Going Deep with Chad and JT - EP 315 - The Paranormal Files

Episode Date: November 1, 2023

Today we are joined by Colin Browen, the person behind the wildly popular youtube channel called The Paranormal Files. Colin is consider a ghost hunter. He goes to haunted places and spends a night or... two there while recording all the craziness that happens. From hearing people speaking to items being thrown down stairs by spirits, Colin has witness a lot of odd energy. Hope you guys enjoy a few of his crazy stories! Find out more about Colin here:https://www.youtube.com/theparanormalfiles Grab some NEW dank merch here:shop.chadandjt.com Come see us on Tour! TIX HERE:http://www.chadandjt.com Call us, leave a 60 sec voicemail with your issue or question: 323-418-2019or write in to chadgoesdeeppodccast(at)gmail.com(Start with where you're from and name for best possible advice) Check out the reddit for some dank convo:  https://www.reddit.com/r/ChadGoesDeep Episode Sponsored by: Draft Kings: Get up to a $100 deposit match  when you deposit 5$ or moreat draftkings.com using code DEEP Helix Sleep: Get 20% off all mattress orders  +2 free pillows  HELIXSLEEP.com/godeep using code helixpartner20

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up guys happy halloween welcome to this spooky spooky episode very stoked for you guys listening it gets real you know deep into the halloween kind of stuff ghosts paranormal crazy stuff i think you guys will enjoy it uh shout out to the paranormal files what up and also we are on tour guys we have a huge show new york next week if you're in the new york area the bell house theater tickets are going fast last ticket count there you know they're they're it's almost sold out so make sure you get on that chat jt.com strider and hannah will be on that show and then we will be in minneapolis the varsity theater november 16th and then Detroit House of Comedy 17th and 18th Strider will be there and then Denver Comedy Works early December I believe the 6th or 7th uh Strider will be there for that weekend as well so
Starting point is 00:00:54 make sure you get your tickets at chadandjt.com we also have merch that's still available limited time only some people have gotten it and sent their photos in very stoked on it make sure you get your stoked gear today at shop.chat and jt.com before those items go off the market we're also brought to you by the legends at draft kings what up draft kings thank you so much for sponsoring the pod download the draft kings casino app now sign up with promo code deep d-e-e-p and new customers get a deposit match up to 100 in casino credits when you deposit five dollars or more only on draft kings casino with promo code deep we're also brought to you by the legends at helix sleep my favorite mattress business in the biz the best mattresses in the biz i mean they're highly rated by GQ Magazine. I mean, I have a Helix mattress.
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Starting point is 00:02:07 All right, let's start the show. What's real deep? Going deep. Chad and JT. Sizzle up the sausage and let's call Frank. That's okay. What's up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad Kroger coming in with the Goin' Deep with Chad JT podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'm here with my compadre, Jean-Thomas. What up? Boom, clap, Stokers. Is Frank the Sausage King of Chicago from Ferris Bueller? Frank the... Is it? I don't know. Someone's listening and they're pissed. Let's go with it.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Are we here with Colin? Is it Brown? Brown. Colin Brown. Yep. I don't know. Someone's listening and they're pissed. Let's go with it. We're here with Colin. Is it Browen? Browen. Colin Browen. Yep. Welcome to the podcast. You have your YouTube channel, The Paranormal Files. Yep.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I'm a big fan of it. Thank you. So very excited to have you on the pod. Yeah, people usually say Broen. Broen. My best friend at my wedding said to the Broens. So I'm glad you said Broen. You blew it like that said like that he blew
Starting point is 00:03:05 it how'd your fam take it they didn't say anything thankfully class one said anything my wife I'm like damn he did say that yeah that's hilarious well yeah thanks for coming on so it is spooky season you know halloween time uh yeah i found you about a year ago i went to um my girlfriend's from reno so i went to reno and i heard about virginia city and the washoe club which is like one of the most haunted places in america and i was like searching on youtube and i found your video and you really you do like raw long like two hour yeah ghost like paranormal investigation videos some people say it's too long but i mean for our stuff the history is super important so that's
Starting point is 00:03:54 why we always have like really long tours yeah and i've got a story about the washoe club that's interesting yeah uh we got basically they don't allow you to ouija board in there which i didn't know at the time that we filmed our investigation and i woke up the next day i'm like we left the ouija board god damn it so the next day we called and the owner actually took our ouija board and threw it in the trash right yeah and i I'm like, this is a 1970s vintage Ouija board that we want to use because it has this historical relevancy with what's written on the back of it. It's got pentagrams and stuff from the family before. So I had to go in and tell them, I need this board back.
Starting point is 00:04:37 But she told me, it's in the trash. So we had to go back out to the backside of the Washoe Club and actually get the damn Ouija board out of the trash bin that's how afraid of of ouijas and stuff they are i mean i'm really not but and what's the origin of ouija boards well i mean it started actually in baltimore maryland i can't remember the year but that's where they got the name ouija and that's where elijah fold is buried we're actually right now doing a whole documentary on Ouija boards. We did nine sessions at some of the most haunted places in America. And I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:14 I mean, people think that it's evil to do a Ouija board because of The Exorcist. If you've seen, obviously. I just watched it. Yeah, and that's where that fear comes from. I don't personally feel like it's that evil, but we've had some really just weird experiences with them that are like I don't want to believe in them, but then you have that one time where you're like, shit, maybe there is something to it because it's weird.
Starting point is 00:05:42 What's the craziest experience you've had with one? Well, I'm from South Dakota originally originally and i live in houston now but back when i was in my house there's a whole story about my house being haunted that's how i got into this we were doing a ouija board and it spelled out this weird word and i'm like i have no idea what this is. My friends had no idea. We looked it up. It was Lakota Sioux for warrior. And I'm from Sioux Falls. So we're like, okay, that's strange. So we asked this thing to blow out the candle. And right in front of us, the candle goes and snips out.
Starting point is 00:06:17 And I'm not filming this. This is back when I was just doing it for fun. And later that night, I'm sitting in my bedroom. And I have the lamp next to my bed and it's like three in the morning i'm on my phone and the lamp turns off yeah i'm like oh shit the the bulb must have blown or something you know and i looked down and the actual plug in the wall had been yanked out of the wall wow yeah it was like three or four feet from the actual socket so i'm like that's pretty weird yeah i wanted to like
Starting point is 00:06:47 ask my mom to come sleep with me but i was 20 at the time so i'm like probably shouldn't probably shouldn't be doing that i get that yeah it's there's some weird i mean we've done like blood rituals with ouija boards like some really crazy trying to push the limit stuff i've never felt anything super evil but i'm sure there are going to be people that watch this and say that i'm a fucking idiot you know for doing that what does that entail well the thing is people think that doing a ouija opens up the portal if you want to call it that you're just allowing any spirit to come through which i do think is possible but that's more like intent if you're asking for anything to come through it's the think is possible but that's more like intent if you're asking for
Starting point is 00:07:26 anything to come through it's the same as using a ouija board or a different communication tool and i've never had anything evil i know people that have who like almost committed suicide and like i've talked to a lot of different people that have gotten actually like black eyes and like white eyes just some weird weird so it's always creepy doing the ouija but yeah i've never just the the plug pulled out of my wall was the weird weird thing do you ever get scared like where you're like where you're like oh no i just pissed off like the wrong spirit yeah yeah definitely yeah we we have done i mean we've done probably 400 investigations now and usually they're not dark but we choose kind of darker places to visit even recently just this weekend we filmed at the nevada state prison which is a huge i mean they
Starting point is 00:08:20 had so many inmates there and i think it was 46 almost 50 executions and i don't know why this is a trend lately but everyone that i've talked to in the paranormal keeps saying that the energy is changing like stuff is getting darker at these locations i don't know if it's because people are more interested in it but when we're there they said, this place, you will have a good time. Like there's nothing bad here necessarily. They opened the damn death chamber door for us with the actual, they have the bed from the lethal injections and the pillow. It's all original. And the moment they opened that up, they said, okay, guys, there's actually something evil here tonight. So you have to be careful.
Starting point is 00:09:04 guys there's actually something evil here tonight so you have to be careful and for the first time that i've really had in years i couldn't remember about 40 45 minutes of what happened to us really yeah and i've i've never had that i actually had this like really weird experience where one of the people that was with us offered to ground me like if you know what that is with energy like connect yourself to the earth and kind of like cleanse right and while she was doing this i saw like this flash and it looked like nosferatu mixed with marilyn manson if you can kind of like picture that you're looking like a creepy ass face yeah and it would not go away and then later that night i saw it in a dream too yeah and so i was thinking is that something
Starting point is 00:09:45 from the prison is it you know i i i never really know i don't claim to know exactly what the fuck is going on with any of this but yeah we've we've done a lot of weird stuff like that so is the prison is it still uh is it abandoned or is it yeah okay so they have the actual nevada state prison next door still okay so you can't like fly the drone too high or anything and they said if you hear noises it might be an inmate that broke out of the other place i'm like holy shit it's kind of creepy so do you have like a overall theory on what ghosts remain like is it more likely to have a ghost in a place where brutal stuff like lethal injection happen or is it just as likely that it could happen at a more positive or happy kind of ending place well i have a lot of theories on all this
Starting point is 00:10:39 but obviously i think brutal like murders and deaths they have just such an energy output that that stains the area so much more than like you know old age or house yeah you die in your sleep it's not really that traumatic or shocking but we've done places that are like theaters stuff with no death we just did a high school recently where no one died but it's extremely haunted so like the energy that people are putting out into these buildings for like decades that right because high school can be traumatic so it could be from like bullying or alienation and stuff like that that remains in the the fabric of the building yeah i did my first video ever was at my high school in south dak. And it was super haunted to the point where like the high school newspaper invited me out to do a ghost hunt because I was living in a haunted
Starting point is 00:11:30 house at the time. So I was like, okay, sure, I'll come out. And we had like voices coming from the other room banging. And I started digging deeper. And through the principal at the time, I actually found a bunch of janitors who had quit the job because they had seen things in my high school. And I'm like, how have I never even heard of this? So we made a documentary out of it. And it made me think, what the hell causes something to be, it was in the basement area, like my school was lifted. So there was a huge kind of like catacomb basement under the whole school and people had seen a guy floating down there with no legs like we heard this man's voice saying grito like echoing like what causes
Starting point is 00:12:13 that yeah and so but i don't know that's what i'm i think to answer your question negative stuff definitely comes from like murders and genocide you know shit like that and that's gonna boost the ghost count yeah there's uh prisons too prisons i mean we have executions you have murders suicides just terrible energy that's there all the time i think that's why it's it's freaky to some people but i love it yeah i i heard rogan joe rogan talking, he had a theory on ghosts that it was like the idea that time is like flat. That time doesn't exist. It's like on a flat plane or something. And so it's like we're witnessing sort of energy imprints that are just on repeat.
Starting point is 00:12:59 Stuff like that. I feel like that too. Because sometimes we'll get these answers that make sense, but I don't feel like it's conscious and saying it to us. I feel like we're just tapping into something that's there, like you're saying. Which is, it's called the stone tape theory. The energy just imprints on the materials that a building is built out of. But, I don't know, we've also had very intelligent stuff that's like called out my family it's called out my dad my wife like directly with names and things that i wouldn't know that you can't like
Starting point is 00:13:32 program into our devices where i'm like whatever this is like knows something how are you communicating with it we have lots of devices we have you know like audio recorders where you get voices um we use different like uh spirit boxes that scan through radio frequencies rem pods which i love which are just it's like emf meter almost if you know what that is like electromagnetic frequency but it kicks out a little circle and if you actually interrupt that circle right there it sets off one of the alarms depending on how close you are to the device and i've tested those things out and i'm like if there's something setting that off it's actually setting it off right whether it's some energy or it's like i don't know if it's a ghost that's like touching it you know it's it's just weird there's so many
Starting point is 00:14:22 things that you can use like even dowsing rods I used to use a lot, which people will shit on, but they're really interesting. Why do people shit on them? I mean, you can use a dowsing rod. Is there a ghost here? You can just turn your hand and cross the X. It's really easy to manipulate. There's a little bit of user error built into the devices.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So were you clairvoyant growing up? No. I just, it's really strange. One of my earliest experiences, I went to a psychic in South Dakota. And this is what really started my journey into feeling like this is really real. My dad, right? So his sister died when I was young, my aunt. And so I went to the psychic who was a family
Starting point is 00:15:07 friend of ours and she drew out this big thing on a piece of paper it was a crown the letter j like a bunch of weird stuff and i'm like that really doesn't mean that much to me like my aunt's name was janie but i didn't really know her that well because she died when I was young. I brought it home to my dad. He breaks down crying, like sobbing. And I'm like, what's happening? He brings out a notebook from 10, 12 years ago. He brings out the actual piece of paper that he's talking about. She drew exactly what he had drawn on that notebook like decades ago.
Starting point is 00:15:45 And it was him dealing with the grief of his sister, like her passing and how he was having these visions of like this crown that was jumping up and down on a balcony. He was seeing this and the psychic who obviously has no idea that he saw this or, you know, wrote it down on an actual journal. She told me that and she saw that around me. So I don't know. That was one of the things that really convinced me there might be something out there. And then, yeah, living in the haunted house was like, whoa. Yeah, you lived in a haunted house.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Yeah, my family actually built this house. So it was like brand new ground. No one ever lived there. First day that we were actually moving in, sister who's younger than me my family's like moving boxes into the house my mom and dad are like let's go get some more from the other house so i'm like okay i'll come with you guys leave my sister there 10-15 minutes later when we get back my sister's actually taking the screen door off the the window the whatever you call it, the window screen. And she's trying to get out of the house because she said she heard men in the kitchen banging on the closets and like moving plates around and talking.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And we're all like, what the hell? Yeah. There's nobody here. And that was the first day that we moved in. And from that point on, it was like poltergeist like a horror movie where the tvs would come on i thought i heard my mom's voice in the kitchen one night and she wasn't awake at the time right like stuff like that that kept getting worse and then that same psychic actually just sought out my family randomly in the middle of this and she
Starting point is 00:17:22 told us that she felt there were two male energies in the house we're like no one's died here this is built on like a random hill in south dakota so my mom and i go to the courthouse we actually found the actual um birth and death records of the pioneer family that lived there the mother and daughter had birth and death records the father and son had birth records no death burial records nothing so the historian said they're probably buried somewhere on your guys's land and i'm like this is like fucking like my mind was blown and it made sense because whatever was in there was like really angry dude yeah and i had friends that would not stay the night with me i got a nickname ghost boy in high school because i would always tell people like dude you won't believe what's happening they're like no i really
Starting point is 00:18:13 don't believe you like you know but it was wild we had the house cleansed right we had this whole thing we had three psychics they were wearing these big fur coats it looked like kind of like coven like american horror story walking through the house doing this cleansing so on my birthday Three psychics, they were wearing these big fur coats. It looked kind of like Coven, like American Horror Story, walking through the house doing this cleansing. This was on my birthday in 2014. That night, I had people over for my birthday. We heard this huge bang on the windows of the house. It shook the whole house.
Starting point is 00:18:38 My parents thought we broke something. I was in high school at the time. They're like, no, what the fuck was that? The next day for my birthday lunch, we go to my favorite restaurant in South Dakota. Who's there? The three psychics are there eating lunch randomly in the restaurant. And they come up to us when we see them and say, did you guys have a bang on your window around three or 4am? I'm like, yeah, we did. And they said that was the energy leaving the home which worked for a little bit but then it came back and uh that's why i'm like i don't know if i believe fully in like cleansings because if something's there i don't know if you can tell it to leave it's gonna it's
Starting point is 00:19:17 gonna be there right like some spooky ass shit man that's wild yeah i uh that is crazy because you always assume with that if you have a new house you're like there's nothing going on here but i guess it depends on like the land you don't know what's like because like my girlfriend's talking about yeah she like lives in reno near like an indian burial ground so i think they're good yeah so i think i don't think you want to do that that's that can create some bad situations kind of like the most typical horror movie thing this house was built on an indian burial mound yeah it's like okay fuck don't rent there i guess so what's the safest place to build a property i don't know that's what i'm saying like it could go you never know
Starting point is 00:20:03 no the hill that we built the house on was just a damn hill of dirt. Well, yeah. Cause I guess into it, like if you go far back enough, I'm sure there's death on almost every inch of the earth. So is there any kind of like expiration date on the energy? Like if it happened 3000 years ago,
Starting point is 00:20:20 can it still be like, I guess, how does the energy resolve itself? I, you know, that's a question that i have myself there's a lot of questions i have but like let's say you know we have people that will comment on our stuff like why don't you ghost hunt for cavemen i'm like well how the hell would we ghost hunt for a caveman like they don't speak english right you have to have some kind of like make some fucking grunts and shit like that just ain't gonna work there has to be some kind of cultural connectivity to the yeah
Starting point is 00:20:49 to the to the way they live their lives while they were here yeah i mean i'm sure that there is energy around from stuff like that i mean even ghost animals we've interviewed tons of people that have seen ghost cats i've heard a ghost dog barking in a jail in texas like the owners said there was a ghost dog and middle of the night huge a man in jail we hear from the room next door to us on the i think it was the third or fourth floor i'm like that's not outside like you can clearly tell if you do this long enough when something's coming from the exterior of a building through boarded up windows and shit or it's like right next to you right and i'm like there's a there's a ghost dog in here man i should have brought a treat or something so you mentioned that when some people were opening the portals with the
Starting point is 00:21:34 ouija boards that they got physically impacted like they had black eyes white what's white eyes like just completely whited out like a zombie movie no pupil no and that happened to the to the human recipient not to the that wasn't part of the ghost face that was part of the human the human whoa that's fucked up but so what how far can that go in terms of like can a ghost kill you i've wondered that i mean the theory is when you come to like negative energies it's like i mean i don't personally believe in demonic stuff i'm just like i kind of steer away from that whole bringing religion into doing what i do because it's like philosophically you apply less morality to the to the extra to
Starting point is 00:22:19 the supernatural i just want to like see the evidence i don't want to tell people like what the hell you're experiencing i just want to like see the. I don't want to tell people what the hell you're experiencing. I just want to see the damn door slam shut and hopefully see a ghost. But that's what people say. This energy can affect you and it comes into your body. It'll give you a heart attack or it can give you bad luck. I've definitely had a lot of bad luck. And Connor, who's the guy who films with me, he has a lot of bad luck and connor who's the guy who films with me he uh he has a lot of bad luck we actually both have unlucky tattooed on us because we have just like weird not i'm not talking like oh i went to
Starting point is 00:22:53 the casino and lost a grand damn i'm talking like somebody out of nowhere t-bones my parked car when i'm not even in the car you know just like weird shit like that so i don't know if that's related to what we do but it is it is odd do you worry about things like attaching to you and that's creating the bad luck yeah is there a way to like because you say you don't really believe in like cleansing and stuff do you like to sage or anything like that try and like i purify yourself i believe in cleansing to a degree yeah just like it's not i mean people are gonna hate me for saying it but i just i feel like it doesn't work a lot of times yeah based on what we've done before and like i've had shots fired well i've had definitely like energies attached to me you know but they do these cleansings and then it like doesn't work like
Starting point is 00:23:44 my house i told you the whole thing about the psychics coming right yeah a couple months afterwards my dad is in the house i'm in college in texas at the time he calls me at 3 a.m and he said he he heard somebody run from like my bedroom area all the way to my parents bedroom which is like a good 30 feet like a big distance open kitchen and he pulled a gun out and was walking around the house um thinking someone broke in right and no one was there obviously you've got a tattoo of a gun on you right yeah yeah i do what kind of gun is that glock glock glock 40 yeah nice 17 round magazine or 11 i'm gonna going to go 17. Let's go all out, man. Before like 2009.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So you got a girlfriend. How quick into dating did you bring up all your passion and your career to her? Well, it was immediately. Because it's funny because her parents are very religious. They have a very big background in religion, so that had to be something that I brought up to explain to them, your son-in-law is going to be hunting demons on the weekends. So there has to be some sort of agreement here. And luckily, they love it.
Starting point is 00:25:04 And like I said, Connor is literally my brother-in-law. So his parents, like his uncles and aunts, watch our videos. It's just a funny thing with us. But it was definitely weird. But luckily enough, she ended up being a huge true crime fan. That's why we started our podcast. So it's like ghosts and true crime are somewhat similar morbid curiosities yeah so it worked out for the best i think and it was she did she believe in ghosts prior to meeting you
Starting point is 00:25:32 or did you kind of like what was the kind of uh uh ideological differences there i think she hadn't really ever thought of them you know like she'd never gone out for an experience or like tried to ghost hunt but then we went on a few and she definitely started believing which was weird we actually this is funny we went to an abandoned nursing home in texas i took her there on like a date which is really bizarre to say yeah we went and i like knew this spot. It was super dope. And we went in and they had these like big bed rails, like, you know, like on the side of a bed and they were just in the trash outside. I'm like, these things are dope. Like, let's hang one up in our apartment.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Obviously, they're rotting like no one cares about them. We brought that thing home. And ironically, a couple days later, I came to L.A. and she calls me about 10 p.m. and says the bed frame flew off the wall like five, six feet to the ground when she was in bed. Really? Yes, and that was her first kind of big paranormal thing. And I'm like, that's a little scary shit.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Like, I'm sorry to do that to you, but it ended up getting so weird in our own apartment that one day, and I don't know how to explain this. I mean, this could be like a crazy homeless person outside of our apartment but we came home from grocery shopping and all of our furniture on our patio was flipped upside down like the table itself was not on its side it was a circular table it was actually completely like legs up and i'm like that's a little freaky so we ended up going and uh bringing the bed rail back to the nursing home and leaving it there and saying i'm sorry if like you didn't want us to take this but yeah that kind of convinced her that there's something there's something there
Starting point is 00:27:17 because yeah yeah so do you think like energies can attach to objects and that's a real thing so yeah uh i've been watching annabelle do you like the conjuring french oh yeah yeah we're going to the conjuring house in december have you been there before yeah i went in uh 2020 and i mean i love the story of the house yeah out of all the places that we've been i didn't really feel anything too extreme and once again that's going to be controversial because i know people claim that that's like the most evil house in america but there's other places that we've been where like it's evil yeah a select couple places that are like scare me what's the most evil place i'd say one of them's got to be Sally House.
Starting point is 00:28:06 Have you ever heard of that place? It's in Kansas. And it's interesting because the story of the house is that this young girl named Sally, it used to be a doctor's house, and she was brought in, and the doctor was doing an operation on her, and he somehow messed it up, and this young girl died in the house. Well, I, doing research research interviewed people in the town and this is confirmed the mayor of that a little closer to the mic oh yeah of course the mayor from that town actually invented the story like back in the i want to say 60s or 70s
Starting point is 00:28:39 so sally was not real she never died in the. And yet this house is like the most evil, like the most dark, like just like bad feeling house that I've ever been to. Right. Could it be the guy who made up the story? Is that his ghost that's still there because of his like dishonesty? I mean, the thing is though,
Starting point is 00:29:01 people, there's a couple of the Pickmans who lived there in the nineties, and the husband actually had these visions, and he felt like he was being compelled to murder his wife in the house. And people were getting scratched. Stuff was being thrown around. It was documented by multiple people that this place was evil, but no one knows exactly where the hell this came from. But I filmed there three times. We actually just filmed there three times we actually just filmed there a couple weeks ago we had three different balls come flying down the stairs
Starting point is 00:29:29 like balls yeah we have a security camera that are like a static camera that sits on them and you can see that they're not towards the edge of the stair but you can see something like push them off right when we're in the other room making this contact with this thing wow so it's physical is ball a term no i'm talking like a bouncy ball right ping pong ball that all came down the stairs yeah all three of them whoa in about 20 minutes and this is a quiet street like there's no vibrations no train tracks nearby do you think weird if there was like a mass killing in like a war area like let's say like uh somalia or something if you went there would the ghosts that inhabited that place be more aggressive towards you because you're from the country that inflicted the damage probably yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:30:19 we did uh so nationalism can extend into the death realm. I think so. Interesting. I think that there's certain energies out there. I mean, you've got to think about it. Let's say you're being tortured by somebody, like a specific group of people. If a person from that group of people comes in and you're a spirit and you are conscious, I don't know if you're actually conscious or not, but are you going to be more uh willing to lash out against right somebody who hurt you in
Starting point is 00:30:50 the past or just a random individual and i've heard a lot of stories about people like they always say at places women do not go into this part of the prison because this is where the rapists were but women will go in they'll get choked they'll get spanked like just weird shit like that. Whoa. So it means like there is a consciousness, but it's like selective. A lot to unpack there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Yeah, there is. You got to keep some distance, really. That wasn't me. Right. I wasn't going to. It's a little bit like I want to be bad. Yeah. Oh, I had a question. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Shit. I forgot my question. Sorry.. Shit. I forgot my question. Sorry. Wait for the ghost to hit you. Yeah. Got to use the Ouija board, I guess. Spell out the question. I guess, like, do you think are non-believers less prone?
Starting point is 00:31:42 Like, do ghosts kind of stay away from them? Or do people just interpret what the ghost does as not being from the ghost is that the difference i think that it's yeah i think that people experience paranormal stuff all the time but if you're closed off to it you're not going to like recognize that it's happening yeah and there are extreme things that happen like the stuff like we've been scratched we've seen stuff physically move right in front of us that's like you see that you can't explain it but you could be just tuned out from the signs and they're there and you're just willfully ignoring that they're there and they're trying
Starting point is 00:32:16 to speak if you know what i'm saying when you've been scratched have you been worried about getting possessed or anything like that no i, I've actually asked, like, we've gone to like really evil places and I've said like, if there's a demon here, please like possess me. Like I would love it. Yeah. I'd love to like show people like this is real.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah. And yet it's never happened, you know, which I'm not discounting anybody who's out there who may have had an experience or, you know, an encounter with possession. Yeah. But is there any vanity in you? Like I got a robust spirit and that's why they can't get in this house. who's out there who may have had an experience or you know an encounter with possession yeah but
Starting point is 00:32:45 is there any vanity in you like i got a robust spirit and that's why they can't get in this house no okay she's blocking the draw yeah i've learned i've learned that i've learned from the conjuring movies that the demons prey on the weak so you may just be too that's what i'm thinking yeah yeah it's like you're kind of like inviting it's like well I'm not gonna be able to like really control you you know what I mean I like that yeah that's like it I don't know like an affirmation yeah it's kind of the deepest comment you can get as a human yes is that your soul is incorruptible by spirits I did not expect to hear that tonight I do the demon comes out
Starting point is 00:33:25 he's like dude it's too much work yeah tonight's the night i'm getting possessed just because y'all are saying this he's like waiting for me to say something oh i i knew i was gonna ask okay so my brother lives in new orleans and uh i always pass by lindy boggs medical oh yeah which is a hospital in new orleans i was abandoned during katrina time I drive by, it's the creepiest looking place I've ever seen. Maybe Charity Hospital is more creepy. That's another hospital that was abandoned. Just, like, no one's, well, people have been in there, but, like. Hospitals seem like they'd be the worst.
Starting point is 00:33:57 Yeah, since Katrina. Charity is, like, one of the oldest hospitals in the country. Abandoned. I think they're re-renovating it or something. But I saw you went into Lindy Boggs you spent a night there which blew my mind because it just driving by there I'm like that is the scariest looking place I've ever seen well that's you know nowadays we don't really do full abandoned spots just
Starting point is 00:34:21 because of how dangerous they can be but when we went there there were like people doing drugs in the building that we went there there were like people doing drugs in the building that we like dangerous just on like an infrastructure level not only that but like people too yeah like the other place actually ironically that we filmed that in new orleans was the market street power plant which my friends told me that this is like a super haunted place i'm like it's huge so we went and there was like a homeless guy walking outside and i went and just asked the guy hey if you like live here do you have any ghost stories he's he tells me yeah there's this place hella haunted you want a tour so we got a tour from this guy who lived in the building and there was like 40 50 people living
Starting point is 00:35:00 inside this power plant with like tents set up and power that they were actually stealing from the building still yeah it's crazy yeah and a couple weeks after he filmed that video it's it's eerie a kid was exploring that building he fell like 50 60 feet and he died off on he one of the planks that we were walking on in our video snapped when he was on it oh he fell from like the top I think it's seven, six or seven stories. Oh, Christ. So yeah, that's, you don't want to think about that
Starting point is 00:35:30 when you're trying to like contact something, you know? Yeah. Sorry to bring the vibe down. No, no. It's what happens. I love the spookiness. No, I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 00:35:41 But when we talked before the pod, so you guys have been going nonstop, right? What is this, like your 10th night in a row that you guys have been doing a hunt? And so a hunt is all night. Like you guys go, like what are the hours on it? Well, we do drone shots at about four and then we don't wrap until three. So it's almost 12 hours of just straight filming you know and then you got to interview people and some people will spend two nights at a location but
Starting point is 00:36:10 we only do one just because we have to fit so much into the schedule and you're just on the road you're just going place to place yeah like a one night you'll be doing a prison and then a high school and then a hotel which is what we we did this trip, or a demon house. And the energy definitely, I feel, gets to you when you put yourself out there so much and you surround yourself with especially bad energy. You get really tired and angry. It might just be because we're staying up so late.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah, it could just be the brutal work schedule. Yeah, it is. It is. But it's fun, you know. What hotel did you go to? We were at the mizpah and then the clown motel okay yesterday what's the sorry go ahead oh i i was wondering if you have you been to the was it in downtown where that that uh woman drowned in the oh the cecil
Starting point is 00:36:58 the cecil i would kill to go very famous right like that's the one that everyone there's video right of like someone climbing into it and the lid coming off. But no one messed with the lid or something like that? Still unsolved. Exactly what happened to Liza Lamb. But our friend actually, who we're going to see tomorrow, he filmed there. How much did he pay? $10,000?
Starting point is 00:37:19 Yeah, it was $10,000. Wow. $10,000 just for like, I think it was an hour inside the building. Really? I'm like, i don't have that cash what's the competition like with the other ghost hunters good we're friends i mean the whole community is yeah i mean we're on this trip just seeing a bunch of our friends it's like there's nothing there's no bad beef between anybody yeah and without getting too much into
Starting point is 00:37:41 yeah that but like do you ever see ghost hunters who are amplifying their findings and you know from your like educated experience that that's bs yeah definitely i mean the reality of ghost hunting is you're not gonna have an experience every single night and like there are you know certain people that i've seen like or read books from or like posted videos that every single time they're filming, they've got five doors slamming. They're getting shoved to the ground by demons, stuff like that. I'm like, it's just unrealistic. No one's got a hot hand like that. No.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Come on. We're fucking lucky if we get one little thing happening. We're like, oh my God god like freaking out jumping around the room and then i watch you know i've seen other shit and people are like five doors slam in one hallway they're like dude this is crazy i'm like there's no way man you'd be like fucking shit in your pants if you actually do this yeah that's why i like your videos because it's you know it's it's it's like raw it's like it's it's the full experience whereas i i've watched you know know, because I'll like, we go to the comedy store a lot, which is like pretty notoriously haunted.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Haunted. And so I'll like YouTube like comedy store haunting. And some will be like, they'll play it up. They'll be like, oh, dude, dude, I feel something. You know what I mean? And it takes me right out of it. But yours are very like. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:04 It's like, yeah, it's like uh yeah it's it's like it's it's just like raw i'd like to say with our videos and like investigations it's like a slow burn horror movie yeah because it's not jump scary but like the tension's there it's a feeling yeah you know something's gonna happen yeah hopefully i mean i did a video in philadelphia i paid two thousand dollars to film at at Eastern State Penitentiary. You ever heard of that place? Heard the name. It's the oldest penitentiary in America.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Like Al Capone had a private jail cell there. Like tons of history, so many deaths. And I kid you not, we had not one thing happen that entire night. I was there for seven hours. Like our REM pod didn't beep once. We didn't get one EMF signal. you not we had not one thing happened that entire night yeah i was there for seven hours like our rem pod didn't beep once we didn't get one emf signal there was no tap on the wall no shuffle i'm like god this was like the biggest waste of money right i have ever had in my life because like nothing happened but that's just you know the reality you can't expect it to happen every night
Starting point is 00:40:01 but that doesn't make you believe that there's no ghost there. That could have just been a quiet night for whatever supernatural entity exists there. I mean, like Sally House, the place I've been talking about, that place scares me. And every time we've went, we've had balls roll down the stairs or like this. That's where it said stuff about like my dad's dad and like shit. I wouldn't know about him that actually made my own dad cry while we were filming it was really really weird sounds like he's a pretty in-touch guy huh he is yeah people he he can read people you know and he was an optometrist so not ever really into ghosts before i was but now he's more in tune than i am and it's weird like some of the stuff he'll pick
Starting point is 00:40:43 up on the video we did last night, one of our devices said scruffy. And I'm like, the word has no relevance to me, but my dad's sitting there. He's like, Dad, let me call your mom. And he calls my mom. He asks her, what's the nickname I write on all the birthday and Christmas cards?
Starting point is 00:41:00 She says, scruffy. How weird is that? I don't even know like that was when i was a kid he's very connected to whatever's out there yeah but to bring that full circle that house sally house three quarters of the people have nothing happened to them there but when we've gone it's been like so scary and it makes no sense to me like people say that place we're bullshitting like you made up everything that happened to him like no this is like a place that i don't like to go to really
Starting point is 00:41:30 but it's it's interesting can you speculate on ghost behavior like do they sleep do they party i'd hope so i would love to see like a ghost party dude dude? That would be badass. You didn't overpromise, but you remained optimistic. Yeah. Well, we did a video at the guy's house that he started Prohibition in Minnesota. His name's like Volker. I can't remember. This was a couple years ago. But we brought in bottles of liquor, and we were drinking with him saying like, Hey, man. Sorry, Prohibition's over.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like taking shots. But nothing happened that night i'm like i don't know if we like screwed ourselves because he was so pissed he just like didn't want to come talk to us or he like regrets his choice yeah like he wanted to have a drink he couldn't you know yeah no dude i'm on your side yeah i know i'm like it's yeah we do a lot of uh that's fun we'll wear costumes too like revolutionary war outfits gettysburg we did like civil war soldiers with rifles yeah this is the gettysburg one i loved that was an interesting uh yeah those it's it's funny when you go to a lot of these places how small they are if you watch like ghost adventures or big tv
Starting point is 00:42:36 shows they make it look like some of these places are like huge crazy abandoned hospitals and then you get there you're like it's like two times the size of this room right and yet it looks on tv like it's the fucking like scariest you know doorway to hell and gettysburg's like that where like i can't even stand up tall or like straight in the basement of these places because it's so you know when people were back in the day they had to build all the buildings because people were so short right right so like it's just fucking like cramped and sometimes it's hot and dusty it can be really uncomfortable sometimes did you feel an energy there oh yeah for sure i think gettysburg's like one of the most haunted places around yeah because the death and i saw this was not when i was filming but i went there back in 2016 and i swear to god i
Starting point is 00:43:23 saw this like we're driving by the battlefield at night, and I saw this, like, Madame Leota-style big orb rise out of the battlefield. It was, like, bright green, and then it disappeared. Wow. And I thought to myself, like, was I going crazy, or, like, was that headlights? But no, we were the only people on the road, like, 2 a.m.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Yeah, the only place on the road like 2 a.m yeah i i uh the only place i've been to i went to like the washoe club like a couple months ago i didn't really feel it was during the day so maybe i don't know if the day night makes a difference but the went to the world trade center the memorial that was like the first time i felt like a palpable darkness, like an energy where I was just like, it was like a heaviness where I was like, oh, actually, you could feel that heavy energy. I'm sure there would be a lot to unpack there.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Yeah. If you actually were to investigate a place like that, but I don't want to really make any comment on that. No, for sure. It jumps down to it. Yeah, sure. investigate a place like that but yeah i don't want to really make any comment on that no right for sure yeah yeah sure but i mean we we almost it's just when you have places where a lot of people die what are you afraid of what do you mean no i'm kidding oh yeah like i mean you you'll have places where a lot of people die and that's the most haunted. It's either that or really, really brutal deaths. We've done unsolved murders and gotten suspects' names on our devices.
Starting point is 00:44:53 It's crazy. How do they read what the spirits say? We have devices that will actually... You've got to imagine there's a line for the EMF level in the environment. And then if some signal enters or it picks up on something, it'll deviate. It takes that deviation value, puts it through an algorithm, and then it gives you a corresponding word or letter. Okay. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Yeah, you'll get like sentences, you can get words. And it's actually pretty crazy. People love to say, oh, it's a technological glitch when this happens. Or like and it's actually pretty crazy. People love to say, Oh, it's a technological glitch when this happens or like it's BS people program it. But like literally last night we were using one of these devices and we're in the basement of the Mizpah hotel,
Starting point is 00:45:37 which is a very famous hotel in Nevada. And the woman down there is called the lady in red Rose. And that's her nickname. And we're asking rose rose like are you here and says the name evelyn and i'm like i thought i had read and i looked it up on my phone evelyn was her real name and i'm like i'm jumping up and down screaming like what the fuck like i didn't even know that evelyn was her name we're not asking like evelyn are you here it's not listening to us.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And then repeating the words. It just came up with that. Like, I don't know. We've had a lot of weird, weird names come up and stuff. That's too relevant to be like, ah,
Starting point is 00:46:15 that's bullshit. Right. You know, do you ever like, feel like you have to like wash yourself off of, like when I watch a scary movie, I'm like, I gotta watch like cartoons after to like neutralize
Starting point is 00:46:25 do you ever do that where like i gotta go to disneyland after that palate cleanse that would be nice but no i'm just like a dark dude you seem incredibly light like you're very bouncy and light energy so uh how do you yeah how do you preserve that um drink a lot of water and beer and do you have like a morbid, were you always into like the bad stuff kind of? Yeah. It always made you feel kind of lighter. My mom was like super into Halloween when I was a kid.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So like I grew up decorating every year for Halloween, just loving like cemeteries and history. And somehow I found the perfect career path that led me to do ghost hunting full time. and yeah yeah it's it's i'm just i'm a dark dude i mean look at my arms dude i got fucking the darkest tattoos you can imagine your interests are dark but you're not dark no i'm not a dark guy just uh dark hobbies the music you listen to is the music what's what's what's going on there is it like is it ramstein no it used to be rob zombie
Starting point is 00:47:27 though right okay kind of manson and all that good director too he makes good horror movies oh yeah i'm seeing house of thousand corpses on its uh 20th anniversary this year dude i saw i saw him in concert and he was phenomenal like he was at one of those like jumbo shows where they got all sorts of different acts oh yeah and i wasn't expecting i wasn't a fan so i didn't know what to expect i was blown away he was the best performer of the night and it was a stacked lineup well my favorite band is typo negative you ever heard of them no 90s goth metal nice like very beautiful very depressing like almost like the beatles meet i don't know what the other band would be like heavy and like for my 21st birthday instead
Starting point is 00:48:06 of going out and like getting hammered i flew to new york and went to his grave the lead singer because he's dead for i mentioned that peter steel but yeah my music tastes all over the place honestly it can be like really light pop music and then my wife hates it because it'll go from like a rap song to just like the hardest metal that's like like the moment the song starts it's like turn the shit off you should go from like katie perry to mud vein pretty much yeah so do you find that people who are into that stuff tend to be lighter like what i mean yeah i think you have to be to do this if you do it constantly you can't be you know easily influenced yeah right because that is where i've definitely seen people that have investigated and like done it more frequently and i've like friends of mine i've watched them kind of like
Starting point is 00:48:56 change you know what i mean or like people i knew that even walked into a place and then at the end of the night i'm like you're just a different person right yeah which is weird and i can't explain that it's just do they change back yeah okay hopefully yeah and i don't see him the next day so i don't know yeah but you're very light too and you like the dark stuff i love all the yeah yeah i i'm i'm scared to go into to do what you do like you gotta do it yeah i don't know man i'm scared i'm scared to go and to do what you do. You got to do it. Yeah. I don't know, man. I'm scared. What I'm scared of is things attaching. Really?
Starting point is 00:49:29 Yeah, yeah. Well, you did bring home an energy one time from New Orleans, too. That's what my girlfriend said, yeah. What happened? She said that her clairvoyant co-worker was like, you brought home an energy from New Orleans, and then we saged, and I felt better. Well, that would be the city to get an energy it's
Starting point is 00:49:45 new orleans yeah well we were in the french quarter around voodoo stuff we went to like some of the old bars you know i had some grenades and some purple drinks yeah people it's funny people will say that well that makes it sound like it was just a massive hangover i mean i did have like what's the difference though too yeah yeah brought home an energy i was just like i was drinking grain alcohol for three days yeah like i might need i think the fix is some pedialyte yeah i have some sage and some pedialyte yeah maybe it'll work man yeah i've never tried sage for a hangover. Dude, I mean, you know what? I haven't either. That's a good call.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Tomorrow, I'll try. Do you have like a holy grail in terms of like the biggest, like just ghost residents that you want to investigate? I'd like to do Okigahara in Japan, the suicide forest. Oh, yeah. Just because, I mean, that's such a unique location. I mean, but it's a little. You got be careful and how you would handle someone fucked that up a very famous person fucked that up yeah and so i'm not trying to i wouldn't go you guys have the same haircut too right you have to be very careful
Starting point is 00:50:59 i mean with everything in the paranormal it's like if someone got murdered there you have to like really respect the people you're trying to talk to. And that's where some people, I feel like, go wrong because there's no respect. Yeah, when you saw Logan Paul do it, in your head were you like, oh man, come on man, that's not how you do it. Well, I mean, if you're laughing and looking at a dead body, I definitely would never post that. Somebody had to make a movie make him yeah you don't necessarily have to be an expert to be like nah dude it's like insane you know the youtuber girl who i can't remember her name but she like was a dog vlogger right and
Starting point is 00:51:38 then like posted a video and it was like a clip in the video of her like beating the shit out of her dog oh jesus yeah and it's like at the end of the video she said like see you guys later love ya and she's like petting her dog and it cuts to her like smacking the dog and spitting on it whoa like you have to either your editor like really had a vendetta or you fucked up like big time yeah you know and then if they're dumb enough to put that in a video and they don't think that's bad then what are they doing off camera that could be like unspeakable dude my buddy I tell this story a lot but my buddy was dating a girl
Starting point is 00:52:10 who's her dog had a huge Instagram account had like a million followers and the dog was like notorious for being kind of ugly or something my buddy had seen her for a while he'd go over there I guess the dog like clearly wanted to die and she was like jamming it with like uh adrenaline to steroids or something to keep it alive and then
Starting point is 00:52:30 he was over there and she's like perching it and hitting it yeah juicing it up and my buddy's like i think you just gotta let this thing die but it was like but the thing was an industry it was like you know paying for the roof so yeah it uh yeah she just was dragging it along is it still alive i don't know i think it's probably that was a couple years ago it's got to be dead by now yeah that was maybe like four years ago yeah it was a while yeah it was a while it'd be hilarious if it was still alive dog ghosts we were just talking about that dude that would be an interesting hunt man yeah bring some kibble out what's the weirdest animal you've heard has a ghost? I mean, the Griffith, I think it's the park or the zoo in Griffith Park.
Starting point is 00:53:14 You know what I'm talking about? It's abandoned. The monkeys and stuff that were there? Yeah, there's a monkey ghost. And then I think there was another famous animal that died there. But I think it's like a tiger or something that people have seen right that would fucking scare the piss out of me dude yeah i oh i saw you had one video i haven't watched it yet but it said that the titanic
Starting point is 00:53:36 was haunted how did you or what stories do you have from that well that's like i mean we were talking about objects earlier yeah i feel like obviously with the titanic so many people dying around these objects their energy imprinted on those because the titanic itself is at the bottom of the ocean it's you know completely disintegrated at this point yeah but almost every single titanic museum has like incredible ghost stories. Really? Yeah. Oh, so they have artifacts. Oh, interesting. Like old cups and, you know, plates, pieces of the actual ship, like passengers' items. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:14 But I asked the woman who was working there, just like, hey, is this place haunted? And she told me there's a demonic man on the third floor. And then like a little kid, I'm'm like where the hell's the demon coming from you know like is this a guy who's really mad that he died in the tragedy or right or what but it's every single place las vegas uh branson missouri i think there's one that's supposed to be haunted and then um i was in pigeon forge tennessee which is a weird town yeah it's a very strange town interesting cool town but and that has a titanic museum there yeah yeah the titanic one in vegas is in the luxor right yep and that's supposed to be super haunted
Starting point is 00:54:50 really yeah interesting i was i was there when i meant to go but i couldn't for some reason but um yeah that's really interesting and then uh titanic oh have you been on the queen mary too and yeah i was actually a part of an event um in 2020 before they like reopened the ship and so we had the whole place to ourselves i think there was like 20 or 30 people like in total with the crew and everything yeah and you know the stories of queen mary some of those are also fabricated like the most haunted room right not you know there's no real history there it's like a disney thing they had like sound effects installed in the room i believe something like that to make it seem haunted yeah and but people go in there like this is the most haunted
Starting point is 00:55:34 fucking room ever oh they install shit in there yeah they did back in the day hilarious oh so it's like pure contrivance yeah i mean but not nowadays uh back i think decades ago okay i think disney actually had a hand in it there was something with disney where they did like a haunted mansion type like hotel room oh interesting and it's b340 at the queen mary yeah and yeah i watch other youtubers go and it's like the scariest room ever and when i went i got way too drunk with my friend i ended up throwing up in the toilet i was like oh this is fucking scary but not really for the for the right reason man don't get drunk on a shit man it's just not not a good place and you mentioned earlier that some of your ghost hunter buddies and you have all felt that in general the energy is getting darker yeah it's really strange like every place that we filmed at
Starting point is 00:56:21 this month almost every single one has said uh this place got darker in the last couple months, which it was weird at first. But then every single place started telling this to us. And I'm like, I don't know what's changing right now. But, for example, we went to the Sally House. I keep talking about this place, but it's super interesting to me. And we brought a psychic there for the first time. And she comes in and tells us, this is the first time I've ever been afraid of this house. And it feels like really dark.
Starting point is 00:56:52 And she was describing how she felt like she was on a boat, like teetering back and forth. So she left. We're like, okay, that's kind of alarming to hear since we got to spend the night here. We had a second person come in to interview she said the exact same thing and we didn't tell her anything about what the psychic had just told us but she came in and said this house feels different tonight i've been here four times and it's different and i'm and she even said she was feeling like she's on like a rocking boat and connor and i are sitting there going how is that possible for two different people to tell us the exact same stories like an hour apart from each other if there's not
Starting point is 00:57:30 actually something that's changed yeah you know yeah especially people that have been there before if you had to speculate what do you what do you think is the overall reason behind this new darkness well that's quite a quite a question to speculate on um i i don't know i feel like the world is just like there's a lot of darkness in the world nowadays especially with like social media and like the anxiety that that's giving people i definitely think that there's more um just general unease and anxiety in just like the environment, like kids growing up. Like I could not fucking imagine growing up with like social media as plugged in as we are nowadays.
Starting point is 00:58:11 I can barely handle it. And I'm, you know, 26. So does our energy impact the, the supernatural as well? A hundred percent. You can go in with really good energy and you get good,
Starting point is 00:58:22 you know, good responses. Yeah. It's like an echo chamber almost because then you can go in with like really bad energy and that's when the bad shit happens like i've had really bad days where i've gone to like investigate and that's when you get scratched or like they know that you're like pissed off already i don't know i mean that's what i think but that's when that shit happens have you had to cut homies from the crew because they were bringing bad energy into the hunt
Starting point is 00:58:45 not really just people have quit because of stuff that we've seen you know it gets too heavy for them yeah like people have been scratched and they're bleeding through their shirts I think that's like extreme enough of an experience to be like I don't really want to do this anymore but for me I like it
Starting point is 00:59:01 when are you going to do it dog I want to go to the queen mary i think it'd be cool yeah dude we should go sometime man yeah come back out and we can go to the queen dude yeah we can drink my girlfriend that sounds really nice i'm down i'm super down my girlfriend's braver than i am so but she loves all that stuff so well looks like you got a man up Come on, man I'm a scaredy cat Bro, dude, come on, dog Dude, it goes to me like, who's that guy in the pink shirt? Is it Posey?
Starting point is 00:59:32 We've been doing this three nights this week When you say you get too scared, do you mean you just like, well, like, make a Like, you'll be like, ah! Or like, you won't go in Yeah, I think I'm just maybe a little more, just jumpy Dude, there's There was an old like uh abandoned house in idaho and my family used to go there around there for vacations and
Starting point is 00:59:52 stuff and everyone wait you used to go to an abandoned house for vacation no there was one like nearby that that i guess back in the day there was like dutch settlers there and there was like gun slits where they used to shoot at like uh people who were trying to rob their resources and like a couple kids are buried not far from there who died of like exposure in the winter and stuff it's it's got like a lot of elements to it where things went sad or bad there and people would always come out on vacation there with us and stuff and we'd always be like oh that place is haunted like and brave people would always be like oh no no no i'll sleep there tonight i'm not afraid of that stuff i don't believe that's a no one ever made it through the night really everyone would come back damn i love
Starting point is 01:00:33 stories like that though like no one could spend the night here it makes me want to like go spend yeah you want to go come on where is this and that was the reputation i had so people would a new person would show up and be like oh oh, well, I'm the person to do it. And then sure enough, you'd see the car drive out there and then you just see the car lights. You'd see the headlights coming back like an hour later and everybody else would just be chilling like, yeah, no, we knew. I mean, it might've just sucked out there too.
Starting point is 01:00:56 It's like an old abandoned kind of shed, but I don't know. There's, across the board, didn't matter who you were, what your background was, no one made it through the night. What would they say say when they came back they just got scared they heard noises they felt dark energies sometimes they wouldn't even say much they just come back and be like fuck that yeah that was like the whole of it but yeah i'm trying to think what the specifics were i don't i don't even know if i ever my house in san juan my mom and uh her friends thought there was a ghost there and i used to hear my mom talk to the ghost like she'd be like get the fuck out of here like my mom's real hilarious and like would be real casual with the ghost but yeah my mom's more into that stuff
Starting point is 01:01:37 i i guess i have kind of a more uh i just haven't seen it yet but i but i'm very afraid at night and used to have terrible nightmares so i am afraid of stuff in that realm. Yeah. Well, it's funny because we don't do alone stuff really. Like I know a group of our friends, Project Fear, they had like a TV show and their whole thing is like, we're going to spend the night here and we're going to all be in the building alone for the whole night.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And so we went out there with them in may and they invited us to come film a video with them and i didn't know we were going to be doing the alone stuff with them and at the end of the night they're like okay guys well you got the asylum building you know with the kids in it to yourself i'm like holy fuck like i gotta sleep alone that's pretty hardcore yeah in an abandoned asylum in the basement in this area they call candyland painted with like clowns and fucking shit oh god yeah like just i don't want to do that yeah like i like ghosts but like i don't like that type of shit yeah that's a step too far but they do it every single time so there's different levels of like hardcore right and we're kind of like in the middle where we'll do experiments but
Starting point is 01:02:45 like i don't sleep in places that are haunted really or like alone stuff everyone has their limit they're taller and they're and they're they're specific things that screw them up a little bit or scare them and do you like the camaraderie of it like when you hear something then you all the guys are like oh yeah it's awesome that's gotta be a really fun part i mean the best part is like when everyone gets like freaked the fuck out yeah you know like we filmed uh this was like probably top three videos we've ever done investigations was like a month ago not even two weeks ago at this house in kansas middle of nowhere it was the old hotel like interesting history but nothing like dark or evil but we i mean you should see the footage it was so insane how loud
Starting point is 01:03:27 this thing slammed the wall it hit the wall you could hear the hangers in the closet shake and this huge ball came not just rolling out of the closet it came flying out of the closet and smashed into our tripod like a guy was in the room like throwing it at us wow yeah and so everyone's there we're screaming like oh my god like i almost ran down the stairs to get the hell out of there but i'm like damn like this is what i want to see so like i gotta kind of like not leave yeah but five minutes later there's this creepy ass doll sitting in the attic so the story of the house is there's an axe murderer who this is a confirmed thing that happened he like lived in the attic he was accused of coming down and raping this woman and chopping her up with an axe he decapitated her and so they took him out of the attic and then lynched him outside in the 1800s they don't know
Starting point is 01:04:15 if he actually did it or not but the guy that they killed lived in that attic so there's a fucking doll of course they have a creepy ass doll sitting there at the entrance to the attic and after that ball came flying out we're all sitting there like that was pretty crazy there's no way something else could happen that doll comes flying out of the attic at us it's like it's not like it just fell and it hits the ground right below it it came flying out and was like two or three feet from the actual uh hole in the attic wow like someone was up there and like punched it or i don't know what the hell happened but when that sort of thing happens in the footage you can see everybody just losing their minds dude like oh my fucking like screaming and the energy's so like crazy because you know you just caught something like wild yeah
Starting point is 01:05:04 and that's like really rare dude usually we just caught something wild. And that's really rare, dude. Usually we just sit around for five hours listening for a fucking whisper. You don't ever see a doll flying. That's real horror movie type shit. That is crazy. I couldn't sleep afterwards. I'm like, that was just wild. That's scary.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Two weeks ago. That was two weeks ago? Yeah, it was a Monday night. We're like, just an average Monday night you know what the fuck are we doing man can't wait till hump day have you communed with the dead have you talked to like dead spirits
Starting point is 01:05:33 like conversationally not you know I would love to actually just sit and be able to chat but it comes in pieces you know it's a waiting game when it comes to like paranormal stuff guys i'm interrupting this podcast hope you're getting down with the spookiness um but i'm here to let you know that we are on tour we got a huge show
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Starting point is 01:10:23 this just because i don't see it yeah so like you respect their experience of it yeah but and trust that they're being genuine in it we've had though people like psychics we've worked with that have said like oh the spirit's gonna do something in the next three minutes and then we'll hear like down the hallway a door creak open and i'm like that was pretty pretty weird or like names they've given us that like we went and researched later on were like actual names of people that died there just weird weird coincidences and you think you're born with that gift or is it something you hone or some combination of the two i think it's a mix i think kids have definitely more of an ability to see and you know feel stuff kind of like a polar express thing they haven't extinguished themselves of like the sensitivity yeah kind of yeah but i mean then when you're our age you're
Starting point is 01:11:10 just kind of tuned out people some people i feel like can definitely connect but when you get older it's like that's when i feel most people's psychic abilities really are developed like my dad for example he had no inkling of any psychic you know ability at all in the last couple years he'll like stop people on the street and i've watched him do this and we're not filming you know we're not investigating but he'll say like is there a is there a carol that you know and the woman will be like oh that was my best friend who died last year and i'm like how the fuck did you do that dude like you're my dad like yeah and he just gets these like weird messages and like names and stuff and i it's making me you know open my own mind to like there definitely
Starting point is 01:11:57 are layers to like psychic stuff it's real has he he talked about how those visions or abilities have come to him? He'll just hear stuff. Yeah. He told me. He'll just hear a whisper or somebody behind them saying, Carol or John. You know? A name.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Interesting. And was he always like that? Or did you kind of spark that in him when you started getting into the ghost hunting stuff? Yeah. I mean, we lived in the haunted house. And he and he experienced at first he was really skeptical about it and then my mom and my dad started experiencing all that and that's when we got the psychics but through the years of just filming and doing these investigations because he comes with me a pretty fair amount it's like i feel like that has led him to open uh up more like the more you dive into it
Starting point is 01:12:47 because he's a doctor too right yeah he must have been very like clinical scientific yeah he went to school out here in california like medical school stuff like that like very analytical i love the guy but he's very thorough with everything in his life and so like for him to tell me he's hearing these voices it makes me believe him so much more than just a random person especially when you see it happen and like he actually tells somebody this weird thing that he should never have known right and they confirm it a fucking random stranger what is that yeah that's wild i don't get it and people have asked me a lot like are ghosts real or like what do you think a ghost is and I'm like
Starting point is 01:13:28 I just have no idea I just know that I'm seeing dolls flying out of attics and I'm hearing voices but you can believe whatever the hell you want to believe you know I don't want to tell people like that's a demon there are
Starting point is 01:13:44 some people that are like every single ghost't want to tell people like that's a demon there are some people that are like every single ghost's a demon i'm like that's definitely not true like there's good and bad energy it's like duality in life there's some of each right but it's there it's fucking it's very real man that's cool and it's scary sometimes it's really scary yeah what are the top five horror movies you think oh that's a really tough question man um devil's rejects is definitely one of my favorites of all time got to meet syd hagg before he died captain spaulding um i gotta give it the classic halloween it's one of my favorites just I used to watch it when I was a kid. I liked Hereditary a lot.
Starting point is 01:14:28 It's definitely one of my favorites. Have you ever seen The Dark and the Wicked? Dude, that's such a great film. It's like a slow burn. It is a demonic, kind of like ghost horror movie, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I'm really into the slow burn. I go demonic kind of like ghost horror movie but i don't know i'm really into like the slow burn like i go to reddit all the time and try to find movies that i have not seen right because i feel like i've watched every fucking movie you got one more two or four i know i'm trying to think of like i gotta give you a good one um god damn dude that's such a tough question it's impossible it really is what what about you guys like give me like three best horror films hereditary is really good that scared me uh i just let's see i think dude i think um i think annabelle scared me more than Conjuring.
Starting point is 01:15:26 Really? Yeah. Now that is a hot take. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, I'm going to go with that one. And then Sixth Sense. I got shit for this.
Starting point is 01:15:35 We did a horror movie draft. Yeah, Sixth Sense. Oh, you're catching shit. Really? People say it's not a horror movie. You don't think so? No. I was giving you shit for that are you worried hilarious
Starting point is 01:15:49 yeah well i'm sticking with it yeah six cents dude stick to your guns yeah yeah six cents dude dead people man scared the shit out of me the mom walking by while he's peeing yeah it's creepy it's's creepy. What about you? You know, I'm not a huge horror movie guy. I got to go, I like Midsommar a lot. That's like a recent one. Interesting. Of the recent ones, that's the one I seen.
Starting point is 01:16:13 My favorite growing up was Scream. I was a huge Scream fan. I liked the slasher stuff. I liked how like, I don't know, like self-aware it was. I don't know, like self-aware it was. And then for my third horror movie. It's kind of hard. This one, this isn't even a straight up horror movie, but Zodiac.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Oh, that's such a good film. It scared the hell out of me for a long time. That was one where like, I distinctly remember coming home from the theater and like locking my door and having like a knife under my pillow and being like it like it could happen to any of us and tonight could be my night and it just put the willies in me for a while so uh that that one really and the fact that it was true and they never got the guy all that shit fucked me up there's a blair witch that's a good yeah yeah yeah we i interviewed the director eduardo for a video because we did a video at the blair witch forest yeah which was really
Starting point is 01:17:11 fucking creepy too really yeah way out in the woods we found like an old abandoned church yeah all this graffiti on it yeah i didn't even know was there and uh yeah i threw up when we were there filming which was really sounds like you throw up a lot yeah i guess I threw up when we were there filming, which was really weird. Sounds like you throw up a lot. Yeah, I guess. You threw up on the same area, too. It's like, it's weird. You're tossing too many IPAs on the hunt. I guess, dude.
Starting point is 01:17:33 You know, you don't know what goes on behind the scenes. Some long nights, man. Those are the toasty bows. Yeah, The Blair Witch is a great one. And I feel like people people really people love that movie or they fucking like cannot watch it yeah like friends of mine are like that's like the worst movie i've ever seen right after we finish watching it i'm like i love it because it's basically what we do yeah i take a video camera out to a haunted place and but yeah it's it's
Starting point is 01:18:01 it's very with horror people have very different things that they like, especially when it comes to how graphic movies can get. Like, I can watch anything, and I've tried to watch, like, the most disturbing films, but even my parents have never seen Saw. And when Connor and I were filming with them a couple weeks ago, I'm like, let's show you guys a scene from Saw, and they're both like, oh, my God. Like, they can't even watch the movie because it's so, like, dude's getting his fucking limbs twisted. Yeah. And my wife and I and Connor and I, we fucking love it. I'm like, I'm looking forward to Saw coming out this week. Yeah. But different strokes, different follows.
Starting point is 01:18:37 They got a new one coming out? Yeah. You know, Chris Rock did the last one. Yeah, I heard about that. I didn't like that one. I didn't. Yeah, it was pretty ridiculous. Yeah. I was laughing during it what was about he's just like just kind of goofy man yeah it was just ridiculous like the plot is the one
Starting point is 01:18:53 thing in horror that like you have a solid plot man yeah the first one was good yeah the first dude yeah the you know thing is one thing I think the mistake they make a lot is like in the Conjuring and like Annabelle and stuff, they show the demon. Like they show like a devilish looking thing. I'm like, don't show that. It's scary in your head. Keep it mysterious.
Starting point is 01:19:14 Yeah. When they show that, I'm like, oh, now I'm out of it. Because I'm like, oh, you just like created like an animated monster for me. Right. You know what I mean? But when it's like mysterious and there's just shit moving and like that's the scariest or like darth maul and insidious yeah how they show that red face demon yeah yeah spooky yeah like that's kind of how it is with us because i've never seen any like
Starting point is 01:19:36 ghosts yeah but i was just talking to connor i'm like i don't know if i'd want to fucking see one i don't know if it would make it like less scary or like way scarier. Right. Because we hear all the time, I interview people and they're like, oh, I saw, you know, a guy walk across the hallway. Just yesterday when we were filming, they were saying they saw a man walking through the hallway two nights ago who wasn't there, who had like bloody clothing on.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I'm like, that would be really dope to see. And obviously if you got it on camera, you could like wave it in a skeptic's face. like bloody clothing on i'm like interesting that would be really dope to see and obviously if you got it on camera yeah you could like wave it in a skeptic's face like ah you yeah it still wouldn't matter because they'd say oh you'd cgi'd it that's how it always goes with our with our stuff whoa what was that beat uh well it seems like we have a we have a demonic presence in here no it's diabetes okay um what's that oh do you believe in heaven and hell oh it's a loaded question um i think there's something somewhere where you go i just don't know what it is you know because i grew up uh christian and my personal reason why i stepped away from religion was because of diabetes and i was like
Starting point is 01:20:47 i don't really know why somebody would give me diabetes if there's somebody out there that like knows everything that's going on like my sister didn't have diabetes nobody else in my family did i was just the one that you know was unlucky so that kind of drove me away from that. Right. But you hear things all the time from spirits that are like, they talk about where they are, and I'm like, where are you? But you never get an answer. It's strange. It's a mysterious thing. Do you ever listen to near-death experience stories?
Starting point is 01:21:20 Yeah. I would love to interview people about that. That's actually a project that I'd like to do because it's so fucking weird dude yeah it's so interesting and oftentimes very um encouraging yeah like because it's always positive where they're like yeah it's just like i just felt just love i just felt love and you're like that sounds nice i have read stories of people that have seen hell allegedly i've seen that too yeah Yeah, that's terrible. Dude, no, thank you. I've got to change my life around a little bit. What do they say it's like?
Starting point is 01:21:49 Like demons, fire. I read one story about a guy who was getting just stabbed over and over again. Yeah. And I'm like, that just really sounds like hell. Just worst case scenario. Yeah. But a lot of times in those, they say like once they like think of Jesus. Yeah, they brought back.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Then they get pulled up. Right. Yeah. There's a way out. Yeah. So just to anyone listening, if you're ever in that situation, just call out for Jesus. Isn't that funny? I've always thought that's funny though.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Like a terrible person can just say like they believe in God and like, I'm sorry. Like, I love you, you jesus and they go up to heaven that's what always bugged me about i'm catholic or raised catholic at least but like confession to me was like yeah i would just watch all these uh like you know going to catholic school in orange kind of just watch all these rich dudes walk into confession i was like you ain't getting forgiven bro it's funny though'm like, the priest is on the payroll. Yeah, right. That's what's ironic.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Like you got to go up, if you do, you know, go up to heaven and there's like just terrible people up there, like pedophiles, like murderers. Like technically, if someone murders you and like you're Christian, you go to heaven and then they, you know, ask for forgiveness, your murderer would go up there. Isn't that how it would work? I think God, I got to believe if there is a God, he's like hip to that stuff. There has to be some differentiation there. He's like a little too late, partner.
Starting point is 01:23:15 And that's the whole thing. I can't speculate on anything, but it's like, I really would hope that. Yeah, what is it like remorse without acts is like hollow or something like that? There is some like kind of Christian aphorisms that like zone in on that and are like, no, no, no, you got to do like the work to get better too. You can't just be like at the 11th hour like, oh, man, I guess I do regret being a pedophile. And then the priest is like, you're good, dude, fast track to heaven.
Starting point is 01:23:44 You worked it out. I'm just going to say something to everybody before I die, just in case. For sure. Yeah, Pascal's wager. I'll send up a final Hail Mary. Because that would suck, dude, if you don't say that. I was saying, my wife Courtney and I were talking about if you, I was baptized when I was young,
Starting point is 01:24:03 and if we don't get like our child baptized or something like that and we go up to heaven and we watch them die eventually and our kid comes up and they're like what the fuck like they can't get into the gates because we didn't do it i'm like yeah like you missed a couple of the formalities yeah that would be the other way we got another heaven it's not as good but he'll be all right over there. But you have a cross on your neck. What is that? Yeah, I have an Ankh tattoo here. It's a terrible tattoo, but my mom was super into Egypt and Egyptian culture when I was
Starting point is 01:24:35 young for some reason. And so I started wearing the Ankh just for my mom years ago. And then I started digging intoian like everything when it comes to egypt and like the afterlife and i love the thought of just the eternal life you know what i mean like the circle at the top of the ankh that's symbolizing all that um it's more i used to wear a cross and this is actually a saint michael pendant that whoa so the so in egyptian culture and iconography they had a cross and that probably predates christian i don't know actually it does it's an older culture right and then so but the top part is this and that means eternal life yeah oh it's interesting
Starting point is 01:25:23 i'd love to yeah that's that's that, that makes me want to look more into that and see where it came from and how it changed throughout time and stuff. Yeah, what's interesting actually is Connor, he's, what are you, an ordained minister? He's done exorcisms. Let's get you on mic. Why don't you come over here and give us a breakdown?
Starting point is 01:25:42 You can use my mic. All right. Do you want to tell us about one of the uh exorcisms yeah so let me get in front of the mic i guess so uh when i was living in india um i mean i feel like religion is kind of this weird thing with other countries. It's easy to be Christian in America because you can kind of just say that you believe in God. And it's not really as much of a lifestyle. But with these other countries where if you are a Christian, you get ridiculed and your family will disown you for it it's more of a a fight to be in that religion and so you come into contact with a lot more of evil forces uh it's kind of it's it's weird because as in america you don't see it as much. You see it a lot in horror movies with possession.
Starting point is 01:26:47 But there was even an occasion where there was a six-year-old kid that came into the church. And the family was like, there's weird shit going on with this kid. And so they started praying over him. And no shit, just like out of the movies they start convulsing and uh talking in a like in a voice that a six-year-old kid can't make and uh they would like keep praying over them and the kids like fighting people off like grown people like weird strength uh and then out of nowhere like the kid passes out and starts like vomiting and you're sitting there like oh shit this is this is like the real deal uh but i mean coming full circle to religion, I think it comes more down to like there's good and evil in the world.
Starting point is 01:27:52 And that religion is kind of like a box you put around this mysterious force in the world that people don't necessarily know what it is, what this afterlife would be. But I think that there's definitely this huge differentiation of good and evil, and that you can be taken over by this evil force. Don't necessarily know what it is. necessarily know what it is uh i kind of i think of myself of like a i'm more of a spiritual person than a religious person these days just because the work that we do um there's not really talk about ghosts in the bible necessarily and so i've kind of formed my own thing but seeing these kids and other people being like possessed by something that's definitely evil it's uh it's a thing that i'll never be able
Starting point is 01:28:57 to get out of my mind uh seeing a little kid be able to fight off five grown men were they able to get the spirit out of the kid well that's what i was saying it was like this kid's like fighting off like five grown men talking in a voice that's like sounds like so disturbing it's like like get off me like weird weird shit and you saw that yeah i mean like like, there. And it was an everyday thing when I was living over there. It was, we'd go into these remote villages where, I mean, like, people are, like, the lives that you're living there is difficult enough. And then you have a young kid that comes out and, like, there's weird stuff going on in
Starting point is 01:29:43 the family. And people start praying over the kid. and it's like a, it snaps. And this child is acting almost, like, animalistic, where it's not, like, someone being playful. They're not doing it for show. They're, but they're not doing it for show they're no i'm good but they're they start like like being like it's it's so hard to explain until you see it like firsthand but honestly like if you watch like the first conjuring movie uh i mean there's more theatrics to it but
Starting point is 01:30:22 it's the same thing like the woman in the movie starts talking in a weird voice. She's, like, really violent. I mean, the kids aren't floating up in the air and, like, moving around, but it's this... I'm telling you, it's something you can't explain unless you saw it firsthand. But, I mean, you're praying over this kid, and then out of nowhere, like, the kid, like, faints. And then it was, like, convulsing on the ground, and then everything's back to normal. But, you know, something I'll say that's interesting is I'm not, like I said before, religious.
Starting point is 01:30:59 And so, like, hearing stories like that, I'm like, what is that? Is there actually some sort of validity to praying over someone and then they are unpossessed? I don't really believe in possession because I've never seen it, and I like to just think of what I believe in as being stuff that I've actually experienced. But the things that we investigate they target connor a lot and we'll have like a lot of really negative responses whenever connor's alone or like
Starting point is 01:31:31 he's been scratched it'll say like things like even our devices will say like connor like fuck you and i'm like is that because of his religious background yeah or like and like what is there's even times where like in places that we know it's like a like or it's been said as a demonic force and i'll go in there and like talk about how like i have a christian background and like my dad he was a pastor and my mom's dad he was a pastor and it seems to like target me more than it would anybody else interesting weird when it when the rumor of the location is that it's like a demonic evil force it will target me more than it does like anybody else and there's been like times where like i have like crazy emotions come over me and like getting scratched and so it kind of puts you in this
Starting point is 01:32:26 weird space of like okay like it i guess this is a demon that's here with us so what what compels you what what like compels you to want to grapple with that daily um i mean i feel like the whole paranormal journey is really just an experiment of what is out there. And after you die, is it a possibility that your ghost will get left behind? Or if it's residual energy of you being in a location and there's like a part of your life force that gets left behind there uh i mean there's no telling what it actually is out there i can't go to a location and say like oh this is the spirit of this specific person who died here because honestly we don't know but we do know that a lot of the devices and like feelings that we get when we're at this place you can't discredit the fact that we are getting
Starting point is 01:33:32 names of people that are very involved in the story of a location i mean we're in the killing fields in texas and we got the name of the number one suspect of the crimes of like 36 women who were killed out there. It's strange. Well, something that I want to add here to kind of put this out there. So I don't believe in demons. And the stuff that we get sometimes is like it'll say like demon and shit like that so it's like are ghosts or spirits or energies like pretending to be demons to like scare people who are religious I feel like that's actually something that happens you know where
Starting point is 01:34:19 it'll make itself seem like it's this demonic thing but but it's really, I don't know. I don't think it's a human sometimes. And that's something that I've thought about recently where for years, scary. Yeah. I was like, there's no fucking demons. There's no way.
Starting point is 01:34:34 But then there's, there've been things that we've encountered where I'm like, that's not a human energy. Like the way that it's acting or it makes you feel. So I think there is something that is inhuman, but once again, just don't know what the hell it is, but it's acting or it makes you feel so i think there is something that is inhuman but once again just don't know what the hell it is but it's not human it seems it seems like there's it could you know there's different dimensions could be things like interdimensional or the just the fact that we're like limited to our five senses you know that like what we perceive with our eyes that's like and
Starting point is 01:35:06 there could be things out there that we just can't perceive that are just there 100 and that can perceive us are there yeah 100 and they're just making contact with us because they can you know so and who's to say yeah it could be they could know the story of like a place and like impersonate it i don't know but i don't either but that's the strange part about it is that we're going into a lot of these places like we don't know what we're going to come into contact with tonight because in the same flip side of like something acting like it's a demon you have on the flip side where you can feel that there's an evil presence and then it's acting like it's something nice right and that's like a child a little girl it's always a little girl yeah you
Starting point is 01:35:54 know we run into the same things a woman in a white dress there's a little girl that plays with a bouncy ball in this house but they always say oh this little girl isn't a little girl and don't stay in here alone at night because this thing will scratch you it'll punch you it'll follow you home yeah and then we get scratched yeah and then we get scratched you're a fucking ball thrown at us we're like yeah this ain't a little girl man like suzy's not down here scratching people till they're bloody you know it's not little jimmy anymore no ain't little jimmy man do you ever think of ways to protect yourself especially
Starting point is 01:36:25 after seeing what you've seen um i don't think there's really any foolproof way to protect yourself yeah i think i mean even when you go to a location there's times where something might follow you home or you go home and there's something that is just in the land where you live. Anywhere you go pretty much in the world, there's been people there at one point in time. So I don't think anywhere you're necessarily safe from paranormal activity. But, I mean, we've tried different things. Saging yourself, having priests pray over you. All the different corners of it you could hit.
Starting point is 01:37:10 And I mean, still, I feel like to this day, we still have something that follows us around. Oh, us too, for sure. A foolproof way to protect yourself is to not fucking ghost hunt.
Starting point is 01:37:20 Yeah. Honestly, truly. But don't get afraid of it. You can still come with us someday. Yeah. Let's say, let's say if something
Starting point is 01:37:29 follows you home, can it follow you home and like go on to other people? Is that a thing? Yeah. You're in danger right now, man. That's what I was asking you. You want to be safe.
Starting point is 01:37:40 You don't want to give it, you want to be safe. You don't want to give it to like your girlfriend or something like that. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. She'll be safe. You don't want to give it to your girlfriend or something like that. Yeah, exactly. She'll be fine.
Starting point is 01:37:49 I mean, stuff has followed us home, but it usually doesn't last very long. Right, right, right. We've had, talking about to bring it way back to the nursing home thing, the moment we brought the item back, the ghost left. Or we've had shit happen where it's like two or three days after we film somewhere we'll hear fucking noises lights will go on and off like weird shit will happen we're like that was probably from that joint we were just in and then it goes away what was it sally house that we were there and my sister calls colin while we're there doing the investigation.
Starting point is 01:38:27 She's like, there's shit going on at the apartment. Really? Yeah. Well, I mean, when we filmed at, where was it where we were seeing the stuff and we drew it out? Was that Gettysburg, the demon thing there? I think so. There's been so many places. But there's certain locations to film at and it's like we both have nightmares, and that's why in our videos we'll say, like, okay, before we record our ending,
Starting point is 01:38:52 let's both draw out what we're seeing. And sometimes it looks like before we show it to each other. It's like really similar, and we're like, that's a little alarming. We're both experiencing, like, sleep paralysis and seeing, like, the same entities or figures, like, in the room. Oh, dude. I should have said. So, a really creepy experience that I had.
Starting point is 01:39:12 This was last year. So, we went to a place, I can't remember where. I think it was Sally the first time. Yeah. I don't know why we keep talking about this place, but it's really fucking scary there. Yeah, we have these experiences. Yeah, yeah. But I had sleep paralysis probably 10 times over a period of two months, and I had never had it before. And I had it on my honeymoon, literally, like in the bedroom.
Starting point is 01:39:37 I had this sleep paralysis. And it got to a point where I was sitting in bed in Philadelphia. My wife and I were there looking at places where we were going to move for a year because we lived there last year. And I felt, dude, this was so fucking creepy. I was in my bed and I felt like there were people in the hotel room and I could hear them like making noise. And I'm sitting there and I'm like, I'm fine. There's no one fucking here and i'm awake and i felt like my wife courtney lean over and like push me like this like down into the mattress and i'm like oh my god what
Starting point is 01:40:14 are you doing and then it came in my ear and went i'm the demon like that right in my ear and i woke up screaming like from that point i was like oh yeah and courtney's like what are you doing what the fuck like why are you screaming yeah i was like i don't even remember screaming like i just thought you were leaning on me and saying i'm the demon like why are you fucking telling me you're the demon i was asleep till you started screaming and that's when i was like you know fuck dude like something followed me you know that that's scary i've had sleep paralysis a number of times and it was like it was when i was like drinking heavily and i think when i was like alcohol poisoning
Starting point is 01:40:54 too much budwage is that is the demon yeah yeah yeah i'm the dosakies guy um i uh so i think part of it was like extreme exhaustion because he you know like when you just drink a lot you don't sleep but that part of me like the the more like spiritual side of me is like maybe it was like because i was in like such like i would get if i drink a lot against such like a negative headspace and then that would allow whatever because i would i remember one time i was sleep paralysis i was on my stomach and i like couldn't move and i sort of like look up like this i was like laying down like just flat down and i look and it felt like i was getting like pulled off the bed that's what it felt like yeah but then it looked like there was like some like creature it looked like alien you know it was just like just like sort of hissing in my face
Starting point is 01:41:49 and i was like oh fuck and then another time in college i had sleep paralysis i like woke up you know i didn't know what it was at the time but it looked like i saw like a fucking witch in like the corner of my room i was like oh my god yeah yeah it's way worse than what i experienced no witch nothing like whispered if something whispered i think that was yeah that you're sounded it's funny though i mean me and colin always say like when we're in these locations like if we see something like yeah i'm out that's like messed up i'm like we're out of here dude like i i like i'll stop what i'm doing like we're not ghost hunting anymore yeah yeah there was i mean one time we were at this uh
Starting point is 01:42:31 it was a haunted house attraction an abandoned movie theater and the guy that works there he was telling us he's like oh yeah this door will like open and close on its own. I'm like, oh, that would scare the shit out of me if that happened. We go into the next room. And no bullshit, like a minute later, I just hear that. Really? Yeah. And we're all sitting there. We're like, oh.
Starting point is 01:42:58 That was like a door opening. Yeah. And Colin goes, hello? Because we're hearing like all these like it sounds like someone's like like banging up against the walls in there all right hello we thought someone broke in it goes completely quiet and then you hear that door slam like the hardest you could ever possibly slam a door yeah i'm like con we need to go like this is not safe and he's like come on it's good content but yeah i mean dude fucking like we it scares the shit out of us but
Starting point is 01:43:33 we're like that's what we want right that's like the time to dig in when you're doing an investigation though like the fucking thing i was telling you about the dolls and the balls flying at us i'm like that scared me so bad I went back and watched the footage. I took off running down the stairs. Yeah. And I'm like this is my like. I have that footage. I'll show y'all later. Yeah. It's scary. Colin gets how he goes to run down the stairs and his mom
Starting point is 01:43:55 grabs onto his shirt like what are you doing? But I think you were saying you're jumpy. Uh huh. I'm the jumpiest dude. Yeah. Which is why I love like haunted houses because i like being scared but like when we investigate people criticize me all the time because i'll hear like a bang i'm like oh but i'm like i can't control it like what am i gonna do like you hear a fucking scream down the hallway and you're just like oh right all right you come
Starting point is 01:44:20 out here and see if you wouldn't react the same way. That's crazy, man. And that's so much better for content, too, if you're reacting. If you're just stone-faced, you're like, door slams, you're like, heard that. That's what I mean. I'm like, what do you want me to do, man? Like, cool. Yeah, yeah. Is part of the critique that they think by you being jumpy, you're scaring away the spirits?
Starting point is 01:44:39 Or is it just they think you're being overreactive to what's there? I'm overreacting. Right. But I'm really not. But that's when I'm like piss off like if you want to come out here and do this shit come on because you would react the same exact way we had a fucking night a couple months ago where him and i were with our friends in saratoga new york and we filmed so late that i don't even know i'm telling this story it had some relation to it but we were fucking we
Starting point is 01:45:05 got there at one in the morning to this it's a huge abandoned tuberculosis hospital and we didn't stop filming that night oh that's why until i think it was like 8 30 in the morning or what 7 30 and we're like what are we doing right now it's like the sun is fully up we're in the middle of nowhere snow everywhere like freezing cold like people just like don't do this and they shouldn't it's not right for people to do this fucking psycho man yeah i mean when i saw you going to lindy boggs i was like because that's one place i've seen and like driving by. I'm like, that's the scariest fucking place I've ever seen. Well, the thing that scares me, both of us, is humans. It ain't ghosts or demons.
Starting point is 01:45:55 It's like I've had people chase me out of places with shotguns. Really? Yeah, like almost got stabbed in Baltimore by a crazy dude in an old insane asylum. That's a whole story yeah that's free um so that's what we look out for is like we filmed our our scariest video this year was in in my opinion leakin park you ever heard of that place it's in baltimore they found over 80 bodies there over the years and it's like a city park um most i wouldn't i want to say like half probably of the bodies that were found there the murders were never solved so with the vacants and the wires based on yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:46:32 yeah that's where that's where that is and like we filmed at a place where just two years ago a guy had his head cut off and he was dumped down a well burning and they never solved his murder my friend found a human skull like a fragment of a skull in the park while he was walking around and we've heard gunshots like everything inside and that's what's scary to me is like i like ghost hunting when it's safe but like if you really want to be on edge you have to go to a place that's like you could be fucking killed at any second yeah i say all the time i'm more scared of people than i am ghosts oh yeah yeah it's like you could be fucking killed at any second. Right. I say all the time, I'm more scared of people than I am ghosts. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:07 Yeah. It's true. I mean, ghost hunters are all fun and games, so you get stabbed by a crackhead, you know? Exactly. Jesus Christ. I mean, and, like, a lot of the ghost stories, too, I mean, it's people getting murdered by other people,
Starting point is 01:47:23 and then we're going over there to there to like talk to the victim of it so like the victim's not going to be as like aggressive as the person who committed that crime exactly but then you go out to places like lincoln park and we're walking around like you see someone like walking up the street and you're like oh god like watch out yeah we even found like i found years ago dogs like multiple dogs in like just garbage bags out there oh and there's like skeletal remains i my friend i thought it was like gonna be maybe a human body but the guy that's giving me the tour he's like oh it's just a dog like i found 20 30 of those cut it open it's a fucking decaying corpse of an animal, which is like just humans.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Ghosts aren't even close to, they can't do as much damage as an evil person can do. That's a really good point. Ghosts can seem so scary because of the unknown, but it's really humans that are doing all this shit. You hear about possessions and stuff, but like ghosts are just like... That's a really good point. Or like climate change. Yeah, yeah. Tax evasion.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Ghosts have zero emission on their carbon footprint. Allegedly. Wait until we get a new device that shows the carbon footprint. Exactly. Ghosts are gas guzzlers. They're just emitting carbon.
Starting point is 01:48:52 Yeah, exactly. Just sucking up all the fossil fuels. Hey, quit starting my Ford Excursion. Yeah, move on from this realm. Turn on all the motion sensor lights. Save the energy, man. Have you seen the thing with people that use Teslas to ghost hunt? No.
Starting point is 01:49:12 And, like, they're, like, spatial, whatever the backup system is. That's our new device we're going to get. The new Tesla. That's right. Have you had success with that? I've seen, yeah, videos of people in cemeteries, and they're, like like backing up down the road and then they'll pick up on a figure walking across and they show the actual footage and
Starting point is 01:49:30 there's no one there it's just an excuse to get a Tesla though it is I'm going to use yeah but I like it though if it works they uh oh did you ever think to like bring a dog with you because I feel like dogs can sense that stuff. I've done it. Yeah, it's really interesting. We did a... Ever heard of the Villisca Axe Murder House? No.
Starting point is 01:49:52 It's in a small town called Villisca, Iowa. Eight people were murdered in the house. They never caught the guy who did it. And we brought my family's dog there, and he wouldn't even go in the house. He just sat outside and was like... Who did it. And we brought my family's dog there, and he wouldn't even go in the house. Like, he just sat outside and was like, making like this dog whistle. Sounded great.
Starting point is 01:50:12 It was good. And we've seen shit like that, too. Oh, dude, I forgot. This is so creepy as well. It's another type of story. So second video I ever filmed, I don't have any of the footage anymore because the family made me take the video down because they didn't like the way that it portrayed them. And that's because whatever was in the house was making them act fucking crazy. I got this family.
Starting point is 01:50:42 I literally filmed them, the daughter and her dad. She was like, I think, 40 and he's like like 60 something but they were fighting over a ouija board like the whole story of the house is like the dad had these eyes and his he got the black eyes that i was talking about and he would be throwing up blood and mucus and the psychic that i used to work with she called me one day and said she went there and there's nothing she could do for the family so she wanted to know if i could go out there and see if there was like if i could tell him what's going on like of course but like holy shit so the family when i'm filming with them they're like arguing over the dad using a ouija board and like he like rips the audio equipment that i put on him off of his chest like smashes it on the kitchen table and drives off in the middle of our interview.
Starting point is 01:51:25 Wow. Like you could tell that whatever was there was actually like fucking with these people like really badly. Damn. But anyways, when it came to the animals thing, I convinced them to let me do a Ouija board there with a friend of mine
Starting point is 01:51:39 to see if it would draw out whatever's there. And so they had these three huge german shepherds and we have this whole experiment set up and we're in the garage of their home this is a farm in the middle of nowhere in south dakota by the way and as soon as i start doing the ouija board that dad he's sitting there with me and he goes they're coming i feel them coming and i'm like okay like hopefully they come two minutes later after you start saying that all three of their dogs this is the middle of the night they start looking at the darkness of the garage and growling like and i'm like holy like am i about to like actually see a ghost yeah and the dad's looking at me using the Ouija board going,
Starting point is 01:52:27 that's them. They're there. You're going to see them. And the dogs are getting more worked up by the second. And as this has grown to a fever pitch, this was so crazy. The front door to their farmhouse opened up by itself and slammed, and all three of the dogs took off running over to the front door because they obviously picked up on something i heard it and i got all this on camera
Starting point is 01:52:50 and the dad said oh yeah the the ghosts in the house or the whatever's in the house it's yours now and then that's at the point of the night when he said you guys can go in there and investigate i'm like fuck no no you can keep this ghost man i don't want it like i think the ghost just walked up into the house open the door and shut it and it's like sitting there like waiting for us now and we had crazy shit happen we actually had priests come out and bless their house because they were catholic and the lights were flickering while they were doing the blessing like wow we didn't obviously set up fucking a thing and it was like a horror movie you know like just weird shit you know yeah man it's yours now i feel like bro i'm gonna go watch cartoon network yeah i do that every time i watch a horror movie i
Starting point is 01:53:38 i watch something like really scary and i'm like all right comedy next yeah yeah yeah because i just don't want to have nightmares having a dog too you're like just have the dog in there and be like she's just chilling I can never bring my dog my dog's scared of like everything he's scared of like floors if it's not like carpet he won't walk on it
Starting point is 01:53:59 really bad you have to like drag him around anxiety it's just I've never met a dog that needs xanax more than my dog it's wild he's a big dog too yeah big husky should be honestly i gotta go home and perform one you got you mean you have the ability, I'll put on my priest robe. You're ordained or whatever still. So what precipitated you leaving that role?
Starting point is 01:54:37 It's a lot to deal with. Because, I mean, I went to school in Texas, and then I moved to India. And that's where I was practicing a lot And living somewhere where people don't speak your language is definitely difficult. But I wanted to come back home. I mean, it's not that I don't believe in God and I don't believe in religion. I feel like religion's more of just like boundaries and like a box you're
Starting point is 01:55:06 putting around something that like nobody knows precisely what it is and like a lot of religions are kind of based off of the same god and like belief systems and like rules to live by and so i think that everybody's kind of got the right idea but like if you want to like box it off you're kind of got like the wrong idea of like this mighty god that you speak of and you're like these this is exactly how it is and i think that's just too uh too by the rules that it doesn't really make sense for it to be, like, a super powerful being that knows, like, everything in the world. I feel like it's more of just, like, your journey and how you want to take, like, this relationship of, like, good and evil and, creator and so it's I feel like it's really up to everyone else to for you to like decide like what that is out there and that's kind of like why like I like paranormal investigating is because it's going out
Starting point is 01:56:18 there and like figuring out what it is out there and why it is out there and so it's it's interesting yeah yeah when it comes is out there. And so it's interesting. Yeah. When it comes to the paranormal, I feel like it's really like people's, you have your opinions, right, on like what is causing something to happen. But I feel like the most ignorant thing that you can do is like claim you know exactly what it is. Right.
Starting point is 01:56:44 Because that's the thing that frustrates me when it comes to this realm is like claim you know exactly what it is right because that's the the thing that frustrates me when it comes to this realm is like people come into the the paranormal with their own beliefs whether it's like religion or like you're a debunking type person where like you're so certain that oh what caused that knock right there was a draft or like the temperature fluctuations and that like just impedes your ability to actually experience something right so if you're if you're wanting to do a ghost hunt or like get into paranormal investigating i think you just have to come with the open mind yeah and it's not like we have scary experiences yeah and we're telling you about like the freakiest out of of them, but it's really a good time.
Starting point is 01:57:27 I think it's beautiful to be able to experience something and not know what it is because it's crazy. 100%. What the hell? I can't sleep at night sometimes, but that's just because I'm wild. I've always said there's never been a job that I had that felt more fulfilling because there is times we go out there and like i feel like we're talking to something out there and it like it'll be thanking
Starting point is 01:57:52 us for talking to them and right like you feel this like peace that comes over you and i mean like i've worked in like the oil and gas industry service industry i've worked in the oil and gas industry, service industry. I've worked all these different jobs, and nothing has ever felt more fulfilling as a person. Just not physically, but emotionally, spiritually. I feel like we're actually doing something for the world. I don't know necessarily what that would be that we're doing for the world, but it's showing that it's not just us that's out there and that there's something beyond that that's not really explainable but it's something i love that yeah it sounds so bad to like die and just like cease yeah you know i want to believe in something but yeah sometimes you just don't know that's why i like listening to like near-death experience
Starting point is 01:58:50 stories because it is so uh it's i would listen to them while going to bed because it's so positive where you freak yeah that's. I got hit by a bus. But it is so like, it's just like so, listening to him, it gives you like a liberating kind of feeling where you're just not so bound to, you know, just this plane or this realm where you're just sort of like, this is it. You know what I mean? It's just like, it gives you a feeling of like the infinite. And that's very freeing, think to to yeah yeah i think there's something too to like just being trapped in your physical body and all the things we feel daily right and feeling like oh
Starting point is 01:59:36 that's just a chemical response to like stress or to experience or to you know uh like inputs from other people there's something nice about well however you do it to like disconnecting to like a larger kind of uh force you know what i mean like that it takes you out of your body like i think we all need that relief like i feel trapped in what i'm feeling so often if there's any kind of valve that i can hit yeah that puts me into what else is out there that i can't see it's it's a it takes all the weight away and then and then you kind of don't exist for a second which is yeah sounds crazy but it's actually like a relief it's a huge relief well that's like what like i'll listen to like these like ram das if you've ever heard of like these guys talk about like like ram das has like a book called becoming nobody where it's like where you're just
Starting point is 02:00:29 the awareness like you're just the the the self like the mind created egoic self is like that's just something your mind has created where who you really are is just the awareness and then like there's the idea that like you're in this body for this amount of time to have an experience and then it's like and then you have that energy or that conscious that awareness that just you know i don't really know what happens but like could like travel to or just a different realm a different body or something for different experiences. Instead of just being like this one period of time where you're just conscious and aware and that's it. But I guess what's weird to me is like, let's say spirits are conscious. Why does like a woman who was murdered somewhere choose to stay there right and like discuss
Starting point is 02:01:26 what happened yeah it just doesn't make sense could it be part of her like could some of her yeah could some of her have gone on and then the part that's in pain like could it be a fragment and that's what i think like at the very beginning, we were talking about energy getting trapped. I think that's what most paranormal stuff is, is trapped energy that is repeating these traumatic events. Let's say you go see a movie. The energy of you sitting in a chair there and watching a movie isn't going to be great enough to leave an impact.
Starting point is 02:02:02 But if you're getting murdered or like something so terrible is happening to you that insane emotion is what i think leaves those scars on an environment yeah but it doesn't like talk to you it's not like you can sit there and be like oh what'd you have for lunch today ella and they'll be like oh potatoes and carrots you know it's like your soul yeah it's from the person from the 1800s like you can't really have like a full-on conversation that's like relevant yeah it's just weird it's there's so much to unpack there's a lot that's really interesting about like uh like it being this like brutal thing that happened and then it's just this like repeat of like that so it's almost
Starting point is 02:02:43 like not even the people are there it's just the the evil thing around the people like the murder is still there and the murder just keeps getting repeated it's almost like like how people say your body stores trauma it's almost like the earth is storing the collective trauma that's gone on and like keeping the score of that 100 yeah it's yes it's so strange just because it boils down to nobody actually knows what it is out there and like it can be as simple as like the like matter cannot be created or destroyed it's always out there so it's like when you have like a very intense thing that happens in a place like maybe there is energy that's just left behind there. And it's freaky to think you go into a place and it's like,
Starting point is 02:03:35 oh, this is energy from that event that happened in that place at a certain time. And this is what I'm experiencing right now. Well, I mean, think of like people always say like, why are there no ghosts that are from like 2010 i'm like there are and people experience them all the time it's just not as widely known of a story when it comes to stuff like that versus like salem massachusetts or sleepy hollow like there are very famous haunted houses even like sally house like think about us talking about that house so many times in this podcast so people are gonna like know that name but we i filmed even at a house in england where this man had murdered his wife and her daughter in like
Starting point is 02:04:18 2016 i want to say and it was an abandoned. And that energy was like so fresh and so there. It's like what we're talking about. It can, it's not like these ghost stories have to have happened back in like 1848, like in Gettysburg. It's fucking like there. And even if someone dies right now in a hotel room here in Los Angeles, that energy from like a violent death is going to be there for the next 100, 200, 400, however many years the place is there.
Starting point is 02:04:48 Yeah. It's just, yeah, we just don't know how that happens. And we'll never know. Yeah, the fucking process behind it. I wish I did, but we just know that it's there. And yeah, the doll recently changed the way we think about a lot of stuff. And yeah, the doll recently changed the way we think about a lot of stuff. It was genuinely one of the freakiest moments of my life.
Starting point is 02:05:13 Because it was like, usually it takes a while for you to go into a location. You start experiencing like crazy stuff. It was like 10 minutes. This doll just flew. That was the ball first. That was right after we had just calmed down from that like thing we're like okay like everything's gonna be all right like we gotta keep filming we sit back down start filming again it was like two minutes after that and you just never see shit move ever dude so to see a fucking ball move and then a creepy ass doll you see it flying out with your
Starting point is 02:05:47 own eyes you're like i don't know we've talked about that a bunch tonight but it's because it was really one of those experiences that like you crave to have and we had it we're like and then we could have stayed there for like 10 hours you know but we had to fly out the next morning we're like why'd that have to be the last one yeah It could have been the first one and we had a ton of energy, man, not 12 days in. So, yeah. Dude. Yeah, this is so fun, guys.
Starting point is 02:06:12 Thank you guys for joining. Yeah, happy early Halloween, man. Yeah. Thank you, guys. Yeah, stay spooky season. Yeah, let's go. Are you guys hunting tonight? No.
Starting point is 02:06:23 Just hanging? We're just hanging. Just hanging. Yeah. We hunted just hanging. Yeah. We hunted the last couple nights. I might be hunting a beer, too. I'm hunting a beer for sure, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:33 Maybe a ghost lager. Yeah. Ghost a keys. Ghost a keys. Awesome. Well, thank you guys. This was so fun. It was a pleasure being here.
Starting point is 02:06:42 Oh, yeah. Let people know where they can find all your stuff and yeah the paranormal files on youtube and then uh murder in america on like all podcasting platforms but if you search the paranormal files you will see my distinct haircut yeah that's pretty mug right here. Outro Music

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