Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep 32 - Male Models, Tony Robbins, Scooter War

Episode Date: August 22, 2018

Chad and JT dive deep.  Super effing deep in this one.  A major discush on what it's like to live with Tony Robbins, a murder drama between two male models, Jakarta is sinking, the ongoing scooter w...ar, and the return of tough guy talk.  As always, we have beefs, babes, legends, reviews, and questions.   For bonus content, check out our patreon: www.patreon.com/chadgoesdeep

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers this is chad coming in with the going deep and chad jt podcast got my compadre jt just chugged uh is that coffee or tea iced coffee oh dog because of the early hour i had to get something more potent yeah so what time did you get up 9 30 yeah we're recording super early 10 a.m this is tuesday what up stokers yeah usually we record at two um so we can have like an hour to like get ready but the uh the powers that be uh said no you're getting up early so my dad your dad so that's what's up so you're going to uh where you going i'm going to jackson hole wyoming that's tight yeah for a wedding i'm pumped for a wedding yeah like our closest family friends are getting married oh that's sweet so what are you doing up until the wedding yeah that's good good question i think we're gonna do some hiking up until the wedding? Yeah, that's a good question.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I think we're going to do some hiking, go to the river, spend time as a unit. Yeah. So it's going to be my dad, his girlfriend, my mom, her boyfriend, Greg and Kent. Great. My brother and his girlfriend. Great. And then my girlfriend and I. Oh, Blair's gone?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah, Blair's coming. Nice. And my dad was like, do I need to have boxing gloves for you and Blair when you guys get here? I'm going to tell her you guys fight. I'm going to ask her why you guys fight so much. And I was like, Dad, I'm not going to censor you. But understand that whatever you say to her is coming back on me. Then he laughed. I'm glad your dad is bringing bringing light to it oh dude he has
Starting point is 00:01:48 a good time with everything um he loves chaos yeah and then the our family friends who are getting married it's uh my friend ian who's always was like kind of like my de facto big brother he used to torture me how so they had a huge dog cage attached to their house like it was big it was like 20 by 10 they put my brother and i in there as uh prisoners a dog cage yeah so we had to sit in the dog it was like we were in prison and we sat in the dog cage all day and i just stare out all day i forget probably like eight hours but they'll always say ian will always say he's like dude i didn't even have to bully you. You just bullied yourself.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Like one time they're going to give us swirlies. I just stuck my head in the toilet before they even could just to get them to cheer. Yeah. And then, yeah, so I would do things for their affection. Yeah. I was that way with my brothers. Like my brother would come home from college
Starting point is 00:02:44 and I'd be like like can you beat me up and he'd be like uh yeah sure and he'd like throw me in the pool and i'd be like that was awesome that's fucking awesome i loved getting my ass kicked i thought you were gonna say like can you clock me in the face six-year-old he's like i'm sure my mom's like what are you doing he's like he told me to punch him in the face. I'm like bleeding from it. I'm like, that was awesome. He's like, poof, poof, poof, poof. I don't know. I just, I always had a knack for getting my ass beat when I was young.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Dude, there's some guys who are really good at getting their ass beat. Yeah. Greg, we used to call him Unbreakable in junior high. It ended up being bad for him. Yeah. Because once he earned the moniker of Unbreakable, people kept trying to test it. Yeah. They were like, oh, dude, are you really Unbreakable and they'd like throw greg into a fire hydrant he's like please stop calling me
Starting point is 00:03:29 unbreakable he's like it's not helping my day-to-day i thought it'd be cool it sucks they snap his leg yeah ow dude i thought you were unbreakable You said you were unbreakable He's like I never even said that Other people said that about me Yeah Aw dude What uh What are you What are you getting up to this week
Starting point is 00:03:54 What am I getting up to Um I'm going to New York this weekend To visit my brothers Um Cause uh They're both They're both turning
Starting point is 00:04:03 Big Big numbers Whoa 4-0 and 3-0 Oh okay Yeah Nice because they're both turning big numbers. Whoa. 4-0 and 3-0. Oh, okay. Nice. So we're going to go shooting Saturday morning, and then we're going to do squats.
Starting point is 00:04:22 That's the basic Kroger family birthday celebration. It's a fucking hell of a day. Yeah. You're going to feel good. I'm going gonna feel good i'm gonna feel good yeah guns and squats i mean how what better way to raise your t levels guns and squats and then uh probably play with my niece and nephew and uh my brother lives in westchester he's a suburban guy now my other brother lives in new orleans so we're both the new orleans brother and me we're both going to New York to celebrate. So, yeah, my older brother, he's a suburban guy now.
Starting point is 00:04:49 No more city. So I don't even know if we'll go into Manhattan, but. Right. Because it's very, it's like Friday to Sunday. Oh, it's going to be a quick hitter. Fly on Friday, fly, yeah. So we'll see about that. And then this week I might surf and motivate.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Nice. That's what's on tap. And I'm always trying to come up with new ways to motivate. So, Stokers, if you have ideas or if you're looking for ways that you want to get motivated, hit me up. Let me know. It's a lot of motivating. It's a lot of motivating. Yeah. It's funny when people are like this is not motivating me i'm like all right well every day is not a
Starting point is 00:05:31 winner okay right i'm putting myself out there thanks for being a dick pal yeah why don't you motivate me dick wad yeah it'd be funny if like tony robbins walked down to the crowd one day just looked at somebody's like can you help me the guy's like yeah but i shelled out like 10 grand to come here and he's like i know and i feel bad about it but i'd love a boost yeah dude have you been watching his like stories on instagram no he'll he'll post photos of his like events and they're like full arenas oh yeah it's like huge and just like him just dancing and stuff i've got a super soaker you can barely it's like from the back of the audience you can barely see him he's just like this little speck just like waving his arms
Starting point is 00:06:16 yeah hard to imagine tony robbins as a speck i know that's how big the audiences are guys a freaking giant yeah i like the little move he goes before he does before he goes on stage just like a like a whip with his hand then he does like a spin oh yeah he knows that yeah you wouldn't expect that spin from a guy of his like masculinity and size i like that he's divorced i would have liked to have been a fly on the wall for his first marriage i heard a story i heard i heard a story at like one of his events he's like super vulnerable he's like yeah you know before i met my new wife i was just i was kind of a dog you know i can't do this one i was kind of a dog yeah i was a dog i was a dog you know i was uh i was pretty much at like 10 chicks at one time on my uh on my like motivating them motivating them with getting them to emotionally
Starting point is 00:07:08 understand their lives yeah with his cock oh nice um apparently he was like uh he said he was like messaging like 10 girls he was like trying to manage like 10 relationships at once right yeah so like he he's like and it all came to a head. He's, like, he's, like, yeah, I went to Fiji to meet this one, then, like, to Australia to meet this other, but then, like, somehow they both came to Fiji at the same time, and I was, like, oh, this is all crashing around me, and then he met his current wife who was, like, working at one of the resorts in, like, his resort in Fiji or something, and they really just hit it off and sparks flew he raised her state and uh she uh made a vision board with his face on it and he saw it and he's like let's bone
Starting point is 00:07:52 and then that's that nice that's how it goes down with Tony yeah good yeah so that's just what I hear. Does he have vision boards? I'm guessing. I wonder, like, for Tony, do you think he has to be able to get his, like, for him to be with someone, do you think he has to be able to get them jacked up? What do you mean like if tony had a wife who he'd be like honey can we talk about like your like um biggest fears regarding your dad and she'd be like no we can't talk about it he'd be like well that's kind of what i do honey i kind of get people to talk about these things so i can get them jacked or like elevate their state and she's like yeah got it not into it and tony's like um can we talk about why you're not letting me get you jacked and then she's like honey good morning hey are we gonna eat uh breakfast before we eat breakfast we need to feed your soul with toast no how with hard truths about misconceptions you've been
Starting point is 00:09:19 perpetuating in your head misconceptions misconceptions well i was really hoping to just eat some eggs perpetuating in your head. Misconceptions? Well, I was really hoping to just eat some eggs. You guys hear this? How often are we going to look for pedestrian food to give us the answers we need for what's really bothering us? What's going on? Who are you talking to? The other people in the auditorium.
Starting point is 00:09:48 I don't see no... This is our house. This is classic. Classic deflection. Did your... Yeah? Yeah? Is this about last night?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Is this because of, like, what happened last night? I just, I don't want to talk about my dad every time we eat. That's interesting. Is that interesting? Who are you talking to? My audience. There's no one here. We're in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, man. Can you ever just take a break? I saw you do the spin move before you came in here. You don't need to get into that state. I'll take a break. I'm just going to head outside real quick and do our two by two ice cold uh bath while i got 30 seconds of free time and then when i come back in i'll
Starting point is 00:10:52 be running in place and i'll be ready to eat right after that can i ask you a question yeah did you have your assistants do like research on me before this morning like i did have them do research they did tell me to do that but i wanted to so it's not all they don't deserve all the credit but you do that every morning we've covered the same stuff well the facts haven't changed but you need to talk about everything that's happened to you every morning I know it's just like you try to get me to roar
Starting point is 00:11:34 like a lion every morning and I'm like yeah stop dude did you see this article about these models who fought to the death uh yeah i did it's crazy it is crazy it's such a movie it's like uh i'm just bummed that neither of them is going to be able to model anymore yeah it's like you know rivalry is taking that far you know i would say just keep it keep it on the runway fellas yeah they showed
Starting point is 00:12:12 up like with like weapons and and bros when they're ready to fight yeah like they were i think oh they had like a a showdown yeah oh i i thought it was like a uh the guy just came out to him and stabbed him that might have been how the fight happened but they both showed up ready for something oh really yeah and they um the uh it had been brewing for a while like they had been talking shit to each other for a while on social media uh the guy who killed the other guy said that he claimed that he also slept with his girlfriend and it was like um yeah it was like as deep as like a hatred could it was like as deep as a like a clash could go yeah like they had really been like just being super gnarly with each other
Starting point is 00:13:01 damn so it was like they were beefing for a while and then because the guy who stabbed him was jealous the other guy was like a more successful model more famous yeah yeah a little backstory stoker so they're both like similar looking models and uh and then the uh the lesser the less successful one stabbed this dude in the heart yeah so dude it's funny too like so the guy was like the less successful guy killed the uh the the copycat killed the more famous one and um this is so funny this is what the prosecution said the killer plainly had an obsession with harry uzuka that's the other model he even suggested to one witness that they were on a similar level in the modeling world and that was not true i love getting that burn in there
Starting point is 00:14:00 yeah as if that's like hyper relevant to the case pieces of shit like you motherfuckers i'm like this is what pushed him to do that with these slights yeah he um i also i just get extra disappointed when hot people are immoral when hot people make mistakes yeah i look to hot people to be my moral compass yeah you know yeah so when they fuck up, I'm like, damn it, dude. You let us down. Yeah. It's like this guy's really betraying, you know, it's like he has these hot looks and he could still model, but he just threw that all away.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And he could use his hot looks for good. Yeah. But instead he let, you know, jealousy get the better of him. Yeah. Yeah. I just, I, what happened to old fashioned walk-offs? You know? but instead he let you know jealousy get the better of him yeah i just yeah i just i what happened to old-fashioned walk-offs you know that i would have done something like that you would have been like hey you're more successful than me but i could i could dominate the runway
Starting point is 00:14:56 way better than you yeah it could be like oh you're commercially more successful but it really comes down to the throwdown yeah of who can walk better, I'm better than you. But I think in his own head, he built it up to like a Wild West kind of thing where he's like, oh, we're both like these iconic figures and only one of us can still, this playground ain't big enough
Starting point is 00:15:16 for the both of us kind of thinking, which is a little immature. You know what I mean? Like, it's like, dude, you can't, do you really think like killing this guy is going to give you all of his gigs? Yeah. I mean, I guess he's got what he wanted.
Starting point is 00:15:28 Maybe he just wanted fame, and now he has it, you know? Yeah, but I guess now he has it, and he's like, this is not that cool because now I'm going to jail. I'm in jail. But, dude, I mean, I just, I'm confused as to why the other guy would agree to a brawl with him. Cause like you're messing with the very thing that's making you money. You know, that's true too. If you fight and you loot,
Starting point is 00:15:52 but I think, I think, you know, I think models, they exist as like pinnacles of beauty. And in some ways, like what it is to be cool. And maybe that fills them up with like bravado and they're
Starting point is 00:16:05 like oh so i gotta fight i gotta protect my rep you know what i mean i wonder if his agents were like hey don't do this because like if your face gets fucked up you can't make money yeah i don't know interesting case it's very interesting make a good make for a good movie i bet the guy was like all right let's brawl and the guy just brought a knife he's like actually i'm gonna stab you in the heart yeah let's fight he stabbed him in the heart yeah they gotta you gotta agree to what the weapons are before the fight yeah like uh it's it's my movie quote of the week but in gangs in new york when they're settling what the uh weapons are going to be for the final melee um bill the butcher's like clubs knives pickaxes guns and then leo dicaprio's
Starting point is 00:16:55 character goes no guns and bill the butcher goes good boy and i was like nice dude very honorable discussing what weapons are allowed. Good boy. Yeah. I heard when they were filming that, like, before he had talked to Daniel Day-Lewis, and they'd be, like, discussing it. And then, like, once they started filming, Daniel Day-Lewis got into character, and he's like, hey, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Daniel's like, mmm. And he's like, oh, sorry. I would be so, like, all right, you fucking douche. I was about to say it's like you're like oh dude on one hand you're like a very good actor and on the other hand you're like 45 and you can't snap out of make-believe like you're not talented enough or or uh experienced enough to be able to like compartmentalize when you're acting and not acting yeah but i wonder if on set people are like I wonder if people have worked with him.
Starting point is 00:17:47 They'd be like, yeah, Daniel, he's awesome. You know? And he's like, my name is Abe Lincoln. They're like, yeah, cool, dude. Yeah, he's got to be exhausting to work with. Yeah. Dude, I heard he traded. He stopped acting for a couple years, which I love.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I love when you love something so much that you can't do anymore because it pains you and then he um he instead learned how to cobble shoes yeah and he gave the the shoe cobbler acting classes in exchange did we talk about this on here before no yeah he so he was like you teach me how to make shoes and i'll teach you how to act and i heard the guy's a traveling theater actor in italy now oh really yeah is he really good i don't know but that's that was like the end of it but but apparently he's good enough to work yeah yeah i've come to cobble shoes i learned how to cobble shoes for four years you're like if you weren't so smart you'd just be an idiot like what yeah why would you you're in like martin scorsese maybe stick to that
Starting point is 00:18:47 dude did you see this article about how jakarta is sinking yeah it's the next atlantis whoa yeah i think uh you know don't fight it guys let's uh i think we're making the transition to merpeople. I'm all for it. Atlantis is coming. We'll develop gills or some shit. They could even be bionic ones. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Or do you think evolution will take care of it pretty quickly? Maybe Elon Musk will tweet about it and then not do anything. I know. That's starting to be his rep. Yeah. He's just on blow, huh? Dude, probably. Elon's just like, they're like, we need an idea for today. He's like, leave my office.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I need to do some hard thinking. And he comes out. He's like, we're going to Mars. Everyone's like, yeah! And he's like, but first, we're going to Mars. Everyone's like, yeah! And he's like, but first we're hitting the club. New tweet. We're not going to eat food by 2030. We're going to be self-sustainable.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Because he hasn't eaten in three days. Everyone's like, all right, yeah. He's like, we'll make it happen. Now get in the back of my Tescalade. Yeah, it's a bummer about Jakarta. I love Indonesia. What's your take on it? I'm reading about it now,
Starting point is 00:20:09 and it sounds like humans are doing a lot of stuff that's accelerating the rate at which it's sinking. Yeah. Like excessive extraction of groundwater for use as drinking water. And the air, so they take all that from underneath it and it decreases the volume and then the city just sinks into the empty space they're still selling apartments in there
Starting point is 00:20:33 i don't know i hope you're right i hope that they can just um figure out a way to make it better but i think we got to be aware so i'm glad i know about it yeah i don't know much about it but i'm glad i know that it's going on because i don't want to just like one day be like where's jacarta and everyone's like it's gone it's been gone for a while and i'm like what yeah i was gonna go there for my birthday yeah i was gonna party there yeah well do you scuba dude what do you think about a bird bird scooters, lime scooters, respect lime, are being vandalized. There's like a real war brewing between the scooter heads and the anti-scoots. This has been going on for centuries.
Starting point is 00:21:18 This is what comes with being a scooter guy. People are going to hate. Dude, I remember I rollerbladed for like a year and i would hit the skate park in my fucking blades and skaters would come up to me all the time they'd be like don't fucking drop in on my ramp dude you're a rollerblader yeah know your fucking place so territorial yeah i've never been into this like Like paintballing You go paintballing and guys are like Hey hey hey put your barrel plug in Noob
Starting point is 00:21:49 Hey hey did you check your FPS Yeah Alright if you're gonna be an idiot don't play You're like You're an idiot And that's fine but don't start acting like you're fucking King Tut Cause you know you've been here 10 times Put your barrel plug in on my course The game is over but don't start acting like you're fucking king tut because you know you've been here 10 times
Starting point is 00:22:05 put your barrel plugging on on my course the game is over put your face mask on put it on yeah it's you're out you're out i shot you you're out and then the guy gets home and he still talks like that. He's like, Billy! Billy, how was school? Put that friggin' barrel plug in! Put it, hey! Barrel plug your science book! Yeah. But dude, there's a Instagram bird graveyard.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Have you seen it? I hate it. They lit one on fire. Yeah, what the fuck? The thing that pisses me off the most is the pollution they're causing they're throwing them in the ocean i agree it's like have you even ridden the scooter do you know how fun it is what the fuck are you doing and i've made this point before look to defeat a villain you can't become a villain yeah like it's never okay to
Starting point is 00:23:00 just like throw a scooter in the ocean yeah like haven't you watched like the batman movies like the joker bane they all met their demise by trying to go the destruction route i hope bird just makes fireproof birds yeah i mean this is a big fight like the existence of birds is they're in an existential fight for their life right now yeah like it could It could turn out that birds aren't allowed in California and then after that maybe other states. It might just be a fad. I don't know what I'd do. I don't want it to be a fad. I don't want bird scooters to be pogs. I want them to be here
Starting point is 00:23:36 to stay. We'll come up with ways to regulate it. Just trust that the system can figure things out on the fly. It doesn't have to be perfect right away it's an alternative green mode of transport when i ride a bird like usually i'll be like in my car and i'll be like isolated in my own world listening to like podcasts or music or something but when i'm on a bird i'm like in the city you know i'm like i'm like amongst the world i'm like you belong to the city this is
Starting point is 00:24:06 what it's like to like be in the world not isolated in my fucking metal box like patrick swayze was talking about you know i want to be in the world and that's what bird does for me dude i picture your hair just flowing you got sunglasses on yeah it looks good dude yeah you too man come on if your hair your hair doesn't flow as much. At all. All right, should we get into it? Yeah. Chad, who is your beef of the week?
Starting point is 00:24:38 My beef of the week is with bureaucrats. with bureaucrats um so i was watching james bond uh the other day and there's he uh the new one of his bosses says something to him and he goes uh bureaucrat he's a bureaucrat i know what that was i learned it's like the dmv and uh so my beat yeah fuck the dV. So I'm just sick of, you know, people trying to like make me get IDs and licenses and just like, you know, identify myself and like pass tests so I can drive, you know, just like, just let me be me. Let James be James, you know, stop getting in the way of his mish. Yeah, maybe I should have done a little more research on bureaucrats but that's my beef i love it i just want to be raw and live free so yeah i don't know if my beef is with bureaucrats per se or so that's my beef what's your beef dude my beef was a beef i witnessed but that was a um it was taken care of in the moment it was pretty awesome so
Starting point is 00:25:46 our buddy uh andrew k um we went out together in huntington beach to a club called the bungalow and we were in there just like ripping shots and dancing it up and like feeling that weird anxious buzz when you're in a crowded place with lots of hot people and you just don't know what to do but you know you got to do something so he spent a couple hours there just grooving. And, um, he met a pretty girl and, uh, like a group of seven of us were leaving and we were down by where the cabs come to pick you up afterwards. And then this dude walked up smoking a cig and he could tell he kind of had bad vibes all over him and he was like he heard us talking about food he's like yo if you guys want to get food you got to go to this one like uh taco stand like 35 minutes south of here and we're all like okay and
Starting point is 00:26:36 right away i could feel his energy was like aggressive and i was like what the fuck's gonna happen here i got i kind of got like hairs up on my back and i was like oh no and then um andrew k was just like oh yeah cool man yeah we maybe we'll check that place out and like had sounded genuine and the guy was like i don't know about maybe dude like took whatever andrew said in like the worst possible way yeah and then andrew was like yeah you're right dude i should yeah i will actually go there and then the guy was like okay and kind of laughed which seemed like maybe he just didn't know what to say and then he the guy who was like being aggressive with us had two buddies who looked like they were
Starting point is 00:27:16 capable of being even more aggressive and so andrew's friend this guy who i met for the first time that night i forget his name peeled off went over to those two guys and was like hey what's up dudes and then he was like you guys want a cigarette and they were like yeah i'll take one and they each took one and then i looked back at andrew and he was just talking to the guy about his life and the guy was like yeah so i'm like from like 10 minutes and he had chilled down considerably and i was like and then i realized i was like, and then I realized I was like, whoa, Andrew and his boy just diffuse this potential negative situation by just being super peaceful, not showing any signs of aggression, just basically bouncing the ball back to the other guy. Like these guys, like the aggressive guy was like ripping four hands and negativity. And Andrew just kept pairing them back over the net. And then finally the guy got tired and was like, all right, I guess we'll just rally.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And I was like, nice dude, that is well handled. Cause I was like, ready to say something like, which would have been the wrong route, but I was going to be like, I was gonna be like, dude, why are you being negative to us? Like, we're just hanging out. We're just waiting for our Uber. Like you don't have to come at us and be all aggressive with your energy. That would have been the worst thing to say the guy would have been like what bitch i'm not being aggressive and i'd be like admit you're being aggressive and he'd be like no i'm not going to i'm like then fuck you you're an asshole or something stupid like that that would have just made the whole situation incredibly awkward especially if there's a chick there you
Starting point is 00:28:38 know what i mean she doesn't want to be part of like uh awful situation she's nice yeah and then so i was just like super impressed by uh andrew and his buddies like um beef synthesizing and i went up to andrew afterwards and i was like dude fire way to like calm down this guy and i was like and i told his buddy i was like great way to like make sure his friends are like enough on our side that they don't like uh encourage or condone anything negative that the other dude might have done it's like really smart like uh human engineering or whatever social engineering and i was just like yeah credit to you guys that was that was good beef beef work so um that's my beef of the week. Beef synthesizing. Yeah, because they neutralized the beef before it beefed. Yeah, when someone comes at you, you got to just act like it's not even phasing you.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah. Like, yeah, dude. Hell yeah. That's like the most SoCal way to start a fight. Like, you better check out this fucking taco stand, bitch. Yeah. Yeah, dude, I will. All right, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is uh jessica simpson um i was i watched her uh reality show newlyweds and that's when i really sort of started to see what love was between her and nick lachey although it was didn't last seeing their relish was like i was like whoa this is like a real relish with a super hot chick you know yeah it's not all like i think it's sort of like humanized hot chicks for me it's where it's like they're not just like these like you know big goddess like creatures they're human beings yeah and that's how you got to behave i love that if you're nick lachey dude nick was i watched the follow-up show that he did after they divorced and he got his own reality show about like his next album yeah and he wasn't sure what to call
Starting point is 00:30:35 the album but one of the names was what's left of me and he was like he was talking to like a big team of like marketing people and he was like i don't know if I want to call it What's Left of Me. And they were like, why, Nick? And he's like, because then what if some music critic writes, What's Left of Nick? Not much. And they were like, yeah, Nick, we don't think you should operate from such a negative perspective.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And I was like, yeah, it's true. I was like, Nick really let us in right there. And he's hurting. Yeah. He loved her. Yeah. He loved her. I think that's a fair argument, What's Left of Nick. Not hurting. Yeah. He loved her. Yeah. He loved her. I think that's a fair argument
Starting point is 00:31:06 what's left of Nick. Not much. Yeah. Did he stick with the name? I think he did call it that. Yeah. And did critics say, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah. I think they did. He's like, fuck you. He calls the marketing people. He's like, I told you they would do this. Yeah. If we just would have called the album
Starting point is 00:31:23 Blue Velvet, we'd be fine right now. Just act like nothing happened. What can they say about Blue Velvet? Shit. They can't say anything about it. Blue Velvet? Not much.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Non-starter. Yeah. All right. My babe of the week is Bantam Bagels from Starbucks. Fuck yeah. Dude, have you guys had these? They're like balls that are filled with cream cheese and they heat them up. So it's just a bagel but like in a basketball form.
Starting point is 00:31:53 They're sexy. They look good. They're like little perfect circles. You say you can't make a perfect circle but they're as close to perfect as you can get. Super sexy. And they're super tasty and they make them quick. And I just think um i really like eating you so thank you bantam bagels you do eat sort of like a very aggressively
Starting point is 00:32:12 oh yeah yeah sort of like the way you uh sort of like the way you uh drink fluids drink fluids i i when i i've just always noticed especially when you when you're like hungry and you want to wolf something down your hands are like shaking you're just like jt breathe relax breathe yeah i don't know why i have so much adrenaline like i need this huevos rancheros in my fucking belly yeah i shake you do shake yeah i had a meal yesterday i went to a brazilian steakhouse but i basically just carbo loaded and there was a huge line because it's like a small little vendor and the line gets like an hour long and people were staring at my plate really yeah i love that when people are like whoa like when you walk by oh because they were impressed by how big the meal
Starting point is 00:33:01 was yeah like a stranger guy will be like, oh, nice. Nice meal. You're like, thanks, bro. Yeah, I stacked it up. Has that guy got double? All right. I need the energy. All right, dude, who is your legend of the week?
Starting point is 00:33:18 My legend of the week is Howard Stern. week is uh howard stern uh howard stern uh played our house party city council audio since his radio show on uh on his show yesterday and apparently i haven't listened to the full thing but apparently he and robin liked it crazy which is awesome but i've been i've been a stern listener since 2009 i love howard stern and the more and more i listen to him the more i can see his craft and the way he's able to just first off he he was always unapologetically himself and he just maintained that throughout his whole career he was fighting the powers that be probably the freaking bureaucrats who are just like don don't be yourself, Howard. And he's like, fuck you. This is me.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And then that's what brought him to the level of success he has. He never conformed. And do you ever watch his movie? Private Parts? Yeah. Amazing. Amazing. So, you know, he's battling NBC and then like Don Hymas
Starting point is 00:34:18 and all those people. And he just powered through. And so just major props to him for sticking through and and just you know deciding hey this is this is my show this is how i'm gonna do it you guys can try and you can fire me you can say what you want but i will have my audience and that's what will power me through and that's what got him through to being one of the the richest radio personality ever the biggest and one of the richest people in entertainment he's a monster he's so funny yeah he's so funny and that yeah so when he listened to his show he just like
Starting point is 00:34:51 the way he's like i don't think many people understand how difficult it is to carry a live radio show for like four hours just absurd and he keeps it fun he keeps it light his interviews have gotten better and better he's really he really asks the questions that like people want to know he's smart yeah and he's really aggressive in that way but also you know super likable i think um and just uh yeah howard you're a legend thank you for you for putting our segment on your show. It was a fire segment. I want to listen to it all still.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Hopefully I still can. Hit up Gary. Baba Booey, send us the full seg. He loves animals too, which I think is awesome. He and his wife, they save cats, which is cool. He's got a babe of a wife and he's still plowser with rubbers which i still find curious but you know he wears condoms he wears condoms is he a germ guy i think he's a germ guy yeah but again he's unapologetically himself love that he's very
Starting point is 00:36:01 vulnerable on the radio i think's so good. Yeah. And also, it's just so crazy he played our clip. It almost doesn't even feel real. But I'm deeply honored. Yeah, who's your legend? My legend of the week is our boy Dustin. Oh, I love Dustin. Yeah, Dustin's the man. Dustin is the man.
Starting point is 00:36:21 He's so funny. He's, like like super prolific and he's just um he's just witty he can hang and just get in there with the the banter back and forth it's always a delight to talk to him you leave the conversation feeling bouncy he's got a great uh energy. He's good with people. And then he's just got an encyclopedic knowledge of a wide array of subjects. I mean, especially film and basketball. He knows everything. And he doesn't just know everything about those things.
Starting point is 00:36:57 He's good at them. He's so good at basketball. Playing basketball? Playing basketball. He's got the best jumper I've ever seen. Oh, sick. He can just sink it from anywhere. range i mean sometimes it gets a little taxing when you play with him because i'm so bad i kind of just have to let him do whatever he wants
Starting point is 00:37:12 so you're watching him shoot a lot but it's a privilege to watch him i mean he can make it rain and it's fun to play with him because you're like man we got a good chance of winning strider calls him the luxury that's his basketball nickname the luxury because he just he can make it easy for you guys by just draining some deuces from deep um and yeah i just i always have a great time hanging with them we were together this weekend and we were driving around and it was just like just vibing when you're with someone and you're just you're just on that same wavelength you're seeing things similarly but you know you got your small differences in point of view that adds so much flavor to life and then we were just bouncing back and forth and i was like you know what this guy's a fucking legend he is a legend he makes you feel so good whenever you talk to him
Starting point is 00:38:00 yeah i'm like this guy he's super charismatic and he's just like a really solid dude there's never a time where like oh dustin's coming i'll be like hell yeah like i can't imagine anyone ever just being like oh dustin's coming bummer yeah no i can't i don't think anyone's ever said that in the history of earth dude nice yeah my gf loves him yeah they vibe so hard yeah yeah he's the best and uh yeah he's um he's the man and he's got a he's just got a big dick energy you know why that is it's because he has a big dick yeah i haven't seen it you know maybe it just hasn't happened but i know a girl who slept with him and said he's got a massive hog good for him and then i also I love his girlfriend too she's super cool yeah she's cool Adriana
Starting point is 00:38:45 what up you're a legend as well and you guys are legends together and stay legendary hell yeah alright alright dude
Starting point is 00:38:58 should we get into some questions yeah do you want to do an ad sure what up stokers of stoke nation this is Chad of the going deep You want to do an ad? Sure. What up, Stokers of Stoke Nation? This is Chad of the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. Hey, guys, ladies, what is something that occurs in the bedroom?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah, you guessed it, boning. That's what occurs. And you know what you need when you're boning? The right tools tools and what kind of tools you ask well um how about lubricant because that'll make it go smooth and that'll make it go nice and that'll make your boning just a total experience just that much smoother and better and more enjoyable why because douglasricant brings us the best in lube. You have all kinds of chemicals that are biodegradable and safe, and they'll give you
Starting point is 00:39:53 a tingling sensation. They'll make it taste good. It's edible. It'll make it feel good. It's like adding a blowtorch to your dong piece, but in a good way. Meaning that it's just like warm, not like it's burning your skin. That's what Douglas Lubricant does. That's what Douglas Lubricant does. So next time you bone, bone well and bone hard with Douglas Lube. All right, guys. First question.
Starting point is 00:40:25 What up, Stokers? Long time listener of the pod. Stay stoked, bros. Anyways, got myself in a little bit of a pickle here. My mom buys all of my clothes and I keep telling her I don't want to wear shit from Nordstrom's because I heard they're a racist. Do I burn all of these clothes to make a statement or do like Gandhi and rock a sheet? Thanks, PJ.
Starting point is 00:40:44 Nordstrom's racist? I'm not totally surprised having worked the stock room there and you know i don't like to judge a book by its cover you know i think people are you know crazy unique and someone can look like a racist and be the farthest thing from it but the dudes who run nordstrom's the nordstrom family like eric von nordstrom's and like lindrich von nordstrom they look like racist just hearing the word von i think they got vons in their name yeah so it might as well be eric von racist and you know if it's not really up to me to i don't i'm not going to call them racist i don't know them but if you think they're racist and you believe that strongly that that you know racism's a bad thing well then yeah burn your clothes dude dude pj yeah thank you for writing in and just
Starting point is 00:41:37 dude upon hearing that right away i'm just like this is a man with values and a code. Dude, exactly. I don't want to extinguish that passion. So light that fire. Yeah. Make your statement. Be like Gandhi, dude. Be a minimalist. Rock that sheet, dude.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Imagine how much respect you're going to get at school. Even if people are hating, they'll be like, what are you doing, dude? Is that your bed sheet? Look at the jizz stains. And you'll be like, what? Well, at least I'm standing up for something. They'd be like the back of their mind they they probably like you know flare up they'd be like standing up for what but in the back of their mind they'd be like yeah he's a better man than i am yeah like even if i disagree exactly dude you're so you're drilling it like nine times
Starting point is 00:42:18 over again with a power kick it's like um even if i don't agree or understand exactly what your point of view is, if you commit to it with integrity, I'm behind you 100. So, yeah, dude, burn your clothes. Burn them all. Yeah, and dude, if you're in California too, make sure that's a contained fire because we're having a huge wildfire problem. And just make sure you look up like fire safety. So maybe like make sure it it's bonfire safe. And maybe have a little celebration. Have your boys over and just be like,
Starting point is 00:42:50 guys, this is a bonfire against racism. What's really good? My name is Danny, and I'm a jack dude who loves to lift and bond with my squad. Anyways, I get hard a lot. My dong, I mean. I was grinding with this Betty at my buddy Tanner's house, and I got super hard. Pretty soon it was clear that the grinding turned into an over-the-pants pokey sesh.
Starting point is 00:43:09 I thought she'd be stoked to know that I'm Vero, but she gave me this not-stoked look and ran away. So my question is, when do you reveal that you're hard? You know, know your audience, know the room, you know? Yeah, good call. It's just uh you just got to have good judgment dude like there's not there's not like a set of circumstances i could describe that would yeah i think a a potential solution isn't to know. It's not to come up with all the situations when you do reveal your heart. It's better to have a list of when don't you reveal your heart.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Good call. Work for it by just erasing all of those situations from your potential boner reveal stuff. You know what I mean? There's no objective way to say, say okay this is when you let people know i'm hard right read the room i mean if she says like the only way i can 100 say with certainty it's time to reveal that is if someone preempts you and asks you yeah if she's like hey are you hard you can be like yeah i'm hard yeah but it's uh it's a tough move i mean i've i've you know told chicks i was hard before you know if we had been making out and stuff and i got good feedback on it oh so you got a mostly positive
Starting point is 00:44:33 response yeah but i think i was doing it at the right times yeah but i don't know i mean if she ran away she probably didn't want to know about your boner yeah it's tough though when you're grinding i remember in like middle school i was freak dancing with a girl and i she was like my main crush and i got super hard and it was kind of a poke sesh and i didn't know what to do because like i didn't want to stop dancing but like you know i was poking her from behind you're grinding with her so i think in that situation both of you guys enter into a social contract where where a boner might happen you know what i mean she she probably knows that a boner could happen from grinding um so that's not that's not a terrible time to do it but yeah make sure that
Starting point is 00:45:27 there's grinding and stuff before you uh get a boner don't get a boner just from like talking to somebody yeah i wouldn't like announce it at the dinner table or something like that exactly or you know at her parents house or something maybe there's some like standards like that like if you're at the dinner table with family you know i'm sure your parents don't want to know that you're hard uh a lot of times i'll get hard in the car and then like i have to get out of the car i'm like i have to face these people with a just rock solid dong and uh just flip up in the waistband dude um jt i know you mentioned a solution to getting a thicker mane, and I was wondering if you could shoot me the name of that product. It's called Finasteride.
Starting point is 00:46:07 That's the actual name of the medicine, but the company that makes it is Propecia. How's it working out? Dude, it's great. Your hair looks good. Thank you. It's thick because of it. It looks thick, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:21 No side effects. Some people say it makes your wiener feel like a rubber attachment. I think those people were already feeling that way. Hey, Chad and JT, I'll just start from the beginning. Mid-July, I met this babe of a girl at a party at my house. And towards the end of the night, we really hit it off, talking, flirting. But that's all it was. So she went home that night, and I really didn't think anything of it.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Anyways, last weekend, she ended up at the same party I was at, and things really heated up there. We ran the beer pong table the whole night and we were really vibing. And later that night we ended up hooking up in my friend's basement. And after playing couch quail on the futon, we talked a little more than her designated driver ended up taking the group home. We talked a little more and then her, okay. I sent, I sent a snap a couple of days later feeling out where she was at, but after answering one, she hasn't opened up the other snap from like four days ago and I haven't sent one since.
Starting point is 00:47:11 I'm interested in this girl, but I don't want to come off too strong or annoying. I can understand if it was a one night deal. I'm okay with that, but I'm just curious what I should do from here. Should I wait it out or risk it for the biscuit? So he sent her some snaps. Can I read that again?
Starting point is 00:47:31 He hooked up with this girl and she hasn't been getting back to him and he likes her. And they had a really special night together. Dude, that night that you guys had together, it sounds like the peak of romance. Running the beer pong table with a woman you're interested in
Starting point is 00:47:44 and then you guys, that all culminates, and you guys, you know, hooking up, that's a very nice night. So before we get too frustrated about the lack of a response,
Starting point is 00:47:54 let's just really enjoy the fact that that happened, that you got to have a special night like that. A lot of people never have a night like that. So the fact that you got one, you're already way ahead
Starting point is 00:48:04 of the eight ball, my friend. Dude, you're hitting a nail on the head there. Be appreciative of that night. And if you can do it once, my friend, you can do it again. So don't be too down if she doesn't get back to you. I mean, she might be on her own journey. She might be getting vibes from a college guy who's messing with her head and she's not mature enough yet to realize that she's got the beer partner she needs right there with you. But you can't make up somebody's mind for them. I mean, my idea on the approach is always the same. Just message her. Tell her you want to take her out. It probably won't work, but whatever, man. If it doesn't work, you mark it off and you're on to the next one. Let's not waste time
Starting point is 00:48:45 thinking about how we can make this person love us. You know what I mean? They either do or they don't. It's not really up to you anyways. So just figure out now if she's the one and if she's not, keep pushing, brother. Yeah. I'd say, uh, I'd say, uh, enjoy the night that you had. Be stoked on it, but mostly be stoked on yourself, that you're having these experiences. Just know that you are capable of more experiences like this, and she's not the one that's going to make them happen for you.
Starting point is 00:49:23 You're the one that's going to make them happen, so be stoked on that. Yeah, just play it cool you know uh uh just be like yeah it was a fun night i know i'm the fucking man and then just see what happened what's good my brothers i've spent the last two summers getting with the same betty and each summer the intensity intensifies i like that last night she was crashing a mine and we were getting steaming in my bed. Although I normally am able to make her cum, last night was different. Despite foreplay and the hour I spent going down on her,
Starting point is 00:49:52 she wasn't into it. She was recently prescribed new meds for anxiety and blamed her inability to climax on the pills. JT, I was wondering if your meds ever affected your sex drive and ability to cum or if my Betty was using the pills as an excuse in an attempt to not hurt my feelings. I asked her for comments and criticism because just like you gods, I'm constantly trying
Starting point is 00:50:09 to better myself. Although we're going to keep things going in the sack, that night really downed my stoke tank. Any advice you guys can offer is appreciated. Thanks for the rad pod and keeping my stoke tank full. You guys are the best. Jamie G. Jamie, my dog.
Starting point is 00:50:23 I have not had problems coming because of the medications, but I'm not on an SSRI, and I think those are typically the ones that have that side effect. And it's super common. I've had a lot of guy friends who have gotten on anti-anxiety or antidepressants, and the pills worked great, but one of the side effects was it was impossible for them to come. But when you're a guy, it's almost like a good thing. They were like, yeah, I can just like bone all night. But I do think it was frustrating for them too at times. Dude, I don't think she's lying to you. I think she's telling the truth that these pills are making it hard for her to come, which is a bummer for you, dude. I know you really want to get her off. That makes you feel good that she's feeling good. And it's, it's good for everybody involved. But I think the best thing you could do, although it doesn't sound like much fun, is that like, you could just be
Starting point is 00:51:14 all right with her not being able to come because putting pressure on her to come is going to make it practically impossible. So I would just, uh, let her deal with it and you just keep pounding away and doing your best yeah don't put too much pressure on yourself dude um you know yeah things fluctuate horniness fluctuates it definitely could be your medication so you know um just keep doing what you're doing man and uh you know you don't have to hit home runs every time. If you keep trying to hit home runs every time and you go for that perfection, it's just going to lead to disappointment.
Starting point is 00:51:52 So just keep, best thing you can say is I gave my best effort. It sounds like that's what you did. So just be proud of that and don't get down on yourself. Just work that foreplay, dog, and pound away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:08 Tickle each other's backs, dude. There's other stuff that feels good. Yeah. Look up the Kama Sutra or like do some fun shit like play Barry White or like use whipped cream. Get a vibrator. Oh, that'd be fun. Bring something in there. This one is going to be for chad no disrespect jt how
Starting point is 00:52:26 do you get your hair as dope as you do my hair is like yours but it never does what i want it to it's super annoying when i let it grow long because it just gets thick and does whatever it freaking wants chad how do you do it um so i i use uh i use shampoo and condition. I shampoo every other day. That's one major thing. I shampoo every other day. And usually I use herbal essences, but I recently, when I was at my dad's, one of my sisters uses Alba Botanica Hawaii shampoo, and I was like, whoa, this is really helping me out. So I think I might switch to that.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Alba Botanica Hawaii Shampoo smells really good. Then I use some kind of pomade, usually like Crew. And then one good trick, if you can't control your flow, I put on a lid. And I put on a lid to sort of like flatten my hair while it's drying. And I do that for like maybe like five, ten minutes. And that seems to like get it in the proper place for the rest of the day so throw on a lid make sure it's you're putting it on your hair the way that you want it to look so you're not like making in some like crazy position
Starting point is 00:53:39 so that it looks proper and throw that lid on on, control it, take the lid off. You're going to love what you see, brother. That's it. That's good hair advice. I have a big problem with the long backstory, so I'm sorry about the lengthy explanation. Last fall, I decided to try out for my university's cheerleading squad, which was kind of a big deal because I was the first guy to be on the team in the last five
Starting point is 00:54:07 years. Hey, respect to you, man. Way to do what you want to do and thwart social norms. I initially did it because I thought it might be fun to try for a semester or two and maybe meet some babes along the way, all the while respecting them, of course. But I ended up really excelling and enjoying it. I made a lot of good friends on the team, developing some solid bonds and platonic relationships. However, one of those relationships doesn't seem right. One of the girls on the team, who's also one of the captains, and I seem to always be flirting ever since I joined this squad. Initially, I was stoked because I wanted to ask her to my fraternity spring formal, and her sorority was partnered with us for Greek week. That was when I found out she had a boyfriend of five years, but I still had multiple people tell me that she had told them that she had a
Starting point is 00:54:47 big crush on me. Normally I would never try to pursue someone in a relationship, but one night at a party, she told me how terrible her boyfriend was, how he ignores her is verbally abusive and always flirts with other girls right in front of her. I've met this guy before and I think he is a huge tool bag. I don't know where to go from here,
Starting point is 00:55:01 but we still flirt a lot and I think we both still like each other a lot. She even will, she even will come to a party I throw over one her boyfriend does because she wants to see me. Plus, I've had multiple girls on the squad tell us we would be a fire couple. I just want to prove to her that I could treat her way better and make her actually enjoy being in a relationship. What should I do?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Thanks for your time. Very respectfully, Derek. P.S. Go Bulldogs and Rush. Frat symbols. Dude, yeah, first off, props for doing what you want, joining the cheerleading squad. I think that's tight.
Starting point is 00:55:35 It sounds like it could be super fun. And I would say she's still with this dude, so I wouldn't be that sort of guy who's sort of, like, waiting around for her to, like, break up with him, because I think that could, you know, I think, I think you gotta tell her how you feel, and make your position clear if you want things to move forward, I think, because, like, if you're like, hey, you know, I'm, I'm still keeping my options open, but I know you're with this guy but i want you so uh that's what's up and um but that's my you know what i mean you know i'm trying to say like
Starting point is 00:56:17 avoid the friend zone to where you're just like hanging out with her and you're like all right maybe she'll break up with them someday i'd sort of like lay it out for her be like i like you but i'm not gonna like wait around for you dude i would kind of deal you gotta go for it you gotta go for it this other guy's a douche yeah you're a much better guy you know you're breaking social norms you're trying to do stuff that other people are afraid of you know you and her have a connection. You guys cheer together. You feel the same way about all the important things about life, religion, politics, family values. You're on the same wavelength. This other guy's a relic of her past. She's just not ready to cut ties with it. Probably because she's nervous that if she jumps ship, she doesn't know where she's going to land. So you got to pull your boat up right there and say,
Starting point is 00:57:00 I'll catch you, baby. I think I would have another party. It's great. You're having parties. It's very appealing. You guys get together at the party, start drinking. You lock off with her. You kind of get her into your conversation zone. You don't let anybody come by. If any of your friends come by, you go, hold on, I'm doing something. I'm talking to somebody. And you talk and you talk and you talk and you get close and you get close and you get close. And when the moment comes, you go for the kiss. And she says, what the hell are you doing? You go, you know what I'm doing? I like you. And I think you like me too. And I think this other guy's a toad. So why don't you just let yourself be happy and be with me instead and say, I know it's a little wrong, but in the name of something more right, it's going to take some sin, but let's do this.
Starting point is 00:57:43 It's wrong, but you feel good. But you feel this. I know you feel it too because I'm feeling it, and I know you're feeling it. And you know this guy's not the right guy for you. I'm in your base while you've been up in the air for two years now, and I know how to make you happy. Now let me suck that face.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Come here and give me a kiss. All right, guys, it's time for our movie quote of the week. Should I go first? yeah my movie quote of the week is from Troy with B. Pitt in the beginning of the movie this some messenger boy he's like
Starting point is 00:58:19 he's the biggest man I've ever seen I wouldn't want to fight him and Brad Pitt who's playing Achilles looks down at him He's the biggest man I've ever seen. I wouldn't want to fight him. And Brad Pitt, who's playing Achilles, looks down at him. He goes, that's why no one will remember your name. And you know what that means to me? Don't let fear get in the way. Be Brad Pitt and Troy and go fight the big-ass dude.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Don't let fear get in the way of living uh, living the life you want to live. Stokers. Um, you know, grab your sword, call yourself Achilles and go dominate. That's what's up. Love it.
Starting point is 00:59:01 My movie quote is from the movie gangs in New York. It's one of my favorite movies. It's, um, when, uh, build the butcher is doing like uh he's covered in the american flag and he's talking to young amsterdam about the uh the finest man he ever killed prince valen what bill the butcher doesn't know is that's actually
Starting point is 00:59:17 amsterdam's dad so the dramatic irony is fucking potent and And he tells Amsterdam a story about his dad that Amsterdam doesn't even know. He goes, yeah, me and Prince Valen, we got into a fight. He gave me this, you know, pointing at his one eye. And he goes, he beat me good. My ribs were bloody and pulpy. My face mashed in. And when it came the time for him to kill me, I couldn't look at him. and when it came the time for him to kill me, I couldn't look at him.
Starting point is 00:59:50 So he spared me because he wanted me to live in shame. This was a great man. So basically, Amsterdam's dad beat Bill the Butcher so bad that it was time for him to die, but Bill the Butcher was so afraid of dying, he couldn't look at Prince Valen. So instead of killing him prince valen let him live because he wasn't strong enough to die at his hand like prince valen was like you're not enough of a man for me to kill you get out of here rat go live as a rat and then
Starting point is 01:00:18 the guy who was spared says this was a great man like he and then he goes and i ended up sending him my eye i would have cut out both if i could afford to be blind and he goes but i built myself up strong and i buried him in a pool of his own blood and he says it was faith that they were the same but it was faith the only thing that separated them so i just love that these two men live by such an intense code that they won't even kill people they don't respect. They have to respect you to kill you. I don't know what that means, but I think it's deep. I don't get it at all. I think it's deep.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Yeah. All right, Stokers, that'll be it for episode 32. Is that 32? Yeah. Episode 32 of the Going Deep with Chad JT podcast. Thank you guys so much for writing in, for being Stokers, for being awesome. Keep going deep, guys. And check out our Patreon, patreon.com slash chadgoesdeep.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Oh, I forgot to do a review. Review of the week goes to stoked6969. And it's smoke them like Toretto. Good review. Good review. And, yeah, guys, keep writing in chad goes deep podcast at gmail.com uh check out the reddit reddit.com slash r slash chad goes deep i think it's chad goes deep or going deep chad jt to um freaking uh you know bond with some fellow stokers
Starting point is 01:01:41 and uh yeah thank you guys so much keep running later if you need advice these guys are really nice you wanna know what to do and where to go When you need someone to guide you It's nice to have the world beside you Going deep Going deep Let's go deep
Starting point is 01:02:21 I'm going deep I'm going deep.

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