Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 280 - Why is there SNOW in LOS ANGELES?

Episode Date: March 1, 2023

We're back live at ATC in Los Angeles where its....... snowing. We discuss our thoughts on the Jake Paul vs Tommy Fury fight and think about how we would promote an influencer fight. A fired up caller... leaves a dank voicemail about the smoothie thief Cesar Millan. Call us today with your questions or drop a confession about a wild night with the bros! (323-418-2019) Check us out on tour! Go to www.chadandjt.com for tickets! Check out the reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Check out Foot Guy Chris Gardner's Comedy Special here: https://youtu.be/7WNFOXejVF0

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I believe in climate change. You cannot tell me this is normal in L.A. What is up, Stokers? We have an epic, epic, classic episode for you. But before we begin, JT and I are on tour. We're going to Tacoma this weekend. If you're in the Northwest area, get your tickets, chat on JT.com. It's so much fun. We're also in Palm Beach next week, Dania Beach next week. We got Sacramento coming up. it's so much fun we're also in palm beach next week dania beach next week we got
Starting point is 00:00:25 sacramento coming up we also have san francisco portland raleigh washington dc and much much more get your tickets at chat and jt.com and also enjoy the show What's your theme? Goin' deep Chad and JT Dude, I wasn't expecting to start so fast So the thing I do up top, it slipped away But pour the coffee on my head and let's get naked What's up Stokers of Stoke Nation?
Starting point is 00:01:02 This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast Here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas, what up? Boom up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom clap, Stokers. And we are here live at ATC with Aaron on the sticks. What up? My brother. How you living? I've got a cold from my kid, so not great.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Killing the vibe. Just obliterating the vibe that's like kids get sick i've heard that from new parents right you're sick like all the time uh it's only recently like it's only as she's gotten a little older a little more uh active i guess yeah like she's out with other kids now yeah yeah yeah did you guys see that the government's coming around on china having kicked off this whole thing in a lab dude i saw that i know i think crazy i i you know i was very scared with covet but i think i am on record saying that was that was my that's what i thought happened so i'm i remember do you remember that i remember yeah yeah yeah good um but what do you think's gonna happen
Starting point is 00:02:07 like what what so like the government's admitting that it's probably a lab leak but is the thing that like it's kind of like those labs are kind of ours as well yeah i think i think that was one thing that was uncovered during covid was that our like national health services or i forget what the acronym was was funding some of the research yeah no i don't think there will ever be like any kind of reparations for it but i do think it'll be a big i told you so moment for a lot of people yeah but it was interesting because the new york times headline was like department because i think it was department of energy that switched what they thought the uh origin was but they were like but other agencies haven't switched
Starting point is 00:02:44 but then the washington but then the wall street journal was like no the fbi is now on board with this so it was like literally conflicting right news headlines yeah and it that stuff always spins me and gets me extraordinarily frustrated with where we're at with with my distrust towards all institutions i'm like but but specifically media ones where i'm like i can't trust any of these people yeah and also it makes you wonder how much have they known for like how long because it seems like they to my perception is they they have the info but they don't release it because you know they wait a little bit so it's like kind of the covid fever will die down and like oh yeah it actually was a lab leak yeah i think i think even in their minds they're they're like uh i project onto them like less strategy and i think
Starting point is 00:03:33 they're like i think they're like well we don't have all the facts yet so we need to be careful with this but i'm like if it was a different story and it was more in line with what you wanted to be the truth you'd probably put it out there yeah like i don't i don't think that their journalistic integrity is even across all the things they cover yeah it does seem like they have the things that they they want to be right on and the things they want to be wrong on or the things they want to be right on and so they don't they won't put something out that might contradict that totally it's great what do you what do you think, Aaron? Well, I don't know. You're like the biggest lib here. It goes like this.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah. You know, it's like, you know in lightsabers how, like, Anakin's is blue and it has that glow? Sure. It's like you have the blue glow. And I think that's a necessary thing. Yeah. It's good to have balance.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I mean, it's possible they didn't know fully at the time. And it's possible that it served no one to know, to put it out there. You know, like if they knew that it came from a lab in China and you just said that, like, well, then would people in America not take it seriously? Would people in America lash out? We already saw that they lashed out at Asian people all all across the country which is a real fucking bummer so so you philosophically would be okay with the news deciding what information we can handle and what i know i know i'm framing this in a real gotcha way is it the news that decided or the or the government releasing that that information to the news oh right you know well that's the golden question yeah i mean it seems like i read a book by uh i forget her name gladstone that was about i would rather know everything personally
Starting point is 00:05:11 but i'm a normal person who's not going to go in the streets and rage and i wore a mask and all the stuff like yeah in that kissinger book he would take order over morality so you're in line with henry kissinger i i vehemently disagree with morality. So you're in line with Henry Kissinger. I vehemently disagree with the fact that I'm in line with him. He's a war criminal. He should be in the Hague, but whatever. Damn. I guess we're all in line with one another in some ways,
Starting point is 00:05:38 if not all the ways. He was a big pussy hound, too. Which is odd, yeah. Just like you, Aaron. You can't stop chasing that coon nanny oh you dog you a dog brother i didn't know you were a fucking hound dog you could be getting after it homie did i heard aaron when he was single you hit him up be like what are you doing friday night getting ass getting ass People would throw you the invite. They'd say, come over on Friday for beers,
Starting point is 00:06:08 and you'd go, give me the roster first. Dude, yeah. I was pretty good about that when I was younger, but when I got hornier as I was older, sometimes I'd be like, I'd be hanging out with five guys, and I'd get itchy. What are we?
Starting point is 00:06:23 We're the chicks. Yeah, we going out. Are we going out? Because the world's's out there the action's out there i um i know you know i i always felt that way inside but i don't know if i ever i was never like the guy to like push forward be like we got to go talk to chicks tonight even though that's what i really wanted i i would strong arm my friends into it sometimes and kill the vibe of the evening but be like hey we need to hit on chicks and it was like a competitive thing yeah and then uh you know and sometimes you do have friends who you gotta like cajole into it and it's good for them because they're a bit too shy but sometimes it's like bro i've been on the other side where
Starting point is 00:06:58 my friend was trying to cajole me into and i'm like bro we're having a good time we're talking about interesting stuff and we're connecting. I don't think we need to go strike out 65 times tonight for it to be a successful evening. Dude, for sure. What I would do, especially in college, is I would go to where the hot chicks were at and I would just be in proximity. You told me this was your style. Yeah, I'd be in proximity and I'd hope that they'd be like, hey, you and I should make out right now. And I'd be like, that's why I'm here.
Starting point is 00:07:29 But it worked out a lot for you. I know you can't say that, but it was a... In college, I'd say so. After college was kind of a shock. Right, because the girls in college, they're like, they're out of the house. They're looking to hook up. Yeah, we all knew each other you know so it was kind of like that you already had that kind of we're at the
Starting point is 00:07:49 same school we kind of even if we didn't know each other that well we kind of know you weren't a stranger you were vetted yeah and you had your friends all around you you know but the whole idea the whole concept of asking a girl out on a date was so foreign to me after college that there was like a year it was pretty cold it's tough dude yeah i remember i was seeing a therapist and i had a crush on this girl and she's like why don't you ask her out and i was like are you insane yeah like ask her out like that was crazy to me yeah and then you know you get a little older and you're like well that's just how things happen but yeah i feel like in college you don't really ask people out like yeah
Starting point is 00:08:22 you just you know you're gonna see them at parties you hook up and then from there maybe uh something more uh long term will materialize yeah i almost said meaningful but i don't want to say meaningful because i think just hooking up with someone at a party once in a while can be extraordinarily meaningful absolutely and i do not want to diminish that no so all of our college guys out there who are wondering if it's worth it don't think about it yeah just have fun absolutely please yeah take it from me who didn't who worried too much about it have fun yeah but aaron you're not getting away with that today because we know that's a front and we know you were you were chasing the kunani the guy who killed versace is that who killed versace his name was Andrew Cunanan yeah you were chasing that Cunanan bro
Starting point is 00:09:06 dude that guy that was a big story man oh I know I lived in San Diego and that's where he was from I was sitting on an airplane and my mom
Starting point is 00:09:14 and the guy next to us really fun gay gentleman they were talking about the whole flight it was like for our flight and it like
Starting point is 00:09:22 blew people's minds yeah yeah because he ended up being basically a serial killer and then the gucci movie someone gets murdered in that or an attempted murder like what's going on in high fashion was it no good the movie yeah you know it was a little i think ridley scott's almost too classy of a director for the material it was very like lurid trashy material and i think it needed a little more of a to die for vibe to it he sounds hilarious to be around who uh ridley scott yeah he's funny in interviews i feel like he has a huge head too like physically yeah i believe it and
Starting point is 00:09:58 also an ego wise but like every time i see i was watching a round table, like the true Hollywood reporter round table and he was there and he was just kind of alpha-ing everyone. He just had the biggest fucking head. Yeah. I mean, cause he's, I think he's got like, he's got classics from like four different decades. Yeah. He's just, and then he did, I think he did the Apple commercial.
Starting point is 00:10:23 That's like a lot of people think is the greatest commercial of all time. Yeah, really? Yeah. Where it's kind of Blade Runner-y, right? No, it's 1984. Yeah, it's like a totalitarian world. And that commercial was at the Super Bowl. And after that, everyone was chasing it.
Starting point is 00:10:37 They were like, that's the kind of commercial I want to make. He starred in commercials, right? I think so. A lot of great directors. David Fincher, too. Yeah. Music videos. Good way to
Starting point is 00:10:45 cut your teeth so yeah videos is the way they started so you college guys who are out there boning afterwards try and get into directing some commercials dude getting back to geopolitics have you ever heard of this guy peter zahan no he's on rogan and his whole thing is he's he's sort of he's an expert in geopolitics. And he's forecasting that like China's going to collapse in like 10 years. And like Russia's going to collapse in 10 years. All this crazy stuff. And also he's like, he says we're at the end of like globalization and kind of.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Oh, no, we're going to get more tribal? He's basically saying that the way the world was prior to World War I is kind of economy-wise's what we're going back to oh nice more like uh industry but in the specific nation it's producing for yeah so he says that like america is in a really good spot because um we can kind of be self-sufficient in that way but then a lot of the countries that do tons of importing with like russia for example they're like agriculture and stuff and then like china they're like on a ticking time and also a huge factor that he is um um the birth rate has gone down in those countries so much just in general but in those countries their population is so old that they just they don't have enough people to like fill in the spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 And they're working on, that was like their advantage too, right? It was just the raw numbers. Like they can put so many people into those difficult jobs. And then if you don't have the workforce, what do you got? It's crazy because you think. I just wanted to turn that into like a real test of your metal China. Yeah. I just wanted to turn that into a real test of your metal China. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:30 They don't want it. They heard it, dude. They don't want that smoke. Is your TikTok open? Because they just heard that. Yeah, what? That's crazy. They did a good job with that.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Hey, kudos to China on TikTok. I mean, it's smart, dude. They're going to keep you on there forever. It's so funny. It is. There's so much funny stuff on there you have ghosts you have farts you have everything and the stuff that makes me laugh it's just couples fighting i love that yeah and then i love mma clips i find them all hilarious this is like mean but there was a clip circulating the other day it just had me dying i'm actually not gonna
Starting point is 00:13:02 say what it is dude jake paul lost dude i watched it on the drive home from ohio with jake um jake was driving he put the fight on man they get you every time he's not a great boxer tommy fury seems like a good guy not a great boxer so the build-up is so dramatic and exciting and then you watch the fight and you're like i mean look they both beat the shit out of me but you watch the fight and you're like these guys suck right relative to like terence crawford or someone like that they just blow and you're not seeing great athleticism so you're like you're actively upset at yourself as you're watching it you're like i can't believe they got me invested in this bullshit.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And you had to buy it, right? Yeah, I think it was expensive as fuck. Damn. Jake might have had like a... He streamed it. He's smart. He knows what he's doing. So he probably had a thing going.
Starting point is 00:13:57 But yeah, he lost. And then he did that thing that fighters do where they're like, I'm not here to make excuses. Hats off to Tommy. He won that fight. Takes a beat. And then he's like, I got sick twice during the training camp. Hurt my ankle.
Starting point is 00:14:12 You just said you weren't going to make excuses. He's like, no excuses, though. Hats off to Tommy. I'm like, dude. And I get it. I guess fighters, you don't want to say that in the run-up to the fight because that will make us less invested. We're like, oh, he's compromised. Or you don't want the opponent to think you're weak. But I don't want to say that in the run-up to the fight because that'll make us less invested like oh he's compromised or you don't want the opponent to think you're weak but i don't know
Starting point is 00:14:29 if i think if i was a fighter i would be transparent like i'd be walking to the ring they're like how do you feel i'd be like nervous and i kind of slept bad last night let's get it let's go let's go i'm just telling you that's how i feel that's just where I'm at right now nervous and slept bad exactly cracking my neck rolling my shoulders and then if you win that makes it way more triumphant I think so yeah the whole ego the theatrics of it could if you were a fighter what kind of fighter do you think you would be in terms of the promotion oh the promotion i think i would be like robert whittaker or george saint pierre or uh fedor emelianko kind of uh they really try to be respectful of their opponent and they'll talk shit back like like george saint pierre has a good clip with this guy's like i think he's afraid of me he's like man are you crazy you think i'm afraid of you come on man i'm not afraid of you like he'll stand up for himself but he's very
Starting point is 00:15:28 much just like he admits to being afraid he admits that fighting is stressful he was the best fighter in the world but he would never even claim he'd be like there's always some guy who can beat you out there and he was like very uh humble and sometimes i think it's false humility like you know because they're they've picked a lane and they got to kind of stick to it sometimes i think it's false humility like you know because they're they've picked a lane and they got to kind of stick to it but i like it it's it's uh it's it i like thinking that their skills are tied to their goodness as a person and i know nothing about them actually but they present that well that way yeah who would you be you'd be conor mcgregor dude you'd be throwing dollies through bus windows i did that's what i've always wanted to do you nailed it right there you'd light their cars on fire with molotov cocktails
Starting point is 00:16:10 i'll see you in the ring bitch i think i would try to do that you know i was i think i would get in my head be like this is what you need to do to be like one of the top fighters and i would try and then i would do like a video being like you know your wife I'm gonna fuck your wife or something yeah really get into that how would you say that I'd be like I'd be like Connor Connor uh you look like shit I'm gonna fuck your wife that's pretty good that's not bad you know the best trash talk is very simple very so Just straight up and just like, cause I guess the theatrics of Jake Paul is he has, he has a cigar. He has like a champagne.
Starting point is 00:16:50 It's like kind of like, but if I was just into the camera, just straight up, you know, just looking straight down the barrel and just like, you look like shit. I'm going to fuck your wife. I think it's more effective in your eyes too.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You seem really happy about it. And I think that's better because I don't think you should go for menacing where you're like hey I'm going to fuck you up and then I'm going to fuck your wife I think it's kind of more fun if you're like hey I'm going to beat the fuck out of you and then I'm going to fuck your wife and you're like laughing about it
Starting point is 00:17:16 that would be kind of scary that would be the fucking the joker I was talking to someone about that Connor's bumming me out because he was the best shit talker but now he just goes to it started with the khabib fight where he's like your father's in bed with like chechnyan terrorists you took money from that rat and uh it might be true but i'm like is this really relevant to the fight like he went like hardcore
Starting point is 00:17:42 i don't like it when they when they start talking about the guy's wives and like their parents i'm like out of bounds bro yeah out of bounds yeah it's uh yeah it's very interesting to watch yeah it can be kind of infuriating seeing like just knowing how much money they make oh dude well the ufc fighters don't make that much money i was referring to jake paul oh jake paul yeah but the the fighters i think they deserve as whatever they're getting and more for sure yeah it's insane like i'm uh there's so much stuff that makes a lot of money that i don't think is great but i try to be like a capitalist about it be like look if there's a audience that wants to purchase it there's probably some merit to it yeah because because it just keeps me more sane than being upset at like the world for liking things that i think are trash but it with jake paul you're like how is this guy worth like what's
Starting point is 00:18:34 he worth let's look at a like 100 million dollars or something around there it's gotta be how much is jake paul worth i mean i gotta hand it to him he's a really good troll and really good at publicity and promo and you know he does train his net worth 38 million 38 million you know what i'm okay with that yeah i thought he was at 100 see because i thought he was at 100 now that i know he's at 38 38 well fucking it's a lot yeah but you know it's not 100 loser bitch he's a loser do you know how much money i make huge fraction of that dude a dramatic fraction of that dude all right though but come on man that's insane dude i you know um i did couples counseling before this oh right before yeah how'd it go dude sobbed my eyes out oh nice yeah you seem light like you i got a lot of good release yeah dude i was like
Starting point is 00:19:45 you know i have some like jealousy stuff we got to the root of that it's childhood stuff you know little chaotic of an upbringing love you mom and dad and uh dude yeah it was good i just fucking whoa it came out brother yeah i was bawling how quickly into the sesh did you start crying like 20 minutes because i didn't know i was gonna get into all that stuff she was like well like what's underneath that and i was like it was even hard for me to bring up because i was like fuck man i don't want to like we're getting along i don't want to cause problems but i was like fuck man but it's like causing me a lot of frustration and anger so i said some things that had like upset me and then and they're like well where do you think that comes from and i was like and there's something
Starting point is 00:20:28 when you're like you know i'm 35 like i don't want to feel like i'm defined by my childhood right you know what i mean and i've talked about all this stuff before none of it's i'm not turning over new rocks but she had never heard it and then my she'd heard a little bit but my partner and then and then you just start going and then it's like momentum and then more stories start coming and then pretty soon you're like and then having it be validated by my partner where she's like yeah that's like crazy and then you're like and you're like yeah but i'm like a spoiled kid too so i'm like it's still really nice like i had a dirt bike yeah and then when it was it was sick but but then like it just, it was, it was sick, but, but then like, it just, uh, it was very bonding
Starting point is 00:21:06 for us. That's good. And, uh, yeah, and it felt good to just get it out, purge it. Yeah. And, uh, yeah, yeah. Good job. Good job to our therapist, Lily. Fucking pulled the top off.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It's actually much more attractive and strong to be that vulnerable. Thanks, man. And I think your partner, you know, because from what I gather, I think, you know, your girlfriend, they just want you to be honest. They want to know that you are honest with them so they i i feel like they they want to know that you're honest with them so that anything like i think they don't want to be like blindsided by like well i didn't know you felt that way and now you're you know cheating on me or you know what i mean i think they want to they want full
Starting point is 00:22:01 transparency as far as i know mostly full um so that there's no kind of that they know what they're they know where they're at and they know how you're feeling and i think and so they know where you're coming from yeah like i think it helped her understand a lot of my stuff to hear the whole story yeah and then it all made sense you know what i mean i hadn't even really thought about that that i I was probably being, that she, that I would react sometimes. Cause I'm pretty, I can get hotheaded and like, I think she'd be like, whoa, like where the fuck is this coming from?
Starting point is 00:22:31 Yeah. You know? And then in my head, I'm like, it's coming from you. Like you did this. Yeah. And it's cause of that. And cause you did this other thing. And this means that, this means that like, you know, you're going to fuck me over or
Starting point is 00:22:41 something like that. And then she'd be like, what the fuck? You know what I mean? And then, and then when I tell her the whole story she's like oh duh yeah you know what i mean it like it all pieces together and she's like yeah you do that because you feel like this and it makes sense for you to feel that way because of this right and i'm sorry to keep using like vague stuff but yeah it's uh no i think i think it was really really helpful yeah i i try to um my relationship be more you know like when i feel something to speak about it because i've always
Starting point is 00:23:17 struggled with that just holding stuff in and because i yeah i've always had this thing of like it's probably abandonment issues of just being terrified of hurting someone's feelings um right like if you let them down they might yeah or something like that i i think yeah it's probably a combo of things it's probably like it's probably like i i'm just i've probably placed too much like like you've always said people are like stronger you know people are strong they can get they can take a hit yeah they and i've always sort of placed like a kind of delicacy on people i'm like i don't want to like i don't want to make them feel bad and so but then you put it all on your shoulders yeah exactly on a ton yeah and then which is badass but you should probably spread it around a little bit. Yeah, I mean, my fucking traps are huge. And so, but it's, you feel better and the relationship is better when you just, when you feel something, you say it.
Starting point is 00:24:16 And so they know exactly sort of where you're coming from and how you're feeling. Yeah, and for me, it's like I got to, I'm bad at like not saying what i'm feeling and and uh and i don't want someone who's around me to feel like they can't say what they feel to me yeah you know what i mean like that's really important to me that they can say anything to me like even the stuff that will hurt my feelings because i really don't want people to be on eggshells around me yeah you know what i mean yeah and if you're being sensitive and reactive people aren't going to tell you what they're feeling or or like because they're going to be worried about how you react to it and to me that's like even if you feel strong in that moment it's not real because
Starting point is 00:24:55 it could crumble if you get the wrong input yeah and i want to be like in a place where i can hear and take anything and still know where who i am and where i'm at on shit yeah and uh yeah and i feel closer to that now it was funny to like to pivot a little bit like andrew tate had a clip and uh and i think andrew tate like i don't know what like he did criminally he might have done it i have no idea but like there's a lot of stuff he says and i'm like that's disgusting man but then he says some stuff and i'm like he is a good talker and i think even awful people make good points and he's made some points where like there's stuff he said that i've liked on instagram but he had one thing where he was saying like uh barack obama's a bitch and his wife punks him all the time and like he had some fair criticisms where he's like
Starting point is 00:25:44 they cry about gentrification and then they live in a super expensive probably white dominated neighborhood and i'm like yeah it's fair like a lot of politicians don't live in a way that's consistent with their message but then he said like obama cried after a school shooting and like what a pussy he was and that he should have had solutions instead of tears. And again, I do not disagree with the fact that solutions are the most important thing a leader can provide, you know what I mean? Like fix the problem. But I commented, I was like, yo, I don't think it's bad for him to have cried, especially given the moment, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:20 And then someone was like, leaders don't cry. I'm like, well, I read a book about Churchill. Churchill cried with citizens of England all the time during World War II, whether they be like Royal Air Force pilots, factory workers, just ordinary citizens. And it meant a lot to them because they didn't expect a guy who they perceived to be in an ivory castle to understand what they were going through in that moment. And they felt strengthened by how empathetic he was to their situation.
Starting point is 00:26:41 And then like Ronald Reagan understood the scope of tragedy. And then, and then, and so I I wrote all that and then I was like you know I do think a leader should they're kind of showing us how we should feel about a moment sometime they're guiding us emotionally through this shit and and I think that is important that's part of the job and then a guy was like no American president has ever cried and then I googled it camera the videotapes only been around for like 80 years eight presidents on camera yeah crying yeah and so i was like i told the guy go cry about it and
Starting point is 00:27:11 then uh and then another guy talked shit to me and i said shut up bitch and then i almost got banned from instagram for really for threatening someone yeah and then uh but it was it was interesting to me because i was just like i like i agree the solutions are more important but like a president can't be emotional like what's he supposed to do after a school shooting like be like just stoic like what it probably wasn't just a school shooting too it was fucking sandy hook sandy hook yeah i remember that i like that stuck with me when he cried after that yeah totally it was that you really felt that me when he cried after that. Yeah, totally. You really felt that.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yeah, you want to know that they care. You want to know that the president gives a fuck. And that they understand tragedy. Especially, you're talking to the families of the people that that shit happened to. And what, you're just going to be like, how does you being stoic in that moment serve them? I don't think that's, it's not being helpful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's not like, it's not like the president is, it's not like a meteor or comet's coming and it's like, he's crying about it. Then I think he needs to be strong. I said that in one of my comments, I said, I don't think they should cry out of fear or out of like a hopelessness. Yeah. Like, I don't think that's helpful. Yeah. because it was like when we talked to that navy seal when he came on and we were
Starting point is 00:28:29 talking about crying in the military he's like he's like look i don't want you to cry to me right before we go through a door to like you know get into a firefight with terrorists but if we're back at like the base and you're emotional like please share it, share it with me. Yeah. Yeah, it's situational for sure. Totally. Yeah, I mean, Sandy Hook was, I mean, kids being shot, you can cry about that. You should probably cry. Yeah. Andrew Tate's like, he's a bitch. Yeah, Andrew Tate, how many children does Andrew Tate have exactly? Dude, he has kids.
Starting point is 00:29:00 I didn't realize that. Well, he wasn't thinking about them in that moment that's for sure yeah well like what yeah what if his kids got hurt like you're just gonna be like i can't about it my daughter just started preschool i can't fucking imagine oh i mean i would just go fucking ballistic yeah dude i'm that way about my dog there's not a sheriff's department i think i've mentioned some of the pockets before there's not a sheriff's department in the world that could keep me from from attacking that gunman with my fucking fist oh yeah because it's it's just it's like you put everything into this kid yeah you'd be like one of those dudes in
Starting point is 00:29:32 the courthouse who jumps across the table and he's like yeah have you seen the one god love those videos i talked about before where the dad's like give me five minutes with him and they're like no he's like two minutes he's like negotiating and they're like no and then he just bombs across the courthouse and jumps on the guy yeah and like the cops as they're pulling him off they're saying sorry to the dad they're like sorry man sorry like we can't let you just like annihilate this dude and they can't and then you know that's i actually think that's why i've been so emotional and reflecting on all that stuff is because now that i i got kids coming it's making me think about a lot of stuff and i'm just coming it's making me think about a lot of stuff and i'm just like it's making me think about growing up and what i liked and what i didn't like and it's really put
Starting point is 00:30:13 me in like this protector in me has been kicked up because i got to look out for these kids oh yeah and it's really made me like think about how i want to do that so get ready man it's going to color how you watch everything how you intake all your all your pop culture all your culture it's crazy i'm looking forward to it let's fucking go yeah dude yeah i watched airbed last night in a totally different way different bro dude yeah i was like this movie is not chill hey no rule that says a dog can't play football dude that's what I kept saying. The dog was looking at me.
Starting point is 00:30:46 She's like, I was like, I was like, listen. You can play. You can do this. You got to believe in yourself. Yeah, for sure. She can run routes. I actually commented on one of your dog's videos that she looks like a good athlete. Yeah, thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Dude, you know, the real part for me in Air Bud that I, that sticks with me to this day, and this might be different now that sticks with me to this day, and this might be different now that I know I'm having kids, but when the coach of the opposite team tells his teenage strong safety, it's time for the late hit on the dog. It's after the play, and the dog's like, oh, the ball. Good job. And the kid just smokes him, Just blindsides the dog.
Starting point is 00:31:29 Makes me mad. Mad? Yeah. What a good soldier that kid is, though. Just fucking annihilating the goal different. I knew kids like that in high school. If the coach would have been like, hey, hey, Marinovich, get over here. You're taking out that dog.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yes, coach. Actually, the guy I'm referencing wouldn't have done that, but someone else would have. The dog's helmet slides off. Yeah. They take it off on a stretcher. Dude, it's funny, too. I always do this with girlfriends. I used to show one of my exes rogan clips trying to like be like come on he's cool like
Starting point is 00:32:09 it was rogan talking about happiness i'm like this is undeniable and my girlfriend was like i don't like him and i was like that's bullshit but then i was showing my girlfriend a jordan peterson clip that i liked and uh again i don't agree with everything he says but sometimes i think he says things well and then um and uh she thought it was so lame yeah and this is the criticism i hear of jordan peterson a lot beyond like the the more identity politics stuff that he i don't know why he's always talking about it honestly i'm more interested in just like the broader life philosophy stuff but he uh he's talking about like you got to be a man you got
Starting point is 00:32:45 to take on responsibility you got to have a wife and a kid and a passion and you got to look out for those things that's what life's about is tacking on the response and my girlfriend was just like that's the most basic bullshit ever and then i think it's funny as dudes i think we need to feel for me i need to feel like there's like a romantic like heroic quality to just doing basic yeah and i think that's what he feeds right is that he's like look you make your bed in the morning that's what a warrior does and you're like yeah i'm a warrior when you make your bed yeah and it's silly that us guys have to feel that way but i need that like i got to feel heroic when i'm like when i make breakfast in the morning for the two of us i'm like yeah my man dude yeah i made breakfast there is something about dude the funny thing is that i
Starting point is 00:33:32 listen like i'll listen to podcasts to go to sleep i listen like lex friedman and and then it turned on to uh the jordan peterson episode while i was sleeping so my dream last night was just jordan peterson i was like kayaking down a river and he's like and you should be worried about that too you should be bloody worried about it because life is hell you know and i was like in my dream i was like what the fuck is going on and i woke up i was like oh dude it was crazy yeah it made me laugh too thinking about like writers like that like lao su yeah i read his stuff i loved it yeah i love all that paradoxical shit where it's like the meaning
Starting point is 00:34:11 is the non-meaning that that stuff always speaks to me because that's how i kind of think about it but i was just laughing about him being like writing one of his poems where he's like it's not the spokes of the wheel that make a turn it's the hole it's the emptiness where movement comes from and then his wife comes in and she's like hey lau you promised you'd clean the chicken coop two weeks ago he's like i'll get to it hold on i have to write romantically about what it means to clean a chicken coop she's like just fucking clean it and then he's like no hold on the chicken coop is full of shit but the shit provides the smell that lets us know it's bad and only then when i understand the bad can i turn it into good and she's like just clean it please dude just clean the chicken coop
Starting point is 00:34:49 oh man yeah should we dive in the queues yeah should we do some queues dude i've been digging this i know some people were like hey like stick with reading them, but I like I like hearing their voices Yeah, me too Do that was nice what Aaron said our co-star from unstable We say he said we were good in the show. Oh, yeah Yeah, coming out March 30th guys on Netflix cuz you know what I wasn't actively stressed about it But when he said that to me, I felt a release. Uh, yeah, I was I was like Cuz I was a little I was you know you don't know you wait seven months to see if you're good or not you have no clue that's the thing with
Starting point is 00:35:29 acting yeah it's like but he said that and then we heard that that an exec said that yeah that's true yeah hopefully we're good in it man i'd love to that'd be awesome yeah i'd like to get better at acting i hope it uh gets traction yeah me Yeah. That'd be a nice plum gig. It was fun, too. Crew is great. Cast is cool. Aaron's a great guy. What up, Chad and JT?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Oh, baby. This is Riley calling in. I'm on vacation with my dank-ass girlfriend out here in Oahu. Hell yeah. We were leaving LAX when I'm buying a smoothie, and I turn around, I notice Cesar Millan is behind me and chat. He was just your babe of the week on an episode. And I'm grabbing my smoothie and Cesar taps me on the shoulder and he goes, is that a berry blast? And I go, no, Cesar, this is a berry bliss.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And he thinks I'm stealing his smoothie. And he gets a little weird for a second. Gary Bliss, and he thinks I'm stealing his smoothie. And he gets a little weird for a second, and I've reassured him, no, this is my smoothie. And do with that information what you will. I just wanted to let you know he's kind of an asshole. Thanks, guys. Keep doing all the great work. Well, dude, thank you for your wonderful reporting um here's my reading on it and maybe ordinarily i'd be like that dude's a bitch and that's still in play but caesar milan right he
Starting point is 00:36:55 works with dogs that have experienced uh puppyhood trauma right and he helps them work through it where do you think a guy like that gets that kind of empathy probably because he experienced childhood trauma and so what i'm thinking is way back in the day dude before caesar was caesar milan people were grabbing his smoothies disrespectfully maybe at home maybe at school maybe. And so he's hyper-reactive when it comes to those kind of Jamba Juice interactions. Dude, well said, man. So you're saying he got punked so much that he's on the defense. He's wired for it, dude.
Starting point is 00:37:37 His central nervous system, he sees someone grab a smoothie and there's a lifetime of pain there. Yeah. And also, he's a dog whisperer some say he is a dog he's territorial yeah you know did he piss on that smoothie i was just thinking that maybe because you know if there i mean his wet hand goes for the same smoothie as you yeah i mean you may have ordered the berry bliss and he ordered the berry
Starting point is 00:38:02 baja blast or whatever but did he piss on it if he pissed on it that's his smoothie and dude mass respect to the caller for how you handled that situation where he's like hey is that the berry blast and you're like no it's the berry bliss like i think a lot of people would have been flummoxed in that moment and be like they sound the same it's the same amount of syllables. And you were like, no, there is a very important distinction here. And so I need you to blast away while I experience some bliss. Dude, that was really well said.
Starting point is 00:38:38 And also he could have Cesar Millan'd him himself, where Cesar Millan would say back, no, I have the very bliss. And then he could go yeah what's that that's so that's caesar milan you know when a dog is acting up let's say a dog is is jumping on me right he doesn't want the dog to jump on people he'll he'll push the dog back the dog is like um the freak out is like what what and he's like he's like i'm in command so if he said hey man i got the berry bliss and then caesar's like no i got the berry bliss and they go that's some jedi stuff right there yeah dude also i've been trying to get my girlfriend to piss on me a little bit. Dude, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:27 And I'm down to piss on her, too. And she thinks it's weird. You know hunters put deer piss on themselves when they go hunting to attract the male bulls over, right? Yeah. Yeah. It's natural. It's very natural natural i've always wanted a golden shower because here's the thing dude life is long am i gonna go through this whole experience not doing that once in a while are you i think it's good for she's very she's very put together and she's elegant, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:07 There's a time and a place. Are you going to go your whole life experiencing pee with two of the senses? Touch and see? Maybe you can smell it too. But are you going to taste it? Am I going to taste it? I'm going to hear it. Oh, I do have it. Yo, what up, boys?
Starting point is 00:40:31 So I found myself in quite a predicament here, and I'm interested to hear y'all's opinions on it. So my best friend for a long time, right as I was about to move away, he ended up actually secretly dating my ex-girlfriend for a couple months behind my back. And I ended up moving away and cutting him out of my life. and I ended up moving away and cutting him out of my life. And now they're married now, but there's a predicament coming up. I have a lot of mutual friends' weddings that I'm going to be flying back into town for, and I've yet to see the two of them together or talk with him face to face about it. Um,
Starting point is 00:41:26 just due to a lot of stuff and how it was handled and because I was moving across the country and such, but, uh, yeah, all my, all my old best friends are still good friends with him. So we're,
Starting point is 00:41:39 we're going to be all in the same wedding partying together. And I want to know the best course of action in y'all's opinion to handle these situations. I mean, I've been killing it in life, and I've forgiven him, like, and I've moved past it. But it's still definitely going to be an uncomfortable situation. So I'm interested to hear what you boys have to say, what you recommend, and how to approach this. Thanks, boys. Thanks for the stuff. Dude, thanks for the cue.
Starting point is 00:42:13 It sounds like you are genuinely happy about where you're at in your life. I would be pissed off at my buddy, too. The fact that they're but all things get easier with time. If this has been like a couple years and you guys especially if you're young when it happened like if you're under like 25 when that happens it's a little bit like everyone's messy i mean you know what everyone stays messy
Starting point is 00:42:34 too it's just life but um you don't want to miss out on your good friend's weddings especially if it's just because you're overthinking and understandably so what it's going to feel like when you're there i think you do kind of owe it to yourself to find out and just know whatever it is you'll even if you don't you don't have to have the best time at the wedding. I think it's okay if there's moments where you feel awkward. I just think the important thing is showing up because you don't want to not do something because something that could be something you want to remember because you're afraid of whatever it is that might happen when you're there. Does that make sense?
Starting point is 00:43:24 You got to go, dude. whatever it is that might happen when you're there does that make sense you gotta go dude and you know what i would uh i would go i'd be nice i would be friendly with everyone and i would try to have sex with her just once yeah right i think i think i was doing good and then i kind of brick the landing Right? I think I was doing good, and then I kind of bricked the landing. I was thinking doing a big entrance at the wedding.
Starting point is 00:43:51 You don't keep it low-key. You don't come in and say, hey man, you want to go talk before we get down? No. You come in with intro music. Shawn Michaels type stuff. Shawn Michaels, stuff Shawn Michaels a fog machine
Starting point is 00:44:06 I know I'm hot the whole I think I'm sexy yeah the whole wedding goes dark and then one spotlight
Starting point is 00:44:14 just shines on you and you're shirtless and then you try to have sex with that girl yeah definitely gotta take a crack at that
Starting point is 00:44:24 cause fuck em but uh I also think you try to have sex with that girl yeah definitely gotta take a crack at that um because fuck them but uh i also think and i take a lot of wisdom from this uh there's a movie called the wedding date with deborah messing and derma moroni and it is cute it is very very cute and uh moroni plays a gigolo who she hires to come to a wedding because it's a similar situation to this where her ex is going to be there and she wants a happy uh handsome strapping guy at her side and then of course they fall in love so i think brother your life's killing it bring a smoke dude bring a smoke dude and you know what the smoke, bring someone where the vibe is smoke. And then everyone's going to be like, dude.
Starting point is 00:45:12 What's this guy's name? Dolan McMichaels. Dude, good call. I think too. Go ahead, sir. I think too. Just call this guy. Just be like be like bro i'm killing it hang up i love that dude whatever makes you feel better dude and that's not that bad that's not like offensive
Starting point is 00:45:36 some people might say it's like embarrassing or corny i would tell those people read a book about someone great they didn't worry about being corny they just shot their shot so you call this guy up and go i'm killing it you've both put on weight click click look man there's no wrong move the only wrong move is not making one so go in there and swing with what you got big dick player don't be afraid to go in there with a wound either like a bandaged gunshot oh right i thought you're talking emotional no no no no no fuck that peg leg come in with a peg leg and still dance your ass off yeah because then everyone's gonna be like what have you been up to and be like merchant marines i don't even know what those are but i know they're hard men with tattoos and then be like been on the
Starting point is 00:46:29 been on the sea fighting with pirates off of somalia seen captain phillips it's the pg version yeah they came onto our tanker they had ladders ak's what'd you do i fucked all of them that's awesome that's all i got um all right one more chris gardner yeah i think that was good advice all right so uh what's going on to all those maybe listening my name is chris gardner one of the best ever uh to all those who may be listening. My name is Chris Gardner. One of the best ever.
Starting point is 00:47:07 Mr. Chad Korver asked me to call in and talk about this so-called foot fetish of mine. Now, I'm a comedian and I have a very popular bit that involves feet, right? But what many people don't understand
Starting point is 00:47:24 is that I don't have necessarily, I don't necessarily have a foot fetish. I don't have some weird fetish specifically for feet. You understand? But I do appreciate a good foot.
Starting point is 00:47:39 You understand? I have an appreciation for a good foot on a woman just you know soft smooth sleek you know not crusty I appreciate that and a big thing for me that I look whenever I see a girl's foot one thing I pay attention to it is if she has a full pinky toenail. You understand? Because at times, women don't have full pinky toenails. They have that real small, that real tiny, you know, piece of a toenail, man.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Y'all know what I'm talking about. They have a real small pinky toenail, a little tiny piece of nail. I call it a piece of nail. You know? And I'm not into that personally. A little tiny piece of nail I call it a piece of nail You know And uh I'm not into that personally I'm not knocking those who have it I personally am not into that
Starting point is 00:48:34 You know Now you know If I'm liking a woman And she happens to have that It's not a deal breaker You know It's just something I'm not into man So I you know
Starting point is 00:48:43 Always look for A full ass ass pinky toenail. Crucial to a good foot. So, yeah, man, I don't have an overall foot fetish. It's more so an appreciation for a pretty, well-ke kept foot with a full pinky toenail. That's it. Alright.
Starting point is 00:49:11 Chris is a great guy. We gotta get him back on. Absolutely. Congrats to JT for the baby. Oh, thank you Chris. Legend. Man, he's a fun guy to do psychedelics with. Oh yeah. Cause he's already kinda on psychedelics. Always. So it just kicks it up to a region guy to do psychedelics with. Oh, yeah. Because he's already kind of on psychedelics. Always.
Starting point is 00:49:29 So it just kicks it up to a region that most people never get to. Chris, well said, man. Here's the thing. I like feet, too. And I heard another luminary of the black community, Kevin Gates, talk about this, where they were like, you got a foot fetish. He's like, it's not that I got a foot fetish. He's like, it's that I talk about feet, and people like you got a foot fetish he's like it's not that i got a foot fetish he's like he's like it's that i talk about feet and people say i got a foot fetish he's
Starting point is 00:49:49 like but i talk about all the parts of the body it's just y'all notice when i talk about feet so it might be 10 of what i like about a girl but y'all fixate on it like it's 90 because y'all don't like it or don't think about it or embarrassed about it and i think that's what it is yeah totally it's the whole kit and caboodle but it is what carries you right do you like feet i've never been to feet it's it's never even like sexually crossed my mind you're a face guy face but you know but whole you that's what it is yeah because i i keep track of what people mention in terms of what they want and that's the thing i've you know, butthole. That's what it is. Yeah. Cause I, I keep track of what people mention in terms of what they want.
Starting point is 00:50:28 And that's the thing I've heard you mention the most is that you want to eat butt. Yeah. I want a good butthole. And 69. Yes. Yeah. My dog.
Starting point is 00:50:36 You know, it's so funny. I'm not, I like licking, but I'm not a big 69 guy. No, we have such balance, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Nice. Dude, me and Chad, we've been like making our own videos. And then I really do feel like I'm like, oh, it's missing something. It's missing. The balance. The 69 guy.
Starting point is 00:50:51 You know, I'm over here, dirty talk missionary. And I'm like, there's something missing. I'm like, where's the, and it's the playfulness that's missing. Right. Because mine's all intensity. And I'm like, where's the playfulness? Where's the 69? Right.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Well, then I don't have the dirty talk. I want to get nasty. Yeah. because mine's all intensity and i'm like where's the playfulness where's the 69 right well then i'm i don't have the dirty talk i want to get nasty yeah you're getting nasty you want to feel nasty though i'm being nasty but i'm not audio there's no audio nastiness except for the you know the sounds that we're making and you're you're a you're you're a little bit of a masochist you want to get into the muck oh yeah make yeah. Make sure you check out Chris Gardner's special on YouTube. Yeah, dude. Chris Gardner shit. It's on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Well, Jake, throw in a link. If you search on YouTube, throw in a link in the description. Yeah, let's have him on. Dude, he'd be great for the live stream one. Because we want a live stream one. I don't know if we should do the draft just because they'll tell us what to pick. You know what I mean? But he would be fire on that.
Starting point is 00:51:45 I think he'd be great. Because he can roll with shit. He's a fucking tank. He's so funny. Yeah, check out his special, guys. He's so funny. Should we get into the... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:56 I got to be kind of quick with you. Okay, let's go quick. Let's go quick. What's your Beef of the Week? My Beef of the Week is our landlord. So my girlfriend got locked out while we were in miami and it was late at night and the landlord you know i was hounding them i was like hey can you guys unlock it can you landlord doesn't do lockouts and i'm like what does that mean and they're like we don't unlock
Starting point is 00:52:16 it you should get a locksmith i'm like but you have a key right and they're like yeah and i'm like so why can't you go unlock the door i pay rent this is my place is ridiculous and they're like, yeah. And I'm like, so why can't you go unlock the door? I pay rent. This is my place. This is ridiculous. And they're like, it's our policy. I'm like, so you're going to make me pay money to get a locksmith to unlock the door when you have a key? And they're like, yeah. I lost my skull, dude.
Starting point is 00:52:43 I would be so frustrated. Isn't that the most annoying? You're sitting on the solution. They have the key. Yeah. So my beef is with landlords. Just like arbitrary boundaries where you're like, I get it, they don't want to have to do that for every tenant,
Starting point is 00:52:58 but you're like, you probably should just do that for every tenant if you have the keys. Especially if it's like, I mean, the weather's been, you know, it's like, it's, I mean, the weather's been, you know, it's rainy, it's cold. It's the worst weather. Dude,
Starting point is 00:53:10 it snowed outside of LA. Yeah, letter in the fucking house. Friggin' dick wads. I believe in climate change. On record, no.
Starting point is 00:53:23 That should be the five second teaser. Yeah teaser yeah i do i believe in climate change you cannot tell me this is normal in la i know the earth goes through cycles whatever i'm throwing in with the climate change people i believe them and i don't agree with the people who don't want to have kids because of climate change because it'll reduce the carbon footprint because then we'll save the earth for nobody. Keep fucking. Off point. I believe in climate change. Not like I believe in it like I'm rooting for it.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Like I believe that it's happening and that LA is wetter than it normally is. And not wet like Prince is walking down the Sunset Boulevard. Wet like torrential downpour for you pervs out there keep fucking america but yeah keep fucking keep fucking pervs and non-pervs aaron can you put on me for a sec did you fister no i just came into this oh nice came into the camera dude i'm multiple the other day whoa masturbating i'm multiple yeah not as cool is that not as cool i do but i did i did bro funny two stories real quick i'll make this my beef of the week even though it's not a beef
Starting point is 00:54:36 um one me and my girlfriend were arguing and she's like you know what the problem is is that you're too horny and i can feel it all throughout the house when you're horny that's hilarious and i'm like that's not the problem i'm like that's always in the mix but i'm like i don't want to be reduced to just that she's like you're too horny so in the middle of an argument i go i'm going to the bathroom to masturbate came out and finished the argument amazing and i was a little more amenable afterwards i still believed in my cause but i was like all, all right, what were we talking about? All right, yeah, no, it's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Keep coming. Keep coming. That's amazing. And then I, and then I, I jade off the other day and I was like, run into the bathroom to finish it. And I'm sorry guys. And, uh, and like some of it came out and I was like, oh, I lost. And then I was like, no, stay focused, stay focused.
Starting point is 00:55:19 And then I did it. And I was like, I'm counting on this too. That's awesome. And then I went into her room and I was like, babe, babe, I'm multiple. She's like, I'm proud of you. I was like, thanks babe. She's too. That's awesome. And then I went into her room and I was like, babe, babe, I'm multiple. She's like, I'm proud of you. I was like, thanks, babe. She's like, what are you going to do now? I'm like, I'm going to go watch the movie Lock.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Are you going to be at KFC? I'm like, I'm going to go to KFC. I'll see you in a couple hours. She's like, that's my man. Chad, who's your babe of the week? My babe of the week is the show The Last of Us. Have you started watching it yet? Dude, I'm trying, bro.
Starting point is 00:55:43 I can't get into it. But please, go. You can't get into it? Go, go, baby, go. Fucking Fungi Zombies? People love it. People love it. I know I'm in the wrong here.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I'll get into it like a year from now. I know. Go. Yeah, yeah. I love it, dude. I haven't been listening to a show in a while, so it feels good to have something to look forward to on Sunday nights. And you guys, if you haven't watched it, I don't need to get into the details, but it's
Starting point is 00:56:03 on HBO, Last of Us, Pedro Pascal. I forget the girl's name but she's she's awesome so bella ramsey bella ramsey hell yeah dude check it out it's so good wwe wrestler if you like a new kind of zombie check it out check it out i like that it's it's a cordyceps mushroom based yeah i feel like they should tie in something yeah with like like it came from joe rogan's um new mood pills or something dude that was uh he was patient zero yeah bro dude i took a new mood on accident thinking it was alpha brain and i was tired for like six hours what's new mood it's a new mood is a uh it's supposed to help you sleep i took it at the wrong time it's one of their uh nootropics oh nice and i've taken alpha brain that shit will have you firing on all cylinders like it helps you uh make sentences but uh really
Starting point is 00:56:57 but a massive headache afterwards um dude my babe of the week is jake our uh social media guy our cameraman our travel buddy dude i think uh i think i'm a bit old and sometimes i i forget how much jake understands that i don't understand like when he was showing me some of the metrics on like social media stuff i was like bro you really understand and then like i was kind of uh me and uh our buddy pedro we were driving somewhere and i was like we were kind of not trash and we were like oh man we don't really like crowd work clips and then he explained why crowd work clips are so effective because like it makes the viewer at home feel like they're there in that moment and experiencing it in real time yeah and i was like and it's a simple explanation but i had missed it and uh yeah jake's just really smart he's the hardest working guy like he'll run through a wall
Starting point is 00:57:49 totally and it's like 24 7 too like we're always asking him stuff and he always delivers and uh and he's a great guy on top of it so i'm just really thankful that we get to work with him and then also this whole brendan shub mark harley situation where mark harley quit or got fired and then like uh just started trashing brendan on like all those threads that trash brendan i was like uh i was at starbucks with jake and i went up to him and i was like hey man you never do that to us right she was like what i basically was like i was like dude if i'm acting in a way that's not jiving with how you feel like you should be treated as a person, just let me know. Just let me know, bro.
Starting point is 00:58:28 All right. And I was like, what do you want for coffee? Do you want a donut? Do you want a donut? I love you. I love you, man. But yeah, he really, that's all fun. But I'm serious.
Starting point is 00:58:39 He's a beast. Jake's awesome. Love you, Jake. Who's your legend of the week? Dude, steak salad bro I think that's my favorite food steak salad throw some olives in there tomato avocado
Starting point is 00:58:51 hearts of palm well dude cause on that like on that health taste chart it's banging on both you feel good when you're eating it you know it's good for you and it tastes delicious everything about it is good steak salad top food on the planet i'm i'm making it known dude uh my legend of the week is
Starting point is 00:59:35 my legend of the week is me and chad were flying home from miami and i put on funny people on my tv and he had no way of knowing i put on funny people and they had like 300 options there was like 300 movies on there and then chad put on funny people and then i ran over and i grabbed no one chad also put on funny people and then i turned it off after 20 minutes because i found it a bit navel gazey and then chad turned it off after 20 minutes not knowing i had turned it off after 20 minutes and then i ran over and i was like dude i also turned it off after 20 minutes and uh that was pretty magical that was awesome good moment that was crazy good moment what are the chances chat to miami too dude forever legend oh and dude where we got adepas that's my legend of the week too doggies yes and biz can in biz cane dude god i love that place some fire adepas uh chat what's
Starting point is 01:00:19 your quote of the week my quote of the week comes from steven seagal dude what a ledge i'm hoping that can be known as a great writer and actor someday rather than a sex symbol dude honestly though it's got to be tough for him dude it is you know he's a martial arts expert he's a thespian on the level of you know olivier of brando and then all people want to talk about it is his dick game. That'd be frustrating. Dude, I'm going with a classic here. It's from one of Chad's favorite movies, too. It's going to be a long one, guys, and I hope I perform the fuck out of it. That's all I can do. I believe that love That is true and real
Starting point is 01:01:10 Creates a respite from death All cowardice comes from not loving Or not loving well Which is the same thing And when the man who is brave and true Looks death squarely in the face Like some rhino hunters I know Or a Belmonte who's truly brave
Starting point is 01:01:23 It is because they love with sufficient passion To push death out of their minds until it returns as it does to all men and then you must make really good love again think about it can i see who that is it's ernest hemingway in midnight in paris let's go bro cory stole annihilates that shit. All right, you go, baby. You go. First week we're getting after is Aaron Fox. Kunani. Aaron Chase the Kunani. I don't even know what accent I'm doing, but I know Aaron Chase Kunani. Aaron, why are you always on the prowl, bro?
Starting point is 01:02:03 When will it end? Just banging. When will the prowl, bro? When will it end? Just banging. When will enough be enough, dude? How much ass do you have to get before you know you can get ass, dude? Did that say in American Psycho when he's flexing in the mirror? Yeah. That was inspired by Aaron. But you know what I like when you do it, Aaron?
Starting point is 01:02:22 You make the girl flex, too. You go, babe, hit a double bicep while I hit it from the back the back the very back aaron you're a dog dude are you a dog bro the listeners don't know like we have trouble setting this up because we're like hey four o'clock on monday you're like you know where i am at four o'clock on mond Monday we're like no we don't you're like taking someone else on a ride we're like where you're like on the bone coaster and I fall for it every Monday and I forget for the legend my Sears Oh phrase of the week for getting after it I thought it was gonna be Cunanan but actually I'll do this I'll do that well I'm gonna. Oh, phrase of the week for getting after it? I thought it was going to be Kunani, but actually, I'll do this. I'll do this.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Well, I'm going to let you in on a little secret that almost everybody else in this world automatically knows. Control is an illusion, you infantile egomaniac. Nobody knows what's going to happen next. Not on a freeway, not in an airplane, not inside our own bodies, and certainly not on a racetrack with 40 other infantile egomaniacs. Nobody knows and nobody controls anything now you've gotten a glimpse of that and you're scared you might not have the
Starting point is 01:03:29 courage to race anymore you may never have had it god i hate you for this you son of a bitch you make me sound like a doctor the music too dude can i tell you something yeah i had a multiple right there no yeah big buku cum shots from the main man dude that's what kidman will do in that movie bro the way she's challenging him that's multiple city dude uh all right sters, thanks for listening. Come check us out on tour. Yeah, please. ChatJT.com. Guys, we're going to small towns, and crowds are smaller.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Please, come. We're going to be in Tacoma this weekend. If you live anywhere in the Northwest, just cruise. It's so much fun. Palm Beach, Dania Beach, the week after that next week. It's so much fun. Palm Beach. Dania Beach. The week after that next week. We got Sacramento coming up. We got San Francisco coming up.
Starting point is 01:04:34 We got Portland coming up. We got Raleigh coming up. We're fucking hilarious and we're super earnest. What else do you want? It's great. It's great. So come on out. Come on. Love you guys. Love you guys. If you need advice These guys are really nice And you wanna know
Starting point is 01:04:54 What to do and where to go When you need someone to guide you Just a half-hearted side You don't need We need someone to guard you Seems to have the throne beside you Go in deep Go in deep Let's go deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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