Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 30 - Couples Therapy, Fire Reviews, Paul Walker Doc

Episode Date: August 8, 2018

What up stokers.  Chad and JT are here and they're ready to rock your fuckin world.  In this episode, we dive deep into couples therapy, JT gets into introspection, we introduce a new segment: Revie...w of the Week, hazing, the Facebook/Russia controversy, and finding joy in every situash.  As always, we have legends, beefs, babes and questions. For next week, write a review to be review of the week! For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just have the road beside you. Go and see. Go and see. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with episode 30 of the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. Yeah. And I'm here with my fellow Stoker, JT.
Starting point is 00:00:57 What up? What up, dude? Good to see you. Good to see you as well. How are you living? Good, good. I just went to couples therapy with my girlfriend. Oh interesting Yeah, so i'm hot off some major introspection. Yeah, you came in. It looks like you got a lot in your mind Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:12 She's just shuffling like different uh stuff I have to take care of and also thinking about All my major relationships My career all my major relationships, my career, why I do the things I do. Yeah. So you just juggle. Is that a constant juggle or like at this moment,
Starting point is 00:01:33 that's what's on your mind? I think it's always on my mind, but sometimes it can come to a head where I have to think about it all in a more heavy way. That's heavy. Yeah. But you know what. That's heavy. Yeah. But you know what? It's great.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Dude, I've been, because sometimes whenever I sort of feel like, you know, overwhelmed or like down or something or, you know, just like, I'll just be like, life's like a fun game. Yeah. It's like, just have fun.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Treat it like all the world's a stage, you know? Just have fun, you know? What game do you think it is? If you had to say which game? Mario Kart. Nice. That's a fun one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Sometimes you hit those bananas and you slip. Sometimes you have to shoot shells at another dude. Sometimes Wario comes in with his fucking mustache and snarky laugh, and you have to say, what up, dude, and just brush it off. Who did you typically compete as? Or do you compete as? I was towed a lot. I'd be Bowser.
Starting point is 00:02:41 I think I was Bowser because I had a lot of inner fantasies about being like a really just like tough dude that could just like fuck anyone up because i was more passive in real life but then i'd become bowser and i'd just knock dudes around so what about you um i always switched it up i was never great at it but i would always mix it up uh and um i guess if i had to pick who is my favorite i like mario interesting yeah i feel like that's that's probably the pick you rarely hear people actually going with mario you know what i mean yeah i go as the titular character yeah that's i think that's bolder than people think they're like oh dude i go with toad
Starting point is 00:03:25 and you're like no dude i do i stick with mario i'm freaking loyal there's a lot of like uh edikin in video games where they're like hey if we play like a basketball game you can't play as the warriors or if we play a football game you can't play as the patriots like you're not supposed to play as the best team yeah in whatever respective game you're playing i've, ever thought that was the way things should be done. I'm like, look, I'm going to be the best team imaginable. You can be the other best team imaginable. I want to have fun playing with these guys. You're playing basketball.
Starting point is 00:03:54 You're like, why can't I play with Kobe? Because you can't, all right? You're playing with Muggsy Bogues, and you're like, fuck. Yeah. Dude, I wanted to introduce a new segment uh just to start off yeah uh i thought it'd be fun if we did a review of the week um just like some fun reviews that people leave and uh so this review is from jackson dildo hey what up jackson and he goes from one big hog to two others great stuff hashtag. Hashtag Nickelback.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Nice. And that review just got me really fired up, you know, because first off, he just establishes right up top he's got a huge piece. So there's a lot of trust there. And it's just very concise and clear, and he hashtagged a great band. So what up, Jackson? Thank you for your fire review. And I just thought it would be a fun weekly segment.
Starting point is 00:04:46 You know, we can have Stokers get creative with their reviews. That was a great one. Because there's so much stuff packed into it. It's like nine words, but it makes you think about like a thousand more. Yeah. I like that people like it when they're pre-gaming. Yeah. I like listening to a podcast while you pre-game.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Yeah. I've never really done that. Have you done that? No. I don't think any of my... I would do it. I just don't imagine any of the people I party with would be into it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:14 You know what I mean? It would be interesting to be like, dude, before we go out and just wreak havoc, let's listen to Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Joe Rogan Experience. Yeah, let's listen to The Moment with Brian K on joe rogan experience yeah let's listen to the moment with brian koppelman yeah and his entrepreneur friend seth godin get us jacked dude is this npr radio yeah sick dude let's get some shots yeah this is radio lab they're talking about dreams not nice but i i did i mean i've talked about it on here before i used to like watch weird movie clips before I went out to party.
Starting point is 00:05:45 And a lot of times it was existential. Spoiler alert. So fast forward 30 seconds if you don't want to hear this. At the end of Six Feet Under, they show the death of every character on the show. And I used to watch that before I went out to party. Yeah, that's weird. It was really weird. But it just put me in this like...
Starting point is 00:06:03 You're not worried about striking out with a chick when you know that everyone you love is gonna die one day yeah then you're like fuck it i'll strike out yeah there's big i got bigger fish to fry i got bigger things i'm afraid of that is a good way to look at it sort of like the whole life is fun just have fun because you know you know the ending so just have fun you kind of know the ending yeah because i was thinking like you know if there's like times where you're like oh like there's a there's a babe i should go talk to her or something or like oh like i should go bond with that dude or like i should go paintballing or something then you go oh what are the potential like what if she rejects me
Starting point is 00:06:39 what if like the dude doesn't want to bond what if i get shot in the dick you know and then you rob yourself of that potentially super fun experience at the end of your life all that stuff will actually be stuff you think back on positively yeah like you're like man that was actually pretty hilarious when i got turned out by the checker yeah i'm not trying to bond with that dude but we just couldn't get on the same wavelength yeah i went paintballing and i got shot in the dick and like that hurts so bad but you'll be glad you did it and you'll be because it'll all be reminders that you were alive you have more stories and you were more alive in those moments than you were yeah before them
Starting point is 00:07:14 because you're conquering your fear and embracing stoke and you're feeling a lot yeah that's what's all about stokers hell yeah all about hell to the yeah speaking of uh people who lived a lot paul walker documentary coming out it was a tearjerker the trailer the trailer is awesome awesome i got some quotes from it oh yeah hit me he liked to go fast his sister said that one of his other friends in keeping with what we're talking about, he lived like five lifetimes. Awesome. He was a lover and a fighter.
Starting point is 00:07:53 Best of both worlds. I love that so much. Because that was like that thing on modern masculinity I heard about last week where it said the four tenets are king, warrior, magician, lover. Yeah. And I'm sure he had the other two yeah i guess i guess the documentary are you done with the those are all of them yeah i guess the documentary is more just about him as a human being which i think um yeah i like i would always get so bummed when people be like he wasn't a good actor first First of all, he was. He inspired me in every role he played. And he was my favorite guy to watch in the movie.
Starting point is 00:08:29 So all these critical fucking numbnuts can eat a dick. Although you're entitled to your opinion. But I think what's most awesome about him is how he's just an amazing person. Give him back to the Osh. A good dude to his family. Providing for people. Spreading love. He was just an amazing person. Give it back to the Osh. A good dude to his family. Providing for people. Spreading love.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Every story I hear about where people ran into him, they're like, dude, he was just the coolest guy ever. He was just like a solid dude you want to kick it with. And you could see that in his eyes. Yeah. And you could see that in his eyes when he was on camera. Yeah. And that's why I think part of the reason he was a great effective actor is because like some dudes who are super hot too yeah they uh they're kind of like they feel villainous yeah like you're like
Starting point is 00:09:15 oh this guy's using his power for evil yeah you know like hotness is a power and then with Paul you never got that feeling yeah you always felt like he carried his hotness like it wasn't the most important thing to him like the thing that was most important to him was being like fun and decent and giving yeah like the scenes with Tyrese when they like give a big hand slap and they're like Tyrese's like we hungry and he's like not anymore bro i forget how does he go at the end where he's like my pockets ain't empty cuz oh that that's a that's one way he shows all the money yeah i was like yes i love that mischievousness yeah very genuine joy yeah and then but then when they're like, Tyree's like, man, crooked cops, drug dealers,
Starting point is 00:10:08 we in deep, bro. And he's like, well, at least we got each other. It was something about how they reformed their bond because there was that lack of trust because he thought Paul betrayed him and they bond again. I can't remember the line specifically, but when they give that handshake and
Starting point is 00:10:24 they're just like smiling super hard i'm like i always strive for that in my relations with bros it's interesting too because paul was good at um making his camaraderie with his co-stars believable and it's probably because it existed off camera too i'd like to think um and some some good actors are uh you can tell aren't uh easy with camaraderie like colin farrell i really like colin farrell but if you watch him in the new um total recall movie which was a fucking abomination he has to say goodbye to his best friend at the end of like a bar sesh that they had together yeah which for anybody else you totally get it you're like all right all right, later, dude. I'll see you tomorrow, man. Good hanging with you. Yeah. But Colin Farrell was like, hey, later, dude.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I'll see you. Ha. You're like, what? Have you ever hung out with somebody? Yeah. I know Colin Farrell used to party, but I don't know if he partied with like dudes. I think he might've just been like on his, on the sex kick, which, you know, is cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:22 But when he had to relate to another bro it was like painful to watch yeah like it'd be hard to play beirut with him yeah and like get into it dude so there was this uh kid who died getting hazed joining a frat i think at penn state and they're trying to figure out what like the criminal punishments are going to be for his brothers yeah that's heavy stuff it is so heavy yeah i just know i i just know a lot of dudes get can get power hungry or you know just way too into like yeah they just take it too seriously and then they just like they go way overboard and uh you know i i never i never i never tried to make pledges suffer. I always thought that was really kind of whack.
Starting point is 00:12:08 I would just have them do fun things like be my Lloyd. Or, you know, we'd just do weird stuff. I think, I like what you're espousing today too, just about like, I mean in general, but like about like just like joy. Like just have fun with all this stuff. Yeah. Make it fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:20 but like about like, just like joy, like just have fun with all this stuff. Yeah. Make it fun. Yeah. Cause like with the dudes who took it really seriously and like, we're like fucking assholes. You'd just be like,
Starting point is 00:12:31 all right, dude, clearly you didn't have a lot of friends or something's going on with you that you're taking out on these pledges. Like the, who do you know here dudes? Yeah. The worst.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Oh dude, who do you know here? I'm like, dude, who do you know here? I had older friends when i was a kid and we used to hang out with them and i wanted them to think i was so cool and they were gonna give us swirlies one day yeah one night they're like we're gonna give you guys
Starting point is 00:12:52 swirlies and then i just stuck my head in the toilet yeah i'll just give myself a swirly and all the older people were like yes and then i was like fuck yeah and so it was like there's like a reverse psychology to it i love that yeah that creates so much better camaraderie. If you're just stoked all throughout, everyone's going to have fun. It's going to be like Animal House in real life. Yeah. What about Facebook? Facebook lost $120 billion of its market cap value
Starting point is 00:13:23 because it slowed sales and worries about its security. Yeah. Or slow growth, rather. Yeah. They had it coming, dude. I think Facebook, in my rankings, is probably the worst. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:13:39 I agree. I think it ruins your day the most. Yeah, and it's the one that makes me hate people the most yeah you know what i mean yeah like instagram it's hard to hate someone too much for their instagram although the way people are doing their stories sometimes with just these like answering questions shit the worst yeah what no i don't i don't want to i don't want to ask you a question i don't want to hear your answers yeah if yeah if you dm me if you have a question i'm not gonna broadcast it to the world oh what are my uh favorite bathing suits fuck you dude yeah check the photos and dude i think
Starting point is 00:14:18 it's just like facebook has become like america's favorite pastime and for like another country to come in and like and try and destroy us that way i think it's pretty whack like i don't go i don't start drinking like stolaknaya vodka in an effort to overthrow russia all right let's get into it. Chad, who is your babe of the week? Babe of the week. So I was debating with Miller B about who should be the babe of the week. What up, Miller? What up, Miller? And he just gave a what up.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And I was like, dude, who is a hot chick that does stuff? And he's like, easy. Tom Cruise's wife in Mission Impossible. And I'm like, boom. That's it. That's my babe of the week. Michelle Moynihan? Is that her name?
Starting point is 00:15:17 Yeah. I just know him as Tom Cruise's wife in Mission Impossible. But I don't want to give any spoilers on the new one. It is fire, by the way way if you haven't seen it go see it tom is at his he he's there's no peak with this dude he just keeps climbing higher and higher he's but his wife not only is she able to bag a dude like ethan hunt but in her own respect she's just dominated she's a doctor she's like incredibly good looking she's uh able to in in in any situation if she finds herself in like a dangerous situation that's mission impossible-esque she's
Starting point is 00:15:53 able to think about it and like configure a way to get out of the situation and avoid danger and she just her love for uh ethan hunt is just like there's so much love between the two of them so um and i just every time i watch the movie i really respect that i'm like wow you know like props to you guys for having just like probably one of the most epic relations i've ever seen and um props to you for just like really understanding this dude and how much he needs to save the world and living your own life to the best of your abilities and just being a freaking beast in your own light in your own right fucking pillars of dankness so um what up tom cruise's wife mission impossible you're my babe of the week nice yeah who's your
Starting point is 00:16:38 babe my babe of the week is carson daly oh dude yeah nice edgy ryan seacrest i like that because here's the thing it's like easy to like pick on carson daily because he's a little bit blah uh-huh when i was a young dude i was at a poker tournament at a friend's house and i had a small stack of chips there's about six guys left it looked like i was about to go down but then i just started playing like with confidence and even if i didn't have the best cards i was winning hands and i remember one guy looked at me and he said hey jt you got alligator blood and that's what carson daly has he doesn't have the best cards but he keeps winning hands and he's got alligator blood. The guy has been hosting TV for like 20 years.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Last night, I pop on the Bloob Tube and there he is with Late Night with Carson Daly. He still has a show? The show is still going. That's fire. And I mean, I think he started when like Johnny Carson was ending his run. And there's been like 30 different talk show hosts with his lead in since he's had the gig. But the guy just will not stop. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:51 He's a beast. And I just respect that tenacity. I respect the follow through. And it's like, you may never get the critical love that you probably don't deserve, but I'll always respect the fact that you kept on going without it. So good on you, Carson.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Yeah, what up, Carson? Dude, I love TRL so much. That was like my youth. That was his zenith. That was when he was at his best. Yeah, and he just dominated that. He didn't take the spotlight too much. He was just like a good host.
Starting point is 00:18:17 He was easy to be around. And dude, not to be crude, but the guy's roster of people that he slept with. Does he have a sick roster? It's insane. Sick right chad who is your legend of the week all right dude i was in pacific beach over the weekend and uh it was late night. We were getting burgers. We got a burger and shake spot.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I didn't eat the bun, Stokers. I didn't eat the bun. So we're getting burgers, right? I'm with my dogs, Eddie and Joe. And we're sitting there. We're about to order. And this dude comes in pretty hammered. He was raging hard.
Starting point is 00:19:05 You know, fresh off, probably coming from Thrusters or mavericks one of those hot spots and he just he just strolls in and he just looks me square in the eyes and he goes dude should i eat first or piss first and i was like piss first dude he's like thank you so much and he went and did it and i was just like wow that is a freaking legend you know because he's just so direct he he knew what he wanted to ask he didn't put any fluff on it and he lives his life he tries to make his priorities clear and he tries to live his life the best way so he'll ask dudes you know i was just like wow that dude like you know he really he really has like good intentions he asks the right questions should i eat or should i piss first or eat first and uh i just thought that was really wise and i was just like wow that
Starting point is 00:20:00 guy's a legend and and like he went and pissed and then he got a burger and uh i never got his name so i just i know him as the eater piss guy but it was freaking tight just to have that like connection with someone and i was just like really honored to be because like the guy knew i was a veteran so like i was super honored to be like asked such a like a you know tough life question because that could really change the outcome of his night if he had ordered first and eaten first he probably wouldn't have enjoyed his burgers much because he had to pee and i also showed him where the bathroom was because he was so fucked up because he like sort of ran into like a wall kind of
Starting point is 00:20:40 and i was like no dude it's over there and he's just like oh thank you dude so that's my legend awesome yeah who's your legend my legend of the week is uh courtney love oh tight she could also be the baby you can flip my babe and legend this week they they qualify for both categories um you know she's got this like specific kind of hotness which is like nihilistic hotness like you get with corny love when you just want to be like you know what fuck expectations fuck the rules of society i'm just gonna do whatever i want and whatever feels like i should be doing yeah and i like that she's like a conduit for that or seems like a conduit for that yeah and she's just you know she's a master of the dark arts. And, you know, I talk a lot about, like, you know, some wholesome legends and some wholesome babes. But I got to give credit to the people who live wildly, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Who are a mess on TV. I mean, I've seen her in interviews fucked up, letting it rip, arguing with Madonna. I mean, that takes a lot of gonads. Arguing with Madonna? I haven't seen that. letting it rip arguing with madonna i mean that takes a lot of gonads arguing with madonna i haven't seen yeah and it's it's not all it's not all bluster though like she's also got talent like her band whole had like a bunch of grammy nominations which isn't you know always how i define a band success but it's an easy marker for it and um she's a great actress that's really where i i'm not i don't know her music as
Starting point is 00:22:06 well but her acting in these milos foreman movies like in the people versus larry flynn about the guy who started hustler magazine she is tremendous and i think she got nominated for a golden globe you know i wish she would have got an oscar for something but but she's so good in the movie she's so raw she's so real and she's so locked in so she's She's so raw. She's so real and she's so locked in. So she's, she's, she can party and she can bring you to the dark side and set your life on fire, but she can also deliver the goods in a structured way too.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yeah. And she's just, yeah, I read her Wikipedia page and it's as long as like Thomas Jefferson's like, she's just lived a huge, robust life. Her roster, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:44 harkening back to the carson daly stuff is like ridiculous it's got billy corgan from the smashing pumpkins kirk cobain i think she dated trent resner from the nine inch snails and edward norton yeah who's kind of like the one who doesn't fit into that group beautiful all right who's your uh beef of the week uh my beef of the week is uh with the sun whoa yeah because it's making me too stoked like i'm so stoked i can't do anything you know like my amp is just through the roof like every time i wake up like the sun is just shining so hard it's so hot I'm so bronzed right now like I just I need to put on some like tunes maybe like Foo Fighters I've been getting into
Starting point is 00:23:30 that maybe some heavy metal or some like beats and just just fucking like just be like yes you know it's like uh so I'm like I'm like getting like too stoked which is like a massive conundrum because like I always strive to be stoked and then. Cause like I always strive to be stoked. And then I'm like, I always strive to be bronzed. I always strive to, you know, have the sun bless me with its rays and just give me energy like Superman. And now I'm like there and I'm like hitting, I'm like overflowing and I'm like, Whoa, this is like so awesome. It's like kind of not awesome. Cause you know how you want to go on like waves kind of yeah well without anything to compare the awesomeness to awesomeness might get lowered
Starting point is 00:24:11 yeah it might become normal yeah the awesomeness is getting lowered but but the thing is like i don't want it to stop you know so i don't know it's i'm sort of panicking you know because you're you're living in so much stoke yeah fuck dude it's heavy right super heavy like i need to go like i need to go like read like a dr seuss book or something yeah i saw a kid today in the elevator wearing a shirt that said, autism is my superpower. And I wanted to ask him, like, are you actually autistic? Yeah. Who makes that shirt? What's your beef?
Starting point is 00:24:55 My beef of the week is with David from The Bachelorette. David got sent home from The Bachelorette because he couldn't stop focusing on this um superficial douchebag Jordan and I played this this was on my Instagram stories but David David is on a double date with this was a couple weeks ago on the show too but David was on a double date with the douchebag Jordan who's like a model and always talks about how hot he is and just basically doesn't care he just he just acts as douchey as he wants to which I kind of respect you know what I mean because at least there's honesty in that and David couldn't handle it so he um sandbags Jordan and instead of just letting Jordan do himself in with his douchey
Starting point is 00:25:37 behavior David gets fixated on Jordan and feels like there needs to be justice and goes too far and tells Becca, the girl that they're competing for, that Jordan said that he thought he could do better than her, which he never said. So David, in trying to battle Jordan, loses himself. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:56 And then Jordan comes back and gets pissed, and this is what he says to David when he finds out what he said. A girl could hear. And you told Becca I said I could see myself settling? Just be honest, man. In all walks of life, I'm an honest person. When have I said that?
Starting point is 00:26:13 I expect you to stick to your story. But it's all fabricated. It's all manipulated. You came in here saying you want to be an honest guy? Be an honest guy, man. I'm an honest, genuine person. You honestly, you're uninspiring. You lack integrity. You lack passion. You lack integrity. You lack passion. You lack charisma.
Starting point is 00:26:27 You lack your own personality. Go in the real world and go make a name for yourself before you come to try to ride mine, okay? I'm such an honest person. It was one of the best takedowns ever. That was a huge takedown. And the douche won because he never pretended to be something he wasn't. And he could see in this other guy that he lost himself. And Becca sent the nasally voice guy home first.
Starting point is 00:26:54 It's not about him. It's about you. It's about the girl. And I just think it's a smart thing for all of us to think about. Like we get caught up in our beefs and it becomes more about winning the beef than winning our life. You know what I mean? Wow. caught up in our beefs and it becomes more about winning the beef than winning our life yeah i mean wow they both sounded pretty whack just their voices i was like i hope she chooses me she probably would have you'd kill on that show no dude why not you'd kill how do you what would you be what would be your approach if you went on like theachelorette? I'd play it cool. I'd just be hanging.
Starting point is 00:27:26 But if she wasn't vibing with that, maybe I'd make a music video for her then. Oh, that'd be cool. Yeah, that's my approach. That's what's up. How would you handle it? Dude, I think I would just try to get in there, find some common ground, find what we're both into, see if we have shared interests and stuff like that. And then I think I would, instead of being of like being hyper competitive with the other dudes, I mean, obviously I'd be competitive with them. Like when we do challenges and stuff,
Starting point is 00:27:52 like I'd want to throw a hatchet the best, but in terms of just the day-to-day competition, I think I just try to chummy up with the dudes and I just try to be stoked for them. Like, and when she sent home like Will or someone I liked like to be like dude you sent home will i'd be like oh man will was super cool yeah will was a good dude and i think you know that good karma will reward itself and you look good on tv and then you get like a hosting gig afterwards or something you'd be you'd be like the most honorable contestant ever yeah i try to keep it honorable not sandbag anybody and just like uh and actually be genuinely happy for them if other people like succeeded you know what i mean i mean deep down i don't want everybody to die yeah but but surface superficially i'd be like just jacked and
Starting point is 00:28:34 stoked for everybody i i feel like they would even if you don't win the love they'd probably name a rose after you like the jt par honor mr geniality yeah yeah hey stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep with chad jt podcast hey guys guess what boning that's a part of life it's one of the pillars and it's something that most people do and it's something that can really be enjoyable because there's something called nerve endings and that makes boning really pleasurable. And then there's a lot of chemicals that go into it. But there's one chemical that you should always add into it to make it even more enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And that chemical is called Douglas Lubricant. And don't be swayed by the word chemical because it is completely organic, not harmful, doesn't harm any animals. I believe they originally, I didn't think, I think it was all human testing. I don't think any rats were involved in testing. And they just make a really solid, smooth product that's going to enhance your boning experience times 10. So when you bone, choose Douglas. And they also come with a bunch of flavors. Anal, original, strawberry.
Starting point is 00:29:49 And I think they just came out with Dolce de Leche, which is pretty sick. So guys, when you bone, bone right with Douglas. Well done. Do you want to do an ad? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:02 My ad's for UCI baseball. They got a good solid program over there my friend danny babona is one of the coaches you will not find a better guy to shepherd you through your college career and um they should call it uc newport beach because it's right there fellas it's right there on the coast and ladies i don't know he doesn't work with softball but i'm sure he supports it shout out to to Danny. Danny Babona. Danny Babona. The Baboner.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Who I just made a pretty nice trade with in fantasy football. And a lot of people are saying I got the better end of it. I think it was a fair deal for both of us. You got the better end? Yeah. There's nothing more fun than locking into a negotiation with a friend. Because you kind of... Negotiations for any kind of deal, the key to being successful at it is to take
Starting point is 00:30:46 that person to a new plane of living a new plane of existence you're not in the regular world you're in the negotiation world and it's fun it's exciting it's a flirtation there's a back and forth a give and take it's like fucking yeah and uh we went off and had a nice little fuck, and I think we both came, so I'm happy for the results. Sick. All right, guys, let's get into the questions. Hi, guys. I'm a girl listener. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:16 And I'd love to hear your fresh perspective on topics like dating and stuff. It's really funny to hear guys take on romance, and clearly you guys are a couple of veterans. Thank you. Thank you. Quick Q. Why might this guy I'm seeing feel the need to keep sending me videos of him jacking off like i get being turned on and maybe shooting me a snapchat but like a video not huge on nudes sending or receiving help me understand his motive and maybe psa to guys stop sending unsolicited nudes especially vids thank guys keep up the great work
Starting point is 00:31:40 sabrina sabrina thank you for your question. And thank you for bringing this topic up. Dudes, I think the golden rule is do not send unless there's a direct request. You know? Absolutely. Because I don't even want to see, you know, I don't even want to see myself jacking off. I don't get it. Well said. You know?
Starting point is 00:32:08 Ask why are you sending this? Are you sending this because you think she'll enjoy it or he'll enjoy it? Or are you doing it because you enjoy it? And if it's a unilateral thing, then you need to rethink it because you're being selfish. One time, this is evil, but one got i was friends with these girls and i then my photo of me doing a mangina and they were all disgusted well as you know mangina is probably my favorite move miller knows i did manganas in college all the time my My friend Jen just wrote back to my Snapchat of me doing a manjina and she just said, ill. Dude, ass clown does manjina. Ass clown was in the back of a pickup truck going 25
Starting point is 00:32:53 manjina-ing a whole block. It was epic. I don't think you should feel bad about this. I did a manjina once to start off a 4th of July party. And I remember my friend's girlfriend came up to me later and he had been dating this girl for like eight months and she came up to me and she said man you are really funny when ass clown did it he was in the back of a pickup truck arms spread out standing tall just a man gina and everyone was partying outside and just like to see a dude man gina an entire block that should be in like the guinness book of Book of World Records. You saw me get naked at that party one time. Yeah. And I thought it kind of got the party more hyped after that.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Everyone was kind of like, what are we even doing here? And then you stepped in and you're like, what are we doing here? We're going to look at my dong. And you fucking went in that pool. And I think it contributed to some extra boning that night. Like, I want to put out good vibes and make other people feel erotic you know what i mean yeah all right what up big fan of the pod after seeing mission impossible fallout with my dogs this weekend well done go see you guys our communal stoke tank was at an all-time high never near critical levels vintage tom legendary swagger
Starting point is 00:33:59 and a clinical showcase of intense running the movie movie is phenomenal and Rebecca Ferguson ignites a blazing fire in my loins. My boys and I need help settling a debate. Which Tom is more alpha, long-haired Tom from MI2 and Ghost Protocol or clean-cut Tom in Fallout? Chad, I mean, I think we're on the same page on this one. The flow. The flow, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:20 The flow. Come on. It inspired my flow. You must have upset your friends earlier in the day and they just wanted to be contrarian because I don't know anyone in their right mind who thinks crew cut Tom is better than flow Tom. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:32 It takes away from how much of a god he is. Hey dudes, love the pod and love being fucking stoked. I like protein, the sun, my bros and babes. Good. Whenever I have all four of those in my life, my stoke level skyrocketed higher than Bruce Willis and Armageddon. However, I've run into a predicament regarding bros. I went spearfishing with my dog, Casey.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I saw a massive yellowfin tuna, assumed Poseidon stance, and went to take a shot. Unfortunately, Casey got in the way, and I speared him in the ass. He's fucking pissed, but I'm fucking pissed because I didn't get the tuna, and now I have to settle for some raw fucking ralph's tuna we're beefing pretty hard don't get in the way of my fucking spear dog i'm fully set on smashing some tune how do we squash this beef brady beef over tune i'd worry more about mending your friend's ass yeah you gotta think about your friend's ass you gotta let go of the fish and yeah i i'd say tuna is delicious and i love it and i eat it almost every day and i
Starting point is 00:35:34 it's a good point there's nothing better than seeing like a tuna in the water and having a spear and just launching it through it um but you don't want to you don't want to get overzealous about tuna you know you got to think about your your buddy and you know he only has one ass and there's a lot of fish in the sea what's up bros first i want to say this is the greatest podcast i've ever listened to so keep it up thank you this weekend i've gotten into quite a predic great-uncle B is super rich and has a fat beach house that is perfect for ragers. This weekend, me and my buddy Richie were going to throw a legendary and a summer bash,
Starting point is 00:36:11 but when we arrived at the house, I found my uncle dead in his upstairs bedroom. Oh, fuck. People are already on their way to the beach house, so my buddy claims we should just lock the door and wait to deal with it until after the party. What do we do, George? Wow, dude, that's a major conundrum.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Fuck. So, yeah, you're not going gonna be able to bring your uncle back to life and you're not gonna be able to stop this party so make the best so have the party yeah maybe yeah and maybe just you know lock the door to where your uncle is yeah hide the body um because you know you don't want some weird stuff happening. It could just be a big party foul. I mean, I've never been to a party with a dead body. But I'm sure if I ran into one, that would make me want to do a beer bong way less. Sup, Stoked Daddies? I have a situation that has really put me in a mental pickle.
Starting point is 00:37:03 I was coming down the main slide at the splash zone last weekend getting bronzed. And when I get to the bottom, I look up and see one of the most bodacious babes of my life. Only problem is we have the same haircut, high and tight. I ended up getting her number and we were feeling each other out in the kiddie pool for a while. My bros think I'm into her because we look the same. But I was just feeling her overall aura and voluptuous butt. I usually go for broads with long hair but feel like this would be a necessary diversification of my sex life.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Do you guys think I should go for it? Is it weird to go for a chick that just looks like me? Wow. Slick Rick. Dude, venture into the unknown, man. What up, Chad and JT? I got a question for you two astute gentlemen. I realized over the last month that while my dating game this year has been pretty fire
Starting point is 00:37:45 and I've seen a lot of action, I keep settling for the guys that aren't totally filling my stoke tank. I want to get amped with the beast who is on my level in every way. I wouldn't say I'm a mega babe, but I'd like to think that I'm at least a babe. But the boys who give me the consistent time of day are the ones who always fight for my attention, are the ones who turn out to be really selfish, manipulative, or just not as handsome as I think I deserve. I finish college next spring and tear it up at school. I'm a true loyal compadre. I do my best to be active in both
Starting point is 00:38:09 mind and body. And I make a fire grill cheese sandwich. Well, I think I may have the attributes it takes to get guys that are better for me long-term. Something's missing. I'm stuck in this cycle and it's holding me down in a major way. What tips do you have for earning the attention of these upper tier specimen? Emily. Emily, you know, I've said it before, but I think it applies to you just as well as the fellas. I extended the advice to parable of the unicorn. Make your life, you know, you go chasing the unicorn. You're just going to burn down the forest.
Starting point is 00:38:36 You'll never find it. You put out a pretty picnic. You have a ukulele playing. The unicorn is going to walk right up to you. So I think just, you know, you sound like you really focused unicorn's going to walk right up to you. So, uh, I think just, you know, you sound like you really focused on making yourself the best person you can be. I think that's the right path. And I think you're going to find one of these guys along the way. And it just takes time. Yeah. I, uh, I totally agree. You know, don't, don't the right guy will
Starting point is 00:38:59 come to you. Just keep building yourself up, keep optimizing your life um and you're you're a legend so you know it's gonna happen all right so my movie quote of the week is from the mel gibson movie the patriot um mel gibson plays a guy who wants to stay out of the revolutionary war because he's experienced too much violence in uh his past fighting in the french indian war where he did some uh terrible things and so uh he decides that he's not going to fight in the revolution even though he's being heavily recruited by all the all the big American fighters. And his son decides to go fight, played really well by Heath Ledger. And when he's leaving,
Starting point is 00:39:49 this isn't the quote, but it's a good one. Heath Ledger's like, you can't stop me from fighting. I'm not a child. And Mel Gibson, and only the way he came where his voice shakes a little bit,
Starting point is 00:39:57 he goes, you're my child. But so his son goes off to battle. And then one night, the son comes stumbling back into the house, like shot. So Mel Gibson takes care of them in the morning. The British soldiers come by led by this evil Colonel played by Jason Isaacs played really well by Jason Isaacs.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And they, they kill one of Mel Gibson's sons who tries to intervene and stop them from arresting Heath Ledger. And they take off with Heath Ledger. So Mel Gibson leaves with his other two sons to rescue Heath Ledger. And they're loading all their muskets and they're in the forest that Mel Gibson knows like the back of his hand. And before they ambush the British troops,
Starting point is 00:40:34 he looks at his sons and he goes, Samuel, do you remember? And he goes, yeah, dad, aim small, miss small.
Starting point is 00:40:41 And I was like, fuck. Yeah. Cause that really does work with shooting stuff. Like if you look at the target, instead of trying to hit the whole target, just aim for a very small part of the target. And if you aim small, you miss small, you won't miss by as much if you're just trying to hit the target overall. And that's just good advice for life. People know what you want, know what you're going after, get super specific. if you miss you'll still end up pretty close
Starting point is 00:41:05 to it beautiful yeah okay mine uh dude patriot one of my favorite movies so good dude so good uh mine is uh from uh the mission impossible fallout when tom cruise's wife asked ving she's like so how is he and he was oh you know same old ethan and i was so pumped you know because he is who he is be who you are never change if you need to go on impossible missions fucking do it don't change for anyone don't change because your government might turn against you and try and fuck you up do it dude be who you are can you imagine if if ving rames was like oh you know he's been a little bit you know up and down um he's been sort of like thinking about we should be like what if you're like that's not ethan he's like yeah that's not he should be flying a helicopter into
Starting point is 00:41:58 a mountain right now perfect so that's his bliss are we good let's do it all right guys that'll be it for episode 30 of the going Deep with Chad and JD podcast. Thank you guys so much for everything, for being stokers, for just being – I met some stokers this weekend, dude, and they're the frigging best. They're just awesome. So thank you guys for just being awesome. Thank you for writing in. And leave a review because those are – you can be a review of the week.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And make it cool. Make it weird. You know, that's what we like. So leave a review. Check out our Patreon, patreon.com slash ChadGoesDeep for more content. And, yeah, that's it. JT? That's it, Stokers.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Later, Stokers. Later, Stokers. Later, Stokers. If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just a half-hearted side. I'm going deep Going deep I'm going deep I'm going deep

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