Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 31 - New Theme Song Debate, Proper Protein Intake, Free Speech

Episode Date: August 15, 2018

In this fire episode, we discuss Austin's new theme song, the right amount of protein intake to enter ketosis, weird traffic happenings, debating Alex Jones and free speech, and a discush on the new O...scars category.  As always, we go deep on beefs, legends, babes, reviews, and movie quotes.  Jabwow stokers.   For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you need advice, these guys are really nice. You want to know what to do and where to go. When you need someone to guide you, just have a girl beside you. Go and see. Go and see. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with my dog, JT. What up? What up, dudes?
Starting point is 00:00:53 And I just want to give a shout-out to Austin, a.k.a. A-Bomb, for that fire track. It's a new track. Yeah. For our intro. Got mixed reviews on it, to be honest. On the new track? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:03 From who? On YouTube, basically. Oh, it was already up on the last episode yeah oh sweet um but uh the stoker it's literally like half and half well he wrote the last song so yeah if they prefer the last one it's still part of the austin catalog part of the a-bomb thing like there are a few comments that were like love the new intro and then one then one comment that was like bring back the old and then it had like nine likes so i was like oh interesting i think i like the old one more too yeah but anytime any show i like changes songs i always prefer the old one until i get used to the new one yeah that's what i was thinking so i don't know i mean it's a tough call because they're both good i think they're both good could just be an adjustment period i do like the uh the amped up sort of guitar there's there's a heavier lead guitar on this yeah but uh same
Starting point is 00:01:55 message just different sound maybe maybe we should put up like a poll or something leave it up to the stokers i'm down go the democratic route yeah uh how you doing i'm good man i'm good yeah i've been uh my stomach's been a little weak like shits will just come on me what have you been eating basic diet regular stuff i mean i i've been eating a lot of peanut butter and jellies yeah i love a peanut i love a toasted peanut butter and jelly with the crust cut off so good and um, my son's been... Actually, speaking of... And I'm sorry to start off in such a crude way,
Starting point is 00:02:29 but we were in Huntington Beach this weekend, and I was at a bar watching the UFC fights. It was great to see them in Huntington Beach, like the birthplace of mixed martial arts in the United States. People were jacked up. People are buff. People like fighting. They're an intelligent audience.
Starting point is 00:02:43 We were watching on a big, like, drop-down drop down you know those teleprompter screens or whatever so it's cool to see it so big i went into the bathroom and two dudes charged in when i was dropping a deuce and they were like jt jt par are you in here and i went yeah because i didn't know what to say i shouldn't have said anything yeah i was like in the middle of a deuce. And then they went, yes! And then they left. And then so I finished taking my shit, which was bigger than usual, and I strolled out. And there was two jacked, cool dudes.
Starting point is 00:03:16 And they were like, what up, JT? Sorry for like, I don't think they said sorry, actually. No, they might have. They were like, yeah, sorry for charging in on you while you were dropping a deuce. And I was like, yeah, I don't know why i said i was in there and they were like haha for sure and i was like you guys enjoying the fights and then we chopped it up they were great dudes yeah and uh yeah so and they said they listen to the pod so what's up guys yeah um i have worried about that too though it actually happened to you but i've worried about
Starting point is 00:03:39 you know people coming in as i'm just you know because it's you feel vulnerable it's a vulnerable moment yeah and i was like it was like a little paranoid but i was worried they would like be filming me like on an instagram story and be like hey is that jt parr and they're taking a dump and i was like yeah yeah and it's like uh you know i like to be part of the editing process and stuff yeah they film that i don't really i can't really shape it to make me look a little bit cooler yeah it's sort of when the content's out of your hands you feel a little uneasy yeah exactly yeah yeah um that's cool though that you got recognized dude it was awesome yeah always pumped for that makes me feel so good and it feels good when they're stoked on the stuff nice dude i've been uh so i as you know i've been trying to go full ketosis and uh i was
Starting point is 00:04:21 struggling with it i was like super tired yesterday super tired yesterday, super tired on Monday, Tuesday, and I was like, what's going on here? Because I was getting enough sleep. You know, I had all the right things. My brother, he's like, dude, you're not eating enough meat. Eat more meat. So today I was like, all right. So I called him.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I'm like, what should I do? He's like, all right, you got to eat eight eggs and a bunch of bacon. And I did. Now I feel awesome. Nice. I think that's what I needed. I think I'm in ketosis right now. That's great.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I feel like I'm floating. It's awesome. Yeah, because I was like, maybe I'm not. I was just like, dude, that's a lot of meat. He's like, just trust me. Because he's full carnivore diet, which, uh, he says he feels great and he looks good too. So shout what up Mark.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Hey, you look good. You feel good. Yeah. He's on the pod. He listened to the pod too. So what's up Mark? Uh,
Starting point is 00:05:14 carnivore it up. That's awesome. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, that's what's going on with me. Oh dude,
Starting point is 00:05:21 something weird happened. I was leaving the gym and I pull out of the parking garage, and I pull up behind this car. It was sort of like a half semi, and I was probably like 10 feet behind it, and the light turns green, and the truck stops. And I didn't even go or anything. I was just literally pulled out behind this truck, 10 feet behind it.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Two dudes get out of the truck and they like look at my car and then they look at the back of their truck like i hit it you know and they're like expecting it they're just like they give me like this look i was like what and then so they get back in their truck they don't say anything to me and then they start driving and they're supposed to go straight but they stop at the green light and i'm like there to turn right but there's pedestrians and they're stopped taking a photo of my license plate and then uh and i just kept going and i called my mom and my brother and they're like it's probably some like scammers they're trying to like scam you or something that's so lame yeah so what i did is
Starting point is 00:06:23 i just took photos of the front of my car because there's no damage or anything so if they like try i have like dated photos it's like there's no damage so i hate when people like just are trying to make you feel uncomfortable yeah i was i was like dude i like i was just fresh off a gym session now you're trying to like harsh my stoke by like scamming my ass yeah i get a little frustrated with the world i'm like why are you guys trying to make my day harder yeah i'm not trying to do that to you yeah it's like i bet if i did that someone else i would probably feel pretty bad about myself and that would just permeate through the day yeah that's true i'm
Starting point is 00:06:59 always like aren't you like like mad at yourself that you're doing this yeah i i just i figure their squad is probably like why are you guys kind of like down like oh we were trying to scam this we're scammers nice dude and they'd be like yeah that's pretty messed up uh and another thing some of the stokers have messaged me about my dad and how he's doing and um he's doing as well as any person could under the circumstances he's on his like second round of chemotherapy he's doing and um he's doing as well as any person could under the circumstances he's on his like second round of chemotherapy he's had some targeted radiation and he's handled it all with like a totally optimistic can-do attitude i mean sometimes he gets bummed out because he feels sick and that's just not normal for him to feel slowed down and he's been taking weed under
Starting point is 00:07:40 the tongue and he's not a weed fan i asked him why and he said because it makes him feel too humble. So he's doing a lot of stuff that's hard on his body. But we're going to a wedding next week in Wyoming to see some of our best friends get married. I'm so stoked to see him. And yeah, my dad is... I'm sure it's hard on him, but he's not letting that out. He's a beast, dude. And it's cool because he doesn't even like um he would never like he doesn't he's not like you know i'm just fighting this thing as hard as i can
Starting point is 00:08:11 and i'm giving it my all yeah it's very like low-key like i'll be dead how you doing he's like i'm feeling good i'm on my third round of radiation i can't wait to get out of here and get back to jackson so i can yeah get some sun and get in the river and like all this stuff. He handles like having responsibility with a very easy kind of grace. Yeah. Yeah. But thank you. Thank you, Stokers, for asking and stuff. And yeah, he's doing well.
Starting point is 00:08:34 I'll keep you guys posted. That's awesome. And also my mom's great too. I love her to death. She's a fiery, passionate woman and she handles this stuff really well too. She's like, I've seen her hug dead bodies. She has no fear of death. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:49 She kind of looks forward to it almost. Yeah. Where'd she hug dead bodies? When my aunt died. Oh. Was it like open casket? They weren't sure if they were going to do an open casket, and my mom was like, I will go see. And I was like, Mom, you weren't even that close to Tracy.
Starting point is 00:09:02 She's like, John Thomas, I have to do this. She just volunteered herself to make all the decisions. And I think it's because she's from Colombia and she grew up in the drug culture. And so she lost a lot of people young, so she's used to death. But she just came back. She's like, Tracy looks beautiful. I hugged and kissed her. The casket will be open.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I was like, all right. I was actually a little annoyed. I was like, I don't think it's really your call, Mom. But all right, if you're going to be the one who takes control, let's do it. That is hilarious. Just a random lady comes in. I'll take care of this. She looks great.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Yeah. It's not even your family member. She's like, trust me. I hugged her. I kissed her. I bathed her. She looks amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 She took a bath with her, with the body. My mom's a beast. What about the Oscarsars they're adding a new category most popular best popular film of the year yeah um what a weird what does that even mean these are the blockbusters that you know it's like superhero movies essentially that they're giving awards to. Or Fast and the Furious movies, too. Well, that'd be sick.
Starting point is 00:10:07 Or Mission Impossible movies. That'd be sick. It is cool, but it's like part of the reason I like those movies is because they weren't like Oscar movies. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's like Fast and the Furious isn't for the Oscars. It's for the people and for the money.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah. And if you want to have a big ass submarine go through ice do it you know maybe what if that hinders them from making that choice you know like that's not oscar worthy and you're like dude who gives a fuck um yeah i don't like it i like tradition keep the tradition me too yeah pretty soon like if the oscars turn to like the mtv movie awards it's like i don't know will they even wear tuxes what about um alex jones he's off every major like media platform i uh i don't listen to him or take his news seriously i do find some of his clips hilarious so i'll watch those on youtube because him mad is one of the funniest things ever but uh
Starting point is 00:11:12 i think it's a terrible move i think it's for like freedom of speech and uh i think this move will have the opposite effect of what they intend. I think this is going to make Alex Jones stronger. Now he's a martyr. Because they're like, it's like, why are you so scared of him? Why do you have to ban him? Right. What are you so scared of? And you lose the moral high ground.
Starting point is 00:11:36 When you start censoring people, when they try to censor you, you can't say don't do that. You can't be like, oh, well, the guy we censored of yours was more wrong than our guy. People don't think that way. You know what I mean? It's subjective. So you have to kind of like live on principle. Yeah. And who gave these nerds the authority?
Starting point is 00:11:52 Well, I mean, they own the thing. Yeah, I know. I got two speeches I want to show from movies that I think that are liberal movies. All right, guys, here's a speech from Rob Reiner. Aaron Sorkin's the writer. Michael Douglas is playing the president. And I've talked about this movie before. His girlfriend's in trouble because a photo,
Starting point is 00:12:12 she's a lobbyist and a photo came out of her burning a flag. So the president at the end of the movie has to defend his girlfriend and what she did. And here's what he says. You're smarter than I am because I didn't understand it until a few hours ago. America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship.
Starting point is 00:12:33 You've got to want it bad because it's going to put up a fight. It's going to say, you want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that flag in protest. Now show me that. Defend that. Celebrate that in your classrooms. Then you can stand up and sing about the land of the free. I've known Bob Rums. Powerful stuff. Got me jacked. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:13:20 That's it for our topics. You want to hear a review of the week? Yeah, let's get into our review of the week. Okay. A review of the week comes from five star hostage subject line, fire pod. And it says, I force my children to listen to this when they wake up.
Starting point is 00:13:38 Fire review. Um, it's good to know that you're raising stokers. Thank you. Five star hostage. it's good to know that you're raising stokers. Thank you, 5 Star Hostage. Keep us updated on their progress and understanding what we're trying to drop and deliver to them.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Chad, who is your beef of the week? My beef of the week is with my AC unit. What up, AC unit? week my beef of the week is with my ac unit uh what up ac unit yeah so um i have one of those ac units that's like through the window you know oh jt's going shirtless dude fire chest hair fucking fucking burt reynolds across from me anyways um yeah so my ac unit uh my apartment gets hot as balls because there's no central air. So it's like one of the ones in the window. And, um, so I have to turn it on, you know, cause it's hot as fuck, but it's so loud. I can like, is so loud. I can barely hear my computer. So when I try to
Starting point is 00:14:38 watch like a movie, um, I, it's like impossible to hear. And then I like try to have a lady over to watch a movie. She's like, I can't hear. I'm like, well, what then I try to have a lady over to watch a movie she's like I can't hear do you want to be sweaty or watch the movie so I move into the apartment I try to be a good dude I try to be a good tenant I don't destroy stuff
Starting point is 00:14:56 and it's like I want to stay cool but I also want to preserve my hearing and I also want to be able to listen to a live streaming of Joe Rogan I want to preserve my hearing and I also want to be able to listen to a live streaming of Joe Rogan. I want to watch Glenn Ross. I don't know. How do you think Al Pacino feels about the fact
Starting point is 00:15:14 that the fine words that he says are mumbled because I'm trying to stay cool? Maybe we should go to the city council and just be like our AC units fucking suck. ACs, man. ACss they need to be better you just pinch your nipples a little bit all right my beef of the week is with the movie the spy who dumped me for their representation of what a lame man is um at one point mila kunis is breaking up with her uh she doesn't know he's a spy boyfriend yet
Starting point is 00:15:41 or he broke up with her so she's burning his stuff stuff. And her and Kate McKinnon are like making fun of him because they're like, this is his second place trophy from fantasy football. And I was like, okay, so he's lame. They're like, it's a second place trophy. I'm like, that's not lame. That's cool that he cares about his fantasy football league. It shows that he has a sense of humor that he held on to the second place trophy. I'm sure when his boys come over and see that, they're like, dude, you dog, you put that
Starting point is 00:16:04 up on your mantle. They're like, it's second place. He's like, I'm proud of it. I had sure when his boys come over and see that, they're like, dude, you dog, you put that up on your mantle. They're like, it's second place. He's like, I'm proud of it. I had a pretty good team. There's nothing lame about that. It's a healthy hobby. And then I think they made fun of him for being on a softball team.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I forget what the second thing was. And I was like, that's not lame either. He's active and hanging out with people on a Sunday. There's a lot lamer things he could be doing, like nothing. So how about you build this guy up? Maybe that's the reason he broke up with you. But I kind of have to remove my beef from the movie because the girls were wrong about him they were saying how
Starting point is 00:16:29 lame he was it turns out he's a spy a super handsome spy yeah so maybe the movie on a deeper level was like actually you can be into this stuff that some people would juvenilely call lame and still be a really sick international espionage agent so i don't know i beefed with that moment though when i saw that moment though. When I saw that moment in the theater, I was sitting next to Austin and I was like, dude, don't make fun of a guy for that. Do not make fun of us for caring about our fantasy football league. That's not lame. You know what's lame? Not caring about your fantasy football league. That's lame. When guys are like, oh, I don't even care if I lose this season. Then why are you playing dog?
Starting point is 00:17:05 I've been putting in research for three weeks. My brother and I co-manage a team together. That's not easy, but we respect each other and we allow the other one to make tough choices and I love them. And we're going to have a great team this year and I've been putting in the fucking work and I'm not going to sit here and be like, it's lame to care about fantasy football.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Yeah. It's not lame to care about anything. No. And that's a lot of work, organizing dudes. I got spreadsheets. Having parties having a good ass time uh i don't i don't do it but i totally respect it and i totally respect that they made trophies for one another that's fucking tight that's work that's fun and when you do stuff like that it makes it matter more to everyone yeah because you're putting in time so spy who dumped me
Starting point is 00:17:45 you know i'm not even going to talk about you as a movie yeah but yeah that's my beef of the week all right dude who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is Martha Stewart. I still think you're a babe. Because she went to prison. She fucking just toughed it out. And now she's out and it's like she didn't even go. But you know she has that experience.
Starting point is 00:18:21 So you know she didn't back down. She probably fought some of all shoes in there. She probably knows how to make a shank. She just is, like, a tough-ass lady who's crafty as well. She just, like, has skills and everything. You know, she's probably street smart. You know, she's, yeah, she didn't start trading, but, you know, no one even knows what that is.
Starting point is 00:18:41 Let Martha live. Yeah, you know. I'm all about redemption, too. Like, I don't judge anybody like oh you murdered someone i'm like but most of the time you don't murder people huh yeah how about we focus on that side yeah like the 99 of the time that you weren't murdering someone yeah you're probably a pretty good dude so martha you're my baby of the week and just like you know um i'm not sure if you listen to the pod or not. I think you could take a lot of value from it. So if anyone knows Martha, like, you know, give her a sample. My babe of the week is Angelina Jolie in the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Oh, dude. Great call. One of the best movies ever. I mean, the chemistry between them is insane. Insane. And then like just the way that they, their relationship takes off once they both accept the other one for who they are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I love that theme. And I just think she's so great in the movie. Like you totally believe her as an assassin who can just handle every aspect of everything. Like there's just something about her high status, like presentation in movies that I just dig. You know what I mean? I'm just like, man, this lady can do it all. Like she's like super hot, always knows what to say and can also just pull a gun out and
Starting point is 00:19:51 shoot you in the head at a hundred yards. And the thing is I treat my girlfriend a lot of the time like she's a Russian spy. Like I'll be laying next to her sometimes and I'll look at her. I'm like, you don't know. I know you're a Russian spy and i can't tell you yet that i know you're a russian spy but i know so it's like this uh dance of rivals a little bit and that movie is like kind of like the sexiest embodiment of that idea yeah and i think it's hot for my girlfriend to be a russian spy yeah like she's trying to get information from me it's like well how much do i show you how much do do I give you? Just a little bit here. And then we dance over here and it's a little bit more. It's very engaging.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And so Angelina Jolie, thank you for being just a really cool spy assassin. And you're just really good at it. So I like that, Angelina. I like the way you believably kick Brad Pitt's ass in that movie. Yeah. All right, Chad, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is my mom. Nice.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah. What up, mom? Love you, mom. She should have been legend of the week the first week. I was just waiting for the right speech to give. Honestly, she's one of my best friends. She's the best. I'm the fifth child, so we have a special bond.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Most of my siblings, there's a time when everyone was off to college, so it was just my mom and I. We were just kicking it, watching Tom Cruise movies, laughing a lot, eating salmon, just having a great time. We really bonded. My parents are divorced, so I would just hang with my mom. And she's just the best. She has a very infectious smile.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Whenever she smiles, it's very contagious. And you're like, wow, this is a very nice presence to be around. And she just laughs a lot. She has excellent taste you know she's remodeled uh she she's remodeled the current house that she's in and she she's an artist so she really knows what she's doing in that department she makes everything just look amazing but she also has like the the uh substance underneath too of just being like an amazing person we always bond i call my mom a lot you know we just we have a good time and uh we go to disneyland a lot and uh i ask her for advice all
Starting point is 00:22:13 the time i'll be like mom is this motivator working am i am i like properly motivating she's like it's great honey keep going and i'm like thank you and she's just an absolute legend the legend of legends you know you did a stellar job raising five five kids and thanks for saving me for last so we could bond that's beautiful man thanks i i'm so sorry i have two legends this week oh dude dude as many legends as you want i'm a greedy dude um first legend of the week is the unnamed concert guy from Coachella a few years ago. I was watching the Airborne Toxic event and they were singing their song sometime about midnight, I think, which is like a very dramatic, emotional song. And me and my boys were just standing in a row, like just grooving to it.
Starting point is 00:22:58 And then I turned behind me and there was a shirtless guy in black jean shorts with a bandana on and he was sobbing his eyes out and he was by himself and it was like the whole crowd had like given him space to cry and he was just sitting there and he was like squeezing his body and he was so deep into the crying i mean i have zero doubts that the tears were encouraged by ecstasy. And he was just like, but it was cathartic for him. He didn't look sad. I mean, he was sad, but he didn't look sad about being sad. And he was just so impassioned in his cries. And he was like pumping his fist and it had really been going on for five songs, but it culminated with some time around midnight. And at one point I just started snickering
Starting point is 00:23:45 at him and then me and the boys were just like what is this dude doing and before we got into that very far he went hey dudes and went yeah and i was like oh man he's calling me out he looked at me said hey i'm just trying to have a moment and i went fuck my bad, dude. You're right. And then I turned around and I just let him get back to his crying, dude. You know, I was, I almost impeded him from feeling and I feel terrible about it. It was hard not to cause he was crying really, really hard, but that's what he needed to do. It took balls to do it. And he was getting there. And I almost was like, Hey man, you're on your way to Everest of emotion. I was like, turn back, dude. You look lame climbing the mountain.
Starting point is 00:24:27 He was like, dude, I understand what you're saying, but let me climb the mountain. And by the end of the song, two babes had come up to him and started consoling him. And he was very receptive to that. But he didn't do it for that. He was like, thank you, ladies. He just needed that soft feminine touch to be – because that's more receptive to that. They're more receptive to that. Like us, we just did the right thing and gave them space.
Starting point is 00:24:52 And then the ladies came in and were like, it's all right. It's okay. They didn't ask him what happened. They were so smart and intuitive. They weren't like, what are you crying about? They were just like, it's okay. Cry about it. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:25:02 You're good to cry. And gave him those green lights. And then, yeah, so dude, you're, you're a freaking legend, man. I really respect the way you could feel the music. Cause I've been at concerts before too. And I've been like, Oh, I want to feel this music more intensely, but it doesn't happen. I just can't quite get there. So to see someone go all the way to really let go of everyone around them of their space of their life before and after and just be in that moment and let the song get all that feeling out who's fucking beautiful so thank you to the unnamed concert goer that's amazing and my second legend is long overdue as
Starting point is 00:25:41 well my legend of the week my my second one, is Orange County. What up, Orange County? I left Orange County for a while and I came back, which gives me a different perspective on it. Because when you grew up there, you just appreciate it for your bros and for the really wide streets
Starting point is 00:25:57 that are hard to crash your car on and the sun and stuff like that. It just, I love it for having the most bomb seafood, playing epic music everywhere. Like just Tom Petty, Boston and foreigner, always coming out of the speakers, no matter where you are. It has the most fit people in the world who do compound exercises at the gym. You know, the strongest dads, all the dads are jacked in Orange County. They walk around with like independent hats and shorts and they talk to their sons named head, but, and they talk to their sons, like little soldiers in an army that gets
Starting point is 00:26:29 bagels as a unit. And like the, just the hottest dudes in the world, the hottest chicks in the world. And nobody's hiding it. Like, and sometimes in places like LA, people are like, Oh, I'm very casual. Like, I don't care about how hot I am, but they're actually spending a lot of time on looking that casual in Orange County. People go to the bars and they're like, I am 55 years old and my whole life is dedicated to looking hot. And I have accomplished that. And even if they haven't accomplished it sometimes, I just appreciate the going for it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:57 And I just, I think people in Orange County are grounded. You know, they're very happy people. They love life. Like service people, they're always stoked to just be doing their service job it's just really good vibes and a positive atmosphere that was epic i love orange county it loves you dude it's the best all right should we get into our questions now yeah what up dudes have you ever heard of people scamming people by like trying to like the porn thing no no that i just i just got worried about the the car thing i was talking about earlier no you're fine dude yeah yeah it's i mean it's a valid concern it's weird that
Starting point is 00:27:39 have people taking photos of your shit that's like terrifying yeah yeah all right dudes what up dudes my name is ricky and i'm from the great state of kansas so the reason for my question is because of my boy benny benny used to be a solid dude but now he sucks ass should i beat his ass to put some sense back into him or say sayonara tough to call dude i don't have many of the details i don't know why he's sucking ass i don't know what level of ass beating you're intending on putting on him. Yeah. I mean, there are some dudes where sometimes it is a little bit smart just to let them know that you could beat their ass if they're getting like super aggro and stuff.
Starting point is 00:28:18 But nah, man. With just the limited details you gave me, I have to say don't beat his ass. Don't say sayonara. I've had bros who changed. Like I had one bro who went on a religious retreat and came back super pious to the point where he couldn't even hang out with us anymore. Because if we ever said anything at all critical, he was like, oh, I don't know why you guys had to say that. But you could tell that he was just saying that so that he could like feel better than us. But we just let him be.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And then within like six months to a year he was right back to normal yeah yeah dude um he might he's probably just going through a phase and if you beat his ass that might keep him in the phase you know um and so i don't know but i don't know about your relish you know but in my in my guesstimation i would say he's going through a phase right now dude and just you know um let him go through the phase and i wouldn't say sayonara because you'll probably miss him um and just benny um i don't know what you're doing to suck ass but quit it dude i don't know dude maybe give him a time limit be like dude if you don't quit sucking i'm gonna have to beat your ass so i wouldn't just like come at him
Starting point is 00:29:26 because he might not even realize it. It's a good point. My name is Tank. My dogs call me Tank because I'm a fucking beast. Anyways, my stoke is through the fucking basement. I'm trying to woo a lady. The way I got all my friends in college was through chugging more than anyone.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I've chugged in front of her many times and she won't budge. It's clear that I'm alpha. So what else do I have to do to woo her? Yeah, I totally relate to you on that you know in college and stuff like if i was trying to get to know people you know i'd be like i'll wait till you see me party and then you'll know me and then i would just you know and then that's how i'd make my friends i totally relate on that and the chugging thing and like props to you for also your name being tank i think that's awesome that is very cool you sound like a beast.
Starting point is 00:30:10 I think you've shown her that you are a fucking man, you know, because you chugged Bud Diesels or whatever you're chugging in front of her. So she's like, okay, he's a man. But I think she's looking for that extra thing. You want a combo of things to impress her with. You can chug. That's a major quality that I think is very admirable that will win over the ladies, but you need something else to lock in that wooing. So maybe just like show her that you know how to make sushi or some shit. Hey, Chad and JT, my name is JT. What up,
Starting point is 00:30:38 dude? I'm from Texas. So JT, I'm a big fan. I hope that you consider this question with the highest regards. My issue occurred a couple of days ago when the girlfriend took me to a steakhouse that didn't have any steaks bigger than 10 ounces, and this really ruined my stoke levels, and I haven't been able to regain that level of stoke. And with it going on for six days now, I'm starting to worry that I may never regain my stoke. And I would appreciate any help from the two guys
Starting point is 00:30:58 who maintain solid stoke levels no matter the situation. Thanks. JT from Texas. I'd say break up. I hear where Chad's coming from dude I think I would just talk to her one-on-one and be like hey something happened that really hurt me and if she can understand why you're hurt if she can have that kind of empathy to really see how much steak means to you and she can meet you on your level well then i think she's a keeper it's not the mistakes people make it's how they rebound from the mistakes that lets us know if
Starting point is 00:31:30 they belong in our lives great call i uh i think i i see your point there and i think i hard i rush to judgment too quickly sometimes you know because like ketosis i'm in ketosis and it feels like you know when you're in this state you want to just like cutosis, I'm in ketosis and it feels like, you know, when you're in this state, you want to just like cut people out of your life that eat carbs. Or even if people are like, hey, you want a snack and they give you like a fruit roll up, you're just like, are you fucking what? But then you just got to think people are all, you know, it's people, they don't know your situation. Right. They don't know what you want at that moment.
Starting point is 00:32:08 They can't read your mind. They don't know that you're in ketosis unless you have like a golden aura around you. But it's their path, their journey, their truth. Maybe everyone's different. I don't know. It's tough. This next one's from Jacob. I'm going to start condensing down some of the questions. Sorry to disrespect your guys' beautiful diction.
Starting point is 00:32:30 Jacob says that we're wrong about bandanas. He says, bandanas can only be rocked by a few, but they can be rocked, all caps, exclamation point. He says he digs us, but he wants us to stop the hate and open the gates, bros. That was part one. His sitch is, I have a problem with always overthinking any decisions. What can a brother do to decrease his overthinking?
Starting point is 00:32:56 The name's Jacob, but you can call me Bandana. Dude, I respect the way you stood up for bandanas, and of course there's moments where the bandana can work. I've just seen it misappropriated by a lot of douches but i look forward to the day that i meet a bandana wearer who can change my beliefs and you might be that guy jacob but the truth is i got to see you in person with the bandana before i can make that call but i'm open to it beautifully said dude i think the problem with the danas is that like dudes who rock danas they're always on two sides too aggro too soft
Starting point is 00:33:33 and i want to meet a dude in the middle who can rock it and just being a solid dude and i think you can be the guy that will make that happen. What was the other question about overthinking stuff? Yeah, so his main question was he has a problem with overthinking his decisions. I've put people in my life who make the choices I can't make. You know what I mean? Chad has really strong initiative and very clear goals. And you're better at not letting the obstacles in your head get in the way of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:34:16 You know what I mean? Thank you. And so I'm like, sometimes there's things where I'm like, I start thinking about it too much and I'm like, just trust Chad. You know what I mean? Chad knows what he's doing. He'll make the right call. So if you can like alliance up with people and like my girlfriend's similar to like, there's stuff that I fret about and she's like, no, this is just what we're doing. I'm like, all right, cool. You know what I mean. And then I just wouldn't worry about overthinking because thinking about how you're overthinking, it's all part of the same thing. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:52 You're trying to beat yourself. You can't beat yourself. You just kind of got to live with yourself. And you'll learn that the thinking doesn't really help with much of any of it. That's a good point because I think it's a good – like with you and I, it's a good combo because i sort of get impatient and i'm just like we need to go go go and then you're like wait let's think about this and you're like yeah we should have thought about so it's a good combo right um so i think yeah i think if you can find that happy medium because i'm sort of just like you know know, I probably don't think enough.
Starting point is 00:35:26 I'm just like, ah, it sounds good. Or we're thinking on different tracks. You know what I mean? Like I'm thinking about all the things that could go wrong. You're like thinking about all the things that could go right. Yeah. And there's like- The happy medium.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Exactly. It's like the golden road. Yeah. It's like the rainbow road on Mario Kart. Other thing, I don't know anybody who's an overthinker who's into bandanas. I had a life coach one time who was like i was like do you ever get over the shame because we were both sex addicts i was like
Starting point is 00:35:48 do you ever get over the shame of like some like the gross stuff we did or whatever and he was like yeah i've learned to get past it but then i saw he had like a fedora on his desk and i was like this guy doesn't know anything about shame i have a bro that's super true to existence and the most trusted comrade ever but every time i'm with him there's shrinkage in stoke levels I'm conflicted because he is treating me right as compadre but I can't keep holding back the stoke what should I do Josh
Starting point is 00:36:14 it's one of the realest questions we've ever gotten what do you do when you love your friend so much but you feel like their unhappiness is starting to affect you? Don't let it. Is that possible?
Starting point is 00:36:36 I feel like sometimes you can't help it. If someone's in your orbit. It is hard. It is hard. I would say, uh, Hey, take some space, take some space from the dude,
Starting point is 00:36:51 recenter your chi, you know, main thing is you, you can decide if you're in a good mood or not. You can decide, um, if you're going to eat Omega threes today or not, you can decide that you're in control of yourself and yeah being around uh
Starting point is 00:37:07 being around negative energy sucks you dry but um it's hard to tell someone to like be happier it's impossible so that takes some space maybe but just also try to lead by example bro i'm in a deep state of despair. Deep, deep despair. My girlfriend and I've been with for four months. It's been going super well, except for the last couple of weeks. She implied I have a small dong,
Starting point is 00:37:35 broke a promise that she made to me, and is tweeting about how she's turned on by other dudes. I'm super not stoked. This was the baddie that I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and now I'm not so sure. I need some advice, bros. Am I looking into it too deep? Need you guys, Ben. I don't like her. Yeah, man. I think you got to ask her, why are you doing these things?
Starting point is 00:37:58 Like you're not being too sensitive or looking into it too deep. Like each one of those things individually hurts. And then when you look at them collectively, it's a big deal. I'd ask her, why is she doing things that she must know would hurt anybody? Is she unhappy in the relationship? Is that why you're doing this? Am I giving you too much love and you're feeling smothered? Am I giving you too much love And you're feeling smothered Or have you been hurt before And you're kind of self-sabotaging the relationship Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:33 I would agree I would sort of try and figure out what's going on with her That's causing her to do those things And if it persists I know you're saying that you thought this was the one but i think there are a lot of ones out there so i think you'll find a one that treats you right again with the negative energy you don't want someone putting negative energy on you you know i'm a huge proponent of just like
Starting point is 00:39:00 being the best dude you can be and just keep elevating yourself so that when the right person does come along that's going to treat you right you're going to know for sure that it's right instead of trying to hang on to someone that you thought was right but then over time you'll be like you know they weren't right and i'm now i'm a better dude and uh it's awesome and dude if you do have a small dong um it's not the end of the world but we all have to like adjust to to what our strengths and limitations are so like i don't have the biggest dong you know i think it's solid but it's not the biggest it's not the hardest sometimes so you know i'm not afraid of toys i'm not afraid of going down on a girl for as long as it takes to get the job done. You know, I'm not afraid of talking dirty. There's other things you can do to kind of raise the tide and bring all those boats up. So, you know, don't be hard on yourself. It's fine. but if you got a small dong just uh boost those other attributes good call yo last question yo i'm ethan and i'm from slc utah my freshman year of high
Starting point is 00:40:14 school i was a really small kid probably five foot and 100 pounds that's that's what size i was i'm 5 8 and 130 pounds now that's rock solid you can graduate at that at that size i had no respect and got made fun of a lot and my stoke tank completely drained all the girls thought i was a joke i went to a different school my sophomore year and i sort of went through the same thing i'm starting my junior year in a few weeks and i want to go back to my old school how do i assert my dominance and refill my stoke tanks the amount of complete loser next year and how do i show the girls i'm not a joke yeah he's so horny you're so horny yeah you're so horny dude yeah that's what's coming through in this message and i miss that a lot of times with these dudes how horny it is in high
Starting point is 00:40:52 school i used to hang out with these girls they would come over to my house and we just have a great time and then at some point they'd be like hey do you mind if i invite over like my friend tala and i'd be like yeah bring him over he's a great guy because i didn't want to like say no to anyone tala would come over sleep with them then I'd drive the girls home in the morning and we'd just have a nice drive and listen to Disney songs and they were like, JT, you're the nicest and I'd just stare out the window
Starting point is 00:41:12 and think, man, I am horny. I am horny. Dude, you are horny. I'm a horny, horny guy. All right, guys, time for our movie quote of the week. Okay for our movie quote of the week okay my movie quote of the week is from the movie the choice it's a nicholas sparks movie famous for the uh the notebook and dear john and safe haven and all these uh you know very schmaltzy but but romantic movies that i just get taken with because i like i like big romantic movies. And in the movie, The Choice, this like
Starting point is 00:41:45 cocky veterinarian is trying to woo this doctor and they both really get on each other's nerves. But you know, that's why they have such a spark. And finally, at one point, they just get too close and it's time for something to happen. And they're in the kitchen. He goes, why don't you let me flirt with you? And she goes, because if I let you, because if I made it easy, then you wouldn't flirt. And then she's like, oh no, I've said too much. And then he's like, all right, that's the green light I needed. And he starts walking towards her and she goes, what are you doing? And he goes, he starts walking towards and she goes, what are you doing? He goes, walking towards you real slow. She goes, why? He goes, because if I ran, I'd scare you. Boom, dude. And then he walks up and he just lays a smacker on her and they start kissing
Starting point is 00:42:27 and then she goes why'd you do that and he goes because you bother me come on yeah mine is from uh glengar glengar glengar glen ross that's a tongue twist um i'm about halfway through the movie so i haven't seen it all yet but there's one quote that uh stuck out to me al pacino when he goes i subscribe to the law of contrary public opinion if everyone thinks one thing then i say i bet the other way no then i say bet the other way he's amazing yeah yeah ricky roman i was just like that was that was cool i thought that was a cool thing that uh because it's just like yeah dudes think for yourselves you know especially in this day of social media and like uh you know all this stuff trying to influence you, you know, whatever, just like do what you think is right. You know, if you like for a loco drink for a loco,
Starting point is 00:43:30 if you like Ford escape hybrids, drive one, you know, make the decision for yourself. Don't let people influence your opinions and sway them because you want to go with the crowd. Going with the crowd is usually the wrong way. Look at what people said about saturated fats. Now who's laughing? Joe Rogan. Oh, and guys, there is a subreddit. An honorable stoker made a subreddit.
Starting point is 00:44:02 What's his name, Mark? I think just reddit.com slash r slash slash chat goes deep. Something like that. So if you guys want to like, or slash go and do the chat on JT. So check it out, dudes. If you want to do some redditing
Starting point is 00:44:19 on the pod, that'd be dank. So yeah, thanks dudes. Alright guys, that'll be it for episode 31 of the Go and Do the Chat on JT podcast. Thank you be dank. So, yeah, thanks, dudes. All right, guys, that'll be it for episode 31 of the Going Deep with Chad and JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for writing in your questions, for listening,
Starting point is 00:44:32 for being stokers, for staying stoked. Leave reviews so you can be review of the week, you know, leave a fire review and keep it dank. And, yeah, anything, JT?
Starting point is 00:44:43 No, thank you so much Stokers yeah love you guys later Where to go When you need someone to guide you Seems to have to go This time you're going deep Going deep Let's get deep I'm going deep Cat and Jake
Starting point is 00:45:23 Deep Go in G. God in J. G.

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