Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 286 - DRAFT - Best Cities in The United States of America

Episode Date: April 13, 2023

Today we are LIVE drafting the Best Cities in America. Each person will compile a list of their favorite cities and give a dank reasoning behind each one. The Judge, Mr.Cream aka Aaron will make the f...inal decision on who wins.  Here is the Total Draft Standings (s/o HandA on reddit)Chad: 4 winsJT: 3 wins Strider: 6 wins Chris Parr: 4 wins Come see us on Tour!We've got Austin, Texas for Moontower Comedy Festival next!www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/  Episode sponsored by: Express VPN:  We protect all of our devices from being tracked online with the BEST VPN.Visit ExpressVPN.com/godeep today for 3 months free!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, Stokers? Before we begin this epic, epic draft, I want to let you know that we are on tour. We're going to be in Austin, Texas this weekend. Tickets are going fast. It's nearly sold out. Get your tickets if you're in the area at chatandjt.com. We'll also be in Arlington, Virginia, and then San Diego in the next couple weeks, next few weeks. And then we got some Ohio dates, Oklahoma, Wisconsin. Chatandjt.com for tickets. Check it out. We're also brought to you by legends at ExpressVPN. Guys, you want to make sure that your internet browser is protected. A lot of internet service providers log your internet activity and sell that data to other
Starting point is 00:00:35 big tech companies or advertisers. So to prevent that, to prevent them from seeing your internet activity, protect it with ExpressVPN. Visit expressvpn.com slash go go deep that's e-x-p-r-e-s-s vpn.com slash go deep and you'll get three extra months free that's expressvpn.com slash go deep all right let's start the show oh let's twist the nipples and hear the kitty roar what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger Coming in with the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast We are live And I'm here with my compadres Boom clap Stokers
Starting point is 00:01:11 We're here with I didn't even think of nicknames We're here with the General of Grundles Strider at Wilson Stoked to be here dudes And we're here with the Freaking
Starting point is 00:01:30 Patriarch of Party Chris Parr what up So we got a draft episode live And What are we doing today boys Well dude it's a big draft Cause the stakes are uniquely high for this one. They're always high.
Starting point is 00:01:46 We take it serious. But we wanted to mix up the draftees. Like we wanted to bring someone new onto the team to draft to kind of kick in some new energy and expertise. But we didn't want to give anyone the boot unfairly. So for this draft, if you get last place, you are removed from the next draft which will be brad fuller drafting horror movies with the three remaining dudes it's big big it's gonna be major film out the pressure is especially on you dog and i i have to say this you can't play favorites i know chad and me got our name in the thing in the show it matters oh
Starting point is 00:02:28 yeah no that's fine we're dead men if our list sucks and it's and we're not we're gonna have the listeners tell us who they think had the best list and that's helpful but you are the decider my friend yeah don't be afraid to swing that axe baby oh. Oh, that's what I do. Chop my dome off if my list sucks. And we're doing American cities, which is exciting because people take their cities very seriously. We've done a little traveling, and what I've learned is that people really care about where they're from. And the more you care about where you're from,
Starting point is 00:02:58 typically the shittier the place. But maybe we'll shout your city out. We've got the best McDonald's. Yeah, dude. I'm sure it's the best, dude. This is going to be a tough one because there's – in my mind, I was thinking about it. It was like we didn't specify like town, cities, big cities only.
Starting point is 00:03:22 It's like what kind of cities are we talking about? There's no population threshold we didn't even get into what really makes a great city it's really in the eye of the beholder exactly it's gonna be art dude it's good it is art dude you know it's abstract this is an abstract city draft and and you can pander to aaron too yeah yeah dude where the cardinals played it and i know where aaron grew up I know where he was born. He revs two cities that he grew up in, and then he's got the Cardinals. Aaron, I beg of you to take a more objective stance here. What are the two cities you like the most, though?
Starting point is 00:03:56 Let me put it to you this way. If you're trying to kiss up to me with saying St. Louis, I've never been there. So, okay. Thank you for doing that. That changes my list. So I fucked up with Babe Ruth, bro. I fucked up with Babe Ruth. You're you for doing that. That changes my list. So I fucked up with Babe Ruth, bro. I fucked up with Babe Ruth. You're going to go St. Louis number one.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Although St. Louis has a lot of sick bridges, dude. It's a good city for bridges. I feel like we're already cooking. Maybe we don't need any other conversational preamble. Maybe we get straight into it and we shoot these odds or evens. Oh, my God. The stakes have never been higher. It's huge.
Starting point is 00:04:25 No one wants to miss the Fooler episode. Because then what if it's a banger episode without you? That's going to be painful. Totally, dude. All poison Brad Fuller, dude. One, two, three, shoot. Fourth. Fourth.
Starting point is 00:04:40 That might be good with cities. Yeah, yeah, it's cool. One, two, three, shoot. Third, fuck. Paper, yeah, it's cool. One, two, three, shoot. Third, fuck. Paper, rock, scissors. Wow, third time. Holy guacamole. Holy guacamole, dude.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Dude, that was intense. That was intense. It's on. I wanted number one on this one. There's only like seven great cities I did one number one on this one We know what he's picking first dude I'm so nervous
Starting point is 00:05:10 I'm so nervous I mean Alright I got picked number one I gotta go with the city of cities It's a work of art Every time you go there It's a marvel of art every time you go there it's a marvel
Starting point is 00:05:26 of human achievement it's incredible it's New York City yep gotta go number one I don't know did you left a lot on the table there bro it's a good pick I mean Manhattan every like as a kid my first time in Manhattan you look at it and it's like, you can't believe your eyes. The human beings built this. And then when you are walking around, you go to the village and all that, the intricacy of every building, and it's just like, it has everything. It has culture, it has art, it has business, it has freaking stock market bros.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I mean, you know what I'm talking about. There's dudes in vests. It's a very good vest games Like Madison Square Garden The Yankees Seinfeld Fucking pizza It's a lot of culture dude
Starting point is 00:06:14 And dude it's a cliche but The fucking energy dude When you're walking down the street Everyone's walking at 100% They're maxed themselves No one is self conscious Everyone's loud You hear a million different languages When you're walking down the street, everyone's walking at 100%. They're maxed themselves. No one is self-conscious. Everyone's loud.
Starting point is 00:06:28 You hear a million different languages. And it's like everyone's just bouncing off each other. And you get invigorated. You're like, holy fuck, I'm alive. Like, you're alive in New York City. You can be dead in LA, but you can't be dead in New York. It's true. It's Broadway, dude.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Fucking Broadway. I love theater, man. Times Square they it's like the epicenter of new year's it's the epicenter of new year's it's the epicenter of the world yeah it's the city it's gotta be the best city in the world dude did the subway i love the subway taking the subway you like the subway you like to expose yourself from the subway exactly i haven't done it in a while but yeah it's uh i remember enjoying it when you do it though you're the best yeah so i just like i i guess i haven't had too many bad experiences on it you know what i mean i've had like some weird ones where it's like yeah a person's not well but yeah for the most part i told you remember i told you about me in new york yeah he was'm like, how's it living there? I come out to visit.
Starting point is 00:07:26 He's like, man, just telling you like weird people find me. It's something about my face. And I was like, shut up. What are you talking about? And then we went to see inception.
Starting point is 00:07:36 And as we're walking, a guy beelines it like across the street. And then it's JT is the farthest from him. And he walks, he blows by two of us to go right up to jt and be like start talking about god or something yeah and it was like and then jt immediately looked at me and said you know it's because i make eye contact that's the mistake oh yeah yeah you can't new yorkers know better look straight ahead dude and dude the history
Starting point is 00:07:59 the influence like i think more great writers filmmakers artists financiers cooks whatever it is the best ones they all come out of New York and do the accent I think we should all try it now on New York
Starting point is 00:08:14 you listen to me Vinny Bagadonas you fucking kidding me right now hey what a train you're getting on look at my fucking cack look what train check out my fucking cack why you want me to look at your fucking cack
Starting point is 00:08:23 are you fucking sick this is my fucking train are you fucking sick I'm a sick fucking guy you're a sick puppy but you're honest i appreciate morning race keep it moving you're real keep it moving that's new york they're not real good to see you good to see you great to see you too good to see you thank you so much that's the thing it's conflict and then it's resolution go yanks you met ah it's a great city it's the first place I've partied, too, in life. Oh, yeah, because you were in Connecticut at the boarding school.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Boarding school, so we took the train down. I got a big bottle of Corona. It was one of the 32-ounce things of Corona. Dude, I was walking down. My buddy lived on 82nd and 3rd, so we were walking around there. Went to the 7-Eleven, got got a big corona drank half of it and i started to lose my balance and i was drunk for the first time in the streets of new york best magical you start laughing dude yeah anything can happen right now yeah bob dylan says whether you've been
Starting point is 00:09:16 in the city for five years or five minutes you're part of it yeah yeah and you know what also i like you mentioned the city i like that you mentioned the street numbers it's on a grid so yeah you can find your way around the millennia bit you're a fucking moron if you don't know how what does millennia say he said he says he wanted to see a def jam comic make fun of uh home alone because it's lost in the city he's like it's a grid system motherfucker 10 blocks up two to the left. Something like that. Hilarious. Something like that. All right. Kevin McAllister hadn't done numbers yet, dude. Chris, two slot.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I'm going to go with one of the two. I'm going to go with Miami. Oh, fuck. Yeah, bro, bro. That was my number one. I thought that was your number one. I mean, I had to go to New York. I can't believe you didn't do that.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I had to go to New York, bro. I did not think you were going to do that. I thought you, yeah, dude. You guys made the right picks. Yeah, fuck, man. Miami is sick. You're fucking shit on my ass. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:10:10 But you talk about it now. You better fucking talk about it. We're not going to do your fucking lifting for you. Why do you like it, man? Yeah, bro. My parents got married there, dude. Mom and dad got married. What, you like butts?
Starting point is 00:10:22 You like three chicks' butts? Dude, the bathing suits are the same wow south beach is hilarious and awesome there's so many dudes driving around in lambos yes it's very honest that way it's amazing it's all dudes with too many buttons undone with chest hair exposed and a woman who's you know half their age next to him and i like it it's very it's very transparent about its transactional nature and I appreciate that because other cities hide it
Starting point is 00:10:48 and Miami's like, no. Yeah, that's why it's like a fun. It's flotsam glamour and that's what I was chasing and that's what I'm getting. It's islands too. It's islands.
Starting point is 00:10:56 You can get around by boat. It's multicultural. There's just so many different vibes to it. It's great. The water's really nice. Oh, yeah. You get a lot of sun latin people are just the best
Starting point is 00:11:06 like they're the most like passionately passionate remember when my cousin juanita took us to that club and she brought her friend and you talked about the eye contact that the friend made oh yeah bro well also wanting to start a crime because we didn't have enough girls at our table which is like you guys are having a bad time we're like no one need to we're virgins we're having that we're used to this time we were 32. yeah yeah oh yeah we were still basically virgin but we're at the clubs like you guys are getting no girls like no girls are here we're like we're having a nice time we had a girlfriend too yeah but but uh yeah dude very passionate it feels like a foreign country a little bit when you're in miami and it's nice when you get when you get off the plane you're like, I feel like I'm in Cuba or
Starting point is 00:11:46 Colombia or Venezuela. Yeah, it's nice that way. Yeah, and it was one of my, had to get a party one in there. Frickin' love Miami, baby. Dude, best nightclubs, arguably. They got 11, they got Live, they got, what are the other ones?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't know. I don't mean this Make sure they're sick. I don't mean this as any disrespect to NYC because it is the best city. But they say NYC is the city that never sleeps. It's really Miami. Like Miami, my cousin, she took us to a club at 3 in the morning. And I go, the place is dead. She goes, it doesn't go off until 4 in the morning.
Starting point is 00:12:23 We waited another hour, and then it was fucking banging. That's so awesome. It's like Las Vegas. You could get wine drunk at 4 in the morning in waited another hour and then it was fucking banging like so awesome they are professional it's it's like las vegas you'd like get wine from striders morning in new york but there's got to be parties right it's it's always going off they're professional partiers there and then it's awesome yeah i think i'm definitely gonna move there at some point most celebrities do they get a house on like star island and they realize that's it. That's the gift. That's where I'm going. A lot of hurricanes. Yeah, the weather though, dude.
Starting point is 00:12:49 We got to talk. If we're talking shit, which I'm going to start talking shit. A lot of hurricanes. Weather in New York fucking sucks in the winter, dude. It sucks, dude. Hey, hey, bro. People bail on that city.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So it's not even a full year city. And then Miami, dude. Hurricanes suck, dude. Hurricanes suck, dude. People kind of bail on that. I've never been with you there, Shrider. Hurricanes do suck, bro. your city and then miami dude hurricanes suck dude hurricanes hurricanes yeah it's too humid too in the summer yeah bro too hot smell yeah look hey i'm just gonna say this now nobody nowhere's perfect that's true you know dude good fucking counterpoint dude all right dude i'm gonna go with the third pick it's a city none of us wanted to take i didn't want to take it. I'm taking it.
Starting point is 00:13:26 We're there right now. Los Angeles, dude. Nobody wanted it. But look, Los Angeles, it's because we're here, bro. And it's that old quote that New York is a fun hell and L.A. is a sad heaven. There is an ennui that exists throughout Los Angeles. When you've been here here it's an isolating but i gotta talk it up all right la rips dude no but you're doing what all people do we shit
Starting point is 00:13:52 on our city first and then we're like dude but this is why it slaps and then you go this is la the weather rips sunny more days out of the year than almost anywhere. The beach, you're close to the mountains. You're close to OC. You can go to SF. And then LA, it's a city of dreamers. Everyone's here chasing something. They're chasing... What are they chasing?
Starting point is 00:14:20 Fame. Fame, being important, being hot. Freedom. The things that every American wants. And... Softball trophies. Softball trophies. Yeah important. Being hot. Freedom. The things that every American wants. And softball trophies. Softball trophies. Congratulations to Aaron. His team won the trophy.
Starting point is 00:14:30 We got an off camera right here we'll bring it on. Dude, that photo is sick. Congrats. But look, LA gets picked on, but who dictates the culture of America more than LA? Who is more responsible for the last century of what America laughs at, cries at, and unites over? Los Angeles is number one. Now, people have issues with it. But-
Starting point is 00:14:54 China. China, yeah. No, you can say it, TikTok. I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But I think LA is an amazing city. We have great food. You've said it before. It's a city in search of a center.
Starting point is 00:15:05 There isn't like a hub here. It's just different outgrowths and different ways of being. But especially when you've been here for a while, you guys know the difference between Los Feliz and West Hollywood. Big time, yeah. Between Santa Monica and Van Nuys. Malibu, dude. Malibu is sick.
Starting point is 00:15:23 All right, let's do this. What's your favorite part of la do we count south bay yeah of course is that in la county bro yeah it's not la county then it's out no i don't get manhattan beach yeah you know what i wish i did you know it's also you can pick that though you can pick that later culver that's not la county what are you talking about city i count culver is no no beverly hills its own city but it's allver as part of LA. No, no. Beverly Hills is its own city, but it's all LA County. Yeah, it's LA County. Oh, right, right. And so is South Bay is LA County.
Starting point is 00:15:47 It counts. It's okay. Dude, dude, dude. Don't make me fucking do it. Don't get me mad, dude. Don't get me mad, dude. Yeah, I don't. West Hollywood has its own police force.
Starting point is 00:15:55 It's still part of LA. West Hollywood's amazing. Yeah. You drive through there downtown. It's amazing. They fucking go off, dude. You know what? LA is the best city.
Starting point is 00:16:03 There's a reason we all chose to live. I used to live in New York. I've been to Miami. I picked here. Yeah. LA rules. I mean, the summer, it has dry heat, which is important. Better.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Better decision. It's getting wetter, though. Dude. It's a separate issue. Yeah, it gets wet. True. It's a separate issue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:18 It gets wet. That is pretty whack. But, I mean, my favorite part? Gotta be South Bay. But that's not in L.A. County? I think it's in L.A. County. Oh, it is? It's not L.A. proper. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 00:16:32 L.A. City. I get Manhattan Beach in this, too? Oh, I don't know. I'll Google it after this while Strider's picking it up. You get all that shit. You get all that shit. You get it all, man. In New York, you get all the boroughs, all that.
Starting point is 00:16:42 Or you get all that fucking shit. You get Staten Island. You get Wynwood with the hipsters on. And without L.A., we have no movies. Yeah. Redondo is in L.A. County, so Manhattan is covered. Dude, let's go. I get Manhattan Beach, too.
Starting point is 00:16:56 I get all the volleyball. Yeah. That's huge. All right, I'm going L.A. with the three spot. Yeah. Love it, love it. That's big. I really...
Starting point is 00:17:03 That's big. We all met our partners here we all met all of our homies here i didn't meet my partner here but you hear what you're saying um you guys have hung out a lot here it's my turn to pick you guys so now i'm talking shit shit's coming hey brad i want to hang out what's going on brad all right baby here we go for my first of two picks in a row back to back four slot i've been to this city almost as many years as i'm alive and you know i love to lay down some tasty tasty tasty tasty action you know i love to look at some ladies lose clothing you know i
Starting point is 00:17:39 love to have a nice meal you know i love the mobster lifestyle you know i like to put on a fucking dinner jacket and cruise around baby you know i like elegance i like class i'm talking i'm coming at you on this i'm talking vegas baby dude it's amazing best place to visit hey is my pick real quick just uh let me talk about real quick just let me talk about real quick i'm sorry i've been there when i was a kid any year in your life now it's where you go it's truly if we're talking cities that never sleep this place doesn't shut down and it gets sad after a minute but baby you got to get in and you got to get the fuck out because you can't handle this city that's how fucking big it is you can't handle the truth it's's got the best parties, dude. You go there to be the version of yourself
Starting point is 00:18:28 you wish you could be every other weekend of the year. It's the best, bro. It's fucking awesome. Now they got F1. They got football. You can gamble. You can get into all the debauchery
Starting point is 00:18:40 that you need to get into. It's got casinos and great movies about it. And dude, the food's fucking incredible. The buffets. I've been to every fucking hotel. botchery that you need to get into it's got casinos great movies about it and dude the meal the food's fucking incredible the buffets i've been to every fucking hotel old town's fun dude fremont street it's a resurgence it's a great city like anything it's flawed but it's a fucking rad city when you go there if you break even you've won i i think it is the most fun place to visit 100 dude for Dude, for sure. 100%.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Because everyone's there for one thing. Yes. So it's like, because even in like super party cities. The elevators are amazing. Yeah, exactly. Everyone's just walking around the street like, oh, we're going to get into something tonight. The pool scene's crazy. You pulled off one of the greatest pool moves of all time.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's a great move. At the win. It was impressive. Dude dude it's incredible i've seen all my boys cry there for various different reasons dude emotional breakdowns it's just been the i've bonded the heaviest are you up or down all time at vegas down 1000 way down absolutely baby the city wins the house yeah can i counter vegas real quick but of course you can, baby. We're in a draft. Let's go, baby.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Of the places we've mentioned, would you live there, though? Oh, fuck no. But I would never live in New York. In LA, we're all planning on moving out. That's true because you got into NYU and you decided not to go because you didn't want to pack. I went to my second city on my draft. No, you're taking it?
Starting point is 00:20:01 You're taking it? Don't do it. USOB, dude. That's a great pick. San Diego. It's the best city. It truly has. USOB, dude. That's a great pick. San Diego. It's the best city. It truly has the best weather in the country. It's the best weather.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And dude, the beaches are fucking sick, dude. It's a military town. You know, tried and true. I met the love of my life there. I'm going to marry her. She's the best. Great fucking, dude, PB, the bars. So fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And it has everything you need need it's a big town with a small town feel that's what i like to say it's got all the city shit you're gonna want to have but it still feels like a small town you go to ensenada's you go to cardiff by the sea you get that cardiff crack the fucking california burrito bro the best breakfast burritos i've ever had in the california burrito when you're fucked up and smashed and just sitting there and talking to your boy dude and just opening up and being like i don't know dude i thought episode three of band of brothers was better wait what huh hold on you then you take a body of burrito that has french fries in it what that's where that was invented you can cruise down to mexico if you need to be you can cruise to the mountains if you got to be
Starting point is 00:20:59 you can get on the 15 and get to vegas if you got to be you're close enough to la if you need to work dude you can shoot out to the fucking marine bases there dude you got sick ass ships dude good ass bridges going to coronado it's a great fucking town sick and you you pick the best place to live after vegas because i think san diego has the highest quality of life in the world that's where me and my fiancee do want to live there it's the epicenter of cool, too. People who come from San Diego, they're just cool. You can tell.
Starting point is 00:21:29 They got a nice tan. Aaron's from San Diego. They just come in. They got swag that no one else has. Dude. San Diego swag. It's amazing. And there was,
Starting point is 00:21:41 when I was in college, I used to hit strip clubs with one of my boys a lot. And right where the five interchange met with the eight, there was like hit strip clubs with one of my boys a lot and right where the five interchange met with the eight there was like seven strip clubs down there it was awesome they also got Top Gun they call it
Starting point is 00:21:55 Fighter Town USA in Maverick fucking sick if there was a war between all of our cities San Diego would win Pendleton's running you drive past there you're seeing helicopters you're seeing tanks you're seeing a lot of military practice huge you got the swift invaders you got hovercrafts going on dude you got helicopters doing touch and goes you got fucking aircraft carriers dude you got old history battleship midway where old dudes
Starting point is 00:22:21 corner you it's awesome dude and then what and then you got to fucking fish tacos no i mean after they corner you oh then you just got to listen they just tell you stories that's the right timer let me tell you young timer my buddy brett who is from san diego and lives there he said strider for mayor just now bro if i was mayor of san diego one day that would be do you be a great mayor that's a good's a good spot. Good place to build your political reputation. This legislation is fucking dank. It'd be amazing. Who is the mayor of San Diego right now? You. Who's the mayor of L.A.?
Starting point is 00:22:51 I don't even know. Garcetti? No, the... Karen Bass. Karen Bass. Yeah, that's right. I didn't vote. I couldn't decide. I couldn't vote. Culver. Alright, sick. Dude, with my next pick, those were some good picks.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Thank you, Legends. I'm going with the place everyone's leaving Los Angeles for. No state income tax. Cowboys and culture. See, because you want to go to a cowboy place. You want to go to a place with bad asses with texas values don't tread on me but you also want to have some thoughtful artists that you know inhabit that place and and bring the life of the arts there and you don't have a pro
Starting point is 00:23:37 sports team but i think you have the definitive college sports culture so you get that feel as well. I'm going Austin, Texas. I like this city. This is a good choice. Hey, you have a pro soccer team, men's soccer team. I forget what they're called. And then you get an F1 race there occasionally. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 00:23:54 You got McConaughey there. You got Linklater there. Exactly. You got a bunch of good chefs. You got Gary Clark Jr. on the guitar. You got delicious barbecue. You got all the festivals in the world. South by Moon Tower, etc. Best season of Real World. you're on the guitar you got delicious barbecue you got all the festivals in the world south by
Starting point is 00:24:05 moon tower etc best season of real world best season of real world was there abe he brought the hammer um he was an animal no it wasn't abe it was a guy who looked like abe who's the other white guy wes i was gonna say gabe danny got his eye broken danny left remember that yeah because his mom passed it was a very good phone conversation remember Nehemiah had his back Nehemiah said tomorrow's never promised good shout by Nehemiah on the confessional
Starting point is 00:24:33 that was such a horny season too well because Austin's a horny place you got 6th street look I was once working for a reality TV show company they said what do we call our show about UT kids I said surviving 6iving Sixth Street. Great, great title. You're surviving there, but you're surviving well.
Starting point is 00:24:50 You're enjoying the struggle. They have another street called Riley Street, which is sick. I think Riley. It bangs. Oh, you know what else they have there in Austin? I remember when I first visited, I saw Reggie and Joey, your friends from college. They don't have the ocean, but they have uh what are they called it's a river but they call it a lake the fucking things though where it's all hot even though hot springs not a
Starting point is 00:25:11 hot it's not hot actually a jacuzzi it's a reservoir oh yeah what is that one called they got those things those things are great and i went to it i went in the water you still get beach culture you still get people in bathing suits very nice and yeah I think Austin is the best blend of for me it's the best city that blends the right and the left you get both of them together
Starting point is 00:25:37 in harmony bringing all their best assets together so you can experience the joys of both yeah artsy town in the south it's really fun yeah it's a great time and i'm going there i'm leaving to go there in two days oh yeah i'll be there this weekend so what's up austin i shouted you out get some fucking terry black's barbecue fucking dank dude i'll get some brisket the bars there are fun i was gonna say they like take these
Starting point is 00:26:00 houses that have big ass backyards so like the bars feel like house parties It's pretty rad On Riley Street I like that I went to Moon Tower last year Birded around from show to show The people were awesome They have everything you could want culturally The hotel had a great jam
Starting point is 00:26:19 I loved it It's great A lot of fun bars Maurice you live there? Yeah Yeah they have the comedy Mothership now Mothership
Starting point is 00:26:30 Rogan opened a club there They got good comedy Alright Chad you're up Oh Chris you're up Oh man You guys are Fucking me So I'm gonna take another
Starting point is 00:26:42 Sweaty city dude I'm gonna go New Orleans Fuck Oh good pick Bro it's a good choice I'm glad you got it I'm glad to take another sweaty city, dude. I'm going to go to new Orleans. Oh, good choice. I'm glad you got it. I'm glad you got it. I wasn't even on that list. That's a good pick,
Starting point is 00:26:50 dude. Um, full, full, uh, disclosure. Never been there. I know it's good.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I appreciate it. Honestly, I do want to go there. But yeah, first one's on the books for October. Um, but yeah, it was just, for october um but yeah it was just uh i don't know it sounds really cool it's got a vibe for sure you know well it's got it's got well it's very dramatic it's very distinct like culturally when you go there and then it's got
Starting point is 00:27:18 like it's got the voodoo vibe too i know there's a dark energy there exactly it's got graveyards that are like the they're above ground because the bodies energy there exactly it's got graveyards that are like the the they're above ground because the bodies will float up it's got that french influence cajun good food super rich yeah never sleeps they like bourbon street also a good season of the real world i haven't seen that one come on meet my baby tonight and uh and julia right who's julie the one who got kicked out of byu because she went on yeah she came in as like a kind of like prudish girl and then she got opened up to the and like she like you saw her get the letter where it's like you got booted because you're on because she was like living with dudes on the real world and like happen on the season and it's french dude i know because it's a whoa you're you have the most multicultural list my new orleans
Starting point is 00:28:10 speaks to your the board just kind of fell that way you know what i mean yeah new york though i mean dude la there's all but they feel american yeah they don't feel like other countries yeah it's like black and french i've never been in new orleans i'd love to go it's a bucket list it's haunted dude yeah people are into that it's a dark energy i'm not into that i picked up a bad energy in there oh right yeah my girlfriend had to say you brought right yeah one of the oldest isn't like the oldest bar in the united states in new orleans yeah boston i think is that the name something like that you got fucking good beignets dude you know what they serve their purple drink really so it's
Starting point is 00:28:51 called lean yeah there's ketamine in there dude i think so yeah you know just put it in do i get two you get yeah all right first one i gotta go beach town i haven't been there but everyone loves it and I've seen photos and it looks incredible I know I would love it Charleston South Carolina
Starting point is 00:29:10 nice good pick uh fucking love Charleston never been there but if Kenny Powers approves I'm stoked on it I also had a Brad for you
Starting point is 00:29:20 I'll tell Brad I say hi dude it's a little early wait is that your second or third pick second oh yeah i don't really think there's anything you want me to tell brad just let me know and then uh i gotta go you don't want to say more about charleston i don't have anything more to say i just know it's sick i watched southern i know the audience is on my side. I can't see what they're saying. Yeah, no, no, right. It's supposed to be very walkable.
Starting point is 00:29:49 Jake, send us what the audience is saying. Yeah, the notebook was good. Yeah, maybe we're wrong. They have a minor league baseball team, too. They got the Riverdogs. Maybe I switched the order. Whatever. I got to go with Party City.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I'm going to go Nashville. Nice. So Nashville's sick. Every time I've been there, I've been blacked out. Actually, we went there for comedy, but the other time I was there, I was blacked out. But I had a good time. They got Vanderbilt. They got comedy.
Starting point is 00:30:14 They got a good party downtown. Whatever, dudes. I get a night off. You guys can suck my dick. I don't have to drive to fucking burbank enjoy my list dickheads oh man all right no dude memphis is graceland bro you got velvis baby you got corky's barbecue it's dang memphis he said he said nashville oh yeah No, dude, Memphis is Graceland, bro. You got Elvis, baby. You got Corky's Barbecue. It's dank, dude. Memphis is different. He said Nashville.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Oh, yeah. Fuck, dude. What did you say? I thought he said Memphis, dude. I was trying to have his back. That's nice, man. Oh, man. Beale Street.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I know the audience is on my side i don't know what's and aaron might be look what i'm saying over here doesn't fucking matter no the audience will feel your deep connection dude to charleston where you've never been they're gonna be like i really like i know chad was stoked when he looked at the photos of charleston online i've been wanting to get it i've been wanting to go there Charleston's where Bill Murray lives Yeah it's where Bill Murray lives That's fucking cool
Starting point is 00:31:28 It's where Bill Murray lives They have alligators and stuff there Like on the golf course Like big fucking alligators right That's Florida I've got my beer That's somewhere else That's Florida yeah
Starting point is 00:31:37 Wait Strider are you grabbing beers Yeah I'll get you one Will you grab me Yeah you're a legend dude You're up Christopher I don't really know what to tell Well you got a pick bro But you got this man I've come through You're a legend, dude. You're up, Christopher. I don't really know what to tell. Well, you got to pick, bro.
Starting point is 00:31:48 But you got this. It's come through. Trust your gut, dog. Nah. Tatooine. I personally thought we were doing the world, so I thought this was going to be way more open up. Nah, because there's too many cities we haven't been to in the world. Sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 00:32:04 For sure. I guess I'll go to Denver. Nice. nice you could ski it's got really good weather it does get cold but denver's sick uh i don't know a lot of breweries i guess that's good people mile high city though dude mile high uv index is high yeah you can get a lot of sun there but also you can drink a lot of cores so much dude the rocky mountains are sick you can ski and shit and that's cool people like that and the best comedy town in america let's go they every comedian says that they laugh the hardest there loved seeing you guys out there that show rocks yeah it was fun oh yeah i forgot you were there yeah because we got some boys that live there shout out to the denver chillers the denver chillers yeah that's what they're referred to as and you're close to yeah you got everything you
Starting point is 00:32:59 got mountains you got red rocks you got major sports oh one thing about la dude la has like two of every sports team that's true dude we're loaded i didn't even get into that like we got the lakers do you have the lakers i i think because that's some in prep for that when i was arguing the case for la which i you know i love it here but people have on it so i feel like i have to we get two of every sports team because it's just like who cares yeah just put two of them there nobody will even care but we'll still have two. That's fucking awesome. And we still have a good college culture, too, with SC.
Starting point is 00:33:30 I'm glad we're talking about LA more. SC and UCLA. Like, dude, when we were growing up, SC, they made a 30 for 30 about it. Yeah, and then they were just like, you know what, though? You're going to have two football teams now. And, dude, we're diehard for them, dude. The Chargers? I bleed Charger powder
Starting point is 00:33:50 blue, dude. The city feels that shit. So much. You can just see a city just really get behind a team, you know what I mean? And just like lift them up. It's just so amazing. Alright. I have three cities in my head right now.
Starting point is 00:34:06 What did he take? He took Denver. We even have two MLS teams. Exactly. Also had a broad for you, dude. All right. I got a... Denver, what are you flying through?
Starting point is 00:34:20 I never connect in Denver, dude. I'm not a psycho. That's United. Dude, we're doing some nice places to visit for sure. Okay. I do Red Rocks Rips, and I went to a great strip club in Denver, dude. If anyone's finding out while listening,
Starting point is 00:34:34 I'm a pervert, dude. Do you go to strip clubs that much? You almost got beat up at that Miami strip club. That dude was coming after you. You know why? Because you look too well to do. That's true. You told me that.
Starting point is 00:34:44 You literally go, you look educated. to do. That's true. You told me that. You literally go, you go, you look educated. I was like, wait, what? You do. It's true, though. Yeah, he was dressed nice. And this guy came up and was like, what's your fucking problem? I was like, he didn't do anything. I was like, we're both looking at the same butthole right now.
Starting point is 00:34:59 You had more of a curious gaze, though. You were like, interesting. Yeah, exactly. It was more anatomical. He didn't like it. Yeah, I like where you're like interesting yeah exactly it was more anatomical he didn't like it yeah i like where you're coming from enjoy it enjoy it like a guy who's like the salt of the earth would you know exactly how do you look at butthole you were like this you're like interesting the nature of butthole expression i want to get you a monocle, dude. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:35:28 With my third pick. I'd say that's pretty good. I got to go with a biggie. I can't believe it's still on the board. I would not want to live here because of the cold, but it is a tremendous city. It's often overlooked, but it is the second city. I would go with Chicago. Whoa. Stolen.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Stolen from me, dude. Take it. Chicago, the pizza. They do everything. It's like, what do LA and New York do? We got our own spin on it. You like your thin crust pizza? We got the deep dish.
Starting point is 00:36:02 You got your theater. You got your stand-up we got our improv they they found their own groove for so many important uh parts of our culture and then historically significant like the best gangs come from chicago i think al capone is chicago right yeah bro come on the greatest gangster in history straight out of shy town yeah chicago used to be interesting i agree it's probably not look look it's a third pick i'm not saying it's denver let's go oh man you got the cubbies dude yeah the rigley i grew up watching the cubs because wgn was like one of the standard stations across the country. So I was always looking at Wrigley, always seeing the people up on their rooftops watching the game.
Starting point is 00:36:50 It's got a hilarious accent that we have very well exemplified in Joe Morisi. Where's the P.I. on that? Where's the P.I.? Come on. They're holding them all over. They're all over Robinson. Where's the P.I.? And we were out there a couple months ago.
Starting point is 00:37:04 And I got to say, it's the fucking coldest fucking place I've ever been. I was freezing my fucking, I was three layers deep, and I was freezing my fucking ass off. I am not situated or conditioned to live in a place where you got to wear gloves, but I got to give it up to Chicago.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's a great city. It's produced a lot of great art, a lot of great food. Skip Bayless's brother does good Mexican fusion food out there. And the airports. Have you ever been in a bigger airport? I fucking... O'Hare is at the top of my...
Starting point is 00:37:35 I fucking hate this area. Yeah, that's a big fucking airport. Oh, it's huge. I remember you tried... I'm always going through O'Hare. And it's great for connections. It's great for connections. It's beautiful downtown.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Wide avenues. Batman. Dark Knight Rises is shot there. The water comes through. You like the water in a city? I like the river that comes through. Vince Vaughn gives tours on that waterboat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:56 The Fugitive. The Breakup. Also Chicago. A lot of good movies take place there. Yeah, I love Chicago. And your guys' favorite restaurant where we haven't done our taste test. Portillo's.
Starting point is 00:38:04 Portillo's. I. Portillo's. I love Portillo's. Best hot dogs. And dude, Strider's dank fiance, her family comes from there. That was part of it. And when I used to visit you at Notre Dame,
Starting point is 00:38:16 fly into Chicago. I know, that's the thing. I don't like Chicago. Too many kids from the Burbs went to Notre Dame and they would talk about Chicago like it had no flaws. And I was like, this place isn't a – They all have flaws. But Chicago people don't say that about Chicago.
Starting point is 00:38:30 They're telling you it's like the greatest city that's ever existed on the face of the earth, and that's why I don't like Chicago. The Bulls, dude. Michael Jordan played basketball in Chicago. He was the man. I'm drunk. But look, they've done some cool things. People are annoying at Chicago who are like, best city in the world. It's like, why don't you live there people are annoying at Chicago who are like best city in the world
Starting point is 00:38:45 it's like why don't you live there then no it's not the best city in the world I know I'm saying Chicago people say it and I love Chicago
Starting point is 00:38:51 people say that it is and that's what annoys me about it the city is actually great skyline great my favorite skyline Chicago
Starting point is 00:38:58 your favorite my favorite city number one in the world like a picture of a okay no US US that's what I mean that's what I mean US
Starting point is 00:39:04 my favorite skyline better than your shut up Sirii my favorite we're fired up on this one you know we have a lot of like uh uh pride in this one that's good one of my it's one of my uh rockford buddies it's illinois he we're a little baked going into driving into chicago and he's looking at the skyline and he goes yo chicago's got toughness yeah and then we all just started laughing at him but he was like fuck you and i just had to quote him only born out of the cold though out of that cold weather and then uh chess records which i think you can point to is the origins of rock and roll muddy waters howlin wolf we saw that one movie about it oh i forgot we're doing five cities five cities yeah you're gonna have some fucking deep cuts
Starting point is 00:39:50 when he said five i got so much anxiety because maybe this is the first draft where we just do four dude i know because i think five will be where you really make your bones if you have a good five pick. Can you pool a good five? Yeah, it's a good move. All right, Shredder, you're up too. Me talking at length about how Boise is.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It could be Boise. I'm going to pick Boise, dude. City of trees. No disrespect, never been. I was flying there once and they're like, welcome to Boise, city of trees. I disrespect, never been. I was flying there once and they were like, welcome to Boise, city of trees. I just got to get drunk. I think I'm going to go with...
Starting point is 00:40:31 I think I'm going to go with Scottsdale, Arizona. Good pick. It's Caba. There's no water, but it's Caba. It is, dude. That downtown bangs, bro. You've been to Old Town. Bro, there's fog machines every night. the monday night monday during regular business hours they have fog machines going
Starting point is 00:40:51 that place is un-fucking-believable dude it's raging it's unbelievable um it's basically part of phoenix so you have a major city network right there yeah i was like well because i thought you would have said phoenix and then talk about scottsdale but you went scottsdale and talked about that gotta leave with scottsdale got it because that's where you're hanging out when we went and did a show there i didn't want to go out there i was like dude it's too far let's just go to mill street i knew you were gonna bail that night i knew you were gonna bail dude it was so funny some fan there's a guy like white right there like taking photos and he saw jt calling me out and goes, that was amazing. I got to see him do that live. It was incredible. He was like, that was rad, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It was so funny. I saw the whole real interaction. You gave me that look, dude. You were like, we're not going out. Because I was talking to Big Game first. I'm like, we're for sure going. We're for sure going. Then I did like two shots after my set
Starting point is 00:41:37 and I was like, I'm done. But it was super fun. But dude, place is amazing. You know, the desert heat, look, it can be a lot, but those desert nights beautiful i don't think there's anything i love more than stand up boning during desert night weather with a breeze striking you so i love to you know what i like to do get an air or verbo with my fiance and just stand up boom on well cut well-kempt grass in the desert provides
Starting point is 00:42:01 that also the sunsets are great the sunsets are great. The sunsets are beautiful, dude. The American Southwest, beautiful, dude. You know, you got Georgia O'Keeffe posting up out there. Maybe that's New Mexico, but something around there. That is New Mexico. Yeah. But it's close. Dude, the golf courses, though. Yeah, the golf course is well kept.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Dude, if you want to go on a boys trip, dude, you want to have a steak and fucking play 27, go to Scottsdale, dude. You'll be in heaven. True North. Yeah. Good golf course.. You'll be in heaven. True North. Yeah. Good golf course. Is it?
Starting point is 00:42:27 Oh, really? True North, yeah. I played there. Dude, I went on a boys trip there. Got golf and a fat steak. And the steak was so good that it came out sizzling. Oh, dude, when they do that?
Starting point is 00:42:40 Sizzling and cracking. Like, when you go to Ruth Chris and they come out and they're like, don't touch the plate. Yeah. Yeah. Because your hand will burn off you know what that's a good point about ruth chris too because it's like ruth chris's are all over the country and i don't know where it started but where do they belong they belong in the desert they belong in scottsdale like when you go to scottsdale you're thinking ruth chris on your way out there yes thinking red meat but
Starting point is 00:43:02 you know you kind of get a little bit i i can't give it to you exactly, but you get Phoenix with Scottsdale. You get a little bit of it, exactly. Do you get ASU? The best college to party at? That's Tempe. In the West. You didn't talk about that. But ASU's the best party to party at.
Starting point is 00:43:17 That's why he could have just taken Phoenix and had all of it. No. No, I wasn't going to give him Scottsdale. I'm more likely to give him Phoenix with Scottsdale than I am to give him scottsdale with phoenix what i was hoping ask what i was hoping why no reason bro because he's an artist and dude it's true and look like i can't ask for that that's biting off more than i can chew i can't ask for that but i went with scottsdale because old town was so sick and they have in and out there bro It's one of the few states and cities that has In-N-Out that's outside of California, and I respect that.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Okay, keeping it moving. We're cruising. Are you on number four? This is my number four pick. So you got Las Vegas, San Diego, and Scottsdale. We're raging, dude. You're a guy who likes to have fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:59 You're a guy who likes to have fun. I like to cruise around. I like to have fun in my own way. You know what I mean? And I like to party in a way that I can be comfortable doing so. Now this is where my list... I was hoping to snake a few cities that you guys already have.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Let's see. Entirely in the southwest. Yeah, I need to get out of the southwest. Aaron, you're right. I need to get out of the southwest. Aaron, that's borderline like a... Helping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's a fact. It's a fact. It's a fact. Dude, I could have done this list and been all in California, bro. That's how much California can rip. I'm right there with you. Oh, yeah. I'm right there with you.
Starting point is 00:44:34 You can rip it up. Dude, I was thinking about it, like just going all South Orange County. Literally. Literally. One, two, three, four. Mission Viejo. You know what, dude? Mission Viejo.
Starting point is 00:44:42 I want to double down hard right now, dude, and take him to OC Town, but I'm not going to do it, dude, because I got San Diego, but I really want to. Because I don't mind being a homer, because... You guys might have just changed my list. This shit's fired up, dude. We're fucking competing right now, dude. Fuck, dude. This is going to get interesting. I'm pretty nervous. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Yeah, say it. All right. I'm going to go Greenville, South Carolina. Whoa! I went small, small, small, tiny, tiny, tiny town. You don't think that would have been there in five? Here's the thing. I can't think. Aaron scared me.
Starting point is 00:45:16 He made me go east. Greenville rips, though, bro. Greenville is sick. We've all been there. That fucking main drag Is beautiful dude And I've got party towns I've got a place I want to live Now this is a small town
Starting point is 00:45:29 It's got a river that runs through it And um Look Is this a great pic? No But the city's cool It's got comedy clubs And dude South Carolina
Starting point is 00:45:39 Dude fucking great Dude the weather was amazing bro You're not on the coast So you don't have a hurricane warning But if you want to get to the coast You can drive But it's got a river running through it It's tight
Starting point is 00:45:50 They've got a good steakhouse There's really not much going on It's really not that great of a pick But dude, Greenville, South Carolina Is pretty rad, dude It's pretty charming There was a Marriott Bonvoy That we stayed in
Starting point is 00:46:00 It was pretty nice It was nice The weather's amazing The people are great It's not a good pick They've got a nice, nice wall You can have a It's not a good pick. They got a nice natural. You can have a really fun time down there, dude. They have a nice mall.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You can cruise around. Dude, they have an REI. JT bought a good hat, dude. And there's no, it's a bad pick. And, dude. You sound like you were born there. Do you want to know what the best part is? I never went to the mall.
Starting point is 00:46:23 I just bought a hat there. Yeah, I went to the mall. The mall's nice. The mall was nice. He goes, he goes, dude, they got something equivalent to a Nordstrom. You can listen to Jack Shepard's podcast on the way to the mall.
Starting point is 00:46:32 It's great. Bro, bro, bro, there's not that many traffic lights. You can get where you need to be. But they've got friendly veterinarians there. My friend Frank. Dude, dude, this is not a good pick.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Dude, but they've got a lot of fun stuff dude south yeah the state of south carolina is tight this is one city in that state and yeah no they got charleston a better city than this place yeah dude dude cool city dude uh yeah dude so dude that's my pick dude all right guys when you see brad just tell him i say hey yeah um i uh all. I'm going with the city for me that has the most American spirit historically, personally, and then artistically. I don't know if any city has produced more films that I love than this city. I'm going Boston, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 00:47:22 The best accent, the best fans fans the best fucking energy dude i mean what do we know boston for being combative right being annoying fighting being annoying as fuck dude but in a very american way and then they got the clam chowder and dude look that's goodwill hunting the departed i love mystic road you're speaking my town if i found myself picking boston my argument was going to be chowder and boston movies like that's like like that alone is like good enough that like yeah you're gonna be up like i'm i'd be totally happy with it in this and then like historically like you go back american revolution it has a role in that it's been a relevant place forever and it's just a it i've only been there a couple times looms large
Starting point is 00:48:07 across the country we all know what Boston is it's a kind of the definitive American city I feel like and then the movies dude it's just got the best fucking movies they're great and it gave us Matt Damon and Ben Affleck exactly thank you this is the exact order I was to go in about me if I ever found myself picking Boston. And all the colleges. It's got a lot of colleges. It's got a lot of colleges.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Harvard, MIT. You meet some fucking la-di-da motherfucker. Where'd you go to college? I went to school in Boston. How about them apples? And so, yeah, I'm going Boston number four. It also has Emerson. Emerson Emerson Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:46 Dennis Leary went there Greg Fitzsimmons A lot of great comedians John Stewart All the comedians Yeah John Stewart played soccer there He was funniest guy on his team
Starting point is 00:48:55 Yeah Boston Boston Celtics suck Boston Bands are annoying No Celtics rip dude Larry Bird
Starting point is 00:49:04 No yeah no But I'm a Lakers fan But yeah no they're great But do we But do we love the Lakers as much Boston. Celtics suck. Fans are annoying. No, Celtics rip, dude. Larry Bird? No, but I'm a Lakers fan. But yeah, no, they're great. But do we love the Lakers as much if we don't have the Celtics rivalry? You need that rivalry. How many great documentaries have come out of Boston sports? Dude, the Patriots? They're Titletown USA. Yeah, but they were good.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah, you gotta give them props. And I don't know if anyone's gonna pick the other city. For me, there's only one other city that compares with them in terms of sports fandom. If you rate sports fandom by acts of violence. This is the only other city. I've never been there.
Starting point is 00:49:35 What other city is violent? We'll find out. I'm hammered. I got hammered. You know what? Because I'm picking Boston. Dude, if you were driven in Boston, good luck, dude. It's a disaster, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Come on. I just got to talk shit. Remember when we went to Paul Revere's house? Yeah, it was a shithole. It was cold as fuck, dude. We did the constitutional walk. Yeah, the USS Indianapolis. Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 00:50:06 USS Constitution. Oh, the Constitution. Yeah. That's sick. A lot of history there. A lot of history there. I do like that history. I do like that.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I got to say, though. Good comedy town. Great comedy town. Those lobster rolls we got. Sucked. Not that good. Not that great. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:50:18 Lobster rolls suck. Look, and the weather fucking blows. Yeah, I agree. The weather blows. But it's Boston. It matters to America. It does matter. Dude, we saw Boston Cop.
Starting point is 00:50:28 We saw him. He was like the most stereotypical Boston Cop. He was just fucking shivering. Yeah, people are pissed off there, dude. He's pissed off, dude. It's unreal. All right, Chad, you're up. No.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Oh, Chris. Sorry. I keep fucking that up. Got to take West Coast City. Going to go San Fran. franc that was gonna be my other pick that's a great pick um levi jeans hell yeah it's uh getting a lot of bad pub lately but look a lot a lot of history very cool city great food different cultures good chowder they have good chowder well probably fishermen's great seafood yeah a lot of iconic spots iconic hills led to some cool scenes and movies well yeah i know it's true it's just a funny it's a beautiful dude so you got a big tech, so it's got like that thing.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Yeah, they give us Apple. Google. Close to Silicon Valley, yeah. Are you not giving it Silicon? No. No fucking chance. Wow. No chance.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Wow. But it's intertwined. It's getting serious. I mean, it's 45 minutes away. I mean, look, I don't want to talk shit, but the microclimates there are horrendous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:44 I mean, I... It's... You're talk shit, but the microclimates there are horrendous. You're there in the summer, it's like 50 degrees. What the fuck is going on? Oscar Wilde himself said the coldest winter he ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. Mark Twain, yeah. There you go. But you know what? Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:52:00 It's misattributed to Mark Twain, though. I saw that on Jeopardy. I'm kidding. Hey, I think Fleetwood Mac recorded rumors there bang oh metallica lucas films was located close by do you get oakland with that too like all that oakland flavor no i don't think so it's connected you get barry bonds hitting those fucking dingers though for sure you still get the warriors dude yeah the warriors it's a great city dude it's a great great city culturally artistically historically i mean and then i think when we when we're in fourth grade and we're
Starting point is 00:52:31 learning about california history san francisco oh yeah hub of the gold rush is the entree of that the gold rush dude the 49ers that's where everyone moved here yeah chasing gold and everyone moves here for different reasons am i doing to be profound four and five i do two right now yeah i gotta go with this one because i just love visiting there i go on tours every time i go there it's beautiful it's got beautiful monuments beautiful buildings beautiful women i'm listening albuquerque no just quoting quoting ashley uh it's washington dc good pick dude the home of america our nation's capital every time like i love it when i go there when i when
Starting point is 00:53:27 i yeah yeah you gotta listen i don't know thanks guys i appreciate it that was book he's bookended to he's book i got i got graceland and i got yeah um i um every time i go there like there's no other city where i'm driving around and my eyes are fucking peeled i'm like looking around at different monuments and shit and then all the museums what's the fucking arlington cemetery smithsonian like that smithsonian it's the holocaust museum it's got like so many of those kind of things. You can learn a lot. The cherry blossoms. Historical significance is huge. And actually, when we went out there for our first paid gig,
Starting point is 00:54:10 Georgetown is beautiful, man. Georgetown, the good schools. Yeah, M Street. Is it M Street? I don't know. But the whole, like when you go there, especially that Georgetown area, it's just beautiful. It has that old, I mean, I just love that it's just beautiful like uh it has that old i mean
Starting point is 00:54:25 i just love that i mean it has the fucking it has the white house dude the capital capital mall so much crazy stuff has happened there i mean there's you got the lincoln memorial mlk speech um january 6th yeah that was awesome that was a lot of. That was fucking sick. I went out there with my priest. It was fun. Dude, Aaron has the best photo from there. He had your shirt off. You were just running through. Aaron, do you think this is BS with the new Trump indictment?
Starting point is 00:54:56 I'm sorry. Never mind. All right. Oh, shit, dude. Okay. So your list all together now is New York. New York, Charleston, Nashville, Washington, D.C. Dude, Charleston and the Duel.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Bro, I took Greenville over that. That was so bold, bro. That was so bold. Honestly, I was not even thinking about placement there. Oh, we know. I just was, I just like, it sounds so sick. Yeah, it does seem sick. It sounds so sick.
Starting point is 00:55:31 It looks good on Bravo Shows 100. Man, this is fucking, this is tough. Yeah, that's the thing. We're getting pretty deep. Yeah, no, you got to go deep cuts. There's not going to be a big pop on this one. I have no idea. I mean, I got to go with one of my favorite i gotta go back to california i gotta go orange county well you can't pick orange county no i'm not going oh okay so sorry
Starting point is 00:55:55 my bad uh jump the gun there i gotta go same thing i gotta go orange county i gotta go newport beach I thought you were gonna say orange Dude Yeah dude I gotta go with Santa Ana bro Good mayor there I like the mayor there Dude the best mayor Yeah Sarmento
Starting point is 00:56:14 That guy's a stud He's a He's a stand up guy Uh Newport Favorite place to visit in OC Best party scene Best 4th of July
Starting point is 00:56:21 Best Poke Bowls Bear Flag Shout out Uh Please sponsors Um Bear Flag Shout out Please sponsors Bear Flag legit Best beaches Good waves
Starting point is 00:56:29 Really good waves They got the wedge dude 54th street River jetties I met my You know my woman Lived there And I would visit her
Starting point is 00:56:41 We would get We would get blue bowl Acai bowls If you're ever in Newport Or in Orange County get blue bowl I love a nice acai bowl dude Put it up your butt dude It's great to sit on
Starting point is 00:56:51 On a hot summer day I'm not going to eat an acai bowl You get that blue chai pudding Just put it right in your butt dude It goes right in Do you need a spoon for that? No that blue chai pudding just put it right in your butt dude it goes right in it goes right in do you need a spin for that no no dude i think we're going six cities um yeah newport is i mean it's referenced in this is one thing about newport that i love too
Starting point is 00:57:20 it's referenced in oceans 11 where terry benedict is saying to brad pitt when he's on the phone with him he's like if i find that you pull up in a sports car newport beach i'm gonna be very disappointed i kind of botched that but the fact that the fact that it's like if he pulls off the heist and he ends up in newport beach then he's got the best life ever which shows that newport beach is the top rip and also they've got fucking houses with docks and you can park your yacht there i remember during covid it was the place to party you go oh yeah bro you go and it was just like a whole new world just get covid dude yeah no they acted as if it didn't exist and it was a better way to live it didn't they were all happier they were like, how could I get COVID or die when my real estate game is this
Starting point is 00:58:08 bang and I have a 70-foot Bertram? I'm kind of the man. I remember summer 2020, I was with my buddy Nick and we were in Newport. And it was still peak COVID. We just see this yacht called Beer Money. Everyone's making out on there. And I was like, dude, damn. You weren't even allowed to make out i was like dude damn you weren't even allowed to make out back then yeah you weren't allowed to make out not even your wife and these people
Starting point is 00:58:29 were having orgies dude yeah and these guys were like 50 too they were like 50 just making out yeah but i can just imagine how tan they were exactly dude this guy's tan oh dude the thing about newport is it's got some of the tannest uh muscular like 50 plus dudes yeah that you'll find yeah great tans probably the best tans in the country although miami might might take that spot miami's fucking sick but yeah newport beach i'm gonna go with my wife's hometown, Louisville, Kentucky. Nice. Artsy, artsy southern town. Bourbon.
Starting point is 00:59:14 A lot of stuff came out of Louisville, right? The export. I'm going to tell you what came out. Okay, you guys ready? Big horses. It's true. The derby. Yeah, Louisville sluggersers But that one's not that cool
Starting point is 00:59:27 Dude, coaches who were good at getting in scandals You know Patino And Petrino That's my favorite scandal of all time But he got in that at Arkansas But he coached at Louisville too Before
Starting point is 00:59:43 He had another scandal before that one It doesn't matter Tom Cruise reps it because he lived there for some of high school Oh really His parents are from there I think Dude Papa John He's from there That's where it started dude
Starting point is 00:59:59 He's dicey bro Oh yeah but like it's funny Kentucky Fried Chicken Boom, there you go, it's the Yum Center Is the colonel from there? And it's like a Southern city that's like artsier and liberal You know what I mean? I like to have one of those in there
Starting point is 01:00:16 Kind of round out the list My dad's moving to Kentucky He loves it Where is he moving? Not Louisville, Raleigh. No, that's North Carolina. Lexington? Wherever the other city.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Lexington, yeah. There, Ben. It's fine. You'd like it. I'm just saying that. Hey, Strider. I know you'd like it. Okay?
Starting point is 01:00:38 We should go to the Derby. I bet. It's very nice. We should go to the Derby, dude. You come out of there? Yeah. Fucking beast. I've been to Louisville.
Starting point is 01:00:43 It's sick. I saw a country concert. Played in Junior Olympics. Who'd you in junior olympics tight saw a guy playing from far away i think it was kenny chesney oh sick that's awesome all right cool all right um look there's a lot of great cities still on the board there are are there really and uh here's the thing i got i got some great american cities you know some pillars of american commerce and population but i think the thing i'm lacking is a place you want to leave one of those places to go visit now if you live in california what's the one place better to go to where you're like i'm gonna get a better beach vibe i'm gonna get a better chill I'm gonna get better pokey there's only
Starting point is 01:01:25 one Cabo close if I could pick it I would I promise you I thought about it and I was Salt Lake City I'm gonna go Honolulu Hawaii I like Hawaii I like that move this is a good pick my favorite grocery store food land the best pokey I have ever had the best mango i've ever had i feel like i'm closest to hawaii out of all of our picks so i get all of Hawaii, dude. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, you're closer to Charleston? There's other cities I know of. There's other cities I know of. If Strider picks that other city in Hawaii.
Starting point is 01:02:08 I just get Scottsdale, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, you get Honolulu. There's better cities in Hawaii, bro. I get Honolulu. You get Honolulu. But Honolulu sucks, bro. Honolulu blows, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:15 But if you pick the worst city in Hawaii, it's the worst, but it's the epicenter. If you pick my city, you go to your favorite city. It doesn't mean you get the fucking Hawaii. You get some of it. You don't get North Shore. You get some of it fucking I get all of it You get some of it I get all of it I get all of it You don't get all of it You get some of it
Starting point is 01:02:34 Because that would make Honolulu too good But it's not But like you can go to other places From there I'm going to go there to leave Why are you picking that It's a hub But you can go to other places from there. That's cool, dude. I'm going to go there to leave. Why are you picking that? Because it's a hub.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I'm going to pick Denver so I can fly to fucking Scottsdale. No, no. No, dude. No, no. Because this is... It's not the same. I know. I know. I'm fucking around.
Starting point is 01:02:57 What city is closest to North Beach? North Shore? North Shore. North Shore is not even on the same island. It's on fucking Maui. No, it's on a while Thank God, but it's an hour away. It's an hour. That's that that counts no No, but like talking about boys I can play that game. Oh, okay. I'll let you get the mountains and they're like an hour away I don't get North Shore. It's an hour away. No, you picked Honolulu.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Yeah, because it's an hour away. Yeah, no, it's a nice thing about Honolulu that North Shore is an hour away. Yeah. That's like... No, I get North Shore. I get North Shore. No, you get the city of Honolulu. No, I get North Shore. No, you don't.
Starting point is 01:03:38 That's bullshit. That's not bullshit. If you went to North Shore, you'd pick Haleiwa. When you did DC... Oh, no. You can't fly into there. That's not even realistic. I got you, brother.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Because when you picked DC, you mentioned things that were in Arlington. You counted Arlington with DC. Yeah, you get because you're close. Yeah, I picked the cemetery. Yeah, that's a huge deal. That's the most famous thing. It's across the river, bro. Yeah, it's right there. I'm going to check up on Georgetown, too. I mean, here's the thing. It's across the river, bro. Yeah, yeah. It's right there.
Starting point is 01:04:07 I'm going to check up on Georgetown, too. I mean, here's the thing. Yeah, it's a little different. Georgetown's out. LA, you get Redondo because it's like an all-encompassing thing. Also, like being in Honolulu County, bro. Being a city that's an hour away from something that's really cool is a huge plus. You're only an hour away. That's very nice. But like every city has shit that's like outside the city that's really cool is a huge plus. You're only an hour away. But that's very nice.
Starting point is 01:04:25 But every city has shit that's outside the city that's cool. Denver's an hour flight from a lot of cool shit. If you go on a hike an hour outside of Denver or skiing an hour outside, that counts. What about skiing? It's got to count. So in Nashville, I get all of Tennessee. Yeah, big coup.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Yeah, but like... You get all of... Hey, bro, you also get Graceland. I get Graceland, dude. That means I get Graceland. Yeah, also get Graceland I get Graceland dude That means I get Graceland Yeah you get Graceland I get North Shore That's fine
Starting point is 01:04:50 I'll take it But for the record You get the city The city of Honolulu The city of Honolulu Yeah dude You ever been there? It's not that bad
Starting point is 01:04:57 I was there three months ago It's wonderful Yeah I had a blast No Honolulu's not that bad Honolulu's great I've been there I spent a week there
Starting point is 01:05:04 You're only comparing it to all the other Hawaiian places. Yeah, all the way better places in Hawaii. I'm the closest there. I'm the closest there. Aaron, how's this? Way better places in Hawaii, dude. I had to pick a city. I had to pick a city. There's La Jolla.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Guys, we did it. It's a city, bro. Best American cities. Yeah, yeah, bro You did best American cities Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm picking cities Honolulu No, not Honolulu Waimea
Starting point is 01:05:29 Fucking what Chad said Kona, dude Dude, yeah, good call No, I feel good with Honolulu You're up You got the last pick Finish us off Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:39 And don't you dare get outside the city lines Don't you dare What was that time you said we're um fucking uh i'll leave the bro okay yeah bro that don't do that do that dude that would be hilarious uh like other things outside of the city exist when you pick the city you don't just drop away at the city limits yeah but here's the thing bro but islands bro it's an island bro it's an island dude islands are so small i've been to Honolulu twice I love it I did
Starting point is 01:06:06 When we You ever driven You ever driven on the island, bro? I have But have you ever been in Honolulu Where you're driving into the city You're like, wow, what a great city You guys are really hard on Honolulu
Starting point is 01:06:16 I'm just saying You guys are really hard on Honolulu I got a jaywalking ticket in Honolulu That's what I'm saying right now I'm not saying it doesn't suck I'm saying because you've all been there We've never cross-talked'm saying right now. I'm not saying it doesn't suck. Jaywalking. Because you've all been there. We've never cross-talked this much on a podcast. I'm not saying it doesn't suck.
Starting point is 01:06:29 I'm saying you guys are nitpicking Honolulu more than we have other ones. No, but you can't. Same thing my brother and I do when my parents picked on me. They fired us up. We're a few more beers deep. Your mosh is a little bit deeper. Look, I'm glad you have your boys back, but we got to talk shit. Go.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I want to hang out with Brad. Go. Pick yours. Pick yours so we can. Yeah, what do you want to do? Pick yours, back, but we gotta talk shit. Go. I want to hang out with Brad. Pick yours. Pick yours so we can... Yeah, what do you want to do? Pick yours, dude, and we'll poo all over it, okay? Also, I am stalling and looking at cities right now. I'm like, all right, fuck, dude.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Yeah, now I want to pick six. No. God, no. Let's go ten. Never, never, never, never, never. What do you think about that, Aaron? Never, never, never. We're never leaving.
Starting point is 01:07:06 Never, ever getting back together. I'm going to need another one of these. Guys, I'm going to end this podcast letting you know once again that we are on tour. We're going to be in Austin, Texas this week. Make sure you get your tickets ASAP because they're going fast. Arlington, Virginia next week at the Draft House. It's going to be
Starting point is 01:07:22 sick. We got Hannah Dickinson featuring and then San Diego the week after that gonna be sick we got hannah dickinson featuring and then san diego the week after that uh and then we got ohio and wisconsin oklahoma all good stuff coming up get your tickets at chad and jt.com we're also brought to you by legends at express vpn guys you want to keep your internet data protected a lot of companies are selling your data and they're just looking all your internet activity it's it's whack you want to protect that you don't want them getting in there you want your privacy also you want a vpn so you can go on netflix and other parts of the country or the world and stuff they like don't let you go on there unless you have a vpn it's crazy and you don't like the i
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Starting point is 01:09:11 Wait, there's one that hasn't been mentioned that's huge? That fuck up. Adderall Menchins. Is this, who's this? I put this right here. That's terrible. Don't drink that. Is that yours? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:18 It's so bad, dude, if you take a sip of that. That's terrible. George Lopez's IPA. Dude, he's on the fucking thing. Look, I love you, George. Hey, he didn't brew it himself. No, no, it says that he brewed it himself. It's actually a dude from Stone, but that brewed it.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Stone is good. Yeah. Stone Brewery in San Diego. Quit stalling, dude. Yeah, just pick a city. Dude, I know, bro. The shot clock ran out. You get a penalty. Yeah, maybe I don't get a pick if i can't pick in the
Starting point is 01:09:47 next fucking little bit here this is what it's all about shit bro where have i been that's tight where have i been that's tight nowhere dude all right you're stalling again just pick I have a secret. This is hilarious. Honolulu. Dude, I know a good song. No, no, no. Come on. Dude, fucking. I'm gonna go with fucking.
Starting point is 01:10:19 Okay, come on. I haven't been anywhere. Have you guys seen any good movies recently? Dude, just pick. You know what you want to do. Oklahoma City. Are you just trying to figure out how to bend this? Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:35 I'll tell you a bend later. Dude, there's some big cities still on the board. And there's a bend that I have a connection to that's tight. Oh, you know what? There's a big, good city that we haven't on the board. And there's a place in Ben that I have a connection to that's tight. Oh, you know what? There's a big, good city that we haven't picked. Yep. There's several.
Starting point is 01:10:50 There's several. So, like, you have a couple that you can aim for. I know. You might be on it. Just spit it out. No, don't you do that. Don't you do that. I was going to look at Google. I was going to look at Google.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Okay, I'm going to look at Google. This will move things along. Yeah, pull up Google Maps and just zoom in on every state. Where have I been recently? We can wait. I'm starting the clock. Please, please, please, please. Sorry, excuse me.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Monster ball. This might hurt my list. It's like carnitine, dude. Dude, you get carnitine in you? I was talking with somebody about this. What happens when you do five? This is my favorite ingredient. Taurine.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Taurine gets you jacked, dude. Guarana? Guarana just jacks up your boner. That's a fact. All right, you know what I'm going to go with? All right, here we go. I got one. Fuck it.
Starting point is 01:11:31 This is one that I wrote down earlier. This is a nice place. Just say it, dude. Let's go, dude. Let's go. Then you can talk about it after. Fine, fine, fine. I'm going to go with Napa Valley, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:44 What? No, dude. You got can talk about it after. Fine, fine, fine. I'm going to go with Napa Valley, dude. What? No, dude. You got to be specific, bro. That's a valley, bro. Isn't it called Napa Valley? Oh, I'm thinking of Napa, whatever that is. That's a good pick. The fucking wine country, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:57 The wine country. That's what I'm talking about. I don't know if it's called Napa Valley, dude. Napa City, dude. Whatever the fuck it is, dude. It's just called Napa County. Napa city dude whatever the fuck it is uh it's just called it's napa county napa in the city we're all the sick ass picking napa we're all the sick ass wines are from you know what i mean like when you look at a bottle and you don't know what to order on the wine menu
Starting point is 01:12:16 you see one that says napa and you go i'll take that that's a good pick and everyone goes nice yeah here's the thing napa great couples trip also i'm gonna throw this out there for advice great bachelor party destination because every bachelorette party goes to napa valley dude smart so you're over there and you are talking it up with the ladies you go yourself to del dado you go down to the chambers of del dado winery where they give you a nice fucking pizza after you've been getting nice after you've been revisiting bottles because you don't want to be gauche and say give me more it's a great time they haveiting bottles because you don't want to be gauche and say, give me more. It's a great time.
Starting point is 01:12:46 They have great fucking restaurants, dude. If you want to have a nice, fine dining, they got a lot of Michelin-rated restaurants, dude. They got French Laundry, dude, where my boy Newsome's posting up, dude. They have a bar there where it's all about just smoking cigarettes. I walked in there and then walked directly out.
Starting point is 01:13:04 It's a great roadside town, too. of course napa valley the the land value is huge and i'm big on that now but um you go through the little town since jt's getting um north shore i will also take there's a little town that starts with h i think it's called like henry healdsburg yeah maybe my boy chase is from chase it's a beautiful little town to drive through. They got Gott's Roadside, some of the dankest burgers you ever had. No, you don't get that. So it's a beautiful...
Starting point is 01:13:30 Since he got North Shore, I did San Fran, so I also get your pick now. We also already said you didn't get Silicon Valley, so no, you don't. So I'll be taking Napa. And it's also geographicallyically you have the best geographically
Starting point is 01:13:46 a wonder of the world it's a geographic wonder of the world because the way the valley's situated the winds hit it and it's just a perfect climate for going good great all right let's go all right so honorable mentions i mean we didn't do dallas philly dallas sucks dallas sucks without fort worth it's one of the smaller towns in the United States. Dude, Houston. If it's one airport. If it's one airport. That airport's a helper.
Starting point is 01:14:10 I should be able to say Dallas. We should just do airports as a draft. And I know. I would love to do that. I'm sure a lot of listeners are upset about this. Atlanta. Atlanta. Yeah. Well, you were going for a while.
Starting point is 01:14:18 I thought you were going to go there when you were doing all the strip clubs. I know. Or Portland. I thought about Portland. Portland. Seattle. But Portland sucks. Portland, Seattle. Yeah. It's fucking dark and rainy did you wait wait wait wait wait wait wait
Starting point is 01:14:30 it's a great town so so are we are we done in our estimations aaron in your estimations do we if we have the closest proximity to some surrounding areas is that beneficial to our pick if you live there if you're visiting. Yeah, sure. Because for some of them, it's nice that you live there. There are reasons that you like living there. If you live in that city, then that's the thing that's drivable is nice. No, San Diego, I mean, Pendleton's cool as a Marine base,
Starting point is 01:14:59 but also the Navy hub is in San Diego County, so it's a huge military town. I think it's a factor. Yeah, but you've got to focus's a factor. Yeah, but it's not the only factor. You've got to focus on the city. Yes, exactly. But it should be given some weight towards... If you're drivable to a place, that's a good part. If you pick Boise, you don't get Sun Valley.
Starting point is 01:15:16 No, no, of course, of course. That's true. But yeah, you don't get Sun Valley, but it is close by, but it's nice. It's almost like you do get it if your city is the one you have to fly into to get to that place yeah for real like that's like yeah um not that there's not a smaller regional airport but like it's definitely one of the main ones to get there travel plans yeah it's at least one a what about palm springs palm springs i love palm springs palm springs
Starting point is 01:15:43 thought about it a Athens, Georgia. Supposed to be cool. Savannah's supposed to be cool. Haven't been to those. Yeah, Savannah's supposed to be awesome. Haven't been to Tahoe. That was pretty fucking fun. Charlotte. Jackson Hole. Jackson Hole, Bozeman, Park City. Park City, Aspen. We didn't do any mountain towns. Salt Lake, Flagstaff. Not bad.
Starting point is 01:15:59 I went Honolulu over the mountain towns because I'm more of a beach guy. Actually, you know what? There's a peak. Park City. There is a peak on the Big Island. Man, I think my list is really well-rounded, so I'm pretty cool. Yeah, Denver. I don't know if it's a winning one, but it is well-rounded.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I got beach, ski. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Jake just sent me a... What? Okay, here's the real-time data from uh from our listeners who won round five 67 have me winning with honolulu i like the honolulu pick oh okay is an hour five slot is an hour is an hour away the same city 65 say no whoa who won round four um i i won with boston who wins round two strider won with san diego
Starting point is 01:16:57 who won round three it's real close but chad won with nash Nashville. And then who won round one? Chad won with NY. Those are the votes that are coming. Your list is bouncing back. Great intelligence. And I got consistent second places in there, too. I didn't win in any rounds. No, but you were up there in all of them.
Starting point is 01:17:19 That's the thing. I got a solid list. I don't know if it's a winning one, but it's solid. The funniest one. I don't think I have a lot. Miami, bro. You got Miami. You i mean miami rips dude you might have won around one bro round five round five and new york i can't argue that no no new york sucks round five city of napa it's just yeah fucking the city of napa it is sick though you know you talking about
Starting point is 01:17:41 you talking about it's napa dude you talking about maybe you want to go do a wine tasting yeah you sell it the best You're a great salesman I love it Alright Aaron It's time It's time to get heavy The stakes are high
Starting point is 01:17:58 Should he go front to back Because someone's getting cut Or should he do fourth first So who do we know is fucking getting axed? Yeah, I think, yeah, start at first and then go back. Good call, dude. Save the drama, dude. Good call, dude. Alright, let me read off your list real quick.
Starting point is 01:18:13 So Chad's got New York City, Charleston, Nashville, D.C., Newport Beach. Good list. Chris, Miami, New Orleans, Denver, San Francisco, Louisville. Good list. JT, L.A., Austin, Chicago, Boston, Honolulu. Bro, I like that list, actually. Austin, Boston.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Austin, Boston. Strider has Vegas, San Diego, Scottsdale, Greenville, Napa. That is the worst list. Dude, hey, when you guys talk to Brad, just let him know I say what up, dude. There's not even cities on that list. He's got four non-cities. You ever been to Vegas, bitch? No, it doesn't look like Port Town.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Huge city, bro. It doesn't look like Port Town. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You sold it the best. I thought you were winning. No, it's a great list. Wait, can you read Strider's list again? Yes.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Las Vegas. Great city. San Diego. Sick-ass city. Scottsdale. Sick-ass city. Greenville. Greenville's cool Napa
Starting point is 01:19:07 Napa's tight Dude when you say it again That's a great list bro That's a great list dude I think you guys are wrong Yeah if you're 83 And it's the last Two weeks of your life
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah 83 and Scottsdale dude Actually that's a smart place to go If you're 83 and Scottsdale No no it's good It's good One thing we didn't say About Scottsdale is It's a million It place To go if you're 83 No no it's good It's good One thing we didn't say About Scottsdale is It's a million
Starting point is 01:19:27 It's a million degrees For two and a half months Look man I love you brother I love you Look I love you too dude Talking about snitches Look you really fucked up With Honolulu
Starting point is 01:19:34 It's a piece of shit dude But you know what dude I love you Just wanted to say Because we talked about Snowbirds But same applies For Scottsdale
Starting point is 01:19:40 In just about summer It's hot there dude I went there out One summer It's like 120. It's a fucking desert, bro. You know what else is a desert? LA, dude.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Yeah, but it's not that hot. Yeah. But yeah, they're both deserts. Yeah, both deserts. Aaron, let's hear it. One's way hotter. Let's hear it, Aaron. All right, so you want to know who won?
Starting point is 01:20:00 Yes. I think the chat agrees with me, and I think it's pretty obvious. With the dub this week, JT Parr. Nice, bro. It's been a minute. Let's go, dude. It's been a minute.
Starting point is 01:20:13 Good shit. He brought it home, dude. We brought it home. That's why we had to go hard on you at five, because we knew you were building a nice list. We had to come in hard on you. I understand that. We had to come in hard, dude. The city of Napa.
Starting point is 01:20:24 The city of Napa County, dude. I think you should get points for just the delivery. That was so funny. For salesmanship. Number two. It's the Par boys this week. Chris Parr, number two. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Oh, shit. Well traveled, dude. Oh, shit. Let's go. Fuck you. Mom and dad took us a lot of places. All great places. Nice, Whoa. Oh, shit. Well traveled, dude. Oh, shit. Let's go. Fuck you. Mom and dad took us a lot of places. All great places. Nice, dude.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Nice, dude. Oh, this is intense. This is big. Shit, dude. Shit, dude. There's no way Stryer's not last. There's no way. I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 01:21:00 I think there's two picks where Chad could really fuck up. Didn't he get New York, though? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah. I shouldn't be saying shit like that. Guys.
Starting point is 01:21:09 It's up to Aaron, dude. After the second pick of Charleston, I thought, for sure, this is the end for Chad. But then, three picks in a row. Scottsdale, Greenfield, Napa Chad is three Strider, unfortunately You will not be losing No
Starting point is 01:21:29 That makes me sad I don't want to Say what up Say what up Say what up, dude Dude, I'll sacrifice myself Nope, I'm off I'll sacrifice myself
Starting point is 01:21:40 I'm off Come and help me judge No, dude Rules are rules, bro Taking the week off Tell Brad I say what up, dude so I'm off. Come and help me judge. No, dude. Rules are rules, bro. Taking the week off. Tell Brad I said, what up, dude?
Starting point is 01:21:51 I honestly don't even watch horror movies. Obviously, your first two choices are great. To go Scottsdale and Greenville and Napa. Hey, bro, have you ever been to Scottsdale? You're getting married in Santa Barbara. That was out there. Oh, yeah. Oh, Santa Barbara would have been good. In my defense, the judge tricked me, dude, and, have you ever been to Scottsdale? You're getting married in Santa Barbara. That was out there. Oh, yeah. Oh, Santa Barbara would have been a good idea. Yeah, in my defense, the judge tricked me, dude,
Starting point is 01:22:08 and told me to go east. I didn't tell you to go east. I was hoping you'd go Pacific Northwest, but no. Portland or Seattle? Yeah. I wasn't going to do that, dude. I'll tell you that. I'm reading the chat.
Starting point is 01:22:21 San Fran's the only rainy city we were going to take. Yeah, San Fran sucks. Oh, Tom B says You threw on purpose I will say this Strider was the most magnanimous about Like prior to the draft Being like hey I'll give up my spot
Starting point is 01:22:35 And you're traditionally An excellent drafter Do you feel like there was any subconscious motivation Going five Was tough Say that feel like there was any subconscious motivation going five was tough say that no three right they have a three two no no that was god's tale three oh it's god's tale i want to dc but it was back to back
Starting point is 01:23:04 so so he got that at the top of the round. He took Greenville. Oh, yeah. Did I take Greenville 4? What did I take it for? Well, you took it top of the fourth. Great city. It is amazing.
Starting point is 01:23:13 We had a lovely time there. Look, baby, I got last. Congrats to the Dubs, boys. Have fun with fucking Brad, dude. Dude, a lot of people are saying ATL. Yeah, a lot of people want ATL. Yeah. I've never been flown through, dude.
Starting point is 01:23:25 Delta Hub, it's all I know. I'm getting some hate, Charles. It's a horrible airport, but what can you do? I think they do more flights than anyone. You came back strong. You came back strong. Yeah, the Newport pick was Chef's Kiss. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:39 That's a good pick. You got to take a beating early on to come back. Laguna Beach is sicker but Newport is pretty sick do you think it calibrated you better when we all made fun of it oh yeah so then you'd lie you'd get broken down do you think it improved your draft getting chastised like that
Starting point is 01:23:56 totally yeah I love it DC was a good pick I was nervous I thought DC would be a bad pick for some reason I feel like no one talks about DC no but I also think I think like it's so important
Starting point is 01:24:07 I think historical and cultural importance matters and that's like if you export your culture that's a huge boost that's like that's a huge factor and for me
Starting point is 01:24:16 in like best cities it's like when people know what like that city's about and you like see things it's the capital of the country yeah I
Starting point is 01:24:24 I really do love it there you know that kind of shit that shit's fun what's it having a lot of movies set there you know dude house of cards yeah yeah you're a big spacey guy dude that's one where look i'm gonna i'm still gonna watch la confidential dude i don't like confidential rips bad guy but i'm still gonna watch it yeah i know mom was always really attracted to him iron will too he's in that movie the the snow dog racing one he's the reporter oh shit nice all right should we guys it's tough to get into beefs babes and legends after the uh the intensity oh or should we do some we have time should we do some questions real quick
Starting point is 01:25:03 yeah uh we're not doing beep space? Jake's sound... We're doing both. Did Jake sound to you? Yeah. Okay, cool. Can I plug my phone into this thing? It's just like...
Starting point is 01:25:10 Oh, and guys, this is a big update. So for next week's podcast, we're recording one on Friday, actually. So if we could get them quick, that'd be great. We can use them. But we're now going to start doing actually so if we could get them quick that'd be great we can use them but uh we're now going to start doing a prompt for each week's questions in hopes of getting some uh remarkable specificity and uh wildness in the stories i'm i'm uh borrowing this from the tea time girls gabby lamb and harper lee's park harper lee's park harper rose's pocket sorry let's call her har her Harper Lee like the writer but they do prompts
Starting point is 01:25:46 it's really fun so our prompt for next week is going to be party faux pas so write in questions about your biggest party faux pas
Starting point is 01:25:54 oh yeah I like that alright headphones on for this guys so we can hear the question I wanted to meet Brad He's a good dude I think I feel
Starting point is 01:26:18 Yeah I want you to be there too Yeah I know I'm out Rules are rules No Rules are rules. No.
Starting point is 01:26:26 Rules are rules. You're going to go to Napa? I'm probably going to go to Greenville, South Carolina. I have been on Napa trips several times. It's fun. You get loaded. It sounds fun. It's not my favorite way.
Starting point is 01:26:41 It's fun though. I get heartburn. You're not like wine hangovers? No wine hangovers no they don't mind that um yeah it's uh i think we just ended up doing so many wine trips because my wife likes it because becca likes it a lot that like i know now i have stuff that like i'm good with drinking that i find easier but i'll just taste whatever right but like the really heavy ones they just it gets you the whole way down yeah a lot of tums on those weekends yeah um the food's great though that's what i was gonna say the food and it's like you go get day drunk so it's super fun exactly yeah i want to do that now i haven't
Starting point is 01:27:18 done that oh dude get like get like a driver or go with like one other couple yeah two yeah you know if you do if you do like a driver service they'll plan your whole day if you hear how we're talking about my city aaron you hear that interesting to your credit i think it's very interesting i feel like there's a lot of anal in napa people do people do anal up there yeah i didn't know that there's something about i'm not surprised dude yeah i think napa is well that's gotts roadside napa you get a burger and some anal napa is french for anal yes that's why they call it french laundry because you got to change your sheets exactly that's what newsom was doing there people
Starting point is 01:27:55 don't know that he does so much you can't wear a mask while doing anal yeah just did a bunch of anal i signed this bill at first i believed you guys were like are you serious about this at first I believed you guys but like are you serious about this? I don't want to go talk about it at dinner parties or something dude and people are like that's not a thing. Yo what up guys? People think you pair wine with cheese. Alright this one's titled MILF Dating. Guys this is Andrew.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I'm 21 from Santa Cruz, California. Chad what up, dude? What up? Just going to get straight to the point. I've been having some dating issues, more specifically MILF dating. All right, so he's from Santa Cruz. He's been having MILF dating issues. Relatable.
Starting point is 01:29:00 She was twice my age. I drove 45 minutes to her house. Everything's going good. Good conversations. Chill vibes. You know, start making out a little bit. And reach for the goods. Kind of get denied.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Looks up at me and she says, I'm sorry, I just can't do it. You look too young. And I'm just like, I don't know, boys. I'm kind of just can't do it you look too young and I'm just like I don't know boys I'm kind of deflated right now just wanted some words of encouragement cause you know you only get so many chances
Starting point is 01:29:35 to bang a milf right appreciate you guys love what you do peace damn brother I'm so sorry man I mean I think you just got to grow a mustache. For sure, grow a mustache. You can age yourself up, but also, like, accept who you are and grieve this moment.
Starting point is 01:29:56 Like, you thought you had the pot of gold, and then it turned out, you know, it was all a mirage. And that's hard for anyone to discover. out you know it was all a mirage and that's that's hard for anyone to discover i think you just got to feel all your feelings and be wistful and jay off to the memory of her and then just like move on and and realize in time you'll make a beautiful woman a milf and that will be your milf that you bang and also get to cherish and love and take care of so like it's not all sad dude and honestly just like appreciate the fact that you guys kissed you know you gave her the night she was looking for she probably feels vulnerable recent divorcee not ready to jump back in there and just get dicked down by some rando but she wanted to feel that romance she wanted to feel that flirtation
Starting point is 01:30:41 and you gave her all of that so you've pushed her life into a positive direction and i think that should push your life into a positive direction despite the fact that you got no nut dude i think too i think that's beautiful and that's probably what you should do but something came to mind if she thinks you're too young you got to show her that you're not too young that you're mature take her to napa the city of napa and i'm 65 sure you're gonna do anal yeah for sure for sure smart call because like she's thinking like i like them both you got strategies you gotta like you gotta kind of uh surprise her with your decisions you know like in a positive way thwart her expectations like she thinks you're playing in a vegas trip and then you go nah i'm thinking napa airbnb something super mellow and relaxed bring a book tell her to bring a book yeah and she knows you have that young guy
Starting point is 01:31:46 wild buck energy so she knows you're not going to be reading but she's going to appreciate that you mentioned something like that and then just be like how about we hit the mondavi winery and then you pull out something she's like is that a wine bottle opener and you're like no it's for gaping that's a good surprise dude yeah and when you guys are at the airport together put that in your carry-on so it gets pulled out yeah tell her then when you're at terminal three at lax i'll do a good shout delta for sure that's tough though man that's that's real hard to be grieved he got he got farther than most right like sometimes like you'll like you'll have you'll like you'll make out and that's all that happens That's tough, though, man. That's real hard to be grieving. He got farther than most, right?
Starting point is 01:32:28 Like, sometimes, like, you'll make out, and that's all that happens in a night. And it can be a really good night. You know, like, it doesn't always, it still happened. It didn't. No, for sure. There's degrees to the hookup, and, like, that was a cool one, just kind of like, it's not a porno, sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:44 You know, it would have been cool if it was, dude, but, like, it was still pretty fun. No, it's expectations it's expectations like dudes we think if we don't get the nut it was a failure but you have a beautiful experience you have something that you can write into a podcast about like it was something you'll remember yeah and hopefully something she'll remember and it was like damn that would have been cool and then like you know that was fun and then if they did bone the thing, it's perfect as it exists because it was just a nice experience between the two of them. You bone, then someone catches feelings, then you guys inevitably break up. Then you both put yourselves on like kind of a more bummer perspective.
Starting point is 01:33:19 As it exists now, it's all upside. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. The silver lining is this young buck was able to have a sophisticated conversation with an older woman. That's harder than jackhammering the b-hole in Napa. Right. So you're having a sophisticated conversation about a book you read. You're talking about, oh, Bernaine Brown, you know, stepping into your own or something of that nature. Some of the prey love stuff.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Yeah, exactly. I mean, that's. But more actionable. This guy's got moves. brown you know stepping into your own or something of that nature pray love stuff yeah exactly i mean that's but more actionable this guy's got moves i think this guy's got moves and we're gonna see the best is yet to come for this young fella fantastic sure should we have in a workplace connection yeah sure does it involve a mill uh so i'm 24 year old dude um been working at the space for about two and a half years is he doing a strider impression i thought he was doing a voice at first but he seems like he settled into himself so i appreciate that there's the shift into authenticity legend and um kind of struggling to connect with some of the people i work with, just really looking for, you know, some friendship and some camaraderie
Starting point is 01:34:28 just to make the work a little bit better. And most of the people on my team, you know, older kind of in mid to late 30s, you know, they got kids. They're just kind of in a different place in their life. You know, I can't, like, pull up on a Monday and talk about, you know, how I hit my parlay this weekend and slamming a red bull vodka
Starting point is 01:34:46 with the boys in a freaking section, you know. So, you know, they just can't really connect with shit like that. So,
Starting point is 01:34:53 any advice on how I can connect with some of the older folks in the workplace just to kind of, you know, make things.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Bro, I think it's pretty obvs, dude. Is that he's trying to get them to meet him where he's at but i'm not here in an effort to meet them where they're at like i'd be like yo what was it like phil dropping your daughter off at college was that a sentimental thing are you excited for her are you partially nervous like you know uh ted i see you have a new honda elantra did you lease or did you buy it's uh and then when they
Starting point is 01:35:28 know that you're curious about their important exciting events then they might have a little bit more bandwidth for parlays um beer bongs and uh text threads yeah i think that'll definitely lead to more collatery yeah for sure what do they what do they watch you know what's like is there water cooler conversation like what are they you know what sports teams do they cheer for you know like i feel like you can find some common ground and then you can also you could probably be the young guy at the off like you can also tell if you're if you pick your spots well you can tell party stories and they'll probably get a kick out of it because like oh this young guy he's like
Starting point is 01:36:09 he's living it up you know what i mean i could even see like older co-workers being like oh did you get into something crazy last night you're like you know that's like an opening for you to tell us i think there's going to be opportunities and especially if you have enough time where you talk about find out what they're into it's a timing and a trust thing like if they don't trust you they don't want to hear about you being wild because then they're just going to write you off as like a as like a like a wild card yeah and like be be targeted with when you tell those stories don't don't don't do too many i've heard you mention this when new valet guys come in and they mention like how hot a chick is too soon you're kind of like bro take your time with that kind of you know camaraderie yeah yeah yeah you can't lead with that foot dude i'm not your we're not friends yeah it's it feels better
Starting point is 01:36:55 when you trust the guy because you know he's not coming from like too horn doggy a place it's a workplace you can't be horn doggy on on day one It's something that you need to build up to And that's kind of like The normal way to do it I think too with older guys You talk about insurance policies For sure That's actually my B for the week
Starting point is 01:37:18 Talk about what foods disagreed with you recently Go to the dentist Talk to them like I just went to the fucking dentist I'm sure they'll be like oh fuck inflation it's always works inflation and there's also the person at work that everyone likes to pick on a little bit yeah find that guy go up and punch him dude physically assault that guy dude dude wrestle that guy to the ground dude put him in a headlock. Let him know who's boss.
Starting point is 01:37:46 Yeah, you'll get fired. Beat his ass. Dominate the workspace, dude. T-bag him, bro. Bro, if they're not responding to your conversation points, then it's hands. It's on sight. Should we do one more?
Starting point is 01:38:00 What are you thinking? I think we should get into Beefs, Babes, and Legends. Oh, we're doing it? Okay, cool, cool. Yeah. more what are you thinking i think we should get into beefs babes and legends oh we're doing okay cool cool yeah how's that casey chadwick von kroger who's your beef of the week uh my beef of the week is the av club always always dude they've they muffed up big time this week so big episode of succession this week i'm not gonna time this week. So big episode of Succession this week. I'm not going to spoil anything, but big, big, big episode. Wild shit. Some crazy stuff went down.
Starting point is 01:38:31 Strider even watched it. Strider even watched it. If you haven't watched it, it's amazing. Wait, we should talk about it, though. What's it? So anyways. It's been long enough, dude. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:38:43 Well, I'm not not gonna go into any details I'm just gonna say what happened so I I didn't watch it Sunday night I'm saying we should go into details oh you're saying we should oh
Starting point is 01:38:51 yeah I liked it it was crazy yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I think you're right anyways
Starting point is 01:38:58 it's hump day dude um it just came out on Sunday anyway say what you're gonna say sorry sorry um so I didn't watch it on Sunday night I was gonna it on monday night and i was trying to avoid the internet because everyone was like oh crazy episodes i was like all right i need to stay away from the
Starting point is 01:39:11 internet the av club has a headline giving away the the spoiler they spoiled it in a headline in a tweet and it was like top of the it was like top story on their website i was like and i just like out of habit click like variety ab club all that stuff like i was so mad dude in the comments people were pissed rightfully so it's like what you guys know better than that no they do it on purpose now they'll write articles that i know they're just trying to inflame the readership and the comments will be like hey this article sucks but they're getting traction on that like us thinking it sucks they can't write something good that we'd actually just be stoked on yeah so they're like little trolls now they just write shitty things and then we all just complain about it a very
Starting point is 01:39:58 spoiler reverse i didn't get it that bad but like saw enough of a headline that I was like, okay, well, somebody definitely died. Yeah. And oh, that would probably make the most sense. So you saw it before you saw the episode? Like, no, I knew that. We're doing the same thing now by talking about it, by the way. So if you haven't watched the episode, skip. It said, it was like, they finally did it.
Starting point is 01:40:28 Or like, they actually did it. And it was like they finally did it or like they actually did it and that was and that was enough some of the best but that way but it was a bit muted for me it wasn't a full-blown spoiler but i'm really spoiler averse so i didn't i was upset that i saw that but yeah it was an awesome episode some of the best acting i've ever seen she looked dude she was great in it she was incredible so we're talking about i love all the weird the weird like hugs that they do where they're like they don't know how to they don't know how to hug one another you've seen how broken the characters are in every moment of it they can't like process is really and how you kind of saw two and then one and then one like it was nice how they spread it out it's a good like modern portrayal of what that's like
Starting point is 01:41:05 for people because we're so disconnected best phone episode i've ever seen of anything yeah it's the all-time greatest phoner and i think uh it also i was worried about the season being boring because i thought it was gonna be the same action as the previous seasons and now it's like all up for grabs i have no idea where it's gonna go episode three and early in the episode it was dude brian cox in interviews he's amazing yeah he's a fire breather right now he's letting it rip dude and then jeremy strong jeremy strong at the end he's like i thought it made sense dramaturgically dude i called me and my lady were watching it i was like that's hilarious and then it went meme crazy i was like oh no i know i know i know i thought it made sense
Starting point is 01:41:43 dramaturgically he's hilarious dude he's all in all the time there's always a point as an actor where there's a wall and i think i can't go through it and then i do his eyes are always about to cry yeah he's always on the verge but who else has done that i feel like it's just it's a great move yeah like terrence howard howard was always crying he was always about it was like and it was like that's what acting is some some people that's their thing they just always look like it and it's like yeah it's dramatic so it's fun yeah all right chris who's your beef of the week um what was it oh fuck dude i totally forgot to do a beef i don't know if i i feel like i didn't do one last maybe you just got good vibes dude you're a pretty positive guy but there's that
Starting point is 01:42:35 pisses me off i just didn't i totally forgot about beef strider who's your beef yeah i'm sorry Strider who's your Beef of the week Yeah I'm sorry My beef of the week Is with this dude Who rolled up At valet To like do like
Starting point is 01:42:49 An Uber Eats delivery Like young guy 24 year old kid And he cruises up And He parks like It wasn't that busy And he parks like
Starting point is 01:42:59 Where we park cars And I was like Oh hey man like You can go and do your delivery I just gotta hold the key Like You know It's like It's not self parking He was like oh hey man like you can go and do your delivery i just got to hold the key like um you know it's like it's not self-parking he's like oh he's like i'll just be a second i go no i know and this is just doing my job all bullshit yeah i know i know but uh i
Starting point is 01:43:15 just have to hold on the key just in case anything happens like it is a fire lane he's like dude i think we got a bigger problem here and he goes because it's like painted pink because like the hotel colors it's the part of the fire line to pink not red and then i was just like would you just move your car then like like i was it was the first time in my life i had been like the dude having to do my job to like a young kid like thinking he was smart and cool and then i literally take a beat and i was like are you just gonna give me your key or are you gonna move the car and he goes nah i'm just doing it for the culture and then he like said for the culture yeah and i go this motherfucker and i go i go what i go okay you can just move your car right over there and they moved his car and i was like dude that was unbelievable bro i've never
Starting point is 01:44:02 seen that in my life dude i don't even know what that means. I know. He wants it to be both ways, but it's one way. He thinks he's like, cool. No, dude. He's just like a dude. Just some dude, like a fucking young guy. It was unreal.
Starting point is 01:44:16 I was like, what was that? And all the other young guys who are his age who work the job are like, that guy sucks. So I was like, it's not a young guy thing. It's just this guy thing. It's just this guy thing. It's a that guy thing. That guy sucks, dude. So my beef is with that dude, dude. That's a good beef.
Starting point is 01:44:29 And maybe more so is my beef is with thinking you're cool and in the know and getting one over, but really you're not. Yeah, and being a bitch and then at the end thinking you can like pull like a escape hatch or like pull the ripcord and be like oh i'm not a bitch i'm actually being really cool and fun and i can save it with something like uh topical nah dude yeah this guy sucked dude my beef of the week is with uh hospitals medicine life insurance
Starting point is 01:45:04 i'm getting life insurance right now because i got two kids on the way and i want to make sure my lovely gal and our two bruin babies are protected i meet up with a life insurance dude today now look it's expensive dude if you want to give them a nice chunk you got to pay up i get that but dude whole life, I've been a psycho, but I've been an honest psycho. And every time I've gone to the doctor's office and they've asked me about my drug use or what I'm up to, I've kept it 100. So when I was doing a bunch of wild shit, I wrote it down because I was like, these are my doctors. They're here to protect me. If something goes wrong, I want them to have all the pertinent information and look i was
Starting point is 01:45:46 i was too out of my head i would go to the er and get checked up on for nothing just for some peace of mind and i'd always write down what all my mischievous behavior was it almost felt good to tell a doctor i was like this is someone i can trust find out from the life insurance dude today when you get life insurance they check that shit they pull all your medical files and so now they're seeing this and this is going to make it really really hard for me to get life insurance even though i'm a really healthy guy now despite these two brews i don't drink much i don't do drugs anymore i just got my blood work done i'm healthy as a horse strider you were in the room when i got my results i was fired up dude you get punished for telling the truth it's it's it's stupid it's like i understand what like
Starting point is 01:46:30 obviously it makes sense for them because they're like we're not taking any chances on you and you admitted to it but it's like nobody tells you this going into it they're like oh the healthiest thing for like it might be the best thing for my future family that i just lie to doctors for my whole life yeah it's the incentives are so out of whack it's fucked that's my beef isn't that look i get it that because i was chaotic i deserve to get uh hit for it but no one gave me a heads up never when i was saying all that stuff to anybody did anyone ever say that's gonna make it tough when you try to get life insurance and had i known that i never would have told the truth even though i don't like lying but i i would have seen that it wasn't worth it in that moment
Starting point is 01:47:10 to be honest and now i gotta pay and they might listen to this that's what my guy told me they might but this is art i'm being fake right now the fact that insurance is even a thing i know it is yeah and then they just find all these loopholes. Car insurance. Fucking pet insurance. All this shit. And they're like, well, we don't cover that. You go to the doctor.
Starting point is 01:47:37 You get dental insurance. We don't cover cleanings. And you're like, what am I paying for here? What do you guys do? And they're like, we find loopholes and fuck you in the ass yeah and then if something does go wrong it's a whole fight to get it figured out you gotta file a claim it's the worst that's what you gotta have a good insurance guy like i got for the majority of my stuff mike ferraro great guy honorable my agent as well he will not
Starting point is 01:48:00 skin you on stuff he keeps it straight and he'll call you quick and he'll take care of you because he because he realizes that his relationship with his clients is family that's why there's 40 ferraros that work for state farm that's right i like jokingly was like one of our friends ross was sending rates for other insurance companies then i said this is not okay mike call me on it on a thread 30 seconds later, he's calling, dude. And I was like, this is amazing, dude. But like, I was obviously joking. Thank you for checking so quickly, dude.
Starting point is 01:48:32 If you're a 23-year-old who likes to do mushrooms and likes to, you know, take Viagra once in a while and you get freaked out one night because you feel overwhelmed in your system by your lifestyle and just being alone don't tell the fucking doctor man no it's not worth it or tell the doctor but don't write it down just be like yo doc between you and me and not between the life insurance i'm gonna get later because i'm gonna meet someone i love and i'm gonna want to have a family and protect them between you and me i did this shit but don't write it down because they'll fucking
Starting point is 01:49:03 ding you dude do the My friend Jerry one time What would have happened to him You know Yeah Just We're talking about it But we're not Specifically talking about me
Starting point is 01:49:12 And I have artistic license On here Facts It's wack It's a walk system Chad who's your Baby of the week My baby of the week
Starting point is 01:49:22 Is Linkin Park They fucking shred dude i was listening to them i was doing battle ropes you know where they're from right do you know where lincoln park is charleston chicago oh dude lincoln park yeah we didn't talk about that i knew that uh also the musical chic Chicago that was in New York your pick amazing dude
Starting point is 01:49:47 I every time I listen to Meteor or Hybrid Theory I'm like I need to learn guitar I gotta learn guitar yeah I did Battle
Starting point is 01:49:56 those are the albums right yeah I did Battle Hybrid Theory dude Hybrid Theory yeah dude I did Battle Ropes to I did Battle Ropes to Breaking the Habit dude it was rock hard
Starting point is 01:50:07 during all of it i fucking skied it all over that road i fucking love you lincoln park r.i.p chester yeah this guy's a beast crawling man that was i think that's my favorite i always used to talk about what was band practice like for lincoln park did chester have to go balls to the walls? Yeah. Chester, if you could be a little more sad, angry on this one. Yeah. That'd be great.
Starting point is 01:50:29 He probably did, right? Because like concerts, you'd have to imagine he did it for like at least an hour. They have one of those MTV shows where people would pretend to be friends with a famous person. At the end, you had to guess who really was friends with the famous person. And on one episode, it was someone who was really friends with Chester. And he was so nice to the roadies and to the crew and to everyone and he'd make a meal for people and at the end he'd say and don't forget the most important ingredient love love
Starting point is 01:50:53 that he's real deal real deal dude that was a show beautiful that was a show on tv fucking yeah this is who's your babe of the week dude um oh it's uh hoodies oh yeah bro just like the chillest article of clothing you can lounge in it it can be tactical i wore one obviously because i was going to do hoodies and they dude i just love them so much i feel so cozy in them you look good dude thanks the tied up laces. Sick. I think I've worn it on here before. It's great. It's the best.
Starting point is 01:51:29 But I love hoodies. I like the way you got it. It came like this. I never thought to do that. It's nice. But yeah, dude. Hoodies fucking roll. When your boy jacks one of your hoodies, dude.
Starting point is 01:51:41 But when you jack one of your boy's hoodies. It feels better. It does. Dude dude you're like it's almost like it's kind of worth it at that point dude yeah took it from the tenement and it's like it's worth it to get your stolen everyone so i'll be like you know what this one's totally mine yeah hoodies are kind of like that's what they are they're kind of just they're up for grabs dude you're freaking dank ass gf put your hoodie on you're like look all cute in that right now yeah and you Yeah. And you kind of feel jacked.
Starting point is 01:52:05 You're like, that's really big on you. You can be sleek in them, too. Yeah. Yeah, because she's not wearing pants with it. It's just like cutting right above the knees. Sexy, dude. It is sexy, dude. It's good workout gear sometimes.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Yeah, true. Signing away from loving basketball. Ooh. Oh, my ribs. Oh, my ribs. Strider, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week's gotta be my freaking dank ass fiance dude she's just crushing it right now dude um just being a beast in her career dude getting it done
Starting point is 01:52:33 dude dialed in dude taking good care of our dog dude just sending me good facts of how to be a better dog dad and just being a beast so just loving that what are the facts dude just honestly just more indicators of what the dog does like she'll send me stuff being like if your dog sleeps in like a donut shape it's protecting its vitals and it's also maybe a more caring dog also if your dog has a long gaze and looks at you longingly it means it's comfortable if it sleeps with its legs out and on its side it means it's very comfortable and trusts you obviously we all know this if a dog exposes itself to you its tummy it's under its vital organs it means it loves you and then another one that i knew was like if the dog licks you a lot don't just push it away because it will get
Starting point is 01:53:13 its feelings hurt redirect it dude with a toy or something like that i hope my girlfriend's going like that that's me and gg's relationship don't push it away dude i mean you know we got a good thing going. I've been upset. I'm watching Golden Retriever, like, love channel. Oh, yeah, bro. That's a whole channel. Do you play music for your dog? Oh, I do.
Starting point is 01:53:31 Golden Retriever facts. Nice. What? Oh, yeah. I play music for my dog. Oh, I should do that. Yeah, I should put on, like, I always freak out when she's in her crate for a while.
Starting point is 01:53:41 I should put on, like, Animal Planet for her. That'd be tight. Just put on fucking Fast 3. No, not Fast 3. That's too good for Fast 5. Put on like in park. Oh, baby. That's like torture, dude.
Starting point is 01:53:53 That's like a moody dog. It's in its teen years now. Not for like 12 plus hours. Dude, one time I couldn't sleep. That is some Gitmo stuff right there. I was at fucking Joe's place, the fucking Barrage in Arizona at like one of their ASU parties, and I couldn couldn't sleep i'd like the worst like floor sleeping position on hard
Starting point is 01:54:09 tile and their fucking buddy kevin bro yeah it's like fucking courting some lady with blasting fucking um uh what is it tom morello's band fucking um audio slave or rage rage blasting rage against the machine and finally i like dude i was like maybe they're hooking up what i finally knocked on the door they were both just passed out i was like motherfuckers and just like stop on their napster playlist and then they both woke up yeah they both started sucking each other's dicks and they're like what the fuck are you doing dude my baby of the week i was in my favorite city in america today not in my top five but my favorite city huntington beach i'm leaving meeting up with our life insurance broker
Starting point is 01:54:49 legit dude great guy super fun to talk to trust him with my life i'm leaving and i'm kind of like you know i'm an annoying driver there's a dude in front of me in a lifted chevy silverado and he's at a right hand turn and he's not moving and i'm like bro i know you can take this right turn so i just give him you know city style a little honk on the horn and i pull up to go around him dude dude's yelling at me as i pull up to him so i rolled down my window and he goes there's a fucking guy walking across the street i'll smash your fucking face in it was awesome it was like a double espresso shot dude i was like whoa he takes the right i take the right oh dude as i'm taking the right there's a uh a gay dude there with his buddy and they're walking their dog and they look at me
Starting point is 01:55:38 and they just go yeah i don't know i don't know because the guy was so quick to violence and me and those dudes just laughed i pull up to the next light and uh me and the guy are side by side and he's he's barking stuff at me so I roll down my window and he goes if you had gone in front of me and taken that right turn you would have killed that guy and his dog and I was like you're right and then he didn't say like thanks or anything he just went oh and then drove off dude he was ready to rock and roll so fast man so fast that's huntington beach dude they got an energy there they're ready to go um chad who's your legend of the week my legend of the week is toast just toast i love toast sourdough toast with butter is there anything better i could eat that
Starting point is 01:56:27 all day it's the best i don't think sourdough toast has gluten which is so sick dude that's so tight i i mean this isn't toast but i got and we were in san francisco i got a huge loaf of sourdough house the whole thing oh you went to town on that yeah i was in the shape of a teddy bear bro are you making bread no do you make I don't, but my lady makes bread. Whoa. Sourdough? It was like a big thing during COVID, right? People got into making bread.
Starting point is 01:56:50 Yeah, the starter. Yeah. I don't know. I mean, just to see something rise. Yeah, see something rise. I guess something in me, because I'm a huge proponent of keto, it's like I don't want to be a household that makes carbs I felt that conflict
Starting point is 01:57:08 even before I asked you I was like this is a challenging question yeah and I'm sorry to the fans who I let down letting you know that I eat bread that's all I have to say progress not perfection dude amen dude
Starting point is 01:57:23 fight for Chris who's your legend um basketball dude played played some pickup on saturday that was fun it was freaking sick dude we won all of our games yeah shout out joe shout out reggie shout out to dustin that's who we were playing with we had five which was awesome and then then also like playing. We had some ball movement, dude. Dude, there were some really nice possessions, nice entry passes into the paint.
Starting point is 01:57:51 Dude, some good finishing, you know, some shaky jump shooting for most of the team. Dustin's an ace though. But hey, we made enough shots and kept winning. And none of us were afraid to pull the trigger. I was proud that we all were like, hey, if we're open, shoot or shoot. You know? And then also the plans have been, a couple of the games have been good.
Starting point is 01:58:12 NBA playoffs are starting. Go Warriors. It's just, it feels like it's basketball season. Playoffs are about to start. I'm ready to start hooping. It was fun. Who do you got winning the MVP? Like, who do you think should win it?
Starting point is 01:58:24 I think it'll be Embiid. Yeah, I don don't think yokid should win it three years in a row it's tough and like in beads good enough to win it he like it's yeah he dropped 33 a game i know it's crazy and he played any d's up for like every can and his buckets aren't like uh he's huge but it's not all just like the majority of it's not just back. His mid-range game is amazing. He has like handles and he has like fakes and he kind of plays like a guard. And he plays, I feel like he gets the ball all over the court. You know, he's got spots everywhere.
Starting point is 01:58:56 I think I heard on Simmons that he's hitting 51% from like 5 to 16 feet. That's it my my legend of the week is uh dude sitting on the couch watching a show or whatever you like to watch but having a football in your hand and just fucking tossing it to yourself dude and just fucking posting up just doing that feels nice dude every house should have a football in it should be a part of the living room like a lamp it's the ultimate anxiety release like bringing it on boys trips dude just in case dude you know i'm gonna bring a football yeah i carry it on in my luggage dude the air pressure messes it up i deflate a little bit when i land yeah well and kind of coming back from coming back from right there dude they made me um they made me deflated so they could check it just to make sure I wasn't bringing anything back to the States.
Starting point is 01:59:45 Deflate it all the way? Yeah. Whoa. Chicago? Cabo. Oh. International rules. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:52 Something going on there. Brought it because it was like, there's going to be a couple of us hanging around. You're going to what, toss it? Toss the pigskin, make sure we got a good one. Is there anything better than when you're throwing the football back and forth and then something almost breaks and then you have to take a break? Well, that's when the only time you stop is when something breaks.
Starting point is 02:00:07 Yeah, when you're like, finally, you push it a little too far and you're like, all right, I almost knocked over the lamp. Let's put the ball in. I'm going to put this away. Exactly. Yeah, good call. It's either that or dinner's ready. If you're a kid, you're like, all right, fuck, let's go eat.
Starting point is 02:00:19 You know, go deep, dude, to the kitchen. Right. Strider, who's your legend of the week? There's dude. It's me throwing the football to myself. That, to the kitchen. Right. Strider, who's your legend of the week? It's dude. It's me throwing the football to myself. That's what's up. Yeah. What up, dude?
Starting point is 02:00:31 What's going on, dude? Because my bro was talking about football for a while. He was talking about it beautifully. Yeah. I'm drunk. Dude, my legend of the week, and this is a pivot. I was going to do my day yesterday. I had a nice day.
Starting point is 02:00:46 I love doing these drafts. I love drafting with you guys. It hurts if I lose. It feels great if I win. But I always appreciate the competition, camaraderie. And I got to give it to Strider. I think you're my legend of the week. You give the best pitches on your picks thank you
Starting point is 02:01:06 legend genre been the hardest and uh i don't know it doesn't seem right i don't know if i don't know if we can do it without you dude yeah no the rules are rules here's the thing if i make a bad pick i gotta sell it hard hey we went into this all knowing no i i feel like we can have you there's just some kind of punishment like you wear like a dunce cap or something dunce beanie maybe dude i don't want to look on sick dude it's like it looks like you're a wizard they're like that's kind of sick though the pointy hats they were in harry potter dude it's a fucked up it's a fucked up thing that i used to do to kids and make them go sit in the corner wearing that's a terrifying that was that they used to do to kids and make them go sit in the corner wearing a dunce hat. That's a terrifying thing. That was a real thing?
Starting point is 02:01:46 Yeah. If you're a kid, we would have been in dunce hats in high school for sure. Like making jokes and shit. The teacher would be like, go in the corner. We were stupid, huh? No, but we were the fucking legends, dude. We were sick, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:00 Just vertical 69ing, dude. Dude, thank you, JT. That's high praise. Look, I love getting After these drafts With my boys dude Alright should we I blame Aaron dude Kidding Aaron
Starting point is 02:02:09 Quote of the week Chad what's your Quote of the week My quote of the week Is lyrics from Linkin Park Whatever I tried so hard
Starting point is 02:02:16 And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter so you can hustle as much as you want in this life but we all die you can't take those things with you enjoy the ride
Starting point is 02:02:33 hey fucking man dude that was sick you nailed that. Thanks. Chris. No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar. Abraham Lincoln. That's true. Oh, that's incredible, dude. Let me see here. Right now I'm Googling Maximus Quo. He didn't say no woman, though. Interesting.
Starting point is 02:03:00 One can point that out. Dude, sometimes when these guys talk about man do they mean humankind probably I actually think in that instance and I'm not even saying I agree but in that instance I think Abraham Lincoln was being specific on purpose
Starting point is 02:03:16 right and it's like it's both a compliment and could be perceived as a negative like you know you're wily. Yeah, no, there's power in it, bro. I wish I could. Here it is.
Starting point is 02:03:29 This is a great Maximus quote. Anything in life. And this was me. Hey, I took the L. I took it. I got to wear it on the chest. I talked shit, but I took it. Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear.
Starting point is 02:03:41 He said that in the movie? Maximus Decimus Meridius. That's so badass. Here's the thing. If he didn't say it, that's a cool dude who made thatus Meridius that's so badass here's the thing if he didn't say it that's a cool dude who made that fucking graphic somebody's writing
Starting point is 02:03:48 good fanfic who wrote that dude exactly that guy's a beast if he ever wrote that he's writing like a prequel about Maximus in his like 20s
Starting point is 02:03:55 I'm not even I'm not even being a fucking bitch I'm dead serious right here I was gonna do in the end by oh you were as well and I thought we could all sing it for strider
Starting point is 02:04:08 oh that'd be beautiful as a send-off so if i got the lyrics here and we could end the pod like that and we could just the whole thing i think we'd go at i tried so hard and we end it it doesn't even matter even though it does matter but just to honor them and have fidelity to the lyrics will stick to it picture me driving home by myself can I do the first like it starts with one thing yeah but let's just go it starts with one thing and then let's just go into the chorus let me see some of these now let's go in the chorus no no do it do it do it do it I'm serious I'm serious ready hmm starts with one thing I tried so hard And got so far
Starting point is 02:04:49 But in the end It doesn't even matter I had to fall To lose it all But in the end It doesn't even matter One thing I don't know why It doesn't even matter one thing I don't know why
Starting point is 02:05:05 go it doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind no go try myself how I tried so hard by the way you were mocking me acting like I was part of your property
Starting point is 02:05:21 dude alright good pod everyone good draft love you guys thanks for tuning in Acting like I was part of your property. Dude. All right. Good pot, everyone. Good draft. Good shit, boys. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for tuning in, legends. Good luck with the milfs, dude. I can sit out, bro.
Starting point is 02:05:34 I forgot to do that. Those are rules are rules. Rules are rules. Look, if one of you guys lost, you can't. No, no, no. Baby, baby. These are the rules. Be more comedic.

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