Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 289 LIVE DRAFT - Best Horror Movies Ever (with Brad Fuller)

Episode Date: May 2, 2023

Today we are LIVE drafting the Best Horror Movies Ever. Each person will compile a list of their favorite Horror Movies and give a dank reasoning behind each one. The Judge, Mr.Cream aka Aaron will ma...ke the final decision on who wins.  Here is the Total Draft Standings (s/o HandA on reddit)Chad: 4 wins (5 if you count first draft)JT: 4 wins Strider: 6 wins Chris Parr: 4 winsBrad Fuller: Going for first Win Tonight! Come see us on Tour!Tickets on www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/  Sponsored by: ATHLETIC GREENS: If you’re looking for an easier way to take supplements, Athletic Greens is giving you a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to athleticgreens.com/GODEEP. HELIX SLEEP: Get 20% off all mattress orders and 2 free pillows! Go to helixsleep.com/godeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're live. We are live. We are live on the stream. Welcome everyone. Before we begin, I want to let you guys know that we are on tour and we're going to be in Ohio next. We got a week in Ohio because we're hitting all the cities there. Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the other two cities. Bro, fire to even remember two of them a miracle also i know some people have been saying like how come you guys moved your philly shows and how come you moved your where else we moved raleigh raleigh philly some of them were because we weren't selling that many tickets but some of them were just scheduling guys we're moving and grooving and sometimes it's it's just we got to move them but but we love you and we'll be there in time Yeah we got new dates coming up
Starting point is 00:00:46 We're going to announce in like two weeks And then we've got Irvine up in September So if you're in the Orange County area Let's get those tickets up so we can get two shows And then What do we have Appleton, Wisconsin Pumped for that
Starting point is 00:00:59 Learned it was in Wisconsin about a month ago What's that I thought Appleton was in Washington. We go to Washington three times. I know. Oh, there's so many markets out there. But keep your eyes peeled, guys, and get your tickets at chanjt.com. All the reviews are stellar.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Yeah. Everyone seems stoked. Yeah, the shows are really fun. I'm grateful to all you stokers who come out. You guys bring the best energy. We are also brought to you by helix sleep guys you know i love mattresses and i love my helix mattress is the best mattress i've ever had and that is no joke i got a helix mattress and i was fired up on it and i wasn't expecting i was i just got it
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Starting point is 00:01:58 Athletic Greens. I take Athletic Greens every day, and it's the best. You take an Athletic Greens? I do. I take them every day. Yeah. You take an Athletic Greens? I've started. I started i like it nice it's helpful yeah i do you know this room has a youthful glow you feel it and it's ag1 nice it's exactly right it helps my tummy it's great it's the best it's uh increased energy immune system support uh prebiotics probiotics any kind of biotic you want it's in there in a while't taken it in a while. And if you're looking for an easier way to take supplements,
Starting point is 00:02:31 Athletic Greens is giving you a free one-year supply of vitamin D and five free travel packs with your first purchase. Go to athleticgreens.com slash go deep. That's athleticgreens.com slash go deep. Check it out. Now, guys, first off, let's throw some mustard on the hot dog and slap my ass, all right? Because we are on a horror movie draft. Horror movies, dude. My compadres.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Boom clap, Stokers. Dude, I'm terrified. You know, fits the draft genre. I'm scared, dude. I don't know horror movies that good, but I got my bro with me right here, Chris Parr. And then we have our resident Hollywood father. That's what it's become, hasn't it? You are my dad out here.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Listen, I'm grateful to be your dad. You are our horror movie expert. We have an expert. And you have a small condom to fill because Strider's not here today. First time he's missed a draft in like 15. Hopefully I can fill that. And, you know. Hopefully I can fill that. He'll be back.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But yeah, you got to make the bag your own. I'll make the bag my own. That's exactly what I'll do tonight. But before we get into it, Brad, I did want to ask you for some big picture Hollywood updates. We're drafting in the last hours of big time negotiations between the Writers Guild and the powers that be yeah do you have any inside track on what's going to happen you know everyone i talked to seems to have a different inside track and uh it definitely feels like we're going into a strike what yeah it
Starting point is 00:03:57 does and it's a bummer i'm bum it's it's a big bummer and what that means macro level is that it shuts down production so new stuff won't be getting made for last time they struck it was for like three months right or four months 100 days wow but everything does shut down it's not just production because if i'm developing a script right now i have to stop working on the script pencils down if i i actually probably shouldn't even be speaking to actors about material and so it's just kind of we all stop and wait for this to play itself out. Well, I'm optimistic. Me too. From my lowly level that they're going to work it out.
Starting point is 00:04:33 It's not a lowly level. Yeah, you're right. You're right. I'm killing it. You are killing it. I think they're going to reach an agreement. Tonight, you mean? Yeah, I feel good juju.
Starting point is 00:04:41 So between now and when we finish, the anxiety I'm feeling about the strike might fully abate. Yeah. I like that. That'd be great. I think if they're listening to this live stream. Who is they? The producers, the guild guys. All the negotiators.
Starting point is 00:04:59 If they have this in the background, they're going to come to a fat deal. Let's go. I like that a lot. I hope you're right i do that'd be great i remember the last writer's strike that was 2007 yeah was it that long ago no i think so was it that long ago maybe it was i know there's one no there was one about three i had it three or four years ago oh there was yeah i remember because i i saw jay leno i like
Starting point is 00:05:21 saw a taping of jay leno during the's strike. Maybe it wasn't during the writer's strike. But I remember that time. I was outside of Hollywood completely, but it was big news. Because he paid his whole staff, right? So that they could keep the show running. I think he went out of pocket on it. Yeah. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:05:36 Which people trash Jay, but that's a huge move. Come on. That's a huge move. He seems like a good guy. Yeah. I think so, too. Who's trashing Jay? I think because the way the late night thing shook out like uh and that book that was written about it oh right
Starting point is 00:05:49 it was like he didn't he hide in a closet so he could like listen to like michael ovitz or someone like negotiate the deals and people think he i know people like letterman's comedy more and they feel like leno kind of backdoored him to get the job right but at the same time it's like you know it's every man for himself on some level. It's high-level war there. It's cool. It's exciting. For sure. I'm not familiar with what he did. So, like, people thought Letterman was
Starting point is 00:06:14 going to replace Carson, and he seemed like he was the anointed one. And then, like, but Letterman had his issues, too, because he didn't get along well with, like, the mid-tier players, and they didn't feel like he was as easy to work with. And Leno had some heat. I don't know the ins and outs of it,
Starting point is 00:06:30 but they feel like he finagled his way in front of Letterman and took the gig. Oh, actually, relative to what we're talking about, wasn't there a strike with comics at the store or something? Oh, that's a long time ago. That's late 70s. And Leno crossed the picket line. Yes. Oh, he did?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah. Yeah, so I don't know if he's ever been for the boys I think that's his rep Dude So maybe the paying thing was kind of Hey I'm a good guy Right Yeah no one's bad all the way through No one's good all the way through
Starting point is 00:06:57 That's a good point But in these horror movies we're dealing with pure evil Dude yes we are So let's get into it And Brad you brought up a good point So you said you have a list right here. I do. You said a lot or some of these you haven't seen.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Correct. So this is like a big point of contention amongst the audience. Do you pick things, or maybe we shouldn't discuss now, but do you pick things you haven't seen because of their reputation, because of the place they have in history? It's every man's own choice. Yeah. I'm not going to pick something that I haven't seen.
Starting point is 00:07:26 You're definitely going to pick Chad. I am definitely not going to pick something I haven't seen. Chad's going to do it. No, no, I'm sticking to my personal preference. Chad's going to do it. You're going with stuff you've seen. Yeah, there are things on this list that I haven't seen, but I wrote down just to have the knowledge.
Starting point is 00:07:41 Right. But I'd say 85% of these movies I've seen. Okay. Maybe we quiz each other after pics to make sure everyone's seen it. Turn this into an English class. Like a proctor. Someone's the proctor.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Aaron's the proctor. What was your favorite scene from Act Two? It's like the one where he's in a car. Right, that's good. And, Brad, we all do research, but you actually, did you have anyone help you with your research oh i i had my entire team yeah we all sat around at lunch today and we talked about
Starting point is 00:08:11 horror movies that's what we did but but by the way i think that you guys were doing some research too i suspect i i don't want to point fingers but i know that someone at this table was watching movies all all weekend long i know that someone else has been doing research today. I have my spies out there watching you guys because I'm very serious about this draft. I mean, this could be deeply embarrassing to me if I don't do well tonight. Yeah, you're the expert. Well, I don't know that I'm the expert, but I have seen a couple of these. You wear the crown.
Starting point is 00:08:40 We're coming for you. All right, should we do it? Yeah. So to kick it off, we do odds or evens to see who gets the first pick. So you got to throw out a one or a two on three. Yeah. One, two, three. Oh.
Starting point is 00:08:55 One, two, three. Ooh. Got to go again. One, two, three. There it is. All right, Chad with the fourth pick. Nice. All right. You ready? We got gotta do one more round that's nice
Starting point is 00:09:07 one two three all right you got i don't want the first pick yeah me neither wait what did i just get you have the third pick okay yeah all right just like old times because we're nervous are you ready to pick if you get number one? No, but I'll figure it out. All right, here we go. Paper rocks. This is cheap. So what happened?
Starting point is 00:09:34 I don't understand. So what just happened? Well, because you were odd. He does because he just beat me. Okay, gotcha. And because you were odd man out on the last round of ones and twos. Gotcha. Fuck, dude. Fuck. Oh, my God. I just just got so nervous i was keeping it cool for a while so you have the second pick
Starting point is 00:09:51 i have the second pick and it's snake so he'll get two and then it'll go back to you okay oh wait i know i know what chris is going to pick right now i can tell you right now i can write it on the back of this piece of paper and tell you what he's going to pick does anyone want to lay side action on that i'm always gonna pick yeah i got the number one pick oh then i know what okay go ahead go ahead go ahead um Go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. Ah, man. I'm between a rock and a distant hard place. I'm going with the number one pick with a classic.
Starting point is 00:10:35 The legend of the game, the creator of a lot of the tropes that we still follow. I'm going Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. By the way, that was going to be mine. Honestly, that was going to be mine. And I actually watched it for the first time like a month ago, not even prepping for this, and I was blown away. Not even just by the horror components,
Starting point is 00:10:53 but like the first 15 minutes of the movie just cook. Like she's running away with money and you think you're getting one kind of story and then it's another kind of story and then it's another kind of story. Like the sophistication of the storytelling is brilliant. And then the twist is incredible unfortunately if you watch it for the first time at 35 you're already aware of what's coming but i can try and put myself in the position of someone who was in
Starting point is 00:11:15 the theaters and like i don't know what is it like 1955 or something 60 1960 thank you seeing it for the first time and it's like that must have just been incredibly mind-blowing the acting is perfect norman bates quintessential weirdo the guy is weird he gives you the heebie jeebies he he kind of i don't know if there was guys like that before but for me he's like the template for like creepy nerdy guy who's got some sexual perversion that's making him act up. And yeah, I think it's wall-to-wall, an amazing, amazing movie. The twists and turns of it are super engaging. The only scene that I think is bad
Starting point is 00:11:54 is the last scene where it gets super exposition and they explain everything. Yeah, the psychiatrist. I watched it for the first time on Saturday in prep. Did you know what was going to happen? Yeah, because it's... If if anything i had heard about the first 30 minutes of the movie a lot that i was like i've actually never heard and then the very end the very end that i was like i wonder what happens in the middle like
Starting point is 00:12:18 what's actually and then it's the sister and like people trying to kind of snooping around i was really norman bates that dude's a good actor like he kind of he nails it and it's just i i enjoyed it it was um it was just sucked that it was spoiled for me but that's also my fault i vaguely remember and aaron can tell me if i'm wrong here i think that the movie could have been made in color yes and they decided not to because i think they thought it was going to be so horrifying to see that blood that they went black and white no interesting am I right about that Aaron in terms of the timing yeah yeah cuz colored been out since 39 that's right so so they chose to make the movie in black and white because they knew I there's one moment in my
Starting point is 00:13:02 childhood where I still get mad at my mom about it. When we went to Universal Studios Orlando and they have the whole movie, like, backlot thing. And they had a psycho, like, thing where they show you the scene, the stabbing scene and how they did it. I did the same thing at Universal. She covered my eyes during it. I was so mad. But there's also that music is so iconic. Probably the most iconic music when the stabbing. That's probably
Starting point is 00:13:29 the most iconic. Bernard Herrmann, if I'm not mistaken. What's it called? Bernard Herrmann. You guys are helping me out here. I appreciate it. Yeah, no, it's a great pick. I really considered that. I wanted to do it. And you know what? Good name. Yeah. Good name for a horror movie. Great name. Psycho.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Psycho. Did people say psycho a lot before the movie Psycho? I don't know. Good question. Because, yeah, growing up in the 90s, that was the best way to describe someone. That dude's a psycho. Yeah. It kind of turns into a compliment by the time you get to high school, and then it circles
Starting point is 00:13:57 back at 30 to being a bad thing. Right. Right. But for a while, they're kind of huge. Yeah, that's definitely true. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That guy's a psycho. Yeah, believe it, brother. but for a while they're kind of huge that's definitely true yeah that guy's a psycho yeah believe it brother
Starting point is 00:14:07 I saw him hook up with two chicks at the same time he was related to one of them they were his cousins dude it was crazy
Starting point is 00:14:15 I've never seen anything like that the charisma Chris you're up dude I'm going with we avoided horror movies but we actually watched this one Blockbuster Rental
Starting point is 00:14:29 some friends of ours some family friends who are older they rented it we watched it in a cabin it's so good I'm going Scream oh dude that's my heart's favorite
Starting point is 00:14:40 that's my heart's favorite it's probably my favorite horror movie because it was kind of the first one that I watched and one of the only ones that I would watch on repeat. It's so rewatchable. The performances are great. It's really funny.
Starting point is 00:14:55 And it has some meta elements to it, which I like, but it's also like a great classic slasher flick done by Wes Craven, who's a master of the genre so like I'm getting a lot of bona fides with this and I also just love the movie it's probably the most it's one of the most watchable movies you'll ever see read a fucking great cast I mean how good is that cast it's amazing yeah and like and
Starting point is 00:15:21 it sets up the rules it's like don't be virgin. Don't say I'll be right back. Or don't be a virgin. Don't. No, or be a virgin. No, be a virgin. Virgins survive. Virgins survive. Which was sick.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Right. But then turns out, you know, the main character, spoiler alert, she ends up fucking. She gets to fly. And it takes a lot of the tropes and kind of like leans into some turns other ones on their head it's super fun great opening scene with barrymore iconic you think she's gonna be the main character boom and then the influence of the voice box and the mask yeah like they did such a good job with the details the ghost face mask is like i mean that's not easy picking a mask and
Starting point is 00:16:06 knowing if it's scary or not yeah is not an easy thing to do how do you know how many masks do you see when you're like prepping for like texas chainsaw or something like that well no i mean the um i mean that it's endless it's just endless because there's so many details and you know and and often you don't know exactly if it works until you watch it with an audience and so and by then it's way too late to do anything about it and so um you know that's that's probably the most important it's right up there with who's directing and who's in the movie is what does the mask look like i uh that's that's the movie i i definitely associate associate that's like the iconic franchise
Starting point is 00:16:46 horror franchise of my childhood not always just whenever I think about Scream I always think about myself being like having like an adolescent boner you know what I mean I just think of adolescent boners when I think of that franchise one of my favorite things about horror movies is how they're kind of hot
Starting point is 00:17:01 and it twists up some wires in your brain where you're like I kind of want to beat off and i kind of want to high yes yeah those two things together yeah potent oh and it's high school set which is something that i also wanted one on the list that was high school set because like so many classic ones sure yeah high school or like you know like college age kid that that kind of age range is just i don't know it's right for it and the twist that there good two of them it had to be two of them because you're like how the fuck is how the fuck yeah everywhere and then matthew lillard amazing there's never been anyone else like matthew lillard no he is 101 the way he
Starting point is 00:17:36 talks the way he moves yeah and then when he gets stabbed by his buddy he's like dude you went a little deep on that one i feel a little woozy yeah he's he's so good in it yeah the twist is every all the performances are amazing and like nev campbell's a great final girl it's fun because like she does shit you know she's just not running like also what i like about that movie is like the killers take some hits you know like they get some like lamps shattered on their head like people beat them up a little bit, but they usually win for the most part because they got knives
Starting point is 00:18:09 and there's two of them and they're sneaky as fuck. Totally. I remember watching Scream 2 when it came out on MTV. My current girlfriend, our third date, we saw Scream 4, the one that came out last year. It was Scream 5. It was Scream 5.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Thank you for helping set my relationship on course. Hell yeah. A horror film to do that. Yeah, I was like, Scream 5 was out. I was like, it was our third day. I was like, let's see a movie. It was a no-brainer. What better movie to see than Scream 5?
Starting point is 00:18:40 Yeah, get over here. I'll protect you. Yeah, I protected the shit. I did that with this guy I had a crush on during The Passion of the Christ. That movie was really me scream. Get over here. I'll protect you. Yeah, I protected the shit. I did that with this guy I had a crush on during The Passion of the Christ. That movie was really body horror. It freaked the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So I was holding this girl shy. I had wood. It's okay, baby. I'm like, baby, good. I've never seen it. I keep trying to get my girlfriend to watch it. I keep showing up on Amazon Prime. I'm like baby good I'm like yeah yeah I've never seen it I keep trying to get my girlfriend to watch it
Starting point is 00:19:06 I keep showing up on Amazon Prime I'm like how about Passion of the Christ she's like why I should
Starting point is 00:19:12 I should like one Easter I should just sit down and just watch it I know I went to church afterwards like it's moving it's a good movie
Starting point is 00:19:18 he's a tough guy yeah Jesus oh yeah he's tough there's something about cause you heard about it as a kid where you're like, it's so, I just heard it, but like, they're all like, it's so gory or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I'm like, I gotta see that. It was a strong choice. Because when you hear the Jesus story, you don't really think about like the flesh and bone of it. Like how difficult all that stuff would have been to endure. But I'm going too long on that. No, I like it. We just go into that.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Let's talk about the passion for two hours. All right. Be rad. I'm going old school, boys. I'm going to take The Exorcist tonight. Nice. My reason for taking The Exorcist is I think that it is one of three films that are seminal horror movies from which I'm always trying to reach the level that that movie reached. I think that the performances are incredible.
Starting point is 00:20:07 I think that the ending is so strong in that movie. Amazing. Great ending. I watched it today. I said it was a beautiful ending. It's beautiful. I watched it for the first time this weekend. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Solid ending. It's so good. So moving. And I think, you know, a great horror movie does things that you really haven't seen before. And I think that that movie was filled with things that you really haven't seen before and i think that that movie was filled with things that you hadn't seen before not just a 12 year old girl puking her brains out but just like the way that the exorcism was portrayed i'd never seen that before as um when the movie i think came out like 1972 1973 i had the misfortune of going to the theater in Westwood, the Bruin,
Starting point is 00:20:51 and I had to use the restroom, and so they let me run in. And I remember I ran in there while The Exorcist was on, and I heard the audience screaming from whatever was happening on screen. I didn't see it because I was in the bathroom, and I was so freaked out. I did not see the movie until I was in my late 20s. I was so scared of that movie. And when I did, it met all the expectations. So that's kind of my logic there for taking The Exorcist.
Starting point is 00:21:17 You know, there's no... Growing up, that movie was cited the most by my parents. That was the scariest movie they've ever seen yeah my mom too yeah and the demonic like you can't i i think that's probably one of the scarier subjects for sure yeah we got our first like supernatural one yeah possession and it's a child yeah i i had seen scary movie too like 30 times before i had ever even like i'd seen the exorcist parodied like a million times before I ever saw it but you watch the movie and like
Starting point is 00:21:47 they don't even change much of the dialogue like the puking is like just it's like almost grosser in The Exorcist than it is in Scary Movie it's just like a lot more but like the puke is so much thicker in The Exorcist and I was like oh fuck and like a lot of the dialogue is just
Starting point is 00:22:03 that they use in Scary Movie 2 it's just like your mother sucks cocks in hell like she says that and it's like a 12 year old amazing actor I kept saying
Starting point is 00:22:13 I was watching it today and I kept going this girl's hilarious I know she's like she is phenomenal she's incredible like that performance
Starting point is 00:22:20 is like in the pantheon yeah for sure some of the things she says she's like you cock sucking bitch yeah I know she's like, you cock-sucking bitch. I know. She's like some edgelord teenager.
Starting point is 00:22:28 I was dying laughing. I was laughing, and I was shocked, but I was still scared all at once. And I'm like, man, this is like, I just thought it was amazing how much it surprised me. Because I never expect an asshole in that way way where i never expect older movies to surprise me yeah but like the a lot of the classics do because that's why they're classics because they because they are surprising and there's a new exorcist coming out soon is there really yeah blum just uh finished they've done it and they've done a spin on it once or twice before right do also watching it today i was like the the demonic shit is scary but what i thought was
Starting point is 00:23:05 so brilliant about the movie is that before everyone like kind of rationally agrees that it has to be like a possession when she's going through the medical process and that shit is scary as fuck and she's got like all the different devices floating around her and they're operating on her brain and you know she doesn't have an issue with that it was terrifying yeah like the medical horror of it was equally frightening. And apparently one of the people in that scene, one of the doctors, was like a real radiologist, like in real life. And he's in the movie. And in real life, he was a serial killer.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Whoa. Seriously? Some of the people that I asked some friends, specifically who I was getting recommendations from, because it's not something that I really like. Brittany and Greg, they were telling me about it. That's crazy. One of the actors in it was a real radiologist. I'm all for authentic casting.
Starting point is 00:23:59 He's kind of mixing up the horror genres a little bit, because it's supposed to be a possession movie, but also props. For sure. Tebow. Me too. All right. I got to go with the movie that scared me the most as a kid. Probably the best surprise ending in movie history.
Starting point is 00:24:18 One of the most iconic lines. I got to go with Sixth Sense. Whoa, good pick. M. Night Shyamalan. I still am scared to pee at night because of that movie. Because, you know, if you guys have seen it, there's the one scene where he goes to pee, and then the dead mom, like, scurries behind him.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Scariest shit I've ever seen. And then when he's at school and he sees the people hanging, like, that movie still scares me to this day and um yeah i just uh it's good oh i have to pick two huh i wanted to put money on you taking signs and i was gonna argue that it's not really horror and i was it's like what's the thing i did see success success in like some lists i was like is it considered horror my sister-in-law is a big whore nut who's one of the people that i that i chatted to about this she's like i just go off Sixth Sense and some lits. I was like, is it considered horror? My sister-in-law is a big horror nut, who's one of the people that I chatted to about this.
Starting point is 00:25:07 She's like, I just go off IMDb. If on IMDb one of the things is horror, I think you're good. Yeah. I think there'll be a discussion down the line about that. But we'll see. I'm sure there's so many. But yeah, and IMDb signs thriller, not horror.
Starting point is 00:25:24 But we're not debating Sixth Sense no no no I think Sixth Sense qualifies for sure yeah and then that ending is the best ending
Starting point is 00:25:33 I mean no one ever saw that coming no and people were like culturally people were freaking out about that ending like I
Starting point is 00:25:40 my parents were like mind blown by every dinner party they went to that I was just like watching the adults talk, everyone was talking about that ending. It was all the rage.
Starting point is 00:25:48 It was such a phenomenon, people talking about that movie. And the fact that it's a kid, and to be trapped as a kid like that, where you just see dead people everywhere, it's terrifying. Yeah. And then Haley Joel Osment. He had Leonardo DiCaprio hype coming off that movie. Yeah, he did. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Like, Leo is LeBron James, and Haley Joel Osment is Sebastian Telfair. Like, he was the high school prodigy. A hundred percent. That people were saying, this guy's going to take over the NBA. And he was on the cover of the hot magazines. And we're like, okay, this is going to be the be the guy and for whatever reason it didn't come to pass yeah like like was around you know he did ai yeah people hated that movie yeah oh man but pay it forward was good people love that people hate that movie do they pay it forward they don't hate do they i think people
Starting point is 00:26:42 think it's schlock no but at the time people really people were like this is a really good movie i think it's i think i think you're i think that's like later people going back and saying it's i've never had someone in the industry here while we're talking about this stuff i'm like did you have friends who worked on paid forward no i didn't okay but think how hard i mean that movie that movie made so much money. It was so big. It's hard to come off of that movie. It's hard. Like, there's no, it's hard to go up from that. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:10 For a kid actor, especially. Oh, that is tough. Like, he came out as Supernova. It's like, where do you go from there? Where do you go? Yeah. Linda Blair. I mean, not to bring it back to my choice, but Linda Blair also.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I mean, where did she go, you know, after The Exorcist? Where do you go after that? People just associate you with that that's exactly right and then you all and then i feel like what happens more often is that they just end up becoming genre specialists where they don't do your more mainstream fare they just keep doing like more genre oriented stuff like hard like horror or sci-fi and like those kind of things and just kind of stay in that because there'll always be there's always a market for them there, but they don't cross over again. Even Jamie Lee Curtis, he's had a good career, like Fish Called Wanda and a bunch of other
Starting point is 00:27:50 movies. But I was trying to think like, what is a Jamie Lee Curtis kind of movie? And I couldn't think of it. Like, I think, is it tough if you break in a horror movie to get out of the genre of horror? I don't think that it's specific to horror movies. I think it's when you're in a movie that you're so well known from being in that movie, especially as a child, it's sometimes harder. Now, with Jamie Lee Curtis, I mean, you said Fish Called Wanda and True Lies.
Starting point is 00:28:14 I mean, she had it. She was in some bangers, yeah. And then she came back to horror. I think that's done in a long time, and then she came back to it. H2O. Yeah. That's one. Good name.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Yeah. The rock solid name. Hollow 2000 h2o like that brings me into my second pick and i'm gonna play the judge right now oh i'm gonna tickle your fancy and make you cream cynical stoke put your ponchos on, because I'm picking Halloween. Listen, it's a great choice. Michael Myers, iconic. The hockey mask, iconic. Stabbing you, iconic. It's not a hockey mask. It's not a hockey mask. It's Jason, dude.
Starting point is 00:28:56 It's a William Shatner mask, inside out. Right. That's what it is. That's what it is? Yeah. It's nice that Chad's Yeah That was a William Shatner mask It's nice that Chad's obviously seen this a lot Dude, they do look similar
Starting point is 00:29:10 Honestly, I used to confuse them Michael Myers though, right? Yeah Not Jason Bourne Yeah, you got that right Not Jason Bourne Do we need to get like two pictures up and be like, pick one?
Starting point is 00:29:21 But Michael Myers Okay, so he It is a white mask He looks good too Jake, on the edit Can you throw up both of these? Can you put up one but Michael Myers okay so it is a white mask he looks good too Jake on the edit can you throw up both of these can you put up
Starting point is 00:29:27 Jason and Michael Myers for comparison wait what's happening right now um a bunch of things life man
Starting point is 00:29:36 that's crazy I'm sorry I'm just I'm going through my notes here uh I think that's a great choice but yeah Halloween I mean
Starting point is 00:29:42 I don't know there's a lot of a lot of horror movies movies have that spawn a lot of sequels. But Halloween, does Halloween have the most? No. No. What does? Friday the 13th.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Oh, nice. I think there have been 14 of those. Right. And you've done one. We'll get there. We will get there. I was like, can you get closer to the mic, too? I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Sorry, buddy. I'm here yeah so Halloween Aaron I hope you cream Halloween oh he came you made him come dude that's so nice yeah that was really sweet of you
Starting point is 00:30:16 it's early Aaron feels good oh I have a new nickname for Aaron too I can't believe we haven't thought of this before Aaron you play softball your name is Aaron
Starting point is 00:30:26 and you were the judge on our drafts. Aaron Judge. How does that sit with you? It's, I mean we're honored to be in his company. Blockbuster. He's a crazy good guy.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Alright. B-Rad. Is it me? Yeah. Oh, is that how that goes? Yeah. Oh, I'm seeing a lot of my pics right there. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Okay, let me think about this. Hold on, hold on. Okay, okay. I'm seeing a lot of my pics right there. Okay, I know. Okay, so here's the thing. Dude, what are we doing? This is going to seem self-serving, but I'm going to choose Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Starting point is 00:31:07 Oh, nice. Which one? Not mine. I didn't know how self-serving you were going to go. That's what I was asking. Not the one that I produced. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was the original gritty, scary, felt real. It had authenticity.
Starting point is 00:31:27 When I watched that movie, you could smell how horrible that house smelled and how disgusting those people were and just the whole thing. And that's something that we tried to, you know, different people have different opinions, but to varying degrees if we succeeded or not in doing that. I just felt like the first Texas Chainsaw Massacre was so absurdly scary that there were so many people who just,
Starting point is 00:31:51 just the title was scary enough that no one would go see it. It is a great name. It is a great name. Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It's actually one of the few horror movies that I'm like, I love that movie. Because I had to watch it for a class randomly
Starting point is 00:32:05 and it's so good it's got such a great ending it's got some wackiness to it but for the most part it's just like an adrenaline rush quick like things start pretty fast and then it just doesn't let up it's fucking gnarly and now for my shameless plug i will say to you that i think that our version of it though not as incredible as the original definitely holds up and um brings a lot of the things that the original had and and we tried to kind of continue the you know some of the things they laid down there and i think we were successful in a lot of ways with that movie and you killed you killed jordana brewster in that that was the second we did two chainsaw masters that's not just for the record. We did two Chainsaw Massacres. That's not, just for the record, yes, we did kill Jordana Brewster,
Starting point is 00:32:46 but that's not what I'm referring to now. I'm referring to the one that had Jessica Beale and Eric Balfour and Jonathan Turner. They were dating at the time, right? I watched the first 15 minutes and I got too scared and turned it off in high school. So that was the first movie I made at Platinum Dunes.
Starting point is 00:33:01 That was a hit, right? It was a hit. But Aaron, to be clear, I'm going with the original here. Yes, yes, yes. What's the lore? Go, baby, go. It's based on a true story. Well, it's based on a story.
Starting point is 00:33:13 There was a guy named Ed Gein, and Ed Gein wore people's skin as a mask. And so that's the part of it that was based in truth. It wasn't like an old lady and a legless guy in a wheelchair who lived in a house with him. But this was just a freaky guy who killed people and wore skins. People got killed one time and they're like, based on a true story. It helps a horror movie a ton.
Starting point is 00:33:37 When you say based on a true story. And then it's got running around with a chainsaw. This really happened? I know. I remember there were videos. I'm not sure where I saw this, but there were videos of the basement or whatever. And they're like, yeah, you can see the fingernail marks
Starting point is 00:33:54 of people scratching and shit like that, where it's just adding to the lore of the movie. That's in our movie. That's in your movie? Yes. Okay. It opened with alleged found footage. Okay, maybe as a...
Starting point is 00:34:06 And there were the nails on the walls. And then there was one thing, we had a fingernail in the wall. That's right. It was so smart, because that stuck with me. And then I think that's what's really good about... A great horror movie makes you scared to go to that place.
Starting point is 00:34:20 If you watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre, you're like, I'm never driving alone through that neck of the woods nor should you because that shit really happens all day long fuck dude yeah real life's the horror movie that's it for sure yes it is chris i'm going with another horror master john carpenter i'm going with the thing whoa now there's your cream what's up what did you say there's the cream Whoa Now there's your cream What's up? What did you say? There's the cream right there
Starting point is 00:34:46 There's the cream Wow From Aaron Damn Aaron Let's go Telling Chad that my brother Made him bust harder Right in front of him
Starting point is 00:34:53 Look at me Look at me That's right What'd you love Tell me what you loved about it I'm not questioning Because I love the movie too You're questioning
Starting point is 00:35:02 No but I want to know What it is Whether it's the fact that he knows that aaron loves john carpenter movies or no i i love this well one it's kurt russell yeah keith david let's go yeah uh the it's got some it's like uh all this stuff still holds up all like you got an aliens inhabiting taking over people and like cloning people and pretending to be them. So you're on an Arctic station. There's like a super,
Starting point is 00:35:29 you feel super isolated. Uh, and the scariness from that, you don't know who to trust cause it could be anyone. I love that. Um, and you all, and,
Starting point is 00:35:39 uh, and then a lot of the practical effects are in silly. You got somebody's head gets lopped off and every part of the alien tries to survive. So then you see it sprout legs and start running around on the ground. It's so freaky. My favorite scene is with a defibrillator. It's one of the coolest things that you'll ever see in a movie where like when I was watching the first time, I was like, oh, fuck. It's so surprising.
Starting point is 00:36:00 oh, fuck! It's so surprising. You don't see it coming at all because they head fake you so hard with, you are so certain that it's going to be this guy, and then next thing you know, shit's popping off from someone completely different and in the most unexpected way, and it fucking rules.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I genuinely love this movie. Oh, I love that. And I thought I could get, I didn't want to take any chances because I was worried about somebody else taking it and i got another horror legend director so for sure yeah pumped about great choice a lot of tours getting great choice yeah dude also i mean i think you mentioned a bit like the practical effects in that movie are absurdly cool like the way that the things look coming out of the bodies
Starting point is 00:36:46 it's just uh it's not scary but it's just interesting yeah it's they just look they still look good they look amazing no they look better than contemporary stuff i'll talk about it later but a movie that i watched for the first time over the weekend where it's like a lot of like practical effects and it's kind of, they look goofy in a way, but they also look really scary. Then it kind of, it can kind of like,
Starting point is 00:37:11 it almost looks like it looks more alien and weird because they're practical to me that it, it like doubles the effect in a lot of ways. There was parts of the exorcist, like the bed shaking that looked a little silly to me. I'm like, that's not scary. But then there's some practical effects in horror movies.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Like in the thing where I'm like, you can't make it look better than that with visual effects. I agree with you. Do you worry for the future of horror that so much of the creativity was in like the body craziness or like the monster absurdity
Starting point is 00:37:44 that you could create with like real shit that that's just not going to happen anymore i don't think that i don't think we're there yet i don't think we're there yet because um we're still talking about doing practical effects on all the movies that we're doing we enhance with with you know visual effects but um i don't know that it's ever going to fully go away. Right. You have to interact. Actors have to interact with something, right? And it's easier to interact with a head coming off of someone's body than just a tennis ball. Yeah, I guess my concern is that if there's less of an emphasis on it, are we going to lose the artists who are really good at it? That's a different question, and I don't know the answer.
Starting point is 00:38:22 But I fear that you might be right. Because not as many people are going to be chasing doing that if they don't feel like there's much bread in it that's for sure yes dude but also there's a lot of things where they don't have the money to do like on tv there's a lot of gore now and you there's not as much well on some shows but i think that on um walking dead they do a lot of practical stuff there and yeah TV yeah TV horror
Starting point is 00:38:48 is there a good TV horror show they tried to do Scream but it didn't I watched a little bit of it I didn't I didn't think it quite worked
Starting point is 00:38:55 what was Walking Dead that's horror Haunting of Hill House I like that oh yeah it's tough to do multiple seasons you can't really do
Starting point is 00:39:01 slashers I feel like because how do you do multiple seasons of a slasher with the same character? Either everyone's dead or the bad guy's dead. American Horror Story? Yeah. Yeah, anthology.
Starting point is 00:39:10 And they do all anthology. So they have to do practical, I think. I think. So we can live on that way. Good. All right, I got two picks. First pick, I'm going alien nice nice it's my first one dude space horror as if space isn't scary enough there's nowhere to go you're stuck you jump outside the box your whole fucking face gets
Starting point is 00:39:40 ripped off the tagline for for alien do you know what it is? No. In space, no one can hear you scream. Exactly. Oh, shit. And that's so good. That is a good one. Oh, my God. Whoever came up with that. Fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Dude, that is good. The idea of an alien inside your body. I mean, and maybe the most, like, one of the most iconic moments in cinema history is the thing coming out. Yeah. Yeah. And popping out and obviously dude spawned a bunch of other ones which i think speaks to like the the power of the
Starting point is 00:40:11 original idea and then i um sigourney weaver perfect protagonist ripley so good and just scary as fuck just ridley scott a real director a tour, just putting so much creepiness into it. And then who is the bad guy? It's you get a robot. That's not chill, but you don't know it's a robot. That's right. Um,
Starting point is 00:40:33 but it's mostly the alien, but it's another bad guy. That's kind of like a bonus one and it's good. And it's fucking freaky. And what they said about the alien itself is, cause what you see in a lot of horror movies that if you get cut and there's a wound that's a vagina the knife that's a penis it's very simple like film understanding it always bothered me in film class that they'd be like oh it's a phallic symbol that's a vaginal symbol like it was it seemed a little too like easy to just point to anything that was
Starting point is 00:41:00 a stick and say it's a dick and anything what's the point of saying like what's what are they saying with that because i think they tie everything back to some kind of male-female like sexuality and like fetishistic scopophilia boom dude what did he say yeah there's like it was like a famous paper written about horror movies way back when just talking about how like they look at the chicks a lot, a lot of times, you know, a lot of times they're the ones that are really in peril, you know what I mean? And then you got a lot of dick stabbing them. Gotcha. And some movies play with that.
Starting point is 00:41:39 They like, they understand that that's how people are interpreting it. The stabbing is sexual. You can feel, yeah. Yeah. And it's in the exorcist. I watched it today. I had no idea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:49 I almost checked out at that point. I was like, this is insane. I was almost moving out, dude. That really rattled me. Okay. And then with my next pick.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Well, also just to finish your point, like HR Giger, the guy who did all the character designs and production design stuff, he's very vaginal. The alien's head is very penis-like. Right. Dude, I forgot my point. That's right.
Starting point is 00:42:15 The alien is supposed to be both penis and vagina. Wow. Yeah. They made the alien look like both. Wow. They made the alien look like both. So they took all of that horror kind of psychological iconography and they made it both in one. Wait, is it when it opens its mouth?
Starting point is 00:42:34 That's a badge? And I think the shape of the head, too. It depends who you're hanging out with, but yeah. Oh, yeah. It's both, dude. It's kind of both at the same time. Oh, dude. Yeah, the dick comes out. Vagina to dick. Like, bang. it's kind of both it's the same to you know oh dude yeah the vagina it's a dick like bang dude every time i watch a horror movie that's like that's a dick yeah i do that with every movie
Starting point is 00:42:54 that's just that's just all right and then with my next one look i think a real key to a horror movie is that afterwards sorry sorry I been listening to all day okay a real key to a horror movie is that you feel scared afterwards that what's ever coming off the screen could happen to you that night and this movie gave me that more than almost anything silence of the lambs oh like Hannibal Lecter is on the loose and it could be any of us and this guy is smarter than us he's it could be any of us. And this guy is smarter than us. He's more vicious than any of us.
Starting point is 00:43:28 And he's got a hankering to do bad. I know it's kind of thriller horror. It's on the fence. It's a little genre bendy. No, no, no. You think it's solid? Fuck yeah, let's go. Straight horror.
Starting point is 00:43:39 Jonathan Demme, great director. Great director. Best picture. Anthony Hopkins, I think, won best actor for it with the least amount of screen time in movie history. He's only on screen for, what is it? 11 minutes. Is that right? Aaron, am I right about that?
Starting point is 00:43:51 It's something like that. It's less than 20, I think. And he is phenomenal. And it's got two bad guys. And you're getting intimate with one of the bad guys and actually starting to kind of like him because he's got so much weird charisma. And then Buffalo Bill, just the scariest guy ever. Mangina, too. The first Mangina.
Starting point is 00:44:08 Iconic. It puts the lotion on its skin. Oh, my God. That song, too, to it. You got Jodie Foster looking through somebody's storage unit, and it's the scariest fucking thing I've ever seen. And it's just nothing happens, but the whole movie's so creepy, you're worried something's going on. It's elegant horror, right? It's elegant. That's what it is. That's like it's just nothing happens but you're just the whole movie's so creepy you're worried something's going on it's elegant horror right that's what it is that's what it is you
Starting point is 00:44:28 have great actors great director way to put it there's i i think it opened the door for other actors to step into horror and and um fucking scary and then the andy hopkins said isn't i think the story with all the actors they auditioned, they went with full monster, their portrayal of him. Right. And he's the one who dialed it all the way back, went the opposite way, where it's like, because of his performance, you can feel how much potential he has as a monster. The restraint. The restraint. He's refined.
Starting point is 00:45:01 He's elegant, to your point. He's smart. Yeah. And he's elegant to your point like it's like he's smart yeah well and he's like sophisticated like he's like talking about like what pairs well with like people's body parts cannibal yeah exactly and then and then the the sound effect of the is like all rolled up into like one fucking weirdo it's a great choice thank you i like it i watched red dragon recently oh Great movie. Yeah, it's really good. Dude, really good.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Probably Brett Radner's best movie. My favorite part about it? Edward Norton's balayage. He has nice blonde flow. Yeah, it looks good. He's so sun-kissed from Florida.
Starting point is 00:45:37 It looks good. I noticed his hair lighting up. Dude, I was with my girlfriend and she picked Red Dragon and I see him. He's tan with some blonde streaks
Starting point is 00:45:45 I was like it's gonna be a good movie the only backstory that they give you for the killer is that his grandma was like definitely abusive but you only hear
Starting point is 00:45:54 like a little bit and it's her going do you want me to chop it off and it's like that's all you get and you're like yeah that's enough
Starting point is 00:45:59 this guy's gonna be fucked forever like yeah he definitely turned into a serial killer and then you have Philip Seymour Hoffman's like,
Starting point is 00:46:06 just like a supporting character in it. He had that great like, do you see? Red Dragon's a good movie. He's rolling down the hill
Starting point is 00:46:13 on fire in the wheelchair. Yeah. They've actually done that movie twice. The first portrayal of Hannibal Lecter was Brian Cox. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Oh, really? Michael Mann. Another tremendous director. Yeah, anotherer was Brian Cox. Yeah. Oh, really? Michael Mann. Another tremendous director. Yeah, another tremendous director, for sure. I've never seen Manhunter. Is it sick? Is it good? It's not as good as the other two movies we're discussing.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Yeah, but do you know what's interesting about it? I might watch that tonight. The Edward Norton character, it's William Peterson, and they focus more on him, but to the detriment of not focusing on Francis Dollar dollar hide ray finds his character and then they flip it in red dragon which is smart which is actually and i already know ed norton so well that it's like you like him a lot anyways but they get more into like how fucked up he got psycho psychologically from like having to get inside serial killer's head and he's more dealing with that trauma while the movie's going on which is always an interesting trope too like to
Starting point is 00:47:08 beat a serial killer you almost have to become one and they kind of touch on that in red dragon but like it's much more like a big thrust of the movie in manhunter and uh last thing on silence jonathan demi amazing director they always describe him as a humanist director which i always think is interesting because i think you can apply that to a lot of directors but after that he like only made sweet movies like it kind of fucked him up to put something out there that was so dark and that was so successful right he was like i don't ever want to touch that again so after that it's like philadelphia and beloved and he's like i gotta get this out of my system because it makes me feel weird yeah he's been like rachel getting married it's just like people crying and loving each other
Starting point is 00:47:44 that's interesting. I never thought about that. That is really interesting. Yeah, it shook him up. He just did not want to go back to that. Because somebody probably would have thrown a bag at him for doing horror again. Oh, for sure.
Starting point is 00:47:54 And his style is cool. Like when the night vision goggles and stuff like that. So awesome. So creepy. And he's just going for the hair. You had her, man. Yeah, he doesn't even want it. No, he's a purist. He's a purist. He's really into just for the juice of killing. Just for the hair. You had her, man. Yeah, he doesn't even want it.
Starting point is 00:48:05 He's a purist. Come here. He's really in it just for the juice of killing. He's in love with the game and his bugs. He loves his bugs. Yeah, people don't give enough credit to serial killers just for their passion. Chris? I'm going to go with The Shining. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Yeah, you are. I'm just going with freaking I'm loving my list right now Jack Nicholson he's so good it's a
Starting point is 00:48:35 it's kind it's like a possession movie it's based Stephen King doesn't like it but whatever and it's based on a horror greats
Starting point is 00:48:42 you know um and King did his own version where he had more influence and it didn't hit it's based on a horror great's IP. And King did his own version where he had more influence and it didn't hit. It's because I haven't read The Shining, so I don't know why he's pissed, but you watch The Shining and it's a fucking good movie. It's one of the greatest directors ever.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Yeah, it's from Kubrick, obviously a fucking beast. You got the iconic blood coming out of the elevator. It's just, it's another one where you're totally isolated in snow. I didn't mean to do that, but like it works. And then, um,
Starting point is 00:49:13 it's just Jack Nicholson just kind of chewing scenery, but it's not even, it's not even that. Cause it is like absolutely terrifying. And Shelly, what's her name? Shelly Duvall. Shelly Duvall,
Starting point is 00:49:22 who apparently was terrorized for the director. I don't know if she, she's an actress. I don't know if she's an actress. I don't think you need to do that. You got to freak her out a bit. Okay, like it worked. Whatever you did. I don't know if it's hard to know if it would have worked without you terrorizing her, Kubrick. But like, hey, it worked.
Starting point is 00:49:36 So good job. Movie rocks. And it's got so many iconic, just like the hallways. Great location location I mean that's where the location becomes a character yeah Overlook Hotel let me look this it's so influential that there's a documentary just about people who study it for it's like for its hidden messages 237 room 237 it's a good doc and it's just like there's this entire subculture
Starting point is 00:50:05 of people who just study the shining they find like meaning in the numerology or in like the type of shots that he picked and they extrapolate like huge things about like the jfk assassination the moon landing like different things about kubrick's life like it's such a he's such a great director he can put so much into a frame that people can literally waste their lives investigating it trying to find out what it means. And the theories on it are almost better than whatever the reality could be. It's cool that he can create cults around him
Starting point is 00:50:32 without seemingly trying. He's just trying to make a movie. And Jack Nicholson's perfect for a horror movie. Because he's a psycho. He looks like a psycho. Yeah, him coming up the stairs and he's like, honey, baby, light of my life. And he's like, obviously, light And he's like So good Honey Baby Light of my life And he's like Obviously
Starting point is 00:50:45 It's just so It's so good The final scene Where he's just in the snow Yeah just like smiling He's got an enigmatic smile It's a scary image Psychological horrors
Starting point is 00:50:57 Yeah Could happen to any of us Dude I could lose it anytime Is this me? Brad you're up Do I get two? No No just one But you'll be up soon He gets two And, you're up. Do I get two? No, just one.
Starting point is 00:51:05 Just one. But you'll be up soon. He gets two and then you're back up. Are we going to do five? Should we do five? Yeah, let's do five. Okay, I'm going to go with Jaws. Dude.
Starting point is 00:51:13 I can't believe that it was still there. I'm happy to have it there. You know, the debate, is Jaws a horror movie? I would argue that a horror movie is a group of seemingly nice people being pursued by something that wants to kill them if that's the case jaws is definitely a horror movie i think that there were um a lot of there were great lines in the movie the acting is incredible and the deaths are as visceral as happened up to that that point i mean no one had ever seen a guy get eaten by a shark like that um i think that um
Starting point is 00:51:46 chris i think you said something about these movies you know playing into your no you said it about the movie you can't take a piss because of this i couldn't go in the ocean yeah because of jaws and i think there are still people who don't go in the ocean because of it and that's the sign of a successful horror movie it stopped it alters people's behavior and uh i think that's the sign of a successful horror movie. It alters people's behavior and that's why I chose it. I mean, it's Steven Spielberg. I mean, I want to be the person that has Steven Spielberg as one of my choices.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Iconic music too. Oh, the best. Is Spielberg the greatest director of all time? Yes. I think he is. I mean, in terms of varied, so many things that we've seen If you're stuck on an island and you only have one dude's movies I would choose his
Starting point is 00:52:29 They're on the gamut, it's nice Yeah, for sure So that's my choice, Jaws Hell yeah Also didn't they start killing Wasn't it a problem after Jaws came out that people started killing sharks? It changed behavior A horror movie changed behavior
Starting point is 00:52:45 of culture that's yeah the author of the book was like peter bench this is fucked up i didn't want this to happen yeah for sure and i feel like the scene that most people reference the most from that movie and and this is to its credit because like it's a horror movie but the scene that most people reference is the one where they're all just talking about all those soldiers who got killed when the uh the boat went down right yeah the uss indianapolis uss indianapolis yeah also the line you're going to need a bigger boat yes which is i mean as iconical line as there could be and rob schneider richardider and uh but it'd be a good movie still robert schaub in there right and didn't people or didn't spielberg he planned on showing the shark earlier right but they were having trouble with like the uh didn't work the
Starting point is 00:53:40 mechanics on it and that changed the the course of history where you don't show the the monster alien bad guy he started that so i think that that's i mean that is as big a trope of these movies i mean we're always trying to figure out how to hide what's what's killing people as long as possible until you give the full because it's more powerful in your imagination yes it is if you would have seen that month that that shark come out of the water in the first five minutes of the movie when that girl when the young unfortunate swimmer gets killed um it wouldn't be christy watkins were you at all conflicted with like because it's a great movie but did any part of you want to go deep blue sea no i i it's on my it's on my honorable mentions.
Starting point is 00:54:26 No, I did not go deep Lucy. It's a fucking sick movie, dude. Because the sharks went backwards in that one. They got bigger brains. Huge. Samuel Jackson bites in the heart. One of JT's favorite lines of all time. What?
Starting point is 00:54:43 We increased the sharks' brain mass as a side effect. They got smarter. Rny harland is that who directed it yeah aaron yeah okay thank you dude what an expert uh all right i got two all right i gotta go with a movie that was infamous when i was a kid for being like the scariest movie ever. It's the first found footage movie. Great business. Good pick. Blair Witch Project.
Starting point is 00:55:10 That's solid as fuck, Don. Yeah, good. I didn't see it until I was 23. But I'm around, you know, I can't, what, 99? I was nine years old. Everyone was talking about it. As a kid, I was like, I don't understand. Is this real?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Did this really happen? Because it was just the whole found footage aspect of it. it i i as a kid i was like i don't understand what is this real that's really because like it was just the whole found footage aspect of it and i did see it scared the fuck out of me and i look i think the found footage style is that that realism for sure dude everyone thought it was real it was the first one that was a great thing my mom thought it was we were driving on a road trip with our friend juan pablo my mom and were talking. They're like, it's real. It's real. Dude. That's the other thing, too.
Starting point is 00:55:49 They never show, you never see what the monster is, really. No, you don't. I don't think you ever saw a monster. From what I remember somebody telling me about it, you see some twigs arranged in a certain way. I never watched it because I was freaking out. What was it? And then just people get in and disappeared. But it's only three of them. I was scared, what the fuck? What was it? And then like, just like people like getting like disappeared,
Starting point is 00:56:05 right? But it's only three of them. So like, I was scared to look at the box of it. Yeah. Like I didn't want to come closer.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I didn't want to touch that fucking thing. Like I was so sensitive to horror. I was like, don't even bring that thing near me. The heebie-jeebies
Starting point is 00:56:18 will get all over me. Oh man. It's a great choice. I think for the next one, I'm going to go with a little more modern I'm gonna go back to demonic And this one
Starting point is 00:56:30 So this is one of the more One of my favorite moments watching movies Is I was with my buddy Ass Clown Good guy And he had seen the movie before So he's like you gotta see this movie Great horror movie So he takes me
Starting point is 00:56:42 But he knows all the jump scare moments so i i like to get like a huge thing of popcorn huge thing of soda we're at the top row at one of the big jump scare moments he scares me i drop both of them just the whole movie you just hear the coke just trickling down the theater creepy i know it was added to the atmosphere it was because i whenever I watch horror movies I love to like really get into it and get really scared
Starting point is 00:57:08 so I you know freak out every time anyways it's The Conjuring yeah for sure I
Starting point is 00:57:14 I think of like this era 2010 era probably one of the more famous and then it spawned what three
Starting point is 00:57:23 three movies since dude I think it's like nine yeah they've had nine they've had spinoffs but but it's like four to six yeah and then ed and lorraine um ed and lorraine something warren warren the warrens the warrens yeah they're famous uh like mediums what would you call them Would you find it unusual to know that I've met them? You have. Whoa. Whoa. What was that like?
Starting point is 00:57:48 It was incredible. We were making our second film. Yeah. And it was the Amityville Horror. Yeah. And this was back when- The Reynolds one? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:58 And this was back when DVDs had extras, like real extras. And we went to Ed and Lorraine to interview them about the house and i went to their house ed was in poor health so i didn't really speak to him that much but lorraine was like incredibly dynamic i spent the day with her yeah she was like she she was so she when people talk about these experiences i'm always surprised because I've talked to a couple of them that they're not scared she wasn't scared about it she's very practical this is what it was
Starting point is 00:58:31 it felt like this because they were in the Amityville house and they're amazing I'm so mad at myself for not saying let's make a movie about these two that thought never occurred to me I wish it had because that's a huge franchise for not saying, let's make a movie about these two. That thought never occurred to me.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Right, yeah. I wish it had, because that's a huge franchise, The Conjuring. Great franchise. They have managed that franchise really, really well. And The Conjuring, I think all of them, but the first one is just kind of an awesome, awesome movie. So scary. I wish I would have made that. When you met with them, did they make you believe in demons?
Starting point is 00:59:07 Yes. They totally believe. Or Lorraine, as I said, wasn't doing well. But Lorraine definitely believes in it. I mean, that's part of her life. Yeah. They exist. I'm able to witness them but not interact with them, was kind of how she was.
Starting point is 00:59:23 And did they have like the iconic possessed dolls and stuff at their house? No. Their house was just like a normal house. So someone made that choice to put the dolls in it? Yeah, I didn't see those dolls in the house. Right. I wouldn't want to see them. It's probably in storage.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Yeah, but dolls are... If I'm a production designer on a horror movie, I'm putting dolls in the house. Dude, yeah. Dolls are always scary. They're always scary. Freaky. That's when I was touring boarding schools As a kid
Starting point is 00:59:47 This is why I didn't like the northeast Because when you go to the northeast you stay at an inn You're in New Hampshire, Vermont You stay at the inn They all had dolls in the room I was like these places are bullshit Why do they do that? I don't know
Starting point is 01:00:01 Repressed people have dolls. This lady's orientation is like, what's going on in the forest? There's murderers in there. Right. Anyways. Is it me? You're up. I can't believe you guys are leaving this low-hanging fruit.
Starting point is 01:00:17 I'm taking Nightmare on Elm Street. Oh, yeah. I was looking at that one. I'm taking Nightmare on Elm Street. I mean, in terms of concepts, by the way, just to be clear, not the taking nightmare on elm street i mean in terms of concepts by the way just to be clear not the nightmare on elm street that we made the original nightmare on elm street just to be clear okay the original nightmare on elm street the concept of that movie for me is my top maybe my favorite concept that when if you fall if you die in your sleep you die for real
Starting point is 01:00:46 yeah it's so good you can't sleep the the movie was executed so well you have the arguably the the best horror director who's consistently come off of franchises west craven and freddy krueger is, you could say Freddy Krueger anywhere on the planet and people know who you're talking about and know what he is. I think that Nightmare on Elm Street, I'm just surprised you guys left that out there for me.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I really am because I love that movie. I love the choices in the deaths. The amount of blood. I think, is it Johnny Depp's death yes where the blood just there's like a fountain of blood just firing up from the bed i watched it for the first time this weekend and it's so it's so much blood and freddy is such a rascal yeah you know like he's like a lot of the other killers like they don't talk at all but he's kind of like he's like kind of being
Starting point is 01:01:42 wacky and like like to like, like in one of the dreams, like he like chops off some of his fingers and blood just starts squirting out. Yeah. Like what's going on? It's crazy, right? And then he's just, yeah, he's just kind of a prankster. And you don't really see that in a lot of other slashers like that.
Starting point is 01:01:59 It was fun. It's different. Yeah. It's a great movie. I think that concept too, that if you die in your sleep, you die in real real life that caught on with people in real life we had older friends who told us that when we were young yes yeah i'm trying to freak us out the madigan the mad no i don't even i think they believed it they're like if you're dying your sleep oh that's true they did i forgot about that yeah they told us that they're like well they're like you can die in your sleep but if
Starting point is 01:02:20 you see yourself dead like if you see your dead body then you're really dead whoa that was that was their cut it must have come from this is the first time i made the connection it must have come from probably friday 13th no sorry nightmare on um street yeah do you guys ever watch freddie versus jason of course i saw that one like it was horrible i avoided all the other ones but i saw that one like 10 times i was on it made me sad i like the final line though welcome to my world bitch and then she chops his head off wait so what attracted you to nightmare on elm street and texas chainsaw massacre like what made you feel like it was the right moment to bring those back texas chainsaw massacre um before all of you guys were born, there were these stores called Blockbuster.
Starting point is 01:03:06 No, we were big Blockbuster people. Big, big time. And as a kid, I'd go into Blockbusters, and I would look for horror movies, because I never watched them when I was really young, and I wanted to get caught up. And there were always 47 copies of Nightmare on Elm Street and all these other movies,
Starting point is 01:03:20 but there was only one copy of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and you could never get it. And the reason was it was a small independent company that owned the rights to it and I felt like that movie the title is so iconic but no one could ever see the movie like it was a hard movie to get and so when the rights were presented to us um it just felt like something that we could do that wouldn't be too expensive. It would make a lot of noise. And we just lucked out with the right director and the right script.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And it just kind of, that movie just worked and changed the trajectory of my life. It really did. I mean, it was kind of like, was that the first big hit? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:00 So, and then Nightmare on Elm Street was the last remake that we really did. And at that point, we were getting a lot of rights. People were saying, do you want to do this? Do you want to do that? Do you want to do this? And our Nightmare on Elm Street is certainly maligned a lot. And I still hear from the fans about that.
Starting point is 01:04:21 But I can tell you that when we made it we believed we were making a great movie we really did I still stand by our cast I think we had a great cast and horror movie fans seem to be the most protective over the mythology of their stories I'm ruining their childhood by simply making a movie besides Star Wars
Starting point is 01:04:39 I feel like horror movies absolutely which is kind of liberating now because we're not really remaking movies as much so i don't get a lot of that but for the first 10 years of our career my career that was what we did so we remade other people's movies but it was a great way to learn about horror movies chris oh shit you gotta be ready dog yeah, it's true I've got a lot of Freaking classics
Starting point is 01:05:10 So I might switch it That's a big ass list, dog Dude, I watched How many horror movies did you watch? I watched 10 movies this weekend Good for you That's a nice weekend You watched 10, wow
Starting point is 01:05:20 Yeah, I hadn't done like Watching movies as homework in a minute it was fun i was definitely burnt out by the time i got to number 10 but it was still like watch some good ass movies good weekend um i'm gonna go i feel like i could get flack for this one for not being a horror enough but whatever i love the movie It's got fast zombies. I'm going 28 days later. Dude. What do you mean that's not horror enough?
Starting point is 01:05:50 Maybe it's just because my bias that I was like, I avoid horror movies, but I didn't avoid that. That's a scary movie and they run. Yeah. They fucking run fast. The zombies run. I know. And at the time it was like, never seen that before.
Starting point is 01:06:03 No, no one ever seen it. The rage virus virus and then they just puke blood and it made all of their zombies look lame that they walk around like oh yeah it was like no these fucking things are vicious and uh just in prep for this like i just watched like like basically the 20 minute and then humans also kind of are like the big bads in the movie end up being other humans so it's interesting in that way. It's just like, it's well written. And I just watched like the 20 minutes for like where the main character is
Starting point is 01:06:29 trying to go back and defeat the evil guys who got the rest of his crew held up. And the music is so fucking good. It's so fucking intense, but there's still some zombies running around. Who's the guy who does the music? Oh, I actually don't remember.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I should look it up. He did the music for, uh, for sunshine too. It's the guy who does the music? I actually don't remember. I should look it up. He did the music for Sunshine, too. It's like the best score ever. Incredible. Cillian Murphy, Naomi Harris, Brendan Gleeson. Gleeson's a beast in that movie. If they bite you even once or any other blood gets into an orifice, you're fucked.
Starting point is 01:07:03 You're going to turn. It's just a matter of time. It actually happens pretty fast, and they use that to great effect at a very pivotal scene. It's fucking awesome. Movie rocks, and it's like,
Starting point is 01:07:16 I kind of need a little bit of, I get frustrated with a lot of horror movies because I feel like a lot of times, as soon as you watch a whole movie where then they escape, and then it's kind of a trope of the genre to where like right at the end they kind of hint like it's going to start all over again and what i spoiler what i like about this movie it kind of ends it's not quite a definitive ending but it's pretty optimistic
Starting point is 01:07:36 and i like that where you feel like the characters that you've been watching and cheering they're not about to start going through it all over again which for me like was like i needed that because my anxiety had already been to a fucking 10 i wanted to be like i wanted to at least be able to say like i think they're gonna be okay and cillian murphy becoming a monster by the end of it yeah and just fucking people up yeah and the way he's 10 the way he fucks people up destroying and he's an animal and he's it's like It's like intense. Yeah, it's like brains. He's using it. He's outwitting them, but he's also like, at one point, just like... He's more of a savage. And just like, thumbs into eyeballs
Starting point is 01:08:12 to just ice the last guy. It's so good. That's a great pick, too, because great director, Danny Boyle. And I got... So now I got like Possession, Body Doubles, Slasher, And now I got A zombie flick
Starting point is 01:08:27 So I'm liking the way That this is shaping up I think I'm gonna like it Would you argue Brad That 28 Days Later Sort of resurrected that I would I would definitely agree with that
Starting point is 01:08:37 Zombies Yeah absolutely Because it changed it Right It changed it Made it cool again You know It used to be lumbering
Starting point is 01:08:44 And just kind of, you know. I think that was such a great movie. I loved it. That and then you got Walking Dead after that. And then you got the Brad Pitt one. World War Z. World War Z is great. I Am Legend.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Scary Zombies. And then, did you watch The Last of Us? I've seen up to episode four. Did you like it? Yeah, I did. They kind of go that way. Were they infected? They're like infected as opposed to zombies.
Starting point is 01:09:11 28 Days Later kind of does that to you. Yeah. Oh, you got two. I have two, and then I'm done. Ooh. A lot of trash. I can't believe this one's still on the board. This should have won best picture.
Starting point is 01:09:27 I'm kind of a... I have to give credit to Bill Simmons because I think he was the first one to say it. But I'm going Get Out by Jordan Peele. And I think that's kind of consistent with like... There's some of these auteur directors that do these horror movies and they do it with so much specificity and artistic,
Starting point is 01:09:46 uh, like integrity that like, it just, it just blows it up to a whole new level. And get out was like a lot of the movies we've talked about have this, they're like a moment. Like it's like culturally important. Like I felt like I had to go see get out.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Like everyone was talking about it. I think I saw it like week three, but everyone was like, you have to go see get out. It put in a lot of social commentary but in a really smart way into a movie without ever undermining the story and just the amount of detail that went into it like the amount of little things that pay off later and then also the way it played on tropes like like people don't figure it out in horror movies right they're always kind of they have to be a little dumb to allow the horror to happen but like lil rel's character in that movie is always
Starting point is 01:10:29 he's he's he's the audience surrogate where he's not ever falling for the things you're supposed to fall for like he's he's like no no no there's some fucked up shit happening i need to fucking fix this shit and save my boy. And, you know, I don't know if it was like scary, scary, where I like had nightmares about it, but I think I walked away from it being like, dude, that was so well thought out. Like this is someone who put a thousand puzzle pieces together and made sure they all fit perfectly.
Starting point is 01:11:02 And actually I think Jordan Peele in his later movies hasn't done that. There's a little more like vagueness in them, but that one just feels so... It's just a perfect watch where he put everything in the perfect place. And I walked away from it without a single criticism. I was like, the music, the acting,
Starting point is 01:11:20 the casting, the script, it's all just perfect. I wouldn't change a hair on its head i'm like it's perfect great call it's just like slight it's like it's unsettling but you don't know why until by the time you know you're like oh this is why and also like the the way that she's able to like just freeze them you know like that superpower that she has it totally works what's that called the place where we're yeah and he's just and he's just stuck and you're like fuck like you like you feel helpless you feel
Starting point is 01:11:51 as helpless as he does in that moment it's just really well done it's and it's so it has like such a has a lot of pop like there's a bunch of shit that goes down like in really fun ways like it has big moments that are so other's ass it fun it's he's talking about jujitsu come on dude it's so right up my alley um yeah i thought that was a phenomenal movie and then with my last pick i'm genre bending and there's already enough yeah get nervous aaron and there's already an auteur director who's been picked that i'm going to steal a second movie from. But here's the thing. This movie gave me the existential willies.
Starting point is 01:12:30 It made me believe that life might be better served as an evil person than as a good person. And it was erotic in the way that we've kind of mentioned earlier where I was like, why am I horny while I'm terrified? I'm going A Clockwork Orange by Stanley Kubrick. Wow. I thought you were going to go Eyes Wide Shut for another track. Dude, I almost thought about that. I almost thought about it. I was almost going to have Eyes Wide Shut on two lists,
Starting point is 01:12:54 neither of which it belonged. Dude, I wanted to, but I'll go with another Kubrick. I'll go A Clockwork Orange. It's not a straight horror movie, but to me it's scarier than any horror movie because what it's sayingier than any horror movie because it it's what it's saying about humanity is horrifying it scared me in a way that natural born killers did to like my bone where i was like dude maybe you're better served being an evil person because they have
Starting point is 01:13:18 all the fun they get away with things people like them they're attracted to their evil it made evil attractive and that to me is the most horrifying thing and that movie the style the language the world it's all insanely uh creative but it still feels connected to something real in our in like who we are as people where it's like do i like this and that's what really freaked me out about that movie it freaked me it still freaks me out i don't think i've watched it since i was 14 because it shook me too much i feel like i've only watched it the one time we watched it together in your room in my room yeah i was like 14 you were like because it's like he's just so gleeful about being like like while he's like murdering and raping and you see that and it's really fucking scary because then you start thinking like are there people like this like in our world that would
Starting point is 01:14:11 just like kind of have like this hollow joy from like just like inflicting so much pain on people yeah it gives me the willies yeah it gave me the most physical effect of any movie where i was like it i was rattled for weeks afterwards and then like people want to like dress up like those guys yeah and the style of it it's just amazing and kubrick again just uh one of the best directors of all time what do you is that a horror movie yeah i think it is the response the emotional response you're having to it makes it a horror movie but like is it a horror movie nah i don't know but to him it is yeah i know totally so it's the scariest movie i've ever seen right so it's a horror movie because like a demon a serial killer those are other things. But just regular people being evil, that fucks me up.
Starting point is 01:15:07 And enjoying it. And enjoying it, not feeling bad about it afterwards. And they're not weirdos. They're people you could have gone to high school with. They could be you. It's a part of you that they're showing you. So wait, do I have how many picks do I have? You have one left.
Starting point is 01:15:22 And how many do you have? Everyone's got one now. Okay, because there's a movie on the list that might be an honorable mention that is the the offspring of that movie that I want to talk about but I don't want to say it yet because I don't know who's going to pick what. I don't know. Chris is it you?
Starting point is 01:15:38 Yeah it's me and I'm like I got Scream which is really funny maybe I want to go straight horror comedy with this one to round out my list, which I will say again, I think fucking slaps. And like, Aaron, I'm probably going to win, dude. Everyone's got a good list.
Starting point is 01:15:58 I've heard from inside sources that Brad's leading on the internet polling right now. Is that true? Sorry to throw it. That's what I'm hearing. That's what you're hearing. I got inside sources. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Whatever. That was a fire, whatever. Jake, text me too. Yeah, I'll do it because it is just a fucking awesome movie that I've seen a million times and I love it so much and I'm going to go Shaun of the Dead. Okay. Oh, no. That was on my list too.
Starting point is 01:16:26 It's another vampire, but this one's slow moving or zombies slow moving zombies it's the funniest fucking movie it's great i've mentioned it before during a draft when i picked don't stop me now for pump up songs because it's got a spectacular scene set to that in a pub and then it waits a really long time and then it gets really fucking gnarly so it doesn't it pulls punches for a long time and then it's just like and then it hits you pretty hard it's emotional like you deal with real loss and the zombies and it's just it's just a fucking joy to watch it's such a treat great great call great call now you got a varied list interesting is it me? I'm going to talk about a movie
Starting point is 01:17:10 now that had the scariest scene that I have seen in modern history a movie called Hereditary Hereditary had a scene that I wish I would have had something to do with have you seen the film?
Starting point is 01:17:25 I don't want to give it away if everyone here hasn't seen it. I've seen it. I watched it like two months ago, but I was, yeah. You were not in the right mind? What happened? I didn't pay attention. Too scared. There is a scene.
Starting point is 01:17:36 No, you got to talk about it. Can I talk about it? Please. It is, it chills me to this day where this young girl is unfortunately choking in the backseat of a car. And you have no idea where it's going. And she's choking. And she's having an allergic reaction to something. And she puts her head out the window.
Starting point is 01:17:54 And you don't see it coming. And she gets decapitated by a sign. Oh, I did see that. That fucking freaked me out. I never saw it coming. It was as well cut, shot, and acted a scene as i have seen i would hope one day to make a scene that good and because of that scene alone that's why i'm choosing that movie because it is horrifying to me that scene and his response to it is unbelievable the
Starting point is 01:18:20 way it's shot too where he just goes up in bed and then you hear the scream. Yes. Unbelievable. And then they cut to later in the movie when they cut to just a hand on the side of the road with just worms. Yeah, it's just unbelievable. I mean, that guy's a genius. Ari Aster? He is a genius. I almost picked one of his other films because he's- Midsommar?
Starting point is 01:18:41 Yeah, like the way he shows the parents being dead at the beginning with the crazy oh my god the crazy daughter it's like haunting imagery that stays with you forever it makes you scared of his brain you're like what must it be like to be in that dude right dome all the time it's so nice because you think it's built you're like like you said you don't know what it's going but it's going this way and then it just surprises you with going somewhere i had no idea where that scene was going like i didn't even i remember i was watching it on an airplane and i rewound to be like well like did that actually just like no i can't be and then i just like went back real quick oh yeah yeah yeah her head just got ripped off i watched that movie at midnight on hallow myself. I had to turn it off.
Starting point is 01:19:26 Are you fucking crazy? You get killed that way, dude. That's what I do. You don't do that. I would never do that. Dude, yeah. It was scary. But then there's another scene, too, with Toni Collette.
Starting point is 01:19:38 Yes. Where she's cutting her own head off. Yeah, and it's crazy. It's crazy. And the sound, too too that that girl makes is horrifying i can when i think about it now it gives me the chills the last 20 minutes is also yeah wait so what is the bad guy in that to do the grandma that's right the grandma was setting all this up to use as like a vessel like using her family to basically be sacrifices and vessels
Starting point is 01:20:04 to like i don't know if it's for like for like a demon to come back she was like the head of a cult they're like satanic worshippers yeah and then and she's just like it's cool with like her whole family getting like annihilated so that because she's like because she worships a fucking demon it's so gnarly yeah they want to like resurrect the demon like her and i can't I can't remember if it's her or the demon or both. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because you're just sitting there. It just doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:20:31 It's just scary. It's just beyond. And she has a whole group of people that have been helping grease the wheels. Like one of her, Ann Dowd, plays somebody who was in the cult and she pretends to be part of a grief counseling group just to get in with Toni Collette and push her the right way. It's fucking fucked up, man. Yep. Since no one has any more picks, so there's two movies I feel like I could say, but I'm going to go with something else.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Can I say the other two? Yeah, of course. Rosemary's Baby and The Birds. I feel like those are pretty iconic. I watched The Birds when I was a kid. It scared me. I tried to remake the Birds. Did you?
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yeah, we were developing the movie. Martin Campbell was going to direct it. Great director. Best action scene director, I think, alive. No one directs an action scene better than Campbell. But can I tell you something? At the end of the day, birds do two things. They poke and peck.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Right. And it's really hard to keep ramping it up and that was what we kept running into did you guys have any ideas for how to ramp it up we could more birds more and more and at the end of the day we couldn't crack it you need like one of the eagles from lord of the rings to come in and And then he just got a bunch of, you know. And by the way, it was at a point in our career where we were making a lot of remakes and there was so much negativity, it felt like, from the internet. Did you feel that?
Starting point is 01:21:53 Oh, God, yeah. So you were like, I got to come up with an original. That's how The Purge happened. Purge is sick. I got to say, too, I was just looking through Rotten Tomatoes' top 200 horror movies of all time. You've produced one that's in the top 10 that's but no one brought it up well i was i was wondering if you would pick it because i can't pick it how can i pick it you can't do that well it's in the top 10 see if you
Starting point is 01:22:16 do it i would not do that it's a good fucking movie thank you it is a good fucking movie for me you're talking about the unborn? I'm talking about... I've seen that one. For me, I'm going to go with gore. Straight gore. Make sure you're in the shot. Oh, shit. Oh, good call.
Starting point is 01:22:36 I'm going to go with straight gore. I love this movie. It scared me a ton as a kid. I'm going to go with Saw I. Yeah. Bro, huge. I got it here impactful impact the ending oh dude when he gets up oh dude he saws off his leg dude jigsaw is such a fucking trickster he's just the doll and what was what was the name for that kind of genre of of horror it was called torture
Starting point is 01:23:06 torture torture porn that that set off an entire movement because that's like hostile yeah and you've talked about on previous podcasts with us that there was like an emphasis on that like you needed to have that in your horror movie to make it viable that's why our second texas chainsaw movie was so gory was because we were responding to all of those movies. And there was something with an unborn kid, like a kid coming out of the... And you felt like that was the one that pushed it too far. Way too far.
Starting point is 01:23:33 Way too far and horrible. But you were answering to the moment, right? I was, but I'm not happy about it today. There's... One of the best moments I have with my brother is I was in high school and he's like, we got to go see Saw 2 so we saw it in New York City
Starting point is 01:23:46 I mean the creativity like a Venus fly trap with nails in it you know it's just like it really became about what's the coolest way
Starting point is 01:23:55 to kill someone yeah that's like what happened to Final Destination and that's I think a big fan those are hilarious
Starting point is 01:24:02 they're hilarious the first one is such a good movie they're hilarious yeah there's some such a good movie they're hilarious yeah there's some there's some genius moments in the final because it allows
Starting point is 01:24:10 like the most like death is like I don't know he knows he knows like his trigonometry like he figures out angles and what like how much pressure he needs here
Starting point is 01:24:19 to launch a nail across here that'll like let a bunch of balls roll out that somebody's gonna slip on in 20 minutes like it's so elaborate it's so great it's so like silly and fun that first one is really good that was on my list actually are we doing honorable mentions or no dude i yeah i mean i'm i already feel like i i there's something i wish i could take back and what do you i wish i had midsummer
Starting point is 01:24:41 instead of get out interesting because because mids to me, like doing a horror movie in daylight. Right. Hard. Really hard to do. And then there's something in the way he does his shot compositions where he puts the whole body in the shot. Because most movies, it's like Cowboy, right? It's like stomach up. He puts the whole person in it so they look weak.
Starting point is 01:25:03 They look a little ridiculous. And they look fragile. And it was those two choices, I think, I haven't seen those things done ever before. And it just spoke to like the, I don't even know how he came up with that. It made me really want to just get to know him where I was like, that's so smart to think of those two things. Yeah. And it's just unique to that. There's another one too,
Starting point is 01:25:25 Paranormal Activity. Great. Genius. It scared the shit out of me. I couldn't sleep after. And also it was made for what, like $150,000? Nothing.
Starting point is 01:25:32 It was made for whatever, $15,000. But that was the movie that we were talking about. Yeah, profit market-wise, there's nothing as good as that. Pound for pound. But you said Blair Witch,
Starting point is 01:25:43 and there could be no paranormal if there wasn't a Blair Witch yeah you went with the original that was a spider pig yeah nobody can take that one a movie that we didn't talk about and again this will seem self-serving but it's really not
Starting point is 01:25:55 is Friday the 13th yes because it is the most there are more of those than anything else I think that Jason Voorhees is as iconic a killer as there is and um there seems to be no end i mean if there were not rights issues so i would have made three more of those and you know i'm playing to the crowd here a little bit but brett the purge is iconic thank you and then a
Starting point is 01:26:21 quiet place is in the top 10 horror movies i know but i can't sit here and choose my own movies for a drought i wanted i wanted to see you do it of course i would never do that it feels very self-serving but um thank you for saying that a quiet place is incredible thank you it's awesome and then the second one was incredible thank you i mean that's a big part of horror movies is do they spawn sequels i I feel like a lot of the movies we picked. What's interesting about Texas Chainsaw 2, which is actually, it was going to be one of my honorable mentions, same director. Yeah. Completely different tone.
Starting point is 01:27:01 Like, it's really, it's still scary, but it's, like, really wacky and, like, so much sillier. But it's also got Dennis Hopper just to, like, just. The scariest guy of all time but he's but he's he's a texas ranger who's trying to track down like his niece and nephew from the first one were terrorized but he wants to combat the texas chainsaw killer by he goes and buys three chainsaws and like puts them in holsters because he wants to fight fire with fire and it's just him like um and wanted to throw that one out there because it is a sequel, but it's the same director who's like,
Starting point is 01:27:28 I'm going to do something completely different, but like still advancing the story along. Like it opens up with like the family, they're like winning a chili cook-off. And they're like, what's the secret? He's like, it's all about the meat. Right, right. Another horny horror franchise.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I know what you did last summer. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That movie ripped in the hook, dude. Well, that was a great weapon choice. To pump one of my picks, Scream felt like it launched a million movies. Yes, for sure. And then there is one other movie I want to bring up because you brought up Paranormal
Starting point is 01:28:03 and Blair Witch. It's a movie that a lot of people I don't think have seen, Open Water. Yes, I love that movie. Oh, that's a great one with the two people stuck out there after like a scuba diving show. How great is that? What? You see Bush? Is there a full Bush in that movie?
Starting point is 01:28:16 Dude, there's Bush. Oh, my God. He fired me up. Anyway, sorry. No, no. That's going to bring me to one of my later honorable mentions. No, but like that movie, Open Water, just so scary and made for nothing and just people just getting stuck in the ocean. Just stuck in the ocean and like you're probably going to bring me to one of my later... No, but that movie, Open Water, just so scary and made for nothing. And just people just getting stuck in the ocean.
Starting point is 01:28:27 Just stuck in the ocean. And you're probably going to get eaten soon. And they both die at the end of it, right? I mean, they get eaten and that's the end of the movie. Yeah, I saw that one coming. Sorry, I gave it away. No reason to see it now, I guess. And that movie was cheap, right?
Starting point is 01:28:38 Yeah, it cost $3. I mean, you know. Yeah, but I think that's an impressive movie. Okay, so her watching her husband getting eaten. Right. Horrifying. And then the way she kills herself, she takes off her life jacket. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 01:28:52 And she just goes under. She just goes under. She can't stay up. Better way to go. I love that. When I saw the trailer for that, I was like, I have to see that. What about the Babadook? I love the Babadook.
Starting point is 01:29:04 You've never seen it? I got it. I was was scared i heard it's really scary so it's really scary i also avoided all like what are the it's like a whole genre called like french extremity horror it's like inside martyrs and high tension are the famous ones and like just reading about those i was like i just don't i've already watched i've already watched a lot of movies i don't think i can't get myself up for martyrs you don't. I've already watched a lot of movies. I don't think I can get myself up for it. Martyrs, you don't want that. It just looks too fucked up.
Starting point is 01:29:29 It's way fucked up. Body horror. It was tough not to pick a Cronenberg movie because when the demon comes from the inside and it's just your own health. That's the same thing you were talking about with the Cupid movie. Clockwork.
Starting point is 01:29:43 Clockwork, yeah. Same thing from coming inside i mean these this is this is your issue yeah i like it when it's like because in one it's it's your brain issue you're just a sicko and what do you do with that but then with cronenberg like videodrome i watched that today and like dead ringers or the fly it's just like what if your body just turns on you right and the way he gets into the viscera of it it's creepy it's creepy it's not as like scary scary where you're like someone's gonna kind of kill me tonight you're just unsettled with how to live the rest of your life right and that that fucks me up clearly uh someone on your list too that i gotta say is the strangers
Starting point is 01:30:20 well we i was gonna talk about the strangers because that's everyone dies at the end of that movie too yeah it's so scary home invasion despicable people doing despicable things yeah it's really scary and that that is i think that's a very underrated movie funny games funny games is similar never seen it uh that's that's on par with your clockwork orange where it's like just fucked up people who enjoy it yeah fucked up shit for fucked up reasons you're next it's kind of it's another home invasion moment it's just like fucked up like who enjoy it fucked up shit for fucked up reasons it's another home invasion moment where it's just like fucked up like one of them's like that movie's
Starting point is 01:30:50 really funny too and it's really good it has some fucking gnarly scenes also on a macro level I don't think anyone fucked up tonight and that might be how we miss Strider the most yeah he'll throw something at the last pick that'll just i mean i
Starting point is 01:31:05 did a little bit maybe with clockwork but like no one will throw something in there like strides at the end to just bosh the list can i i want to bring up one other movie that has full bush oh yes it is a horror movie called don't look now from 1972 aaron, yes. Oh, Donald Sutherland. I haven't seen this one, no. How did you? Yes, I saw some lists. I'm familiar with it because people talk about Tim and Julie Christie
Starting point is 01:31:30 and they talk about that being the best sex scene of all time. Of all time. And a lot of people talk about how it's not simulated. It's real sex. That's what everyone says.
Starting point is 01:31:37 And horrifying. And I guess one of my favorite films of all time, Out of Sight, based its sex scene a lot off, and that's my other favorite sex scene is from Out of Sight, where it's just... I don't know. There's just...
Starting point is 01:31:49 They get something in there that not a lot of movies capture. Right. You need to check that movie out. I'll watch it. Don't look now. I want to do another... Because this was a recommendation from Greg. Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Starting point is 01:32:00 Yeah. The Donald Sutherland one. Great fucking movie. It's just... Once I already did aliens cloning people with the thing, I couldn't pick Body Snatchers as well. But that's a great fucking movie. And then another one that I watched this weekend for the first time
Starting point is 01:32:15 that has full frontal male nudity, let's go, American Werewolf in London. Oh, yeah. It's a great film. It can't be, but fun. And to the body transformation scene, I guess it's like one of the first horror movies to win an Oscar.
Starting point is 01:32:29 Yeah. Because it's for makeup and special effects. The scene is like... Makeup and hair and special effects. Makeup and hair and special effects? It's the first makeup effects Oscar, I believe. Dude, Aaron's crushing it. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:41 That movie is, it's really fun. The guy is just like charming, you know, he started. Rip him done. And James Naughton, who starred in the Dr. Pepper campaign, be a pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too?
Starting point is 01:32:53 From the seventies. I also, I never even saw it, but this movie freaked me out so much. I couldn't pee. For years from eight to 12, I shit in a squat position. I never put my butt on the bowl so I could look inside. It.
Starting point is 01:33:08 Right. Something coming to get you from the bowl. Yes. When you're most vulnerable. Yes. For sure. Yep. Slither does that where the bathtub. Yeah. Slither is a good one. James Gunn. Just straight nasty human centipede. Yeah, not for me.
Starting point is 01:33:24 That's as scary as it gets. Yeah, I don't check in on that. Having your head stuck up someone else's ass. Chris, you mentioned male nudity. Your number four pick actually starts and ends with male nudity 28 days later. Oh, yeah. And Clockwork Orange has some dick, too. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:40 That's awesome. I'm just saying. The only one on the list that starts and ends with it. Have you guys ever seen The Descent? Yeah. I watched it and that movie does like the it's building up in this way and then they just
Starting point is 01:33:53 curveball some other crazy shit happens in like really fun ways and the personal the personal elements of it are really powerful yeah it's really because they like
Starting point is 01:34:02 they got some shit on each other and it comes out in interesting ways and they never really talk about it and i like it when the biggest shit heel in the movie is also the most useful person right right the hills have eyes that's like some fuckers jeepers creepers great jeepers yeah the creeper also known because that director ended up being a creep yeah that's right and then he read book Peaceful Warrior while he was in prison for some child molestation stuff. Yeah, as gnarly as it gets. And then he made a movie
Starting point is 01:34:29 called Peaceful Warrior about the book that he thinks helped him. Yeah. We rented that one time. We didn't finish it. Yeah, I mean, the guy's a gymnast
Starting point is 01:34:36 and gets laid all the time. I think the name of the book is The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. Ah, okay. Just if anyone wants to check it out. It's always The Way. The Way. You can't promise the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:34:45 No, you can't. Oh, The Faculty, JC? Dude, that's a dope movie. Yeah. That's a dope movie. Because they're cool. Yeah, and so they're high school. Josh Hartnett?
Starting point is 01:34:54 Oh, Jordana Brewster again? Yeah. That's Robert Rodriguez. Robert Rodriguez, yeah. That's a remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Yeah, it's a version of... But they like... And it's meta because they like...
Starting point is 01:35:04 Like one of the characters is like well in body snatchers this is what happens dude hostile as a concept yeah for sure yeah great the idea of people just torturing people for fun and the way they bait them like random foreign chicks being super into you and wanting to party like how do you say yeah yeah as like a 14 year old i was like fuck i'd be dead like hostile 2 when the guy's playing around with her with the with the saw i haven't seen you seen hustle no i can't i can't handle it's terrifying and it's that that image because he like accidentally like gets in her face the saw and she's a hot chick too yeah yeah and so to me i was like that is as horrifying as it gets
Starting point is 01:35:44 directed by the great eli roth though yeah oh you helped get on this podcast did i yeah yeah he's a great director great guy uh the ringu and the ring yep great evil dead 2 the grudge the grudge it's sara michelle oh lost boys but it's not scary no i know but like a lot of horror movies like you see They're all like this Yeah they're not There's like horror movies that aren't as scary As other horror movies that are all like
Starting point is 01:36:14 Top so that's actually what like I assume that like Cause like American Werewolf in London it's a great horror movie But like it's really not like super scary But there are scary moments Let the Right One In Great movie None of us did Vampires but it's really not like super scary but there are scary moments let the right one in great movie none of us did vampires
Starting point is 01:36:28 and none of us did a Dario Argento or any of the Italian I watched Hesperia for the first time did it work? the sound and the music is like phenomenal and none of us did Romero either I was never in really? I don't know It's freaky. Phenomenal. Production design, great. And none of us said Romero either. I'm missing some in.
Starting point is 01:36:45 I was never in. Really? I just don't like, I don't know, those type of. The commentary was too heavy or what was it? Yeah, it was too heavy. And they were gross. Like, I don't want to, they were like too gross. Well, he felt pigeonholed by that because I saw him at a Q&A one time.
Starting point is 01:37:00 He's like, I don't even want to make zombie movies. He's like, that's the only thing they'll give me money to make. So whatever message I want to put zombie movies. He's like, that's the only thing they'll give me money to make. So whatever message I want to put in about consumerism or media, this is my only way to get that story across. One guy said seven in the chat.
Starting point is 01:37:13 Oh, that's a good one. Great call. Yeah, also Zodiac. Dude, I wanted to pick that. That movie, I couldn't sleep that night. Driving home from the theater, I kept checking my back seat.
Starting point is 01:37:24 I was so fucking scared. Deliverance, House of a Thousand Corpses. Deliverance is funny as a worm. It's like, yeah, do you not want to get raped by some hillbillies? Yeah, agreed. House of a Thousand Corpses I've only seen in parts because it fucking scared me. Can I go do that too? Dr. Satan.
Starting point is 01:37:41 Yeah, I got to go. We got to go to installments because it's live. Dude, The Purge. Would you consider the Purge horror? I would. The Purge, every time there's a new Purge, I have to see it because I love the concept. Thank you. When the trailer first came out, the idea that murder is legal, you have to see that.
Starting point is 01:38:01 All bets are off. Yeah. 24 hours. No, but that was the beauty of it because we had no money. Yeah. We shot the movie for no one wants to, under $3 million. Yeah. In a house.
Starting point is 01:38:17 And we had the movie about what was happening outside in the world, but we didn't have the money to show it. So we just put it on TV screens. We just took rioting footage on a TV screen, and that was The Purge. But that's kind of what it was. But that's nice because it gives you a place to go. It does. And what I was going to say, Chris,
Starting point is 01:38:35 is my favorite Purge movie is the second one, Purge Anarchy, because I felt like that was the time we got out in the world and we got to see what was really going on. And I thought it was badass. And it's got grillo who wants to go i'll hit it um oh uh frankenstein the robert de niro one the original the original oh it's beautiful evil dead house of wax uh yeah you guys missed uh well you said the descent which for me is Evil Dead. It's not scary, but... House of Wax. Yeah, you guys missed... Well, you said The Descent,
Starting point is 01:39:07 which for me is one of my greatest fears, is getting stuck in a cave. Yeah. You got control over that. I know. Don't go in caves. I won't be spelunking anytime soon. I want to wait for Brad for one of these.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Yeah, I got to pee, too. Should I just go now? Yeah. I got to do ads, too. Well, there's only the one bathroom, so... No, there's two go now? I got to do ads too. There's only the one bathroom. No, there's two. Oh, there is? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:39:28 There's one in the kitchen. Evil Dead 2. I watched that for the first. Oh, The Cabin in the Woods? I want to do it because in terms of just playing with your expectations. It's so fun. It's amazing. Do you like that movie, Aaron?
Starting point is 01:39:41 I liked it okay. Is it too clever? Maybe. The stoner is one of the heroes dude it's the best and he's got gadgets to smoke weed with yeah i don't know if it's not genuinely scary but it's genuinely interesting yeah you get some great performances all right they're having like bradley wedford and richard jenkins as the two guys in the lab. Perfect. They're so funny. The perfect lab guys. The Descent, dude, that was really fun. Because also the ladies start fucking.
Starting point is 01:40:13 The two main characters, they end up fucking up a lot of those things. And they're good bad guys. Yeah. They're a little creepy demons, but you can beat the fuck out of them. Right. It's like one-on-one. You got a shot. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Are we still talking about other yeah we're just name them all yeah brad i won't wait for you for this the omen okay i put i was gonna talk about the omen i think that it's um it's as good a horror movie as it could be i just don't know if it stands the test of time in the same way that some of the other films do because um i saw it like five years ago for the first time and it stuck with me for days it's a very scary movie and it's the best decapitation ever filmed that one's really fun it's as good as the opening where the person jumps off it's later you got a glass a pane of glass that takes him out i just it's better than the surfboard going through the head and lethal weapon too yes it's better but but aaron the thing about about it was when i was making my choices i felt
Starting point is 01:41:11 like i was going with all movies from the 70s and 80s and i did i didn't want to sure sure sure but elegant elegant elegant movie with incredible actors i mean richard donner yeah oh richard donner directed yeah and that's where he came, he directed that. Oh, and then he did Lethal Weapon 2. Lethal Weapon 2. Whoa. For me, The Omen, it's the first death that like sticks with you
Starting point is 01:41:31 and then I don't remember much of the movie. Like, it's all for you, Damien. That's right. That's right. Wait, so the reason you didn't go with The Omen is just because of the,
Starting point is 01:41:41 you were trying to vary the eras a little bit? If I was going to go with The Exorcist, I wasn't going to go with The Omen. Right. I felt like those were repetitive. Yeah. That's fair. Scorsese has, like, Shutter Island.
Starting point is 01:41:54 I haven't seen it. That's a horror movie though, right? Ish. Psychological thriller. Yeah. But Cape Fear, that's a horror movie. On my list. Oh, dude, that's a good, I love Cape Fear.
Starting point is 01:42:03 I love Cape Fear. An incredible performance from denaro max katie just animal i do jacked jacked he's fucking yoked up bro yeah amazing oh insidious so insidious ethan hawke i love insidious because after i saw insidious i was like i gotta get a cardigan he's wearing a sick cardigan i did i was in college i got sick cardigan i think insidious five is coming out now i mean that's really isn't that amazing to have five of anything well can we can we talk about quiet place three sure well i just from i think this is public news it's the prequel i would not say that it's the prequel. I would say it's what took place the day of the invasion.
Starting point is 01:42:48 So it's not, we're not following, the first two movies were, we were following the Abbott family. Yes. This one, we're not following the Abbott family. Right. I read that and I got really excited for it because that's what you want to see the day it happened the moment
Starting point is 01:43:06 and Jaimon's back right? he is back I will say this it is hard to live in the loudest city in the country and not make any noise so I can tell you the movie takes place in New York City
Starting point is 01:43:23 and that's a loud place yeah not a good place to be if you're trying to that's fine to evade the aliens i also heard something about jaimon hansu who were big fans of he's in a new movie and they made everyone in the casket on a workout regimen so they'd all be jacked for it except for jaimon they let him do his own thing because they knew he'd come in jacked he's in his 50s bro is he really that's right yeah so aaron before you get into your picks well i do ads first oh sorry i still have honorable mentions i want to say uh the best ending of a uh horror film in the theater that i've ever had is the mist oh yeah that was a chilling ending that was i haven't even seen it but i know the
Starting point is 01:44:03 ending because people talk to me i've only seen the last five minutes And I was like jeez And it's Tom Jane Frank Darabont directing So we're back to Deep Blue Sea Yeah of course Did Deep Blue Sea rip bro? He's a shark wrangler?
Starting point is 01:44:18 He's doing parkour on the shark? I want to see his resume so bad To see how he got to that point I know everyone talks about the samuel scene because that was like big out of nowhere and like ultra shocking but the way the protagonist dies yeah like she's like the ladder gives out on her you don't you couldn't predict at the beginning of that movie who would have been left at the end no i do one of the pervious ones hollow man dude very pervy yeah yeah but i never saw that it's good it's good but it's also hoven but also if you are an invisible man that's what you're gonna do oh yeah you're gonna be out you're gonna check out you're gonna check out negative
Starting point is 01:45:02 jokes oh is he actually like hooked up with someone yeah oh my bad yeah it's like I assumed it was like no you didn't mean it you're the nicest guy as a child
Starting point is 01:45:09 as a child I thought he was using his hand and then somebody that was older that took us to see the movie because it was right there I was like nah he was sucking on that titty
Starting point is 01:45:16 oh wait wait I just remember him checking out Naked Jigs my bad no you're for sure doing that strike that from the record thank god we're live that's why these live ones are fun, dude.
Starting point is 01:45:26 Because you're a great guy. We just said something. Everyone's going to do that. Aaron, you want to hit your honorable mentions? The only ones I have left are The Fog. Yeah. Us. I thought it was great as well as A Fall to Get Out.
Starting point is 01:45:43 Us was fun. Signs. We've kind of mentioned it. And then last year, Barbarian. Oh, Barbarian was dope. That movie was really cool. Yeah, I think that's good. No one said Smile, though. I was thinking Smile would scare the fuck out of me.
Starting point is 01:45:56 I haven't seen it. Yeah, we're seeing. Really good. Really, really good. Before we get into the final judgment, this is according to the watchers right now on youtube who won round one 50 say brad with the exorcist who won round two 36 say brad with original texas chainsaw massacre who won round three chris with the shining huh round four
Starting point is 01:46:21 nightmare on elm street br Brad and also for the final maybe we shouldn't say until Aaron makes his pick but there's a clear winner amongst the audience and then there's a three way tie oh my goodness oh holy shit yeah round five winner wait till Aaron I think wait till Aaron
Starting point is 01:46:40 but before we get into Aaron's picks guys I want to remind you that what are you going to do tonight you're going to sleep hopefully and if you want to have the best sleep of your life you're going to get a helix mattress they have a two minute sleep quiz that customizes the mattress for you you can get soft medium firm plus size cooling any kind of thing any kind of mattress that you need that's perfect for you helix has it and they'll deliver it to your door you love your helix mattress right i never sleep better yeah i mean you ever since you've gotten your helix mattress you haven't
Starting point is 01:47:16 had bags under your eyes you've been sober i stopped breathing through my mouth yeah because of the helix mattress it's crazy it gave me the support i needed to go i need a new mattress you should go helix i like like i love that idea like no joke so they sent me a mattress i took the quiz and i really liked my mattress i had before yeah so i was like i was like i was moving to a new place i was like all right i'll test it out so i tested out best mattress i've ever had oh that's so cool and not just because they're the sponsor. I like gotten it. I was like, whoa. And I had a great night's sleep. It's awesome.
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Starting point is 01:49:10 we guarantee they're a fun time they are really fun yes i've been to a show i had a great yeah you came to the improv yeah that was so nice of you i i loved it appreciated that come again i will we're always gonna be there we're on it chat says this is one of the best drafts ever so oh nice i love sweet yeah that's fucking awesome are we done that give me well we're gonna find out who won and then we'll do beast babes and legends and then we cruise nice all right uh try to get your heads in the shot so i can't uh cut around a bunch while i'm talking but uh yeah hats off to all of you guys this This was really not a bum pick in the list. It's going to be tough to have to parse these out.
Starting point is 01:49:52 Let me go through everyone's list and refresh before we move on. JT, Psycho, Alien, Silence of the Lambs, Get Out, A Clockwork Orange. Chris, Scream, The Thing, The Shining. 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Lambs, Get Out, A Clockwork Orange. Chris, Scream, The Thing, The Shining. 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead. Brad, The Exorcist, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hereditary. And Chad, The Sixth Sense, Halloween, Blair Witch Project, The Conjuring, and Saw.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Wow. Just give yourself a round of applause. All right. project, The Conjuring, and Saw. Wow. Just give yourself a round of applause. I mean, that's insane. I want to watch some scary movies tonight. I brought you some. Yeah, you want scary. Try to judge this.
Starting point is 01:50:43 You know, I love everybody's first pick but i think of the of the four i think the sixth sense is the weakest first pick just in terms of scary um maybe it's because I was a little older when it came out. Halloween's a great pick. Blair Witch is phenomenal. And Saw for five, amazing. But I think still my last pick, just because everyone else's first is amazing.
Starting point is 01:51:20 I'm going to have to say Chad is finishing last on this one. Hey, you're wearing it with a lot of dignity, dude. Yeah, yeah. And one big flaccid penis up here. It's tough, and I hate having to parse it out, because you all did so well, but it's like, ugh, you know, you've got to make cuts. Second, yeah, third, with my third place finish,
Starting point is 01:51:45 there's a lot of good stuff on this list, and it is inspired at points. Because I almost forgot about 28 Days Later, but there it is. And Shaun of the Dead, obviously, is a great movie. If you're going to bend, five is the place to do it. But I don't know, I just think there were, our honorable mention showed, there's so much that could have been a heavy hitter in that spot for just straight horror film.
Starting point is 01:52:12 So I think I'm going to go Chris in my third place spot. Cool. But I love the thing. I love The Shining. I love 20 Days Later. I think that was an amazing, amazing pull. Um, then for my number one,
Starting point is 01:52:32 I mean, Oh wow. It's so, it's crazy. Cause two, two of my favorite movie franchises are in both of your lists, alien and jaws. It's is my number one of all time um talk about horror films shot in the daytime jaws uh is the the og of that
Starting point is 01:52:53 do you see in this aaron i am seeing it and the chat has also reflected how jack jt looks oh thank you but that does not uh that's not when you evoked yeah i don't know why i'm doing that i loved your reasoning i loved your reasoning for it and all your picks are great but to me a clockwork orange isn't just not a horror film and i mean everyone kind of knew it was going to happen but but to watch it go down, Exorcist, Chainsaw Massacre, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street, Hereditary. Brad Fuller wins. I mean, it was just... Brad, come on! Yeah!
Starting point is 01:53:30 Yo, I got to tell you, you're a beast, dude. You defended the title. I also got to say... Well played. Oh, I want to hug. Thank you. Wow, this is very exciting. Dude, I also got...
Starting point is 01:53:43 Come on, Aaron. I'm getting a hug. Bro, I get texts I also got, bro, I get, I get texts. My, my girlfriend watches. He's live.
Starting point is 01:53:51 And she texted me after pick two and goes, Brad's running away with this thing. I was through my phone. I was like, I don't know how you guys can see how people, how do you tell? Cause since we started doing them live, now we have polls that are going in real time. Okay.
Starting point is 01:54:04 Yeah. So the poll, yeah. So you were the winner amongst the audience too okay and then there's a three-way tie between the three of us it was 50 to 3 15 it's scary yeah my brad best flow my beloved sister-in-law is saying i don't deserve second because of clockwork oh whoa is she watching there's different kinds Is she watching? There's different kinds of horror, dude. Yeah. There's different kinds of horror. Look, even when I've thought
Starting point is 01:54:31 I've lost, she's been like, no, yours was good. I mean, everyone had a... I gotta say, everyone... I think Brad having you here made us... You raised the level of competition. Listen, you guys said that you were not fans or you didn't watch these movies growing up, but you all knew all the movies.
Starting point is 01:54:47 You've seen everything. I mean, Chris, you said, I mean, you must have been cramming hard because you knew pretty much everything. I reached out to four different people. Yeah. Shout them out. Lucy, Brittany, Greg, Alex. They gave me a lot of pointers.
Starting point is 01:55:02 All heavy hitters in the genre. Yeah. They fucking love horror movies and also i'm like looking up bliss he's just i'd see more than i thought i would have right do you feel like you defended your turf i do i mean if i had come here and came in fourth place i would have been just walked in as a horror movie expert and you're leaving as the champ yeah and you pissed all over this place and marked it territory i love coming here and i would never pissed all over this place and marked it territory. No, I didn't piss all over it. I love coming here, and I would never piss all over this place. No, it's like metaphorically.
Starting point is 01:55:28 Metaphorically. You didn't do that. I know exactly what you mean. We can't edit it out if you really hate us. One other movie I want to bring up after the fact. Misery. Oh, yeah. Let's go.
Starting point is 01:55:38 Oh, man. That would be my clockwork pick. You've got to see it. Oh, my God. You've got to see it. It's worst case scenario. It is. She is. You must see it. my god It's worst case scenario It is She is
Starting point is 01:55:46 You must see it Watch it It's just some Battleaxe bitch Don't even tell him What it's about I know Just rent Misery
Starting point is 01:55:54 Who directed Rob Reiner Rob Reiner That's the weird Heater dude Yeah Sorry I said Ouvra Let's watch Misery
Starting point is 01:56:02 Talking about film You know what I mean It's so good And when you text me after, I want to know. And it's got one of the best scenes of all time. It does. When she puts the screws to him. I'm just saying when she puts the screws to him.
Starting point is 01:56:12 When she puts the screws to him. That's a great, vague way to put it. Yeah. Or is it literal? And it's Stephen King. So how many Stephen King movies? Because he wrote the... He said The Fog.
Starting point is 01:56:23 He said The Mist. Aaron said both the fog and the mist the shining shining someone said we didn't discuss pet cemetery it pet cemetery but that is a steven king one it's not what do you think of frankenstein well it i mean you can't none of these movies can exist without it right but i don't think it would scare anyone right yeah what about oh we forgot a huge category vampires no we didn't forget it would scare anyone. Right. Yeah. What about, oh, we forgot a huge category. Vampires. No, we didn't forget it.
Starting point is 01:56:48 We mentioned it. We mentioned it. I mean, after the fact. I haven't watched Near Dark. I had Near Dark. On Boner? On Boner Factor? Near Dark is in.
Starting point is 01:56:55 No one's hotter than vampires. Yeah. Near Dark is an excellent movie. I need to watch that. Catherine Bigelow. Oh, dude, that movie ripped. I need to watch it. It's very action-y.
Starting point is 01:57:02 Well, that's, a lot of horror movies kind of like can veer that way to where the like or in sequels a lot of time i feel like they like hostile kind of turns into an action movie like hat like once he like once jay hernandez kind of flips this it happens a lot the descent is kind of like that bill paxton is our call yeah but he's a supporting player but the only scene i really like distinctly remember is the bill paxton scene in the bar right which is iconic. All right, I got to watch this. You do. Because you watch Misery.
Starting point is 01:57:28 She rips it. Yeah, it's really, really good. Well, having watched all these movies, it then made me, because I had a huge watch list, but then as I knocked so many off, I was like, well, fuck, maybe I'll have time to watch.
Starting point is 01:57:38 And then I didn't, but there are a lot that I added to my watch list, and I had a lot of fun doing it. You know what I found was interesting was that a lot that I added to my watch list and I had a lot of fun doing it. You know what I found was interesting was that a lot of the picks were from which I haven't really found with other drafts where you go with
Starting point is 01:57:53 movies or actors or whatever. A lot of them were from the 70s and 80s. People stuck with the classics where there wasn't a lot of, I don't know. Everyone has seen these classic movies. Does that make sense? Yeah, for sure. Congrats to Chad for knowing all
Starting point is 01:58:09 of his picks this time. Was there one that you hadn't watched? What's that? He messed up the Myers-Borg. Oh, right. That was it. But also like horror movies can stand up better the test of time than I think like action movies could.
Starting point is 01:58:25 You know what I mean? Yeah, I think it's good. Or like big blockbusters. I guess rom-coms. Right, the tech doesn't outstrip it. Right. Have you done an action movie draft? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:58:35 I forget who won that one. But number one was like, yeah, we did Heat, Braveheart. Oh, that's right. The Rock. Yeah. I forget who took number one on that one. Oh, I think that might have been Strider.
Starting point is 01:58:47 Then we have war movies. Rom-coms too. Rom-coms. So fun. It is fun. It is fun. All right, well, let's move into the next part.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Okay. Chad, who's your beef of the week? My beef of the week is my beef of the week is airport terminals with one coffee shop. Bro. The lines are insane what
Starting point is 01:59:07 are you guys doing you know it's more you have a morning flight 7 6 a.m you know everyone's gonna be craving joe especially because these coffee companies you guys hooked on this shit right and then you're gonna put one shop in the terminal and there's a big line i missed my last flight because of it yeah yeah point of principle yeah yeah i was like no i'm staying in this line i saw it leaving i was like fuck this i'm gonna tell them that you guys made me miss my flight and you plan on it too you're like once i get there i'll go get a cup of coffee and then you see the coffee bean and there's 56 people in the line yeah and you're like that's a two-hour line i'm fucked yeah now i just get in the line and i miss my flights respect it's a form of protest it's like the hunger strike of traveling so you need at least three coffee shops to lessen the lines airports get on it i support it and if you're in line
Starting point is 02:00:02 get a drip coffee or an iced coffee and keep it moving dude help everybody out that's good too you don't need cinnamon i would i like it yeah sure but like my flight's in 10 seconds i gotta fucking go just like pour the thing and let me get out of here love the passion yeah um dude my beef of the week is got to be with people picking on jeff bezos for going to coachella with his jacked body and hot girlfriend nice like look i'm all for picking on jeff bezos if you're picking on him for you know not treating workers right for being a greedy fuck who gobbles up all the money for reasons that go beyond just being secure but for domination
Starting point is 02:00:42 i'm on board those Those are fair criticisms. But people are like, oh, he's buff now. Oh, he's got a hot chick now. Oh, he goes to Coachella. I'm like, to me, those things are all beyond okay. They might even be cool. Right. Yeah. And the fact that we're now saying those things aren't cool because he's the one doing it. I'm like, are we so spun on just picking on people that now we're picking on them for things that are cool like that's when you've gone too far that's when you're on the internet too much take a breather take a break reassess your values all right it will always be cool on some level it doesn't mean you're cool if you do the other thing but it'll always be cool to be buff to have a hot chick
Starting point is 02:01:19 to go to a music festival with banging artists and then the most thing is going to space in a cowboy hat that will always be cool yeah you missed the best part of him going to space not only did he go in a cowboy hat he shaped his ship like a dick well that i was thinking about that too because we get so into the phallic vaginal thing i'm like look spaceships are always going to look like cocks that's just the nature of aerodynamics all right and that's not me being a misogynist that's just me with my cursory understanding of how things travel through air yeah and he emphasized the dick yeah of course he did he's going to space he's like i want to i want these fuckers to see me on radar and if it's about him not allowing unions hey let's go but if it's about him having a cock that
Starting point is 02:02:00 goes to space when he's wearing a cowboy hat i'm sorry i believe in america i believe in that that's very convincing what you just said i know it's great with everything you just said i agree that goes to space when he's wearing a cowboy hat? I'm sorry. I believe in America. I believe in that. That's very convincing, what you just said. I know. It's crazy. I agree with everything you just said. I agree with everything. I do. Do you think when they let go, you know, in the spaceships,
Starting point is 02:02:13 when they let go of their fuel tanks, we just drop the load? Yeah. Yeah, or the sack. Yeah. The balls have been neutered. I don't know what the terminology is, but it's something in that ballpark. Brad, who's your beef of the week? Well, my beef of the week is just the general notion
Starting point is 02:02:31 of a writer's strike. I'm not taking sides on it. I think that the writers definitely have a lot of issues that are worthy of, that need to be fixed, for sure. I just hate the notion of a work stoppage because the business will shut down for a little while and these movies that we're talking about they will be delayed they will definitely be delayed and i just wish we weren't in this position and it's just a bummer and the principal complaints
Starting point is 02:02:56 are mini rooms which is like a new invention where they don't have a proper writer's room where they pay everyone their full correct rate they do a mini room with writers where they kind of shape the whole season and then they don't bring the writers until later so they're getting way less of what they had otherwise. Then the seasons are shorter now so they're just getting paid less overall. The seasons are shorter,
Starting point is 02:03:15 but the episodes take longer. We have some episodes of Jack Ryan that take three weeks. In three weeks, in the good old days, you could shoot three or four episodes. Right. in three weeks in the good old days you could shoot three or four episodes right so so you know it's less it's more work but it's getting paid for less episodes right does that make sense for sure and then the residuals suck now there are no residuals on the streamers because people were
Starting point is 02:03:41 getting checks if they were they're different they're different if it was in syndication you were getting checks that you could live off of in perpetuity probably and now that's gone and then i forget what the other big issues were but those were the i mean yeah those are the two big issues the mini rooms and the way that people are being compensated um but it's just a bummer isn't tiktok really to blame for all of this though it's just that the eyeballs are getting sucked away from the traditional uh viewing i don't know if that's the i listen i do spend time on tiktok and i once you start you can't stop but at the same time i'm consuming product i can only look at what's happening in my own house so i don't know what's happening in yours but like i watched beef
Starting point is 02:04:18 succession and i'm and uh and my wife watched the Daisy Jones in six. All in the last week. There was never a time. I've never watched more TV than right now. Right. So I don't know that people are moving away from it. I just feel like it's just different and people are doing it. You know, you can't – we don't know the ratings.
Starting point is 02:04:42 Like we don't know how these shows are doing. So it's hard to gauge success or failure it's interesting i hope they figure it out they do apparently they uh concluded talks for the day without an agreement oh it's over so there's gonna be a true that's what so i called it that's what i called it wrong becca becca saw us talking about it and she's like oh hey by the way as of 759 damn like they're still going they're going they might still go what else i don't know but um my beef of the week is with it happens to all sorts of people in horror movies, but mostly the women, they're running form. It just goes out the window when they're getting chased.
Starting point is 02:05:32 They're like, the arm action is all over the place. When you're tired, when you're frazzled, that's when you got to keep your form up and stay linear and get away from the, from the fucker with the saw or the knife. And they're just, ah! And it's not helping anybody get out of there.
Starting point is 02:05:49 One guy you've never seen in a horror movie? Tom Cruise. Yeah. Because he'd get away from that person. He was in The Mummy. That's true. Yeah, but that was- That's true.
Starting point is 02:05:58 But he just outran that thing, right? Of course. There's no one who can catch him. It doesn't matter. You got that David Goggins energy? I didn't think so. And the trick about that movie is that he's also a mummy. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 02:06:08 Is he really? Well, he gets some of the juice. I don't know. I only saw. I didn't pay. What a legend. Yeah, he gets stabbed by the knife or something. Yeah, he's a legend for sure.
Starting point is 02:06:18 Chad, who's your baby of the week? My baby of the week is Ethan Hawke's cardigan in Insidious. My babe of the week is Ethan Hawke's cardigan in Insidious I think there's nothing cooler Than A character in a movie Who's a writer Who wears cardigans
Starting point is 02:06:33 I'm talking Colin Farrell And the seven psychopaths Ethan Hawke in Insidious Those are the only two examples That's all you need But they're both wearing cardigans, and they look fucking sick. It's a good look. And they inspired me to wear cardigans.
Starting point is 02:06:50 So maybe my babe of the week is the costume designers for those movies and just the cardigan itself. It makes you look sophisticated. Same guy. Same guy? Feline Migueles. Dude, yeah, good guy. Great guy.
Starting point is 02:07:02 Wow. Dude, so my babe of the week is Feline McGellis. For choosing cardigans for Colin Farrell and Ethan Hawke in Insidious and Seven Psychopaths. You gave me a piece of clothing that makes me look smart, and I watch and read all of my picks and drafts. Dude, my baby of the week is, look, people who have listened to the podcast know I've grappled with my mental health.
Starting point is 02:07:28 I don't like to say suffered, right? Because it's all been a noble fight, right? You're just trying to figure it out. And it's a gift to just be here in the first place. And I have looked for all sorts of solutions to find peace. But sometimes I don't know if peace is the thing I should be chasing. I think the thing I should be chasing is feeling up for the fight to go up against whatever I'm feeling in that moment to feel spirited. And for me,
Starting point is 02:07:52 medication, meditation, exercise, meaningful relationships, all are extraordinarily helpful and bedrocks of that grappling. But to me, helpful and bedrocks of that grappling. But to me,
Starting point is 02:08:10 the greatest momentary boost in the scrap against, uh, the, the weight of life is to just sing songs in the shower. I've been boosting some songs in the shower lately and I've just, I don't care who's around. I don't care if the neighbors can hear me i'm gonna scream that chorus and it's specific to everyone but for me the songs have been wild by john legend it's just a great fit to to scream the chorus to you just can just go wild wild wild
Starting point is 02:08:40 and i already feel better in this moment i know many have come at the cost of your guys' eardrums but I feel better and then today the song was Praying to a God the Luke remix by Mr. Probs and that has just been firing me up and getting me jacked for whatever is outside that bathroom door I don't know that one is it dude well I'm gonna do
Starting point is 02:09:00 it in my quote of the week but there's a line in it that I just think it just hits okay yeah it's Mr. Probs Mr. Probs okay Brad who's your babe of the week, but there's a line in it that I just think it just hits. It's Mr. Probs. Mr. Probs. Okay, got it. Brad, who's your babe of the week? I've given this a lot of thought. Good. I don't know if you guys know this, but this week, or on May 10th,
Starting point is 02:09:17 Alexandra Fuller and I will be celebrating 30 years of marriage, of wedded bliss. It was the smartest decision i ever made marrying her she has added more to my life and our kids and she is my babe of the last 30 years not just the week and in hollywood years that's what i i hear that all the time you know but it doesn't matter it's all been really great and but we we talk and i've talked to you about like my personal developments and I'm having some kiddos and that I went into that fairly new into the relation. You and your paramour. Similarly, it was a quick leap into the next development, right? We had kids.
Starting point is 02:09:56 We had Cameron very, very early into it. And in some ways we were thrown right into the fire. In some ways, we were thrown right into the fire. And I think in two people who had lesser of a commitment to one another and to their family, it couldn't have worked. But we both had the similar values. And we just kind of worked hard to build a family. And here we are 30 years later.
Starting point is 02:10:18 And it's the thing I'm proudest of in my life. That's what I was going to ask you. Is that what you're most proud of? Absolutely. There is no doubt about it. Brad, your wife is in the chat, by the way. What's that? Your wife is in the chat. My wife is in the chat i want to be brad's babe of the week she is there you go she's my babe of the week hi ali that's nice
Starting point is 02:10:34 chris your baby it's gonna be a little different mine's gonna be oreos dude oh yeah uh well who's gonna be there for you when the chicks leave? Exactly, dude. If I'm depressed, dude. I'd be bummed to not have chocolate chip cookies forever, but I don't think I could not have Oreos. They're just so singular. An Oreo is an Oreo.
Starting point is 02:11:00 Nothing can replace it, so therefore it is the best cookie for me. Any flavor? Oh, just standard or double stuff? Double stuff. Double stuff. I won't either one of them work. You know what Dad used to say when we were kids?
Starting point is 02:11:13 I don't know if this was even true. It might have just been nostalgia. But Dad used to be like, you know, the double stuff used to be the normal Oreo. Oh, it was like how Big Grabs used to be the standard for potato chips. Yeah. Like he was saying, we were like, Dad, check out these double stuffs. And he was like, the double stuffs used to be the norm. But I. Yeah, like he was saying, we were like, check out these double stuffs. And he was like, the double stuffs used to be the norm.
Starting point is 02:11:29 But I think that might have just been some revisionist history. That can't be true, right? I know, but it felt right. Because it looks like too much. It felt like, oh, these Nabisco folks got a bit cynical. And they were like, we can crunch down the middle part. Yeah, we're going to get it smaller and they won't say a fucking thing. Let me ask you a question. If you're eating Chips Ahoy Chewy, can you stop?
Starting point is 02:11:46 No. I can't. No. I eat the whole thing. They've tested that. They've done empirical studies on it, and no one can stop. Sounds like Aaron can't either. They go down so easy.
Starting point is 02:11:57 Yeah. They're so good. One. Two. It's just. It's two. Chidias, who's your legend of the week? My legend of the week is the Mic Drop Comedy Club, San Diego.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Some of the best audiences I think I've ever... Formerly the Comedy Palace. And then we went there. It's Mic Drop. They renovated it. It's a great club in San Diego. Great crowds. The crowds...
Starting point is 02:12:24 I think the room itself and the crowds are some of the best we've had. They were fantastic. I mean, there's other honorable mentions. I would say Helium in Portland, Charlotte, Comedy Zone in Charlotte. Denver, dude. Denver. Oh, yeah. Comedy was another great club.
Starting point is 02:12:43 Just shout out to all the audiences that come out and comedy clubs. They've all just been great. Really fun experiences. Dude, My Legend of the Week, piggybacking off that, it's similar, but San Diego. Yeah. What a place. Dude. I know Strider took it in the city draft.
Starting point is 02:12:59 It was a great pick. Yeah. It is. It's like a laid back Los Angeles. The weather's great and everyone just seems like they're happy to be there and the crowd during the q a we got into a debate about best city in america and they were so adamant that it was san diego all the people there and i was like well you're all from san diego they're like no we all moved here like we just love san diego i think the
Starting point is 02:13:17 quality of life there is through the roof and um it's not without its dark side like we were staying at a hotel the dana and mission Bay the first night, um, there was drag racing going out, going on outside the, outside the building. Second night fight breaks out. 20 youngsters are outside partying.
Starting point is 02:13:37 Oh, like youngsters are partying. Dude, chicks start brawling. Really? Girl got jumped by a couple other chicks dudes were trying to break it up at the hotel bro right outside and um i was watching and uh me and another guy were watching with his wife and we were talking room to room really this shit's crazy dude but san diego it
Starting point is 02:13:58 has all the liveliness of a city no one got that badly hurt i should also point out just shook up but um yeah san diego like it has the dark sides of a city but one got that badly hurt i should also point out just shook up but um yeah san diego like it has the dark sides of a city but you never feel it when you're walking around there it just feels like i don't know just like everybody's having the best time possible 72 and sunny it's hard to beat yeah except the when i did push back on the san diego people and they said it was the best city they they were like, why New York above us? And I said, because there's something called culture. Damn, dude.
Starting point is 02:14:30 Hurts. It's great. Fucking thrilled him. I straddle a good counter. I roasted him, dude. Because I didn't even think about it. This is where the flat bill cap was invented. Dude, for sure.
Starting point is 02:14:42 And that club was fantastic. And the crowds were. Yes. Those first couple of shows were magical. Dude, the sure. And that club was fantastic and the crowds were. Yes. Those first couple shows were magical. Dude, the late show, Friday night.
Starting point is 02:14:50 God damn. My girlfriend was there too. Oh, nice. I was like, it's a hot crowd. I get nervous when my gal's there. I got nervous too,
Starting point is 02:14:57 but then, so nervous, but then you start doing well and you're like, this is awesome. You know what I told my girl? Because I told her I was a bit nervous
Starting point is 02:15:04 to have her come. I was like, look, here here's the thing i'm always trying to impress you and then when i'm doing stand-up i'm trying to impress the crowd yeah trying to impress everybody at the same time it's a little overwhelming for the central nervous system it's too much brad who's your legend of the week boys you are my legend of the week no no i'm telling you when i get the call because it doesn't happen often enough for me, and you say it's time to come back to the show, somehow you guys always know when it is the right time to come back.
Starting point is 02:15:34 I don't call and say, please have me back on, although I think it often. And here I am, and I always come here, and there is something about being here where time just moves effortlessly I just look down two and a half hours, how did that happen? It's wild. Damn. It's true, right? It is fun that we get to like hang out and spend time with each other but it's also
Starting point is 02:15:56 something that we can put out and it like it's two birds with one stone. Sure, I love it It is really nice And Chris, wonderful to spend time with you Yeah, it was so nice to meet you I wanted to definitely not get last draft because love it it is really nice and chris wonderful to spend time yeah it was so nice to meet you i've i wanted to definitely not get last last draft because i was like oh well tell me i called i called my brother today because i was like i was like dude i got something heavy to ask you
Starting point is 02:16:14 and then he goes are you booting me from the draft yeah i thought i got bumped i was like don't get strider rules so i was like i get it i was worried about this phone call no way bro who's your legend uh i gotta give it up to the warriors fucking huge game seven yesterday now it's on to the lake show there couldn't have been a better series let's fucking go shout out to kt obviously step dropped 50 yesterday that was fucking awesome dude it put him it was a historical moment i think we all felt it as we were watching it that it a conversation started happening is he better than anyone since jordan yeah i've been crazy to say but i've been enjoying uh the sports podcast, dude, because it's all been about that. And just like, now we get LeBron v. Warriors again. Let's fucking go.
Starting point is 02:17:10 Starts tomorrow night. I'm pumped. Best non-final series I can remember since what? Like Heat, Celtics, or something like that? It might be better than those. I think it's better. We'll see. It depends on how the games turn out.
Starting point is 02:17:23 But in terms of star power, you can't get... Both the Western Conference semifinals or second round, there's like a million MVPs in there. Yeah, we've got to do a podcast just on Steph. It needs to be talked about. Chad, have you guys met him? Have you met him? No, I've never met Steph.
Starting point is 02:17:41 I've never... Clay says he's legit, though. Like, he's a human. He seems like a nice guy. Chad, what's your quote of the week? Quote of the week comes from my number one pick, Aaron. I see dead people. You stole mine.
Starting point is 02:18:03 Is that yours? No, but it's a similar vein. You got to go. Yeah. Stick with mine. Nice. Is that yours? No, but it's in a similar vein. I got to go. Yeah. Stick with it. Can I just go? Yeah, go, baby. We're going to need a bigger boat.
Starting point is 02:18:13 Good stuff. Mine's from one of your picks. Which is? Well, you did Exorcist, right? I did. Fuck me. Fuck me. Dude, that scene fucked me up, bro. Whoa. I was going was not okay how did the screenwriter come up with
Starting point is 02:18:28 that i know i know it's like she's 12 dude what are you because demons are the devil is it's so gnarly we can't even describe it on the podcast is that true yeah i don't want to say what happens because it's too nasty no it's too nasty please just see the exercise but it shakes you the fuck up. Yeah. My quote is from the song I referenced earlier, Praying to a God by Mr. Probs. And there's a line in it where it says, her daddy believed that the needle was a highway.
Starting point is 02:19:00 What I love about this line is it has two meanings. And when the guy from Semisonic was talking about closing time on that podcast song. Exploder. Exploder. He says the best writing always comes when you're writing about two different things at the same time. I think what he's saying here is not only her daddy believed that the needle was a highway. It's not just the needle you inject, you know, which is a highway for this person to escape from their reality. But also that the needle drop on music is a highway.
Starting point is 02:19:23 And that's what i choose to believe in that's nice and i really it was resonating with me deep today should we do phrase of the week real quick yeah i'm not prepared you just gotta have a phrase that we thought would get people jacked up for the rest of their week and brad i have no doubt so you'll be able to come up with it you look a little nervous bro i got i got a hot one guys not only does this movie scare you but it also has bush um i got one i can go this is for when you're not quite feeling it. So here it is.
Starting point is 02:20:09 I'm freaking tired. But we got to do it. Nice. That fired me up. You don't always have your A game, but you still got to go out with the boys. So guess what? There you go. Use that one.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Dude, I was just chilling today. Just chilling at home. And, I was just chilling today. Just chilling at home. And my gal was working from home. And I just looked at her and I go, babe, what's your favorite word? Just throw a fucking fastball at her. See if she can jack it out of the park. Dude, she drilled this fucking thing on the sweet spot. She goes, defenestration.
Starting point is 02:20:41 Never heard it before. You haven't? I never heard that word before. I go, what is that? I like the sound of it. I go, what does that mean? She goes, it's throwing a thing or a person out of a window. Whoa.
Starting point is 02:20:55 Defenestration. There's a famous, the defenestration of Prague. I think it was a lot of Jews getting attacked. I don't remember. Oh, bummer, dude. I didn't see it taking a turn. Something like that. Or like Catholics. All the time the phrase of the week for getting after it.
Starting point is 02:21:10 It's like Catholics or Protestants. Or like the phrase of the week for reflecting. Yeah. It's like a lot of people died on that night. Dude, that's almost like my hollow man gap. Yeah. I had no idea it had that kind of dark historical context. It can.
Starting point is 02:21:21 It could also be like. I thought it was fun things out there. It could also be a baseball. That's what I was thinking. I was thinking like a lava lamp or something it's the only reason why i know the word is because of that context fuck dude a lot to mull over sorry brad take us home dude you're the champ oh man you defended the title i found one here the successful warrior is an average man with laser-like focus. That's true. This came from Bruce Lee. I'm looking at three guys who are just like that right now.
Starting point is 02:21:50 Come on. This was fun. Great draft. Stokers, thank you for watching. Live draftees. You guys are legends. Someone's coming. You guys are You guys are legends Someone's comment
Starting point is 02:22:08 Depends how much stoke they have These guys are absolute jabronis I don't know who they're talking about They call us jabronis? People who can't wrestle? That's a good phrase of the week is jabroni though They might be debating each other Oh dude
Starting point is 02:22:22 It could be internal to that world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get after it with each other. Yeah. Well, thanks for watching, dude. Yeah, yeah. Thanks for having me, boys. Brad, thank you for coming on.
Starting point is 02:22:35 Love to. It was a pleasure. Love to. That was so fun. So thanks, boys. That was awesome. All right. Bye.
Starting point is 02:22:39 Bye. Bye.

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