Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 296 - LIVE DRAFT: Gay Icons

Episode Date: June 22, 2023

Today we are LIVE drafting Best Gay Icons Ever. Each person will compile a list of their favorite Icons and give a dank reasoning behind each one. The Judge, Mr.Cream aka Aaron will make the final dec...ision on who wins.  Here is the Total Draft Standings (s/o HandA on reddit)Chad: 4 wins (5 if you count first draft)JT: 4 wins Strider: 6 wins Chris Parr: 4 winsBrad Fuller: True Champion of Drafts Sign up for the New Merch: http://shop.chadandjt.com Come see us on Tour!Tickets on http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thank you. Yeah, of course. Oh, damn it, I have a Bev. Is this KFC? Mendocino Farms. We're live, Aaron? Is this KFC? Are we live? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:18 We are live, guys. Welcome to another livestream episode. Draft episode This is Chad Kirk coming in hot With my compadre, John Thomas, what up? It's okay, it's okay What up guys, boom clap Stokers We are here with the maestro of marriage
Starting point is 00:00:39 That's right Look at that Look at that dude, my new hardware bro Fucking married dude Dude, looks so good Fucking married My new hardware, bro. Fucking married, dude. Dude, it looks so good. Fucking married. Dude, thank you, bro. I love it, dude.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Platinum, bro. Hell yeah. Platinum, dude. You know, you wear it on the left ring finger because that's the blood vessel that leads up to your heart in case you don't know. Is that true? Mm-hmm. And then you have a capillary or whatever goes back to your heart.
Starting point is 00:01:01 And then you have a solid band because my marriage is fucking solid, dude. No cracks, dude. Some people do crack bands? Some people do pave. What's pave? It's like little diamonds on there. Do you have yours on? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:15 The guy that sold me this ring, he was like, yeah. He had a similar one and he's like, yeah, see all those like bangs and like nicks in it? Like that's marriage. Dude, were you nervous? I was a little wait. I wasn't that nervous. I was like, could we have been together so long? But I was more nervous for everything else going on,
Starting point is 00:01:31 of running smoothly. But everyone was happy, dude. Small wedding, thank you, Santa Barbara courthouse. Super chill. Would have loved to have my bros there, but our vision was we wanted to save some dough and hopefully you know some we're from gifts from friends and family put that towards your house uh we did but not we didn't
Starting point is 00:01:51 rehearse that oh you didn't and you guys just did them for each other right yeah and how was cute how were your vows inferior to my wife's dude she's a genius dude she's great right and super sweet i was like i promise to be chill to you. I was like, I like you and stuff. I'll make sure to take you out for a nice dinner pretty frequently and stuff. No, you had some bangers. I had some good little bangers. But then she was great, dude.
Starting point is 00:02:16 So really good. And then, yeah, my bro Matt officiated, did a great job. He made me crack up. Like right when you're going to the bride he goes you may now smooch arena dude i started dying laughing it was great and then and for that i don't know if this is too much detail but for the kiss did you go heavy or did you go light you know what didn't even think about it too much and i would say it was class it was pretty classy like like went in kissed held it for probably longer than most times that I do, thinking about photos.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Being in Hollywood, I know my camera. I know my lights. I know my angles. And then went back in for another little smoocherino. And then that night, we consummated the bond by watching Air Force One. Nice. Really? In the hotel room, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I was watching Harrison Ford say, get off my plane. I said, get in my bed. Whoa. Yeah, it was great. He said it like Nick Cage. Absolutely. Nice. I love how easily you slip into Nick Cage.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Oh, dude, yeah, that was a Nick Cage, right? For some reason, I was like... But yeah, then my wife did a really good... My dang guy's wife did a really good Gary Oldman. Yeah. Nice. JT, I got so excited. I didn't get to allow you to say boom clap, so...
Starting point is 00:03:24 I think I said it. Oh, i said it oh you said it i said it yeah oh dude no yeah i'm good okay sweet fuck yeah dude well uh stoked and we're here with the uh with the uh friggin um the king of the king of the king of parties I don't know Chris does party dude Chris is also a great Shroom Sherpa dude So apparently People thought it was Recorded last time
Starting point is 00:03:52 So I'm gonna read off The live chat Some people are Bagging on us For saying we're late What dude This one guy Who said this before
Starting point is 00:04:00 He said These lads have never Done anything on On their life On time I remember seeing them live they showed up like 30 minutes late for their own show i don't remember doing that no i think his overall point is true we we are chill we mosey in because we want to maintain a relaxed vibe
Starting point is 00:04:15 through all things and if if we're putting too much horsepower into like a specific hour of arrival well that's taken away from the creative juice. But we were never late for a stand-up show. I know. I'm calling bull on that. Shows start late. That's a choice that the producer makes because they're waiting to seat more people or because they have issues that they're working on in the venue.
Starting point is 00:04:36 But no, we were not late for a show. Standard stand-up shows start 10 to 15 minutes late. Yeah, so what's this guy's name? He sounds like a liar. Ant Lover 420. I mean, that's already a liar's name. 420. So this guy's name? He sounds like a liar. Ant Lover 420. I mean, that's already a liar's name. 420. So this guy likes weed?
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah, so his memory's already jacked. And he's probably late sometimes, too. Although that's stereotyping, but weed people, they're slow. I'm stoned right now. Love that, dude. Dude, we're drafting today, and this is a big draft. We're going top four gay icons of all time. Of all time.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Now, we haven't gone too much over the parameters of what that means, but I think we'll find out. I'm not even going to establish parameters now. Let's just go in there. That's how we do it. If someone swerves, if someone bends, we're all here to adjudicate it. You know, as soon as you started talking about that, I was like i got
Starting point is 00:05:25 a bend that just came to mind whoa yeah interesting i've got some bends up my sleeve oh i love that dude you know i love a nice bend dude we're also really nervous to do this one you know we're delving into like it's a little bit outside of our normal wheelhouse yeah and we got some comments too from some folks who are like woke nash, I won't be listening to this one, which is weird to me. Like, you should just be curious. So like, that's always cool. And then also the idea that we're doing it to be like woke.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I understand it won't work with one demographic, but I also don't think the LGBTQ community is going to be like super psyched that four straight, mostly white dudes without outside help are going to draft the greatest four icons of all time. psyched that four straight mostly white dudes without outside help are gonna draft the greatest four icons of all times. This draft is really for no one and I think that's what makes it special. It's also like they're still gonna be famous you know? They're still gonna be like I don't know like probably like like people that would be recognized over some of them are like anywhere in the world you know like just relax
Starting point is 00:06:26 and enjoy the show and that's that's the loud minority you know yeah but I hear them there's a reason it works all right we'll dude should we uh placed should we toss oh yeah oh yeah shnikes one two three oh okay one two three okay one two One, two, three Oh Okay One, two, three Okay One, two, three Oh Oh man Damn
Starting point is 00:06:53 Yeah, good luck Alright One, two, three Oh One, two, three Oh Oh I don't want to do that I don't want to I was trying to Oh, one, two, three. Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Oh, shit, dude. I don't want to go. I've been in a rock, paper, scissors scenario in ages. Okay, JT, you call it. In case I get number one, I got to have my head straight. Oh, yeah, dude, dude. Yeah, bro. I know what I want.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I know what I want. Oh, yeah, dude. All right. Are you ready to get number one? Oh, for sure. All right, so we're going to do rock, paper, scissors, and then shoot, yeah, dude. All right. Are you ready? Are you ready to get number one? Oh, for sure. All right. So we're going to do rock, paper, scissors, and then shoot it. Got it. All right.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. You going first? Second. JT just crushed it. One and done. JT just crushed it. He couldn't even stretch it out. I can't remember the rules to fucking Rochambeau.
Starting point is 00:07:39 All right. I think this is a pretty chalk pick. One of the ultimate legends. Maybe the greatest live performer. Shit ass. I wanted this is a pretty chalk pick. One of the ultimate legends, maybe the greatest live performer in history. Shit ass, I wanted this. An easy Halloween costume every year that always looks good and is always a hit. Made songs as a British gay dude
Starting point is 00:07:59 that are anthems in every major event in the United States. Like if you go to any sporting event, you're going to hear this dude's bangers. He lived brashly. He was wild. I guess he used to have little people carry trays of cocaine at his parties. I am going with Freddie Mercury. Nice.
Starting point is 00:08:17 That's exactly who I would have gone with. You took Freddie Mercury in the Rockstar draft, right? Correct. Was he my number one front man? He was your number one front man. Dude, well, I mean. I think there's a technicality that you can't take him in this one, too, dude. New rule.
Starting point is 00:08:33 No. Psych, dude. Psych, dude. I was just pointing it out. It's like freaking legend, dude. Dude, he's a beast. I'm happy that I got him number one overall in two drafts. He deserves it um just the most like it goes beyond flamboyant like just the most expressive on stage
Starting point is 00:08:53 human being ever i think that inspires everyone he brought it he emptied the tank and uh i liked his songs at five i like him at 35 He's timeless I'm going Freddie Mercury I love that dude Iconic outfit too Jeans Wife beater You can't beat it And the mustache
Starting point is 00:09:15 Like I was I was wondering Was he the first guy To really make I think Burt Reynolds Is the mustache king Yeah But I put Freddie Mercury
Starting point is 00:09:23 Right behind him Yeah It's pretty great and he was gay he was gay it's a huge part that's huge the band's name was queen queen huge the great david spade yeah queen size it's like him being a kid not knowing that queen was gay yeah he's like what can i can i throw a cue was gay. Yeah. He's like, what? Can I throw a cue out here? And this might be shut down.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Of course. But if their sexuality is kind of like fluid. I don't think they have to be gay to be a gay icon. Yeah. Okay. Because the gays pick, you know. They like straight people too. According to some of my research, there's a couple that are big time ones that are walking.
Starting point is 00:10:08 That's what I'm saying, dude. Oh, yeah. Cool. You can tell I'm on edge. I don't know, bro. Look, we're all good dudes. We're doing our best. We got this. I'm trying hard, dude.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I'll tell you dude You're trying hard You haven't said anything And I'll tell you dude He's that internal focus Before I start dude I want to let everyone know I love everyone
Starting point is 00:10:36 I'm not a perfect guy You know Can we do I'm going to go with This guy's been high up On a lot of lists that i that i googled and uh i'm going with prince dude great pick dude yeah prince thank you dude dude thank you dude thank you dude now not gay but from what i've read plays with androgyny in a very fun way that's appreciated by the gay community
Starting point is 00:11:05 and um and he's a fucking beast he's a great performer dude you know he's got style i think that's big is style and no one can argue prince has style um there's a really fun story that i heard about how uh he one time rented i forget where i heard this but he rented carlos boozer's um house did you hear this? Yeah Okay does everyone know this story? Let's get an anecdote I believe it was
Starting point is 00:11:29 Alonzo Morning's house No I think it was Boozer It was Boozer I don't know the story And He rented his house Nice ass house
Starting point is 00:11:37 And fucking made everything Purple Like literally Like And was only renting it For like a month While like living in I forget what city it was
Starting point is 00:11:44 Maybe LA or wherever He was staying Salt lake in the boot yeah and like literally like rented your house and changed everything purple and then left and then boozer came back and he's like dude what the fuck like uh i can't have this like this is like i can't like this isn't my style you've like ruined my house kind of was trying to contact prince couldn't get in touch finally he's like dude like i have to sue you like i have to like get the money to fix things how they should be then prince's manager reached out and he's like hey prince is gonna fix it for you i'm doing a prince voice as if the manager but i like prince is like hey baby don't worry about it go to hawaii baby like relax you're gonna come back let's get everything's gonna be fixed and then he paid for
Starting point is 00:12:20 his family to go to hawaii for two weeks back, the whole house was like fixed and he gave him like 500,000 bucks and was just like, you can say he was a prince. He was truly a prince. So on the way out, he was like, oh man, this place looks great. I just did this guy a huge favor. In his mind, he's like, made it perfect. Now that's better. I think there's something too about him being so sexual but like in like a feminine way too like the clothes he would wear and stuff like no one else dressed like that
Starting point is 00:12:51 and he'd wear like really elaborate outfits i do totally and and to maybe personalize as best i can um i had a volleyball coach in high school who was gay. His name was Travis. And one time I asked him, it was a club, you're competing, you have to go to practice. And I go, hey, Travis, I'm going to miss practice on Thursday. And he's like, well, you better have a doctor's appointment, like death in the family. I was like, I'm going to go see Prince. And he goes, okay, have fun. Dude. Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Dude, and also it's going to make Aaron cream, but I think maybe the best Super Bowl halftime performance of all time Yeah, 100% 100% when he did the phallic symbol with the guitar Made it look like he had like a giant dong that he was like swinging around the stadium That's epic. Have you seen the video of him ripping my guitar? Oh, yeah, I watched all the time, bro He gave MJ run for his money, too Yeah, epic rivalry When when he falls down in that guitar solo and they're, like, holding him up.
Starting point is 00:13:47 It's unreal, dude. And the natural just fucking throws his guitar. He's just done, dude. I want to do that after I hit, like, a killer joke. No, you, like, fall down and you hit the punchline. I can see, like, Cat Williams doing that, dude. Yeah, dude. Show's over.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Yeah, exactly. All right, we're cooking this is tough got this dude you can do this guy i think i know what you're gonna do i'm gonna do elton john oh dude this is a great pick dude that's almost who i went with dude yeah it was kind of a theme here uh it's all male pop stars around the same age so yeah these are just icons who wore like really like yeah like really spectacular outfits yes yeah they might have their straight following is you don't see a big distinction between who's following them it's just kind of everybody but to go to the phallic thing you were talking about with prince when robbie saw him and it's when he's doing his residency, Elton John in Vegas, I guess he had a bunch of big
Starting point is 00:14:48 inflatable dicks and stuff and like different privates just blown up really huge on stage. We saw him recently. Yeah, he still fucks. Oh, yeah. He's got that energy. He's wild up there. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You can tell. And like, I don't know, the guy's got more hit songs than anybody so many so many bangers dude yeah my one of my favorite scenes in almost famous when they're singing rocket man tiny dancer tiny dancer sorry yeah so fucking good yeah um yeah elton john Yeah, Elton John, total legend, you know, flamboyantly gay, and just always rocked it. Decent movie made about him. Yeah, Joel Edgerton. Not Joel Edgerton. Who's the kid?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Taron. Taron. Taron Egerton. Rocket Man. Egerton, though. He's a beast. Love him. Rocket Man, every time I hear that song, it's one of the only songs that brings me to tears,
Starting point is 00:15:45 like every time. Oh, wow. And I hear that song, it's one of the only songs that brings me to tears. Like, every time. Oh, wow. And I always imagine it being played at my funeral. If you have an epic life or an epic life and a tragic death, then you play Rocket Man and everyone's just crying. Like, oh, he's such a good guy. Yeah. Dude, I want you to live forever.
Starting point is 00:15:59 But if you do die first, like doing something sick, like boning while skydiving. I've been planning on it. It'd be a sick way for you to go out. It's easy, too, because you fly tandem. Yeah. I would love to go to your funeral, because I know it'd be the most epic rager. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And you know, I've been looking into boning while skydiving, but the thing is the air. It's like you need a lot of lube. Oh, really? Yeah, to like constantly rehydrate. That's tough, too. Oh, because it's thin up there. Yeah. You could get good foreplay movement up there yeah you could get good like uh like uh foreplay movement
Starting point is 00:16:27 right yeah maybe you get the thing like uh maybe put like a vibrator in the strap well and even like your thingy thing like if you're rocked up just the waggle you're gonna get before the penetration is gonna be like flopping in a way that might be stimulating yeah and that'd be nice i bet your balls would like fly up over your dick you be stimulating. I bet your balls would fly up over your dick. You wouldn't secure your balls? That's the thing. How do you secure them?
Starting point is 00:16:52 I've never been skydiving. I don't know. Maybe a strap? I've only had sex once. I wasn't very good at it. I don't know if I'm going to be able to pull this off. I strap my balls for sure. You guys don't always get your balls strapped uh does your wife let you come all right here we go chad you're up
Starting point is 00:17:12 four and five all right all right so uh first guy i'm gonna stay within the same kind of category i'm going george michael one of the first to openly come out first pop stars as i read got some bangers wake me up before you go go careless whisper bro yeah um famously boned prince whoa really apparently i love that i read that i like that i like that where'd you read it at google i don't know a text from a text from me? Yeah. George Michael, what up, legend. I don't know much else about him,
Starting point is 00:17:54 but he's one of the top-selling artists of all time. So, yeah, freaking beast. Fuck yeah. Great band. Then I'm going to go... Who? Wham. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Lead singer of Wham. Quit trying to take down my pick. I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Who? Wham Oh okay Lead singer of Wham Quit trying to take down my pick I'm all over you guys Okay next one Yeah I think he only came out Because he got caught Blowing a guy at a rest stop Oh really?
Starting point is 00:18:14 I think it was like Close to the Beverly Hills Hotel Where he was in that bath At that park Will Rogers Park Oh it's a good park It is a beautiful park It is a good park
Starting point is 00:18:20 Dude they have a good Yeah Glory hole there It's a great park for head Oh I've never done that there Oh never? It's nice, they've got koi and it's a good place for head Let me text the wife
Starting point is 00:18:32 They've got an Erewhon right nearby It's like a good date Get a blue drink Who you got next? Up next This might be kind of a bend But this guy helped save the world Oh dude fuck All right, up next, I'm going, this might be kind of a bend, but this guy helped save the world.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Whoa. Whoa, dude, fuck! Alan Turing. Yeah, bro, dude. The Turing test, he helped decode the freaking, with the Enigma machine, helped decode the Nazis' code so the allies could go in and take them out. And then Turing test is how you figure out if AI is sentient. So this guy's a freaking beast. He's the, what is he?
Starting point is 00:19:08 The father of theoretical computer science and tragic life, too. The movie is incredible. It's a bummer. The ending really will thrill you. Yeah, it's a solid B. Yeah. Solid B for the movie? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Look, I like it. The story's incredible. I watched it the once and it was like, yeah look I like it but the story's incredible I watched it the once and it was like I think I got it yeah but like yeah
Starting point is 00:19:29 what's up what happened to his dong oh yeah he got so he was persecuted because they caught him in a relationship or like
Starting point is 00:19:38 hooking up with some guy and so they castrated him chemically yeah he took over the government and he saved the world he saved the world yeah he chose of the punishments he was given he chose So they castrated him chemically. Yeah. And he saved the world, dude. He saved the world.
Starting point is 00:19:45 That's great. Yeah, he chose. Of the punishments he was given, he chose. No way. What were the other options? Well, I think he wanted to stay. I think it was either. I could be totally wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was prison time, but like hard time.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Or he could do this, and he wanted to keep working on his life's work, which was fucking computers and shit and he was like no I'm going to do that I think he died by cyanide he ingested cyanide yeah a tragic end but good list so far though yeah that is great man
Starting point is 00:20:17 I know that you know all the people that I talk to they're like gay people they're like definitely Alan Turing. This guy saved the world. You know what? Can I tell you something? I love that pic,
Starting point is 00:20:35 dude. Yeah. I knew you. No, dude, I was at the Abbey last Saturday and they were just, the guy was like, give it up for Alan Turing.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And then everybody lost. The place went ballistic. Yeah, but here's the thing, dude. They should, though. That's the thing. Everyone should. Everyone should. The shooters in their pockets, dude,
Starting point is 00:20:51 they wouldn't be here without Alan Turing. We should be doing that at every concert. Yeah, give it up for Alan Turing. And all scientists, really. Steve Jobs would have been a farmer without him, dude. Exactly, bro. People are saying JT won this round damn it Freddie Mercury's the shit we'll see how it goes in the second one thank you
Starting point is 00:21:09 people is this live dude what it would it Ant Man 420 say dude or yeah what are the folks well let's keep cooking though Chris who you got I'm going Lady Gaga great pick rah rah rah rah rah bah bah bah I guess she identifies as bi. I don't know if she's like, has she publicly dated a woman? Or is she? I don't know. I don't think so. But I guess I don't really know much about her love life in general.
Starting point is 00:21:36 But I just noticed that she gets very glamorous and she makes songs that are total bangers that, you know, you could hear at the clubs dude are you opening a dueling piano bar with that list you got going on? I know yeah they work well together and she did Born This Way which is like it's on the nose but it's an anthem and I'm sure it helped
Starting point is 00:21:58 and then Alejandro I was watching the music video it's all ripped gay dudes and like fishnets dancing around so she's representing I was watching the music video. It's all ripped gay dudes and like fishnets dancing around. Fuck yeah. So she's, you know, she's representing. Oh yeah. And then Bad Romance, one music video of the year,
Starting point is 00:22:12 Alexander McQueen, the great gay designer, that was the last thing he designed. And so I think it came out posthumously. Whoa. And everybody was really, and so she got the stamp of approval from High Fashion. So it's kind of like she's elevated too nice pick jt i mean chris it's i love but that's on was that but you're but you're crushing it
Starting point is 00:22:32 when somebody else makes your argument for you needed that no it was beautifully done but i have to slap you guys i have to be competitive i have to oh you see i'm working in cahoots with him because he's my brother no no i'm just saying he has to tear us down oh yeah everything down come after me i want to build you up i want to support you but i gotta yeah exactly dude you're not even good at skating dude that's true all right yeah that's it elton john lady gaga i'm feeling pretty good you're looking good all right strides my pick is fucking Gandalf, dude. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Fucking Gandalf, bro. I thought I would get this way later, you fucker. I love that you're calling him Gandalf. He's Gandalf, bro. No, he's Magneto. He's also Magneto, dude. Sick-ass characters, dude. He's a beast, dude.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Sir Ian McKellen, fucking beast. One of my favorite characters, dude. Gandalf the gray, Gandalf the white. Today, Gandalf the gay. I love him, dude.andalf the gay i love him dude he's the freaking man dude that's well said and and he's like done some stuff uh for gay rights and um and you know been outspoken and and really an intelligent guy dude super super smart beast and um yeah and i love his character dude and he's a legend dude so let's go one of the first actors i remember being like oh he's gay oh i didn't know that like because it just wasn't
Starting point is 00:23:52 it wasn't always common knowledge not always and also one of those things where what i love too is so many bros like obviously i don't identify as a gay dude but i love him so much and i love his work and he's in so many things no no i'm saying the fact that's not what's so beautiful that dude don't even joke like that is uh it's one of those things that i love about it is like you don't even think about it you go like your reaction of going oh oh amazing like well i didn't know that is like i think that's the great great space to be in dude so fired up on that
Starting point is 00:24:26 love Ian McKellen and he's a knight which is pretty fucking cool that's cool oh that's sick so is Elton John so is Elton John yeah
Starting point is 00:24:33 so a lot of knights so far in this which is pretty cool love that yeah a lot of Brits yeah a lot of Brits when you get knighted
Starting point is 00:24:41 do you have to show up in the whole get up yeah you got the chainmail on. You do? You got the heavy battle armor. Do you joust after? Yeah, getting on the horse is tough. Yeah. With Elton John? Dude, Elton John. Yeah, who do you face off
Starting point is 00:24:54 against? Does he have a bedazzled knight outfit? He's like 12 square. Oh, I would love to see that. Wouldn't that be sick? He'd have, it would be so sick. Yeah, dude. His scepter that he'd have, dude, would be so rad. He sword fought's scepter that he'd have dude would be so right he sword fought with judy dench it was a barn burner oh wow i want to see that a dead giveaway in battle
Starting point is 00:25:14 oh look there's all the good thing you're so shy you can't see there's actually a piano being dragged by don't take out that guy he's giving us the vibes every time being dragged by a person. They're like, don't take out that guy. He's giving us the vibe. Every time he drives by a fighter, everyone just starts grooving. All right, I'm doing two picks here, huh? Mm-hmm. Fuck. All right, I got two picks,
Starting point is 00:25:37 and I don't think anybody was going to take them. No, man, this is so tough. This is as tough as it gets. No, man, this is so tough. This is as tough as it gets. I got two heavyweight female pop stars I'm deciding between. Oh, man. I want the spread.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I need the spread. I am going to go with Mariah Carey. Now, there was other female pop stars I was going to pick who were more closely associated with like fighting for like gay rights or gay representation. But I'm going to go with Mariah because I like that
Starting point is 00:26:15 a big pop of the gay community likes her because she's just so unabashedly herself, not afraid to be a diva, and she is the best at throwing shade. She does it with that like casualness where she's not like yelling or being mad like when they asked her about nikki minaj talking trash she's like oh i didn't even hear about that she like raps or something like that right boom stomped huge and yeah i just like her vibe i like her energy and if you look at i know some people might question
Starting point is 00:26:48 like why her over some other people will like look at the names of her albums rainbow daydream glitter merry christmas yeah all gay titles merry christmas for sure. I'm going with Mariah. I think she's my favorite of the female pop stars. And, you know, if one of her songs comes on, what's her best groover? Heartbreaker? Oh, I love that song. Like if you're grooving. Heartbreaker. Yeah, I guess I like Always Be My Baby.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Yeah. Do-do-do? Yeah. The Unabashed emotion. Do-do-do. Do-do-do. That and We Belong Together are my two favorites. But probably, but it's not, We Belong Together, I don't know if it's like party time.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Yeah, exactly. It's a great song. We Belong Together, I would always crank that when I had a crush on someone. I had to imagine I would just be looking at them. Good songs. And then we just go to that glory hole off. It's on Beverly and imagine i'd just be looking at them and then we just go to that glory hole it's on beverly and camden off beverly and camden oh yeah it's not far yeah being stuck in traffic when you're heading to the glory hole that's got to be stressful i'm gonna miss my window yeah i
Starting point is 00:27:58 might get a dick i don't even like right i mean i gotta be on time for that you know we got a reservation at 715 across town our perfect Saturday is gonna be ruined if we don't get to the glory hole in time you know the wait list for that thing? you can show up you know when you pull up to a place and you're not expecting a line and then you see it and you're like god damn
Starting point is 00:28:17 I know a guy who knows a guy who was a member of Soho House and he's like if you're a member of Soho House you can kinda get in there. Right. Cause I heard, I thought they took away. That's no longer reservations.
Starting point is 00:28:28 And you just have to show up. Yeah. It's like a huge fucking, so, you know, a person who can get on a wait list. That's like, well,
Starting point is 00:28:34 they look at your Instagram follower numbers. You know, like if you're at a mill, then you can slide your hog in there. If you're under that, then you gotta, you gotta wait. Gotta start posting,
Starting point is 00:28:44 I guess. Yeah, dude. Ooh. All right, right dudes for my next pick no one was gonna pick this but i wanted to have a gay icon that the dudes love and so that was mariah and now i want to have one that the gals love and this really surprised me i'm a huge fan of this actress i had no idea women were grooving on her so hard there was a there was a couple names that got tossed but this one was the one that stuck out to me rachel weiss whoa i love rachel she's gay no she's not but she's played a lot of gay characters she plays characters that flirt with other gals she has a mask energy and
Starting point is 00:29:20 she wears power suits oh all that i guess goes a long way i think i was way off on the term gay icon i sure had to be gay that's an interesting debate to have i think that's fair you don't have i don't think so no you don't have to be i guess not i mean it makes sense now i just figured it was people who were actually gay can be for sure yeah i think you can it can be whatever it wants to be right yeah yeah i guess also like if people weren't if people felt pressured not to not to be out but like gays still probably wanted icons so they had to pick so they wouldn't always be able to pick and they weren't always given roles so sometimes it took a straight person to pave the way for like right dude so people represent what was going on people who are cheerleaders are big big for the movement
Starting point is 00:30:10 or people that just gave people love dude according to wikipedia which is always right a gay icon is a public figure who's regarded as a cultural icon by members of the lgbt community said figures usually have a devoted lgbt fan base and act as allies to the LGBT community, often through their work. So Alan Turing was spot on. Yes. But it was a good straight pick. Yeah. Which is, I think, interesting. Which is interesting. And it's also like,
Starting point is 00:30:36 you know, they're not, it's not like they're voting as a block, so like I'm sure there's some that, you know. Oh no, I got picks from some people that other people were like, that's Crazy Town. Crazy Town Butterfly. Come, my yeah come my lady come come my lady but uh i'm going with rachel weiss and i guess this is something that people bisexual people will talk about that a lot of them knew they were by when they saw the mummy oh because everyone in the mummy's hot there's not a not hot right you Right, you got the magi.
Starting point is 00:31:06 You got... I mean, you know it better than anyone. There you go. Oded Fair, baby. He's so good in the... Imhotep, Arnold Vosloo. Is he gay? No, but he's sexy.
Starting point is 00:31:16 He's sexy. He's just sitting up. Yeah, he's sitting up. Kill him! Kill him! Who's the Deuce Bigelow guy? That's Oded Fair he might love that guy yeah if you're a more mature person he might be hotter than fraser yes you know what i mean oh for sure
Starting point is 00:31:34 like i get it he's got and i like he's like he's a man he's a man they're both tall dark and handsome you know like brendan fraser brendan fraser's got a great tan. Oded Ferry's got like, he's got the five o'clock or more like eight o'clock in that shadow. The longer hair. He wears a cooler outfit. Although Brendan Fraser's is pretty good. Brendan Fraser's hot and jacked in that movie, dude. He's a stud.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Yeah, and Rachel Weisz is gorgeous. I love her. Clearly, yeah. I'm a freaking beast librarian. The ladies. Exactly. Who's not getting her lover. Because dudes suck.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Exactly. Exactly. All right not getting her lover. Because dudes suck. Exactly. Exactly. All right. Who's up next? I think I am coming back. Go baby. I think we're cooking
Starting point is 00:32:11 with gasoline now. We're cruising now. Let's go. Can I just take individuals or can I take a group? Stupid question. I gotta take an
Starting point is 00:32:19 individual. I almost did the cast of the mummy. Fuck. I got to go with Barbra Streisand. Great pick. Thank you. It's on a lot of lists.
Starting point is 00:32:32 It's on a lot of lists. A lot of articles I've read. But why do you love Barbra? I love Barbra Streisand. I love her from that video Duck Sauce. You ever heard of Duck Sauce? They do a song called Barbra Streisand. Great song, dude.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Oh, dude, yeah, great song. It's a banger, dude. Dude, in college? Yep,and. Great song, dude. Oh, dude, yeah, great song. It's a banger, dude. Dude, in college? Yep, but she's great, dude. She was named one of the 12 greatest female gay icons of all time by Out Magazine in gay times. So, yeah, she's really, she's up there. She's an artist.
Starting point is 00:33:00 She's really good at what she does. And she's a fucking beast, dude. Dude, man, the Streisand effect. That was big culturally. Yeah. she's really good at what she does and uh she's a fucking beast dude dude man the stride hand effect that was big culturally yeah look outside of the sexual realm that was big yeah so she didn't want it's when you try and say i don't like when you try and like uh are you trying like hide hide something but it makes it more popular because basically like there was like a photo of her mansion like in malib a photo of her mansion like in malibu or something she's like i don't want this out there that that's my house and then by
Starting point is 00:33:29 her making a stink about it everybody found out oh that's her house classic yes yes you know what some people i think love about strice and is that she doesn't look like she should be the a-list celeb or female celebrity of the day like actress of the day but just by like sheer force of talent and just trusting herself like being herself she was undeniable yeah yes broadway yeah you know that's like that helps the broadway bona fides big time yeah because if you're like a dude and you're gay and you want to be like a flamboyant performer and just be like so energetically yourself maybe seeing barbara streisand do it you're like oh maybe i can do it
Starting point is 00:34:09 yep you're exactly right it's important it's important to see to have that that's great i love that it is important huh would you say it's important it's so fucking important dude such a strong fucking pick for me dude I'm fucking ripping it dude I love Streisand dude are you fired up on your list oh it's good dude actually
Starting point is 00:34:29 I am actually pretty fired up on this list right now who do you got I got number one I went Prince number two I went Gandalf
Starting point is 00:34:34 and number three Barbra Streisand that's a good list let's go dude rah rah rah who's that who's that
Starting point is 00:34:43 poker face at high school graduation I boned to that really you did to poker face hot damn did you do it on purpose because the lyrics are like a double entendre yeah dude i was i was like you know i i'd bone like once before and so i was really trying i was like all right now it's time to lock in rhythm and we were in a tent in Connecticut and it just rah rah rah rah rah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah My boy Chad Fox. I was like, Alan Turing, dude. Alan Turing's a great pick.
Starting point is 00:35:30 I love that pick. Thank you. Computers are important. How else would we even engage with half these people? Right. Important and interesting, dude. I'm going RuPaul Nice dude
Starting point is 00:35:46 Boners Taking drag to the masses And for our age bracket First drag queen I ever saw was probably RuPaul Right There's probably like multiple generations Of people who that's their experience Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:03 He just took it. He took it to the niche, dude. And the world. And big crossover appeal. Like I've had roommates who love watching RuPaul's Drag Race and be like, bro, these people are so talented. Like when we were going to DragCon to shoot something, they were like, you might not have like the talent to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:21 And that was scary. Yes. Because they are. A lot of things are scary. They fucking bring it. But you do it and that that was scary yes and dude like because they are they like a lot of things are scary they fucking bring it but you do it they fucking bring it do they're unbelievably talented performers led to watch parties dude for that show what about iconic what about him in fled oh rupaul's in in fled they they steal... Billy Baldwin and Stephen Baldwin? Stephen Baldwin. Stephen Baldwin and Laurence Fishburne. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:48 Okay. Who is Laurence Fishburne is doing? Is he a gay icon? No, never mind. All right. Morbius, dude? To me, he is. So they take his car from the valet.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Right. And he's dressed up. Man, I never put it together. I've never seen F fled that was like one of the first radar movies i watched great movie yeah super fun yeah we had to vhs but yeah rupaul iconic iconic uh oh dude love the drag wanted to get that in there i'm freaking liking my list dude i've heard some of the younger generation of like drag and lgbtq people kind of beef with rupaul yeah well it's he's not without controversy why what's going on there but you gotta call it out baby
Starting point is 00:37:30 oh yeah i don't know like i remember i remember reading an article just being like let's not forget that rupaul has done all these investments that are very unchill and not oh it's investment stuff that was one article that i read but i'm sure for some i'm sure also like and then i think and i think he's also been accused of like not like lifting up others but like kind of being like no i this is my thing oh everyone does and like you know trying to like hog the space drag queen come on that's a ruler well like so a lot of leaders and heroes do that they're like yo i know how to do this y'all need to give me space to work yeah um and be the one and look you know everybody can make their own decision but i think i'm getting great value here i think you are getting i mean honestly dude picking late picking late this is the second
Starting point is 00:38:13 half the third round important yeah so like but yeah like uh in case you guys were wondering i don't think rupaul's a saint but you know, did you fucking gay icon? Yes. We're not saying they're a sinner either. Right. Cause morality, we're not in a position to call it. We're just trying to give the facts and see it late as it lies.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Yeah, for sure. If you've got a glass house, dude, you freaking nailed it. And dude, drag Queens rule, dude,
Starting point is 00:38:39 they truly are the best performers. They're amazing. And dude, whenever I talk to my conservative buddies, I want to call them out. They're like, dude, you know, some, some of the, some buddies that I have, they'll be like dude oh drag queens dude or we're talking about like transgender i'm like dude these are the nicest
Starting point is 00:38:52 people in the world they're literally they dance and sing and they're incredible like obviously not all of them fucking mary yeah like it's like the best thing and they're fucking good at it dude like yeah if you had a drag queen at your wedding you would you would be so lucky dude they would crush it so fucking yeah they would bring the energy hopefully there's probably some sad ones they can sing and down trot and they're wearing those heels like fucking egg you don't see that everyone's a diamond you don't see that motif in culture as much so as the drag queen who's kind of like uh a downer who's like just in their head yeah but they're in full drag but they're just like life is so meaningless and just kind of
Starting point is 00:39:27 like Joaquin Phoenix's Joker as like a drag like that's what you're going for he's like a disaffected feel Bowen Yang could play
Starting point is 00:39:34 that good character like on SNL that'd be funny sad drag queen good juxtaposition I did a I did a show I did a stand up show
Starting point is 00:39:42 at a drag bar in New Orleans one time never felt more loved. Nice. That's beautiful. Is there anything better than feeling loved? Yeah, I was like, I was up there, I was like, you guys want to hear about, like, surf instruction? They were like, yeah. And I was like, sweet.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Because you were embodying your truth in that moment. Game recognizes game. My truth. That's beautiful. Your vulnerability is your secret weapon, dude. And the secret's out brother it's my turn two picks baby all right well i got two more i'm surprised this guy's still still available to you two more steve jobs all these gay people texting texting without Steve Jobs. Amazing. Gay people use computers.
Starting point is 00:40:27 MacBooks. I'm going with the Waz. I'm surprised this guy's still available. David Bowie. Great pick. Dude, I thought about it. Yep. Great pick, bro. Dude, I mean, the vibe master. I gotta admit, I haven't seen any of his
Starting point is 00:40:42 movies. I haven't listened to that much of his music, but he crushed it in Zoolander yeah amazing and I mean but you look at him you look at his style
Starting point is 00:40:51 and like the just the overall his essence his vibe was just like you're like that is cool I wanna be like that
Starting point is 00:41:00 he created a character too speaking of like it's not Dracula like Ziggy Stardust like created this whole alter ego and stuff. Yeah. I mean. And one of the first big pop stars
Starting point is 00:41:10 to come out and be like, yeah, I bang dudes. Right. And really own it and just normalize it to everybody. Yeah. That was big. That was huge.
Starting point is 00:41:19 And dude, their duet, Under Pressure, Freddie Mercury and David Bowie. I mean, come on, what a fucking jam he was always hip to the times
Starting point is 00:41:26 cause he was he got on MTV for not having enough like black artists on there too like he was a very conscientious dude while boning
Starting point is 00:41:33 a ton that makes you iconic that makes you iconic this guy boned didn't he bone Mick Jagger's wife Angie that's about that
Starting point is 00:41:42 I think so whoa and he probably banged Mick Jagger's boyfriend too probably he probably banged Mick Jagger's boyfriend, too. Probably. He probably banged Mick Jagger himself. He's a triple threat, dude. You can't bring anyone, you know.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And he's attractive to all of them, too. He's the Swiss Army Knife of boning. Jagger kept finding sprinkles everywhere. Glitter. Glitter. Yeah. Is Bowie here? I don't know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:42:03 It's a stardust, dude. She's like, no, the Supremes came over for tea he's like alright check fun fact he made the glory hole at the corner
Starting point is 00:42:10 oh yeah alright last pick I think it's more ah okay yeah this is a more contemporary one where she's got
Starting point is 00:42:29 you know I'm I believe in her future and she's already huge but I believe that she's got a lot of years of influence coming her way it's Dua Lipa love Dua Lipa when those songs come on
Starting point is 00:42:43 the place gets electric. Yeah. And she has a song called Electricity, so that might be part of it. Yeah. And she's crushing it. You can feel it. She's the next big thing. I went to her concert.
Starting point is 00:42:54 Dude, I didn't know she was so big with the gay community. I show up dressed in a black polo looking like I'm going to dinner at Houston's. Yeah. And then everybody else was wearing glitter and had angel wings on their back. Yeah. It was a vibe. And also, too, just something that's cool is watching... Still dance better than that.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Have you watched your Evolution of Dance videos? Like how kind of bad of a dancer she was like four or five years ago. And fast forward to now, night and day. And so I just got to commend that work ethic. Yeah. I think it's, all you need is just like YouTube and just sitting in front of a computer and just practicing.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Yeah. Just dance moves. Yeah. And that's where we got most of our moves. Yeah. We're going six picks on this one. Let's sweat. All right. Let's sweat. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:48 That's me. Nice list. So what's your list so far? So my list is George Michael, Alan Turing, David Bowie, Dua Lipa. You know what? The Turing pick looks better now with the spread. Yeah. I always liked Turing.
Starting point is 00:44:01 It looks good with the spread. It's different. I was always in your corner. Don't ever say I wasn't in your corner I was a doubter dude Now I'm a believer Alan Turing is the best pick of this draft Dude he should be the icon
Starting point is 00:44:14 Of the world I might have to go back in time then Some world movers Alright who's up 2-3 Bill Gates is still a man. Yeah. The found...
Starting point is 00:44:28 You have to logger to be believed. It's true. A lot of log talk. Well, these days. I don't... Chad took Jeff Bezos. Gay people love to order things on Amazon. They like convenient delivery straight to the door.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Someone says if your first reference is duck sauce, that doesn't count. Oh. Look, dude. How does that make you feel? It makes me feel like this guy doesn't get how important my pick was, dude. Get out of here, dude. Get out of here, dude. Did you do a lot of research on Barbara?
Starting point is 00:45:04 No. That's why I'm really grilling myself. The only word I could pick was how broadly just you say the word important. But, I mean, she's on a lot of lists. And he is right. You know, I mean, look, look. Coming into this, you know,
Starting point is 00:45:17 I didn't want to be in court. I want to do the most research I can and put up a badass list and be as supportive and and and great of a list as i possibly can so i'm sorry but also duck sauce rips bro maybe you should listen but maybe he's right no no that's beautiful man yeah that's good you walked a line there thank you dude between yourself and others and you walked it you walked it hard you should be a lawyer yeah bro that's right litigator dude call me in dude put me in the put me in suits bro litigator would be a good rap name or a rap song litigation and then you start off with
Starting point is 00:45:52 using bullets for mitigation do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you fuck you what's up my name is i say it without hesitation yeah um who's up me sorry yeah uh yeah i'm just i'm stuck maybe i'll just go with one where it's like sorrow i wasn't totally aware of this but then when reading it i was like oh i guess that makes sense judy garland yeah oh yes on a lot of lists which like which like it made say exactly made a lot of but like it's like a wizard of oz yeah like because i feel like i feel like that's like been big for the gay community for i mean like think remember my fellow my fellow americans yeah great movie oh yeah the scene on the train or whatever the parade the parade with the secret service it's all like i think basically like wizard of oz has been cosplay for gay people i think for like oh and and then that connection with judy garland plus i already can't remember but she was all
Starting point is 00:46:59 over a bunch of lists and i'm just gonna try and round it out with also like time i feel like i wanted to go back a little bit you know what i mean really try and get because you have longer breath well like elton john lady gaga rupaul okay yes a lot of those those all feel very contemporary yeah you know let's take it back a little bit dude when there weren't as many icons and she was one and has and that's actually something because obviously like her work is in dirt so she's in dirt and i like that longevity let's get it in there fourth pick strider and you know they still say young like i'm reading right now this is real time but i guess like young gay people still really identify with her because they it just for
Starting point is 00:47:41 whatever reason it really resonates with that community and they see that movie so early the wizard of oz so young people are still like i want to learn about judy garland yeah like your life is black and white and then oh you come in it's like a magical world of color that i think that metaphor works that works beautifully really well so yeah that's my pick that's what's up let's go bro dude i think we, I think we should do five. I'll do five. I'll do five. Let's go five. I'll go five.
Starting point is 00:48:09 There's one I want to pick just so I can say the name. Just because it'd be funny to say the name. Well, baby. Honor your heart. This is also about honoring your heart. But you got to respect. That's true. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:21 It's life, baby. It's a crunch. Guys, I mean, we're in it dude this is fucking i'm feeling good you should you got a good list oh thanks guys did you have a fantastic list dude by the way guys you see this shirt is that merch this is a sneak peek of our new merch coming hell yeah right now i'm googling cast of euphoria yeah i think i might go with because i want something contemporary you've influenced me but since we're going five yeah you do have you have i might go with just a this actor's not the best leading man but he did a great performance in this film about harvey milk
Starting point is 00:49:03 leading man but he did a great performance in this film about Harvey Milk so I'm gonna go with Harvey Milk good pick so ran for like mayor of San Francisco sadly assassinated but was big gay rights activist and just you know us was out for what sticking up for American values being able to pursue happiness how you life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness and live in a, a society without persecution or get as close to it as possible, sadly assassinated
Starting point is 00:49:32 and famously assassinated by this fucking schmole who then used something called the French fry defense. Twinkie. Twinkie defense. That's it. Twinkie defense.
Starting point is 00:49:42 Twinkie defense. Saying he had, had eaten like fast food or the chemicals in there Made him Shift his like Hormones or endorphins And he was chemically
Starting point is 00:49:50 Imbalanced Yeah Doesn't really hold water Yeah It worked He got off He did get off That did work
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah Yeah One of the first Openly gay Elected officials right I think the first So Harvey Mill I think the first Also has a terminal at sfo
Starting point is 00:50:07 now it's not and it's a nice terminal yeah they got good fast casual salad places there bro went to ritual coffee there dang nice yeah they have they have room temp water uh sparkling water and ice cold water all coming out of different spigots yeah dude those like you go through security and there's all those little spigots. Yeah, dude, you go through security, and there's all those little spigots right there. It's amazing, dude. It's really nice. You just want to say that name over and over, too.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Harvey Milk. It's a great name. Harvey Milk is a great name. There were jokes about JT taking Sean Penn in this draft, but I had to grill him a little bit. Look, the thing about sean is is he goes for it you know what i mean and he's trying to help he'll go to mexico he'll talk to a drug dealer he'll fly into katrina ukraine do what he can and he cares about the gay community as well
Starting point is 00:50:54 so he's like we need to make this movie happen he had a lot of juice at the time and he said and he gave his physical transformation the film's incredible i mean his mannerisms are totally different so that's why with the next pick, I'm taking Sean Penn. I think I get two picks here. And I gotta bring it home hard. I'm surprised this person's still on the list. This was
Starting point is 00:51:17 who I was juggling with in the two-hole, and I honestly... And there's another heavy hitter, too, but I'm gonna go with with this gal i'm going with madonna nice bro look she was she is the diva she's a star she's like the ultimate kind of pop icon i think a lot of artists like based their like uh course off of hers she always self-defined she was always very liberated sexual. And then she always had a lot of, all of her dancers were gay. I heard a ton of her crew is gay.
Starting point is 00:51:49 She was big on gay rights dating back to the eighties. She was talking about the AIDS epidemic and how we need to pay more attention to it. She's been a real champion and then she's got that. But then she is just a badass on stage who owns her sexuality and has a lot of gay dudes around her dancing So I'm going Madonna love it. Did and the moment she kissed Britney Spears at the MTV VMAs to Another gay icon to every oh, you're right for her own reasons, too. Yeah But yeah, and then I guess I heard you can't Christina too, but i heard this from some gay dudes they don't like christina aguilera that much oh interesting right well i think because then she'd come out
Starting point is 00:52:30 because they cut away to people's reactions when madonna kissed britney so when they cut back you were only caught the end of the christina kiss yeah and then christina i feel like was like oh like like she talked she basically talked shit on the britney madonna kiss as if she didn't do it as well she said she did it for attention when she did the same thing which is like right doing what are you doing you're just you're just bummer you didn't get all the exactly which i get i'd be upset too if i thought i was gonna get a bunch of attention then i'll went to britney who she was probably already like she probably already compared herself to her this is the quote from matt legrand about christina aguilera did she do the assignment yes but did she do it exceptionally
Starting point is 00:53:10 no and they said she's kind of mean but not in the fun mariah madonna way mariah madonna both have that that wicked like putting no energy into it cut down Why are you so obsessed with me? Yeah, so they're both... And then with my last pick, I'm going more historical, not in the pop realm. I'm going with Marsha P. Johnson, who was a drag queen back in the day. And I guess mistakenly,
Starting point is 00:53:41 but a lot of people think that they threw the first brick at the Stonewall uprising. But they were a big part of the civil rights movement. But I think they've said themselves it wasn't them that threw the rock. But people believe that, and they believe it for a reason. They're a hero, a champion throughout their whole life. They're fighting for what's good. And yeah, so I'm going Marsha P. Johnson.
Starting point is 00:54:04 Nice. Nice. Hell yeah. Who's next uh i think we're doing five i'm gonna go uh i want to get an athlete on here i'm gonna go billy jean king nice nice dude female tennis player you know outspoken didn't you know didn't hold anything back and just um yeah took took some big steps forward. And I always like when an athlete just kicks ass and lets their game talk, too. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like that.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Good pick. We need to bring it. I'm stuck between. Come on, boys. Let's bring it. Let's bring it. I'm stuck between two. Stuck in the moment. I'm stuck between I'm stuck between two Maybe it's just because there's so much I've been watching so much Bravo lately
Starting point is 00:54:57 With the Scandival drama And I love the way that he runs reunions I'm going to go Andy Cohen Let's go Because he's He's got And I love the way that he runs reunions. I'm going to go Andy Cohen. Let's go. Because he's got, you know, he's not afraid to get in there and call them out, people on their shit. He can do it in funny ways. He can be direct or like a little sassy, you know. And I love the empire that he's building more and more of the time that I spend watching TV as a Bravoverse.
Starting point is 00:55:29 And it's probably at peaking right now. I don't know how they can go up from here. And maybe it's a recency bias thing, but I'm going to go with him because I just attribute with him with being the architect, whether that's true or not. I would vote for him for president. He's got the calculating mind, the charisma, and he exudes enough warmth. I feel like he could... When I look at him, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:55:53 this guy, he sees the whole chessboard. But there's a cynicism under that. Well, I think he knows what he's doing in some sense, but he still has fun. He has fun. When his buddy Anderson Cooper is doing the ball drop on one of the major networks, he goes over there and Andy Cohen was drunk. Love it.
Starting point is 00:56:13 And then he was talking shit on other TV channels being like, no, there's losers over there. We're having so much more fun. And he got a little over his skis a little bit. I like seeing that. I do. I do. Because it feels honest. It's real. Let us know. And how could you not feel that way if you're Andy Cohen? much more fun and he got a little over his skis a little bit i like seeing that i do i do because it feels honest it's real let us know and how could you not feel that way if you're andy cohen
Starting point is 00:56:30 right you are you're crushing you're hot i'm here you're running the cultural moment we're having fun you should definitely be watching this channel correct el presidente he's got to run because i get it dude i'd rather watch them than fucking see Crest. No disrespect. Financially, though, are we thinking he's a Republican? Which could be a good thing. Andy, you know what? I don't know who he votes for in national elections. We should ask him. Let's get him on the horn.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Andy, hit us up. On a recent episode, too, he talked about John Hamm's hog. Nice. Yeah, which is like a conversation that everybody wants to hear. Of course. Yeah, I guess Hamm's got a monster on him. Oh, yeah. The Hamaconda.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Imagine his hog has cufflinks. I just imagine it's like sweaty, but still looks really good. Exactly. The guy gives good interviews. You know, like it just woke up, and it's like kind of hungover, but it's like, oh, my God. Has a five o'clock shadow, but still feels smooth. Let me just change out my white tea. You know, I heard that it drinks gin and tonics.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Oh, yeah, his hog definitely has a gin and tonics. Oh, yeah. Hog definitely has a gin and tea, for sure. Just unwind. He'll get a martini, and then he'll put his dink in a gin and tea. Just to shake it. Yeah. All right. Chad's.
Starting point is 00:57:37 All right. My last pick, I'm going to go with royalty. I'm going with British royalty. Princess Diana. Oh, good pick. Nice good pick nice bro nice a lot of lists saw that exactly saw her on some lists yeah saw him on some lists we do our research iconic beautiful huge champion for civil rights um did no death i remember her death was probably the most that that was one of my first memories as a kid watching my mom was shattered yeah and i was like oh she's like it's princess diana like she is uh you know gone too soon she had a tough go of it man tough guy they were hammering her
Starting point is 00:58:21 yeah oh yeah and she's just like fuck you dude yeah and just stayed classy i learned the term paparazzi i hated them as a kid i was like fuck these paparazzi yeah or these paparazzi dude leeches yeah so adrian made a documentary about like a child paparazzi and he called it paparazzo because i guess that's if there's only one amazing yeah doesn't that frustrate you though oh yeah don't you want to headlock a dude when you hear that yeah dude just being like those proper it's like when someone goes oh the alum are you an alumnus of somewhere i go come here come here elbowed yeah and they don't need to come that close you got that reach bro yeah you are long yeah it's another one it's another one where reaching out to the gate to the uh people afflicted with aids was a big deal
Starting point is 00:59:03 yeah and like like her like touching an AIDS patient was like a really big deal. Yeah. Back in the, you do back then people were freaked out. They were like, dude, you could say, I mean,
Starting point is 00:59:11 maybe we're getting to honorable mentions, but, but yeah, that's true. People were like, had no idea. They were like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:59:17 they treated it truly like cooties. I had no information. Just yeah. Gay cancer. And people were, they were just letting it happen. No one was doing nothing about it. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:59:23 exactly. They were just letting it happen. We tried to watch the documentary about it and we were too stoned. Oh my God. And it starts off really sad. It starts off with just something We had to wait
Starting point is 00:59:31 until we were in a better headspace before we gave it a crack. Screeching pain from it. And dude, Tom Hanks' Philadelphia, great movie. The state wasn't doing anything about it, but also if you were gay and you contracted HIV
Starting point is 00:59:41 and you weren't out, it could ruin your life or career. And then, so it was like terrible times. The protesters in the dock are badass. Like, they're so articulate and they're so, like, passionate and they really, they just got after it. They went for it. They did it. I think a big one we missed
Starting point is 00:59:55 is Cher. Yeah, I think he still got a pick. No. Oh, you picked? Yeah. Who'd you pick? I took Billie Jean King. Yeah, we're in trouble for missing Cher. Yeah. There were so many pop stars, it was tough. Because I went, once I had, once I had, camp is big. Can I define camp?
Starting point is 01:00:12 No, no. Even when people define it for me, I can't. Oh, my God. When it was the Met, what is it? Gala. The Met Gala. When they did camp, it was like hearing descriptions of what it is and outfits that weren't. And then these ones that were, I was like, I am confused.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Yeah, exactly. But I get it. It's like you dress like a sailor or something like that, like a captain. But I don't know if that would work. I don't know. Because it feels like... Yeah, I got to... I think what it comes down to is it's very much like I know it when I see it.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Yes, it is. And I'm not liter see it. Yes. And I don't, and I'm not, I'm not literate enough. Yes. Cause I don't, I don't live in the camp realm enough to really be able to distinguish it. I've heard it's kind of intentional flair. It's a play, but I feel like that could be anything.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Right. Totally. Like football pads. Right. Flair. Right. If you do the visor. Flair.
Starting point is 01:01:03 For sure. Or if you have like, they don't let him wear visors anymore bring back the visor I loved the visor Ricky Williams with the reflective one and the dreads let's keep it Cher
Starting point is 01:01:15 well Sam's scandal what do you think about Ellen I was between Ellen and Andy Cohen it might have been recency bias with me I went Andy but Ellen I mean she did she's huge
Starting point is 01:01:30 and she came out on TV and she took a lot of shit for it and then she came back stronger than ever it was a huge cultural moment it's tough to divorce from what people think about her I'll always be in her debt but yeah I would say she gave us a scooter for god's sake people think about yeah yeah she's such like a i'll always be in her debt but yeah i yeah i'm a
Starting point is 01:01:45 i would say she gave us a scooter for god's sake yeah that is cool i would i would have picked her if it wasn't for my perception of like oh the audience i don't think they'd be on board with it now because you know what i mean yeah and it was a huge moment like culturally like her coming out like it was like something that like everybody knew about and was talking about and it was kind of like you just didn't see it very often you hadn't seen it very often up to that point and you know honestly like you still don't see it as much as like as I'm sure there's still plenty of people who are closeted which sucks I feel like they might lose opportunities yeah we got some historical ones Alexander the Great
Starting point is 01:02:21 Canada I was gonna say I know that could have mean, he shifted a lot of the world. I almost wanted to go Achilles and just be like, he was obviously fucking that guy. All Greeks basically were. Anybody who says they weren't fucking, dude, like, turn your fucking brain on. Exactly. Because they were fucking.
Starting point is 01:02:40 What about Socrates? Yeah. A lot of ancient Greeks, dude, it was very common to be. Yeah. But this one, dude, you guys heard of Sappho? No. Sixth century Greek poet. She wrote a lot about love, but most famously, she wrote a lot about chicks getting it on
Starting point is 01:02:59 with each other. Nice. And guess what island she wrote on? Lesbos. Exactly. And that's where we get. Good guess, dude? Lesbos. Exactly. And that's where we get lesbians from. Chris, great knowledge. That's smart, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Oscar Wilde. Oscar Wilde, James Baldwin, Gore Vidal, the heavy hitters of the pen. Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie O'Donnell. Who was in the L Word reboot, which was nice. She was like, I see you. George Takei. Big time.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Sulu. Iconic voice. Johnny Versace. Yep. A lot of designers. Laverne Cox. Laverne Cox was big. Like, pretty iconic.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Any directors? John Waters. Is Gus Van Zandt? I'm not sure. John Waters, though, for sure. NPH. Yeah. Oh, NPH. Great call. though, for sure. NPH? Yeah. Oh, NPH.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Great call. I love NPH. Doogie Howser. I guess Adam Lambert was big for a lot of young kids because he wasn't out when he was on American Idol, but I think some people felt like he might be gay. I saw him on the list. And yeah, we had one, but he was in Indonesia at the time where it's illegal to be gay. And he saw Adam Lambert on tv whoa and like seeing him be up there so powerful and like being himself including the
Starting point is 01:04:11 hilarious smoky robinson bit bro so funny dude adam's lambert did tracks of my tears and then they're interviewing smoky robinson live on tv how'd you come up with that song and smoky robinson in a very very thoughtful um you know tone goes i just imagined if you cried so much that there would just be tracks from your tears and we were like dang yeah but lambert's response is great too because he's just like wow what else are you gonna do to uh not director but well maybe directs but like ryan murphy just like creator for sure and makes a lot of that's yeah i think he i think he i can tell with that stuff that it's camp like american american horse i mean like nip tuck was his first big one which had which just had
Starting point is 01:04:57 well it was just an insane show but he does it went off it was crazy and then it went crazy it was like man this show is crazy like, man, this show's crazy. And then it was like, this show's crazy. You could schwang bang to it though. Yeah, yeah. As an 11 year old, you could for sure do that. But obviously he makes a lot of like he puts a lot of
Starting point is 01:05:18 queer characters front and center of the stuff that he makes. And he's fucking prolific. I heard about some other actresses that really surprised me from that are big with in the lesbian community kristen stewart oh yeah yeah she's she's gay i guess aubrey plaza oh i just heard people are just super horny for and then this one this was almost who i went with instead of rachel weiss kate blanchett oh yeah i saw that she was on a lot. Because I think she's played
Starting point is 01:05:45 so many different varieties of characters. Carol. Carol, and then like Tar. Even like Elizabeth where she's playing a queen. You know what I mean? That's enviable. The amount of different roles that she's played
Starting point is 01:06:00 over the years. Or even like in Thor Ragnarok where she's just like freaking gnarly chick with really fun outfits. Well, she's played over the years. I mean, or even like in Thor Ragnarok, where she's just like a freaking gnarly chick with really fun outfits. Well, she's powerful, too. And I guess she flirts with a lot of gals on camera, too. Right. And she's got, as the kids would say,
Starting point is 01:06:14 let's appeal to the younger demo, what word? Riz. Riz, dude. What? You haven't heard of it yet? No. Oh, you're under a rock. You didn't know this?
Starting point is 01:06:22 No. Oh, dude, all the kids are saying it. Riz is hot. What is Riz? What is Riz? Can you use it in a sentence? Oh, you're on a rock, dude. I know. You didn't know this? No, dude. Oh, dude, all the kids are saying it. Dude, Riz is hot. What is Riz? What is Riz? Use it in a sentence. Can you use it in a sentence? Oh, you got Riz.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Oh, bro. No way. Yeah, so it's like, if that's Riz. If there's a TikTok and a dude's like, so what's up? And the girl's like, I don't know. And he's like, yeah. Everyone in the comments is like, Riz, Riz, Riz. Riz King, Riz Lord.
Starting point is 01:06:40 Hot Riz. Charisma. I like that. They use the middle syllable to abbreviate. I didn't like it at first then when i found out it was charisma i was like all right i gotta tip my hat what about uh jodie foster oh yeah she never she's never come out fully though right yes she has she did yes she did the golden blows no she kind of danced around it i felt like oh with her speech but yeah
Starting point is 01:07:00 she said i am who i am but like leave it to me to be that person. Right. Dude, Sean Hayes. Yeah. We talked about Anderson Cooper. Did Anderson Cooper come out? Yes. Yeah. Oh, he's a good one.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Ricky Martin. Yeah, Ricky Martin. Ricky Martin. Cordell Stewart, right? Is Cordell Stewart the Steelers quarterback? I don't think so. Okay. Racine.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Racine. I'll Google it. This is live. This is live. We just started tossing out. Yeah, yeah. Patrick Mahomes. I got one. I got one.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Caitlyn Jenner. Yeah? I don't know. Is she an icon? I just don't think she's a beloved icon. She is an icon. She is as famous as you can get. And,
Starting point is 01:07:47 and I, yeah, I don't know how history is going to shake out on it. Yeah. I don't want to speak for the gay community, but I feel like whenever she comes up, they don't have been with queer people. Like they like roll their eyes and they're like,
Starting point is 01:07:59 I feel like it's very much a spokesperson that they don't want, but is one. One. Cause, and cause Caitlin Caitlin will vote against gay agenda items sometimes. I think she's very right wing. So I think it's a complicated one. James Dean? Yeah, popped up on a lot. On some lists.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Beautiful. That's what that whole Rebel Without a Cause is just. It's just a very gay movie in a great way. Whitney Houston, Britney Spears. People say Beyonce, too. Beyonce. Queen Latifah. I didn't see that.
Starting point is 01:08:37 I heard something else kind of compelling. Hey, dude, just keep it down over there. Brie said Queen Latifah. Who? Brie said Queen Latifah. Oh, really? But I guess Brie was, neverifah. Who? Brie said Queen Latifah. Oh, really? But I guess Brie was, nevermind, I don't want to quote,
Starting point is 01:08:48 but dude, I was asking why is it so many female pop stars? Because if you go on Wikipedia and look up top gay icons, it's 80% of them in pop culture are female pop stars. And someone was telling me that it's like,
Starting point is 01:09:02 it's kind of like how everyone is. You're like kind of competitive if the person is just like you. Like if it was another dude, it might like it's kind of like how everyone is you're like kind of competitive if the person is just like you like if it was another dude it might be a little bit like Highlander where it's like
Starting point is 01:09:09 there can be only one but if it's a female pop star you can envy them but you're never going to be like direct competition so it's more like pure fantasy interesting that makes sense
Starting point is 01:09:20 speaking of which if you watched The Idol terrible you landed that great okay good yeah I don't I haven't watched it oh it, if you watch The Idol, terrible. You landed that great. Okay, good, good. Yeah, I don't... I haven't watched it. Oh, it's a good place.
Starting point is 01:09:27 It's a good place. The Idol's good. You like The Idol? Yeah, it's ridiculous. It's good. Am I actually... Do you think I'll actually like it? I think you will laugh your ass off, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Can I give you one scene? No, you're going to watch it because I don't think I'm going to watch it. The Weeknd takes Lily Rose Depp shopping. He's being a huge douche in the thing, but he's not... He doesn't feel dangerously douchey so you're just kind of laughing at him. They go into the
Starting point is 01:09:48 dressing room. They start bang banging. Then she's like you gotta finish that for yourself buddy. And he's like oh no. And then she leaves. And then they cut to her waiting on dresses and you can hear him wailing on himself. And then they cut to the weekend and he's like
Starting point is 01:10:04 against the wall and he's, like, against the wall. And he's, like, you know, being dramatic about it. He's like, oh, oh, oh. Oh, my God. And he caps himself off at, like, you know, one of the nice places on Rodeo. Yeah. You don't want to watch. You'd rather watch.
Starting point is 01:10:13 That's fucking Riz, dude. You'd rather watch, like, Platonic. Don't you want to see that? But, no, I don't think I'm going to watch that either. But also. Because you said you weren't loving it, so. This show is very, like, gratuitous. Like, it's.
Starting point is 01:10:24 That's it, yeah. Everything's gratuitous. There's, like, gratuitous. Like, everything's gratuitous. There's, like, the sex scene in episode two that everyone's talking about. It's, like, this strange, like, German girl's watching, like, wearing, like, one of, what, Lily Rose Depp's her name? Yeah. Jocelyn's the character's name. Like, dresses. They talk slower. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:39 He's, like, totally being, like, alpha style. Like, yeah. Like, imagine, like. And then she's, like, I don't know. It's just so uninteresting. I think like alpha style. Like, yeah, like imagine like, and then she's like, I don't know. It's just, it's just so uninteresting. I think it's inspiring. I, I, you know, Imagine the sound guy for that scene where he's finishing himself off.
Starting point is 01:10:54 He's like doing the knobs. He's like, hold for, hold for more base. Did you think it was a good performance of somebody masturbating in a changing room? No, I think the weekend is kind of bad. It's a little Colin Farrell True Detective season two. It's so ridiculous. It's so off the reservation. They're just like, I love it. But there's moments where it's just like, that's pure genius.
Starting point is 01:11:15 Yeah, because it's dumb, but it's actually smart at the same time. It's that accidental hit that's hard to beat. But what is this show? Isn't it a show that we've seen before? It's about life, bro. Like a pop star that isn't a machine it's like yeah she's being used by the industry they're not letting her be herself and she's got to reclaim herself but i like that and it's actually got some clever stuff around there like okay so here's another thing she gets a photo comes out of her with jizz on her face and that's like the big scandal of episode one that everyone's keeping
Starting point is 01:11:40 from her episode three her creative director who hasn't had any input at this point tedros i like to call him smell dross because he doesn't have dross that's sometimes when i'm flirting with my gal i'll be like come on come close to smell dross and i'll try to make her smell me in a sexy way um i think uh he's talking to the creative director he's like what would you do he's like i'd make the jizz on the face thing that's his big point of contract i'd make that the album cover what do you think of that? I think that sounds really good. That's what I'm saying, dude.
Starting point is 01:12:09 I don't think I'm going to watch it, though. It's interesting. It is interesting. Aaron, have you watched it? It is not interesting. No, I have not watched it. After hearing the descriptions, are you more interested? Yo, what's up, Aaron? I'm Smeldrose.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Aaron, as an expert on gay icons, are you ready to judge this draft? Do you want to engineer Something else Something playful No Sorry guys Alright dude I love this show
Starting point is 01:12:33 Aaron Alright I got a bunch of Honorable mentions Of folks that did not Get mentioned before You guys stayed a lot In music and stuff
Starting point is 01:12:43 But there's people Outside of there Siegfried and Roy Dude Dude, Tigers? Yo, but did they lose some steam when the Tiger Went AWOL? That's the thing, but I hear you
Starting point is 01:12:57 Life steam definitely came out But gay steam's still going strong To this day Todd Glass Oh, dude, good pick a big coming out one of the best wtfs ever billy porter uh star lance bass oh yeah uh sports luckily i mean i'm glad strider hit one of them but uh greg luganis yeah not only game only gay, but has HIV and was in the Olympics. Yeah, you saw the Mario Lopez made-for-TV movie.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yes, that's true. Martina Naruchalova, another tennis star that was early and out. The metal god, Rob Halford. Oh, yeah. Judas Priest. Judas Priest. Right. The rock star was basically based off of that whole situation.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Andy Warhol. Oh, right. Boy George. Liza Minnelli. We got Judy Garland, but Liza Minnelli, also a gay icon. Tim Gunn. Beast. Project Runway.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Great. One of the coolest voices ever totally just uh i knew someone said in the chat as well jojo siwa she's big with the kids oh man that's that's after my time yeah yeah fitness guru richard simmons legend absolute wedge uh and current uh pop star little nas x yeah i thought about oh fuck dude have you seen little nas x and mike tyson talking oh yeah if you heard my music my cousin's like yeah man i know your fucking music what about you on the fucking horse exactly dude his like the music video where he's dressed up like a demon or satan also very gay and fuck yeah i don't know all that stuff when it scares people i'm like come on how you gonna let that scare you i know like he's like people are like we gotta stop lil nas x from
Starting point is 01:14:56 making music videos like this it's like it's not that it's just the people who are scared of like demons and the devil and there's so much crossover with them also being scared of gay people in both ways that I just don't find very fair. And I was scared of the devil when I was a kid, but I shouldn't have been. Like Metallica and Marilyn Manson, that shit used to scare me. But I think I should have been laughing at it. Well, right, because it's like, look, if the devil's down in hell,
Starting point is 01:15:22 I don't think it's that person dressing up like the devil. Yeah, exactly. What do you think the devil looks like? I don't get scared of ghosts on Halloween because it's dress up. Right. I think. No, exactly. It's not that.
Starting point is 01:15:35 I love him, but the guy who plays Green Goblin. Oh, Defoe. Oh, Defoe. He would be a good devil. I'm sure the devil's different for everyone, too. It's your devil. He would have that kind of fluidity. The actor that in End of Days does a good job is.'m sure the devil's different for everyone, too. It's your devil. He would have that kind of fluidity. The actor that in End of Days does a good job is...
Starting point is 01:15:48 Burn. Gabriel Burn, yeah. He does a good job. The Burn. Al Pacino's a good devil. Yeah. Yeah. When he's talking to that guy in the subway car, he's like, you got to get home.
Starting point is 01:15:57 You know who's my favorite devil? She's getting pork. She's on heroin. Elizabeth Hurley. Yeah. Dude. Sell my soul for that. Not actually.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Dude. Dude, Elizabeth Hurley's just a good old classic for sure. All right, Aaron, keep us cooking, dude. All right, guys. I think my number one is pretty obvious. So it's just going out the rest of the lists. Let me read you the final lists, first and foremost.
Starting point is 01:16:28 JT's, number one, Freddie Mercury. Number two, Mariah Carey. Three, Rachel Weisz. Four, Madonna. Five, Marsha P. Johnson. Strider, number one, Prince. Number two, Ian McKellen. Three, Barbara Streisand. Four, Harvey Milk.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Five, Billie McKellen. Three, Barbra Streisand. Four, Harvey Milk. Five, Billie Jean King. Chris. Number one, Elton John. Number two, Lady Gaga. Number three, RuPaul. Four, Judy Garland. Five, Andy Cohen. I think it's going to be you, Chris.
Starting point is 01:16:58 And Chad. I hope so. Number one, George Michael. Number two, Alan Turing. Three, David Bowie. Four, Dua Lipa. Five, Princess Diana. Dude, Daring in the Turing. Three, David Bowie. Four, Dua Lipa. Five, Princess Diana.
Starting point is 01:17:09 Dude, Turing in the two-hole, too. He saved the world, bro. He did save the world. It's hard to argue with that, dude. That is big, dude. Defeated the Nazis? Like, come on. Like, what's up? We need to get our values together, dude. Henry Ford, dude. And number four is Jeff. we need to get our values together dude i thought it was gonna be clever like i was gonna pick him people were like whoa that's genius dude shanghai shek dude
Starting point is 01:17:40 who is that it's like a um chinese um revolutionary he started like uh was he like the world theory he was uh he was the one that mao beat out yeah oh bummer and then he went to uh became communist dude yeah we don't like mao mao's has a rural theory janko anyway i'm way out of my league batting out of my league a lot here that's what we should be doing dude you're right yeah we seem to get no living on the edge you're taking up too much space let's rename this podcast icarus dude let's go dude icarus is one of my favorite lmgs right now on cod all right uh i think i gotta go number
Starting point is 01:18:21 four chad yeah touring I think I gotta go number four, Chad. Yeah. Touring. While a great contribution to the world and the fight against the Nazis, I don't think most gay, and I saw that in the chat, most gay people don't actually even know who he is. That's another problem. They talk about that in the movie Jobs. Not enough people know who he is.
Starting point is 01:18:40 That is the problem. And now people, Stokers know. So Chad, thank you. Now I see where your values lie, Aaron. And I'll do you this. Do it. I got second in the audience
Starting point is 01:18:51 for that round. Oh, no. Let's go. Yeah. So. Huge imitation game. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Huge. Who were the other number two picks? Oh, we'll get there. We'll get there. We had Mariah Carey, Ian McKellen, Lady Gaga, and Turing. I'm curious who was number one. I might have lost that one.
Starting point is 01:19:13 So for, I think for my third place is going to go to JT. Freddie Mercury, huge, huge first pick. Mariah Carey, great pick. What? Rachel Weisz is where you're going to go to JT. Freddie Mercury, huge first pick. Mariah Carey, great pick. Rachel Weisz is where you'll lose me. I was as surprised as anyone. But when it hit my ears, I loved it so much, I had to roll with it. The woman famously married to
Starting point is 01:19:39 Daniel Craig. Daniel Craig might have been a better gay icon. Quit cherry-picking stats from the fans, dude. I think... Exactly, bro. Rachel Weisz... See what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:19:52 If you're gonna... I love Rachel Weisz. Don't get me wrong. Have you heard of this Ring of Keys moment? Ring of Keys? I guess it's when you first recognize someone as being like you, and it reveals that in yourself. You can look up this up
Starting point is 01:20:05 on your phone all the time it's it's my opinion at this point no i'm just saying that's interesting why is it called ring of keys because it unlocks like who you are i guess so but it's a moment where you see something you're like oh that's what i am like i see it for the first time that that's the mummy bro the mummy is true it's true when i saw benny and the money and the mummy dude i was like that's me dude benny dude i lost you with weiss i knew look when i threw it to some people they were like rachel weiss and i was like bro it's the scuttlebutt i like to hear in the note and you know what i appreciate that i learned something from that so thank you, we got to talk about the mummy.
Starting point is 01:20:46 I'll always talk about that. As always with me, order matters a little bit. And I think you could have gotten Rachel Weisz, I don't know, a lot later. Obviously, you had Madonna and Marsha P. Johnson, both more pivotal figures, I believe. But to each their own. Well, so do you think JT could have gotten Rachel Weisz in the honorable mentions? Yes, he could.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Dude, but here's my thing, bro. I thought we... We hadn't yet said five picks, so I went Rachel Weisz because I was going to go Marsha P because I already had Mariah, so I didn't need Madonna. But then when we went five
Starting point is 01:21:17 and Madonna was still on the board, late round steal. I believe it was your decision to go to five picks. Yeah, I should have seen it coming in my own head. That's true. I'm it was your decision to go to five picks. Yeah, I should have seen it coming in my own head. That's true. I'm not even forecasting other people.
Starting point is 01:21:29 I'm forecasting myself. But I was still in the moment, brother. Okay, okay. And Shiza. I hope you go down. Did we say Liza Minnelli, by the way? Honorable mention. It was an honorable mention, yeah, while you were out. I was about to say Shiza Minnelli. Which should be a boon to my Judy Garland pick because it's her mom's.
Starting point is 01:21:50 It is. I think so. That family is very talented and gay people seem to love them. I feel like Strider bent early with Prince, but then really picked up steam with ian mckellen who i do love streisand is a huge icon to them harvey milk very important very famous uh and billy jane king thank you for going to sports because there are definitely athletes out there thank you but i think the one who threw fucking five haymakers this whole draft was Chris with Elton John, Lady Gaga, and RuPaul, Judy Garland, Andy Cohen.
Starting point is 01:22:30 So Chris wins Strider second place. Chris, way to go. Way to bring it, bro. Way to bring it. Way to bring it. Dude, guys, great list. Great list. Way to go, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:39 How's that dub feel, dude? Nice dub, dude. It feels nice. It's been a minute. Oh, dude. It's been a minute. I love that, dude. I feels nice. It's been a minute. Oh, dude. It's been a minute. I love that, dude. I'm really happy to be here, you know.
Starting point is 01:22:49 And this was nice. Man, that was a crazy draft. Dude, that was, bro. You nailed it. That draft was for no one, dude. I don't know if any. I wish there was a little more appreciation for science. I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:23:04 Yeah, man. I agree. I've been hearing you I agree with that. Yeah, man. I agree. I've been hearing you say that for a while now, dog. You've been ringing that bell, and it's important, dude. Education. Yeah, Alan Turing, though, bro. I say it every day. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Dude, you text me. You always send me Alan Turing memes. It is funny for me to picture you going through a list of gay icons and seeing Alan Turing and being like, boom. That's the one. You've always celebrated Alan Turner Day. Yeah. And so I respect you putting your money where your mouth is.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Thank you. Thank you. All right, should we keep it moving? Hell yeah. What do you want to do, T-Bone? Do you want to answer cues or do you want to do Beefs, Babes, and Legends? Oh, you got Beefs, Babes? Yeah legends. I don't know. You got beefs, babes?
Starting point is 01:23:48 No. We can get into it. Yeah, let's do that. I think that'll keep us cooking better. Yeah. Maybe we'll do an ad right now for our new merch coming out Friday. Look at this. Damn it.
Starting point is 01:24:00 Hey, Chad, where do I go to buy that? Here, here, here. Go to buy it. Oh, there we go. ChadJT.com. Shop go. ChadJT.com Shop.ChadJT.com Look at that. Boost Stoke. This is the first collection.
Starting point is 01:24:12 So this is a sneak peek. There's more stuff coming. God damn it. Look at that. I love how much pink you guys got in your shit. I love it, dude. Yeah. This is my favorite.
Starting point is 01:24:26 Fuck, that's nice. Stoke. Breakfast stoke. That's sick. I've been into crew dicks big time lately. Yeah. I want to sleep in that thing, dude. Coming out this Friday.
Starting point is 01:24:37 I think there's limited items, so get them while they're hot. That's sick. Also, come see. We got a show. We got shows coming up. ChantGT.com. Check's sick. Also, come see. We got a show. We got shows coming up. ChadGT.com. Check them out. All right, Chad, it's still you, brother.
Starting point is 01:24:51 My Beef of the Week? Yesterday you had no beef. Is there beef today? My Beef of the Week is myself. Oh. At the roast battle last night. We were asked to judge. It's fun, man.
Starting point is 01:25:02 It's exciting. I clammed up hard. Oh, no. Dude, I was sitting next to Jeff Ross, the roast It's fun, man. It's exciting. I clammed up hard. Oh, no. Dude, I was sitting next to Jeff Ross, the roast master. Really? Yeah, because I was like, I don't know. I don't know what I was expecting. But all the judges are coming in.
Starting point is 01:25:16 They're just roasting. They're like, that guy looks like blah, blah, blah. I was like. It's not your vibe. You're a positive guy. I know, dude. No, but dude, I think you're being hard on yourself. We're both nervous. Obviously, it's not our style. We a positive guy i know but no but dude i think you're being hard on yourself we're both nervous obviously it's not our style we hadn't done it before yeah the thing i liked is you were nervous but you went for it you did bro style jokes you had some bangers yeah and
Starting point is 01:25:34 it was nice having each other because we were like yo is this shit funny yeah and i don't think the guest judges are no one's supposed to talk as much as jeff ross and like mike lawrence right like we're just there to pop shot it and And you had great pop and you went in. Oh, thanks. It was scary. Jeff Ross handed me the mic. I was like, um. It's silent.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Well, he kept doing that. He would take the mic from us and hand it back. He wasn't looking at it. He was very much like, you know, he's the king of that castle. And he was just like telling us when to go. And I was like, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, yeah. But it was, I think we did good.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Yeah, you know what? I came from the experience. like i was like i'm really glad i did that and i was like and it's like uh being around that all those all that basically just joke writing like in person like that it makes you sharper makes you right in that it makes you right in that style in your head and um and also you know yeah i had a couple zingers in there where people were like oh that's good i got some laughs you got pops bro so um scary but you know it's one of those experiences where you're like it's so scary but afterwards you're like that was a good learning experience but you know it takes me back every time i go to the store it takes me back to like it's like high school where you're like the seniors and i feel like a freshman still
Starting point is 01:26:45 you know what i mean no you're definitely you're at least a junior i know but i still have that feeling and you're a junior who's like on the varsity team and he might not be starting but everyone's like that's gonna be the guy next year oh thanks man and you're hooking up with a girl who's a senior yeah she might even be away yeah but you're dating a sophomore big yeah let's go yeah bro dude let's go andy cohen's about to sit you down for a little panel, bro. Are you guys for real right now? The one other thing that makes it better than high school?
Starting point is 01:27:12 The thing that makes it better than high school is it's not seven periods. You can go in. How much better would high school have been if you could just walk in and say what up to everyone and then dip? Yeah, dude. I'm out. Meet me at T-Bell. Exactly, dude. Dude, the roast master general he would like he said
Starting point is 01:27:27 something to me i was like he was like some guy had a water bottle in his pants i think he's making a joke or something he's like but i think he's just asking he's like what's that in his pants and i go that's perfect that's a good joke dude he someone made a joke i didn't understand it but where everyone can see so i just fake laugh yeah i turn and jeff ross is laughing he goes i didn't understand that i go i didn't understand it either we were both just fake that's the game yeah smiles all day that's my beef. Cristobal. My beef is with a very serious affliction called ILS, dude. Invisible Lat Syndrome.
Starting point is 01:28:16 Dude, I hadn't seen this in a while. I was at a concert two weekends ago. Some dude, and I feel like it mostly hits people. Like, dudes if you've recently started working out and you're like 15 to 22, you're the most susceptible to bowing out your arms. Like you got huge fucking lats and walking like a big old douche. And I just hadn't seen it in a while. And I saw some, you know, he's probably, I don't know, 17, 18. I was like, fuck, man.
Starting point is 01:28:44 He's got it so bad. He looks like an idiot. And was like, fuck, man. He's got it so bad. He looks like an idiot. And he thinks he's cool. He thinks he's badass. But he's young. Hopefully he grows out of it. If you are, I don't know, 28 plus and you still suffer from ILS, you're probably a piece of shit. you're probably a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:29:02 Yeah, if you're... If you... Yeah. If you are 42 doing a barbell row for the first time, you're not special. Or you might be invisible lats syndrome. That's how it is. Yeah. So, bro, I've never seen a woman afflicted with this,
Starting point is 01:29:19 but, you know, just watch out. But, yeah, like I said, it's mostly young dudes. Probably just started throwing around some iron. Don't do it. You look really dumb. And, yeah, you don't look jacked. Knock it off. No way, kid.
Starting point is 01:29:32 The only thing better than growing out of ILS is growing into it. Beef up those lats, bro. Yeah. Yeah. You make it real. And if somebody's got huge fucking lats, I'm not going to. Get the tortoise shell. Then you get to do the walk Where you're
Starting point is 01:29:45 You're rotating You know Like a solid 45 degrees Every time you take a step You're a barrel Then it's fuck yeah You move like a side longer snake
Starting point is 01:29:52 Right like where you have to like Yeah It's rotation movement The I can't wipe my ass walk Yes Yeah That's a privilege Wow
Starting point is 01:30:01 Yeah Fuck yeah Strider Dude my beef is with This happened to me yesterday when i was going into work typically i'm working the night shift and i cruise by the same chipotle got my rhythm down dude got good rhythm with the staff there dude what up we're not on a name basis but we're on a head nod basis of like what up how you doing and i had to take a leak and uh the bathroom was like blocked forever it's a single use bathroom the bathroom was, like, blocked forever.
Starting point is 01:30:25 It was a single-use bathroom. So I was like, oh, I'm not going to wait in line. I'm just going to eat my food. I'll take a leak after before I start going into work because it's another, like, 20 minutes into work. Dude, the whole time the bathroom was occupied. So even, like, one of the employees tried to go up until he got in the bathroom, and I looked at the employee because, like I mentioned, we got rapport, and we kind of go, what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:30:43 What the fuck? So you're thinking, like, it's his LA. Like, probably a homeless guy, whatever, you know? Like, it's kind of go what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck so you're thinking like it's his la like probably homeless guy whatever you know like it's kind of sad someone's in there we'll figure it out manager does like a wellness check knock knock knock no i fucking allow like like a not aggressive but like an authoritative like knock knock knock are you okay like what's going on like that voice nothing a third time finally opens it up just a fucking regular ass like teenage kid comes out of there and sits down right next to me in my stool there's no one else in this chipotle comes out of the bathroom sits down right next to me right next to me and i look at him and i just go are you okay is everything like okay in there i I ask him that. And he goes, just had the runs, man.
Starting point is 01:31:27 Whoa, he said that to you. What did you say back? You must have loved it, right? I literally took the last bite of my burrito real big and left. Fucking corked my piss, didn't go into that bathroom and bailed. So this guy blew up the bathroom, came out and sat right next to me. He didn't have any food. There was no food.
Starting point is 01:31:44 He was having a tough time and He wanted to just sat next to me, bro. He was having a tough time and he wanted to share with somebody. Yeah, that's a brutal punk. Yeah, yeah, exactly. He's like, I need to talk to someone. Yeah, you're my friend and I don't care about your boundaries, bro.
Starting point is 01:31:56 You just gotta be my friend. The last bite of your burrito was like half a burrito. Dude, it was so much food. I just put it in there, walking over to the... The runs, you disgust me so bad but like just uh you know like a normal ass kid no excuse dude you know what i mean and if you have the runs like just it runs it goes get out doesn't take 45 minutes you gotta you gotta go get it out then you leave go home hey are you do you have to pee
Starting point is 01:32:22 like go in there but i might be in there after you yeah um where was this chipotle this was on sunset and like gardner do you know i see there a lot uncle rico uncle rico cruises in there nice i forgot that was like a movie character for a second yeah uh dude my beef of the week is with uh american investors who put money into china for research on ai oh yeah that's lame with you bro like they're helping them well because they just want to make that moolah and i don't think it's illegal yet so they're allowed to throw cash in to you know foreign interest that might not have our best interests at heart. That's anti-American, dude.
Starting point is 01:33:07 And they're thinking bottom line. And I'm thinking, bro, there's not going to be a bottom line if it shakes out in a bad way. And I'm not saying
Starting point is 01:33:13 it will shake out in a bad way. I don't know anyone's intentions. But come on, let's be vigilant, dog. It's treason. Treason string them up by their feet.
Starting point is 01:33:21 That's treason. That's whack, dude. I don't like that dude isn't that just fired me up isn't doesn't that get you going yeah i should have told that teenager isn't that like the perfect enemy to have to yes yeah rich dudes not being patriots yeah because they yes dude exactly let's all go on board let's go buy american yeah you're living the American dream and you're using it against us, dude. Yeah. Maybe you didn't pull yourself off by your bootstraps.
Starting point is 01:33:48 I don't know, but you got to the top because we are capitalists and now you're going to use it against us? Yeah. And they fuck you. It's also like, dude, they're like,
Starting point is 01:33:57 this is all of our dreams. And I was like, yeah, but my ass isn't a money symbol, dude. Amen, bro. Although I would like to be wealthy. The companies turn around they talk to the government dude they feed their shit to the government can't be doing that they're telling them everything
Starting point is 01:34:13 swag dude dude how sick would it be to have money that would be epic dude god i'm swinging that way dude in terms of being a capitalist for sure i'm open-minded my turn chadias uh my legend is frank the dog park just a solid guy really solid guy and uh she comes over you know gives me tips um my dog was taking a dump right in front of us and he's like good digestion i was like dude Frank thank you That's amazing And he was just really kind of like He'll just study her and be like you're doing a good job Like that was a good log
Starting point is 01:34:54 I love him Does he have a dog? Or he just goes to tell you how cool your dog is No he just hangs at the dog park Fucking love that Does he draw there or do anything like that? Or does he just cruise around and spark some good combos? No, he just walks around sort of like he's at a museum with his hands behind his back.
Starting point is 01:35:12 Right. Very nice. And he's just observing, looking at the dogs. Oh, I like this one. That's interesting. Yeah, yeah. Oh, right. And I think he manages the Jersey Mike's off of Venice Boulevard.
Starting point is 01:35:31 Good one. Oh, that's a great one. They have Pepper Jack there. Yeah, but he loves dogs too. You ever put the Pepper Jack on the Philly? No. No. They do White American there, which is, I think they do.
Starting point is 01:35:43 You can get it. It's pretty standard. Good white American or, which is, I think they do. You can get it. It's pretty standard. You can get white American or provolone. Jersey Mike's, I'm always going with the number 43 with the Chipotle Oli on there. The Kahuna one or whatever that is. Nice when you know the number. Yeah. You got another 43, regular whole wheat.
Starting point is 01:35:56 Have you ever been in a Jersey Mike's? I went to one where they switched up the numbers. Oh. Yeah. They were like a Vanguard. That was like their play. You accidentally order veggie yeah i get it open it no meat they spell mike with a y there oh my god it's different all people
Starting point is 01:36:11 working there were wearing headphones that's like going to hardy's instead of oh oh yeah no no they finally got the they finally got it oh they did it really good yeah good i'm gonna be in indiana they finally put the best thing on the Carl's Jr. menu on the Hardee's menu. Yeah. I don't know why it took so long. It's unbelievable. Do they have lakes in Indiana? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:31 Oh, yeah. We've been looking into that. Yeah. They do. We're lake guys. Oh, because where are you going? The Bradfords have a lake house out there. Right.
Starting point is 01:36:39 So my friends are having a party out there. Oh, really? So maybe we crash. Summer family bash. Dude, a lake house with 30 family members. We don't know any of them. But we take the boat. We go in.
Starting point is 01:36:50 We take the boat. Take the boat. They're going to be busy. You've got family stuff to do. Yeah, we've got to wakeboard real quick. Yeah. You guys are playing Uno. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:36:57 We'll just take the boat out. Dude, and then if they've got a dock, we can do it. You don't even have to be in the water first. We can take you straight off the dock. Yeah. You might not even get wet. Here's a question. Which gay icon would he want to go tubing the most with? Oh good call. Lady Gaga Lady Gaga would be fun
Starting point is 01:37:15 For me, it's gotta be... cause like to hear her laugh while we're on the tube Yeah, it would just probably like... Stephen Fry. Stephen Fry would be a good one. Probably Alan Turing. He's big too. Damn, I was gonna say that Well he'd be good at the math too Yeah he would He'd be like the wake Your best chances of getting outside the wake Are at this angle
Starting point is 01:37:31 At this speed Yep We need to shift our weight 32% To the left Exactly dude You got it Alan Cool dude Who's up?
Starting point is 01:37:41 Cool Cristobal you just went? No I think I'm up Ooh what do I want Is it Legend? Who's up? Cool. Cristobal, you just went? No, I think I'm up. Ooh, what do I want? This is legend. Babe. Dude.
Starting point is 01:37:51 Babe. Same. Right. But I had a... Dude, this is going to feel like... I'm based... This one's going to sound like I'm just quoting Strider, but this was my weekend. The wife, she's she's
Starting point is 01:38:07 preggers she's feeling like shit but she was feeling a little bit better this weekend freaking went to a warehouse sale for some designer walked away with a two runners and a bigger rug and a throw pillow three of the items 70 off the big rug was 50 off nice basically basically stealing from this place dude changes up the whole vibe of our living room it was such i'm just it was nice to see her up on her feet we're getting out of the house and we're fucking scoring deals it was so nice oh house is looking good. Love you, babe. Let's go. I love that. And now your relationship with that item in your home, when you look at it, you go, that was a nice fucking day. Yeah. Every time you step on that rug, you go, babe,
Starting point is 01:38:52 remember when we got that deal? We weren't even gone that long, dude. Did you get a little iced tea or something on the way? I like to treat myself to something nice. That is underrated about stuff. There's a relationship around the stuff. Totally. Yeah. That's why I don't chuck anything. I'm a treat myself to something nice. That is underrated about stuff. Yeah. There's a relationship around the stuff. Yeah. That's why I don't chuck anything. I'm a hoarder because every time I look at something, I go, I remember that. Yeah, if it's sentimental. It's all sentimental.
Starting point is 01:39:12 If it sparks joy for you, then you keep it. It all sparks joy. Never boxers or socks, though. And get them out. Toss them. Yeah. If boxers don't spark joy, don't wear underwear. I'm being more ruthless about if a sock gets a hole in it, I just throw that one out.
Starting point is 01:39:27 It's gone. Because I have like pairs, you know what I mean? So then when the next one gets a hole, then I make a new pair, you know? Should one of us rip his t-shirt open? This is one of my favorite shirts. I'm not. I like this shirt a lot. This is a Soma Soma kitchen shirt.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Okay. Oh, that's good. You probably got a whole box of this shirt. No, no, no. We don't have as much as we want. We can go through that, dude. And you can't tear it through that. You can't tear it through.
Starting point is 01:39:44 It's actually durable stuff. It's real thick. And you can't tear it through that. You can't tear it through that. Actually, durable stuff, American A. I mean, that's going to appreciate. This would be like throwing away high-quality Nikes. It is made in America, right? Oh, yeah. It's throwing away gold. Okay, good, because I didn't want to get caught. I just hit the China beef.
Starting point is 01:39:59 No, it's super local. It's made in San Clemente. Well, that's true. AI's a little bit higher stakes. I don't buy everything American I just want to say I know I said buy American But like
Starting point is 01:40:07 Plenty of shit you can't do Totally I'm not going to do that for Totally But the AI thing I'm totally on board Oh yeah My coffee
Starting point is 01:40:13 No I get that abroad You babing? Colombian Oh yeah my babe of the week dude My wife bro What? My wife for saying I do So just great
Starting point is 01:40:22 You know we kicked it off with that So I don't want to belabor the point But Belabor dude This is a huge thing Dude I do. So just great. You know, we kicked it off with that. So I don't want to belabor the point, but very, very stoked. Belabor, dude. This is a huge thing. Dude. And the Stokers have seen you go from dank-ass GF to dank-ass fiance to damn. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:40:36 Fucking final game mode, dude. Fucking this is Zelda, dude. Link found her, dude. And we're cruising. And so I'm fired up. And we're building a castle together in the sky so i'm fired up on it dude so uh very fired up also it would be savage for all those out there if i just put a ring on and i didn't have a could you imagine the commitment to a bit if i didn't have a wife oh yeah people don't think
Starting point is 01:40:59 she's real yeah real dude you'd be like the writing is phenomenal yeah exactly really just commitment to the bits yeah do you feel different since putting that on yes i see older men respect me dude guys look at me they go all right yeah they'll listen to me talk a little bit longer than they ordinarily yeah slightly less dismissive you're bonded by the oath they like that what about ladies any difference in their uh no and when they're hitting on you now is it different yeah when you're talking to them and you know that they know that you're married because you have a ring on but they're giving you the vibe does it change how you talk or how you stand there
Starting point is 01:41:34 i would say no not i think it changes nothing in them i'm probably still mostly invisible but uh that's funny because that's not true you get dude you gotta beat him away with the stick dude dude thank you i just wanted to hear you say that dude thank you so much when we go to shows it's insane actually a lady at our show in appleton she was there with her boyfriend but the boyfriend was like stratters your favorite whoa and we had to take it on the show that guy's a great guy that's a great guy i feel like they like it um maybe because i speak highly of my dank wife which is an easy thing to do so i appreciate that but i would but to answer your question i would say maybe i'll hold myself
Starting point is 01:42:17 in a little bit of like i don't know like i feel like um i feel like i do feel a little older for some reason like i just feel like i don don't know what that entails or embodies, but I feel like I'm dead. No, I'm kidding. No, I just feel like... Yeah, I've seen the light go out behind your eyes. It's interesting. I'm just walking around like this.
Starting point is 01:42:35 My baby of the week has got to be the banana. Look, they don't live long. Sometimes they get a little dishy, but I was out the door and I had to go do some stuff and I realized, man, I'm starving. Turn around, look through the window.
Starting point is 01:42:54 What do I see in the little bucket? Bananas. Perfect on the move. You got the energy. You got the taste. It's an easy throw away it's not going anywhere it's not juicy it's just a perfect on the move food item that i know some people say you know they got too much sugar i trust if it's a fruit i think it's just uh it's right banana is
Starting point is 01:43:18 right do you eat the top bite yeah yeah i always give it to my dog give it to my dog why don't why wouldn't you eat the top bite weird guy you think that's like the end bread piece or something because it's a penis like is that like so you have to chop off the tip no no no like no no no no no it's like a holdover from you getting a little draft yeah this could be the about face here because it's always a little brown i'm just imagining you as like a fifth grader and a seventh grader. It's like you eat the top one. It's a dick.
Starting point is 01:43:49 And then you're like, I'm never doing that again. No, no, it's because it's like brown. It's like that part. And do you know how that's, that's, you know. No, I don't do that. You put it in a smoothie. Game changer. It goes well with the stuff.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Is it a smoothie if you don't have a banana in there? No. It's not. Yeah, it should always. It's juice. It's just nice. It's as bedrock as the oat milk and the ice. And banana bread.
Starting point is 01:44:10 Because when they go mushy, make banana bread. It's fucking dank. Okay. Fruits in smoothies. Top three fast. Strawberry. Banana. Strawberry.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Blueberry. Peanut butter. I was wondering what the third was. Because I knew blueberry was in there. Banana. Strawberry. Blueberry. Peanut butter. I was wondering what the third was because I knew blueberry was in there. Mango? Sometimes it's in there. Pineapple. I'd go pineapple over mango.
Starting point is 01:44:33 Rasmataz. What is that? A jumbo juice. I like mango just by itself. What about this? That's what it is. You got to throw in that orange sherbet. No, you have to have that.
Starting point is 01:44:43 Orange sherbet? Yeah. Oh, I've never done it. Oh, you haven't? No. Baskin-Robbins orange sherbet. No, you have to have that, too. Orange sherbet? Yeah. Oh, I've never done it. Oh, you haven't? No. Baskin-Robbins orange sherbet, dude. Dude. Tasty.
Starting point is 01:44:50 I don't touch this stuff. Respect, respect. Yeah. Respect. Is that because it's vaginal? Exactly, yeah, dude. Because you've got to like, what if it's a popsicle? Yeah, bro.
Starting point is 01:45:03 Oh, yeah, then definitely. And I'm not ripping the top off either honestly i heard that when i was younger that spiders laid their eggs in there and i still like don't do that in the top of bananas yeah whoa that's why yeah so there was a reason well i was saying it's like gross it's like brown on there and stuff yeah but spiders leaving that's the reason i don't want to say that it's weird yeah you don't want to weird people out here eating bananas do you know my conscious for days you're supposed to like flip it over you know how you like the how it has like the stem you're actually supposed to eat it the other way and peel it that way it peels easier you're supposed to go from the bottom yeah from the bottom yeah yeah started from the bottom, really? Yeah. Yeah. Started from the bottom, never here. I keep doing that.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Chad. My babe? Legendary. Oh, you haven't done your babe yet? Babe. Did we just do legend? I think we did babe. We just did babe. Did you babe it?
Starting point is 01:45:56 Oh, wait. No, you didn't because your legend was Frank. Oh, you did babe it. That was Frank was your babe. Oh, Frank was my babe. Okay. We good? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:06 I couldn't think of another one. We're square. My babe of the week. Legend. My legend of the week. Could be a babe. My la babe of the week is the croque masseur sandwich. Oh. Cream. What is this? Aaron. Aaron just creamed. is the croque masseur sandwich.
Starting point is 01:46:27 Cream. What is this? Aaron! Aaron just creamed. Dude. Aaron sounds like he's nibbling on one right now. Ooh, Aaron. Yeah, I've been just, you know, dry hacking Aaron. What is the croque masseur? The croque masseur is there's brie on there,
Starting point is 01:46:44 it's sourdough melted cheese on top ham and heavy dosages really yep i get it when i operate ski when i ski and i'm you know skiing down there then i go to the roundhouse when you operate ski when i operate yeah that's prior to the ski no that's after ski oh when you after ski oh yeah that makes sense yeah you operate ski you get the croque monsieur but you rendezvous you rendezvous and then you and then you croak monsieur before the fondue then you croak before the fondue. Then you croak.
Starting point is 01:47:23 Exactly. Oui, oui, madame. Yeah. Oui. Merci. Je t'en m'en. Beaucoup. And then you... Ho, ho.
Starting point is 01:47:31 Yeah. Je t'aime. Je t'aime. Sucre des bleus. Le chicken codon bleu. Dude, you know, I'm actually... Actually, speaking of lakes, I'm going to Vermont for Fourth of July.
Starting point is 01:47:47 I see my brother. Nice. Whole family. We're going on a lake. Oh! We're going on a boat. You know what I'm going to do? Single ski and a speedo.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Oh, man. Get some pics. I was going to say. That's going to be powerful. Dude, can you imagine a turn? I've never single skied before, but can you imagine a turning pic where you just oh yeah where you're just carving really hard dick is like you know it's got that because it's shortened and horizontal from the cold but so you get that poke and outline where everyone on the boat they gotta reckon with it yeah they gotta look at it when you're back
Starting point is 01:48:18 there they gotta see it and they gotta see suction they can might even see the penis hole outline dude they always do man they always do, man. They always do, especially when you're barefoot. Yeah. Are you going to barefoot? Yeah, I'm going to barefoot in the Speedo. I'm going to barefoot nude. That's powerful.
Starting point is 01:48:32 You're going to barefoot? Nude. Do you, like, put your toes up like that? Careful with your balls, man. Yeah, are you going to secure your balls? Yeah. Strap them up. There was never a time.
Starting point is 01:48:41 What are you going to do, dude? Dude, for some reason, the person who I feel like is most qualified to single ski in a Speedo is your guy's dad. He is a really good single skier, too. Yeah, he can do it. Really? Yeah. Yeah, he's got great. Dude, I got to say, the old man on the slopes or on the water.
Starting point is 01:48:59 Very good. Dude, he gets real high and mighty about it. There's better skiers, you know? But he'll be like, the guy's got no style. He's big on the style. It's a little like Dogtown. Because he's got it. He's got the hips. And style is something you just know.
Starting point is 01:49:12 When you see it, you know. Like it's just, it looks really nice. It's from his mogul days in the 80s. You build up that dexterity with the hop. Does he wear like cool shades, like Rossignol shades? Yes, always. That's cool. And it took him a while to get onto the helmet train, which I understand.
Starting point is 01:49:28 You know, my dad was first on the helmet train. He made us wear helmets before anyone wore helmets. I was so pissed. That makes sense. Yeah, bro. Doctors. Doctors. They see the worst of everything.
Starting point is 01:49:37 I had to do that on a ski trip, too. All my friends were wearing beanies. I had to be in a helmet. Dude, yeah. Was your dad the same? Yeah. You know, I was like with when your dad's a doctor it's awesome but it's also like a big boner killer sometimes because like you suggest
Starting point is 01:49:50 anything anything that has any risk he's like well do you want to end up in a vegetative state then i wouldn't hop on your scooter yes exactly right you know because they see the worst of everything yes that's their experience they're in hospital, who's coming in? People who lost when they were doing that thing Does he drive a car? No Does he want to end up in a vegetative state? No I got embarrassed
Starting point is 01:50:15 He doesn't drive a car No He walks without a helmet That's safe, dude. That's safe. If you stay off the sidewalks and away from the roads, your risk factor
Starting point is 01:50:29 is basically zero. You got to come upon a bear. Yeah, dude. But he doesn't eat honey, so he's okay on that front. Yeah, no, he's chill. He doesn't bring any food on his person.
Starting point is 01:50:39 Smart guy. He's seen someone's dad walk to work with a helmet for safety reasons. Who's that? Is that your dad, Kevin? Yeah. If you'd walk me to school, we'd all be wearing helmets,
Starting point is 01:50:51 walking in a single file line. Chris, legend? I was going to do Strider, but no, he did a sandwich, so my backup is a sandwich. I'm going to do that. I'm going to go with the club sandwich. Oh, I mean, come on. I don't hold a card to a club. We've talked about you too much.
Starting point is 01:51:15 I don't want to. Although I will say, I've only gotten one pic from your wedding, and I would like to see more because you both look fire. And I loved the outfit gray suit pink tie thank you we just got our our photographer just sent us our first looks so more pics to come love it keep an eye out in your mail oh but now to the more important thing the club sandwich i mean it just rocks the clubby i don't need ham in it just saying that you know just need turkey
Starting point is 01:51:48 club sometimes people put ham in it I don't think it's necessary it's mayonnaise you got a lot of bread one extra thing of bread which normally I wouldn't like but in this sandwich it's great and it's maybe the best thing to order if you're ever getting room service or like you're at a pool cause they're not gonna fuck it up it's pretty hard to fuck up order if you're ever getting room service. Or like you're at a pool, because they're not going to fuck it up.
Starting point is 01:52:06 It's pretty hard to fuck up a club. You might get one where the bacon isn't super crunchy, but then it's still decent. But hopefully the bacon is crunchy. And then one of the best poolside sandos, because when they cut it into the quads like that, like the triangles with the toothpicks, you get one and you go, have one. It's got more bread. It's going to fill me up. And there's no other sandwich that they cut like that. Exactly. And the secret hero
Starting point is 01:52:32 is the lettuce. It gives it that crunch. There's so much crunch texture in the club sandwich. It's beautiful to look at. Every layer, you're getting different crunches. In terms of layered food items, the seven layer dip or the club i'm going club because it's so bankable yeah if you're traveling i like i
Starting point is 01:52:51 like seven layer dip i just don't have it that often yeah but at the beach on a picnic yeah but the utility of the club sandwich is part of why i love it so much because it's it's like if you're not sure what you want you know know, for the most part, you know what you're getting. All reliable. A diner, drunk eats late night with the boys. It comes with fries mostly. Your cost of doing business is zero. You're not worried about your tum tum later. Safe investment.
Starting point is 01:53:13 You're not worried about your face being puffy. You're like, I know what I'm getting regardless. Exactly. It feels healthier than like a burger late at night for some reason, even though I don't know if it is. I don't know. What about when a guy takes a chance? When you go to a diner and he goes extravagant
Starting point is 01:53:26 with it? When you're at the diner and your buddy's like... Gets like a frog in the hole. Yeah, he's like, I'll do the jambalaya. You're like, you're out of your mind. You're like, dude, I'm going to get a crib, dude. And then he's like, can I babysit your kids? You're like, no way, dude. Danny says, I'll do the prime rib. And you're like, what the... Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:53:42 I've never seen that before. I didn't know why. I make jokes about it's only cooked at once yeah he's like i've never done this before but let's go uh strats who's your legend my legend is oh shit i just had it a second ago and now i'm completely fucking blanking because i was so amped on that. Fuck. Do you want me to go? You go. The new map in COD is sick. Oh, it is.
Starting point is 01:54:10 I've heard this. It's sick. Yeah, the new map. I might come back. Bro, we need you back, dude. We need to talk about this, dude. It's rooftops. If you're having kids,
Starting point is 01:54:18 we get it. It's rooftops, baby. It's just rooftops? Bro, we call ourselves the rooftop warriors, dude. Yeah, that's what we've been doing. That is cool. We've been sticking on roofs
Starting point is 01:54:24 and just kind of moving from roof to roof. I'm conflicted. And it's very fun. We're stacking dubs. You're in Amsterdam. Are you going to play tonight? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:31 I'm playing. I'm a monster, baby. Thank you, dude. I'm going tonight. Hey, baby, if you're still watching, I'm gaming tonight. Let's go. Babe, buckle up.
Starting point is 01:54:38 Dude, Brooks is playing again. Brooks, he's back. Brooks is back. Where'd he go? Diablo. He was off. He played Diablo. Oh, he's playing another game. I'm playing that game, too. that game too i hear i hear it play that one yeah but we haven't done
Starting point is 01:54:49 it yet but like you can meet up and like do missions together and shit is overwatch it's a different style is overwatch is kind of over yeah dude gay icons overwatch so soldier 76 yeah for sure oh every kid yeah bro they're all gay yeah every character bastion some of them aren't even people they're tanks and they're like that's a gay tank that's what i like about it it's cool that they're just like no they're all yeah yeah i love that so okay new new map what's that city called again vondel vondel should the game have more fucking though if they're all going to be gay every game should have more fucking thank you just actually like to bring it back down to bring it around to
Starting point is 01:55:23 diablo again a lot of weird sexual energy in that game, which I'm digging. I'm gonna download the game and not play, just watch the cinematics. They are really good. What is the sexuality of Call of Duty? It's just fraternal. It's brotherhood. It's Spartan. You can have a final circle bone.
Starting point is 01:55:38 And you can teabag. The teabagging. The teabag. Yeah. But I consider that almost a non-sexual thing. Right. Because if it is sexual then it's like then it's assault that's come right that's assault brother that's assault
Starting point is 01:55:48 okay what movie is that that's assault brother i forget what that's that's assault brother that's adam sandler says that in a movie what movie is that happy good billy madison is it yeah i think it is billy madison i think it's probably billy madison because he's like what is that right yeah that's assault brother brother yeah i think he's talking to a kid, right? Yeah. That's a salt brother. That's a salt brother. Yeah. I think he's talking to a kid. Another great line of Billy Madison is,
Starting point is 01:56:10 I know what you're doing and I don't like it. It's such a great line, dude. I love... Yeah, it's a good movie. Oh, it's bad. Did you legend it? Yeah, I did. I said, caught a duty map.
Starting point is 01:56:22 Forgetting it already. Thondle. Thondle. Thondle. Thondle. Speaking ofle. Vondle. Vondle. Speaking of sexuality. That sounds good.
Starting point is 01:56:29 Are you playing well? I mean, for me. What's the kit? Sniping? No, I don't snipe. You can snipe in this one again. I think you could get back to it. Because there's a lot of rooftops.
Starting point is 01:56:38 But the Lockmans. There's like two Lockmans that people use. Lockman seems to be, I don't know. I've been sticking. I stick with the ISO. Hemlock. But not to make it something we can't change. Is it as good as...
Starting point is 01:56:49 For dance. I think it's like... Because if you rank them... It's early, but I think this is going to be the second best map. I think so, too. And I think the texture is better.
Starting point is 01:57:03 It's never the texture of... I like Caldera more than a lot of people, but I think this too and I think the texture is better it's never the texture of I like Caldera more than a lot of people but I think this one's better is this a resurgence map or is this it is
Starting point is 01:57:11 it's resurgence it's rebirth rebirth's the best dude bro it's the best you don't have to watch like one of your brothers play for 45 minutes and hope they value
Starting point is 01:57:19 and to die and to come back it's huge to get another chance at it to come back and get the guy who put you there yeah it's good I love it I'm playing tonight hard come back to get another chance at it yeah to come back and get the guy who put you there yeah um it's good i love it i'm playing tonight hard dude my legend of the week sticking with the
Starting point is 01:57:31 theme that we've had and i guess i'm keeping it in the same category as the banana but i'm going with the cheeseburger and uh i'm uh i'm making them for the second time but the first time without bro supervision tonight went to the uh the supermarket now here's a question i got for you guys when you're getting the burger meat what level of fat do you go because you don't want it to be you don't want to get the super lean i get 20 i went 20 you i don't like 10 no 10 there's not enough fat to make a good burger get get the fat in there fat's good for you fat's good yeah that's good so i'm gonna be making some cheese burgers i'm not putting much on them.
Starting point is 01:58:05 I'm just going cheese and meat. But I did. Another guy we're bringing up again. I got the pepper jack. Oh, interesting. You were never really a pepper jack guy. I've always been a pepper jack guy. Really?
Starting point is 01:58:15 Oh, if it's string cheese, pepper jack all day. But like on sandwiches and burgers? I do. Maybe it was late. Maybe it was after I moved out. Yeah. And we lost contact for a few years there. Right, right. Well, I was on that boat i got lost i came back and then all of a sudden you know you don't think i wanted to tell you you think i didn't want to tell you i didn't know how
Starting point is 01:58:36 to reach you but yeah so i got the i got the pepper jack there i used to love pepper jack string cheese i used to find the best one i could in bristol Farms had it. Yeah, like string cheese versus sandwich cheese. It's a different ballgame. But I love the cheeseburger. And I had McDonald's for the first time in a long time. What'd you get? Quarter pounder. Did they always put mustard on it?
Starting point is 01:58:54 Yeah. Or is that mustard and pickles? And those little tiny onions. Diced onions. Diced onions and the pickles are primo. Yeah. And McDonald's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:59:04 It fucking rocks. It ripped. Oh, yeah. It fucking rocks. It ripped. Oh, yeah. Dude, the nuggets are still like the best fucking thing on the planet. Dude, I got some nuggets two weeks ago. I got four of them. What sauce are you doing? Buffalo.
Starting point is 01:59:13 Nice. Are you honey mustard? He does what I do. Honey. You're a psycho who gets honey mustard? They're the only straight honey place. I found one Wendy's that also had regular honey, but I've never found it at another Wendy's.
Starting point is 01:59:27 McDonald's is the only place that gives you honey packets, and it's fucking delicious. Here's a cue. Del Taco or Taco Bell? Del, because they got burgers. Dude, I'm Del guy, too. You get the two tacos with so much cheese and the fries. And it's a more local pick, where you're like,
Starting point is 01:59:43 anyone could do Taco Bell, but you got to be from somewhere to do Del. I like their crinkle cut fries. The crinkle cut. cheese and the fries and it's a more local pick where you're like anyone could do taco bell but you got to be from somewhere to do dell i like their crinkle cut fries the crinkle cut anyone does crinkle cut shake shack and the bell doesn't do the taco crunch is it's so good it's pretty fucking good it's so good it's yeah it's a heavyweight battle um all right quote of the week? Quote of the week. So this is coming from the top gay icon, Alan Turing. This is a quote that's actually plastered in the Abbey. We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge. Mmm.
Starting point is 02:00:23 Wait, hit me again. We are not interested in the fact that the brain has the consistency of cold porridge yeah the brain is wrinkly ugly but i guess those wrinkles are new it can't get bigger so there's new grooves surface area yeah increased surface area the more porridge it is that might be the more things that are firing have you ever thought about working out your brain, like physically? All the time. If you could just have a good-looking brain. That'd be sick. When they open it up.
Starting point is 02:00:57 It's ripped. Yeah, this guy took care of his brain. This guy's got like a 98 pack. Sexy. It's a lot of grooves. Is that divisible by 6 too? I'd be rad if it was. Alan Turing would say yes.
Starting point is 02:01:16 He might say it like that too. Yeah. Yeah, I do like that one, Aaron. I'm just giving you shit I love you I love you so much my quote is from Diablo 4 it's from an early cinematic in the game
Starting point is 02:01:40 break the chains and discover who you were meant to be break the chains and be beautiful in sin damn yeah that's lilith she's evil that's a little idly well she's like well yeah dude you should see and her outfits are wild she's freaking evil but like kind of cool and like definitely sexy love it i mean there's something about that it's like the vampire thing they're all hot because they'll drag you into something you don't want to do but maybe i do by the way interview with the vampire you've been talking about it's really good it's really great worm and it's great worm and it's really good show about it yeah whoa i gotta watch interview with the vampire it was on amc you might need to get amc plus the durability of vampires as a consistent exciting story like vehicle is crazy
Starting point is 02:02:28 as durable as a vampire one might say can't kill him it's very sexy there's a lot of like because they always you know they always mix the oh my you you that was it they always mix you know like the drinking of the blood with boning yeah it's like if people were like eating like a sandwich while boning and be like not not like sexy and like a little freaky but like vampires do it and you're like yeah we should do like our version of that but like make it as as relatable as possible so it's like you're having sex and you got a 12 inch hoagie. Yeah. And it's stuffed to the guilt. And you're like, she's kissing a collarbone. And you're just, you're putting it away.
Starting point is 02:03:11 Bridesmaids, bear sandwich. Yeah, just a bucket of popcorn. Just open the bag and she's puffed. All right before. Butter all over your hands. Yeah, dropping cheese puffs on her. Are you ready for this i'm a servant of the secret fire wielder of the flame of enor you cannot pass the dark fire will
Starting point is 02:03:34 not avail you flame of udon go back to the shadow you can not pass gandalf dude that's my quote sir ian mckellen as Pass! Gandalf. Dude. That's my quote, dude. Sir Ian McKellen as Gandalf. Beautiful. I thought it was always you shall not pass, but you cannot pass.
Starting point is 02:03:58 I think it is shall. According to this website. That's that thing, though, right where we hear it the way we want it, and then it just becomes way it is mandela effect oh strike strice and mandela effect who we taken strice and strice and um dude my quote of the week bob dylan get ready to be not moved i had broken myself of the habit of thinking in short song cycles and began reading longer and longer poems to see if I could remember anything I read about in the beginning. I trained my mind to do this,
Starting point is 02:04:31 had cast off gloomy habits and learned to settle myself down. I began cramming my brain with all kinds of deep poems. It seemed like I'd been pulling an empty wagon for a long time and now I was beginning to fill it up and would have to pull harder. I felt like I was coming out of the back pasture. I was changing in other ways, too. Things that used to affect me didn't affect me anymore.
Starting point is 02:04:51 I wasn't too concerned about people, their motives. I didn't feel the need to examine every stranger that approached. That's it. What the hell is he talking about? But he's talking about it. Yeah, he said it well, though.
Starting point is 02:05:04 He gets it. The little demon poet. He says he feels like he's pulling an empty wagon and now he's talking about it yeah he said it well though he gets it the little demon poet he says he feel like he's pulling up to you wagon and now he's filling it up artistic it's like when i see like i never understand symbolism in movies but i under but i know how to recognize that there's symbolism happening yes that's That's rich. Oh, symbolism. And they're like, oh, what does it mean? I'm like, well, I don't know. Well, no, but that's the way it should be.
Starting point is 02:05:29 It should impact you on the subconscious. The words would limit it. But it's more like my eyes glaze over. They're trying to tell me something. But you feel it. I feel that they're trying to tell me something. Right. But is it enriching?
Starting point is 02:05:43 No, but I'm like, I like that they're doing that. Maybe somebody will tell me what they were saying and i'll be like wow that was it's a gift for somebody else that's why i like watching movies with this guy he's like you see what they did they're talking about this and this i'm like nice exactly you've made me appreciate this movie more because all i was seeing earlier was it's happening now like it's like a it's like an applause thing you know what i mean like oh i know i understand that it's supposed to happen right now but i don't know why just gotta you know if you're in doubt if someone's like trying applause thing. You know what I mean? Like, oh, I know. I understand that it's supposed to happen right now, but I don't know why. Just got to, you know, if you're in doubt, if someone's like trying to challenge you, just go religious allegory.
Starting point is 02:06:09 Be like, oh, it's religious allegory. It's a commercial. Those two words together cannot be thwarted. Exactly. It's over. I don't care who the scholar is. He's got to accept. He has to. And then you can even go, that might not even be what intended, but the audience at that
Starting point is 02:06:21 time, it would be so biased and skewed to that, that you can't help but not. I even do it on the nose. People are like, how is Passion of the Christ? I said it was a religious allegory. They're like, what was allegorical about it? I'm like, well, Jesus was in there and then he died first. Christ on the cross is a symbol. You see?
Starting point is 02:06:41 For Christ on the cross. He's a metaphor for Jesus. He's sort of a Messiah figure, if you will. Chad, praise the week for getting after it. Praise the week for getting after it. Like a virgin Nice dude Did she say fucked? Oh touched
Starting point is 02:07:10 Banged for the very first time Dude version She has like a 19 year old helping her writer Porked for the very first time No no that's not it Bone for the very first time Like a virgin You know drunk dudes have done that Got it. Bone for the very first time. Like a virgin.
Starting point is 02:07:27 You know drunk dudes have done that. Porked for the very first time. God. He changed the words. He fucking... Oh, is it me? I think so. I feel like I might be paraphrasing or just straight up quoting you guys on this pod but i'm gonna go ahead dance like someone might be watching
Starting point is 02:07:51 nice i was hoping for that exact reaction if you're not embarrassed it ain't embarrassing i just like sometimes when i'm really grooving i'm like my eyes are closed but i'm very conscious like somebody might be watching, so keep it up. Dude, that plays into what we're talking about, too. These icons. Right. They're doing that on the biggest stage. For sure.
Starting point is 02:08:13 That's why we want to be Mariah Carey. I think part of it is looking like you don't care that no one's watching, but in my head, I'm like, somebody might be. Every time I've danced, I'm like, my dad's watching. I'm i'm like am i being sexy am i popping and locking like he'd want me to if you had to walk a mile in the shoes of any of the icons we picked who would you be like yeah let's let's freaky friday it prince whose shoes could i actually wear and walk in not princes not gaga's not i. Not Upton John's. I'd go Bowie. Bowie's a great one, bro. It's a good way to make a list, too. Like, whose
Starting point is 02:08:49 shoes would you want to occupy? I mean, they're icons, right? That's what I think. Dude, I think I'd go Mariah. Oh, you know what? I'd go Queen B. That would be nice. You guys would be a good pair, too. You're dialed like she is. Me and Queen B? Yeah. Like, lifestyle-wise, I think that's a fit. Oh, we'd be rehearsing non-stop. Oh, I love that. You guys would be a good pair too You're dialed like she is Me and Queen B? Yeah Like lifestyle wise
Starting point is 02:09:05 I think that's a fit We'd be rehearsing non-stop Oh I love that If you could be in John Malkovich With Beyonce Can we make that? That's a good sequel The budge
Starting point is 02:09:17 You're gonna have to boost The budge a little bit Can you imagine Beyonce With my voice What up dude? Dude it's not a bad thing to write Be in John Beyonce and Beyonce with my voice what up dude dude it's not a bad thing to write being John Beyonce
Starting point is 02:09:27 would be well yeah and then she'd be doing she'd be doing stand up you'd be doing stand up as Beyonce yeah and that would be her
Starting point is 02:09:36 second career that'd be awesome which would be crazy um you came with it oh mine is um JT said this earlier, Lake House.
Starting point is 02:09:50 Yeah, love that. You know what? Here's one I like. This is an oldie. I like when you just say a sports person's name as like a saying. Oh, yeah. What was that popular song with that magic player that came out
Starting point is 02:10:06 Mo Bamba like that was a hit cause his name just sounds like it's melodic a go to we used to have is Chuck Knobloch
Starting point is 02:10:13 you just say Chuck Knobloch Chuck Knobloch and what I've it's on my phone cause I got something I do a bit about it but I think Manny Ginobili
Starting point is 02:10:20 yeah just Manny Ginobili I'm just gonna start saying that he was so fucking good dude you hated him because he was so good so good he like invented the euro step those takes he invented the euro step he was like a notorious flopper but he was like so fucking good at it and he just was like tricky in like the most fun way and i very rarely remember him like fucking up in big moments i felt like every time it was a big moment i was like oh he made the
Starting point is 02:10:42 right play there yeah he had like defensive stop he made the right pass he he took it to the hole and dunked it so like a glue guy but like who was like amazing yeah you know like glue guy doesn't like do enough justice for how good he was but he was because like he always made the right play can we cook a little bit longer on this do you got time i kind of uh you had to balance yeah can we do you have time for zion what's zion zion williamson you've been hearing about this no what's going on oh yeah dude I kind of have to balance. You have to balance? Yeah. Do you have time for Zion? What's Zion? Zion Williamson. You been hearing about this? No, what's going on?
Starting point is 02:11:08 Oh, yeah, dude. Bro, he got blown up, dude. Check it out. Check it out. Give it a look. No, off, off, off. But I'll call you. I'll call you.
Starting point is 02:11:17 He's dating. Yeah, he's getting a sex tape. Oh, there's a sex tape coming out? I believe it, though. I just read headlines. He was dating a porn star and then she found out that he had gotten another woman pregnant and she's tweeted his name like 42 000 times it's funny because the first time it came up it was like her being like i don't even give a shit like you know he's not paying attention to you like you think he gives a fuck about you you're trash and then the next time that like a
Starting point is 02:11:45 friend shared her tweets with me her tenor had shifted to you're a fucking piece of shit like how could you do this to me i'm the one who motivated you to get into shape you're a fucking bitch like just like going at him poor guy shouldn't have fucked around on uh you know a woman who obviously loves to tweet. Yeah, but it's like, you know, I'd love for him to suffer. I'm talking about it, so I'm kind of... Might get traded. There's been a lot of trade rumors. We'll see.
Starting point is 02:12:14 I just want to say, Zion, I want to see him get in shape and play well. That's the thing. Yeah. A lot of people saying he's got to get out of New Orleans. Might need a change of scenery He's only 22 He did say his two favorite places to go on the road Houston and Atlanta
Starting point is 02:12:29 Apparently Portland too Portland has it too We should strip sometime We don't even have to put on a show Just for us I'll be the next live Just with the boys. Top four strippers of all time?
Starting point is 02:12:47 No, just no conversation, just stripping. Oh, there's some symbolism there. Yeah, we have Aaron on the DJ mic. What are we doing next for draft? Am I out on the next one? Oh. Did you get last? I don't know if we got a celebrity one coming up, though.
Starting point is 02:13:06 But maybe. That would be crazy, dude. I don't know if we could do that. But we risked the Bistic, guys. We risked the Bistic the first time. Yeah, but you shouldn't do that. No, but we got to do another draft first, probably, because we didn't know going in.
Starting point is 02:13:19 The stakes weren't there. That's true. And I don't know. But maybe what we can do to make it smooth, so no matter who gets knocked on the next one it's still a it's still a Hummer is a
Starting point is 02:13:28 Maurice yeah one of us would have to miss the Maurice draft I'd be sad that'd be tough and you know we're drafting like
Starting point is 02:13:35 Chicago dogs yeah it's food sandwiches could be any of us dude on his joke code he's like alright Aaron what's the next comment?
Starting point is 02:13:46 We're all just like, bro. Oh, yeah, we did. That was really funny. We were having a good time. Alright. Stokers, thanks for watching. Legends. Should I pull up the chat?
Starting point is 02:14:03 Yeah, just... Thank you, Kings. Did we do good? Yeah, did we? A lot of people are talking. I'm sorry about bounce. Is that okay? Yes.
Starting point is 02:14:11 Oh, huge. We got some Lake Intel. You heading out, brother? Love you, man. Hey, love you, man. Hey, and congratulations. Send those pics. It looks good on you, dude.
Starting point is 02:14:22 Yeah. Aaron, I'll see you. All right. There's good on you, dude. Aaron, I'll see you. Alright. There's no big comments, but guys, thank you for watching. Nothing? I mean, you can look. Okay, I'll give it a game.
Starting point is 02:14:34 Guys, you can check out the merch coming out this Friday. We are so stoked because it's like stuff that you'd find in the surf shop. But you can wear it anywhere. You know? Weddings, funerals, Firstions yeah anywhere you're like what's that new company you're like stoke that's it spread the word yeah i want you guys
Starting point is 02:14:56 to move freaking merch to move merch yeah support the show support the dowel that crew neck is sick this is sick right this looks like a Nike shirt. I know. That's like artistic. It says Small Dogs Rule right there. Oh, I thought it's so it's shoes. Yeah, dude. People streaking.
Starting point is 02:15:14 It's someone streaking. That's awesome. The boys seem to have liked it. Yeah. Hell yeah. That's huge. All right, guys. Thank you, Stokers.
Starting point is 02:15:22 Thanks for watching. See you on the next one.

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