Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 306 - Todd Barry

Episode Date: August 31, 2023

Today we are joined by one of the funniest comics of all time. He is best known for his deadpan style.  Chad is out sick but Todd brought the energy! Todd has a New Stand Up Special called Domestic S...horthair. If you enjoy watching a master display his best work than you need to see this! Full Special Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKuoreiI0a0 Come see us on Tour!Tickets on http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo: https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep/ Episode Sponsered by:Marine Layer Clothing:  Find your new favorite fits and get 15% off @marinelayer with promo code GODEEP15 at https://www.marinelayer.com/GODEEP15. #marinelayerpod BlueChew: Get your first month FOR FREE  just pay the 5$ shippinghttps://www.bluechew.com Code godeep Rumpl: (The best blankets)Get 10% off  at https://www. rumpl.com/godeep or use Code godeep at checkout

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up guys, welcome to the podcast. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Just a heads up, I am not in this podcast because I have COVID right now, but I'm on the up and up and I will be back soon. But guys, we're on tour. We're going back on tour soon. You gotta come see one of our shows. They're excellent. So much fun. Everyone loves it. We all have a great time. They're excellent. So much fun. Everyone loves it. We all have a great time. We are going to be in Irvine on September 28th. We're going to be in Nashville, Charlotte, Montana, San Jose, Chico, Detroit, Denver, New York. Get your tickets now at chanjt.com uh we're also brought to you by a new sponsor guys check out this shirt i'm wearing if you're not watching youtube check it on youtube i'm watching wearing
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Starting point is 00:02:48 Your first order guys Let's start the show I'm a one of my all-time favorite comedians can i see those receipts yeah i'll show them up let me i'll have to call my buddies and be like dude remember when i told you to listen to this album we listened to it on that road trip from santa barbara i'm talking to him right now dude. But I have with me on the pod today, Todd Berry. Thank you for having me, and thank you for your kind words
Starting point is 00:03:49 that I interrupted with my dad joke. No, dude, I don't think you, I gotta say, I think your hit rate on jokes is amongst the highest of any comedian. Really? Yeah, I watched your new special, and right out the gates, I was like, banger, banger, banger, banger.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Oh, good. All bangers. Cool. That's three bangers cool that's three bangers in a row if i did the counting correct not a lot of guys can bang like that dude i'm banging my thing you're a heavy hitter i'm a banger and dude i know a lot about you in this era of like parasocial relationships i am at the top of the heap with you i think i listen to all your podcasts okay todd berry podcast yeah that's kind of hasn't that's been on hiatus for a long time and what i loved about it was that you always
Starting point is 00:04:30 wanted to talk travel with people i know i get bored it's a little boring but that's what you're into yeah i know i'm boring but but if that's what you're into that's what i wanted to talk about today let's talk about travel food those are my favorite things to talk about so you'd ask people like what airline they liked yeah and you'd get disappointed if they didn't have a strong philosophy on it. Yeah. Subtly disappointed, not like you didn't hammer them. Right. I mean, yeah, like if someone said,
Starting point is 00:04:53 yeah, I flew to Thailand six times last year, and did you get your miles? No, I'd start crying. That hurt you. I could tell it hurt you. Or you just knew you weren't kindred with them at that moment no that it wasn't a deeper thing like that it was just like i'm sad that i'm just thinking about the miles they would have got right like what could have been yeah what yeah how happy they would be
Starting point is 00:05:16 now obsessing over frequent fire miles were you always like specific about that stuff like even growing up as a as a youngster did you have like a kind of a philosophy on the day-to-day stuff uh no i'm kind of a scatterbrained those uh adhd probably ocd but i don't know what it is about the miles i think it's just sort of watching them sort of stack up it's it's just like a stupid thing to focus on the video game component of it just watching the points i guess so yeah. Will enough ever be enough? I mean, there's guys I've since discovered who are like, I'm amateur hour compared. Like, they live for this. They'll be like, you know, here's how you get a flight to Dubai for $600, or $60, and 12,000 points.
Starting point is 00:06:02 And then it's like, switch it to iberia air but then switch your iberia air to you know just like okay where'd you meet these serious motherfuckers these i see on tiktok right yeah like these serious points people so is your tiktok mostly travel shit no it's mostly shit just yeah i kind of love this shit cat stuff little cat stuff you a cat you got cats i got, yeah. Do you have a cat? No, I have a dog. Adopted. Like, I came in as a, I guess I'm a stepdad to the dog.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Okay. But it's first dad, but stepdad. Yeah, you're his dad. It didn't have a dad before me. Okay, then yeah, you're in. I feel that responsibility towards it. Don't reduce your role. Well, I don't want to speak for it. It's like, you know when you're a stepdad and you just want the kid to call you dad one time yeah well i'm i think we've had those moments
Starting point is 00:06:47 but a lot of it's in the eye of the beholder yeah i think that i think you're gonna hear rough rough which will mean dad and i'll cry why why cats over dogs for you i've just never had a dog never no i mean i i mean i i like dogs i saw that i had there was one backstage last night. Ben Gleib's dog, you know, the comic? I know the comic. I don't know his dog. His friend was watching his dog.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I guess he's away. But the dog was ridiculously cute. They're adorable. Yeah, I do like a little dog. I used to not like them. Do you like cats? I don't know. I didn't really like pets, period.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Oh. That was kind of my hard-ass edge. It was to make me seem different than other people. So manly to even like dogs, huh? Yeah. I don't know if it was like a machismo thing but maybe a little bit maybe it's a high t thing like cute things don't you know get to me at all but uh not even like a rottweiler or something that could kill someone no no because those ones i was like what do you that was almost me undermining those guys but i've been like what are you trying to prove oh you got a tough dog you couldn't get me with a dog basically there was no fit but uh it was also
Starting point is 00:07:45 living in los angeles people were so into their dogs and i was like uh i was like uh in charge of keeping this office like clean and stuff and everybody would bring in their rescues and they'd fucking shred the phones and piss and shit and there was no accountability and so i just was like you know what dogs have too much, too much station. Like zero scrutiny. Someone needs to go the other way. And I was like, I'm that guy. Wow. And then at some point you're like, I kind of like dogs.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Then I moved in with my girlfriend. I started hanging out with her dog. Yeah. Little Gigi. There's lots of good videos on TikTok of guys who are like, this is my husband. He hates cats. And he's sitting there on the couch going. I like his shit like that.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And you're from Florida, right? That's a misconception. You went to Florida? I lived in Florida for like 15 years. I was born in New York. I moved to Florida when I was eight. Right. And I moved back when I was like, I don't know, 23 or something.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Damn. But I went to UF. I went to University of Florida. I know you went to UF. I mean, I guess the formative years, if that's what they call them. I was in Florida, South Florida. And then Gainesville for college. Florida, Miami is like my favorite city in the country.
Starting point is 00:08:52 Is it really? I love it. I feel like a party could break out on any street corner at any time. I love how it doesn't feel a part of the United States. It feels international. Like even when you're at the airport, you're like, I don't feel like, I've never been to New Orleans, but I heard it's similar. You've never been to New Orleans? No. Are you like Mr we've never been to new orleans no are you like mr party no maybe in my youth i'm older now okay but i used to bring it pretty good yeah do i have that energy
Starting point is 00:09:12 i thought well you just said you like miami because the party breaks out everywhere so yeah i used to party there and i guess i wanted you to say i have that energy i yeah you do i thought it'd be an insult to say you have it but now i now i just insulted you by saying that why would you think that because you that would mean i like have a like i'm not a substantial person if i wait i can tell you have good vocabulary you're well spoken oh thank you man yeah yeah that's important to me too to party and to read yeah in equal measure if you go to a nice book party, you're all set, huh? Book launch. Make a spectacle of myself and bring a book to the nightclub.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Yeah. And just post up. A reading rager. Yeah. A what? A reading rager. Oh, yeah, that'd be badass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Do you have a favorite author? No, I don't. That's badass. I have an English degree, though, but I read books, but I'm not a voracious. I want to be a voracious reader. I think that's a cool answer, though, to not have a favorite author, because I think a lot of people would get insecure in that moment and just say someone to have one, but you won't compromise yourself.
Starting point is 00:10:15 I won't compromise myself, and I don't have a favorite author also. I met a gal once, and I was like, what's your favorite color? And she said, I don't have one. And I think I fell in love with her on the spot. Really? I never heard someone counter that that way. Is she with you? No, no, what's your favorite color? And she said, I don't have one. And I think I fell in love with her on the spot. Really? I never heard someone counter that that way. Is she with you? No, no, she's long gone.
Starting point is 00:10:30 But your current girlfriend, what's her favorite color? Fuck. I used to have... Babe, what is your favorite color? I talk to her even when she's not here sometimes. Babe, what is your favorite color? I think her favorite color is black. Oh, she's goth. She's just elegant. Alright, elegant. I think you can be is black. Oh, she's goth. She's just elegant. All right, elegant.
Starting point is 00:10:48 I think you can be goth and elegant. Can you? I don't know. What is goth? It's like a... Can you be goth at like a government ball? I mean, if you're like maybe a vice president of the United States and you have a goth... Kid?
Starting point is 00:11:11 A goth kid or a goth spouse, you know, which would be, that'd be really hilarious. That'd be really funny. Like some congressman's wife is goth. Yeah. That's funny. Or just his sad, like his sad sex son and all the photos just hunched over someone write it into a script i mean when the strike's over yeah how's that how's that been have you you felt aggrieved by that or i mean i i actually have conviction i've yeah i mean i
Starting point is 00:11:38 picketed like four times so far oh you did nice yeah and it's uh i'd never pick it it's kind of fun i hate maybe that's not the right idea but i think that's why people seem to go because it's also a good hang yeah you run into people and like oh there's susan sarandon how you doing it's nice to see her again yeah i've run into her twice i don't know her anything do you say hi no no i i no i don't but f murray abraham the picketing side i go to go to, he just shows up by himself and pickets. Wow, there's some heavy hitters in this one. Yeah, yeah, me, Todd Barry. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:09 I could see you and F. Murray kicking it. I bet we'd get along, right? Yeah, I think so. He seems like a cool guy. Yeah. I mean, he's good in Amadeus. Yeah, he was. He's good in White Lotus.
Starting point is 00:12:20 He's very good in that. And everything else he's done, probably. Yeah. Those are the only two things I can remember off the top of my head. Yeah, I mean, I fake my way through that also, because those are the only ones I can remember. Well, you're in one of my favorite movies of all time. Oh, what's that? It could be so many movies.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Well, you're in Great and Wanderlust, which is also a movie I really love. Super underrated movie. Yeah. But you're really funny in one of the best movies, I think, of the post-2000 era. What would that be? The Wrestler. Holy shit shit i forgot i was in that uh do you forget stuff like that no no i bring it up all the time like on twitter i bring it up once a week at least just flexing on people just flex you know probably probably the point
Starting point is 00:12:57 where it looks like why has he only done that one movie but people probably don't know that you could flex a lot more on them and that you're actually, like people think you're flexing a lot, but you could actually flex more. Really? I know that. What do you, like give me an example of? Well, I just think you could be talking shit all the time. Yeah. An example of what?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Of like why, how I could flex more than I do. Well, like if someone like would, I think about this sometimes with me, but you got more currency. I'd be like, if someone was like, oh, that wasn't funny, you could easily be like, no, I have the bona fides. You don't know what you're talking about. Oh, yeah. I mean, I do get things like that, but I'm not going to write back,
Starting point is 00:13:35 oh, I actually know more about this than you do. But I'm saying you could. I'd take, I'd fucking pretend I don't see them. How do you do that? I want to say something. I know more about this. I'm a big muter that's huge you got boundaries yeah yeah i don't yeah i mean for most part people are nice or whatever but or they're trying to be funny and sometimes it's like is this guy being a dick or is he just trying to be funny and go toe-to-toe with me so but if they're actually
Starting point is 00:14:01 you know annoying or mean i just just mute them, you know. I don't block, I mute. I have blocked in the past, but I don't block anymore. Do you not block because then they would know you blocked them? Right, and then they're going to come up to you at the merch table and, what did I do? Dude, I had a dude in San Diego come up to me. He's like, you know, man, last time I talked to you, I kind of pissed you off because I said this rude thing. And then he said the rude thing again.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Right. But was like apologizing for the rude thing while simultaneously putting it back in my face can you tell me what he said yeah he was like you talk too much on the podcast you steamroll everybody and uh you don't though well normally i have my partner here with me okay and so i was like uh and i don't even think he's totally wrong but and i and i think it's valid but i was like i don't know you man and you're you say you're apologizing i don't think that is valid i don't even think he's totally wrong. And I think it's valid. But I was like, I don't know you, man. And you say you're apologizing, but you're kind of- See, I don't think that is valid. I think even if it's valid, I don't think- Who goes up to someone?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Like, if you're in a bar and there's a band playing, you don't like it, you walk up to the bass player. I don't like your band. You're playing a little loud, bro. Yeah, just like, fucking leave. Just be civilized to people. That's my thing. I'm such a huge comedy fan. I used to watch you at a Hannibal Buress' show out in Brooklyn.
Starting point is 00:15:08 Oh, in Brooklyn, yeah. Like maybe 15 years ago or something like that. And that's where I learned you went to the University of Florida because someone brought up football and you're like, oh, the most obvious thing. It was so funny. But the idea of me going up to you or Hannibal after this show and being like, hey, man, I would work on this.
Starting point is 00:15:24 It was so foreign to me. Yeah. That's because you're not a, you know, you're civilized. Sometimes in that way. I mean, I don't know you. I just met you. But maybe you're an awful person. What do you think, Aaron?
Starting point is 00:15:38 No, you're a good dude. Yeah, he seems solid. Do you have a good radar for that stuff? Like if someone's solid or not um wow that's a great question i don't i mean i'm pretty good i think i'm pretty uh perceptive and yeah but you know people it could be a there's people who are out who are bad who know how to turn it on there's some people who are real good at it they're real sneaky i think like you know a real narcissist or something they are charming or yeah i've been grappling with that a lot because i think
Starting point is 00:16:08 i'm kind of a narcissist yeah and i and i think doing this is kind of everyone is a little bit that's my thing is i think everyone is so that's what my therapist said yeah we've kind of diluted it right yeah yeah it's kind of a thing like you're narcissists because because i said i'm great because i was great in the wrestlerler. That means I'm a narcissist. I post that twice a week. You think I'm a narcissist because I post how great I was? Did they cut some of your stuff from The Wrestler? Like, was there other scenes where you're like, man, I wish that would have been in there?
Starting point is 00:16:42 No, I mean, they may have cut something, but I've done things before where they're like, oh, come on, man. Why'd you get rid of that? I was excited to watch that. But this, they pretty much left in. Yeah, and he's such a uh could you see both of them like aronofsky's such a good director and then mickey rourke's such an incredible actor yeah and he must have kind of a i would just imagine his process is kind of big like you can see it yeah i mean there was time there was one scene where he runs through the grocery store like he did some serious ad-libbing he like threw stuff at me that i didn't know he's gonna like he hit me with like he was either a box of foil
Starting point is 00:17:10 wait he literally threw stuff yeah he literally threw stuff at me not aronofsky yeah mickey roar you know in the heat of it and it was kind of like he hit me once they kind of had to stop and kind of talk to him a little bit and yeah and he's a live wire out yeah i mean yeah as he was supposed to be for that i mean yeah but i was like you know i'll take one for the team but i i don't want to get injured and maybe give me a heads up yeah like before you start whipping because he did connect it was either with a hammer i think it was a box of foil that's heavy shit yeah but i mean i remember talking to darren during i, one of those scenes. Well, I mean, there wasn't a lot of, but, and I said, can I ad-lib?
Starting point is 00:17:48 He's like, yeah, don't censor yourself. That's pretty cool. Yeah. He's a confident dude, right? Confident, yeah. Like as a director. Yeah, I think so, yeah. That's a weird thing for me to ask.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I guess he's confident. I mean, I know him, but I'm. I went to the premiere of that movie in New York, and I watched him and Rachel Weisz walk down the red carpet. And when he came out to announce the movie, he said, first, like in honor of Biggie Smalls, like big ups to Brooklyn or something like that. It was... Big ups? It was something like that. He played the voice up of someone knowing that stuff, and it was good.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah. Yeah. Right on. Yeah, I went to the, knowing that stuff. And it was good. Yeah. Yeah. Right on. Yeah, I went to the premiere of that movie. He did Mother in Radio City. And it's cool at the end, like, the credits, Patti Smith sings on the credits. Love her.
Starting point is 00:18:35 And she was on stage, like, playing, singing during the credits. Oh, really? That's nice. I want to see if I can get her to do that during one of my stand-up shows. That'd be awesome. I watched her open for Bon Iver out at the Bowl. Oh, really? That's nice. I want to see if I can get her to do that during one of my stand-up shows. That'd be awesome. I watched her open for Bon Iver out at the Bowl. She was good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:50 And then he had Springsteen do the credits song for The Wrestler. Yeah, he did, yeah. That was a good song. That was like a classic Springsteen song. That was the one with like a one-legged dog or three-legged dog. That was the line I was going,
Starting point is 00:19:01 you haven't seen a three-legged dog then you've seen me. Yeah. I related to that hard. Really? Yeah, I don't know why. It just sounded line I was going, you've seen a three-legged dog, then you've seen me. I related to that hard. Really? Yeah, I don't know why. It just sounded like. I was too busy watching my name in the credits
Starting point is 00:19:09 to really focus on the song. I get it. And did you know the writer? It's the guy who started The Onion, right? Yeah, I knew him and I knew Darren ahead of time. Like, I was friendly with them. Cool. And then I want to talk to you about Medium Energy.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Oh, my God. My classic debut album i think it's again it's gonna sound hyperbolic but for my money i think it's the best comedy album really i i genuinely i think it is oh wow and i so i have a couple specific questions about if you don't mind okay going backwards and thinking about it yeah yeah so the fruit joke uh-huh crushes and then you even mention after the joke you go i don't think that joke's ever crushed that hard oh yeah that's possible i mean that's that's a happy occurrence if it's your recording and it crushes harder than it's ever that's what i want to ask
Starting point is 00:19:56 that's definitely a hit or miss that was a hit or miss because it was very like attitudinal right it was also yeah it wasn't really a lot to it fruit sucks it was a bad joke is what i'm saying but you delivered it perfect. And on the night of the recording. Yeah, yeah. You brought all of it in that moment. Yeah, man. You drilled it.
Starting point is 00:20:12 I fucking, I brought, I showed up and I did what I was supposed to do. And then I left. And here we are. Dude, that's what it's all about though, man. I'm kind of being funny now, but I really do think that's pretty incredible to be doing your recording and to have the joke. I don't know. I've never recorded a special, but I feel like most comedians would probably say the special wasn't the best version of that material oftentimes, right? Well, I mean, I think it's always best to see someone live, but, you know, a good special like my current one, Domestic Shorthair, up on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:20:41 but you know a good special like my current one Domestic Shorthair up on YouTube yeah but I also think I mean if you announce you're recording an album
Starting point is 00:20:48 I think audiences tend to rise to the occasion a little bit they want to be good audience right they want to
Starting point is 00:20:54 they're a little friendly you're probably not going to record an album and fucking eat shit they're going to bring it a little bit
Starting point is 00:21:00 for you yeah yeah and it's going to be your people there who want to support you and build you up and will laugh at stuff that is not worth laughing at but the fruit joke like i love the fruit joke yeah it crushes yeah and then you got the tattoo on the neck joke
Starting point is 00:21:12 that's an all-timer the ac joke all the time the ac joke yeah and then probably the fucking the dance floor oh yeah what is that one i mean that was just like you going on a wild yeah yeah what a little uh flight of fancy i guess you're good at those too yeah and i remember colin quinn he did the uh like state of the union thing uh-huh at uh the montreal comedy festival yeah and he was telling comedians i think maybe at the time this was like 2010 or 12 oh we were he name checked me he name checked you because he said too many comedians were trying to be cool on stage and not like bring energy and like really sell it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Which I think he was right about. I was guilty of that too. And then he goes, you're not Todd Berry. Yeah, he said only Todd Berry can get away with that. He said only you could get away with that. I didn't even know you were a stand up till now. Really? Thank you.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I feel bad. All good, all good. Mostly, most of the stuff people, if you Google if you have, if you Google me, most of the stuff you're gonna see is like prank stuff. Yeah. I think I saw a prank thing. But I was doing standup before that. That's just, I might just be better at that other stuff.
Starting point is 00:22:15 Okay. Are you doing standup now? Yeah. I tour. You tour? I'm doing the improv tonight. All right. Where do you go on tour?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Uh, where am I up next? I'm taking a couple months off cause I just had the kiddos, but I'm going Charlotte, Nashville, Montana, New York. New York, holy shit. Yeah, we're going everywhere. Where are you in New York? We're doing the festival and we're doing the Bell House. Oh, the Bell House, great. And we did Gramercy Theater last year.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I recorded a special at the Gramercy Theater. Bell House is one of my favorite venues in the world. Is it great? Yeah, have you never done it? Never done it. It's amazing because half the audience has to stand, which is normally something that I wouldn't like, but they're just always great audiences,
Starting point is 00:22:50 and they treat you really nicely there. They're smart, yeah. I mean, the club is really well run. Oh, nice. It's very cool. I love that. I didn't appreciate that stuff because we only started touring about a year ago.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Just when you go to a club and everyone cares and they're doing their job. Yeah, because it's weird because like it's not really asking too much for like being welcoming to someone but then there's places where you just like you show up and you're like hi everyone uh i don't know if you know but there's a show here tonight yeah like is this a mistake is is this my dirty dressing room that has a pizza box from a comic who was here a month ago yeah is that where that's my dressing room okay but then there's people you know like refrigerator stocked and freeze has got ice a pizza box from a comic who was here a month ago yeah is that where that's my dressing room okay
Starting point is 00:23:25 but then there's people you know like refrigerator stocked and free just got ice cream in it like yeah when you go in there and they got the mini fridge and it's just stocked to the gills and then you open the top and they got all different kinds of candy you treat people man so we treat a celebrity yeah no make me feel like a celebrity i'll give you a celebrity performance yeah because you got to feel it's like that the real quote it's not important to be strong but to feel strong i need to feel strong before i go up there yeah that's the first the real quote ever on a podcast yeah you know i talked about how i like to go to the night clubs and stuff i have a lot of my best thoughts when i'm dancing i call myself disco throw i like it yeah i'm the first of those too but uh yeah like i like going to those clubs you know
Starting point is 00:24:03 it's funny we were in a We were at a shitty club You know it was like A converted bowling alley Or something It was just real dilapidated And then they put us In like a storage closet Oh yeah
Starting point is 00:24:13 I've stayed in many storage closets But one of my buddies Who's always on our podcast Here at Strider He's so positive He was like Isn't this the best And I was like so annoyed
Starting point is 00:24:21 I was like This is clearly Not the best Right But it's a worthwhile Point of view Because it's like, well, I'm still touring doing stand-up. Yeah, you're still telling jokes for a living. Yeah. There's actually harder jobs than standing in a storage closet.
Starting point is 00:24:34 Is there though, dude? At the same time. I mean, if there's food in the storage closet, a little chair, I don't need much. What would you be doing if you weren't slinging jokes? Oh, my God. I don't need much. What would you be doing if you weren't slinging jokes? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:24:50 Probably be a neurosurgeon or something. I've been talking to them lately. Neurosurgeons? Yeah. About what? I don't know. I've just been interested in the brain. So I've been trying to learn more about it. I thought you were injured or something.
Starting point is 00:24:59 No. Yeah. I do have a traumatic brain injury, but I just keep it rocking. And I'm not too curious about that. Yeah. Just ask about what's it like being a neurosurgeon. But don't you have a traumatic brain injury, but I just keep it rocking, and I'm not too curious about that. Yeah, just ask about what's it like being a neurosurgeon? But don't you have a traumatic brain injury that you want me to talk about? No, no, no, no. No, let's not make it about me.
Starting point is 00:25:13 How much money do you make? What do you make? I'm interested in the homunculus. Yeah. I'm kind of, I feel like my neurosurgeon joke was not too obvious. Not really. I should have gotten something more interesting. Yours right there? Yeah. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. You were just running and gunning, dude. Not really. I should have gotten something more interesting. Yours right there?
Starting point is 00:25:25 Yeah. I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. You were just running and gunning, dude. I know. But you got that high bar, dude. I do got that high bar. You're one of the best. I'd be up all night
Starting point is 00:25:33 thinking about this. Well, so, you, speaking of that off-the-cuff humor, you were like the first guy to do a crowd work special, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:25:41 I don't know if I was the first, but I was one of the first, I think. I feel like I found another one online where a guy did it but oh yeah i know who you're talking about who it was but but he didn't bring your artistic cachet to it no no i mean i don't know about that i don't want to you agreed with me for a second when i said that well i was being polite but then i realized oh i'm about slagging someone i don't even know i don't know anything about so i retract that good i don't even know who about. So I retract that. Trust your gut, dude. I don't even know who we're talking about, actually,
Starting point is 00:26:05 but I just assume you bring it up harder. But yeah, I did it. Now everyone's doing it. Mm-hmm. Everyone's doing their little clips. Did Matt Reif, like, ever reach out to you and just say, thanks, dog, for the inspiration? No, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:16 But he's too busy. Yeah, but you can't forget about it. Selling out arenas or whatever. Yeah, but he should know, like, the Genesis. Do you know him? I do. He's a good guy. Nice guy? Yeah, he's solid. He's a nice guy. I don't know him very well. And he's hot as fuck. I like hot whatever. Yeah, but he should know, like, the Genesis. Do you know him? I do. He's a good guy. Nice guy?
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yeah, he's solid. He's like a nice guy. I don't know him very well. And he's hot as fuck. I like hot dudes. Yeah? Mm-hmm. Do you like magic?
Starting point is 00:26:32 Magic? I do like magic. I've never been in a magic castle. Dude, I think it's an overrated experience. Really? Yeah. I don't like magician energy. Oh, I do.
Starting point is 00:26:40 It feels like fake confidence to me. Fake, like, really? A little bit. I do hate overconfidence from comedians. Well, then you're going to, with magicians, it's times 10. Really? A little bit. I mean, I've seen magic shows.
Starting point is 00:26:53 It's just nice to see something that you don't see a lot. Yeah, you don't see much of it because it's all magic. Yeah. But, was that a joke you were just making there? I held a deadpan pretty good. You did. But yeah, I would like to go to the Magic Castle. Do you have to wear a suit or something?
Starting point is 00:27:11 You do have to. The first time I went there, I didn't wear a suit, and then I had to hustle butt back to my brother's place and put something together. That's hard. And the food's overpriced. Yeah, I'm sure it is. It's like $60 for not great steak.
Starting point is 00:27:24 That seems like something you would be bothered by that. By the prices? By bad steak being overpriced. Well, I mean, if I want, I mean, if I'm there for the magic, I'm not going to be like complaining about my food. And I'd probably. I think you might. Order something super simple. Yeah, like carrots?
Starting point is 00:27:40 Like carrots, side of carrots at a magic show. Do you, a trick I do if I'm nervous meeting someone, side of carrots at a magic show. Do you, it's a trick I do if I'm nervous meeting someone. I was nervous meeting you. Yeah. If I'm nervous meeting someone, sometimes I'll order something really,
Starting point is 00:27:52 like if we're getting lunch or like if it's an industry meeting, you know, and I don't want the other person to think I'm going to be on my heels the whole time. Yeah. I'll order something crazy off the menu
Starting point is 00:28:00 to make them think I'm confident. Oh, like, like a surf and turf or something yeah like i'll be like give me the pate wow and then you're stuck with this awful pate i like pate oh do you okay yeah who paid for that uh i think they were they had like a they did but they expensed it so i didn't feel guilty about it Talent never pays Is the old expression Yeah I always thought of Like George Clooney
Starting point is 00:28:27 Had a movie come out He's so rich Why not just buy Five million dollars Worth of tickets And like make it Number one in the box office Oh people do that
Starting point is 00:28:34 With books on Amazon They do? Yeah people buy though And I think I think on the New York Times bestseller list There's like a notation If something has
Starting point is 00:28:43 A lot of bulk sales Or something They'll let you know That it's kind of Yeah they'll be like A fugazi Yeah yeah bestseller list there's like a notation if something has a lot of bulk sales or something they'll let you know that it's kind of yeah they'll be like yeah fugazi yeah yeah fugazi fugazi i got confused fugazi but you have a good fugazi joke on medium energy yeah i do yeah yeah i'm not gonna do it no't want to ask you to do that. Yeah. Are we clicking? Yeah, man, we're doing this. This is good.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Cool. I'm enjoying myself. Good. Are you doing a lot of pods today? This is my, I'm doing three today, yeah. How many, did you already do one? I did, I just did Rick Glassman's podcast. I've done his podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yeah, yeah. That one, it was tough for me to get in a groove on that one. Yeah, there was definitely a groove, in a groove on that one. Yeah, there was definitely a groove, a learning curve on that one. Sure. You're in the deep end
Starting point is 00:29:29 of the pool right away. Yeah, yeah. Kind of like, oh, okay, this is not just a chat. No, he's flying. Yeah, he's, but it was fun.
Starting point is 00:29:35 He's clever. Yeah, he's clever. He's funny. Nice guy. Yeah, good guy. Handsome, too. Gorgeous guy. No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:29:44 And I did Marin last night. Dude, Marin's was kind of what got me into stand-up as well was listening to that yeah that was really foundational for me i just liked people talking about who they were so much really but now i'm probably less that way really because you've had you've done all these podcasts and you're bored with people. No, I guess I'm trying to find a new way to talk. Oh. What do you mean? I guess finding a new way to express things that isn't the same that I've heard. Okay. I think you're doing it right now.
Starting point is 00:30:22 I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, me too. Who do you think is the most Like original voice You've heard in comedy Oh god I mean it There's a bunch of people But you know like Maria Bamford
Starting point is 00:30:34 She's incredible She's unbelievable Dave Attell's unbelievable Yeah Stan Hope Did you come up You came up with Attell right A lot
Starting point is 00:30:44 I mean I've known him for 30 years probably, yeah, at least. And did you guys both kind of have your voices pretty quick? I mean, I think my voice hopefully has changed. Like the voice on Medium Energy, I can't even, I hate the way I talk.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Because it's just a different person? It just seemed like I, because people started doing impressions of me like to my face, like, what are you doing? Then I realized, oh, that's the the way i talk different on stage than i do when i do something canned or written i shouldn't say canned but like if i'm doing crowd work i do a more normal voice but i have this inflection i get when i do prepared material and i don't
Starting point is 00:31:22 i hopefully have toned it down because it was pretty i don't like it but did you i'm kind of a comedy nerd to read did you perform a lot at the uh luna lounge yeah i was one of like the original performers there the ogs yeah i was under the ogs man what do you think we for for those of us who only heard about it after the fact what do you think we're missing from the picture of it what do you mean like what do we what's something about it that we would surprise us uh i don't know that's a good question i don't i mean i don't know i don't depends on what you're thinking about i mean it was a room that they was you know i never liked the term alt comedy but it was i guess technically an all comedy room and you were encouraged encouraged to do experimental or at least new stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:06 But there was also, and people did straight stand-up. I did straight stand-up there, but I would also do a little more conceptual pieces. But I don't know if there's some sort of inside gossip about it. Why do you not like the term all-comedy? Because alternative to what? I just felt like, what what do you say what is what is it an alternative yeah how is it alternative because it's something like
Starting point is 00:32:29 was andy kaufman alternative comedy probably he's more alternative than most alternative comics yeah he's definitely alternative comedy yeah and but he did he was never labeled an alt comic i don't it just seemed like a it seemed like a label and people used to label me that. I mean, I've had them remove that from a bio that's printed or something. Like alt-comedy hero. It seemed to be a little self-congratulating a little bit. Right. I mean, there's funny people on the scene, and the audiences were usually great, but they could also be not great and
Starting point is 00:33:05 that's crazy and you were saying before the podcast you've never seen armageddon no i i don't think i have so you're not like a cheesy action movie guy i'm not really which way you go with that what do you mean like what kind of movies you grok with i like a nice character driven indie film um good yeah i like that kind of vibe for the most part. I watched two bangers yesterday. What did you watch? Dude, we had a nice movie day at home, me and the lady. We watched Copland.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Okay. 1997, James Mangold. I don't know that. You haven't seen that one? I mean, I've heard of it, but... It's good. It's like a throwback to like a 70s, like Crooked Cop kind of movie. It's sliced along, but playing against type.
Starting point is 00:33:43 He's like a kind of a loser in it. Okay. And it's a Harvey Keitel, Robert De Niro good. And then we watched The Last Detail. Oh, with Nicholson. Yeah. Is that the one where he does the famous scene where he orders toast? No, that's Five Easy Pieces.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's similar. So you watch two movies? Yeah, because we're at home just feeding the kids all day. So are you like actively just focused on the movie or are you like looking at your kids and then? You got to hit pause a lot to change diapers and to give them milk and shit.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Oh my God. Yeah. And sometimes I will look at them and be like, hey, you do know you're like interrupting the movie, right? They should. They're one month old. Yeah, they should. Yeah, and they don't get it sometimes.
Starting point is 00:34:20 They don't know the boundaries yet, do they? They'll mess up a good hang. But that's what's kind of cool about it was like i was hung over this morning i did the podcast last night i slugged like four ipas because i don't drink that much so like the podcast is kind of my time to party uh-huh but i don't want to party back to back so i'm just doing doing or a shot of coffee today okay but uh i woke up hung over and they didn't care you're you're one month old kids yeah that's good man i like that i like being a service i love that you've had a you have a one month old and you're out getting shit-faced
Starting point is 00:34:51 no that was the first time i drank in two months yeah or no i've had beers here but first time i drank to the point where i couldn't drive home yeah yeah when do you think it's okay to get shit-faced after you have kids i don't know i just assume you wouldn't want to i mean or maybe you'd really want to maybe now no i have i have a need to party you do have a need to party yeah for sure but just to like get it out of my system and then recharge so i can come back home and be 100 for them yeah all right that's how i kind of took an uber home or whatever yeah my buddy reggie drove me home. Your buddy Reggie, was he sober? He had a beer and a half. He was good to drive.
Starting point is 00:35:29 You know, in Europe, I think, like in Norway and other countries, zero alcohol in your system. And you don't drink. I've heard you say, even if you have a glass of wine before you do stand-up, it can throw you off. Yeah, when did you hear me say that? On your podcast. Oh, my God. I have a really good memory. And I remember Chris Fairbanks did your podcast,
Starting point is 00:35:47 and he had a drink beforehand, and I could tell you didn't like that. I do remember that. Yeah. I like Chris Fairbanks. Yeah, he's a really funny, good guy. But, yeah, so maybe I don't drink that much, but maybe you're sensitive to drinking stuff. I don't like being around drunks.
Starting point is 00:36:03 Too intense? Too intense? I wouldn't call it intense. It's not the intensity. It don't like being around drunks. Too intense? Too intense? I wouldn't call it intense. It's not the intensity. It's the intensity of the annoyance. That's what I mean. Intensely annoying, yes. That's what I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Well, Florida, probably a lot of drunk people. In Florida? Where's their estate where there aren't a lot of drunk people? That's a good question. Utah? Yeahah utah for sure yeah or maybe what other state but relative to even the other states that are parting i feel like florida probably gets after it amongst yeah i mean there was in gainesville there was this restaurant bar that was in the where you'd have to drive there that had three for one on wednesdays like three for one so you're just basically endangering people's lives whoa yeah so you feel a lot of like uh do you feel a lot of responsibility towards like society in what sense like that you
Starting point is 00:36:58 don't want to get too tilted because you might be a problem for the people around you oh i mean i i just don't want to get too tilted, to use your phrase. But it's not like, hey, I'd love to have seven beers right now, but I don't want to be a problem to people. No, I just don't want seven beers. So do you get tilted? Does tilted mean drunk? Yeah, or just like, I guess I even use it like, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:20 when people say he's on tilt when they play poker, and it just means you're like, you're kind of chasing negative excitement. I i drink a little bit but usually 90 percent of time if i drink i have one drink yeah i guess i kind of relate to people through their vices do you have a vice no i mean i don't eat right i don't exercise enough i don't know if that's a vice no um heroin guys i'm interrupting this podcast so you know once again that we are brought to you well first off we are on tour come check us out on tour it's so much fun we stand up we have a q and a we get the audience involved it's just a good stoke inducing time you can catch us at
Starting point is 00:37:59 irvine september 28th we're going to be at chico san jose montana charlotte nashville freaking um new york detroit um and denver guys get your tickets at chat jt.com do not miss a show also we have a new sponsor and i'm so freaking fired up on this sponsor because i love their clothes i've shopped for their clothes before they even sponsored us so as soon as they came on board i was like yes marine lair hell yeah so fired up on these guys guys i found the softest t-shirt ever imagine the softest thing you've ever touched maybe kittens are freshly fallen snow now time's up by a thousand look at this shirt i'm wearing this is a marine lair shirt this looks dank as hell i can wear this out to dinner and impress my lady friends and also feel super comfortable their t-shirts stay soft no matter how many times you wash them it's time to invest in a wardrobe that will actually last for a limited time our listeners get an exclusive 15 off discount with the code
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Starting point is 00:43:08 guys, let's get back to the show. Dude, do you know any like functioning heroin people? Um, I guess they're out there. That's pretty wild, right? My friend's dad was a heroin addict and he said he was a good dad. Really? Yeah. I mean, I guess I've heard of them and I probably met them without knowing it
Starting point is 00:43:24 maybe, but. And my friend's got a huge piece. Huge piece. Like his dick's huge. Really? Yeah, I mean, I guess I've heard of them And I've probably met them without knowing it, maybe And my friend's got a huge piece Huge piece? Like his dick's huge Oh, really? Yeah Wow I guess that's a positive side effect of being the son of a heroin addict
Starting point is 00:43:38 I wonder, right? Yeah If your parents, like, being users Their side effects Makes your dick a bit but are all the side effects bad most probably i think we learned today that they're not some can be good so you're not you're not you don't have vices i mean i when i say i don't have vices i guess i don't but i don't it's not like i eat perfectly i i exercise every day for you know so i don't i guess i don't have vices in the
Starting point is 00:44:08 traditional sense but i don't necessarily live a perfectly healthy life that's that's good i was so well said it was do you ever get nervous still yeah i do and i always weirded out when people say they don't get nervous i get situationally nervous Just like who's in the room or something like that? Well, it could be that, but it's also like if I'm suddenly like, if I'm playing a big place, if I open for someone because I don't fill those myself, then I get a little nervous. And when you say big, you mean like an arena? Like 2,000 seats, 3,000 seats or more, yeah, 1,500 seats.
Starting point is 00:44:41 And it's a different muscle, right? Like you've got to get louder and bigger? No, you don't. No? No. That's what you just said is incorrect. Dude, well, maybe for you, because you're stylistically, I did a theater in Austin. It wasn't that big.
Starting point is 00:44:52 It was like 500 or something. But I'm used to clubs, you know, not the high ceiling stuff. And I was like, dude, I got to bring it a bit more. I was like, I might need a little more swagger. I might need to get organic. I mean, if it's organic, then do it. I do feel like I've been kind of holding in my energy, and I need to let it come out. Well, if you want to do that, then you should do that.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Yeah, to honor myself, or because it's better for the crowd? I don't think it's, I don't think, I don't think, if you're a low-key funny comic, you can play a hockey arena and be a low-key funny. That's true. Then they're going to laugh at the jokes. And that's actually really funny to think about, someone being low-key in a hockey arena and be a low-key funny. That's true. Then they're going to laugh at the jokes. And that's actually really funny to think about. Someone being low-key in a hockey arena.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Yeah. I've done it. Which hockey arena? I did Madison Square Garden and I did. Dude, that's amazing. Yeah, I did a couple of those. What was that
Starting point is 00:45:38 touring festival that was outside? Oddball. Oddball, yeah. Oh, yeah, that was pretty cool. When Funny or Die put that on or whatever. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the lineups were insane for that they did irvine amphitheater right not the ones i did the ones
Starting point is 00:45:50 i did were in new jersey and new york good states yeah man every podcast i do has this moment where i'm staring at the podcast sometimes when i'm doing a podcast i'm like i don't know why i'm here oh you know what i mean oh you're like disassociating i disassociate a little bit but i think that's probably normal right if you're crazy no it's uh yeah it might be an anxiety thing that's also you just your mind wanders it'd be weird if you were like so focused yeah if it was a real conversation, we'd almost... Wait, it's not a real conversation? Well, it is, but what I mean is that there's an imperative to keep it moving. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Where in a real conversation, you could just kick it for 10 minutes. But I feel like podcasts, there's a little bit of a leeway to not keep it moving, but maybe not. It might be self-generated, that's true. Do you like painters? Painters? Like artists? Mm-hmm. I go to art museums sometimes.
Starting point is 00:46:50 What's your favorite New York museum? Oh, shit. I don't know, man. I guess the Whitney's good. I'm a MoMA guy. I haven't been to MoMA in a long time. I haven't been to Whitney in a long time. It's a good way to spend a day.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah, a day. Like 45 minutes, maybe. No, dude. Like four hours. But they've got nice couches. So you go to the museum and you sit on the couch? Sometimes I watch. Bit of a voyeur.
Starting point is 00:47:11 Yeah. That's a French word for pervert. Yeah, I know. Are you a voyeur? I like people watching and I love eavesdropping. Do you ever jump in? No, almost. No, no.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You got siblings? I have a brother. Is he funny? Yeah, not, no, no. You got siblings? I have a brother. Is he funny? Yeah, not like I'm funny, but he's funny. Yeah, he is funny. Younger or older? He's older. I got a younger brother.
Starting point is 00:47:35 He's watching my kiddos right now. Oh, really? Yeah, he's a great guy. Okay, that's good. My brother's a great guy, too. That's good. Does he help you with bits? No.
Starting point is 00:47:46 You don't seem like the type that would, like, workshop with other people i will occasionally do that i'd like to do that more because usually something comes out of that would you want to write together no maybe i knew you better no that's fair you know what i've been doing because now that i'm like i'll just reach i'll just ask random people to write because I just want to hang out with other people and I also want to get new perspectives on it. That thing Maria Bamford does where she, you know where she does, where she asks people like, does anyone want a one-on-one Zoom show? Yeah, she'll ask strangers.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Like, holy shit. Yeah, she's so interesting. Yeah, like I would never do that. She's like a real, real genius. It's a great idea. Yeah, she's a genius. She's, interesting. Yeah, like I would never do that. She's like a real, real genius. It's a great idea. Yeah, she's genius. She's, yeah. Yeah, like when I watch her, I'm just like, man, this is like art.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Yeah, it's like another planet. It's just like, I don't know what you're doing, how you're doing it. I saw you guys together with Marin at Largo one time. Really? That's a killer show. It was. And Sarah Silverman. Yeah, she's great too.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You had a great bit about a lady who wrote an article about what she wants in like a guy's apartment yeah i remember the towels part yeah i remember that too you roasted her so yeah i roasted her man she really she got it good well sometimes you have i know it's like it's not cool to like brag about roasting a gal but sometimes gals need to get roasted i mean it was just i mean it's a comedy bit. I hope, hopefully, if she ever found out about it, she's not mad about it. No, and he didn't, like, impugn her character. No, no, I mean,
Starting point is 00:49:09 I've taken worse hits than that. And it was subtle burns. It wasn't like, you weren't flamethrowing her. No, no, no, I was not. You were almost just, like, throwing darts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:22 I was a dart thrower. I would say that's kind of the speed. Yeah, yeah i mean you know you should i i people throw darts at me do you think you're gonna dodge them i'm i think i'm a fairly good sport you know if i do a roast or although i will say i've never been roasted i had an offer to be roasted i said i because i thought someone would say something that would bum me out yeah and i guess for me the scary part is like i don't want to have my bummed out face being recorded oh i mean yeah that's a good point or for you you're just like i just don't want to hear it
Starting point is 00:49:56 i just i think someone would cut because sometimes i mean i've done roast battles and i did it on on comedy central i did roast battle a couple times yeah you were great on that thank you and i did the chevy chase, which I was killer on. Dude, you were the only one who crushed on that one. I don't know about that. No, dude, your fish in the barrel joke, that was the best joke of the thing. That was a good one. It's easier than standing next to a barrel.
Starting point is 00:50:18 But that's not the way it went. But yeah, I know what you're talking about. Did that hurt to hear me do it like that? No, no, no. You were good on that. Thank you. But what was I going to say? I forgot what I was going to do.
Starting point is 00:50:32 What are you eating? Sorry. I shouldn't do that. Yeah, man. I'm just starving. Like pretzel. Okay. Yeah, I see.
Starting point is 00:50:40 You can see, yeah. You put it right there on the table. You think that's gross? It's not something I would do. I don't worry about germs. No? No. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:50 I think it's probably building germ resistance, exposure therapy kind of stuff. Really? I think so. Okay. I don't know if that's scientifically backed, but I'm sure there's studies that would say it's true. That it's... In this huge just harass of information that we have you know yeah it's too much um so dude this is gonna be kind of shitty are you ready for the next part what is this
Starting point is 00:51:13 this is like what we do every podcast and i don't know if you're gonna like it i might throw you for a loop okay and i'm kind of thrown for a loop because i did the podcast last night so i'm kind of out of ammo on this particular part of the podcast so we do a beef of the week which is something we're upset at and then we do a babe and a legend of the week which are two things we're stoked on and then we end with a quote of the week oh so much it's a ton man and i didn't want to give it to you ahead of time because i didn't want to stress you out is it babe like doesn't mean like has to be a hot woman no we bypassed that pretty early yeah it was like fun fun at first, and then we were like, I made Aaron Donald my babe of the week, so it wasn't a genuine thing.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Yeah, it's weird having a girlfriend and talking about someone. No, you don't have to. We do peanut butter. It can be anything. It's just something you're stoked on. Okay. It's just fun to call it babe of the week, and then it's fun for it not to be a babe. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:59 All right, cool. Todd Berry. Yeah. Who or what is your beef of the week? My beef? God, I. Todd Berry. Yeah. Who or what is your beef of the week? My beef? God, I don't know. I mean, I'm having beefs with my landlord, but I don't know if I want to get into that. Why?
Starting point is 00:52:15 What's happening? My air conditioner was broken for four months, and now I want a little compensation for that. So for four months, you've been flagging it it to them and they haven't been doing anything? It took them four months to fix it. Why? There's this new air conditioning system that they put in as an app and everything. So you can turn your air conditioning down
Starting point is 00:52:35 when you're in Sweden or something. Right. But I'd rather have the window unit that works. Yeah, just give me the knobs. And they finally fixed it. So that's boring. It's the most boring beef. Well, dude, what is an AC but a perfect solution to a problem? All right, don't do my act for me, man.
Starting point is 00:52:55 What do you mean? I have a beef with you now because of what you just did right there. What did I do? You launched into my act. I did another bit. Back to medium energy, dude. Yeah, man. And I didn't get it right. No, you got it. I mean, you got the essence of it. I did another bit. Back. From medium energy, dude. Yeah, man. And I didn't get it right.
Starting point is 00:53:06 No, you got it. I mean, you got the essence of it. I did come close. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So what's your beef of the week? But are you psyched on how psyched I am on your content? Yeah, no, it's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Like, am I the biggest fan who's ever interviewed you? You know, I ran intoars from metallica came to one of my shows yeah firing off jokes one that i'd forgot that i'd done well you really big time me there huh i did yeah that's fucking name dropped and punk the shit out of lars dude yeah that's crazy because james headfield comes to all my shows seriously no maybe he does dude lars lars gave chad coven is that true no but he's at the concert oh that's right yeah my buddy just went to metallica my buddy's over here he went to metallica last all right my beef of the week see you rode yours in advance though right no i'm out
Starting point is 00:53:58 because i did it last night my beef of the week is with sean michaels the wrestler okay i think he did brett wrong and you know what i don't like about it i don't like that he was you know what this is what annoys me i love brett sean i love sean michaels as a wrestler but you know sometimes i don't like how some people don't get redemption and some people do get redemption. And sometimes the people who get redemption aren't necessarily the people who deserve it. That's true. And then we all feel better that they have redemption. But then I almost feel like, well, then they never had to.
Starting point is 00:54:35 I know he's paid for it in ways, but I feel like other people might have. It should have been their story. And that hurts me sometimes. I don't know anything about who you were just talking about, so I can only weigh in on nothing, really. But you can relate to what I'm saying about how some people get redemption. Yeah, some people get forgiven and get, yeah, and other people, their lives are ruined.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yeah. And then people are like, oh, but that person changed. I'm like, oh, what a luxury. Yeah. And then we're supposed to feel good. Yeah. Yeah. And then we're supposed to feel good. Yeah. I don't think I'm shining in this segment.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Do you have a life philosophy that you can easily identify with or describe? I kind of, I hate to say go with the flow, but I kind of, I don't plan a lot. Like vacations? Vacations I'll plan a lot. Like vacations? Vacations I'll plan, yeah. Smart. But I don't have like, I'm not, when I say plan a lot, I don't mean like, here's my five-year plan. I don't go that far ahead. So like when Bill Gates says people underestimate what they can do in five years and overestimate what they can do in one year, does that move you?
Starting point is 00:55:47 I'm trying to, let me think about what he just said. Andre? I mean, no, it doesn't move me. So he's saying people think they can do a lot more in a year than they can, but then they say. He says the ultimate indicator of intelligence is long-term planning. Oh. Was that a roundabout way of me burning you there? No, I feel burned i don't get i don't see what i mean yeah you're slugging
Starting point is 00:56:10 what what uh bill gates has see and i don't know anything about him he might be a nice guy you know steve jobs says he has no taste he says he has bad taste really and he meant that as like the ultimate burn what is kind of like bad taste in everything really you ever just met someone who just has bad taste yeah yeah i had a friend like that he had bad taste everything he liked was bad right who's your babe of the week what is the what is this category just something you're stoked on something you like oh it's a person or a thing oh fuck and i admire that you didn't want to, like, that your instinct was not to be like, oh, yeah, it's like, you know, Claudia Schiffer or something like that. That's a funny one. I don't, God, I'm not good on the spot here.
Starting point is 00:56:56 You do crowd work specials. I know, but I'm in charge of that. That's the thing, right? Yeah. It's a way different thing. Babe of the Week, something I'm stoked on. Yeah. It could be the food you just ate.
Starting point is 00:57:07 It could be that Pad Thai. Oh, you didn't have Pad Thai. I had a rice bowl. I mean, it wasn't that good, but it was good. But I ordered it for you. You did? I'm my Baby of the Week for, no. Can my Baby of the Week be a pasta that I had on a trip to L.A. two years ago?
Starting point is 00:57:24 Brother, yeah. Okay. Add some pasta. I don't remember what was in it, but it was like a year and a half ago at that place. my babe of the week be a pasta that i had on a trip to la two years ago brother yeah okay add some pasta i don't remember what was in it but it was like a year and a half ago at that place moza i think it's called yeah that's a famous place it was exceptional hell yeah is that a batali place i don't think so i think it may have used it may have been back in the day del posto that's him right yeah? Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I probably would have gone for a different Babe of the Week rather than a pasta I had.
Starting point is 00:57:50 We've done that before. A year and a half ago. The time horizon on it was weird. We're opposite of horizon. I make my own rules. You know, Bill Gates would probably not. He'd be like, why'd you do that, man? That's a bad sign.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Yeah, you guys just, you guys butt heads. Yeah. He probably wouldn't have liked the pasta because he because he got bad taste what um what bud what's it like to be bill gates i think about it a lot what would it be like to walk a mile in his shoes like how does he how does he think about humanity well like what's his what's his house like it's sick it's big right for sure he's got a big house, Bill Gates? Isn't it like 55,000 square feet or something? That's too big.
Starting point is 00:58:27 So many points of entry if someone wanted to hurt you. That's just stupid. I mean, it's like the White House, man. I like to be able to see everything. Yeah. Yeah. I grew up in a big house. I didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:58:39 No. No. You're a rich kid? Yeah. Really? Yeah. Okay. I don't think I've ever met a rich kid who just said, yeah, I'm a rich kid? Yeah. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Okay. I don't think I've ever met a rich kid who just said, yeah, I'm a rich kid. It's part of my charm. Okay. Okay. Do you not find it charming? No, I mean, it's honest and it's not charming. Would you say it's hot?
Starting point is 00:58:59 It's making me crazy, man. I think I'm in love. Do you ever use the word erotic erotic yeah i mean i haven't i don't really use it like what context would you use the word erotic um like an erotic movie or something i don't even know yeah like a mickey rourke like nine and a half weeks yeah yeah that's an erotic movie right i've never seen it but I heard it's just wall-to-wall banging. I think I may have seen that. My Baby of the Week is this horchata coffee that I got.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Really? From Porto's, one of the best restaurants in LA. Really? I think you'd really like it. Yeah, it's good. And this horchata coffee, there's no milk in this. Holy shit, it looks milky. But you still get sweetness like it's a latte. Oh my God. I mean'd really like it. Yeah, it's good. And this horchata coffee, there's no milk in this. Holy shit, it looks milky. But you still get sweetness like it's a latte.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Oh, my God. I mean, we broke it. Why does it look milky then? Because it's the rice. It's the rice milk. Oh, okay. The rice fluid. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:55 The rice fluid. Now, I kind of want you to go buy me one of those. You want the rest of this one? No, no, no. Why don't you have this one? Ugh. No. Why does that disgust you?
Starting point is 01:00:03 I want to share something, man. You're my guy. Todd, I'd be honored if you'd drink my horchata. What's the next segment? Jesus. Who's your legend of the week? Legend? That'd be me.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Dude, that's crazy. Like a legend? Like who's a legend of the week? Yeah, just someone you're stoked on. Oh, okay. Stoked. I don't use that word. Or something you're happy on oh okay stoked i don't use that word or something you're uh happy about or something that's exciting you or something that you uh would love to let the
Starting point is 01:00:30 world know is great um oh my new special nice dude i will say this it is great really it's really good it's truly true truly truly the first joke amazing you just come out of the gates hot. Yeah. And then the Girl Scout joke. Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. The one about the jab. That one killed me.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Oh, really? Yeah, it was so funny. Some people complain, like, why is he doing these COVID jokes? Yeah, people are weird now, huh? Yeah. We're hearing too much about it. Like, what they think. Yeah, I mean, well, huh? Yeah. We're hearing too much about it. Like what they think. Yeah, I mean, well, that's just the nature.
Starting point is 01:01:08 That's why I stopped reading the YouTube comments. I read them the first 24 hours. Yeah, because I'm always like, oh, this person's probably a genius who's writing this about me. I always just project that. That this guy just fucking knows shit. Yeah, they're very smart. But I've gotten pretty good YouTube comments from the ones I read. Yeah, it's fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I'd be surprised if there's any bad ones. I'm sure there's bad ones. Yeah, I don't know. I think your Rotten Tomatoes would probably be pretty fire. It is pretty fire, I think. That's fire. I'm stoked on how fire it is. Todd, you're coming alive.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Is that your own producer's laughing? That's how I'm laughing. You're sizzling, dude. Yeah. I like when you talk like that. I'm tired, man. You've been here a while, and we don't know each other at all. I know.
Starting point is 01:01:50 And I've been talking at you like high velocity. I feel like I want an iced espresso shot. Just take some of this. No, I don't want your fucking filthy rice milk. Whoa, dude, that almost sounded racist. My legend of the week is the guy who's fixing my refrigerator. Just a cool dude. And, you know, our fridge wasn't making the food cold enough,
Starting point is 01:02:11 which is kind of job number one for a fridge. And then beyond that, it was leaking. Don't yawn during the middle of my spiel, bro. I did that. I didn't do that on purpose. I didn't think it was on purpose, but it almost hurts more than it wasn't. So he comes over. I'm like, dude, should I get a new fridge? And fridge and he's like no new fridges are all shit they can't get good parts
Starting point is 01:02:29 because of supply chain issues so to keep up their profit margins they're putting shit parts into expensive fridges don't get a new fridge wow and then he opened up to me he's like i know it happened to me i got a new fridge and i go why'd you get a new fridge if your whole philosophy is to keep old fridge he goes my lady she wanted a new fridge to match the rest of the kitchen he's like i love her we're getting married compromise and i was like hey brother thanks for opening up with me i really appreciate that i mean if the food's getting keeping being cold then yeah what makes something a good fridge versus a bad fridge i think he might know more he has a different opinion this is an expert we're talking about i think he's talking about how long is it going to keep it cold.
Starting point is 01:03:06 And I'm not talking about a day. I'm talking about a lifetime. Yeah, yeah. Do you mind talking about it, what year your fridge is? Oh, God. I'm subletting an apartment, which I started subletting for like a few months ago. And it's kind of a little fancy. Like everything is, like the dishwasher's different.
Starting point is 01:03:27 It's all this bosh and meal. Yeah, bosh. Mealy. Yeah, mealy. Mealy. And so like the freezer's on the bottom. Yeah, the bootum. I just realized what you're doing. I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:03:39 You know, it's just like the stove. It's one of those oven, those stoves where it's like, it's hot. It's not gas, but it's like convection and all that. Yeah, what is it? What is convection? I don't know, man. I don't like when they throw words, like new words like that in it. Like I'm back in chemistry class or something.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Yeah, man. I failed. It just means there's a fan in there. Yeah. All right, Aaron. And that would be the oven, not the stove. Swinging in with your big dick. All right, last part. Yeah. What's your quote of the week? Qu would be the opposite. Swinging in with your big dick. All right, last part.
Starting point is 01:04:06 Yeah. What's your quote of the week? Quote of the week. Wow. Like from someone else? It can be an inspiring quote, or you can quote yourself, which not many people have done, but I think that's... If anyone's going to do that, it would be me.
Starting point is 01:04:18 I think that's cool. Follow me on Blue Sky, everyone. Dude, for my quote of the week, I've been doing it the whole podcast I'm gonna quote comedy luminary that I've always wanted to talk to Todd Berry oh sure you're on Pete Holmes's podcast I think it was live at Moon Tower in Austin in probably 2012 yeah and he was trying to bust your chops for getting out of a rainstorm. Oh, yeah. And going under a tent. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:47 And you're in front of a live audience. I think you got some heavy hitters on the stage with Eli Judd Apatow. Yeah. And then he's like, Todd, you kind of ran from the lightning. And you just sat there and you said, is lightning not scary? And then the whole crowd was just like, ah. Yeah. You flipped that shit on him.
Starting point is 01:05:04 I thought I said that it's electricity coming from the sky or something maybe but yeah i did i remember you keep thinking i'm misremembering your shit i do remember that uh that that exchange though yeah it was solid you burned him i burned him good he's still recovering yeah he hasn't been the same since he's been very very he's like a cheerful guy now he's not cheerful. Yeah, he's like a bruised prize fighter after a 15-round scrap. He's like Ali Frazier. You're like, look, it was a great match, but these guys will never be the same.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Who do you identify with in that split? Ali Frazier? Yeah. I mean, Ali seemed like a cool guy, so I would. What do you mean split? Would you say he's hot? He's hot? He's hot He's smoking
Starting point is 01:05:46 Well yeah he's smoking Smoking Joe Frazier Smoking Joe It's definitely hot Smoking mom and Ali Yeah Ali Good looking I use the term
Starting point is 01:05:54 Rope-a-dope quite often In terms of how you do your comedy? Or just like I'll just say that I have to rope-a-dope this guy I use boxing parlance For how I deal with conversation as well yeah like i'll say stupid things i call that sticking my chin out because i want someone to swing thinking
Starting point is 01:06:10 i'm stupid and then i'll pull back and counter punch oh is that is that a clever technique um in boxing yeah yeah people will bait punches that they'll stick their chin out a little bit to get the other guy to over commit and then you come back oh that's interesting yeah counter punching i like things that are interesting on subjects that i'm not interested in of course i'm not into boxing but that that's an interesting fact yeah because well because it's nice to hear about metaphor that can be applied to other walks of life and also just that there's this thought to it that i you know there's more to it than just go out there and punch someone oh no it's very smart like if you watch breakdowns but no it's very smart it's uh it's uh
Starting point is 01:06:47 it's what is it called high stakes problem solving with dire consequences holy shit rogan said that one time holy shit do you know who joe rogan is i do yeah let's end it there okay uh it's all great thank you so much for doing the podcast thanks for having me dude i'm a huge fan it was really an honor to have you on yeah i felt your fandom yeah did you like it it's a little uncomfortable no it's fine of course i like it what made you not that i'm joking it's hard to be loved huh if you really made me uncomfortable i probably wouldn't say it that overtly that's true so do you see you almost feel so comfortable with me that you can mess with me
Starting point is 01:07:23 like that right because we're kind of boys i I can tell you that you're making me uncomfortable and have you think it's a joke when it actually isn't a joke. Because we're boys. Because we're boys. We're hot boys. We're hot little young boys. We're going to get on tilt. I'm going to get tilted tonight, man. I'm going to get you one of these coffees.
Starting point is 01:07:40 All right. Do you want this one? No, no. Am I supposed to say thanks and goodbye? It's up to you. ToddBarry.com for my tour dates. Alright Do you want this one? No no Am I supposed to say Thanks and goodbye? It's up to you ToddBarry.com For my tour dates Okay
Starting point is 01:07:50 You missed a part Didn't you say You were going to say Thank you and goodbye Or something like that? Oh thank you and goodbye That was good right? I think so
Starting point is 01:08:01 I think we crushed it I think we crushed it If you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do where to go
Starting point is 01:08:16 when you need someone to guide you it's nice to have those beside you go see go see As long as the happy bird is beside you Go with me Go with me Let's go deep Go with me
Starting point is 01:08:35 Get in there and dig

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