Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 302- Classic Chad and JT

Episode Date: August 2, 2023

Today's episode is a Classic duo episode with the two Stoke Lords. The common theme is change, JT's life is changing with his babies arriving and Chad is lifting heavy after talking trash on bulking ...for 5 years. JT is obsessed with cooking after ordering takeout for 11 years.  Things are changing, mentally and physically but we're STOKED on CHANGE!  ALL NEW MERCH ORDERS ARE SHIPPING WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK!THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT and WE APOLOGIZE ABOUT THE DELAY! Come see us on Tour!Tickets on http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 all right well let's sizzle up the pancakes and let's slap my ass what's going on stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with the going deep chat jt podcast i'm here with my compadre john thomas what boom clap stokers and uh dude so uh it's coming soon i mean it should already be here it should have already happened and my lady is impatient about it she's still dude she's a trooper she's a warrior i gotta be honest dude i was a little arrogant about the whole thing like about uh how hard it was to be pregnant i thought maybe that was an inflated uh conversation point in civilization i have to say now that i have been through the entire process but still haven't even seen the hardest part yet dude it looks tough i'm glad i don't have to do it my chick is a soldier she's tough dude she's still fun to be
Starting point is 00:01:01 around even though she's cool even though she's got two watermelons inside her stomach but she's tough as dude she's still fun to be around even though she's in even though she's got two watermelons inside her stomach but she's ready to be done and she's having some early contractions so you know could it could go down mid pod i only live like five minutes from where we record so i can just drive home and take her to the hospital and we can make this thing happen wait so so and we we talked about this earlier today so early contraction that's a sign that it's starting it's a sign that it's starting. It's a sign that it's starting. Yes. So we are early labor. How far apart are they?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Good cue. I think we're about 20 minutes apart right now, but sporadic. It could even be longer sometimes. It could be shorter sometimes. That's crazy. It is crazy. Does it hurt when they're early? It looks like it hurts a lot.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Damn. It looks like it hurts a lot. But you don't go to the hospital until it hurts unbearably yeah so so tough it out what if you what if your your son is born because you have a son and daughter being born yeah what if your son if it is just exactly your face that's what my girlfriend was saying today she's like he's gonna have like bushy eyebrows and i was like good um dude i'll be stoked that would also allay any of my concerns that it was somebody else's kids yeah yeah that's huge they typically look more like their dad right out of the womb and then Um, dude, I'll be stoked. That would also allay any of my concerns that it was somebody else's kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Yeah. That's huge. They typically look more like their dad right out of the womb and then start to convert either way after that. So as a, as an evolutionary imperative, you know, like the dad, so he doesn't leave. Right. Cause, cause like, like when a, when a male lion moves in with a new gal, if she's already got kids, he kills all the kids. Oh, he does? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Like how great are humans? I know so many great stepdads who like stepped up and like love those kids as if they were their own, get along well with the original father and just like make it work. You don't see a lot of that in nature. Like a lion will be like, nah, fuck these kids. We're starting over fresh. I had an almost stepdad one time who was very sort of a nature guy he like was a
Starting point is 00:02:50 scientist in the jungle you know was always studying biology and like my mom was you know he proposed to my mom and he's like on one condition i need to kill all of your kids and so my mom thankfully stepped up and made the right decision um to keep us alive but he was basically like he had us at gunpoint he was like if you want me then you gotta say later to this that's tough dude yeah he was a handsome guy he had a good gig exciting he's like a nature guy good beard he's jacked but your mom's loyalty was to you yeah but i was i was sitting there i was like mom honestly i kind of get it like this guy is manly as hell to you yeah but i was i was sitting there i was like mom honestly i kind of get it like this guy is manly as hell do you yeah you know this guy you know like the those
Starting point is 00:03:30 lumberjacks on tiktok just jacked yeah what is that what is get the fuck out of here get the fuck out of here what are you doing i don't i don't know dude no i don't know bro i mean i guess I don't know dude I don't know bro I mean I guess I guess But like I mean I get it But like
Starting point is 00:03:49 Are they one of the boys I mean this guy I watched this one guy Just cause I'm like I see him I'm like he's jacked It's good for him But
Starting point is 00:03:58 The attitude he has When he's splitting wood I'm not that into it That's my thing I don't want to be just drinking like you know being a hater being like oh fuck this like handsome dude who swings axe yeah but here's the thing i'm not against that i think it's my instinct to actually be pretty psyched on that yeah so there's something about the way they're doing it that's making me
Starting point is 00:04:17 turn the other way and it's that they're doing it so much blatantly for chick attention it's so thirsty yeah it's so there's no like we used to like not let dudes do that like the boys would be like bro yeah we know you're hot we know women like you but like just downsize it a bit i don't think he's one of the boys he's not one of the boys he's not which is fine you still be my dog but you're not one of the boys the way he splits wood dude he he'll he'll be hitting it and be like oh yeah you bitch oh yeah fuck you does he really do that yeah oh i kind of like that oh this guy sounds cool yeah i don't like it okay i fucking hate that i don't like that guy's a bitch no i don't like it can i see him pull him up i don't know his account he just pops up on my right bro he just pops up on my fyp dude i know same bro just like my phone's like i heard you talking about big biceps and stuff i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:05:12 serve this up yeah because because like i'm like dude like you swing you swing axe you chop wood it's good stuff but but but what but like i don't know well he's not i here's one thing that's for sure he's not building a cabin no and if he is it's like so artisanal and it's like meant to be photographed for like some kind of glamping digestive magazine yeah and then like clean eastwood wouldn't no yeah all right speaking of that stuff dude i was thinking we could do this because i bet you haven't and i haven't either so i don't mean anything by that but but but that is my bet have you listened to try that in a small town by jason aldean no i've never even listened to jason aldean and so you know this song is like it's a
Starting point is 00:05:57 big controversy now right no okay good so i'm catching you up okay jason aldean big country singer i guess he makes this song called try that in a small town and it's about how small town values like might be under attack i'm guessing right now right and i don't want to color your expectations too much so it's it's a big hit on country music television but some people perceive it as xenophobic and then they take it off the air now granted i have not read a single article about this so i might have everything wrong but i was thinking i could play this song and then if you know jake when you edit this skip through it if it's a copyright issue and then we can react to it you want to do that yeah aaron do you know anything about this thing
Starting point is 00:06:36 um no just i saw some of the response to it but never you hate this guy i'm not a yeah i'm not a fan there it is all right here we go sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk carjacking old lady at a red light i guess you could say like it does sound like he's kind of like racially coding it, but he's not naming race So that makes me racist for thinking he's talking about right a race You know what I mean? You could just argue that he's talking about punks. It's not like a banger You're almost giving it more power by taking it away Right like they should have just let it exist. Yeah, it just would have gone away. I wouldn't known about it Is it all over the
Starting point is 00:07:25 news now it's news because country music television took it down oh who even watches country music television probably people who like jason aldean i think people are now boycotting country music television because they're mad that they took it off because they probably feel like oh you're gonna take that down but you probably leave up rap songs that have like horrible stuff in them too right so it probably feels a little double standard II which I kind of I kind of get yeah just let him have his song do you think the lumberjack guy listens to you no no that guy listens to like Diplo and Dua Lipa yeah no he's not I think that guy lives in Brooklyn I think he's cutting that wood it's a green straw off the
Starting point is 00:08:03 L train oh no you're good you're good you're good you might have to get some brooklyn i think he's cutting that wood it's a green off the l train yeah whoa no you're good you're good you're good you might have to get some uh some towels i dropped my magic mine oh shit it's all right you'll still be boosted psychologically i mean the idea that if the government wants our guns come and and get it. Try that in the small town. It's like, yeah, they fucking lay waste to you guys. Like, yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:08:28 I mean, you're saying, you're saying it's dumb because they'd lose the fight. Cause he doesn't have a shot. But it's that kind of thinking, Aaron. It's that kind of thinking, brother.
Starting point is 00:08:38 You got to believe we can take them down. They have tanks and drones. Was there, you know what, you know what the bummer is, dude, is that we don't have any songs that are like, try that in the city. They have tanks and drones. You know what the bummer is, dude? Is that we don't have any songs that are like, try that in the city. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:50 They try that in LA? Yeah. Is the WA about that? Yeah, but they're not speaking. I don't know if they weren't thinking about me as much. I think it's like, you know What's our thing? It'd be like
Starting point is 00:09:12 What do we stand for? As a As a city. yeah showbiz baby yeah try not to pay our actors dude that's another thing yeah it's a good pivot i got nothing on that this like uh actor's strike i think i really do feel you know i'm i'm in i'm in the screen actors guild um i do feel for actors and writers but i think we're having a real tough time making people care about our plight like i think when i see one of the hard things is that like it'll be like brian cranston being like, we need to protect actors.
Starting point is 00:10:05 And then all the comments are like, dude, you're a millionaire. Shut up. Right, right, right. And so it's like, we need famous actors to be the face of it, to give it publicity. Yeah. But it's bad for public sympathy because they think all actors are like that. When most actors are struggling, and most writers are struggling.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yeah, it's like Lars Ulrich against Napster yeah right when it's like he's not arguing for Metallica he's arguing for the bands coming that aren't making money because everyone's downloading their music and then like even like Roy from like The Office like he was like I'm a blue collar actor and I was like oh that doesn't sound right right you know but acting is a tough lifestyle like auditioning and doing all that stuff but it's just never gonna cut into people's like compassion the way if you're like a minor or if you're like or like the UPS drive the teamsters yeah like the dock workers in LA who are like going on in Long Beach we're going on
Starting point is 00:11:02 show it's just it's just never gonna it's like you know acting is such like a dream profession that even if you're struggling at it, I just don't think people are really going to want to put their full energy behind it. Yeah. Actors. I think people think we're just kind of sitting around waiting for something. Dude, even like the not getting paid. Like one actor was like, yo, I was in 13 reasons why I only got paid 30 grand. I didn't qualify for the health insurance. And people were like, well, I don't make 30 grand a year. I'm like, yo, I was in 13 Reasons Why, only got paid 30 grand, I didn't qualify for health insurance, and people were like,
Starting point is 00:11:26 well, I don't make 30 grand a year. I'm like, okay, but relative to how much money 13 Reasons Why made, and relative to how much money someone used to get paid for a gig like that, and how hard it is to get a gig like that, they probably should get paid more. And here's the thing, it's not that the
Starting point is 00:11:42 actors are such great people. Actors and writers are the most annoying, narcissistic people i've ever met really like yeah um but good at acting yeah yeah but uh but we're still better than the corporate overlords who are taking all the cash right so it's not really supporting actors and writers it's not supporting the same people who would take money out of your pocket although i do do get annoyed when actors are like, it's easier to be a CEO than an actor. I'm like, you're an idiot. It's probably a tough gig to be a CEO. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:12 That's a tough job. It seems like a lot of pressure. There's billions of dollars at stake. You're managing like 20,000 people. You've got a board. Yeah, and everyone's like, oh, you've got to satisfy the board. And they're like, you've just got to be evil to do that job. I'm like, I'm pretty sure gotta be you gotta actually know how to
Starting point is 00:12:27 make a product that sells and like be smart and like actually know how to work with people but still i do think those people are hogging a lot of cash well i heard you know i was talking to greg and melissa came to san diego on saturday oh because they're in escondido yeah yeah and they said that this thing's gonna go go until 2024. Whew, mama. That's a while. Well, that's what they heard. They're in the know. Well, apparently, because apparently they're negotiating.
Starting point is 00:12:52 They're not negotiating. They're not even talking right now. Talks will maybe resume in September. That's why I have availability. Dude, it's funny. Andrew Schultz put up a post being like, I think the streamers are actually kind of struggling. And his final point was one that I had been kind of thinking and agreed with that they're just going to make less shows
Starting point is 00:13:09 when we come back from this. So it would be the same unemployment struggles for a lot of people. And I went, this is smart. And then one guy wrote to me, you're a mark, like picking on me. I said, why am I a mark? And he's like, because you're a mark for believing this.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And I go, I bet you I'm not more of a mark than you're a mark. Very mature. I think I got him. Dude, me and this guy start debating. I think he's just some, I don't know. I don't think he's somebody. I mean, not that it matters, but I was like,
Starting point is 00:13:31 I don't think he knows more about this than I do. I look him up. He's the sound designer on Baz Luhrmann movies. Oh, really? Yeah, dude. Me and this guy were going at it. And then I was like, oh, fuck, dude. And then I'm like, well, so I don't want to know I'm like I'm like well so I don't want to
Starting point is 00:13:45 back down but like I'm like I also don't want to fight about this stuff with anybody and like have a record of like because I am for like the the people on the side of like I am on the side of the actors and writers but I also like I criticize my own a lot because I don't know that's just like yeah there's people I'm around and then um I'm like but I don't want to look like I'm not supporting so me and the guy go back and forth and then i'm like he writes like a three-page thing about why he feels the way he feels yeah and then i just go oh man uh probably for sure and then he just did he respond he goes ha ha ha and i go no dude i'm serious i didn't really disagree with what you said i'm like i'm like and i'm i genuinely think there's like multiple sides to this, and I don't think you're totally wrong. Then he goes, it's all good, man.
Starting point is 00:14:26 What was his main point? He was saying, he was kind of doing the more standard company line. You know what? I watched Haunted Mansion, and I thought it was delightful. You had a big kick. Yeah, you liked that. I like Owen Wilson. You've always loved him a lot.
Starting point is 00:14:42 He brings me joy. Because Loki was the same deal. You loved him a lot. He's just he's just he brings me joy because Loki was the same deal You loved him. Oh, yeah, he crushed it. He's just this goofy guy. He's having a good time and he's enjoying life He doesn't care. He's like I'm just gonna be this kind of weirdo like just charming guy But he was a heroin addict to try to kill himself. That is I was thinking about that while watching him I was like, I wonder if he's overcome that or if he's hiding a lot of pain. I think he just contains multitudes, right? There's a lot of sides to him.
Starting point is 00:15:08 There's a lot of layers to Owen. Yeah, and it's like Hugh Grant plays light and bubbly on camera, and then most people who know him off camera, he's actually kind of like a dark, sad dude. Steve Martin, same deal. Yeah, that's a bummer. There's the person you portray, and then there's the person you are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And I do like it when they keep that small, but I also like it when they keep it big yeah you know i i hear you on steve martin and those other guys i don't think that's the case with owen he's happy dude yeah dude i also i don't want to take away he is a delight on camera i know i bummered that yeah but i do think it's interesting but like he's he's very when was he in heroin act early 2000s? Right before Darjeeling Unlimited came out, which was like 2008. So I want to say he had his issues in like 07. 07? 06, 07.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Interesting. But I can't speak for him. Yeah. Poor guy. Struggled. But now he's got through it. Now he's crushing. He got through it.
Starting point is 00:15:59 High mansion, baby. Hey, the world breaks us all. Makes us stronger in the broken places. Wow. Wow. Yeah, can you do an own wilson i can't really wow what else was saying how was orange county how was the whole thing dude's good man i um you know we were gonna go to the fair on friday and then we just got just got busy friday so we couldn't go. So we're going on Wednesday. I'm fired up.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I love the OC Fair. Yeah. Dude, I'm going to get corn dogs. I'm going to go in the zipper. I'm going to fucking do all the fair shit. American. That's a show in San Clemente. That was fun.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Outdoor show. Nice grand backdrop. That's cool. It was outside of a pub or like a bar, like O'Malley's or some shit. And that was a in san clemente right yeah i think that's the name i've been there uh i've crushed brie there oh molly's i crushed brie there dude oh yeah yeah piss spot yeah i heard you talking about they got billiards tables there right oh hell yeah good yeah good glad they still have those it's important you crush pool i'm pretty good at billiards yeah Yeah, I even call it billiards
Starting point is 00:17:07 Pool just billiards. I call it billiards. Yeah official I like to shoot. Do you include darts in there? I'm not much of a dart guy I didn't play as much but you know, they had one at the surly goat and I used to used to throw a little dart there. I gotta say best feeling in the world. I went out with that uh, what was it? I just don't want to say her name. But, you know her. And one time I helped her throw a dart and she hit it.
Starting point is 00:17:32 That was cool. Did you guys make out after? Like 30 minutes later, we went up looking over the city on Mulholland. And you smooched? Yeah, dude. It was a classic moment. You smooched over Mulholland? It was a classic moment, dude. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Like, you know, I waited my whole life for shit like that. I'm glad it happened a couple times. Wow. Dude, I had that one time. I was dating this girl in college. I thought we were dating. She had other things in mind. This girl really did a number on you. Yeah. Every guy has this, by the way. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 She's a little bit older than me, and I was like, we're totally dating, and she's like, we're not even close, dude. And when you say she was older than you, it was like six months, right? Two years. But I mean, when you're that age, they feel like a million. Yeah, and it's a lady, too. And ladies mature faster.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Yeah. Oh, man. Good times. Anyways. So I was, you know, I was, you know, you know, as we all are romantic. And I was like, I need to charm the shit out of her. You know, I took her for soft shell crab. And just, I so good yeah i just watched her you know i'm like how's that taste she's like good i'm like yeah it's just caught her right out there and then i took her
Starting point is 00:18:33 up to a hill in san francisco like overlooking the thing she was like kind of like she's like yeah it's chill and i was like you aren't psyched And she's like, I see what you're doing, and I appreciate it. And I was like, damn. She totally burst my bubble, dude. Yeah. I don't know why people do stuff like that, where they're like, hey, I see what you're going for. Good effort.
Starting point is 00:18:57 I'm like, what are you, my baseball coach? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I see what you're doing. But anyways. And she broke my heart. You know, dude, to that, I got a family member, older guy, who's going through a tough time. I see what you're doing but anyways then she broke my heart you know dude to that I got a family member
Starting point is 00:19:07 older guy who's going through a tough time and I had another family member go out there to kind of help him get straight
Starting point is 00:19:13 and my family member called me and we were talking about the guy who's in trouble and he's like you know
Starting point is 00:19:22 he was talking to me and he said I guess he's been doing drugs and they're just acting squirrely and crazy and he's in trouble and he's like, you know, he was talking to me and he said, uh, I guess he's been doing drugs and they just acting squirrely and crazy. And he's like, he's like, I guess he's like in his early sixties now. And he goes, yeah, I guess that chick who broke up with him when he was like 18 really did a number on him. Really? Still getting to him?
Starting point is 00:19:35 It's still like F to my, or that's like what started the kind of behavior that he's still like, whatever coping he did then to get through it is still a part of how he deals with things interesting and he never shook it and like like my dad had a friend who was like this like prominent mexican businessman and he was a great guy and he started having a tough time in like his 50s and he wouldn't leave me alone one time when he was staying with our family he just wanted to talk to me all the time yeah and then it came out when we were talking wine. He was drinking a lot at this point. And he was like, you know, you are the oldest son. I am also the oldest son.
Starting point is 00:20:11 He goes, tell me something. Something happened to your father. Between you and your brother, who do you think would be in charge? And I was like, dude, at the time I was such a fucking dipshit, dude. I was like, oh, probably my brother. And he goes, no you would be in charge i'm like all right i'm like 18 i'm like i don't really care about none of this yeah and then he goes my father he gave everything to my younger brother and i was like dude you're in your 50s man you have like a great life they get
Starting point is 00:20:45 a smoking hot wife his business was awesome I was like but dude it just it jacked him up that young shit it sticks with people I mean those early this formative years those wounds man they cut they cut deep yeah even a last example the Phil Knight book shoe dog mm-hmm there's like a the book doesn't start cooking until he's running Nike. But there's an early chapter. It's just about a chick breaking up with him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:11 And he never really explains why it's in the book. It doesn't fit with everything else. But I think it just really made an impact. I feel like you have to have that in life. You do. You have to have that. And then it's all about how you process it. And you have to have that in life. You do. You have to have that, and then it's all about how you process it. And you have to process it, or later on you have to learn how to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:21:30 It's like you were saying, you take what breaks you and you come back stronger. Absolutely. And you just fucking squat that shit and keep cruising. I might be done doing squats. Yeah? You're back? I think I'm done. I'm just a Pilates guy now for lower body
Starting point is 00:21:47 really I feel better I feel more structurally sound right so you think it's just jacking you up too much it was hurting my back I think it's tough to tell people because you know they're listening have you told Ferraro Ferraro would probably be cool with it
Starting point is 00:22:03 it's easier to tell those guys it's harder to tell the people I don't talk to a lot. It's hard to tell the fans. The fans who listen. Also, my dad was fat as fuck for a long time. Until he got sick with cancer. And then he got way more handsome. And he's a good athlete. My dad could do a one and a half off the diving board.
Starting point is 00:22:21 And I was telling my girlfriend about this. Always was pretty good at basketball and football. Even when he was puffed up. I didn't even know my dad was fat i just always thought he was just a dad yeah and then and then he got sick and now he's like really skinny and handsome and i'll look back at old photos of him and i'm like what the fuck was going on back then wait he did he does a one and a half off the diving my dad used to do it one and a half off the diving board that's a that's a flip and a half like a 450 splash yeah he used to do that at the community pool in the speedo no no regular swimsuit but like he would just go up
Starting point is 00:22:49 there and just bump and he was like i don't know what was he's like five nine like two bills and 210 or something and just because he used to ski and do gainers and backflips the guy's an acrobat he's just skiing do gainers like off cliffs and stuff yeah my dad broke his back doing a gainer really in sun valley damn what was he doing the gainer off what run it wasn't like on the mountain there was like a adjacent not main mountain where you could just like hit a jump yeah if i remember every dollar yeah i wasn't born yet so i don't know but as he told me and then and then he would just uh he was bombing some jump and like landed on his yeah no that's how he cracked his head open he broke his back falling out of his ski chair lift
Starting point is 00:23:32 that's crazy yeah no he's he's a he i gotta say light on his feet yeah even when he was a bigger boy yeah and look i didn't mean to come down come down on you hard there dad you're a handsome man you got steel blue eyes you're tough as nails you're strong as shit i love you to death you were a bit heavy for a while you were a bit heavy dude you know it's interesting because i've been talking lately about how i'm trying to lift heavy you're trying to get jacked yeah and you're cut but you're trying to get it i'm trying to get you're trying to get a little more mass. I was talking to my dad about it, and he's like, but my dad's, you know, he's 76. He has shoulder replacement.
Starting point is 00:24:10 And he's a doctor. So every time I'm like, Dad, I'm trying to lift more. I'm trying to do some heavy lifting. The thing I'm going to impress him, he's like, you shouldn't do that. You're going to bust your shoulder. Rotator cuff is going to get fucked. Dude, can I tell you something? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:23 My dad doesn't like it when I'm bigger. He me when i'm leaner right oh you know i thought it was are you saying our dads are muffing with our physiques i don't think they want us to look or be able to kill them if i come in i flex on my dad with the mark walberg physique he's not gonna be stoked no and why should he be yeah the lion well what about you with your kids oh gee i hope my kids are work out and stuff and they love it think about when you're 60 if your son comes in and he's fucking jacked do i have been thinking about that because because me and me and my girl we were talking about what sports we're going to get him into and we were just like okay she was like soccer and t-ball and i was like no
Starting point is 00:25:15 let's do soccer and jujitsu like i think he should do a team sport and then i think he should do something where like he learns how to defend himself and like it gives him like good functional skills for his whole life and it's good for toughness and blah blah blah and we're like okay that sounds good and then i was like if he's doing jiu jitsu i gotta be doing jiu jitsu because i've never really done jiu jitsu i've dipped my toe into it a couple times but i've never really done it i don't know anything yeah and i'm like do i want him to be able to beat me up by the time he's 13. yeah it's a big cue so no i'd like it to be a good fight It's a big cue.
Starting point is 00:25:43 So, no, I'd like it to be a good fight. Yeah, so my dad doesn't want me to get jacked. But you know what? I think you're right. I think he just doesn't want me to flex. Yeah, my dad's always like, oh, it's aesthetically better when you're skinnier. I disagree. I've looked at photos.
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm like, I look better a little heavier. Right. I'm trying to put on weight right now, too. the thing here's the thing i'm having trouble with i'm having trouble with like eating the food that you bulks you up because i don't really want to do that i don't really want to go through that phase i just want to go straight to getting jacked and cut right you don't like doing the the bulk i don't want to do the bulk phase i just want to go straight from cut to bigger cut i don't know the parlance but are you trying to do a clean bulk or dirty bulk i think a dirty bulk is where you just like eat whatever you want yeah just do that no i want to do clean bulk although i've been eating a lot of ice cream you know crossfitters eat not that great of diets. They eat healthy a lot,
Starting point is 00:26:48 but at least during the games when they do behind the scenes stuff, yeah, they're burning so many calories that they'll eat ice cream like after events. Sometimes when I work out hard, like I'll try to eat healthy, but it kind of makes me feel like shit because I think I need more carbs. Just eat, bro. You're working out a lot. You just need to eat. And then I think... I think I need more carbs. Just eat, bro. You're working out a lot. You just need to eat. And then I think... I mean, I'm eating a lot of ice cream. Some people say it's like if you're gaining weight or losing weight,
Starting point is 00:27:12 they're like, you could eat anything. As long as you're in a caloric deficit, you'll lose weight. It doesn't matter if you're eating cheese all day or eating broccoli all day. As long as you're in a caloric deficit. So I would just eat whatever feels good to you in the moment and then if dude look if if you don't like the way the weight's coming on to you take you shed that you shed that bro hop on a cleanse that sounds nice that sounds nice how many how many pounds you trying to put on i don't know 20. i've put on i've put on 11 pounds have you or like 15 i don't know it depends what time
Starting point is 00:27:48 of the day you you weigh me yeah either 11 to 15 i've put on that much weight i'd never weigh myself so i i don't even really think about that that's healthier yeah i i guess uh i haven't thought about how many pounds i want to put on i think i just want to you know i want to have that look where it's like it's like you're wearing like a boxy shirt. You're masking up a bit. Yeah. You're in a boxy shirt. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:28:11 You're in your 30s now. I get it. Yeah. We can see that the guy's got. You want the shoulders, the arms. You want some heft. Yeah. You're tired of being like beautiful.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Well, I think going from a man is when you go from cute to functional you know and now i want to be about function right because dude i gotta be i don't i've probably talked about this on the pod but this was a huge 180 for you because you were always very against the putting on mass yeah and you kind of look down on the bulk yeah i guess i did not in like a dramatic way but i'd be like oh yeah i'm thinking about bulking up you're like i don't like when people do that i was like oh and then one day after like 10 years of being boys yeah you come in i didn't know i was a little hurt honestly you come in you're like i'm bulking i'm like what about all the faces you made of me when i wanted to bulk dude well you know what man you know what i'm a You know what? I'm a slow learner. I'm a slow developer, obviously.
Starting point is 00:29:07 You know, I didn't even learn how to read until I was 24, so I just didn't understand. That's fair, bro. I just didn't understand this stuff. I understand how important it is to have function. Like, I just thought you were supposed to have abs, and I never thought about protecting myself. I never thought about home invasions.
Starting point is 00:29:23 You know, biggest home invasions I thought about were people TPing my house. So, you know, and now I'm like, oh yeah, you know, I have to protect things and it's crazy. But dude, I was listening to this podcast. Is it about protecting or is it just about looking sexy? It's about looking sexy. I'm just trying to sound more noble. But you also want to look like you could do those things which is half the battle yeah like a like a bird that flaps its plumage when it's doing its mating dance yeah like does that really have function no but it has the appearance of function well you know for my girlfriend i want to look like i like look like a protector so she looks at me and she's like oh he can protect me and i just pray to god
Starting point is 00:30:05 i'm never in a situation and we all do i have to do i'm not leaving the house i don't leave the house because you know what's out there threats threats and you know what i got it pretty good i got it pretty good people can see i got it pretty good yeah and they want to they want to poke at that yeah dude last thing i liked on instagram i mean this is the whole kit and caboodle right here because i was i was upset that you were so against the bulk for the entirety of our bro ship and then one day you flip on a dime and i'm like but i've been thinking he influenced me and now i wanted to go that way and now he's going that way and now i'm like did i lose time because of that lose time with bull i almost got a tattoo that said, fuck bulk.
Starting point is 00:30:46 I know. You almost made me get that tattoo. Aaron said he was going to bulk up and I kicked his ass. But look at this quote that I liked today and I was embarrassed to like it and now I'm glad I did. I was embarrassed to like it. Make a habit of not holding someone's past against them. When someone works hard to grow, literally,
Starting point is 00:31:04 and change into a better person or bigger person, allow them to show up as that person. I'm over it, dude. I'm over it. Thank you. You are who you are. Thank you. And that who you are now, big.
Starting point is 00:31:18 I want to be a fitness influencer. Don't do it. I want to be The Rock. You know what? I support it. I want to be The Rock. I mean, he's juice to the gills, brother. Be careful. No, I want to be juice. Don't. Are you want to be the rock you know what i support it i want to be the rock i mean he's juice to the gills brother be careful no i want to be juiced don't you gonna get on the sauce i'm ready for the sauce hey you know what i want to be just choose your way i want to be so
Starting point is 00:31:34 big and making videos at 4 a.m in the gym being like yeah bertha right there you know he calls elliptical bertha i've heard like bertha just from working on me and uh yeah i'm pretty excited for that so uh yeah that's the next phase guys um i'm gonna be a just jacked influencer wow how's it with no vape how's that been i like it yeah and dude i don't think it wasn't as tough as i thought it would be to kick it yeah Yeah. And the hard part was actually kind of exciting. Yeah. So anybody out there, hey, vape if you want to. I enjoyed my time doing it.
Starting point is 00:32:11 But if you're worried about getting off of it, I think you got it. Do you think it was draining your energy? A little bit, maybe. Dude, I liked it. I liked it. I just, the thing I didn't like the most is that every time i was like uncomfortable i would vape yeah and i'm glad i don't and i think also it took me out of the moment a lot yeah you know like if the moment wasn't exactly what i wanted it to be i would vape and be like
Starting point is 00:32:37 well now the moment's mine and i don't know if that's if that's how it's supposed to be right now i just have to sit in it a little more, find another way to scratch an itch. But I don't know if my, it's probably more the booze and weed why I feel like I have so much energy right now. But I don't know. Yeah, I do have a ton of energy.
Starting point is 00:32:58 So maybe it is the vape. Yeah. It does change. Like whenever I get off it, I feel a noticeable difference I'm like way happier when you you two are very like your system you know it's fragile well just it's sensitive yeah yeah but I think mine is too mine's gotten more sensitive I think that's also your influence yeah I used to be
Starting point is 00:33:22 able to do drugs all the time man yeah dude yeah I'm influenced my girlfriend too whenever she drinks she pukes now I'm like sensitive system dude it's weird it's some kind of osmosis bro there's psychological osmosis that has physical impact and you know it's that quote it's your quote the Buffett quote you're the combination of five people you kick it with the most yeah I think that I think it changes your quote the buffett quote you're the combination of five people you kick it with the most yeah i think that i think it changes your physiology sorry hey bro if i can't do drugs i can't do drugs that's okay probably best don't are you so you kicked all that stuff for the life insurance thing for yeah for insurance when uh can you talk about it or do they listen? No, let's go.
Starting point is 00:34:06 Fuck it. So have you taken the test? They give you a test, right? Yeah, it's next Wednesday. Okay. So you had to kick everything for... How long does it take to get weed out of your system? They don't want to see anything in your system?
Starting point is 00:34:20 You can have weed in your system now. And you might get a little bit higher of rates but they'll they'll still insure you right but but i mean i'm actually writing down that i'm worse than i am and so i think i'm actually i think they're going to get my blood working but this dude's like healthier than his application says right i don't know why i'm doing that but like just because i guess i like surprising people yeah even if it doesn't work for my financial betterment yeah like i'm like i'm like literally gonna tell the insurance because you doubted me huh yeah you thought i was some degenerate now check out these numbers well because also when i put out that clip about life insurance saying how like because i was upset that they can pull my doctor's records
Starting point is 00:34:58 from within the last five years and it's like times i went to the emergency room when i was like freaking out on shrooms or something and yeah and and I and that was stupid of me to to freak out on mushrooms like they're not gonna kill you and I shouldn't have gone to the emergency room but you know I wasn't like it that was my immaturity but I didn't realize that that stuff could go to life insurance and then when I posted that clip and I was kind of saying that it sucks that they share that stuff, people were like,
Starting point is 00:35:26 it doesn't suck that they shared. It sucks that you were stupid and like did that. Right. Yeah. And that kind of offended me. Cause I'm like, well, I'm not really that unhealthy of a guy.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Yeah. You know? Yeah. And so now when I, when I take this clean test, yeah, it's for everybody. So when you take it afterwards,
Starting point is 00:35:40 are you going to party? No, I'm going to try and stay like this for a while. Like I'm, I like very variance. So I don't think I'll be sober forever, but I feel really good right now. So I'm just going to keep this going for as long as it feels good. What do you anticipate?
Starting point is 00:35:56 How do you think the kids are going to influence your party habits? Good cue, man. Good cue, good cue. Because my parents still partied, and i still consider them to be great parents it was a little topsy-turvy at times but for a bunch of reasons it wasn't uh the partying necessarily um i think i'll still party but i don't want it but i i do want to be careful that sorry i was kind of burping there i think kids are very sensitive and i think they can pick up on energies and i think even if you're like not doing something in front of the kids i think kids can feel that there's something going on that there's something
Starting point is 00:36:40 being hidden that there might be a darkness underneath right and so i want to try my best and you know um i know i'll make mistakes and stuff and i know i'm not going to be perfect i wouldn't want to be perfect but i want to keep the house in a positive honest energy so i'm going to do my best to be like straight and still blow it out on weekends or go to vegas or whatever and like have fun because i think that's important too for my own personal well-being but i want to i want to be you know smart about how i do it so i still feel good about myself so i'm not bringing bad energy around them right that's the plan yeah that makes sense yeah and dude my she's so cool man she doesn't worry about me and she'll let me be wild like she she trusts me and
Starting point is 00:37:27 so that almost makes me not be as wild because i feel understood yeah you're not rebelling against something there's no way to rebel against her yeah interesting there's a way to let her down but that's not you know that's different yeah i don't want to let people down yeah i just don't want to be controlled but she doesn't try to control me right so I'm good let's rock does that freak you out sometimes really she doesn't try to control yeah it does freak me out yeah I'm like but I don't scare you she's like nah I'm like does that mean I have no power I'm like that's probably good it's probably good it scares me but I don't scare her yeah I'm like, that's probably good. It's probably good. It scares me that I don't scare her.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I'm like, I wish you were on your heels a bit more, honey. No. She's like, no. I'm chilling. She's like, I trust you. Dude, it's like, you know what that's like? I've been reading Camus, Albert Camus. Dude, nice.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Of course, man. It's like Philosophy of the Absurd, where it's like, you know, I don't want to say, I guess it just made me think of like how we try to find meaning in an indifferent universe. And you're sort of like freaking out. You're like, wait a second, what's going on? And then you just find meaning in the shit that you do. You know what I mean? Yeah, you build your own meaning.
Starting point is 00:38:41 You build your own meaning. You lift weights. You do squats with Liver King. Yeah, you don't own meaning. You build your own meaning. You lift weights. You do squats with Liver King. Yeah, you don't surrender to nihilism. No, and I think it's good to be able to tap into nihilism sometimes because the world's so chaotic and doesn't fit a pattern. And I think that's a valuable skill to be able to hit that gear where you can just laugh at the chaos.
Starting point is 00:39:00 Oh, you have to. You have to. You have to. It's the best. Because then you become more chaotic than the chaos. And I think you've got to be have to you have to it's the best because then because then you become more chaotic than the chaos and i think you got to be able to do that yeah well i think i think oftentimes like the most free i've felt have been like i remember like during covid i i probably talked about some pockets but like um i didn't understand payroll taxes and all that like
Starting point is 00:39:23 i just had like a an accountant for my family that just didn't really understand entertainment. And so I didn't pay all these taxes. And then we got our new accountant, Michelle, and she's like, you owe a lot of money in taxes. This is like peak COVID, so we're not doing anything. But it was like the most free I felt. Because I'm like, I'm like, Oh, I'm in financial trouble. Like this is cool. Exactly. You know what I mean? No, I, I did. I think that's so valuable to just be able to detach a little bit from it because you only have so many options of how to react to that. You really only have two actually.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Yeah. It's you got to get the work done, but I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about like the fixing a part. I'm talking about like the feelings you're going to feel. Yeah. And you can either be afraid. Yeah. Or you can kind of laugh at it. Yeah. And like try to find a way to enjoy it.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yeah. Yeah, you got to laugh at it. It's the best. And I don't think it makes you a nihilist all the time. It just keeps you cool when the chaos happens. No, no. I don't really, you know, I think it's kind of like, I think you're, I think it's more of just surrendering to the ride.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Yes. It's the journey. And the lack of control we really have. Yeah, because, well, I think a lot of people experience this too, is when they sort of get what they want, then they're probably their most miserable because they're trying to hold on to it or all that kind of stuff where it's like, you always, I feel like a lot of times you can always feel like you want, you're striving for something so that you can feel comfortable. Whereas you have, because you think like a lot of money is going to make you comfortable.
Starting point is 00:41:00 You think that like a girlfriend is going to make you comfortable, all that shit. Whereas you can just make the decision. It's just a thing where you just sit back. And you're like, oh, no, my mind is making me think I'm uncomfortable. But I'm chilling. You're chilling. Yeah. I'm just observing.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I'm having a good time. I think that's what it is. Yeah. I've been trying to do more of that, too. It's like, because if you thought it is. Yeah. I've been trying to do more of that too. It's like, because if you thought about everything, you'd be terrified all day. It's brutal. And it's not even like being a badass and being like, I'm not afraid of things. No, I'm afraid all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:39 It's like, but what's my choice? Yeah. What can I do? It's like you feel it, but then you kind of let it go you you feel it for a second then you just go hey buddy and then you kind of laugh at it yeah you're like you idiot yeah you're like you're way in over your head dude yeah so you just got to hold on and just just try to enjoy it yeah you just observe it yeah it's so freeing it's tough to do consistently but i like but that that's something to laugh at too yeah yeah you're ahead of it and yeah you can own that feeling all the time yeah
Starting point is 00:42:08 thinking I can be like oh no I'll just laugh at it all the time no you won't there'll be days where it does scare you no days where you will be on the ground shaking but guess what you'll laugh at that day the next day dude that's the thing is like a lot of times like I'll have like a bad day and I'm a man why that and a lot of times a bad day will just be in my head because I think I had a bad day. Well, it could be chemical too. Yeah. You might wake up one day and you just got the wrong juice pumping in your brain and
Starting point is 00:42:32 everything, things you like, things suck now. Yeah. But then like, then you have a good day and I totally forget about the bad day. But I'll have a good day. I'll be like, man, I'm going to hold on to this good feeling forever. forget about the bad day but i'll have a good day i'll be like man i'm gonna hold on to this like good feeling forever but then like sometimes you have the bad day and you'll be like man how could i ever have a bad day and then the next day is a bad day it's it's coming it's it's wild yeah once you think you got a grip on it life's too big it's gonna it's gonna fool you a little bit
Starting point is 00:43:01 but dude i had the best day of my life on saturday oh you did i called it out i said it at the end of the day best day of my life what'd you do dude i i got up i went to the the grocery store i love this grocery store in burbank yeah handy market big shout out i love how much of a foodie you are now i'm kind of into it yeah i mean i guess before i had a girlfriend i just didn't eat there's always takeout yeah i just take while just go to your apartment you have like a pizza box from like three weeks ago you're like dude open your fridge it would just be like a single Coors Light now what now I'm into it so I did that came home made a little meal and then uh I got a massage and then I went out and got some Sun and then I took a bath and I was reading.
Starting point is 00:43:45 I'm alternating between two books because you get bored with one book. It's like flicking the channel. So I was reading the Bret Hart book. Aaron's wearing a Bret Hart shirt today. My favorite wrestler of all time. And then I'm reading a book about the Jailblazers, the early 2000 Trailblazers. And then I got out of there. What did I watch?
Starting point is 00:44:01 I watched something great. I might have watched Dark Side of the Ring. I watched just a banging movie. And then me and my girl played Trivial Pursuit. And I was like, this is the best day ever. Oh, nice. But it was all, besides the massage, it was all normal shit. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:44:14 It was all basic, basic shit. Yeah. And then, I'll talk about this later. Also what made it the best day is I was watching Eddie Guerrero, this wrestler, do a monologue. I think it's the greatest monologue in recorded history. And it's all about his addictions issues. A lot of stuff we've been talking about and him overcoming it and I was just bawling my eyes out watching it like all day I felt a lot that day too yeah
Starting point is 00:44:31 and just it was just perfect that's good stuff I did tell my girlfriend I was like just best day of my life and she was hilarious she's in so much pain she's like it must be nice she's like it will be a better day when you have kids right I was I was like, oh, yeah, for sure. Of course. I didn't mean it like that. I just mean so far. So far. I peaked. She listens to this. She listens. But, babe, there was a part of me that was like, it's going to be tough to beat.
Starting point is 00:44:55 All right. Even when the two little. But you know what? I know when those little ones pop out, everyone's like, dude, you don't even know what that's going to feel like. So maybe that'll blow my doors off. I mean, what's crazy is I feel like it's going to happen within a few days. I think tomorrow. I think it'll happen tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:45:12 But, dude, they're taking their time. Yeah. That's good, though, right? I think it's good for everybody but my girlfriend. Yeah. She has to suffer. She's got two watermelons in her, and it's like... Sounds brutal.
Starting point is 00:45:27 She's just enduring pain all the time. It's been nine months. Dude, she is equivalent size of someone who's 47 weeks pregnant, which no one's ever been. But she's the size of someone who's like 12 months pregnant, basically. Wow. And it's painful. And she just wants to get them out but they're taking their time that's why yeah next time we record i'll probably be dead but i don't
Starting point is 00:45:55 think i'll change that much aaron did you change oh yeah how'd you change 100 i'm just more responsible try to be more thoughtful as as often as i can uh obviously you just you can't go out as much like that's a tough thing yeah i know i'm a little bummed about that yeah i'm a little bummed but the good news is like i do stand-ups my work so i can that's like going out yeah i'll still have fun doing that yeah but it is like uh but dude i was i was honestly kind of over that shit too going out yeah just like because i didn't have them i have you know what's funny is now that i can't do it as much i have way more fun when I do it. Yeah. Like, I could do a poker night every night of the week two years ago, never wanted to do them.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah. I was like, no, I'd rather just stress out at home and try to get a date or freak out about career shit. Right. But now when a poker night comes up, I'm like, we got to do it. Yeah. I appreciate it way more.
Starting point is 00:47:03 Yeah. We had one a couple weeks ago. Was it fun? It was real fun it was great you know i listened to a flat earth podcast on my way down to san diego how was it it's great so entertaining i love people that are so sure of themselves you know this guy was talking and this he's like one of the guys was like, what do you think about space? And he's like, there's no space, bro. And then the guy goes, well, what's up there? He's like, water. Water? That's so true.
Starting point is 00:47:35 That's right. I was just driving to the United States, and I was like, this is fantastic. Yeah. It's just like, he's like, come on, bro. He's like, Australia? Australia's way bigger than we're led to believe. Africa? Twice as big as we're led to believe.
Starting point is 00:47:52 He's like, you know there's 3,000 continents? They just try to make us feel small by saying there's a... This is very provocative. Yeah. And he says there's like... I do like this kind of thinking. Yeah, there's ice walls in Antarctica because they didn't want you to go past. If you go past-
Starting point is 00:48:06 If you go into Antarctica, they fucking- They call the jets on you. So does he believe Magellan sailed the ocean? Like sailed the world? Circumnavigated the world? He didn't get into Magellan, but he got into Captain Cook.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And he's like- He's like, bro, Captain Cook said he went around Antarctica. He's like, that little cum stain down there? Chartered 30,000 miles, bro, Captain Cook said he went around Antarctica. He's like, that little cum stain down there charted 30,000 miles, bro. He's like, that little cum stain down there. I love this guy. Hey, you got to call it the way you see it, man. It was so entertaining.
Starting point is 00:48:40 Because he's so sure of himself. He's like, my boy can beat anyone in the bait. And he's like, oh himself he's like he's like he's like my boy can beat anyone in the beat and he's like he's like oh who's he talking about he's like he's like man we've had scientists come on we've had pilots come on we've all brought them over to our side the earth that's cold light the sun it's warm electrical wait so what's his who what's his gig? I don't know. I think he's like a YouTuber. Is he a pickup? He sounds like a pickup artist. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:49:14 Let me look him up. I know his name. Is he a PDS? Professional dick slinger? Dude. Maybe. dick slinger dude maybe flat earth to the edge and back join all those guns join the movement okay I think this is him oh dude he's a thug bro do you want to plug it in yeah I don't know a good video though so I don't even know if we want to we can just give it a taste then we can edit it Yeah. I don't know a good video, though, so I don't even know if we want to. We can just give it a taste, and then we can edit it down.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Because I haven't even looked at social media. I'm going to start talking way hipper, by the way. I've been doing it, but it's on for the rest of my life. I'm just going to be slinging phrases around. What was your take on the weather balloons, the Chinese weather balloons? Yeah, I mean, to me, again, that's another form of soft disclosure. Google has Google Loon Project, right? They're satellite balloons.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Now they can go, okay, we can stop. Loon Project? Yeah, those are satellite balloons that go up from Google. So what's it called? Project Loon? Or Project Loon, L-O-O-N. I know that one. That's been going around for years now.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Again, public information that they have satellites on balloons. Yeah, they're kind of being public about it now because they... I don't know. It's hard to get a good sample. But... Oh, here's a photo. Dude, I don't think he's a dick slinger.
Starting point is 00:51:01 No, I don't even know why I went that route. It just seemed like... Because you were saying he was so convincing. Yeah yeah like he's a master of persuasion so i guess i could have said he was like a lobbyist or or uh tony robbins yeah he could be dude but he joined flat earth that's a good fight he joined flat earth that a crazy... it's kind of beautiful to dedicate your life to something that to me feels provably wrong. Yeah. And relatively easily provably wrong. Your life. Your life. Yeah. But to have that much swagger about it. Yeah. It's it's all fun. Well he's living in a world where anyone who challenges him, if he got taken up in a spaceship, he'd be like, it's a
Starting point is 00:51:43 hologram. It's a fucking, you'd be like, it's a hologram. It's a fucking, you know. That's what Richard Dawkins said about debating creationists. He's like, there's not an argument I can make that would swing them. Yeah. He's like, they're set in their ways, which is badass.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Yeah. You shouldn't ever change your opinion even if you're wrong. No. Because that's called integrity. We like that as people. Yeah. We don't like the people who are wrong for a while, but then after a while we miss them and we're like, bring back's called integrity. Mm-hmm. We like that as people. Yeah, we don't like the people who are wrong for a while But then after a while we miss them and we're like bring back the wrong people. Yeah They brought us a lot of joy. It's like what about all the pain? It's like it's kind of worth it
Starting point is 00:52:15 We're gonna look to sterilized. Do the wrong people are hilarious. You love wrong people. You're so right That it's like bad for you to like wrong and you just love all the wrong I do you love the wrong I think it's cuz you're so you're so like you're basically like so positive side of the force that you're like hey let's go like let's go dark side of the force and then you're just like watching people get like electrocuted by the emperor can you believe they do this and i'm like yeah it's crazy i would never dude um what else is going on in the news you see cardi b throw that mic i did see it was a good throw right dude like uh dude i watched that it was like mel gibson throwing a tomahawk in the
Starting point is 00:53:02 patriot that good that good dude she hit the wrong she hit the wrong person oh she did well i you know but here's the controversial part you want you ready yeah of course she's asking to get water thrown on her before but then it happened in like moments later where she still wasn't in that headspace it looks like it i don't know the full story i wasn't at the concert uh but there is a clip i saw out there where she's like splash water on me and she like shakes her ass and then we see this other clip so maybe that was after i don't know she's probably wrong yeah cardi b's probably wrong i bet you she's been wrong a couple times yeah she's a lunatic got a big ass though powerful powerful ass do you think she's been wrong a couple times yeah she's a lunatic got a big ass powerful powerful ass do you think she's a squats yeah i hope so or she's just lucky bro i was talking i was talking
Starting point is 00:53:52 to my lady about that wop video the other day that's because like i didn't think barbie was actually that feminist it's not really up to me to call but it's so ken focused especially the third act i was like okay so they'll pick on dudes but it's still about dudes I might just show me something cooler that's not dudes yeah and sometimes I feel like people get lazy and they're just like no we'll just like critique something I'm like well how about you replace it that'd be a bit more exciting and then I was like so what is like something super again I'm way over my skis here but I was like WAP like I love WAP because it's just two girls being like we're badasses and we'll just chew everything up you know and it's a little dude
Starting point is 00:54:28 based because it's about like sex and it's like we'll like you know like we'll like you know succubus you or whatever but i i really i was when i saw that i was like scared yeah in an erotic way macaroni in a pot dude it's it's not a one-to-one comparison is that what she says yeah yeah bro me in a pot wait ass pussy you what what I'm like damn girl white ass p-word yeah Shapiro dude so Shapiro didn't like the Barbie movie and he didn't like what that so I'm only halfway there with him yeah but with the WAP thing he just kind of it sounded like he didn't bone and that's a tough spot yeah like that's that's a tough spot. Yeah. Like, you don't want to get called out by the world for, there's two embarrassing things.
Starting point is 00:55:11 One, trying to sound like you bone better than you do. That's really embarrassing. And then the second one is sounding like you don't bone. Those are tough. Yeah, but here's my thing. You know, he's saying wet-ass P word. He sounded like the biggest virgin of all time. But we live in LA. So we just, you know, he's saying what-ass P-word. He sounded like the biggest virgin of all time. But we live in L.A.
Starting point is 00:55:29 So we just, you know, our... Our bubble. We're in our bubble. We heard, oh, he's a virgin. If we were in other places that were, like, more pro P-word, yeah, we're really psyched on it. Bro, I'm with you that, like, we're in a bubble and that we're missing some of it yeah but i gotta say all 50 states virgins get picked on right unfortunately so yeah i was a virgin forever
Starting point is 00:55:51 but like i traveled and it didn't seem like there was friendly confines anywhere for what i was yeah what i was holding on to right because you you were about to move to jackson hole because you thought they'd be more friendly to you yeah even jackson hole's like all like i mean i don't go there enough now but it's all like tech bros so like they were like you know the meanest about it yeah they were like you know fuck you yeah that's it because he wanted to talk to them about angel investing and they kept sending you fleshlight i was like teach me about coding teach me about the future of like you know web 2.0 3.0 4.0 and then they were like do you fuck and i was like you guys too and they were like us too bro and i was like i gotta stay on the move i'm a rambling man yeah well you met that one coder who he codes while doing doggy yeah that's
Starting point is 00:56:36 what he told me he's like he's like dude uh he's like i get binary while i'm missionary and doggy yeah that's crazy. He was an animal. Yeah. Can you imagine being in the heat of the moment just thinking zeros and ones? It's very like Leo DeCaps, and it's not how my brain works. I want to be present all the way
Starting point is 00:56:56 and not be on my keyboard, unless I'm self-jacking, but he was a different breed. To him, it was all about compartmentalization. It was all about multiple things at once. It was about showing his skill set on as many fronts as possible in as little time as possible. Yeah, he made me watch.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I remember you said that after you lost your virginity, you went and beat up a virgin. Right. Immediately, I just went. I felt anger towards every other virgin. I was like, they're idiots. I became a douche maybe one second after busting. I remember I was so sweet.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I was so humble. Then this lady was generous enough to not just have sex with me, to really make love. We were connected. And then the moment after I busted, I was like, that was okay. And then I kind of moved her. And then I walked outside and I just saw a kid on a bike and i just stuck my foot out and kind of shoved it over and he was like hey why'd you do that and i was
Starting point is 00:57:50 like first of all call me mister second of all i bang you don't and he was like what and i was like you heard me bro you don't fuck he was like 10 and then uh yeah i just i threw his bike in one of those big trash things and and uh told him kick rocks but i i don't feel bad about that because that kid is like doing great now he plays volleyball at byu i kept tabs on him yeah because before he ran away i was like give me your name yeah give me your name because you're going to thank me one day for this and he hasn't but he will is he still a virgin yeah he's at byu wow so do you i know you keep tabs on him i know you've evolved as a man but when you're talking to him when you're mentoring him do you kind of you know
Starting point is 00:58:32 just give him a little i don't say a little elbow here and there no so he doesn't know i'm watching he doesn't know i've already done my job you know and there's there's times where i want to apologize yeah the job's not done yet you Sometimes you're like right out of mesh. It's like, I'm so sorry, pussy. And you're like, maybe I'm not ready. There is that. There is that thing where it's like, I am sorry. And at the same time, I'm not.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Yeah. Because I know I did the right thing. But sometimes it's hard to do the right thing. Mm-hmm. To punk. You know? Yeah. Well, you know.
Starting point is 00:59:02 It's life, dude. I know, dude. Hey, sometimes you don't want to be the bad guy. But sometimes you've got to be the bad guy so when he meets the other bad guys, he can be the good guy. You're like, damn, JT was the good guy. Then he'll know. He will know one day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:15 He's hammering, you know, butter sets right now. He doesn't know why he swings so hard. why he swings so hard but every time he pulls that arrow and he comes through with that body with that torso twist what do you think's generating that power shame shame yeah that time i punked him bro yeah made him smell my fingers took that mongoose bmX threw it right in the trash. I said, hey, buddy. Get a whiff of that. Dude, I heard, I don't know if this is true or not, but I heard that you did one time send him a shirtless selfie at the gym. Yeah. To his whole family.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah. I said, give me your entire family's phone numbers. Yeah. Mom, dad, sister. his whole family yeah i said give me your entire family's phone numbers yeah mom dad sister and uh they had some guy named chuck living with him i said give me all their numbers yeah and i put them all on a group thread and i said don't ever tell your family who i am but i just want them to to know that i want them to see this and i I just sent them shirtless photos for, I don't know, a couple years. Sometimes they were sad. You'd be sad?
Starting point is 01:00:30 Yeah, because I had months where I put on weight. I was looking flabby. Yeah. Did he clown on you in return? No, dude. They were terrified. They just said, please stop. And I said, journey, bro.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Yeah. Journey. Well, you hacked their TV so they'd all sit down to watch Jeopardy and they would just be you shirtless they'd be watching me they couldn't even take it off the screen and I was never lifting I was just watching them back
Starting point is 01:00:49 yeah it was live streamed it was just live streamed I was looking at them and they were like why are you looking at us your son's a virgin and they were like explain
Starting point is 01:00:57 I said no no not until things change subtext not until this kid bones but you know he's a BYU good kid man yeah it's always good to punk virgins for sure for sure it always pays off in the end i mean it's tough for
Starting point is 01:01:13 them in the moment i got punked as a virgin and then you know now it made me who i am today so i'm so grateful it is funny too i was eight but you know and i almost don't even think it's like enough to just punk virgins because there's dudes who have boned once but did they hit it right so for me it's like all right you boned but did you throw down right and i can tell right away you know just watching a dude move I can tell how he brings it. And I think those dudes should get beat up like virgins too. Absolutely. So if you're only like a one or two time hitter and your numbers are fairly paltry,
Starting point is 01:01:53 you're going to get, you know, thrown in the back of a pickup and kidnapped and beat. And yeah, so I don't know. and yeah so I don't know for me you gotta be to skip out on that rightful punishment probably gotta be double digit not only in
Starting point is 01:02:14 uh number of of honey bunnies but also in terms of double digits and minutes spent with individual Honey Bunny. Well, I remember when you told me that you lost your V-card. You were like, dude, I lost it.
Starting point is 01:02:31 And I was like, did you bust? Yeah, you went brass tacks, dude. Did you bust? Here's my thing. Here's my thing. Go. I claim to lose it at a certain age. I'm not going gonna disclose when for
Starting point is 01:02:45 legal reasons but I didn't bust and it was until I met Gino and Gino was like you didn't bust that doesn't count and then I busted and he's like did you bust in a condom he's like I was like yeah and he's like that doesn't count you bust raw yeah why are you laughing you are you laughing because I was such a pussy until I that's funny until I had any funny that is funny that you thought that was okay that is funny actually dude that is funny good call thanks good call bro thanks because for a second there I thought you were like undermining some shit. No, dude, you're for real.
Starting point is 01:03:27 You're legit. You're a real deal, dude. No, that's good. You need to bust for real. For real, dude. You need to bust for real. Did you bust? Did I cream pod, bro?
Starting point is 01:03:39 You cream pod? Good. Good. Good. You better. Man, I just want to fuck up a virgin right virgin we're doing I'm serious well good that's good energy Aaron are there any virgin the ATC do because I'll run out this door right now and I'll start marauding bro dude seriously man I want to work on one cut me loose on one I swear to god man Cut me loose on one
Starting point is 01:04:07 I got neighbors You got neighbors A fucking virgin Two They ride their bikes He's trying to do wheelies On his dirt bike Man
Starting point is 01:04:16 You know what he's trying You know what he's doing Yeah He's on my street I was walking my dog He's doing wheelies On his dirt bike You know what I did Took a pole right in the spokes.
Starting point is 01:04:27 Dude, anytime I see a virgin on like just something with wheels, you think you've earned that? You think you've earned the right to go fast? You get on that tricycle. You little bitch. You need to get on that fucking like tricycle like the kid in The Shining. Yeah, you get on it. You're a virgin, you only ride tricycles. That's right.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Yeah. That's right. The kid in The Shining, you know that little thing he rides? Mm-hmm. That's what you ride. That's, every virgin's gotta be on one of those. Put it in the fucking laws, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:58 You're a virgin, you ride a tricycle. Say that into the camera. Hey, if you're a virgin, you ride a tricycle you hear me i see you want anything else i will hurt you man all right that's the way we live that's how it is brother was that okay pussy punk ass bitch and you better bust too raw cream pie for real dude cream pie for real man no nutting on the belly you cream pie nutting on the belly is like so pathetic basically saying i'm sorry you know what it says to me? I can't shoot. No, it always piddles out on the tum-tum. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Bro, if you come and it lands on the belly. You need to hit clavicle. You got no horsepower. Yeah. Yo, I'm clearing dome. Check your headboard. Dude, that was the thing is like your wall in your apartment. Mm-hmm. I was like, that's a beautiful off-white
Starting point is 01:06:08 Paint job. Yeah. Yeah, that's what you said. It's dented too. Yeah dude Pressure dents max velo, bro. Looks like my surfboard, you know, this pressure dents like in the in the fiberglass You do that to drywall with your comb yeah it looks like it's just been surfboard that got pounded at Chopu for a month should we answer some cues yeah on myself into a minor predict actually at your show at the improv and I was hoping you stoke stages could give me some advice so I solo quested it out to your show and met what seemed to be some stokers right before. So we ended up sitting together at the same table and we were actually on the same tab
Starting point is 01:06:50 as well. Well, one of them got absolutely throttled, if you remember, off of some liquor and probably something else. And his boy had to get him out of there before the show ended. Well, I had the guy text me on my phone right before they left and said they could Venmo me what they owed, which was a pretty sizable tab. You know, I had a couple of Michelobes, you know, keeping it light and tight, but they racked up a bill. Well, a couple of days later now, no Venmo, no text, no nothing.
Starting point is 01:07:18 So I wanted to get your guys' opinion on what you think I should do. Should I live and let die? Or should I treat my money like my daughter and go liam neeson on these fuckers and uh track them down i don't know just uh want your guys opinion love the pod love you guys uh yep doses like this guy a lot big ups on a beautifully articulated voicemail and a real issue yes i think uh dude when he was talking to me i was like you treat money like you treat virgins you find those dudes you find them and you beat them you find them and you beat them
Starting point is 01:07:56 i'm with you man these guys i don't know what has to happen, but you don't, they did you wrong. Like they ran up a bill and then they had you pay it and you've been a mensch throughout. I don't know. Do you have their names and stuff like that? I think, I think we got to reach out direct. I think DM me their stuff. I don't know if I can help at all, but I'll try. I'll talk to these guys and be like, bro, hey, it's like do you're my boy these guys could be my boys they this isn't how boys
Starting point is 01:08:29 act like this would be like you know if one of us was doing something shitty to one of the other guys we'd you know reach out and be like hey man you got to make this thing better because we're all trying to hang and it's killing the vibe it's killing the stoke vibe these guys gotta you gotta you gotta make it right so yeah thank you for reaching out let's let's make it better yeah that's not cool no does he does he have their number it sounds like he has their number he's follow up he's got their numbers i think he's got their name so i think i think he should dm you and me their numbers and i think we should text those guys and be like yo pay up you're gonna pay up yeah and then if they don't pay
Starting point is 01:09:04 up after we've texted them then we give their number to like strider and aaron and then they'll text pay up and then like it's just pay it forward it just keeps going until like every day they've got like hundreds of people just texting them pay up yeah that's what's gotta happen should we hear about political nipples yes yo i was just looking at something that made me think of uh so putin posted a picture of himself riding a horse shirtless. You love that picture. And it's got to make you think, like, how would you feel if we were seeing American politician nipples? And if so, whose nips would you want to see?
Starting point is 01:09:57 And, like, what's your take on nips in the American political arena? take on nips in the American political arena? If someone, like, from all the candidates running, whose nips are you trying to see? And do you think it's a good thing? I don't know. Here's what I gotta say off the top. Go.
Starting point is 01:10:20 I don't want a president with dinner plates. I can already see some people who I know would have dinner plate nips. Ted Cruz. Chris Christie. Who are some liberals. For some reason, I think liberals don't have dinner plates. You think they have really small nipples? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Makes sense. Yeah. I kind of get that. Yeah. I think that's what my brain does too. Yeah. that's right why is that i don't know interesting because i'm like what are what are buddha judges like you kind of think liberals have like weak nipples and you kind of think like republicans have like big overbearing kind of ugly nipples yeah interesting i think that speaks to like the kind of stereotypical negative side of both parties
Starting point is 01:11:05 yeah that's fair it's balanced it is balanced you know you know what's it's kicking up for me is that like it's it's speaking to the underlying issue we have right now in american politics and that's that i don't want to see any of the front runners nipples because they're all so old and like all of our candidates and a lot of our political leadership is just way long in the tooth way past the point of like optimal performance and this is a good metric for revealing that that I don't even want to see their nipples like you know go back not too far barack george bush clinton i don't mind seeing their nipples i'm not scared of seeing their nipples yeah all of a sudden you start telling me i gotta look at biden or trump's nipples i'm like oh please don't do that to me
Starting point is 01:11:55 and it's it's not because maybe in their 40s they didn't have uh a nice looking chest. It's just that they're both in their 80s. And, you know, I saw my grandma naked one time. And when she was in her late 80s, and that was, you know, she's a great lady, but it wasn't, it wasn't what I wanted. I, you know, Trump has a huge ass. Have you noticed that? his composition's weird when obama peak obama i'm talking like 2006 he's a senator that like speech he gave maybe 2004 yeah well you're not a country of red states or of blue states but the united states i could have i made him
Starting point is 01:12:42 sound like someone else there. Clinton? I could have done with seeing his nipples then. Yeah. JFK's nipples? Dude. Serve them up. Yeah. I'm ready to eat.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Nixon's nipples. Weird. I was thinking the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. Mean. Mean. Taft had dinner plates.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Yeah. He was a big boy. Yeah. He was a big, big boy. Yeah. He couldn't stop eating. Dude, I bet Lincoln had nice nipples hairy yeah like the he's one of those guys who doesn't have chest hair everywhere but like around the nipples is super hairy should move into uh beefs and babes
Starting point is 01:13:18 yeah chad what's your beef of the week dude my beef of the week Is Bus lanes, dude What the hell are bus lanes? You know, every time I drive around LA Now I turn into something and they're like, that's a bus lane And I'm like, how about it just stays a lane? Like, I get it You don't want to clog up the bus But when the bus isn't in there, can I drive in there?
Starting point is 01:13:50 No? Like, why is this lane only for buses? Pissed me off. Bro, I got nothing. I'm with you, though. Yeah. But I got nothing i'm with you though yeah but i got nothing i don't either every time i i pull in i'm just confused i'm like what what well you got you know you do have a lot of those in culver yeah because like over by the city council there they have that one one entire lane. It's an entire lane. That's just a bus lane. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:27 That's a weird one. That one does always trip me up because I'm like, couldn't I just go down this thing? And then you're on the left side of the road, and then you've got to make a right turn. And you're like, am I allowed to cross the bus lane? It's insane. It's a goofy design there. And that's what started my beef that particular one yeah because i didn't get it and then when i thought about that one i was like that thing does it's upset
Starting point is 01:14:50 me and a couple times i've been down there we should actually go to the council and talked about talk about that yeah not even like be in character and just say hey guys this thing's crazy out here can you fix this what are you doing with this bustling yeah not even making a big dramatic speech like you gotta fix this all got to fix this. All right, come on. This bustling is insane. It's kind of stupid. What's your beef? My beef of the week is, you know, I already did part of it. Look, I don't want to go too hard on the Barbie movie.
Starting point is 01:15:18 Because I saw Oppenheimer, and it was good, and it was competent. But I don't think it was very memorable. I don't think there was a scene that I'm like, i'm gonna remember that scene for a long time to me it was like it was incredible that he put so many scenes into a movie and he made it all work it was like a big accomplishment but i don't i don't feel like it was like it didn't impact me or i wasn't like moved by it really yeah and then barbie though did move me but it kind of like upset me i don't know why maybe because it's like it's made so much money that i know it's going to kind of inform like the next batch of
Starting point is 01:15:51 movies for a while because they're gonna be like oh we got to do what they did and then like i'd already talked about how like i don't like it's a toy thing but then i was thinking about that i was like look there's always been an uncomfortable intersection between like commerce and art like if you read about leonardo vinci or something it's like he was all of his art was paid for by you know rich dudes basically by patrons so that's like that's just how it goes but i don't we're in this weird point where like these movies try to like critique capitalism but they're still being made by a toy company and they're still trying to make money off of that critique. And so like, we kind of like, we do this thing where we like wink, like it like, oh, isn't it funny that everything just gets eaten up by capitalism and we're doing
Starting point is 01:16:34 that and isn't that soulless? And then we all laugh and I'm like, it's really sad and dispiriting. And so it's not even the Barbie movie. It's just the entire nature of satire in a capitalistic framework where you you whatever you're satirizing you just get swallowed up into it and this is an old point it's like punk rock music it's like counterculture sooner or later that just gets swallowed up into the machine and you can't really beat it i think there was like a philosopher marquis who said you can't be a critic of capitalism from within it and that bums me out because i do try to think of a way you could do it and there really isn't a way to do it because at some point you're going to get swallowed up by it
Starting point is 01:17:03 you got to make money you got to you want to do the things you want to do and and it's just it's tough to really poke holes in it when you want that second house yeah and that's my beef it's good beef chad who's your babe of the week dude oh we've touched on this too owen wilson just a delightful guy to watch on screen. Just, you know, we want to see haunted mansion. I don't want to see Barbie. So,
Starting point is 01:17:30 and I was like, I was like, babe, cause my girlfriend and I, we watched the original haunted mansion with Eddie Murphy. Sure. A year ago, which is pretty progressive,
Starting point is 01:17:38 dude. Yeah. I actually, cause he's this, the bad guys, this old ass white dude and his wife from like 300 years ago was a black chick. Yeah. And so he's the bad guy,
Starting point is 01:17:46 but you're also like, I don't know. He's kind of ahead of the times on some fronts. I can't believe you remembered that. That's awesome. My, my, I had a ex who was like,
Starting point is 01:17:55 she's big on the Disney front. So yeah. I never told her the truth. Yeah. Never told her the truth. I was real easy on her about that shit. I was fucking losing my mind, bro. I was like, what are we doing?
Starting point is 01:18:11 Moana again? I was like, I do like Moana, but like, she would throw, like, yeah, that one, I mean, I was like. It was because she had friends with her, too, and they were all like, that was the best, and I was like. Yeah. Yeah, it's a good movie, good movie, good movie. I gotta get out of here.
Starting point is 01:18:23 Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow. All right. Sorry, sorry sorry you're cooking but um anyways i just love owen wilson i fucking he's just delightful he's real charming dude there's this movie you gotta check out that he's like i remember i watched it when i was young like maybe like 19 and dude he is like so chill in this movie like just the coolest dude ever the big bounce oh i've seen the big bounce have you seen that yeah i love the big bounce who's that is molly sims yeah i think so dude he's just the man in that movie he's so cool
Starting point is 01:19:01 he's like he's like this like sun-kissed beach guy who just stumbles into money or something. Yeah he's like a con man. Yeah. And he's like he's getting worked but he's also working some angles. I think it's an Elmore Leonard book. He's like my favorite and he's just like so it's real like cool unassuming but like the man dialogue and he just is like yeah every time I watch him just like dude I just want to hang out with this guy and be like him. And then like just watching him and you're like, he's definitely plowing Molly Sims. I hope so.
Starting point is 01:19:29 I really, really, I think about it and I pray, and I just want him to do it. Make sure you bust inside, though. Do it. Do it right, Owen. Everyone's got to get held to the same standard. Dude, my babe of the week is, oh, do you know what? Dude, my babe of the week is... Oh, do you know what? I want to give it to...
Starting point is 01:19:49 This is a sad one. I want to give it to Angus Cloud, the actor from Euphoria. He's really good on that show. He had a great, I don't know, performance style. He really stuck out. He was a drug dealer with a heart of gold. Those characters always resonate.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I really loved watching him, and I think he had a bright career in front of him. I guess he took his own life. He's so young, and it's really tough when someone's got it from a distance it looks like they really got it going on and then they uh they it they take that that route just a bummer man but i really liked watching him he was fucking great on that show and uh yeah you're my babe of the week i hope your family's good dude it's like a week after his dad passed right sad chad he's your legend of the week well he touched on this earlier too but it's from that flat earther what do you think of this what do you think of space
Starting point is 01:20:55 oh he breathes in again so what do you think of space there is no space bro what do you think of space? There is no space, bro. What do you think's up there? Water. What, like H2O? H3O. Real thick and penetrable. No one's been up there.
Starting point is 01:21:16 You can't go past 73 miles. I like that he's always... The cool thing about that is that like no matter what someone says you can always correct them yeah because you're kind of just making up answers yeah so you can just go forever which is awesome yeah it's so funny it's like kinko past 73 miles someone's like well what if you use like a penetrative uh supersonic force those Those don't work. Has to be hypersonic. Nice try. Dude, another funny part was like, he's like, he's like, someone's like,
Starting point is 01:21:51 do people come at you with the arguments like about the curvature of the Earth if you're a pilot? He's like, yeah, the curvature of the Earth. Yeah, yeah, I heard that one. Yeah, it's an optical illusion. Dude, next week, you should just come on as a guest as him on the pod and i'll interview you yeah i'll just study him yeah just get him down i'm gonna follow him right now dude i have another this one's a little sad but i hope it's also uplifting i'm going with a
Starting point is 01:22:18 my legend of the week is eddie guerrero i mentioned it earlier he's he's such a great figure in wrestling he was kind of undersized to be a main eventer in the WWF, but like JR said, he wrestled bigger than his size, and man, did he ever. He had so much passion. He wrestled with his whole heart. He could be a good guy. He could be a bad guy. He gave you the whole spectrum of human emotion. He was a great athlete, beloved in the locker room, and has a ton of great matches that you can watch on YouTube. But he has this thing that I love the most. He has this monologue that he does to Brock Lesnar before he wrestles for the title.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Now, this was a long road for him. He got into a car accident. He got addicted to pills so he could come back sooner and wrestle. His addiction got really bad. He had to go to rehab. And then he clawed his way back, got back to main event status. And now he's going for the title. And he gives this monologue to Brock Lesnar, dude, where Brock Lesnar's like, yeah, I hope you're an addict. You're addicted to losing. You want us all to feel bad for you, but us hard workers don't care. And I'm going to show that when I beat your ass in No Way Out. And then Icarus is like, you want to tell to tell the truth bro you want to tell the whole truth all right fool well let's go like we say all the way with it and dude he gets so real i think it's the greatest monologue in history he gets so real and passionate with it he's like he said when they
Starting point is 01:23:40 carried me out of that locker room and brought me to rehab, I disgraced my race, I disgraced my family, and I disgraced myself. But now I'm back, son, because I'm addicted to the live and die of the moment. I'm addicted to the rush that crowd gives me. I'm addicted to the feeling I get when it's all on the line and I got everything to lose. I'm kind of mangling some lines. But, bro, it's so heartfelt and spirited. And by the end of it, I'm just, like, sobbing. It's, like, the best thing I've ever heard.
Starting point is 01:24:11 If you're ever feeling down, listen to it. He had kind of a tragic end. He died a year later because I think he just had too much wear and tear on his heart. But he lived a beautiful, vibrant life. And it's all in that six minutes. It's just, like,ck lesnar plays it so beautifully because he's gigantic like brock lesnar looks like he looks as big as all the problems that he's been facing and he looks like he shouldn't be afraid of anything but as eddie
Starting point is 01:24:37 starts really cooking in the speech they cut to brock and brock like shows fear he's like like dude i'm dealing with more than a man right now I'm dealing with like a purpose I'm dealing with like someone who's got like history and and and and recovery and and and straight it's like it's it's I mean I'm not fighting a man right now I'm fighting like like the whole world that's inside of him and and he plays that fear in his eyes and like when you watch it you're so inspired like that's all of us like that could be us and it really just jacks me up that's awesome what do you search to see that uh just eddie guerrero and then listen to the one that has music behind it because it jacks it up thanks for asking man that's really nice chad what's your quote of the
Starting point is 01:25:17 week uh my phrase of the week oh or quote of the week right i? I just did quote. Did we do legend? Oh, we didn't do... You should have skipped legend. Oh, you asked my legend? I did my quote? Yeah. That's sick, dude. That makes you a legend, bro. My legend is my dad.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I went to see my dad. And so he's always been on my case about golfing. He's like, you got to be a golfer. I want you to be a golfer. And I was always resistant. I don't like being told what to do. I don't like being told to tuck my shirt in. I don't like being told not to wear my hat in the clubhouse, all that stuff. And I always, to be honest, I always thought it was kind of lame. It's like kind of boring, mental game. I want to do extreme stuff. I want to feel the adrenaline.
Starting point is 01:26:06 And I went to go see him. And he's like, I'm setting you up on the, putting you on a foursome with these three guys. They're serious golfers. And I was like, I don't want to do that. But I have this thing. He pumped you a little bit. Yeah. I have this thing.
Starting point is 01:26:26 I'm like, you know, if it makes my dad happy,'ll do it it's nice so i did it and i loved it you had a good time i had a good time bro way to make way to make the best of it bro they were good dudes and after that i was like i like golf i want to golf more i want to get good at golf and i haven haven't golfed since, but I've been meaning to. That's huge, dude. Just that intention. I've been texting. I'm like. You're putting out feelers?
Starting point is 01:26:54 Yeah. Bro. That's 90%. I'm super down. Anytime. Anytime. Aaron? Anytime doesn't work, but.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Yeah, I know it doesn't work man but you got a time that would work I would like to yes alright there we go bro fuck man fuck dude um dude my quote of the week yes it might be my favorite quote of all time
Starting point is 01:27:21 forgive the hyperbole that's gonna that runs through me. But I was watching this audio engineer talk on TikTok about recording Don Henley, Don Henley from the Eagles, one of his solo songs, Boys of Summer. I can't feel you. You're so dripping in the sun. You got your heart pulled out. Oh no, no, no. Great song. So they record, he's talking about the recording of it. Oh, no, no, no. Great song.
Starting point is 01:27:48 So they record. He's talking about the recording of it. He's like, yeah, so we make the record. You know, we got Don's vocals on it. Then we're celebrating. We're all having drinks. And Bob Seger comes in. Here's the record.
Starting point is 01:28:01 Turns to Don and goes, hey, Don, why didn't you sing a high? Chicks love when you sing a high. Bob Seger leaves. Don Henley turns to all the all the engineers he goes we got to change the record they re-record the whole thing really to get him to hit those high notes wow and dude it's it's true like i feel it when i hear don henley sing those high notes like i'm just like it you kind of melt and and i just love that bob seeger is just so the man and that he didn't put a lot on the critique he just goes why don't you sing a high chicks love it when you sing high and that's like it's the best no
Starting point is 01:28:33 you could have and he's right it made the whole thing better yeah that's hilarious I say I say it all the time I'll just walk around I'll be talking about so I just go chicks love it when you sing that's such like a 70s like we're just chicks love it she's sing. That's such like a 70s, like, chicks love it. Just a dude thing. Yeah. And just a nice observation. Like, bro, I've been at the shows.
Starting point is 01:28:50 The women go nuts when you sing. And that's all a dude needs to hear. Like, hey, women really like it when you do that thing. And then it's like, just switch it all up, man. Fix it. Fix it. Light that on fire. Yeah, light that on fire.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Let's change it. I need to get laid. What's your phrase that we're forgetting after it? Dude, if you see a virgin, let them laid what's your phrase I'll be forgetting after it dude if you see a virgin let him know what's up yeah it's funny dude I've kind of come full circle on this whole thing cuz like you know I was criticizing Jason Aldean for his song for it's called a violence and the implications and the ramifications of what could come from those lyrics but I'm here to say dude if you see a virgin stomp him stomp him into the dirt beat his ass beat the shit out of a virgin tomorrow
Starting point is 01:29:37 it's the right thing to do i was a a virgin. Someone should have beat my ass. But nobody cared enough to do what was right. Show me the way. Busting loads. So if you care about people, you will find a virgin tomorrow, you'll smack his ass around and teach him a lesson about banging. I'm pissed, dude. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 01:30:12 Yeah, all right. Let's end on that. Is that too aggro, dude? No, that's great. It's good? Yeah. It's good? All right, good.
Starting point is 01:30:19 If you need advice These guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just have the girls beside you. Go and see. Go and see. We'll see you next time.

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