting point is 00:01:56 went there yeah well he really took himself to a new place that was in him and uh i remember my friend when i was watching that movie with him in the theaters like the whole theater was like shocked that the movie went into that tone and my friend just turned to me he's like are we watching the mask and it did feel like that like that level of like just like over the top uh energy and and kind of zaniness well my favorite part was his emo haircut yeah do you notice that he's like he's like uh he's like yeah now i'm pete wentz from fallout boy yeah that is the look he went for suck it citizens if you want me to save the bank robber no catch the bank robber you're gonna have to deal with this emo haircut i'm gonna cry about it afterwards yeah that was the vibe i got he
Starting point is 00:02:41 wanted to be able to do everything yeah and then And then this YouTube guy also did one about the archetype of the king. Because I guess there's this writer, Robert Moore, who based off Jungian psychology, came up with what the four masculine archetypes are. And it's to develop from immature to mature masculinity. And this is supposed to be like a new, it was published in 1990. So it's supposed to be like this new kind of you know more sensitive masculinity so the four archetypes are the king the warrior the magician and the lover and i was like yeah those are the four the king the warrior
Starting point is 00:03:17 the magician and the lover yeah and then the dark shadow side of all four of those things are for the king it's the tyrant and the weakling those are like the two opposite polars you can hit for the warrior it's the sadist and the masochist for the magician it's the detached manipulator and the denying innocent one which i can identify with both of those big time and then the lover the opposite of being the lover is the addicted lover and the impotent lover. Who plays the magician? Like, what characters are magicians? I think magician, and I've done, like, such a superficial reading of this,
Starting point is 00:03:54 and I only got it from the YouTube clip. I think the magician is, like, is kind of what we talk about with, like, charisma. It's, like, being able to win over a group or to, you know, it's like that Don Draper in Mad Men, like, I got the perfect pitch for this meeting. Yeah. It's like, I'm guessing that's what it is. Especially based off what, like, the lover and the warrior and the king, what roles those kind of fill up.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I think the role of the magician is kind of like, yeah, it's like charisma or je ne sais quoi or, like, just, like, maybe, like, sales salesmanship stuff like that that's what falls into that one and that's why the opposites are the detached manipulator like putting it or the denying innocent one who's yeah yeah you should be a magician that's a good move and then there's the uh the divine child the hero the precocious child and the Oedipal child those are like the babies of the four archetypes. Oedipal child?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Mm-hmm. That wants to bone his mom? Our moms are hurt, and we want to comfort our moms, but we can't because we've seen our dads' big penises, and ours are small. So we're like, how can us with our small penises make our moms feel safe? We can't, and that's like impotent rage and and uh
Starting point is 00:05:07 some masculine issues develop that seems weird to me because like at no point was i ever like oh i can't do anything because my dad's got a huge dong i never thought about my dad's dong i think it's more like it's broader than that then why do you say dong because that's what it is in the oedipal story oh because an oedipus he actually sleeps with his mom so it's like the intense manifestation of these feelings do you think freud was ever just like teaching in a class and he's like it's because you got a tiny dong like damn dude freud's a genius and he's just like look at this dick drawing by the way i've heard some people's ball hairs they just think freud had a hot mom and that's why he did all this yeah because you have stacy's mom yeah
Starting point is 00:05:56 dude i boned your mom freud he's like yes shut up that's why i have so much rage what if that's like like like all of psychology now, so like Freudian people are like, yeah, it's all about Freud, and it turns out, no, he just had a hot mom and he's pissed. I mean, we're all prisoners of our own experience. What do you think about James Gunn losing his job as a Guardians of the Galaxy director? Over his tweets?
Starting point is 00:06:21 Yeah, his immature tweets from like 10 years ago. Seems like a lot to lose your job over uh tweets you know as a a big job and they're like like dude you tweeted this later but also i talked to our dog jay and he said that the tweet he dug deeper into it and some of the tweets were pretty not just like jokes but kind of messed up to the point where he was hinting at being a pedophile or something and i was like i was like oh that that could make more sense if that's the case but i didn't see anything like that so like there's people who have better um worldviews than i do like they're more sophisticated or elevated or um or mature
Starting point is 00:07:06 or compassionate in their world view than i am but they're worse people than i am and there's people that i have like better views than who like um i look down on because i'm like oh your view is kind of like retrograde or not as um open-minded as it could be or it's a little self-centered but then they're actually nicer to like like joe maurice for instance like he'll say like um i'm sorry joe i'm gonna throw you under the bus but he'll make more like casual remarks about women than i will it like kind of turns me off when he does but but he's probably nicer to the women he dates than i am to the women i date so it's like what's really important is, like, how you represent yourself and your worldview? Or is it actually important how you live your life?
Starting point is 00:07:47 So to me, if James Gunn's making stupid comments, yeah, it's something he should work on. But if he's living his life respectfully and if he's treating people on set well, then that's what should outweigh the other stuff. Yeah, it's your actions. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Your actions matter more. And for some reason, we're treating tweets as like actions yeah we kind of lost that did you hear about demi lovato i did i just read that it's terrible yeah
Starting point is 00:08:14 i love her music she was sober for a while right six years that's bummer yeah it's a terrible bummer Six years. That's a bummer. Yeah, it's a terrible bummer. Is she okay? Wishing you well, Demi. Yeah, yeah, she's healthy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:32 But, you know, I think... Is she boosting age? Yeah. Demi, what you doing? Come on, Demi. Yeah. Is addiction rears its own head? You think you're fine And then Jabow
Starting point is 00:08:46 It comes back with a vengeance Good luck to you Demi I hope you're alright Love your music Tell me you love me Banger I don't know the lyrics But I have enjoyed the chorus
Starting point is 00:09:00 It's a fierce song I'm sure you'll be good You got this And I hope you'll channel it into healthy places that we can all appreciate did you hear uh peter schiff on joe rogan. He talked about how there's a crash coming, a big one. What kind of crash? The economy. Like, worse than 2008.
Starting point is 00:09:31 But what's the cause? Well, he said that, I mean, I'm not a big numbers or cash dude, but he said that, you know you know so real estate the housing market housing bubble caused the one in 2008 and people think that they solved the problem but they didn't we're just floating on a bunch of debt basically because the federal reserve just printed a shit load of money to try and solve it and um they printed a shitload of money to try and solve it so basically it's like we're it's like we're floating on a bunch of like credit card debt you know we're floating on a bunch of fake money so it appears prosperous but it's all fake we're in an even
Starting point is 00:10:16 bigger bubble than before and when that pops he predicts that the dollar will crash and then what happens chaos oh for real what we're but then but then okay so he's like he's like that's why you should invest in gold you should invest in gold you can invest in shift gold that's my company we have low rates i was like oh you fucker yeah why would you why would you put that plug in right there i've always thought it was interesting that gold has value because it's arbitrary. Yeah, it is weird. And he's talking about that gold versus like cryptocurrency where it's like, how can you put currency on something that doesn't even really exist?
Starting point is 00:10:55 You know? So that's why everyone's so like, everyone's like, oh, crypto, that's what's up. But they're like, but it's like, it's digital. It doesn't really exist. So how can you place a value on it? Yeah, I don't understand it. I have one friend who works for like a financial advice firm or whatever it is in California. I'm sorry, I don't mean that in a pejorative way.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I just don't understand it. But he's like, I don't do crypto. Like, it doesn't make sense. It's not sustainable. It's not real. But then I have a friend who works in New york city for like jp morgan or one of these huge financial firms he's like i got 85 of my assets in crypto but again i have no um frame of reference for any of this but they both are very persuasive so i could go either way yeah i mean my gut is that crypto is not the way to go
Starting point is 00:11:48 i don't you know i don't trust these nerds but they're all i trust i trust metal but peter shift's a nerd i like this he's a charming nerd right right i uh don't don't fucking what? but he's a nerd he is I know I trust metal gold alright Chad who is your
Starting point is 00:12:13 babe of the week? my babe of the week is Judge Judy she lays down the law you know she's been she's been at the court seat
Starting point is 00:12:24 at the courthouse throwing it down telling people what's up giving the honest truth for the past i don't even know how long 80 years i don't even know how old she is but i just i love her and she really she really brings the heat each time and like i just uh you know i i don't know what she looked like back in the day but i'm sure she was you know a good looking lady not that that matters but you know she's just i think she's just a real dynamite package you know i just and like some quotes i want to talk about from her laying the hammer down. Some guy, she's like, okay, so
Starting point is 00:13:06 who scratched the car? And one guy goes, um. And she goes, um is not an answer. I was like, nice. Yeah, get to the meat of it. Yeah, don't give me um. Just tell me who scratched the car so we can get along with this lawsuit case.
Starting point is 00:13:23 And she tells the young lady, beauty fades. D dumb is forever which uh it's a harsh truth you know you uh you probably want to work on your noggin before your uh before your looks um and then she goes don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining i love that one yeah so it's like don't lie to me she's one of the top earners in entertainment she makes she makes like 50 million a year or something so just props to her for just you know working the system like that not only the judicial system but the financial system so judge judy i'd love to go to ruth's chris steakhouse with you sometime or something or just you know hear about how you uh hear about how you learned how to really just deliver the honest
Starting point is 00:14:16 truth because i think i could use a little bit more of that in my life so my uh babe of the week is a brad pitt oh yeah it's long overdue it's long overdue be rad this was a inspired because uh my friend robbie was texting saying is justin thoreau like a top hottie in hollywood um the actor justin thoreau who also wrote tropic thunder so that's pretty hot he wrote it yeah with Ben Stiller um and he also said I think I've said this on the podcast before too Thoreau said his abs for Charlie's Angels 2 full throttle he said he got them just from doing the ab roller yeah okay Justin is that from the ab roller yeah that's what he said in an interview they're like how'd you get your abs I just did the ab roller he's got like a 12 pack i'm like no dude that's like a lifestyle he should post a video of
Starting point is 00:15:08 him doing the ab roller yeah you can also have this bod i smell bullshit justin i think you were doing a lot of supplementary work on top of the ab roller i'm not saying the ab roller wasn't involved but it wasn't just the ab roller i'm sure there was a lot of dieting there too. But my friend Robbie was like, so is Justin Theroux like a top hottie? And I said, he's not. He's at the bottom of the top tier. I said, he's basically Stan Roenke. I'm saying his name wrong as a tennis player who's won a couple majors, but basically he wins majors when other players are hurt. So he's not as good as Djokovic or Federer. He's good enough to win, but when the best guys are playing their best,
Starting point is 00:15:50 he's never number one. That's Justin Theroux for me for hottie. He can be the hottest guy in the world, but that's when some guys are like growing weird facial hair or other guys are too young and not masculine enough yet. That's when he's the hottest guy. But Brad Pitt is Roger Federer. Brad Pitt has 22 majors or however many roger federer has i think 19 and he was ed norton's idea of what a man is supposed to be
Starting point is 00:16:12 he fantasized basically about being him and you know he's not resting on his hot and then you know rusty and ocean's 11 great role he's always eating he's always good with the one-liner he's just a fun guy to spend time with he's got a great vibe i love the always eating. He's always good with the one-liner. He's just a fun guy to spend time with. He's got a great vibe. I love the always eating. And then I asked my dad when Angelina and Brad broke up. I go, Dad, are you team Angelina or Brad? He goes, Brad. And then I asked my brother's girlfriend. I go, are you team Brad or Angelina?
Starting point is 00:16:36 And she goes, I'm team Aniston. And I was like, whoa. That's a good one. And then I went up to my dad and I said, Dad, are you team Aniston or Brad? He goes, Brad. And I was like, nice. Drone in with the dudes. He's a man.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yeah. So Brad, thank you for 40 years of unparalleled hotness. You've been through so many looks and they all looked great. And you're funny. He's funny. Like in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which I think is like the hottest movie ever, when they like beat the hell out of each other and then they fuck.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Very cool. He does these physical moves where he's like, she almost shoots him or something. And then he goes out of the house and gets pissed. But he gets pissed like how you would if your wife made you do a chore. You didn't want to do it. And he's like, gosh darn it. And the way his body jerks, He's like, gosh darn it. And the way his body jerks, I was like, good physicality, Brad.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Who's your- That's great, babe. Thank you. Moneyball. I love Moneyball. I love Inglourious Bastards too. Yeah. It's a good one. Troy.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Did he talk about Troy? Yeah. He's so hot in Troy. Yeah. Never anyone hotter than that. I know. I remember when- Hector.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Hector. Hector never anyone hotter than that. I know. Hector! Hector! I remember watching that. I remember watching, my mom would always get like People Magazine and stuff, and it was just like, all the articles were like, Brad is so hot in this movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:57 I was like, damn, I wonder what it's like to be that hot. Yeah. I bet it's actually quite a burden. All right, who's your legend of the week um my legend of the week is uh chris pratt chris pratt i've got to give it up to you man he's uh i really i like his story you know he has a good story about how he he was in maui and then sort of like by luck he got into this movie and then he just sort of he worked his way to the top and he's i think he's really proved himself like in um parks and rec
Starting point is 00:18:30 his character was initially supposed to be just like a guest star one or two or three episodes and then they're like this guy's good let's keep him around and then he developed that character into like a super lovable guy because i think he started out as a douche. And so I just, I love that sense of humor that he's got, that like goofy, just like whatever. And then he went from there and became a full-on action star. Pretty awesome. I think it looks like it's pretty hard to do when you go from like the lovable kind of chubby guy
Starting point is 00:19:01 to getting jacked and you're just like no i'm uh i train raptors now and people are like yeah you do and he's like yeah i do bummed about him and alan ferris it seemed like a good relation but you know i still hope that they'll be back together in the future uh i've seen him i've seen him before he's driving a a tesla so he's green as fuck so gotta give out to him and also in his appearance at some was it the mtv movie awards where he gave that speech uh what did he say again during the speech i do remember like the 10 rules for like yeah but he talks about how he prays he's like he's like yeah not he's like yeah i pray and it's really worked for me and I'm not necessarily religious I do believe in a higher
Starting point is 00:19:46 power and I have prayed from time but I'm not like baptized or anything but I just thought it was really cool of him to like say something that was so you know unfashionable sort of against the grain in his speech you know
Starting point is 00:20:01 I thought he was really taking a risk there even though it's not it's funny to say wow it was a huge risk even though he's just saying to pray but like i can outrage so many people it's so ridiculous pretty benign yeah it's like worry about yourself yeah he's not saying like don't you know have laws or don't you know try to stop bad things from happening he's just saying like be nice yeah he's just saying like oh this this works for me yeah i thought that was really cool of him to do you know just i think he's being honest about who he is and i love his goofy sense of humor and uh i think he is a bundle of positive energy so chris pratt you're a beast dude i'd love to lift with you sometime maybe eat like a steak and
Starting point is 00:20:47 we could talk shop that sounds like a nice day who's your legend my legend of the week is two dudes it's Pierce Brosnan and Russell Crowe I just want to give props to these two
Starting point is 00:21:03 older studs for trying to do musicals. I just saw Mamma Mia 2 with the lady and Pierce Brosnan cannot sing, but that didn't stop him from being in two musicals. And I know a lot of people trashed him and I don't think they give him like any real singing parts in the second one, probably trying to protect him a little bit. But I respect that he still did both those movies and that he was like yeah it might not be my forte but life's about trying new things and then um russell crowe same deal i know russell crowe was in like a rock band but he wasn't like a conventional like musical singer uh like as in singing in musicals but he still did les mis les miserables and he was um he was hammered in the reviews for it all the reviews were like russell crowe sucks at singing he was like a punching bag everyone was like this guy can't sing
Starting point is 00:21:55 comes across like an ass i saw the movie i was like he's not that bad and then at the oscars all the they did layman you know les mis Mis was nominated for a bajillion awards or whatever. So the cast comes out and sing. Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman comes out, rips his part up. Eddie Redmayne is good. Amanda Seyfried is good. Anne Hathaway is good. All the people from the movie are good.
Starting point is 00:22:18 And then they're all out there singing. And then the last one to come out is Russell Crowe belting his solo. And I think he sounded awesome and the whole crowd ripped into applause and was like yes go russell go don't let anyone tell you you can't sing and i hated that meryl street movie where she's a bad singer but she gets to do concerts because she's rich and she's horrible and the whole movie's about how like even if you suck it's okay to suck as long as you're expressing yourself. I don't want to go that far in that direction, but I think Russell Crowe is,
Starting point is 00:22:50 was better than people were saying he was. And he knew it and he put his nuts on the table and came out and sang live at the Oscars. And it was, it was very uplifting for me. I think about it all the time. So thanks Russell for being a beast. And, and,
Starting point is 00:23:01 you know, I hope you and Pierce Brosnan do a musical together with um can Marissa Tomei sing with Marissa Tomei as the female lead I think that'd be a hell of a flick I'd like that yeah it'd be a good movie I like Marissa what up Marissa yeah Marissa Tomei you could be the babe of the week every week I love you to death Marissa you got you're so great I might have she might have already been my babe of the week. No, I don't think she has been. All right, my dude. Who's your beef of the week?
Starting point is 00:23:31 I don't have a beef of the week. I feel good. Nice. My beef of the week is with Beef of the Week for trying to put me in a negative headspace. Suck it, Beef of the Week. Trying to make me think of beefs trying to think of the fact that it's summer i'm trying to think of the fact that mission impossible 15 comes out next
Starting point is 00:23:51 friday uh so go see it this is in no way an ad for them but i uh i just love tom cruise so fuck you beef of the week nice my beef of the week is um last friday i uh chad and i were shooting our clip show and uh at the end of the day we had to shoot extra stuff on top of the uh the episodes and i i got really stressed out towards the end but uh uh i didn't know how to like process like uh being like overworked and then feeling like a little tired and feeling like I couldn't articulate what I was feeling. So I started like shaking. And then I went home and told my GF, but we had two parties to go to. So we went to one party.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Everything was good. And then we went to a second friend's party. And when I got there, I was still pretty jacked up, but I was feeling good and I was around my buddies. So I was relaxing and I was pretty stoned. And then I slid into a bounce house that they had at the party. They had a big bounce house. And then a guy came sliding in behind me, this guy Aaron. And I see there's big boxing gloves, like comically big boxing gloves sitting in the bounce house.
Starting point is 00:25:02 So I go, hey, you want to strap them up? I think it was my idea. I go, let's strap them up and box each other. He goes, all right. And I go, hey, you want to strap him up? I think it was my idea. I go, let's strap him up and box each other. He goes, all right. And I go, let's go about 40%. So we put on the gloves and he's like six foot seven, like a legit six seven. I'm five eight and we square off,
Starting point is 00:25:18 but I box once a week. So I thought I would, despite the height differential, I only thought he was like six four. I thought I'd be able to like kind of slip and rip and get inside on him. So we start boxing, and he ended up beating me pretty good. I was just getting hit in the face the whole time, trying to slip punches and get inside. And then it was starting to frustrate me just getting hit in the face like that, especially because I thought I was going to win.
Starting point is 00:25:40 So I started throwing harder punches and working harder to get inside. And he took it all in stride. And I landed a few good shots, but he really hammered me. And then we slid out. Well, before we finished, I looked outside the bounce house and the whole party was just watching us fight. And I got too tired. I was like, I got to take a break. I got to take a break. So we slip out. And then this other guy, Terrence, he's like, oh, I got my money on jt and i was like oh actually aaron uh beat the hell out of me and he was like really and i was like yeah he's six seven but he is a hipster losing a boxing match to a hipster i just oh man that can be
Starting point is 00:26:16 frustrating it was tough because i'm supposed to be good at fighting and he's supposed to be good at like art and um now i don't know what i'm good at after getting smoked but i came out of there and uh i was sitting with my girlfriend and dustin and dustin was like are you okay you look different i guess all the color had gone out of my face i had i had a button-up shirt i had to unbutton a few buttons and i go i had a full-blown panic attack i didn't like go anywhere i just sat there i was like and my girlfriend was like she's like you kind of just like run headlong headstrong into these things i was like i thought i was gonna win i didn't think i was gonna get my fucking ass rocked and then i um and you know everybody was nice
Starting point is 00:26:56 about it i came outside saw aaron i was like dude i just had a panic attack he's like yeah you're like shaking and i was like you're six seven right he's like yeah i'm six seven i was like that doesn't make sense i shouldn't be able to beat a six seven guy and then i was like, you're 6'7", right? He's like, yeah, I'm 6'7". I was like, that doesn't make sense. I shouldn't be able to beat a 6'7 guy. And then I was like, do you want to go back in there and fight again? And then he was like, no. He was afraid I would die or something. And I've already put it into kind of a romantic framework where I'm like, hey, it's all about the losses. How you bounce back from that loss, how you don't let the loss define you, that's what's most important. Like Bill the Butcher, Prince Valen beat him before the fight that we see at the beginning of Gangs of New York. And he said he rose up strong and came back and buried him in his own blood. And I've lost a lot of boxing fights so i should be used to it at this point but still it still hurts like it's the first one ever maybe you should
Starting point is 00:27:52 challenge like a small you know maybe just to like rebalance your your mojo you should challenge like a smaller guy to a boxing match and beat the fuck out of him so he was like sticking out both hands at a time and just knocking my head backwards just doing like the fucking yeah he was like rock him sock him i mean he probably had a great time maybe you should just be proud of the fact that you challenged such a big dude i've challenged a lot of guys who've beat me up that'll make you better than maybe you shouldn't fight the little guy because then that'll make you just think you're you know maybe you need to keep fighting the big guys. Yeah. Was he wearing a superhero t-shirt when he beat your ass?
Starting point is 00:28:33 I couldn't see it because all I was getting was fists. Or was he carrying a lunchbox? He was wearing headphones and listening to NPR while he put the beating on me. Hold on. Yeah, that's a good point. All all right let's get into some questions what up Ryder here so recently I spent a week with this Betty and we boned a lot nice nice a real connection there and we had some stellar conversation we really bonded over our love of La Croix anyways I woke up today and my nut is huge. Like, way too big and it hurts. What should I do? Oh, Chad, you've experienced this
Starting point is 00:29:08 before, right? Oh, yeah. I've had a huge nut. Dude, don't dwell on it, man. Just go to the doctor. Yeah. Go to the doctor and show them your nut and see what they can do. Congratulations on this, Betty, with a big sex drive
Starting point is 00:29:23 and a good conversational mind it sounds like a real catch and uh i i foresee once your nut gets to regular size it getting some usage and honestly you know when i went to the doctor about my huge nut we had a good bonding sesh you know he asked me some questions about boning and i was just kind of pumped to like talk about with like an older guy because it doesn't happen often and how big was your nut it's like the size of like a tangerine nice what's good stokers my name's kenny I'm sick of my teachers man always trying to make me learn about shapes and shit I just want to watch some Arnold Schwarzenegger videos and learn the real shit but Arnold's not in the core curriculum fuck these schools man school is for fools and arnold teaches the real shit
Starting point is 00:30:08 how do i teach my how do i tell my teachers they'll never be arnold um dude i hear you man i feel like in school you learn a lot of random stuff that doesn't seem applicable uh to real life but you know what dude dude? Learn both things, you know? You can learn a lot of facts from your teachers, a lot of cool things, maybe some history, maybe how to write well, maybe grammar, maybe math and stuff. And then in your spare time, commit to learning about Arnold, you know? Because telling your teachers that they can't be Arnold Schwarzenegger, because telling your teachers that they can't be Arnold Schwarzenegger, I don't think that's going to accomplish much because I think that's pretty obvious.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It's hard to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I respect you for respecting such an honorable dude. So I would just say instead of trying to tell your teachers that they're not Arnold, why don't you take this energy you have and try to become Arnold? Yeah. Boom. What's up dogs. Just watched the last samurai for the first time the other day. And my stoke level has never been higher. My question is, do you think Tommy was a legend or an asshole for killing the samurai and then taking his girl? He even wore his honor. He even wore his armor.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Love the podcast, bros. Keep it lit. Col lit colby dude such a great question i think about this a lot i think tommy did what he had to do in that situation yeah i think actually the guy that tommy killed is happy that it was tommy because he was killed by a fellow warrior he was the right guy to kill him and he was the right guy to take his girl. And I think that guy that he killed had so much honor that he won't begrudge Tommy for doing it. Death created a new samurai.
Starting point is 00:31:56 When Bill the Butcher talks about Prince Val and he says he was the last honorable man I ever killed. Because he respects his enemy because they come from the same code. They're just born in different places and that's what separates them. And along with he wore his armor and boned his wife,
Starting point is 00:32:13 like, you know, you never know when love's gonna pop up. And I think the guy he killed would be stoked that his wife found such a charming, hardworking guy that cranks out a lot of movies and that really is just a beast. What's up, Sto Chiefs? Really appreciate what you two bros are doing for the world and enlightening it in the ways of chill and positivity. I'm a huge fan of The Pond and got my boys into it as well.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Now we pregame with y'all kicking it in the background i've got a little predicament on my hands though and was hoping you could help me sort it out so there's this babe that i met at a kickback and we were hitting it off and ended up hooking up that night i got her contact into a foe and we have been chatting pretty frequently i think she's really cool and chill and i enjoy hanging with her at parties but i recently had my heart broken by a female and i'm not really interested in dating this girl seems to me to be into me in a romantic way so how do i let her know that i don't want to date and still keep the homieship intact any advice you have would be much appreciated as i have been put in the friend zone but never placed a girl in it myself thanks backs
Starting point is 00:33:16 p.s fuck puzio so she she's in a squad yeah um and he he has to he hooked up with her and they've been chatting a lot but he wants to take a step back put her in the friend zone yeah i don't know i think i don't think you have to preemptively tell her as long as you're not like leading her on and saying things like, Hey, I like you. I want to be with you. If you're just like being casual at some point, she'll make the decision to talk to you about it.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And then you just have to be honest with her. Yeah. Yeah. Play it cash, you know, uh, don't, um,
Starting point is 00:34:03 maybe just see if things will like play out and just smooth out over time. Yeah. Instead of having like a sit down. Yeah. If you if she's trying to hook up with you and stuff, then you tell her. But if she's just chilling, there's no reason to bring it up. Just be patient. Chad and JT gangsters.
Starting point is 00:34:20 What's up, boys? So my friend QB recently wrote in about his debacle in which he had issues laying pipe because a girl went two knuckles deep down into his pooper. This led to an even bigger controversy among us. When he broke the news to us, we were all like, congrats on the sex. Who was it? But he wouldn't tell us because he didn't want the girl getting ostracized, which was respect. our group's friend stokes immediately sunk because we thought this whole time we didn't want the news going public which leads to my question for you guys don't we qb's friends have a right to know which girl defiled his anal cavity we're all pretty open dudes and share our secrets and i just feel like he's taking a pretty corporate stance toward this issue when we like to think of ourselves as a small biz community stoked to hear your input dobie yeah i think think if he doesn't want to reveal our dad, I think that's his right, you know. Ass play is, you know, some people really enjoy it, but they don't want to be outed. And I think props to him for respecting that.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And, you know, it could be fun just to play the guessing game, you know. You don't have to force him to say who it was. to play the guessing game you know you don't have to force him to say who it was and just you'd also don't want to you know you don't want her to uh feel like she can't be her true self in the sack anymore because everyone you know because she might get ostracized or whatever yeah i could push her in a different direction where she stops taking chances because she's worried it's gonna go public if it doesn't work out yeah let her be free you know because it sounds like she's really expressing herself and uh and so i think um you know just i think you should uh respect that and i would say openness is good like it's great that you and your friends are so
Starting point is 00:35:58 open and tell each other secrets and stuff but if you're forcing people to tell secrets that they're not comfortable with then it's coming at the expense too much of of their personal space and of their autonomy what up chad and jt i love the pot i just wanted to get y'all's advice during these trying times i recently just broke up with my boyfriend because he was treating me like shit for the past two months, ignoring me, not wanting to see me, et cetera, and was too much of a pussy to end it,
Starting point is 00:36:30 so I had to do it. Yeah, I relate to the guy a little bit, unfortunately. I know I should just move on and let things be, but it's really just bringing down my stoke meter. I'm also about to start my last year of high school, and I just really want to have the best year possible. So any tips on how to get through these tough times and have an awesome senior year sorry for the
Starting point is 00:36:46 long email bros i love the podcast and keep doing what you're doing sincerely lauren it's actually a pretty short email lauren relative to'm down i always turn to uh you know like jt says finds inspiration from movies i turn to movies and videos of uh people having fun and that sort of gets me amped to uh to get out there and live life you know because you're you you don't need this dude you got you nice you know you got you and that's all you need to get amped and go have fun you know go watch what's a good movie to get you excited yeah something that makes you just want to be like, yeah, I'm independent.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I don't give a fuck. I'm going to go party. I'm going to go, you know, kill it at studying. First wives club. First wives club. Go watch first wives club and then just hit the town.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Hang with your friends. Have the best time possible. Cause you can only, you only get one year, senior year of high school and you need to live it up the most and just, uh, crush this year. So this is an opportunity for you to grow, which is, honestly, I have way more fun working on myself than hanging out with some dickwad. You know?
Starting point is 00:38:16 That's why I'm kind of a, stokers may not know this, I'm kind of an introvert. I like hanging out by myself and working on myself. I don't really like hanging out with dickweeds who bring me down. So, you know, that's one of my favorite things to do. Go see a movie by yourself. It's the most fun ever. It is fun. Yeah, and I would say it's good riddance to bad rubbish.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And I think you don't want to be with someone like that anyways. And remember, the best revenge is to live happily. Good call. That's a great quote. Sup, bros? Love the pod. Me and the boys are always giving it a listen during work to stay amped during these long days.
Starting point is 00:38:49 You guys always give killer advice, and I knew Chad and JT were the only stokers I could turn to to help me with this dire conundrum I have found myself in. Recently, my stoke tank has sprung a leak, and I need to patch that baby up ASAP. Last week, I was outraging with the bros at my buddy's house. His dad was out of town town and his mom is super chill so she was ripping
Starting point is 00:39:06 shots and totally killing the helix beer bong with us all night I've known this bro since day one and ever since I've known his mom has
Starting point is 00:39:13 been a total smoke that would low-key drop some flirtatious vibes with my way when he wasn't my way when he wasn't around so I'm chilling there fresh
Starting point is 00:39:20 off a stellar shotgun performance when she looks at me emotions upstairs I'm totally sloshed at this point so So I'm not thinking straight. Next thing I know, I'm boning my bro's mom. The next morning I was like, whoa, that was fucking rad. I need to tell my bros since we always dreamed of getting with the mill someday. But then I was like, yo, hold up. Am I really going to blow up my homie's family like that? Because I know his dad would be less stoked than
Starting point is 00:39:43 to find out I boned his wife. So here my dilemma should i boast to the boys and claim the respect i deserve for being the first of the squad to nail a myth milf or do i respect my bro and keep this on the low for the rest of my life p.s there was an immediate connection when we boned i'm talking fourth of july spark she still hits me up when his dad's out of town so i'm tempted to see where the relationship goes i'm worried the universe put us together on purpose so if i don't shoot my shot i might never score genuine love at first i was pumped because but then when he said she's still married i was like oh fuck yeah and i mean and she's still his boy's mom yeah uh keep it a secret dude yeah dude it's a crazy experience and in some ways you're lucky that it happened in a lot of ways you're unlucky that it happened because this is a lot to deal with
Starting point is 00:40:32 as a young man you don't want the repercussions of this to come down you know i mean it's it's awesome it's it's it's like it's a spectacular thing to have happen. It's the fantasy of so many people, but I think it's also something that years from now, especially if you keep doing it might cause you some regret. Yeah. Cause you're playing with dangerous stakes and big elements of life that aren't easily fixed. If broken.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. Yeah, man, I would just, you know, you know what I think? I think you want to tell people about this experience so you can be the fucking man. But you know what? If you do, the reaction is not going to be as cool as you think and you'll be disappointed.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And then the cat's out of the bag. And then there's a lot of potential consequences. And you destroy her reputation. You blow up the marriage. You ruin your friendship with your friend. Your friend becomes like a punchline for other people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:41:41 Everyone's going to think you punked him. He's certainly going to feel that way. And I think everyone in this situation if it gets out is gonna end up feeling bad yeah so discretion is the better part of valor keep your mouth shut i mean this is not a healthy woman mentally to sleep with her son's friend i mean there's a selfishness there and a self-destructiveness there that is dangerous and she's, you know, honestly,
Starting point is 00:42:08 a little irresponsible for dragging you into it. But, but if you're asking for my advice, I would tell you to steer clear of it and keep it to yourself.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I know, when he first told the story, I was like, oh, hell yeah. Yeah. And then, like,
Starting point is 00:42:24 as it got more and more, I was like, oh, hell yeah. And then as it got more and more, I was like, it's kind of a sticky situation. Totally. Yeah. I just think if one of my friends did that to my mom, I'd be pumped. All right, we're going to do our movie quote of the week. Do you want to go first?
Starting point is 00:42:48 So my movie quote of the week is from the movie The Grey with Liam Neeson, where he's with a bunch of guys and they're trying to outrun some crazy wolves. So towards the end of the film, spoiler alert, skip forward two minutes if you don't want to hear this, Liam Neeson's about the last guy left and he doesn't know how he's going to get out of there and get back to civilization or how he's going to survive this pack of wolves that's tracking him down.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And beyond that, he doesn't even know why he should even try to survive because his life is a sad existence and should he just give up? So he looks up at the sky and he says show me something real screaming at the heavens at god he says show me something real screaming into the void show me something real and of course there's no response from the heavens or from god you know no Eagle soars by at that moment. And then he just in this like kind of exasperated, but still tough voice just says, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I'll do it myself. And, uh, this is all, uh, you can see, uh, a lot of this breakdown and,
Starting point is 00:44:01 stories of old YouTube channel that breaks down, uh, heroism in movies. And the guy's brilliant. My movie quote is from Crazy Stupid Love. Nice. Great movie. Ryan Gosling and Steve Carell. That's a good movie to get you jacked up that the girl could watch.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Big movie quote is Ryan Gosling. Cal, be better than the gap. be better than the gap be better than the gap say it i'm better than the cap i'm doing the motion he does and that was really eye-opening for me you know because like let's all you know don't hold yourself to you know low standards be better than the gap be louis vuitton but still wear vans you know you can always aim higher dudes growth mindset keep building go eat a sabaro's pizza with ryan gosling and go shopping and you know just uh you know don't set limits for yourself
Starting point is 00:45:04 you know don't you set limits for yourself. You know, don't just be like, oh, I could never do that. No, you can do that because you're better than the gap. So be better than the gap, dudes. Yeah. I love it. I love the gap, but I get it completely. I do love the gap, too. I love the clothes at the gap.
Starting point is 00:45:20 All right, guys. That'll be it for episode 28 of the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for writing in for being stokers for everything check out our patreon patreon.com slash Chad goes deep and what else
Starting point is 00:45:37 yeah write us on iTunes all that kind of stuff and yeah JT. We'll see you soon, Stokers. Later, dudes. My dog.

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